#i love working with sciences
schakira · 1 year
Gray! How’s it going?! It’s been a while!
lol I saw your tags. I recently started a new job as a process engineer in a semi conductor wafer plant. I’m a lake new to the field so I’ll explain best I can 😅
Normally the method used to design the circuits on chips is to use something called photolithography. To do that you basically use this light sensitive paint and a custom designed mask to block part of it in the shape of the design. Then you can expose only the region you want.
What I am working on is a new method using a high powered electron beam and beam sensitive paint to directly draw the patterns on the chips! It’s called electron beam lithography instead. It takes a bit longer but then we don’t need to buy or make any more of the masks that they use for photo lithography. We are a small scale fabrication so buying a lot of masks is not ideal.
Drawing these small patterns requires really precise alignment of the beam so we can be sure to line up to the previous layers. There is a small + drawn into the stage where we place the wafer so we can use it to reference where we are pointing but I found out that others are using Penrose tilings to more accurately position themselves! It’s pretty cool but idk if I can convince my managers that we need to lol.
Anyway how are you??! What’s new? how are classes?
i love tjis so much i really love when people share their work/hobby/etc knowledge with me. i just really love learning new stuff it makes me feel whole.
when i was reading your explanation (obviously i am no professional in your field nor am i an engineer though i wish), i couldn't help but wonder if using a more energy-intensive method would be more cost-effective down the line.
but like it really sounds like buying the custom-made masks is just that much more expensive for small scale operations. kinda like offset printing, where we use printing plates for each CMYK colors. and we also use the + for positioning! but i guess i'll have to look into using penrose tilings for more accurate printing processes that actually seems promising!
what's new with me? eeeh a lot and not much at the same time to be honest. you know how switzerland is. slow
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leucoratia · 4 months
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My favourite loser scientist (we are legally married)
Handplates!Gaster by @zarla-s (thank you so much for this AU it has given me life for the past 6 years)
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bastardlybonkers · 7 months
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science rulez
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bread-is-my-life · 5 months
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(this animatic literally was the reason why I got into tf2 so GO WATCH IT IT'S BEAUTIFUL I PROMISE!!!)
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marlynnofmany · 9 months
Singing and Other Noises
If you have to clean the bathroom on a multi-species spaceship, you can at least take the opportunity to annoy your coworkers with some high volume space shanties. The acoustics of most bathrooms I’ve been in are great, and this one was no exception.
“If you find snacks in high places, adhesive eyes making faces…” I sang, passing the sanitation wand over the floor. “Someone gives thanks to the void, and knives to the droid … Then you might have some humans onboard, onboard, you might have some humans onboard!”
Paint laughed in the hallway. “I don’t think anyone would miss the fact that we have a human onboard.” When I leaned out to grin at her, she continued, “You’re very loud.”
“This is the perfect place to sing!” I said, leaning back and switching to a different song. “You’ll hear us singing loud and proud, in halls and hulls and ventilation chutes. You’ll know us by our range and joy, and we sing better than you!” It echoed nicely.
Paint was shaking her lizardy head. “Are there any quiet human songs?”
“Oh sure,” I said, looking for spots I’d missed. “Calm melodies for a relaxing afternoon, lullabies to soothe babies to sleep, plenty of those. They’re just not as fun. I like the ones where you can really feel your lungs vibrate, you know?”
Paint was giving me that cocked-head look that said she wasn’t entirely sure what I was talking about, but didn’t feel like saying so. “Right. I think that one made the floor vibrate too.”
“Oh, you should meet an opera singer. They can shatter glass.”
“What!” Paint stepped closer, switching her tail. “You are making that up.”
“No, really!” I said. “It’s very impressive. A rare talent for sure.” I got to my feet and emptied the sanitation wand into the trash chute. “My voice is nothing special. Pretty good, I like to think, but no kind of superstar. Still, singing is fun.”
Paint seemed to be having trouble coming up with a compliment. “Your voice is very… clear? Low? Is that a good thing?”
“I like to think so.” I put the wand away and washed my hands. “I can sing the low notes easier than high, which is great, because I enjoy them more. I think that makes me an alto? Contralto? Something like that. Not a soprano, at any rate.”
Even with her orange scales, Paint’s expression was a distinct mask of polite blankness. She nodded, hands clasped together.
“Not much for singing, I take it?” I asked.
