#i love the poetry in this spoken word tho of
kisaraslover · 8 months
Kisara being shy and Seto being cold-natured is a good thing because if they walk the earth together as lovers its atomic levels of dangerous like these twos souls are caught in an endless loop of submission and dominance and forever fated to long for each other with 5 millennia of built up longing when they start getting sweet THEYRE GETTING SWEET like theres no way theyre living like this?? everyday?? you cant feel that much its not possible?? CHILL. No??? well witnessing them side effects include nausea, fainting, headache, heartache, ears ringing, hands shaking, disorientation, all stroke symptoms etc.
they need to be contained by their own reserved natures for everyone elses sake is what im saying
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zukkacore · 6 months
Coupling a few different headcanons together and I don’t remember if divorce exists in ATLA or if Mai is Izumi’s mom but part of me does think it would be funny if Zuko invented divorce specifically for Mai’s sake & so with her alimony from her failmarriage she’s free to spend several years being roommates w Sokka while they go to the university in ba sing se except this is not so that she can be employable her goal is to rack up as many useless degrees as possible.
One of her and Sokka’s favorite pastimes is attending essentially university workshops for open “mic” nights for like spoken word and stuff. Sokka kinda enjoys the artistry, Mai just wants to not be bored so she approaches these evenings with more irony-poisoning than he does. Mai thinks it would be very funny to sign Sokka up when she thinks he isn’t looking but much to her chagrin he’s actually better at making up poetry on the fly than he is writing it (not that he’s bad he studies different forms for fun™ like he’s basically a lit minor, but he also over-edits bc he’s extremely self critical).
Sokka Is good at spoken word but not in the way where it’s like, the hard hitting unpacking trauma kind of slam poetry, Sokka has never unpacked a trauma in his life, but under pressure he’s good at striking the right balance of comedy and the tiniest bit of vulnerability and clever wordplay. (This is also why he’s not that good at poetry he sits down and Thinks about, especially when asked to write anything abt himself bc he finds it incredibly navel-gazing and embarrassing). Still, Mai continues to play this joke on him when he least expects it, mainly bc she loves committing to the bit. She eases up for a while bc he starts to suspect her too much only to spring the bit onto him again whenever someone comes to visit just for maximum embarrassment, either Toph, Katara, or Zuko. Toph thinks the whole thing is hilarious. Zuko and Katara both find poetry night deeply moving, but Katara finds Sokka specifically being forced to vamp deeply funny.
She’s tried it w Suki but suki doesn’t even flinch & Mai wonders if it’s bc she’s just that supportive or if she’s just not that discerning when it comes to art. The real answer is that she is plently amused and will tell Sokka in her own time but also Sokka has embarrassed himself in front of Suki enough times that she doesn’t blink an eye at anything. Aang also is not fazed but that’s mainly bc he 100% wants to get in on the fun.
In retaliation, Sokka has gotten Mai on stage before but bc mai would rather die than spout poetry her time always ends up basically being musings abt her life that’s pseudo-workshopping material for a Tight Five & like… it’s not really poetry but the crowd is laughing including the guy who throws ppl out when ppl don’t stick to the correct form (on those specific days). So nobody is going to stop her. She tells a lot of really dryly delivered jokes abt her shitty childhood and her failhusband Li from the tea shop and it takes a hot sec before ppl realize holy shit, she’s actually talking abt the fire lord. And also jokes abt discovering lesbianism. Which she’s thoroughly embarrassed abt being late to the party about. & even more embarrassing to be a dyke secretly love with her best friend. Afterwards, Sokka and Mai do have to correct the other patrons who approach them bc they’re convinced Sokka is the dyke she’s in love with. But they’re just friends. (I don’t know how mining comedy out of blatant dyke drama would work if we’re right to assume Sozin invent homophobia in ATLAverse but w/e).
Also. Sokka WILL boo & heckle her out loud when her material stinks. But if anything, this gives her a chance to do crowd-work which she’s good at. So even tho it’s 100% genuine ppl do start to suspect it’s staged.
I also think part of Mai racking up unemployable degrees includes assignments where she makes really off-putting and macabre interactive exhibits/art installations bc she’s trying to work on authentically expressing herself & wants to be an unpalatable as possible to make up for the years of being a perfect daughter. But she also thinks being too earnest is deeply cringe so even tho her pieces are self evidently kinda tortured and gloomy, as a way of preserving her dignity her artist statements are intentionally as brief and opaque as possible for the highest impact comedic punch.
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scaewolf · 6 months
M.A.L.E.U. - Characters Pt.1
(I put all of this together within 15 hours Lord have Mercy)
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Name: Gene Miles | (He/Him) Asexual,Panromantic
Age: 25
Race: Monan'
Magic Focus: Temperature Magic, preferred higher temperatures | 6th Sense (lifeforce detection)
Summary: Gene is the Leader of Unit 5A, with His Teams focus on Tracking down and First contact with Targets.
With 19 He was involved in a Freak accident that Destroyed His right Body half. Part of His Body is now supported by an Endo-Skeleton, which Supports His movements and General physical Stability.
He Is related with Lucia Miles and engaged with Sidun Martáine.
Personality/Traits: At Work He Is a very disciplined, Task focused leader, known for getting Shit done. In conflicts He can get cruel and stoic If provoked. In His private Life He Is soft spoken, understanding and Loving.
He enjoys Poetry and Apple cakes.
He Is very Spiritual and Nature Loving.
Important fact(s): Due to His 6th Sense, that cannot be suppressed without Meds, He struggles with Insomnia, exhaustion, restlessness. Due to the 6th Sense and His Endo-Skeleton in Combination Staying in one Position gets painful very fast for him. So you will never See Him sit still.
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Name: Lucia Miles | (She/her) Demisexual, Aromantic
Age: appearance ~ 18, actual age 28
Race: Monan'
Magic Focus: Temperature Magic, prefers Heat | foreign Body Manipulation (aka controlling others via reducing their senses or causing physical exhaustment)
Summary: Lucia Miles is the Leader of Unit 5B, with her Teams focus on Observation and de-escalation, aswell as emergency Backup.
Due to some Experiments in her past she struggles with her Skill of absorbing the lifeforce of recently deceased people. That causes her personality to fracture. She slowly looses Touch with reality with every human fragment her Soul adopts.
After the Death of a teammate she gets into necromantic experimentation herself.
Personality/Traits: Lucia is completely Emotion based. She can get hot headed and emotional on a Wink but Manages to keep outbursts under Control while she is at Work. In private Life she is lonely and melancholic. She is forced to enjoy her own company, which Is No good company.
She Likes fancy Dresses and prefers hot environments.
She loves fire works and would Love to visit a desert one day.
Due to her fracturing personality she Is very labil and Tends to get into hyperfixations to keep herself rooted.
Important fact(s): Due to her ability to attract the lifeforce of Others, it Takes a Long Time for her to feel physical exhaustion. She can use her magical abilities for a Long Time before she runs Out too.
That comes of the Cost of her sanity tho, since she Not only Takes in the lifeforce of Others but she also partially adopts Memories and emotions attached to It.
