#i know this sounds so entitled and bitchy and i hate it
calisources · 1 year
hello, i'm confused. how do we credit you if we haven't got the PSD yet?
hi! the credit is to ensure just that, that it's credited. I mean, i think it's pretty simple. if you do pay for the psd, that's fine, but a lot of people have been using my free stuff without showing the proper credit, so me asking for credit first is a garantee that you are indeed giving me credit before I send you the free link.
to get the free link you HAVE to send me a dm or and ask. however, I did stated a few weeks ago that due to being on a debt, I'm focusing on the paywall stuff only at the moment.
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On My Mama Pt. 6
Tags: @mixedfandxms @shurislover @lppriceisright @sweetalittleselfish-honey @desswright29 @cutttteeee @onyxstones-world @katymae12344 @doramilaj233 @sweetalittleselfish-honey @6-noir @khara876 @she-is-my-unrequited-love34 @teadah18 @un-deniable-me3 @goolishh @anayaperry @undercover-introvert @delightreadsfics
“Yo, ya’ll be doing too much.” Riri grumbled to Shuri as she sat at the kitchen island; eating a bowl of cereal. She looked exhausted. Shuri chuckled, as she drank the last of the orange juice straight out of the carton.
“My bad, Ri.” Shuri clasped a hand on Riri’s shoulder. It had been two days since the diner scene and She’d finally unlocked the lab. You and Shuri had returned back to the apartment the night before and had spent the entire night fucking.
Shuri had energy that never seemed to go down whilst you were running on the power of pure pettiness. Your moans, cries and screams the work of Shuri’s talented tongue, lips, hands and strap. You didn’t have to fake shit, Shuri worked the sounds out of your throat with little effort.
“When the fuck did this even happen? How?” Riri asked, she wanted to know how you came to fuck Shuri.
“We just talked everything out and then it just happened and kept happening.” Shuri shrugs. She tossed the empty carton in the trash before grabbing some fruit. She rinsed them and started to peel and cut them before placing them into a bowl.
She’d watched you enough to know you loved fruits. Your main favorites being mangoes, pomegranates, pineapples, kiwis, peaches, grapes, tangerines, oranges, and berries.
“Why did you lock me out of the lab?” Riri asked, still pissed about that.
“Riri. I locked everyone out of the lab. Y/n and I were fucking all over the place, why would I keep the lab open to everyone including you?” Shuri raised a brow, as she stared at the smaller girl.
“You’ve never banned me from the lab before.” Riri had a look in her eye.
“I didn’t ban you. I shut the lab down for a few days. Y/n is entitled to privacy. You may like exhibitionism but she doesn’t.” Shuri’s tone was very matter of fact and the look she gave Riri, had her realizing that Y/n had told her everything that had transpired between them fully.
“I wasn’t thinking. I was angry and hurt and…” Riri bit her lip as she felt the overwhelming urge to cry. She’d never felt this out of control and lost before. She didn’t know what to do or how to fix what she’d done.
Shuri frowned. Riri had never in all the time she’d known her been so emotional. Yes, Riri had her moments where she was angry and let her temper tule her but she’d never been so sad. She wasn’t used to seeing this side of Riri.
“I hurt Y/n and it’s killing me because she didn’t deserve that. She’s so sweet and kind and full of love underneath that bitchy, tough demeanor she has going on.” Riri sighed in frustration. “I care about her, more than I thought I ever would care about anyone let alone her. She hates me and I deserve that. I fucked up.”
“I’m not going to lie to you. What you did was fucked. However, I know you. You don’t have a malicious bone in your body. You were wrong and you did hurt Y/n but you can’t wallow in pity. You want her forgiveness, earn it. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, it won’t fix anything.” Shuri insisted, before grabbing the bowl of fruits and a bottled water. She headed for her bedroom, to see you seated on the bed.
She’d heard you run from the door to the bed as she came over. You were eavesdropping. She closed the room door behind her, and walked the items over to you. You have her a small smile in thanks before placing the food on the nightstand.
What Riri had said struck you. You hated the fact you felt bad. Why should you feel bad? She’d done something so fucked up and now she was sorry? She should have thought of this before she did what she did.
You felt a pang of guilt at the thoughts that ran through your head.
The next few weeks passed with you having very few interactions with Riri. She went back to her same old song and dance of ordering you food, leaving out notes for your classes, doing your laundry and leaving notes.
Each note was heartfelt and full of remorse but you hated them. You felt torn between forgiveness and resentment. She made herself scarce whenever you were around, locking up in her room or heading to the lab. The longer you went without seeing her, the more you felt bad.
You hated how much you liked the girl who'd disrespected you in a way you'd never been disrespected. Were you a glutton for punishment?
After a while fucking Shuri got to be draining. While you loved fucking her, you had no feelings for her and it felt passionless despite her setting your body on fire each time. You needed feelings and fucking, not just one but both.
You still slept in Shuri's room despite not having sex, liking her company. You both talked and it was eye opening because you learned so much about her. She told you about her family; her father, brother and mother.
Things many people didn't know and you were shocked she was so candid with you. She told you about how she'd met Riri, and the events leading up to the loss of her mother. Why she'd bonded with Riri as much as she had and why she felt she was cursed or paying for sins she was unaware of.
The more Shuri expressed herself, the more you realized just why she was the way that she was. She'd lost so much so young and it made your heart ache. You felt like your world had ended when you lost your father but Shuri had lost her whole family, a whole support system of people that loved and cared for her no matter what.
You'd only ever had your father once your mother decided your sexuality was something she couldn't look past, the hypocritical bitch. The more you hung out and talked, the less Shuri partied, drunk or smoked. She was laser focused on her goals, whilst turning to exercising for an outlet.
You were proud of her, seeing her get herself together and let go of her demons. She'd recently enrolled in therapy virtually with a Wakandan Doctor and made plans to visit her brother's ex lover. You knew both were big steps for her as she'd never taken mental health seriously before, and she hadn't seen her brother's ex lover since shortly after the death of her mother.
Whilst the two of you formed a friendship, you were forced to watch Shuri get her shit together. You realized you no longer had a choice to wallow in self pity or be drowned with your anger, bitterness and resentment.
Shuri helped you sign up with a Wakandan Doctor separate from her own, but you'd bailed each time the appointment was set and the call came through.
You were scared. You could admit that. You didn't want to have to dive through the several layers of fuckery that plagued your mind and your heart.
"Hey..." You looked up to see Riri standing in the entry way of the kitchen as you did your homework at the kitchen island.
"Hi." You said, dryly.
"How are you?" Riri asked, her body language showing just how uncomfortable she was.
"Peachy." You responded, looking back down at your notebook before continuing your writing.
"I um... I've been meaning to talk to you--"
"To apologize?" You snorted before looking up at her. "I don't need another apology, I've had plenty. You showed me exactly who you are and what you're capable of. I'm not even mad anymore, it was my mistake to think you were someone I could trust."
"Y/n..." Riri sighed, running her hands over her freshly done marley twists.
"Is that all you needed?" You asked.
"I... yeah." She looks down before turning around, defeated. Your attention went back to your homework, frustrated at the smallest tinge of excitement you got from seeing her. It'd been weeks since you'd seen her face to face.
"No." You hear and frown as you look up. "I was wrong, I admit that. I can't say anything that could ever take away what I did, I know that but I like you and I know you like me too. I can't pretend like these feelings don't exist, I've never cared about someone the way I care about you and it's killing me knowing I hurt you the way that I have, Ma..."
Your breath hitched as you listened to what she said. Each word making you more confused.
"Tell me you don't like me, look me in the eyes right now and tell me that you don't care about me..." Riri said, her eyes locked with yours as she walked towards you.
"You don't get to---"
"Shut. Up." Riri growled, her eyes hooded as she pulled you to face her and kissed you. Her hands gripping your face as she tried to convey the way she felt in the kiss.
"Stop." You fought against her, hating how your body was melting into her touch.
"I'm sorry, Ma." She whispered against your lips. "I'm so fucking sorry."
She continued apologizing between kisses, while holding you close to her. You felt your resolve growing weak as you moaned into her mouth. This kiss was unlike any kiss you'd ever had before and it made you angry.
"Ya'll gonna fuck in the kitchen?" You hear and Riri reluctantly moves away and you both take breaths.
"And if we were?" Riri asked her, raising a brow.
"Odd considering you know me and Y/n are kicking it." Shuri huffs.
“I didn’t realize you two were exclusive.” Riri raised a brow though it was clear the statement was a dig at Shuri.
“At the very least we’re closer than the two of you.” Shuri responded, and even though she was wearing shades it was obvious she was glaring at Riri.
“Hi, Hey, Hello?!” You wave a hand at the pair. “I’m single and can very much do whatever the fuck I want.”
“And Riri, it’ll take more than an apology and some kisses to get in my good graces. I’m tolerating you, don’t get cocky.” You level her with a stare that you hope conveys how much you did NOT like her at the moment.
Shuri smirked, and you rolled your eyes. They were acting like children. You weren’t some shiny new toy they could play with and fight over. You were a human being with real needs and emotions. It was pissing you off that they seemed to think they could do whatever to you and you’d allow it.
Forgiveness didn’t mean letting either of them continue to play you for a fool. You used Shuri for sex, and she was great to talk to but that’s as far as things went in your head. Your heart was a different story, you had a soft spot for the both of them in different ways but you refused to ever become vulnerable with either of them because you had not faith or trust in them.
Sex was simple. Fun, addicting. But anything else was just not happening. You weren’t ever going there again. Love was bullshit, and while you didn’t think you ever loved anyone before you could admit Riri made you feel things that made you second think that thought. While you could admit you were growing to like their ex, she played you worse than either of them. And to add insult to injury she never even liked you. Just used you.
“If this is going to be a problem, I can easily go back to fucking the bartender.” You say to Shuri, and the both of them glare at you. You smile, turning to head to your room. “Maybe I should hit her up again.”
A hand snatches your hips quickly, stopping you in place.
“No one can compare to me, and you know that.” Shuri says as she kisses your neck. Her hands grip your hips possessively.
“True.” You agree, holding back a moan as she sucked on your spot. Out of any one you’d fucked, Shuri had been the best and you were certain of that.
Riri scoffs to herself as Shuri turned you and lifted you up with ease and you wrapped your legs around her. A small part of you relished how uncomfortable and envious Riri felt. You knew she was pissed and the mere satisfaction of her feeling some of the hurt you felt, seemed to boost your eagerness as you moaned out.
A knock sounds at the door, and you hear Riri heading for the door as Shuri bit down on your pulse point. Your clit throbbed as she pressed you tighter against her.
“Well, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Does it love ?” A familiar voice says and you freeze as Shuri’s head whips up to look towards the door.
“It’s like looking in a mirror….” Riri whispered to herself, as she stared at the woman that resembled an older, taller you.
You turned slowly and stared.
“Well aren’t you going to invite your mother in?” She questions, looking between you, Riri and Shuri.
Just a short little update to shake things up a bit 😉
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sequencefairy · 5 months
Ya know, I was gonna be done. I spent hours yesterday talking friends off ledges when people were harassing them for being excited about the watcher announcement, or when their anxiety ballooned while watching the never-ending fucking tide of absolutely entitled morons kept piling on and on and on and spreading baseless bullshit every where.
But like, I cannot be done.
Because I am just so fucking disappointed. I'm so fucking sad to be sitting here watching people writhe with glee over the reactions to the announcement, and fill their little vengeful mugs in anticipation of watching the fall of a fledgling independent media company they are literally standing around lighting matches to throw onto the pyre.
Y'all make me sick.
You profess to love these guys, to want to see them succeed, to enjoy the stuff they make for you. You beg and demand and scream for more time with Ryan and Shane and bitch constantly during periods of the year when it's not Ghost Files or Puppet History time. You complain to anyone who will listen about how this is a betrayal, as if they're your fuckin' friends who you know personally.
News flash, they're not. They never were. You're parasocially attached to the plush puppet and the guy who sticks his hand up it in a way that is detrimental to your critical thinking skills and you know what? Fucking don't subscribe to the streamer. Who fucking wants you around anyway?
I would bet American cash money that none of you have EVER had to sit with your staff in a meeting and figure out how you were going to keep your company afloat. That none of you have ever had to decide to take a risk like this, in this kind of economic climate and be cautiously excited about what it might mean for you and then to have this absolute viciousness being the response.
I'm really sorry that for some people the price is just out of their reach. I completely understand wanting to join in on something and being unable to because of the money. The amount of times I've had to say no to doing something fun because I just didn't have the cash is not a small amount. It sucks. It really sucks.
But you know, the emotionally mature response to not being able to afford something is to be like, well is there a way that I can save up for this? Something else I can cut out? And if the answer is no, then, unfortunately, sometimes, you just have to be left out. This is a fact of life.
Do you people also get bitchy with artists who charge commission prices that mean they can afford to live?
The comparisons of Watcher to non-network television streamers are laughable. Like, Watcher is absolutely not on the same level of operating profitability as other streaming services. They are an independent production studio that gives a shit about making content that they like to make and taking care of their employees and the other people who are associated with them. And in order for them to continue to make the stuff we like (Ghost Files, Puppet History, et al), we're gonna have to buy-in.
Seeing people say with their full chests that they should just fire people? Are you fucking hearing yourselves? Who should they fire? Their queer employees? The people who write and do sound and edit? The people who make Ghost Files or Puppet History look the way it looks? The people who are the reason the shows work?
And, I'm sorry, but if you think that the solution here is that they should just ... make worse shows, I don't even know what to say to you at all. Sorry that Steven and Ryan and Shane wanna do more than lifeless unsolved copies for the rest of their lives. Go watch fucking unsolved if you want that, watcher has always wanted to do more, do better, make bigger things. And you know what? They are for sure allowed to do that.
I am also utterly enraged by the racism. I cannot even imagine what it's like to be any Watcher employee of colour today, watching the hate and the cruelty roll in. Y'all are just fucking mean, and gross, and I hope you all walk on legos in the dark in bare feet.
Everyone who is acting like this is some fucking personal betrayal needs to go smoke a bowl or do a bong rip and chill the fuck out.
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valyrfia · 3 months
honestly going to sound bitchy when I say this, and while I don’t think OP should be getting hate for their takes, I also think it’s unrealistic to expect something that’s posting on a public forum to never break containment. Especially when their takes either make them sound like a hypocrite or like they honestly believe that any ships are happening IRL and not just a bit of fun within the fandom.
I personally don’t give a shit if someone finds my takes on Lestappen delusional, because let’s be real-it is. The same way all RPF is, no matter the ship. Because we don’t know these people. So I find it hard to judge others for their shipping because at the end of the day you’ve got to take a step back and realize this is all for fun, if we’re reading too much into an interaction, so what? If we’re pook-afing a grown man, what’s the hard? There’s a difference between RPF/shipping and the actual person going out to race every weekend. And personally, I’m more concerned with people that have trouble understanding and distinguishing between the two.
There is probably a less than 1% chance that Charles and Max are interested in each other in a romantic way, which is why all of my “theories” are simply for fun. And I can understand not wanting to interact with some of the more die hard fans, for any ship/fandom because they do tend to get a little too defensive of their favs. But I’m not okay with the suggestion that, Lestappen is somehow less morally okay than Carlando or Galex or whatever other ship because we’re Ken-afing a man. As if we any of the other ships are somehow more realistic.
Eh idk. I think we're all on tumblr to escape something and enjoy, and people have different boundaries to keep their peace that deserve to be respected. Just because someone criticises a certain ship and then requests that their opinion not be spread because they just don't have the mood nor the energy to discuss it doesn't make them a hypocrite, it just means they want to log on and enjoy what they enjoy without having to engage too critically with it. I don't think OP was saying that Lestappen is less morally okay (let's get one thing straight: all RPF is morally grey as hell but that's a different discussion), rather sharing their opinion of the ship as formed by their experiences–as I think they're entitled to do. OP didn't post it in any tags, and it only reached us because people sent it in.
Yeah I disagreed with their take, and expressed that and I stand by my points–but I have deleted and will delete my takes if it means sending discourse anons to a person who doesn't want it. I explicitly asked at the beginning of my reblog of thearchercore's original anon not to go send anons to OP because they set a boundary in their meta that they didn't want them, so it's just a bit annoying that then anons flood this person's inbox anyway and I get contacted and my username gets attached to all this disrespect and boundary breaking and I'm the one who has to apologise and I feel a little mortified. Just please respect people's boundaries, it makes everyone's lives much simpler.
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ultraericthered · 1 year
Love Live! Lanzhu Zhong Drama
Was recently looking at an old Reddit thread that discussed all the controversy and discourse that Lanzhu Zhong and All Stars Season 2 in general got back in 2020, and another newer one about Lanzhu that was made after Nijigasaki School Idol Club Season 2 had aired.
My take on All Stars!Lanzhu is that I love her conceptually, love her design and her costumes, love her songs and her performances, love her general personality and the potential she carried with her as a truly antagonistic force who could make a great nemesis and anti-hero character for a series where such characters are scarce...but I could hardly stomach the writing and handling of her character in Season 2 and the story decisions coming with it, I feel it was a ball dropping of epic proportions. And I know Lanzhu defenders are prone to saying "Oh, too many Love Live! fans aren't used to conflict and antagonists who act like assholes to their Best Girls and they just can't handle it!" But I'd argue that the problem with Lanzhu many had was never that she was a bitchy antagonist or that she created conflict; it was that her antagonism as written was horribly excessive and unbalanced and that the conflicts she created were bad, stupid, and ultimately meaningless conflicts that were not very believable and came to the detriment of several characters, Lanzhu included.
Lanzhu as a character fell into the same trap as Paul from Pokemon: Diamond & Pearl, Regina Mills from Once Upon A Time, and Katsuki Bakugo from My Hero Academia - she acts like a complete shitbag who is spoiled, entitled, and needlessly cruel to everyone, yet not only do we have to watch her suffer little to no repercussions for it, but the writing around her and in particular the writing for other characters gets distorted so that no one is allowed to respond to her realistically given what her behavior should warrant, and in fact, so many of them outright sing her praises and talk her up to high heaven, a way of hammering in "This character is the coolest, OK? Respect what they do well and overlook their more negative traits! Please love them and don't hate them!" Which is never a good sign and will more than likely have the opposite effect on many in the audience who aren't uncritical media illiterates. One Lanzhu fan on there put the authorial intent behind her and her arc in Season 2 into clear perspective - that she was meant to be a different sort of School Idol who, in the conflict with the Nijigasaki Club, was wrong for the right reasons, or who went about being right the wrong way, so that once the other girls gave her open acknowledgement to what she got right, she'd begin to back down from what she'd been doing wrong and open her mind and heart to becoming a better, less toxic person who could forge healthier dynamics with others - and good on them for getting that. On paper, that sounds like an interesting character with an interesting arc of conflict and growth. It doesn't change that execution is everything, and the game's writers were not talented enough to execute this with the grace and nuance it needed.
