#i love mon el and i got the feels
c-optimistic · 10 months
Prompt for your consideration? Lena and Kara fighting post-reveal. Lena yelling "I lost everything," referring to Kara, her brother and all her friends, Kara saying "I lost everything too," referring to Lena.
In her heart of hearts, Kara thinks perhaps she’s broken.
(This is not an uncommon thought with her. She’s had it since the day Krypton died, the day her parents sent her away, the day she awoke as a stranger on a strange planet only to discover she wasn’t even needed.
She’s had this thought nearly every day. Wondering why it’s so hard for her to be like everyone else, to be normal.)
These days, the thought feels more aggressive. More accusatory even. It isn’t just that she’s broken, it’s that she breaks all of those around her as well.
Alex gave up her whole life to watch over her. All of the Danvers did. Everyone close to her got hurt. Everyone who had the misfortune of loving her was doomed to suffer.
And now, it’s Lena’s turn.
(Lena, strong and capable and oh so brilliant. Lena, with her quick wit and surprised smiles. Lena, who quickly made a home in Kara’s heart.
Lena, who has spent every night attempting unsuccessfully to quell her sobs.)
Kara touches down on the balcony, but doesn’t enter Lena’s office, content for a moment to just watch through the glass as the exhausted CEO crumples into her chair, head in her hands, elbows propped on her desk. For once, she’s not dressed to the nines—she’s in a simple pair of pants, comfortable looking shoes, a loose fitting top.
Kara wishes she could see Lena’s face. Wishes she could take Lena by the hand and—
“Go away, Kara,” the other woman says suddenly, in nothing more than a whisper than only someone with superhearing can understand, pulling Kara out of her thoughts. She doesn’t move from where she’s sitting, and Kara wonders, stupidly, how Lena could possibly have known she was there.
Kara pushes the balcony door open, taking a step closer.
“I just want to explain—”
“There’s nothing to explain,” Lena interrupts, though she makes no move to force Kara to leave as she had the last “I just want to explain—” times Kara had shown up. “Just…go.”
“Lena, please,” Kara starts, steeling herself and stepping fully into the office. Lena turns finally, and—
Her eyes are red rimmed from crying, puffy, make up not immaculate. She seems…devastated. As though her whole world has been torn asunder, as though…as though she has broken.
(Kara wishes she could make Lena see. She wishes she could take Lena’s hands and let her touch the damaged and broken parts of her heart, beg her to smooth it back out again, ask her to risk the pain, risk the hurt, but to stay.
Love me, Kara wants to scream. Love me, she wants to plead selfishly. Because Kara is broken, destined to go on and on breaking others, but it would be okay if only Lena would hold her again.)
“Don’t you get it?” Lena shouts as she stands, eyes taking on a fierce gleam. “I lost everything! My friends! My brother!” She chokes on the last word, tears escaping despite her best efforts to hold them back. “What could you possibly say that would change any of that?”
Nothing. She could say nothing.
(Kara is fairly sure she’s broken. Everything she touches seems to crumble away to dust. CatCo, her family, Mon-El, and on and on and on…
This has always been yet another thing she was destined to lose, destined to break because of her own cowardice.)
She has nothing to say in response that can change anything. And so, she settles for the truth. “I lost everything too. I lost you.”
Lena just stares for a moment, then she shakes her head. It’s clear she understands what Kara hasn’t said. It’s clear she can tell it’s the first purely honest thing Kara has ever uttered.
And it’s clear, utterly clear, it’s not enough.
“You can’t possibly think that changes anything,” she says, but she’s not yelling anymore. She sounds practically breathless.
(And Kara wonders, just for an idle moment, what things would be like had she confessed to Lena when there had been no lies between them, no loss, no betrayal.
She wonders, for a brief but tantalizing moment, if Lena would have accepted her jagged and cracked heart, those deft fingers quickly piecing it back together.)
“No, but I…I wanted you to know,” Kara says, swallowing hard and looking down.
Lena doesn’t speak again, but when Kara chances a look at her before she leaves the office (the same way she came in, ashamed and uninvited), her fingers twitch as though she wants to reach out.
And for now, Kara finds that that is enough.
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smartycvnt · 11 months
Unfriendly Competition
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Title: Unfriendly Competition Pairing: Kara Danvers x Reader Summary: Y/n's arrival on Earth is ruined by Mon-El and Kara's blooming relationship. R WC: 1492
Kara's heart was racing as she stared down at the lifeless body laid out on the medical table. The years had changed her, but Kara was certain that she was looking at her old friend Y/n. Memories of their time spent on Krypton together playing flooded Kara's mind. She wiped away a few stray tears as she heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Kara stood up a little straighter as she felt Alex step in behind her, just close enough to wrap her arm around the back of Kara's shoulders.
"Did you know her?" Alex asked. Kara nodded as she sighed and pulled herself away from watching Y/n. "It looks like she'll make a good recovery."
"Y/n has always been a fighter, but I don't even know what happened to her," Kara whispered. She was terrified of watching one of the last Kryptonians die off right in front of her. There wouldn't be anything for her to do if Y/n didn't pull through. That set in a deep fear in Kara for the weeks until Y/n had finally woken up. Even after that, Y/n was impossibly small and weak. There was Kryptonite poisoning evident in her blood that even the DEO doctors were having a hard time getting out of her. Months and months of that resulted in Y/n being physically weaker than she should have been, not quite as weak as humans, but nowhere near as strong as Kara or her cousin were.
"You know, I've been here for years, but I never really got to see the world," Y/n said as she flew around National City with Kara. Y/n stared at Kara like she had placed all of the stars and planets in space herself, but Kara didn't seem to notice. Occasionally, Y/n swore that she caught Kara looking at her the same way, but it was only for a half second at a time. It was hard having all of those feelings from her youth resurface, but instead of being dealt with, Y/n once again had to let them sit and fester.
"A few more weeks of training like this and I'm sure that you'll be flying anywhere you want," Kara said. Y/n didn't feel like she was making many, if any, improvements with her strength and powers, but Kara insisted that wasn't true. It was almost perfect being around Kara again, but as with everything in Y/n's life, there had to be one giant catch. "Maybe you and Mon-El can train together, I'm sure it would be very good for the both of you."
"Maybe." Y/n didn't want to brush Kara off like that, but she really didn't want to spend a moment more with Mon-El than she had to. The man obviously wasn't a Kryptonian like them, but Kara couldn't see past the idea that they could start a whole new line of Kryptonians. Y/n didn't want to be uppity about him, but she was almost certain that he was a Daxamite. She had spent quite a bit of time on Daxam with her parents in an attempt to broker peace before Krypton was destroyed.
Their flying lesson was cut a bit short when Kara had to go answer a call to action. Y/n opted not to come along with her, feigning weakness instead. She went back to the DEO, where they had been keeping her in a holding cell for the time being. It was really starting to become her own space, and it was a nice place for her to get away from Kara and Mon-El sometimes. Kara had been upset whenever Y/n told her that she wouldn't be moving into Kara's apartment with her, but Y/n thought it was best to be alone than to be subjected to watching the woman she loved falling further in love with some guy.
"It's a bit more believable that you're tired when you don't spend your time resting in the combat simulator," Alex said from behind Y/n. Y/n jumped and turned around to face Alex, who was giving her a sympathetic look. "How was the flying today?"
"Great until she suggested that I train with her boyfriend to build my strength," Y/n muttered, somewhat angrily. Alex sighed as she pushed herself up from the wall and approach Y/n. Alex had been dealing with Y/n's moodiness from Mon-El and Kara's relationship as well as Kara's sadness from the sudden absence of her best friend. There were a lot of parts to the situation that Alex really didn't have the time or patience to handle, but she was trying.
"I'm not saying that you should get to know him because I don't really like him, but for Kara's sake, give him a chance. She misses you. She thinks that she's done something horribly wrong," Alex sighed. Y/n pinched the bridge of her nose. The last thing she wanted was for Kara to think them not hanging out was directly her fault, even if it was. Alex smirked as she took Y/n's obvious frustration as a sign of defeat. She wasn't sure how well things would go, but all Alex could ask for was that Y/n spent a bit more time around Kara, with or without Mon-El.
Hanging out with Kara and Mon-El was just as painful as Y/n had expected it to be. Both of them were very much locked in their own world with each other, a world that Y/n didn't feel she had any place in. Alex had tagged along with them and it was hard for her to watch as Mon-El demanded Kara's attention. Y/n sort of sat back and shrank into herself as she downed some of the otherworldly alcohol at the bar. Alex kept an eye on her, and waited until Y/n stumbled away to play pool with some other aliens to finally talk to Kara.
"Come with me," Alex said as she grabbed Kara's wrist. Kara quickly excused herself as she let Alex drag her away from the table and to a more secluded part of the bar by the bathrooms. "What is your issue?"
"I could ask you the same thing," Kara huffed. "But why don't you tell me what my issue is?"
"How the hell can you stay with that loud, obnoxious asshole at the table when you've got the sweetest girl staring at you like you're her entire world? I get that you can be kind of oblivious sometimes Kara, but Jesus Christ, Y/n has been suffering this whole night because she didn't want you to think that she doesn't want to be around you anymore," Alex said. Kara made a face as she looked over at Y/n. It was the first time in a while that she had really gotten a good look at her friend, and admittedly, Y/n did look much more sad than usual. "She's been through hell and back, don't put her through it again."
"I don't mean to. I-it wouldn't be right to just leave him like this," Kara said. Alex could tell that she was conflicted.
"Do what you want, but don't ruin what could be the best thing for you," Alex warned. Kara nodded and went back at the table to think things over. It was a no-brainer, but Kara was still hesitant to do what she knew she had to. Alex watched Kara from the pool table where she was keeping Y/n company. Every so often, Y/n would sneak a glance over at Kara, but Kara was so deep in thought that she didn't even notice it. Eventually, Y/n let herself get fully involved in the pool game, to the point where she didn't notice Kara striding right up to her in an almost confrontational way.
"Y/n, we need to talk," Kara said confidently. It sounded almost like a child trying to be intimidating, but Y/n listened to her anyway. "I'm sorry for not paying enough attention to you. I got ahead of myself and lost sight of what was really important to me. Please forgive me."
"You could have dropped me off of the Empire State Building and I would have forgiven you before I hit the ground," Y/n joked. Kara sighed in relief as she threw herself into Y/n's arms in a hug. Y/n thought it was going to end there, but Kara pressed a quick kiss to the corner of her mouth as she pulled back. "What about Mon-El?"
"Like I said, someone reminded me of who is really important to me. I don't know what I'd do without you in my life, but I never really knew that man," Kara said. Y/n smiled as she leaned into Kara's arms again, finally able to rest there safely.
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toppersjeep · 9 months
Chapter 3- All For Love Charles Leclerc
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El’s POV
“Hey mom how are you feeling today” I said walking into the hospital room. “My El you look so pretty today” Mom said. “The doctors said it’s looking good” I said. “The race was great honey I’m so proud of you P2” she said holding my hand.
“Mom I think it’s turning out well for you here too” I said. “Oh honey you don’t need to worry about me” she said cupping my cheek. “I do worry” I said. “Charles oh my goodness you look as handsome as you did.. growing up” Mom said.
“Hi Joy I figured I’d stop to see you” Charles said. “Flowers too what a gentleman” Mom said. “I’ll set these here” Charles said setting the flowers on the table. “You guys are doing so good with the races” Mom said.
Charles sat next to me.
“El is doing amazing for sure she’s got that Mercedes” Charles said. “Oh you two are so cute together” she said. “Oh mom” I said. “So Joy how are you feeling” Charles said. “I’ve got good days and bad ones” she said Charles smiled.
“That’s good” Charles said. “I mean they want more chemo but I don’t wanna do that you know” Mom said. I teared up. Charles looked at me and held my hand. I just looked and smiled. “What if this one works mom” I said. “Honey.. I just can’t keep doing it to myself I’ve lived a great life” Mom said.
