#i just know there are more fics i could have listed
Cool for the Summer 4
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, power dynamics, cheating, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: After finishing your degree, you return home only to find things aren’t as you left them.
Characters: Bucky Barnes
Note: baby girls, he we go.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You rinse out the bowl you used for your oatmeal. It’s only as the back door opens that you notice the roar of the mower’s stopped. You put the porcelain in the dishwasher and shut it as you hear footsteps down the hall. It’s almost ten o’clock. 
“Hey, baby girl,” Bucky greets your back as he enters. “I just put fresh water in the hot tub. Might go for a soak myself, try to loosen up these muscles.” 
You face him, “hot tub?” 
“Oh, yeah. Guess that’s new too.” He chuckles. “Another one of my projects.” 
“Right,” you nod. A sudden buzz makes your jump. 
You look around and scurry across the kitchen to grab your phone. It’s a message from your mom. But why would she text you? Can’t she just come downstairs? 
‘Is Bucky still there?’  
You stare at the message and frown. Huh? 
“Everything okay, doll?” Bucky asks. Your eyes flick up. 
“Um, yeah, erm, it’s my mom...” you shake your head. 
“Right, how’s work going for her?” He plants a hand on the counter and leans. 
“Work? It’s her day off,” you blink. 
“Ah, yeah, she said she didn’t want to wake you up when she left. She got called in. Emergency.” He explains. 
You clutch the phone as you stare at him dumbly. Why didn’t he mention that earlier? Well, it’s not on him, you could have checked. But if she’s gone, why is he still here? 
“Don’t spoil the surprise,” he says, “about the lawn.” 
“I won’t,” you look down and text her back. 
“So how about it? You up for a soak?” He asks again. 
“Um, I’ll think about it. Just gonna chat with my mom,” you waggle your phone at him and meander to the door. 
‘Great. You two can get to know each other.’  
Her answer is disappointing. You thought she’d be surprised, maybe confused. It’s all perfectly normal to them. You’re still adjusting. If she’d told you before you got there, it wouldn’t feel so strange. 
At the same time, you don’t want to let her down. You can’t just ignore her message. You have to try but you feel like you haven’t even had time to settle in. And he’s not the only thing that’s different. Your room doesn’t even feel like yours. 
You stand at the bottom of the stairs. You key in a final reply. ‘Ok’. That’s it. A tepid agreement. 
“Hey,” Bucky surprises you again. “Invitation stands,” he wipes his forehead, his bicep bulging as he does, the muscles of his chest straining. “I’m just going to get in my trunks.” 
“Uh, I... I’ll think about it,” you make yourself take a step up and climb steadily, refusing to look back. 
You stare at the phone. You don’t want to be rude. You’re sure there’s a reasonable explanation for why your mother didn’t mention him. You might do the same in her shoes. After so long being single, she was probably just letting it pan out. 
Still, she could have said something when you were on the train. 
Whatever. It’s not your place to complain. You’re still living under her roof, rent-free, after years of tuition on her dime and a lifetime of dependency. You can pretend like this is all okay. 
You go into your room and shut the door behind you. You wouldn’t have a swim suit in the dresser, you didn’t bother to pack it for college. Wherever your other clothes are, it should be there. You just don’t know where that is. 
A tank top and shorts should do the trick. You prefer that to an actual swimsuit. It won’t feel so revealing.  
You take out a hot pink spaghetti strap shirt and a pair of black shorts. You switch out your clothes, catching your foot in the shorts and tripping slightly. You stand up, shirtless, leaning on the vanity as you get your balance.  
You glimpse your reflection and shy away. You tie the string of the shorts and reach for the tank top. You pull it over your head and check yourself in the mirror. It will do. You hope. 
As you come out of the room, another door opens. You peer down the hall as Bucky emerges from your mother’s room. You gulp and flick your eyes away from him. He wears a pair of light blue shorts, so short you might mistake them for briefs. His thick thighs and torso flex with his movement as he approaches, a towel over his shoulder. 
“You changed your mind?” He asks as he comes closer. 
“Erm, well, I... I’ll give it a try. I’ve never really been in a hot tub, so...” You poke your fingertips together nervously. You don’t want to tell him your mother told you to be social. 
“Great, kinda feel like a loser sitting in there by myself. It’s really too bad your mom had to go in.” He sighs. 
Yeah, it is. You wonder why he didn’t mention it sooner. Or why he’s hanging around. You guess you don’t really know how things work around here anymore. 
“Don’t forget a towel,” he winks as he pats the one on his shoulder. “I’ll go get the cover off and you can come hop on in.” 
He brushes by you, his knuckle glancing off you as he does. You shuffle down to the linen closet and take out a towel. You don’t follow him right away. 
Your stomach is a flurry of nerves. It’s just the oatmeal. It always sits like a lump. You didn’t think about that, you were just hungry. 
You go downstairs and drag your feet to the back door. You come out onto the deck and peer around. The tub sits in the deck, installed where the table used to be. It steams as Bucky steps into it. He sighs and groans, muscles clenching up his back and sides. He must work out a lot. 
You look down at yourself. Self-consciousness creeps over you. It’s been a while since you thought so much about it. You tried not to focus much on your body; as long as you liked what you’re wearing, you don’t worry about what’s underneath. You don’t have the most extravagant taste but you have a few cute pieces. 
He lowers himself into the water and lets out another drone. He shifts around to face you but doesn’t seem to notice you as he closes his eyes and leans his head back. He takes a deep breath so his chest puffs out. 
You set your towel next to his on the small table near the edge. You near and stand at the lip of the tub. Can you just sneak away? 
“Hey,” his voice rolls over the bubbling water, “it’s not bad. Come on. It feels great. It’ll loosen you right up.” 
You nod and bite your lip. You get down on your butt before you ease yourself down onto the seat of the tub. The water steams and spits just beneath your shoulders. It is nice though it does raise a thick sheen across your forehead. 
“Mmm, trust me, when you’re mine age, you’ll need one of these,” he smirks. “So,” he stretches his arms around the frame of the tub, “what’s the plan, doll?’ 
“The plan?” You flap your lashes. 
“For the summer? Beach days with the girls? You wanna invite some friends over? You can have the tub to yourself,” he offers. 
“Mm, no, I... I’m looking for work. Uh, probably send out more applications.” You shrug. 
“Looking for a job? Ah, right, no more school, huh? Exciting. You got the whole world in front of you.” 
“Mhm, yeah,” you reach to rub your neck. 
“I’m sure you’ll still have time to hang out with your friends,” he insists. 
“Uh, I don’t... I don’t really have any,” you utter. You look away and stare at the fence. 
“No? Well, all my buddies are too busy for me. I know how you feel.” He says, “you know, we could be friends.” 
“Um, yeah, maybe,” you look at him again as you chew your lip. His eyes snap up from your chest. You look down and try not to show your horror. Your nipples are entirely visible as the pink fabric clings to you. You cross your arms. “You’ll be busy with my mom.” 
“Not all the time,” he says “You know, ever since she got this promotion, she’s been too busy for me.” 
“Ah, erm, I'm sorry.” 
“Why are you sorry?” He asks. 
You shake your head, “I don’t know...” 
“Mm, I know why,” he tilts his head. 
You stare at him in confusion. 
“You know a guy like me shouldn’t be kept waiting around. You’re a sweetheart, aren’t you? You can’t help but feel bad knowing I’m left all on my own. Lonely.” He traces a finger along the edge of the tub as he speaks. 
“I... guess. I don’t... know? I just...” You look away again. You can hardly stand the heat of the water as it boils your blood. 
He snickers and you wince as he shifts around the tub, sliding into the seat next to you. He slips his arm behind you as he does. You shrink down and stare at the deck railing. What is he doing? 
“This is nice, isn’t it? Getting to know each other?” His fingers tickle your shoulder as he crowds you. “You know, seems like we have a lot in common, doesn’t it?” 
“Um, erm,” you squirm in the seat. “I think... maybe... I should...” 
“Relax, it won’t do you any good if you don’t relax,” he girds. “I’m just saying, baby girl, seems like we’re both pretty lonely.” 
He leans back into the hot tub and lets his head fall back. You bend your arm, rubbing your other, and fidget. You want to just go but you’re scared to move. You don’t think you’re really afraid of him, he probably won’t stop you, but you’re just all locked up. 
You sit there, staring through the slats at the green lawn. The water babbles and your ears pulse. He continues to caress your shoulder. 
“Mm, baby girl, come on, just let yourself...” he taps your arm, “lean back, huh?” 
You obey. You lean back into the tub and slide down in the seat, trying to mimic him. Your head hits his arm as you recline. It is nice as the jets shoot up your back. 
“Wait, wait, you gotta get in the right...” he grabs your thigh and drags you towards him. “..place. Make sure you hit all the pressure points.” 
As he moves you, you spasm and cry out in surprise. A jet blows right against your shorts, a stream of water that sends tingles through you. You try to move back but he holds you in place. He squeezes your thigh and kneads. 
“Ah, yeah, baby girl, right there? Doesn’t it feel good?” 
You squeak as the water hits your clit through your thin shorts. You put your hand on his and wiggle. That only makes it more intense. Does he know what’s happening? 
“Please...” you gasp. 
“What did I say? Relax,” he continues to rub his fingertips into your thigh. “You’re all tense, baby girl. Let it go.” 
Your eyes round and you contort, trying to take the pressure off your clit. It doesn’t help. You puff out and grab onto his arm without thinking. He needs to let go. You can feel a throbbing inside of you. It hurts. Please, stop. 
The sensation crests and coils through you. Your muscles clench then release all at once. You squeal in shock and shame as your body twitches. You think you just... orgasmed? 
“Baby girl, what is it?” Bucky leans into you. 
“I...” you heave. “I-- nothing.” 
“Mmm, nothing?” His hand crawls up your leg and over your stomach. He twists and bends his arm, cradling your head and turning you to face him. You shiver as he cups your chest through the wet fabric and runs his thumb over the hard bud beneath. “Cause I think you just came in this nice clean water.” He leans in closer until you feel his breath against your lips, “baby girl, I thought you were going to be good for me?” 
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i-hate-peas · 3 days
The Old Guard Fic Recs
So I've been a long time lurker within the fandom without ever getting particularly involved, but I wanted to show some appreciation for some of the super talented people who go here, because I have read a lot of incredible TOG fic.
Most (probably all) of these authors have loads of other amazing fics, but I've tried to just chose one from each, to keep the list a vaguely reasonable length. Although then I cheated and did some honourable mentions.
** just a note to say I started this list year (s) ago and forgot about it until literally today when I saw fic recs going round. Any of these fics I haven’t put a description for it’s because I didn’t do it at the time, and if I go back to reread them all this would never be posted, not through any lack of affection or enjoyment **
If any writers want tagging/ untagging etc please let me know! (i knew/ could find some blogs more easily than others lol)
Within Canon
Old Olives by aeli_kindara
Garden of Gethsemane mention = instant tears
Death in Her Hands by superblackmarket
Nile's growing relationship with Joe and Nicky. All of their fics are so beautifully written, but I especially love Nile's relationship with the boys and her facing her own immortality.
Honourable mention: Station to Station
Between the Hour and the Age by hauntedjaeger (@hauntedfalcon)
Andy! Nile!
Ouroboros by CypressSunn (@cypresssunns)
Set after the film, literally just read it.
compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience by Jack_R
A pair of early days Joe Nicky fics that reminds me of 'my wife is a bitch and i love her so much'
let's give them something to talk about by lacecat
When The Cherries White With Blossoms, Be Ready & Be Brave by chapstickaddict
Unearthed by merle_p
I think this is one of the most kudosed fics in the AO3 tag, but it deserves the hype!
Kidnapping for Dummies by Amiril
Similar to above, already very popular, but great and very funny!
The Last Man on Earth by Survivah (@optimismology)
I will admit I don't normally go for Booker/Nile, but this fic sold it to me. Looking at them and their developing relationship as the newer immortals.
Canon Divergent
Retrograde by Pinkninja
I mean this fic is the Big Bitch of the fandom for me, if you haven't already read this, where have you been? But also if you haven't already read this I am so jealous, read it and take your time with it and bawl your eyes out over it and appreciate the joy of reading it for the first time. The level of detail and planning in this fic is indescribable. It follows Nicky trapped in a Time Travellers Wife style life where he jumps back and forth throughout his own timeline, whilst Joe lives his life in chronological order. Exquisitely written.
