#i know for a fact i didnt do this correctly at all but i needed an excuse to lyric post ok
meowydoe · 6 months
L + Ratio + so he comes riding + before break of day + the nightmare thats haunted your lifetime leaps out & sweeps you away + oh you go riding + with him at your side + his smile leads you on till the last breath is gone + eternity’s door opens wide
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be-good-to-bugs · 7 months
when i feel very lonely i get fizzled out of doing anything after less than an hour
#the bin#been feeling much more lonely since moving into this apartment and i cant draw bc of it#cause i have trouble continuing things i was drawing earlier. when i try im filled with this horrible exhaustion and sadness#its easier to feel better when im living more alone because i can play music or walk around and talk to myself and try to make things#brighter for me but when im living with someone especially someone who i really dislike its just impossible to do#and worse i have to hear them be here which just makes me feel even worse#ugh. my relationship with my sister has gone from bleh to awful. her absolute refusal to take me into consideration for anything including#bringing people over at nogjt without even telling me at all. the last straw. absolutely the last straw#hey yknow id love it if in the middle of the noght when i want a snack and dont wanna get all dressed id like to know theres someone here#cause id rather not them need the bathroom the same time and im just in my underwear. but noooo i dont have the need to know theres#some other person in my facking home. nope not my right#the thing where she insists she tells me that she was gonna have someone over when she didnt has been pissing me off a lot because she#uses the fact i have a poor memory to say why actually i misremembered..shes like well ur perception of reality sucks so u THINK u#remember correctly but actually u totally dont but like. im not having problems rememberi g other things like that right now. and i#distinctly remember these conversations and i always make not of when someoens gonna be here and when you tell me i remember#and theres so much proof that she also forgets stuff. but i honestly think she might be intentionally lying abt it because she forgot#to ask or didnt want me to say no. well i am saying no. idc if theyre already here. yall can go hangout elsewhere bc i wasnt told abt tjis#and i deserve to have quiet in my own home. its literally all i have.#ive been feeling like maybe shes not so bad. people grow and change and sometimes you dontjat in different directions#and you dont get along well anymore. i hear her say to other people that im still her favorite person so its very one sided abt this#honestly though its not just that we dont get along well anymore but nobody is at fault because she is at fault#its not like i never let her bring people over. i do. im just askingmthat im notified first. and her response to forgetting or choosing not#to tell me is to use my mental health things against me to say im just too mentally ill to knoq if i remember tnings cleatly#then how come tnis only ever happens with this thing or cleaning stuff? it ONLY rver happens with stuff that she wouldve needed to tell me#about that are important. oh an important bill i needed to know abt but u didnt tell me? i did but u forgot.#but never anything else. its only ever tnings that she would be in the wrong for not telling me about if she hadnt. thats it#so yonow im thinking maybe. u didnt tell me. which wouldnt blther me so much if she didnt just say actually i did but ur schizophrenia#made u forget wow ur so insano haha#ugh. she sucks. literally dont even wanna built legos with her even tho the set is cool as fuck bc being around her sucks#wow sorry for my many many many tags complaining about my sister. living with her is awful :/
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povlnfour · 6 months
i need need need to know not funny didnt laugh 😭😭
THANK U SM FOR ASKING ABT THIS ONE it’s probably one of my fav current wips🫶
from the wip game
pairing: sebastian vettel x f!reader
summary: seb has a crush. problem is, whenever you’re around, the only things that seem to leave his mouth are dad jokes. worse still, you never laugh.
genre: fluff, humour
— “you could at least pretend you find him funny, save the poor man the embarrassment” jenson punctuated his words with a small push to your shoulder, eyes trained on the german man clearly battling with his own conscience as whether or not to approach the both of you. you wouldn’t blame him for second guessing as most recent engagements with sebastian had usually ended in his ego being knocked down a size, after all.
“i do find him funny,” you clarified, watching the scene in front of you as sebastian found yet another mechanic to talk to, disguising his lingering as for a purpose “just not when he’s trying so hard.”
jenson chuckled, shaking his head and shovelling another fork load of pasta into his mouth. “you know why he’s trying so hard, right?”
“because he’s an idiot?”
“sort of.” the brit was smirking, and you should have known whatever fact he was about to break would be the end of you. “‘cause he fancies you, dummy.”
you wanted to protest, or scream, or laugh and call his bluff — but all you managed was a pathetic babbling in your stunned silence. jenson felt the need to reach over, a gentle tap to your chin closing your open jaw.
and then, at that exact moment, when words weren’t forming correctly in your brain, the world just had to test you.
“hey y/n— jenson, have you broken her?”
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rzyraffek · 9 months
Platonic yandere yautja x child reader if u seen my pride um I recommend it the scene where cub nothing attacks a full grown lion but for this child reader was attacked while with a group of pups and was able to kill a xenomorph with a spear through the head
King i love you but please use punctuation😭
If I understood you correctly, you want dad yautja with kid who managed to kill xenomorph with other yautja pups? I hope I understand that right👽😊
I used y/n for kid cuz its easier to write that way, plus i used they/them!
Yautja dad with human kid (they whooped xenomorph)
Dude litteraly banned them from going outside for good month or two
I mean yeah cool cool you- YOU WHAT??? YOU KILLED WHO? W- WHAT
Dude needs proof
But if he saw y/n with yautja pups acually killing that thing? Hes proud and dead at the same time. Like omg yay my baby killed something yay⭐but at the same time OH MY STARS YOU COULD DIE SO MANY TIMES
Hangs xeno head in middle of livingroom so everyone that walks in sees it😊 he is a proud dad
But it doesnt change the fact that you litteraly can't go outside without him around
He also kinda dislikes y/n friends??? Like "ugh really kid? You are hanging out with those bab troublesome pups? You know you can do better? Just stay with me"
Hes jelous and upset that first hunt kid had was with their friends, not him😭
Everytime you guys hang out with other yautjas he gives y/n's friends a death stare
Of course hes proud that his lil baby menaged to hunt down A FUCKING XENOMORPH, he will purr. The issue is that he cant help but imagine what could happen.
Heres little extra, i never write this type of stuff but im bored atm. Tw toxic behaviour?:
Y/n wanted to show off what they hunted with their friends, but the corpse too heavy to carry, so kid just goes to their home, walks up to their dad and tells him that they have gift for him but its outside. They grab his hand and lead him outside, he didnt expect few young yautjas poking dead xenomorph in his backyard for sure. He yells that they should stay away and he pulls put his weapon. He has so many questions all starting with "why", "how" and "when"???
After making sure that the thing is dead and his child didnt suffer any wounds he turns to other pups and starts scolding them, how dumb they are to bring a human pup on a hunt?? Dont they know how dangerous it is.
He would probably yell at them forever if not y/n stepping in and trying to explain that y/n was acually attacked and pups helped, yautjas wanted only good. He kinda didn't expect that, you? His own kid? Stepping in and protecting other people from him? He should be the one viewed as the one whos right and the one you always go for advice! So yeah he didnt take that well. Of course he tried to keep cool around those young hunters but o my god after they went away? Omg expect a lot of offended and angry dad behaviour, he gives them silent treatment for few days or is just simply passive agressive
After all y/n just wanted to feel like rest of their friends. And ironically enough the only one treating y/n like human is her own dad
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Freelancer is Gavins soulmate but Gavin isnt their's.
