#i kept thinking it was 8
caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
Oops I've been calculating wrong, it's actually only been 6 years since I developed my ed lol
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sen-ya · 15 days
Sennnnnnn I don’t know if you’ve already addressed this before, but can we get a height check between the idiot captains??
Also also- I think it’s super funny that you literally made so much content you had to go and get a different website just to document it all out, that’s insane! Keep up the amazing content! Indulge your silliness!!
Two idiots over time!!
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Also also, tysm that warmed my silly heart 😭❤️
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technovillain · 10 months
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alt design takes for the aquatos!!
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thelassoway · 8 months
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Jason Sudeikis as Ted Lasso Seasons 1-3 » T-shirts
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mellohd · 3 months
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sam winchester is a millennial guys.
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more milli-chester coming soon 🔥🔥😈 anyways i had to pose for the coffee and other drawings i havent made yet so be GRATEFUL it was a traumatic and scarring experience that i will carry with me for as long as those tainted images remain in my camera roll…
this is the stupidest thing ive ever made(and ive made some really stupid stuff, like stupendously stupid and thats double stupid so you know its stupid), click below for image without the mug and bonus goodies
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marblerose-rue · 1 month
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messy thing of my lioden king
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caitlynmeow · 7 months
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I’m absolutely losing it over the fact the Alcina sent Bela ALONE to go after Ethan. She knows that her eldest daughter is capable that’s why she let her handle him alone.
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Meanwhile she teamed up with her wild daughter to probably a) enjoy a good hunt with her and b)keep an eye on her because it’s Cassandra and she needs to make sure that her middle daughter doesn’t get too wild while chasing after Ethan.
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As for Daniela— Alcina was just like nope this one is definitely sitting this hunt out and actually locked her someplace safe. Like she put her youngest in the library so she can lose herself in her books while staying away from danger.
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maulfucker · 2 months
ok so my idea for a bad batch redesign is. What if the bad batch was actually an experiment on transgenic clone modifications. like. really putting the "experimental" in experimental clone force.
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Hunter - Kaleesh genes make his senses sharper, and gives him infrared sensing (and by extension night vision) and stronger hunting instincts - His ears are pointy and taller than normal, but he hides that with his bandana - Has pit organs under his eyes (that's how he senses infrared and electric currents) - His eyes reflect light and have slit pupils - His pinkies work as secondary thumbs
Tech - Kind of a test to see how much of givins' natural affinity for mathematics is genetic and how much is socialized - He's better with maths and has quicker thinking than regular humans - Givin genes make him smaller, pale and bony, so he looks kinda sickly and starved but he's totally normal - The glasses help hide how deep his eyes are - The "balding" look from his original design is now because of his bone structure
Wrecker - Gamorrean genes give him enhanced strength - It also gives him a very strong sense of loyalty, and makes him tend to be stubborn - He's actually a little bit shorter than an average clone, but he's so wide that people think he's taller than he really is - His left canine broke in the same incident where he lost his left eye
Crosshair - Chiss genes give him infrared vision and better reflexes (and red scleras) - Umbaran genes give him ultraviolet vision - He really is just an experiment on expanding the human vision range - He sees infrared better than ultraviolet, and has better night vision than Hunter - His hair is a cool black instead of the usual warm black - He's a bit paler as well but that's because he doesn't like bright places
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aurorangen · 8 months
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Football but you keep hitting each other
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avadaniels · 18 days
the writing on hacks season 3 (and the whole show) is so good okay and here's why.
the main theme of the show is older and younger generations learning from each other, which is demonstrated mainly through ava and deborah. it started off with ava learning to respect deb's work and her career and understand all the obstacles she faced. this leads to deborah learning from ava: she learns that her story matters, and that by sharing it, she can connect with people and elevate her comedy like never before, which shapes the main plot of the show.
of course, deb also learns from ava about how to treat others. ava is always bringing up social equity, saving the environment and other political issues. a lot of it is trivial and played for comedy -- but now in episode 8, it has become CRUCIAL to deb's career and ultimately has a fantastic payoff.
