#i lied about never drawing them as 8 again because here they are
ministarfruit · 11 months
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ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ happy birthday axel!!🎉🎉⛓️🧡
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themuffin2649 · 2 months
Muffin! Muffin!
For the Haunted AU!
Let's say one of the LIs kill MC (either by accident or on purpose), and he comes back to haunt them.
Ranging from trying to make them feel guilty, making their lofe a living heck, to just pissing them off.
"Please stop hiding my stuff!"
*Ghost!MC knocks down a cup filled with water*
Here are some Scenarios:
1: Doll (Leon killed the MC in his Bad end 2)
After school and basketball practice, Leon returns to hang out with his best friend. They chat… well… only Leon talks. This is because his friend isnt really… alive. In fact, he and a classmate named Reme worked together to Taxidermy what remains of his body.
Creepy: Yes, but Leon didn’t mind, because his best friend was perfect.
Leon: “I love you dear.” He says, and he kisses the cheek of his Taxidermied friend.
They start watching a movie about haunted dolls (Annabelle or Chucky), but Leon’s not really entertained by it. He looked back at the doll and leaned on it like a pillow. As Leon was starting to fall asleep, he felt something hugging him.
Leon: “huh?”
When he rubs his eyes, he can see that MC’s Taxidermied doll is hugging him back, and Leon makes a scream loud enough to wake the whole neighborhood up.
Ghost!MC: “What’s wrong Leon? I thought you loved hugs 😈”
Leon: “not like this.” cries
2: Take care of him 🔫 (Vincent kills MC)
After learning that MC was dead, Vincent’s Uncle cuts off all finantial aid, leaving poor Newt without a family and in poverty. In pure rage, MC haunts Vincent.
Uncle: “Vincent! I just got your essay back, and the teacher told me you wrote something very innapropreate on the paper.”
Vincent: “What?!”
Vincent’s Uncle shows his paper, with vandalism that says “[Teacher] is a poopy head!” With a poop emoji drawn onto it.
Vincent: “That’s NOT my handwriting, or my drawing style! I’ll talk to my teacher tomorrow to see what happened.
Vincent thinks that Leon did it out of anger, but that wasn’t right, Leon’s form of revenge would have been a bone-breaking beating. Looking again, the handwriting was… familiar… It almost looked like.
Vincent: “Honey?!”
Ghost!MC: “Ahh, so you figured it out.”
Vincent: “Honey, y-you’re back!” He said, tears forming on his eyes in both relief and fear.
Ghost!MC: “Shut up, you wanna know what happened after I died. Your Uncle cut off all financial aid to my brother. He had no choice but to live with Jon!”
Vincent opens his mouth, but before he says another word, MC throws a glass vase on the wall out anger.
Ghost!MC: “Listen to me! You are going to take care of my brother in whatever means you can. If you don’t, then I’ll do everything in my power to make your life a living hell!”
Vincent didn’t even realize he was shaking, but seeing the fury behind his honeybee’s eyes, he could tell he was dead serious (pun intended).
The following days, Vincent used his parents money to financially support Newt behind his uncle’s back. Newt was suspicious and confused about the random financial support after “mom” and “dad” cut him off, but money was money.
Sometimes, as a reward for helping his brother, MC gifts him chocolates, roses, or good grades.
3: Love Letter (this can apply to anybody)
So whichever LI kills MC does not only feel a tremendous amount of guilt, but over time, their rival keeps receiving love letters from the dead MC. The rival thinks that Newt is giving these letters written from when MC was still alive.
Meanwhile, MC makes sure that the murderer sees that he is the one writing the letters after his death to spite him off. Even lets him see what he wrote before sending it off to the rival.
Leon’s love letter: “Leon, when I’m by your side, I always feel safe and protected. You have protected me for 8 years, and I have never regretted meeting you. Not only are you a great basketball player, strong and dependent, but you’re also very soft and sweet like a teddy bear. You’ve also care for an protected my brother like you did for me. Thank you for everything. 🩷”
Vincent’s love letter: “Vincent, you are so much more than your family’s money. Although we have only recently met, your determination to get the things you want has inspired me, yet, you still care deeply about me. Not once did you care about our financial differences, you’ve always cared for and cherished me. I love you. ❤️”
What better way to show your anger than Emotional Damage.
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cousmemes · 9 months
dialogue starters from DOCTOR WHO SEASON 8. feel free to edit for context / continues under the cut.
"I'll wager you've not seen anything like this before."
"Listen to me. You need to calm down."
"I'm not flirting, by the way."
"What have I done wrong?"
"Are you judging me?"
"Just because my pretty face has turned your head, do not assume that I am so easily distracted."
"Whatever it takes, I will keep you safe. You will be at home again."
"I'm cold. There's no point in us both being cold. Give me your coat."
"Are you cross with me?"
"You were talking about me?"
"What is happening right now to you and me is more important than your egomania."
"Nothing is more important than my egomania."
"You've redecorated. I don't like it."
"You can't see me, can you? You look at me, and you can't see me. Have you any idea what that's like?"
"I was being funny. I just do that."
"How long have you been there?"
"Are you going to look that terrified when you take me out for a drink?"
"You were smiling at nothing. I'd almost say you were in love."
"I need you."
"An anti-climax once in a while is good for my heart."
"We cannot waste this chance. It won't come again."
"Isn't the universe beautiful?"
"I think you're probably nice. Underneath it all, I think you're kind and you're definitely brave. I just wish you hadn't been a soldier."
"I don't know if you're a good man. But I think you try to be and I think that's probably the point."
"Old-fashioned heroes only exist in old-fashioned storybooks."
"Do people ever punch you in the face when you do that?"
"Well then, draw your sword and prove your words."
"People are so much better at sharing information if they think the other person has already got it."
"Right, you do that again and you'll regret that."
"We can't just let them kill him!"
"She should not have told you any of that."
"Perhaps others will be heroes in our name. Perhaps we will both be stories. And may those stories never end."
"I wasn't making assumptions about you."
"You just have to squeeze through."
"How did you get in?"
"You know, you should have more than one chair. What do you do when people come round?"
"The deep and lovely dark. We'd never see the stars without it."
"I mouth off when I'm nervous and I've got a mouth on me. Seriously, it's got a mind of its own."
"Tell me the truth - because I know when people are lying to me."
"I am not going to leave you in danger!"
"Sorry, who put you in charge?"
"However this goes, whatever happens, don't let me end up like that."
"They have no power over you now. You can do exactly what you want to do now. Exactly what you've always wanted to do."
"Go and enjoy yourself. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
"There's no way out of this. We're going to die here."
"Why are you being nice?"
"Every time I see you, it's like you're in a rush."
"The next few days are all about you. I promise."
"Human beings have incredibly short life spans. Frankly, you should all be in a permanent state of panic."
"How can you think that I'm her dad when we both look exactly the same age?"
"He's my boyfriend. I thought you'd figured this out."
"Why wouldn't I be okay? I was fine till you blundered in."
"It's funny, you only really know what someone thinks of you when you know what lies they've told you."
"Please, tell me how I fix this."
"I'm bored. Let's go somewhere fun. What do you say?"
"I know men like him. I've served under them. They push you and make you stronger, till you're doing things you never thought you could."
