#i love her so much i just want to play a rpg 😭😭😭😭
isitthemoon · 1 year
Does anyone have an open slot in an online lgbtq+ friendly ttrpg group? I wanna play so bad 😭
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dykevanny · 5 months
haz i know absolutely nothign about zeno rpg but ur zeno au has intrigued me and im curious about it,,, i saw smth abt like. meomory loss and being handcuffed together and ik they eat ppl but thats it 😭 explain the au if u want ig bc im interested and i think thye look so silly. also bc u put vanny n will in my brain and they wont leave im shooing them with a boom and they are not moving
So ummm Zeno au<3 I’m really normal. Allow me to give a brief explanation of what Zeno is first You see, Zeno is a fictional disease sort of thing that makes people cannibals. Specifically an oneset is caused by traumatic events/extreme cases of unrequited love(specifically mostly familial) and the only cure is eating the flesh of someone else with Zeno.(not widely known.) It’s also transmittable through biting like zombies. there’s one specific facility with scientists dedicated to getting to the bottom of how to cure zeno, also housing ‘patients’ (or, people with zeno being used as lab rats). Now onto character lore.
So william and henry were good friends right. Yeah. Considering that they even have a small diner together. Well one day will got zeno (oh no!) and started slowly picking off kids going to the diner. He even accidentally attacked Charlie, who escaped in one piece luckily. Charlie went to the afton household to see if he was doing okay (because will’s like an uncle to her and all! And also what if everyone else got hurt?) only to find will ate them all oops. And yeah same happened to her, but since he transmitted zeno to Charlie he was cured! How convenient! The people in charge of the labs ended up roping him and henry into being scientists for them through shady shady means and well the two aren’t on good terms and avoid each other like the plague. Henry’s still sore over the ‘you ate my fucking daughter’ thing. Luckily he has his assistant/the archivist (tape girl) to keep him company. So Vanessa right! Crazzy I know. Nessa as we know comes from a broken family. In this specific au I’m mixing her backstory with the character who’s place she’s taking (hi kuro) so basically her parents. Neglect her. In favor of her younger sibling because she was born from her mom’s affair and blablabla… she grows up basically taking care of herself. Eventually she develops zeno and starts you know. Killing and eating random girls as you do. When one night she comes home and is confronted by her parents about this!! And well you can guess. What happens to them lol. She gets captured and taken to the zeno facility where she’s specifically studied/talked to by William! They’re funny bc nessa hasn’t had anyone willingly spend so much time around her and be so nice to her. Will … well she’s a specimen to him lol. Since being cured himself zeno has been a subject of interest to him, he’s thrown himself completely into his work (under the guise of feeling soooo guilty for his actions which henry can see right through) and well. He’s realized the consumption of human flesh has something to do with it, since eating Charlie cured him. So he’s been …. Robbing the morgue/killing people when needed to feed vanessa every time they meet. Which, she’s more docile when she’s not hungry so it kind of works but she’s not like cured you know. It has the side affect of her being hungry when it’s time for someone to chat with her though which was funny the one time henry had to go in will’s stead cause he offered her a granola bar and she was like 😐 ew.?? Anyways will has gotten her total trust because he also plays board games with her yay!! He’s the only one not enforcing the whole straightjacket-dog muzzle combo also so she’s like woah !! He sees me as another human unlike these other guys :DD (needless to say zeno patients are not treated very humanely.lol) there was also one time tape girl had to be a substitute for william but nothing of note happened they just kinda chilled and ness threatened her in a backhanded and mildly gay sort of way.as you do.
Anyway yeah so basically Henry’s been experimenting with treatment through amnesia and totally surely unrelated note at the actual start of the story, Will and Nessa wake up in a strange room with no clue who they are or how they got here, and have to navigate the now bloody and corpse-strewn facility while handcuffed together with nothing to guide them except each other and the only clue to their pasts is tampered resumes which effectively switch their backstories!! Nessa is under the impression that she’s the scientist (the whole cannibalism part was left out) and she thinks William is the serial murderer/cannibal. Which was funny cause she read her own resume like wow… I’m kind of a big deal huh :) and then read Will’s like ERM.OKAY… Will didn’t read either of the resumes. Also tape girl gave everyone code names and said code names were swapped on the resumes also! So ‘bonnie’(nessa) and ‘vanny’(will) are just kind of cluelessly walking around like damn this place is really… corpsey:) until henry starts showing up and trying to kill them (he contracted zeno big surprise) and also tape girl (assumed dead) shows up sometimes just to see how things are going. Lots of shenanigans and also murder ensue.
The game also has multiple endings so. sometimes nessa ends up killing william lol. Intestine jumprope…. … ……… Also side note.will found out it’s specifically zeno infected humans that need to be fed to patients to cure them but kinda. Didn’t cure nessa on purpose<3 because she’s sort of entirely dependent on him in this way and she’s kind of his only friend.the same way he’s her only friend……wacky wild!
Tape girl is having a fucking.day. Because henry mentioned he was going to do something but likeee. She didn’t expect to be caught in the crossfires of a HUGE MASS MURDER CANNIBAL EVENT.AS LIKE ONE OF THE 4 PEOPLE STILL ALIVE IN HERE,.. once he chilled out henry explained himself and she agreed to help out (she also decided to distribute some of her recorded notes.just for fun…after the two get separated for the first time ‘vanny’ listens to them and is like woah… i was a patient here⁉️ And bon was my unethical doctor⁉️⁉️ which is funny) but like. She is the only one NOT infected in here and would like to keep it that way so she’s having quite the time. Seeing vanessa walking around unrestrained keeps jumpscaring her LOL. Once ness’s zeno symptoms start returning well ofc will as the only one she’d encountered here who she cares about is the first target but tape girl nearly gets chomped too lol.
Zeno has an interesting affect on the subjects mood which is funny. Basically when an oneset happens and the person with zeno is running around eating people they’re in a crazed manic state which. Is really fun.will and nessa are wandering around handcufffed and he’s like uhh bonnie you okay cause her facial expressions.well they went from the example on the left to the one on the right.
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It’s funny bc. The memory erasure actually technically did work… her symptoms only started returning bc she got bit LOL
Pre-the amnesia incident the other three’s interactions with vanessa were pretty.limited. Considering she’s theeee most dangerous patient. Will talks to her for like an hour daily but Henry only really knows her as ‘william’s mutt’ (he was especially not a fan when he found out will had been FEEDING HER HUMAN FLESH.) and tape girl is afraid of her but also. Kind of endeared from their two in person interactions. The second one in which vanessa tried to convince her to let her cannibalize her but hey she was very polite about it..!! Henry and tape girl are both shocked and stunned that she’s actually pretty chill when she’s not insane and eating people.
