#i love seeing the growth of some of the plants. it reminds me of my own growth. the way you can tend to things with care and see results
dogboysammerlotte · 1 year
i think there’s something really special about being in love with the things that you do. and finding something that inspires that love within you <3
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avatarmerida · 5 months
Hey fellow losers I’m back with more beta huntlow fluff. I know I’ve written some Paulina/William stuff before but this is based on the most recent even more beta huntlow we got from the leaked show bible. So we’ve gone from awkward little prince and fumbling quirky girl to feral witch hunter and equally feral creepy plant girl and I also love them too so hope ya like it 💛💚
“And if the water boils here how do all the plants live?” William asked, balancing on the fence along Paulina’s garden as she did some maintenance and planted some new seeds they had found in the forest. She never tired of answering his many questions about the demon realm, especially about the flora and fauna.
“The same way they do in the human realm I suppose,” she said with a small shrug. “I think the stems here have more coating than the plants you’ve seen, but a lot of plants close up during the rain to protect their petals.”
“Interesting,” he said, jumping down to look at her work closer. “How do you persuade the ones with teeth not to bite you?”
“I just keep them well feed, they don’t nip unless they’re hungry or scared,” she said. “But feeding them the food that helps keep their teeth healthy is tricky because it smells kinda gross.”
“They can smell it?”
“They sure can.”
“Fascinating,” he marveled, looking at them closer to see if he could understand how.
“Can I ask you a question?” Paulina asked, wiping some stray dirt from her glasses.
“Of course you may,” replied William, sitting on the ground beside her.
“Why are you still so upset with Luz?” She asked, changing topics. She saw his body language shift.
“I think it’s very clear why,” he said softly.
“You know she didn’t wake you up early on purpose,” she said gently. “She’s really a very nice person, and she genuinely thought she was helping you. Is there anything she can do to prove she’s sorry?”
“I’m not upset that she woke me from my slumber, I'm upset that she was able to,” sighed William, hugging his knees.
“What do you mean? Do you not want to be here?” Paulina asked, hoping it wasn’t the case. Selfishly, she liked having him around.
“When it happened… my uncle told me I’d awaken to a better world. That the suffering and confusion I was around would be gone. That I’d be awoken gently by my…”
“By who?”
“… by my true love.” He said under his breath, almost as though he was embarrassed to utter the words.
“Oh, so you think that Luz is your-.”
“Ew! Bleh, no!” He exclaimed in disgust. “Er, sorry that was rude. No, no I don’t think that. But I think she able to awaken me the way she did because I don’t have a true love.”
“Oh,” Paulina breathed, seeing the genuine hurt slip though the cracks as he tried to keep his lip from trembling. She ventured this was the first time he had said the sentiment aloud. “Or maybe the spell just wore off.”
“Or maybe it just gave up,” he said with a hurt chuckle. “I mean, it makes sense; maidens didn’t favor me before, why would they ever start now? I was better off sleeping forever, giving the world some peace.”
“William, don't say that,” she said, taking his hand. He didn’t flinch at her dirt covered hands.
“It’s true, is it not?” He sighed, focusing on her knuckles decorated with grass stains and tiny scars from the thorns she did not fear. “I cause you nothing but trouble despite you showing me nothing but kindness.”
“Well technically I did threaten to feed you to my plant,” she reminded him. It was certainly a unique first impression.
“Twas for my own good,” he said. “Plus knowing you as I do now, I know it was merely a jest to teach me a lesson. You are kind and patient and I’m just a nuisance.”
“No you’re not!” She insisted. “Okay, well maybe a little at first, but you’ve changed! You’re still learning and adapting, growth doesn’t happen all at once overnight.” She gestured to her garden as proof, a mixture of progress and color. “Love is the same way, ya know. Usually you have to get to know someone first before you label them as your ‘true love.’” She carefully plucked a vibrant yellow flower and placed it behind his ear.
“So… you don’t believe in love at first sight?” He asked timidly as she went back to her gardening.
He remembered when he first saw her, how there was a rosey spotlight around her like a halo. How time slowed down so he could soak in every detail of her beauty, memorize her voice and her movements before reality set back in and with it brought a new breed of confusion. He didn’t know better, but upon reflection the whole ordeal felt like what the poetry he had read in secret during his studies labeled as the phenomenon of love at first sight. His eyes had not seen such a thing before and ever since.
“Hmmm, not really?” Paulina pondered. “I think it’s different for everyone, but I also don’t think I’d want to marry someone I don’t know who kissed me while I was sleeping.”
“That is a fair point,” William chuckled, leaning over to help her make another hole in the ground for her next round of seeds. “You’re correct, as usual.”
“Exactly, and I’m also correct when I say if you want to fall in love then you will,” said Paulina. “You just have to give it time, it’s not something you can force.”
“You know… much about love then?”
“I mean, my dads really love each other but they didn’t get married the second they met,” she said. “They got to know each other first and they didn’t meet the way they thought they’d meet their spouse. Everyone’s story is different.”
“But it’s also possible that some of us aren’t meant to have a story.”
She couldn’t deny that, but she refused to accept a world where a boy who seemed to cherish love so much wasn’t meant to have it. “Maybe she was able to wake you because she was meant to introduce you to your true love.”
“Perhaps,” he said, his mind fully focusing on how she had been the first person Luz had introduced him to. He couldn’t complain about that logic.
“It also might help if you had a crush first,” added Paulina, carefully pressing the dirt back into the ground as though tucking it into bed.
“Like a duel?”
“Oh well, a crush is like… what comes before someone is your true love,” she tried to explain without divulging how complicated they could truly get. “Like, having positive feelings about someone, and wanting to spend time with them without, like, getting married after a few days. Just like thinking of them romantically.”
“I think I may… have formed this crush.”
“Oh! On who?” She asked with enthusiasm that made him quiet. Paulson wore her heart on her sleeve, but he had trouble expressing anything that was not deeply rooted in fact. Or at least, the facts he had been feed. A few moments ago he didn’t have the words to describe his feelings let alone validation their were sinful. He didn’t know the proper way to share them.
“Wel… um…”
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” said Paulina quickly, sensing the answer was hard for him to bring forth. “I didn’t consider it could be someone from your original time. I’m sorry if that was too forward, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
“And… not wanting to share it doesn’t make it wrong?” William asked.
“Of course not,” she assured him. “You’re allowed to have secrets, and if you want to tell me eventually that’s fine too; you decide when and if you’re ready. I mean, I’ve had tons of crushes on very different people but sometimes they’re just something small, ya know? Sometimes they take awhile to figure out and sometimes they go away on their own, each one is different.”
“Has there ever been one you weren’t able to escape?”
“Well, I don’t know if I would word it like that,” she chuckled. “Having a crush is supposed to be fun, it’s exciting. And sometimes scary, but that also makes it fun. Like a rollercoaster.”
“A roller… coaster?”
“Oh yeah I forgot,” she giggled. “I’ll have to show you one.”
“A… crush?”
“No a rollercoaster,” she said.
“Ah, haha yes of course,” he laughed nervously, painfully aware that he could not seem to stop. “So w-what does one do if they don’t wish to have the crush dissolved?”
“Well I guess you could ask the person you have a crush on to go on a date with you.”
“And a date is like… a courtship, yes? I would seek to woo them?”
She giggled. “Yes, you would seek to woo them.”
He didn’t know what he said that was so humorous but he’d say it everyday for the rest of his life it meant getting to hear her laugh like that.
“Ah, well then. That’s another obstacle, as I know not the way to do so,” he said with a slight frown. “Especially in this foreign, modern land I feel that any outing I plan would not be up to her standards.”
Paulina’s ears perked, her first suspicion dashed as William made it clear the person he liked was someone he had met since he had awakened, which meant it was more than likely that she knew the person as well.
She wondered how well she knew them.
“I mean, like you said I still have much to learn about this world and this time,” he sighed. “But regardless, I’m still myself and I can’t help but feel as though someone discovering I have this crush for them would be most unwanted.”
“I don’t think so,” said Paulina. “I think they’ll think it’s sweet.”
“Surely you jest,” he scoffed. “You’re kind to spare my feelings but I’m sure if this person was aware of my thoughts regarding them they’d be repulsed and uncomfortable.”
“Well I’m sure they’d be perfectly fine with it,” she insisted. “After getting to know you these last few months I can tell you’re actually really sweet, even if you don’t think so. Give yourself more credit.”
“Oh so if I were to tell you I fancy you and wish to spend my days with you, you wouldn’t find it revolting?” He asked as though it was the most comical thing he could imagine.
“Oh.” He said, surprised at how quickly and confidently she replied. He cleared his throat and dared to continue. “S-so if I were to say that I would consider it an honor to hold your hand and escort you anywhere you wish to go, you wouldn’t find it inappropriate?”
“A-and if I told you you have the most captivating, soft eyes I’ve ever seen and that they make precious jewels envious you would be… okay with that?”
“Um…” Paulina found herself speechless, struck by his words like they were an arrow destined for her very heart.
“Oh yes of course that sentiment is made of cheese, as you might say.” He laughed, slightly embarrassed. “I should have realized my attempts at poetry were novice at best. I apologize if the example was offensive, I should have-.”
“No, no it was very nice!” she said quickly, not wanting to prevent him from saying such lovely things. “It was a beautiful thought, Will. I think anyone would like to hear that.”
“Truly? Uh, well thank you,” he said, unable to hide the blush that danced across his freckles. “Eh, but I’m sure you hear things such as that daily from your suitors.”
“My suitors?” She repeated with a snort. “Oof, now that’s a good one.”
But William did not find it humorous. “I’m sorry, I’m confused.”
“Well let’s just say when other witches my age notice me it’s usually not for the best reasons,” she said. “Most of them think I’m weird or creepy.”
“My apologies again, I’m still getting accustomed to the colloquialisms of this time, do those terms mean something different now?”
“No, I’m pretty sure they mean the same thing now as they did back then,” she said with a small smile, secretly recalling how when they first met William had a similar impression of her, though in fairness it was more about the witch aspect than her specifically. She wondered when exactly that had changed. “I’ve never been very popular. In fact, after Amity stopped talking to me and until I met Augustus most of my closest friends were plants.”
“Well perhaps it is because those plants have the sense to appreciate being in the presence of a rose.”
