#i literally hate the job search process
runawaymun · 1 year
maybe i’m getting like, old or smth but I just got asked to submit to a 1-way interview and I was like ???? and it turns out that it’s just that the company can’t be arsed to sit down for an actual 3 minute phone call so they want you to essentially submit an audition tape
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Just remembered I applied to an electrical engineering course last night slightly as a joke but mostly seriously and now I may or may not get contacted by these people 😵‍💫
#i had one of those moments that i have from time to time where basically i remembered my job contract ends in september and i panicked#and my friend was like ‘you should learn a trade!’ so then i was running through each one and doing a process of elimination to decide which#to do. i was like ‘okay so plumbing is kind of gross; i’m too clumsy for joinery or construction… electricity scares me but i feel like if i#actually LEARNED about the processes of being an electrician it wouldn’t scare me’#so then i literally searched ‘electrician course’ and applied for one at the nearest college#idk if i should actually do it. i mean on the one hand it could be really good and work well; but on the other…… like i really doubt they#have any type of support for mature students so i’d be paying for this course out of pocket#and idk how much it costs. like. do i want to spend literally all the wages i make barista-ing on learning to become an electrician#and what happens if i hate it??#also i’m like 99% certain everyone else on the course is going to be insufferable teenage boys and do i want to be an unpaid TA#for an unspecified amount of time#maybe i should see if i can just do an online course to get the theory & then do an apprenticeship from there. would anyone even hire me#as an apprentice though??? would that whole process be awful. apprentice wages are legit terrible#it’s just one of various ideas though#plan A is to convince my current job to hire me permanently; either in my current role or an office job#plan B is learn to be an electrician maybe. plan C is fuck off and travel the world. maybe work on a cruise ship idk#or do one of those volunteer conservation projects and see if that leads to anything#plan D is random side gigs e.g. temping/invigilating/audio transcription/etc#plan E is [redacted]#so. yeah#personal
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romanticatheartt · 3 months
I have a hot take and it might piss some people off specially the ones who believe Nesta didn't need a redemption arc (???) so please don't read this if you have this mindset
You saving your sister at death bed doesn't have redeeming quality. Because anyone in that room, specially Rhysand, would've jumped to help her without hesitation if they had the power. Nesta herself would've helped even if she hadn't finished her healing journey and was still distancing herself from everyone.
I'm not talking about how in those 12 days she didn't help the IC to find a solution, I'm talking about her seeing her baby sister at death bed. Because she didn't helped Feyre for 5 years and let her put herself in danger because Nesta knew she would survive. But the moment Tam/in took her, Nesta goes after her and searches for her. And this is exactly what happened, Nesta thinking IC would find a solution so she didn't even bother to offer a little help. Or even think about it...
In both situations the moment Nesta sees Feyre in absolute danger and is sure there's a huge chance that she might not make it alive, she makes a move to help/save her. I don't want one single person to come here and tell me it's not her job or responsibility- just shut it... don't embarrass yourself
You know what would've been redeeming?
The moment she realized Feyre might die during the labor, she should've started searching alongside the IC, she was literally working in a library at the time.
She should've talked to them and convinced them to let Feyre know of the danger.
She, talking with her sister, properly apologizing and try to bond with her and mend the bridge that's been broken between them.
Not sucking your trainer's d*ck the moment you find out. Not climbing down 10000 steps because you were so "angry" of the injustice you were facing and tell your sister she's about to die and made it about yourself. Because you wanted to show her that IC doesn't "respect" her as much as they don't respect you. And put her in danger in the process because you knew how the stress might hurt the baby but again you were thinking about your own hurts and pains.
I love Nesta and her book helped me to understand her so much better and realizing how similar we are and how much I share trauma with her. Not my trauma response tho.
I just hate the way sjm wrote her healing journey because she made it about herself lol. She projected her trauma and her experience during her process of healing and wrote it into Nesta's story and never cared how it might look at the end. Now Nesta saving Feyre, her blood sister, sounds more like a favor she gave and give *some* people the opportunity to make what Feyre did for her sisters a chore, a responsibility, something she enjoyed to do because she wanted to hurt herself. (and that's definitely not true) Don't even try to deny I've seen it many many times and I have proof.
And that's my problem with her book. I love that she made friends along the process and had her own found family, it led us to meet two beautiful characters. Her book gave us context of the reason behind some of her actions. We get to read how ashamed and hateful she is toward herself for neglecting Feyre. But the rest? No.
Sjm could've give us Nesta, fixing her relationship with the people around her and making new friendship with her found family at the same time but instead she wrote so many smut scene that has no purpose and doesn't help the plot moving. I'm throwing hot takes after hot takes jeez
In conclusion acosf didn't help people to forgive Nesta. Understand her? Yes. But forgiving her and give them the opportunity to considee her as their favorite character? No. I'm not talking about all but the majority, because as you see even now people can't seem to forgive her even tho they understand her much better.
To be honest acosf is one of the weakest book sjm has ever written and she hasn't wrote one single good book ever since... I wanted to make all these takes in different posts but fuck it, we ball<3
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lover-of-mine · 4 months
i'm fine with the bt scene being what it was because it showed what is. a shallow superficial relationship that is not being written as endgame so I'm fine with them not having a more emotional connection make it more obvious its BONES in s8.
Okay, I'm gonna say this and I need everyone to know I genuinely mean it, I'm not fine with it. I am tired of the show giving Buck and Eddie love interests that exist to have no agency besides girlfriend/boyfriend or plot device for an exposition dump. I desperately wanted to care about bt. Buck being bi is such incredible representation and I spent the whole season waiting to be convinced I should like T and bt together for anything beyond the fact that they are a queer relationship but I keep coming up empty-handed. I like being a hater right now because no criticism of him is allowed without someone screaming that you're homophobic or hate gay people and that everyone in the show is problematic why doesn't he get a pass too so I am grabbing on to every wrong thing about him the same way people are blowing the good things to justify my aversion to him. But the thing is, T is a character who's being written in a way that is so hard to sympathize with when it comes to Buck. He has this shell that makes him rigid and he has this dry sense of humor and he could be interesting if he was willing to bend a little bit for Buck. That relationship was not something I could get behind when T left Buck on the curb, because while I do believe T was incredibly justified in not liking the situation Buck put them in, he could've communicated that better before he was literally in the car leaving Buck behind, so there Buck was once again in a relationship with someone who left him because they can't handle who he is. That was the impression I got from that first date and I keep waiting for them to be cute for me to move past it and the show is giving me nothing. Why did they make the choice to not let T dress up for the bachelor party and indulge Buck when the job by definition requires for him to change into a uniform so he could've put in some effort? Why did he let Buck walk around with his face covered in soot when they could've shown us a shot of him cleaning Buck's face before they walked into the room holding hands and give the impression that there's more going on there than a few makeout sessions? Why weren't they affectionate at the ceremony? Why wasn't that conversation in the hospital, where it would've shown a level of care and that joke could've been seen as an attempt to make Buck feel better about what was going on? Why are they always two steps to the left of being cute or having any fighting chance? And that's ignoring how intertwined Eddie is with the beginning of their relationship because that's just disturbing. The triangle thing is annoying as fuck if Eddie was not gonna get confirmed as queer and the sides wouldn't actually connect.
