#i knew something was going to make me snap today but i didn't predict it would be this
monstermoviedean · 4 months
"you seem to be a busy person" because i missed two phone calls in two months? and called back within an hour last time? are you fucking kidding me?
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cutielando · 6 months
beach ~ rafe cameron
my masterlist
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"Are you done?" you asked Rafe for the 10th time, tapping your foot against the floor impatiently.
"Yeah" he said and exited the bathroom, chuckling at your stance.
You had strict plans to get to the beach at 11 with all of your friends, and it was already 11:30 and Rafe was being a pain in the ass as usual.
"We're already late, Rafe. Come on" you never liked being late, but you've had to deal with it ever since you and Rafe started dating.
It didn't matter how early he woke up to get ready, he could never do it on time and you always ended up being at least half an hour late to everything.
"It's not like the beach won't still be there when we arrive. Babe, can you please just calm down?" he asked once he finally walked out of the bathroom fully dressed and ready to go.
"You know I don't like being late" you mumbled and crossed your arms over your chest, pouting like a child whose candy had been stolen.
"I know. I'm sorry. Let's go, I'm ready" he kissed your pouting lips and grabbed your hand, taking your bag in his other hand.
The drive to the beach was fairly short, which didn't give you guys much time for a conversation to arise.
When you got there, you saw all of your friends already there, some of them sunbathing while the others were either swimming or playing voleyball.
"Look who finally decided to show up" Topper yelled once he saw you two approaching them.
"Don't look at me, look at him" you said and motioned to Rafe with your head.
You saw him shrug out of the corner of your eye as you started laying out your towels on the warm sand.
You put yours under the umbrella because you didn't really feel like being in the sun today.
Rafe immediately laid down on his towel, putting on his sunglasses and closing his eyes.
"Don't tell me you're going to sleep. You just got here" Kelce commented, making Rafe flip him off.
"We were busy last night" the comment rolled off his tongue effortlessly.
Your cheeks were bright red, thanfully nobody seemed to notice a difference.
"Sit up for a second so I can put some sunscreen on you" you bent down and whispered in Rafe's ear, who obliged without saying anything.
He sat up without saying anything, allowing you to rub sunscreen on his toned back. After you were done, you pressed a kiss on his head, which was now rested on your leg.
"Comfy?" you asked, smiling as you started running your hand through his soft hair.
"Very. You mind if I take a nap?" his voice was muffled by your leg, but you managed to understand him.
"No, I don't feel like going in the water or doing anything anyway" you said, laying down and getting comfortable.
After not even a minute, you felt Rafe move and found yourself laying down with him on top of you, his head resting against your chest.
You didn't say anything and instead started running your hand up and down his back, caressing it with the tips of your nails, something you knew he absolutely loved.
"Y/N, how have you been?" the voice of your friend made your head snap to the left.
You went on to talk to your friend for about an hour while Rafe slept. He didn't move from his position, far too comfortable while laying on top of you to move even an inch.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty" you teased Rafe once he finally opened his eyes and lifted his head from your chest.
He groaned and put his head back on your chest, trying to snuggle even further into your body.
"Noo, I wanna go for a swim" you tried to push him off of you, but he was way too strong.
"But I wanna stay here with you" he complained, sounding like a small child.
"We can go in the water together. You get to see me in my bikini all wet" you lowered your voice to a whisper, knowing it would get Rafe to let go of you.
Just as predicted, he immediately got up and took your hands in his, helping you stand up.
You pulled your dress over your head, leaving you in only your sexy new bikini.
"Damn, woman" Rafe said and whistled as he looked you up and down.
You blushed, still not used to getting compliments from Rafe.
Before you could say anything, he took your hand and you walked together towards the water.
"It's so cold" you gasped once the water hit your feet.
"It's not that cold" he commented, not seeming even the slightest bit affected by the cold water.
"Of course you don't feel it, you shower with water colder than ice every single day" you walked a couple more steps, the water now almost at your knees.
Rafe picked you up and held you bridal style, walking further into the ocean.
"Don't you dare drop me, Rafe. I swear to all that is holy-" you were holding him tightly by the neck.
"It's just a little water. You're not going to get used to it if you don't just jump in" he explained, pretending to drop you.
You squealed and held tighter onto him while he just laughed.
"Raaafe" you whined, looking down at the water like it was your worst enemy.
"Ready? 3, 2, 1..." he threw you in and you landed in the ice cold water, immediately coming to the surface.
He jumped in right after you, swimming a little further away before coming back to you.
"See? Was that so bad?" he asked and wrapped his arms around your waist, gluing your body to his.
"That was not nice" you pouted, sticking out your bottom lip.
Rafe leaned up and pressed a kiss on it, smiling up at you like an innocent child.
The moment was so serene, just the two of you and the ocean. Your friends were up on the beach, not paying attention to what you were doing. It was perfect.
...until the Pogues decided to show up.
Specifically, until JJ came.
"Is that Y/N?" you heard his voice shout at his friends from a distance, making you stiffen.
Whenever there was JJ there was also trouble, especially if Rafe was there.
"Fucking Pogues" you murmured under your breath, still locked in Rafe's arms.
"We can never fucking escape them" Rafe chuckled sarcastically, looking at them over your shoulder.
"Please promise me you're not going to fight with them. Please" you whispered and rested your forehead on his, bringing up a hand to hold his cheek.
He sighed and thought for a moment before nodding and pecking your lips.
"Let's go home, it's getting late anyway" you said and he nodded once again, reaching down to take your hand.
You walked out of the water and held Rafe's hand, looking around to make sure the Pogues didn't get near you.
"Hey, Y/N!" JJ's voice made you stop in your tracks.
"What do you want?" you kept your tone as icy as possible, hoping he would get the hint that you didn't want to talk to him.
"Why so tense? Kook Prince here not treating you right or something?" he laughed, finding everything he was saying so funny.
"Must be so hard knowing that it's not you who gets to treat her, isn't it?" Rafe said, standing directly behind you and wrapping an arm around your waist.
You put your hand over his, holding it in place. He was awfully calm right now, which you took as a good sign.
"We both know she's gonna realize sooner or later that you're just a piece of shit and it's not gonna take long for her to come crawling to me" his smirk was like the devil's, thinking he was so much more superior than you guys.
Rafe laughed at that, almost making you crack a smile, but you didn't want to give JJ the satisfaction.
"Let's go" you said and took back Rafe's hand, walking towards your towels.
You quickly packed everything in your bag and saw Rafe waiting patiently for you, ignoring everything else JJ was shouting.
He took your hand and started walking away from the beach and to your car, holding it tightly.
"Thank you" you whispered once you reached your car.
"For what?" he was confused.
"Not giving in and picking a fight with him. You kept your cool and your promise" you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you.
Your back hit the side of his car, making you gasp.
"You asked me to, so I did it. It's the least I could do to show you how much I love you and want you to feel safe with me" he explained, reaching up to put a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"I love you too. So much" you leaned up and kissed his lips passionately, pouring in every emotion you felt.
Even though the day didn't end like you wanted it to, you were still glad you got to spend quality time with your boyfriend at the beach.
Your two most favorite things.
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kimsohn · 7 months
pairing . sangyeon x gn!reader about . 590 words, fluff warnings . none! tagging . @gfksn @invuwrld @stealanity (also @winterchimez hi)
usually, you like the rain. today is an exception.
the droplets resounding against the roof only anger your already worked-up self, and you merely lean against the railing in exasperation. after a long day of misery, you simply don't have the strength to hold onto the thin thread about to snap in half. unfortunately, the universe isn't kind enough to take pity on you today, because the sunny weather forecast prediction and the gloomy weather in front of you don't seem to match up, and you're left to hold back tears under the bus stand.
the cold wind whips past your bare skin, and you mentally curse yourself for not listening to your gut and wearing a jacket this morning. the last bus left an hour ago, and your cell phone is dead in your pocket, so the only thing that can save you now is quite literally a miracle.
thankfully, that miracle arrives in the form of lee sangyeon.
"did you forget your umbrella? again?" he asks, standing on the sidewalk in front of you with a blue umbrella in hand. "you could've at least called me."
"the weather forecast said it was going to be sunny," you argue pitifully, knowing that it's very well your fault for not listening to your brain and the clouds in the sky. "and my phone died. why are you even here anyway? your class ended two hours ago."
your friend sighs, tugging your arm so you can stand under his umbrella. he probably noticed that the railing wasn't protecting you very well due to your drenched hoodie, but he doesn't scold you about it. instead, he merely watches you step closer as another cold gust of air makes its way between you two.
"i was looking for you. we were supposed to get coffee today."
"if you wanted coffee that badly, you could've gone without me," you try to joke, although the humor doesn't seem to convey properly through your chattering voice.
he rolls his eyes, wrapping an arm around your side to pull you close as he walks you to his car. for warmth, you tell yourself, but the way you clutch onto the side of his jacket suggests anything but.
"just please charge your phone next time, okay? searching for you for two hours is not how i wanted to spend my day."
your breath hitches.
"are you still cold?" he asks, misinterpreting your breath, "i'm sorry, i should've been there for you. i knew something was wrong when you didn't respond in five seconds like you usually do—"
"you searched for me for two hours?" you interrupt, wide-eyed with surprise. "are you actually crazy? why would you do that? you could've been cozy at home instead of spending two hours in the cold!"
you stop him in the middle of the road, hands on his shoulders as you make eye contact with him. the only sounds you hear are the pitter-patter of the rain against the umbrella and your heavy breathing, but the world around you is drowned out in this moment where only you and him exist. the distance between you two is far too intimate for an argument, but as his gaze flickers down to your lips and back up, you don't even remember what point you're supposed to be proving anymore. if anything, you're far too distracted by the cocky grin he now sports on his face as he leans in to whisper into your ear.
"well if i didn't come to save you, who would?"
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lostonehero · 4 months
Fuck it more werewolf Martin
Martin was used to the feeling of eyes on him. It came with the heightened senses, so he got used to the feeling. However, today wasn't that simple. Elias refused his time off, which again he couldn't fault the man he didn't tell him exactly why he needed it nor will he. He knew everyone was watching him, and no matter how much they tried to comfort him, he still wasn't entirely comfortable repeating last month.
"Hey Martin, are you alright?" Jon gave a small smile.
Martin gave a frustrated sigh. "I'm fine like I've been saying." He sighs again. "I'm sorry, I'm just getting annoyed at the same questions. It's not your fault or anyone else's. This is new to you guys, and it's not to me. I don't mean to snap. My nerves are just frayed, and I think Elias has gotten curious why I always request off early on the full moon."
Jon nods. "In his defense, you've developed quite the routine. Not that it's a bad thing. I'm just saying that it's kind of predictable." He frowns and sighs. "I'm sorry that was rude."
Martin shakes his head and chuckles. "No, no, it's quite alright. You're not wrong, and if worse comes to worse, I can head to the tunnels. I can't accidentally hurt anyone in there since nobody lives down there." He scratches his arm. "Just try not to stay late today."
"My actions shouldn't affect you." Jon raised his brow.
"Actually, I think Elias sent you an email, but he told me I have to make sure you're not alone when you leave. Something about Gertrude's body and police investigation." Martin frowns. "Just stay safe, Jon."
"Right, I should check my email, and I will do my best today." Jon smiles again. "If it's not too much trouble, could you make some tea?"
"Oh right, no trouble." Martin smiles, and Jon knew if his tail was visible, it would be wagging as he headed to the breakroom.
"Your flirting sucks." Tim tosses some paperclips at Jon.
"I told you that in confidence!" Jon huffs stomping back to his office.
Tim snickers as Martin pokes his head back out. "Don't worry, Marto, Jon's just missing his daily tea."
Martin nods with a raised brow.
Martin jolted up as someone tapped on his desk. "Oh uh hello Elias." He wipes the drool from the side of his mouth. "Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep."
Elias raised a brow and then smiled. "My apologies, Martin, but it is getting late, and I was checking if Jon was still here. I'm happy to see you have followed my rules and can never be too careful."
"R-right." Martin glances at the computer screen, and the time flashes in his face, and he could feel his shoulders drop. Elias is going to know. He didn't even have enough time to run to the tunnel. He pushes himself back. "Sir, you should go into Jon's office."
"Now Martin, I know it's late, but I'm sure Jon can handle things just fine." Elias took a step back as a loud crack filled the quiet space.
Martin grit his teeth and took a breath. "It... it.." He groans as he falls forward, curling against the floor as his body changes.
Elias continued to walk backward as Martin shifted and grew. A large, no a massive wolf stood in his place. An avatar of the hunt? No, that wasn't right he would be able to see that. Was this a leitner? No, again, that would be one of the fears, and he would know. What on earth was Martin? His back hit the wall as Martin skulked towards him. "Martin?" He was completely out of his depth and felt genuine fear, and he knew his patron was watching drinking his fear and watching.
Martin bared his teeth and towered over Elias. He didn't let Elias have a moment before sharp teeth tore into his arm. He growled low and haunting, releasing his jaws and licking the blood from his chops.
Elias muffled his scream the best he could, holding his broken, bloodied arm. "F-Fuck."
"MARTIN!' Jon shouted from his open office door, and the giant wolf trotted over to him and laid down in front of him. "F-fuck Elias, are you ok?" He rushed around Martin to Elias. "Shit, I'll call an ambulance."
Elias knew he was going into shock from the pain as he sunk to the floor. He couldn't even hear Jon call for medical aid. All he did was stare at Martin, who only stared back with a knowing gaze that he couldn't fathom. He pushed his luck too hard and got burned.
Martin really hated hospitals. He hated the overwhelming smell, and he hated the sterile rooms and the machines that made too much noise. Yet he put his large body into a chair sitting besides his boss which he had to explain everything to him because he fucking turned him. He knew he felt cornered, and he tried to warn him. He felt horrible. Now he has to explain why he suddenly looks younger and how long werewolves actually live. He barely told the others the basic information. He knows for a fact that bleeding eyes aren't a symptom, and he shouldn't be asleep this long. Maybe he wanted to lose his werewolf status in place of what he was. At least, then he wouldn't be able to turn anyone.
Elias stirred. Everything was too loud, and a sudden assault of smells made him gag. He couldn't see... he couldn't fucking see. Where was his patron? He could feel himself start to hyperventilate, and something warm grabbed his arm. He opened his eyes and focused on his employee Martin.
"Hey, it's ok. The senses take a bit to get used to, but just give it a moment. I know hospitals aren't the greatest. All the noise and sterile smells, but you're fine. You should have woken up like 3 days ago, but I don't know how the turning affects everyone differently. That probably makes no sense to you, and I'm probably rambling, but I'm going to help you through this. I did try to warn you to hide in Jon's office, but it doesn't matter now that i dragged you into this world. Oh, uh, don't be alarmed. You do look younger, but that's normal werewolves, live much longer than humans, and you probably won't start graying again for a few hundred years, at least. You'll change more before your transformation, but um, I'm here to help with questions and everything." Martin gives a nervous smile. "Oh, uh, I already filled out the forms, and uh, right, I should stop talking. You have questions."
Elias blinks and looks down his arm isn't broken. He knows the bones shattered with that bite. It looked like it's been healed for years, but he knew that was impossible. He flexed his hand and raised his arm. He noticed something else. The normal aches from aging seemed to have vanished, and he felt really good. He took a breath, mulling over the rambling mess the man said to him. "What are you?"
Martin blinks. "I mean, I told you, and you're one now too." He sighs. "The proper term is lycanphtory, but I prefer werewolf since it's not really a syndrome or in your head. I know you'll need a bit to process this. I uh again I'm really sorry." He sits back down in his chair, hugging his chest.
Elias frowned he couldn't just switch patrons on a whim, and he had never heard of an avatar being infected to become a different avatar. Werewolves didn't exist... he can't really argue that fact since he has irrevocable truth staring at him. Ok, logically turning completely cut him off from the Beholder. He can't even feel the end and he's in a fucking hospital. He needed to talk to Peter and test a growing theory in his mind. "Martin, what is going to happen?"
"Well, right now, you'll be discharged, and you can go home, but uh, that isn't what you're asking. Well, you'll notice cravings for meat, which you do have to consume more of. Hair growth is something you have to control. I suggest getting razors if you don't like body hair. You can already feel your senses cranked to 11, but that will get stronger than now. Your hearing will get sharper as well, and you'll be able to see in the dark. The major stuff will happen during your first full moon, but for now, just listen to your body and cravings it will help you. Also, don't fight the change it makes things so much more painful." Martin clicks his tongue. "Oh, you'll also have to get registered with local hunters so you aren't targeted as a rouge wolf or one of the cultists trying to turn humanity. I have already started the paperwork, but you'll need to sign and read through it."
Elias blinked. "What other creatures are there?"
Martin whistles. "There's isn't enough time in the day for that, sir. We're hidden from humanity for a reason. It would be madness if the world knew the truth." He grabs the paperwork from the seat next to him. "These are for you, and my number is on top. The doctors here are aware, and uh, once you're done, just leave it on the side. There's some clothes that they also got from you. I have to go home and I'll tell Jon you're ok."
Elias takes a breath and starts to go through the papers, reading everything even the obnoxious body changes, and you packet after Martin leaves.
The sun had long dipped below the horizon as Elias groaned, unable to get comfortable on his couch. Martin wasn't lying when he talked about the heightened senses that would be a hassle. He stared at his phone, Peter still hadn't answered his texts or calls, and he was tempted to try again when a laugh caught his attention. "I don't need the obnoxious laughter whoever you are."
