#i mean i still need to spill this energy of mine somewhere!
Yay another of my Hyperfixation!!!
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itsgrimeytime · 10 months
bite marks || rick grimes x f!reader
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based off: anon request and Hot Gum by SOFIA ISELLA
Summary: That night was a nightmare, with blood spilled and threats to your group's lives. You weren't sure that everyone could recover from it, including yourself. What Rick did had to be done, there was no other choice. You knew that. So, why did it keep replaying in your head? And why did you like it?
TWS: NSFW mdni (18+), teasing, fingering, oral (fem receiving), body worship, a little degradation, hint of blood kink, hickeys, biting, dom/sub undertones, possessiveness, oral fixation, overstimulation, hint of pain kink, begging, unhinged!Rick, murder jacket!Rick, death mention, gore, violence, all things typical of TWD.
[[A/N: hello anon!!! Thank you so much for being my first request, it means a lot <3. I will say this will be my first ever smut, so please don't judge me or I'll cry. You know that tag on AO3 'porn without plot'? This is the exact opposite. This baby has so much fondness and plot and slow-burn energy that I didn't mean to give it. I hope you enjoy !!! ]]
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The night was quiet, the low buzz of adrenaline dipping beneath the stars -there was no need to fight anymore. All your senses heightened, rest felt a bit like an uncomfortable itch under your skin -something you couldn't stand to do.
Eyes flickering like an animal in the night to any particular noises, you were positive that getting a wink of sleep was definitely out of the cards. At least for now.
Plus, there was the thing.
The heavy tension that hung over your group like a dark cloud -the gnashing of teeth, the spitting of blood. The instinctual movements, nothing behind his eyes but heavy anger, beyond anything you'd ever seen. It was like a predator, instinctively stalking its prey without remorse, without thought, just... just to survive.
Your head was spinning.
Eyes flickering to your side, you watched him. He wasn't asleep, you could tell -leaned up against the car with a stare of a thousand yards. Part of you wanted to talk to him, try and help him find some solace -reiterate it was the only option, he did what he had to-
'He's mine,' the low growl made you freeze -eyes glazing over in a way they hadn't in a while as you sought to catch Rick in his rage-
But the other half was... conflicted.
Very, very conflicted.
Sighing, you squeezed your hands together -trying to turn over the event in your mind and just move past it. You knew that Rick would hardly want to talk about it, nevertheless your...
It wasn't the time for those kinds of thoughts, despite them clawing up your throat -mere ideas of 'what if he was that protective over me?' or what it would feel like to have his mouth on your pulse point. When you know he could so easily take a drag of the teeth and-
You cleared your throat, turning your attention instead to the night sky -trying to cool down and clear your head. Of everything.
"Can't sleep?" He rumbled out, a sort of sleepy fondness in his tone rather than the biting rage from before-
It was going to be a long night.
You took a deep breath, dragging your eyes down from the stars -despite your better judgment. Always eager to feel the little humanity left in the world, you looked to him -his face was still covered in red but his eyes were much more attentive.
"Nope," you answered, finally, voice shaking just slight enough for him to notice, "-it's hard to explain."
Rick seemed to gesture at his face, blood still encrusted on the skin (desperation to protect what was his-) leveling, "Try me."
You bit at your lip, hoping somewhere far off in your head that the night hid your face enough to excuse the redness, "I just. I feel like I should be doing more. Or even just anything at all. I'm... I'm restless."
"Hmm," he mumbled out, deep tone rattling something up your spine, "-I'm kinda the opposite. But I just... I can't rest."
There was something in the tone that wildly grounded you to the very current moment -Rick was distraught, worried. He believed he'd failed, you could just tell. He believed he'd done something past the line, and lost his humanity. His empathy. And in this world, it's the first step of a downward spiral.
With extra careful movements, to not wake those around you, you made your way across many of your group. They were all asleep, but still, somehow all connected -holding each other like it's the last thing they'd ever do. You made it to a spot beside him, setting an appropriate distance, you leaned against the car with a manufactured ease.
"What if I stayed up?" You asked, genuinely -eyes upturned to the sky (you couldn't look him in the eyes so close, you didn't want to risk it.)
Rick stilled beside you, you could feel him freeze -it almost made you itch to reach out for him, but you cut the thought short, "I can't ask ya to do 'at, Y/N."
"You didn't ask me, I offered," you started, looking at him before dashing away to the dwindling fire. It had been made with some extra supplies that had been packed up. It was a little but it went a long way. Looking back to the pile that had accumulated nearby, you assessed -it was mostly extras of things you didn't need so much of. Books, copy paper, twigs, some extra diapers from one of Judith's emergency packed bags-
You paused, her emergency bags...
"But," you responded, quickly standing, "-I think I have something that can help, anyway."
Digging around into some of the supplies, you had your eyes set on one thing. You knew it was there -you had packed it yourself. It was a lucky run, a store almost completely in stock and unaffected to the outside.
Finally, the package peaked up at you -pastels and what seemed to be baby zoo animals scattered along the plastic smiling. You grinned, a bit proud of yourself for finding them so-
"Baby wipes?"
Something in your stomach twisted at the grumble of 'baby' smoothing across his lips, but you pushed it down, "Don't sound so judgmental, Grimes, hear me out first."
He smiled, it was light -you imagined the smallest gust of air might shoo it away but you still counted it, "Okay, okay. I'm listenin'."
You pursed your lips, before cementing your tone -seriousness embedded in the fiber of your being, "For your face, I think... I think it might help if you cleaned up.
Rick softened, the smile growing into something more fond. The crow feet by his eyes making the lightest of an appearance, and you had the instinct to trace them for a moment -before shaking your head to clear the train of thought.
"You know," he smirked in the teasing kind of way he always did, "-if you wanted to touch my face you coulda just said so-"
You scoffed -trying to hide the blooming pink on your face and clear your mind of being so close, "Oh, fuck you, Grimes, do it yourself."
And you threw the package at his head, right at the grin that made your head spin in a new kind of way. Those teeth had-
You could handle this, right? Just give it a few days.
A few weeks, actually.
Or maybe a month.
You were trying, genuinely, to deal with it -if you could pinpoint exactly what it was, you could avoid it. So, you started testing things from a distance.
Trying to talk to him up close, was a no. All you could think about was his mouth, salt and pepper stubble stretched across his lips, and the low grumble of his voice-
No. Couldn't work.
So, you tried sitting farther away. Watching from a distance, and talking from a distance, if he noticed it, he didn't say anything. That one couldn't work either though, as you watched his hands (long, calloused fingers and palms that had surely-) flip through the pages -apparently, it was a log of everything the camp had left. Not that you had noticed at all.
And then, trying and trying again, you found Alexandria. A beautiful place with open doors, food, and shelter. You couldn't remember the last time you slept on a mattress, or had your own kitchen-
It was bliss, other than some paranoia here and there -mistrust bubbling up in the community, you'd found yourself comfortable there. And then, you'd unexpectedly gone to the Grimes house -urgently needing to pass on some news, you couldn't remember what now, or who, or anything about it really. He'd opened the door clean-shaven and shirtless, you couldn't get out of there fast enough.
Your solution was a simple one, just avoid the problem at all costs -going on any and every run offered to you (as long as Rick wasn't going, and with the new responsibilities of Alexandria, he hardly was), keeping conversations quick and short, and trying desperately hard to keep Rick far, far away from you.
And thinking back on it, maybe that's where it went wrong.
It was late, you knew that much. You didn't know exactly how late -your head just wouldn't stop, and you'd scampered out of bed before you could even look at some of the clocks -if they were even set properly.
You'd decided to go out on your porch, and watch the stars -they kind of felt like the only thing that was the same these days. You could remember stargazing from meadows when you were young, your parents pointing to the constellations they knew, and you eager to see any kind of shooting star.
Something was comforting about knowing it was the same sky, even though it felt so different. And you, you were so different.
"We gotta stop meetin' like this," he hummed, dragging your attention from the sky to himself -leaning out on the railing of his own porch. Almost like he was trying to bridge the gap from your house to his.
You laughed, at ease with the distance between the two of you (despite your eyes catching on his light t-shirt and plaid pants that hung a little too low), correcting, "You should, you have things to do in the morning, I, on the other hand, can sleep until the sun sets again. You're just being irresponsible."
Rick laughed, shaking his head -your eyes followed the movement, "Ain't you helpin' cook for the dinner party tomorrow?"
Oh, you realized before responding, "That's at like 5 pm, gives me plenty of time to-"
"Carol gets up at like 6 to gather everythin' up."
You fell silent, before commenting -a bit in exaggeration but still real, you hadn't slept this good in years, "Then, no, I am not helping."
He only laughed more, and something in your stomach swirled. It wasn't new. Nothing with Rick was new. You'd always known he was handsome (even under the sweat and the dirt this world brought), and seeing him so gentle with his kids... It was expected when your heart started up at the reigns.
"I missed this," he said suddenly, open and vulnerable -Rick had a way of just doing that. You could only envy it.
You played dumb, actively ignoring it -you knew you'd hurt him, and you didn't want to think about it, "Missed what?"
"You," he answered -simply, honestly, "-talkin' to you. You don't-"
Rick stopped, sighing somewhere deep in his chest and pinching the bridge of his nose -your gut twisted in guilt, "Look... can we talk? Inside?"
You stilled, your head spinning in the sort of way that always somewhat meant to get away, you hadn't sorted it all out yet. And he knew something was up, he was going to ask-
Your mouth moved before you could coach what to say, "What about Judith?"
He paused, the frown on his face brief but still settled there -careful and considerate, "We can talk in yours, if you're more comfortable with that."
Your first instinct, a strong instinct that had never led you wrong, said no. It would be too much, and you'd ruin the friendship you had with Rick if he figured any of this out. ANY of it. But your second instinct was softer, it knew Rick well. It could tell he was hurt by something you'd done -you could imagine what, and he wanted to fix it. Hell, he just wanted to talk.
"Yeah," you answered -hands a little too tight on the railing, voice screaming in your head, "-we can do that."
The next few minutes, your heart was pounding in your chest -loud and boisterous as you went into your home. Rick would be following close behind, you thought to yourself -distantly. Barely there, you spun into the kitchen, urging somewhere deep in your mind to get a barrier. A wall between him and you, something to do with your hands instead of-
"Can I get you some water?" You asked, clearing your throat and shifting your footing -not now, not now, not now.
Rick was tall, practically owning every room he came into -a presence larger than life. You'd always noticed that, really, he'd had just a powerful energy, one that you could feel as soon as he stepped into a room. It was a shift in the air, enough for your breath to slink out of your lungs-
"Yeah," he answered -oblivious to your own head, "-if ya don't mind."
He was close, naturally so, a tick to your right between the counters -waiting patiently. You instinctively swayed further to the left, the bristling feeling of his body heat making your head spin -a dizzy sort of intoxicating drift of his woodsy scent echoing into your nose-
Without thinking, you dropped the cup to the floor -shattered on the tile.
"Shit, Y/N-" Rick remarked, crouching down to the tile, using one of his hands to push your hip back (you almost couldn't breathe), "-ya got a broom?"
"Yeah, yeah," you swallowed, voice strained and head still dizzyingly spun, "-should be one in the closet in the hallway."
Just before he turned to go and get it, his eyes settled on you -slinking over your stiffened posture and the tone of your voice, "Are you... Everythin' okay?"
"What? Yeah," you tried to laugh -it came out pretty pathetic, "-why? Uh, why do you ask?"
Rick stepped forward -hand reaching to soothe, and you instinctively stepped back. Shit.
He frowned, something glazing over his eyes, and a twist of guilt settling itself deep in your stomach like a stone in a pond. His hand extended into empty air, he gently brought it back to himself -a flash of something deep in his eyes and frown only growing larger.
"This..." he sighed -trailing off into a quiet tone, "-this is what I wanted to talk 'bout. Mind if we go somewhere else? I'll clean up the glass later-"
"We can," you agreed -voice a little squeaky, and you barely let it stand in the moment's silence. Quickly, turning off into the living room, not waiting for him -you were running on self-preservation at this point. Your heart beating quickly in your chest, you kept your mind sane, calm, together-
You sat on the couch -not daring to uncross your legs. The sort of twist in your stomach was much different now, pillowing back and forth like a tidal wave.
"You can't even look at me," he echoed, voice distant -despite him standing off to the right of you, pacing, "-I just. I know you've been actin' weird since the run-in with the Claimers-"
You stilled -teeth gnashing, the thrum of his deep voice, the tightening of his jaw, the protectiveness in every line of his body, "Can we not talk about that?"
Rick paused, attention back on you -curious, confused, and heartbroken, "Look, I kno' that I lost it a lil' that day and I'm sure it was scary, but-"
"Rick, no, not-" you suddenly echoed, standing and approaching him on instinct -to comfort, to soothe, "-you did everything right that day. There weren't many options, and you did what you had to."
"But I scared ya. I know you're afraid of me-"
"Rick-" you started, desperate to explain, to get the pain out of his tone.
"You just have to know," he echoed, continuing as if you'd never even spoken -hands trailing to hold your arms, comforting, soothing but your brain only lit up at feeling, "-I would never hurt you."
"Rick-" you relented, sighing deep in your bones -air flushing out of your lungs, "-fuck, it's not... It's not that."
He stilled, eyes wavering over you in concern (sweet, your mind commented) "What's wrong then? You can't just avoid me an' not tell me, what's wrong. I'm done with 'at."
"Ugh," you groaned -the words not willing to come out of your lips, shimmying out of his hold and taking a few steps back, "-It's embarrassing."
"Embarrassin'? What are you talkin' about?"
"Fuck, I don't-" you ran a hand through your hair -frantic, and talking to yourself, "-maybe if I just come out and say it?"
"Y/N..." he started, roaming closer -trying to reach out and stop the pacing, help you, "-ya know you can tell me anything."
"God, you're not making this easy, you know?"
Rick furrowed his eyebrows, trying to catch your eyebrow -desperate, hurting, "Makin' it easy? Y/N just talk to me-"
And maybe it was because he had caught your eyes, even for just a second -blue desperate, pleading. He just wanted to fix it. Or maybe it was because your patience had worn thin, you were sick of hiding it-
Either way, it just came out.
"Fuck, I was into it."
The silence was deafening, as you tried to hide behind your palms -cheeks burning a furious red. But you couldn't stop it.
"So, no," you clarified, clearing your throat, "-I am not scared of you. At all. And I'd really appreciate it if we didn't talk about it."
Rick spoke, and you weren't looking at him but you could hear something there -low in his voice, "Speak for yourself."
Stilling, you turned to match him -finding something you knew in him, something instinctual, "What...?"
"What part?" he asked, leaning into your space -hand skipping up your side, fingers brushing up your skin, "Was it the anger? The blood?"
"Rick," you breathed out, breathless -heart racing against your chest, "-you don't have to."
He didn't respond immediately, fingertips dragging up agonizingly -your shirt riding up just slightly at the pressure. The hand ended up on your chin, holding it with his thumb and leveling his eyes with yours -and the heat that echoed through your skin seemed so suffocating. You felt like every part of your body was molten -your stomach twisting into something far different than guilt.
"Darlin', this ain't a chore."
"Rick-" you exhaled, tension thick as your eyes flicked between his and down to his lips. They were so close-
He sighed, pushing ever so slightly more into your chin, other hand riding up under your shirt -fingertips dancingly along your ribs, "Maybe I was thinkin' about this all wrong, hmm?"
You tried to speak, but he cut you to the chase -all low voice and you could feel his breath on your skin. Some part of you relished in the warmth, sensations dancing behind your eyes as all you could do was watch.
"I think," he moved even closer, your breaths mingling and head spinning -your legs weak and brain turning to a familiar buzz, "-I think y'er favorite part was my mouth."
A breath caught in your chest, held up simply by his hands -your knees buckled but all you wanted was to feel them, eyes dipping to his lips like it would change something, "Rick, please-"
"Please what, darlin'?"
"Kiss me," you echoed -instinctual.
He didn't hesitate, sweeping forward to connect his lips to yours -fast and it lit a fire somewhere in your stomach. And despite the rush, he'd been languid -trailing his hands up to the sides of your face. Big palms holding you still, lips chapped and the brush of his stubble leaving something so buzzed there.
