#i love little dates where we're not rlly doing much but we're doing it together and thats all that matters
poems-of-a-lover ยท 1 year
stargazing dates <3
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drvnkd4zed ยท 2 years
Hiii, I recently followed u and I rlly love your fics! I live for it๐ŸคŒ๐Ÿป Can you possibly do OT7 Idol!Enha x nonidol!reader where they are out on a date and theyโ€™re almost got caught by dispatch or media?? (If possible please add a little fluffy night date or whatever comes in your mind date) thank u so much๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป
Enhypen almost getting caught by medias on a date with you (enha x nonidol reader)
thank you so much for this request! I hope I this came out as you wished! โœจ
โ€งอ™โบหš*๏ฝฅเผ“โ˜พ Jungwon
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I think Jungwon would be very annoyed, because even if he understands why dispatch wants you two to be revealed as a couple he doesn't want your relationship to be known. He's worried that you would receive lot of hate and malicious comments by the fans, so he prefers to treat you some good food at home rather than in a restaurant. "I'd love to try that new restaurant near the center, jungwon~" you'd ask him whining. He sighs as he puts his jacket on. "What would you like me to order?" He asks you smiling. "I can go there instead, it's fine as long as they don't see us together right?" "Yeah, but it's late and I won't let you go there alone. Let me save you from the dark this time" he says.
โ€งอ™โบหš*๏ฝฅเผ“โ˜พ Heeseung
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Heeseung's always mocking the idols who get caught in their relationships, but once you two almost got caught, you just stare at him in silence while he's torturing his hands out of stress. "What if they'll post the photos online?" He asks. "What if people find out about us??" He asks again. "We'll get through it, you just have to deny everything" you reassure him. You sit near him, putting your head on his chest. "I'm worried about you. You're not an idol so people can approach you very easily" he explains. "It's okay, Heeseung. No one will be in danger. Just calm down~ nothings out yet. They might delete it if you deny about the relationship" you explain. He smiles at you. "Thank you for being so patient with me. I'll make sure no one hurts you".
โ€งอ™โบหš*๏ฝฅเผ“โ˜พ Jay
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Jay's going to be very mad, but at the same time he'd like to be at the center of the attention because of this dating rumor. He wants to show you off, to show people that you're his and only his. You'd be the panicked one among the two. "If they want to release it, I'll pay them enough to shush. Even if I wouldn't be so sad if people knew how beautiful you are. I feel so good knowing that I can look at you closely, like a piece of art".
โ€งอ™โบหš*๏ฝฅเผ“โ˜พ jake
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Jake's most likely to freak out inside while showing a emotionless smile. You'd just look at him speechless, because you've never seen him like that before. He looked like he was in outer space. "J-jake?" You call him and he looks at you, without saying a word. He calls the ceo and ask him to delete every scandal, with a soft, sweet and embarrassed voice. "S-s-sorry, I think you saw the photos, c-can you please ask them to delete them? I-i am not in a r-relationsh-ship, we're just f-friends". The ceo would melt hearing Jake's innocent words and would accept his request. "We're safe, baby" he says putting the phone down. "What did you say??" a voice from the phone keeps talking. Jake's eyes gets bigger in surprise, then he hangs up. "You're an idiot" you say.
โ€งอ™โบหš*๏ฝฅเผ“โ˜พ Sunghoon
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Imagine you two get caught while drinking boba at the local bubble tea shop, then you see people taking photos of you, immediately you realize they're from dispatch's staff. You tap sunghoon's shoulder and you point the people to him. He takes a few steps further as he looks at you confused. "Who are you? Why are you talking to me?" He asks, almost yelling. You want to laugh but you want to play along with him at the same time. "I thought you were my friend, she was standing here few seconds ago" you reply. "Be careful next time! You interrupted such a romantic moment between me and my bubble tea". You'd roll eyes and walk towards the exit, texting him: "I think we fucked it up". "No, we did great" he replies. "You kept staring at my lips...".
โ€งอ™โบหš*๏ฝฅเผ“โ˜พ Sunoo
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He has a foolproof way to confuse the medias. Whenever there are dating rumors about you, he would just say "ew, no", with a disgusted gaze. You know he's kidding, and you'd just laugh once you two are out of the media's sight. "Me in a relationship with you? Ew, I don't think you'd last a day" he says mimicking how he acted in front of dispatch.