It was her turn to blush now. “Well, aren’t you the secret romantic?” She giggled, impressed with how quickly he had provided the response. They sat in silence a moment as William realized he hadn’t complimented her hypothetically this time and that something in her tone had shifted. As much as Paulina was willing to try and spare his feelings, he knew she would not lead him astray in this manner. She would not lie to him about this, but did that mean her words applied to her?
“Miss Park… I have a favor of sorts to ask of you,” he began, taking a deep breath.
“Of course,” she said, and he was taken back by how quickly she had agreed. She didn’t even ask what was in it for her benefit, like he was worthy of her assistance without any bribery.
“I will admit I know little of the courtship rituals from my time and even less about the present ones and I was hoping that you would be willing to help… educate me.”
“Oh yeah?” She said with a smirk, scooting closer to him. “How so?”
He could feel his hands get sweatier under his gloves. “Well, would I perchance be able to take you on an outing I believe suitable for expressing such… feelings,” he said as he cleared his throat as though the word made him dizzy. “And you advise me on if it was a suitable choice? I can compensate you for your time, I’ve been saving the snails I’ve acquired in exchange for my sewing and tailoring skills. We can have a grand collection of treats!”
“That sounds really nice,” said Paulina, adoring the way his full smile was on display and she could see the gap in his teeth without him shying away, too caught up in his own hypothetical excitement. “I would love to go out with you William.”
“Okay, wonderful,” he managed to squeak, and his eyes lit up in a way Paulina had never seen before. “I will uh I shall make all the arrangements! What day favors your schedule?”
“I’m fine with whatever day works best for you.”
“The sooner the better!” He exclaimed, louder than he intended to. He swiftly adjusted his volume. “I-I just mean for research purposes. I look forward to the learning aspect of the evening, heh.”
“I’m excited too,” she said and he couldn’t control the wide grin that consumed his whole face. She began to pat down the dirt to help support the budding bulb she had been keeping an eye on, ready to bloom any day now. “Do you think at the end you might be ready to tell me who you have a crush on?”
“I think that if everything goes as planned… I will be. Yes.”
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marimoscorner · 5 months
A Witch’s Hearth: Finding Home in Nature
In our Disconnected, Urban World
Written by Autumn (she/her) 🍁
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To most witches, pagans and druids, the nature around us is as much of a home as our own domiciles. It’s healing to go out to an old growth forest, to bathe in the wisdom of beings who lived before you and will likely still stand tall when you are amidst their soil.
However, not everyone has immediate access to the lovely blessing of a deep forest.
I myself recently moved from the deep, lush forests of the PNW to just about as far south as I could go in my car, chasing the light that I need to function. The move has helped with my daily functions and mental health, yes—but I have been left feeling a bit lost without the forests of home.
Join me as I plan some ways in which I can adapt anew to the nature around my new home, how I may incorporate it in my magic, and how I may carve out a new spiritual hearth for myself.
Perhaps this can help inspire folks to tackle their own homesickness with nature, and to reconnect with the world in which they live (whether or not they’ve made a move).
Once again, please take this with a grain of salt—as this is just from my own experiences. I am not a teacher, I am simply recording my thoughts in the hopes to add my voice to the pot. With that, let’s begin! 🌿
A Deep Homesickness
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This photo is one my partner took at our engagement up in WA, right before we ran into a bear
The above photo is how I think of home. The deep green of the forest, the blue of the mountains on the horizon. Moss on just about every surface. The rich dirt that sustained it all. Were it not rainy and dark most of the year, I wouldn’t have left.
Now, I find home in a biome all its own. I’m living deeper into a city than I ever have, and I’m feeling isolated from nature. While the beach is close by, any deep woods that remind me of the edges of the wilderness up north are at the very least two to three hours away by car.
Though I have a hard time remembering this, it is not a bad change. Any plant that is uprooted from the earth it’s known its whole life is bound to feel a bit uncomfortable. But perhaps it can flourish if moved to soil better suited for its intrinsic needs.
Though my experience includes a physical move, this can apply to a homesickness you feel due to a simple displacement of nature in this society. Perhaps you aren’t seeing enough nature, or aren’t able to connect with what’s around you.
Let’s forge ahead to tackle this feeling of loneliness head on!
Finding Similarities
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This is a photo I took at a hike about 2.5 hrs out of the way down here. Though without as many trees, it felt much more familiar and was beautiful in its own right
In our modern society, we’re left with a longing to return to nature—to our home. You may find yourself longing for a specific kind of view. Perhaps you’re looking for prominence of a particular element—like a roaring river to enact water or plenty of clover to help you feel the earth. The following is a list of steps to tackle this:
Make a list of things you want to see or things that would help you feel at home in nature. Think of your dream location when it comes to the outdoors. What does it look like? What features does it have? How do you feel?
Go online and find trails nearby with as similar to these features as possible. AllTrails has the ability to search for trails with waterfalls, forests, wildflowers, wildlife, etc. for free. Make good use of the wonderful web of resources provided to us.
Make an effort to connect with nature at least once a month, if you can. Be sure to pack for safety—and take a nice hike, or sit under an old tree and journal in your grimoire. Ground yourself and notice the seasons around you
In this way, you’ll help your soul settle and feel comfortable, which will help with our next steps.
Bring a Piece of Nature Home
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Here’s one of my cats, Pagan, enjoying our newest garden box arrangement. I’m so proud of how far she’s come since we rescued this tiny baby
Many times, it’s near impossible to find the time in our busy lives during the week to go deep into nature. Thus, we need to take this connection into our own hands, and build our own miniature wild sanctuary.
NOTE: Do not remove plants or creatures from nature. They are there for a reason.
Take inventory of your available space. Is this your entire patio? A shelf? A portion of your altar? A garden box? A whole backyard? Take measurements so you can better plan
Remember your list of natural things you enjoy. Brainstorm some ways to include them in this space. It could be a photo or painting of your dream location. It could also be an actual plant for a tiny breath of fresh air. If you have the space, you could plant a whole garden! It is whatever matters most to you. Try and incorporate your local biome to help enmesh the two worlds, if they are different.
Thrift and shop around to fulfill the needs of this space. The more you can get secondhand or from smaller businesses in your community, the better. You may even be able to ask your neighbors or friends with impressive plants for a cutting to propagate!
Consider the safety of any children or animals in your life. A lot of plants and flowers can be toxic to certain creatures. Utilize the web to determine what is safe for your situation.
Set up your space and enjoy! You may utilize spells or ritual to fully enact the space and help it to feel more magical, but it is really your choice.
For my family, we live in an apartment. We haven’t had a backyard in years. Still, we’ve found way to turn our patio into a spot of natural respite. We utilize a tiered planter in order to make the most of our patio space. Though we’ve included small flowers that remind us of our old home, we’ve embraced the biome we’re currently in and have an entire row of beautiful succulents. Of course, we also added catnip for our babies, and herbs for our kitchen witchcraft. We also put down these outdoor tiles from IKEA that mimic a lawn and wooden patio. On our table, we’ve put a hummingbird feeder to help better support local wildlife, and are discussing an actual bird feeder.
Embracing the Nature Around You
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A photo I took of a playful wild crow. He was an excellent little model!
This is a step I still need to complete myself. When biomes don’t match up with how you picture nature in your craft, it can be frustrating! Especially if you’re in a fairly urban area, you may not have much access or choice in which nature you interact with.
Here’s the good thing, though: it’s all nature, regardless of how it shows up in the world.
Start researching your local biomes. Take account of your local parks and community gardens. Study the history of the land that you’re on, and how it played into the lives of the people that it truly belongs to (of course, do not culturally appropriate. This should go without saying). Explore native biodiversity. Find volunteer programs at local organic farms. Visit a farmer’s market. The list of possibilities goes on.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed or don’t know where to start, this is how I’ll be organizing my journey through this step:
Make a list of natural sights in your area that are easily accessible to you. I’m talking within a 30 minute drive or closer level of close. These don’t need to match up perfectly with your perception of nature—you may be pleasantly surprised in what you find when you open yourself up. This could include: parks, hiking trails, state parks, plant nurseries or shops, local/community gardens, farms that allow for visitors, farmer’s markets, local watersheds that allow for visitors, etc.
Visit these locations safely, documenting what you find beautiful and/or spiritual in each one. List aspects of local nature and how that could make an impact if you were to include them in your craft
Create a mini encyclopedia of local spots that you end up loving for days where you’re feeling disconnected and need a quick pick-me-up. You might even create a jar full of folded papers to pick them at random.
Increase the amount of local natural elements that you include in your craft instead of/alongside elements of your idealized natural space. You may find this area around you feeling more like a home or hearth than you ever have before.
Once you start practicing awareness in nature more and more, you’ll start to notice it in more places. This can not only help with your connection to your location, but can help you build your magical hearth in the energy around you.
Giving Back
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This is a photo I took at the San Diego Zoo of a weaver finch building its nest
Nature takes care of us, even when we’re detached from it in our cities. We need to take care of it in turn. If you have the means, find some way to give back to the nature around you if you so wish. Here are some ideas:
Give back to the plants with your energy, or make an offering of compost to replenish the soil
Purchase a Membership at a local zoo or aquarium that prioritizes conservation. This way you get to visit, too, while giving back! I love having memberships because I know on each visit I can really take my time and don’t have to rush about.
Volunteer to help reforest, or to help plant at a local garden. This can even be done by donation if you do not have the access or ability to physically participate
Consider giving homegrown herbs/plants to family and friends—or prepare them to help feed those in your community, if you have the means to donate
Teach others in your community how to properly dispose of waste and how they can help keep our natural beauty alive
Simply compost and recycle when the option is available to you
Etc. There is no one right way to do any of this! Just with your intent, you make your community a better place. Thank you for being in it
Thank you for taking the time to read through my little magical journal and ideas. Even if we don’t fully align, I hope that our paths crossing has contributed to even a slight net-positive in your day. I look forward to writing again soon.
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oshiawaseni · 2 years
Between BkDk, which of them knows they're in love with the other?
A question was asked: Is it just one, is it both, or is it neither? This is my reasoning behind why I think that both of them have realised their romantic feelings for the other.
I'll start with Izuku’s side first, as he is the veteran.
Izuku's been sitting on his feelings for quite some time and repressing them as much as he can, simply just knowing these feelings… exist. Izuku has always loved Kacchan, but I'm talking specifically about the moment he realised what kind of love it was.