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^these fuckheads are almost all cannibals and beating each other up forever
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makigorogoro · 8 months
disorganized thoughts on fionna and cake eps 5 and 6
ok ive only seen the eps once each and im going off of memory so a lot of this is probably gonna be paraphrased and mixed up but whatever . also this post is really fucking long lol sorry
-obviously we are in the farmworld, not surprised but very happy!!!
-also not very surprised fionna and cake immediately went along with simon’s plan
-the whole time they were talking about where to find a crown i was like lol. simon don’t look behind you
-cake bringing fionna a dead rat was really funny
-the versucci gag or whatever was also really good
-but what made me die was fionna talking abt how she’s played a lot of post apocalyptic rpgs and then it pans over to “man who has actually lived through the apocalypse”
-was really cool to see how the farmworld has developed after what happened with ice finn, i think it’s interesting how they’re more technologically advanced since the first time an ice age happened in this world they pretty much reverted to medieval times (does that make sense. you know what i mean)
-i was SO convinced jay was farmworld finn’s little sibling so when he said dad my heart stopped
-the name jay didn’t immediately click until bonnie was revealed to be one of his other kid’s name and i was like HOLY SHIT PUHOY???
-veeeery interesting since assumingely golb destroyed/erased the pillow world
-i guess you could just chalk it up to finn would have named his kids the same thing in any universe?
-but i mean speaking of his kids GOD he got busy with huntress wizard
-i mean it has to be huntress wizard. one of them looks just like human hunter wizard
-sucks that she died though
-simon’s ship of theseus thing was so fucking funny oh my god he’s just like me fr (i started talking about the ship of theseus in one of my assignments a few days ago and i was like. is this too nerdy.)
-i haven’t really talked about farmworld finn yet. a little sad he turned out so cold (pun not intended oops 😭) because of what happened to him when he was younger
-good on him for saying simon was a damn fool or whatever for wanting to put the crown on lol
-i wish they actually had a talk though
-cake saying fionna should kiss him while knowing he’s just an alternate version of her??????? girl
-also farmworld jake still being alive was crazy
-so it did turn out the crown was destroyed in this world, i honestly wasn’t sure since the crown from the main world survived direct contact with a comet lol
-the romeo and juliet style romance going on between finn’s kid and big destiny’s kid was really good
-finn showing up with bartram lmao!!!!!
-dude i love bartram, the bit in finn the human where finn’s mom says that they have to sell the mule and then bartram’s head peaks out from the bed in the corner is unironically one of my favorite jokes in adventure time
-i kinda forgot what happens between here and the end
-so did farmworld finn fucking die????
-idk what happened there i sure hope not
-i really don’t know if we’re going to revisit these worlds in any capacity considering the amount of time left but i hope we do now!! i feel like we need to see what happens lmao
-now for ep 6
-wasn’t really expecting it to open on “fionna world” as they started calling it
-i was wondering how they were gonna balance gumball and marshall yaoi with what’s going on with the main trio
-they did it really well though i think
-i also wasn’t really expecting to be introduced to winter king right away once we got back to the main plot
-he definitely gave me weird vibes right from the start im gonna be honest lol
-blaah i don’t really remember what happens between that and the winter wonder world sequence
-so ill just talk about that. holy fuck
-every review i read before the show came out was really hyping this scene up and i get why now
-was really cool to see the beyond the grotto animation again and the song was so good it’s still stuck in my head
-but the moment the winter king said he overcame the crown with sheer will i was like. um. im calling bs
-i was just thinking however it did happen though i have a bad feeling about! felt really bad for simon and when he said that he sucked i was like. oh no ☹️ dude
-the moment i saw little ice marcy pretty much cemented it for me i was like oh no something fucked up is happening here. tbh i still can’t really figure out what happened with that but given what the winter king said about making an ice betty. uhhhhhhhhhh
-OH YEAH cake once again saying simon and the winter king should kiss . GIRL WHAT ARE YOU ON
-i looooved crazy pb
-i remember when people were saying she was a marcy pb child lmao.
-simon saying that he wanted to “fix her” while the winter king just wanted to kill her was really interesting. im trying to figure out what it means lol. like we know that simon wants to be the ice king again but also now knowing he would want to fix and save someone from that madness…idk
-her song was really good
-her playing those ominous notes on her keyboard made me laugh
-i haven’t really talked about gumball (im not calling him gary im sorry) and marshall. i thought they were really cute!!! could definitely see marcy and pb meeting in a similar way
-the juxtaposition between gumball talking about his creations to fionna fighting the fucked up versions of them was really cool
-i hope gumball doesn’t take what the lemoncarbs said to heart . they’re just like that
-ok so. I was honestly more shocked that fionna kissed (a version of) simon than him disintegrating seconds after lmaooooo
-i have to wonder why he immediately died here when in betty (the episode) he was dying relatively slowly without the crown’s magic
-ive been writing down a bunch of crack theories and the first thing ive gotten right was the winter king transferring his craziness to pb lol lets goooo
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-i was thinking that simon might’ve transferred it himself but then i was like nooo he wouldn’t do that….apparently he would do that
-idk despite how he seemed i think the winter king was still a little insane in the membrane.
-maybe the crown was still influencing him in some way? and that’s the message here? idk
-i can’t believe bi fionna is real
-back to gumball and marshall. gumball describing slumber party panic……oh my jod 🥺🥺🥺
-the baby world was so cute
-“and i’ll be cursed the right way” simon do you fucking hear yourself
Ok that’s definitely not all i have to say but this post is long enough lmao ,, god this show is SO GOOD i can’t believe it’s real. ok that’s all
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star-scrambled · 2 years
Hiya! What video games dovyou think would be the Octonauts favorite?
HMM that’s a hard one...I’m sure people have done these kinds of posts before with more accuracy in mind, so I’m just gonna be Indulgent if that’s okay >:3c
Captain Barnacles only plays video games with the team, and they HAVE to be motion based, so he LOVES Just Dance and 1-2 Switch n that kind of stuff.
Professor Inkling is the same to an extent, but more with stuff like Wii Sports that doesn’t require as much full-body movement. I think he’d also be a Clubhouse Games fan for sure.
