#i literally wrote 4 one shots ON MY PHONE
xysidhequeen · 2 years
Me: Let me just write a cute little Danny Phantom x DC crossover on my phone
The Phandom: We love give us moar
Me: Lol wut
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aita for not inviting a friend of mine into my dnd campaign?
so i (18nb) have a friend (18nb, Martin) who i play in a main dnd campaign with with all our other friends (Ill name them Dan, Virgil, Mark, and Ray). Dan is our DM after we kicked out the old one bc she was horrible. We're a pretty close group of friends, but lately we've all been really busy with respective school & work, ect. so we didnt play dnd for a solid, like,, 4 months. I DMed a one shot for everyone besides Ray cause she was flaky anyway, and added in my boyfriend Zeke for it.
Everyone had a really fun time w it and I loved everyones characters, especially Dan's. I watch a lot of dnd shows, so i just keep getting more ideas- but while the one shot was fun it was messy as hell. Ive been wanting to write a campaign for a smaller group for a while, (because when i tried making a campaign with the whole group the character creations were... disappointing to say the least. this sounds mean but i created a fairy world that was very magical & told everyone to go crazy on character creation in a world with few/no humans, and like 5/6 people opted to be a human with a fighting class :/ )
ive been writing a campaign that im really proud of and have a good vision for, and decided to include Mark (because we're best friends) Zeke (because he wants to play dnd more and has no opportunities) Dan (bc he never gets to be a player) and then another close friend of mine outside the group named Gabe (who i love but never get to see) I love their characters & we're all super excited.
Thing is. I was briefly talking with Dan, Zeke and Mark about it at school bc I'd sent everyone a little intro message for the world and they were all super excited and wanted to talk to me about their classes. Virgil had no problem with this and was excitedly asking abt the world + characters along with some other friends from school, but Martin got quiet and went and sat by himself. I could tell they were off, but Martin is generally a quiet person anyway and is often sad + doesnt want to talk for like a hundred different reasons, so i left her alone. Later that day in a different class I have with Virgil he showed me his phone where Martin had sent him a message saying she was really disappointed & felt left out that i hadnt invited them to my campaign.
i instantly felt bad and started to text him, but,,,, to be honest, i dont think im at all responsible for this.
i have reasons for leaving Martin out, the main one being that they just..... arent a very active player. Hes soft spoken and doesnt actually like rping their characters- her character in our main campaign is/was literally mute bc they said they didnt want to have to speak as him. (theyve since taken this back and went through with a curse breaking thing to be able to speak, but her character,,, still doesnt talk much.) he writes really good, sad backstories but doesnt actually play or do anything with them and gets uncomfortable acting. Their characters are not only emotional, but like. crazy. they play a bunch of cool tieflings with insane magic classes & features and then, again,,,, dont roleplay them. I didnt want the group to be big and had a good reason for including everyone that i did, and our other friends that arent in it (Virgil, Ray who is Martins sister btw, all our other d&d interested friends at school) literally dont mind at all. i just wrote a campaign that theyre not in. Martin also has their feelings hurt very easily, so to be honest i just find her being sad about not being in it just... stupid. id never say that to his face & i get that he feels bad, but like....cmon.
im aware im a very very incredibly low empathy person- to be honest i struggle with depression and bpd very heavily and am often mean to my friends & loved ones without really processing why or how much it affects them. i told Virgil that i thought Martins reaction was stupid, and he said that that wasnt fair bc Martin had always been in my campaigns before (which is, yknow, one. Martin and I were even in a campaign with a completely different group a while back and Martin willingly left it very early because the group was loud & their character wasnt doing anything (yeah)). Every time Martins expressed (or i guess not expressed) sorrow for not being invited to it ive just sort of ignored them. this again isnt that uncommon cuz when shes sad he doesnt like to talk about it, and also they havent directly confronted me with this at all.
ive been talking about the campaign a lot because it occupies frankly a lot of my brain because i have so much to write, and i especially talk to the people that arent in it bc theres no risk of slipping up and telling them something they arent supposed to know. The other friend, Gabe, is friends with Zeke and Mark and I, and Dan is good around new people,, but Martins really quiet around people he doesnt know well, so if i invited her anyway they'd probably play the game even less than they already do.
again, im really bad at having an actual perspecitve on this. Virgil said he feels bad for Martin but not for himself, as far as i know Dan doesnt know about the situation, and i literally just dont wanna involve Mark and Zeke (Zeke HATES conflict and when people fight so he really doesnt have to be involved.) Mark Martin and I have all been really close friends since literally 7th grade and I guess Martin especially feels left out that I involved Mark and not them but Marks both really good at character creation and also talking in character, and like, hes my best friend who i do everything with.
I dont wanna blow off Martins emotions but but i truly dont give a shit that they feel betrayed by my not inviting him. especially because they havent bothered actually telling me this. objectively i dont think its my fault even a little, and Martin is really horrible at handling their emotions anyway (this isnt an insult, just a fact. i am too). aita for not inviting him + not caring that shes upset by it and acting like they arent?
sorry this is so long i really like providing context
What are these acronyms?
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twilghtkoo · 2 years
hi can i make a req for haechan? like he sees his significant other’s graduation picture, whether accidentally or oc sent/showed it to him is up to you (i took my grad photos last week, this is me asking to satisfy my guilty pleasure) thank you so much 🙏
pairings. haechan x reader
genre. just pure fluff :(
notes. hehehe i love this one sm, thank u for the req anon <3 this is also not proofread i literally wrote this so fast bc i wanted it out asap
you had just received your cap and gown photos from your school, immediately looking through the gallery of the numerous shots you had taken. the photographer really didn't let you see the photos when you were there, but you're grateful you're at least able to pick out your favorite ones for the graduation.
it's a couple more months til you are finally able to close off on your education and spending most nights crying in front of your textbooks and finally start a new chapter with your degree. being internally grateful for haechan, who's been beside you on those tearful nights, becoming some sort of pillar in your life. you are sure if he wasn't with you, you'd be a college drop out.
you were satisfied with a few of them, saving them to your camera roll and sending the selective to your boyfriend.
haechan is with the dreamies, having some schedules overseas. your text being sent to him as he's eating a late dinner in renjun's hotel room. he digs his phone out of his pockets, a muffled scream coming out of his nose, his mouth full with the bite of food he took seconds ago. his legs are bouncing, excitingly as he struggles to unlock his phone.
"what is it?" renjun asks, quirking an eyebrow.
"yn texted me." he nods knowingly, going back to food.
haechan finally manages to open his phone, tapping on your messages.
bubs *4 attachments*
bubs it's almost over T^T
thankfully, haechan swallowed his food because he abruptly stands up from his chair, holding up the phone so close to his face with a sulky face.
"gosh, you scared me. . what?" renjun sighs, holding a hand to his chest as he glares at his friend.
haechan just cooes at his phone with a pained expression, his knees becoming weak at the images displayed on his phone. "my baby, oh, my heart." haechan let his legs give out, dropping to his knees as he holds his phone close to his chest.
renjun just eyes him for a minute before taking the phone from his hand. "what is it?" he questions.
his friend is next to coo, "aww, she looks so cute in her cap and gown." renjun compliments your photos.
"yeah, i knowwww. . ." haechan prolongs, still on the floor, renjun thinks he's crying at this point, able to make out sniffles.
haechan knows the distress and tears that your studies have caused you, he's been there through most of them. the amount of times you've questioned your self-worth and abilities to succeed. yet, he believed in you and pulled you out of those dark, self- deprecating thoughts.
haechan takes his phone back and stares at those photos of you a bit longer, he notices how your smile doesn't reach to your ears, like how he makes you smile. but it's still genuine and holds such an awarding and dazzling look that exceeds accomplishment.
my love im so fucking proud of u baby
my love you look so pretty im literally in tears
my love im framing these
renjun i think u broke haechan bestie
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lunar-wandering · 1 year
i wrote half of this spicynoodles fic on my phone which is new for me lol
Summary: Of all the side effects of becoming a monkey, MK hadn't expected this one.
Now if only the other two monkeys he happened to know would actually help him.
Word Count: 2k
Read on Ao3
It was the pick up line, that drove MK over the edge.
The looks, he could handle. The banter, borderline teasing, he could handle, and give back in droves.
But Red Son, leaning over the table, making determined eye contact and whispering; "Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven?" was completely unprecedented.
Reasonably, MK should've expected it. They had been talking about MK's brief times in heaven, the Celestial Realm, after all, so the sudden turn into the jokey-line was well within the conversation's topic. Red Son had clearly meant it more as a joke than anything, if his laughter was any indication.
And yet, when MK opened his mouth to respond, the very first sound to leave his throat was a chirp.
He smacked a hand over his mouth, fast enough to almost hurt, his chair scraping against the floor as he quickly stood up. Red Son shot him an confused but amused expression as MK started to back away.