“But..” I said. “Joy are you sure you cant” Charles said. “Charles if it happens I’m at peace with it” Mom said. “Okay guys visiting hours are over” the nurse said. I hugged my Mom. “I love you honey” she whispered in my ear. “I love you too” I said.
I began to walk out and Charles stayed for a second. So I just waited outside the door. He then came outside.
“Sorry she wanted to talk to me” Charles said. “No it’s alright thank you for stopping she appreciates it” I said. “Elena” Charles said. “I’m fine” I said as we walked to the Elevator. The doors shut and it was just me and Charles.
I hated crying in front of him. But I just couldn’t hold it in anymore.
“Char I” I began to say as I started crying he then pulled me into a hug. “I’m here” he said holding me tightly. “I don’t get it” I said. “It’s alright you can let it all out” he said kissing my forehead.
He then drove me back to my apartment. He parked in the parking garage and walked up with me.
“Addie should be home soon” I said. “Do you want company” Charles said. “..I was gonna say no but I don’t wanna be alone” I said. “You don’t have to be” Charles said. “So how about we order in” I said. “Movies and take out” Charles said as I opened my apartment door.
“Yes” I said. “Like old times” he said shutting the door. We ordered our food and then put a movie on while we waited. “So anything else new” Charles said. “Aside from my Mom not really” I said.
“Have you talk to Joss” Charles said. “My Dad didn’t want me so I refuse to” I said. “He’s a jerk” Charles said. “So is Max” I said. “Max is well” Charles said. “Don’t get me started” I said.
“Cold” Charles said. “A bit” I said he put the blanket over me. “Thanks Char” I said. “Anytime” he said I rested my head on his shoulder. “I’m home” Addie said. “Hey Addie” Charles said.
“Hey guys” Pato said. “Oooo how was the date night” I said. “Good” Addie said. “Did you guys have date night too” Pato asked. “Oh no umm” I said getting up. “No she just had a rough day so” Charles said. “Oh” Addie said.
“I think I’ll just head to bed” I said. “El” Charles said following me into my room. “I’m fine Charles” I said. “If you need me just text me” Charles said. “I will” I said. He then hugged me. “You know I care about you.. you will always have me” he whispered in my ear. “I appreciate you so much” I said.
“I know love” he said kissing my forehead I smiled. “I’ll see you tomorrow on track” I said. “Maybe I’ll let you pass me” he said. “Hmmm only if I let you in front of me” I said he laughed. “You’ll probably be in front anyways” Charles said.
“Then join Mercedes” I said. “Hmmmm I’ll think about it goodnight mon chéri” Charles said leaving. I then changed into a t shirt and shorts. Addie came running through my door afterwards. “ELENA LYNN VERSTAPPEN ARE YOU KIDDING” Addie said. “Why are you yelling” I said.
“He called you mon chéri and said you’d always have him” Addie said sitting on my bed. “Sure Addie come right in” I said. “He’s in love with you” Addie said. “He’s just Charles” I said. “Elena he always kisses your head what friend does that” Addie said. “So what Daniel did that” I said setting my clothes in my dresser.
“Yeah and Daniel was your boyfriend see my point he wants you” Addie said. “Pato get your girlfriend” I said. “Come on Addie let her go to bed it’s race day for you guys tomorrow” Pato said.
“Alright fine” Addie said leaving shutting my door. I then turned my light off and got ready for bed. Maybe she was right about Charles.
Or maybe everything was in my head. As usual. I laid down and attempted to go to bed. When Daniel texted me something.
Danny Ric: I’m sorry.. I shouldn’t have said the things I said to you the other day. I know you are going through a lot with your Mom.
Me: No I get it we shouldn’t keep doing that it keeps hurting our friendship Daniel. And it’s alright
Danny Ric: No it wasn’t okay on my part. I didn’t mean the things I said. Are you doing okay? I know your Mom is still in the hospital
Me: honestly I don’t know how to feel dan.. she’s all I have I don’t know what I’d do if I lost her
Danny Ric: Do you want me to come over and talk about it? Or do you wanna be alone
Danny Ric: Scratch that you aren’t gonna be alone I know you too well.
I then waited a couple minutes and Danny walked into my room.
“Don’t worry I told April I came to check on you” Daniel said sitting next to me on my bed. “Daniel” I said he pulled me into a hug. “I know” he said I started crying. “I’m here” he said rubbing my back. “I can’t lose her” I said.
“You won’t” he said I laid my head on his chest as he ran his fingers through my hair. “I just don’t know how to cope with this” I said. “You have me and everyone else” Daniel said. “Is it bad to wish Max cared” I said. “He does care” Daniel said. “I doubt it” I said. “El your his sister” Daniel said.
“Doesn’t mean he has to care” I said. “You are so stubborn” he said I laughed. “Yeah that’s why you loved me remember” I said. “Loved Elena I still love you” he said I didn’t say anything. “I’ll always love you” he said looking at me. I just pretended to fall asleep.
I couldn’t keep breaking his heart. Of course I loved him. He was my first real love. But I can’t be with someone when I’m thinking about another guy.
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thecasualqueer · 1 month
oooooohhhh def def agree with your addition! and just bc your addition got my brain tumbling, if I may add:
"So, I don't think this is something that TV Kara has ever admitted to anyone, to the point where even when being asked by someone close to her who has been through similar things she still can't admit it."
I sooo agree with this PLUS I think the expectations and pressure she felt all added to her not admitting it. Like in the start, she didn't have anyone to really talk to about her survivor's guilt who would really understand why it hurt so much. Someone who wouldn't pity and baby her if she mentioned it. Bc to the Danvers and even to Kal, Kara was just a kid. Not someone who would've been the youngest Kryptonian in the science guild, not someone who will never hear the harmony of prayers in Rao's Temple ever again, not a girl who didn't just lost her family but every single person she's ever met, too.
When Kara was younger (and even in the show, as an adult), the people around her could never fully grasp the depth and grief that Kara carried (which Kara is also infinitely grateful for, she wouldn't wish this pain on anyone), so she definitely kept it in. Both duty-bound to continue living for her parents who told her to, and for her new family who have sacrificed so much to keep her safe and alive. But for a long while, she definitely did not want to.
But what else could she do? Add another point of pain to the people who have already been through so much just to keep her with them?
You're so right in mentioning Kara's martyr-like approach in S1 and I think that applies to the way Kara never really talks about her darker thoughts too. She would martyr her emotions and thoughts if it meant keeping her loved ones from worrying about her. In her mind, and as taught to her way back on a planet that once was home, it is important to be "other-focused" and to show restraint towards things that would "unbalance" the peace.
Kara doesn't admit that she dreams of death bc she doesn't feel like she deserves it and because she doesn't feel like it's fair to share to her loved ones (who, to Kara, have sacrificed so much for her).
anywayysss sorry for the long ask-reply to your addition it just got my brain going brrrrrr 😂😅 I'd love to hear if you have any more additions or different thoughts though!
yes this ☝️☝️☝️
I also think this intense unspoken pain is also what draws her to Mon El. At the point when she meets him she has gone so long feeling this way and never being able to talk about it that when she thinks she has found someone who could finally understand she can't let that opportunity pass by (even if he is the biggest dick to walk the earth).
also... having to send him away after all this??? ie literally subjecting someone else to the the same trauma she's spent her entire trying to get away from, bc it's the only choice she has to save the world.
No wonder she has a mental breakdown and quits her job after!!!!
Also, also, this is one of the things that makes her relationship with Lena so special and unique, bc even though they have vastly different experiences Lena is probably the only person in her life who can relate to having trauma so deep that it cannot even be spoken about. Just like Kara, Lena has been through so much that she is practically bursting at the seems (mentally), and just like Kara, she has had to put on a brave face through all of it.
Like, look me in the eye and tell me that Kara does not put her trauma into little boxes!!!
Anyway, sorry it took so long for me to reply to this ask I've been really busy lately but I hope it was worth the wait.
👉original post (where it started)
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Cool questions!
1: What's Chris/Thara & Jake/meredith wedding songs?
2: Dark question (feel free to skip) have the starburst duo ever been kidnapped? Like from school or maybe from their place?
3: Has somebody ever try to get revenge on the duo?Maybe a family member of a goon they stop tries to get revenge?
4: Let's say the duo filled their months with any drink of their choosing & the goal is to make the other spit it out, what would they do to each other & who spits it out first?
5: What's the super twins like with starknights/titans of tomorrow? Or maybe just Jake & mar'i?
Hmmmm....Lemme see what I can come up with @pin-crusher2000 ;-)
1) Chris/Thara: "Can I Have This Dance?" by Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudges; they’d have a waltz on the dance floor to that song
Jake/Meredith: "Hold Me” by Fleetwood Mac; The newlyweds can through on a performance with Meredith and Jake on guitar and drums respectively playing along to it
2) I would say it was primarily Jake who got abducted from his school during recess and then held up for ransom money by some mafia goons. In particular, since Jake is connected to billionaire Bruce Wayne via being the son of the adopted Richard Grayson-Wayne, the hostage takers demanded a payment up to $2 billion if Bruce and Dick are to see Jake unharmed. Thankfully for the Bats and Jake’s loved ones, these crooks weren’t particularly too technologically savvy so it’s was real easy for Cyborg to take down their locations via their internet signals and within the two hour mark after they post up their demands, Robin!Tim, Chris and Mar’i all came to Jake’s rescue, utterly curb-stomping the crooks. Still Jake was deeply embarrassed by this situation and vows to be extra careful next he ventures out of the school boundaries during recess.
3) Hmmm….I can probably see some of the street gang punk friends of Kryptonian Phantom Zone Prisoner and enemy of the House of Zod , Vla-Bol, all assemble around their ringleader after he tells them of his recent defeat at the hands of Chris. This Gang of Four can then sneak into General Zod’s base of Fort Rozz, hijack some of those Zone crossing pods many of the Fort’s residents including Chris long ago use to travel to Earth, and invade the planet themselves, going a mini rampage in Hamilton County to get Chris’ attention and start up a massive brawl, Chris trying desperately to lead said brawl away from the town and into areas worldwide where no one else can get hurt. It was a tough battle with him on the ropes many times but Jake’s, Penny Troy’s and the rest of the StarKnights’ timely arrival helped turned the tide long enough for Chris to borrow his Dad Clark’s Phantom Projector and send these Kryptonian street punks back to the Zone where they came.
4) I can see Chris mainly going for Jake’s ticklish spots while Jake would try making Chris laugh as hard as he can with some intentional slapstick and doing a small stand up routine filled with puns and other jokes his Uncle Gar taught him. It’s not even a real contest; Chris gets Jake to squirt out his grape soda not just out of mouth but also his nose.
5) Hmm….Okay so at least in this version or at least for a possible version that satisfies both Kid!Jon fans and fans of those two; I’d have them being raised by Mon El, Clark’s Daxamite de facto brother, after having to rescue them from the tyrannical clutches of Mongul during a mission at WarWorld.
As for their bond with the StarKnights and the Tomorrow Titans, I can see Osul being close with Chris, almost brotherly bond between them while also having something of a kinship with Robbie Long, something one can see being mirroring the bond Clark and Diana have. As for Otho, She’s no doubt part of a lot of friend group formed by Mar’i, Lian and Irey, an honorary member of that little Tenacious Trio and their shenanigans.
One thing is perfectly clear though; Besides Mon El, Osul and Otha are both very close to Chris and Jon as per usual.
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fazedlight · 8 months
How I think the Supergirl seasons should've gone...
Season 1: Leviathan
Hear me out. By far the biggest screwup of season 1, in my opinion, was getting rid of Kara's status as the Last Daughter of Krypton so quickly. I want to see more of her angst as a character, as a refugee from a dead planet, coming into her own powers. Give me the complicated emotions of missing her family, of feeling like she is honoring their memory, of wishing she had more guidance from her culture and values.
Starting with an Earth-based villain is a good scope for season 1. I think Leviathan could be reimagined to be remaining an Earth-based villain (none of this "technology" plot). What if they want to decimate all humans via increasing natural disasters? How would she stop them, when destruction is so much easier than creation?
