#i just wanted to talk about how im gonna be on paid staff at the pottery studio
bigmammallama5 · 2 years
tumblr can flag me for fuck all and yet the porn bots still find me. okay.
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oddussy420 · 3 months
hello hello ☺️ this is about the actress reader x security guard Miguel bit you wrote:
I’m thinking about how they met, how reader was so kind and open with everyone on the first set, talking to everyone including the security guards. Miguel was surprised since all the other actresses never really paid attention to the staff, but you went out of your way to be kind to everyone.
Eventually you realised you needed more practice and like a good friend, Miguel offered to help. He is terrible at running lines but he cooks dinner every time you go over so you can’t complain. Or maybe you should because the scene you’re playing is so romantic and full of tension you’re not sure if Miguel is even trying to act.
When you tell him about the gala he makes sure he’s working that event (not realising you would have asked him to go with you) so you show him your outfit and he matches you. Perhaps he spends the rest of the gala trying to find you, leaving his post and wandering around. Is his carelessness a security breach, or is it finally his chance to tell you how he really feels?
Sending lots of inspiration your way with absolutely no pressure to do anything with it ☺️
This is so cuteeeee. Thank you for the ask
You affect him with everything you do and you dont even know it. He doesnt know how youre so famous but youre still so human. Every interaction with your fans just shows your kindness and hes one of the few people that sees you behind closed doors and he knows how kind you are.
When he first started working around you his first thought was “oh great. Another spoiled selfish egotistical actress who thinks the world revolves around them” he learned from past jobs to not make eye contact or physical contact with any of the elite. In his mind there are two different worlds the rich and famous and everyone else. He thought you were gonna be like everybody else hes ever worked for.
The first event he worked he was assigned to be your personal security guard. He was in the back of the limo sitting across from you, recalling all of his training when you spoke to him. Not any sort of command or request or rules as to how he should act either. A genuine honest to god question. “So whats your name?” I guess that should just go to show how hes treated in his day to day life that such a simple everyday question would break his persona so quickly.
But a part of him thought that it was a fluke and to think nothing of it so he responds with his name. Then you ask another question than another question then another until you are both having a decent conversation. I mean he cant believe it THE A list y/n l/n known for the worlds most critically acclaimed movies and tv shows is chatting to him.
You constantly remind him to not call you by your first and last name. Even a nickname would be acceptable. He would do anything for you. Big or small. Whether it be carrying your purse or giving you a piggyback ride bc you broke your heel. He is happy to do it. He was even happier when you hired him as your exclusive and sole bodyguard. He was gonna ask you anyway but was afraid youd say no.
Thats all i got for tonight. Lmk if you want anymore parts or even if you enjoyed this one. I love hearing from people!! You guys are never a burden and i will always make time for yall <3 sorry for getting sappy im just emotional and probably pmsing rn anyway byeeee 😘😘
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ladymirdan · 9 months
Warning, fandom rant.
I was gonna piggyback ride off Tagedezorns post about falling out of love with the fandom.
Dont get me wrong, I still fucking LOVE 40k.
Im having a great time painting my minis, reading the lore, reading and talking with the BL authors on twitter or talking the ears off the staff in my local GW (don't worry, they love it, and they have some fantastic HC’s too!)
But the rest of it is sadly losing its appeal for me as well, and it saddens me to see other fan artists or writers feeling the same, I thought it was just me.
When I first started to become active in the shipping fandom about a couple of years ago it was fantastic. I felt so welcome and wanted, I had never gotten a reception like that in any fandom before. I even faced my fear and started writing fanfiction, and people seemed to love it.
But the last months/year it feels like it's all gone. As if Tumblr has died, it feels like I'm shouting into the void. (I have a few people who still interact on my posts and I see you and I love you). But I have eightdoubled my followers last year, but that hasn't resulted in any more interaction, other than a few more likes. But to be fair, likes does nothing.
Im not an influencer or a content creator, and I have zero aspirations to become one. That is why I stopped doing tiktoks. I do not want to chase trends or algorithms, I want to be unhinged about my blorbos and see people being unhinged about their blorbos in turn.
I love the intense passion fandom can have, even when it's not a character I'm personally into.
I really don't want Tumblr to die. I have tried Discord and it was the most alienating and disheartening experience I've had since like high school.
When I first tried it out it was soo much fun, but as time went on, more and more people who seemed to like me stopped posting on there, and more and more whenever I posted I just got straight up ignored.
I could post in a channel that had been dead for weeks, and suddenly people started posting about other things, everyone ignoring what I wrote. If it happened once or twice I wouldn't have bothered, but a dozen or more times? It just fucking sucks. I noticed how it started affecting my mental health, trying to reach out and talk to people, but just being talked around and over. So I just stopped posting.
If someone doesn't like me on Tumblr I won't notice or get sad, but seeing it happen in real-time just fucking sucks.
And also, on Tumblr there is always the off chance that your post gets necromanced. That just doesn't happen on Discord.
And another thing that has happened a lot is I write a fic or a Tumblr post. It gets zero interaction, and I'm like “oh I guess no one is interested about that,” and then I see that someone has just reposted my fic/post in a discord and people are geeking out over it over there.
I'm not a paid artist/writer. I do what I do because I want to geek out over something, preferably with someone else. But I effectively become removed from my art. People are discussing it, just not with me.
Dealing with being unliked as a person fucking sucks. Especially when it's supposed to be your hobby-fun-time. And it is making me not want to post stuff anymore.
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carpedzem · 6 months
I'm gonna be honest this shit just reminds me that ccs will do anything to keep the fame on them. It reminds me of dsmp and the fact that half the people there just didn't like Dream, but pretended they did for clout. It truly just.... makes me sad at how fake some of these people are. They're willing to fuck over the working class people (which what most of them were before) just to get a bit more clout from this damn server that is known for treating it's staff like shit and then when they try and to actually get paid everyone gets fired.
Like I get the ex workers not being as aggressive due to being young fans plus being harassed by the current ones. Older ccs not seeing the obvious sketchyness of this all just seems like their putting on their blindfolds to keep their current fanbase and popularity.
i know we should learn our lesson by now about cc not being such a close friends after all but honestly the part of georges 2nd respons when he talk about how hes looking back at interactions with other cc differently now fucked me over a little bit bc dteam came into this community so open and willing to share and wanting to make friends. dream was so eager to just add friend of a friend into dsmp, he created that massive document for tommy. even at the con george saw caiti as a friend - according to him of course - just another person that is similar to him. you can dislike dt attitude, you can dislike dream ego and georges not being able to be serious for 5 minutes or sapnaps competitiveness. but making them bad guys only bc they have negative, human traits, and happened to also get popular is just so, so sad
i hope they will be able to hold on real friendships and they there are some more in them. im actually glad that it seems that dteam has some friends outside cc sphere and i hope they keep them grounded and make them feel loved. by the end of a day everyone deserves that
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fuck-customers · 1 year
This lady was a riot.
Shes rude every time she comes in.
My co worker J is cleaning up the front end, and she takes bags off the bagging area and puts them away.
This lady apparently didn't say anything to her, just said she wanted a manager. Im training to be a manager so both myself and the actual manager go up there.
She starts going OFF. About how someone paid for those bags and now were gonna make the money again and she could have used them etc etc. Shes misgendering J the whole time but I don't correct her cuz shes gonna write a bad review I know it. She does this. So if she's gonna talk about my co worker its better they don't know who she's talking about. Cuz J did literally nothing wrong.
So manager is basically like well theres no way of knowing someone did pay for them, it could have been instacart setting up to bag and they left the extras behind.
This lady is NOT having it. She starts yelling at him, saying its BS and that she doesn't like our store anymore.
She walks out.
Manager and I tell J that she did nothing wrong.
Then he turns to me and says that she's always a bitch and he hopes she doesn't come back. "We're the 8th store in the COUNTRY and first in the state for business. We don't need her."
Also. Mind ya business. Its 3 paper bags. Thats like... 25 cents. Fuck off
@staff I HATE the new text editor!
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terraliensvent · 5 months
On behalf of someone not in the server, /what/ is the whole myo scandal going on rn? Did they hand out fake myos...? Did they revoke paid myos....? Did staff trade illegal myos to people....??? I'm lost.
OK SO im just gonna give a whole summary of the events of the past few days since it seems a lot of people are confused (also i dont have screenshots EVERYTHING what im about to say, but this is just what i remember from personally seeing it. ill link posts as they come along for context):
the other night, when staff made this announcement regarding coy, shit started to hit the fan pretty fast
this announcement came after almost a full 2 days of weird behavior from staff, like how a lot of them put almost all their terras up for trade and how there was basically radio silence with the staff questions and design concept channels going unanswered. a lot of people noticed how suspicious this was, and this anon was pretty on the money with their theory
so suffice to say everyone was pretty much on the edge of their seats waiting for something big, and after the announcement was made the entire server basically exploded. in the chaos of people trading and running around like chickens with their heads cut off, the mods said they would approve anything submitted to the site. they said they were doing this so they could make the species as bad as possible for when coy took it over, and mods were in the server being very apathetic about it and having an attitude like “idgaf what happens now because we have been getting treated like shit so this is finally the consequences.” this attitude can be seen in the screenshots included here too
during this chaos, people could also ask for myos to be uploaded to their acc for free, which mods would do. so tons of people got “illegitimate” myos. people used their illegal myos and real myos that had been purchased before the downfall to upload tons of characters and some joke characters too, like one that was just a PNG of ellen. during this huge chaos, people were also hating on coy and freely talking about things they disliked about how the species was run as opposed to the chokehold toxic positivity attitude that the server usually had. truly the most euphoric the server has ever been. some coy meat rider was also defending them, and got really aggressive about it and telling people to go fuck themselves (for which they got banned). someone else also made a branch-off server so people could stay in contact with their friends from the terra community seeing as the future was totally uncertain
after a while the “we are approving everything” stopped, and things were a bit more quiet. temul and some mods joined the branch-off server and gave some more deets about the shit coy would do. i also made my Big Post; initially this post was just gonna be positive stuff about how i has a discussion with tycho about suggesting things for the species, but after the announcement was made i was given screenshots to post here by a mod so i just threw it all in the same post. the Big Post made public opinion of coy a lot worse since now there were animal abuse allegations being talked about, but later on with further scrutiny the conclusion was reached that the screenshot was mainly coy exaggerating to try and be funny, but miserably failing. either way, public opinion of coy was and still is totally in the shitter.
