#i’m a girl who needs her mama. i’m just a girl who is so lost and confused and needs her mama
pierregaslays · 24 days
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dumbseee · 11 months
bro code. pt.2
part two of this
part 3.
carlos sainz jr x reader.
fc: bruna marquezine.
note: thanks for the support it means so much to me! and english is still not my first language so this may contain mistakes krkrkr
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liked by bellahadid, georginagio, carlossainz55 and 1 889 009 others.
y/n: your girl is single and ready to mingle.
fan1: girl what about carlos?
georginagio: stunning!
fan2: who was the man in your ig story?
fan3: omg the girl just got out of a seven years old relationship, LEAVE HER ALONE!!
fan4: y/n is her own person, she don’t need a man
liked by y/n.
carlossainz55: que guapa!
liked by y/n.
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"so you asked him to be your fake boyfriend?" bella asked, trying her best not to laugh at your face. you rolled your eyes and threw a pillow at her. "yes, i did. and he was okay with it." you answered but added something else when you saw the look she was giving you. "okay, maybe i had to convince him a little bit and bribe him with a movie date but he said yes!" bella laughed. "he’s so in love with you, of course he said yes." you frowned. "no he’s not. i’ve known carlos forever, we’re just friends." you said, trying to convince your friend but she already stopped listening to you.
you met carlos through neymar, they weren’t close friends, only acquaintances, but you immediately clicked with the spaniard. he was funny, trustworthy, kind and charming. you liked him a lot, but only as a friend, right? you thought that this fake dating stunt would help you a lot because neymar didn’t know how to take no as an answer and kept harassing you. you explained the situation to carlos and he immediately said yes, kinda pissed off at your ex’s behaviour after what he put you through. the plan was simple, soft launch the relationship since the fans were already shipping the both of you, go on a few public dates and do this for a few months, so neymar would finally leave you alone.
simple right? well…
y/n just posted a story!
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caption: guess who ☺️
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liked by y/n, charles_leclerc, landonorris and 969 000 others.
carlossainz55: this account is going to be a y/n fanpage starting from now.
y/n: carlos clearly lied when i asked him if he knew what soft launch was BUT you’re cute so i’m not mad, amor
fan4: i know neymar is fuming rn
fan5: omgg congrats
fan6: carlos is such a cutie omg
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"what’s wrong, mi cielo?" carlos asked you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. you were lost in your thoughts so you shivered at his touch. you smiled at him, "it’s nothing, just tired."
you were both sitting in carlos’s car, after having dinner together in some fancy restaurant carlos wanted to take you to. neymar was constantly calling you and sending you text messages, which you ignored but it was slowly taking a toll on you. he destroyed everything you both built in seven years, he destroyed your hopes for marriage and love, he basically destroyed you. and he still had the nerves to cling onto you like he was the victim.
"amor, you look pale, you sure you okay?" carlos asked again and you just looked at him while he stroked your cheek softly, you leaned against his touch and closed your eyes. "your hands are soft." you mumbled, slowly falling asleep. you heard him chuckle and remove his hand which made you complain. "kiss me." you immediately opened your eyes and looked at him. but when you noticed some paparazzis in the corner of your eye, you remembered that all of this was fake. he was being affectionate because cameras were filming you. you didn’t know why but you were nervous to kiss carlos. you’ve never been that close and he looked so… confident all the time. you were scared to mess it up. it’s fake, it’s all fake, don’t forget that.
carlos pulled you closer to him, and slowly kissed your lips, your cheeks were burning hot and you didn’t know what to do next. suddenly you were back in high school when you had your first kiss with your crush. after a few seconds, the two of you broke the kiss but stayed close to each other. eye to eye, carlos smiled at you and looked at your lips once again. "kiss me again." he said, in a murmur. "what? but they-" carlos cut you. "shut up and fucking kiss me."
the second kiss was more passionate, you never felt anything like it in your whole life. no one had ever kissed you the way carlos had. your hands were sweaty and you could feel a million of butterflies blooming in your stomach. that’s when you realised; you were doomed.
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liked by f1lover, smoothoperator55, ferraribaby and 58 007 others.
f1news: BREAKING! We just received pictures of Carlos Sainz Jr and Y/N L/N kissing in the spaniard’s car. What a cute couple!
fan2: what in the booktok is that
fan3: the hand placements…
fan4: idk if i want to be y/n or carlos tbh
fan5: my fav couple
fan6: pls don’t ever breakup
tag list: @ru-kru @slytherheign @iamahallucinationnn @leclerc16s
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dreamwritersworld · 6 months
His daughter (sully family x reader)
It was rare for Navi’s to have twins. So with Neytiri’s pregnancy with Lo’ak and Y/n it was safe until it wasn’t, she had almost lost Y/n in her womb. It would’ve left Lo’ak by himself, the rest of Neytiri’s pregnancy was the worst. She knew her baby girl was going to be born weak, so when they pulled her out of Neytiri’s womb it was like they were taking the life right out of her. Neytiri immediately went to grab her, longing for her daughter’s heart beat. Compared to Lo’aks body Y/n was small and fragile..from then on the connection with their daughter was strong, they needed to be in order to keep her alive.
So from then on Y/n was Jake’s baby girl, his precious daughter. It should be noted that she was Lo’aks twin and was raised along side him and Kiri.
Of course as any child would, Lo’ak and Kiri had selective hearing when it came to their father and his many rules growing up. However, Y/n listened. She was the only one out of all three who truly cared about her fathers opinion. In the eyes of the clan Y/n was Jake’s golden heart.
“Mhm and Ooo! What is this papa?”
The child had wobbled to her mothers chain of flower, she had planned to surprise the girls with.
“ahhh, that my little one is not for you!”
“…are you sure papa? It looks nice on me.”
Y/n twirled around with the flower crown, smiling with glee and grace.
“It does!! But your mother would kill me if she found out I let you-“
Neytiri had walked through the home before he could even finish his sentence
“Ma’Jake?! You were supposed to hide it!”
“She got a hold of it!”
“It looks amazing mama-”
While spinning however, Y/n fell to the floor and both parents looked at her in disbelief. They froze for a moment waiting for the cry’s to begin..but they never did. Y/n just laughed at herself and laughed at her parents for worrying more than she had. Jake’s smile couldn’t hide, he knew that Y/n was strong and he loved that about her.
The only issue with Y/n was that she wore her heart on her sleeve. She loved to love everything in site, and she often gave people the benefit of the doubt. Jake saw that, and he trained her very well. He had her perfected and established to be a role model for the clan. Despite all his efforts, y/n didn’t find it in her heart to view the world as he did. So, he kept a watch fall eye on her to keep her safe, and Y/n was never allowed anywhere without someone around.
“I’m going around the village! By-“
“Nope! Not without your sister!”
Y/n had tried her hardest to remain patient with her father, settling on not saying anything and instead holding her frustration in. All she desperately wanted was time to herself; she was exhausted from spending time with everyone.
In many ways Y/n knew how to capture anyone’s eye. She was the most vibrant out of all siblings. All siblings remained close, but they had never gotten to the point where they would speak about..the cracks within their house..
Jake had been furious that he found both of his sons wondering around the forest, with no care in the world.
“Lo’ak are you stupid?! You were given orders! Stay away from those areas of the forest!..and you! Neteyam how many times do I have to tell you to keep an eye on your siblings!”
Both boys would blink their tears away..
It wasn’t just them..
Y/n had been eating her dinner alongside her family when an elder adult approached her. They had instructed her to fix something, in an aggressive tone; almost as though they were demanding it be done now. For once, Y/n retaliated gently, slightly annoyed that she was constantly interrupted when she was trying to connect and eat like the rest of the clan.
“Im sorry, can it wait till im done eating? then I’ll be happy to do it! thank you.”
The elder had gotten annoyed because it was the first time, Y/n declined aiding. The women had walked away in a rush, upset at the girl.
The siblings quickly exchanged confused faces about the situation before leaping back into their conversation but Jake couldn’t shake off the emotions he was feeling about Y/n denying the women.
“..that was rude why did you treat her like that?”
Y/n looked at her father with a questionable look..
“She was rude first.”
“So? She is an elder..”
“I said I would get it done later sir, im eating like the rest of you. She can wait.”
“Y/n that is not the behavior you should be having towards the clan.”
The pair had went back and forth in hushed voice as the rest of the family watched.
“..why is it that she can toss orders at me and you can be completely fine with it?”
“Y/n you can’t be talking back to me-“
“Can our daughter not eat in peace Jake? Please can the both of you be quiet.”
The pair turned to Neytiri and all Y/n could do was pass a gentle smile at her mother, glad she had stepped in. It was very rare that Neytiri ever did. Both Y/n and Jake were so used to getting what they wanted, that the pair would often clash heads…
The arguments didn’t start until Y/n got older. She had gotten so eager to finally go out by herself and be more independent. That’s just the person Y/n was, she was willing to take risks and adventure. Funny enough Lo’ak was the same, yet he got away with majority of the things he did because it was expected of him. Y/n always had to come back home looking the same as she did before she left. Not a hair or seam in her outfit out of place, if Jake knew she did anything he wouldn’t approve of he’d be furious.
To Y/n , that was the most frustrating thing of all. Everyone of her siblings would be able to go out, except her. She had hated it, she always felt watched. When the people came up to her she felt as though she couldn’t truly connect, she was absolutely terrified of the things they’d tell her father if she did.
For her father’s approval, Y/n conquered more than you can imagine. She had more talent in her body at her young age than any male soldier.
You can only imagine how eager Jake was to leave the forest. His sacred children were held at gunpoint, what more of a signal could there be as a warning to go?
So the family left their home; tears fell from everyone’s eyes as they were now torn away from their friends and families. Y/n eventually grew with excitement and encouraged the rest of her siblings to feel the same, she knew something good was coming. Eywa was going to treat them to a reset button.
When they arrived on the island Y/n stood tall and confident. The clan looked at them with the most disgusted faces, confused as to why they were there and what they’d be asking for..
Time had passed and when Ronal got to Y/n, she didn’t hesitate to poke at her body. She had no shame in Critiquing it, in-front of her people…
“This child! She won’t last-“
Neytiri hissed, frustrated at Ronal for even implying that. Jake had told her to calm down, yet again putting his foot down.
“Do you think this is what we want here? Your children’s bodies won’t survive in our ocean, their demon blood runs thick..”
Ronal continued by picking at Kiri and Lo’ak next.. degraded was an understatement of how Y/n felt. She looked at the crowd furiously, until her eyes settled on a boy who had just came onto shore. He had teased her siblings here and there before meeting her eyes.
Ao’nung could feel the madness within her eyes, how fragile and frightened this experience was for her. Those eyes told everything. He had made the abrupt choice to put the teasing to an end, deciding it wasn’t worth it. Nothing could perfectly describe the way Ao’nung viewed Y/n , she was breathtaking to him. Different than the rest of the Navi’s but comforting.
When he was walking them to their Mauri he had gotten quiet, glancing at her the entire walk. She looks so comfortable in her skin, confident even! But when you took one look at her eyes it was like they captivated you and told you her life’s story. He was so interested in her background..
Y/n had remained quiet the rest of the night, she was excited before but now…the anxiety and sadness settled in. She missed the forest, she missed home. Y/n missed it so much that she regretted being at least a little excited, she threw herself to go back to grieving. All her siblings seemed eager to learn, but she knew that if she didn’t get any of it right or if her father didn’t think she was trying hard enough he’d made her relearn to all over and over again.
So there she was, picking at her food…fighting the tears. In that moment she realized she pushed those excited emotions on herself, at home she had a role to withold and the people were always so eager to speak to her. Maybe she took it for granted sometimes but, she would always take the time to say hello and ask how everyone’s day was.
“Y/n? Y/n? Y/n!”
She had been pulled out of her transit once again.
“I know it’s hard. But we can’t sit at the table with upset faces. When you’re out there? You smile. When they don’t smile back? You smile. Even when They’re not here you must smile. they cannot know you have a distasteful thought while being here.”
She was mad. Mad that he was still holding his guard up. Upset that he had managed to order her around even when he wasn’t trying to. Frustrated that he couldn’t see that they should be allowed to grieve the loss of their home. Neither of them realized how exhausted and how easily irritated both of them could get after the amount of traveling they did.
“No ones here except family-“
“So? Your siblings feel your emotions! You’re making everyone upset.”
“How is that my fault? I’ve been trying-“
“Well try harder! Cause that face isn’t showing it.”
Those furious tears fell from her eyes as she stared at her father. He wanted to control everywhere she went, and now he wanted to control her emotions.
“..Well you can’t go around acting like that either..”
“Don’t cry now Y/n.”
“Yup, that’s me being dramatic. Once again, father knows everything!”
“I know everything! Because I do everything.”
Y/n got up from her spot and walked away from her meal, exhausted from her father. She was beginning to get the strength to just forget pleasing him. Y/n no longer wanted to be her father’s golden child, it had gotten so bad he’d even describe her as a burnt out star..
Even when it was visible Y/n no longer wanted to argue, Jake kept pushing and he followed her as she attempted to walk away.
“..cause you don’t let me do anything! I could help more if you just let me go!”
Neytiri gasped, fear reaping right out of her. What she feared was true, Y/n did notice how tight Jake held onto her, and she felt suffocated. The true truth was right between her words.
“Please the both of you are just tired, finish eating.”
“No Neytiri. I’m tired of this behavior. Y/n! With the way you’re acting, you are doing the opposite of help!”
Neteyam grew accustomed to taking the siblings out the room when anyone was arguing with father, he knew because it’s what he would’ve wanted. The most harshest punishments come from their father.
“I’m doing the best I can! What else do you want from me?!”
“I want you to be better! And to maybe spend some time thinking about how you’re effecting this family! I can’t keep arguing with you! This year has been a wreak! And it started with you, constantly acting out. You don’t get to be sad when you became reckless with the clan when they needed you.!”
Y/n started at her father for a brief moment, she gave her heart a moment to break. The clan meant everything to Y/n and yes, sometimes recently she had denied their demands to stay late and aid within their homes simply because everyone has their moment when they were tired of everything. The face of betrayal came across her face once again..
“…you may tell me how to shoot a gun, or train or who I get to hang out with, but you don’t tell me how to grieve my home and clan! I’m done with this conversation.”
“Oh!! Now I get it, this is about your training, that you fell down from!”
“Oh my goodness! This has nothing to do with my capabilities! But since we’re on the subject just because I mess up with small details, doesn’t mean that I won’t succeed in life! You do not get to tell me that!”
“I get to tell you all of it! Because I made you! Remember that Y/n!”
“Yea dad…you made me..okay..that’s fine..”
Neytiri wanted to cry at seeing her daughter’s shoulder weaken, her posture fall with her tears, and her hair detach from her scalp once again since she had run her hand through it. The volume in her voice got low and cracked, her daughter had accepted defeat in Jakes argument.
The siblings walked back in and watched Y/n walk into a dark corner of the Maui, turning her back to her family..
They sat there and didn’t bat a word at Jake, simply gotten used to his behavior and treatment of Y/n. They didn’t believe he was right for it, but what can you do when you know she’s at least fighting for herself? All siblings and mother accepted that she would never change.
Y/n laid there weeping silently, allowing her body to fall into a deep rest she needed badly.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 6 months
would you write something about charles from the bucket list after she passes!