Season 2: Rhea & the Daxamites
Season 2 was actually a great villain setup (Mon-El aside). I don't have many complaints here from a Big Bad perspective - Rhea was interesting and compelling, and it was fun watching her manipulate her way into a world invasion.
(I will say, if they wanted Mon-El to be a vaguely compelling character, they either should've made him some sort of freedom fighter rebelling against his parents, or they should've made Daxam a less terrible planet to begin with - with Kara learning how much propaganda she had been fed on Krypton.)
Season 3: Worldkillers (feat. Villain Alura + Worldkiller Kara)
There are hints that the original plan for season 3 was to have Alura amongst the Juru witches and Kara as a worldkiller (I may have written a fic on that). We could've combined the worldkiller arc, with Kara's angst about her parents' flaws and her existence, with Kara finally learning that she wasn't the Last Daughter of Krypton.
Her people would be alive - at a cost. Suddenly she'd be thrown into this conundrum... what did it mean to be kryptonian, and what did it mean to be human?
Season 4: Lex (and xenophobia)
Much like season 2, I really liked the existing plot of season 4. I'd make some minor changes, but overall it was a strong season.
Seasons 5 & 6
The Lex redux is kind of weak (and Lena's villain era, if she had one at all, should not last an entire season). Nyxly and Lex were the worst combination ever in my book. Not a fan of these seasons' big bads and I don't want to reuse them. But there are a few other options:
Bringing in Astra and Non at this point might be interesting. After the Daxamite invasion, the first solution people would think of would be "what if we spread kryptonite in the atmosphere?" with obvious angsty implications.
I would've loved to see Brainiac here. Perhaps he's mad that he didn't get to bottle Krypton before it exploded, so he wants to bottle Earth since it has the last kryptonians left. (Would've been an interesting arc for Brainy, too.) Or maybe he bottled Argo City.
Nyxly could've been a better solo villain, I think. I'd remove her backstory with the king/etc - make her some unhinged imp who somehow got around the usual limitations on 5th dimensional magic usage.
There are other great classic villains, like Darkseid.
As a final aside, I really loved the Red Lantern Kara arc in the comics, and wish they had done that on the show. It could've been...
A solution to the Astra/Non/Myriad problem. I thought the season 1 ending was kind of cheap, in that Kara only won because all of the kryptonian criminals were asleep on Fort Rozz when she was fighting Non and Indigo. Having Kara go red lantern and wipe them all out instead would've been immensely satisfying.
It could also have been an angsty response to Lena's betrayal, perhaps combined with the above.
Overall, the point is that there should be increasing stakes as time goes on. Moving from physically destructive villains (with increasing emotional cost) to something more vague and existential (the risk of being frozen in time, brainwashed, or fighting an unknowable magic) would've been a good escalation path for the show.
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amniotic · 2 months
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I do love to make little mixtapes for my ships. well, this got out of hand, so there's the lyrics and the vibes i get of each of these songs. i'ts first time that i make a "story" with the songs, so each one is from zoro or sanji pov, kind of progressing cause my headcanon it's that they started like frenemies with benefits to married husbands cause i'm a romantic at heart.
˗ˏˋ listen here ˎˊ˗
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lyrics under the cut ♫₊˚.🎧 ✧
Montero (call me by your name) - lil nas x
Romantic talking? You don't even have to try. You're cute enough to fuck with me tonight. You know that you can Call me when you want, call me when you need Call me in the morning, I'll be on the way Oh, call me by your name. Tell me you love me in private, Call me by your name.I do not care if you lying
Amarrame - Mon Laferte
Ignórame. Ven y pierde la razón. Quiero que me ruegues y me mires a los ojos. Dame la espalda, desenfócame. Tómame del pelo y repíteme mi nombre. Y ámame, pero sin querer
Kiss with a fist - Florence + the machine
You gave a kick. I gave a slap. You smashed a plate over my head Then I set fire to our bed I spilled your blood upon the floor. You broke my leg in return So sit back and watch the bed burn. Love sticks. Sweat drips. A kick to the teeth is good for some. A kiss with a fist is better than none
Rush - Troye Sivan
Big communication, tell me what you want Translate your vibration, let your body talk to me I feel the rush, Addicted to your touch
I Wanna Be Yours - Arctic Monkeys
If you like your coffee hot, Let me be your coffee pot Secrets I have held in my heart, Are harder to hide than I thought, Maybe I just wanna be yours, I wanna be yours, I wanna be yours
Good Old fashion lover boy - queen
What're you doing tonight? Hey, boy, Set my alarm, turn on my charm. That's because I'm a good old-fashioned lover boy. Let me feel your heartbeat, can you feel my love heat?
O sarracino - Renato Carosone
'O sarracino, 'o sarracino. Tutt"e ffemmene fa 'nnammurá Ll'uocchie 'e brigante e 'o sole 'nfaccia. Ogne figliola s'appiccia si 'o vede 'e passá. Na sigaretta 'mmocca, na mana dint"a sacca. E se ne va smargiasso, pe' tutt"a cittá
Pienso en tu mirá - Rosalía
Me da miedo cuando sales Sonriendo pa' la calle Porque todos pueden ver Los hoyuelitos que te salen Me da miedo cuando sales Pienso en tu mirá', tu mirá', clavá', es una bala en el pecho
Algo contigo - Rita payes
Y me quedan muy pocos caminos. Y aunque pueda parecerte un desatino, no quisiera yo morirme sin tener algo contigo
Hallucinate - Dua Lipa
I hallucinate when you call my name, Got stars in my eyes, And they don't fade when you come my way No, I couldn't live without your touch, No, I could never have too much, I'll breathe you in forever and ever, Hallucinate Kill me slowly with your kiss, Wrap me 'round your fingertips
Washing machine heart - mitski
Baby, will you kiss me already? And toss your dirty shoes. In my washing machine heart. Baby, bang it up inside Baby, though I've closed my eyes, I know who you pretend I am
Your best american girl - Mitski
You're the sun, you've never seen the night. But you hear its song from the morning birds. Well, I'm not the moon, I'm not even a star. But awake at night I'll be singing to the birds. Don't wait for me, I can't come You're the one. You're all I ever wanted. I think I'll regret this
誰かの願いが叶うころ - Utada Hikaru
あなたの幸せ願うほど わがままが増えてくよ. それでもあなたを引き止めたい いつだってそう それならあなたを抱き寄せたい できるだけぎゅっと
Can't help falling in love - elvis presley
"Only fools rush in". But I can't help Falling in love with you. Shall I stay? Would it be a sin. If I can't help Falling in love with you? Take my hand. Take my whole life too
One of your girls - troye sivan
Give me a call if you ever get lonely.I'll be like one of your girls or your homies Say what you want, and I'll keep it a secret. You get the key to my heart, and I need it
Sei la mia cittá - cosmo
Sei la mia città, fuori dal tempo. Sei la mia città, è un complimento. Sei la mia città, ti sento dentro
koko de kissu shite - shiina ringo
I´ll never be able to give up on you. So never say good bye And kiss me once again 行かないでね. 何処にだってあたしと一緒じゃなきゃ厭よ. あなたしか見て無いのよ 今すぐに此処でキスして Don't go. Wherever you go, you have to be with me. I only see you. Kiss me here right now
Eres para mí - Julieta Venegas
Temes sentir más de la cuenta. El corazón es un músculo, Si no late revienta. Extraño mirarte de lejos. De hacernos los tontos, parecemos tan viejos. Tiempo, mm, ¿quieres más tiempo?. Mírame la piel, ¿no ves acaso lo que siento?
Tú eres para mí, yo soy para ti El viento me lo dijo con un soplo suavecillo
Strawberry blond - mitski
I love it when you look my way. Look at you, strawberry blond. Fields rolling on, I love it when you call my name. All I need, darling, is a life in your shape I picture it, soft and I ache
there is a light that never goes out - the smiths
Oh, please don't drop me home¨. Because it's not my home, it's their home And I'm welcome no more To die by your side Is such a heavenly way to die. And if a ten-ton truckKills the both of us To die by your side. Well, the pleasure, the privilege is mine
From the start - laufey
Don't you dare look at me that way I don't need reminders of how you don't feel the same. Oh, the burning pain Listening to you harp on 'bout some new soulmate "She's so perfect", blah, blah, blah That when I talk to you Oh, Cupid walks right through And shoots an arrow through my heart. And I sound like a loon, but don't you feel it, too? Confess I loved you from the start
Enamorada - Miranda!
Mi corazón palpitaba, Cada vez que ese hombre se me acercaba. Y con el tiempo me empezó a gustar. Debo decir que no me fue tan mal Ahora estoy mucho mejor, Porque me di cuenta que tuvo sentido Haber recorrido lo que recorrí. Si al final de cuentas él era mi recompensa, Qué suerte que nunca me fui
Somethin' Stupid - Frank Sinata
And then I go and spoil it all. By saying something stupid like "I love you"
Dreams - the cranberries
Then I open up and see. The person falling here is me A different way to be And now I tell you openly, You have my heart so don't hurt me. You're what I couldn't find
Love on top - beyoncé
I can feel the sun whenever you're near. Every time you touch me, I just melt away Nothing's perfect, but it's worth it. After fighting through my tears And finally, you put me first. Baby, it's you.
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week in BL - Things are Very Mixed
May 2023 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Step By Step (Thai Tues WeTV & Gaga) ep 3 of 10 (MDL still says 12, but Gaga still says 10) - The subs are janky on YT, so you might want to watch this on Gaga. This is such a good show, it just feels so much more authentic to an office environment and first job then anything else I’ve seen in BL. Now that might be because it has western source material, or it might be because it is actually kind of old-fashioned (it’s been years since I worked as an office grunt). While the authenticity may be a little triggering for some, I love how much tension it adds to the leads’ dynamic and the quality of the narrative. I also really love the brothers’ relationship, now that we got to see them on screen together for a bit. Walk of shame was great! Oh look, character development, how novel. This is what Boss & Babe should have been. Not sold on the sides tho it’s nice to see a faen fatal as the main character in a dynamic for a change. 
La Pluie (Sat iQIYI) ep 2 of 10 - This one is really grabbing me by the throat. I love the starter concepts, what a fantastic twist on a meet cute not to mention soulmates. I hope we spend more time with the vet and his coworkers, they seem awesome. And another surprise, the guy we think is being set up to be the brother’s love interest is now clearly interested in the wrong brother. I love the trope subversions going on with this show! 
Our Skyy 2 (The Eclipse) eps 5-6 - FirstKhao are just ridiculously cute as a couple. Honestly? Aye just seems like he would be a lot of work as a lover. I’m not as wild about the premise of this installment, with the film clips and stuff (as I was of NlMG’s installment). And then, the singing. Oh well, you can’t have everything. I gotta say, First is a great crier, although I don’t think this story warranted his tears. In the end? My feelings on this installment were mixed, the movie storyline didn’t grab me and the birthday storyline seems a touch mean spirited, but I do think it adds substantially to the original Eclipse rather than feeling superfluous or slapdash like many of the other Our Skyys. So I’m going to go with 8/10 
Future (Thai Sun YouTube & Gaga) ep 6fin - More of the same (which I like) but I’m glad it ended. Didn’t need to get dragged out. Such drama over nothing. In the end? This is just a soft sweet cotton candy fluff piece about a younger boy who pursues an older boy and then manufactures silly gay drama. Nothing wrong with that. But I don’t think this style of BL really appeals to a very large market share. Will I rewatch it? Sure. Will anyone else? Nope. 7/10 RECOMMENDED WITH RESERVATIONS.    
Pastsenger (Thai Weds Gaga) ep 9 of 12 eps - And now the amnesia trope. I’m not a fan. This is such a pulp. At least it ends next week? Groan, no 3 more eps.  
A Boss and a Babe (Fri YouTube) ep 10 of 12 - one thing I realize I like about this main couple’s dynamic is that the seme/uke seems earned, where it didn’t in Echante. I don’t have much else to say except it’s crazy when a narrative betrays its characters like this and why to poor ForceBook keep having to deal with it? 