"Sorry, sorry, I-" MK bit his tongue, face burning, barely swallowing what he was certain was about to be another chirp before it could be vocalized. "I've gotta go."
He didn't even wait for Red Son to acknowledge his sentence, turning on his heel and running out of the building, magic golden lightning beginning to race up and down his body, causing him to move faster than he had planned- crossing five blocks in a matter of seconds. Skidding to a stop in an alley, he glanced behind him at the knocked over objects and cracked concrete that had been left in his wake and groaned, barely even aware of his tail appearing and beginning to swish.
This could not happen again. He'd already been having close calls, things he thought would eventually go away; having to stuff his tail under his shirt after he'd accidentally leaned a little too close to Red Son being the most common occurrence, but chirping??? After something as small as a pick up line? Yeah, no. No way. That was worse.
MK needed to figure out a way to stop this now.
Which, of course, meant that he'd need to get the help of another monkey.
Two hours of hesitant deliberation later found MK knocking on the door of the Monkey King's newly rebuilt house, rocking back and forth on his heels with barely contained anxiety. His tail was still out, he'd found about an hour ago that he couldn't get rid of it at the moment, he was simply too worked up to make it vanish like usual right now.
Which meant that, despite the carefully crafted easy-going smile on his face, his frantically swishing tail gave him away the instant Wukong opened the door and layed eyes on him.
"Alright kid, what happened?" Wukong shifted to cross his arms and lean against the side of his doorway, looking MK up and down as though he could figure out what was going on just through a glance. "You look about ready to crack at the seams."
"...Don't phrase it like that." Images of both the Lady Bone Demon and Azure Lion quite literally cracking at the seams flashed through MK's mind, and based on Wukong's sudden grimace, they flashed through his mind too. MK shook his head a little to shake the images away, Wukong going a step further to shake his whole body, like a slightly stronger than usual shiver. MK took the brief moment of emotional distraction to center himself, taking a deep breath in, his tail vanishing with a faint golden flash as he breathed out. "And it's not… really anything important, and you gotta promise you won't laugh, but…"
"But…?" Wukong prompted when MK didn't continue, tilting his head to the side as MK shifted nervously. "C'mon kid, I don't have all day. …Or, well, I do, I don't have much else going on, but you get the point."
"You really need to get some hobbies other than napping." MK muttered, letting out a sigh as he ignored his mentor's offended insistence that excuse you he did, in fact, have hobbies- "I… need your help with something. A monkey-something."
"If this is about the shedding I have a shampoo you can try-"
"No- that's not- I, it's, Monkey King, I chirped." MK put his head in his hands to avoid eye contact, not noticing his tail reappearing and starting to frantically swish once more. "Red Son used a pick up line on me, and I chirped. Chirped! Monkey King, you gotta know something that can, can, I don't know, stop me from doing that? Some kinda, anti-chirper? Is that a thing? Please tell me it's a thing-"
"Woah, woah, kid, slow down." Wukong held his hands out in a placating gesture, a nervous smile on his face. "Take a breath, calm down for a sec."
MK took a breath, and slowly sank down, sitting cross-legged on the porch, Wukong mirroring him.
"Okay. Okay. Now," Wukong said, "-could you run that by me again?"
MK groaned, shrinking in on himself, saying it once was bad enough-
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" Wukong hurriedly said, letting out a small laugh, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "Look, I'm sorry kid, but I've… never experienced anything like that, so I'm afraid I can't help."
"Seriously?" Doubt flooded MK's expression with the force of a tsunami. "But you're a monkey. You're seriously telling me you've never-"
"Nope!!!! Never!!!" The strained smile on Wukong's face got slightly wider, and he turned his head to the side as though doing so would cover it up. "You'd probably be better off asking one of the other lil monkeys around here for advice."
“But I don’t speak monkey-”
“Well then consider this practice!”
“-can’t you at least come help translate?”
“Nuh-uh!” Wukong stood up, turning and stepping back inside his house. “I’m sure the monkeys will be able to help you out some, good luck! Tell me if you, uh, make some progress!”
And with that, the Monkey King closed the door behind him, practically slamming it shut, leaving MK sitting on the front porch in utter disbelief. He stared at the door for a few minutes, unblinkingly, half expecting Wukong to eventually re-open it and step back through with a snack and an actual piece of advice. No such event occurred.
MK’s head fell back into his hands, as he rubbed at his face, blearily trying to snap some sense into himself. Okay. Alright. So clearly Monkey King wasn’t going to be of much help, this time around. And he obviously wasn’t going to actually try Wukong’s suggestion of talking to the lil monkeys- doing so might lead to an interesting game of charades, but overall won’t lead to any kind of progress on this issue. He also wanted to save Pigsy and the others as a last resort- he’d be most likely to get teased by them, after-all. They also, despite how much he cared about them, weren’t monkeys, which meant that they couldn’t help.
There was… really only one other monkey he knew of that he could go to.
MK had the sudden feeling he was going to regret this.
MK regretted this. So much.
The regret sank in fast, striking him in the chest instantly, as soon as he saw Macaque climbing in through the window.
The window.
This was Macaque’s dojo.
“Why.” MK asked, voice torn between amusement and broken despair, Macaque freezing at the sound. “Why are you climbing in through your own window? You have a door. A perfectly functioning door. I literally came in here through the door. Why are you coming in through the window?”
Macaque mumbled something that sounded like “It’s more dramatic that way”, before clearing his throat, setting his feet on the floor tiles and turning around.
“Why are you in my kitchen?” He shot back, tail twitching with barely concealed agitation. MK slowly slid lower in the chair he was sitting in, until his eyes were almost level with the table in front of him.
“I need… some advice.” He said, slowly, and Macaque scoffed.
“How many of your friends didn’t give you something reasonable that you decided to come to me?” He asked, “Cause I know that I cannot be your first choice when it comes to advice.”
“You’re not.” MK confirmed, “But you’re actually the second person I’ve come to.”
“Oh? And why’s that.”
“Cause it’s… a monkey issue.”
“Went to Wukong first then, huh? No wonder you’re here now, he sucks at advice.”
MK rolled his eyes, having expected the jab, he was talking with Macaque after all. Macaque pulled one of the chairs on the other side of the table free, sitting down.
“Alright then kid, what’s the issue?” He asked. MK would’ve sunk down lower if he wasn’t certain that doing so would end in him falling off of the chair.
“You gotta promise you won’t laugh at me.”
“Heh, okay then, promise.”
“I…” MK started, then paused, then started again. “I was with Red Son, and… he used a pick up line on me, and it wasn’t even that good of a pick up line, like, it was one of the most stereotypical ones ever, seriously, it’s the one that everyone knows, the standard, he could’ve done so much better now that I’m thinking about it-”
“Kid, you’re rambling.”
“Ah- right, sorry, I… Well, the point is, I… chirped. Like, as in, chirped, chirped. Monkey-chirped.” MK fidgeted his hands, looking down, avoiding eye-contact. “And I was… wondering, if, maybe, you had something that could, like, help… stop that from happening?”
MK slowly looked up.
And just like that, Macaque burst into loud laughter.
“Hey!!” MK stood up, slamming his palms on the table. “You promised you wouldn’t laugh!!!”
“Sorry, sorry-” Macaque said, struggling to catch his breath, “I, I just wasn’t expecting that to be what’s got you all worked up.”
“Well, it is.” MK huffed, crossing his arms. “Soooo. Do you have something that can help me, or not?”
“Uhhh, sorry kid, but I’ve never experienced anything like that, so I’m afraid I can’t-”
“Oh come on!” MK yelled, interrupting Macaque and making him jump at the sudden volume. “That’s exactly what Monkey King said! There’s no way the both of you haven’t done this before, you’re monkeys!”
“Uh, well-” Macaque suddenly looked nervous, fiddling with the end of his scarf. “Look, I can’t help you, so you’ll just have to find someone else.”
“But I don’t know any other monkeys-”
“Then just ask one of your other friends then, I guess.” Macaque shrugged, before holding up his hand, snapping his fingers. “See ya around, kid.”
“Wha-” Before MK even had the chance to react, dark purple surrounded his vision, and in a blink, he was standing on the sidewalk outside of the building. “You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
MK would’ve kicked Macaque’s door in retaliation if he wasn’t certain that doing so would likely cause the entire building to collapse.
An hour later found MK sitting at a table in the Noodle Shop, having just finished retelling his… situation for the third time that day, steadfastly avoiding eye contact with the others.
And, after a brief pause, as he’d suspected, the room descended into pandemonium. It was fairly obvious that there was nothing that the others really could do about this scenario, so, as MK had guessed, they took the next best option;
Teasing him relentlessly.
MK’s head hit the table with a solid thunk as Pigsy made some comment about ‘his little boy growing up into a fine young monkey man’, which was exactly the point that Mei nudged MK’s side with a mischievous grin.
“If it makes you feel any better,” She said, as soon as MK had lifted his head slightly to look at her, “Red Boy has been texting me for like, the past 6 hours about how darn cute you are.”