The Bucket List - Two Years Later || CL16
Warnings: mentions of grief Main Story || Death Scene || Two Years Later || Bucket Moments
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“Why are you so sad?”
Charles looked up from his hands, limp and lifeless on his lap. He cast his eyes around to see he was sitting on a bench at the edge of a park, a cold winter breeze biting him through his jacket. He couldn’t remember how he got there, he had just started walking, needing to get out of the house before he truly drove himself crazy. This time of year was always hard, even now, two years later.
Finally, his eyes landed on the little girl who waited patiently for an answer. She swayed side to side like there was music he couldn’t hear and he looked around for her parents, but the park was mostly empty at this time of year.
“Where is your mother?”
She shrugged but didn’t seem worried that she was alone, she was more interested in getting an answer. “Why are you sad?”
Charles swallowed and twisted his wedding ring around his finger, the habitual movement a way to distract himself. “I lost someone very dear to me.”
“Do you want me to help you find them?” She held out her hand and Charles almost smiled at the sweet innocence. 
“I’m afraid she’s somewhere we can’t go, she’s in heaven now.”
Her hand fell back to her side as she smiled brightly. “Then she’s not lost, silly. You know where she is.”
“Angel!” Charles turned to the frantic voice coming from the footpath that wound its way through the park. The woman rushed towards the bench and dropped to her knees in front of the little girl as she assessed her for any scrapes or bruises. “Angelique, what have I told you about running off? You scared me to death.”
“Sorry, mama,” she apologised as her face fell. “I didn’t mean to.”
“It’s my fault,” Charles found himself saying, feeling sorry for the little girl as tears began to well in her big brown eyes. “She was checking if I was alright, she’s very kind.”
“She is.” Her mother smiled and pulled her into a hug but Charles could see the worry linger in her eyes. “And are you alright?”
“I’m better now,” he admitted with a weak smile. “I’m Charles.”
“Grace,” she said as she shook his hand, “and this is my Angel.”
“Charles was sad his friend went to heaven. I don’t know why anyone would be sad about that, it’s heaven! But I guess he just really misses her,” Angelique rambled quickly, recapping her mother with the conversation she had missed. Grace sent Charles an apologetic smile, her eyes catching on the ring he spun on his left hand. “Do you think she knows papa?”
The question sent a pang to Grace's heart and she stood up, brushing the leaves from her jeans. “I don’t know, mon ange, I imagine it is a big place.”
“I’m sorry for your loss,” Charles said as he caught the same pain across her face that he felt everyday. Looking at her hands he saw a ring on her finger too and sighed. “I should let you get back to your day.”
“Wait, Charles,” Grace called as she quickly caught up to him on the path. “How long?”
He kicked the stones at his feet and instinctively knew what she was asking. “Two years, you?”
“Three and a half. Everybody tells you it’s going to get easier, don’t they? Just give it time.” She wrinkled her nose at the idea. 
“I’m still waiting for that part,” he chuckled humorlessly. 
“It doesn’t get easier,” she said softly as she looked at the trees but her eyes were unfocused. “But I have found that a bottle of wine, or talking to someone who looks at you with something other than pity, does help. I can’t remember which it is that actually helps, but we could try both - if you want?”
Charles laughed, a sound that had been foreign to him this week as your anniversary came and went, and he found himself nodding. “I’m not sure about your selling technique but at this point I will give anything a try.”
“Free wine always works with the French,” she joked as pulled out her phone to get his number. 
“The Monegasque,” he corrected, making Angelique giggle. 
Turning her phone around she showed him the contact to make sure it was right before calling him: Charles Le Monegasque.
“It’s actually Leclerc.”
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voxsmistress · 1 month
Mama Didn't Raise No Bimbo - Part FIVE!
Well seems like Y/n is in the middle of two of the Vee's and there seems to be a bit of a competition going on here ...
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six / Part Seven / Part Eight / Part Nine / Part Ten / Part Eleven / Part Twelve / Part Thirteen / Part Fourteen / Part Fifteen / Part Sixteen
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“That unfortunate soul would be me” you smile nervously at him, watching as his screen glitched slightly. That was weird. His bored expression disappeared with the glitch and in its place was his usual charming smile.
“Ah Miss Y/n what a pleasure to see you! What was that you just said?” Velvette appeared at your side, wrapping an arm through yours you watched his screen glitch a little again.
“She’s mine now Voxxie” she smirked at the glitching demon.
“She’s WHAT?!”  
“Vox don’t sound so hostile – me and Y/n here have just made a very lucrative deal together, you should be congratulating us” she flashed you a wink while Vox started stuttering.
“What? What Deal?”
“Oh, now that would be telling, wouldn’t it Y/n? After all, some things are just better kept between girls,” the double entendre was not lost on you as she carried on teasing Vox, squeezing your arm as she did. Amused at her behaviour you had to try and hide the smile that tugged at your lips.
“Cut the bullshit Vel!” His smooth voice deepened and started crackling with static – okay. Hot. His one blue eye started to warp into that weird mind control thing that Angel Dust had warned you about, quickly adverting your gaze to avoid eye contact you chose to watch the other sinners running around sorting out different jobs while ignoring the two Vee’s. No one was really batting an eyelid at this mini show down, must be a regular occurrence.
“Chill out Vox! All Y/n is going to do is show off some of my clothes and sing at my Catwalk next month to help boost her public image. That’s all. No need to get your wires all twisted babe,” leaning against you she smirked at the now bemused Demon.
“You sold your soul for some clothes?” Velvette twitched in what you assumed was agitation at Vox’s dismissal.
“Do I look like the kinda girl that would sell the only valuable thing I have for clothes? Uh no. I don’t give up my soul quite that easily, no matter how gorgeous the clothes might be” you tell Vox, feeling a little braver with Velvette at your side, who was currently giving him a victorious smirk. Why do you feel like you have entered some kind of pissing match?
“Yeah Vox, do you really think she would just give it up just like that”, closing your eyes in bewilderment you really start to question the deal that you have gotten into with Velvette.
“Of course not! No, our y/n is much to clever and classy to do that. She showed that the other day when she refused Valentino twice about a job”, and there was you thinking he might have forgotten that little bit of information. Giving Vox your attention his charismatic smile grew. “Ah, Val hasn’t stopped going on about it. You are really going to have to make it up to him, especially when he hears you’ve taken up a job with Vel and not him” he points a blue clawlike finger at you. Shit. Peeking down at Velvette for confirmation, she gives you a naughty smirk and a shrug. Well. She was a lot of help.
“I’m sure Mr Valentino will understand the difference of doing porn OR showing off designer clothes plus I’ll be using my singing talents for Velvette which is my forte. I can assure you that I would not do well as a porn star” you chuckle at the thought. Someone filming you when you are at one of your most vulnerable states was not a fun idea – plus the fact you knew you pulled weird faces at the best of times.
“Now I can’t actually take your word on that my dear”, he had taken a few steps forwards. Velvette’s arm was now anchoring you to the spot and you weren’t feeling quite as brave as you were before. Tilting your chin up to face him head on as he came to a stop in front of you, a blue finger twirled a piece of your hair around it. “In fact, I’d love to see you prove yourself wrong” his voice deepened again making your cheeks flush. Jeez what is with all the blushing and touching?
Clearing your throat, you try to move back but Vel wasn’t moving and kept you there. Throwing her a quick annoyed glance you look back into Vox’s eyes. His smile was creeping more towards a smirk at my movements. “I guess we will never know” keeping my voice steady even with my nerves.
“Hmm … never say never kiddo”. He murmurs, breath brushing a few hairs away from your face. Why was he getting so close.
As you go to say something else Velvette’s phone started ringing breaking you all out of this little spell you were in. Vox who looked a bit displeased at Vel stayed where he was, the small piece of your hair still wrapped around his fingers as he played with it, but Velvette moved away from us both answering her phone with a sharp tone.
“I feel a little felt out I will be honest”, at Vox’s soft voice you give him your full attention once more. Raising your eyebrows as a question as he pulled on the piece of hair. “I am the only one who hasn’t offered you a job yet, perhaps I should find something for you?” You weren’t expecting that. These Vee’s are full of surprises.
“I think my schedule might be full up at the moment what with my singing jobs and now Velvette and her catwalk” you chuckle lowly at his pout.
“Even if it was to be on one of my shows showcasing that lovely voice of yours?” Pretty sure you have lost your eyebrows in your hair.
“You are offering me a part on one of your shows to sing? You haven’t even heard me sing?” You ask dumbfounded. Tugging you closer by your hair he gives you a winning smile.
“Then sing me a song, songbird?” Blinking up at his screen you question your life. Was this real? Are you dreaming?
“Uh…” right that was intelligent wasn’t it y/n! At your stuttering he chuckled, letting go of your hair and instead running a finger down your cheek leaving little tingles in its wake.
“The offer will be there if you want it Y/n, now I’m sure it’s time for you to get yourself off home. You must be exhausted after the long day you’ve had, that last show you did looked tiring, but I did love your last song – you have such a soulful voice” he tapped your chin playfully.
“Wait what how did you kn-“
“Sweetheart, I own numerous cameras in Pentagram City so I know many things, you can trust me on that” he smirks down at you. His gaze flickered over your face before letting out a little sigh when a buzzing noise starts from his jacket pocket.
“Duty calls?” you joke, ready to take a step back but not before his hand suddenly reaches up and cradles the side of your face. You freeze in place. Pretty sure you look like a deer in headlights at the moment.
“Mhmm, I will be seeing you soon our little Songbird, get home safely” he squeezes your cheek softly before striding away, his phone to his ear.
That could have gone a lot worse. Giving yourself a good shake to get moving you look around and see Velvette still on her phone gesturing wildly. Now seems like a good time to escape before any other Vee’s appear. Picking up your purse, that had managed to slip back onto the chaise lounge during your short conversation with the Vee’s you wave to Velvette making your way to the elevator. Holding the phone away from her face she gives you a mischievous grin:
“Bye darling, see you tomorrow, kisses!” Blowing you a cheeky air kiss she carries on with her phone call, while her eyes stayed on you as you got in the elevator. Waving goodbye as the doors shut you let out a breath. Mindful of the small little threat that Vox had said about owning lots of the cameras you kept your expression blank the entire ride and all the way out of the building. Hailing another taxi you give them your address.
Trying to go through everything that happened tonight you completely miss the entire journey until the taxi driver snarled at you to get out. Rude.
Stumbling up the flight of stairs to your door you were in a bit of a daze. Catching sight of a few cameras in the corner of the hallway you huff. Letting yourself into your flat you slam the door behind you.
Where the fuck was that bottle of whiskey?
Taglist @tasha-1994 @azullynxx @reath-solia
281 notes · View notes
imtryingbuck · 3 months
Thirty Five
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: Bucky comes from a well respected family, he falls in love with a girl who prefers the simple things in life. Follow their journey through the years.
Word count: 5,082
Warnings: angst, heavy use of pet names. Swearing. Fluff. Mentions of miscarriage. Cheating mentioned. Divorced mentioned. Car crash/death mention very briefly. Hit and run.
A/N: No description of reader other than she has curly hair.
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“Georgia get here right now”
Y/n sat on the soft couch laughing at hearing Bucky chase their four year old daughter around trying desperately to get her to put her shoes on. His little princess as he affectionately calls her had better ideas. To run.
“Bunny please help control your daughter”
“Oh she’s just my daughter now is she?”
“Yep” popping the ‘p’ Bucky pops his head around the door “please Bun she’s too fast, I really don’t know how she moves so fast”
“And you really think I’m going to be able to catch her with this” gesturing to her large bump “in the way”
Georgia Maria Grace Winnie Barnes. The apple of their eyes, the little spitfire with so much energy coursing through her tiny little body. Named after George as she was born on her granddads birthday, George cried and felt honoured that not only was she being named after him but she decided it was time to arrive on his birthday.
Her middle names were after her three grandmas.
Y/n found out she was pregnant again for the third time, she was scared to be honest. Two years after Georgia was born she had gotten pregnant again, at nearly three months along she had woken up to really bad cramping scared and alone as Bucky was on a business trip she rang Winnie who rushed over as quickly as she could. By the time Winnie had arrived it was too late. Y/n had sadly lost the baby.
Winnie rang Bucky his heart broke when he could hear the cries of his wife in the background, telling Steve that he needed to take care of the meeting he got on the first plane back.
It took both of them months to come to terms with the loss of their baby.
With this pregnancy Bucky handled business from inside their home, he refused to go anywhere wanting to be close by. In a way Bucky became slightly overbearing as he wouldn’t let Y/n do anything on her own, he did everything for her, looked after Georgia with little help and looked after the house. Y/n knew it was because he cared and was scared of losing the baby so she didn’t complain.
Eight months along it wasn’t going to be too long until she gave birth.
“Please pretty mama”
“You’re going to have to help me up Ducky” helping her stand he thanked her and gave her a kiss. “Georgie moo come and get your shoes on or you’re not going to see Billy and Tommy”
“Noooo” Georgia screamed shortly followed by her footsteps pattering the lamented flooring. “Wan’ see Tommy and Billy mommy”
“Well let dada put your shoes on then and we can go and see them”
Doing as her mommy said she let her dada put her shoes on. As soon as the laces were tied she ran off again, this time going to the front door.
“You ready to go Bun?”
“Yep, lets go”
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Pulling up to Wanda's and Vis’s home Georgia was already trying to get out of her car seat, begging her dad to hurry up.
“Hey wifey” Wanda's soft voice greeted Y/n. “In the backyard Butterfly” her nickname for Georgia. Knowing where the twins were she ran through the house and out to the backyard where Wanda’s and Vis’ children were.
“Hey hubby. Nat here?”
“Yeah, just give you a heads up her and Clint have already had an argument.”
“Great, who won?”
“Neither really, it was Laura who put a stop to it”
Natasha and Clint got married less than a year after Bucky, Steve and Sam had met them. Everything was perfect and they seemed to have a perfect marriage that was until Clint got a new job and that’s where everything started to become strained.
Coming home late at night sometimes stinking of whiskey, he became cold and distant with Nat, secretive with his phone. He preferred to spend most of his time at the office instead of being at home and trying to create a family just like they both had planned.
Y/n had lost count of how many times Nat would ring her late at night drunk and crying, slurring and stumbling over her words. Wanda the same. Nat wasn’t stupid by any means but she refused to believe what she already knew. What everyone knew.
Clint was having an affair.
The final straw that broke the camels back as the saying goes is when Clint didn’t arrive to the high end restaurant Nat had booked a table for them at. To celebrate their wedding anniversary. Nat rang Y/n knowing she was with Wanda at the time crying and begging for them to come to hers so she could pack her things. Told them she couldn’t do it anymore. The two best friends showed up as quickly as they could, nearly two hours of being there all three of them froze when they heard the front door open and close.
The silence was deadly when Clint came up to the bedroom after seeing the suitcases and bags packed in the living room. He asked what was going off, looked at Y/n and Wanda and told them to leave, Nat told them not to move so they didn’t. Wanda’s and Y/n’s eyes burnt a hole in the side of Clint’s neck, where a hickey was. He denied Nat’s accusations, telling her that she was overreacting. Told her that she was just being dramatic and that the long hours were for them, it was for their future.
Y/n was fed up with seeing Natasha struggle, having to hear her cries it broke her heart. The truth only came out when Y/n started laughing, fed up with how someone she considered one of her best friends could stand there and lie to his wife – her best friend all while he had a hickey on his neck. Pointing to the side of his neck he sighed in defeat.
