#i just had a rosie moment where i wanted to be super descriptive like WELL ITS TOO SOON TO SAYYYYY BUT WHAT I HAVE IN MIND IS HE HAS
citylighten · 1 year
Yes or no - Does Ben have a good ending?
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lucius-morningstar · 5 months
You Ruined Them For Me, Forever!
This is taken as more of a joke but I couldn't get this out of my head, and wanted to share it for both humorous reasons and gross reasons. Let's just say Lucius ruined one of Charlie's favorite treats for her. ----- Charlie: You.. Do not talk to me for awhile! Angel: Hey toots what's got ya upset? Charlie: *Points to her brother.* Him, he-He's disgusting! Lucius: Wow what happened to not judgin- Charlie: After what you did today, be thankful that's all I said. Lucius: You gotta get over it Charlie. It's the truth and you have to face it. Charlie: Fuck you! Husk: Woah. Angel: Damn, you really pissed her off. What'd you do? Lucius: Well- Charlie: Do not say it again! Lucius: I am not having them bug me all night until I tell them so either go to your room or get over it. Charlie: *Growls* Lucius: Down gir- Husk: Can ya just tell us what the fuck happened. Lucius: We went to cannibal town, alright and I've been there loads of times and what Charlie didn't know is that I have actually eaten there too and yes while not frequent it's not bad once you get use to it. Charlie: You're gross. Lucius: Let me finish. Okay so we went over to Rosie's and she offered us eyeballs, Charlie turned it down and it's bad etiquette for guys to turn down food so I ate one. Charlie; *gags* Lucius: Oh grow up. Charlie: I'm the same age as you! Lucius: Then act like it. Angel: So she's bein this way because you ate an eyeball? Lucius: ..No, it's more what I said after I ate it. Charlie: Ugh.. Husk: What'd you say after? Lucius: Okay so she gave me a "What the fuck?!" look so I said "it's not so bad, it's basically just like gushers but they're salty and she gave me that look-..*Points to Charlie.* That look!, right there. All because I said that. Charlie: You ruined Gushers for me. Lucius: Charlie not only we're gusher's ruined the moment they came into existence but that is the best description I could have given you! Charlie: That was the worst one and also don't insult them more then you already have. They're amazing! Lucius: Well deal with it. Besides gusher's suck who wants to eat something that sweet anyway. Charlie: ..How dare you. Angel: I mean I'm sure Vaggie eats something that sweet all the ti- Lucius: Angel don't be gross. Husk: Speaking of, where was Vaggie in all of this. Charlie: She was like super tense during it all and real quiet on the walk back home. Husk: Uh Princess.. Vaggie did not come through those doors. Charlie: ..Shit, Lucius this is your fault! Lucius: How is it mine, you're the one who flipped out over the eyeball. Charlie: I wouldn't have, if you had just declined i- Vaggie: *bursts through the doors.* Thank you for leaving me there. Charlie: Vaggie, I'm so sorry. It's his fault. Lucius: it is not. Vaggie: Lucius why did you even compare them to that. Lucius: How else was I suppose to explain it and why are you on her side. She's overreacting, seriously stop being bias cause you're dating her. Angel: She's doin more then da- Lucius & Vaggie: Shut up Angel! Vaggie: Regardless You ate an eyeball in front of us and compared it to a Gusher. I'm not siding with you on that. Charlie: I'm never going to enjoy them again... Vaggie: Come on Charlie. Let's leave the guys alone and get you to bed. Lucius: Bias bitch. Vaggie: What was that? Lucius: Nothing, forget it. Vaggie: Good. ----- Angel: ..So we're they bad. Lucius: Nah. I'd give it a five outta ten if you don't mind things gushing in your mouth. Angel: You know I don't. Alastor: It's not too bad with the right drink too. Lucius: *jumps* Dude where'd you come from. Alastor: Not important, so enjoyed a snack at Rosie's did we? Lucius: Yea but I ruined it for Charlie. Alastor: Always next time, next time ask if she has any whiskey, it doesn't taste bad with it. Lucius: Hmm, I just might actually, Thanks. Husk: Ugh.. I think I've lost my appetite.
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angeliana2023 · 6 months
Chapter 2: Arrival in Haventown
Author's note: Hello, dreamers! this chapter will be about Aurora, Lucas, and Lily arriving in Haventown, and will officially kickstart Lily's story, which will start in the second half of this chapter. Lily's story will be separated into time skips, and show important parts of her life, up until she turns 8. I also want to say, I love this site and have been reading fanfiction since I was young. I really can't wait to get to book 2, because It's where things start to get fun, and I also wanted to to say, anyone that remembers my first ever version of this story called The Story of Cadenza, 2012: Dawn of the New Multiverse, I am reusing my character, Rosemary. Anyway, enjoy! Fun fact: I am a lucid dreamer, and some of the locations introduced in this chapter are from my dreams, like the gazebo of memories. I am also making my first forum with a description of Haventown, and it is called 'All About Etheria.' And, to set the mood for the story, I have a few song names written in bold at moments where I think that song would fit. You don't have to use the songs if you don't want to, but I would like to give each reader a cool experience. :)
Tracklist for this chapter: Fire emblem: Prelude of the Nabateans (For when Lily hears Megan singing)
characters introduced (or mentioned)
Rosie (OC)
Lily (OC)
Mario (Super Mario Bros)
Disclaimer! Any of the characters, ideas, locations, or stories that aren't my OCs or part of my personal ideas aren't mine and I do not claim to own them.
Aurora felt herself floating through space and time, amazed at what she saw. She saw far off places, different fictional characters, and sights she would never forget. "Lily, in about 8 years, you'll be seeing some of this yourself. I sure hope you're ready..." Aurora thought as they approached the exit to the portal. They all exited and were greeted with many beautiful sights... A massive town had been waiting for them and was populated by fictional heroes and Etherians alike, who all lived together in peace and harmony...
'So this is Haventown. I never thought there would ever be Etherians and fictional characters living together in harmony..." Aurora said, her jaw on the floor from amazement.
"Alessia never told even us about this place... She must've wanted it to stay top secret to avoid disagreements." Lucas said, gawking at the amazing sight.
"I just hope the young princess is safe here because Megan will also be able to come here. After all, Megan possesses the other stone, so she could be able to get in, and even bring Dio!" Aurora said, nervously. Of course, she was nervous! She didn't want that brute Dio to come anywhere near the princess!
"Lucas, I think we should find a place to stay for the night! I'm exhausted from that battle we had with Dio, and am still shaken up from the queen's sacrifice." Aurora said. Just as she finished that statement, a girl with long, brown hair approached the trio and introduced herself.
"Hello! You must be queen Alessia's royal advisor Aurora Borealis!" I'm Rosemary, but you can call me Rosie! I've lived here since I was born, so I'm kind of like the town tour guide, and I'll guide you through whatever Haentown has to offer!" Rosie said, in a particularly perky manner.
"Thank you very much! We've been through so much today, with the nightdreamer's invasion, and the queen sacrificing herself to give life to this little bundle of joy!" Aurora said with a smile while holding Lily forward.
"So this is Lily. I knew the queen was planning to pass on her powers, but I didn't think it would happen so soon," Rosie said, in awe by the fact that she was able to see the child of Alessandria. "Well, let me show you around! This place is AMAZING because it was created by the lucid dreams of Alessia." Rosie said.
"Alessia practiced lucid dreaming? I thought she regarded it as an evil practice, and never did it!" Aurora said, amazed.
"True, Alessia indeed thought lucid dreaming was evil, but there were some occasions when she would do it for our benefit, like say for instance this town. This entire town was created by Alessia just for us, showing just how Alessia was willing to step outside of her comfort zone just for us, and to make us safe and happy. She also never told you this, but she published many books about herself and donated them to our library, like her biography, which explains why she started studying lucid dreaming, and also some of her techniques, and includes her dream journal!
While you guys are on this tour, I'll be showing you where you'll live, and also Alessia's top-secret building she created just for Lily to use when she's older." Rosie said. "First is the Multiverse Hotel, which Alessia created as a gateway to different places in the multiverse. You can visit any fictional character created, and the hotel is constantly expanding because new characters are always being created!" Rosie led the trio through a beautiful and ornate hotel, with characters hustling and bustling left, right, up and down! There were so many characters, Aurora almost fainted! She saw princesses, knights, heroes, and many other strange, beautiful, and interesting characters.
"This is one of the most breathtaking things I have ever seen! And to think, Lily will be able to see it all, and even experience some of it!" Aurora said as she thought of Alessia and her selflessness. Rosie leads the way to an elevator, and when the door opened, they were greeted with an amazing sight.
"It's a-me, Mario!" Mario said as he bounced out of the elevator!
"Well, there's something you don't see every day!" Lucas said, with the funniest expression ever plastered on his face.
"He just came from his hotel room, which I'll show a few of momentarily," Rosie said as they rode the elevator. "Alright, first floor! Let's check out some doorways, shall we?
This first door is my personal favorite, as it's from my favorite old movie, called The Land Before Time." Rosie said, as she opened the door, which revealed fantastical sights, like a beautiful valley, with rolling hills, crystal clear waters, and a massive, cascading waterfall right in the middle of it all.
"This is amazing! I've only heard stories about the great valley, but now we're experiencing it in person!" Aurora said as she breathed in the clean, fresh, valley air.
"Ok, next door! by the way, The hotel is being expanded right now, and some of these doors aren't labeled, so we have to be very careful!" Rosie said.
So much for careful, because as soon as Rosie opened the first unlabeled door, all three of them were bombarded by bees!
"Rosie! Why didn't you knock first?" Aurora said.
"Don't worry, those bees are from The Bee Movie, so they won't sting us unless we try to harm them, which we didn't!" Rosie said, reassuringly.
"Ok, so now that we've seen the multiverse hotel, let's take a look at the crown jewel of Haventown, called the house of lucidity!" Rosie said. They left the hotel, and as they were strolling down the street, their jaws dropped at the sight of the towering mansion right in front of her.
"What IS this? We get to live in this big, beautiful home?" Aurora said. "Oh, this place gets more beautiful every minute... Thank you, Alessia!" Aurora said, ecstatically.
"This mansion is called the mansion of lucidity, and was created in Alessia's first ever lucid dream! It is a magic house with unlimited rooms, and whatever you think of automatically appears!" Rosie said.
"Well, if I could create my own room, I would have a queen size mattress at the center, vanity and mirror, oh, we can't forget the television! Right on the wall will do it! and the finishing touch, a window! Aurora said, as her new bedroom began to take form. Aurora felt like she was dreaming as the beautiful canvas of a room molded and shaped itself to her will.
It worked... It really worked! I didn't think it would work that well!" Aurora said. It's like the image was town straight from my mind, but only more clear than even that" Aurora said, struggling to keep calm.
"This is the true beauty of lucid dreaming. It isn't just a dark power used for destruction, but it's also an amazing force used for creation, just like daydreaming." Rosie said as she led the group to another beautiful area.
'This is called the gazebo of dreams and is another lucid dream creation made by Alessia!" Rosie said.
"This gazebo has a magical power, and when you sing about a friend, family member, or loved one who is far away, they will appear to you briefly, but only if you sing from your heart.' Rosie explained.
"This is an amazing place, and I'm sure Lily will grow up healthy and happy here!" Lucas said as he held his adopted sister. "But we have to establish a few ground rules to assure Lily is safe here," Aurora said, preparing to explain the rules.
Rule 1. Lily must not know that any of these characters are from other worlds
Rule 2. Lily must never set foot into the multiverse hotel
Rule 3. She must not know anything about Dio, Alessia, Morgana, Megan, or anything else concerning the multiverse or Etheria
We must stand firm in these rules until she comes of age, and gains her powers, or else we risk ruining everything we're working for," Aurora said.
"These 8 years may be long and hard, but I know we'll make it out together!" Rosie said.
Lily, Lucas, and Aurora settled down in the mansion of lucidity with the other fictional and Etherian residents. Lucas Lee tried to shed his villainous ways and become a better person, but his villainy would eventually become his downfall in the future, but even though he was a villain, his baby sister meant the world to him, and he meant the same to her, and more. Aurora cared for Lily just like a mother would, teaching her, guiding her, and sharing memories with her, Lucas, and the other residents of the house. Rosie revealed that she didn't have anywhere to go, so Aurora naturally took her in, and Lily treated her like a big sister. Lily was a rambunctious child, who would always get into mischief with the other characters, but never overstepping her boundaries, until one day, when she was only four years old.
Lily was walking through the garden of the mansion when she stumbled upon a singing voice like nothing she had ever heard before. The voice sounded strange, hauntingly beautiful, almost... Ethereal. She followed it, and wad met with a beautiful sight, which was a young girl, just her age, singing to herself. "Who are you?" Are you a new arrival at the mansion?" We always get new residents."
"My name is Megan, and I'm not associated with that place!" "All of those OCs have a destiny that's allready chosen for them, whether it's to become a fictional villain or a character who's destined to die, but I don't think like that! I want to carve my destiny, and you should too, Lily!" Megan said. She was just trying to lure Lily in, to turn her to the dark side.
"Wait- how do you know my name? I've never met you before, and my family has always told me to keep away from strange people!" Lily said as she tried to wrap her head around her first encounter with Megan.
"Well, let's just say I'm sort of a long-lost family member, one who that insufferable Aurora doesn't want you to even know the existence of! Megan said, looking agitated.
"Why doesn't she want me to? I've never met you before, but I feel some kind of feeling like we're, connected somehow... It's like I've for as long as I could remember, but I can't recall how..." Lily said, feeling confused about this strange feeling.
"Lily... It's because I'm your..." Megan said, right before being interrupted.
"LILISANDRA BOREALIS!" stay away from her!" Aurora said, fuming. Lily knew she was in big trouble when she heard her full name! "Lily! Why are you with her? I told you not to talk to strange people unless you tell ME first!" Aurora said.
"I-I'm sorry, mom. I was just talking to Megan... She seems like a nice girl!" Lily said.
"Well, she's not! She's a very bad influence, and I don't want you talking to her again." Aurora said as Lily started to cry. "We're going home!" Aurora said as she took Lily home.
They got home, and Aurora apologized for her earlier words and . "I know you want more friends your own age, but Meg maybe isn't the right choice." Aurora said, apologetically.
"The real reason I'm mad at you isn't for yelling at me, but it's for not telling me why she's not a good influence!" Lily said, hoping for answers.
"Well, first of all..." Aurora struggled to speak, out of sheer nervousness. "Megan was a kid from your school, who used to talk students into doing her dirty work, even though she was young." Aurora lied.
"Meg was from my school? That must be why I feel like I've known her for so long! Lily said. At this point, Aurora was sweating bullets.
"Wh-what do you mean by that, Lily? Aurora said, her breath shaky.
"Well, you may not believe me, but I couldn't remember how I knew her, but this talk jogged my memory." Lily said.
"Go on... You can tell me anything and I'll believe you, no matter how crazy it sounds." Aurora said..
"Well, have you ever had a dream which keeps happening over, and over again? I've had dreams about Megan for as long as I could remember, but they make no sense at all. She says random things I can't understand, like, 'Dio', 'Alessia', and the one she says the most, Etheria." Lily said.
Aurora then realized Lily knew too much. She knew now Megan had been contacting Lily through her dreams, and telling her about Etheria. "Lily, I'm sorry, but I just don't want you to know about any of this yet..." Aurora said while waving her hand around in front of Lily's face.
"W-where am I? Mom... how did I get here? I thought I was playing in the garden..." Lily said. Aurora had used a memory-erasing spell on her, to erase the memories of Megan, at least until she was ready to know the truth.
"You passed out from playing too hard, and not drinking enough water. I told you to drink lots of it if you wanted to go out in the sun!" Aurora said. She felt guilty for lying to Lily, but it was for her own good...
After that event, Lily never saw or heard from Megan again, and Megan stopped contacting her through her dreams, because Dio stopped her, afraid it would blow the mission. Lily lived a good life with her friends and family in the mansion, but one day, when she was seven years old, tragedy struck. Lucas was killed in a skateboarding accident, by a hero called 'Scott Pilgrim' from the movie of the same name. Lily was heartbroken by her brother's death, and secretly resented heroes after that day, but Aurora was understanding because she had just lost her brother. soon, it was time for Lily to come of age... Her 8th birthday was on the horizon.
Author's note: Well, that was certainly a longer chapter than last night, now was it? This chapter touched on Lily's life growing up, but I'll try to release more detailed versions of the stories as one-shots later on, like an in-depth look at Lucas' death. The next chapter is when things will start getting good because Lily will get her powers and go on her first mission! I actually would like to explain my writing process a little bit, if that's okay with you. Lily will travel through the gateways of the multiverse hotel to other worlds, and I'll watch a certain movie, tv-show, or play a certain game as I'm writing, but add Lily and my other OCs, and also create dialogue between Lily and the fictional characters. So, I'll catch you all later!
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
Round 2: Tik Tok
Bucky x reader
Part 2 to Round 1: Fruit Snacks
Summary: You enlist Peter to help you prank Steve, Sam, and Bucky.
Warnings: Language!
Word Count: 1795
a/n: Ahh, part 2! Gotta love tik tok. This entire part was inspired by the first Chris Evans tik tok I linked... I linked all the tik toks I referenced, but the descriptions in the fic have been edited a bit to better fit the scene!
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"Peter!" You called to him from the other end of the hallway as he entered the elevator. "Hold the door!"
He smiled back at you, holding the doors open as you ran down the hallway.
"Perfect. I need your help." You whispered as the doors closed, never knowing if a super soldier could hear you or not. You had an evil glint in your eyes that clearly said you were scheming.
"Oh, okay. What do you need Ms. L/N?" His eyes were wide, never having seen you this devious before.
"Peter. How many times have I told you to just call me Y/N? You make me feel old, and I am not old." You huffed, stalling for time.
"Right, Y/N. Got it. What do you need my help with?" He asked as the elevator doors opened.
You peaked your head, looking both ways before exiting. You gestured for him to follow you, exiting the compound and walking toward the gate where May was picking him up after a date with Happy.
"I need you to play the video on this flash drive at Tony's next party." You said when you reached the end of the driveway, handing him the mentioned flash drive.
"Why?" He took the device, albeit with a bit of hesitation.
"Because, I'm pranking Steve, Sam, and Bucky. They tried to get me the other day and failed miserably. Honestly, just watching them on edge has been great, but it's time for payback." You smirked, knowing the prank wouldn't do any real harm.
"Oh, Mr. Stark told me about that!" His eyes were wide with recognition. "Good job with the fake crying, I would've loved to see it."
"Well, you can help me get them back if you play that on the projector screen at Tony's next party." You nodded toward the flash drive, wanting to confirm the plan.
"What is it?" Peter looked nervous, unsure if he should get involved.
"Don't worry, it's nothing bad. Just a few tik toks I found from fans. Three for each of them." You smirked, already picturing the blushes. This would really get Steve and Bucky more than Sam, but when you came across the first video you couldn't not do it.
"Alright. I'm in!" He smiled, happy to help you. "But, why can't you just play the video?" He questioned, obviously not well versed in the world of pranks.
"Because, if they see me doing anything out of the ordinary at the party, they'll know something's up. I have to act normal, so it's a surprise." You outline the plan, explaining the need for two people.
"Why me?" He asked again, genuinely curious.
"Because, they won't think I'd go to you for help. They think you'll do anything to get them to stop teasing you, so they won't see it coming."
Peter nodded, understanding your logic. "Wow. You've really thought of everything." He smiled as May pulled up.
"I know. It's going to be great." You smirked, turning and running back inside before anyone could see you.
The night of the party, it took everything in you not to wear the world's biggest smirk.
Sam, Bucky, and Steve have been on edge ever since your warning, waiting for you to strike. They were huddled by the bar, appearing deep in conversation.
"Hi boys." You greeted them from behind, causing them to jump at the intrusion.
Sam recovered first, smirking at you. "Y/N. We've got a theory."
You raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue.
"You warned us about your next prank, and then planned nothing." You bit your lip, trying to appear deep in thought.
"Interesting theory. What do you have to support it?" You tilted your head to the side, waiting for more of an explanation.
"It's been a week, and you haven't done anything." Steve started, less confident than Sam, but still sounding sure.
"I haven't?" You questioned, enjoying watching them squirm. "You sure?"
Bucky shook his head with a grin. "You're doing it again. Trying to make us paranoid."
Your gave them your sweetest smile, running your hand up and down Bucky's arm. "Whatever you say, dear." You said it with mock reassurance, then walked away grinning.
The three men shared a look, trying not to seem overly paranoid, but failing.
You felt eyes on you for the entire party. There was never a minute at least one of them wasn't watching your every move. You were fairly certain they were even keeping tabs on Wanda and Nat, just to make sure you hadn't enlisted their help.
You chatted with Nat, Wanda, and Pepper, danced for a bit, and ate some food, all while ignoring their stares.
Around 9:30, Peter managed to get the video queued up. All eyes were on the projector screen at the sudden noise.
A tik tok started playing, flashing different images of Steve as the music played.
"Hush hush hush, blush blush blush, you are now my big fat crush."
Steve's face grew redder as the video played, turning into a tomato by the end.
"Love me, and hug me, and touch me. And well, fuck me."
Another video immediately started playing, also featuring pictures of Steve.
The caption read "Let me present to you: Steve Rogers Walking" backed by some sexy music.
"When marimba rhythm starts to play, dance with me, make me sway."
Clips of Steve walking, whether it be in uniform from a news clip or in suits from press events, graced the screen.