Kwazii and Tweak have similar taste in games, mainly because they often play them together. Tweak made her own gaming console on par with an NES or SNES, so she usually plays high score-based games like Pac-Man. She doesn’t have the time to commit to RPGs, as much as she’d probably really enjoy them, but sometimes she’s willing to stay up late playing Super Mario World for the sake of not losing progress. She’d also play fighting games with Kwazii probably, and they would be his favourite, but ultimately she’s always better than him at whatever they play because gaming is her ELEMENT. So yeah, Kwazii’s a Smash Bros fan, but the only person that plays with him is Tweak, but she’s not always around. Pinto and Koshi are ABSOLUTELY willing to try and take him on as a duo when they visit though, hehehe.
Peso’s an Animal Crossing guy, or at least someone who enjoys those mobile games where you can check in daily and play for a good 20 minutes, so not hardcore in the SLIGHTEST, haha. He’s not even really committed or “good” at the games since he’s a busy guy and it’s not his Most prevalent hobby, but he finds them relaxing and cute. I’d want to believe Pinto is the reason why he’d play a little more sometimes and try out different things, though :)
DASHI IS THE RPG FAN. She 100% gives me Deltarune and Mother fan vibes. She loves a good story with pretty environments and compelling characters, and her and Koshi tend to bond over their favourites together. She would love to commit to a life sim game like Animal Crossing because of the aesthetics and appeal of building a community from the ground up, but she VERY easily ditches them unfortunately. She is a handheld console player by heart and she LOVES playing on her pink Nintendo 3DS BECAUSE I SAID SO!!! (also Koshi is a YKW fan and a M&L RPG fan she is JUST like me fr!!!!!!!)
Shellington is very hard for me to think of something for LMFAO 😭 he doesn’t strike me as a Gamer...but I think he’d take an interest in Minecraft because of the vast landscapes and all the creatures n stuff. He definitely likes to explore around and modify the environments with some more scientifically accurate elements, such as the animals and plants, but overall he just has fun experimenting with the logic of the world and seeing how it’s ecosystem works differently from the real world. He also builds models to show the crew and educate the Vegimals sometimes :3 BUT he plays Exclusively on Creative Mode and on Peaceful settings because the first time he played on survival without knowing the difference he almost had a panic attack once it became nighttime. Again, though, not much of a gamer, so it’s really only a once in a while thing he does once it crosses his mind.
As a bonus: Paani also isn’t much of a gamer, but Minecraft is something he’s interested in, much like Shellington. Though the difference is he absolutely LOVES the thrill of playing on Survival Mode. He isn’t much better at it, he is nowhere NEAR going to the Nether or fighting the Ender Dragon, but the nightly brawls he has with all the mobs is a lot of fun. Pinto joining is even BETTER. He’s a mobile player so he can play with him no matter where he is! >:3c
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starclast · 1 month
hey there! So...as you can guess, I've been playing Fire Emblem Awakening in these last few months. It may seem unbelievable but I never had the opportunity to play this game until now. My very first Fire Emblem was Sacred Stones, and it was not only my first experience with the franchise, but also my very first experience playing a tactical rpg. I didn't know anything about how to play so everything that happened within the first minutes of gameplay was a completely new experience for me. I still remember when I got my first support *conversation* between Eirika and Seth...my mind was simply BLOWN away by the fact that characters could interact and build stronger bonds in the middle of the battlefield 😮 Since then, I've been tryin to play any Fire Emblem I can get my hands on...and finally, thanks to my friends friend (Mr. Mystery ☝), I got the opportunity to try this one out.
I've always been curious about Awakening because a friend of another friend of mine had a 3ds with it. he showed me a little bit about it one day we visited him but because we had better things to do and a time limit for it, I couldn't catch a proper look to it. Still, I really wanted to try it out, so once I talked a little about it wit my best friend, I immediately asked her to ask Mr. Mystery if he could get it for me...and as you can see, he did it!!! 🤗 I'm still in my first playthrough but I already can see why people love this game so much. It is beautifully made, the new mechanics are polished and very enjoyable, and the characters are just SO good!! 😆😆😆
To be honest, my favorite part of all the Fire Emblem games I have played so far, has always been the supports. And every since I learned that in Awakening the support pairs can have their own children I was simply EXCITED to see it!! 🤩 I'm already in the part of the story were the child units appear and so I'm tryin to reunite them all before proceeding.
I think my favorite pair so far is Donnel and Lissa. Their support was just so really, really sweet that it made me tear up. I know that the child unit is always predetermined by the mother but still, I cant help but feel like Owain makes sense as a child of these two. (And also, its just too funny to let it slide 😆🤣) I don't know yet what other combination I may do in a future second playthrough...but I already feel like it will be hard for me to pair Donny and Lissa with someone else 😢 (Seriously now, why so few people like this pairing!?? 😭)
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P.S: Mini Owain turned out really good for a first try 🤭 ...Although I'm a bit unsure if I put his mark in the right place 🤔
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stuffforthestash · 1 month
15 Questions for 15 Friends
15 questions for 15 friends
Tagged by @pikapeppa <3
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Two people, actually! My middle name is my maternal grandmother's, and I got my first name from my childhood best friend. She was born a few months before me, and my mom loved her name so much she gave it to me too. We were inseparable, but sadly she died in an accident when we were 8, so now I carry the name for both of us.
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Last week when I was having a bad fibromyalgia flare and hit critical mass for being able to cope. Chronic pain is a bitch, yo. 0/10, do not recommend.
DO YOU HAVE KIDS? Very happily childless. I have a TON of niblings though and love being an auntie.
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED? I was hardcore into softball as a kid, spent 8 years playing. Not that wimpy slow pitch stuff either, which is why I've never been able to get back into it since casual adult leagues are just... different. I was a pitcher and 1st base, and even now I can catch pretty much anything thrown in my general direction purely by instinct 😂
DO YOU USE SARCASM? Nooooooo, I would never!
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? Oooh this is a hard one to explain. I studied costume design in college, and one of the things they trained us on is how to look at a person's whole appearance in order to "read" them as a character. It's a habit I never really got over, so I'm always looking for people's "character cues" and they're always going to be different from one person to another.
WHAT'S YOUR EYE COLOUR? Mostly brown, but other colors come out depending on the light
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? HAPPY ENDINGS HAPPY ENDINGS I refuse to engage with depressing or genuinely unsettling media. My life is already full of too much bullshit, I'm full up.
ANY TALENTS? I can catch very nearly anything thrown in my general direction 😜 I'm also kinda... idiot-savant-ish when it comes to learning new artistic and craft mediums? I pick up the basic concepts really quickly, and I've yet to encounter something I genuinely suck at or can't figure out. Oh yeah and I can sing!
WHERE WERE YOU BORN? In a hospital in California, which is where I grew up.
