#i look like i had a filler in my upper lip
letoscrawls · 5 months
To the people who eat buldak noodles:
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beatrixstonehill2 · 24 days
"Super excited for the gymnastics championship in two months! I have three months to go on this pregnancy so I think I'll be pretty massive by the tournament but I've been doing all of my training with a weighted fake pregnant belly and I'm getting to the point where I can hardly find my center of gravity without a huge belly full of kids! So, I think I'll be able to handle this no problem! Wish me luck! Just making a quick post before I see my doctor, no routine today. But I should get a nice update on how my latest brood is doing! See you guys soon!"
Edit: "OK. Um, holy crap.... I can finally write to you guys. I don't really know how to make content yet anymore but I can edit this post and finally give an update, as I've been gone two weeks. Soooo I went in for my checkup and the nurse prepped me to be put under for surgery. I asked why and they told me they need to check something. I asked what and they said to relax and not worry.... I went along with it, of course.
I woke up in the ER with my arms and legs amputated just above where my knees and elbows were, perfectly symmetrical. I knew this style of amputation, it's what those TikTok Influencer girls get done. You keep your thighs so you can sit up, and your upper arms so you have 'handlebars' for guys to use. I recognized it right away. I looked around and saw my limbs were gone. I was naked, propped up in a hospital bed, no sheets over me, just my bandaged stumps. There was a cute blonde girl in the bed next to me, a giant pregnant belly, big boobs dripping milk. She looked me up and down and congratulated me on getting my limbs removed as well, excitedly telling me she was doing it for her boss to get promoted.
I told her I didn't want my limbs removed. That's when a gorgeous tanned Asian girl to my left spoke up, pregnant, propped up, her breasts were really big and fake, round, the size of soccer balls. She told me she was coming in for some lip filler but woke up an hour ago with no arms or legs. I was slightly anxious but soon the nurse came in and talked to me. I asked why they removed my limbs. She squinted at my chart and asked me, 'Oh, you didn't want your limbs removed? Are you sure?'
'Yes!' I told her. 'I never asked to become an amputee.'
'Hold on, let me double check this chart against your file.'
She left for a while, when she came back I asked, 'Well? Why did you guys remove my limbs, I'm a gymnast!' But she walked right by me to the Asian girl, telling her that her limbs were removed because she starred in several adult movies, and the doctor figured the amputations would boost her career. She blushed and accepted this reason, trying to rub her thighs together in a pathetic attempt to masturbate.
The nurse returned to my bed and told me there was a mix up with my chart and they accidentally amputated my arms and legs. She smiled, putting a hand on my belly. 'My, you're the size of a house, and I think you look even more gorgeous with your arms and legs chopped off, but that's just one woman's opinion! You should be happy, guys are gonna go nuts seeing you all helpless like this.'
She had a point, but I was still outraged. 'I'm a professional gymnast who has a tournament coming up. I can't perform without my arms and legs!'
"So sorry to hear that! I do apologize for this minor mix up. But you have to admit the surgeon did a great job. You look absolutely incredible! Tell you what, I'll talk to the front desk and we'll let you stay here for free until we get you acclimated to using a wheelchair and ocular software on your laptop or phone. Don't you worry, we'll get this little mishap sorted!'
She left for a while. Eventually the Asian girl's porno agent stopped in with a group of guys and filmed her getting gang fucked in the ER recovery area. The director eventually noticed me, naked and limbless, asking if I was that cute pregnant gymnast who went to the Olympics last year. I said I was, and without warning he started filming me getting fucked by these muscular, roided up porn actors, absolutely brutalizing my holes, as the blonde next to me giggled in delight, telling me how sexy I looked getting pounded like a big helpless pregnant slab of meat. I moaned like a whore, never so turned on in my life, I came over and over. The nurse walked in after two hours and turned right back around, saying, 'I can see you're busy, I'll come back later,' to the pregnant gymnast who had her limbs removed without her permission, only to be filmed getting gang raped while in recovery, drooling with her eyes rolled back from cumming so much.
The porno agent eventually finished filming, grabbed his card, folded it into a bulky cylindrical container the width of a soda can, and shoved it into my pussy, telling me he'd love to sign me on full time. The nurse came back the next morning. The Asian girl and I were sweaty, a total mess, having pissed ourselves a few times, completely untended to. The nurse scolded us for being so messy, as she showed us how to use the ocular software, and eventually helped us learn to use a wheelchair. I control mine with my left stump and my mouth, breathing into a special control device like a little harmonica. I eventually learned to call my real agent, my friends and family, and now I'm here, discharged. And guess what? I owe the hospital $720,560 for my stay, as well as the physical therapy, software lessons, and the amputations themselves. Naturally.... I've called the porno agent and am already signed on to start filming this weekend. I've got to pay off all this debt somehow! Plus hopefully soon I'll figure out how to post new content! I guess I'll need help..... I might need to hire a nurse or something. Maybe someone willing to help upload my porno vids? Oh, and I should call the hospital and see about getting implants as big as that sexy Asian girl I spent my stay next to! What's a little bit more debt? If I'm doing porn I might as well go all out. And I'm sure none of you mind my new career change, do you? ❤️"
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marleyybluu · 1 year
The Nanny
Part 4
Rio x fem!reader
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: angst (I think lol), our favourite couple part their ways for now, Nick being a nosey weirdo, sad Rio, sad reader. Idk I think that’s it.
A/N: I know this is a bit short and (surprise) no smut lol but we will get there dw. this is (kind of) a filler. Also if you’re new, check out my master list for parts 1-3 ❤️cus I’m too lazy to link them here lmao oops
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It'd been two weeks since Y/n's encounter with the blonde lady. Elizabeth. Her name was Elizabeth. She noticed it at the top of the ultrasound. That ultrasound felt like it was forever engraved in her mind. She hadn't talked to Rio about it yet, she didn't know if she wanted to. Y/n wasn't really an angry or confrontational person, but when it came to it, she could explode and if it was going to be like that she didn't want Marcus to hear anything.
So, until then, she played her part as usual. Well, the affection she delivered had shortened, and that was very noticeable for Rio. They were practically living in each other's skin half the time and now he suddenly felt cold and that's what she wanted.
"Y/n." She felt something poking her hip, she blinked a few times zoning back in and looking down to see poor Marcus attempting to receive her attention. "Sorry, honey, what's going on?"
"Nothing, I just wanted to put my plate in the sink." She shifted over allowing him access to the sink, she continued to wash the dishes and hummed a tune that was repetitive in her head. "Do you know when Daddy will be home?"
She shook her head. "No idea bud." Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Y/n turned off the water and dried her hands lightly jogging through the short hallway to get to the door. She held her breath as she unlocked the door and pulled it open. "Oh, hi." It was Rio's brother... cousin... whichever. "Hey... you." She awkwardly greeted him, she forgot his name. He chuckled reaching out his hand, "Nick."
"Right, Nick, sorry." She shook his hand, a little longer than she wanted to, his grip was a little tight on her. "What can I help you with?"
"Is my brother here?"
Y/n smirked. "Thought he was your cousin." He was amused.  "Anyway, he's not here yet but he should be home soon if you want to wait for him." She stepped aside inviting him inside the house, she closed the door behind him. He took off his shoes and wandered off at the sound of Marcus' voice. "Uncle Nick!"
"Hey buddy, what's going on? What are you watching?"
Y/n chimes in. "As always. And remember our deal, after this episode, you hit the shower and hit your bed okay?"
Marcus pouted and delivered those sweet brown puppy eyes. "What about Dad?" She groaned internally, he had school tomorrow and she did not need him to be up all night and end up sleeping in the next day. "I'll send him upstairs as soon as he's through that door okay?"
"Okay." He agreed and sat back down on the couch. She turned over to Nick and smiled. "Would you like anything?" He put his hand up and shook his head. "I couldn't intrude like that."
She reassured him that it was fine, suggesting there was water, juice and wine to choose from. He chose wine. He followed her trail back to the kitchen, he sat on one of the stools and waited patiently, watching her squat down behind the island to reach into a cabinet where she kept her special drinks. She then walked over to the upper cabinets and reached for a glass, her shirt slipping up exposing a bit of her skin, a small silly tattoo of Snoopy sitting on her hip as her sweatpants were almost dangerously low. His tongue swiped across his bottom lip.
She turned back placing the glass on the counter and poured out some liquor. "Not too much gotta drive back."
She hummed and nodded.
"You're okay?" Nick asked. She'd never talked to Nick, had no intention of speaking to him ever again since the dinner at their grandmother's house and judging how stiff Rio acted towards him she didn't really want to expose the problem at hand. So she bit her tongue and nodded.
Well, maybe she didn't bite hard enough.
"Actually, can I ask something?"
Her nostrils widened as she angrily exhaled through her nose. "Has Rio ever..." Sigh. "When he was with Maria, and she was pregnant... was he sleeping with other people? Or bringing other women around?"
He thought about and she couldn't tell if he was going to save his ass or throw him under the bus. "I mean, they weren't really together when Maria was pregnant, so he still had other women around yeah."
"Okay." She simply replied looking at her wine glass, twirling it around at the stem, the red liquid swishing and swooshing with every movement it almost became hypnotizing. Her ears rang as scenarios filled her head. Was she the other woman that was around? How come no one in his family said anything? Do they not know?
Nick noticed how quiet she was and the coping mechanism she developed sitting there, he gently placed his hand over hers and she stopped playing with the glass. "Are you..."
"No," She quickly answered. "No, I mean I wouldn't be drinking."
Duh. He thought to himself but he had to ask anyway. He leaned forward attempting to pry more out of her without giving himself away. "Do you think-"
She cut him off. "Maria said that when you think you're the only one you're not and-"
Not too much.
"Fuck, I don't know it just got me thinking. And now I'm overthinking."
Before he could reply to her statement Marcus repeatedly squealed.  "Daddy's home! Daddy's home! Y/n! Daddy's home!"
She smiled at his cheery tone. "So I've heard."
Rio's figure came to join the duo in the kitchen, an overgrown Marcus sitting on his hip, just a small reminder that he'd forever be his baby. A very apparent frown played on his face while his eyes darted between her and Nick. "Hey, pretty mama." Immediately asserting his dominance.
"Hi." She nodded before taking another sip of her wine. "Nick... why are you in my kitchen?" He asked with hostility lacing his voice. Nick smirked, always smug at how immediately defensive Rio seemed to get whenever he came around. "Just came to see you, little brother."
