#i know for sure Benedict cumberbatch is one of them
natti-ice · 6 months
Being Remus Lupin’s Best friend Headcanons.
Warnings: modern AU!
Author’s note: this is a reupload, I wrote this a while ago!
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated<3
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Makes sure you’re not behind on any work. If you are he’ll help you with whatever it is. He jokingly acts like he hates it but he loves helping you.
Shared wardrobe. He knows everything he owns will somehow get in your possession. He even buys sweaters in your favorite colors just for that reason.
Man is a sucker for romantic dramas. He’d rather watch every sappy movie on Netflix than some action movie. (He loves a walk to remember)
Makes plans to take you out for your birthday every year. Will do anything you want, he’d jump out of a plane if you wanted to.
Random hugs. No reason behind them, just hugs
A bad driver. Took 2 tries to get his license but he did it. Makes you drive, then complains about your driving. (He’s an over dramatic mother)
The most funny sarcastic person you’ve ever met. He doesn’t even try to make a joke but it’s always hilarious.
Askes you about your day, he’s a great listener
He has a small rock collection. He only told you about it.
Texts in all lowercase. “😐” is his favorite emoji
Calls > text
One of his shoes always has a different color lace. Shoes are always beat up, but he likes it that way
His guilty pleasure is country music, but only sang by women.
No social media presence, but always has good memes on hand
Favorite place to hang out is the local park. There’s never anyone there just you two. He likes the sound when wind blows through the trees
Random compliments about the most random things. (Like handwriting or a random pin on your backpack)
Secretly in love with an actor from the 50’s who is most likely dead.
Has a job at some lowkey coffee shop barely anyone knows about, loves when you come in
Brings you your favorite drink/snack every time he comes to see you
He watched Doctor Strange because Benedict Cumberbatch is hot
One of those people who points out someone you don’t like and says “there’s your best friend”
Had a Minecraft phase when he was 11
Fake arguments over small things.
Mocks you when you annoy him, which is a lot
Your parents love him, they always ask him to come on family vacations with you guys
Hates those fake prank couple videos on YouTube
Had you pierce his ears because he thought he’d look edgy, But took them out because he felt like a douchbag
My chemical romance >>
You two stroll around the neighborhood at 3am
Tells you everything, sometimes a little bit too much. He knows you won’t judge him
You’re his favorite person, obviously.
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icyg4l · 5 months
PAC: How to Heal Your Broken Heart
Hello beautiful people! If you are currently going through a romantic break-up, I send my love to you. 🫶 But here, I will give advice on how you can deal with your grief. I am not a therapist so if you feel like you need to contact one, I would highly encourage that you do that. If you resonate with this reading and would like a more personalized reading, please read my guidelines and message me privately so you can receive one. Without further ado, please select your pile!
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (1-4)
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Pile One: You need to acknowledge that this was meant for you to happen! There is nothing wrong with being single, lovely. Sometimes things just don’t work out and that’s okay. Right now, it’s time for you to focus on bigger and better things without someone by your side. You could have been with your partner for years and one day things just ended. It happens. But the best for you to do right now is to get your hair and nails done. Get to know yourself as a person, not as a partner. You have so much personality, Pile One. You need to take up more space on your own. You don’t need someone to conquer the world with you. I feel like you honestly just have to get used to being by yourself so find literally anything to do by yourself. Read, go for a walk, buy yourself flowers, take yourself on dates. Spend more time making yourself the main character instead of finding ways to antagonize your ex.
Cards Used: Ace of Cups (RX), Four of Wands, Judgment, 7 of Discs, 9 of Swords, 9 of Cups.
extras: fancy dates. peach smoothie. alice in wonderland. benedict cumberbatch. “lumberyard.”
Pile Two: You got a lot of cards, which means that you need to listen up. Pile Two, when was the last time you’ve been outside with your friends? You may have spent a lot of time in isolation in your previous relationship. You don’t have to do that anymore. Your girls are waiting on you. It is best that you go to as many parties that you can find to avoid going back because you don’t need to be with a manipulative liar anymore. I would also suggest that you go to a jewelry store and go spoil yourself. The codependency in your last relationship was abnormal and it’s time that you realize it. I feel like this person took the light away from you and you’re slowly but surely gaining your power back. Your energy is similar to Pile One but I feel like the focus for you is to empower yourself. Adopt the mindset that things will work out for you. Assuming the worst possible outcome is going to work for you. You have to let yourself shine because no one is dimming your light anymore. Surround yourself with positivity and please please please make sure you’re around people that make you feel comfortable and like yourself. Right now is a crucial time for you. Treat it as such.
Cards Used: 6 of Discs, 9 of Discs, King of Discs, Princess of Wands, 8 of Wands, 4 of Cups, The Magician (RX), The Hanged Man, The World, The Emperor, Ace of Wands, 3 of Cups.
extras: “party hard.” tiger print. mr rogers. sofia the first. birthday pin. red dot.
Pile Three: I feel like this pile has to get their body in check. Have you been having physical health problems as of lately? I feel like you need to see a doctor. I am getting the image of someone with a fever getting their temperature checked. It’s almost summertime, this shouldn’t be happening! So first things first, take your Vitamin C. Once you take care of your physical health, you should affirm that everything will be okay. Expose yourself to new places, people and things. Take a getaway trip for the weekend, maybe longer. I think you should also write affirmations on post-its and put them up around your house. I feel like this pile went through a mutual break up but it still hurts. This will sound weird but you’ve been through worse so this shouldn’t break you, lol. I think that’s your spirit guides way of saying to stay optimistic about your situation. There’s an advantage in your situation. You will find more things to laugh about when it comes to your situation. Another thing that I suggest that you do is remove your ex’s energy; their clothes, pictures of them, any and everything. Get it out!
Cards Used: 4 of Discs, Temperance, Queen of Cups, Princess of Swords, 2 of Swords, 5 of Swords (RX), The Sun, 6 of Discs, The Star, Ten of Cups, Queen of Discs
extras: cameras flashing. candied yams. apples and oranges. dominoes pizza. hot flashes. quince.
Pile Four: I’m not going to lie, it may be time for you to consider taking the extra step to getting your mental health in check. If you have been feeling like ending it all, then please talk to a psychiatrist. They may prescribe you with medication. I feel like you need that extra boost. Shit feels stagnant with this group. It’s all about personal accountability with you guys. Yes, it sucks to have your heart broken but how will you fix it? How will you recover? I think you should get in touch with your family. It’s been a minute since you talked to them, hasn’t it? You might feel like they will mock you for going through it or say “I told you so” but they won’t. They’ll be angry about the fact that you were cheated on & manipulated. You were too good and too pretty for your ex, Pile Four. Any plans that you had with them are gone and it’s time to accept that. You may have a hard time moving on but it’s best that you are supported by those who have your best interest at heart. You absolutely can do it. Turn your pain into art. Make music, write poetry, draw something. Do anything to keep your energy moving and flowing. You should also get physical. I channeled Dua Lipa’s song for you as well. So get in the gym & build your physique, begin a cardio routine, just do it!!!
Cards Used: 6 of Cups, Ten of Discs, King of Wands (RX), The Empress, The Star, Death, 9 of Discs (RX), Ten of Swords, The Chariot (RX).
extras: agent of chaos. black ops. nike. “that’s not my forte.” acting. self-righteous. fake smile. eye bend.
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alexendria-rose · 3 months
Dear Writer,
Can you please write a Benedict Cumberbatch fic.Maybe teacher x student or a Sherlock x reader fic
Thanking you,
A/n- I suck at teacher x student but I can make a Benedict Cumberbatch x reader!!
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Hand Fetish~
Benedict Cumberbatch x Reader
Y/n watched as her famous boyfriend was filming for the new Netflix show "Eric." She smiled softly at the man in front of her. He looked absolutely handsome, especially for playing a man dressed in the 80's. Y/n would've never guessed he would look this handsome in this outfit. She watched as his hand moves out of the puppet when they finished the scene. She also watched as Benedict flexed his fingers to let them breath a bit and she swore her breath hitched as he did so. Wow. Y/n has never really focused on the way hands moved as much but now that he was working with puppets in this series she was more focused then she's ever been. Oh how she wished it was her as the puppet. She wanted to hit herself for even thinking that. But was she jealous of the puppet in this moment? Yes yes she was, how ridiculous was that.