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I think the moment that really did Izuku in was witnessing the growth in Katsuki's heroic heart for the very first time, during his team's battle in the Joint Training arc. Shiny eyes watched Kacchan's newly perfected teamwork as he fought the opposition while protecting his team and allowing them to cover for him in return.
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This change in Katsuki was his heart becoming more like Izuku's, in his efforts to become the top hero that cares about saving and winning equally. He no longer looked down on the action of saving a person, so he no longer looked down on what it meant to be saved by others either. I think this really cast him in a new light for Izuku.
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Kirishima: "But it's true it might be the first time we've ever seen him do something like this." (Katsuki protecting others)
As well as planting a seed foreshadowing Bakugou Katsuki Rising, Hori placed the speech bubble over a very bare panel of Izuku watching Kacchan for two reasons: Emphasis that Izuku was also seeing Kacchan's character growth for the first time, and to imply that the change in Katsuki's character that Monoma had just been yelling about was, in large part, influenced by Izuku himself.
The paneling is so genius. It seemed insignificant enough to be ignored by Bones, yet it says so much more than all other panels because it tells a story of the piece in Katsuki that had been missing their whole lives, it’s simplistic emptiness conveying the beauty Izuku saw in him finding it. If Katsuki was changing, maybe Izuku was, too... and this panel was the start of Izuku's admiration evolving into something more romantic.
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Izuku watching Katsuki's heroism was an incredibly important moment for them and puts Izuku's view of love in ch.348 into some more context. Because chapter 208 was Katsuki definitely... undeniably sharing Izuku's heart. RIGHT AFTER sending his thoughts to Izuku: "Just keep your eyes on me, shitty Deku!"
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".......If it responds to my feelings, at that time, I..."
And not long after JT, we get these unfinished thoughts about WHY Black Whip was triggered and Izuku has been hush about his inner thoughts on Katsuki ever since. (Other than telling Kacchan he doesn't mind being called Deku, if it's too hard to call him Izuku.)
The reason Izuku's emotions were so deeply triggered that day is because Monoma reminded him of the pain he saw in Katsuki's face when he cried to him about ending All Might in DvK2.
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The recent anime ending further backs this theory during a montage of Izuku running away from the significant memories he has with his friends. This memory is a very important one to Izuku.
When Monoma triggered him, Izuku felt Katsuki's suffering on a personal level. His precious Kacchan, who had cried to him with that face, had fallen under attack, so by extension, Izuku was being attacked too. That day, Izuku discovered how very protective he is over him. (see also: "Give him back to me!")(see also: Kacchan getting hurt "because of me" to save Izuku was the Vigilante arc catalyst) (see also: Vol 37 Cover Art)
During his Bakugou Katsuki Rising chapter/episode, Kacchan too felt an immense amount of empathy with Izuku, because he refers to the moment he was about to lose Izuku as being "at death's door." Not specifying it was Izuku's death, but death in general. Izuku feels Katsuki's pain. Katsuki feels Izuku's pain. And this attunement with one another makes them both feel immensely protective over each other. Amazing.
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So... Izuku has just figured out his feelings... and when asked directly by Kacchan, he runs away from giving him a concrete answer because he doesn't want to upset him with the love and overprotectiveness he feels for Kacchan inside his heart. At this point in the story, Izuku still feels somewhat disliked by him and is scared of Katsuki's potential harsh rejection. I'm sure he was thinking something like "Better to omit the truth and not cause anyone pain." No pain for Kacchan, no pain for him. Hedgehogs can't get hurt if they never lie close to each other, right?
** .•° ✿ °•. ❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 ೋღ
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With Katsuki, I think he awoke to a new feeling born inside him after he almost lost Izuku. The uncompromising need for Izuku to stay in his life. And his feelings from childhood that he’d hidden deep inside reemerged with the same explosive level of fervour that he’d given Izuku their whole lives, except now when he thought about Izuku, his heart was filled with something… different.
He only realised what those feelings really were at the same time he faced the looming death that was ahead of him. Katsuki was stripped completely bare by AFO and found all that remained of him, which was now staring him straight in the face, the precious piece of him AFO could never touch: Izuku’s and his intense and binding love for each other. There's no other explanation for chapter 362, other than him becoming more aware of both Izuku's and his own feelings. That's why he thought of him in the end, that's why he longed to see him so much.
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That's why he wanted his feelings to reach him, to have Izuku in his grasp, at a time when he knew he had no hope to. All For One told him to face his reality. But that reality and Katsuki's wishes are two very separate entities and nothing can come between the love and belief Izuku and Katsuki have for each other. Katsuki would not be broken… and it was his hope that won out.
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Edgeshot: "Don't give up, Dynamight! The guy you're waiting for will... Deku will come for sure. That's why I won't let you die!"
Hori revealed on the back of Volume 37 that Izuku is the person Katsuki had been waiting for because... (and this BREAKS ME):
Katsuki had been waiting to be saved by him.
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I KNOW, I KNOW. There's a small part of me that's just like "SHUTUP HORI THESE CHAPTERS WERE ALREADY HARD ENOUGH TO TAKE YOU DIDNT HAVE TO RUB THEM IN EVEN MORE :((" because thinking about all of this hurts like hell.
But I know these lines probably weren’t written to upset those of us who live in a perpetual state of bkdk canon brainrot, and were written so that everyone else, the average "casual" fan, can start to see/accept the love that's between them a little more. I'm sure it's with this kind of intention that he reminded everyone again of who exactly it was residing in Katsuki's heart and whose name it was Edgeshot felt he needed to use to call out to Katsuki with, for the sole purpose of motivating him harder to stay alive. (ily Hori, thanks for the pain.)
As of ch.362, they are both now aware they love the other, Izuku doesn't know yet that it's very reciprocal, but I think Katsuki realised it, and he allowed Izuku's love to overflow him during his delirium, using it as his shield to protect his spirits after the awful things AFO did and said to him. It's devastating that he had to suffer so much to see the truth that had been lying dormant inside his own heart the whole time.
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This uncovered truth is why he got back up and acted in the way he knew Izuku believed in most about him. Izuku wasn't coming. But at the very least... he could still become the hero Izuku admires and loves one last time, before it was all over...
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"(Never giving up until I get my win is what you always believed in about me,) so I just gotta win, right.... Izuku....?"
Ch.362 felt like Katsuki's answer to Izuku's feelings, an incredibly private moment of him exposing his bare heart for all to see. His final act was an acceptance and reciprocity of the love Izuku felt for him that had been there all along. He was completely run down mentally, physically and spiritually, so he comforted himself by thinking about his special guy.
What provides more comfort than your beloved being right there with you, at your lowest? What greater desire does the heart have than to feel loved by the person it yearningly aches for the most?
Katsuki was only able to see Izuku's feelings because he could finally face and recognise his own.
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Assorted Musings: A Jumbled Collection of Owl House Rewrites
So, I've been thinking of ways to improve The Owl House and the short answer is: make it actually stick to its premise. Show how the Boiling Isles is under the thumb of an oppressive dictator, make Luz an actual outsider in her home world, better explain how Belos came to power, etc.
The following is just a loose assortment of basic premises without rhyme or reason:
On Hexside and Amity-
Hexside and all schools (all buildings really) have a portrait of the Emperor that they say a vow to commit themselves to eradicating wild magic and upholding the Titan's laws. Luz is creeped out to the max by this as it reminds her of North Korea and other dictatorships (in addition to loving Azura, she's also a massive history nerd, to the point of correcting her teachers back home. She doesn't have many friends because she's rather intense about her hyper fixations and can be rather judgy). Hexside is also an exclusive school where a lot of students end up getting into the EC or in the upper echelons of the coven system. They have portraits of all the Hexside alumni who served as coven heads.
Amity is the top student of the school and a firm believer in the Emperor, since her mother is the ceo of Blight Industries and works closely with the Emperor himself. It is guaranteed she will be in the Emperor's Coven. She doesn't actively bully Willow, but does shun her and because of her influence, other kids avoid "half-witch" Willow as well.
On Luz in the Boiling Isles-
Eda is lazy and only took Luz in to help her in her illegal trade and sends her to Hexside so she will at least be out of her hair. She disguises Luz as a witch with undetectable magic (it can only be used in small amounts and only for minor spells). The detention kids don't multi-track as such an idea is sacrilege and it takes Luz to introduce the idea to them. Even then, they're nervous as hell about it. But Luz being Luz, she convinces them that it's not "wild magic" it's just trying out different methods to see if this is the right track. You don't want to upset the Titan by choosing the wrong magic, right?
While she is disguised as a witch in Hexside, she obviously can't use magic, which everyone makes fun of (like Akko in Little Witch Academia). She excells in Potions and Tarot Card Reading, basically anything that doesn't require a bile sac. Everyone calls her a half-witch (a term for a witch with weak or no magical abilities--sometimes witches are born with a malfunctioning bile sac). She makes friends with Willow and Gus, who is still a nerd for all things human related but keeps that secret because human trash is quickly picked up by the coven scouts. Luz steals some of Eda's human junk and explains what they are to Willow and Gus. He's thrilled but also terrified because his new friend is showing him contraband. Willow is suspicious and questions how Luz knows so much. Luz hems and haws for a bit before changing the subject. Hooty is pretty much the same. 10/10 character. King is not a child in this rewrite. His egg was in stasis for a long time and when he hatched he's functionally an adolescent but being in the egg for so long stunted his growth. He's very immature and still thinks he's the King of Demons. He pretends to hate Azura but rereads Luz's book when she's at school. Then Luz stumbles upon his fan fiction. Eda figured out right away that Luz stole her stuff ("but I gave it back, Eda!" "yeah, and I was going to sell it this afternoon but then it mysteriously wasn't in my inventory. You lost me a customer, Luz.") Eda then teaches Luz how to be a better thief and find more human stuff before the EC does.
On Belos-
Under Belos' reign, witches are judged by their strength and power; certain covens have more prestige than others: Abomination and Plant are near the top. Construction and Healing are more in the middle. Bard is at the bottom. Back in the days of the Titan, magic was communal and while, you could specialize in a specific type of magic, it was not regimented and more seen as a preference. All of it came from the Titan and all witches shared their knowledge and gifts equally.