Though he claimed they never did anything, he actually swore on his life and when he didn’t drop down dead like Y/n always thought would happen if you did that and you was lying, she believed him. He did admit that he had fallen in love with someone else, that the night of his anniversary that had marked seven years of marriage he was with this other woman, he had made out with her, he swore that he didn’t do anything else. Said he couldn’t because he had a wife. He had confessed to telling this other woman everything about him and his marriage with Natasha.
For Nat it was worse than if he had just said ‘yes I’ve been sleeping with someone else’ as he was emotionally connected to this other woman. The next day with Y/n and Wanda by her side she filed for divorce.
It was a slow and very messy process. Natasha wanting more money just out of spite, Clint wanting the house… so he could move the other woman in. It took nearly two years for the divorce to be finalised, in that time Clint had proposed to the other woman and already had one kid. When Y/n met Laura she really wanted to hate her, she did for the fact that she took Clint away from Natasha. But Laura had to be really nice didn’t she making it really hard on Y/n to hate the woman.
Three years after their divorce Clint and Natasha was always at loggerheads sometimes about the most stupidest of things, always trying to outdo the other despite Clint being ‘happily’ married to Laura and Natasha ‘happily’ dating Bruce. A man that she had met one night, great guy incredibly shy.
“Laura stopped them? I’m surprised she said anything”
“So was I but apparently it was upsetting the baby”
Oh yeah, Laura was pregnant with their third kid.
Laughing and shaking her head she linked arms with Wanda as Bucky trailed behind them. All their friends were outside, the kids all playing together. Y/n had just greeted Steve and Peggy – his girlfriend, nice woman, made Steve happy. Sam and Maria – his fiancée, like Peggy she was nice and she made Sam happy. Nat and Bruce.
“Y/n? Oh my god it is you”
Turning around at the sound of her name her jaw dropped. Literally.
“Yeah it’s me. Gosh you’re still as beautiful as ever”
“Pie I’m a married woman” Y/n laughed.
“So am I-wait-I’m married-I’m a married man”
“No, no, no you’re now a married woman, you said so yourself.”
“God you haven’t changed have you?”
“Nope. How are you?”
Catching up with Pietro after not seeing him in over ten years, the last time they saw each other was for Wanda and his parents funeral, car crash. Wanda took it exceptionally hard, Vis rang Y/n one night asking if Wanda was with her when he heard that she wasn’t he started to panic. It took the group splitting up to look for her, Y/n and Nat found Wanda on the beach drowning her sorrows with a bottle of Jack Daniels.
“Mommy-mommy look” Georgia gained her moms attention as she ran over to her.
“What is it sweetie?”
“Hand” holding out her hand for her daughter her eyes widened when Georgia put a large spider in the palm of her hand.
“Sweetie where did you get this from?”
“Tommy tried to hurt it”
“Oh, lets get him back to his home, yeah?”
Georgia nodded as tears started to gather in her eyes, Bucky always said that she took after Y/n when it came to protecting animals, and creepy crawlies. Yes even at thirty six he still called them that. When Georgia was two she waddled in to the kitchen making Winnie and Bucky scream so loudly it made Y/n jump up and went running to the kitchen, bumping into things as she went. Entering the kitchen she came to a halt when Georgia’s tiny beautiful face, her bright baby blue round eyes looking up at her mommy, her cheeks being puffed out by her wide smile, with one hand she pushed back the same untameable hair that she got from Y/n. “Doggy” she giggled as she raised her tiny chubby arm up.
It was indeed not a doggy but a grass snake. A two year old Georgia was holding up a snake as her grandma stood in the corner of the kitchen shaking and her father well… he was standing on top of the kitchen island… holding a rolling pin.
“Okay” Pietro helped Y/n stand, thanking him she held her hand out for Georgia to take and she led her to the far end of the garden.
“Here you go baby, put him on the grass and he’ll find his way home”
“Okay. Look mommy he going home”
“He sure is bubba”
“My friend” Georgia squealed as she watched the spider walk up the fence.
Yeah she was definitely Y/n’s daughter.
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“Hey Y/n/n can I ask a huge mega favour from you and Bucky, please?”
“Sure Wands, what’s up?”
“Can you both look after the twins this weekend? Vis has a work trip and ever the gentlemen he has said I could come along…so…yes or double yes?”
“If I say yes do I only get one of them?”
“Which one would you prefer?”
“Wow okay you answered that pretty quick”
“It was wasn’t it? But anyway of course we’ll take the twins for ever and ever an-“
“She’s not taking our kids forever Wan” Y/n laughs as Vis cuts her off in the background.
“I’m sorry wifey its only for this weekend, Vis is being mardy”
“Shoot. Bring them around when you want-hold on there’s a knock at the door.” Struggling to stand she waddles to the front door, opening she rolls her eyes.
“Really Wanda?”
“Oh hi didn’t expect to see you here, long time no see huh. Anyway here are your godsons, boys be good for Auntie and I’ll see you both on Sunday. Love you all”
Shaking her head at her best friend, she goes to tell the boys to come in when she glances down they’re not there but behind her.
“Where is Georgia?” Tommy asks as he looks around.
“Gone to see her grandma and granddad, they’ll be back soon don’t worry”
Though the twins were a year older Tommy and Georgia were best friends. Tommy was the loud one out of the twins, the one that liked to explore and play in the mud, the one that got all the attention. It was one of the reasons Georgia got on well with him as she was just the same. Billy was the quieter one, preferred to have his head in his comics, his latest fascination was with a group of super heroes that were called The Avengers. People had a tendency of overlooking Billy because of how quiet he always was but not Y/n, Billy made her cry once when he told her that she was his favourite. Whenever he wanted a new comic book she always happily took him to the comic book store that opened on Maple Drive, always happy to spend time with her favourite godson. Don’t judge her for having favourites.
“Can I play in her play room?”
“Okay but don’t break anything!” she shouts as he started running when she said ‘okay’ “What about you Billiam, what do you want to do?”
“My names Billy Auntie not Billiam” the five year old whined with a small shy smile on his lips.
“That’s what Billy’s short for monkey, didn’t you know?”
“No it isn’t”
“It is Bilbo I’d never lie to you. So what do you want to do?”
“Ca-can we look at the photos some more please?”
The last time the twins were around Tommy and Georgia was keeping Bucky busy by destroying things and Billy was curled up in Y/n’s side as they went through the many photo albums she had.
“Of course my sweet Billiam, but you’ll have to get them, bottom shelve remember?”
“I remember Auntie”
Sitting down on the couch she watches Billy pull out two of the photo albums from the top of the pile and brings them over, handing them to her he climbs on the couch next to her.
“Who’s that?” Billy asked when he saw a black and white photo of Y/n’s mama, proudly telling him who she was his face contorted in confusion “But grandma Maria is your mom and that’s not her” the boys were just months old when Maria passed away but grew up hearing stories about her, they started to call her grandma as well.
“Well sweetheart I’m adopted”
“What does that mean?”
“It means I’m not really grandma Maria and granddad Howard’s daughter but they became my parents when they signed some papers”
“Where did your mom go?”
“She’s with grandma Maria and your grandparents”
“Oh. Look auntie its Georgia” he points at a picture, she laughed.
“That isn’t Georgia bub, its me” it was the only photo she had of herself when she was Georgia’s age, and even then she was sporting a black eye in the photograph.
“No it isn’t, its Georgia”
“It isn’t I swear I’m not lying to you”
“It looks like her and not you”
“She does look like me when I was younger doesn’t see?”
“Yeah, she’s pretty though”
Rude. Wait…what?
There was a bet going to see whether or not Tommy and Georgia would date when they got older, everyone thinks that they would as they are so similar to each other and always spend every chance they got with each other.
But Billy, the sly little fox might be the one who takes Georgia’s heart.
“Do you think she’s pretty bubba?”
“I do” his cheeks turn a shade of bright red “But she’s friends with Tommy not me”
“She’s your friend too Billy”
Just as he’s about to reply the front door opens and Georgia’s voice echoes throughout the house. “Honey I’m home” she giggles, it’s what Bucky always says when he returns home from work or meeting the guys.
“Hi Billy” she waves when she sees him “hi baby” she then says coming over to Y/n her hands going straight to her mommy’s belly.
“H-h-hi G-Geor-“
How on earth did she miss that? Billy always became a stuttering mess whenever Georgia was around...
“Georgia your back, come play” Tommy interrupts his twin, before Y/n can say anything Georgia runs over to Tommy and they both run out of the room.
“Hey pretty mama, hey kiddo” Bucky greets his wife and godson.
“Hi Uncle Bucky” Billy replies quietly, he slides the photo album off Y/n’s stomach closing it carefully before climbing off the couch and puts the photo album back.
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The next day Y/n and Bucky treated the kids to a day out, the sun shined brightly in the clear blue sky as Bucky pushed Georgia and Tommy on the swings. Y/n sat with Billy on a bench, she had told him that he could play too but he opted to stay with her, feeling guilty at Billy’s glum expression she told got Bucky’s attention.
“Ducky, I’m nipping to the store do you want anything?”
“A bottle of water please Bun”
“Okay, I’m taking Billy with me. Come on Billy Bob, I’m kidnapping you”
“What that mean?”
“Never mind”
Holding his hand she walks across the road and up the street, he went to turn into the store that he knew sold water and frowned when Y/n told him ‘not just yet’. Further up the street was a new comic book store, she had seen it a few days back when she was driving to pick up Georgia from Howards, she made a mental note to make sure she took Billy there next time she had him.
The way Billy’s face lit up when he saw the sign warmed her heart, giving him a nod he let go of her hand and ran up to the window. “Look auntie look!”
In the store was large cardboard cut-out of the Avengers, Billy’s new favourite super heroes. “Want to take a photo with them?”
“Of course, and if you take a silly photo with me you can get two new comics, how does that sound?”
“I know, I know. Come on then”
Letting him push open the door – with some help from her – he ran straight up to the super heroes, staring at them in awe. “Billy give me your super hero pose then” taking out her phone she took multiple photos of him standing next to each hero. The worker Ron came over and pushed them all together so Billy could have a group photo, Y/n asked Ron if he could take a photo of the pair of them he nodded happily.
“Right Bilbo silly faces now”
Billy stuck his tongue out and pulled out his ears whilst Y/n stuck out her tongue too and crossed her eyes.
“Thank you so much”
“No need to thank me Miss, it’s nice to see kids enjoy comics” and with that Ron walked back over to the checkout.
“Right Billiam since you did the silly photo with me, you can pick out two new comics”
“Thank you. Thank you”
Billy went straight to the Avengers section and picked out one before running all over the store to find his next comic. Hand in hand with his pick he came bouncing over to where Y/n was stood waiting as she sent all the photos in the group chat the group was in.
“I picked”
“Are you happy with your choices?”
“Okay sweet boy lets go and pay”
Standing behind a man who was being served Y/n noticed Billy’s eyes going to the second comic he had picked out to behind the counter and back again. “Bill what’s up?”
“T-they have new Avengers comic” pointing to behind the counter “bu-but I want this one” showing her New X-Men Volume 3: New Worlds comic he had picked.
“I thought you picked out an Avengers one?”
“Last one, that ones new”
“Oh, which one do you want more?”
“I don’t know…I get these” he stands on his tippy toes to place them on the counter as it was their turn to be served. Billy was always like that, he wouldn’t be screaming and having a tantrum if he wasn’t able to get all three not like Tommy, one time in a store with Wanda he threw himself on the ground because he wasn’t allowed to get two chocolate bars, Billy even told him that he could have his but that wasn’t good enough for Tommy. In the end he got his own way and got two chocolate bars, whilst Billy only got the one, then Tommy stole his.
Ron handed the plastic bag over to Billy who thanked him, he walked over to the Avengers cut out to say goodbye, just before putting her card in the machine she asked Ron for the new comic. She was going to surprise him. Paying and saying her thanks she walked over to Billy.
“Come on bubba”
“Thank you auntie Y/n”
“Don’t thank me just yet” Once out of the store Billy went to hold Y/n’s hand but something was in his way. “Oh what must that be?”
“I-I-It-AVENGERS!” his scream startled an old couple that was walking past.
“Am I the best or am I the best?”
“Bilbo sweetie calm down” she laughed at his reaction, the way he held the comic in his shaking hands “Hold my hand so we can get uncle Bucky his water and when we get back to mine you can read them”
Hand in hand they went to the store getting Bucky his drink, one for her and one for each of the kids, Billy talking enthusiastically about his new comics, she paid and they left. Looking over the road she saw Bucky standing by the bench her and Billy had previously occupied, tapping his watch his eyebrow flicked up, Billy had seen the gesture and held up his bag containing his prizes with a huge smile on his lips. Bucky laughed and shook his head fondly.
Looking both ways twice seeing no cars around before crossing, a loud screeching sound pierced her ears. It all happened in slow motion.
Turning her head to the right she saw a grey car speeding towards them, not thinking she pushed Billy in front making him tripping over and landing in the space between two parked cars. She had no time to move herself.
She heard Bucky yelling her name, the word laced with fear and panic
The impact was hard enough to send her tumbling over the roof of the speeding car. Landing on her back in the middle of the road her eyes desperately trying to find Billy, she breathed a breath of relief when she saw him with two elderly women, one of them on the phone the other keeping Billy’s face buried in her stomach.
“B-Bunny-baby keep those eyes open-Bunny don’t go to sleep-an ambulance is on its way-bab-baby no no keep your fucking eyes open Y/n! I mean it-Bun you c-can’t leave me”
Y/n could hear her Ducky pleading with her to stay awake and she tried, she really did but she was so tired.
So, so, so tired.
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Her eyes burned as she opened them, her body ached everywhere, the memories of what happened came back in snippets. Taking Billy to the comic book store and going to get drinks for everyone, the grey car, said grey car hitting them. Billy bleeding. Billy was bleeding.
Shooting straight up she groaned in pain. Billy was bleeding. The blood on his little legs.
“Bun lay back down baby-Steve get the doctor-Bunny lie bac-“
“B-Bil-Billy” she croaked out.
“He’s fine baby, I promise just lay back down sweet girl”
“W-where’s Billy?”
“He’s just outside with Wanda and Vis. He’s okay I promise”
“He was r-ran over, blood Ducky, h-he was bleeding”
“Y/n, Billy wasn’t ran over baby. You was.”
Oh. As long as her godson was okay it was fi-
“T-the baby Bucky”
“He’s okay too Bunny, perfect honestly”
“He? Ducky…we ha-have a son?”
“We do Bun, he’s okay, Billy’s okay, you’re going to be okay. Please lie down baby”
They have a son. They decided not to know what the gender was as they didn’t with Georgia, hearing that they had a son and that he was okay, perfect as Bucky said made her listen to Bucky when he told her to lie down.
“Wh-where is he?”
“ma, dad and your dad is with him, he’s small Bun but doctors said that he’s perfectly healthy.”
“Outside with everyone. Don’t worry about anything okay? Just relax”
The doctor came in after Bucky had finished telling her to relax, he went over the extent of her injuries but she wasn’t real listening her mind on her baby boy that she hasn’t even met yet. She did hear the doctor tell her that she was very lucky to be alive, with her injuries, having to have an emergency C-section done in the back of the ambulance, the loss of blood, she was very lucky.
Hit and run.