Paint exhaled and dropped her hands. “I just don’t see the appeal,” she admitted. “It’s only talking! In a distorted voice!”
I switched off the light and joined her in the hall with a head bob of agreement. “Yeah, I suppose it is. Some of it’s fast and good to dance to, though.”
She pointed at me in excitement. “The dancing does make sense! That’s fun! But I just cannot understand the noises that go with it.”
I shrugged. “Eh, don’t worry too much about it. There’s bound to be lots of things that any given species does that makes no sense to others.”
“Like those shiny rocks you insisted on keeping?”
“Hey, that’s not just me,” I protested. “Zhee and Trrili both wanted some too. And you’ve still got those smelly seed-things that you liked so much.”
Paint raised her snout in pride. “They remain beautiful. Coals, Eggskin, and Captain Sunlight will agree with me!”
“And those are all the Heatseekers on the ship, which is exactly my point.”
A high-pitched noise that I’d been barely aware of grew louder, drifting down the hallway all faint and screechy. I had no idea what it was, and judging by Paint’s expression, neither did she.
“Is that metal scraping?” I wondered.
“I don’t think so,” Paint said.
The sound continued, changing in tone like an alien violin. I turned in place, trying to locate it. “Is that music?”
Paint rubbed her earhole. “It’s unpleasant.”
“C’mon, let’s make sure it’s not actually a problem of some kind.”
“Yes,” Paint said with a sigh. “Ignoring a mechanical failure because we passed it off as horrible music is not something I want on my record.”
I started off down the hallway. “I think it’s this way.”
Ready as I was for a long and mysterious hunt for the quiet shrieking, I was almost disappointed to find it coming from the third door we reached. This was the door to Coals and Trrili’s translation workroom. It was shut. I hesitated over the opening panel, then knocked instead.
The noise stopped.
When the door slid open, it was to a vision of exoskeletoned nightmares, shiny black and red, with pincher arms, mandibles, and a pair of antennae angled into a very irritated expression.
“Hi Trrili,” I said. “Everything okay in there?”
Paint added, “We heard a noise—”
The door shut in our faces. After a moment, the screechy serenade resumed.
I blinked. “Rude.”
Paint had her hands over her earholes. “What is it??”
“Probably not a machine failure,” I said, wincing as the noise approached nails-on-chalkboard levels. “Let’s go ask Zhee.”
We walked very quickly away, and found Zhee outside the kitchen talking to Eggskin. The sound was faint here, but still audible.
“Hey Zhee,” I said cheerfully. “Can you tell us what in the seven spherical black holes Trrili is doing right now?”
Zhee threw his own purple pincher arms in the air. “Butchering a classic,” he exclaimed. “I’ve told her that she’s got the middle part backwards, but she insists it’s a regional variant!”
I glanced at Eggskin, who was just shaking their scaly head. “So it is music, then.”
Zhee folded his pinchers with a flare of antennae. “There’s a skreeking competition at Basal Station,” he said. “She’s under the impression that the judges there will enjoy regional variants that are wrong.”
“I see,” I said, wondering if I should ask the obvious question.
Paint beat me to it. “What’s skreeking?”
“Leg-singing,” Zhee said. “You know.” He moved a hind leg in a way that made a brief screech.
I knew I was staring, but it was either that or burst out laughing, and that was rarely complimentary. You’d think I’d get used to discovering ways that my alien crewmates resembled Earth animals, but you’d be very wrong.
Paint let out a gusty sigh. “I don’t understand that kind of singing either,” she said. “This makes even less sense than the other one!”
“Remember, there’s always dancing,” I told her. “And if it makes you feel better, I have no idea how to dance to the noise Trrili’s making.”
Zhee hissed quietly. “No one could dance to that. Not without tripping over every other limb.”
Eggskin spoke up. “Well, I’m certainly not going to try. Would you three like to help me settle on the primary meal for tonight’s dinner?”
I smiled. “Oh, I’m sure we won’t disagree on anything there.”
Keen eyes might recognize the shanty lyrics from a couple older posts. I even used one song in The First Time Traveler to Survive, which is a different storyverse entirely, but it's too much fun to leave there. I'm going to say humans invented it twice, and no one's going to stop me!