In the days of the Titan, the Titan could speak to people but only through mediums. Although, there were some who argued that the Titan could commune with anyone if you listened and kept yourself spiritually open. Even then, some doubted how the Titan could talk at all if it was dead and perhaps the mediums were just powerful oracle/illusion witches. This led to some factions and divisions over what magic really is in the isles and how it is best used. Over time, fewer witches shared their gifts equally and petty squabbles warped into tribal conflicts. Belos manipulated these tensions by claiming the "elite" mediums spread lies about the Titan's wishes. He claimed that there used to be peace because there was one system and one way of doing things instead of all of this confusion and division. He passed himself off as a humble witch who received a vision from the Titan saying that magic should be unified. But this vision was so powerful that it left his face scarred, hence the mask (although he will show the doubting crowd his face). That only the wisest and most experienced witches could realistically practice all forms of magic while the rest would do the Titan's work in their chosen field. That way, the gifts of the Titan is still being shared among the populace but now with proper guidance. And thus the coven system was born.
Belos uses his curse as proof of being the Prophet of the Titan; when he regenerates an injury without healing magic, everyone is shocked but most importantly, they believe him. He spends his time proselytizing from town to town amassing a following. He calls them his "little birds" and they all wear bird masks as a precursor to the coven scout uniform. When they (rarely) experience violence, Belos whips them up into a frenzy as proof that the "wild witches" are against them. In one incident, Belos and his followers are prevented from preaching in a town. A fight breaks out and one of his followers is killed. Belos declares them a martyr and asks if his followers will sit by and not defend themselves? The crowd--already upset of course--then burns the town to the ground. As the years go by, people notice that Belos doesn't age and doesn't eat or drink, leading more people to believe in his divine message and join him.
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redriotinggg · 10 months
hnnnng thinking about. sanuso royalty au.
sanji is a prince in the germa kingdom—same old, same old. third in line for the crown of a kingdom he can’t stand, forced to live with a family whose ideals he hates and who would rather see him dead.
being deemed the family failure has some benefits. when he sneaks away from the castle, no one comes looking for him. (except his sister reiju, but she just wants to make sure he’s okay.)
one evening, sanji comes across a garden towards the outskirts of the town. he’s entranced—it’s filled flora and fauna, fruits and vegetables in all states of growth. even more interesting than the plants is the long-nosed fellow who tends to them, a story of epic proportions falling from his lips as his hands tenderly reap and sow the ground.
sanji watches him move and listens to him speak, mesmerized by the smooth confidence of his hands and the cadence of his voice. when he finishes his tale, sanji gives him a round of applause, laughing when the man practically jumps out of his skin in surprise.
he calms the man’s panicked stutters and frantic apologies when he realizes just who his company is. tells him he’s off-duty and just wants to admire the plants, so will you tell me about them, gardener?
‘usopp,’ the man corrects, and tentatively begins telling sanji all about his garden, becoming more bold as the prince asks him about his flowers, what methods he uses to get his vegetables so big, is he planning on cooking with them, because if so he has a ton of recipes.
they talk until reiju comes to find him. remind him of his duties.
‘i’ll see you tomorrow,’ sanji promises. and he does. he sees usopp the next evening, and the one after that and after that, until he is spending every free moment he can talking, laughing, and bonding with usopp.
falling for him. falling for his bad jokes and spot-on impressions. falling more and more in love with the way he looks at sanji. falls for all of his smiles: when he takes the first bite of a dish sanji whipped up using the fruits of usopp’s labour; the prideful smile when he shows off his impressive marksmanship; his shy smile when sanji can’t help but stare at him under the pale glow of the moonlight.
before he knows it, prince sanji has it bad. usopp is all he’s thinking about.
unfortunately, people begin to notice his absences and overall distraction. the wrong people.
reiju warns him and sanji runs. runs to go find usopp and protect him from the cruelty of his family.
he’s too late.
sanji lets out a primal cry as his flaming foot connects with yonji’s face. he catches usopp—battered and bruised usopp, as the man falls from yonji’s hold.
there is a promise of death in sanji’s eyes as he looks at his other brothers, who rush to yonji’s side.
‘i’m sorry,’ he tells usopp tearfully. ‘this is all my fault. i never should’ve let myself close to you—everything i touch gets ruined, i should’ve known they’d come to hurt you. i’m so sorry, usopp. hang in there, i love you!’
‘shut up ‘n run away with me,’ is the reply he receives. sanji stares in shock as usopp clutches him, tears in his pretty brown eyes, wheezing breaths leaving his chest. ‘i love you sanji, let’s run away together—there’s nothing for us here. let’s start over somewhere far away from here. i want to run and be happy with you.’
sanji’s heart doesn’t know what to do with itself. it squeezes and pulls and tries to jump out of his chest as love consumes him from the inside out. suddenly there is nothing else that matters but usopp and taking him as far away from this wretched kingdom as he can.
sanji presses his lips to usopp’s, professing all of his longing, adoration, and devotion for him in the action. usopp holds him, reciprocating every emotion and making sanji feel so, so loved.
the prince stands, both legs aflame as he stares daggers at the monsters he calls brothers. determination wells up within him like never before. there is one more obstacle for him to overcome before he is free to live his life as he chooses. with the people he chooses.
‘i’ve got your back,’ usopp says behind him, slingshot and pop greens at the ready.
sanji smirks. for once, the future looks bright.
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lightlycareless · 8 months
What are something the kids do that get on Y/N and Naoya’s nerves?
Hello anon!!
Ngl I had no idea how to answer this ask initially because I just kept going back to the same situation over and over again of “well, I don’t think they’d like if they were being loud or disobedient” but that’s kind of expected from any young child and I think they might not really find it that irritating/upsetting, grown used to it by the 3 babies they have by now.
So, I did some research, eventually going with my mom to ask her about, you know, firsthand experiences, and she gave me one that I was completely convinced would be the #1 situation Naoya and you would absolutely hate when it happens.
warnings: none. just family dynamics :> Naoya being a surprisingly good father, he got all kinds of bad examples to not follow, after all.
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The one thing that always gets on Naoya’s and Y/N’s nerves (or more like upset them) is … when their kids fight with one other.
And I don’t mean “playfully”, whining because they want what the other has or so, but rather making them cry, angry… and maybe even hit them.
This is undoubtedly the most painful thing Naoya and Y/N had experienced as parents.
The two always pictured having a loving family, strived to do everything in their power for it to happen, and even if there were some bumps along the way, it wasn’t anything they couldn’t handle—until reality reminds them that not everything was to be smooth sailing: with clashing personalities, and the unwanted occasional intervention of the Zen’in clan, it was only natural problems like this would arise.
And while both try to comfort each other by saying that sometimes siblings argue, have discussions, or do things to get in the other’s nerves… it isn’t until one of them strikes the other that they actively put a stop to this.
It breaks Naoya’s heart to see that this aspect of his personal life has unwillingly befallen them; and he has no doubts that this is learned behavior, replicated from some of his unruly relatives which he has threatened to keep away from his family…
He doesn’t how they do it, how they have this unspoken talent to stick their noses in what does not concern them, and no matter what he does, Naoya can’t make them stop, infuriating him every single time he remembers this fact!
Nonetheless, he doesn’t give up, and understanding the best he could do is refocus his efforts in what he can change.
Thus, you and Naoya teach the kids on how to deal with these emotions, explain that while its normal to feel frustrated and there’s nothing wrong with it, it’s not okay to take it out with others, specially towards close ones such as family, because it can be very hurtful.
At the end, this turned out to be a very informative and fruitful situation, just another step in their growth, having learned how to apologize, understand why certain things are not right to do, as well as assertively communicate their emotions (to the best of their ability, anyways.) or do activities to let out their pent-up frustrations before they get the best of them.
Aside from this progress, two more things develop from here.
First, amongst the activities they could do to deal with their emotions, Naoya begins to train them in jujutsu. I cannot describe how excited he is to spend time with them, teaching them all he knows of his technique (maybe I’m too greedy, but I like to imagine they took after Naoya’s technique in that matter 🤭) and encourage healthy competition and self-improvement.
Secondly, because these behaviors eventually quieted down, the kids having understood a new sense of what a family means, they all grew protective of one another (specially Naomi, who is the oldest of the 3—no one messes with her baby siblings!) an adorable sight that plants the seed of wanting a bigger family in your and Naoya’s mind, eventually welcoming a 4th member to the family ❤️
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:') I like answering questions like this because I end up unwittingly developing their family, from their timeline, personalities, and how naoya and you are as parents 😭❤️
Thank you so much for sending in this ask!! I really wouldn't mind answering more things like this hehe, or if you have general hc's, just let me know!! 🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️ we gotta spread the domestic side of Naoya please 🤭
Take care and hope to see you soon!!
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The Way He Looks at You Series
Valentine's Day Bonus Content: Festival of Love I: Like
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Chapter Summary
Cal surprises you with a spread of food in celebration of the Festival of Love. Only things don't go as planned. Rating: 18+ Words: 1.6K
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You wake late, fatigue hitting you harder than normal. The ache in your stomach reminds you that you missed breakfast and will have to fend for yourself while Cal works today. After readying yourself in the bathroom, wearing only a frustrating short dress, you head for the kitchen.
Upon opening the bedroom door, you smell the wonderful scent of freshly cooked food. Cal must still be home; something you find oddly pleasing despite loathing the man.
You hear him before you see him. “Hey, good morning! I, uh, have a bit of a surprise this morning.”
Cal walks around the kitchen peninsula into sight, wearing a blue apron over his all black clothes, covering up, yet accentuating his toned body. The sight almost makes you smile, but you mask it.
“Morning. What’s going on?”
Cal gives a cheeky smile, making you wonder what he’s planning. “I was doing some research on holidays and I thought you might enjoy celebrating with me.”
You narrow your eyes. “Why? What holiday is it?”
“This is a celebration from Endor, that Naboo also engages in. It’s…it’s for celebrating those you care about.”
There is a moment of silence as you weigh your response option. Cal doesn’t let it linger and starts speaking, trying to ease your concern.
“Look, I know you don’t care about me, and that’s okay. But I care about you and I wanted to celebrate you. I also thought it might be a nice break from the repetition of Imperial life.”
You nod, looking over the kitchen table Cal has decorated with an assortment of breakfast food. Mouth watering, you find it difficult to reject his offer, but you feel suspicious of the holiday and any traditions he may require if you agree.
Cal senses your hesitance. “You don’t have to do anything, but I made you food and bought a couple treats that were shipped here from Endor.”
