#i know that luigi x bowser is a thing but i don’t get it and i am not interested to hear about it /gen
azumetapraline · 2 years
No offence, but I do not understand why everyone is going into “ship mode” because of the Mario movie trailer (I have just finished watching it)
And it kinda rubs me the wrong way, not gonna lie 😅
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caesarhamato22 · 1 year
Hi thank you for accepting my request it was AMAZING!
if it’s ok, could I request another dk fanfic
but if yes how about some ANGST😈 (with happy ending tho😭)
so basically dk’s s/o ends up getting kidnapped while saving Mario and dk wasn’t around. And bowser decides to marry reader instead of peach and I don’t think dk’s happy bout that
Welcome back, lovely! I'm so glad you enjoyed the last request and OF COURSE you can request another one!!
I LOVE THIS IDEA!!! I need to get into some more angst fr
Taken: Pt 1/2
Donkey Kong X Fem!Reader
Summary: While in the middle of a battle, Donkey Kong is separated from you and comes back to find you've been taken by Bowser when you were saving Mario.
Warnings: Language, kidnapping, attempted forced marriage, details of injuries.
*In honour of hitting 50 followers, I wanted to make this one a bit longer for you guys <3*
*This is part 1 out of 2. I'll link part 2 once it's posted!*
*This is set outside the movie*
Spoiler Warning: These headcanons include the first half of the oneshot.
• First things first, DK would definitely be hesitant with you joining the mission.
• He knows how capable you are and how well you can fight, but he couldn't help but worry about something going wrong.
• He knows Bowser has an interest in you, similar to his interest in Princess Peach.
• But it seems Bowser was going for you more often.
• Probably because he'd been obsessed with Peach for so long with no prevail.
• This made DK even more protective over you.
• It may have annoyed you to an extent but you knew he meant well.
• Throughout the battle, he would be watching you 24/7.
• After getting separated, he panicked and sprinted over to where he last saw you as soon as he got the chance.
• Finding out you were taken sent DK over the edge.
• And finding out that you were hurt in the process of saving Mario made him furious.
• He almost broke down.
• How was he going to get you back? Would you even be alive if he found you?
• Actually getting to you was the most stressful part.
• He wasn't sure what state you'd be in, even if it hadn't been that long.
• He went on a rampage to get to you once they got on Bowser's ship.
• The pure rage in his eyes almost scared Bowser for a second.
• But nothing could prepare DIK for the loss he was about to witness.
Mario had received word that Bowser was planning an attack on the Mushroom Kingdom. He was informed by some Toad Guards that a large group of Koopa Troopas had made camp just outside the kingdom's premises.
Since his brother, Luigi, was accompanying him at the time, they asked the guards to show them where the camp was.
After making their way into the forest, they all hid in the bushes and made notes on everything in the camp.
Almost twenty Koopa Troopas were setting up tents, sharpening weapons, looking over plans, but what Mario and Luigi noticed in particular was Bowser was nowhere to be seen. The Koopas were seemingly by themselves. Their karts were parked surrounding the camp, like a blockade.
Before they could be spotted, Mario, Luigi and the Toads retreated back to the Mushroom Kingdom to deliver the news to Princess Peach.
With the help of a new warp pipe created to connect Peach's home and the Jungle Kingdom, you and Donkey Kong made it to the meeting in no time.
"Bowser's back." Mario announced.
With the Koopa King returning, there was no doubt he'd be resuming his mission in kidnapping the Princess.
Or, potentially, yourself.
"The guards found a Koopa camp, just outside the kingdom." Mario explained. "They showed Lu and I everything. Their set up, their karts, and we even overheard their plans."
While standing around the circular map in the centre of the throne room, the group listened. "They mentioned an ambush. Happening either tomorrow or the day after." Luigi warned. Mario nodded along. "We didn't see Bowser but-"
"I thought you said he was back." Donkey Kong stopped him.
Mario quickly came to Luigi's aid. "That's what we heard the Koopas say. He's coming on the day of the ambush." He furrowed his brows.
He found it annoying how casually DK interrupted people, especially his brother. But, of course, Donkey Kong never dared to cut you off whenever you spoke.
"So, we don't know what day they'll be attacking? Or even when Bowser will get here?" You questioned. Being this uncertain on when the kingdom would be invaded would be a massive disadvantage for your team, and it worried you. Would it be late at night, early in the morning, or at the exact time that you sat down for lunch?
"Doesn't matter. Because we're-" Mario began.
"It matters, you know, a little." DK shrugged.
Toad and you glanced at each other, obviously having the same worries of the argument that could be taking place very shortly.
"Because we're going to stop them before they try anything." Mario raised his voice firmly. "If we crash their camp, destroy their supplies, and even their karts, they'll retreat."
"Then technically, they could be attacking right now, as we speak." Donkey Kong realised. Mario slowly turned his head and glared at the gorilla. "And we wouldn't even know, like, at all."
"Sometimes I wonder how, or better yet, why (Y/N) puts up with you."
"I get free rides." You answered, giving a shrug with your crossed arms. You knew the current topic was serious but you couldn't help but poke a little fun at the red plumber.
"And kart rides too." DK added with his smirk that infuriated Mario every time.
"OKAY, let's move on." Peach leaned against the map and began discussing their plan. "We want to stop them quickly. We'll sneak in tonight and stay hidden to destroy everything we can. If they spot us, we attack."
Everyone nodded, agreeing with her strategy.
"You guys are sure Bowser won't be there tonight?" She aimed her question at the Italian brothers.
"Well, he wasn't there when we were there." Luigi admitted.
"And he won't be there tonight." Mario guaranteed confidently with his fists on his hips. "The Koopas mentioned he'll arrive tomorrow, the earliest. It's best we attack A.S.A.P."
"But what if he's-" Toad raised a hand.
"He won't be! And if he is, we'll defeat him!" Mario practically begged everyone to side with him. He looked to Luigi for support. His brother hesitated for a moment but joined him regardless. A face full of fear turned to pure determination.
Mario's eyes softened when he locked them with Peach. He could see how she wasn't completely on board with the plan, and he understood why. She wanted to protect everyone. Every plan must be perfect.
But Mario felt it in his gut. This plan would work.
His gaze was a silent ask for permission, pleading for her trust. He wanted them all to trust him. He only ever wanted the best for his friends and family.
Yes, that includes Donkey Kong.
Peach thought it over and smiled at her companion.
Toad, as always, followed his princess's lead.
Then it came down to you and your stubborn boyfriend.
Glancing at each other, almost speaking telepathically. You may have trusted Mario but you definitely didn't trust this plan. Fighting the Koopa Troopa army was one thing, but fighting them and their boss, who also had the ability to breathe fire?
"I'm in." You smiled.
Truthfully, you worked better as a team. You joined your friends and Donkey Kong watched you. He was usually the one to rush into every battle the group came across, much to your dismay. Sure, you loved fighting alongside your lover and friends, but this fight could go a few different ways. And DK knew that.
He may be reckless, pretty much all the time, but this was different. Something felt off. This plan was risky, even for him. They weren't prepared for what they would face because they didn't know what they would be facing. All they could really do was improvise with the minimal time they were given and hope for the best.
As long as you were safe and he got to bash some Koopas, everything would be fine.
"Alright. I got nothing better to do than to save your butts. But if anything goes wrong, I'm blaming you." Donkey Kong pointed his finger an inch from Mario's face, to which the short man slapped his hand away.
"Sure, yeah, you can blame me. But you won't need to! Not unless we hurry up and attack."
It was strange seeing Mario so eager to prove himself. He wanted to show that trusting his gut was the right way to go, even if it meant rushing into a battle unprepared. It was unlike him.
Luigi had seen this side of Mario before when they were kids. But this is an entirely new situation that could end horribly if something unpredictable were to happen. He always trusted his brothers gut. That was how their plumbing business started, and look at them now!
Everyone dispersed and gathered what weapons they commonly used in battle. In the midst, Mario approached Donkey Kong after you had walked away.
"You really don't trust me, do you?" He asked offended.
"Not really, no." No hesitation. DK kept has back to Mario while he sorted the raid preparations.
"And I don't understand why. We heard the Koopas, we know their plan. What, do you think I'm making it up?" Mario couldn't lie, he was hurt.
"I'm joking. Yes, I trust you and I know you're not making it up. It's this plan I don't trust. And that's coming from me." DK gestured to himself after turning to the short man. "I've seen, and been apart of, battles my dad's army fought in. This might not be as dangerous as those, but it's still dangerous. And if anything happens to-"
"(Y/N) will be fine. I've seen her fight, she can handle herself!" Mario cut him off. It's true, you could fight. Why couldn't Donkey Kong believe in your abilities?
"I know she can fight, Mario, but that's not the point. The main part is we don't even know if Bowser won't be there. Remember how we almost died last time?" DK started to walk away on all fours with Mario trying to catch up to him.
"No one's dying tonight."
"And how do you know that?"
"Because if we go now, before Bowser gets there, we can stop their plans and potentially set them back weeks or even months!"
DK stopped and faced Mario, still slightly unimpressed.
"And I promise, (Y/N) will be okay."
DK watched him, scanning for any sign of a lie. But Mario was telling the truth. He fully believed this plan would succeed. And you were officially going too. So whether Donkey Kong liked it or not, the mission was going ahead. And he was coming along.
"Fine." He said begrudgingly. Mario smiled, thankful he could convince his friend to join him and trust him.
Now all he needed to do was stick to his promise.
How hard could that be?
You and the group silently stalked through the bushes surrounding the enemy camp. Donkey Kong stayed near you, as that's what he always did. Specifically in these situations.
The first thing they noticed was how many Koopas there were. And there looked a hell of a lot more than the twenty Mario mentioned. They gave each other a knowing look. This battle wouldn't be as easy as they thought.
Taking a peek through the bushes to where the others had gone, they saw Mario's expression was the same as theirs.
There weren't supposed to be this many. He was certain they'd be in and out in practically minutes.
There was still no sign of Bowser. Just soldiers, running around, still preparing. Their weapons were ready and their karts were loud yet parked.
As the Koopas were distracted, it was the perfect time to attack. They each took out lone soldiers but were eventually caught when one alerted everyone in the camp.
The adrenaline picked up fast as more Koopas came to fight. By having multiple soldiers fight each member of the group, it was easy for them to separate everyone, including you and DK.
While you focused on the shells, fists and spears thrown at you, DK tried to keep an eye out. His heart raced as it got increasingly harder to spot you through the crowd.
The amount of Koopas targeting you and your friends lessened, and it felt like it was almost over.
Then the wind picked up. The temperature had spiked.
You fought off three red-shell soldiers before they stopped and faced the sky. You took the opportunity to force them back with your weapon before looking upwards for yourself.
Your eyes widened, and you caught Mario doing the same.
"No... it's too soon." He whispered. Koopas dove down from the sky, more than any of you could take on your own. "He's not supposed to be here, yet."
You looked to the opening in Bowsers ship as it lowered itself near the ground. A large figure jumped out of the ship, landing without a scratch.
Bowser's menacing grin spotted your friends. His eyes land on you. A sickening smile greeted you.
"There you are."
You held your weapon tightly, perfecting your stance. He took a step towards you before being struck by Peach. Toad followed pursuit and attacked Bowser's legs as best he could. With this only doing as much as pestering him, he kicked back Peach's loyal subject, causing the princess to aim her poleaxe right at his face and neck.
Blocking her attacks, Bowser shot fire where she stood, not caring about her wellbeing as much as he did before. Thankfully, she jumped out of the way.
His main goal was you. Getting to you. Taking you.
Why not Peach? Did he finally give up after stalking her for so many years?
Mario and Luigi attempted to help, only to be held back by more Koopas exiting the ship.
The same for you and DK, the soldiers wouldn't let you interfere. They purposefully split you from the group, holding you arms back after disposing of your weapon.
"(Y/N)!" DK called. He pushed through the multiple shorter enemies who kept him occupied. "Let her go!"
While attempting to break free, you watched Mario sprint over near the Koopa King, putting all Bowser's attention on the himself.
Mario kicked him back, just slightly to daze him. He landed hits whenever he could, blocking any attack he could avoid. He fought proudly, before Bowser caught his body in his grasp.
"No powerups? Sad... you never stood a chance without them." He spoke so closely to Mario's face. A couple drops of sweat sat on his forehead as he clawed Bowser's hand, desperate to escape.
You witnessed the encounter and used all your strength to escape the Koopas hold. You kicked them back and retrieved your weapon from the ground and ran to Mario's aid.
Bowser talons grazed Mario's face, almost digging into his skin. Your friend hissed at the stings as blood rose to the surface.
Yelling a battle cry, you leaped in the air and kneed the side of Bowser's face. He dropped Mario and you landed in front of him, protecting your friend.
"Mario, move!" You ordered quickly.
He wanted to help, he desperately did. You couldn't be hurt in this battle, he made a promise that you wouldn't.
You blocked Bowser's blows and landed a few of your own while Mario still hadn't moved. You sliced Bowser's shoulder and he stumbled for a moment. You quickly turned to get Mario standing while he still frozen in shock.
"What are you doing?! Get out of-" Bowser swatted you out of the way and you fell to the ground. The Koopas launched a net around you and Bowser threw Mario back, breaking his trance.
"Let's move!" He called to his soldiers before locking eyes with you. "We got what we came for." You shook under the weight of the net and you were lifted and brought back to Bowser's ship. With your weapon back on the ground, you couldn't escape. As you pulled at the net and pleaded for them to let you go, Mario watched from below. Luigi met up with him, trying to get his brother to look at him.