Anyways, this is the ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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screenshot redraw YIPPEE 🐁🐁
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We NEEDED to see more of the monkey sidekick having duo 💔 It's okay though, im not angry about this. *my nails dig into my fists*
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rearviewghost · 13 days
one thing that really fascinates me about alex is his devotion to art – and more specifically, how he chooses to get some inspiration from scientific works of what he aims to implement in his art. every time one gets to examine some of his lyrics, or even how he explains these lyrics in an interview, they can be greeted by some bits of actual scientific information. an example is how he named his taquería on the moon with the term “information-action ratio”, coined by the critic neil postman, and referenced it in the song four out of five, something that might also indicate an interesting articulation with postman's concept. the line “cute new places keep on popping up”, for example, can express his well-known sardonic discontent regarding the flood of information being generated and transmitted over and over and, as much as it seems visually appealing and does give the idea of benefiting from advanced technologies, it doesn't really add anything substantial to the receiver's critical thinking – and worse, it distances the information receiver from the sender in a communication channel, according to postman.
what i'm saying with this interpretation is, it's known that alex is enamoured with the idea of gathering a bunch of references and condensing them into a mixture of metaphors in his writing, but it's so thrilling how, at times, we can find some bits of science inside of it – and it's even more exciting, just like playing a puzzle game, to find these references and analyse them by doing a similar research to what he did to create his works.
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musette22 · 4 months
Which part of "the only thing I want to do ever is read Stucky fic in peace with no interruptions whatsoever" is so hard for you to understand huh? *glares at my life*
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cannibal-nightmares · 5 months
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let's make trouble in the dream world, we'll hijack heaven with another memory now; i make the most of the turning tide, it just split what's left of the burning silence
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accio-victuuri · 10 months
(13) Fake Rumors - from the vault
I have been going through some old rumors from the fake house & decided to share some. whether these may be new to you or not, but i hope you still enjoy them as much as I did looking back. I feel like in the fandom, we’ve only ever been active when it comes to lrlg and the 49 fakes. the rest of the information that fall in between aren’t as talked about or depends on the topic. as with all other bjyx material, i want a place to store some parts of it. 🤍
these are sort of random, the ones that I had saved and found again. treat it all as fiction.
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( someone please make an AU fic or edit for this xz and wyb. there is a story here. look at them. 😍😍😍 )
i have traveled a long way, you have dreamed a long time. many lonely nights drift like fallen leaves but it always finds a way….🍃🍂
(1) this one was posted for the new year 🎉
XZ: Get me a courier later
🧔‍♂️:What is it? It’s so light
XZ: made-up parts, Legos.
*XZ talking to a staff so he can send out some lego parts. I think it’s light because what he is sending are “parts” that WYB is missing and he found them for him. I truly like the idea of XZ spoiling WYB when it comes to his hobbies and him being invested in it too even if he isn’t necessarily a fan too. true love! and well, reminded me of the rumored lego set gift during the early days of cql filming.
(2) have you eaten?
About the backstage live broadcast of a recent event on the same stage
WYB:Have you eaten yet?
XZ: *shakes head*
WYB: Come have dinner with me later
XZ: Who else? (Looking over it, I don’t know what I’m looking for)
WYB: Stop looking for it. I’ll send it to you next time.
Supplement: Teacher W watched Teacher X take off his makeup before leaving together.
*The usual WYB making sure that XZ eats and him waiting for his gege so they can eat with each other. Even after the CQL filming, as long as they are at the same event they will try and be together. Tho instances of that have been so rare to 0 nowadays because of the amount of eyes on them.
(3) the forbidden book lol
The crew's study period
WYB: Where is the erotic book? I want to read it.
XZ: Suddenly got up and left.
*This is one of my faves even if it’s so short! Library Pavilion behind the scenes & rumors is the gift that keeps on giving. I wouldn’t put it pass WYB to troll ZZ with this.
Here’s a GIF for you to bring you back to that time🤍
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(4) call me maybe? 📱
There was a period last year where everyone had to learn rap, usually🐂 learned the fastest but he was absent-minded that time🐂 was looking at us eating delicious food while resting, it seems that he is thinking his rap, he seemed to be even more tired. At this time, staff handed over the phone and he left immediately to pick it up.
He called him, and when he came back he didn't have any special expression, but he felt refreshed. 
(5) praising
WYB: I really like to be praised by everyone and feel "wow" from everyone, so every time Da Zhen's family praises me crazily, I will secretly write it down and send it to him.
XZ: I am also a part-time praise captain. Every time I praise,None of them are the same.He can often keep up with the facts.