โ€งอ™โบหš*๏ฝฅเผ“โ˜พ Niki
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You two are walking around the city talking and laughing together, when he notices something is off. "I feel like we're being observed " he states. You look around to find few people staring at you two holding some cameras. "Niki, look there" you point them to niki. "I think they're watching us-" before you could finish your sentence, he ran away. He was already totally out of your sight. Few seconds later, you receive a message from him. "Let's meet at the dormitory with the boys, I'll buy you something to eat on the way home".
Hope you guys liked it ~ I'm sorry if this didn't came out good enough ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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solarsleepless ยท 4 months
OKAY SO !!!! crush is this sapphic romcom that like i would never watch if it was straight but its one of those movies where EVERYONE is gay but two characters <3 anyways quick notes of the plot:
its set at a highschool where theres this girl, Paige who really REALLY likes this other girl, Gabby, who's on the track team.
Paige is an artist !!! she wants to do this summer programme at Calarts but cannot get her art Right for the like prompt they've used for her admission if that makes sense. like the art is not arting basically
anyways there's also this anonymous artist called Kingpun (the art has puns in it hence the name) around school who spray paints these cool murals but because its school property its an Issue. everyone thinks its paige but it isn't her
Paige is called to the principal and she's meant to be suspended as they're gonna blame her for the art on school property but she is forced instead to join an extracurricular activity + to work out who Kingpun actually is. obviously the loser picks track because of Gabby <333
anyways she ends up joining the team but she needs coaching, and instead of being coached by Gabby like she wanted, the team's coach forces her to be coached by AJ, Gabby's sister
Paige then goes to a party later in the week hosted by one of her friends because of another Kingpun art that hinted at them being there. she bumps into AJ trying to get away from another girl she's not interested in and they try and work out together who KP is but kinda fails. Gabby is there too and paige takes Many shots w her so she gets Drunk
the next morning for training practice w AJ they have a moment between the session Paige shows AJ some of her art and they talk about Calart n stuff and we find out Paige has never had a first kiss or anything like that and AJ is like "damn thats crazy" (not rlly but you get what i mean)
we see them like over a few weeks grow closer and closer and its like aww gay people <3
anyways but then they have this extremely gay scene where after practice AJ lets paige stand on her skateboard while they hold hands and she rolls her on it for a little while <3333 i love gay people
paige then spots KP's notebook (we know bc like. KP is written All Over It) and she messages them online and says she'll give it back to them that night at school
When they go that night its: Paige, the two straights that are dating that she's friends with, AJ and gabby and eventually when they're alone Paige and GABBY kiss and its very VERY awkward
after The kiss we see a car drive off very loudly and like Everyone knows its this one guy called Tim so we're like "YAYYYY we know who Kingpun is now time to tell the principal" but Paige also wants to confront him first
Then there's like this trip for the track team where they go off somewhere and they have to stay in this hotel for a championship thing idk . i cant remember why exactly that well but it ends with AJ and Paige sharing a room and bed
theres a party that night before the track thingy, we find out tim very much is Not KP and AJ and Paige have to play 7 minutes in heaven but instead its a bathroom and long story short they KITH <333
its then very awkward afterwards tho and like the scene right after paige asks if it'll be awkward later and aj is like "nah" it cuts to them being like ten metres away from each other in the bed its ridiculous true cinema tho <3
the two have another very heartwarming scene and we find out like how AJ came out as bi and shit and how badly her family took it at first in comparison to how well they took her sister coming out
Paige doesnt really sleep that night and she slips out to go to the vending machine she'd seen earlier and she's then met with a drunk Gabby trying to get some crisps out of the vending machine and failing terribly
Gabby attempts to kiss paige but paige moves away, saying she actually likes someone else now, and gabby kinda takes it badly but she's still kind of okay with it and goes back to her room
the next day Paige is PANICKING because she realises that aj thinks it was both of their first kisses but it Wasnt bc of Gabby and she wants to tell AJ but hasn't had a moment to
she and the track team do the race and they do well YAYYYy
but as they're celebrating gabby then wants to apologise, in front of the rest of the friends, about her drunk ass trying to kiss paige- but also mentions how it wouldn't have been their first time doing so
we see aj is hurt and paige wants to go and explain herself but then instead aj drops the bombshell that she is Kingpun and just . then leaves.