A person thin with long black hair and piercings and an assortment of eye tattoos that can be seen through his black clothing appears. "Man, Jonah I would of never put my money on this."
"Gerald Keays, aren't you supposed to be dead?" Elias narrows his gaze as the smell of dust and blood filled his senses.
"Technically, I am dead. Turns out getting bitten by some dude outside a bar, thinking he was drunk the day before I ended up in the hospital wasn't exactly the best thing. Turns out he wasn't drunk he was hungry, and now I'm a vampire but also stuck in a book. Honestly, I have no idea why I trusted that woman. It's probably because of my abusive mum. Anyway, I'm a vampire." Gerald floats down to stare. "Also, you should get rid of the welcome mat if you didn't want me inside. Honestly, a werewolf didn't see that coming. The so-called fear patrons only affect humans and have no bearing on us. Must of sucked when your connection was severed when you turned."
Elias pinched his brow. "Why are you here?"
"A few reasons... I'm friends with Martin, and he really feels bad about turning you. I'm also part of the welcome committee for new turns. Also, as much as you are a bastard nobody should really have to go through this shit alone. I woke up in a mourge alone, starving, and I killed the poor intern who checked the bodies. Self-control isn't easy. I'm honestly shocked at how well Martin keeps his instincts in check. Also, thanks for killing Gertrude, bitch let me die and then tore my being in half shoving it into a book. I mean fuck I have to wait for someone to burn my page to feel whole again." Gerald stops and snaps his fingers. "Right one more thing, your old French lover Barnabas, yeah, he didn't die in the lonely, he became a siren before the lonely finished him off. Surprisingly, he isn't mad at you more, so he actually wants to see you. Anyway, I'll be around for that drama. Yeah, I think that's about it. Welcome to the actual supernatural you old fuck." He vanishes from sight and soon Elias can't smell him.
Elias blinks and swallows. Oh, Peter is going to hate Barnabas. He should apologize to him or write a letter. He's going to do both, and he's technically still divorced to Peter.
Martin sighs as he lays in his bed. "Gerry, did you really have to tease him?"
"Oh, absolutely." Gerry hums as he pulls out his coffin. "I mean, it's funny. Also, I didn't lie about anything. I promise you that. Relax, he's fine all cozy in his mansion."
"Are you ok?" Martin pauses looking over.
"Honesty, yeah. I mean, I do miss the original Elias, but Jonah isn't complete trash. He can't even do the apocalypse now, not that it would have affected us regardless, and shit I mean, I'm glad he doesn't have to go through it alone." Gerry stops and sighs. "Besides, he's still trying to figure out his senses. He's not used to not being able to see anything he wants."
"Alright." Martin cracks his back as he sits up. "I'm working tomorrow, so if my mother calls, please don't uh well...."
"I won't yell at her like last time." Gerry sighs.
"Thank you." Martin smiles.
"Have you told them the truth?" Gerry hums, sinking into his coffin and putting his phone on the lid to watch videos.
"Absolutely not." Martin gets up from his bed.
"You know your father isn't going to stay put once, Barnabas is out and about. You really should have told them you were born into this not being turned." Gerry slips his lid on.
Martin groans. "I was turned!"
"To hide your true being, which I may remind you won't last much longer!" Gerry shouts through his coffin.
A blonde man with sharp features and a soft smile and a navy blue suit on. His accent was quite thick even for someone who hadn't lived in France for a long time. His blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail. His green eyes seemed to sparkle as he approached the front desk. "Hello there, Madam. I was wondering if Mr. Bouchard was allowing any friendly visits?"
The woman looked up from her computer and smiled. "I will page him right now, Mr?"
"Barnabas, we have a history, and I was wondering if he would like to chat." Barnabas smiles with teeth that seemed too sharp.
Rosie puts her phone down and smiles. "His office is right down at the end of the hall. Have a nice chat."
Barnabas nods as he strolls down the hall and lightly knocks on the door. "Hello, Mr. Magnus?"
An unfamiliar voice answered as the door was opened to reveal a man with familiar green eyes but nothing else that was recognizable. He had gelled back brown hair earrings, a pale complexion, and a very pretty face that held an all too familiar smile. "Barnabas, it really is you." He let's out a breath.
"I didn't think Jack was right about the rumors about you. Alas, he tends to be correct about most things that annoying American. How have you've been? I must say you've built this place up quite nicely." Barnabas smiles, showing off his teeth. "Now you don't have to change your body, although I do like the slimmer figure you never did hold muscles well. I hold no ill will towards what happened at that point. I realized that looking back, there wasn't anything you could do without getting trapped as well. Although the ocean did come to my rescue with your sea legs, I don't think you would have fancied any better."
Elias swallows. "I go by Elias now." He smiles again. "Now I may be new to this world, but I would love to catch up over tea if that is still amenable."
"Oh, I'm sure, you must forgive me it's been ages since I've been back in London. I've been working at a university in America. I must tell you I would rather have Britain than that place. However the work is good and you'll be meeting a few colleges. I suppose that is another reason why I'm here. I work at Cicada Research University." Barnabas smiles. "Good, you've gotten our correspondence. I was volunteered to be the welcoming committee, but I feel much better about it now that I know you're here. I look forward to working together."
"So is this for business or pleasure?" Elias smiles.
"Oh, why not both? I've missed our fun. Although nothing serious, I'd rather become loose in my old age." Barnabas snickers as Elias takes out a bottle of wine.
"I seem to be currently divorced, so that makes this perfect timing." Elias chuckles.
"Now, who would marry you? Don't tell me you've roped a woman into the fray. I had no idea you held such inclinations." Barnabus hums.
"Nonesense, his name is Peter Lukas of the Lukas family. I am 70 years his senior, but that has never stopped us." Elias pours two glasses. "Although I'm sure he won't mind, he was the one to insist on the divorce this time."
Barnabas takes the glass and smiles, taking a sip. "A shame he would let you go, but good for me in that regard. I look forward to tonight."
Elias raises his glass. "And to our future partnership."
Barnabas matches the raise.
"So how is double boss handling the whole change?" Tim leans forward on his desk.
Martin shrugs. "He seems fine, just a bit overwhelmed. He hasn't reached out yet, but he didn't scowl at me this morning."
"Martin, that can't be a good standard." Sasha sighs.
"I did turn him. I expect some hostility even if that's just new instincts." Martin sighs. "I know he's fine. I just worry."
Jon hums. "In your defense, you did warn him."
"Not that it mattered he didn't listen." Tim motions with his hands.
"That's not the point." Martin huffs. "Three weeks till the next full moon. I'll help him through it. You three are not welcome."
"Won't he just be a big puppy like you?" Sasha raised her brow.
"No! I don't even know why I was like that with you guys. Besides, the first turn is incredibly dangerous for anyone around them. They will be feral, and I'll just have to be nearby, and I might even fight him." Martin frowns. "Maybe the next one after he settled, but that wouldn't be up to me."
"Damnit, I wanted puppy cuddles." Tim huffs. "Fine, I'll wait for another full moon. You wound me Martin."
Martin smiles. "I'm not a puppy."
"You act like one with the way you use that tongue of yours." Jon regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth.
Martin's face with a bright red as Tim wolf whistles as Jon locks himself in his office.
"Monsuir Blackwood, it is nice to see you outside a phone photo." Barbabas smiles and bows politely. "Oh, no wonder your father was quite elated when he realized we were doing a joint research project with the Magnus Institute."
Elias raised a brow. "You two are acquainted?"
"Oh no, I know his father, he uses the name Jack these days an annoying American and an unfortunate drugging resulted in Blackwood although you would never be able to tell by the way he just dotes on the man." Barnabas hums.
Martin frowns and rubs his arm.
Elias hums. "Well, I'm sure he will come around with the rest of your team. This is Barnabas Bennett, a researcher from the Cicada Research University in America. They will be transferred over here to start our working relationship. Please treat them with kindness, and please share the information they request."
"I really need to stop ignoring emails." Tim sighs.
Elias sighs and pinches his brow. "I hope your team isn't as.... new as mine is."
Barnabas sighs. "I would rather them new."
Tim snorts.
Sasha smiles and holds out her hand. "Welcome, Mr. Bennett, I look forward to working with you and your team."
"Ah, please, no need for formalities, Barnabas is quite alright." Barnabas shakes her hand. "And you are?"
"Ah, I'm Sasha, I see you already know Martin, and Jon is in his office recording a statement. Tim was the one making jokes. If you need help, feel free to ask away." Sasha smiles and points to an empty desk. "You can take that desk there, and I'm sure we'll have enough desks for your team."
Elias claps. "Now I'll let you get settled in. You all know where my office is if you have any concerns, but please, if it's not an emergency, use my email. I'll be heading back to my office now. Play nice, everyone." He leaves with a wave.
Barnabas takes a seat at his computer and places his bag down. "Blackwood, it's nice to finally see you in person. If it's not too much trouble could you help me with your computer system?"
Martin nods and walks over.
Tim and Sasha share a look and start to discuss something quietly.
"Martin, why didn't you tell us about your dad?" Tim huffs holding a bear in his hands.
"Because my mom raped him?" Martin frowns. "I only met him when I was 18."
"Shit that's fucked up." Sasha sighs spinning her drink. "Sorry for forcing the issue." She gives a side eye to Tim.
"No, no, it's fine. I've never really thought about it. He's really nice and offered to adopt me after things, but I had to take care of my mom. He sends me little American care packages, and we talk regularly over the phone. I didn't think he would come by on a research merger of sorts he's kind of a big head of that institute."
Jon raised his brow. "Really? What does he teach?"
"Uh, he teaches many different subjects, mostly field research and training. He's got like 5 different degrees. Granted, you would never be able to tell with him." Martin smiles softly. "He's kind, and I dunno. I guess I'm glad he talks about me to his coworkers."
"Of course, he's proud of his boy." Tim raised his bottle. "Barnabas is an odd guy, though I think he's like Elias's ex or something."
"They're too friendly for them to be exes." Sasha hums. "Maybe friends?"
"Exes can remain friends." Jon mutters into his glass.
"I mean, yeah, but not that close. I swear I saw Barnabas grab Elias's ass." Sasha finishes her drink. "But like, isn't Elias married?"
"Divorced." Tim corrects. "He's divorced, so like no issue there. Even with that, he's rich. Don't rich people get away with that stuff?"
"I really would like to not discuss our boss's sex life." Jon gives a heavy sigh.
"I second that." Martin leans back. "Thanks for not making a big deal of it."
Tim smiles softly. "Of course not. Family shit is complicated. Ain't nobody going to give you a hard time unless they go through me."
Sasha nods. "Damn right, you're one of us, Martin. we are ride or die."
Jon smiles softly, reaching his hand out. "We're here for you even if you don't want to talk about it."
Martin smiles, getting teary-eyed. "I love you guys."
Tim shudders he couldn't help it the man in front of him towered over him had a face that screams don't fuck with him and he looks like he could break him in any way he chooses with a single figure. "H-how can I help you?" He didn't mean to stutter either.
The man shifts, looking down at Tim. Ha managed to corner him before he reached inside the building. He smiles with too many teeth. "Do you work here?"
Tim wanted to lie, but he knew he really shouldn't, especially to someone who could break him in half. "I do, and I happen to be running late, so I should go." He internally screams as the man places a hand on his shoulder.
"Now, could you help me out? I'm supposed to be working here for the foreseeable future as a sign of good faith to strengthen our collaboration. I just don't know where I should go to start." The man smiles his American accent doesn't exactly help calm down Tim.
"Will you stop scaring your new coworkers?" Barnabas came up behind them with Elias next to him.
"I was just asking a question." The man crosses his arms. "I see you've already settled in."
Barnabas sighs. "Come along. I'll show you. You really need to leave the kids alone."
"I was just asking for directions." The man sighs. "Not my fault. I'm tall."
Tim chuckles nervously. Following behind them.
Elias hums, heading in behind them. He's just enjoying the show.
"Martin!" The mountain of a man pulls the other man into a tight hug. "Look at how big you are, my perfect big guy."
Tim blankly stares and realizes that is Jack, that is Martin's father. He was still terrifying, and he couldn't place down why he liked big burly men, but something about him scared him.
Martin pushes the larger man away, rubbing his face. "Dad, why didn't you tell me?"
"I wanted to surprise you, and it was a last-minute decision to have me come along. Oh, I hope old Bennet didn't give you any trouble. Ah, wait, where did Evan go? I swore he was with me when we docked." Jack hums. "You'll like him he's new but a friendly face."
Martin smiles. "You'll be working with us, uh wait, what will you be doing?"
"Probably categorizing the artifacts or whatever you keep here. It is my area of expertise." Jack sighs. "It's not like I can scout or do anything else. I'm good at it and it's too modern here."
Sasha raised her brow at the odd comment but didn't say anything.
Tim looked over and cleared his throat. "I'm Tim, sorry about earlier." He holds his hand out for a shake and gets pulled into a hug.
"Always great to meet my boys friends." Jack, let's go and look Tim up and down, seemingly sniffing the air around him. "You should be cautious at night." He turns and politely smiles at the woman. "You must be Sasha. It's quite nice to meet you as well, and where is this, Jonathan?"
"He has his own office, and uh, he perfers Jon." Martin looks away, rubbing his arm.
"Now, don't be shy. I loved to meet all my new coworkers." Jack hums, but before he could reach for the door, the door to the archives open.
It was Elias that adjusted his tie and sighed. "Is there a reason you have a deadman on your list of employees?"
"Deadman?" Barnabas raised his brow. "I'm sorry but Jack, what did you do?"
Jack rolls his eyes. "You're a deadman, barney. Yeah, yeah , don't call you that." He sighs. "Wait, why would you know if they are supposed to be and whom you are talking about?"
Elias pinched his brow. He takes a deep breath. "Our dear investors, the Lukas family is quite unhappy with this mockery you've put on your employee sheet."
"Mockery?" Jack walks over and takes the form from Elias. "I thought I did a good job with this." He hums. "Eh, you're right his photo is a bit blurry hard, keeping someone still when you have to use old cameras. I assure you this isn't fiction he's not dead in a way that matters like you are no longer connected to the Beholder." His demeanor shifts almost instantly as a shudder spills throughout the office. His bubbly persona vanished in a flash. He was a "man" to be feared. "Although I should have spoken to the family before I made my way over here. I do not appreciate the tone against me."
Elias steps back as Jack steps forward. A new unsettling fear seeped into his very core.
"Just because this is your institute does not give you any power over me. I am bound to no law, so I would appreciate it if you heed my warning. I'll have you know my staff are handpicked for a reason, and unlike you, I tend to stay hands-on." Jack stops and cracks his jaw. He stares at his hand and curses. He turns and walks deeper into the archives without another word.
Barnabas gives a heavy sigh like he is holding his breath out of fear. "I suggest leaving them be. They have excellent self-control when they aren't hungry."
Martin had slipped out following his father, but nobody noticed in the confrontation.
Elias frowns. "What is he?"
"A werewolf?" Sasha speaks up, and Barnabas laughs a bitter sound.
"A wolf is a mere puppy to what he is...." Barnabas sighs and hugs his chest. "He's older than you and Elias. They don't have a name for what he is old legends and such try to pin a species on it. However, nothing has come close to the truth. Monsuir Blackwood...." He stops realizing he was gone. "I shouldn't speak when he isn't here."
Tim shudders again like a cold has enveloped him. "Will he hurt us?"
"Nonsense." Barnabas leans back. "They wouldn't harm anyone here. If he's truly in need of food, prisons are his favorite." He gets up and walks over to the whiteboard and erases it as Jon steps out. "Now, I might as well explain the other half of this. Our university in America is a cover like this place once was or is depends on who you ask. We keep an eye on the general public to make sure no mass outbreaks of information get out. Well, it's much easier now since everyone thinks of the supernatural as mere fiction. We also help rehabilitate newly changed, although that isn't our main focus. Your so-called faked statements aren't truly fake. We'll yes some are, but they don't have the habit of being ruined since the fears aren't involved." He begins to draw out a few words such as young, ancient, realms, and born. "This is such a simple organization, but it will work with all of you. I'll have you know what Jack is falls under ancient. I fall under born, which is actually a misleading title, but it's semantics based on your own definition."
"Werewolfs fall under young." Elias hums and swallows a smile when Barnabas nods.
"Creatures with a finite lifespan fall under the young category even if werewolves are known to pass a menliuim. Vampires are an odd sort, but do classify under young as well. Creatures such as demons, angels, and fae fall under the realm category for obvious reasons. Born derive from the concept you were once human and now fundamentally changed. I was dragged to the bottom of the sea and well was turned into a siren by the ocean, but sirens can reproduce normally as well. Other examples are ghouls usually come about from desperation starvation forced to consume the same species flesh as your own. Ancient..." Barnabas sighs and holds his marker to the side. "Creatures older than humanity, would you be able to kill them? Nobody has figured that out their names, the species has been forgotten to time and most.... I've only ever met Jack, and there hasn't been any record of reproducing.... er well you can account old legends like the birth of the vampire or the gift of different realms. Blackwood is like his father even as he tries to hide it by turning to the young." He shakes his head. "Ancient beings are comparable to the fears in a sense. However, they are entirely unknown for the most part. Please don't experiment with Jack or Blackwood on this matter. As im-"
"You forgot a few." Jack interrupts and seems to appear out of nowhere. Martin was right next to him as well.
Barnabas jumps and curses. "For heavens sake, don't do that."