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES? Crafts! Painting, wire wrapping, drawing, a bit of leather working, and anything else that strikes my fancy. I also love jigsaw puzzles, smutty romance novels, very specific RPG videogames, and taking care of my plants
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? No 😭The husbear and I are both allergic to anything we'd actually want to have around.
FAVOURITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? High school: choir and theater. College: studio drawing classes, especially the one in my final year that was taught by a guy in my D&D group, who also happened to be a professional illustrator for MtG!
DREAM JOB? I used to dream about designing the costumes for Cirque du Soliel. That was THE dream, until I gave up theater and switched to illustration. Nowadays I just want to make a success of my little craft business, and be able to earn enough to actually need to file taxes for it 🫠 Okay, now to figure out who to tag.... @ariseis @mumms-the-word @charmedcleric @drizztdohurtin @halsins-herbal-underpants @carmsgarms @galebrainrot2024 @alexxxaloy @lemonsrosesandlavender @luinen-bluewater @autistichalsin @nerd-artist ... it's not 15, but eh. Close enough!
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zhaoly · 9 months
k so I didn't know this before but halsin apparently originally wasn't even intended to be a companion plus he's intended to be part of a poly romance... which is why his mono romance was barely developed??
man how were we supposed to know that :\ but suddenly it all makes so much fucking sense... why his character arc and romance fell so flat and why you can't romance him for so DAMN long. I suppose you're supposed to romance another companion and then bring halsin in to be part of a poly relationship instead and it's not intended that you get to act 3 with no romances--they assume you've romanced another companion already
i'm really damn disappointed that his mono romance is pretty much nonexistent and that his character development is so all over the place. I don't think I'll ever be doing a poly romance because I'm just not into that at all so unless they fix halsin's mono romance guess I gotta live with it
the only other companion who really interested me for a romance was karlach but her story is almost equally nonexistent and apparently she's got bad endings only?! like just kill me man. i want to try karlach's romance but i feel like her story is just... nonexistent, i mean all you do is find infernal iron and go to dammon. there's not even a specific quest arc or challenge for her, you just sort of naturally find the iron during regular exploration.
guess i'll be trying the other romances more out of curiosity rather than desire. like they all have aspects i like but then there's just like one (or two) things that turn me off.
i liked gale initially bc i was like holy shit an alistair/anders lovechild but then he started all that weird mystra stuff and i was like aight im outie. and i was also like wait we're supposed to be able to romance this guy?! isn't he very clearly not over this thing with mystra? i mean dude's gonna blow himself up for repentance or sth
wyll is like... fine i guess but too nice LMAO and i wont lie the dance scene was just like........... not my thing at all. just really not. and i honestly really don't like his devil appearance, i feel bad for saying it bc it's not his fault lol 😭 i liked him way more as a human but then quickly realized he doesnt stay that way for long. i think his story is definitely intriguing with the whole mizora thing and him being the son of the duke but man.
astarion is insufferable lord i can't stand the way he talks. i kicked him right after the nighttime blood sucking scene bc his voice/personality were so grating and i'm just not into the vampire shit at all. he also just like... looks like a creep and the way he talks doesn't help... tbh i think the only way i'll be able to tolerate him is to mod his face he just comes off as a creepy insufferable old guy i'm sorry
i like shadowheart as a companion but not really into her for a romance. her whole utter devotion to shar was also a huge turnoff lmao and for this first run I just decided that my tav wasn't into that. i did make the choice that basically had her turn against shar but i'm like yeah she can be besties with my tav i like that more. I actually really like sh's arc as a close/best friend
couldn't stand lae'zel initially either, left her in the cage after she wouldnt say please since tav is petty like that. found her later and reluctantly went the creche with her and then ended up killing her oops but hey she threatened to kill me first 🤷‍♀️ i'll def take her on future runs but i don't think i'll ever romance her
so like who does that even leave me with?? halsin basically fit a lot of parameters i like in a companion until i played through more of the game and realized that they really didnt deliver with him. i'm sure if i play through these companion quests/romances further in the future i'll warm up more to these characters but my initial impressions were just... not favorable and hey it's an rpg and my tav has opinions! who knows maybe i'll end up loving one of these character romances but rn i'm still lamenting over halsin's utterly lackluster one
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yandating · 2 months
🌹 Name: Alice (Not my real name but I'll tell you when we talk :)))) )
💕 Age: 20
💌 Gender: Female, she/her mostly but I do sometimes like they/them
🥀 Are you yandere on non-yandere: Fairly yandere, but it's not really the kind that shows too clearly from the get-go
🩸 Where are you from: Romania!
🕷 Tell us about yourself: I'm usually a reserved, quiet person irl, but I actually do really like talking to people one on one, even though ironically enough it can tire me out pretty quicklu. I'd say I have a lower self esteem than normal, but I am getting better! ...Ever so slowly but hey I'm getting there.
I'm a big fan of writing and doing digital art! I also really love playing videogames, expecially horror games and visual novels. Actually I generally really like horror stuff! I either like things that are extremely funny and lighthearted or stuff that is absolutely scarring. No inbetweens for me.
If you know me in real life I look a bit apathetic and robotic, almost, but I'm the complete opposite. I'm a pretty emotional and passionate person and it's easy as all hell to get fixated on things I like. For example starting to play Sims 3 again is pretty much a death sentence for a few days because it means I will not do anything but play that game.
What kind of yandere am I? Very good question! I'm pretty obsessive when the person's right, and I do have the slightest tendency to get jealous. I'm sorry though if that doesn't show quite enough lmao, after years of conditioning to not act like that it won't show too clearly.
I work the endless hell that is known as customer care, despite the fact I have severe social anxiety. It sounds like it makes literally no sense but it sort of does since it's through messaging (and in english I for some reason hate my own language).
Also I love cute things. Sanrio and lolita fashion is my life and blood. Can't wait til I can finally get the guts to dress that way. 😭
🖤 What are you looking for: Someone who's supportive an non-judgemental, and what I feel like is most important, someone who actually listens to what I talk about and respects me. I want to be treated as an equal, I'm sick of people infantilazing me lmao.
Someone who is fiercely loyal and very obsessive, jealous but doesn't act out on it too much despite it. I want to be as significant to my significant other as they are to me.
I'd love a yandere who is a considerably bigger one than I am, but still not too intense, the kind that wouldn't be able to control their own actions. I also want someone that respects my boundaries and would be okay if I need a bit of time alone when I'm having a tough time mentally. Sometimes I just need a bit of time to calm down, it's never anything personal.