WYB: I don’t understand a lot of Internet slang.
XZ: I always hurt him by saying, "No, you don't even know this joke, so WYB doesn't go online?" Just. very good. Laughing, every time I feel hurt, I secretly say "He is better than me. I'm young, I know everything." What kind of tone is this? One time during a video, XZ sang "Darling, come and save me." Seeing WYB's ears slowly become red and coughed. Who can tell me what’s going on with these lyrics?
(6) baking shenanigans
The puff pastry made by XZ is very delicious, WYB will also work with XZ to help when he has time. He’s busy getting started, and they will also do some weird things. If there is a strange taste, try it with the people around you.
Once WYB squeezed minced garlic into the pastry and mixed chili powder, but forgot to mark it, XZ ate it, pinched the back of the neck and squeezed the flesh of the face "Teacher Trained WYB”
*IM CACKLING AT THIS OMG WYB 😂😂😂 what flavor of pastry is that????
(7) another one about eating
Aling period
WYB: Why are you back?
XZ: Come back for dinner, there will be a show in the afternoon
WYB: Aren’t you going to eat with your friends?
XZ: I didn’t agree when someone wanted to invite me, it was too stupid.
WYB: xls It’s so difficult to eat normally today
XZ: You haven’t eaten it, have you?
WYB: Nope. I just thought you were back.
(8) checking the weather
XZ: “The weather doesn’t look like it’s going to rain...(Look 📱)
👤: "It should be sunny..."
XZ: “I just saw📱the weather forecast showed it’s going to rain soon.
👤: How is that possible? It’s obviously sunny. "(春📱)
XZ: "Huh?" (👤♥Two people facing each other📱)
XZ: Overcast to light rain to moderate rain.
👤: What you are looking at is the weather
XZ: Oh my God, so embarrassing...
XZ forgot to switch cities. no one will know the city WYB was in that day if I don’t tell you.
*This one hits different cause for this rumor, they are in different cities but in the same country. Lately, there are times that they are in diff countries so do they look at the weather their too? ����🥹🥹
I can’t relate to their obsession with the weather, but if that gives them a sense of connection to each other then it’s fine.
(9) raining
💚Supplement: It’s when the temperature gradually rises. At that time, it rained in June.
💚Holding an umbrella💚❤️talking all the way
❤️Start standing on the right side of 💚
💚Hold the umbrella and tilt it in the direction of ❤️
❤️Thick clothes💚Left half of light-colored thin clothes
The edges are wet and very transparent.
❤️Just keep pushing the umbrella in the direction of 💚
I wanted to block 💚 a little more, but found it was fine.
After seeing the effect, I found an opportunity to move it to the left side of 💚
Then 💚 the right half also got wet
Both centered and symmetrical….…..
(10) them and their parents.
Regarding their parents, I currently know the older one’s mom and dad can also surf the internet, and talk about about their CP and their impression of WYB is good. But his mother actually really wants to have a grandchild. His father is very indifferent when the older one comes home. I'm sure his mother won't be able to bear it. She asked him bluntly, the older ones always focus on work to fool her in the past. In July this year not only did he tell the truth to his family but took the younger one back with him.
It’s time for dinner at home, and the younger one is very nervous. He is afraid that the family will think he is not good enough. He bought a lot of things and piled them up for backup. He sprayed perfume and dressed properly and pretended. The older one made him want to laugh when he looks at him, just fool around. The younger one calls him a big bastard.
The mother on the table was holding jianguo and said she could only count on her to give birth to a litter of grandsons.
* I know that talk about their parents is sensitive and would always lead to more discussion, but again, treat this as fiction. and tbh, who could resist WYB as a son in law??? It I had a son and he brings home WYB as a boyfriend I will be very happy. I also feel soft that XZ is trying to tease and make WYB laugh.
What happened last year
WYB: Is it delicious?
XZ: (nodding while eating) Yeah, it’s quite delicious.
WYB: What about others?
XZ: Wait a minute...Wow, I just ate that, this one has no taste.
WYB: Is it too spicy?
XZ: It’s okay, but my tongue is numb and I can’t taste other flavors.
WYB: Wait a minute, drink some water. Is it really that spicy?
XZ: Try it yourself. You didn't keep it for yourself? Wasn't it sent from you?
WYB: I didn't take it apart. Bring it to me.
Then XZ really ate so much that he left two packets and took them back to WYB.
