#i love kevin and non-kevins equally
dayurno · 6 months
i usually think it's bullshit when people say 'if you like x character it's because you're like them' but lately in case anyone was wondering i have been listening to videos on marxist history while single-mindedly making a self-sufficient high profit farm on stardew valley without having talked to a single romanceable character. hopefully this says nothing about me nor kevin day
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foxstens · 1 month
can't stop thinking about the au where riko kills kevin instead of breaking his hand
would riko have done it intentionally? would it make him finally start seeing the consequences of his actions? or would it do the opposite?
would he take his guilt anger and grief out on jean and the other ravens? or would he shut down? or would he keep going somehow because after all kevin was never his equal?
would he even survive tetsuji's wrath in the first place?
what about jean? would he somehow make it until graduation as he does in every other universe? or would grief consume his already bleak existence? maybe he'd allow himself one moment to be truly furious with his parents, with riko, with the situation before he ends things
what about thea? at that point i don't know how long it would've been since she graduated. but even if they didn't have a lot of time together, even if she already started building a life outside the nest, she would not be unaffected
what about neil? without kevin the chances of wymack wanting to recruit him would be very slim, and the chances of him accepting would be almost non-existent
but he's already barely holding on by a thread in millport so maybe kevin's death would be his breaking point. maybe he'd give up playing before wymack even saw his tape because he no longer feels alive on the court
what about andrew? he probably wouldn't really care but i think he would always remember kevin's words in that dingy locker room. he'd also probably never repair his relationship with aaron and without neil and kevin around to inspire him to keep going every day, he'd have a very boring life after graduation
what about wymack? he loved kayleigh and losing kevin too would be devastating precisely because he never got to truly know kevin. i can't decide what's worse, if he never finds out that kevin is his son or if he finds out too late (never mind how he would feel if he found out the truth about evermore)
what about the foxes? presumably janie would live and seth would get to graduate, but the current generation of foxes would never grow as close and they probably wouldn't win championships either
what about jeremy? we see he considers kevin a dear friend and if fan theories that he lost a sibling are correct, he would not get over it easily
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treedaddymcpuffpuff · 13 days
Hi.....🐥🐥🐥I'm not being weird or anything.
you’re not being weird!!!! I love you for indulging me!
Okay, so, hear me out. I feel like you appreciate the finer things in life, like luxury and cozy, sweet vibes. I’m gonna give you a non toxic version of Kevin Lomax, because I think he would worship the ground you walk on and also the feet that walk on that ground, too 😘. Also, I feel like he’d love to see your dichotomy; from all dolled up to lounging on the couch with messy hair and pj’s. Both would equally make his mouth water and he’d just have to playfully tackle you at some point and get a bite of you.
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vykio · 3 months
last line tag !
Thank you @codename-adler for the tag!
i think the name of the game is to share the last line I worked on, but I will share the before last line I worked on, since I'm still tweaking the last one HAHA—well, I just re-tweaked this one so it fits now... Anyway I'm working on kevaaron (1/3) right now. this one is untitled and it's for a little challenge with friends!
Aaron sees Kevin’s name light up across his phone screen and sighs heavily. He picks up. “Kevin.” 
He means to say this is a bad time and hang up, but he barely has the space to shape his mouth over another word before Kevin bowls over him without greeting. “Good, you made it,” he says. There’s only half a second of rustling, then a sharp, “What’s wrong?”
Aaron can’t help the scoff that escapes him. “How do you know something’s wrong already?”
“It’s in your voice,” Kevin says, matter-of-fact. “You said Kevin and not Hey, fuckface or something equally rude. Figured I’d ask.”
Aaron doesn’t think too hard about Kevin’s increasing ability to gauge Aaron’s mood without even needing to see his face. He would be impressed that Kevin can think about non-exy-related things long enough to take notice of other human beings, but he’s more annoyed that Kevin’s focus is sometimes on him—it’s usually inconvenient, and there’s certainly no use for it now. “What for?” Aaron asks, a touch mockingly. “You suck at comforting.”
“It’s not comfort I’m offering. It’s cold, hard facts in the face of whatever you’re stressing yourself out about.”
No pressure tag: @billdenbrough @naturecalls111 @wyverningx @rumoredtoexist & adding @onbeinganangel & everyone—i'd love to see what you're working on!
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dangermousie · 1 year
Watching Lee Jun Ki (the man is 41!!! How?!) tear it up in Arthdal made me think about Moon Lovers that came out in 2016 and brought me back to kdramas after a long long hiatus. I was fucking obsessed beyond anything.
Objectively it was wildly uneven (many supporting characters were acted/written - ehm, tho my biggest annoyance of a character had a hell of a payoff so maybe not.) A remake of 2011 cdrama Bu Bu Jing Xin, which was one of my favorite dramas, it took elegant restraint of the Chinese version and turned it into full blown shoujo opera. Very different and yet so very gloriously designed for my personal specs.
90% of the reason this drama became my obsession was Lee Jun Ki playing Wang So as the epitome of “I can fix him” trope - the man stole the whole damn drama. In the original, the Fourth Prince is an understated bureaucrat, elegant and quiet and restrained (except for a few shockingly effective scenes.) Lee Jun Ki’s Fourth Prince is all feral damage, thorns and violence and yearning. With his mask and his hair and his need for love, he’s the purest of shoujo heroes and how could I resist?
It’s a wildly different take in a wildly different tone and it works. I love both Nicky Wu’s Four and Lee Jun Ki’s equally.
They also changed the FL’s attributes - in the original, Ruoxi is sharp and smart and observant and a perfect lady at least outwardly (and Liu Shi Shi played her to perfection.) But that type of character would have been out of place in the story of Moon Lovers and would have never gone for LJK’s Four. So IU’s take is quite different but unfortunately it doesn’t work nearly as well as the changes in ML character.
There is also the fact that I adored Kevin Cheng’s Eighth Prince and shipped him with FL hard in first half of BBJX and one of the reasons the narrative is a tragedy is Eight’s arc. Kang Ha Neul is a stellar stellar actor but his Eight evoked nothing in me but a desire to brain him from the very start.
Ultimately, BBJX is a quiet, exquisitely contained masterpiece - a tragedy of two people who loved each other and who were compatible in so many ways but where it was still not enough, where the ending is as tragic as it’s inevitable. Four is the architect of his own (and Ruoxi’s) emotional doom and it could never be otherwise. And I wept non stop for the entirety of the last ep. You can love with all your heart a person who also loves you with all their heart and it can still not be enough.
Moon Lovers is not that deep. Sweet girl and damaged boy are not the same. But it’s still gloriously tragic even if in larger than life shoujo-glorious way and I will always love it for both bringing me back to kdramas and giving me basically the deepest desire of my drama id on screen.
PS it’s hard to find a good quality mv of BBJX due to it having come out in 2011 but this one is not bad at all:
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mostlikelythedevil · 1 year
Haunted. | [Chapter Five]
Pairing(s): Kevin Owens x Fem!Zayn!Reader, Solo Sikoa x Fem!Zayn!Reader
Warning(s): Explicit Language, Angst, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood
Word Count: 3,824
Chapter Summary: Emotions run rampant during the main event of Smackdown: Solo Sikoa vs. Kevin Owens with The Usos and Sami Zayn ringside.
Link(s): AO3, Masterlist
Note(s): When I tell you I have such long-term plans for this series, know that I mean it! This chapter finally concludes one episode of Smackdown! As always, please give feedback, and feel free to offer any ideas you might have. I hope y’all enjoy.
Tag(s): @crowleysqueenofhell @raeluvshammett
The commanding beat of Solo Sikoa’s theme song blares through the arena hosting Smackdown, throwing the crowd into a fit of sound — a beautiful chorus of love and hate. He emerges from the curtains, pausing only to take in the ring; behind him, after he begins his way down the ramp, his brothers follow him alongside Sami Zayn.
 A camera focuses in on the enthusiastic dance that Sami performs as someone on commentary mentions the situation with his sister. He does not seem to acknowledge the comment, choosing instead to holler words of encouragement to Solo; the smile on his lips is almost contagious, drawing in the fans near the ramp. People, despite the dangerous energy about Solo and his brothers, cheer as they pass.
 Solo approaches the steel steps at ringside, ripping the towel from his head. His brothers clink the Undisputed Tag-Team Championships, yelling out some kind of non-sense about being family to the members of the crowd; they vanish to ringside as Solo climbs into the ring, throwing his arms out with a war cry of sorts. Sami, still dancing along to the beat of the music, goes to the open area opposite of the Usos.
 The music cuts.
 In the middle of the ring, Solo stares at the ramp with evil intent. His body is as still as a statue, though the look in his eye screams wild fury; it’s no wonder that Roman chose such an intimidating family member as the Enforcer of The Bloodline —stepping up to Solo would be stepping up to a beating.
 For the second time tonight, guitars and drums echo through the arena. Cheers erupt from most of the crowd, though there is a bit more distaste than usual — likely due to the shenanigans earlier in the night. The cheering only grows louder, though, as Kevin Owens appears at the top of the ramp. He has rage in his puffy, red eyes. It’s been a long night for him, so this would serve as his therapy.
 Kevin makes his way down to the ring, not allowing his eyes to stray from Solo Sikoa.
 “Make him pay, Solo!” Sami Zayn beats on the outermost part of the ring as soon as Kevin enters the ring. His eyes do not leave his former friend — and, for the first time, Kevin breaks eye contact with Solo to stare down Sami.
 The bell rings — and Solo charges at Kevin, hoping to catch him off-guard with his attention on Sami. It doesn’t work, though, as Kevin side-steps and allows Solo to go flying into the corner turnbuckle; his head bounces off of the covered steel with a sickening sound.
