#i just want to be secure and safe but everytime i seek it out it’s marred with consequences
sneezefiction · 1 year
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metamatar · 1 year
two positions on effective nuclear power advocacy
1. everytime there's an attempt to build a nuclear plant in india there are mass local protests which get locked into cycles of state repression due to fear of meltdowns. that's actually also the case with building dams (narmada bachao), large mining projects (vedanta) and expansion of coal plants (thermal power plants in assam/tamil nadu.) dam opposition is actually the most powerful environmental force in the country.
people are right to believe that they will be uprooted from their lives and that they will not be adequately protected in the case of failures which is borne out by the the bhopal gas tragedy or sterlite gas leaks. nobody wants to live near these plants. so inevitably it is the world's most marginalised people who end up living near them. look at the data on land conflict watch regarding industrial land use and acquisition for power.
outside the comfortably stupid german green party caricature there are actually people with serious concerns about nuclear power. long term investments and public trust can only occur when energy prices decrease and plants operate reasonably safely. prices of nuclear hover around ₹4 per unit while solar is ₹2 per unit in india. and it is a lie to pretend global nuclear retrenchment happened due to a conspiracy by oil/gas instead of the extremely expensive price of failure at fukushima (200 billion usd or so.) westinghouse went broke. pretending nuclear waste is the concern and not meltdowns is missing the forest for the trees.
2. i think we need to recognise the way the Non Proliferation Treaties choke civilian nuclear power while not making any commitment to long term disarmament in nuclear states rather than berating people with misgivings about meltdowns. rn, nuclear security for me and not for thee is its basic principle. the Nuclear Suppliers Group has not approved membership for india because it remains a useful tool of superpower gamesmanship.
lack of nuclear fuel means most existing nuclear power plants in india run at 60% capacity because we don't have that much uranium and have to import it and widely available thorium requires breeding which is technologically and economically infeasible. technology sharing is obviously very difficult when you're not in the NSG.
the US betrayal of iran after their deal was struck is the other obvious roadblock to building nuclear capacity in the third world. restricting nuclear tech is another way that imperial noose seeks to maintain control of states trying to unseat themselves from domination. it is not actually a surprise that north korea continues to pursue a weapons programme because deterrence works. and ukraine, of the three countries that disarmed because of the NPT is currently being invaded. you either subsume to China/Russia/US for defence or you just don't get to have nuclear energy which is not the position of a world that wants nuclear energy.
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justsoth1rsty · 3 years
dating headcanons with best boy Ali pls? (sfw)
Dating! Headcanons Ali Abdul x reader
- This man is 100% a literal loving puppy dog
- He’s a very gentle person and tries his best to be gentle with you too but if he ever hurts you by accident (like elbowing you to the side by accident) he’s a sobbing mess. Dating him means constant reassuring.
- But he would do anything for you.
- Literally anything.
- Family man i will not be taking criticism about this and definitely wants to settle down with you.
- Ali is really supportive and always makes sure you know how proud he’s proud of you.
- That being said don’t let that man play board games with you because he will destroy you. Accidentally or not. And he acts like a baby if he loses.
- He doesn’t have a lot of money so instead of buying you anything he will surprise you with something homemade which shows how well he knows you.
- You also surprise him with sweets you made because this man infamously has a sweet tooth so cafe dates are a must.
- Teaching you about his cultures and opening up about his past and problems. It always comforts him and his racing mind as you attentively listen to his worries.
- Ali is all for PDA. He doesn’t care who’s watching or if you two are with friends. You deserve all the kisses and hugs.
- He loves kissing you when you’re least expecting it. He’s a spontaneous kisser and enjoys catching you off guard.
- Will also pick you up whenever he gets excited. Spinning you around while laughing happily. Unless you are uncomfortable of course. HE RESPECTS THE FUCKING BOUNDARIES.
- In fact he loves giving you giant bear hugs. Feeling down? Here’s a hug. Overjoyed? Here’s another. You can’t complain though because he smells incredible and he makes you feel safe.
- He also enjoys having heart to heart conversations quite frequently. Having one makes him feel secure and loved.
- Fun fact about him is that he absolutely loves romantic movies. Not even in ”ohmy so cheesy” type of way. He just loved them.
- One of the reasons why he loves them so much is because he can relate to the stupid bullshit people do in the movies for the name of love. He feels the same when he’s looking at you. This sounded less corny in my head
- Generally your words mean the world to him. If you say he’s the best, he’ll believe it. And of course you mean it everytime.
- Ali loves to sleep in with you, just laying on bed and watch stupid videos, cuddling and just playing with your hair and peppering you with kisses.
- Absolutely adores the fact how well connected you two become over all topics and situations. Even if he might disagree with few, he loves to hear all your thoughts and opinions.
- Has a habit of humming when he’s happy so you need to be prepared for random noises whenever he’s roaming around the apartment
- Sing with him. Please.
- You two have so many inside jokes. He loves cheesy jokes and you absolutely love making him laugh.
- Dad jokes.
- Ali loves your laugh too. Even if you’d say some shit like ”i sound like a goblin who is being boiled alive.” Hearing it makes him smile everytime and in his mind you look fucking adorable.
- He barely gets angry but one of the only ways to get him riled up and mad is if you tell him that somebody made you upset.
- No joke his whole demeanor in seconds and seek out the person in question.
- He just loves you so damn much.
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syubub · 3 years
BTS cuddle habits
Hi guys! I wanted to have a fun little silly read on what their cuddle habits are! It's cute and light and soft so I thought it might be nice!
Disclaimer: this is entertainment only and not to be taken as fact. This is only my interpretation!
Oki let's begin
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The first thing I thought of when I saw this is that he's not a strong grip cuddle kinda guy
He's more of the "if you're there and need cuddles I'll do it I guess" kinda guy
I think too he's very vigilant and whomever he is cuddling he is very aware of how to maximize the other person's comfort?
Like it almost seems for him, he'd be fine without cuddles
It's just not important to him as much as it is for others
But he knows that some people feel good when they get cuddles
All this to say
He doesn't preticularly seek out cuddles and prefers to be the one doing the cuddling
He knows that it's a way to give others comfort
It's definitely a low energy kinda thing for him too
I think any kinda pseudo cuddle would be preferable
Like, "I'm laying next to you and tapping your head, does that count"
It's a way to show comfort and to show that he's there for the person.
Definitely takes that time to learn more about why the person might be sad or in need of cuddles
It's a perfect time to talk it out
Definitely platonic cuddles wouldn't faze him at all
Very comforting
He'd give advice if needed or prompted
Wouldn't particularly tangle himself up with the other person
More like comforting "I'm here for you" back rubs and taps
Playing with hair
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Yoongi no
He's definitely more cuddly with his s.o than he his with friends
His cuddle style is very balanced
Probably likes to mirror his cuddle buddy
So like, facing each other
Probably holding hands
Also spooning and he'd be down for little spoon or big spoon depending on how he's feeling
Let me get a bit honest here
Cuddling for yoon is like holding the entire world
Sounds dramatic lol
It's a super intimate thing to share personal space like that
Even more than sex for him because the only objective is comfort and holding space for him and his person
Kinda. Intimacy in any form that it takes is really special and intense for him when it regards someone he truly cares for
This is about cuddles and not about how yoongi regards the act of bumping uglies
Platonic cuddles are a little less... wanted for him
Not that he hates it or anything. He just likes his space and would actively search for platonic cuddles often if every (if he knew a more physically affectionate person really needed to be held and comforted he wouldn't mind providing that but its just not something he typically looks for)
Because the thought of sharing such close personal space with someone is quite.. daunting? He feels a bit flustered
This is all heavily focused on yoongi preferring to have his cuddles with the people that he has the utmost respect for and trusts with his life
Definitely most comfortable with a romantic partner though
Definitely would love to have his hair played with and would reciprocate the favor
When things get rough in his head I think he would prefer to be held
Or like
I heard "held together"
Oof yoobi
Overall it's seems to be an act of trust and love and respect and anyone who gets a yoongi cuddle should feel honored
You guys
Just look at this cards
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Hobi Is definitely an enthusiastic cuddle buddy
Probs prefers to hold the other person
Definitely loves platonic cuddles all the way
Very much physical affection
Also very light and fun and giggly
Like, yoons is a more emotionally heavy feel
But hobis is so light and fun and recharging
It's not the destination
Like its not an event to have cuddles for him
It's almost as natural and fluid as just going in for a hug?
It's a continuation of a hug
Hobi snuggles more than cuddles?
Like any burst of affection he just goes in for a snuggle squeeze
I think as a human his body temperature is just always warm too
Versatile cuddles
Kinda octopus-esque
Can be kinda like a quick little battery charge for him
A good solid hobi cuddle would be like transporting to a new world where there are no worries
Very nice and secure
Would probably like sunshine cuddles or outdoor cuddles (without bugs)
I think sometimes he just likes to share his space with other people
Very warm friendly lovely I love it
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Talk about tension release lol
Cuddles for him aren't something he seeks out often but when he does...
It's like taking the cap off of a soda
Definitely a daydream type
Idk why but I think he cuddles himself? Like when he's super stressed
He probably hugs himself
Or maybe he has a weighted blanket?
He definitely has a calm way to sooth himself
But with other people
I think he likes more mellow, soft type cuddles
Definitely a repetitive movement type of person
Like gently tapping/patting or making shapes
I can't tell of he would like that or if that's what he does
Probably drifts to sleep if cuddling for a longer time lol
It's very seren and lovely energy tbh
A sleepy morning type of cuddle would probably help him calmly sort his thoughts and plans for the day
Just time to exist
Platonic cuddles y e s
Like I said, it wouldn't be something that I would see him searching for often at all
But its very helpful for him when he does
This makes me think of one time I went to a park with my friend
we found a nice patch of soft grass and had a nice little cuddle just existing in each others presence and feeling a nice soft breeze bring in the sweet summer smell
It was just kinda like time stopped and I could daydream and look at my priorities without feeling overwhelmed by them??
Like having a person physically with you to anchor you to reality and provide comfort
Idk it's just such a nice lovely type of thing that is really special when those moments come around
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Definitely loves cuddles
We know this
But this is really sweet
It's very emotionally fulfilling and I think it's an easy way for him to show his love and appreciation for someone
This sounds dumb but I think he physically tries to morph his body to other people?
Like cling film?
It's really cute?
Tbh any kinds of cuddle is a good cuddle for chim
I think physical touch just in general is really important for him
cuddles make him feel loved bc sometimes he needs to be reminded
Definitely will cuddle or be cuddled
With the 8 of wands I think he just kinda goes with the flow really
The ace of cups makes me almost see it as an exchange of energy?
Like swapping good vibes or recharging your good vibes
It's really sweet
I bet he'd be the type to make it a special event on occasion
Like all the blankets and pillows and a movie or book or album or something
And just be comfy
Comfy is the best way to describe this
10000% platonic cuddles
No one is spared
(Some are spared)
It's not like he's attached to them or needs them to breath
But physical touch is really important for him
And this is very optimal
I also think he'd be the type to go for drive by cuddles?
The 8 of wands can be a fast card so
Quick cuddles
Little snuggles
V good
wouldn't mind face to face cuddles at all
like a freshly washed blanket that's all warm and smells nice
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It was hard enough trying to interpret normal cards and you throw me this shit??
Here we go
It's definitely a mental resting point to have some good cuddles
Tae can be quite a physical person too so it doesn't suprise me to see
It almost feels solitary?
But not physically obviously
Kinda like joon he really benefits from having a reality anchor
He might be physically resting
And his mind is resting too
It's like he fucking Astral projects or some shit
Hear me out
It's like having a safe and comfortable environment being with someone you trust
He just kinda
Lifts up??
Like this might seem like daydreams to him but it's like... the Astral?
Lol definitely unexpected
It's not like this everytime
He benefits from cuddles when he is having a hard time and needs comfort
Also just because it's something that he finds relaxing
But like, let me explain
Death is like letting go of attachments
Four of swords can be like meditation
Wheel of fortune can be like opportunity or destiny?
And like, we all know tae has his angel and stuff
I think maybe his angel or guides or whatever take any opportunity where he is in a good enough state to just... yank him up to them??
But think about it
If he's comfortable and in a mental state where this is possible, it would be the perfect opportunity??
I want to expand on this later maybe
It doesn't exclusively happen when he's cuddling its just a time where his mind is open to it?
Also yes platonic cuddles yes yes yes
Wtf tae?
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These are all the cards that came out and all of them are relevant apparently
Firstly let's look at that lovers card and the magician
He's definitely down for a good cuddle and it's a sign of trust for him
Having a nice restful time where he can idly chat with someone probably helps him work through situations in his head
The magician can signify a powerful man...
I think he really enjoys being held and like, holding people tightly
Like it feels more secure like that
Definitely a release of stress and worry
Probably prefers cuddles more in the evening after he's worked hard and done stuff bc then he feels like he's earned the right to relax
Definitely down for platonic cuddles but with people he knows super well
This might sound weird but
I bet if the chance to cuddle arrives and it's not a suprise like "hey come here and cuddle" kinda thing he'd prepare
Like if there was a movie night and he knows it's gonna be nice and comfy he'd probably wear his favorite hoodie or shirt or whatever and pjs or sweatpants or whatever
Whip out the nice body butter
Some good smells
Fresh fabric softener smells
In a 100% not creepy and very platonic way
That sounds sarcastic but its not
Its called self care
Would also be the type to seek out cuddles if he has a bad day
Like the kind to flop down beside someone or put his head in their lap and just non verbally demand cuddles?
Like, have you ever been super frustrated and you just need someone to pet your hair? Or like hold you bc your working out your own shit internally?
It probably doesn't happen often and not when something really big is bothering him
Just smaller things
Would like repetitive motions/soothing motions
The six of swords make me think soft rocking would put him directly to sleep lol
Kinda like cars too
Very nice very nice
This was intresting and I didn't really know what it would be like but I didn't think it would be this lol tae was unexpected
Who are you guys most like? I think I'm maybe part jungkook and part yoongi? I'm not the most touchy feely person with friends but I am a lot more with partners. Jungkookie style cuddles is me when I'm around people that I've know for forever and are really good friends. Pull out good blankets, clothes, candles ect. Anything for optimal comfort. Joon style cuddles definitely sound like the most relaxing thing in the planet and makes me a bit nostalgic
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yostresswritinggirl · 3 years
Tales of The Ghost Writer
“You met Xingqiu at Wanwen Bookhouse when delivering a batch of your newly-published book. But as a ghost writer, no one knew it was you that authored such books. Safe to say it was cute watching the noble bookworm fanboy about you in front of you.”
Pairings -> Xingqiu x Author!Reader
Word Count -> 3518
Theme -> Long Fic, Fluff
Series -> #Bonafide specials (100 followers event)
Warnings -> Xingqiu's name might be mispelled at times, also he rambles a lot
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Entry Log # 645:
I’ve once again delivered the new batch of books to Wanwen Bookhouse today at 4PM, 30 new books in collection to be sold. That would add up to a total of 420 published books for Legend of the Lone Sword. Despite its old circulation, collectors and avid bookworms still seek out the volumes. In a spur of the moment thought, the 4th volume was finally rereleased for more readers to get a chance to read them. While on my rounds, I’ve met a particularly peculiar fan.