She tilted her phone so that MK could see it, and began slowly scrolling down through the hundreds of messages, revealing that, yes, she was telling the truth, and every single message was in all caps to boot. And, based on the three notifications she got whilst scrolling, Red Son was still going. 
MK was so focused on reading the messages on screen that he didn’t even notice himself glitching into his monkey form- nor the inevitable chirp that escaped from his mouth.
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foxes-that-run · 5 months
I was watching fortnight mv and noticed something😭
In the typewriter scene posty is wearing a ring in his ring finger. Then the next scene the style silhouette scene posty without tattoo is not wearing any ring. Then the next scene where they are torturing her/trying to fix her, posty is wearing a ring in the same finger Harry wears the haylor ring. But no ring in ring finger. Then in the telephone scene he's again wearing a ring in his ring finger and Taylor is wearing the haylor ring.
I shared my theory about this song and mv with you before and this new clue makes me believe in it more. The wife she talks about is Olivia. The ring in the beginning indicates Harry being with Olivia (not literally engaged but engaged as in together). They were talking when he was still with Olivia and she was surviving with Joe. The tattooless posty is Joe I believe, this scene I thought was her dreaming of a life with harry but this may also be her revisiting the life she had with Joe and talking about it with harry. Like how they were happy and then they wer not, how they had a happy-in-love expression on their face then it turned into sad expressions, how she reached her hand out but it cut to the next scene before he could take it. This is perfect summary of her relationship with Joe but the style silhouette tells me that harry was always in the back of her mind OR it might be in the beginning of Toe when Harry's memory was still fresh in her mind.
So they were both typing meaning they were either talking about eachother or writing songs about, i think it's both. Because they talked and then they wrote songs about what they talked about. Harry has plenty songs about her being lonely in HH. Makes sense that the pink and blue colours led them to those tattooless posty scene meaning revision of Toe relationship.
Next the torture scene where posty wears a haylor ring maybe? This scene to me was Harry dragging her out of the mess in May, he wasn't seeing anyone at that time. So there's no ring in ring finger. So the ring he wears in his index finger might be seen as a haylor ring.
The next scene where she's wearing that black victorian type dress throwing papers and all, to me it's after he left her again in (after saving her from torture, reference to down bad). Then when he calls he again has a ring in ring finger, he's involved with someone else again. So it could mean it's after TR came into the picture. Taylor is wearing the haylor ring so I'd assume it was when she still was looking forward to him returning.
There's so many things. I'm gonna have to watch it again n again
Wow thanks for this ask anon, I spent a bit of time gathering shots of the rings then looking at Harry's. And yes there are three combinations of Post:
Tattoos with rings on his wedding and right index fingers, in the typewriter and phone booth, also where Taylor has Haylor ring
No tattoos or rings in the road scenes
Tattoo scientist has a ring on their right index,you don't see his wedding ring and he has glasses.
This aligns with the prologue having three muses also.
Post has two rings in the typewriter scene, his right ring (wedding finger) and left index. Also a ring on his right ring in the phonebooth where Taylor wears the Haylor Ring.
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Right index for the scientist - but the wedding finger is hidden
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No rings in the Style head and tattoo less scenes
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So 3 or 4 muses:
No tattoos, turtleneck, no rings on road
Tattoos, Fancy black suit, 2 rings with typewriters
Tattoos, glasses, one ring, scientist coat
And the final, tattoos and 2 rings, has a necklace when he steps out of the phone booth post could be #2 or a 4th post.
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Harry wore the Haylor Ring on either index finger intermittently 2014-2019. The last time we saw it was 2019 Gucci Campaign where it was on his right index finger. (this ran the week before Ed's wedding)
It's not the only ring that may be about Taylor though. He wore the Peace Ring on his left middle finger from (when he and Taylor had a break in LA coincidentally on April 21 - 24) 2013 - 2020. It was on the left middle finger for 6 years, but it switched to the right middle finger in 2020 and only appears occasionally since, but that included his MSG residency when he and Taylor were both in NY and at TIFF.
I re-read my post on it Peace Ring and noticed the dates Harry wore it again after he stopped includes the anniversary of Ed's wedding. (yesterday's ask about it) At the time I thought maybe it was something earlier... but that's when he was 25.. so hmm I might do a post on that ring's reappearance.
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moondal514 · 9 months
Just Leave a Comment Fest 2023 Holiday Edition
Final overall comment total for @justleaveacommentfest: 76
Here’s a very multi-fandom fic rec list of a few of the fics I read (reread in some cases), loved, and commented on that were on theme for each day of the fest:
Day 1: first fandom
(BBC Merlin is not technically the 1st fandom I was ever a part of, or even the 1st fandom I ever read fic for, but I do consider it my 1st real fandom because it’s the 1st fandom I interacted with as intensely as I interact with my fandoms now and it’s also the 1st fandom I ever wrote and posted fic for)
Fandom: BBC Merlin
Prick Love for Pricking by horsecrazy/ @cbk1000
In which Arthur and Merlin hook up at a sex party.
I haven’t felt the urge to read Merlin fic in years, but then I stumbled across this fic, which is honestly one of the funniest things I’ve read in a hot minute, and now my love for Merthur has reawakened within me with vengeance
And Down the River's Dim Expanse by horsecrazy
In which Arthur is a water spirit who tries to drown Merlin. Merlin is not impressed.
Literally obsessed with this fic from the second I read the 1st paragraph
Day 2: bookmark day
Fandom: All For the Game
never said that i didn't need you by incogneat_oh/ @incogneat-oh
"Aaron, are you ready to go? The emergency room queue isn’t getting any shorter.”
Aaron feels a thrill of nervousness pull unpleasantly in his belly. He doesn’t want to spend the night in a brightly-lit, overcrowded emergency room and have strangers prodding at him. He glances back at Andrew, who looks as disinterested as ever. He’s slouched over, hands in his lap and unmoving, face expressionless. He’s facing forward, but his eyes are on Aaron.
And Aaron’s halfway out the door when he swivels. Blurts, “You’ll come with me?"
Aaron and Andrew spend an evening hanging out in the emergency department.
One of my personal fave twinyard-centric fics
Fandom: The Historian
among some talk of you and me by Hokuto
Reader, I pray that you will have the strength to walk with me a little longer.
I remember when I 1st found this fic I was so shocked cuz I had no idea anyone had even written fic for this book, but this is literally a perfect little epilogue because it has everything I loved from the book (scholarly nerdiness, libraries, and Dracula)
Day 3: old favorites
Fandom: BBC Sherlock
The World on His Wrist by bendingsignpost/ @bendingsignpost
First, he is shot in Afghanistan. Second, he wakes to a phone call in Chelmsford, Essex. Third is pain, fourth is normalcy, fifth is agony and sixth is confusion. By the eighth, he's lost track. (John-centric AU)
An exceedingly old favorite of mine, like literally one of the 1st fics I ever read on ao3, but I just learned today that I had apparently never commented on it previously, which made it perfectly on theme for this day of the fest
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
When the Stars Threw Down Their Spears by umisabaku/ @umisabaku
"It’s hard to understand the hierarchy when a school like Nekoma exists, putting them all together like they belong, but by the time Kenma enters high school he understands the difference. Kuroo is a black panther, rare and precious; a large predator stronger than most any other foe.
Kenma is a calico housecat. His coloring is uncommon, but he is not special."
Shapeshifter!AU. Kenma struggles with a culture and the rules of courtship.
When I was in high school and at the peak of my sports anime phase, this was one of my fave fics, and so I loved revisiting it all these years later
Day 4: fandom curiosities
Fandom: Mysterious Lotus Casebook
Three Autumns by rageprufrock/ @rageprufrock
If Li Lianhua had known this mess would be waiting for him, he wouldn't have bothered to crawl out of his own grave.
The most I know of this show is what I’ve seen through a few gifs on my tumblr dashboard, but this fic made me fall so hard for the characters it’s not even funny
Fandom: Interview With the Vampire
hell and you by quensty/ @keithal
With respect to Daniel’s life, pain in the ass is spelled A-R-M-A-N-D.
I have read one (1) book and watched one (1) episode of the show, so I barely have any idea who these characters are, but holy shit this dynamic compels me
Day 5: rec a fic
Fandom: Mo Dao Zu Shi
a made thing by animediac/ @jaywalkers
Because at the end of it all, Wei Wuxian walks away with his happy ending and the rest of them are left with nothing.
(or, what comes after everything has gone)
Fantastic post-canon fic by one of the few writers that can make Chengsang convincing to me
Fandom: Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System
Life is (not) a Hallmark Movie by mellicindi/ @mellicindi
Shen Yuan isn't lonely. He's just overseas in a new city, trying to muddle his way through a business degree, and dealing with the side effects of his stupid intestines trying to kill him. So, maybe he sometimes watches ASMR to cope with his too-quiet apartment. Maybe he has a little bit of a parasocial-relationship-thing going on with one particular cooking ASMR channel. It's 2016, who doesn't? The point is, he's content with his quiet life.