the next day, mods put out another announcement that can be summed up as “lol sorry guys everyone get back to business” which is total bs to me considering the shit they were saying the very night before. so now they wanna try and reign in this species when they already did irreparable damage, and now people are switching up and acting like nothing ever happened (i assume its because mods are gonna be looking for new staff soon and they want a piece of the pie lmao)
to fix the monumental fucking issue they created for no reason, they put out another announcement (which i forgot to post here oops sorry pookies)
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so basically what theyre gonna do is:
- if you uploaded character(s) that night using illegal MYO(s), you can choose ONE to unvoid (with any changes that need to be made in order to be legal if you have illegal traits and stuff, like for example eyes + mouth), the unvoided terra will be account bound and non voucherable
- if you had an illegal myo from that night but DIDNT use it, or if you didnt get any illegal myos at all, there will be a form to fill out where you can get one free MYO that will create any subtype up to modified (meaning no limited subtypes), the MYO will be account bound until designed. theyre also in the process of figuring out whether theyll give people the choice of using x amount of lim traits or having the terra be voucherable. some of it is still up in the air
- if you used a legal myo to upload your terra, there will be a process a little down the line for you to get your myo and any items back
and this is where were at now, people in the terra server are acting like everythings normal and going along with the toxic positivity mob once more, people in the branch-off server are freely expressing their grievances as they did that night, and im pissed off because i think its a little unfair that people will get to unvoid their lim terras meanwhile other people only get up to a modified. hand out lim myos instead of modified, why are we STILL doing the artificial scarcity youre all acting just like coy
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aswho1estuff · 9 months
I'm the baddest series
Series overview: An early 2000s rapper gets involved with a business man that's notorious on the street too.
Ep 2. "A boot?"
Ep 2. Overview: Trina and Antonio meet for the 2nd time
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"Hey babe why your car got a big shoe on? I tried to call the tow truck but they acting kinda scared, you think it's them people?" "whatcha you mean my car got a boot how he find it?, we bouta go find him put yo shoes on" I tell Britney reaching for my purse "alright call me when you pull up" she responds ending the call.
"you wanna pick up yo jewelry while we right here, help you not pull a joker on this man" Britney says trying to lighten the mood "I'd laugh but I don't know that joke hoe" I say flatly "he slams his eye into a pencil on the table" she explains back just as flat making me laugh "you dumbass, thanks for the idea".
"Your staff came and paid for your diamonds in full, did you not get a message?" The owner asks me starting to panic. "Ohh I did don't worry, they sent one earlier this morning so I'll see them thank you" I respond, a boot straight to my shit was the message. "They left a card with me" the owner hands me it "thanks, and next time don't give em nothing call me cause they ain't do they job right".
you got something I want and you know I've got yours, come see me - Antonio
6737 Cesar Ave
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Getting in the elevator with Britney I push the top floor. "What's the game plan?" Britney asks "cuss him out" I respond obviously. Britney giggles "period, alright" she tells me holding the elevator.
Walking to the receptionist desk "hello....hello...Hello?" I repeat raising my voice every time I know she ignoring me. Walking towards the two main doors she runs to stand infont of me "you can't do that" she's rushes out "ain't seem like you was gone help us so" I'm already irritated.
"I'm Trina" I say motioning to her lil clip board. "Don't I know you from somewhere.." where you going with this girl "...oh right Little Miss rapper-" that's where the hoe was going "-Little Miss Im worth more than your house, and I'm finna be little miss fuck you up if you don't move".
"I was wondering why there was so much commotion out here, you must be Trina" his friend from before says walking in "how you - nevermind can I talk to him" I ask someone who seems more incharge than her.
"of course, he's been waiting on you" he opens the door for me and as it close I hear a faint "and you must be Britney, beautiful" attacks from all sides is all I can think.
why my car got a boot?" I ask furious " Just want my car" he looks up from his computer motioning to a seat but I remain standing "you need to wanna focus that energy on yo little girlfriend give her some boots so she stop rocking them shoes my grandma don't even wear those" he laughs "who are you talking about?, I don't have a girlfriend" "who got the ugliest shoes on this floor" I montion towards the door.
"you jealous?" He says smiling, pissing me off more "man I don't even know you" I say sitting down now tired from all the run around I'm getting. "Do you want to?" You thought you was smooth "fix my boot" I respond flatly. "Listen pretty girl I need the car" "for what" " look it's my mama car and.. she has some thing in there for me but I gotta tear the car apart" ...."just have it, here damn" I fish the key out my purse.
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"I've got things to do call my people and send my jewelry off, okay" "what?" "What" "what you got planned?" "Damn you in my business, nail appointment" I respond flashing my nails.
"I'll join" "don't talk to me about no damn car when we get in here I'm already stressed" " likewise so nothing about that jewelry" "oh you think you cute huh?"
"Since yo friend stole Britney which ones do you think I should get?" I ask breaking the silence showing him the pictures "Think the pink ones look good on you" good choice. "What are you gonna get?" I ask out of habit "Just a clean up really" "predictable" I respond without thinking "think you cute, yeah?" Oh wow "Why you stealing my shit?".
"what's this about a nail appointment I hear?" Tony asks "grow up tony" laughing I hang my jacket up. "She's a pretty lady, so is her friend" tony adds on and he isn't wrong Trina's alluring one of the reasons I didn't do business with her like other 'clients'.
<- ep 1. ep 3. ->
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bluwavez · 6 months
im kinda curious about the boys' opinion on jinhwa, mydol, being transferred to a new company for the third (!!!) time (stormedia -> angelico -> flowerbank -> mydol) and also what is their relationship with han since he is part of the directors of their new company.
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"As the single Stormedia survivor, I'm very grateful to be at Mydol, and I'm grateful for Jinhwa even if he was trying to rig me out during The New Wave," Jisung chuckles. "It seems the only guy who knows how to manage us is Jinhwa, so..." He shrugs, looking off to the side with a small grunt. "It is what it is, you know? I'm just glad to not be a nobody anymore. That really sucked. God, that was so awful. Yeah, I really appreciate Jinhwa never giving up on us."
"Han is half-managing us at this point. I think he gets a bit power-hungry sometimes, but he's still my best friend. We went through a lot together, so his agitation doesn't get aimed at me," Jisung laughs, a beaming smile on his full lips. We go out every Friday for drinks. I love that guy."
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Jacob sucks air between his teeth at the question, smacking his hands against his thighs with a sigh as he squints ahead of him, clearly deep in thought. "None of us wanted to go to Flowerbank. Like, none of us were for that. I was happy to still be with the same company as my sister, but...I really thought that was it for us," Jacob admits with a soft chuckle, "I thought we were gonna disband under Flowerbank, which none of us wanted. These guys piss me off almost every day, but the thought of being an idol without them? Horrible. I have to be grateful for Jinhwa."
Jacob crosses his legs, clearing his throat. "He's very flawed, but he's done a lot for my family. He took care of my sister and my siblings when I couldn't. I have a lot of respect for Jinhwa despite his...flaws." His words contain a lot of caution, his dark eyes flicking from the ground to the camera as he talks.
He scoffs when Han is mentioned, his eyes widening with a dismissive grunt and wave of his hand. "That fuckin' guyyy...He's alright. 'Cool, he's back around, I guess. I don't talk to him much when he's on set."
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"I kinda see this contract buying as us going home," Noah explains with a warm smile. "I know my dad isn't perfect. He's done some things that aren't..." The man uses his hands to finish his sentence since he can't find the words to describe his father, "But he's a good man deep down. He's always cared about DeepDive and our success. That's all we can ask for, right? Plus, I like working with my dad. He's my dad," Noah shrugs, leaning back in the chair. "I love Mydol staff, love the company, love the freedom...Can't be mad."
"Han is cool now that he's a business guy. He seems to be more...laid back? Kind of? I don't know. He seems happier to be behind the scenes and bossing us around. He's worked a lot with the creative direction and our management. He was in the studio with us a lot. I think he a bit of a perfectionist, though," Noah explains with a small laugh before putting his hands up in faux surrender, "I'm not the one he bitches at, though. He likes my work."
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Kiwoo shrugs, unenthused to be answering the question. "As long as I get paid, I don't care. I don't care where we are--Ah...I would hate to be under JYP. I would leave the group if we were under JYP," Kiwoo rambles, looking up as he messes with a ring on his finger. "It's genuinely whatever to me. I'm just happy we're still together and still have public appeal after being locked in a basement for nearly a year. I don't really have positive thoughts on Jinhwa. He sucks as a person but I'm not here to be his friend, so-" Kiwoo shrugs with a clear of his throat, looking off to the side.
"Han can get fucked. I don't like him," Kiwoo answers bluntly, giving an agitated smile at the mention of the man. "He's a controlling piece of shit that is still mad I got more lines than him because I'm better singer...Yeah. 'Super happy to be working with him again. I'm living my absolute best life under Mydol if you can't tell."
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"Well, I was never under Stormedia. My mom would've pitched a fit if I went to that garbage hole. I know Mydol is different from Angelico but," Blue gives a look at the camera, a knowing smile on his lips before laughing with a shrug like we should know the answer. "It's Jinhwa. In my eyes, we're under Angelico 2.0, so not much has changed. We're currently the best-performing act under the label, which I'm scared won't last if Jinhwa, you know, does what we all think he's going to do. Whatever. He's cool when he's managing us properly. I don't care about what he does in his spare time."