gabby and aj have a moment when we see just how much aj is overshadowed by gabby without her knowing and so on
aj and paige dont speak for what is probably like three days and to paige it feels like literally Forever and they have this conversation for like five mins and aj reveals she doesnt want to be paige's second choice in the whole scenario and doesnt really give paige a chance to actually explain
paige goes to the principal and is like "yeah im actually kingpun lol isnt that crazy" but it turns out aj had already handed HERSELF in for the whole situation
paige then comes up w a genius idea where she paints this huge ass mural in one night (i know damn well she did NOT sleep) where its like loads of different moments she had between aj that showed her falling in love w her and that ALSO qualifies for the calarts programme thingy
gabby brings aj BACK when this election for class president is happening and like one of the straight two wins and while everyone is like happy for the girl who won she then brings paige up and she talks to aj and shows her the mural and they KITH <3333
so yeah basically im gonna be converting this whole thing into a smau bc im not normal <3
i did skim a few parts of this bc sorry but adhd brain CANNOT read this much JASHJAHSJHS but i did get the general gist of it!!! it sounds so cute omg
im v much looking forwards to reading the smau even if i havent watched any mean girls iteration ever
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actualbird ยท 11 months
idk if this is a controversial opinion but with all the au talk of a happier luke/luke without suffering, it's fun to think about but it feels like it undermines what the message from the benji card was trying to tell us? like my wish for luke is that whether he ends up with rosa or not... he'll be fine regardless (even if it takes him longer to realize or with the help of other people). it kinda feels like a "we have to save him" narrative in which the only happy ending for luke is that if he gets together with rosa (or in another case, if he never got sick in/got into nsb the first place? though not saying that non nsb luke wouldn't come with other sets of problems idk eeeee) i just want the little baby boy to be ok no matter the situation :(
hi anon!!! idt it's a controversial opinion and i agree with you!! tho i also dont think it's like....particularly mutually exclusive, if that makes sense?
i adore u bringing up SSR Dream of Benji because 1) man i love that card story and 2) i can super see where your coming from clearly when u bring up that card. the card where luke himself wonders so hard if only he made different choices, he wouldnt be "locked" into the the "destiny" of pain and suffering, the card where mc implores him to not focus so much on what-ifs and accept that there is always the hope and possibility for joy and love even in a life that will have pain. in terms of parallels, it's clear to see. when making aus, are we doing the same thing luke did in that card?
ehhhh not rlly? i think it depends? UHAJVFASLFHAV. like, forgive me for im about to get meta and whatnot but i think whats key here is intent and purpose. luke did all his wondering about happier/better what-ifs due to a mix of resignation to his fate and also self-loathing. it's why i used the word "locked" awhile ago; he thought his fate was inevitable due to his choices and that better things were futile. whereas, in exploring AUs it's less of likeโ€”and here is my belated note that ofc i can only speak for myself cuz im not a mind reader or anything kjHVKJSDFโ€”it's less of being convinced of the futility of what timeline!luke we're seeing but more just a want to Explore. i love AUs and will always support its intent of exploration outside of the realm of canon, it's a place of curiosity and possibilities! and maybe the reason it's coming out a bunch now is simply cuz main story stuff has been quite emotionally jarring ajfvaJHLV I CANNOT FAULT ANYONE FOR WANTING FLUFF IN THESE TIMES YKNOW. I WANT THE FLUFF TOO.....I HUNGER FOR IT!!!