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Name: Sidun Martáine | (He/Him) Homosexual, homoromantic
Age: 24
Race: Human
Magic Focus: -
Summary: Sidun is an orphan. When He Had to leave the orphanage with 15 He soon involves himself in the Korean Mafia, the "Bonghwang". In one of their Safe Houses He found His passion for cooking.
With 18 He Lands himself in prison for a few months. After He gets released He meets Gene who Turns His Life upside down.
After cutting the ties to the Mafia, Sidun Takes on an apprenticeship as a Chef and finished This with Bravour. He now works in a Common Restaurant.
He Is engaged with Gene for a few months now.
Personality/Traits: He Is a very silent Person and hates to be the Center of Attention. Sidun only speaks Few words, If at all, with persons that are Not closely related with him. He rarely shows his emotions and keeps to himself.
In private, especially with His Partner, He Is very Loving. Acts of service being His Love language. He can also become very protective and Dangerous If His friends and Family are in danger.
Thus He can also Channel a cruel personality.
He loves Cats (especially Strays) and appreciates good food and new recipes.
He dislikes the food Made by Gene very much. And goes so far as to ban him from His kitchen.
Important fact(s): Even though He settled on the domestic Life, He wouldn't hestitate to get Back into criminal Activities for the Sake of His Family. Or for Revenge.
Due to being convicted He Is banned from owning pets and moving in with other people for 5 years. (There are also other Rules but those affect him The Most)
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Name: Blaiden Miles | (She/They/He) Bisexual, Biromantic (both sapphic leaning)
Age: 30
Race: Monan'
Magic Focus: own body Manipulation (aka physical enhancement for strenght, dexterity and The 5 senses
Summary: Blaiden Miles is the new identity Lucia Takes on after her mental breakdown. After she got cured of the disease that caused her to loose Touch with reality, she fled to overseas to escape her path.
Making new Friends she slowly builds a new identity, until she is ready to Go Back Home and face her past.
Blaiden is very extroverted. Easily finding Friends that align with her dark humor. Due to a Lot of mixed Memories she often confuses Things and she can come Off as clumsy in her daily Life.
At Work she is very focused and calculating, But still Cares a Lot about her teammates. Always Putting their Wellbeing upon the Mission.
She loves learning new Things, especially about languages and technology.
Important fact(s): Blaiden still has a deep rooted Love for Lucias Family, But she does Not think that she is allowed to Claim this Family as her own. Even though It's the Same Body, she thinks that the "original" Lucia is Long gone. Thus the Name Change.
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Name: Kristan Crockett | (He/Him) Bisexual/Biromantic
Age: 22
Race: Monan'
Magic Focus: Body Manipulation (foreign (5 Sense Block) aswell as own (Focus on strenght)
Summary: He Is Part of Unit 5B and works under Lucia Miles. Kristan grew Up in a rich Family with a Lot of influence and He Always Had a Drive to Change Something in the World. To have some Kind of Impact.
While working with Unit 5 He finds Friends and gains a new Outlook on Life due to the diverse Background of His teammates.
Unbeknownst to Them, he is involved with the Terror Organisation they are supposed to Work against.
Personality/Traits: Kristan is a very Open Person. Often joking around with His friends, and making Smoking Buddies. He loves to Talk about philosophical topics and enjoys debates.
He Is also careful to Not Overshare and keeps His Family Business To himself.
He loves Traditions and knows a Lot about History. Always Sharing little funfacts about Monan' Tempels the Team Visits.
Important fact(s): Kristan was the Organisator behind one of the recent terrorist Attacks and helped some of the attackers to flee while He was on duty.
He still respects the Team even If they are working against His cause, so It Takes a while for him to execute His plan on openly betraying them.
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Name: Lillian Eavs | (She/They) Demisexual/Demiromantic
Age: 18
Race: Monan'
Magic Focus: Own Body Manipulation (Focus on Dexterity and Speed) | self healing
Summary: Lilly has been living in the country for the past 8 years and grew Up with the growing influence of the M.A.L.E.U. Units. With a Drive to also become a powerful protector, she signs Up with 16 and gets through Basic training with her Goal to Join Unit 5.
Just for her to Miss the group and getting assigned to Unit 8 instead.
She still tries to befriend the group and gives Them Hints about her theory of a necromancer on the run.
As soon as her theory proves to be right, she becomes a Honorary member of the Team and joins in on their efforts to end the Corpse snatcher.
Personality/Traits: Lilly is very outgoing and cheerful. She is a very "half Glass full" Person and Always tries to be optimistic. She is curious and loves to get involved with everything she can get her hands on.
She even Manages to Take on Lucia alone for a while.
At Work she can be distracted easily, but she Manages to pull together in critical Situations.
She loves everything sweet and cute. She Also enjoys trying Out new Things in her daily Life at Random. (Like food, new Hobbies, spontaneous travels,...)
Important fact(s): She is the First one to get behind Lucias descend into Madness and volumteers to Take the rage upon herself so her Family and friends do Not get Trapped in the ensuing fire Exchange.
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violentviolette · 3 months
jack. Would you care to share some of your favourite poets.
hell yea! so lucifer at starlite is by kim addonizio, whose my second favorite poet. i also love her book what is this thing called love, that one has my favorite poem by her titled Scary Movies. my second fav poem of hers is probably First Poem For You though it doesnt appear in either of those books but i highly recommend it. the phrase "such permanence is terrifying" is something thats stuck with me for years now
my favorite poet of all time tho is andrea gibson. they're a spoken word poet who performs a lot of their pieces and i'd highly recommend checking out vids or their albums because hearing them speak is absolutely part of the experience. Pansy is probably my favorite book of theirs though. my favorite poem by them is Royal Heart and i actually played it at my and my wifes wedding lmfaoo
i also highly recommend Lenore Kandel, she's an incredibly influencial and important beat poet of the 60s and was in the freind group with jack kerouac and allen ginsberg but is often overlooked and left out of history because of the misogyny of it all. there's a famous quote of her talking about this iconic picture of kerouac and ginsberg, she isnt in it because, as she puts it, "who do you think took the fucking photo?" Her poetry was constantly banned and her books confiscated because she was a woman writing about sex, desire, agency and vulgarity. Her most famous book is probably The Love Book for this reason, it's only 4 poems long but it was a constant point of controversy for violating "obscenity laws." my favorite poem by her is First They Slaughtered The Angels because the line "they will slaughter no more angels, not even us" is raw as all fuck
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thesinglesjukebox · 4 months
From “fucking Drake” to “fuck you, Drake”…
Katherine St. Asaph: "Meet the Grahams" was more vicious, but this has schadenfreude off the charts: one-upping "Family Matters" with something even more engineered as a crossover bop and succeeding at that crossover, thus depriving Drake of his one argument in the court of public opinion; the simultaneous coinage of many new memes dunking on Fucking Drake; the various streams of Drake stans squirming in anguish trying to suppress the urge to dance; clubs playing it almost immediately; the NBA playoff broadcasters adding it to rotation almost immediately (especially considering OKC is in them); the sheer fact that there is an enormously popular track that calls Drake a predator for his publicly predatory behavior. [10]
Will Adams: i ain't reading all that. i'm happy for u tho. or sorry that happened. [3]
Alex Clifton: “Meet the Grahams” was one of the darkest songs I have ever heard and took the Kendrick-Drake beef to an entirely new level. But while “Meet the Grahams” has more damning accusations, “Not Like Us” acts as a real sucker punch because it’s so catchy and funny. Why not beat Drake at his own game by rapping about how he sucks over a dance beat? A jab about Drake’s predilection for younger girls turned into the most quotable line of the summer—honestly a genius move. People will be yelling “it’s probably A minorrrrrrrrrrr” whenever it comes up. The rest is fun, too; the colonizer line in particular makes me snicker. The fact that it was written so quickly with such smart lyrics leaves me in awe. Do I feel good about watching all this unfold? Not exactly; if any of the accusations these men hurl at one another end up being true, I don’t think anyone “wins.” But I am a messy bitch who loves drama, and this is drama to the highest fucking degree. If it sounds this good, all the better.  [7]