Blue makes a face when Han is mentioned, grunting in disinterest with a dramatic sigh. "He needs to loosen the fuck up. He suddenly acts so big and mighty because he's on the board of Mydol, as if he didn't suck Jinhwa's dick to get there. Be fucking serious. Ugh! He yelled at me when we were filming My Ego because--Oh! Oh! I needed to "look nicer" What the fuck are you even talking about? Are we listening to the same song? He's just getting his revenge on me for beating his ass on The New Wave. Such a loser."
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Woojin looks a bit defeated before putting his hands out as if to say "What can I say?" forcing himself to smile before forcing a laugh. "I mean...I'm not that excited to be under Jinhwa again. How could I be? Look at his company roster. Hyerim is there and, like, that's just..." Woojin sighs, looking up at the ceiling before chuckling bitterly and shrugging again. "That sucks! But I don't want to leave these guys again. I didn't want to leave the first time. I'll just suck it up. She's not our manager this time around, so I guess it's not that bad. It could be worse."
"Han is cool! He's very helpful!" Woojin says excitedly, nodding at the mention of the man. "He's kind of like my mentor at the moment. He's really helpful, and, yeah, I'm glad he's around again. He picked me to take his place, so it's really cool to be able to work with him in this kind of dynamic. I appreciate him a lot."
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Finn looks around before shrugging. "I really don't give a fuck. I'm not even trying to be different or edgy when I say that, like, I serious just don't give a fuck. I think Donald Duck could've bought our contract from Flowerbank, and I would've done the splits. They were so ass. Do you how ass you have to be for me to be happy to see Jinhwa, Son Jinhwa, again? Holy shit, dude. Go back to business school–No, actually, just retire. No. Just quit. You're that bad." Finn rants, talking with his hands animatedly, shifting in his seat as he does so, sniffling before shaking his head. "I'm not a Jinhwa stan though. He sucks, yeah, I know. He should've be fucking people half his age. That's gross. He's gross. I just work with him," Finn explains to the best of his ability.
"Han is whatever. He touches my waist too much, and his creative direction irks me a bit, but he's easy to talk to. I'm glad he's nepotismed his way into a high position, though. Good for him. Hope he doesn't, like, use that power for evil or something," Finn says offhandedly, puckering his lips at the thought before chuckling softly, "That'd be crazy."
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celebrate getting out of tumblr jail by liveblogging hiadt chapter 2 like god intended
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“Same here. I’m out too,” Alec chimed in, taking another bite of his apple.
“Not allowed.”
Alec raised his head to find Magnus at the door.
im not aware alec's state of existence is your property pre pre divorce magnus
“And what if you wake up to your wife already married to someone else because you were gone for too long?” Aline inquired.
the fact i have this exact cursed thought alec wake up to magnus marrying etta- *SLAM WALL*
“Actually, he doesn’t,” Magnus interrupted.
as alec lawyer you're violating labor law mr bane
“Big time. Like fucking the prince of — “ Before Izzy could finish the sentence, Alec put a hand on her mouth and pinched her hair, making her yelp in response.
alec just looking to get a bag named after him cut him some slack
“Pffft. I don’t get jealous,” Magnus rolled his eyes but his finger dug deep on Alec’s hips.
now its violation of private property mr bane gimme the money already
I don't know. You look like the sun,” Magnus breathed. “It’s quite possibly the hardest thing not to kiss you when you look like that.”
it called the alexander effect, immediately cure depression i would know I study psychology
The Lightwood-Herondale-Fairchild-Bane-Lewis-Penhallow-Blackthorn circles runs deep across the Edom Hospitals. Even the ones who aren’t blood related, are interlinked through other bonds.
that just the tsc effect
There were bouquets and bouquets of flowers around the room and he groaned dramatically, even though all he wanted to do was giggle and jump at the sight.
better be tulips, magnolia and blue peony among them (idk how the poeny is blue magnus is rich make it happen!)
Alec smirked at him. “I don’t think he’s anywhere nearby. He’s too busy flirting with his employees these days.”
“You should report him to HR.”
“I should.”
buy your poor staff some coffee or high quality bubble milk tea before you force them to witness this toomfoolery
“What?” Dr. Adrian scoffs, “Haven’t you heard? Eat the rich.”
middle school coded
What did Magnus see in him?
yk sometimes u the talent is just unfortunately attached to a dickisiness
i cant even swoon over bamf alec im in distress right now this so much angast wtf
He’d put the decision of his life in Alec’s hands.
something about knife something about scarred hands from holding a different type of knife something something about marriage is giving the other your last defense
we are not talking about the last scene with this speed u gonna make me unmad hiadt magnus and I already conduct a list of nickname and cleverly movie reference tailored to the situation for roasting him you cant do this to me
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two chapters and you’re already unmad at HIADT Magnus??? i thought you were stronger than this Anh. I am disappointed ksjssksksksj but I get it—pre accident hiadt magnus is the biggest simp and it’s quite hard not to love him.
Edom staff gets paid to witness the tomfoolery and not for their service as doctors. It is what it is.
and apologies but they weren’t expensive flowers. It was asters, dahlias and lavender. Magnus Bane needs to step it up jajksskk.
Hiadt Magnus’s thoughts while in coma
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communist-cat-girl · 2 years
i wrote way too much shit so ima paraphrase what made me block someone a minute ago
if someone rewrites a story and makes the characters gay, thats fine if you think doin that shows that you have “gay blinders”, just block me
if youre mad about that, keep readin. if you dont wanna read, block me. its a bad faith take thats on par with “representation is pointless” and “i wish modern media would stop shovin gays down my throat” type 4chan shit
if you dont know what i mean, be thankful! its a pointless bit of discourse that doesnt matter to any real world person except queers online who want to gatekeep every aspect of bein a queer. be gay and free, fuck these hos
“just because its gay doesnt mean its better!” feels a little bad faith? like ya, its obviously not necessarily better, but the thing is ... im gay ... so i have a vested interest in if whether or not they get together; not to mention it recontextualizes stories as one’s of aggression against oppression (if they werent already) that makes me doubly interested as an anarchist.
if we look at, say, Alice Isnt Dead we can see this in full swing both ways. not only is the core audience and creative team behind Welcome to Nightvale openly supportive or queer themselves, so too are those who’ve worked on Alice Isnt Dead. Not only does this mean that the queer audience will feel catered too but the queer staff will be more likely to *want* to work on this, to put their whole ass into this project and make it better than if they were just paid to make some mlw piece of media.
and would the mlw idea rly work when the end of part 1 and all of part 2, spoilers by the way, of alice isnt dead are about the gov’t doin absolutely everythin it can to keep them apart and how *keepin them apart, even as alice is part of this shadowy institution, didnt make them happy and didnt solve the wider problems of the world anyways*
im sorry, but if that story wasnt gay, if its gayness didnt put into focus the issues real gay people face, then that story is ostensibly weaker, its prose less profound, its themes less touchin
now, to talk about the post that made me want to write this ...
im not gonna link it or even directly phrase it, i dont want anyone comin onto me or comin onto anyone else over this (not like my small follower count would)
the tldr is that, the hades and persephone myth is ... well, its kinda shit. its a kidnappin, its a possibly a sexual assault, its a woman forced into a bad circumstance; and so if you made this myth wlw and say its better you “have blinders because its gay” or somethin; which ive never heard anyone suggest EVER but sure, whatever
disclaimer, i am a hellenic pagan, more specifically of roman traditions, so my opinion on the *story itself* is complicated. so im not gonna be sayin much about that.
what i really care about is how somone brings of the Hades Game and i *think* lore olympus retellin where persephone is kidnapped, lowkey on purpose possibly, and eats of the pomegranate to like ... get at her naggin mom, or w/ever. thats not actually the story of the Hades Game nor of the more popular modern helpol retellin but its close enough.
the person who relays this paraphrased story says that if its wlw its better than it would be if it was mlw (and, in gnrl, this retellin is far more palatable to a modern audience; which isnt even rly debateable) and the person complainin say somethin about “gay blinders” says “no it wouldnt be” and a cry emoji.
now, ignorin how ... perhaps accidentally homophobic that comes off as ... like ... it would. mlw forbidden love doesnt really strike the same chord like it used to. in a time of arranged marriage and loveless lives, this concept was REALLY important and was the framein of most myths about a couple in the Mediterranean durin antiquity. problem is, these days, while expectations are hard even for mlw couples, youre still largely goin to get reluctant parents go “*sigh* fine, you may”
and unless youre under a rock you may have forgotten that us fags have a habit of gettin shot for lovin who we love
so ya, the story of forbidden love between a fem hades and a sapphic persephone bein a story of gay love in which they fight against all odds and become happy with each other is substantially more *touchin* (and thus “better” in the common parlance) than the same milk toast mlw forbidden love thats been shoved down queer people’s throats since day one of our birth. 
whats rly annoyin is that op doesnt explain WHY “gay blinders” are such a bad thing anyway? is it genuinely so bad to enjoy gay stories more? to see yourself represented in a piece of media, esp one that you already connect so strongly too?
the worst outcome is “because its gay people think the story is good” but ... i dont think anyone is confused about the story of hades and persephone anyways? like, the ancients werent fuckin morons. zeus was a tyrant king and a story of how despots, even one’s who gain it thru noble means, will inevitably abuse their power. athena was dedicated to protectin women but when a woman needed her most she turned her into a fuckin monster. hera, in her hetero jealousy, harms WOMEN more than men when it comes to vengeance because she believes *the harmful actions of men against women are the fault of women.* and WHO suggests that the ancients thought otherwise?
do you think they would be allowed to spread such horrific and grotesque tales without approval from religious or political authorities if this was not an intentional and integral aspect of their faith? is it not curious that most ancient writers dont rly talk about these tales but only speak of the gods in a Vague sense? is it not curious that the details are obfuscated? ignored? its because while the gods love us and care for us they are also fickle and jealous and violent and they must be, in the ancient view, respected OUT OF FEAR
they clearly understood that these were representations of natural causes (a commonly held belief by ancient philosophers) and so their stories show that the natural outcome of things like LIGHTNING STORMS or EARTHQUAKES happen to everyone because the world is just Like That Sometimes; givin names to these causes just makes it easier to explain them. it helps them figure out the Shape of their trauma, far easier than the existential horror that we experience in our hyper objective world of today
so no, i dont think your modern liberal minded fag is gonna go “oh hades and persephone is so romantic” and even helpols on this site pretty famously go for the stories that resonate more with them on a personal level than the ancient stories men told other men to make them feel good about bein men
yes, even if the story is about two gays
if you think a story is bad on a personal level and think gayness wouldnt solve it ... Okay. thats subjective, movin on.