If Never Again, If Every Day by gallifreyburning and takiki16 (@gallifreyburning, @takiki16)
Another absolute Titan of the genre. I know you’ve already been recommended this 500 times, what more can I say.
though I'm dying to (fall in love with you) by yusufsmoon (@babygirlyusuf)
Travellers from an Antique Land by kaydeefalls (@kaydeefalls)
Andy, not Quỳnh, trapped under the sea. I love all their fics.
Makes Me Want You More by Sixthlight (@sixth-light)
Perhaps not the typical favourite choice from Sixthlight, one of my absolute favourite TOG authors, but one that is funny and lovely and sweet that I keep coming back to. Shorter than many of theirs but perfectly formed.
pumpkin gnocci verse (series) by Liadan14 (@bewires)
I mean it's got estranged family, suspenseful chronological structure, cooking, spies, intimate and honest sex scenes, hilarious misunderstandings involving keeping halal, lovely found family moments, and the actual recipes used. What more do you want.
The Reality of Everything by Marbletopempire
One of the fics I desperately waited for each instalment for. Very funny, lots of sexual tension, plenty of Cate Blanchette spotting opportunities.
sine qua non by mellyflori (@werebearbearbar)
One of the first of their fics I read, with a very sweet build up of misunderstanding to friends to lovers, involving growing up, discovering sexuality, trying to be nice about your best friend's bad boyfriend, and a long suffering sofa.
The Brooklyn Verse (series) by GayLittleEarring, yusufsmoon, nicelytousled (@marwankenzarisgaylittleearring @babygirlyusuf @nicelytousled)
I saw the creation of this on Tumblr before it was a fic, and it lived up to every expectation. Very sweet and sincere, with lots of great discussions about art, whilst also very funny (Lamp the free loader, Joe sending thirst traps out of irritation) and hot. ItalianAmericanNickyfromBrooklyn and Joe my beloveds.
a good (eighth) impression by deaniker
I love a good hook-up to 'oh shit I have feelings' fic, and this is even more entertaining because Nicky is Lykon's ex, and Joe has very much seen him at his worst.
You do not have to be good by emjee (MerryHeart) (@emjee)
At one point a tumblr post about Joe the Professor and Nicky the Priest got very popular, and I'm not sure if this fic was inspired by that, but is one of the great fics with similar concepts. Such a lovely, gentle fic about love and also identity, featuring also Nile and a very sweet snail.
it's such an almighty sound (series) by raedear (@raedear)
A secret service AU that goes full enemies to lovers, with lots of tension, plotting, betrayal, frustration, and tenderness.
Honourable mention: take my hand (you got me rockin' and rollin')
fight 'til the day that i die 'verse by incurableromancer
Suspenseful, noir, super hero AU that has such a great writing style and is very atmospheric.
if you do take a thief by knoepfchen (@knoepfchen)
Cluedo style AU with lots of fun twists and slow building of backstories, with the whole gang.
Honourable mention: life is not the things that we do (it's who we're doing them with)
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wzrd-wheezes · 2 days
Friday, I'm in Love - Remus Lupin x Reader
"Remus found himself visiting the shop more often and Y/N found herself looking forward to his unplanned but always promised visits." 
AN - I had this idea for a fic ages ago and it's taken me so long to write for some reason. I hope you enjoy n please give it a reblog if you do <3 I also have a lil list of songs that I listened to while writing this so let me know if you want me to post it
It was a slow morning, to say the least. Outside, the downpour was relentless, each raindrop drumming against the thin glass of the record shop’s front windows, blurring the already muted colours of the street beyond. The warm glow of the shop lights barely reached the pavement.  
Y/N hadn’t seen a customer in over an hour and the stillness had settled into a comfortable rhythm. She passed the time by meticulously arranging the coins in the till, the soft clinking sounds punctuating the quiet. The final notes of a record filled the room before slowing to a comforting crackle. Choosing the music that played instore was one of the few small joys on slow days. 
She wandered over to the old turntable, her fingers trailing along the edge of a weathered box of records. The sleeves, many of them worn and well-loved, slipped past her fingers as she thumbed through them. After a moment of contemplation, she settled on one, slipping it from its sleeve and setting it on the turntable, guiding the needle to the edge. The familiar crackle started once more, followed by the comforting notes of the music.  
Y/N hummed to herself as she wandered around the small shop, flitting between the shelves, straightening records, adjusting displays and dusting off the shelves. She was working alone today, however, she didn’t mind the solitude – there was something peaceful about the quiet, empty shop, surrounded by rows of records and the soft glow old the old lamps. With no one to talk to and no customers to serve, she settled herself back behind the till, pouring herself a fresh mug of coffee and perching on the counter behind her, reaching for her book that she kept stashed away. 
She had just settled into a good part of her book when the sharp jingle of the bell above the door startled her. She looked up, the shop’s quiet suddenly disrupted as a gust of cool, rain-scented air swept in. A man stepped inside shaking droplets from his coat as he paused in the doorway, taking in the warmth of the shop. 
For a moment, their eyes met and Y/N felt a flutter of surprise at the sudden presence. She closed her book softly, setting it aside as she slid off the counter. He was dripping from the rain, his jacket soaked through and his hair slightly dishevelled. His eyes scanned the room before they finally landed on her. He offered a small, almost sheepish smile as he stepped further inside. 
“Bloody horrible out there, isn’t it?” he said, his voice warm despite the miserable weather. He ran a hand through his damp hair, attempting to tame it as he gave her a lopsided grin.  
“Absolutely,” she agreed, “You can hang your jacket up while you look around if you like? There’s nothing worse than a soggy coat while you’re trying to shop.” she gestured towards the coat stand adjacent to the door.  
He smiled appreciatively, immediately taking her up on the offer and shedding the sodden jacket, revealing a rumpled jumper underneath.  
“Thank you. It’s nice to be out of the rain for a bit.” he said, his eyes flickering over the shelves of records that lined the walls. 
“Can I get you a coffee or anything? It’s only meant to be for staff, but you look like you could do with warming up.” 
He looked pleasantly surprised, a grateful smile spreading across his face. 
“That would be lovely, actually. As long as it won’t get you into trouble?” 
Y/N laughed shaking her head, “It’s only me in today and I won’t tell if you don’t.” 
He chuckled, clearly relieved, “Deal. I appreciate it.” 
With a nod, she moved behind the counter, grabbing the coffee pot from the warmer and pouring it into a clean mug. A moment later, she joined him by the shelves, handing him the steaming cup. 
“Here you go. Try not to spill any on the records - you’ll get me sacked and I actually quite like this job.” she teased.  
He took the mug with a grin, “I’ll try to be extra careful. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for your imminent unemployment.” 
“Glad to hear it. I’ll be over there,” she jutted her head towards the till, “Give me a shout if you need anything.” 
She watched him as he browsed; he was interesting to look at. His trousers were slightly too short for his lanky frame, and with every step they revealed glimpses of his mismatched socks. His hair, now starting to dry, was settling into soft waves. When she had handed him the mug, she had noticed that his hands were marked with white scars, matching the ones that adorned his face. He seemed absorbed in the records, flipping through them with a thoughtful expression. Occasionally, he would pause to examine a cover. After a short while, he approached the counter with a small stack of records in hand. 
 “I think I’ve found a few that might be worth a listen.” he set them down with a satisfied smile. 
“Yeah? Any particular mood you’re going for, or just exploring?” she asked, her curiosity piqued.  
“Just exploring. I haven’t bought any new ones in a while.” he shrugged. 
“Let’s see what you’ve picked, then.” she reached out, “I promise I won’t judge – at least, not to your face anyway.” 
“Fair enough. I’ll take my chances.” he leaned forward on the counter as he watched her inspect his choices. 
“Hey this is good one- Unknown Pleasures.” 
“Yeah? I’ve heard a couple songs, y’know on the radio and stuff. Thought I’d give it a proper go.” he pulled down the sleeves of his jumper over his hands, toying with a loose thread as he spoke to her, “What about this one? You listened to it?” 
She turned the album over in her hands, poring over the track list on the back. She frowned and shook her head. 
“I haven’t actually. Heard of it, but never gave it a listen.” she totted up his total as she spoken to him, “You’ll have to let me know if it’s worth a listen. 
He reached into the pocket of his trousers and pulled out a small pile of coins, dropping them into her outstretched palm as he counted them.  
“It’s been nice speaking to you.” he smiled sincerely at her, “Oh, and thanks again for the coffee.”  
“No worries at all. It’s nice having someone to chat to on slow days like today.” she glanced up at him and she put his money into the till, “Thanks for not spilling it all over the albums.”  
He grinned as he took the bag of records and headed towards the door, pausing momentarily to shrug his jacket back on. With one last nod in her direction, he pushed the door open and stepped back out into the rain, the shop once again settling into its quiet rhythm. 
A few weeks later, the weather had shifted from the relentless rain to a drearier drizzle. Inside, Y/N was immersed in sorting out a new batch of records behind the counter, the crackle of vinyl playing softly in the background. 
The familiar jingle of the doorbell caught her attention and she smiled to herself when she saw who it was. 
“Back already?” she grinned.  
“Couldn’t stay away apparently.” he stepped inside, shaking the rain from his umbrella and looking around with an appreciative nod, “I was just passing actually, thought I’d stop by and see what’s new.” 
This time, he looked more prepared for the weather, sliding his umbrella into the stand by the door. His hair was now tousled in a more deliberate way, though the sense of casual coolness in his clothes remained. 
“You’ve got great timing.” 
He cocked his head and looked at her quizzically, walking over to where she stood at the counter. 
“Yeah. We just got a delivery this morning. I’m just sorting through it if you want to take a look?” 
He nodded and moved to stand opposite her, resting his elbows on the wooden countertop. As he leaned in, his eyes focused on the box of records, his fingers lightly brushing over the album covers. 
He began to sift through the records, carefully flipping through the albums. As he examined each one, the two of them fell into a comfortable rhythm, their conversation flowing easily. Every so often, they would both reach for a record at the same time, their fingers brushing against each other's. Each time, he would glance up with a sheepish smile, his cheeks flushing slightly as he mumbled an apology.  
“I didn’t catch your name last time.” Y/N said, filling the silence, “I feel a bit rude not knowing it.” 
“Remus.” he looked up, eyes locking with hers, “and yours?” 
She smiled and pointed to the name badge pinned to her t-shirt. His cheeks tinged pink again and he quickly looked down at the album in his hands and then back to her. 
“Oh, yeah, I’m an idiot.” he laughed, “I should’ve noticed that.”  
She laughed softly, waving off his embarrassment, “You’re fine, don’t worry,” she said, her tone reassuring, then with a nod towards the album in his hands, she asked, “Any of them catch your eye?” 
They spent the next half an hour deeply immersed in a spirited discussion about music, bouncing from one artist to another. Remus’s enthusiasm was palpable; he could have spent hours delving into the intricacies of his favourite albums. His passion was evident in the way that he spoke, animated and engaged. He had taken to leaning forward, his forearms resting on the counter as he spoke to her.  
Eventually, he glanced up at the old clock hanging on the wall and realised how late it had gotten, “I should probably get going.” he said, reluctantly straightening up, “It’s been great talking music with you, though. Thanks for all the recommendations.” 
“Anytime. Small price to pay for having someone to talk to on a quiet shift.” she smiled, sliding the album he had bought into a bag. 
Remus came to the record store more and more often over the following months. They had settled into a familiar routine, discussing the merits of the latest addition to his collection and conversing about different genres and artists. Over the months, he had collected a plethora of albums: Ramones, David Bowie, The Cure, Fleetwood Mac, Joy Division. Anything that she recommended, he would buy and the next time he stopped by they would have a lengthy discussion about it. Remus found himself visiting the shop more often and Y/N found herself looking forward to his unplanned but always promised visits. 
One afternoon, they were having a fairly heated discussion. Y/N had hoisted herself up on the counter behind the till, and Remus was leaning forward, propped up on his elbows on the counter facing her.  
“I mean, you can’t deny the impact of Three Imaginary Boys,” Remus said, “It’s got that sort of gritty edge that you don’t get in their later stuff.” 
Y/N shook her head, her eyes sparkling with conviction, “I get that, but sometimes it’s not about the sound it’s about how the music makes you feel. With their later stuff it’s like they took all of that energy and polished it and made it into something great.” 