Y/n cleared her throat standing up from her seat, she reached out for Marcus who easily transferred over to her, he was reluctant to leave his dad at first, not seeing him all day and only getting a minute with him made him a bit sad, but after a promise from Rio that he'd be up to at least read a story he cooperated and clung to Y/n as she took him upstairs.
While they were getting ready, Y/n's mind couldn't help but wonder about how she'd bring up the situation at hand, the envelope had been tucked under her side of the mattress for a while, maybe that's why she had trouble sleeping too it was taunting her underneath where she lay. She felt a bit of guilt, it was wrong for her to keep this a secret from him, he had the right to know he was having another kid.
Another kid.
And it's not with her.
She sighed shaking off the thought, putting it on the back burner for a bit to focus on whatever Roblox game Marcus was trying to teach her to play on his iPad. She couldn't understand why these kids were so into this thing, he was obsessed. He rested his head on her shoulder while she tapped away on the screen. Her character disappeared and respawned in a moment. "What did I do?"
"Someone killed you." He giggled, and she gasped playfully poking his side. "That's not funny, I don't know what I'm doing." She laughed. He took his iPad back showing her once more what to do, a slight knock against the door frame interrupted their time together. Marcus sighed knowing he had to put his device away so he handed it back to her to take downstairs and in the morning he could have it back during breakfast.
Rio smiled. "Picked a book yet?"
Marcus nodded reaching under his pillow and showing him. "Say goodnight to Y/n."
"Night Y/n."
She kissed his head. "Night sweetness. I'll see you when I see you." Strange, Rio thought to himself, she always said she'll see him in the morning.
She walked past Rio, avoiding even an inch of contact with him. He swore he felt a cold air as she passed by, her loving and warmth had suddenly been replaced. Rio poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue and nodded. "Cool, let's uh, start reading."
By the time y/n got downstairs Nick had long disappeared, she sighed placing the yellow envelope on the counter after retrieving it from their room. She needed another glass of wine if she was ever going to get through this. She sat on the stool around the Island and twirled her wine glass once again, staring blankly at it until the sound of descending footsteps brought her back to Earth. "How was your day?" He asked opening the fridge and looking for something to drink or at least snack on.
"How was yours?" Her tone was cold and uninterested so he responded with the same simple answer she gave him. "Good."
The silence returned aside from the obnoxious tapping of her fingers against her phone screen. He knew her well enough, when she was making extra noise on purpose she was pissed. Rio shook his head. "What was Nick doing here?"
The tapping stopped. "Came to say hi." She answered placing her phone down on the counter and picking up her wine glass. "Why are you talking to me like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like you want to pick a fight."
She chuckled pettily. "Hm."
"Who's Elizabeth?" She asked finally lifting her head up to look at him, he froze and audibly swallowed. "She's a business partner."
"Is she?" Y/n questioned with a trembling voice. She slid the envelope over to him as he took a seat next to her. "Open it,"
He was lowkey starting to sweat. He fumbled with the envelope until it opened, he reached inside and pulled out the evidence. His eyes fell out of his head and rolled onto the shiny clean floor. "Y/n..."
"Congratulations, I guess." She shrugged. He looked up at the name double checking if it was really Beth's. There's no way this was fucking happening. He'd admit they had their fair share of encounters, maybe one before he met Y/n but there was no way that it resulted in this. She would've told him, or at least he'd hoped she would.
This looked bad, there was no way to weasel out of this when the evidence was right there. What made everything more uneasy is how calm Y/n was being, any other woman would have thrown their wine at him or knocked him with the bottle but she downed the last of the liquid and poured whatever was left of the bottle.
"You think it's a boy or a girl?" She laughed tipsily. "This isn't funny."
"You're right," She sipped. "It's not, but you know... when you've been crying about it for two weeks, you just run out of tears and all you can do is laugh."
She continued. "You laugh and you wonder how you fell so fucking foolishly in love with someone, in such a short time... how in that short time he made you feel so special like you were his world. You fall in love with his son, the sweetest boy you've ever met who tugs at your heart everyday and you think to yourself maybe one day you can give this kid his own little best friend."
Rio dropped his head. "And you come to find out, that- that someone else beat you to it. Is that how you did Maria? I mean she- she told me I'm not the only one, Christopher can never have one girl and I fucking defended you. I was so fucking sure-"
Y/n's voice cracked, and her chin trembled as she fought back a flood of tears but they were no longer tears of sadness, they were angry. Pissed. "I was so fucking sure you wouldn't do that to me."
He didn't know what to say, his mouth ran dry. "I'm... baby, I'm sorry. Look at me, look at me," He put the picture down and grabbed her face forcing her to look at him. Her eyes were so sad, so tired, so broken. He'd never seen her like this, he couldn't believe he was the cause.
"I love you... Y/n. I swear to god, I fucking love you ma. I'm sorry, okay? But you're going to have to believe me when I say this ain't my kid. There's no way. I-it's just been you and me this whole time, baby, I fucking swear."
She sniffled. She could see it, or maybe she just wanted to see it. That he did love her and some part of him was telling her the truth, but bless her heart she didn't know what to believe. It was too much, maybe she moved too fast and this was her consequence, didn't ask enough questions when they started dating and now this was the result. She loved him. God she loved him. Her whole body gravitated towards him and it was so hard to pull away when she found out.
It was hard to pull away now, how close they were in proximity, noses almost touching, foreheads pressed together. He didn't want to let go, this was something he was willing to go to war for. Against her better judgement, she leaned forward connecting their lips.
The love, the regret, the sorrow was all wrapped up in it. Ugh, he tasted like alcohol, probably took a shot before he came home. He smelt so good even after a long day. His lips were so soft, so sweet to her and extra gentle. Their kiss started slow and soon picked up feverishly, she pulled at his shirt, the sudden need for him took over. The two sides of her brain knocked at each other, sleep with him tonight and leave in the morning or leave now and never see him again— let this kiss be the last.
Beep! Beep!
Someone else was there to answer for her. She pulled back but he brought her in, one last kiss. Just one. Y/n pulled back, tugging his hands away from her and she immediately missed them. She stood up and grabbed her keys off the counter. "I made Marcus' lunch... oh, you know the routine."
"Y/n... ma, please..."
She kissed his cheek. "Tell him I'll see him soon, okay?"
"No." He protested. "He can see you tomorrow, in the morning."
She wasn't about to argue with him, her sister blowing up her phone letting her know she was outside and to hurry the fuck up. She backed away as slowly as she could, his jaw flexed and his eyes became glossy. He was going to cry. She couldn't watch it otherwise she'd stay and she just needed the space right now. She quickly made her way down the hall with him hot on her trail, she opened the door and wiped a tear that ran down her cheek.
Her sister caught sight of Rio and shook her head. Y/n went on the passenger side.
Just one last glance.
She ducked down and sat, closing the car door. She turned away from her sibling not wanting to be bothered by anyone right now. Understandable.
Rio watched as the car disappeared, the gravel under the tires crunching as she vanished before him. He stood there, dumbfounded. He's fucked up a lot but never like this.
He needed a way to resolve this and he needed it now.
If you liked this fic, feel free to like this fic. Comments and reblogs are appreciated.
See you in the next one. Peace and love✌🏾
🏷️ : @darqchilddaydreamz @rio-reid-whoreee @bigenergy777 @christinabae @corpsebridenightamare @prettylilsapphic @realhotgurlshit @being-worthy @skyesthebomb
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anastasiaskarsgard · 5 months
Can you do a one shot where the reader is getting harassed by someone in a fancy party and while running away, the marquis backs her up and gets her away from that guy. They talk and they start to bond
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“How do you even know these people?” You ask your friend Bethany, as she drives up the driveway of a massive estate.
You’d been driving towards the sprawling mansion for at least a mile. The grounds were all manicured and as you got closer to the home, you could see a large fountain before the entrance. There was even a valet.
Turning to your friend, you asked her again, but she just laughed and shrugged her shoulders. Rolling your eyes, you checked yourself out in the visor mirror and decided to reapply your lipstick.
You’d known Bethany since grade school, and you never were really close, but you’d party together sometimes. Her mother had married some rich guy a few years back, so now she ran in a different crowd.
When she’d called you earlier today and asked if you wanted to go to a party, you’d been excited just to see her again. Now you weren’t so sure. She’d changed a lot.
No more was the sweet girl that snorted when she laughed and only wore sneakers. She looked like she had gotten several cosmetic procedures, was dressed head to toe in designer couture, and had made you go change your outfit twice before she’d let you in her car.
Speaking of her car, you’d never been in a Bentley and felt very nervous about messing it up. You had been nervous to sully the car with yourself, and had felt like you were in some alternate reality.
As the valet opened your door and helped you out of the car, you didn’t feel any less out of place.
“Don’t embarrass me.” Bethany whispered to you as she took you by the arm and led you up the stairs to the front door: “you’re the only one from my old neighborhood that looks the part, if you can just act like it, we can go to more parties like this and maybe you can meet a rich guy and get out of the slums as well. “
Your eyes widened at her insult of her prior neighborhood. It wasn’t the slums at all! Your neighborhood was an upper middle class working people type neighborhood. The houses were average size and everyone took pride in their appearance. There were no run down homes in your neighborhood, and you all looked out for each other. Like when Mrs Dewey’s husband died and she was on a fixed income, and couldn’t paint the exterior of her home, the whole neighborhood got together and made a day of it. She cooked everyone a meal and next thing you knew it was a block party. Bethany had been there that day, and you remember how happy and carefree you both had felt.
Looking over at your friend now, hardly recognizable with her new nose, lips, and face injected with fillers, new hair that must be extensions, fake tan, fake nails, fake tits, fake lashes, fake teeth, and likely a bunch of other things you didn’t know to look for, you couldn’t help but feel bad for her. You couldn’t imagine allowing some doctor to butcher you into something society liked to look at. Everything that had made her different, and truly beautiful was gone.
As you followed your friend inside, you were too distracted by how similar all the women here looked to even notice the ostentatious wealth that surrounded you. Everywhere you looked you saw women that were thin with breasts and bums that didn’t look like natural proportions. They all seemed to have the same nose and lip doctor, and all appeared to be variations of the same kind of doll.
Offhandedly, you wondered how much time these women spent healing. You’d never had any work done, beyond getting your wisdom teeth taken out, but that probably didn’t count.
“Hello? Where did you go? Come back to earth, I want you to meet my friends, and I swear to God, if you embarrass me girl…” Bethany warned you, with a fake smile for appearances on her face.