"Is there some sort of fancy dress thing on this evening?"
"I am so sorry. I've had a wobble. It's a big wobble, but it's fine. Forget about it."
"Where are you and are you in trouble?"
"Lying is a vital survival skill. And a terrible habit."
"Do you want the good news or the bad news?"
"We're in the bad news! I'm living the bad news!"
"Why can't you just say it? Why can't you just say I did good?"
"You are enjoying this just a little bit too much."
"Don't make me say it."
"I don't want to be the last of my kind."
"I don't want to see more things. I want to see the things in front of me more clearly."
"I just want to know the truth. I don't care what it is. I just want to know it."
"Shut up, shut up, shut up. I need to talk to you."
"Oh, everything is better when you're here."
"Please speak to me. This is - this is killing me.
"I love you. And you are the last person who's ever going to hear me say that."
"By now, I'm sure you've heard the rumours, and it is with great sadness that I must confirm them to be true."
"He was alive, and then he was dead and it was nothing."
"Don't. Be very, very careful with that."
"I know what you're doing. You're trying to take control."
"I am in control. Do as you are told."
"I was curious about how far you would go."
"You betrayed me. Betrayed my trust, you betrayed our friendship, you betrayed everything that I've ever stood for."
"Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?"
"Speak for me again, I'll detach something from you."
"This isn't possible. The dead don't come back."
"Be strong, even if it breaks your heart."
"Say something only you could say. Tell me something only you would know."
"Whatever it takes, I will be with you again, I swear."
"So you know who I am, right?"
"Look, are you going to help me? Because I can't do this alone."
"And didn't all of those beautiful speeches just disappear in the face of a tactical advantage?"
"I wasn't very good at it, but I did love you."
"There's something that I have to tell you and, er, it's not good news so just - just listen, okay?"
"Never trust a hug. It's just a way to hide your face."
"Thank you for making me feel special."
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that-left-turn · 5 months
Saw your post about advertising revenue going down. Subscriptions to AMC for Q1 went up while TOWL was airing. What are your hopes for TBOC drawing in new audiences for AMC? Do you think Caryl is a big enough draw and if not in its current state what needs to change?
Subscriptions going up while TOWL aired was good (for AMC). The question is if it's fans of that particular show dipping in and then dropping off? AMC can't appeal to the larger TWD fanbase for all the spinoffs. They've slimmed down, so they need to find ways to grow those individual audiences and they need to retain them for the longhaul.
The appeal of TBOC is in the lead characters and sadly, not the story. Zabel hasn't done his homework (which an incoming showrunner should do): he has either only watched the montage and final scene of the flagship show, or he's relying on what other EPs have told him about the characters and their arcs. That's why he thought Ezekiel was Daryl's friend, since he was there to see Daryl off in the series finale.
Contrary to what you'd believe from looking at the fandom and the loudest screaming individuals, Carol resonates with the general audience, so seeing her again will probably draw curious viewers, but will they stick around? It depends largely on how her character arc is handled and also, her relationship with Daryl. They have natural chemistry, which the show should capitalize on as it comes with a built-in audience.
Will it, though?
From what I know about TBOC, Carol and Daryl's individual arcs merge at the end of block 2/beginning of block 3, so 204-205-ish. That means half the season has them separated. That's not ideal for a show where the main appeal lies in the relationship between the leads (whether romantic or platonic). Their emotional drives appear uneven, from my limited view of the beats, which might also be a viewer deterrent.
I think AMC needs to go all-in on canon once the storylines intersect—especially as it looks like we're in for some heavy nunbaiting—to at least get some good word of mouth and maybe draw back parts of the audience who've given up on the show. There were people who stopped watching TWD in S7-8 who came back after the original Caryl spinoff was announced. Having a loyal core audience is vital, so the studio needs to insure that those viewers are invested and engaged.
The show also needs a story engine. The escort mission in S1 had little urgency, beyond Daryl looking for a radio, and the actual meat and potatoes of the external plot was nondescript. Laurent was said (prophesied, really, by a Buddhist monk) to be the new Messiah who will "save humanity." It's very fuzzy on the details and not in a way that implies mystery. It screams of hand waving. The show has to draw in horror fans with a season arc that services the genre.
Caryl fans would watch for a good emotional arc and the GA should be treated to a well-conceived external plot. If you can cater to both of those demographics, you can grow the audience (because people tell others when they like a show) but it hinges on tight storytelling. You have to have an actual detailed plan and not a vague idea of where you're going—pantsing might work for a novelist, but never for a screenwriter. There's an A story, a B story and you may have a couple of runners, for the season as well as individual episodes, so a TV show requires organization. (And I'm getting off-topic here, so I'll leave the logistics at that.)
I'm not confident in TBOC based on what I know of Zabel's writing in general, his management of S1, his statements to the media and what I know about TBOC. I think the show needs a redirect into a different subgenre and some fresh ideas that showcase McReedus playing off each other and Caryl being thrust into the unfamiliar (both to the characters and the audience)—we need to see something new while the characters stay in-character to tether them to the character development already done on the flagship show. (And now I've written 'character' so many times that the word has lost all meaning 🙈)
Zabel played loose and fast with Daryl's backstory in S1. Fans are invested in those details and if it's made it to screen, the showrunner can't ignore them to shoehorn the already well-established protagonist into a plot involving new characters. He shouldn't love his own original creations more than the actual main character. All of these things give me pause as to Zabel's suitability as a showrunner for a show that already has a preexisting ecosystem.
That said, it looks like the show is getting delayed to a fall premiere, promo seems to be on a hold and the season finale may still be in post, which could be signs of AMC fixing problems and/or changing direction.
Sorry the answer was neither short nor succinct, but I hope it gave some clarity regarding my thought process. Obviously, like everybody else, I have ideas of what I'd do to increase ratings, but I'm not the person in the hot seat 🙃 I'm waiting for the panel at Tribeca to see what I can decipher from the inevitable sell speak.
It may be a long summer for us.
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correctproseka · 1 year
So @queer-prosekai told me to do my own top 10 list of the sets + my favorite card of each, so here's some rules i set for myself
1- i have to REALLY like the full set, not just really like a card but a little less to the others (cough Saki in no seek no find, for one example. Though other sets have also triggered this rule)
2- i also am judging by card only, not the story, however. I am not completely good at this because a lot of the cards that are already good get to be way better because of the event behind it.
3- only counting the trained cards, not untrained, it would be a very different list.
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Oh my poor child are you okay??? Going past how much i like this event. Which would get me here writing for hours mind you. I also just really like the set. The dark colors and the fact that in all 3 cards you can barely see color- its black and then each has their own color showing up, An has red, Toya has blue and Rin has white. It just gives a fucking impact on you looking at them. Would not change a thing, really.
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Anyone else remembers qhen this set just totally broke us? Oh my god. I do. Shizuku in a suit. An in this pretty ass dress. I just cjsjcjsmcjsncjdj. It was mainly those two that really hit for me, specially An. But when it hit it hit hard man
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It was the first lim set, so it was really simple compared to what we get now. But simple doesn't mean bad. I really love the colors and idk man i have a soft spot for it i cant defend everything my brain is a dvd logo bouncing around😭
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Angel Minori is one of the prettiest sets ever, it just isnt higher because personally i like some others more, doesn't mean this shit isnt fucking gorgeous. The lightning, the setting. I love this mmj card with everyone in it bc this is such a beautiful place???? Just. Licks this set like an ice cream then cries bc i ate the pretty ass set.