She had missed the birth of her son because some idiot was speeding and he didn’t have the decency to stop just to check if she was okay. When the police had caught the driver he was unlicensed, drunk and high.
She missed the birth of her son because an idiot didn’t know right from wrong.
With her body throbbing despite the pain meds she drifted in and out of sleep, when Howard got word that she was awake he came barrelling through the door panting heavily. He held his daughter in his arms and cried, the thought of having to bury his daughter made his chest squeeze tightly. And it was a good job he was with George and Tony at the time he got that phone call as his legs collapsed underneath him.
She had fallen asleep in her dads arms and when she woke again he had gone back to see his only grandson. One by one everyone came into the room but under strict orders by the doctor that it could only be one at a time.
Bucky went to get Georgia who squealed at seeing her mommy for the first time in what felt like forever to the both of them. “Mommy, mommy”
“Hi baby, oh how I’ve missed you!” Georgia practically jumped out of Bucky’s arms and started to climb all over Y/n.
“Princess be careful” Bucky lightly scolded as he saw Y/n flinching at the four year old climbing over her.
“Mommy” is all she said. Taking her moms face in her tiny hands she placed kissed all over her mommys face. She’s seen Bucky do it plenty of times so of course she copies him.
“Did you miss me baby?”
“Miss you, miss you”
Georgia finally settles on Y/n’s chest and slowly falls asleep, Winnie came in an hour later so she could take Georgia home, not forgetting to give her sleeping daughter-in-law a kiss on her forehead.
When Wanda came in she burst into another fit of tears, she hadn’t stopped crying from the moment she had heard that her best friend had been ran over and not only that but she had saved her son.
“Y/n/n I-I will never be able to repay you f-for saving Billy” she stuttered, holding her best friends hand.
“D-don’t be silly Wands, he’s my godson”
“Billy wants to see his favourite auntie, if that’s okay with you?”
“Of course I want to see him”
A few minutes after Wanda left the door came back open revealing her godson, he stumbled when he saw the bruises and cuts on his auntie. Bucky noticed and got up and knelt down in front of him.
“She’s okay buddy”
“Yes bud, auntie Y/n is super strong-“
“Li-like an Avenger?”
“Exactly like an Avenger, do you want to come over?” Billy nodded but made no attempt to move forward “want me to pick you up bud?” nodding once again Bucky picked his godson up and placed him on his hip.
“There’s my Billiam, how are you baby?”
“I-I-I’m sorry a-auntie Y-Y/n-“
“Hey-hey none of that, it isn’t your fault sweetheart. You did nothing wrong.”
“I-I saw the baby auntie”
“You did? Is he cute?”
“No” Billy giggled causing Y/n and Bucky to join in.
“Have you read any of your comics?”
“Well climb in and read to me then monkey” Bucky gently places the five year old next to his wife and pulls the blanket over him and nips out of the room to grab the bag containing the comic, when Billy tells him which one he wanted Bucky took it out and handed it over to him.
Three pages in and Billy taps his uncle Bucky on his knee, pointing and quietly giggling at seeing his auntie Y/n asleep.
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Two days after waking up for the first time after the accident the doctors gave Y/n permission to go down to where her baby was, Bucky helped her in to the wheelchair and started going the route he had become familiar with over the six days since the accident had happened, the one where he nearly lost his wife and baby.
“Are you ready Bunny?” he asked as he came to a stop outside the door.
“I’m ready Ducky”
The nurse opens the door and Y/n’s wheeled in, seeing her dad and parents-in-laws standing there with smiles on their faces.
And there he was. Their beautiful baby boy, small like Bucky said but looked so strong. His hair curly and the same shade of brown as Bucky’s. It was as if he sensed his parents he opened his eyes and turned to face them.
His eyes blue as the ocean and as wide just like Georgia’s were.
“Oh Ducky he’s precious”
“He is indeed Bunny, our precious little boy”
“Have you two got a name for the little fella?” Winnie asks wondering what her grandson was to be called.
Y/n looked up at Bucky who smiled down at her, nodding. Though they didn’t know the gender that had already picked out names.
“Jamie Howard Anthony Barnes”
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Tags: @cjand10 @unaxv @mcira @bisexualnikkisixx @kneelforloki @kandis-mom @sagebarness @sandyruston @scott-loki-barnes @nikkivillar @saltedcoffeescotch @scentedharmonymiracle @examinarei @sarcastickiddo @sadboiabby @unholyhuntress @8crazy-freak8 @ijustneedpopcorn @moonbeampillgoth @imcinnamoons @elmo-1066 @violetwinterwidow01 @suz7days @adoredire @ozwriterchick @randomrosie01 @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @emerald-writes @justafangir1 @sibsteria @spencerreidisagorgman @sapphirebarnes @bruher @hawkinsavclub1983 @onlyonetifosi @parisadams @unabashedstarlightcrown @nash-dara @allofffmypeaches @loki-laufeyson68 @behindmygreyeyes @missvelvetsstuff @pigeonmama @lizslibrary @gloriouspurpose01 @gaya-is-weird-af
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pandorxxx · 9 months
Slumber Party
Lo’ak x Omatikaya fem reader (all aged up)
I want to thank my favorite girl @atxxokirina for the idea, and for writing half of this fic with me. I love you, mama💞🥺!
Warnings: Heavy smut, cursing, p in v, Voyuerism, multiple orgasms, creampie. Soft-dom lo’ak (cheating).
Synopsis: when you have another bad dream, you go to your bestfriends hut. You see his girlfriend sound asleep, yet lo’ak still invited you in, even gave you a room to yourself. What happens when he offers to watch over you?
You and Lo’ak were always close. Even when you two were little, it was always a big bro, little sis kind of relationship. You were always really shy, so it made you an easy target for bullies. Lo’ak was a hot head, and he had no issue coming to your defense, even if that meant a fight or two.
A part of you was somewhat of attracted to it. You know, having your own personal bodyguard wherever you went, and him being total eye candy helped a lot as well. You thought that this whole thing would change once he got a girlfriend, but maybe you were wrong.
He continued to protect you. Accompany you everywhere, and he couldn’t give two shits what his girlfriend thought about it. She could either get with it, or get lost. So when you showed up at his hut door, visibly shaken up, he let you in. No hesitation.
“What happened, bro? Who did this?” He whispered, waving you into the hut. You sighed, walking in swiftly for him to shut the door. You hated that you were so damn needy. You didn’t mean to be, but you knew that Lo’ak would be there for you whenever.
“No, I had another bad dream.” You reassure, trying to be as quiet as possible, being sure not to wake his sleeping girlfriend. She was sprawled out in the sheets, an empty spot next to her where Lo’ak was.
“So no one hurt you, right?” He asked again, a cocked eyebrow as he awaited an answer. You rolled your eyes. “No, psycho.” You whispered, briefly glancing at his girlfriend. He noticed, pulling you in for a hug by your wrist. He held the back of your head, his other hand dangerously low on your back.
“Don’t worry about her. You can sleep in the guest room.” He reassured, his strong hand rubbing your lower back slowly. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was being alittle too affectionate. But maybe it was just a slip up. So you decided to correct it. You reached around, placing your hand on his, guiding it up to the middle of your back.
“I’m just being friendly. No?” He joked, grabbing your other hand to guide you into the guest room. You scanned the spacious hut one last time before you entered the spare room. Once you walked in, you heard the door close. You turned around to see Lo’ak.. Still in the room.
“Oh, I-I can sleep by myself. I just needed your presence. Thank you, Lo’ak.” You spoke nervously, plopping down on the cot, feeling the fresh soft sheets in between your fingers.
“If you don’t mind, I just wanna stay until you fall asleep. You’d be more comfortable with me here anyway.” He smiled, leaning back against the wall, his head slightly tilted up.
He was nothing short of perfect, to say the least. And you’d be a fool to deny that. However, his girlfriend was literally in the next room. If she woke up and found you both in the room together, she wouldn’t be too happy.
“Oh Lo’ak, I don’t know. Won't she be mad?” You asked innocently, scooting back against the headboard and bringing your knees to your chest as he watched you intently. Such an innocent girl you were. And it made his head spin.
“She’ll be fine. I’m just worried about you right now. I wouldn’t want you having another bad dream, and I’m not here to console you.” He explained, a genuine tone in his voice. You nodded nervously, scanning the room once again.
He walked over to the bed, laying down flat for his own comfort. He looked up at you, arms out signaling for you to come closer. You stared at him for a few seconds, contemplating wether or not this was a good idea. He noticed, and chuckled
“Oh come on, I don’t bite.” He joked, using his hands in a 'come here' motion. You gulped, sliding down into his embrace. Your right ear finding refuge on his chest, listening to his clam heartbeat. You threw your arm over his torso, and snuggled closer to him.
He rubbed your arm gently, squeezing it firmly a few times. “Comfortable?” He asked, reaching his right hand down to grab the folds of your leg, bringing it on top of his groin. His strong hand began to caress the side of your thigh, and you could feel the slick forming in your loincloth. Your header began to beat rapidly, and now all you wanted to do was be under him. You didn’t want his hands to move. You wanted them all over you.
You nodded, too afraid to make a sound. With the way you were feeling, it might’ve came out way more erotic than usual. “Good. Get some sleep. I’m right here. I won’t let anything happen to you.” He explained, planting a small kiss on the top of your head.
He began to get more comfortable, shifting his hips a bit before closing his eyes. However, that little movement revealed his true arousal. You could feel his clothed cock stiffen, second by second. You tried to ignore it, but once it started to rub against your inner thigh, you had to say something. You looked up in his embrace, seeing his eyes closed and his breathing gentle. He had fallen asleep already.
“Umm, Lo‘ak? Lo’aaaak?” You whispered tapping his chest. He shifted a little bit, but his eyes remained closed. “Hmm?” He hummed softly, turning his entire body to the side, bringing you closer than you’d ever been. Now, you could REALLY feel it pressed against your slippery cunt.
“Um, y-your, uhh-“ you stuttered, making his eyes blink open slowly. Once he came to his full senses, he located the problem immediately. Glancing down in between you both, seeing his loincloth practically bursting at the seams.
“Mmm. Shit, I-I’m sorry y/n.” He whispered, backing away from you alittle bit. He sat up, placing a pillow over his lap. You sat up as well, eyeing his fidgety demeanor in curiosity.
“It’ll go down in a minute, just… roll over and go to sleep, ok? I’m right here still.” He strained, throwing his head back against the wall. He’d never been this hard in his life. It was so stiff, that it hurt, badly. And it just didn’t seem like it was going to go down any soon, especially being next to you.
“You look like you’re in pain.” You stated the obvious, eyeing his tensed abs. You went to comfort him, fingertips just grazing his forearm before he grabbed your wrist.
“No, mama. Don’t touch me. Not now.” He chuckled, still visibly uncomfortable. He let your wrist go. And you immediately placed your hand ontop of the pillow.
“Can I help? Will your girlfriend be mad?” You ask, grabbing the plush of the pillow, sliding it off of his lap slowly. He was so sensitive that the friction alone almost made him release. A series of grunts leaving his mouth as he watched the pillow leave his lap.
“I wouldn’t wanna take that sweet innocence away from you.” He grunted, an uncomfortable chuckle following.
“Who said I was innocent?” You question, titling your head in confusion. His pupils widen, shifting his attention to you. His eyes trailed, your body slowly, jaw clearly tightened in restraint before looking at the door. He sighed, eye contact shifting back to you.
“Yeah? Think you can handle it? And keep that pretty mouth shut?” he asked, going to untie his loincloth strategically, knowing that you wanted him more than anything right now. You nodded slowly, waiting patiently for his cock to grace your presence. And when it did, you were speechless. His heavy cock hit his stomach, creating an obnoxious slap against the skin. It was huge, intricate veins running up his shaft, as the freckles danced under the dimly lit room.
His strong hand found the base, slowly stroking himself as he let out a few breathy moans at the contact. His hips would meet his thrusts ever so slightly, as he watched the precum leak out of the slit.
The site had you ready to pounce on him, take him as your own. Fuck his girlfriend, YOU wanted him now. He glanced up at you with hooded eyes, still pleasuring himself. He signaled you to come closer with one finger. You obliged, shuffling to sit in between his spread legs.
“Take it off.” He smiled, glancing down at your dripping loincloth. He kept a steady pace on himself, as he watched your next move. You sensually speak your legs over his, opening yourself up to him. You hooked your fingers under the strings and untied quickly, eyes his raging cock the entire time.
You swiftly slide the loincloth from under you, holding it up before letting it slip out of your delicate fingers. Your cunt was dripping onto the sheets beneath you. A faint squelching sound every time you moved slightly.
“Shit. I got you like that, huh?” He moaned, head finding refuge on the headrest as he eyes you lustfully. You let out a giggle before gathering a little spit on your fingers before rubbing your clit slowly. Your head immediately dipping back in pleasure with a low moan.
Lo’ak continued that painfully slow rhythm on his cock, trying his best to let you cum first now. He watch you though, and intense glare right to your core. He was aroused by the way you pleasured yourself. Two fingers rubbing the bundle of nerves before dipping down to your dripping hole, teasing it before repeating the same thing over and over again. It made his head spin.
He began to pick up the pace slightly, breathily groans escaping his mouth. He would tease the tip, rubbing his thumb over the slit to gather drips of precum, before jerking his entire length again. He was so damn close.
“Mmm, open yourself up for me.” He groaned, his hips bucking into his hand firmly. You knew exactly what he meant, trailing your fingers down to your hole again, pushing them inside slowly.
“Ohh fuck.” You whispered, setting a merciless rhythm on yourself from the start, desperate for a release at this point. Your fingers curled upward, hitting your sweet spot with every pump of your dainty fingers. You could feel it, building in your stomach as your abs flexed.
“Lo’ak?” You whimpered, legs trembling over his. He sent you an all-knowing grin. “What’s wrong, mama? Talk to me.” He moaned, nodding his head as reassurance. He was going hard now, so hard that you could hear the heavy slaps with each thrusts to his hand.
“I-I'm gonna cum.” You strained, immediately covering your mouth to hold in the loud moan that was seconds away from escaping. “Hell yeah you are, baby. Be quiet for me though, ok?” He moaned, his face screwing in pleasure from his in coming orgasm.
You nodded, eyes rolling back before you came undone. Your cries being muffled by your hand. Yet and still, you kept the same rhythm, over stimulating yourself so much that you fell back, hips bucking uncontrollably as you squirmed.
“Fuuuuck, baby. Make that pussy squirt for me, please.” He whimpered, watching your fingers exit your body, a waterfall coming behind it. You tapped your cunt quickly, squealing as another waterfall sprayed out of you, all over lo’aks cock.
“Yes, yes oh shiiit. I’m right there, fuck.” He hiccuped, biting his bottom lip as ropes and ropes of cum squirted out and onto his flexed abs. He let out a sigh of relief, releasing his cock, watching it thumb with every heartbeat.
“Mmm I n-need more, mama. Come here.” He groaned, pulling you up by your arm forcefully. You were fucked out, but ready for more with a delirious grin.
You lazily crawl over him, your knees caging his thighs in. You hovered over him, the tip just probing at your entrance. He held the base of his cock steady, guiding himself into you slowly. Your mouths both fell agape, silent cries leaving as you looked into eachothers eyes.
One final push and he was all the way in, thrusting his hips up once with a low groan. He was deep, really deep. So deep that his tip was probing at your cervix. But that didn’t matter to him, atleast. He wrapped his strong hands around your tiny torso, bouncing you on his hard shaft.