The Promise (Thai Weds YT & WeTV) ep 7 of 10 - Honestly, who wears an all white outfit to play around with coffee beans in the countryside? I LOVE the faen fatal, he’s so good, courageous, honest, and morally sound. He even gives his rival fair warning. Nan should totally go out with him. I made awwww noises over the faen fatal! I NEVER do that. I guess Phu was right all along? Nan won’t date a friend. Ultimate friend zone. Well shit. This show. Ouch. 
House of Stars (Thai Mon iQIYI) ep 1 of ?? - There seems a slight horror element which I do not like and it’s also confusingly like Melrose Place or something. Everyone is sleeping with, or wants to be sleeping with everyone else. It’s kinda hilarious to watch something where all the actors are supposed to be good actors but it’s a pulp so they just really aren’t. So far my main issue is I can’t keep them all straight in my head (pun intended). 
Tin Tam Jai (Tues Gaga) ep 10fin - There is very little I enjoyed about this show. The entirely forgotten side dishes gave us 5 min of excellent high heat and then vanished, but otherwise this show sucked in the wrong way. It’s forgettable and I intend to do just that. 5/10  
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Our Dining Table AKA Bokura no Shokutaku (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 5 of 10 - The way these two are very quietly yet thoroughly falling in love with each other is executed with such grace and subtlety that only Japan could have handed this out. It’s not even “falling” it’s more like sliding gradually into love. 
Love Mate (Korea Thurs Viki) eps 1-2 of 8 - Launched very much openly gay so that’s fun. Also very much bubble too, so no one around them cares. So: Seo is a player jaded older uke (fun character type we don’t see often) and his seme is a romantic if arrogant weirdo. Can you see my hands clapping? Combative trope activation! Absurdity. How fun. Also workplace harassment but hayho that’s BL for ya. (Also a nonBL Kdrama specialty.) ALSO whole office in on seme-stalker’s side? All in all, it’s odd and questionable, but I’m into it. Why am I like this? 
Happy Merry Ending (Korea Thurs Gaga) eps 3-4 of 8 - OK I’m not super into the main couple but I love all of the surrounding characters. The overly protective best friend with a crush is giving bad advice but it’s understandable and he’s super hot so I forgive him. And the idol character is a wonderful addition, he is my baby. Also, evil ex is v evil. 
Vian the series (Vietnam YT ) - I thought this was gonna be Tiktok only but apparently it’s showing up on YT too. It’s cute! My cat boyfriend (which is more common that it should be) and this seems to be Vietnam’s installment (we got Thailand’s last year). The boy playing the cat is the prettiest human being on the planet. Fight me. No fight him, get scratched. Serious tho. Holy hairballs. Look I don’t really like vertical content but I am watching this for him. Meow, indeed. 
The Day I Loved You (Vietnam YouTube) eps 2-3 of ? - BL Express’s first impressions mirror mine. Niks is so flipping cute. Rich kid is so into him, so is bestie. So much gay macho posturing. So much bi fear and het shame. But also it’s killer to get a femme main characters who isn’t being mocked. Dancing trope continues (better than singing together). It is kinda Heartstopper goes Pinoy BL. Honestly, I prefer kids a little drawings to terrible sound effects. This is better than it or we have any right to expect. 
Naked Dinner AKA Zenra Meshi (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 4 of 12 - There is a lot I like about this drama, except the weird central conceit of the naked dining. But the romance part is cute, if a tad simplistic. 
My Story (Pinoy Sat YouTube) ep 4 of 10 - chukchuk went missing and so did my interest in this show. I’m DNFing this one. 
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Dancing together, the baby sub-trope of 2023. (The Day I Love You) 
It’s Airing But ...
Love Syndrome (Thai Sat WeTV) stopped at ep 2 of 12 - I’m just not into any aspect of it (except Lee Long Shi) - saving to binge if the end is solid.
Venus in the Sky (Sat YouTube) pilot/tester?) 0 of 10 - not entirely sure what’s up with this one distribution-wise, but the pilot was classic university-set pulp. I hope it happens because the leads are cute with good chemsitry and I thought it was fun. However, this pilot holds together as its own little short too.
Stormy Honeymoon (Vietnam) - meh
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In Case You Missed It
Actors Bas Suradej (2 Moons etc...) and Copter Panuwat (so much BL) have left Starhunter. So Copter and Kimmon will part ways as an on-screen pair (RIP KimCop). Their upcoming show Boy Never Smiles will still air, but will likely be their last together. (source) 
Restart After Come Back Home (highly recommended), Athlete, Capture Lover, Tkumi-kun, His the movie (recommended) and also a bunch of the dark stuff like Forbidden Love and Shortest Distance are all leaving Gagaoolala soon. So watch ‘em while you can. A few are also on Viki, but many will be difficult to get hold of without Gaga. 
I finally finished the second season of The Reason Why He Fell in Love with Me (Japan Gaga) and gave it a 4/10. I just don’t like or recommend any of the installments of this franchise, but if I had to pick, it’s season one. 
Make a Wish finished at 6 eps. Stars Fluke Natouch (OhmFluke UWMA etc...) & Judo (The Miracle Of Teddy Bear) in medical-fantasy about a doctor who sees ghosts and a deity who resides in a Bodhi tree that earns merits whenever he fulfills a wish. Based on a y-novel by Sammon (Manner of Death, Triage). I will watch it if I get hold of it, but for now... who knows how it went? 
Here’s a really interesting podcast ep from 99% Invisible on captions and captioning.
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Coming in May 2023:
5/18 - Starstruck (Korea ????) - A boy has had a crush on his childhood friend for a long time. Stars Zuho (Kpop SF9 - noted good egg) opposite rookie actor Kim In Sung (the one with the crush).
5/27 The Luminous Solution (Thai ????) 10 eps - Thana is having trouble at work and in his relationship. He can't seem to catch a break. So he makes a wish to change everything. The wish has a price.
5/27 Takumi-kun Series 6: Nagai Nagai Monogatari no Hajimari no Asa (Japan) - NO ONE ASKED FOR THIS (but that has never stopped Japan before) and no, I have no idea where to get it, why would I ?????  (Say it with me everyone: Oh Japan, must you?)
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
Defining Gut Wrenching from The Promise
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Honestly you gotta be so careful who you case as the faen fatal, sometimes he steals everyone’s hearts. I caught a BAD case of second lead syndrome. 
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Future reviewing itself for us. 
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Tiny king of the GMMTV cameo. (Our Skyy et al)
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Frankly if this weren’t such a bad story, Cher might be one of my favorite BL characters. (Boss & Babe) 
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? BTOB's - Wind & Wish (I don’t consider myself Melody but I make no case for that statement)
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a-moth-to-the-light · 1 month
Most-Listened of April 2024
[last month]
Last month, I was just sooo excited about so much music (see: the giant five-star songs list)--I must have used up a whole lot of my enjoying-music energy, since this month I withdrew a bit & got super picky. (Which, for some reason, meant only enjoying three artists--Repion, Majiko, and Mon Laferte--for a solid week. No, I have no idea why my brain chose those three in particular!) So, I'm not feeling as sparkly as I did when I wrote last month's post, but there was still some awesome stuff this month (which is why I'm doing a top 20 instead of my usual 15!!).
Most of my favorite releases this month ended up being not-kpop, but my top 3 kpop releases of the month would be: "Undefeated" by XG (*insert obligatory acknowledgement of the "is XG kpop?" debate here*), "I'll See You There Tomorrow" by TXT, and "Candy Crush" by ARTMS!
1 . El Imán - Remix -- Delfina Campos, Santiago Martínez
If you, like me, still aren't over Tiffany's "I Just Wanna Dance", allow me to introduce you to...
2. La venganza de los Sith -- Comic Sans
By FAR my favorite release this month. This has the same indie-boy euphoria as "joyrider" by second thoughts, which is an instant win in my book!
3. Abittipsy -- Youha
I think I'm a normal amount of angsty for a college student! "Abittipsy" signifies an about-average amount of angst... right?
4. It Was Coming All Along -- Maggie Rogers
I don't really understand these lyrics, but they've been haunting me anyway. I guess I never get tired of this kind of apocalypse song--the ones that aren't even all that angry or scared anymore, they just sound completely exhausted. For me, they're always the most powerful.
5. Solo en Vos -- Luciana Tagliapietra
Loving the trend of synthy music that sounds straight out of a video game! And this synth is especially well-produced--the texture is IMPECCABLE.
6. Death To My Hometown -- Bruce Springsteen
Down two spots from last month, but still awesome!
7. Luz -- Ine Güemes
Another repeat offender! (I told you, this month wasn't all that exciting.) It's moved up a spot from last month, though. This album has a stranglehold on my soul btw.
8. Hemofilia - Remix -- Delfina Campos, Ferla
Re: Tiffany's "I Just Wanna Dance" !!
9. El día no me da -- Repion
Just an average Repion song--which, of course, means it's fantastic and has been my go-to song every single day for the last month.
10. Altas Nubes -- Adrià Salas, Repion
It's sooooo DND coded.
11. Spotlight -- Creepy Nuts
I love Creepy Nuts so much, and this one encapsulates everything that got them on my stan list in the first place--the incessant energy, the creative instrumentals, the rock influences !!!
12. Undefeated -- XG, Valorant
Yessssss sound design for the win!! There's never a dull moment in this song--XG really are bringing the thrill back to girl crush, and I couldn't be happier!
13. Nightshift -- Bruce Springsteen
This month's sulking song, I dare say? I'm SOOOO lucky I got to hear it live in March, and I've been addicted since. And it makes me SO SAD OH MY GOD--
14. Stayaway - Now, Now Remix -- MUNA
I still love the original, but this one had me at house keys!
15. Martes -- Repion
I'm getting sooo tired of complimenting Repion (look, I've been doing it nonstop since the release of their album last February). So I'll just say: harmonies good yes.
16. The Kill -- Maggie Rogers
Watching the live performance on YouTube broke me a little. This isn't the most exciting song, but Maggie Rogers makes it SO emotional in the most wonderfully subtle ways--a little sentimental, a little resigned. As Phoebe Bridgers once said, "I feel something."
17. Dice -- Onew
The album is better, but this is really cute! I must have left it on repeat while doing homework or something this month.
18. Alley Rose -- Conan Gray
This goes out everyone who cried to "Wish You Were Sober" in 2020 !!!
19. Found Heaven -- Conan Gray
I like the lyrics way more than I like the actual song, but I like the lyrics a LOT. "There's a God / in the sky / don't believe him." GODDAMN.
20. .tumblr -- Saramalacara
I want big clumsy melody-heavy EDM back!!!! Make dark-concept kpop like this again pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee
Five-Star Songs (& Albums!) This Month
Alley Rose -- Conan Gray (Now THIS is how you make retro exciting again. "Alley Rose" has disco and psychedelic rock built into the bones of its Elton John tribute, and the layers and layers of influences are just so endlessly fascinating to me!)
Amárrame -- Mon Laferte, Juanes (I ran across this during that weird week where I could only enjoy like 3 artists, and I'm so glad I did! I already expect Mon Laferte choruses to be wonderful, but this one still managed to take my breath away. Love at first listen, the vocal layering and the drums and the VOCAL LAYERING GUYS GUYS LISTEN TO THAT CHORUS. To my 10th grade Spanish teacher--I like a Juanes song now! Sorry it took me so long lol)
World -- MUCC (I've liked this since it came out, but it just hit differently this month. I don't know, maybe I'm just more obsessed with multilayered vocals than usual this month--which would explain the Repion obsession, actually...)
Como Bailan los Demás (Lado B) -- Delfina Campos (I think I'll always be that guy who wants my albums aesthetic, and this selection of hazy, muted club tracks is exactly what I'm looking for in an album worth leaving on repeat. It all flows together so effortlessly, and Delfina Campos really got my attention with these performances--so delicate, and so captivating. I'll have to go back and check out their other stuff!)
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So I’ve finally finished season 4 of Clone Wars! Since the episode order is mostly lining up with the chronology, I can put my thoughts down into something resembling organized.