Now notice how I was talking about All Stars Season 2 there? 'Cause in Season 3, Lanzhu is a more tolerable, even likable character now that she's a member of the club and on friendlier terms with the other girls, and we got a lot more cute, funny, humanizing bits out of her. The problem with THAT is that it does not organically gel with the Lanzhu we got in early Season 2. The character we were introduced to back then was a cold-blooded, mean-spirited narcissist with entitlement and nepotism issues. Lanzhu's "redemption" that grows her into this nicer persona relies on the fact that she was all along just a lonely rich kid who wanted other School Idols to like her and be her friend, and that the Nijigasaki Club was her main inspiration to start with....which is absolute nonsense when you remember that she treated everyone in a hostile, unfriendly way from the offset and even treated the two friends she did have like crap, and that she explicitly wanted to destroy the Nijigasaki Club in order to replace it with her "superior" Association. This literally feels like seeing how Paul is like in Journeys coming off of DP, or seeing Regina Mills in Season 3 of OUAT coming off of Season 2, or even Dramatic Bakugo VS Interim Bakugo. This does not feel like precisely written, naturally flowing organic character development, but rather like one character switching out with an identical but substantially different character.
Then we have anime Lanzhu, who is written like Season 3 Lanzhu from the offset but used for a different sort of antagonistic arc where she's an actual rival and ideological opponent for the club and Yu in particular, one who is amiable, honorable, and respectful but also haughty, uncompromising, and with a sort of mean streak that, when provoked, can turn downright venomous. So when it comes time for her to change her tune and join the club, it's certainly easier to buy. But there's another secret to its success; the anime writers looked at All Stars Lanzhu's loneliness excuse, that she just wanted other School Idols to like her and be her friend, and flipped it upside down. Anime Lanzhu is still lonely, but she is in denial about it and is not asking for friends; in fact, she wants to keep others out and away from her. The ideology she subscribes to that idols work best as solo performers, can only ever be in competition with other idols, and need to get by without help from anyone else especially not their own fans who they're meant to lord over and soak up adoration from, is actually an elaborate way to keep herself distanced from other people because past experiences got her convincing herself that there could be no one out there who'd actually want to be her friend over merits not school idol-related and so it'd only be hurting herself to try to reach out and make friends. Her narcissistic elitist attitude and antisocial behavior makes sooooo much more sense this way!
Someday I'd love to see something come out with a Lanzhu that strikes an ideal medium between All Stars and the anime; one who plays dirty and acts as a "villain" with a right-headed point to make like the former, but while possessing the mentality and redeemable qualities of the latter. But as it stands, this meme sums Lanzhu up:
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dating, etc
dating an artist with genuine talent might be one of the most infuriating things in the world. not because he's entitled or because he's snobby, but because he's better than me. in nearly every sense of the world he is better than me and that fucking sucks. he's smart, talented, funny, artistic, has sort of okay social skills, is reassuring...need i go on. he's currently listening to me write this and butting in every five seconds saying "you're all of those things" and "you really, really are" and "you're fantastic" and everything under the sun that could be related to that sentiment. maybe he's right, but i will never be able to admit that to myself. if i were to, you'd have to torture it out of me. now, dear audience, why am i breaking my three day silence to complain about my relationship, you ask? well, because i can. sorry, that was bitchy. or maybe it wasn't, who really cares at this point? i think my brain actually hates me. my boyfriend just said that he thinks that i'm a genius. who's gonna tell him that i want to stab myself repeatedly in the eyes and ears and mouth and nose (head, shoulders, knees, and toes, if you will) until my brain—and all other related aspects of my anatomy—turns into mush.
"do you really think that dating me is infuriating?" "well, you're better than me so..." "no i'm not." "well i can't draw for shit so yknow." "well i can't write." "well kill yourself."
that last part did not happen, but it would be funny if it did. i think dryly telling people to kill themselves is peak comedy, i guess. anyway. love my boyfriend to death, but i wish that when i looked at the things that i do in comparison to the things that he does, i could say that i have as many accomplishments as him. how many times has this motherfucker had his work published in a (school) newspaper? many more times than me, that's for sure. i guess you could count my "poem" that i wrote in junior year that was later put into a book that was sold on amazon exclusively by my school's 2020 valedictorian published, but i honestly don't know if that counts. it's something, i suppose. i just wish that i could use the power that i have as a microcelebrity in the chicano journalism community's nepotism grandchild to my advantage when it came to writing and putting myself out there, but i honestly don't think the chicano journalism community wants to hear my depressing, disorder, dystopian bullshit. i don't even write about being chicano anymore because i don't even know if i count.
my boyfriend has been silent for some time, dearest audience. i think it's because i've been droning on and on and on about my shitty, boring life. i don't think that me reading my own fucking diary entry out loud is his idea of a good date. honestly, i think it sounds like a nightmare for all parties involved. too bad, so sad, my name is not brad, whatever whatever whatever. i'm going to go back to actually communicating with my boyfriend now, because i'm bored of writing and of thinking and of breathing and i want him to shower me in compliments that i will brush off while hiding my face in my hands because god forbid he knows i appreciate the words that he says to me. haha, that's a joke. i hope you guys don't think that i'm a total cunt to my boyfriend, i'm just autistic and have a personality disorder. maybe that will be the death of me and they can write on my gravestone "rip [redacted], the biggest cunt in southern california's sweaty ass crack". anyway. that's all i have to say now. goodbye, audience of very few.
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away-ward · 1 year
"I have to laugh 🤣 He got trauma and he still didn’t understand. Sometimes you have to wonder if Will is too dumb for emmy or just so self absorbed that he doesn’t care about her enough 😭"
Oof anon, your comment on will's reaction to his trauma and emmy's abandonment was really harsh 😅 I have read KO's post about will and i agree with his pov on the whole situation. Willemmy was flawed and i love that in nightfall we finally got to see a couple that actually destroy each other, rather than stupid misunderstanding like in corrupt and killswitch. At least when pd said em's gonna be the bitchier ones among the girls, she delivered, and i was here for it! She wasn't fully innocent (unlike rika), i ate that up!! I dont understand why we gotta read dark romance, expect only the MMC to ruck up, and suddenly had to paint em as this innocent girl or woman or something, as if she did not had a fair share to will's ruin? Wasnt this what you hated about what pd did to rika and winter (Other than their appearance and dull characterisation)? Because rika and winter didn't fully deliver their bitchy roles, but were always said that they hurt michael and damon a lot. But finally when we meet emory and we saw her hurting will, we wanna change up her characterisation now? Weird.
Now, as much as i like damon and emory's bond, it still doesnt take away the fact that damon was never always the best "friend" to her, we only saw some crumbs of them here and there, but even then, there were more interpretation than outright declaraction of friendship about these two in canon. It also doesn't take away the fact that damon was a fucking piece of shit to everyone, especially to rika banks and winter, and til this day, i still don't understand why rika got more hate essays than damon. Because if i fucking catch that mf damon, he'd be finished frfr. Just on the basis of all the things he had said to rika alone, made him deserving of execution, now if we add up all of his sins with rika, winter, michael, kai and will, i hope he never gets any happy ending in whatever afterlife he was thrown in, lmao! I'm annoyed at rika, but i fucking hate damon, alright and the hate towards him is so lesser than rika's, why? He was more insufferable than her though? Lets increase the damon hate too, bring back those incompetent damon torrance slander, because we know he fckn need and deserve lots of them.
And did i memtion that i was the anon that gave the unpopular opinion? Yeah, alright. The anon that replied to me had missed a lot of my points, but thanks KO for the intervention, and yes, your interpretation of my ask was similar to what i originally thought when i posted that long ask. I also agree 100% with KO that if i was emmy, i wouldve ditched will forever and never return to Thunder Bay, granted that i wouldnt even hangout with people like the horsemen and i hope i never will. But like i said, i wasnt emmy, you're not emmy, we werent emmy, so i/you/we cant say exactly whats best for her tbh. We can only have headcanons to fix whatever things we wanna fix from canon, and things we wish pd wrote instead, so yes, that's why i said it's a fan's wish fulfillment, but we'll not always get what we want. When you insisted about how pd should write something, you almost sound like how will must have sounded to emmy when he kept urging her to do something even when she didnt owe him anything. That's the kind of entitlement that i was talking about. It wasnt a great feeling right? Yeaaaah. Sounds harsh but yeah sometimes we dont notice that we mirror the same behaviour we criticise. Basically atp, just write our own fanfics. In one corner of my head, im able to accept canon, but in the other corner of my head, willemmy exist happily in love and were only with their companies, there arr no martin, aydin, alex, damon, or even michael, or kai to get in between them. The willemmy in my delulu mind just live happily ever after, and always choose each other above eveyrthing else. Not because pd wrote so, but because im delusional af and cant fully accept canon HAHAHAH 🤣☠️ we just gotta laugh at the pain brothers and sisters 🤞 it really be like that here in pendouglas land. Once this series slowly dies out from my mind, imma ditch this series and move onto something else. Something more fun. Other than that, I dont have much else to add to the conversation though so im ending it here. Thank you for your replies on my original post KO, i like to hear your thoughts on them, i also dont have anything to reply to your roelies of my ask.
Good day ahead to you and everyone!
Hey! Happy to hear from you again. I was wondering if you were going to respond or disappear.
Willemmy was flawed and i love that in nightfall we finally got to see a couple that actually destroy each other,
This is true, but I hadn’t really framed it this way in my mind before.
I’d still place most of the blame on Will for making assumptions and going forward as if those assumptions were fact. But I’ve talked before how I don’t feel Emory is fully innocent, like you said. People are allowed to act on emotion and make mistakes. But just because we understand and sympathize with the way Emory behaved doesn’t mean it wasn’t wrong, doesn’t mean she didn’t let her pride get the in the way.
Just because a snake bites you in defense, doesn't mean you're not going to die from it.
I love Emory. I love her for not being completely collapsing in the face of everything that happened to her. For having passions, despite all her obstacles. I love her for being angry and mean. My heart hurts when she acts out of desperation, because I can understand her just wanting. But that doesn’t mean she didn’t mess up. And loving someone even though they’ve made mistakes and messed up and were mean, I think, is not something to be ashamed of.
She wasn't fully innocent (unlike rika), i ate that up!! I dont understand why we gotta read dark romance, expect only the MMC to ruck up, and suddenly had to paint em as this innocent girl or woman or something, as if she did not had a fair share to will's ruin?
What if we had a genderbent Willemmy?
Sorry. That’s not directly related to what you said, but comparing how we treat MMC and FMC, I wondered if we would still be just as angry with Will if he were Willow and if Emory were Emerson, or something.
it still doesnt take away the fact that damon was never always the best "friend" to her, we only saw some crumbs of them here and there, but even then, there were more interpretation than outright declaraction of friendship about these two in canon.
Oh yeah, absolutely. The idea of them having a strong friendship is all HC, inspired by the last gazebo scene in NF when Damon gave her the canister; that he kept it safe for her. I couldn’t help but wonder what his plan for it was. It seemed like such an unusual, thoughtful thing for him to do, and my imagination just flew from there. Him defending her before and them working together after everything added to that.
KO for the intervention, and yes, your interpretation of my ask was similar to what i originally thought when i posted that long ask.
Okay, good. Sometimes I’m taking a stab in the dark as to what people are saying. Happy that I at least got the gist of where you were going.
We can only have headcanons to fix whatever things we wanna fix from canon, and things we wish pd wrote instead, so yes, that's why i said it's a fan's wish fulfillment, but we'll not always get what we want. When you insisted about how pd should write something, you almost sound like how will must have sounded to emmy when he kept urging her to do something even when she didnt owe him anything.
Yeah, in a way I get what you’re saying. Whether or not PD told the story they wanted to tell or let other people influence them, PD doesn’t owe each and every fan exactly what they want. And PD’s not the first author who didn’t deliver on what they promised.
I will say that a lot of people are upset by how much the other characters took over NF, and I can’t argue with that. I felt the same. But at a certain point, I have to accept that PD’s ideas for the character are not the same as mine, and that’s okay. They created the characters, and they own them, but they also haven’t stopped us from creating our own reality with them. In fact, on their website in that FAQ, they all but encourage us to continue living in the world as long as we want, telling ourselves the stories we want. They're not gatekeeping the characters.
In one corner of my head, im able to accept canon, but in the other corner of my head, willemmy exist happily in love and were only with their companies, there arr no martin, aydin, alex, damon, or even michael, or kai to get in between them. The willemmy in my delulu mind just live happily ever after, and always choose each other above eveyrthing else. Not because pd wrote so, but because im delusional af and cant fully accept canon
This is exactly how I approach Willemmy too! I never needed the author to tell me explicitly what happened to them because I just… filled it in myself?
Yeah, and maybe it is delulu of me. But I’m happy with it.
Once this series slowly dies out from my mind, imma ditch this series and move onto something else
I hope you escape the DN brain rot soon. If you don’t reach out again, it was nice speaking with you, and I hope your next fixation is fun, whatever it is.
0 notes
The Sommelier (Hannigram x Female!Reader) pt. 15
Hannibal gives y/n an idea and y/n negotiates.
@viviace @deadman-inc-bikeshop @dovahdokren
Trigger warnings: graphic descriptions of violence
Aftercare was Hannibal's favorite part of the evening. He loved to spend long, indulgent hours pampering his darlings. But usually, there was only one. And that was Will. And Hannibal's clawfoot bathtub, although beautiful, was not big enough for both of you at the same time. Meaning, you had to take turns.
You and Will argued back and forth about who was in more desperate need of aftercare; each advocating for the other, of course. That was Hannibal's fault, really. He should have known better than to ask you to make a decision.
Hannibal emerged from the bathroom, sleeves rolled up and arms soaked to the elbow. "Who is first?"
Before you could speak, Will shoved you forward. "She is."
Hannibal knew better than to let the argument go on, and so did you. You followed him into the bathroom, the smell of lavender bath salts filling the air.
He removed your fluffy robe and watched you step into the warm bath. The water was just hot enough to soothe the aches in your muscles. Hannibal took his seat at the end of the tub where you rested your head. You leaned back and submerged your whole body. 
“You have such soft hair.” Hannibal said, pouring a bit of expensive-smelling shampoo in his palm. 
“Thanks, I use fabric softener and tumble dry it on low heat.” You answered. 
“You have a hard time accepting compliments, don’t you?” He probed, beginning to lather the shampoo into your hair. “Between that and the self-deprecation, I’d say you suffer from low self-esteem.” 
You felt yourself melting into him. The hypnotic motions of his hands chipped away at your defenses. “Is that really that surprising?” 
“For such an intelligent, sophisticated young beauty?” Hannibal chuckled. “I am surprised you don’t understand your worth.” 
“If it makes you feel any better,” You offered. “The fact that a psychotic cokehead fundamentalist Christian cult leader wants me dead tells me I’m doing something right.” 
“You are a force of nature, my indulgence.” Hannibal assured you, still massaging your head. “But you don’t need me to tell you that. You already know your power.” 
That got you thinking. Would it be so bad to just find a hunting rifle and blow Chase Mulvaney’s head off? What was stopping you? It certainly wasn’t your conscious. All your remaining moral fiber had been ripped to shreds over the course of the last month. 
“Tell me something about yourself, Hannibal.” You said, leaning back.
“What would you like to know?” He asked, retracting his hands. He cupped his hands in the water and poured some over your hair. 
“Do you ever think about morality?” You said, bluntly. 
The question pleasantly surprised him. “Quite a bit, actually. I like to think of myself as a student of philosophy, which deals heavily with the subject of ethics, human behavior, and yes, morality.” 
“Do you believe morality is subjective?” you tilted your head. 
“There’s not a doubt in my mind about it.” Hannibal smiled. “Those who think otherwise usually exemplify some of the best arguments for subjective morality.” 
“Religious nuts like Chase Mulvaney.” You said. “He and millions of others believe in objective morality, but can’t even keep it consistent among themselves.” 
“Darling,” Hannibal whispered. “You don’t have to wait for aftercare to talk philosophy with me. I would be happy to do so anytime.” 
You spent a half hour in the bath, Hannibal stroking, kissing and cuddling you. As much as you wanted to enjoy the affection, your mind was elsewhere. Perhaps it was just a hyperfixation, or post-multiple-orgasm clarity, but the only thought in your head was that Chase Mulvaney had to die. 
Your train of thought was chugging along smoothly until it was derailed by the violent buzzing of your phone against the tile floor. You leaned over the side of the tub, trying to make out the contact name from across the room. 
Hannibal dried his hands on a nearby towel and picked the phone up from the ground. 
“Who is it?” You asked. 
“This number is logged into your phone as just a picture of a...red demon?” Hannibal answered. 
“Oh, yeah.” You dropped your head. “I’ll call her back, just let it ring out.” 
“Who’s the demon?” Hannibal chuckled. 
You stepped out of the bathtub and reached for a towel. “Just somebody I know from work. Probably calling about covering a shift or something.” 
“Would that be the same person who believed I was the devil?” Hannibal raised an eyebrow, watching you wrap the towel around yourself.
You were about to say yes, but caught yourself. “No. Just some lady I work with who always refused to share her tips with the buses. Super entitled, total pain in the ass. I’ve been looking for an excuse to tell her off.” 
“Well, we can’t keep you from that, now can we.” Hannibal cupped your cheek in his hand and looked at your face admiringly. “There should be a clean nightgown for you on the bed. Please tell Will I’ll be ready for him in a couple minutes.” 
“Wow, you really did think of everything.” You rocked back on your heels and swung to your tip toes to give him a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll let him know.” 
He kissed you back. “Thank you, my indulgence.” 
“Just one more thing.” You stopped in the threshold. “Could I please use your computer?” 
“I don’t see why not.” Hannibal looked up from the quickly draining tub. “By all means, what’s mine is yours.” 
You smiled and blew him a kiss before absconding into the bedroom. 
The nightgown he’d laid out for you had far more ruffles and lace than you’d consider appropriate for sleepwear, but it was comfortable and fit you well. 
You passed the message along to Will, but hurriedly. You were in a rush to be alone. You had some business to attend to.
You sat at Hannibal's desk, turned on his lamp and logged into your google drive on his computer. While you waited for the content to fully load, you scrolled through your contacts. When you found the demon, you pressed the green dial button.
It didn't take her long to pick up. "[F/N]! Finally, I've been trying to call you all night."
"Yeah, I know." You rolled your eyes. "Some of us have lives to live. Not that you'd know anything about that."
"No need to be snippy." She scolded. "I have an offer for you."
"If it doesn't involve a portion of ad revenue, I'm not interested." You shook your head. "I'm not settling for a flat fee while you make the real money off my experience. My goddamn trauma."
"Sounds like we woke up and chose bitchy today." She teased. "You're not even going to hear me out?"