You got on the ship, still in the net, as Bowser stomped over to you. He leaned down to be almost eye-level. You exhaled shakily, unable to look away.
"I've never gotten a good look at you, my dear." His voice was low and haunting. "And I'm hearing wedding bells."
All the remaining Koopas flew after the mothership, leaving the group to watch as one of their own was taken. Yet, half of them didn't know . One of which being Donkey Kong.
Mario had silent tears staining his cheeks as his friends came together.
Donkey Kong ran on all fours and caught sight of the ship leaving. For a second, he was joyful. The plan worked! They retreated! Why couldn't he hear cheers?
His eyes darted around to find you. He found Princess Peach, instead. "Peach, are they gone?"
"I think so. Hopefully." She panted as she watched the ship leave.
"Have you seen (Y/N)?" He asked. Peach looked at him, then scanned the area. You were nowhere to be seen. After she didn't answer immediately, he looked at Toad. His short friend just shrugged with worry in his eyes as he turned to search for you as well.
Donkey Kong walked over to the Italian brothers and asked Luigi.
"Where's (Y/N)?" He asked, internally begging Luigi count point you out. The green plumber stared at the gorilla before looking to Mario, who was facing away in guilt.
"Mario. Where's (Y/N)?" DK called him. Mario kept his back turned. DK didn't have any patience for this. He needed to know where you were. "Mario, where is she?" He asked firmly. His friend turned to him, a couple fresh tears dropped. DK was taken aback. His breath shook. He needed answers. And Mario wasn't giving them to him.
"Tell me where she is." DK ordered. Mario took a slight step back. Too much time has been wasted during this interaction and the ape grabbed Mario by the shoulders and shook him, forcing him to look into his eyes.
"Mario! Where is she?! Where's (Y/N)?!" He yelled. A growled settled in the back of his throat.
Mario was terrified. Donkey Kong had been mad at him before but it was usually over petty things like who won a silly contest. But these circumstances were much more dire.
"Bowser has her! She saved me and he took her!" Mario blocked his face as best he could, knowing that there could be a possible punch coming his way. But Donkey Kong just stopped. He stopped shaking Mario and stared at him, his vision slightly blurry from rage.
Did he just hear him correctly? No, he couldn't have. Surely not. You were somewhere here, on the ground, with him.
He looked to the ship as reality set in. You were... up there?
"No..." He gasped as he dropped Mario. The man landed with wobbly legs and backed up away from his friend.
As DK took a couple steps forward, he felt cold.
"No, no, no, no," he repeated over and over. His hands grasped his face. Slowly he went to his knees, unwilling to blink in case he lost sight of the ship.
Luigi placed a hand on Mario's shoulder. Mario looked to his brother and Luigi saw he was telling the truth. The ungodly truth.
Peach watched DK begin to shake and stand. He turned and faced Mario.
"Kong, I... I'm sorry I..." Mario couldn't find the words.
"She saved you, and now Bowser has her."
Mario fiddled with his overalls. He'd never recalled feeling such fear and guilt.
"That monster has (Y/N), doing who knows what, because she saved you." Donkey Kong stalking over to his friend, slowly, on his feet and fists.
"...DK, I didn't mean-" Mario stumbled over what to say.
"Didn't mean what? To- to lose the battle? To break your promise of everything being "fine"? Or you didn't mean to get (Y/N) captured because you were too busy watching your own plan fall apart?!" DK screamed at Mario. His eyes were almost red, with tears forming.
Mario had tears of his own as he raised an arm over his face, not knowing what lengths DK would go to to release his anger.
Peach stood in front of Mario, “(Y/N) saved Mario by choice. This is not his fault.” She argued. She knew DK was hurting, but they weren't going to get you back by screaming. DK stopped and glared at the princess.
“So you’re saying it’s (Y/N)’s fault?" He challenged, despite knowing that wasn't what she meant.
“No, that’s not what I’m saying.” Peach shook her head. "If we're going to blame anyone, blame Bowser. He took (Y/N)." She pointed to the ship.
DK glanced at the ship, his hard gaze weakened. Peach put a hand on his shoulder to make him turn around.
"And we're going to get her back."
DK watched her for a second, almost wanting a hug. But he didn't want a hug from Peach, or anyone, he wanted a hug from you. He wanted you in his arms, safe and sound. He glared at Mario as the guilty man kept his eyes on the gorilla warily.
DK slowly walked up to him. Everyone froze knowing he could snap at any moment. He stopped in front of Mario.
“If anything happens to her by the time we get there,” he spoke low at the level of a whisper. Mario didn't dare to look away. He noticed his friends voice almost shook, but DK remained steady. “I’m killing you.”
Mario knew Donkey Kong was telling the truth.
If you were hurt in any way, he was a dead man.
IT'S HERE!!!!!!
Yes, there will be a part 2! I didn't want you guys to have to wait any longer so here's the first part. Hope you enjoyed!
See you soon!
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s-creations · 9 months
Wishes - Mario x Geno One-Shot
Every day, since the Star left, Mario would talk to the night sky. About what's been happening since the adventure ended, how he'd been handling life, what was new but also the same.
How he missed Geno.
How he wished he could see the Star on more time.
Fandom: Super Mario & Releated Fandoms, Super Mario RPG Rating: General Audiences Relationship: Mario/Geno (Nintendo), Additional Tags: Other characters are at least mentioned, Missing Someone, If you constantly wish will they come back?, They're gay your honor, And that's in no way a bad thing.
@nintendonut1, this one's for you. Fun little 2 hour exercise to write this up. And another 2 for typing and editing.
Link to Comic Reference.
“Um, hey Geno… It’s been about a week since you left. I hope the reconstruction of Star Road is going well. I’m kind of assuming it is. I mean, I’ve been seeing a lot of small…I don’t know, miracles happening? That’s the best way to put it, I suppose. Maybe small wishes? Either way, good moments have been happening again and I know…I know that has to be you.” 
“I hope you’re okay. Mallow misses you. He’s talked to Peach and I a few times. Gaz was nice enough to give the doll to Mallow after learning what happened. And Mallow…gave it to me. Gave you to me… Said I probably needed you more than he did…”
“I really want to see you again. I know that’s a really big ask. I’m sure you’re busy. But I really, really miss you. Just…Just one more day. If you could manage that. I’ll take an hour, a minute even! Just…”
“I wish I could hold you again…”
“Hey again Geno. I’m seeing a lot more of your handy work. Only after 23 days, that’s impressive. You must be close to finishing it all up, if not already done. I mean, I’m sure you had help, it wasn’t all just you. The other Stars you were talking about helping out. You all no doubt working together to get everything finished.” 
“Luigi’s still curious about you. Well, he really wants to know what it’s like to kiss a Star. B-But he also keeps asking me to retell the different portions of our adventure. How I met Mallow, what it was like working together with Bowser, how stubborn Peach is as well as how she is as a fighter.”
“How…How we met, what you’re like, your experiences while being down here. When I fell for you, the first time we kissed, what I…admire about you…”
“I think he’s trying to make sure I don’t forget about you. I mean, I never could. But…he knows how I’ve been feeling lately… He is my brother after all. He knows I miss you and…he knows I’ve not been myself. His questions…help me focus on the good times we had…”
“I wish you could meet Luigi, I think you two would get along great.”
“Hey Geno. It’s been about a month and a half since…since our adventure ended. Luigi thinks saying ‘since you left’ isn’t the best way to think about it.”
“Um, things have been going pretty well. Peach is as supportive as ever, she and Luigi have really helped me. Mallow’s done well falling into his title of prince. It helps that he has so many people supporting him.”
“We’ve finally heard from Bowser. He’s been quiet since…well, you know. He asked us to come to his keep. All three of us, if you can believe it. We were a little concerned for a moment thinking he was planning something devious. But he just wanted to show us around. Show off what he and his minions had been able to clean up and rebuild. It’s quite impressive.”
“Granted, the moment was ruined when Bowser announced he had his next plan laid out. Still, it was a rather enjoyable experience…”
“I wish you could see the progress we’ve made.”
“Hey Geno, we’re about 4ish months out. Stopped a few of Bowser’s plans. I saw your handiwork first hand. Felt lighter on a few jumps. Found a few hidden Power-Ups that shouldn’t have been there. Thank you, for that. I mean, I know you can only help if someone wishes for that boost for me. Can you…make wishes as well as grant them? Can you see me from where you are? I can’t…I don’t think I can see you. I’ve tried…”
“I wish I could just see you up in the sky.”
“Hey Geno.”
“I wish I could know that you’re doing okay.”
“Hey Geno.” 
“I wish I could hear from you.”
“Hey Geno.” 
“I wish I could really talk to you.”
“Hey Geno.” 
“I wish you could have spent more time here.”
“Hey Geno.” 
“I wish you knew how much I missed you.”
“Hey Geno…”
“I wish you could come home.”
His soul was practically singing with joy and excitement as he descended from the night sky. Fully focused on the house with the green roof lying below him. 
He should probably get Mario’s attention. 
But he also wanted this to be a surprise.
Oh, this was going to be so great!
He was thrilled to find an open window, easily gliding in. Excitement grows further upon finding the familiar puppet. His body. Sitting so contently on one of Mario’s shelves. Kept close to where the human slept. 
Where Mario dreamed. 
He hoped he was able to provide good dreams to Mario in some way.
Floating into the familiar form felt like returning to a safe space. The return of the weight of gravity welcoming as he became familiar with his limbs once more. The weight of it all providing a way of grounding him again, to tell him he was finally back and-
Geno let out a rather undignified yelp as the shelf below him collapsed. Said puppet banging his head against the wooden floor.
Ah, yes, pain. The one thing he didn’t miss.
“Ow, ow, ow…” Geno mumbled as he carefully massaged his head. Slowly moving until he was kneeling on the ground. Slowly opening his eyes, Geno took a chance to better look around the room. 
Even with how dim it was, light only provided from the open doorway, he could still make out enough of what the room held. It was an overall simple layout. Two beds, each dressed with either a red or green comforter laying across each bed, sat across from each other in the room. Allowing enough space on either side for a dresser and desk.
The doorway leading out to the rest of the home that was providing the only light for the bedroom was quickly blocked by a large shadow.
Looking over found Mario standing in the doorway. Appearing both frazzled and shocked. No doubt startled by the loud crash. 
Suddenly feeling self-conscious by still being on the ground, Geno swiftly got to his feet. 
“Ah…sorry. I kind of wrecked your shelf.” Geno said quickly. Not sure what he should be saying at this point.
“I should’ve gotten your attention first, I was just… I was really excited to…um…”
It dawned on Geno that Mario had not moved an inch since appearing in the doorway. Gripping onto the door frame as he just stared in disbelief at the puppet. 
Had Geno been a bit too hopeful in being accepted once again?  That they would fall into their similar patterns as before? Has Geno been gone too long? Was Mario…upset?
“I-I know it took me a while!” Geno attempted to explain, “The work up on Star Road never ends, y’know? But…”
Even if Mario was upset. Even if Geno had missed his chance to return properly. He still needed the human to know what he’d done for the puppet.
“I’ve always heard them,” Geno choked out, hands pressed to his chest. The familiar feeling of tears spilling from his eyes, his throat tight as if stuffed with cotton. “All those words, for me to… To come home… I’ve heard every last one. To see you again, to see all that you’ve talked about, it sounds so wonderful…”
Geno’s eyes flickered down, “I just hope I’m not to late-”
The puppet tensed as he felt warmth pressed to his cheek. Eyes snapping back up to find that Mario had moved much closer. The human now looks back in absolute shock. Geno doing his very best to not melt into the touch as Mario’s thumbs gently brushed across his cheeks. 
“N-No way…” Mario eventually whispered out, “Am I dreaming? Is this real?”
“Is it really you, Geno?”
The puppet was absolutely stunned at how happy, how joyful, how relieved Mario sounded. The worry he felt about the quiet before completely gone with how radiant Mario now looked at him. 
Letting out a relieved laugh, Geno replied with, “Y-Yeah, that’s me! Let’s get this show on the road, right?”
He faltered slightly as tears started to silently fall from Mario’s eyes. Unable to ask if he was alright before being pulled into a tight hug. Mario calling out the puppet’s name with absolute exhilaration.
“I th-thought I’d never see you again!” Mario choked out, still crying, “But-But you’re here and you’re real and-”
Geno felt the sob that escaped the human. Mario desperately clawing at Geno to get him as close as possible as he whispered softly, ‘I can’t believe it!’.
As his own tears started to fall once more, Geno allowed himself to sink into the warmth Mario created. Wrapping arms around the human as he buried his face into the crook of Mario’s neck. Even as he was shaking from Mario’s gentle but happy cries, Geno knew this was what he wanted. 
Geno loved Star Road.
Geno loved the Mushroom Kingdom and this world.
Geno loved this body.
But he knew that it would always be Mario that he would pine for the most. 
Geno would always go back to Mario.
Mario was his home.
“Y-Yeah, I’m here,” Geno eventually whispered back, “I’m here, Mario…”
He wasn’t sure how long they remained like that. Each tangled up in the other. Soaking up the warmth and joy each other was providing. 
But Geno was broken out of the moment when something bitter entered his nose. The puppet pulled back slightly to ask, “Is something burning?”
“Mamma Mia, my pasta!”
Mario was out of the bedroom before Geno could fully process what had been said. A few seconds behind in following the human out. Freezing as his eyes landed on a large fire on the stove top. 
“How did this even happen!?” Geno called out frantically. Mario rushed as he filled another post with water and flung it onto the fire. 
It all eventually calmed down when the pot on fire was put out and reduced to smoke. Both staring at it with a mixed feeling of disappointment and residual shock. The contents inside a dried, brunt puck of food. 