He licked along your teeth, pushing you back into the wall with a force that made your head spin. You startled briefly from the impact, and he pulled back -tilting your chin to the side with one hand. Calloused fingertips leaving something burning there in their place, you didn't think you could speak-
"God," he nosed around your neck -pointedly close to the vein, and all you could do was whine, "-so pretty like this."
You groaned, hands splaying across his shoulders -feeling along the muscle there (god, you wanted to see), "Off, Rick-"
"You first," he echoed, hands trailing down to the hem of your shirt -tugging up. His fingers brushed across your skin there, and something in you weakened -you threw your arms up and he guided the fabric off. Big hands following it all the way up, he left a trail of goosebumps behind -as you tried to grab at the buttons of his flannel.
Mindlessly grabbing at the fabric, he merely chuckled.
"Patience, sweetheart," he hummed trailing his fingers along your skin -down to the band of your pants, hands dusting under them, "-let's focus on you for now, yeah?"
Breathless, you responded, "O-Okay."
"Good," he mumbled, leaning down without a breath of hesitance -mouthing along your jaw. Kiss after kiss after kiss, his tongue traced down your shoulder -avoiding your neck, particularly. Lips meshed with your skin, you reached up and grabbed some of his hair -thick curls between your fingers, he grunted against your skin.
"Please," you echoed, bubbling up from your throat -his teeth scrapping back up to your collarbone. He traced the bone, biting onto it -gentle and still something so desperate. You leaned your head back against the wall -moaning slipping through your lips through every drag of his tongue.
"That what you want?" he echoed between pressing kisses over your chest -tantalizingly close, "Wanna be all marked up? All mine?"
"All yours," you repeated -the thrum of his voice echoing off your skin, "-all yours."
"Hmm," he muttered pressing a finger to your neck, rubbing gently over your jugular -teetering over the area, "-gotta do it where 'ey can see then, don't I?"
"Yes. yes-" you begged, hands desperate all over his chest, "-please. I want them to see."
Rick grinned, nosing along your jaw -puffs of breath against your skin that made your head spin. Buzzing through your senses, you could feel everywhere he touched you -one hand rubbing along your hip, calloused thumb, and the burn of his hot breaths dissipating along your skin.
And then he finally leaned forward.
"Rick," you moaned, arching into him, as his lips latched onto the vein -taking the skin between his teeth, "-Rick, I can't-"
He only tugged, and your eyes rolled back at the spark of pain there. Teeth grazing, it left a pleasant sort of burn -as he held your head still, kissing along the spot with his lips desperately. Like he wanted all of you. Like he needed all of you.
Rick pulled back with one last languid kiss, tugging at the waistband of your pants, "Off, take these off-"
You were compliant, tugging them down with a quick motion and kicking them off your feet -vulnerable but your mind was in such a haze, you hardly noticed it.
"Beautiful," he hummed, hands dancing along your waist -trailing along your underwear, teasing, "-so beautiful, darlin'."
"More, Rick, please-"
He mouthed around your collarbone and you gasped at the sensitivity -the biting air brushing over his marks, they were so fresh. Only moving down your skin, through the dips and crevices, and your head only lit up with a rush of crimson -eyes bleary with pleasure. He focused in between your chest, leaving traces all along your skin -a beautiful dark path of bruises.
And then his fingers brushed across the fabric -timid and teasing. You groaned, rubbing onto his fingers, "Rick-"
He grunted, moving his hands swiftly to tug them down -rushed and desperate and instinctual. Your head spun as his breaths centered across your core -overwhelmed by the tension, you could not imagine you would last long.
Fingers brushing across your clit, your knees nearly buckled -a blinding bright flashing behind your eyes.
"Hey, hey," he spoke, looking up at you (big blues eyes a mere breath from the most sensitive part of your body) -keeping one hand on your hip, extra support, "-stay with me, sweetheart. Gotta remember this, so you know who treats you best, knows how to care of you, knows what you need-"
"You," you answered, breathlessly, "-you, only you."
He pressed a kiss to your inner thigh -gentle, sensitive skin making your whole body tense, "That's right, all mine."
His fingers trailing along your folds -calloused and gathering your wetness in smooth, slow, movements. Careful and gentle at a time when you were desperate, squirming, and whining -your hand thread deeply into his hair. A tinge in your heart at the fact he still wanted to be careful with you was overwhelmed by the need to have him there now. You didn't care if it was his finger, or his tongue-
He trailed along your core, teasing -blue eyes intent on your face watching every flicker there, every gasp. Before he pressed forward.
The slow sink of his finger made your eyes roll to the back of your head, a deep throaty moan pushing through you -loud. Rick's pupils were blown now, watching you squirm on his middle finger -twisting and grinding. He licked a long strip over your clit, and your head smacked against the wood -placing your free hand over your mouth, biting back the shrill moan you were sure was going to spill out.
Rick only quickened the pace, finger twisting in and out before it became two and your stomach tightened. Lips sucking relentlessly at your clit -teeth grazing across the sensitive skin, you used your hand in his hair to pull him closer (more, more, more). Words blabbering past your lips, broken and pleading, he only pushed harder, faster.
"I can't-" your voice shook, "-Rick, I-"
He merely kissed your clit, languid and slow and teasing, while his fingers kept up the pace -pounding against your skin so quickly it made you delirious. Head spinning and moans breaking out of your lips, every sensation felt so close. So close. So close-
And then you were shaking, bright lights flashing behind your eyes -squirming for any sort of more friction as it all built and flushed through your body. Pushing into his mouth and clenching his fingers, you felt your muscles spasm -eyes fluttering closed at the mere sensation of it all.
"Fuck," he grumbled out -pupils wide and watching your every move, finding his own finish, "-so pretty, so beautiful."
And before you could say a word, he pressed a gentle kiss on your lips -domestic, caring, tender. Grabbing the fabric of your nearby shirt and cleaning up, all his movement slow and caring -blue eyes flooding over your features like you were precious.
"I liked that shirt," you pouted, exhaustion biting at your tone and aching in your body but pushing past it to shove him gently. More like the press of a hand
Rick laughed -voice soft and a deep note of tired, "You can borrow mine if 'at makes ya feel better, sweetheart."
"Are you staying?"
"'Course, baby," he paused, eyeing you in that special kind of way except he was fond now -a beautiful, wonderful fond, and pushing back a loose strand of your hair, "-but, we should stay at mine, in case Jude wakes up. You okay with 'at?"
"Of course," you responded, teetering in place and leaning into his hand heavily.
He chuckled, trailing over the skin of your cheek, "So cute like this, darlin'."
You blushed, despite being in the situation you were in, he had just-
You cleared your throat, and wiped at your face like it would go away -playfully, "Oh fuck you, Grimes."
"Next time," he hummed, as natural as he could, before pulling you up -his rough hands in yours and smushing you into his side, "-Let's get you dressed, hmm?"
"Okay," you muttered, tucking yourself neater into his side.
And you thought for a second, that maybe it would all be okay. Maybe this could work.
You could at least hope it would.
And then, he leaned down and kissed your temple -a crinkly eyed smile aimed right at you, soft, domestic, caring... affectionate.
It could work, you decided -eyes laid hazily on him and everything he was, it could definitely work.
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murmuringwater · 1 day
waking up at the hour of the wolf again — and, again, being woken up would be a more accurate description — and taking my beads to pray the rosary, as became my nightly habit. as always, as I slipped in and out of sleep, the hail marys shapeshifting into with my personal prayers, and after a while of it, a familiar heat spreading through my chest, just like that one time I drank berry mead and a gentle but insistent fire spilled inside and crept further and further.
at this, my beads forgotten on the crook of my arm, I turned to B•erk in the dark, laying my head on the nook between his shoulder and chest just like I did when I was a small girl and the chest under my ear belonged to my father instead, and as my prayer grew more urgent, my hand was drawn to the middle of his sternum as if magnetically. my hand seemed, then, to take root, my pleas to the Mother — make him understand, wake him up from his sleep of death, bring him to me awake, direct his eyes to the sky so that he can see the stars for the first time, rouse his thirst so that he may finally realise that I am living water — spreading from my palms as vines of heat and seeping inside his muscles and his bones. from there, my hand went to his groin and took root as well as his sleeping body seemed to thrum in response to my own energy, twitching in the direction of my touch, and the tone of my prayer changed: make the animal of my body alive. change what you need so that I may hunger for his smell, his skin and his sweat as much as I yearn for his heart. allow me to feel this ancient call through my body towards his body, let me crave the form of the one I love beyond sweetness and into desperation. I want to thirst, and hunger, and growl. let me find this hunger in the one that I love so, and that seems to love me more still.
a whirlpool of burning energy rotating madly in the middle of my spine. pain, but a clean pain, a purifying one, I assume; and then, my hand still glued to his skin, the vague thoughts that have been sliding in and out of my consciousness take a little more shape and tell me that he is just who I pictured when, as a child forced to "have quiet time to read the Bible" I would just jump straight into Song of Songs, again and again, and dream of myself as the bride, the bridegroom shadowed but as real as anything. His ruddy cheeks, his dark beard and half-moon eyes, his long wavy hair and strong hands, thighs as thick as logs. Granted, some details are amiss; the purple robes and shining rings (or whatever would be their modern equivalent) are nowhere to be seen, and he couldn't care less about smelling like cedar or flowers (which is, if you ask me, a terrible damn shame). Though he is young and full of vitality, his body betrays little of it. There's no tautness to his muscles as I had dreamed, the litheness of lions, and he doesn't hold his head high. More things are missing: as he hasn't awoken to the depth of life yet, many are the beauties he hasn't been able to see, mine included. I doubt that my temples are like halves of a pomegranate or my neck like a tower, as these have no meaning to him. He hasn't yet understood that I am, indeed, an enclosed spring, a sealed fountain — I am sealed from him.
Suddenly, as the image of the hidden water passes through, I understand: of course I haven't orgasmed yet. In doing so, a piece of my spirit will be left in the body that drew such ecstasy from me. How could anyone that doesn't grasp my fecund darknesses (at least for now — only for now, gods willing) get to have a piece of my spirit woven with his? Not him, and not any of the men I've laid with. None of them came close to that. Thiag•o peeked around the shadows of my heart, somewhere in the distance, at times, but could never get any closer by virtue of 1) being a man and 2) looking as ugly as sin to me. I often thought whether things would be different, knowing me as intimately and inquisitively as he did, had he been handsome in my eyes. Would that uneasy, slimy layer vanish from his energy? Would I forgive him the crassness and vulgarity that surfaced from him at times if I had desired his body, if I thought his face beautiful, if I wanted to see him naked? It's no matter. Might as well speak of a dimension where I have five legs and an eye under my chin. Inconceivable, impossible to even entertain the thought of. But I wondered, often. However, this wasn't in my mind at all. I was just acutely aware, even as my consciousness became fuzzy and layered, that I was doing magic, a kind of magic I had never truly done before. A pain in the form of an electrical bolt shot up my left foot through my leg, seemingly drawn to the whirling, heated portal in the middle of my back, and I poured my sorrow and my desire into my hands; for the first time while totally sober I felt certain of what was taking place (I had felt similar surenesses under the spell of mushrooms) and could barely register it as waves of heat rippled through my body and into his, so blissfully unaware of everything in his deep sleep.
I prayed that he might understand me, that he might understand life, open his eyes, bow his head to those presences impossibly bigger than us. No need to believe, even, though I'm uncertain of how it'd work; only respect, even if uneasy and somewhat stiff, would be enough. Acknowledgement, at least, if not a full blown love story. He needed to. The spirits said so, and said that if he doesn't understand in time, they will rip me from his hands. Tears sprung to my eyes as they told me that earlier in the day. Then, I had called my mother in a frenzy, and asked her how to keep going with life after spirits start talking to you. She teased the situation out of me, gave me sage advice and left me to stew in my thoughts and feelings, until the Dark One woke me up in the night and told me to pour my heart out. So I did, and as a storm ceases, when it was time, so did the swirl of energy. I managed to unglue my hand from Be•rk, who was now holding my arm with an impossibly hot hand, kissed his face before retreating to my corner of the bed and slid into sleep.
0 notes
A gentlecat.
Summary: A black cat comforts you when you need it the most. Your new friend is quite peculiar for an animal. It's almost like they could understand you.
Pairing: Loki x gender neutral reader (it's not actually a "pairing", you can see it as a friendship, or something platonic).
Word count: 2K.
Warnings: anxiety, sadness.
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Disclaimer: picture not mine.
You used to frequent the roof of the compound everytime you were melancholic.
Or everytime you had too many feelings to process and needed time alone. Or anytime you felt too empty and needed to refill on sentiments and life by staring at the moon and remembering how much it means to exist in this world. Or too overwhelmed, and needed to be reminded of how little it all matters, how few are the things that are actually important.
No matter the motive, the roof and the moon were always there with you.
The wind blew on your face, almost like a whisper, almost like a caress. The same wind that blew on a crying child, or a couple of teenagers kissing for the first time, or an old man remembering with gratitude the love of his life. Or a lost young who, just like you, was looking at the moon searching for a meaning. An answer. Why all of this? Why to you? Why to everyone and why everything at the same time?
You inhaled a deep breath as you laid your back against the floor of the terrace, and the only thing you got to see were the few starts pollution would let you, and the gigantic moon smiling at you.
A noise startled you, and you were sitting back up again in no time. Being an avenger made you a little more paranoid than you expected. But you didn't say anything. You looked around nervously and waited for the sound to reappear. And it did.
"Who's there?".
No answer. You heart was pounding, but you didn't let your voice break. A hand flew right to the knife in your thigh, waiting for the danger to appear.
The noise came out of the shadows. A black cat approached you precatiously, almost as if they knew you were a threat. You put your guard down and finally sighed.
"God, little thing, you scared me", you whispered as you put a hand near them to let them smell you and be familiar with you. The cat didn't do so, instead, they sat by your side and rested their head on your hand. "Well, you certainly trust easier than me".
The cat meowed answering you, and you felt a connection to them. You loved animals, but this one was different. It was almost like they could understand your words. You moved your thumb slowly, petting their head. The cat let you, staring at you with intensity. Blueish green eyes that you felt like you knew from somewhere else.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" You asked, and you felt stupid. What life choices had lead you to the point of talking to a black cat on a roof, while everyone else was partying? The cat meowed back again. You chuckled. "So you understand what I say? I'll keep talking, then. Just don't think I'm too crazy". The cat purrowed in your hand, and you took it as a yes.
"I just... I don't like these parties, you know? I don't feel well when there's too many people around me, and all the noise... you'd understand, I think cats are sort of like that, right?". The cat meowed again. You smiled. "I appreciate being here, I really do. But the whole Avengers show we should put up... I don't buy it. We know damn well we're not what we pretend to be". You ranted, and realized immediately after you should've been looking around first. If anyone actually heard you, you'd be in big trouble. You went back to a whisper "but that's our little secret".
The cat slowly walked nearer you and looked at you before sitting in your lap, as to look for approval. You nodded and caressed the fur as they did so.
"Do you have a name?" You asked, looking for a collar. "Weird. A cat so well taken care of like you should have an owner". The cat hissed and you laughed "alright, not an owner. You don't like the expression, I get it. A human partner, maybe?". The cat stared at you again. You wished they could talk, but it was probably better off like that. Maybe you liked animals because they couldn't talk.
"So you're from the streets?".
The cat looked inside the compound and then looked back at you again. You interpreted as if they was asking you why wouldn't you go back. "I can't go in there, I got too anxious and said I was sick". You swear you saw the cat roll their eyes.
"Why are you here?". And you immediately laughed "oh, God. I'm asking questions to a cat. What am I waiting for? An answer? You probably just want food. Wait here, I'm gonna get you some. I'll steal some of Bucky's. He has a cat, too".
You sneaked through the party and nobody noticed you passed by. Once you were back, the cat wasn't there anymore. You left the food in a cup of tea on the floor, just in case they came back, and went back to the compound.
The next time you were on the roof, you weren't running away from any party. It was that same week that you felt increasingly anxious out of nowhere, in the middle of a dinner. After a while you went back to bed and you overheard the asgardian brothers discuss something in a low voice outside your room. Thor wanted to walk in and make sure you were fine; his brother told him he knew you needed space, so you were better off left alone. You wondered how he knew that, and then realized he was like that too.
