#i just feel like I needed to rant/vent about it
TW: vent
I hate not having any control over my own life. I hate not being allowed to choose what I wear, what I do, and what I control. I hate being told to do the dishes everytime the sink is full, I hate being the family therapist, I hate not being allowed to relax without being shamed for it.
I tell my sisters no to something that will make a mess if I don't watch them closely, then being forced to give it to them anyways by THEIR father and still have to clean up THEIR mess.
I hate having to do the dishes when their are other people in the house who can do it, then being told the way I do it is wrong.
I hate being threatened to have my hair ripped out of my skull if I don't do what I'm told.
I hate being told I look TOO good in something by my mother and then those pants or that shirt get taken from me and put in my moms drawer.
I hate being told that only skanks wear cropped tops and not to walk around in only a bra and some shorts when I'm hot because my dad (step-dad) is in the house, or he has friends over that he could bring them in, but my mom wears crop tops, and she walks around in the store, at other peoples houses and other PUBLIC places in just a bra.
^But when I walk around OUR house, I'm asking for it
I hate wanting my hair cut, and eventually getting to the point where I want to cut it myself, but I can't. Wanna know why? Cause I'll get my ass beat for doing something I've been BEGGING my mom to do for the past year or so.
i hate being told the hair cut I want is too short, or too boy like, or it doesn't match my face, that it'll make me look ugly.
I hate being expected to let my mother rant to me, but get scolded if I try talking about my feeling with her.
I hate telling my mom things I wanna do, then her tell me no and that I have to do something because she had to.
I hate being told not to let people see me cry, not to let people see me weak, not to let them think I'm weak, then being told I should cry more, and let my feelings out when my dog gets killed.
I hate having to fake my tears so that my mom thinks I'm alright.
I hate that every time I sit down I'm automatically not doing anything, that I'm always so lazy, that I don't do anything.
I hate being the one who has to talk myself out of panic attacks, then when I tell my mom, she just tells me not to let myself.
"Why are you putting yourself the panic attack? Why are you letting it beat you?" She says
But god forbid if one of my sisters start having a panic attack. And I get it, their 5 and 7, yes worry about them, but I'm 15, I want my mom to about me like that.
I hate feeling like I have to fight my feelings.
I hate wanting to be a man just so I can feel some kind of control, and I still don't feel like I can control anything.
I hate the way my step-father has made me hate men, but I still want their love.
I hate feeling like I need to fight for love.
I hate the empty "I love you"'s that come out of my mom, and stepdads mouths.
I hate the fact that I still love my mom, despite the things she's put me through.
I hate feeling like I'm never enough, like if I'm of no use to anyone, then why should they love or care about me?
I hate feeling like everyone expects so highly of me, and then are significantly disappointed when they actually get to know me.
I hate not feeling much of anything besides anxiety, fear, and anger.
I hate feeling smaller than everyone else.
I hate having to create different personas for every person I meet, just so I can be liked.
I hate not being allowed to be myself.
I hate feeling like crap everytime I'm not comfortable with doing something, because if I'm of no use to you, why should you care for/about me?
I hate not being able to focus on one project, and then feeling terrible because I never finished something.
I hate feeling sorry for others more than I do myself.
I hate not knowing when my next meal will be.
I hate being shamed for not eating because "we have plenty of food."
I hate having issues with certain textures of food, and having to go hungry because I don't like what my mom fixed.
I hate not liking certain tastes, then being forced to eat it, because I'm tired of starving myself.
I hate feeling like I'm bothering everyone else because of my feelings.
I hate feeling bad for snapping at my sisters, when they didn't even do anything wrong.
I hate being shamed for how little I eat, and how much I sleep.
I hate how I never get a break.
I hate getting shamed for taking a break.
I hate how my mom and step dad don't care about my hobbies unless it makes money that they can emotionally manipulate me into giving them.
I hate feeling like I can't trust anyone.
I hate losing weight, but still looking fat.
I hate wishing I had more things wrong with me, just so I feel like I have a reason to complain.
But most importantly...
I hate myself
And I'm sorry if you actually read all of this. You shouldn't have to listen to some stranger that you don't even truly know on the internet. Because you don't know me, no one knows me. They know a carefully designed version of me that was made just for them.
@puppet200 @purpleeggyboi @th3-r4t-48 @zeroisreallygood @im-a-simp898 @luciluck2046 @evry1h8s-me @aflairforthemelodramaticc @caretaleandotherstuff
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lovinglittlebear · 1 day
Hi lovelies~
I witnessed something tonight and I would like to vent a little, but this time about the tword community. Ignore any grammar errors, I'm quite very much crying right now.