I think narratively Buck and Eddie getting together is the thing that makes the most sense for both of their characters, but if that's not gonna happen, I wanna care about the people they're with. I love Buck as a character, I want him to have a nice love story if for whatever reason we are not getting buddie because love is the thing he's been searching for, and whatever bt has going is not it. And the thing that's killing me is that it could be. It's the same thing they did with Taylor because if Taylor was as intense about Buck as she is about the job, they could work, but the show made a choice to use the development of her character to stir away from Buck. And T, he's just there. And it's frustrating. I don't even wanna get into the comparisons between buddie and bt because imma be honest I'm still processing the way the show had T refusing to dress on theme and then had Eddie suggest matching outfits in the next scene, what even was that?? But the way the show constantly takes the chances they have to give depth to their relationship, looks it in the eye, and runs the other direction it's just........... yk? This is Buck's fifth relationship and I can't for the life of me look at it and see where it's going because they are making it seem like it's going nowhere. T parallels Taylor all the time visually, when it comes to screentime he's just a step above Ali, he's nowhere near as developed as Taylor was at this point. I had hopes for that scene when they started to talk about parents, for 20 seconds, I believed they were gonna give emotional depth to them, but they didn't. And I was literally sitting here begging them to give me something to care about when it comes to them if they are gonna keep them together but I have nothing to show for it and I hate it. There's no emotional connection, they will probably breakup at some point during s8 and I'm just gonna be there "oh wow another failed romance what a surprise" while they keep playing up Buck and Eddie's partnership and not letting them go all the way, and it's just tiring.
And this is ignoring the way we keep getting yelled at for not resonating with them. I sincerely don't want to hate them but I can't find a reason to care about them.
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star-going-supernova · 10 months
I just thought of a banger fic idea for you.
What if Freddy is glitching and malfunctioning and the only way to combat it is for Gregory to be with him as it’s the only thing that comforts him. It ends up with Freddy carrying a half asleep Gregory around and giving everyone a red eyed glare when they look at him for too long as his systems are slowly rebooting.
Honestly the idea of Freddy, who is arguably one of the most dangerous animatronics when angry, gently holding his small fragile child while out of it hits just right.
They’re like bonded cats basically. You can’t separate them or else.
Coming at you with tumblr generated prompt number 55! We’ve got some Outsider POV in this one! 
Unspoken Things
Jamie had been a tech in Parts and Services for almost four years, and she’d earned her promotion to head technician for the band. Most days, she enjoyed her job, or at least didn’t hate it. The animatronics were fairly agreeable to work with, and it was rare for her to be faced with a problem bigger than mild exterior damage or little bug fixes. It probably wasn’t surprising that she saw Monty and Roxy more than Freddy and Chica. Dings from golf balls and dents from go karts were daily occurrences. 
But even rare errors did occur, and that was why Jamie was currently running around the pizzaplex in a growing panic, looking for Freddy. 
She didn’t know what had caused it, just that he had malfunctioned badly and in such a way that his aggression had been triggered. He’d already taken out two endos and three STAFF bots, and the last thing she needed was him going after a human next. The only reason he hadn’t gotten his hands on any of her techs was because Monty got between him and them, and was in his own repair bay now as a result.
Freddy’d taken off, literally breaking down a door to escape, before she could get him hooked up to her equipment. Which meant a strong, fast, angry animatronic was loose in the pizzaplex. 
If I was an out-of-control animatronic, where would I go? she asked herself. She hurried to the edge of the mezzanine, half pleased, half dismayed to find the atrium empty of Freddy. 
She had a small army of her techs searching as well, and the radio silence from their end meant he wasn’t in Rockstar Row or the band’s personal areas of Parts and Services. Unless he was roaming around the basement, Freddy being in a public space was becoming more likely. 
Jamie blew out an aggrieved sigh. She better not lose her job over this. 
It was just as she was turning to go check either the west arcade or Fazer Blast, other places that Freddy might be likely to visit while not in his right mind, that she overheard both the best and worst news. 
“Yeah, Eve said Gregory brought her a birthday gift. And, like, that’s sweet enough, but he somehow tracked down her cat.” 
“The one that’s been missing for two months?” 
“Yeah! So anyway, there’s a cat in the daycare today.” 
Look, if there was one thing Jamie’s job at the ’plex had taught her, it was when to keep her mouth shut and just accept things. Don’t ask questions about this, don’t point out that, just accept them. Gregory was only the most recent of those things. She didn’t know who he was, where he came from, or why the band had such an attachment to him. She never heard of or saw his parents, and he was in the building at all hours. He had the highest VIP pass known to man with permissions that Jamie was sure didn’t exist on any other VIP pass. 
And not only was Freddy Gregory’s favorite of the animatronics, but Gregory was Freddy’s favorite child. Favorite person, probably. Which meant that if Gregory was in the building, she knew exactly where to find a Freddy who was operating without any protocols or complex thought processes. 
Ambushing the two employees she’d overheard, she demanded, “Where is Gregory now?” 
• • •
Jamie’s heart gave a concerning stutter when she finally found Gregory. For Freddy had found him first. 
She hesitated, unsure if getting closer would set Freddy off—because for the moment, he seemed calm. And Gregory was fine, chatting away without a care in the world. 
He was situated in Freddy’s arms, one braced beneath him and the other wrapped around his back. He’d be dead in seconds if Freddy squeezed. 
Keeping an eye out for any hint of aggression, Jamie slowly approached the pair. Freddy, predictably, spotted her first. His irises flickered between blue and red as he watched her with an unnervingly blank stare. That the blue of his eyes had returned at all after the malfunction occurred was heartening. 
Gregory paused and frowned at Freddy before twisting to see what he was looking at. He waved. 
“Good afternoon, Gregory,” Jamie said, trying to remain calm. 
“Hi,” he said. “You work in Parts and Services.” 
“That’s right. I don’t think we’ve properly met before. My name’s Jamie, and I’m the band’s head technician.” 
She smiled. “Very cool, yeah.” 
“Is something wrong with Freddy?” he asked before she could figure out how to broach the subject. “He hasn’t said anything, which is really weird.” He frowned again at Freddy, whose eyes had settled on red. 
“Well spotted,” she said, stopping a few feet away. “Freddy experienced a malfunction earlier and ran off before we could figure out what happened.” She hesitated, not sure if she should mention that the glitch’s main side effect was severe aggression. She didn’t want to scare the boy, especially since there was nothing she could reasonably do to help him. 
Then again, Freddy was holding him carefully, not an ounce of violence to be seen when not half an hour ago, he did his level best to rip apart anything that got in his way. 
Taking a chance, Jamie said, “He was pretty unhappy earlier, but it looks like you’ve made him feel better.” Hoping she wasn’t literally dooming a child, she asked, “How would you feel about staying with Freddy while we fix him up?” 