You basically never spoke to him, but you always shared your silences. Everyone in the Stark Tower was so... enthusiastic. Outgoing. You and Loki enjoyed the silence of the nights over a good book and a warm drink. You barely spoke to each other. You were various meters away, in different parts of the common room (that one with the big couches and old books Mr. Stark set up for the introverts of the group, ahem, you two and ocassionally little Peter Parker). But you were there, always sharing that loneliness you craved in such crazy times.
After a while, you crawled out of bed and rested your arms in the window. You realized there was someone waiting for you in there.
"Hello, friend".
The cat purrowed in your hand. They had a protein bar in their mouth, as to give it to you. You frowned in confusion.
"You know, whatever you are, you don't pretend to be a cat very well". The cat opened their eyes widely, and you laughed. "But thank you. I don't know how you knew I didn't have dinner, but I appreciate this very much".
You opened your window so that they could come in, but they didn't. They looked inside, but stayed in there, as to care for your privacy. "It's fine, you can come in". The cat stayed out, anyways. "I think I'm gonna do some reading. If you care to join me, you're invited".
You and the black cat stayed up all night on the balcony of your room. You read in silence and the cat rested on your lap, purring and staring at you with those big, intense eyes. The night wasn't cold, but refreshing. Windy, before the big rainstorm that would have place next day. You loved that weather.
It wasn't the only occasion you stayed all night with the company of the black cat. Once they already felt comfortable enough to get in your room, you'd both lay in bed, and the cat would curl around your neck, using your shoulders as a mattress.
One dark and rainy afternoon you were on the roof, and the cat was with you, laying on the floor, watching the stars and the moon, just like you. You overheard some of the Avengers talking about you. Clint's voice commenting on how you basically adopted a stray, and Tony laughing. Thor corrected them you befriended a cat, and you chuckled at the offense he took from the word "adopted".
"Don't worry, I befriended you. You seem to be good by yourself", you clarified. The cat meowed.
It got dark and you stayed in the floor until the last light on the compound was turned off. The cat seemed to be curious as why you stayed for so long.
"I want to go to the common room, I haven't been there in a few weeks", you commented. "Best time of the day is when almost everyone's asleep".
At some point of the night you got up and walked through the compound to get to the kitchen. The cat followed your steps, and you swore they knew the way.
You poured some warm milk in a cup for the cat and they waited for you to have your coffee in hand to start sipping. You both sat on the couch of the common room.
"Such a polite gentle...cat", you whispered. "You know, it's so weird this is empty right now. At this time there's someone else reading here". The cat looked at you and you didn't understand what they meant. "I think he would like you. You have sort of the same energy, maybe that's why I even befriended you. Someday, if you let me, I'll introduce you two". The cat nodded weirdly.
You spilled some coffee on your shirt and cursed to yourself. The cat went to the counter and grabbed a napkin for you. At that point, they didn't even pretend to act like a cat at all.
"Ah, thank you". As you cleaned yourself, the cat looked at the book you were reading. It was in old norse. The cat looked at you with interrogative eyes. "Ah, that's... stupid, actually. I'm a little embarrassed I'm even doing that". The cat sat infront of you, and you felt like it was a way to ask you for more. You felt free to elaborate.
"This man... well, not a man. There's someone in this compound I never speak to, yet I still feel very connected to, you know? And everytime we're reading together, he reads these very dusty and heavy books in old norse. I didn't know that language, of course. But I was always curious to see what he read. You know, he can spend all night up reading those pages; he's so concentrated he doesn't notice his expressions. But they're great. He smiles, and frowns, and sighs. And I don't think he's aware of that, but I find it so beautiful", you explained. The cat kept looking at you with their eyes wide open. You sighed and continued. "Anyways. I just... I wanted to see a bit more of him. I'm too... shy, I guess? To actually talk to him. In fact, I feel a little intimidated, he's tall, and has some darkness in his eyes, and... well, he's a God. But I'd... I don't know. I learnt old norse and I started reading these books. And I feel like I understand him a little more. Even a little".
The cat looked down a bit and made themself a ball of fur in your lap. You kept reading. They rested their head in your arm and stared at the book as you read, as if they were reading it too.
When you woke up, you were in that same couch. The cat was nowhere to be found. You had a blanket over you, the book was closed over the coffee table, and your shoes were off. You felt weirdly safe. Anonymously taken care of.
You heard noises in the room next door -the kitchen-, and you peeped in. The God of Mischief was in there, making two cups of coffee. He turned around as he heard you walk in, and handed you one cup.
"Góðan morgin", he said. It meant good morning. You swear you saw a little smile forming in the corners of his mouth.
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fairestwriting · 3 years
Hi there and Happy spring! I'm new to your blog, so I hope I'm doing this right- anyway, can I request some fluff/romantic headcanons for Malleus, Silver, Sebek, Vil, and Epel sharing their first kiss with their fem s/o on a picnic please? Thank you!
happy spring to you as well!! i hope you enjoy your stay in this blog ^_^
as a side note, i just noticed i write so much stuff set outside the pomefiore building...and the diasomnia boys have picnics around ramshackle because near their building its just. thorns.
(by the way, i have a ko-fi now, so if anyone feels like supporting my writing you can do it there!)
Malleus Draconia
You’ve known that Malleus liked outdoor dates since you two started going out like this, so you decide to surprise him with a picnic date.
It wasn’t anything too...fancy. You ask him about his favorite snacks and do your best to prepare them, then lay down an old tablecloth near the Ramshackle building, somewhere you two could see the moon well.
It’s the evening when you’re bringing Malleus to the spot you’ve picked, chirping about your surprise for him, and when you get there and tell him about your picnic plans, he’s a bit confused -- You’re nervous, thinking he might not have liked it, but then you realize he just didn’t know exactly what a picnic was.
It’s up for you to guide him through the motions. You explain to him that it’s just eating outdoors, really, usually on the ground like this. He follows you curiously as you instruct him to sit down, and you go on about the things people commonly did during them like storing the food in a basket, and the tablecloths...
“I thought you might like it, since we go for walks here so much.” You explain, nervously fidgeting with your hands a bit. Malleus hadn’t said much yet, just watched.
He’s inexpressive enough you’re afraid he really didn’t like it, so you ask him about it, but then a small smile appears on Malleus’ lips.
“I must say I’m surprised." He admits, with a tenderness in his eyes that you haven't seen before. "I'm sorry for the silence, Child of Man. I was thinking about how to thank you. But I believe I've figured it out now."
You're about to question what he means -- But then Malleus kisses you softly, your thoughts leave your mind as your eyes flutter shut.
When he pulls away, he's still smirking. Maybe he had been planning that, somehow...
After a couple of dates with Silver, you had noticed you needed to come up with more... low-energy ideas, at least for a while, because his perpetual sleepiness seemed to have gotten especially bad.
You two brainstorm a bit over lunch, when Lilia butts into your conversation and suggests a picnic -- And it's actually a good idea, especially now that the spring weather left the outdoors feeling more pleasant than usual. You two agree on meeting up next afternoon near Ramshackle for it, where maybe it wouldn't be the prettiest date spot, but you'd definitely have some time for yourselves.
Each one of you bring some snacks that you like, you arrange a tablecloth, and soon you were ready for your quaint picnic date -- Silver sits next to you over the cloth, head leaning against your shoulder, and you eat some cookies he bought while chatting idly about school.
When he falls silent in the middle of you telling a story about what one of your classmates did yesterday, you already know what to expect -- And when you turn to look at him, your suspicions are confirmed.
Silver is asleep, leaning against you cutely. You know it's not because he's bored, by now, and you planned this date so it's okay if he dozes off, so you don't mind.
But he looks so cute like this, eyes fluttered shut and expression so peaceful. You set the cookie down on the container, letting your hand pet at his silky hair for a while as you stare. He really was so pretty -- You leave a gentle kiss on his forehead, letting your fingers sort through his whiteish locks, and he stirs, eyes beginning to open.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty." You tease, smiling. Silver, still a bit half asleep, looks at you with half-lidded eyes. You're just about to assure him there's no issue he's dozed off -- Then suddenly his lips are on yours in a chaste, yet slow kiss.
"Retribution for you kissing me before." He explains, voice and smile drowsy as he does so, and returns to cuddle up to you.
Sebek Zigvolt
The picnic date is a product of your and Sebek’s current situation -- You’re his first girlfriend so he doesn’t know a lot of interesting date spots, it’s been exam season lately and you’re both tired, so something easy and simple seems ideal.
Today at lunch, right after your last exam, you tell him you have a surprise for him after all his activities. Sebek gives you a lecture about how he won’t put off any of his duties to see you, but after some coaxing you get him to cut some time from his studying, since exams were already over... and he comes to see you in the evening, at the exact time you had planned.
While he had been busy, you set up the picnic for both of you, and you show off proudly the food you got, put together over the tablecloth as you tell him to sit down -- Some you bought, some you made yourself. It’s mostly simple snacks, but there’s a sparkle in Sebek’s eyes.
You tell him it’ll be like a celebratory dinner for getting through such a difficult period in your school lives, and he’s actually quite excited for it. You sit down together and begin to eat, you listen to him talk about his day, everything is pretty sweet.
Pulling out some nice glasses you’d found stashed away at the Ramshackle attic, you suggest to Sebek that you have a celebratory toast, Sebek likes the idea, and you pour some juice for yourselves in it.
You two toast to your success in your exams cheerfully, he’s smiling quite brightly, happy to know that you’re proud of his efforts too -- As you sip your juice, you notice his face grows pink, you ask him what’s up. There’s a pause.
“...can I kiss you?” He asks, blurting out the question. You blink in surprise, blushing too, but you nod. Sebek blushes a bit more, he tentatively reaches forward... and his lips are on yours, all sweet and gentle. He smiles at you when he pulls away, happy to have had his first kiss with you -- Then you probably spill the forgotten juice on yourselves.
Vil Schoenheit
Isn’t really outdoorsy, so a picnic date isn’t the first romantic outing to come to his mind -- But when you two are taking a stroll on the woods close to Pomefiore and you mention how nice it’d be to have a picnic there, he gets the idea.
Vil liked surprising you like this, putting together all sorts of different dates to impress you, so he takes a couple days to make sure everything’s arranged nicely. He picks a nice spot on a flowering field, fills the basket with your favorite food, and on a Saturday morning, he comes to your dorm to tell you to wear your best sundress, you two are going on a picnic date.
You set up the picnic and eat together like any other meal you’d share, Vil points out the recipe for his favorite food items and fusses over you when you get breadcrumbs on your cheeks. The weather is nice, the sky is a bright blue, everything is so pleasant and you’re here, smile brighter than the sun itself.
He didn’t really bring you here with any second thoughts in mind but when you two are sharing a place of apple slices and you look around at the flowers with this dreamy look in your eyes, your beauty is so blinding to him, and he can’t help but remember he hadn’t kissed you just yet. Well, that just wouldn’t do.
“You’ve got something of mine on you,” He mutters, scooting closer, and during the second that you’re confused, about to ask what it was, Vil holds your chin delicately, tilting your face up as he steals a kiss from you.
Epel Felmier
Epel had been nervous since you two started going on dates, he really liked you and he wanted to do this right! So, lately he's been looking for good date ideas to impress you, and a picnic comes up.
He makes it a surprise! Tells you on Friday, fidgeting with his hands, that he wanted to meet up with you on the garden near the Pomefiore building tomorrow morning. When you get there, after some walking around the flowering bushes, you find Epel standing next to the little picnic setup, awkward but excited smile on his face.
It's a very classic setup -- The straw basket, the red checkered tablecloth. Epel actually has a sort of sappy, cliché romantic side to him. He announces the surprise, opening the basket to show you the food he's arranged for you two, mostly apple based snacks and some bread from the cafeteria. It's all so simple but so earnest you can't help but smile.
You two hang out like usual, chatting the pretty morning away, though it's visible in Epel's sudden cheerfulness that he's trying to impress you, and he feels as though he's succeeding, proud at himself for making his cute girlfriend happy.
"A-Ah, can I feed the cake to you?" He asks when he sees you've picked it up from the basket, and you decide to humor him. His eyes sparkle. You hand him the tupperware and the fork, and he takes a piece off the slice with it. "Say ah!"
You follow his suggestion, letting him feed you the piece of cake. You're a few forkfuls in now, all chuckles and content smiles as you chew your food, when his previously peppy expression falters a bit, and you see his face growing more red -- Well, he had been mostly just hyped about this, and being a good boyfriend, and all, but... he's taken off guard by how cute you can be.
You ask him what's wrong when he's setting the tupperware down, blushing like crazy, and he acts on impulse -- Even in all his clumsiness, Epel cups your face and surprises you with a kiss that lasts a while.
"What was that about?" You'll question, breathless and flustered, and he just mumbles, embarrassed, that you were acting too cute for him to handle, before quickly and excitedly asking to do it again.
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linked-heroes · 3 years
Yandere Chain and the New Goddess of Courage
So a week or two ago, I got hit with sudden motivation and inspiration (thanks to posts by the awesome blogs of @luimagines, @yandere-linked-universe, and several ppl who sent things to them!) with a scene from one of my several yandere au ideas! So here is the first part of it! Ofc the wonderful Nordictwin helped me with this. She’s my partner in crime ❤️
Featuring my Oc Navya. (Note that this is a different au from the Usurper Queen piece that @nordictwin wrote for me)
Navya feels herself settle, any doubts washing away at that moment. Sometimes you need moments like this to help accept and come to terms with things.
She is sick, no, she is furious of this little child and her mortal descendants harming, taking, and claiming what was hers.
Mine mine mine
How dare they take what's hers!
Navya breathes in deeply, and then lets it all out. She lets the small little ball of power and energy that has been dormant in her grow and spread out through her being. With slow confident steps, she prowls toward the mortal Hylia.
Kill her, spill her blood
End her reign before it can begin
With a sharp smirk, she speaks.
“Little goddess, do you know my name?”
The spoiled, defiant goddess opens her mouth, but Navya gives her no chance to respond.
“It’s Navya, in honor of the goddess of wisdom, Nayru. Funny, isn’t wisdom supposed to be yours? Yet you seem to lack it entirely.” Navya stops in front of Zelda, Sun, Hylia herself, for a moment before slowly circling her.
It would be so easy, a flick of the wrist and she could end Hylia here and now
Hylia makes a noise of offense “Now see here-!”
Navya continues as if the other woman hadn’t spoken.
“They say I was chosen by all three of the goddesses, and I was. I was named in honor of one goddess, who claimed me as hers. But do you know who it was who actually blessed me? Who, claimed me and in her blessing, declared me her successor? Bestowed upon me her power to inherit and take her place?”
Here Navya stops behind Hylia and turns to face her, to face the group of heroes in front of her, now behind Hylia.
She can see them all, ready to jump in and start fighting if they need to. They keep their eyes mostly on her, but don’t neglect to watch their surroundings for enemies (it breaks her heart to see them all so broken and battle ready, they shouldn’t have to be so watchful. They shouldn’t have to suffer as they have).
How dare they make her heroes suffer.
Navya slowly lets her power build, letting it slowly be felt by others. She can feel it seep into the air, and can feel the changes the magic is doing to her.
She can see the moment that Hylia senses her power, realizes what it is and what it means. The woman’s eyes bulge and she gapes at Navya. Her skin pales drastically before her face turns red and the defiant rage flares back into her.
That’s right child goddess, feel fear
Bow down to your betters
Navya doesn’t fight the cold smirk that slides onto her face.
She leans in and says:
“It was Farore”.
She can see her men, her partners, her heroes, (heroes just like her) all startle and focus all of their attention back to her.
Hylia, as typical of her, throws a fit. “No! You can’t, you have no right to them! They’re mine, I love them!”
Navya glares at the woman who was nothing more than a child.
“I am the heir of Farore, I am the Goddess of Courage. They are my heroes. You have no claim to what is mine little mortal goddess. They are blessed with courage, my courage, and you cannot have them.” She declares, power leaking into her voice and words. “You say you love them, yet all they have had is suffering and loss because of you. They have gained nothing from your so-called love.”
You hurt them!
I will make you suffer!
“They are my heroes! I chose them, I blessed them!” Hylia shrieks, her own power starting to leak out.
They were never yours!
“You condemned and cursed them is what you’ve done! Starting with First! You say you loved him, but he never loved you! You cursed him and part of his soul as he was dying! It brought him back as a deity against his will! And then when he tried to fight it, fight you, you cursed and exiled him into the mask!” Navya snarls, her rage building.
How dare you!
You took him from me!