Benedict runs up to her taking off his headband a light smile on his lips, "How was it my love?" His British accent now shinning through after using his American one for the scene. Y/n smiled shyly.
"It was amazing, as always, Although I love hearing that beautiful accent of yours." She says giggling lightly. He grins widely wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
"Well, thank you for reminding me my accent is beautiful my love." He places a soft kiss on top of her head, his nose nuzzling against her hair.
"Of course, how can I not?" She scrunches up her nose towards him as he pulls back to look at her. "Now I know you're dying for your smoke break." She pulls out his pack of cigarettes watching his face turn into a big grin.
"Ah, you know me so well. Care to join me?" He asks grabbing the box from her hand tucking it in his shirt pocket.
"Is that even a question my dear." She smirks at him wrapping her arm around his as they walk away from the shoot to have their smoke break. She grabs the lighter from her pocket. "Do you mind sharing one?" Benedict just smiles wider.
"Is that even a question?" He says mocking her tone that she just was using on him. She lightly hits his shoulder shaking her head.
"Dick." She laughs. She watches as he grabs one cigarettes' from the box putting it between his lips. Her gaze was completely on his hands and the way it touched his lip so gently when he put the cigarettes' between his lips. He scrunches his eyebrows towards her.
"You okay my love?" He asks snapping her out of her trance of day dreaming about her mans hands.
"O-Oh yeah, I'm fine." She stutters clearing her throat right after. She brings the lighter up, lighting up his smoke. He smirks watching her carefully through his eyelashes, he was curious on why she was acting so nervous all the sudden. She looked at his hands again watching as he takes the bud out of his mouth, the way his hands were just touching the cigarettes' made her go mad. Benedict tilts his head handing the nicotine to her.
"My love, you don't look okay are you sure? We could end the shoot early. We've been at this for a couple hours now I could take you home." He asks concerned for her well being. Home with Benedict... that did sound good to her but she couldn't distract him from his job.
"No, I'm okay but how about I go to the hotel and I'll meet you when you're done." She smiled softly placing a soft touch on his shoulder. He chuckles and nods reaching over for the cig, her eyes wandering down to those long fingers caressing her hand softly as he grabs the cancer stick.
"We have about an hour left, I'll be back soon. Rest out my love." He wraps his arm around her waist pulling her into a soft chaste kiss. He grins down at her as he pulls back before running back to the set. Y/n sighs softly, she can't believe she let her fantasy of his hands to intervene with his work that he was concerned for her.
Later at the hotel, Y/n was in the nice fancy hotel tub that made her feel like a queen but mostly just calmed her down.
"Hello, love?" Benedict shouts from the entrance. Y/n smiles softly at his voice, he said it was going to be for an hour but yet it took three hours for them to finish the scene. He enters the bathroom leaning against the door frame as he looked at her all under the bubbles, her hair up in a messy bun, holding a glass of wine to her chest. "Wow." He breaths out. Y/n blushes taking a small sip of the wine.
"Yes?" She asks a small giggling escaping her lips. He walks over to the side of the tub kneeling down to become face to face to her.
"You look ravishing, have I ever told you that?" He tilts his head sweetly watching the love of his life continue to blush and hide her face with the glass.
"About a million times." She smiles sweetly.
"How are you feeling? You weren't being yourself earlier, are you okay?" He asks moving his hand to place on her cheek. Her breath hitches, her face probably looking like a tomato.
"It's nothing." She was able to gasp out, how was she supposed to tell the man she's been dating for one year that she gets turned on by his hands?
"It's not." He knits his eyebrows together curiously. "Come on tell me."
"Your hands." She manages to let out. Her eyes widening at the words coming out. He chuckles deeply shaking his head.
"I don't understand. My hands?" He questions looking at his hands and then back at her.
"Your hands..." She mutters turning her head away. "Are very attractive, and I was thinking of the things you could do with them." Benedict chuckles deeply at her comment.
“Oh my love, if only you told me earlier.” He grins gently taking the cup out of her hands his fingers lightly touching hers as he does so. He knew what he was doing now and she was loving every moment of it. He smirks before pulling her out of the bathtub bridal style she playfully screams as he does not expecting him to pull her out his shirt dripping with water but he didn’t care. He ran into the room cradling her naked body before throwing her on the bed the sound of giggles escaping her mouth.
“Benedict what are you doing! I’m getting the bed wet.” She laughs sitting up slightly.
“I’m going to show you exactly what I could do with these hands.” He smirks softly placing his thumb over her mouth.
And he did exactly what he could do with those fingers….
A/n. Just a little short I decided to do 🤎
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buffyfan145 · 5 months
Had some more thoughts about the new LOTR movie "The Hunt for Gollum" and which characters are likely in it besides him. Putting this behind a cut for spoilers, though if you read the books and/or watched the fan film of the same name on YT you'll know a few. That being said I do think they'll expand this with more plots and add more characters both from the movies and the books, also since this is just the first of at least 2 new movies coming. I've also included a fancast here for 2 roles I hope are finally cast for this and weren't in the movies.
First is Aragorn. He's a major part of this and likely will be one of the main characters that carries over into the 2nd of these new films. Highly doubt it'd be a de-aged Viggo so we're likely going to get a younger British actor here. It's hard to fancast since we don't know the age range they'll be looking for, but something tells me it'll be a 30something actor especially with how many of these movies they're planning. Did see a fan suggest that Viggo can play older Aragorn telling this story to his children, so we'd get 2 Aragorns connecting it which I like.
Arwen is next. She wasn't in the story, but we know her and Aragorn's relationship began around the same time. There's been rumors these movies were going to feature younger versions of the characters last year, so this fits too. Plus, they need a female lead and their romance is one of the popular ships. Like above I think they'll cast a younger actress that resembles Liv, but like the fan suggested Liv could also play older Arwen.
If it sticks to the story Gandalf will be in this too as he tasks Aragon with finding Gollum. Now I can see Ian agreeing to having himself de-aged for this but not sure if they need that as I don't think he looks that different. The story is more about Gollum and Aragorn, so he'd be in a few scenes.
Next is Legolas. He's in the story too and would show more about his and Aragorn's friendship. Would be interesting if Orlando would come back too as I think he'd be ok with getting de-aged too but only slightly for him as he just looks a bit older.
Then this could be where we finally get Arwen's twin brothers Elladan and Elrohir!!! 😀 A lot of us always wanted them in the movies and it is strange they were cut out (though some think they are in the background of a few scenes). They're close friends of Aragorn too and easily could assist him in this. This is where my fancast comes in as both Harris Dickinson and George Mackay popped in my head to play them. Both are talented rising British actors, have dark hair and blue eyes, are tall, and I think look like Liv's Arwen, as well as the movies' Elrond, Galadriel, and Celeborn to look related to them. Also, Harris and George get confused for each other a lot (and played the same character as Harris couldn't be in the feature film version of "Femme", which he did the short film, and the recast him with George) and some thought they were brothers. They could just get one of them to play both if they want identical, but some fans think they're fraternal but do still resemble each other so two actors who look alike work too.
Then if Elrond, Galadriel (I'm certain Cate could still play her), Celeborn, or anyone else from the original LOTR movies are in this, or other characters from the books they could also add that weren't like Glorfindel for one.
Finally Sauron. There's a part of this story where Gollum is taken and Sauron himself tortures him to find out where the ring is. Gollum even explains he saw Sauron in full form and that he was missing a finger and spoke to him. So will they get Benedict Cumberbatch back to voice Sauron and/or actually play him in live-action as so far only "Rings of Power" have had an actor playing where you can see his face.
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gudsouplady · 1 month
Watching Sherlock (S1,E1) A Study in pink (Tw: This show has a lot of showing and mentioning of guns,Dead bodies,Drugs,War etc.If you don’t like that stuff then I advise you to not read this post) (spoilers)
• Poor guy,He had a bad dream about his time in war :(
• The gun in the drawer…
• He has a blog :)
• The intro is an absolute Bop
• I don’t think she understands the fact that cabs are expensive
• He took a pill and now he died after having no screen time at all
• Why couldn’t he just have shared the other guys umbrella
• Noooo two people are dead already :(
• Maybe it was the cab somehow????