 Head in his hands, Solo stumbles back into Kevin. Kevin delivers an aggressive punch, and another, and another, before dropping Solo to the mat with a devastating kick to the chest. On the outside of the ring, the twins watch on in aggravated silence, eyes boring holes into Kevin; Sami, however, is beating on the mat with all of his might. Someone has to deliver justice for his sister.
 As the match continues, both men trade blows — and it becomes somewhat of an equal match-up due to their similar builds. Solo throws a devastating headbutt at Kevin’s head; Kevin fires back with a forearm; Solo headbutts Kevin; Kevin forearms Solo; it’s a slug-fest in the middle of the ring. Neither man can seem to quite gain the upper hand.
 That’s when the music begins.
 The two men in the ring stop trading blows, throwing themselves away from one another in order to safely look to the ramp. Solo slinks to the back of the ring, eyes glancing between the entrance and Kevin as if this is some kind of trick; Kevin, on the other hand, stands against the ring ropes to the side, with Solo in his full view along with the entrance.
 Sami moves from the back of ringside with The Usos to the end of the ramp, his eyes trained anxiously on the area just in-front of the curtain to backstage. Moments pass like hours. Nothing happens. His wide, anxious eyes fall to the ground in defeat, and he turns back to return to The Usos.
 Kevin and Solo turn to one another, circling the ring. They lunge for one another, locking up in the center of the ring; it takes a moment, but Solo eventually gains the upper hand on Kevin and sends him sprawling to the mat with a brutal headbutt. He continues his assault, kicking at Kevin’s downed body as hard as he can.
 With blood staining from your nose down to your chin, with make-up in ruins on your cheeks, with a nasty yellow bruise growing around the base of your nose, you emerge from the backstage area. Fiery hair frames your face wildly, unkempt from your match earlier in the night; in truth, you look more like Sami now than you ever have before.
 It takes a moment of you standing there, watching the ring with a blank expression, before anyone seems to notice you. A fan points, starts screaming, and the others join in; soon the arena is filled with the noise of the crowd once more. Kevin and Solo ignorantly ignore it, likely believing the noise to be for them — they’re the ones in the ring, after all.
 “My God! Is that— is that Sami’s sister?!” Michael Cole sounds almost in disbelief at the sight of you. The comment, though, throws all attention outside of the ring to you; a spotlight finds you at the top of the ramp, revealing more of your disheveled appearance. “Is that a sledgehammer?!”
 The jaw of your brother drops at the sight of you; you have never looked more broken, and yet, you are the most beautiful you have ever been. You look like yourself — and you haven’t looked like yourself since before Kevin. Still, though, seeing you covered in your own blood, with what could only be a broken nose, it almost makes his throat tighten.
 “This— this is revenge, Michael. But on who?” Barrett replies, equally disturbed.
 You do not look at your brother; no, you are focused only on the ring. Neither man knows that you are watching them, stalking them, waiting for the right moment to strike; it sends a shiver of excitement up your spine. With that, you begin slowly making your way down the ramp, dragging the sledgehammer in your hand behind you. It scrapes against the metal of the ramp.
 Jimmy reaches through the ropes, tugging at Solo’s ankle with urgency. Having the upper hand, Solo almost shrugs his older brother off of him, only paying attention after glancing down and seeing the wide-eyed panic on his face. Jimmy silently points to the ramp. Finally, Solo looks over to the ramp, and his own eyes go a bit wide. His chest heaves as he looks at you; he’s not concerned, but he certainly is interested.
 Kevin, who lie on the mat, looks up to see Solo looking down at the ramp. He slides away from his opponent to the opposite corner, closer to where Sami stands, and pulls himself into a standing position with the assistance of the ropes. A bruise is starting to form around his right eye from Solo’s aggression, but it does not stop him from looking over to see your approach. His jaw drops at the sight of you, and his brows furrow. You’ve never looked so unhinged.
 A stained smile plays at your lips, even in all of the immense physical and emotional pain wracking your body with every step. You stop at the end of the ramp, eyeing the two men in the ring — and you make your way to the steel steps leading inside. The sledgehammer drags against the steel as you make your way into the ring, beating down on every step with the warning of your intentions.
 Both men step out of their corners, still away from one another, watching your movements. Kevin has transitioned from genuine concern for your well-being to absolute annoyance at your intrusion; Solo, as is his custom, remains stoic. You enter the ring, coming to a stop firmly between the two men.
 Your eyes come to rest on Kevin first, taking in the sight of his bruised eye at the hands of Solo. There was a time when you would have reached out to him; you would have told him to let you help him, that everyone needs help sometimes — but that time is gone, now. Seeing the yellow circling his eye, it almost makes pride swell in you.
 You turn to Solo, regarding him with less scrutiny. His face is red — either with exhaustion or anger, and several small cuts line his arms. It’s nothing that will be noticeable by morning, not on a figure as big as Solo. Hell, the cuts are so tiny they might not even be there in the morning anyways.
 “This is nothing personal, big guy. Keep your undefeated streak,” as the words leave your mouth, one of your palms finds the side of Solo’s face. His head snaps to the side as the sting settles in your hand.
 The bell rings, “and your winner, via disqualification, Solo Sikoa!”
 Not allowing Solo to show his anger, you turn back to Kevin and jam the sledgehammer towards his stomach. He catches the weapon before it can make contact with him, and his eyes land on yours in shock. You waste no time in dropping the sledgehammer, pulling your foot to meet Kevin’s chin in a brutal kick. He stumbles for a moment, genuinely stunned and likely a bit confused, before hitting the mat with a thud.
 Chest heaving, you laugh — a brief, short outburst that’s almost nothing but air. Tears fill your vision as you pick up the sledgehammer from the mat, making sure to cover the end of it with your palm as to not get fined or worse. You look down at Kevin, and he looks groggily up at you. His eyes scream at you, begging you to stop, begging you not to do this to him like your brother did — but he did this to himself, just like he did with your brother.
 You bring the sledgehammer down on Kevin’s body, eliciting a howl of pain from him. He wriggles around, trying to lessen the pain, desperately clutching his abdomen. A surge of heat dances through you, and you bring down the sledgehammer on Kevin’s poorly covered abdomen twice more. Tears flow freely from your eyes, wetting the crusted blood and clumped make-up on your cheeks.
 “How could you do this to me,” you cry, throwing the sledgehammer to the side. Kevin writhes under you, crunched up in pain. “I would have done anything for you. I chose— you.”
 Blood and tears and make-up smear onto your arm as you wipe your face, dropping yourself down onto Kevin’s abdomen. You’re straddling him, glaring down at his broken expression. A fist comes down onto his face, and another, and another, and another. Blood begins to trickle from his nose. You begin to sob as you come down with another fist.
 “You are nothing— a coward,” you stand from Kevin, snatching the sledgehammer off of the mat again. The noise of the crowd is unheard to your ears; the eyes of your brother, of The Bloodline, cannot be felt. It is only you and Kevin here. “A coward. I loved you. You want to throw me away?”
 The sledgehammer comes down again on Kevin, and again, and again, and again, aiming for nothing other than hitting him. You’re too gone to really take aim at anything specific; you’re too gone to realize the damage caused. He needs to pay for dropping you as if you were nothing. He needs to pay for everything he has done to your brother — to your relationship with your brother. He needs to pay for your missed championship match.
 As you come back for another blow to Kevin’s broken body, the sledgehammer is pulled from your hands. The throbbing of your heart enters your head as you flip around, a scowl on your lips. On the other side of the ring, Solo Sikoa drops your sledgehammer to the floor outside; his eyes stay on yours the whole time, showing no indication of intimidation.
 Mind somewhere else, you storm over to Solo, so close that the two of you are nearly touching. You can feel the heat radiating off of his body — and you’re not sure if it’s his or your own, nor do you care at the moment. Heaving is your chest as you glare up at him, silently challenging him; his demeanor is practically begging you to even attempt to move against him.
 “He had enough,” Solo states sternly, not backing down from your rage.
 You press your chest against Solo, pushing up against him to continue challenging his patience. “I decide when he’s fucking had enough,” you growl in return.
 “You pushin’ your luck with me tonight, Zayn.”
 “Is that right? Why don’t you do something about it then, big boy?”
 The ring shakes with the weight of the twins sliding in, standing behind Solo as to show you that you are far outnumbered. It doesn’t matter. You don’t back away. In fact, you don’t even acknowledge the twins; your eyes do not leave Solo. That is, until a hand finds your shoulder. You whip around, ready to strike down whoever dared to touch you — and your face softens when you see your brother.
 Sami’s lips are turned down into a frown, and his eyes hold nothing but concern in them. Something about the way that he holds himself, about the way that you can see his care for you in his eyes alone, causes a fresh round of tears to pour from your eyes. You collapse against your brother, wrapping your arms around him as if he is the last thing that you will ever hold.
 “Sami, I— what happened? What’s wrong with me?” You fall to your knees, and Sami comes with you. He doesn’t let you go. He knows that you need him, even with all of the accusations you threw at him; he has always been your rock, and he’s not going to take that away from you.
 A gentle hand pets your hair. “Nothing’s wrong with you — nothing at all, okay? It’s okay.”
 Hidden behind you, the twins share a look of concern with your brother; Sami shakes his head gently at them, a small smile on his lips. You could come around to them — you would, after all of that.
 “We gotta go, Uce,” Jey mutters, looking around at the increasingly irritable crowd.
 Sami nods. “Jey’s right. We need to get that nose checked.”