"Freddie," you began, pulling up a document on the computer. "I happen to have a four-page, comprehensive statement of what happened that night right here. Half of it was cut out for the FBI report."
You could practically hear Freddie drooling already. "And?"
"I won't accept anything under $1200 for it." You finished. "Or 30% of all ad revenue on this article."
"That's not fair." She protested. "Best I can do is $750."
"You made ten times that off my first article." You leaned back in the chair. "Don't try to lowball me, Lounds, I can do this all night."
"Since when were you the assertive type?" She asked, deflecting the conversation.
"Remember when you told me my fifteen minutes of fame was running out and you were my only option to get my story out there?" You recalled.
"At the time, I was right." Freddie contested.
"That was before Chase went from a cokehead to a domestic terrorist." You said. "Now I actually can take it to a more reputable outlet."
"But here you are anyway." She said. "Extorting a small, woman-owned independent news site just for the hell of it. I've got bills to pay, y'know."
"With gaslighting like that, I'm sure they're astronomical." You rolled your eyes. Sighing, you propped your knees against the desk. "Look, I don't hate you, Freddie."
"I don't hate you either." She agreed. "I thought trashing each other was just our mutual love language."
"The only reason I'm considering TattleCrime at all is you." You admitted. "You're loud and unapologetic and it makes people listen to you. I need someone who can take the heat."
"Because you know that mainstream news outlets are going to cut your writing down to maintain the status quo." Freddie finished your thought.
You pursed your lips. "Exactly. You're the only one who's got the cajones to run the whole story."
"I'm flattered." She said, then paused. "If I move some things around, I can probably get you $1000."
You opened a new tab and typed some words into the search bar. You scrolled through the results, leaving Freddie without an answer.
"Hello?" She said. "[F/N]? Did I lose you?"
"How soon can you pay?" You asked.
Your phone buzzed. You had a notification from paypal. A thousand dollars from Fredrica Lounds.
"Right fucking now." She answered.
"You've got yourself a deal." You said, firmly. You typed out Freddie's email address and pushed send. "It's all yours."
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stevesnailbat · 2 years
Jen you're so right here and honestly should say it. In my opinions all her relationships (romantic or platonic) she ever had were semi toxic to some degree.
It never set right with me how she treated Barb before she went missing, like I would never leave my friend for some dude (sorry Steve I love you) especially if I had dragged them to a party where they were clearly uncomfortable.
Or even after Will was missing, she got pissed at Mike for "ruining" her date with Steve just because he was clearly upset about it. And I know her parents don't love one another but her being so bitchy to Mike when he was grieving his best friend was so out of pocket, she should be able to emphasize with her little brother.
Same goes for Robin, Nancy was so unnecessarily rude to her in the beginning, especially after Robin clearly asked her if she upset Nancy because she has trouble reading people. Nancy only tolerated Robin after she became necessary to her. Not to mention she treated Fred in a similar way, idk if they were friends but they way she talked down to him was icky.
What you said about Steve feeling inadequate for a while in that relationship is so true, before she started the whole bullshit speech he was already apologizing and he sounded so tired, as if they were constantly fighting. Him taking the blame for the break up and her letting him believe only he's at fault never fails to make me angry. She literally cheated on him (emotionally and for real because when she slept with Jonathan they weren't clearly broken up) but yes he is the shitty boyfriend. I'm just saying if the roles were switched people would constantly bring this up when discussing Steve as a character, they wouldn't even question if he cheated. I just hate that he, after almost two years, still loves the idea of her that she still has power over him when he deserves someone so much better, who isn't condescending, isn't insulting his intelligence and actually loves him.
Jonathan also deserves better, Nancy needs some serious self reflection before she thinks about dating. In my opinion she never grew as a character she's still the same person from s1 plus some trauma and the ability to shoot guns, but everything else, her entitlement and attitude towards others stayed the same. I don't know if it's poor writing or not. I wish other characters in the show would call Nancy out of her behavior, like I can't believe she manipulated everyone into thinking she's perfect and never wrong.
I'm sorry for this long message I just saw your post and it made me feel things lmao. It's frustrating to criticize her because people just jump down your throat and call you a misogynist, like the anon mentioned. And I get it, some people take it too far but blindly saying oh Steve deserved this treatment because of s1 Steve and she did nothing wrong with how things ended is just stupid on my opinion. Like do those people realize they dated for a year and Steve in s2 is nothing like s1 Steve? I'm sorry I will stop now lol.
i will just post this for everyone to hear because you have taken the words right out of my mouth about every nancy relationship 🤍 these are all true facts and i have nothing to add
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Your New Boss ~ KTH [M] [Request]
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GENRE: Fluffy, Non Idol! CEO AU, Smut, office smut, unprotected sex, fluffy smut,
PAIRING: Kim Taehyung x Fem!Reader 
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As vice president to the company that you worked for people would assume you'd be on time and organised for every day that came at you but today just wasn't your day. Normally you would be up earlier than you had to be, you'd have some coffee and a real breakfast but for some reason, the universe had it out for you today. There was a power outage in your small apartment quarter setting your alarm off and giving you no chance to charge your phone and to top all that off your car was refusing to start for you. As well as having a flat tire at the back, you slammed your head down against the steering wheel wanting nothing more than for this day to end. All you wanted to do was go back to sleep.
"This is just fucking magical!" You screamed sarcastically as you took your black faux leather side bag from the boot of your car before booting the wheel that was flat and storming off towards the closest bus stop. It wouldn't be so bad being late if it wasn't for the new CEO that was taking over the business. You had no idea what his name was but from what you heard he was a hard ass on everyone. The only reason he was even taking over was that your boss was retiring and leaving it to someone he barely knew.
"Here," An elderly man held out an umbrella for you as you reached the bus stop, you thanked him and held it above your head. The uniform you were wearing was suited for the pouring rain that had seemingly come out of nowhere on your walk over, it had been scheduled sun all day which was why you'd worn the skirt and white blouse. Not expecting to get caught in the rain leaving your shirt almost transparent and your legs freezing cold.
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"You're late, you're late for a very important date," Your junior worker said as she watched you scramble off the elevator,  it had been creaking the whole ride up. You'd think for a million-dollar company they would learn to upgrade their elevator.
"I know, power outage and then my car wouldn't start, then the traffic coming in-" You sat down on your desk chair feeling defeated in yourself. You were freezing in the clothes you were wearing, the one day you don't bring in a spare change of clothes would be today.
"Then to top off the rain." You hissed as your assistant came rushing over making you jump, he was a little jumpy himself but he plugged a small heater in for you before standing in front of you.
"Do you have this morning's business reports?" You nodded over at the bag and he reached for it, telling you how you were the one supposed to give a meeting this morning but instead, the new CEO took over.
"Oh shit, is he nasty? Think he'll fire me?" Panic raced through you at the thought of being fired, you'd worked so hard to get to the vice president you weren't about to lose it because today the Universe hated you.
"I don't think so, he seems rather nice actually. He has the nicest eyes as well you should-"
"Miss Y/l/n, you're requested in the head office." One of the bitchy females told you as she glanced you up and down, she licked her lips before leaving to go and giggle with her friends. You gathered the papers from your assistant who began watching you closely, you slipped on a pair of heels you kept under your desk before heading over to the main office cabin.
"This day can't get any worse, it just can't." You mumbled to yourself as you placed your hand on the door to the main office.
"Come in!" A voice sounded from inside that seemed strangely familiar to you, it was odd. There was something about the voice, you couldn't quite place where you knew it from but there was a feeling in your gut that made you not want to head inside.
"Sir, I would like to formally apologise- ah!" As soon as you walked through the door the papers you'd been carrying began to fly out of your hands and all around the floor of the room. Taehyung looked up from the piece of paper with your name on it and his mouth almost fell open, he had no idea that it would be you.
"Miss Y/l/n?" He called out as he continued to watch you bend down and pick up the pieces of paper that were scattered around his office floor. He sighed to himself and got up to close the window, the breeze had been relaxing to him until now.
"Sorry Sir," You mumbled still not knowing where you knew his voice but as soon as you turned around and came face to face with him you could have died. Coincidentally the day could have gotten worse and it just did. Taehyung's mouth fell open as soon as you locked eyes, it was you.
"Why are you late?" He wasn't going to waste time on pleasantries, he kept up his stern look as he sat down on his chair and looked over your file. There'd never been an incident with you being late before so he saw no reason for you to be late today, even before he was your boss he knew how strict you were on your timekeeping.
"Sir, I was-" You glanced at him, he was still the same person as he was before you broke up only to you he was someone who hurt you badly.
"There was a power outage in my apartment building, then my car wouldn't start and there was traffic. As you can see I've never been late in the past..." You trailed off your own words not wanting to ramble in front of him, there was no reason for you to ramble to someone like him.
"Hmm, how odd that it all happened on the same day. You must have some serious bad luck," He said with a giant smile on his face,
"Hmm, I'm starting to think so." You mumbled while staring at the floor,
"Sorry? What did you say?" You shook your head as you plastered the fakest smile you could manage onto your face,
"Nothing Sir," He hummed before going back to looking through your reports and files that you'd produced.
"For being late this morning I want you to play catch up, you'll be filling out reports all week." He shut the folder and turned to look up at you, his eyes locking with yours.
"Before you leave, I run a strict business here. You'll have to change into something more appropriate for the workday. A white see-through shirt just isn't right for business." Your arms slowly folded over your chest as you grew insecure of him seeing all of this again,
"Yes Sir, won't happen again." He nodded to you and you turned to walk out of the door,
"Another thing," Your hand rested on the door handle of his office door, you turned to glance over your shoulder at him and his demeanour had changed now. His eyes seemed to have softened as he watched you closely.
"I don't want our past to disrupt our working environment-" You scoffed rolling your eyes at how unbelievable he was acting right now. He was still just the same entitled, can do no wrong guy he was before.
"What you mean is, you don't want me running around and tell everyone what you did to me." You snapped coldly as you turned to face him again, it was evident that you weren't going to leave the room just yet if this topic was being brought up for discussion.
"What I did to you?" He put the emphasis on the 'You' as he spoke, he raised himself from his desk and placed his palms flat on the table as his demeanour changed back to someone that was cold and cruel.
"What did I exactly do to you?" Your weight shifted from one foot to the other as you tried to match his cold stare but nothing could compare to his.
"The cheating for starters, all the women you were seeing behind my back but don't worry Sir. I won't let anyone know, I wouldn't want them knowing I snooped so low to date someone like you," He began shaking his head the moment that you told him he was seeing women behind your back,
"It's not true. Why would I ever cheat on you?" He was trying to get across to you that there must have been some kind of misunderstanding but you weren't going to stand here and battle it out with him. It was in the past now and that was all that mattered to you,
"I won't let anyone know about our past, it's something I wish I could forget also." You mumbled sarcastically as you stormed out of the room making sure to slam the door behind you as you headed for your desk.
"What happened? You look like you've seen a ghost." Your assistant was worried Taehyung might have said something that had upset you but it wasn't true...Almost wasn't true.
"Can you just go and buy me a new shirt please, I feel exposed." You were handing him your purse trying to get him out of your hair, if you spoke about it even a little it would bring back all of those feelings again and leave you crying on the floor.
"Right away ma'am." He could sense there was something you didn't want to talk about so he headed out of your way while you sat at your desk contemplating the decision of quitting. You'd worked so hard all these years to have your ex come above you and potentially ruin everything for you.
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"Do you want a lift back? I can drive past your apartment," Your assistant said to you later that night as you sat at your desk. Your heels were kicked off under the desk and you were at with one foot under yourself while you tried to stay away to finish the reports.
"No, it's alright. I have overtime tonight. I'll see you tomorrow though," You mumbled to him as he walked behind you and left. The rest of your floor was empty except for a few of the cleaners and of course Taehyung who was observed to make sure you did the overtime like you were supposed to. The words on the pieces of paper were all starting to blend together and make less sense the longer you stared at them, it was infuriating to do.
"Here," A mug of coffee was slipped onto your desk by Taehyung. He was already starting to feel guilty for making you do overtime but he didn't want people in the company to think he was picking favourites. You had to be tough in this company or it would chew you up and spit you back out. Glancing at the cup you ignored it and continued on with working not wanting to take anything from him, you didn't even want to be in the same room as him.
"You're free to go as soon as this report is finished and on my desk. You'll be doing overtime all week and you have a meeting on Friday." He slammed another folder full of reports on the desk before storming out of the building leaving you alone with the cleaners who had all turned to see what was happening.
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The week continued on just like that, snide remarks being made by you in direction of him and Taehyung piling more work onto your desk with the excuse that, 'It was your job.' Later nights meant less sleep and less sleep meant you weren't pumping out the best of work but it was finally Friday night which meant you could go home and get away from him for the weekend.
"Drinks tonight?" A lady from your office questioned as she walked up behind your chair and began shaking it playfully,
"Erm I'd love to-" Your eyes looked behind her to see Taehyung watching you, he was sitting against his chair with his eyes dead on you.
"I have work to finish, next week?" The girls all began leaving and you were alone in the office with Taehyung again. Luckily for you, there was a large wall keeping you both apart but it wasn't large enough to your liking. You could still feel his eyes burning into the back of your head as you worked on the papers you were doing.
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Taehyung wasn't in his office which meant you had about two seconds to get the report put on his desk and get into the elevator so you wouldn't have to face him. You dropped the papers down on the desk and began sprinting your way over to the lift, sliding inside and leaning back against the cold wall as you breathed a sigh of relief. Managing to avoid him all week had been difficult but you'd managed by sending your assistant in to give him or ask him for things. Or leaving whenever he wasn't around. There was no reason for you to talk to one another and you wouldn't have to feel hurt by him whenever you looked at him anymore.
"Y/n! Hold the door!" You scrunched your face together hoping the door would close as quickly as possible as he continued to yell your name out and begged you not to let the doors shut. The doors were so close to closing, you were almost free when his long shoe stuck in the door to open them again. The tension quickly began to grow awkward as he stood inside with you,
"Didn't you hear me calling?" You shook your head not wanting to admit you'd been hoping to get away from him. You just hoped that the elevator would move as quickly as possible but you seemed to move one floor and it began rumbling and it sounded as though it was about to fall apart.
"S-Shit," You whimpered your hand gripping onto the bar behind you, Taehyung glanced at you with panic in his eyes. He knew how badly you hated confined spaces and being trapped inside of an elevator probably wasn't what you had in mind for a fun Friday night.
A loud crunch sounded and the elevator jolted to a stop before the lights began to flicker out plunging you and Taehyung into complete darkness.
"I'll push the emergency button." Taehyung went to move but the elevator made another creaking sound so you gripped onto his wrist not wanting him to move.
"S-Stop, what if we fall?" He shook his head at you, he could tell just how frightened you were but there was nothing to be afraid of.
"We're okay, the ropes and wires will be fine it's just the power outage...Remember, they've been happening all week." You knew he was doing his best to keep you calm but it didn't help you at all. You slowly let go of his wrist so he could call someone but the button did nothing, it just seemed to push in and not do a thing.
"I don't have my phone it's up in my office," He whispered as he looked over at you, you were showing him your dead phone battery as you slowly slid down the back wall.
"We'll either start moving soon or someone will come to get us it's okay." But this was far from okay, this was all things not okay because you were stuck in here with your ex-boyfriend who was now your boss.
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Time seemed to be passing by slowly, neither of you was sure of what the time actually was but you could have sworn you'd been in there for two days - which was impossible someone would have found you.
"We could talk you know, save us sitting in silence." He was sitting across from you on the opposite wall, his shirt was untucked with the top three buttons undone looking as immaculate as he always did. His brown curls were a mess from all of the times he'd been running his fingers through it and he'd even put his glasses on. Something he used to do whenever he got headaches from what you could remember.
"What should we talk about?" Your eyes were locked onto the ceiling, you didn't want to make eye contact with him as you spoke but you had to admit this was better than sitting there doing nothing.
"We could talk about why you think I was cheating on you..." You looked at him with raised eyebrows, pulling your knees into your chest.
"I don't think you were, I know you were." He rolled his eyes at you as he tried to move closer to you,
"Y/n. I love you I would never do something like that...Why would you think that?" Taehyung's words were buzzing around in your head as you tried to focus on them, the one constant thing was that he said 'loves' you and not loved past tense. Taking in a deep breath you tried not to think about the way your heart was pounding rapidly, at the way your body longed to be closer to him for this.
"I saw you with those other girls, I saw the way they flirted...T-The way you touched them," He shook his head as you fumbled over your words, none of it had been true. He would never do something like that to you, he couldn't stand hurting you.
"None of it was true, I was seeing a lot of girls towards the end because I was getting something for you...A lot of them were private jewellers." Your brows knitted together as he spoke to you, denying everything you thought to be true this last year. Taehyung could see how confused you were so he began to reach into his pocket,
"I take it everywhere I go, it reminds me of you and how much I'll always love you." There it was again. Love. Present tense.
"Tae-" He cut you short by pulling out a small navy blue box, he popped it open to reveal a silver chain with a ring around it.
"It's like a promise ring...only for adults and not teenagers. I wanted to make it perfect so it-"
"Has the date we met engraved," You whispered as you saw the date etched into the outside of the ring with enough space beside it to add another date to it.
"So you weren't cheating on me..." He shook his head slowly,
"But you let me walk out," You whispered to him as he crawled to sit next to you, he looked at your hands wanting nothing more than to reach out and take it into his own. He knew you were single, he'd been asking your scrawny looking assistant everything he could about you and he knew you hadn't dated anyone since.  
"I didn't want you to hate me by trying to force you...I-I figured you'd realise I would never-" He was cut off when you suddenly, out of nowhere, began kissing him hungrily. Your hands working their way into his brown curls as you pulled him to face you, he hummed against your lips moving his hands to your waist.
"W-Wait, what are you doing?" He questioned part of him not wanting the kissing to end but the other part of him confused as to what was happening.
"I love you too...I-I thought you were cheated and I- I've never stopped loving you." Those were the only words he needed to hear from you as he brought you into another hungry kiss, you took control by sitting on his lap and smirking as you felt him bite down on your lip.
"As needy as ever." You whispered as you began kissing down his jawline and towards his neck, his aftershave was still the same. It made your body lurch forward as you ground your hips down onto his pants, you could feel just how much he needed you. He let out a whimper as you ground down and you giggled,
"I love you," You whispered to him as he cupped your chin in his hand and forced you to look into his eyes.
"I love you too," He mumbled bringing you into a rough kiss, his hands moving the edge of your skirt up as he pushed his palm along the inside of your thigh. Letting out a loud gasp as his thumb brushed along the outside of your core through your underwear you looked at him, begging him silently to take you then and there but the lift jolted and the lights flickered on.
"My office," He ordered as you stood up to straighten yourself out.