Endor isn’t a place you’ve visited, but you know of the planet and its inhabitants. Unfortunately, your limited knowledge doesn’t give you insight into the holiday or its celebratory traditions.
You check the table, seeing nothing unusual. “What are they?”
“Chocolate covered Camby berries and Chak juice. Both are a large part of the Festival that takes place today.”
Cal removes his apron before reaching for a dark gray bottle, pouring a bright purple liquid into a couple of stemmed glasses. You stare perplexed at the vibrantly colored beverage, worrying about how it may stain any surface it touches. While you move to sit at the table, Cal heads for the fridge and returns with a plate of purple berries that have been covered in a rich chocolate. 
You poke a berry; it has a firm and bumpy texture. “I’ve never heard of those before.”
“I hadn’t either. I thought we might enjoy tasting them together, but I understand if you aren’t interested.”
You look up into Cal’s eyes; he appears to need your approval.
“They’re very…purple.”
Cal smiles and lets out a brief chuckle. The sound makes your stomach flip. “Yes, they are. It’s a little offputting, but I’ve heard the taste is excellent.”
“How do we know they’re not poisonous to humans? I thought Endor was mostly made up of Ewoks.”
Cal frowns, considering your concern, then smiles. “Considering they also celebrate on Naboo, I’m not too worried. But if it eases your concern, I’ll taste it first and if I drop dead, you can have my Scythe.”
You drop your guard and laugh, prompting Cal to smile eagerly at you. It takes a moment to wipe the smile from your face.
“Then I wish you the worst.”
He nods and reaches for one of the chocolate-covered berries, holding it by the green plant growth at the stem. He bites off a majority of the fruit and chews thoughtfully for a moment. You watch, half hoping he’ll start convulsing and drop, leaving you free of tough decisions. The other half is terrified he will die from this fruit.
Cal finishes chewing and washes it down with a sip of the bright purple beverage. He shoots you a smile, teeth still white, and not stained purple as you suspected they would be.
“It’s really good! I think you’re going to like this a lot.”
You narrow your eyes and grin. “I’ll try it if you’re still standing after brunch.”
Cal huffs in approval, a smile teasing his pink lips. “That’s understandable. I’ll try to perish before you finish eating.”
You help yourself to a sizable serving of the prepared food, eyeing Cal to see if he looks unwell.He appears healthy as before and seems pleased that you are enjoying his cooking. The meal is delicious and you are enjoying the company of your captor, wondering if he was this sweet as a Jedi.
Despite hating the now Inquisitor, you aren’t rude. “Thank you for the food. It was really good.”
Cal gives you a mischievous look. “I don’t feel different, and I intend to start eating the Camby berries with or without you.”
You meet his eye and sigh, knowing the food is safe and you can enjoy the delicacies. The bite of the tart and chocolaty berry causes your eyes to close, surrendering to the flavors in your mouth. The taste is unlike anything you’ve eaten. No matter the risk, it will have been worth eating.
Cal watches you, green eyes following your every movement, awaiting your response. You take a sip of the purple Chak juice, and find the flavor quite pleasant. It is tart and sweet, but not overwhelming. If anything, it is rather refreshing. You drain the entire glass, unable to get enough of the impeccable flavor.
“Oh wow, you were right, those are incredible. Could I have some more of the Chak juice?”
Cal pours you a second glass and you both consume every morsel and drop of the strange new tastes. By the end of the meal, you feel thoroughly satisfied, feeling closer to this man having shared a novel experience together. Cal looks equally content, but suddenly a new expression overcomes his face. There’s a hint of fear, as though he realized something.
“You’ll have to excuse me, I am in need of a shower.”
He stands and strides down the short hallway, closing himself inside the bedroom. You ignore it and head over to the couch to practice folding the papers Cal returned to you.
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I place my hands on the bathroom counter and stare at my flushed complexion, interrogating the reflection, annoyed at the sudden erection straining against my pants. This hasn’t happened since my teenage years. She makes me hard, but never without provocation. Perhaps I am simply excited, sharing in the Festival of Love with her.
I turn on the shower, frustrated I could not control myself and cannot spend quality time with her. She rarely provides me with praise and a willingness to sit in my presence. I am furious.
I strip off my black pants, underwear, long sleeve shirt, and tank top; tossing them into the open closet door. I’ll deal with them later when I am thinking straight.
My erection bobs as I enter the steamy shower, and I wrap my long fingers around the shaft. I place a hand against the wall, steadying myself, and closing my eyes at the sensation. The touch alone almost brings me to orgasm, something I usually have better control over. My muscles twitch as I fuck myself into my hand, a quiet groan lost in the sound of raining water. I imagine her, my Light, in the shower with me, like before. Her legs wrapped around me as I fuck her against the cold tile as she whines and calls out my name.
Moments later, I am spilling myself over the white wall. I angle the water to wash away the evidence. The relief is short-lived, and my erection stays. If anything, I feel more needy than I did before. Each touch jolting me with electricity; this isn’t right, something is very wrong.
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You sit on the couch, lost in your own thoughts, folding an obscene amount of tiny hearts. You feel compelled to fold this same pattern repeatedly, hands having mind of their own.
As you work, you lose further control of your body. A growing need between your thighs clouds the edge of your mind. You try to ignore it, though it’s getting more and more difficult.
You glance at the closed bedroom door, hearing the muffled running water. Perhaps there’s time to engage in some self pleasure before Cal returns. You need to take care of business before he returns and inevitably reads your thoughts. 
Pulling a nearby throw over your lap, you abandon the paper project on the couch next to you. You slip your hands between your spread legs, grateful Cal forbids underwear, and brush your index finger across your hard and pronounced clit. The sensation makes you jump and you’re surprised to find that you are entirely soaked.
Your eyes flutter closed as you work small circles onto the needy bud, biting your lip to muffle any traitorous sounds. Little is required to push you over the edge. Eyes squeezed tight as your body convulses from the powerful orgasm. To your frustration, it isn’t enough; you need another.
You glance backwards, stroking yourself with more force this time. Another climax building in your belly, but the sound of the bedroom door opening halts your efforts. Cal exits with ferocity and heads straight into his office, leaving the door wide open. You hesitate, knowing you should stop the pleasure here, but something makes you want to push the limits and continue masturbating, even with Cal so close.
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Next Chapter: Want
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nitewrighter · 1 year
Hii!! I love your fanteractions, as was wondering if you do some of doomfist get flirted with. That man deserves some love and attention. (It's all those muscles, I swear.)
Sombra here isn't flirting, so much as just buttering him up, but I still love their dynamic.
Ashe: I never was one for the suit and board room scene... but I must say, it looks good on you.
Doomfist: Hm. Perhaps you simply never had the right dance partner.
LifeWeaver: From a biological standpoint, I must say your views are terribly oversimplified.
Doomfist: Oh?
LifeWeaver: Nature is competition, sure, but it's also collaboration. Mycorrhizae, nitrogen fixers, compensatory growth, symbiosis occurring at multiple levels of the food chain, it's far more complex than simply fighting for survival.
Doomfist: A fascinating observation. A shame such subtleties go ignored as vast swathes of our environment are destroyed.
LIfeWeaver: And this is the part where you say you can help me stop that, right?
Doomfist: It could be. This world could use reminding that some plants have thorns, wouldn't you say?
Lúcio: Well, look who's back. Didn't Orisa bounce you out of my concert in Numbani?
Doomfist: All too soon. And here I was hoping to get a t-shirt.
Sombra: *sing-songy* Hey bo-oss? You remember when I joined this whole team, and you said, 'Oh Sombra, imagine what you could do with our resources--'
Doomfist: *patient sigh* What do you need?
Sombra: Oh--nothing, nothing. Just, crazy question, how much palladium do we have and followup: Can we get more?
Doomfist: Someone wants a new server farm?
Sombra: One to my specs.
Doomfist: I'll see if we can't set up a meeting with Max. I'm sure we have options.
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The Morning Show episode 3.10 "The Overview Effect"
The season of Alex Levy! It’s been awhile since I really felt proud of a character the way I feel proud of her. It’s also not too often in shows that you get to see a character grow and actually implement that growth. Typically, a character ‘learning their lesson’ marks the end of the story, but The Morning Show has a really unique pacing that does wonders for character development. They all contain multitudes and nuance and flaws and strengths, and that complexity of every individual is the exact thing that fuels the chaos behind this show.
I also think this show is slept on for some reason? I never hear anyone talk about it which confuses me with this kind of cast. From what I gather, it does too good a job capturing all the problems in our society and that’s a downer. I’ve always been impressed by that quality about it, the whole thing would feel silly if it didn’t feel authentic. But for anyone who feels that The Morning Show is just a stressful and sad reminder of the state of US capitalism and media- this season surprised me by building to an incredibly hopeful and empowering conclusion. One all about growth and accountability. I honestly feel like I have a better understanding of what the phrase “doing the work” actually looks like in the context of social justice and power after watching this.
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Jennifer Aniston in "The Overview Effect". Image courtesy of The Hollywood Reporter.
Before this season’s finale, my opinion was leaning the complete other way. Bradley, who I’ve always identified with and loved, covered up her brother’s involvement January 6th. Hal wasn’t just there; he attacked a cop- and people were looking for him. Bradley didn’t just discretely ignore it, she doctored him out of footage, lied to the FBI, and continued reporting on the event. To me, she lost all her ethical standing with this, and she continued doing the news for a long time before anyone found out. As Laura Peterson told her, “It’s obscene”.
But then again, Laura only found out about it by scouring all of Bradley’s leaked emails and texts in search of evidence of Bradley sleeping with Cory. Before Alex got involved during “The Overview Effect”, I was rolling my eyes at the both of them. It was screaming ‘liberals who can’t get off their high horse but also aren’t ethical in their own lives when it really comes down to it’. Laura being so insecure about Bradley sleeping with someone when they weren’t even together to the point that she would violate her privacy like that felt incredibly low for Laura. Almost out of character. Her finding out about the Hal situation and her subsequent breakup with Bradley is what catalyzed the climax of this season, but I really wish she had found out some other way.
Nonetheless, I saw a glimmer of hope for Bradley when she resigned on-air. It was dramatic, as she and Alex both often are, but it was a step towards accountability. Losing her girlfriend, her job, and potentially the rest of her career made me feel like she is, indeed, paying the price for her choices.