“Eywa, that’s it! Fuuuuck that’s it.” He moaned, his head falling back against the headrest as his eyes screwed shut. Pathetic sounds leaving his mouth as he fucked you harder.
A deep breath leaves your throat, squeezing your eyes shut as Lo'ak fucks into you. "Oh my..." You gasped, but it came out as more of a moan. He continues to thrust his hips up, plowing into your cunt as your juices mix. Your cream and his precum made such nasty noises together. "Fuck, Lo'ak! You're fucking me so good! Don't stoppp!" You whine, now meeting his pace.
"I know it feels good. But- fuck! You gotta stay quiet mama," he whimpers, struggling to keep at his motion. You notice and lean down to his neck, peppering wet kisses on his collarbone as grind back on his cock. "Shiiit..." He completely lets you take over, breath becomes heavy as he hold your waist. You nibble on his neck, kitten licking the start of his nape as you hum. "Stop, nggh.. she's gonna see these, y/n. Don't get me in trouble." Lo'ak huffs, attempting to resist your advances, but each attempt is useless. You decide to ignore him, bouncing harder to shut him up. He's holding back each wave of pleasure you give him.
"Mmm, am I better than her? Tell me daddy, do I fuck you better?" You mewl with desperation in your voice, lifting yourself up to hold down on his chest, pushing a sinful, deep moan out of his throat. "What?" Lo'ak asks, breath catching in his throat. He's close, and you can tell. Might as well have some fun with it. "You're gonna cum inside me." You demand with a moan, shifting your hips from either side, making sure he's deep inside. "I can't do that, mama. You know this- f-fuck!" He growled, fighting his urge to creampie you.
You look down at him, shaking your head and flashing a fake frown. "But you want to," you shove down on his chest. "..you need to." You felt him pulsating around your spongey walls. His balls ready to burst and fill you to the brim. "C'mon daddy, please cum inside me. Please..." You whine in a way he can't resist. He's biting down on his lips hard, fangs almost drawing blood. Lo'ak knows he shouldn't. He knows it wrong, but he's already made it this far. "Shit, come here." He grunts, using your wait to push your body back down onto him. Lo'ak retracts his hips, just to push himself all the way back inside.
A staggered moan extracts from your throat as he sets a merciless rhythm. The kind of rhythm that left your mouth agape as silent screams fell from it. The kind of rhythm that had tears falling down your flushed cheeks. The kind of rhythm that had you trying to lift off of him forcefully. However, with no luck, he bring your hips back down, fucking into you like his life depended on it.
“No, No, No mama. Stop running.” He moaned, grabbing your wrists in one of his large hands, locking them there while he fucked you senseless. “Lo’ak, pleassssee!” You raised your voice slightly, eyes rolling to the back of your head.
“Come on. You’ve gotta keep that pretty voice down. Want me to get in trouble?” He asked, voice rippling from very hard thrust. "Uh uh! N-No!" You moan and pant, tears forming in your eyes from the pleasure. "I'm c-close.." You whimpered as he continues to hump into your pussy. With the sounds your bodies were making, it's a miracle his girlfriend was still asleep.
"Fuckk! I'm gonna cum. Want me to fill this tight pussy?" He groans, and you mewl and nod in response. Lo'ak gives you one hard, deep, thrust. "Huh?? Couldn't hear you. Use your words, mama." You whine, feeling that familiar feeling in your lower parts get closer and closer. "Yes I do, Lo'ak! Please, please fill me up daddy!" You hum in his ear, making him go fucking crazy. "I-I'm cumming now! Cum inside me Lo'ak! Cum inside!" You both let out a deep, desperate moan in unison. Your squirt, and his seed mixing together inside of you.
You're panting, and so is he. Completely out of breath as he forces eye contact with you. You pulled into him, leaving one last kiss on his jawline. Lo'ak lifts his body up, removing himself from you with a light squelch and a deep end grunt. "I don't think you'll have anymore nightmares, mama. Just stay with me from now on."
Taglist: @number1gal @loak-bae @tiredmamaissy @neytirishottie @terrorthewolf @lethargicluv @reyzzsostellar @m0nst3rfk3r @agelsully @jakescumdump @wekiamo @st-cass @cleardonutangelwagon @tsireqas @satanlovedays @afro-hispwriter @urfavgirlmakenna @fanboyluvr @iameatingmyhair @secretflowerobservation @violet-19999 @xreadersstuff @sweetllamaparadise @lia-nath @sullymenrhot @dotheyevenknowmars @xdbluesky @slay-nt @domino-x3-blog @ladylovegood-69 @itssomeonereading @sweetirilly @skxawngmia @j-jinxee @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @cumikering @pxndorasdream @itsaleidasworld @atxxokirina (💜) @yeletta @eywascall @valeriearriana37484 @avatarsslut @bee782916 @atxxokirina @taylormarieee @sweethoneycn
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lolaxbunnyy · 4 months
IDK IF YOU STILL DO MY HERO ACADEMIA AS IM NEW- but I love your writing so
What about poly Bakugo, Deku, Todoroki x Fem!reader who’s nine months pregnant, due any day now. She’s about to go into labor but they’re not home due to a mission
Idk if I explained this well 💀
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also I hope this is good enough I haven’t been on here in a while 😬 . Also I gave the baby a name and a gender if you want something else then you can feel free to change it. Also if anybody has anything they would like me to write please ask!
warnings: fem black reader, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of birth, nothing bad though just enjoy.
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SHOTO, IZUKU, AND KATSUKI. The top three most amazing and well known pro heros who were well loved by their fans had a little secret. They had a pretty little wife who was carrying one of their babies. Katsuki decided that he was going to be the one to get her pregnant first, the other two had no problem with that. After months of trying and no show she was finally pregnant and all four of them were so happy to finally have their first kid.
It’s been 9 months already and their precious baby girl has yet to leave her place within her mamas tummy.
Y/N rubbed her swollen belly as she did her rotations on her exercise ball. Katsuki’s mom was here helping her out with the little things that she needed. Mitsuki loved her from the moment Katsuki introduced them and now that she’s going to have a little grandchild she was even more happy with her future daughter in law.
"Y/N honey. The boys are calling again."Mitsuki said as she walked in from the kitchen to the living room rolling her eyes. “This is the fourth time they’ve called in the last hour.” Mitsuki chuckled.
"They're so worried that you're going to pop before they get back." Y/N grabbed the phone from, Mitsuki’s hand and put it up to her ear.
“Hello?” “Hey, baby. You doing okay?” Y/N rolled her eyes even though he couldn’t see her. “Yes I’ve been okay since the last time you called.” She heard him chuckle. “Okay. You’re a little worked up. What happened? Sick of us calling?” Y/N giggled. “Nope, never. I can’t even miss or worry about you guys because you’re too busy calling all the time instead of focusing on your task that you three were sent to do.” Before Izuku could respond she heard the faint voice of someone talking to him. “Oi? Is that Curls?” Katsuki of course.
Y/N heard what sounded like the phone being snatched away from Izuku. “Oi, Curls! If you ever hand up in my face again we’re gonna have some problems when I get back home, you hear me?” Y/N chuckled. “Yes sir.” She heard the blonde kiss his teeth before handing the phone back to Izuku.
“Sorry, bout that. Anyways you’ve got some scolding to do to Katsuki anyways.” “Don’t you dare tell her about that!” She could tell Izuku rolled his eyes. “He was being careless today and almost lost his leg.” Katsuki grumbled. “ ‘Was not bein’ fuckin’ careless. ‘The hell was I s’posed to know he was gonna turn his leg in to a fuckin’ chain saw?!” Y/N pursed her lips. “Y’know if you two are done bickering we have matters to attend too.”
Shoto said out of nowhere. “That’s right. Well baby, look like we gotta go. We’ll see you next week, hopefully.” Katsuki butted in. “Yeah so tell the brat to avoid her eviction notices till then.” Y/N laughed. “I’m sure she heard you, Kat. I’ll see you boys next week. I love you.” “We love you more baby.” Then the phone clicked and the call was over.
Y/N sighed. She truly did miss them. Sure she enjoyed the company of her soon to be in laws, but she missed her boys. It was quiet and peaceful while they were away and she hated that. The bed was always cold and empty and she also hated that but it still smelled of them and she could at least appreciate that. So did the large shirt that she borrowed from Shoto’s side of the closet.
The boys had already been gone for two weeks and they’d be back home next week but it doesn’t feel like Blossom can wait any longer to be out in the world. Her eyes trailed over towards the belly cast that she had gotten done. The boys had decorated it all pretty and even drew a little family of four on it in Katsuki’s terrible excuse of a drawing. She’d never tell him that though because even if it was bad it’s still cute and still has meaning to it. She can still even feel their careful hands on her stomach.
Izuku’s hands are the most scarred and a little calloused but still firm and calming. Katsuki’s hands being the most calloused and somehow a bit sweaty from time to time. Sho’s hands were the softest but were always cold.
She missed the special treatment and massages they’d give her before they left. They were very caring and spoiling.
It’s been like this since they’ve found out that she was pregnant. They couldn’t be home for her, they had their moms take care of her. Then when they came home for the night, they’d be all over her because in their words, “you look so cute when you’re pregnant.”
She smiled softly at Mitsuki as she smelled the cooking of her favorite food. It’s getting later and later and there was a storm outside brewing. She didn’t want her poor boys caught outside in the rain.
"Y/N, Inko sent some more clothes for Blossom." Mitsuki smiled as she handed them to her. “Awe. We’re going to run out of space in her little closets.” Y/N held the shirt to her stomach. “Do you like it, B?” Y/N suddenly winced at a sharp pain in her stomach. “Okay, I’ll put it away.” But the pain kept coming. Mitsuki helped Y/N up carefully and at that very moment, her water broke.
Mitsuki immediately started to call phones. "Inko, Rei! It's happening! I need you here now! The babies coming!"
Mitsuki was rushing around the house to get the bags ready and extra clothes before helping her soon to be daughter in law towards the car.
Once they arrived after some time Mitsuki rushed in to get a nurse and she came back with a nurse who had a wheelchair ready and the both of them helped Y/N out of the car in to the chair and she was wheeled in and rushed towards the maternity floor. They put her in a room and went to go get things ready for her.
“Where the fuck are they going?!” Y/N whimpered out as one if her hands held her stomach while her other arm was draped across her face. Rei and Inko walked in. "They're going to get everything ready. More doctors and your epidural for your pain, Honey."Inko responded and Y/N hummed in pain.
“Did you call the boys?” Rei asked and Mitsuki nodded her head as she tried to get Y/N comfortable and situated. "Yes but they're not answering. I think they're too busy in what they're doing."
Rei let out a soft okay before looking at the clock on the wall. 12:03 AM it read. A nurse came back in and injected her with the medicine but it didn’t have time to do its job because right after the doctors came in and it was time for her baby girl to come out in to the world.
Everything went smoothly. (beside the three mothers having to stop Y/N from attacking the nurse. Twice. First time because if her giving her the epidural late and second because the bitch almost dropped her baby.) when Blossom was all cleaned up it was about. 2:19 when Y/N got to hold her baby and feed her.
She was so pretty. Her skin was a mix between Y/N and Katsuki and her hair was blonde and straight but Y/N was sure that her curls would come in soon. Last but not least her eyes her round and (e/c) just like her moms as she looked up at her through her blonde eyelashes. The three mothers huddled around Y/N to look at their granddaughter. "Awe. She's so pretty." Inko cooed softly. “I’ve got to get pictures.” Rei gushed and both her and Inko rushed to their purses to get their phone out while Mitsuki stayed by Y/N.
"Do you want me to get her so you can rest?" “Yes please, if you don’t mind.” Mitsuki took Blossom and soon after, Y/N was knocked out.
Izuku was the last person to get out of the bath for that morning. They’d been up since midnight going on a fake lead, practically wasting their time all night. Izuku grabbed what he thought was his phone but noticed that it was Katsuki’s. “Hey, Kachaan? You’ve got 10 missed calls from your mom.” Katsuki raised an eyebrow as he set down his freshly cooked spicy ramen.
He went to his call log and clicked on his mom’s name in face time. "Hello?" His mom’s face showed in the camera. “You called 10 times?” He said unamused. Thinking that it was just her being worried and paranoid again. "Well, I needed to tell you something." Katsuki hummed. “Kay?” The camera flipped around and Katsuki saw blonde hair then the phone fell to the floor as his mom let out an agitated ‘damn it’ before picking it up and a sleeping baby was shown.
“Is that?” "Yep." Inko cut off her son. “That’s Blossom guys!” The boys mouths dropped. Their daughter was so pretty just like her mommy. After that face time call that day the boys had to call off the mission to get home to their girls immediately.
Y/N was released from the hospital two days before they could come home so when they made it back they instantly without a second thought came straight home and they finally got to see their daughter. Blossoms little hair started to curl up a little so she most definitely started to look like Y/N.
Katsuki was the first to hold her and she was so small Katsuki feared that he might break her. Izuku and Shoto walked towards Katsuki, standing on either side of him as they looked down at their daughter. “She most definitely looks like a Blossom.” Shoto spoke softly as the little baby curiously looked at the three men.
Their moms smiled at them. "Congrats boys!" Mitsuki had tears in her eyes as little sniffles came out. "Oh my goodness. I'm finally a grandma! I'm never gonna get over this!" She cried into Inko’s shoulder and Inko patted her back comfortingly. “I wanna hold her next.” Izuku held his arms out and Katsuki carefully handed Blossom to him. Once he was secure in his arms, Katsuki turned towards Y/N.
He smiled softly and he walked over towards her giving her a kiss on her cheek. He watched the others coo over the little blonde haired baby.
“Thank you so much, baby.” Three months later, the world knew about their two girls after Izuku had posted a video of Blossom giggling away at Katsuki and Shoto making silly faces at her while Y/N just watched in the background with a big smile on her face. That video was the most brought up topic in their latest interviews and they didn’t mind at all telling the world about their girls.
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this story belongs to @lolaxbunnyy !!
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blue-slxt · 7 months
Kinktober 28
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🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
Kinktober Masterlist
A/N: This one is another personal favorite of mine! Praise is my shit lol. I also couldn't help but sneak my breeding kink in there too. I hope you guys enjoy! All characters are aged up.
Pairing: Neteyam x Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
Warnings: Oral (F receiving), P in V, Praise, Breeding kink, Creampie
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You hear footsteps enter your kelku and don’t even bother to turn around and see who it is. “Welcome home, Ma Teyam.” You call out over your shoulder and continue letting your fingers work on sewing the small satchel in your hands. Neteyam walks over and sits down behind you wrapping his arms around you.
“What are you working on?” he asks resting his chin on your shoulder to watch you work.
“I heard that Tuk needed a new skin because hers tore so I was making this for her.”
If there was one sure fire way to Neteyam’s heart, it was showing that you loved his family. Nothing made a buzz go straight to his head faster.
He nuzzles his face into the side of your neck and presses light kisses into your skin. “I love you. You are too sweet, you know that?” he mutters.
You smile feeling his lips on your neck knowing where he was going with this. “Neteyam…” it’s supposed to be a warning, but it comes out more as a moan which just spurs him on even more.
“You are so beautiful. So skilled…” his words come through between kisses he trails over the skin of your neck and shoulder. His hands start to roam and grope at your body. Neteyam knew you well enough to know that all his little praises were turning you on. He always does this. Not that you mind, though. Your hands fall and your breathing gets heavier in your chest.