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Once out of the confined space reality began to seep into you about what you were doing with Taehyung. How you'd practically pounced on him without a second thought but your body didn't care. You still wanted him badly so you raced to his office with him. He drew the curtains shut around the small window that looked out over the offices while you looked out at the city view.
"It's beautiful," You whispered as you stared out at all the nightlife. The lights on all the buildings were the only thing lighting up the top half of the sky, it was lovely. Taehyung stood behind you while watching you instead of the view,
"It's the second most beautiful view for me," You groaned at how cheesy he was being and looked down at the floor not wanting to show him how shy he still managed to make you.
"Don't hide from me," He whispered standing behind you and placing his hands on your waist, your breath hitched as soon as he touched you.
"You're beautiful," He whispered as he leant down to put a long kiss on your neck making you whine out at the feel of it.
"I missed the way you sound," He admitted as he continued to leave small kisses on your skin. Biting down softly as he pulled you closer to him. He was still hard for you which made you weak at the knees,
"You like this baby? You like the way I touch you?" You couldn't fathom the words to speak quite yet so you pushed your ass back against him and gasped feeling how hard he was.
"Want you," Was the only thing you could manage to say while rolling your hips back,
"Want you inside." You whispered but he cocked his head to the side and decided to tease you as he sucked on your neck.
"You want me inside? Inside where?" He ran his hands down your body, lifting up the tight pencil skirt that had been teasing him all week. Then his thumb came into contact with your wet panties,
"You're so wet Y/n, did I do this to you?" You nodded weakly and he smirked pushing the edge of your panties to the side as he began to rub harder on your exposed clit.
"Say it, I want to hear you say it." He whispered as he began rubbing roughly on your clit, teasing one finger at your entrance but never once pushing it into you.
"I want you inside of me, I want you to make love to me on the desk." You panted heavily, moaning out at the smallest of touches.
"Good girl," He praised spinning you around so fast you didn't have time to comprehend what was happening until you were placed onto the edge of the table.
He had a cocky smirk plastered across his face as he sunk down in front of you, looking up into your eyes as he placed a small kiss on your clit.
"Taste so much better than I remember," He wasted no time in teasing you and dipped his tongue into you. Moaning against you as he could feel you clenching around his tongue.
"Oh shit." You let out a high pitch yell as your hands pushed into his curls, pushing him closer to your core as you bucked against him, whimpering as he continued to eat you out on the desk.
"Look at me," He ordered as your head rolled back, you hissed as he pushed two fingers into you and chuckled.
"So tight, has no one fucked this pretty little cunt?" You shook your head, you'd not slept with anyone since the moment you left. It was always going to be him you would let touch you, no one else.
"T-Tae please, I'm close." You panted as he continued to push his fingers in and out of you, curling them as he pushed them knuckles deep. The room was starting to feel like it was spinning each time he thrust his fingers into you.
"You want to cum all over my fingers?" You nodded pathetically and he chuckled kissing up to your ear as he continued to fuck his own fingers to you.
"So fucking tight, cum all over my fingers then angel." You whimpered hearing him whisper into your ear, you bit down on his shoulder bucking against his fingers to drawer yourself closer to the edge.
"Ugh, shit- T-Taehyung!" You cried out feeling a warm sensation rise through your body before white clouded your vision. Cumming all over his fingers as he continued to pump them in and out of you. Staring into your eyes as he slowly pulled them out and sucked them clean.
Seeing this you went to slide off the desk to return the favour but he shook his head, unbuckling his trousers as he looked at you.
"N-Need to feel you around me." You smirked this time, seeing how desperate he became within a matter of seconds.
"Then take me." You slowly spread your legs for him on the desk and he gulped looking at how wet you were, your cum still dripping from your folds and he grunted. Reaching out to run his fingers through your arousal before coating himself in it. Pumping himself slowly as he grunted out your name,
"S-Shit baby...I don't- I don't have any-" You shook your head at him as you knew what he was going to say,
"I'm on the pill." As soon as the words left your mouth it was like something took over him and he slowly pushed himself into you. Your nails dug into your shoulders as you whimpered out his name.
"T-Taehyung i-it hurts-" It'd been so long since anything like this had happened for you, he kissed you lovingly.
"I know Y/n, I'm sorry." He pulled back out before sliding back in moaning as he felt your walls tighten around him.
"Even tighter than before," He grunted as he kissed you again, holding onto your hips as he continued with the slow thrusts into you not wanting to hurt you.
"F-Faster," You panted as your back arched forward into him. His eyes scanned over the white shirt and all he could picture was Monday morning when your shirt was wet, he ripped your shirt open and smirked seeing a black bra.
"So fucking hot." He hissed as he buried himself deep into you, freeing you from your bra and throwing your ripped clothing somewhere in the room.
"Argh fuck." You whimpered as he began tugging and twisting on one nipple while biting softly on the other. He had you in the palm of his hands and he knew it.
"T-Taehyng faster please." You begged him so he began to piston his hips forward, bringing you closer to the edge of the table to pick up his speed. Thrusting in and out of you quickly while you let out screams of his name and curse words.
"J-Just like that!" You cried out as he reached down to play with your sensitive clit again. Tugging it between his fingers and rubbing it roughly.
"Oh god, Tae!" You screamed out as he continued to thrust into you, you clenched around and he grunted.
"B-Baby d-don't," He stuttered out as his hip movements began to stutter, every clench as bringing him closer to his own release and he didn't want this to end.
"W-Want you to cum." You whimpered out to him as his rhythm picked up again, hitting your hilt every time making your eyes roll back.
"Y-You first princess," He chuckled watching the way your eyes rolled back as he hit you in just the right spot. You clenched around him a couple more time before moaning out his name loudly, so close to your second orgasm you wanted to push him away from the over-stimulation but pull him back and never let him stop.
"S-Shit I-I'm cumming." You whimpered as he pushed into you roughly one last time, making your core clench around him and released onto his cock. His hips jutted as he let out a growl from his lips, holding you in place as he filled you up. You whimpered feeling some of it drip out of you already but he held himself inside of you. You convulsed a little and he chuckled pulling out slowly before cupping your face in his hands and smiling at you.
"I love you so much Y/n," He pulled you into a loving kiss but you pulled away,
"I love you too," Your voice came out hoarse from all the yelling and you whimpered laying back against the desk not caring that you were laid on stacks of ruined papers.
"Am I off the hook for being late now?" You laughed as he pulled you up and wrapped his blazer around your body, he chuckled at you.
"You're only off the hook if you come back to mine tonight. I want to wake up with you in my arms, cook you breakfast...Like old times." He whispered as he pushed his head into the crook of your neck and kissed softly.
"Of course," You whispered back to him as he pulled you down from the desk, laughing softly as you whined out desperately. You suddenly felt empty when his seed left your body and he rolled his eyes at you, promising to do it again when you got back to his place if you behaved yourself on the ride home.
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Tagline: @fluffyjoons​ @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @fan-ati--c​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @rjsmochii​ @bisexualmess007​ @sw33tnight​ @sweeneyblue1​ 
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549 notes · View notes
hqcult · 3 years
PERFECT ## oikawa tooru
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the air of perfection surrounding you makes him sick. you're worse than the geniuses he hates
. tw misogny, predatory behavior, smut, noncon/dubcon, slight dacryphilia, corruption kink, fingering . wc 1.2k
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before his flight to argentina in a few months, oikawa made it a hobby to swing by his alma mater. 
iwa's too busy and he can't possibly bother his best friend when he's working so hard in college. so oikawa tooru goes alone. sometimes, he comes in early while the team's still there. maybe he'll even join matches for fun — coach irihata still has a soft spot for him, apparently. 
but most of the time he comes when the gym is empty; when there's an absence of the squeaking shoes and the ricocheting balls. it never fails to make his heart swell in nostalgia. ah, how he’ll miss this place terribly once he moves to argentina. 
something did change, though. 
oikawa wouldn't call it drastic but the first time he crashed their practice, he was all but pleasantly surprised to see the new aoba johsai manager. 
you were a pretty thing and the boys adore you a lot. you didn't look the type to apply as manager just to score an athlete boyfriend nor did you seem to have any other objective other than taking care of the team. oikawa can say as much because he could see how the new captain looks at you and the way you purposely try to keep things platonic. friendly. you don't let yahaba, or anyone in the team, go the extra mile for you.
and the fact that you can miraculously keep kyoutani in check is the cherry on top. while the said player is still rough around the edges, he learned how to listen to you and the last time kyoutani ever listened to anyone was months ago, when iwaizumi was still in the team. 
team morale is high when you're there to support them on the sidelines. in your white and turquoise tracksuit yet still managing to look attractive. yahaba's got quite the patience, if oikawa do say so himself. 
you were like some sort of goddess to them. it's sickening how dewy-eyed his ex-teammates would get whenever you smile and hand them their water bottles. it was too good to be true. you were too good to be true. there has got to be some sort of conspiracy behind this whole ordeal. 
"oikawa-san, i didn't think you'd be here at this hour."
he turns around at the sound of your voice. there you stood in casual clothes, hair tied up and face bare. with the harsh angles the moonlight created together with the poor lighting of the gym, you look normal. not an air of that perfection he’s always seen circulating around you. 
"how did you get in? only yahaba and i have the keys."
you saunter closer and it wasn't a wise move on your part. while you have aoba johsai as the same denominator, the alumnus was still practically a stranger. quick exchanges of acknowledgments aren't exactly sufficient to get to know someone. let alone be friends with. but you never once thought any of that. how naive.
he smiles as you finally stood next to him. you can't help the slight dread pool in your stomach at the sight of it. with his tall lean frame that can easily overpower you, the smile looked more ominous than friendly. 
"bold of you to assume i gave the keys back. why do you think shigeru had to duplicate them again for you?"
you didn't see it coming, the arm oikawa slings around your shoulders before pulling you flush against him. you would've lost your balance if you hadn't clutched the lapels of his coat. 
"can it be…" his plush lips graze the shell of your ear as he whispers. "our little secret, cutie?"
warning bells are going off in your head. it tells you to run and stay the fuck away from him but you did nothing of the sort, had only forced a polite smile and swiftly ducked around to get his arm off you. 
this is oikawa tooru we're talking about. 
yeah, you know he's quite the ladies man but you doubt he'd go... that far, especially if he knows the person's uncomfortable. not to mention, you're part of the volleyball team! you're managing his past team. surely, maybe, the familial bond extended to you too despite only joining their little family this year. you were just being paranoid. you were reading into it too much. 
"uhm, yes. of-of course."
oikawa does have to admit, seeing little miss perfect stutter and avert her eyes from him did wonders to his ego. well, now you don't look anything like the goddess his ex-team worships. you're not exuding the same level of confidence or reliability that you always carry yourself with. you look unsure of yourself. powerless in the face of real dominance. 
"why are you here?"
"i…" is it really wise for you to say why? "i forgot the team's record notebook in the girl's locker room. i need to pass a summary of it to coach tomorrow.”
oikawa smiles, eyes comically lighting up in excitement before slinging a heavy, oppressive arm around you again. "ooh, i'll come with!"
you walk with shoulders slightly folded in and the ex-captain likes you like this. all meek and submissive. he daresay you look prettier compliant and not like a self-entitled princess who thinks she shouldn't bother being romantically involved with an athlete. he still thinks you were bitchy and idiotic for friend zoning yahaba of all people. he thought you should be very thankful for getting noticed by his junior. 
but oh well, at least oikawa gets to have a go. 
to witness firsthand what the fuss about you is all about.
you wanted to shrug his arm away and he knows that but he won't do it. the fact that you're struggling to even speak up about it makes him smirk. see, now you know your place. as you should. sometimes, girls like you who get silly little ideas in their head should be reminded of where they truly stand in the food chain. oikawa is more than glad to be the one reminding you. 
you told him to wait outside while you sauntered into the girls' locker room and oikawa smiles that innocent smile before nodding. 
a prey really shouldn't have turned her back on a predator.
just as you picked up your blue notebook on the bench, the resounding lock of the door clicking shut sounded too loud in a closed-off space. "oikawa—'
"you know, i'd really appreciate if we drop formalities. i think screaming tooru while i fuck you sound way better. makes things more intimate, dontcha think?"
he was onto you before you even got the chance to turn around. the notebook you were holding drops to the ground as he grabs hold of your wrists, his leg swiping at your ankles to tackle you to the ground. he's quick. the floor is hard and cold when your back crashes into it. you wince, the shock of what's happening yet to register in your system. never before thinking that this sort of thing will happen to you.
oikawa isn't as cruel or disgusting as you think. you were both legal adults. he knows. after all, he was there when the team decided to throw you a surprise birthday party on your 18th. he was also there from around the corner, eavesdropping when yahaba pulled you aside and confessed his feelings to you and you had the fucking audacity to turn him down. 
he doesn't want to call this revenge, not when he'd still do it whether or not shigeru had confessed. 
you were from a different breed of people. worse than geniuses. you are so disgustingly perfect in every sense of the word that it's so fucking unfair. it fueled jealousy more severe than he ever felt from tobio or ushiwaka. 
because people aren't perfect. people aren't meant to be perfect. even oikawa himself is far from it so why should you be any different from him? you're nothing special. you're ordinary just like him. you don't deserve it. you're not even working hard enough like oikawa to fucking deserve it!
you were red in the face when he took a good look at your pinned form underneath him. your eyes are glossy but held fierce contempt as you meet his gaze, your lips sealed shut in a straight line. you were trying to hold yourself back from crying and it only fuels the fire of his anger. 
"what, think i'm not worth your tears?" he growls, a hand coming up to pull your hair. he sits atop you, his legs pinning yours down as he straddles your hips. "think you're so high and mighty that you won't cry for your oh so dependable oikawa-san?" he purposely makes his voice high-pitched like a girl, copying you spitefully. 
"that’s fine, i can give you a real reason to cry."
he rips your flimsy shorts off and ogles at your cute panties. pink with little bows? how innocent. 
his large hand covers your mouth, the heavy pressure keeping your head in place as his other hand cups your sex. the heat of his palms makes you squirm. already simulating the sensitive nerves and you poorly try shaking your head in denial. because no no no your body shouldn't be enjoying it!
"ou're a real piece of work, (name)-chan," he starts, voice conversation as he nudges your underwear aside, the flat of his thumb drawing lazy circles against your bare clit. "why pretend you don't like it? it's okay to accept pleasure from ordinary people like me. you're plain and average at best too, you know."
with both his hands occupied, you can freely try pushing him away but it's futile. he's too strong and your head is starting to ache with how hard he's pressing it against the floor. 
his blissful expression peeves you out entirely. he doesn't look regretful in the slightest. "you should really get off of that high horse, cutie. stop pushing me away. silly little girls like you belong like this, underneath a capable and powerful man to protect you."
you pant, the ministrations on your clit too good but you don't let it blind you. 
"fuck yo—"
but oikawa doesn't let you finish. he swoops in for a kiss, a hand holding your jaw firmly in place so you can't bite him. a particular hard nudge on your clit makes you gasp instinctively and his tongue invades your mouth. he's a good kisser. so damn skilled from all the girls he's kissed before you. maybe if circumstances had been different, you'd have butterflies in your stomach. 
"aw," he coos against your lips. "i see. little miss perfect wants me to fuck her? how cute."
you thrash and squirm, a pathetic sneer on your face as he holds you down with ease. all it takes is one firm hold against your shoulder as he nibbles on your neck, kissing and suckling at your skin until they turn purple and red. he placed them in positions he knows you can never cover even with the official aoba johsai uniform. why would you cover them anyway? you should wear his hickeys with confidence! it's the one evidence to show he even bothered himself with you so you should be grateful to him!
"let go of me, you jer—!"
"i don't think i'll suck on your tits today, cutie. no time. let's get to the fucking already then, yeah?" 
you absolutely hate his voice. it's the signature high-pitched and childlike tone partnered with that goofy smile of his. a facade he always wears when dealing with other people. a show he's mastered to an artform. he looks awfully unbothered by how wrong this is and it chills you to the bone. 
"i told you it's tooru!" he whines, pouting. "how many times do i have to tell you?"
panic seizes you when his ankles hook around your legs to force them open. he hears none of your pleas and shoves two long fingers up your pussy. there's a slight stinging feeling as he looks for that one spot that'll make you succumb, make you admit defeat. 
"if you want my dick inside this pussy you better call me by my given name or you won't cum, baby girl~" he says in a sing-song tone.
"who the fuck told you i wanted your—shit."
your toes curl and your back arches when his fingers grazed around a certain area. you didn't have time to feel betrayed by your body's reaction as the man on top of you chuckles condescendingly, angling his fingers so he hits the spot in every single thrust. "you like that, don't you? you like what my fingers are doing."
"no?" oikawa repeats, measured. with a flick of his wrist, he has his thumb pressing firmly against the sensitive nerves of your puffy clit again and he watches you writhe, lose yourself to pleasure, moaning and whining so wantonly under him. "but cutie, i don't think that's what your body is telling me."
you cringe in disgust when his hot tongue laps at the falling tears in your eyes before whispering against your ear. breathy, and desperate, and ever so patronizing. you don't hear the zipper of his pants going down, nor did you realize he wasn't even bothering to hold you down anymore. good. that's a good start. baby steps, oikawa thinks. for someone who sat in a make-shift throne worshipped by hormonal teen athletes for so long, serving the one great king will be a huge reset for you. 
when he enters, it's a tight fit. of-fucking-course you're a virgin. always staying true to that little miss perfect reputation, huh? sweet and gorgeous but humble and demure. you probably had the same shitty old school belief of staying pure 'till marriage. it makes him harder, makes his length throb and ache with the desire to taint, to soil, to fuck you until that good girl image is stripped away and all you can think about in every waking moment of your useless life is your tooru's big fat cock. your pure lips only producing the most sinful of words to satiate his deepest desires—"fuck me hard, tooru!" "make me your whore, tooru!" "i want to feel all of you, tooru!" "i want your cock so bad, tooru! please please please!"
your longing cries of defeat, the lewd sound of skin slapping, oikawa's pornographic moans—it's a wicked symphony crafted by prodigies. "go on, cutie. cry for me. cry, and cry, and cry, 'til you don't have anything left inside you but your sorry tears and my cum!"
little miss perfect? no. you're his little cockwhore.