[EDIT: i realize a simpler way to word everything above is "miles morales voice: I CAN DO BOTH!!!!!!" yknow. we can love AUs and love canon!]
but overall i do very much agree with your sentiment; i also want for luke to get better, i want him to eventually live a happy life no matter what timeline hes in. in my mind's eye, his recovery is possible in All universes. it's just harder in some and easier in others. in timelines where he acquires his condition, i dont think the lynchpin-catalyst for him bettering himself is necessarily in a romantic relationship with mc, but in the general concept of just like.......connecting and allowing himself to be emotionally vulnerable and honest with another human being, creating a support system with the people around him, letting himself be okay with needing help. im a big believer in platonic love and found fam so even in an timeline where nobody in the nxx team starts dating each other, so long as luke can make that choice to let people in, i think he'll get better. not perfect, not magically cured, and definitely not easily, but still better.
at the end of the day i actually dont see luke's most damning cause of suffering to be his condition (because as we can see from his personal story route, he can deffo find joy even with it). rather, it's his outlook on himself and letting himself be open with others. it just so happens that due to the romance genre of tot, that his outlook changes due to romantic love.
sorry to be a pretentious dweeb and bring up song lyrics jhvKJHVJSHDFVS BUT THERES JUST THIS SONG IVE BEEN OBSESSED WITH LATELY THAT CAME INTO MY MIND WHEN ANSWERING THIS, Complicated Creation by Cloud Cult
I called up the moon for a little consultation Yes, you know that I'm a happy man But something in me is burning I gotta push it, push it out, push it, push it out So much frustration The moon called me back And said "I'll give you some advice [...] If you rid of all your baggage you will likely float away But you can't know beauty if you don't know pain Gotta feel it, feel it all, feel it, feel it all There's your medication
i bring these up cuz at the crux of it.....to me, luke's entire narrative and character (regardless of timeline and AU) is hinged on the central conflict of "am i doomed to pain? how can i be happy if there is so much suffering?" and really the answer is "pain, one way or another, is Going to happen. and so will joy. but to get there, you have to open yourself up to both, you have to work through both, you have to let both in. no running away, no giving up"
i think luke will be okay
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twstwonderlandstuff ยท 2 years
be mines, valentine? [2/2]
what gifts do the boys give you during this special day?
not beta read.
a/n: there is lots of bias for silver and sebek, and for that, I'm sorry (not rlly)
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epel felmier.
he gives you specially carved apples from his farm. with skilled fingers, he carves them just how he would like, dips them in chocolate and magics them, so they won't loose their flavor. in the morning, he hands them over to you, with confidence bolstering over his natural accent.
"hey, heard it's valentine's day an'- cuz' we're real good to each other, I carved ya' sum apples! I made sure to pick out the best ones for 'ya!"
rook hunt.
dramatic and flamboyant, rook's gift represents him well; a poem straight from his heart about his feelings for you. it's filled to the brim with little quirks he associates with you.
"trickster! for this day filled with love, I give you my love!"
vil schoenheit.
vil, concerned for you hands you a product bundle of his best selling kits. he's worried you aren't taking care of yourself, you see, and what better way to show that you care then pampering them yourself? it's elegant, it's refined, it's vil, and he reminds you that it is.
"potato, relax. yes, just like that. don't open your eyes while I apply this on you. don't you move an inch."
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idia shroud.
idia can't deal with most people, but he finds your company enjoyable. so, when valentine's day comes, he gives you a valuable item in-game for whatever you're wanting- skins, equipment, anything! just for this day, he'll break his gamer pride and hand you something he knows you'll enjoy.
"h-here. you've wanted this for a while, right? i- I saw you staring at it in the game shop, so... u-UWAH, d-don't hug me so suddenly...!"
ortho shroud.
the robot searches far and wide in the internet and interwebs for your perfect gift, and with his brother's help, he's got it: a small, more compact digitized version of him! you always said he was helpful, so why not take (another version of) him with you everywhere? that way, he can help you more!
"it's valentine's day! according to my searches, it's a day where you show gratitude to someone by handing them presents! so, here is mines- I hope it proves useful to you!"
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malleus draconia.
malleus is quite the lonely person, so when you came into his life and brightened it up, he knew he had to thank you, one way or another. when lilia mentions valentine's day, malleus took his chance.
he gifts you a tamagochi in your colors, and pairs it up with his. that way, wherever the two of you are, you'll always be together.
"child of man, lilia told me of this 'valentine's day'. while it is not a box of chocolates, I hope this brings you as much joy as it does to me."
lilia vanrouge.
this old man has seen and gone through valentine's day like an experienced warrior. he's received valentine gifts, made valentine gifts, had a date of valentine, been rejected on valentine's... he uses this knowledge to give you something wonderful: himself, of course!