“4th volume?” You nod as you set down the stack of books on the counter where Jifang stood behind with a welcoming smile. “Thank you, everyone has been asking about it for a while now. I don’t understand how people keep missing out on the last volume like so.” There was an exchange of giggles between you continued your idle chatter, busying yourself with recounting the stack to make sure the order placed was exact. Yep, 30.
You picked one up from the top pile as Jifang enters the bookhouse to gather the payment. It wasn't that much of a feat to carry a pile of 30 books when it's only this thick, you thought as you opened the book in the middle and... buried your nose in it, literally. Archons, the scent of freshly printed books had always been such a stress reliever of a kind. The imprints were still fresh as you run your thumb over the pristine white page of page 75, the gravings of the letter bumping it in such an intricate and endearing manner. You suppose it should be prime time you get a copy of your own-
"Ah, the glorious scent fresh books offer are quite irresistible to everyone," your head whipped to the side in a hurry at the embarrassing display. Yet your new company only offered a light-hearted laugh, floaty and flowing swiftly past his lips. You find it enjoyable to listen to. "Fret not, I don't judge such honest guilty pleasure."
His smile was soft and respectful as you return it, watching his hand (wrists largely ruffled) pick up the next book on the pile, his interest shining the more he recognizes the the piece of literature. Such expensive clothing and poise, you thought as you continued to inspect. "I knew Wanwen had a schedule of new releases today, but I was not informed it would be the 4th volume of the Legend of the Lone Sword!"
"A fan?" You mused as you placed back the copy you took, leaning against the counter as you watched him quickly scan the lines of the book. He was intensely staring at every word with such a calculating gaze, that sometimes break when he reads how the character would sometimes reach an impasse, or when a new discovery reaches its peak. His ardent gaze was enough of an answer. When he took a break from reading to pass you his attention, you hadn't realize how red your cheeks had been out of embarrassment. "I've always wanted to get my hands on my own copy of the 4th, yet everytime all bookhouses in Liyue keep running out of stock. Is delivery normally this scarce?" He'd gestured at the not so looming pile.
You nod in response with a forgoing giggle. "Publishing could be running into some... shortness of funds?" Subtle, yet he hums in disappointment at the thought. His little pout, adorable, as he buries his face in the book again. I would gladly fund such glorious writing, you thought you heard past the leather back before the ornate doors past the counter finally opened again.
"Ah sorry it took so long, I couldn't find the exact pouch for the- hey! You again, you've read and been scolded dozens of times already," the woman angrily gestures to the notice board by the table, "Pay first, read later!"
You snorted, thankfully masked by the sudden cry of the caught culprit as he was smacked (hopefully gently) on the head by the owner, forcing him to put back the book to the pile. "Hnghh, but Lady Jifang! You didn't scold her, she was indulging herself with the book just the same," you breathed a fake gasp of astounded betrayal, before you three had laughed in chorus.
The oldest of your trio scoffed in amusement as she placed the bag of Mora unto your waiting hand. "What, her? Why would I scold her, she probably knows every word like the back of her ha-" her rambling was then cut off by a loud smack on her bottom, a book expertly finding its way back to your hand with a perfectly cut smile. Her yelp was not unnoticed by the male as he laughs at the display.
"Let him be, he's really been patiently waiting for the release!" Jifang scoffs at the word patiently as you came to the defense of blunette. You were never really aware of the norm in Wanwen, as you usually come by at a time where you would have been alone. This was a first.
"Quite so! Just the start of the volume had me hooked, setting for the peak of the story climax! The synopsis itself already hinted of another inclusion of a new element into the story I had not expected from this style of a book, surely such a writer would not tread such parallel territory without being an expert teller-" Jifang watched in amusement as her gaze lands on you at the start of the bookworm's rambling, watching the redness touch the tip of your ear with an abashed smile shyly gracing your lips. Behind it she can see the mirth and amusement, something she outwardly shows with her own expression.
"Wow," was the Liyuean woman's only response once the speaker has finished his lengthy speech. His dorkiness stands with pride at his examination.
You cleared your throat before you could mutter your initial words, finally realizing the time. "That was... quite marvelous of an analysis. A-Anywaysss, thank you for your partnership, I hope the books are all sold by tomorrow!"
And with that you swiftly made your exit, wanting to find a place to scream the embarrassment out. Or maybe squeal, just to be subtle.
Entry Log # 15:
As a distant relative to the Guhua clan, the (L/N) clan was not exactly known to be tied closely to the prestigious clan known for their expert martial. However, despite the impure connection, they carry with them still the honor of learning the arts to a meticulous detail.
Your family was one of the living practitioners of the Guhua Arts, twice removed, yet your spotlight was not that obvious as the name would carry. Your father wish to carry a new kind of prestige without relying on the powerful namesake and he had been adamant since birth to grind every teaching and form of the art into his immediate family.
"Misogyny nor feminism will not save you from battle, only your own strength." Something along those lines, was what he said.
Your eldest brother was his main point of reference when scolding you on not taking your lessons properly. A slacker he is, now he lacks not only a means of security but also financial stability, that's what you end up to if you don't treasure the arts of our family. You have no idea how martial arts brings you monetary security, but you can't really state to your own father that his logic was a bit skewed.
Daily during morning and the first touch of evening, you had resigned yourself into training under your father's supervision. As the eldest daughter of the house, you carry with you still a responsibility to be strong. No fraility was accepted, and your mother always argues about your father's ever so masculine lifestyle being imposed on you, a lady that should be taught other customs for means of living.
Yet after every session, at the end of the day under the caress of the lamp by your study table, your hands move with precision and calmness he would have scoffed at in the dojo. The beauty of words and their power to create new worlds effortlessly had drawn you in too easily, ever since you were young you had a knack for the books your mother reads to herself or to you.
Entry Log # 651:
The next time you'd met the Wanwen Bookworm (nickname you gave) was a rare moment when he'd finally looked at you more than the book in his hand. It seemed your little interaction from the bookhouse was attention-grabbing enough to make him seek out your person with a bunch of questions and wonder.
You gulped, patting down your blue skirt before accompanying him. The way he rambles was too dangerous, it was drawing something within you to also do the same, and you feared you may let out something you shouldn't. But a fellow 'reader' is good company, and with the little interactions you had with the same age group with the same interest makes this moment something you can't pass.
"Carrier to the Yae Publishing House?" You nodded calculatedly, after confirming you've said just the right information. "Quite intriguing, especially with such young age to be working in line with the greatest press house in Teyvat." Ohhh, he's surely smart despite the first impression of goofiness.
You giggled as politely as you can remember you should upon the scarce teachings of your mother. "I've always liked literature so I couldn't uhm let the opportunity pass, even if it's insignificant like that." Good, good, piling up the lies. You're grateful you haven't made some contract of friendship and happen upon the wrath of your nation's God. Or Qixing.
"Surely, you must have been in the presence of some of the wordsmiths during your rendezvous! So tell me," there was a dangerous glint in his eyes and you knew exactly what he's gonna ask, "Have you met the legendary Bob Ong?"
Oh goodness, you felt him caress and pat your back as you tried your best to breathe after the sudden choking on nothing, he was so spot on that you were horrified even if you had an inkling of what he was gonna inquire. "I uhm I don't really know what I'm allowed to say." In the inside you were goddamn screaming.
"You don't have to tell me anything about him, really! It's his mystery that makes his character just the most intriguing." You gulped down hard, this time without choking out of nothing. "I don't really know much about who he is since he's, you know, unknown? No clues whatsoever, he could be anywhere right now, maybe you've talked to him already or no. Yeah?"
He held a convincing hum before taking in the cryptic answer, content, for now you assume. "Not many avid readers of the book can place a name to the unnamed author, but how blind they were to see the cryptic signature at the back of the cover. Truly a wonderous act." Xingqiu, you finally learned his name, had took you out to lunch for the trouble and enjoyment. It wasn't really necessary, but you figured it was probably to keep you with him longer to converse about the books more.
A lot of his... analysis actually coincide with the messages that you lodged between the lines. He understands your way of narration more than you do at times, and you were left wondering just how much he had read of the fourth volume despite only having it for a few days then. When evening once again struck, you had bid each other farewell in the promise of another time to hang.
"It's a literature of love and freedom- disguised as a martial arts novel." Was his parting analysis, and you were left to wonder, was that really what you had projected into your works?
Entry Log # 32:
In your young and hopeful mind, you'd sent your first ever manuscript to Yae Publishing House. It wasn't your first work but it was the one you worked hard on the most, with weeks of furbishing and reworks. Your mother, although not directly informed of your whole plan, had provided you with great feedback and generous suggestions. And soon you created the first manuscript of 'String of Pearls'.
With a generous note and what you hoped is enough mora to at least publish a book, your package was sent to Inazuma.
You waited for days, of which turned to weeks, and then to months. You thought by the end of it all, you had been swindled but as young as you still hoped for the best of its outcome.
And then one day, as you were sweeping the outside of your gates in preparation for your father's return from some business in the harbor, a lone man of Inazuman style found its way to your humble abode. He calls himself Mr. Nine, and in his arms cradled two similar looking books, with a familiar envelope.
That was when you had been given the opportunity to write for the greatest Publishing House under the guise of a pseudonym. The great Nine was astounded by your ripeness paired with your prowess in writing. You hid behind Bob Ong, a protection from being belittled as a young child and a woman, to prevent being traced by your father if ever.
Yet you remained as subtle still. Even if your name was not written on the covers themselves, within your heart you were still the writers of those books. You've placed anagrams and mysterious puzzles revealing your name but it was part of the intrigue of the story that they had not thought much about it.
One day, you lost your book when you had gone out to eat. It was the second copy, as you carried the first one in your room, yet it still held a special place in your heart.
Xingqiu was a master novelist too, as you'd expect from someone so enthusiastic on the art of literature too. You'd long since become friends and found out soon enough his true identity. The heir to the Feiyun Commerce Guild, master practitioner of the Guhua Clan Arts, soon to be novelist. He was in every aspect the better half between you two.
One day in his daily reading breaks where he would happen upon you, he had found his eyes wafting over your notebook that you always carry. It was designed to look like a hard bound book specially tailored to your tastes, but it was nothing but mere keepers of your notes and musings.
Your newest page had in it a brand new draft for a brand new story you wanted to flesh out before the success of Legend of the Lone Sword diminishes. Mr. Nine still praised you for the success of your first major publishing and had assured you that there's no need to immediately compensate with another work so early, but your mind was already so eager to work. Your friend had never seen you so- flamed and passionate as the paper caves to the intense pressure your pencil places on it.
So he leans on your shoulder slightly (glad you were still distracted) as he quietly reads the words that articulates on the paper. The more Xingqiu reads, the more he craves, just the same vigor he felt everytime he had read his favorite works when each chapter invigorates him to continue to the end.
"Such a great outline," the blunette breathes out as he leans his cheek at the crown of your head. You let out a cute squeak when you'd finally come to, and turned your head to face him- "I didn't know you were into romance, my liege. Tell me, just where do you get such inspirations?" Your nose softly collided against the smoothness of his cheek, your lips ghosting over the line that is his jaw.
You scrambled backwards to direction opposite of his, yet with his body weight leaning on you, his center of balance quickly shifted on your weight like a net being pulled against the sides of a boat. You both toppled over.
"My, my, I didn't expect such abrupt resistance from you," Xingqiu's arms caged you as it holds him up against the grassland on either side of you. There was a certain mischievous glint in the ocean that is his eyes, which only meant one thing. "No need to be shy," you closed your eyes shut as his face leans in closer to yours, fanning over the frame of your face as he lets out a warm yet teasing exhale, "I'm sure we've gone past our personal bubbles in this relationship." You felt his chest against yours and braced for the inevitable-
as he finally licked your nose(?).
"X-XINGQIUUUUU!" And then a cry of pain after a particularly harmful blow.
Entry Log # 659:
Xingqiu had always been a man of great words despite his chicken scratch of a penmanship. Vivid tales of his manuscript that I'm sure the Publishing House would take great value for, his years of memorizing numerous works in his arsenal. He told me that if I were to one day publish the manuscript, he wants to get the first copy and the first to get it signed. However Xingqiu has one glaring weakness when it comes to the art of words. When I asked him what would be a good title for the manuscript I made, he simply said, "Tales of the Writer!" And he sent a goofy smile. I thought he was joking, and I asked again, this time of what his work would be named. He replied:
"Why, Legend of Sword, of course!" He really sucks at titles.
Entry Log # 660:
Upon returning home with my new work ready to be shipped off for mass publishing, I've finally confronted my father. I had with me the final volume of my first work and offered it to him as first a gift of reconciliation, and my father took it with a mirthful glint in his eyes. He said he has been looking for the last volume of the series he'd been wanting to complete. I... I didn't know father was a fan.
The climax of my entire double-life ended so peacefully and tragically meh. I was expecting a martial arts fight of honor that will go down in history, but instead I ended up signing my own book as my father gushed about how nicely I illustrated the martial arts teaching we had during our sessions. I did not sleep well that night.
October 9th was a day celebrated by others more than the young master Xingqiu. The pavilion was mixed in with people from different walks of life and of faces he doesn't necessarily recognize. He lingers by the open window that shows the grandeur balcony, beckoning him outside. Today was a scheduled new release for Wanwen Bookhouse, and he had heard several chatters from the citizens that a new series would be published hailing from Yae Publishing House once again.
And the virtuoso of literature cannot attend such important matter himself because of his own birthday. How irking, you weren't even there to help appease his grumbling, you should have been here by now upon his invitation.
Suddenly the master of invitations bellowed out a familiar name, as his job to announce the entrance of the invited guests to the banquet. When he looks up, you were already walking down the grand staircase in your creme and blue Hanfu garb, accompanied by a tall man of a different wear—
"(Y/N), M-Mr. Nine-!" He bowed politely to the man as you curtsied at his presence. You looked absolutely dashing yet the man towered your form easily. "It's my honor to finally meet you, sire."
"Happy birthday, Xingqiu, I've heard many great things about you," the blunette opened his hands to receive the book gifted by the man. It had a familiar cover and title to it, Legend of Sword, "Great things, in fact, that there would too be great things to discuss later on." The Inazuman graced him a smile and he almost teared up at the implications, if not for when the author suddenly nudged you forward from your demure state.
Tales of the Ghost Writer
"X-Xingqiu, happy birthday! This is uhm, I've always wanted to- I wanted to give you this myself, I know you'd miss the first batch of releases," an unfamiliar book sits on his palm now. A plume and sword adorning its cover but no title, he shifts his hand to open it to the first page, "You said you wanted its first copy be signed, and I thought it appropriate to be given now at such a special occasion."
There in fresh print and ink he'd finally been revealed the mysteries he had long been searching for.