Remus raised an eyebrow, the scar across his lip stretching as he smirked, “Are you saying that because you think its natural progression, or just because you’re a fan of their later stuff?” 
“Both.” she replied with a grin. 
Their voices were animated, the shop’s usual quiet atmosphere was replaced with the lively exchange, each of them passionately defending their point with the occasional joking jab to the other.  
As the conversation continued, Y/N shifted her position slightly, causing a stack of records to wobble precariously. Remus’s lanky frame stretch across the counter, straining to try and steady them. Their hands brushed briefly, lingering for a moment longer than usual. They exchanged a quick, knowing glance before returning to their previous positions. 
“Do you want to go out for a drink or something sometime?” Remus blurted the words out before he even realised what he was saying. 
Y/N paused, her eyes widening slightly as she processed the sudden, unexpected offer. Remus’s face flushed a deep shade of red, and he fumbled with the album he was holding, suddenly very interested in the cover. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to-” he stammered, feeling a wave of embarrassment, “I just thought it might be nice to hang out outside the shop, y’know, when you’re not working and being paid to talk music with me.” 
Y/N smiled at his nervous rambling, “I’d like that. It sounds like a lot of fun.” 
Relief washed over Remus, and he looked up, meeting her eyes with a hopeful grin, “Really? Brilliant. I wasn’t sure if it was too forward or-” 
“No, not at all.” she cut off his worry before he could spiral, “Friday?” 
Friday afternoon arrived faster than Remus had anticipated, and by the time he reached the bar, his nerves had crept back in. The bar was warm and dimly lit, with old wooden beams and music humming from a jukebox tucked in the corner. As he stepped inside, he scanned the room and spotted Y/N almost immediately. She was seated near the window, her fingers drumming against the scrubbed wooden table as she stared out of the window. 
“Sorry, I’m late. The rain-” he wiped his palms nervously against his jeans. 
“You’re not late, don’t worry. I’m early if anything.” she gestured to the seat opposite her, inviting him to sit down. 
Relieved, Remus nodded and slipped into the chair, the tension in his shoulders easing a bit, “Good, I was worried I’d kept you waiting.” 
“Not at all.” she assured him, “Besides, it gave me time to order us some drinks.” She gestured to the table, where two glasses awaited, “I hope you don’t mind. I took the liberty of choosing something for us.” 
It was strange seeing him outside the context of the record store. The casual way he carried himself was different from his usual, more reserved demeanour. As he picked up his drink to take a sip, Y/N’s eyes drifted up to the cigarette that was tucked behind his ear. 
“S’a nervous habit.” he said, catching her looking and smiling ruefully. 
“So,” Y/N started, leaning in slightly with a teasing glint in her eyes. “Are you prepared to defend all your music opinions tonight, or are we calling a truce?” 
Remus laughed, “I didn’t come here unarmed, but I’ll call a truce—for now.” 
He glanced over at the jukebox in the corner, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a few coins, sliding them across the table to Y/N with a playful grin.  
“Here.” he said, “Why don’t you go and pick something? I’m pretty sure that we’ve just heard the same two songs on loop. Unless, of course, you have a soft spot for cheesy ballads?” 
“Please, I’ve got better taste than that.” she raised an eyebrow as she took the coins, “Although the thought of making you sit through Total Eclipse of the Heart isn’t entirely unappealing.” 
Remus chuckled, leaning back in his chair as he watched her stand, “I’ll be on my best behaviour then,” he replied, “No one deserves that kind of torture.” 
Y/N made her way to the jukebox, scanning the selection, taking her time as she pondered her choices. After a moment, she made her pick and returned to the table with a triumphant smile. 
“Your ears are safe for now,” she said, sliding back into her seat, “I went with something a little less torturous.” 
“You always get bonus points for Bowie,” Remus smiled, looking at her over the top of his glass, “Good call.” 
Y/N’s knee bumped against Remus’s as she shifted in her seat. Instead of immediately pulling away, Remus remained still, their legs pressed together. The contact lingered as Y/N glanced at him, her cheeks warming slightly. She could feel the gentle pressure of his leg against hers and the warmth it brought. 
Remus looked over at her, his gaze soft and a bit uncertain. He could feel his heart rate pick up, but he didn’t move away. Instead, he allowed himself to relax into the contact. 
As the evening continued, their closeness remained, the subtle touch of their legs became a quiet reminder of the connection they were building. Each time one of them would go up to put a song on the jukebox, the small movement seemed almost rehearsed. They would slip back into their seat, their legs resuming their previous position almost instinctively.  
“I think we’ve exhausted every good song on the jukebox.” Y/N noted an hour or so later, returning to the table once again.  
“I thought the exact same thing-” his voice trailed off as the song that began playing caught his ear, “You promised no cheesy ballads!”  
Y/N held her hands up in mock surrender, a mischievous glint in her eye, “I never promised.” she said, leaning in slightly, “I just couldn’t help winding you up a bit.” 
“I should have known better.” Remus shook his head jokingly, “And I’ve ran out of change so I can’t put something else on.” 
“You’re joking.” Y/N’s eyes widened, “I just used the last of mine as well. I refuse to let Total Eclipse of the Heart be the last song we hear tonight.”  
Y/N drained the last of her drink her eyebrows knitting together as she thought. Remus fidgeted in his seat, reaching his hand up to rub at the back of his neck nervously. He opened and closed his mouth a few times before the words finally came out. 
“Why don’t you come back to mine?” 
The words hung in the air for a moment, both of them surprised by his sudden boldness. He quickly added, “I mean, only if you want to. I don’t know if you know this but I have a pretty good record collection.” he let out a shaky laugh. 
“Oh, yeah?” she leaned forward a little, eyes sparkling, “I wonder where you got those from.” 
As they walked, Remus began to explain, almost apologetically, that he shared his place with two friends. He spoke casually, describing the flat as small and a bit cluttered. His tone was slightly self-deprecating as he mentioned the occasional mess, but he assured her that it wasn’t too chaotic.  
“Luckily they’re out tonight, at a party of something.” he mused, “otherwise they’d talk your ear off as soon as you stepped through the door.” 
“Are you not a party kind of person then?”  
“Absolutely not.” Remus dug around in his pocket for his keys, retrieving them with a jingle and unlocked the door. Remus ushered her up the stairs almost immediately. 
“Would’ve made them tidy up downstairs if I had planned this properly.” he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, “At least I know that my room is somewhat clean.” 
Y/N smiled at him reassuringly, following him into his bedroom. She didn’t know Remus all too well, but his room was the pure essence of him. His bed was pushed up against one wall, a cosy mess of sheets and blankets, a wooden bedside table sat proudly beside it, a stack of books perched precariously on top.  
Y/N made a beeline for the record player that sat in the corner of the room, two boxes of records placed on the floor beside it.  
“Mind if I put something on?” she asked, beginning to flick through the albums before he could answer. 
“Go for it,” he smiled, “I’ll go get us a drink while you choose.” 
Remus’s heart was racing a little as he walked down to the kitchen. She was in his room and he didn’t know what to do. He was so comfortable around her in the confines of the record shop, but now she was here, in his space, looking through his records and smiling at him in a way that made his heart melt. 
“Pull yourself together, idiot.” he muttered as he crossed to the fridge, pulling out two bottles of beer.  
When Remus came back into the room, bottles in hand, he couldn’t help but grin at the sight before him. Y/N was sat cross legged on the floor, completely absorbed in the albums she had spread out around her. A pile of records rested in her lap as she sifted through them, occasionally pausing to inspect a cover or read the tracklist on the back. The warm glow of the lamp on his bedside table cast a soft glow over the scene, making everything feel somehow more intimate and familiar.  
He cleared his throat softly, handing her one of the beers as he sat down on the floor next to her, trying to mask the nervous energy still buzzing in his chest. 
“You’ve got a pretty solid collection her,” she said, raising her bottle in appreciation. 
“Thanks.” he replied with a slight chuckle, though he knew most of those records had come from her recommendations. 
She slid one of the records from its sleeve, glancing at him briefly before getting up to place it on the turntable. The needle dropped, and soon enough, the low hum of music filled the room, ground the quiet tension between them. 
As she sat back down, their knees brushed again, but this time, neither of them pulled away. Instead, they both stayed in the easy closeness. Y/N turned her head slightly to meet his gaze, catching him staring at her. He quickly looked away, a soft blush creeping up his neck. She smiled to herself, leaning back on her hands. 
“Y’know you have a couple of doubles?” she said after a moment. 
“Hm?” Remus blinked, looking over at her. 
“Yeah.” she grinned, holding up two identical copies of Lonon Calling, “When I was looking through, I noticed you’ve got quite a few albums twice. D’you keep spares or something?” 
Remus let out a nervous laugh, rubbing a hand across his face, feeling the heat rise in his cheeks, “Yeah, uh.. About that.” 
Y/N tilted her head, her grin widening. “What? You just really love The Clash?” 
He sighed, giving her a sheepish look, “Not exactly. I, uh... ran out of records I wanted to buy.” 
“So, you just bought the same ones again?” her brows furrowed together. 
“I didn’t want to stop coming in.” Remus’s gaze was fixed on the floor. 
Her smile softened as the meaning behind his words sank in, “You didn’t want to stop coming in?” she repeated, her tone teasing but gentle.  
Remus nodded, eyes still on the floor as if he wished it would just swallow him whole, “Yeah. I mean, the records were a good excuse, but.. It was more about seeing you.” 
Y/Nfelt her cheeks warm. She hadn’t been expecting him to admit it so openly, and for a moment, she didn’t know what to say. She nudged him lightly with her shoulder, trying to ease the tension. 
“You could’ve just said you wanted to see me, y’know. Would’ve saved you some money.” she teased.  
He let out a shaky laugh, finally looking up to meet her eyes, “Yeah, well, hindsight’s a wonderful thing.”  
“Well, for the record,” she held up one of his albums playfully, “You didn’t need a reason to come back. I would’ve liked seeing you anyway.” 
Remus blinked, surprised by the ease with which she said it, “Yeah?” 
“Yeah.” her voice was softer, almost shy now, “I thought that was obvious.” 
They stayed there in the quiet for a moment, their legs still touching, the air between them thick with something unspoken.  
“Don’t supposed you kept your receipts?” Y/N turned to face him. 
He laughed, shaking his head, “Nah. I wasn’t exactly thinking that far ahead.” 
Without thinking, Y/N leaned in, and Remus found himself tilting his head slightly to meet her halfway. Their lips brushed together softly at first, one of Remus’s hands trailing up to cup the side of her face in his hand. When they finally pulled apart, their foreheads rested against each other, breathless smiles lighting up their faces. 
“You’re a bit of an idiot, y’know that?” she teased. 
“Yeah... probably.” he just smiled and kissed her again. 
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In your debt - Part 3
Young Halsin x Reader
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Art belongs to @ozumii-fucking-wizard, I also used their Young Halsin headcanon list as a reference :) i love the idea of him being a bit hotheaded in his younger years hehe
Find Part 1 and Part 2 here.
Slow burn, sorry. But the next part will get spicy, I promise. >:D
Song in this fic:
Warning: Swearing
You awoke on a huge matt, covered in a thick quilt. Your eyes adjusted to the dim light as you scanned your surroundings. You were staring at a large tent peak above you, which swayed sleepily in the wind. You turned your head slightly, examining the area further. Smoldering embers cracked softly in the middle of the room, with various tiny cushions placed around it. A kettle peeped, hovering above the low fire, green steam escaping its mouth. Adorning the tent were many little trinkets: dreamcatchers, windchimes, wooden toys and engraved clay pots decorated the walls and small shelves. The ground looked slightly sandy next to you, furthering the softness of your position. The matt was far too big for you, so was the quilt. You looked like a little mouse had sneaked into the cat’s bed.
You noticed a stinging sensation and remembered what happened with the goblin.
Your hands drifted under the covers to your pulsating side. A thick piece of rough fabric met your fingers and as you pawed along carefully, you realized it was bandaging. The pain was dull, but made its evil presence known.
That’s right. You were with Halsin. In his village.
You had no idea what else the dreamy druid had done while you were knocked out. You must’ve looked like a corpse.
You noticed you were wearing different clothes. This long sleeve tunic wasn’t yours and neither were the wide pants you spied while lifting the covers.
Had he…had he changed you? You blushed at the thought.