"but rat! thats not how that works! also Erik doesnt do soul mates in his contect!" shh i know. let me speak my truth. in my opinion, a soulmate is a person who changes you for the better, a person who makes you feel whole. tell me thats not how Gavin feels for freelancer? soulmates are also normaly "love at first sight", you meet this person and your life is instantly changed. look me in my eyes and say thats not what happened to Gavin, becuase he littarly said in his confection vid that he didnt know why he kept going back to them at first, he said he loved them long before he even knew he could feel that way for a person. he has felt this uncontrolable need to be with them for the momment he met them. Tell me, how many random strangers have you talked to made you feel as if you had to find them again? how many have made you need to find them again, just so you can see them again? this isnt a normal thing for him or for anyone! Freelancer is Gavin's soulmate.
but hes not their's. dont get me wrong! they are a perfect match, their relationship is perfect (in my opinion) but it doesnt change the fact freelancer has a few 'non canon' vids where we see them in equaly healthy and loving relationships with each of the DAMN bois! their is a reason the DAMN polycule is so poupular in fics and fanart, Freelancer works well with everyone of the boys. this is one, becuase they are arguably the listner with the least amout of personality (this isnt saying alot since like every listner character has a crap ton of personality to the point if you showed me a drawing of each of them with out a lable i could point out everyone correctly 85% of the time) and two, because they just dont have a soul mate. a soulmate is supposed to be a person who makes you whole, its supposed to be the only person to make you whole. freelancer can have healthy loving relationships with all of the boys, but Gavin would have never become the person he is now without Freelancer.
thank you for comeing to my ted talk
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
Can you do TADC cast x reader with an amazing singing voice? And what each member thinks of their voice. Like let's say they just one day hear the reader singing in the halls to themselves or something, what would be their reaction
TADC cast finding out the reader has a good singing voice!
i think ive done a singer!reader before but too be fair iirc correctly those are with a reader who sings to cope... plus it was only for about half the cast, i think! speedrunning this since im answering this while i got something in the oven YAHOO
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i think he would first hear you after mindlessly barging into your room. like usually hes good with knocking, but i think sometimes he gets so antsy to see you that he just. invites himself in. thats an issue for a different post, i think. so imagine he finds you singing to yourself in your room... and you sound so amazing... oh he would be in love with you, even more... assuming this is romantic, of course! though i guess thats the default for these kinds of posts.... that aside, i think he would start to ask for you to sing for him alllll the time. its like hearing an angel singing... or perhaps even a siren, given how it draws him right in... adds that to his long list of things about you that he gushes about you
writing her right after i do ragathas but i think that her reaction would be similar... just minus the successful getaway; she would probably trip on something behind her while shes trying to slink away; thus alerting you and stopping your song. tries to stammer out an apology before just blurting out that she heard something; heard you singing and that she didnt mean to intrude but it just sounded so..... alluring? is that the correct word? very bad at trying to defend herself, though is there really anything that she needs to defend herself against? its not like she did something bad, she just walked in on you doing something innocent.... needless to say, i think it would be awkward between the two of you for at least a short period of time... perhaps you offer to sing to her... would that still make it awkward, or would it dismiss it? up to you, my silly reader!
probably finds you singing to yourself while cleaning and/or tidying up one of the common areas of the circus after jax's prank leaves it particularly messy! doesnt interrupt you, in fact you might try to quietly back out of the room... i mean she didnt know you could sing, and you never sang around her, plus given that youre doing it while no one else is around... well it would get into her head that this is something personal and private for you. whether or not thats true is up to you, though! i do think her curiosity would eat away at you though, and with thinking about your voice, it would lead to her asking about it. keeping this open ended for you to expand upon this yourself, you could explain to her what music means to you and perhaps you offer to sing to her... shrugs
honestly i think he would try to mess up your singing, like it could be his first time hearing you sing and he could be totally captured by your talent; but the asshole in him is telling him to do what he does best. its like setting a glass down when theres a cat nearby. something is bound to happen; you know? like do i think he would sneak around you and form some elaborate prank thats going to dunk slime all over you while youre singing? no, no no not at all. in fact i dont think jax would do that to his actual close friends or partner.... now to zooble or gangle, yeah definitely.... though to be fair he is comfortable with teasing the idea of putting centipedes in ragathas room, knowing that shes deathly afraid of them; and they seem to be decent friends... but im getting off track... no, i think he would just call out a random word while youre focusing on your lyrics; which makes you repeat him and thus breaking your focus
though, he does make up for kind of complimenting you
not quite a sour patch kids kinnie since he doesnt have the sweet part nailed down </3
okay cute idea. while most of the other characters (if not all since im writing everyone out of order) find you singing on accident... imagine you sing to him to try to calm him down after a particularly rough day that leaves him more antsy and anxious than usual. i think depending on the song, if you pick the right one it calms his down real nicely. maybe im biased, but rises the moon... my beloved... cough coughs
anyways... i dont think he would ask you to sing, not because he doesnt like your voice. no he just doesnt want you to feel forced to do it plus i mean... your digital vocal cords can get worn down... maybe... actually i dont think they would?? digital bodies are... weird.. might be a case of temporary strain that doesnt stick but the point still stands, he doesnt want ANY harm or discomfort to come to you; physically or otherwise!
not much impresses zooble, but even with that being said i think they would be able to recognize talent when there is... well talent! though, they are bad at showing their emotions; at least not the ones that are more positive if that makes sense! given their general attitude as well as their flatter voice, a lot of the genuine compliments they give you upon first hearing you sing may come off as sarcastic... or maybe they dont, since you guys may or may not be close and know that this is just how zooble is. they arent going to shower you in compliments like caine, or ask you to sing for them. thats just not how they are, and they simply treat your singing as another part of you! not to say that its not worth gushing over; its just that... gushing isnt really something zooble.... does... you know?
stealing from kinger but imagine singing to her to help calm her down or get her mind off of something... like i think she would be entranced.. or perhaps confused because now that im thinking about it more imagine youre crying to your partner and they start to just. sing...
shh we can pretend that gangle just enjoys your voice..! finds it very pretty, but also like kinger i dont think she would ask you to sing for her often out of fear of making you feel forced to do it. plus gangle, at least to me, seems like the type to not want to ask anyone for anything for fear that it will make her an annoyance or inconvenience. poor girl... absolutely loves your singing, though
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sarcastictissy · 21 days
Hi, Tissy. I want to thank you for the positivity you bring to this community. It's something that is in short supply around here, and it's greatly appreciated. You have also been fair and objective, which is also appreciated. That is why I feel it is safe to send this message to you.
The past and present QSMP admins deserve support, but only to an extent. There have been instances of them displaying terrible behavior, and the QSMP community needs to stop ignoring/excusing it. The xenophobic remarks made by Lea and Lumi. Lea's baseless speculation on Twitter that Quackity's brother was working for the QSMP is what caused people to dox Quackity. Lea showing no remorse for leaking Quackity's information and causing his safety to be threatened. Some of the admins were very insensitive about the doxxing. Quackity's safety was actually threatened, and they were saying/agreeing with someone saying "womp womp" about the stream where he spoke about how he felt physically unsafe. And now we have the actions of Puella and other admins defending them.
The QSMP community's continued parasocial behavior toward the admins is just very frustrating for me to witness.
🥺🥺 I really, really appreciate your kind words!! Thank you so much, they mean a lot, genuinely. Hearing I help people stay positive, or even enjoy my posts, on qsmp makes my day, honestly. I'm so glad I get to cheer people up and help them. It inspires me to keep doing just that! :D
Onto what you said, I don't know who needs to read this, but you ARE allowed to respect someone/ support them AND be annoyed by their words or actions. You are allowed to like someone, and dislike some of their actions. You can support the admins, be annoyed by how they were treated by QStudios, and also be disappointed by what they have said or done.
Personally, I'm disappointed by Lea's xenophobia in her interview that was strictly about her experience with the studios. She used this as an opportunity (whether it was intentional or not) to say xenophobic remarks towards the Spanish speaking community. Nevermind, the fact she never apologised for, and, even tried to justify, doxxing Quackity. She said that her doxxing Quackity was no where near as bad as what she went through during her time working with QStudios. Doxxing is NEVER the answer. I'm severely disappointed by her ignorance and xenophobia. That does not take away from the fact that she did suffer. I respect she was under poor working conditions and I support her in getting treated correctly and paid fairly. Absolutely I do. But I cannot support and will not support how she treated Quackity or the Spanish speaking community.
You can draw your own conclusions and do your own research on the matter. I am not here to tell you what to think. Those are just my thoughts.
In terms of Pomme, I'm not aware of much she's done. I know her support to Otipep and I read somewhere that she did not translate her statement leaving Qsmp into Spanish, but did so for all Portuguese and English. To be perfectly honest, if she had only posted it in French, I would not have cared or been mad. We can translate it ourselves or use an accommodation to do so. She should not have to do that for us, but she did and proceeded to and leave out Spanish as part of the transition, and, again, i dont know if that was intentional or not. But she didnt make an attempt to fix it. (Korean speakers were not yet added at this point).
I want to say one last thing about the admins:
You cannot fight xenophobia with xenophobia. It's inexcusable and unjustifiable. Support the workers rights and conditions, but under no circumstances, does that allow for xenophobia to go unnoticed. You can do both.
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mbslost · 3 months
hi. yes i came back for another yapping session, ironic.
i would like to express some of my feelings towards... some interesting things.