 Gingerly, you pull yourself from Sami’s embrace. He takes the opportunity to stand, extending his hand to you — and you know this has more than one meaning. You glance over at Kevin’s body, back to your brother, and then to the rest of The Bloodline.
 The truth of the situation is that Roman Reigns caused the entire mess — even if he happened to aid you in showing you Kevin’s true intentions, even if he happened to be right about everything. It could have all been avoided if Roman kept his nose where it belonged, and you could have lived happily in ignorance for the rest of your life. You could have won the contendership match. Things could still be normal. But would ignorance would have been worth looking like a fool?
 “I need time— to think,” the words fall from your lips as you roll out of the ring, not bothering to look back at your brother.
 As you make your way backstage, the only thing you can hear in the sea of disapproval is your brother calling out your name from the ring. He needs more than what you’ve given him, but there would be no more explanation or conversation — not tonight, probably not for awhile. Giving him your pain, letting him see you for how you really felt, was already far too much.
 Members of the backstage crew avoid you as if you are the plague walking among them, horrified by your sudden aggression; fellow wrestlers stare at you with varying emotions, though the better half of them appear shocked. Normally, you would find yourself caught up in all of the opinions, but right now you just want to have your nose looked at; it’s late, and you’d like to find yourself a nice, dark hotel room.
 Only one of the three doctors on-hand is available by the time that you make it down to the medical room — the other two have been sent out to check on Kevin. The doctor present, though not allowed to comment on ring politics, does seem to be a bit jumpy with you; she almost seems nervous that you might lash out if given the wrong news. It’s baffling that no-one understands that you’re not an aggressive person, especially given your history of being too nice to your opponents. Kevin just kept pushing and pushing and pushing — all in one night. It was bound to happen.
 “Your nose—  it’s a minor injury. All I can really do is offer to pack it, and if you choose to wrestle, you’ll need to wear protection,” the doctor, Haley, tells you with a shaking voice. You consider trying to calm her nerves with some conversation, but you cannot bring yourself to care enough to cause anymore discomfort to yourself tonight.
 You look at Haley, gently touching the area around your nose; it’s extremely tender, and the last thing that you want is to be in anymore pain — and with her shaking hands, you’re sure that her trying to pack your nose is only going to hurt. “Can I just have some gauze?”
 Haley nods, turning to find the extra gauze. It takes her a moment, signifying to you that she is new to her job, but she eventually finds and gives you a roll of gauze to pack your nose with. “I can find some protection for you, too, if you want?” She offers, watching with doe-eyes as you cross the room to the sink and mirror in the corner.
 “I’ll come Monday if I need it.” The response comes through gritted teeth as you work the dried blood from under your nose with handfuls of water. As the blood clears, you can see a minor tear on the inside of your septum — and that helps explain the amount of blood for such a minor break. It also appears that you have a small horizontal cut on the bridge of your nose.
 With the water and mirror available, you take the opportunity to clear the clumps of make-up from your ruined, swollen face. It takes more effort than you expect, and you accidentally brush against your broken nose more than once. Underneath all of the debris, you look like you feel — utter garbage. The area around your nose is swollen with yellow-purple hues, extending all the way to your puffy, red eyes; it wouldn’t surprise you if the bruising extended past your eyes over the weekend.
 Packing gauze into your nose is less painful than you expect, but it does still send some stinging up to your eyes; tears slide down your cheeks, almost painful in themselves with your eyes feeling raw from all of the crying earlier in the night. You’re sure to place a decent-sized bandage over the cut on your nose bridge as well.
 “Appreciate it, doc,” you say as you make your way to the door.  “Mind if I offer you some friendly advice?”
 Haley, taken aback, nods. “S—Sure.”
 “What I did tonight— that was nothing. If that bothered you, you’re better off finding a different job,” the tone of your voice is almost nice, “because there are people here a lot worse than me.”
 You leave the medical room before Haley can respond, walking to your locker room to collect your luggage. The only positive thing to come out of tonight’s drama is that you didn’t have time to really plunder through your things, which would make leaving much faster — and the faster that you can leave, the less likely it is for you to run into Kevin or Sami or The Bloodline.
 The only things that you really have to collect are bits of your make-up kit and the clothes that you wore to the arena. Normally, you would at least take the time to change before leaving, but staying here for any longer than you need is asking for more trouble that you simply do not have the mental capacity to handle.
 As you gather up your clothes, you can hear The Bloodline making their way to their locker room down the corridor. The conversation comes to a halt as they come upon your locker room, likely noticing the open door; it wouldn’t be so far-fetched to assume that they were talking about you, after all. Even with a solid, simple explanation, though, you still turn to eye the door.
 Jimmy and Jey pass by the door, merely glancing in; neither of them hold your steely gaze. Sami almost stops when he sees you staring out, double-taking, but he ultimately continues on after seeing the absolute anger in your eyes. Finally, there is Solo. He is much more challenging in his movements, even stopping to stare you down for a moment before continuing, clearly not over the little stare-down in the ring — or maybe he’s sore about the slap, even though you were saving him the embarrassment of losing via disqualification.
 You finish packing the last of your items and head for the door, poking your head out to make sure that no-one undesirable is around. After confirming that you are relatively safe, you make the long walk toward the fenced-in parking lot.
 In the parking lot, you catch a glimpse of The Bloodline awaiting their company-assigned limo. None of them seem to notice you as you walk to the other side of the parking lot, entering your rental car as quickly as you can; the last thing you want to do is be forced into a conversation, and you’re certain that Sami would do as much if he spotted you. A very small part of you almost yearns for the inside of the limo — you know it must be comfortable after such a long night.
 You pull out of the parking lot, finding yourself regretting booking a hotel room with the hotel that most of your peers would be sleeping at as well. It would probably be an agonizing weekend.
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thealmightyemprex · 1 year
Muppet Movies Ranked
I've recently marathoned all 8 theatrical Muppet movies ,and these are my rankings.Keep in mind I think all 8 are good movies,I just prefer some to others
8.The Muppets
I like the nostalgic look back stuff.....But the peoblem is I dont like Walter or the human characters .This film is the most meh to me
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7.Muppets From Space
ITs diffrent,being the only non musical in the series ,and I do like that the film focuses on my favorite Muppet Gonzo and doesnt showcase just the Muppet Show guys but the Muppets Tonght guys as well but the story isnt all there,I dont think Jeffrey Tambours villain has the right ending and it is painfully 90's
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6.Great Muppet Caper
Oooooh for putting this so low I might get some hate,but I shall explain .This is the most irreverant ,silly and funniest Mupppet movie,if you just want to laugh this is great .THis film is pure Henson wackyness,the film is not taking itself seriously at all.....And while I enjoy that.....I prefer a Muppet movie to have a bit more heart and story to go with the silly FOr me the characters,story and songs are a bit lacking .Again jokes are brillaint,performances are good (Charles Grodin looks like he is in LOVE with Miss Piggy and it is amazing) and it may have my favorite cameo in any Muppet movie .I do like the movie,I just like 5 others better
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5.Muppets Most Wanted
This film is VERY similar to Great Muppet Caper ,and while not funnier,I think its more solid .I adore the songs,especially the Big House ,I think the story is really good ,I love Sam and Ty Burrels chemistry ,the cameos are top notch ,Tina Fey as the Russian warden Nadya delivers one of the best human characters in all the Muppet movies and the film has possibly the best villain in all the Muppet movies in Constantine who is good mix of hilarious and threatening .Not all the effects worked and....I really wish someone else other then Ricky Gervais played the secondary villain Dominic Badguy.Overall though its an enjoyable film
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4.Muppets Take Manhatten
The one that surprised me .Of the orignal three its the one people dont talk about but ....I love it,its a bit more of a low key Muppet film ,ITs a much more character focused film. .The Dabney Coleman scene cracks me up,Saying Goodbye is tearjerking and the finale is spectacular
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3.Muppet Christmas Carol
A legit really good take on a Christmas Carol,possibly one of the best takes .The first film without Jim Henson ,and I think it showed the Muppets could survive .Less about the jokes and more about the heart and artistry while still having fun and humor . the Muppet performers are on top form,especially Gonzo and Rizzo as the narrators ,but the highlight of the film is honestly the phenomenal performance of Michael Caine as the coldhearted Scrooge ,giving off a legit good dramtic performance while talking to Puppets .Also the songs by Pqaul Williams are just top notch
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2.The Muppet Movie
The one that started it all,a heartwarming story about a bunch of weirdos coming together in pursuit of a dream,its sweet,its funny ,Paul Williams songs are great (Especially Im Going to Go Back There Some Day and Rainbow Connection),theres some fun cameos (Mel Brooks steals the show ) and Charles Durning gives an underrated performance as a psychotic fast food mogul
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1.Muppet Treasure Island
This....WAs one of the first movies I ever saw,and I have never stopped loving it .The muppet mayhem is funny(DEad Toms Dead always gets me ),its exciting ,the songs are all top notch ,and it has the best human cast with Kevin Bishop as the adventurous young Jim .Jennifer Saunders asa bombastic Inn owner,Billy Connolly as old drunkn pirate Billy Bones and the legend himself Tim Curry hamming it up as the villainous Long John Silver in perhaps his greatest performance ,cause he is equally great with the comedy as he is at delivering tender softer moments with Jim as a sort of surrogate father
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@amalthea9 @angelixgutz @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @ariel-seagull-wings @themousefromfantasyland @the-blue-fairie @princesssarisa @greektragedydaddy @filmcityworld1
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rewritethisstxry · 1 year
Hello and welcome to my mixed mosh little corner of tumblr. Here I write for a variety of fandoms and characters. Primarily will be featuring drabbles with the occasional longer piece. Headcanons will feature from time to time.