Something else also happens here that manages to put Bradley’s transgressions in perspective. Paul Marks stops by Bradley’s green room right before what would be her final broadcast, blackmailing her with his knowledge of how the January 6th cover up could blowback on Laura, and telling Bradley to stop digging into Hyperion. “The Overview Effect” opens with Paul blatantly (to us) lying to Alex about that conversation, telling her instead about the support he offered Bradley in that moment.
Paul Marks was a great character addition this season. They planted the seed well that he was ‘not what he seemed’ and had something going on with Hyperion, his independent space company that was working with NASA. Stella had an old friend who tried to blow the whistle, but Stella really straddles the line between empowering from the top down, as she claims to do, and simply playing the game. She scared the friend away, and so enlisted Bradley and Chip to help her get to the bottom of whatever it was that she now regretted ignoring. All we knew for most of this season was that he didn’t assault anyone- he was “too smart” for that- but he sure did something, and absolutely no one would come forward.
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Jon Hamm and Jennifer Aniston in "The Overview Effect". Image courtesy of TV Line.
The chemistry between Jon Hamm and Jennifer Aniston is really the thing that made him- and her- compelling. It was so genuine, and his affection for Alex is the one thing about him that I do still believe to be true. I’ll say it, he had great charisma and calming DILF energy. Without knowing what exactly he had done, the smitten part of me wanted to believe that it was nothing. Seeing that side of him, understanding what Alex saw in him, makes what she does in this episode all the more impressive.
Ever since her live resignation, Alex has been texting and calling Bradley to no avail. After her conversation with Paul, the one where he lies through his teeth, Alex decides to go check on her. When she shows up at her apartment, Bradley looks unhinged. Disheveled and manic, Bradley tells Alex she can come in if she leaves her purse and phone in the hall. Alex obliges, and when Bradley gets talking, it all makes horrifying sense.
Bradley admits to everything about January 6th, but then says something else- Paul knew about it too, and in their conversation, he referenced things he could only know if he had been listening to her fight with Laura. Alex is shocked, but, to her immense credit, not disbelieving. Bradley says she’s going home to West Virginia for awhile to take care of things with her family. Alex leaves, wrapping her head around the possibility that Paul is surveilling Bradley- and who knows who else. On the way home, she texts Bradley that getting away for a bit is a good idea, and that she should go back to West Virginia. After a moment of thought, she changes West Virginia to Hanover, a place they didn’t discuss, and hits send.
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Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston in "The Overview Effect". Image courtesy of IMDb.
Alex’s little experiment proves fruitful. She gets back to her apartment and tells Paul that she went to visit Bradley. They chat about it, Paul playing a supportive boyfriend. So supportive that he wraps Alex in a hug and says Alex is right, Bradley should get away for a bit, go back to Hanover and recoup. Alex freezes. She doesn’t give herself away though. She agrees, hugs him back, and spends the night sharing a bed with someone that we and she now all know is very scary.
Then she pays a visit to Laura. A plan is formed, but we don’t find out about until the Hyperion-UBA deal is minutes away from going through. Right about as people are ready to start pouring champagne, Alex says there’s just enough time to put a counteroffer on the table. Laura has worked some magic at her network, NBN, and she and Alex are proposing a merger. They will share resources to save costs and form a true journalistic partnership.
Paul is caught completely off guard. He asks to speak to Alex in private, where they round a corner to come face to face with Stella and Kate- the original Hyperion whistleblower. They give Paul an ultimatum- walk away from the deal and come clean to NASA about sending them falsified reports on his rockets- or they will report on everything. Oh also- the transmission break when Bradley and Cory went to space? Not a broadcast issue, Paul cut the feed because the ship’s navigation system malfunctioned. Alex was absolutely right not to get on that thing. Also did this plot line remind anyone else of a certain submersible?
Paul, of course, accepts these terms because the alternative is life-ending, but he’s still flabbergasted at Alex’s turning on him. It’s a little sad, he really did love her and didn’t see it coming whatsoever, but not that sad because he was doing some fucked up shit.
For all of Cory’s heart attack-inducing running around this season, it was Alex single-handedly saving UBA multiple times over. She brought Paul Marks to the table, and she kicked him back away from it. And none of it was selfish. She was so thoughtful this season it blows me away. While Paul and Cory were both leaking scandals like chess pieces, Alex was processing them all with poise.
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Billy Crudup in "The Overview Effect". Image courtesy of IMDb.
The idea that all the things that consume a news cycle, that prompt a notes app apology on Instagram and cost people their careers, are, at their source, a meaningless power play by executives with zero genuine interest, is the saddest thought posed this season. It was demoralizing to see Cory drop a bombshell and pretend to care about it when really all it meant to him was a successful board meeting. Knowing that origin of all these scandals, watching Alex, Chris, Mia, and Yanko put so much heart into thinking through these issues of race and pay inequality is just sad in some ways. The people at the top were preying on these ethics, on the outrage, on the news cycles, and people’s careful attempts to do the right thing were the very things executing Cory’s delicately laid plans.
Cory’s last-ditch attempt to reconcile with Cybil to save UBA really cements that all these issues of inequity meant nothing to him. He’ll go whichever way the wind blows. Alex, meanwhile, rejected Cybil’s pleas for allyship and engaged with her just enough to hold her accountable (“It isn’t just an email. You paid a black person less than a white person for the same job.”) She also knew when to take action and when to step back. She interviewed Paul on her own show and I truly don’t think their relationship ever clouded her work, but when Cybil was going to be interviewed, she was the one who arranged for it to be Chris doing the interviewing.
And in the end, Alex didn’t let a trail of injustices cloud her perspective. She was able to put what Bradley had done on the backburner for a moment, and get Laura to do the same, to tackle the wrongdoing of all wrongdoings. She did what Paul was relying on our society not being able to do- seeing through a scandal to its source. And she didn’t do it to save her own job- she was about to get the rebrand of a lifetime- she did it simply because it was the right thing to do.
But she didn’t forget about everything else. Before the credits rolled, Alex was holding Bradley’s hand as she and Hal stood outside an FBI office. Alex tells her it’s going to be okay, that she’ll be there for her, but that she has to do this. Bradley knows she does. This is what friendship should look like. Both unconditional support and accountability. I love this example proving that you don’t have to sacrifice one for the other. That someone can have room for growth, and they can do it by your side, with your support. That’s how we all get better.
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Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston in "The Overview Effect". Image courtesy of IMDb.
I’m just so thrilled to see The Morning Show go this way. If you know me, you know I love a happy ending, and this may not be that, but it is hopeful, empowering, and motivating. And that’s what it’s all about, I think.
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imani-lehte · 3 months
If you don’t get that the nature of queer connection and love and community is to sometimes go astray, cross boundaries in the pursuit of good feelings, peel back the layers of our hurt to see our childlike, innocent desire to be held and known. If you don’t get that all of these feelings are a part of growth and shifting and nuisance, then you don’t get my type of queerness. Just because I loved you deep for a few days doesn’t mean that I didn’t hear each time you emotionally shyer away or told me that your art was your partner and I could never be. I am growing and as I growth the plants around me can redirect or help me understand my own path. That’s the type of queer connections I want, romantic or otherwise. I want passion, I want tears, I want answers instead of neverminds, I want to hear your heart, I want to make mistakes and apologize and grow and shift and be accountable and responsible and free and brave and independent, but oh so connected. That’s my kinda queerness. This is how I know when someone is not in true community with themselves, their queerness, or the folks around them. You can’t talk it out when I lost sleep for you for weeks, how deep is your love(lust). Reminds of McKenzie when she used to say that everyone is like a body of water. Some people are ponds, swamps, marshes, lakes, rivers, and people like us are oceans. We need people who can hold water. While the smaller bodies of water feed into us, there is no flow without the movement of the ocean. Its waves are what makes the world go round. Its connection to the moon calls all other bodies of water to shift. So he an ocean of queerness of love of emotion of change or recentering and establishing boundaries and apologies and both/and and all that deep shit that takes too much of your time.
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fortitudina · 2 months
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havvkinsqueen asked: ~ May 10th Good now, friend! It's Friday my time which means one thing; You made it one more week! You're officially 131 pages into this year's book. I'm popping in this week to say this; Your potential is endless. Don't let other peoples' limited thoughts and opinions about what's possible diminish that. And, especially, don't let people's limited thoughts and opinions diminish yourself. People will always have their opinion about you that may not always be kind or true. Just know that they don't matter. What does matter is what you think of yourself. And what do I have to say to that? Keep on shining and being who you are! I'm cheering you on through this next week. Make sure to be kind to yourself, and get yourself a treat! -- 💜💜 Victoria "Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you'll be criticized always." - Eleanor Roosevelt
havvkinsqueen asked: ~ May 18th Good now, friend! It's good to see you again this week. I want to send you something I know I've sent before but I think it's helpful to remember! You are more like a garden than you are a machine. You need different things on different days- More sun, or more water. More productive one season and less so another. That's not a flaw. You will flower when your time is here, don't compare yourself to someone else because you're different plants. It's day 138 and I'm cheering for you making it to this page! Celebrate something small, celebrate yourself. Make sure to be kind to yourself, and in the meantime; I'm always here if you need it. I'll see you next week. -- 💜💜 Victoria
havvkinsqueen asked: ~ May 25th Good now! I hope this finds you well. Life has a way of catching up with you whether you like it or not. Often times it feels like it smacks you when everything is going wrong. It's not fair when that happens, is it? But no matter how difficult things seem to be, it won't last. Small moments of relief and joy will find you. I hope you've had a restful week and are ready for the weekend coming up! Make some time for yourself, get yourself a treat, and relax if you can! No matter what last week threw at you and whatever this week has in store, I'm proud of you. You're living and that's enough! I'm cheering you on until next week when I see you again. -- 💜💜 Victoria "The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." —Dolly Parton
havvkinsqueen asked: ~ July 7th Hello! Good timezone, friend! I hope this finds you well. I apologise for this coming out a little late, but let's jump right in, shall we? I'd like to talk about butterflies. I promise it's not as strange as it sounds. Butterflies are so important to the growth of things, making sure flowers and other plants flourish. That's not unlike you helping out friends, family, and yourself grow. But the thing is, butterflies rest when it rains because it can damage their wings. It's okay to rest when life has rough storms. You'll be out there to fly again when the storms pass! And if you ever need someone to shelter with you, I'm here. I'm cheering you on! -- 💜💜 Victoria “Just like the butterfly, I too will awaken in my own time.” - Deborah Chaskin
havvkinsqueen asked: ~ July 15th Good now, friend! I come to you on Sunday(for me) this week. It's been a really long week, hasn't it? I'm here to drop in to remind you of some things; You are more loved than you know. Workers at coffeeshops, strangers you pass on the street, acquaintances on the internet- All think of you in such sweet and wonderful ways. You make a positive impact in other peoples' lives in ways you don't know about. And let me say it now, my dash is better because you're on it. If you take anything from this, please give yourself some kindness and grace. Things will happen in time. Until next week! -- 💜💜 Victoria
havvkinsqueen asked: ~ July 21st Good now, friend! What a whirlwind of a 2 weeks it’s been of July it’s been, huh? It’s felt a little hard to keep up with. For better or for worse, we’re 202 pages into our 366 book. We’re a little over halfway done with this year! I can’t believe it. Despite the ups and downs, the joys and tears, I hope you’ve done your best (And please don’t compare your best to others. And your best may look different on different days.) I also want to remind you to take care of yourself and be kind to yourself; Whatever that looks like for you. The unprecedented heat and times are hard for us all, so get yourself a treat. Do some self care. Talk to a friend. Appreciate nature. You’re strong enough to get through this. I’m cheering you on! — 💜💜 Victoria
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*OOC. ------ Admittedly, I've been hoarding these little messages from Victoria for a while now. I've taken to reading them when I've needed a small pick-me-up on low days with minimal motivation to write or do much of anything and after her one she sent me this morning, I felt it was probably time that I posted them all. So here we are... have a small collection of positivity messages from a lovely mun.