And then Shang Qinghua strong-arms him into watching one Hallmark Christmas movie, and it all goes to hell.
Or: Shen Yuan is a Hallmark movie protagonist, Luo Binghe is a Lifetime movie protagonist, and somehow they make it work.
I sadly missed the read-along this year, but this fic has been on my tbr since pretty much as soon as I started reading fic for this fandom, so I got to finally read it and it’s really fantastic
As always, I’ll continue to comment on fics and show all you writers appreciation for your craft <3
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missbalbaquoi · 2 years
sex, money, feelings, die - katsuki bakugo
part one, pro-hero!katsuki bakugo, reader works in the medical field and has glasses (haha nerd) | cw: mentions of sex and condom use | not proofread babes, literally wrote this after listening to sex money feelings die
thinking of pro-hero bakugo who for the longest time avoided relationships at all costs and left a short string of one night stands. it'd consist of the same 3-4 people he could call up-- it was okay with them as much as it was for him.
men have needs, and his was unavoidable.
so every once in a while he finds himself at a very exclusive club, red and blue lights flashing as the shitty music do little to make the environment a little more tolerable; he knows where he's going and he knows what he's about to do anyways.
he pays for the room, the tab, and the drinks. he doesn't linger afterwards and he goes home straight away.
you don't remember where you fit into his little routine, or when you stumbled into this mess at all. working in an agency that handles healthcare for pro-heroes, you've brushed shoulders with pro-hero dynamight, thinking less of his arrogant attitude and focusing on your job; that doesn't mean your gaze doesn't linger when he's not looking.
'i heard he was harder to handle in UA!' 'he's actually really dreamy...' 'we brushed hands earlier when he was getting his blood drawn-- his hands are rough!' 'how i wish he'd look at me the same way he looks at his rankings.'
you always roll your eyes at your co-workers hushed whispers in the break room, but you know deep inside you agree with them whole-heartedly.
you hate yourself for agreeing, because it's such a long shot getting a pro-hero to even look at your direction, let alone pine for you the same way you have been.
somehow, he keeps going back to the clinic later than usual and catches you alone. you try telling him it's way past operating hours, but your protest falls on deaf ears.
some nights he'd come to get his blood drawn for his weekly platelet count, he'd get a drug test (commission procedure), or even get his stash of condoms. it was a discreet clinic.
you'd catch yourself blushing as you hand him the box of condoms, feeling your face flare up as you realize they were lubed condoms.
this goes on for a while, till finally you decide you're too tired to work late nights. you can't handle your feelings, and you don't wish to confront it.
the next day at work, you find pro-hero dynamight leaning on the door of the clinic, tapping his foot in annoyance.
'they said you stopped working late.'
you bite your cheek to stop the smile that was making its way to your face. could it be that he actually also have feelings for you?
he makes his way to you and leans down to whisper something in your ear.
this is it, this is finally when he's going to confess that he's been pining over you too--
'you're the only nurse that i get my condoms from.'
you purse your lips. of fucking course.
'fine. also, i'm not a nurse. i'm a medical technologist. please learn the difference.'
after that awkward but eye-opening interaction and giving him what he came for, you mentally slapped yourself. how stupid and naive of you.
clocking out the clinic, you don't notice the black bentley parked across, and you sure as hell don't notice the blonde man exiting the car; too busy fidgeting with your phone to see if your online purchase has arrived. to be fair, you just purchased a cat plushie on sale. it was 70% off.
'good, you're still here.'
you jumped in surprise and let out a breath of relief.
'yeah? i'm about to leave. i'll just schedule your blood test tomorrow, if that's alright, sir.'
he grunts in response and steps closer to you.
'sleep with me.'
your eyes widened in disbelief, your mouth agape. what the fuck? literally, what the fuck?
'what? what- i don't- uh, i mean- how? it's not like- huh?'
god you sounded like an idiot, stammering and adjusting your glasses; it's like you're back in high school, reliving the 'nerd' trope.
'you can say no. i wanna know if i'm reading into this correctly.'
'uh, i mean- was there anything to read? was it that obvious? how did you know?'
'you're not as subtle as you think. sleep with me. no feelings involved.'
it's a scene ripped from a page in a book; standing in the sidewalk at sunset with the man you've been pining over asking you to sleep with him.
it's too good to be true. it isn't.
'while i'd really like to sleep with you, i can't right now.'
katsuki bakugo furrowed his brow and stood up straighter. clearly not the answer he was expecting.
'i'll see you for your schedule tomorrow though.'
you smiled genuinely at him before sprinting towards your bus stop. so much thoughts ran through your head; you were an idiot for turning him down and missing out on the best sex you'd probably ever have, but at the same time, you don't want your first time to be a simple fuck. after berating yourself for having stupid and cliche ideals and praising yourself for remaining wholesome, maybe saying no wasn't too bad.
katsuki stood there motionless, watching as you scurried away, lips curling into a small smile, amused by your demeanor. he wants you, and he wants your sex. he'll decide soon if he wants your feelings along with them.
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creativekha0s · 5 months
Liv Morgan x Rhea Ripley/ Liv 4 Brutality one shot! Finally I wrote some smutty fun for these two after teasing it in other works. This was fun coming off the top of my head 😅 Please enjoy! Also this is my first time writing smut in almost two years so forgive me if it’s a little rusty lol
11:57 PM.
Another year older and the day was coming to an end.
Lunch with the family, dinner with her friends, going out for a few drinks afterwards to celebrate. Everything was perfect. Another year in the books. Well, almost perfect. Not being able to give the answer you want to give someone when they ask what you want for your birthday felt criminal. But what Liv really wanted deep down was something no one could actually wrap up in a box and give her. It was like asking Santa around Christmas for superpowers or bottomless bank account. It was silly. To Liv though, it wasn’t.
11:58 PM.
Not a phone call, not one text, a mention on social media, a Snapchat even. Hell, even a handwritten letter would make her fold with a drop of emotion. But nothing. Maybe it was silly after all to be this hopeful for something she ached for so bad. Maybe calling it an early night tonight wasn’t the right call and staying out drinking, not to celebrate her birthday, but to numb the pain she felt would make things easier. Maybe, just maybe, it was time to face reality and move on with her life. Others have done it to her countless times before and maybe it was time to play their game.
11:59 PM.
A loud knock on her apartment door sends a wave of panic throughout her chest. Not even three seconds pass before a series of quick knocks follow. Liv rushes over to fumble with the locks and turns the handle, and another wave of panic hits her when she opens the door.
Tall. Tattooed. Raven dark hair. Puppy dog eyes. Australian accent. A smile that could warm up the Earth in a blizzard. In her raised hands was a one chocolate cupcake with a single lit candle.
In other words, a birthday wish granted.
“Happy birthday, Livvy.” Her voice soft and gentle but three words spoken hit Liv Morgan right in her heart. The blonde’s eyes lit up and her lips curled into a sad smile. She wasn’t forgotten about after all. “You wouldn’t believe the day I’ve had trying to get all the way here to wish you this face to face. You can’t deny it isn’t spontaneous.” Rhea offered the cupcake with her hands. “But quick, make a wish. We’re almost out of time.”
Thirty seconds to midnight according to Liv’s watch. The blonde was at a loss for words currently. She only had one wish loaded in the chamber as of five minutes ago and it was granted thirty seconds ago. Thinking quickly, Liv took a step forward and slowly blew the single candle out and watched as the smoke drifted into the air. Rhea brought the cupcake back down and pulled the candle out, putting the butt end between her lips to lick the remnants off with a satisfying hum.
“I wasn’t sure if I’d see you or not….” Liv spoke softly as her eyes watched Rhea’s lips wrap around the candle.
“Oh darling, missing your birthday is something I never want to happen in this life.”
She was perfect. This….Liv could barely put it into words. It was all romantic in such a way only Rhea could make her feel. Making her wait all day, hanging onto that thread of hope, that there was a chance they would see each other today, until literally the last possible second….
The next thing they knew was Liv had pulled Rhea inside her apartment and crashed their lips together. Somehow in the midst of being pulled inside, the apartment door getting locked behind them, and being led towards Liv’s bedroom, Rhea was able to safely place the cupcake down on a side table for an after dessert dessert. When the cupcake was safe, Rhea hoisted Liv up so the blonde could wrap her legs around her body and carried the blonde safely to her bed, their lips gliding against each other’s while their tongues danced excitedly together.
“I’ve missed you terribly.” Liv gasped out in between kisses. Reaching down she began pulling Rhea’s top off of her body and over her head. In response, the Aussie leaned down and started to attack Liv’s neck with strong, wet kisses. “Please don’t ever leave me again.” Liv let out a soft exhale turning her head to the side for easier access, then a moan escaped her lips when Rhea latched onto a particular spot.