“Well…” Mario broke the silence, “do you mind if your first meal back is take out?”
Geno couldn’t help but laugh, “I totally do not.”
Pizza was an absolutely amazing first meal to have. Made even better that they could sit across from each other. Regaling each other with tales from what’s happened for the past few months.
Luigi was thrilled to properly meet Geno. The puppet understood in an instant the protective older sibling feeling Mario had for the other human. Geno immediately promised to keep the younger brother safe at any cost. 
It was a joy to see everyone once again. Peach, Mallow, Gaz, it was all amazing. Seeing how they’d changed yet remained the same. 
Running into Bowser was an interesting interaction. As the Koopa was surprised yet happy to see Geno. But was also in the middle of trying to kidnap Peach when spotting Geno.
It was a wonderful experience to see the world once more.
Even more so with Mario right by his side.
Geno was finally home.
And he was more than happy to stay.
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itspkuwu · 1 year
💛🌼Daisy Appreciation Post🌼💛
Alright. I’ve had it.
Now, it’s not Bowser x Luigi that’s the problem for me. Even tho I don’t ship it at all. Its the fact that ever since that so call paring exploded on to the internet, Daisy has pretty much been kicked to the curb and even hated by some people. And I won’t have it. I simply will NOT have it! 😤
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People say that Princess Peach turned into a complete girl boss in the Mario movie and really enjoyed it. Well, that EXACTLY how Daisy is in the games! We’re basically just seeing Daisy’s personality within a different princess.
I know she’s only in the competition games and not really games with a story line (besides for her debut game of course) But I think that was done to get the point across that Daisy is an absolute tomboy who won’t let anybody put her down. Although I would LOVE to see her in a storyline game. MAKE IT HAPPEN NINTENDO. And with the other princesses, she DOES have a purpose. Think of it like the human body. Peach is the heart Rosalina is the brain And Daisy is the muscle.
And speaking of Peach, in the games, Daisy is clearly better at running her kingdom since Bowser hardly ever attacks there. That, or Bowser is just into blonde girls. Now, I’m not hating on any Bowser x Luigi fans. However, this is specifically a post not just to support Daisy, But also for Luigi x Daisy shippers… so uh…
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Also notice how Luigi and Daisy are a little more touchy feely while Peach seems to be kinda resistant towards Mario?
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Y’know. Just saying. Here’s more proof of them being a cute couple, but in video form. (not mine)
Again, this isn’t a hate post. I’m just gushing over a ship a like. Bowser x Luigi fans have a right to gush, and me, a Daisy x Luigi fan, also have that right.
And in case you’re wondering, the reason I don’t ship Bowser and Luigi is because of the moments they have WITH context.
When the trailer dropped, we had little to no context about what was going on.
But when the movie released and showed us what was actually happening… Bowser is clearly only doing the mustache twirl thing to intimidate Luigi.
Not to mention that Bowser attempts to sacrifice Luigi in Peach’s honor.
And uh… I don’t remember Bowser writing a tear jerker piano piece dedicated to the green plumber.
It’s all about the context people.
Conclusion: Princess Daisy doesn’t suck. Luigi x Daisy still has potential. And Daisy hate is very unnecessary to me. If you love Daisy too, share this post! 💛🌼 Also, she’s in smash.
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I mean, unless you’re Piranha Plant, but that’s another story :/
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skulls-soul · 1 year
Sense Bowser X Luigi as well as king boo X Luigi live rent free in my brain it’s become common for me when I start thinking of one head canon for a ship I also start thinking about how that would work for the other
For this head canon Luigi has trouble sleeping  what kind of ghost hunter/ex ghost hunter a.k.a. person with crippling anxiety doesn’t?
I imagine both Bowser and king boo absolutely hate that. they hate how they see their boyfriend Luigi Wide awake some nights  they also get severely frustrated when Luigi decides to bake or do some tinkering instead of just relaxing.
So with the determination of a pack of lions hunting for a meal they both have a goal In trying to find a way to help Luigi sleep.
Bowser immediately gos to Kamek and kammy Seeing if they have any information but the only thing that they recommend is whipping up a potion for him. in all honesty bowser is not too fond of that idea he doesn’t want Luigi to become dependent on magic and he knows that if you use too much of it, it could have long-term side effects. 
So he opps out and decides to go to his children instead maybe one of them have an idea after all there’s 8 of them. Even though Bowser knew that his kids would try their best in finding a way to help Luigi fell asleep he didn’t expect his kids to be so enthusiastic about it although it’s not all that surprising they’ve learned to care for him almost just as much as Bowser did.
By the end of the entire conversation there was one option that stood out to Bowser from the rest and that was compression therapy it was suggested by one of his oldest.  It’s one of the few options that didn’t seem too far-fetched. listen his kids were enthusiastic but not exactly the smartest bunch he realize that soon after Morty suggest just knocking him out with violence.
Either way one night when Bowser was heading to bed he quite literally had to drag Luigi out of the garage from whatever he was working on this time.  Before cuddling up in the bed Bowser mentions how he wants to try something new and that to tell him if it’s uncomfortable
You see, when they usually cuddle Bowser is very aware of his size so he just usually curls up next to Luigi or Luigi is the one who’s plopped on top of him not to say that Bowser‘s gonna plop his entire weight on top of Luigi no I imagine Bowser putting an arm on Luigi or head head is more than enough weight
Luigi was a little bit surprised by this but it was pleasant nonetheless he half jokingly asks Bowser if he’s trying to trap him to go to sleepbut when bowser didn’t respond his joking tone left as he ask’s again
As for king boo technically he could also do that although I don’t know if that’s quite possible sense you know… He’s a ghost
king boo has a different way of getting Luigi to fall asleep because seeing his boyfriend quite literally staying awake around the same time that him and his boos are is a bit concerning and what’s even more concerning is when he doesn’t even sleep through the morning he just stays awake maybe he’ll take a nap but it lasts like an hour or two and then he’s back up and at it
I really like the idea of king boo liking to garden it was in one of the fan fictions that I read in where he has a garden because he wants to prove to himself that he can keep something alive and that not everything he hast to do hast to deal with death. I love that concept so it must be added to more
With that being said King boo takes out A book about teas and the plants that are used to make them. He ended up making a combination of lemon balm and chamomile using honey and a bit of cream. since he knows that Luigi prefers his tea to be on the sweeter side just like his coffee.
When Luigi was first offered the tea by king boo Luigi was drying his dishes he knows he could leave it for tomorrow but since he has the time now he decided to just go on right ahead since what else would he be doing it to in the morning. luigi wasn’t surprised by the cup since this isn’t The first time that he’s received tea from him but he slightly confused by the sudden appearance it wasn’t until King Boo explained that he made this cup especially for him, to help him sleep is what surprised the fact that his partner made it specifically with him in mind made his heart flutter 
Luigi was touched by this  A big smile grows upon his face as he lets go of the dish that he was drying place his hands on the cheeks of king boo squishing the king face as he plants a kiss on his lips. it was over before King Boo could finish processing what was happening and by the time he did Luigi took the mug out of his nubbed hand taking a hefty sip with a satisfied sigh he thanks him.
Luigi and king boo decide to watch a movie as they wait to see if the tea’s purpose works. When it reached 30 minutes in King boo started to worry on whether or not if he messed up the ingredients but after 15 more minutes his attention is pulled away from the TV by The small sound of their boyfriend snoring 
King boo very carefully picks up Luigi to take him out of the screening room and into the bedroom  to let him sleep the last few hours of the night and the first few hours of the morning away

(bonus: bowser also finds out that humming helps Luigi fall asleep, king boo finds out that surrounding Luigi with pillows and blankets help out)

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beestriker015 · 11 months
Princess Peach x male s/o headcanons
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S/o is one of the few humans living in the Mushroom Kingdom, and has been a friend of the princess since they were babies.
As time went by and the two grew older, that friendship began blossoming into something more.
Eventually, with some encouragement from both Mario and Luigi, the princess confessed her feelings to s/o.
“I love you s/o, and I wish to be with you. Please know that if you don’t feel the same way about me, the two of us will always be friends.”
She says with a smile, awaiting his answer.
“Peach, I had no idea you felt that way about me. To tell you the truth, I’ve had feelings for you for a long time now. I love you too Peach.”
Upon hearing this, Peach brings s/o into a warm embrace, thus marking the beginning of their relationship.
News quickly spread throughout the kingdom that the princess has found a suitor, much to the couple’s dismay.
“I’m so sorry s/o, I didn’t expect word of our relationship to get out this fast.”
“Well, everyone was bound to find out some time. I just hope we won’t be hounded by the press too badly.”
Much to the pair’s surprise, the citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom were very respectful of their privacy and were happy that the princess found someone to love.
“Thank you, all of you. I am honored to be the princess of such amazing people.”
Peach addresses her subjects with a grateful smile on her face during the official announcement of her relationship with s/o.
“If the princess has a suitor, that means she’s gonna get married right?”
A Toad asks as the crowd begins chatting amongst themselves.
Before Peach could speak up and tell them that she and s/o aren’t planning on getting married at the moment, another Toad joins the conversation.
“Yay! Let’s give a big cheer for Princess Peach and s/o! Congratulations lovebirds!”
The crowd begins cheering as Peach and s/o blush and exchange glances.
“I mean, it’s not like I’m opposed to getting married to you s/o, but I don’t wanna rush things.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean. I definitely wanna marry you someday Peach, but only when we’re both ready.”
He kisses her, flustering the princess as a series of awws are heard from the crowd.
By request of his girlfriend, s/o moves into the castle.
“Welcome to your new home s/o! If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.”
“Thanks babe, I guess this means no more slinking off to my place huh?”
He smirks as the princess laughs a little.
“I suppose not. As long as I get to be with you though s/o, it doesn’t matter.”
Before s/o moved in with her, Peach had a tendency to sneak out of the castle to go visit her boyfriend, causing everyone (specifically Toadsworth) to panic that their princess has gone missing.
Speaking of going missing, whoever Bowser kidnaps the princess for the umpteenth time, s/o joins Mario to go rescue her from the Koopa King.
“Bwahaha. I heard Princess Peach was dating someone, but I didn’t expect it to be someone so wimpy! You and that stupid plumber should just go home! The princess is mine now!”
“We’ll see about that Bowser! Mario, let’s take him down together ok?”
The mustachioed jumper nods as they prepare to fight, with Bowser ending up defeated as per usual.
“We make a great team man, now let’s save Peach!”
After rescuing the princess, she rewards the two with a cake (and giving s/o an affectionate kiss).
“Thank you s/o for helping Mario rescue me.”
“You’re welcome babe. Besides, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t do anything to save you?”
The princess smiles and gives her boyfriend another kiss.
“You are an amazing boyfriend s/o. I love you so much.”
“I love you too Peach.”
Being incredibly wealthy, Peach loves to spoil her boyfriend with gifts.
“I love you Peach, but you don’t have to get me all these things, not that I don’t appreciate it.”
“I know, but I just can’t help it s/o. I’ll try not to overdo it.”
She says knowing that she already bought him a really expensive thing he’s always wanted.
Whenever Peach competes in a kart race, s/o can be seen in the stands cheering her on.
“Go babe! I know you can win this!”
Hearing her boyfriend’s support always drives her to do her absolute best to win.
Even if she doesn’t get first place, s/o always runs up to her after the race ends and praises her nonetheless.
After being together for quite some time, s/o decides it’s finally time to propose to his girlfriend.
“I’m nervous Toadsworth, I don’t know if I can do this.”
“There’s nothing to be nervous about my boy! The princess absolutely loves you, I’m sure she’ll be incredibly happy when you ask for her hand.”
“It’s not that I think she’ll say no, I just…what if I mess it up?”
“As long as you speak from the heart, you’ll be fine s/o. Now chin up! The princess is waiting!”
S/o nods and thanks Toadsworth for the confidence boost as he goes to the balcony where his girlfriend is waiting.
“Oh. Hello s/o. Why did you want to meet me out here?”
Not answering her, s/o gets down on one knee and pulls out a beautiful ring as the princess gasps.
“Peach, being with you has made my life worthwhile. I love you with all my heart, and want to spend the rest of my life with you. My love, will you marry me?”
She nods rapidly with tears in her eyes.
“Yes s/o, I will!”
Once she puts the ring on, Peach pulls her now fiancé into a passionate kiss.
When the day of the wedding comes, Peach has Daisy as her bridesmaid, with s/o having both Mario and Luigi as his groomsmen.
“Do you Princess Peach take s/o as your husband for as long as you both shall live?”
The minister Toad asks as the princess smiles.
“I do.”
“And do you s/o take Princess Peach as your wife in sickness and in health?”
S/o nods.
“I do.”
“Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife!”
Peach and s/o seal their marriage with a kiss as the entire kingdom celebrates the two’s marriage, except for a very upset Bowser, who was watching the ceremony from aboard the Koopa Cruiser.
Going from childhood friends to lovers, there’s no doubt that Peach and s/o’s love for each other is so strong that not even Bowser’s constant kidnappings can put a strain on it.
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shapeshiftinterest · 1 year
A Semi Successful Rescue Mission: bowser x luigi
similar prompt as fic Frightened To Flirty in 3 Seconds Flat + the idea that bowser should have used luigi to roleplay practice his wedding with peach in the movie
first half has the same vibes as THIS post
mario, dk, and peach infiltrate bowser’s castle on a rescue mission
story under the read more
Semi Successful Rescue Mission (also on ao3)
The sound of rushed footsteps echoed through the corridors as Mario, Peach, and Donkey Kong looked for Luigi.