1. The Strade nazi drawing
i talked about his before, i am aware, but later (while reading other opinions as well) i got reminded about EP (Electricpuke for those who dont know him). did we all forgot HOW MANY nazi drawings he made? dont you believe that's an influence as well? if i remember correctly, Gato cut ties with him because of his abusive behaviour (there arent many people talking about this but some user are aware about his actions. sadly i wasnt in the community when that happened)
literally there are people calling Gato a nazi when she doesn't support the ideology. why did no one act the same with EP? different standards? the fact he left (probably) for good? still its not an excuse to call Gato a nazi. also she apologised multiple times. again MULTIPLE TIMES. even in the callout post in twt you can see the fact she IS sorry for drawing that. that she REGRETS it
edit: kay found a ss on tt from the user @/gorturic where Gato said this as well
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again, she doesn't support any nazi shit :/
2. The way others silence opinions that they dont like
im not saying you should be forced to agree with it, but when you make a callout account, normally, you let multiple people say their opinions over that thing. you can even show proof when you see someone is wrong. thats how argument work, crazy ik.
i start to see that if you defend Gato or just leave the community because the fandom its on thin ice, you'll be harassed and bullied for your choices. first of all, HOW ABOUT WE LEAVE PEOPLE THAT DONT WANT TO ASSOCIATE WITH BTD/TPOF ANYMORE ALONE. good? literally saw multiple users being harassed by this. its THEIR decision, suck it up. also can we stop SENDING DEATH THREATS???
or the fact that if you do have a point, they'll immediately cancel it with the "oh but its not important". it can be if you have some proofs for their misinformation (just like i proved the variety of poc characters Gato CREATED. didnt talk about Ren since he's another story)
3. Lack of proof for the side allegations.
if people noticed mods harassing people sm, why didnt they talk? why arent there ss of their conversations? we dont even know (most of us) what they even commented about (aside of Pussyspieler drawing). or the twt user that was wronged. that situation was like.. kind of a "im more autistic so you should shut up" (i have to add that i asked people on the spectrum about this and that was their point of view) of course the mod shouldn't have said it like that but.. its more of a misunderstanding really.. that doesnt mean you cant be upset. you absolutely can. everyone can react differently so dont harass them for feeling down or for being frustrated.
also the spanish (or mexican idk) users that just copied and translated @/renhanasgf posts with little to no new information. just the same thing. (although they said something of Gato not sending merch to latin America. probably because of the laws back then or the fact that the transport fee would be high af. im still searching for the reason tho so ill need some time for that one).
4. This fandom is messed up
people when fans of horror porn games are problematic 🤯. i agree that some people are being like extreme with their reactions, but no one is perfect here. just like i approached the situation completely wrong, they did the same. of course, now if you go around and be a racist piece of shit, you shoudl just stay off the internet for a while. luckily more approach the "like the art not the artist" thing.
look. you can always block users that you dont like (just like i do to those who are either into csam,thanks for telling me ab this term anon!, or incest). i know. shocking that people can block others.
after all these fandoms are not for the weak. there may be some safe spaces in it as well but... lets be real... its still going to be problematic. if you cant handle the community or how others act around here, then id suggest for you to not have a close interaction with others. like uhm, just, appreciate the content, not every person around here. just be aware of the users, stau safe okay?
5. Will i stop yapping?
not until i will see an agreement in the fandom. Gato is a human, of course she will do mistakes. especially if she's anxious or tired. having hundreds of people around you its hard and i can imagine it. having supoortive people only to wake up with people hating you. i hope she's safe and that she wont have to go to the hospital again. i pray for her well being, and to others that got spammed with those disgusting comments.
im not saying we should forget about this like.. her poor management and emotional way of responding to things, but is it truly worth it? to force a person to apologise just because they tried to fix things?
i also dont think ill stop because i just feel like im the only one that does talk here (trying to even prove wrong on some things). if others do it as well, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TAG ME I WANNA SEE THEM😭 also because most people are still so confused about EVERYTHING. for some reason this drama its only getting more popular on tt for some reason.. which is a big no no since there are a lot of YOUNG people. i believe this should be talked here, and on twitter. (idk what to say about telegram)
ill stop here since my sickness got me. i will edit it later to add or correct myself but *sighs*
please stay safe and try to view more opinions over this. DONT SPAM OR HARASS ANYONE WHO ONLY WANTED TO EXPRESS THEIR FEELINGS. we'll see on Sunday how things will turn out.
(if i missed something out or said something wrong please correct me)
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achromant · 6 months
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Ranking all GW2 Specializations
by 1) Gameplay and 2) Visual
based on over 15k hours of playtime, supported by badly drawn Elite Spec Icons.
Feel free to make your own version and reblog or @ me. I wanna see your reasoning :3
Explanations, sorted by classes, below:
Base Elementalist: Pretty sturdy gameplay. Features both interesting interactions, as well as great utility. Versatile, and visually okay. Attack animations desperately need cleanup.
Weaver: Elegant gameplay. Flows smoothly during combat and offers great utility. Also has nice defensive options available. Requires experience and thinking ahead to pull off. Visuals are okay, and feel like a great fit for the aesthetic without being too overwhelming. Especially love Weave Self.
Tempest: Really cool playstyle. Requires a similar amount of attention as Weaver, but in a different way. Unmatched breadth of utility within elementalist classes. Could even be a contender for top spot at visuals, but Fire Overload visually drags the whole spec down.
Catalyst: This class has no right to exist. It feels like someone said "Elementalist doesnt deal much damage, let's give it some numbers." and then stopped halfway through. There is no utility, no elegance, no cool interactions with the gameplay. The whole class feels restrictive and clunky to use. If you like the hammer cata playstyle, better play Weaver. If you like nice interactions, play Tempest. Jade Orbs dont feel like a mechanic, but a punishment. Visually boring, horrible UI, aweful animations.
Base Mesmer: Elegant gameplay, but lacks flow in certain edge cases. Kinda wish greatsword was more melee, but with range capabilites. Needs some more fun interactions with its own mechanics.
Chronomancer: Essentially Mes Plus, when compared to Base Mesmer. Great gameplay, fun and flowey. Slightly choppy in some millisecond cases, but still amatzing to play. Visually striking, absolutely mindblowing sound design. Continuum Split could use a more impactful visual design, like a giant illusiory asronomy clock that ticks down.
Mirage: The self contained version of Mesmer. Lacks a bit in support options for allies, but offers elegant gameplay if timed correctly. Visuals are adequately unique, sparkly but still not overwhelming. Does not have the visual Boom that Chrono has, but feels just that more natural.
Virtuoso: What if took anything that that means Mesmer and just. Didnt do that. This class feels not like a Mesmer anymore, mechnically speaking. Lacks support options, and is outshined by Mirage when it comes to PvP gameplay. Also I'm so fucking pissed at the daggers floating constantly above my head. Animations are kinda cool, though a bit overwhelming. Fun Fact: I divined the coming of the Virtuoso in some sketches a while before EoD previewed. Though in my head it was a Guardian Spec, shooting small silvery stars with its Virtue skills. AND it had double Daggers.
Base Necromancer: It fills its role as master of death. Even the base version of Necromancer has impactful gameplay, and both okay utility, damage, and support for allies. Lacks elengance at some points, especially in Shroud. Visually okay, could use more explosions.
Reaper: Death Knight, here i come! Reaper offers amazing visual effects, and both impactful and flowey gamplay. Reaper Shroud has just the right oomph to make it feel like the steamroller it is. Even when playing without quickness during shroud, it feels amazing. The slight sluggishness just adds to the experience. Did you know that when you enter Reaper Shroud, the character grows giant feathery wings that explode within the fraction of a second? So fucking beautiful.
Scourge: As the absolute opposite of Reaper, this spec offers exactly what Reaper lacks: impactful gameplay at range. Though Scourge can absolutely hold its own in melee, this version feels like a true death mage. Only issue i have is that it's yellow. Horrible choice.
Harbinger: Why does it exist? Ugh, this thing feels so boring. Harbinger would've been a better fit as an Engineer spec. I don't even care about the utility of those damn potions, they lack uniqueness, aesthetic, even the skill icons look like placeholders. What does it have to offer? Well. It gives quickness. Though you could just use a Chronomancer Relic and play another spec. And why am i a black cloud midfight? hello?
