#i love my big strong gay dad
slaytthaphan · 2 years
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"The King of Spades isn't like you or me. He's a mighty warrior."
Aguni the man you are....I love him so much so I had to translate some of that brainrot onto a page (or a screen in this case)
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When I was 12 I was going to be married and have two children - Kathryne Elizabeth and David Chase.
When I was 9 my mom told me that when she was pregnant with me and took a bath, I’d roll around in her stomach like a dolphin. The thought made me sick.
When I was 17 I was in love with a boy who was a good childhood friend, and I wanted to marry him so bad I chased him away (we haven’t spoken in 13 years).
When I was 15 I kissed a boy for the first time. We dated for six weeks. I kissed him twice more, and the first time he put his tongue in my mouth I gagged.
When I was 16 I told my best friend that I didn’t understand the big deal about sex. In fact, I thought it was kind of gross. She laughed and told me to grow up.
When I was 6 I licked a boy’s desk in school because I wanted to give him cooties. I thought it was something like chicken pox.
When I was 18 I kissed a girl for the first time and thought “oh”.
When I was 14 my friend stayed the night and wanted to know if I wanted to kiss her. I told her no, because she had a boyfriend. She said it didn’t count because we were girls.
When I was 20 my stepmom told me that she thought asexuals were broken or mentally ill in some way. I stormed off to my bedroom and cried, but I didn’t know what I was crying for.
When I was 18 I had sex with two girls. After it was over I lay by myself at the edge of the bed, cold and hollow inside, and didn’t understand what I was so upset about.
When I was 11 I wanted to be a stay at home mom when I grew up.
When I was 19 I had sex with a guy for the first time. I didn’t hate it, was my first thought. My second was that I needed a shower as fast as possible.
When I was 7 I was hugged by someone and screamed because I didn’t want them to touch me. I didn’t have the words for it back then.
When I was 20 I had a panic attack before my fiancé came over to visit, because I knew we’d be alone and I knew I couldn’t tell him no.
When I was 20 I told him no and it didn’t matter.
When I was 15 I got caught looking up porn on my dad’s laptop. I got in worse trouble because it was gay porn. “You’re just upset with boys right now, you’ll grow out of it.”
When I was 5 my dad would read parts of the Bible out loud every night. He paid special attention to the parts condemning homosexuality, like he knew somehow even then.
When I was 19 I heard the word asexual for the first time, and dismissed it out of hand.
When I was 25 I cradled it to my heart like a balm.
When I was 20 I decided I was never going to have children.
When I was 19 I thought I was pregnant, and decided to kill myself if I was.
When I was 26 I said the words ‘asexual lesbian’ for the first time to myself, and crawled under the covers to hide.
When I was 28 a friend sent me a comic about aromanticism. I saw all the parts of me that were on display there and decided I wasn’t strong enough to acknowledge it just yet.
When I was 27 I told my friend that the only time I wanted to be married was when I was sick and wanted to be taken care of. The rest of the time the thought terrified me.
When I was 15 I told myself that no one would ever love me.
When I was 29 I decided that I didn’t care.
When I was 13 I thought I knew exactly what my life would be like when I was 30.
When I was 30 I was relieved to have been so wrong.
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bruciemilf · 1 month
I know this is a DC blog but I NEED dad Logan. Get that murder teddy bear some kids ASAP.
Fancast + non canon Headcanons ahead.
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“Sure everything in my life is terrible. But at LEAST I’m gay”
Makes pop culture references Logan doesn’t understand. “Logan threw the first brick at stonewall” “what are you SAYING” “he’s an ally”
Can, will, and has gaslight Logan into thinking he’s homophobic just for not letting Bobby do what he wants
Stole a beer from Logan once and they found him drunk crying at 3 am. He calls Logan to apologize about it. “I’m sO sorryyy. You know I love you??” “Go to bed” “noOoo” Logan is next to him.
Has a secret YouTube channel and everyone watches for Logan interactions specifically
Mabel Pines coded
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KITTY… that’s his half pint your honor. / 17
Logan is terrified. Why are you such an easy kid. Why aren’t you rebelling? Why isn’t defiance bleeding on your fists?
Why aren’t you clawing and biting and snarling for your freedom? Why aren’t you being a kid? Who do I have to skin-
Daughters are not supposed to exist quietly.
I hc that Kitty’s family is extremely unsupportive of her being a mutant, — but they’re just traditional in general. Specifically she’s petrified of being around/existing along men.
Certified babysitter when Logan’s not around. She’s so big sister.
“guys!1!11!!!! mr. Logan said not to do that!1!1!1”
Logan BEGS her to be a shitty teenager for like 10 minutes. Be bratty!!! Tell him to fuck off! Throw a tantrum!!!! “But I’m not a kid.” “You’re MY kid.”
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JUBILEEE daddy’s girl / 15
Problem Child TM
Plays Rock n Roll by Avril Lavigne at 4 am to piss Logan and her siblings off when they annoy her
Grounded all the time but if she fake cries Logan will shamefully relent.
Always puts Logan’s patience to the test because she anticipates him leaving/giving up on her
Foster child with issues. She spent half her life looking for people and the other half being abandoned by them. This won’t be any different.
Except Logan is very good at fighting destiny.
Your honor I don’t CARE Logan is made to be a girl dad!!!!
“On the spectrum. Not saying which one”
STRONG she/they energy
Most affectionate with Logan out of all the kiddos. Her love language is terrible pancake making (Logan eats them anyway) and cat cuddling.
ADHD icon
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LAURA (murder baby) / 7
Brings dead birds/mice to her family members (affectionate)
Charles has the bright idea to enroll her in school with the kids. “It’s important for children to socialize with peers their own ages.” “Can’t socialize if they’re all DEAD.”
That meme of the little boy and his father with an arrow in his shoulder
Youngest child privilege
Steals Bobby’s phone and shoot’s hilariously off angle family vlogs. One of them includes her stealing Logan’s motorcycle while he runs after her
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bloodheartz · 1 month
gimmw your gfalls hcs NOEWWW
oh god! I have soooo many but i'll put some basic ones down for the pines family rn and probably add on to this later ^_^
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◇ First of all this boy is absolutely autistic. My little autistic ass acted so much like him as a kid, I mean, what autistic 12 year old wouldn't base their entire summer around a weird book full of monsters they found?
◇ I think he's a trans dude and aro/ace, and that his crush on Wendy was more comphet than anything. I'm not really a fan of any ship involving him but I think platonic dipcifica could be cute.
◇ Cryptozoology/The Paranormal is absolutely his main special interest, but he also has an sp/in in computers/comp sci (but he's honestly not great at computer stuff).
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◇ AuDHD Queen! I think her main special interest is absolutely arts / crafts, I mean look at all the silly things she makes throughout the series as well as her dedication to handmaking dozens of puppets/props/etc as well as writing and entire play to impress her crush of the week in Sock Opera. ◇ I think sexuality wise she's not straight but prefers to be unlabelled. I also like to think she's the type to collect xenogenders / neopronouns like pokemon cards. ( she totally uses a bunch of cat-based pronouns) ◇ Shortly after the series I think she'd get a little less Boys-Crazy and focus more exploring who she is as a person / her self expression. Absolutely is gonna have a mall goth/emo/scene phase (she's smushing all three of those together into one thing for herself).
(I also think Mabel and Dipper were born identical twins)
Grunkle Stan
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◇ Also AuDHD, not quite sure what his big main special interest would be but he's absolutely hyperfixated on Ducktective. Also going off the story in Lost Legends I think he'd absolutely be getting into making comics / drawing in general (even if hes not great at it). Post series I think he'd spend a lot of his free time out at sea drawing in the boat's cabin. Mostly making comics of silly re-tellings of he and Ford's adventures out at Sea (he absolutely shows Dipper and Mabel these if he and Ford video calls them when they're on land) ◇ I'm a transfem Stanley truther. He doesn't really realize/come to terms with it until post-series. I think she'd just grow out her hair and throw it in a pony-tail + use she/he pronouns to transition. She'd still use the name Stanley and be fine with both masc/fem terms (ie fine be called a man or a woman). Also he's bisexual (but has known this since he was like a teen, even if he didn't have the words to label it.) ◇ I think his Popsicle addiction from the unaired pilot is real and canon. Old autistic men love popsicles just look at my dad and grandfather.
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◇ oh boy its projection time (i am a stanford pines fictive) 😈😈😈
◇ Transmasc, somewhere under the nonbinary umbrella but very guy adjacent. Mainly uses he/him pronouns but I think he'd use "it" and "they" aswell. Gay and Arospec as well. ◇ Autism + NPD + Schizophrenia wombo combo. He's sooooo NPD coded its INSANE, I am going to write an essay about it in the future. Goes without saying that his special interests are the paranormal and various sciences, but I think he has a hardcore love for the arts as well. ◇ Going off both the autism and arospec HC- I think he's the type to convince himself he has a crush very easily, when in reality he just has a strong admiration / platonic love for those in question, and had strong platonic feelings for McGucket back in college that he confused for romantic ones (projecting 100000000%) (i think the Stan twins were fraternal twins)
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emswritingsstuff · 4 months
How about a Daryl Dixon x male!reader fic where they’re already dating but because of Daryl’s upbringing, he was scared of openly being with the reader and it takes someone else flirting with the reader for Daryl to be like “Fuck off, he’s my man” (with Rick being the most supportive ofc because I support their brotherly bond)
i had so much fun with this. i got a little carried away with this request but i was ITCHING to add relationship lore, so i did. hope you enjoy!!
Charming Man (Daryl Dixon x Male! Reader)
Slight Warnings: Unsupportive family, Daryl's dad mentioned, Homophobia, nothing explicit but it's there!
WC: 3.2K
Your relationship with Daryl Dixon was something that even caught you by surprise. You’ve both known each other since everything started, meeting at the Quarry. If you were being honest with yourself, you’d always had a thing for Daryl. Even if he did seem to be the stereotypical rude and offensive redneck. 
Daryl wasn’t like that though, the exact opposite actually. But Merle Dixon on the other hand? He totally was. You never hid your identity, what was the point of that anymore? There's no harm in it, people have bigger issues than gay people nowadays. But unfortunately, Merle always made sure to get a rude comment in. But it was always met by a big slap or hit from Daryl. Which would then cause Merle to turn the ridicule onto Daryl, which you hated. But he took it like a champ so you didn’t have to, which you admired a lot. Defending someone you barely knew like that? It was oddly attractive to you. But you pushed that down, not wanting to create more unwanted tension within yourself. 
After Merle's disappearance, Daryl seemed to shift. You’d found him getting closer to you, emotionally and physically. It made you happy to see him finally open up, it just sucked that he had to lose his brother to let it happen.  
Just observing him, you had also realized that when he was angry or frustrated with the group he would confine in you. It seemed like you had some sort of spell on him, which you definitely got in your own head about. 
It took the Greene farm falling for you to eventually come to terms with the fact you liked him more than in a platonic sense. You had escaped with Rick and the whole ride to the highway you were scared you weren’t going to see Daryl again. What if he separated from the group? What if he didn’t make it out at all? All the thoughts raced in your head. Then it hit you and you realized that you were in too deep.
You loved him. 
Hearing the familiar sound of the bike filled you with an indescribable feeling, one of joy but also nervousness. You felt your heart flutter when you saw him again. You stood back in the group, letting him greet the others. Getting lost in your head you didn’t even notice the strong figure that put his arms around you, holding you tight for a second before letting go to get a look at you. 