Noticing a group of people looking expectantly between the two of you, you could already tell by the way they looked you over, that you weren’t going to like them. Pushing those thoughts to the back of your mind, you decided to make the best of this night, and not judge anyone before you spoke to them.
Bethany introduced you as her childhood friend, and then listed a brief list of your accomplishments and interests, as if she were at a livestock auction, talking up the next beast up for sale.
They appeared to be 3 couples and one single man, that had walked up half way through Bethany’s introduction and visibly flustered Bethany when she turned to see him standing there.
You had to bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing as she stumbled over her words, before falling into an awkward half bow, half curtsy turning the color of a stop sign.
Although the man was extremely statuesque, attractive, and well dressed, he also appeared to be no older than his late twenties and appeared to be friendly. Maybe she had a crush on him? You didn’t know, but you did know you were thirsty.
Looking around the large Ballroom, you could see a bar not far from your group, and decided to just go grab some drinks while your friend got her wits about her. She just needed a drink to take the edge off.
As the bartender prepared your Long Island ice teas, you turned at the sound of someone clearing their throat right next you.
It was one of your friends acquaintances, so you smiled and turned your attention back to your drinks being made.
“So why did you run away? Scared of the Marquis, or just don’t find any of us appealing?” He asked you.
Looking at him incredulously, you shook your head and told him that taken men weren’t your type. “Furthermore, I don’t even know if anyone even holds a Marquis title anymore. Last time I checked, most of the aristocracy was wiped out during the Revolution.”
“That whore isn’t my girlfriend. She’s been run through by more guys than your dear friend Bethany. They’re just a bunch of spoiled rich girls, that me and my boys are sick of, so we told them to bring us fresh meat.” The guy chuckled, before reaching over and taking a piece of your hair between his fingers. “This is your real hair isn’t it? I’ve never seen you before, and I would have noticed you.”
Feeling extremely uncomfortable, you side stepped away from him, and decided to just ignore him. You knew guys like this, and nothing you said to defend your friend, or tell him what a jerk he was, would be able to penetrate his ego.
“You really have no idea who I am do you?” He asked as he took your hand in his and tried to pull you back over to him.
Planting your feet firmly, and flashing him your fakest smile, you attempted to pull your hand from his, but he was gripping it so tightly, it was almost painful. Not wanting to make a scene, you blocked out what he was saying into your ear, and nearly jumped for joy when the bartender delivered your drinks.
“Looks like I need my hand back,” you told him, batting your eyelashes at him, like you weren’t desperate to escape him. “I need to carry our drinks.”
Glancing at the two drinks before you, he pulled you closer to him, with an expression on his handsome face that you were sure he thought was alluring. Too bad it had the opposite effect on you.
“Listen buddy, I’m trying to be polite, but if you don’t let my hand go, we are going to have a problem.” You bit out, unwilling to be touched by this jerk another second.
He cocked an eyebrow and smirked down at you arrogantly, “ooh so you’re from the working class. Lucky for you, so am I. You look like you belong here, but you really just won the DNA lottery and look this way naturally. You see, every woman in this room pays me hundreds of thousands of dollars to look like you. I must say tho, you are exquisite. I’ve never said this to anyone, but I don’t think you need anything done. Maybe some nice fuller breasts? Would you like that? I can make that happen for you. I could make anything you want happen.”
You were shocked by the things this guy was saying to you, and it only got worse, the more he spoke. “Are you fucking with me? Bethany had to have put you up to this right?” You laughed out loud at how long it took you to catch on to the prank. No one was this delusional. When your laughing calmed a bit and you turned to see his dumbfounded face, you burst out laughing again.
“Oh my God! Ok ok! You can stop. You’re an amazing actor. I honestly thought you were seriously some ego maniac that I was going to have kick in the balls to eacape from!” You watched as his expression grew more confused, before his jaw tightened, lips thinned and he glared menacingly at you.
That wasn’t good. Once again unsure of this man’s intentions, you snatched your hand away, picked up the drinks, and made a mad dash to Bethany.
Finding Bethany still speaking to the mystery guy, you quietly stood next to her and placed the drink in her hand. Before you could introduce yourself, Mr. Wonderful stormed over, had excused himself and said he had to speak to Bethany about a pressing matter.
Bethany looked at you accusingly, but let the guy pull her off to the side.
“Pressing matter my foot.” You stated out loud, forgetting you weren’t alone.
“I think you have hurt Andres feelings.”
Turning to the mystery man, you rolled your eyes and smiled. “Only if he was honestly hitting on me, and not just playing a prank on me. Bethany and I used to mess with people all the time. We were terrible children. He’s probably upset I caught on. He acted like he was some big plastic surgeon, that has run through all the women here, so he ordered Bethany and her friends to bring them new sacrifices. He even offered me new boobs, and I laughed so hard I think I peed a little.”
The man’s eyebrows drew together and he asked if you needed assistance cleaning up, or a change of clothes and you couldn’t help but warm to him a bit.
“I didn’t literally pee, it’s an expression. And I’m afraid to ask why you have spare women’s clothing in your car or something.” You said.
“I have clothing of various sizes in one of the guest -“ he started to say before being cut off.
“I’m sorry Marquis, but I need to take her back home,” Bethany stated overly cheerily.
“Why?” You asked.
Bethany gave you an exasperated look. “I’ll tell you on the way to the car.”
“Why can’t you just tell me now? Is it because of your creep of a friend?”
Bethany’s eyes widened and she looked between you and the Marquis close to snapping.
“I don’t think your friend wants to leave.” The Marquis started.
“She’s not my friend. She’s an acquaintance from years ago. I thought she was cool, but turns out she’s not.” Bethany stated, before turning to you again. “It’s time to go. You wore out your welcome, and they don’t want you here.”
Your mind started to race with what to do. You honestly weren’t too shocked that Bethany had turned on you so quick. You internally cringed when you realized that guy wasn’t kidding and had been being serious.
You contemplated telling Bethany what her “friend” thought of her, but before you could organize what to say, the Marquis stepped between you and Bethany, facing her.
“I’ve got her from here. You may go join your friends.” He said.
“With all due respect, I brought her here. She’s nobody. Just a girl I used to know that’s pretty, so I brought her here to meet my friends but she thinks she’s too good for everyone and was really rude to him for no reason.” Bethany explained.
The Marquis just chuckled shaking his head. “I know Andre very well, and I can guarantee there’s a reason.” Turning his back to her in dismissal, he offered for you to take his hand.
Glancing over his shoulder at Bethany’s furious expression, you turned your attention to the nice mystery Marquis, and followed him to the dance floor.
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pure-ablution · 23 days
How would you go about planning a glow up if you were starting from scratch?
Step 0: getting ready to start
If you’re starting from scratch, then before you do anything else, you need to be at a point of physical and mental fitness to proceed. There’s no point in diving into a makeover head-first if you have crippling agoraphobia or can’t walk 5m without ending up breathless. You need to get yourself to a very basic level of physical fitness; by this, I mean able to keep up on a short hike without needing a break, able to run for a bus, and able to dance with friends or at a nightclub. You need to be drinking enough liquids, and eating relatively healthy; not necessarily daily green juices and salads or whatever, but just not daily takeaways and oven pizza. Some people use this point to detox, and if you want to try that, then I personally recommend the 3-day cleanse from R’s Koso, but it’s not all that necessary at this point. You need to be free of addiction—whether that’s smoking, alcohol, drugs, gambling, social media, sugar, whatever—and taking your medication for whatever conditions you might have; you can take this opportunity to have a medical checkup, if you like, and get diagnoses for problems that were concerning you. I’d also suggest getting a full blood and hormone panel done at this point, and taking your measurements for weight, height, body fat percentage, cholesterol, etc. You need to be sleeping a good 6–8+ hours every night, and your mental health needs to be at a point at which it doesn’t seriously hinder you from participating in life; so book an appointment with a psychiatrist, therapist, or pull out your journal, whatever works for you, but by the end of this stage, you can’t still be at the point where you don’t leave the house and just rot in bed. In order to execute a sustainable glowup, you have to be at a point of physical and mental health to keep up with it.
Step 1: making major changes
This is the point at which most people would benefit from weight loss, weight gain, or just general body recomposition. A change in body composition will drastically change your face—I’ve known obese girls lose weight only to find that they had an absolutely gorgeous bone structure lurking under there! My own face changed when I lost weight and gained muscle; my face shape changed from an oval to a heart, my cheekbones and eyes became more prominent, and the creases of my face around my mouth and nose totally disappeared. For this reason, I highly recommend working on attaining your dream body before you even start thinking about surgery or procedures such as filler. You have no idea what you’ll look like at your goal weight and body composition, so wait a little while before you decide.
This step can take up to a few years, depending on your goals when it comes to your body. In the meantime, though it might feel as though you’re in limbo, you can actually do a lot to multitask. I highly recommend booking an appointment with a well-regarded orthodontist, and having your bite realigned and your smile adjusted, which can also take a few years but, in my opinion, is one of the most important aspects of a makeover. Most people’s teeth, even if they look ‘good’ from the perspective of a layman, are actually misaligned in some way, and undergoing orthodontic treatment can entirely change your face all over again; my upper lip suddenly appeared much fuller once my overbite was fixed, and my jaw seemed slimmer with a wider palate to fill out the empty space. I always recommend getting your teeth fixed before you try any kind of surgery, especially, because the last thing you want is to pay for an expensive nosejob or whatever, and then find that your braces have shifted it out of joint later down the line.
You can also use the time in this step to begin really taking care of your skin and hair. I strongly believe that clear skin is attainable for everyone with the right treatment and approach, so book a consultation with a good dermatologist—preferably one who specialises in your skin type and concern—and start taking your skin seriously, whether that’s using prescription topicals or undergoing regular clinic treatments. Hair is another one, everyone can take care of their hair and I suggest doing some research to find a routine which works for your unique hair type. My method for improving my hair is detailed here, but your hair might require a different approach, since nobody’s hair is the same as another’s. In any case, consistency is the most important thing, and if you can stick to massaging and oiling your scalp 2–3 times a week, oiling your hair’s ends, sleeping on silk satin, and so on, you’ll find that the health of your hair will drastically improve. This step can also go for fake hair; if you want to invest in extensions or a wig, then go for it! Healthy-looking hair is healthy-looking hair regardless of whether it’s growing out of your own head, but do try to invest in the best possible extensions/wig/weave you can afford, or make it yourself if you can.