“You can’t take them from me, You’ve already stolen Sky! And you have no right!” Hylia is shaking in her own anger, her power building and Navya senses it flowing into her hands, and immediately, she knows what Hylia was planning to do.
“They are mine Hylia, and I am theirs.” Navya smirks coldly at the young goddess in front of her and whispers, “and they will always choose me.”
The look of petulant fury bubbling under the surface is unbecoming on an otherwise pretty face. Poor girl, whoever she was before Hylia went and took over, Navya thinks. Sky has spoken of her compassion and sweet nature, but there is nothing of that now.
Instead Navya sees through Farore’s eyes the same brat she dealt with aeons before, acting the exact same way.
Of course it culminates as it always does.
The child lashes out when she can’t have her way, and the slap stings - no, it burns, the little shit had infused it with holy magic - as Hylia’s hand makes contact with her cheek.
Navya’s head snaps to the side and she can feel her skin blistering and bubbling and - fuck it hurts- she doesn’t doubt that there’s a handprint burned into her skin.
Navya sees Hylia raise her hand again, prepared to lash out even more (such a child) when she can’t think of anything else to do. What the goddess doesn’t realize is that Navya let her get the first slap in. Hylia has never been good at seeing the underneath, seeing how to use situations to her advantage. Hylia did exactly what Navya expected and wanted her to do.
So when her holy infused hand flies through the air to strike her again, it’s stopped.
Everything stills, as if time itself has frozen.
It is quiet.
Hylia stares at her, wide-eyed and pale, and by the Ancients, Navya can’t stop the smug, vindictive feeling that bubbles up in her chest when she slowly turns her head up and up and up.
Time smiles down at her, her wrist held in a vice grip that gets tighter… and tighter… and tighter.
Until she’s struggling, crying out in pain and discomfort, trying to reach Time’s hand and make him let go. Until that thin little wrist bends unnaturally, until it cracks like a dry twig and finally breaks and falls over, limp and useless.
Only then does he let go, still smiling, the perfect example of polite professionality.
That is, until he opens the other eye and the expression shifts to something a touch more deadly.
“Raise your hand against her again and it won’t just be your wrist that breaks, milady”.
The silence is deafening, and Navya… oh, Navya knows.
The paradigm - the world as they all know it - is shifting right in front of her, and it is glorious.
(Bells ring from somewhere unseen. A new era is dawning, with someone else in charge).
(She can’t wait to watch it unfold).
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The new arrivals- Part 9
My master post is here with all the other parts!
I apologise in advance for how I left this one! There's no smut in this one, just a lot of story! I hope you all still like it! 🖤💚🖤
Pairing: Loki x Female reader
Summary: You are Y/N the Goddess of Victory, niece of Tony Stark and you run the Avengers training facility based in the Highlands of Scotland. Thor, Loki and a ship full of Asgardians arrive and you need to help.
Word count: 2.2K
Warnings: No Smut in this one sadly, I didn't want to just force it in when it didn't fit. Quite a bit of Angst, violence and if you've not seen Infinity War then there's a lot of spoilers!
Any Likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated! Thank you for all the love so far. You guys are amazing! 🖤💚🖤
Let me know if you want me to keep writing more! And if you want added to the tag list!
@word-addict-lisette @with-inked-solace @queen-of-mischief @faraum
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Darkness surrounded you as your eyes became adjusted to your new surroundings, your hand still being firmly being grasped by Loki. As you all looked around at the dark surroundings, “This isn’t right” Thor said walking towards a window which lightly illuminated the dark messy workshop “The star’s gone out and the rings are frozen” Thor mumbled, scrunching up his face “I don’t like this” Loki warned, putting the Tesseract safely back into the pocket universe, “We should go”, he continued, gripping onto your hand tighter than before. “This forge hasn’t gone dark in centuries” Thor yelled with a mixture of shock and confusion, hitting his fist off the window. You let go of Loki’s hand and began to look around, pieces of metal and clutter everywhere, until you came across a mould for a gauntlet. “Shit” you said, you knew you recognised it as being the one Thanos wore when he killed your mother, “We need to leave now” You yelled out in a panic as you began to run back towards Loki and the others, only to see Thor go flying across the room, and a tall ragged looking man towering above you all. Your hands began to glow purple, as you raised them ready to defend yourself and your friends. Thor yelled “Y/N no! Eitri wait! Stop!” as he held up his hand to the giant man. “Thor?...” he questioned, his fists still ready to strike, “What happened here?” Thor questioned, his eyes full of concern. “You were supposed to protect us…Asgard was supposed to protect us!!” Eitri yelled at Thor and your group, tears forming within his eyes. “Asgard was destroyed” Loki stepped forward; his hands raised in surrender as you stepped forwards to Eitri “I recognise that gauntlet.” You said, pointing to the mould “What did you do? Why would you help Thanos?” You questioned refusing to lower your hands from your battle position. He walked away from you all towards the window, guilt written all over his face. “300 dwarves lived on this ring” he explained, “I thought if I did what he asked, they’d be safe” he said supressing a sob. “I made what he wanted, a device capable of harnessing the power of the stones” he continued as he broke down in hear wrenching tears of sorrow “But he killed everyone anyway. All except me” He cried, turning back to face the group. “Your life is yours, he said. But your hands are mine alone. Then he encased my hands in metal” he groaned, displaying his metallic fists for all to see. Thor gently walked towards him, placing a reassuring hand on him, “Eitri, this isn’t about your hands. Every weapon you’ve ever designed, every axe, hammer, sword etc its all inside your head” Thor smiled sympathetically pointing to his head but Eitri unable to look him in the eyes. “Now I know it feels like all hope is lost. Trust me, I know. But together with your help, we can all put an end to Thanos” Thor smiled, his arms gesturing back to the group of you. Eitri disappeared for a moment, then a machine came to life, bringing down a concrete looking mould. “I take it this will be your new hammer then?” you smiled looking at Thor, but Eitri interrupted you saying, “It’s a king’s weapon. Meant to be the greatest in Asgard. In theory, it could even summon the Bifrost.” He said nodding towards you and Thor. “Does it have a name?” You asked. “Storm-Breaker” Eitri said, tilting his chin up slightly, clearly proud of the weapon he had created. “So, how do we make it?” Thor asked, folding his arms over his chest. “You’ll have to restart the forge” Eitri said while looking out the window at the cold dying star. “Y/N, Loki your up. See what you can do.” Thor said, putting an arm around you both and shoving you towards the window that overlooked the heart of the dying star. “I’m sorry brother” Loki tutted, flipping back his hair, and placing his hands on his hips, “But how exactly do you expect us to do that?” he asked, throwing his hands in the air dramatically. “The rings are frozen; you need to get them moving again” Eitri explained to both you and Loki. The rings where massive, colossal even, you knew you and Loki wouldn’t have enough power to do
it alone. “Uncle Tony, I need you to get out there and start manually pushing the rings. We need all the help we can get” You said, placing a hand on his shoulder, pulling him into a hug, “Be safe” you said as you pulled away from him and he flew outside to begin pushing on the edge of the giant rings. You walked back over to Loki, taking both his hands in yours. You had to concentrate. You looked deep into his eyes and began focusing on moving the rings, closing your eyes to further your concentration. “You need to use your emotions Y/N” Loki pleaded, “Think of what that monster did to your mother, think of all he took from you” With these words tears began to spill from your closed eyes as you began to levitate you both off the ground, purple smoke emanating from every inch of you. You could hear the iced-up rings beginning to crack and groan as they started to move, “More Loki! Your nearly there!” Thor bellowed over to you both, “Look at me Y/N” Loki said cupping your face with his hands, your eyes where glowing bright purple as he leaned in and passionately kissed you, sending an explosion of green and purple energy, blasting out from you both making the colossal rings spin, and the star in the middle ignite into a ball of pure raw energy. A bright beam of light blasted out towards the forge igniting the smelter as the metal began to heat up, melting it before it poured into the mould. Eitri grabbed the intricate wooden handle for the axe and attached it to the weapon, unable to pick it up he gestured for Thor to collect Storm-Breaker. He held out his hand and the axe flew into it. Making bright lightening appear emanating from Thor. Out of sheer curiosity you held out your hand, wondering if his smart-ass comment earlier could be true. Could you possibly wield a weapon that powerful? You where a Goddess after all. After a few seconds, Thor could feel some slight resistance, was something pulling at the axe? Then with a crack of purple lightening, the axe was firmly in your hand as you began to laugh, your eyes still shining a bright purple as you revelled in the power of wielding the legendary weapon. “I don’t believe it” Thor said, his mouth open, completely stunned as Loki pulled you back into another earth-shattering kiss, “You never fail to surprise me love. Your incredible” he smiled, cupping your face laughing in disbelief and looking astonished that you even exist. “You’re not so bad yourself mischief” you winked as you kissed him again. “Can I please have my axe back?” Thor mumbled with a pout, clearly a little annoyed that he wasn’t the only worthy one. “Eitri, can you reforge Mjølnir for Y/N here? If she’s worthy of Storm-Breaker I’m sure she can handle Mjølnir” Thor smiled patting you on the back and pulling you into a hug. Eitri, went to work, fetching the mould and materials needed, then moments later, there was Mjølnir, reforged. The moment of truth, could you wield Mjølnir as well? You took a deep breath and held out your had, and the hammer flew straight to you. Glowing a beautiful shade of purple in your hand. “Does this mean I need to change my name to Thor?” You laughed, while flipping the hammer in your hand. “No, my dear. I don’t think I could be with you if that was the case” Loki teased wrapping an arm around your waist. “Thor, could you summon the Bifrost and take us to wherever Vision and Wanda are? I want to make sure we have all the stones we know of safe before Thanos comes”. Thor nodded signalling for you all to stand with him. He lifted his axe above his head and a bright rainbow light appeared engulfing you all, blinding you for a moment. When you looked up you where somewhere you recognised. “Hang on, this is Edinburgh Waverly train station” you laughed, “Wanda and Vision are here?” you questioned looking around. The train station was deserted at this time of night, until there was a deafening crash and glass came shattering everywhere around you as Vision and Wanda came hurling through the ceiling towards you all, sending Tony flying backwards into the dark green fencing that
separated the platforms. Wanda still gripping on to Vision who looked injured. “Isn’t it weird who you run into at the train station” Tony quipped, making you roll your eyes as you helped Wanda and Vision to their feet. Moments later a blue horned woman wielding some kind of alien spear crashed through the glass ceiling landing in front of you all. “Proxima” you glared at her, recognising her from your vision. “You killed my mother” You exclaimed, gripping onto Mjølnir, your eyes full of tears and once again turning purple, As another grey hooded man with a sceptre smashed through the ceiling landing next to Proxima, her bright red eyes looking amused and staring straight at you. A train barrelled through the station behind you, you noticed Proxima’s gaze left you, as she was looking at something or someone on the platform behind you as she growled and launched her spear, only to have it caught by none other than Steve Rodgers, He slowly walked forward as you watched Sam glide down behind Proxima and send her flying across the platform shattering through the stations coffee shop and rolling back onto the platform at the other side, “She’s mine” you growled using Mjølnir to fly over to her as you slammed down aiming for her head screaming in fury. She rolled out the way just in time, only to pull out a dagger and catch you in the ribs. Undeterred you swung again at her and sent her crashing into the parked train nearby. “Did you really think it would be that easy?” You said through gritted teeth, as you began to levitate again, your eyes an ominous bright purple as Proxima readied her spier that her partner had thrown back to her before he was rugby tackled by a newly appeared Natasha. Proxima lunged at you again narrowly missing you, “I don’t even know who you are mortal” she growled, knocking you to the ground before she tried to plunge her spear into your chest again, you blocked it with a haze of purple energy, “You…urgh.. Killed! My! Mother!” You screamed at her, a wave of purple energy emanating from you sending her flying backwards, “And for another thing, I’m not mortal. I am Y/N. The Goddess of Victory. And you have royally pissed me off” You yelled sparks of purple lightening appearing around you, as you leaped into the air and crashed down in front of Proxima, Mjølnir shattering the train station platform as she fell under the collapsed rubble. You turned around, looking for your teammates, still fighting the other one, as you began to head towards to assist them you felt a searing pain ripping through your abdomen. As if in slow motion you looked down and saw a spear tip poking out of your stomach, your blood gushing from the wound as you cried out in agony, you heard Loki scream out your name, rushing over to gather you in his arms. Sam knocked Proxima backwards with a flying kick as Cap and Natasha went to deal with her and the other creature. Your uncle Tony appeared next to you and Loki, removing his helmet, and spraying some white residue into you to seal your wound. “It’s going to be okay sweetheart” Tony said kneeling next to you, as you coughed up blood, spluttering on it as a hysterical Loki cried and cradled you in his arms saying, “Please don’t leave me Y/N. Your all I have”. Proxima laid on the ground, next to her injured teammate, Natasha held her spear to Proxima’s neck, drawing some blood. “We don’t want to kill you, but we will.” She said, glaring at the creatures before her. Proxima smirked and said, “You’ll never get the chance again” before being lifted through the roof by a bright blue light. Thor had already joined Loki next to you on the train station platform, assessing your wound for himself and trying to comfort his inconsolable brother. All you could focus on was Loki’s tearful eyes lovingly looking at you as he kissed your forehead, you could feel his warm tears joining with your own as they ran down your cheeks, before the peaceful darkness took you, you swore you could see a beautiful woman reaching down for you, “Mum?” you smiled weakly before the darkness completely enveloped
Any Likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated! Thank you for all the love so far. You guys are amazing! 🖤💚🖤
Let me know if you want me to keep writing more! And if you want added to the tag list!
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You matter - Aaron Hotchner x fem! reader
A/N: So a lot of you seemed to like my last one about hotch and trust me i have plenty more! I also have some for spencer and am currently writing a mini series for derek so if anyone’s interested in that let me know. Enjoy.                                Warnings: Mentions of a case, swearing                                                                Word count : 1,762                                                                                                  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I sat in the lobby of the hotel; my head held in my hands. This case had taken a toll on all of us. All we wanted to do was to get back to Quantico and get a goodnights rest in our own homes, in our own beds. But apparently mother nature had other plans. A storm had been brewing all night – thunder, lightning, rain – the whole lot. So, we’d been made to stay another night in the local hotel. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a bad hotel. If anything, it’s one of the nicer ones we’ve stayed in throughout the years, but the frustration from not being able to go home grew in all of us. I was so wrapped in my own thoughts I didn’t notice someone taking a seat next to me. 
“You okay?” Hotch’s voice made me jump. I placed my hand over my chest. 
“God you scared me.” I said chuckling. Hotch smiled at me. 
“Sorry, you just looked like you could use the company.” He replied. I sighed. 
“Yeah. I guess I could.” He studied my face for a moment. “
Are you okay?” He seemed hesitant in his words. Mine and Hotch’s friendship is quite a casual one. We occasionally see each other outside of work, I’ve even watched jack for him when Jess wasn’t able to. Hotch had confided in me with some of his deepest secrets. Nightmares, regrets, worry’s about not being a good father. But I listened. We’ve never discussed my thoughts, my feelings. And that’s okay. I don’t want to be a burden to him, or any of the team. So, whenever they had a problem, I would sit and listen. I’d comfort them, try my best to give them advice or simply let them get their feelings out. But when it came to myself, I push all those feelings down. Until my key hits the door. 
“Hey.” Hotch nudged my arm. I hadn’t realised I’d been gazing at the wall ahead of me, once again caught up in my own thoughts. 
“What’s going on? Talk to me.” He said softly. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed.
 “It’s just this case you know. I get that our job is to get inside the mind of these psychos, but I can never understand why people hurt kids.” I explained. 
“We can never truly understand why these people do what they do.” Hotch replied. 
“That’s not true. In most of our cases, I do understand. I’m able to see the reasons as to why they kill. I never agree with them before you think I’m insane.” Hotch chuckled stiffly at my words. 
“But when it comes to kids, I never understand it. There’s no logic, no sense to it. And this case especially. As if torturing them wasn’t enough, why then display the dead bodies for the family to see? I mean the families have been through enough, the child went through enough. I thought this guy would have some shred of humanity left not to fucking humiliate and scar them all afterwards.” I could feel the anger building up inside of me. There’s something I hadn’t told the team. And now it was about to come bursting out. 