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starseed-twenty · 4 years
Sun Sign culture
(Based on typical and underlying traits each sign has)
Aries Sun - very self-reliant and don't like to depend on people - thinks/cares for themselves first, then another person - voices their opinion after sensing the vibe - high belief in their opinions - patient but gets irritated/annoyed rather quick - quick to fall in love if you look 'perfect' - confident & assertive at conversing - can be irrational (won't think things through), especially if faced with an annoying or uncomfortable situation - charming, but would rather chase you/lure you in than get chased - extreeemely loving & will do almost anything for you if they are deeply in love with you
Taurus Sun - likes to keep a small circle of trusted people - number one sign to love anything beautiful to do with the senses (nice smells, delicious tastes, amazing views, beautiful sounds, soft touches) - reserved and more often than not, will do things because it's allowed/supposed to be done that way - very skeptical of taking risks or making things that could mess up - dislike doing things that are out of order / disrespectful - very patient, but will come at you like a bull if you hit their last nerve - very lowkey about their emotions but they feel them - extreeemely supportive if they love you and care about you - feel very good about making their loved ones / parents proud - can be pretty lazy but since they love relaxing, if it's something they're supposed to be doing they'll get it done in order not to be stressed Gemini Sun - full of ideas / stories / random thoughts - likes to share their opinions around the right people - sometimes shy, but most times not too scared to share some of the weirdest or craziest thoughts that go on in their head - tends to relate or be relatable to many situations - pretty humourous and intellectual/wise - not to be confused with smart tho, because they can make dumb decisions sometimes lmao - the type to laugh at their terrible situations then look for a way forward, unless it is deep then they pour it out alone - many may say they're two-faced when actually it's just that they easily adjust/adapt to new environments and say the latest thing that comes to their mind - pretty generous and accommodating (making them great hosts) - actually really caring and loyal if they love you, but you'll have to be able to keep up with their crazy minds and have fun with them Cancer Sun - not as emotional as you think, but quite sensitive - they loove honest and genuine people (people who are real with themselves) - as much as they love their home, they also love to have fun! - they just want to be treated like kings / queens (highly respected and loved) - dislike flaky/not too serious/hard to pin down people - can be shy but surprisingly can also say blunt things about themselves - they truly respect themselves more than anything - randomly super goofy sometimes - very tender, loyal and caring once you really get to know them and they love you (not off the bat, but once you seriously get to know them) - MOODY AS HELL - super smart! Leo Sun - the most generous people you'll ever meet - only really selfish if they really want what you're asking for - caring but have a loott of pride - always do things by how they feel in the moment - have a really chilled, cool vibe to them - like to showcase their best assets, you'll barely know their insecurities (unless they joke about them) - one of their major goals is just living the luxurious life and having the finer things - like to get touchy when they like you - they fall pretty hard when they're deeply in love - very confident internally but also have a sensitive ego so don't diss them too much unless you're lightly joking around Virgo Sun - some of the most smart/intellectual people - always want things to be done and said right - really dislike people having control over them, they appreciate helpful people but not bossy ones - they are also very helpful people who like doing things for others - will most likely cater to you and be your little servant if they're super in love with you (not a literal servant, but just devoted to you and pleasing you) - really dislike aggressive loudmouths and ignorant/arrogant people - actually happen to find sarcastic and witty people interesting - some are pretty boring and some are super hilarious, it honestly varies lol - clean, well-prepared spaces / things that are not too cluttered make them impressed - have a thing for criticizing certain things, they can't help it sometimes - pretty shy and goofy when they like you, then open up bit by bit Libra Sun - they are all about positivity and fun vibes - really smart thinkers but you won't tell cause they're good actors - really talkative and funny once you get to know them - hate tension/awkwardness/bad vibes and will most likely step away from it - good at putting things together and have an eye for beauty so they are the best at fashion - a sucker for romantic things (if they're in love with you they'll be extremely romantic and try to please all your senses) - as much as they love people they also looove their time alone so they'll be social and then also anti-social after a minute - super wise at making decisions, but take their time because they're making sure it's the right one (therefore called 'indecisive') - quite selfless in the sense that they think of what's best for you before thinking of what's best for them - slow to get angry, but once they are, they're blunt and will cut you off! Scorpio Sun - surprise surprise, they are very friendly and lovable people - super humorous and goofy when they're happy - when they are not in the mood you will feel it - they live for honesty and genuine things/people, so they can be cautious people - once they trust you, DO NOT take it for granted (they're sensitive to betrayal and don't trust easily) - one or two very close friends - important to know your boundaries with them. they dislike people who forcefully try to worm their way into their lives - STUBBORN AS HELL - secretive, but love opening up to people who've earned their trust - most of the time don't actually care what you think, unless you mean something to them Sagittarius Sun - highkey lowkey the most opinionated people you'll ever meet - super hilarious and sarcastic individuals - also stubborn as hell - lowkey have that 'I got it' vibe - if they don't like you, you'll know it - loud and bitchy when they're angry, won't stop talking and will be petty as hell - a little bit selfish about the people (and things) they love - want to experience the best memories with you when they're in love with you - pretty optimistic and positive so they don't dwell on bad vibes for too long - not afraid to take risks if something looks enticing or fun Capricorn Sun - super nonchalant people who overlook annoying vibes or address them with full power, depending on their mood - can be pretty moody - very dark/dry/mean sense of humour, will tease you or laugh at ‘teasable’ people - really good at taking control over their emotions - if they cry, it is something serious because they hate letting their emotions get the best of them - they like working on something or having some sort of plan/little scheme to work on (even in love lol. they can work for love too) - they HATE disrespect. chances are they’ll never forget it if you’ve ever disrespected them - will open up to you (which can be really hard for them) and treat you like a king/queen if they're deeply in love with you - gifted with a sense of knowing what's morally right and morally wrong - not the type to fall quick, hard and deep in love. take a while to be invested Aquarius Sun - the one sign that doesn't care about almost anything (in both a bad and good way) - if they do care, it is lowkey but it is real because they're fixed - have a weird sense of humour, and may sometimes be blunt - may have a thing of feeling entitled or that somehow they’re unique than most - but pretty humble in treating everyone the same - loves entertaining people and people who are funny - does not like talking about feelings and emotions regularly, but when the mood calls for it, sure - has no problem ignoring people, things, thoughts and signs . they’re just really nonchalant - can be very random and just do things for the fun of it - when they are in love, you'll never really know but most likely they’ll want to spend a lot of time with you and hear your thoughts a lot Pisces Sun - have the tendency to like to act cute and sweet and beautiful - this is not always the case. in fact, 70% of the time they are pretty manipulative - as much as they may feel a lot, they barely talk about their feelings and just sweep most things under the carpet or brush them away - like thinking or 'dreaming' about the craziest scenarios that can make them smile or laugh - their favourite hobby is mentally escaping - hate bad vibes and tension, but aren't afraid of arguing! - like to think they're smart (most times they are though, other times they're pretty dumb (esp if they're led by love)) - when they are in love, they are almost everything you've ever wanted (super caring, pretty forgiving, and will do a looottt for you) - if they don't like you they don't even bother breathing in your direction - somehow they can pretty cynical and witty, making them seem mean, but they’re not really.
Side-note: I actually wrote this about two years ago lol and just found it yesterday in my old notes. So if I may sound like I’m repeating things from other posts or asks , I’m not actually trying to repeat anything more than I’m posting it for a ‘sun sign culture’ post and think this one is interesting to share.
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saintobio · 3 years
the first two sentences in that sneak peak sound wrong and bitchy as hell to me bitch WHY U CARE im the wife here i bet if yn really wanted to be evil and tell gojo’s dad to fire her HE WILL but oh well my sweet girl would never! but omg why she sound hella entitled in her head like “why were u here?” damn girl idk cos ur husband shoot a load in me to give him a baby? 😭😭😭
Anonymous said
sorry, sera, turns out ya man is stupid enough to mention a relationship that could ruin his plans. he was even very explicit about you being in her place. 😔
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Anonymous said
LOL WHAT IS UP WITH SERA😭😩 “just bc you were the wife doesn’t mean you could see your husband” GIRL HUH?!?! she lowkey bitter😭
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Anonymous said
"that would ruin his plans"
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Anonymous said
I saw the sneak peak of Sera's reaction and like i hope she sees how sweet and kind MC actually is. I also hope she notices how Gojo treats MC and kinda argues with him.
I also saw the Double agent Sera ask and that got me thinking, Sera exposes Gojo, she and mc then starts dating(jkjk unless...)
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Anonymous said
here comes the sera defenders in ur inbox in 3…2…1 “guys lets not hate sera shes prob kind and how would u feel if the man u love— [gunshots]” HDKSGKAGSODGW IM KIDDING 😭😭 ok 🙄 but ill be petty all i want im still the wife 💍👰‍♀️ OMG but u know about dramas where the mistress is ALWAYS so much braver and feels more entitled than the actual wife and the wife just cries and suffers while the mistress gets everything like HELLO i feel like we’ll see it with sera she will probably pull the “but im the one he loves” card like damn ok girl cant say anything back at that 😅💔
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humbughana · 4 years
The Set-Up
Part Two of After. - s o read this first obvi
Lucy comes up with a plan to ruin Kiara.
warnings- absolute kiara hate, cursing.
Fatal flaws. The downfall of a person.
The Pogues had the tendency to believe that the entire world was out to get them; that we should all fall at their feet because they were not handed the right cards in life. As if it was any of our faults but low and behold, they made it their mission to make it our problem. Lucy had always been sympathetic to them but now she realized that the festering within them, the entitlement that they all possessed. 
Kiara was the worst of them. The self righteous bitch that thought she was all too good for the Kooks because she liked to surf for god's sake. As if it made her oh so special that she liked animals and the ocean. 
Oh, spare us all. 
She was a Kook, and when she didn’t fit in as she wanted, she left them all as if we were nothing. At least Lucy and her friends were well aware of what they had but Kiara didn’t seem to realize just how far she could fall. 
Lucy would relish in pushing her and watching just how long it will take her to hit the ground.
A week had passed since the day she went to the restaurant, a week for her to realize the truth and a week to figure out how she wanted to hurt them all. Sure, Lucy knew how the girl pined over JJ but she also knew the girl had a thing for Rafe Cameron when she graced us with her presence at the Academy; before ditching everyone for the Pogue life. 
“Are you sure?” Topper asked with a fighting smile, Rafe and Kelce wore matching full grins as Lucy laid out her big plans for Kiara. Lucy nodded with a smile of her own, “Make her suffer.” She directed at Rafe because this was all in his hands now. Lucy had proposed that Rafe flirt with Kiara, make her feel special, lure her in, and then break her into little pieces so she could watch.
So now the three of them pulled up to the Boneyard in separate cars, a party already in full swing, Lucy jumped out of her car and the boys followed suit as they met up, “Apologize to her, use me as an excuse. Tell her you're sorry for what I said to her.” Lucy turned to Rafe who was looking as confident as ever as he nodded in exasperation, “You know I do know how to flirt, Luce.” Lucy rolled her eyes and gestured for them to go.
She wore a pair of jean shorts that hugged her thighs and a tank top that showed a sliver of her stomach, let them all see, Lucy didn’t really care anymore. So the four of them walked onto the sand, eyes turning to watch them before adverting when they saw the healing marks on her face and body. Topper threw an arm over her shoulder when Rafe split to carry out his part. Topper led her over to the designated Kook side of the beach before placing a red cup in her hand, “water,” he mumbled, placing a kiss on her temple when she nodded in thanks. They weren’t here to party, they were here for something more as she kept a watchful eye on Rafe and Kiara throughout the night. Her entitled, bitchy expression when her friend approached, the little laughs she let out when he said something charming to the red flush on her check when Rafe touched her. Topper kept a hand on her the whole night and it was a comforting thing she relished in. 
But it would be a lie that her eyes didn’t narrow when Kiara touched his arm or when he leaned in to whisper in her ear, Lucy’s hand tightened where it is laid on Topper's leg and he leaned in, “Want me to take you home?” and she nodded, deciding she didn’t really need to watch Rafe flirt with Kiara all night. Topper pulled her up and she looked to Kelce, “Keep an eye on him, please.” The boy nodded with a slight smile as Topper led her back to his car.
She could wait until tomorrow for the good news.
Topper took her home in silence, his hand on her leg the whole drive home, a thumb tracing the welts on her legs carefully. When he pulled up in front of her house, intending to drop her off and go home himself, she grabbed his hand and squeezed, “Please don’t leave me alone tonight.” It had become a common theme for her to coax one of the boys to stay with her, they never said anything about it but they knew she couldn’t stand to be alone. Last night Kelce stayed and the night before it was Rafe. Topper nodded but told her he needed things from his own house and that she could just sleep there instead but she didn’t care about the terms only that he’d be there. 
So when the two of them finally laid down for bed she could deal with the thoughts in her head and close her eyes in peace knowing someone was next to her.
She woke up alone. Topper’s white sheets were wrapped around her as the sunlight perfectly shined through into her eyes, Lucy groaned in annoyance, shielding her eyes as she sat up. The sound of loud laughter sounded from downstairs and she followed it, clothed in a long shirt Topper gave her and some running shorts she had left here over the years.
She saw the three of them laughing in the living room, all lounging on different couches, still groggy and tired from the sun waking her up, Lucy trudged to the couch Topper was on and plopped down next to him, “morning luce.” he smiled at her. Rafe only looked her over hesitantly and she grinned, “Well? How’d it go Cameron?” 
Kelce let out a laugh, “Oh this is going to be so much fun.” Rafe shook his head with a shit-eating grin, “He’s got a date tonight,”
Lucy laid down, her head in Topper’s lap as she let out a laugh at the visual of Rafe and Kiara together, “Don’t go falling in love now.” she teased as Topper ran his fingers through her hair but Rafe only rolled his eyes in response. The boys fell into another easy conversation while she stared up at the ceiling in thought. They must have arrested JJ but they couldn’t hold him; there was a large chance they let him go. Lucy wondered if he went back to his friends as if nothing happened or if he thought of her. If he would pretend he couldn’t remember, that it was the alcohol, if he would try to find her and explain himself. The excuses he’d think of or the apology she deserved but didn’t quite know if she wanted.
Lucy didn’t know that Rafe was watching her. The way her fingers fidgeted and the growing look of anxiety on her face before he cut in if only to wipe that pained look off her face, “I’m going to head out. Do you need a ride home Lucy?” And she was gratefully internally as she nodded, sitting up. Lucy grabbed Rafe’s hand when he neared and waved goodbye to her two friends as Rafe took her to his car. She was quiet as he pulled out of the driveway and to the familiar road to her house, “Are you regretting this?” Rafe asked quietly and she just shook her head slightly. It was true, she wasn’t regretting her path of revenge, “Then what's got you so quiet?” Rafe put the car in park in front of her house, the drive a very short one between all of their houses.
How could she admit that she was just scared? It was an annoying fact she had to deal with, she should just feel the burn of anger but the truth itself was bitter; Lucy was scared of seeing JJ. Scared of accidentally running into him in public or seeing him with his friends. Scared of how he would act or how she would react.
Rafe laid a hand on the side of her face to bring her attention back to him. Lucy sighed shakily, “I’m scared. I never want to see him again.” Rafe nodded, he could understand that so he settled for pulling her in, placing a kiss on her forehead, “We won’t let him near you again.” She knew he couldn’t promise that but appreciated it anyways. 
“Come over after your date tonight, tell me all about it.” She smiled as she still slightly teased him. Rafe groaned with a grin, “I'd rather spend the day with you,” His usual sweet words made her warm inside. Lucy just kissed him on the cheek and opened the door, waving to him when she got to her front door. 
She was much too tired to dissect her feelings for Rafe and it was pointless anyways.
Lucy spent the day with her mom at the club, lounging in a chair by the pool and basking in the sun. It was something they would do all the time before she met JJ. When the sun began to set they went home and ate dinner. It was a taste of normality again.
That night, she must have dozed off because Lucy awoke to the door opening to her bedroom. She sat up on her elbows as Rafe walked inside looking worse for wear, “Rafe?” Lucy mumbled in the dark room, the sun long gone. 
He only ran a hand over his face before tugging the shirt over his head and sitting on the side of her bed. Lucy slid to where he was and ran a hand up his back, reveling in the warmth he gave off; but something was wrong, “What happened?” 
She laid her head on his shoulder and Rafe turned his head to be able to see her face, “She kissed me,” Lucy’s eyes widened and she couldn’t help but smile against his shoulder, “That’s a good thing, Rafe. That's what we wanted.” He only hunched over, his elbows on his knees.
“Come lay down,” Lucy spoke quietly as she slid back and made room for him. Rafe slid off his pants, leaving him in his underwear before he laid down next to her. The faced each other, Lucy’s eyes scanning over his face to figure him out, “Rafe-
“I don’t want you to freak out.” 
She frowned but his hands reached out, wrapping around her waist under the comforter, pulling her into his chest. Their legs tangled together, one of his thighs wedged in between her legs and an arm behind her head with the other on her waist. Lucy tried to relax, her head resting where his neck met his shoulder, “Not freaking out.” She whispered to try and lighten his mood and was pleasantly surprised when she looked up and saw a slight smile on his face. Lucy could tell he wasn't in the mood to chat so they laid there in silence, in each others arms until she finally couldn’t keep her eyes open and drifted off to sleep.
And so weeks flew past them. Bruises faded, now she only had her memory to remind her of the horrific night. Kiara was as good as a lost puppy whenever Rafe was around; just as we all wanted her. Rafe would come over and spend the night with her after every evening he spent with Kiara, sleeping in each others arms, Lucy grew way too attached to her friend. When he would tell her of the things he did with Kiara she tried not to let it get to her, even though it was all her idea; things had subtly shifted. 
It would be soon now, Midsummers were coming up and Lucy would attend on Rafe's arm, humiliating the girl he had strung along all this time. 
Kiara would fall in front of them all. She made it perfectly clear she wanted nothing to do with any Kooks so we’ll give her exactly what she thought she wanted. 
Kiara Carrera would become nothing to those on our side of the island. You get what you give, baby.
And she would get exactly what she deserved.
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allegra-writes · 5 years
"Blind date"
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Peter Parker x Reader
General audiences
Warnings: none
The request:
"Coffee shop au! Peter and you hate Valentine's day. Especially since aunt May keeps trying to set Peter up on a blind date. You tell him about how ypur mom is the same and you bond over that. Neither of you realizes your each others blind date"
Ok, I KNOW I said my inbox was closed but... How could I ever resist this?
"... No, May, for the last time I do not want you to set me up with your friend's daughter… I am not- I don't…" Peter Parker was sitting inside his favorite coffee shop, comfy and safe from the bitter, freezing cold outside. But not even that was going to be enough to keep his mood from souring if this conversation with his aunt lasted much longer. "No, you don't need to send me her picture, this isn't about that!" He pinched the bridge of his nose, focusing all his might into not crushing the phone in his hand. That would take some explaining to do, since you were starting to place his order on the table in front of him. "Sorry, May, my coffee's here, gotta go now. Love ya, talk to you later!" 
He hurried to hang up, placing his phone back into his pocket. He had been thinking about this all afternoon inside his sad little cubicle at The Daily Bulge, today was friday, and friday was caramel latte and chocolate croissant day there at "Strange Brew". But when he lowered his eyes, the creamy and chocolatey goodies were nowhere to be seen.
You watched in amusement the horrified look on his handsome face as he stared, uncomprehending, at the cup of steaming bright pink liquid, and red heart shaped pastry. 