Jack smiles. "No. Anyway, your basic system is missing quite a few categories. To think you're an esteemed professor making sloppy mistakes."
Barnabas pinches his brow. "You give an example then."
Jack sighs. "No, everyone seems on edge from your little lesson, and I would rather not scare our coworkers anymore than I have." He hums and returns to an empty desk he claimed as his own and started on normal work.
The tension is suddenly cut through with the sounds of heavy stomps from boots and a soft male voice rapidly tallkng. "Elias!" A soft voice even in an anger shout did not match the body if the man who weld it. A hulking sea captain with wind sweap hair a fog that followed him and a dull blue eye gaze and stared at Elias.
Elias was sitting next to Barnabas with a raised brow until a man who seem like the same age as the sea captain popped out behind him his hair was black save for a stripe of white that was a major contrast. He was in short sleeves and covered in various stitching at his joints and scars. "Hello Peter, so happy for you to join us." He held a smile and a knowing look, recognizing the boy to be the late Evan Lukas.
"Elias cut the crap what did you do?" Peter growls and leans over Elias.
Elias loved the scent of the sea that hung to the man and the cold that lingered on his skin. He snaps himself out of that. "I have no idea what you mean."
A heavy sigh is heard. "Evan, you told me your family wouldn't be around, hence why I allowed you to come."
The man squawked and covered his face. "I- I...."
Jack rubs his temples. "Peter, was it? I apologize, but it seems I've been lied to, and your cousin doesn't respect my rules."
Evan huffs. "How was I supposed to know he would be here? He is as much as a black sheep as I am to our little family. Isn't it already bad enough that my ex-wife played Frankenstein with my remains, and I'm here?"
"Jack, don't rile the child up. I would very much like to not get shocked again by his outbursts." Barnabas sighs. "Besides, I know you knew this was risk."
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Jack's smile gives him away. "However, if I were to plan this, I would not have been so adamant about the fact I told Evan strictly to stay by my side."
Barnabas throws his hands up, knowing Jack was right.
Peter growled again. "Explain." He pointed at Elias.
"Uh, Peter, he actually uh... well, he had nothing to do with this." Evan sighs and hugs his chest. "I did mean to run into you, but I didn't expect you would come to the place I'm supposed to be working at.... wait, why are you here?"
Peter stops and sighs. "I am here to check on the institute."
"You're a terrible liar." Evan sighs. "I mean, I don't really know. I've met you like twice, I can recall."
Peter deflates. "How?"
"Well, we don't actually have security in our graveyard, and she was quite determined. She didn't expect the outcome and kind of got bored of reteaching how to do basic things like talk and walk. She kind of cast me into the sea. I couldn't fight back. I was still trying to figure out my body. Barnabas found me and brought me to America."
"It was a working vacation." Barnabas sighs.
"Right, so uh, I figured things out obviously, and I've been working at Cicada University. I mostly work under Jack since I can keep up not needing to sleep or eat. I also uh..." Evan points to the bolts in his neck. "I kind of glow in the dark. Helps in search and rescue. Please don't tell the others I'm around, I'm happy I ran into you rather than them."
Peter nods. "I apologize for my outburst."
"Why thank you." Elias smiles.
"Not to you." Peter glares at him. "I suppose I am the remaining black sheep of our family then. I shall be at my home if you wish to talk." He turns to Elias. "I don't know what game you're playing, but stop if I have Simon appear on my ship again. I'm going to throw you into the sea." He vanishes in a rolling fog.
"So that's your ex husband." Barnabas raised his brow.
"Currently, ex." Elias sighs. "Although I have no idea what he means, I haven't told Simon to do anything. I've been preoccupied as a start."
Evan blinks. "So you're that Jonah guy everyone hates. Huh..."
"Evan, don't be nosey." Jack motions for him to come, and he does. "Now that that little thing is over, you'll be joining me in artifact storage."
Evan nods. "Of course."
"Ah, right, one more thing, see that small lad." Jack points to Martin, who is neither small nor that young. "That's my boy. Be nice to him and his friends."
Evan blinks. "Oh, uh, right, he's bigger than I imagined..." He shakes his head. "Are we starting today?"
"No, get yourself logged into a computer to do on boarding." Jack sighs. "Formalities are a thing we all need to get through."
Evan nods again and grabs an empty desk.
"Your father is fucking terrifying." Tim gasps.
Sasha sighs and rubs her arm. "Tim's right, Martin."
"...are you scared of me?" Martin flinched, ready for the agreement. Instead, he got a hand on his back.
"As long as you are you, I don't think I could be afraid of you." Jon smiles shyly.
Martin blushes and looks away.
"Martin, I can safely say for myself I won't ever be afraid of you, big guy." Tim nudges him playfully. "Besides serious question, Barnabas mentioned something about uh..."
Sasha frowns. "Are you hurting yourself to stop yourself from...." She trails off trying to find the right words.
Martin sighs. "I'm not, I mean, I don't think I am." He frowns. "I know it's a temporary fix, and I'm pretty sure I won't even transform this full moon. I just I'm scared of myself. I don't know how to tame whatever I am. Being a werewolf is so much easier I just I've been masking for so long I don't know what I even look like."
Jon takes a deep breath and grabs Martin's hand. "We can help you through it. I'm becoming a monster too from the fear gods uh the Beholder. We can handle it together."
Martin's face turns bright red. "I could just have Elias bite me.... I uh ok but you guys have to be there for me." He gets even redder when Tim grabs his other hand.
"Of course Marto, we're in this weird shit for the long haul." Tim smiles.
Jon leans on Martin's side that ugly feeling of jealousy ate away at his mind. "Do you know when it will start?"
"I- uh, I mean, uh...." Martin pulls his hands away and walls forward. "I uh tomorrow? With my dad being around its calling to that primal part, er not the right word, my inhumane nature is being pulled to the surface, and my wolf is all but dead. I uh, we don't have work, but uh, you guys can come over to my flat." He waits for the subtle nods before running off from embassment.
"You two need to chill." Sasha covers her face. "Either ask Martin out together or don't. Don't make the poor guy pick."
Jon blinks his brain short circuits not realizing that was an option.
Tim snickers. "Oh bloody hell, thank you, Sasha. Are you sure you're not up for joining?"
"Happily aromantic Tim, but I appreciate the offer. I will see you two at Martin's." Sasha hums. They were idiots but they were her idiots.
Two hours is all it took for Peter to decide Elias, or Jonah has been replaced and this man was not him. He first admitted he slept with Barnabas and then apologized for it. He didn't even have to they are still divorced, and he loved to brag about how he fought off loneliness with the other people he brought into their bed. Now he's lying on his chest in bed and hasn't moved. He always wants to talk about his day or his plans. "Who are you?"
Elias tilted his head up, not wanting to move. The slow sound of Peter's heart was calming, and his scent alone made his emotions do all sorts of things. He knew his body was changing, and he had instincts now, but he felt too happy to care. "Jonah." He hums, grabbing Peter's hand. "You didn't listen to any of the messages I sent you." He didn't even sound upset. "I suppose I wouldn't expect that you were pretty upset with me. Can't recall why now, but it doesn't matter. I'll have you as long as you stay. Your scent, your heartbeat, is intoxicating to me."
Peter sat up to annoyed grumbles from Elias staring up at him. "What happened to you?" He couldn't say he hated it because he didn't. His heart ached, and he didn't know what game Jonah was playing. He long threw away hope that this relationship was anything more than sex and conversation.
Elias looked hurt and laid in Peter's lap. "I'm no longer connected to the eye." He reached out and held Peter's other hand. "Supernatural things exist besides the eye, besides the fears. I got myself tangled up in it, and you've seen your cousin brought back from the dead, and your patron hasn't even been able to touch him. Lycantrophy, such an old disease I have been convinced, was just that of mad men. However, I was wrong, and I've been infected it's only the second week, but I know I'm changing. Barnabas was an old comfort someone I used to know, but even after that, I spent an hour in your closet, and it didn't smell like you, and it upset me. I know it's the new hormones and instincts talking from my rational mind, but I would like to listen to your heartbeat again."
"Werewolves? That's a bit farfetched even for you." Peter stops when Elias holds up his arm, revealing the scar he knew wasn't there the last time he was here, and it was not nearly long enough to heal like that. "You were bitten."
"You don't believe me, and I don't seem to care." Elias sits up and hugs Peter's arm. "As out of control as I feel I'm not scared. I feel ok in this madness. Although when it comes to the full moon, I don't want you near me. It's come to my realization that I don't want to hurt you. I don't think I ever wanted to harm you truly. Time makes fools of us all."
Peter swallows, and there's that horrid hope clawing at his chest again. "I'll stay with you the week, and if this is some sort of game, I will never marry you again."
"I suppose I'll take that wager, and if I win." Elias looks up at Peter, green eyes locked to that dull blue. "I would like to have the nights with you when I call. I know you can use the lonely as easy passage from wherever you may be."
Peter knew he had already lost from that request alone. "I accept." He lays back down, and Elias takes his spot back on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "I suppose I should humor this so-called disease you have. Would you like me to cook you a steak?" He didn't expect Elias's face to light up red as he felt a wet patch on his chest from his drool and a loud growl from his stomach. Oh, he wasn't lying.
Elias sat up, forcing himself to move away and wiping his mouth. "You witness nothing of the sort, and I can make my own food." He gets up, face red as blood as he stomps out and towards the kitchen.
Peter covered his face. When the fuck did Jonah ever act cute? He should follow him, make sure he doesn't burn down the kitchen.
"It's open..." Martin says, sitting on his couch staring at the meat in front of him.
Jon and Tim spilled through the door, and both men tried their best to not look like they were trying to get in first. Tim spoke up first. "Hey Martin, nice place, and uh, are we interrupting?"
Martin frowns and shakes his head. "I have to eat it, dad said cooking it might help me, but I uh don't think I'm ready."
"What is it?" Jon hung up his coat and looked over to the meat, and a name and list of crimes came into his head. He swallows and locks eyes with Martin.
"The eye told you who it is." Martin sighs, hugging his chest. "I can feel the hunger start. My body wants to change, and it doesn't want to cannibalize itself, and I don't want that either to lose whatever human parts I still have left."
Tim gives a soft smile and sits next to Martin. "We're they a good person?" The sharp shake of Martin's head answered that question. "Alright then, don't feel too bad. Do you want us here?"
"Y-yes." Martin pauses as Jon sits on his other side. "I uh ok."
"Do you want us to help?" Jon gives a shy smile as Martin's face lights up red.
"Just stay the both of you." Martin reaches forward and grabs a knife and a fork and cuts into the meat and takes a bite and his eyes light up a he barely chews and goes for a second but and suddenly stops covering his mouth and his hand comes away with a tooth. "Oh...." The hunger seemed to hate his sudden stop, and he went on autopilot and grabbed the meat and tore into it until it was gone and his hands were covered in grease. He came back all too suddenly. Gasping, and he spit out more teeth. He could feel tears prick at his eyes with the overwhelming feeling.
Tim grabbed Martin's arm and smiled. "Breathe, big guy, you're still with us?"
Jon places a hand on Martin's lap. "Do you want me to check your mouth?"
Martin can feel the overwhelming embarrassment cloud his new instincts and that hunger fade. "I uh...." He swallows, and he knew he swallowed a few teeth. He runs his tongue along his new teeth. "I still have teeth."
"I would hope so." Jon muses, reaching out to Martin's jaw. "Let me see."
Martin opens his mouth to show off new bright white teeth sharp and stronger than any metal. He snaps it closed before Jon could touch. "Don't, I don't want to hurt you. I uh, does it look bad?"
"No, I mean, it kind of looks good? They are sharper, but uh, it suits you." Jon smiles nervously, then freezes, spotting Tim's expression. "Tim, what's wrong... oh god, is that blood?"
Tim has let go of Martin and spots the growing red stain on his back. "Martin, are you ok?"
Martin has paled considerable. "I uh...I think..." He can't form words. Nothing made sense, and he couldn't focus. Maybe it did hurt, but he was getting cold and tired. Then everything went black.
Martin woke up his body felt different, like he had new parts he didn't really understand yet. He could hear talking.
"Thank you for watching him." That voice was a deep growl. Martin knew that was his father. "I'm glad he has you both to lean on for support. Now I understand the three of you in a relationship can be difficult, but it's not a new concept. I just want to warn you that Martin will be dangerous, just not to you both. Nature of the beast and things, I tend to get protective, and I know he has inherited that, at least."
"Will he still look like himself? I don't want him to feel trapped in his body." A softer voice that was Jon.
A deep laugh from Jack. "My, aren't you an adorable tiny thing. He will be able to control his form at will unless he doesn't eat, which, again, I can not reiterate that enough to make sure he eats properly. He doesn't have the resources I do back in America, so he can't exactly keep a surplus in a chest freezer in this tiny space."
"Are you sure about the people? I mean, about the food situation, are they truly bad?" That was Tim he was lacking his carefree tone.
"I assure you where I get the meat is from the worst, ask Jon he has the eye who was the man I left for him." Jack pauses for a moment. "Actually, don't you look like you'll pass out yourself. Let's just say children are much safer now."
"Oh...." Tim sighs. "Ok, can we do anything now?"
"Now?" Jack pauses again, and Martin can picture him scratching his beard. "When he wakes, just don't touch the new parts they tend to be sensitive. Also, be kind. I know this is overwhelming he's done his very best to hide from it, and I don't blame him. Just let him rest. Maybe don't tell him I was here. He hates it when I just show up unannounced. I tend to overwhelm him, trying to comfort him, Evan says I'm worse than a mother Hen, which doesn't make sense if you've raised chickens. Vicious creatures, but I'm getting off track. Give him my regards and just keep an eye on him."
Martin wanted to argue to get him to stay to apologize, but his mouth wouldn't move, and his body felt exhausted again, and he could feel sleep pulling him back.
"Oh, one more thing if either of you break his heart , I will make sure your death won't be enough relief." Jack hums.
Elias sat up on the couch next to Peter. "Someone is at the door."
Peter raised his brow. "And how do you figure? You aren't under the Beholder anymore."
"Smells like ozone, and....." Elias pauses, shutting his eyes. "Static." He frowns and sneezes. "And something with rye."
Peter blinks as a woosh of wind, and the familair smell of ozone comes through and a sense of vertigo. He frowns as he sees Simon enter through the open window.
"Oh my, I never have to make my own entrance. Did you get into a fight with your patron?" Simon chuckles, tapping his cane against the floor.
Elias bares his teeth, not really understanding why he is doing it.
Peter looks between Simon and Elias, and he knows enough about dogs to realize Elias sees Simon as a threat to him. He lets out a soft laugh and pats Elias's head.
Elias huffs. "Don't patronize me, Peter." Peter can see how pleased the man actually is at the simple gesture.
"Right, ah, did you two marry again? My I should have gotten flowers. Now the reason I'm here is that you've been slacking on your end, Jonah." Simon frowns when Elias just glares at him.
"I've been preoccupied." Elias huffs with what sounds like a growl.
Simon lowers his glasses and waves his cane, then stops he does the motion again, and he replaces his annoyed expression for one of confusion.
Elias sneezes at the smell that seems to gather around Simon only stronger. He rubs his nose, annoyed. "Will you stop that? I swear you're being quite annoying."
Peter raised his brow, matching Simon's confusion. "Elias, you're not falling."
Simon steps back. "What has happened to you?"
Elias shrugs, not wanting to talk about his situation. "It doesn't matter what happened to me. I would like you to not just barge in here demanding things. I quite like to spend my days off relaxing."
Simon looks at Peter. "What did he do?"
"Honestly, I'm still trying to figure that out." Peter stiffens as Elias crawls into his lap. He was guarding Peter, and Peter could feel him vibrate with a low growl, and he couldn't help but think this was adorable. He rubbed his partner's back. "You should probably go."
Simon nods. "I shall inform the others of this new perdictament. Congratulations on the new power, Jonah." He vanishes through the window as Elias sneezes again.
"Don't like him." Elias huffs, resting his head on Peter's shoulder.
Peter rubs Elias's back. "Alright, my scary guard dog, get off of my lap."
"....no." Elias buries his face in the crook of Peter's neck.
Peter can feel Elias's teeth graze his skin, and he sighs. "I'm not in the mood."
"Don't wanna do that now." Elias huffs. "Don't know what I want, just want to be with you."
Peter can feel his patron praise him. He didn't quite understand why, but he was doing something right. His thoughts come to a screeching halt as Elias licks his neck. "Jonah!"
Elias hums happily.
Peter groans, knowing he wasn't going to get a clear answer from the other man. He realized Elias probably has no fucking clue what he is doing. He needs to reach out to Evan he probably knows what is going on.
A good night rest didn't change the odd behavior as yesterday. Elias has only gotten worse, and Peter was basically carrying him to the kitchen. "Jonah, you're acting like a child."
Elias huffs and continues to cling to Peter as he makes breakfast. "I merely wish to be close to you." He growls again and Peter knew it meant someone besides him was nearby.
"Elias." Peter sighs.
"Peter, it's Evan." Elias, let's go of Peter shaking his head. "I wasn't warned just how strong this damn thing will get." He rubs his nose, seemingly annoyed. "I want extra bacon." He mutters trotting off to the front door.
Peter blinks in, surprised he has never seen Jonah answer the door in anything other than a suit, and now he's just in his pajamas, silk and flowy but still fancier than his own boxers. He had to ask Evan about this. He was pulled away from his thoughts as Elias came back, guiding his cousin inside.