He was hiding his head in his hands, too embarrassed to even think you could have done this. He had been watching you all night, you couldn't have set up the video.
Bucky and Sam laughed as a third video started to play.
The on screen text read as follows:
"People: how do you sleep at night? Me:"
A girl fell into her bed, swaddled in a blanket covered in pictures of Steve.
The screen flashed black for a few seconds, making everyone think the impromptu display was over. That is, until a new video began playing.
A heavy bass started thumping as a girl appeared on screen, counting down with her fingers along with the sound.
"3, 2, 1."
Sam appeared on screen, a plethora of his most used interview and press clips being played.
He was enjoying the praise, although slightly embarrassed at the video being played in front of all these people.
Another video began playing, showing Sam acting out different Avengers in a game of charades.
"Oh!" It was highly edited to draw attention to his amusing sound effects.
Finally, a clip from an interview Sam did with Steve and Scott came up.
"The problem isn't the kids, the problem is the parents."
You knew he wouldn't be embarrassed by the same things as Steve, so you chose a few random videos you found to call him out for not always thinking before speaking.
The screen flashed black again, transitioning to videos of Bucky.
A clip that had gone viral from Sam's account was edited with new music, resulting in the crowd hearing Bucky say:
"Suck my dick!" Followed by the song "if you gave me a chance, i would take it."
These videos were really just for you. You watched them so many times while looking for the three best ones.
Although, Bucky's wide eyes and rosy cheeks definitely didn't hurt.
The next video began with Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake.
"Take it to the chorus. Come here girl."
Pictures of Bucky flashed across the projector screen, showing off his physique. You don't know where fans find this pictures, but you loved them for it.
The last video of Bucky was a pov someone made about yours and Bucky's relationship. Although the two of you were flirty, nothing had been discussed.
Maybe that's why you chose this one.
You and Bucky were having a fake conversation that went as follows:
Y/N: "Bucky, I like your last name."
Bucky: "Oh thanks, that's sweet."
Then, in sync with the music in the background:
Y/N: "Can I steal it from you?"
Bucky: "Of course, doll."
Y/N: "What'd he sayyyyy?"
The crowd laughed at that one, knowing how the media and fans speculate about your relationship.
Finally, the screen went dark, no more videos lined up to play.
You made your way over to the guys as everyone resumed their normal party activities.
"What a show guys. Really well done. Don't forget to thank your fans." You slow clapped, enjoying their flustered faces.
"How long were you planning that?" Steve, blush just beginning to fade, questioned you.
"I've had the video made for 6 days. I started planning the second you left for the store." You grinned, enjoying the high of a good, harmless prank.
"We've been watching you all night. How did you manage to queue the video?" Sam questioned, eyes narrowed.
"I had help." You shrugged noncommittally. You wouldn't give up Peter's role in the prank unless he wanted you to.
"From? We had eyes on Nat and Wanda." Bucky questioned further, but you just shook your head.
"I can't reveal my sources." You laughed again at their matching looks of annoyance.
Suddenly, something clicked for Bucky.
"So, you chose all of the videos?" He sounded so curious, you couldn't help but fill him in.
"I did. It didn't take long. The internet is full of videos of the three of you. They were pretty fun to look through." You laughed at a few videos you opted to leave out of the montage.
"What's this about you liking my last name then?" Bucky had a new confidence about him with this question.
Having expected this question at some point, you had already thought of how you would answer.
"Well, the fans want what they want. Maybe we should give it to them." You stepped closer as Sam and Steve awkwardly shuffled away.
"You think so, doll?" Bucky relied, hands moving to your waist.
"I don't see why not." You closed the distance, pressing your lips to his in a moment you had been thinking about for months.
You moved together, pulling each other closer even when you were already chest to chest.
Eventually, the sound of a throat clearing caused you to break apart.
Tony was playfully glaring at the two of you.
"L/N, if you ever use my protégé to pull a stunt like that again, at least include some videos of me." He whined.
You laughed at his statement, having expected him to be annoyed at you interrupting his party.
"Can do Stark."
He walked off as you turned back to Bucky, whose mouth was hung open like a fish.
You gave him a questioning look as he sputtered.
"Parker helped you?!"
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hypnomicimagines · 3 years
25 for saburo, please! 💃
Yamada Saburo: 
It’s not even like Saburo’s brothers had more experience than him.
He had hardly seen Ichiro talk to a woman who wasn’t a client and he was almost positive Jiro had never successfully talked to a woman in his life. He was skeptical of their use of literature to validate their experience but he didn’t like seeing the defeated look on his eldest brothers face when he said the characters they were talking about weren’t real, and that their actions were entirely manufactured by the author so it wouldn’t necessarily reflect a real-life situation. He supposed that some of it could be realistic enough, that you might react positively to a charming speech or a dramatic proclamation of love, but none of it quite seemed like him.
He nervously sipped at his drink as you slid into the seat across from him at the little diner he’d invited you to under the guise of giving you the homework. He didn’t know why you fell for it (he never let other people cheat off him) and he didn’t know why you accepted (because you were smart enough to figure it out yourself) but he was thankful that you sensed he wanted to talk. He felt stupid because the night before he had been talking to the mirror in the bathroom, recording himself and listening back to see if his voice appeared as shaky as he felt; it felt pathetic.
How could anyone want to be in love?
It made your knees weak and your chest heavy, it made his heart pound in his chest whenever you were near. He felt this burning jealousy when he saw you with others, with people he knew were just your friends, because he didn’t feel like he could act that familiar with you while others were around. He had never done this before, never had a real crush, so he can’t say it’s what he’s feeling but every description on the internet where he described this sensation led to the ‘L’ word that made Saburo cringe. There was a long list of terrible symptoms that only continued even when you dated the person, and he truly didn’t know why people would do this to themselves.
Until he was with you in person.
Until you were sat across from him with a cute smile on your face, asking what he had ordered and contemplating what you might like from here as well.
“I…!” You looked up at Saburo who suddenly started speaking while you were flipping through the menu, politely placing it down to give him your full attention. He had been acting weird the last week or so and you were worried about him, hoping there wasn’t any trouble at home. “I-I, uh, I like you?”
The fact your face didn’t change made Saburo want to vomit then and there, if his legs were working properly he might have already dashed from the booth. But you weren’t leaving either, simply staring at his drink on the table as you gathered your own thoughts. What would he do after you rejected him? Saburo wanted to go home and cry but that sounded annoying, knowing he’d have to explain to his brothers why he was doing so and that they’d try to comfort him in their awkward yet caring way.
“I… wanted to say that without stuttering but that failed…” Saburo looked completely defeated, like a kicked puppy despite his so-called screw up being very minor, if you had even noticed it at all (which you had as you were hanging on every word out of his mouth). The point of what he was saying was more than clear enough…
“Saburo, it’s fine.”
“It’s not! Ichiro said this is a moment we’ll both remember forever! That’s why I wanted to get it right!” Saburo let out a huff at the end of his last sentence, his frown replaced by a pout. “You must not think I’m very… cool.”
“Since when have you worried about being cool?”
“I’m not! I don’t care what other people think of me but you…”
“…I like you too, Saburo. Sorry I didn’t stutter there to make it super awkward for both of us but I know how I feel.” He had chosen to take a sip just before you spoke and nearly spewed his drink on the table, slapping a hand over his mouth to prevent an unsightly accident. You respectfully looked away for a second with an amused smirk on your lips but allowed him to clean himself up before returning your attention, head tilted curiously. “Is that so surprising?”
“N-No?” He sounded confused but that was only because he was, he hadn’t really expected this sort of outcome. He had been cynically going over and over again how badly this would end and how he would even be able to repair the friendship, but to have received the positive outcome… He hadn’t been prepared for this possibility. He hadn’t practiced for this at all. What was supposed to come next?!
“Why don’t we get something to eat and we’ll talk more after? Everything doesn’t have to be so serious, promise.” You reached across the table, patting the top of his hand and giggling as a beautiful rosy color bloomed on his cheeks at the contact. “We’re friends like we’ve always been. We just also like each other in a special way, you know? But we don’t have to act different!”
“Adults always act different.”
“Yeah, but that’s not us, silly. We can act however we feel like.”
Relief. He was beginning to feel relief now, a welcome sensation to the bundle of nerves he had previously been. He nodded his head confidently as he began to feel more like himself again, glad that little issue had been worked out. He reached over to take a sip from his cup but as soon as the liquid hit his mouth you spoke again.
“Does this count as our first date?”
You were nearly covered in juice again
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Our Little Secret
description: you and rudy have been sneaking around for a while now, what happens when you get caught in front of thousands of fans?😳😳
warnings: making out?? ooo and swearing oops (as a british person i can’t just NOT swear)
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            Rudy’s lips smashed against yours, moving hungrily as his arms snaked around your waist. You gasped, arms moving to hook around his neck as he slipped his tongue in your mouth. You had to be on set in five, and you were just passing the time with your good friend Rudy in his trailer.
Between the two of you, neither of you were quite sure what you were. So far, all you guys had done was purely physical. Of course, there had been lingering touches, longing stares, stolen smiles. But you hadn’t talked about it. 
It had started with flirty jokes, and then, boom! It just kinda happened, if you were being honest.
Not breaking the kiss, the two of you stumbled backwards until you bumped into the table. You jumped up and he took his pace between your legs, detaching his lips from yours and turning his attention to the skin on your neck. You moaned, heading rolling back to give him more access.
“Hey, Rudy? You in there?” Your eyes widen at the voice outside the trailer door, freezing both yours and Rudy’s movements.
“Uh, yeah?” Rudy says, clearing his throat.
“Why’s the door locked, toot?” You could practically see the suggestive smirk on Chase’s face.
“Cause I’m about to take a shit and I didn’t want anyone to come in here and smell that,” Rudy replies, looking at you with a grin on his face. You rest your head in the crook of his neck, pressing your face up to it to suppress your laughter.
Chase laughs. “Alright, then, but have you seen Y/N? I’ve been looking for her everywhere.”
“Nah, sorry bro,” Rudy calls out when you shake your head at him. “I’ve gotta take this shit or I’ll explode. See you in a sec.”
“It’s good, bro,” Chase replies. “She’s gotta be on set now, though. I’ll find her, don’t worry about it. Probably went off to craft services or something.”
You glare at the door where Chase is stood on the other end, but your eyes widen wen you realise you’re gonna be late to set.
“Cya, man,” Rudy says, helping you down from the counter as you pat down your hair. Chase mumbles a “bye”.
You two wait until it’s clear, giving Rudy a quick peck as you subtlety sneak out the trailer door once you’re sure Chase is gone.
As you walk - more like jog - away, you look back. Through the window you salute to Rudy, and he salutes back with a maniacal grin on his perfect face.
You’ve just finished shooting for the day, and straight away, you headed over to see Rudy. He’d slid you a note earlier in the day to meet him at his trailer once you were done.
Arriving, you were immediately pulled into a kiss by by the blond headed bimbo who’d stolen your heart. You smiled against his lips, happily thinking about the fact that you could finally call him yours.
Around two weeks ago now you two had finally sorted through your shit and admitted your feelings for each other. However, you’d both decided it would be better if you kept your newfound relationship to yourselves. You didn’t want to make things awkward if it didn’t work out, and, besides, sneaking around was fun. “Think of it as our little secret,” you had said.
You pulled away from the kiss and he pouted. Laughing, you pecked him on the cheek and watched as a smile took over on his lips. Rudy’s arms situated themselves around your waist as he laid the two of you down on the makeshift sofa in his trailer.
Rudy was lying on your lap as you played with his hair, occasionally kissing him as some stupid ass movie played on the TV. It was a nice breather from all the crazy scenes you’d been filming and you couldn’t feel more relaxed.
Well, that was until there was a knock at the door. You wasted no time in rushing into the bathroom, hiding as Rudy went to answer the door.
“Yo, dude,” you hear JD greet and you mentally cuss him out.
“Uh, hey, JD, Maddie,” Rudy says. “What’s up?”
“Why’re you being so weird?” Maddie questions, confused as to why Rudy seemed hesitant about letting them in.
“Me?” Rudy asks, shaking his head. “Nah, I’m not being weird.”
“Whatever,” Madison huffs. You hear her and JD walk in and mutter profanities under your breath. Thank god you had picked up your phone from the sofa or you would be toast. “We wanted to watch a movie and you have the comfiest couch.”
“What’re we watchin?” Rudy asks, bouncing on his heels. Madison shares a look with JD, confused as to what the hell was up with him.
“I dunno,” JD shrugs. “I gotta take a tinker in your bathroom, though. I’ll be right back.” He says, and your eyes widen.
“No!” Rudy calls out, and you search frantically for an escape route. There’s a window, but it’s kinda small, you’re not sure if you’d fit. Fuck it, you think as you hear JD and Mads confront Rudy about being weird.
“I just mean ... it’s kinda rank in there,” Rudy says, scratching the back of his neck.
“Disgusting,” Madison mutters.
“I’ll just block out the smell,” JD shrugs. “I’m desperate, bro.”
Rudy silently prays to himself as you fumble about the bathroom, climbing on top of the seat. You put one leg through the window as the footsteps land right outside the door, and  try to slyly maneuver yourself out with your phone in one hand. Your plan fails miserable and you tumble to the ground, landing in a bush.
“Fuck,” you mutter, sitting up and pulling leaves out your hair.
The door to the bathroom swings open and you run as fast as you can back to your own trailer. You ignore the confused looks of the crew members, and Drew calling your name as he sees you run past with twigs in your hair.
As soon as you get back to your trailer, you shoot Rudy a quick text.
I jumped out the window ;)
Jesus, Y/N. You good?
Yeah, just thank god for my super rad spy skills.
Sure, baby. Sure.
You giggle as Rudy pushes you down on your bed, peppering your skin with kisses, making you laugh more.
Filming had ended and you were currently quarantined with the cast, stuck in yours and Madelyn’s apartment. After the release of the show, you had gained quite a big fan base and your time had been occupied with online interviews and live streams. You’ve barely had the chance to sneak around with Rudy, not wanting to raise any suspicions since fans had already started shipping the two of you, pointing out the way he looks and interacts with you, and vice versa.
You didn’t want to let your friends catch on. Not yet.
Swiftly, you flip you and Rudy over, straddling him as you pull him in for a passionate kiss. You must not have heard the footsteps creeping up to your room, or the door swing open as you kissed your boyfriend.
A quick shriek alerted you of someone’s presence. You scrambled away from Rudy, cheeks red and eyes wide. It was Madelyn, stood frozen in the doorway, eyes wide. Clumsily, she dropped her phone, the object clattering to the floor
“Fuck,” Rudy mutters, pulling on his shirt as you put your hands over your face in attempt to hide you embarrassment.
Madelyn stands dead still, frozen to the spot. “Oh my god, guys, I am so so so sorry! I didn’t know you two were-”
By now, you had alerted the attention of Chase and Drew, who came running over at the sound of a scream. It didn’t take them long to connect the dots, between your rosy cheeks and swollen lips and Rudy’s messy hair and flustered appearance.
“Oh, shit,” Drew swore, eyes wide.
“Uh, guys ...” Madelyn spoke up, chuckling nervously. “I was on live and they saw ...” she motions between the two of you with her hands, “that.”
Honestly, you think you could’ve died, right then and there. You scramble to grab Maddie’s phone from the floor, seeing the comments screaming about what they had just accidentally witnessed and quickly end the live.
“I’m so sorry!” Maddie squeals, cheeks tinging red. “I was planning on scaring Y/N and I didn’t think Rudy would be in here, let alone that you two would be-”
You quickly cut her off, scratching the back of your neck and biting your lip. “It’s fine, Maddie. Seriously, don’t worry about it.”
“Yeah,” Rudy clears his throat. “You couldn't have known.”
“Uh, well,” Drew chuckles. “This is awkward.”
“Honestly, I’m gonna need a good few shots to erase the embarrassment of this moment from my memory,” you state, walking through the door and towards the kitchen where a bottle of vodka awaits you.
“I second that,” Rudy says, following you and lazily placing an arm around your waist.
Chase grins, watching the two off you. “So ... “ he trails off, gesturing between the two of you with his hand. “Are you two, yanno, together?” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.
You nod and Rudy smiles. “Yeah, we have been for a while now.”
“God, it’s about time!” Chase exclaims.
“You guys were pretty bad at hiding it,” Drew states, a grin of his own on his lips.
You mock fake offence, gasping as you poor the vodka into your shot glass. “We’ve been dating for four months, so, obviously not.” 
Madelyn’s mouth hangs open. “Four months?!” she yells. “And you didn’t tell us?”
Rudy shrugs, kissing your cheek fondly. “Eh, it was pretty fun sneaking around.”
“Agreed,” you say, smiling up at him. He meets your gaze, pecking you on the lips.
“Ew, you guys,” Chase groans. “Just because you’re together now doesn’t mean you can be all openly affectionate.”
Madelyn whacks his arm, rolling her eyes. “Shut up, they’re cute.”
“Nah, they’re gross,” Drew jokes, laughing. “Anyway, I made Mama Starkey’s casserole. Who wants some?”
“Me!” you exclaim, grinning excitedly. If there was one thing you loved it was Mama Starkey’s chicken casserole. Also, eating and drinking would be a good way to get your mind off the fact that practically the entire world saw you on top of a shirtless Rudy, making out with him.
A/N: AHAHAH THE WAY I DIDNT KNOW HOW TO END THIS SHDJSHJDH also pls excuse the crappy writing this was made at 4am last night😳
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stargazerholland · 4 years
Home - Peter Parker
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary : You’re left to do an English assignment that catches you off guard, but Peter may or may not have been your inspiration.
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Warnings: Cussing (let me know if you find any, though!)
Words: 3.2 k
What is home? The message was sprawled across the board as your English teacher, Mr. Gilloway stared at the class, eyebrows scrunched up and his hooked nose crinkled. The soft light bounced off of his bald head. 
“Since you all like to complain about wanting to go home, you might as well write down what is home. You can either write it as a descriptive piece, because I’d live to know why you want to go so badly,” he said sarcastically, “Or whatever comes to mind. It’s due in a month, so Flash, you better not complain about not having completed your work. You will also have to present in front of the class just so I can hear your wonderful voices grace my god-awful days. Class dismissed.” 
You had no idea as to what is home to you, as you’ve never felt at home wherever you go. It seemed as though you never stuck to one place. A million thoughts ran through your mind thinking of a solution as to how you were going to come up with an answer, when you meet up with your best friends, Ned Leeds and Peter Parker near the school’s overcrowded parking lot.
“Hey, Y/N! Are you ok? You look a bit.. distracted.” Ned stated, his voice laced with concern. Ned always looked out for you, right after Peter. The duo had welcomed you into their “super secret that no other soul should ever be told cult” with open arms, when you had first moved to Queens. Overtime, the three of you were inseparable, the school knowing you as the three who would be sitting in the quiet, snug corner of the cafeteria fighting over who was the actual hero in Star Wars. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine, just thrown ‘off the rails’, if that’s even a saying,” You created air quotes to try to emphasize it, “it’s just Mr. Gilloway being a pain in the ass with his ‘deep and meaningful projects’ that are supposed to bring us to a realization of some unknown idea to our ‘uneducated minds’, whatever he means.” The Polynesian boy smiled, his pudgy cheeks showing off the rosiness of his almond skin tone.
“Peter and I both told you not to take AP English and look at where it got you, huh,” he taunted, as you looked to see both of them give their signature ‘I told you so’ faces, with their eyebrows raised and an amused smile, “just goes to show that we’re always right.” 
With a roll of your eyes, you moved on to go home, 
“Yeah, yeah, thanks mom. I’m gonna head out now. See you in chem tomorrow.” Before you left to catch the subway, Peter grabbed your wrist and said, 
“Wanna come over? May misses you and we’d love to have you for the evening.”
You quickly nodded in affirmation and sent your mom a text to let her know about your whereabouts. The ride to his place was the same as always, sharing the headphones to listen to AC/DC, you complaining about Flash being your lab partner, and Peter sharing the previous night’s events during his patrol. Everything felt right at the moment, as if he was your safety blanket. Peter had the ability to radiate this sense of comfort even if you were across the room from him. 
The subway finally stopped at your final destination, and you soon found yourself in the small, cozy apartment. It was the same as always, the soft grey throw blanket draped over the back of the worn out brown couch, and the smell of charred bread in the air. It was simple, just like the family. You sent a simple wave to Peter’s Aunt May and followed Peter to his room to start on your Chemistry homework. 
Hours later, there were papers filled with math calculations and Chemistry formulas scattering the small room, as Peter was munching on some cheese-flavored potato chips. 
“Did you get seventeen moles of copper nitrate for number 8?” Peter inquired, causing you to let out a groan.
“It’s seventeen? I got twenty-nine. Pete, I’m a hopeless teenager who doesn’t understand a single thing about this right now,” You heard a chuckle across from you and looked up, only to find Peter staring at you, something was different about his expression, but you still threw you eraser at him. Peter simply replied, 
“Instead of complaining, you could have just asked. Lemme see what’s wrong… Ah,” he went on to explain the confusing lesson, however everything he said became sets of useless words as you were focusing on what was happening to you. Your entire body filled with warmth, while your heart was beating feverishly, like you’d just ran a marathon. The constant feeling of elevation in your stomach was overbearing, it felt like the spark on a tungsten before it reached the gunpowder for fireworks. It was different to what authors wrote in their stories, it was so much more than what you’d imagine, but it didn’t feel like love. The constant overcame your mind until you heard Peter call your name,  
“Y/N, Y/N, are you still alive? May’s calling us for dinner, it’s Thai Food Thursday.” For the rest of the night, you could feel yourself being distant and distracted from the conversation, all thanks to Peter. 