Lastly, I suggest taking this time to improve your skills, habits, and lifestyle overall. If you want to make that move to the big city, figure out a way to do it, and do it. If you want to start journalling, then start. I recommend using this time to improve your makeup and hair skills, gain qualifications which will open more doors for you—go back to school or enroll into university if that’s what you need to do!—improve your posture (book an appointment at a podiatrist!) and physical fitness, and begin understanding what you want in life, and where you want to go. You don’t have to wait until the ‘end’ of your glowup to begin mingling in a new social circle and making new friends; start now, so that you have time to figure people out and settle on what makes you happiest whilst you’re continuing your journey.
Step 2: refining what God gave you
At the end of the last step, if you’ve done it right, then you’ll have hopefully come out with clear skin, healthy hair, straight teeth, and a body to die for—as well as some truly excellent lifestyle habits! With all of the basics out of the way, you’re now able to see the wood from the trees, and properly analyse what God/nature/whatever gave you. Beforehand, you might well not have been able to see your face for acne, or been able to make out your features under a layer of fat, or just been too damn depressed to pick up a mirror, but now you can properly see what you naturally look like, and begin to make informed choices about what to do next.
This is the point when I’d suggest: getting your hair cut and dyed into a style that truly brings out the best in you; working out your style, investing in a high-quality (not necessarily expensive) wardrobe full of clothes that you love, and getting everything tailored—or altering it yourself—to fit you like a glove; finding a hair removal method that works for you, and keeping your brows in a dedicated style that suits your features; learning how to do your own nails, or finding a manicurist you love, and committing to regular (every 2–4 weeks) appointments; maintaining a consistent facial and bodily massage system.
This is also the point when you can begin to think about correcting any major deformities or asymmetries in your face. I’m not talking about “I’d love a slimmer neck” or “I really need bigger lips”—I’m talking about fixing a broken or disproportionately large nose, correcting strabismus, removing large birthmarks, undergoing jaw surgery if orthodontics didn’t quite cut it, and so on. This isn’t vanity, this is correcting something which may well impact heavily on your self-esteem and the way in which you’re perceived by those around you. Do your research, book a trusted surgeon or other highly-trained provider to carry out your treatment, and take the time you need to recover.
Step 3: smaller adjustments for a big impact
At this point, I can all but guarantee that you’re a gorgeous girl by anyone’s standards. You have a pretty face, good body, and silky, styled hair. Your mental health should be in tip-top shape by this point, and, with any luck, you’ll have found a social circle and an occupation in which you’re thriving. What next?
This is the time for vanity adjustments—very, very careful vanity adjustments. This is the stage when you risk going overboard, or getting botched. You’ve corrected what anyone would have agreed wasn’t doing you any favours, but now everything is much more subjective, and often, imperceptible. Tread very carefully, and try to find someone you trust to give it to you straight. The last thing you want now is to spoil all your hard work with overfilled cheeks or too much Botox! This stage is, basically, delicately refining what you already have—it’s not trying to turn yourself into a different person entirely, but rather, turning up the sharpness and brightness in tiny increments until you achieve what you want.
At this stage, I recommend almost universally: investing in laser/electrolysis hair removal for the areas you’ve consistently kept bare; using a serum on your brows and lashes; whitening your teeth with a safe and dentist-approved system; regularly going to a sauna or steam room.
You can also use this stage for less necessary, but nice to have, procedures. This could involve lash extensions, non-medical Botox, filler in your lips, cheeks, or anywhere else, or surgeries such as breast implants, fat transfers, liposuction to tackle stubborn areas of fat, etc. I’m going to say this, in case anyone takes this as a ‘list of procedures to book’—you do not need all of these. They are just some examples of what you might like to consider, in the context of your own appearance and personal goals. Most will likely be totally unnecessary and superfluous to your overall looks.
You might also want to consider some more unorthodox adjustments at this point. I know girls who have invested in elocution lessons, paid for custom-made perfumes, and changed location or religion in the name of their glowups. Identify whether there is something else, especially something separate from your physical appearance, which is holding you back, and look to fixing it at this stage.
Step 4: the finishing touches
This is about all I have to say on planning and executing a good makeover—if you’ve followed every one of these steps to the letter, I think it would be almost impossible for you not to be at the very best you can be. The important thing now is maintenance. There’s no point in paying hundreds to go blonde if you’re unable to pay for salon products and regular touch-ups, and equally, there’s no point in diligently undertaking all of these tasks if you’re unable to maintain your results at the end of it all. A makeover should be a sustainable lifestyle, not a temporary, drastic change. You need to figure out a way to consistently keep up with your workouts, your diet, your hair and skin, and so on; you can’t neglect your post-sugery aftercare, or your facial massage. Consistency is key, and I think it’s really the finishing touch to all of this. If you can keep it up long-term, then it’s no longer going to be a ‘glowup’—it’s the new you. That, in itself, can take some mental adjustment; it’s hard to look in the mirror and see a woman you don’t quite recognise! If you don’t properly adjust to your new look, there’s a chance you’ll relapse back into the old, familiar look you knew so well before. It’s crucial at this stage that you take the time you need to adjust and show yourself love and acceptance, and commit to maintaining yourself in this way.
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silent-raven13 · 6 months
Lip Filler Prank!
(Ya'll seen that lip filler prank on TikTok? Where some girls would put a little eye lash glue on top of their lip and press it to enhance the lips making it look like a filler? And their significant other would react 😂 it be so funny! Anyway a one-shot of our fav couple)
A Smartphone had been place in a phone holder in front of the dashbroad of his friend's car. Gwen and Pavtri had show Miles the prank from their phones and beg him to do the prank to his boyfriend. So they decided to have a fun drive-in movie night in Pavtri's world.
Hobie agreed to drive in front, when he arrived. Gayatri and Margo decided to join in. While they waited for Hobie, Gwen gave Miles a new eye lash glue.
Now Miles put the video recording for their Spider So-City app just for fun, he smiles at the camera while holding the eye lash glue. Gwen, Pavtri, Margo and Gayatri are sitting in back of the SUV. They were giggles. "Okay, I'm doing the lip filler prank!" Miles said to the camera.
Gwen giggles, "I can't wait to see his reaction."
"This is gonna be so hilarious." Margo grins widely. They watch Miles put on the product surpass his cupids bow.
"Add a good amount so it stick on." Gayatri added while Pavtri holds a black face mask with a kitten mouth on it.
"Like this?" Miles turns to them to show the amount of product on his lips, his friends nodded.
"Yeah, now you just push the lip up and the glue sticks it." Gwen demonstrated with her own lip.
Their friend gently pushes his top lip upward so it would stick to the glued Philtrum of the lips. When Miles did it, it made him look like he got his lips done in the worst way possible. By pressing to the glue, his upper lip stays stuck showing a bit of his gums. All of his friends laughs at how silly their friend looks.
"OKay, I need mask." Miles tries to speak sounding funny, he giggles.
Pav laughs, "Here you go!" He handed him the mask.
As the camera records the Black latino putting on his mask to cover half of his face, he chuckles, "I wonder how he'll freak out."
"He's gonna flip." Margo commented, "He loves you too damn much for you to start doing plastic surgery- not that is wrong, but when it comes to couples. I always believe it should be talked about."
"Yeah, he's gonna be like why bae!" Pavtri snickers.
They waited for the punker, until they saw him landing down wearing an all black and red punker outfit; black ripped tank top with cargo pants and his red boots with one lace being blue another yellow. He painted his nails this time, well it was little Billie that painted his nails in black and pink colors. Hobie went over to the front of the driver seat, "Hey, mates."
"Hey, Hobie!" His friends in the back welcomes him. Pavtri handed him the keys to the car.
"Hey, bae." Miles softly said as he turns look at his punker, his Hobie had two little braids hanging in front of his face with pink beads. Miles' sister did them because she needed to practice on someone.
"Thanks!" Hobie glances over to his Sunflower, had to take a double take seeing his beloved boyfriend wearing a face mask, "Luv? What's wrong? Ya sick?" He quickly touches his boyfriend's forehead with own his forehead then his hand.
Miles shook his head, "No, bae. Um.. I have something to tell you."
Hobie sat one his spot having the car door shut, his upper turns to his Sunflower. "What is it?" His friends in the back staying quiet trying to hold a straight face.
"Well, you know last year I told you that I didn't like my lips."
"No! You never told me that!" Hobie looks confused.
"I did and I said I like your lips. I wanted mine to be bigger like yours." Miles quietly explained trying to sound a bit sad.
His boyfriend stare at him being so lost, "What? I only remember you telling me, you like my lips. Luv, what did you do?" Now, expecting something terrible from his beautiful boyfriend did.
"I-um... got my top lip done. I did a fillers but I think it got botched." Miles took off his mask to show his lip fillers.
The next thing everyone knew Hobie jumping from his seat like someone startled him. He shouted, "WHOA!" Then he cover his mouth in shock. "SUNFLOWER!"
Margo spoke up, "Gwen told him not to get it."
Miles saw his boyfriend's hand reached out to touch the top lip but he faked being in pain. "Ow." He winces, "Bae, it's healing."
"Miles!" Hobie spoke out loud being in shock still, his eye bulging out looking horrified. "Why would you do this? Your lips... they were beautiful. You didn't have to get plastic surgery! Luv, noooo!" He freaked out.
"It doesn't look bad?"
"Luv, your gums are showing!" Hobie looked so worried, "You should've talked to me about this. Who's your bloody doctor! I'ma fuck that cunt up!" He scowls being more mad at the doctor that allow this.
"Bae, shh. Don't be loud, I'm having a headache from the pain." Miles sighs, "Ohh, my lip hurt so much."
Hobie kept having a shocking face that made all their friends from the back laugh. "How are ya'll so damn quiet!"
"Hehehe, your sweating from stress!" Gayatri laughs.
Gwen took a picture of his reaction, "I mean, Miles wanted to get them done."
"But why!" Hobie just felt so upset, "Miles, I love you and I will love you no matter what, luv- but this! Why did you have to get it done? They were perfect, your perfect!"
"Awe, bae. I love you, too. But I always wanted to do this." Miles giggles, seeing how cute his boyfriend look so upset for him, he look like a sad puppy.
"Look I don't care and I'm fine about expressing yourself and being who you want, but luv," Hobie places his hands on his boyfriend's shoulders and said in a prideful tone, "OUR ANCESTORS HAD SUFFER THROUGH THE YEARS OF RACISM, COLORISM, ANTI-BLACKNESS! CAPITALISM IS THE CORE OF ALL HATE AND EMPOWERS EURO-CENTRIC BEAUTIES! I cannot in good faith that you get your lips done, when you were already beautiful! Your lips are juicy, big and beautiful from the beginning! To make them looks like this! It's hurt breaking..." Tears rolled down his eyes feeling so many waves of emotions.