“You’re always so good. Makes me want to give you a baby.” He continues getting lost in his own desire for you and letting his fingers play with the waist band of your loincloth.
“And here I thought you said you wanted to wait a little bit longer.” You tease letting your head roll to the side and give him more access to you.
“Screw that. I want it now. You’d make such a pretty mama. So beautiful carrying my baby.”
You bite your lip feeling his cock already grinding against your back.
“Then what are you waiting for?” 
His fangs graze your skin when he smiles and a low groan leaves his throat. One of his hands pushes you forward so that you’re on your knees and elbows in front of him. Your tail waves teasingly at him inviting him in. He wastes no time getting your loincloth off and his own. He gives himself a couple of strokes while staring down your dripping cunt fully on display for him. He can’t help himself from leaning down and tongue kissing your pussy and moaning at your taste.
“Mmm so pink and pretty. And you always taste so sweet. Is this all for me?” he says when his tongue isn’t busy burying itself inside of you.
“Mmhm, it’s yours”
“Good girl” he purrs as he finally sinks his dick into your waiting walls.
A filthy moan drops from your lips while Neteyam starts a steady pace thrusting into you. The constant sound of smack smack smack of his hips against yours made him dizzy with lust.
“Ah, you feel so good, yawne. Taking me so well. I love watching the way your pussy stretches around me. Fuuuck…”
Your head is absolutely spinning between the way his cock is kissing your cervix and how his words are tingling down the back of your neck.
“Haah, more Neteyam! Please!” you cry out.
He leans over right next to your ear, “Look at my good girl using her words.” He can feel himself getting closer to that edge, but he will be damned if he doesn’t get you to finish first. “My special girl, you’re so good letting me use you like this. Making me feel so good.”
“Fuck! I’m going to cum, Neteyam!” the pressure is about to overflow out of your body feeling his cock dragging against that special spot deep inside. “Cum inside of me, please! I need it! Need it so bad!”
A deep growl rumbles in his chest listening to you beg him for his seed. It made him inconceivably hard.
Your chest presses into the ground when your back arches and your thighs tremble feeling your mind and body crash into your orgasm. Neteyam’s name rolls off your tongue like a thankful prayer.
“There you go, yawne. Just like that. Show me how good you feel. Now, take all of it.” His thrusts grow sloppy and lose their rhythm just as he finally lets go and spills his cum into you. Your walls are still pulsing from your release and it feels like he’ll never stop cumming with you coaxing more out of him like that.
His hands hold your hips in place and he stills inside of you hoping to keep as much of his seed inside of you as he can. He leaves kisses up the back of your neck and shoulder whispering about how well you did. An exhausted smiles crawls onto your face while Neteyam brushes some of your braids out of your face.
“I can’t wait to see you pregnant” he says subtly scenting you.
“That’s if it takes.” You mumble out absent mindedly.
“Hmm, good point.” He says wrapping his tail around your thigh and pulling you back with him so that he was lying on his back and you were sitting on top of him backwards. His hand falls in one swift smack on your ass making you yelp out in surprise.
“Guess we should try a couple more times just to be sure.”
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Kinktober Taglist: @pandoraslxna @ashlatano7567 @sincerelykaib @jamies-wh0re @quaritchsluts @jakescumdump @delacruzyari @onlyloaksgf @skywonder @taintedlovesworld @myloveforyouisforever @angie-1306 @moodays @childofgod-05 @hadesbabygurl @daddysmurfslefttoenail @loaksulluyswife @y4sm1nsstuff @thewhiltedpeony @lovefrommeelise @neteyamssyulang @rosyjn @imintoomanyfandomscuzihaveadhd @anaclaudiasugar @xxwelshqueenxx @hania11 @xylianasblog @idkanymoregirl @eyrina-avatar @biscuitsaredelish @quinn-sadilla @the_mourning_moon @eyweveng @puddleswimmingnerd-blog @xaxsir @jakesullyfatjuicypeen @navilover24 @sulieykte @iameatingmyhair @leaveitbythewave @ntymavtr @fifilynn16 @kiri-tuk @mstocky78 @neteyamyawne @randumfanfics @sliqeramx @bluewonder @the-morning-moon @nerdfacesposts @vip-btxch @neteyamsyawntu @teyamsatan @narwhal-swimmingintheocean @dixonjunkie
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thinkingboutleclerc · 6 months
subway god (cl16 x best friend!reader) part one
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yourusername back at home for this race!! (ft. charles glaring at me)
liked by pierregasly, arthur_leclerc, charles_leclerc, and 225,098 others
charles_leclerc i was not glaring at YOUUUU
-> yourusername i refuse to believe this and I’m telling your mama that you hurt my feelings
-> f1fanultimatee.0 not y/n pulling the tattletale card im dyinggg
-> scuderia_dears they’re so best friends to lovers coded omg
-> yourusername LOVERS?? scuderia_dears i’ve seen this manchild in a banana costume trying to pick up a girl, it’s never been the same
-> pierregasly that was absolute torture (10/10 would recommend)
-> yourusername brb telling kika you’re a masochist
-> charles_leclerc you can’t use big words with him y/n/n
-> pierregasly tais toi charles_leclerc
-> yourusername oh nooo im so scared gassy
-> pierregasly GASSY??
-> yourusername IT WAS A TYPO I SWEAR
lewishamilton nice to see you there!! (my heart is breaking and i’m washing my eyes out with soap because you’re there supporting ferrari)
-> yourusername AH no you’re my #1 for sure lewey
-> charles_leclerc not moi??
-> yourusername talk to me when you’re knighted smh 🙄
-> mercerrari128fan the way y/n has the entire paddock wrapped around her finger #girlbossing
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yourusername flashback friday with a lost member of one direction
liked by lewishamilton, charles_leclerc, leclerc_pascale, and 342,849 others
arthur_leclerc i love you for this
-> yourusername get in line thuri :P
-> dinitalks_00 y/n is so iconic GODDAMN
landonorris one direction who?? i only know char-looloo
-> yourusername he’s a pop star not a rapper stupid
-> landonorris i feel targeted
leclerc_pascale is this where you met? comme c'est mignon!
-> yourusername oui tata! c’est tres drôle parce que il m'a crié dessus lors de notre première rencontre!
-> charles_leclerc tais toi, commère!
lewishamilton he yelled at you?? i would throw hands
-> yourusername omg my knight in shining armor
-> charles_leclerc lewis run away she’ll bully you like she bullies me
-> lewishamilton she’s all yours, leclerc
liked by yourusername
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yourusername me after maxverstappen1 buys me subway
liked by lewishamilton, subwayofficial, maxverstappen1 and 183,736 others
maxverstappen1 my life is in danger now, thanks
liked by yourusername
-> yourusername anytime, beau 😏
-> maxverstappen1 is this revenge??
-> yourusername why would i need revenge??
-> maxverstappen1 you know why chéri
-> maxverstappen1 please help charles is coming to my drivers room
-> yourusername deal with it 😎
charles_leclerc you guys are dating?? omw to beat max up
-> yourusername heehee 😉
paddockbaby23 i did not expect this?? are they dating or what?
-> dinitalks_00 those are not very platonic poses tbh
-> f1fanATTIC12 we just *know* that charles is fuming/murderous
-> dinitalks_00 well yeah his childhood best friend is hooking up with his other childhood best friend
-> lestappenvib3s us lestappen shippers are having a field day (sad)
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yourusername my (only) subway partner forever 💚💛🤍
liked by subwayofficial, charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1 and 538,739 others
charles_leclerc go on… apologize 😤
-> yourusername okokok sorry sorry
-> lewishamilton you were very wound up over this topic charles
-> charles_leclerc who’s charles? i only know subway god
320 notes · View notes
b4tasquad · 6 months
clingy filly plss
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Authors note: IM BACK…. and with a filly fic!! this is very messy and not the best at all, but i really wanted to get started somewhere. hope you enjoy<3 for sharkys “version” of clingy here
Warnings: making out, drinking, cursing??
With an annoyed expression, you yanked the phone off the bed side table.
It had been vibrating for the last 5 minutes, and while you had tried to ignore it and just resume your peaceful slumber, it was turning out to be awfully hard. The funny thing was that you didn’t even have to look at the caller ID to know who was spamming you at such late hours.
Filly’s voice was loud and cheerful. Usually, you loved his uplifted spirits, but today it was just getting on your nerves. He had been calling you for the past half an hour, even if you had answered the first 2 calls to tell him to “leave you the fuck alone”
“Felipé, what don’t you get when I tell you to stop calling me.”
“You know what..” he starts, tone still filled with joy, your words having no effects on his mood whatsoever. “I still don’t get why you like to call me that. I mean I like it, but everyone just says Filly-“
“Babe.” You cut off his rant, a small smile grazing your face. Filly had always been one to get lost in his own thoughts. From the moment you met him at a bar after freshly turning 22, to being in love with him today. He loved expressing himself, and as much as it was something you loved teasing him for, it just made you fall deeper and deeper. “What’s up.”
“My bad, love. I’m going to this house party with some of the guys and I need you to come with me.” He pleads.
Your eyebrows furrow. “Why would you need me to come with you?”
“I just do, please.”
“I trust you.”
Laughing, Filly doesn’t say anything for a little, probably finding the idea of you not trusting him funny. “Well, I sure do hope so. But that’s not it. I just miss you, girl.”
Huffing out a breath, you lay to get comfy in bed again. Your boyfriend was one needy man. Opting to check the time, something you hadn’t thought of doing till now, you actually sigh. “It’s 11 pm and I’m not ready.”
Going to a party didn’t sound like the worst idea ever. A night out with the people you liked the most was something you looked forward to every time. The excitement of catching up with everyone, having the uttermost fun, and being with your boyfriend making it the best time. What you weren’t looking forward to was the aftermath.
You could not hold down drinks to save your life, and to make matters even worse, Filly was always the life of the party. It had become routine for the two of you to wake up the next morning, unknowing of most of the night before. Phones were lost, and so were wallets… it seemed like the only thing the two of you remembered to hold close to you in such a state of mind was each other.
“If I come, do you promise to make sure I don’t drink a lot?” Your mind was protesting as you got out of your alluring bed, kicking your feet over the side of it. “ I’m meeting Mama in the morning.”
“Is she coming to see us?” Filly gasped and you didn’t need to have him in front of you to know he was grinning like a madman. “I haven’t seen Mumzy in a while.”
Filly’s love for you Mum was something you genuinely couldn’t explain. He loved hard, that was a fact, but the place your mother held in his heart was sacred. He had the uttermost respect for her, and the way he treated her was something that had standards around you at an all-time high.
But it wasn’t hard to love your mother. She was the sweetest, most caring human being you had ever encountered. As biased as it might’ve been, she was the best mother, with Filly’s securing a close second.
“She’s coming to see me. And I told you to stop calling her that, you weirdo.”
“Shut up, you’re just jealous she always showers me with hugs and kisses.” He bites back. “ Seems that blood ain’t that thick around here.”
With little will to continue, you get up, ready to start the process of dressing up. Filly keeps you company on the phone, talking about his day as you go from picking your outfit to doing your hair and then finishing it off with makeup. His ability to never run out of new topics to rant about was something you wish you had, because when you were eventually done, a good hour and a half later, he was still speaking. It didn’t matter that music was blaring in the back, or that the occasional person came up to him, he kept on being on the phone with you.
“Baby, I’m done. Do you mind sending the address?”
He moved around on the other side, walking away from the crowd it seemed as it got quieter when he started taking. “Huh? The address?”
Locking the apartment door, you make a noise of agreement. “Yeah, for the cab.”
“Cab? Nah, I’m picking you up don’t worry.”
As tempting as that sounded, there was something that didn’t feel right. “No, you’ve been drinking-“
“I haven’t, I swear,” Filly assures, the engine starting in the background. “Thought we could start together.”
With a big smile, and your heart pounding a little more, you nod.
It surprised you when the time struck 2 am, and people were still swarming inside the large home. After your boyfriend picked you up, complimenting you a dozen times, and stopping for a quick photoshoot: you had finally made it.
People mingled around the area. Conversing, eating, and most of all dancing (if jumping up and down counted as that) With the luxurious apartment being enourm, there was space for everything someone could wish for at a home party.
Walking hand in hand with your boyfriend, a few heads turned here and there. Fact was that the person you had chosen to fall in love with was well-known. That meant eyes on you, questions asked and unnecessary comments made. It used to annoy the fuck out of you before, but the more you looked at it like this, it got better: Being with Filly was worth everything that his fame might’ve thrown at you.
Noticing your eyes turn around the place in wonder, Filly kissed your cheek sweetly. “You’re so cute.” He smiled.
You kept near Filly for the first few hours, but after a few drinks, you could feel yourself loosen up a little. Your boyfriend was still around, but now you didn’t feel the need to stand under him at all times. The hours had blended into each other by the time people started settling down a little more, and by now you had loosened up completely.
The home was something you had wanted to explore the whole night, and with a quick kiss to Filly, you had started your journey. Like a cliche teenager party, people stood against the walls all up in each other, making it hard for passers to get through. You wanted to laugh as you had to physically push against a couple near the top of the stairs to enter the second and more secluded floor.
Aside from wanting to get away from the crowd, you had to pee really bad. With the amount of doors down the hall, you guessed it would be hard to find the restroom until a door on your left bolted open. The man stood at the door looking deeply flustered as he stopped at the sight of someone else there. You wanted to ask if he was doing okay, but without giving you time to speak, he ran.
“Okay…” shaking off the weird and minimal encounter, you speed into the bathroom. The bathroom was a sight to see, you thought. As much as you would’ve loved to admire it some more, you couldn’t wait to relieve yourself.
Taking a seat on the toilet, you couldn’t help but sigh as-
“How much did you drink?”
Your hand instantly covered your now opened legs, the unknown voice scaring you into a state of fear. Filly starts cracking up at your scared expression and your face goes from fear to anger.
“What’s wrong with you?!” You huff, finishing on the toilet and going to wash your hands. “I was scared.”
“I saw.” He giggles, coming up behind you. You pay him no mind as you wash your hands in silence. Filly’s arms wrap around your waist, his behind pressing into your back. At your lack of reaction to what usually drives you crazy, Filly huffs. “Don’t be mad, baby..” he speaks into your ear, hands moving on your body.
Your eyes meet in the mirror and as much as you hate yourself for it, you lean into him. A kept-in sigh leaves your mouth, and that’s all Filly needs to start kissing up on your neck. His motions are slow, the sensation creating fire in its wake. He’s so gentle, you feel as if everything is going in slow motion around you guys.
Lips meeting, body curving into each other: the two of you found the perfect rhythm. Instead of having your face away from him, your boyfriend sits you down on the counter only to find himself pressed between your legs. You wrap them around his middle, closing up the space between the two of you even further.
His kisses are feverish and never-ending, a silent promise of his undying affection for you. Your body shivers as his icy hands trail up your smooth thighs. He rubs them up and down as the two of you continue to kiss.
“You just can’t leave me alone, can you?” You breathe against his lips, also wiping away your saliva from his. He leans forward to nibble on your plumb lower lip before fully engulfing it in a heated and unexpected kiss.