(You send it to me and I will bring it back to you. What kind of trick is this?)
What happened this year
XZ: It’s been too cold these two days.
👤: Southern kids.
XZ: :Then northerners also feel cold. Cold is cold.
(Okay, I know you have northerners in your family, next one)
👤When teasing XZ and WYB, XZ’s response was, “Hahaha” and send out red envelopes. As expected of Boss XZ.
I saw other people's submissions and came to do some post-sale service. I heard that XZ sang to put WYB to sleep. I know that there is indeed mmxhn, and there is a six-character song related to snow. (There are probably others somewhere that I don’t know about)
(12) like a fairy
XXX was wearing Iwj's white clothes for the first time
XX: Fairy, descended to earth to overcome the tribulation
XXX: Isn’t fairy a dog? You have so much information but no good words.
XX: Compliment you for being good-looking and handsome.wls, wow, so handsome!
XXX: xls looks better than me, our xls is so beautiful, ancestor of Yiling
XX: Stop, stop, it’s so shameful
*My favorite kind of rumor is when WYB goes gremlin on XZ! 😂😂😂😂
(13) cravings
WYB has been craving for "cai cai rice" recently, XZ told him many times that spring is not so good to have wild vegetables, even if they are cooked. WYB said he doesn’t care about wild vegetables he just wants to eat the vegetable rice cooked by XZ, but I don’t have that. It smells good, I just want to eat it.
In the end, he still didn’t get the cabbage meal, but freshly baked dumplings. WYB got a bargain and acted nice, he was acting coquettishly while eating.
* Oh to be WYB and have someone like XZ cook for youuuu 😍😍😍😍
P.S : this ye mi and xiao zhan AU pairing is living in my mind rent free. 🥵🥵🥵
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polaroidcats · 11 months
Ugly crying & the marauders generation - a pseudo-scientific approach (my marauders crying PhD abstract)
In recent days, there have been a variety of claims as to who the prettiest and ugliest crier in the marauders generation could be. This paper aims to address the recent surge in opinions on the matter, and categorize different approaches as well as add a new approach to the scientific examination of ugliness/prettiness when it comes to crying. I hope to provide readers with an overview of the current state of research and encourage all marauders scholars to add their own and I intend to make a contribution to the discourse by committing to the bit and writing a pseudo-academic paper about it instead of actually working on my thesis.
In the following paper, the discourse about 5 marauders era characters will be examined in regards to their various levels of perceived ugliness whilst crying. Scholars who may ask why Peter [Pettigrew] is not included in this analysis are advised to refer to acclaimed marauders ugly crying scholar @lynxindisguise's (2023) original poll on the popular blogging website "tumblr.com" which did not include Peter, but rather two non-marauders characters named Lily and Regulus. This paper will follow that approach, since Peter is the nastiest skank bitch I have ever met, I do not trust him and he is a fugly slut. The characters included in this approach are as follows: James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Regulus Black.
Following the scientific criteria for ugly crying, as stated by lynxindisguise et. al (2023), the question of the ugliest crier can be answered by observing the crying person and assessing their ugly-levels on the following parameters: (1) unbecoming facial expressions, (2) facial swelling/blotching, (3) unsettling noises, (4) snot factor, (5) tear volume, (6) general loss of dignity, (7) glistening eyes/lashes, (8) Victorian heroine factor, (9) elegant tear-wiping, (10) post-cry glow (ibid).
Criteria (1)-(6) can be categorized as the ugly crying parameters whereas (7)-(10) are pretty crying parameters, creating a false binary between ugly and pretty crying, which may be problematised and addressed in another the paper. In contrast to lynxindisguise’s original 10 criteria to measure the aesthetics of crying, this paper proposes to add (11) explosiveness of cry as another ugly crying parameter, in order to get a more clear assessment of where on the ugly-pretty crying scale a character falls.
The ugly crying parameters
(1) Unbecoming facial expressions
James Potter is mentioned in this category by several marauders scholars: @jaylienpotter talks about his red face and ugly sobbing, @artbyace mentions his “scrunched up cry face” and @sectoren claimes “james (…) is that one handsome guy that when the waterworks get going becomes like. Cartoonishly ugly”, raising the question of upkeeping toxic masculinity in order to avoid having to witness more of James Potter’s crying “mug”.