The friends from the back were dead pan confused then broke out laughing. "Hobie, it's not that serious." Pavtri giggles, "Miles just got fillers."
"I think because his world plastic surgeries only use Silicone, and those are the worst kind to have." Gayatri pointed out.
Miles felt his eyes gleam, "Awe, mi amor! It's cute. Look!" He pushes down the upper lip and remove the glue. That made Hobie jump like a cat being in shock.
"What the fuck!" He shouted making Gwen crack up with tears in her eyes.
"Ta-da!" Miles giggles, "It was a prank!" Having his lips normal as he smiles wide.
Hobie stood at lost then he chuckles, "You cheeky lil-," He leans over to kiss Miles again and again and again. "I love you, darling. Never changed anything. Your lips are perfect." He kisses him everywhere letting Miles have black lipstick on his face.
"Bae!" He laughs out loud being covered with kisses and affection from his boyfriend. Hobie never stops loving him.
"See, it always end good with them." Gwen hums.
Gayatri giggles, "So cute."
"I think we're gonna be late for the drive-in movie." Margo hums.
Pavtri gasps, "Hobie, stop kissing Miles! We got a movie to see!"
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
In tradition of giving prompts that are just things happening in my life : steddie buy their first home (as a couple or pre relationship) and struggle with trying to figure out how to do maintenance and home repairs (what the Jesus fuck is the difference between nineteen different types of wood filler? And what are the pros and cons of mesh tape vs paper tape for drywall? If these are questions you’re struggling with baby I’ve been doing the research and I have answers lol) and maybe one of them start to feel a little in over their head and like they don’t know what they’re doing even though they’re trying SO hard to get everything right and comfort ensues 😇💜
(This is for the post about wanting to write but I’m so sorry if this is too long of an idea or something feel free to ignore love you also if it is also past midnight for you go to sleep you can write tomorrow haha) 💜💜💜💜💜
Hello my darling!
(It is after midnight but my sleep schedule has long since been decimated and I will sleep… sometime. Probably after I write this.)
Please keep in mind I’m impatient and want to write this Now and am not willing to do research and also am 24 and still live with my parents and only know about fixer-uppers what I’ve learned from HGTV. Which is to say, not much. But I’ll do my best! ❤️
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“Stevie, my love,” Eddie sings, in the way he does when he’s getting frustrated but doesn’t want to take it out on Steve. “What in the everloving, flying fuck is this?”
Steve laughs as he joins Eddie in the bathroom, then sighs as he sees what Eddie’s pointing out. “That would be an external wall. With no insulation. In goddamned Indiana.” He sighs again. “I’m making a list of things we need. I guess I’ll add fucking insulation to the list.” He runs a hand through his hair, tugs on the ends.
Eddie looks at him sharply. “What’s wrong?”
Steve blinks. “What?”
Eddie smiles softly. Brings a hand up, tugs at a lock of Steve’s hair the way he just had. “You do that when you’re overly stressed.”
Steve stares flatly. “We’re trying to rebuild a house, Eds.”
“Overly stressed, baby. You handle stress like a champ. It’s when all the little things get to be too much that you pull out that little move.”
Steve sighs, lays his forehead on Eddie’s shoulder. Hums when Eddie’s hand immediately connects with his hair in response. “‘S just… all of it. It’s a lot, there’s a lot to do, there’s a lot of little things that need work that I didn’t know would need work. I just feel… inadequate.” He grips at Eddie’s waist, fingertips digging into the top of his jeans. “There’s fuckin’ nineteen different kinds of wood filler and it feels like we need about twenty-six different types. And I don’t know why just one isn’t enough. Or even why we need wood filler in the first place.”
Eddie hums, moves so Steve’s standing on his own. “Hey.” Fingertips touch Steve’s jaw, a silent request to look up. “Dance with me?”
Steve smiles, like somehow, after all these years, Eddie’s ridiculousness is still endearing to him. “In an unfinished bathroom? In an unfinished house? With no music?” He pauses. “Actually, no, the no music makes sense for us.”
Eddie laughs lightly, already swaying in a kind of dance, grabbing Steve’s hands and spinning him around, pressing his back to Eddie’s front. “No better time, no better place, Stevie, my love.” He hums a few bars of a song in Steve’s ear.
Steve gives in, dances with the man he promised his forever. Who promised him a forever right back. “Eds, why are we dancing?”
He can feel the curve of Eddie’s lips on his neck as he smiles and presses a kiss to his spine. “Because it makes you smile.”
Steve melts. “I’ve gotta go to the store.”
“We’ve gotta go to the store. After we’ve danced in our unfinished bathroom, in our unfinished house. Ours, Stevie, my love. It’ll take however long it takes, but this is ours. Just like the ridiculous ragamuffins you adopted all those years ago.”
“You adopted them. They adopted me.”
“And then you adopted them right back, quit with the minutiae when I’m making a point.” A teasing finger pokes Steve’s side. “Just like Robin, and Nance, and Wayne. They’re ours, our family, and they’ll be here as soon as we tell them we need help.”
“I don’t want to need help.” He sighs after a pause. “This is one of those bring-it-up-in-therapy things, isn’t it?”
“Probably so, Stevie, my love.” A slow kiss to his spine. He shivers. “But for now, we’re going to dance. We’ll go to the store. We’ll call at least Nancy, because she scares me and will probably shave our heads in our sleep if she finds out we were struggling and didn’t ask for help. And even through all that, this will be our house. After all that, this will still be our house.”
Steve turns around in Eddie’s arms, silences him with a quick kiss. “Ours, Eddie, my love,” he agrees.
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itsruina · 1 year
Ultimate glow up ༊*·˚
Dear diary,
yesterday was such a day! It's like there was a glitch that gave me all of my desires instantly!! Every single person that laid their eyes on me was completely stunned by my beauty, everyone said i looked so different, someone said that i look like i had a 5 years worth glow up in a day. ++ there was this random girl that came to me and said " you are literally so pretty i wish i was u" omg i was completely shocked! I received bunch of compliments all day long but this one just hit different. also, I've got asked out FIVE times THE SAME DAY!!!this is crazy.
My skin looked so clear all of a sudden I literally had zero acne and zero acne scars. my lashes got soooo much longer and thicker, and they were like naturally curled?? like hello all of a sudden I've manifested all of my desires?? oh and my eyes looked sooo much lighter THEY TURNED HAZEL YESTERDAY AND NOW THEY ARE GREEN!!!????? I literally changed my eyes color overnight??? i also noticed that my under eyes looked completely different! i've got rid of eyebags and my under eye looks so concealed and the exact same color as my skin.
AND MY NOSE??? I am speechless. I already had a tiny small nose before but now its microscopical. seriously my nose tip looks so small and naturally highlighted, my nostrils look smaller and much easier to breath through. My nose looks so much smaller and prettier overall. and it's now 100% symmetrical to my ideal side. Someone even asked me if i had rhinoplasty and i was like??? NO? and then they said my nose looked completely different and much prettier.
I also noticed how much bigger my lips became and am stunned seriously. never have i ever saw my lips this much pretty and plumb. My upper lips looked like i had a filler, my lower lips looked like i had a double filler. MY LOWER LIPS ARE SO HEAVY AND BIGGG NOW!!! My lips look so much pretty and perfectly harmonized with my face. I am now completely in love with my lips. my lips look so moisturized and as if i had tint on them, they look so pinky red! My lips color became even overnight and am so speechless-
MY JAWLINE DID CUT BUTTER. its so sharrrppppp literally. double chin what bro?? never heard of it. My jawline became so sharp and symmetrical OVERNIGHT.
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I was just working - writing - and listening to music, absentmindedly taking a sip of that tea gone cold, a small bite of a forgotten biscuit and then got stung by something. Unclear what. However, my upper lip is throbbing and I now look like I've had lip filler gone horribly wrong. Lovely...
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SOS TWEAM I just got lash extensions and I hate them! She did a great job and they look lovely but I haven’t had them for 2+ years. I thought I wanted to have that look again but it was instant regret!! 😭😭😭 Not only have I wasted money, now I have to spend more to have them removed ahhhh I hate how they feel i hate the long length I hate the shadow I hate the curl. Dammit. What a waste of money. 💔
i'm sorry anon, that really sounds like such an annoyance! i will say, sometimes you just need to give yourself a chance to adjust. if it's been a couple of years, maybe you just feel strange going back and seeing yourself with extensions? and also, the feel on your eyes lol if you really have to remove them, at least you figured out conclusively that it isn't for you any more even if it sucks to have spent money that way :(
speaking of adjustments, a few weeks ago i finally made the decision to go somewhere new for injectables and while i was talking with the nurse and discussing what i wanted, she suggested instead of just doing filler and a lip flip, i try dysport (like botox) for gummy smile. and i'm so glad i did it, because it's probably my favorite thing now and i'm going to get it for the rest of my life. but i was super stoned off edibles when it FULLY took effect after like two weeks, and i convinced myself for several minutes that me not being able to move my upper lip the same was because i was having a stroke. i was so scared until i remembered
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referring to the school bus graveyard asks, how about a interaction between jasmine and (your choice) ryan/the boss, just what you think their conversations would go like😋
Let's go!!!! It's been awhile since I've written anything for Jasmine (I never even posted the things I did write, whoops), and I've never tried writing anything for Ryan, so this was pretty fun!!
Words: 420
Summary: A conversation between Jasmine and Ryan that takes place right before Jasmine leads the kids to the rift.
Under a readmore!
Jasmine turned her head from left to right, her eyes staying steady and studying her ears and lip as she studied herself in the mirror. “Looks weird, right?”
All of her piercings had been replaced with transparent fillers, her tattoos covered and concealed with makeup that the two had carefully blended into her skin. Not that there was much that needed to be hid anyway, her sleeves did most of the work. But Ryan insisted that it would be better to add concealer "just in case" her sleeve got pushed up somehow.
“I’m pretty sure I’ve never actually seen you without tattoos or piercings. Less, sure, but. None? That’s new.”
“What, are you saying you don’t recognize me?” Jasmine said, flashing a smile in Ryan’s direction. She pitched her voice up subtly, laughing. “Come on. I still sound the same.”
“Not when you do that, God.” Reaching over, he pushed her shoulder. “Yeah, I think I could still pick you out of a crowd. Probably.”