A week later, you still hadn’t made any progress on your English paper, which made you dread English class even more than you had before. Your past made it harder to even get an understanding of what home even was when all you could think of was your father. 
Your father was always distant from you and your mother, acting like a guest at a bed and breakfast where he was only there for the night. Some weeks, he’d have to leave for a business trip, not coming back for a few weeks, or at least you thought that until you found him at a city nearby while being on a class field trip the fifth grade. He was with a familiar woman who you’d known growing up, Aunt Lydia, your mother’s younger sister. It turned out that your father had become infatuated with her in the duration of his first marriage, eventually starting a new family with Aunt Lydia and being much happier with her. The news spread like wildfire in a forest, eventually getting to your mother last. It broke you to know that your father would rather spend his days with some other kids than with you, another woman instead of your mother. After a short 2 weeks, the two of you had packed your bags and moved to Queens to forget the past, making it seem as if everything you knew from before was now supposed to be thrown out of a window. The project was no use when now all you could think of was a cold space where tension was intermingled in the air, and pain stained into the deepest threads of the couch pillows when you thought of home. 
The library was almost completely empty, which was usual considering that the people of New York had better things to do than spend their time at the library, except for you, Peter, and now Ned. It was your annual reader’s binge night, where you’d all spend the afternoon reading a book from start to end, and then go out for a sub at the small, family-owned deli from around the corner. It was a tradition, and allowed you to bask in each other’s presence without the hassle of having to talk. The sounds of iced coffee being sipped and the constant whoosh of pages could be heard throughout the day. After the author had infuriated you enough with their cliche-filled sci-fi novel, you looked up to break the silence, until the sight of the room stopped you. More specifically, Peter. The sunlight shining in through the gigantic windows had illuminated the small features of his fair, pale face, like the freckles that were sprinkled all over his nose and cheeks just as the course sugar on sugar cookies. His chestnut brown hair became an array of colors as the copper undertones shining through, as he was concentrating on the book before him. Peter’s state of peace made you feel safe, as if nothing bad was going to happen to you. The time flew by as if it were like seconds as you continued to take in his image, until you felt a twinge on the side of your head, looking to your side to find a plastic straw on the ground.
“Y/N, you can stare at Peter after finishing the book. Now hurry up or else Mr. Delmar’s is gonna close up shop before we even finish!” Ned exclaimed as he smirked at your actions. Peter softly chuckled as you flipped off Ned, before all three of you went back to the book. While you mindlessly flipped pages, all that you could ponder was the same weird feeling that you felt at Peter’s house. It was almost as if you belonged there, as if you weren’t an outcast who had came out of nowhere. There was something about the feelings you had that you couldn’t comprehend completely, but it was becoming more and more prominent to you each day. Whatever the universe is trying to tell me, it sure is fucking me over, you thought, just as you saw your best friends close their books. Peter saw your expression, it was evident that you were deep in thought, and asked, 
“You okay, Y/N?” To which you simply replied in the most New York way possible, 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wanna go grabba sub now?”
You picked up the group’s sandwiches and headed over when you heard Ned and Peter talking about you, 
“I don’t know, Ned, Y/N is hard to be around when she can’t even take a hint,” You stopped dead in your tracks, like gravity was pulling you down and you weren’t able to move your feet. It felt like the day at the school field trip, everything you once knew was fabricated and far from what you thought your friendship was. 
“Peter, you’re going to have to tell her someday. It’s hurting you and it's probably gonna hurt her too in the future,” you took your chance and walked in before any more damage could be done to your friendship. 
“Whatcha talkin’ about?” You said as you sat down. The two shook their heads, muttering words that you couldn’t make out, and started a new conversation. Throughout the rest of the day, you couldn’t help but wonder about what you’d done wrong, guilt and fear flowing through your veins as if your blood had been replaced with it. 
You  invited Peter over the next day for dinner to repay him for when you ate at his house last time, and in hopes to try to mend whatever tension Peter was feeling. The dingy apartment that you’d been living in for the past 5 years was usually dull and quiet, your mom still hadn’t comprehended how her sister could betray her and you were left trying to feel the same way as she did when you were younger, when your family wasn’t broken. While eating the burnt ends of your chicken parm, the English project was still running on your mind. Of course Peter knew you were thinking about it, so naturally, he had to ask how the English assignment was coming along. 
“I can’t connect with anyone or anything that relates to my home. I am genuinely convinced that literally everyone hates me, and soon I’ll be living alone with my three cats in a studio apartment!” You complained as your arms flew up in exaggeration. Peter, on the other hand, seemed frustrated, with his eyes in annoyance and his knuckles turning white from clenching them so hard. Peter cried,
“Well, maybe if you would just open up and try to let more people into your life, then you wouldn’t be here right now!” At this point, the tension you tried to get rid of was now a thick fog that couldn’t be seen through. 
“That’s impossible, Peter! You, out of all people, know it’s hard for me to get close with someone, when practically no one finds me bearable,” you looked at him with anger, “not even you.” Peter was taken aback, 
“How did you hear that?” 
“So it was true,” you scoffed as you felt the wet trail of plump tears run down your cheeks, “gee, thanks a lot, Pete.” He stood up, intimidating you, as he boomed,
“Well, yeah, it is. All you ever do is push away anyone whoever tries to get close to you. You’ve built this thick barrier around everyone and it stupid. Grow up and stop acting like a four year-old, it's annoying,” and immediately walked out the tiny apartment’s door. 
You sunk down in your chair, the tears flowing faster and add onto the pain-ridden apartment. There goes someone else I love, you pondered, I love you, Peter, more than I’ve loved anyone else. 
Your English assignment was now due in a week and a half's worth of time and you’d barely had an outline or a single idea as to what you wanted to write about. For multiple nights, you would just sit in front of your grey, busted laptop and stare at the blank document until you’d figured it was now time to sleep. Multiple sentences that were once on the document soon disappeared by the click of a button immediately after.
As sleep-deprived teenagers rushed to leave the room, you went up to Mr. Gilloway, intimidated by the hunch on his back that formed every time he was scrolling down the New York Times about another political outburst from the Senator. It wasn’t that Mr. Gilloway was bad in person, it was just that he tended to be very unfiltered. All it took was one glance from him and you knew that you were going to take in the bitter and harshful words about not working on the assignment. But you took the leap anyway, and took all the courage you had in you to ask,
“Mr. Gilloway, I don’t know what to write for the assignment. I keep thinking about it, but nothing is coming to mind and I really have no clue as to what home is.” Squeezing you eyes, you braced for the string of words that were meaningless to him.  
“Well, what was it like for you to be at home? Anyone particular who comes to mind? Or perhaps a memory that just replays over and over in your head? Remember, Y/N that home is not a definitive object, you can make it anything you want. It could be the simplest idea, or something over the top, but that is what it means to you. I have full trust in you to go with your guts and write wha’ is home to you,” Mr. Gilloway gently replied. His response was out of character compared to who he really was. It was unrecognizable, sympathy and gentleness was the last thing that would come across anyone’s mind when they thought of Mr. Gilloway. Unable to form words, you nodded your head, only to hear, “Now go, I need to catch up on what our jackass of a Senator we have right now.” 
It wasn’t until you got onto your laptop once again when you knew what to write about. You finally had an idea. 
It was finally the day of the presentation and your nerves got the best of you. The past week was more muted, with evenings spent writing the English assignment, and the daytime spent studying in the library in hopes to avoid Peter. It was also the most emotionally draining week, knowing you couldn’t just go up and tell him how you really felt about him. 
Y/N, it’s your turn. And Flash, puh-LEASE keep the flirting for someplace else, my classroom is not a ‘Singles Mingle’,” Mr. Gilloway said. The voice at the back of your head kept telling you don’t mess up, don’t mess up, don’t mess up. The anxiety of sharing something so intimate with a group of bored teenagers was nerve wracking, so much so that your hands were quivering. 
“Home is an abstract idea, and to most people, it is their place to go to sleep, eat, and repeat. In my entire life, I'd never felt like I was at home until just recently when I came to know how I know I am at home. Home is a blend of emotions, where there are multiple feelings every time you’re there, A sense of belonging, where no matter how different, broken, or mismanaged  a person is, they still know that the very spot will always let them be themselves. Home is where a person feels comfort and safety, where they know that they will be supported and consoled through all the times you’ve been through. A sense of adoration that lingers in the air, making a person feel loved for who they are. The idea that a person knows who they are when they’re at this place, or with this person, makes us realize that this very place is our home. My home is with someone who I’ve known for a while, and even a glance into their brown eyes makes me feel complete. As they always say, home is where the heart lies.” 
You looked around the room to see blank stares and an unusual smile from Mr. Gilloway, but it was relieving to feel the overbearing weight of not knowing yourself being lifted off your shoulders. 
Once class had ended, you heard your name being called by none other than Peter. 
“Was your speech about me?” Peter had a look of desperation and hope, “I feel like home to you?” How’d he listen? You thought, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.  
“I asked Mr. Gilloway,” Peter had read your mind, “Y/N, I only said I couldn’t bear you because I’m so deeply in love with you, but you never see that. It’s kind of hard to be friendzoned all the time, y’know?” 
The moment you had awaited all along finally came in the least expected way, nor was it how everyone else described it to be. There were no fireworks in the background but instead, it was just as if the world had stopped around you. 
“I love you too, Peter,” you whispered. 
“So is it true?” With a simple nod and a small smile, you said, 
“Yeah, it is about you, Peter.” A soft smile creeps up his face as he pulls you into his arms. It felt right, as if your body was perfectly molded to fit into his embrace. You decided to take the risk and pulled away, placing your hands over his pillowy cheeks, and pulled him towards you. You placed your lips on his, they were soft and smooth, with a hint of vanilla from the chapstick you made him use after seeing how rough they were a few months back. Peter kissed back, trying to empty all the love and adoration he had kept inside of him. 
You couldn’t tell what the future held for you two, but you made a vow, right then and there that you would protect him with your entire heart, help him after his patrol’s and night, and most importantly, keep him in your heart for the rest of your life. 
This was your home, right here with Peter. 
A/N: Hi! I hope you liked this piece, I’ve had a a writer’s block for almost 2 years now, so to write this was a bit of a struggle, but it’s all good! Feel free to send over any requests or criticism. I also have to give an honorary mention to @wazzupmrstark​! Her INCREDIBLE works gave me a bit of a push and inspo to get back to writing, so thank you so so much Kaili! (i’ll stop annoying you guys, byee :) )
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archivistsammy · 4 years
“Castiel, the self-hating angel of Thursday. You know what every other version of you did after ‘gripping him tight and raising him from perdition?’ They did what they were told. But not you! Not the ‘one off the line with a crack in his chassis.’”
I'm in this tarot study group this year, and as I dive deeper into my tarot practice, it finally occurred to me to apply it where my brain is most occupied these days: Supernatural. And I promise, I’m gonna get back to that quote I started with. But for now, bear with me as I start breaking down the first card in just about every popular tarot deck. Also, bear with me as I reference a lot of other tarot writing--I turned this shit into my homework.
In most tarot decks, the Fool is card #0 numerically. Being card #0, it represents a sort of prologue to the metaphysical journey relayed in each of the tarot’s 22 major arcana cards. The Fool stands as a sort of unsullied, outsider perspective that’s brimming with potential and optimism and opportunity, because they haven’t actually started on their path yet. Everything is still rosy and possible in the Fool’s eyes. They’re not particularly interested in the details of the road before them, they’re just ready to go.
Bakara Wintner describes the Fool as being “a sponge, a blank slate,” and “possessing no knowledge of the world he is about to step into and therefore too uninformed to be afraid.” Which tells us that the Fool is an earnest figure, and an authentic one. There’s no deceit in the Fool’s eyes, and perhaps more importantly, the Fool does not anticipate deceit in the eyes of others. He’s trusting, and he’s honest. I love how Melissa Cynova talks about the Fool, that he “has no agenda, no hidden plans or shenanigans up his sleeve. He is guileless.” She adds, “He’s going to be honest and forthright regardless of the circumstance,” and tell me that doesn’t sound like our favorite angel. Rachel Pollack says that in some early tarot decks, the Fool was actually called “The Fool of God'', and she connects this title with other associations society historically had with fools, pointing out that folks on the fringe were often considered to be graced with a higher wisdom “precisely because they were out of touch” with everyone else. Again, I dare you to tell me that doesn’t sound like our boy, Cas.
When Castiel first shows up in season four, he’s a lot of things. Mysterious. Powerful. Driven. But we learn pretty soon that Cas is about as lost as anyone. That he has questions, doubts. But also that he has faith--in God, in Heaven, in Dean. Faith is a pretty key aspect of the Fool--she doesn’t know what’s going to happen once she starts on her journey, but she’s got faith it’s all going to work out. That’s not a perfect description of Castiel, but there’s overlap. I see in Cas that willingness to jump for the betterment it may bring to the world at large. Cas has set himself on a lot of journeys that may or may not work out how he plans, but what ties them together is that leap of faith. That conviction in his choice, even if he doesn’t have all the answers or know what exactly will happen. Whether he’s disavowing the angels to join Team Free Will; making a run for it after breaking free of Naomi’s mind control, angel tablet in hand; protecting Kelly and Jack because he trusts in the vision Jack presents him from Kelly’s womb. These are all times Cas trusts in something bigger than himself in the hopes things will be better for it. And in my opinion, this trust is one of Cas’ defining qualities.
There’s also a naiveté in Cas that we sometimes see with the Fool. Think of Cas as a human in season nine, figuring out for the first time what it means to taste, to feel, to hunger. Or the handful of times Castiel has decided to be a hunter, unaware of how to do it, unaware of how to lie and manipulate because that’s just not how he sees things. Then there’s Castiel recovering in the mental hospital in season seven, loving wholeheartedly every bee and flower because they’re beautiful, miraculous, pure. I see the Fool in these character moments, I really do. I hear the Fool in this exchange between Castiel and Claire in season ten,
Claire: You’ve changed. The Castiel I met? He was crappy. Like, super stuck-up and a dick, and you just wanted to punch him in his stupid angel face.
Castiel: I don’t think I was that bad.
Claire: You totally were. And now you’re just…I don’t know. Nicer. And kind of a doof. No offense.
Castiel: Yes, well, um…Before, I was very self-assured. I was convinced I was on this righteous path. Now I realize that there is no righteous path. It’s just people trying to do their best in a world where it’s far too easy to do your worst.
Claire: Wow. Deep.
Castiel: Yeah. For a doof.
Maybe this is a Fool who’s seen some shit, sure, but the echo of his earlier faith is there still in the pragmatic assessment of the world as he sees it. This is a Cas that’s been humbled by hubris, who now realizes the world is filled with little Fools making their jumps, not always knowing if it’s soft grass or sharp rocks below them. And I think what kills me the most about this exchange, is that even now, Cas is being played. Claire’s about to ditch him after having this heart-to-heart, and it’s not going to change a thing about how he feels about her. He’s got that faith, y’all. In her as a person, in his love for her as his broken little family. It’s the same kind of faith he’ll have in Jack after leaving with Kelly:
Castiel: I've been so lost. I'm not lost anymore. And I know now that this child must be born with all of his power.
Sam: You can't actually mean that.
Castiel: Yes. I do. I have faith.
This is a very different Castiel than the one who wanted to kill Jesse in season five, the human-demon child antichrist who Cas is determined to kill to prevent the apocalypse. Jesse is only tangentially related to Lucifer, only a mere twelve years old, and Castiel takes considerable convincing to spare him. Seven years later, however, Castiel has experienced enough of the world, grown enough as a person, to be open to something different with Jack, the actual child of the devil. He trusts in a way he didn’t before. 
That quote at the top, that’s another moment--an iconic moment, to be honest--that screams Fool at me. This is Chuck, God himself, telling Cas that he’s always acted in his own accordance. That he’s been a complete outlier to Chuck’s plan. That every other version Chuck created of Castiel followed orders, questioned nothing, and made no wild, reckless, terrifying leaps of faith off the precipice of duty and into some greater unknown. Only Castiel, in his dirty trench coat and in love with the world (with Dean), had the nerve to see what else was out there.
Mary K. Greer, in her tarot workbook, Tarot for Yourself, suggests this question when we think of the Fool: “In what areas of your life are you operating on faith and trust?” This to me is what Castiel asks of us, too. In what ways do we lean into that which we believe? What do we believe in the first place? In what ways do we honor that belief? In what ways do we honor what we love and let that love be that which guides us? Castiel could have just as easily been another card for this project. One half of the Lovers (choice in love!), or the Hanged Man (talk about a shift in worldview). But at the end of the day, when I look at Castiel, beloved angel of Thursday, I see someone earnest and good, ready to discover a world bigger than he ever could have known it would be. And that, to me, is 100% Fool.
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lonelyandlovelorn · 5 years
Sorry, I’m Awkward - Part 3
A/N: I tried to make the dress as vague as possible while still giving some description so that it could be whatever style you think fits you best. Not a ton happening in this chapter, but it’s set up for next chapter, the last(?) chapter. I don’t have time to proofread this again before posting it, so sorry for any errors. 
Genre: fluff 
Warning: swearing
Word count: 1900
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem reader
Summary: On a mission with the Winter Soldier himself, you learn he’s not actually an ass and that you’re more embarrassing than you thought. 
Sorry, I’m Awkward Masterlist
If you could have slept in, you would have. Unfortunately, a life spent training and on missions had your body basically incapable of sleeping past dawn. This was usually a good thing, but that morning you were simply dying to stay in bed a little longer. As you came to, you realized you were once again much warmer than usual. You didn’t need to move or even think that hard to realize that the weight around your middle was Bucky’s arm and the heat was coming from his body pressed against your back. For a moment, you began to plan out how to sneak out of his hold like you did yesterday. After a second, you paused to realize that you could stay. You could go back to sleep, or at least pretend to, and he would never have to know. Slowly, you relaxed your muscles that had been gearing up to get out of the bed and melted into his hold. You deepened your breaths and simply basked in the comfort of being held by another person with no urgent reason to get up. 
You stayed like that for at least another hour, dozing off and on but mostly awake. At the end of that hour, you heard Bucky take a deep breath as he woke up. Your heartbeat sped up but you closed your eyes and kept you breathing even as you felt him begin to move. Before he fully gained consciousness, you would swear he nuzzled into the crook of your neck. A few seconds later, he seemed to jolt into awareness, as if he suddenly realized that he didn’t normally sleep with his face tucked into someone. In an action mimicking yours yesterday morning, Bucky slowly sat up, releasing you and moving so as not to disturb you. 
You wanted to get up with him, as you couldn’t see much point in staying in bed without your personal space heater, but you didn’t want him to know you had been awake for all of it. You stayed in place, focusing on the rise and fall of your chest. You were a trained spy, of course you knew how to pretend to be asleep. The problem was, you didn’t usually have to practice in front of super soldiers you had just been spooned by.
You could hear him moving around the room, and you would swear you felt his eyes on you before you heard the bathroom door close and the shower turn on. You figured the coast was clear and peaked around the room through a cracked eyelid, happy to see that he wasn’t lingering. You were pretty proud of yourself for fooling him as you sat up and stretched. 
It was still pretty early in the morning, but you decided to go ahead and get to work planning out tonight as much as you could. You had let Tony know about the gala and he had promised a delivery of appropriate clothes by noon today. You were a little nervous about letting someone else choose a dress for you, but you figured it would be Natasha or Pepper, and they both had great taste. 
You had already brewed shitty motel coffee and held a mug of it as you perched on a chair with your laptop in front of you when Bucky left the bathroom. Luckily or unluckily, he had remembered a shirt this time and came out fully clothed, his hair in wet tangles dripping onto his shoulders. You sent him a smile before turning back to your work you had set out before you. 
You were both in professional mode as you plotted out the evening, mentioning neither the kisses of yesterday nor the cuddling of this morning. You knew how important this mission was and you were both determined to put away someone responsible for such terrible things. You would have to pretend to be a couple again tonight, but this time you were meant to be rich and sophisticated, though maybe still a little crazy in love. You had pointed out how well that allowed for a cover-up, should you get caught somewhere you shouldn’t be. Young lovers fooling around was an easy story that you could sell if you had to. He agreed. 
You were both going over the layout of the building the gala was being held in when there was a knock on your door and an alert on your phone. You checked the message as Bucky looked through the peephole. You smiled at the text from Tony that simply said “Ta-da!” 
Bucky didn’t open the door and looked back to you. “There’s no one outside.” 
“It’s the clothes for tonight, Tony just messaged me.” You watched the tension in his shoulders ease as he opened the door to find a box outside. He grabbed it and closed the door, latching it again. You were excited to open it and see what they had sent you. You didn’t get to dress up very often and you were really looking forward to it. Plus, if Tony bought it, you knew it was high quality. 
Bucky pulled it open to reveal his tux first. The box was pretty big and it had been very neatly folded to avoid too much wrinkling. He grabbed it and hung it in the closet and you realized as he held it that a portion of your excitement for tonight also came from seeing him all dressed up. You looked into the box and pulled out two shoe boxes, one containing dress shoes and another with a pair of simple silver heels. You were grateful they hadn’t tried to give you anything too crazy in case it came to a fight. You set both of the boxes in the closet as Bucky reached into the box again. You could see his confusion as he pulled out a small duffle bag. He opened it to pull out a curling iron, a make up bag, and some other styling products. 