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butiki · 3 months
i am ALWAYS in my thriving arc i just am extremely bad at posting. though, i'm definitely better now than i was a year ago. 2023 was a year of sorrow and heartbreak for me, letting myself be hurt and etc etc etc... no need to linger on those feelings. suffice to say, they existed, and now i'm learning to love again :) thriving is always nicer when its in embrace of positive emotions & not negative ones.
as soon as 2024 turned, i could feel that it was going to be a good year. then maybe somewhere around early february--the days leading up to my birthday--i felt a tangible shift in my heart. things cleared out, opened up, and i felt like colors were brighter. i've been cruising on that high since then :) i've traveled to see friends a lot this year, and friends have traveled to visit me too. the people i've always had in my life are coming closer and closer to me, and i'm very grateful for that.
there's this very simple line in a poem by stonehouse that caught me and made me smile with resonance. it goes "don't think who gives receives no reward / a fruit forms in time where there is a seed." in my head, reading the line, i could see the whole process of a seed sprouting into a sapling into a tree that bears fruit. i could see the passings of winters and summers, i understood the whole evocation of time moving. and yes, the fruit would not be there were it not for the seed being sown! and its true! in everything good that happens to you there was an initial moment where you sowed the seeds for that thing to grow. some trees grow quickly, some trees take longer, but everything grows where it has been planted. even out of pavement, flowers can bloom.
unnecessary continuation, keeping it around for my own reference point but anything relevant has already been said: and that image reminds me: about a week & a half ago now, i took a walk with my friend bean through the nature preserve nearby her house. there was a segment of the path that was a concrete road built alongside the manmade lake that the park was centered around. this road was crumbling into the lake, falling apart. large sections of the lake-facing side were gated off by barriers, since huge chunks of the asphalt were being undone, falling into the lake. you could see beneath the pavement the rich, brown earth. you could see plants growing out from between each and every crack. you could see the roots of trees working around the asphalt chunks, adopting them into their systems. i think theres something to this image that can develop the kind of half-metaphor i'm working with/adopting from stonehouse.
love as seedform? concrete as sorrow? something something growth of love at every possible opportunity it can take????? maybe theres something to this.... maybe sorrow is just the time after the harvest, when all you have left is threshed oats (what remains) and scattered seeds (what will one day be). i see the comparison to winter with sorrow, i understand what people are going for, but maybe its more about how you must sit for the springtime and watch things slowly grow. maybe its about how the first time you sow oats, you have to wait for them to grow. i think i'm losing the thread, but its somewhere in there. i'll have to hone it down, maybe... but now i'm just babbling along.
short answer: yeah :-)
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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Waste not, want not
By HRH The Princess Royal | Published 29 July 2020
EVERY year, month and day, I realise how fortunate and privileged I am to have grown up and spent most of my life in the countryside. It’s not only the space, appreciating the seasons, the wildlife, the plant life, the arable crops and the livestock, but, most importantly, it’s the people who live and work there and understand the complexity of their environment. I was equally fortunate that both my parents had a love and understanding of the natural world through their own experiences. Perhaps even more so for my father when, during his rather disjointed young life, he ended up at school at Gordonstoun and was introduced to the wilds of Scotland, both land and sea. Scotland had its influence on my mother, too, as did the big skies of Norfolk, and the huge fields and marshes of the Sandringham Estate. Windsor’s Home Park and Great Park were a constant presence for her, as they were for all of us. They had horses, dairies, hens, pigs—you could never be bored as a child. Windsor was and is a haven of peace, although not so quiet since the growth of air travel—until the lockdown.
Superficially, not much has changed since I was young; the Jersey herd is still there, although the cows now enjoy a robotic parlour. There are Sussex cattle in the Great Park and the crops are a different mix, but the forest is still there, as are ponds and wet areas, the Savill Gardens and Frogmore House Gardens. Buildings and skills that the Prince Consort would have recognised.
Prince Albert’s influence is seen so often at the forefront of research and practical application, not least in agriculture and building design. His model farm at Windsor, for instance, and nearly all the buildings at Balmoral improved the use of space and integrated more efficient use and better distribution of water. My father was impressed by Prince Albert’s approach to forward-thinking and sustainable developments and has added his own understanding to encourage others to build on the knowledge of their predecessors. The Royal Commission of 1851 was set up by the Prince Consort after the Great Exhibition to build on its success of creativity, innovation and trade. When my father was its president, he oversaw an extraordinary investment in talent across the whole spectrum of research, including the science and practice of agriculture and sustainable land use. I now have the privilege of being its president, which also reminds me of the wealth of knowledge that I have been exposed to throughout my life and the part my family has played in growing that knowledge.
Prince Philip has added his own unique talents by being very well briefed, then engaging and bringing together all interests that are part of the countryside. He is a very hard act to follow, but I’m grateful for the time he gave us and the example he set us.
It is only later in life that you realise how much you have been exposed to and how much you have absorbed from your early years. We were taught to observe and question, to be open minded, to understand differences, to treat every person as an individual with their own skills and to remember there is very little that is completely new under the sun. We are where we are because our ancestors not only survived by living off the land, water and air, but also innovated ways of doing so more easily and successfully; so successfully that a shortage of food seems a distant threat for much of the western world. However, although we may be growing more, the access to and distribution of good-quality foods is still a challenge.
We are living through a real global pandemic that is affecting literally every person’s life in some way, even if they and their countries have barely suffered directly from Covid-19. The effect on global food supplies through the restrictions on transport and logistics (see page 124) should raise our awareness of the vulnerability of the modern—just in time—demand-and-supply approach and highlight the strengths of local production and markets. Change will require all land users to work even more closely together to understand the most appropriate and least damaging way to increase production of crops and livestock that best suit our ground conditions and weather. It also means finding the right space and access for those who wish to enjoy the non-producing areas.
The restrictions that Covid-19 has placed on the entire population have accentuated the pressure between town and country. However, it has also shown that, thanks to historic houses, caravan parks, national parks, forestry enterprises, riding and cycling trails, rambling routes and assorted types of accommodation, access was quite well catered for already as an important contributor to the rural economy. The pandemic has highlighted the number of people and jobs that are crucial to that economy, too, be it the hospitality sector, conservation projects or the farming sector, such as the harvesting of many crops, fruit and vegetables and the care of livestock, especially sheep-shearing. Those jobs are still hard physical work that also need skills to achieve the standards that the buying public expect.
Technology is already making an impact in these areas and will make a bigger impact as the innovators and practitioners work out what is adding value and efficiency, without doing any more damage to the environment. Education and training play a big part in the shared understanding, success and enjoyment of the countryside. Our knowledge is derived from experience, evaluation and development and we need that information to be readily available. The royal agricultural societies, the county agricultural shows and societies (see page 120) —which are often the gatekeepers to public enquiry and understanding—the further-education colleges and universities that still maintain links with the rural economy (see page 128) and the people who live and work in the countryside are more important than ever, especially as there is no such thing as an unskilled job.
Research has made progress, but single-issue research must never lose sight of the overall subject. I mean that, for instance, one type of crop, with very specific qualities, may not be the best crop for every environment. Nature’s ability to adapt is, on the whole, better than humans or, indeed, computer-model-driven versions. How do we combine the best of both, the single-issue expertise and the need for a holistic view? Hopefully, by recognising that practitioners, residents and consumers can all access accurate information, education and training so that they can contribute to the debate and the research on best practice for the countryside.
How do I define best practice? Understanding how to work better with local conditions and working with Nature, which could be by using very traditional methods. Yet also using technology to support farming and related jobs, as well as extending the employment opportunities to those who would rather stay in the countryside. Not everybody does, which is just as well, as there is already a shortage of affordable houses in most areas (see page 118).
One of my pleas for best practice is quality, appropriate housing of the right type and the right numbers in the right places. Housing for local families that are priced out of the market; for young, single people who would like to stay and work in their home village or area; young families; and retired people who were born in the village and would like to return home. All of them could make the difference to having a viable school, shop or pub in the village. Importantly, these housing developments should be small and remain in the control of the local parish council, either for rent or shared ownership—preferably small because of two other best-practice issues: waste and energy.
Waste—produced by humanity and the way it chooses to live—that is not dealt with appropriately is up there with not understanding the value of small housing developments built to last as a major irritation to me! If you want to help the planet, controlling our waste is something everyone can do and it will make a difference. We will always produce waste, however efficient we become, so we must get better at reducing it at every stage and dealing with it better at the end. That means making things such as clothes, furniture, vehicles and supermarket trolleys that can be recycled safely and economically and not dumped on someone else’s ground. Did I mention that fly-tipping is another major irritation to me?
There are some perfectly good waste and recycling systems out there already, including anaerobic digesters and waste-to-energy plants. I would hope we can be more innovative and local in the way we deal with our rubbish to encourage everybody that it is worth making the effort to put waste in the right places, recycle more and have the confidence that it will make a difference.