At the time I do NOT consent for my work to be translated or posted anywhere else.
Below you will find some more information on who and what I write.
MINORS DNI. Due to the nature of potential content, only 18 and older are allowed.
Characters || Rules || Masterlist || Slasher/horror writing blog : @slxsherwriter
What I will write:
Platonic relationships
Alpha/Omega dynamics
What I won’t write:
Rape, rape play, non con
Real person fic
Marvel: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Alexei Shostakov, Peter Parker, Victor Creed, Deacon Frost, Peter Quinn, Frank Castle, Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson, Bruce Banner, Brock Rumlow, Nathan Summers, Eddie Brock, Cletus Kasady, Otto Octavius
DC Universe: Bruce Wayne, Harvey Bullock, Jim Gordon, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Jonathan Crane, Clark Kent, Arthur Curry
Stranger Things: James Hopper, Steve Harrington, Jonathan Byers
Stargate Atlantis: Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Ronan Dex, Carson Beckett
Sons of Anarchy: Jackson “Jax” Teller, Harry “Opie” Winston, Filip “Chibs” Telford, Juan Carlos “Juice” Ortiz, Lincoln Potter, Galen O'Shay
The Walking Dead: Rick Grimes, Shane Walsh, Negan Smith
What We Do in the Shadows: Nandor the Relentless, Guillermo de la Cruz, Laszlo Cravensworth
Resident Evil: Karl Heisenberg, Albert Wesker, Chris Redfield
Ted Lasso: Ted Lasso, Coach Beard, Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent
Good Omens: Gabriel, Aziraphale, Crowley
Video Games: Connor RK800, CaptainJonathan Price, Simon Ghost Riley, Sniper
Movies: Finn Brody (Godzilla), Raleigh Becket (Pacific Rim), Terry Malone (Black and Blue), Abe Guevara (Point Blank), Bobby O’Neill (The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard), Guy Clifton (The Crash), Roy Pulver (Boss Level), Sloan (Into the Ashes) Braxton Wolff (The Accountant), Ethan Sawyer (Those Who Wish Me Dead), Bradley James (Grudge Match), Sam Rossi (Sweet Virginia), Mr. McCarthy (Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl), Grady Travis (Fury), Griff (Baby Driver), Adam Frawley (The Town), Buddy (Baby Driver), Clyde Brenek (The Posession), Patrick Sullivan (The Accidental Husband), Harvey Russell (Rampage), Jude Fisher (Peace, Love, and Misunderstanding), Luke Vaughn (Heist), Franklin Clay (The Losers), Max (The Resident), Nicomund the Red/Santa Claus (Violent Night), Doug Dennison (Sleepless), Frank Masters (The Equalizer), Hellboy (2019), Alex Baldr (Max Payne), Matt Graver (Sicario), Douglas Hunsiker (The Rise of the Planet of the Apes), Steve Emmett (Boa vs Python), Joe Braven (Braven), Lee Christmas (The Expendables), Deckard Shaw (Fast & Furious)
Musicals: Jack Kelly (Newsies), Dewey Finn (School of Rock), Hades (Hadestown)
Tv shows: Ike Evans (Magic City), Jason Crouse (The Good Wife), John Winchester (Supernatural), Mason Baldwin (Elementary), Colton Fisk (The Equalizer), Kevin Tidwell (Life), Declan Murphy (Law & Order: SVU), Eugene McGillicutty (Royal Pains), Chuck Martin (ER), Dickie Flood (Th Practice), Malcolm Bright (Prodigal Son)
Tolkien: Boromir, Faramir, Eomer
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far-from-fran · 2 months
Do Zuko for the ask game, lol
How I feel about this character
Zuko's kind of a tough one for me, because I have Strong Feelings about him, but I also don't? Like, he's my favorite character of all time, he's my number two comfort character, he's half of my OTP. ...But, I hardly ever think about him??????
Like, I'm rotating Janus Sanders around in my mind like he's in a microwave, but Zuko? He's just kind of There™.
When I do give him time to be thought about, I want to squeeze him until he pops, I want to shake him for being dumb and because I love him. I want to kiss all over his face (in a platonic way) and cook him big home cooked meals. He's dumb and awkward and makes every bad decision he could ever make. He's inspired me to keep going despite all the bullshit, he's made me feel like I can do anything (can't fuck up as bad as Zuko/Zuko got through worse), he's Just Like Me Fr™. But, also? He's just kind of... sitting around my mind palace like this:
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It's a weird dichotomy.🤷🏾‍♀️
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Katara, I'm warming up to Zukaang and Zukaangtara. Julie Yamamoto, Gwen Tennyson. I don't ship Zuko (or Karata) with many people, but all the other people I ship them with come from the Ben 10 series... Huh... weird. Probably because they were both my hyperfixations for the longest time.🤷🏾‍♀️
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Probably Sokka. I'm also really liking Aang and Zuko as best buddies.
Platonic Janus/Zuko. They are my favorite characters, I need them to hang out. Also, Zuko and Kevin definitely need to hang out too.
My unpopular opinion about this character
This one won't make me many friends...
I'm putting this under a cut.
Fellow Zutara shippers, look away.
🚨!!Last Chance!!🚨
Uh, ok, as much as I love Zutara, I hate when people make Zuko completely pussy-whipped to Katara. They are equal partners in battle, friendship, and pretty much everything, and yet, I see a lot of people ignore this. I love a man who Loves His Wife as much as the next guy, but it's annoying when his character is completely changed to make him Katara's #1 hype man and lapdog. It's annoying and makes me like Katara less, not more. It's actually a big reason why I don't read atla fanfic. (It's annoying with any Zuko ship, I've just seen it with Zutara the most, and I'm saying this AS a Zutara shipper.)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
We find out what happened to Zuko's mom, and we see him get that closure. I get that the end with Zuko asking Ozai about Ursa was just meant to be symbolic of him not being under Ozai's control anymore, but it still would've been great to:
Know what happened to her. (I don't count the comic "explaining" it. Too convoluted.)
Have Zuko have all the loose ends of him family tree tied up, so he could move on from the trauma and heal along with his nation. Yeah, he technically did that in canon, but I think it would've been more powerful if he knew what happened to her. Not necessarily see her again, she was probably dead, but still. Just knowing what happened.
Anyway, though...
That's my boy.😌
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Thanks for the ask!!!!!!!!😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
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redfurrycat · 2 years
❤️📺Ten (ish) TV-shows I love❤️📺
Tagged by the lovely @renai-chan to do the 'Ten Movies I love' Tag Game.
I already did that, so allow me to redirect you to this post listing my ten movies, and this other one (a much much much much longer version, if you feel up to it).
However, after reflecting about which 10 movies I like the best –what a dilemma it was– I also thought about which 10 TV-shows are my comfort rewatches. I came up easily (surprisingly so) with the selection, so let me share that with you instead! 😊 ❤️
Xena: Warrior Princess
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The most badass warrior I have ever seen on TV. What a sight is Lucy Lawless, I fell in love with those gorgeous blue eyes since the moment my child eyes saw them… This tv-show is everything to me. Xena & Gabrielle, the purest soulmates. There were also lots of amazing characters and actors (Karl Urban and Kevin Smith, among others). Produced in New Zealand too… Which is so awesome! <3 (Strong opening theme!)
Stargate SG1/Atlantis
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MY FUCKING SCI-FY babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t even tell you why I love these two TV-shows, because I got so overwhelmed about it! I. JUST. LOVE. THEM. SO. MUCH! (I actually watched several Stargate Atlantis episodes just before typing this list.) If you like the genre, GO.WATCH.THESE! (Amazing opening themes as well! <3)
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (the 20-min-episode tv-show)
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I’ve watched every rerun on TV since it has been broadcasted. It is tied to my childhood, so I’m rather attached to it! I prefer this version over the more recent one, which is a bit too dark compared to the comedic one. Salem is so funny! He’s I-C-O-N-I-C! :P
Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman/// House MD
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My absolute two favourite tv-shows involving doctors… though they are very different from one another. Western drama vs. medical drama. It’s really not your typical medical show however.
A female physician from a 19th-wealthy family moving in the wild west to establish a practice. She feels very deeply and has a strong moral compass. The themes mentioned are quite serious (which I like) as you have, for instance, a close-minded-white-men little village, a woman working a man job, Cheyenne tribes being mistreated so are the black people and any other non-White people. Of course, it is still a tv-show, so I don’t how historically-accurate it is. But so not as sappy as Grey’s Anatomy if you know what I mean. 😊
AND the Sherlock doctor. Hugh Laurie is magnificent in this out-of-the-ordinary, junkie, snarky genius of a doctor!  
Avatar: the Last Airbender
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White Collar
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The adventures of an FBI agent and his con artist/thief consultant. YUP. It is as cool as it sounds. All the characters are lovely as well!
Downton Abbey
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THIS IS MY FAVOURITE BRITISH PERIOD DRAMA EVER. It is about the aristocratic Crawley family and their servants’ life during the earliest 20th century. The cast is realllllllllllllly good! A lot of good characters, strong episodes (very emotional sometimes)! Dame Maggie Smith is killing it as the Dowager Countess of Grantham, the sass in this character’s lines and faces!!!!! XD (Again, the opening theme is SO GOOD!)
Once Upon a Time
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A very nice tv-show where fairytales characters are transported into the real world because of a curse. The cast is INSANE! :O Nice revisit of famously known fairytales!!!! I have a thing for the accents…Well, there are a lot of different accents to listen to!
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It’s probably one of the last (new-ish) TV-show I’ve watched from the beginning to the end. The British (again with the accent) Devil’s adventures with the Detective (yeah… it’s her official name! XD). Very good chemistry between Tom Ellis and Lauren German! And the other characters are equally as good!!!!!!!!!