Base Engineer: The epitome of improvisation. Toolbelt, weird inventions. Explosions, potions, flamethrower. Engineer feels like Elementalist without the magic. There's amazing interaction between skills, great offensive and defensive options. Engineer feels like a hectic class at times, but with some experience it can just be as chill as any other class. Could use some more striking visuals, but still okay.
Holosmith: What if we take an Engi and give it just a smidge of magic? Holosmith feels like an extension of Engineer that pushes it into a slightly different direction. It's just as versatile as the base version, but has even better options for agressive gameplay. Playing a Holo feels elegant and has just the right amount of sparkle and whoom. Still has good interactions with other players, but can easily hold its own. 10/10 design.
Scrapper: Essentially the opposite of Holosmith. What if Engi, but even LESS magic? Though Scrapper can feel a bit sluggish at times, it still has a nice gameplay. Same issue as Base Engi though, it needs more sparkles.
Mechanist: Why put training wheels on something that already has so many levels of gameplay? Mechanist feels like the worst option in any situation. The only saving grace may be the alacrity (which is applied in the most horrifyingly braindead way possible). There's no visual connection between Base Engi and Mechanist, neither in color nor in shape. Why is the mech so that? The gameplay would feel more fluent if you just kidnapped a new player from Queensdale and gave them a gun. Would also be easier to handle than that damn mech.
Base Thief: There's elegance here, but it's quiet. The visuals underline the subtle beauty of this class. Even a base Thief offers nice utility and okay interactions with other players. The only reason i placed it that low is because how stealth works. A better idea would be to replace it with something like Blur, maybe granting a 50% chance to automatically evade an attack and avoiding being directly targetable in competitive modes.
Daredevil: This is the oomph Thief needed. it feels like it hits hard, but with deadly accuracy. You lose a bit of stealth capabilities, which is a plus in my opinion. Essentially, this is what a monk class in other games would be. It doesn't even need much utility by itself, base Thief already has a bunch. Only issue i have is that i would love it actually using fists to fight, preferably in addition to a staff. Maybe could leave weapons unequipped to swap to an unarmed fighting style? Fun though, great design.
Deadeye: The absolute opposite of Daredevil. This sharpshooter class prefers intelligent positioning rather than quick reactions. It offers great damage and okay support capabilites. Visual effects appear perfect for this class, though the sound design is only okay. Definetely needs a better interface for displaying Malice stacks. And maybe remove the casting time of Deadeye's Mark?
Specter: What if Necromancer, but. Not. Playing Specter feels like playing Core Necro, but with more teleports. Wells are, well. They exist, but only barely. Visual effects are underwhelming, the while class lacks the feeling of impact or elegance that even a base Thief has.
Base Ranger: I can see how people like playing ranger, but only through a vaseline treated camera lens. The class itself has okay utility, but lacks in interaction with other players. Though a Ranger's defining feature is the pet, it's also its biggest flaw...
Soulbeast: ... which Soulbeast 100% solves. I will continue to ignore Base Ranger and just pretend that Soulbeast is what Ranger was always supposed to be like. Soulbeasts have the option to just. Not do the whole minion managing thing. Stances feel elegant and unique, and bring fresh air to a moldy base class. Really cool visual effects, though i wish i could turn off the green swirlies while merged.
Druid: I was in Druid Jail for most of my raiding days, so i know what i'm talking about when i say "Urgh." The base mechanic of a Druid is the Astral Avatar, which by itself is probably the best thing Ranger has to offer. It's pretty, it has boom, it's actually useful and elegant. The issue here is swapping in and out of it, which feels clunky and more of a hassle that a reward. To heal with the Avatar, you need people to take damage, so you can heal them, which fills the Avatar, which allows you to. heal. them? Better solution would be to make it similar to Firebrand Tomes so that it still needs energy to use skills, but allows you to spread out your healing a bit.
Untamed: What if Soulbeast, but. Thief. Well, the result is a clunky mess that looks like a swampy lump of bonk. Probably makes a wet smoph when it his a wall. There is no way for me to enjoy this class. The supposed flow of a good Untamed rotation is completely unknown to me, simply because it's so damn ugly. Play Soulbeast.
Base Warrior: Hello, yes, it's the bonk class. Love it, have it, it still bonks. What looks like a braindead brick only people with a real life play, is actually an ornate pattern of golden filligree. A base Warrior offers elegant and flowy gameplay at a minumum of effort, and can with some experience still weave itself through the flow of battle. Wish it had more fun interactions with allies, aside from Shout skills. Could go great with Wells.
Berserker: Warrior, but with more bonk. There's exactly two issues i have with this spec. One, its visual effects feel lopsided. Needs more boom toward the target, and less burning man on myself. Two, it lacks utility. However, any rotation that's done on Berserker flows perfectly, it feels fast paced and has absolutely perfect sound design. Executing a perfect Axe/Axe feels like playing a rythm game in the way it bonks.
Spellbreaker: Less bonk, more tshink. Spellbreaker feels like someone took the best about a Thief and put it on a Warrior. The playstyle between Daggers and Full Counter feels elegant and smooth, but requires good reaction. Spellbreaker shines versus players rather than against monsters, which is probably the only issue i have with this spec. Beautiful shiny glitter sparkle capacity though.
Bladesworn: Okay, it says on the tin that it contains Flow, but no. Bladesworn trades movement for maximum bonk. Could use more elegance in its skills, but it makes up for it with great bursts, so much that you can almost feel pixels being cut. The absolute worst about this spec, and the reason why it's not in the legendary tier for me, is that damn Gunsaber. It either needs to be broader for more bonk (with a powerful downward strike as Dragon Trigger), or about 50% longer for ultimate tshink (with a ligering silver sparkly line where the blade sliced your pixels), you know what i mean? As is, the class feels like the definition of blue balls.
Base Guardian: The first time I solo'd Twilight Arbor's Aetherblade Path was on a base guardian, some time before HoT. I used a mace and a shield and just slowly pummeled my foes to death. Base Guardian has the feeling of a true paladin class, with just the right amount of sparkle and utility. Only reason it's not way higher on my tier list is that it cant do much on its own.
Dragonhunter: Such a beatifully executed class! There are aesthetic parts that make Dragonhunter feel like a holy warrior, but without the support capabilites of a true paladin class. That's a good thing, by the way. Its playstyle feels unique, at most comparable to a Warrior, but just barely so. Dragonhunter has some small group support, but shines with utility and bonk. If it wasnt for the Traps' visual effects, i wouldnt even care for those (excep Dragon's Maw, like wow). The whole class is perfect. Would've been higher on the list if the rotations felt just a bit smoother.
Firebrand: This one is a more support oriented Guardian. It overflows with utility and support skills. Factually speaking one of my favorite classes. Speaking from a balancing standpoint, it can do way too much at once with its Tome skills. There's elegance in this class, mostly due to it being filled with skills to the point it overflows. Visually, amazing work, same goes for the sound design.
Willbender: A movement based version of Guardian. Willbender feels like it tries to be a monk class, but somehow misses still. There's something lacking from the whole design. You could probably slap this spec onto any other class and it would still work. Together with base Guardian skills, it's fun to play though. Still a balancing horror, for the same reason as Firebrand: It can do way too much for a single class. Aesthetically i find it absolutely revolting. I get that the Virtues are supposed to be movement skills, but they feel choppy to use and leave red-blue scorch marks on the ground. These weird trails look like an accident and are outshined by most other base Guardian skills. All over, a meh rating.
Base Revenant: I am regularly confused when i see this spec's icon. There is absolutely no reason to play a base Revenant. There's not much reason for me to play Rev anyway, but hey. What i love about it are the Legends. What i hate about it. also Legends. There's utility and versatility, but both are locked behind Legends, which makes the whole class feel rigid and choppy. I am a fan of the energy mechanic though, and the visuals are also kinda pretty. Could use more sparkles though, maybe more in the Necromancer direction.
Herald: Since Rev came out with HoT, it released with its elite spec from the start. And to this day, Herald is the actual Base Rev to me. It sparkes, it bonks. It feels fine to play, not under- or overwhelmingly so, but just. pretty okay.
Renegade: This one feels like a base Rev (not Herald, in this case). It had the advantage of using a shortbow when it released, but since SotO it lost its usefulness to me somewhat. The Renegade Legend's skills are fun; somehow like Well skills, but visually more striking. The rest of the spec is only meh.