"I'm sorry I didn't realize how early it is." Evan looks away from his cousin just in boxers and an apron. "I don't tend to track time as much since I don't actually need to sleep... or eat... or, well, a lot of normal things."
Peter raised his brow. "It's 8am. it's not that early." He hums as Elias glares at him.
"Because to him, he's used to his ship." Elias huffs, sitting himself down at the kitchen table.
Peter smiled softly at that. Oh Forsaken, did he really miss Elias this bad? Even with this odd behavior? Did that make him want Elias even more? His patron seemed to giggle at him, happy at his flustered thoughts. He wasn't even that close to his patron from what his parents say along with the rest of the family. He doesn't even realize he's semi corporatel until his hand goes through the frying pan. It was as if the Forsaken themselves wanted to stop him from the falsehoods.... wait, were they communicating with him? He knew the answer was yes. He gives a heavy sigh and focuses cracking eggs into the pan, letting the bacon greese act as butter.
Evan pauses and gasps, pulling his backpack around. "Ah yes, sorry, Barnabas asked me to bring you some things, Jonah."
"Elias." Elias corrects with a raised brow as a few books are pushed forward along with a bag and a chew toy. He stares at the chew toy, and he can feel his jaw ache. He grabs all of them and notices the books are handwritten journals and a sticky note on top of each says the name who wrote them and it's experiences with lycantrophy and logs from before and after first turnings. "Thank you, Evan."
"Oh right, Elias, and yeah, no problem. Barnabas said you should get acquainted with your new abilities, changes, and instincts, but uh, in a more crude language. I also got a book for you, too, Peter." Evan smiles and hands over a book to Peter.
Peter raised his brow, staring at the cover. 'A werewolf mate what to expect'. "Do I need this?"
"Yes." Evan didn't hesitate.
Peter sighs and plates Elias's food, handing it to the man who is already reading through one of the books. He watches Elias eat with his free hand, too engrossed in the book to even grab a fork. He grabs the book from the counter. "How are you, Evan?"
"I'm ok. Weird to see family again, I mean, I did want to get to know you. I wanted to see the other black sheep of our family. I just never got a chance before well. Uh, this." Evan motions vaguely to himself.
Peter nods. "I see."
"Uh, I do have to ask. Will you be here during the full moon?" Evan tilts his head like he already knows the answer.
"Elias asked me not to." Peter hums, starting to eat his small plate of food.
"Yeah, that probably won't work." Evan glances over to Elias, who hasn't even noticed them talking about him. "He bonded to you even without sex... uh, I know that because he hasn't marked you with his teeth. Werewolves tend to get wildly protective. You already seem to know that, but what I'm trying to say is that you being here will minimize any sort of danger a newly turned wolf can do. It's only been two weeks, and as you can see, his instincts are fresh and incredibly strong. I don't even think he realizes his new behaviors."
Peter watches Elias reach for more food, but his plate is empty, so he just licks his fingers and huffs. "Will they go away?"
"Oh never, but he'll be able to control them better after the first full moon. Right now, think if him as a toddler and his feral mind hasn't exactly been playing nice with his sane human mind as they slowly merge. He's not even paying attention to us, and I think that's not normal for him. I don't actually know, but I would be uncomfortable or annoyed if people were talking about me in front of me and think I didn't notice." Evan watches Elias flip through his book as if he was the only one in the room. "Although if you left, he would follow and come back to his senses. I just finished a course on werewolves and turnings and mates and bonds. Jack is still trying his best to catch me up on the more common supernatural beings I'll encounter."
Peter pauses his gaze, moving between Evan and Elias. "Can I get him to stop? He's gotten quite clingy."
"You can try biting him, but uh, that wouldn't be appropriate with me here. Again, I don't really know how you handle that kind of stuff, and I can't really do it anymore , so I don't know. I also can tell the Forsaken has claimed you as their child. I do get some perks of being the living dead. I'm like an outsider looking in. I can't affect them, and they can't affect me. However, I can see kind of like the Beholder, but I guess differently. All I know is that you're basically one with the Forsaken it's as much you as you are it. If that makes any sort of sense, I can't see where you start, and they end, and it's starting to affect them now. I seriously never understood how you're the black sheep. You gave the Forsaken humanity or, at the very least, attachment issues, which is quite ironic. I mean, it has happened before, hence why the Web and the End are so human like and don't actually want to have a ritual. Unlike them, though, the Forsaken has figured out how to not let their favorite die. I'm going to have to ask Jack what that is exactly because I wouldn't even consider you an avatar." Evan blinks and looks away. "I'm sorry. I tend to ramble. I never did break that habit."
Peter stares down at his hands. How old was he? He doesn't even recall seeing the family records he wasn't in there. He always assumed they excluded him because they hated how social he was. He knew he wasn't as old as Jonah, and there was a 70-year gap between them, but how old was Jonah. He freezes as Elias crawls into his lap.
"I can hear the gears turn in your head." Elias huffs already on the second book. "I swear control your fog, or I will do that for you."
"How did you know?" Peter raised his brow but couldn't help but relax having an anchor. An anchor that also pleased his patron. He had a feeling he knew why. He never really thought he needed one, and he probably didn't, but he was attached to Jonah.
"Just did." Elias starts to eat the unfished food on Peter's plate, not caring to use a fork like a fussy toddler.
Peter sighs and raises his brow at Evan, who just shrugged. "Right Elias aren't you going to use a fork?"
"Mmh?" Elias pauses his brain, finally catching up with his body. "What am I doing?" He blinks, finally waking up in a sense and pulls himself off Peter to clean his hands and stomp away to get dressed muttering to himself.
"As I said, he's got two minds at the moment, and one isn't playing fair, and they won't be in sync until we'll after the full moon." Evan sighs. "You should probably read that book, and uh, are you really ok with this? I know it can be a bit much, and if you really want, it's early enough, and I can convince Barnabas to take over."
Jealousy was something Peter never took serious, he never understood how Jonah was jealous if he even spoke to other people, let alone that man was always jealous of his first mate. Now he actually felt it he knew the history between the two and like fucking hell he will let that man take his Jonah away. He let out a breath through his nose, and it was just fog. "Elias is mine, Evan. I will get used to the new changes." He relaxes and leans back. "I apologize for the outburst."
Evan raised his brow. Peter never even raised his voice. He knew what it was like growing up on their family he just forgot how horrid it was and how he clung to the freedom he had. "It's ok to be attached to your loved ones. He obviously feels the same way. It's nice to have that."
"Thank you." Peter gets up to head to his room to get dressed. "I shall be back down shortly."
Evan nodded and knew that wouldn't happen.
"Don't touch it!"
"It looks so soft, though."
"Don't touch him. You'll wake him!"
Martin furrows his brows and finally is able to open his eyes. He can move his head to see Tim and Jon arguing beside him in his bed. He can smell dried blood, and he pushes himself up and feels a weight on his back. He looks back to see two massive furry wings. The patterns remind him of spider webs. He can flex them, and then he can feel them slide back into his back like they were never there. He, of course, can still feel them and take them out, but he felt comfortable. He noticed a fluffy tail. It was soft, but trying to feel the actual tail, he could feel hidden spines under the fur. He looks back to see the two still arguing and hasn't noticed he was up. "Uh..... you can touch if you want. I mean, be careful. I feel spines under my fur?"
Tim blinks and reaches forward. The fur was soft, and he could feel the spines and knew it would be bad to put pressure on it. "You think they are venomous?"
Martin tilts his head focusing. "I uh, maybe? I can make the spines smaller, but uh, I don't know. I don't want to test it. Jon... are you ok? I mean, uh, did you both stay over?"
"I mean, we weren't going to leave you alone." Jon gives a nervous smile. "We wanted to make sure you were ok."
Martin blushes. "I, uh, thank you both of you seriously. I really am glad you both are here with me." He refrains from mentioning that he heard the earlier conversation. "How long I was out?"
"A day and a half, the sun just set." Tim smiles softly. "We uh made you dinner with the special meat. Thought you would be hungry."
Martin nods. "Yeah, and uh, can you guys burn these blankets."
Jon nods. "Yeah, I can handle that or your roommate. He seems like a cool guy, and he did mention he's been in statements."
"Oh Gerry, yeah, he's cool helps pay the rent. He's also a good friend he's actually older than me. Even if it doesn't seem, it vampires stop aging after they are turned." Martin sighs. "Thank you guys again."
Tim smiles and grabs Martin's hand. "Come on time to eat big guy then clean up."
Jon huffs. "Tim, maybe you should ask Martin what he wants first!"
Martin giggles. "You two are acting cute."
The two other men blush and look away from each other.
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lupikekee · 1 year
— Betting with a weirdo
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Childe x gn! Reader
"Let's make a bet, if I win, I get to take you out." He started. "And if I lose, I also get to take you out." he smiled sheepishly, looking smug. Your eyes shot up with shock at his boldness — hell you didn't even think anyone would wanna be bold with you.
You knew his feelings for you for a while now, he didn't even try to hide it, just straight up blurted it one day while you were drinking tea, ultimately making you spit out your tea and choke on your own saliva. You smacked him right across the face right after that accusing him of trying to kill you!! Even after multiples times of him blurting confessions to you, you're still surprised if he ever made moves on you- not that you minded of course. Despite all the flirting, he never directly asked you to go out with him, maybe he's got cold feet about the relationship?
But today changes that. I guess I was thinking about it too hard because soon I heard fingers snapping right beside me. "(Y/N)!! you there?" he waved his palm in front of me. I shook my head, trying to remember what the hell he was saying earlier-
"I accept." it was my time to flash him a smirk. I read it in a book somewhere that if you wanna intimidate someone, u gotta have confidence!
He looked like he was expecting it and brushing it off, but I knew deep down, he's jumping with joy since i don't always say yes to his shenanigans. Of course the bet was with a duel, what else would it be?? Dude is weird as hell.
We got into our stance, eyeing eachother, trying to predict each other's move. I made the first move by slashing his side with my bamboo bat- oh, did I mention we were just fighting with bamboo sticks? He easily dodged my attack, having real experiences. he then tried to sweep me off my feet — which he succeeded which caused me to be knocked down with a "thump"! He then pinned me down on the floor to make sure i didn't escape his grip. Forcing me to accept that he was indeed, victorious! He knew you didn't stand a chance against him — even if he did go easy on you.
You huffed, chanting strings of sentences that goes something like "That's cheating" or "That's not fair" he could only giggle at the noises you made, it was adorable. That's probably why he made the bet anyways, getting to hear your noises AND asking you out. Boom! Two birds one stone. <3
You frowned at your loss, but then remembered that you now had a date with Childe! This alone made you spring back on your feet and skip your way home. "H.. Hey! Where are you going?" he shouted, trailing after me, not even having the chance to tell me where and when. Oops, got too excited!
After actually being told the date time and location, i can actually skip home without him following me. I did feel a tad embarrassed though. Upon arriving home, i picked an outfit that suited. I've always thought my own style was good- not to blow my own horn but my style was definitely more unique than the average Liyue citizen. Xinyan would be jealous!
Anyways, you headed your way over to.. an expensive restaurant?? Your wallet was quacking at the realization that you were standing in front of Liuli Pavilion. Oh boy — is he going to pay?? Am *I* going to be the one paying?? Oh dear.
You approached the lady in front and looked at her nametag. "...Licai... Is it...? My name is (Y/N) and i think i have a reservation?" you said. She raised her eyebrow and looked through the name log. "Oh! Welcome in! Mr Childe is waiting for you at table 7." she smiled. As soon as you entered you were immediately starstruck by the interior design of the restaurant. And there was the man of the hour, fitted in a red velvet suit. You both unconsciously blush at the sight of each other.
He eyed you up and down as you sat down,
"You look... really pretty..." he whispered with his palm on the side of his face, covering himself, grinning widely. I giggled at his action, "Not too bad yourself" I gave him a shy smile. Before he could run his mouth, a waiter came and took our order.
"We'll have the Stone Harbour Delicacies, Noodles with Mountain Delicacies, Cured Pork Dry Hot Pot-"
"Isn't that a lot?? And also really expensive?"
"... We'll also have the Tianshu Meat-"
He laughed as you smacked his arms, worrying that the food would go to waste if you weren't able to finish it, who else was he gonna give it to?? "It's fine, it's a special day, let me treat you." he gave you a closed eye smile, instantly making all your worries disappears without seconds.
While we were waiting for our food, of course, Childe being Childe- well he cracked a few cringey pickup lines but hey, atleast you know he's trying.
"Damn, have you sat on sugar before? because that ass looks sweeeeet!"
"yeah I got a vision, a vision of us together"
"Are you a Kamera? Because when I look at you, I smile."
Everytime he sent out a line, he'd close his eyes and put his fingers on his heart while his palm shadow his head, making himself look fancy then proceeds to crack his eyes open to see if you've had blushed at any of his super duper romantic pick up lines!!
Spoilers, you didn't but it was adorable how's he's trying to get out of the awkwardness by engulfing himself into more awkwardness.
Soon after, your food arrives, they all look delicious! The meat juicy and tender, the noodles seems to be lightly seasoned, the drinks were prettily decorated too for aesthetic purpose. This looks AMAZING! you couldn't wait to dig in. You picked up your chopsticks, carefully picking up the food items, not wanting them to slip and go to waste. The first bite you took was absolutely ethereal- you felt like your body just ascended to Celestia how can food served on earth taste this good-
You didn't realize that you made lots of noises, well, who could blame you? Apparently while you were busy munching down your food, you were made an audible "om nom nom" and so on. It was heaven for both of you but for different reasons. Even tho he cringed a bit but he's always adored this antic of yours, how cute! You glanced up at him, seeing as he hasn't touched his food left you confused. Was he disturbed by your table manners?? Oh no were you chewing too loud?? You glanced over to him and the chopsticks.
"What's up with you? Why aren't you eating?" You questioned, eyes gazing at his form, "I- I simply am not hungry! He crossed his arms, trying to put on a convincing act. "Come on, you can do better than that." I smiled, seeing through his lies. "Fine. I.. I don't know how to use chopsticks." he quietly grumbled, I giggled, finding his struggle adorable. "Why didn't you say so earlier? Come on now, aaa-" you picked up some food and offer it to his lips.
Obviously very embarrassed, he looked around to make sure nobody was looking at him- he suddenly engulfed the whole end of the chopsticks, almost biting it off!! You burst out laughing. He looked like a baby fish that's just been given food. He chewed slowly, his checks reddening his face flushing red, but soon after gave a goofy smile. Your laugh was contagious so not long after, he started laughing along too.
After leaving the restaurant, you took a scroll with him throughout the harbour, relishing the atmosphere. His eyes gazed at you, adoring you as a whole, his dead navy eyes lighting up once again for the first time in a while. He crookedly smiled to himself. You turned to look at him, noticing him burning holes at your head. You smiled, turning your body to him, then lean in to give him a little kiss on the cheek. His eyebrow goes sky high and his face turns into sunsettia shade and he was about to pull out the marriage contract RIGHT THERE AND THEN.
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e-m-p-error · 8 months
[ Valentino ]
Since I wrote these out as fics, both of them are going to be underneath a cut for length purposes. Today's question is: What’s their favourite Halloween memory ?  And one they’d rather forget  ( if any ) ?
2. What’s their favorite Halloween memory?  
“You ready, yet, Bunny?” Vox called from the living room, adjusting the high collar of his cape. A vampire wasn't exactly the least cliche costume he could have picked, but he figured it would still match whatever surprise costume Valentino was going to wear. All he knew was that Valentino would absolutely dress like a slut. He did it every year, and this year wouldn't be any different. In this, he was predictable.
Really, it wasn't different from every day, either, except that he usually added something to it to make it a “costume.” Last year he'd been a sexy cat, the year before he'd been a sexy nurse, and the year before that a sexy pirate. It was lingerie with a hat, usually, for the moth, but it wasn't like Vox had a problem with that.
“Almost!” Affixing the stick-on black horns to the top of his head in between and slightly in front of his antennae, he stood back from his vanity. Looking in the enormous mirror, he smoothed his hands over the pleather he'd decided on for the evening. 
The bodice cupped his chest in a way that left a little space between the fabric and his skin, but he wasn’t too bothered by it. It had a low top that curved slightly over the tops of his nipples, concealing the chains between them. In the center was an O-ring that held it together, matching the ones that held the straps to the top of the bra.
A garter belt with a small O-ring in the middle was made of the same red pleather, hugging his waist. It slid down his hips about halfway before turning into another O-ring. One strap slid down to the thicker red strap around his thigh, the other wrapping around the side to meet over the top of his ass. Beneath it was more matching red pleather, O-rings, and straps to form a somewhat hollowed-out arrow that bulged slightly over his tucked-and-taped dick.
Wrapped tightly around his middle was a seemingly simple black leather belt. In the back, it had a single loop that held a thick chain. Halfway down his thighs, the chain gave way to a welded spade, meant to be his devil's tail. His look was polished off by a red-to-black fade on his eyeshadow, red and black lipstick, and a pair of small black wings he'd attached to the back strap of the bra. 
Tonight was going to be a good night.
When he finally sashayed from the en suite bathroom, Valentino struck a pose in the doorway from the hallway to the living room.
“Ta-da~” He sing-songed, and Vox turned his gaze from his phone to his lover. His antennae sparked and buzzed and he almost dropped his phone, shoving it unceremoniously into his pocket. Oh. Oh, damn.