Had he seen you naked???
You attempted to sit up, quickly, which turned out to be a mistake. Deciding to prop yourself up carefully, you hovered over your unwounded side, relying on the strength of your arm. You eyed the large mug of water close to you, bringing it hastily to your dry lips.
It tasted so clean. You realized how gross the water really was back in the city.
You finished the water in a few gulps and placed the mug back where you found it.
Just then, your ears picked up a distant conversation. The voices were agitated. You weren’t able to get up and walk towards the entrance, so you strained your ears to listen carefully.
You recognized Halsin’s voice, who sounded exceedingly frustrated.
“So, your solution is just to ignore the looming threat? How on earth can you be so thick?”, he growled at an unknown male speaker.
“That is no tone to take with me, novice. You’re in no position to question my decision”, the other man answered, his tone so low it made the hairs on your arm stand up. Who was this?
You heard repetitive, thudding footsteps. It sounded like someone angrily pacing.
Halsin spoke again, his intonation louder than before: “If they tried once, they will do so again. And with more devastation. More goblins! They want our children for some sick game and you would rather do nothing!”
“The only person making that claim is lying halfdead in your tent. You do not know them. I do not know them! I will not send a group towards certain death because a stranger made a groggy statement!”, the other man met Halsin’s tone, with warning etched within.
You felt your stomach drop. The terrified faces the children had made while Izick was fighting you flashed before you. You knew you were telling the truth, but how could they know that?
“Uncle, they are the reason our children are safely returned to us!” There was a slight pause and you heard him step towards the tent, perhaps pointing. “If they hadn’t intervened, the drow-“
“Silence!”, the man Halsin addressed as uncle bellowed, the echo reverberating through the area.
“I do not care what could or would have happened. I care about the facts of the situation. It was YOUR task to watch over them. And YOU left Zacharia alone so that you could feel like a hero. Zacharia’s death and the possible fate of your brothers’ and sisters’ is on your conscien-“
A mighty roar interrupted the uncle’s chastising. A second followed with thundering thuds and tremors. Slicing through the chaos, you heard an assertive, older woman’s command:
“ENOUGH! Halsin, Dafydd. Stop this nonsense!”
The vibration in the soil ceased slowly, with one still insisting on remaining.
“Halsin…!”, she threatened.
You felt the shaking of the earth stop, finally but reluctantly. With vicious pants from both of the arguing parties, you heard the woman speak once again:
“Halsin, go check on your patient. And you, Dafydd, go do something you deem important. We do not have time for pointless squabbles like this.”
A pause and finally a few grunts of agreement. You heard footsteps leaving and two sets walking towards your tent.
Why were you panicking? It was ok for you to be awake, right?
You hastily pulled the covers over half your face as you lay down a bit too bluntly.  You didn’t want them to know you were listening.
The tent flap slid open and you saw Halsin hold it open for the other person.
An older elf woman walked in, her long grey hair tied neatly in elaborate braids. She had exceedingly kind, hazel eyes that met yours with a soft twinkle. Her dark skin glistened with tiny drops of sweat. Her attire was rather casual, it looked like she spent a lot of time outside, judging by her sun kissed, wrinkly nose.
She smiled and you returned it carefully.
“Ah, so this is the savior”, her voice matched the one who had scolded the two men before. Halsin didn’t say anything, but grumpily stomped to the other side of the tent to grab a piece of wood. He started aggressively carving at it with a knife that looked too small for his hands.
The elf lady rolled her eyes and kneeled beside your head: “How are we feeling this morning, duckling?”
You cleared your throat, blinking a bit confused at the last word, but sat up slowly, while she helped you up: “Uh… I think… ok?”
Your words sounded unrecognizably hoarse.
The older elf conjured a gentle, yellow light from her palm and lay her hand on your shoulder. Closing her eyes, you felt a wonderous thrum from her touch.
“Mmh, yes. Healing slow but nicely”, she opened her eyes, winked at you and turned her head towards the tall druid, who was still chopping viciously at the tiny block of wood.  
“Good thinking with the ginkgo leaves, son. Their organs are healing quickly”, she kept her gaze fixed on him. He met her eyes briefly, let out a rough “Hm” as a response and continued shaving.
You looked at Halsin, too. His furious aura engulfed the entire tent. His brows were frowning so intensely that you could barely see his calming eyes. This was his mother? They looked nothing alike. And she was so much older.
The woman turned back to you, deciding to ignore the brewing giant in the corner.
“I’m Anwen, elder druid of the High Forest. I assume you know who the sulking moose over there is”, she gestured vaguely at Halsin, who grunted and continued whittling more aggressively.
You nodded, trying to stop yourself from laughing. The hissy fit was a bit comical coming from such a large man, but you understood where the anger came from.
“Y/N…” you lay a hand on your chest, indicating yourself. “Thank you for … uh…” you were looking down at the clean garb you were wearing.
Halsin blushed excessively in the corner of your eye, turning to face the tent wall.
Anwen grinned: “Well, well, now I know where my sleepwear went.”
You stared at her anxiously.
“Oh, don’t worry. You need it more than I do right now”, she placated.
Your eyes wandered to the back of Halsin’s head. You could see the blushing had increased. So, he had changed you…
“Duckling, I am beyond thankful that you came to my children’s aid. They all won’t stop talking about you and your rescue. I’m sure they’d be happy to meet you properly, once your strength allows”, Anwen tugged at your cover, pulling it over you more and forcing you to lie back down.
You obliged.
“Halsin tells me you overheard something from the goblins. Something about the children…”, she patted the cover close to your chest.
You explained what you had heard before you intervened. Elder Anwen listened intently, nodding along as you described the attire the goblins were wearing to the best of your ability. She thanked you kindly and exited the tent, addressing Halsin to join her in prayer at sundown. This left you alone with the handsome druid.
He finally placed his craft on the sideboard next to his carving knife, leaning against the board and letting out a deep, irked sigh. You didn’t know what to say, so you just watched him.
The silence lingered between you for a bit, when he finally turned to you and tried to smile.
“Sorry. I’m glad you’re doing better.” He approached the side of your matt and squatted down. “I should change your bandage…”
You nodded after realizing you had been staring at him for too long and pushed the cover off your upper half. Hesitating slightly, you lifted the tunic to reveal your nursed belly.
Halsin sat down on the sand and started taking the binding off carefully. You let out small hisses, as he pulled the adhesive off your wound. You saw leaves sticking to the side of the band that lay directly on the most sensitive area. These were presumably the ginkgo leaves Anwen had mentioned before. He grabbed the teapot from the fireplace and filled a goblet with steaming, green water.
You beheld his work in silence, as he dabbed a soaking cloth on your abdomen. He conjured more healing magic with his hands, which hovered over your belly for some time. The comforting humming of his incantation joined the low purring of the fire. The dull light of the tent danced across his face, which seemed absent and deep in thought.
“Thank you for…all of this...”, you cut through the quiet, realizing you hadn’t really thanked him for saving your life.
Your words seemed to snap him out of something. He blinked hard and turned his head towards you, as his hand floated above your stomach.
His smile grew warmer and your heart skipped a secret beat: “You needn’t thank me. It’s the least I can do.”
He returned his attention back to nursing you. Watching him work, you felt a gnawing in your throat that you couldn’t ignore any longer.
“… are you alright?”, You had been wanting to ask about the conversation you overheard since he walked in.
Halsin hesitated for a moment, his eyes flitting from your face to his hands.
“It’s nothing you should concern yourself with. You’ve done more than enough,” he murmured.
You thought about the words the other man, Dafydd, had chastised the young druid with. Halsin seemed to be struggling with immense guilt and a need to correct it.
You accepted his unsatisfying answer and let your eyes wander around the tent, as you heard Halsin sigh once more. You didn’t know each other. Why would he share his woes with you? You were just a useless bard that happened to stumble into an unfortunate situation.
You spent the next few days in his tent, having Anwen and Halsin visit you every hour to bring food, drink and give you healing sessions. You were feeling better every day, the throbbing pain slowly dissipating from your lower body. It got to the point, where you even forgot you were hurt to begin with.
Anwen told you stories about Halsin, whom she adopted as a young boy. Most of the stories were quite embarrassing and you enjoyed learning about his mischievous nature. He carried himself with immense grace whenever he was around you, but you secretly knew he had a massive fear of moths and used to hide in baskets or pots to avoid druid training. He grew more relaxed each passing day, as well, showing off his collection of wood carvings you’d been eyeing in the corner of the tent, realizing you were someone easy to speak to.
You left the tent from time to time, as well, and were allowed to join in meals and share stories with the rest of the villagers. The village had been damaged by the attack, but not by too much. The druids seemed organized enough to fix things swiftly. Everyone treated you kindly.
The children were enthralled with you. They had carved a new, albeit extremely creaky and sad-looking, lute for you as a thank you, which you accepted with warmth surrounding your heart. Their eyes stared up at you, adoringly, as you haphazardly played on your gifted “instrument”, the notes plunking out strained and harsh. Gods, it was ugly. But you loved it anyway.
You learned Dafydd was the archdruid of the High Forest and Anwen’s brother. He was a lanky, older, but tall elf with the same eyes as Anwen, yet lacking her kindness. He had an intense authoritative energy and barely smiled, only nodding to greet you when you joined the circle. The only person he truly listened to was his sister and he was extremely harsh with the rest of the novice druids whom he trained, especially Halsin.
The children begged you to join them in their barn one night, where you learned Halsin slept while you occupied his tent. They dragged you to the heaps of straw, showing off their own attempts at carvings. You spied a larger wooden object hiding under a thin, massive blanket. That was most likely where Halsin slept, judging by the size of the bedroll. You decided not to pry.
The kids requested you sing them to sleep, as the orange sunrays drifted through the small cracks in the wooden walls. They were all snuggled together, glittering eyes blinking expectedly up at you, as you sat on a large bundle of hay.
How could you say no to them?
You started humming softly, watching them curl up closer to each other and stare at you with their little faces. You thought back to a gentle lullaby you had thought of, while you were wandering through a small village, which had a tradition of burning old keepsakes, in order to release them to the spirit world. You had been writing it below the Oaktree you always visited in the High Forest.
You didn’t need an instrument to keep the rhythm going, as the music flowed from your lips naturally:
I smelt smoke
On the wheezing of the wind when I awoke
A pyre of memory
Some fly-tipped treasury
Out there burning slow
Dark soaked fields
And the snuffling wet noses at my heels
Suddenly hackles raise
At the crackling of the blaze
Out there burning slow
And sometimes I catch him
With his axe in
The shadow
So secretive and private,
But I’m breathing in his life when
He’s out there burning slow
You repeated the lines a few times, until you noticed every chest of the children moving slowly up and down in a sweet cadence.
You heard someone behind you and turned to see Halsin leaning against the open door, the dark night behind him, his arms crossed:
“Beautiful tune. Been long since I’ve heard it.”
You blinked at him in stunned silence. He had heard it before?
He chuckled, noticing your confusion: “I told you Thaniel is fond of you. He likes to sing me your songs. The children do, too. Now I’ve had the pleasure of hearing it from the origin’s mouth, as intended.”
“Oh, wow… I didn’t know a forest spirit liked music…”, you pondered that thought, wondering what this Thaniel being was. If he had been listening all this time, where had he been hiding himself while you played on the riverbank?
Halsin joined you, sitting down on the hay ball. The might of his body made your side move up a bit, leaving your legs to dangle. He watched the children sleep, with a permanent smile on his face.
“Aren’t they precious?”, he cooed and you nodded with a silent chuckle, as one ork boy snored gently.
“Oh wait, one moment!”, Halsin stood up and tiptoed to the large bedroll, pulling the woodwork from under the draping.
He hid it behind his back, which worked amazingly, since he was so wide.
“Close your eyes,” he grinned.
You complied and waited with a secret shortness of breath. He had made something for you?
“Open,” he purred, sweetly.
As you opened your eyes, you were met with a beautifully crafted lute. The wood had been engraved with lovely vines and flowers.
Your mouth dropped open.
Halsin hurriedly sat beside you again, the hay ball raising you once again, as he handed you the intricately constructed instrument. The feel of the soft oak gave you goosebumps and the redness in your face was impossible to hide.
The strings were firm and carefully strung into place. You plucked a few softly. It sounded heavenly.
“This- what- how- why-…” you couldn’t string a coherent sentence together. Halsin chuckled.