I would love someone who's really affectionate, especially verbally. Nicknames would be really cute! I give really dumb nicknames but they're filled with love I assure you. ♡
Also, someone who's smart and interesting to talk to but doesn't brag about it would be really nice! Narcissism is a huge turn off for me.
In short, if you're warm, smart, supportive and respectful, I'll probably like you quite a lot. ^^
🪦 What's your mbti: INFP! I always get that without one exception lmao
🌌 Contact information: My username is Alice_lied on Discord. Don't be too confused by vaguely ominous username, I pretty much just mixed the name of a rpg horror game I really like, Alicemare and Elfen Lied, an anime I'm not too big of a fan of but the name drew me to watching it alone. :,)
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anathemafiction · 2 years
Hi! Congrats on the release! 🎉 I played the game two times in a row and it's one of my favorites now <3 Your writing is amazing and all of the characters (including the side characters) felt so unique and real. I enjoyed every second of the interactions with the main cast (special mention to romantic scenes of Hadrian and Alain 👀). They are all so lovely <3 Even Billy 😒 (don't tell him, but he kinda has my whole heart)
I especially love the way you write Hadrian so much. Usually overprotective characters come across as dismissive to me, but Hadrian's need to protect feels so genuine 🥺 They fell in a vicious cycle of overprotectiveness with my MC 😭
But what stood out to me the most was the little interactions throughout the city. I enjoyed all of them so much, the race with the poor donkey, the cat at the harbour (saying goodbye made me cry 🥺), gossiping with the fishwife, stabby kind priest, the guardian (I didn't know her in my first playthrough and it broke my heart in the second). They all made me feel like I was wandering around in a real city.
Aaa I'm sorry this got long without any real ask :') Just wanted to thank you for this amazing story and all the laughs and tears <3
Thank you so much!
I wanted to make Tarragona feel as alive as possible. The Rose is a text game, but I tried to make the exploration part akin to you exploring in an RPG. Full of paths and encounters, people to talk to, conversations to eavesdrop on, crones to race, and little kittens to befriend. 
I wanted to give you the feeling of having a real, gigantic, alive city sprawling in front of you. I wanted to have you standing before a road that divides into uncountable others, and for a moment, brace yourself. Take a deep breath, calm the nerves twisting your stomach, steel your resolve. 
Because you're about to walk into the belly of the beast. 
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Hello! Could I get matchups for Genshin and Obey Me? I understand that there might be a ton of other requests, so take all the time you need :))
My pronouns are she/her and I'm bi, but I'd like to be matched with male charas! I'm 5'4 with normal weight, and I have black curly hair that passes my shoulders just a bit. My skin is tan (eg: kaeya tan lol) and I wear round black glasses!
I'm an INFJ 5w4, I tend to change the way I act depending on the person I'm talking to, and I have this bad habit of saying what others want to hear instead of saying my own opinion; but with the people I end up being more comfortable with, I'm a lot more enthusiastic! I end up being the one rambling about my interests to them. During school breaks I prefer staying in my room hanging out by myself. I get very tired of interacting with people (not that I don't like them, i just get tired!) and I need time to recover. I'm also a pretty hard worker and people say I push myself too hard sometimes 😅 I'm generally someone who's calm and rarely show my anger, but once I do everything just starts to spill out
In my free time, I like making art and do creative writing! Usually when making pieces, I really like to put a lot of small clues and symbolism/hidden meanings for the readers/viewers to piece out the whole lore. And if I'm not doing that, then I'm probably busy reading a book, playing RPG/Rhythm games or watching anime :) oh, I also like to indulge myself in new knowledge? For example if I don't know much about Chinese mythology I'd end up just researching and learning more about it for hoursssss until I get a good grasp of it
I really like well-written stories, RPG + rhythm games, all kinds of animals, coffee, art supplies, museums, aquariums, libraries/bookstores and shopping <3
I dislike overwhelming situations (like a loud party or fireworks) and people who are rude for no reason ... For close friends it's fine because I get that it's a joke but for strangers to just suddenly start to criticize random people?? I also don't like it when people suddenly start to vent to me :') I don't mind people venting but I absorb emotions like a sponge and need to prepare myself before someone does it, or I'll get super moody too
As for a partner, I'd like someone who's wits can keep up with mine, have a great sense of humor, and is willing to listen to me and understand me without judgement either— A sense of security would be nice. And an introvert is preferable so that they wouldn't have to get tired of me just wanting to stay home all day without much interaction. Just spending time together in comfortable silence sounds like the dream <3 My love language is gift giving + words of affirmation, while I'd prefer to receive quality time and acts of service!
I'm so sorry for writing so much 😭 thank you in advance! I hope I met all the criteria!
- 🌾 Anon
Hi 🌾Anon! No need to worry! You put a good amount of information. Thanks for your request! Hope you like your matchups!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Thoma is a good mix of introvert and extrovert. He's out and about almost all the time because of his job but when he has free time, I feel like he enjoys staying at home. That way no one can try and rope him into doing work on his day off.
Understands your tendancy to change your behaviour depending on who you're talking to. He needs to do that sometimes as well. But he makes sure you know that you can say your mind around him.
I see Thoma as a witty person. He's been in so many situations where wit has been used, so he's picked up a few things.
Also great at giving you a sense of security and spending quality time with you. He's busy with his work in Inazuma but he'll always make time for you!
Greatly appreciates your words of affirmation. He's faced a lot of negative opinions in Inazuma due to being a foreigner so kind words from someone he loves mean a lot to him.
You're both chronic over workers. Ayato steps in occasionally to force both of you to have a break. He can make do for a few days without his loyal housekeeper and he's already taking care of your work for the next few days.
In Obey Me, I match you with...
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Leviathan is the homebody of your dreams! This guy never leaves his room, you'll probably be the one dragging him out!
Loves playing RPGs and rhythm games with you. Gets pretty competitive but is also a bit proud when you manage to beat him. He's been playing these games for hundreds of years, beating him is no small feat.
Pretty good with quality time since he's in his safe space (his room) most of the time. But don't ask too much of him, he has to recharge his battery sometimes.
Words of affirmation are something that will take him quite a while to get used to. He's so used to talking down on himself that hearing someone actually praise him sounds like a foreign language.
Just be patient, he's learning to love himself and someone else (who's not fictional) slowly but surely.
This guy is the last person to judge you! Yeah, he might call you a normie and say the things your interested in outside of gaming are weird, but he never truly means it. Levi's like your personal cheerleader!