“Sure,” Gregory said easily. He looked up at Freddy, in a calculating sort of way, before he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Freddy’s neck. 
Incredibly, some of the ramrod stiff tension in Freddy’s body loosened up. The red didn’t go away, but he stopped staring Jamie down. And when she started to lead the way back to Parts and Services via the employee-only hallways, he followed placidly. 
That was how it went for the entirety of the repair. Freddy never put Gregory down, holding him in some way or another, and an honestly terrifying growl rumbled out of his voice box the one time someone made an attempt to separate them. Gregory didn’t complain—in fact, at some point, Jamie looked up and found him nodding off, head resting against Freddy’s shoulder. 
There was a fascinating dichotomy of tension and ease in the air, everyone simultaneously worried for the boy caught in the animatronic’s grasp and less stressed because of his presence. Freddy paid little attention to anyone unless they stared too long or got too close to Gregory. 
It was blatantly protective behavior, and Jamie had no idea where it had come from or why it was so strong that even malfunction-caused aggression didn’t supersede it. 
Just another of those unspoken things. 
Finally, the manual code repairs were made, and Jamie initiated a soft reboot to enact them. As the update slowly progressed, Freddy didn’t lose his grip or his intensity. 
It was unnerving, in a way, nearly as much as it was sweet. Never had Freddy’s hands been anything less than gentle with Gregory, but that did not change the fact that his hands had inhuman strength. It was a bit like watching a lion curl around a house kitten and knowing that kitten could easily fit in the lion’s mouth. 
Jamie smiled and shook her head. And as Freddy finally cycled into a brief shutdown, she dared reach over and lightly tousle Gregory’s hair. He shifted but didn’t wake. 
“Thanks for your help today, kid,” she whispered, getting to her feet. She’d stick around just long enough to make sure Freddy was doing fine, but then she’d leave them to their rest. She figured they both deserved it. 
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i-sveikata · 1 month
I followed the spoilers from the last chapter here but I only be able to read the new chapter today - sorry author :(( - Why didn't anyone here talk about the last part of the chapter?? How must Pete be feeling knowing that his childhood home and everything in it probably no longer exists? and Vegas will feel guilty? and the people in the main house (porsche, tankhun, chan) did they agree to this? They couldn't have all gotten together and pretended they would do what Korn asked or he did everything without anyone knowing and sent the guards who he trusts and who he knew would do the job?? Sorry for the text and the many questions but I was curious about what will follow after the end of the last chapter...
No need to be sorry!! Read at your own pace that’s what it’s there for ☺️
Pete is feeling pretty shit about the whole thing (he even sneaks over to the house to see the extent of the damage himself) Vegas is still a bit loopy and not really processing emotions properly atm but yeah he hates being in this helpless kind of stage where he has no power and no money and no real way to protect Pete except with his own battered body.
Korn left them all out of it!! He’s already beginning to suspect that Pete has a lot of allies there (he totally underestimated how well liked and respected Pete is) so he literally had to choose men from his inner circle- excluding Chan because he’s finally realised that he and Pete have a mentor/ mentee relationship going on. So basically nobody else realises what he’s done yet but it’s actually a bit more than just him ordering the men to burn the house down. He ordered them to try and lure Pete out and didn’t tell them what he deems an appropriate method for that- it’s actually the bodyguards who panicked a bit getting caught by the neighbour and then started the fire to try and obscure the evidence of the attack out of self preservation. The fact that it actually does succeed in luring Pete out is a bonus!
But yeah tankhun, Porsche and Chan have no idea what’s happened. Chan knows the bodyguards left and are searching for Pete and Vegas but Pete’s already aware of that so it didn’t really need a warning. Basically a lot of things are slowly slipping out of mr korns control (proving he’s not equipped to be in this role for much longer) and this is going to be a poignant moment for someone else stepping up and fully deciding to take over the role
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donnerpartyofone · 7 months
I feel like there's an epidemic of businesses trying to make customers and applicants do free data entry for them and it's driving me crazy.
I have complained many times about how seeing a doctor now involves checking in online, and then entering duplicate information into something else when you check in physically, and then answering duplicate questions once you're actually inside the exam room. Sometimes somebody addresses this in a humane way: "Sorry, we're using a new CMS and we have to do all this stuff from scratch," or "Sorry, we have to use these three different systems and they don't communicate with each other." Last time I went I did all this like research into my past appointments because I never ever remember off the cuff exactly what day I had this or that procedure, and I had every impression that the clinic was dependent on me to have all my medical records memorized...so I got in there and started rattling off information, and the nurse asked "When was your last mammogram?", and I gave her the date, and she looked at her monitor and said, "...yup, there it is!" Like WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT, IF IT WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU WHY ARE YOU QUIZZING ME ABOUT THIS, WHY IS THIS A TEST???
I actually asked about redundant check-in procedures on Quora of all places, figuring there had to be a few cantankerous cranks on there who could at least try to explain this to me, but there were absolutely no takers at all. As far as I can see, literally no one knows why this is happening, it's just The Way It Is.
But anyway. Now I'm having this experience with job applications where they request that you upload files for your resume and cover letter in specific formats...and then they direct you to this interface where you are made to transcribe every detail from the resume you just provided by hand, one field at a time. I've been confronted with this insanity when applying for jobs whose wages weren't even worth the mind-numbing exercise of the application process. And actually this is part of my point: Data entry is a JOB. I have had this job. I was paid to examine, reformat, and transcribe data, and upload it to a database for my company to search and cross-reference in the future. If you are an employer and you absolutely require BOTH a pdf of my resume and cover letter that a human being can read and evaluate, AND each piece of data from those documents individually entered into your database for some other form of storage and review, then it is seriously fucking Up to You to pay some wage slave to enter the data. I'm looking for a job. I'm not going to do a job for you for fucking free, in order to become eligible for a job that you might consider paying me for later. Like please don't call me a fucking idiot to my face--or at least, if it's the database part that's the most important thing to you, do not also require me to create a nicely-formatted document containing my history and intentions. Let's just get right to the forced data entry part, let's start this awful relationship from a place of honesty at the very fucking least.
N.B. I realize that there are multiple reasons an employer would do this to a person, ranging from algorithmic candidate-sorting to just having outdated-ass job site shit in place that they don't feel like reviewing or revising. I don't really care why it's happening, I just hate that it is. Recently I tried to apply for some $15/hr part-time job at a local museum that a caveman could do, and I stopped cold when I realized I had to transcribe every detail of the documents I just gave them into this bullshit backend website that looked like it was about a thousand years old. No Thank You. Currently I'm all worked up because I just applied to work at a hip, culty, local theater, and I was shocked that after completing the totally normal application routine, I received an automated email directing me to "complete your profile" as "an important part of the hiring process" on the website of the company they're outsourcing all their HR and billing stuff to. And I go look at the profile thingy, and of course it's just this needlessly complicated interface where I can individually enter each and every piece of information that I just provided in my resume--no more, no less. The theater has exactly two locations and is kind of a niche operation and it is absolutely crazy to me that they think they need to pay for this extra layer of stupidly bloated and redundant "talent acquisition" processing when they're hiring for like two or three basic ass hourly roles where half the question is going to be "have you done this normal shit before" and half will be "can we stand your personality". Nobody needs this garbage at all, least of all ME.