Against the translucent paper it was written and signed,
Tales of The Ghost Writer
Bob Ong, (Y/N)
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@creation-magician @your-local-venti-simp @boxofteenageideas @indigodreamtime47
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daisiesandshakes · 3 years
Good day my dear and first of all, let me thank you and praise you for your beautiful HC! I really enjoyed reading each one of them, and I'm grateful to have your posts filling my dashboard!🥰
If I may leave a request in your ask box... I would like to have a HC reaction of Le Comte, Shakespeare, and Theodorus with MC who gets all nervous and anxious with getting skinship from them for the first time (but eventually can handle it in time).
Thank you beforehand and do take your time and no rushing things! Stay safe and have a nice day~! 🍀✨
Hi sweetheart!
I am so honored to have you in my ask box 💝 thousand thanks for your praise, I am so happy you liked my HC!
Sorry it took a few days to write yours, and I really, really hope you enjoy it!
Here you go:
Ikevamp reactions to a MC who is afraid with skinshipping (Shakespeare, Theodorus & le Comte)
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At their introducing to each other William notices the hesitation as he reaches for her hand to blow a kiss on it. Might this dazzling, little dove be scared? Immediatly he interrupts his action and only bows with a warm smile on his handsome face to comfort her.
Shakespeare can read people very well and recognizes instantly that she gets scared when someone touches her directly. Dealing with his own fear (he's afraid of the dark) he knows how hard it can be to live with anxiety.
"Feareth nothing mine own fair maiden, I wouldst nev'r toucheth thee without p'rmission."
Enchanted by her sweet personality he's very eager to please and comfort her. When she's in town William tries to join her as much as possible, always walking on the side where people could touch her by accident. He would offer his arm when she needs to secure her steps and walk in front of her when it's crowdy (while glaring daggers) to guide her safely through.
Searching for ways to know her better Will arranges many, long walks at the Seine and dinner at a restaurant at a late hour when it's less crowded, chatting with her for hours. Seeking for possibilities to create a pleasantly warm and welcomed atmosphere for her, he asks her also for dinner at his Villa, reading out his newest script and teaching her old english.
Soon after William invites her to his rehearsals (he instructed his troupe members to avoid touching her), hoping that his kind and open troupe makes her feel more safe with the time. And to his greatest pleasure it seems to work. Everyone treats her like a precious, lost little sister and she starts to lose her inner tension around them.
It begins with small gestures, like helping the troupe members getting dressed with their costumes, passing over the props without flinching when they accidently touch her.
One evening she tells William how much she enjoyed the day with a bright smile while she lays her hand on his for a second. "I am so joyous to heareth those honest w'rds from thy fair lips" He turns his face away from her, so she couldn't glimpse the suspicious glistening in his eyes.
The day the play should start an actress has an accident and is not able to take part. Although she's got only a short performance, it presents an important twist in the play. Shakespeare is desperate and about to cancel the whole play, but then...
"I could do her part." MC's voice is faint but firm. Shakespeare's eyes grow wide with surprise. "Art thee sure about yond?"
She plasters a confident smile on her face. "Yes, I saw the rehearsals so many times, I could speak all lines backwards" she giggles, "and there is only one line for myself, so..."
William closes the gap between them, gazing deep in her eyes, frowning.
"T's not the line yond conc'rns me, I am sure thou art able to mast'r t. But the act'r hast to holdeth thee in his arms and I wonneth't confronteth thee with aught yond maketh thee feel uncomfortable."
She swallows hard but replies: "I can do it. When the embrace is soft and he won't press my body against his... I should go along with it. You all worked so hard for it, to see the play cancelled would hurt me much more than his arms around my waist."
The actor appears next to them "Princess, I swear I'll only hold you with the wings of a butterfly!"
With a warm and lovingly glare Shakespeare whispers "So t shouldst beest as thee wisheth. Thee can't imagineth what t means to me yond thee art willing to confronteth thy fears f'r our success."
As the stage play ends the audiance gives standing ovations. After every actor and at least William bows to the public, he rushes backstage for laudatary words. Spotting her his expression lightens up even more "Mine own muse, thee madeth t! Thee enchant'd ev'ryone and hath brought us most wondrous success!" he declares smiling. Laughing joyfully she hurries towards him, throwing her arms around his shoulders and Shakespeare freezes. "I am so, so happy for you Will! Everything went smoothly! Listen to the applause, Will! It seems it won't end!" As she lifts her head to meet his gaze he takes her delicate hand softly into his, and suddenly she realizes that she hugged him without any hesitation.
"Thee not feareth mine own toucheth anym're, little turtledove?" he asks barely audible.
Lost for words she only shakes her head, thightening the grip around his shoulder. Leading her hand slowly up to his face, Will  watches her reactions closely, ready to stop at any second when her features show displeasure. But the radiant expression in her eyes and the smile on her lips stays, and he nuzzles his cheek into her palm with a sigh. Resting her cheek against his chest she clings to him and both close their eyes, enjoying this special moment, knowing there are a lot more waiting for them to explore.
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At first he's just annoyed by the "new, helpless hondje" that stays with them at the mansion. But after a few days he learns from a conversation between Vincent and her that she loves art as much as he does, what awakens his interest. Paying more attention to her  now he feels attracted to her charming personality and repartee (mostly when it comes to repel Arthur's salacious remarks).
In one of those moments he notices her unusual pale face and the tension in her body, trying to keep a distance between her and Arthur. Although his "threatening words" and his advances are supposed to be merely a jest, she looks like a cornered animal. It clicks in his mind.
Pulling Arthur back at his collar he growls "That's quite enough, get your besotted mess off her. That little hondje will only bark for me." A bit confused and wide eyed Arthur leaves you both alone.
Theo sighs. "You can't bear the touch of someone, am I right?" She didn't expect that he of all residents would recognize it first and in her surprise she only nods. Theo buzzes "Then stay around me and Vincent, that should be safe for you. I'll talk to the others, there is no point in hiding your anxiety. You shouldn't look over your shoulder in fear like a scared, helpless puppy everytime someone gets close to you."
Theo talks to the other residents the same day (threatens Arthur to beat the sh*t out of him if he dares to come too close to her again). From now on everybody still treats her kind and caring, but keeping a respectful distance.
Taking her right away everywhere with him he makes sure no one touches her, even by accident. In crowded places people make quickly room for them only due to his intimidating, beaming glare, ready to spread some black eyes if somebody should be so stupid to lay their filthy fingers on her.
She asks him why he's doing all that for her but Theo only replies "You can't bear it to be touched, I can't bear to have a sad, whining puppy around me. That's all."
But she realizes real soon that he is a very caring and soft person despite his harsh words.
Taking King out for a walk - "Hondje come with me. You need some fresh air and King likes you, so he might behave a bit when you come with us."
"You don't think you could go to town shopping without me, don't you? You need someone to take you by your leash. I'll come with you. We need more sirup either."
Sharing the love for art he'll even invite her to join him in his search for new talented painters. The more time they spend together, the more she seems to lose her anxiety around him, feeling comfortable in his presence. One evening both strall down the Seine he calls her near "Look at this picture hondje!" He stands close to the canvas, his left hand stroking over the frame. She rushes over to his right side and leans in, her shoulder touching his chest. "This is beautiful, Theo!"
"Yes, it is..." he mumbles into her hair, not sure if he's still talking about the picture, inhaling her sweet scent.
After they both discovered this talented painter Theo invites her the next evening into his favorite bar to celebrate this occasion.
It only takes a few drinks (although the bartender had the instruction to water her drinks down) and she's already tipsy. "Oi, hondje! We should leave now, I don't want to carry you back to the mansion!" She only giggles at this imagination and to his surprise no snubbing remark follows. Leaving the bar she stumbles soon, losing her balance. "Watch out, hondje!" He grabs her by her arm before she could fall to the floor. "Ouh, I feel dizzy Theo... would you mind to take a rest at this bench over there?" Nodding he immediatly leads her over, not letting go of her arm. As they sit down next to each other he mumbles "I hope it was okay to hold you at your arm, but I was afraid..."
She cuts him off, giving him a sweet smile "Nah, it was okay Theo. And at least you didn't have to carry me. I am not that drunk..." suddenly a hickup interrupts her. "Oooh nooo..." she whines.
Theo bursts into laughing "I see..." after a second she joins into his laughter. When the last giggle fades, she closes her eyes, resting her head at his shoulder. "I feel so tired all of a sudden."
"Don't mind. You can rest here with me for a while if you need to." he replies with an unusual soft voice. Very slowly he puts his arm around her, in case she wants to raise an objection. "I am not scared of your touch anymore." She murmurs, "I have to admit I'm really enjoying this right now." her words are almost inaudible while she nuzzles her face at his chest. Theo freezes in disbelief, an unknown warmth spreads through his entire body and his heart feels like bursting, relieved that she can't see the heat in his cheeks. Listening to her steady breathing he knows she fell asleep and he kisses her temple ever so slightly "So I have to carry you nevertheless." he mumbles with a grin. In the future he'd make sure no one ever gets the opportunity to touch her. But from now on his actions comprises a further reason.
Le Comte
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He's living for centuries now and is able to read in people's heart almost like in an open book. Le Comte recognizes her reserved way when it comes to physical touch immediatly and invites her to his room for a talk. After he gives her a graceful and encouraging smile she tells him hesitantly about her anxiety, feeling embarressed to tell him about her inner demons.
"Ma cherie, don't feel ashamed. There's no reason for that. I'll ensure that everyone in the mansion respects your fears. And please don't hesitate to talk to me about anything that might concern you. Anytime."
This day all residents have a personal conversation with Le Comte in his room.
He will buy her several pair of exclusive leather gloves, so it might be easier for her to get along with her fear to be touched at her hands.
Knowing that public and crowded places are going hand in hand with the fear of being touched by accident he makes sure that almost everything her heart desires would be delivered into the mansion. A few days after her arrival she stumbles over a bunch of new dresses in her room and quite surprised she asks him how he knows her dress size. With slight flushed cheeks and avoiding her gaze he answers that he only has a good eye. (Liar... he observes her so intensly he could tell how many eyelashes her left eye has even when Sebas would wake him up from his deepest slumber...)
He will gladly take every opportunity talking to her, hoping that knowing each other better will reduce her tension and anxiety. Treating her like a princess with the utmost respect and warmth, she begins to relax in his presence. Strolling with Comte through the garden, taking tea in the gazebo, chatting about nothing and everything. Everytime they spend time together the space between them seems to melt a bit more.  
Taking a walk early through the garden together became a morning routine in the meantime and today it's warm and the sky bright blue. Suddenly King rushes playful towards them and jumps on her, trying to lick over her face. Totally caught offguard she loses her balance and stumbles backwards but le Comte immediatly catches her at the waist. "King, come here you stubborn beast!" Theo yells but King is already rushing further into the mansion. Theo apologizes quickly to them as he runs after his dog. "Are you hurt, ma cherie?" Concern lies in St.Germain's glance and voice. She giggles. "No, I am fine. King is such a cute "beast". Thank you for catching me Comte." At this moment he realizes that his arms are still around her and with an almost inaudible sigh he pulls his hands off her waist. "I am so glad nothing happened to you, ma belle." Then it comes to his mind, that she didn't complain at his touch. She didn't even flinch... pure happiness spreads through every nerve of his body and with a joyful smile on his lips they continue their walk.
A week later the weather ist still nice and warm, so she decides to visit the market place in town, getting some fresh air and maybe some fruits. The market is almost over as she arrives and less crowded. With a happy smile she studies the remaining goods as a salesman appears directly in front of her, eager to sell her one of his scarves. "A little dove like you  should wear a scalf, the wind still can be chilly..." Smiling politely she refuses, but the seller doesn't give up. "Here, this one matches your beautiful eyes" he goes on, his hands almost around her neck with the scarf. She freezes in panic, her face pale with shock as suddenly someone appears behind her, grasping the sellers'hands, holding them away from her neck. "Sir, what do you think you are doing, to harry a young lady like this?" Comte pushes the hands of the seller with one arm away, his other arm already protective around her shaking form. The burning anger in his eyes makes the salesman flee in panic without another word. Comte's gaze softens instantly as his eyes roam over her body with utmost concern. "Cherie, did he hurt you?" Still shaking she replies sobbing "No... It was o- only ..I was only scared he would touch me." Without thinking his grip around her tightens but in the next moment he takes a step away with a flustered expression on his graceful features "I'm begging your pardon, ma cherie, I shouldn't ... It wasn't my intention to embrace you without permission."
Shaking her head softly she closes the gap and leans back into his arms, her voice faint and pleading "Don't worry Comte, I am not scared of your touch anymore. If you don't mind, would you hold me a bit longer? It makes me feel safe." Stunned by her words he softly put his arms around her, his heart swelling with affection. As she rests her cheek against his chest with a sigh he whispers "I would so anything for you, ma cherie. And to hold you in my arms is my greatest pleasure." Slowly she lifts her chin to meet shiny golden eyes, in their dephts swirling so much love, adoration and yearning it takes her breath away. She answers his unspoken question with a lovingly smile.
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ursifors · 3 years
reasons i love and care about jeremy n. dooley so damn much:
i love how much he idolizes his dad and how close he is with his family. i don’t have that really in my life so i guess seeing him have it just makes me feel warm and good? everytime he says he wants to be like his dad when he’s older or when he talks about how close to his grandpa he was i just am so full of LOVE.
for as long as he has been working at achievement hunter he has always been (in my opinion) the most compassionate and empathetic employee as far as listening to the concerns of the community, correcting himself when he makes a mistake, and being willing to learn and grow. i feel safe and secure knowing that if i ever have a problem with something he’s said or done, it will likely be resolved extremely quickly, because he never wants to hurt people and actively seeks to better himself.
this isn’t deep or anything but hearing his squeaky toy laugh can turn around my whole day for the better. if i’m ever sad all i have to do is listen to him laugh at something and boom instant good vibes.
i have said this a thousand times but it always bears repeating: the way  he treats fan content creators. he is so supportive of us all and is so, so sweet when it comes to fan content. every time he reacts to art in ahwu, or shows art on his personal twitch streams, or saves and tweets out art, it just makes me wanna yell because he’s so NICE.
i just relate to him a lot??? i have anxiety and depression and i need to take medication every day for that or else my highs and lows will be extremely drastic rollercoaster rides instead of just little bumps in the road. so when he talks about having panic attacks, i get it. when he talks about how he’s an introvert in real life and is just loud and excitable in content, i get it! because i’m the same way. i’m loud and annoying online and with my friends, but the second i’m with anyone i don’t know very well i’m quiet and awkward. so it’s nice to be a fan of someone who has dealt with some of the same struggles as i have.
he’s very funny, obviously. he always makes me laugh in videos or even just on twitter sometimes. 
he’s a cat person which is literally the best thing a person can be to me. and we both have a dumbass fat idiot annoying cute orange cat menace.
how much he loves kat!! and the way he talks to her and treats her is so ideal like not to be #RelationshipGoals about them but he is so sweet and loving they’ve been together nearly longer than they’ve been apart and still to this day jeremy just turns to a puddle of goo around her because he loves her so much. 
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adorings4dists · 3 years
What does your roommate do to you?