“Oh, don’t you sound confident.” Jasmine teased back, nudging him with her elbow. "I look so plain right now."
Ryan moved back as her elbow scraped against his side, a snappy ‘watch it’ leaving his throat as he stepped away. “I know we sealed your makeup already, but be careful. If it gets screwed up, we’ve gotta redo it.”
“It’s not even that much, just my upper arms and shoulders. That’s all we’ve gotta hide.”
“Still, it’d be a pain in the ass.”
“Yeah, yeah.” She shrugged her shoulders loosely, looking back at the mirror. “I get it, you don’t wanna have to redo it. I’ll be careful.”
“Good, you better be. It can’t get ruined until after you lead her to the rift. Alright?”
“I know, trust me, I remember what we’re supposed to do.” Jasmine waved him off, turning to lean against the sink behind her. “I’ve got the whole tour guide thing down, and it’s not like I’ll be doing anything that might smudge it. My sleeves help hide it, too.”
“Really, I’ll probably just order some food, have them call me when it’s ready for pickup, and then take the call pretending its an emergency or something to ditch them after a little bit. It’s not gonna take long at all. Sound good?”
“Just don’t get followed or something. C'mon, let's go.”
“You know I won’t.” Rolling her eyes, Jasmine pushed herself away from the sink and towards the door. "Just hang out nearby, I'll call you when it's over."
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novumtimes · 3 months
Kylie Jenner Breaks Down In Tears Over Cruel Fan Comments About How She Looks Old!
Kylie Jenner is going through it right now. On Thursday’s brand-new episode of The Kardashians on Hulu, the 26-year-old reality TV star had a long and distraught conversation with her older sister Kendall Jenner about aging, beauty, and public perception. Of course, Kylie has been pretty candid in the past about walking it back with things like her lip fillers. But even with those admissions, she’s gotten a TON of heat from fans on social media saying she looks old, that she’s had too much plastic surgery, that she messed up her face, and on, and on, and on… Related: Kylie Isn’t As Tight With Former Bestie Jordyn Woods As You Might Think… There is only so much a girl can take! And on Thursday’s ep, it sadly bubbled over for the Life of Kylie alum. While spending some quality time with Kenny, the Kylie Swim mogul admitted that their entire family has been “dehumanized” by media coverage and public opinion. Kendall agreed, arguing: “If you talked the same way you do about us about any other woman, people would come to their defense all day long. But for some reason, with us, people don’t think we have any feelings.” To that, Kylie responded that it’s been more than a decade that she’s been enduring awful comments about her face and body: “It’s, like, a miracle that I can still have confidence, and look in the mirror and think I’m pretty. After 10-plus years of hearing about [my looks], it just gets exhausting.” After acknowledging that she’s been “on a journey” with dissolving most of her lip filler in the past year, Stormi Webster‘s momma nevertheless admitted that it still hasn’t been easy reading all the social media comments. The digital world has gotten to her so much that she even broke down and started crying on the show! Oh no! After receiving a big hug from her older sis, Kylie said: “I’ve never cried about this before, but I guess it does affect me. It’s just like, why do people think it’s OK to talk about me?” Seriously! And even though Kylie does occasionally see supportive comments from fans, they are always far outweighed by the negative stuff. She lamented how unfortunate it is that it seems OK for people to mock the Kardashians, but not other women: “[People say], ‘because she did it to herself. She f**ked up her face, she had so much surgery.’ People have been talking about my looks since I was 12, 13. Before I even got lip filler, people were talking about my looks. ‘I look old,’ I see it under every post.” Kendall could empathize. She gave Kylie the same advice that Kris Jenner often gives, saying that she just has to keep a stiff upper lip and push past it: “It’s sadly something we just have to, like, really grow tough skin on.” Ultimately, Kylie tried to cap the ordeal on a positive note. While wiping tears away, she finished up in a confessional with this thought: “I think that I’m really strong, and I was put in this position for a reason. I do think of myself as a confident person. I’m also human and there’s only so much one person can take.” No kidding. Sending all the love and light in the world!! Reactions, Perezcious readers?! Is Kylie right to be upset about this after so many years of online harassment?? Share your thoughts (below)… [Image via Kylie Jenner/Instagram/Hulu/YouTube] Source link via The Novum Times
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nadia-joy · 6 months
Self-Love in a Syring
As a child, I knew that when I grew up, I wanted to have tons of work done "so i could be hot."
To name a few, I wanted a nose job, bullhorn lip lift, brow lift, eyelids done, hairline lowered, chin implant, boob job, and a bbl. Well it turns out your at the whim of your finances for all of that stuff.
But, i didn't expect self acceptance and self love to be much, much closer than I initially thought. 2 things. I have had 2 cosmetic procedures done, and since then, i'm okay leaving the house without a full face of make-up. I love the baddie i see in the mirror.
The first thing I did, more so for convenience, was getting my eyebrows tattooed. My eyebrows were so blonde that you could not see them. I had to draw them on every...single...day. And i did not swing with "they're sisters not twins". so it cost a lot of time! Once they were tattooed on, i felt pretty complete. but something was still missing.
I debated what procedure to have done first. My boobs, or my nose? I didn't go for either! Instead, I was gifted Lip Filler. After my first appointment with Laser Away, I felt like a goddess. I looked like a goddess. And suddenly, I don't want any work done and I ask guys when they're going to take me on a date. I feel confident enough to work out in public [even though i'm fat], I take better care of myself because i suddenly feel worth it, I take the time to get dressed before leaving the house [most of the time] I mean, the difference is impeccable!
And I am not ashamed of my fillers. The ladies at laser away are freaking angels and, they know what they're doing. usually if i mention my fillers, people say "Oh, i couldn't even tell you had fillers" Not because it isnt noticable because, trust me, it is! But because my lips don't look botched, or ballooney. They are supple, full, beautifully shaped and delicately balanced. A high arch in the upper lip, and a pouty bottom lip, with the perfect volume.
We are still working on the height of my upper lip, but fillers do take time to acheive your desired look. You cannot achieve it in one visit. I've had 5 now, and it's still a work in progress.
Whatever you do, do not go to Dr. Sajan at Allure Esthetic Plastic Surgery. I got my very first syringe of ...well it was supposed to be juve derm lip filler, but it was saline. saline. He gave me a 3,000$ syringe of fucking saline. It was gone after a week, and when i followed up with an angel at laser away only 3 weeks after, i told them what happened. They checked my lips and confirmed that there was no filler in my lips.
This also didn't surprise them, i guess he has a history of taking advantage of people and scamming them.
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pure-ablution · 1 month
Can you talk more about why you decided to get surgeries and filler, Botox etc?
Honestly, I’m not a beautiful girl naturally.
I’m naturally quite pretty, but not beautiful. Both of my parents are very good-looking, and whilst some of my siblings got the ideal combination of the two, I ended up with the not-so-good features of both. I looked fine growing up, but nobody would have called me beautiful; I had an overbite, a squint, and a nose that was broken badly when I was 7 and never grew straight again. I had some nice features and pretty colouring, but I wasn’t really much of a knockout by anyone’s estimations, and when my blonde hair darkened to dishwater, I lost one of my only redeeming qualities.
I decided to get surgeries and fillers not to change how I look, but to correct what developed out of place or shape, and to improve what I already had. I had a lush bottom lip but a thin upper lip, so I balanced the two with filler and Botox. I have a nice natural hourglass body shape, so I emphasised and exaggerated it with body contouring. My eyes were hooded, but I had a lovely eye shape beneath that, so I had Botox to lift up the hood and my overhanging brow. I had my squint corrected with surgery, my teeth sorted out with orthodontics, and soon enough I’m going to get my nose fixed back into place once and for all.
I don’t believe in changing your appearance to look completely different, but I think that surgery is necessary to correct deformities like I had, and it’s possible to simply elevate your appearance and look prettier and refreshed with minute changes through injectables. Today’s society has changed the goalposts when it comes to beauty; true beauty isn’t ever natural anymore, and old beauties from pre-plastic days are increasingly considered more and more average by today’s standards. Do I think that in 100 years we’ll have taken it too far, and look like aliens? Most likely, but I’ll be dead by then, and for now, I think there’s all to gain and nothing to lose from a few very select procedures carried out by expert providers. I’m careful not to take it too far, but I like what I’ve done and I’m pretty satisfied with the end results—without meaning to brag, I’m widely considered to be a very beautiful girl now, which is something that I never thought would be the case for me.
3 notes · View notes
josiebelladonna · 2 years
happy birthday, green druidess.
i hope today is good, because... oh, boy, is it a good day for me.
in fact, this is the first january in years that’s been genuinely kind to me! been making tons of art and planning stuff for my fics, planning on moving house sometime this year...
i’m writing all of this as thunder and lightning is rolling through my area. if you don’t mind, i’m going to turn into nikolai tesla here for a second. or robert oppenheimer. electricity is everywhere, and if you’re not careful, it can burn you and vaporize you, sweetheart.
now hold onto me, pretty baby, if you wanna fly. i’m gonna melt the fever, sugar, rolling back your eyes.
*lights up a bong*
are y’all with me now?
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her: “hey, how come you never have anything nice to say about me?”
she asks, completely oblivious to the fact that i was never a serious critic, but someone with a sense of humor and i had every right to stand up for myself.
want me to say something nice about her?
she knows how to appeal to people.
there. happy? am i even being serious right now?
who knows, and who cares. besides, her and her army of nimrods have something new to bicker about when using my name in junction again.
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*alex skolnick, eric peterson, joey belladonna, and rob cavestany have entered the chat*
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*receives, but whatever. and...
pfffff, what?
“Or maybe it was the ice cream man.”
i shouldn’t have laughed as hard as i did at that, but i did, anyway. god.
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man, and i thought i had awkward syntax. there’s a lot. trust me: from how state of euphoria sits in my mind, she’s known for her awkward sentences, among other things. such that even the teachers of the most entry-level, special ed. english classes would hit the roof.
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...edgy strawberry shortcake? but, you know, if it exists, there’s an edgy version of it. it’s like an offshoot of rule 34 (if it exists, there’s porn of it). by the way, “seafoam”. back up, i thought you weren’t an artist.
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u mad, bro? also, paranoia is not a good look for you, liz. trust me.
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ahahahahahahahahaha *fart*
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oh, yeah, that’s... that’s real important. thx for that really important info. you know, there’s building tension and then there’s farting around like this, and you, my dear, fart more than i do (and i have digestive issues so that’s saying something)
in all seriousness, though, she has gotten bad with the filler lately, like... how many times can you show me this. how many more times can you show me this.