"What the hell is that?" He blurted out, and you had to suppress a giggle at the way his cheeks reddened, embarrassed at his own outburst. 
"You ordered today's special, didn't you?" You replied, as straight faced as you managed. He was just too adorable. "Today is Valentine's day. That is the Valentine's special"
Peter raised his head, looking around at all the red candles, and lovey dovey couples crowding the usually quiet store, as if only just realizing their presence. 
Knowing him, that was probably the exact case.
"Right. Yeah, of course, sorry" He mumbled.
"If you want, I can take this back and bring you your usual…" The truth was you had his latte already waiting on the counter, you had just wanted to see the look on his face. And it had been absolutely worth it. 
He turned even redder, 
"No, please, I- I don't wanna be any bother…" 
"It's no bother at all, Peter, really"
You insisted, but he was terrified they might take it off your paycheck or something. Minimum wage already sucked enough, he wasn't going to make you things more difficult.
"No, really, this is ok, see?" He hurried to sip the pink tea, flinching a little as the hot beverage burned his tongue. This time you couldn't stop a soft chuckle. He smiled shyly. 
"Sorry, y/n. I didn't even say hi… Hi, y/n"
Your smile turned even brighter,
"Hi, Peter"
"So, it's-" He cleared his throat, "It's nice to see you. Out here, in the salon, I mean"
You usually stayed in the back, baking the little delicacies he loved so much.
"Yeah, well, they need all the help they can get out here today" You shrugged. Peter's eyes scanned the little crowd of lovers again, you were probably right. 
"Yeah, I can see that, I mean- I kinda didn't before, I was…" He started stuttering again. You wondered if he knew what it did to you when he was all blushing and bashful. "...Distracted" He finished lamely, cursing himself internally. He never knew how to act when you were around.
"Yeah, I heard" You snorted, "Let me guess, your aunt is trying to set you up on a blind date. Again."
"Yes!" Peter sighed, exasperated, "With the daughter of a friend from work. Apparently she's a ' successful young entrepreneur'…"
"Workaholic. Probably kinda bitchy" You interrupted.
"... I know! And hear this, she's also 'very nice and sweet'"
"Oof, does she have a great personality too?" 
Peter barked out a laugh,
"How did you know?!"
"Because my mom is the same" You confessed, shaking your head, "She wants me to go out with the niece of her boss, a 'very nice guy, very smart, a little nerdy but you'll like him'..."
"So, probably an entitled douche who blames the friend zone for everything wrong with the world" Peter was not speaking out of jealousy. He wasn't.
You nodded,
"Oh, and you haven't heard the best part! 'He's been through a lot but still has a heart of gold'..."
"Oh, yeah, cuz that's the best turn on for women, right? Trauma" Definitely not jealousy: the guy sounded like he had a lot of baggage and Peter just didn't want you to get hurt. 
There was a lull in your conversation, but Peter wasn't ready for you to leave yet. So he took a hurried bite at his mini-pie,
"Oh, wow" He marveled, honestly, through a full mouth, "This is incredible!"
You smiled again, and he felt inexplicably proud of himself. 
"I'm glad, I haven't had the chance to try them out yet…" You admitted. Peter swallowed.
"Do you want to share this one?" He invited, impulsively, pushing the little plate in your direction. You bit your lip, the rush hour was far from over, but you had been on your feet all day… you met his eyes, warm and hopeful, they made the desition for you. 
"Nikky, I'm taking my rest now!" You called back, at the girl at the register, taking off your green apron. 
"Now?!" The blonde girl frowned.
"I'm the boss, kid. Deal with it." You dismissed, taking the seat in front of Peter. His eyes widened in surprise.
"You're the boss?"
"Yup. 'Strange Brew' is my baby" You declared with pride. 
"Wow, that is awesome!" Peter's genuine enthusiasm warmed your heart. You had worked so hard on your little shop. And maybe it wasn't glamorous, and it definitely wasn't going to make you rich, but it was your dream come true, and you loved it. "I love this place! This is the best coffee shop in all of Manhattan, I mean it"
This time, it was Peter the one reducing you to a blushing, stuttering mess. But before you could answer, the door flew open. The long haired woman's eyes found you and Peter, and you could swear you heard him curse under his breath.
"Aunt may? What are you doing here??"
The woman came to a halt next to your table.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I am so sorry! I didn't mean to barge on your date, I swear!" You could see where Peter's nervous babbling came from. "It's just… I texted you the address and the picture, and you never texted back, I thought you weren't going to come so I came to apologize to y/n. Hi, sweetie, I'm May, I work with your mom?" She extended her hand to you and you took it, confused. "She texted you too, telling you we were sending Peter, but you didn't reply either…"
"My-my phone is back in the kitchen…" You muttered.
"Wait. So, none of you got our messages?" 
Peter and you shook your heads,
"I don't understand-"
"Wait, you?"
"You're my blind date??" You both asked in unison, stunned.
May bursted out laughing,
"Oh my god! You didn't know! You were both being so difficult… and still!" It took the woman a good five minutes to stop laughing enough to be able to talk again, "Any way, go on, kids. I'm just going to call your mother real quick… have fun!" She singsonged, sashaying away and out of the store as suddenly as she had arrived. Incredulous, Peter took out his cell and checked his messages, where sure enough, a very pretty photo of you in a sundress was awaiting him. He let his head fall on the table, banging his forehead.
"Oh god… we are never going to live this down, are we?"
You made a face,
"I don't think so, no" 
Peter finally chanced a look at you. You were as red as he felt, and it somehow made you even more lovely. Your eyes seemed brighter, and the slight pout on your lips… god how he wanted to bite it, to kiss it off your face. His hand found yours on the table and he took a deep breath, encouraged when you didn't took yours away.
"The thing is… meddling family members aside… I really like you…" He confessed.
"I really like you too…" you admited. His boyish, toothy grin made your heart skip a beat.
"Then, maybe… would you like to go out on a date with me? A real one, I mean. One my aunt hadn't set is on" 
You couldn't help it. You knew the whole salon would see you, but with all the PDA going on around those tables, you didn't think anyone would really mind. So you crossed the distance between you, practically throwing yourself on the table, just to capture his lips with yours.
It took him about half a second to respond, his soft lips moving against your own, coaxing you open for just a little taste, but enough to make your head swim. You felt his hand go to your chin, cupping your face softly, tenderly. 
"Yes" You breathed against the kiss, "Yes, I'll go out on a date with you" 
The whole shop bursted out in applause. 
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ratedbangtann · 4 years
Firecracker | Park Jimin
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Now that you had worked your way up to the advanced contemporary class, you had to face your most trying challenge yet; Park Jimin. The man was infuriating, always picking on you, giving you so many reasons to hate him including one very, very humiliating nickname...
But when you have to dance with him one evening, the tension builds and builds and spills over. Perhaps you need to... reflect... on your behaviour?
Pairing: Jimin x Reader Word Count: 11k
WARNINGS: dom!Jimin, fem reader, angst and frustration, teasing, a lot of smirking, so much staring, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, some spanking, dirty talk, MAJOR mirror/reflection kink, multiple orgasms, cum tasting (f), hair pulling, brief choking, fish-hooking, forced selfcest, unprotected sex (assume birth control), creampie 
A/N: Welcome to Jimin being a smug little shit and winding you up until you can’t tell if you wanna punch him or fuck him. We all know the damage that THAT stare can do...
You weren’t familiar with this building, and so – just as cliché as was to be expected in your life – you were late for your first advanced contemporary class. Wonderful.
These halls were so difficult to navigate. Your previous building was so much easier, but now that you’d transferred from the intermediate to the advanced class, you’d had to move on. Why on earth did your academy have to host all the advanced classes in a building across town from your regular studios? The inconvenience of the situation was aggravating, and now that you were late to your first lesson your mood was rather, shall we say, stormy.
You looked down at the schedule and map on you’d been given by your previous instructor that told you the room you were looking for was 4B, and instructor’s name was Park Jimin. You huffed in frustration at realising you had in fact passed the door to your class as soon as you had stepped in. The map was printed upside down on the page before your eyes. That would explain it…
When you finally found the studio you were looking for and barged in, the class of twenty students all stopped their stretches and turned to glare at you. You clutched onto the strap of your gym bag, averting their gaze and shuffling your feet with nerves and anxiety coursing through you.
“Ah, ____?” a young man’s voice called to you. You snapped your head up to see your instructor – Park Jimin, according to your useless schedule and map – turning to look at you too, his phone in hand and plugged into the sound system. His eyes trailed over your body and a smirk formed on his lips. “Late to your first class? Not the best impression…” he scolded.
“Sorry, I couldn’t find the room…”
“I didn’t ask for an excuse. Find a spot and start stretching, we have a lot to cover today. This won’t be anything like your intermediate classes…” His expression read as teasing; the smirk, the eyebrow lifting as he spoke, the bright eyes boring into yours.
Great. Your new instructor was a prick. Just what you needed.
You walked to the back of the room, dumping your gym bag and tugging your shoes, socks and hoodie off to leave you wearing your yoga pants and oversized tee. You joined the back row of dancers to start your stretches, limbering up for the rest of the class.
Looking around, you noticed the class was a pretty balanced mix of male and female students, all wearing similar attire to you, a couple of the other girls wearing leotards instead that hugged their figures and showed off every lean muscle as they stretched.
“Alright so, new student with us today. _____, give us a wave in the mirror,” Jimin was facing the large wall of mirrors at the front of the class, looking at you in the reflection. You raised your hand to wave sheepishly back at him, eyes darting across the class staring at you in the mirror. “I’ve heard some good things about you, little miss prodigy. Worked your way up here pretty fast, huh?” he smirked, eyes staring into yours as a flush rose to your cheeks.
True enough, you’d worked your way through the beginner and intermediate classes within just six months of joining the academy, whereas it took most people a minimum of six months to complete just one class. But you had managed to whiz through your preliminary exams, land the solos in the bi-annual showcases and generally be noticed by the academy’s leader, Mina Myoung. She’d been keeping an eye on your progress and asked to see you personally, wondering if you were ready to face the advanced classes.
And now, here you were, feeling more than a little humiliated at being called a “prodigy” in front of the entire class.
“Prodigy? Jeez, no pressure…” you muttered, annoyance clear on your features.
“Not a fan of that nickname, huh? Seems we’ve got quite the firecracker in our midst, class,” he smirked, still staring at you, challenging you. “That’s fine. Firecracker works too,” he winked.
He winked.
Oh god, as if you weren’t already humiliated enough, now he was giving you nicknames? First impressions are so important to you, and your first impression of Park Jimin was quite clear; asshole. No, not even just asshole. By the vibe he was giving off, he came across as ‘flirty-asshole ladies’ man cliché’.
“Alright class, we’re starting a new number today, I’m gonna need two groups; story we’re telling is of a rivalry. For the showcase we’ll have a number of group dances, a couple of solos and one or two duets. We’ll focus on the group numbers for now. From the first few sessions I’ll pick out those deserving of the solos and duets, then you’ll have focus sessions on top of group classes,” Jimin explained, eyes darting from each dancer in the mirror as he spoke.
You can’t lie, you wanted one of those solos, or at least a duet. You felt a need to be noticed, to prove that you deserved your place in the advanced class. Jimin had already made you feel so small, passing judgement on you and in some twisted way, forcing the others to pass the same judgement on you too. You’d work your ass off for one of those solo spots.
Jimin split the class into two, running through the choreography bit by bit, focussing mostly on the first minute of the track he’d chosen for the rivalry number. You had to admit, watching the way he moved made you realise exactly why he was such a coveted instructor at the academy. Every movement of his was so fluid, looking absolutely effortless. You caught yourself staring slack-jawed a few times, mesmerised by the way his body moved.
You told yourself it was just the dancing that had you mesmerised and slapped yourself mentally to bring yourself back down to earth.
But what you hadn’t noticed, was Jimin had caught on. In the mirror, he’d been able to see the way your eyes followed him, watching far more intently than the other students in the room. He revelled in it, his arrogance and ego visible in his smirk.
He lined everybody up, giving them their starting positions.
“Firecracker, front and centre. You’re gonna show me what you can do, stay where I can see you,” he clicked his fingers and pointed at the spot directly in front of him. You lowered your head and sulked your way to the front, standing not even a foot away from Jimin. He watched, amused at your shyness.
“Just call me by my name…” you muttered to him, eyes darting up to watch his smirk turn into a smile that forced his eyes to close. He chuckled and took a step back.
“No,” he said simply. “Alright, first section, here goes… 5, 6, 7,8…” You followed the moves he had instructed of the group perfectly, watching yourself in the mirror to make sure you didn’t make any mistakes. Jimin watched you too, not giving any of the other dancers a second glance at all. He wanted you to prove yourself just as much as you wanted to. You were a pretty little thing, and with a feisty bit of back talk to you; he could have a lot of fun with you.
By the end of the class you were a sweaty, run down mess. Yet still you made no mistakes, hitting every beat and moving so fluidly that Jimin had to admit to himself he was impressed.
“Alright, good start guys. I’m already getting a good idea of who I want for the solos and duets, but there’s still a couple of sessions to change my mind. Firecracker, not bad for your first class. I’ll expect good things from now on. That is, of course, if today wasn’t just a fluke…” he shrugged, turning to face the class now. “Grab your stuff, get hydrated, and head out. See you Thursday.”
The class turned to the back wall where bags and bottles of water littered the floor. You wondered over to yours, taking a seat and unscrewing the cap to your water bottle, guzzling the remainder of it down in a few short gulps.
“I don’t think she’s that good…” you heard someone mutter from the corner. “You saw the way she was looking at Jimin, right? Pathetic…” a girl giggled to her friend.
“She looks like she knows what she’s doing, Daeun. She only just started, be nice…” another girl whispered. Both of them were terrible at keeping their voices down, clearly.
“As if… She got so embarrassed too when he called her out. Hilarious,” Daeun scoffed, taking a sip of water. You turned your head away from the conversation, focusing instead on putting your socks and shoes back on, getting ready to leave. You expected to face people like this in the advanced class; entitled, bitchy girls and asshole jocks who thought they were the shit.
You could hear them behind you; Daeun making snide remarks and nasty comments and her friend, trying to shush her.
“Daeun, something you want to share with the class?” Jimin called to her, an eyebrow raised and a sassy hand on his hip.
“Huh?” she turned to him, caught off guard. The room fell silent.
“I said, something you wish to share?” he pressed.
“N-no, Jimin…” she shook her head, eyes wide. Her friend beside her cowered too, occupying herself with her gym bag.
“No? Well you were talking loud enough for me to hear you, I assumed you wanted the world to know. May I suggest keeping your mouth shut if you have nothing nice to say?” he tilted his head, staring at her, gaze never faltering.
“S-Sorry…” she lowered her head in a respectful bow, eyes flicking down to you sat on the floor. She turned and grabbed her stuff, leaving the room quickly with her friend and a few other students in tow. You sat there, tying your shoes with a blush on your face. You hated this, all the attention on you. As a dancer, of course, you wanted it on stage, when you’re dancing. But this was nothing but negative attention and it was flustering you.
The room cleared out as you stood up, draping your bag over your shoulder.
“Hey, firecracker!” Jimin called after you when you turned to leave. You span on your heels, chewing the inside of your cheek at the nickname. “You did good, today. I meant that. Ignore Daeun, she’s known for being a little…”
“Bitchy?” you scoffed, rolling your eyes. “I’ve dealt with worse.”
“I’m sure you have,” he smirked, staring at you again. He seemed to stare a lot. It was like he was challenging you, waiting for you to become uncomfortable and turn away. You fought it for as long as you could, returning the stare but eventually, you looked away, readjusting the strap on your shoulder awkwardly. “Just keep doing what you’re doing. If you do, I’m sure I can find a place for you in one of the solos.” You nodded and turned, heading back to the door, but not before catching a glimpse of Jimin in the mirror, watching you walk away and biting his lip with another signature smirk.
After two weeks of classes, and another two group numbers started, you were beginning to get frustrated. After your first session, Jimin had become unbearably harsh on you. He picked up on every tiny little flaw, called you out for the smallest things in front of the class. And the worst part was he seemed to be enjoying it.
He would smile, or chuckle at your reactions every time he did so, referring to you only as your nickname that you had grown to absolutely loathe. You were working your ass off to be here, to get those parts you so desperately wanted in the showcase, to prove yourself to him and everyone else around you but he was doing his very best to aggravate you.
As he wrapped up another class, he turned from his reflection in the mirror to look at the group of students all taking a rest on the floor of the studio.
“Alright, solos and duets have been decided. Schedules have been printed for those lucky enough to get one. The rest of you, it’s business as usual, but don’t be discouraged.” He turned to the folder he’d rested up against the mirror wall and pulled out a small stack of papers to reel off to their prospective owners.
“Okay, Junghyun… Yejoon… Yoojin… Eunsuh…” he wondered through people on the floor, handing them their schedules as they each muttered excitedly about what they had been given. “Firecracker…” he called your nickname, and you groaned audibly. Immediately you saw him smirk and shake his head in amusement. “What’s wrong, Firecracker? Don’t want this?” he held the paper away from you, teasing the part you’d worked for.
“Of course I do…” you grumbled, snatching the paper as he handed it over and wondered to the front again.
“We’re done for today, get your stuff and head out.” The class stood and headed to the back wall as had become routine, but you sat in place, looking over your new schedule and the description of the part you had been handed.
‘_____, Duet with Junghyun.
Song: ‘Woman’ by Harry Styles.
Theme: Lust & attraction
Schedule: Duet classes Tuesday and Friday evening slots. 7:30pm – 9:30pm’
But… you’d worked so hard for a solo? And he’d said that… You hadn’t been slacking, so why had he decided against a solo for you?
As the room cleared out you stood to challenge him, walking over to the corner with the stereo in where Jimin now stood.
“Jimin…” you called to him assertively.
“What’s up, firecracker?” he gleamed, smiling brightly at you.
“You said if I kept it up, you’d give me a solo… What did I do wrong?” you slapped your hands against your sides in exasperation, clearly pissed at the final call.
“____, if you had done something wrong, you’d have got nothing at all. I just thought you and Junghyun had great chemistry, you look good together in the group numbers. And I know you could nail the choreography for this,” he shrugged. “Take this as a life lesson. Sometimes no matter how hard you work, you don’t quite get everything you want.” He winked at you and turned back to the stereo to unplug his phone from the cables.
“I’ve barely danced with Junghyun, how could we have good chemistry?” you argued.
“I just see it. If you don’t want the duet, I’ll give it to someone who does,” he threatened, not turning to look at you now.
“Ugh… fine,” you span on your heels and stomped toward your bag at the back of the room, realising now that you were the last to leave. You grabbed the strap and threw it over your shoulder, barely slipping your shoes on to storm out.