OK so since i’ve been getting multiple dm’s with this question, i’m gonna explain all at once.
he spit on me, has shoved me & threatened to throw me off the balcony when i was sick
he continuously threatens me with physical abuse
he cornered me during arguments/apologies
he keeps promising to never hurt me or get agressive again but keeps repeating it
i always have to forgive him and keep acting like nothing bad happened. if i don’t forgive him he gets really upset
when he gets agressieve or angry about irritations on chores etc. he insults me and calls me names
during discussions he brings up personal stuff that i struggle with or other personal topics to make me feel bad
he calls me worthless and says i have no future
he insisted that i made up the fact that i’m scared of him & that i try to get him aggressive on purpose
he expects me to comfort him after he got aggressive and wants me to help him get over his guilt
he yells at me over small things
he’s very manipulative and tries to get me to not take certain actions that wouldn’t be in his favor.
so um. he has PDD-NOS & has a history with violence and abuse. we live in supported housing so we have counselors and i honestly can’t believe they put me (someone who has lived in unsafe environments her entire life and is rn trying to recover from that) with him.
i mostly lock myself in my room when he gets home and i try to escape the house by going to other people when he’s there and i started to ignore him when he gets like that because if i respond he gets worse.
i started having a racing heartbeat whenever he tried to discuss his irritations with me and later on i started having a racing heartbeat when he got home. i also started having nightmares about him.
when i tried to come forward with his behavior to the counselors and the effects it has on me, instead of protecting me from this & throwing him out (like any other organization would do), they made the whole situation and the stress i’m experiencing bc of this worse for me.
they told me that i (the victim?), have to get out of my own house temporarily until they found another solution even tho they know that before i got this place i didn’t have a stable home in a whole year and don’t really have security that i can sleep with other people, unlike my roomie.
my counselor also said that i’m not the victim because i ‘provoked’ him and she makes me responsible for his actions. she says there’s two stories to everything & she acts like i’m not seeing things clearly.
and when i told her what it’s doing to me and that i’m having suicidal thoughts again bc i feel like i get beaten down everytime i try to work on becoming better and it feels pointless, she said i should just ‘turn that feeling off’ lol.
it sucks bc it’s already hard for me to express my boundaries and seek out help in general & i already question myself a lot bc i’ve grown up in unhealthy environments & nobody ever paid attention to it.
i need her validation and it’s devestating and frustrating to not get it from the ppl who are supposed to help u, protect u and give u a safe house to live in.
after being out of survival mode for a few months, i’m right back in survival mode again and it’s fucking with everything i worked on the past months. according to my therapist it’s also blocking our therapy bc she can’t get to my inner hurt child in schematherapy bc i need to feel safe in order to do that. my therapist even tried to talk with her and get her to understand what’s happening but it didn’t work.
i’m very lucky to have people around me who reassure me when i’m questioning myself in this situation tho. oh && i’m working on filing a complaint higher up now.
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journeystartstoday · 3 years
Story Time
The Adoption - Meeting A New Friend
Words: 4623
Summary: This is the story version of how the adoption process went from start to end with @adventures-on-foster-island ! Thanks again!
It was unsettling to settle back in to say the least.
Going from constantly traveling to sitting at home everyday was a change neither me or my pokemon were very happy about at first. Of course, I had discussed it with them before I made the decision to come home, and of course, it was great to see my family and friends again after that year away, but it was also... slower. More controlled. Less exciting in a way that constantly being surrounded by the unexpected does to you. In my little rented appartment in Rota, there were no wild pokemon that would steal my lunches, no random trainers that would challenge me as soon as our eyes met. There were no mad dashes to outrun rain clouds and no seeking shelter with wild pokemon... everything was peaceful. Everything was safe.
Luckily, it never became boring. In my first couple of days back, just as I was taking a stroll around town to see what had changed and to greet the merchants and shopkeepers I grew up around, Miss Chiba from the bakery offered me a job. The best kind of coincidence, right? During my journey I had garnered many different recipes and tips and tricks to make different pasteries, so of course I happily agreed. Eevee was over the moon when I told them the news and insisted on keeping me company during my working hours... totally not because they had a sweet tooth and were banking on getting all the left-overs and taste tests they would likely be gifted if they hung around the kitchen all day...
Okay, so maybe I had spoiled Eevee too much on our time on the road. Nothing wrong with that.
To my surprise, Riolu declined the invitation to come along with us, even if she was as much a sweets lover as Eevee. Instead, she wanted to keep training and keep honing her powers so she could be ready for when I would inevitably go on another journey again. It was sweet, so I let her, with the promise that she came by during lunch break so we could all eat together and hear about her process.
And that's how my days back home went from then on. Eevee and I would see Riolu to the city wall and wave her goodbye as she headed towards the small forest where she liked to train, and then Eevee and I were off to the bakery. It was a nice change of pace for a while. Homey. Safe. But after a couple of weeks I started to get this weird, empty feeling. Like something was missing. Incomplete.
Whether it was because of my former partner Squirtle, who had left the team at the end of my journey through Kanto to be with a group of wild Squirtle that wanted him to be their leader and protector; or because my apartment was a little small (even if it beat my little tent by a mile) and I felt constricted somehow... I don't know. But the short version of it was that I wanted to change things up a little. I couldn't go on another journey. Not yet. Only a couple more weeks and I had enough money for that. However, a friend recommended me something else. Something better.
Adopt a pokemon.
To be honest, I was a little skeptical of it at first, since I didn't know if I was capable of caring for a pokemon that could possibly have bad memories with people, but I still wanted to give it a chance. I wouldn't be a very good trainer if I wouldn't.
It was on one of my days off, and Eevee and I persuaded Riolu to take a rest day too, so we could all walk towards the closest pokemon centre together. There, I made a call. It was to Ellisa, former pokemon researcher and head caregiver of Foster Island, an island facility dedicated to saving and caring for neglected, abandoned, or abused pokemon. Of course, there were multiple ways to adopt a pokemon, but my friend had been really adamant about this place. I could hardly argue against it, especially when she showed me one of the pokemon she had adopted from the place. It was a little cutie, so precious, but still a bit wary of other trainers. It totally convinced me. It would take a while to travel there once I had chosen a date to look at the pokemon for adoption, but at least this saved me from doing hours of research and chickening out. All in all, it was a great way to adopt a new friend.
Anyway, I called Ellisa and after a short trading of names and giving introductions, I told Ellisa my story and told her a bit about what I did in daily life nowadays. It wasn't much to go on honestly, so I was pleasantly surprised when after about two hours, Ellisa called me back to say she had a few candidates that would like to meet me! I was so excited and immediately scheduled a day I would come by. The days that followed where filled with daydreaming and planning my short trip overseas, but I was so looking forward to it that time flew by in no time!
And now I sit here, on the deck of a ship that is taking me, Riolu and Eevee towards Foster Island. Finally! I'm a little nervous if I have to be honest, but I think the knot in my stomach belongs to the good kind of nerves. The jittery, excited kind.
"Eievui!" Little brown paws clamber across my leg. Eevee smugly sits themselves on my lap and strains their neck to look over the railing of the ship.
"Be careful," I say to them, gently placing a hand against their belly to keep them from falling off. Eevee just wiggles a little on my lap, but keeps watching the water pokemon before us. Seels skirt across the water's surface, while magikarps and tympoles occasionally spring from the water in high arcs before they dissappear under the waves again. Everytime the latter happens, Eevee squals in glee, never failing to point out that there was a water pokemon there, did you see that?!
Or at least, I think they say that. I could be wrong.
I softly pat Eevee's head as they keep watching the waves and I slowly turn to meet Riolu's gaze. She stands next to the door that leads inside the boat. Ever since I received her, she has always been the 'cool' type of pokemon. Crosses her arms, stands slightly back and leans against the wall of the ship so you can't see the happy sparkle in her eyes - the whole deal. It only makes her cuter honestly. I'm carefull not to break her bubble though. She once tried to tell me that she did it because she felt like she was the protector of our little family. So cute.
She believes that for that she always has to stay back and keep watch. Keep us safe.
And she does. She really does keep us safe, both during our journey and now that we are on a trip to find a new friend. I just hope she can let her guard down a little when we meet them so there's no hostility or anything from the start. I've been told Riolu's cold demeaner scares off some pokemon, but I'm sure that won't be the case now. To be sure, I ask with my eyes if she's doing alright. She simply nods back.
Okay, so she is just as nervous as I am, I'm glad.
After a period of watching the waves and listening to the soft chitter from Eevee, the boat finally moors on Foster Island, an assistent already waiting for me there. She gives me a soft smile and brings me along to the care facility further down the coast. I'm no connoiseur on architecture, but the building just screamed safe and open to me as soon as I saw it. A lot of glass, a lot of white, happy paintings of happy pokemon on banners at both sides of the entrance. Just as we enter the building, I let Eevee down from where I kept them against my chest. I saw a small playground just to my left. They always love those.
"Come back when I call, 'kay?" I yell at their retreating form.
...I'll search for them when the time comes.
The assistent leads me and Riolu further into the building untill we arrive at a large room, one wall completely made of glass so everyone can see the small garden on the other side. From where I enter I can already see a couple of Bidoof chasing each other in a friendly game of tag, while a Pachirisu and Buneary are peeking out from behind a bush and watch them with interest. It warms my heart to see them so carefree. Who knows what they have had to endure to come here?
"You may take a seat here," the assistent says and gestures around at the various sofa's and beanbags, "Ellisa will meet you shortly. Please make yourself comfortable."
"Thank you-" The assistent is already gone. Well. Okay.
I sit down on one particularly soft-looking beanbag and almost drown it, before righting myself. Hopefully nobody was watching the security cameras; that was akward. Next to me, Riolu snickers. I have the urge to respond sarcastically, but... well, it was kind of funny. I laugh with her.
The floor of this room is a soft carpet, pastel colored circles spread across it that makes the place look happy and safe. A perfect place to play. I'm almost tempted to throw off my shoes and let my feet rest on the soft carpet, but I decid that it would probably be best not to do that in a public space.
Riolu and I watch the pokemon behind the glass play and relax, untill a door to my right opens.
"Yes, that's me."
Ellisa steps inside the room and holds out her hand. I shake it.
"It's nice to finally meet you in person," Ellisa says.
"Likewise." I smile at her, but soon my eye catches movement behind her. A small Bidoof appears from behind her legs. It's body is smaller than the Bidoof I had seen in the garden and it's teeth are far more white. Like they have been cleaned far more recently. Or are newly grown. I hope it's not the latter.
Ellisa notices my gaze and smiles softly at Bidoof. "This is Bidoof," she introduces it, "This one came to us with overgrown front teeth, as her trainer left her in a crate with nothing to chew most of the time. Her mouth has fully recovered, as you can see, as well as her fighting spirit." She came a little closer to me to whisper, "She does still have claustrophobia however, so avoid putting her in any kind of container or very small room if you choose her."
As soon as I hear that I can feel my heart break a little. That must have been horrible. No wonder even now, Bidoof seems skittish around me. It wouldn't be easy to open yourself up to new people after experiencing something like that.
"It is nice to meet you Bidoof," I say and crouch down in front of her. I want to pet her, but decide against it. Instead I give her my brightest smile. "I'm glad you're doing alright now."
Bidoof cautiously shuffles from behind Ellisa's legs and approaches me. She's just precious. When she's close enough, Bidoof dips her head down a little.
Ah, I understand.
"May I?"
I reach out with my hand and slowly, gently cart my fingers through her fur. It is incredibly soft. Bidoof croons quietly.
"This is going to be impossible..." I murmur to myself. How will I ever choose? I stand up again, to the slight disappointment of Bidoof. Ellisa just smiles and nods at an assistent that just entered the room with a pokemon in their arms. It's a Lotad, but with a small, pale purple water lilly on it's lilly pad. It's so cute!
"This is Lotad," Ellisa says, and thanks the assistent as she takes Lotad in her own arms, "This is the sweetest little guy in our garden pool. We assume that he was abandoned before the flower bloomed, and the trainer thought he was sick when he saw the bud growing... He's pretty cold resistant, and finds it too hot here on the island. He said he'd like to travel again soon."
I smile at Lotad, who shyly turns his gaze away. I can't imagine anyone leaving him just for his looks. It almost makes me mad, but I manage to keep my smile as I nod at Lotad. "You look beautiful Lotad, anyone thinking otherwise cannot see what is right in front of them."
The water type shifts a little in Ellisa's arms, but I can see it preens at the compliment. Good.
A soft knock on the open door alerts me to the next arrival. A Skarmory stands in the doorway, it's expression closed off and cold. Scars litter it's body that resemble the silhouettes of dead trees, as if his body is still in the hold of their branches and never managed to escape them. It saddens my heart. Skarmory must notice my expression, because as he steps further into the room, he grumbles and turns his head away from me.
Ellisa starts with the introduction as if there has not already happened an akward exchange between us.
"This is Skarmory. He was rescued from a poaching operation about a year ago, and had been badly electrocuted multiple times there. Although he is all healed, his scars never disappeared..." Skarmory shifts on his legs, but keeps his eyes on the ground. "I know he may look intimidating-"
May look intimidating? He practically already rejected me after our eyes met for only a second!
"-but I swear that it's quite on the contrary. Skarmory here has the largest heart of any of the pokemon here and will put himself in danger if that means he can help those he cares about."
I swallow through the rejection and tug my lips back up in a smile. "It is nice to meet you, Skarmory." My voice gets stuck in my throat. What else can I say to him? He even refuses to look me in the eye...
No doubt picking up on my unease, Riolu steps forward and quietly growls something at Skarmory. The steel and flying type does look up from that, but his expression is anything but friendly. Before Riolu can get closer and possibly start a fight, I step in between the two hard heads.
"Be nice, you two. This is just an introduction session, no time for a battle." I look at Riolu and raise an eyebrow. Riolu huffs, but stands back. My arms drop back to my sides. "Good."
I turn to Ellisa, who is placing Lotad on the ground. She pulls a spray bottle from... somewhere, and softly sprays his lilly pad. Then as she stands up, she smiles at all three of the adoption pokemon now present.
"These are the pokemon that were the most insistent on meeting with you, Sky," she says. I can't help but be a little surprised by that and try to catch Skarmory's eyes, but he has his head down again. "You have about the next hour or so to get to know them and play a little with them. I will come back when it's time to say goodbye or for you to make a choice. You may choose if you want to stay inside or if you want to go into the garden, that's up to you. I hope you will all have a good time." After saying her goodbyes to the pokemon, she leaves us alone.
It is quiet for a second, but I decide to take the lead and break the silence. I clasp my hands together.
"Alright! What about you three give us a tour of the garden? I would like to see all your favorite spots. Does that sound like a plan?"
"Bi-bi!" Bidoof happily makes his way to the door, and Lotad and a hesitant Skarmory follow her. I take Riolu's paw and follow behind them. Hopefully, all will work out now.
The garden truly is a special place. There's something for every kind of pokemon — a small patch of ice in the corner for pokemon who want to cool down after playing, a sandy part for pokemon to sunbathe in. A small pool is surrounded by low grass hills, and trees and bushes provide cover from the sun that shines down from between the walls of the facility. Patches of flowers are scattered across the grass, and I think I even saw some holes that were no doubt dug out by pokemon to create makeshift tunnels underground.