Everything about life today seems to be about convenience and waste is seen as inconvenient; we must help make it more convenient to deal with. Raising the profile of the country code might help, especially as the post-coronavirus getaway to the country seems to have resulted in an increase of littering and vandalism.
Reliable energy supplies are critical to everybody and renewable energy created by innovative and local solutions will be a crucial part of the networks. Rural areas could be even more self-sufficient, especially if much of the equipment is to be electric. Replacing fossil-fuel generators has not been easy, but covering the countryside in solar panels and windmills isn’t really the answer, either. Using water better, using waste from crops, using waste from woodlands and the ability to store energy, possibly as hydrogen, can all help, but will require a more flexible grid and, therefore, the technology to make that work. Small nuclear reactors could have their place, but perhaps there is not the space to pursue that now.
In order to make rural life less isolated, even 5G coverage will not solve the problem of transport for farmers, shops, schools, pubs and the people who want to live and work in or from the rural environment. You need logistics to travel, to distribute, to deliver and to collect. Many businesses, good ideas and ambitions have failed because there are too few of any of the above and they are too expensive.
The need for appropriate vehicles and qualified drivers has not made it any easier to service the rural areas. I gained my HGV licence in 1974 after, I think, a two-hour test, all driving, starting with the handling test, which meant that, if you touched a cone, you were unlikely to pass. Then you spent the rest of the time driving—in my case, mostly in Reading. There was no theory test and, in relative terms, it didn’t cost very much. Now, it is a serious commitment in terms of time and money, which has resulted in a real shortage of HGV drivers. This, and the requirement for qualifications for nearly every other sort of vehicle, has made it even more difficult to maintain services. The needs of the rural communities during the coronavirus lockdown has underlined the importance of those people and their roles. We would do well to build on that experience.
I have lived at Gatcombe for more than 42 years (see page 80). We were not looking for a farm, but it has been a real privilege to try to work with what we have. Ours is an organic, extensive grass enterprise, usually complicated by running the horse-trial championships in early August. The woodland is a real mix of trees—mostly beeches, but huge numbers of ash of all ages. Who knows how many will survive, but I feel the naturally selected mix could be an important part of the answer.
Perhaps mix is the key. I write as a classic ‘Jack of all trades’, who has the opportunity to listen and engage with the masters of their subjects. Does the little knowledge I pick up make me dangerous or well informed?
Well, some of my information comes from COUNTRY LIFE , a publication that continues to reflect and promote all aspects of rural existence. This week’s edition has generously reflected some of my interests and those of people I believe are making a real difference. I hope the edition will leave you positively optimistic about our country’s country life.
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dootznbootz · 4 months
hades 2 anon!
i'm stuck in my relationship with nemesis because now what i need to advance is a gift other than nectar and bath salts, so i decided to throw my nectar at other characters while i don't unlock this other gift (apparently i need to unlock something in the cauldron for that and so far i haven't unlocked it) and i have updates!
firstly the bath scene isn't necessarily indicative of romance because after advancing enough hearts with hecate i took a bath with her. and we know that not only is she mel's mentor, mel also sees her as a mother figure (hecate even scolds her for this arguing that she shouldn't forget that she isn't her mother). so being able to bathe with ody doesn't necessarily imply he's a romantic interest (remembering that in the first game achilles even rejects the player at some point, claiming that he's still tied to someone else). i think nemesis and icarus (yes this icarus. after giving him nectar and talking i'm really getting the vibe) are possible romantic pairings but i'm thinking the third might be moros and not ody...or even eris
secondly in this game there is a mechanism for planting things to use them as ingredients in the cauldron later. i don't know if you've seen it in any gif or video but in the crossroads ody usually walks to plantations and admires the plants. i thought he did this because he was bored but i recently unlocked dialogue where he promised mel that he would check on the plant growth for her while she was away. so...ody gardening in his free time? well at least now i know why his character keeps looking at the plants. and i found him again in the rest area talking to shades although his dialogue was nothing noteworthy. i wonder if only he'll use this until the end of the game...
thirdly this dialogue i'm going to copy and paste here instead of saying it myself like in the others because i feel like it's probably the type that's best shared just like in the game:
ody You asked before about how I managed it... the pressure to always prevail through what, in retrospect, were... many terribly exciting scenarios, all whilst bearing the burden of so many others' expectations and my own. mel You said you always believed there was a solution, a positive outcome that could be discovered and achieved... I've been thinking about that. ody Good. But, it occurred to me there's something else. 'Twas love that drove me on. The great war that earned me my place in Elysium... I wanted desperately not to go. To stay with my wife and then-newborn son. mel You were left with no choice but to fight. So you held to hope that someday you'd see your family again... ody Sound familiar, does it?
and the interaction ends. so basically ody identifies with mel's desire to return to her family at all costs. this also reminds me of what i said previously about ody saying that he felt lost in the afterlife until hecate found him. we know that in hades he was in elysium but apparently that didn't make him feel satisfied. i wonder if those lines are connected
and there's one more thing that i think is quite important but i'll send it in a separate ask because i want to put together what i know so far about ody's approach and that would make this ask too long
It's very strange to me that Hades game Odysseus is almost so...wishy-washy? One moment it's "oh we amicably broke up." and then he brings up how his love for them drove him forward and how never wanted to leave them.
We don't know for sure yet but I hope it ends up all okay. :D
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spineless-lobster · 2 years
Egg and Soldiers: A musical analysis of Pat and the Captain
*long post warning*
Okay! So some of you may have noticed that I (along with a few others) use the alt ship name for patcap which is “Egg and Soldier” while also being a delicious breakfast, it mainly refers to the song “Egg and Soldiers” by Cosmo Sheldrake, which is what I originated it from. The song very much reminds me of their characters and I would like to share my analysis with all of you!
Before we begin, please note that this is *my* interpretation of the song. It’s not the artist’s interpretation and you are totally free to disagree with me or come to your own conclusions.
Also please bear with me if my thoughts don’t seem coherent lol
All lyrics will be italicized, and I’ve added the song just in case you wanna listen. Let’s begin! :)
I was looking over at my shoulder
Only thinking of the short term
But time was looking back at me
I interpret this first line through the Captain’s point of view. I imagine him looking over his shoulder (rather than at) as in looking back on his life. “Only thinking of the short term” may reference his connection to the war. He doesn’t acknowledge who he was before or after the war. He only focuses on what he was during that time, a soldier. “But time was looking back at me” can be a reflection of his insecurities regarding aging (see: “supple as the day I died” “I’m in my bally prime” him trying to beat his record of 2:30, and Ben calling him “the wrong side of 40” in the Inside Ghosts podcast) but I also see it as him reflecting on his regrets. (which I will get into later)
Every day I eat an egg and soldier
Then I sit a little longer
On a blanket made for three
This stanza is more about Pat. The first bit is honestly just about how much he loves eggs lol. But I connect the next two lines to Carol’s affair with Morris. The “blanket made for three” is about Morris’ involvement in the marriage. What’s supposed to be for Pat and Carol now has a third party, thus the blanket (the marriage) is made for three.
Swap cow for bean and grow a stalk
To tangle with the clouds
I like to think this refers to Pat’s ignorance to Carol’s affair. He’s up in the clouds, unaware of all that is happening right under his nose.
Plant poems in the barren ground
Honestly all I can think of when I hear this line is the Captain burying the letter. The ground being “barren” because really, no matter how hard he tries, his efforts to repress that part of himself are fruitless.
Blow doldrums round and round
Cut the brambles down
Search for heaven underground
It was lost but now it's found
“Doldrums” refers to a state of inactivity, stagnation, or depression. Kind of like the endless purgatory of being a ghost, huh? Said doldrums being blown around could connect to Alison coming into their (after)lives and spicing it up a bit.
The rest of this section I believe still refers to the Captain’s letter. “Search for heaven underground” once again represents him trying to find solace by burying his emotions and by literally burying the letter. “It was lost but now it’s found” could mean Mike accidentally uncovering and blowing up the bomb. But it could also represent his character growth. He’s slowly uncovering lost parts of himself that he has denied for his whole life. (See: “I’m…” in “Something To Share?”)
For we drank the ocean
I interpret this line as an alternative to the term “biting off more than you can chew”. The struggles in their life (repression, ignoring issues, etc.) all become too much, resulting in the inner conflicts both characters have.
We'll play while Venice drowns
Once again referring to Pat’s ignorance (willful or not) to Carol’s affair. His marriage was falling apart and he didn’t even know it.
Submarines won't save us now
The Captain using the war as a means of ignoring who he is as a person, along with burying any emotion that conveys vulnerability won’t exactly make his problems go away. (If anything, those ARE his problems)
We climbed a hill but then fell down x3
I think this refers to the tragic timing of their deaths. Pat had a wife, a child, his scouts, friends, anything an average family man had at the time. And it was all stripped away from him. The same thing goes for the Captain, he just came back from a victorious war, he was decorated with medals and most likely received a pension. He was promised a fresh start and he was just getting his normal life back before he died, unfortunately he’ll never get to live it.
(Chorus that I don’t need to go over again lol)
All hail Tom Thumb
The main theme in the story of Tom Thumb is that anyone can overcome hardships no matter who they are. I feel that this relates to all the ghosts. They all had their personal struggles in their life, yet they died before they could overcome them. Still, despite this, they all try to grow, change, develop and overcome challenges.
What's done is done
This line once again plays into the theme of regret. Pat will never be able to fix things with Carol. He can’t go back and catch the signs earlier, he can’t be more spontaneous for her, it’s over. The Captain will never see Havers again. He can’t tell him how he felt (or still feels), he can’t go back to being the man he was before the war, those things are all dead and gone and he can’t do anything about it.
You'll never find the answer 'til it's gone
This relates to regret for one final time, you don’t know what opportunities you have until they’re taken away. This could also possibly relate to the endless mystery of getting sucked off. The ghosts still don’t know what the after-afterlife is like, they don’t know what causes them to get sucked off (yes it involves character development, but the timing is still completely random), and I’m sure many of them are still questioning whether or not there’s a heaven or hell or if they just go *poof* into nothingness.
I hope this made some sense! An ask prompted this whole thing, and I have an explanation for almost every song on my Ghosts playlist, so don’t be afraid to ask questions!
Drink some water, take your meds, have a snack, bind safely, and have a lovely day! :)
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