Nortey Dowuona: The most seething, unflattering portrait of a theater kid raging that their talent and charm has not gained them the unflinching loyalty of their audience (and by extension their partner), and we will either have to hastily disavow this in four months/four years/tomorrow. That said, incredible, so full points! [10]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: All moral and ethical concerns aside, I celebrate this as the triumphant return of the most notable figure in West Coast rap over the past decade: DJ Mustard! And thank god for it, too — before this, the aftershocks of "Like That" were mostly caught up in boring video essay-type beats (Jack Antonoff was involved) that existed merely so that these guys didn't have to just do spoken-word poetry. (I refrain here from talking too much about "BBL Drizzy," maybe the most interesting work in all of this scuffling.) It's not just that this is a fun beat; it's a beat composed with such obvious glee that it forced Kendrick into doing his best Drakeo (RIP) impression, taunting and generating quotables like he'll never need to rap again. Even when he comes back to his senses and executes a rigorous and serious cultural critique of Drake's extractive practices with regard to the Atlanta rap ecosystem, he gets some good jokes in – if some told me that 2 Chainz had LIED when he said I was good, I would retire immediately. [8]
Jackie Powell: I compare this titular moment in music, the now very public feud between Kendrick Lamar and Drake, to a sports rivalry I follow quite closely. Kelsey Plum of the Las Vegas Aces told reporters during the 2023 WNBA Finals that her rival team, the New York Liberty, didn’t really “care about each other” in tough moments as teammates. She compared them to her Aces, a group of players who show on the internet and on television how close they are. In other words: For Plum, they (the Liberty) aren’t like us (her Aces). This rivalry was built from a couple of ideas: 1) these are the two teams with the most talent in the league, and 2) rivalries are hot-button stories that elevate and bring more eyes to the product. That second idea is where I land when it comes to our hip-hop feud at hand -- and hey, the WNBA is super in style now, so hip-hop should be honored that I’m making this comparison. Reanna Cruz remarked on "Switched On Pop" that this beef is “getting played up to get people to pay attention to rap music again.” She’s not wrong. A huge difference between these two conflicts, of course, is that Drake and Kendrick Lamar are taking cheap shots at each other that make the trauma and pain of many women public. This beef is becoming too personal, rather than just a promotional catalyst for the genre. The synth strings that accompany Lamar’s flow do make this a worthwhile listen without soaking in the numerous disses on the track, and I always enjoy when Lamar adds jazz elements. But the compelling and catchy arrangement aside, I was disappointed in the hook. Saying someone isn’t up to par is a weighted statement, and repeating the title of the track six times isn’t an innovative way to hammer that point home.  [5]
Alfred Soto: I acknowledge the anguish of many writers deploring the unfounded accusations here and in "Meet the Grahams." Exploiting the misery of the victims for the sake of a diss track is gross. Maybe Nas vs. Jay-Z spats no longer suit our times -- I grew up with them and loved them. But I'd be lying if I denied the motherfuckin' catchiness of Mustard-on-the-beat and Kendrick Lamar's arsenal of whines, repetitions, and biographical data. I also remember: art and journalism intersect but have divergent responsibilities.  [8]
Julian Axelrod: If there are any winners in the great Graham-Lamar Beef of 2024, it's the cadre of Genius-pilled rap fans who scour over every stray Kendrick line like it's holy scripture, teasing out assumed allusions and nebulous entendres. Now Kendrick's footnoting with purpose, each toss-away reference loaded with subtext about Drake's personal (and potentially criminal) misdoings. But the most shocking thing Kendrick did -- the thing that probably made Drake madder than any other slight in this saga -- was make a good old fashioned rap radio banger, the kind he hasn't attempted since SZA dropped Ctrl. And even more thrillingly, it's an obsessively reverent LA rap resurrection that nobody does better than Kendrick at his loosest and best, alternating between Drakeo yammers and E-40 yowls over a Mustard beat that sounds like congested traffic on a hot day. (What's crazier, the fact that two of Kendrick's diss tracks are produced by Mustard and Jack Antonoff? Or the fact that the likely chart-topper is produced by one Dijon McFarlane?) If anything, the diss/bop duality is a disadvantage; there's too much weight for the song to feel truly breezy, and it's hard to turn up to direct accusations of sex trafficking and pedophilia. But casual menace is the defining trait of a West Coast diss track, and it's satisfying to hear Kendrick returning to his home turf.  [7]
Hannah Jocelyn: I've seen criticisms for the mix, and anyone who's followed my blurbs during my eight years (!) writing for TSJ knows I'm all for that; believe me when I say that for once, it actually is nitpicking. All that matters for a song like this is that the vocals are intelligible but not too far above the beat. And these vocals are very intelligible, with every syllable as enunciated as Pusha T's "you are HIDING a CHILD" for three minutes straight. The verse calling Drake out for his genre-hopping is as insightful and intense as anything Kendrick’s ever written. But this is obviously most famous for the "A minorrrrr" joke, mocking both Drake's "Dave Freeeeeee" delivery on "Family Matters" and Nicki Minaj's eccentric drawn-out deliveries. (Never mind that the line isn't that strong -- it's the same pun Bo Burnham used over a decade ago.) Even as things get dark, it's an incredibly fun listen; I enjoyed the showmanship of the beef, culminating in Kendrick beating his sworn enemy at his own game. But everyone who hates what it's become is right. Do we really want jokes about these topics? If any of it is true, does that even change anything? Drake's not too famous to get caught, despite what he said; he's just too famous to face any meaningful consequences. The humiliation in "Not Like Us" might be the best we can do about alleged predators on this scale, in place of anything resembling justice. [7]
Oliver Maier: It should be valid -- encouraged, even -- to admit that Kendrick Lamar is at his most annoying when he makes chart music. We are all losers in this godforsaken beef. [2]
Taylor Alatorre: It doesn't live up to the promise contained in that heart-resuscitating DJ Mustard tag, but I don't know if any song could. The song that could live up to that DJ Mustard tag exists only in the realm of pure forms, alongside the band that could live up to the name Libertines and the album that could live up to the title ARTPOP. The actually existing "Not Like Us" lives down here in the muck with us fallen people, in a place of impermanence and unsettledness and compromise. A place where productive collaborations from a decade ago can be recast as colonial thievery in an instant; where populist pandering comes in the strategic use of the words "pedophiles" and "minor"; where sex offender registries are of dubious criminological impact; where my YouTube homepage just looks like this now; where apps are now battlefields and "post-truth" is a casus belli; where the bloodied gears of History churn on in the background, or foreground; where the Macklemore apology form exists; where in some arcane yet deeply intuitive way this all prefigures another Trump electoral victory. And yet, for all of Kendrick’s “me against the industry” posturing, only by climbing on the shoulders of its fraught context is “Not Like Us” able to claw its way into the halls of pop immortality. From "euphoria" onward, this has been the diss track as alternate reality game, roping in everyone from confused Chinese restaurant patrons to the luminaries named in Kendrick's Real Atlanta Roll Call. We bob our heads to the lines about statutory offenses not because the bars are the hardest-hitting ever, or because we particularly care about the legal fate of Baka Not Nice, but because we imagine the thousands of other people bobbing their heads at that exact moment, astounded that (or wondering whether) we're allowed to do so. Because the floodgates have been opened, Carnival is upon us, and for a few charged weeks even a beat that Stay Dangerous-era YG would have left alone can become a defining document of its time. Monoculture status: alive, in Serbia.  [7]
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peppermint-moss · 2 years
Who/what is your biggest inspo for poetry or art?