And really all sorts of pokemon live here. When Bidoof showed me her favorite hiding place between a circle of small, blue berrie bushes, I spotted an Aromatisse and a Goomy hiding there as well. When Lotad showed me how he liked to drift in the pool and play with the other water types, I saw a Helioptile just off the side recharching in the sun, while a Ledian quietly zoomed by. The garden was almost filled to the brim with different kinds of pokemon, but it seemed that everyone had found their own little places and spots. It warmed my heart to see it.
During the tour outside, Riolu had stood back, leaning next to the glass door we entered from with her arms crossed. Skarmory had stayed back as well, but at the other side of the door, still visibly avoiding getting too close to any of us. Secretly, I hoped that they would be able to gain an understanding during their quiet brooding, so I let them to themselves.
Besides, I had already enough to do just following the increasingly enthusiastic Lotad and Bidoof around. Halfway through our walk through the garden, a caregiver brought Eevee to the garden and, instantly, a friendship bloomed between them and the adoption pokemon. From that moment on, I let myself fall down in the grass and told them to go on playing. I needed a break.
Now, I sluggishly blink my eyes open as I feel a soft prodding against my cheek. "Wha-" I yawn. My eyes adjust to the sunlight and begin to focus. Riolu is kneeling beside me, poking my cheek and softly calling my name.
"Rio... Rio."
I wipe away some drool and lift myself from the ground with one arm. "I'm awake, I'm awake."
Riolu sits back on her knees. "Riolu-ri, Rio."
"I know, I know," I say, "but I was too comfortable to resist it." I rub my eyes and look around. I'm still in the garden of the Foster Island's adoption facility, but... there are no pokemon anywhere nearby.
A low growl startles me. I look to my left, where Skarmory is standing. He's looking straight at me, but I can't figure out what his expression means. Is he mad? Irritated?
"Ah, you're awake." The door to the garden opens and Ellisa steps inside. She smiles knowingly. "I was just about to announce that your time is up for today, since we have another appointment in half an hour. I have to say though... this has been the most unusual getting-to-know session I have seen in a while."
I feel heat rise to my cheeks. I hastily push myself from the ground and wipe away some grass blades from my clothes and hair. "I'm so sorry!" I exclaim, "I hadn't meant to fall asleep! I'm sorry I scared everyone away..." I look around. Was that a Pachirisu I saw ducking behind a bush? Oh no, I really scared them...
Ellisa laughs.
"Oh, quite on the contrary," Ellisa assures me, "the pokemon were all so curious to come closer. Most of them have never seen a human so unguarded around them before. When some of them began to climb on top of you however... Skarmory and Riolu stepped in and chased them away. Together, might I add." A glint in her eye. "They make quite the team."
I look at Riolu, then Skarmory. Skarmory averts his gaze. I still smile at him. "Well, thank you then. For saving me," I say.
Skarmory grunts quietly.
"Lu-rio," Riolu adds. She sounds approving, almost proud.
Guess the choice is already made for one of us.
"And... where is Eevee?" I turn back to Ellisa, who nods at a collection of trees just off the side. I carefully approach the trees and when I hold away a couple of branches, I am pleasantly surprised. There, right between the trees, are Lotad, Eevee and Bidoof, quietly nibbling on some red berries. The leafs russle as I move them and Eevee looks up from her meal at the sound.
"Eievui!" They bounce from their spot, right into my arms. I almost drop them, but quickly adjust.
"Hi there. I see you entertained yourself just fine?"
"I'm glad."
I look at Lotad and Bidoof. "And I'm sorry, but Ellisa told me my time's up for now. I hope you can forgive me for falling asleep when we had only so little time to get to know each other."
They both nod and follow me from inbetween the trees back to where Ellisa, Riolu and Skarmory are waiting for us. I bring Eevee along in my arms.
"In some adoption cases, I advice the trainers to come back for a second time, either when they're still not sure who to choose or if I think the pokemon haven't accepted them yet," Ellisa says.
I nod, already planning another date in my mind I could get free to come over once more.
"...However," Ellisa says and I look up in surprise, "I would say that in this instance a second appointment is not really necessary, is it?" She looks at the adoption pokemon. "I saw the way they interacted with you and I must say they haven't been this expressive and... happy in a while. I am sure any of them would be ecstatic if you were to adopt them."
My mouth is agape, I know it, but I can't help it. All three of them... like me? I let my eyes drift over them and they all look back with the pokemon-equivalent of smiles.
The choice had been hard, but even I cannot deny that I already feel which of them would fit my little family the best. Even if I was not awake to experience it, I know it when I look at them. I know it when I look at Riolu.
They would be the perfect fit.
I slowly breathe in through my nose, out of my mouth. This is it.
"I... I think you're right," I say carefully, paying attention to each of the adoption pokemon responses. Bidoof stares at me with sparkling eyes, Lotad's flower spreads even wider open and even Skarmory chances a glance at me, but quickly looks the other way.
Ellisa nods. "Then please, say your choice and be sure to give your goodbyes to the others. I will be waiting for you inside." Ellisa then turns around and leaves me along with my pokemon and the others. I sigh and crouch in front of the three pokemon anxiously awaiting my words.
"You would all be amazing fits to my team, I can feel that. And this wasn't an easy choice, so please, know that whatever I choose here, some trainer will come by that will pick you too, alright? No feeling down about it, because your time will come. I know it." I swallow before I continue. "...but I think I have chosen already."
I shift a little to look at each of them, my eyes landing and staying on the last of the three, who, for the first time this afternoon, actually looks back.
"I hope I can earn your trust, Skarmory, because you already have mine. Will you accept becoming a part of my team?"
I see the exact moment the implications of the words settle in, because small beads start the form at the corners of Skarmory's eyes. He closes them, then opens them and says, "Skar-skarmory." It sounds unsure, but hopeful.
"I take that as a yes." I smile at him. "I think you will be a perfect fit. Thank you for accepting my offer."
I look at the other two. "You are wonderful, the both of you. As I said, your moment will come, I am sure of it. Please stay safe here untill that time comes, alright?"
I nod at them. "May we meet again then. Goodbye for now." I give one last pat on each of their heads and turn around, heading back inside with Eevee in my arms, Riolu and Skarmory right behind me. It already feels right. It's as if this formation is how it was always supposed to be.
My smile widens.
Ellisa meets me and my pokemon in the lobby. Her eyes turn soft at the sight of Skarmory flanking on my left and Riolu on my right.
"A great choice. Do you believe me now, Skarmory? I always told you someone would see past your scars."
Ellisa leads me and my pokemon to her office and helps me in arranging the adoption. I first have to catch Skarmory to register him to my trainer ID, so Ellisa hands me a great ball. I try to refuse and use one of my own normal balls, but she insists that this comes with every adoption on Foster Island.
As long as Riolu doesn't get jealous that Skarmory gets a great ball, alright then.
I hold the ball in front of me and Skarmory steps formard and touches the button with the tip of his wing. A light engulfes him and shake, shake, shake, I caught him! I quickly release him again so he can watch me sign all the documents and papers in order to make the rest of the adoption official. Because Ellisa needs to explain more than one of the documents to me in detail, my pokemon quickly lose interest and Eevee jumps from my lap to join Riolu and Skarmory in a simple ball game on the other side of the office. I try not to be distracted too much, but... let's just say Ellisa has to explain some forms at least twice before I get it.
When all that is done, Ellisa and I set a date for Skarmory's six-month check-up and yearly physicals. Just before our meeting will come to an end, Ellisa gives me a large list of care tips in how to make sure Skarmory will be alright. It's long, but I know I'll need it. I take multiple pictures of the list, fold it and stuff it into my backpack.
After finishing up the lasts formalities, finally, Ellisa stands from behind her desk and extends her hand to me.
"I hope you and Skarmory will grow closer and closer and become the best of partners!"
I smile at her and then at Skarmory, who briefly stops to look at me too before he kicks the ball to Eevee. There is an understanding there. A promise.
"I think we will," I say, "I'll make sure of it."
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dordmagazine · 4 years
What The F Are Intrusive Thoughts?
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Lesson brought to you by the fact that most of us are having intrusive thoughts right now, no one talks about it, it's considered taboo + scary, and tbh the psychology community does a bad job of normalizing this common evolutionary behavior.
What The F Is an Intrusive Thought?
Imagine this, you're going about your day, and suddenly you’re hit with a thought that’s bizarre, shocking, uncomfortable, triggering, or overall anxious. No reason for it, it just pops up. 
Could be the voice in your head saying the worst thing you can imagine is happening 
Could be a gut feeling followed by intense anxiety and thought spirals 
Could be thoughts of doing something shocking and out of character for you (usually sexual, violent, or suicidal)
Could be in terms of a relationship (thinking you’re not good enough, they’re not good enough, suddenly fearful of commitment despite having intense feelings for that person)
Intrusive thoughts are actually perfectly normal. Literally everyone has them, not just those with mental illnesses. Intrusive thoughts don't necessarily mean you have a mental condition you need treatment for. Intrusive thoughts are not messages, red flags, signals or warnings, despite how they feel. Even for my intuitive people, your intrusive thought doesn’t mean the situation is actually going on. It's just a thought with zero meaning behind it.
Intrusive thoughts feel so threatening because anxious thinking takes over, and the thought appears to have some intense power that it actually doesn't have.
Common intrusive thoughts we don't call "intrusive thoughts", but they really are: 
Thinking our partner doesn't want us 
Thinking our partner will leave or is cheating 
Fearing everyone at the office hates us 
Convincing ourselves we'll fail 
Thinking we'll go broke
Being afraid that fictional things will happen (ex being fearful that you’ll live the plot of a book you just read)
For some reason we don't associate this type of anxious thinking with intrusive thoughts, but they're classic intrusive thoughts. Other thoughts include thinking about having sex with someone you'd never sleep with, getting in fights, getting raped or abused.
It’s important to note, if you are having intrusive thoughts of getting raped or abused, or doing the actions, that does not mean you want to rape or abuse or get raped and abused. For people who conduct these behaviors, these are not intrusive thoughts. They don’t think much about them and move on. These thoughts cause great stress for you because they go against your values and you’d never do them.
For Example:
People who have intrusive thoughts about cheating, usually value commitment, relationships, and family.
People who have intrusive thoughts about hurting an animal, love animals and would never harm one intentionally.
People who have intrusive thoughts about their religion, are usually extremely faithful and take their faith seriously.
Intrusive thoughts are intrusive because they go against your values. You are not subconsciously represented by your intrusive thoughts.
The Science
Here’s the facts, we get intrusive thoughts for a few reasons.
First one, our brains get bored and try to entertain themselves. I wish I was kidding. We’re taught the brain is a complex thing, but it’s really a toddler. In fact the part of the brain associated with intrusive thoughts, the Amygdala, is the youngest part of the brain. It’s kinda still learning how to brain. 
When we get bored or over stimulated, the Amygdala comes up with situations, so the body can send up doses of chemicals and hormones. Our brain likes to imagine things, it’s just sometimes daydreams turn into nightmares. 
Most common reason our brain has Intrusive thoughts, is because it’s evolved to keep us safe. So it constantly scans the environment for danger, running through all the possible cases. While doing this, it generates thoughts that you are unaware of. When it hits one that causes you fear, it becomes a conscious thought.
When fear hits the body, within seconds fight or flight turns on and the Amygdala is turned screaming. It wants you to come up with a plan to stay safe if the event ever happened.
Once you do, the screaming stops. If you ignore it, sometimes the screaming gets louder. We see this a lot with patients who have OCD, the thoughts get louder or keep coming back harder when we try to ignore them.
In a way our Amygdala is saying “Can’t you see we’re in danger?”
The problem is there is rarely ever any actual danger. The Amygdala is the brains faulty security system. It’s triggered by wind the next County over.
The brain does this so that you are alerted to the potential threat and can then problem-solve your way out of it. Our brain honestly thinks it's helping us. But as I mention everytime I talk about anxiety, we're not outrunning bears anymore. We don’t need overly sensitive Amygdalas.
That’s why OCD treatment uses exposure therapy designed to reprogram how we perceive thoughts in the mind. Treatment involves pushing yourself to do what scares you and ignoring the need to control everything. Overtime the brain adjusts to your responses and you have less obsessive intrusive thoughts.
Follow Your Gut
I’m a natural intuitive. So for me to follow my intuition I had to make peace with my intrusive thoughts.
Remember, our brain doesn't know the difference between real threats or imaginary ones. The brain thinks "I thought of it, it's real". Think of it like a toddler holding an imaginary tea party. We know the cup is empty, but the kid honestly thinks imagination made tea.
I see a lot with people who are practicing their intuition or learning to trust their gut fall into the trap of feeding their intuitive thoughts. Out of nowhere they get an intrusive thought that their blessing, prayers, or manifestation isn't coming. And they freak out because they think it's divine guidance.
My dears, your intrusive thought isn't divine guidance. It's your bodies glitchy security system. Your gut, the universe, or god, didn't telling you that your person will never love you, that the job isn't coming, or that you'd never get rich or have a family.
The thing with intrusive thoughts is they often keep coming up, which tricks us into thinking that it actually means something or it's divine guidance. But the reason these thoughts come us is because we never told our brains it's not actually a danger or threat.
How To Make Them Stop
First things first, if you have intrusive thoughts find a Therapist who focuses primarily on OCD. Many Therapists claim to have worked with OCD patients but lack the education or experience to support your healing journey. 
The thing with traditional talk therapy is it can usually make OCD and Anxiety worse. If you are seeking out professional help, which I always recommend, find a Therapist who is trained in Exposure & Response Prevention (ERP). If you’re on the edge of deciding to see a therapist, there are incredible patient guided workbooks designed to help stop intrusive thoughts.
Some of our favorites are:
The ACT Workbook for OCD: Mindfulness, Acceptance, and Exposure Skills to Live Well with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Marisa T. Mazza PsyD
Brain Based Therapy for OCD: A Workbook for Clinicians and Clients by John B. Arden
Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts: A CBT-Based Guide to Getting Over Frightening, Obsessive, or Disturbing Thoughts by Sally M. Winston PsyD and Martin N. Seif PhD
Brain Lock, Twentieth Anniversary Edition: Free Yourself from Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior by Jeffrey M. Schwartz
How To Be There For Someone With Intrusive Thoughts
Intrusive thoughts can effect our relationships in every way. It’s hard to see your loved one go through suffering you can’t understand.
I always explain intrusive thoughts like this:
An intrusive thought is like we watched a documentary on Bigfoot. Before it, I knew Bigfoot wasn’t real and the documentary only assured me that Bigfoot is made up. But every night I’ll be terrified that Bigfoot is outside of my window and will hurt me when I’m sleeping. So I lay awake and plan or sit in fear. Eventually, the fear will bleed into my daytime life and I’ll become scared that Bigfoot is behind me or will hurt my loved ones. And in the documentary it said people used to keep garlic in their pocket to ward off Bigfoot. So I start carrying around garlic and hiding it in my loved ones belongings. This entire time I know Bigfoot isn’t real. I know my behavior is irrational. But my body is still scared. Even if everything inside of me says Bigfoot isn’t real and even if it’s proven by Scientists. I’m still afraid.