“Never again.” Rhea promised. This was it this time and neither were going to let any obstacles come between them. The heart wants what it wants, Liv and Rhea knew in theirs that they wanted each other. As her hands dipped up into Liv’s shirt, she quickly discarded it to the side of the bed, smirking when saw that it was the only article of clothing she wore, and targeted her kisses down Liv’s neck, to her chest, before capturing a nipple between her lips. Though it was well past midnight, Rhea was going to make damn sure that Liv enjoyed every second of her birthday gift. Liv was instantly in heaven having Rhea twirling her tongue around her nipples, sucking them gently, pulling one up with her lips while her fingers tugged the opposite one.
The blonde’s hands pawed at Rhea’s ass not once but twice, then she skillfully undid her bra and pulled the dark haired girl up to return the favor, sucking and teasing her breasts with a burning passion. The bedroom suddenly filled with gasps, hums, and low moans while the two battled for dominance over one another. Liv’s night shorts were on the floor, Rhea’s jeans had been pushed down past her ankles, their tongues aggressively fighting for supremacy.
Ultimately, Rhea gained control. Her hand pulled the front of Liv’s underwear to the side and began feeling just how much of a wet mess she made the blonde underneath her. When Liv whimpered, she knew that she had won. Teasing her fingers up and down, pushing along her glistening folds, each moan from Liv was music to Rhea’s ears.
“Fuck, baby…please don’t stop..” Liv groaned out.
“Mmm. Tell me what you want, birthday girl.” Rhea smirked and pushed her index finger slowly inside the blonde then back out, bringing it up to her lips to taste.
“You.” Liv shivered with another moan, gazing down at the raven haired woman between her legs. “I want you, Rhea….take me, mark me, fuck me….” Without keeping her any further from her wish, Rhea hovered her lips above Liv’s and pushed two fingers inside of her, grinning from ear to ear as the air from Liv’s gasp hit her in the face.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous, Livvy.” Their eyes remained locked on each other while Rhea began pumping in and out of Liv at a steady rhythm, watching how she moaned and attempted to buck her hips to match her pace. With her free hand Rhea traced her nails up Liv’s thighs, up her abdomen, slow up across her chest, and wrapping her hand gently around her throat before she cupped Liv’s cheek. “I’m going to appreciate every single inch of your body.” Her two fingers sped up fingerfucking Liv until she could feel when she was close, that’s when the Aussie dipped her head down to finish Liv off personally with her tongue, swiping it across her clit over and over again until Liv Morgan was an incoherent mess.
“Oh my. Fucking. Fuuuuuuck.” Rhea smirked at her actions that caused the blonde girl to quiver, watching her legs shake in pleasure as her tongue expertly helped Liv ride her orgasm as long as possible. Liv gripped the sheets on her bed and bucked her hips against Rhea’s tongue over and over until she was forced come back down from her high, laying back flat on her bed with the biggest smile on her face. Once Rhea lapped out everything she had to offer, the dark hair girl crawled up Liv’s body as peppered kisses everywhere until she reached her lips, the two getting lost in each other’s eyes. “You’re incredible, so frickin’ incredible.” Tasting herself against Rhea’s lips as they kissed turned Liv on even more, so she flipped the two over and straddled the Aussie, pulling her underwear down in the process while the girl on bottom giggled.
“Livvy, I don’t want your homemade cupcake to go stale.” Rhea heard something along the lines of only needing a few minutes herself, Liv’s words becoming muffler as her head dove in between Rhea’s legs this time. Rhea gasped more audibly than expected and looked down to watch Liv hungrily provide her the same passionate lip service, running a free hand through her blonde hair to pull her face impossibly closer. “Mmm, fuck yes baby. Don’t stop, don’t you dare bloody stop…” It wasn’t Rhea’s birthday but it didn’t stop Liv from granting her wish and continuing her oral assault until she made Rhea’s legs quiver just the same as hers did, smiling as she savored every single second of Rhea’s orgasm on the tip of her tongue.
Liv pressed a few more kisses up Rhea’s body and joined her in her embrace and rested her head gently on her chest, both panting quietly against one another. When she felt she had her leg strength back the blonde wandered over to the where the cupcake sat and grabbed in her hand and brought it back to bed with her. Rhea had climbed back to the pillows and rested her head as her eyes went from seeing stars to seeing a happy and very naked Liv Morgan peel the wrapper off of the cupcake.
“Some wishes do come true, don’t they?” Liv took a bite of the cupcake and shut her eyes happily to enjoy the flavor of a homemade cupcake. Ripping off a piece she fed it to Rhea, who used her tongue teasingly to wipe the excess frosting on the side of her lip. “This is amazing, thank you so much for everything, Rhea.”
“Everyone deserves to have an amazing birthday dessert after they’ve had their dessert.”
The two chuckled and finished off the treat together, entangling with one another as they shared sweet kisses with each other, doing their best to entice the other to cave first so they could go another round before their night was over.
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thornilee013 · 6 months
WIP Wednesday 10.4.2024
Hello and welcome to another week of Work-in-Progress (WIP) Wednesday, a lovely challenge started by @/kedreeva .
As always, feel free to send in multiple requests, even if it's for the same draft! But keep in mind that that's just how I operate, and that this is not part of the official WW rules/etiquette! (aka please don't assume everyone is as desperate as me)
Official rules for those who are new:
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names. Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play! After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share. That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. I’ll be searching the reblogs to find people to send asks to! If you’re reading this, you’re invited! If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
Prompts that I'm offering this week:
1. Silly Little Jean Moreau Fic 2. TLC 3. 101 Ways not to Say I Do 4. Needle AU (CW: posts may contain mentions of self harm, wound infections, and stalking) 5. Pride Zine (AKA, I write three new sentences on my zine pieces, then pick a random project to add three sentences to for a post! Might bring the dice back again this week, or if you're a regular I'll pick one of the ones I know you like c;)
Progress from this last week below the cut: A combined and collected selection of posts from 101!
"We should probably let people know, right?" Neil said as he fell back onto the couch after pulling his sweatpants back on. Andrew was already lounging on the couch, running his fingertips along the inside of his palm in a desperate attempt to replicate the sensation of holding a cigarette. Maybe a few years ago Neil would have allowed him a cheat day, but they had gotten rid of every last pack in the condo*.
Andrew shrugged in response, his pupils still blown wide and his lips still reddened. "Probably."
"Come on. You don't want Aaron to hear about this from Nicky. I can call him if you want, and you can call Renee."
"No," Andrew said, leaning back to fish his phone out of his pocket. "I'll call Aaron. And Renee. I don't think you'd want me to be the one to call Matt."
Neil wasn't about to disagree. He sighed and pulled out his own phone to dial Matt's number.
Nicky didn't reemerge from the guest bedroom until the next morning, or at least, that was the next time that Andrew and Neil spotted him.
Thankfully, their morning the next day had been more or less typical; Neil had gone on his morning run and Andrew had gone back to sleep after Neil's alarm had gone off. By the time Nicky finally came out of the guest room, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand, Neil and Andrew were already on their second cup of coffee.
"Aaron called me at nine last night," he said while trying (and failing) to stifle a yawn. "Couldn't you two have waited to tell the others until I was awake? Damn, I need coffee. Please tell me you have some left."
Neil sipped at his own coffee while Andrew nodded his head in the direction of the pitcher they'd brewed that morning. "Knock yourself out."
"I'm glad to hear that you were at least slightly inconvenienced by your own actions," Neil added.
"Ha ha," Nicky said while making his way to the coffee machine. "I'm so glad to see that that classic Josten charm hasn't faded over the years."
Andrew shot Nicky a look that prompted him to lift up his hands in a mock surrender.
"Come on, I can't keep my sarcasm concealed before I've had a cup of coffee, you know this, Andrew."
"Then start drinking," Andrew responded.