“You look good enough to eat, Baby.” Vox offered a playful smile, but his eyes held a certain tenderness to them that Valentino didn't want to fight for once.
“Think I'll turn heads at the party?”
“If you don't, we'll snap their necks instead.” Drawing Valentino in for a kiss, Vox’s mechanisms whirred in his chest, and Valentino’s rumbled with a purr. He didn't mind the lipstick stains on his screen, at least, even when Valentino peppered his face with more kisses. 
“You're the best, Daddy.”
“That's because you deserve the best, Bunny. You really do. You know Daddy'd do anything for you while you're dressed up so pretty for him.”
“Just for you?” Val had considered it, sure, but he hadn't said it out loud, yet. His cheeks were glowing a faint pink, and he licked his lips.
“Isn't it?”
“I... It's not blue.”
“No, I don't think it is,” Vox chuckled with a grin, “But most demons are red. Everything in Hell is red. It makes sense. It’s still all for me. I know you like to impress, you don't have to play coy about it.”
“I... Did. Didn't I? Dress up for you.” His voice was quiet, but none-the-less lovestruck, “I want you to be proud of me.”
“I'm always proud of you, Val. You're stunning.” He let Valentino preen for a few seconds before continuing with a playful slap to the moth’s ass, “Now, come on, let's go. We're going to be more than fashionably late as it is.”
“Right behind you, Daddy.”
2. And one they’d rather forget  ( if any )?
I've been struggling to write this one out like a story so I will just describe it.
The Halloween shortly before his 25th birthday is the one that Erasmo would consider the one he'd like to forget the most. Instead of getting to celebrate at a party with some of his other friends, he was called upon by Darío and their other criminal friends for a job. It did not go well.
This was, also, the Halloween in which Dario discovered that he was a part-time crossdresser. Since he had been about to get ready for a party when he'd been called, he already had his fishnets on. Opting to just throw a pair of pants over them, he didn't expect to shred his jeans during the job, exposing the black fishnets beneath.
Between the near-death experience and the awkward silence on the drive home afterward, Era chose not to bring it up the entire time they were alive. It is part of why, when he died and became Valentino, he leaned so hard into it. Darío has no choice but to put up with it, now, among his other behavioral changes.
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nolanhollogay · 2 years
"I have an extra ticket... Would you like to go with me?”
bringing auggie back to life !!!!
Auggie was not a vindictive person. At least not on purpose. But something about Ricky made Auggie want to ruin his day. He didn't want to hurt him or anything like that, just wanted to mildly inconvenience him whenever the opportunity arose.
And the opportunity had just a-risen.
Like the rest of the theater troupe, Auggie had been walking on eggshells around Achilles after their... well it couldn't be called a breakup if him and Ricky never actually dated. Achilles was... delicate, and they seemed to be thirty seconds away from snapping at any point nowadays.
But they were very pretty, and Auggie was only human. It would be better to ask them out now while they were single than to wait for Ricky to get his shit together.
Plus, asking them out in front of Ricky would be funny.
Achilles was at their locker, having what looked like a very riveting conversation with Ricky, and Auggie knew it was time to strike.
He walked over, standing beside the two of them and sent Achilles his best smile. "Hi, 'Chilles."
Achilles wrinkled their nose. "Don't call me that. Hello."
Ricky pressed his lips together so he didn't laugh and Auggie wanted to kick him in the shin.
"My bad," he said, "I had a question for you."
Ricky laughed as Achilles sent him a look. "You're very popular today, Hero. There must be something in the air."
Auggie needed him to leave, ASAP. Achilles wasn't going to have eyes for anyone else if he was around calling them pet names and having inside jokes with them and shit.
Achilles turned to look at Auggie, their eyes softer than before. They even smiled as they asked, "What's up?"
Feeling a bit more optimistic, heart speeding up a little in his chest, Auggie cleared his throat. "Well, I know you like musicals, and there's gonna be one at the drive in. And I have an extra ticket... Would you like to go with me?"
Ricky's eyes nearly popped out of his head, and Auggie smiled. He was so predictable.
Achilles blinked at him, tilting his head to the side like a puppy. "What musical?"
Auggie resisted the urge to throw a punch in the air. "Is that a yes?"
"No. It's a completely separate question."
Ricky elbowed them in the side.
"Ow! It is! Why are you hurting me?" they whined. "I only asked because I wanna know because it might be something I won't enjoy. So then I won't want to go."
Ricky winced, sending Auggie an apologetic look, which was not helping his already bruised ego.
"It's Bye Bye Birdie. Have you seen it?"
Achilles nodded, bringing their right hand up to their mouth to use their pointer finger to poke their lower lip. It was incredibly distracting, and Ricky definitely agreed. Auggie sent him a smirk when their eyes met and he looked away.
"Yes, I'll go with you," Achilles said, startling Auggie.
"Really?" he and Ricky said in sync. He was only a bit offended at the surprise in Ricky's tone.
Achilles nodded, making their hair fall into their eyes. Instantly, as if his hand was a magnet, Ricky brushed it away from their face. "Yeah. I've seen it already but I like rewatching things to see what I've missed. And if I get bored we can kiss or something."
"Really didn't need that visual, Hero," Ricky muttered.
Achilles ignored him. "You'll text me with the information?"
Auggie nodded, smiling so wide that his cheeks hurt. "Yeah, course I will."
Achilles smiled back, eyes sparkling. Ricky looked less than pleased, which made the situation even sweeter.
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jqemfanfic · 2 years
Love in the Limelight: Chapter one - Is it too much?
"When was the last time you had a day off?" Mumbled Sam as she hurriedly ate breakfast whilst reading something on Instagram.
"Sorry I don't speak Lucky Charm Sam" I Said as I leaned up against the kitchen counter, blankly starring off at the cupboards whilst sipping coffee.
"Besides its we, when was the last time we had a day off". I laughed as I snapped back to reality and looked at Sam who was giving me an annoyed yeah I know look.
"exactly" she huffed "I feel like my brain is going to explode and I only help you, I can't even imagine how much you need a break too babes" still crunching on her cereal. "I can literally book us a flights to Bora Bora right now" She exclaimed as she reached for her laptop.
"Nope!" i yelled, pulling the laptop away from her. "Step away from the laptop Samantha" i said, raising an eye brow with a smirk. She huffed, sitting back down, mimicking a child having a tantrum and going back to her cereal. I siged at her
"I couldn't say no Sam could I! We both know these guys are amazing and this show is an opportunity that doesn't come around every day, let alone three times" walking over to the kitchen bench in front of Sam at the bar and putting my coffee down "Besides I'm only in charge of one aspect of the show so half the work for me means half the work for you" I pushed my cup of coffee towards her motioning with my hand for her to drink it in an attempt to calm her down.
She paused. Looking at the coffeeand then back up at me. She rolled her eyes at me as she went to take a sip. "yeah that's what you said last time" she scoffed.
"I mean I don't hear any complaining when its pay day bitch" I smirked with raised eyebrows. She smiled finishing off the last of her coffee.
"I hate you" she laughed as she set the empty cup down.
"Ugh wow, Love you too Samantha!" pretending to be hurt clutching my heart.
"All right, enouch sass talk i need to get ready. I'm going to go change and then we should really get going ok" I said, looking at my watch. Sam nodded; mouth full of cereal before chugging the milk left in the bowl.
I headed upstairs to my room.
Considering it was freezing out at the moment I knew that I had to wrap up warm, I predicted a lot of standing around or potentially not doing much today. Today was more of a chill pre-production get to know everyone kind of day. From what I had talked about with the brothers I knew that I would be working with the "hellfire club". The DnD club at hawkins high school. I had been put in charge of overseeing sets, costumes, makeup and the DnD aspect of the show this season as I had a history with the game.
I enjoyed playing it a lot in my free time growing up and I had just gotten into being a DM myself when my career took off but I haven't really had much time for it since. So I was very excited to get involved with it and help the characters with any questions about it. I did help with aspects of it in season 2 but this season it was completely in my hands. After being approved by the brothers of course. I had been working with them for months now on how everything will go, how the set up for scenes will be and all other aspects of the hell fire club and kits members so I basically just had to be there to make sure everything went smoothly which was nice. The hard yards had been done and now I could relax a little and have fun with it.
I scanned my outfit that I had chosen the night before. Looking at it in the light of day sent a hint of doubt through my mind. Was it too much? Was it overboard? I was not the type if girl who usually wore this kind of thing. I was very girly at heart, but the cold weather and the fashion in the show had inspired me to try and get fully into the hellfire look.
Maybe looking like I was some what included would help creatively?
I took off my pjs, chucking them on my bed and i got dressed. Looking in the mirror I felt more confident than i thought i would for sure, and I didn't hate the way I looked in the outfit. I was pleasantly surprised. I'm not the skinniest person, I have curves but as Sam loves to remind me "they are all in the right places" which always filled me with the confidence i need.
I was wearing semi see through black tights for warmth, black high-top converse with black socks that just poked out the top. My vintage black Metallica shirt (borrowed from Sam's closet) was tucked into a black plaid shirt with a small amount of red stitching to match the red of the Metallica logo on my shirt. I was also wearing minimal makeup, basically just mascara and eyebrow pencil with my blonde hair naturally dried so it had a wave to it. I was quite long, close to my mid back, so I twisted it up into a hair grip with two strands down by either side of my face to frame it nicely. It felt very Lara Croft which i loved and was for sure my favourite hair look at the moment.
I did a little twirl and checked to make sure my skirt wasn't tucked into anything; no way was I embarrassing myself on my first day back with the gang. I knew id never hear the last of it from Gaten. I love him but he's still annoying, like a little brother.
I took a deep breath as i took one last look in the mirror before grabbing my black cropped teddy coat off my desk chair and heading downstairs. Sam was waiting for me at the door with my handbag and a backpack with supplies for the day. She looked up from her phone and raised her eyebrows at me as i reached the bottom of the stairs.
"Well well well" she smiled looking me up and down "someone is for sure looking the part, I love it" I thanked her as I took my handbag from her and started towards the door. "Wait is that my top?!" she exclaimed as she shut the front door, locking it behind her.
"Come along child we're going to be late" I said still walking towards the van that was taking us to set. She scoffed at me with a smile, shaking her head, as she got in the van and slide the door shut.
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leonbloder · 6 months
Who's Getting A Lump of Coal For Christmas?
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Grace and Peace, Dear Readers!  This will be my last Daily Devo of the year, as I'll be taking a short break during the holidays.  As ever, it is a true joy and privilege (and also very humbling) to know that so many of you read the Daily Devo, and I think of you every time I write.  I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and the happiest New Year! See you in 2024! "What do you think you're going to get for Christmas?" My leering uncle by marriage asked me when I was eight. 
He was an odd man with a penchant for terrible jokes and general ribbing and who was also creepy to the point of distraction.  
I never knew him to wear anything but cowboy boots, western snap-button shirts, and jeans held to his skinny frame by belts he'd made himself, festooned with enormous belt buckles. 
"I don't know,"  I mumbled as I stared at his latest belt buckle decorated with horseshoes.  
"I'll tell you what you're gonna get," he told me with a Grinch-like expression. "You're getting nothing but a lump of coal." 
Even though I knew he was full of it, I had a moment of pause.  I wondered if he knew something I didn't.  Or maybe that's what he and my aunt had gotten me for a gift. 
Because I was raised in the Independent Fundamentalist Baptist tradition, I'd stopped believing in Santa Claus by the time I was five or six.  Even though my parents never said it, one can only hear about the evils of "Satan Claus" in church so much without asking questions.  
And then I became that kid who told other kids that Santa wasn't real, and parents snuck all that stuff under the tree.  
"Think about it," I told one of my cousins, who was horrified at my declaration about Santa.  "You don't even have a chimney, so it doesn't make sense.  How's he going to get in?"  
I know.  I was turning into a fuddy-duddy.  Good thing I grew out of it. 
But my uncle's grim prediction made me nervous because I doubted my essential goodness.  Even though I had stopped believing that presents on Christmas came from St. Nick, I still wondered if there might be something to the idea of bad kids getting a lump of coal.  
The funny thing is that feeling still creeps in to mess with me even today. 
Like most of us, I'm full of contradictions, capable of doing great good and also capable of doing great not-so-good.  We all have our shadow sides in addition to the light we bring.  
The one thing we can all hold on to with hope is that no matter what, we are loved by a God who was willing to go to the greatest lengths to show that love to us, to everyone, and to all of Creation.  
Fr. Richard Rohr puts it like this: 
We are all living paradoxes, to be sure.  But it is within our brokenness and struggles against our inherent goodness that we discover the love and goodness of God.  
This is, after all, the paradox of Advent.  We celebrate the arrival of Christ, who demonstrates to us what God is like, but that arrival comes in what the author of the carol "What Child Is This?" called "mean estate." 
In other words, the glory of God was revealed in a child born to a homeless refugee couple in a cave occupied by livestock.  The only attendants that night were dirty shepherds sleeping in the fields.  
This is how the goodness of God is revealed. 
May you find comfort in this knowledge, and may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and always. Amen.  
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lavendertowerarchives · 11 months
Not exactly fun or productive or even rational.
I sent a message to JH. She takes a day to respond (a whole one of her days, she lives somewhere now where the time zone is 9 hours ahead, for context) and we talk for like 20 minutes. Normal shit, I finally worked up the courage to talk to someone and it happened to be her. Next day, nothin, she doesnt pick back up on the conversation. Next night, she hits up the group chat at 1 in the morning and everyone besides me gets in on it (3 people). I normally would be awake but I got a migraine, just bad luck.
I find out that she and E have been talkin on the side a fair bit. This makes me pissed. I want to be able to talk that often, but I'm never talked to and it takes quite a bit for me to hit someone else up. I'm not pissed at E, I'm not pissed at JH, I'm pissed at myself. I'm apparently just not worth it to talk to. She could have responded to my latest message, but she didn't. She chose not to. I assume because it's drab and unexciting, like the rest of my conversations. This kept happening before, where she would just... stop responding in the middle of a conversation, and not pick up for days. I already don't have the confidence to ask about more personal stuff in her life, and now I don't have a damn thing to ask about besides school, which isnt exciting at all. Sure, she (and anyone else i have social anxiety with) could put in a bit more effort, but they don't need to. Im the one who always needs to bridge the gap, not because I have more capabilities to build the bridge, but because I'm several orders of magnitude farther from what the "midpoint" is predicted to be.
Imagine my friend asks (or I ask) for a high five. They could hold out their hand, or stretch out their arm. Thats the effort they put in, and that's whats expected. Any less, and it seems they don't want to high five.
For me to high five them, I have to do the same. What they don't see is me getting dressed, going out of my house, and taking the bus to wherever they are, just to extend my hand into theirs. They wonder what took so long, and I can't bring myself to say "I came a long way, sorry my hand's so sweaty."
I'm jealous of E for talking to JH. I'm jealous of my partner for the same. I'm despising myself for not being fun enough to talk to. Still, no one hits me up. E asked me today (starting a conversation) for advice, and snapped at me when I suggested I show them myself. I cut my losses and just gave them the advice and bowed out. They didn't want me. They wanted my info. Not even expertise, not prowess, just info they knew I had. Yeah, they talked to me, yeah they started it, but they didn't want me. They wanted something they could've gotten from anyone, without the part where I specifically could add to the help.
I'm sorry for not being an entertaining or deep or nice enough guy, everyone. I don't think I'll ever be enough, but I guess I'll keep acting like I am. Some people believe me, momentarily. The illusion vanishes once I'm not physically next to them.
Thanks for finding me.
Thanks for staying.
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April 9: Today's Writing Work and Excerpt
I finally finished the notorious Scene 7 from my Bellarke wip. It didn't feel as satisfying as I thought it would, I think because I just have too many thoughts and feelings and insecurities about this story. I second- and third-guess everything I do. Am I getting across what I want to get across? Is it in character? Is it clear what the non-POV character is thinking/feeling? Is this dialogue realistic? Is the action and dialogue flowing? Does it sound good?
I can't just be cool about it. It's been going on too long. I'm in too deep.
Really bursts the fantasy of, like, getting really into something and having a long timeline be, somehow, a plus? Apparently it's just more fun to crank out stories in 1-2 days and throw them out on AO3 and then not think about them again. Who knew!
Anyway, I will finish it. I might not like the completed project but I will do it. I've gone too far not to. I only have 2 more real scenes left, plus a stylized epilogue, and then I need to go back and add in intros and stuff, which at some point I just stopped writing. Then the editing. It's already at 13k so I'm predicting something closer to 20k when it's all said and done... One thing finishing the scene did is make me want to really power through the rest. (I will not power through anything because I work a 9-5 but...you know.)
Here's a very short excerpt:
Bellamy huffs. "Hashtag Instagram problems."
"What do you even know about it?" she snaps. She picks up her empty soda can to take another drink, finds nothing left and has to set it down again, struggling to find something to do with her hands.
And it's such a ridiculous accusation to throw, because he's seen it all, all the perfectly curated and lovingly filtered images of it, the reflections of that life she left him for, as if replicated through a prism, turned into little square boxes on his phone.
"Come on, Clarke, you just said it, didn't you? That wasn't an adventure. That wasn't... the sort of stuff we used to talk about. That was just hopping around from one place to another, staying long enough to take a picture of it and then moving on. You're not satisfied because it was shallow. And doing it all with that guy!" He gestures widely to the door behind them, where, somewhere inside, Finn is still doing his court jester act to an audience of Clarke's oldest friends. "That guy, who has all of two brain cells and doesn't want to do anything other than drink and party and cheat on you!"