"consider yourself lucky. it's not everyday a general hands over his entire being to someone, let alone a human. fufu, little bat, let's enjoy ourselves on this day, shall we?"
since his 'friend' in briar valley consists of only sebek, silver doesn't have a single clue on where to start with gifting gifts on valentine's day, so he consults with his father. ...unfortunately, giving his entire being to you doesn't seem like a good idea, so he does what he does best; protection.
he gives you his protection for the day, and his company with it. he allows you to toy with him however you please; he trusts you enough that you won't make him do something awful.
but during valentine's, he does come up with something; well, he and his animal friends do- a strong cup of coffee and a garland of flowers, arranged intricately to suit you best.
"it's not much, but I hope you like it, prefect. I normally spend valentine's day with my father, so I'm not too sure for things like this. ...you like it?"
he graces you with a small smile.
"I'm glad."
sebek zigvolt.
he is, CONFLICTED! one on hand, you're just a human, there's no need for him to bother with you unless necessary, but on the other hand you have helped him lots, and he is grateful for your help...
and, you do make for good company...ARGH, but- but---!
as he laments over this dilemma, lilia gives him some much needed advice.
"think of this as a training of some sorts. one has to challenge their view of the world, sooner or later, and i'd rather you face this one sooner, sebek."
"it's not really training, is it?" says silver doubtfully as sebek runs off.
"oh shut it, son."
sebek ends up giving you chocolates, shaped like dragons and lightning bolts and also some books he thinks you'll like in such a roundabout way you can't help but pinch his cheeks affectionately.
"human-! sir lilia told me this is a form of training to dispel me of my bias, so- WHAT WAS THAT FOR?! ...oh, be- BECAUSE I WAS CUTE?! d-don't say that so...! argh, this is why humans are so-!"
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grim is inclined to gift you a tuna, but after some discussions with the ghosts, he's decided to give you some food. he knows what it's like to get yummy food for free, so why not give his henchman the same delight he feels?!
"henchman! this ain't cuz' it's valentine's or anythin', but I'm feelin' real generous, so here, take it! it's the great grim's special- paw buns! be prepared to get blown outta this world, hehehe!"
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the 3 ramshackle ghosts.
it's been so long since they've had this much fun, and since valentine's is coming up, why not show their gratitude? after some fiddling, the ghosts decide to give you an upgraded uniform! the patches are now fixed, and that annoying hole on the side is fixed, too!
"you know, you've made this place so much livelier for us... have this as our thanks! do you like it...? you do... lots...? that's great news!"
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vampireimiko ยท 2 years
๐ฏ๐š๐ฅ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ข๐ง๐ž๐ฌ ๐๐š๐ฒ ๐Ÿ’˜
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๐ฐ๐š๐ซ๐ง๐ข๐ง๐ ๐ฌ, none as usual, just pure fluff
๐ง๐จ๐ญ๐ž, dick has rlly had me in a chokehold these last few days ๐Ÿ™โ˜๏ธ
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Today was Valentines day. The day lovers exchanged gifts and greetings. Dick wanted to do the same. He was gonna make sure everything was absolutely perfect today. He wanted to tell you how much he loved, appreciated, and utterly adored you. Which is why he set up this whole thing for you.
You had just walked into your apartment and noticed the lights were off. "Dick? Where are you-?" You paused noticing the trail of candles accompanied by red and white rose petals on the floor. Oh? What had he planned?
You then began following the trail. While you were walking you started to see pictures of you and dick on the walls. The one that really caught your eye was you two on your first date.
You couldn't believe he'd kept that picture. Your first date was something special, I mean it is kinda the whole reason you two are together, however that's a story for another time.
As you got closer to the dining area of your apartment you were immediately entranced by the aroma. Did he cook for you? Did the Dick Grayson cook for you? Finally reaching the dining room you saw Dick standing in a tuxedo with one of your favorite flowers in hand.
"Oh!" You hands flew up to your mouth out of excitement and surprise. You haven't seen Dick were a tuxedo in like forever and this surprise was just genuinely shocking.
"Hello darling, I already have dinner under control as you can see." He said as he made a hand gesture towards the table. He then walked towards you and held out his hand.
"Come take a seat before the food gets cold."
He led you to the table and pulled out your chair, then rushing over to his seat.