“Happy to see ya, tough guy,” Daryl said with a smirk on his face. Giving you a light pat on your back he walked away, leaving you frozen and a blushing mess. You had prayed no one saw you in that state and it seemed to be luck was on your side with that. 
The feelings only grew and grew, there was no chance they were going to stop anytime soon. 
Once taking the prison, Rick started to assign watch shifts within the group, most of the time you had got night shifts. Which you didn’t mind at all, more peaceful you thought. Though every time you had a moment of peace, Daryl plagued your thoughts. With no doubt you were absolutely whooped for this man. 
During one of your shifts, you had gotten lost in thought again, this time just thinking about the past. Missing the old world, in the sense that you didn’t like fighting for your life every single day. You had gotten snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a jingling sound approaching you, quickly turning around only to be met with Daryl himself. 
“Hey,” he moved his chin up when he greeted you, crossbow in hand. You did the gesture back and looked out into the distance, trying to act like you were actually watching. But you could never focus when he was around, all you wanted to do was look at him. Look at his strong arms, his face, his shoulders, God you just wanted to look at him all day. 
A soft tap on your shoulder brought you back to the real world, it was Daryl offering you a piece of meat. Probably leftovers from dinner, you happily took a small piece and ate it. “Thanks, appreciate it,” you smiled at him. 
“Don’ mention it, figure ya wanted somethin’. Ya been up here while,” A subtle redness hit your face. You knew he cared, but to come up to you on his own time meant a lot to you. When he stayed there afterward, you decided to at least try and talk, at least have sort of a conversation. 
“Couldn’t sleep?” You looked up at him, he wasn’t even looking at you but he just shrugged in response. “Can’t sleep in a cell, tha’s for sure,” 
“Agreed, too cramped, also cold and gross.” That made him chuckle under his breath, you mentally high fived yourself but quickly got off your high horse and continued the conversation. 
“It reminds me of my old man, hate thinkin’ about his ass all the damn time,” He was messing with his thumb, he probably felt awkward bringing it up. But you listened. 
You had known a little bit about Daryl’s father, nothing super detailed but you knew he wasn’t a good man. You sometimes caught glimpses of the scars his shirt couldn’t cover, so you just put two and two together. 
“Whats yer history? Barely know anythin’ about ya.” He pointed at you and he invited you to speak, but only if you wanted to. Which you appreciated. You took a deep breath and decided to tell him, what's the harm in that? 
“Grew up in Georgia, both my parents were around and I had a sister. Parents worked good jobs, treated us well. Or at least up until I came out to them. Treated me like an outsider ever since. Not the no contact type either, the type where they won’t admit I’m gay and sweep it under the rug,” You said the last portion with a shrug, it hurts to think about sometimes but it's far away in the past now. Daryl shook his head, “Tha’s some bullshit, why the hell they’d care?”
All you could do was shrug again, “Judgment I guess, my parents didn’t want to be the ones with the ‘gay son’. Or whatever. Stopped caring about it after I moved out.” He nodded along and smacked your shoulder playfully. “Good shit.” 
It got silent after that, you had hoped you didn’t make anything awkward. Which you obviously haven’t. The smell of smoke filled your lungs as you looked over to see Daryl nursing a cigarette, you finally let yourself watch him, just absolutely getting lost within him. But quickly turning away as he looked right back at you. 
He’d looked nervous now, which was very unlike him. Once the cigarette was out, he turned to look at you again. “Can I ask ya somethin’, and ya can’t judge,” 
“Never would, whats up,” a nervous pit welled up in your stomach, you hoped he couldn’t see the sweaty palms you had equipped. 
“Is askin’ out a guy the same as a girl?” Okay, maybe you were going to judge a little. You tried to hold back a laugh, but Daryl saw right through you. “C’mon ya said ya wouldn’t judge, answer the damn question.” 
You had calmed down and you were finally able to answer, “Depends on the guy but yes, you just sometimes got to be prepared for the worst case.” He nodded in response. 
“So, If I were to ask ya out right now, I wouldn’t get punched?” The meaning of his words didn’t process in your brain until you started responding. “Well no, I certainly wouldn’t punch-” you cut yourself off and looked at him in the eyes.
“Are you serious?” The butterflies that lived in your stomach were back with a vengeance, making you feel like you're on cloud nine. Daryl nodded a simple yes and you took the opportunity to play into the joke. 
“If you were to ask me out, I would say yes,” and there it is. The start of your relationship with the archer. 
It was casual at first, hanging out one on one in privacy, eating dinner together, going out on runs, all the simple things in an apocalypse context. When you both realized you really wanted this to work, you both had a discussion on the boundaries you both had. Daryl's main one being about being out. 
He had issues with his identity in the past, with his father and Merle, you knew he would be scared to be his authentic self so you understood. And you didn’t want to pressure him especially when all these feelings were so new to him. 
Once the prison fell, you had lost Daryl in the mess. Ending up with Carol and Tyreese, as well as Judith. You were unsure what had happened to the two little girls Carol had started to take care of, but you had known it probably wasn’t anything good. And finding out everyone in your group had been taken to a cannibal farm made your stomach drop. 
Thinking you had lost Daryl was a continuous feeling, he’d run off to do things for everyone and sometimes getting hurt in the process. It made you stressed, but without a doubt he would always come home to you. He kind of reminded you of an outside dog or cat, which you would tell him and he’d just push you off chuckling to himself. 
Seeing his strong figure again after being separated made you emotional, bringing you to tears. He was crying too, but trying not to show it off to everyone else. His arms engulfed you in a massive hug keeping you there for what felt like an eternity, but what was probably a few seconds. The reunion of the group was very short lived, you all needing to get on the road again to fully escape Terminus. 
The months on the road were long and hard, you all were praying for a break. And it seemed to come true when Aaron showed up. Inviting you all to Alexandria, you had felt a weight lifted off of your shoulders. Everyone was of course off put by this offer, but eventually realized they were legit. 
Finally having a place to call home, you had gotten all your belongings settled into the shared house. You were unsure where Daryl was going to go, but you wished he would share a room with you. Sighing, you walked out of the house to see Daryl messing with his crossbow, looking harshly at it when he injured himself. 
His expression softened when he saw you though, and he silently greeted you before going back to the crossbow. You made a spot beside him and sat in front of him, just wanting to have some familiar company in this new place. Suddenly remembering the party Deanna was going to have for you all tonight. You figured Daryl wouldn’t want to go, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask him. 
“You want to go to that party at Deanna’s tonight? It would be nice I think,” He just shrugged in response. “Not my thing,” was his response, not even looking up from his bow. Your head looking away caused him to look up at you, “Ya want me to go?” 
“It would be nice, a good opportunity. But I know you aren't going to have fun socializing,” He just scoffed and smirked at you. “I’ll go for ya, but only for ya,” his hand moved from his bow to point at you with a joking scold. You just softly laughed and squeezed him arm with your hand. “Thanks, love you.” 
“Love ya too,” he smiled up at you as you went to leave. Pausing quickly to get one more word in, “Oh, wear something nice, and shower.” Shooting a smirk directly his way, he leaned his head back and rolled his eyes. 
“First Carol, and now ya?” You simply shrugged and walked away. Leaving him on the porch until the party. 
When you started to get ready you heard a soft knock on your door, creeping the door open to be met with Daryl. Surprisingly already prepared to go, dressed up in a black button up, his vest, and a nice pair of jeans. The whole outfit screamed Daryl. Your eyes looked at him lovingly, and he grinned at you. “Like what ya see?” he said as he let himself into the room. 
“A lot actually,” he placed a soft kiss to the top of your head as you continued to get ready. Throwing on a button up shirt and a pair of khaki pants, clothes you had gotten from the resources at Alexandria. Giving Daryl a spin, you showed him your outfit “Lookin’ handsome.” He winked at you and walked over to give you a quick kiss on the lips before officially heading to the party. 
The walk to Deanna’s was nice, it felt like everything was normal again. It was quiet though, Daryl was clearly thinking about something, chalking it up to him not being sure about Alexandria yet. 
Once there Daryl hesitated to go inside, it took you physically dragging him by the side to even get him to the door. Grumbles left his mouth before you opened the door to let yourselves in, only to be immediately overwhelmed by all the people. “Maybe this wasn’t a good idea,” you mumbled so only Daryl could hear. He patted your back softly and left to grab a beer and probably hide in a corner, which you had debated doing yourself. 
But you ended up chatting with Noah, making nice conversation. Never really getting the opportunity to meet and talk to him before. It was really nice. Until one of the Alexandrian women came up to you both, she obviously had some intentions that you really couldn’t read. 
Whatever, you thought, maybe she just wanted to be friendly? That's what you were hoping at least. You and Noah both exchanged awkward glaces, just looking wide eyed at each other as she kept trying to pull your attention without even saying a word.
Right as you were about to say something, she had beat you to the punch. “You’re quite the sight, pretty boy, what’s your name?” The pet name made you gag, but on the inside as it felt rude to physically do it in front of her. “Oh uh, I’m (Y/N), and this is Noah,” as soon as you finished speaking her hand shot up to shoo you. You were taken aback and looked at Noah again, still wide eyed. 
“I don’t care about him, I just wanna talk to you,” she said, pointing her finger at you and touching your face. Still looking at Noah, you were speechless. You had no clue what to say, genuinely. Mind went totally blank. You had looked behind you to see Daryl standing in the corner of the room eyeing up the situation you were in. A subtle head tilt from you was enough he needed to spring to action. 
Making his why over he stopped right beside you looking between you and the woman. “What’s goin’ on?” he asked, looking right at you. You went to speak but the woman soon spoke up for you, “Just getting to know the new guy,” Daryl nodded his head looking back at you again picking up on your uncomfortable body language. 
She then went to touch your arm, trying to get a feel for you. At this point Daryl officially understood what was actually happening and he shot to grab her arm. “Not gonna happen, don’t touch him,” his voice was deep and stern and getting the attention of everyone surrounding you guys. 
The woman quickly pulled her arm away and scoffed. “Why not? It’s not like he’s here with anyone. I just wanna have some fun,” she said in a sly tone making you want to gag again. You could see on Daryl’s he was fuming, preparing to hear what he was going to say next. 
“Jus’ fuck off, he’s my man,” he said, quite loud in fact. Louder than anything else he had said that night. That was definitely something you were not expecting him to say in front of everyone. And he wasn’t either because as soon as he said it, he walked out with your hand in his. Storming out and slamming the door leaving everyone there in shock. 
“Okay, what the hell was that Dixon?” he was breathing heavily and trying to calm down with his outburst. His hands met his face as he wiped his eyes, finally calming down. “I don’ know, I jus’, had to finally say it.” A smile creeped up to your face and you put your hands on the side of his head. “I’m glad you did,” kissing him on the lips gently. You both made the choice to go home, just to relax for the rest of the night before the interrogations start tomorrow. 
It was the first night Daryl had slept in bed with you since the prison and it felt nice. Though the next morning Daryl was gone early, you had assumed he had gone out hunting so you just ready for the day and left the home. Only to be surprised by Daryl and Rick having a conversation on the porch. Rick noticed you and immediately walked over and engulfed you in a massive hug. Shooting a glance over to Daryl, he had just laughed. 
“Just wanted to tell you both that I was happy for you guys, glad to see Daryl and you are happy together,” you gave Rick a genuine smile and another hug, this one more emotional than the other one. It felt good to be fully supported in your relationship from people so close to you.  The hug separated and he went on to ask you generic questions like how long you both have been together, when it happened, he wanted to know it all. Which was very heartwarming and it made you feel giddy. 