“We have to hurry,” Mario said, finishing a scan of the room and moving on to the next. “Based on the picture of Bowser you showed me, it might be too late!”
Sprinting down another hallway, they almost ran into a platoon  of Bowser’s troops before quickly backtracking. “Too late for what?” DK asked, trying to keep up with the plumber.
Peach gave the all clear on her end and the trio skidded around a corner, checking more rooms. “It’s only been 2 days, Mario,” she said. “It’d be too soon for Bowser to actually harm your brother; I’m honestly surprised we made it this far in so little time.”
It was true. The original plan would have taken at least another day or two, but Mario knew they would have run out of time by then.
“It’s not Luigi I’m worried about. I mean, I am worried about him,” Mario slammed another door shut and opened another. “But the one we should really be worried about is the Koopa King.”
Peach and DK paused to exchange a look. Mario stopped as well, looking to both ends of the hall before ushering the group into an empty room. “Look,” he pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing. “Sometimes when my brother gets to a certain level of scared he’ll get really, and I mean really, flirty. If that koopa is anything like your description of him we have to get to Luigi and snap him out of it.”
The two royals blinked.
“What?” Peach asked, unsure of where this was going.
“It’s some kind of- of self defense or coping mechanism, I dunno the specifics. Our cousins used to joke around about it when we were younger and call him ‘Lady Killer Luigi’ but it was a whole thing.”
Making sure the coast was clear, the three moved out and began checking the rooms for Mario’s younger brother.
“Mario, I still don’t understand-”
The three made their way to the last room with the biggest double doors Mario had seen in his life. He had a bad feeling about this.
DK snorted. “Relax, Princess. He’s probably just scared his brother’s gonna get hurt insulting that overgrown turtle with a crappy pick up line.”
“It’s much worse than that.” Mario said, pushing open the doors. Their eyes took a moment to adjust before Peach and DK’s jaws dropped. There, at the end of the aisle, was Luigi in a wedding dress. The younger plumber was standing next to a fully suited King Bowser, Kamek standing at the podium behind them.
“Not again.” Mario muttered to himself.
DK’s head whipped to the side to stare at Mario in shock. “AGAIN?!?!”
“Oh my god, what is happening right now,” Peach whispered.
“Mama Mia. This is just as bad as the time he charmed the entire wedding party and the couple getting married.”
“HE WHAT?!?!”
DK had never felt so lost and confused, so many things, so much information! He needed to sit down.
“Luigi,” Mario took a cautious step towards the ‘couple’. “Step away from the koopa.”
Luigi looked at his bro, side eyed Bowser, and then back to Mario.
His skirts swished as he shuffled a bit closer to the groom.
“Weegee, you leave him alone right this instant” Placing his hands on his hips, Mario stomped his foot on the carpet and gave his best Disappointed Big Brother stare. “You can’t marry a guy you just met!“
“Is this reality?” DK whispered to Peach as they watched the argument unfold. A few Shy Guys had joined them in the pew and were passing around bags of popcorn.
“I’m not sure anymore,” Peach answered, shoving a handful of snack into her face. She didn’t know if they should be watching but it was so hard to look away.
Luigi grinned, taking hold of the Bowser’s purple ribbon and yanking the king down to his level. The koopa grunted at the motion. “Listen here, you little-” he growled but was cut off by Mario.
“Weegee, no.”
“Good thing I’ve known him for almost 2 days then.”
“Luigi Mario, don’t you dare-”
Catching everyone by surprise, the green plumber grabbed Bowser by the face and slammed their lips together.
“Holy-!” DK and Peach squawked at the sudden kiss. Shy Guys were tossing popcorn everywhere in excitement.
“Damn it, Luigi,” Mario sighed, rubbing his temples.
Luigi pulled away first; sliding a gloved hand under the king’s chin and closing his mouth. With a wink and a playful pat to the larger man’s cheek, he turned and made his way to his big brother, shaking his shoulder.
“Relax bro, we were just practicing for his and Peach’s ‘future wedding’. It’s all pretend.“
“If you say so...”
        - 3 Hours After DK, Peach, Mario, And Luigi Leave Bowser’s Castle-
Kamek shuffled into the training hall, decimated exercise equipment was scattered every which way, scorch marks evident on some of them. The advisor even saw a few claw marks on the stone walls that had definitely not been there this morning.
All evidence pointed to one thing: Bowser was furious. Not only had he been embarrassed by that coward of a green plumber, he’d also been seen practicing for his wedding with the princess and kissed said plumber, IN FRONT OF PEACH!
Plus they’d all escaped and somehow set his prisoner’s free in the process. All that hard work for nothing.
“What?” He growled, growing hot with rage just thinking about the absolute disaster today had been. “Can’t you see I’m busy?”
“I- erm, I have some... bad news, about the wedding, Your Majesty.”
The king groaned, running his claws over his face. Stupid practice wedding, stupid rizzed up plumber. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
“Yeah yeah. We’ll have to postpone it again until I recapture the hostages and fix whatever damage to the castle and troops Mario and the others did.”
He swore, the next time he saw Luigi-
“You and Luigi are officially, legally, married to each other.”
Kamek barely dodged the burst of flame Bowser threw his way.
“Whaddaya mean me and Greenie are actually married?!”
The king snatched Kamek in one massive paw, eyes blazing as he glared directly at the magikoopa. “Explain!”
Apparently even just reading the scripts for the wedding could count as official if the contract was signed and the ceremony was sealed with a kiss. The advisor hadn’t thought they’d actually get that far. He’d thought even less that the plumber would be the one to initiate it as a prank on his older brother.
“Great, just great!”
Bowser released the magikoopa and tried to ward off an incoming headache. “Aauuggghh, whatever!”
“Yes, Your Ruthlessness?”
“Find a way to break the marriage contract and tell the troops to set a course to the Mushroom Kingdom.”
“But Sire! You can’t marry the princess if-”
“We’re not kidnapping her this time,” Bowser snapped, smoke and sparks appearing at the edges of his muzzle.
“We’re getting my ‘bride’ back.
can’t write this part but some possible ideas:
the others get informed about the situation (king consort luigi) via magic ball zoom call with kamek and toadsworth
mario is panicking, peach is worried, DK thinks it’s hilarious, and luigi’s nervous but honestly fine with it
bowser tries to kidnap luigi either loudly or quietly:
loudly:bowser bursts thru a wall or sets a diversion, kidnaps luigi, but luigi switches back to rizz mode; the divorce can only happen if both parties sign
quietly: he gets caught (luigi stalls him) and ends up talking with everyone; there’s a part where he’s like ‘I’m just trying to divorce the guy but all the divorce stuff is at my castle’
bowser’s signature was already on the contract during the practice run, luigi sneakily signed it as a joke when no one was looking before leaving
slow burn thing where bowser starts crushing on luigi while trying to convince him to get a divorce
normal luigi starts being less scared at the koopa kingdom and uses his status to form relationships with other kingdoms kinda behind bowser’s back
luigi also teases mario about liking DK
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angelsandarsenic · 7 months
The Magnus Archives/The Magnus Protocol
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--MAG24: Dreamscape
Summary: Statement of Zoe Elizabeth, regarding her roommate sleeping. Statement given November 3rd, 2011. Recording by Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of The Magnus Institute
Status: Completed Words: 2,982
--MAG31: Total Collapse
Summary: Statement of Toby Carmen, regarding an unusual firefighting incident. Statement given August 12th, 2009. Recording by Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute
Status: Draft
--MAG59: Alice, Alice
Summary: Statement of Alice--or possibly Leanne Torrance--regarding her...sanity. Statement given March 29th, 2000. Recording by Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute
Status: Draft
--MAG50: Time of Death
Summary: Statement of Ciaran Elsen, regarding his death. Statement given May 21st, 2005. Recording by Gertrude Robinson, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute
Status: Completed Words: 2,899
--Blurbs and Bits Regarding James and Elias
Summary: James Hawking works as the head of Artefact Storage in The Magnus Institute, London. He doesn't really know what goes on downstairs, and frankly, he doesn't think he wants to. Not after...the worms. He doesn't need to know. His department is his own little world; even if Sasha isn't Sasha anymore, even if Tim mysteriously dies, even if Jon is...Jon, and suddenly starts needing way more help than the Archives have ever requested in the past, even if everything is...changing. Oh, and sometimes he fucks his boss.
Status: In progress Pairing: Elias/oc Words: 1,407
Super Mario Bros Universe
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--Evil Turtle Rehabilitation Center
Summary: The aftermath of the Mario Movie. Mario is down bad, Peach has an actual pet turtle and Bowser and Luigi are...figuring things out
Status: In Progress Words: 757
Assassination Classroom
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Shoot for the Stars
Summary: Reyna Cameron transferred to Kunugigaoka Academy in Japan part way through her third year of school at her parents' insistence that she "get her life together" in a disciplined, rigorous environment. For the headstrong, brilliant under-achiever, it didn't exactly go as her parents had planned. Then surprisingly, by getting sent down to E-Class at the start of the next year, Reyna might actually find everything she needs. ——— Shameless OC insert fanfic because Assassination Classroom will always be near and dear to my heart. Minor Karma and Asano shipping, but really we're just having fun with it.
Status: In Progress Words: 32,700 Pairings: Karma/OC and Asano/OC
Demon Slayer
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Summary: “You could be ready for Final Selection quickly. If you can make it within the year, I’ll be waiting for you.”
It was probably supposed to be chivalrous, or kind. You narrowed your eyes. “What was your name again? Tengen?” You sheathed the sword at your hip. “I don’t need you to wait for me. I’ll catch up.”
On a mission for the Demon Slayer Corps not a year after his Final Selection, Uzui Tengen meets the most flashy infuriating girl, who, he hates to admit it, saved his ass against a demon. A girl who wasn’t even a demon slayer!
Status: In Progress Pairing: Rivals to lovers, young!Tengen x female reader
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aliencatwafers · 1 year
Been hit with a cool idea!
I know I make AUs left and right when the only AUs I’ve developed were the Sewers AU and Second Shroob Invasion stuff. My brain usually rapid fires with ideas but can’t settle on one thing to work through and develop it enough. But this idea settled in my head for much of the day and I want to write it down before it vanishes.
So the Sewer AU (where Fawful looks after the babies in between time holes in PIT) is the main premise. It’s limited in that the babies can’t spend too much time lest they wind up getting caught or the Shroobs invade. The AU ends when the Shroobs are defeated and the time holes are shut. Fawful makes his plans in BIS and everything goes as normal.
But what if the Shroobs won?
Adult Mario and Luigi are out of commission. Princess Peach is nowhere to be found. Baby Bowser is stuck as a Mushroom; Kylie Koopa and Toadbert met the same fate. Stuffwell is barely functional.
The baby bros are left to their own defenses. They barely manage to sneak back in the Present devastated. They’re trying to decide what to tell E.Gadd and the Toadworths. Baby Luigi has Stuffwell cradled in his arms while Baby Mario is on the lookout.
But it’s the least of their problems.
The moment Elder Princess Shroob won, she and her sister invaded the Present. Princess Peach’s castle was quickly overwhelmed in the Present. The Shroobs rounded up everyone and lined them up. A Commander Shroob would quickly access each Earthling and either point left or right.
Left to be Shroobified and ready to serve the Shroobs, no resistance or hesitation, no free will or memory.
Right to be sent into a large Shroob Prison Ship.
Immediately, the baby Bros get sent to the left alongside the unconscious Adult bros.
A few seconds later, the Shroobs yank Fawful out from the sewers. He resists each step and nearly bites one Shroob’s claw off. Despite his weak stature, he is a hassle. It takes several Shroobs to restrain him and several more to aim laser guns at him. He nearly gets killed a few times trying to escape.
The baby bros use the hassle as an opportunity to slip out. Fawful spots them and makes a run for it too.
Of course, it fails miserably.
Just as the Commander Shroob is about to take his laser gun and off the three, Princess Shroob walks in. She smirks at the three of them, recognizing the Baby bros. For a few moments, she analyzes Fawful and takes note.
A few moments of silence.
Without a word, she raises her claw to the right, and the three are shuffled into the prison ship.
As soon as everyone is packed into the ship, it takes off at light speed, and lands on the old Shroob Planet?
It lands on the old withering planet; it is shunned by starlight.
And all the prisoners are dropped off there at random locations! Fawful gets shoved off the ship first near a rocky volcano. The Baby Bros are shoved off by a beach near the volcano.
The babies land on Stuffwell safely, thus surviving the fall.
Many others aren’t so lucky.
Of course, Stuffwell is barely functional, and the bros don’t know how to fix him. They wander aimlessly using everything they packed in the case and pockets to survive. There’s enough Bros items to fend off ravenous predators with, enough mushrooms to heal wounds, and some food left. It’ll run out one day.
They make their way to the volcano and are shocked that Fawful is…alive?!
By all accounts, he landed in a hard place from a long distance, and he had nothing to cushion him. How the heck is he alive?
And Fawful is more out of it rather than in severe pain or injured. It hurts to move, but he can move a bit. The bros give him a Mushroom which heals whatever damage he sustained and makes him less loopy. Reluctantly, Fawful fixes Stuffwell while the babies update him on what’s going on. Fawful tells them that Stuffwell was an old project he and Professor E.Gadd worked on before Fawful was taken in by Cackletta.
Stuffwell, now alert, is shocked and questions what happened. He takes X-Ray scans of everyone. The bros are fine, but his alarms go off at reading Fawful’s records.
Fawful: What is it being? I am not liking the suspense like eggs not hatching.
Stuffwell: ummmm…well…by my accounting and measurement cycles, you should be dead.