aagh i dont think i'll ever have one biggest inspo for poetry n art i just have a lot of lads which i like specific things about + those likes are still always ongoing and changing lol (which btw ty for askin bout poetry cause i LOVE it n i never get asked abt poetry hehe)
I have a big ol google doc where i have lines of fav poetry i write down when i come across them (usually when im just scrollin the internets) and atm I've been noticing that a lot of lines i keep enjoying are all by Mary Oliver even tho i've yet to read her collection of poetry!!! so that's on my to-do list C: other poets who's names keep poppin up in that google doc are ocean vuong, richard siken, chen chen and uhh flatsound? they do more music but they've done some spoken word stuff and their songs just feel close enough to the realm of poetry to me u know
Art stuff... lol which medium?? /lh I really like thomas jordan's photography (the COLOURS my DUDE) mmm shelia berger's kinetic sculptures and KICKASS "Bird Show" encaustic paintings (i watched the rlly short like 5 min documentary on her and i was enraptured) Spencer finch has got a lot of cool conceptual art stuff like i think CIE 529 418 (CANDLELIGHT) is rlly cool!! Holly warb and @/vchienart both got some lovely lovely illustrations/paintings with soft beautiful colours... @/emilienunez has some really pretty and elegant yet v cute ceramics!! and @/soonthemoon some really like cute warm n cozy ones... Oof there's so many digital artists i love ;-; and i keep finding new cool lads aghh @catnippackets has such a good grasp on like form n shape if that makes sense?? like drawin people in these rlly fluid poses in like silky lineart aaa i found @milkdudz 's art recently and i LOVE their art style and their cats are just. perfect balance of spiky and soft n very very Cat which is so good @everydaylouie u gotta know louie right ?? how can someone make such lovely 2d and 3d art and music and also know how to code n make lil games. that is too much power for one soul to possess nifty-senpai's art n animations and designs ofc!! are incredible!! and i REALLY love their concepts for what the wc clan territories look like (this moonpool are you kidding me???? gorgeous) @thunderc1an's lineless art style my beloved...... yall clammorin about my lineless art style u GOTTA check out theirs so good (also the everchanging never the same designs for wc characters is so good so freeing so interesting to look at!!) SmallButera's animations omg... literally speechless (also have u seen their series baman piderman?? its so precious it might be on indefinite hiatus im not too sure but its still my favourite thing) chadisms, Riley Ellis, Asha Phaedra and Cherrydusk also got some BANGIN animation skills and o my god this post got so long n theres still so many ppl ive gots to stop and do homework LOL
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rhenuvee · 2 years
Congratulations on reaching 400 followers ^^ well-deserved!! <3
May I request a match up with a male character from Genshin?
I'm a rather reserved and quiet person, but when I'm comfortable with someone I let myself loose a little, but still holding up my guard. I'm also really really private, but not secretive. I xon't sugar coat my words but I also make sure I won't come as offensive. i find it weird that even if I'm only engaging in a casual conversation, my wordings are rather either formal, but soft-spoken, or flowery (you know, metaphors) lol. Due to my being quiet I am not really someone people take interest in engaging prolonged conversations with, whicb I appreciate. I am pretty stubborn when it comes to getting to the truth of things.
I love to play video games to pass time and maybe escape my thoughts for a while.
Whenever I feel a little lonely (since I spend most of my days alone), I love to sing songs while playing the guitar.
When inspiration strikes, I draw or paint from that inspiration, or write a poetry about it.
Art galleries.
I am a huge fan of watching horror films/series and scientific documentaries, especially ones that cover the environment or the outer space.
Lately, I've been sleeping a lot. Like, after waking up in the morning, the first thing I do is go back to sleep lol.
I love to watch the clouds in the day and stars (and the moon, if visible) in the night. Gets me lost in my thoughts or in awe. Nature-watching/viewing, in general, is one of my most favorite things to do no matter the weather.
My prominent love languages are quality time and acts of service.
I'm not a fan of loud people. Although they are okay, I'd rather be in solitude or with someone who isn't loud.
I also really dislike gossip and other nonsensical exchange (shallow conversations)
Invasion of personal space.
I really hate it when people lie in my face when I could clearly tell they're lying like it's my sixth sense.
Lastly, people who cannot stand up for themselves and always rely on others. I find them rather pitiful and burdensome.
I hope it isn't too long. Congratulations again on reaching 400 followers <3 I hope you gain more from here <3
Thank you!
⊱ ━━━━ Matchup! Genshin Impact ━━━━ ⊰
You're matched up with...
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Nature watching tho... I could not think of a better time to spend with each other than that
Like you'll be sitting on a grassy hill, watching the flowers swaying in the wind, birds chirping and hopping together, all while Tighnari does some research. Once in a while he'll come over to you and join you.
Tighnari also isn't fond of loud noises, so you both definitely know when to coordinate if you ever want to get away from the busy city and relax somewhere more peaceful
He can very much take care of himself, so you won't have to worry about that. On the other hand, he likes taking care of you and making sure you're taking care of yourself. Otherwise, he's happy to accommodate for any of your concerns whether is making sure you're healthy or simply giving you company.
Both of you enjoy your silent times together where you'll be in the same room, but doing your own things.
⊱ ━━━━━━━━ ⊰
Rhen’s 400 Follower Event: This event is now closed!
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narasnooze · 10 months
// In my drafts, I found a small drabble of an idea I had for an AsuShika one shot... a modern au, a library/bookstore café thingy. It goes a little bit like this...
Bookstore Coffee shop AU.