After a while, Rick had left because he had to do work elsewhere. Leaving you and Daryl on the porch by yourselves. You look over at him, “how are you feeling?” 
Looking back at you, he smiled more than he had before, “Fuckin’ great.” He grabbed your head and placed kisses all over your face. He stopped and quickly reached into his pocket, pulling out two chains with rings on them. He held them out to you letting you pick between a silver and a gold one. You picked the one you liked the most and examined it closely. 
“What's this?” gesturing toward the necklace in your hand. “Necklace, was tryin’ to find promise rings but that all I found. Assumed they didn’t fit so put ‘em on chains.” He explained this like it was no big deal, but to you this was the whole world. 
“Promise rings?” you asked, happy tears threatening to spill from your eyes. 
“Yeah, wanna marry ya one day. And I wan’ everyone to know yer mine.” After he spoke he pulled you into a sweet kiss. Making you the happiest man ever.
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juanbodyswapstfs · 1 year
Fair Trade
David was a hard working father trying to provide enough to maintain his son. The downside to this was he wasn’t spending a lot of time with his son martin.
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Martin was an attractive young man but doesn’t know the potential he has in his body. It pained David that Martin wouldn’t use his body to its full potential.
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One day, David came home early from work. “Hey Martin, im home early!” Said David. David didn’t get a response and headed upstairs. He saw the door to his bathroom opened and saw Martin jerking off to his briefs. “Dad!” Martin proceeds to slam the door in a hurry.
A few hours later..
Hey bud, You doing alright? “Dad, please go away.” Said Martin. “Son, I know how you feel, when I was your-“ “Dad just stop it! you don’t know how I feel.” Said Martin angrily. “Alright, Ill give you some time to calm down, when your done, come to the living room and we’ll have a chat.” Said David.
A few minutes later..
“Hey dad, Im sorry for how I talked to you..” Said Martin. “Don’t worry bud, I get your sexual desires hehe.” David said. “I love you but sometimes I just wish we could feel more connected.” Martin said. “Yeah, Hehe I wish you knew how good and strong your body is martin.” David said. “And I wish I could spend more time with you dad.” Martin said. “Well, goodnight my son.” David said. They both head to bed and sleep until the next morning.
In the morning
Martin wakes up feeling a bit sore and clumsy. “Woah why do I feel so big all of a sudden.” Martin opens his eyes and sees a huge bulge in his briefs. “Oh my god dad, why didn’t I know you had such a huge package.” Davids package was girthy and long with his balls big and manly. “Damn my armpits smell fucking good.” Martin whips out his new package and starts jerking off. “Ooohh yeah that shits good.” Martin then cums all over his dads chest.
On davids side..
David woke up and already knew something was wrong. He stood up and looked at himself in the mirror, “Hey handsome, Im gonna treat this body how it should be treated.” David Takes off his socks and smells them, “Mmmm” David takes out his package and jerks off. “Oooo fuck yeah im your country boy.” His hot steamy sperm squirts on the mirror. Martin then knocks on the door, “Hey Dad, you like your new body?” Martin says. “Dad?” “Im your son Dad.” David says in a cheeky tone. “Oh dad, im gonna use this body to its full potential.” David says. “Hahaha son, me too.” Martin says. “Alright im going to work” Martin says then leaves.
At the construction site..
Martin was trying his hardest to fit in as his father, He had to take a leak and went to the restroom. At the restroom there was an attractive construction worker guy pissing next to him. “Mind If I give you a hand haha.” Martin said. “Uh David?” The man said. “Just joking with ya haha.” Martin said a bit disappointed. The guy zipped up and left the restroom in a hurry. When Martin finally finished he walked out and saw his manager. “Hey david, Im sorry to say this but, your fired.” “Wait what?” “You harassed one of your coworkers.” The manager said. Defeated, Martin headed back home.
At Martins school.
David was having a blast in his sons body, winning every game and scoring a lot in gym class! “Haha beat that suckers!” David says. “You changed so much martin..” says martins crush. “People change my dude.” David says says. Martins Crush walks away sad. The bell rings and David runs home in his new youthful body.
At home
David and Martin arrived home in each others bodies. “Im sorry Dad, I got fired.” Martin said. “Oh thats fine, its your body now anyways.” David said. “Im doing well in school so fair trade haha.” David Said. Both Martin and David were satisfied with their bodies, David joined football and graduated with a athletes scholarship and Martin got a job as a Gay stripper.
So sorry for not posting stories in a while, I was kinda blocked on what to do next.. Message me if you have requests! peace out.
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fern-funtime · 4 months
| True Blue | ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺
wc: 1,089
pairing: Navia x fem! reader
warnings: a little sad, beautiful gay women <3
an: this is kinda bad. i had major writer's block but i started it so i had to finish it, i hope it's good enough to read. oh and happy pride month everyone ・ ͜ʖ ・ -Fern xo ♡
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To say you were upset was an understatement, the girl you were in love with was a few feet away from you with a man. A man who was confessing his love.
A man you didn't even know. He gave her flowers and a very expensive necklace, the blue stones matched her eyes perfectly. Jealousy is a very strong emotion and it was overwhelming you by now. All you wanted to do was leave and rot in your bed but you didn't want to leave her, you guys were in the middle of a conversation. It was awkward, you shift in your spot and try to pay them no mind but you feel hurt. You think about how happy she looks, how beautiful.
After a few more minutes she comes back with a big smile.
"Did you see all that?" She laughs while awkwardly holding the bouquet. You gave her a fake smile
"Yeah." you try to be happy for her.
She sighs and plays with her necklace. "Isn't he charming." you feel your heart break slightly. "He seems nice." your words come out less emotional than you wanted. "Are you okay?" she asks softly.
"I don't think I'm feeling well." in response to this she moves her hand to your forehead. "You are kind of warm, you should get some rest."
You smile at her and say goodbye, but not before she gives you a big hug. All you can smell is her perfume and the vibrant roses she was gifted. "I hope you feel better Y/n." she spoke with sincere words.
You felt so guilty for being mad when she's so kind to you. You were now in bed doing exactly what you wanted earlier. You had been crying, your eyes are puffy and your heart is melting into the bed with the rest of your body. How could she ever love you. He doesn't deserve her yet you certainly don't. Maybe he's the love of her life, she'll be happy with him.
Happier than she would have with you.
You didn't even notice you tell asleep until a knock wakes you up. You notice it's now night and you can feel the dried tears on your cheeks. You slowly get up and groggily walk to the door. You open the door and you're met with Navia. She's holding a container and a bag of her belongings. She gives you a big smile and you move aside and let her in.
She walks in and places her stuff down "How are you feeling?" you watch her as she puts her stuff down.
It's muscle memory at this point, there's never a week where she doesn't come over and spend the night at least once.
You didn't even notice you fell asleep until a knock wakes you up. You notice it's now night and you can feel the dried tears on your cheeks. You slowly get up and groggily walk to the door. You open the door and you're met with Navia. She's holding a container and a bag of her belongings. She gives you a big smile and you move aside and let her in.
She walks in and places her stuff down "How are you feeling?" you watch her as she puts her stuff down.
It's muscle memory at this point, there's never a week where she doesn't come over and spend the night at least once.
"Better." you smile at her. A genuine smile this time, you're really happy to be with her right now even if its not in the way you want.
"I made you soup, it's my dads recipe." She grabs a bowl and a spoon. You watch her while she does this and you noticed her necklace was gone. "Where's the necklace that guy gave you?"
She lets out a laugh before saying "I gave it back to him, I didn't say it in the moment because I was flustered but...I have my eyes on someone else." She glances your way before putting the soup in the bowl.
Her eyes lingered for a second longer and you swore the whole world stopped. Confusion was evident on your face and you looked away and tried to wonder who she really liked. 'Me?' you thought before you were snapped out of your mind when she plopped down next to you, rather close too. She handed you the soup and you take in the smell. It smelled like home. "This always makes me feel better when I'm sick."
Instead of smiling you frown at her "I need to tell you something. I wasn't sick...I was mad." She furrows her brows "Did I do something?"
Now you feel really guilty, you made her sad. "No- no of course not, I was...I was jealous of him." you look to the ground. Your nerves had finally set in, you realized you just confessed to her. She thinks for a moment confused until she finally spoke. "You were...jealous of him giving me flowers?"
"You looked really happy...I want to make you happy like he did." You voice faltered a bit and your heart beat picked up faster and you were quite literally freaking out. As soon as you turned to apologize she pulled you into a kiss. It was only a peck as she pulled away quickly. "I am so sorry! I didn't know what I-" you kissed her.
You gave her a proper kiss. And she kissed you back. After putting the soup on your bedside table you both go back to each other's lips. You wrap your arm around her neck and she puts a hand on your waist. You pull away and look at each other for a second. She laughs, and you swear it is the most beautiful thing you have seen. "Have you liked me all this time?" she said in between giggles. "Oh my god. We could have been together all this time."
You start to laugh now before hugging her. "I thought you were into guys!" "Are you saying I don't give off sapphic energy!?" She laughs into your shoulder.
"I thought about it but I wasn't sure I've only seen you with guys." She kissed you on the cheek and you're heart almost explodes. "I love women too, and I love you."
"I love you too." You bring her back into a sweet kiss. "Can you please try the soup now, I worked hard on it." She fakes a pout before grabbing the bowl.
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bengiyo · 4 months
I can say with confidence that our collective favorite show, between you and me, is What Did You Eat Yesterday?, the GOAT BL, and an exemplary example of a slice of life drama. What are your other favorite slice of life dramas, BLs and non-BLs?
Thank you for this ask. I have been trying to stay out of a bunch of discussions about this, but it seems that people feel really strongly about how people talk about a mid-tier BL produced by the largest producer of BL content in the world, currently sold as a premium product exclusively on a Chinese streaming platform, and currently receiving almost universal acclaim from its viewership on this platform. So, since I am possibly the only person who has posted publicly how much this show doesn’t work for me, I will continue with my task and clear up some confusion I’m having with the discourse.
We Are…Struggling With Definitions
Thankfully, @lurkingshan provided a good framework to discuss what slice-of-life even means. While I am willing to accept that a strong episodic structure is not inherently required for a good slice-of-life drama, the bite-sized nature of an episode lends itself to enabling clear stories about the complexities of mundane human existence. It’s a very popular genre, especially in anime. As I said in an earlier post, this is a mature genre with a long tradition.
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Most of my favorite approaches to slice-of-life are from Japan. When America does slice-of-life, you get it more as sitcoms than thoughtful dramas about everyday life. One of my favorites would probably be Midnight Diner. As Shan defined before, a good slice-of-life drama could go on forever, and in so many ways Midnight Diner has. 
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I’m actually currently watching Three Star Bar in Nishi Ogikubo because Machida Keita and Fujiwara Kisetsu are in it.
We Are…Already Familiar With Slice of Life QL
We’ve actually had a few QL projects cover the slice-of-life feeling before.
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You and I are both big fans of What Did You Eat Yesterday?, a show I loved so much we had to do a whole podcast episode about it.
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On the lesbian side of the equation, we have the lovely She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat.
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We also had Naked Dining, which I had some mixed feelings about.
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There's the gay dads drama from Taiwan in Papa & Daddy.
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For people who seem to struggle with non-Thai productions, there’s also Ingredients with everyone’s favorite singer Jeff Satur.