Fawful: *in pure shock* Huh, Fawful must’ve given Stuffwell humor of darkness. I know you have favoring of E.Gadd due to your morals of stupidity, but Fawful is being proud of you. If that is being the worst insult you are having, it needs more heat in the oven.
Stuffwell: NoNo! Im in Gratitude Cycle that you are functional. What I mean to explicate is that your X-rays show deep and lethal fractures all over each of your bones. Your spine and skull has the worst splitification. By all accounts, it should render you unable to move or perform Life functions without support. Evidence points to you being dead, but you’re respiring and engaging in locomotion.
Fawful: *thinking back* Yeah, Fawful logically should’ve had tasting of the dust of death. I had seeing of suffocating darkness, but I had waking like I had recovery from a fever of badness. And I am getting better? It has no sense making.
Stuffwell: In that case, we’ll make sense of it.
*Baby Mario and Luigi cry*
Stuffwell: But for now, we must have survivalification on this hostile planet.
Fawful: You can be scanning the planet for anything or use.
And so it begins. Baby Mario, Baby Luigi, Fawful, and Stuffwell explore the planet and try to survive.
TL;DR: Made a new AU where everyone is on barren Planet Shroob while the Shroobs rock out on Earth.
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spnsisterimagines · 3 years
Mario Kart
Summary - Y/N decides to engage her brothers and Castiel into Mario Kart, not realizing what she was getting herself into.
Pairings - Dean Winchester x Sister!Reader, Sam Winchester x Sister!Reader, Jack Kline x Platonic!Winchester!Reader, Castiel x Winchester!Reader
Word Count - 1,911 words
"Let's get it!" Y/N squeals, claiming her spot on the middle of the couch. She was practically bouncing up and down, waiting impatiently for everyone to join her. The Dean Cave had brightened considerably since she had added a few redecorations. While Dean initially denied her, she had forced him to allow her to put up LED lights, several polaroids from her camera(they were mostly of herself smiling widely at the camera while Sam and Dean looked mildly annoyed with fake smiles. There was also a real funny one where Sam was unconscious on a hunt and Y/N decided to pose beside him), as well as posters from their favorite bands. Not to mention the added dock to the TV stand to hold her Nintendo Switch that Sam had bought her for her previous birthday. 
She supposed he regretted it now, since she was forcing him to play a game he'd never even heard of.
He entered the room first, holding a big bowl of popcorn and a soda. Dean followed close behind, Little Debbie packages hanging from his mouth since his arms were occupied with pillows from their bedrooms and a pack of beers for himself. Jack was the only one to come empty handed. He happily took the spot beside Y/N, waving merrily as Castiel also appeared with two sodas(both of them for Beth because he was just so considerate), taking the spot on her other side.
"I'll give this an hour before we switch to movie night, Y/N," Dean warned as he occupied his armchair, which was to the left of the couch. She had discovered this old thing at a garage sale. It had been a rather stressful day because Dean had refused to strap it to Baby and they had to hound what little friends they had for a truck. Since most of their friends were dead, Y/N had hot wired one outside of a bar and returned it before the drunk redneck inside could notice it had even left. She was sure the dent in the bed was there before they put the couch on it. Sam had not been happy about that.
Sam took his own armchair, which was to the right of the couch. 
"What is it, again?" he asked curiously. 
"Is the only thing in the media you've ever heard Facebook? You've seriously never heard of Mario Kart?" Y/N asked, happily accepting one of the sodas from Castiel. "Dad really did a number on us. I was introduced to this through Charlie." She got up to grab the number of controllers necessary for four. Jack was eager to try the game, but he was always open to trying new things, something Y/N could appreciate.
After connecting them to the Switch, she handed them out to her brothers along with Jack before returning to her spot on the couch between the angel and nephilim. 
"If I remember correctly from what you've told me, it's a racing game, right?" Castiel asked.
"Exactly, except with a few quirks to make it interesting. Like, um...I could throw a shell and hit one of them and vice versa. Or a banana peel. I'll give them a trial run before we actually get into it. Are you sure you don't want to try it, Cas?"
Castiel shook his head. "I have seen how you play with Charlie, and I don't want to be on the receiving end of your anger. And I rather like watching you in your element."
Y/N smiled, blushing, before playfully pushing him. 
"I need to get drunk to stomach this," Dean said, offended as he popped one of the beers open and took a gulp. "Keep the PDA to a minimum guys, you've got a kid next to you. Alright, what buttons do I push to hit Sam?"
"What the hell?" Sam scoffed. 
"We haven't even started and you're gunnin' for me?"
"Uh, yeah!" 
"Alright, alright! First we gotta pick our player," Y/N mediated, pressing the buttons to get them to the screen full of Mario players. "I already got mine." She moved her icon until it landed on Wendy, before selecting her. "Obviously the best character, hands down."
The three boys maneuvered their icons over different characters, for some reason taking it a little too seriously on who they would choose. Sam selected his first. 
"Luigi?" Dean scoffed.
"You got a problem?" Sam asked. 
"No, but...why Luigi?"
"Who cares, I just chose him."
"You have to have a reason, man." Dean shook his head, before selecting his own. 
"Why'd you choose Bowser, then?"
"Because he's a badass. And he'd beat the holy hell out of Luigi if the games lost their PG rating," Dean shrugged.
Jack hummed thoughtfully, still scrolling. "I choose him!" 
He selected Toad. 
"Why him, Jack?" she asked. 
"I like his hat."
Y/N snorted, but it was a valid enough answer. Once everyone was ready, she selected the settings for the game and then decided to use the time to explain to them how the controls worked and anything else they were curious about. After a few trial races, they were ready for the real thing. Castiel was sitting patiently, his hands on his lap. 
"You assholes are going down," Dean declared, bringing his remote closer to him. 
"So much for being appropriate in front of the kid," Y/N sneered, but she was just as ready.
She set the game to go through ten races with a random select for the roads. 
And with that, they were off.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" Dean yelled, nearly jumping to his feet. His first empty beer bottle slide across the floor from his rapid movement. "I DIDN'T EVEN TOUCH IT! I DIDN'T GO NEAR THE GODDAMN PEEL!"
"That might've been mine," Sam stated, smugly. "But Bowser also takes up half the road, so avoiding it was probably impossible anyway."
Dean squinted. "You callin' me fat, Sammy?"
Sam shrugged. "Luigi's doing just fine."
Y/N hid her smile as she hit her own item, snatching that smile right from Sam's face.
"Why did you do that?" he asked, incredulous, the red shell sending Luigi off the edge of the map. 
"You got in my way!" Y/N sang. 
It only seemed to get worse from there. What was supposed to be an hour of playing turned into four with the bowl of popcorn thrown across the room at Dean when he had decided to hit Sam three times with three separate shells before snagging first place and doing a lewd dance as a way to declare his victory. Y/N's hair had bristled up, becoming bushier almost as though it were alive. Her right eye was twitching, and her hands were cramping by now. 
Jack, however, was having a good time. He has gotten last place the entire time, but he was still having fun, and that's what truly mattered.
Castiel, on the other hand, seemed to be on the verge of a panic attack, not knowing whose side he should take because all three Winchester siblings were completely out of their minds, including Y/N.
Finally, it was the last race. Everyone's nerves were shot. Sam's hair seemed even more raggedy than Y/N's, and his shirt was stained with soda because Dean decided to take vengeance by chucking his pillow at him when Sam was taking a big gulp. They had to pause the game for several minutes while Sam fought for his life coughing and wheezing because the soda went down the wrong pipe.
"I'm afraid I must at least attempt to deter you guys from participating in another race. There aren't any weapons in the Dean Cave, but I'm sure you three will find a way to kill each other," Castiel said, worried. "Jack, are you okay?"
Jack nodded enthusiastically. "I'm having fun!"
"I will let it be known if I lose, someone is dying tonight. I will call Billie to fix it, but someone has to die tonight if I lose," Y/N threatened. 
"Good luck with that, I'm kicking all of your asses, and you can kiss mine when it crosses the finish line," Dean said.
"I don't even care if I win, as long as you guys lose. And I'll make sure it happens." Sam jeered. 
With that, the race began. Aside from Jack and Castiel, everyone was bloodthirsty. Surely no matter who won, someone was gonna be pissed off. Castiel was making a mental note to grab Jack as soon as possible and escort him out of the room while the siblings brawled. 
"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Y/N shouted, jumping to her feet. "WHO DID IT! WHO DID IT?"
"I did!" Sam happily announced, moving to and fro with the turn of his controller, as though he were in the game himself. 
"I'm gonna get you, Sam," Y/N snarled, pressing hard on the buttons, trying her best to catch up to her brother, collecting any items she came across, but none of them were good enough, so she kept using them without thinking until she heard Dean curse and also jump to his feet. 
"THAT WAS ME, JACKASS!" he yelled, completely distraught. "I didn't even do anything this time!"
"You probably deserved it anyway!" Sam shrugged, continuing to maneuver through the AIs to get to the front. 
By that time, Dean and Y/N had caught up, and with all they had, they used their items to completely screw each other over up until every kart had passed them. In the end, they were the bottom three with Sam first, Y/N second, and Dean in dead last. And for a moment there after, nobody said anything. They were completely beside themselves in utter shock at what just occurred. 
"What just happened?" Y/N asked, deflating considerably. 
"We lost..." Sam mumbled. 
"Screw you guys, I lost overall!" Dean scoffed.
"I won!" Jack suddenly cheered, leaping to his feet and jumping up and down. "I won!"
"You what?" Y/N asked, shocked as her eyes trailed to the top. Sure enough, Toad was in first place. "You're kidding!"
"I can't believe I won!" Jack said, smiling as he high-fived a proud Castiel.
"I want a rematch," Dean commanded, sitting back down and retrieving his controller. 
"Yeah, me, too!" Sam agreed. 
"I'm down!" Y/N eagerly agreed, about to grab hers when Castiel snatched it. He went around the room, taking up all the controllers.
"Given that it's five in the morning, and just a couple moments ago you three were ready to quite literally rip each other's throats out, I'm going to recommend everyone get up and get to bed instead," he instructed curtly. "I think we should postpone a future night of games indefinitely, at least for a little while until you three can learn to control yourselves."
"What-but-you can't-" Y/N sputtered.
"Quite literally, I can shut off whatever is necessary so you can never play the game again with just a snap of my fingers," Castiel warned. "Shower and get some sleep. Jody already told us she needed to discuss something at noon tomorrow, and it would be rude if we were tardy. C'mon, let's go!"
With a grumble, everyone got up and cleaned their mess, ignoring each other vehemently as they walked out. Except for Jack; he was practically skipping. 
There was another good thing about tonight that he knew about. He was the one that triggered the lightning item that really stumped the three siblings and put them at the bottom three.
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antarestyl · 3 years
Got not tagged but saw this meme and wanted to do it :D
I tag @namekian-maoh and whoever else wanna try!
How many works do you have on AO3?
56 so far.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
600021 at this moment... damnit, I like nice and round numbers more XD
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
29 XD well, some are crossover and some are almost-the-same (especially with Video games where I often take multiple entires in a series into account and tag them accordingly)
As for my fandoms:
Video games: Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Among Us, Bowser's Fury, Deltarune, Don't Starve, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Final Fantasy XV, Luigi's Mansion, Mario & Luigi RPG, Monkey Island, Pikmin, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon, Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Odyssey, Super Paper Mario, Undertale, (+ AU of Undertale)
Comic/Cartoon/Manga/Anime: Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! (All Media Types), Homestuck, Gravity Falls, DCU (Comics), Booster Gold (Comics),  Blue Beetle (Comics)
Books/Movies/Divers: Harry Potter, Mystery Skulls Animated, Olsen-banden | The Olsen Gang (Movies), Ties of Lapis (Skyrim-AU),
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. PTA Sans and other glorious things       
73016 words, 3192 Kudos, so far my most successful work XD It’s still ongoing. Undertale Fanfic, Monster-on-the-Surface, True Pacifist Ending, PTA AU, SansxToriel in the Background, everybody is here, mostly happy, silly and only a small dose of angst from time to time. Later chapters with more story.
2. TrioBlasterSets AU - Six puppys and 3 flames                 
270813 word, 758 Kudos. I write this AU together with @namekian-maoh . Still ongoing. Undertale Baby-Blaster AU with some Underfell and Underswap thrown into it. Dadby, Badster, mostly family fluff and dealing with the experiment!gaster-blaster Background of 3 skeleton children. Also 3 flames who take care of them that have way more drama going on themselves than nessessary. Chapters are not in chronological order. Has a few Spin-offs too (including some NSFW oneshorts about the flames and their relationship ;) )
3. So I won't regret another day 
19214 words, 320 Kudos. Undertale Underfell AU, Underfell Sansby with some healthy relationships, the planning of a revolt against an insane king, monster still being monster and not really made for violence in an violent setting. If officially finished but I write new chapters when the fancy strikes me.
4. Grillby's                 
9894 words, 265 Kudos. Deltarune/Undertale fanfic with a Spin, named Plushyrune (aka Deltarune where eveything is the same, just with Sansby and Sans makes plushies). Started as just pure silly fluff, kinda got a plot now about the kids of Deltarune. Still ongoing, new chapter is 80% done ;)
5. Something old, something new... 
6579 words, 208 Kudos. Pure Post-Pacifist Surface Sansby fluff. Mostly from Grillby’s POV how they fall in love and be silly and in love. Still ongoing, haven’t really had to mojo to write more for it lately, but I WILL return at some point.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to! I used to not comment on comments because I had this irrational feeling of “cheating the numbers” if I reply to comments but... screw that, I want to interact with people! So I try to answer any and all comments now :)
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Ufff, for me it’s a tie between The last chip  and Laughter in the Darkness. The Last Chip is a Yu-gi-Oh! Fanfic in a series of Kaiba spiraling downwards after the Manga/Anime ended and sets up the events of Dark Site of Dimensions. It ends pretty much with Kaiba ending up getting borderline suicidal in his Obsession with the Pharaoh.