if you think its bad because makin it gay is a superficial bit of representation, im sorry you live a borin life? all representation is superficial then, if you wanted to be that kindve a jerk about it.
if you think makin it gay harms the original script, im sorry to tell you that oral history has changed most scripts so beyond their original form that we will NEVER be able to know that that original story was (and very likely, from an anthropological point of view, the origin of these stories could be as old as 5 to 10 thousand years ago told in different times with different gods and different circumstnaces; we will NEVER know the original story)
changin the story to fit your modern sensibilities and makin it gay is not bad, dont let anyone tell you otherwise. it even might make the story infinitely better! who knows, who cares! write what makes you happy, fuck these hos
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 3 years
please stop reblogging this my notification tab is dying
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this post has been edited. here's the original text:
apple completely censoring tumblr to the point where you can't even say words that aren't even sexual like soap or pipe is the beginning of the end for tumblr’s usability and user experience. the process already started with the Dec 17 ban and recently with the overexposure of ads. but pretty soon, apple is gonna make tumblr unusable. it's not like virizon cared about making the site functional when they owned it, and automatic/wordpress (current owners) definitely don't give a shit about tumblr now.
everywhere else on the internet, content is heavily monitored and censored. you'll get banned if you say anything that's against tos. sometimes that's good, as it gets rid of all the nazis. other times it's terrible, when people abuse the reporting ai to ban normal people. the whole banning system is unpredictable, so to be safe, people need to censor themselves on twitter and tiktok and facebook and ig and youtube. they can't say "kill", they have to say "unalive". they can't talk about violence, so they have to sugarcoat real world events. they can't swear, talk about racism or sex or history, or even acknowledge that the world is a fucked up place, because "kids use this app". tumblr was one of the last safe places on the internet where you could threaten to kill the president without having the fbi show up to your house.
but with this new apple shit, tumblr is becoming more like every other site online. any post that contains a word on a constantly expanding list is hidden from ios users. any blogs marked as "explicit" (which is also a huge issue btw) are unaccessible by apple users. not straight up banning people, but still preventing access to the real tumblr for those users. now over a third of tumblr’s userbase is either stuck on a completely sanitized version of tumblr, has to use the web browser version on their phone, or just cut off from tumblr entirely.
the internet used to be a place of togetherness and inclusiveness and content sharing and entertainment and fun. now it's mostly corporate garbage and ads. companies love ads. and to run ads effectively, they need as many people as possible to see them. and to do that, the places they advertise have to be family friendly so everyone can use them. that's what all of these sites are doing. banning creativity and expressiveness so they can force you to watch more ads. I understand that there's server costs. I understand that the employees need to eat. but there are so many bugs that haven't been fixed in years that it seems like @staff is getting paid to do fuck all, and instead wasting their time making stupid design decisions to distract us from them selling out.
what does this current situation say about the future of tumblr and the internet as a whole? I don't really know. if things continue as they are, more people will leave tumblr for newer sites, or twitter once tumblr becomes just as unusable as it (might as well use the more popular shitty site if they're both equally shit). eventually, within 5 or 6 years, tumblr will shut down after server costs are too high, and unless users take the time to archive everything, nearly two decades of internet history will be erased forever. I'd give it until 2035 before the internet (and by extention the vr world / metaverse / matrix) becomes so riddled with ads that it becomes completely unusable. unless, of course, something changes with how advertisements work. whether that be a new law that makes it so ads have to be less distracting or optional, or even just some sites refusing to run advertisements at the cost of user membership fees. one of those seems extremely unlikely, and the other sounds equally shit.
the internet sucks ass. I just want to return to 2010 playing club penguin and browsing early tumblr and early watching minecraft youtube videos and playing flash games on newgrounds.
the world would be a better place if literally every single ceo and billionaire immediately died right now.
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bruciemilf · 2 years
i have a no capes au stuck in my head
clark kent goes to gotham to interview battinson and half way thru realizes that battinson never really had a chance to actually live, to enjoy life, so instead he decides to go sightseeing with battinson for the rest of the day they're together.
im talking trying out the best hotdog places, going bowling, ice skating and rock climbing, having dinner at 3pm and if any paparazzi comes over to try anything, clark will give them the scariest fricking glare. the day ends with them sitting on a rooftop, staring at the beautiful sunset.
bruce finally gets to see the beautiful part of gotham, that gotham isn't all guns and violence. clark stays the night and in the morning, alfred and bruce are shocked to see breakfast already cooked (apple pie). after breakfast, clark goes "ready for sightseeing day two?"
NO CAPES AU MY BELOVED- Bruce is just... Incredibly nervous to meet Clark Kent, aka his favourite Daily Planet reporter; He's heard Clark rip into billionaires and pick his teeth with men like Bruce. Sure, - Bruce ACTUALLY puts his privilege to good use, but will that be enough?
That's how he ends up hiding under his desk with his security team and secretary trying to fish him out; I'd also love it if WE's security staff was made of like. Macho gym bros with valid energy.
" Come on, bro! He's not gonna be THAT bad."
" Dude, don't call Mr. Wayne " bro" , bro!"
" Nah bro, he likes it. Come on Bruce- Bro, I'll tell Rachel to bring you your anxiety meds. We got you, dude."
Bruce's secretary has no time for this foolishness and drags him to Clark by the ear. Bruce is naturally so shy and introverted, but Clark has all the patience in the world.
Everyone in Gotham already knows Bruce because that dork goes out with his kids ALL the time; I need Gothamites to hype him up so badly, especially the old ladies at food trucks and little restaurants.
" Did you know that little Brucie here used to volunteer at soup kitchens all the time with his folks? And now his rich butt does the same with his kids! You should write about that, cuz that Lex guy could learn a thing or two"
" Bruce here? Paid for that son of mine to go to college, - hell, 60% of kids can afford school cuz of him! Oh don't tell me to be quiet, I said what I said and said right!"
Bruce sports a permanent blush the whole time and Clark definetly wants to pet his hair. Give me Battinson marvelling at just how far Gotham improved with his help, thought.
It's still the same old heavy aired, monochromatic block of shadows, but during daylight? Bruce loves feeding the ducks by the park. " Evil. Evil creatures. Feed." While throwing food at them, and Clark has to struggle not to laugh sjsjs
Give me Bruce who stops mid date (is it a date, Clark wonders. He hopes it is.) To stop and say hi to garbage collectors (they're on first name basis, Clark notices) and off the clock sex workers who flirt just to send him in an embarrassed frenzy.
But everywhere they go, they all regard Clark with the same gaze. Take care of him, it reads. And yeah, Clark wants to say, that's all I really want to do
Clark NEEDS to get Bruce in Metropolis; Because he has the cosiest apartment if Bruce doesn't like being outside. With... Just as fun attractions...
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polyghostfacehours · 3 years
im curious. I just randomly got this idea, what would happen if poly!ghostface’s S/O took them on a vacation. just out of nowhere, they’re like “hey, we should go hawaii!” Like pure crackhead energy, spontaneous in other words lol 🌚
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Combined these babies since they're similar. I had a blast with this, so it's a beefy one!
TW: Brief mentions of smut.
poly!Ghostface on a Vacation to Hawaii with GN!Reader:
They knew something was up when you came bounding down the stairs and Risky Business sliding into the kitchen.
Billy was drinking a soda and reading a mystery novel at the island and Stu was raiding the pantry bc he was bored.
Sooo, it's summer. Neither of you decided to take classes this semester because of one reason or the other
And you bring up going to Hawaii! I mean, why not.
Stu is absolutely ecstatic and 1000% down. The one good thing about being dragged by his parents into business or socialite trips was how fun it is to travel.
Small town killer boy Loomis hasn't left Woodsboro much and has even been outside of California before. So he's down.
You can Billy offer to pay for yourselves, but Stu isn't having it bc that means he'd have to wait longer while you guys try and save up.
And he aint waiting lol.
So The Trip itself:
Airport portions, are hell. You find out that Billy is a total Karen when flying lmaoo.
"Pay extra for luggage? Are you fuckin' kidd- no Stu, don't hand them the money yet, Im gonna talk to them because this is ridiculous. We paid for this!"
Flight attendant telling Billy the box meal he wanted isn't available: "Then why did you hand me a menu that has it on the cover? No, whatever its fine, just get me the other one then."
Stu is surprisingly chill at airports. He's been to them a lot, so he knows their standards and procedures inside and out.
He usually rides business class with his parents. But you and Billy didnt want to spend a shit ton of money on the flight when it could be used on the trip itself. So Economy it is.
The plane ride is actually not that bad. You 3 p much just did your own things. Listening to music, sleeping, reading a book, playing your Gameboy etc.
When you arrive in Kona International is when the real fun begins.
Immediately, and Im talking as you get off, the airport staff greeting everyone was handing out leis. You guys put em on.
The hotel you go to is absolutely gorgeous. This is where you let yourself splurge. Stu payed the bulk of it, but you and Billy made sure to chip in a good chunk.
It's a resort, basically. Huge hotel, wit beautiful lobbies, marble flooring, different types of huge fountains and waterfalls, etc etc.
There's a shit ton of pools, gyms, tennis courts, golf areas etc. And you're RIGHT next to a gorgeous beach that you can look out from your room to see.
Speaking of your room, like the rest of the hotel, its absolutely gorgeous.
Google luxury hotel rooms in Hawaii and you get the picture.
Huge huge fluffy bed, and large glass shower with color changing lights, huge jacuzzi for a tub.
And yeah, the sex is going to be absolutely wild. You're going to have trouble getting them to leave the room lol.