6: Someday, from the depths of despair
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Lowkey i did not expect this one to be this high before i made this list. But it is just gorgeous setting, gorgeous lightning. It just makes my brain go brrrr looking at it.
5- What lies behind lies ahead
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The hermit set has people in a chokehold for years, and for good reason. The hairstyles are pretty, the au ideas one can get out of it are yummy. AND THE CARD THEMSELVES ARE SO CKSJFKDK. All of them having this golden thing around as if hermit was a story told to us by images. It just could be a poster. Its certainly pretty enough to.
4: Our escape for survival
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Sorry for the amount of niigo here. It will happen again. Niigo never misses. Anyways i just love this set sm. The lightning, muffled colors and backgrounds just hit so fucking hard. The rain shared on the 3 cards from the set is so symbolical and so is the clock and the engines on Mafuyu's and Luka's card. It tells us a story before we even read the event and that is beautiful.
3: Close game offline
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I had to skip this set and i am still sad about it. Man the the the cmsucksjcjx aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa viddygame and neon.
2- Unnamed Harmony
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I like silly, your honor. I also like water. Saki's card has both /hj. No but really i just really like the outfits and colors and just everything in this set it would be a CRIME to not have this here as a Saki stan. Just look at it!!!!
1: Draw your bow in this white world
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.. so, who's surprised? I can barely even find a favorite card in this set. From Kaitos . Kaito. (Does he need more?), Shizuku's gracefulness and beautifulness and Mafuyu just pretty and badass breaking the "screen"/mirror/window with an arrow. Its just soooooo ancjamvjsjchsjxncnsicjsv chomps.
Knock the future, which light up the fire took it off on a technicality (i like 3/3 cards on light up the fire and 2/3 on knock the future bc Honami is very meh compared to the others to me)
Anyways if anyone else wants to do this as a challenge id love it. And @probably-not-niigo i challenge u to do the same
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ladyhindsight · 5 months
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We are half-way through the book, and it feels like going nowhere. Team Good is trying to find a way to help Jace, sure, while doing some side quests. Sebastian and Jace are progressing with their own plan as well, and Clary just hangs along not really actively trying to find out anything but to build rapport with Sebastian and make out with Jace. It all seems so aimless at the moment.
Chapter opens up with Alec returning to Magnus’ place after the meet-up with Camille.
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A way to make your character to look more dumb than probably intended is to do this. Because what purpose does it serve how long does it take for Alec to realize this insignificant thing?
→ “but the living room was glowing with the blue-white flame coming from the pentagram.”
Alec goes to sleep next to Magnus who had different ideas than sleeping, and we cut to Simon and Isabelle having difficulties cuddling.
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Astute observation. Also, it’s always childhood and nostalgia when Simon thinks of Clary. Isabelle will later in this book make a great point about this, but Simon never really gives up that aspect of Clary and his relationship to move forward and grow up, does he.
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Just in the previous chapter I said that it’s such an outlandish take for any Shadowhunter to be inclined to think like this. Obviously individual opinions exist and not everyone necessarily likes them, but the fact that it’s one cause of the whole point that makes them Nephilim in the first place, it’s ridiculous that the scars are made such a point of beauty/ugliness in this book.
More so is the opinion that Isabelle presents here, that girls aren’t supposed to be covered in scars. Who thinks that? Where does he get that? What is the influence behind this idea that girls specifically are supposed to be unscarred? Warrior women and daughters of Raziel aren’t supposed to be scarred when they too use runes?
This is so idiotic and more a mundane issue, which for all the superiority the Nephilim feel towards them should make them think it all stupid.
Simon is also hungry and Isabelle tries to seduce him to drink from her. Simon resist but Isabelle is insistent, from which we could draw some parallel points that no means no, but:
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This is unintentionally hilarious.
Simon is worried that he drank too much.
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I’m going to need some peer-reviewed studies on this. Sure, blood volume as in plasma is replaced and can be replaced quickly, which means even quicker for the Shadowhunters. But even with Shadowhunters and they hyper blood, hemoglobin will take weeks, so does it really help if you’re going to be anemic? No.
Cut to Jace and Clary, and Clary is surprised that Sebastian told her the truth, that he didn’t feed the human girl to the vampire girl.
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The writing does it utmost to teeter the edge of maybe we can trust Sebastian and give him a chance, but it doesn’t really work when you have child murder on your tally. Doesn’t need feverish mulling-over when you've witnessed firsthand and secondhand the evil Sebastian is capable of. Clary is neither that worried about the human girl Sebastian dragged along, she just wonders whether Sebastian lied about her fate and is to be trusted.
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I don’t know where the jeans appeared because it was told in the chapter 8 that: “The drawers held camisoles and underwear, tops in cotton and silk, skirts but no jeans or pants.” And this is the only wardrobe that Clary utilizes in the moving house of Sebastian. Though obviously Sebastian or Jace could’ve gone and bought her some.
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They truly know each other so well.
I'm just taking a dig, they don't have to know or can't know each little thing about each other, but it's funny because otherwise the writing really likes to tell you just that.
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Again, the em dashes function like a comma, a colon, or parenthesis. Like commas and parentheses, em dashes set off extra information, and here they are intended as a colon but used like parenthesis. Without the em dashes the sentence here in the excerpt would go like this:
She looked away from him and busied herself putting together a breakfast plate from what was on the table, the chewy, round kind.
→ and sliced bacon that was the chewy, round kind.
Or something.
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Much like me with all of Clare's writing. Why, why, why...
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The motion he is doing is still running, not floating.
→ making it look like he was running in the air.
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Clary doesn’t know Jace can cook eggs, and Jace doesn’t know Clary doesn’t like eggs. Also Clary doesn’t know how to tell Jace she doesn’t like eggs.
Imagine not being able to voice your dislikes because the other one might get disappointed. Imagine just answering Jace’s question: “Neither, I don’t like eggs.” But no, we needed a stupid segue to relationship wisdom from Sebastian, since Clare doesn’t realize that even these tiniest of things and inconsistencies eat away the actual consistency of her narrative she sometimes manages.
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Why does he need to strip at all?
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Oh, right. For another character-defining moment.
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There will be another point also in the book that refers to this same point. Why does it matter where to rune is placed? Because the series has barely told us anything about the workings of runes, it has barely made any sense with the use of them.
You can infer that it matters where the rune is placed. But what runes work best and placed where? Maybe this is not necessary knowledge for the story to work, and maybe I'm just too pendantic about it, but since it is made a point that each rune is placed on a specific place here, I'd personally like to know why those places exactly.
Maryse then gets her one and only PoV.
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Jem is so insistent on separating Jace as Herondale that it isn’t even subtle. “Your son” would suffice. (he does say that after though)
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Case in point. Also there is no consistency as to what names the Silent Brothers even use.
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I just love this exchange because Maryse tells Jem what’s what! And yes, Jem, you did, with your obsession of Jace's Herondale-ness.
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YES, HE WAS. And the mentality like you are the reason he did not get to be! Also, what does this even meeeeean???