His mood can sometimes rub off on you, which makes him feel worse (and so the cycle continues) but if you give him a bit of time alone, he'll be back to his usual self. Even if he cares about the person he's hanging out with, it takes a lot of energy.
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obliviousxiv · 10 months
15 questions 15* mutuals
Tagged by @inyourroomalbumversion . Thank you!
1. Are you named after anyone? Nope. My mama and her friend just thought “[first] [middle]” sounded nice
2. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday. Me and my brother watched a show he liked from before I was born and it was so OLD... Means my brother isn't getting younger 😭😭😭😭
3. Do you have kids? Nope. They're okay, tho!
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Nah, just sometimes
5. What sports do you play/have played? I don't do sports, but I like to roller skate and play Wii Sports boxing. I would love to get into archery, but it's expensive!
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people? Their voice, I guess? I'm shy so I don't look at people's faces much unless they're talking to me.
7. What’s your eye color? Dark brown
8. Scary movies or happy endings? I like both but prefer scary movies
9. Any special talents? Hm 🤔 I can cross two set of fingers on each hand without pushing them into place? (Like this Vulcan salute 🖖, but the two touching fingers are crossed). I can touch my toes? So, no, I don't have any special talents lol
10. Where were you born? Louisiana, USA
11. What are your hobbies? Video games (RPGs), reading (novels, history, and sometimes manga), sewing/embroidering, cooking/baking, learning languages, roller skating, making jewelry for me and my friends, and I'm working on making myself a book (not publishing a book. I'm cutting, binding, illustrating, and writing for me).
12. Do you have any pets? None, unfortunately. 😔
13. How tall are you? 5’something 🔎🧍‍♀️
14. Favorite subject in school? Social studies and language arts
15. Dream job? When I was young, it wanted to be a judge. But now it's more like court stenographer. I would love to earn big money, but I just need a job that I don't think about after I clock out and will pay me enough to go on vacation occasionally or maybe even afford to move out of the US!! we'll see...
*I'm gonna tag just a few people! I don't do this kind of thing often.
Tagging: @almightyrozenidiot , @justineangelrococo , @insideguppysworld , @dying-suffering-french-stalkers , @endlessyuji , @classychassiss , and @coyoxxtl if y'all are willing! No worries if not!
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just-a-carrot · 1 year
Thank you so much this is such a sweet comment ahhhhHHHHHHH 😭💕 I'm so glad you like the game! AND OMG I USED TO DO THAT SAME THING TEACHING MYSELF SONGS I LIKE ON THE PIANO DHFHDH
What other stuff am I into... well I'm into games in general. I just love games (though since I started working on The Game I haven't had a chance to play much). I really like RPGs like FFXII and old school stuff like Chrono Trigger. Also Zelda, Mario, Kirby, Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons. As for my original main inspirations for OW, it was a lot of stuff like American McGee's Alice, Alice Human Sacrifice, Alice in Wonderland... though there have been a ton of other inspirations for various certain parts, like the big eye tongue thing was inspired by Mario Party 2 and the tomato guys were inspired by FFXII fjfjdj I honestly pick up so much inspiration from so many different places all the time. And also from the music! Some of the music in the game actually inspired scenes and ideas, too! I'm not even sure I'd be able to remember or list all the little inspirations that have gone into this game over the course of production heheh 🤭
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alo-piss-trancy · 2 months
Okay so my playthrough clocked in at a little over 93 hours. Though probably a couple hours longer than that bc it took me 4 times to beat the Final Fight and there was also a couple of other optional boss encounters that kicked my ass lmao
So fun fact: I fucked my playthrough up at like the 87 hour mark 😭💔 I tried to be a decent person and not kill Loghain and let him go through with the Joining. Did not expect that Allistaire would throw a WHOLE-ASS TANTRUM and ditch us for good right before the final fight 🤬
Like bro I GET why you were hurt and angry but also??? This is literally a war to save a zillion lives we needed all the help we could get. Loghain was gonna die anyway. You bitched at me EVERY OTHER TIME I killed somebody (ok Connor was an accident. But he bitched me out over Brother Genetivi when he was gonna reveal the ashes and everything?!?). Bro goes on and on about honor and helping ppl and the Grey Wardens and then he literally just DIPS before the biggest fight ever. I thought he was gonna come back at the end and help when he came to his senses but NAH. WE'RE STRAIGHT UP DIVORCED FOREVER HE DIDN'T COME BACK OR COME TO MY CEREMONY AFTER. I NEVER SAW HIM AGAIN 😭💔💔💔💔 GLAD U LET UR HALF-SISTER DIE BITCH IM P SURE GOLDANNA'S HOUSE WAS RUBBLE IN BURNED-DOWN DENERIM. FUCK OFF YOU WHINY SELFISH PRICK I LOST SO MUCH RESPECT FOR YOU
Also Morrigan left that night too bc I wouldn't go with her fucked up demon baby plan lmao. Which I don't fault her for to be fair, I get she couldn't bear to see her only friend EVER die ☠️ I'm actually hype af for my future morally-awful playthru bc I will DEFINITELY be seeing that plan then lmao.
If I didn't have Leiliana and Meatball as my ride-or-dies my protag woulda been completely devastated for real like COME ON 😭💔 THANK GOD FOR HER BESTIE AND HER DOG THE REAL MVPS 😔🙏
Actually I was a little let down by the final fight. Like it was a cool concept and I enjoyed getting to play with the ballistas bc u keep seeing them in other parts of the game. But I basically had to play as Leiliana the whole time ajdkdjj. I built my character as a badass warrior with BUSTED strength and it was lowkey useless bc the final boss is out of range for 90% of the fight and I sold my crossbow to Sandal for more healing potions. Broooo 😭☠️💔
So yeah uh. SUPER awesome game I loved 90% of it (the combat on ps3 actually kills my hands bc of the constant L2 holding or tapping for radial menu and giving orders. SO PAINFUL please tell me they change this in the sequels it fucking HURTS). Fyi it actually was an interesting ending, I don't fault it and actually thematically it was cool to team up with Loghain for the last few hours, I'm just emotionally butthurt my whole imagined future with Allistaire went down the drain 😭💔 I love how many choices you get in this game tho and how they aren't always predictable. It's nice to not be able to 'game the system' for a 'perfect' ending as much as say, P5 or similar rpg/jrpgs lol. I like that you can fuck up REAL BAD with your companions lmao.