Mon Cala arc
-can that prince please not pronounce his own homeworld’s name like that? he calls it moan cala and i hate it
-it wasn’t necessary for the plot to work, but I’m curious about the history between the cala and the quarren. i wish we got some more details on why relations are tense
-the animators were clearly out of their depth (ha) with the setting. some parts felt like they didn’t know how to translate the usual fighting to an aquatic setting
-the story was satisfying, but I doubt this is anyone’s favorite set of episodes
-i can feel the gungans growing on me. not sure how I feel about that
Shadow Warrior
-how dare this show make gungans tolerable. coming into my home and making me okay with jar jar fucking binks
R2 and C3P0 duology
-some fun moments!
-would show it to my young cousins but at my age, it goes on a little too long. I’m not looking for/expecting deep meditations on war (American War by Omar el Akkad if that’s what you are interested in), but this is more in the kids show category than the family show one most episodes fall under
Umbara arc
-this is what I mean by being a family show vs a kids show
-I love this arc
-and Rex really gets fleshed out as a character in this one
-i didn’t get why people hated krell so much. i get it now. he’s like the umbridge of Star wars
-the tech designs for umbara and umbaran tech are pretty slick, i hope they get a cameo in live action some day
-the krell twist was. okay ig? it comes out of nowhere a bit. sure, he’s very strict on protocol and has a bone to pick with clones, but it’s said explicitly, more than once, that he gets results as a commander (paid for in casualties, but still successful). him being a relentless opportunist gets away from the clone thing, and i think digging into that could have been really interesting
Zygerrian Slave Empire
-not fond of the orientalist imagery in this one. won’t elaborate. i’ll say it’s personal for me and leave it at that
-how Anakin’s history as someone who was once literally enslaved should have been explored more
-this arc has its redeeming moments, but it also has a lot of wasted potential
-I might make a more in depth post someday, I have a lot of half formed thoughts about this one
Friend in Need
-this was a rewatch for me, I saw it when I was getting Mandalorian context for the Grogu and his working single father show
-I notice now that except for Bo Katan, deathwatch is all male. and to me, were implied to be sexually abusing the local women (the village leader mentions them having “taken” their women) maybe that’s what was meant by that infamous “they all died off years ago” re: exile of the warriors. no women, no offspring.
Crisis on Naboo arc
-ooh, I wish we get some more time on how Anakin was affected by Obi Wans faked death
-man, cad bane looks stupid without his hat. cover up that dome baby boy, you aren’t ventress, you cant pull the bald look off
-cad bane saving kenobi/hardeen in the Box. he’s a bad guy all right, but he isn’t entirely without honor. love that trope
-and I love palpatine’s scheming! glad to see a senior citizen staying active and involved
Ventress/Savage Oppress/Maul arc
-i love Assaj Ventress so much it’s unreal
-idc that the nightsisters are on the dark side. i love sisterhoods, i love witches, i love covens, it broke my heat to watch the separatists massacre them. at least mother talzin is still alive.
-i have so much Feeling for ventress. betrayed and abandoned again and again only to lose her sisters, and to feel like it’s her fault
-saving that girl from a forced marriage… ventress I love you.
-they should have let maul keep the spider legs, they looked cool
-I didn’t get the obsession with maul. I don’t really share it, but I do get it now. the raw drive for vengeance, his madness. I’m looking forward to where the writers take him
-obi wan and ventress are a great combo, their dialogue has a lot of chemistry
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archer-bishop · 2 years
Marry Me (Alex x Reader)
Inspired by Marry Me by Thomas Rhett
Alex, a minute ago
Today was y/n's wedding. The day we always talked about as kids, the day that I was supposed to stand up and be here for her, the day that I walked her down the isle... I just remembered talking about it back then, all those years ago...
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Alex, 20 years ago. 14
She told me one day she wants to get married, she wants her grandpa preaching the service, but not too many people, save her some money. Even on her wedding she still cares about things like that. She's got it all planned out, I can see it all right now.
I'll be wearing my black suit, a black tie hiding out in the back. Doing a strong shot of whiskey straight out the flask, I'll be trying to make it through without crying so nobody sees. That she's gonna get married, but she's not gonna marry me...
I don't know why but I love her so much and I know it's selfish but I don't wanna see her with anyone else... Why do I have that feeling.
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Alex, 18 years ago. 16
Ever since Kara found out about me and y/n she's been telling me to tell her, make my move...
So we just got home after the football game , y/n was sleeping over.
We just had dinner then we went upstairs, we look into each other's eyes, leaned in but she pulled away just before we kissed because we heard something fall down stairs, turns out it was Kara and her powers.
After that I kinda freaked out, I mean we've been friends for forever. But I always wondered if she did feel the same way... But-
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Alex 6 years ago, 26
Today, I was going to tell y/n how I felt after I get back from Geneva. But that didn't happen so I think I'll wait...
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Alex, 3 months ago. 32
So I did, I waited and waited... till this day...
After everything that's happened these past six  years. With Maggie and Mon El, I had Kara, J'ohn, and one of my best friends Kelly to get me though it something was missing... Someone was missing... That someone was y/n. She was always there after Maggie, she was there, after crisis she was still there... When Kara became supergirl for the very first time... She was there.
And I never told her, but now I just know it's too late...
Yesterday she handed me a white envelope. That I still haven't opened, but I already know when it says...
Hey, Alex Danvers,
          My great protector, My best friend, My soulmate. This a letter I hand, wrote for you, because this is my wedding invitation.
Thank you for always being there for me through the ups and downs of our lives, thank you for sticking around even if I made it clear I don't want you around, you could tell that I did...
But on this day I am asking you to give me away , to walk me down the isle next to me and my dad. Please I can't think of anyone else that can do this.
Yes                            No
            __________                 _________        
I read the letter and balled my eyes out knowing it was way too late I know her dad's been dreading this day, but he doesn't know he's not the only one giving her away...
I put out my black suit, my black tie just like I thought I would all those years ago...
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Alex, a 10 minutes ago
She's got on her dress now, I see her welcoming the guest now, then I see Kara walk up to me...
"Alex it's now or never... You to tell her or you'll regret it someday... Believe me" Kara said to me remembering Mon El
"I know Kara... I know" I walked away with tears in my eyes
I think about everything she's done for me all my life, she's heard me rant at 3:00 a.m. about some alien problem, she's seen me get shot, get hurt but still she's always there, she's even gotten hurt... because of me, but still she's always for me and never asked for anything in return...
She's been the love of my life since we were 14... After everything I've put her I just need to give this day... This one day, but I could try to find her, tell her, before she's finally out of reach...
But I don't wanna mess it up... So I walk up to her...
"Hey, y/n"
"Hey yourself, handsome... Wow, you look amazing Ally" she's called me that since we were 7... How am I supposed to ruin this for her...
"Hey, I just needed to talked to you... (she looks at me with a gentle and curious smile... I can't do this) and wish you the best and good luck" her smile drops, leaving me confused, but I felt tears forming in my eyes when she said something I never knew...
"You know when we were around 12 years old I used to have this big crush on you- (I looked at her wide eyed) and I was hoping you wouldn't notice... But at around 14 I knew I loved you, and its funny because I never knew what that felt like and hurt because I felt like couldn't tell you without losing everything... But then you came out to me and Maggie happened and I couldn't do that to you, so I just gave up... I gave you up all those years ago, still hurts but at least you're here now (she grabs my hands)"
I just hug her and punish my heart and mind for never noticing... She is in love with me... She was in love with me, and it's only now I notice how big of a part of me relies on her, and that part gets ripped away the moment she walked away with tears in her eyes...
Then I look at Kara she looks back at me with sadness...
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Alex, 5 minutes ago
It's time for me to to walk her down the isle but I so I do... But the moment she reached the altar I left... I left because it hurt touch, I left because I couldn't handle seeing her get married... What kind of a friend am I, I can't even watch her get married... I instead I'm doing what I thought I'll do all those years ago...
I'm in my black suit, my black tie, hiding out in the back till it's over, drinking strong shot of whiskey straight out the flask... The flask that she gave me...
That is until I here someone knock on the door...
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Alex, the present
I see from the window that it's y/n... Wait a minute, it's y/n she supposed to be married by now... A million thoughts run through my head, what is she doing here?!
We sit down "Um... Y/n what are you doing here? when you're supposed to be out there" I asked concerned, then I saw tear stains on her cheeks, then I knew something was wrong...
"Turns out Mary (the girl you're supposed to marry) heard what we were talking about earlier and she said and I quote " I know you love me and I love you, but we both know you love someone much much more, so get the girl, if it's love it's worth it, give me a call if you want try again, or tell me who it is but I'm pretty sure I already know" then I told her ok but I didn't want it to be this way, she said she didn't either but that we could still be friends, so right now their cleaning up the wedding so Daniel and Emma (Daniel is your fatherly figure) can get married instead, didn't want this to go to waste"
"Even after everything, you still think about others" I say with a small smile "but why did you come to me"
Because after everything there is still one thing I'm sure of-" she walks to me taking of her glasses which confused me because she usually only does that when she's about to-... Oh... My... God "- it's that I'm still in love with you and i know i just broke up but will you be my girlfriend?"
"Really?!" She asked happily
"Yes! But what about Steve" the 12 year old Kryptonian boy y/n adopted when he was 6, he is cute though... Her little Rogers
"Don't worry he knows and he loves you"
I took her in my arms then we locked eyes like we did all those years ago but this time there's no stopping us... She leans in to kiss me and so did I and I and it felt like fireworks... Look I know It sounds cliche but its true...
And we both knew this would be the first of many...
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Alex, 8 years later, 40
"So that's how you guys got together... On mom's wedding day" our boy asked in disbelief us
"Uh-huh" y/n nodded yes
"Wow... you guys really took your time" our girl told us with a smirk, y/n just broke out laughing and I just glared at her.
"Yeah... now go to bed little Danvers" y/n said in a serious voice... So it's my turn to break out laughing.
"Good night you two" we walked out of the room to find little Rogers, yes I've started calling him that now too, passed out with his shield in his room on the couch. He still lives with us because he said she wants to spend as much it with his moms as possible so he pays the bills, but y/n grew up in this house, this very big house that her grandma built and still owns, so her mom and grandma live with us, 4 generations of y/n's family.
After that it was getting late so me and y/n go to bed...
I still can't believe that after everything, that I get to have this. Getting to wake up next to the love of my life, having a big family. It's all because of her, I mean she gave birth to the twins. Our Kara Eliza "Elie" L/n Danvers and our John Winslow "Winn" L/n Danvers, who, not so surprisingly act just like me and Kara. After y/n and Kara gave me, Winn, Nia, James, Kelly, Brainy and Eliza, a blood transfusion a few years ago, they accidentally made us part kryptonian we don't have powers but I now have the same lifespan as my family, which made so happy.
This is the life I've always wanted and even if I thank her everyday it still wouldn't be enough for the lifetime of happiness she's given me...
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A/n: Winn came back about 5 years ago and decided with his wife to stay in the present. Sorry this was a little long I just can't stop writing sometimes. Well thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it, bye!, Sorry for it being really bad though. Oh and your kryptonian too. And this is on Wattpad too...