“Of course they thought of everything,” you laughed to yourself as you grabbed it. 
Finally, you got a look in the box and couldn’t contain your excitement. You pulled the dress out and couldn’t help the gasp that escaped you. It was gorgeous. Deep green, with a low neckline and a slit up the side. It was a fit that Pepper knew complimented you. You were grateful that it was nearly tailored perfectly to cover up any unsightly scars, but still allowed you to show some skin. Plus, the leg slit might really come in handy. 
“That’ll look great on you,” Bucky said as you were busy fawning over the dress. You beamed at him as you hung it in the closet, suddenly renewed with energy and bounding with excitement. Unfortunately, you still had at least three hours before you could start getting ready. 
“I’m sure you look handsome in your tuxedo too, Buck.” You weren’t sure when you had decided to shorten his name, but he didn’t seem to mind. The bashful smile he sent you had butterflies dancing in your stomach. 
After a moment of staring at your gown once more, you both sat down and returned to work.
It was finally three o’clock. The gala didn’t start until six, but it was an hour away and you wanted plenty of time to get ready. Besides, you felt like you and Bucky both had the plan figured out. You quickly showered before beginning. 
You were practically bouncing with excitement as you walked towards the bed where the small duffle had been set. You went about setting everything up in the bathroom so you could beautify yourself. You turned on the curling iron and began going through the makeup that had been sent to you. You began applying your make up, a little intense to match the dress, but not so intense that you would stand out. While you wanted to look good and the dress was stunning, neither was meant to draw the eye to you. You put the finishing touches on your makeup and added curls to your hair, tousling it to loosen them. After a little over an hour staring at yourself in the mirror, you gave your face a once-over before nodding in satisfaction. You put everything back in the bag and turned off the curling iron. 
You exited the bathroom to allow Bucky a chance to get dressed before you put on your dress. Did his eyes linger on you? You couldn’t be sure.All you knew for sure was that you must have been nearly drooling at the sight of him in his tuxedo, he looked so good. Figuring a little shameless flirting would be okay, you began to fan yourself. “Well damn, Why have I never seen you in a tux before?” You were sure this time that his cheeks took on a rosy color, which made him even more attractive. The tuxedo really fit him like a glove, pristine black and white with a black bowtie. The jacket accentuated how fit he was and you were completely incapable of stopping your eyes from raking over his form. After ogling him for a minute, you heard him clear his throat and looked up to meet his eyes. It was endearing how flustered he looked.
Getting it together, you stood up to grab your dress and get changed. Bucky hadn’t seen it, but Nat or Pepper had also apparently snuck in lingerie to go under the dress. You put it on and looked in the mirror, feeling good about yourself. You shimmied into the gown, pulling up the zipper with a little effort and smoothing it down before looking in the mirror. You couldn’t remember the last time you had truly felt beautiful, but this gown boosted your confidence tenfold. 
After another minute of looking at your own reflection, you turned to exit the bathroom and made sure your eyes were on Bucky to see his reaction. You were silently overjoyed to see the ways his eyes widened and traveled the length of your body before meeting your gaze. You gave him your best coy smile and gave him a small twirl. “What do you think?”
“You look- wow,” he answered, seemingly lost for words. Seeing a man like him speechless over you had you feeling on top of the world. He was standing near the table where your shoebox was set next to a small clutch, silver to match your shoes. In it was a pair of earrings and a necklace to top off the outfit. You added your accessories before finally putting on your shoes while leaning on Bucky’s shoulder for stability. You were positive that he had sucked in a breath of air when you touched him. You were practically glowing with how good you felt about the dress and your effect on the soldier. 
Standing in front of him, you filled your clutch with the essentials - you know, your phone, lipstick, and a knife or three - before turning to face him. “You ready?” you asked with a grin. 
He let out a breath before returning your smile. “As I’ll ever be.” 
Tag(s): @emotionallysalty @ficrecsandreviews @fandomsfallnomore @aquaastrid @mariah-vg 
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just-existing1 · 5 years
14 Days of College AUs!
Pairing: Cha Eunwoo x Reader
Warning: None
Summary: You and Eunwoo seem to have some sort of destiny together. From middle school, you two have been in the same class. How is it possible that you and he are still in the same classes in college?
Words: 1,682
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The sound of your footsteps was the only thing that added life to an otherwise completely dead room. It wasn’t going to happen this year, right? There was no way that it could happen. How was it possible? Were you guys so similar that even your brains thought of the same courses? You and Eunwoo weren’t friends, you didn’t talk about your schedules, so how in the world did you two share the same schedules for the last two years? You could understand how you guys were in the same class throughout middle school and high school but to be in the same classes while attending college seemed to be a curse.
So, that’s how you got here. Pacing back and forth in your pajamas with serious bedhead while you should be getting ready to attend your first lecture of the year. You’re pulled from your existential crisis when you hear your phone buzzing repeatedly on your bed. Glancing at the screen you sigh and answer the phone.
“Where are you? I’ve been standing outside your building for almost ten minutes!” The sound of your twin brother’s voice is shrill, and you can tell he’s angry.
“I’ll be down soon. I’m almost ready,” You lie, hanging up and rush around your room to get ready. After making yourself look presentable you ran down the stairs and out of the building seeing your brother, Nathan. His espresso colored hair was being tousled by the slight breeze and he was staring at his watch. You bounced over to him smiling softly and engulf him in a bone-crushing hug.
“How is it that you weren’t ready? You text me saying you were awake two hours ago, Y/N,” He rolls his eyes and drapes his arm across your shoulders.
“I got distracted by something.”
“Something? Or someone? Were you wondering if Eunwoo is going to be in your class again this year?” Your eyes widen as you look at him, he had always been pretty good at knowing what was running around in your thoughts but this time it caught you off guard.
“How… You know what? Forget it, there’s no way it could happen again,” You mumble and head off with your brother.
Once your brother heads off in another direction you let yourself fall victim to the thought of Eunwoo being in your class again. It’s not like you hated him, you only had a mild dislike of him. Because he always seemed to do better than you on tests, homework, papers, pretty much everything. The worst part was that it was always by one or two points. You got a 99 and Eunwoo got full marks, you got a 93 and Eunwoo got a 95. It never ceased to amaze you at how much that really riled you up and you often pushed yourself to work harder, but he was ahead of you, no matter what.
You stepped into the lecture, your eyes flitting around the room. No sign of him. You walked over to a table close to the front of the room. Your theory was that if you sat closer to the Professor the less inclined you be to do anything but pay attention. As you got out your syllabus and went over it once more, you heard people greeting the Professor. You smiled; eyes set on the clock. The class was about to start and there was no sign of Eunwoo at all. For once, it seemed like the universe wasn’t trying to make you question if you had done something in a past life to deserve the anger he brought when he came sweeping in like he owned the lecture halls.
“Okay class, welcome back to schoo-” The professor cut off as the door opened and you choked on air. There he was. His black hair was shining beneath the lights on the ceiling and his skin looked like it was glowing. You decide that he must have spent his summer outside because his tan is so beautiful, or had he just always had such nice skin? You shake your head, glaring down at your notebook and groan inwardly. Of course, the universe wouldn’t give you a break, why should it? But also, why were you noticing how gorgeous Eunwoo was now. You always knew he was attractive but why did you find yourself so fascinated by him in this moment?
“Do you mind?” Your head snaps up to see him smile at you motioning to the chair beside you.
“Oh, no. Go ahead,” You move your backpack and sit it on the floor beside your feet and lean on your elbows as you listen to the Professor once more.
“How was your summer?” Eunwoo’s voice makes you jump slightly, and he chuckles softly while staring at you with soft eyes.
“It was good. How was yours? Did you spend a lot of time outside?” You reply and he nods.
“I made sure to spend more time outside this year. Your brother mentioned that you took a couple of summer courses,” Your eyebrow twitches. You knew Eunwoo and your brother were friends, but you didn’t know why Nathan felt the need to share what you had done over the summer with him.
“Yeah, I did… I took a couple of courses that weren’t being offered this semester. I didn’t know that you had spoken to Nathan, he never mentioned it,” Your voice was dismissive and dry as you turned away from his warm eyes.
“Oh… Okay,” Eunwoo’s voice seemed sad. You rolled your eyes, why would Eunwoo be disappointed that your brother hadn’t mentioned him. You peeked at Eunwoo sideways, his lips were parted, and he was watching the Professor intently.
He was breathtaking; you couldn’t deny it. The way the lights hit him made him look ethereal and you found yourself reaching out to fix a displaced patch of hair. The black strands were soft against your fingertips and when you noticed him observing you, you immediately snapped back to reality. Burying your face in your papers, you tried to desperately hide the rosy color that was dusting your cheeks.
‘What are you doing, you crazy person? How could you just touch him like that? What is going on with you?’ You scream the questions at yourself silently before noticing the paper that was slid across the table to you. You squint at it, wondering if you should open it or ignore it altogether. You relent, flipping the paper over to see Eunwoo’s handwriting, you press your pen down harder than usual as you write and push it back to him.
Thank you for fixing my hair… unless you just wanted to touch it and in that case, it’s okay too.
Oh, thank you for not thinking that I’m super weird. Most people would probably have looked at me like I was a creep or something.
It’s okay, I don’t think you’re creepy. But, really, was my hair messed up?
Yes, I don’t just reach over and touch people because I feel like it, Eunwoo.
Hmm… I guess that’s a good thing. People can’t think you’re weird if you don’t do things to be weird.
Well, that’s kind of the point isn’t it? To not be weird?
I don’t know, maybe? Why do you care about what other people think?
Let’s not get into that… I do have a question though. Why were you upset when I told you that my brother hadn’t mentioned you?
Because I’ve been telling him how much I like you. How pretty you are. How much I want to ask you out, but you seemed like you never liked me. Granted I shouldn’t have expected anything since you didn’t even pay attention to me in high school.
You like me?
Why do you think we take the same classes? I’ve been trying to get your attention for so long. But when college came around, I didn’t know how that was possible. Then the day before class registration, your brother sent me the classes you were taking and told me that while he wouldn’t put in a good word for me that he would try to help me without you knowing.
Nathan is going to die tonight, so you better say your goodbyes to him. Also, you should’ve asked me out before deciding to join all my classes. All it’s done is make me upset because you keep scoring higher than me on literally everything.
Yeah, it kept happening and it started making me angry. In high school you and I had similar rankings and I figured that I would be better in college because you wouldn’t be around to make me lower but there you were, the same things kept happening.
What? I don’t need your help studying. The thought of beating your score one day keeps me going.
I want to go out with you, not study with you.
Oh… Still? Even after knowing my reason for ignoring you.
Even after that. Especially after that. Because one day, I hope instead of wanting to beat my scored that you’ll be proud of me instead.
You turned to him and let out a soft laugh. His eyes turn into cute crescents and you find the thought of being with him making you happy. You let your eyes drop to his notes and see very detailed descriptions of everything the professor has said. Panic takes over as you realize that you hadn’t been paying attention at all, you bring your pen up and start writing, making sure to not miss a single thing on the board. Something touches your elbow and you glance over. Eunwoo moved his notebook closer, your eyes settled on a yellow post-it-note:
Don’t worry, you can use mine. I’ll keep track of what he’s saying so just relax and listen.
You brought your pen up and placed it on the yellow paper. Eunwoo pulled the notebook back and smiled excitedly as he read your message:
When’s our first date?
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bad timing
REQUEST: “ so you know when george loses his ear? with the head injury he gets amnesia but one of the things he remembers is how much he loves the reader (mutual pining but nothing has ever been said bc oblivious dorks r my fave) and he is convinced they must be together bc he is filled with adoration and spends all his time telling reader and his family how smitten he is and how lucky he is and the reader is all !!!!!! and tries to tell george he's mistaken that it's his injury and he's like NONSENSE you are the love of my life and like yeah... that's how a bump to the head finally knocks some sense into two idiots” by @newtandtheseus​
A/N: This was Rosie’s request after winning a place in my giveaway! she told me the idea and I’m super excited to write it!!!
WARNINGS: None lol. Some angst. 
DESCRIPTION: George gets his head bonked when his ear gets chopped off. It changes what was before a pretty tense situation between the two of you into you observing with quite a bit of shock, a very goofy and in love George Weasley.
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George didn't know a damn thing that was going on. While this was in the most technical sense an over exaggeration, right now it felt pretty right. He looked at everyone hovered above him, recognizing faces but missing a few names or understanding where he was, and George let out a groan before simply saying what first came to his head when his twin --oh hell how could he not remember that name-- asked him how he felt. 
His mother seemed to grow paler, as did you-- before he followed up with “’Cause I’m holey-- geddit?” 
You rolled your eyes and pinched the bridge of your nose as Molly gave George some most needed pain relief potion. 
“Glad to know you’ll be alright Weasley.” 
Adoring eyes met your very confused ones when the red haired man on the couch sleepily mumbled, “Who’s Weasley?” 
George watched as simultaneously, around the whole room everyone shot each other a concerned look. His eyes went back to being locked onto yours, with an amount of dedication that you’d longed for before but now seemed unnerving in these circumstances. Fred gave you a quick glance before patting George’s hand. 
“Just go to sleep, alright mate?” 
With a hum, the eldest Weasley twin fell asleep.
Later, when George woke up it took him a long while to remember what had happened. Even then he could tell there were lots of holes in his memory. 
He’d been hurt. He’d lost an ear. He was here with his family. You were here. There were also other people at the house as well but George didn’t have a damn idea who those were, other than knowing the faces. 
When you came into his view though, something huge came crashing into his memory. 
He loved you. 
He couldn’t remember how you met but he knew for sure that he’d adored you for years. 
You had a frown stitched onto your face that you couldn’t remove. Almost a mirror image of Molly. “Is he going to be okay? I dunno how much he remembers.” 
You’d known George for years-- and had settled into an odd situation with him romance wise. You were in love with him, entirely, but it had never worked out between you two when you actually wanted it to. He starts to like you? You’d just started dating someone else. You want to ask him out? He was snogging someone around the corner. 
Truly, it was a frustrating situation. 
Fred seemed rather sure of himself though, as he patted you on the back and led you back to the couch where George was resting. “Don’t worry-- We’ll figure out what he knows.” Fred perched himself on the couch next to George, and you settled down on the floor, your head about the same level as George’s. “So-- we’re gonna figure out what you know, and get you caught up. Ready mate?” 
George had a bit of trouble tearing his gaze from you, but managed to look at his twin. “Alright, sounds good.” 
“Do you know your name?” 
There was a sigh of relief on your end. This entire situation had caused an absurd amount of stress, more than you wanted to admit. “Do you know where you are?” 
There was a pause from George, “England.” at you and his twin’s peering eyes he admitted a bit more sheepishly, “Don’t know any more than that. I can’t remember a lot.” 
Fred shot George a cheerful grin. “Don’t worry Georgie-- you’ll start remembering things soon. You’re at the Burrow. It’s where we grew up. Do you remember my name?” 
Later on, Fred wouldn’t lie to George that it hurt that he didn’t remember his name, but for the moment Fred hid it well enough when George shook his head. 
“I’m sorry. I know it starts with an ‘F’ though--” 
“You’re close! It sounds like an ‘F’. It’s Philip. George and Philip is what everyone always calls us.” 
The scowl you shot at Fred was second only to his mothers. “Don’t mess with him like that Fred!” 
George glanced between you and Fred, “Is Fred his middle name?” 
Fred broke into a series of snickers, and felt just a bit better about everything now that there was a bit more humor in the situation. “Sorry George. My name’s Fred, not Philip. We like pranking, if you don’t remember that.” 
“I remember that. Just like I remember being the funnier one.” 
The brotherly banter you were so used to was back in full force, which provided a level of comfort to you that you could never articulate. Like that you stood up, about to say something about getting some water or seeing if Molly thought now would be a good time to move George since he seemed more aware. 
Only to be stopped by a tight grasp on your hand. Looking down you saw that look on George’s face again. That smile that grazed his lips. It made your heart do a series of flips. 
“We’re in love.” The certainty with which George said that left you gobsmacked, as well as the fact that he said it with Fred right next to you two. 
“We--” you looked at Fred for help, and found none as the man wore a delighted smile. 
Fred  always was a lover of chaotic things like this. 
What an asshole. 
“I love you and you love me and we’re dating, aren’t we?” 
You felt a heat spread across your face. “No-- no we aren’t together George. We’ve never dated before.” 
“We’ve gotta be though! I know it-- I love you to bits and I remember that. How would I feel that way if we weren’t in love?” 
You tried to stammer out a response when you heard the giddy voice of Molly Weasley from the doorway. “You two are in love?” 
Fred jammed his fist in his mouth as he tried not to laugh, and you decided to give him a solid whack upside the head later.  
The last few days had been a little hard on you. In an odd way. It was at first filled with you hearing wonderful things about how much George loved you and how lucky he was that you two were dating. Now though, as George’s memory was starting to come back you could see when he realized something he thought before was wrong. 
Before, he’d looked at you with so much love and adoration, and now he just seemed sad and confused when he saw you. 
Molly had asked you to bring him some tea, in a gesture you were sure was part of her plan for you and George to get together. 
George propped himself up in bed when he heard the door opening. He couldn’t hide the mixed emotions he felt when he saw you-- namely, embarrassment. 
He had spent so much time talking about how lucky he was to have you, how much he adored you to his family, and while they seemed happy-- they had broken the news to him that no-- you two weren’t together. You’d never been together actually. 
Truly, he couldn’t remember either way-- but George didn’t know who else he could trust if he didn’t trust his family. 
“Your mum asked to bring you some tea.”
George tore his eyes away from you and focused on an old stain on his blanket. “Thank you, y/n”
You paused for a little while, not sure what to say that would help. “You already asked your family a lot of questions didn’t you?” When he looked at you with a nod you continued, “Do you have any questions for me?” You sat on the edge of his bed, and gave him a smile. 
George’s heart did a few flips, and he started with the question that was at the forefront of his mind. “Are we together?” 
“No. We’ve never dated.” It hurt to have to say that, especially seeing how crestfallen he looked. “We’ve-- well, how much do you remember about school?” 
“Not a lot.” George racked his mind for a moment. Pranks-- Leaving Hogwarts on a broom-- glimpses of you-- Quidditch-- his siblings. “I remember things, but a lot’s not there.” 
“You and me have bad timing. There’s been a few times where we’ve wanted to-- or I’ve heard...” You clamped your mouth shut as you tried to get your words in order. “There’s been a lot of times where I’ve wanted to ask you out and it’s just been a bad time. Fred told me that something like that had happened with you too-- but I can’t be sure about that...” 
His head hurt almost constantly now, and this conversation wasn’t helping. “So we’ve never dated?” 
“But we’ve almost dated?” 
George’s brow crinkled at how ridiculous this all sounded. “Does that mean you love me too?” he could see the hesitation in your eyes, and while George didn’t remember a whole lot he knew what that look meant. He shot upwards in bed, “You do! I was right! Why didn’t you tell me?” 
Now it was your turn to have a red face. “Georgie-- you just got a concussion! You didn’t remember your last name until yesterday! It’s-- it didn’t really feel all that ethical to lean into what you were putting out! Pretty sure it’s not!” 
“But I was right we love each other!” 
“Yes! But--” 
You weren’t able to get any words of protest out, as you felt George scoop you into his arms and give you a crushing hug. 
It wasn’t until now that you were aware how much emotions could be conveyed from physical touch. Truly, this was the most loved you’d ever felt. Your lip wobbled a tiny bit as you tried to keep yourself from tearing up. Scrambling a bit so you could be more square in his lap, you could feel the big grin on his lips pressed against your shoulder. “You’re still not well though Georgie--” 
“Don’t care.” his voice was muffled against your shoulder. “You said we had bad timing before. I don’t care about timing. We’re in love.” 
Like that you let yourself melt against him, pulling away just enough to press a searing kiss to his lips. You gently cradled his face, careful to avoid touching his bandages or hurting him. Despite yourself you did tear up a bit. “We’re in love.” 
taglist: @newtandtheseus @insearchofnewdreams @fainting-fancy @siriuslyimmoony @oh-the-snowinthemoonlight @hermione-who @geeksareunique @phantomhive-shadow @notstandingstill-imlyinginwait @stillwater20-blog @dramatic-and-young @blusnowflakee @l-am-tired @lovelaughlivesmilebright @carolinesbookworld @imaginethis-st @xinyourdreamsx @skiving-snackboxess @wildfire-whizbangs @dwarfwizard-from-panem @doct0rstrange @slytherin2800 @diary-of-an-onliner @answer-the-sirens
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ngame989 · 5 years
“Christumpmasday” - TGG SVTFOE Fanfic Collection Ch. 4
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Writing: @ngame989
Art: @toxicpsychox (make sure to follow him for bonus pics from the story!)
Editing: @toxicpsychox, @seddm
Alternate fic links - FFnet, AO3
Summary: The holiday season is upon Earthni, and as her 16th birthday draws nearer, the blended festivities are leaving Star feeling down while they scramble to set up everything in time for the perfect Christumpmasday celebration.
Comic Page
Also doubles as a late @wholesome-week Holiday submission!
See below for the text, hope you enjoy!
“Is it… a dragon-cycle?”
“Nachos is too protective, if we got a second one she wouldn’t get along with them.” Marco ran his fingers carefully through the branches of the pine tree in front of him, giving it a gentle shake. Half of the needles fell to the ground.
“True, true. OK, what about, like, a cool sword or something?”