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lesliesknopes · 2 years
buddie alternate universe fic recs
i love making fic rec so here’s a list of some of my favourite ones (there’s a lot more but there was only so many i wanted to list).
sundae kind of love by withoutthetiger (18K)
"They’re here at the Santa Monica Pier, about an hour from home, celebrating Eddie’s graduation at the top of his class, with too much junk food and very little responsibility. It’s not quite a bribe or a payment long past due, just a deep breath before Eddie starts his new job and their lives continue to change."
An AU with lots of ice cream and a bit of a rollercoaster ride, as Buck and Eddie meet, become friends, and then have no idea how to handle any of their feelings after that.
Mr. Buckley's After Hours Detention by aresaphrodites (11K)
It’s not like Eddie Diaz planned on this. Really, there was no scenario in his mind where he would ever be bringing his son’s teacher a freaking goody basket to class; a homemade goody basket, no less. Then again, Christopher has never had a teacher quite like Evan Buckley.
of fallen leaves and falling in love by brewrosemilk (30K)
Buckley's Books is a small, charming bookstore on the outskirts of New York; when a coffee shop opens up across the street, it doesn't take long before Buck starts developing feelings for the man making his coffee.
you smiled and it was the most beautiful thing that I'd ever seen by wafflesofdoom (13K)
Eddie had always loved coffee. From the moment his parents had deemed him old enough to drink it, he’d loved coffee – he loved the smell, the taste, and most of all, he loved the process of making it. So, it was inevitable that'd he'd end up in Los Angeles, and take over Diaz's Café from his grandmother.
He just never imagined he'd meet the love of his life while doing it.
or, a 911-style ode to the classic coffee shop au trope.
sirens in the beat of your heart by trippedandfell (3K)
Buck is going to murder someone.
Okay, not actually murder, because Bobby’s got a very strict no killing on the job rule, but. Spiritually, Buck’s about to murder someone.
Swept Away (I'm Stolen) by Princessfbi (10K)
They had taken him from their home.
They had taken him— Eddie sucked in a shuddering breath at the sight of the scratches in the floor— literally kicking and screaming from their home.
Their beautiful, bright home that was now dark and empty and broken. Furniture was overturned, glass was everywhere, and the scratches on the wall were paired with scuff marks from boots.
Buck had fought them tooth and nail.
aka the James Bond AU with 007 Agent Eddie Diaz reporting for duty.
Searching Through The Pages by lullatone (21K)
At meet the teachers night, Eddie gets more than in bargained for with meeting Christopher's new school librarian.
My Salvation in You by fayevian (13K)
When Abuela calls him and says, “Eddito, I’m getting older and Pepa can’t run the tamale stand by herself. I could really use your help,” Eddie recognizes it for the lifeline it is and grabs on with both hands. It’s not hard to tell his parents he’s moving to LA. It’s hard to hear what they have to say about him, about Chris, but he packs up their stuff regardless and drives toward the Golden State with a prayer that this too won’t tarnish under his hands.
Eddie starts working in various farmer's markets across the county, including the Santa Monica Farmer's Market. Buck just so happens to be the market coordinator there. Something between them grows alongside the seasonal vegetables and organic wheatgrass.
on a wednesday in a cafe ( i watched it begin again ) by swiftiediaz (5K)
He writes a sweet message for the kid and signs his name at the end, even drawing a small smiley face in the corner.
"Now you have a signed book." Buck passes the book back to Eddie. Their gazes lock– intense, blue waters meeting the warm, welcoming earthy brown of Eddie's eyes and he hates to be cheesy, but Buck swears the world comes to a complete standstill.
or; Buck is an author who's been having a rough couple of months. And then he meets Eddie Diaz and his son at a café.
Take What You Need, Darling by allyasavedtheday (14K)
“Who are you?”
And Eddie intends to answer him, he really does, except-
“You must be Eddie,” the woman says, her earlier hostile tone being replaced with the utmost civility. “Maddie’s fiancé.”
Evan reels back like he’s been punched, snapping his gaze frantically between Eddie and Maddie. “Maddie’s what?”
“How rude of us,” the woman says, drifting away from Maddie’s bedside to come stand in front of him instead. “Eddie, I’m Margaret and this is my husband, Phillip. It really is so lovely to meet you.”
A Buddie While You Were Sleeping au.
(you're) simply the best by lilythesilly (3K)
“Evan,” Maddie sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. “We’re in a tiny booth, in the quietest corner of the bar. Eddie wore a button down shirt, and there’s a present in the corner, right there.”
Buck’s eyes land on the gift bag sitting on top of Eddie’s jacket and everything comes to a sudden stop. “I —”
“Am on a date,” Maddie finishes for him.
Buck shakes his head, like that’ll shake loose all of the thoughts that have somehow frozen in his brain. “No, I. It can’t be a date. Eddie doesn’t —”
“Feel that way about you?” Maddie asks.
“Ok you really need to stop doing that.”
“Look, all I am saying,” Maddie says slowly, reaching over to grab the present and drop it down onto the table in front of him. “Is that if this gift is even remotely sentimental, you are on a date right now.”
Or, Buddie but make it Schitt's Creek.
tell me, will you stay or will you run away by prettyboybuckley (53K)
Buck is… Buck is sunshine and afternoons in the garden with Christopher.
He's knowing someone's got your back when you're surrounded by people who see you as a stuck-up royal and there might be some crazy ass terrorist trying to kill you.
Buck is quiet goodnights and tucking Christopher in, he's bickering in the backseat of the SUV.
He isn't anything that constitutes a future. OR: Somewhere along the way, Eddie falls in love with his bodyguard, and then it all goes to shit when a crazy ass terrorist does try to kill them
you come back with gravity by foxwatson (15K)
The first time that Eddie realizes with a startling clarity that he wants to kiss Buck, he’s 15 years old.
or - the one where they're childhood friends, until buck moves away, and the only thing eddie diaz has ever really wanted is buck
Write me into your happy ending... by ReallySmartLadyMarieCurie (16K)
Four years ago when Eddie and Christopher started reading the book series about Daniel's Adventures together before bedtime, Eddie never would have guessed that he would run into the author of said book series in the middle of a Barnes & Noble in LA. He also wouldn't have guessed that said encounter would begin with him sternly lecturing the stranger and making a slight fool of himself. Nor would he have predicted that this terrible first impression would somehow make the published author want to give his phone number to Eddie.
Or, Eddie the firefighter and Buck the writer have a meet-cute, and things progress from there.
you were a stranger in my phonebook I was acting like I knew by anonymous (12K)
Buck doesn’t mean to find his hot TA on Grindr and definitely doesn’t mean to message him there. But, well, the midterm study guide is incomprehensible and it’s the only thing he answers. And he definitely didn’t mean to fall for him, but, well, these things happen.
would you lie with me and just forget the world by colonoscopys (45K)
Eddie Diaz is 7, and 13, and 14, and 18, and 34.