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anxiety-banana · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
y'all i'm so happy i haven't done one of these in forever :')
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
93, but that doesn't count my 49 anon works lol
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
252,902, and i'm still disappointed by that number, because that means i could have written multiple novels by now lol
3. What fandoms do you write for?
oof uh lets start the list: star wars and marvel (and like three of its subcategories lol) are the current ones, but including past ones: white collar, psych, warehouse 13, almost paradise, and leverage!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
so apparently most of my best fics are anon,,, i guess stick around for the official release of those?? but yeah the first three are anon
when it matters (white collar)
inevitability is a stupid, stupid, thing (penny parker fic!)
if you're so smart tell me why are you still so afraid (this is my one and only suits fic, i also hate it, but feel free to check it out lol there's not enough content in the fandom to keep it anon)
and home isn't quite the same, but it's far from unachievable
big brothers make it okay
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
uh YEAH unless you're writing in a language google translate doesn't understand or you made me so mad i'm avoiding giving my phone a smackdown, i'm replying to your comment
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
browski my fics are either fix its or "hey you know what would be fun? killing plo koon" so uh i did some digging and i think it might be call me what i am, call me a monster. that one was,,, a lot lol i have no idea where my headspace was when i wrote that. a lot of my angsty fics end somewhat hopeful but this one legit is angst all the way through
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
ooh!! lose ourselves in the moment is one of the fluffiest endings i can think of. i write quite a bit of fluff, but my main fandom also occurs during a war so it's a delicate balance lol
8. Do you get hate on fics?
kind of?? i've never had someone comment "u suck" on a fic, but i've had a LOT of passive aggressive stuff telling me i'm writing a character wrong, or that I write a fact wrong (i usually get these when i actually wrote something into a fictional universe with fictional, non canonical facts lol so i do get a little pleasure responding to those kind)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
lol nope. i have an appreciation for certain kinds of smut in writing, when they're tasteful, but even then i typically don't read far into it before wimping out
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i haven't, but i've written references to them into fics for people to find haha
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
yes, but basically my entire wattpad fic era was stolen on one of those weird bootleg fic websites?? honestly it was all crap they can have it
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no, but i'm hoping to translate all my fics into legible english prose one of these days. when will this clown figure out how to write is my question
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i had one (1) fic in the works between @ashgryff and @ljbrary once like two years ago that never even got close to completion, i'm not even sure what happened to that thing?? but i remember panicking because i was terrified of messing up something and we were all kind of new friends at the time so it was mortifying ahaha
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
team "i crave familial affection" i literally took to scrolling my bookmarks to find one i love :') i might have to go with kanan/hera?? i just never get tired of them they're some of my favorite characters as it is
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
mmm so I Know, I'm Sorry (But You Can Do Better) is technically an ongoing fic, it's just a one-shot sort of thing that I'd really like to either give a full plot or just continue indefinitely but at this rate i have no idea if it'll even get another chapter
16. What are your writing strengths?
when i get into it, i pride myself on inner emotional prose, also people have complimented me on my dialogue before so i guess dialogue
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
plotting, pieces longer than 10k, sticking through rough patches to finish a draft
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
personally i only trust myself to do it in a tiny bit of french, but if it's done correctly i think it can be really cool
19. First fandom you wrote for?
sooo technically that would not be star wars even tho that's the first of mine on the internet, it would be Marvel, in which I wrote three paragraphs of a random movie ten years in the future after Endgame came out. it sucked, but look what it started i guess??
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
we've already established that i have a total 142 fics on ao3 so this is a struggle uhhh maybe Eternal, i was really proud of it when i posted it, also you didn't put those bones in the ground, because it took me a really long time to post after i finished it. i find most of the fics i hesitate to post are my favorites, because i don't want them to be harshly judged haha
that was long, thank you for sticking around!!
no pressure tags! answer any or none of these questions haha
lilly and ash who i already tagged and feel bad for double tagging, @ahsokryze @dashedwithromance @armchairaloof @twentyfunnybunnies and all who wish to join! i see this a lot but honestly if you want to join this, please take this as your permission! i will literally tag you if you ask me to so you feel better about participating
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msookyspooky · 6 months
OH MY GOD SPOOKY ‼️‼️‼️‼️ thAT CHAPTER 13?????????? A MASTERPIECE!!!!
The "my girl" partmhjnjjhahhahahhuhuhaha I SWEAR i was brushing my teeth while reading and when my EYES SAW THOSE WORDS I JUST STOPPED??????? i stopped there with toothbrush all over my mouth for a good minutE TRYING TO COMPREGED TAHT!!!!!!!! UHHHHHHHGGGGGG
I have no words to explain how much i loved loved loved that chapter!!!! i have been craving for that reveal since i started reading when you were still posting the part set 1 movie and IT DID!!! NOT!!!!! DISAPOUNT!!!!!! IM SO FUCKING EXITED FOR THE REST OF THE STORY LMAOOO 💞💞💞💞💞💞
Yn, in my opinion at least 👀, def had the chance to play dumb, act as if she didnt knew, act as if they were forcing her to do whatever accusation dewey trew at her. but she didnt‼️‼️‼️‼️ and im just freakibg outtttttt she cares so much that AGAIN she put herswlf in front of Billy. After all the pain that doung that all those years ago brought to her, she did that and didnt even think about it. even after stu literally shot someone in the chest she cares so fucking much that the death of that person donest affect how she feels about him anymore (judy didnt actually dieee but yn doesnt know itt( they didnt need to get try to get jill before she hurt yn, they couldve literally just ran away from the hospital. But the choose to stay‼️‼️‼️ for stu i wont eve.n elaborate because my. Girl. My. Ficking. Girl. Was enough for me lmaooo‼️‼️‼️but billy didnt need to say athing! In fact, it would be better for him if he didnt bc he knew dewey woukd recognize him the second the spotlight was on him. But.he did. He defended yn the second he could. He defended her even if he knew no one would listen to him.
Im 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 anywaysssss hahaha i love your writing a normal amount............
Alsooo you wrote jill so so well that i wanted to go inside my phone and strangle her myself lmaoo
Oh YN definitely cares and so do they there's just so much turmoil and difference in morals that it's a rough road but Billy and Stu saving her (To "kill her god knows when" yeah right 😒🙄) And her deciding to follow that moral compass and save Billy before her own ass because it was the 'right thing to do' (mm hmm 🤨😒) is just another layer they didn't know this situation could have!
Fr YN could have played dumb but I ain't gonna lie when I came out of anesthesia I slept SO HARD it was insane I was fucking out of it and barely formed thoughts so I can't imagine some bitch waking me up a few hours after my surgery trying to strangle me THEN trying to make coherent thoughts to justify why Billy is there 😣
And I think as the author writing it (And the girl reading it lol) like...YN is fucking tired.
I mean, her best friend and honestly only true friend died and she found his corpse and has that weighing on her conscience that it's her fault they seperated. Gale was never her friend 100% fake af and YN lowkey knows it. Karla is a friend by being Ray's wife but not on the level her and Randy are.
And other than Dewey; Billy and Stu is all she's got. In one night, she was truly stabbed for the first time not counting her arm or hand. Good and only Friend is dead. She's being framed AGAIN over fame she never wanted to begin with.
Dewey, as much as she loves him platonically, has changed because of that badge and being married to Gale and in Woodsboro (I noticed it from 3 to 4 with Dew to Sid and was shocked tbh) and has done nothing but make YN not trust him with her safety this entire installment.
Stu pointed it out in TT. That he was there no matter what, toxic or not. He knew the worst and best of YN and stayed there for his own selfishness but still for her as well. When Randy and Dewey only knew what YN revealed but she was living a double life that they UNDERSTANDABLY would be hurt and enraged over but Billy and Stu have been known and don't care
ISTG it's why I fuck with enemies to lovers sm bc your enemy sees your worst side, weakest side, you see there's and yet you still fall in love?
I think Billy has never seen these sides of YN and when he did in TT he was in a shit place in his life and still bitter over what she did in Set Up and Sequels Suck.
But Stu? He was in her life from Windsor to Hollywood on and off and got over her betrayal before Billy so it's easier for him.
And I hc Stu as fucking nuts to be blunt. Flys off the handle, impulsive, delusional, arrogant, has little value in peoples lives, doesn't discriminate with killing, sadist, possibly even a bit of a high functioning individual with a form of ASPD or just good old narcissism where he doesn't love like a normal person does so he forced himself into YN's life as a form of control but that doesn't mean he doesn't care for her he just cares for his own self preservation first and always will. While I hc Billy as an introverted guy with fucked up morals and possible hallucinations like his daughter Sam / he's more likely to snap than most people same with his Mom Nancy. But I think he feels love and emotions the same as anyone else he just has trust issues and cynical af.
It's why after so long...I mean, aside from money, Billy got what he wanted. YN is alone, isolated, depressed, anxiety, PTSD, no friends, everyone she cares for is dead or hates her, getting attacked by conspiracy theorists that claim she helped them. And I think he's realizing slowly but surely that maybe her suffering for trying to turn him in while saving him isn't what he wanted after all.
Thank you for the review and listening to me rant I just love these in detailed ones because sometimes you guys see things about the characters I don't even!!♡♡♡
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crazy56u · 7 months
Happy Valentines Day, time for newspapers and jackass raisin-looking fuckers.
“Last time on Quantum Leap: Oh, I bet you thought we forgot about that chip subplot… Get fucked.”
And now the wolf is in the hen house, and odds are he ain’t fucking leaving.
Also, Ben wrote a letter; in unrelated news, Tom is pissed.
Hard cut to the 80s!
Cinematic parallels: Ian got an ominous phone call last week, Ben gets one today.
“Look, I could tell you more about the people who are gonna die, but because I hate you now- (CLICK!) (beeeeeeeeeeeeep)”
“God, where do I find you people?!” …the want ads?
Why does the guy Ben leapt into look like Jack Quaid?
Ben, you are doing swimmingly at acting normal today.