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Besides, I argue firmly that Tadaima, Okaeri is the only true slice-of-life BL airing right now. It’s the married gay dads show we’ve been asking forever to get, and it’s even in the omegaverse!
We Are…Possibly Suffering From Recency Bias
It’s surprising for me how hard everyone has fallen for this show, considering the long history of reactions to New Siwaj’s work. He’s been in the genre for over a decade.
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I am intimately familiar with this man’s work, and have been a Make It Right Apologist for years. I’ve been with this man since I got into the genre. This isn’t even his first attempt at 16 episodes about boys in college.
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Everyone else watched My Engineer at the time, but I watched EN of Love and was not surprised when Love Mechanics got its own full series afterwards. I’ve been with this man working through gay angst in Make it Right, examining intergenerational queer trauma in Until We Meet Again,  fumbling through Between Us, trying for something in Dear Doctor I’m Coming For Soul, hustling in Even Sun, still crying with him over Love of Siam (2007) in My Only 12%, and squandering everyone’s time in Absolute Zero. 
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It’s kinda baffling to me that I’m catching strays over not liking New Siwaj works in 2024. It feels weird that the show I’m getting heat over not liking is the least-queer thing I think he’s ever made. I don’t know what that says about current BL tastes. I will say this plainly every time: Queer Truth is Non-Negotiable For Me In a Genre About Boys Kissing Each Other. If that statement bothers you, please swerve on.
We Are…Not the Only Examples of Queer Fun
While we’re here, I wanna talk about how there really is a whole gay world outside of BL. I feel very strongly that Western viewers are extremely rude and often racist when it comes to their disdain of BL. However, there is all kinds of fun to be had in queer cinema if you can handle projects made more than a few years ago. 
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If you want silly fun, you can always go to TLA Releasing. They funded an entire gay parody of the American Pie franchise. They’re great for the types who want to see pretty people smile at each other and have sexy times. 
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If you’re in the mood for something a bit more serious and heartfelt, you can dip by Strand Releasing. They have one of the best coming-of-age queer films I’ve ever seen. They also picked up a really melancholy Japanese film called Egoist. 
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My favorite studio, who shows up repeatedly on my BL Syllabus is Wolfe Releasing. They have my all-time favorite Big Eden (2000), and many others. 
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My point is that there is a huge world of queer media out there well beyond the latest mid-tier BL from GMMTV designed to keep the boys working. We also don’t need to argue that some of their shows are more queer than they actually are, especially when Cooking Crush is right there.
Thanks for the ask!
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lurkingshan · 8 months
Love for Love's Sake Episode 5 & 6
Holy shit, y'all. This drama continues to blow my mind and be so smart about its world building and narrative structure. With each episode drop the show has been very smartly toggling back and forth between relationship development within the game and lore drops about what is happening outside the game, and these two episodes are no exception.
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So we begin this week with relationship development, which was so fucking sweet. I love how honest Cha Yeowoon is about how he feels and what he wants. This boy has no ability to hide himself whatsoever, he wears his heart on his sleeve and his vulnerability on his face for anyone to see, and he's had a hard life with a lot of pain (who wants to join my murder squad to take out his dad?). It's no wonder he has kept his distance from people until he found someone he believed he could trust with it.
I love, too, that Tae Myungha's hangups have nothing to do with queerness--we probably won't ever know his dating history in the real world, but I think it's safe to say Yeowoon is not the first boy he has been in a relationship with. Instead, as suspected, his hesitation is all rooted in the fact that he's an adult in a game world he can't control, and he has no idea whether he can stay with Yeowoon. He is trying to be responsible, but the pull of those puppy eyes and pouty lips is simply too strong to resist (you're so valid for that, Myungha). I love that part of the game is also forcing Myungha to reckon with his own hurts, with his grandma and now his estranged mother challenging him to face his own trauma.
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Which is why seeing these two bruised boys fall in love is oh so sweet. I love that even amongst the impending doom of the game malfunctions, we got to see them strengthen their bond, confirm how they feel, and grow comfortable with physical affection (though I would have liked to see more of that kissing lesson, show!). The kisses (complete with my beloved Gay Feelings sparkle effect), the hand holding, the flirting and public displays, it was all adorable.
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And we needed that to hang onto when the game started experiencing server errors and Myungha became unmoored and unable to navigate the game universe effectively. It seems that his "friend" who trapped him in the game is indeed the one sending the anonymous mentions, and he's now messing with the game to change the conditions after Myungha has successfully altered Yeowoon's life. I like that this was rooted in another reveal about them discussing fate--Myungha is determined in his belief that our choices matter and we can always change our destiny, and it's clear his "friend" resents that stance and wants to show him he doesn't have control after all. And he is really not playing fair! Forcing Myungha to choose between his grandmother and Yeowoon is straight up cruel (our murder squad will also be taking this man out, we will be busy, besties).
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Poor Myungha. I am so excited, so scared to see the big conclusion tomorrow, I trust that Myungha will find a way out of this situation. All I know is they need to find a way for our boys to get their happy ending or murder squad will be making another stop.
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lady-of-the-puddle · 2 months
Hello hello, it is time once again for, you guessed it!
Rating Clu's
Homoerotically tense
I thought long and hard about this because I only had about 2 in my head when I mistakenly threw it out there in another post but like, here you go 😎
Have a picture in case you forgot what cgi Jeff Bridges looks like:
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Behold, a guy. Anyway
1. Kevin
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He is the most obvious so I'll get this one out of the way
You are me and I am you but you are the darkest parts of me but I love you anyway
This begs the question:
Would you fuck your darker self/clone
Idk about u but my heart tells me that Kevin sure would
7/10 it's about the man vs self of it all
2. Jarvis (why is this photo so fuckin big??)
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I know I said Kevin is the most obvious
But this guy has the biggest crush on Clu
He is simp supreme
Like the way he turns to Clu for approval after everything he says makes me feel like I should leave the room
He loses a point for being a dork coward but Sam's mascara is very pretty and he's also a Flynn so I can't blame him too much
9/10 go henchboy go
3. Rinzler
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Fellas, is it gay to brainwash god's most specialest boyfriend and make him loyal to only you all while knowing god is still out there and can see what you've done to everything he loves? All while knowing he's nothing more than a pet and will never love you and wouldn't even if he could
Like talk about the ultimate rebound
No notes honestly, I don't even need to go on with this one
11/10 not even one girl(Quorra) could make this all seem a little less gay
4. Dyson
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Another case of yoinking your exes boy but this time it was consensual
He literally just agrees with Clu and helped him take over
If that's not a basis for a strong relationship then idk what is
He really seems so desperate to stay in Clu's favor like he must know that tron is the real prize here, his bitter ex. Has there ever been so much dating drama between programs?
5/10 replaceable.
5. Sammy
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It occurs to me now that he hasn't made it on these lists yet so everyone clap for him
I feel brave for even acknowledging this one
Is Clu his dad? Is he an entity separate but still containing qualities of his father at a certain point in time that forever diverged from the moment of conception? Idk he's a computer man
So like the part where he's just kinda circling Sam looking him up and down like he's a prized pig? Yeah.
CAUTION THIS IS A JOKE please for the love of Kevin don't cancel me over this
2/10 why the 2? Cause there's fics out there man I know it
6. Zuse
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He's so babygirl
Clu even mixed him a drink before he blew him up
I love their dynamic I get the feeling if Clu had to spend more than 5 minutes around him he'd strangle him much sooner
Stoic asshole with the silly asshole
Honestly they're perfect for each other
10/10 what can I say? I'm a simple program I see two men interact and I rate them
Special mention:
7. Quorra
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Now some of you might say, hey Puddle Girl, this isn't homoerotic at all she's a girl
Well they're programs so gender isn't real and also they're bi so it counts
Anyway I thought about this one cause there was this weird tense moment towards the end of the movie where Quorra is captured and Clu's just like, talking to her and touches her hair and it was uncomfortable but it also made me feel some type of way
Like I understand that it's 100% a power play BUT
3/10 he was gonna add her to the boyfriend collection cause all he does is steal from Kevin
Hi in honor of my Tron themed birthday I finally finished this. I was really reaching for some of these as you can see but I can't take it too seriously anyway. I'm always here for the gay of it all but is it homoerotic or do they just need to put more people who aren't men in this franchise? We'll literally never know! 🙃
Hey @soihadthisdreamonce I'm sorry 5-10 business days turned into 5-10 business weeks I was moving and time got away from me but I didn't forget you
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kerubimcrepin · 2 months
Wakfu OVA - Book 3, Dragon Mountain [PART 1]
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Amalia he is handing you all out the Twelvian equivalent of six nuclear devices.
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Amalia: [asks Joris]
Kerubim: [replies instead of Joris]
Second most batshit thing he's doing after the whole "speaking over him in private" thing. He's so evil dad energy.
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Joris having to do the thing most of us know as "mom stooop she already got it."
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AND after Keke stops talking he starts answering the question she asked him himself.
Once again, what seems like a normal interaction to most, is a goldmine to me.
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Literally the funniest possible thing a guy who keeps losing Dofus, and had to stop being Ebony's guardian due to "interpersonal issues with the dragon", can say.
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I never mentioned this previously, but one really cool detail is that even though he probably can't use them, the Dofus do react to Joris's touch — thanks to his dragonized nature.
Since the OVAs came out before the movie, this drove a lot of people a little bit crazy.
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Big fan of Atch and Keke standing silently and looking vaguely worried about things.
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I can read into things soooo well. I can read into them so easily. It comes like breathing to me.
[puts on tinfoil hat] Yes Kerubim wants to come back home together with Atcham and Joris, but also, Kerubim is seen pushing Joris towards his responsibilities, so I wonder if he feels a sense of guilt for the person Joris has become (guy who will die if he isn't saving the world).
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lL;sdf;epor21301;;;; aksdkmaljwijahcfaw j
Anyway, I'm liking the fact that Kerubim and Atcham decided not to come with. Letting Joris have fun (type 3 fun, to be exact) with his friends <3 without making him feel weird by hovering around.
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I have thought for years what Joris allowing Yugo to risk the end of the world for Tristepin might mean for his character. It doesn't feel out of character, far from it, — though it would be just as in-character if he was (softly) against this.
I think it's just one of Joris's many multitudes. He has very strong ("strong") morals, until people he cares about are involved.
Besides that, as someone who was alive before Ogrest's Chaos, I do think he'd love for the flooding of the world to stop, which might also be a factor in him not resisting the Brotherhood of Tofu's dangerous decisions here.
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Just like OVA 2 was win after win after win after win for Crepinjurgenites, I think this OVA is kind of a big win for Adamai and Yugo fans.
Anyway the way Joris and Ruel are watching this happen is so fucking funny I can't. They really said 😬 and 😐
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Joris hesitates before joining in.... because he's not a part of their friend group (but he wishes he were)
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Personally, I think he joined in after seeing Otomai do so. It felt less awkward/presumptious. We don't see him lay his hand on Ruel — it cuts away to Otomai before that happens, which makes me consider this possibility.
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OVA 3 makes me wish for an alternate season 3 that doesn't suck ass and actually handles Adamai's arc well. My suffering is so real and poignant.
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THAT'S WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT. HE WAS SILENTLY STANDING THERE THINKING "Adamai is right though..." and doing NOTHING. Because he's sick in the head.
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When I first watched the OVAs, I thought that these were all his past lives, and not the fucking Eliotropes. I wish life was kinder 😔
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Joris "50 traumagenic psychological disorders" Jurgen ready to attack things at the drop of a hat like a wild animal.