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rottentiger-art · 1 year
tag people you would like to get to know better
Thank you @gigantomachy1916 and @litterateur97 for the tag!! It's crazy how much we have in common lol
1. Three Ships
Ooof, I got so many, I'm gonna put the three I'm currently obsessed with (bc I'm not sure I could choose just three as favorite)
Vegebul, my beloved, my OTP, the light in my life, the best anime couple imo
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Trumai (yes, both versions), the successor of Vegebul, they have me in a hold just as strong as them, it's such a weird but fun pairing, I adore them
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Hurrem x Suleiman (look at themmmmm) everytime suleyman spoke his poems to hurrem I melted, no ship has ever have such romantic quotes. Plus, i use a lot of their scenes for royal aus, it's just gold
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I know you said three but I gotta give an honorable mention to Lawmane, who's ever present in my mind, even if I dont post about them as often as before. They would've been THE couple if only Misa hadnt fallen for that gay republican
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2. First Ever Ship
I think it was either Sparrabeth or Quogan, I'm not too sure (Quogan was the first ship I've read a fanfic of tho). I'm still obsessed with both, maybe more than when I was younger. I remember wanting Spareabeth to be endgame and to know more of Quogan's life after the show's end, but now it's a NEED
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3. Last Song
Funeral by Mon Laferte. It's an amazing song, it speaks of being in a loveless/passionless relationship and wondering how it got that way and wanting nothing more than for it to finally reach its end. My favorite part goes something like this: "While I prepare breakfast I feel so terribly alone, suddenly I want to die, I want to run away from you. I wish I was on the ocean, letting the waves carry me away, I want to stop breathing; dont wake me up, I want to keep dreaming about our funeral" not a perfect translation, but you get the point. The narrator feels so helpless and is so desperate to find a way put an end to that relationship, other part of the song reflects her regret on how they both let the relationship die and wishes she could go back in time and prevent it, but nonetheless their love has died and they're both wasting their time by still being together.
I listen to it a lot when I need to think an angst AU or something lol. But the singer is so good and shows such emotions through her voice, it makes me relate, even tho I've never been on that situation (thankfully)
If you want to get into Hispanic music, I definitely recommend Mon Laferte, she's one of my favorite artist, "Se me va a quemar el corazón" is another amazing song of hers that I recommend.
4. Last Movie
The Menu (2022)
Amazing movie, it was fun and light to watch and not to be taken too seriously + it has my gf Anya Taylor-Joy (ORGULLO ARGENTINO), I took a peek at its tag on ao3 out of curiosity and I'm embarrassed to say who I'm shipping now, but if you know me, you can probably guess
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5. Currently Reading
Nothing new, I've re read my favorite books, The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and Chronicle of a Death Foretold by GGM. The little prince was the first book ive ever read, I always heard it's a book you should read as a kid and then later as an adult, and my God, it's true, it's a completely different experience. 6 yo me thought it was a fun book about a man hallucinating in the desert, 24 yo me cred like a baby full of longing for a childhood I didn't appreciate and grief of the kid in me that inevitably died as I grew up and became an adult.
I never tire of reading CoaDF, everytime I expect the end to be different even tho the very beginning tells you what's gonna happen.
I dont have much time, so I choose those too bc they're a short read. However, I'm gonna start to reread asoiaf books too, bc I can never get enough of them
6. Currently Watching
Like I said, I have no time, so I stick to Sitcoms I can put on the bg while I work. I'm currently rewatching The Nanny, I forgot how much I loved it. And I swear, I'll start dressing as Fran as soon as I have time to buy new clothes, her style is just, mwah chef's kiss, obsessed.
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And omg, I forgot how slow the burn in this show was, its Season 5 and they're still not dating!!!! Immabout to throw gasoline at them!!!!!
7. Currently Consuming
I ordered some Pizza, it should be here any moment, I'm sure you can guess why
8. Currently Craving
I also need to finish my fic and socialize more. So I crave time, I need a vacation.
9. Tagging
@tomwise @emcads @littlewomenpodcast @mslilylashes ❤ anyone that wants to do it, feel free to!
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aceofwhump · 2 years
Can you recommend any good sickfics?
Sure can!
The Devil and the Flu by dino76 Summary: Shameless Lucifer fluff. Our favourite devil has an unpleasant encounter with something called “the flu”.
Precocious Parasite Oshii Summary: Lucifer eats something unwise and Chloe tends to him. When she has to leave, Trixie steps in and volunteers her services as resident physician. H/C, sick!Lucifer.
Thermophilic Bacteria by ElenaCee Summary: Lucifer manages to get sick, which leads to its own kind of reveal.
Nurse to the Devil by CastleMorningstar Summary: When Lucifer suddenly falls ill at a crime scene, Chloe takes it upon herself to make him better, with the help of Trixie
powering through by Oshii Summary: Sick!Lucifer, heedless of his fragile state, invites Chloe over to the penthouse to go over some missing links on a case. Things do not end well for him. Chloe sticks around to help him out. Emeto, h/c, nausea and back rubbing!
The King and the Taco Truck by Oshii Summary: For all his infernal splendor, Lucifer still falls victim to one of humanity's most troublesome grievances. Mazikeen, ever the faithful assistant, is there to pick up the pieces. AU!Lucifer, sick!Lucifer, emeto, mild H/C (mild because it's maze).
Thomas Barrow
The Illness dustnik Summary: Set in 1924. Thomas becomes very ill, and Andy is concerned.
A Little Help by Once_More_With_Feeling Summary: A missing scene from Season 5, episode 6, after Miss Baxter takes Thomas to see Dr. Clarkson.
Danny Williams
Chicken Soup for the Soul by MDJensen Summary: Danny's homesick, and sick sick. Chin's a good friend. Set soon after 1x08
Rising Temperatures by Candy_A Summary: Danny's bout of the flu leads the guys to discover that there may be something better than just soothing each other's pain.
Warmth by Nymaria Summary: Steve is falling in love. (How there is paperwork, a stage production of Wicked, Danny is sick with the flu, a murder case pops up, and Steve has to deal with feelings.)
Klaus Hargreeves
Sick of Pills by SheepShit Summary: Klaus is sick, Ben is trying to help, Diego is helping and Luther is absolutely no help
asset by painting Summary: As it turns out, "leave me alone, I'm sick" isn't an adequate deterrent when directed toward the living or the dead.
Malcolm Bright
Common Cold by Bowtiez Summary: Malcolm is not the kind of guy to admit when something's not right. And, well, something's not quite right. Gil's not the kind of guy to just ignore when one of his team members is not doing so good. Even Dani and JT can see something's going on with their profiler.
Mike Warren
Sick Mike Oneshots by Miss DiNozzo Summary: As a huge sickfic fan, I’ve really wanted to see more sick!Mike. So naturally I wrote a million stories about it.
Crowley (Good Omens)
Honour by DictionaryWrites2 Summary: Just a very small, sick!Crowley thing!
Eliot Waugh
Time is Limited; Love is Precious by clarapaget Summary: Eliot gets sick. It's been a few months since Arielle passed of a similar sickness and Quentin is on edge.
Chroma by kangamangus Summary: Set during A Life in the Day, Eliot gets sick and Quentin frets.
Illya Kuryakin
Something New by moviegeek03 Summary: Illya couldn't show weakness. No matter how much he hurt, or how bad that annoying cough got. He was the muscle for their team. He couldn't get sick. Right?
Russian Immunity by lovelydarkanddeep Summary: "I am Russian. Cold does not bother me. I do not want to deal with you getting sick because you have inferior immune system." Illya let's Gaby borrow his coat, but it seems even the Red Peril isn't immune to a common cold.
Too Bad by floral cactus Summary: Illya is sick, and of course he doesn't tell anyone until he ends up puking on the very nice, very expensive hotel carpet. Gaby/Illya one-shot.
Night Fever by PerilousCowboy Summary: Illya gets sick, but luckily his team is there to watch out for him. Shameless fluff.
Never Alone (or the one where Mon-El gets sick) by Write-To-You Summary: This was the first time Mon-El had gotten sick since he was 8. It brought back memories of Daxem, some welcome, most not. Because he was alone now. Or maybe he wasn't, and he just didn't know it yet.
John Sheppard
Nightcrawlers by coolbreeze1 Summary: Just a little self-indulgent whumping fic to get myself back into the writing habit. There's only the thinnest hint of an actual story here, so don't expect too much beyond sick!Shep...Not for the squeamish! Otherwise, no spoilers of any kind.
Killian Jones
Nightcrawlers by coolbreeze1 Summary: Just a little self-indulgent whumping fic to get myself back into the writing habit. There's only the thinnest hint of an actual story here, so don't expect too much beyond sick!Shep...Not for the squeamish! Otherwise, no spoilers of any kind.
Pale by SignoriaSickFic Summary: Set in the 6 weeks of peace in S4. Killian catches a nasty stomach bug and, feeling sick, fails to answer his phone. Enter a worried Emma who finds herself playing nursemaid to her indisposed pirate boyfriend. Warning: mentions of vomiting.
Killian is Sick by KatofDresden Summary: Sickfic! Killian Jones is a survivor, but that doesn't mean he can't be hurt. A series of oneshots where Hook is sick or injured. Lots of vulnerable Killlian and Captain Swan feels. And some angst. Suggestions welcome.
Silence by SlytherinElektra Summary: Spoilers for 3X20 Kansas. AU-ish. Sick Hook. After the drowning incident, Hook is more hurt than he lets on. The consequences of the trauma catch up to him dramatically. Whump, angst, Emma feels.
Cabin Fever by CSIBeauty Summary: When Emma goes to the Jolly Roger to question Hook about a recent theft in town she finds him in a less than healthy state. He refuses to leave the comfort of his ship leaving her no choice but to take care of him there. AU Sick!Hook NOW COMPLETE
Neal Caffrey
My HeroJosieStyleNeal is in need for a hero, because he is really sick. He wanted something that took away his pain. Peter and his wife helping the young man out, with soup, trashcans, and a lot of patience. Read, and make my day!
Neal's Sickness by PoeticJustice84 Summary: Neal comes down with a nasty bug and Peter and El have to nurse him back to health in this installment.
Sick Day by Stealth Dragon Summary: This is not the first time Peter had seen a sick Neal, but this is the first time he's had to deal with a sick Neal. Neal and Peter friendship. Poor sick Neal. Gen all the way, baby.
Neal's Sick Day by pineapple dreamer Summary: Neal's a bit under the weather. Just some random Neal whump. I do not own any of these characters.
Tony DiNozzo
This is Home by Emiliana Keladry Summary: Tony almost dies in a house fire and finds himself fighting a respiratory infection that his lungs aren't strong enough to take. He needs someone to take care of him while he's so very sick.
A Doctor's Love by Fictionnaire Summary: The DiNardo/Benoit life... Tony's body has trouble keeping up with the double life and becomes sick. Can Tony keep up the DiNardo persona while sick? And the Director's Conspiratal web grows. Warning! DiNozzo/Benoit pairing.
The Deepest Significance by bananacosmicgirl Summary: While working on a case, Tony gets sick but pretends nothing is wrong. When Gibbs sends Tony and Ziva out to track the possible murderer, things take a turn for the worse. Gibbs/DiNozzo, slash.
Riley Poole
In Sickness and in Health by Craic agus Ceol Summary: Oneshot, pre-NT1. Riley comes down with an illness. Ben is less than thrilled at the way he handles it.
Red Jello by Ryo314 Summary: Riley is sick. What more can you want?
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I must ask: which ship do you prefer, karamel or John/Aeryn? I'm neutral, just curious.
Anon... oh, boy. People are going to crucify me.
Ok, keep in mind I'm super fresh after binging Farscape, so well, in this particular moment?
Slightly, I like John/Aeryn more. But the main reason is that they are purebred, wholesome endgame with like 10 cherries on the top. They give you the feeling, when you watch a ship being born, how they fall in love, overcome obstacles and dramas, have the most kickass and sweet moments you can imagine and end together.
While, karamel was axed in the middle of their romance and story we never got anything really satisfying after the Argo eps (I guess?). They are the ship that had fucking everything what was needed to be a perfect ship and it all was wasted, along with our investment, joy, energy, years and everything else. The scenes are great, but the ending leaves the seriously sour taste.
And aside of that, in karamel's case, sigh, most of the obstacles in s3 and later feel artificial like the typical shit to keep them apart. While in s2 I get when Kara felt betrayed, Rhea had her twisted points, why he needed to leave - it made sense. And then s3 came. Arranged marriage. He wants to stay but Brainianc is a coward and he needs to become duty's slave. Fuck my life. And then the show contradicted their own fucking storytelling (we can't fuck with the timelines! vs. Brainiac just killed Nura Nal, lol! Kara can and wants to have it all! vs. Kara can't, lol! etc.). Again, it's frustrating.
In J&A's case the reasons to keep them apart are built for eps and even seasons. There is a follow-up. There are consequences of the events and actions.