Vindicator: Another one with more bonk! Equip a Stamina Sigil and go stomping! Vindicator feels fun to play, has nice visual effects and great sound design. Similar to Reaper, you can really feel the bonk. Absolutely hate the double Legend thing though, it feels choppy and sluggish to use, similar to playing Elementalist while affected by Chill. I would love Vindicator on another class, like Warrior for example. But since it's a Rev. It's a No.
Conclusion, Expansion based:
EoD specs generally feel the worst of the bunch. booooring. There's no EoD spec in the game that i can really enjoy playing.
HoT specs feel bonky, but slower. On par actually with the whole maguuma jungle (except Pocket Raptors. wtf was anet thinking there)
PoF specs feel less bonk, but more elegant. Also matches the Crystal Desert (except Hydras. THOSE feel more HoT than PoF)
Elementalist is my favorite overall, followed by Mesmer, Engineer, Guardian and Necromancer in that order. Revenant and Ranger can dissolve into brown slidge for all that i care.
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multifan2022 · 10 months
Golden Lies 3
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Interviews.. Dazzling people.. Making people like you.. That's the game that you were playing tonight. Really you figured it wouldn't be hard, you were going to the whole ‘protecting the innocent’ and ‘here with my best friend’ thing. Which was what the two of you had done, so it wasn't a stretch. The biggest thing would be wording things correctly. Making sure that what you said didn't offend anyone, or cause upset.
You paid close attention to the crowd while Lavanna and the others dressed you. The TV was on so you could see and listen to them as Caesar warmed them up for the show. You watched as the careers went, saying things like ‘yes I've been ready for this my whole life’. Or ‘I'll see you in a few weeks because I am going to win this’. 
Boring.. They must learn their lines at the academy too because they sound exactly alike. You were saddened when the tributes from four got on the stage though. The girl was terrified, speaking so quietly that she could barely be heard. The boy talked about how he was going to do his best to protect his friend but didnt think they would last long. 
It really sunk in that you weren't the only one who had really committed to the fact that you were going to die. While it was a similar situation to yours, you knew that you could get so much further than them. You prayed through, to whoever was listening that their death was quick and as painless as possible. You also wondered if Finnick worked with them at all. 
He annoyingly had been on your mind today, for whatever reason. The way he watched you whenever you were both in the same room. How when Hardin needed your help with the sugar cubes, Finnick didn't bother you. He didn't ask questions or call anyone over, he just stood there and waited. 
His gorgeous green eyes were stuck in your head and you hated it. But you could push it far enough aside to deal with the things at hand, like your outfit for interviews. It was gorgeous and something you never pictured yourself wearing. Light gold in color except for the sheer bodice, that had lace and gold fabric strategically placed to cover your boobs. Your sides, most of your stomach, shoulders and back were exposed. 
The zipper up the back had lace appliques to hide it, while there were still some shiny crystals here and there. The bottom was full and large, layers upon layers one gold and sheer tulle making it up. The top sheer layer had the same crystals from the top of the dress and the bottom had black swallowtail butterflies and monarch butterflies. They fluttered softly, opening and closing their wings. 
Your hair was up in a chunky braided wreath around your head. It had lavender and olive branches weaved into it, it gave the effect that you had a crown on. Your make up was dramatic again, gold lid with black brushed around the outside. Big wing and false lashes again, but this time your lips were painted. Gold on one side and black on the other, meeting and mixing in the middle. 
It was quiet in the room, your scoring last night was low which is what you wanted. You had received a five and Hardin a six, the team thought you were upset with it. But it was all part of the plan. They knew you had thrown that spear, but they didn't know if it was beginner's luck or if you were trained somehow. 
You knew if you could get to a bag and a weapon during the bloodbath, you could get away and survive. It was getting both you and Hardin supplies and getting away that would be the problem. The silence was nice though, calming and relaxing as they tinkered with this or that making sure that everything was perfect. 
Lavanna walked you out to the hall where some of the others were waiting. Even those who had already interviewed were waiting around for it to all be over. There was quiet chatter talking about what to say or not too say. Talking about who did well so far and who still needed to go. 
 The girl from four pointed as you came into the hall, whispering to Mags about how the butterflies on your dress seemed to be alive. You didn't want to give away the surprise that Lavanna had told you about, but you couldn't resist seeing the 12 year old smiling. Lavanna nodded to you when you turned to beg with your eyes. 
So you bent down, stuck a finger under one of the black butterflies causing it to crawl onto you. You held it in the palm of your hand as you made your way over to her and Mags. When you reached her you leaned down and held your free hand out. When the young girl laid her hand in your palm you guided the butterfly from your palm to hers. She squealed with excitement as it stayed there just fluttering its wings. 
“If it's ok with your mentors you can keep it. Take it up to your room with you.” You said smiling at her, when she looked up at Mags with the best puppy dog eyes you had ever seen. Mags laughed and nodded before pointing at Finnick “You'll have to ask him too.” The young blond girl's face dropped, shoulders sinking in disappointment. 
But you lifted her face with your hand and smiled again. “I'll go ask him for you, promise I won't take no for an answer.” She jumped up and down a little as she watched you walk over to where Finnick and the 13 year old boy were talking. The boy's eyes widened and his mouth opened a little as he watched you walk over, which caught Finnicks attention. 
He sucked in a breath when he turned to look at you, he couldn't figure out what he liked the most. The dress and the way it clung to your top but flowed around at the bottom. The way your hair and makeup was done, it was all perfect to him. He quickly shut his own mouth and slammed his walls back up, turning up the charm and down the feelings. “Well well well.. You must be going for the Goddess of the Capitol.. Very smart choice if I'm allowed to say so.” 
You smiled at his words, hating that you could feel the blood rushing to your cheeks. You waved at the boy who gasped, waved back and then ran off to find Maggie. “Sorry about him, he's clearly scared of gorgeous women.” Finnick said again as you turned away from watching his tribute and back to him. That's where he wanted your attention, on him. 
You nodded, choosing to not respond to his comment but answer the first statement. “Anyways, you're allowed to speak your opinion freely if you allow your tribute to keep the butterfly I gifted her.” You both turned to look back at her, Finnick hadn't even noticed you go over there. He had been so wrapped up in trying to calm his boy down. He quickly put together that it was a butterfly from your dress. He nodded over at the group, causing her to shriek in happiness before running off with the boy. 
Neither of you would admit that your hearts squeezed knowing that she would probably be dead tomorrow. When they were gone, you noticed Haymitch and Lavanna standing with Hardin and Cress. All four were watching you talk to Finnick, and Haymitch didn't look too happy about it. Finnicks hand on your wrist brought your eyes back to him. He spoke quietly “You look gorgeous. Y/n you could win this if you're smart.. 1 and 2 are still after you and your friend.. Be careful. I wish I could help you more.” 
He squeezed your wrist, then smirked at you and walked away winking at Lavanna on his way. 
The group quickly made their way towards you all speaking over each other in different tones. 
“What did he want? Was he trying to scare you?” In a slightly annoyed tone from Haymitch. 
“Did he hurt you? Or threaten you!” In a worried tone from Hardin.
“OH MY GOD! You were just touched by Finnick Odair! I wouldn't wash that arm if it were me!” In an excited tone from Cress. 
“I can't believe he just winked at me.. Who does he think he is?” From Lavanna in a disgusted tone. 
They all turned and looked at each other for different reasons. Before anyone could speak an avox came up and pointed toward you, then the stage. It was your turn next and you needed to get into place. “We will talk about it later, I'm fine though.” Was all you could get out before the Avox was making grunting noises at you and pointing aggressively, probably scared to not get you to your place on time. 
Your heels clicked softly as you walked to the X, you really were running behind because you barely paused on it before Caesar was welcoming you to the stage. The light was slightly blinding as you smiled and waved, blowing a few kisses to those in the front row.  “Wow, Wow!” He said as he grabbed your hand, the two of you sitting down. 
You bent your knee lifting one leg to cross the other, but had to move slowly to not disturbed the butterflies. When the crowd settled a little Caesar got right into it.  “I think everyone's first question is about the girl you volunteered for.” You nodded and looked down, allowing tears to fill your eyes before you looked back up. 
“Cissa.. She's my neighbor, she had just turned 12 the day before. She's such a kind soul and her family has done so much for me. I work in the fields you see, sun up to sun down during the season. And her mother and the children take care of my very old, very sick grandparents while I'm gone.” 