• Why were her keys taken out her bag and what were they needed for ????
• She took the pills like the others :(
• Lestrade is trying his best
• The texts  being sent to everyone in that room are creepy
• “You know where to find me”- That is quite mysterious  
• I don’t really like Stamford as a character
• Ladies and gentlemen,The one and only, The Legendary Mr Benedict Cumberbatch
• Why is he beating the dead body
• Sherlock is kinda rude
• Sherlock knows…
• Poor Molly, Dealing with Sherlock
• Sherlock is ranting about what he knows about John
• Sherlock is iconic
• He got John’s number, Somehow ??
• I think looking up someone that you just met is a bit odd but I can’t Judge John because he is the best
• Another one died….
• They met at the perfect time
• Sherlock and mrs Hudson are adorable :)
• They had very different ideas
• Who was the skull ???
• Sherlock always makes a mess
• The science of deduction, Is that a real website (it is real and I recommend looking at it)
• Sherlock ranting x2
• Sherlock can identify anyone at this point
• Lestrade is back !!!
• I have a bad feeling about Anderson
• The way Sherlock jumped makes me laugh
• Mrs Hudson is only trying to help John don’t yell at her :( (We must protect her at all costs)
• Sherlock came back for John :)
• The game is on !!!!!!!!
• The soundtrack is actually really catchy
• Sherlock ranting x3
• why won’t she let John through ???
• I don’t like Anderson and sally
• Who is Rachel ?????
• How old is the house ??????
• Sherlock is doing his job and John and Lestrade and just sitting there
• Sherlock only wants Johns opinion
• Where’s the suitcase
• Sherlock ranting x4
• Sherlock just runs away
• why does everyone want John to stay away from Sherlock
• The public phones are ringing….
• The public can see what’s going on, The cameras don’t have to move
• I don’t like “Anthea”
• Why does he stand like that
• Abandoned warehouses, Great meeting place
• Why does he want information about Sherlock
• I’m glad John didn’t except the offer
• Don’t touch John, you random person
• Why did he get the gun out of the drawer ???????
• John is back at Baker Street
• I’m sure there are better ways to think than nicotine patches especially 3 of them
• Just to send a text..
• Sherlock is so needy
• The suitcase
• Sherlock didn’t kill the woman
• The phone is gone
• Not the skull being being taken
• Don’t talk about finding the murder in the street
• “I’m not his date”. You sure about that John ???
• Get the candle Angelo
• Girlfriend? No, not really my area. Is Sherlock gay ????
• John’s face 🤣
• He left the cane
• Sherlock almost got run over by a car whilst trying to chase a taxi
• They didn’t find the taxi
• “I pickpocket him when he’s annoying” An absolute legendary line
• Their laughs are so funny
• He’s taken the room upstairs
• The cane got found and returned
• I don’t like Lestrade anymore..
• It’s a drugs bust
• Sherlock does drugs…
• Lestrade is like a fed up dad
• Ewww Anderson
• “I’m a high functioning sociopath”
• Rachel is dead :(
• I can see why people call Sherlock sociopathic
• The taxi….
• They can access her emails
• “Anderson, don’t talk out loud. You lower the IQ of the whole street” I Love these quotes
• The phone is at Baker Street.. How ??
• Who is at the top of the stairs
• Is the taxi driver the murder…?
• The cabbie is just confessing to his murder
• Don’t get the cab Sherlock
• The cabbie was warned
• Sherlock is a good man
• Why murder someone in a college ????
• Mephone is an absolute lifesaver
• Sherlock is an absolute legend
• The pills
• Humans are idiots and we don’t think
• What if they’re both poisonous or both safe ????
• John made it to the college
• Sherlock ranting x5
• The cabbie has a dark backstory
• Who is paying for these murders
• The gun wasn’t real ???
• Sherlock should of just walked out
• Don’t take the pill
• John please save Sherlock
• John just saved him !!!!
• Who is moriarty
• Sherlock in a shock blanket
• Sherlock knows it was John
• I love their friendship
• The stranger is back…
• The stranger is Sherlock’s brother, Mycroft
• The besties walking away from the scene is so iconic
I rate this episode a 10/10 because the storyline was really complex and I loved it and the characters and I will definitely watch the rest of the series
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icedbatik · 5 months
This week I have read two unrelated news articles talking about a new phenomena.
One was about how North American Taylor Swift fans have realized they can buy Eras Tour tickets and fly their entire family to some European city on the tour route and make the concert part of their vacation for less money than it takes to buy concert tickets for two -- assuming they can even get them -- in their home town/state. And how this is a totally unique-to-Taylor thing.
The other was about the trendy rise in sports tourism. This, of course, involves people building their vacations around a particular sporting event.
And my first thought was about I woke up at 4 a.m. one morning -- in 2014 -- to join a virtual queue for tickets to Benedict Cumberbatch's "Hamlet" in London and then spent the next 18 months saving the money to afford the trip. And how so many people I knew from Tumblr (and who lived all over the world) were doing the same thing. (I even had a chance to meet up with some of them while in London. It was lovely!)
As for sports tourism? I'm pretty sure Pens fans have been traveling for hockey games since the Pens became a team. I know I have been doing so since November 2016, and not just to Pittsburgh. Pens fans traveling for games is such a thing that fans of other teams have stopped me in their home arenas to ask me why it sometimes seems as if there are more Pens fans there than home-team fans.
This can only mean one thing.
Far from Tumblr and its users being (whatever derogatory term has been attached this week), they are just so far ahead of the curve that mainstream society can't handle them.
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
minidura chapter 9 react
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since when did shinra have blue eyes though
actually i just looked up images of him but what fucking color are those?? blue?? gray?? brown??
shinra is benedict cumberbatch i guess
also shinra beating izaya at cards (and especially poker) is hilarious i need more of that
shinra please tell shizaya to kiss. do it for me
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shizuo and izaya agreeing with each other when it comes to preventing shinra from straight up killing them lets go!!!! plus shizuo asking if shinra cheated because izaya lost ashdkgjsdkjghdssd
izaya totally cheated and still lost he's so pathetic <33333
the way he says "then" after that though like. he was actually considering dissection and money laundering PFFF
yes eat lunch together i promise it wont go horribly wrong
they've really never done this in canon though?? maybe i just read too much fanfiction about it
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oh i guess they definitely havent done it before 😭
maybe this is a start. maybe they do it every day after this
izaya's cat face is so cute rhfhrgjhhjgh
only shizuo and izaya would be so baffled at the idea of eating lunch together help
like if these were ANY other people they'd be like oh sure why not! not these losers
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watch the entire chapter just be them stalling help
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THEY FINISH EACH OTHERS SENTENCES!! married couple behavior fr fr (<-delusional)
they havent argued once in this chapter yet so im taking everything i can get ok
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the only things that will get shizaya to be on the same wavelength are eating simon's food and being afraid of shinra
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THEY'RE SO CUTE!! the holy trio of malewives
i choose to believe that was both of them saying 'shinra shut up'
meals for the family man because they're going to start a family together (<-delusional but like. more than usual)
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i sense a food fight incoming
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oh yeah this is going on my twitter banner
cant believe we have two whole chapters of shizaya cooking together in the minidura manga. out of ten chapters. probably representative of how the mangaka was cooking fr
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izaya would be the one out of the two of them to make moe anime girl noises (my entire friend group)
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honestly how has shinra not gone insane from dealing with these two for the entirety of high school
scratch that he is insane my bad
it's like herding cats, not because they keep going in opposite directions, but because they keep fighting
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of course they disagree on food tastes too. someone's leaving this kitchen with a broken spine
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ive just stopped screenshotting and started posting entire pages because everything is gold
"are you that confident in your tongue" i bet you ten bucks that i could find that line in a shizaya smut fanfiction in less than 20 minutes
at least shinra's having fun
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married couple behavior for sure. who doesnt bicker while cooking together
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shizuo would be good at cooking if izaya wasn't provoking him 😭maybe. idk the milk drinker genes might hinder him actually
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for a moment there i thought they were going to have no food at all bgkjgsjsgdk
izaya and shizuo look so cute in the back thoughhhh look at themmm
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shinra. shinra why would you say that they're going to kill each other. shinra. SHINRA
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oh nvm i guess they were too tired to argue 😭being in forced proximity for this long is literally harder than chasing each other
wait whats that psychology term for it again. group. something. group goal SUBORDINATE GOAL thats it. a goal given to two opposing groups that forces them to cooperate and will usually eventually make them like each other more (it has never worked for shizaya. see the simon chapter) (also excuse the psychology terminology i have my final test in a month or so and this is the only way i can force myself to study)
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so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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shinra sitting between them pfft
izaya's cat face actually kills me every time
either the food is amazing or the food is dogshit and i dont know which one would be funnier
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ok thats better than either of those options
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this chapter has literally just been shizuo and izaya Going Through It
"everyone should get along like me and celty" is he saying shizaya should date. yes he is because i said so
also izaya moving even further away from shinra LMFAO he'd rather be in hitting range of shizuo than have to deal with shinra's celty shpeal
there's so many good reaction pictures with shizaya this chapter ill definitely be cutting them out to make into a banner at some point
im convinced this serves as a precious memory for both of them even if they dont realize it >:)
99999/10 chapter i enjoyed every second of it
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airlocksandaviaries · 2 years
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#1 - The Classic Yellow Uniform (S1 version)
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Simple but effective. The TNG uniform designs serve as usual. I would actually wear this. He looks good in it. It’s very basic, and the later uniform designs are better, of course, but I’m bumping up the rating in it because his tits look gorgeous.