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Cutie-patootie shielding his eyes and groaning all pissed off at Yugo for doing whatever scary shit he just did.
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Staring at Otomai.
While Otomai is staring at him.
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He replies to her as if his own reaction to this wasn't O_O
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Ngl I feel like having Grougalorasalar (the #coguette #female manipulator dragon), Dardondakal (??? the cringe warcrime dragon), and Goultard's Gay Lover Doomed By The Narrative inside your head would give anyone brainrot that leads them to cause an apocalypse to happen.
AND there are three other guys in there. And all six of them are eating holes into his brain.
Your honor, Ogrest just had a silly little time and we should forgive him for it.
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[clears throat and approaches the mic] Ogrest and Otomai are good but. What if another father-son duo also had a scene where the son threatens to hurt his father if he doesn't leave him alone. Wouldn't it be cool. Haha. There are tons of father-son duos in this franchise! Tumblr user @jorisjurgen, also known as @kerubimcrepin, is not pointing at any pair of characters in particular — I just think a son should threaten to kill his father at least once more in this franchise.
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Fuck it, frustrated with the blue demon au comic. So I’m kinda scraping it.
Still gonna be posting about it and stuff. I’m still hyper focused as fuck no doubt.
Here’s the original part two and three in full before I started trying and failing to edit things to my liking
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My idea being…
gai was exceptionally well adjusted and sunshine and strong and sweet and a bit ready to die for his precious people.
And I just wondered if he wasn’t as well adjusted as everyone thought.
Main part being, he had an obvious temper growing up and being an outcast does not do wonders for the soul. And then his dad died saving the village from a group of swordsman who were a really big deal and gai was THERE when it happened. Manga lowkey implies he saw it happen from what I remember.(definite possibility I’m wrong.)
So I had a bunch of what if about his character. And THEN I found out he tried to join ANBU to save kakashi and couldn’t be he was told eh didn’t have ‘enough darkness.’ And I wondered what happened if he did.
I wanted to show kakashi lashing out and it having consequences, maybe showing a real sore spot for gai.(which through artistic representation lowkey looks like kakashi genjutsu’ed his ass. He wouldn’t but I thought was funny.)
And the following stuff I make for this will probably just expand on those ideas I had about gai. Just /how far/ does his love and devotion and loyalty go.
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omghallucinations · 2 months
aspects and chart patterns for ateez
number one reason why i decided to write this: mingi has a grand cross.
bro this chart goes crazy. a grand cross is a SHIT TON of energy. act right now, think NEVER (or later, obsessively, full of regrets). for mingi the 4 players are uranus "manic pixie dream girl" (14 aquarius), mars "she's cute but a psycho" (15 scorpio), sun "ME! by taylor swift" (16 leo) and saturn "i work so i can go home" (16 taurus). they're all in fixed signs so that can be a rough ride! these guys ain't gonna move. it's easy to not make any progress because he feels really stuck here. the fire is blazing away, but the walls are staying put. it creates a fixed idea of how things are, a relentless energy that can eat itself. terrified of losing security. strength becomes an identity. he's both 100% always sure he is right about everything and staggeringly aware of the multiplicity of life and that no one knows what truth is, since a grand cross has one of each element so the energy is split.
it's like
his sun, in its rulership in leo, so very strong: have you SEEN ME LATELY, i want to LOVE you and come let me SHINE MY RAYS UPON YOU and you can be like wow you're so pretty!! and i'll be like yeah i am!! you're so pretty too!! i love expressing myself through dance and music!! i am 100% embracing my identity i can't be anyone other than me!! (this depends on his rising) versus uranus in aquarius, also rulership if you do modern rulers which i don't usually: uhHHHHH girl. being different is really. hard. also i don't want to join the party and i don't believe in that and also i want to leave and this is giving me anxiety. have you considered that the self is a construct and constantly changing???
meanwhile, on the other side of his chart:
mars strong in its rulership in scorpio if you do traditional rulers, which i do: i'm so sexy and intense and everyone looks at me all the time. i want to act boldly and with power and sexuality and loyalty and i'm not afraid of anyone have you considered that! if you cross me you'll fucking regret it. i'm full of deep powerful desires and i want to act to achieve them!! versus saturn in taurus: sit the hell down and be responsible, you asshole. stop doing that. stop thinking that. stop desiring that. it's not helpful. stop wanting that it's not practical. i'm the ensemble cast in stick to the status quo!! no no no! stick to the stuff you know!!
which produces these big bursts of passionate action and not a lot of follow through. there's also sub arguments, which are fun too.
sun square saturn: father saturn is always haranguing the sun/self/ego that he has to PRODUCE that he has to SUCCEED or what is the POINT, and sometimes the sun is like fuck it... i give up ballet is YOUR dream dad
father saturn is also haranguing gay cousin uranus which has the fun effect of making him both insanely stubborn/rigid and insanely chaotic at the same time
uranus is like the devil on the shoulder of mars encouraging it to do more, be more extreme, move on, hit da BRICKS
mars passes a lot of that message on to the sun, being like you gotta be move and make a decision right now and who gives a shit what the consequences are! let's jump off this building!!
thank god mingi has an "easy opposition" planet that offshoots his saturn-mars opposition! depending on his birth time his moon likely sextiles saturn and trines mars to some degree. the way out of this all or nothing mentality is through his cancer moon (so many of ateez have cancer moons). his moon is basically like... girl go home. learn to garden or knit or something. get out of the club girl what are u doing
san's mars opposes his jupiter exactly. no like. exactly exactly. 0.00 orb which i almost have never seen in my life. so she's a strong and intense opposition! the two sides of the seesaw:
his mars in scorpio: i'll die for you, i'll kill for you, i have deeply internalized so much red hot rage that i am afraid of being angry but also unable to not be angry. haha i'm fine, he said, his eyes shooting fire. let's go deep and dark right now, i can handle any weight and get though anything also if you betray me i will never forget so write that down, i love two things powerful soul-penetrating intimacy and holding on to my grudges. do you remember that one time you did that one thing because i do versus... taurus jupiter: you know what i love? nature. humanity. my ideals. bro you're really harshing my mellow so bad. i want to focus on acquiring my cool items and comfort. have you tried just like... letting go? transform yourself into a more benevolent being! i'm managing my money, other people's money, whatever, my investments go crazy and i have great intimate partnerships and that's enjoy to bring me fulfillment and joy :)
thankfully his leo venus is there! leo venus trines his scorpio mars and sextiles his jupiter, softening each one with that optimistic romance, the creativity, the passion. venus is not always acting perfectly--she sure can be an egomaniac--but it can certainly smooth out the rough edges of mars and connects the two extremes. it's also in the 12th, the pisces-y house, so it's sort of quieter, more introverted, very compassionate and sympathetic to others.
hongjoong also has an almost exact opposition (0.07, so close!) with a softening planet to the side.
jupiter in pisces: have you ever thought about humanity? we have a responsibility to help the less fortunate! do you think ghosts are real? do you want to join a cult? also i'm so sad :( about people being sad :(. also i really really want to spend all my money! right now!! it's fine i'll make more money whatever, what is important is look at my beautiful gorgeous items (2nd house). versus... mars in virgo: gotta WORK. gotta make that mONEY make PURSE. and the way you do that is by killing yourself working :). i can look at every situation logically and critically and i will cross every t and dot every i in the entire world by thursday at the latest. god i love solving weird problems so much. yes i will be reachable by phone :) or text :) or slack :) please feel free to zoom :) no i will not be on vacation ever in my life :)
thankfully he can bridge that gap with his venus in scorpio in the 9th house (think art/values/beauty/romance that is unafraid of darkness and eager to get to the heart of shit often about philosophy/religion/art/travel). his sun and mc also contribute to that--so his ego/identity and his career. they trine/sextile the two planets themselves, just not exactly.
on the other side of that opposition, we have... a t-square :(. his gemini moon in the 5th house squares both jupiter and mars. a t-square is often like--bro you've repressed some shit but here's some red hot raw potential if u work through it. it can help and hurt, like all aspects. the moon makes sure the chart is like HEY. LOOK AT MARS AND JUPITER. THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MARS AND JUPITER RIGHT. it anchors the difference. it can mean his emotions go zoom zoom from one side to the other--moon/jupiter of benevolence, so many feelings, philosophy, the meaning of life on one side, and then on the other side i have NEVER had a FEELING in my LIFE how DARE you i gotta WORK and THINK ABOUT STUFF what do you mean "don't intellectualize" and "feel my feelings" LMAO sounds fake.
seongwha interestingly enough has no oppositions at all between planets--he's not going to seesaw within himself. he's gonna make a choice and not understand why other people are making such a big deal out of it. i bet he doesn't even have an internal monologue, lucky bitch. goddamnit.
he does have some interesting conjunctions--he has an exact conjunction with saturn and mars in aries in the 10th house. saturn gives mars a capricorn-ish, earth sign flavor. the way he asserts himself is going to be logical, practical, he does not like change, there's a lot of anxiety with action. this is amplified by them being in the 10th house. saturn gets a boost here because the 10th house is the capricorn house--it likes it here. they are more loosely conjunct his retrograde mercury (some trouble communicating) and his sun. they all get that same practical capricorn flavor.
mars in aries: you cannot kill me in any way that matters :) capricorn in aries: hm. technically. they can. what if, for example, your local coffee shop rearranges the furniture mars in aries: 1 fear
his cancer rising (22 cancer) exactly squares mars and saturn (22 aries) and more loosely mercury and his sun. it's like his identity/his life purpose/life direction as a nurturing, healing person who also struggles with vulnerability and being a bit judgmental sometimes shut up about it runs up against his 10th house work self, for better or worse. fire (aries) and water (cancer) don't get along, their goals are different.
he has other interesting things in his chart but i'm really trying to just to aspects right now lmao this is so long!!
jongho has an exact opposition between jupiter and pluto, so that's a fun bounce between
jupiter in gemini: man i love to be social, free, not taking shit serious, talking to people about whatever, and pluto in sagittarius: get AWAY from me i am LEAVING goodBYYYYYE
if you are extremely generous with your orbs, he could have uranus to quote unquote soften that--sort of like, idek i do my shit my way and it's chill. it's a big orb though so i don't really count it hardcore.
he also loosely has his virgo mars anchoring the opposition into a t-square--it creates sort of a versus situation. like hongjoong, he has a virgo mars (the gotta WORK (but not in a showy capricorn way, i'm genuinely doing the work stop showing off)) struggling to balance the opposing impulses of pluto and jupiter.
gotta wORK... on what? gotta work with people in a social way? or gotta work by getting the hell out of here independently? he can vacillate between the two extremes, avoid one of the points until his saturn return clomps up to say heyyyy girlllllll or some mixture of the two.
wooyoung has one opposition between planets!
mercury in scorpio (15) in the second house: i wanna get into the deep weeds with people, i want to skip the small talk and trauma dump on each other, i wanna say the TRUTH i don't CARE if it's "nice" also i'm fairly practical and critical, in contrast to how i am all or nothing motherfucker anyway i need to passionately argue my ideas and also i need to ice you out, i'm complex okay!! gOD you just don't UNDERSTAND the exhilarating highs and perilous lows of LIFE like I DOOO versus saturn in taurus (15) in the eighth house: oh shit i gotta keep myself in check and be normal so i can handle other people's problems and not lose all my money and not transform too much it will make people uncomfortable fuck i'm afraid of death i need to have a stable foundation jesus christ stop being so emotional and focus on what is practical!! god!!!!