Though James Potter features heavily in this category, another character who is also mentioned just as often is Remus Lupin: @kaaaaaaarf, @appreciatedmoron and @http-starboy all emphasise that Remus Lupin is the one with a red and blotchy face.
(2) facial swelling/blotching
While there is a definitive overlap between the categories of facial swelling/blotching, unbecoming facial expressions and snot factor, Sirius’ and Regulus’ victorian heroine complexions, which give them an advantage in the homonymous category, may be to their disadvantage in the “blotching” category. This will require further research by other scholars.
(3) unsettling noises
James Potter is mentioned in this category by Jaylienpotter (2023), claiming he not only hiccups when crying but also that “his cries are one of the most heartbreaking things you’ll ever hear” and similarly, artbyace states that “James loves and feels so loudly”, whereas “Sirius is silent”, both sentiments are reminiscent of znelda’s (2023) statements that James “was allowed to feel his emotions freely in a loving household” and “Sirius (…) [is] used to hide [his] feelings and [has] become stoic”.
With several other scholars, among them also @jamesunderwater (2023) raising the point that James may be the ugliest crier due to him being “the only one well adjusted enough to have access to his feelings” this raises the question of possibly introducing another category, maybe of emotional awareness/stability to be able to measure this parameter more efficiently, though emotional vulnerability may also just be a part of the unsettling noises parameter, suggesting that there is a correlation between noisiness and the existing environment being welcoming to and accepting of various expressions of emotions.
(4) snot factor
The most popular winner in the snot factor category seems to be Remus Lupin, with several scholars agreeing that his sobs are the dampest and snottiest out of all the candidates. kaaaaaaarf (2023) writes “he turnes all red and blochty and snot drips out of his nose (…) he cant (sic) not cry with his mouth open as well so there is a lot of spit”, and appreciatedmoron (2023) agrees with kaaaaaaarf on this.
It only seems right to me to include spit in the snot category as well, seeing as they’re both crying-related bodily fluids that add to the ugly-cry factor. http-starboy (2023) also mentions snot in regards to Remus Lupin, which compared to both their comments in (1) opens up the question of how unbecoming facial expressions, more particularly redness of the face and snot factor may be related, as several authors seem to write about both specifically in relation to each other. Whether this is just pure coincidence or not would need further research, for which we currently do not have enough funding. This is only one of the many research gaps in the relatively new field of marauder’s ugly crying studies, which cannot fully be addressed in this paper.
James Potter is also mentioned in the snot category, namely by the marauders scholar artbyace (2023).
(5) tear volume
Artbyace (2023) claims James Potter is “full on bawling” which can only be assumed to refer to tear volume, but the most convincing argument for tear volume comes from the acclaimed marauders scholar @fruityindividual (2023), stating that “tsunami warning tones go off in sirius’ brain anytime remus is close 2 (sic) tears” which already indicates high levels of tear volumes. The author then goes on to specify the volume by claiming that “indeed the ocean wishes rj lupin would jump in and help contribute 2 (sic) rising sea levels”, further emphasizing the volume of Remus's tears.
(6) general loss of dignity
@pastaplatypus (2023) writes about James Potter not being able to do a Melodramatic Bollywood Cry, which is perceived as inherently racist by the crier.
I would like to argue that Sirius Black also deserves to be mentioned in this category. While as of today, with less than 1 hour left to vote, 15.5% of voters agree that Sirius is the ugliest crier, the more outspoken voices all argue for different ugly criers. Due to their upbringing, I am tempted to name both Black brothers in the “loss of dignity” category and look forward to reading future contributions to this discussion.
The pretty crying parameters
(7) glistening eyes/lashes
Undoubtedly Sirius Black deserves to be mentioned in this category. I believe his dark lashes and glimmering eyes are part of what makes him the prettiest crier. Whereas Remus’s eyes also sometimes glisten or appear red, and it is usually attributed to be caused by drug consumption, which more often than not is a wrong assumption, but he happily goes along with the pretense of being a weed-smoking bad boy in order to hide his ugly crying damp tendencies.
(8) Victorian heroine factor
It almost seems superfluous to even mention Sirius (and, to a lesser degree, Regulus) Black in this category. This category was made for Sirius, as is apparent when reading lynxindisguises (2023) description of the victorian heroine factor, in response to a question by the scholar @plecotusauritus:
“the Victorian Heroine Factor is a deeply scientific assessment of the Vibes. Is this person giving tragically beautiful, windswept Victorian Heroine, sobbing gently into their hands while sprawled across a boulder or a well or a fountain of some sort? When they look up at you, do their tear-plumped lips part elegantly as a single tear slides down their cheek?”