#2 - Sherlock Data pt 1
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It’s just a pipe, but it adds SO MUCH. You can tell he’s really throwing himself into the role. Boy reads a book series for the first time and automatically decides he IS the main character. Just like me fr. Not rating it higher bc I know we can do better with this style.
#3 - Dixon Hill Data pt 1
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OUGH. That is an OUTFIT. The tie. The Hat. The HANDKERCHIEF. They sure didn’t half-ass the costumes on this one, they really gave him the full aesthetic and I am HERE FOR IT.
#4 - Lore Outfit Switcheroo
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Basic, TNG, “we found somebody on a planet and we dressed them in the nearest garment we could find, which happens to look like the world’s blandest sweater.” I would have rated it lower if it weren’t for the fact that they layered a v neck and a turtleneck and made him look particularly whoreish. 
#5 - Sherlock Data pt 2
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Look how happy he is cosplaying his favorite character! This is an odd choice for a costume, though, a robe over a collared shirt, looks kinda like pjs, or maybe I’m just illiterate in 1890s fashion. Still looks good tho. Now we’re getting somewhere.
#6 - Sherlock Data pt 3
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LOOK AT HIM. LOOK AT MY BOY. Benedict Cumberbatch? Robert Downey Jr?? Henry Cavill??? Never heard of em. This is the real Sherlock, a fruity lil android cosplaying his favorite character from his favorite book, bonus points for the gay roleplay with his bf Geordi (playing Watson). This is a Superior Data Look.
#7 - Stand-Up Comedy Data
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Gotta be honest this was one of my least favorite Data B-Stories (aside from the one about comphet) but at least this outfit served absolute android cunt. Knocking off points for how awkward he looks in it tho. Boy pls stop torturing urself for validation from others. It’s physically killing me.
#8 - Poker Visor
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Data why are you wearing that. You can literally see in the dark Data you don’t even need it. Do you think it looks stylish Data. Do you think it looks cool and that’s why you decided to wear it to every single crew poker night. At least you’re trying and that’s what counts.
#9 - One Arm Data
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He arm off. Put it back
#10 - Cowboy Hat Data
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#11 - Dixon Hill Data pt 2
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This one is slightly more formal than his previous Dixon Hill attire, and less dramatic, but fashionable nonetheless. Fruity in a way I can’t seem to describe. Period outfits (almost) always fit this man and Idk what it its.
#12 - Strategima Gloves
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This concludes Data’s Outfits Rated, Part 1. I’ve made it through Seasons 1 and 2 by combing through footage trying to find wearing anything out of the ordinary. If I’ve missed any please feel free to send ‘em in. Part 2 will be out soon.
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violivs · 6 months
NMTDaily: And So It Begins
- Beatrice’s first vlog! What an opening line, I love it lol. I remembered the hand wave on “hello, people of the Internet” having a wider arc across the screen than it actually does, funny enough! Glad I didn’t specify the wide wave when I referenced this line in MARRIED, the fic I posted on the 25th.
- “I’m not too old for Halloween”, girl after my own heart!
- Always thought it was interesting that Bea’s mother is American. I wonder how/why they decided that. It’s the kind of super specific detail that makes Bea feel so real, because who would make that up? It’s also interesting that it means Bea and Ben’s families are both somewhat international. Another parallel for them, another thing they have in common.
- I bet the Aunties’ wedding was the cutest thing ever, imagine Hero and Leo standing up with them! That’s probably the last time all of the Dukes were together before the story starts.
- I’m surprised Bea’s parents moved because her dad got a promotion. I would have assumed her mom did, because we get the impression of her as the high-powered businesswoman. But good for Bea’s dad. Is it canon that he’s a university professor? (Promotion = tenure?) Or did I make that up for fanfic and/or confuse him with Ben’s parents being professors in canon? Listening for that. Maybe Bea’s dad was actually also a business person all along and that’s how her parents met. Who knows.
- Bea says Australia like I say Indiana, lol (no hate to anyone from Indiana though! Just another of those inborn rivalries with the neighbor, like the Oz/NZ one.)
- “A great science program” I forgot Bea was a science person!
- I always loved the set decoration in this room, I remember it’s Hero’s room, and it’s so artsy and cozy and pretty. Love the wall art.
- “Leo and I are in charge of the house for the next six months” Excuse me, does this series really only take place over six months? Well, it ends in the first week of November, so that’s seven full months. I think it felt like it lasted a whole year when it was airing though. Time slowed down during a certain arc for sure.
- “in-joke with myself!” Classic. I kind of love that the text on screen saying “good one Beatrice” is Bea talking to herself again in-world, but out-of-world it’s kind of the Candle Wasters talking, interacting both with their own main character and with the audience. Meta.
- “Sorry my life is so boring” are like, THE famous last words for an LIW protagonist. Honey, you got a big storm coming!
- I was always so incredibly impressed with Beatrice’s independence, her comfort with leaving her parents and essentially being on her own before she even finished high school. I was alone in a college dorm hours away from home when I first watched this, second semester of freshman year if I’m not mistaken, and I could barely believe I’d managed it. I couldn’t imagine doing that any earlier than I had. I thought she was so brave and cool. I think Bea actually shows more hesitation and nervousness than I realized she did in this episode, both because she’s not used to vlogging yet and because being in a new place is nerve-wracking, but I still think she’s so brave.
- It’s so interesting that in a reversal of the play, it’s our Beatrice who comes from away to Messina to start the story, instead of Benedick and the other men returning from war. Of course, we’ll see how the boys’ arrival on the scene is modernized soon enough!
- Harriett does such a great job making you care about Bea and like her right from the start. You just want to keep listening to her talk. I can’t wait to do just that over the next seven months.
- The Benedict Cumberbatch crush is a stroke of genius, but what are the odds that there happens to be a super famous guy named Benedict that you can reference who is at peak relevance in the exact year your MAAN modernization premieres? Truly, this series as it exists could only have happened in 2014. It was the perfect time and the perfect people. What luck.
- Oh, this is the wider arc hand wave I was remembering! It’s just at the end of the video and not the beginning. Funny!
- Covering the camera with her hand and ducking out of frame at the end of her first video is a direct parallel to what Bea and Hero do in their final NMTD video, sliding out of frame and all. Love that.
- I can’t believe how much there is to talk about even with these early episodes. These posts are gonna get so long they’ll have to go under a cut for the later episodes!