So um.. Not sure how to start this. I've seen lots of things along the years in this community. Different people, different reactions to being tworded. And they're all lovely, exactly because they're different. But I also saw.. A not very pleasant side. Which is lers or switches who are.. Disgusted to say the least, by the thought of being tickled or tickling someone with a disability. Be it physical or mental. (The accent is put on the physical ones here).
As someone who has some sort of disability, that hit hard. Because in the daily life, as a disabled person you try to just act normal and go about your day. And personally it is very hard to do that, but I try because that's the best I can do.
So when I got into the community, I finally thought this would be a safe space for me, to be myself and meet like minded people. You know, finally not having to hide myself or feel judged.
And goodness was I wrong. It's shitty, honestly. And I would like to adress this to those people who consider us unusual. We're not unusual. Maybe we had stuff going on, maybe we were born this way. But we do love the same thing as you do. And the last thing I'd want, is to be forced to close this side of me just so y'all can feel "comfortable" again and not disgusted. Please learn to be kind, and accepting.
Also, to the people who are very close to me despite this thing, I love you. Thank you for making me feel like I matter🫶
Sorry for the rant. I just needed to address this.
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shego1142 · 2 years
Listen I kind of hate adding my voice/opinion to the atrocity that is Velma but as far as I’m concerned the only legitimate “adult Scooby Doo”
(editing this to say that I mean this in the context of like, if we’re not allowed to consider the previous cartoons/Scooby movies “adult” for whatever reason, personally I think the cartoons and the live action movies are equally for adults as much as they are for kids)
worth any merit has always been The Cabin in the Woods.
Which was, for anyone who didn’t know, actually a really cool and interesting plot line about very close and loving college friends (a stereotypical jock who actually is a sociology major, a stereotypical popular girl who is a pre-med student, a nerdy/dorky football player, a super smart pothead with an extendable bong, and a secretly badasss shy girl)
They’re kind of like if all of the Scooby Gang members traits were put into 5 people (except Marty is a one to one for Shaggy tbh)
And they did a really cool thing either the trailer way back when it first came out where they made it seem like just another stereotypical teen slasher flick but then you watch it and realise it’s basically Scooby Doo meets SCP meets The Evil Dead. Sure, there’s still no talking dog, and sure horrible things happen to the characters but tbh they all have a more dignified existence than any of the characters in “Velma” not that that’s saying much tbh
Also it literally gave us this gif:
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Which is a gif I imagine we will be seeing a lot of once the Velma show gets thrown in the trash or Matthew Lillard decides to use 0.1% of his power against the team behind it.
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bbnibini · 1 year
I find it so painfully heartbreaking that Solomon just...laughs off all the derision, the name-calling, and possibly even did "evil" things on purpose because it's expected of him at this point. (He had not always been like this as Thirteen pointed out before). There was a time when he was "innocent". When his soul sparkled. When it resembled the kind of soul everyone in these god forsaken (pun intended with spite) three realms seemed to associate with the ever loved MC. He's just...worryingly carefree. And because he's like that, he feels even more of a tragic character to me.
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Sometimes it even seems that he himself would seemingly make up excuses on why he's hated. Oh, it's because I'm a sorcerer this. I might have won a war against Devildom single-handedly this. I have forgotten. But maybe, I did something bad, that. Hon, you were doing that to SURVIVE. You don't have to be a faultless person to deserve compassion. You don't have to be MC to deserve to be loved.
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clonedchaos · 2 months
Welp, as I was googling some images for Yasammy week, I came across a thread and turns out one of my favorite Jurassic YouTubers is homophobic and a Yasammy hater…
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(More ranting in the tags)
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theshadowrealmitself · 6 months
I need to get this off my chest so I can go back to studying real quick:
So me and my roommate have this constant thing we argue over, and it’s making this one dish (keeping this somewhat vague just in case) it’s a bit on the expensive side but we both love it, so we’ll splurge on it every now and then
Here’s the thing: I’m always the one that ends up making it
If my roommate buys the ingredients, I make it, if I buy the ingredients, I still end up making it!!!
And I’ve talked to them multiple times about how I really don’t like that, and they never actually change it
We’ll even have conversations about buying groceries and they’ll be like “oh we can buy ingredients for [that meal]” and I’ll tell them that I’m not really in the mood to cook all that, and they’ll act offended and be like “I never said you have to cook it, I’ll cook it” then we get the ingredients and they’ll bother me nonstop until I make it because they never actually had any intention of cooking
Well, today, I go shopping because we’re just out on a shit ton of things, and they’re like “if you buy the ingredients, I’ll make it, unless you wanna make it 🥺 because you always make it better ����🥺🥺” and I full on told them “I don’t know if I make it better, cause you never make it, and I can’t make it because I have two finals in the next two days, so if I get it, you’re actually making it this time” and they fucking huffed at me
Anyways, I bought the stuff, and they’re actually making it for the first time ever, but they had me walk them through all the steps??? I use a recipe I found online, this isn’t like a family recipe passed down through the ages, they can look at the website themselves??? And now they’re like huffing and stuff in the kitchen while making it
The whole thing just makes me feel crazy??? Also!! I didn’t even bring up buying/making the dish myself, they brought it up!! Completely unprompted!!!