His focus was already on to the fourth tree in the row, ruling it out just as easily as the previous three. Disappointing. Didn’t anyone know how to properly maintain a healthy and good-looking evergreen? “Star, that’s just what you got me for my birthday. I’m not going to tell you your gift early. Besides, would you even want a sword? We can look for one sometime.”
“I’m good, just wondering. Just give me ooooone more guess… your abs?” He lurched forward in surprise, his reaction to the comment earning him a faceful of foliage. Shaking the needles out of his hood and spitting a few from his lips, he finally turned his full attention to his girlfriend, studying her as she leaned against the fence on the perimeter of the farm. She’d donned one of his hoodies overtop of her blue narwhal-embroidered outfit as emergency protection on the unexpectedly chilly day, as California’s relatively warm winters had mostly carried over to their slice of Earthni. Adorable rosy hues surrounded the heart marks on her cheeks, and he wasn’t quite sure it was from the cold - he was much more certain where his own flush was coming from, at least. “What? It’s super freezing and I’m super cold and I super do not like wood. I needed a distraction and my mind wandered back to the Neverzone after I mentioned the sword.”
“Well, don’t worry, because I found the one!” He beckoned her over with a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth and pointed to the one in front of him. Relatively tall and thick by Christmas tree standards, but it would be sure to look fantastic in the monster temple foyer for the first annual culturally blended holiday. Why it had been dubbed Christumpmasday, and why the rest of the town had gone along with it, Marco might never know, but he was still excited no matter how unwieldy its name might be. She took his hand when she got beside him, but kept moving until she crossed fully in front of him, gently tugging his arm around her. Marco smiled and took the hint, wrapping himself snugly around her and tucking his chin into the crook of her shoulder; despite growing a bit in recent months, he was still a ways off from being a full head above her. “Better?”
She briefly nuzzled her cheek into his through his hood. “Much. Sorry for being a party pooper today… I just want to have a normal holiday, and my birthday, without having to worry about appeasing a giant angry log. Is that too much to ask?” There was a fire in her sparkling sapphire eyes that Marco recognized all too well: this was really bothering her.
As best he could, he threaded their gloved fingers together and reassuringly squeezed both the hand and the hug. “Maybe the Stump isn’t even around anymore… still, better to be safe than sorry for this year at least. Look on the bright side, if it isn’t an issue anymore, then next year we can just do what we do best here on Earth: keep traditional holidays around as an excuse to eat and have fun!” Star snorted in laughter and turned to face him with a smile, hesitant but genuine all the same, and he returned a sympathetic one of his own. “If you really want a hint about my gift, it’s something we’ll get to enjoy a lot when we get to hang out after all this is over.”
“Well if it involves spending time with you, then I know I’ll love it,” she teased, and the cold bothered Marco a bit less.
The moment was interrupted when Rafael entered his peripheral vision with an unfamiliar woman behind him. “Ah, there you two are. I have been looking all over the place!”
The woman, taller than Marco’s dad and almost as brawny and sporting a stereotypical lumberjack outfit, jogged ahead of Rafael, seemingly unbothered by the cold. She patted Marco’s head as he and Star scrambled to split apart. “I’m Dee, nice to meet you.”
“Ooooooh, I thought ‘Dees Trees’ was just wordplay,” Star responded, shaking her hand after Marco, who giggled in response.
“Well aren’t you two just the most precious things? So your dad here tells me that you’re looking for a tree?”
“Yep, this one,” Marco pointed to the one in front of him and the sign marking it at $65.
“That one’s certainly a beaut. Tell ya what, it’s on the house. As thanks for this whole Cleaving thing - best thing to happen to my business since that household tree burglary spree in ‘89!” she said jovially.
Star bristled a bit inside the hoodie. “You don’t have to do that-”
“Please, I insist.”
“We’re fine, thanks.”
“It’s the least I can do.”
“I said we’ll pay.”
Marco’s eyes bounced back and forth following the two as Dee remained fairly calm while the frustration in Star’s voice visibly mounted.
The heated exchange was interrupted by a loud rev; the three turned to see Rafael already midway into cutting down the chosen tree with his chainsaw. Dee helped the man steady it as it was fully detached from the base and he let out a victory shout while turning off his chainsaw. “This is my favorite part of the holiday season,” he chuckled, patting the handle on the tool.
Star sighed heavily. “We’ll take it, then. Thank you.” Marco was still worried by her sulliness; he’d ask her about it later.
“Take care, now!” Dee said as they hauled the tree to the Diaz car. Once it was secured to the roof, Marco hopped halfway into the backseat before Star grabbed his hand, holding him still. He looked up at her from halfway inside the vehicle and saw her reading something on her phone.
“Everything OK, kids?” his dad called from the front seat.
“Eclipsa just texted me, my dad’s been swinging around the temple using the holiday lights like vines to hang them up and he hurt himself.”
“River…” Marco facepalmed. “I told him I’d help with that!”
“Hold on, she just sent a correction.” Her brow scrunched up worryingly as she read the words. The tension in her shoulders finally released after a few seconds as she rolled her eyes. “Apparently those were two separate things. Lights are all set, but he sprained his back falling off the ceiling while trying to race Meteora around the castle after, so now he can’t go get a ceremonial stump like he does every year.”
“Maybe we can just see if we can take the one from our tree?” Marco offered.
“Good idea. But we’re paying for it this time,” Star insisted, puffing up her cheeks.
She took his hand and led him back into the farm to the same spot they’d been, stopping dead in their tracks at seeing the sign which had an additional description written on in red ink. “Don’t risk angering the stump! VERY special offer, guarantees no botanical horror attacks!” A zero had been added to the price tag, and Marco resigned himself to the inevitable as he pulled out his wallet for the familiar sum. “So that’s what she meant by us helping her business.”
The decor in the monster temple was splendid, Moon idly mused as she strolled through the corridors. There was a certain vivacity that Earth’s traditions brought into the holiday season that hadn’t been present for Stump Day alone. While she tended to prefer a more orderly, professional aesthetic, even she had to admit that a holiday celebrating the dead bottom of a tree could get dull at times with an almost exclusively brown wooden palette. If she had been told one year ago that come next Stump Day she’d be galavanting around the infamous Monster Temple, no longer a Queen, preparing to celebrate the holidays alongside Eclipsa, she’d have sent the laughable soothsayer to a therapist posthaste. But somehow she had settled into her new life with relative ease. Of course there were still lingering vestiges; many Mewmans still sought her advice about all sorts of mundane topics, albeit in a less… needy way, and she’d provided some counsel to the governments of the new world, filling in any information about the Mewman people and tradition. But at the end of the day, she was no more or less than any other woman in their new world, and after all the hardships she saw Mewni through - some, regrettably, by her own hand - it didn’t upset her as much as she might have thought it would.
She navigated the labyrinthian hallways until she reached the set of guest bedrooms Eclipsa had set up and walked over to hers to find the door open and her husband playing cards with Globgor.
“Hello, darling. Hello, Globgor,” she waved. She walked over to the side of the bed and pecked River on the forehead before sitting down beside him, careful not to hurt the multiple casts he had on. “How are you holding up?”
“Never been better! Just some minor scrapes, really.”
“River, you fell three stories and landed on a hard stone floor directly on your back.”
“Bah, no matter, I’ve had worse! Besides some minor agony I barely notice it at all! Globgor here is teaching me some card games that the monster army used to play hundreds of years ago, it’s roaring fun! You should join us!”
“I think I’ve heard of some of the games…” Moon trailed off suspiciously, one eyebrow raised.
Globgor rubbed the back of his neck, clearly understanding her implications. “Ahem, well, I may have made some modifications to them. Most used custom decks that had lots of very, shall we say, unkind pictures of Mewmans on them, and most of the moves had unflattering names as well. While I was in the crystal I ended up remaking most of my favorite games without that stuff and playing matches with all kinds of imaginary characters in my brain,” he chuckled. Not that she was one to judge, after all - she’d already been through that song and dance with Buff Frog what felt like ages ago.
“Yes, and he’s really good at them!” River exclaimed in frustration as he tried and failed to counter Globgor’s most recent play. “You should join us, dear, you’re remarkable at these types of games!”
She patted his hand and flashed him a contrite smile. “I’d love to, but I still need to go through all the family belongings and find some Stump Day decorations. I’m sure at least some of them were salvaged from the castle.”
River clasped Moon’s hand with both of his own animatedly. “That reminds me! You just missed Star, she stopped by not too long ago to check up on her old man. She said they were going to set up the tree.”
“Shoot, I promised I would help them with that!” Globgor conked himself on the head, accidentally throwing his cards all over the bed in the process. “We can pick this up soon, so sorry about that!” He quickly gathered the strewn cards up and shuffled around the bed, closing the door on his way out.
“Not a problem!” River shouted after him. His volume lowered substantially as he and Moon were the only two left in the room. “It really is wonderful to have family holidays like this, is it not? Good food, good company, and best of all, no in-laws,” he smirked at her.
“River!” she jokingly admonished.
“Oh honey, you know that as much as I do. I love the Johansen clan dearly, but they can be positively insufferable at times. And don’t get me started on old Aunt Etheria…”
Moon laughed into her hand. “Yes, I suppose it is nice that the festivities will be much smaller this year.” After all the chaos and the dissolution of the Butterfly kingdom, their extended family (especially her own side) had some… mixed reactions. With Moon distancing herself from the power and prestige her family had been accustomed to, things were a bit tense and as such everyone had decided to stick to themselves for the holidays, which just left the main former Butterfly lineage and the Diazes to celebrate. Moon had grown rather fond of this new mixed-dimensional extended “family” of hers, which she supposed was a good thing since she had a sneaking suspicion that they’d become official family in due time. While she wouldn’t trade the last half a year for anything, it too had its own brand of chaos which made moments for just the two of them still rarer than she’d like, and now that they had one both seemed most content not doing anything. The comfortable silence lingered on for many minutes, both of his rough hands delicately clasped around one of her own while her other idly toyed with his beard, and neither seemed . Finally, their tranquility was broken by a knock at the door, which meant it couldn’t be Star. “Come in,” Moon said, separating from River and defaulting to a more proper pose.
She was greeted by a familiar red hoodie. “Oh! Um, sorry if I, uh, interrupted anything.”
River struggled to sit up and face the door properly, beaming brightly at the young man whose company he enjoyed very much. “Not a problem, my boy! Moonpie was just checking up on me. But don’t worry lad, I’ll be back on my feet in no time!”
“Oh, I know that. Star and I were just in the kitchen and thought you’d want the leftovers from tonight for a snack.” He held up a bag filled with what had to be a few pounds of meat and some corn.
Her husband’s eyes lit up like fireworks as he beckoned Marco into the room. “I see the holidays have come early this year, hah! Thank you, you know this old man quite well.”
“Well, I’ll leave you two alone,” Moon gestured to the bag and her husband, rolled her eyes playfully as he fished his meat blanket out from his beard and began to dig in.
She and Marco both walked out of the room. “Have fun with your boxes, honey!” he mumbled out as the door was closing, nearly unintelligible through the multiple drumsticks barbarously stuffed in his mouth.
Marco stopped and turned back to face Moon. “Oh, is there still something left to do for decorations?”
“I was planning on going through some of the Butterfly family possessions to find our old Stump Day decor, that’s all.”
He hesitated only a fraction of a second before responding, “Do you want some help? We finished everything with the tree already.”
Moon warmly grinned back at the boy. She’d noted his kindness and willingness to be by Star’s side through anything years prior, but what impressed her most was how it consistently extended to everyone else around him. “That would be lovely. They’re in the storage room, I’ll be up in a moment.”
“OK, I’ll get Star and we’ll meet you there.” He hustled off back to the main area of the castle, leaving her alone in the hallway.
She made her way to the storage room, getting lost a few times along the way, still not entirely familiar with the layout of the building. Her first task was to do a quick scan of the boxes and organize them. There was a notable lack of cohesion to the contents of each container, she noted with ire, but that was likely due to the haste with which they had been packed as the castle had been attacked. Forgivable. She’d noted around fifteen that possibly would contain the decorations she was looking for and had gathered them all together when a conversation from the hallway caught her attention.
“Why noooooot?”
“Star, they’re not going to let you use one of River’s clubs. Those things are like two feet wide and have spikes!”
“Yeah, those are his miniature clubs, which is why I want to bring them to miniature golf, duh!”
“It’s indoors! There will be kids around!”
“Oh, well why didn’t you say so! Dad has some indoor clubs for kids too.”
“He showed those to me, they’re even more dangerous!”
“Marcooooooo, come oooooon.”
“Trust me, it’ll be more fun with the normal clubs.”
“Fiiiiiine.” Just as they came into view through the door, she spotted Marco give a quick peck to the side of her head as she rolled her eyes at him, their fingers intertwined. Moon raised an eyebrow with a smug grin when they entered the room. They reminded her so much of herself and River when they were younger.
“Hi Mom!” Star said, leaving Marco’s side to give Moon a quick hug. “Marco said you needed help with something here, what’s up?”
“We just need to locate some of the Stump Day decorations from our usual family gatherings, shouldn’t be too long,” she responded, indicating the various boxes and bags on the floor behind her.
Star’s cheery expression visibly sunk. “Oh. Yeah, um, sure, we can help with that.” Moon’s brow furrowed in confusion briefly; she considered speaking up, but had learned it was best not to pry too much. No matter, they could finish this up quickly enough and all have a well-rested night before all the celebrations to come in the next few days. “So what exactly are we looking for?”
Moon pried open the nearest tub and overturned the piles of now-unneeded royal attire to see what lay beneath. “We’ll probably need a lot of mugs for the big dinner that Eclipsa is hosting for the locals tomorrow evening. And the diorama for River’s annual telling of the story of Stump Day, which he’s insisted he is still going to deliver himself. Perhaps a few of the hats as well, if we’re able to locate them. After last year, I don’t think we can quite play it too safe, after all.”
The three began to dig through boxes, clearing them out at a rapid pace. She noted a newfound chilliness even in Star’s interactions with Marco, responding to his antics making goofy voices with some old puppets with only half-hearted laughter. After about thirty minutes, they’d gathered everything they needed and began packing back up the belongings.
“Why do we even still have this stuff, anyway?” Star spontaneously spoke after a rather uncharacteristic bout of silence during their labor. Moon glanced over to see her holding up one of Moon’s old crowns, her hearts wrinkling as her face contorted in displeasure.
“Sweetheart, it’s a valuable heirloom. It’s still important to the tradition of this family to keep these things around, what if you or someone else might be interested in them in the future?”
Star scoffed and carelessly dunked the crown back in the box. “We’re not royalty anymore, Mom, and we never will be again,” Star retorted, dunking it carelessly back into the box.
“I know that, dear, but-”
Star’s voice, now risen to almost a shout, cut her off, echoing throughout the spacious room. “But what? I’ve moved on, I’m through with this, and you should be too. So what’s the point of keeping this, or this, or any of this unless you’re trying to hold on to the glory?” She held up the crown again, the top to one of the royal staves, and the medallion with the royal crest to illustrate her point. Moon and Star had butted heads enough in the past that this feeling of anger bubbling up wasn’t new to her, but it had been a while since her daughter had frustrated her to the extent she was right now. “Marco, back me up here!”
The boy raised a finger and stuttered briefly before an incensed Moon cut him off. “That’s not my point, Star. Even if it’s in the past, we can’t just toss away our history! What about things you did for your kingdom or your people? Don’t you want to at least remember that much?” she held up a few of the dresses and official portraits from various diplomatic events Star had participated in when she was younger. “These were things you did, not just stuffy royal artifacts. Surely that at least means something to you?”
Moon followed Star’s bright blue eyes as they darted intensely around the items she held until they suddenly stopped, fixated on a puffy blue and pink dress. The fury evaporated instantaneously and her expression morphed into shock. “Forget it, I’m done with all of it,” she sullenly intoned, dumping what she was holding on the ground and walking away. Marco tried to wrap an arm around her shoulder but she shrugged it off brusquely and marched out the door.
Marco took a step forward to follow her and then stopped, sulking and turning back to the pile of stuff, plopping to the ground and burying his head in his hands.
“What has gotten into her?” Moon vented through gritted teeth. “She just wants to be a normal teenager again, fine, but that does not mean she has to disrespect everything this family has done!” She took a deep breath to calm herself down before turning to Marco, not wanting to take anything out on him unduly. “Has she talked to you about any of this?”
His eyes remained fixed on the ground, playing with the zipper of his hoodie. “Earlier today she said she just wanted to have a normal birthday and not have to worry about Stump Day, but this stuff, it- I don’t really know. I mean, I- I get it, kind of, what she’s trying to say.” He looked at her with his brown eyes wide, as if asking permission.
“Go on.”
“Star… she spent practically all her time on Mewni trying to fix things, and trying to do whatever she thought was best for everyone. And- and when she gets an idea in her head about how to do that, she believes in it really hard, and it’s hard to stop her.” Both unconsciously smiled at the thought, and Moon didn’t miss the glimmer in the boy’s eyes as he continued talking about his best friend and love. “She still cares a lot about making the world better for everyone, even now. And the last big thing she believed in was that magic and Mewman queens and the whole Butterfly monarchy needed to be destroyed to do that.”
“So perhaps keeping everything squirreled away made her think I plan to use it again in the future,” she finished the thought.
Marco averted his gaze and rubbed his arm for a moment, opening his mouth a few times and failing to speak before finally choosing his words. “Do you?” he asked meekly.
The question stunned her, but upon a moment of reflection she couldn’t blame him. Time and time again, Moon had taken charge when she felt the time called for it, for better or worse. “No, heavens no. It’s been difficult at times, giving it all up, I admit. Even after Eclipsa took over, I still ended up doing what I thought was best to bring order. I suppose Star must get that from me, although she’s far better at it than I ever was.”
“I- I get it, though. On Earth we had a saying that I remember learning in school: ‘Those who can’t remember the past are doomed to repeat it,’ or something like that.”
“I like that. It works. Well, I’ll… give Star some time, and think about what to do with all of this, I suppose. I can finish the cleanup myself now, run along.” Moon was about to turn around as he went to leave but decided on one more thing to say. “Oh, and Marco?” She walked over to him by the door, noting that he was almost as tall as her now, and grabbed both his shoulders before placing a tender, motherly kiss on his forehead. The brown eyes she’d caught her daughter getting lost in all too often focused intently on her own amongst the surprised expression on his visage. “You’re still both teenagers, but you’ve grown so much. She wouldn’t be the admirable young woman she is today without you, and I suspect the opposite is also true. Thank you for being everything you are to my daughter.”
His mouth was slightly agape, unable to formulate any words in response. “T-thanks, um, Mrs… thanks.”
“Just ‘Moon’ is alright, dear,” she said affectionately.
“Thanks, Moon,” he finally stammered out before stumbling towards the door and out of the room at her gentle nudging. It only took a few minutes to carefully organize the remains  back into their boxes and get the Stump Day items ready to set up. Turning one last time toward the belongings that had been neatly packed away, a few ideas began running through her mind…
Everything was a mess. Star the Screw-up strikes again. She sulked into the battlements of her balcony, gazing into the night sky. She’d bummed Marco out, she’d gotten all tangled up in the holiday lights, she’d yelled at her mom who really didn’t deserve it, and even after they’d worked it out over some tea later she still felt hollow inside. The fact she was out in the cold in just her nightgown didn’t help, either, but she couldn’t be bothered to do anything about it. Weren’t the holidays supposed to bring ‘tidings of comfort and joy’? It didn’t feel like it. She grabbed the pillow she’d dragged out from her bedroom and screamed into it, letting her head sink further down until she was almost laying flat on the ground.
Star lowered the pillow from her eyes and saw Marco in his pajamas, fiddling idly with the bottom of his shirt.
“Hi,” she mumbled into the pillow.
“Mind if I join you? I brought some hot cocoa.”
He took it as an affirmation, slumping down on the cold floor next to her, seemingly unbothered.
“Sooooo… nice night out tonight, huh?” he asked hopefully, passing her a stump mug.
“Yeah, I guess.” Her gaze went skyward as it had been for the past dozen or so minutes while she thoughtfully sipped her drink, feeling the liquid warm her instantly. “The stars are really pretty from up here.”
“Yeah,” he replied, taking her hand in his. She rolled onto her side to find him already facing her, studying her intensely with a faint smile dancing on his lips. “Did everything go alright with your mom?”
She sat in silence for a moment, drinking in the soothing love his chocolate gaze was practically projecting into hers, and feeling the soft caress of his fingers on her hand. “It was fine. She apologized too, even if I was the one who messed it up… but I get it. She’s right, you can’t throw away history just because you don’t like it. Heck, I think I was the one telling her that like a year ago!”
Marco shrugged his shoulders. “Things change, stuff happens, we all mess up sometimes. Don’t beat yourself up about it too much.”
“I know, I know, it’s just… all this holiday stuff, all this reminiscing and being thankful for what you have and all this celebrating traditions from Mewni got me thinking about a lot. Stump Day, and my birthday, and princesses…” she paused for a moment, steadying her breathing. “...and you.”
His eyes widened a fraction. “Me?”
“You.” Star untangled her hand from his and brought both to her face, grounding the bases of her palms into her shut eyes to try and plug up any waterworks that she could feel working their way up towards the surface. “Stump Day just made me think of last year, and all the fighting and drama, and that made me think of all the other stuff, and… euuurgh,” she moaned.
“Star, it’s OK-”
“No it’s not,” she whimpered, not being able to stop the tears from dripping down her face this time.