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o-uncle-newt · 10 months
Cabin Pressure Advent Day 7: Gdansk
Obviously I love Gdansk- who doesn't? It's basically perfect. While I encourage new listeners who are listening cold to start with Douz, if they need one episode to tempt them in, I always have them try Gdansk. Works every time.
I kind of had to turn my brain off before listening to this one, because I've heard it so many times that it doesn't really register in my head anymore as a thing in and of itself as opposed to "funny thing that I like and listen to when I need a non-pharmaceutical antidepressant." And it is really, really good at that. Passenger Derby is basically my favorite thing on the show from a pure comedy perspective, and the whole thing is just hilarious.
But the episode is also able to seamlessly integrate the humor and the human relationships together, and that's something where I think S2 is a clear improvement on S1. Some of it is clearly a purposeful shift as the characters get to know each other better, but I also think that JF just got better at writing it- which makes a lot of sense. Regardless, it just works beautifully, in part because it narrows in on one highly specific relationship that's about to get permanently deepened- Douglas and Martin. (Incidentally, Roger Allam is always great but I do want to call out Benedict Cumberbatch's performance in this episode as being absolutely stellar, and it should be played for all of the "he only knows how to play one character and it hasn't been cool since 2015" people out there to prove them wrong. He's SO FUNNY while also making you feel bad for him AND kinda annoyed with him for being such an idiot. Kudos.)
In certain ways, Gdansk is more like Limerick than it is, say, Ipswich. In Ipswich, sure, there's the question of who's the alpha dog, but fundamentally the episode centers around the situation of needing to renew their certifications and how they deal with that, and it's through that medium that the question of who the alpha dog is (not that we had any doubt) is resolved. Here, there isn't really a plot, just a bunch of linked scenes on the same flight with an A plot and a B plot that end up coinciding through the Disney character game and the strudel/cheesecake bet- which make it clear that the A plot is the Martin-Douglas relationship plot because it's their actions in the flight deck that impact the B plot of Madame S-B and her unreasonable and paranoid demands. And it's super, super impressive that JF was able to do such a great job of putting all the moving pieces together, even more smoothly than his previous not-really-a-plot episode, Fitton.
But anyway, back to Martin and Douglas. It's done so well, because even though the broadcast order was switched so that Helsinki was in between, the ending of Fitton HAD to be addressed. And I love how it gives all the betting, and Douglas messing with Martin, stakes- unlike in S1 when Douglas did it just to fuck with him and show him who's really boss, here it's because Douglas is genuinely hurting and angry about something that Martin finds funny even though to him, it's painful. Douglas needs to get some of his own back- and to get that joke of Martin's back- which leads to a continually escalating series of bets. Martin, in turn, is cherishing the one thing that gives him something over Douglas- which he really needs, given how demoralizing it is to be in a position that he knows he didn't truly earn and that he's not a paid pilot. In the end, Martin doesn't give up the story, but he gives up an even bigger piece of leverage- and that puts Douglas far enough on top that he feels able to be magnanimous again in helping Martin out with the game so he can beat Carolyn. He's not at a point where he'll do it for nothing, but in exchange for that bit of pride that Martin's embarrassing admission gives him back, he will.
(It's also worth noting that Douglas is actively in divorce proceedings at this point, which Martin doesn't know and Douglas chooses not to share- perhaps to keep that one bit of pride, that Martin doesn't know that the wife Douglas bought brown sauce for was having an affair the whole time. When Douglas does share that in Limerick, it's in exchange for a different piece of vulnerability from Martin.)
Ughhhhh, emotional stakes and character work, so GOOD!
Just a top tier episode. Could literally listen to it at any time and in any place.
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kierrasreads · 10 months
A Study in Scarlet (Sherlock Holmes #1) by Arthur Conan Doyle Review
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Our first meeting with Sherlock Holmes. And John Watson's too! The young doctor is astonished by Holmes' many idiosyncrasies, including his talents on the violin.
But it's not long before Sherlock Holmes, with Watson in tow, is working with Scotland Yard investigating the murder of two Americans whose deaths have some mysterious connection to sinister groups gathering power in both Britain and America.
Here's where it all began, 'A Study in Scarlet.' Meet Sherlock Holmes, one of the world's leading consulting detectives - fictional of course!
We meet again, Mr. Holmes! Like many fans of this iconic detective, my first introduction to him was through the BBC adaptation of the series, starring Benedict Cumberbatch. I was obsessed with this show! Then, my interests shifted and I left this British character in the past. My interest in the series got ignited again fairly recently. One day after work, I was browsing the Roku channel and saw that the platform had many Sherlock Holmes films from 1939, with Basil Rathbone portraying Sherlock Holmes and Nigel Bruce portraying Dr. John Watson (I believe all 14 films from this series are available on Roku). Anyway, the point is that I decided to read the Sherlock Holmes novels again and stick to them this time. This first Sherlock Holmes story totally captured my interest. The first part of this novel (Dr. Watson's reminiscences) proved to be fairly interesting and I was surprised at how fast Sherlock Holmes was able to solve the case.
The second part of the book focused on Jefferson Hope's past and took place in Utah (I'm sure some of you can see where this is going). I was utterly shocked at the portrayal of the Mormons, especially Brigham Young. I'll admit, I know next to nothing about Mormonism, its history, etc., but the whole second part of the novel read as..well..anti-Mormon. I couldn't help but wonder if Doyle had a grudge against the religion/group in general, or used this as an opportunity to let his grievances be known, but let's just say that I was relieved when Jefferson Hope finished his story and the focus shifted to the trail/conclusion. I'll have to research to see why he chose this particular lighting to portray the Mormons (of course, I realize that every story with revenge and murder must have a villain, otherwise it would be a completely different type of novel).
That's all I have to say about that! It was a good, brief read that got me back into the Sherlock Holmes fandom.
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indominusavenger · 8 months
I'm gonna come out and say it; No Way Home sucked. Sure, it had some good moments but in my opinion, it does not live up to the first two instalments of the trilogy. I liked the first part of the movie but as soon as I knew where the second part was going, I fell off that train pretty quickly.
Not only did it make MCU Spidey end up with the same tale as his two predecessors but it also undoes Peter's entire establishment in Marvel's overall franchise. What was the point of the last four movies putting him on the roster with Earth's MIGHTIEST Heroes if you were just going to take all that away and make it like he exists in a completely separate world from them? What was the point of the three cameos we had from RDJ, Samuel L. Jackson, and Benedict Cumberbatch in their iconic roles to show that interconnected universe as with every other MCU movie, only for that to be stripped away at the very last second? Might as well have been another one of Sony's solo ventures at making a series after TASM but it's not and that's why I HATE the uncertainty of Peter Parker's future in the MCU. However, given the current failing reality of the MCU with every new movie that comes out, I can already confirm it's nothing good. In fact, it probably would be best if progress stops altogether before Marvel really is stuck in the dust and just a part of a magnificent past with no legacy to carry on. (This is a side note but that is still a big issue for me anyways that I may expand upon later in another post. In the meantime, go watch all the video essays on YouTube, I'm sure you'll find many good ones.)
He had a unique story that fit into the overarching plot of the MCU and the premise he had was different from the previous Spideys which is what was so interesting about his character development. This Peter Parker had friends that weren't introduced before, or at least, they were more developed than in other series; he had a superhero as a mentor, not a scientist turned villain due to unfortunate circumstances; he had a guy in the chair who wasn't after him or turned villain because his father was one, he had two crushes that were friends, he was part of clubs and acted more teenage-like than the last two. He interacts with other heroes, joins the Avengers, fights THE villain, perishes, comes back, loses his mentor, and is still expected to keep on going.
For crying out loud, he was asked if he was going to be the next Iron Man but he knew he wasn't which is what Far From Home set out to show us. And to all those who called him Iron Man Jr. in Homecoming, I hope you know that you make no sense and I think Marvel did a wonderful job making him stand apart. He was a kid admiring one of his role models and now that he actually had a connection to him, of course he was going to want to be like his mentor but even Tony recognized that he wanted him to be more, not like him. This shows Iron Man himself had great respect for the young hero.