“Oh, and firecracker!” Jimin called after you. You stopped dead, looking over your shoulder at him. “Watch that attitude, sweetie. You could get yourself in a lot of trouble,” he smiled coyly, chuckling to himself as you slammed the studio door behind you.
A few weeks into your duet sessions, you started to relax into the routine a little more. It was quite sultry, but given the song you were dancing to, it made sense. Junghyun remained professional about it, able to slip into actor-mode much like you for the dance.
The storyline of your piece was simple; the two of you clearly attracted to each other but teasing each other. The choreography showed this perfectly. Hands would roam your body, hips would roll to the music, your faces would come close together as if you were about to kiss. It was incredibly sexy, but of course, you remained professional also.
It wasn’t that Junghyun was unattractive; far from it. He was tall, around 6’2, a good jawline, pretty almond eyes, well defined muscles like almost all the dancers in the class and bless him, he had a heart of gold. But the chemistry Jimin had told you he saw between you was merely in dance.
“Alright, that looks nice guys. Firecracker, try and work on your eyes a little more, make yourself look him up and down when he pulls you close on the eighth beat,” Jimin instructed. You nodded, no longer reacting to each and every time he used that damn nickname. You figured if you didn’t, he’d get bored of it. “Great, run it again.”
He dragged the playback on his phone to the start of the verse and let it play. You re-enacted the steps as advised, letting your eyes wonder over Junghyun’s body as he pulled you close to him. As the harsh off-beats of the chorus came through the speakers, you pushed him off, as the choreography dictated, only for him to grab your wrist and spin you until the next off-beat, stopping dead with your leg hitched up to his hip. It really was an incredibly sexy choreo, and perhaps you could see a glimmer of something in Junghyun’s eyes that wasn’t necessarily anything to do with the ‘acting’ side of the dance.
“Much better,” Jimin clapped, pausing the track. “This is going to look great, guys. I can really feel a sexual tension between the two of you.” You wrinkled your nose at the idea, Junghyun rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly at the comment. “I think that’s it for this session. Feel free to head out.”
The two of you went to grab your bags, dabbing your forehead with a paper towel and slipping into your shoes. Junghyun came to stand over you as you did, bag slung over his shoulder.
“Hey so, um… I know we’re just dance partners and all, but I was thinking… If you’d like to get a drink sometime, outside of class… well, I’d like that,” he smiled at the floor, shuffling his feet with nerves. Oh, god. This is what you had been worried about. This is what you had been noticing. There was an attraction there that you didn’t reciprocate… But would turning him down make the dance stiffen? The chemistry dissipate?
“Oh, uh… M-maybe after the showcase? I’m kind of busy with um… stuff.” Smooth, _____.
“It’s cool, you can just say no if you’re not interested. Like I said, we’re just dance partners…” he smiled sweetly, but you could see the disappointment in his face.
“Sorry… I’m not saying no, I’m just… saying maybe not now.” What a cop out. Junghyun nodded.
“Well, if you change your mind... Great work today,” he smiled, before heading out the door as quickly as the poor boy could, his deflated ego dragging along the floor behind him.
A silence settled on the room as you shuffled into your shoes, collecting your stuff to pack into your bag.
“Why’d you turn him down?” Jimin asked from the other side of the studio. Damn, you’d forgotten he was still in the room. And listening in, apparently…
“Is it any of your business?” you snapped, looking up at him with crossed brows and angry eyes. He held his hands up in defence, a chuckle raising his chest.
“Sorry, firecracker. Just doesn’t make sense. He’s an attractive guy, smart, good dude. What’s not to like? Other girls are falling over their feet to get him to notice them.”
“And I’m not one of them. Yes, he’s nice. I’m just not interested. I’m allowed to not be interested,” you remained guarded, annoyed that he felt the need to comment at all.
“Alright, alright… just don’t make the dance awkward…” he turned back to whatever he was doing, letting you escape the room unscathed, hopefully with a modicum of dignity still intact.
The session after the awkward encounter with Junghyun, he didn’t show. You and Jimin waited for a further ten minutes after you were due to begin, and nothing. Only when Jimin rang him to find out if he was going to come in at all, did he find out that he had – apparently – come down with some kind of stomach bug. But you had your suspicions that of course, he was distancing himself from you, feeling too awkward to face you after you denied him.
“Damnit, I suppose I’ll just grab my stuff and-“
“Where do you think you’re going?” Jimin stopped you from hoisting your stuff onto your shoulder and heading home with a strong look and a very affirmative tone.
“Well, if he’s not gonna show, we can’t exactly practise…” you started.
“Of course, you can. I know the choreography. You’ll dance with me. Put your stuff down, take your shoes off. You’re not getting off that lightly, firecracker.”
Oh, wonderful. You were going to dance with your instructor; the same instructor you loathed because he just couldn’t seem to leave you the fuck alone. The same instructor who winks at you whenever he says something to deliberately infuriate you. The same instructor who challenges you constantly with staring contests to intimidate you that you just can’t seem to win, no matter how hard you try.
Why not just take off your clothes and have a juvenile humiliation nightmare? That would just top it all off, wouldn’t it?
You sulked your way to the back corner of the studio, dumping your bag and taking your shoes and socks off, readying yourself to dance. You stripped yourself of your sweater, smoothing out your yoga pants and sports bra and took a long drink of water, before stepping back to the middle of the dancefloor.
When you looked up, Jimin was stood with his arms folded over his chest, that same infuriating smirk on his face as per usual, but his eyes were dragging themselves over your body in your dancewear. You coughed obnoxiously.
“Do you have the whole routine down yet?” he asked when his eyes finally fell on yours.
“Yes,” you deadpanned, starting your stretches in the mirror.
“Good, we’ll give it a run through and see what you need to work on,” he nodded to himself, watching you stretch from the corner of his eye as he fiddled with the stereo. A few beats of silence passed as you took some deep breaths and bent to touch your toes, wrapping your wrists around your ankles. “I think you must have frightened him off,” Jimin chuckled.
“What?” you bit back.
“Junghyun. Stomach bug is a very… vague ailment, don’t you think?” Jimin laughed, scrolling through his phone to get to the song in question.
“I don’t really think it’s any of your business,” you grumbled. “Besides, if I can remain professional then I don’t see why he can’t. I’m sure he’ll be back for the next practise.” You straightened up, stretching your elbows behind your back. Jimin sets the song on repeat and begins the track, stepping into the centre of the room.
“If not, you’re stuck with me,” he wiggled his eyebrows at you as he took up position behind you. “We’ll start at the chorus. Hard to press play when you’re all the way over here.” You took up your position for the start of the chorus, and Jimin took Junghyun’s; stood on your left-hand side, with his one hand on your waist, one on your chin making you look into his eyes.
You told yourself to remain professional, to just get through the practise and Junghyun would be back soon, because if you let yourself realise the gravity of the situation you had found yourself in, you may have thought that maybe – just maybe – you liked being in Jimin’s arms this way.
The first beat of the chorus came, and you pushed Jimin away from you as the choreography suggested, only for him to grab your wrist and spin you, pulling you to him and lifting your thigh to sit on his hip. The two of you swayed for another beat, foreheads pressed together as if you were completely besotted before he spun you again, so he was leaning over you.
The entire choreography was a back and forth display like this, a battle of sexual dominance to music. He’d pull you close, you’d push him away. You’d look like you were about to kiss, you’d turn your head with a smirk. Your hips would roll together, and then you’d leave him standing alone and reaching out for you.
By the end of the song the pair of you were out of breath, ending in each other’s arms. You were leaning back, neck exposed, and he was hovering just above your throat. His hot breath skimmed the surface of your skin and his arm wrapped around your waist; the other arm outstretched behind him. You had both danced beautifully, neither of you missing a single beat, or mis-stepping at all.
The pair of you lingered there just a beat too long to be deemed comfortable, out of breath and far too close for your liking. You lingered there just long enough for the track to start playing again, repeating itself like Jimin had programmed it to. You could feel the way he panted on your skin, and although you wanted to straighten up and push him away from you, you couldn’t move. In fact, it was him who moved first.
He straightened up with you still in his arms, pulling you with him to stand in front of you so close you could still feel his breath, now on your face.
“Good, very good. Even your facial expressions were decent. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you actually wanted me,” he jeered smugly. That was the wake-up call you needed, pushing him away from you.
“Don’t be a creep, Jimin. It’s a damn dance.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t get to see that first verse. Grab a drink, when it loops back, we’ll start it again,” he gestured to your bag in the corner, and wondered off to his own by the stereo. You did as he suggested, keeping your back to him to hide your reddening face. You were embarrassed. Of what, you weren’t too sure, but the still-cold bottle of water you’d bought from the vending machine on the way in did nothing to cool the heat in your face.
From the opposite corner, Jimin watched you with wary eyes. He had to tread very carefully here. He knew the way he was flirting was morally ambiguous… He knew the way he teased you was totally juvenile… He knew he was going too far, and yet he just couldn’t stop himself.
The way you scolded him, rolled your eyes at him, scoffed at him with everything he did just set his blood alight. He could feel an instant attraction to you the second you rocked up to your first class late, but when you answered him back in a way none of his other students ever had, god, did it turn him on.
You dropped the water bottle to the bag at your feet and made your way back to the centre, ready to start the dance over again when the start repeated itself once more. Jimin joined you, both taking up your starting positions.
You ran through the dance in full, again, never missing a step. However, this time you just couldn’t look him in the eye. You weren’t entirely sure why, but a fresh flush of heat would rise over your cheeks every time your eyes did actually meet, to the point where it was unbearable to look at him or bother acting at all. Jimin picked up on this, and being the infuriating little shit, he was, called you out on it when you finished the run through.
“What was that?” he asked panting, running his hands through his hair that was beginning to dampen with sweat.
“What was what?” you asked, averting his gaze again in favour of pushing your own hair out of your face and stretching your toes as if it made the blind bit of difference.
“In order for the chemistry to actually work, _____, you have to look at me,” he scorned.
“I was focussing on the moves, this time. It’s no big deal!” you defended, more for your sake than his. There was no way you were ready to admit to yourself that you couldn’t look him in the eye because you were shy.
“It is a big deal! You need to immerse yourself in the story, firecracker, otherwise the moves don’t flow the way they’re supposed to!” he dropped his hands to his sides with a huff, his patience seeming to wear thin.
“Alright fine, I just wanted to perfect my posture and stuff. Lay off!” you bit back at him, perhaps a little too harsh.
“I’m your instructor, it’s not in my job description to ‘lay off’,” he soured, rolling his eyes.
“Well, maybe it should be. You’ve been on my ass ever since I stepped foot in this studio.” What on earth was possessing you to talk to another human with such venom in your tone was beyond you, but Jimin was so infuriating. And what was even more infuriating than Jimin? The fact that you were so attracted to him.
“Well when you walk into my studio with an attitude, I will be. Get in position, we’ll do it again,” he ordered, snapping his fingers at the floor in front of you. You groaned but did as you were told, the tension in the room now far too heightened to push any further.
You waited for the song to loop back, very aware of the way he was stood off to the side behind you, his lips so close to your ear and hooded, angry eyes watching you in your reflection in the mirror.
“At least if you’re gonna be pissy with me, channel it into the dance and really fight against me,” he whispered.
The song started up again, and just like Jimin had suggested, you channelled all your frustration, all your anger, all your negative energy into the storyline of the dance. Every time you pushed him away, you really pushed. But with the same ferocity, every time he grabbed you, it was with tighter, firmer grasps, which in turn only made you fight against him more.
The heat between you both was becoming an inferno, something neither of you would be able to ignore for much longer. The way his eyes bore into yours, staring deeper than just the surface layer every time you looked at him in the choreo, and every time you caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror. It almost felt like there wasn’t a single moment you weren’t both looking into each other’s souls, waiting for the other to break.
You were not backing down this time. The outcome of this dance was supposed to be on your terms. You were the one who kept pushing him away, until you decided to take him. That was the whole damn story. So, if he wanted you to act it up, then by god, you would act it the fuck up.
By the end of another run through, the pair of you were out of breath and sweaty, gripping onto each other.
“Again,” Jimin stood up quickly, giving both of you no time to recover before the song started up again, and you got into the starting positions almost immediately. Somehow, it became even more intense. Having had no time to recover, you were both putting your bodies through some rigorous training, testing your stamina. But neither of you backed down.
This particular run through somehow felt more intimate than before. The strain on both of your bodies had Jimin making… noises. Some of his more difficult moves forced a grunt out of his throat, each one seeming to smack you in the face harder. But as you were struggling with your own difficult moves, you were making much similar noises, and they were affecting Jimin just as much.
His grip on you was impossibly tight, his strength when he pushed and pulled you around enough to throw you across the room, had it not been for your counter-strength. And that stare… you noticed it even more so now, and it was sparking a feeling in you that frightened you.
Jimin span you into the second chorus the way he was supposed to, but as you caught his gaze in front of you and heard him grunt as he spun you once again, you lost all concentration. Your feet didn’t do as they were instructed, and you slipped, falling to the floor.
“Ah!” you cried out as you hit the ground with an indignant grunt. “Fuck!” you yelled at yourself, laying on your front and trying to get your breath back.
Jimin made no attempt to help you up, instead storming over to the stereo to switch the playback off.
“What the hell was that?” he scolded, eyes darkened and sweat dripping from the strands of hair that had clumped together in front of his eyes. He came to stand over you again, looking down at you as you rolled onto your back, raising an arm to rest on your forehead as you breathed rapidly.
“L-lost my… footing,” you panted.
“Seriously? How could you fuck that up, it was a simple spin, firecracker!”
You sat bolt upright then, staring up at him with pure rage in your face.
“You practically fucking threw me, Jimin! God damn, it’s supposed to be somewhat tender, isn’t it?”
“Tender?! So, what’s this?” he yelled, lifting his shirt to show the red splotches on his skin you had created with your own grip. Frankly, you were horrified. Had you really made those marks? Perhaps you had just got a little too lost in… whatever you were feeling.
Jimin saw the look of shock on your face and his features instantly softened, just a touch, just enough to make him look slightly less terrifying.
“Look, I gave as good as I got,” he sighed.
“Huh?” you asked, and he raised his eyebrows, nodding at your waist and arms. You looked down to see very similar angry marks on your skin.
“Jesus…” You stood up and stepped up to the mirror wall to inspect the marks closer. You could literally see where he had held onto you, pushed you, pulled you. Vibrant shades of red scattered your waist and arms, one even around your neck… Jimin stepped up behind you, looking into the reflection to see his handiwork.
“Got a bit heated back there, huh?” he chuckled, the smugness returning to his face.
“You piss me off,” you deadpanned, “and you kept pushing.”
“I’m your dance teacher, it’s my job to push you.”
“Yeah well you need to learn when to back off, Jimin,” you scoffed, noticing the mark around your neck and stepping further towards the mirror to get a closer look. “Damn…”
The mark on your neck sent a little thrill running through you. It had been so long since anyone had-
Stop that, right now. You do not have a crush on your dance teacher. You do not have a crush on Park fucking Jimin. You do not want his hands wrapped around your throat. You do not want any part of him wrapped anywhere on you.
“Perhaps I was a bit harsh. Your form is actually, uh… quite impressive,” he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “And from what I could see in the mirror, you move beautifully. You have no problem with this choreo. Except when you dance it with me…”
You looked back up at him in the mirror, seeing him smiling down at the floor.
“Tell me, _____; why do I distract you so much?” his gaze lifted to your eyes in the mirror, another frustrating smirk on his demonically handsome face. “And don’t tell me it’s because you hate me, because the way you dance with me tells me otherwise.”
“And what does my dancing say about my hatred towards you, exactly?”
“You don’t hate me at all. And if you do, it’s not for the reason you seem to think…” He took a step closer to you, his eyes flicking between your reflection and the back of your head.
“I hate you because you’re a mouthy little gob-shite with an ego to rival Kanye West’s,” you spat, watching him carefully. He threw his head back in laughter, a hand flying to his stomach to contain himself.
“Please, firecracker… I’ve seen the way you look at me. Isn’t there just a hint of… arousal? Don’t you hate me because for some reason – and you don’t know why – you find yourself, just a little attracted to me?” he took another step closer, using his famous stare against you as a weapon. He chewed on his bottom lip, daring you to look away, but you wouldn’t. You were stubborn, and he was pissing you off.
“You wish, Park Jimin,” you laughed spitefully.
“Hmm, I think I do actually, yeah…” his stare momentarily flickered down your body before landing back onto your face. “I certainly wish a girl like you were attracted to me. Talented, sexy, feisty…”
Your heartbeat quickened in your chest as he stepped close enough to you that you could feel his breath on the back of your neck as he spoke. He placed both his hands on your waist and his chin on your shoulder, still staring into your eyes with amusement as he watched your expression turn into one of panic.
But you couldn’t look away.
“I know you think I’m a flirt and an asshole, but believe me… I wasn’t that bad, until you started talking back to me. You seem to get me all riled up, Firecracker.”
“D-don’t call me that…” you stuttered, frozen in place.
“Fine,” he chuckled. “I’ll have to find another nickname for you instead…”
“J-just ____, no nickname.”
“You sure about that… princess?” he watched your reaction carefully in the reflection in front of you both.
Your cheeks are what gave you away first; the redness that started to glow on the apples of your cheeks. He noticed the way you twiddled with your fingers, the way your thighs clenched together just a little tighter, the way your body tensed up.
“Oh? Princess; do you like that?” he smiled brightly, showing off his beautifully white teeth to you. You stayed quiet, refusing to admit to your mistake of showing him the kind of affect he had on you.
The hands on your waist tugged at you, spinning you until your back was facing the mirror and suddenly, he was pushing you against the cool surface, hovering dangerously close to your lips and watching your expression change to an innocent form of anxiety.
“Yes, princess?” his gaze dropped to your lips as his tongue swiped over his own. You had noticed those lips before, but seeing them up close was completely different… They looked so soft, so thick like plump little pillows and if you were honest, you were dying to know how they felt against your own.
“A-are you gonna kiss me?” you asked, your voice tiny and soft.
“Well, this is a very different _____ than I’m used to, hmm? So shy all of a sudden… Do you want me to kiss you, princess?” he teased. You nodded just a little, but it was the confirmation he needed.
He raised one of the hands from your waist to your chin, tilting your head up to angle you perfectly, and he leaned in to press his pillow-soft lips to yours.
Instinctively, your eyes fluttered shut, lips parting to allow him a much better angle to consume you completely. Your hands fisted the material of the t-shirt he was wearing, damp with sweat, in order to pull him closer. There was no hiding your attraction anymore; from him but most importantly, from yourself. You were completely bewitched.
He gently ran his tongue against your bottom lip, slipping past to sweetly dance with your own whilst the hand on your chin moved to stroke through your hair. The pair of you ended up impossibly close, bodies pushed together as he pressed you into the mirrors behind you.