there is no easy way out of that one i'm afraid.
instead, there's a t-square!!! the action point is his uranus in aquarius in the fifth house so there's issues with feeling like being his own unique person is in itself disruptive. he fears rejection--probably went through that a lot as a child (5th house). on the bright side, having to deal with the squares will help him gain resolution in this seesaw. the vibes are:
i have to restrict myself and be a normal bitch gotta WORK, gotta make that MONEY make PURSE
no wait. i have to be my weird ass self and express that creatively! my uniqueness is my charming point! it is so fun and awesome to be a little weirdo!
u know what actually let's connect deeply i wanna talk about emotional TRUTHS i wanna bear my SOUL i'm so RIGHT about everything and if i talk at you enough you will learn the truth!!
oops changed my mind goodbye everyone, i have reinvented myself again and i need to run away forever i'm a manic pixie dream girl and i've ghosted you. :)
yeosang has a grand trine! with a generous orb, so it's less strong than it could be. a rare aspect that is all about ease. again, like all aspects and chart patterns, there are pros and cons. a grand trine is a big ole triangle with 3 planets or points in the same element and they all get along great. yeosang's ascendant in aries is trine pluto in sagittarius is trine venus in leo. his life purpose/direction, his understanding of power death and rebirth and his desire for love, what he likes, his values, etc are always chatting away in endless circles and it's very cohesive but it can really lack direction.
pluto: i don't know where do u wanna go ascendant: idk were do u wanna go venus: idk where do u wanna go
like that. there's a lot of potential here: the newness and excitement and babyness of an aries rising, the intensity and passion of pluto, the love and harmony and creativity of venus, but it lacks direction in a major way.
like san and hongjoong, yeosang also has a mars and jupiter opposition. san and hongjoong's are exact, though (so like jupiter at 18 pisces is exactly opposite mars at 18 virgo), so they are stronger. yeosang's is more chill but still present.
jupiter in aries in the 1st house: i love being alive! i feel fresh and brand new. optimism is so easy for me! i act quickly and i want what i want but also if you want something i'll get it for you! i have strong values and i'm super honest and i'm not afraid of that in any way :). everything will work out!! mars in libra in the 7th house: haha... a decision? never heard of her hahah.... it's fine whatever u want is cool.... .. . i don't really wanna get it myself so uh. well if u think it's okay???? do you think it's okay?????? does everyone else think it's okay???? i'm very stressed and mars is in detriment here so i am uncomfortable but it's okay i'll be fine whatever u want is okay with me so long as the group is happy right???
it's also interesting because as an aries rising, his chart ruler is mars in libra--it's gonna flavor his whole personality strongly. normally in that opposition jupiter would overrule mars in its detriment, but because mars is the chart ruler that side of his personality gets emphasized more.
yunho has a locomotive chart pattern--that's like when 3/4 parts of the wheel have planets in them. hongjoong also has this. these people tend to be more driven towards goals, and there's one planet that acts as the engine--for hongjoong it's his virgo mars, which makes sense, and yunho's is his gemini moon in the eighth house. his engine is social-emotional in a light gemini sort of way not in an intense water moon sort of way. it's also square his pisces mercury in the 4th house (the cancer house, home/roots/foundation). to me that's like
gemini moon in the 8th: emotions are interesting to me in an abstract way but they don't really affect me that much, i'm always able to see the logical side of things. i'm really good at talking people through their feelings and i love to talk about mine too--but i do not want to actually feel them, ew gross that does not make me feel safe and feeling safe is extremely important to me! anyway what feeling i don't know what you're talking about my mood is totally different now i don't remember her? yeah i was upset but that was thirty seconds ago catch up! pisces mercury in the 4th: that person over there is sad i can feel it :( be nice to them :( i am gonna be really careful so i don't offend them :( anyway there is no one right answer i could be wrong idk i'm used to everything changing all the time so it's not a big deal do u think that person needs a hug :( gemini moon, trying to not feel anything: what are u doing here
this seems like a very helpful and productive square that keeps pisces and gemini--both mutable signs--from going too far in either direction. the house placements feel more unstable though.
uranus is also trine the moon so that weighs the scale more on the detachment side. uranus in aquarius in the 3rd (gemini house) is air on air on air, but also very stubborn and obsessed with being free. goodBYYYYEYYEE in a planet.
his sun is also conjunct jupiter in aries which makes his personality larger-than-life or like, expanded in some way. known. success comes easier. it's also in the fifth house of creativity and self expression which is a fun, carefree vibe, youthful leo energy. can get an ego, but he's friendly!
venus at home in taurus in the 6th conjunct saturn in taurus in the 6th--that's like saturn squeezing the life out of venus a little bit. holding it down.
venus in taurus: everyone likes me i'm cute and lovable and things come so easy to me! i love items and feeling safe and at home! man this is a soft hoodie i have achieved fulfillment. i know the perfect thing to smooth over this awkward social situation because things gotta stay stable it's insanely important to me but u know it's cool, i'm so friendly and personable :) saturn in taurus: have u ever considered that everyone betrays u venus in taurus: everyone.... could betray me. i... could betray me...... ... . better not let anyone in emotionally!!! i don't trust that shit! but if you do stay we're for life, so. ride or die.
anyway i'm interested in doing more astrology for ateez, these bitches go crazy. almost all of them have very active uranus and they have either a gemini moon (yunho, san, hongjoong) or a cancer moon (wooyoung, seongwha, mingi, yeosang) or they are jongho, who has either an aries or a pisces moon depending on when he was born. what the hell bro. wild.
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billthedrake · 1 year
This story is a sequel to "Dad's New Life."
I was prepared to take a good amount of teasing, and maybe more, this weekend. But the guys in the Sig Ep house were cool, I had to admit.
I didn't think I was going to be able to visit. But my older brother Connor swore to my parents he'd keep a hawk's eye on me and keep me from drinking or doing anything I shouldn't. I got along OK with my brother, but growing up he was always kind of bossy, taking advantage of being three years older than me and more of the popular kid in school.
He was still that guy, only now I'd grown up, taller than Connor now, and had really bulked up. I'd say it was basketball and lacrosse, but a lot of it was just obsessively working out and keeping my growing teen body fed with enough protein to put on muscle. I still had a young face - and I had a good idea it would be a while before I could pull off a fake ID - but I was starting to get a strong build for my 6'3" frame.
I now sat in a big sofa in the rec room of the fraternity house, watching some dumb TV. Connor plopped himself next to me with a knowing grin. He had two beer cans in his hand and offered me one. "Not a word to Mom and Dad, Squirt," he admonished.
"Course not," I said, gratefully taking the beer. I took a few sips. It was cheap beer but I didn't care, I loved it.
"Hey O'Brien," one of the brothers said. Alan I think his name was. A senior and a stocky, goofy dude who I discovered was one of Connor's close buddies in the house. The Four Musketeers they called themselves, and Alan was the crudest of the bunch. "Is the pre-frosh gonna partake of Mike's services?"
I wondered if Mike was a drug dealer or something. I figured my older brother wouldn't be into anything too wild. He was the studious one in the family.
Connor got an uncharacteristically shy look. "Dude, it's my baby brother we're talking about."
"I'm not a baby," I objected. I'd turned 18 a couple weeks earlier.
This fraternity brother just gave me a sly wink before turning to my brother. "Like your brother doesn't get his dick wet. The young dude's a fucking lacrosse player fer Christsake."
Fuck, they were talking about sex. With a dude. I smirked, and Connor laughed when he turned to see my expression. "You don't even know what you're grinning about, Jase," he teased.
I shrugged, showing off as much teen bravado as I could. "I figured if it wasn't fun, you wouldn't be acting like I wasn't ready for it."
I could sense my brother was frustrated, cause he didn't object or act bossy, he just gave me a pale grin. "All right. Just remember. No talking about what happens this weekend. Promise?"
"Yeah, dude," I said, annoyed. "I fucking promise."
It was a half hour before Mike showed up. I heart his booming baritone voice coming down the SigEp house steps to the basement before I saw him. I don't know what I expected, but the guy was older, a lot older. Like, dad's age. And buff as hell. He didn't quite look like an ex-athlete, not like Coach Carson, but he was big and beefy and muscular, more of a gym-pumped build, but he clearly took real good care of himself. He wore a snug polo shirt and faded jeans and had a Chicago Bears ball cap on. His shirt was all filled out with huge pecs and big guns. I had jerked off to some bi and gay porn, maybe more than I'd like to admit. I never thought of myself as into older dudes, but something about this guy got me going.
Particularly since I was putting two and two together and realizing this buff older man really was somehow providing some kind of services to the fraternity brothers. Maybe just a handjob or something, and I wondered if he was actually a fucking hooker the way the guys acted so nonchalant.
"Hiya, fellas, how's it hanging?" he asked, giving Dale a fist bump. Dale was another one of the Four Musketeers.
"About six inches soft," Dale wisecracked.
It may have just been banter, but this was not what I was expecting for my pre-frosh weekend on campus.
Mike gave a soft chuckle and looked around. "Same room?" he asked.
"Yeah," Alan replied. "We set it up to make it extra comfy for ya."
Mike smirked but didn't take the bait of the taunt. He just asked. "Who's first?"
"Let the prefrosh have first dibs," said Kyle, a sophomore soccer player who had a whole stoner vibe about him.
I looked over at my big brother Connor, like he was going to object. He just shrugged in a "you wanted it," kind of way.
So I acted like I wasn't some dumb young high schooler and stood up. I felt the guys' eyes on me, almost giggling.
I followed the big guy up the stairs and down the hall. I don't know whose room we were using... one of the brothers', but Mike seemed at home, like he came here regularly. As we stepped in, I started to get nervous, my bravado going right out the window. The man caught on.
"I've not seen you around the house before," he said.
I stood awkwardly in front of him, shifting on my feet some. "I'm just visiting," I explained. "I'm still in high school actually," I added, then immediately regretted it. I was probably blowing my chance for a handjob right then.
But the man didn't seem fazed. His blue eyes twinkled beneath the brim of his ball cap and a smile formed on his handsome face. Up close I could now see the silver flecks in his stubble and for some reason I found that really hot. "Is that right, buddy?" he asked. "Not too young for me are ya?" he asked. Kind of flirty in his question.
"No sir," I replied. Feeling dumb for calling him that. "I'm a senior... just turned 18 a couple weeks ago."
He nodded with that sexy smile of his and now openly looked me up and down. "You're big for 18... you lift regularly I bet."
"Yessir," I said. I wished to hell my parents hadn't instilled that deference to elders thing in me so hard. I probably seemed like an idiot to this guy. "I'm a typical jock, I guess. Hoping to get a lacrosse scholarship somewhere." God, I was blabbing now.
"Nice," was all the guy said and like that he was crouching down in front of me. I'd lost any chub I had with the nervousness and the small talk, but now I knew instantly I wasn't gonna have a problem getting hard. I felt that horny tightness in my chest and throat as I watched this hunky guy get in position and run his hands along my legs.
Mike looked up at me. I tried to gauge his age. Late 40s to mid 50s. He was well preserved for sure, but also had a tan that made his face look more ruggedly handsome. "I bet you get a lot of attention from men."
I shook my head. "I wish," I replied. It was refreshing to be honest, even if I didn't even know this guy.
Mike's paw now massaged the growing boner in my shorts. "Just send out the signals, stud, and I can guarantee you'll get as much attention as you want." It was wild to hear his words in such a deep baritone of a voice, the Chicago accent thick as hell.