“The children told me you sacrificed your lute to save them. The one they made for you is ...cute... , but I thought you needed a proper one.”
You gaped at him. You had never gotten such a thoughtful gift in your entire life.
You felt tears bite your eyes, but you blinked them away.
“Gods…thank you Halsin…I- I don’t know what to say. It’s marvelous!”
His smiled widened: “It’s the least I can do, I’m in your debt, remember?”
You smiled back, gazing at the artwork.
Moments passed as you both watched the sleeping children quietly. Your heart was still racing from the tremendous gesture.
You felt Halsin’s shoulders tense up as his face collapsed into the thoughtful one you first encountered in the tent.
You gulped inaudibly and decided maybe now he would be more open to talking to you. You had this urge to soothe him, especially after receiving the lute.
“Are you still bothered by what the Archdruid said?”, the words just spilled out of you. You realized it would indicate you had overheard the conversation and your throat closed up. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to pry…” your hands fidgeted around the lute as you nervously babbled on.
Halsin let out a brief gust of air between his nostrils. He nodded a bit, unbothered by your question.
“It’s just…”, he stopped himself. You saw his hands tremor slightly, “Dafydd is such a…such a…”
Your brows furrowed in concern.
Halsin took another deep breath, calming his slight shaking: “I didn’t abandon Zacharia. He told me to go and help. He told me he would take the children to the thicket and hide. I didn’t know those damned goblins were tailing us.” The words tumbled out of him with quiet agony staining his intonation.
You sat up a bit straighter, put the lute down on the ground and turned more towards him, unsure what else to contribute, but offering your ear.
Halsin balled a fist, as he watched one of the girls turn over in her sleep.
“Dafydd won’t go after that filth that tried to steal them. Says it’s pointless and risky and hotheaded. But what if they come back? Perhaps with an army of drow instead of stupid goblins. What if they get their hands on them and…” You heard his knuckles crack as he flexed his fist more.
He realized what he was doing with his hand and released his grip.
“I have to do something. I can’t just sit by and hope for the best.” His eyes scanned the barn floor, then finally met your worried gaze. The jade hue sparkled in the moonlight. You buried the thought about how handsome he was, while you focused on his problem.
You let his words swirl in your mind for a while. You never had any contact with Lolth sworn drows, just the kind ones that had escaped that fanaticism to Baldur’s Gate. At least you assumed they were Lolth sworn, you didn’t know of any other drow group that would do such a thing.
You agreed with Halsin. It was a terrible threat and a danger for the children to have the sheer possibility of another kidnapping exist.
“The thought haunts me, too. So, I understand how you feel”, your voice was almost a whisper, in fear of waking the sleeping souls, “It’s a huge risk to let them conspire in the dark.”
Halsin nodded. He leaned forward, holding his weight on his legs with his elbows. 
He seemed to be at war with himself, unsure if he should tell you something. His eyes scanned you and you felt your body shake. A thought of what his lips tasted like invaded you, which you blinked away ashamedly.
You attempted to hide your racy thoughts with a stupidly fake cough.
Halsin sat up again and bit his lip. Then he grabbed your hands and held them within his own. A brush of heat sizzled up your spine. He was so close to you.
“I’m going after them. I need a few nights to prepare, but then I’ll track those miscreants down. Frelma and Danan have agreed to come with me. Three is better than one. I have no idea if we’ll survive such an assault, but it’s better than sitting here and waiting for the next attack. We’re still concocting a plan. The drow are too dangerous to let live.”
His eyes bore into yours, a shred of relief after finally telling someone clouding them: “Please. Do not tell anyone, especially not Dafydd.”
You stared into his forest eyes, that quivered with anticipation at your response. You tried your absolute most not to lean in and clasp your lips in his, although every sinew within you yearned for it. Why was he so Gods-damn fine?
“I’m coming with you.”
The phrase escaped from you. You couldn’t believe what you just said. Neither could the druid, who still held your hands gently.
He tilted his head, pacifyingly, his eyes softening sweetly: “You are braver than anyone I’ve ever met. But that would be quite foolish. No, you will stay here until you’re fully heale-.”
“I insist.”
Your insides were screaming at you, what the fuck were you thinking? What would you contribute? Battle music? You would only be in the way.
Halsin let out a soft laugh, lowering your hands but still holding onto them. He shook his head and gazed at you:
“You’re a fascinating person, truly. But I cannot allow you to-“
You released your hand from his grasp and held up a finger. An idea sparked within you. An extremely stupid idea.
“I know I can’t fight. But I can run.”
Halsin’s brow furrowed, waiting for an explanation.
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kibbles-bits · 1 day
any voxval fics you’d recommend?
Ah, yes, voxval fics... The one ship that finally made me cave and read explicit stuff. I am now numb to everything.
I'll only be posting completed fics. Warnings, almost all of these are explicit. A couple also have Angel, you know, suffering.
And please mind the tags.
First off is a couple of favs that I always go back for a reread:
Corrupted Love by DoveFactory (Words: 149,495)
In a moment of blind desperation to one-up Alastor, Vox puts himself in a compromising situation that leaves him worse for wear. His state triggers something in Valentino who decides to change the nature of their relationship.
The title and summary of this is so misleading I thought it was going to be a dark fic but nope. The Vees are a bunch of goobers and Valentino always wins. I would scream about this every time it updated. I love the characterizations and their banter it almost made me forget there's sex in like every chapter. Honestly I wish there was more tags referencing the character/story stuff.
Virtual Reality by passthevoxcord (Words: 7,634)
Vox gets tired of his cybernetic biology being a barrier to his sex life, so he starts a new project to fuck Valentino in VR. Val will try anything once, but he has something else in mind.
This one ends up being so sweet I want to die. passthevoxcord's other fic, Only a Shadow, drives me nuts but its a WIP and hasn't actually gotten to the voxval yet.
choke behind a smile by gloriousmonsters (Words: 19,881)
"I'm not scared by extreme, although I doubt I'll find it interesting. What is it?" Valentino's eyes narrow slyly over his smile. "If you aren't scared, why do you need a warning?" Vox has everything under control in his new business partnership with benefits. His emotions, his unfortunate desires, the little mind games they play. Even Valentino himself. When Val offers an invitation to a special show he's performing, Vox knows it's a dare, and knows he has to take it, show Val that he can't be scared or destabilized. He has no idea of how deep under his skin the show will get.
Everyone's so normal. I love this Valentino. There's another Valvel fic that has the same Valentino I also recommend called bad girls go backstage.
Great Expectations by MarenRose (Words: 11,280)
“It’s his goal. Those three simple words. If he could get to hear them once, could let the reality of their meaning and spoken existence occupy his mind for only a few indiscernible moments, then maybe, Vox could learn to see the appeal of this god forsaken holiday. He might even learn to ‘love’ it too.” Or: Vox hates Valentine’s Days. His prick of a ‘wife’ is just too damn hard to please.
This miiiight have been the fic that made me Lock In on voxval? I'm not sure. It's sweet. Alastor is hilarious.
biting keeps your words at bay by Subedarling (Words: 1,511)
“You can’t hit me,” Valentino says. He’s practically vibrating with rage. “You’re not allowed to—you can’t hit me!” Vox sneers, cruel and mocking and hopefully masking the way his heart is breaking apart inside his chest. “Baby, I can do whatever the hell I want.” A decade into their partnership, Vox and Valentino have their first and last physical fight.
This might be the only non-explicit fic in this list. I am all for Val being the worst just because he's Like That. But I will not say no to an implied tragic backstory. I read this one a lot and want to die. Can I draw this. I want to draw this. Oh my god I have free time I can totally draw this...
And my other recs:
Just For The Record by PeppermintWalrus (Words: 13,795)
Vox is thrilled about his new film enterprise with his business partner, ready to build a lucrative empire for the denizens of hell to experience true cinema, in the only genre their depraved minds desire. There’s just one problem that he finds out too late; Valentino has never filmed porn before. Vox decides that some... hands-on teaching, is necessary to save their production.
Yeah you read that right.
a putrid feeling that i've addressed by spoondrifts (Words: 5,162)
They weren’t a couple because Valentino was pathologically noncommittal and Vox simply knew better. He tried the whole romance thing with a certain radio demon a few decades back, and he’d learned his damn lesson. Hell just wasn’t the place for that sort of cutesy bullshit. Also, he was pretty sure that Valentino was straight up incapable of love, which was both par for the course for Vox’s friendships and amazingly convenient—things couldn’t get complicated if there was nothing to complicate in the first place. Or: Full Moon, Vox/Val edition.
Haha I love pain. I lied, this is the second non-explicit fic.
Little Miss Hellion by DoveFactory (Words: 10,657)
Hell’s worst married couple spends a day of family bonding at a beauty pageant doing whatever it takes to make sure their daughter takes home the crown, because failure is never an option for the Vees. Pilot AU where Vox and Valentino are married and Velvette is their adopted daughter.
It's more Vees than voxval but they're married so.
The Art of Pimping by MarenRose (Words: 9,161)
Desperate to close a deal with one of the most lucrative investors in Pride, Vox does the unthinkable and pimps out Valentino for a one-time date. What could go wrong?
Val's attitude in this one is funny and Vox. Yeah. Vox made a mistake.
You Found Me by passthevoxcord (Words: 4,338)
Long before Velvette came along, it was just them. Vox and Valentino. Valentino and Vox.
Something Less Than Dishonest by daphnerunning, Galiko (Words: 33,931)
He isn’t expecting the way Valentino walks, for some reason. Maybe it’s the extra limbs. Maybe it’s the wings. Maybe it’s the heels. Vox had skipped briefly through a few of the slut’s movies, for research, and isn’t expecting the way Valentino moves in person to feel so… Different. “…You must be my four o’clock,” he says, standing and offering a hand. Oh, shit, he’s huge. Valentino towers over him, easily would without the stripper heels. Vox is not afraid of heights.
Vox is so offensive in this it loops back around to hilarious.
Red Skies and Valentino by alternatedoom (Words: 86,050)
"Vox and I are special friends, doll. Go give him a kiss," Val says to the boy.
Angel does not have a good time. But the Voxval is nice.
before you go by xoTsundoku (Words: 4,426)
Before Alastor came into their lives, Vox and Valentino were happy. Maybe they still can be.
A Farewell to Ghosts by Accidental_Ducky (Words: 37,149)
"What do you think that is," Vox demands, pointing at the new guy. Valentino turns, eyes raking greedily over the man's body. He's gorgeous, skinny in a heroin chic way with big blue eyes and blond hair that falls just so across his eyes. "Hot." "Don't fucking call the ghost hot!"
The only human AU I've liked so far. Love the character interactions. Vox and Val are hilarious.
God I hope I didn't miss any. There's definitely some good WIP ones out there.
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Ford x Fem!Reader
Math Assistant Pt.1
Summary: Ford needs himself an assistant, Stanley makes an online post for him and BOOM there you are, coming to meet him for an interview at the diner.
Warnings: Erm... this is a nothing sandwich I THINK. Please let me know if I should add something
A/N: My brothers in christ please this is my first fic that I wrote on a whim, I had an idea and I started writing. I have never written fan ficiton in my life so pls be nice... also who up wit dey werm to Stanford Pines HOOBA HOOBA!!!!! Okay also I want to write SMUT for this so imagine this is like the really really really long winded plot to the porno. K thanks bye read if u want or dont i dont control you.
Ford shook his head at Stanley who was seated in front of a new computer now placed in the living room, “I’m still confused on why we should be posting the ad listing “online” rather than the local paper, or putting up flyers around town.” Ford used air quotes for emphasis, he still found the whole idea strange, he liked the computer for being a tool he could use to further research. He didn't like it so much as a vessel for finding candidates for a job he was offering, the thought that he had no idea who was communicating with him unsettled him a bit. Especially knowing the kind of work he was going to be having this future assistant… well assist with.
“Because yer never going to find someone with the qualifications yer asking for in this town” Stan looked over his shoulder at a crossed arm Ford. “Hiring someone for a summer job who has a PhD in Application Math, whatever that means-“
“Applied Mathematics, Stanley” Ford interrupted.