"Dick, this is amazing, how did you pull this off?" You said looking at the room that had heart balloons and streamers everywhere. He just smiled and said,
"We'll talk about that later, I just want you too enjoy this for now."
"Well then, I feel a little bad. I didn't do anything this big or extravagant for you." You admitted sadly. Oh, Dick didn't want you to feel any type of way about what he did. He just wanted you too enjoy tonight. Plus your the only gift he needs anyway.
"It's fine, you being here right now is enough for me. Now let's eat." He said as he uncovered your dinners. It was your favorite food.
"Mhm! This smells amazing." You said wafting the aroma more into your face. Chuckling, dick responded with,
"I have too admit, Alfred did help me out with this."
Well even if he did get help from Alfred, he still cooked for you. I mean, it's the thought that counts right?
"Well I'll have to thank Alfred next time I see him then, huh?" You stated teasingly as you took a spoonful of the food.
"I guess you will."
For the rest of the dinner you two sat and recalled happy memories together and somehow, both of you could feel yourselves falling in love all over again if that was even possible.
During the dinner you were both reminded of how much you two we're absolutely devoted to each other. After you two we're done Dick then led you outside to the balcony. He looked a bit nervous. Like he had something to say and didn't know how.
"You okay baby? You look like you have something to say." You said softly looking into his eyes.
Here goes nothing. Dick was gonna tell you how he truly felt about you.
"Y/N, the moment I met you I felt like you were totally out my league, because you were you and I was, well, me. The way you carried yourself made me feel.. intimidated and I liked that. I've never met anyone like you before. You make me feel so loved. So appreciated. I feel like I could do anything and never fail as long as your by my side. So what I'm trying to say is."
He then got down on one knee and pulled out a stunning ring. Your hands once again flew straight over your mouth. Was this really happening? Was he proposing to you?
"Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" He continued. You were in shock trying to process that the man of your dreams just asked you too marry him.
"I-I yes! Of course." You exclaimed happily as tears fell down your face. After he put the ring on your finger you pulled him by his tie and kissed him. The kiss was tender and overall just filled with absolute love. Pulling away from the kiss you said,
"Wow, this has got to be one of the best Valentine's day presents ever."
"I'm glad you liked it sweetheart, I'm also just glad you say yes because I don't know what I'd do if you didn't." He said relieved.
This was your happily ever after and you wouldn't have it any other way.
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sunaluvs ยท 2 years
omg hi <3 for sleepover saturday, tell me more about u + kamishin (i.e, the teasing, big/little spoons, anything mwah)
[ sleepover sunday asks! ]
every time someone asks me ab my selfships is another 10 years added to my lifespan
omfg okay ,,, me n kamishin. where do i begin
(under a readmore bc i... rambled ๐Ÿ˜ž)
cuddling is a huge thing we do. ALL the time. our most common positions r denki laying on my chest and me laying on shinsous chest, or me in the middle and shinsou n denki caging me in from the sides. denki will frequently switch w me and be in the middle and shinsou typically likes being on the sides unless me n denki wanna lay on top of him and annoy him <3
denkis love language is physical touch, shinsous is quality time, and mine is both!!! so its very easy to accommodate everyone and our dates and hangouts r always p chill and easygoing
speaking of dates! we all take turns each week choosing a spot/activity for our weekly sunday date, and thank god we have denki w us bc if it was up to me n hitoshis lazy asses we'd js stay inside all the time LMAO. me n him don't rlly care as long as we're together, so when its our turn we either stay inside n watch movies, go to his fav cat cafe, or take walks through parks n food stalls. when its denkis turn, he likes picking arcades n sort of niche areas that have a decent crowd and lots of stuff going on. also knows the best spots in every festival and loves going on late night car rides w loud music and junk food :3
tbh we don't have a lot of conflict. denki is emotionally intelligent and shinsou is naturally observant and im a little bit of both, so we all tend to notice when one of us is a tad off. communication is a big thing ofc, but most times we understand each other without the explicit need of saying anything. when we do though, its usually them trying to pry shit out of me LMAO
i am, unfortunately, the only cook between us all ๐Ÿ˜ž shinsou can make very basic stuff, and denkis not allowed in the kitchen, so usually im the one who has to cook, bc if it was up to them, they'd eat takeout n instant ramen for dinner every night ๐Ÿ˜’
(i once had to travel for a little over a week and leave them alone. i made POTS of food in advance and froze it so they'd have something to eat, and they still ended up demolishing it and ordering takeout for the last 4 days ๐Ÿ˜‘)
im also sort of the mother hen between us hdjdhdjd i take. moderately okay care of myself, but im always accidentally fussing over them when they haven't rested or eaten properly, and i can almost never remember my own responsibilities but i will always be on their asses for theirs HSJSVDJFBD
.......thats enough. that is very much enough HHHDJDHJD i will shut up now
TDLR: me and kamishin r perfect for each other n im gonna fist fight god for not making them real </3
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uwuch9n ยท 3 years
hey person !! today i'll be writing some 2AM sugawara fluff because i'm bored and not tired :D hope u enjoy reading !