So the first night, you guys just unpack and relax. It's super late at night when you arrive and you're tired from the flight. Youre planning on eating out at a ton of superb restaurants, but tonight you take the opportunity to check out how good the room service at the resort is.
You order some delicious Hawaiian fare, including desserts like pink Haupia cake and such.
After a quick nap after eating dinner, you guys would head down to the lobby and go to the Mai Tai bar for a few drinks. It's by a waterfall and it pretty empty, so you enjoy just hanging there, just drinking and talking for awhile
The you guys explore the hotel a little, scoping out the pool area and the tennis court and such before just heading back to the room.
You guys pass out then lol. Nothing raunchy happens bc jet lag and you're all just so tired.
During the vacation, you guys end up getting breakfast everyday at the hotel. Stu absolutely obsessed with the coconut syrup on waffles with pineapple preserves. Billy likes the spam musubi.
At Stu's insistence, the first thing you guys do is go to a beach with waves. Stu brought his surfboard and he is over the moon at a chance to surf in Hawaii.
You and Billy watch him catch some waves. You cheer him on, which hypes him up even more. Billy mostly just watches and smiles fondly, but he lets out a few whoops or two at some cool tricks or whip-outs.
You guys end up renting a jeep and just driving through the mountains and volcanoes on Highway 560. You put down the hood, and are in awe at the beauty of nature, and the way smaller towns are built up along the side of a mountain. The air is fresh and you guys put on some good music and laugh.
You end up at the top of a hill during sunset, and yes you all get emotional and make-out while listening to Oasis.
One of the days you end up just going around the malls of Hawaii. The food and farmers markets had you guys drooling.
Billy had his first taste of dragonfruit, and now he'll never go back.
You got stung by a jellyfish :(, Stu insisted on peeing on your leg bc he read somewhere that it helps. You and Billy don't believe him (bc its bullshit lol), but you're in so much pain you guys end up going to a beach's locker room and having stu pee on your leg in the shower while Billy kept watch lmaoo.
Spoiler alert, it didn't help.
You guys go to the Polynesian Cultural Center, where you learn a lot about the indigenous people of Hawaii and Polynesia in general.
They don't say it during the tour, but another visitor who's Polynesian herself mentions that she's upset at how they skim over how indigenous people were treated by "settlers" and you get a crash course in it from her.
You also find out the center is owned by a church and NOT natives, and get upset enough you guys decide to forego the $300 per person buffet and live show, bc you don't want to give them money.
Luckily for you, the girl, Kanoe, is from Tuvalu and she mentions that her parents own a restaurant that serves Polynesian cuisine. You decide to go eat there, to support indigenous businesses.
Of course Billy and Stu (especially Stu) wanted to go to the Nani Moon Meadery and Kona Brewing Co. in the evening for one of the nights. You decide whether to go with them or not, but if you end up staying behind, you get to take a relaxing evening to yourself doing or going to see whatever you want! It's nice, and you really got a moment to take everything in by yourself and they get a lil date with just them two!
This happens a few times, where one of you stays behind and the other two go in pairs.
You end up going with Billy alone to Mauna Kea to bike ride while Stu nursed a bad hangover. You both get to talk and laugh, and even have a race with each other (Billy won bc his legs are longer lol.) You two got curious about smoking week at such a high altitude, so you tried it and immediately regretted it once you both had a coughing fit. You laughed afterwards about it tho.
You and Stu go mountain tubing together when Billy needed a break from ppl bc his social battery ran out. It's so much fun! You guys got individual floaties and then later traded with another couple to have a connected floaty! There were stretches of river and then really fun dips you went down!
You guys go see some national parks where you get to see real molten rock and lava!
Of course wihtout question, you guys go see the Jurassic Tours where you get to see and walk around where it was filmed! You 3 binged the movies the night before the tour too to prepare!
It almost goes without saying, but you guys have sex in every surface of that hotel room. Shower, balcony, bed, floor, desk, etc. Everywhere.
And you guys ended up having a romantic and passionate romp in the jeep during that one sunset you guys watched.
You wanted to do more, like see the manta rays, check out Lahaina Town, go snorkeling, or go to tour the Kona Coffee Farm. But alas, your time was limited and there was just simply too much to do.
No worries though, you guys will undoubtedly come back in the future!
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shotorozu · 3 years
hello!! i hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself ❤️ please remember to take breaks and drink some water !!!!
i was wondering if i could request headcanons for izuku, denki, and kirishima comforting a reader (gender neutral if you don’t mind) after their birthday absolutely sucked? it’s my birthday and my mom went out of her way to ruin it, my best friend is barely talking to me which idk why, i got my period which makes me sick, and it’s finals so i’ve spent the day crying, sleeping, and studying. if not i completely get it!!!! don’t feel pressured ❤️
s/o’s ruined birthday
character(s) : midoriya izuku, kaminari denki, kirishima eijirou (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used; gender neutral, quirk not mentioned
headcanon type : comfort, (angst if you squint) fluff (x reader)
warning(s) : reader’s mom being mean, and waking up to cause unnecessary chaos just because she felt like it :( period mention in izuku’s but it’s not,, even descriptive. and it’s i one bullet don’t worry :))
note(s) : omg i relate to you so much anon, my past birthdays got ruined by mom just because she woke up on the wrong side of the bed 💀 and this year i got my period the day before my birthday— so i was cramping the entire time 😐 in short, i relate to you ‼️and i’m sorry your birthday got ruined :( i hope this helps
im also sorry for the delay :,) also no proofread 🧍‍♀️
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midoriya izuku
help omg he’s in a state of panic
HE DOESN’T KNOW HOW THIS HAPPENED— like,, the person that cares about your birthday the most (besides you) is him‼️
izuku must’ve planned things out precisely, even going to the point that he’d buy your birthday present 2 months ahead
because he’s just so worried about messing things up. he’d never live it down if he failed this one day
he walks excitingly to your room, ready to pick you up for the day— since he wanted to take you out on a birthday lunch, to celebrate the day
well, it was mostly for a birthday lunch, but also because he wanted you to feel better
you’ve told him that the day had started out on a wrong foot— since you woke up to your best friend ignoring you for a reason you couldn’t figure out.
you reassured him that you’d find out later, but regardless, you wanted to cheer up— and not waste this day on sadness, and have a nice lunch with izuku.
“today is going to be wonderful, i claim it!” izuku exclaims excitingly, gently squeezing your hand— and you can’t help but be uplifted by his words
you felt a weird feeling in your stomach, and it was all familiar too, the cramping in your abdomen—
oh, it was that. and izuku was able to recognize what it was. way to start of this birthday experience, right?
the both of you guys end up dashing to the nearest washroom, taking care of it immediately— there’s a concerned look on his face
“are you okay? are you in any pain?” he’d ask, running the back of his hand along your cheek in an attempt to comfort you
“i’m fine, izuku, it’s all good. now, let’s go!” you’d beam in excitement, which started a chain reaction— and lightened up izuku’s mood.
the discussion was put to rest on that, and the two of you went on like normal— as the both of you headed to the designated restaurant
there would only be more misfortunate events to happen, as it appeared to be that the moment you and izuku stepped in the restaurant
the waitress that was serving you both had an interest in your boyfriend, even though you were RIGHT there to see all of it
and oh wow, it was so subtle— you wouldn’t have guessed from the airy laughs, her lingering gazes, and the way her hand would touch his shoulder
and also the way she’d get your order wrong, or she’d spill your drink on you as an ‘accident’
oh and your boyfriend definitely knew about what she felt, and he was not pleased
she even went as far as to ask him if the date was boring, and if the complementary cake would make up for it— her efforts on being subtle making quite the jump.
which made you super frustrated and just overall,, not good, on your own birthday— and even izuku could see that, despite you not saying a word
so, izuku quickly paid for the food, and the both of you guys bailed the restaurant swiftly
it was still pretty early in the day, but all you wanted to do was sleep, and forget that today was even supposed to be a special day.
he left you alone in your room for you to change into comfier clothes— to your requests, and when he came back, you were in a state of distraught
and he’s super bothered, brows furrowed and everything. why must you be sad on your own birthday? how did this all go wrong? and how can he fix this?
“please don’t cry, Y/N, i’m so, so sorry.” he apologizes, his hands rubbing your back as tears dripped into your pillow
“i don’t,, know how this happened! if i knew the staff there were like,, that, i would’ve not picked that place. today was supposed to be an amazing day for you but..”
“don’t apologize izuku,” you reassured, rubbing the incoming tears away, “none of this was your fault, i love your efforts! this,, just sucks.”
“i know sweetie, i’m sorry for that,” he rubs your stomach when your face scrunches up in pain, “you know what? i’ll be right back!”
he quickly leaves for a bit, only to come back with a selection of desserts, your gift and his laptop “we can watch disney movies! or well,, anything you want. i know that disney movies make you feel better!”
you stare at the selection of desserts, and you finally smile, “yeah, yeah. that doesn’t sound bad.”
he sighs in relief, and presents you your birthday gift “open this while i set things up!”
you stare eyes wide at the bundle of desserts, “thank you, izuku!”
“anything for you, lovely.” he presses his lips onto the temples of your cheeks— happy to see you smiling
oh and he definitely filed a complaint to that restaurant when you weren’t looking, the girl got fired :))
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kaminari denki
also in a state of panic
his plan for the day wasn’t very descriptive, and he decided that he was just going to go off what he wanted to do
rather than what izuku did— which was planning in advance.
‘i’m just gonna go off what i want, no plans made!’ is what he told himself in his head, as he went straight for your room
he’s puzzled when he enters your room, and sees a not-so-happy Y/N, face contorted in dismay
“is,, something on your mind? it’s Y/N day! why do you look so,,”
“sad?” you finish his sentence, “ah, no!” you shake your head— dismissing your expression just now “it’s just that,, my best friend is ignoring me. i don’t know why though, and she won’t tell me.”
and he’s like 😃❓what kind of friend ignores someone on their birthday? he’s gonna find out later, for sure!