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“i rubbed my chiny-chin-chin and said, ‘my, my, my, what sort of this thing might this lady get high upon?’ i checked out her sister who was holding the bed, and i wondered what sort of thing the young lady was on.”
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“snap yo’ fingers, snap yo’ neck!”
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i haven’t heard about strippers wearing thongs in like... what, 15+ years? britney spears and paris hilton even stopped wearing them even in the era of low-rise jeans, they’re so uncomfortable and so gross, too, like there’s nothing sexy about having a string between your ass cheeks and your coochie.
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“slid off the bed” made me think of homer simpson sliding off the bed and sneaking out in the middle of the night with bart to scour the barrels of booze in the prohibition episode (there’s a bit in the second part of this fic where vince acts like bart reading notes from his palm 😂)
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firm tits? if she’s got firm tits, she’s probably got cancer, bro. or she has pcos, just gave birth, or she’s the three-breasted martian from total recall, like it’s not natural to have rock-hard boobs and a soft body, especially in that situation.
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“so i pulled on her hair, got her legs in the air, and asked if she had any cooties in there. ‘what do you mean, cooties? no cooties on me!’ she was buns up, kneeling. i was wheelin’ and dealin’, she surrendered to the feelin’, and she started with the squealin’. dyna-moe watched from the edge of the bed, with her upper lip twitching and her face gone red, some drool rolling down from the edge of her chin, while she spied the condition her sister was in.”
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...this is the woman who made fun of me in 2020 for writing the word “butt” in an otherwise erotic fic. the same one.
good god.
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did you have a stroke and lose your sense of hearing, nick? she’s obviously in pain. knock that shit off.
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“melted water and her juices”
man alive, that conjures an image.
also, why am i under the impression that she sat down with eclipse open in another tab whilst writing, specifically to angel’s trumpet and summer in the city, and wrote this alongside those chapters, like this whole time i’m just thinking of vampire!alex and his icy cold body... but minus his sensuality and sweetness, and made a lot more disgusting. and it’s kinda creepy, too, like at least i try to make people look like they’re having a good time in my erotica. i also didn’t screenshot it, but there’s a line in here where nick says “i’d like to lick something” and i was almost immediately reminded of magic stick.
after everything, she is still ripping me off, and badly this time around no less: the first time was actually kind of innocuous in comparison to this, like this is borderline psychopathic behavior.
and it’s so ironic, too. everything i do is all supposed to be fun. you gently rib at someone because you like them. has she or anyone who supports her never heard of “dramatic readings” or “drunk readings”? or watched a bad movie and made wise cracks all the way through? if my mental breakdown after all this went down in summer 2020 wasn’t enough proof for you, i don’t know what to tell you.
really, i can forgive spelling errors and awkward sentences and unintentional hilarity, i really can (there’s a trope for that, too, it’s called “so bad, it’s good”), but if you still insist on doing the nefarious behavior i initially called you out on?
she’s insane. she is completely and totally out of her goddamn mind.
and she looks at me and tells me to get over it? that’s justifying your own horrible behavior in hopes to make me submit. there’s a word for that, too. you may have heard of it, you may have seen her use it, too. it’s called “bullying”. look at it this way: if someone hits you and you’re crying, and they tell you to get over it, it’s abuse. bonus points if they’re like “i didn’t do it!” (given bullying is a form of abuse).
when i posted the apple shed back on the 9th, it had pure intentions. sure, when i posted dead man walking, it had the intent of standing up for myself. but that was it, though: i was standing up for myself while writing something that i had wanted to write for a long time, so two birds with one stone there. when she starts something in response to fics like those, it’s solely to cover her ass, never to contribute to fandom. i promise i’m not trying to be like one of the cool kids, either. so, i don’t know what her logic is because i’m not trying to prove anything. i stopped caring about popularity a long time ago. i grew up in nevada and california: we don’t give a shit if we’re popular or not. it’s nice when it happens, but we don’t expect it.
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coming from her, she may as well be telling us we’re all fools. really, this is erotic? this is unpleasant, even for her (and i’ve avoided her like the ‘rona). a little pain goes a long way, but this left me genuinely uncomfortable. in fact, this happens a lot in her so-called erotic writings. and like, you can’t cover it up with “don’t like, don’t read”, either, because it’s all at the expense of growing and changing.
it’s like she tries way too hard to be sexy and winds up writing some of the most “cannot... unsee” things i’ve ever read. i feel like i’ve actually grown as a writer since i joined ao3. i can tell right away that she hasn’t, not one bit (and she’s been on there longer than i have, too).
in fact, she’s actually the reason why i’m so picky about reading things that are erotic: i don’t ever mean to shame anyone for what turns them on, that’s never my intention. i’ve been shamed for my sexual feelings pretty much my entire life, so you couldn’t pay me enough money to shame someone for their preferences and their kinks, but way too often, i’ll read something that’s kinda hot, kinda sensual, and then something will happen that’s off-putting and it’s immediately gross, or it’s unintentionally funny. i don’t blame you for it one bit, though: writing is hard, and erotic writing is even harder (no pun intended). you want proof? it took me almost four years to overcome my hang-ups on my own kinks and be comfortable enough to write about them, and yet, i still have a long way to go. i still feel guilt and shame with what gets me going, and though my art is about what i like and who i like, i still am reluctant to talk about my crushes and my sexuality. it’s a continuous process.
what i don’t understand is... what the hell makes her so special? her writing is not sexy. at all. and i’ve given myself shit for being unsexy multiple times in the past. but i don’t think i’ve ever written anything that’s uncomfortable, disturbing, and stomach-churning at worst, and unintentionally funny at best like with her. (and that’s not even touching the plagiarism aspect, either).
there’s someone who comes to mind now that i write this out and really put the pieces together. so many of you are too young to remember tila tequila: i was 12 when she was the queen of myspace and i barely had a finger in the world of music then. if i was too young to remember tila, i know you all are. but i recommend you read about her. i can’t really explain it, but i keep seeing this weirdly similar arc between these two women: overly sexual to the point it’s obnoxious and squicky, loud and boisterous, big ego, went nuts after a traumatic event (in tila’s case, it was losing her girlfriend and then od’ing on pills during an aneurysm; in the green druidess’ case, it was losing her grandmother and then the rendezvous with me in quarantine). if she starts whipping out the prejudices and really problematic behavior, don’t say i didn’t try to warn you.
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“you hurt my feelings” i thought people got sick of this trope like... six years ago. sick of the trope. six years ago. nikki sixx. seems kinda weird…
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it’s like watching two people have sex with rubber gloves and soapy water.
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okay, i want y’all to take a shot every time she writes the word “butt” from now on. i actually came up with a few drinking games with her. for example, take a shot every time someone “hums” during an intercourse scene. take a shot every time she uses a flowery synonym for red hair. take a shot every time there’s a sex scene and you’re more grossed out than turned on.
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again, this is the “hot, erotic romance” that readers of bandfic want in 2022/2023? this is torture. like... dude. have you tried just talking to her? why do you insist on spinning in circles every which way: this shit is hard to watch.
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this is the scene from tiny bubbles:
Alex didn’t hesitate to take off his jeans right there in the front part of the apartment: he swiped the cordless phone from the kitchen in the instance of someone calling him in the meantime, and he ambled across the carpet to the hallway. He stepped into that large, spacious bathroom and already began to feel completely at ease. The white tile that made up the floor felt like cold stones on the very bottoms of his feet; the white and gray marble on the countertop next to him shimmered and twinkled under the soft light that filtered through the window over the bathtub before him. He peeled off his shirt and lay it on the counter next to him and the edge of the sink. He stood right next to the toilet for a second with his eye on the big silvery shower head on the wall over his head.
A shower wouldn’t suffice. Too quick, especially for his tense muscles in his back and in his legs. He glanced down at the big bathtub before him, the big pearly white tub that provided enough for him to lay down flat on his back.
That would do the trick. He took the bath mat off of the rim of the tub and lay it on the tiles right next to the tub, and then he reached over to the dials on the wall and switched on the water. A bit too cold at first and then he turned the hot dial a bit. He then reached behind him to the cabinets under the sink for the bottle of bubble bath: what was a boy who wanted to relax without soft-smelling tiny bubbles. Down on one knee, he unscrewed the lid from the top and poured in a slender little trickle of that deep blue liquid in: he watched it bleed through the water for a moment, and then he reached down and stirred the water with a shake of his hand so the bubbles would flurry up and collect throughout the water. He put the bubble bath back into the cabinet and he watched the bubbles form and pile upon themselves.
Every so often, he reached down for a stir of the water with his hands so those little stacks of tiny bubbles collected and formed upon themselves even more.
Once the water reached a certain level on the bathtub, he switched off the water, and then he peeled his underwear off and he let it fall onto the bath mat, around his feet. He ran his hand down his stomach before he stuck one foot into the water: nice and warm, almost perfect. It was a bit colder than he usually liked, but the tub had enough water in it already; he set the other foot into the water next, and then he took his seat on the floor of the tub. He leaned back against the wall opposite to the faucet and stretched out his long, lanky legs to where his feet reached the faucet. Though he remained close to the wall on the left, there was plenty of room in that tub for two people.
it’s directly from tiny bubbles. she still has not gotten tired of this. as i said, it’s like she had eclipse open in one tab and used it as a base. it’s like when you’re taking notes from a textbook and you paraphrase as “best” as you can... “best” in that it’s actually not coming from you.
god, where’s miss rocco, my english teacher in junior year of high school. that woman had eyes like a hawk: she knew if you plagiarized or read cliff notes from a mile away. she was tough but she wanted us to do well, and that was my original intent with the green druidess. but since she’s way too egotistical, stubborn, and dumb to figure it out (as bullies usually are), i had to leave the “love” part out of “tough love”.
by the way, “non-erogenous zone”? what are you, my therapist?
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*projectile vomits*
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“oh. my. GAWD. chand-lah bing! chand-lah bing-a-ling!” (this part actually deserves two jokes)
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“are you eating a t-bone? why don’t we call you.. t-bone?” “can i be g-bone?” “there is no ‘g-bone’, george.” “T-BONE! T-BONE! T-BONE! T-BONE!” 
“you’re like that monkey that can do sign language.” “cocoa?” “yeah! COCOA! COCOA! COCOA! COCOA!”
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she also ripped off covalent bonds, i see. not surprised at all, either: it had “easy target” written all over it.