Now, moving onto No Way Home, two main things that annoy the heck out of me; Peter being forgotten (obviously) and Aunt May dying. I'll start with Aunt May's death. To be honest, it was a completely unnecessary death and it actually doesn't make sense for the purpose it had in the movie. The punchline "With great power comes great responsibility." loses its premise as soon as you recall Civil War's intro to Peter in the first place. Uncle Ben had already died, Peter was Spider-Man at this point, and remember what Peter told Tony when they met, why the older hero related to him so much? "When you can do the things that I can, but you don't... and then the bad things happen... they happen because of you." So he already learned that lesson on responsibility and by the time we get to No Way Home, this kid had learned lessons also involving the universe at large. Why are we rehashing Uncle Ben's offscreen death with Aunt May if Marvel literally stated that was overdone? Make that make sense. But oh, it was to make something big and dramatic happen in the movie because we needed to mOve aLoNg. Peter lost his parents, his uncle, and mentor; can you come up with something new other than parental figure losses? Why do TASM Peter and OG Peter still have their Aunt Mays and even if it was just a deleted scene, technically TASM Peter's dad? Huh, then what do you say there? Why did MCU Peter Parker have to lose ALL his parental figures?
Finally, the thing that probably broke most of us; Peter being wiped from everyone's memory. As I stated earlier, his entire existence within the MCU just vanishes, like that, in seconds. So......... what was the point of his existence up till now in the MCU? What was the point of his specific development and growth if he was just going to get forgotten? Why was he meticulously introduced at the height of the Avengers' conflict and then constantly involved with some other MCU hero/important character if he was going to be removed from that? If the Avengers were never a big deal, why make him a part of that at all and why were we still bringing them up at the climax of the film? For those who bring up the argument that he's supposed to be a solitary hero, well that was the worst way to have introduced him then, right? But Marvel chose that route, not any other. Which is why that decision still makes no sense to me. You put him in a world where he wasn't the only superhero and he was going to interact with other heroes which none of the other Spider-Men had and that already put him in a unique position. Why give him a background that was going to get swiped?
Imagine that, making five blockbuster films that gave him a firm standing in the MCU at the peak of Phase 3 and then in his sixth film, his last standalone which is supposed to be his most shining moment, he gets the rug pulled out from underneath him to give him a blank slate? You might as well have thrown every script out from 2015 to 2019 including him before they were ever written or considered. It's the equivalent of undoing everything you just worked on in a school project that's worth 40% of your final grade. Think about that for a second. Marvel just undid 6 years of work and investment in a single character for them to go back to the beginning. Why didn't you just do that then from the start? You could have had more classic Spidey a long time ago by that train of thought (which I really didn't want because we already saw that twice and this Spidey was something fresh).
Anyways, thanks for reading. This is 2 years worth of disappointment and frustration put on the page.
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grey-and-green · 1 year
Good Omens S3 possibilities?
These are not predictions, or even really based on any actual evidence. Just thoughts that I’ve been thinking about.
In no particular order:
I would like to see more pre-The Beginning scenes. Specifically, the battle and the Fall. Something about how Crowley said "I remember going into battle" has just stuck with me and I want to SEE IT. (also, they got Benedict Cumberbatch to voice Satan in S1, and I feel like we deserve to see a proper bumblebee cumberbumble cameo).
I want to see how Aziraphale influencing the car/the car not being fully Crowley's anymore plays out. Angsty side of me would actually quite like to see the car refusing to play Queen and repeatedly giving us "Nightengales" to the point where Crowley lashes out and destroys the car. Would be peak breakup angst. Fully devastating.
What happens if Hell asks Crowley back now? I’m not sure they actually want him back, but what if he pulls a OFMD finale Kraken move and goes full demon. Heart broken, rejected, unloved, unforgivable: might as well prove them all right by finally being the evil demon they all told me I was when I wasn’t good enough for them.
(Right, now I’m picturing Crowley blowing up the Bentley and saying “fuck God and fuck Humanity” and going full feral. I don’t actually want this, but it’s not unlikely)
I really don't want a sex scene. I don't even want another kiss. I want there to be long, desperate hugs and intimate cuddles, but I want it to read comfort and safety rather than lust.
I think we're going to see more of 1941. I think what people have noted about the Nightengale song coming out around then is very likely relevant, as is the fact that this is the only footage we see twice. A long flashback in S1, expanded on in S2. I feel like this is going to come back again in S3. Whether it's to see more of that night specifically (like what happened to the photo and who took it home to stare at for 80 years) or whether we'll see the next day/week because when, on that night, would Aziraphale have had time to do the I Was Wrong dance?
I want more Muriel. Like, a lot more. They saw the bookshop breakup, and they looked pretty shook the first time we see them through the window. I want to see how they grow and learn on Earth when they're very likely not being supervised by any other angels. How long will Crowley sulk outside before he’s invited in/overcome with the urge to help Muriel?
I would like to see one or both of our main babes growing facial hair. I know we don't really see that much on angels or demons but it would be delightful to see. Equally, I would like to see one or both of our main babes full femme-presenting.
Something I don’t actually want, but well within the realm of possibility: not just memory erasure by Heaven, but intentional self-deletion as a coping mechanism. Thinking Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind here. Think, “I’m erasing you and I’m happy!” (spoiler: they’re not happy).
I will probably keep adding to this as I rewatch Season 2 a few dozen more times.
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ragaposts · 9 months
As promised, here are my Rainworld Voice Headcanons!! Some of them may be really silly or out of character, but I don't care.
Survivor !!
Survivor as Haku, from Spirited Away, for some odd reason.
I don't really know why uh just bare with me okay
Monk !!
Monk as Wybie Lovat, from Coraline! I like the soft young voice, not childish either. Monk is probably a pre-teen for me.
Hunter !!
Hunter as Dr. Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch)
I don't know why, but I wouldn't like giving Hunter an old dude voice even if Dr. Strange may sound old. It didn't fit right. Master Oogway is a perfect match, though /hj
Artificer !!
Artificer as Ciel Phamtomhive (Brina Palenica), the bossy tone of voice, really matches her!
Gourmand !!
Gourmand as Bo Burnham!!
I like imaging Gourmand with this type of voice, it suits him.
Rivulet !!
Rivulet as Glimmer from SheRa!!
Oh my God this vc is literally extraordinary this is the perfect vc for Rivulet, I can't explain why but it fits!
Spearmaster !!
Spearmaster as Bow from SheRa!! I can't find any good vc that sounds like the Spearmaster in my head, so Bow will do for now! They're both strong, little awkward dorks
Saint !!
Saint as Puss In Boots from The Last Wish (or literally any other Puss In Boots movie) Saint is definitely Puss In Boots, hands down.
Moving onto iterators, yipee!!
Five Pebbles !!
Five Pebbles as Prince Zuko from Avatar The Last Air Bender, these two would be best friends if they ever met, I'll be honest with you.
Otherwise Zukos angsty teen sounding voice just fits Pebbles, nothing more.
Looks To The Moon !!
Moon as Zoe Murphy from Dear Evan Hansen!!
It's so so perfect and so genuinely gorgeous I love it!!
I imagine Moon with a pretty soft voice, not deep or overbareingly squeaky, either.
No Significant Harassment !
Nsh as Josh Hutcherson.
He's Josh Hutcherson plus with a slight Mexican accent.
Seven Red Suns !!
Seven Red Suns as Sydrome (Jason Lee) because I have no idea. He's too boring, okay.....
Sliver Of Straw !!
SOS as Azula (Grey DeLisle) from Avatar The Last Air Bender, they're both rude little craps and I'm pretty sure no one likes both of them, with fair reason.
Sliver would laugh at someone's insecurities, and I feel like Azula would, too, despite having perhaps even more insecurities than them.
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asprngdeductionist · 6 months
Essay on Patrick Jane
Im Reposting some of my Best entries. Heres my essay on Patrick Jane
Patrick Jane is the main protagonist in the 2000's American TV show "The Mentalist" portrayed by Simon Baker. Patrick Jane is the main  protagonist on the show, and with a surprisingly the least morals  on the team of protagonists. We'll get to these later. Patrick Jane works in the California Bureau of Investigation (CBI), but later works for the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI). Both as a consultant. Before that, he was a professional mentalist that faked psychic powers to get money out of people.
Powers and abilities.