“Woah, woah, Star…” he sat up, visibly scared for her, and pulled her up with him, but her body language was unyieldingly feeble as she shied away from his touch. “Just talk to me, OK? None of that was your fault.”
“Maybe…” she folded her arms and crossed her legs, leaning back against the merlons mulling over her words. “In the barn, you told me you felt like that since the beginning. And I know you didn’t, like, mean that you were head over heels in love with me while you were showing me around school or anything, but… I get it because I was the same way.” Once the words started, the pace quickly swelled until she couldn’t help but pour her heart out. “I pushed it aside, convinced myself it wasn’t there, ignored it when it was staring me in the face, and ate up the whole Curse thing like the cheapest, crummiest street corn. But looking back on it, that whole year on Mewni… it never went away then either. I was just too blind to realize what those feelings meant until it was almost too late. That’s what- that’s what I just wanted to forget.”
An arm bumped up against hers, and in her peripheral vision she saw him standing next to her, looking off the balcony into the distance. “It always feels better when you talk about it,” he offered meekly. How many times had she been the one trying to pry the truth out of him? Now that the roles were reversed, she fully understood why it had always been so hard. “What do your guts feel like?”
“Just one giant bleeeeergh,” she garbled, sticking her tongue out for emphasis.
“Well, you did have four glasses of cornnog.”
She smiled wistfully, staring down at her feet. “Touché, Diaz.”
The cool breeze whistling through the nooks and crannies of the temple was the only sound around them for a minute until he began again. “I won’t lie to you, Star… it stunk sometimes. It wasn’t always fun, sometimes it hurt. My feelings for you felt like an obstacle for so long…” In her mind’s eye, she could picture it all too clearly: wheeling on him, grabbing his arms and apologizing with rivers running down her cheeks to show him what he meant to her. But he cut that off only a beat later. “But I don’t regret a single day, because they were still with you.”
Now she whipped around to face him, looking incredulously at his calm form hanging over the top of the stone. “Wha-”
“All that time I spent trying to shove away or ignore how I felt, it- it still meant something to me. I wouldn’t trade any moment where I loved you for anything, even when it hurt, even if you were with someone else, or, heck, even if I didn’t think it was love. Doesn’t matter.” He sniffled briefly, wiping his face with his arm, and finally turned to face her. The glossy trembling she’d expected to find wasn’t there, instead she only found a fiery resolve. “C’mon, let’s go inside.” She barely remembered to grab her pillow before his firm grip pulled her back into their bedroom. Star wasn’t sure how he could be so calm about all of this. Some nagging, self-loathing voice in the back of her mind told her this had been eating away at him too, that he was just trying to spare her feelings, that she’d been the one to screw up by taking too long to tell him she loved him, but it was dulled by her curiosity at his actions. He shuffled under the bed, rummaging around until he pulled out a long, thin box with baby blue wrapping paper and pink hearts all over it.
“It’s your birthday present! I- I was going to give it to you tomorrow, but I think now is better.”
They both sat down on the edge of the bed. Star glared at him suspiciously, inelegantly removing the bow and wrapping paper to find a thick velvety fabric. She started to pull it out and it unfolded itself many times, quickly sagging to the floor as she held it up. The water built up on her eyelids once more, steadily beginning to pour out as she beheld the sight in front of her.
He scooted beside her, wrapping one arm around her midsection. “I, um, hadn’t realized all this stuff was getting you down this much or I wouldn’t have-”
She shut him up with a passionate kiss, weaving her fingers through his hair as the heat of the moment stretched on. Their foreheads stayed together when they finally separated, both panting for a moment as Star tried to recover from the tongue-tiedness. “Marco, you absolute dork,” she said breathily with her lips grinning as widely as the could. “I love it.”
Both their heads turned back towards the blanket as they each used one hand to hold it up. It was a beautiful tapestry of moments from their entire relationship, from beginning until at least one thing Star could pinpoint as only happening a few weeks ago. Her spare hand caressed the fabric, adoring each and every detail. “The day we met, that day you froze time for sixty hours, the Blood Moon Ball,” he pointed out one by one. “Our first kiss… in the booth. When I found you before you killed Toffee. Right before we went to destroy the magic. This is us, Star. I- I don’t want to pretend that this stuff didn’t happen even if it wasn’t always fun, because then it wouldn’t be what made you special to me. And also, our old Friendship-Thursday-slash-Thursdate blanket was getting nasty. It smelled like month-old nacho cheese even after Lavabo washed it,” he shuddered. “So now, every time we’re snuggled up together, we can remember everything that got us to this point, and- and I left some blank spots for more patches later, because I want to look forward to the future too.”
“This is way better than any of my dumb ideas from earlier today,” she chuckled, wiping the tears and snot from her face. “Maybe that’s what ‘Christumpmasday’ should be about. The past coming together and making something new and exciting without giving up what led to it.”
“...except for the actual evil Stump demon thing. We might still be better off without it.”
“Definitely.” Both sported a cheeky grin.
“Oh, and by the way, Star?”
His lips suddenly were on hers once more, catching her off guard for a moment before she reciprocated. He swung her around, hugging her body tightly onto his, setting her nerves ablaze and causing all the hairs on the back of her neck to tingle. She adjusted her legs and pushed him back down into the pillows, landing on top of him without breaking the kiss, both hungry for more of the other. When the moment finally ended, she propped herself up on her elbows, fingers toying with his silky hair as she gazed down at the love of her life. When his eyes left hers, she followed them to the clock on her nightstand. 12:06 AM. “Happy birthday, Star,” he grinned before pecking her on the cheek.
A warmth like no other spread from Star’s chest through the rest of her body when she curled into him, needing more than anything to hold him tight tonight. Her legs tangled themselves into his as her head found purchase on his chest. “I love you so much, Marco. I don’t think I tell you that enough.”
“Same. Love you so much too, Star.”
He tucked the blanket tighter around both of them and held her as closely as he could until sleep claimed him. Star planted one last languid smooch on his jawline, nuzzling her cheek into him hard enough that it squished against his body before she too drifted off, snug in their bed, while visions of sugar-stumps danced in her head.
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infiniteshawn · 6 years
Stuck On You
a/n: 2.3k, a fluffy oneshot inspired by an ask i got earlier. hope this brightens up your thursday :)
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A writer in the making? A dreamer with no set path? You pondered what you were really doing as your fingertips tapped the side of your laptop, tired eyes fixed on the flashing cursor that seemed to be taunting you.
It wasn’t easy trying to get noticed, let alone actually writing something in the chaotic environment that was your apartment.
With two roommates and a dog, it grew tough to take a few moments for yourself. Getting work done at home was out of the question during the winter, and that’s why you thanked your lucky stars and whatever gods may be looking down at you as the weather warmed up and your balcony became once again useable.
Lost in thought, your mind had grown used to filtering out city bustle, noisy neighbours, and those obnoxious, god-awful Canada geese. And that’s why when a new sound was thrown into the mix—a much more pleasant one, for that matter—you took notice.
The soft strumming of a guitar floated into earshot, the solemn chords carrying over to your balcony and getting lost somewhere in the great beyond. It caught you off guard but somehow filled you with a warm, fuzzy feeling, and you couldn’t quite describe it. So, you listened.
Story long-forgotten, your laptop faded to a dark screen as your eyes fell shut, the gentle plucking of an acoustic retracting any progress you had planned on making.
And as quickly as it started, you were left surrounded by silence. A door shut, a light flicked off, and the sounds of the city streets brought you back to reality.
He’d noticed you before. Using his balcony for some down-time only to be disrupted by frantic keyboard clicks that frustrated him at first.
But he soon grew used to it.
Shawn found comfort in the sound of her fingers typing away and he wondered what she could possibly have been writing about.
Eventually noticing a pattern in when she’d be outside, he made a point of sitting outside, too.
He’d caught glimpses of her in the hall before. Locking up her apartment, stepping out of the elevator, even through the tiny crack in the glass barrier when she’d slip back into the house. It was never creepy. He was just curious.
And the more he wondered, the more he wanted to know.
One night, he made a point of bringing his guitar out with him. He didn’t know where he was going with it--if anywhere--but he felt like it was right.
Shawn wasn’t sure if he needed to be heard or just wanted her to hear him.
So he played, soon finding a tune that eventually made her stop typing. Shawn smiled to himself when she didn’t go back in the house.
A few moons and barely any chapters later, you found yourself in the same position, writing the same story, listening to the same gentle chords. The mystery musician was back at it, except this time he’d added in a few hums.
The sound of his voice had you shutting your laptop in an instant, not a care in the world if your work had saved or not. It was gorgeous. Fucking angelic, and thoughts were racing through your mind at a thousand miles a minute.
What did he look like? Did he have any other songs? Was he, too, escaping roommates that just couldn’t seem to shut the fuck up?
You needed to know.
The chords got repetitive and quick with a warm, chipper air to them. You audibly gasped when his soft hums transitioned into words.
“I’d be lyin’ if I said,
It’d be a lie to say I’m not stuck on you”
You had to sit on your stupid hands to keep from breaking into a full-blown applause.
He’d stopped playing. A large sigh escaping his lips could be heard over the black glass wall, and you wondered who hurt him. Or what was bothering him. Or both.
A loud noise caused you to jump a little, soon realizing with the muffled “fuck” coming from the next balcony over that he’d knocked over what you assumed was a glass. That was it for his strumming that night.
Two weeks. Two weeks straight of these little dates passed—and by “dates” you were referring to your neighbour writing a song and you consistently invading his privacy by eavesdropping—and the tune was finally finished.
Gentle notes floated into your ears as you took a deep breath, unwinding from the long day you’d had. What you didn’t expect was for Shawn—you’d learned his name a few days prior when one of his roommates popped his head outside to ask him if he wanted another beer—to say something. To you.
“I’ve noticed you, y’know,” he spoke softly over the strings, hoping he was speaking loudly enough for his voice to carry over the barrier but quietly enough not to freak you out.
It still freaked you out.
At first you didn’t respond. Figured you could assume he wasn’t talking to you. Maybe he was on the phone. Or talking to himself. Fuck.
“Hey,” he reiterated, “I know you’re over there.”
“Oh,” you started, “me?”
Really? That was the best you could come up with?
He chuckled.
“Yes,” you heard some rustling as the strumming stopped. Shawn had put his guitar down and tossed his blanket out of his lap, scrambling to his feet, “you.”
His head of curls popped up over the opaque glass, and you met his curious eyes. Finally, you could match a face to his voice.
“Hi!” he grinned, reaching to stick a very long arm over the barrier, “I’m Shawn.”
“Hello,” you spoke quietly with a cheeky grin, embarrassed to have been caught but too invested in this guy to deny your curiosity. You stood and reached up—pretty high, considering you weren’t very tall—and met his rough hand with a shake.
He held on for a second too long and you cleared your throat in slight discomfort, arm growing a bit sore from holding it above your head.
“Sorry,” he giggled, gripping the top of the glass with each of his hands, “you’re a writer.”
“So are you,” you grinned, shoving your hands into the kangaroo pocket of your double-extra-large hoodie that your small frame was swimming in.
“Ah,” he pursed his lips, still smiling, “what do you think?”
“You’re really good,” you nodded.
“You have to say that,” he replied, “but thank you.”
He stumbled a little, the fluffy mess of chocolate curls disappearing for a brief moment before coming back into your view.
“You okay over there?” you giggled.
“Yeah,” he smiled, “just standing on this stool-box-thing, it’s a little wobbly.”
“Oh,” you nodded, pondering inviting him over. He beat you to it.
“Do you wanna, maybe,” he searched for the right wording, “come over? Sit over here, instead?”
Your stomach twirled as you considered the idea, wondering if it was a wise thing to do. You found yourself nodding involuntarily.
“Okay,” he grinned nervously, tugging his lower lip between his teeth for a fraction of a second, “do you need directions?”
You laughed, “I think I can figure it out.”
You knocked on the door of unit 1013, nerves building as you heard footsteps on the other side of the wood. It swung open, revealing a very tall, very muscular young man that you recognized as Shawn. Same awry curls. Same curious eyes.
“Howdy, neighbour,” he smiled, rejecting your outstretched hand to opt for a hug instead, “sorry,” he chuckled, “just feels like I know you.”
He led you through the kitchen and past the living room, where two large young men shot you a wave as you walked by. Before you knew it, the crisp evening air was tickling your nose as you looked out over the balcony you knew all too well—well, imagined. 
“So,” you broke the silence as he fluffed up a cushion for you, beckoning to you to join him on the outdoor love seat, “two weeks to write one song. Must be a special one.”
Shawn sighed but the smile didn’t leave his lips. Looking out over the skyline, he spoke, “yeah, it was super real for me for a while, there,” he paused, tilting his head against the back of the furniture, “but once I realized someone was listening, I needed it to be better, you know?”
“Sorry,” you frowned, “didn’t mean to make you self-conscious or anything. I just liked to listen,” you reassured him, looking at the railing as you felt his gaze on you.
“No, I’m glad you did,” he said quietly, “I remember coming outside one night to clear my head, and I could just make out the sound of you typing away on your keyboard. It was nice,” he paused, “being with someone, without really having to do anything. Or acknowledge it. We just existed.”
“It’s a nice escape,” you nodded, feeling a bit better about listening-in on his intimate writing sessions.
“So,” he began, “what is it that you write?”
“M’working on a novel,” you mumbled, cheeks turning rosy as you failed to mention it was a romance about a character with a certain musical neighbour. Your story’s description of him didn’t do his face justice, though.  
“I see,” he hummed, “maybe I can give it a read sometime.”
“I don’t know about that,” you giggled, holding in a soft gasp when you felt his knee brush up against yours.
“Why?” he asked, “You’ve heard my song.”
“You didn’t have to sing it out loud, Shawn,” you teased, “that was your choice, completely.”
He chuckled, “I guess you’re right. Maybe sometime I’ll catch you proofreading into the void.”
You talked for hours. The sun dipped below the horizon behind your building and left the two of you laughing in the darkness, having scooted a little closer together as the night grew chilly.
Somewhere along the way he’d grabbed your hand and was still holding onto it.
“Play me something,” you spoke, butterflies taking flight in your stomach as his caramel eyes flickered down to meet yours.
“What do you wanna hear?” he asked, barely a whisper. It sent a chill down your spine.
“Something that’s yours,” you hummed, “something that’s so unapologetically yours that if you don’t sing it to me right now, you might explode.”
His eyes crinkled at the corners as he grinned down at you, so fucking over-the-moon in the moment that he might have, in fact, exploded.
“Comin’ right up,” he spoke, voice like butter as he reached for his guitar, settling the instrument in his lap.
You pressed your back against the armrest, prodding his thigh gently with your fuzzy-socked toes under the blanket you’d been sharing. You watched his fingers pluck at the strings, searching for the right tune when it hit him. Cheeks rosy with a shit-eating grin, he began to sing.
“I know a girl,
She’s like a curse,
We want each other,
No one will break first,”
And it kept going. He sang so softly and so beautifully, and you were sure he meant every lyric. You thanked your lucky stars to be there with him, listening to his voice plead with the guitar as if he was asking it why.
The gears started turning in your head when he wrapped it up, making sure his captivating gaze met yours as he sang the last lyric: “you.”
You squinted your eyes a little, wondering if he meant that or if it was just a natural instinct.
There wasn’t much time to think, though, because he was already placing the guitar on the ground and leaning forward, only a few inches from your face.
“Kiss me,” he whispered, and he didn’t need to tell you twice.
You met him halfway, crashing your full lips against his as he tugged you into his lap, hands tangling themselves in your hair as your mouths remained pressed together. It was sweet and gentle, and everything you expected kissing him would be like.
Shawn opened his mouth to say something but you interrupted, leaning in for more and he obliged. His soft lips worked against you, pulling a moan from your throat as his hands took purchase on your thighs.
You came up for air, detaching your mouths and resting your forehead against his own. The blush creeping up his cheeks was radiating heat and you giggled, threading your fingers through his curls. They were far softer than you’d imagined.
“I should get home,” you whispered with a grin as Shawn littered a few soft kisses on the skin of your neck, “Hey?”
“Mm,” he responded, snapping his head up to meet your eyes. He couldn’t keep a smile from stretching across his lips.
“Gotta go,” you hummed lazily, patting his firm chest as he sighed, shivering a bit as your warm body climbed off of his.
“Maybe we can do this again?” he asked with a smirk, “Your balcony next time?”
“Only if you promise to sing me another song,” you grinned, disappearing into his apartment to let yourself out.
Shawn was smiling up at the sky, mind running over the events of the last two hours when you popped up over your balcony wall, standing on a chair you’d brought outside from the kitchen.
“Oh, and Shawn?”
His head snapped up toward you and he was at the barrier, climbing onto the wobbly stool once again. He raised an eyebrow, his face only a few inches from yours.
“You’re welcome to read my novel,” you spoke softly, closing your eyes as he leaned forward for one more kiss.
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mendesbadrepuation · 5 years
Assistant! *Series*
A/N : I’ve had this series in the making for almost a year and I just now have gotten the courage to post my work. A good friend of mine encouraged me and so here I am! I should be doing my college work buttttt ya know. Hope everyone is having a great day! :)
Description: It’s your first day as an assistant to Shawn Mendes. Sometimes you know you have to be a professional, but can you ever be just an assistant with those brown curls walking around all the time? Fasten your seat belts. It’s gonna be a bumPy rIdE! 
I scan over myself thoroughly in the mirror to make sure I haven’t missed a spot. I’ve done this about 20 times but I had to be positive. The first day as an assistant for the Shawn Mendes. Of course I’ve already went through and had my interview but this is just the make it break it kind of thing for me. First impressions are always a hard thing for me. This was it. I take a deep breath and try to calm all the nervous butterflies from my body. 
“Y/n! I’m so glad that you’re here! We can’t wait to add you to the growing Mendes family. If there is anything you ever need to talk to me about I’m always available!” Andrew tells me when I first greet him. Everyone that I have met so far that’s apart of his team are super sweet. It’s so much more relaxing when he speaks to me and helps me get set in. 
“Thank you Andrew! I’m very excited to start my first day. Maybe just a little nervous.” I smile as Andrew places his arm around my shoulder. 
“Walk with me!” He says and we begin walking towards the backstage area. “Don’t worry about a thing. You’ll fit right in and I promise you you will have a blast with all of us.” Andrew explains. We get closer to where Shawn was at and I started to get nervous again. I haven’t got to meet him yet and the first time I meet him will be before a show of his. 
I see Shawn sitting on a chair tuning his guitar facing away from us. “Shawn.” Andrew gently says so he’s careful not to scare him. Shawn turns around and sees Andrew then he looks at me. My heart flutters when I see his brown eyes look into my very own. Shawn doesn’t take his eyes off of me as he stands up from the chair. 
My legs started to shake slightly from his tall figure. I felt so small around him and he was much more handsome in person. Those curls were just something else and his white shirt hugged his arms in all the right spots. “Shawn this is Y/n your new assistant.” I slowly reach my hand out to shake his and to also snap myself from staring too long. I’m not really sure where my confidence was coming from but I was going with it. 
“Hi Shawn. I’m Y/n. Obviously cause Andrew here just said that..” curses that sounded so dumb. My voice almost cracks but I managed to keep it down so I didn’t make a fool out of myself. 
“Y/n will be doing anything for you and will also be helping me with interviews and all that paperwork stuff.” Andrew explains to Shawn and Shawn was just smiling as he continues to look at me. I notice his cheeks start to turn slightly red and that makes me blush. 
“Don’t be afraid to ask me. I would love to do anything and I’m always here.” I give Shawn another smile this time showing my pearly whites. 
“Sounds great. I’m so glad you have joined the Mendes family. I think you’ll fit in just right.” Shawn’s voice was so soft and sexy. My insides were having a war as he spoke to me. 
“I’ll leave you two alone so you can get to know each other better. You’ll be spending a lot of time together.” Andrew waves goodbye and I wave as he walks off into the backstage area. 
I break the ice and honestly I should have just kept my mouth shut. “So can I get you anything cutie. Since you know it’s my job.” I bounce on my feet and then realize how stupid I just sounded. And I also called him cutie? What the hell is wrong with me? 
Shawn just blushes harder and chuckles at my statement. “Honestly I could really go for some tea right now.” He says. 
“That sounds great. You want me to go get it or do you want to join me?” I ask nicely and I give him options. I’m sure he doesn’t want everything to be handed to him all the time. He’s still human and I respect that. 
“I’ll join you.” He smiles and we begin walking to go find us the drink stand. We started to chat on the way there which made things a lot more comfortable for the both of us. He got to know more about me and where I came from. The whole time he was a total gentlemen and so very sweet about everything. 
“So I have to ask. Did you know that you’d be having your very own assistant?” It was on my mind and part of me thinks that Shawn never intended to have one. 
“Honestly I had no idea. I mentioned like months ago I need a little extra help but I didn’t think Andrew would go to something like an assistant. But don’t get me wrong. You joining is going to be great and I’m very excited about it.” He explains to me which made me feel better about the situation. We look at each other from across the small high tables we were sitting at. It was normal for a moment as we stared. He wasn’t some some famous pop star and I wasn’t his assistant on the first day. It was just us. 
“Shawn Mendes! Who is she?” 
“Who is this girl!?” 
“Shawn. Look over here!” People started to surround us at the table. Shawn breaks the eye contact and I could see those puppy eyes turn to pure frustration and almost anger. My heart rate picks up at all the words being spilled out at once and the cameras flashing. 