And he loves, and he loves, and he loves, and he loves, and he loves.
Under Any Roof by three (10K)
Eddie Diaz does not need a noisy neighbor on top of all the shit he's trying to work out. But he does make really good mac and cheese.
-- “You know,” And Buck is meeting his eyes now. They’re uncannily blue. Like Kool-Aid or popsicles. “If you want, I could show you what I get up to up there?”
What? WHAT? Eddie feels heat spread from the tips of his ears to his toes. No way had he just gotten propositioned before sunrise in the decrepit hallway of their apartment building. “Um. No.” He backs up until his calves brush the door to 101. “Thank you, really. But no.”
without you by orphan_account (43K)
Buck and Eddie married young, barley out of high school and in love. the couple that everyone assumed would last forever.
emphasis on 'assumed'
or, Evan has made a new life for himself in New York, attempting to leave his old one in Texas behind. However, after almost ten years away from home, his new fiancé wants to get married, leaving Evan no choice but to return to his home state and get his stubborn husband to finally sign the divorce papers.
a buddie sweet home alabama au
Strike a Match by extasiswings (13K)
When Eddie Diaz from the 136 agrees to join one of the LAFD strike teams to provide wildfire assistance, he’s thinking about two things—overtime and hazard pay. The last thing he expects is Evan Buckley.
Take My Hand, Wreck My Plans (That's My Man) by Signsofsam (3K)
It’s in the moment that she twists her head lazily to look at him he remembers that the cute kid with crutches and curls comes with one very attractive adult male, who is now watching him with one raised, judgmental eyebrow. Because of course--of course!--his dog has to run to the wickedly hot guy Buck has a massive crush on, with the warm brown eyes and the biceps he’s sneaked a peak at through a sleeveless shirt and the laugh that curls into Buck’s soul.
Of course.
we're not in love (but the sex is good) by elless (15K)
Eddie is new to LA. Feeling lonely, he goes to a bar for a drink and meets a beautiful stranger that kisses like a dream. What starts as a one night stand quickly moves to frequent no strings sex. When circumstances lead to them spending time together out of bed, Eddie realizes he’s attached to Buck in a way he never planned for.
Take Me Back to the Start by myemergence (54K)
Country music star, Eddie Diaz, is on a break before his US tour when he gets unexpected news: he has a son. He needs to come home to his hometown in West River, TX right away. He hasn’t set foot there since he left for Nashville nine years ago, leaving his old life behind. West River is the last place that Eddie wants to be—he needs to focus on his career, and his tour—not looking after a kid that he doesn’t even know yet.
Crossing paths with his high school sweetheart, Evan Buckley, who’s now a Deputy with the sheriff’s office just might change all of that, reminding Eddie of the person that he used to be… and the kind of person that he wants to be.
Two For One, a neighborhood romance by kimannebb (14K)
“Yeah. Uh, hi. Um. I think I have your cat.”
Eddie’s really glad he’s idling at a stop sign because he freezes. “What? Really?”
“Yeah. Collar says Bear. Does she belong to you?” The voice is amused but also understanding.
“Yes, that’s her. Thank you! Can you give me your address?” Eddie asks hurriedly. Relief washes through him knowing that she’s safe and that he won’t have to tell Chris he lost her.
“I found her curled up with my dog. I took a photo; it was the cutest thing.”
or Buck and his dog move in above Eddie and his cat. The animals instantly click and want to spend all their time together, regardless of what their owners are ready for.
walking on sunshine by fallingthorns (5K)
Buck walks out of the room, out the backdoor, and into the yard, trying to ignore his large and judgmental dog following behind him.
“I don’t want to hear it,” Buck tells him as he gets the hose out to start watering his plants. “Keep it to yourself.”
“Who are you talking to?”
Buck startles and drops the hose, doing a quick 180-degree turn and coming face-to-face with Eddie. He’s clearly standing on something, elbows folded over the top of the fence and chin resting on them as he looks at Buck. His expression looks almost fond and it kind of makes Buck want to both preen and die of embarrassment. -- Or, the one where Buck owns a doggy daycare, has a large dog with an attitude, and is hopelessly in love with his new neighbor.
the matchmakers making a match (to burn down your kitchen) by orphan_account (3K)
"Isabel smirked, that sneaky smirk he recognized meant that she had a plan, and whatever it was, it was working.
Buck had no idea what he had just signed up for."
or When Buck moves in next door to Isabel Diaz, he has no idea what he's in for when she tries to set him up with her grandson.
take me to the lakes by archerincombat (16K)
They look at each other for a moment. It feels brief, but then again it doesn’t. Buck quirks his lip up, almost teasingly. “Ready, cowboy?”
Eddie thinks he could melt. The softness makes him vaguely nauseous, like he’s sinking. “I’m from Texas,” he reminds him, “Not a western.”
or, eddie's a novelist, and buck never wanted to stay
the handyman can ('cause he fixes it with love) by iphigenias (4K)
Eddie’s first thought when he opens the door is that Hen’s finally getting payback for Eddie hustling her in pool last Friday. The guy standing on the stoop is sweaty, smiling, with biceps that look like they could jaws-of-life a car all on their own and a very pink, very biteable kiss of a birthmark above his crinkled blue eyes. His toolbelt looks like every toolbelt from every bad porn movie ever, slung absurdly low on his hips, and the acid-wash jean shorts he’s wearing absolutely cannot be OSHA-approved.
Eddie decidedly does not look at the thick muscle of the guy’s thighs when he says, “uh, I think you have the wrong house.”
[my madney fic rec list]
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futurewriter2000 · 2 months
"This obese woman on my right ate the desert and then went and got herself a sandwich as well." she said as she bulged her eyes out. The same bulgy hazel eyes looked to the left and her mouth contined: "The one on the left always throws herself on the chair- did you see?"
"I noticed yes." I said, not feeling comfortable with her comments.
"I just don't understand how can some people eat so much..."
No... my sister wouldn't understand. Her skinny body has contained the same weight since she was a child. Her metabolism is fast and her apetite small. Her nursing job gives her body definition- from running around, lifting patients and stress for the lack of the apetite. She wouldn't understand obesity. She was never obese.
I was- and so I understand. I understand the compulsive drive to constantly fill your stomach and not feeling full. I remember my childhood being contained with memories of me running for the second round, eating desert... and I remember how I just stood up and ate so much bread- not because I was hungry... I just had this impulse to do it and after? After I felt the upmost shame.
Nobody tells you about the thought process that happens when you go through obesity. It's like a disease- you can't stop it. It starts with being forced to eat, terrified that if you don't finish your plate, you will hear your father's wrath. You'd be called names, looked down onto, ashamed for not pleasing your parents for not finishing that plate.
Then you get fat and suddenly people start to tell you that you should lose the weight. A child, eight years old, being compared to their skinny sister. "If you only lose the weight, you'd be so much prettier." or one of my favorites was "One is chubby and one is skinny." but the word 'skinny' was used as a compliment and the word 'chubby' was used as an insult. To be looked down onto by family- people who are supposed to be your support system, the sole reason for your shyness and self-consciousness. No confidence, no self-respect, searching for the little bits of attention from everybody. So to get jealous when your friend gets a little bit of attention from another person- no that's my friend and then you argue.