I have the other 2 games on ps3 waiting, fighting the urge to dive into 2 asap bc I want to digest Origins first but mmmm. I see why ppl went crazy for these. If I'd had these a decade ago I woulda replayed SO MANY times for real, this is what I wanted out of Skyrim story/companion-wise 🙏
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hak · 5 months
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OKAYYY. I’ve been playing final fantasy x and here are some preliminary thoughts after like a hard won 4ish hours in 🫠
It was a huge leap to start this game just because 1) I don’t play games like this period (rpg fighters) and have even less experience than any other type of game I ever played and 2) there’s truly nothing more intimidating to me than the final fantasy franchise.. like it only won out over me trying out kingdom hearts because I didn’t feel like doing the punch _ button for _ move type fighting in a game just yet lol. BUT WHATEVER! It has been my goal this year anyway to try games out of my comfort zone (80% of games out there lol) so here I am…
I think the world-building is very appealing!! look I have never in my life even tried looking up final fantasy lore or anything I think I just know Sephiroth and the big ducks maybe but regardless I loved the 5 seconds we got in Zanarkand just because a fantasy steampunk-esque world can be charming.. and exploring the 1000yrs later world and it’s differences is also very interesting. I think I spent half of my hours just talking to everybody I saw and looking at the world textures lol it’s nice and peaceful most of the time
I love the cast a lot.. playing as Tidus kind of surprised me because I think I’m not used to fully formed playable main characters like him (was thinking Link or a fire emblem protag rip) but I LOVE HIM!!!! HES SO GOOFY AND CHARMING and I am so endeared by the voiceover narration (ummm his future self??) and where the story is taking him. He and Yuna are so sweet and cute. I actually really love that not ever cutscene was there to move the plot??? Like the one first boat scene where Tidus stole some guys binoculars and was monkeying around on the ship. Or this one 🥺😭💗
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SO PRECIOUS!!! It’s how I know something horrible is going to come regarding them 🧎Well for now I’m just in for the ride. The other guardians are definitely a ragtag bunch but I really appreciated how they were fleshed out in this narrative. I like the big wolf beast guy and I will tell you every time I get a chance I try to get Tidus to go talk to him and every time I get ignored 🥲 ONE DAY!!!! And I love theeee goth woman supreme Lulu even her name is so cute. Love her little doll. She saves my ass every single fight I swear. Wakka is also charming in his own way lol he reminds me of a character I just don’t know who.. he and Lulu having their josei romance drama in the backdrop of this story also gets meeeee. Like!?? Look at them wtf…
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Ok ok now about the fighting itself: it’s not as bad as I thought. It’s still not something I really have come to look forward to though, and I really really despise the mechanic where you’re walking and get a randomized battle out of nowhere. The Pokémon grass effect whatever you call it…. IM SICK OF IT!!!! LET ME RUN AWAY!!! especially when I’ve had like 3 fights in a row and that stupid breaking glass effect comes and I have to fight again. Oh save me. im not built for this. HOWEVER. Besides that. It’s okay. Figuring out what moves I should be doing isn’t all that difficult even if I do kind of just guess most of the time. I’m lucky I’m using an emulator and saving as much as I can in case I need to reload during a battle. I’ll be okay lol I just want to complain sometimes just cuz. 😖
And finally…. The one thing I did not expect to encounter in this game and genuinely made me want to QUIT this game for good despite everything positive above: BLITZBALL. WHY DO YOU EXIST. WHY. I CANT STAND THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!
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This funny scene made me laugh when I first saw it because I literally thought blitzball games would play out like that first cutscene in Zanarkend - AS A CUTSCENE!!! TIDUS YOULL LOSE I HAVE NO SKILL YOULL LOSE TIDUS!!!!!!!
I will admit now I didn’t know wtf I was doing on that boat and totally failed at getting the Jecht shot but how??? Was I supposed to know????? I THOUGHT IT WOULD JUST LEAD TO A FUN MINIGAME how was I to know it was life or death (in blitzball)…. I did Google whether I needed it to win and results varied. But before I get judged I spent about 40 min trying to grasp the entire blitzball tutorial and things still didn’t wrap around until I began playing and EVEN THEN I wanted to cry and rage quit. Something I have never needed to do in all my life!!!!!! Then I thought fine whatever I’ll just let the game do it’s thing and maybe try to give the ball to Tidus as much as possible if that’s my only shot and lord almighty I couldn’t even get one point in. The ai would score so much and I swear I paid attention. Imagine me mid game pausing just to google 10+ year old forum answers on whether I can just do the bare minimum and still win. I don’t even think I needed to win??? But the other team was so mean to us …. LIKE I WANTED TO WIN….. but I’m not capable of it. I knew it when I first started the tutorial too versus the real game I truly am so disinterested in this kind of minigame (the least mini of mini games I’ve ever played ever) that I don’t care. Like I’m just so so frustrated that it’s 3am im writing this post just to vent about how I want to keep playing ffx but not at the cost of this stupid side game that shouldn’t even take me more than 15 min to play!!!!!
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I should’ve known from this part in the tutorial that this was bullshit fr. Look I know its not like all of the mechanics were rocket science, if I took 1 day to actually study the game I would BUT WHY WOULD I DO THAT. WHY WOULD I WASTE MY TIME AND DO THAT. I am just so put off at this point from this game simply because of blitzball. Sorry to Tidus and his quest for home and all but it will not come true because I cannot stand playing blitzball. 🤬
Where i am now: I paused at the end kinda when Wakka comes in at the end of the game. I couldn’t score a single point so it was just left at 2-0. I really don’t care anymore I will just lose the game because I’m sick of it. But damn I was really trying okay. Kinda. I hate being petty but we’ll see if I want to even pick it up as a whole game again when I wake tmrw after this experience lol
To be extremely honest I kinda began ffx as a total “wouldn’t it be funny if?” type game for me because I know what I like and dislike in games and this one bordered that for me so I was genuinely curious to see how far I’d last. But this blitzball game is so far into my dislikes that it actually bums me out because the storytelling is so in my lane. I don’t want to quit just yet but I will say now if blitzball gets any worse I’m out. That truly is my last straw lmao. Also it seems like a very long game otherwise and even that is a struggle for me to comprehend. Plus battles are even going to get worse and I can barely slide by during those… idk it is looking grim for the mariel partakes in final fantasy era 😭
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icedmetaltea · 9 months
Been playing Baldurs gate I see! I'm also obsessed with it currently
What's your party layout? Like which companions do you like to bring, have you changed their classes, etc. Also are you romancing anyone? 👀 wink wonk
(warning for rambling cause I am not normal about this game, I am not normal at all-)
Also warning for spoilers in general kinda
iosjeferijgvierjgv8erjvgoerhg0rehg0rejgre I'm like 30-something hours in and only just now found out I just completed act 1- I THOUGHT ACT 1 WAS OVER AFTER I COMPLETED THE GOBLIN CAMP 😭😭 Which isn't a bad thing cause that just means the game is way longer than I thought, more to enjoy.