   Shikamaru doesn’t work there (yet), he’s actually just a university student that spends an awful lot of time at said Book/Coffeeshop that some people start to think he does work there. There are regulars... and then there’s Nara Shikamaru.    Nara Shikamaru, is a very clever young man but pretty socially awkward and quiet. He rather spends his time with a book and a cup of coffee, than join his friends at parties and other inconvenient situations. He doesn’t always get to skip, though. Both Ino and Chōji make sure of that.     Being the extreme introvert he is, and with his overall personality; Shikamaru isn’t very good with strangers, or meeting new people. It usually takes a while for him to feel comfortable and open up. But one day, a man walks into the library-esq coffee shop and out of nowhere asks Shikamaru for help.     “Hey, you work here?”    “Uh... ah, ...no–”    “–I’m looking for a certain poetry book by edgar allan poe and I can’t seem to find it anywhere in the stores around. It is one Collected Works... you think you guys have it here?”    “... uhm, yeah, we do. they do. I don’t.. work here. But they do. it’s uh... over there in the back... by the–   i can show you..”  ’I can show you.’ Never in his life has those words left his lips before. A suggestion to willingly be in a stranger’s company? Outrageous.     “That’d be great, thanks.”    Shikamaru walk over the stained wooden floor to the shelf where a copy of the requested book rests among other old poetry books and hands it to the man. “It’s a bit used, but I think that just adds to the book in a way...”    “...adds to it?”    “well, it’s... it’s been around a while. it’s been used, by many. who all have their uhm.. own stories, i guess..   it’s like it has developed a soul... the book. old things tend to mean.. more. have bigger value. emotionally.”    Again, Shikamaru has done something very unlike him. Spoken, willingly, more than five words to a stranger. He does, however, continuously avoid eye contact.    The man watches him and starts to smile wider and wider.    “A book with a soul... I like that.”     “... yeah..   ok, uh... well, bye.”     “Good bye. And thank you...”     Shikamaru nods. The man looks after him with interest as he goes by the cashier to buy the book and leaves the store. Shikamaru secretly watches him do all this and sees him walk past the window. The man catches his eyes for a mere second and offers another smile, Shikamaru hurries to look back down into his book and can feel his ears burn hotter than the coffee in his mug.
Now, I would love to write this one and finish it, but i don't know if I ever will ;; ?? It would be so fun to write this Shikamaru tho, in this setting or something similar asdfjgnfds I suppose it is a bit similar to my College/University AU...? But in that, he's not as 'shy'? He just don't care about anything lmao. Maybe I should work this into that, tho... or make a second AU.
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v01d3nt1ty · 1 year
"Didn’t I tell you
you are a fish do not go to dry land
for I am the deep Sea." - rumi
(from GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki)
oh to be able to express like rumi!
or to be spoken through. or however it works.
this hit me bc i am deeply connected to the ocean. my *happy memory* go-to is the beach, the pacific ocean, *my* ocean. my fav colors are like soft teals, pastel aquas and blues, deep ceruleans... so yeah i'm a mermaid but not like... not like the commercialized version that everyone buys into. if i die tragically, i want it to be by drowning in the ocean.
wtf was my point.
anyway it brought me into that sharp awareness of being. and it's like peace & love & comfort & oneness & vibing...
idk, it was cool.
i also really love language. i hate it, but i love it. i hate that we need it, it's so clunky and awkward. there are a lot of words to remember & what if you get them wrong or forget them or put them in the wrong order? (hello, autism. 👋) i used to write poetry, realized i sucked at it & stopped.* i've always been deeply interested in foreign language, even tho i do not have the attention span to learn any. (i took one yr of spanish and 3 of french tho, that was fun. tried to take german... studied japanese w a new-at-the-time friend who has been a friend for like 10yrs or more.) (also i really love.... intentionally arranged sound? & i love variety. so i basically just love the way languages *sound* even without the meaning. don't get me started on accents...)
but i think my deep appreciation for language comes from being neurodivergent, being frustrated at being misunderstood all the time. being afraid to speak up too much bc my thoughts didn't align w what i was taught. my instincts going exactly counter to what i was being told all the time. so i probably developed this desire to be able to correctly assemble and arrange the most appropriate words for any given situation. the right & wrong things... so much to remember.. omg so boring, so tedious.. no wonder i hate everything. er.
so. yeah. no one asked for my psychology, but there u go. i never told u to read this, it's ur own damn fault.
*so this is a memory story. there are two, actually.
the first is, when i was in 5th grade, so around 9 or 10, i wrote this poem & it got printed in The School Newspaper (!!! omg such a huge deal!) anyway, i had this memory, & vaguely remembered some of the words. then somewhere in my 20s, i found the paper & read it & i was *amazed.* it was phrased perfectly, didn't even rhyme, was pretty deep esp for a 10 yr old. i *cannot* remember exactly how it went, but if i posted it with no context, u wouldn't think it was by a little kid. idk how i *lost* how to do that. probably by trying to Be Good and follow rules.
the other is when i was in hs, probably a senior, probably 17. so i listened to a lot of 90's alternative & grunge, as one did back then. (98.5 KOME, i still remember 😂 i wonder if any of those tapes are still good?) so i wrote a poem that was probably heavily influenced by the lyrics of the time, smashing pumpkins, REM, nirvana... and i was v proud of it. idek why i thought showing it to my family was a good idea, but i did. & my grandma goes "this [part] doesn't make any sense. what does it mean?" and i'm like "it isn't supposed to mean anything..." anyway it crushed my lil soul and i had to Follow Rules again. bc how can i know how to People if i don't do things the way People do things?
oh wow that's sad. poor young me. *hugs lil me*
why do i share my trauma.
idfk. maybe so one day, even one person will feel less alone.
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novavirus · 2 years
Album Opinions: A Lot Like Birds - No Place
I have a LOT of feelings about music, and little to no outlet for these feelings. So I’m forcibly clawing out a horrible little hole in the sand to sit in and scream about my horrible little opinions for a while. 
Also here’s a notice that I don’t really know what I’m talking about most of the time, but I do my best to give important context surrounding my horrible little opinions.
That context part I was just talking about
A Lot Like Birds, baseline, has a history that is slightly more complicated than your average band.
Their first album, Plan B, is very unpopular compared to their later works, their second album especially. In between their first and second album, they saw the loss of many of their more “wacky” instrumentalists, and the addition of a new vocalist. 
Kurt Travis joined the band after being kicked out of Dance Gavin Dance. This change led to a big boost in publicity which was multiplied by a shift in style to something more traditionally “Swancore”. These changes lead to Conversation Piece (the aforementioned second album), being their most popular.
Their third album, No Place, takes the more accessible sound of Conversation Piece and blends it with the band’s original more chaotic progressive roots (not to say that Conversation Piece wasn’t proggy, it was just less-so). It’s slightly less popular and most fans tend to prefer Conversation Piece (afaik), but it is definitely the album I prefer for a few main reasons.
Things this album does well!
Album “Flow”
This album manages to have a huge variety of feelings expressed throughout its conceptual journey through an abandoned house. It primarily explores the pain of “growing up”, looking at the main character’s relationship with various elements of their life by assigning each room of the old house to a song, and each feeling explored has an appropriate musical energy to match.
Even beyond the story-line of the album, the songs flow really well together. Each song in the album works really well together, with multi-song build ups and climaxes with poetic spoken-word sections to split them up (i’ll get into that in just a second).
Overall, it’s hard to get bored listening to this album. Even with some of the parts being a bit “boring”, every part fits together and makes a front to back listen very satisfying.