Laughter in the Darkness is the Epilog I wrote for my Gravity Falls x Amnesia Crossover where Ford is pretty much an Amnesia-Protagonist and archives the very worst ending for himself. Mind the tags if you read this. It ends with Ford at the lowest possible point for himself and its open ended if he is going fully insane or if Bill Chiper really is still around. (and it’s not clear what outcome is the better one)
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Nah, not really. I am a chill writer in my own little corners of the fandom and most people leave me alone. I did get one “But Queer is a SLUR” comment way back in the day where it was still all “????” to say that out loud. But otherwise? Nah. I am not important enough for hate, lol.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I have XD Not much thou. I wrote so far an mastubation scene with the one going down on himself heavily NOT BEING ALRIGHT while doing so XD Other than that I have 2 NSFW Undertale fics with some hot flame-on-flame action. I do like writing not-standard-sex (as in Sex that doesn’t requite human genitila) Otherwise I like to hint or describe feelings more than the act itself. More lime than lemon ;)
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. As I said, I am not important enough for that.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I had some ppl asking for permission to translate (which of course) but as far as I know there are no translations out there as of yet.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah, I am writing the TrioBlasterSet AU with @namekian-maoh I did Co-write some fics way back during my fanfiction.de time too but that’s a long time ago.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
I ship a lot and am a dirty multishipper XD I have to many ships to really call one out as my favorite.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
TrioBlasterSets AU because there is always MORE to tell with this AU XD
What are your writing strengths?
I am the Queen of Worldbuilding and Crossovers baby!
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Only do it if you have a REALLY good reason for it AND if you have a good gasp on the language. Like, nothing takes me out of a fic faster than reading stuff in horrible German written by people who were to lazy to just copy/paste the word from google translate (my time in the Apollo Justice fandom has seriously scared me. It’s Fräulein, not Fraulein or Fraülein! Also you can’t just swap ei and ie around THOSE ARE DIFFERENT SOUNDS! als we have the letter ß it’s a shap s sound you can’t just use/not use it as you please!)
Also in 90% of all cases it’s just not nessessary. Write what you wanna write, TELL us it was said in a different language OR let the POV character just tell us their hear something said in an other language they couldn’t understand.
What I want to say is: Have some respect of the language you want to use!
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
I THINK it was Harry Potter? IDK I wrote a cringy Star Trek Parodie when I was like 14 or so and those OCs went through a lot from that time on forward but Idk if that even counts XD
What’s your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
The Game of Our Life It’s a series of Mario x Homestuck Fics I wrote before Undertale came along and swept me away XD I love all my fics of course but this one was the first really big one I finished on english and it was the one I am most proud of of the world-building. It has angst, it has lore, my writing style was just really developing there and I am just proud of it. (Also it’s very self-indulging so yeah XD love it a LOT)
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crusherthedoctor · 3 years
How do you feel about Dimentio? This is how I feel. Given how his boss fights show he is a boisterous weakling who relies on the heroes acting stupid not to kill him right away. He is just shoed in like Mephiles and like Mephiles all of his villainy gets undone with zero casualties like nothing happened. His final boss fight as super dimentio is so anti climatic with lameass attacks that you would rather face Solaris. His one ball attack and movements rip off the magician from House of the Dead.
Dimentio is on the same rank as Erazor Djinn for me: a good villain in a not-so-good game.
To give some context for those who don't know, I’m not too keen on Super Paper Mario. To me, it's the Unleashed/Twinsanity of Mario games (AKA, the one that everyone hypes up the ass while simultaneously claiming it's underrated, despite being rather flawed), and that extends to the plot and its other villains. Count Bleck falls flat as a tragic villain the more you think about it, Nastasia is just there, Mimi is a brat, and O'Chunks is a tired “hurr hurr Scottish people are dumb and gross” cliche. And the plot, while not being that much darker in tone than that of Thousand Year Door, is a lot more up-its-own-arse for Mario standards, and with the exception of Luigi, the regular Mario cast isn't intertwined with the new characters and the plot nearly as well as the first two Paper Marios, or the Mario & Luigi series for that matter. They may be the ones you're playing as, but it often feels like they're not really part of the story, if that makes sense.
But Dimentio? I actually do like him, and that’s mainly because I feel he's a better execution of what they tried to do with Mephiles (another thing he has in common with Erazor). I know that might sound like an oxymoron considering everything I just said, but my point is that Dimentio's intelligence/power level ratio is consistent compared to Mephiles, his personality is interesting despite his straightforward evil, and although his master plan is elaborate, he doesn't really make any glaring mistakes, at least nothing worse than that of the average video game villain. I'll agree that the final battle was weak, but so were the other bosses in SPM.
He's far from my favourite of the Mario rogues gallery (I prefer Cackletta and Fawful, the X-Nauts, K. Rool, King Olly, and certain portrayals of ol' Bowser himself), but overall, he's fine in my book.
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auroraknux · 4 years
I wrote something new for my Brotherswap AU. This time, it’s some Mario x Peach fluff! I’m not used to writing any of these characters at all, so I apologize if I messed up their personalities or dialogue.
I tried to convey that Mario and Luigi are still themselves, despite some changes to their personalities caused by their different circumstances in this universe. I don’t know how well that got across. (Just in case the story didn’t make it clear enough: Mario only acts shy around Peach, which of course is because of his crush on her.)
Oh, and for anyone who isn’t familiar with this AU: basically, Mario and Luigi’s roles are switched. Luigi is the hero, and Mario is the one who doesn’t get much attention.
EDIT: Oh yeah, I wanted this to take place during a party but I wasn’t sure what to have the party be for (I didn’t want it to be another “rescued from Bowser” party), so I randomly went with “the summer solstice”.
Story is under the cut. Hope you enjoy it!
It was the night of the summer solstice. Every year, the Mushroom Kingdom held a festival for this occasion at Peach's castle.
The castle was crowded that night. It seemed as if the entire kingdom had come to celebrate. There were so many people there that some of them had to stand outside. Fortunately, the castle staff was prepared for this, and had food and activities available both indoors and outdoors.
Peach scanned the crowd, looking for one specific person. She was a little worried that he wouldn't be here, given his anxiety around large crowds. However, he had promised that he would come, and he wasn't one to go back on his word. Finally, Peach spotted a man in green.
"Luigi!" she shouted with a wave.
Luigi looked up, and smiled when he saw her. "Hey, Princess!"
Peach went over to him and gave him a hug. "It's good to see you, especially when I'm not being kidnapped."
Luigi hugged her back. "Yeah, it's nice to have a break for once."
They let go of each other, but kept smiling.
"How have you been?" Peach asked.
"I've been doing okay. I've been very busy, though. There was a huge pipe problem in Toad Town that everyone was expecting me to fix. Good thing Mario was there to help!"
"Where is Mario, anyway?" Peach asked. "Did he stay home again? He's been doing that so much lately."
Luigi grinned triumphantly. "Nope! I got him to come with me this time."
Peach's heart fluttered. "Really? Where is he?"
"Probably eating all of the cake," Luigi said with a chuckle. "We should go find him before there's none left."
Sure enough, Mario was stuffing his face with cake.
"Come on!" a toad groaned. "Leave some for the rest of us, uh...Marvin, was it?"
"It's Mario," Luigi corrected.
Mario turned around. "Hey, Bro!"
His demeanor turned shy when he saw who was with Luigi. "Oh, and...P-Princess."
Peach smiled. "Hello, Mario! It's good to see you. I'm really glad you came."
Mario fidgeted with his gloves. "It's good to see you too."
An awkward silence followed.
Peach coughed. "Luigi, would you mind taking care of that...thing we talked about?"
Luigi looked confused. "What thing, Princess?"
"You know…" Peach glanced back and forth between Luigi and Mario.
"Oh." Luigi realized what Peach was trying to do. "Right, right! I'll go, uh...do the thing."
He gave her a quick wink before running off (most likely planning to hide from the crowd in the bathroom again).
"What was that about?" Mario asked.
"Oh, nothing." Peach made a beckoning motion. "Mario, will you please come with me? I want to talk to you."
"Me?" Mario winced at how his voice cracked when he said that. He cleared his throat. "S-sure, Princess."
He finished the last bit of his cake, then practically jumped over to Peach.
"Okie dokie! Lead the way, Your Majesty!"
Peach smiled. "This way, please."
Peach led Mario through the castle. They soon came to a flight of stairs.
"I've never been to this part of the castle before," Mario said curiously.
"I don't bring many people here."
Peach glanced around to make sure no one was watching, then grinned mischievously. She leaned down towards Mario's ear.
"I'll race you to the top," she whispered.
Mario grinned back. "You're on, Princess!"
The two stood at the very bottom of the stairs.
"Ready…" Peach said. "Go!"
The two began to run up the stairs. Well, Peach ran. Mario's method was to use his signature jump, which allowed him to climb multiple stairs at a time. He may not have been able to jump as high as Luigi, but it was still rather impressive.
Mario reached the top first.
"Yahoo!" he cheered, doing a victory pose.
Peach giggled. "Oh, darn! You win, Mario."
When she got to the top, she motioned for Mario to follow her again. They soon came to a set of double doors. Peach opened the doors, and the two stepped out onto a balcony. They were greeted with a cool breeze, a strong contrast to the blistering heat they had endured during the day.
"This part of the castle gives me the best view of the stars," said Peach.
Mario looked up at the sky, eyes filled with wonder. "Mama Mia…"
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Peach asked softly.
Mario nodded. Then he looked back at her. "Oh, yeah, didn't you want to talk to me about something?"
Peach nodded. She was a little nervous, but she couldn't put this off any longer. She took a deep breath before she began.
"Mario...I'm sure you've heard those rumors about Luigi and me."
"Oh. Yeah, I have." Mario averted his gaze, his expression neutral. "Luigi, uh...he said none of that was true."
Peach nodded. "People like to speculate about us being a couple, but we're just friends. Luigi is a great guy, but he's not really my type."
"Really?" Mario's eyes shifted nervously. "So, uh...what is your type? I-if you don't mind me asking, I mean."
Peach smiled. "Well...there is a guy that I like. He's a little shorter. He's outgoing and energetic, and loves a challenge. He's very kind and selfless, and is always willing to help those in need. He's very supportive of his brother. He absolutely loves cake. And, he has the most adorable smile."
"Wow," Mario replied. "Sounds like a great guy. Does he know you like him?"
Peach blinked. Is he teasing me, or is he really that oblivious?
"I’m not sure if he knows."
"Well, you should tell him! I'm sure he would like you back."
"Oh?" Peach playfully raised an eyebrow. "Why do you think that?"
"Well…" Mario looked down at his hands. "You're very kind and compassionate, always looking out for your people. You have a pretty voice, and a cute laugh. You're really fun to go kart racing with, or play party games with, or do anything with. A-and, you're really beautiful too. You're a wonderful person, and anyone would be lucky to be loved by you."
Mario was blushing, and Peach was pretty sure she was too.
Wow...he really feels that way about me?
"S-sorry, was that weird?" Mario asked.
"Not at all. I think that's really sweet of you to say." Peach walked closer to Mario. "So...you think I should tell him?"
Mario nodded.
"Hmmm, maybe I'll do it now," Peach continued. "He's here at the party right now, so this is a good chance."
"He is? You should go find him, then!"
Oh dear, Peach thought. He really is that oblivious.
"I don't have to."
"Huh?" Mario looked confused. "What do you mean?"
Peach gently took Mario's hand in her own. "Because he's right here."
Mario stared blankly at their intertwining hands for a minute, as if trying to comprehend the words he had just heard. Then his eyes went wide.
"...Oh. Oh."
Peach giggled. "I like you, Mario. I like your laugh, your smile, your voice, your energy, your loyalty to your brother, everything. I think you're a great person, and that you deserve more appreciation than you get."
"You...you really think so?" Mario asked softly.
He's not used to being complimented by people other than his brother, is he? Peach realized with a pang of sadness.
She knelt down beside Mario. Gently, she removed his hat. She was amused at his confused look.
"Yes, Mario. I mean every word.”
And with that, she planted a kiss on his nose.
Mario's face turned almost as red as his hat, eyes wide in surprise. Peach giggled. Once the shock wore off for Mario, a bashful smile formed on his face.
"Th-thank you, Princess. That means a lot, coming from you."
Peach ruffled Mario's hair with her free hand. "There's no need to be so formal when it's just us. You can call me Peach."
"Okay, Pr--uh, Peach."
Peach stood back up, still holding Mario's hat.
"Can I have that back now?" Mario asked.
"Hmmm, I dunno…" Peach said with a teasing smirk.
She took off her crown and put the hat on her head. "How do I look?"
Mario giggled. "Not bad!"
Gosh, he's so cute, Peach thought.
"Here." She placed her crown on Mario's head. "Now you can be the princess!"
Mario grinned. "For my first act as princess, I declare that everyday shall be National Pizza Day!"
Peach bowed. "It shall be done, your majesty!"
They both laughed.
They both turned towards the sound of the voice. Toadsworth was standing in the doorway, tapping his foot.
"Princess, the guests are getting restless. They keep asking where you are. Please come back downstairs as soon as possible, before they begin to fear that you've been captured again."