"Signals?" I asked. In addition to a handjob, maybe I could get some advice for hooking up. If I had the guts to back in my small hometown.
"Yah," he explained. "Eye contact, body language. Letting a guy know you're open to his advances." His fingers were now undoing my shorts. "I wasn't sure about you, actually. You seem the shy type."
"I've never done anything like this," I admitted.
"Na? Ever have your cock sucked, buddy?" he practically growled.
I shook my head. My heart pounded more. Maybe this was gonna be more than a handjob.
I watched as he pulled my shorts and underwear down. My cock flopped out, hanging in midair for a second before it bounded up into a hard upright position. I was hornier than I realized.
"Hot damn!" Mike gasped. "Cherry and hung as fuck." His hand wrapped around my meat, sending shock jolts of pleasure to my balls. The man's eyes seemed fixed on my dick. "Hell of a cock you got, buddy," he said. Then looking up, he asked, "You Connor's brother?"
"Yeah," I replied. Blushing some. I guess I figured Connor partook of Mike's services, but this was crazy to think about. My dick enjoyed the idea of my big brother getting sucked, though. It jerked in Mike's mitt.
He returned his attention to my crotch. "I could tell. Though you're even bigger than him.... fuck!" He paused and licked his lips. "God, I love virgins."
And like that I watched, almost as if in slow motion, as this middle-aged hunk leaned in and started taking me into his mouth. He used his mouth to wet me down at first, just an inch or two, but it felt incredible. Pleasure but also the novelty of sensation. I'd not been entirely truthful. I'd fucked a couple of chicks, that drunk fumbling at parties kind of fucks, and I'd dated one girl who let me feel her up and she'd give me a handjob. THIS, though, was another world. Mike knew what the fuck he was doing.
The kicker was when he pulled back a second and took in a breath then swallowed me all in one go. His throat felt snug and tight but it was the nastiness of the action which caught me off guard.
Not as much of a shock thought as a voice in the room.
"How is he, Pre-Frosh?" It was Craig, a fit, muscular junior, a kind of typical popular frat dude. The fourth guy in the Four Musketeers group my brother hung out with. I'm guessing he was sent in to keep an eye on things and make sure I was OK.
"Fuck," I gasped. Switching personalities now that I was trying to impress one of Connor's brothers. "Dude knows how work a cock."
Indeed, as I spoke Mike was bobbing up and down on me with slick sounding mouth strokes, his spit running down my balls.
I got a better view of Craig as he stepped up. He always wore his longish dirty blond hair under his ball cap and I saw his cute-handsome face examine my own. "You gonna nut soon, bro?"
I shook my head. "I could. But I want this to last." It was my first time out, and once I got over the fear of a quick trigger I'd settled into enjoying the rising and cresting pleasure without quite orgasming. Though I felt it could come any second now.
"You up for sharing?" he asked. Cautious. I had a sense if it was any other brother, he would have butted right in. But I was Connor's kid brother.
I pulled back and we both laughed as Mike tried to follow me, latching his lips on my meat before I finally broke free.
Craig was already pulling down his sweatpants to reveal his hard dick. He was regular sized, with a good looking cut cock. I enjoyed seeing it but also was proud I outmeasured this college bro.
"Hot," Mike gasped as he moved from his crouch to a kneeling position. Craig played host by offering a folded towel for his knees. The man pulled off his ball cap and tossed it aside. His hair was short and showed a good bit of gray on the temples, but he had enough length on top to give that matted-tousled look from his cap. Mike was still in his polo and jeans and his muscle looked pretty amazing as he scooted toward Craig.
"Fuck yeah," the fraternity brother grunted. "Suck my fucking cock dude."
Craig's eyes were down on Mike, eagerly watching the big guy do his work. Craig's smaller size meant Mike could go wild, battering his own throat with hard and fast movements of his skull.
I didn't know where to keep my eyes. On Mike and his slutty thrill in sucking cock. Or on Craig, who was clearly responding to the sexual stimulation in his face and whole body.
Craig finally reached down and held Mike's head, steadying it and slowly pushing him off.
"It's O'Brien's turn," he said with a chuckle. "I know you like the big ones, Mike," he added.
"I do," the man admitted without shame. He gave Craig's tool one more lick then watched as I stepped up to where Craig had been.
Somehow his BJ now had warmed him up for me. It wasn't just the deep throat that got me off. It was the swiveling motion of his head and the milking suction. Involuntarily I gripped the sides of his head to brace my body.
"Oh SHIT!" I cried. I was entering orgasm now, one that put my previous ones to shame. I saw white for a second and felt light headed. Like Mike was sucking out my consciousness along with my cum.
I heard Craig laughing. "Go for it, bro!" Then. "Niiiccce."
Mike finally spat out my prick. "If you want seconds, stud, you know where to find me," he winked.
Craig meanwhile was practically pushing me out of the way, eager for his turn, his dick reddened and leaking in excitement. "Tell the next guy he's up," he said as he thrust back in between Mike's wet lips. "It won't take me long."
I found my shorts and underwear and put them back on, taking one more view of Craig, who was actively fucking the big burly dude's face.
Everything about this was so crazy and so exciting. A couple of the guys on the team had bragged about gangbanging Kelsey Myers, but I think they were bullshitting. And here was an out-there gangbang happening in my brother's fraternity house.
I was still flush and breathing heavy when I returned to the den. "Who's next?" I said, as I plopped next to my brother on the couch and picked up the beer can, which hadn't warmed up too much. I took a sip of the cheap watery stuff, which for whatever reason tasted like the best goddamn beer I'd tasted.
I could tell Connor was watching me, trying to read me. I turned to him. "What, bro?" I asked, maybe acting more annoyed than I was.
"You OK, Jase?" he asked in a low voice.
I nodded. "Why wouldn't I be?" I said, trying to play it cool. "That was awesome."
He paused and took a sip of his own beer. "You won't mind if I go in there soon?"
"Fuck no," I said, getting the courage to make eye contact with my brother. We were two O'Brien men experiencing the same cocksucker. It was a strange bonding experience for sure. "I'd feel bad if you didn't on my account."
Indeed Connor's turn was next and he got up off the couch, a boner already forming in his sweats. I had never thought of my big bro like this, but indeed he had a pretty big tool.
He was gone about ten minutes. Good for him. When he came back he was flush like I was, the Irish genes making his cheeks rosy pink after sex. I could tell he was embarrassed to have done that with me there, and I enjoyed being the laidback one for a change.
"Seriously, bro," I whispered. "Thanks for letting me do that. You know, for not getting all protective and shit."
He shrugged. "Just don't tell Mom and Dad," he warned.
"What the fuck would I tell them?" I said with a chuckle.
Connor laughed. "You got a point there."
We were watching some dumb MTV reality show, but mostly my attention was on the brothers as one by one they got up to go partake of Mike's services. Alan might have been the last to do so, and when he came back he asked, "Anyone up for seconds?"
I heard the guys laugh as I stood up.
"Pre Frosh is going back!" cried one of the guys. I hoped I wasn't embarrassing Connor or anything, but I had tasted the forbidden fruit and wanted another bite while I still had the chance. I ignored the taunts and made a beeline back to that room.
The door was ajar and I pushed my way in. I saw Mike's polo shirt before anything else. It was on the floor, a few feet away from where that folded towel was, and his discarded jeans.
The man was lying on the bed, face down and ass up in a dreamy quiet repose. I underestimated how muscular he was. That ass alone jutted up in two round hard globes and his back dipped down then swelled up in an amazing mass of lats and rear delts. The back was tanned and totally smooth, a contrast to his pale but furry buns.
I was taking off my shorts and underwear when Mike turned and looked over at me. "I was hoping you'd come back, buddy," he said in his deep soft voice. "You eager for the full ride?"
I wasn't the brightest guy I suppose but it was dawning on me what he meant. At least one of the brothers had fucked him and Mike was now asking me if I wanted to fuck him too.
"Yeah," I said. Like it was a normal occurrence for me. My dick was rock hard again and I fisted it a little.
Mike gave a smile as he watched me get closer to the bed. "Damn, I'm gonna feel that in me good, aren't I?"
Somehow he knew how to be flirty as hell in a masculine way that got me rock hard. Before this weekend I would have imagined I'd enjoy having sex with one of Connor's fraternity brothers instead. Living out some SeanCody or CorbinFisher fantasy. But this older guy was pushing my buttons big time.
"Yep," I said, trying to act cocky like Craig or the other guys had. Only I didn't know where to start when it came to fucking. Surely it wasn't as easy as in the porn videos.
Thankfully Mike seemed to read my hesitation. "Just climb on buddy. Daddy's all lubed up for that big monster."
I wasn't sure what I thought of the daddy thing. But this man was so hot and so clearly in heat, humping the bed some and hiking his meaty ass up for me as I got onto the mattress.
His muscle felt warm beneath me as I stretched my body on top of his, trying not to put all my weight down on him, but just enjoying this. It was so different than fucking a chick, the complete lack of hesitation as Mike reached back and gripped my tool long enough to guide me in place.
"You have an amazing body, stud," he hissed. "Hot fucking high school senior."
My prick felt the wetness of the lube. Then as I pressed in past his recently fucked folds, I knew it wasn't just lube. I'd heard the phrase sloppy seconds of course but it was insane how sloppy Mike's ass felt. Tons of fraternity cum awaited my dick as I bored inside him. I knew not to just ram it in him, and in a way I savored the slow inching in and the way the man's cuts clung to me.
"You have a great body, too, Mike," I said, now letting my chest press more against his back muscle. A thought occurred to me. "You let guys do this a lot?" I asked.
He leaned his head back up against my neck. It took me a second to realize he was moving his ass back against my hips too, doing some of the work to penetrate his ass with my long cock. "Yeah, I do," he replied, matter of fact. "That bother you, buddy?"
"I don't know," I said truthfully. "I guess it's kind of hot.... thanks for letting me do it."
Mike let out a deep growl. "Anytime buddy... that dick of yours feels AMAZING."
I sawed some inches in and out then decided to go for it. Sending my hips forward I pressed all the way inside him. I'm thick and long and I know Mike really felt that.
"Oh FUCK YEAH, buddy!" he grunted, pushing his chest up a little as if to challenging me to press him back down to the bed. I did, accentuating my movement with another thrust into him. "Love that horse meat ya got."
I would have loved this anyway. Losing my virginity with a man. Having my first ass fuck. But Mike was gonna spoil me, I knew. The man just loved sex and his love was infectious. I held on to his shoulders and started fucking. Not hard but with a steady deep pump. Maximizing the pleasure on my cock but also aiming for that vocal response from him.
"Take that dick, man," I growled in his ear as my hips now worked faster. Mike was bigger and more muscular than me but I had the leverage position to hold him steady while I nailed him, as well as the sex adrenaline pumping in my veins.
I worried I was going too hard, but the harder I nailed him the more he seemed to get into it.
"GODDAMN! High schooler fucks like a porn star," he growled.
I worried the brothers could hear us mate. Then I hoped they could hear everything. I was riding that excitement of my first piece of ass, and I was rising to the occasion. I now knew why my lacrosse buddies were so excited by pussy, but this was even better.
His ass was slick and I could feel the wetness along my cock and balls and had a good idea all that cum was frothing up his furry crack. A few of the fraternity brothers had fucked and bred Mike's hole. Connor was probably one of them, I thought.