“don’t worry, babe! we can always find out later, right? today should be filled with happiness, right?” he jabs your abdomen, tickling you— effectively earning a giggle
“right,” you smile, because denki always knows how to make you feel better. “let’s go!” you exclaim, holding his hand as you leave your room.
yes i’m reusing the best friend ignoring you think im sorry i can’t think
so kaminari’s walking you to the place he figured would be a great place to celebrate your birthday at— for once, he doesn’t look that lost
“are you sure you know where you’re going?” you’d tease, which would cause him to intensively reassure you that he does
“of course i do!” he says proudly, “i’m just gonna do my thing, y’know? i’m in charge of the destinations”
and before you know it, the both of you guys run into someone you weren’t expecting.
your bestie 🤩 oh the luck you genuinely have.
they scowl just looking at you, and denki didn’t like it— like,, the nerve? ignoring you and then giving you the skank eye?
but still, denki tried to keep a conversation, “didn’t expect to see you here! how are you?” he stammers, trying his best to make the tense atmosphere disappate
“i’m doing good, denki!” they exclaim excitingly, almost as if you weren’t there “where’re you heading off to?”
denki tilts his head in surprise, “y’know,, just heading off to celebrate lovely Y/N’s birthday, of course!” you give denki a small, tight lipped smile
but your best friend doesn’t seem to budge, “who?” they reply, as if they don’t see you
it’s disheartening, honestly. disagreement are inevitable but,, you didn’t understand nor did he
denki’s even more confused, but decides to cut the conversation of it’s length, thinking that the misfortunes could just end at that
they didn’t stop there
you’ve also managed to run into your mother outside of the restaurant, when you were taking a quick phone call
she, normally— would’ve been very pleased to see you, let alone on this special day
but it appeared to be that she wasn’t happy at all, and in fact— showed that very well when she saw who you were with
her eyes narrowing, “this is who you decided to spend your birthday with?” she asks, a smile is plastered on her lips, but it lacks authenticity when she glances back into the restaurant
you nod, feeling a little too intimidated to even speak with the mood she’s in— she glances at your boyfriend, who’s oblivious to your encounter with your mother
“keep your mouth in check, child. make sure you don’t do anything to embarrass yourself even more.” and with that, she leaves— her words lingering in your mind
you enter the restaurant again, feeling 10x shittier than you were when you left to take that quick phone call
you’re aware that your mother would support any relationship you were in, but you could tell that she didn’t like denki— but accepted him because ‘whatever makes you happy’
it was a downer, you didn’t need this today— and your sudden mood change was bound to get noticed by your boyfriend
“what happened?” he asks with concern, “did bakugou rain on your parade?” he asks, and you would’ve laughed but,, you honestly couldn’t find yourself to
“oh, it’s just..” you struggle to find yourself finishing your sentence, when the employees of the restaurant start singing you a happy birthday
you’d hate to say it but,, your mood was like that for the entire date, even when you brushed it off like nothing— and acted as if nothing went wrong
and when you flop onto your bed, eyes welling up in tears— he panics
“oh no, no, no!” he panics, dropping down to comfort you “baby what’s wrong? did you not enjoy today?”
“denki, i enjoyed today, of course.” you state, hands wandering up to pet his blond hair
“but then, why,, are you crying right now? i don’t want you to feel sad today! i know i’m not someone that looks serious, but i’ll definitely make things work!” he states with determination, and denki finds relief when he hears you laugh
“i saw my mom today”
“oh,” his brows furrowed, “i’m sorry, sweets. did she say anything rude?”
“oh uhm, im not sure if she meant it but it did hurt my feelings,” you simply state, not wanting to give the specifics, “plus with the best friend thing,,”
he’s silent for a bit, before he speaks “you know what? it’s okay. it’ll be okay. your best friend- not sure why she’s like that, but she’ll come around. and with your mom? don’t worry, and don’t let it worry you! it’s your special day, and you will feel special.”
denki backs away, and before you knew it, sparks radiate from all around his body— making sure he doesn’t touch you at all
“yaaaay!” he’s drowsy, and he dumbly raises his thumb high— which makes you burst out into giggles and pure laughter
“denkii, you cannot keep doing this!” you exclaim, but you still laugh when he replies with the same comedic ‘yaaay!’
you finally calm down, and you lean to press a kiss onto his lips, “thank you, denki. i,, really appreciate your efforts.”
he might feel stupid at the moment, but he’s glad that you’re happy again.
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kirishima eijirou
looks like his usual self, but he’s internally panicking— he just figured that he needed to get himself together, for you
he had an idea on what he was going to do for you on your birthday, he even prepared a gift for you— 3 weeks in advanced (with the help of bakugou, his secret wingman)
it wasn’t an impromptu celebration like kaminari, but it also wasn’t super planned out like midoriya
eager, he approaches your room to give you a simple happy birthday— followed by a small shower of kisses
there was only one class for that day, so the rest of the day would’ve been lenient, right? wrong
on the contrary, his plans are disrupted when he sees you scrambled on the floor, notebooks splayed across you, as you memorized various things all at once
“h-hey, happy birthday!” he greets with his usual smile, and it falters slightly when you don’t showcase that delightful smile
“hey eijirou,” you say, eyes glued onto a section of your notebook “apparently, two extra topics were added into the math and physics finals test! and i had no clue!”
eijirou probably should be worried like you, since the written finals exams does somewhat impact his grade— and on top of that, the finals are in 3 days
and he knows that he should let you prepare BUT! it is your birthday,, why should he not celebrate your birthday?
“i feel like you shouldn’t be too worried about it babe, it’s your birthday after all!” he reassures, but he continues before you get to question him “you’re a hard working person, and even if you don’t absorb those extra topics— you could always run to bakugou, or yaoyorozu for a quick run down!”
he’s not wrong
you give a tired smile, a genuine one— which makes him silently cheer out of success “thank you, eijirou. i guess you’re right. it is my birthday, and i should be celebrating.”
and with that, eijirou takes you out for a simple celebration! he’d take you out for some food at a good restaurant, and then he’d take you out on a nice walk— as the both of you ate your dessert
he thinks that the celebration is going smoothly, despite the fact that you seemed fatigued, restless even— just from studying four extra topics back and fourth
otherwise— you seemed happy, eagerly blowing out the candles on the birthday cake the restaurant presented to you, and even grasping his arm closer as you ate your dessert
but it all crumbled down when you got one simple call that afternoon
looking at the caller’s id, it was your mother— who, otherwise would’ve been happy or at least calm on the other side of that phone, but you were greeted with hostility
“what are you doing?” she chides with a brash tone, and you try not to shiver, and when you answered that you were out celebrating with eijirou, she wasn’t pleased
“what?! just because it’s your damn birthday, doesn’t mean you get to relax around, kay? exams are this week! and you’re aware of what’s going to happen if you don’t pass, right?” though she’s not physically there, you can feel her sudden criticism
“..yes, mom.” you decide to take it all in, not wanting to anger her
“good.” and with that, she hangs up without a proper goodbye, the only time she acknowledged the current date was when she was scolding you
you brush it off, when you’re asked if you’re okay— the blatant yelling from your phone being difficult to ignore.
while the two of you start heading back to the dorms, you’re informed of quite the terrible news
“class 1-a, i must apologize since this is abrupt, but your math and physics finals are set to a day in advance, due to an urgent faculty meeting. but we can all assume that all of you have studied the material, right? take care, and don’t be out past curfew.”
this pushes your stress levels over the roof, and you ended up running back to the dorms— just to study the unfamiliar material
being your concerned boyfriend, the red head goes to check on you— only to be saddened to see you in such a distraught state on your bed, tears running down your face as you examined the material through watery eyes
“hey, sweetheart, it’s okay.. it’ll be okay,, i’m sorry that you feel this way, especially since i promised you a good day today!” despite displaying a gentle smile, you could sense that he was feeling terrible too
“don’t apologize,” you wipe your eyes, which only continue to generate more tears “i know you’ve tried, really! and i’m sorry that i had to bring you along. you definitely didn’t need to see all of that.”
he sits next to you on your bed, pulling the covers over your legs “i know it’s just,, i wish i could’ve done something more, y’know? i would’ve helped you study but you know that i’m well,, me!”
you giggle at his insinuation, and he moves closer to you, head leaning on your shoulder “man, i wish i knew what was going through the teachers’ heads. i could’ve— oh wait!”
he springs up, as if he suddenly remembered something important, and he sprints to his room
when eijirou comes back, he’s holding a tiny box, that has a bow— placed neatly on the center of the lid
“open it, babe!” he smiles, “i can’t believe i almost forgot! oh— just open your present!”
and when you open it, you’re ecstatic— unsure how to describe the sudden surge of happiness. “eijirou, you bought me a,, promise ring?”
he kisses your cheek briefly, unable to hide the blush adorning his cheeks “yeah,, you don’t have to accept if you’re not into jewelry! i could just switch it out for something—”
“no no, stop kiri!” you stop him in his tracks “i love it, so much. thank you for everything. especially for cheering the stressed and gloomy person i was today.”
he smiles, “it’s no issue, really. if my Y/N’s happy then i’ll be just as happy.”
and with that, you spent the rest of the day in eijirou’s affectionate arms— and you passed the exams with flying colors because kiri managed to get bakugou to give you a quick run through the day before
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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onlydreamofmysoul · 4 years
A fun cubs come out fic!
Characters and their world by @lumosinlove
@im-oknutzy-trash - here you go!
(Just one last note - there is one scene with a little spicy quip but it doesn’t get in any way explicit :))
“I’m home!” Finn called as he came through the door to their apartment, duffle bag falling off his shoulder and crashing into the door.
“Wow.” Logan commented, coming over to help him. “Home for less than a minute and you’re already trying to wreck the place.”
“Oh hush.” Finn said, dropping his bags and pulling Logan in by the waist. “Hello to you too.”
Logan grinned and went soft, leaning into Finn’s kiss. “How was Alex?”
They moved away from the door to the couch, Logan setting Finn’s bag aside to be dealt with later. 
“Good, Kase and Nat are going out to see him in a few days so he was all excited.” 