Cut back to Team Evil. They are on a mission to do something, after hanging around the town for ages, but Clary doesn’t know what they are after. (A chunk of adamas)
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This book just loves “subtly” incorporating the incest theme. The sibling love theme just continues and continues, and I am tired and sickened at the “subtlety” under which Clare thinks she operates, though I get why Sebastian phrases it like this.
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Why was it so difficult to leave Jace and Clary to wait outside somewhere? Because plot couldn’t happen.
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Truly the peak of Jace’s training.
We end the chapter with this cliffhanger but no worries, Clary will experience her warrior awakening in the next chapter, which was actually kind of nice. All the other stuff in this chapter, not so much, which is not a good fanfare for what is coming next.
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In December I got a job as a "park ambassador," which the description made sound like a desk job, an event coordinator, but actually turned out to be a manual laborer/groundskeeper. I got overwhelmed by the workload on my first day and quit the morning that would have been my second.
This month I got a job as a front desk clerk at a hotel. Those of you who follow me probably know that I had this exact job at a motel down in the Keys for years, so it was a lateral move, something familiar to fall back on, much easier than the suprise manual labor the park sprung on me. Well, turns out this place lied too because they're cross training me to be a housekeeper, which is ABSOLUTELY NOT worth my time and effort. That wasn't in the job description, and that was never brought up in the interview. Today was my first full shift, and it was horrendous from start to finish because there was simultaneously too much to do and not enough. What I mean is that every single task they gave me had ten or fifteen steps and substeps to follow in sequence, so even the simplest one was needlessly overcomplicated. There's a ton of shit to do, followed by long stretches of absolutely nothing. At my old job, my boss did not give one half of two shits what I did to fill the time; I could go on my phone or my laptop, I could read a book, I could draw, I could space out or take a nap, she didn't care as long as I immediately dropped what I was doing whenever the phone rang or a customer came to the door. No such luck here. I'm not allowed to read, I'm supposed to either sit there in silence or find something to do to look busy for the cameras. That's all it is, just pointless busywork. There are not 8 hours worth of tasks, but they expect you to do 8 hours worth of work!
Oh, and if the woman who's training me was really passive agressive all day about the fact that I asked her to go over the steps slowly so I could take notes and create a checklist. She made a really fucking annoying comment about how I'm the only trainee who has trouble retaining information, like I'm some drooling moron when it's literally my first day. She's younger than I am but she's already been married, had a kid, gotten a divorce, bought and sold two houses, and landed a career as a middle manager, so to her I'm lower than dirt, an abject failure, an example of how not to live your life. She made me feel about three feet tall, and the only thing that prevented me from calling it quits again was that I desperately need the money. This is the way it is: every day I'm scheduled is $100 dropped into my bank account. $15 per hour, 8 hour shifts, that's $120 per day before tax, something like $102 to $105 take home pay. I was hired to be part time, only two or tree days a week, but it pays weekly instead of biweekly so every Friday I'll get $200 or $300. This week they gave me a full 40 hours for training, so that's $500 if I can make it to the end of it without having another panic attack. If I imagine my boss handing me a $100 bill every day at clock out, I think I can get through this.
If they lied about the content of the job, I'm going to give it a solid 75% effort. I'm not gonna stress about meeting quotas or finding ways to look busy. I'm gonna keep using my checklists. I'm gonna keep them with me and go down them one item at a time in front of the customers because that's what I need to do, and if corporate doesn't like it they can fire me. This is just a job, not a career. I'm not an essential worker. I don't give a shit if a customer has a substandard experience. I don't give a shit if the elevator has scuff marks that need to be mopped. I don't care if someone leaves their laundry hamper next to the coin-op machines while they run. I am going to half-ass it all!
I have a disability and it has only gotten worse in the last five years. When I was in college I had good insurance and good medication, but now my plans have next to no coverage; the only meds I can afford are the msot common ones that doctors give away like candy. They don't work for me, but the good shit is too expensive, so i'm wallowing. I was barely able to function in the Keys, but I was driven by my goals of buying a car and moving out of my parents place; now that I've achieved both of those things, I have nothing to look forward too and have lost all motivation to even try. I am not alone, I know plenty of people who are in the exact same boat as me, but apparently none of them live within 500 miles. All my would-be peers up here are successful and functional. it comes easy to them. I'm the only one who seems to struggle. Surely I can't be the only one, but I never see anyone else like me in real life, only ever online. Are they just good at hiding it? Why can't I do that too?
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shimmeringweeds · 1 year
On the Twins and Communication
(Written between s2 episodes 11 and 12)
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To start, I agree with speculation that there is no way these two are 19 years old at present. (the show pretty explicitly denies this, but...) The way they are drawn and the way they act pin them as being about 15 - 17 at the oldest. This puts them at about the age of 8 - 10 at the time of the murder. Developmentally, this makes way more sense for both past and present actions. I won't go far into it, but an 8 year old generally has a strong sense of justice. They still have a "black and white" mindset when it comes to what is "right" and "wrong." By the time a child is 12, they know right from wrong, and that grey in between area of understanding is beginning to form. An 8 year old will often cry, "that's not fair!" But an emotionally well 12 year old has since learned to try communicating with their peers to find a fair solution. Do you see where I'm going with this?
Neither twin has moved on from that day. They've never been given that chance.
Li Tianchen has been able to develop mentally (he's a brilliant strategist), but emotionally? He's still about 8-10.
Li Tianxi has been able to develop emotionally (somewhat), but her mental growth seems to be at around 8-10 years.
Both twins have suffered neglect. Maybe not physical neglect, but certainly emotional and mental. Here is where I want to get into Li Tianxi. Keep in mind, ep12 could throw a curve-ball. So I'm not speculating or drawing a conclusion. I'm just trying to understand the facts we have right now.
First, do the twins attend school? If so, under what identities? Their records were wiped from the system. I don't think they're attending.
It's seems that Qian Jin has spent time personally educating Tianchen, but Tianxi? It is questionable that she has ever received formal education. Her mother is shown trying to get her into a special school, her father outright dismisses the idea.
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It's doubtful Qian Jin feels differently. He keeps Tianxi because she's useful, both for her ability and for controlling Tianchen. Her education is irrelevant to him.
Second. Who was teaching Tianxi to sign? She is shown signing to her father, and he remarks "did she learn any new signs today?" Notice. Her father never acknowledges her words.
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We know Tianchen has been actively teaching her, and he is the only character who we ever see attempting to learn sign with her. Her mother does not sign with her, and the trips to the doctor to cure her muteness are pointed, imo. Liu Lan is more focused on curing her daughter than giving her the tools she needs to grow. ( and I’m not saying Liu Lan doesn’t want what’s best for her, or that she never signs with her, just that we never see it. ) Tianchen is the only one who we see truly helping Tianxi. The only one who makes an effort to really hear her. The only person with whom Tianxi is able to hold something of a conversation with.
So Li Tianxi grows up, with her brother, in fear. She is powerless, truly. Already, she has no social tools to help her. She's naive in that way. She's kind, agreeable, and doesn't speak up for herself. A survival tactic. Again, Tianchen is the only one who ever made an attempt to teach her otherwise.