Patrick Jane possesses a powerful mental prowess. He is a master of tactics and people, especially knowing them. His observational skills are absolutely exceptional. I myself, am a deductionist/mentalist, so I know about how this works. His observational skills are at the level of the legendary deductionist Sherlock Holmes. I'd even bother to say that Patrick Jane was a better Sherlock Holmes than the Benedict Cumberbatch incarnation in the 2010 BBC's " Sherlock ". All deductions are focusing on 4 different  ways of information. Attire, Physicality, Verbal and non-verbal sources. In the case of Patrick Jane there are five,because he is a master of using his intuition. This is mostly framed as guesswork. 
Painful past and story
The story of the show starts off with introducing us to Patrick's past. And how The notorious serial killer "Red John" killing his wife and daughter because of his profession of being a fake psychic (mentalist).The rest of the story revolves around his redemption and act of revenge. After 6 seasons/ years of a cat and mouse battle of Patrick and Red John, with Patrick trying to find out who he  is and kill him for good. He accomplishes his goal of vengeance and kills his nemesis after a long battle of unraveling a secret society of corrupt law enforment officials all throughout the state of California. There is though another 1.5 seasons of the show. What happens then? He finds Final peace in his new love interest. Then the final wedding, we get the final moments of a peculiar show that brought excitement to its watchers for years.
The character's moral compass
Patrick JAne is a very grey character. He is the perfect balance between the Good guys of his team at CBI and his nemesis in Red John. He said it himself, and I can't sum it up more. "I don't care about the law, I care about justice." Seeing this quote, something comes to mind. He doesn't care about the rules of the world. The rules that other people set for everyone. He cares about his own morals and rules. "An eye for an eye" as they say. That's why he's so grey. The cops represent the law and the boundaries and Red John, the crimes and unhinchedness of everything. Patrick represents justice. There is a problem though. Not even Patrick is sure if his quest of vengeance is even good when you look at the quote: "Revenge is for fools and madmen." 
His allies 
Patrick Jane has a team. Just like Gregory House from "House MD" and even Sherlock Holmes. The team consists of a pretty good dynamic. Teresa Lisbon played by Robin Tunney is the boss and the one who doesn't agree with Patrick and questions his morals Just like Cuddy with House. Then we have rigsby and Van Pelt (Owain Yeoman and Amanda Righetti). Rigsby is the big and dumb and Van pelt is the good-girl i guess. And their whole arc revolves around them being in love and the rules not letting that happen. I think I can reference this to Chase and Cameron. Then we get to the most bad-ass character in the history of the show. Kimball Cho portrayed by by Tim Kang the buff asian with a robot-like character. I would make a reference to Foreman, but I'm not sure if there are any simmilarities.
The Character of Patrick Jane is a deeper concept when you think about it. His mental abilities and unique deduction style is most intriguing. I try my best at adapting it into my own. The depth of his morals is a nice addition to the generic 2000's crime drama that is "The Mentalist".
Happy Deducing!
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daydreamtofiction · 2 years
The Feature XVIII // Benedict Cumberbatch x Reader
Series Overview | Previous Part | Next Part
Chapter Summary: Mending a relationship seems all well and good in theory, until you realise it's going to be a lot harder than you thought to stick to Ben's new rule.
Chapter Word Count: 2.7K
Chapter Warnings: Morally-grey reader, strong language, sexual themes and discussions, frustration, rejection. Readers must be 18+
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'He wasn't you'? God, what the hell had this man done to you?
You'd never been the type to let men hold the power in your relationships; to afford them the satisfaction of knowing they had you in the palm of their hand. It would be like giving someone a gun, pressing your forehead against the barrel and telling them to shoot. Suicide. So you'd always preferred to be the one with your finger on the trigger.
But no man had ever had a hold on you like this before, no man had ever been able to make you feel so vulnerable by doing nothing but simply adore you. It was uncharted waters, and you'd somehow found yourself sailing blindfolded without a compass right into its terrifying waves. 
He wasn't you. Had you really just said that? 
He smiled down at you, the kind of smile that bloomed slowly until it crinkled at the corners of his eyes. "God, you're just crazy about me, aren't you," he teased. 
"No," you replied stubbornly. 
"Sure. You forget I heard everything you said to my front door. I don't know why you still insist on denying it." 
"I'm not denying anything."
A laugh rattled in his throat. "Now you're denying denying things..." 
You rolled your eyes and stepped away from him. "Where's your boiler?" 
"Over there." 
You walked across the kitchen to the door he'd pointed at, the one you'd always assumed led to a pantry or utility room or something equally as fancy. But instead, you opened it to find the boiler sitting inside a dark, dusty cupboard. 
You could feel Ben's eyes on you from the other side of the room as you looked at it, humming thoughtfully to yourself as you moved a few dials and fiddled with the pipes, pretending to know exactly what you were doing despite not actually having a clue. After a moment, you found the reset button, smiling triumphantly as you pressed it down with your thumb. 
"Try switching the heating on now?" you said. 
He pressed a button on the thermostat, and within seconds you heard the boiler rumble to life, the entire house groaning and squeaking as the cold pipes began to thaw. 
"Oh yeah," you said smugly, closing the cupboard door and turning towards him. "Just call me Quinn the handyman." 
He shook his head with a smile and made his way across the kitchen. "Thank you very much, Quinn the handyman. Would you like a cup of tea for your efforts?"
"Please. It's tiring work, you know." 
You watched him quietly as he moved around the kitchen, filling the kettle and taking two mugs from the cabinet. You felt your heart flutter as he brought himself face-to-face with you, placing his hands on your waist and looking down at you with a smile. You tilted your head back to look up at him - waiting, anticipating - but instead of a hug, or a kiss, or a 'Quinn I was wrong, let's have sex right here, right now on this counter', you felt him gently move you aside. 
"Sorry, you were in the way," he said as he reached for the tea and sugar canisters behind you. 
You let out an unimpressed huff and folded your arms over your chest. But instead of rising to it, he simply began to whistle to himself, ignoring you with a smirk as he pulled a spoon from the drawer and glided past you to the fridge. 
"Oh," he said, his disappointed face illuminated by the stark white light. 
"The milk's off." 
You glanced into the fridge, sighing at how empty it was, the sad couple of jars sitting on shelves, the bottle of mustard and carton of definitely-curdled milk in the door. 
"Are you okay having your tea black instead?" he asked as he closed it and walked back over to the kettle. 
You paused, thinking for a moment before speaking quietly. "You were gone a long time."
"Eh, I've done longer stretches away from home. Tea? Black?" 
"I meant you were gone for a long time." You looked up at him. "Y'know, absent, disconnected, done." 
He glanced down to meet your gaze. "I was never any of those things." 
"Well I really wish I'd known that. It would have saved me a lot of grief."
He poured the boiling water from the kettle into the two mugs and handed one to you. You held it close, letting the rising steam warm your cheeks as you watched the teabag floating near the surface, the water slowly turning a deep amber. 
"Why weren't you?" you asked.
"Why wasn't I what?" 
"Done. With me." 
His brow twitched as he considered your question, shrugging slightly as he leaned back against the counter. "Because it just didn't feel done." 
You let out a heavy exhale, a slight laugh.
"I'd gotten myself so worked up about tonight," you said. "I was convinced it was going to be so awkward and sad and uncomfortable between us. I really thought this was the end. But instead I'm standing here in your kitchen, you've made me a cup of tea and we're talking like everything's fine." 
"I'm sorry," he replied, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "We can argue if you really want to? I could shout, slam a few doors..." 
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head with a soft laugh. "That'll just turn me on."
He scoffed in amusement, picking up his own mug and taking a sip. "You're weird."
"Weird… or charming?"
There was a part of you that thought he'd created his 'no sex' rule just to punish you, to teach you a lesson. You thought maybe he would just refuse to sleep with you for a few days, tease you, turn you down, prove some kind of point about building 'healthy foundations' before inevitably giving in. But two weeks had passed since he'd put this new rule in place, and he still hadn't broken it. 