“I know they have no emotions. I know they don’t think the right way. I know that biologically that there is something wrong with them. I know the facts. But it still bugs me. And the fact he was fucking laughing when we brought him in. That sick bastard.” I stood up and started pacing. Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes as I ran my shaking hands through my hair trying to cling on to any sense of calm I had left. 
“I hate him.” I spat. All hope of remaining collected went out the window. Hotch stood up and came towards me. 
“Y/N, listen to me calm down.” He reached out to place his hands on my arms. 
“No. This isn’t fair. Abbey didn’t do anything” 
“Abbey? The last girl he killed?” Hotch asked but I ignored him. 
“She was seven. SEVEN HOTCH. All she wanted to do was go to school, live her life, play with her friends. Instead, she ends up being kidnapped, brutally torched and murdered then get’s her dismembered body presented on her front lawn like she was some kind of abstract art.” I was hysterical at this point. Crying, yelling – I couldn’t stop myself. 
“I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.” I pounded my fists against Hotch’s chest with every sentence, until I eventually wore myself out and collapsed into his arms sobbing. He held me, letting me get everything out. I could feel his hands gently rubbing my back, soothing me. We were now crouched down on the floor and at some point Hotch must have moved us to a corner somewhere as his back was resting against a wall. When I eventually stopped crying, I noticed I was half sprawled across his lap. I didn’t have the energy to stand so I just shifted myself, so I was comfortable and able to face him. He gently brushed the hair out of my face. I couldn’t meet his gaze. I was embarrassed to have lost it like that. 
“I’m sorry.” I whispered. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” He replied, softly 
“Can I ask you a question?” I nodded at his words. 
“Why is this effecting you so much? I understand this case has been a brutal one but it’s not the first time we’ve dealt with this level of torture. It’s certainly not the first child killer we’ve dealt with. So, what’s changed?” He took my hands in his and begun to rub small circles around them, offering me a small sense of comfort. His tone was soft. I could tell he was asking from a place of genuine care for me. 
“I knew her.” I confessed. Hotch’s hand stilled on mine. “She was my niece.” Hotch looked slightly puzzled at my words. 
“But her parents, they’d never seen you before?” He asked. 
“Well, you know how they told you she was adopted when she was a child? And that her birth mother passed away a few months after they took abbey into their care? Her mum was my sister. Making abbey my niece.” I explained in a low tone. 
“H-how long have you known?” Hotch questioned. 
“I’ve known for a while. I knew before we took the case.” I replied. 
“You knew this entire time and you didn’t say anything? Not even when we found her?” Hotch sounded shocked. 
“I just couldn’t face it at the time. We needed to find the Unsub and I didn’t have time to let my feelings get in the way. They weren’t important.” I said looking at the ground. Hotch sighed . I felt him placed his finger under my chin and gently guide my eyes up to meet his. 
“Listen to me okay, your feelings matter. They will always matter. I can’t imagine what it must have been like for you to have seen that yet continue to work the case and I’m deeply sorry for your loss. But please, never hide your feelings from us. From me. You’ve helped me on countless occasions, and I apologize if I haven’t made you feel like I could return the favour.” I shook my head. 
“No this isn’t you Hotch. I know I could’ve mentioned it to you. I just –“ I hesitated before  continuing. Hotch continued to stroke my hand softly. 
“I’ve spent so long having to just deal with my emotions alone. I’ve never really had anyone who cared enough to listen, so I’ve just learnt to keep it to myself. So now I have you, a-and the team, it’s just hard to open up you know?” I explained. Hotch gently reached up and placed his hand on my cheek. My eyes fluttered closed as I leant into his touch. I didn’t realise how much I craved his touch until now. 
“I understand. But I hope you do know that you can talk to me. About anything. Whenever you need me, just come, and find me. Yeah?” I nodded slightly at his words. I could feel tears beginning to slip from my eyes again. Hotch slowly wiped them away with his thumb. 
“Thank you. For everything.” I whispered. 
“You don’t need to thank me.” He replied in soft tone, smiling at me. “I love you too much to watch you suffer alone.” His voice was low, almost at a whisper. My eyes snapped up to meet his. 
“Y-you love me?” Hotch sighed at my words. 
“I’m not expecting you to feel the same, but you needed to know that you’re loved. By no one more than me.” He explained. I just starred at him trying to process what he’d just said. I’d had feelings for hotch ever since I met him, but I’d never been 100% sure until now. Slowly, I leant forward and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. It wasn’t long, but enough for him to know I reciprocated his feelings. As I pulled away, he looked at me slightly shocked at my actions. I looked at him nervously. Maybe he didn’t love me. Maybe he was just saying to make me feel better. Shit, what had I done? Before I could regret my choice any longer, Hotch leant forward to reconnect my lips with his but this time it was deeper – with a lot more passion. He cupped my face in his hands softly, as if he was scared to lose me. I shifted on his lap, so I was essentially straddling him. I felt him smile against my lips as he placed his hands just above my hips, holding me close to him. My fingers interwind in his black hair tugging slightly. Eventually we had to pull away for air. 
“Hotch I-“ 
“Aaron. Call me Aaron.” He said cutting me off by placing his finger to my lips. I smiled at him. The smile he returned to me in that moment was brighter and fuller of joy than anything I’d seen in the past. My cheeks flushed red as I suddenly became shy, so I leant forward and buried my head in the crook of his neck. This caused him to chuckle, sending warm vibrations throughout my chest. He wrapped his arms around me and held me flush against him. We stayed like that for a while, just enjoying our newfound love for one another.
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silhouetteofacedar · 3 years
Fox Mulder, Closet Romantic Ch. 12: Capsaicin
Previous Chapter - AO3 - MSR, rated E
Maybe he wrote her address wrong.
The odds of that happening are pretty damn slim; Mulder’s had it down by heart for years, but he’s grasping at all possibilities right now.
He had sent the letter through the postal service in an attempt to keep himself from stressing out over its delivery, but that plan backfired the minute the envelope left his hands.
He dropped it in the mail on Saturday evening. It’s now Wednesday, and Scully has made no mention of it. There’s been no indication in her demeanor at all to suggest that she’d received any revelatory mail-pieces.
He might live the rest of his life in this horrific limbo, a purgatory of his own construction. He’s been on pins and needles all week, filling the basement office with nervous energy, furtively glancing at Scully in attempts to read her facial expressions. Did she get the letter and throw it out? How is she so calm? Maybe it got stuck in one of the sorting machines…
Before he knows it, Scully’s bidding him a friendly “goodnight” and shutting the office door.
Say what you will about anxiety, but it sure spices up the workday.
Mulder drives home in a fog; he’s exhausted from the mental exertion of thinking in circles and jumping to conclusions. Inside his apartment he flops down on the sofa and calls for takeout from the Thai place down the street that has his order memorized.
The next time he confesses his undying love to somebody, he’s going to use e-mail.
A knock on his door shakes him from his reverie.
“How much do I owe-” he begins as he opens the door, then freezes.
Scully is standing at his doorstep, a high flush on her cheeks. She looks somehow startled, as though he surprised her by opening his own front door.
“Scully,” he says, concerned. “Are you alright?”
“Mulder,” she replies, voice cracking on the edges. Her big blue eyes are full, ready to spill over her lower lids.
“You read it,” he says softly. He feels his chest tighten into a tight knot of anxiety, and he swallows hard.
She nods. “Can I- I need to come in.”
He stands aside, ushers her into his living room.
She’s vibrating with nervous energy. Mulder motions to the couch. “Would you, uh, like to sit down?”
“I’d prefer to stand, thank you,” she says, voice tight. She grips her elbows.
“Well, I guess I’ll sit,” Mulder says softly, lowering himself to the couch. “Scully, I-“
She holds out a hand. “You got to say your piece, Mulder, now it’s time for mine.” Her lower lip crumples slightly, and he wants to get up and hug her.
She takes a deep breath, pulling herself together. “Mulder, when I received your letter today…” She blinks back tears. “I was completely overwhelmed. I’m not even sure how I managed to drive here,” she admits. “And I appreciate that in it you acknowledged the inopportune timing of your confession. Things just keep piling up,” she says. “But now I just want to know, need to know… why the hell did you wait so long?”
There’s pain in her voice, and he aches in return.
“I didn’t know how you felt,” he says simply, “and then Mark happened.” It’s so insufficient, but it’s all he has.
“I wish you’d told me before,” she says. “I wish I’d known. I dragged you into this mess with him, and the whole time you… you felt that for me.”
“Scully,” he says slowly, “If I had told you I loved you, would you have still gone out with Mark?”
She doesn’t answer right away, and his heart falls into his stomach.
“How can you ask me that?” she says, voice a rough whisper. “What do you want me to say?”
Say no. Please. “I’m only interested in the truth, Scully. You of all people know that by now.”
A tear spills down her cheek, and she wipes it away roughly. “I… I don’t know. Do you have any idea how long and hard I worked to not feel? I’d wake up every damn morning thinking about you. I’d scrub myself raw in the shower so you couldn’t smell me, sense how much I wanted you all fucking night. I’d come to work and turn my heart off, bury my feelings so deep that even now I can barely scratch the surface of them. I did it for years, Mulder.” She takes a deep, shaky breath. “So when my mother introduced me to a nice man with a little girl, I decided to go for it. And I almost forget how to really feel something. But you… you never let me forget. And the rational choices cease to make sense.” She sniffs noisily. “You turned my entire world upside down.”
He hangs his head. “I’m sorry-” he begins.
“No,” Scully interrupts. “No, Mulder. I don’t want your guilt, or your pity; I don’t need it. I want you, and me. I want us to be the two broken people we are, healing. We can’t keep hurting each other with misguided attempts to protect each other.”
“What do you mean, then? How do we stop?”
“By being honest,” she says, coming around the coffee table and perching on the edge of the couch. “We start here. Right now.”
“I-I don’t know how much more clear or honest I could possible be,” Mulder stammers. “The letter spelled it out. My cards are on the table.”
“They are,” she agrees, “But you wrote under the assumption that I wouldn’t reciprocate. You left no room for alternatives.”
“Alternatives being…”
Scully’s eyes are pleading. “Mulder,” she whispers, beseeching.
There’s a knock on the door.
Mulder glances over his shoulder, startled out of their moment. “I ordered Thai,” he explains. “If you’re here, then that must be the delivery guy,” he says.
Scully nods. “Likely.” She gets up from the sofa and crosses to the desk, fetching the tissue box there. “You should-”
“Answer the door, yeah,” Mulder agrees absently, standing and feeling his pockets for his wallet.
The bored teenager on the other side of the door holds the bag out. “Sixteen forty-nine,” he says.
“Give him a twenty,” Scully instructs from the living room, blowing her nose.
Mulder digs a bill out of his wallet and hands it to the delivery guy. “You and the Mrs have a good night,” the boy says, stifling a yawn as he shoves the money into the pack on his waist.
“That tip was what, twenty-five percent?” Mulder grouses, setting the bag on the coffee table.
“Oh, so you can do math,” Scully says, dabbing her eyes with a tissue. “So what’s your excuse for being a lousy tipper, then?”
“Spoken like a former waitress,” Mulder mumbles.
“You’re goddamn right,” Scully says. “Best IHOP server in San Diego.”
Her bravado contrasts sharply with her puffy eyes and watery voice, and Mulder wants to pull her into his arms and never let go.
“You want any of this?” he asks, pulling steaming cartons out of the bag. “There’s plenty for both of us, and if you don’t eat I’ll feel like a crappy host.”
She sits back down on the couch, setting the tissue box on the coffee table. “If you don’t mind sharing,” she concedes.
“I’ll grab you a fork,” he replies, giving her knee a squeeze.
They eat quietly, passing cartons between them, migrating together until they’re shoulder to shoulder in the center of the couch.
“So,” Mulder says, “Before the food got here, we were talking about something pretty important.”
Scully nods, turning her fork to wind noodles around the tines. “That we were,” she agrees.
“About honesty,” he prompts. “Alternatives.”
Scully sets her fork down, closes her eyes. “This… this is difficult for me, Mulder. It’s surreal; I didn’t expect this outcome for us. For you to… to feel the way you do,” she clarifies.
“On the contrary,” Mulder says, “I feel like this was always going to happen, from the day we met. Somewhere deep in my mind I knew I was going to fall in love with you.”
Scully looks at him then, eyes wide.
“Th-that’s the first time I’ve said that aloud,” he says in realization, eyes not leaving hers.
Scully nods. “How’d it feel?” she asks softly.
Mulder licks his lip. “Kinda depends on how it felt for you,” he responds, voice low.
She takes a deep breath. “Call me crazy, but I think I need to hear it again.”
He nods, then on impulse leans in until his mouth is next to her ear, strands of coppery hair tickling his cheek. “I’m in love with you,” he murmurs.
Scully reflexively grips the edge of the couch cushion. “Don’t,” she warns, voice husky and breathier than he expected. “I’m not ready.”
He draws back. “Ready for what?” he asks.
She smoothes her hair behind her ear. “You,” she says simply, looking him up and down out of the corner of her eye. She picks up her fork and takes another bite of noodles. “I’ve spent so long in denial, Mulder, I feel… flammable. Like the smallest spark could just…” she motions to herself. “Destroy my equilibrium, or something.”
“Is this the official medical terminology? Because I’m not familiar,” he quips.
She huffs a laugh. “No, Mulder. What I’m trying to say is that I think we should go slow. Whatever ‘going’ means, in this case.”
“But we are a we,” he clarifies.
“Yes, I think we are,” Scully says tenderly, facing him again. “I… I want to be. But I’m processing things, so I need you to give me time.”
You can have my whole life. “That’s fine by me,” he assures her. “So you think we have a spark, Scully?”
She licks her upper lip, nodding. “Oh yes,” she says, eyes flicking down to his mouth. “Yes, we do.”
He leans back into the couch cushions. “Well then,” he says, eyeing her lazily, “When you feel like starting some fires… I’m your boy.”
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wonder-womans-ex · 3 years
One Word Answer
Luke won’t even try to deny it—he’s fighting back tears as he pushes the screen door open. The house is so silent he thinks it might be empty, and, quite honestly, that’s probably for the best. If he tries to talk to anyone right now, he actually is going to start crying. 
All he wants is to curl up on the Lupins’ sofa and think about whatever the fuck it was he did wrong; whatever he did to deserve this. 
But he has no such luck. 
The instant he enters the living room, he’s met by an onslaught of noise. There are streamers hanging from the ceiling, and the smiling faces of his friends—James, Remus, Sirius, Logan, Leo, Finn; he even thinks he might see Lily in the corner—are there to greet him. Remus approaches first, and presses a glass of champagne into his hands. 
He passes it right back, and the noise stills, and Remus’s face falls slightly. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong.” 
“Obviously something’s wrong.” 
Luke sighs. “Just forget it.”
“Forget it. Forget this.” He gestures around them, at the people, the decorations, the alcohol. “There’s no point.”
“What are you talking about?” 
Isn’t Remus supposed to be the smart one? Is he really going to make Luke say it? “He said no, Remus.”
If the room was quiet before, now it’s unbelievably so; painfully so. “He said no,” he says again, this time more to himself. 
He barely feels himself slump against the doorframe, sliding down to the floor with a slight thump. His head falls to the side, and he squeezes his eyes closed in one final attempt to stop the tears. 
Somewhere in the back of his mind, though it feels, in a way, like he’s dreaming; he hears Remus’s voice, determined and far, far too loud: “Okay, everyone out. He needs… he needs.”
There follows the all-encompassing silence of a party ended too soon. Footsteps pass by him, going out into the hall, but Luke doesn’t have the energy to try to put gaits to faces and faces to names. He doesn’t have the energy to do anything but sit there and feel the uncomfortable warmth of his tears spill from his eyes and trail down his cheeks. 
“I’ll go,” he hears Sirius say, once there’s no one left but the three of them, “and talk to…” he trails off, perhaps not saying the name for fear of it killing Luke just a little more inside, but it does nothing to help. All he can think of is hazel eyes and blond curls and gold, gold, gold. 
And then it’s just them there: Luke, who needs to be comforted, and Remus, who hasn’t had to comfort him in so long that he’s forgotten how to—or maybe he never knew at all. 
“I’m sorry,” Remus says. 
“Don’t be.”
For the first time since it happened, Luke opens his fist. He opens his eyes, too, and he stares at the glint of metal. He bought the ring so long ago; he spent hours deliberating, trying to find the perfect one, and now it seems it doesn’t matter after all. 