(9) elegant tear-wiping
There hasn't been a lot of research in this area, but I would like to propose handkerchiefs with embroidered initials and family crests as another potential factor in favor of the Black brothers scoring high marks in this category as well as the Victorian heroine factor.
(10) post-cry glow
Artbyace (2023) claims “lily is always beautiful (…) even when crying”, which is echoed by znelda’s (2023) earlier claim that “Lily (…) [is] a woman and no woman is ugly when crying.”
Sirius is the other popular choice by marauders scholars for this category, with @in-flvx (2023) stating that he “handsomely handsomes while dying after 12 years of torture hell and another year in shackles”, which would mean that “a few tears would[n’t] stop him from being the hottest person in the room at all times” (ibid).
Additional parameters
I am suggesting to introduce an additional metric in order to further specify and better assess the ugly-crying levels:
(11) explosiveness of cry
@felixantares (2023) introduces the idea that Remus “is the type that very few people have been seen cry because he ignores every difficult emotion hes (sic) ever had (…) and it all explodes at once and its horrible to watch when he breaks down”, a sentiment shared by several of the other authors mentioned above in various other categories.
Further opinions & conclusions
The most popular consensus seems to be that Sirius cannot be the ugliest crier, sometimes also in direct comparison to his brother: @spindrifters (2023) answers the question of the ugliest crier with “obviously it’s regulus”, elaborating that “at least [it’s] definitely not sirius bc (sic) reg is canonically less handsome in all ways” which brings up the question if regular beauty plays into ugly crying. This is contrasted by lynxindisguises argument, that Sirius may be an ugly crier because he’s so gorgeous, and his ugly crying subverts the expectations of beauty:
“the most beautiful man alive looks hideous while crying, and his deeply awkward and perpetually damp bf (sic) is literally in his element while crying – dampness becomes him, you might say.”
This statement raises yet another question – does regular crying make the crier more or less ugly? Can an ugly crier become a pretty crier by practice or are we all born either ugly or pretty criers, condemned to this fate for life?
While this paper has given an overview of the current state of research to ugly crying/pretty crying, it has also raised many more questions. Other topics which may be addressed in future papers also include the philosophical question whether ugly crying is in the eye of the beholder and if it is possible to ugly cry without being perceived, and if it is possible to ugly cry if the person perceiving you doesn’t find it ugly. Since the research field of ugly crying is a relatively new one, we can only hope to read many more opinions on these and other topics in the future, and I look forward to reading different scholar’s approaches to these highly relevant topics.
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frikatilhi · 1 year
Old school fanvid time!
Bojere: If I were
music: Stephen Lynch - Gay
Another time another scene I'd be right behind you, if you know what I mean
Edit. testing this tumblr hack (post a photo to make your video show up in the tags)
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photo: @vita_orehek_photography
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archiarthur · 1 year
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They're dads your honor
For my mental health
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bolly--quinn · 1 month
I’m so curious about your headcanons of Diane, personality, her history with Rick, etc.
tbh I’ve been seeing content of Diane being “a sweet and gentle bimbo housewife with 2 braincells” and I grew tired of it…. So I thought of this!! For me I like to think that she was a cool and badass woman rather than a shy, timid woman… I also think it’s somewhat canon (according to the fandom) that she’s the breadwinner of the family (haven’t figured out her job yet) while Rick is a stay-at-home parent and takes care of Beth, also she’s intelligent!!! Not as smart as Rick though but like she’s not airhead.
What do you think ?? and what are your thoughts on Diane ? <3
I mean I knew Diane wasn't gonna be an airhead since we know Rick is attracted to power lol (like Unity says it's planning to become the universe, practically a god and Rick is like super into it so obviously Diane has to have some semblance of ambition and the ability to take charge lmao)
I'll be honest though I didn't love her depiction in Fear no mort (obvious reasons are obvious) but I did always picture her as a woman who could handle herself and is sarcastic and teasing (affectionately) and strong-willed
I actually wrote stuff in my notes app about their dynamic and made this little venn diagram about it
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bonus: here's the personality traits that I think Beth gets from them
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magdaluxe · 1 year
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getting better at blender
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Mandatory reading to understand narusasu
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