“Whatever it is you're not going to find that here, you and fiddleford are probably the only people in this town to actually have a college degree” he said with a chuckle, turning back to the computer. He was clicking around on some website that Ford had never heard of, let alone just recently finding out what the internet was. “I'm setting up a job listing on some of the local college websites, ya know for people that are studying or just done studying”. The clicking of the mouse and the typing of keys continued as Ford ran the motion through his head, overthinking perhaps every outcome of Stanley posting that job listing. Ultimately though Ford knew he was right in that, no one with at least a degree in Applied Mathematics was going to be residing nearby.
“Just please be careful about the information you include in this job posting, try to keep it minimal as possible. If they ask more questions about specifics you can let them know that I can explain in person.”
Stan looked over his shoulder, his eyebrows slightly downturned with a smirk rising on his face, “I didn’t realize you had hired me to be your assistant, you're going to have to cough up if you want me to do this for you”. Ford groaned in annoyance of his brother, “Stanley you know I don’t know how to use any of that”.
“Exactly why you're going to want to have me help you out with this”, Stanley moved his arm to drape across the back of the chair he was in, looking more directly at him. “That’ll be twenty dollars”, he held out his hand expectantly at his twin. A beat of silence passed between the two as they had a small staring contest, both men’s brows furrowed at the other.
Ford finally reached for his back pocket after he felt he had glared at his brother enough, he slipped a twenty dollar bill from the leather wallet and practically slammed it in his hand before walking in the opposite direction without a word. While Stan on the other hand, was more than beaming when he saw Ford’s hand fall to his back pocket, Stan half shouted as Ford strode out of the room.
“You’ll thank me later when I find the perfect candidate!” He laughed as he said it and returned to more clicking and typing around the website.
Ford returned to the lab to finish up some things before the kids were scheduled to get there later in the month. When they returned from the long months at the ocean, Ford wanted nothing more than to work on something in his lab again. He loved feeling the anticipation of a project becoming something, but of course he knew he could easily get carried away. After Dipper and Mabel left last summer, before Stanley and him were going to head out, he had made a major discovery while working in the lab. He had discovered an atom that was capable of recreating a direct clone of itself and in as many atoms he could count. He continued to work on the project until Stanley was practically dragging him from the house to leave to sail around the world.
While sailing towards one of their final destinations at the end of the trip, Ford finally opened up to Stanley about his worries of falling into the same pits as before. He was worried that he would become too involved, as he already felt himself doing as they were leaving for their trip. He also desperately needed some alone time from Stanley, but he didn’t mention that to him while they were on the boat.
“What if you hired someone to help you with the project?” Stan had offered a possible solution, while he had sat in the boat looking at Ford who was deep in thought over his dilemma. “I mean obviously the last time that happened, it wasn’t great either…” He trailed off after the look on Ford’s face became apparent, regretting the thought of his old college friend.
“I know the last time wasn’t great” Stanley pushed forward, “but maybe if you have someone hired to help with the smaller stuff. Things like using the calculator or something, whatever the small stuff even is to you” he said the last part under a fake cough which earned him a glare from his brother. However, the idea wasn't… terrible, Ford thought. He pondered over the possibilities of having someone helping him out, along with having the two kids upstairs to bother him. If he were to have someone who he didn't have to know that well take on most of the minor details, the equations and such, he would be able to prioritize the best parts of the project while also having time for his family. At least, that’s what he had hoped for when Stanley initially offered the idea.
“That could be a good idea…” Ford said after taking several moments to ponder the possibilities. “I would need someone who could do advanced mathematical equations, with room for equations that could possibly extend what they know…”. Stanley just looked at him deep in thought, wondering how there could be that many things to think about, the answer seemed clear to him.
Back in the lab, Ford could hear Stanley groaning loudly about some ‘unknown error message’. He continued to monitor and take note of the atoms under his advanced microscope for a while, waiting until Stanley had further news of any postings. He wondered what his new assistant would be like, if they could have the same passion for knowledge and understanding as he does.
A few days had passed, Ford falling into old habits quickly, holing himself up in the lab for hours upon hours. The only time he was seen over the last 48 hours was to grab more coffee from the kitchen, he caught naps in between work, falling asleep over his piles of scrap paper filled with numbers and letters. Ford had not anticipated how much mathematical reasoning was going to follow the atom cloning discovery, he was falling behind on moving forward with more discoveries on the atoms, but over hundreds of miniscule details that needed solving kept him at the desk. Stan walked down on the 49th hour of Ford’s lock down in the basement, opening the door noisily and making as much noise as possible on the way down to let him know he was on the way. Ford was scribbling away on the nth page of scrap work, crossing out failed attempts of solving equations as Stan broached the lab floor.
Stan awkwardly cleared his throat at Ford when he didn’t turn around, even though Stanley was sure to have made enough noise on the way down. Ford turned his head over his shoulder, his body seeming to not want to move from the space it had cramped into. He raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner, as if asking ‘What? Im busy’. Stan gave a huff of annoyance before starting,
“I have about 3 applications that I thought were worth looking over, most of the idiots who applied didn’t even have math degrees. All they see in the listing is free housing and they flock like birds trying to claw their way in” he said with a slight chuckle. He strided over to Ford’s desk, as Ford leaned back finally interested in what Stan was saying. He took the papers from Stanley and began to look over them. He began thumbing through the few resumes, looking over each one carefully noting that all three people had at least some qualifications in mathematics. He looked up to Stan and gave him a tight smile.
“I appreciate you getting these for me, I’ll reach out to the ones I feel are qualified.” A beat passed between them, Ford paused for a second wondering if he should just return to work at this point or if Stanley had something else since he hasn't made any move to leave.
“I think the one on the bottom will be the best fit.” Stan said with a certain look in his face that Ford couldn’t place, as he turned to leave. Ford looked at him as he walked towards the stairs with a questioning look on his face, wondering what could have led his brother to place a preference on one of these resumes even though he didn't know what applied mathematics was. As Stan trudged up the stairs Ford called to his brother,
“I'll be sure to look at that one, thank you Stanley.” Which made Stanley pause and turn to look at Ford, a distant smile on his face as he nodded and continued up the stairs. Ford turned back to his desk and pulled the resume on the bottom up to the top, the header in nice bold letters a fine print used, he noted.
He also took note that this was the only two-page resume offered to him, with the education list taking up most of the room. Several universities/schools were listed and his eyes read over the names and degrees that followed. He read all the way to the bottom where it listed your highschool with graduation dated in 1999. He noted this person was in their early 30’s with several bachelors degrees in several sciences, two master’s degrees in statistics and biology, and of course a Ph.D in applied mathematics. The latest graduation listed was University of Oregon masters program in statistics for April, which he noted it was now early May noting it would be fresh on the mind. He moved your resume to the back of the small stack, looking over the first two he skipped over, and honestly he wished he saved yours for last. The first two were jokes compared to the advanced knowledge you listed, he set the first aside after noting that the education list was no longer than a paragraph, and the second resume didn’t take long to set aside either as his eyes raked in the many spelling errors.
He read over your resume again looking for a way to contact you to set up the interview. He noted the phone number and email in the corner of the first page, and made to move upstairs to the kitchen phone. As he stood up however, his muscles almost molded into place from sitting at the desk, stopped him from moving further. He groaned as he began to stretch himself out, thinking about how he couldnt wait to stop looking at math problems for hours on end.
Heading back upstairs he reached the phone and quickly gazed at the microwave clock, 3:49 pm. He was glad it wasn’t later than five, as he picked up the corded receiver and began to punch in the numbers. The phone rang a few times before your voice fluttered over the phone, “Hello?”. Ford cleared his throat awkwardly, “Hello! Yes, is this Y/N YL/N? Oh it is, great, this is Stanford Pines calling about a job posting for the assistant position. I was hoping to set up an interview to discuss further details of the position.”
“I was just wondering if I would hear back from this offer,” the light voice on the other end laughed a pleasant laugh a little before continuing, “I’d love to join you for an interview regarding the position, I’m free anytime, anywhere this coming week and the next.”.
Ford offered a time for tomorrow at the local diner, which he provided the address to. The voice on the phone wished Ford a great rest of his night and that they would see him tomorrow. Ford wished them the normal pleasantries he hated to conduct while making mundane phone calls such as these. He was slightly relieved to find you weren’t completely strange, at least right off the bat. When he hung the phone back on the hanger, Stan suddenly spoke, causing Ford to jump from the lack of warning.
“So did you end up going with the one I said?” Stan looked smug as Ford met his gaze, knowing damn well he scared Ford on purpose. Ford rolled his eyes after he settled after the slight scare,
“Unsurprisingly, as you could probably assume. You shouldn’t have even bothered with the other two. One only had a few community college classes under their belt.” Ford turned to make more coffee, he figured he would stretch his legs now as he was planning on working on some more equations before the meeting tomorrow. Stan gave a hearty laugh, “She’s also quite the looker, surprised me when I was pulling resumes”. Ford gave his brother a look as he asked, “Can’t you make your picture anything you want online?”. He remembers when they got the computer last time the kids were here, Dipper had shown him how he had his profile for online DD&MD. He absolutely didn’t understand it, but Dipper assured him this summer he would teach him. Which would benefit him from not having to pay Stanley anytime he needed something done the modern way (this was not often).
“Yeah but this was on a college website, everyone has their picture I think. It looks all like student ID’s… Oh don’t look at me like that! I looked at all of their profile pictures. She just happened to have the best looking picture.” Stan finished with a shrug and a laugh. Ford had looked at him like he was crazy for looking through all the people who applied profile pictures before feeling the need to ask, “You did give me recommendations on experience, not looks correct?”.
Stan shook his head, “I know you would kill me if I passed on a math nerd over an actual good looking girl” he laughed, turning “I'm going to head out gotta meet some people, don’t wait up for me.” Stan said as he was walking out the door, grabbing the keys as he slammed the door. Ford shook his head and decided to take his brother's word for it, his mind replaying what his twin mentioned, “quite the looker” as if that could have any effect on anything. Ford thought he didn't care much at all for how a person appeared as long as they could solve these problems that's all that mattered, and maybe that they were decently pleasant to work with. He couldnt help but reflect back to the phone call, your light and airy voice filling his ear with pleasant sound, at least you didnt have a horrible voice and he could probably get used to hearing that voice more often, he thought. Ford filled his cup with coffee and headed back downstairs not giving the interview tomorrow much more thought than your voice on the phone.
A/N: Yay I did it!!! yeah so what if its a nothing sandwich?? Didnt i literally say that before hand.. hope you enjoyed if ya read! <3
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how feral are max & charles, give me your most feral opinion please and thank you
OKAY I have 20 minutes to answer asks before I force myself offline because i have to be up in....5 hours.
DISCUSSIONS OF D/s relationships, bdsm, kink, etc under the cut
Max and Charles are wildly feral about each other. I could go into like insane detail but I think it would just be like PARAGRAPHS on PARAGRAPHS
It does depend on the verse. The current verse i'm actively writing (ncitw) is a little more tame, per se, than the Vampire!Max verse.
See in Vampire!Max verse i'm literally writing an entire CNC fic that is Max chasing Charles through a forest, to capture him and take him absolutely APART, but also absolutely meanly, and he kinda has the (PRE-NEGOTIATED!!!!) free reign to do what he wants to Charles. It's great. I love it. Arguably it is the most feral I'll probably write Charles and Max.
As for NCITW verse
Free use (goes both ways, Charles or Max wants it, they can take it. This is including but not limited to semi-public settings such as drivers rooms, anywhere they can catch a quiet enough moment away from the press etc)
Mild voyeurism (but like the risk of other people hearing them/accidentally seeing them)
Edging/Orgasm play (but unless Charles is really bratty, denial's not really a thing either of them are into)
Mild feminization (Max to Charles, and it depends on the mood tbh)
Praise kinks (both of them, but Max has a thing for praising Charles and making him acknowledge all the nice things Max says about him and seeing where it goes from there)
Degradation (Max to Charles, but it can't be anything actually mean, just telling him how needy etc he is)
Cockwarming.....(Charles' favourite way to unwind)
And then like idk I guess the general par for the course stuff which isn't totally feral, but bondage, impact play, Charles likes Max to have to fight for control a little, sometimes.
Spit kink, come marking kink, just general marking and possessiveness
Wrong him and you die (okay not DIE but you get it)
There's like a SMIDGEN of a breeding kink somewhere in there
INCREDIBLY light pet play (less of pretending to be an animal, instead more about the intimacy of being kept and safe and cozy, and not having to think about the big, stressful, important things in life...big thing for Charles)
A LIIIIIIITTLE bit of lifestyle control but like...subtle.
they're also insufferable to like...anyone on the grid who knows they're together.