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“when you walk in the bar, and you feel like a star, rockin’ your fuck-me pumps.  and a man notice you with your gucci bag (crue), can’t tell who he's lookin' to, ‘cause you all look the same, everyone knows your name, and that's your whole claim to fame. never miss a night 'cause your dream in life is to be a footballer's wife. you don't like players, that's what you say- but you really wouldn't mind a millionaire. you don't like ballers, they don't do nothing for ya, but you'd love a rich man six-foot-two or taller.”
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vanessa: “we also received your other gift.” austin powers: “yes, basel! nice rack!”
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“you’re being a peñis... colada, that is.” -liz phair
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i swear, i used “i want you”... by bob dylan, in either fever or now it’s dark. may have been fever, i remember seeing it in the notes when i was putting volume one on wattpad last week.
speaking of notes, here’s another drinking game: take a shot every time you read her author’s note and they’re like this. when i write author’s notes, i try to be fun and friendly because we’re all fans here, but istg, the last couple of times i poked my head into her fics out of morbid curiosity, i saw her author’s notes and they were... i want to say “businesslike”. most recently, she hasn’t put any. it’s like when you have that one mutual on here: you were friends at one point, and something happens, and they end up moving away from their original content, like they got involved in social justice or something, and they start getting hostile and belligerent about it, and they end up deviating away from the original purpose of social justice and turn into someone full of hate, the very thing they were initially up against, and they reach a crisis point where it completely breaks them, and they turn into hipster blogs who don’t bother tag anything or even talk anymore, and then at some point, they leave tumblr. (tells you how long i’ve been on here, too: i’ve actually watched blogs venture through that very pipeline, whereas it’s rare now).
but here, i’m trying really hard to understand her point, or why she’s so bent on making things difficult for me when she just winds up making things difficult for herself as well as everyone who follows her, but she can’t come out front like this. when this whole situation started, and then continued, i really was alone in the whole thing (another key trait that should tell you that i’m not the bully here as bullies usually travel in packs and their prey tend to be loners). some people who had blocked me lifted the barrier and i apologized to them straight up because i knew it was upsetting for them. add to this, i had people left and right blocking me on the pretense of my supposedly running my mouth. incredibly petty and rude (unless someone’s opinion is actually hurting you, i can’t even tell you how messed up it is to block someone for being themselves: and at that point, it stops being opinion anyway) and it really gave me some insight into this new generation of tumblrs, many of whom are a lot like her: she happens to be a prototype of sorts, a codifier for what tumblr has become. but if there’s anything that this current tumblr is not, it’s that i know you guys don’t cheat.
as much as i dislike the ____ x reader trope and stranger things, the air of “oh my gosh, look what i found!” laced with captain obvious that’s in literally everything you guys do, and as much as i wish tiktok would just go away already, gen z and a lot of her readership do have a lot of charm to them because it comes down to ego.
the pen can’t be mightier than the sword if you let your ego get in the way. fic should be fun, it shouldn’t be about cancelling or getting all defensive when someone notices that you’re fucking up and wants you to stop but you instead double down and continue to do it and play possum afterwards at the expense of everyone in the room. karma is a bitch, man, and a bigger one than i ever will be. what goes up must come down.
speaking of coming down, there’s...
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*snicker* sorry.
ladies and gentlemen. boys and girls. everyone in between. damen und herren. madames et monsieurs.
the crown jewel. the trinity test:
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okay, never mind the image that just conjured up. it reminds me of that eminem song where he’s rapping in an eric cartman voice, and there’s a line where he goes: “that bitch can twist like a contortionist!”
she bit her bottom and ate her own shit 🤣
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it’s like, “what do you want for lunch?” “could you make me a sandwich?” “sure!”
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oh, my god, i cannot think of a better allegory to her fics, like seriously. between the hyper obsession with ghoulish topics to the point of not doing them right (yeah, i don’t get it either) to the juvenile humor, it fits beautifully and perfectly. i also feel like it’s foreshadowing like KARMA IS A BITCH, BABY! 😂😂😂
and that’s another thing that’s common in her fics, too, especially as of recently. she’ll omit words (which is a typo i’m often guilty of, this is getting weird) and she’ll put in a shitload of filler to pad out the word count and then shove it out the door so no one can question it.
it’s like she wants to... beat me to the punchline or something.
but guess fucking what? i have the punchline now, hahahahaha!
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god, that is a terrible error, and i cannot believe no one pointed it out, either. but i also can, though, because when i make an error like that, i usually notice after the fact or when i’m editing; the fact no one’s said anything after a month confirms she’s surrounded by yes men. or at the very least, people who don’t know, or don’t care, what a con job looks like (i’ll explain that in a second).
that’s right up there with “angry balls” from twilight (with apologies to stephenie meyer, of course).
and it doesn’t really matter at this point, but it came from this:
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george: “you can’t break up with me! i had hand!” AND YOU’RE GONNA NEED IT.
besides... the only taut belt I ever want to think about
is his
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yeah, i’d like to see him tighten that belt of his, making that little belly poke out even more and bring more attention to his crotch 👀  swish his long beautiful hair 👀👀👀
actually, all the testament guys can tighten their belts for me any time 😏 and joey, too! he likes his belts, too. the man whom she betrayed and left behind in the dirt along with pete apparently. yeah, she threw not one, not two, but three subcultures, thrashers, grungers, and the goths, under the bus for quite literally no reason: she pretty much gave up anthrax fic after the incident with me and then her eddie vedder/grunge fic and her megadeth fic respectively in 2021, and her updates of like loving the dead since chapter 37 have been hollow and kind of boring, which tells me she’s not putting effort into them, and it’s weird because there are a few people who’ve bookmarked it saying it’s their dream peter fic. she left these fandoms, whole-ass subcultures, hanging for literally no reason other than to be petty and spiteful towards someone who stopped caring in january 2021.
what makes me different? very simple: i don’t cheat. i also genuinely like stuff.
i was thinking about this when i said it’s like she’s not even a fan of these things and she just writes because she thinks it’s what’s cool, too: she’s a grifter. she doesn’t swindle people out of their money, sure, but her behavior is parasitic enough, though.
she writes fic that appeals to a wide array of people while she keeps a straight face on (”she’ll stab you in the back with a smile on her face”, if you will) and also leeches off them under the pretense of “don’t like, don’t read”, thereby abusing fandom rules and then the very second she comes across someone who doesn’t kiss her ass or is bit of a threat to her or better yet annoys her, she turns hostile, covers her ass and gaslights everyone, and drags everyone down with her, declaring it’s “because they made do it!” lol, no. you chose to do it. i didn’t point a gun to your head and told you to ditch your fics: you did it because you have a victim complex and frankly, you suck at writing, too. there’s no money involved but you’re a grifter.
i pray for the mötley crüe fandom. really, take this from a girl who’s into alt rock and thrash and death metal, three genres that are notoriously the antitheses of glam: they don’t need the run-around like that, her building up a base only to watch her suddenly leave down the line because she can’t handle some girl being herself. instead of hitching up her bootstraps and accepting responsibility like any person with a spine and common sense, she plays the blame game and goes “look what she made me do”. who the hell does she think she is, taylor swift? (say what you want about her, but at least taylor has the decency to learn from her mistakes and has a healthy sense of self-awareness. and she’s actually a nice person, too: regina george is more charming than the green druidess) like i said, i’ve grown as a writer and a person. from the looks of it, the green druidess, formerly known as daveighmustaine, formerly known as fromthewasteland, has not one bit. the only thing that’s different is username and pettiness level.
by the way, alex likes to wear a lot of black and red (and green, oddly enough), too, so before i get called out for double standards: no, context is important.
and speaking of context, there’s also a line in this fic where nick runs his fingers down liz’s bare body to her (’scuse me) “abdomen” and she has a belly button piercing. it’s insufficient to say, but i feel like she had the hanukkah chapter of black moon open, too (fits the time frame: that was posted on the 18th and her fic on the 27th). and maybe disciples of the watch from eclipse, too, and blood & chocolate, and really anything i wrote that’s a bit sexual because i have a belly kink, specifically “little round bellies that look like they’d be fun to kiss, cuddle with, playfully poke, gently pat, tickle, admire from afar with the right fabrics and colors, and maybe fill them up until they’re very full and give them lots of gentle rubs”.
so, she not only copies from me, but she can’t even do kinks right. 
how is that possible? 
when you write kink, there’s this unspoken commitment behind it, like... you know. commit. shit or get off the pot. dude, i have written bdsm scenes where they were enjoying themselves. i wrote temperature play, and elemental play (pyrophilia and aquaphilia), and not once did i inject some painful bullshit.
and i thought we learned from 50 shades, too. there’s literally a right way to do it all and she isn’t doing it. “it makes it more believable and enjoyable!” no, it doesn’t. take this from a virgin: if you’re in pain while having sex, stop. extreme pain is not empowering or sexy: it’s quite the opposite. don’t keep going until one of you is crying and then you call the guy a fuckhead and he’s reveling in your verbal abuse. you’re treating not just him like shit, but yourself, too.
how do you people following her sleep at night knowing your precious fic writer, your “gorgeous queen”, is glorifying abuse across the board and is grifting everyone right in front of their faces, not once apologizing or being levelheaded about anything. she has shown to me, since 2020, that she cannot handle people who are different. hell, it looks like she can’t even handle fandom, period, because i have seen, time and time again, people in fandom far worse than me and i can tell she’s not okay with it. always wanting more attention, more sympathy, just like ol’ tila nguyen who preceded her by 20 years.
i’m just... i’m gonna y’all this right now.
it’s only a matter of time before she says something really problematic, and she loses control of everything. and you’re going to wish you believed me when it all first happened.
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unbakehisbeans · 2 years
Surprisingly I’ve never had any interest in getting any kind of filler. I have pretty dark under eyes and big dark eyebrows, so I’d probably look good with tear trough filler but that’s a terrifying procedure to me and I just have no interest.
For lip injections I just don’t really care. I don’t have particularly small or particularly big lips, I feel that they fit my face nicely and I don’t like how filler always distorts the shape of the upper lip, especially bc I have a fairly pronounced cupids bow. So I just feel like it’d make my lips too big for my face and mess up the shape of my upper lip.
I just don’t feel any desire to change the shape or size of any of my facial features. I sort of wish I had rounder, softer cheeks, but I could probably get that just by gaining weight, and that’s cheaper and less risky than any cosmetic procedure I could get. Any kind of chin or cheek filler I just don’t think I want any, at all.
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