That idea I was fucking on my brother’s load made my balls tighten immediately. "Holy fuck," I gasped, my cum working up real quick. A part of me wanted to slow down and enjoy this more. That part of me lost out, though. I held on tighter to Mike's beef and just went to town, cumming deep inside the man's guts.
"Get it, buddy!" Mike cried, eager for my seed. I had no idea if he was going to get off. Maybe he did earlier. Right now it was just about my spurting prick and my pure need.
I rode out the cum and finally slowed my roll, now kissing along the man's neck and feeling up his body.
"Hmmm," the man muttered. "You sure that was your first, Stud? You fuck like a champ."
"Yeah," I chuckled. "Hell of a first time, too," I said. "I'm gonna remember this one for a long time."
"I'm glad, bud," he said. "Damn... it feels like I got a baseball bat wedged up inside me."
"Sorry... I can pull out," I said.
"Don't on my account," Mike said, softly, almost shyly. "I mean, I figure an 18 year old jock has another in the tanks, right?"
My dick wasn't going soft and while I wasn't 100 percent sure I could come again soon, I knew I wanted to get as much Mike time as I could. It might be a long time before I had a chance to fuck a man again. "Yeah," I replied.
I humped him some more, before Mike asked if I wanted to try some other positions. We didn't do them all, maybe, but I had a good number of firsts that afternoon. Missionary, cowboy, reverse cowboy, standing. But we finished in doggy, which might have been my favorite.
I felt like a total stud when I finally dismounted and saw how much cum I'd added to Mike's hole. I gave his rump a gentle pat which made the man laugh.
He watched as I got dressed again. "You around town for long?" he asked.
"Just the weekend," I said.
He grinned and looked me up and down. "If I give you my number, will you hit me before you go?"
This is not how I expected my college visit to go. "Hell yeah," I said.
Mike slid out of bed, his beefy body looking amazing all naked and some wiry silvery hair in his chest fur. His dick was pretty soft but I could see the trickles of fresh cum dripping down the insides of his hairy thighs. He found his wallet and fished out a card to hand me.
It read “Daddy Mike” with a phone number, Insta and Twitter handle and OnlyFans URL.
"Are you a porn star?" I asked in surprise. I now felt like a small-town hick for sure.
"Just like to have a little fun," he said. "If you're the jealous type don't look me up online," he said. "A couple of dudes learned that the hard way." He seemed weirdly apologetic to be warning me.
"If what we did just now was a 'little fun' I'd hate to see a lot of fun," I joked.
"The weekend is still young, Pre Frosh," he winked.
I was a little lightheaded and thirsty when I got back to the den. A couple of the guys razzed me for taking so long and I notice Kyle and some other dude get up to go into together.
Connor seemed quiet, not pissed off but in a strange mood. Later, after dinner, we found ourselves sitting alone. My big bro decided to check in with me.
"I guess I shouldn't have been so worried about you with Mike," he said. An edge to his tone, like maybe he didn't approve. I don't know.
I sighed. "I'm gonna call him up tomorrow, you know, go hang out with him." It was a weirdly euphemistic way to say I was gonna fuck Daddy Mike again.
That hit my brother the wrong way. "Come on, Jason. I'm supposed to be watching out for you."
"Dude, it's gonna be fine," I countered. I didn't know if I could convince him of that, or if he needed convincing. Maybe he just felt guilty things had gotten out of hand.
"You know," I added. "I'm into dudes, Connor."
"Clearly," my brother laughed. OK, he wasn't THAT pissed off at me if he was joking around.
That made me laugh, too. "I mean, like, I know that's what I want. I'm gay."
"Oh," he said. "That's cool." Then, "you know I still worry about you, Jase. It's what brothers do."
"Yeah," I conceded. I shot him a wry grin. "And thanks, bro. I wouldn't have it any other way."
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rmemebrt · 2 months
Venus and Mars
I'm making another album analysis because Paul Mccartney is a devious vagrant, and no one else will count his sins.
You can check out the one I did on McCartney II here
Side One
Venus and Mars – Very much a blend of old and new musically, Venus and Mars are alright for now
Rock Show – He looks like a guy you knew way back when??Madison Square and long hair? alright buddy
Love in Song – You notice a lot of wanting, yearning, looking at the past here, The Homeland, remembrance, the love that once was there
You Gave Me the Answer – As it live here, this is a Linda song, however, it's structure, it's themes, it seems to suggest it would have been a John song, if given the chance, remembrance, also Granny Music lmao
Magneto and Titanium Man – Who among us will be strong enough to make Paul McCartney's marvel oc real?
Letting Go – This song is super John coded, it sounds like Beef Jerky, along with that we also get the mention of divinity, and Mother Nature
Side two
Venus and Mars (Reprise) – Wanting to go away on a trip, Running into a good friend
Spirits of Ancient Egypt – Okay we start with Baby and Love, making it seem pretty classicly Linda core, however! longing and yearning, spirits and the past coming over the phone? and "I know", okay pal
Medicine Jar – drugs!!! <3
Call Me Back Again – Certified mclennon classic, we all know it, we all love it, if you pair it with Tell Me What You See and I've Just Seen A Face you'll be sobbing for an hour
Listen to What the Man Said – We are right out of the gate with New Orleans mention, that classes this immediately as mclennon, ♥ love ♥, the ending is very late beatles
Treat Her Gently – Lonely Old People – A sweet song, also some yeahs in there, pretty Linda Coded as all things go, but could be a little mclennon-y if you want it
Crossroads – A nice outro and way out, Venus and Mars have met at the crossroads, but crossroads are meant for passing
I'd say overall, the original Venus and Mars is a very mclennon coded album, there are elements in the songs that you can feel were for John, and also just some great music, it's definitely really good.
Now let's move on to the other additional tracks!
Junior's Farm – Time to seek inner peace by going to a farm in the middle of nowhere and also kill Richard Nixon!!!
Sally G – But going to a farm to seek inner peace reminds us of the past! Like what caused you to come to the farm the first time! Big Gay Divorce reference!!!
Walking in the Park with Eloise – Something nice for his dad :)
Bridge on the River Suite – B-side to Eloise, a nice instrumental, a little melancholic
My Carnival – carnival? like carnival of light!!! No, but it's nice to see him get to act ringmaster, if you wanted you could spin this to be about The Big Gay Divorce
Going To New Orleans (My Carnival) – This being right before Hey Diddle is just sad, like dude, you are not going to see the girl, her ass is back in NYC
Hey Diddle – I wonder who he could possibly be yearning for in this, who in the world could Linda be reassuring him that "next time around she will be here"
Let's Love – The piano, the style, this for sure was going to be a John song, the asking to spend this brief time together, the references to phones, oh my god, the ending notes sound like Dear Friend
Soily – Fun, whimsical, no value to the fag theory, but fun nonetheless
Baby Face – More whimsy and fun, Granny once more
Lunch Box/Odd Sox – the b-side to Coming Up, so, gay by proxy, not as much whimsy, more so melancholy
4th of July – bro... "you came in with him again/and suddenly, I knew it wasn't my day" what the hell
All in all, it's really gay, it's gayer than McCartney II could dream to be, it holds more weight because it's the sessions where John was supposed to be there, but couldn't, and that is reflected in most of the songs.
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nightcolorz · 3 months
okay i swear last from me tonight and no spoilers for show but i need armand happiness can we have some book armand / devils minion headcanons. literally about anything- their relationship, what they like to do, post canon, general armandisms that make me love him So Much?
don’t worry about bothering me I love when u interact with me <33 ok so I have a rlly cringe post canon devils minion head canon that I have been wanting to talk about but it’s rlly cringe and self indulgent 😭💔 but tbh, about as cringe as anything in late book canon so 🤷 I hope u enjoy and it makes u feel better, it’s my go to comfort headcanon
so I think Anne rices canon introduction of “through Science™️ vampires can conceive children with the help of DNA 🧬 , but they will come out as genetic clones, literally like identical twins but they r ur child, and lestat has a canon clone son” is a stroke of unhinged world building genius that is greatly underutilized by the fandom! I also think the vampire chronicles fandom is rlly missing out on some cringe fandom trademarks (like fandom ocs, ridiculous aus, stuff like that) bcus of the lawsuit thing probably. So anyway, I made the change I want to see in the world, and I have a genetic clone fan child oc 🙏. inspired by Armand’s canonically paternal personality and nurturing tendencies and soft spot for children, I like to think that way way post canon (around modern day) Armand and Daniel decide to Start A Family, and go through the process lestat did of conceiving a clone child with a surrogate (through armands dna), and they have a son (clone of Armand) named Ivan (after Armand’s father, I’m sappy) ! 🥰🥰 . It’s so silly I know, but I think having the opportunity to raise a human child and getting to give him and watch him live the mortal life he constantly envies and hoped to be able to provide Benji and Sybelle (before it was stripped from them) would be like, rlly good for Armand, and definitely I could see him in later canon wanting to pursue having a child with Daniel bcus of this unresolved grief. The clone layer, as ridiculous as it is, adds another dimension of sappy bcus not only will Armand get to live out the catharsis of giving a human child the fulfilled human life he never got, he will also get to see *himself*, or an almost too literal embodiment of his inner child, get to experience what he never did, and live that happy and safe childhood that Armand was deprived of. I think watching his son who looks just like him grow up and become a man while Armand is eternally frozen as a teen would be hard for him, but still healing and important.
So in my heart, post canon Armand and Daniel have their shit together enough to healthily (tho imperfectly) raise their clone son Ivan, who lives and dies a mortal. Ivan is the most spoiled child to ever live and he has a lavish playroom that is practically a house, fifty iPads, probably like ten ponies, etc etc. I imagine since he shares so much of Armand’s dna he strongly carry’s a lot of his traits, such as autism and strong hyper fixations. And I like to think he’s a little bit of a brat like Armand was as a child🙏 especially since his other dad Daniel does little to discourage those tendencies 😭. Ivan is a screen addict, a model train addict, and a Wolf Kid. He grows up to be the freakiest, strangest, long haired big bearded 5’6 ginger man at the gay bar. As a toddler Armand dresses him like a tiny fancy little man bcus he won’t have any son of his committing any fashion crimes, but unfortunately for Armand Ivan takes after Dad-niel in the fashion department and by the time he’s able to dress himself he wears wolf themed t-shirts and cargo shorts everyday 💔💔
Daniel is rlly naturally good with kids which is incredibly sexy and romantic to Armand. He’s the fun dad 💀 Armand is a little too strict and a little to over protective bcus of how trauma based I imagine his parenting would be, and daniels laid back, comfy and understanding energy helps level that out. When he’s a teenager Ivan goes through a rebellious emo phase and Armand and Daniel have to spend all of their energy desperately trying to ensure Ivan doesn’t tap into his addiction gene or his strong susceptibility to inheriting his father’s personality disorders 💀. He is very doted on and very loved, he is given more care and attention than any other child would be capable of receiving 😭. Armand is convinced he’s a child genius and will definitely cure cancer and become a world leader, so he tends to parade him around like his prized possession that everyone needs to know is incredibly special during Vampire Family reunions or whatever goes on post canon. ivan is not allowed to interact with Most vampires, except for Uncle Louis, who finds it emotionally difficult to be around children 😭 and Uncle Lestat (only under careful supervision of Uncle Louis), who loves throwing Ivan around like a ragdoll and telling him embarrassing facts about Armand 💀
I hope u like this lol, thank u for the ask!!! <33 u r always welcome to ask me for headcanons or ask for my thoughts, that is my favorite thing. Anyways, for those who r invested, here’s my Ivan art
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