Prison Break
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Season 1 was the best. Truly. The idea was so original when the tv-show came out! Wentworth Miller’s acting is pure *chef’s kiss*. (That’s why I love Captain Cold so much btw, especially because Dominic Purcell is also his Rogues buddy in The Flash). Also, I’ve never loved the crookiest of the crook characters so much than how I love T-Bag. He’s the worst, but OMG his lines and mimicking (Robert Knepper did a fine job!)
As I already did the tagging before, I won’t do it again, but I let this open. Anyone feeling like talking about their comfort TV-shows are more than welcomed to do this “other version” of the tag game! 😉
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chemzee · 1 year
Hullo! I'm curious about what do you think about all Main Character's ships? And also, maybe, some ships with other characters like Robyn x Kevin, or Cassandra x Daniel
Oh, thanks for asking! :D
I'll start off by saying I'm somewhat of a multishipper, as I enjoy and ship many ships at the same time, even those with same characters 👁👁
That being said-
I really enjoy mc ships. What I really love about hpma fandom is how creative it is with each MC's (and other ocs in general) personalities and how great they work in dynamic with canon characters (mostly Cassandra, Ivy and Daniel from what I've noticed). And tbh, I kinda envy them in a way, cuz my ass can't ship my mc with Dan despite me wanting to 😭😭😭 (I mean, I have Melly/Cass but it's not exactly mc/canon ship).
If we're talking about mc as a character within the game, I enjoy think their dynamic with characters like Cass, Dan, Ivy and Lottie. They are really adorable and if romance option happens I'm pretty sure it'll be ever cuter! 👁👁
Anyway, mc ships for the win!
I do enjoy most non-mc ships and if anything, I'm more of the active shipper for those :"D
I do have ships I don't particularly like. Not that I hate them, if anything I find some of them cute, they're just... Not my thing. For reasons.
Speaking of ships I do enjoy, Kevin/Robyn (or Revin) is one of them! They have one of the cutest and most entertaining dynamics in the game and I honestly wish for them to become canon as soon as possible 👁👁 Really hope they won't end up together by Y7 cuz we need to see as much of them as a couple as possible 😭
I also enjoy any sapphic Cassandra ship, such as Cassivy, Cass/Lottie and Cass/Robyn(but mostly as a joke). I also fancy Ivy/Lottie quite a lot.
The rest I'm either more on a neutral side (as in, high chances are I'll find them cute but I won't go feral mode when I see them) or I don't particularly like(just not my thing, again)
As for Daniel/Cassandra...
I'm sorry guys, I truly am, but a time has come for me to come out as a CassDan shipper. It's a guilty pleasure ship of mine and I'm embarrassed of the fact I love this ship as much as I do😭😭😭 Year 3? Y3 what??? I don't know it haha (I'm in denial)
Like I swear, I have no idea why I like it am but I hate the fact that I do 😭😭😭
Anyway, THAT BEING SAID, there's a catch: ❗I quite frankly don't ship them as they are like canonically❗(which why I PERFECTLY understand those who reasonably hate this ship) as in I have sort of my own silly interpretation of their dynamic as frienemies/rivals sort of(which is what sidequests actually suggest but main storyline really doesn't agree with that), but like on equal level? As in,there isn't a power dynamic, like between a bully and a victim, they are being shit to each other without one having more significant advantage over the other. But again, that's my own personal interpretation. And that's the one I'm gonna stick with, thanks 😃😃😃
So uhh in conclusion, I like most hpma ships lol
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alliechip · 1 year
ALLIECHIP MY DEAREST ICAN ADD SONGS ??????ok anyways MY QUESTIONS 1. what is allie’s favorite thing about chip and vice versa 2. how do they feel about PDA 3. what is allie’s favorite part about her job 👹Me btw
1. ITS SO DIFFICULT TO PIN DOWN JUST ONE THING but i think they equally love how the other compliments them perfectly…they’re like two peas in a loser pod. ITS KINDA FUNNY HOW FAST THEY SWITCHED THEIR OPINIONS OF EACH OTHER WHEN THEY STARTED TO FALL IN LOVE they had a rivalry going on prior to their dating as allie was part of the news journalism team trying to do an exposé on the whole Tomato scandal and chip was like Get off my back please. BUT along with a bunch of similarities in personality/motive (stay tuned for full lore Winks) they both found the other to be just what they needed to be whole…both just wanting to be loved and accepted, despite the confident and put-together fronts they put on (or attempt to at the very least) nobody ever made them feel as loved as the other had…they’re able to soothe the parts of them they hide deep down.
but more concretely, allie thinks chip’s spoiled, clueless approach to even the most simple tasks is (ironically) kind of charming, as she enjoys being able to show him the most basic of skills and have him think she’s some kind of god…it gives her an ego boost
chip on the other hand finds allie to be a genuinely remarkable person, and he really looks up to her…although he’d likely never admit it to her. moral code aside (for obvious reasons) he finds her work ethic and strong demeanor admirable…even after realizing the later is merely a façade. normally, chip would not look twice at someone’s hard work unless they were working directly beneath him, and even then he was not the kind of boss to give raises…but with allie it was different. he found her really respectable in all she does, even the acts not done for his sake (gasp!)
allie def gives off the vibes of someone who would not openly show affection with her partner, but with chip she’s the most touchy gal ever. chip happily returns these affections
CHIP DEF IS A PDA GUY in bcg hes sooo touchy in non-intimate settings like he’s constantly putting his arm around or touching the arm of those he interacts with so with allie he’s allll about that
they’re like so annoying when they’re with each other. chip would also not be shy about calling allie pet names which she returns in rare occasions only because she knows it turns chip beet red
BUT YES idk if they’d be the type to hold hands while walking for example. but they’re touchy in other ways…little gestures. brushing hands while talking, resting a hand on the other’s arm or shoulder, constantly in each other’s arms…i hope i’m getting the vibe across
3. FOR THOSE UNAWARE ALLIE IS A JOURNALIST FOR CHANNEL 11 and in all honesty it was not her first career choice. but she does enjoy her job, being a fan of writing and ESPECIALLY as someone who is nosy she heavily enjoys being able to document the hot big city tea. she sort of envies maria media, wishing she was able to actually speak her mind about what she’s written, not just hand it off to maria to read herself…especially when she changes things to fit her own idea of what’s “news worthy,” it makes allie’s blood boil
that’s mostly bad things but. SHE DOES ENJOY HER JOB
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holy-asd-batman · 2 years
Live reactions to Superman/Batman Public Enemies
Ooooh Kara!!!!
Clark is fucking ugly
Why did the anime girl run
I do like her voice not her design
They did her dirty
At least all of them ugly, equality ig
Kevin Conroy, the man the myth the legend <3
God they're married
And Clark and Lex are so divorced vibes
Lex going through the motions of Bombs, their yours my friend
How are Metallos pants still on??
Also Bruce shows up and gets his shit wrecked in 0.5 seconds
Sure blow up the entire graveyard
"Do us a favour and lose the sense of humour." "Do us a favour and buy one"
The pic of Bruce just lying like the family guy meme
The casual banter while both of them are seriously in danger of succumbing from their wounds -> married
I'm enjoying Luthor so far. He's just lying and spreading blatant misinformation and he's loving it
Kara's design is so ugly, her boobs are too big and her eyes are too far apart. She looks like a porn version of a Disney Princess
Banshee she looks cool
How Solomon Grundy holds Batman is how I treat him in my mind
Deadshot is spinning guns nice
Wait wasn't Bruce inside that Tornado
Lex Luthor and Ru-Paul have the same speech patterns
Bro the argument "He's the president" sounds so stupid to a non-american
Like imagine going this hard for fucking Mark Rutte or worse Willem-Alexander
Batman spitting facts "I don't see any patriotism here"
Did Powergirl just kill someone and cause the death of another
Yep RIP Captain Atom and Major ‘I forgot your name’
Wait isn't this the meteorite that supposedly annihilated Blüdhaven
And kicked off No Man's Land
If a meteorite that size was involved wouldn't this be a UN problem and not necessarily a American Issue
Billy come on, I trusted you
I love the thoonk sound that happens when Billy hits Clark
"Just taking my supplements"
Luthor is insane I'm loving this
Wait is Bruce just standing there half-naked
Luthor is so unhinged
Besties flying away
Oh the general is going to die
I may be making a separate post with screenshots of Luthor he is absolutely bat-shit insane
Ohhh I do not like Toyman’s accent
Every line Luthor says is just Gold
Bruce this is the tenth time you got swung against a wall with your grappling line
this is so homoerotic
Oh Clark is mad mad
Comics have been described as Modern Mythology
These two are Patroclus and Achilles the way they keep sacrificing themselves for the other
Clark is mentally dragging Luthors corpse behind his carriage
Yeah Bruce wouldn't have survived that
The crowd cheering for the explosion of the Meteor while Clark looking devastated cause he knows Bruce died... Hold on...
Luthor still being a bitch
Oh Captain Atom is alive
Titties out Luthor, I salute you
He's Alive!!
Ahwwww Clarks smiling again
That hand-holding was not platonic
"God bless America, God bless Me!!!" You got this Luthor I BELIEVE IN YOU
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wolviecore · 2 years
Archie and Chad should've been our gay villain couple rep
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polikszena · 2 years
(More or less coherent) Thoughts on Downton Abbey: A New Era
This is going to be a very long post, so be prepared.
To start with the non-spoilery bits: I loved it, it was great to see these characters again. The scenery is breathtaking, the castle is still beautiful, the costumes are stunning, the cast is wonderful. I definitely recommend to watch it!