"I’ll be right there, Toadsworth." Peach turned to Mario. "Well, this was fun while it lasted. We'll have to pick a less busy night to go on a date."
Mario nodded. "I'd like that."
After swapping hats again, the two followed Toadsworth back downstairs. The old toad's suspicious glances in Mario's direction didn't go unnoticed by either of them.
When they returned to the party, they quickly spotted Luigi at the snack table. He waved at them. Peach gave him a wink. He beamed in return.
"Will you excuse me for a moment?" Mario asked Peach.
Peach nodded. "Of course."
As Peach went to see her other guests, Mario went over to Luigi.
"I saw that." Mario crossed his arms. "You two planned this, didn't you?"
Luigi smiled sheepishly. "Heh, looks like you caught me, Bro. After you told me you liked her, I talked to her and found out that she liked you too. So I encouraged her to confess to you, and I suggested she do it during the festival."
"So you didn't just drag me out here because you thought I needed to get out more. You wanted to set me up with Pe--the princess."
Luigi nodded, looking rather proud of himself.
Mario smiled softly. "Thanks, Weeg."
Luigi hugged him lightly. "Anything for my Big Bro!"
He let Mario go. "Now go find your girlfriend. I'm sure you want to spend some time with her."
Mario's heart skipped a beat at the word "girlfriend".
I guess she really is my girlfriend now, isn't she?
He waved as he walked away. "Catch you later, Weeg. And make sure there's some cake left later!"
"As if you haven't had enough already," he heard Luigi mumble.
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skulls-soul · 1 year
OK hear me out I’ve said this already when it comes to Bowser and Luigi ship and how Bowser wouldn’t know what to do if Luigi were to ever get sick
And I want to spread that concept when it comes to king boo X Luigi because I also think that king boo would have no idea what to do
I thinking boo has been dead for so long that he would forget what things could be life-threatening and what things aren’t
And I don’t mean king boo could see Luigi bleeding out and thinks he’s fine no I mean king boo would see Luigi throwing up and think oh my god my boyfriend is dying 
I think if Luigi ever had a fever king boo would constantly snuggle up on his forehead to be like a cold compress
I also think that king boo would call Mario panicking being like I think Luigi is dying and Luigi would be in the background hugging the toilet saying I’m not dying I just have a stomach bug which would just cause king boo to scream at Mario again saying Luigi has a bug in his stomach!!!
Mario definitely does come over to Luigis mansion to take care of Luigi and make sure that he’s ok
Which just imagine Luigi tucked into his bed with a thermostat in his mouth looking at king boo and Mario with his I’m over this face
Because of course Mario is an overprotective Brother and king boo is a overprotective boyfriend so they’re just feeding off of each other’s worry meaning that Luigi can’t do anything because it’s two against one he’ll be stubborn because I imagine that luigi is a stubborn sick person but  it’s hard to say no to medicine when your boyfriend and your older twin brother are looking at you with such worried look or big old puppy eyes
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taco-night-frenzy · 4 years
Hotel Wario Chapter 1
So, I’ve been working on a sequel to Mario is Missing (Detective Luigi series) for a long time now. I’ve not posted anything yet as I want it to be complete, but also at the same time, I want to post something to show that I’ve been making SOMETHING. Here’s a preview of it. The first chapter at the very least. When will it be done? It might take a year, maybe more, who knows. If you’re interested, you can always ask me for more and I’d give some more WIPs. This takes place after the events of Mario is Missing, but is also meant to be a standalone story on its own.
If you’re interested in this series, read the first one here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17734574/chapters/41841311 With all that said, enjoy the preview of Hotel Wario. (This is still a WIP)
“Hurry up!” Wario groaned. Sirens blared, ‘Thief!’ over his gruff voice. “Catch whoever stole MY artifact! And calm that guy down! Pretty suspicious behavior you ask me!!”
“I’m plenty calm!” Bowser roared, flames spitting out onto once pristine purple drapes. “I’m the calmest damn guy! And I’m getting out of here! I don’t care if there’s been a theft! I don’t care if this place went into lockdown! No one locks ME away!”
Newly made captain, Goombella of the New Donk Police Department, hopped in front of the King of Koopas. What in the world she expected to do against him was beyond me.
“Kammy! Do something about him! He’s just making things worse!” she shouted.
The old Magikoopa shrugged, sighing through withered and missing teeth. “At this point, nothing I say is going to stop His Ragefulness.” She adjusted her thick-rimmed glasses. “Besides, he’s fifty-fifty chance to break through.”
A rare fang-filled grin flashed across Bowser’s maw. “Aw, thanks Kammy! I knew you believed in me.”
Goombella barely dodged over one of Bowser’s stray claw attacks, nearly slicing her into tiny Goomba bits. “You realize fifty percent isn’t exactly believing in you, y’know?”
“Shut up!” Bowser screeched, his fists pounding into a plate of reinforced steel. The entire hotel shook under his power, its residents and onlookers screaming as ritzy glasses and plates shattered against the floor. “That’s more than I usually get!”
Kammy’s broom puttered above the tile, completely unphased by the shaking. She was unhappy but used to it.
“Stop all this final boss fighting nonsense!” Dr. Crygor wailed, his lone cybernetic eye practically crying in terror. Maybe we really were related… “My security system is still in its early phases! It hasn’t been tested for this kind of thing!”
Wario lounged atop his throne, greedily digging for ‘gold’ in his ear. “Yeah, ain’t you guys cops or somethin’? Get on it, will ya?” It wasn’t just him. Plenty of the other guests stayed at their seats in the dining room, either watching Bowser’s rampage in fear or in delight. No one wanted to stop him, least of all me.
Ex-Captain Toadette (really just Toadette) pummeled Bowser’s shell with a pack of fire balls. She had grabbed a nearby Fire Flower out of one of the vases. The fireballs did nothing but bring his attention to her.
“Ex-cop!” Toadette corrected. She really liked telling everyone she was no longer in the NDPD.
A strange man in a bright red scarf with a shiny dome sitting near me said, “Did she say X-Naut? I’ve never seen her.” He sputtered. “I mean, not that I know of any X-Nauts of course!!!” Everyone ignored him. There were more pressing things going on at the moment.
“See! I knew this would happen!” Bowser slashed through another drape, just barely missing a boneheaded old man. His eyes caught on said old man, flashing with a genius idea. “You guys always blame everything on me!” Without a second thought, his massive claws wrapped around the old man’s huge shiny head. “I’ve never done anything WRONG!” he screamed as he tossed the old man at what seemed like lightspeed towards Toadette and Goombella.
“Oww!!” the old man wailed as his thick skull slammed against a small table, narrowly missing the two girls. Afterwards, he brushed himself off and went back to wobbling through the dining room, mumbling incoherently like nothing happened.
“Ehhh, you know,” Wario grumbled, chomping raw garlic in his open mouth as he spoke, “You’re really only going higher on my list of suspicious people. You got plenty of places to hide my super rare artifact on that shell of yours!” His voice lowered as he thought to himself. “Maybe I should get me one of those…”
Bonk! Goombella landed a hit in the soft red patch of hair between Bowser’s horns.
“Ugh!!!” Bowser yowled, tears forming at the edges of his eyes. “That hurts you know! Physically and emotionally!”
Toadette and Goombella stood before the raging Bowser breathless and bruised. It seemed they had only managed to make him angrier. They weren’t exactly suited for taking on major bosses like Bowser, but that didn’t stop them.
Why? It was pointless to try.
Their eyes finally met with mine. They were desperate. Angry.
“Luigi! Help us out!”
W-what!? Me? What was I supposed to do against him? I would only make this worse! I’d just get in the way! I deemed it necessary to put my foot down. I would no longer be putting myself in situations I didn’t want to be in!
“No, thank-a-you,” I mumbled, barely heard over the blaring sirens. I had been learning to stand up for myself lately! That was something to be proud of.
The girls’ eyes widened like they couldn’t believe what they were hearing. Before they could protest, Bowser came barreling into them, his huge heavy body separating them as he slammed shell first into the metal door.
Bowser rubbed the sore spot of his shell and head before realizing, hey, that didn’t hurt much at all! I’m greater than I realized! Gahahaha. (I assume that’s what he thought. He’s very easy to read.)
“See, that’s why I like you!” Bowser pointed the tip of his claw my way. “You know who the good guy is around here! You know better than to get in my way!”
Even though he was praising me, shame welled up inside my throat. Why? He never would have said that to Mario…
“I don’t think I can do this,” Goombella admitted with a wince. “I’m not cut out for being captain, am I?”
“I’ve only just learned to jump from my construction job!” Toadette whined, completely out of breath. “This is way out of my league, too!”
I could have told them that!! I wouldn’t, of course, because that’s mean and I’m terrified of conflict, but I could have! They should have just stayed back with me!
“Gahahaha! That’s what happens when wimps try to stand up to me!” Flames licked the air around Bowser’s maw and his fangs grinded together till they were molten red. “Now, time for some roasted mushroom with a side of unruly minion!”
I didn’t want to watch, but my eyes stayed glued on my old friends as Bowser readied his fire breath.
“Yoohoooo!” an airy voice yelled in from the crowd. Before Bowser could react, she was on him in a flash, her orange suit nothing but a blur. A sporty shoe slammed into Bowser’s massive maw, sending flames spiraling through the air, narrowly missing my fellow diners.
The mysterious orange heroine landed on her feet with a bit of a stumble before saying her weird nonsense line. “Yes!!! Daisy!”
Ah… of course it was her.
“Sorry I didn’t show up sooner! Everyone was distracted by the noise, so I figured it was the perfect time to raid the mini bar and stuff myself full of those delicious fried Blooper rings.” Crumbs fell out of her mouth ungracefully onto her fancy suit. She didn’t care.
Goombella’s eyes lit up like a Bob-omb on its birthday. “That was so cool!!” For whatever reason, Goombella looked up to the sports-super-star that was Daisy. “But… are you okay?” Daisy looked like she was having trouble standing on the foot that had just kicked Bowser in the face.
“No!! I’m not okay!” Bowser whined, holding a claw over his bruised cheek. “Did anyone think to ask about ME? Geez, lady, are you wearing cleats?? What the hell’s wrong with you?!”
“Oh no, I think it’s broken,” Toadette said, checking over Daisy’s ankle.
Daisy shrugged, stuffing another Blooper ring into her mouth. Gross. She was keeping them in her pocket. “Eh, you know, it happens! Whatever!”
Kammy Koopa puttered up to Bowser, shaking her head. “Are you finished, Your Whinyness?”
“Yeah, I’m done! Whatever!” Bowser threw his claws up into the air before quickly rubbing his hurt jaw again. “Kammy, how bad is it?”
“The door’s barely got a dent.”
“No!! I meant my poor face…”
“You’re fine.”
“Ugh! Well if this is going to happen just because I’m trying to help us all get out of here, then forget it! It’s not worth it!” Bowser wailed.
An enhanced cybernetic voice finally spoke up. “M-might I suggest we all return to our rooms for the time being and see if we can’t get this sorted out?” Dr. Crygor said shakily. His eye shone with a subtle pride once he realized his security door had held up even against King Bowser.
Wario waved lazily at the staring crowd. “Yeah! Go on! Get out of here! You all bother me!”
Well… that was probably for the best. Maybe I could sort out what in the world just happened. Plus, I really wasn’t enjoying the burning glares that Toadette and Goombella were sending my way.
I quickly scampered up to Daisy, who was having trouble walking. I offered to help, and she much too quickly accepted, putting a ton of weight around my neck as she wrapped an arm around my shoulder. She was still eating those Blooper rings as she limped up the stairs…
Goombella and Toadette followed us to our rooms. Daisy quickly plopped down onto her bed without a care in the world while the other two girls fretted over her. I, of course, shuffled over to the doorway, trying to stay out of the way.
“Y’know, if you want to leave, then just leave!” Goombella growled my way. “Ugh, what a mess…”
Oh no… I really messed up, didn’t I? I quickly looked to Toadette who shook her head, avoiding eye contact with me. Daisy was busy stuffing her face. Maybe it really was best I went back to my own room after all.
My room was just next door to Daisy’s. I wouldn’t be far if they needed anything. I’d make sure to try to listen for anything this time. With a sigh, I let myself into my room and sat on the bed. It was empty. It was quiet. It was lonely.
I suppose I had nothing better to do than to write in you, my notebook. It’d been a long time. Plus, maybe it’d help put all this craziness into perspective. I didn’t expect this trip to go the way it did! But where to even start...?
This is a new notebook, so I suppose I should go as far back as I can. I’m writing this on Mario’s spare notebooks since he made more for himself than me. I would hate to see them gather dust. Anyway…
It must have only been a few days ago when everything felt it’s most… normal. As normal as it can be at the office. It’s been about a year since my last little ‘mystery’ and to be honest, I was hoping it would be my last. The problem was, the Mario Bros. Detective Agency was still fairly popular and well known thanks to my brother.
I shouldn’t complain about that, I know. The real problem was that our office/apartment needed money. Buildings can’t just be lived in for free! Stupid isn’t it?
Good afternoon, Luigi! You have 301 unread messages today! Up from yesterday’s 287. A new record yet again! Congratulations! Would you like to read them?
No thank you, TEC.
(I was typing this on my old desktop computer. TEC is a lone supercomputer that I rescued from an abandoned factory. He’s very sweet, but maybe a little too eager. Because he’s no longer connected to his old factory and can only use my computer, he’s been a little downgraded. But he seems happier.)
Of course! If you would like, I could give you the shortened version of each message to save you ti-
No thank you, TEC.