characters: sugawara & nb y/n (self insert or oc)
warnings or possible triggers: hands are touched, making out, neck being grabbed (not aggressively!!,) suga and y/n both tear up, goosebumps, a confession, & hugging ! please do not continue reading if any of these things could trigger any unwanted reactions ! maybe the next time i write some fluff or sfw fanfics youโ€™ll be able to read โ€˜em !
picnic date after practice.
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you watch sugawara, asahi, and daichi all laughing and messing around after practice, while kageyama and hinata do their gay little thing. you've been watching them play for the longest time, cheering them on in the crowd, and now that you're in the official karasuno volleyball team, you can't even believe how pretty sugawara actually is up close. or how good they cooperate in the team, that too. sugawara caught your attention the most though, and you knew exactly what it was. his beautiful smile and his soothing voice. though he's never actually talked to you as anything more than a teammate, you felt as though he was just.. special.
of all the boys in the volleyball team, or even in the entirety of karasuno, sugawara was the one you really would like to know the most.
that's when you finally snap out of your little fantasy world and realize that THE sugawara is walking up to you with the biggest smile. you start to tense up, obviously. you've been crushing on him since when..? ever since you saw him? yeah.
"hey there y/n ! i got a question for you, if you don't mind taking a few minutes to talk!" he says enthusiastically. woah. sugawara knows your name and wants to talk to you. SUGAWARA. WANTS. TO. TALK. TO. YOU. and he knows your name.
"wh- yeah sure i've got all day! what's up?" you say acting like this was totally cool with you and you totally weren't just thinking about him. his smile doesn't leave his face, in fact it only grows bigger. he seemed glad that you were free all day. you just didn't know why he was so happy about it.
"awesome ! well i was trying to reach you yesterday but i guess you aren't the type to pick up random numbers are you," he giggled, "i should've messaged you instead... but anyway! i wanted to talk to you about your blocking.. it's really impressive. and i just wanted to say that for a new addition to our team, you really are very skilled. and im so proud of you for that y/n! but im getting off track here aren't i.." he rambled on and on about how impressed he was by you and how he wanted to get to know you better. you sat there flustered and shocked, but still willing to listen to every compliment he threw at you.
his rambling continued and you are able to understand all of it, but then you hear him ask you... a very WATTPAD-ESQUE question.
"i was wondering if maybe you wanted to go on a little picnic date with me so that we could talk about the team.. or if you'd like, talk about each other! whatever you want, i'll make sure to make it happen and-" you cut him off. "MHM! let's totally do it!! i'm so down !! SO PUMPED !! woohOOO! i would love that !!" you blabber out excitedly.
"awe great! when would you like to go? like in a few minutes?? maybe tomorrow? i mean we could go get dressed at home and then bring all the supplies and stuff and meet up at a park if you're fine with it! i'll send you the address of my favorite park.. here lemme just..."he proposed while reaching for his phone. you nod in agreement and both of you exchange numbers, giving each other nicknames in the contact list.
fast forward; you two are already at the park, setting up the picnic spot. (i know im lazy im sorryy)
"alright doll, would you mind bringing over the food basket i set up for us? it's right- yeah right there!" he giggled as you quickly pointed at where it was while he was mid-sentence. he brushed off any unnecessary leaves and dirt on the picnic blanket, and sat down, moving around the food items and snacks to make the setup look cuter and more enjoyable. you finally finish bringing over all the snacks you brought from home and set them down, organizing them alongside suga.