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1emon1ime · 1 day
Under Your Skin [ Koba x Human Reader ] NSFW
Tumblr media
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/59176939
Koba x Female Reader (Caesar x Reader is also mentioned throughout.
New Koba fic! I feel like we were due one ♡
Content Warning: Violence, Marking, Threats of Death/Violence, Biting, Blood and Injury, Extremely Dubious Consent, bordering on Noncon. Cheating (kind of).
Do not click read more if you are under 18 or do not want to read such content listed above!
You were the sole survivor out of a group of humans who had succumbed to illness. Injured and close to death, you were taken in by Caesar's colony and over the months you had formed a close bond with the Ape King.
However, you had a craving for something more dangerous, more feral. And you sought it out again and again.
Who would be as foolish as to pity you? 
A thousand shrapnel shredding skin, that is what being near Koba felt like. It’s what his hand on your wrist felt like, whether its trajectory of intent is violence or something else–
He could feel your heartbeat pounding on the inside of your wrist, stroking a thumb over the thin, delicate skin. 
Caesar had pitied you. And that is why– even as Koba pinned you up against the tree and threatened you– you were still alive.
Really, you have no right to feel sorry for yourself when you enticed yourself to the thought of your previous assault. Each day seeking new ways to relive it, when you should have been getting off to Caesar, who had shown you nothing but compassion and empathy when he made love to you. He would find you disloyal should he ever learn of you reliving your worst nightmares with aroused desperation. 
And this is how you found yourself in your current predicament.
Pushed up against the trunk of a tree with the sharp tip of a spear hovering right over your heart.
You sniffed, red faced, tears threatening to spill as you stared into the eyes of what you could only describe as pure malice. You couldn't help the shame that filled you as his gruff voice boomed in your ears, making the blood in your veins run cold.
  “Let go of me!” You said but your voice was small and scared, a mirror of your inner self that Koba had flagrantly peered into, and your will to defend yourself completely depleted in that very moment, had it ever been there to begin with.
"Human. Scare away deer-- Koba's-- Apes Food." Each word was heavy as he forced them out; laced with a dangerous tone that could be perceived as a threat if you were to even breathe wrong.You had to think carefully about your answer, your reaction. Not wanting to further set the fuse off.
You swallowed hard as the bonobo held his gaze to your timid and frightened one, heart pounding hard against your chest. 
"Koba– I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm really sorry." You choked, tears spilling over your lashes as he glared at you, his expression hardened. "I didn't mean to get in the way. "
Despite your desperate apologies, he was not moved in the slightest, only digging the tip of his spear more against your chest, causing your breath to hitch. You squeaked, such a pathetic little noise that had him looking at you as little more than a skittish baby rabbit. 
He could have snapped your neck with just one hand, as easy as breaking a twig in two. Thrust his hunting spear deep into your chest or sliced your throat with little to no effort.
But he was restraining himself.
Koba growled, eyes narrowing at your pitiful figure. He pushed you further into the trunk, making you shrink against the tree, bark digging painfully against your back. He looked you up and down with his one good eye, as if considering what to do with you next. 
As afraid as you were in the moment, Caesar had given you his protection. Swore an oath to look after you. The fact that both of you know this is what made your situation all the more disgraceful. You could have easily stayed away from Koba, but instead you sought him out again and again. Knowing that he too understood the conditions of your stay. Far from worthy of Caesar’s affection. Pathetic, you were. Continuously craving depravity when you were undeserving. Even in the arms of Caesar the previous night, you desired, pined for reprieve, for relief conducted through a love that Caesar could not give. 
The sharp point of the blade sliced through the thin layer of fabric you had covering your chest. Koba’s upper lip curled into a snarl as he pinned you there with his weight, and despite his obvious rage, his hands were surprisingly… gentle when he ripped the remains of your shirt, tearing it open down the front.
Next, your bottoms were removed with less grace, making you one and the same as him, as the apes, as nature. Naked, bare, and vulnerable. Now you were on even ground. The last threads of your humanity torn from you. 
Koba’s raw strength manifested a terrifying impotence in your stifled chest as you were trapped in place with such ease, utterly helpless as you were. Nails scraped your skin as he exposed your body to the chilled air. You felt sickened, powerless to stop him from violating you without a hint of hesitation. 
Even after he had discarded your clothing, Koba still held his spear tight against your sternum. It was purely a threat. Both of you knew that Caesar had a protective hold over you. Koba moreso, had been prevented from killing humans before. Which had never been much of an issue because there had never been humans staying as permanent residents within the colony. Only those who would pass by unwillingly. But since you had come along his emotional wellbeing had spiralled.
“Human’s fault. Apes will have– no food today.” He growled against your ear, baring his teeth.
Your breathing grew shallow, eyes darting between his, your chest tightened as the weight of the cold, metal tip against your naked chest grew ever so slightly heavier, his grip on the spear tightening. You swallowed, a shaky breath escaping your lips. There’s no way he would actually do it– You thought.
He dragged it upwards until the tip of the spear was pushed into your neck ever so slightly— not enough to break skin but enough to let you feel the cold, sharp blade grazing against your skin. To strike fear into you, make you obedient, learn your place.
"I really am so sorry..." you whispered hoarsely, words just managing to escape. You were met with the same icy glare from before, your now bare skin prickling with goosebumps.
He let out an amused scoff in response, leaning into your jawline, raking his teeth over your slender neck and back up the side, right against the vein he knew lay beneath, blood pumping, life giving.
"Sorry?" He repeated, his voice quiet. "You *lie*. You always lie."
And you had. How could you deny that? You came here on purpose. To seek him out. To provoke him. Something about the way that Koba threatened you made your face flush embarrassingly so.
He held you close, almost cradling you in one strong arm but you knew it was anything but affectionate; especially with the sharp tip of his spear still pressed against your skin.
You shook your head. "N-no! No, I'm telling the truth. It was an accident, I swear!" You cried, pleading with him. Hard as it was when you were trapped under his weight with a sharp blade pointed directly to your throat.
Koba’s hackles rose, bristling with anger. He pulled his hunting spear back as if he were about to stab you. Instead however,  he slammed it against the tree, right next to your jugular with a loud thud, the spear hitting the wood with such force that a loud crack could be heard.
You flinched and covered your head with your arms. You swore your heart had stopped momentarily, the fear in your chest rising to a crescendo.
"Human lie!" Koba's eyes widened, his upper lip curling into a snarl as he pressed harder against your body, suffocating you under his large frame.
His chest rose and fell with his quickened breath. You could feel the anger rolling off him in waves, with each of his laboured breaths warm against your skin. Heat spread from his head through his entire body like a roaring wildfire.
"Should just– skin *you*, instead–” Koba hissed through his teeth. His lips curved into a small, sadistic smirk, eyes narrowing in amusement at how you tensed up in fear at the suggestion.
He took in the scent of fear on your skin and leaned back just enough to look you in the eye. He was only inches away from your face. His gaze cold and unrelenting with not a trace of empathy.
He was so close, you could see every detail in his face. From the large scar that ran down one side of his face, his blind, milky white eye to the deep, jagged lines of his furrowed brow, His large canines that stuck out in an almost permanent underbite were sharp enough to tear the flesh from your bones. 
Everything about him was so much– *more* than you. Built to withstand the harsh forest environment where you were not. Your skin was fragile, breaking and bruising easily, you had no strength, no sharp fangs, no fur protecting your body from the elements. Reminding you of how much you really did not belong here.
You whimpered and Koba leaned forward to whisper into your ear again.
"Wouldn't want– to waste meat, would we?"
His breath tickled your ear and made your skin crawl. You shuddered and turned your face away from him, not wanting him to see that you were now crying anew, hiccuping from your sobs as he bit down on the junction of your neck and shoulder.
The flesh caved and his thick tongue lapped against the wound, Koba groaned at the sweet, coppery taste of your blood but the sound was drowned out by your now *agonizing* wail. The pain seared through you, a high pitched noise deafening and dulling your senses, leaving you too disorientated to attempt resistance. It took a second for you to come back to reality, to really comprehend your situation but when you finally became aware of Koba’s hands firmly, agonizingly, holding you by the neck and hips, you knew what was going to happen. With a bone-chilling awareness you knew what was going to transpire and there was no way out of it now.
Your legs kicked out from the pain as you bowed your head. “Ahn– stop! Stop it!” you sobbed, trying to force yourself up against Koba’s shoulders but his strength outmatched yours, pushing you back down, trapping you firmly between himself and the tree trunk. “No more! Please don’t hurt me!” 
Koba wasn’t shy of leaving lasting marks nor speaking words that bit into the feeble self-esteem you had managed to build over the past few months after Caesar had rescued you from almost certain death and given you a sense of purpose once again.
The bonobo lifted his large hand to rest on your hip, his fingers slowly digging into your flesh. It was all too much and the taste of your blood had flipped a switch inside of him that Koba no longer had any desire to ignore. The arousal building up inside of him reached a crescendo with the taste of iron on his thirsty tongue
And you could sense that something had changed; you started hyperventilating, fingers digging into the rough bark behind you, peeling it off in cracks. You trembled as Koba's hand slowly crept around your waist, pulling you in taut against his muscular chest.
Blood roared in Koba’s ears and the thrill of power overtook him. He wanted nothing more in that moment, than to defile you. Your pristine and porcelain skin that had been protected under a layer of clothing, nothing like his scarred, ruined body. Your glassy eyes, wide and naive staring into his own, one disfigured and one seething with decades of hatred for the species that had taken everything from him.
"K-Koba," you breathed, unable to control the shakiness in your voice. "Please…"
The way he practically drank your plea in only made your heart pound louder and quicker, the adrenaline rushing through your veins.
Overcome with hormones, anger and a feeling of possession, he began to rut against you, unceremoniously. He was getting off on your pain, relishing the fear you now openly displayed with a terrified expression and body taut like a wire. His to destroy.
You could feel his cock hard, pressing into your thigh. One of his large hands ghosting up and down your body, stopping right between your legs. Both of you shuddered in unison. But it was *your * eyes that went wide. Koba felt your body tremble beneath his. Your small hands grabbed at his forearms but he didn’t budge, thumbing your privates in reviere. 
“Caesar… touch you– like this?” His words came out, short and raspy, strained.
You swallowed the painful lump in your throat in response to his question, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing. You really didn’t know how he would react either way. Or perhaps Koba already knew the answer and was simply taunting you.
His breath hitched in his throat and his nostrils flared when you refused to acknowledge his question.
"Please…" You murmured softly in a tiny, unwavering voice, even as unparallelled horror creeped in. "Please don't… Please, don't do this." Why, why did you lie to yourself? Lie to him? 
Koba simply ignored you, growling lowly and allowing himself this short moment of indulging his impulsive desires. He continued to bury his face in your neck, his dark fur tickling your sensitive skin as he slid the first finger into your slick entrance. 
You shrieked in response, kicking out at the intrusion but Koba held you tight and forced his digit all the way to the knuckle.
His finger moved in a slow, torturous motion as he pulled out, scraping over the walls of your insides. You couldn’t stop yourself from moaning out loud when he brushed your g-spot and your head drooped to the side, whatever inhibitions you might’ve felt have dissipated.
You could feel the unmistakable sensation of penetration from two fingers and your back arched, voice cracking uncomfortably at the feeling. His fingers were rough and much larger than any humans, already stretching you uncomfortably so. 
“Stop,” you lied. Both of you knew it was a lie. He could smell the arousal dripping from you, could feel it coating his fingers. Fear had turned to erotic electricity sparking between both of you that words could no longer deny.
Even so, you had to think. Did apes understand the concept of consent? Of rape? From what you understood, they would usually just take what they wanted when they wanted. Mating for the purpose of reproduction.
Your cunt ached, the bite mark on your neck stung, and your ribs were smeared with thin streaks of red, you couldn’t bear it anymore. Chest heaving, you spread your legs, pushing your pelvis up slightly- offering yourself to Koba. Prompting him to take you. And with that, there was no further hesitation. 
The tree bark could have splintered with the force at which he penetrated you, with how hard you gripped onto it, pressure so intense your knuckles turned white. You bit down on your lower lip, so hard that it bled at every relentless thrust into your body. Koba said something you scarcely understood, but the sound of his voice, the tinge of pleasured exertion, was enough for you to cry out. Brutalized, you took what you were forcefully given. You tried to stifle any sound of pleasure, but they slipped out of you regardless.