"Stop eating. "
"You need to lose the weight."
"Go on a diet."
"How will you ever get somebody if you're fat?"
"Big boned."
"Why aren't you just like your sister?"
"Girls aren't supposed to be fat."
"You do it. You're bigger than me."
Looking into the mirror and hating your body. Being shamed for existing. Being looked over. Being picked last. Bullied. Shamed.
But to others I am just "This obese woman on my right ate the desert and then went and got herself a sandwich as well."
If you were not obese, you don't get to judge somebody.
I try you know. I've lost the weight and I go to the gym 4-5 times a week. I eat normally again, without the guilt... sometimes... sometimes it's still there. I don't like things too sweet, too salty or too fat. I like fruit and veggies but nobody would say that to an obese person. I also have hormonal problems but I've worked through it.
But one thing I will tell you. I did lose the weight but I also lost myself and literally my hair in the process. My hair needed about 3 years to regrow... because nobody tells an obese person how to change... nobody helps them... they just point and insult. So then you don't eat and you don't get enough vitamins, minerals or some natural oils that help you build hair, bones and blood. And so come the other diseases because people simply disregard obesety as a disease.
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sadistic-softie · 7 days
When I say "I'm between jobs"....
I mean like...I lied. I never actually got hired in my life before. I tried to get a job out of trade school and when even the program specifically designed to help me get a job that I went to and worked hard at ad desperately tried using to help get a job and increase my job opportunities and hiribility because I needed help getting a job failed to get me a job, I gave up the job search process and now actively try to pretend it doesn't exsist and that I don't need to do it because hours and hours over the span or days and days of job searching with little to no sucess is fucking arduous and feels so pointless and it's so much easier to avoid that bs and it also makes me sick to my stomach thinking about going back to do it and im already focused on trying to get my shit done i need to do to go into college with like financial shit and paperwork and online paperwork and shit even though im avoiding and ignoring every step in that process that i should be paying attention to as well and just...yeah...
i feel hopeless abt my future to say the least. I'm gonna end up leeching off my parents for so long they hate me and kick me out or smth. People make the process of getting a job interview seem so easy. JUST the interview...and they make the process of getting into college once you're accepted seem so easy. They make it so that it's as hard as possible, which makes me wanna just sit around and do nothing all day. It's hard to want to try when shits like this. Why do I have to go through hell just to get merely the *chance* at an opportunity to literally just do what's expected of me?? Hell, I might as fucking well give in to my nature since they apparently don't want me to do anything productive with my life!!
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pynkhues · 23 days
I love watching shows but never really follow the cast but with iwtv I am kinda doing it with Jacob and Sam now, in terms of watching interviews etc. and their chemistry and friendship is so good. I imagine a lot of that is like the forced proximity but it also feels very sincere idk if most casts are like this but im really enjoying them
It is! I've talked about it a little bit in another post which tumblr's search function is not being helpful with, haha, but I think there were a whole bunch of circumstances at play probably with Jacob and Sam forming the relationship they did. In particular, I think it was probably a perfect storm of the pandemic intensifying the circumstances, both being at similar points in their careers in that they'd been jobbing actors but were becoming established in their home countries and so IWTV marked a huge step up for them both professionally given they're lead roles / it's a high budget series/ a US production, and that they seem to have pretty similar ideas about not just what they're adapting, but the culture they want to create on set as the actors at the top of the call sheet, and their processes more generally.
I think it's the latter thing that often is a pretty major influence too? The last two fandoms I've been in were Succession and Good Girls, and those casts had very different dynamics. The Succession cast - particularly the actors playing the father+siblings I think fell into that family relationship a bit, which in my experience isn't all that uncommon, so while there was a lot of love (and Sarah seemed closest with basically everyone), they also as a cast pretty clearly annoyed each other in that sibling-way too (Jeremy was actually the one to say that they literally feel like a family for better and worse to which Kieran very much nodded, haha). I think it was compounded by the cast clearly having very different approaches to acting too (Brian Cox being traditional-Shakespearean, Jeremy Strong being method, Kieran Culkin increasingly improvising / trying to make the others break) which is lowkey funny to me, but I can understand why that would create friction. It probably wasn't helped by the fact that members of the cast knew each other before the show and that many of the leads were at very different stages of their careers.
They seem to talk a lot less in general, but also seem to still be supporting each other's new projects and a lot of them have been spotted at each other's theatre shows over the last year even, so I think the love is genuinely still there.
Good Girls there was like, one person (the fan favourite and half of the main ship at that, lol) who very much had a rift with the rest of the cast, but the three lead actresses had (and still have!) an extremely adorable friendship. Retta and Mae Whitman were even recently at Christina's wedding and they all even regularly post nostalgically about working together on Instagram even though the show ended three years, which is really cute.
But yeah, there are also a lot of casts who are just colleagues or even hate each other's guts, haha, so we've truly lucked out with this cast. Hopefully it stays that way!
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deartreadmill · 11 months
I recently took a class that reminded us to be grateful because the act of gratitude helps lessen depression. In that vein:
Five things I am grateful for:
Free healthcare. With the bullshit of the past few months, I have a new appreciation for the Canadian healthcare system - as broken as it is, I am being seen promptly about my knee and my mysterious hypertension episode.
My kids are healthy and bright. When I was pregnant with both of them, my prayer was that they would be healthy because I know my capabilities and I knew I couldn’t do nursing as a career and come home to kids with physical special needs. My prayers were very literally answered. I have two ADHD kids (one being assessed for autism) - no surprise as I have also recently been diagnosed ADHD and I’m reasonably sure my husband has autism - and so technically I am raising special needs kids, but they are in my wheelhouse. I love them with all my heart and they make me proud. They are compassionate, kind and clever. It is no hardship to be their mother.
My dad. Which is funny because we had a very strained relationship when I was a teen and into my 20s. But the 6 months I spent off work caring for him and the nearly 7 years since my mum passed have made us so much closer. He has always been smart and wise but I appreciate his insight so much more in the last six months. His generosity has ALWAYS helped me and now it is helping my family as well and I am so grateful for the chance I’ve had to be able to love him for who he is.
My job. There are days I HATE going to work because of the pressure of short staffing and the helplessness I feel over being unable to adequately advocate for my patients, but I am always happy I found my calling. And I’m getting another chance to teach soon which also makes me so incredibly happy. I’ve had a significant raise recently which is also making life in the land of unending inflation marginally easier to endure.
The opportunity to stay home with dad for 6 months. The Canadian government has a program for compassionate leave for the primary caregiver of someone with a 6 month life expectancy where you can draw employment insurance for that time. I was able to take a 6 month leave of absence at work and stay home with EI pay to care for my dad. It wasn’t much $, but we managed. It afforded me an opportunity to do some soul searching and personal growth while I spent time with my dad and process some of the religious trauma I brought on myself due to past decisions (my parents were never involved in those traumas) and brought me to a place where I think I better understand myself and my personal beliefs.