Song writing
Moving past the long term concepts of the album, a lot of the individual songs are just very well written. (Here’s where we get to the part where I really don’t know what I’m talking about! Don't worry about it tho). They are pretty much everything you can want from a good progressive post hardcore album. Technically dense, emotionally charged, huge amounts of variety both in between separate tracks, and within the confines of just one spot. It never feels like one vocalist overstays their welcome, both of them are constantly participating and when they take a backseat it makes sense. (also there’s a really good trumpet part somewhere. I think it’s in Recluse but I don’t remember)
It’s hard to find specific examples in this album because so much of it is so good. However, I do think the stand-out track is Connector. Connector takes everything I love about this album and condenses it into six minutes and ten seconds. It has a comfortable spot in my favorites playlist (as well as Next To Ungodliness, but I have less to say about that one).
Weird Spoken-Word Sections
A lot of the emotional climaxes of this album are separated by brief spoken-word sections from the band's harsh vocalist (from what I remember, he writes a lot of poetry in his free time). partially, I like how they affect the flow and feeling of the album. I also just, think they’re neat. Myth of Lasting Sympathy especially is such a cool track, and does a really good job letting down the energy of Connector into the slightly more subdued second half (ignoring Recluse, obviously, which is just a ridiculous track)
I imagine this is an aspect of this element that less people are gonna like, but it’s a huge plus in my opinion.
Things this album does poorly!
Not Very Much
The only thing I can really challenge about this album is that, especially in the second half, the strength of the individual tracks are kind of lacking. 60-70% of this album is not written to be enjoyed on shuffle, or listened to on loop. However, I don’t think it takes away from the album, considering that this was very obviously written with the full album in mind more than anything.
Overall, this is an album that has recently crept its way into some of my absolute favorites. Pretty much ever since I started getting into these styles of music, I’ve preferred the more out there progressive approaches to Swancore (bands like Hail The Sun, Eidola, Dwellings, Closure in Moscow, etc.), and I think that A Lot Like Birds has the best interpretation of this style. I really like their fourth album as well (DIVISI), and I enjoyed the projects both vocalists got into aftwards (Cory Lockwood in Sufferer, and Kurt Travis in Royal Coda), but I do sometimes wonder what would have happened if A Lot Like Birds continued off of the momentum of No Place.
Anyway, this album is just really good, and is probably one of the 5 or so albums I would consider a genuine 10/10. Listen to this album.
I put too much effort into this, but it was fun and probably something I’ll do again. 
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noxtivagus · 2 years
that spoken word i wrote back in gr 9 for english class about relating to the moon is still to relevant in the present n i love it so much
#🌙.rambles#i'm still proud of being able to write smth like that back then#i was relating us all to the moon w our imperfections n beauty but#i loved how around the end i wrote like. 'we don't have to be as beautiful as the moon' bcs 'we're only human after all'#i really love the thought in that. being the kind of people that we humans r capable of being bcs we're mortals#'the world is vast and the night is still young.'#honestly wnvr i think about how fast time's going by. when i look deep into my heart n soul i still see a young dreamer#no matter how old i get i aspire to always keep those dreams n words alive.#if i keep the curiosity of the kid with me then i think i'll be able to really learn n understand life in the way that best defines me#i love the poetry in this spoken word tho of#relating ourselves to these celestial beings. but in the end it's incomparable yet bcs we're human. n that's enough. that's alright#one day i hope to be well enough to write again. i do write from time to time but i'm a bit tired to really complete stuff#that's alright. i can be kind to myself. it's enough to go at our own pace#it hits different reading old stuff from before bcs i wld rlly just dream#but as i'm growing older n older i see how it reflects more n more on my reality#'before I know it / it’s already dawn.' i wrote that metaphorically back then but now i literally even stay awake till dawn ;;#even in pain i always write about how beautiful the world is. n that makes me realize that i'm still a kind n good person at heart#i do need to work on accepting my faults n a healthier n kinder manner but. yeah. i love people like me after all.#there's a reason why i love the moon so much as well. it's just rlly so poetic n beautiful to me#around the world there's ppl i've met n known that have associated me (a stranger from somewhere out there in the world) w the moon#i'm thinking abt life again n how beautiful it is. of all its possibilities n of all the connections n meaning we make#n us all as well. i know for me i really am a dreamer at heart. i'll always keep that. even if i'm weird or wtvr then who cares?#i'll be myself. /i/ am the one in control of my life n i'll decide how i choose to see my world. and live the way i want#sure it's lonely bcs most ppl out there aren't like us in this particular way but. we'll find that comfort. we deserve that.#who are we to be confined and restrained in this wide vast world?#how tragic it is to wish to hide. we don't have to be so open but we're all deserving of being known and understood#aaaa i'm probably still gna be a bit distant bcs i'm tired still but that's alright! it's ok to focus on myself!#i'll do the rest when i'm ready. for now this is the next step i choose to take. small steps at a time. that's enough for now.#oh yeah this is the certain peace in myself i feel that makes me perform my best. i feel like myself again right now#n honestly all this keeps on cycling n repeating but it's alright. i learn more each time. n i'll keep on forging ahead unto tomorrow
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kit-tempo · 5 years
Hey babes! Sorry for being MIA, I’ve been prepping like mad to go with the Vancouver Slam Poetry team to the Canadian Festival of Spoken Word. I leave tomorrow! (holy shit!)
I still have 2 chapbooks for sale, both of which I’m bringing to CFSW. I’m happy to ship free within canada. Like Falling (the ghost girlfriends chapbook) is 10-15$ sliding scale, Hypomanic Girlcrush is 15-20$ sliding scale.
DM me if you want in on them and otherwise, I’ll be queueing up some of my favourite quotes from my works for this site because I kinda took everything else down.
Feel free to follow me on instagram @kittempo and on twitter @kit_tempo if you wanna keep up on what goes down at CFSW! I’m also gonna go see my friends Bicurious George (bigcruiogorge on instagram) Nisha Patel’s (anothernisha on instagram) feature at Toronto Slam tomorrow night, so you’ll get some shameless promotion for them too!
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proud-mom85 · 3 years
Misha's friendship with Jensen (I do not ship real people so this is not a shipping post).
I love how each friendship that Misha is different from each other. We all know Misha, he's a weird guy who only ever tries to be himself, does his best to be open with fans while keeping some things private (there's quite a bit of his life that's none of our business, he shares enough of himself with us).
He's honest, humble, down to earth (even tho he also likes to have his ego boosted once in a while), he charitable, creative, smart, doesn't live about his means, uses his fame to bring fans together so with them he can help as many people as he can, he a wonderful father and amazing husband, he's loyal to everyone he cares about and treasures every relationship he has, he's intelligent and has a way with words.
There's also the slightly darker qualities he has like he doesn't always feel he deserves the love and adoration he gets from fans, he doesn't think that he's as good a person as he's often told by people (not just fans), he doesn't think he's a good actor, based on things he's spoken of at a few cons he has his own mental health battles that he faces now and then (sometimes only, and sometimes hearing his wife's voice has helped him [he's mentioned how there has been times where hearing her voice gave him solace]).
He has a truly beautiful soul and is a wonderful, incredible human being. He has many talents ranging from his acting to his poetry, carpentry, his philanthropy work and many other things that he does. He has the type of personality that is magnetic and soothing.
This goes on to the effects we've seen him have on the people around him. U can't look at this man, watch him for even a few seconds, and not fall in love with him. And it's very clear that every one of his friends love him dearly, it's evident in the way they each look at him.