further credit to the writing, deb's growth is not a straightforward benefit. it realistically portrays the messy and uncertain process of learning and putting your beliefs into action. from what ava has taught her, deb gets frustrated and "blames" ava for making her want more for herself, because learning is an uncomfortable process and hacks has never shied away from that. also, deb abandons the party with her comedy icons because she chose to stand up for ava instead (which hasn't had an immediate material effect on her career, but shows a very realistic conflict between peers, deb making that difficult decision, and ultimately she is the one who achieves higher success and is rewarded for her growth).
of course deb has a lot of people around her who have similar influences on her. dj and marcus and jimmy all have their shining moments where they also push deborah to reflect on herself and help her to grow. another credit to the writing to include so many nuanced relationships that all contribute something special!
but throughout this season they've really demonstrated why ava is so essential to the show. they told us explicitly at the start of season 3 that no one else has a relationship with deb like ava does, and it extends far beyond fashion advice. ava is the central relationship that has the greatest effect on deb's career because they are peers, and they have both put in the work to understand each other and collaborate. and it's ava's gen z qualities, her brash, entitled, unfiltered personality that facilitates the all of the great fights, confrontations, and discussions that have led to deb's growth.
and now, deb has FINALLY gotten her late night show, and it happened because ava convinced her to apologize. it's because of the dynamic that has been building since s1e1--ava calling out deb's bigotry, the feedback loop of them understanding each other's perspectives and growing into better people and better comedians because of it. that dynamic is the direct catalyst of deb's lifelong dream coming true.
we have had similar victories every season, with ava convincing deb to change for herself. ava helped deb write her special, and transformed her career by convincing her to share her story, and listened when deb started opening up in the first place, and was there all along to cheer on the vast untapped potential of a wounded woman using comedy as a mask, to help her evolve, and learn to use to her work to reconcile and heal.
in season 3, things are a little different. deb has to answer to others. she must face up to some real mistakes she's made, and all the little moments of ava correcting deb's language and questioning her actions, that always seemed like a petty annoyance before--now these very issues are the final test that will decide deb's fate.
when the world starts attacking her jokes, of course deb's strongest instinct is to defend herself, as she's had to do now for years and years and years. she's spent all this time building her career all by herself, one joke after the next, and if she spent one second in weakness or second-guessing, she would've been crushed. for deb, defending her career is her deepest, longest-held conviction, and going against that is REAL change. the question is, can deb handle it at this level? can she drop that defense? can she put respect for other people before herself? can she humble herself, admit she was wrong, and apologize?
with ava's help, she can. and for that, she wins.
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foursaints · 4 months
lily be the kind of vampire to awkwardly flirt her way into acquiring your blood type and barty be the kind of shithead to laugh and mock her for it while she actively has her fangs inside him
lily as a vampire is a wonderful concept because i have trouble imagining her out of the sunshine. i think she still looks as lively & red-blooded & sunkissed as the farmers daughter she was before getting turned and it’s very dangerous.
vampire!regulus is my favorite though… that man is allergic to three different blood types and will despondently sigh after sucking someone dry because now he has a rash. he got turned in 1446 after his monastery gave shelter to a dark & mysterious stranger (he was the ambiguously homosexual spare son sacked off to go illuminate manuscripts) and he specifically was bitten because he was the only monk bitchy enough to verbally be like “hey maybe we should not give shelter to this guy his vibes are fucking terrible”. only thing he ever enjoyed in his undead life was living to see high collars & male corsets come into fashion and he’s still sopping around moping about how short-lived it was like a century later
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littlehatmouse · 1 month
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i finished this in the last 20 minutes of lesbian visibility week after not drawing at all LETS GO
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cyrsed · 10 months
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post dead space, when isaac is picked up from the escape shuttle and taken to titan station. hard to tell but i based the door in the back on the door of the shuttle like it's docked somewhere and he's being escorted off it
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aerodaltonimperial · 18 days
Guess I ought to pop in just once on the PPV day and say that if Darby does not set Jack Perry on fire tonight, I'm going to be so disappointed.
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whatthefuckisasweep · 6 months
cant sleep … plagued with thoughts.. overstimmed… also starving… time to scroll tumblr till i have to go to class :,((
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caitlynmeow · 8 months
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Lmao I really love how canonically Alcina said this to her daughters:
@ Bela: “I expect results.”
@ Cassandra: “you’re my daughter, act like it.”
And then there is Daniela and Alcina is just “have fun!”
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