But after the murders, Tianchen is drowning. Does he continue to teach her, to help her grow? Tianxi's "good big brother" has always been her light in the darkness, but as they sink deeper into the reality of their situation... she looses him. The only person she could communicate with. He's gone. He talks with her, but he doesn't communicate.
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"We're going to get dinner, come her and take a nap." This is how he asks her to come "work." Frankly, he's a fool to think Tianxi doesn't know exactly what is about to happen. But at this point, Tianchen has forgotten how to communicate with others. He can only manipulate. And sadly, that includes Tianxi. He wants to protect her, and so he keeps her physically close, but mentally, he doesn't want her near that fire. He's afraid of how she'll see him. Yet--
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Tianxi may lack efficient tools for communication, (we don't know how much she can sign because we never again see anyone try to sign with her and our only knowledge of her literacy level is the photograph.) Yet she can read people. Especially her brother. She knows, at least in theory, what's about to happen. And I believe she understands why he doesn't tell her.
Her face here, right before possession kicks in, kills me.
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The juxtaposition of these two. Tianxi's look of "We're together. I'm with you. It's going to be all right" ....vs. Tianchen's resigned, lonely sadness.
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Tianxi runs away that night and I find that strange. She doesn't run for help (that we know of.) Just away. And this is where I will stop. It's the dark spot in our timeline. I will not draw conclusions on why she runs or where she initially runs too. And I certainly will not bring up thoughts on episode 11. I will wait and see (and shake my fist at God for) what context episode 12 may bring.
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But certainly, one theme surrounding the twins (of the whole season tbh) is communication.
Li Tianxi has limited communication tools, but she can still connect with others.
Li Tianchen has the tools to communicate, but has not connected with anyone in a very long time.
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waffliesinyoface · 2 years
my spiciest and most controversial naruto opinion is that i dont think jinchuuriki  were even a thing until shippuden.
like, for starters: nine-tailed foxes are like. thats just a thing? that dates back to the actual real life warring states period, 2400 years ago. If the series never had the other 8, it would not have been even slightly notable.
secondly, we have gaara. Yes, I will argue that gaara pre-dates jinchuuriki, despite being the second example of such. Here’s the initial reveal:
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I’m pretty sure the official explanation for this is either “oh, suna forgot the rest of the tailed beasts were a thing and they conflated the ichibi with one of the previous jinchuuriki,” or, more charitably, “they just lied to him about what shukaku was”
This is whats known as “blatant retconning”. At this point, Shukaku wasn’t a “tailed beast” because the “tailed beasts™” didn’t exist. The reason for him only having one tail wasn’t because he was the weakest, it was because "more tails = older & stronger” is specifically a fox thing. They don’t even mention its tail. It’s irrelevant. He’s just another equally powerful demon. There is no relation between Shukaku and Kurama aside from circumstance. Naruto and Gaara’s relationship is not written as “fellow jinchuuriki,” it’s “this world sucks because children being turned into living weapons who are then reviled is depressingly commonplace.”
Like, yes, they establish later (way later. its chapter 648 out of 700) that suna got hold of shukaku well before hashirama went around stuffing them into jars at the end of the first war, and thats why people forgot it’s origin, but given hiruzen fought in the first war, that means that the majority of them were running around free less than a century ago. Even in a world run by ninja-enforced secrecy, cultural memory doesn’t fade that fast. 
People also routinely point out the fact that Naruto’s treatment at the beginning of the series makes no goddamn sense when other jinchuuriki are a thing. The tailed beasts cannot fucking die, killing the host just makes them pop up again a couple years later. 
In an attempt to try and hammer some semblance of consistency onto canon, fans have latched onto the idea that it was only the civilians/civilian-raised ninja who were especially shitty to naruto. Which is nice and all, but, uh.
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Hi Mr. Akimichi, you sure are a blatant example of a clan ninja huh
My final example is that kishimoto has repeatedly gone on record and said things that make it clear he’s flying by the seat of his pants: 
Chuunin exams were a thing because Shonen Jump editors wanted a tournament arc, and thought the original plan of introducing the other teams over time was too slow
Orochimaru showed up because the editors wanted an overarching villain
Sasuke left because he had no idea what to do with him plot-wise
Boruto doesnt have the byakugan because kishimoto forgot about neji’s backstory and the justification for the caged-bird-seal
Ninja shoes are like that because he likes drawing toes 
(bonus example: kaguya. just. everything about kaguya.)
Anyways. I like the other tailed beasts. I think they’re neat. They are free goddamn real estate for anyone making naruto fanfiction because they’re cool. But they were 100% a retcon when kishimoto realized he needed something for the akatsuki to do.
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builder051 · 11 months
Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies
Chasing Ghosts. Warning for drug mentions/implied drug use. Meant to be stupid and funny.
James sits at the table. He presses his cheek to its cool surface and wraps his arm around his head. He should go, he thinks. Somewhere. Not here. Or at least turn off the light.
The logical thing to do is plant himself in the bathroom and wait out his seasick headache. The thought of the bathroom sends James’s throat up to throb behind his clenched teeth. He won’t be turning off the light. He won’t be moving at all.
“It’s bad?”
Steve seems to have materialized in the kitchen. James doesn’t know how long he’s had an audience. He’d taken his hearing aids out a while ago. With his echolocation gone and his eyes hidden, James knows he’s a sitting duck. Not that Steve would ever hurt him. Well, not on purpose. He sometimes gets a little rough when administering first aid.
“Eh,” James says to the inside of his elbow. “You probably know better than I do.”
“Mm,” Steve muses. James imagines him stroking his chin in contemplation. “You have a headache and feel like you want to hurl?”
“Yeah…” James pauses to draw in a shaky breath. “I don’t know. When, I mean. If.”
“You never do know.”
There’s a scraping sound and a vibrating sensation as Steve pulls up a seat. James bites his lip. He’d rather taste blood than bile.
“I mean, I can guess. I can try to help. Hold your hair. Or a mop.” Now that he’s close, James hears the uncertainty in Steve’s voice.
“Yeah. Try consulting your magic 8 ball or something. ‘S as good as anything else.”
Steve gives a quiet laugh. “I would if I could.”
“Wait, what?” Tasha’s running up the hallway, her words going from muffled to sonorous. James pretends he doesn’t suppress an instinctive swallow. He can’t acknowledge what doesn’t exist. Logic bends as James’s head makes a particularly strong throb. He’s losing his grip on reality. He must be. Tasha awake and moving at this hour on a Saturday morning? James assumes it’s still morning. It was morning when his mild headache turned to extreme vertigo and sent him tilting toward a chair.
“Oh, hey, Tasha.” Steve says.
James forces out his own sound of greeting.
“Who has an 8 ball?” Tasha speaks quickly, tripping over her words. She’s probably on an upper already. Hopefully her very own, very legal Adderall. She has absolutely no need for cocaine.
“Nobody,” James groans. He lifts his head just enough to give his sister a scathing look. Her hair is piled on top of her head, and she’s wearing a bathrobe that hangs far to low in the front.
“I heard you—“ Tasha starts.
“No.” James shuts his eyes and bows flat to the table again, this time cooling his aching forehead.
“It was, you know.” Steve sounds slightly embarrassed. Maybe because he won’t leave the bedroom in just boxers. Whose dignity he’s still pretending to protect, James will never ask.