The crowd awed a little as Caesar nodded, “So this was your way of thanking them. By saving their daughter from the reaping.” You nodded enthusiastically while carefully thinking about your next sentence. “But if I can tell you a secret.. I mean we are amongst friends right?” You held a hand out and looked towards the crowd. 
They all started screaming ‘YES’ as Caesar looked at you, he then nodded “I guess so.. So what's your secret?” You both leaned forward just a little like you were really sharing a secret and not just saying something on national television. You held one hand up almost to your mouth “I volunteered for a selfish reason as well.” When Caesar flew back into his chair dramatically, his mouth was wide open in mock shock. 
You leaned back slightly still sitting up straight, and nodded a tight lipped smile as you looked over the crowd. You shrugged a little before speaking again, “I may have wanted to come and win for my district. There isn't any Victor right now for 9 and I wanted the internal glory.” The crowd started cheering loudly again as Caesar nodded saying that none of them would tell your secret. He was very good at his job, keeping up with whatever shenanigans you threw out. 
“So our next question is about your district parenter, Hardin, was it? How do you know each other?” 
You nodded turning to look back at him with a smile, he gave you a thumbs up before you turned back around. There was a genuine smile on your face when you started speaking of him. “We met when he was walking around our district. Ended up being in the same school together and when we were old enough they placed us in the fields together. They always said we just worked well with each other. That big meat head is my best friend, I don't know what I would do without him. But I'm kind of sad we are both here.” 
Caesar looked at you with a confused smile, “Well why would you be sad? That means that you can protect each other?” 
You nodded, “Well yes and don't get me wrong, Caesar I am so thankful that I will have him in there with me. But that means if I win, when I go home he won't be there. And then I'll be alone.” Real tears this time came and one streaked down your cheek as the crowd awed. You were now thinking about how alone he would feel if your plan succeeded and he won. He would have to live with knowing you killed yourself to get him home. 
Then he would have to come and train kids to go into the games, over and over again. 
Caesar patted your hand in fake sympathy, “But you will have all new friends from here. And we won't ever let you be alone, will we folks!” He says turning back to the crowd with a wide mouthed loud laugh. You both smiled as you thanked them a few times, “Well Our little goddess, our time is up! But I think we will be seeing you again.” When you both stood you held one finger up as Caesar looked at you questioningly. 
“I have a small gift, a token of my gratitude if you will for my friends here. If that's ok with you of course Caesar.” The crowd started screaming as Caesar looked up to his bosses. When they nodded Caesar nodded to you, taking a small step back as you grabbed the top few layers of your dresses skirt. Careful to leave most of the tulle down to cover your legs, you held the top layers up. “Caesar, could you actually help me, hold the back up please.” 
Caesar quickly moved, ecstatic to be part of whatever show you were putting on. “Now we are just going to push down on the count of three. Kinda hard, Ok?” When he nodded looking around at the crowd with a funny face, you laughed and counted down. “1… 2…. 3!” 
You both pushed down, you bending at the knees as all the butterflies that had covered the bottom of your dress flew into the air. The crowd that was cheering for Caesar or yelling was now screaming. The adults fighting over the butterflies that flew into the crowd. Pushing and shoving others out of their way as they tried to snatch them out of the air. One landed on Caesars suit jacket, and just stayed there like it was a pin. “WOW! That was amazing! Thank you so much Y/n!” You bowed a little before making your way off stage. 
Lavanna was waiting for you at the bottom of a few stairs, she encased you in a huge hug as you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. “That was wonderful, you did so so well, darling!” As soon as you were out of her arms, Haymitch was clapping again. “Sweetheart, I don't know where you pulled that out of but you just keep on impressing me. My guys don't stand a chance.. But you.. You got something kid.. I hope to see you on the other side.” 
When he walked away you heard the crowd screaming for Hardin, who was in a black suit with a gold tie that had much smaller black butterflies printed on it. “Hello, Hello! I must say, your district mate is a hard act to follow! But I'm sure we will have a great time!” They both laughed and crossed their legs after shaking hands. 
“So how is it being in the Capitol veris being at home?” Hardin smiled and pretended like he was thinking “Really it's just amazing how big and brightly colored everything is here. The people are much more welcoming and loving than I thought and I absolutely adore all of you for that.” He brought both hands up to his mouth and blew kisses towards the crowd. They were literally eating shit out of his hands. 
“It of course helps having Y/n here” Hardin said as the crowd calmed down from the kisses. Caesar nodded “Yes, I think we all can tell you are very close. Is there.. Anything.. Romantic going on there we should know. Amongst friends of course.” Caesar held up one hand to his heart, waiting to hear another district 9 secret. 
But Hardin laughed, holding both hands while he shook his head. “No offense to Y/n, she's a very pretty girl of course. But she's my best friend. If I had to label it I would say she's my platonic soulmate. It's really sad that I won't be able to stay with her for long during the games. I just hope I can protect her for as long as possible before I become a burden.” 
The crowd scoffed, as if offended by the insinuation that he could be a burden. Caesar did too “How could you ever be a burden! Look at you!” Hardin shook his head, leaning forward and wiping tears from his eyes. From the TV you couldnt tell if they were real or fake but it didn't matter. “I have a condition, there's a medication I have to take every morning to control it. If I don't take it, then I get sweaty and disoriented. After a day or two my body starts to shut down. It's said to be very painful and the end comes with hallucinations.”
The crowd gasped, some yelling that he shouldn't have to go into the games. “Unfortunately I won't be able to take my meds into the arena with me. So I will probably only last a few days, but in those few days I hope to make things as easy for Y/n to win as possible.” Just as he finished speaking the buzzer went off, Caesar looked genuinely conflicted. Like he was trying to decide if he thought Hardin should be here or not. 
But he quickly recovered, stood, said a few more words to the crowd rehyping them up, shook his hand and shooed him off stage. 
@avis15 @liballer @avoxrising
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Ok, you seem like someone who has also been pissed about the Titanic tours since they were first announced. Am I going crazy, or did Oceangate originally advertise that people who bought a ticket would "assist in the recovery and conservation of objects"? Because I clearly remember reading that on their website at some point, but it's no longer there, and the tin can they wound up sending down has no ability to recover anything.
oh yeah no, oceangate just seem so fucking sketchy.
like going through their website, everything just feels off. like its all written correctly and sounds like it could be a thing they do, but even when talking about specific things, the writing feels generic. like its not elizabeth holmes level, but im still not sure what exactly they do after reading the page.
i remember something about that and about recovering objects which is a whole mess in itself? like as far as i know, you can just legally take objects from the titanic, but that really does not mean you should.
and yeah, as you said, looking at their submersibles, im not sure how they plan to get any of them? like we have lifted things from the titanic but you need a lot more equipment than their tin can submersible.
of course, theres also the fact that the submersible was missing for eight hours before they called the coast guard which uh, getting some costa concordia and oceanos vibes from that. considering how little oxygen they have, id argue wasting eight hours is manslaughter if they dont find them.
and also, that fucking submersible should never have been sent down anyway. it dodged every regulation because it would never pass it and they didnt even put a fucking evp on it???????? every vessel should have goddamn evp.
the whole thing is insane
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raveneira · 7 months
'Ada deserves better than Kawaki'
The worst thing Kawaki has done to Ada
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The worst things Ada has done to Kawaki
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The worst Kawaki ever did to Ada was grab her collar to force her to lie which she could've disobeyed, thats it.
The worst things Ada did to Kawaki is
Trade everybody important to Kawaki in exchange for Code to spare him so she can pursue him, essentially human trafficking according to Bug, which is a horrible experience Kawaki's already gone through
Asking Code to spare Naruto after seeing how much he meant to Kawaki but when he refuses she says fine and to just not let Kawaki know shes involved because she dont want him to hate her, but could care less about the pain losing Naruto would have on him
She could've sent Daemon to intervene when Momo was brutally beating Kawaki and then about to kill Naruto right infront of him yet she sat there watching the whole thing and never tried to help despate literally watching in real time the despair Kawaki was in watching Naruto about to die.