If the person you love struggles with intrusive thoughts it helps to view everything from their perspective. You don’t need to feed into the compulsions, in fact you usually shouldn’t.
Someone suffering with Intrusive thoughts or OCD needs the people around them to be compassionate, understanding, and kind. When someone exhibits an obsessive behavior tied to intrusive thoughts ask them, “Is that an intrusive thought?” usually that’s enough to stop them the thought, even temporarily.
Another thing you can do is ask the sufferer to explain to you what they’re feeling and why they think that way. And don’t judge them for it. Simply nod and smile. People who have intrusive thoughts or OCD need to feel like they aren’t broken because of the way their brain is programed.
Remember, all their brain is doing is trying to stay safe. Treatment involves reframing thoughts and reprograming their brain. The goal isn’t to stop our Amygdala from being aware, it’s to make it less sensitive and less afraid.
Our brain needs to alert us of a flood, it doesn’t need to alert us of 5mph wind.
The important thing to remember with intrusive thoughts is to think of your brain like a toddler. It's pointing everything it thinks and sees out, making sure you see it too. All it wants you to do is say, "yes, I know. But that's not important right now." or "I think you're not seeing it correctly, it's actually this."
Having these thoughts are normal and although distressing they say nothing about your character. 
Follow us as we work to end the stigma around mental illness and keep an eye out for our full magazine set to release early January 2021.
Disclaimer: No one at DORD is a medical professional, meaning we provide education from our first hand experience (and our Editor In Chief’s Psychology Degree). If your intrusive thoughts cause you great discomfort, contact a license professional. If you think you're going to hurt yourself or someone else, contact a professional. If you'd like to know how to get in touch with a professional, shoot us a DM and we’ll gladly help connect you with the appropriate resources.
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I know this might seem like any ordinary ask, but I feel like I’m truly suffering at the minute. Everyone is so supportive and tell me I can talk to them anytime, but everytime I want to do so, I remember that they’re human beings just like me, and I’m only adding to their life problems. It physically hurts me to see their pain. I have no idea what to do.
Sorry it took so long, I had something on my end that needed my attention. Alrighty, let’s break this into chunks, friend.
Friends, family, and loved ones would not have brought up the possibility of wanting you to feel open and comfortable at all with them if they truly did not feel like they had time. I wouldn’t not have offered to help you if I did not think that you were worthy of it.
Heed these words:
You are WORTHY of being heard.
You are WORTHY of having a voice.
And you are WORTHY of having attention.
I don’t care what other think, nor feel. I am telling you what I think and what I is best for the situation.
I’ve noticed on my personal journey that there are times where we feel like ther can not speak of what is on the mind. I’m not entirely sure where that burning and ominous emotion originated from, perhaps it’s from life experiences, perhaps it’s an inherited emotion from parents, but I want you to know that it is okay to talk about yourself.
Yes, we are human, but we have voices for a reason. “I think, and I feel.” Those are common words that we should be using in life. We don’t. We bottle emotions up inside and rather make ourselves feel sick inside instead of asking for help and asking for a sliver of attention. I want you to know that you are more than welcome to share what is on your mind. I encourage you to ask me questions and what you think is truly best.
This is why I have the “Anon” feature available here. I want you to know that you are encouraged to use your voice here and think and feel what is truly right in your heart. I’m not asking you to move quickly, I’m asking you to take your time. You can leave me little nibbles and one worded sentences of what you think and feel and I can provide comfort. You’re allowed to have comfort and peace of the mind.
ProSpoil—gonna name dropper ya here for a positive moment—a couple of weeks ago did an event with me called “Crappy/Happy.” We told one Crap-Tastic thing that has happened to us that day and we told two Happy things that happened to us today. It seemed like it helped him bring peace of mind with the COVID19 virus. (YOU’RE DOING GREAT PROSPOIL)!
We can do that together for a week if that helps you ease into that knowing of feeling secure of talking about what is on your mind.
I want you to feel safe.
I want you to feel secure.
You are allowed to ask for help, it will not hurt my feelings.
It will not damage me.
I am a random person on the Internet, yes, but I find that sometimes it’s better for people to reach out to some, like this, and find comfort in their hearts.
If you feel like I am approachable to talk about a plight, then by all means, go ahead. If you want to talk to Sonic, Tom, or Maddie Wachowski, they are here as well. Welcome-to-Green-Hills is a safe place for many. You are welcomed here.
And if you want a little assurance that you are allowed to seek help, I can give that to you also.
You are worthy.
You are loved.
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brrrahoe · 5 years
the sun is going down - pt. 1
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Description: It all should have been different - you believed it’s impossible to be lonely when you’re with him, but you were wrong. That’s why the warm light of the fire was so tempting for you… will you touch it and not get burned?
Pairing: Hoseok x Reader / Jackson Wang x Reader
Words (for this chapter): 3,5k+
Genre: angst / fluff / smut
Warnings: explicit language / more of them later as the story continues
Summary: Your relationship with Hoseok is all you could ever dream of. Of course, it has its’ ups and downs and even though it hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows lately, you know that together you can overcome every difficulty. Little did you know, the real problem is just about to come.
A/n: Hiya, this is the first chapter of a fanfiction I’m working on rn. It’s gonna be about 10+ parts long, as I plan the story to be pretty deep, developed and engaging. So, if you are one of those who likes to feel the connection and experience y/n’s adventures aren’t we all wanna be y/n, this might be something for you. Hope y’all like it! also sorry for my grammar english is not my mother tongue
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!“ you screamed inside of your head while rushing to get on a plane. You were almost late and there was not a chance that you won’t be there on time. You just had to, there was no other option. There was already one time when because of you stressy-messy life you suddenly happened to forgot, that the “am” hours are VERY different from the “pm” ones.  To no one’s but your surprise, when you came to the airport, your plane was already 12 hours away. Even though you started preparing for todays’ flight two days ago, you still managed to be almost too late. Probably a thing to get a stupidity award for.
As you glanced at your lock screen, you saw a few messages and like a freakin’ TENS missed calls. You quickly read some of these - almost all of them were from your boyfriend, Hoseok. ”Hey babe, u ok?“, ”Heeey, I’m starting to worry bout you, is all good?“, ”Y/n, if you won’t answer me in fifteen minutes, I’ll really send someone to find you somehow. It’s no fun you know???“. Shit! As for now, you had enough on your head to additionally be bothered by your - sometimes a little overprotective - boyfriend.
”I’m ok, leaving in 10 minutes“, you responded shortly, just after you got through the last security check and finally sat your exhausted self on a uncomfortable plane seat accompanied by a loud sigh coming from your mouth. “THANK GOD!! waiting for u babe~~~” Hobi answered a moment before you turned the airplane mode on. Only a few hours left and you will finally be in Korea again. Ah. You forgot to ask Hoseok if he’s going to be waiting for you at the airport when you land. But considering that you texted him that you’re ok, he propably would know that everything is going as planned and he should pick you up… Well, he always does that.
You looked  through the window next to you. The sun was slowly going down, making the world slightly orange hued. The plane was already filled with pretty decent amount of people. And you were sitting there, couldn’t focus on anything but the thought of the CHANCE you might be stinking from all of the earlier rush. Trying to discreetly look at your seat-neighbor you’ve searched for any signs of disgust on his face. Fortunately, he was almost asleep. After a quick instructions about eventual emergencies from the stewardess, your flight finally started.
Getting a little sleepy, you put your headphones in and played some chill music. Your mind started to let relaxing thoughts fly through your mind. You could almost already feel the familiar scent of your boyfriends’ perfume bumping to your nose when he hugged you tightly. The image of his comforting body warmness almost covered you like a blanket. You haven’t seen him in a three months, but that was more than enough to make you miss him like crazy. Though he was texting you almost every one hour and FaceTimed you when he could, almost all of these messages were about how bad he wants to touch you, feel you, smell you and all of that stuff. Hoseok is a extremely touchy person and he even makes sure to never let go of your hand when you meet each other. Unfortunately, he didn’t have much time for you these days. Of course you weren’t a stupid ass and you knew that he has to deal with shitload of things with his carrier, friendships and family on a daily basis. Still, it couldn’t stop you from being a little blue sometimes when you two were supposed to go on a date, which at the end never took place. Hobi was trying his best to make it up to you everytime that happened, but you also could notice that he is super exhausted and wanted to let him rest as often as he could. Even when it was only you reading a book and him sleeping with his head laying peacefully on your lap.
"Even a sunshine has to sleep sometimes” you thought sleepily, with your eyes slowly closing. Before you fell asleep, the last thing catching your eye was the warm color of the sky and a shy looking moon subtly showing on the evening sky.
As you wearily raised your eyelids, the only thing you could feel was the numbness of your neck. You woke up an hour before planned landing, but you weren’t able to go back to sleep again. You passed that time with listening to music and trying to make yourself looking somehow decent. It was pretty impossible though, considering that the last ten hours of your life were focusing only on sitting stiff in one position and having no more room to even straighten your legs out. It didn’t bother you as long as you were sleeping, but now you can feel that every part of your body is weak and slightly aching. You brushed your hair and put some mattifying powder on your face, but there was no way you could hide dark circles under your eyes. It didn’t stop your heart to bump stronger with every thought of the fact that you’re going to see your little sunshine in no time.
When you could finally turn the airplane mode off, the message notification popped up immediately. You didn’t even wonder who would that be from. “oh i forgot to say have a safe flight!! <3” A light smirk showed on your face. “I’m at the airport” - you typed lazily, sending a message, then started to write a second one  - “you here or I’m taking a cab home? :(“. It didn’t even last a ten seconds when Hoseok responded “u crazy or what, I’m waiting there with a huge sign for over an hour so COME FAAAASR” You laughed at his excitement caused typo as you were waiting for your luggage. Within five minutes you felt your phone vibrating again “how looooooong”. As you looked at the sliding bags, you finally saw yours. You went to pick it up and pulled out your phone one more time “already have my luggage, coming. wanna grab me a coffee? please I’m gonna faint???” you asked Hoseok. Again, he texted you back in no time “no way. it’s 6 am. I’m hungry and probably so do you so we’re going to have a proper breakfast”. You sighed quietly. It’s not that you didn’t wanted to have a breakfast, you just preferred to jump into bed with Hobi and sleep together till the afternoon. Unfortunately, your expectations missed Hoseok’s and you kind of felt the duty of fulfilling his wish. Also, with the somehow desperate sound of the message, you felt in your bones that you two won’t have much time to spend together in the upcoming week. “oh my, ok, but coffee first” you stated and walked down to the luggage drop exit.
“O, sesang-e, nae yeojaae ya, neomu jichyeo beolyeoseo yulyeong-eulbogoiss-eo?????” Hobi shouted in Korean and you understood only “Oh my God”, “exhausted” and “ghost”. Fuck, are you looking that bad?
“As far as I understand you just called me an exhausted ghost” you laughed as you came to him close enough so he was able to lift you up and make a few spins to make you even more dizzy than you already were.
“Nah, just told you how much I love you” he said while spinning you around. Few seconds more and you might seriously throw up. “I know you know saranghae but I wanted to emphasise it, you know. Better! The longer the phrase the bigger the love. You know that saying?”
You two bursted into laugh once again. God, he would always immediately cheer you up. His whole self just expressed happiness and you were sure that even though you were on the edge of tiredness your eyes sparkled exactly the same way as his when he looked at you.
“Where is that huge sign you fussed about?” you asked, pretending to be looking around.
As you couldn’t find the thing you were looking for, you theatrically made an angry pout with your lips. Seeing that, Hoseok’s face darkened a little. To be honest you couldn’t tell if his expression is fake or not, but he suddenly started to also look around and seek for the lost item.
“Oh nooo! Somebody must have took it away from me while I was unconsciously looking to spot you in this crowd.” he dropped his arms down, resignfully. “Guess we have to head for our breakfast without it. Ready?” he asked, reaching for your hand with his. You nodded and took his hand. Of course Hoseok was the one who took care of your huge ass luggage as long as you two walked to his car.
You fell asleep again when your boyfriend drove you to the cafe. The front seat of his car was much more comfortable and soft to be sitting in than the plane one, so it was extremely easy just to close your eyes and let the cozyness wrap you up. Hoseok, noticing your actions, played some quiet but bouncy music on his car radio and jammed subtly, letting his happiness and excitement lead his movements. He was so glad that he had you around again, so from time to time he just unintentionally touched your lap or glanced at your sleeping self. He decided you two shall go to a small coffee place nearby his practice hall. You still had about three hours left for his training to start, so there was no rush to bother you now. As you peacefully slept, he carefully parked his car, being aware not to wake you up accidentally. Before you finally woke up, he watched you for a few minutes with a huge smile on his face. Opening your eyes to that view made your heart bump a little faster. He giggled and bend his upper body to place a subtle kiss on your forehead, making you smile. Reaching for your bag, you opened the car door and walked outside. Hobi quickly walked up to you, pulling you into a hug again.
“Have I told you how much I missed you already?” he whispered to your ear and then kissed your neck tenderly. You felt a little shiver running through your spine, as your cheeks blushed. You started to count on your fingers, which he didn’t notice.
“Like a six times today. Yesterday propably around ten.” He laughed again. Actually, he laughed a lot, but he was the type of person to do so. It took him about thirty more seconds to realise that he should propably let you go and head to the intended destination. It was still really early in the morning, the air was cold and your breath made a steam coming out of your mouth. Snowflakes started to fall down to the ground, making the road slippy. Of course Hoseok had opened the door for you when you walked inside the cafe. Besides you two and staff, there were about five more people at the coffeehouse. Hobi sat you down and went to order something for you both. You followed him with your eyes, as he stood there, having a cheerful smalltalk with the barista. With the help of the employee, he took all the food and drinks he bought and walked over your table. He knew exactly what you like, so it was no surprise when you saw him placing steaming hot, tall latte and huge bagel with egg and veggies before you. You nodded to the waiter with a quiet “thank you” and waited for your boyfriend to sit at the opposite side of the table.
“Do you have work today?” you asked, holding a cup of coffee and sipping continuously. You wished you could just drink the whole liquid straight away, but it was too hot to even take a proper sip. Damn, this man really knew how to stop your stupid behaviour, even unintentionally.
“Yeah, unfortunately.”
"What time do you start?”
"10:30” he responded shortly, cutting off the work topic. You both didn’t like to talk too much about his responsibilities when you were together. Of course, sometimes you had to, but Hoseok always made sure to make this as short as possible. As much as he loved his job, he also loved you, and the carrieer of a k-pop idol wasn’t making it any easier. You took a bite of your bagel. From the slight sharpness of his answer you could deduce somthing wasn’t right.
“Is something bothering you?” You looked at him worried.