Tag list:
@p3drii , @jiusz , @n1kodl , @shuuuuush , @w1shes43 , @alltoowill0w , @slutforpablogavi , @enhacolor , @allygatcr , @romanlawkickingmyassrn , @randomhoex , @batmansb1tch , @jamespotterssidepiece , @Eatmybootyhair , @distantfromu, @clarkeysbog , @ihrtdan , @bluedaddylizard
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captainwans · 3 months
AM ERA PT. II (smau)
arabella series!
pairing: alex turner x fem! actress! reader
summary: the fans can’t get enough of their relationship and share their thoughts and feelings on the arabella mv, including a “new” discovery on y/n’s side from the comments.
timeline: 2014
note: layout / format by the beautiful @ithinkimokeei <3
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Liked by zendaya, yourbestfriend and others
yourinstagram 🤍🖤
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username babe yourinstagram just posted
username SHES A GODESS
username live love laugh y/n
breanahelders the woman you are 😩😍
yourinstagram you’re my woman 😙
matthelders didn’t know we shared her
breanahelders matthelders babe not now
username matt is so funny i love him
username oh no 🧎🏾‍♀️ what’s happening to me
mileskane looking beautiful love ❤️
yourinstagram ❤️😙
username i was waiting for miles to roast her
username no bc me too 😭😭
yourbestfriend holy mama i’m so gay 😳
officialelizabetholsen so real 😩
username the women in the comments ✨😌💅🏼
username alex doesn’t even have ig and if he had i know he be barking at how hot his gf is 😫
matthelders trust me he is barking
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Liked by imsebastianstan, elsapataky and others
yourinstagram a little bts ✨ (📷: wife breana)
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username my parents looks so hot
username i’m loving this new theme of hers!
username same!! i love how it matches the am
username the mv was so sexy idk if i wanted to look at alex or y/n
yourbestfriend nah i was looking at y/n the whole time who tf is alex?!! 🤨
username and you’re so iconic for that sis
username the content we’re getting lately is just immaculate keep going queen
username literally two of my worlds colliding
username y/n & arctic monkeys fans 🤝
username oh to be arabella
username *to be y/n
username what i also loved about the mv was that they put some clips from the arabella movie
username y/n am era > alex am era
matthelders who said she was YOUR wife?
yourinstagram me, myself & i 😌
breanahelders what she said 🤩 matthelders go get the divorce papers
username LMAO
username this is so gold i love this trio
matthelders i’m telling alex 😡
username um hello is no one gonna talk about them KISSING in the mv??!
username i was literally waiting for that comment!!!
username their kiss is living in my head rent free ✨✨✨🤩🤩🤩🤩
username i still haven’t recovered from that
username forever jealous
username he was kissing me y’all
username sorry boo but that was me
username if alex had ig i would’ve asked him if her lips tasted like the galaxy’s edge
username and if he kissed the color of a constellation falling into place
username and asking him if his days end best when this sunset gets itself
mileskane username he’s sitting beside me and he confirmed that her lips did taste like the galaxy’s edge 😳 🌌
username gripping my hair, sliding against the wall, sobbing, crying, throwing fits—ALEX
username i love this comment section sm
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Liked by officialelizabetholsen, madisonbeer and others
yourinstagram vogue ✨🤍
 ㅤ View all the comments
vogue: always a pleasure to have you 💋
username: y/n y/l/n is such an icon.
username: new era new y/n
breanahelders: those LEGS 😫
yourinstagram: open for you ;)
matthelders: can you two take this somewhere else pls 😒
mileskane: dang matthelders you just lost your girl
yourbestfriend: don’t blame him
matthelders: 💀💀 yourbestfriend
matthelders: just signed the divorce papers 😞 i can never win
breanahelders: matthelders babe don’t take this personally it’s not you
yourbestfriend: matthelders it is actually you
matthelders: yourbestfriend you can eat my foot
username: lmao y/bsf/n
username: i can’t with them
username: poor matt 😭😭
username: y/n’s comment section is a comedy show 😭😂
username: i love how breana and y/n are so gay for each other
username: i mean look at them i want them both
username: literally need her so bad 😫
username: ugh she’s everything
rosiehw: remind me why you’re not a model? 🤤
yourinstagram: i could never 😫
yourbestfriend: *you could i mean vs 👀
username: lmao yourbestfriend
username: no but seriously
username idk if i wanna be her or be with her
username: ok alex i get it now 😫
username: since no one has mentioned it is anyone else forgetting that i bet you look good on the dance floor was also about y/n
username: context pls
username: wait REALLY? EXPLAIN
username: that’s not true—is it??
username: he confirmed it during an interview years ago why are y’all so clueless
username: but he didn’t mention her name tho?? only that it was a “popular actress”
yourbestfriend: username put two and two together sis 😭
username: lmao do you think y/n knows
yourbestfriend: knowing her dumb ass i don’t think so
username: did y’all forget that y/n filmed a movie back in 2005 in sheffield 👀 yeah
username: there you have it
username: it all makes sense
username: i thought we all knew that 😭
username: in conclusion they were meant to be sorry i don’t make the rules
pinned comment 📌 yourinstagram: how come when i look for any information my only source is you guys (not that i’m complaining tho)
yourbestfriend: bc you’re so so fucking clueless that’s why babe
yourfriend: 😭😭😭
mileskane: how did we go from y/n’s legs to i bet you look good on the dance floor?
username: wtf is going on???
katiee_cook_: i’ve given up at this point
90 notes · View notes
fanfictionalraven · 26 days
Dream Warriors Chapter 6
Title: Dream Warriors Chapter 6
Summary: The reader thinks she has everything figured out.
Characters: Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, other original characters
Word Count: 2,288
Warnings: Canon typical violence and peril
Author’s Note: Enjoy!! Things are getting even twistier.
Read Chapter 5 here.
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The doctor examines you and tells you that you’re going to be okay. You manage a smile and nod. More memories begin to work themselves into your consciousness. Hunts you, Dean, and Sam had been on. Dean going to Hell. Sam’s soul being left in the cage. The apocalypse. 
You’re only alone for a moment before Dean comes back into the room, Ella on his hip. You smile over at him as they sit in the chair next to you. You knew you needed to get back to the real world and tell Dean and Sam what was going on and who was behind it but a few more minutes in this perfect world couldn’t hurt. 
“Mama,” Ella says, reaching for you. You push yourself up in the bed enough for her to sit next to you and Dean carefully sets her down, making sure you’re okay. She curls into your side and you run your hand over her arm slowly. 
“Sorry for the scare,” you tell Dean, looking up at him. He smiles a little and shrugs. “Are you and Lisa…” 
“No,” he says quickly. “She just came by to check on you. She may have tried but…I told her I wasn’t interested anymore.” You can’t help but smile. He reaches over and takes your hand firmly in his. Ella looks over at him and giggles. “I called Jackson to tell him about the accident. He said you’re both my problem now. I may have had some choice words for him that I can’t repeat in present company.” You laugh lightly and nod before sighing. 
“I love you,” you say. He smiles and shakes his head. 
“Yea, yea. Love you too, Sweetheart,” he teases. You push yourself up slightly and pull on Dean’s hand, drawing his attention from Ella. His eyes meet yours and you reach over with your free hand, caressing his cheek gently. 
“No, Dean. I am helplessly and completely in love with you,” you confess. While you’re aware this isn’t real, you know your statement is true. You are in love with Dean Winchester and you know you always will be. No matter what world or what version of Dean you’re given, it will always be him. Dean’s face breaks into a wide smile before he leans over quickly, catching your lips with his own. Smiling, you slide your fingers back into his hair. It feels right and real, his lips against yours. You pull away, clinging to memories of your life as a hunter, as Dean falls back into the chair. 
“I love you too,” he says, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. Ella leans over, reaching for Dean again. Letting your hand go, he pulls her back into his lap. You smile softly as you watch them, thinking about your own Dean and the baby you had lost. Ella curls into his side and he drops a kiss to the top of her head. 
“You sure you can handle us both?” You ask. He laughs as he looks back at you and you take a moment to note the subtle differences in his face. He looks a little younger than your Dean, years of fighting monsters and being to Hell not having taken its toll on him. His eyes seem a little brighter. His smile a little wider. 
“You’ve both always been my girls,” he says. You nod slightly as he looks down at Ella, dozing off in his arms. The look in his eyes nearly rips your heart out. It’s a look you wished you had the opportunity to see in your own Dean. He’s looking at the young girl with so much love and adoration and he doesn’t even know… 
“Dean,” you say, your voice soft. He looks up at you now, the same love still shining in his eyes. “She does have your eyes.” He smiles a little and looks back down at her. You wait patiently as you see the gears begin to turn. You can see him processing your statement, word by word, before looking back at you. 
“You mean…” He trails off, staring at you. Nodding, you look down at your hands. 
“She’s yours. I’m sorry I never told you. By the time I found out, you were back with Lisa and I was two days from getting married,” you confess. He doesn’t say anything and you look back at him to find he’s looking down at Ella again. Somehow, the love in his eyes has managed to increase, a feat you didn’t know was possible. 
“I’d wondered, hoped really. Thought the timing was a little suspicious. But to know,” he says, breaking into a wide smile as he looks back at you. He’s on the brink of tears. “I have a daughter.” You let out a laugh and nod. 
“You do,” you say. He sniffles as he looks down at her once more. 
“We’re gonna make both of you full Winchesters soon,” he promises. Your heart swells at his words and you have to take a moment to remind yourself that this is all just a dream. Your Dean was back in a motel room, most certainly worried sick over you while you’re sitting here in a dream world, happy and healthy. 
“I think I need to get some rest,” you tell him. Looking up, he meets your eyes and smiles. 
“Of course. We can tell everyone at the cookout this weekend,” he says. You smile and nod, holding a hand out for him. He links your fingers together before bringing your hand up and kissing it. 
“Sounds perfect,” you say, watching him. And it was. Absolutely perfect. Too perfect. You lie back on the bed and it isn’t long before the overwhelming sense of exhaustion overcomes you once again. Your eyes close to the hospital room and reopen to the motel room. Dean’s standing over you, eyes filled with worry. 
“She’s awake!! Sammy,” he calls out, sitting next to you quickly. Slowly, and with Dean’s help, you rise to a sitting position on the bed. “You good?” Dean asks, watching you still. You nod slightly, readjusting the sheet to cover yourself as Sam comes into the room, the phone to his ear. 
“She’s awake. – Yea, we’ll let you know,” he says into the receiver before ending the call. “What happened?” He asks. 
“Sam said your dreams were getting worse,” Dean says. You nod slightly and attempt to run a hand through your blood-matted hair. 
“I was driving when you woke me up, crashed the car,” you tell them. “I need a shower.” You move to rise from the bed but Dean catches your arm quickly. 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. You just started bleeding from your head for no reason and passed out for two hours,” he says. You look at him and smile, reaching up and gently caressing his cheek. 
“I’m fine, Dean. I’ve figured everything out. Well…almost everything. Motive is a little fuzzy but I know who’s behind the dreams,” you say. “So, I’m going to wash my hair really quick then we’re going to the morgue.” 
“The morgue?” Dean asks, watching as you rise from the bed, wrapped in the sheet. 
“Yes. I’ll explain later,” you say, rushing into the bathroom. You stick your head under the faucet in the bathtub quickly, the red running down the drain. Throwing your hair up into a towel, you go back into the room. 
“Sam’s in the car already,” Dean tells you as he hands you a set of clothes. You nod and drop the sheet from your body as you take them. 
“Don’t get too excited,” you tease him as you begin to dress. He shakes his head, no trace of humor in his face. 
“Too worried to get excited,” he says. You smile and pull your shirt on before taking his face in your hands. 
“It’s all going to be alright. I promise. It’s almost over,” you tell him before kissing him firmly. He relaxes slightly under your touch and nods. 
“Alright. Let’s go,” he says. Grabbing your gun off the nearby dresser, you nod and follow him out the door. 
The three of you get to the police station a little after two in the morning. You try the door and smile when you find it unlocked. Sam frowns and looks at his older brother, concerned. 
“Who leaves a police station unlocked?” He asks. Dean merely shrugs, following you through the door. 
“It’s a small town,” he answers. Guns at the ready, you lead the other two down the back stairway and towards the morgue doors. You step in quickly, the two men directly on your heels. The petite blonde with striking streaks lets out a squeal and drops a set of folders in her hands. 
“Agents?!” She asks. You leave your gun trained on her as Dean gives you a curious look. 
“The M.E.?” He asks. You nod slightly, watching her. 
“I don’t know why you’re doing this but reverse it. Now,” you threaten. The woman looks between the three of you, terrified. 
“Wh-what are you talking about? I…Agent Wayne? What’s going on?” She asks, looking at Dean. He drops his gun slowly and turns to you now. 
“Y/N, what is going on?” He asks. You glance at him momentarily and frown. 
“She’s behind this. She’s making me dream. Djinn or witch or whatever. I know it’s her,” you tell him. Sam reaches over and touches your shoulder. 
“How do you know? I mean, you were dreaming before we even found this case,” He says. You shoot a look at him before returning your glare to the woman in front of you. 
“She was in the last one. But she was pretending to be Lisa and, trust me, you’re not Lisa,” you say. The woman continues to stare at you and you just notice Sam and Dean exchange looks at your sides. 
“Who’s Lisa?” Dean asks. That throws you and your arms lower just slightly as you stare at him in disbelief. 
“Lisa?! You’re ex?!” You ask. Dean shakes his head slightly. “Tall, brunette. Had a son.” Dean continues to stare at you in disbelief. “You went to live with them when Sam got stuck in the cage!!” 
“I got stuck where?” Sam asks, taken aback. Dean reaches over and touches your arm gently.  
“Sweetheart, you’re the only woman I’ve ever been with,” he says. Now you know something is really wrong. That was definitely not even remotely true. You two had only been… 
“No,” you shake your head, pressing against your temple as more memories, different memories begin to play in your head. “Wait…we…we aren’t even…this isn’t right…” 
“Y/N, are you okay?” Dean asks, watching you. You gasp as everything comes back to you at once. You raise your gun to the woman once again and narrow your eyes. 
“I remember you,” you say. The fear fades from her face slowly, replaced by a smugness. With a snap of her fingers, Dean and Sam both disappear instantly. “Bring them back!!” You snap, eyes going wide. She rolls her eyes and pushes herself up onto the desk behind her.
“They aren’t real. None of this,” she waves her hands around, “is real. You said you remember.” You frown, gun still trained on the woman in question, as you drag the memories from the deepest parts of your subconscious.
“We were on a case…a witch…it was you,” you recount. The witch smirks and makes a slight bow with her head. “What did you do?”
“Oh, you might figure it out eventually. But by then it’ll be too late. What do you say we have some more fun?” She asks, jumping back down from the desk. You shake your head as she takes a step towards you.
“Pass,” you tell her, pulling the trigger. She starts to laugh as nothing happens. You look at the gun, horrified, then back at her.
“You don’t have a choice. Now say goodnight Y/N,” she cackles before snapping her fingers again.
You gasp as you bolt upright in a bed, nearly knocking a laptop off your lap into the floor. Grabbing at it, you look around quickly. Your eyes adjust to the darkness around you and things begin to feel familiar once again. You’re in your apartment, tiny as it is, laid out across your bed. The jostling wakes your laptop up and it draws your attention.
Are you still watching?