I don’t understand why they keep bringing up making a dish they have no intention on making and then being mad that they’re now doing what they promised to do???
(I have bought the ingredients and only made some for myself in the past, but the dish just always makes enough for two people and it’s best when it’s fresh, so that’s why I don’t just completely go “never making it for you again”, also it’s,, expensive, so I really don’t have problems making it when they buy it)
It just makes me feel so crazy, I hate it, they suck all the fun out of this dish
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 8 months
current editing moodboard, please send help
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pierregaslays · 4 months
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jackobbit · 1 month
Woof, god, sorry it’s been like, nearly a month since I’ve uploaded any DCA art
Engaging with fandom stuff has just kinda been tough this past month especially
I can’t believe it took me so long for it all to really set in how much fandom culture and such has changed and just how negative it’s become, and it’s been starting to take a huge toll on me. I’ve been really discouraged from drawing stuff lately because of it
That’s neither here nor there, though, I’m going to see if I can’t bounce back by just stepping away from internet spaces and focusing on drawing and such instead
I’m still going to see if I can’t continue my comic, I’ve worked too hard to let it fall into nothingness now, I’ve written too much story, thought about it too much, etc
I’ll still be uploading art and such but scrolling and looking at other stuff is a no go for the time being
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blushy-tigerrr · 2 months
vent in tags sorry
cw: mention of loss
#adding a long note to the beginning so no one sees the actual vent in the case that they don’t want to which is absolutely okay#okay that’s probably good#i feel like a failure today.#my car wouldn’t start on friday and i haven’t had a moment to actually call a mechanic until today#called early in the morning and he said he’d call me back with a time#i’ve reached out multiple times since then and have heard NOTHING#if i don’t get it fixed today i’ll have to take my partners car instead#and when i asked them if that would possibly be okay#they started off on a rant about how they were planning to do all this shit tomorrow morning and now can’t if they don’t have their car#but genuinely. how tf was i supposed to know about their plans?? why did they have to say it all like this is completely my fault???#i’m sorry that i’m still in a not so good mental place right now and might forget to do things in a more timely manner#i’ve had two grandparents pass away in the span of a few WEEKS. give me a little grace.#i give them the same understanding every day when they’re having a rough time#so why can’t they offer me the same thing?#i know they’re just stressed and tired and busy but FUCK SO AM I#i’m just. over it. i want to go to sleep.#and by sleep i mean literal sleep i’m not insinuating anything darker i promise#i may be in a rough spot mentally but it is not that kind of rough <3 i’m safe#just. very tired. and in need of support.#i feel like i’m always giving and rarely getting support in this relationship.#and now i’m just feeling like a burden and an inconvenience for even needing the extra support in the first place#the urge to run away and start my life over is strong holy shit
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quietlyblooms · 3 months
we’ll see how the rest of the day plays out, but it’s honestly just not a great mental day for me. the family excursion was fine — nothing went wrong. i just feel very overwhelmed and sensitive, and there’s not been a moment where it’s just quiet. writing might be how i recharge once i’m home, but we’ll just see. i might just lurk and take it easy uvu
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sysig · 1 year
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Very cool and not at all uncomfortable vent sesh (Patreon)
#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Emperor Awesome#Commander Peepers#Some friendly Eyesome :D#This is all Awesome's fault lol I thought about him being dramatic and lying on the ground and venting to Peepers and it became an Idea#Awesome stop being fun to draw challenge - at least it's not as hard a challenge as Peepers stop being being fun to draw lol#A lot of his poses were really fun for this as well :D Although I didn't mean to put Awesome behind him initially lol#They're probably at Awesome's actually - Peepers brought something to work on the workaholic needs his enrichment lol#I just can't imagine Awesome being comfortable on the Skullship let alone Peeps' quarters lol ''Damn bitch you live like this?''#Like he can talk ♪ But at least he knows what he likes!#Peepers gets all the vent sessions haha - at least Awesome would probably return the favour! Gossip ♫ It's still probably mismatched#Both for Awesome's selfishness and Peepers' discomfort with relying on others and being kinda repressed#If Awesome pushed him the right way he'd probably spill a lot though hehe#But anyway this is about Awesome! I think actually becoming friends with Peepers after he told him off would recontextualize some things :)#Still some hard feelings but not enough to reignite the fight over haha#And actually letting Peeps in and his words sink into his bones - and as he says watching Peepers work so hard but still just be a minion#What does this say about me??? thinks the self-obsessed shark man lol#Meanwhile Peepers was just expecting a self-centered rant but he actually got caught in the crossfire enough to be complimented hehe#At least Someone around he recognizes how hard he works!#''Alright fine you've got my attention keep puffing my ego'' lol#His little quirked ''brow'' hehe <3