She says Codes goals have nothing to do with her and that shes only helping him in exchange for Kawaki, yet when Shikamaru offers to make that happen without Code she still chooses to leave with Code and help him get his limiters off knowing how difficult that'd make things for everyone he cares about because she knows in the end they'd have to rely on her and Daemon for protection which'll give her access to Kawaki in exchange for that protection
Forced him on glorified house arrest
She holds the entire village hostage by the fact that they need Daemons strength and Ada's sight to deal with Code in exchange for getting to live with Kawaki against his will, Kawaki is not asked for his consent about ANY of this and it was all a deal that Amado and Shikamaru made with her on his behalf and she did not care as long as she's benefiting from Kawaki's trafficking
She allows her brother to beat Kawaki unconscious UNINTERUPPTED when they first meet and does not apologize to him for it
When Kawaki confronts her about her partnership with Code and correctly deduces that she sold Boruto out in exchange for him, Ada doesnt feel any remorse for it nor does she apologize for her selfishness, instead she changes the subject altogether and doesnt even address it
Even though it was unintentional she made omnipotence happen and completely miscontrued what Kawaki wanted by making him take Boruto's place entirely when all he actually wanted, and clearly stated, was for Boruto to be seen as an outsider so that nobody would interfere or feel bad when he kills him
Because of her now Kawaki is being forced to live a miserable life with everyone treating him like Boruto when he doesnt want that and also listening to ppl talk about how much they actually hate him and want him dead everytime they talk about Boruto who they really mean Kawaki when they say those cruel things. Meanwhile Ada is at home chillin without a care in the world about how her mess has affected him, infact she just suggests giving up on trying to undo it despite supposedly feeling bad for making Kawaki seem like a coward.
Ada does NOT deserve better, KAWAKI does, from the moment she's been introduced, literally the MOMENT she was introduced she didnt give a danm about Kawaki's feelings or consent AT ALL and made multiple deals disregarding the ppl he cares about with 3 different ppl in exchange for him like he wasnt even a human being but a piece of property to be bought and sold.
She felt zero remorse, I repeat, she felt ZERO remorse about working with Code who nearly killed Naruto right infront of him, and sold his brother out in exchange for him, when confronted about it by Kawaki himself and she has the chance to apologize she DOESNT do it, not just there, but she NEVER owns up to the fked up things she did nor apologizes to him for it, yet she apologizes to Boruto multiple times despite Kawaki being the one she supposedly loves.
How anybody, and I mean ANYBODY thinks Ada's the victim here is beyond me, even more so how anyone thinks Kawaki would ever even CONSIDER being together with her after all this when he himself has said she's scum and that he would've rathered taken his chances with Code than even meet her, 3 years have passed and Ada is still sitting home alone while Kawaki completely ignores her existence, how any of you think this ship has ANY possibility of happening is laughable, its even worse than KawaSumi's chances and theirs are low as hell too, but even that has more of a chance than Ada ever will.
So like I said, stfu, Ada doesnt deserve better, Kawaki does, if anything Ada deserves WORSE because she has gotten off scott free with no repercussions for way too long.
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yourfavhoesblog · 6 months
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Tsukishima x Bttm! Male reader
*college au + NSFW
Pov Tsukishima and you both have finals coming up. So you both decide to study in the libary afterschool at the back behind the bookshelves however, some things got a bit messy...
The library was a quiet and comfortable place, with rows of bookshelves towering high above your head. The air was filled with the faint smell of old books, mixed with the faint fragrance of fresh coffee from the nearby cafe. You could hear the soft rustle of papers, as people whispered to one another as they worked on their studies. The atmosphere was peaceful, yet there was a sense of productivity in the air, as people came and went, working on their studies or discussing their work. This was a space where creativity could easily blossom and thrive
You sat in the library, surrounded by rows and rows of bookshelves. You had been focusing on studying for your upcoming exams, but your attention was now drawn to the sound of Tsukishima's voice, who was sitting next to you behind the bookshelves at the back.
"You're not going to pass this exam with those grades," he said with a shrug, his lips curling into a small smile. "If you don't shape up soon, I might have to start tutoring you."
You felt your face flush with embarrassment as Tsukishima continued to lecture you, but you couldn't argue with his assessment. Your grades in math had been slipping lately, and you knew you needed to do better.
"I know I've been slacking," you admitted, your voice lowers. "But I'll do whatever it takes to turn it around."
Tsukishima looked at you, his gaze intense. "Good," he said,
his voice softens."I expect to see some improvement by the next exam."
With that, he leaned towards your face.
"How about we make a deal for you to ace your tests?"
You seemed desperate at this point and needed some help or else your parents wouldve beat your ass if they found out that their son is slipping in grades after all his hardwork to get into collage.
"Ugh, fine what is it?"
Tsukishima glanced at your books.
"If your able to follow my orders until the test day, then ill help you study"
You smiled as you thought how bad could this be its a win win situation. But you were dead wrong
Tsukishima held you still with his lengthy arm holding you tightly on your chair.
"Soo, whats the answer?"
You were trembling clinging onto him struggling to mutter a single word out.
"Mhmmm.. 1-12.6?"
The blonde man caressed the base of your dick, making sure he doesnt touch the tip just yet.
You didnt feel satisfied you wanted something more then him rubbing your dick.
"If you wanna cum then tell me the right answer.
You squealed in response
You tried your best to ignore the tension between you and Tsukishima and the fact your squirming around in your chair trying to get rid of his tight grasp on your dick.
You whimpered
You took a deep sigh letting go of his sweater.
"Let go of my dick, you perv"
Tsukishima gleamed a signature smirk.
"No i dont think i will, afterall you did answer it correctly so i should reward you"
Tsukishima looked down at your precum before entangling his fingers onto your cock. He pumped it up in a slow yet hard pace.
"Mhm Hah~"
All of a sudden he went even faster, pumping it at an unhuman pace.
"Next time, be a good boy and study. Or else i might punish you again"
With that your semen exploded onto his sweater and onto his finger. The tall man licked your fluids glancing at your messy state.
You couldnt really tell if it was a punishment or a reward.
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kitmoas · 2 years
would u be down to write some earlier days toy x wandanat headcanons?
Of Course!! Sorry its taken so long, Occult definitely interrupted things. (Theres more hcs but these are good for now lol)
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We saw the first meeting but what you guys didn't see was the couple weeks of WandaNat AND yelena staying at Toy's house. The entire thing was so chaotic, and Toy was entirely nervous and this just made them more bratty.
Speaking of bratty--let's talk about the breaking of the brat. Toy's bratty side is more or less just sarcasm and teasing with a lot of stupid decisions. Wanda is a very strict person, who wants control and a sense of always knowing what is going to happen before it happens. Toy...never knows about anything that is going to happen nor do they know what control even feels like. After spending their whole life just living by spontaneity and spirals of control, living up to Wanda's wants was incredibly difficult. This meant that while wanda wanted things done at exact times, and wanted specific things said and done correctly, Toy was just struggling to remember what she even said to them. The more that this happened, the more Wanda got frustrated and the more Toy's pride got in the way.
Prideful toy is the most bratty, sarcasm and head strong being the main nature of this Toy. It caused a lotta issues. Any time Toy thought they forgot something, especially in the beginning, they refused to admit it. Their pride getting in the way and instead of just admitting their mistake they got bratty and in turn broke even more rules. Wanda knew what Toy was like before, and knew this was going to be an issue but it never stopped her from being annoyed by the rule breaking.
Playful bratty Toy is just a product of Natasha, and Wanda's biggest annoyance for a long time. Nat doesn't have a huge distaste for brats, nor does she have a lot of strict rules. Especially in the beginning, when no big rules were to be broken Nat would get Toy in such a playful and energetic mood that she would push them to tease and poke Wanda. Sassy lil Toy would try to push Wanda's buttons just to be played with.
WandaNatToy got three years before the two Avengers were sent out on a year long mission.
I think the biggest issue they probably had when they first started was emotions. (Yes, it's still their biggest issue but..like different) Nat was scared to even like Toy for a long time, while Wanda was stuck in Mean Mommy mode almost 24/7.
When the three first started in their dynamic Toy was so smol and of course we see the insecurities, and I think for Natasha this is something that catches her eyes. She sorta..collects sad broken things cause in all reality she is one too.
Especially when they first started the dynamic Toy really struggled with the whole Avengers thing. Never one to like SHIELD they on top of that wasn't a huge fan of the Avengers either, so watching the two go on missions and train and be hurt takes a huge toll on toy. With time it got better but it used to result in a lot of outbursts and issues.
I think in the beginning the fact that WandaNat were dating was actually a bigger issue than most would think. Especially with their issues with showing emotions to Toy in the beginning, take that and mix it with Toy knowing that a softer side exists between the two of them it created insecurities for Toy. They didnt necessarily want to date the older women, but I think anytime different relationships within a power exchange exist there is going to be issues and with out communication there's always going to be those feelings of inadequateness.