Take Jensen for example. We know him to usually be shy and reserved but when he is around Misha, u see how quickly he relaxes and opens up, being himself. And when he's in a bad mood while doing a panel, Misha is the one who seems to know how to help him calm down, how to soothe him so he can get through it (prime example is JIB Con 2014 when Jensen had a solo panel and about halfway through it he become tense and upset, but when Misha came out he was calm again and got through the last portion of his panel with a smile).
Jensen’s relationship with Misha is a close one, best friends and brothers. Jensen also seems protective of Misha, wanting to look out for this man he's gotten close to over the last 12 years. I'm sure it's partly to do with what we know about Misha’s past but I'm sure there's also stories that Misha has told Jensen that we don't know about that also may play into it. He also picks on Misha like friends do, but also knows when to let up.
Jensen treasures his friendship with Misha and he truly cares about Misha, just as Misha truly cares about Jensen. They make each other laugh in ways other people can't.
There will never be another human being like Misha Collins.
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dazaiswindow · 4 years
music to my ears
characters: dazai x f! reader
word count: 910
genre: slight angst, bittersweet fluff
tw: implied sexual content (nothing graphic tho)
a/n: yee this is another self-insert fic to console myself because dazai still won’t come home to me 💀 sorry in advance for any grammatical errors, because i literally just wrote this in one sitting and whipped it out without a second proofreading
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Dazai is very soft spoken, when you first met him on that fateful night, he'd always talk to you in a light and cheerful tone, it makes him sound very open and friendly and so you two become quick friends
Talking to him each day always felt so fun, and you always look forward to spend your time with him again tomorrow, so you and Dazai agreed to spend evenings together for a walk in the mansion's garden everyday
Friendship turned into something more but it doesn't quite have a name yet. After more agonizing days of exchanged gazes that lingered too long and sheepish smiles that were too obvious to hide, you felt you can not suppress your feelings for him anymore
You told him of your feelings first and it was beyond any joy when he told you that he felt the same, but also that he had been afraid of telling you because he wouldn't want you to see the ugly parts of him, should you two become a lover, you reassured him and told him that you had loved and would still love him despite all his ugly parts
Now that you two are positively a lover, you came to know that there are more tones to Dazai's voice other than the light, cheerful tone he always used when you were first getting to know each other and becoming friends— and you loved each and every one of that tones whenever he used it at certain times
In the dawn of the morning when the sun had not yet risen and the room was still quiet but for the sound of soft breathing, you felt cool fingers tracing the surface of your body, slowly, from your collarbone down to your shoulder blade, even lower still until it rests on the side of your hip, you shivered at the touch everytime
"Good morning."
It was low and a little croaked from the sleep, but he always greet you first every time you opened your eyes, it was a wonder how he always seemed to have woken up first before you, and you wondered if he had actually been awake since the wee hours of the night, but you never asked, because you knew he'd rather you not
"Good morning, there's still some time before breakfast, let's go back to sleep."
How you have always returned his greetings, he just nodded and threads his fingers back on your hair, caressing it softly which always lull you back to sleep, but you knew that he never go back to sleep again, he just laid there slowly stroking your hair, watching you fall asleep next to him until the sun finally rise. You knew because you had pretended to fall asleep once
Or when you found him in his room once when you went to deliver his blanc while he was —supposed to be— caught up in his writings, but instead, he was staring sorrowfully out the window, as if he was seeing something distant, the look of sorrow was gone from his face as soon as he heard you enter the room though, but the one on his eyes were not
You set the tray of blanc on his bedside table and went over to his desk, placing both of your palms softly on each side of his face, caressing it gently to coax him to look at you, when he finally looked up, the emotions that waver deep inside his eyes was almost too heartbreaking to see, but you bit your lip to hold back your tears, it was also a wonder how he managed to make his pain feels as if it were your own
"Toshiko-san, would you hold me for awhile?"
It was frail and feeble, and you hurried to hold his head against your chest, brushing his hair back and away from his face which now rests on your chest, he looped his arms around your waist and closed his eyes at the feeling of your gentle fingers on his hair
"Always, my love, I will abide should you only asked."
The tranquil smile he'd show you after didn't match with the storm raging on his eyes, but you didn't say a word, you were grateful enough that he was starting to let out his repressed emotions more around you, it was a great progress if compared to the first time you got together. Even on a more unpleasant times like this, you would still love the tone of his voice, it was all a part of him and you were telling the truth when you told him that you would love every single part of him
But despite of it all, there was nothing you loved more than the tone he used when says your name—truly yours— how he made each syllables sound like poetry, flowing smoothly from his delicate lips
When your hot bodies were pressed close together and his lips finding home on your skin littered in red marks like petals of roses, when his breathing were short and quick and he reached up to brush your damp hair from sticking on your forehead, there was nothing you loved more than the way he look into your eyes, his lips parted and your name came out as a sigh halfway through, and yet he took one more shaky breath, lips forming a tender smile before parting once again
“I love you more than anyone.”
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dawnover-dusk · 4 years
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it’s only like, two years later lol. inspired by my intern boot camp! lemme know if there’s too much medical jargon so i know i can tone it down in the future lol  EM resident wonwoo x IM intern reader, bullet point, not proofread more seventeen medical au here!
- wonwoo is a 2nd year EM resident - but as a fresh-faced baby intern, you mistake him for an attending - it’s not your fault really -- his aura and quiet stoicism despite the packed ED suggested years of experience - so when you are on nights and a patient that you are admitting starts crashing, you don’t even question it when he comes running over and ordering you to get fluids - after the patient’s vitals stabilize, your adrenaline is still pumping as you shakily say “thank you dr. jeon” - he contemplates you over his wire-framed glasses and nods, “oh it’s just wonwoo”
- and as you gush over wonwoo to your (barely awake) senior resident jeonghan, he begins to grin - you know you’ve only been working at the hospital for a month, but it’s long enough to know that jeonghan is scheming - so when jeonghan calls you over the next night to get sign-out for a new admission, you’re a lil sus - but you don’t have time to react when jeonghan runs out of the room cackling and you hear wonwoo’s voice over the speaker say “hey yn” - and you curse at how your heart jumps over his deep voice and you don’t know if you should thank jeonghan or kill him - when you go to see that patient, wonwoo can’t help but look over at you from time to time from where he is seated at his workstation - not that he purposely chose that seat because he could see that patient or anything because he’s definitely not interested ... and not that jeonghan texted him the entire night about you LOL - and he can see your eyes crinkle over your mask as you talk softly to the elderly woman - and how you pat her hand and she grasps yours for reassurance - and how you run over to the supply storage to grab a hot pack for her before you go back upstairs - just like how you were in awe of how calm he was during an emergency, he’s awed by how considerate you are - so he doesn’t even really mind when you walk into the medicine lounge for more keurig coffee and jeonghan ditches him in the most conspicuous way possible - “oh hi wonwoo!” you greet him brightly, setting down the steaming paper cup on the table as you plop down on the couch across from him - and now he is graced with your full smile, the corners of your eyes crinkling as he tentatively smiles back and gives a small wave - “thanks again for helping me out last night! you looked super cool and i hope that i can be like you,” you start, before realizing that that you just blurted that out without thinking - you could feel your face start to flush and if you weren’t avoiding eye contact, you would’ve seen that wonwoo’s hand had reflexively come up to cover his grin - “don’t worry about it, i know med school and the real world are totally different but you’ll get the hang of it. i’ve seen you with patients though and they can’t teach that amount of empathy, so you’re already miles ahead” - your eyes widen and even though you’ve been trying so hard to fake like everything’s been okay - intern year sucks - “thank you, wonwoo,” you whisper, but words cannot convey how much his recognition means to you - throughout the rest of the rotation, you meet up with wonwoo to have bad coffee and over time, you don’t even use jeonghan as an excuse anymore - whenever wonwoo is off, he texts to check in on you - wonwoo knows how scary it is to be alone as an intern on nights, and as much as he loves jeonghan, he knows that he’s less than…hands on - but you always try to change the subject from work because you believe that when you’re off from the hospital, you should be off - so you talk about video games and literature and spoken word poetry - and to his surprise, wonwoo ends up telling you that he sometimes writes lyrics for this music group that he was part of back in med school (he has never told anyone else this!!!!) - so you ask him to go to a show with you the next time you’re free and he’s like “sure” but internally he’s like “IS THIS…A DATE???”