“Leave us alone.” Shawn says nicely and in a normal tone of voice. I see it in his eyes and it made my stomach turn. One of my many traits that I hated ever so much was that I care. I care so much and sometimes I don’t even have to know you that well. But I’ll care and I’ll put my heart and soul into you if you join my life. Seeing Shawn change from so happy and at peace to now just disturbed me. 
“Okay. You heard him. Last time I checked he’s human too. So therefore he deserves just as much privacy as YOU do.” I snap and made sure to emphasize the you at all of the paparazzi that surrounded us. The people drop their cameras and I could see the wheels turning in their heads. I knew that wasn’t enough to stop them. “Oh is that Hailey Baldwin and Justin!” I shout and point outside in a direction. In a split second all of them were rushing outside to catch the invisible couple I made up. 
“Thank you. That was really cool of you.” Shawn’s cheeks were rosy again as the blush formed on him. He looks down at his tea glass and bites his lip trying to hold back a bold smile. 
“You’re welcome. I think it might be in my job requirements to help you from crazy paparazzi.” I reach my hand over the table and lightly tug on his forearm. He looks up at me and this time he doesn’t hold back the smile. I pull my arm back and this time it was my turn to blush. That smile of his could stop the whole world from turning. I raise my wrist up to check the time. 
“We should probably get you back so you have time to do some basic check ups.” I say and Shawn agrees. 
“Hey that’s a pretty cool tattoo you have on your forearm.” He adds as we begin to walk back to the venue. 
“Thank you.” I blush and put my hand around the arrow tattoo on my forearm. It makes me stare down at the sidewalk that we were walking upon. This has been a pretty great first day on the job for me and I’m glad I chose to spend it here. 
Once we arrived back at the venue Shawn gets herded towards the backstage. We get one last look at each other and we both smile as we separated. 
“Y/n.” Andrew swings by me and stops me from walking to the chair I was going to sit at. 
“Yes sir!” I reply and meet eyes with Andrew. In his hands he had a stack of paperwork along with a flash drive placed nicely on top. 
“I need these papers to be signed and sent off. Also on the flash drive you’ll find some online marketing things that are very easy to do. Just pick the design that best speaks to you and we will go with it. There should be three. It’s for Shawn’s merch. After that it would be wonderful if you can make sure that Shawn’s flight is booked for New York tomorrow!” My mind was racing as I processed all this information at one time. I nod my head at each to do and gave him a thumbs up. He hands me the papers and I go find a corner to get started. 
As I was finishing the papers the back stage was getting very busy. People were running around and yelling out orders as the show was about to begin. I put my glasses on since my eyes were starting to hurt from staring at the papers for so long. I managed to pull my hair back in this decent messy bun so I wouldn’t mess with it. 
“Hey Y/n.” I look up and in the process push my glasses up. Shawn was looking down at me and he stares for a moment. Almost like his words got caught in his throat. 
“What can I do for you?” I smile up at him. 
“Urm I can see you’re pretty busy but if you want to watch the show here’s a pass.” Shawn hands me a lanyard with the pass and I take it from his hands. I look down at my work and see that I can finish it later tonight. It shouldn’t take long. 
“I’d love to Shawn!” I pack up my things and hear the final call for everything. Shawn was smiling brightly as he starts to back up. 
“Shawn you’re up!” Someone calls from afar. 
“Hope you enjoy.” He seemed so giddy. 
“Good luck!” I say as he smiles even bigger and Shawn was almost bouncing on his feet. He grabs his guitar from a staff members hands and runs out to the stage. In seconds you could hear the crowd roaring with screams and chants. 
I make my way out to the spot that my pass was at. The security guard kindly lets me through and I stand with some random staff members and what I think is some of Shawn’s friends. When Shawn starts singing my heart came to a halt and only my attention was kept on the tall handsome boy. I knew most of his songs already and it was easy for me to sing along. He had so much energy and it created such a thrilling vibe in the arena. Quickly I become close to Shawn’s friends and we engaged in small conversations throughout the concert. There was multiple videos that they put on their socials media’s of me singing along. Also them having a grand time. 
After the show I run backstage and greet Shawn. “Shawn that was epic!” My hands were shaking from the adrenaline. He was beaming with excitement at my words. His hair was sweaty and his shirt was half unbuttoned with even more sweat dripping from his flawless skin. Hell he is so fucking hot. 
“Thanks!” Those cheeks were red from all the heat and my body was on fire from just looking at him. 
“Shawn great show as always! Your room is ready for you. We have to get on the plane tonight.” Andrew announces to him and that’s when I twirl around so fast. I forgot about my tasks and I run over to my laptop. I pull up all the tickets and all were booked for tonight like Andrew said. Everything was ready for the plane and as I’m about to type something else out my laptop dies. 
“Fuck.” I whisper under my breath. As an assistant on her first day I knew I’d be traveling but I was so caught up in all the details I forgot to pack for myself. All my chargers and other necessities were not with me. I curse under my breath again. 
“Hey you kiss your mother with that mouth.” Shawn jokes at me and I turn around and my body crashes into his chest. My legs go weak and Shawn puts his arms around my waist to catch me from literally falling. 
“I’m so sorry!” My hands grip on to his thick arms to steady myself. 
“It’s okay.” He chuckles as he noticed what a hot mess I am right now. “I’m going to go get ready. See you on the plane Y/n.” Once he knows I’m safely back on my feet I watch him turn around to his dressing room. I scramble around like a chicken with its head cut off to get my things together. 
“Andrew I left all my bags at the hotel. I will meet you all at the airport. Is that okay?” I make sure with him first since he is my boss. 
“Y/n don’t worry about that. We have already gotten your things together and they should be loading on the plane now. That’s why I asked what hotel room you were in earlier.” I stood in awe and my back pack drops down to my arm in shock. These people are well put together. 
I sure hope I can keep up.... 
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littlemisskookie · 6 years
The Story of Us
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The Story of Us Ship: Hoseok | Reader Description: The story of your relationship with Jung Hoseok. Warning: Fluff, Angst, Slight Mentions of Fluff, Cracky Humor Word Count: 6,231
Day 1
I met a boy today.
Yesterday, to be more precise. Exactly 5 hours and 48 minutes from ago, from the moment that I'm writing down these words.
I've never really started a journal before- well, more accurately, I've never finished one. I've attempted and started various times, but I'd eventually lose interest or be too busy and never get back to it. Therefore, one of my many New Year Revolutions that no one actually intends to keep, was to start a diary again- and to finish.
Saying diary sounds so girly and feminine- makes me want to cringe. But what's wrong with feminine things? I like feminine things occasionally. Maybe the social justice warrior in me simply believes that this world's gotten to toxic on its synonymous meanings behind masculinity and strength.
I know it seems as though I'm rambling, but this exact topic is what brought me to the boy I've met.
His name is Jung Hoseok.
The name looks so pretty as I write it down. It's also so pretty, the way it rolls off my tongue. Sort of like those movie stars or singers with names that just sound like they were destined to be famous.
Believe it or not, Hoseok's face is even prettier than his name. I was half-wasted at someone's New Year's Eve party- I can't even remember who's it was already, can you believe that?- feeling mopey at the thought of having to down another shot instead of having a New Year's kiss like the fellow drunks around me. I just didn't want to randomly sexually assault some guy, grabbing him by the collar and smashing his face against mine out of self-pity. No, men deserve the same respect we should expect. Therefore I'm not going to shove my tongue down someone's throat like a sleazy frat douche.
So continuing along, I've got warm beer on the collar of my shirt due to my utter lack of coordination, and I turn and bump into a man. If he were across the room, I wouldn't have noticed him, probably because my vision's very hazy with this much booze, and he'd look similar to the pad of my thumb. Up close though... Writing can't do him justice.
But that smile. God, I think I melted. I don't believe in love at first sight, mind you- just infatuation and/or lust. I'll clarify, however, that my legs went to utter mush when I saw him. He seemed as radiant as the sun, warming the room despite it being a freezing winter day.
And I was the idiot who literally fell for him. See what I did there? Not figuratively of course- God, it's too soon for that. I'm not going to start naming our kids or some bullshit like that. (Astrid if it's a girl, Lucas if it's a boy.)
I'm sure he was just thinking, "Wow, look at this hot mess. I pity whoever's floor she's passing out on."
Or maybe that's just what he wanted to say.
Instead, like the true gentleman, I'm sure he was pretending to be, he rights me up and holds me firmly to make sure I don't make another klutzy accident. "Woah, are you alright? It seems like you've had too much to drink."
Let me tell you, his hands were so firm, with veins along the top, and his jawline was so sharp, and his cologne- oh dear God, he smelt nothing like the sixth grade boys who poured an entire bottle over their head in the locker room- he knew how to actually put on cologne! I wanted nothing more than to fall again and have another 'accident' by slipping right on his penis.
Of course, I didn't actually say that- he'd probably think I was psycho. Instead, I said, "Oops," and blushed profusely. "I suppose you're right."
As soon as he was sure I could stand on my own he looked deeply into my eyes and said- "Wow, your pupils are super dilated. I should get you some water to help you sober up."
Romantic right? Like the polite way of saying, "Holy crap, you look like a hot piling piece of shit right now! What a mess, I'm going to take pity on you so that you don't end up getting kidnapped while wandering through the streets." That would be a way to start off the year.
I simply nodded along dumbly as he told me to wait right where I was, and true enough, within a few seconds he's back with a bottle of water- unopened- and hands it to me. I thank him for it, and as I unscrew the cap- a very tight cap, mind you, that's how I know it's unopened. I'm terrible at opening unopened caps- someone bumps into me.
I should probably mention at this moment that I had decided to wear a white turtleneck to this New Year's Eve party. While I'd normally dress like a proud 50-year-old mom reliving her bimbo days as she's drunk at some retirement home party, where she works part-time, I instead chose to go the more practical route and dress warmly. Otherwise, my nipples would get so hard they'd burst from my shirt and say, "Hello, world!"
Of course, I'm sure you know that white clothing + water is never a good thing. Especially if you're wearing a black bra underneath said clothing. Therefore Hoseok quickly froze up, ushered me outside onto the balcony so we could be away from the crowd- and somehow, I'm too drunk to remember- got this big ass parka and draped it over me. Of course, being partially soaked and in the freezing cold in winter, isn't exactly the best case scenario. However, I didn't want to be that asshole who was like, "Thanks for the help, but you really made things worse." That, and I was looking to get wet somewhere else because of this guy if you catch my drift.
"Thank you," I say, bundling up. I know the parka is his because it smells like his cologne. I want to bury myself in it like the obsessive hermit I am.
Hoseok just smiles at me and shrugs, as if it's no big deal, which it totally isn't. "No problem, glad to help. You kind of seemed out of it."
"What's your name?"  I questioned, unaware that I was about to be more blessed than the Holy Trinity itself once he dropped it.
"Hoseok. Jung Hoseok. And you?"
His cheeks were so rosy from the cold outside- and probably because I also took his fucking parka- but I'm going to fantasize it was because of me instead. "Y/N," he said. "I like it."
It's a brief moment, and silence hangs between us. You know when you meet someone for the first time, and you don't know what to talk about, because you don't know anything you have in common yet? It was like that. I was just itching to find something to say, but when you're buzzed, it's sort of hard to figure out the right words or questions. I'm usually much better at these sort of things- just ask the middle school friends I used to have- I was a fucking wiz at truth or dare.
We hear shouting from inside, and the moment is over. 10!...9!...8!...7!...6!...
Hoseok looks to me for a second, and I'm pretty sure he was actually blushing this time. I feel my heart begin to pound a bit faster at the thought that he's going to kiss me, and I feel gleeful! Like a school girl instead of someone who's going to work hungover tomorrow.
"Can I kiss you?"
Yes yes yes!
"Sure." I say it in a way that sounds as though I would've followed it with 'whatever'. I'm surprised I kept my chill, seeing that in my head I was bouncing on the balls of my feet.
He leans in, and I can smell the cologne much stronger now, as though he applied it just below his ears, where his jawline curved upward.
Was this it? Was I going to get a New Year's kiss? I should've asked if he had herpes first.
He gives me a peck on the cheek. it's warm, and it makes me feel warm despite the bitter air stinging my cheeks, but it's warm nonetheless. Honestly, I prefer the fact he kissed my cheek instead of kissing me on the lips. Sure, I was slightly disappointed at the time, but now that I write this before heading to work, with a mild migraine and a sober mind, I'll tell you why the cheek was better.
He knew I was drunk, and if he were to kiss me or do anything further, it would've been taking advantage of my state. Secondly, a kiss to the cheek is harmless. It's cute, it's innocent, it's... sweet. I feel somewhat guilty for wanting to jump his bones at that moment, but it was the sweetest thing! Adorable, truly.
The moment is ingrained in my head, but the minute the clock struck twelve, everything else seemed to speed up. Before I knew it, I was writing in way-too-big-handwriting along his forearm, in sharpie, my number. He called me an Uber, and then I wake up in bed with a pounding headache and a message in my phone of a 'Hey' and a smiley face, with a little ramble about how he met me at the party and who he was. As if I could forget! (Scratch that, I could totally forget, drunk me is stupid enough.)
I've got to get to work, but something about this guy makes me feel elated.
Day 7
Mr. Jung Hoseok and I just went on a date.
A. Date.
Let me clarify if you didn't get that right.
Got it? Good.
We've been texting for a week and such, and he's so much sweeter and funnier through texts. He likes my sense of humor- despite how raunchy and weird I am, though it wasn't what he initially expected- and he's a lot more outgoing than I expected. He's louder than I thought- even through the phone when we called. My friends think I'm going fast since I called him, but I think it's silly. We haven't even kissed yet, who cares?
Oh, yes, the date! I should explain that.
So we decide to meet at this ice rink at the zoo. Every year they open one up right next to the ostriches- y'know, those big weird birds that vaguely resemble feet and look like they want to kill you? Those. Hoseok totally agreed on my sentiment about that- he said he was scared of ostriches when he was a kid. I said me too! (Total lie, I grabbed a pigeon once, not a good day for 6-year-old me.)
I wait for him in the middle of the ice rink, on my skates, and I see him slowly skating towards me. I look like the living embodiment of the marshmallow man- is that what he's called? That big giant statue thing with the donut that comes to life in Ghostbusters? Whatever, then the tire man they use for those tire commercials, you know the one. He looks like he could model for Abercrombie and Fitch. I was slightly scared that my drunken state had overglorified his in-person glory, but low and behold, he does not look remotely like a thumb! He looks like a fucking god!
And he asked me on a date!
So naturally, my first thought is, "Wow, what an idiot. Someone call Ursala because we've got a poor unfortunate soul over here."
My second thought is, "Wow, where did he get those earmuffs? I want some of those." (His grandma knitted them.)
My third thought was, "Holy shit, I'm falling!"
Sure enough, my butt landed so hard on the ice that I was sure it was going to crack, and all the little kids skating around us would be sunk into the depths of the ice rink. That or my ass would get frostbite. Instead, Hoseok laughed his ass off and reluctantly helped me up whilst wiping the tears off of his face so they wouldn't freeze like icicles.
Other than that blunder, which I can laugh about now, it went great. Our hands made us feel like we were both toddlers with thick fingers that resemble those cartoony ones, plump and fat with the mittens or gloves we wore, clasped around the other's as we skated along. Well, I was attempting to more or less- I'm not the best skater. He was mediocre, but every time he fell I made sure to jeer a good amount as payback before helping him. up. I enjoyed his company and he even laughed at my crude humor. Picture that, a decent guy actually liking me! I thought I was just a magnet for assholes, but here we are!
I went home with a smile on my face and possible frostbite on my ass, and a guarantee for a second date next weekend.
Day 29
Jung Hoseok finally kissed me.
I had kicked my roommate out so that I could watch a movie with him at my place. We were watching We're the Millers, an American classic in my opinion, with my humor down to the T. Hoseok laughed at it too, and it wasn't even the fake laugh you'd expect when you're forced to watch a movie you don't even enjoy. He snorted. Do you know how hard it is to fake a snort? A genuine snort? Like the one where you sound like a pig? God, he was an adorable pig.
It was the part where the kid made out with both his mother and sister I got to thinking- Hey, why hasn't Hoseok kissed me yet? We weren't official or anything, and there was no rush- hell, we were adults, not horny teenagers. But I figured it would've happened by now.
Maybe he could sense I was getting a little confused when I started breathing on my wrist to see if my breath smelled bad. (I had made sure to chew minty gum before the date, just in case.)
The entire night went by before anything happened, and I admit, I felt a little disappointed that he hadn't kissed me yet. I was walking him out of the building (because I didn't want him to be attacked by rapists or anything) and waving goodbye to him as he walked to his car when suddenly he froze in his tracks. My first thought was that he saw a rapist, but instead, he turns around and marches to me, a determined look in his eye, and he kisses me. He kisses me, and he kisses me, and he kisses me. His hands are on either side of my face as he pulls me in, and I didn't care at that moment that my nipples were probably poking through my shirt, or that my hands were so cold they were numb, I just kissed him right back, with my minty breath and everything.
Needless to say, I'm ecstatic to do it again.
Day 40
I'm officially Jung Hoseok's girlfriend.
We were both laying on the couch, my legs sprawled over his as we watch a movie he likes, a Japanese film named Let Me Eat Your Pancreas. (Stupid title, but I swear it's good.)
Suddenly the question pops up.
"Why haven't you asked about our relationship title?"
Strangely enough, it's not overthinking me who asks this question- it's him. Hoseok who simply goes with whatever I suggest despite my antics.
I simply shrug. "I guess we never got around to discussing it. I mean... I really like you. Do you like me?"
Hoseok laughs hard at that. "Are you kidding? I've liked you since I met you- heads over heels, in fact. I thought I was being obvious."
God, you should've seen the stupid grin plastered over my face. I looked like I had just committed a felony and gotten away with it. The same look my aunt would always wear at family reunions.
"Well, if we both like each other, why don't we date exclusively. Like boyfriend and girlfriend?" I question. "With me playing the part of the boyfriend, of course."
Hoseok snorts at that- that pig laugh again- of course.
"Then it's settled," I grinned.
"So you're officially asking me to be your boyfriend?"
"More like proclaiming, but whatever you want to call it," I shrug.
Hoseok laughs at that, shaking his head as he turns his attention back to the film. "Proclaiming," he murmurs.
Day 65
I can officially say that I've sat, sucked, and held Jung Hoseok's penis.
And by God, is it a blessing. I'm pretty sure his balls are even more symmetrical than most- and I've touched a lot of balls.
That sounded weird.
Alright, let me just get into what happened. We had been waiting a little while for it to come up- not that we had a schedule, but it wasn't the heated spontaneous moment they show in movies. We were in a heated makeout session, like usual, groping and grinding and all of that good stuff. I was grinding as though he were coffee beans.
Well, the gist of it was that he suddenly pulled back and raised his brows, giving me a questioning look. "Do you want to?" he asked quietly.
We had been dating a bit less than a month if you only count when we were official. But it didn't feel as though it were too soon in my opinion. So I simply kissed him again and asked what he was waiting for. Being the good roommate I was, I didn't let jizz get all over the couch, since it can be a bitch to clean up on that sort of material, and instead lead him to my bedroom.
Maybe I should keep it vague and pull a Donna by placing dot dot dot. But seeing how blatant I have been in this journal about my desire to jump his bones since I met him, I think I won't.
He gave good head. Good everything really. I think he liked the part where I slurped his dick like it was a melting popsicle in July the most. He didn't partake in pillow talk after the deed was done, though. The devil's tango, if you will. The horizontal hula dance- sorry, I'm getting off topic. He fell asleep. Maybe he nutted so hard it sent his consciousness to another dimension. So instead I smiled, kissed his nose, went to pee and snuggled beside him.
Day 117
Hoseok loves me.
I love him too, no doubt. We've been dating for months at this point.
The way it happened was kind of funny, really. I think our entire relationship is, in a sense. We were on the phone and he's away on some business trip. It was probably 3 AM or something, but I was up doing work and he's the type who doesn't feel like hanging up, willing to simply bathe in someone's presence, even if it's only through a screen. He's extroverted like that- he can't stand not having human interaction.
It was when I was yawning, finally wrapping up my work, and Hoseok, though two hours behind me, was getting tired, too. Both of us agreed to hang up, and as he was saying goodbye he accidentally blurted, "Good night, I love you." As soon as he realized what he had admitted, his eyes were the size of golf balls, and he kept murmuring, 'shit shit shit'. In his flustering movements and embarrassment, he dropped the phone, and whilst picking it back up he accidentally hung up.
I, meanwhile, was boisterously laughing the entire time. After the tears dried off my face I squealed to myself, smiling despite everything as I decided first thing when he came back I'd tell him that I felt the same. I had been wondering how to properly address it, but, then again, our relationship isn't exactly the smoothest.
God, I love that fucking dork.
Day 120
I told Hoseok I loved him.
I did it in a really cute way, being the very extra person I am. As I was picking him up from the airport, I decided to make a sign, the same way rich people make their butlers to hold up signs with their last names without anything better to do. On the sign, I put glitter and hearts and pink- trying to make it seem as corny as possible. It said 'Jung, I love you 2'. To top it all off, I had a heart-shaped balloon tied to my left wrist.
Hoseok laughed the moment he saw it, knowing it was just like me to go outrageously above and beyond with this gesture. He dropped his bags and came up to me, hoisting me in the air as though we were in some sort of romcom, and kissed me like it was the first time in years, and in between each kiss he mumbled, "I love you, I love you, I love you."
Some people were glaring at the PDA, and the fact I was spreading the glitter from the sign everywhere, but I didn't care. I just cared about the fact that he was back, and he was home, and he was in my arms.