“Princess, you’re killing me… We shouldn’t… I’ll lose control…” he panted as he pulled away from you, pressing his forehead to yours. But you didn’t want him to stop. You didn’t want him to control himself. You were aching for him already, just from the way he kissed you, the way he completely enveloped you.
“Then lose it…” you whispered. A moment passed between you, where Jimin looked into your eyes once again to try to find any hint of hesitation, any hint that you didn’t mean what you said. But of course, he found none.
Jimin smashed his lips back onto yours, enveloping you completely and earning a whine that was lost to the pressure of your kiss. The hand in your hair now steadied him against the mirror behind you, the one on your waist slipping down to your thigh to lift it against his hip. He pushed his pelvis against you, pressing his semi-hard length into your stomach. You whimpered as his tongue fluidly invaded your mouth, hands dropping to the hem of his shirt to touch the skin beneath it, to keep his hips pressed against you.
You bunched the material up, desperately pushing it further up his chest until he got the message and took over, lifting it over his head to expose his chest to you. You wished you had time to take in the heavenly sight before you, but frankly, you were too busy trying to reconnect your lips to offer even a second glance. But you could feel the abs under your fingertips, tensing at your featherlight touch.
Jimin wanted more of you, wanted to see as much of you as he could. He pulled the sports bra you were wearing up violently, exposing your breasts to him. Like a man possessed he ducked his head between them, placing sloppy, open mouthed kisses all over your chest, settling on your nipple. You gasped aloud, smacking your head against the glass behind you, hand weaving into his hair just because you needed something to hold onto.
He made out with your breast the way he would your lips, so much care and attention, occasional kitten licks and little nips with his teeth to get a reaction from you; of course, it worked a treat. You could hardly stay quiet at all, writhing as much as you could under his weight. While he worked on you, you pulled the top over your head and threw it away from you, giving him one less thing to worry about.
“Mm, Jimin…” you groaned, holding his head to your chest with both hands, your hips hovering inches from the mirror you leaned against as you writhed. He held you by your waist, his grip on you enough to leave bruises in the shape of little fingerprints.
Jimin suddenly dropped to his knees in front of you, hooking his hands in the waistband of your yoga pants and yanking them down your thighs with a force that sent shivers through your body. He exposed you completely to him, your underwear lost in his grip too as he pulled it all off quickly, barely giving you the chance to step out of them before he was throwing them away.
He lifted your thigh over his shoulder and didn’t bother with pleasantries, opting to instead bury his face in your heat with immediate effect. You would have thought Jimin had been starved, the way he ate you; his tongue worked incredible magic on your clit, as if he were reciting pure poetry, writing scriptures with the muscle against you. You could do nothing but watch in amazement at the man between your legs, high pitched whines and moans filtering through your lips.
“J-Jimin… fuck,” you wailed pathetically, hands gripping his hair and body rolling as if you were dancing right now, but you were just completely out of control of your movements.
Jimin growled against your cunt at the sound of his name leaving your lips so prettily, his hunger for you growing beyond animalistic. He shoved two fingers inside you with no preparation, knowing that you were already wet enough to take them. Of course, you were ready; you were sure you’d been aroused from the first time you danced with him this evening.
“Taste… so sweet,” he mumbled against your folds, thrusting his fingers inside you and curling them perfectly. He didn’t have particularly long digits, but boy, did he know what he was doing with them. He knew exactly where to reach for, exactly where you would be the most sensitive. “Cum,” he demanded. “Want you to cum on my fingers, princess.”
His tone was so controlling, growling against you as he pumped his hand, forcing you closer and closer to an undoing. The foot holding you up started to slip against the laminate, your back sliding down the mirror. Without a second thought, he lifted your other thigh over his shoulder, sitting you comfortably against the mirror and continuing to assault your poor throbbing pussy.
“Jimin I’m g-gonna... oh, fuck…” you screamed, slamming your head against the mirror behind you. The grip you had on his hair loosened, arms flopping to your sides as your body went limp, wave after wave of pleasure throbbing from your core like ripples in a duckpond.
Jimin let out another growl against you, lapping up the extra juices you spilled just for him, holding your hips steady with one hand and himself steady with his other against the mirror. He lifted his head to look up at you, to watch as you came down from your high. He smiled to himself, proud of reducing you to a writhing mess. He didn’t think he had ever seen something so pretty, so stunningly beautiful.
“God, you’re fucking unbelievable…” he chuckled, watching you regain composure. You looked down to see his cheeky grin, the one you would have done whatever you could to slap off his beautiful face not fifteen minutes ago. But there’s a very fine line between love and hate, isn’t there?
You ran your hands down your face, wiping the sheen of sweat that had gathered in the heat of the studio. Giggles erupted from your chest, and you could barely look him in the eye for the smug smile you hated so much.
“Shy now, huh? Trying to hide from me?” he slapped the outside of your thigh, hard enough to jolt you with a shriek and leave a red print on the flesh. “I’m not done with you yet, princess. Stand up,” he commanded, shuffling to put your feet back on the floor. You did as you were told, leaning your weak body against the coolness of the mirror, probably leaving a smear of sweat across it but that wasn’t your concern. It was Jimin’s studio, after all…
Jimin stood too, towering over you and getting closer, his hips pushing against you again. The semi you felt before? Rock solid now, protruding through his sweatpants and pressing into your bare stomach. Theory meant nothing; quite clearly, hand size did not correlate to penis size, because you could feel just how big he was. And your mouth watered at the thought of him inside you.
His fingers tilted your chin up to force your gaze on his again. You noticed the gleam on his lips, the slick from between your thighs shining like a lip gloss on pudgy lips. The thought of kissing him right now didn’t faze you at all, in fact it only excited you, igniting a spark in your abdomen so soon after such an intense orgasm. He was about to speak – probably something disgustingly smug – but you didn’t want to hear it, instead grabbing him by the back of his head and forcing your lips on his.
He was right; you did taste sweet. It didn’t bother you at all to know that that sweetness was your own arousal, but Jimin knew you could taste it. And good lord, it flipped a switch in him. If he thought he’d lost control before, he was wrong. He was about to really lose it.
“Do you have a safe word, princess?” he asked suddenly, rushing the conversation because he needed to know – he needed you to know – that there was a way to stop this if either of you needed it.
“N-no…” you admitted against his lips. You’d never needed one before, your previous lovers having been somewhat… tame?
“Tell me ‘yellow’ to slow me down, ‘red’ to stop me. Understand?” he said as clearly as possible between sloppy kisses to your jaw and neck, leaving wet trails against your skin. You nodded frantically, brain a little frazzled and clouded with lust. “Need to hear you say it, princess. Do you understand?”
“I understand, yellow to slow down, red to stop.”
“Good, and hit your hand three times if you can’t talk,” he explained. ‘Wait, why won’t I be able to talk?’ you thought to yourself, but Jimin gave you no time to think on it any further, instead gripping your hips and flipping you to lean against the mirror on your front, breasts pressed against the glass. You barely had time to gasp, your cheek hitting the cold surface.
Jimin pulled your hips out a little, keeping you leaning against the mirror but bending you a little for better access to your dripping core. He ran his fingers through your folds, grinning at the soft moan that slipped from your mouth, fogging up the glass beneath your face.
“Pretty girl… You want me inside you, princess?” he asked sweetly, hovering close to your ear. Goosebumps flooded your skin, chills running down your spine at the intimacy of his words.
“Yes, please…” you whined. Jimin grinned, pushing his sweats down along with the briefs underneath, letting his length spring free. You could see from the corner of your eye, and oh boy, you were in for a damn treat. He kicked the garments away from him, stepping close to you with a hand on your hip, holding you steady as he rubbed the tip of his cock through your slick.
“Step back a little, princess,” he guided you backwards, taking a step himself; you were no longer pressed up against the glass. “Look up.”
You did as he instructed, looking up into the reflection in the mirror to see his hungry, hooded eyes looking directly into yours. As you made eye contact, he pushed his hips forward, slowly but surely sheathing his length into your tightness. He never looked away, biting down on his lips and growling when he felt your wet heat envelope him.
“Sh-shit…” you moaned, too scared to look away from him. You loved the look on his face too much to miss it even for a second, the absolutely feral expression etched into his usually soft features.
“You’re gonna watch me, Princess. You’re gonna watch me fuck you in the mirror, gonna see yourself when you cum on my cock.” His voice had deepened considerably, leaning over to speak directly into your ear with his dick fully inside you. But he never stopped staring into your eyes. He had wanted you like this for so long, waited for you to admit how attracted you were to him. He knew; of course, he knew. He knew before you did, and just continued to taunt you, to rile you up until you snapped.
And now that you had, he wanted to make sure you could see yourself. He wanted you to see just how desperate you were for him, just how good he could make you feel, how hard he could make you fall apart.
Jimin stood up straighter, his hands gripping onto your hips and his length pulling out agonisingly slowly only for him to rut his hips against your backside again, the tip of his cock hitting your g-spot with so much force you jolted forward, hands flying up to steady yourself on the mirror in front of you. Neither of you looked away from each other though, not even when you cried out at the overwhelming pleasure of the first hit.
With almost no warning at all, Jimin started to thrust into you rhythmically, his pelvis slapping lewdly into your ass cheeks each time. He needed to bury himself as deep into you as he possibly could, needed to feel you completely envelope him.
His hands slid up your bare back, stopping at your shoulders to hold you still as he fucked into you. But it wasn’t enough, he wanted more control of you. He gathered your hair into a ponytail, wrapping it around his fist and pulling your head back, exposing your throat to him in the reflection. God, it looked so pretty… so bare and ready to be marked up. Jimin looked forward to that; getting to leave angry purple blotches wherever he pleased. But not right now.
Right now he needed to fuck you, needed to be balls deep inside you and for you to watch every single thrust.
Jimin’s hand pulling on your hair had you groaning wantonly, feeling like the dirtiest slut on the planet but you loved every second of it. No one before him had treated you like this, no one had ever roughed you up and frankly you needed it. You wanted more from him, but you were in no position to ask for it right now.
“Shit, look at you. Taking me so well, huh? How bad did you want this, _____? Tell me…” he asked, all pleasantries long since forgotten.
“S-so bad…” you managed to stutter out. You weren’t used to talking at all during sex, but you wanted to please him so desperately.
“But I thought you hated me, firecracker?” he jeered, thrusting extra hard for added effect. You cried out, watching the smugness return to his face. It fuelled a surge of resistance in you, wanting nothing more than to answer back as anger dwelled in you again. Of course, you weren’t really angry. You couldn’t be. You wanted him, you knew that.
“Just shut up and fuck me, Jimin!” you snapped. That was probably a bad move, but Jimin just laughed in the reflection, the hand that wasn’t wrapped in your hair coming down hard on your ass with another extra hard thrust into your sodden cunt.
“You wanna talk back now, huh? With my dick buried this far in your pussy and your hair wrapped in my fist?” he warned. “That mouth of yours always runs on and on, huh?”
His free hand slid up your back again, his thrusts turning into rolls of his hips and slowing down considerably. He wasn’t just mindlessly fucking you anymore, there was strategy to each roll, a reason for him to move this way; he was making sure every pressure point inside you was hit.
He wrapped his hand around your throat, squeezing a little before sliding it up to your jaw and forcing it open. He was going to make a damn spectacle of you and force you to watch it. The thought excited you far more than you were ever willing to admit.
He slipped two fingers past your lips and instinctively you began to suck on them, showing him that your mouth was in fact good for more than spewing words of venom at him.
“See, princess? You just wanna please me, huh?” he commented smugly, an eyebrow arching as he watched. But he wasn’t satisfied with having you just suck on his fingers. Instead, he prized your jaw open, fish-hooking his fingers in your cheek and holding you like that, mouth agape and unable to move at all. You couldn’t even moan properly, all of them coming out as breathy groans while his hips rolled into yours.
You wanted to tell him you were close, but no way were you able to with your mouth occupied like this. It was utterly degrading and totally dehumanizing, but you’d be a fool to protest against it when it stirred such incredible pleasure in your abdomen.
“Mm, fuck… you look so pretty like this, baby. So pliant, taking my cock like this. Are you watching yourself? Do you like seeing your own face when you’re being railed?” he laughed. You tried to hum in affirmation, a muffled “mmhmm” coming out as more of a howl of appreciation seeing as you couldn’t press your lips together to make a humming sound right now.
“Look at you, huh? Such a perfect little slut for me. You gonna cum, princess?”
Your eyes were watering, tears starting to force their way down your cheeks. You knew that if you wanted him to stop, you could hit the mirror three times and he would; you trusted him enough to do that. But you didn’t want him to. You’d never felt like this, never felt so damn good. Come to think of it, no one had ever made you cum from penetration alone; you were sure you always needed some kind of clitoral stimulation. But Jimin was going to be that guy.
You nodded as much as you could with how he was holding onto you, the hairs on the back of your head pulling with a sting, reminding you he still had a firm grip on it. That’s when Jimin really lost it.
You could see him in the mirror lose his eye contact with you, instead looking down to where his cock was rolling with his hips in a fluid motion, disappearing inside of you over and over. The sight drove him wild, the whimpers coming from deep in your throat hitting him like a charge of electricity. The roll of his hips turned to fast, lewd slaps of his pelvis to yours once again. You could hear the way his cock slipped through the wetness, the slaps ringing and ricocheting off the mirror in front of you.
You cried out, your head drooping just a little as the pleasure started to become too much, completely overwhelming you. Your body was so tired, so overworked from the dancing and holding yourself up this way but Jimin wasn’t done, and how dare you disobey a direct command he had given you from the start. He yanked your hair, tightening his grip on your jaw and pressing his fingers into the inside of your cheek harder. The whimper that came from you was pitiful, but you knew you’d reach that all important climax soon and that was all that you wanted, desperately.
“No, no princess… I told you to watch yourself, and you’re going to. You’re going to watch the way you cum on my cock, gonna watch me when I fill you up. Just a little more, baby. Almost there, hmm?” he reassured, his dominating tone never seeming to slip but somehow you felt comforted.
With another few thrusts, you were coming undone. His words were enough to bring you to the precipice of your pleasure, your abused little pussy throbbing and clenching around Jimin’s length. He stopped his animalistic thrusts and opted again for rolling his hips into you slower, helping you through your final orgasm. He dropped his hand from your jaw but kept a firm grip on your hair so you could watch the way you drooled; the way your eyes could barely stay open. The glass in front of you fogged up with the outward breath you let go, a long drawn out moan tumbling out.
“Fuck, that’s it princess. Good girl… You look so pretty, huh? Don’t you look pretty?” he asked you, losing himself. You hummed, strangely delighted by how you looked in your reflection right now.
Ripples of pleasure pulsed through you, your pussy producing more slick than you think you ever had before as you just let go. Jimin watched in fascination, eyes glued to your pussy as he now could slip in through your tightness even easier than before. Your own cum was already dripping down the inside of your thigh, warm and sticky and looking like a beautiful glaze that Jimin wanted to taste again so badly.
As you were coming back down from such an intense high, he used his free hand to do just that, scooping the excess up onto two fingers and raising them to his lips, sucking on them to clean them off.
“So sweet,” he chimed, his hips rolling a little faster, desperate for his own undoing. He didn’t start to pound into you again, knowing your battered cunt couldn’t take much more of that. He was so close he’d cum no matter what.
“Oh, shit… I’m gonna cum, princess. Can I-?”
“I-Inside me, please…” you interrupted him, totally breathless but already knowing what he wanted to ask. That was enough to tip him over the edge.
You felt the warmth spreading through you as hot spurts of cum filled you from the inside. His hips stopped rolling, stilling completely with his pelvis pressed against your ass. He threw his head back, his Adam’s apple becoming so prominent when the animalistic groan rumbled from deep in his throat. The grip on your hair loosened, his hands clutched your waist.
You watched his reflection in fascination, and you couldn’t help but think just how incredibly gorgeous he looked right now; his chiselled body was dripping in sweat, chest heaving with deep and heavy breaths.
A moment of silence passed between the both of you, and it wasn’t until Jimin felt himself softening that he pulled out and straightened up, chuckling to himself. You’d just about gathered enough strength in your legs to stand upright and turn around, leaning your back against the smeared mirror. He stepped towards you, one hand on the mirror and the other on your waist, looking down at you with a smile.
This smile was different; it wasn’t the smug kind you were used to from him. It wasn’t the smirk he seemed to have permanently etched onto his infuriatingly stunning face. It was sweet, genuine as he looked over you with a kind of adoration in his eyes.
You hid your face from him, suddenly shy as you giggled like an infatuated teenager. Jimin found it so cute, glad to finally see the sweeter side of you. He’d wanted to since the start, but he’d had far too much fun with the feisty side up until now.
“Don’t hide from me, princess…” he pulled your hands away from your face, seeing the red in your cheeks and finding it oh, so endearing. “You don’t have much to hide from me, anymore.”
“Shut up,” you objected with a smile, slapping your hand to his shoulder while he laughed. A beat of silence passed between the two of you again, a comfortable one, in which both of you shared a look of contentment and satisfaction. But Jimin wasn’t sure what to say now, no clever remarks to use as comebacks to your frustrations.
So instead, he planted a kiss to your lips. A sweet kiss; the kind that should be the first kiss of a couple saying goodnight after the first date. You wrapped your arms around his neck to keep him in place, just loving the way his lips moulded to yours.
He pressed his forehead to yours when he broke away, sighing happily.
“Well, this was uh…. Fun,” he chuckled. “Perhaps next time, I’ll be a little more romantic.”
“Who said there was going to be a next time, Park Jimin?” you teased, acting genuinely appalled at the idea.
His eyes widened and he tried to step away from you, feeling awkward and a little horrified that he’d just assumed like that, but you held him in place, letting the façade down with a hearty laugh.
“Relax, I’m kidding. But maybe we could go on some kind of date first, hmm?”
“You brat, I really thought…” he shook his head, amused.
“Buy me dinner, then maybe we’ll see if you get that second time,” you arched your eyebrow, smug smile on your face now.
“So demanding, firecracker…” he chuckled, pressing another sort kiss to your lips. “But that’s reasonable.”
“Oh, and drop the nickname, otherwise this most definitely won’t be happening again!” you warned, only half serious of course.
“No chance, firecracker,” he insisted, slapping his hand to your ass cheek lightly and turning to find your clothes that were long since discarded. You stepped off from the mirror and helped, dressing yourself and making yourself look a little more presentable. Lucky for you both, the sweat and ruffled hair could be explained away with the excuse ‘we were practicing’, but the smear on the mirror needed taking care of, pronto.
Jimin saw it too, of course, heading over to the utilities cupboard in the back corner of the studio and pulling out two cloths and a bottle of glass cleaner, tossing the bottle at you.
“You’re helping with that!” he declared, walking past you and handing you a cloth. You rolled your eyes and giggled. Suppose that was the least you could do, after the beautiful man in front of you had given you two rather powerful orgasms…
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