Logan laughed, kicking off his shoes to curl his feet under him. “Now that I get.”
Finn smiled and glanced around. “Where’s Leo?”
“He just had to pop out to the shop. We’re out of milk. He should be back soon though.”
Finn nodded, looking down at his hands, fiddling with his fingernails. “Hey Lo?”
“I was thinking about… well what if… So like, you know Cap and Loops, right?”
Logan raised an eyebrow. “Our teammates? Yeah I think I’m vaguely familiar with them.”
Finn huffed, rolling his eyes. “Wow sassy. You know that’s not what I meant.”
Logan tilted his head to the side in acquiescence, letting Finn continue. 
“I want to be like them.” Finn said quickly. “Can we be like them?”
He watched Logan frown for a moment, trying to figure out the difference between Remus and Cap and them. “Wait,” He murmured, eyes meeting Finn’s. “Do you mean?”
Finn nodded. “Yeah. I think maybe we’re ready?”
Logan opened his mouth to respond, but was interrupted by Leo coming in. 
“Hey Lo!” He said, without even looking around yet. “I got milk and that bread you like. Did Finn message you yet, he definitely should have landed by now.”
Leo reached the counter, putting the milk in the fridge before turning around and finally noticing the two boys in the room.
“I think his flight landed.” Logan said dryly, watching Leo take in Finn’s presence. 
“Hi baby.” Finn said, with a smile, truly grinning when Leo left the shopping bag half-empty and came over to kiss him hello instead. 
“Hi.” Leo said, slipping into the gap between his two boys. “I missed you.” 
Finn heard himself make a pleased noise as he leaned in to kiss Leo again. “Missed you too.”
“So,” Leo said as he pulled away, pulling Logan’s feet onto his lap. “What’re we talking about?”
Finn met Logan’s green eyes, pausing for a moment. “Um, I uh…”
Logan kicked his foot forward to nudge it against Finn’s thigh. “I got it Harzy.” He then turned to Leo. “We were thinking, maybe it’s time for us to come out? It’d be nice I think, not having to hide.”
Finn watched Leo carefully as the younger boy blinked in surprise before a small smile took over his face. 
“Yeah,” He breathed, looking between Logan and Finn. “Yeah that would be nice.” He bit his lip, looking smug and mischievous and Finn thought he might be falling in love all over again. “But I think we should have some fun first.”
Logan stumbled off the bus wearily - that four hour bus ride had just seemed to go on forever. Reporters stood outside the door to the hotel, despite the cold and the late hour but Logan leaned into Leo’s side anyways, Leo’s arm around his shoulder, Logan’s hand beneath his jacket. Photographers went wild, cameras shuttering quickly and Logan hid his smile in Leo’s jacket. This was going to be a whole lot of fun. 
Leo looked up as Marlene entered the locker room, glancing around to see who might be ready and available for an interview. Leo caught her eye and waved her over. 
“Hey Leo, how about a quick video for social media? I won’t keep you longer than five minutes.”
Leo smiled, he didn’t mind, this was all a part of their plan, the team and the rest of the staff had been made somewhat aware. Plus, he liked Marlene so he never had a problem with the interviews. “Sure.”
“Okay great!” She gave him a thumbs up as she started recording. “So, just last night, pictures of you and Logan Tremblay were released as you got off the bus - have you anything to say about them?”
Leo nodded, grinning. “Don’t forget James photobombing in the background. I think he was going for a ‘bunny ears’ effect but it ended up looking like he was doing it to Kasey instead. I think I need to get a copy framed.”
Marlene laughed, moving on. “So you and Logan are close then?”
Leo looked around the room comically. “What? You mean right now? Cause He’s in the PT room so a lot of the guys are closer.”
Marlene bit her lip, her eyes sparkling. “How do you feel about this game then?”
Leo sat back, finally going to answer a question honestly. “I’m feeling good. We’ve had a great start this season and I’m pretty confident.”
Marlene gave him another thumbs up and headed off to go chat to some of the other guys. A few stalls over, Finn met Leo’s eyes and blew him a kiss. 
“The media seems to have calmed down a bit.” Logan commented as they all sat at home watching a movie. “Think it’s time for our next one?”
“Ooh, yes!” Finn enthused. “I call being in this one.”
Logan laughed and pulled out of the way so he could take a picture of Finn kissing Leo’s cheek, Leo’s face all scrunched up in a smile. 
“There you go, post it.”
Finn grinned, going to Instagram and putting up the picture with the caption ‘Days like this’ before tagging Leo for good measure. 
“That should entertain them for a couple of days.” He said, satisfied as he tossed his phone to another chair and leaned back into Logan’s warmth, kissing the spot just below his ear. 
“You and me next baby,”
Leo Knut and Finn O’Hara?
More than one couple in the Lion’s Den?
Knut cheating on Tremblay?
Logan laughed as he scrolled through the headlines and posts from fan accounts, taking screenshots of some of the art of them that had already begun to bubble up. Thomas was on the other side of him, watching a video of a fan analysing the teams interactions, trying to figure out who was actually in a relationship, laughing every few minutes. 
“Knutty,” Logan called, summoning Leo. “Look at this one.”
Leo took his phone and read the caption out loud. “Knut’s betrayal making Tremblay tremble?” He looked up and met Logan’s eyes, his face blank. “I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.”
“I do!” Finn interrupted, coming up behind Logan and wrapping his arms around his boyfriend’s waist. “Okay Lo, you hold up the article, now someone take our picture please!”
Logan ginned and relaxed into Finn as James snapped them together before posting it to his own account. ‘Doesn’t seem to be trembling to me.”
“I’m gonna go get some coffee, do you guys wanna come?” Leo said, the three of them still lying in bed. Finn shook his head, still mostly asleep, but Logan perked up.
“From the café down the street?”
Leo nodded, laughing when Logan was up like a shot, pulling on his clothes. 
“We’ll bring you back some, okay sweetheart?” Leo said as he leaned over the bed once more to kiss Finn goodbye. Finn just nodded and burrowed deeper into the duvet. 
“Love you.” He mumbled and the two boys left him to his dreams, slipping out of the room quietly. 
They walked down the street, hand in hand, going mostly unnoticed by the public. It was still early and a Sunday, so there weren’t too many people up and about, but even those that were paid them very little attention. It was easy to forget, in moments like this, that they had entire fan pages dedicated to them and many days they weren’t even recognised on the street. 
They got their coffee and drank it there, holding hands over the table outside the front door, watching the people passing by and chatting idly. Leo thought he spotted someone taking a not-so-discreet picture of them, but they didn’t care. Logan went inside to grab Finn’s cup to go and Leo lounged in the sunshine for a moment, breathing in the cool, sharp air. 
He opened his eyes to find Logan standing over him, looking down amusedly. “D’accord, mon choupinet?"
Leo smiled and stood up, stretching lazily. “Oui.”
They came back home to Finn still in bed, and joined him under the covers while he sipped his coffee.
“Oh, look we’re back in the headlines.” Leo commented as he angled his phone for them both to see. A photo of Leo and Logan from just a half hour ago stared back at them, Logan laughing at something Leo had said. 
“That’s such a cute picture,” Finn noted, putting on his glasses to take a closer look. “You should save that.”
Knut and Tremblay reunited? No news yet on how O’Hara is taking this latest blow.
“O’Hara would be doing fantastic if he had another kind of blow.” Finn grumbled, then blushed when he realised he had spoken out loud. “I mean-”
“Oh, we know what you meant.” Logan said, taking the nearly empty coffee cup from Finn and setting it on the nightstand as Leo eased Finn back, slipping under the covers as Logan captured his lips. “And that can be arranged.”
“So when do you guys think you’ll let them know what’s actually happening?” Remus asked Leo as he helped the blond boy with his stretching. 
Leo bit his lip as he thought. “I don't know? Soon maybe though, because this is fun and all but I’m tired of being analysed all the time now. At least if we tell them the truth, they’ll be chasing after us for a couple of weeks but then it’ll all settle down and be nice and quiet again, you know?”
Remus nodded, smirking when Leo took a sharp intake of breath as he pushed his legs a little further apart. “Yeah for sure. It’ll be pure chaos for a bit, but then they’ll quickly move onto the next big thing, I promise.”
Leo nodded, a little lost in thought. “Yeah, I’m ready to have a bit of privacy again. I think I’ll say it to the boys tonight.”
Remus nodded and pushed Leo a little further, laughing when Leo cursed under his breath.
“Fuck, if I’m alive after all this that is.”
“Alright, we’re doing this so?” Logan confirmed, making sure everyone was in agreement. 
“Yup.” Leo said, popping the ‘p’.
“It’s time.” Finn confirmed as they all pulled up the same picture they had chosen to post - a photo of the three of them taken at a party at Dumo’s. Logan sitting in Leo’s lap, head tilted up as he kissed Finn who was handing them their drinks. 
“Captions ready?” Finn asked and the other two nodded.  “Okay. Three,”
“Two,” Leo said.
“One.” Logan breathed and they all clicked ‘post’ at the same time. 
The next day, all the headlines were their Instagram captions-
Leo and Logan.
Finn and Leo.
Logan and Finn.
(Three’s not a crowd).
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santigarcia · 4 years
First Time for Everything
a santiago ‘pope’ garcia x reader fic 
word count: 2k+
rating: m for smut feat my watch kink; mentions of pregnancy 
summary: It’s Santi’s birthday and you give him a present~
a/n: i wrote this a couple weeks ago and now im finally posting it!! as many of you know my main blog (damerondjarin) is still incorrectly flagged smh so i made this side blog for posting fics and gifs! and feedback is always appreciated! 
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tagging: @punkpascal​, @tintinwrites​, @damndamer0n​, @mandoplease​, @darksideofclarke​, @yougottakeeponkeepinon​, @huliabitch​, @himbopoes​, @mylifeliterally​, @agentpike​, @pascalplease​, @wakalas​
First Time for Everything 
A classic rock song plays overhead. There’s a dull roar of voices overlapping in the sports bar. It’s dimly lit, with deep red walls and a black ceiling. TV’s playing different ball games are over the bar. It’s Santi’s birthday, and this place has his favorite wings.