Day 352
Hoseok and I live together now. It's finally been settled. The last box from my now ex-roommate's apartment has been removed, and my toothbrush now sits in the same little cup as Hoseok's does. We spend so much time at each other's places, it was bound to happen. We already act like an old married couple, so I simply asked, "Hey, what would you think if we moved in together?"
He was surprisingly all in for it. He helped me pack and move my things, and here we both are, unpacking my clothes and dividing the drawers so I can cram clothes I no longer wear and lacy underwear I've never worn in the wedges and cracks. Hoseok doesn't complain though- instead of calling me out saying, "You wear the same bra and sweatpants every day, why do you need all of these shorts with writings on the ass?" To which I'd reply, "Fuck off, it was the 2000's." No, he simply says, "You can get the drawers on the left, and I'll get the ones on the right."
I think we work well together so far- but lord knows that living with Hoseok will change things.
The guy puts the toilet paper under instead of over. I'm living with a sociopath- might as well be Jake Paul!
Day 405
Today is my one year anniversary with Hoseok.
My boss forced me to stay late at work, and because of the shitty cellular reception, I was unable to call Hoseok to explain the situation. One of the employees I was supposed to manage severely fucked up, therefore I was the one who was forced to clean up their mess. The boss kept their hawk eyes on me the entire time, as though they blamed me for what had happened, and was scared I'd screw up again. I didn't even have time to whip out my phone to tell Hoseok I was going to be late. It was a pity, too, seeing as he was so excited about whatever surprise he had prepared for me.
By the time I got home, it was far later than usual, and there was dripping wax from the candlelit setup, and the pancakes- my favorite- were cold. Hoseok had fallen asleep at the table, wearing a cute apron and still clutching his phone in his hand.
I felt so guilty for missing our anniversary. Once I woke him up, I apologized profusely, trying to explain the situation. He was groggy, barely understanding what I was saying. I could feel how neglected he felt so, how betrayed and sad. Even when I showed him the tickets to the game he wanted to see- damn good tickets, too- he seemed depressed and sulky. He won't talk to me now, instead giving me a kiss and saying he'd go to bed.
I feel terrible.
Day 456
Hoseok and I got into a fight today.
It was over nothing, really. I forgot what it was over in the first place, but it escalated pretty quickly.
Somehow the conversation deterred to how his parents disapprove of me and how I don't seem to truly love him some days- that I don't take our relationship seriously.
I was sobbing by the end of it, my voice hoarse as I asked him to name examples. I couldn't deny what he said though- but he made it seem as though I put work over him. Not just the anniversary blunder, but the canceling of plans and making him feel neglected or unloved. The best I could fire back with was how his mother always glared at me and made me feel uncomfortable when we went to visit her, and I felt like some whore she thought was taking advantage of her son.
We're both going to bed angry to cool off- but I think it's for the best. I still feel the adrenaline surging throughout me in anger at his words. I hope we can fix this by tomorrow.
Day 623
Apparently Hoseok is cheating on me.
Ridiculous, right? I don't even believe it myself.
A girl friend of mine called me over to come hang out- said it was urgent. I just thought that if she was getting engaged she might as well tell me over the phone.
I think anyone gets a sense of dread when someone says the words, "I have to tell you something," or "I need to talk to you." It just rises panic.
But I wasn't prepared for this.
She says she saw Hoseok with another girl yesterday.
That's ridiculous. I laughed and told her she probably saw someone else and left it at that. Still, curiosity and dread clawed at me. Hoseok and I have been getting in more arguments lately- but surely he wouldn't cheat, right?
I went to confront him- no, no, ask is more correct- about my friend's suspicions. But he was so tired, I just sent him to bed. No doubt he had a long day at work. Besides, I trust Hoseok. There's no way he'd do something like that. The boy who was too afraid to kiss me on the lips he gave me a peck on the cheek? A cheater? Ha! I even laugh as I write this, it's so preposterous.
I'm sure everything's fine.
I hope.
Day 645
I believe Hoseok is cheating on me.
I can't even say it out loud and I'm writing it down.
We've gotten into a lot of fights lately, sure. How I'm too insensitive and don't take anything seriously, to how he focuses too much on work and doesn't acknowledge the hard work I'm putting in. It starts with the small stuff, like what Netflix show to watch, and it slowly escalates. It's been like this for a few months, but goddammit, I love him. I've been with him for so long.
I don't know what to do.
He's been late from work a lot more than usual these past few weeks. I didn't care- more time for me to be away- but then I got suspicious.
Today I found a pair of underpants that aren't mine. This red, skimpy thong. I haven't touched any of my lingerie since I moved in, I never felt the need to impress him after we began letting go. Lord knows he has. So I know it's not mine- and I'll be damned if he's wearing sexier thongs than I am.
No, I don't feel in the mood to be funny. I can't. I can't crack a joke and pretend everything's some comedy skit on SNL. My boyfriend of over a year is sleeping with another woman and it fucking hurts.
I think I'm going to go to bed.
Day 679
"Leave him," they say. "He's a cheating bastard."
I can't deny that bit. I know it- he knows it- we're just still pretending like we're happy. Of course, it's difficult with his dick lodged in some other girl's pussy.
We got in a fight last night and I was brought to tears. He went on about how I couldn't be serious for five minutes since I never seemed to be able to take things into account. I wanted to point out that he wasn't taking our relationship seriously- I almost did, too. I almost blurted out those words, called him exactly what he was, but I couldn't. I can't confront him. I just choke on my own words, as though I'm scared to admit it to myself.
So instead I leave, slamming the door behind me and going out drinking with the girls, downing my thoughts away as they repeat the same old words about how all men are trash.
I'm in the bathroom sobbing by the toilet as I write this. I still love him. How could he do this to me? I can't change who I am. What he once loved about me he seems to despise. He's sleeping right now- went to bed without waiting for me after we had a fight like he used to.
Life fucking sucks.
Day 700
He's leaving.
I heard him on the phone. He calls her 'baby'. I can barely recall the last time he called me that. He says the word promise a lot. She seems angry. I'm writing this as I listen through the landline. The idiot didn't even use his cell phone. He says it'll be in about a week before he breaks things off with me. Why hasn't he done it before if he truly loves this girl? He clearly doesn't love me anymore. Why does he stay? Why do I stay?
She doesn't believe that he's leaving but he keeps saying, "I promise, baby, I promise." I want to shout through the line that he hasn't kept a single promise he's made me, but of course, I can't do that. What mistress would care, anyway?
I wonder at times what she looks like. Sometimes I see a smear of her lipstick on our bedspread or a hair on our couch, and I find myself piecing together an image. She's pretty- prettier than me. That's for sure. She has to be if he's leaving me for her. I don't think I want to know, though. It'll make me feel more insecure about myself.
Maybe it was for the best. Both he and I were too stubborn to leave a toxic relationship on its own- so add a third party into the mix to act as a catalyst. Great fucking idea.
He's hanging up now. He told her he loves her.
It took him 117 days to admit he loved me. I wonder how long it took him to fall for her. To fall out of love with me. I wonder how many days it'll take for me to fall out of love with him. It feels like it'll be forever. I still flip my pages to the beginning of this little book, the beginning of it all as I recorded my- no, our journey together.
I guess it's appropriate this is where it ends.
I hope you're proud of yourself.
Day 707
The smoke from the back of the car makes you grimace as you stand stiff and cross-armed by the taxi, Hoseok lugging his suitcases and stuff into the trunk. He would get a friend to stop by tomorrow to pick up the rest of his stuff- assuming you don't burn it by then.
You had caught him packing last night when you finally confronted him, an explosive fight breaking out between the two of you as you both burst into tears. You at the fact he was cheating and leaving you, and him because of what had become of the two of you, how bitter and hateful you had become to one another. And then you both became hollow, cold shells to each other as he packed the rest of his things, getting up bright and early that morning to go to her place, to live there.
Your hands are shaking as you put your hand on his shoulder, and he slowly turns to you.
"Please don't try to convince me to stay, Y/N." His voice is hard and cold, and it makes you feel like an unwanted stranger. Perhaps you were. You barely knew the man before you. He was nothing like the man you had first met on New Year's Eve.
"I won't," you say softly. "I just wanted to give you... a goodbye present."
Hoseok pauses at that and turns around to face you completely, a small book in your hands. "What's this?" he questions.
You suck in a deep breath. "I can't bear to look at it- but it'd be a shame to burn it. You'd have better use of it than me, I think. It's my recordings of... the story of us, I suppose. What it was."
Hoseok's silent for a moment, staring down at the book. "I'm sorry things had to end this way," he murmured quietly, and for a second you're afraid he's going to cry again. Lord knows Hoseok was always a sensitive person.
You find a lump forming in your own throat. "I know you are," you simply say.
Hoseok opens the book to the first page, and you see him sniffle, a tear rolling down his face. Despite all of your friends screaming in your head to spit in his face and scream your head off at him, you see a sliver of the Hoseok you once knew, and you can't bear to show resentment at this moment.
"Day 1," he speaks, his voice cracking. "I met a boy today."
"Yesterday, to be more precise. Exactly 5 hours and 48 minutes from ago, from the moment that I'm writing down these words," you reminisce, quoting it word for word. "You don't know how many times I looked back at that first page, to the memory of when I first met you."
"I wish we could've started over," he said, voice a whisper as his fingers brush over the strokes of your words. "When did things change?"
"Keep reading and find out," you joke, hot tears rolling down your cheeks in fat drops. You feel angry. Angry at yourself for letting the relationship come to this- angry at him for cheating on you- angry, angry, angry. You brush them quickly, stepping back before he could even attempt to reach out to you. "It's a good story, through and through. It'll make for a good read in the car- since you don't get car sick, and all that." God, you remember how jealous you were when you found out that little fact.
There's a pregnant pause between you two.
"I'm still so, so sorry," Hoseok whispered.
For a moment, once again, he reminds you of Day 1 Hoseok, with those soft eyes and sweet expressions.
"Well, being sorry doesn't exactly fix anything, does it?" you spit bitterly, the anger rising once again. Hoseok didn't deserve a bittersweet ending. "It doesn't unfuck a girl, it doesn't erase months of lies, and it doesn't fix our relationship- more accurately what was left of it."
Hoseok doesn't say anything, letting you vent as you continued to berate him.
"I know I fucked up by putting work over you, but that doesn't give you an excuse to cheat. You said it last night- you should've ended things earlier if you really wanted to be with her. You just dragged me along- and despite what you think, I truly loved- no, still love, you. Otherwise, I wouldn't hurt so much. Otherwise, I wouldn't have stayed, cried, and fought for you. The fact I can't even mark that stupid little book shows that and more- and if you truly still don't believe my feelings, that book will prove it to you. Hundreds of days of you and I written there because I thought- I don't even know what I thought anymore. You're not the Jung Hoseok I fell for, and I guess I'm not the Y/N you fell in love with."
"Anything else you want to say?" Hoseok breathed solemnly, not even putting up a fight to defend himself. It angered you more that he wasn't fighting back, like your usual duals. He simply took it and stood there, not caring anymore. He couldn't even fight anymore. People only fought for things they cared about- and clearly, he didn't care about you anymore.
Yes, you want to scream. You fucked up. Badly. You're the antagonist in this situation, not me. You're the bad guy. We could've had a fresh start and worked things out- but you're the one who fucking fucked things up like the fucker you are. This is your fault!
"Nothing you don't already know."
Hoseok was tight-lipped, mumbling a goodbye as he left in the taxi, letting the story come to a close.
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xmagicxshopx · 5 years
Girl Meets Evil - Prologue
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Genre: Action Adventure, Romance, Comedy, Angst  Rating: PG-13 - M Warnings: violence, immoral and unethical behavior, smut (eventually), mild language Pairing: Jungkook x reader, Jimin x oc, Taehyung x oc Notes: mafia!bts / gang!bts au. Not idol!bts. Same goes for VIXX. Single quote marks ‘ ‘ are for thoughts and double “ “ are for talking. Additional Notes: It’s not required, but you might want to read my post about meeting the gangs and their job descriptions. You can find it under the tag “s;girlmeetsevil”
Tagging: @justbangtanandjams @och-ako @jiminnies-baby @lizardsocial
Summary: How could something so bad taste so sweet? All you wanted was an iced white chocolate mocha no whip extra ice on a hot summer’s day.
It was so freaking hot out today. Perhaps you should have packed your lunch instead and just ate in the cool, air conditioned space of the company break room. Granted, all you had to do was pick a place to eat and you’d be in just as much air conditioning. But it was the whole idea of having to sweat your butt off to get there. It was then that one of your coworkers, nicknamed Sunshine, chirped up and suggested,
“How about Cafe Fantasia? I hear the employees there are super hot.”
You glanced over at your other coworker, who liked to go by the alias Raven. It was because of her raven black hair but you personally preferred her real name. With Raven giving a casual shrug as it was really no big deal to her, you nodded back at Sunshine and said with a bit of pep in your step,
“Sure! Let’s go there. I’m due for an iced coffee. It’s freaking smoldering hot out here.”
Thankfully the ritzy cafe wasn’t too far down the street from where they worked. Speaking of, thank goodness for good paying jobs since it seemed to be such a rarity anymore. Otherwise you weren’t sure you were going to be able to afford the lunch here.
Being the last one to step inside and hearing the little bell rattle against the door, you took a moment to soak everything in. The place was elegant to say the least. Wow. It was more than obvious that this place was meant to draw in a particular crowd. The place was practically filled with monkey suits. Briefcases on the tables everywhere. This was like big business central right here.
“The sign says to take a seat anywhere we’d like. Let’s get the one by the window.”
Following Sunshine, you took notice how a lot of the businessmen were eyeing you and your coworkers up and down. Ugh. Disgusting. It made you want to tug down on your pencil skirt so that it’d hide more of your legs. Lucky for you, you had chosen to wear a blouse that had frills and buttoned all the way up to your neck.
“Hello, ladies. My name is Hongbin and I’ll be your server today. Can I start you off with something to drink? We have Coke products, iced and hot teas, coffee.”
‘Wow. He is definitely hot.’
It was Sunshine who went first. Mostly because you were too busy drooling over the handsome server and public places already made Raven nervous enough without having extra attention drawn to her. The longer she could put off speaking, the better.
“I’ll take an iced tea, extra sweet. No lemon.”
It was then that he turned his eyes to you and you couldn’t help but blush. Wow. He had a really handsome smile. You took notice that he was a lefty. Not many people were. Why did you even care??? Clearing your throat and trying not to blush any more than you already were, you smiled a little sheepishly and said,
“I’ll have your guys’ iced white chocolate mocha, no whip, extra ice. In the largest size you have.”
He chuckled a bit while he wrote down the last part of your order; nodding with a wide smile of amusement. It was now Raven’s turn and you felt your heart clench for her.
You discovered that both your coworkers had been individually, at different times, been diagnosed with social anxiety and therefore found it hard to go out and about. So you took it upon yourself to try and help them face their fears by occasionally taking them out to lunch.
“I um.....I’ll just take a water.”
“Sure thing, dear. Any lemon or sweetener?”
“N-No thanks.”
“No problem. So I have an iced sweet tea, extra sweet with no lemon. An iced white chocolate mocha, no whip, extra ice in the largest cup I can find. And an ice water.”
When he got the nods of approval, he flashed that charming smile one last time before he handed the three of you each a menu and added smoothly,
“Great! I’ll get these drinks in. You ladies take a moment to look over the menu and I’ll be right back.”
As soon as their handsome waiter was out of earshot, it was Sunshine that immediately spoke up as she leaned against the table with both hands.
“Oh my god! Did you see that smile!? Raven you’re so lucky. He called you dear! I almost winked at him but I chickened out at the very last second.”
You couldn’t help but snort in amusement at your coworker. Well.....honestly.....these two were more like your friends. At least you wanted them to be your friends. The three of you got along pretty well and you did lots of things together outside of work hours. So yeah......perhaps you three were friends. Gal pals.
“Don’t laugh, girl. I saw the way you were looking at him all rosy cheeks and crap.”
Since the three of you only got an hour for lunch, you decided quickly on what to eat. It wasn’t too long after that Hongbin came back with your drink orders. You watched the muscles in his arms flex thanks to the semi see-through white dress shirt he was wearing as part of his uniform. After he had carefully set down all three drinks and placed three straws on the table, he whipped out his paper and pen once more; poised at the ready.
“And what will you fine ladies be having today?”
“I’m going to take your guys’ lunch special for the day.”
“Yeah me too.”
“Might as well make it three of those.”
Laughing softly, he shook his head in amusement while writing down the order. After putting the pin in his apron pocket, he smirked at the three of you and said with another shake of his head,
“You girls are just too easy. I’ll be back with those shortly.”
Once again, it was Sunshine who spoke as she dramatically sighed and fell back in her chair; her hands moving over her heart. Speaking in a tone to match the dramatic actions, she said,
“A guy just called me easy. Wow. I want a boyfriend. Do you think I could get his number?”
You had been in the middle of a long drag from your iced coffee when she said it and the next thing you know, you’re choking and the caffeinated drink almost came shooting out your nose. Quickly picking up your fancy napkin, you held it to the lower half of your face to help cover yourself in case any liquid did in fact come dribbling out of your nose. You looked up to see Raven smiling around her straw but otherwise she remained silent.
“Sunshine, so help me god, I will not hesitate to dump that iced tea over your head.”
Shortly after the playful bickering died down, the three of you moved on to talking about weekend plans. Raven had a family reunion to go to while Sunshine had errands to run and an apartment to clean. Honestly, you should probably think about cleaning your own apartment too. But, eh, it could wait another weekend......for the third week in a row.
“Whoa who’s that? He’s hot too.”
You had been shoving around the ice in your now empty cup when you looked up to see who your coworker was talking about. Wow. Dang. He took your breath away. Unknowingly letting your mouth hang open, you watched the handsome young male walk through the crowd of tables. Looks like he was heading for the back of the cafe.
He was decked out in all black. He had a graphic black t-shirt that had a bit of color to it but that was it. His leather jacket fit him in all the right places as did his black ripped jeans. His boots as shiny as his ear piercings. Which you took notice he had quite a few. His whole image screamed bad boy but you couldn’t care less. He was definitely easy on the eyes.
“Hmm. Weird. Looks like he went straight for the bathroom. Maybe he just couldn’t hold it any longer and walked into the first place he came to.”
“I’m packing your lunch tomorrow.”
The two laughed softly at your determined declaration to eat in tomorrow. Either that or you were going to have to start taking the girls back to cheap, lame fast food places. Maybe the mall food court, even. No----The mall would hold even more potentially hot guys. The mall was a bad idea. Yeah. You’d stick with packed lunches from here.
Just as your food was being set out on the table, you had asked the waiter Hongbin for a refill. After taking the empty glass from you, it was then that you felt a sudden pressure in your lower abdomen and stood up which only seemed to make it worse.
“I’m gonna use the restroom. I’ll be right back.”
“The men’s is on the left.”
You just playfully shoved Sunshine’s shoulder a bit before smiling and shaking your head. However, that didn’t mean you hadn’t turned paranoid and triple checked to make sure you were, in fact, walking into the women’s before going to do your business.
After washing your hands thoroughly, you dried them off with a couple towelettes and made sure your blouse was all tucked back into your skirt nice and neat before heading out of the bathroom. But as luck would have it, just as you were exiting the women’s, someone was exiting the men’s.
“Oh my gosh!----I’m so sorry! Are you okay?”
But all you were met with was soft chuckles and you looked up to see that it was the hot, bad boy looking male from earlier. Involuntarily gulping, you took notice of his more finer facial features.
He had a bit of acne but what young man didn’t? You could tell despite the small and few blemishes that he took great care of his skin. It looked soft to the touch. And his nose. Gosh he had a cute nose. Like a bunny rabbit’s. You had to resist the urge to boop him right where you stood. Those eyes, though. His eyes was what wrapped your attention the most. They were almond shaped and doe-like. But there was something there swirling in his cocoa colored orbs.
“I’m really sorry, sir. I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
“Aigoo. Please. Sir is my father. You can call me Jungkook.”
You watched nimble looking fingers dig into the pocket of his leather jacket and he pulled out a card. Holding it out for you to take, you could see it was a business card. Was this guy even old enough to have a business? He looked young but something told you age wasn’t a factor for this guy. Despite his jacket, you could tell this guy was fit. He had the physique of a young man verses a boy.
“Jeon Jungkook. Here’s my card. Don’t be afraid to call me........for anything.”
You had looked up just in time to see him flashing you a sly wink. Heat immediately rose to your face and you could feel it radiating off your cheeks. Without another word, he was sauntering off towards the exit of the cafe like he was never even there. Looking back down at the card, you read softly out loud to yourself,
“Jeon Jungkook. Professional tech support and repair services. Interesting. Never pegged a guy like him to be a geek.”
As soon as you walked back to your table and sat down, you were shoved almost clean off of it by none other than Sunshine herself. Mildly glaring at your coworker and assumed friend, you huffed and whispered in a scolding tone,
“What the hell was that for?!”
“I’m the one who’s trying to get phone numbers here!”
“You wouldn’t want him. He’s a geek.”
You managed to pull your arm back as the petite girl tried to snatch the mystery boy’s business card from your hand. It wasn’t till the two of you had settled down when you started getting less than pleasant looks from some of the customers around you that Raven spoke up. She gave you a small smile while saying in a soft, shy, but teasing tone,
“Looks like we know what you’ll be doing this weekend. Need your laptop looked at?”
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