"is that a separate bowl of konpeitล??!" you ask shocked. it was your personal favorite candy and you were curious to know how HE knew that. "yeah it is! i love konpeitล a lot so i brought some for us to share, it's my favorite candy." he replied while scratching his head. "no way! it's my favorite candy too! that's cool!!" you say very hyped. you both giggle and talk about how you two were feeling. things like "how was your week?" and "did you enjoy practice?" were probably the first few questions of the bunch.
of course, the conversation didn't stay dry, and you two talk about lots of things, ranging from why your favorite song was actually a meme song to why sugawara doesn't like to share his snacks with daichi because he eats them all.
you both enjoyed the delicious konpeitล, nommed on some homemade suga-sandwiches, and sipped on fruit punch flavored juice happily while talking about how cute the ducks at the park were.
then sugawara's curiosity kicked in.
"hey doll, i think you already know what i saved you as in my phone, but i never found out what you saved me as.. is it alright if you tell me?" he asked suddenly. he was itching to know what you decided to call him. this was very important to sugawara and you could tell, so you quickly followed up. "i got you saved as suga-bear with a white heart next to it!" you said, smiling gently. he blushed a bit from how calm you said it. your smile made his mind go blank.
"that's.. adorable y/n.. that's so cute..." he lets out after finally finding out how to breathe again. you look away, clearly blushing because of how cute he looked while saying that. he finally mustered up the courage to caress your soft tender hand, squeezing it, not too tightly, and then slowly redirecting his hand to your warm, rosy cheek.
"y/n, honestly.. if i didn't ask you on this date would i have even known how incredibly cute you actually were?" he said as he looked deeply into your eyes, getting lost in them by each passing second. your thoughts raced as his warm hand rested against your left cheek and the wind slowly hit your back. you could hear your heart beating much faster than before. it was a very tense yet relaxing moment.
before you could even respond to his rhetorical question, he leaned in and slowly kissed your lips, his tongue accidentally slipping in. neither of you regretted it though. you kissed back; and for a short moment, your mind went blank. you could feel both his hands moving towards your neck and shoulders. he grabbed your neck gently and only fell into a deeper kiss than when his lips first met yours. his fingers wrapped around your neck and even just the feeling of it gave you goosebumps.
"i don't know if it's too soon to even say this but it's just... it feels right to." he says as he pulled away from the kiss. "doll..." he sighed. "i love you.. and im not holding back from saying that because i know that if we spend even just one more minute together i'll already want to give you the world and all of the universes on a silver platter." he confessed.
you couldn't even believe what was happening. i mean, the kiss alone was enough to make you pass out and yet here you were listening to your crush of 3 years confess his love to you at a cute picnic date.
"i... i love you a lot. im not just saying that because we're here on a little picnic date and i'm not saying it with hopes to make you feel better or give you false hope. i truly feel like you just.. make me feel even more comfortable being myself. even if it was just a short picnic date, even if we played together once or twice during practice, even if this is our first time actually having a full-on conversation. i really do love you... so so much.." you could see a tear rolling down his cheek as he mouthed "thank you" and kissed your cheek.
he went in for a hug and moved his hands and arms up and down against your back. he laughed off his tears while still rubbing your back, and pulled away to wipe his tears. you could tell he wasn't joking about it and that made you get a little emotional too. he grabbed your face and kissed your forehead, then your nose, and lastly, a small peck on the lips.
"suga... i didn't know you felt the same way i did.." you said, reassuring him that you loved him just as much. he laughed through his tears and then sniffed. you could see how he was quickly getting much more comfortable with you.
"i always have... it's just now i'm able to actually tell you about it.. yknow?" he laughed. he intertwined his fingers with yours and tightly held your hands, putting them both close to his face and gently planting kisses on them. both of you looked into each other's eyes and leaned in for a final kiss while the sun was setting.
from the second you saw him, to the moment you two kissed, you knew suga was the one.
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thatโ€™s all ! i hope you enjoyed this self insert x suga fluff fanfic ! i can't even tell if this one's good or not, but that's because i wrote this at like 2AM and i'm just posting it now because of the lil mistakes lmao. i dont rlly expect this to do any good, just a random fluff i wrote :,)
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