Not a problem. Okay! Well, of your 301 messages, I would like to note that 5 are marked IMPORTANT as they have to do with the subject matter of your overdue rent. Would you like me to-
No thank you, TEC.
Fair enough! I’m not sure if this is the best course of action, but-
I was hoping we could skip this, and I could do a search for birds? Pigeons to be precise. I am in the mood for pigeons today.
Oh, do I have some amazing pictures of pigeons for you! I have stumbled upon a strange trend where people ‘shop’ pictures of human arms onto birds and I find it most humorous! I think you will like it, too! However, there is one last alert…
What is it, TEC.
I have one new message marked ‘Family.’ You have me set to prioritize any and all messages with this marker. Would you like to see-
What!? Who is it from?! Who could it be from? Yes! Open it!
Right away! The sender is a man called Wario who is apparently your cousin! Here are the contents-
Er. Error. I … thought you wanted me to open the message and read it to you? I’ve actually wanted to give you a message for so long and I just-
Mark as spam. Delete.
If… you say so. I know that I am just the world’s most mediocre computer now, but I wish I could understand you sometimes, Luigi.
It’s okay. Sorry if I seemed cross with you, TEC. I’ve been feeling a little stressed. People keep trying to contact me for detective jobs and that’s just not who I am.
I see. I do not know if it is any consolation, Luigi, but I do not think you need to live in your brother’s shoes forever. I have come to accept that I am the world’s most mediocre computer. In fact, I am happy with it! I think you could very easily be the world’s most mediocre detective!
… … Thank you, TEC.
You’re very welcome! :) <---- That is a smiley face. I am learning how to better express myself! Now! About those pictures of pigeons with arms…
As the armed avian began to slowly pixelate on my screen, the front door slammed open, followed by both a shriek from myself and a shout from my ‘secretary.’
“Hey! Stop looking at pictures of birds, weirdo!” Daisy screamed, barreling towards my humble little desk. “I’ve got some cool news!”
I quickly grabbed Marissa and Charlie and huddled them close against my chest. Daisy had a bad habit of knocking them over when she got excited.
(Oh! This is a new notebook, so I guess I should explain. Marissa and Charlie are my Fire Flowers! I keep them together in a cute little pipe plant pot! They love each other and I love them.)
Neon red light illuminated Daisy. The mushroom sign outside my window was as bright as ever. She was sopping wet from the rain outside but didn’t seem to care as per usual. It doesn’t get particularly cold in New Donk City even though it is always raining but for some reason Daisy was still wearing her sporty shorts like always.
(If I explained Charlie and Marissa, I suppose I should explain Daisy too…)
Daisy is kind of my new roommate? She’s not on the lease, and she didn’t ask for permission to stay here. But she likes to sleep on my couch, watch my TV, eat my leftovers, and generally bother TEC with ridiculous requests and the occasional unsavory virus. She’s loud, she’s obnoxious, she smokes, she’s overly pushy, and she doesn’t do a very good job at answering the telephone.
But for some reason, I could never kick her out. It’s nice having someone around. It’s nice to have someone to cook for. She tells the noisy Shy Guys next door to ‘Shut up!’ if they’re being too loud. She buys me more time with the Pianta landlord when I don’t pay rent. She tells potential clients to ‘Buzz off!’ when I inevitably say I don’t want to take their case.
“Hey!” She stamped her foot on the carpet, staining it evermore. “Are you listening to me? You’re staring off into the next galaxy again!”
I sighed. I was listening. I just didn’t want to.
“Aaand you’re doing your mumbling thing where I’m not sure if you’re actually talking again. Great. Usual stuff. Whatever.”
She rummaged through the tiny pockets in her shorts and pulled out a soggy cigarette. Under normal circumstances, nobody would get that thing lit up. Daisy was not normal. She was a sports super star! Master of soccer, tennis, baseball, go-karting, partying, and very recently she got into fighting as well. No one knows how she’s so good at so many things. She just is.
I personally think it’s because she’s a few Power Stars short in the upstairs department. You know. She’s more brawn than brain.
“You say somethin’?” she growled, wet cigarette between her lips and a harsh glare in her eyes.
“I figured.” She knelt down over my desk, dripping all over it, putting her face uncomfortably close to mine. The tip of her cigarette glowed red hot after touching the Fire Flower’s petal. She let out a black sigh. “Thanks Charlie.”
That’s Marissa!!!
“Marissa. Geez. Sorry.” She rolled her eyes and lounged atop my desk, her legs kicking over some letters I didn’t want to look at anyway.
So… I had thought Daisy had something to tell me? Maybe she had forgotten. That would have been nice.
“Oh, right,” she said, her voice slow and deliberate. Smoking always calmed her down. I didn’t like it, but it had its benefits with her. “Yeah, so I was out jogging, right? I got a tennis tournament coming up and Coach Bobbery wants me exercising a bit more or whatever. He’s a pain in the ass, but who cares.”
I still don’t like that language by the way. I also wished she could get to the point.
“I’m out running by Bowser’s place to get my ‘medication’ you know?” She smirked. Agh. She meant Honey Syrup. A drink meant to energize the body, but only to be taken in small doses. Bowser and his gang sell the stuff on the streets, and it is strong. It’s not healthy. There’s a lot of addicts. I worry over Daisy. She’s actually using less lately, surprisingly.
“And you wouldn’t believe it, some complete Toadhead zooms by in a bright purple car, laughing like crazy!” Daisy did not use the word ‘Toad’ there, but I’m not writing down the actual word. “Guy nearly hit me! Didn’t care at all! He was just tossing out flyers! One of them hits me right in the face, right?”
Oh no. I knew where this was going.
“So, I look at this stupid thing, and you’ll never guess what it’s for and who was driving!”
… I had a pretty good guess.
“It was Wario! That fat freak that smells like farts and always yells at people! Turns out the flyer is for a brand-new hotel that he built! He used the riches he found from an ark-ey-log-all dig to pay for it! Apparently, it’s super spiffy.” I think she meant to say archeological…
Well that was some nice information, but was it leading anywhere?
“I mean, yeah, normally I wouldn’t care either, but then I remembered!!” Daisy shot up straight, grinning like a Boo in a moldy mansion. “That big idiot actually invited me to his grand opening! He’s inviting all of New Donk City’s biggest names to stay there for free! Some kind of promotional thing I’m sure.” She finally turned to face me, as if she remembered I was here. “I’m not one for these fancy pants parties, but I got to thinking! Free food! Free beds! Everyone’s gonna be there! I could probably get a great score off Bowser.”
I gulped. I didn’t like where this was going. Plus, wasn’t she already rich? Why would it matter if its free or not?
“Ah, man, you just don’t get it!” Daisy waved me off. “Free is free! Plus…isn’t that guy your cousin?”
Oh no. That’s the last thing I wanted her to say.
“And, no offense, but you’re totally struggling to pay rent, aren’t you?” Her eyes dug into me like a Monty Mole. “There’s no way the Mario Bros. weren’t invited. I’m sure a rich cousin like him could help you out. I’m not going to keep paying your rent when your landlord comes knocking.”
It was time to break out my secret technique! “No thank-a-you! I wasn’t-a-invited anyway.”
Daisy scowled, black puffs of smoke blowing out the side of her lips. “You’re lying.”
I-I’m not! I swear!
Fearing no boundaries and no personal bubbles, Daisy dove over the desk onto me and my chair. “TEC! Has Luigi gotten any messages from Wario lately?”
No! Not TEC! Anyone but him! He’s too nice to lie!
Oh! Hello, Daisy! I can tell it’s you because of all the spelling errors. Why yes! Just the other day Luigi received a very interesting message!
I scrambled underneath her, trying to push her off, trying to get her away, but her incredibly muscular hands and legs proved to be too much for my scrawny arms. For most people, all I had to do was cry and act pathetic and that’d get them off my case. It never worked on Daisy…
“Oh really?” Daisy said with a scowl, practically punching each key in. “And what did it say?”
Yes, ‘rly!’ Luigi had me delete its contents before I could read it however. But I can tell you that the title was ‘Wahahaha! You’re Invited to the Grand Opening of My New Hotel! Click inside for details! (Not a scam this time!)’
No, no, no, no, no!! I’m saying no! I can say it! No! No!! I don’t want to do that! I don’t want to meet loosely related family! I don’t want to go outside and talk to people! Least of all weird family members I don’t know very well!
“Uh-uh!” Daisy wagged her finger at me. “Not this time, bub. I’ve declined way too many jobs for you! I’ve tried to let you do things at your own pace! But you won’t accept anything! Why just a couple weeks ago I had to say you wouldn’t help some sweet ghost girl! If she had a heart, I’m sure it would have been broken because of you! I mean, I personally didn’t care, but she sounded really sad!”
Agh, she wasn’t supposed to tell me about the clients I was rejecting! I can’t handle the guilt..
“Besides! This isn’t even -ugh, quit crying! Are you serious?- This isn’t even a job! It’s a free stay at a hotel! You need to get out more!”
I don’t have anything to wear! It’s probably got a fancy dress code!
“Oh, please. It’s a hotel. You can come wearing whatever you want! No one will care. I know I’ll be wearing whatever I want.”
“Geez, you’ve got more issues than me,” Daisy grumbled. “Listen. It’s. A. Hotel. You can stay in your room for all anyone cares. It’ll be fine.”
I… hm… I guess that wouldn’t be so bad. A change of scenery from this damp dreary office did sound rather nice.
“Aha! See? I told you! I’m gonna RSVP you right now! TEC!!!” She slammed her hands on the keyboard.
… … I assume you want me to reply that Luigi will be attending after all? The message may be deleted, but I could still easily search the nearest scam site and find Wario’s organization.
yAA!!!!!1111 -dAiSy
Of course. I’d be happy to. I hope Luigi enjoys his time there.
“Woo hoo!!!!” Daisy yelled. “Now order us up a pizza from Tayce T.’s!! I’m starving!”
Like always, I had the feeling I wouldn’t enjoy this hotel trip. Like always, I catastrophized and feared the worst would happen. I wish I was ever wrong.
I also wished Daisy would remember she’s still sitting on me!
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cassiopeiastardust · 4 years
what are ur favorite mario ships ?
ok, most mario ships that hold a special place in my heart are ships that I have had ever since i was like eight years old. fair warning: i have no idea how long this is about to be. sooooo here we go! these are in no particular order :)
mareach (mario x peach): ok, classic and predictable, I KNOW. i love these two for much more than just a peck on the cheek after one of bowser’s antics. mario’s love for peach is literally canon. other than luigi, peach evokes emotions from mario that we rarely get a taste of. for example, in luigi’s mansion 3, we actually see mario panic and beg luigi to save her near the end of the game. he’s usually pretty clam, cool, and collected, so this was a huge detail nintendo intentionally threw in during the cutscene. also during peach’s victory celebration in mario power tennis, you can hear mario say “i love you, i love you so much.” for a character that is silent in most games, this speaks volumes about his feelings for peach. i honestly just adore their dynamic soooo much. also, their height difference makes everything 10x cuter :)
luaisy (luigi x daisy): my first ever OTP! there’s a lot to unpack about the “tango tanglers” (a little mario party 8 reference for ya ;)). one thing i love is how over the years nintendo has constantly teased their relationship. mario party 4 confirms that luigi has a crush on daisy in an official guide for the game. i like to think that their dynamic follows the “opposites attract” trope. daisy is very outgoing and energetic, while luigi is much more cautious and shy. i like the idea of daisy helping him step out of his shell, have fun, and not identify himself as mario’s shadow. there has also been a lot of canon evidence you can find that proves they care about each other. one thing that really sealed the deal for me was the statue of the two dancing in daisy’s circuit in mario kart wii. the entire course feels like a fun first date filled with butterflies. all these hints thrown by nintendo inspired a lot of fan art, including a comic made by nintendrawer on deviantart that i still go back to read over and over. i adore the way she portrays them and i highly recommend checking it out if you enjoy this ship too!
wasalina (waluigi x rosalina): yes, i know this ship catches a lot of flack. in all honesty, for years I absolutely despised it. i used to think people shipped these two because of their similarities in height and as a way to randomly pair rosalina with someone from the mario franchise. i kept seeing fan art everywhere and it annoyed me so much that i looked deeper into it to try and understand why they were such a popular ship (more so on deviantart than here). after doing so, they are truly one of my absolute favorite mario ships ever. when you think about it, both of them live awfully lonely lives. waluigi wallows in self-pity, which his voice actor, charles martinet, has confirmed. i believe it’s a factor of his sour attitude. however, in a few games there is evidence there is some light inside him. in mario golf: world tour, one of quotes is, “little white lies can get you in trouble, you know. be happy. you earned it.” doesn’t sound like our typical waluigi, does it? now I know what you’re thinking, why would someone as calculating and mischievous as waluigi be with someone as grounded and mature as rosalina? well, one of rosalina’s most defining qualities is her motivation to help and care for others. that’s what got her to the galaxy in the first place when she was tried to help a luma find its mama. i think she would see the light in waluigi that others don’t care to look for. waluigi would probably have trouble accepting that someone truly sees the good in him, but it would maybe slowly fill the hole inside of him. i also think that he would find ways to have fun with rosalina and make her laugh in his own quirky ways. i read a fanfic not too long ago that really cemented my love for this ship. i highly recommend that you go read “the tragedy of waluigi and rosalina” on fanfiction.com if you’re curious! the entire story is beautifully written and the portrayal of waluigi and rosalina is very accurate.
sooooo i guess those are my top three favorites ?? some other ships i think are close to the list are peach x pauline, dimentio x mimi, and nastasia x count bleck! thanks for the ask, anon!! sorry this was so long :o
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