“He said no,” he whispers again, and this time it feels, even to him, like he’s just trying to convince himself of that. He looks up, meeting Remus’s gaze, and he brings his knees up to his chest, curling himself into a ball, into a defense mechanism, and buries his face in his hands. “I love him.”
“I know.”
“It hurts.”
“I know.”
“But you don’t know!” This—this anger isn’t like him. Or, well, it is like him—it’s how he was before the treasure, when they were just Gods and Hollows. It’s how he was before Saint. 
He feels one of Remus’s hands grasp his, and he thinks of all the times they tried so hard to be in love. For years, they thought that it had to be each other; that they would never have anyone else. But it never worked out, because Remus needed Sirius—brave, easy Sirius—and Luke needed Saint. 
Saint who was harsh like ice and warm like sunlight. Saint who loved like he fought. 
Saint who said no. 
Gently, Remus pries the ring out of his hand. He hears the click as it’s set down on the floor beside them, and he lets himself be enveloped in the arms of the boy who was his only friend in the world for so very long. 
The apartment is empty when Luke gets back. The lights are off; the door is locked; Saint’s wallet is still on the counter here he left it. He wonders where Saint is. He wonders if Saint is going to come back. 
He wonders whether he wants him to. 
Well, that’s not quite right. Of course he wants Saint to come back. What he’s not so sure about is whether he wants Saint to acknowledge any of this. 
He’s been hurt in a way he didn’t know he could be hurt. He has his defenses—he always has—and he took them down for the boy who was somehow both wild dreams and harsh reality all at once. For the first time in his life, he saw he was falling in love, and he let himself. He had no idea that that love would ever—could ever—destroy him in the way it is now. 
Saint loves him. Luke knows this. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have pretended to, because while Saint is a good liar, he is not a happy one. He’s lived far too much of his life surrounded by half-truths, and he would never willingly do something that would hurt himself. 
Hurting other people, yes. But Saint is not self-destructive. He’s just reckless. 
Luke sets his keys down on the coffee table. He stares at the sofa—the sofa he and Saint bought together—and he clenches his jaw. His fist flies, practically of its own accord, into one of the couch cushions, and he feels his anger hit boiling point. 
Just as quickly, it cools. 
He’s not so much mad at Saint as he is mad at himself for wanting to be mad at Saint. He’s always known himself to be a paradox, and now, here, in the semi-darkness of the place he calls home, he finally understands that now is no exception. 
When he enters the bedroom, he reaches out blindly with one hand for the light switch. To an outsider, it would seem like nothing has changed at all, but in reality, Luke’s entire world has been flipped on its head. It feels like it, anyway. 
He goes through the motions. He brushes his teeth; he changes into his pajamas; but all the while he’s teetering on the edge of a precipice. 
Climbing into bed and smelling the briny tang of salt water that Saint always carries with him is what finally tips him off the edge. He becomes lost in the memory of this afternoon, and it’s like Crucio all over again; he’s drowning in the past and the present and the future—
“Do you recognize this place?” Luke asks, hands in his pockets. 
“Of course.” 
The sun shines off Saint’s hair, bright and beautiful, and Luke tells him, “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” It’s natural—they’ve said it a hundred thousand times by now, and, as Luke squeezes the ring he’s holding, he hopes beyond hope they’ll be able to say it a hundred thousand more. 
When Saint turns around, his eyes go wide. Luke tries to keep his balance—his jeans are already damp at the knee from the still-dewy grass, and the faint warmth of the noonday sun does nothing to calm his nerves. His breath shakes; he almost drops the ring as he holds it out. 
“Hey,” he says, trying to smile. Inhale, exhale, he tells himself, and starts over again. 
“I think you know why I’ve brought you here, but I’m going to say it anyway. 
“This place, right here, is where we were when I finally fell in love with you. Sure, I’d been falling for a long time, but it was here that I hit rock bottom and realized I wanted to stay there.” 
Saint must know where this is going. There’s no way he doesn’t. But his expression is unreadable, and Luke has to force himself to look away in order to keep going. 
“I love you, Saint. I have for so long it scares me to think about and I will for the rest of time. You mean the world to me—I hope you know that. You are, without a doubt, my everything, and I want more than anything for you to remain my everything forever. 
“You’ve spent years without a last name that truly feels like home. What I’m offering now, what I’m laying my heart bear in the hopes of, is that you can take mine. Will you—” he swallows, finally focusing his gaze; finally meeting Saint’s eyes, “—will you marry me?”
It’s like time has forgotten where it was going before—or perhaps even that it was ever going anywhere at all. Luke waits, biting his lip and trying not to smile, for an answer.
Saint turns his head away; he’s looking at something in the distance. His fingers are twitching ever so slightly at his side, and Luke’s heart falters. 
“I’m sorry,” whispers Saint, still looking away, and Luke doesn’t need to hear any more. It’s as if someone has taken an axe to the very fibre of his being; his dreams of the future are being chipped away at in front of his very eyes. 
Luke clears his throat. “Right.” He stands up, and his leg hurts like a bitch from kneeling, but he won’t say anything. The last thing he can do right now is show weakness. The last thing he can do is prove to Saint that he, Luke Deveaux, isn’t worth it. 
“Wait,” Saint calls after him when he turns to go, but Luke isn’t listening. Of course Saint has his excuses, and, knowing Saint, they’re probably damn good ones, too, but he doesn’t want to hear them. Not now, when the chasm down the centre of his heart is still fresh and bleeding. Not now, when it hurts to take even a single step away from the man he loves, but he has to anyway. 
Maybe not ever. 
Luke isn’t asleep. He’s caught in the half-place—the place you go when you’re not there, not yet, but you aren’t quite here, either. So he feels the mattress dip beside him, and he feels the breath on the back of his neck, and he feels the hand curl protectively over his waist. He hears Saint say “I’m sorry,” in that quiet, desperately painful voice he has. 
“You’re not,” he says into the silence, and he waits. 
“I am,” Saint tells him. “I really am. I’m sorry I can’t want that. I’m sorry I can’t be that. I’m sorry I’m not enough.”
The last part is raw and full of emotion, and it would kill Luke completely if he was to say anything but “You are enough.”
“Not for you, I’m not.”
He still doesn’t turn over to face Saint—he’s not ready for that—but he lets himself relax slightly into his arms. “You are. You’re enough. You’re more than enough. Sometimes—sometimes I think you might be a little too much, actually.”
Saint’s other hand slots quietly over his. It makes his breath catch in his throat, but he can feel, in the thrum, the ever-constant ebb and flow of Saint’s very being, that it makes all of this so much easier. 
“What I wanted to say,” Saint starts—tentatively, as if he’s scared that at any moment Luke is going to decide he doesn’t want to hear it—“earlier today, is that I don’t want that. I’ve never wanted that. I’ve never wanted a wedding and a certificate and a house and a family and honey, I’m home. That’s… that’s not for me. 
“The way I see it, marriage is an anchor. It’s there to make sure you never stray. It’s a choice you make once, and it’s a choice that stays with you forever.”
Exactly, Luke thinks, but he says nothing. 
“What I want—what I’ve always wanted, I just never thought it was within any realm of possibility until I fell in love with you—is a hundred choices. I want freedom in the fact that there isn’t really freedom at all. I want two boats, floating freely, that always find their way back to each other. I want to wake up next to you every morning knowing that I could leave if I wanted to but make the choice not to. 
“And I know that’s not what you want. But I can’t make myself play happy families because the truth of it is that that isn’t me. I’m a wanderer. I want a reason to stay in one place, not a rule to keep me there. I’m sorry.” 
He can feel Saint’s mouth moving against the place where his spine meets the cords of his neck. He can feel Saint’s tears, but it’s okay, because he’s crying, too. 
“No.” His voice is far too loud for the weighted silence of the room. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I tried to make you choose between yourself and me. I’m sorry I didn’t realize that I don’t want marriage; I want you. I want you in your entirety; I want you in your all-encompassing happiness. That’s all I want. I want what you can give me—nothing more, nothing less.”
Slowly, Luke turns over onto his back. Saint immediately tucks his face into the space between Luke’s shoulder and neck, and this, this feels right. 
“I love you,” Saint whispers. “I’ll always love you.”
“And I you.”
Saint laughs, a quiet noise that sounds like it’s half sob, as well. “And I tried to want that. I really did. At the wedding, I looked at you in that suit and I tried so hard to imagine if that was, well, us.”
“But you couldn’t.” As he says it, Luke presses a kiss to the crown of Saint’s head—the curls tickle his nose, and he closes his eyes for a moment and lets himself just be. 
“I couldn’t. And I thought that was okay, because I never even considered that you could love me enough to… to want that with me.”
Luke pulls back, propping himself up on one elbow and creating enough space between them for him to look Saint in the eyes. They haven’t properly looked at each other since this afternoon, but that particular shade of hazel is all Luke has been able to think about. “It has nothing to do with how much I want you,” he says, and then he realizes how that sounds. “Or, rather, it is no indicator of how much I want you. It’s like you said—marriage is like an anchor. Sure, I haven’t always wanted that anchor, but that doesn’t change the fact that, anchor or no, I’ve always known, somewhere, that I’ll never let us drift apart.”
There are a few moments where they simply stare at each other. Luke runs his tongue along the edges of his teeth, pressing it into the sharpness of his canines just to feel something. Then Saint smiles that half-smile of his—the one he only ever wears when he and Luke are alone—and reaches up to cup Luke’s cheek in his palm. 
“Fucking hell, Tweedle,” he says, in a soft, gentle voice that doesn’t at all match the words coming out of his mouth, “that might be the sappiest shit I’ve ever heard you say.” 
Luke rolls his eyes and grins. He leans down, brushing his mouth against Saint’s. Their lips are barely touching, but, even so, Luke feels himself smile into the kiss. He’s at home here. 
“You know,” Saint says later, when they’re simply lying in the dark, Luke’s head resting on Saint’s chest and one of Saint’s fingers tracing circles in Luke’s back, “there is one downside to the whole ‘not getting married’ plan.”
Luke wonders if he’s walking into a trap. “What’s that?”
“The last name thing.” 
“Mm hmm.” Luke yawns. “Saint Deveaux does have a nice ring to it.”
“That it does.”
There’s another minute or two of comfortable silence, before Luke speaks up again. “And the second thing?”
“The second—oh.” Saint waits half a second before, “No divorce jokes.”
Luke laughs despite himself, relishing in the way Saint’s chest moves as he laughs, too. Saint, he knows now, is his choice. Saint is everything. Saint is home.
Saint is forever. 
characters are by the incredible @lumosinlove
thanks to @im-oknutzy-trash for betaing
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The Missing Guardian | Prologue: Act I Scene I | Mondstadt: The Outlander Who Caught The Wind
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A.N. okay! so first chapter of a new series im starting! its a series rewrite of the genshin impact plot. i had always wanted to do one of these, and with my comic obsession, if you read marvel/dc comics youll find some crossovers hints. hope yall enjoy as i finally start to write and get on some type of schedule. its also one in the morning so imma head to bed :)
Word Count. 1,633 words
Page Count. 4.8 pages
Synopsis. When you’ve finally found a home in a set of twins who travel across worlds, setting out to enjoy your time with them; learning everything you could while traveling from world to world. But this time was different, because this time, someone stood in your way from continuing forward, from going home. You watched as your family was torn from you once again, leaving you stuck in a world alone with only a guide, the memories of a life long left behind, and the hope of finding them once again.
[ Series Masterlist: The Missing Guardian Mini Masterlist ]
[ Act I, Scene I ] [ next scene ]
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Prologue Act I: Scene I | Monstadt: The Outlander Who Caught The Wind
                So, what you're trying to say is that you fell here? From another world?
                But, when you wanted to leave and go back to your world... Your path was blocked by some unknown God?
        You could only nod at Paimons commentary, watching as she floated next to you, a small hand to her chin as she looked deep in thought. Looking forward to the vast openness of the ocean in front of you, memories flashing before your own eyes as the pain settled in your heart, the wind slowly picking up before the tears filled your eyes. It hurt to think back at what happened, to how you lost them, the two people to found you after being lost for so long.
        That carmine red outlining the dark abyss shaped like a star would haunt you as a woman walked out, snowy white hair and the bandages around her legs flowing around her as her voice seemed to break through your skull, demanding your attention while the twins next to you could only look up in confusion. The anger in those golden eyes was enough to make you take a step back, you've never met her- Hell, you've never seen or heard of anyone like her, so why did she come at you with such ferocity? Even her mere presence contrasted with the ivory, baby blues, and gold of your surroundings, the heavenly area around you tainted with this... Unknown God.
        "Outlanders, your journey ends here." She demanded, the portals behind her sharpening with the wave of her hand. Lumine took a step forward, her shock evident in the small gasp she let out before speaking, determination and confusion spilled across her features.
        "Who are you?"
        "The sustainer of heavenly principles." She responds quickly, bringing a hand up to her line of vision with a small red and black cube in her hand, twirling it causing the ground beneath you to tremble, Aether looking between you and his sister. Shaking your head, you bent your knees ready to jump, the engines in your heavy boots started up, as your mask appeared on your face once again with only a light touch to the earpiece.
        "The arrogation of mankind ends now." The ground lit up around you, red and irritated with magic you haven't seen before, your boots shooting you into the air as Aether and Lumine jumped- following your lead as they pulled their golden swords and allowed their wings to manifest, holding themselves in the air.
        It was barely a second, before you moved forward with the twins by your side, your hands moving to the Quads in their holsters and taking them out for another fight. You only thanked whatever Gods in your own world were listening, and that damn mentor of yours, before your mind went back to the battle at hand- requiring you to fly around and dodge the large amounts of glistening red and gold cubes that came in your way, blocking you from the target of the Unknown God.
        Before you knew it, the end of this battle came quickly, an explosion from the mere speed of you, Lumine, and Aether stopping right before the Unknown God to attack.
        And that second was all she needed to do what was needed. 
        Her gaze fell upon you, making you shiver in fear, before you flew back and blasted a beam of energy at her from your Quad, only for it to be absorbed by a cluster of cubes. Your voice came out robotic, echoed with the technology that covered your face, you eyes moving to see the cluster of cubes enveloping the twins that were once beside you. 
        "Aether! Lumine!" They only looked at you in horror, fading once the cubes covered them whole, returning to the Unknown God in a hollowed and golden version of her twisted and unique weapon. She watched the rotating cube with wide, uncaring eyes, giving you enough time to circle around her and attack once more- throwing the handheld mines from your belt onto her form, the beeping accelerating once it met her skin, and an explosion following quickly. 
        By the time the smoke cleared, and before your mask could scan and gain some sense of recognition, the cubes that protected the Unknown God attached themselves to your outstretched hand, closing in on you while maintaining the explosion you caused. Eventually, it all settled into one cube that contained your hand, before you followed the same fate as the twins.
        "Wait! Don't go! Give them back!" You managed to scream, desperation in your voice, as you watched another family be taken from you once again, your vision fading into darkness and your heart breaking once again.
                And just like that, the god took away my friends.
                Some kind of seal was put on my being, and the power I had was gone.
                And while I had the freedom to travel the universe, worlds, and entirely new realms.
                I was now trapped.
        "How many years ago was it? I don't know, Paimon. But, I've gotta. I have to." You answered Paimons question, still looking out to the sea in front of you, mask now hidden into the earpiece that decorated your left lobe. The leather of your jacket warmed you from the cool breeze of the sea, the bodysuit underneath regulated your body temperature in any environment, but you specifically used it when in space when you held the title of Guardian. But you couldn't afford to think about that now.
        Not when there's a chance of finding Aether and Lumine. 
        "After I woke up, I was alone- until I met you two months ago." You finished, looking over to your floating friend, who only turned as she spoke.
        "Yeah. Paimon really owes you for that. Otherwise Paimon likely would have drowned... So, Paimon will do her best to be a great guide!" She smiles, hands on her hips while looking up to you, seeing as she always chose to float around chest-level when around you. You sighed, a weak chuckle escaped your lips before you sat up from the sand, brushing off the back of your cargo pants and looking towards your guide for this new world- patting her head and making sure to be careful of the crown that hovered above her.