“Now? No, not really. I’m just little out of space ‘cause I’m trying to find the closest day when we could have an actual date. We have to celebrate that you came back.” His smile could seriously make the sun come out even on a rainy day. You nodded, and next you just had a casual conversation. There was no need for you to update him on anything, he knew all of what was happening to you during all this time you were gone and so did you about him. You laughed a lot and had a good time, but you still could somehow feel that even though he said everything is ok, it was not. Something in his behaviour was different, but maybe it was really just because of both yours and his exhaustment.
After you ate breakfast, your boyfriend drove you back to your place and walked you to the door. Still sad that he had to leave, you waved at him through the door when you walked into your apartment. Hoseok was still standing there, looking straight at you without even blinking, his arms crossed on his chest. His tender posture seemed like he was trying to hold off something, and you didn’t even know what. Did you do anything wrong? Was he about to tell you something that you thought bothered him in the morning? You furred your eyebrows, unsure what to think, and placed your bag on the luggage standing next to you.
“Hey, what?” you asked as Hobi started to walk towards you, leaving the front door open. You took a little step back, almost unnoticeable, astonished by his sudden determination. Within a few long steps, Hoseok was an inch from you, piercing you with his dark eyes. Suddenly, he made a final step and pinned your body to the wall behind. You gasped just before he pressed his lips on yours. You could feel the pressure of his heartbeat going through your winter jackets, that you didn’t even had time to take off. The kiss was passionate and rough, but still in a gentle way. Hoseok lips were soft, but the confidence pulsing from him made the moment extremely tense. He always expressed all of the emotions growing inside him with his touch. Even when he couldn’t say what he wanted to, at the end he just showed it with his actions, and this situation was the perfect example.
You kissed him back, placing your hands on his back and pressing his body even closer to yours, craving for him to stay longer. Because of your thick jacket, you were slowly getting really warmed up. As Hoseok’s skin got hot, his citrus perfume was even more noticeable. Hobi rushed his hand through your hair, grabbing your waist with the second one, his body trembling a little. You felt your cheeks getting more and more blushed as he was slowly rubbing your back, bottom, then going back to waist again. You were already turned on and your chest got heavy, but Hoseok didn’t even took his lips from yours, not allowing you to catch a single breath. You haven’t seen your boyfriend in such a long time and you also felt his hungriness for your body. His lips started travelling to your neck, leaving a delicately red marks on your skin. Your breath got sharper and you let a quiet moan come out of your mouth.
All of a sudden, Hoseok took back and looked straight into your eyes, both of your faces blushed, breath still heavy. God, he was so beautiful with his dark, dimmed expression.
“I’m sorry” he said, diving his face into your clavicle “I couldn’t just go leaving you here looking at me like that. I’m sorry, really I shouldn’t have done this now.”
"What?” you asked confused. Jesus, all of the words you said in the last half an hour was mostly “what?”. Well, actually, what else you could say after you were making out like crazy for the past three minutes and now he is like “oh sorry sorry we shouldn’t oh sorry sorry nothing happened”?
“Fuck, how do I even explain this to you” he said, shaking his head, with a guilty expression on his face. “Yeah, you better explain it somehow”, you thought “I shouldn’t, ‘cause I have to leave in, like-” he looked at his watch “five minutes, and we propably won’t be able to meet today, even tomorrow” as he counted, your face started to turn sad “I don’t know if even this week” he stated after a short pause. You felt like your heart stopped for a second, but it actually wasn’t anything surprising.
“Oh.” That was everything your smart mind could think of after his words. You weren’t disappointed, why would you be? You knew from the start how a relationship with a freakin’ worldwide k-pop idol would look like. “Hey, I’m not mad!” You felt like you should make it clear. “I’m sure we will have some time together. We can grab lunch or something, it doesn’t have to be long” your tone sounded pretty desperate. He twisted his mouth into a pout as he heard you saying that. He wasn’t irritated with you, just with the whole situation you two were in.
“I’ll try my best” he smiled lightly, then placed a soft kiss on your lips. "But now I really have to go.”
"Let me know when you get there” you said with a kinda sad smile on your face, ‘cause you actually didn’t know what else you could say. His arms let go of your body as he slowly headed back to the entrance. The front door was still opened.
“Love you” he said, blowing you a kiss with a smiling face, slowly disappearing in the corridor.
(if you’re curious what Hoseok said, according to our dear GoogleTranslate it’s “oh my god is this my girl or im so exhausted that i’m seeing a ghost???)
“I got there, boys are sending you their love <3” Hoseok texted you after half an hour. You smirked lightly to your phone screen “give them some love from me too” you replied and continued to unpack your stuff from the suitcase. The apartment was honestly still full of your belongings, you took only the most necessary stuff for your trip. You didn’t need much, considering that you were going to a dance camp, where you were a teacher. “Why three months?”, you could ask. Actually, there was a three camps in a row, all of them a month long. And, humbly saying, you were pretty popular as the choreographer, so everybody went over the moon after it was publicly said that you would be there. You also didn’t want to miss the chance to make your popularity grow even higher. The pressure of being an idols’ girlfriend was still on your mind, so you wanted everyone to think of you as high as possible.
When you unpacked all of your things, you fell onto the couch and turned the tv on. You didn’t really have any plans for the upcoming week, as long as the Hoseok said that he probably won’t have time to meet you. It’s not that you didn’t have any friends - they were not close enough to you to know that you’ve already came back to Korea. To be honest, you actually didn’t mind staying at home for a whole week, watching some tv shows and eating takeaway food and going to work only when you had to. Hobi would propably be agitated seeing this type of behaviour - he always took care of you, making sure you were in perfect health, with a balanced diet. He just wanted to see you happy and sometimes it leaded him to be kind of an overprotective boyfriend, but he was pure with his actions towards you and wanted only all of the best for you. Your pure sunshine.
It still couldn’t stop you from having a human feelings and being sad when your loved one was not around. Like the casual girlfriend, you wanted to do THINGS with your boyfriend, even a simple ones like grocery shopping. Hiya, stop that, what kind of a grocery shopping, when you knew pretty well he had everything that he needed to be done around him done by someone else. It wasn’t a bad thing, you just had a simple desires and a simple thoughts of a simple human being. Even though you sometimes acted like a luxurious bitch you were really down to earth and usually had wishes easy to fulfill. Unfortunately, although he really wanted to, your boyfriend didn’t have time for that. So, most of the time you just worked with different bands and built a choreographies for them at your small dancehall, then headed back to your flat to read some books or watch tv alone. Rarely, you hang out with friends, but as long as you were hanging around the k-pop industry, they also didn’t have much free time. Sounds like a life of a loser, but you actually were pretty happy with how things turned out. It wasn’t frequent that someone like you made such a successful career.
Suddenly, you felt your phone vibrating next to your ear. It was another message from Hoseok, which you didn’t expect, ‘cause you knew he was at the dance practice. You raised your eyebrows as you read “I have something to tell you. Lunch tomorrow?”. At one time you were suprised that he had some spare time, but also you were frightened of the message tone. Something to tell you? Like, what the fuck? He wanted to break up with you or something? No, it can’t be it, earlier today he was sorry for kissing you too passionately and now he would break up with you? No, no, no, it had to be something else. BUT WHAT? “can’t you tell me on the phone? I’ll be worried sick” you responded fast, but then you thought it sounded like you don’t want to have a lunch with him, so you started to quickly type another text “but tomorrow lunch is also ok. what hour?” you replied again. “around 2pm, is that ok with u?” he texted back, not mentioning anything about the previous message you’ve sent. “k, see you then, miss you already” you wanted to soften his heart a little. He messaged you back with just a simple heart and you let your mind make a lot of fucked up stories how tomorrow lunch might end.
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Could I have headcanon of the liason of the Lost Light who had adopted a dog, who had a terrible past and the bots sees how the dog goes from being terrified of them, jumping at the slightest of sound to a very happy dog, who friendly greets everyone they sees and loves to play with everyone? (I love your writing! Hope you will inspired to keep on writing for a long time)
Rodimus fucking adopts the dog with you. This dog is his baby now and he won’t let anyone harm it in any way. He can be a little to forward sometimes and you will have to tell him to calm down so the dog can get used to him first. When he sees how the dog starts to heal Rodimus almost cries. That’s right baby, you can do it. He loves it with all his spark and is so happy that it learned how to trust and live again.
Ultra Magnus/Minimus Ambus is skeptical at first. Will this dog keep you from doing your job? Will it cause trouble for the rest of the crew? Despite this he quickly warms up to the dog and he even uses his irreducible form to appear smaller and less threatening in front of it. He can’t help but smile when the dog finally trusts him and runs up to him, wagging its tail. You did a good job liaison, thank you for proving him wrong.
Megatron tries to avoid the dog at first since he doesn’t have any interest in it. But he ends up getting drawn to the dog. Both of them are broken and in need of help. Perhaps… perhaps they can find it together? He ends up loving the dog, even if he doesn’t say it, and it fills him with hope when he sees it improving and slowly healing. He and the dog ends up bonding and it fills him with joy everytime he hears it barking in excitement.
Drift supports the dog with all his spark and makes it his mission to help you with its healing. He’s oh so gentle and patient with the dog and lets it take as much time as it needs to. Every breakthrough, no matter how small, is met with positivity and excitement. He also kinda spoils the dog and won’t stop giving it treats for every single thing it does. Drift, stop, you’re going to make it overweight.
Swerve loves the dog and while his over-enthusiasm scares it away at first he learns how to control himself and make the dog feel safe with him. It can sense he means well and it decides to trust him. And oh boy, Swerve turns into such a dog mom. He’s got a thousand pictures of the dog and treats it like his baby. When he sees it wag its tail and get all excited he can’t help but shed a tear. They grow up so fast.
Ten and the dog immediately bonds. No one knows how or why but for some reason the dog trusts ten with all its heart and Ten just adores it right back. He’s super careful with it and carries it around in his servos with the same gentleness as if it were made out of glass. Gets super happy when the dog starts trusting people more and makes it a ton of toys to play with. This doggo is now his best friend.
Skids turns into a dog expert in one second. He’s never even seen a dog before yet he acts like Cesar Millan. And of course the dog loves him, even if it is kinda shy. He knows exactly what to do to make it feel at ease and how to encourage it. Seeing it heal and become a happy and secure dog again makes Skids feel accomplished and is filled with a strange sense of peace. He’s so happy he could help it.
Riptide keeps accidentally scaring the dog until someone tells him he needs to be super careful with it and all of a sudden he treats it as if it’s a ticking time bomb. At least now he doesn’t scare the dog. Likes playing with it and loves it when it gets more and more friendly and open. It makes him really happy to see. He makes a tiny harness with a shark fin on it and makes the dog wear it. Calls it “Riptide Jr.”.
Rung may not have met a dog before but he’s used to calming people down and practically radiate safety and comfort so it’s only a matter of time before the dog falls in love with him. The dog is never afraid with him and Rung does his best so that it will feel the same way with the rest of the crew. Once the dog opens up he is so happy and proud. Sometimes the dog helps as a therapy animal during sessions with his patients.
Whirl turns, surprising everyone, into a real mama bear. Anyone mess with this dog and he gonna shoot them, no questions asked. Carries the dog around on and sometimes in his cockpit and stores a bunch of dog treats in there. Probably gets the dog a bunch of cool clothes too. He denies it with all his spark but when he sees the dog running around all happy he can’t help but sniffle. That’s his baby alright.
Fortress Maximus is the epitome of “I’ve only had _____ for one day but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this room and them myself”. You know those pictures of giant men with tiny puppies? This is Max except the dog is grown up and he’s a giant robot. He tries to heal together with the dog so that one day they can both feel safe and enjoy life to the fullest. He’s so proud of it when it finally breaks out of its shell.
Tailgate shouts “pupper!” which unfortunately scares the dog away, making Tailgate very sad. He tries again, this time much calmer, and this time he manages to befriend the dog. The first time the dog licks his servo he’s awestruck. “Primus does exist”. Does his best to help the dog get out of its shell and start trusting again. Cries like a baby when he realizes the dog feels better now and finally feels safe.
Cyclonus is neutral about the dog at first. He doesn’t really care about it until Tailgate drags him in. Then he kinda likes it. Seeing the dog gradually open up and start to trust again is warming his spark though and he is supporting it from the sidelines. He secretly turns into a bit of a dog enthusiast after meeting this dog and can’t stop looking up more about dogs on the internet. He finds them fascinating.
Chromedome is a bit cautious of the dog at first. It is so skittish and easily scared that he’s worried that it might die of a heart attack or something. That doesn’t mean he dislikes it, no, he actually finds it kind of cute. And when the dog slowly gets more and more secure and happy he can’t help but interact with it more. It’s such an incredible species and he’s glad to have met it. You really did a good job liaison.
Rewind wants to get as close to the dog as possible in order to film it but when he notices how scared it is he calms down and decides to try and earn its trust first. He looks up a bunch of things about dogs on the internet and asks you for advice and slowly the dog starts to trust him. The day it finally runs up to him with its tail wagging Rewind is so happy that he almost forgets to record it. Now he’s got a ton of dog videos.
Brainstorm sees the dog and how scared it is and makes a fucking dog mecha-suit it can ride around it. When asked why he says it’s so it can feel safe. How much safer can one get than with guns? He is very enthusiastic with the dog and all progress is met with a bunch of positivity and lots and lots of treats. He fucking loves this dog and spoils it rotten. If it had the will to it could get away with murder because of Brainstorm.
Perceptor finds the dog intriguing. Such an intriguing species. But it seems very distressed. Ah, perhaps he can help? With his calm nature the dog easily feels at ease around him. Perceptor apparently also gives the best pets and scritches which causes the dog to seek him out by itself. He is very satisfied when he notices that the dog have recovered completely from whatever traumatic event that happened to it.
First Aid stays away from the dog at first since he doesn’t know anything about them and is afraid he will just scare it. Eventually he will gather up enough courage to approach it and he can’t help but find it super adorable. He feels bad for it when he sees how scared it is and decides that he should at least try to help it. When it finally breaks out of its shell First Aid is overjoyed and praises it to Cybertron and back.
Ratchet just can’t find it in himself to be annoyed at the dog when it barks in fear, he’s not completely heartless and he actually pities the poor thing. He softens up a remarkable bit when around the dog and treats it both carefully and with respect. While he pretends to dislike it when it barks excitedly he actually enjoys it and is happy that it no longer is plagued by fear. Good job champ, he knew you could do it.
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danipopplers · 6 years
Mirrored Masks Chapter 3
And chapter 3 is up! You can read it on AO3 or FF.Net as well. Tell me what you think!!
They were friends now, Reiner supposed. He wasn’t sure what else to call it. Krista actively sought him out now, so he supposed that made them friends. She waved and smiled at him when he passed her by in camp. She asked him for help when they were cleaning their vertical maneuvering equipment. She even sat with him when Ymir had morning meal duty. It was almost more than he could take.