And now to the spoilery stuff:
It was a great idea to start with Branson’s wedding, because it gives an oportunity to do a roll call as both the family and the servants would be there, and it was so nice too see everyone again.
I also loved that we could see some recurring characters in this film as well (unlike in the first one), it was great to see Mr Mason, Dr Clarkson, and Mr Murray!
It was a nice and smart move of Violet to leave the villa to Sybbie as otherwise she wouldn’t inherit anything.
I had to admit, I started laughing when they first mentioned the Marquis of Montmirail, because do you know who else is a Montmirail?
This guy:
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Well, he was the Count of Montmirail, not the Marquis, but still, the thought of him being related to the Crawleys and thus having the possibility to wreak havoc in Downton with his servant is equally amusing and terrifying.
(For those who are not familiar with him, this is Godefroy de Montmirail (played by Jean Reno) of the 1993′s film Les Visiteurs (The Visitors), a French comedy about a medieval knight and his servant (played by Christian Clavier) being transferred to the modern-day France. I saw this film about a hundred times when I was a child.)
The film within a film storyline was my favourite, it was very well done, and gave us an opportunity to see what is it like when a film crew invades a stately home (which actually happened to Highclere Castle). Also, letting the servants be the extras in the final scene and thus giving the downstairs actors to wear really fancy costumes was brilliant. Not only plotwise,  but because in several interviews (especially in the early seasons) I heard the downstairs actresses talking about the so-called ‘costume envy’, and now they had the chance to dress up, too. Plus, I really loved when Mr Carson came out in his costume, saying how outrageous this was and Mr Hughes told him that his outfit wasn’t really different from his regular clothes, because this also had been mentioned several times that Jim Carter’s costumes had gone through the least changes over the years. I know these things are not everyone’s cup of tea, but I really enjoyed these kind of inside jokes and self-reflection (and I’m pretty sure there are many more in the film we don’t even know about).
The now infamous hat shop scene was like that, too, when the shopkeeper thought Maud was Carson’s wife. I think it was very funny.
Back to the film within the film, I was so happy that Mr Molesley also got his opportunity to shine, and he did shine brightly. Him becoming a scriptwriter was so well-deserved, and Kevin Doyle was great in the role. I really loved the scene when he described the ending he imagined for The Gambler, and Mary was standing there with Mr Barber, touched by his ideas.
I also loved Daisy’s scene with Myrna Dalgleish, I really enjoyed watching her turning into Mrs Patmore giving the actress a pep talk. This was also very nice because at the beginning of the film Mrs Patmore says something about trying to make Daisy happy. And all the scheming to get Mrs Patmore together with Mr Mason... it was nice to see them finally getting together.
I have read mixed reactions about Thomas’ storyline and I have to admit, I liked that he decided to go with Guy Dexter, even though their relationship didn’t start as easily as it did with Richard Ellis. Although I have to add that Thomas and Richard were basically equals, they both worked in service, but Guy was different as Thomas had to serve him and him being that friendly (I’m not sure that’s the right word) was definitely not something Thomas was used to. Now that he was a butler, he basically achieved everything he could in his profession, and as Guy’s dresser, he would have the opportunity to travel as well, and a chance to be loved properly, to quote Elton John in Rocketman. Plus, he was heartbroken over Richard which I think made his decision easier to make. I hope they will be fine together and become the gay power couple of 1928.
Also, shoutout to Mrs Hughes and Mary for being so supportive regarding Thomas’ sexuality. And to the Hungarian translator of the film who translated Guy Dexter’s original name (Quentin Sidebottom or something like that, I can’t remember) as Tom Porka which sounds like a slavic name, but read together is “Tomporka” which sort of means “little butt” (tompor is a word for butt and -ka is a diminutive suffix in Hungarian).
What I really liked about the French villa storyline was that it put the Crawleys onto the other side of the hereditary coin. The series started with the Crawleys having an outsider heir, a complete stranger to take away what should be theirs, and now they are the outsider heirs who come to take away the villa from Madame Montmirail and her son. I think that’s a pretty clever parallel.
On Robert’s illegitimacy plotline: now that George was born, the Crawleys’ hereditary issues are now resolved, so the possibility of Robert being the Marquis’ son was more of an internal conflict, and I know those things aren’t so interesting visually, perhaps it’d have been more interesting to see more of this, but well, this is a 2-hour film and not a TV series. Still, it was a little weightless, although I have to admit I did wonder whether he was illegitimate or not. (However, I was more afraid that Violet would die before she could tell the truth and we would have never known what had happened)
Cora’s health problems also seemed pretty weightless to me as well, it would have worked a lot better if this were a tv show and not a film. I think it was there so the people might start suspect that it might be her who would die, and when I first heard that Cora would have some health issues, I asked myself “what if Fellowes does something unexpected and instead of Violet he kills off someone else?” (Not that I’d wanted Violet to be killed off, but she was the most likely to go) On the other hand, I liked Robert’s emotional outburst and when Cora decided to help Myrna with her accent.
I also thought Edith’s investigation would be a bit more prominent (I know, this is a 2-hour film), but I’m glad she’s writing again.
As for the Bransons, I wish we could have seen more of the development of their relationship, because after the wedding, they basically were the happy couple and that was it. Also, the baby Branson is a boy or a girl? I can’t remember.
I think it was a wise move of sending Carson away from Downton during the filming and there is something very endearing in the way Mrs Hughes calls him Charlie.
Mary was great during this film, I loved her storyline, the way she handled the whole filming process, and that it was her who initiated the transition to a talking film. I also loved her dynamics with Mr Barber (and Mr Barber in general, he was a great addition to the characters), I ship them since I’ve found out about the voice acting storyline, and while they didn’t get together in the end, I really enjoyed their scenes, to watch their relationship develop, and to see that the attraction was mutual between them, and not just another suitor being head over heels in love with Mary but without any results. Putting him in parallel with Matthew was a smart move and Mary rejecting him in the end kind of mirrored Violet’s storyline with the Marquis.
Violet’s death scene was done very well. It was very sad, but it was very nice that the whole family was there, and Edith and Mary were holding each other, it was such a great scene.
Although I think Mary might still be too young to be Violet 2.0. But I loved the Mary-Carson scene, it was great!
And I don’t think Andy would be suitable for the role of the butler. To begin with, he wants to be a farmer, so I hope he says no to the offer and they hire a 40-something bloke who would get on Mr Carson’s nerves.
I’m so happy for Mr Molesley and Baxter! It’s a well-deserved ending for them! And I really liked the scene between her, Bates and Mr Carson.
The costumes were stunning again, my favourite pieces were Lucy’s blue coat at the beginning, Edith’s Riviera outfit (the one with the orange robe), and Mary’s pyjama set with the dark red robe, that was absolutely gorgeous. Also, I don’t know if it was on purpose, but Mrs Patmore’s costume in The Gambler has a similar colour of the dress Barbra Streisand wore in the restaurant scenes of Hello, Dolly! And this is the scene where she is trying to settle the things with Mr Mason. Anyway, it was a nice touch.
Also, there were a few things I didn’t like. First of all, there are too many things happening in the film and you just can’t feel the weight of them (Cora’s health, for instance), and there were a few of these plotlines that would have needed more screentime to really hit. Well, I think if it wasn’t a two-hour film, but a new season or a half-season, they would have had enough time to elaborate on these.
Second, Mr Bates. I know that I was just mentioning that there were too many things happening in the film, but poor Mr Bates doesn’t really have anything to do here. I love him, I loved his scene with Baxter and Mr Carson, but besides that he couldn’t do much which is a pity because Brendan Coyle is so good at this role. I would have loved to see a scene where he and Robert discuss this whole illegitimacy thingy, or having a chat with Guy Dexter.
Overall, I loved the film, it was great, and thank you for reading this really long rambling!
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t3kandson · 3 years
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Word count; 4,126
Fandom; The Boyz & Seventeen
Pairing; Reader x Lee Jaehyun (Hyunjae) & Reader x Xu Minghao (The8)
Characters; All of The Boyz (inc Hwall) & All of Seventeen.
Rating; Explicit
Warnings; alcohol, threesome, chocking, degrading, Dom Hyunjae, Dom Minghao, arguing, double penetration (non anal), fingering, oral and unprotected sex (Y/N on Pill but still wrap up guys)
You anxiously set the alcohol bottles in the middle of your kitchen counter when the buzzer went. You had just moved in to your new apartment and some of your childhood friends had encouraged you to arrange a house warming party. That friend in particular being Kim Sunwoo. He appeared through the door, his eyes looking bright at meeting you. “Wow you really looking fit tonight,” he said with a wink. “Are you saying I’m not looking beautiful any other night,” you replied pushing his shoulder to his wide teethed grin. “Hey you said that, not me,” he teased as he stocked more alcohol from his bag.
It was then the door went, you tensed slightly knowing full well that it was one of your work friends who your college and childhood friends disliked. You opened the door to them, both of them grinning, Vernon more reserved as his smile met yours, while Mingyu slightly drunk already smiling mischievously. “Wow Y/N, you dress up really well,” he said, attempting to look seductively. Before you could repeat the same conversation you had with Sunwoo earlier, Vernon softly said, “well personally I think your just as equally breathtaking with out looking dolled up.” He blushed as Mingyu’s mouth opened in surprise at his friends comment. “Whoa someone needs cock warming tonight clearly,” he scoffed walking past you to face Sunwoo. Sunwoo tensed at his approach, with a hint of frustration on his face. “Don’t be a dick Mingyu,” Vernon spat out and smiled at Sunwoo who surprisingly smiled back. “So is it just us then,” Mingyu asked looking around the almost empty room. “No we got a few of our friends coming tonight,” Sunwoo said wrapping his arms around your shoulder pulling you into him, Mingyu raised an eyebrow at how possessive Sunwoo was.