        You had only hoped Paimon would do most of the talking for you anyways, due to Tevyat’s language being foreign even to your ears and tongue, a feat for a Guardian of your reputation. A decent understanding of the oral part of the language under your belt, you found reading to be easier, since it did look similar to some scripts back in your own world. Your thoughts were cut off as Paimon spoke up, calling for you to follow her as she sped ahead of you, following the path from out of the beach to the grassy area ahead of you.
        "Awe, the path ends here. I guess we'll just have to climb, huh?" You rolled your eyes, shaking your head while you started to heave yourself up the large rock, Paimon taking notice of this.
        "You mean I have to climb the rock, P, you just have to float." You laughed, reaching the top with a grunt before she whined about floating taking as much energy as walking or climbing. It wasn't bad, you've climbed a lot worse in even more horrid situations, but damn did that take a good breath from you. You'd have to work on rebuilding some of your stamina while traveling here, and possibly need to find some supplies to settle somewhere for a bit, maybe even collect whatever currency they had here.
        "Well, let's take the route we planned! We're off to... a Statue of The Seven!" She smiles with glee, before a questionable face appears as you both move forward, her head turning towards you as you attempt to take in much of the scenery and areas you could. Your heavy boots only crushed the poor underbrush and grass that came into contact with it, your belt that was filled with gadgets and such clinking with the sway of your hips- hitting the holsters.
        This world is beautiful...
        "Which of The Seven are you looking for exactly?" She asked, making you shrug your shoulders at her, hands up as you walked towards a nearby tree- picking up the strange orange fruits and packing them away before moving forward. They looked like some weird crossbreed of orange and pear, but, you hoped it would taste as good as it looked.
        "To be honest? Any of them. They should have some idea of what happened, but even then, The Seven are gods in this world- and from what I remember of gods... they aren't too sane to say the least." You said, reaching a small cliff side that overlooked a lake with a statue near the edge of the small island in the center of it. 
        "That's a Statue of The Seven!" She pointed in its direction as you gave her your full attention, your finger going to touch the back of your ear to signal that, mindful of the metal to not trigger the activation of your mask.
        "There are a few of these statues scattered across the land to show The Seven's protections over the world. Among the seven gods, this god controls the wind. Paimon's not sure whether the god your looking for is the Anemo God, but... Paimon'll take you to the Anemo God's place first, and there's a reason why~" She muses, giving you a small wink before turning around, allowing you to follow her down the path to the first Statue of The Seven.
        To the first step towards finding Aether and Lumine.
        Your journey has started.
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love-and-monsters · 4 years
A Selkie’s Coat
M monster X GN human, 5,659 words
The sea has agreed to send one of their selkies to land to experience human culture for the first time- and his exasperated babysitter gets a crash course in selkie culture and their coats. 
“How’s your new job going?” Marcus asked. I sipped slowly from my paper coffee cup, sort of wishing it was booze.
“I feel like I’ve been roped into babysitting.”
Marcus laughed. “Isn’t that just what tutoring usually is?” He paused for a moment, brow wrinkling. “Wait. I thought you were supposed to be tutoring college students now?”
“I am. I applied for the job at my college. I mean, I’m still doing the whole correcting high school student papers, but, you know. More money and I figured I’d be at least looking at some interesting subjects.” I drained my coffee. It did not seem to be helping me wake up. I glared at the dregs. Was it worth it to get another one?
“So then why are we talking about babysitting?” Marcus asked.
I drummed my fingers on the table, trying to think of the best way to explain it. The path to the present was a little meandering. “Uh. Let’s back up. You know SLEP?”
“Sea-land exchange program,” Marcus said with a nod. “What about it?”
“My college participates. Well, they just started participating. Some official from the program came to the tutoring center to talk to us about it. Anyway, the gist was, they wanted someone from the tutoring program to help the new guy out. Mostly with papers and assignments, but also, you know, just to sort of help him get used to the land in general. I applied because you get extra money for it- like, only a couple extra dollars an hour, but it meant I’d at least be able to live on something other than ramen.”
Marcus nodded. “You’re babysitting a merman.”
“Selkie,” I corrected. “And, uh. Something like that.”
When I’d heard that it was a selkie coming to my college, I hadn’t been overly concerned with the time commitment. I mean, look at a seal on a beach. Doesn’t exactly scream ‘ball of energy,’ does it? I thought my biggest concern would be just showing him around and making sure he could plug in his laptop without electrocuting himself. I did not expect a guy with little to no understanding of social conventions and the energy of someone who shotgunned six redbulls and an espresso shot.
“The first day,” I said, speaking in an undertone, “he walked around wearing nothing but his sealskin. For hours.”
Marcus snorted into his cup and emerged choking on coffee. “Is that why you called me and demanded my old clothes?”
I threw up my hands. “I couldn’t bring him into a store! He was nude! People told him to wear clothes, but he said, and I quote ‘oh, I thought you were exaggerating about the nudity taboo.’”
Marcus’ snorts turned into peals of laughter. “Yeah, it’s real funny for you,” I groaned. “You’re not the one why has to chase after the guy at all hours, making sure he’s not bolting into traffic.” I massaged my temples. “He did that once, by the way. Got so excited about seeing a real car he just took off. It took so long to explain to him that those cars will not just move out of the way if he gets in front of one.”
“Is that why you told me to get him a decaf?” Marcus asked, glancing at the third coffee cup on the table.
“Yes. I can’t imagine what he’d be like if he got caffeine in him,” I said. Marcus glanced over my shoulder and I saw his eyes widen. I closed my mouth just as the hyperactive selkie sat back in his seat.
“Find the bathroom okay, Hipsid?” I asked. He nodded. Even sitting still, he was jittering his legs enough to shake the table. I cradled my coffee protectively in my hands.
“Yep! It’s interesting!” He scooped up his coffee and took a massive gulp before sputtering. “Hot!”
“It’s coffee!” I said, seizing a wad of napkins and blotting up the spill. Hipsid gave me an apologetic look. His eyes were dark and enormous, radiating every one of his emotions.
“Sorry! I didn’t expect it to be so bitter, either.” He took a smaller sip, smacking thoughtfully. “It’s weird. But not bad!”
Hipsid’s legs pressed awkwardly close to mine under the table. He was tall, with long, black hair clipped up into a loose bun. His skin was a light brown, which offset the dappled gray and white coat he always had slung around his shoulders. It was long, nearly reaching the floor, and I kept having to resist the impulse to touch it. Selkie coats were oddly mesmerizing, and I couldn’t keep my mind from wandering to how soft it would be if I just touched it.
“So, how’s land treating you?” Marcus asked. Hipsid’s head snapped toward him, an enormous smile spreading over his face.
“Oh, it’s very interesting! There’s so many things I’ve never seen before! And everything works so different on land.” He took another sip of coffee. “There’s nothing like this in the ocean.”
Marcus’ phone buzzed and he snatched it up. “Oh, damn. Work’s calling. I gotta go, I’ll see you later.” He drained the rest of his coffee in a quick gulp and tossed the cup in the trash as he jogged out the door.
“Where’s he going?” Hipsid asked.
“He works as an EMT. He’s on call. And we should probably get going to,” I said, standing up.
“But I haven’t seen anything interesting yet!” Hipsid said. He poked out his lower lip. His face was soft and extremely expressive. It was easy to read his feelings just from looking at him, and now it was clear that he was pleading.
I shifted. Technically, we were supposed to be studying. Hipsid was absolutely unwilling to sit still for more than a few minutes. He kept swiveling in his seat, eyes wide as he took in everything around him.
“What exactly do you want to see?” I asked tentatively.
“Everything!” Hipsid said, bolting out of his chair. “I’ve heard so much about the land, but I’ve barely seen anything so far!” I sighed. Hipsid was already wriggling in his seat. There was no way he was going to sit still for a study session.
“Okay,” I said tentatively. “We can walk around for a little- hey!”
No sooner had I started to say the words than Hipsid was on his feet, heading toward the door. I snagged my cup and followed him.
We emerged at the back of the college campus. There were students scattered all over the place, most of them with their noses buried in books. Hipsid looked back and forth, eyes wide, like he was taking everything in. “Look!” he said, excitedly pointing up toward the sky. “What’s that?”
I squinted in the direction he was pointing. “Uh. That’s a butterfly.”
“It looks kind of like a fish!” he said. I squinted at it. I supposed, if you considered that it was brightly colored and it moved in a swift, darting way through the sky, it did look a little like a fish. “Can you eat it?”
“Oh, no,” I said, snagging his hand and pulling him away. “Absolutely not. Butterflies are poisonous. And you can’t just eat random things you find outside!”
Hipsid twisted to look at me, eyes wide and guileless. “Really? Why not?”
He sounded so genuinely bewildered that it took me a moment to answer. “Uh, because you don’t know if it’s safe? It could be toxic! Or have diseases!”
Hipsid’s brow wrinkled. “Then what do you eat?” he asked, sounding genuinely bewildered.
“Food? That we buy?” I said. Hipsid’s brow wrinkled further. “Uh. You get it at stores?” There was no change in his expression. “You know what, I’ll just show you. We can go into town.”
Hipsid’s expression cleared like the sun breaking through clouds. “Yes! Yes! Let’s go!” He glanced around as if expecting the town to suddenly appear in front of him. “Which way?”
His hand tightened around mine and I realized we were still connected. I dropped it. “This way. Follow me.”
Hipsid trotted eagerly at my side as I led him to the bus stop. Luckily, just as we arrived there, the bus trundled down the street. Hipsid’s mouth dropped open, then he began to choke on the fumes.
“It’s big!” he said. He coughed again, covering his mouth with a hand. “And it stinks!”
“Yeah, most cars do. Come on.” I nodded toward the door as it hissed open. Hipsid practically pressed against my back as we boarded. I could feel his eyes burning into me as I traded money for tickets with the driver.
“What’s that?” he asked as we started to walk to our seats.
“It’s a ticket. It lets me ride the bus. When we get back on later, it tells the driver that I already paid to ride back and I don’t need to pay again.”
“Paying,” Hipsid repeated, like he was feeling out the word in his mouth. I squinted at him suspiciously.
“They told you about paying, right?” Selkies didn’t have an economy, or any kind of money. Even if it had been explained to Hipsid before, I didn’t have great hope that he’d absorbed it.
“Yes,” he said, but he didn’t sound confident. “I have money.” He fished in his pocket for a moment and pulled out a wallet. “How much is a ticket?”
“You don’t need to pay me-” I froze, staring at the fifty he was offering me. “How much money do you have?”
“I don’t know. They gave me the wallet and said I should use it to buy things I need.” I snatched the wallet from his hand and stared into it. There were several hundreds, even more fifties, and a handful of twenties.
“You’re just carrying all this around with you?” I said, my voice edging toward hysterics. Hipsid looked endearingly bewildered, like a puppy unsure why he was being scolded.
“Yes! They said I needed money!” His voice was pitching toward a loud whine as well, and we were drawing attention. I dropped my voice.
“You can’t carry this much money around with you. You’re going to get robbed. You need to leave some of it at home.”
“Couldn’t someone just take it from my house?” Hipsid said. “Isn’t it safer if it stays with me?”
“You can hide it somewhere, or put it in something with a lock, like a safe. Someone could shoot you and take your wallet.” Hipsid’s eyes went wide.
“That happens?” He stared around the bus with badly-concealed suspicion. “Often?!”
“No, no, not often, but it could, especially if you make a habit of carrying a lot of money on you,” I said, trying to soothe him. Hipsid looked at his wallet with roughly the same amount of caution one would give a live grenade. “Look, I’ll keep an eye out for you, all right? Just don’t do it again.”
He nodded seriously, tucking his wallet back into a pocket and tugging his coat tighter around him. I wondered, vaguely, if he could change into a seal while wearing clothes. Did they just kind of vanish? Did he have to strip?
“What’s wrong?” Hipsid asked. I startled out of my thoughts and realized that I’d been staring intently at him.
“Oh. Nothing.” Fortunately, the bus started moving at that moment and Hipsid became distracted enough to forget the whole thing.
“It’s bumpy!” he said, jittering slightly in his seat. “Oh, it’s a little disorienting!”
His excitement lasted for about three minutes before it transitioned into queasiness. He swayed against me, eyes closed. “You didn’t tell me you get carsick,” I said. There was a grayish tone to his brown skin and beads of sweat had started popping up on his forehead and cheeks.
“I’ve never been in a car before,” Hipsid said, not opening his eyes. He hiccupped and groaned. “I don’t feel well.”
Not eager to have a selkie vomit on me, I ended up herding him off the bus two stops early. We sat in the but stop together, Hipsid groaning with queasiness. “Put your head between your knees,” I suggested, trying to push him into a rough approximation of the position. “Breathe slowly.”
Hipsid hiccupped again and leaned into me. I swiped some of his hair out of his face. He pressed into my touch, seeking out the comfort.
“Feeling better?” I asked after we had spent a few minutes sitting and I had managed to force some water down Hipsid’s throat.
“Better,” he said. His skin was less sallow and he seemed to be breathing easier. “I don’t like busses.”
“They’re not the most comfortable mode of transportation. We might have to walk back,” I said. Hipsid sighed, readjusting his coat.
“It smells weird here,” he said, wrinkling his nose and looking around. We were sitting near a road, with cars passing every few moments. There was a constant smell of smoke and exhaust. Hipsid grimaced, nose wrinkling all the way up to between his brows.
“It’s the fumes. Exhaust and people smoking and stuff,” I said. Hipsid shook his head, snorting, then sneezed.
“How do you stand it?” he asked. I shrugged.
“Doesn’t bother me that much. Maybe you’re a little more sensitive,” I suggested. “Selkies are suppose to have better noses than humans.”
“I can tell,” Hipsid said. He sneezed again and coughed. “Can we go inside?”
We walked down the street, glancing at the buildings. Eventually, I pulled him inside a small museum. “This place is interesting,” I said. “It’s a history of the town. It’s got some stuff about sea and land relationships in here too.”
Hipsid perked up. Inside, the air was fresh and clean and it seemed to have revived his mood. “Okay! Ooh, what’s that?”
I pressed my lips together deliberately, trying hard not to laugh at him. “That’s a map, Hipsid. It’s not a display.”
Regardless of my telling him that the map was not, in fact, the most interesting part of the museum, he still spent several minutes staring at the lighted display. When I finally managed to budge him, he got immediately distracted by a tiny display showing the founding of the college.
Distractible was easily the best word to describe the trip. Hipsid was just as eager to look at things like sliding glass doors and water fountains as he was to look at the actual exhibits. I had to admit that it was kind of endearing to watch him. He was so genuinely excited about everything that it was infectious.
“The town got its start as a fishing village, and then the college came and it kind of transformed everything,” I said, trying to explain what little information I knew to him. “Here, there’s a little demonstration on how they used to weave together the fishing nets.”
Hipsid peered closely at the lengths of rope that criss-crossed the table, and the little diagrams showing you how to know it. “This is how humans catch fish?” he asked. “It seems so complicated.”
“Yeah? What’s a better way?” I asked.
“With your teeth,” Hipsid said, clicking his jaws in demonstration.
“I really don’t think that would work for us,” I said.
“No,” Hipsid said, looking at me consideringly. “You really are clumsy in the water.” He giggled to himself, probably thinking about the humans he’d seen swimming before. “It’s funny.”
“I’m sure,” I said, delicately not mentioning that selkies, when in their seal forms, were not the most graceful land animals. “But it’s not like we really need to be good swimmers. We’re not made for it.”
“I’ve swum in this body before,” Hipsid said confidently. “It’s not hard. You just don’t know how to do it.” He turned, looking me up and down. “I could teach you!” he exclaimed, so loud I jumped a little. “Then I can show you around the ocean like you’re showing me around land!” He seized my hands, springing lightly up onto his toes. “It’ll be great! I can show you the Abyssal Depths, the Great Caverns, the Haven Reefs!”
I squeezed his hands gently before sliding my fingers out from between his. “That’s not really going to work. Humans can’t breathe or see under the water that well. I’d have to get diving gear and take lessons.”
Hipsid’s expression drooped, almost comically. He looked genuinely crushed. “Oh.”
“I can go swimming with you at some point,” I said, trying to cheer him back up. He looked so much like a kicked puppy, it was hard to resist the urge to cuddle him. “It just might be hard for me to see your home.”
“We could go swimming now,” Hipsid said, mood one-eightying back to excitement. “The ocean’s not far away! You can show me stuff on the way there and I can show you stuff once we’re at the ocean!”