You know something? I do feel a bit better. I’ve been feeling pretty low because of my health bullshit and my dad’s condition but this made me recognize the things that have been keeping me going.
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1800duckhotline · 5 months
can you tell me more about eden evans adams and marzanna? I havent seen them before and they sound very interesting!
OK SO THERE'S... A lot to both of them so if its of any help here's their toyhouse pages
However to give you the notesapp version of each:
Eden "Evans" Adams
Dorian Gray but he's a butch lesbian. He was born in London, though the date of his birth is ambiguous. He appears as a 30 years old adult.
A mysterious individual in a world where most of the supernatural is explained by some degree of scientific rationale. Eden has been handsomely youthful since the late 1890s and nobody knows how or why he is still possibly alive in the contemporary world. He has ever since his early days profited from the uneasy air of mystery around him, jumping around various jobs and roles in society depending on his whims and desires. After being an aristocratic socialite during the early 1900s, he started his career as an actor, making use of his androgynous charm to play masculine roles within films, often subverting the expectations planted on him by the social environments he frequented. Then in the 1970s he got bored and started working as a model. Then, from the 90s onward, he chose to become a NASCAR racer in the USA, much to everyones surprise.
He is infamous for being a womanizer and a cheater (he will treat you worse it doesnt matter that he is a lesbian) but his charms are undeniably irresistible if he flirts with you. He also is very explicit about hating men and working with them.
He may or may not have some slimy little secrets... And he is willing to kill to make sure they remain, well, secret.
Eden is also canonically formally dating my other OC Karmina Sin', a Kazakh-Russian woman who's the head of a successful publishing company within my world. She herself has her own secrets.
Marzanna is part of a world I have built with a friend, which we call "Idyllic forest drama" (you can find more of her if you search this tag on my blog as well). More or less she is a Witch of the Forest, a Messenger of Gods, forever bound to protect the forest she lives in (whom the gods shes a messenger of are inhabitants of) and the confines of the city of Lasie.
Her story is more complex as the world she's in is more fantastical even if not like, high fantasy.
Marzanna is the "runt" among a long-lasting clan of giants. Their legacy in the current day of the story is dwindling in nothingness due to having outcast Marzanna, who, for them, was a disgrace upon them all... due to being smaller than her very very very tall brothers and sisters (they're giants, you can expect their standards to be erm... big shoes to fill). Still, Marzanna at her full height will reach about 3 meters, which is still extremely impressive.
Her story is a bit of a mystery. She doesn't enjoy thinking about the past, but tends to have a pessimistic outlook towards the present as well. She suffers from chronic depression, which in this world isn't extremely understood as a condition, and her being the way she is (gruff, reclusive, doesn't enjoy talking to people, and used to being alone) makes things all the more difficult. Nonetheless, she is focused on her duty as a protector of the Lake, Forest and city. She is seen by the townsfolk as a demi-god guardian who carries the wisdom of the gods of the forest, but some people who are less supertitious see her more as an objective spiritual figure of sorts they don't pay much mind to. However, the messages she carries are still law and the local politics are obliged to listen to her.
Marzanna used to be someone else in her past, literally. How she is now is the result of a complex process of rebirth. This is a blessing bestowed upon her by the gods of the forest, who are sort of fae-like in nature, and thought they'd get a kick out of doing it.
Marzanna is represented by stags, specifically. Other than being big as a stag, deer in general are considered sacred and holy animals in Lasie, as they represent the gods themselves and the gods resemble them. So, hunting deer is extremely prohibited.
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hannahhasafact · 1 year
Been awhile since I’ve just rambled some thoughts on this app and I got a lot of random thoughts so here we go:
I’m throwing a soup contest for my birthday and part of me keeps being like “you are too old to be throwing yourself a birthday party” but the other part of me is like “Life is about creating experiences that are fun and doing things that are interesting”. But anyways, literally all I’ve been thinking about this month is soup party and I can’t believe there’s a week until soup party I’m excited for SOUP
I’m at a super weird crossroads with my job search right now where I’m not even getting initial interviews for positions that I got pretty far in the interview process in a year or two ago. And I think this really stupid thing is happening: jobs are seeing that I have a LOT of experience in a specific space and don’t want to offer me pay for the level of experience I have and/or they think I don’t have other certain skills just because my job hasn’t changed my title in the whole time I’ve been at it despite me doing FAR MORE than my current job title is. And I’ve literally asked my boss: Hey, am I doing something wrong? Every year my reviews are fantastic, but nothing is changing in my position. And she just kind of shrugs it off and is like yes, you’re great! And I’ve asked for title changes, and I’ve asked to be slated for certain positions, but I just get told “oh well we’re not hiring for that right now” I’m just kind of like… I have no idea where to go.
I’ve been so incredible frustrated with my art lately. I feel like everything I try to make is just bad, and I get so frustrated because my skills are still awful despite practicing techniques and the fact that I’ve been drawing for so long. And I know it’s like “draw because you like to draw!” and I do! I know I do! I have so many ideas that I want to put down on paper! And then as so as I start I just hate whatever I’m making because it’s not good enough. I’m trying so hard to get past it, but I’m having a super hard time with it.
Despite the womp womp about everything, I’ve actually been pretty good lately. Fall legitimately makes my mood better, and it’s wild.
Anyways, just stuff I’ve been thinking ‘bout lately. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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sonic-spirit · 1 year
Capitalism is ruining the internet. In lots of ways, but today’s grievance:
I just wanted to know if I’m the only trans boy who wants to wear a vaginal plug just around, and enjoy the fullness while just doing things in life. And I’m not, but I had to put up with legions of non-relevant search results and install the Reddit app (I hate Reddit), to end up on a sex toy seller’s page with a review sharing my interest and experience. And that sucks.
The internet, in its essence, is a communication tool connecting people. But that communication is getting more and more degraded as companies chop it up, turn it into a place where we are speculators rather than participants, marks to be sold to, chaff to be processed. “The internet is for porn,” was a silly mantra, but it was also kinda true. The internet had many, many places people had set up to share and talk about the things they found sexy. But more and more, puritanism and Finance are invading and restricting sharing and access. And it’s not even that things are behind paywalls, though that’s also a palpable presence. Credit card processors crack down on NSFW content, and start squeezing sites to restrict what they host to those processors’ stipulations.
And the arguments for why don’t hold water. None of it actually protects anyone, and vulnerable communities are put in more danger, as our very existence is up for “political debate”. Like, sorry, no, we as trans people deserve to be alive, and your restrictions on us receiving healthcare or even being acknowledged as existing around minors are fucking goulish. Disabilities make work/finding a job/keeping a job/financial stability in general difficult to even impossible, and are fucking expensive in the first place, and many disabled individuals turn to sex work. And there’s nothing about sex work that actually makes it more exploitative or demeaning than “regular” work. But demonizing it, making it harder for sex workers to find clients and communicate with one another to help keep each other safe puts them in so much more danger. The fear mongering and pearl clutching around trafficked individuals being coerced into sex work doesn’t help those trafficked victims, in fact it boxes them in and makes them less safe, grants them fewer paths to escape or protection from abuse, AND it presses those who weren’t coerced into tighter corners and worse situations. It gives more strength to pimps, and keeps the money, power, and freedom out of the hands of the people who need it.