Clarke's eyes narrow. He's sure he's gone too far, said too much. The fucking satisfaction of it, turning rancid in his throat. "You talk a lot of shit," she says finally, steadily, "for someone who wasn't even there."
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Stuck in 1903
Part Two
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Summary: Damon and Bonnie had come to your rescue, or so you thought, but it is Kai’s every intention to get close to you again
Pairing: Kai Parker x reader
Warnings: angst, smidge of fluff, mentions of smut, mentions of death, mentions of murder, bad friendships, mentions of poison, swearing
Word Count: 2052
Find Part One Here
divider by @firefly-graphics
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If the Other Side continued to exist, then you would be there rather than this subordinate prison world which had been designed for one bad witch. Kai's own kind feared him, you had experienced him mentally draining your energy, he was a chore to put up with, but he could do much more than that, you had learnt from Bonnie. He fed off magic, physically stealing it from bodies and items that harboured any of it, which had poisoned his mind to hunt for power. Your friends had informed you that he had murdered his siblings, well some of them anyway, and had attempted to do so to more of them. And now you knew, with supporting evidence, never to trust Malakai Parker.
Without Damon and Bonnie you had to resort to fending for yourself, which was not at all difficult since this version of Mystic Falls that you were trapped in was quite literally a ghost town. The forever enveloping silence was torture, though the method of ignorance had not been designed for you; it was all for Kai, and that unsettled you. There was one more thing that you had been dreading - the possibility that you could not escape from the remote isolation without the aid of the guest starring siphon himself. This hell was built to contain him for eternity, but now there was magic that he could use to his own advantage nearby.
Your cheek rested upon the side of your hand, mushing the flesh whilst your elbow was poised upon the countertop of the kitchen island in the Salvatore house. All of your concentration validated your deep thoughts, of which you were broken from as a plate was placed directly in front of you, a pancake decorated with chocolate chips and syrup to form a smiley face. Damon was the culprit as he threw a tea towel over his shoulder, expectedly looking at you.
"I'm not hungry." You informed the vampire, who simply frowned at your lack of an appetite. "I ate yesterday, which was technically today." Beneath the table, you crossed your ankles, as you earnt a sigh from your well aged friend; he clearly was not impressed by your behaviour. But you didn't know what he had expected from you, you had been trapped here for longer than you could remember, and alone until you had discovered the man that had been outcast by his own family. At the time you had not known of his murderous tendencies, and had wanted nothing more than to get away from him, and you wouldn't like to admit it but you even missed him a little.
He was annoying and cocky, and withheld crucial information from you, though there was something that contradicted that all. Whenever any one of your friends had suffered the fate of death, they were always attempted to be brought back to life against the natural order of things. It made you wonder and doubt a little if they had even tried to resurrect you. In this separated reality, there was no jurisdiction so that you could know, though each time that either Damon or Bonnie looked at you, you could swear that there was guilt written in their gazes.
"Look I knew being stuck here with Kai must have fucked you up-" he should have bit his lip, his assumptions were anything but correct. And that was proven as you defensively darted out of your seat and jabbed your finger in his face, making him pivot his jaw back. There were many things that were 'fucked up', and supposing that you were one of them because you had died after sacrificing yourself to ensure that they all continued to live just didn't settle right with you. The context of the morbid situation did not help with condoning any reassurance at all, in fact, it gave a spine to your lack of faith in him and the others in the first place. Out of everyone, it was inherently worse to be here with Damon, all he had cared about was his precious Elena as well as himself, and after existing for well over a century, that was insurance that he was never going to change.
"It wasn't him who did that to me, it was roaming this damned place by myself, I had no one. And as crazy as it sounds, I think spending time with the notorious Malakai Parker helped me keep what was to spare of my sanity. If I'm not wrong, I may even say that I've found more being here than dealing with the bullshit y'all cause back home." Perhaps your words were a tad harsh, if Bonnie were in the room you were sure that she'd have a somewhat understanding of what you were saying. Though she was not, and thus you had to deal with the harshness of her best friend all by your lonesome. And it seemed that you had rattled him, apparently he couldn't handle the truth.
"Then why don't you run back to the sociopath? When we discovered that you were here, we found the pair of you attached to the hip anyways. And with him inside of you, I'd never seen you so darn happy, better here with him than tempting me to drink bleach from the way that you constantly complained when you were alive; I swear you were worse than Donovan." It was on your mind's own command for you to take a step back, and away from the toxin that Damon had so cruelly spat at you. Ans the way that he compared you to Matt made you angry; it was though he were ignoring that there were valid reasons for the blond to be the way that he was - after all, the monster before you had practically killed his sister. A laugh renegaded out from your mouth as you realised that you had been right all along, none of them cared. You were just a burden that stopped them from having a perfect life together. If this were a book, then this would be the beginning to your villain arc, and ironically enough Damon saw himself as one of the good guys. Now that was utterly ridiculous after every reckless thing that he had ever done!
"Have it your way then bloodsucker." All along, you should have trusted your guy, and from now on you knew that you would listen to it. And strangely enough, it was calling you to Kai, maybe it was because he was your last resort to escaping this imprisonment that had been meant for him alone. Turning on your heel, you heard Damon flop the towel down on the side and sigh, though you continued to walk, appeasing your better judgement elsewhere. "Wait." He tried to convince you to stay, belatedly understanding the mistake that he had made, but it was no use, you were already on your journey of getting as far away as possible from him.
The Mystic Grill, it remained to be familiar in your eyes as you entered. It was empty and void of drunken assholes and narcissists that you had wasted too much time on. The only person that you missed in the modern alternative was Matt Donovan, he was the only person that didn't treat you as though you were invisible or a nuisance. You wondered how he was coping with your absence, knowing him, he was probably relieved that Damon was gone. But you weren't, because he was here with you instead. Trailing your fingertips over the counter of the bar, out of the corner of your eye you saw a lonely glass of bourbon that was sat there as though it were lamenting you with mockery. You tried to hold your sentimental sob inside, but it was practically impossible. It tore through your body, bellowing out from your mouth as you stifled and fought through your tears.
A hand caressed the landscape of your back causing you to jump and flinch from the unexpected contact. One thing that you had learnt from evading and eventually experiencing the qualms of death, was that you could never be too careful. For no more than a second you had predicted that the intruder to your pity party was Damon, that he had followed you as you tried to distance yourself from him, but alas it was not, instead of being greeted by a fretless vampire, you were condemned by the sight of a powerless witch, of whom had purposely interjected your moment of cracked emotion and wore a brave smile for you. Wiping your eyes with the back of your sleeves, you couldn't help but snap at him. "If you're here to finish what we started then tough luck Parker, you've been here long enough and you have two hands, figure something else out."
His tongue darted out to swipe at his own bottom lip, as he raised his hand, showcasing his offering to you. "I was only going to see if you wanted a pork rind, you look like you could use one." Sighing, you dug your hand into the pungent packet that was littered with dust and crumbs, retrieving a few treats for yourself as you placed them in your mouth. "And now should be when the poison kicks in..." With your hand, you gave him a little shove as you tolled your eyes at his homicidal comedy. "Come on, that was funny! I'm funny!"
"If you say so, there's not very many people around to give you an honest opinion." It was true, the only other human like lifeforms impartially close by were Damon and Bonnie, and well, you weren't going to scurry back to them anytime soon. "And if you had poisoned me, then you would know that I would be fine and dandy in not so long, It wouldn't make a difference if that wasn't the case either, I mean I'm already dead, what could be worse than that?" Kai looked at you with shock; he didn't know that about you, that you had actually suffered a final breath. Now he thought about it, the grand scheme of things he didn't know much about you in general, though he was prepared to learn. He had often found death to be fulfilling, satisfying even, but he'd never thought about its victims being so beautiful. Yet here you were before him, by chance the one force that could motivate and help him find a way out of this jarring hole of reaping misery.
"You're here, that's all that matters." As soon as those words fled from his lips he realised exactly what he had said, and a blush framed his features. "I um - that wasn't what I - you know, yeah..." He scratched the back of his neck as you shook your head at this new side that you were seeing of Malakai. His parents called him Malakai, of course he was going to become a killer, but right now you saw nothing more than an embarrassed boy whose skin had flushed as an affect of his own words. From your experience, everyone was either the killer or the killed - you two were one of each. Like ying and yang, you fit perfectly, it was a balanced divide that was settled on whichever rhythm played out in the air. And to correspond with that thought you walked over to the jukebox, a song beginning to play which made Kai want to cover his ears. "I hate this song." He told you; he really did, if he could murder it, he would without a doubt.
"Then don't listen, just dance with me." You extended your hands out to him, to which he begrudgingly reached for. And as he snapped his eyes open, he realised that was all a memory, and that goddamn song was still playing. All he could think about was you, he had seen how upset you had been to die, and yet you were gone again, and it was all down to your so called friends. One was standing before him as he sat in chains, imprisoned against a chair. "Are you here to punish me?" He asked Bonnie, wanting nothing more than shut his eyes and see your face again.
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oriigirii · 3 years
Streamer MC headcannons with the brothers 💞
"You were quite a known face on social media back in the human realm, playing games, doing unboxings, just vibin in general, fans around the globe looked forward to your streams a lot! However, considering the sudden (unannounced) invitation to the exchange program, you had to leave all of that behind out of the blue. It wasn't as bad at first, but you have to admit you do miss the feeling of being able to do goofy shit online. Luckily for you, with the advance technology of Devildom and some spicy magic, the internet had synced with the human realm, and thats when you decided to finally re-enter the streaming scene. How will the brothers react upon seeing your peculiar past time?"
Head empty, No thoughts aside from the brothers just bothering the MC while they stream so here you go haha
Warnings: None, just crackhead energy and a lotta mispellings
Gender: Neutral!
Hotel: Trivago
* [ ಠ╭╮ಠ ] Lucifer *
{How did he know about your career?}
I honestly don't see him as someone who goes on the internet a lot
(He screams boomer to me, change my mind)
He doesn't have the time either, he's too focused on work!
So him finding out is gonna take a while
But! He did find out the hard way when shrilled screaming was heard from your room when he was passing by with some paper stacks in his arms (courtesy of Diavolo)
This man felt his instincts kick in, he ran as fast as he could, papers forgotten, and he immediately slammed your door open. Splinters scattering around, your door definitely damaged, as his eyes held a glare and his demon form was out, wings spread in a threatening display.
He was ready to beat someone's ass as he had thought someone had hurt you in here.
But all hes met with is you, infront of your chair and PC, and a game over on the screen...
To say he was unamused was an understatement cause you just lost your internet priviliges for giving him a heart attack (He said it was because you were being rowdy and noisy but with what you saw you knew that wasn't the case)
Good luck tryna puppy-eye your way to his heart to let you continue streaming lol.
If by some miracle you managed to wriggle your rights back from his hands, he'd warn you not to be so loud next time.
You already learnt your lesson though~ (Hopefully)
{How does he feel about your streams?}
Not everyone's the same, so if you were the shy soft streamer who does more art streams or something akin to a podcast, you can bet that Lucifer will be putting you on while he works, he kinda knows your streaming schedule at this point and if you were running late, he'd force one of his brothers to take over your dish washing duties or any chores you were stuck with
If you were the loud obnoxious meme type, hed still try to watch out of curiosity, and as much as he appreciates that you were getting comfortable here in Devildom with how you laugh and joke around, he still can't approve of it. Its too loud, its much like his brothers energy and he has enough of that already, so he probably doesn't watch as much.
He has countlessly came to your room to shush you and at this point your fans had made a compilation of each time Lucifer had barged in to tell you off
Look he likes it when you scream, but not when hes in the middle of work okay--
At this point, chat has deemed Lucifer as dad and you as their mom/dad.
If he ever catches wind of this he'd definitely be teasing you in private for centuries to come.
Overall fine with it, as long as don't do something stupid on stream.
* ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Mammon*
{How did he know about your career?}
I would say he found out by him crashing into your streams midway but that's too predictable, hence why you've Mammon-proofed your bedroom during streaming hours!
Thanks to our wizard daddy, you have managed to cast a simple lock spell on your door and as well as a sound proofing
You love your broke idiot, but you did wanna keep the tone of your stream today a bit more chill, you wanted to have a proper Q&A with your fans to hopefully clear any bad vibes around your 3 month disappearance.
When Mammon has learnt your door was locked he definitely was a bit pissy, he knocked on your door loudly even and was calling out for you to let him in, but to no avail.
Bro he's scared.
He usually was allowed to enter, and you usually answered if you did need to be left alone for a bit, so just leaving him hanging got his mind racing and he had to press up his ear on the wooden door to try and hear if you were okay
When this continues on he finally resorts to getting help, but the only one in the house ws Levi, so he kicks down HIS door.
Levi boutta summon Lotan for interrupting him honestly
But as Mammon exclaim you weren't answering and he worried for your wellbeing, Levi rolls his eyes and scoffs,
"Idiot Mammon, they're streaming don't bother them…"
Streaming? why didn't you tell him???
Rude much.
He did huff and now was forcing his way to use Levi's PC for a moment
Can Levi stop him?
He was busy on his console, and if he stood up now hed be breaking his world record so he was at a terrible state so he just resorts to threats of him drowning the Avatar of Greed if he does anything stupid on his PC.
He immediately logs in to your streaming platform and he watches for a bit,
You were more dolled up now just to look decent on stream, and he felt this jealousy rise as you interact with your chat, especially to those saying I love you's and stuff, and you even said it back? the audacity! You were his werent you? Were you replacing him with these nobodies?
He huffs as he realized that those who paid got their message highlighted, and thus, he starts donating. (Mind you this was Levi's account...)
"Mcccccc Open the dooorrr"
"Ill behave i promiseeeee"
"Cmon pleaseeee?"
Chat is c o n f u s i o n
NGL, they thought Mammon was a creepy stalker and red flags were being waved everywhere
but as chat was pondering who the hell he was, you can only sigh and look at the camera with that unamused expression, but ugh! you just KNOW hes doing that kicked puppy expression of his, and maybe it really wont be so bad
So you snap your fingers and say, "Okay MonMon, its open, Im giving you 3 seconds"
Mammon wasnt deemed to be the fastest out of his brothers for nothing
As soon as you got to '2', you were already tackled by the white haired male and chat went wild.
Now that you've shown your life in Devildom, maybe its time to introduce chat to your boyfriend no?
{How does he feel about your streams?}
You get paid to sit infront of a camera, do I have to say anything else?
But really though, as much as he enjoys the thought of getting so much cash from something so simple, he prefers the joy of being able to proudly exclaim that he was your first man!
ohhhh he thrives on the salt of your overly attached stans
but for those who fully support you, he always feels so mushy and shy when they say the ship you guys so hard
The fanarts has him WEAK (he may or may not have saved a few)
You usually do streams alone, but now you've allowed the door to be left open to let Mammon join whenever
Chat pogs when he enters with so much confidence, only for it to crumble when you kiss his cheek on stream.
Overall finds it fun to spend time with you, but just dont play scary games cause Lucifer might hang him upside down on stream.
* ▘▂▝ Leviathan*
{How did he know about your career?}
He is honestly the most attached to his D.D.D and he catches wind of almost anything going down in the internet, so your 'revival' being hyped up was something he definitely saw and he was just s wo o o ned
His Henry 2.0? a famous streamer?
Were you truly a blessing gifted upon him or was he dreaming?
He definitely didn't bring it up at first as he didn't wanna make it a big deal, but you notice hes been more in his head lately, and you have tried asking him what it was but to no avail.
You have to corner this little snake if you want answers and he eventually admits that he knew of your persona online and was incredibly shy to ask you to stream with him
He's a streamer himself afterall but maybe he doesnt stream as much as you do nor does he have as large of a following, so his intrusive thoughts attacked him and made him think that maybe since he wasnt as famous he didnt deserve to be in the same stream as you
Please tell him to join you and gib him kiss U3U
He'll absolutely m e l t
But now, as you make the announcement to your viewers and Levi to his, the internet explodes as a special collab stream was hapening between the expert gamer and avatar of envy of Devildom along with the beloved exchange student and streamer of the human realm
Your usual viewers reach between 10-15k, but as you start stream, that number boosts higher and beyond
Before streaming though, Levi was incredibly nervous, he'd picked the games for you to play that he knew you would enjoy with him, but his mind kept racing about whatthe fans thought, he didnt wanna disappoint them
But you had to remind him that whatever they say will not matter in the end as this was merely for fun, this was YOUR stream and you guys were gonna do what you want and nobody can have a say on it. (Maybe except Lucifer)
You usually talk for him with your bubbly personality, and to calm his nerves, he hs your pinky wraped around his where the camera can't see it.
Regardless, his thoughts subsided as you two delve into your stream that lasted a solid 7 hours, you definitely promised your chat that you and Levi will be doing more streams together from now on.
Once the cameras cut and yall are left alone, Both of you collapse on bed, and despite you being asleep already, Levi was just far too giddy as everything dwells on him.
Having a player 2 by his side now had never felt so intoxicating and he as just so lucky to have you.
{How does he feel about your streams?}
He obviously adores it, although some streams he wouldnt join just so he can play games on his own
He's still an introvert afterall, he needs his alone time
But he prefers that alone time with you, his Henry.
So when youre about to go stream, he kinda becomes a bit pouty, but with a simple promise of kisses (and maybe even more if youd like) he would let you go, but his attention would disappear from his game altogether.