Steve clears his throat and goes on. “Like, the toy kind? Where you ask it a question and shake it?”
“Oh.” Tasha’s disappointed. She recovers in a beat and says, “I had one of those once. As a kid. It was dumb. It wasn’t right about anything.”
“I was thinking about ordering one on Amazon.” Steve puts too much positivity into his tone. The man will do anything to avoid a confrontation.
“If you really want one, just give me a few bucks. I can have it by tonight.” James sincerely hopes she’s joking. Well, not joking, exactly. He hopes she won’t do it, whether to spite him or any other reason.
“That won’t be necessary.” James sees Steve’s gluey smile projected onto the backs of his eyelids.
“Might help your headache.” Tasha pokes James in the shoulder. He grunts and swallows frenetically, determined not to lose control.
“Tash…” James sighs. “Just leave it.”
“If you say so.”
Silence briefly ensues, then a cabinet opens and the sink starts running. Then the table jiggles again as Tasha joins them. She sips her water, then casually asks, “What question were you going to ask, anyway? The 8 ball?”
“Oh.” Steve laughs.
“You can tell her,” James says, then breathes deeply and focuses on the feeling of his nose squashing as he rests his forehead directly against the hardwood.
“It was, um,” Steve warms himself up. “We were going to ask, uh, whether or not James is going to puke.”
“Hm.” Tasha sets down her glass. “Well, duh. You could’ve just asked me.”
“What sayest you?” Steve gives James the floor. Which he may or may not be about to soil.
James has reached his limit. If he speaks, if he so much as acknowledges his turn in the conversation, his jaw will unhinge and everything will fall to pieces. He steels himself and clenches his abdominal muscles as much as he can. “Yeah.” It comes out in a gasp that’s probably inaudible as he takes off in a rush toward the bathroom.
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lolz88 · 9 months
Life advice
Hi, you don’t know me and we’ll probably never meet, but if you’d be so kind as to listen to some words of wisdom please continue reading,
if not have a good day
Trigger warning
Mentions of SA, child abuse, suicidal ideation,
In life, you won’t always be alright, things will be shit, something will go wrong, something will hurt you or you’ll hurt someone and regret it day in and day out
But that being said, life won’t always be bad, things will work out for you, something will go right, you will one day heal, and those you accidentally hurt will heal
And you may not believe that, a couple of years ago I would not have, I would have screamed and swore that nothing good could happen, that I didn’t deserve it and that it was all lies
“But what’s the difference now”? You may ask
“How did you change”?
Allow me to paint that picture
I was born to a First Nations mother and a second generation immigrant father, in a small rundown town, in which my family broke leaving my mother alone with an infant, my life was never meant to be glamorous
Growing up was paycheque to paycheque in a rundown little town, my mom was newly divorced, with my little half brother and a scummy ex who wanted her to suffer, it was rough, then came a little spark of hope, a kind stepfather, 3 new older siblings in a large house in the countryside, it was like something out of a dream, life turned out amazing…
But then it didn’t, at age 5 when I was supposed to be running and playing, I was walking on eggshells, hiding from my adult stepbrother, who had a taste for little kids and used them to take out his anger, I even remember drawing away my stepbrother’s attention from my little brother, doing so without even really knowing why. And the worst part is we thought it was normal, we considered it a daily norm to the point we didn’t even consider telling an adult. I was only 13 when I realized a grown man should have never even considered what my step brother
And we only got away because a teacher who didn’t like my mother called cps, we never even knew why, but when they showed up I was asked to sit down and talk with them, to tell them everything that happened in a day in great detail, I told them every detail with a smile not knowing anything was wrong, and in doing so, my parents found out, or should I say parent, as it came out my stepfather was aware
It was at most a day when we left, moving in with my grandparents, and later moving back to our old home, our home from before. And the worst part is I could go on, that wasn’t my backstory but just the prologue, that’s not counting the 16 years of bullying, the harassment, the 8 suicide attempts, the addiction and so on
So how can I be ok?, how can I wake up and get out of bed?, how am I still here?
It wasn’t therapy, wasn’t medication and sure as hell wasn’t religion, the reasons I’m still here are dozens and yet only 3 are really important, I’m here because I couldn’t miss my mother’s birthday, I couldn’t leave because my dog was sick and needed me, I had to stay because my brother was about to graduate elementary school and he wanted me there, I took all those little moments and the hundreds of others and I held them close, and slowly they began to fill that little void in me
Nowadays I can say I’m ok and mean it, but that’s the thing, I’m ok yes, but sometimes I’m not, sometimes I cry myself sick because I’m convinced I’ll never fall in love with someone, that because of how I look or the way I talk somehow makes me unloveable, sometimes I feel numb, that same feeling I got when I lost hope, sometimes I am reminded of how I struggled and I stumble.
But then, in time, slowly I start to feel lighter, I start singing to my cows in the morning, I’m baking and I can picture a home where someone loves me and I them
And I realize, once again, that I’m ok, and that I will be ok if I fall again
Now one thing to note, I may not have had help, but if you feel anything like I did, you should seek help, I’ve told those story in the hopes that you take away one single concept
That even during those dark painful moments, in the hopeless times, sometimes all you need is one little thing, one insignificant thing that will snowball out till you reach the day you can look back and smile at how far you’ve come
Remember always, no matter what you are loved, valued and important
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sakuplumeria · 10 months
Hello, I am using my main account since I can't ask questions with my sideblog. Thank you again for the questions choices, they were all awesome: 2), 4), 8), 17), 32), 38), 46), 52), 61), 67), 73)
Thank you for the ask!! Interesting choices~
2) A character in Saiyuki that grew on you
I always like Goku. I don't know why I liked him when I was little, but the more I know his story the more I like him. I'm quite sad when people see him like a child, he sees so much more than it seems. I'm thrilled to see how sensei developed his character, specially in Even a Worm arc, and how sensei drew him much more mature in Blast. Not only Sanzo, but he's like the sun to me too :3 There are many characters that grew on me as I spent more time with Saiyuki, Sanzo, Koumyo, Tenkai, Jikaku, Gat…
4) Favorite member of Kougaiji’s group
Is Zakuro part of his group? Yeah? No? Then Instructor Wang it is. I'm… oddly attracted to eccentric old men lmao.
8) Which character do you really dislike?
This is a hard question, I never really dislike a character as they all have their background stories… If I have to choose though, Li Touten, probably, for using Nataku like that :/
17) How long have you enjoyed Saiyuki?
I watched Reload and Reload Gunlock on TV when I was in elementary school, and you know they used sensei's art for the ending songs? I was so captivated that I searched for the manga. That's the first time I really worked myself to search for something. I just realized it's been around 20 years… omg
32) Do you enjoy writing/drawing/creating fan works for the Saiyuki fandom?
Absolutely! I write and draw and make covers, also translating the songs to English. I used many websites and you can see them here. I wish I have the energy to create more… at least to finish the ones I started..
38) Do you binge read the entire series or read selected chapters?
Sometimes I binge read, sometimes I read selected chapters. Mostly I read selected chapters when I'm in the mood!
46) If [character] died, what do you think they’d be reborn as?