He could feel his preoccupation with her growing with every sweet smile she directed his way. Everytime she said his name, his heart clenched. He was supposed to be focusing on becoming a top tier soldier in the military. Yet, every smile ripped through his chest, blasting a hole in his warrior core and replacing it with honor and duty and...something else he couldn’t name. At least not yet. Instead of fading away, his infatuation was growing stronger.  It was cementing itself inside the cracks in his soul and worming its way into his mind. He wanted to be the soldier she thought he was. To be worthy of her. Krista was gentle and kind, and it made him want to be too, instead of the monster he knew himself to be.
She didn’t tell anyone about that night. Whether out of her own embarrassment, or simply following his lead, he couldn’t be sure. She didn’t mention him carrying her, or her falling asleep in his arms. Part of him wanted to tell the entire camp that he’d held that angel in his arms- that she trusted him- but a larger part of him wanted to keep that memory to himself to treasure in private.
Her increased interactions with him had not gone unnoticed by the squad either. They drew side eyes and ribbing when they spoke together in public, to Reiner’s bone-deep embarrassment. Zeroing in on his blood in the water, his crush was becoming a hot topic of teasing in the boys barracks. They delighted in the light mocking, and Connie had taken to fake swooning whenever he walked through a door, much to his chagrin. Reacting to it made it worse, so he tried to suffer in silence.
Ymir routinely shot daggers his way at meal time, particularly when Krista chose his company to eat with- which admittedly wasn’t often. She often tried to steer Krista in another direction when she saw him coming, and more than once, she’d interrupted their conversations to drag Krista off for whatever urgent matter she had thought up in the moment. Reiner was sure she had a stockpile of them waiting in her head for moments such as those. Krista seemed oblivious to the hostility, and continued to seek him out daily.
The other soldiers weren’t the only ones who had noted the difference either. His fellow warriors were beginning to take note of their closeness as well. Bertolt watched them interact closely, and while he didn’t attempt to stop him, Reiner could see his eyes tighten every time he indulged in her. Annie, however, was more vocal about it. Well- as vocal as Annie could be.
“Why are you even bothering making friends?” she had hissed at him during hand to hand. She had subdued him into a headlock, so she could reach to whisper in his ear. “You know that never ends well.” Reiner had shaken her off with a glare and a well placed heel, but the words had rattled around in his head for days. He’d even ignored Krista’s wave the next day, and hadn’t stopped to talk with her. The hurt look on her face had been too difficult to bear repeating the behavior.
Slowly he began to seek her out as well. He began to initiate some of the conversations. She seemed to welcome them, and her happiness at seeing him couldn’t be faked- could it? She seemed to really enjoy his company. He sincerely doubted that, but she’d even said so herself. How could someone as pure as her want to speak with someone as monstrous as himself?
Winter was creeping into the camp at a relentless pace as the weeks after that fateful field test wore on. The camp had yet to experience their first true snowfall, but light flurries served as a reminder of what was coming. All the windows were iced over each morning, and fogged breath trailed after each recruit like titan smoke. The cold was adding difficulty to their daily chores, but that didn’t mean the workload had lessened. There were still meals to prepare, wood to chop, equipment to maintain, and animals to care for. Krista’s favorite job by far was the latter.
The training camp was in possession of two dozen horses, ten dairy cows, three pigs (one of whom had recently had an out-of-season set of piglets), and a smattering of chickens, ranging from a dozen to as little as four depending on how fast the foxes were that season. The civilian population was not wrong in saying all the best food was wasted on the military. It was an exorbitant amount of livestock for a camp that housed around a hundred people. Granted, the horses weren’t for eating, but the other animals amounted to a small fortune each. And they each required their own food and care according to their species needs. It was exhausting work for most. But not Krista.
Farm blood ran deep, and she was no exception. She’d been raised tending to animals on a small farm inside Wall Sina. Animals had been her friends when the other children were cruel. They had been her escape from an indifferent mother and absent father. Creatures were kind and simple. It didn’t take much to understand them, and they offered their love without conditions. Something that Krista had had precious little of in her life.
It looked like snow on the morning she was assigned livestock duty. The grey clouds were heavy and dense in the sky overhead. Icy moisture permeated the air and whipping wind stung her cheeks pink, but Krista didn’t mind. While she would have to feed them and clean out their stalls and pens like usual, the cold weather also assured she’d have to stable the animals for the night as well. All of them. It was no small task, even for one of her experience. And with Ymir assigned to bunk cleaning duty, she knew just who to ask for help.
“Reiner, hey!” she called, waving the giant down. He stopped and turned at the sound of her voice. His face didn’t change, but Krista was getting pretty good at reading his stoic expressions. Whenever she called to him, his eyes crinkled at the corners and warmed, thawing his yellow eyes to molten gold. She liked to think that it was just for her.
“Morning, short stuff.”
She giggled at the name, reveling in the butterflies it elicited in her stomach. He was slowly becoming accustomed to speaking to her, and the more often she sought him out, the more comfortable he was around her.
“What were you assigned this morning?”
He shrugged casually, an easy roll of one broad shoulder. “Equipment maintenance.”
“Would you want to blow it off for me? I have a load of work with the animals today. Normally I’d be able to-”
“Sure,” he agreed easily, cutting through her stream of explanations.
“Are you sure? You could get in trouble,” she reminded him. He never seemed to mind getting in trouble for her, but that didn’t mean she had to like it, even if she was explicitly asking him to do it. The corner of Reiner’s mouth quirked up on one side.
“Hey Jean! Can you cover for me at equipment maintenance?” he threw over his shoulder, eyes sliding from her face to the boy walking a few meters behind them.
“Oh sure! Put it all off on me!” Jean grouched back, but nodded his head in agreement.
“Thanks! I owe you.” He turned back to Krista with a smirk and raised eyebrow. If it weren’t for the frigid temperature, she might have melted into the dirt. “Easy.”
Krista rolled her eyes- more for his benefit than hers as she was utterly charmed- and turned on her heel towards the stables. The animals were kept several hundred meters away from the other buildings, though their fields did butt up against a few. The stables and barns themselves were kept farther away, about a kilometer and a half. It wasn’t the safest choice, but whoever had built the camp was more interested in the smell than the security. Since the camp was already in the middle of nowhere, there really wasn’t a risk of bandits, just other animals.
“So what am I helping you with?” Reiner asked, matching her pace casually with his hands in his pockets. Meanwhile, she was taking two steps for every one of his, trying desperately to not jog. That would be humiliating.
“I normally have a lot of work to do with them anyways, but with this weather…” She looked up at the heavy clouds, her brow creasing in worry. “We’ll have to make sure we get them in for the night before it snows.”
“We have to make it back before it snows too, you know,” Reiner mused, observing the sky with her.
“Yes, I know. As much as I’d like to have a sleepover with them, I think we’d better not,” she giggled. They talked the rest of the walk, with occasional lulls into comfortable silence. She had to skip a few times to keep up with Reiner’s long strides, drawing a laugh from him each time. She didn’t really mind his laughter. It wasn’t mean or cutting like the others who had laughed at her in her past. His laugh sounded almost charmed, buoyant and light. Kind.
When they arrived at the stables, several of the cattle began to walk towards the part of the fence closest to her, swinging their low heads back and forth in welcome. She stopped to scratch a few large floppy ears before heading into the buildings.
“Hello, my lovelies,” she cooed into the stables, and was answered with a chorus of whinneys and hoof stamps. The stables smelled of hay, and manure, and warmth, and love. She breathed in deeply, eyes closed with the nostalgia it invoked within her. The stables always centered her. It was a safe place. She was pleased she could share it with Reiner. Shyly, Krista opened her eyes and glanced over at him, only to find him staring at her intently with a strange look on his face.
“What?” she asked, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear self consciously.
“N-nothing,” Reiner stammered back. He averted his eyes to glance around the stables, granting Krista a glimpse of red tipped ears.
“These are the stables,” she said unnecessarily, with a sweep of her arm, and began to walk down the row of stalls, stopping to rub the nose of each horse as she passed. “This is Cinnamon, and Ginger, and Cocoa. They’re sisters. This one is Stormy- he’s a big boy. This is Poppy and Lily…” She continued down the line of horses, naming them off as she went until she got to the end. Reiner trailed behind her, bewildered.
“I didn’t realize they all had names,” he admitted and Krista scrunched her nose up in derision.
“They aren’t supposed to, since we use them for dangerous military operations. But I thought they deserved names,” she shrugged. It had been her tiny act of defiance in the face of the military. If animals were her friends, then they deserved to have names. Reiner grinned at that, head cocking to the side as he looked down at her.
“Makes sense to me. Now you dragged me out here for my help. What’d you need?”
Krista had not been kidding when she said livestock duty was a lot of work. It was grueling, long, and complicated. Reiner was amazed she’d been able to work the job on her own in the past, let alone preferred it. It was exhausting, but Krista was showing no signs of stopping. Miraculously, she maintained her chipper addittue the entire time. She really seemed to be in her element- happy and glowing. It was mesmerizing.
She’d put him to work immediately, mucking out the stalls that were vacated as she led the horses to the fields in an orderly line that would make school children weep. Reiner was no stranger to hard work, or livestock care, but it was a mountainous task she had set him on. Or at least he’d thought so. When she stopped him at mid afternoon for a snack break, he still had three stalls to go. Meanwhile, she had already milked the cattle, gathered the eggs, and fed the pigs.
“Still haven’t finished?” she teased. Her eyes twinkled with amusement, causing his heart to sputter momentarily in his chest. Krista held up her basket for his inspection as she neared him, grinning. Inside were 5 brown speckled eggs. “Not a bad haul for the season.”
Reiner, who wouldn’t particularly know, nodded wisely. She giggled and placed the basket in a corner, before turning back to him and jerking her head for him to follow her. Intrigued, Reiner leaned his shovel on the wall of the stall he was still working on. When he turned back, she was disappearing around the corner at the end of the stalls.
The stables were the largest of the two barns, one long hallway with barn doors on either end and stalls along the sides. Since it was the largest, it also had the most storage in the loft as well. Most of the hay and alfalfa was stored in the second story, with a free standing ladder leading up into the small hole in the ceiling. A small hole that Reiner was now staring up at quizzically, wondering if he would fit.
“What’re you waiting for?” Krista’s head appeared at the hole, eyes dancing with amusement and giggled. She was fast, and light on her feet- he had to give her that. Even with all his training, he hadn’t heard the ladder when she’d ascended. Her head disappeared again above him, and he scrambled up the ladder swiftly, wedging his bulky frame through the opening.
The loft was surprisingly beautiful, in a soft sort of way. The light filtering in wasn’t as bright as Reiner suspected it usually was, due to the overcast day, but it still maintained its air of magic. Golden hay bales piled up to the slanted roof, surrounding the opening. Small walkways were carved between them so that one could make their way deeper to alfalfa and grains, branching out like the narrow mouths of mazes. The bales linked up like blocks, giving the impression of massive staircases winding endlessly upward.
Krista was already perched up two levels of hay, legs crossed neatly. She giggled as she watched him wiggle through the gap and waved to get his attention. On the straw next to her, she’d already laid out their snack for the day. Even if they were military, they still only got two full meals a day. The benefit of working one of the harder jobs was that you were provided with a midday snack to make it to dinner. Unfortunately, only one of them had been assigned this difficult job and had the food to show for it.
“I know you didn’t get a snack for today, so I thought we could share,” she explained shyly and Reiner felt his chest tighten. She was so generous. Is she this way with everyone or is it just...with me? With an apologetic smile, she held out a crusty wheat roll in one dainty hand and a small, wizened apple in the other. “Not a great choice for today, but you can have first pick?”
“I don’t want to take your food, Krista,” Reiner hedged, looking from the food, to her face. Even perched higher up, their faces were almost the same height. She was so small, surely she needed this more than him? He could feel him mind drag itself back to carrying her. Even in full gear, she was a feather.
“Don’t be silly,” she smiled widely, eyes creasing at the corners. “You’re doing this job too, right?”
Without giving him a moment to consider, she tossed the roll his way. Instincts kicked in before he had time to make a decision, and his hand reached out to snatch it out of the air. With an innocent blink of her large, blue eyes, she bit into her apple, chewing loudly to prove her point. Reiner chuckled at her and sank heavily down onto the bale below her.
“You’re deceptively stubborn, you know that?”
She snickered, and nodded, still crunching through her bite. Taking her cue, he bit into his own snack. They sat in comfortable silence for a few moments, munching quietly. Wind whistled through the wooden slates, bringing in wisps of cold with it. Reiner simply soaked up her presence, content just to be close to her. That’s all he was supposed to do anyways. Just observe from a distance. What did it matter if that distance happened to be only a few centimeters…?
“Thank you for agreeing to help me today.” Krista’s voice brought him back to the present.
“I can’t say no to you,” Reiner teased, ignoring the way his stomach twisted uncomfortably at the thought. It was becoming more and more true.
“Still...it was really nice of you,” she continued. Carefully, she stepped down from her bale to sit next to him. The hairs on the back of his neck stood at attention. A brush of her sleeve against his forearm sent chills up his spine. Every inch of his skin was intimately aware of her proximity.
“You’re a nice person, Reiner.”
“No, I’m not.”
The words were out before he could call them back. The urge to physically reach out his hands and stuff the words back down his throat was overwhelming. Krista, who didn’t seem to notice his inner turmoil, giggled.
“Of course you are. You always help me out when I need it. And there was that time during the field run…” She trailed off and he risked a glance in her direction. He could see her cheeks darken as she gazed down at the apple core in her hands. “Not everyone would stop and help someone so weak.”
There it was. Finally. Weeks after the fact. Without ever having spoken of it aloud, she’d just brought it up like it was nothing. Although, they’d been in the company of others since that day. They hadn’t been alone like this since then. The loft suddenly felt stifling hot, despite the cold creeping in. Reiner had to remind himself to breathe.
“You aren’t weak,” he whispered. His gamble paid off as she looked up at him, large, watery blue eyes meeting his. She smiled up at him sadly, as a shadow fell across her face.
“Sure I am,” she sniffed, and he watched with rapt attention as she gracefully swiped away two tears dangling from the edges of her blonde lashes before they fell. “You had to carry me all the way back. If that isn’t weak, I don’t know what is.” She laughed then, a short, breathless thing that caught in her throat. Reiner hesitated, before plowing forward against his better judgement.
“It wasn’t your fault. You’d hurt your ankle after all. How else would you have made it back?”
“Then I’m glad you were there.” A small, cold, soft hand slipped into his rough one- a reward for his gamble. Her fingers wound around his own as they dug matching finger-shaped gouges in his heart. His mind shattered into pieces around him, his mask solidifying into something real. He could be a soldier. He could be that for her. As quickly as she had entwined her hand in his, she was pulling away, leaving him with nothing but a small squeeze of his hand that he felt echo deep in his chest.
“We should get back to work,” she said softly, and hopped up, dusting herself off casually, as though she hadn’t just left him behind in tattered pieces. He hoped his helplessness wasn’t visible on his face as he watched after her lithe form. He was directionless now, blowing in the wind- she, his anchor.
He followed her numbly down the ladder, as though in a daze. At the bottom, she stood in place, staring out the end of the stables with muted horror on her face. Panic surged in him as he followed her gaze towards the door.
Outside, snow had begun to fall.
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