He was ready to get a to-go order and spend the night with you, but the guys wanted to come hang out and buy him dinner.
So that’s how you ended up sitting in the middle of the restaurant at a tall table. Tall enough that your legs dangle from the bar stool. It’s not your first preference. If you’d could pick, it’d just be you and Santi alone in a booth in a corner. Or better yet just you and Santi home alone and naked.
It’s not that you mind the guys company. You enjoy being around them. They treat you like one of their own. You’re an extension of Santi and they respect you. You make him happy, and he makes you happy; and that makes them happy.
Santi’s hand rests on your thigh as a comfort. He knows being out in the middle isn’t your favorite. He only removes his hand to eat his meal. But he’s right there and that’s enough to bring your comfort.
There’s no keeping it a secret it’s Santi’s birthday, Benny told the waiter something like 8 times. A free dessert will be brought out once the meal is over. All Santi does is laugh, and hey he’s not complaining.
Your husband is a happy man tonight, you pat his tight stomach when he leans back in his chair, full and content. He grunts a little, as it tickles him. He’s about to lean in to kiss you when you swipe a bit of sauce from the corner of his lips.
“What did you get Pope for his birthday?” Benny asks with an obvious tease in his tone.
“I haven’t given it to him yet,” you play along, your face heating anyway when Benny smacks Santi on the back. “There’s something else that he doesn’t know about yet,” you add in.
Santi raises an eyebrow, his hand back on your thigh. His palm warm on your bare skin, and his pinkie finger just under the hem of your shorts. Will and Frankie share a surprised look from your comment.
“Guys calm down I’m not pregnant,” you laugh.
Santi leans in for a kiss, and presses another to your cheek.
“Do you wanna be?” he murmurs in your ear. You don’t have time to answer because the dessert is brought out and a group of singing wait staff crowd around the table. Benny sings loudly along with them, and Frankie can only shake his head with a laugh. Will takes a swig of his beer but joins in the singing. You sing too and plant a big kiss on your husband’s cheek as the dessert is set in front of him.
He gets a big spoonful and holds it up to your lips. His eyes have a secret hidden heat in them as he pulls the spoon from your lips. Then like nothing happened, he tucks into the dessert himself.
He gives you a couple more bites before he finishes it, and this time he wipes some chocolate sauce from the corner of your mouth. Only instead of his finger, he kisses it off.
His hand finds its spot again on your thigh while the conversation turns into goodbyes as the night winds down. The bill has been paid and everyone’s letting their food settle a bit before getting up to leave.
Will and Benny leave together. You stay seated while Will kisses your cheek, and Benny wraps you up in a huge hug. Benny gives you a wink, you know what it’s for. Santi’s gonna get lucky tonight.
They hug Santi and you take that opportunity to turn to Frankie to say your goodbye to him. He adjusts his hat on his head and pops one of his remaining fries in his mouth. He gets up and squeezes your shoulder and smacks Santi on the back telling him happy birthday. Leaving you and Santi sitting at the table.
He flips his hand on your thigh over, his wrist coming to rest on your skin. His palm is open to you, he’s offering you his hand, but all you can focus on is his watch face digging into your skin.
All it takes is one look from you and he’s on to you. He doesn’t say anything, just quietly observes. He presses his watch into your skin just a little deeper and your heart jumps.
He knows.
You’re quick to take his hand and hop off the barstool. The heat of his gaze is too much, and the night has only begun.
His hand is in yours and he follows close behind, he slides up close to you and pulls his hand from yours – putting it on your hip.
“Something you wanna tell me?”
“No,” you smile, which he returns.
“I’ll get it out of you one way or another,” he teases. His ‘threat’ goes right to your core. You know what that entails. He’s right, he has a way of getting you to ‘talk.’
His hand is still on your hip as you walk in the parking lot, Frankie drives by in his truck and honks his horn when he sees the two of you. Santi gives a little two fingered salute at his friend.
Once in Santi’s truck, you lean in and give him another cheek kiss while he starts the engine. He turns to kiss your lips and he hums.
“How’s your birthday so far hmm?”
“It’s been great, honey. But I have a feeling it’s going to get better.”
“Don’t speed on the way home,” you laugh.
He gives you a little wink. You grab his hand and pull it in your lap. Your fingers interlock with his, and with your other hand you rub up and down his forearm.
The drive home is familiar, nothing new to notice. It all fades in the background. All you can focus on is what you’re going to give your sweet husband when you get home.
“So, do you?” his voice pulls you from your thoughts about him.
“Do I what my love?”
“Do you want a baby?” he seems nervous. His fingers flex slightly against yours. “We’ve not really talked about it in a while. Is that something you still want?”
You bring his hand up to your lips and kiss the back of his hand. You don’t answer verbally, just a nod of your head ‘yes.’ His foot presses a little harder on the gas and you giggle behind his hand.
When he reaches your driveway, he pulls his hand from yours. With his knuckle his presses the garage door opener. He pulls his truck in the garage next to your car. He pulls the keys from the ignition and sits for a moment. Still.
“What?” you freeze, your first thought is that something is wrong.
“Honey,” he purrs and lunges forward to kiss at your neck. “I wanna fuckin’ take you in the backseat right now.”
“I have to give you your present!” you squeal while he starts to bite on your neck. His stubbled chin scrapes your collarbone.
“I thought you were my present?” he murmurs and kisses behind your ear. His hands cradle your head, there’s no pulling away.
“That’s not all of it!”
“Fine,” he pretends to pout and opens his door. He unlocks the side door and closes the garage and squeezes your ass when you pass by him into the house.
“Go sit down and get undressed,” you point to the couch when he turns on the living room lights. “I’ll come out with your surprise. Don’t move.”
“Yes ma’am,” he grins and steals another kiss before doing what you ask.
Your stomach flips with excitement, it’s been a while since you’ve put on lingerie for him. You disappear into your bedroom and get the bag out of your closet. Inside along with the garments is his other gift.
You undress and the redress in the lingerie. It’s sheer, thin, and lacey. It flatters your curves and you know he’ll like it. He likes you no matter what you’re wearing.
“Close your eyes!” you call out to him from the doorway. Your hands clutch to his other gift with a sudden bit of nerves. You hope it likes it. “No peeking!”
You can’t help but smile when you step out into the living room, then a rush of heat goes to your core. He’s sitting naked on the couch as requested, feet planted firmly on the floor. He’s sitting up straight, and one hand is covering his eyes. His lips twitch into a smile when he hears you come in. And his nostrils flare when he gets a whiff of his favorite perfume. He’s hard and ready for you already, you love the effect you have on him.
“Can I look honey? You sure know how to kill a man here.”
“Yes,” you tell him. He lowers his hand and his eyes widen. His mouth drops open and his tongue sweeps over his bottom lip.
“Fuck, honey. Get over here,” he laughs. He’s dying to hold you.
“First,” you hand him the small box in your hands. He takes it in his big hands popping it open to reveal a brand-new shiny silver watch. He has a few watches, but not one like this.
“Wow,” he looks up at you, “thank you!” he takes off his tactical black one and slips on the sliver one. “How does it look?” he asks sticking out his arm examining it. His eyes flick up to yours, he knows.
Without warning, he slips his hand between your legs – grabbing your ass with his hand. The band of his watch on his wrist presses into your center. The cool metal sends a chill to your hot flesh through the thin lace fabric. When your knees buckle at the friction, he steadies you with his other hand on your hip.
“Damn honey, look at you.” He presses his wrist into you harder. “Can I unwrap my present now?”
You nod with a smile; you’ve been waiting for this all night.
With a sharp tug, he pulls your panties down, then brings you to straddle his lap. Only when you’re seated does he pull off the sheer bra. A hand clutches your back as his face buries between your breasts to kiss at your chest. His stubble brushes along the sides of your chest and he groans to feel your body on his. His abs tighten with need, and his length is hard and hot in-between your bodies.
“Fuck,” he whimpers when he closes his lips around your nipple. His other hand cups your breast and you moan. He makes a point to dig his wrist into your skin so you can feel the watch. “I didn’t know my watch got you this hot, honey. It’s killing me.”
His eagerness has him pulling you onto his aching length, and you groan in unison. His right hand reaches between you to thumb at your clit. His left hand starts at your hip, his watchband digging into your skin. He moves up your body, the band brushing against you – giving you delicious chills and shudders, which spurs him on to groan. His hand finds a place on your neck. He doesn’t squeeze, but he wraps his fingers around your neck.
You know what he’s doing, and fuck if you don’t love it. His wedding ring and watch – you feel them both against your skin. It’s then he bucks up into your heat. Your hands in need of holding something, your fingers dig into his curls, and you other grasps the back of his neck. You pull his face back to your breasts and he sucks on your nipple again while he thrusts.
His fingers on your clit move faster to pull that sweet high from you. And when you tug on his curls just a little harder, he follows behind you.
“Happy birthday Santi,” you laugh, trying to catch your breath.
“Thank you honey,” he purrs into your neck. “Be honest with me though, was this watch for me or for you?”
He lets out a loud laugh and holds your body closer to him. He leans back into the couch cushions with a sigh. “Don’t get up yet,” he runs his hands up and down your back. “You feel too good.”
He’s softening inside you, but he doesn’t pull out. You nuzzle into his chest, feeling warm and giddy from your high.
“You think we made a baby?” you ask him, and he grunts a little, the idea turns him on.
“That’d be one hell of a birthday present, in addition to what I already got.”
Your chests are pressed together as your breathing slows. You can feel his heartbeat, and he can feel yours. His arms are comfortably wrapped around you, and you don’t move from that spot on his lap for a good while.
“I love you Santi,” you nuzzle your face into his neck. He squeezes you tighter.
“I love you too honey. What a good birthday. Seems like you enjoyed it too.”
“Santi!” you scold him, and all he does is laugh. His chest rumbles under yours.
You hope you do get pregnant; you’d love to have a baby with this wonderful man you get to call your husband.
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