- “wonwoo’s finally going to have a s/o!” jeonghan all but shouts to his co-residents jihoon and joshua in the morning - it’s been a month on nights and you’re back on the day team - you had gone to intern morning report while the rest of your team...gossips? - “it’s too early for this,” jihoon grumbles while joshua slides his chair closer to jeonghan - “i am the best senior that an intern can have and no one can tell me otherwise,” he continued while joshua just chuckled - “last i heard, you let the intern handle septic shock and you didn’t even leave the call room,” jihoon rebutted. - “uhh..hi?” you question as you enter the room and see joshua zoom back over to his desk and jihoon whip around and pretend to finish his email - jeonghan clears his throat to fill the silence but as he is the king of luck, your pager goes off and you exit that room as quickly as you had entered, shouting something about a code in the ED - jihoon: “so…are you gonna help or” - jeonghan: “nah it’s cool” - in the ED, you run over to the crowd that had formed around this patient and you see wonwoo at the head of the bed who nods at you - “yn, this patient came in with nausea and vomiting but her blood pressure has dropped and her mental status has changed. we think she’s having a heart attack” - you grab the EKG and your eyes widen as you tell the nurse to ready a defibrillator - “there’s nothing that we don’t already know on the EKG, we have to get her to cardiology,” wonwoo argues but you point out this one beat that is abnormal - “she’s going to get worse, wonwoo” you reply and before wonwoo can say anything, the patient’s heart rate skyrockets - “ready for defib,” wonwoo says. “charge to 200, and clear!” - the patient’s rhythm returns to normal and after her vitals are stabilized and she’s transported to cardiology, you see wonwoo slip out - “hey,” you call, and you see him stop in a less busy hallway, his eyes trained on the floor and his face pale. “let’s go somewhere else,” you grab the crook of his arm and lead him to the benches in front of the vending machines - you grab a cup of warm tea and sit down next to the silent man, noticing that his hands are shaking as he runs one through black disheveled hair - “…i’m sorry,” he starts as you gently bump your knee against his - “hey, she’s alive, she’s going to be fine,” you say, folding his shaking hands around the cup and wrapping your hands around his - even though this was foreign to wonwoo, it was…comforting. your thumb brushing across his knuckles, your breath falling in sync with his… - you were comforting - “you know what they always tell us in school, that medicine is a team sport? i’ll always have your back,” you laugh, and you see the corners of his mouth start to rise - “are we still on for our date?” he asks, although so lowly that you almost miss what he’s saying before a wide grin breaks out onto your face - “honestly it’s the highlight of my day off,” you reply
- skip forward in time and you’re almost at the end of your intern year - you pretty much live at wonwoo’s now, using the excuse that he lives closer to the hospital despite jeonghan saying you’re in LOVE - and now instead of jeonghan trying to play wingman, he’s complaining about how much wonwoo won’t shut up about you - when your schedules don’t match up, you prep food for him when he’s working and vice versa - on days off you switch off having lazy days in with going to the movies or hanging out with friends - you meet his med school music group and you’re surprised to see jihoon there (he glares at you whenever you try to bring it up during work though) - tells you the CHEESIEST jokes and wordplay and every chuckle he can get out of you is a victory that he rides the entire week - you’re each other’s go-to person for the most random thoughts, from “why does rheumatology take weeks when all they give are steroids” to “what are the ethical obligations for us as physicians to like…zombies tho…” - his affection for you in the hospital is in the form of coffee and trying not to admit complex patients to whatever medicine team you’re on (jeonghan will point out this favoritism CONSTANTLY) - appreciates that you initiate the skinship at home because sometimes he gets too nervous - one day you’re leaning on him as he plays video games, your laptop open on your lap and you should be doing work but you can’t help but absentmindedly stare as he plays - and you take in his furrowed brow and his glasses and the way he adjusts his headset - it hits you -- you love this man - and you’re so zoned out that you don’t notice that he’s paused his game and is looking at you quizzically - all you can do is pull him down and kiss him and only the need for air causes you to pull back - “so…should i play games more often?” he jokes and you sigh, the arm wrapped around your waist pulling you closer to him as he giggles - “i love you,” you whisper into his neck as one of his hands smooth over your hair - “i would hope so, it would be awkward since you’ve practically moved in and all” - “wonwoo!” - and all you can see is his nose wrinkling in laughter before he kisses you again
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thisdivorce · 3 years
thanks @smokey-mickey for the tag!
nickname: leigh
zodiac sign: i'm a pisces through and through
height: 5’4
last thing i googled: the food bank (not for me tho)
followers: my follower count is hella wonky. someone will add me and my count doesn't go up, and then one night i lost 60 followers overnight, and i emailed tumblr support and no one responded in true tumblr fashion. i didn't notice that it was any recent fandom followers so *shrug*
song stuck in my head: none at the moment!
how many hours of sleep: 7-8 thanks to my best buddy ~seroquel~
dream job: if you would have asked me ten years ago my dream job would be the one i'm doing, how sad is life because it is NOT my dream job. but my spouse and i would love to open a lil bookstore in a mountain town and hold spoken word nights and it can be a queer hang out, and i can write on my downtime because small business owners always have so much free time right?
lucky number: 20
currently wearing: my nightie i am not making this up (see below)
aesthetic: okay, you know how everyone has that one aunt who never had kids and sometimes goes to the hospital and cries a lot and is a little eccentric and other times totally normal? i am that aunt (metaphorically and literally). smoking a lil reefer, tattoos, tarot cards, a lot of grey hair poking through perpetually messy hair, big colourful glasses, crystal and gaudy jewelry, dresses for comfort (like hospital chic?). my little nieces are like mom what is wrong with that lady 😳 it me!
favorite song: wonderwall by oasis (i will never get over that song ?! i'm stuck in the 90s)
favorite author: sarah waters, michael cunningham, margaret atwood, tommy orange, poetry: andrea gibson, rudy francisco, richard siken
favorite animal noise: my cat makes these little squeaks when she goes up and down the stairs and it's sooooo cute
please do this if you want because i am tag fatigued and actually fatigued
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