I have this intense thought that in the beginning, Toy would hide from WandaNat all the time. Not because they wanted to be bratty but because they were scared of how intense they felt things with them. In Pain is Comfort we see Toy always hiding, and I think that leaked into the dynamic too. The need to process things alone and just isolate was very strong, and I think that this would cause a lot of issues. Not that WandaNat are great at communication but I think when it involves a submissive they are a LITTLE better, and I think they were trying very hard when they met toy to be good at it. So I think this threw a little wrench in their plans.
Sex in the beginning was rough on Toy, mostly just a lot of edging and ruined orgasms. It was rough and viscous. The softness was really only left to aftercare. There was rarely only give during sex, only when lazy sunday vibes came around and Toy was the one giving.
Toy was rarely allowed to cum and each time they were bratty Wanda kept a counter and that's how many times they would have to edge before they could cum, and this is any act of bratty even the smallest little disobedience. Nat would whine in private, telling wanda she wants to overstim Toy but the witch never budged.
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davidlcki · 2 years
its me again! i loved snowy nights<33 how about a fic where the reader wakes up with a big headache and she’s just feeling down and then bruce is all over her
what would i do without you?
thank you so much again anon!!! i absolutely LOVE your requests, and although this one is a little shorter and not my BEST work, i had a lot of fun writing it. i hope you all enjoy! <33333
pairing: pattinson! bruce wayne/ reader warnings: female pronouns are used once in the form of mrs. i think thats about it!
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you knew you must have slept in late when you opened your eyes and noticed bruce had gotten up before you. you also knew why you slept in as long as you did. the second you opened your eyes you were hit with a splitting headache that you could only describe as a mini explosion going on in your brain. a loud groan escapes your lips as you sit up, your head begins pounding as you get used to being vertical. unwillingly, you drag yourself to the kitchen. there you were met with bruce and alfred having some conversation you didn’t bother listening to. they quiet up when they see you.
“are you alright mrs. wayne?” alfred questions at the look of agony upon your features as you grab a coffee mug from the cabinet. you shake your head no, eliciting more pounding pain in your temples.
“migrane?” bruce guesses correctly. you almost nod, but catch yourself and give a thumbs up in return instead. bruce takes the coffee mug out of your hand and leads you to the very large couch in the living room of wayne manor.
“i got it for you honey. just sit down alright? i’ll bring you some medicine too” bruce places a comforting kiss to your lips, you smile at him.
“thank you bruce. i love you” you were more grateful than he knew.
when bruce comes back he was juggling a cup of coffee, medicine, a cold pack, and a blanket in his arms. he greets you with a smile when his eyes meet yours, carefully placing the warm drink into your hands.
"do you need anything else?" he questions, a hand moves to brush a strand of your hair back. you shake your head no. "this is more than enough bruce. jeez, what would i do without you?" you smile, taking the medicine and closing your eyes. bruce closes the window curtains, effectively blocking out the light before sitting besides you. immediately, you move to rest your head against his shoulder, a slightly overexagerated sigh of pain escapes your lips. bruce holds the cold pack to your forehead, and for a while, the two of you sleep.
a few hours pass, and your eyes flutter open slowly. the two of you were intertwined and laying down on the couch, your coffee was cold and the ice pack was completely melted, but your migrane was now tolerable. bruces arms were wrapped around you snugly, and his face was buried in the crook of your neck. you smile to yourself, embracing his presence and the calm that came with it. you appreciated the fact that he felt comfortable enough to be completely vulnerable with you. you appreciated the soft delicate smell of him, which you would not have expected from bruce wayne. finally, he begins to stir, mumbling something incoherently as his brain woke back up. he moves to make eye contact with you, his face mere inches from yours.
"hey, is your head better?" his voice was tired, breathy, and one of his hands run up and down your back gently. "a little, i think i can actually function now" you smile, leaning forwards to press your lips against his. the two of you lay still for a while, lost in mindless conversation and peppering each other with kisses.
im so sorry if this ended weirdly yall i didnt know how to end it HAHA but i hope you all enjoyed it regardless! just something short and cute :)
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thesimulacrasimp · 5 months
So yeah, here we go again! I just watched 3rd n 4th eps of hazbin hotel so, again, my thoghts abt it. Idk if i really need to put spoilers warning anymore, but ig ill do it just in case. As with previous post there will be some screenshots.
So tbh i dont have much to say about 3rd ep. Overall it was a really cute ep where everyone kinda got along. Also we met alot of new overlords (that one giant wolf girl was cool as hell) n got a few bop songs. I really like all new voices we got here. Also Velvette was killin in this ep, like slay queen!! Also i didnt know this girl (idk her name srry) was Carmillas (idk if spelled the name correctly--) daughter, that really suprised me.
Ok 4th ep... I have alot to say about it. First of all when that Angels moive started i was like: WTH S GOIN ON WHAT????? Then i thoght that its Angels dream (or nightmare-) n that wolf guy was representation of Valentino. N then when its all started i was like: Oh. I get it.
Speaking about Val, when all that fire started n he opened his wings, that was FUCKING BEAUTIFUL N I REALLY DIDNT EXPECT HIM TO HAVE ACTUAL WINGS, I WAS LIKE: :O I FOR REAL ALWAYS THOUGHT THAT WAS JUST A FUR COAT--- ok n thats literally the only good i can say about Val by now.
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That one awful scene with Val n Angel was literally so scary... Ive never been in SA, ive never had such "experience" (and thank GOD for that), but i know that feeling of fear when you just in trap and you cant do anything, i know how that feels to be abused, when you just hiding in corner feeling so fucking scared that you gonna get beated up n yelled again, you KNOW that will happen and you just wait for it in terrify, you literally feel yourself like a little child who cant do anything, you want to share your problems to someone, just wanna cry to someone, but you cant and you need to pretend that everything is okay. I was so scared for Angel in that scene and i really felt it. And the way Angel tried to make Charlie leave before that all happened.. Yes, he definetly knew whats gonna happen n thats so scary...
Anyway OMG VOX HIIII!!!!!! :DDDD
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Yeah, yknow what really strange thing about all that? Is the fact that Val s obviously a horrible person consindering all the things he done to Angel, but he is still an ENJOYABLE CHARACTER. Like- ofc that awful abusive scene was not enjoyable at all, but for some reason i just cant hate him!! I TRY BUT I JUST CANT N THATS SO WEIRD. probably its because i know its not a real person, its just a character but still-
Also (someone pls count how many times i used this word-) i really didnt expect to see an ACTUAL SEX SCENES IN THE SONG. Ig i shouldve expect it n i kinda did, but i still didnt-
Also this little scene made me fucking cry, for real. But not the fact that Angel crying made me cry, but his line: "If i end up broken, I wont be his favourite toy anymore. And maybe he'll let me go.."
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I dont know why this exact line made me cry, but it did and i think this is awesome, because they really made me care for Angel, even tho, again, ive never experienced such feelings so i cant relate to that, but i still feel so bad for him.
Ok can we talk about that Husk was AN OVERLORD??? I WAS LIKE: WHAAAAATT????
And OF COURSE that one Husk n Angels song. You already know how i feel about it so im not even gonna talk bout it! SIKE‼️I WILL!!!!! THIS SONG IS SO FRICKIN CUTE, THE FACT THAT HUSK STARTED TO JOKINGLY (or maybe not jokingly-) SAYING THAT ANGEL IS A LOSER TO BRIGHT HIM UP IS ACTUALLY SO SMART! THEYRE BOTH SO CUTE TOGETHER SINGING AND HOLDING HANDS FOR A LITTLE TOO MUCH!!! AND THIS SONG IS MUSICALLY ALSO SO AMAZING, ITS LITERALLY MY STYLE OF SONGS, MAYBE MY NEW FAV SONG I CANT REALLY TELL RN! And the meaning of this song is really good too. Whatever is happening to you, unless youre not alone, everything is better!
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Andddd everything is ended quite good and wholesome! They came to the hotel, Charlie apoligized and everything is good!!
soooo yeah! Thats it i guess! Im pretty sure im gonna edit it if i remember something else i wanted to say, but thats it by now!
My review/thoughts on eps 1-2
My review/thoughts on eps 5-6
My review/thoughts on eps 7-8
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