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winryrockbellwannabe · 4 months
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 4 months
aroace joy vs aroace loneliness fight
#im saying that as someone who IS aroace if this ends up in discourse territory somehow#sometimes i think it's some form of internalized arophobia and it probably is a little at least#but i just feel so wrong and lonely thinking about the future#because i love the idea of being in love (as one can tell) but i just don't love people like that#and aside from any other self worth and confidence issues involved in obtaining a partner it just seems unfair to them you know#that id never be able to love them in that way#before anyone says qpr i am WELL AWARE!!! but then we go back to the Other Issues#besides its so easy to find other aros online but irl nobody really understands#so its kinda hopeless#ive always wanted to get married and have kids of my own !!! like genuinely i love the idea of it#but i doubt id ever find someone who would like#want to be a secret 3rd thing with me and get platonically married and raise kids or smth#and then theres the whole thing about me probably not being a good parent or being able to even afford to have kids so like. GRGRRARARSRR#cant win#ive accepted the fact im gonna be alone but it doesn't make it any happier. it feels like theres something wrong with me you know#but on the other hand i love being aroace its such an integral part me??#and it makes me so happy to be apart of the community and to know its okay#that there are people who understand the Lack#and even in the specific ways i do!!!#so its like so. aughhghhghh#saying this feels like a betrayal because i know theres nothing wrong with not#finding love. i heavily criticize the idea that people need love in their life to be fulfilled.#i feel like im wrong on both ends. to want it AND not feel it#personal posts and stuff idk#cw vent#aethers rants#sorry to be a party pooper i think its getting a bit cloudy and its getting to me
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napping-sapphic · 1 year
honestly pretty sure that if even one more man winks or gives me that creepy deliberate up and down Look™️ at work i might just start crying on the spot
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uselessnbee · 2 years
i am tired of the way people act like aromantics feeling other kinds of love is some kind of redeeming quality
every time there's a post about aromanticism the comments are flooded with people saying how aromantic people can still feel love it's just not the romantic kind and like yes it is important to point that out because it is true that some aromantic people still feel other kinds of love but not all!! and that's okay!! some aromantic people don't feel love at all and it doesn't make them any less valid! and i'm not saying people need to stop with those comments there's nothing wrong with that but the moment someone tries to point out that loveless people exist and are valid others start acting so fucking weird about it
i have a really weird relationship with love i use the word "love" to describe how am i feeling about people or pets or other stuff because it's the closest thing to describe how i feel but at the same time i'm not 100% sure what i feel is actually "love"
it doesn't probably makes sense but i just feel like i don't feel love the same way others do, the same way this society deems normal and how i am supposed to feel it and so having people act like me feeling other types of love or attraction that are just not romantic and sexual is something that redeems me from not feeling romantic love just makes me really uncomfortable
i don't want people to keep pointing out how i can feel other types of love as if it's the only thing that makes me valid
like and what if i don't? what if i don't feel love at all? does that make me less valid? it should not. i should be valid for being me for being who i am not for being able to feel any kind of love.
i am tired of the way love is treated as something that makes us human. i'm tired of people acting like people who do not feel love are suddenly terrible and inhuman. it's just a fucking emotion and not everyone needs to feel it. if someone told you they can't feel hatred would you suddenly tell them they're terrible and inhuman because feeling hate is what makes us human? no because that's fucking stupid. how is it any different with love?
i could write whole essays about how fucking stupid it is that people act like feeling love and empathy is what makes us human and good people. there are some absolutely vile and cruel people in this world capable of doing monstrous things and some of them do feel love or empathy. does that suddenly make them good people? does that suddenly erase all the terrible things they've done just because they feel certain emotions? no it really doesn't. so why should it be any different if it's the other way around. good people are good because they choose to be kind. people can be the kindest souls on this earth and don't need to feel love and empathy.
i know i'm rambling and probably don't make sense but i'm just really tired. i'm tired of people acting like me being able to feel other kinds of love is what makes me valid. like me feeling love is that one good thing about me. i want to be able to say proudly that i am aromantic that i am aroace that i don't feel romantic love without needing to clarify that yes i do feel other types of love as if that's what makes me better. i am not better or more valid than loveless people just because i "can" feel love or whatever other bullshit
they're valid too and i want to be valid without needing to "feel love" i want to feel like i would be valid and accepted even if i wouldn't feel love at all
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