I just changed my class from fighter to bard cause I was getting sad always leaving Karlach and Lae'zel out since I didn't need another guy doing heavy hits up front. That plus I was sick of never getting any advantage on persuasion checks. Not sure how I feel about it just yet since I haven't had much experience; I'll def miss my cool armor ; - ;
(fyi I didn't change their classes but adjusted their builds so they'd be more efficient, for instance Asterion basically can't lose at unlocking/disarming a thing cause he has so many advantages now)
Anyways I currently have Gale, Asterion and Shadowheart (was Karlach but brought in Shadowheart since I was curious too see if there'd be any unique dialogue in the Shar temple I'm currently in)
I keep switching out Gale and Wyll, I love them both and am tryna like get an equal amount of both BUT i don't rlly need more than one mage/socerer/whatever at a time ya feel.
The flaming gay va- I mean Asterion is almost entirely just there for unlocking things and disarming traps, man's an absolute twig in a fight 😭 I also like sending him up front to scout out the area in dungeons since I believe he has better perception. Also he was reminding me of someone for so long and I finally remembered what
Karlach is my tank currently, she deals a majority of the heavy damage and I just love her in general so I like to keep her whenever possible (can sub for Lae'zel but idk I don't like her that much?? At first I did but now she's just getting into fights with everyone willy nilly ya know??)
Shadowheart is strictly there for protection and healing. I HATE THIS BITCH SO MUCH!!! (sorry to all the shadowheart fans out there) Just to me she's so "oh the goddess likes me and not you, guess I'm better than the rest of you uwuwuwu" like bitch shut the fuck up please.
As for romancing, not sure?? I know you can technically be poly in this game so I'm tryna romance as many ppl as possible without locking myself into anything (I just had to brutally reject Wyll by just turning away my face from kiss bc apparently it's smash him or break his heart and no in-between, also I looked it up and he's monogamous so I rlly would lock myself into it and I don't want that, EVEN THO HE'S SO SWEET AND LOYAL AND WHOLESOME AND I WANNA H*G AND H*LD H*NDS WITH HIM, FUCK YOU GAME-)
I'll prolly play the game again in a couple months when there's a mod that lets you simultaneously romance everyone cause my RPG self is a SLUT and wants to form the ultimate polycule in any game I play. Everyone is too loveable not to.
Buuuut in the meantime yea I'm just tryna rizz everybody (aside from Wyll cause game is like ok no kiss?? No romance fuck you little dwarven WHORE) up.
If the dil- I mean Halsin is romanceable, I'm absolutely gonna h*ld h*nds with that man. That beast. That guy with GIANT HUGGABLE PECTORALS MMMMMMM. Also the fire queen goddess suprem- I mean Karlach is I thiiiink going pretty steady?? Haven't had any new dialogue options for a while but I think we're in a kinda flirty zone currently so that's good. God she's so wholesome and wonderful, I love her with my entire being and soul. If anything happens to her I will exterminate all life on this planet and then myself.
As for Lae'zel?? I think she was a very much smash or pass person cause when I turned her down at the party she hasn't had much more to say to me sadge (which is fine cause idk like I said she's just been grating on my nerves) Not sure about the others, it's kinda hard to tell, especially with Gale. Maybe cause I've been rizzing other ppl, and I've heard he's also monogamous, wehhhhh (which is valid but c'mon let a bitch dream of polycules and giant sleepovers with a hundred blankets and everyone forming the ultimate cuddle pile around the tiny dwarf who will never know a cold night again)
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kyonoc · 9 months
😭😭😭😭😭😭 My gracious did someone/my guardian angel stalked my tumblr and was concerned about my Kagepro day's suisai joke or something? Because today was anything but miserable for me
Early morning I got another Psychoglist's skin in (my friend's) idv (account that Im leeching)
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It was early guaranteed, like, super early, because I believe it barely reached 20-ish pull or something (hard pity is 60)
Even if it's not my acc it satisfied my gacha/gambling addiction lol, and it was fun to be shocked and have some bonding moment with her so, why not?
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Then later on the afternoon I got Emu 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I wanted her Closed Game/Offline card so bad (or in general just any of her 4*). Because despite liking her an awfully lot, I havent got her first 4* card yet. I was so disappointed learning that Closed Game event ended a week ago, since I took a break on Pjsk and wasn't aware. I only came back today to play Kagepro songs and being a menace to society (by terrorizing everyone in coop with Mekakucity actors). I did some crystals collecting, did 25 pulls for fun and bam, she came home 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 not Mafuyu dragging her home ft niigo
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🫶 I love them sm. Still is lowkey angsty that I got everyone's cards except for Mizuki's in "My footprints, your destination" event
Also trivia fact, I really liked Lower (song) but I kind of ruined it for myself, by myself.
Is also lowkey disappointed by how NE abandoned us again. U dead game Onmyoji, it's all catered for CN sever and Global is anything but extra income for you guys.
(I'd say that but I have spent so many money for this game that it's hurt to see I'm currently vip 5 now)
Trivia fact again, I have the tendencies to not spend money in gacha games (GI, HSR, Onmyoji RPG, Idv etc) since it really put a strain on my wallet yet easy to get addicted to D: If i allowed myself to do it once, there will subconsciously be the second time and then the third. This applies to everything else in life honestly. So I'd never
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Then this came in 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 the artist I commissioned sent the first sketch of my cms. Obv there are some subtle details that's not smooth yet (mainly Sumire's details are missing and Haitham's glove but meh, I barely want to draw his crazy GI details too so I can overlook that), but I'm 101% in love with this sketch aaaaaaa. They both are PERFECT 😭😭😭😭
Also fun story time about this cms. (Will come back later if I spedran summer paradise successfully)
(Ok I finished the entire event contents, saved for pretty much most of the chest & half of the world quest, im back for story time)
Tbh, I wasn't actively trying to find artists to commission atm, this was a very impulsive decision on my part. I was just scrolling through my newfeed and when I saw this my brain simply went "Haitham will looks good in this artstyle" 😭😭😭 I also didn't expect to grow so attached to Sumire like that either, but it is what it is.
This pose was one of a preset made by the OG artist available for grabbing (imagine YCH cms but your pose is exclusive), and it's already sold when I checked it out. But smh lucky me managed to come in just about right time to
Uhhh sleepy will continue dis layer
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