He might just end up watching you instead
May or may not, at some point, just chat you and ask if its too late to join you
You do allow him to join you and play from the comforts of his room as both of you can simply play via internet, you give him the comfort to not turn on his mic or webcam either and you have no idea how he appreciates that.
Will definitely fight someone online when they start claiming you as theirs (-cough- stans) Please make sure it doesnt escalate to him summoning Lotan
Although the comments would often get to him, and as much as he can fight them online, he still does find himself pondering if they were true, so you need to give him a lotta lovin and reminder that he is your player 1 and no one else can ever fill that place.
Wow 3 brothers this time, what an improvement, anyways hope yall enjoy! I think its pretty clear who I simp for depending o nthe length of each lol, but do let me know if you guys want a part 2 for the rest of the brothers, or even the undateables!
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A Little Closer
[Raphael x fem reader]
sfw, apocalypse AU, 2012
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The city that never sleeps.
They jinxed it, you thought as you dragged yourself along the street, Raphael at your side. The city wasn't only sleeping—it was dead.
You and him were alone, trying to get back in touch with everyone after getting split up. The team had been separated by unfortunate circumstances, nothing short of Murphy's Law. If you hadn't believed in the law before, you did, now.
But Raph could and would plow through a horde for you. He had to; he was your friend, the protector, at the moment. Because while you were able to handle yourself to some degree, ultimately, Raph was the one defending the both of you. And not even because you told him to. He took the role up himself, assumed it silently and never complained. You couldn't quite tell if it was because he felt obligated, or if it really was just his nature.
"You see that building up ahead? The tall one." He pointed toward a particular rooftop rising high among the ones around, and you nod. An infected ambled around in an adjacent alleyway. You glanced over at it anxiously, while Raph seemed completely unbothered. He was focused mentally planning their route. "That's our checkpoint. From there, we'll rest and see if we can regroup with the rest of the team."
The infected, a slower, pustule-covered form, started coming toward the two of you, stumbling out with quiet gurgles. "Raph," you said softly, with a tap on his hard shoulder. He glanced back at you before pulling out his sai, running at the infected and quickly dispatching it by a stab right in the eye socket. He avoided the sickly green caps.The creature fell heavily, and some of the pustules popped on the pavement, squeezing out a foul-smelling concoction of mutagen and infector cells. It amazed you every time just how fast he could get it done, the killing. And without fear—a few infected were more of an inconvenience to him than anything. He got in and got out, all the while you were left in awe at his ability to work on autopilot.
"Actually," he muttered, stepping around the body and into the alleyway the Infector had just come from. He noticed the fire escape and decided they'd take it from there on the rooftops. "I think we can get there from here. Feel like a little roof-running?" he asked you, throwing a subtle smile over.
Anything to get off the streets. Down there, it was bad. You had to look around every corner, watch your back even more carefully, and even then, straggling infected would still manage to slip under the radar. Though, luckily, Raph often was able to predict the movements of groups, which was what made you avoid the building horde making its way through the city. It was still a major scare to think you were clear and suddenly have a hunter-class infected jump out at you.
"Yeah," you answered him, following into the alleyway. "Yeah, let's do that. There are way too many Infectors down here." A shudder crawled up your spine to think about what the ooze those things carried could do to people.
He leaped up onto the railing, while you took the stairs. "It ain't the Infectors you have to worry about. It's the Hunters," he replied, pulling himself into the edge of the roof. You finished your ascent up the staircase as quietly as possible, and he met you at the top, grabbing your hand and helping you up the rest of the way. "But don't worry; I'll make sure none of 'em get you." You leaned forward and looked at him with a small smile, noting what he said. And that he still hadn't let go of your hand. "Or me," he added quickly as he released your hand and turned away to survey the series of buildings ahead.
You laughed, "Well, I'd be pretty screwed if I lost you, Raph. I kinda rely on you, y'know?"
Unknown to you, those last words would stick with him. For a long time.
"Yeah…" he trailed off. He didn't know how to respond to that. Of course, he'd been relied upon before; by Mikey, especially. He knew what that felt like. But protecting this girl? There was a new sense of pressure. Even Mikey could handle himself well enough alone. But there wasn't anything for you to fall back on, should he be out of the equation. No ninja training, not much knowledge of how to use a melee weapon aside from the basics, and guns were few and far between. Very far. A gang would trade you one, if you were lucky. Most people weren't lucky in that regard. Raph didn't want you anywhere near those thugs, anyway.
Between the two of you was nothing but the sound of the breeze. The city was almost dead silent, save for the occasional racket of survivors, or feral animals. Both were in low numbers; most of the city—the country—had been turned. The rate at which the infection spread was astonishing. Only here and there would a lonely human cause ruckus anywhere.
Raph cleared his throat, "We should get moving. Sun's going down and we need to hunker down for the night, the Hunters will be wakin' up soon."
"Sounds good," you said as you stretched your tight muscles out. Hours of almost nonstop walking and jogging could really work up some nasty knots.
You moved forward, him naturally taking the lead as you both made your ways across the roofs, him helping you along when you needed it, and you keeping watch for stragglers while you were at it. Sometimes, there would be other people up there. Other times, former people.
Coming up to a run down building, Raph made the last jump across, expecting you to be able to handle it. But you were hesitant, your body worn and weary from days of over exertion, and today was the straw that broke the camel's back. After all this time, you just couldn't muster the strength to clear the gap yourself.
Raph was about to go on ahead when he noticed you hadn't made it across yet, and he called out, "Y/N, what're you doing over there? Come on, this is our stop."
You wanted to do it, for the sake of his convenience, but it was too far. You could have over or underestimated and plummeted down into the alley below, gotten incapacitated, and became even more baggage. He watched as you backpedaled from the ledge. "I can't," you answered, slightly ashamed, "it's too far of a jump. I can't do it."
You watched as Raph easily bounded across, landing in front of you. "Here," he motioned for you to step in, and you did, where he then picked you right up into his arms and started backing further away. He'd lended you a helping hand before, a catch, sometimes, but never had he picked you up like this. "Wrap your arms around my neck, this is a little dodgy," he instructed you. He tried to ignore the fluttery feeling it gave him when you did what he'd said to do, wrapping your arms around his sturdy neck as he got ready to leap the gap. You were comfortable enough—Raph was strong. Really strong. But the threat of you both falling still have you anxiety, and for that, you had to clamp your eyes shut.
Without a word, he took off in a dash, one powerful leg launching the both of you off the edge. His arms tightened around you somehow more than they had been before. And for a brief second you felt wind. You still couldn't open your eyes, only focused on the feeling of almost absolute security in Raph's grip. Next was the hard landing, which jarred you out of your brief moment of warmth. He grunted, following through into a crouch and setting you down on your feet.
"You alright?" you asked him, concerned, placing a light hand on his shell.
He had a level of endurance that far exceeded the average person's, but even Raph was getting tired. He despised feeling weak, but his body was now actively working against him. He felt slow and heavy for his standards, running on fumes and secretly desperate for rest. As good of a sleep as he could get without worrying about being ambushed by something, be it human or otherwise. He knew he'd be back to the grind soon enough though because you needed sleep, too, and he would die before leaving you undefended in such a vulnerable state.
You realized then just now exhausted he was as he rose, taking in a deep breath. "I'm alright, let's just...clear the place and get in there," he said.
He approached the door into the stairwell and listened for a second before trying the knob. Locked. He was impatient to get in and finally be able to rest, so he just kicked the door in with everything he had, deciding to deal with anything that might be in there as they came. You grimaced; stairwells were awful places to fight anyone or anything.
Collecting yourself, you came over and peered in along with him. "Easy there, shouldn't we be quiet?" you questioned him in earnest.
He never intended to be rude to you, but his mood got the best of him, and he snapped back with a sigh, "Look, I'll get rid of them, okay? It's not like you're the one going in and killing them, so just stay out of the way and let me get it done."
You backed out of the doorway and shot him a look as if to say, are you serious? You knew Raph was prone to moodiness, but you'd never expected it to be targeted your way.
Shit. He slapped his hand onto the doorframe and leaned his forehead on it, groaning. Not even at you, but himself, because he'd just snapped at his only friend and ally out here at the moment. Seeing the flash of the look of hurt on your face at his words made him feel like a total asshole.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled after a minute of uncomfortable silence. He looked back at you, eyes falling on the sombreness of your expression. "I'm just tired. I'll be more careful here on out, if it makes you feel better. I know you're just trying to look out for us, trust me. I do."
"It's okay," you said softly. "Don't worry about it. Let's get in there now, yeah?" you nudged him, stepping in. You looked over the railing in search of anything suspicious. Oxidized blood, the hybrid mutagenic fluid that the Infectors secreted. No, it all appeared clean. But that didn't mean it was safe. Raph descended the stairs slowly, listening for anything he could pick up on. The two of you were surprised that it seemed clear, maybe even skeptical, but it didn't stop you as your paced picked up. Raph kept you behind him at all times with his sai out and ready.
"You think it's good?" you whisper, leaning your head over his shoulder. His eyes scanned the surroundings in the hallway you had just been lead into, still searching for any red flags.
There was nothing. No sounds, no signs of infected, and deathly quiet. The lack of noise disturbed Raph more than anything, but if it meant one night of peace, he'd take anything he could get.
"The residents must've abandoned this place when the evacs happened," you noted.
"Everyone should have stayed. Maybe then we would have had a chance of actually containing this thing and Donnie wouldn't have to be busting his ass to save us all. If that's even possible at this point."
He let his guard down a little. All he wanted to do was pick out any random apartment and take it over for the night. Trying the one on his left, the door slowly opened to reveal a messy studio, papers strewn about, cabinets still open, things discarded on the floor. He almost melted just seeing the couch, let alone a bed.
You were watching the hall just to make sure, but felt his calloused hand land on your forearm, pulling you in.
"Wow," you breathed out. "I never thought I'd be so happy to see such a mess. I feel like I haven't slept in three years," you muttered to yourself, shutting the door behind you.
Raph wandered around the room as he made his last checks behind the counters and such before he finally relaxed and slid his sais back into their holders. "No kidding," he commented. "I'd bet there's nothing to eat in here, though."
"Can't hurt to try."
Turned out that there wasn't anything but a couple of granola bars and a single bottle of water you'd found under the kitchen table. Probably rolled under there and the owner never noticed, but you were running low on your water supply, as your backpack was starting to feel light.
Raph kept the blinds closed tight in fear of being spotted from the window, even though it was practically a wasteland out there, but you couldn't help but part them a bit to catch a glimpse of the sun going down. That beautiful, warm glow that the Golden Hour produced, and the way it painted the sky. Though, it wasn't all that visible from where you were.
Sunset came and went and gave way to night. It was dark in the apartment; no electricity was being routed there, and so the only thing that lit up the area was the lone lantern you had sitting on the coffee table. Your eyelids were becoming so heavy that you couldn't stop to care if the furniture had bed bugs or other gross stuff. It was comfortable on your aching back, that's what mattered. You lay down on it and was already dozing off when Raph padded by. He stopped. You were so tired, he could see that. He could stand to stay up for a few more hours, he told himself—he would do that.
As you slept, he spent his time cleaning his weapons, adjusting his gear, snacking on what little the two of you shared. Also thinking. About how tired he was in that moment, his brothers (wherever they were), and finally...you. He found his gaze shifting from the knife in his lap that he'd been sharpening to you, sound asleep on the couch and for the first time in days, looking at peace. You had dark circles under your eyes, bumps and scrapes all over your body, yet for a little while, you'd forgotten all about it. Because you were asleep, obviously, but even though he was downright beat, he couldn't bring himself to disturb you. Not yet, at least. The clock on the wall was still ticking on. It was quiet, except for that—Raph couldn't complain. He softened watching you. There was something comforting to him about being able to drop the act and just observe you without having to talk. He wasn't always good at talking. He judged that perhaps you were only trying to fill the silence when you kept rambling or muttering, which was understandable. It made him wonder briefly if you felt awkward when he was quiet.
Raph was on his proverbial last leg in terms of his wakefulness when he heard your voice, the slightest call that was almost inaudible. He set his gear aside and shifted towards you where he sat on the coffee table, trying to figure out if you were only dreaming, or if you really needed something.
"You awake?" he whispered.
Arm dangling off the couch, you rested your face on your other hand. "Yeah," you answered through a dry throat. He remembered the bottle of water from earlier and reached into the backpack at his feet, handing it to you. He'd already drank over half of it.
"How long have you been laying there awake while I could have been getting some shut-eye?" he jested. You did your best to muster a smile, but it wasn't going. It wasn't like you to be so solemn.
He spoke again as you downed the rest of the water, "Uh...joking. Are you—"
"Can you hold me?"
You weren't looking at him. Your eyes were closed, and on the inside, you asked yourself why you'd said it. Maybe it was the mid-sleep grogginess, or you had just lost all care in the world. He was staring at you, but in the low light, you could hardly see his expression. He swallowed; oh, how this had taken him off guard.
"Just for a little bit."
He was going to stammer out something, he wasn't sure what, but anything to relieve the mix of awkward embarrassment he was feeling. He wanted to crawl into that couch with you, to feel the warmth of your body against his cold one—why couldn't he move? Why was it so hard to just say: "Yes, I can hold you."
He could fight. He could defend. What he couldn't do was comprehend his own emotions.
"I, uh…do you feel unsafe, or something?" He felt stupid to ask that, but that part of his mind wanted to rationalize your request. He would feel vulnerable in your shoes. He knew that for a fact. But really, he was aware that wasn't the case, you feeling unsafe; he was there. Your sentinel, willing to push himself as far as he possibly could, and then some.
A sigh left you, and the single word, "Please."
No more thinking. Just do.
He sat up, tentative in his approach to your tired form. You shifted back as far into the cushions of the couch that you could, offering him the space on the edge. He climbed down, and after a minute of trying to situate all of your limbs, he was finally comfortable. He would be lying to say his heart wasn't beating faster, that it didn't feel weird to drape his arm around you the way he did, being pressed against your back like that. Despite everything, it felt natural. Right. Like he'd been missing something that whole time, and as soon as he had pulled you into him, he had a revelation.
There were no words exchanged. Just the sound of the clock ticking and the both of your breaths as you were lulled back into sleep. He couldn't sleep yet. You still had an hour to go before it was his turn. Not that it bothered him. Not then; he wanted to be conscious for this, the feeling of fullness he had with how you seemed to fit against his body so well. The contrast of soft skin to his scales, his lean, solid muscles compared to your own less-developed. His fingers brushed along your wrist in some of the lightest touches he'd ever administered. His leg found its way over your own.
What started rigid and awkward now had melted him. His body hadn't felt that loose in a long time.
Whatever the next move was, he was fine with it. The team was close to finding each other after four days of separation. There was a horde forming outside, gathering up to blow through the city in one last sweep. But as long as they got where they needed to go, he didn't mind it at all.
a/n: i 100% did not feel like explaining how or why they got separated from the rest of the group just be along for the ride bby
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meenah-chan · 3 years
Safe haven
a Diavolo x GN! MC fanfic
2.36k words
Genre: Angst
Trigger warning: Insane deadly stunt but not suicide, please don't read if you have this triggers. And please don't try this at home... or anywhere
Part 2 (Safe Haven ~Another Story~) | Part 3 (Safe Haven ~Epilogue~)
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It is their sanctuary. A place that has everything they could wish for...
if only, fate isn't fickle...
"If I jump, will you save me again?"
"What a wretched soul I have..."
It’s been an hour since they were staring far in the horizon. Dusk is on its way, with the lake gulping the sun whole to bring forth darkness in the grassy land they’re on. That place is secluded, surrounded with trees serving as its walls. As if it were cradling them away from everything.
It's not their first-time watching day turn to night on where they are. They’ve known that spot enough to vividly paint the place on a whim.
It was neither a simple place as it seems. That place is a part of the human realm, untouched by anyone but two persons— them and Diavolo. A place which witnessed how the said Prince dropped on his knees and confessed he likes them. The place they admit they felt the same.
The place where they held hands in their secret rendezvous; times where the Future king would go to whenever he ran away from his endless responsibilities for a day and spend it with them, with words of affections and adorations for each other. It is their safe haven.
The Forget-me-not flowers they planted are blooming around them. As the two sat beneath the shade of the tree, appreciating the presence of the flowers and each other.
Diavolo has a habit of caressing their cheeks, brushing strands of their locks past their ears, as he embraces them as if they were the most precious treasure, he has ever held. Those smiles he would beam; brighter than the sol they always see. "You're the most beautiful being I have ever seen." And they would smile back, with their feelings overflowing so much they would always pour it back to him with a kiss.
But being always in that place doesn't mean they never left it. There are times they would give him a heart attack by literally jumping off the edge of the cliff. The demon prince then would follow them in a snap, before transforming right before their eyes and seizing them.
They knew it was a foolish thing to do. No sane person would ever carry out such dumb, dangerous stunt. They do have a magic or two under their sleeves should Diavolo fail the task. Spells they would feverishly study and tirelessly practice for the sake of the success of the Exchange Student program; for the sake of making Diavolo proud of them. So, they studied hard, yet fools only around their beloved.
So, they kept on flying off to the danger at every given chance. For the feeling during the times they would fall, they had the best view they could ever see in their lifetime. How the demon they ever loved could be so... breathtaking. Turning into his demon form—metamorphosing like a dazzling butterfly, his red locks fluttering in the wind, with such golden ornaments, such golden eyes reflecting the radiance of the sun. And most of all, such playful, thrilled smiles they would willingly lay their life just to see. He seems like the mesmerizing golden red dusk. He may be a demon, but Diavolo is much more divine than the angels in their eyes.