And oh, “If I were in a bad Situation, I would simply Not Be a Sex Worker,” except, brainiac, there’s no fuckin social safety net. This garbage capitalist system is working exactly as designed, work or be homeless, work or don’t eat, work or don’t get the medicine you can’t live without, work or just fucking die. Sick? TOO BAD. Injured? TOO BAD. Chronic pain? TOO BAD. “Stop being weak, clearly you deserve to die, if you just can’t cut it.” That’s the message we all hear, loud and clear, every fucking day.
And none if it has to be this way! There is no reason for any of it. We have enough. We have plenty. Literal tons of food tossed into the ocean to keep prices up, while people literally starve. Homes kept absolutely fucking empty at an appalling scale while people live homeless. It’s disgusting, and it’s totally avoidable. All this scarcity is entirely manufactured. We have enough. We have more than enough. And it can be so much better. But we need to tear down the structures keeping us apart, keeping us weak, keeping us tired, and starving, and in fear. Because those structures of power are our enemy. Because whether we fight or are compliant , they’ll kill us either way.
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My Thoughts on Genshin Characters
These will be broken up into thirds to help organize my thought process of: my general all around thoughts, what kind of relationship I would have with them if I was in the gi universe, and what I think of their character stories and background
My general scrambled thoughts
I didn't really care for Albedo tbh
He wasn't bad and I didn't dislike him he was just kind of meh?
But then I found out he was essentially a homunculus and adores Klee.
Like sure, you're so stoic and only care about research and yet you have all but adopted this arsonistic child (affectionately)
As well as his search for knowledge. I personally really understand this because I always have needed to learn about everything around me
I always felt on the outside of society and still do.
I wanted to pick peoples brains apart figuratively and literally
I always wanted to learn about nature and animals and still do
But I feel like him and I would get along in this sense that we both share this intense need for knowledge
And he only learns about things that interest him as well, I hate being forced to learn something I care nothing about and will promptly forget when it is no longer of use
I just think it would be neat to learn about some animals or plant species together
He's also an artist! I used to make art all the time but have since lost my passion for it
If I were in the genshin universe I would love to hang out with him. I feel like his main love language would be differing quality time. Like you're in the same area but aren't doing the same thing and just sharing space and everyone once in awhile looking over and asking "how's it going?" And no need for much more conversation
Or we would both be losing our minds over some new found species and we will not shut up about it, no inbetween
Also of I were in the genshin universe, all Characters under 20 would immediately become my children in some form or another whether I just visit and bring presents and spend a lil time before I'm off or they travel with me, they are all my kids.
And Albedo likes kids more than adults and I feel like it's because they don't see him as anything less than a person or don't hold these ridiculous expectations of him and expect him to be this genius all the time either
He's not stone cold tho, he has friends but I feel he has the same worries I do and that's they will leave eventually because we can't give them what they want so we keep ourselves away
He's said that he thinks keeping up friendships with adults is tiresome and yeah, it really is
But I do think it shows a very strong sense of maturity and wisdom that he has some friends in Mondstadt
Even if they don't know him super personally they are there, such as Kaeya and Jean, and they've expressed many times that they'll be there for him whenever he's ready to open up
I think something else that I admire about him aswell is that he's not super cranky or rude to people
Alot of people who have a lot of knowledge tend to forget that others do not know all of these things they know and look down on them bc they forget that they were once there too and lacked this knowledge
Albedo doesn't do that
He balances on a tightrope of secrecy, high intelligence, and never ending kindness. All of his dealings and interactions with other folks are in earnest. Which I respect him for bc I have a hard time being nice to people on certain topics bc I feel it should be common sense or blah blah blah blah
But ya know he never hesitates to lend a hand when someone needs it or asks for it bc he has the mindset of "I have you need it here ya go"
And he's so kind to his assistants Sucrose and Timaeus too
Not only that but alchemy is considered an ancient practice!! That must have been so hard and grueling for him to accomplish! As well as it's been stated that he has knowledge that not even scholars at the akademiya in Sumeru have
And he has such and important job among the ranks of the The Knights of Favonius as well
Just all around mad respect for the man honestly he's everything I want to be in life
In Universe Relationship
If I were just like Aether, Lumine, or Aloy and was a traveler from another world I feel we would get along and be pretty good friends
I would love to bring him pictures whether sketches I've made or actual Polaroid type photographs of me and the kid's adventures in the other lands of teyvat whenever we come back to visit Mondstadt.
I would love to go up into the mountains and ask about any of his findings while we were away and tell him about our adventures. Spend like a week at his research facility with him catching up.
He would be great with the kids too. He would be so helpful
The first kid I adopted was Razor (ill write about that later) and Albedo would be so understanding that Razor can't speak very good English yet and would help him out whenever we're around. And Albedo likes to look at the interactions of people around him so he would have a plethora of knowledge on how to act around people and I bet he would even make a book especially for Razor that has some social stuff in it.
Diona was the second and he would be so understanding of her views but I think he would help her break out of them, such as all people who drink are bad and how awful Mondstadt is for allowing her life to be this way. He would effortlessly help me help her with her anger at Mondstadt and shift it to determination do make her life better. She would no longer be a victim.
Of course Klee and how endearing he acts towards her and her destructive tendencies.
Albedo would be good with Bennett as well and probably ask Bennett to like heat up something for an experiment and help Bennett maybe learn to relax and trust himself that he can in fact control his Pyro vision.
Barbara would be great as well I think learning about so many new things would open up her mind GREATLY and she would probably end up pursuing a life of like science or healing outside of the church in some way and not be brainwashed into the Cult that the church in Mondstadt very obviously is. It would probably spark an interest for her to join us in traveling and learning about all the different things in the world .
Albedo would also be really good at listening to the kids when they talk about something exciting that happened while we were gone and be very kind in explaining anything to them that they wanted to learn about. I feel like he would be a great teacher.
I would also love to learn from him and hear him talk and explain things as well. I really look up to him so it would be very much of a mentor/mentee relationship but I'm like an old student of his that's grown up and we are on more equal terms ya know.
He sees me as like and adult and treats me like one and we're good freinds but he never stops teaching me
I also headcanon him as aromantic, he just never really thinks of romance and just thinks of caring about people and helping them out in general and having a general love for life and all the forms it takes
Character Story
What we know of his character so far is pretty neat actually.
So far he is the only non-organic person in genshin kinda???
He was made in a lab, he was a test tube baby so to speak ya know and I think that the fact that he is as emotionally intelligent as he is is amazing as well
He knows how to handle his emotions and how to take care of himself and what kind of relationships he can have with people and how many before he starts getting burnt out.
He also has ancient knowledge that no one else has and that's pretty neat.
I also like that the devs didn't go the route of him having no emotions at all and making him hateful and rude. I really like that they decided to make him so compassionate
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