Before you could react the door went, you hastily dashed to the door. Eric charged at you once the door opened wrapping his arms around you, jumping up and down excitedly. “How much sugar did you let him have,” you said looking at Kevin and Jacob standing behind. “Hey I’ve had a day from hell and this is what we need today, let’s get smashed,” he said walking towards The Trio in the kitchen, tapping Mingyu on the shoulders friendly, before joining Sunwoo. Kevin gave a sympathetic smile, “we didn’t get you much, but we thought this was perfect,” Jacob said, passing you a Vase with a bow round it, as they stepped inside. “Oh damn we didn’t get you anything,” Vernon said standing by the door looking a little sad. “Well I supplied some alcohol,” Sunwoo shouted out, smirking at Mingyu. “Well I brought myself, I’m a gift enough,” Mingyu said winking at you. Sunwoo wrinkled his nose in disgust and turned to Eric who was fiddling with the radio. “You didn’t need to bring anything guys, I didn’t have a party to get presents, but thank you Jacob and Kevin I love it,”you said. “Hey I paid some money towards it too,” Eric shot out. “Thank you too Eric,” you chuckled. “Well if it wasn’t for my idea their wouldn’t be a party,” Sunwoo said showing off. You chuckled at your insecure friend and joined his side elbowing him gently before you all jumped when Eric managed to sort the music out, but at the loudest setting. “For fuck sake Eric,” Sunwoo shot out as Eric looked sheepish as he made his way towards you all.
You barely heard the door above the music and opened it to find Jihoon, Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Soonyoung and Chan standing their looking lively. They each gave you a squeeze and walked through greeting their friends, the room becoming more louder with the mixed gathering. Eric was bouncing between your two group of friends earning shots of disgust from Sunwoo. Before long Haknyeon, Hwall, Changmin, Chanhee, Sangyeon, Juyeon and Younghoon arrived. Younghoon passed you some flowers which earnt a kiss on his cheek to Chanhee’s whistles. “You didn’t need to,” you said blushing. “Every beautiful girl needs beautiful flowers,” Younghoon said equally blushing. “Where’s the sick bucket,” Changmin chuckled walking past you. “Shut up Changmin, just because you failed to bring anything,” he shot out. “It’s ok I really don’t need anything,” you shouted out towards him. He twisted to look back at you walking backwards. “Hey I brought something better,” he said winking, showing a bag with more bottles of alcohol. You looked back at Younghoon, “I love these, though their go well with Kevin’s, Jacob’s and Eric’s vase,” you said, smelling the lilies. “Here let me do it,” Younghoon said taking the flowers and walking towards the kitchen side to place them in the vase. Before you could move the door went again, you rolled your eyes as you opened it making a mental note not to shut it next time so your guests can enter on their own.
Joshua, Jun, Wonwoo, Seokmin & Minghao was all standing their with a few of your female colleagues. Minghao was holding a large parcel all complete with bows, he handed it to you with a smile. “What’s this Minghao?,” you asked blushing, “It’s a house warming gift,” he explained. “From us all at work,” Jun said wrapping his arm around Minghao. “When he means us lot he means me unless you include their odd pennies they contributed,” he said, shooting a glare at Jun. He shrugged his shoulders removing his arm and walked to join the others chuckling. “I seem to be saying it a lot tonight, but I didn’t have a party for gifts, but thank you,” you said. “Hey it’s for us too, for you know when you invite us back after work,” he said with dusty pink cheeks. You raised an eyebrow before opening the parcel to find a coffee machine. “Omg, wow Minghao you shouldn’t of,” you squealed in excitement before kissing his cheeks, causing a darker shade of red. You took his hand as you walked to the counter, Sunwoo staring at your closeness looking miffed. Minghao took it out the box as Jun, Vernon and Mingyu joined you followed by Eric. You was lost in the beauty of your attractive work colleague as he set up your new machine.
When you found some warm arms wrap around your stomach as their chin leant on your shoulder. You smelt the familiar shampoo scent you grew up to love. You smiled into his warm embrace resulting in Minghao’s eyes to widen and Mingyu to glare at him. “I didn’t bring you a gift, because I brought myself,” he said nuzzling into your neck. Your work Friends fell silent as Sunwoo joined you. “Oh you finally made it then so much for you getting here early,” he said swatting his arm, making Hyunjae remove himself from you. “Well I had to finish a bunch of stuff but I’m here now, I’m not that late,” he spluttered in defence. You noticed your work colleague silence and realised that it looked like Hyunjae was your boyfriend. “This is my child hood friend Hyunjae,” you said looking at Minghao who smiled back at you. “Hyunjae these are my work friends,” you said looking at him. He was looking at them each his eyes squinted, Eric felt the energy between them and offered to get Hyunjae a drink. Hyunjae was particular what he drank so it was the trick to take him and his icy stares to the other side of the room. Sunwoo however, remained there in his place, his glares equally causing awkwardness. “This is Sunwoo,” you went to introduce, “I’m also a child hood friend, and ex boyfriend,” he said causing you to look shocked at his announcement. Yes you dated when you was in secondary school, but it was brief and nothing more then a small teenage romance. You guys soon split up when Sunwoo dated someone else, breaking your heart, But your parents was friends so you soon got over the heartbreak and remained friends. Jun laughed causing Sunwoo to glare at him. You looked over catching Sangyeon’s eye shot almost pleading with him to come save you from one of Sunwoo’s temper tantrums. “What the fuck you laughing about,” Sunwoo growled confirming your fear. “Ex you just said it,” Jun replied, the atsmophere turning an icy coldness between you all. Before Sunwoo could retaliate with his fists balled, Sangyeon put his hand over his shoulder. “Hey Sunwoo theirs something in the car can you give me a hand bringing it up,” he asked nodding at you.
The remaining evening was spent drinking and occasionally dancing. However, you made sure to dance near Eric, who seemed happy not to use the dancing to point score between your two set of friends. It wasn’t long before Minghao joined you, a slow song started and he pulled you in, his warm arms around you, pulling you both close. “Your friends really don’t like us do they,” he said looking saddened. “Especially those two,” he said, without looking you knew he meant Sunwoo and Hyunjae. “Their just over protective that’s all, I’m sure once they get to know you their change their tune,” you explained. He smiled as he twirled you and then pulled you back close to him, his gaze deeply fixed on you as you felt your heart race. You had fancied Minghao since meeting him the first time standing at the coffee machine at work. He was extremely attractive and often their cheering you up when work got too hard. You giggled as you danced, before a more sexier song started playing. As Minghao hands dropped briefly another pair of hands grabbed your wrist spinning you towards them. You was met with the chocolate brown eyes of Hyunjae, his smirk deeply taking you in. “What do you think your doing,” you said gently pushing his shoulder. “Hey, if pretty boy gets to dance with you so do I,” he whispered into your ear causing you to shiver. “Fine but on the deal your nice to my friends,” you said letting him drape his hands behind your shoulders. “Hey I’m nice to Sunwoo all the time,” he teased earning a raised eyebrow. “Fine, I’ll ease up on lover boy and his friends,” he said, pulling your hip into his, “Minghao is not my lover boy,” you protested. “Well you know he wishes you was,” he said connecting his pelvis bone with yours causing a gasp. “And you know that how?” you asked raising an eyebrow. “Have you seen yourself,” he said eyeing you up causing your core to melt into his eye. “I think half the people in here want to be your lover tonight,” he said placing his fingers to your lips rather seductively. You scoffed at his suggestion, “I highly doubt it, you know this is all make up and clothes,” you said blushing into his neck. “Your beautiful even without the make up Y/N,” he whispered in to your ear. “I’d fuck you in a heart beat,” he added nibbling your lobe, you pressed your thighs together but he placed his knee between them slowly releasing them hitting your heat, watching you as you closed your eyes as you held on to his waist to hold in your moan. He mischievously smiled and released you, leaving you standing their turned on and confused.
You chuckled as Sangyeon carried a drunken Sunwoo out the apartment, Kevin mirroring but with Eric. Mingyu was barely standing but had ignored the helping hands of Vernon as he stumbled out your apartment as the last few of your friends left. You turned to find Hyunjae and Minghao cleaning up behind, “You guys don’t need to do that you know,” you said. They ignored you as they cleaned up on the opposite side of the room. “I can do this go home get some sleep,” you protested. Minghao lifted his head to smile at you, “Y/N I’m fine I got this,” he said. “Yeah I bet you have,” Hyunjae sneered, your icy glaze shooting to him. He cleared his throat, “you seem the kind to be a night owl I meant,” he added placing a fake smile. Minghao noticed and just smiled at him as he continued throwing beer cans into the black bag.