And the reporter is dismissing the fact Ben got an ominous phone call, and I vividly remember a car blowing up in the trailer for this episode, so, 5… 4… 3…
“Look, I’m Connie Davis, fuck your phone call.”
“This is the biggest story I’ve had in months.” And hard cut to Halloweentown.
“Steve, exactly how big is your pumpkin?” Big enough to topple the government?
I love how you can tell Connie wanted to die the second “Good gourd” was spoken.
“Now Steve, I know your viewers are dying to know- just like how your wife is probably literally dying, based on that cough-”
Meanwhile, the real 3 Ws: Waffles, wine, and Wednesday afternoon napping
“Okay, Steve said words, I wanna leave now.”
“There, I punched the camera, that’s how you know the battery died.”
“Look, Ben, you stopped a stroke, but car crashes are a little more unpredictable. Also, there’s this guy, Gideon-“
And I’m hoping to God the produces bought that number before someone tried to call it…
“Can we please focus on the leap, and not the subplots?”
My guess, Connie got fired for talking shit about Barbara Walters.
“And now she does-“ “Pumpkins.” Phrasing.
The more pumpkin puns she is forced to hear and say, the more Connie wants to die.
And cut to Newton’s shit ass cradle.
[Full disclosure: I am actively muting the parts of the episode involving Gideon. I have captions in, but still.]
“All I’m suing is blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.”
Just saying, Ben had three shots to indirectly erase Gideon from the plot, and I doubt this one’s gonna be the one.
“Look, sir, I’ve been kept in the dark, maybe let me in on this subplot?”
[And now I am actively glad I am muting Gideon; I can just tell he’s saying this bit of expo with a smug tone.]
Oh fuck you, I wrote “blah blah” because I didn’t have time for your bullshit, you don’t get to use “blah blah”.
…calling it now, whatever “needs” to happen, Magic is gonna take one for the team.
[Sound goes on.]
Meanwhile in the parking garage of doom.
Bean, you suck at the news.
…okay, I was joking, but is the parking garage haunted?
Fellas, you ever get cockblocked by an answering machine?
“Look, man, I know I have a gun and a ski mask, but you are freaking me the fuck out; why were you talking to a ghost?”
Dude, Ben doesn’t even know what the story is. Neither do we!
Game Theory: The guy actually forgot to check if his gun was loaded, and had to pivot at the last second.
“That’s right, I punched you in the face, I hope you learned something today.”
[“Okay, Ben blacked out, cue the title.”]
Stop telling Ben to drop a thing he knows shit all about.
…is it bad that I thought she was gonna dump whiskey on his wound?
“I think we have a story-” “A concussion.” A story-driven concussion.
BREAKING NEWS: Pumpkins are attacking people!
“Look, I had to make you look like a dumbass to save your ass.”
“What if this is the next Watergate? You know, I heard the real reason that got tipped off to the press was because a college professor snuck into the building so that this one student could say goodbye to her dad before he went to Vietnam! He even did a dance on the steps and talked to a ghost!”
“Rule one of doing work: See rule one.”
“Why are you always covered in blood, and do I keep thinking that’s low key hot?”
Ben, the universe can suck an egg.
“You’re the best leaper I know.” Meanwhile Elsewhere, Sam Beckett is seething.
“It was either being a journalist or being in the military, Ben.”
Ben 100% stole that whiteboard.
And now Ben and Addison have to figure out what the plot is.
“What do we know?” “Not much.” For example, throwing this out there, the date?
“A suit works at a company.” Mic drop.
It took mentioning a lawyer for us to get within the ballpark of the date this leap is happening on.
“There, I wrote ‘Lawyer’ big. Are closer to solving this leap?”
That fucking beast of a computer…
“Look, it’s an all-nighter, and I want a distraction from the Gideon subplot.”
Ben, no, you were doing so good, don’t get distracted by relationship shit!
I have a sinking suspicion that wasn’t all the coffee Ben drank…
Okay, so, technically Tom was the puppet.
“Look, I can do my job and be pissy about relationship bullshit.”
“I got a call at 3 in the morning telling me to burn Quantum Leap to the ground.” I swear to fucking God if that was an indirect way of saying NBC’s cancelling the show…
[No sooner did I type that, Tumblr tried eating this post, I ain’t taking any chances, part 2.]
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sunriseverse · 9 months
4 for the ask meme??? I desire all your thoughts. require them even. and a glimpse into your wips. 👁️
okay. deep breaths. i will not throw my phone out the window because tumblr crashed this ask and deleted everything i had written. anyway.
i have a LOT of wip ideas but the most active wip i have in my head at the moment is sunrise, and i have a couple things planned at the moment.
1. this is a xiaoge pov fic, with a mixture of third and second person pov (third for past/present, second for behind the rift). i keep trying to write it and stopping because it’s such uncharted territory for me and i want it to be PERFECT but i know i shouldn’t be so intense about it……..but also i want it to be exactly how i have imagined it in my head. here’s what i have so far:
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2. this is a xiaosanjiao fic, with two main focuses: one, how wu xie in this verse is specifically callous and cruel towards li cu while also trying to maintain his innocence, the only reason he has any use for him, and two, the way li cu only survives because he is loved. i’ve got a lot of thoughts about prototypal anchor bonds and they are quite literally the case study for it—especially when you consider that their bond is basically comparable to the iron triangle’s. what can i say, sha hai took me out back and shot me with that metaphor and now i can’t let it rest.
now onwards and inwards towards my notes app, where lieth the beasts who dwell in waiting (wips i would like to get to some day but which have lower priority). there’s a lot of these so they’re going below the cut.
1. iron triangle time loop fic. i love a good time loop i love when things hurt and people have to watch their loved ones die. for a change of pace it would be pangzi who remembers the loops. because i like to torture the characters i love.
2. xiaoge taking pangzi and wu xie to visit baima’s grave. i just………have a lot of feelings about graves and how xiaoge only knew her for three days and how she wasn’t even really conscious and how despite that it was clearly an incredibly meaningful thing to him. also i think xiaoge would want the men he loves to meet the woman who loved him, even if they’re separated inescapably by time and distance.
3. silly fake marriage fic that hinges on that stupid marriage chair of fo ye’s (okay that’s not what it is and that’s not what happened but allow me to jest for a moment. to joke.). this is 100% self indulgent and ignoring any real world implications etc etc so the likelihood of it getting written ever is vanishingly low (i cannot stop thinking about Implications, alas), but hey, it’s a fun concept.
4. technically i wrote this but i would love to revisit it: dæmon au where xiaoge’s dæmon isn’t able to cross over the bronze gate with him and instead is left comatose in the real world and the only true indication that wu xie and pangzi have that xiaoge is still alive. i think initially when i thought of it my plan was for wu xie to care for them, but i’ve since decided that he would probably entrust that to pangzi, both because that’s safer, and because he doesn’t trust himself with the task.
5. pangzi in a qipao as a disguise for some fancy party they’re infiltrating for whatever reason. do i need to explain this further. alternatively a mundane au where pangzi is a model.
6. au where wu xie’s hatred and disgust and fear of what he’s turning himself into physically alters him into being visibly “monstrous” and it doesn’t go away after everything and he tries to hide it because he’s terrified of how pangzi and xiaoge will react if they find out. heavily inspired by this one comic i saw about a character hiding in a bathtub behind the curtain because they turned into their monstrous form and can’t remember how to turn back, and then the other person gets into the bathtub and holds their hand and shows them a photo of some happy moment and tells them it’s okay, they’ll wait. yeah. also vague allegories for bipolar onset because i have exactly three dead horses and i’m not going to stop beating them.
7. wu xie with glasses. listen. look at me. the glasses agenda must be advanced.
8. boyfriend item thief xiaoge. sweaters. food. that one blanket pangzi could have sworn he left on the sofa. hearts. etc.
9. technically i kind of wrote this a bit with “hearts’ keep” but a fic where li cu and wu xie keep running into each other and li cu is horribly reminded repeatedly of the ways that people keep drawing parallels between him and su wan and yang hao and the iron triangle. i just want to write about complicated relationships and the horrifying knowledge that you are in love with your best friends you know?
okay that’s it i THINK. or at least everything that’s more than just three words and no context/scribbling that got incorporated into other things.
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the-crystal-one · 1 year
Can you do a black reader oc x Eli moskowitz hcs?
Eli Moskowitz x Black Oc (Deja Jones)
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Deja and Eli have been friends since elementary school (Demetri too but Deja didn't start hanging out with him until middle school)
They immediately hit it off because of Deja's little knowledge on the Star Wars, Star Trek, MCU, DC....anything other than Cartoon Network universe.