Since you didn't give me the character, I'll go with Goku for the next two questions. By the way, I don't think Goku will die soon, I headcanon him aging very slowly… I wrote a fanfic about this, where Goku lives in the modern world lol. But anyway, I kinda imagine him reborn as a celestial being, much like Jeep, with powers and big responsibility for the world. A dragon maybe? I never thought about this before actually so I just type whatever pops up in my head lol
52) What are 3 tropes that describe [character]?
Amnesiac Hero :(
Innocent but Powerful
Bottomless Pit, as they always say
61) Do you seek out spoilers or avoid at all cost?
I don't mind spoilers, sometimes it helps me to get into the story better.
67) What’s something you think would improve the series?
Remake all the animated versions, with quality. Let's say, by Platinum Vision, the one who produces Reload Blast. Honestly, I like Saiyuki so much, but I don't rewatch it that much, besides Burial, because of the quality of the animes… It's also the reason why it's so hard to tell my friends about Saiyuki. People tend to watch rather than read, but I don't really want people to watch Saiyuki with the quality they have now. So yeah…
73) What character is still a mystery to you?
I wanna say Koumyo but well, I'm more interested in Tenkai and Taruchie. They're the ones with connection, connecting Ibun, which I see as the oldest story of Saiyuki on earth, and Blast, which will be the ending of it. Even though they're not the center of the plot, I believe they took an important part in it. That also brings me to Sai Tai Sai... but I guess we'll find out about Sai in the future. I hope to see Tenkai and Taruchie lore as well :3
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dragonsinkwell · 1 year
Hihi, Rae! I'm here to ask you the following: #1, #4, #8, #11, #12, #14, #20, #21, and #23, please and thank you! Cheers, hon! ☕
Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
I can't say I prefer one or the other, I just rarely have the drive these days to consider a multi-chapter. My heart's a little dim because the audience is so quiet that I don't even know who I'm writing for, and why bake a cake when there's no one to eat it? But I wish I could and had written more chaptered pieces over all my little one-shots.
Link your three favorite fics right now
Control - by you, b/c it slaps and it's never leaving my top 3
A Warlock's Magic by @aunclassynerd b/c it also slaps and has sat in my head recently
distraction - by one flintstrike on Ao3 (@suguwu) and damn, got me thinking Things for the first character in a while to have me thinking
How does receiving or not receiving feedback/support impact you?
Honestly??? It's not like no feedback sends me into some spiral but like, go out and make things you think are nice and take some considerable work and have no one bat an eye at any of them. Do it for days, weeks, months. It's hard and it's not very fun any more. I can just daydream my ideas to myself with no effort at all, it's not as much but why bust ass for something that honestly feels unwanted?
Everyone talks about that 'two cakes' comic but like, what good is a cake when no one wants it? I can go buy a cupcake at the store instead and not have to clean up a whole bunch of dishes if it's just myself. No one ever giving back feedback just sounds like the work's not worth it and I'm best just daydreaming and giggling on Discord with the two people tops who have any interest in it.
If you want cakes, then you have to buy them and convince the baker that the work is worth it for them, and all it costs is a little feedback from enough people, aka entirely free.
How do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
It's hard to explain, I feel. In the age old 'Architect/Gardener' split I'm at least 90% gardener and just sorta... let things happen. I let the story speak to me, let the characters act as they would and I simply polish up what is given to me by the muse.
I can't say I directly feel what the characters do, but I know the feelings are there in most every case in one way or another, and I try to draw on those to help ensure some level of empathetic accuracy, so that the readers can feel at least some of what I hope to convey.
Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
I can't say that I have? But then I also don't super re-read a ton of my own pieces, either, so perhaps therein lies the issue.
Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story?
Oh my gosh yes. I know I tried here once, many moons ago for a Spooktober collab, and I'd so gladly try again. I'm one to really love working with people, even just as someone to bounce ideas around with.
Best writing advice for other writers?
Find yourself an honest audience. Obviously, you ought to be in it as Numero Uno, but the outside voices help more than you know, especially if you want to improve. Find yourself co-conspirators who can give honest critique in the voice that helps you the most, people who can point out what your style is lacking and needs, where its slips are, but also what it has to its benefits, what your strengths are and where you're hitting all your home runs.
Critique isn't always this list of failures, it ought to also be laced with its praises too, so you can compare the two and see, yes, what you need to improve upon, but also where you're ahead of the game. It's good company for that, people who can give you both while enjoying your work that are worth more than their weight in gold.
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janus-cadet · 2 years
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J'ai publié 61 fois en 2022
49 billets créés (80%)
12 billets reblogués (20%)
Les blogs que j'ai le plus reblogués :
J'ai étiqueté 56 billets en 2022
Seulement 8% de mes billets ne comportaient pas de tag
#fanart - 18 billets
#digital art - 18 billets
#artwork - 17 billets
#tarot card - 10 billets
#le visiteur du futur - 9 billets
#vdf - 8 billets
#art request - 8 billets
#tarot card concept - 8 billets
#sanders sides - 8 billets
#pride month 2022 - 8 billets
Tag le plus long : 98 caractères
#but i mean if you're looking for stuff about the corinthian you are probably not triggered by eyes
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
This one was request quite a few time on Instagram- therefore, many version of the same drawings. I would love to make a version for each one, but let’s be honest, time is working against me! 
And it’s not like I will never draw that character again.
Sooo here come our favorite demon, Crowley, with the non-binary, genderfluid and mlm flag.
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286 notes - publié le 22 juin 2022
I’ve started a drawing before the six fanarts challenge, and therefore, I’m finishing it now. Like, let’s call it a sort-of-a-break, while being aware it’s not really a break, since it’s definitely more complicated than a serie of portrait...  
So basically, I was feeling hyped because of the second season, and I drew the Ineffable Husbands from Good Omens. It’s been so long since I last drew them!
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Yes, I wanted to draw the wings- but more importantly, Crowley’s hair. So yes, it’s the part of the drawing I spent most of the time on.
I still like the ensemble! It was supposed to be a background for my computer.
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317 notes - publié le 22 f��vrier 2022
It's been a while since I last drew a simple portrait, and I did not realise how much I loved and missed it! Alan Rickman is a delight to draw.
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I think I might try to make prints for that one, in a close future.
571 notes - publié le 8 novembre 2022
I seem to be on my way to do all Major Arcanes, and, for some reason, also the Suit of Swords. Ah, well.
Today, I drew the Seven of Swords ; and who's better to incarnate a card about betrayal, deception, lies et keeping secrets than our one and onely Lord Of the Lies, Janus Sanders ?
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Believe it or not, the swords were actually not easy to draw. I am no sword-person. So why draw the Suit of Swords ? Eh.
Upright, this card indicates theft, trickery, among other things : you may be trying to get away with something, or are being sneaky. You use cunning and deception to get the advantage in situations. On another note, it suggests that you may need to put yourself first to get that stuff you want, and grossly, don't hesitate to, ya know, attack the Piñata. Sometimes, you need to put your own needs first, even if other may not agree with you.
Reversed, the cards implies you feel like a fraud, that you are deceiving yourself, attempt to fool yourself that everything is okay when it's not. Il represents keeping secrets hidden from others, which may bring you stress, tension, along with guilt and shame.
I think you can see why I picked my favorite snake to represente the card !