And to think that such an ambrosial prince would hold them in his firm arms, and bury them in his well-toned chest before gliding up in the air. They really love the feeling. Akin to the flowers they cultivate symbolizes, he is their true love.
"Should we land back on the top of the land?"
"Just a little bit longer." Humming, they would place a peck onto the tip of his horn or temple whenever they would request something so badly, which then would receive a chuckle from the Demon. "Hahaha, what a pampered human... Alright, just a little bit longer." And who knows how long they stay in the air. Then they would share small talks back on the cliff, and soon be bombarded with tons of messages and missed calls from the butler and the right-hand man. They would head back home after that, before the said aides decide to search for them and find their secret haven.
It was all they could ever wish for. An everlasting love to carry inside their mortal heart.
They have everything they could ask for, until that day comes. A moonless, rainy night during the celebration of Diavolo's birth.
"I'm glad to finally meet you, the Future King of Devildom." …the day she came. Rosa, a rather respected princess, and the daughter of Queen Rose.
"...N-No, the pleasure is mine." Whether he was flustered by her sudden appearance or not, something was rather amiss. His gaze towards her was different than anything they've ever seen him make. So different yet... familiar. Like the way his eyes sparked of reverie the day they first met, except it was more profound.
Diavolo sighed, "I'm telling you, you don't have to worry. You know you're the one I love." It was nothing, he said. It was only in their imagination, he said. Even so, the connection between the two they perceived every time the two met on business, felt so real.
They were so anxious, so angry they wanted to explode. They want to blame it all on that demon princess who appeared out of nowhere, and brought everything to a big mess! They wanted to lash at her, right from the deepest pit of their stomach!
...Yet, they didn't.
They simply can't. Not when she was like an angel who descended in the land of darkness.
So pure yet so wise, so diligent and well-versed. She is strong-willed and rather capable in every aspect. She doesn't deserve to be blamed for something she didn't mean to do. It was merely a work of two hearts naturally falling for each other. It was inevitable.
Instead of brooding without doing anything, they will fight. They will fight for what's theirs. For what's right. For the specks of affection left inside Diavolo. For their love, they won't give up.
Or so they thought...
"Y/N, would you mind having tea with me later?" Barbatos asked for their attendance.
But unlike the usual afternoon tea they always share with the butler, "Where's Diavolo?" ... the prince is not around.
"The Young master has prior engagement and brought Lucifer in my stead. My apologies if it was not to your liking."
"Ahh, no. I didn't mean it like that. It's just that... having snacks with only you are unusual." It's not unusual. Rather, it never occurred even once. Diavolo tends to postpone the teatime for another time whenever he can't go, as Barbatos always join his absence.
"Actually, I asked you today about an important matter to discuss."
"...Is it related to Diavolo and me, isn't it?" They shouldn't have asked him. They hated themself for asking Diavolo's attendant.
"Yes. To be precise, it is about your relationship and the lady you met during Young master's birthday. I believe you have the right to know this." They held their breath. "I hate to break it to you but the lady you met back then, is the Young Master's... fiancée and his soulmate." The words that came off Barbatos' lips felt like cold water dumped on them.
They just want to end the conversation right there and leave the garden as fast as they can, but they forcefully pull themself together and learn the whole truth, as painful as it is for them. "...Fiancee, you said? And what do you mean by soulmate?"
"For every heir of the throne, there is a prophecy foretelling the righteous betrothed one fated for them. This Oracle has never once failed in predicting who..." Barbatos paused, evaluating whether they could take any more. "...would help the Ruler in bringing prosperity in the Devildom."
After a minute of silence, they spoke. "Does Diavolo know all about this? About her?"
"Yes... but I swear in my name, he has always wanted to be free of the prophecy and achieve prosperity through his own power."
"Where is he headed to at the moment?"
"..." Barbatos' silence tells them everything. He is with her. That's all that they needed to know.
"I... see... Thank you for telling me this."
"I— no, I don't deserve such words from you." They shook their head, "You still disclosed this even when Diavolo wanted to keep it a secret from me. I'm sorry I brought trouble to you."
"It was my own choice. I'm just doing what I think is right."
"Thank you, really..."
They left the castle, thinking a lot of things but also finally enlightened.
They never had Diavolo's heart from the start.
He is the future of the Devildom, the future of all the demons who could easily outlive them. And for that he needs an Empress who can fully support him and bear another long-lived heir. His soulmate, his forever, his other half. Everything that they could never be.
Their life is short. His' is not. He could never fathom the extent of his life like they could. That is also the reason why they could love him until the day they cease to exist, a mere blink to him.
As obvious as the glaring sun that blinds them atop that cliff, his love... is gone.
They could see it in his eyes. Every day he spends with them, his mind is somewhere else.
Even in their favorite place, his embraces were still as cold as the mountain's peak. His smile is too forced, like a one man playing before their eyes. His kisses were prickling and painful. And his gaze... He is suffering.
Like they were.
"Forgive me." It was for the Devildom, he said. His head hangs low, wearing that distressed expression.
"Hey, lift your head? The future king shouldn't bow to anyone." They smiled, cupping his cheeks to raise his face.
"Look, I understand." It was a surprise they didn't shed a drop of tear, as they pat his head gently. "Follow your heart. You'll become a great king."
He made a wise decision, to choose his bond that suddenly came that day. Someone who really owns Diavolo's heart per destiny's decree. The heart they thought he offered back then, with the trees, and the cool breeze, and the swaying leaves, and the sunset as their witnesses. The heart they thought were already theirs. The heart that slipped from their fingers as he let go of their hand when Diavolo locked eyes with his fated one.
Diavolo's love is fleeting. Or maybe it was never love from the start, but a mere curiosity on his end. A misconception, but it doesn't matter anymore. They already knew the answer.
He already achieved his true love, holding his Empress in white. He wears that smile, much, much brighter than anything they have ever seen.
The bells sing with the crowd in jubilation. It is a merry occasion, with the official new rulers of the Devildom. All were so elated.
Except for one. "What a wretched soul I have..." they uttered under their breath. They couldn't take the sight. With the man they so love to be happy in someone's arms. Rage was boiling inside them. Staying there for a second longer and they would definitely ravage everything. So, they fled the scene, escaping to their secret place surrounded by the lake and the sea of trees.
They wanted to let it all out. Pain, sorrow, rage, envy. They were overflowing with emotion more than they could take. It should be them, placing a ring on his finger! the one smiling and crying of happiness as he makes a vow! The one who should be kissing him in front of thousands of witnesses!
"WHY?! What did I do to deserve this?!" The swaying blue and white Forget-me-nots they took with utmost care came to view. "What useless plants!!" They cried out, yanking and tearing everything off the soil. "True love?! It was only me from the very start!!"
All they could do was cry. Scream until their throat goes dry, until their voice disappears.
When all energy left their body, they slumped in the grassy land they’re on. In that secluded place, surrounded with trees serving as its walls. As if it were cradling them away from everything. Hiding their wretched self from everyone.
Dazed, they stared at the sky for an hour. As its hue turns from light blue to red, their mind gets clearer. That's when they heard a familiar sound. They followed it on the tip of the cliff.
It was the roaring waves beneath the land mass. It seems like it's continuing the cries they couldn't do anymore. Roaring like it was spilling the emotions inside them.
"If I jump, will you save me again?" They spoke to the man who is no longer in that secret place. It will never be a safe haven for them anymore.
"I want to be saved by you one more time." I want to be embraced by you one last time.
They faced their back to the rim of the cliff, and took a step backward. A foot standing on a void. And so, their body tipped, losing the other foot from the ground. As their balance disappears, they see nothing but the golden rays of the sunset and the redness of the dusk. So red like Diavolo's locks, golden like his eyes. There's nothing but only traces of him; of the man who doesn't really love them as he promised.
This is foolish... They thought. They're all alone. No Diavolo will fly down and save them anymore.
"I should go home..." Dying here would only hurt him... They whispered as the firm breeze swirls beneath, ready to catch them. After all, no one will save me but I... thinking of that, another pang spiked their heart.
But the wind spell they casted couldn't catch them. When they should have been falling, a hand appeared and pulled them in an embrace.
"Please don't do this..." it was not the warmth they were expecting. Yet, streams began flowing down their cheeks, in comfort of another’s arms. With their hoarse voice they sob the sorrow of losing their safe haven.
Part 2 (Safe Haven ~Another Story~) | Part 3 (Safe Haven ~Epilogue~)
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kachuuyaa · 3 years
##MELANCHOLY'S INTOXiCATiON — genshin impact
g.i, kaeya, fic? drabble?
2GENRE; fluff? i dunno
3INCLUDES; alcohol, kaeya being drunk, kaeya, reader being sick and tired Damn u just want to sleep, u playing the piano because youre a Good Friend 🤣💥😲⁉️😲
4AUTHOR’S NOTES ?! sometimes i want to hug kaeya sometimes i want to punch him 😘🤨 love him though he’s just an asshole sometimes your honor
5SYNOPSIS; was it intoxication that led them to you? They say you succumb to impulsiveness when you drink, but was it really impulsiveness when they showed up at your doorstep? In which, they stumble onto your house, inebriated and miserable. out of pity, (at least, that's what you say) you lay them on your couch and play a piano piece for them. Since when did you play the piano?
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..WAS IT A HARD DAY FOR HIM? HE himself didn't know. Whatever it is, it ended up being one of those nights. his breathing unstable, head down low, fingers entangling a glass of the famous Death After Noon. His memories, however, are what he's trying to forget for the night (as always, but really, he wouldn't admit it.) but, much to his displeasure, while he was trying to drown his life away with his drinks, his memories decide to drown him in. Kaeya liked to call himself confident and exceptional, but with you, his confidence seemed to lessen. How dare you, he thinks, familiar yet in denial with these feelings, how dare you make me able to feel such things, he thinks again, he blames you, it's a daily thing for him now, whenever his emotions go haywire, when he looks at you and feels— nervous, at first, why would he feel nervous? He knew the answer already. Although Kaeya Alberich, ever the cunning liar, thinks—oh, no, he knows, that it's but a crush. Now, though? Oh, how you've swept said Cavalry Captain, he's absolutely smitten for you, and he wonders if you are too. He doesn't know, nor he doesn't care how many ounces he has drunk, but it seems enough for him to get sent out by his beloved brother. A scowl printed on the redhead's face, snatching his brother's cup when he was about to order— again. Seriously, when he's in love, (was that the right word to describe it, now?) he managed to get more annoying, that doesn't make him less irresistible. (at least, that's what he thinks.) Diluc only sighs, however, concern replacing his aloof demeanor. they weren't on the best of terms, per se— scratch that, they weren't on good terms. Have you ever seen Diluc without his scowl whenever his eyes land on Kaeya? "Go home, Kaeya." Diluc warns, but Kaeya only smiles, "Is dear brother worried for me?" He says, slurred— but his stepbrother was able to notice the slight tease on his tone. He clicked his tongue, turning away, to revel in the light the moon provided. It's almost like the sky, the gods, were mocking the cavalry captain. His periwinkle eye shines under the twilight, making his face a sight to those who noticed. He grunts, standing up from his seat, legs a bit wobbly due to the amount of drinking he had done. a few crack of his joints, he managed to stand up straight— for a few seconds, that is. He turns around, back to where his stepbrother was last seen, "See you soon, brother, goo— ah," he spoke, a pained click of his tongue was heard; he gained a headache. "Good night." He managed to voice out, stepping out of the tavern, footsteps uneven and vision blurred. He could only imagine a faint "take care of yourself, Kaeya." from Diluc.
A knock on your door, who could it be? At this hour, as well? [Name], ever the overthinker. Capable of replacing Kaeya's position on the Knights Of Favonius, do you think? You really did not have the energy to tend to anyone today. Although you really didn't do anything today, let's gloss over that. The moon— reminds you of that periwinkle eye that never seems to leave your figure. You weren't an idiot, you knew, but what you didn't know, was did he know that you know? He didn't, actually. He tried being subtle; he thought he was being subtle. He was described as observant, yet he still doesn't know that he's not being subtle; was it on purpose? You didn't know, and yet, you can't find yourself to care. You just needed confirmation. To be fair, when you dream about him and when he manages to have the key to your heart, does that mean you love him? Another knock, this time, louder. Letting out a 'tch' in frustration, you get up, walking to the door as slowly as possible. Was it cruel, to make the unexpected and definitely unwanted visitor wait for a while? To you, obviously not. You were about to sleep, for fucks' sake. Turning the doorknob, You were met with quite an unexpected sight. Kaeya, the man you were thinking about just a few moments ago, slumped on the wall near your door, clothes disheveled, lips stained with what you could make out as wine, hair tousled, some strands falling on his face, a slight blush on his cheeks— something you have never seen before, and his hands were placed on his forehead. He was heavily breathing and seemed to have put your attention on you when you oh so softly called out his name. "Hello, darling," the pet name rolled off his tongue before he could prevent it. Was this man trying to kill you? If he is, he's doing a damn good job. (just like he always is.) with his noticeable, yet unique eyes boring into your own, his features being illuminated, courtesy of the moonlight. Quickly snapping out of your thoughts, you turned to the man looking at you. "Why.." you made a circling motion with your pointer finger, to which Kaeya chuckled at. His voice, raspy, entered your ears and led you to the conclusion that he was, once again, drunk. "I think you have an idea, princess." He said, the pet name once again leaving his mouth. You could feel your face heating up, however, that was the least of your concerns. "Anyways.." He trailed off, cocking his head to the door, "Are you gonna let me in?" He really didn't want to entertain any questions relating to why he came to your house instead of his, (once again, he decides to blame it on his feelings-- on you) but he decides to play along; that's what he does best, no?
You reluctantly let him in, hearing a relieved ‘thank you’ from the blue-haired man. Contemplating whether to make him sleep on the couch or in the guest bedroom— did you even have one? You forgot the interior of your house due to how tired you are. Not that you were complaining, thinking makes your head hurt on nights like these. in the middle of your internal monologue, Kaeya made himself comfortable on your couch; a squeak was heard when he was shifting. You quickly shifted your gaze to the man who is now in front of you. Silence fills the canvas that is the sky and your living room. "Remove your accessories," You mumble, hoping that he would hear it. He flicked his head to you, smirking, "At least take me out for drinks," He teased, and you couldn't help but deadpan at him. Oh, you’re taking him out alright. With a sword. Although intoxicated, his teasing was still unrelenting. He obeyed you, either way, taking off his cape, (was it a cape? it looks like so.) and his pelt of fur, placing them carefully on the small coffee table in front of him. Then, his boots came off as well. "Enjoying the view, hm?" He cooed, locking his eyes with yours, and you let out an amused hum, unfazed by his antics. "Right," you really don't want to deal with this today. It's late at night, and this Cavalry Captain decided to barge into your doorstep. You didn't want to ask why, though, he'll tease you relentlessly while avoiding the topic. You grabbed some spare pillows and blankets from your other room. Internally clicking your tongue and cursing him out in your mind, you halted your footsteps when you saw him sleeping. His mouth was slightly agape and his legs were (long, was your first thought) bent so he could fit on your couch. Snickering to yourself, you gently lifted his head up to put the pillow below him, and a blanket on top of him. Thinking about it, you doubted the reason why he came here was to bring false hope. To make you believe that you actually had the chance to be with the Kaeya Alberich, the proclaimed bachelor of Mondstadt. You knew how many people would kill to be in your place right now, but that, you could care less about. Kaeya was unpredictable; you knew. You kept learning new things about him every day, but to others, it may seem that he could read you like the back of your hand. He wasn't wrong, nor was he right, but the things you do are sometimes predictable, some even more so than others. You surprise him, you really do; you could learn things and adapt to certain situations in a snap, and that was probably what allured him. You were attractive, it was obvious, it doesn't take a genius to see that, but what attracted him was the personality you never showed to people. It was a privilege to Kaeya, to him, at least. You sighed, walking towards your grand piano in the center of the living room, light reflecting from its material. You made sure your footsteps were soft so as not to disturb the man on your couch, and you sat down. A melody won't hurt, would it?
your fingers worked their way to the keyboard, and then, you play. Your fingers were like weavers— skilfully weaving a masterpiece and satisfying its client, and you— clearly you weren't going to fail such powerful pianists, now would you? You were painting a canvas using your fingers, pressing on its keys ever so gently; the music traveling with the wind. You had a natural talent for piano, it was obvious, you never had a hard time implementing piano pieces onto your head. Your fingers were single-handedly forming a story on their own on the piano, pressing onto its tiles and carefully playing each note. Kaeya, on the other hand, was never asleep. This was one of the moments where you never fail to surprise him. Piano? Since when were you able to play such an instrument? You never mentioned such a thing to him, nor to anyone he could recall. Could he say that this melody you were playing, just for him, made him fall even harder? It was a pit that he could never escape, he realized that. Maybe the reason why he was here was that he was looking for you. He knew that he loved you, he's not denying it anymore. Who knew that such a simple piece could impact someone's thoughts—
Kaeya's thoughts? Simple, because it was you who was playing it, you, the person who he has fallen in love with, who never fails to make his heart race even when you just spare a glance at him, and you, who has amazed him in more ways than one. He slept soundly to the tune of your melody, dreaming about you, and he wondered, are you dreaming about him too?
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26052021 , © kachuuyaa | do not claim my work as your own.
not proofread.
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