“Watching…” You mumble, clicking back off the screen. The faces of Jensen Ackles and Jared Padelecki greet you on the homepage of your favorite TV show, Supernatural. “Holy crap, that was a wild dream.” You run your hands over your face before closing the laptop and setting it on the floor. “Dream within a dream…freaking Inception crap…” You snort a laugh as you lay back on the bed, pulling the comforter over yourself. 
Somewhere else…
Dean Winchester stares out the window of the hospital waiting room. A raindrop slides down the glass slowly and his eyes follow it, his mind a million miles away.
“Hey,” his younger brother’s voice draws him from his thoughts. Sam steps into the waiting room, two cups of coffee in his hands. He walks over and hands one to Dean.
“Thanks,” he mumbles.
“Any news?” Sam asks. Dean takes a long drink from the recycled styrofoam cup before shaking his head. 
“Nothing since the last, ugh...incident,” he says. Sam nods and looks out at the rain. “First, the burn from nowhere. Then, it’s like she got hit by a car in her freakin’ hospital bed.” Dean stops and shakes his head, looking at the cup in his hands. “The hell is going on, Y/N?”
Read Chapter 7 here.
Forever Tags: @roseblue373
Jensen Tags: @call-me-mrs-winchester
Dream Warriors: @aylacavebear @winharry @djs8891 @suckitands33 @rickgrimeswifeu @deans-spinster-witch @jackles010378 @foxyjwls007 @urinternetmom @justrealizedimmascifygurl @kr804573 @thej2report @just-levyy @snowayumi @deans-baby-momma @brightlilith @kazsrm67 @alisyacsa @lailawinchesterr @demons-eats-pie-too @chriszgirl92
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slashv1xen · 3 months
*kicks open door** GROSS CREEPY REDNECK MAN!?
No but seriously Otis is my guilty pleasure character and I need him with a 'tomboy' reader (aka a basic rural southern woman (It'd be nice if you could include her being oddly feminine despite all the hunting and the cursing and the fighting: Like she calls him a cunt then goes and bakes a bunch of sweets or goes off to work on a dress tailoring project XD))
i like the way u think ;) also otis does NOT have enough fanfics/headcannons written about him and it’s actually a crime
i feel like otis has two types of girls: the same (tomboy like u mentioned) or the opposite (hyper feminine girl from the city).
i also think that when he stumbled upon u he had the only intention to kill u like other victims, but something keeps him from doing so (that’s up to u anonie). and i think it sealed the deal after u got along with his family (helping mama clean up around the house + doing baby’s hair for ex.) after keeping u locked up in his house for months. he’s also definitely a family man, so he appreciates it.
like otis, u have a smart mouth on u (which otis thinks is cute only to a certain degree, going further than that and u wish u hadn’t opened ur mouth in the first place). nonetheless, otis still loves u, and thinks ur cussing and smart mouth makes u all the more loveable.
because u happen to be a tomboy, when u do traditionally more girly things/have girly hobbies it surprises him, but he doesn’t hate it (in fact he thinks it’s cute but he would never say that out loud), which makes u a combo of both fem and masc (best of both worlds - his words not mine).
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one shot 💗
“yes!” you shouted as the bullet that shot from the rifle hit the deer in the head, otis grumbling (but you knew he was proud of you). the two of you had a bet on who could shoot prey first, and you won. “pay up baby!”
otis rolled his eyes with a cocky grin on his face as a slapped a scrunched up $10 bill in your hand. “i was just going easy on you, i could easily beat you next time.” he yelled as you walked away giggling with the money, waving him off. “yeah, yeah!”
as the both of you made it into the house you noticed that otis’s air around him was tense. you frowned slightly but didn’t say anything, after all he hated speaking about his emotions, or just hated talking about emotions in general (it didn’t help he was practically a pro at hiding his emotions). then it clicked in your head as he roughly put his rifle down. ‘is he annoyed he lost the bet? i wouldn’t have picked him as the sore loser, petty type.’ you chuckled, finding it a little cute, but you still didn’t want him sulking around.
suddenly an idea came into your head, and immediately you began working, knowing that this would surely cheer him up.
after around 2 hours you knocked on his door, and he muttered that you could enter. you did, and set a warm tray on his bed. he was sitting at his desk, working on some art project (he’s always got some art project to do). he smelled the air and turned to the bed, and his eyes lightened up for a second before a confused expression emerged onto his face.
“cookies? what’d ya do this for?” he rose an eyebrow, wondering if this was a ruse or something. you tsked, annoyed he didn’t understand the gesture, but you explained it to him either way. “well i noticed you seemed a bit annoyed for losing the bet, and i thought this would make you feel better.” you smiled, feeling proud of yourself.
“hm, didn’t pick you for a baker type’a girl.” he mumbled, inspecting the cookies. you scoffed before his eyes met with yours. “y’know, this is unnecessary. i’m not even mad, you’re seeing into things that aren’t there.” he said, speaking up louder. you were annoyed at this reaction. you spent 2 hours baking him cookies (he has a big sweet tooth) to cheer him up and this is the thanks you get.
“fine, i’ll just take these back and give them to someone who’ll actually appreciate them and won’t be a dick about it. maybe baby, or tiny.” you grabbed the tray before you felt otis’s calloused hands grip your wrists, forcing you to set the tray down.
“hey baby, don’t be like that. y’know i didn’t mean it like that, i appreciate the effort, i do. i’m just surprised, okay?” he looked genuine and his eyes met yours. you were waiting for him to say sorry, but the way he his, he probably wouldn’t. you sighed, not saying anything. he sighed as well, and with all his strength, he mumbled something. “…sorry.”
you’re eyes lit up when he said this. otis driftwood, saying sorry? that was a first. suddenly a grin flew onto your face as you hugged him and laughed.
“now, stop that bad mood of yours and let’s eat these cookies before they get cold.”
tysm for this request, i had so much fun writing it! i’m sorry if this wasn’t up to ur standards it was a challenge to write and i wanted it to get out asap. if u have any more please send them in, i would love to hear them x
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🩷 ✨ aphrodite cabin headcanons 🪩 💌
aphrodite cabin headcanons bc the way rick wrote them was fucked up. let them be silly and hyperfemme and girlypop i am begging you.
they have a billion playlists for different occasions (getting ready in the morning, arts and crafts, capture the flag, etc.) that they share with the apollo cabin.
to clarify, they are not allowed to use the capture the flag playlist anymore because they are permanently banned from playing after a hermes kid almost lost an arm.
the clothes in the camp store are ugly as hell so they convinced chiron to let them set up racks of clothes they don’t wear or just bought specifically for the store, of course with low prices because everyone should be able to look hot. there are crop tops, bandeau tops, all different length skirts, rompers, and even cute shoes. the aesthetics range from y2k to hippie to coquette to fairy grunge to mermaidcore to goth, with sizes ranging from 3XS to 5XL.
they have huge storage units of makeup and hair stuff that they gladly lend out to other campers. they even have dye and bleach from arctic fox and salon-grade brands. don’t worry about how they got it.
they regularly have movie nights using a projector with blankets, popcorn, and cuddle piles. their favorites to watch are mean girls, legally blonde, clueless, jennifer’s body (a halloween tradition), enchanted, the house bunny, but i’m a cheerleader, tangled, mama mia, the sisterhood of the traveling pants, and all three high school musicals (they know all the songs by heart, ofc).
the whole “nico was the first person who ever came out at camp” thing is literally the dumbest thing i’ve ever read, so that’s just not true and the aphrodite cabin has organized every pride event at camp for years now. no one knows how they do it or where they get all that glitter, and no one is brave enough to ask.
you need love advice? you’re questioning your sexuality and need to talk to someone about it? you need a girltalk session and some hypewomen? you need to make sure the harpies don’t get you when you and your partner sneak out to a secluded spot on the beach? they got u, babes, don’t even worry about it.
they all have perfumes and colognes customized to their signature scents.
their support for the trans community could rival the dionysus cabin. also they worship dylan mulvaney like the goddess she is because i worship her like the goddess she is, and i make the rules.
no one has better halloween costumes than then. no one. if you look as good as them, it’s because you borrowed supplies from them.
insanely good matchmakers.
when one of them is sad, they all stop everything they’re doing until their sibling feels better. that means skincare, hair-braiding trains, manicures while watching barbie movies, and those frosted sugar cookies. no, they will not, under any circumstances, participate in camp activities until they’re sure their sibling is okay.
their favorite show is sex education. when they watch it, they send the younger campers into the big house with a hephaestus-cabin-engineered ipad to watch monster high and ever after high until they’re done. dionysus does not approve of having to babysit, but after he went to chew out the rest of the cabin and found them in tears with mascara trails because they got to season 2, he stopped interfering.
drew and will got the two cabins together to bribe and beg chiron for eras tour tickets. it did not work (much to nico’s delight, who would’ve been persuaded into going by his boyfriend). in retaliation, they put pink hair dye in his shampoo, and the apollo cabin cursed him to randomly sing what he says with no warning. dionysus has never been so entertained.
they have no tolerance for pick-me girls or slut-shaming.
piper apologized to drew once she matured and started dating shel.
they all have phones that they hide from everyone else, complete with protection spells from the hecate cabin. they all have a family group chat and facetime basically every day when summer ends. shel and valentina are best friends now.
being the only boy, mitchell used to get bullied a lot by insecure middle school ares boys. that is, until his sisters caught wind and gave them hell. now, no one messes with mitchell, and especially not with his sisters.
they absolutely lose their shit when they realize some of the younger campers are too young to know one direction.
they’re closer to the apollo kids (and nico) than any other cabin.
they have a bookshelf full of nothing but romance. red, white, and royal blue, the falling on love montage, pride and prejudice, cemetery boys, the seven husbands of evelyn hugo, like a love story, heartstopper, the list goes on and on (no colleen hoover, though, yuck).
their acrylics and press-ons are deadly.
they have bunk beds, but more often than not you’ll find them sharing beds like they’re at a sleepover.
the cabin is extremely maximalist, with little disco balls, pink and lavender everywhere, fake flowers, and full-length mirrors because no, they’re not sharing.
because their mom is the goddess of love, they all identify as either bi, pan, queer, or don’t use labels. they just love love.
they all have matching “free britney” crop tops.
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twisted-turtels · 4 months
Crossed Paths (Pt.1)
Farleigh Start x black!fem!oc
Author’s note: this is so random of me. Welcome to my new fixation, Farleigh Start from Saltburn. I wonder how long this story will last lol.
969 words is crazy i dont even write this much for my classes lol. it takes me days to get to 1000 words.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Crossed Paths
“Mama, there is no need to worry about me. You don’t trust me?” Jordan says. “It’s not that I don’t trust you. I don't trust the rest of the world. You're my baby, and you’re leaving me. Going all the way across the world!” Monica, Jordan’s mom, exclaims.
“Ma, you know this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I have never left this country, and I get the chance to study at one of the oldest and most prestigious universities for free! There’s nothing to worry about,” Jordan explains, “Listen, I’m about to pull up to my apartment, or shall I say ‘flat’ as the Englishmen describe it. I’ll talk to you later. Goodnighhhht.”
“Goodnight, baby, I love you. Don’t go crazy over there now!” Monica hangs up.
Jordan gets out of her taxi and takes in her surroundings. University of Oxford, I can’t believe I made it. Jordan clumsily gathers her luggage from the taxi (It’s a lot of stuff) and walks towards the entrance to her accommodation. As she struggles to make sure none of her luggage falls, she accidentally bumps into a tall figure. 
“Oh shit, I am so sorry!” Jordan looks up and exclaims. She sees a tall, pretty, light-skinned man staring down at his now-stained shirt. He’s black, she thinks. “Yes, and so is my shirt,” the man says sarcastically. “Oh, I did not realize I said that out loud. I’m sorry again. I’m kind of struggling, and I guess I wasn't paying-” she tries to explain, “You’re American?” the man interrupts. “Um, yeah, I just got in today, if you can’t tell. I’m here for an exchange program,” she continued. “Not many of us here. Listen, don’t worry about the shirt. I hope to see you around, but I gotta be somewhere soon,” the man quickly says and walks off. 
“For sure,” Jordan trails off, saying before she looks at her bags, I guess I will take this up myself. “Ugh!” she groans.
Jordan sits in her flat and looks at the now unpacked space. I did a great job. I think I'm gonna put a Texas flag on my wall, too. She slumps down on the couch and looks at the flyer on her coffee table. ‘Undergraduate Social! 5 PM,’ it reads. “I guess I can attempt to socialize,” Jordan looks down at her watch, “One hour to get ready, but I don’t have to be there at exactly 5 pm though,” Jordan thinks aloud. I wonder if I’ll see the man from earlier? 
After freshening up, Jordan gathered her keys and wallet and went to the social. She entered the student union and noticed it bustling with students and professors. While looking around, she subconsciously looks for the man she met earlier.  Not many black students, she notes. She takes the time to go up to different organization tables and gather information. As she moves from table to table, she feels a delicate hand tap her shoulder. Jordan turns around and notices a blonde girl standing in front of her. 
“Hello!” the blonde girl exclaims.
“Hello?” Jordan questions.
“Sorry for the abruptness, but I just wanted to introduce myself. You seemed lost. My name is Venetia, and I wanted to ask, are you American?”
“Uh yeah, I am. I’m from Texas, actually.” Jordan explains.
“That’s really cool. There aren't many Americans here. I do know another one, though, who just happens to be my cousin. Would you like to meet him?”
I do need friends, so it wouldn't hurt.
“I don’t mind that at all. Lead the way. Also, my name is Jordan, by the way.”
“What a lovely name. Follow me!” Venetia instructs. 
“Boys, I would like you to meet Jordan! She’s American just like you, Farleigh!” Venetia exclaims
Jordan stares at the tall man. “Oh, we’ve met Vee. She’s the one who spilled tea on my shirt.” Farleigh explains with a stoic look on his face.
Jordan stares at her feet sheepishly, “Yeah, really sorry about that.”
Farleigh stared the girl down until he smirked, “I’m just playing; it wasn’t a big deal. It's nice to put a pretty name to a pretty face, though.”
He just called me pretty.
“Ignore Farleigh, he’s a little jokester. Aren’t you cousin?” Venetia teasingly asks as Farleigh rolls his eyes. “Anyway, this is my brother, Felix,” Venetia gestures to another tall, handsome man. Are all British men above 6 feet and handsome?
“Hello. Sorry for my sister practically dragging you over here,” Felix jokes.
“I did not drag her over here!” Venetia exclaims
“Haha, it’s okay. I need to put myself out there more honestly, don’t want to be alone during my time here.” Jordan reassures.
“How about I get your phone number?” Farleigh blurts out, he then corrects himself, “ How about we all get your number so we can continue hanging out more? Obviously, I don’t want to be the only American in the group.”
“I thought you would never ask,” Jordan pulls out her phone to notice it’s dead, “Oops, phone is dead. Let me just write it down.” There is no paper. “Can I see your hand?” Jordan asks Farleigh while taking out a pen. Jordan softly holds Farleigh’s hand and writes down her number, “You can pass this on to the rest of them,” Jordan smiles at Farleigh. 
“It was really nice meeting y'all, but I have to get ready for the first day, so I’ll see y'all later,” Jordan waves and walks off.
Oh my god, when did I get so bold?
The group looks at each other in astonishment as Jordan walks away. “Ooh, Farleigh, she gave you her number,” Venetia teases. “She gave it to all of us,” Farleigh defends himself. 
“She says y’all,” Felix points out. “That’s so Texas of her.” He jokes. 
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