Plus, well, the traumas are not swept under the rug in Farscape. It always pissed me off how Mon-El was treated in the Jeremiah's return ep and no one ever apologized to him. He lost his entire planet and all people he loved? He should be happy go lucky and find a job a week later. Treatment of Kara's traumas? Big ass lol. Alex being butthurt everytime Kara questioned Jeremiah issue? Sow sowwwwry was enough. It all made the show and the relationship cheapened.
J&A - simply, shit was approached in many ways and not forgotten. Plus, this whole the realtionship is much more mature. And it's not only about the physical intimacy but the problems they faced/solved. Also, the show, seriously, had zero problems with going into problematic places and talked about things that I don't believe most of the modern shows would want to dig in. And did it in a splendid way. What once again, fleshed the relatioship. Still, I can only imagine the scs idiots screaming about toxicity, while totally missing the point, but whatever.
And well, the chemistry is matching karamel's - sorry, not sorry. As Aci said, watching their scenes is watching two characters in their personal bubble, no matter how many people are around them. It SLAYS. And as I said at the beginning - endgame. Full meal. It cleaned my skin, watered my crops and healed my wounds.
But I love karamel as much as always and they are in my top 5 ships and probably stay there forever. I just love them too much and invested too much my fandom life into it.
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softtransbf · 8 months
Say You'll Share With Me One Love, One Lifetime (Even If We Can't Have It)
My original plan was this scene being maybe 600 words and at most a third of the whole thing, but oops it's almost 1900 and we're getting married. So there will probably be 2 more parts to this story, eventually.
Word Count: 1890
Warnings: light angst in the beginning, brief food and alcohol mention, fade to black implied fuckin'.
Summary: Only having a month before being separated by a thousand years would make any couple do something impulsive and probably crazy, right?
It had been a perfectly routine evening. I got home from work first, so I started dinner, and it was about ten minutes from being ready when Winn walked in, kissed me on the cheek, and poured us each a drink. It was a heavier pour than usual, so I figured it had been a rough day, and he’d tell me about it later. Heavy conversations can wait until after dinner. We chatted about my day and the light parts of his as I finished cooking, and we ate on the couch and continued our way through Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
When the credits ended and the dishes were done, we sat back down on the couch, and he dropped the bomb.
“The Legion? 31st century space heroes? Led by Mon-El? That Legion?” 
Winn nodded. “Yeah, Brainy can’t go back with them because of… something about his relative wiping out all other AIs? He didn’t give a lot of detail. Bottom line, he said I should take his place. They’re leaving when the ship is ready, and that’ll probably take a month.”
“That- that’s incredible! Really, I’m so proud of you and so glad that your genius is being recognized.” I smiled as best I could, and his worry lines deepened.
“I don’t have to go. I can say no.”
I sat up straighter and looked him in the eye. “No, you can’t. You are, in an infinite multiverse, singularly brilliant. And you’ve got a shrine to your two-item space dirt collection. Space, the future, being a hero- this is all of your dreams on a silver plate.”
He took my hands in his, eyes watering. “Not all of them. Not anymore. Yes, those are dreams of mine, but so is a life with you. I love you. I love the life we’ve built together!” He gestured with one hand around our apartment. “I don’t know if I can survive being somewhere you’ve been dead for a thousand years.”
I took a deep breath, fighting back tears of my own. “You can. You know how I know that?”
He rolled his eyes and smiled a little bit, knowing this game very well. “Because you love me?”
I smiled, too, and nodded. “Because I love you. You, Winn Schott, are the love of my life. I didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much before we met. I will always love you so much that you’ll be able to feel it across all of space and time.”
“Simon, no,” he said, his smile disappearing. “If I go, you have to move on. Find someone in this millennium, and be happy with them.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “Sweetheart, think about it. You’re not the only one here who’s dreamed of space; how could anyone even begin to approach how goddamn hot you being a spacefaring superhero is? You’re literally setting the bar astronomically high.” I paused for a moment, thinking. “Would you call me a hypocrite if I said you should let me go in the same breath I swear I won’t let you go?”
“Not a hypocrite,” he said, shaking his head, “but definitely wasting your time. My heart will be here with you, forever.”
The fervency in his eyes was too much; I had to take my hands out of his and look away. We were both quiet for a while, but before long, I felt Winn sit up straighter. I looked over at him, and I could practically see his brain working as he stared off into the middle distance, not really seeing anything. It was beautiful, as always, so I took the opportunity to simply watch him. How am I supposed to keep going, when he’s gone?
Eventually, he came back to reality, blushing when he realized I’d been watching him. “I have an idea. It’s crazy and probably a terrible one, so I totally get it if you say no. It might even be better if you do.”
I smiled, having heard that countless times. “I’m sure it can’t be that-”
“Marry me.”
My smile fell and my jaw dropped. I searched his face for any indication of hesitancy or a joke, but all I saw was pure sincerity. “What?”
Instead of responding, he got up and walked into the bedroom. A minute or so later, he walked back out with a small black velvet box in his hands. He got down on one knee, eye level with me, since I was now frozen to my spot on the couch. 
“I didn’t think I was going to do this for at least another year, but we don’t have that kind of time. You kinda stole my lines earlier, with the whole not thinking it was possible to love someone this much and love of my life stuff. All that is true for me, too.”
He took a deep breath before continuing. “Simon, you're the love and the light of my life, the home I thought I’d never get. Somehow, at the same time I was learning about aliens and superhero shit, falling in love with you was the most unexpected and wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. 
I want to be your husband. I want the world to know that I am the luckiest man in the entire universe, because you chose me, even after I hurt you like I did. I want to make that up to you with a lifetime of laughter and bickering and love. We can’t have a lifetime, but will you give me a month?” He opened the box, revealing a white gold claddagh ring with a brilliant clear gem for the heart. “It’s moissanite, not diamond, because, you know, ethics. And, uh, I can sign divorce papers before I go, so you can file them if you change your mind later.” 
I’d held it together through the beautiful romantic speech, but the suddenly anxious logistical addendum was too much; the tears fell. Despite everything I’d believed about marriage for my entire life, there was only one answer I could possibly give. “Yes! Yes, of course I’ll marry you!” His smile put the wonders of the world combined to shame. Without a word, he took my left hand and put the ring on, heart pointing towards me. 
Once it was on, he kissed it, and I chuckled. “Pretty sure it’s supposed to go the other way until we’re actually married, my love.”
He shook his head. “If all we get as husbands is a month, I’m not wasting a moment of it with the ring facing the wrong way. And I fully intend to take you to the courthouse first thing in the morning, so it won’t be wrong for long.”
“A proposal to a wedding in…” I checked the time. “Less than 12 hours? People will talk about buns and ovens,” I joked, mock scandalized. 
“Let ‘em talk. Even if I still had an oven for you to have put a bun in, I couldn’t care less. It’s none of their damn business, anyway.”
I nodded. “Fair point. I have three requests, if we’re really going to elope in the morning.”
“Anything.” The words were barely out of my mouth before he responded. “As long as you’ll marry me, anything.”
“Be careful with writing blank checks, my love. You said you wanted the whole world to know, and I’d like to… not keep it a secret, because you can’t keep a secret to save your life, and we do need 2 witnesses. But not make a big deal about it. With how recently Alex and Maggie broke off their engagement, I don’t want her to feel like we’re rubbing it in her face or anything. She’s already in enough pain- I really don’t want to make it worse.”
Not letting go of my hand, he moved back to his spot on the couch next to me. The longer his silence went on, the more I realized how devastated I would be if he changed his mind. After what felt like an eternity but was probably only about ten seconds, he nodded. “Okay, as long as you still wear the ring. Even to game night. What else you got?”
I could breathe again, and I smiled. “I’d never dream of taking it off. My second request is much lighter- a moratorium on talking about you leaving. Until the day of, we pretend like we will get our lifetime together. With, of course, the ability to call time-out or quits altogether on it. The usual safewords. And on the subject of rings, I want to get you one before the wedding. Have you put any thought into what you might want?”
He shook his head. “Yes on the pretending we’re not on a clock, but I haven’t thought about a ring I’d like. We can absolutely go ring shopping, though. Oh, also, who do you want to ask to be our witnesses?”
I thought for a moment. “I think we have to ask Kara, since it was her karaoke shenanigans that got us together in the first place.”
“Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t even consider her not being there, but if we do that, she’ll insist on making it a big deal, maybe even try to talk us out of it. How about James?”
“Yeah, you're right about Kara.” I sighed. “Definitely James, no question about it. As for the second, hear me out- Mon-El. He’s been a good friend to you, and he’ll understand better than anyone why we’re doing this. Even if he does think it’s a bad idea and tries to talk us out of it, I’m not above admitting that I’d enjoy guilting him just a bit about being the reason you’re leaving in the first place. He owes me.”
“As much as I don’t want to encourage your pettiness, you’re right,” he chuckled, and I smiled a Cheshire smile.
“Fantastic. You wanna ask him, and I’ll ask James?”
He nodded. “Sounds great.” He finally let go of my hand, taking out his phone to text Mon-El, and I did the same.
Text sent, I put my phone down and took a closer look at the ring. “The ring really is absolutely perfect. I have to ask, though, when did you buy it? You said you’d planned on doing this later and had presumably planned or maybe even rehearsed lines for me to have stolen.”
[9:36 pm] TO James Olsen: Hey, can you meet Winn and me at the courthouse tomorrow, around 10? We need a favor. Don’t tell Kara, please.
“Would you laugh if I said the day you asked me to move in?” he asked, blushing and rubbing the back of his neck.
I blinked once, twice, processing what he said. “No, but I will question your sanity. We’d been together less than a year, including the months when you were still at CatCo! I was questioning if we were moving too fast, and you were buying a ring?”’
He shrugged. “When you know, you know.”
Moved beyond words, pulled him forward by the front of his shirt and poured everything I was feeling but couldn’t say into a kiss. His phone chimed and mine lit up, but neither of us would be aware of anything except each other for the rest of the night.
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cyclone-rachel · 1 year
Tomorrowverse Karadox playlist analysis part 1:
C’mon (Panic at the Disco feat. Fun.):
What would my head be like
If not for my shoulders
Or without your smile
May it follow you forever
May it never leave you
To sleep in the stone,
May we stay lost on our way home
C'mon, c'mon, with everything falling down around me
I'd like to believe in all the possibilities
If I should die tonight
May I first just say I'm sorry?
For I never felt like anybody
I am a man of many hats
Although I never mastered anything
I like to consider this a classic Karadox song, thanks to an AMV that used this one with Melissa and Jesse’s versions of Kara and Brainy, and thankfully it fits Tomorrowverse Karadox really well too! Especially this part, I like to think it’s the tense part of the movie where Brainy is accused of being like the rest of his family and he apologizes to Kara and tells her how he really feels about her, as Mon-El reveals himself to be evil and it looks like the Brainiacs are going to take control of the Miracle Machine. I just love this song in general, and it’s always a Karadox song for me.
Salt and Vinegar (Lights):
But there I go again lighting you up
I keep filling my cup
You'd think I'd had enough
There you go again bringing me down
But still I stick around
I kinda like it now
You're angry, I'm bitter
You and me make a dangerous mixture
Summoned the devil now we can't get rid of her
We go together like salt and vinegar
So this is a song I’ve started listening to more recently, I first heard it in a Tiktok and I think it would work well for any enemies to lovers style relationship. But it really does fit early Karadox here, when they’re competing against each other and going back and forth on everything, and you kind of get the vibe that they enjoy the fighting and the rivalry.
In Space (Ludo):
Counting moon rocks for the cause, just me in a little pod
I can't wait for gravity to bring you close to me
I hope this message finds you and you won't feel so alone
Even if I never make it home
In space (the tiles are burning, all the time we had)
All I think about is you and me (goes rushing past my window view.)
And atmosphere
In space (through the flames, I keep a steady hand)
Your picture's all I look at, my place (my eyes are clear, my aim is true.)