It was then that you slipped up on the kitchen floor on someone spilled drink, hitting your head on the landing. Hyunjae and Minghao rushed to you, “You ok Y/N?” Minghao said concerned. “Come here let’s check you over,” Hyunjae said picking you up into his arms pulling you into his chest. “No, I’m fine, put me down,” you protested, he ignored you and walked you to the sofa placing you gently down. He checked your head for any injuries and pulled the back of your dress to check your back. “Hyunjae,” you scoffed. “Oh be quiet I’m just checking you over, not checking you out,” Hyunjae spluttered hovering his eyes over your body for any sign of injury’s. This time it was Minghao’s turn to laugh. “Yeah sure,” he scoffed. “What’s that suppose to mean,” Hyunjae snarled. “You pretty much have spent all night touching her up at every opportunity,” Minghao said rolling his eye. “What, are you jealous are you?” Hyunjae said standing up to face him. “Come on guys,” you protested. “What of you? don’t make me laugh,” Minghao sneered. “Please guys stop this,” you pleaded. “Your just gutted she never touched you the way she touches me,” he spat out. “I don’t want to touch her the way you do, have you seen yourself you act like your her boyfriend….. of which from the sound of it your not,” Minghao said, his face beginning to go red. “Guys guys please,” you cried. Their heads snapping to you looking apologetic, Minghao slid beside you resting his hand on your shoulder. “I’m sorry Y/N,” he whispered, “yes me too,” Hyunjae said sheepish. “Your both important to me please don’t argue,” you said bridging your nose. “Does your head hurt?” Minghao asked concerned. “Now that you two Aren’t arguing it’s not,” you said. Hyunjae rested his hand on your knee. “I’m really sorry Y/N,” he repeated.
You stood up to continue tidying, However, your dress fell to your ankles showing you in just your underwear. You blushed as you went to grab it pulling it up, shooting your eyes to Hyunjae who didn’t seem surprised. “Sorry,” you whispered your face feeling hot. “Don’t ever apologise for that,” Minghao said his eyes blown filled with lust. Hyunjae noticed his enemy’s face and smirked at you. “Your friends right you got an amazing body you should show it more often,” he said. He got up to stand next to you taking the straps in his hand to attempt to tie it. However, instead he released it, your dress falling, showing your underwear once more. He stood on the material and looked at Minghao, his bulge clearly showing. “Hyunjae,” you protested. “What,” he smirked at you. “Just because your a perv doesn’t mean he is, cut it out,” you said bending over collecting the material back up. However, this time Minghao stepped his foot down and leant towards your face cupping it, kissing you slowly. You stood up being taken back by surprise how these two enemy’s seemed to unite themselves. “Told you he’s just as Pervy as me,” Hyunjae added. You looked between the two noticing Minghao’s usual shyness disappearing and filled with lust. He stood up and returned his lips to yours, pulling you in to kiss you deeply, his tongue finding it’s way into your mouth. He pulled your body in to him feeling his bulge hit your core. Hyunjae released the clasps of your bra and wrapped his hands round your now free breasts. He leant his lips towards your neck and kissed it softly, as you melted in their touch as Minghao ripped your pants. “See theirs your pervert,” Hyunjae said into your neck chuckling. Minghao licked his lips before spluttering, “Takes one to know one.” “I don’t make out I’m a gentleman,” Hyunjae said biting in to your neck, Causing you to yelp, before moaning as he kissed it better. “I never said or implied I was,” Minghao said before clamping his teeth around your nipple, you jolted and hissed at his connection. As he looked at you his eyes glazed over as the Minghao you knew had disappeared. He slid his fingers towards your heat sliding his finger from your nub to rest near your hole. “She’s no lady though look at her she’s so wet for us,” he said. He sunk his fingers in that left you panting into his chest, your hands holding on to his shoulders as you moaned. “Hey if anyone’s making her weak at the knees it’s me right,” Hyunjae said spinning you around to face him. Hyunjae stepped back to take you in, his eyes glazed over as if you was his prey. He removed his belt and wrapped it around your neck pulling you towards him. His lips just brushing yours, you leaned towards kissing him but he pulled away laughing as he did, “So greedy Y/N,” he smirked. Minghao grabbed your wrist to take you to your room. But Hyunjae refused to let go of the belt still attached round your neck. He sneered at his enemy, “Hey I’ve known her longer don’t overstep the mark pretty boy.” Minghao rolled his eyes, “What are we five,” you finally spoke up. Hyunjae tightened the belt slightly. “Shhh this is between us,” he scorned. “Well I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for a piece of her somewhere more comfortable then a living room floor. But hey suppose it’s your thing being the dog you are,” Minghao said sarcastically. Hyunjae removed the belt and wrapped his hands round your stomach as he walked you towards your bedroom. He nuzzled his head back to your neck gently nibbling it till you reached your bed.
You sat on your bed and looked up towards your Pervy and kinky Hyunjae and your usually shy Minghao. They both was undressed and stood in their boxers. Hyunjae walked towards you and dropped his boxers, his thick cock dripping pre cum from it slit. You couldn’t help but slide your hand over it pumping it slowly as he closed his eyes and thrusted in your hand. You felt the bed lower as Minghao slipped behind you, Resting his legs with you in between, you felt his cock dig in to your back free from its boxers too. Minghao’s hands cupped your breasts as he kissed your neck suckling between kisses along your collarbone marking you. Hyunjae swiped your hand away from his cock and brought it to your lips pressing for you to open. You swirled your tongue around the tip and slowly took it into your mouth hollowing when you took as much as you could. He moaned as you sped your mouth around him. Minghao parted your thighs his fingers slowly rubbing circles till they found your fold. He swirled circles around your nub as you moaned humming around Hyunjae’s Cock. Hyunjae moaned as he pulled on your hair. Minghao’s fingers started teasing your hole, as you felt wetness pool from you. “I need to taste her,” Minghao said, Hyunjae groaned having caught a good rhythm. “Hey it isn’t all about you she needs some attention too you know,” he added. Hyunjae thrusted his cock into your mouth hard and deep at Minghao’s words that had you gagging around him. He moaned as he removed himself from your mouth. Hyunjae’s lips came crashing back to yours, his tongue tasting his own precum from your mouth. He knocked Minghao’s hands from your breast. “Well move then,” he said breaking the kiss to place you in the middle of the bed. His lips trailing down your chest towards your erected nipples. He sucked them harshly earning a moan as you buckled your wet heat. Minghao slipped between your legs kissing your thighs, your body sensitive from their work on you. Minghao’s tongue swirled around your nub flicking it gently as you rocked your pelvis towards him. He then harshly sucked on it causing a yelp. Hyunjae clamping down on your nipple as his other hand twisted the other causing more yelps. The pain causing sensitive ripple affects through your body. Minghao swiped his tongue down your heat humming as he did so, before ploughing his tongue straight into you. You moaned to the new sensation of him fucking you with his tongue, feeling it stroke your walls. Hyunjae returned his cock to your mouth, but with more need. He fucked your mouth losing himself to the sensation of your throat spasming around him, tear spilled from your eyes as you gagged around him. Minghao’s fingers helping his Tongue as he found your sweet spot, increasing your sensation. The humming from your longer moans spurring Hyunjae on further, It wasn’t long before you was pushed over the edge. Your walls collapsing on Minghao’s fingers as you choked on Hyunjae’s cock falling off your orgasm.
As you slacked Hyunjae took over fucking your mouth. “Man I need that sweet hole of hers right now,” Hyunjae said Impatiently. Minghao obliged by moving backwards but instead rolled you over so you was straddling him. “What the fuck man,” Hyunjae spluttered annoyed. Minghao placed you over his cock that was thinner but longer and slammed you into him. Your back arching as you moaned at his inpatient entrance. “You think she can handle us both,” Minghao said looking at Hyunjae, “You can handle that right Y/N,” he said to you. You nodded feeling over stimulated from your earlier orgasm as he gently rolled his thumb down your nipple. Hyunjae wasted no time bringing his hips behind yours. Minghao stilled while Hyunjae positioned his thick cock at your entrance. He draped his body over yours, cupping your breasts as he kissed your shoulder blade, before pushing his cock in. You whimpered as he stretched you beyond what you had ever experienced. Your hands tensing round Minghao’s muscular arms, as he stroked your face with concern. Hyunjae stilled as he fully entered you waiting for you to stretch out to the two cocks filling you. “You ok?” Minghao asked softly, his usual self returning briefly. You nodded biting your lips as he thrusted himself deep up in to you, your neck arched as Hyunjae’s grip around your breasts tightened. Hyunjae then thrusted in, you moaned louder, they both slowly brought a Rhythm, Minghao thrusting in as Hyunjae thrusted out. “Just remember this feeling Y/N we’re doing this to you,” Minghao purred. Hyunjae wrapped his hands round your throat. “Hey who’s doing the most work here, it’s my cock that’s splitting you, isn’t that right princess,” he said grunting in your ear. This spurred Minghao as his thrusts sped up, His hands wrapping higher up your neck choking you a little harder. Your moans longer and louder as you felt your wall tight around their cocks. Hyunjae could feel your orgasm close so he tightened his grip around your neck, his thrusts harsher, both their moans joining yours. It was enough to push you over the edge as you choked through your orgasm. Your walls spasming around then. “Fuck,” Hyunjae screamed through his own not long after. Minghao speeding his thrusts further more prolonging the after effects of your orgasm. His hand’s moving to your waist as he bounced you up and down. His cock causing your moans higher as you thrashed on him from the over stimulation. It wasn’t long before another orgasm sped in to you. Tears falling down your cheeks as he rammed super fast into you chasing his high, to fall apart as your head collapsed onto his chest, your body still thrashing. You felt his warm cum flow into you mixing with Hyunjae’s as his pace slowed to mere stillness. “Fuck,” he said through his teeth.
You giggled in to his neck, “Your going to need the morning after pill in the morning, I don’t think me and Hyunjae like each other enough to play daddy yet,” he teased. “Hey speak for yourself i told you I own this girl,” Hyunjae said throwing himself down by your side. “I think we just confirmed she’s all woman not a girl,” Minghao chuckled as he stroked your back. Hyunjae got off the bed and picked your sleepy body into his arms. “What you doing?” you said sleepily. “Well unless your up for round two I think we need to clean you up,” Hyunjae said taking you to the bathroom, Minghao following suit
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