You'd fallen into a routine that, with anyone else, would have bored you to tears. But with him, it was comfortable, wanted, so normal it was easy to forget that his life beyond your relationship was anything but. He would spend almost every free moment he had with you; you would eat together, watch television together, talk about everything and nothing all at once. You would cuddle, kiss, sleep in each other's arms, everything except that. 
And you were really starting to miss doing that.
You were lying on your couch, flicking through channels on the TV when Ben wandered back in from the bathroom. He walked over and collapsed dramatically on top of you, his body draped over yours, face buried in the crook of your neck. 
"You weigh a ton," you said breathlessly.
"Sorry," he mumbled. "It's all muscle." 
"Oh is that right?" you laughed. 
You continued to channel surf as you ran a hand through his hair, glancing at the time near the bottom of the TV screen. "Hey, it's coming up to 7pm, shouldn't you be heading off?"
"Oh, I don't think I'm going to go."
You furrowed your brow in confusion. "But isn't the whole event like... in your honour or whatever?"
"Yeah, I'm just not in the mood."
"Ben." You sat up slightly beneath him. "You've been nominated for a bloody oscar, how can you not be in the mood to celebrate that?"
"I'm just tired," he groaned, lifting his head to look at you. "All the press and campaigning and flying back and forth I've been doing, I just need a night off from it all. Plus it's not an actual event, it's a dinner thing with my management. I'm sure they'll still have fun without me."
You stayed quiet for a moment, chewing the inside of your cheek in thought. "Well, since you won't be going anywhere tonight... Do you want to stay over?"
He grinned slightly. "Yeah, sure, why not." 
You smirked as he shifted his weight, propping himself up with his hands either side of your head until your faces were close enough to touch. You titled your chin, making him come down to you, his lips meeting yours in a soft kiss.
You reached up to cup his face in your hands, deepening the kiss just enough to hear a sigh leave his parted lips, his body beginning to melt into yours. You smiled, letting your tongue sweep into his mouth, your hips rocking slightly beneath him, pushing your luck. But just as you expected, he broke away, quelling the fire that had been growing between you with a flurry of pecks on your cheek, a playful nudge of his nose against the side of your head.
"I suppose I better give them a call and let them know I won't be able to make it," he said as he began to get up.
You sighed at the absence of his body from yours, the lack of warmth and weight, like taking pressure off a wound. Yet instead of blood, it was frustration that began to seep out of you. You watched as he left the room, his voice turning to a murmur as he disappeared into the kitchen talking on the phone. 
You wanted him. So badly that even the most mundane things had started turning you on; the way he looked when he wore glasses, the way his throat bobbed when he swallowed, how he hummed aloud while reading, twiddled a pen between elegant fingers. Even now as you sat on the couch, the television playing in the background, you couldn't seem to focus on anything besides how flustered he was able to make you, even as he stood in another room. 
You got up and made your way to the bedroom, closing the door quietly behind you so he didn't hear it. You knew this was a ridiculous idea, yet still you went into your dresser and took out your nicest set of lingerie, laying it on the bed and taking your clothes off quickly.
There had been several times over the past two weeks where you thought he might give in, like the time you innocently undressed for bed and caught him eyeing you over the top of his book, or when you less-innocently climbed in the shower with him one morning, a growl leaving his throat as you ran your soapy hands over his naked body. But each time, he would only almost falter, almost forget, almost give you what you so clearly craved. Almost.
You slipped on the delicate underwear, hoping that this would be the night you finally surpassed 'almost' as you examined yourself in the mirror. It was a beautiful set, all lace and satin and intricate embroidery, so revealing you'd actually chickened out of wearing it when you first bought it over a year ago, leaving it to sit untouched in a drawer ever since, like a weapon you were saving for the right battle. You made your way towards the door, stopping as your fingers grazed the handle to take a deep breath. Confidence, Quinn, you thought. He's just a man. 
He was still in the kitchen when you stepped out of the room, you could hear him talking on the phone, using his professional voice and doing his professional laugh. You wondered what your professional voice sounded like, or if you had one at all. Maybe you should get one, you thought.
There was a draught in the hallway, raising goosebumps on your exposed skin as you hurried back into the living room. 
"Fuck sake," you muttered quietly, rubbing your hands vigorously over your body. "No goosebumps. Goosebumps aren't sexy."
You sat down on the couch, shifting positions until you finally settled on one, just in time to hear his footsteps slowly approaching. The sound making your breath shake, stomach fluttering gently. 
Just a man. 
"They're still going ahead with the dinner," he began from the hall. "I told you they wouldn't c-" 
He stopped in the doorway, eyes falling on you immediately.
"I could've sworn you were wearing clothes when I left," he said. 
"Yeah." You breathed out a laugh, holding your pose on the couch. "They… fell off." 
"Ah, I see. That's unfortunate." 
"Is it?" 
"Well, not for me. I imagine you must be cold though."
Another soft laugh escaped you as you extended your arm, beckoning him over. He obliged, making his way across the room until he was able to place his hand in yours. You tried to pull him down, but instead he pulled you up onto your feet, shaking his head with a slight smirk as his eyes trailed your body.
"What?" you asked, feigning naivety. 
"Nothing," he replied. "You look very nice." 
You rolled your eyes and placed a hand on the back of his neck, pulling him down into a kiss. He accepted it with a quiet hum, the sound was warm, rich, resonant, igniting something deep inside you, like your body was remembering every single time he had ever made that sound.
You took one of his hands and placed it on your waist, encouraging him to touch you, to let his fingers explore the places that had been so starved of him. He was restrained at first, only letting his fingernails lightly graze your bare skin as he continued to kiss you. But he slowly closed the gap between your bodies, his touch growing more eager as his composure began to wane. You could feel his palms roaming your back, your waist, your hips, gripping you firmly and pulling you flush against him. 
"Quinn," he whispered against your lips.
"You know we're not going to have sex..." 
You pulled back slightly and looked up at him, staring at him in silence as the heat drained from your body. "You're a fucker." 
He exhaled a laugh through his nose. "It's not that I don't find this... incredibly sexy. Because trust me, I do. It's just better if we wait a while, take things slow, be s-"
"Sensible," you interrupted, mocking his voice as you walked away. 
"Hey, you agreed to this too." 
"Yeah, before I realised how unbelievably fucking horny I was going to be!" 
He followed you into the bedroom, standing in the doorway and watching you in amusement as you picked your clothes up off the floor.
"I mean, at this point I feel like you're just punishing me for what happened at Christmas," you said. "You're using sex as a weapon and that's not fair because I use sex as a weapon and we can't both use sex as a weapon because that's like a double negative and besides, it's my thing and I'm notoriously bad at getting a taste of my own medicine-"
"Okay, first of all, I'm not punishing you," he said, calmly interrupting your rant with a slight smile in the corner of his mouth. "This is killing me too. But we needed to step back, to get on the same page before reintroducing… that." 
You pulled on your t-shirt and let out a huff, turning to face him. 
"Secondly," he continued. "I don’t know what you mean by 'using sex as a weapon', but it stops now, because that’s not going to fly with me." 
"Clearly." You lifted the hem of your t-shirt and gestured to the lingerie beneath it. 
He rolled his eyes, pivoting on his heels to leave the room. 
"You know I'm getting a lot of mixed signals here," you said as you followed behind. "You won't fuck me, but you'll happily kiss me and touch me and tease me and press your dick against my back when we spoon at night-”
"Okay," he said simply. "That's a fair point. I'll stop." 
"I didn't say I wanted it to stop…" 
"But you said it was giving you mixed signals." 
"Yes because I’m obviously clutching at straws." 
He let out a throaty laugh, walking back into the living room and throwing himself down on the couch. "It's been a little under two months, Quinn. Try two years. Now that was torture." 
"But the difference is you chose to abstain. You could've gone and got sex whenever you wanted." 
"So can you." He shrugged.
You narrowed your eyes at him, standing with your arms folded in the middle of the room. "So you're saying if I really wanted it, I could just go out tonight, pull a guy and sleep with him…" 
"Yeah. But I know you won't do that." 
"Because you said it yourself, they're not me," he said with a smug smile, purposely teasing you. 
You gritted your teeth to hide your irritation, but it was unmistakeable. 
Just a man, you'd told yourself. God, how wrong you were. This man had never been just anything. 
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