Is with you below, watching leaves change in the yard
Dreaming of the stars
I can't wait for gravity to bring me home
Oh man this is 100 percent the last part of the movie, where Kara is confronted with the Miracle Machine, and she talks to her mother for a minute before she and Brainy send the machine to another universe and she turns around and sees the real Brainy standing behind her. Also of course the mention of the pod, Krypton exploding and Kara being sent off alone vibes, etc.
Sucker (Jonas Brothers):
I'm a sucker for you
You say the word and I'll go anywhere blindly
I'm a sucker for you, yeah
Any road you take, you know that you'll find me
I'm a sucker for all the subliminal things
No one knows about you (About you), about you (About you)
And you're makin' the typical me break my typical rules
It's true, I'm a sucker for you, yeah
So I did see someone made an AMV that included this version of Kara and Brainy with this song, and I think it works! I think in any universe, Brainy falls for Kara, and that’s just true facts.
Love From the Other Side (Fall Out Boy):
This city always hangs a little bit lonely on me
Like a kid playing pretend in his father's suit
I'd never go, I just want to be invited
Got to give up
Get the feeling
Get the feeling
Don't fight it
Fight it
Sending my love from the other side of the apocalypse
And I just about snapped, don't look back
Every lover's got a little dagger in their hand
Another song I’ve really enjoyed recently, I just think it kind of has Brainy vibes? Like generally fits his perspective and how he feels about himself. This is more about vibes than anything, but again the “apocalypse” part suits the end of the movie, and the “every lover” line works for this version of Kara and Brainy.
Blow Your Mind (Dua Lipa):
If you don't like the way I talk, then why am I on your mind?
If you don't like the way I rock, then finish your glass of wine
We fight and we argue, you'll still love me blind
If we don't fuck this whole thing up
Guaranteed, I can blow your mind
And tonight I'm alive, ain't no dollar sign
Guaranteed, I can blow your mind, mwah
And tonight I'm alive, ain't no dollar sign
Guaranteed, I can blow your mind, mwah
This one is definitely Kara’s point of view for me, again I heard this one in a Tiktok and I think it fits for her perspective in the earlier parts of the movie and how she wants to prove herself to Brainy and do better at him than everything, and them being antagonistic towards each other.
Might Not Like Me (Brynn Elliott):
Get over yourself, it's no big deal
If I run a little faster than you on the playground
Get over yourself, what's your problem
What's your problem?
Well if you don't like girls that are stronger than you
And if you don't like girls that are faster than you
And if you don't like girls that are smarter than you
Well then you might not like me
You might not like me
So this one doesn’t quite fit because it’s more of a break-up song, but I do think it’s the vibe again with Kara and Brainy at the beginning, from Kara’s perspective and how she would think about/talk to Brainy.
Parachute (Kirby Krackle):
A long night, a cold sweat
You were the one. I didn't know it yet
A simple love, the only thing we want
The only thing, the thing we'll never get
I was missing beats, and you were like a tempo discovered
Running towards the blast when I was needing fix and repair
You said
I'll be your parachute
So let your heart go
So let your heart go
When you see ground rushing up at you
And when your feet touch down
That's when your heart knows
That's when your heart knows
I'll always be there catching you
Another classic Karadox song that I also associate with Melissa and Jesse’s versions of Kara and Brainy, this one definitely fits the middle to end parts of the movie when Brainy is accused of murdering one of Triplicate Girl’s selves and Kara defends him/tells him that she believes him when everyone else thinks he’s lying, and from then on they start to really support one another and it’s just the best. I love this song and it’s pitch-perfect Karadox, bye.
Scapegoat (Ghost and Pals):
Now do you hate me?
Are you afraid of me?
Are you able to feel culpability?
Come forth and kill me
Bow down and worship me
Take your time, all we have is eternity
Now with a new start
Broken and torn apart
Nothing in me resembles a human heart
My name is unknown
Something I've never told
On my own, I declare
"I don't wanna go home"
Another song I’ve listened to a lot recently, I just think it’s a bop and that it could fit Brainy a lot in this movie, again when people see him as a villain because they think he’s like his family.
Afterglow (Taylor Swift):
I blew things out of proportion, now you're blue
Put you in jail for something you didn't do
I pinned your hands behind your back, oh
Thought I had reason to attack, but no
Fighting with a true love is boxing with no gloves
Chemistry 'til it blows up, 'til there's no us
Why'd I have to break what I love so much?
It's on your face, and I'm to blame, I need to say
Hey, it's all me, in my head
I'm the one who burned us down
But it's not what I meant
Sorry that I hurt you
I don't wanna do, I don't wanna do this to you (Ooh)
I don't wanna lose, I don't wanna lose this with you (Ooh)
I need to say, hey, it's all me, just don't go
Meet me in the afterglow
Okay, so this one was suggested by my friend Rosie, and it’s actually so perfect? Like I’m more of a casual Swiftie than anything, I do like several of her songs, but haven’t listened to all of her albums all the way through. However, this one fits so exactly well from Kara’s point of view, and her perspective on Brainy when he gets blamed for something he didn’t do, and maybe her realizing how she really feels about him in the process.
Hit Like a Girl (Meet Me @ the Altar)
I'm tough
I'll save the world and won't even break a sweat
No bluff
I'm witty, yeah I know how to use my head
Said I'm too loud
I should sit down
No, I've got a lot to say
So what
I'm rowdy, yeah I hit like a girl
Hit like a girl!
Got things to do
I'm making moves
And so are you, I know it
You got it girl
This is your world
I'll be right there supporting
Count on me
I'll count on you to be my solace
Just take my hand
Now is the chance
Now is our chance
This one was in one of my friend Brandi’s Tiktoks, and it’s another really good Kara song! Especially at the beginning of the movie, before she goes to the future to train with the Legion, and leading into her relationship with Brainy and how they support each other.
Stay With Me (Better Love):
You shine like the sun
And I want to go blind
You ring in my head
Like a song I can't forget
If you're thinking of me then let me know
I can think of a thousand different places we should go
Oh, I know I just met you
But you're clouding all my dreams
Go on and set me free
I wanna see you tomorrow
Are you thinking of me?
Again, from one of Brandi’s Tiktoks, this one strikes me as another “Brainy falls for Kara instantly” kind of song, with her coming in and disrupting all of his plans and everything, and maybe that’s okay. I always love when I find songs with sun imagery to connect to Kara because Kryptonians are powered by the sun/Rao/etc., it just works perfectly. Also I like that the word “tomorrow” is in this song because this movie is a part of the Tomorrowverse, y’know.
When I Kissed the Teacher (ABBA):
Leaning over me,
He was trying to explain
The laws of geometry
And I couldn't help it,
I just had to kiss the teacher
One of these days
Gonna tell him I dream of him every night
One of these days
Gonna show him I care,
Gonna teach him a lesson alright
Another song suggested by Brandi and I think one that came from their Tiktok, I just like to imagine Brainy and Kara after they get together actually kissing in front of the Legion and them partially expecting it but also having no idea what to think because they were just at each other’s throats. Also this does fit that montage towards the beginning of the movie where they were competing, and Kara wanting to “teach him a lesson” in that sense.
Lay All Your Love On Me (ABBA)
'Cause everything is new
And everything is you
And all I've learned
Has overturned
What can I do?
Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me
Don't go sharing your devotion
Lay all your love on me
Another song from Brainy’s perspective and another from Brandi, I think that it’s really fun how quickly Kara and Brainy fall for each other and especially how Kara changes Brainy’s perspective and he’s thrown off by it, but accepts it and accepts her, and she accepts him right back.
Kiss With a Fist (Florence + the Machine)
Broke your jaw once before
I spilt your blood upon the floor
You broke my leg in return
So let's sit back and watch the bed burn
Blood sticks sweat drips
Break the lock if it don't fit
A kick in the teeth is good for some
A kiss with a fist is better than none
Whoa a kiss with a fist is better than none
I think this one is the quintessential “enemies to lovers”/ “people in a relationship who always fight” song and again it doesn’t quite fit because it depicts them as already being in a relationship when they are fighting, but I do like it as a song and I think it does kind of work for the beginning of the movie, even if it fits very loosely and it’s more vibes than anything else.
A New Brain- I Fight Dragons
They tell her you've got a destiny, somebody you're supposed to be
Far from this small town there's answers waiting to be found
So she lies awake thinking there's been some mistake
Crying her eyes out, begging for help, she's shouting
I want a new brain, I want a new heart
I'm sick of feeling, failing, and falling apart
I want the courage to make a new start
Time after time I flip from fine to failing and falling apart
Another song I absolutely love (my top song of 2020 on Spotify, I think) and I’d say it definitely fits Kara, with her struggling to find her place after Krypton is destroyed and she wakes up on Earth, and her perspective early on, up until Clark shows her the time bubble and tells her about the Legion. And of course we know she does make a new start, and does find her place among people who accept her and make her feel like she belongs. It’s just a really nice thematic song for her, and of course the mention of Kansas and the Wizard of Oz references fit with Kansas being where Clark was found and the Wizard of Oz being Kara’s favorite movie in at least the TV show.
I Won’t Say (I’m in Love) (from Hercules):
If there's a prize for rotten judgement
I guess I've already won that
No man is worth the aggravation
That's ancient history, been there, done that!
Who'd ya think you're kiddin'
He's the earth and heaven to you
Try to keep it hidden
Honey, we can see right through you
Girl, ya can't conceal it
We know how ya feel and
Who you're thinking of
I think it would have been very fun/cute if we had gotten more scenes like the one towards the end of the movie where Kara and Brainy are found by some of the other Legion academy members, and they point out how much they’re flirting with each other, but this definitely fits that kind of scene and Kara starting to realize how she feels about Brainy even though he does frustrate her and of course he’s a Brainiac and she doesn’t trust him on instinct.
What Is This Feeling? (from Wicked):
What is this feeling?
Fervid as a flame
Does it have a name?
Unadulterated loathing
For your face
Your voice
Your clothing
Let's just say - I loathe it all
Every little trait however small
Makes my very flesh begin to crawl
With simple utter loathing
There's a strange exhilaration
In such total detestation
It's so pure, so strong
Though I do admit it came on fast
Still I do believe that it can last
And I will be loathing, loathing you
My whole life long
Dear Galinda, you are just too good
How do you stand it? I don't think I could
She's a terror! She's a tartar
We don't mean to show a bias
But Galinda you're a martyr
Well, these things are sent to try us
Poor Galinda forced to reside
With someone so disgusting-I-fied
We just want to tell you
We're all on your side
So this is another song I love, and there’s another song from this musical that I memorized the lyrics to as far back as 2017, but I hadn’t listened to it in a while but this song fits freakishly well for Karadox in this movie? Like, obviously, Kara distrusting Brainy because of his Brainiac connection, and him hating her right back, but also I think of the moment where Dawnstar tells Kara outright that nobody wants Brainy around, and the part where the senior Legion members discuss him at some point and say that they don’t trust him either. Kara and Brainy aren’t actually roommates here, and the beginning of the song where it’s spoken doesn’t really fit, but everything else does and I love it.
Peace and Love on the Planet Earth (from Steven Universe):
What is the point?
You're not making anything
Well, if it isn't anything then why does it sound so good?
I suppose it's just interest
Devoid of substance or purpose, a hypothetical pattern...
For the satisfaction of bringing it to completion
Interest without meaning
Solutions without problems
I guess we're already here
I guess we already know
We've all got something to fear
We've all got nowhere to go
I think you're all insane!
But I guess I am too
Anybody would be
If they were stuck on Earth with you!
Life and death and love and birth and
Peace and war on the planet Earth
Is there anything that's worth more
Is there anything that's worth more
Is there anything that's worth more
Than peace and love on the planet Earth
Listen, I just think that Brainy has Peridot vibes in general, and for this movie in particular he’s pre-redemption/during redemption Peridot, when she’s just getting used to being around Steven and the Gems, and I don’t think either Brainy or Kara is necessarily stuck on Earth, but that’s kind of the vibe with Kara not being able to go back to Krypton and Brainy probably not being treated great on Colu given his heritage. And of course, for both Peridot and Brainy, we know the climaxes of their emotional journeys, and both are great moments of catharsis. Also again I just love this song.
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