He exhaled, starting to build a steady pace, sliding his thick cock in and out of you with languid ease, relishing your warmth that gripped him tight.
“Hah,” he growled into your shoulder, lapping more of your blood from the wound he had inflicted earlier. The way you tasted, the way you smelled, he would be jerking off to the memory of this for weeks.
The fresh bite mark stung and you shuddered, hands clung to the fur of your assailants shoulder blades in an attempt to lessen the sting. Koba snickered to himself at how you begged him for relief.
“Better than Caesar?” He grunted out, through a particularly hard thrust and you squeezed your eyes shut, ignoring his prying question once again.
Koba didn’t seem too pleased that you were avoiding to answer however and gripped onto your neck with one hand, squeezing the air out of you.
“Human. Answer when spoken to.”
You choked and he loosened his grip slightly, “Y-yes– aghh, it… it feels so much better when you fuck me.” 
You gasped through the pleasure and pain.
The force of your pitiful thrashing did little more than cause you to fuck yourself further down on Koba’s cock and he hissed through gritted teeth, feeling the telltale signs of orgasm licking at his insides. He drove in harder than before at the feeling of wanting to wreck you, mate you and utterly defile you is what pushed him over the edge, grinning with insatiable greed as you came undone underneath him. 
You go taunt, in your release. Shaken to your core as your own orgasm takes over. It’s the most intense you'd ever had. You feel yourself tremble and spasm around his shaft.
He flooded your insides, coming at the same time as you and holding himself there for minutes before dropping you to the forest floor, as if you were little more than a rag for him to use and abandon at will.
Gravity pulled you down from your disgraceful orgasm and you wiped your teary face. You shivered, still vulnerable from the pleasurable high.
But when reality set in, your face paled, and you felt nauseous, dreadful of the disappointment, of seeking him out again, allowing yourself to be taken so violently and the fact that you enjoyed it.
“Tell anyone about– This,” he threatened, as he retrieved his spear, through gritted teeth. “Koba will rip your head from your shoulders.” 
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vladdyissues · 2 days
Do you have any Favorite pompous pep fics? and could you recommend any you think are great? i just discovered this ship like a month ago and id like to know if there are any fics that are praised highly in the community.
Oh dear. I've been answering this same question for almost a full year now, and I'm afraid my answer is still pretty pathetic. But if you check the notes on the following two posts, you ought to find enough fic recs to get yourself off to a good start:
There's also this post from 2017 that mentions some other Pompep fics.
And, as always, anyone is welcome to reblog or comment on this post with their favorite Pompep fics or self promote.
Some of the fics listed in the above links may be on either AO3 or Fanfiction.net (or both). I don't use FFN anymore, but AO3 has a great search function designed to give you exactly what you're looking for, in case you're sensitive to certain flavors of Pompep. I typically haunt the Vlad/Danny tag and read/comment/bookmark when I can. I struggle with reading longer works, which means I'm missing out on some of the more renown 100k+ word fics this great ship has to offer, but maybe someday I'll get to them.
And, of course, if you're not already a member of the Pompep Discord server, we regularly share fics and WIPs and recs there—and there's also a Collection on AO3 where you can read some of the members' fics.
Happy reading (and welcome to the ship)!
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essektheylyss · 7 months
Open, non-exhaustive list of content I would read/watch in a heartbeat about the political situation in Rexxentrum post-Solstice:
One-shot or mini-arc of the Nein going full National Treasure level heist on the Cerberus Assembly records management department before a Ludinus simulacrum can reach the burn boxes
Faux Trump aide exposé-style novel of Athesias Uludan compiling and publishing The Dirt in the aftermath as part of his apology/comeback tour
Colville-run Dirty Dozen one-shot or EXU of Oliver Schreiber dragging some particularly unruly ex-Scourgers out of semi-retirement (read: house arrest) to take Ludinus out once and for all in exchange for full indemnity
Found documents a la Midst appendices of the Cobalt Soul documentation and evidence compiled about the incident
The Archmage: An Autobiography by Martinet Ludinus Da'leth (discovered and published posthumously) [1500 pages and riddled with exaggeration and inaccuracies, the last 20% has clearly been written by AI a simulacrum]
Lorekeeper rundown Youtube video from Dani Carr
Yet another novel: Wildemount's most (in)famous and (un)reliable documentarian smelled a story (Taryon's version)
Literally just a main campaign episode of the Nein infodumping to Allura at a war council meeting with the Hells present. I need this information so badly. I am fucking begging.
This sounds like it runs the gamut in level in terms of seriousness but I would like it stated for the record that I would unhinge my jaw to consume any item on this list.
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mishy-mashy · 5 months
Shinomori is cute. Here's a post.
He is so baby-faced. He hasn't changed at all since he was 22, to when he died of "old age" at 40
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(Old age? With a face like that? 40 years old?? Gimme that kind of youth and hotness Shinomori-)
He has tiny eyebrows. Like a puppy's (rottweiler's, for example). So cute and tiny and fuffy
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He naturally frowns. Look at him and his mouth and his lil nose
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He has a thing about keeping his arms near his chest. He sits with his arms crossed, introduces himself with his hands over his torso, and even walks with his arms crossed toward Midoriya
He has such clear skin for someone who lived the rest of his life in a forest??? Why do Hikage and Yoichi have such nice skin despite living in terrible environments? (forest and vault + abandoned streets respectively)
Is easily scared
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They knew their Quirks could be used, but Shinomori got scared of it when it happened. Even though he gave Midoriya his support and access to his Quirk beforehand. Depending on the translation; "it startled me", "you scared me", "it surprised me"
I'm not going to hold running from AFO against him because he knew he was running for his life. Who wouldn't run for their life when it's in danger? Shinomori was being chased by the strongest person in the country (and likely the world)
His sense of self-preservation is probably heightened by the nature of his Quirk to keep him out of danger too. Which makes him all the more sensitive and jumpy to danger and anything that startles him, especially when he has no warning
He's actually extremely tall, but is so socially inept and jumpy it's adorable. He's taller than Bruce.
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Bruce is as tall as a vault door that the 2m AFO used.
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(Meanwhile Kudo is down there-)
He has such a bad sense of humor that it's cute (his puns off Danger Sense)
It's also adorable how Shinomori just doesn't understand social conventions sometimes. He lived in a forest, so it made sense, but also— Midoriya shows up in the void to the vestige platform for the first time. He has no mouth, no clothes—and Shinomori's first idea is to stand in front of him menacingly and go: "I shall explain. I am Shinomori Hikage." SIRRRR
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His Ability is basically like glorified anxiety. What if something is coming to hurt him? If something can hurt him? What if that tree falls while he's under it? And the ideas come so hard they hurt (although yes, it does detect ill intent and that's what sets it off)
He talks weirdly. Formal? Old-fashioned? Listening to him speak Japanese compared to others, it just sounds a bit different. (Translated subs don't show it very well, it's the voice itself methinks)
"This too, is destiny." *about Midoriya having OFA*
Kinda wise or sage-y. He did spend his life in solitude in the forests so he definitely spent a lot of time with his own thoughts. Maybe he found the meaning of life in a centipede or something one day
For someone so cute, he is also such. A fine. Specimen???
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Look at those back muscles, dang.
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#i dont think shinomori was part of the resistance considering the resistance fought the society AFO was making#and shinomori wanted to avoid society and thus hid away#but i do think bruce knew shinomori because he gave him ofa before he went to fight AFO and die#and afo doesnt seem to know hikage. if he did he wouldve found and killed him. but hikage is never in afos memories#yknow what shinomori needs some appreciation too#vestiges need more attention#also i always put shinomori dealing with bruces remnants in my fics so he needs some appreciation for that#like the kids dumped on him#shinomori received OFA at 22 years old. he was around bruces age methinks#hes not some kid the resistance took in. the resistance didnt take in kids anyway#or at least we dont see them#well fic stuff banjo has the time of his life with en wrangling kid hermits that dont know what electricity is#mha#bnha#boku no hero academia#my hero academia#spoilers#hikage shinomori#ofa#one for all#ANYWAY hikage is ADORABLE and needs attention#just LOOK AT HIM#id have put this post out sooner but getting the pictures is always hard cuz popups or videos not working#i like shinomoris english voice actor. i dont stick around to hear anyone elses because i died when midoriya turned into a kid in the dub#i could probably make a list like this and bruces for the rest of the vestiges#yoichis small waist lovely skin and that he probably knows how to wrap kudo and bruce around his finger?#his “my heroes” and smiling as he goes “now now you two..”? kudos low voice and nice arms and SHORTNESS?#en going “senpai” and sitting on his chair like that? looking like he exudes gremlin energy? did he get carried around by banjo and nana?#it looks like he wouldve CMONN#i didnt include it in here cuz image limit but shinomori has big hands and feet (tag limit)
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Dangerously close to plotting a real Skyrim/Lord of the Rings crossover for after Keeping Count because my secret desire for Leara/Glorfindel has reared its head again
Shhh Don't question it.
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truly i am a huge fan of characters who need to crash out more often
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thevioletcaptain · 1 year
if you as a fic reader ever become possessed by the urge to do a popularity bracket with the fics other people wrote and shared for fun and for free, consider:
don't ❤️ 
#just!!!! make a rec list!!!!!!!!!#popularity contests do nothing but drive writers out of fandoms by pitting people against their friends#and invariably result in people being assholes in the comments as if the people who wrote the fic can't see it#like ''oh clearly fic x is better than fic y''#or ''why is fic c even in this poll?''#nobody gains anything by you doing a bracket to see which fic is the ''most popular''#a stat which could be found more easily & less cruelly by simply hitting the sort by bookmarks/kudos button on ao3#anyway ugh. i saw that one of my fics was being pitted against one of my friend's fics in this bracket that's going around#and i have no idea who is ''winning'' because i refuse to look. but either way it's gonna feel bad!!!#because i want my friend to get his flowers so i want him to win!!! but i also would like to know that people like my fic!!!!#so it's just a lose/lose situation even though i generally don't give a shit about numbers#but this turns it into a schoolyard popularity thing#and the emotional response to having people *vote* on if your work is *better or worse* than other fic is hard to ignore#cannot reiterate enough JUST MAKE A REC LIST#or if you absolutely must do a bracket like this do it in a private chat server or something#don't create a public forum for people to pass value judgements where the authors can see it#and feel bad if they get told their fic is ''worse'' than someone elses#but also feel bad if they get told theirs is ''better'' because it came at the cost of telling another author they weren't good enough#ANYWAY i still feel sick with a super sore throat and a headache & am probably extra cranky because of it#(still testing negative thankfully so it's probably just weather/allergen related)#gonna go make some tea and prep the fic updates i want to post today#cass says things#fandom problems#wank adjacent
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ghostly-cabbage · 8 months
I have officially edited and updated my DP fic recommendation document
I've so far only used it for friends but now I'm wondering if any of you guys would be interested...
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frankiebirds · 4 months
JJ: It's something we call the buddy system. That means, you always go everywhere with a friend. MORGAN: That's right, because bad men and women are more likely to talk to us only when we're by ourselves
this is likely unintentional, but i like to read into things, so.
for context, they're speaking to a room full of children in a town with a serial child murderer, and are giving them some precautions to follow to stay safe (on a lighter note: the scene is intercut with a scene of gideon doing the same to a room of adults, which i really like)
jj addresses the children as "you" while morgan addresses them as "we". i dont like the term "freudian slip" because i hate freud, but thats the shortest way to describe what i think/headcanon is happening here. im sure they had a script, and i think morgan's part was "bad men and women are more likely to talk to you only when you're by yourself" and the "us/we" came out accidentally. or i could believe that morgan wrote his part of the script and wrote "we" because he sees himself in the victims.
obviously the way morgan was victimized during his childhood was very different to what's happening here (there is no sexual assault and we later learn that the violence was done by a peer, not an adult) but it's made clear several times that morgan takes any case where children are harmed very personally. they all do, because that's just how people are, but again, morgan specifically sees himself in the child victims they encounter. he was victimized differently, yes, but he knows what its like to face violence as a child, he knows the fear they felt, and, considering in this case they profile that the children know their attacker, he knows the feeling of betrayal
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