After the hour long recess explanation, Deja still didn't understand but she liked talking to Eli
When they hit middle school, they became closer than ever. They would hang out in Eli's basement and play whatever piqued their small brains at the time. Demetri was a bit skeptical (obviously look at the poor boy)
One day Deja mentioned something along the lines of how Cartoon Network was the best cartoon channel and that's when Demetri knew he loved her. "Honestly Steven universe is one of the best-" Demetri didn't even give her time to finish before he attacked her with a hug
~Flash forward to high school~
Obviously Eli, Deja, and Demetri were inseparable.
A lot of "So who's house are we going over today?" Always Eli's
Eli and Demetri would go to all of her dance shows to cheer her on, Deja would listen to their rants about any and everything.
Dej was the. protector of the two, she would whoop Kyler's ass (if she had the strength to do so)
When Eli joined Cobra Kai (after he met Miguel), she didn't agree with it first but she knew this is something he wanted to do
She waited outside of the dojo during the beginning but when he stormed out, muttering about how he was getting a "new look" she was (rightfully) worried about him
She told him that she loved him for who he was and that he shouldn't change himself because some alcoholic white man told him too. (She's liked him for a couple of months and has yet to open her yap)
Nonetheless she went with him to get his haircut, she actually picked the color because they matched her braids at the time.(Which Eli would have done because mans had been liking HEEER since they met)
He tried to convince her to get a tattoo which she shot down quick fast and in a hurry because her granny would slaughter her if she even INHALED the scent of tattoo ink, so she stuck to getting tongue ring ,simple silver ball.
(This is the good part people so pay attention)
Deja was literally balling when that needle went through her tongue and Eli was kissing her head "You're okay, I believe in you Dej, you're so strong you can do anything...That's why I love you."
Let her tell you, any ounce of pain that was in her left.Her grip tightened around his hand and her eyes met his.
(They very much did have a Disney moment)
It's not that he never told her that he loved her, it's just the way he said it.
When it was his turn to get his tattoo, she tried, keyword, tried to tell him that she felt the same.
"I- muh- moo-poo"
"Ah! What?"
"I thaid! I muh moo poo!!"
.....Yeah after that she just whipped her phone out and texted him, which he didn't see until 4 hours after he got the tattoo.
His back way aching and her mouth was all puffed up but they were together and that's all they cared about
A/N: I have never wrote a head cannon before so please have mercy on my soul
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a-swiss-and-a-spaniard · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for thinking of me @yoellglia ! I had fun reading your answers and even more so trying to answer myself :)
1. How many works do you have on A03?
Jeez, should I consider both of my accounts? Let's do it, why not.
I have 12 fics in total. 7 for Tennis RPF and 5 for the DC Universe.
2. What's your total A03 word count?
37,211 words combined. Ngl, I thought it would be less than that as there are only two multi-chaptered fics and the rest are one-shots. Hopefully, I'll add some more words in the upcoming months :)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, I only write Tennis RPF. I've been toying with a few ideas for the Good Omens fandom, but I haven't opened a new doc yet. And I used to write for the DC Universe, but I haven't done that in ages.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
(I’m gonna keep this Tennis RPF only bc this blog is tennis themed)
Waking in the Night Light: Fedal share their first kiss in a parking lot.
A New Target: Fedal have sex in the locker room.
Moonlight in Paris: Rafa goes to Roger's hotel room.
Strawberry & Dulce de Leche: Roger and Rafa get ice cream.
Somewhere or Other: Fedal phone call.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes yes yes! At least I try to. Although more often than not I get the notification, reply in my head, then forget to actually write back, and I'm too embarrassed to answer if more than a week has gone by… so apologies for that. That doesn't mean I don’t appreciate every single comment I have ever gotten, they always make my day in fact.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Mmh… perhaps Moonlight in Paris. It's not angst per se but it does have an overall sense of uncertainty.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Strawberry & Dulce de Leche, definitely. Rafa's joy at the possibility of Roger going to his birthday party is everything.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, thankfully. I’m glad I haven't unlocked that side of fandom yet.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, but I consider myself a newbie at it (smut writers, pls teach me your ways).
Generally speaking, I prefer it when smut has a little plot. It doesn't have to be anything complicated or serious, I just need a bit of a story behind what's happening for it to feel more organic. I also like it when the focus is on the emotional aspect of it, though descriptive can be nice as well. And I don't mind wordy smut as longs as it doesn't mess with the flow.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Nope, and I'm not a big fan of those tbh
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Story time! Yes 💀 Although it wasn't the whole thing, just a fragment. The fic in question was None but the Lonely Heart for the DCEU. And I only found out bc a lovely person left a comment on my fic, letting me know what had happened and the link to the other fic. I checked and the writer had indeed literally copied and pasted one of my scenes, they'd just changed the names of the characters. So I reached out to the AO3 team and they took care of everything.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. Stef and I had an idea for a Fedal fic, but who knows if we'll ever get to actually write it lol
14. What's your all time favourite ship?
I don't think I have one, really. I would say my main ones/the ones I keep coming back to are Fedal (Roger Federer/Rafael Nadal) and Superbat (Superman/Batman). Though right now I've been reading almost exclusively Ineffable Husbands (Aziraphale/Crowley), so it mostly depends on my hyperfixation at the time
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oof, that might be a Superbat (long) fic set post BvS, where resurrected Clark has lost his powers (and the sun seems to actually make him sick now), so Bruce helps him to get back on his feet and of course they fall in love in the process. I have the whole thing outlined, sheets of dialogues and a couple of scenes already fleshed out, but I took a break from the fandom bc it was draining me out. Idk, maybe one day I'll get back to it. I mean, never say never and all that, but it's looking highly improbable right now
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at setting the tone of scenes, be it fluffy, angsty, whatever.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I tend to write in long, long sentences. Seriously, you should see my drafts, sometimes a whole paragraph can be a single sentence. I don't know if it's due to my Spanish hard-wired brain or what, but I’m working on breaking things up a bit more.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I love it! But you need to make sure readers will still get the message through context, so I think it's best to stick to single words and/or common phrases. Unless, of course, you want to leave your character (and thus your readers) feeling confused.
I do it often when I’m writing Rafa and it's part of the reason I love writing him so much.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
DC Universe
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Tough question… can I say an unpublished one? I have this sort of introspection/character study of Domi, his struggles coming back on tour after the wrist injury and dealing with all the ups and downs. There's not a story to it per se, like I'm not trying to get him from A to B. It's just a dive into his mind, where it gets kinda dark real quick, and it's unlike what I usually go for in tennis fics (fluff), so I've been enjoying the challenge of getting out of my comfort zone there
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sendryl · 2 years
For the fic writer meme 9 and 10!
9. The hardest fic to write overall and right now is There's Never Been a Moment You've Been Forgotten. I love this fic, I have it outlined and I have plenty of future scenes written, but! People keep asking me to update. And that stabs right into the part of my brain that is adhd (hates doing assigned tasks) and is also defiant af (hates doing literally anything it is told to do). So like. Yeah that one is so difficult to write right now because my motivation is shot to pieces. Which sucks, because I'd really like to update it too! But it's not healthy for me to write it atm because my brain starts spiraling like crazy and then the Bad Thoughts come. :/
Lol sorry Malakia! None of this ire is aimed at you, friend. You were probably not exactly asking in order to invite therapy hour... Whoops. XD Yeah, I just got a message like a day ago, from a reader, asking me to please either update or tell people the fic is abandoned so I'm uh. A little salty about it rn. XD They weren't awful about it or anything, but yeah. My defiant brain is kinda frothing at the mouth angry rn.
An Undertale (my current fandom of choice) difficult fic to write is probably Puzzle Runner. I'm honestly really worried I won't be able to write Papyrus well enough as a romantic lead! Like, he's so enthusiastic and charming and such a breath of fresh air, and that's not what my soul is like at all?? So I'm worried I'll portray him wrong and then be disappointed in myself.
Oh man. I should not answer these at 4 am, all of this is becoming Therapy Hour. Ahhh whoops??? 😅😅😅
10. The easiest fic to write is probably any of my soulmate fics? I just. There's something about that trope that is so comforting and freeing for me. Oooh or any song fics. I love music, so including music in the fic or basing the fic on the story and flow of a song is so fun to do! I just gotta remember that I'm writing the fic for me and not for the people who hate song fics. XD
A specific Naruto fic would be Sex and Coffee, which is not a soulmate fic but is the fic that fills me with the most pride. I woke up at 2 am, rolled over and wrote it on my phone in one continuous stream over the course of two hours. I read back over it to edit for maybe ten minutes and then posted it immediately and went back to sleep right after. Seriously, if I didn't know better I'd think I'd gotten possessed. Easiest fic I've ever written, hands down. XD I love that fic to pieces. So I guess this one is the real answer. But I'm not gonna edit the earlier bit, lol.
A specific Undertale fic would actually be Neighborhood Blues. I also wrote that first chapter in a bit of a blur. XD I guess the easiest fics to write are the ones that spring fully-formed from my mind like Pegasus from Medusa.
Anyway, I just had a thought about Neighborhood Blues XD XD XD XD XD
Gotta go write it down before it escapes.
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