Voir l'intégralité du billet
611 notes - publié le 2 août 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
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I may developped a fixation on that movie. And on that guy. Oopsie daisies.
“There was blood all over my nice antic couch.
- Which one ? The red one ?
- Well, it’s red now, Ja.”
668 notes - publié le 26 mai 2022
Obtenez votre année 2022 en revue sur Tumblr →
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tokyoleo · 2 months
this blog is contaminated with leo kurosagi brainrot, approach with caution
no one is safe i will ramble to anyone until i pass out and then start all over again
ive been working on a sona for weeks but i keep getting distracted
i am in love with literally all of them they should explode
MC sona that im working on under :
Let's try to balance being a perfect student and a menace
Name: Mika Momoka (美香 桃花 • みか ももか)
Age: in her early 20s
Birthday: August 8
Specie: Ghoul, Human formerly
Cursed?: Not this one!
Stigma: Passive (still figuring out the incantation)
Mika is able to sense danger in her environment, ranging from small risks to deadly certainties. She can find violent people or anomalies, dodge incoming attacks and distinguish between bluffing or genuine threat by paying attention to the feeling in her chest. She can also detect ill intent, like if a person lies specifically to hurt someone else. If her focus is disturbed or she gets overwhelmed by too many dangers, her stigma becomes useless.
A peculiar first year student fucked up and now has the sage's ring glued to her finger. The Chancellor took this opportunity to throw her in the spotlight- Mika hates it.
Mika seems like a polite, discrete girl at first. Amicable, hardworking and passionate, it looks like she fits in the honor student role just fine!
But, Mika is, in fact, going insane. All she wanted was to do whatever she desired while passing under the radar. Be sneaky and avoid conflict or consequences; that was the strategy for all her life. Now, her job is to interact with all of the other quirky students? Mika has to cut herself off from swearing all the time because someone is always here. Fuck.
She tones down her clothes, makeup and eccentric personality at school, hoping to smoothly sail over the storm completely unnoticed. While she's annoyed at her responsibilities, she does enjoy the many, many perks being the 'honor student' gives her, so, she plays into the dumb role Darkwick gave her. However, she just keeps slipping up; saying the damned things on her mind, getting into stupid shenanigans, taking risks left and right... She tries so hard, she really does! But she also can't help but be herself. The more she denies herself that freedom, the more she feels herself grow restless.
Height: 5'7" without heels
Hair: A gradient from light blond to a slightly darker peach color. It's long and has some volume. The ends are pink but faded- did she dye her hair in the past?
Eyes: Bright but pale teal. Light eyebags. She likes to wear makeup like eyeshadow, eyeliner, gloss and mascara, but tries her best to wear only natural colors while out on campus.
Uniform: The classic honor student uniform, customized here and there for personal flare. Never wears the jacket, even in winter. It's too thick and heavy. She likes to wear cardigans over the blouse instead. Her shoes have a higher heel.
Casual Style : She mixes the fashion styles of gal, coquette and grundge! Cute and insanely girly but with an edge.
. She's french, because I am. Speaks baguette.
. Her name means beautiful fragrance of peach blossoms. Very peach inspired in design too.
. Mika's animal is the Cheetah! 🐆
. Loves drawing, singing and baking in her free time. She hides all her hobbies so no one really knows for sure.
. She's a hopeless Bi with no game whatsoever. She's avoided attention and people all her life and now her stubborness is coming back to bite her in the ass.
. I haven't paired her up with anyone because I adore them all and it's fun to think about what the platonic or romantic dynamic would be for each of them.
. Has stolen an artifact. She just found out about all that neat stuff, how could she not? The artifact looks unnasuming enough, its just like a normal can of spray paint. However, it never runs out of paint and lets her have any color she wants- it's also extremely flammable. Fun!!
(let the honor student have something to defend herself with Darkwick like what the fuck)
. More to come! I LOVE other MCs, please show them to me and infodump about them!! Don't be scared to interact, it makes my day every time <3
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guess-ill-dye · 2 months
I'm sad :(
Vent post
It has been a year since my mom gave my cat to someone.
I miss him so much
There is a Portuguese word that is a noun for when you miss someone. "saudade". You say I have saudades. It doesn't make sense in English but that's how I feel abt Simba. That's my cat's name. He's not my cat anymore. But I don't think I know anything else to call him. It was my fault. My mom was always mad I didn't clean the litterbox. I never thought she would do this. It's was a Monday. I was trying to be better and cleaned his litter box once a week, every Monday. It was cleaning the litter box day. And I didn't do it. I went home and there was no sign of him. She put him outside, in our balcony. He was there for months. It was meant to be a week. He should be here. She lied to me. It was just an excuse to get rid of him. I looked at pictures of him. I dont have a lot. I have one in the back of my phone. He looks so cute, I got his tongue sticking out in the picture. I miss him. I used to draw him. He was such a nice model. I loved drawing him. Now whenever I see a cat I see him. There are so many stray cats where I live. My neighbour got a cat. My mom bragged to her how she got rid of Simba. She is proud. No-one talks about him. It's taboo. No-one seems to care. My dad liked him. He doesn't seem to notice what day is it. I used to think about him dying one day, while he was snuggled with me in bed and I would cry. At the thought. The day he was taken away there were a ton of seagulls. All I could hear was him meowing. I wrote a poem, I drew him, just to get my head lighter. It didn't work. I never told anyone about it. Never told my friends. For all they know I still have a cat. Once my friend came to my house and she asked where my cat was. I said he was at my grandparents. I lied. I felt bad lying. I usually never do if it won't harm anyone. It did not hurt her, it was just curiosity. Still I felt bad. I try to avoid it. I don't talk about it. The first month of school after the holidays was bad. I was really sad. I sometimes just laid my head down and thought about him. My friends were nice. They never asked any questions. I didn't want to answer any questions. I talked to some people online. It helped for a while. I barely though about him and when I did it wasn't sad, it was just numb. I was sad during the night. I went on minecraft and made a creative world called Simba. I built and image of him in the ground. It was in a beautiful cherry blossom forest. I spawned tons of cats. Gave them all names. All the orange ones were Simba. I got one of the orange ones and tamed him. I built a house. Put a bed. Put him next to it. Then I went to sleep. I felt better then. I went to a psychiatrist. She said I was trying to hard to be happy and neglected my feelings. Atleast that's what I remember. I guess I am. I try not to think about Simba never. I can't do that now. I have been trying to forget everything bad that happened to me since always. I went to sleep and forgot it all. It worked. I woke up with hope everyday. But I can't forget him. He is not a bad things. His absence is. I can't forget something that is so violently not there. I tried to get help on Tumblr, before he was taken away. I deleted the post and hour later. I thought it was pointless, that it didn't make sense. I still tell people I have him. I dont even know where he is. The lady who took him had another cat. She died of cancer for what I heard. She also has another one. She sent my mom pictures of him. She sent them to me. She said he didn't miss me, that he was happier there. I wonder if she is right. I saw on the Internet cats don't do that. They remember. I wonder if he does. I asked mom to see him in the lady's house. She said maybe. That was in October. She lied. Again. When I was 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 my mom broke my favourite doll because my room was messy. I never forgave her. I never will. I miss Simba.
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