“Er, I don’t have my swimsuit,” I protested, but he had already started to drag me through the exhibits. His enthusiasm was oddly catching, though. I couldn’t help the smile that was starting to tug at my mouth.
And then Hipsid came to a complete stop in front of me and I rammed into him.
“Ouch,” I said, stepping back and gingerly touching my nose. It seemed unharmed. “What’s the deal? You okay?”
Hipsid didn’t respond. In fact, he was uncharacteristically still. His eyes were locked on the exhibit in the center of the room.
It was clearly a centerpiece, the crown jewel of the collection. It was elevated and angled lights shone on it from all sides. A glass box surrounded it. Held in the middle of the case, carefully arranged to show it from all angles, was a dappled gray fur coat.
A selkie coat. There was a small, silver plaque in front of it, with tiny type explaining the exhibit. Hipsid made a noise int eh back of his throat, a sort of choked whimper.
“Are you okay?” I asked again. “Hipsid? Do you want to go? We can leave-”
“Why is that here?” His voice was choked, tight, verging on a sob. I looked between him and the coat.
“It’s part of the exhibit, I guess,” I said. I approached the case to read the plaque. Hipsid followed me, though he hung back, as though frightened something was going to snatch at him.
I skimmed the plaque. “Says here that this coat is from one of the founders of the village. Apparently, he got it from his wife, who was a selkie. When she died, he gave the coat to his kids and they donated it to the museum.”
“That’s not true!” Hipsid’s voice was frantic and surprisingly loud. I stared at him. “It doesn’t belong here!”
“Hey, hey,” I said, trying to calm him down. People were starting to look in our direction. “Do you want to go somewhere-”
“He stole it!” Hipsid’s voice was still rising. “He took it from her and she had to stay on land with him! He didn’t even let her be buried in it! And now it’s on display, here, instead of where it belongs, with her!” His voice was utterly distressed, expression stricken. His breathing was rapid and shallow. “It can’t stay here!”
He reached for the case and I automatically snatched his hand back. “You can’t touch it! We’ll get in trouble!”
Hipsid’s gaze snapped to me, eyes wide. For a second, I wasn’t even sure he was seeing me. Then his gaze focused. He blinked rapidly, like he was barely holding back tears. “They stole a part of her,” he said. His voice was softer, but more earnest, like he was trying to explain something vitally important to me. “They stole a part of her identity and put it up in a museum like they own it. They’re not supposed to have this.”
I put a hand on his shoulder, trying to soothe him. My hand pressed against the smooth fur of his coat and he jerked away. “I know it’s not right, but there’s nothing we can do. If we grab it and run, we’ll never be able to make it out of the museum. Let’s calm down and we’ll see if we can figure something out.”
Hipsid allowed me to guide him out of the room and to a small bench. He flopped on it bonelessly, covering his face in his hands. His shoulders trembled. I fished in my pocket and offered him a tissue. He mopped at his face, snuffling loudly. I sat, waiting for him to calm down enough to speak.
After a few minutes, he lifted his head. His face was a little splotchy and his eyes were red. He rubbed under his eyes with the heel of his hand. “Better?” I asked tentatively.
He gave me a stony look. “No.” He sat back up and rubbed his eyes off. “But I’m done crying for now.”
“I’m sorry.” I wasn’t quite sure what else to say. There didn’t seem to be much I could say. My stomach twisted with a combination of guilt and uncertainty.
Hipsid made a quiet noise of distress. “It’s not fair,” he said. “She had her coat stolen from her in life. Why couldn’t she at least have it in death?”
“How do you know it was stolen?” I asked. Hipsid gave me a cynical look.
“It was stolen,” he said. “If a human takes our coat, we’re bound to them. So, some humans use it to make us their… partner, I guess. Not a slave, but subjugated. If she’d kept her coat, it wouldn’t have been here. She would have taken it back to the ocean before she died. That’s what we always do, so the coat is returned to the waves.” He fell silent. “That’s where it should be.”
I looked down at the ground. “I’m sorry,” I said again. “There’s got to be something we can do. Maybe we can petition the museum? Or maybe we can get the college to do something about it. We can at least draw attention to the fact that it’s not right that it’s here.”
Hipsid looked at me. “You want to help me?”
“Yes, of course. I mean, we can’t just break it out, but there’s got to be some way we can get it out of here and back where it belongs. You’re right, it shouldn’t be here. I bet if I talk to the people who organize SLEP, they can set something up.”
A small, tentatively hopeful smile pulled at Hipsid’s lips. His eyes brightened. “Really?”
“Yeah.” I stood up. “Let’s go. We can get there before the offices close if we hurry.”
Hipsid seized my hand, causing me to startle. His shoulder pressed against mine as an eager smile spread over his face. “Okay! Let’s go!” There were still tear tracks on his face, but he was beaming once more, apparently hopeful. I smiled back.
We walked out into the cool air and started heading back toward the bus stop. It probably wouldn’t be a good idea to use the bus again, I realized. Not unless I was ready to get puked on by a selkie. We would just have to walk fast.
It was only a few minutes after we had passed the first bus stop that I started to get an uncomfortable tingling sensation along the back of my neck. Some of the hairs there started to stand on end. I kept glancing over my shoulder. Something was wrong.
“What’s the matter?” Hipsid asked. I rubbed at the back of my neck, frowning down the street behind us.
“Don’t be too obvious about it,” I said in an undertone, “but have you seen some of those people behind us before?”
Hipsid looked over his shoulder. He seemed to be trying to be subtle, but he had no practice with it. “They were at the museum, weren’t they?” he asked in a whisper.
“Yes,” I said. “They left right after we did.” I ducked down a side street. After a few minutes, I saw the men trickle into the street behind us. My stomach sank. “They’re following us.”
Hipsid licked his lips. “Why?”
“I don’t know. But I have a bad feeling about it.” I hazarded another glance over my shoulder. The men were still following. I managed to catch a glimpse of one of their faces as they passed by a beam of light. “They were at the museum, too,” I whispered. Hipsid looked down at me, lips drawn tight with worry.
“So, they followed us here?” he asked. My heart was starting to pound. My first instinct had been to see if they were following us, but now I regretted it. The amount of people was starting to thin out and the men following us were speeding up. A nasty thought was starting to form in my head.
“They followed us from the museum and they weren’t following us before,” I said. One of my hands locked around Hipsid’s wrist, keeping him close to me. “What was at the museum and is also here now?”
There was a pause while Hipsid thought it over. I both felt and heard his sharp intake of breath. “Selkie coats.” There was a tremor in his voice and he clutched his coat tighter around himself.
“If they were going to take the one at the museum, and then they saw you, they might be thinking you’re an easier target.” I scanned the sides of the alleyway, looking for a way out. The street was getting narrower and there were barely any people around. “Probably noticed when you started yelling.”
Hipsid ignored the comment. “What do we do?” His hand fumbled for mine, squeezing hard. I glanced over my shoulder again. The men weren’t bothering to be subtle about it anymore. They were starting to pick up the pace, closing in on us. I was trying to think rapidly, but my panic wasn’t helping.
Finally, I managed to snag on an idea. “Give me your coat.”
Hipsid stumbled over his own feet. “What?” He clutched at his coat like he thought I was going to snatch it off his shoulders. “No! Why do you want it?”
“They’re after the coat, right? I’m faster than you, and more experienced on land. They’ll follow me and I’ll be able to evade them. You can run and get help.”
Hipsid looked unconvinced. “No. It’s… No!” “Look, it’s the best idea I’ve got right now!” We were rapidly running out of time. The men were approaching.
“The coats are important to us! They’re more than just a part of us, they’re… well, there are a lot of implications to a selkie giving you their coat!” Hipsid sputtered. “It’s not something we can do lightly!”
“Please,” I said. “I know selkies are protective of their coats. I promise, I will keep it safe. Nothing will happen to it and you’ll get it back safe.” I stopped to look into Hipsid’s face. His eyes bored into mine, deep, and dark, and full of worry. I took a steadying breath. “I swear, Hipsid. I will keep your coat safe and get it back to you.”
A small shudder passed through Hipsid’s body. He slipped his coat from his shoulder and passed it to me. His hands lingered over mine. “Keep it safe.”
“I promise,” I said. There was a weight to it. I could feel the heaviness of the vow settling on me like a mantle. Hipsid gave a small nod. He lingered for only a moment longer, then took off running.
There was a moment of confusion in the men- apparently they hadn’t been expecting us to split up. It gave me just enough time to slip past them and sprint out back into the main street.
The coat was heavy and it pressed against my back as I ran. My legs and lungs burned as I slipped past people. Luckily, I knew the town well enough to duck between the buildings and weave around everything. There was no way Hipsid, still unused to being on land, would have been able to keep up. I had to work my way through some tight squeezes and turn quickly.
Finally, gasping, I slipped into a tiny alleyway and stopped. I was pretty sure I’d been able to lose the men. My lungs burned and I felt my legs trembling from exertion. Slowly, I sank to the ground.
I stayed huddled in the alleyway for a long time. At least, it felt long. I waited until the sun had completely set before squeezing myself out of the cramped alley. I held the coat against my chest. It was warm, despite the chill in the air, and I kept stroking my fingers over the smooth fur.
My legs ached and I walked awkwardly down the city street. Hipsid. I had to find Hipsid. We hadn’t discussed where we were going to meet up again. How was I going to find him? Absent of any other ideas on what to do, I headed back toward campus.
That was, apparently, Hipsid’s idea as well, because he was waiting near the entrance to campus, pacing anxiously. When his eyes fell on me, he sprinted toward me, squeezing me into a hug. “You’re okay! I was about to call someone for help, I though you’d gotten captured or hurt!” He broke off, big eyes looking down into my face.
“I’m fine. Just took me a little while to lose them.” We broke apart. I was still holding his coat, wrapped around my arms. He glanced at it, but made no move to take it from me. Anxiety tensed the edges of his eyes and he fidgeted with his fingers.
I slowly unwrapped the coat from my arms. There was an odd nudging feeling in the back of my mind. The air seemed hideously cold as I peeled the coat away from my skin. I had the strange urge to cling to it, to hold it close to me. The desire bubbled up inside me with surprising intensity. Hipsid’s expression tensed, like he could tell the direction my thoughts were taking.
No. Slowly and deliberately, I held the coat out toward him. It was his, and I’d seen how upset he’d gotten when someone else’s coat had been taken. The image of his big, sorrowful eyes looking at me with betrayal made my heart ache. Hipsid reached out and took the coat, gathering it in his arms. He had an expression like he couldn’t quite believe what was happening.
“Th-thank you.” He stumbled over his words a little and his eyes flicked up to meet mine for only a moment before darting away again. He took a cautious step back. “I- I’ll see you again tomorrow.”
He hurried away, casting his coat on over his shoulders. I stared after him, feeling slightly hurt. I’d saved his coat and he was just going to run off? I shrugged it off. Maybe there was something here that I wasn’t understanding. I wasn’t really an expert in selkie culture. Maybe he needed to wash it or something.
I went back to my room and collapsed into bed. It was surprisingly hard to get to sleep. Adrenaline still pounded through me.
I had to drag myself to work the next day, practically collapsing across my tutoring table. I looked up as my shift started to see Hipsid nervously hovering near the doorway. He was rocking back and forth on his heels and turning something over in his hands. His eyes fell on me and he smiled hesitantly. “Morning.”
I stifled a yawn.” Good morning.” Hipsid walked over to the table and sat down slowly. He was wearing his coat around his shoulders as per usual.
“You look tired,” he said. “Are you okay?”
“Fine. Just a little sleepy, that’s all. How are you? Yesterday was… rough.”
Hipsid nodded, ducking his head again. “It wasn’t all bad,” he said. “It ended pretty nice.” His voice was shy.
“All’s well that ends well,” I agreed. “So, what did you want help with today?”
Hipsid gave a nervous little laugh. “Oh, I’m not really here for tutoring. I came by to- well, to give you this.”
He handed me the object he’d been fiddling with. It was a small, black box with a sort of velvety coating. I opened it.
Nestled in the box was a small, golden ring. A perfectly smooth, white pearl was set in the middle of it. “It’s beautiful,” I said. “But you don’t need to give me a ring. I don’t need to be rewarded for saving your coat.”
“Oh, I know,” Hipsid said. “The coat’s enough, isn’t it? But I thought it would be nice to propose in a human way, too.”
There was a long pause. The world seemed to tilt underneath me. “I’m sorry?”
“Humans propose with rings,” Hipsid said. “I had one, so I thought we could-”
“No, no. When was the first proposal?” I said. Hipsid blinked.
“You gave me back my coat,” he said. “Coats are important to us. You held my coat, held a part of me, and then returned it with no expectations. That’s a proposal.”
I gaped at him. “But I wasn’t intending to propose!”
“But you did,” Hipsid said. He looked at me eagerly. “We don’t have to get married right away! But it’s nice to be engaged. I don’t have to worry about anyone else touching my coat!”
I stared at him. There was a part of me that wanted to protest, but… His enthusiasm was infectious again. And looking at his beaming smile and eager eyes, my heart did do a little skip in my chest. “Okay,” I said. “But we’re going to take it slow, okay? And we do it the human way.” Hipsid nodded, looking delighted. “Good. Now, do you know what dating is?”
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alexaplaysgames · 3 years
Pairing: Felix Escellun x GN!MC
Fandom: Fictif (Last Legacy)
Rating: T (swearing, dorks making out)
Words: ~2600
Description: Felix and his barista explore his childhood home.
Notes: Felix has all my uwus 🥺 did not post five fics in one day (yet) but I might if convinced.
Thanks to @callioops for the inspiration :)
Please go easy on me I am in no way a fanfiction writer by nature but my love for Felix has evidently overpowered my insecurities ;)
Edit: Uhh.... I was debating between settings for this and realized I made it super ambiguous, so I’ve edited it now!
Warning: This is heavily canon divergent now. Oops.
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I’m not even sure how I ended up here, to be quite honest.
But I would’ve had to be crazy to have predicted such a thing- a portal to another dimension (is this another dimension?), a towering manor overflowing with stuffy furniture and servants, a raven-haired goth (although he would protest to such a description) with a bird skull strung around his neck. Honesty, his fashion sense is questionable, though admittedly charming, but I nonetheless can’t seem to get him out of my head.
No, this is the stuff of fantasies born to the insane, of perhaps just the slightly deranged.
I’m not protesting, however, quite the contrary. As I pull Felix through the winding corridors of his childhood home, trying not to thing about the smooth softness of his cool hand in mine, I can honestly say that I haven’t had such fun in a very, very long time.
“Stop, stop!” Felix laughingly protests between laboured breaths, tugging on my hand. I gradually slow to a halt, our footsteps echoing in the large, surprising empty corridor, and Felix slips his hand from mine to brace his hands on his knees as he pants. I try to ignore the resulting disappointment that pangs in my chest and grin.
“You doing okay there, bird boy?”
Apparently, he still has the energy to raise his head and glare.
“My apologies, dear barista, that I have not your physical endurance.” He rolls his eyes, then pauses and smirks. “My being a magical prodigy has spared me the effort of such trivial things as exercise.” He spits the last word out with a scoff.
My grin widens as I saunter closer, placing a finger under his chin to raise his gaze to meet mine from where he is still bent over and panting.
“Perhaps we’ll just have to work on your stamina then, won’t we?”
Felix’s cheeks flush that pretty red that I know has nothing to do with exertion as he ducks his head. I smirk as I turn to examine the nearby wall, giving him time to collect himself. How fun it is to make him blush.
A row of framed paintings lines the wall, all of the equally bizarre. I try to make sense of the faces in them, but the harder I look, the more blurred they become. They are all covered in a discernible layer of dust, indicating that this hallway is rarely used. A peculiar sort of coldness rolls off of the strange pieces, one that has me averting my eyes from the freaky, obviously magically concealed paintings.
“Do you think anyone will find us here?”
I question as I turn to see Felix straightening and running a hand through his hair. I try not to let my eyes follow the motion, choosing instead to meet his icy gray gaze.
He seems perturbed as he looks around, biting his lip. It’s as if he’s just realized where we are. His fault for letting me lead him through the monstrous maze that is his home.
“No. Escell has not entered this corridor in years. I’m surprised he has not blocked it off. He rather enjoys avoiding all things that make him uncomfortable.”
“And what makes him uncomfortable about this wing?”
“Too many memories, my dear. Memories he would prefer to keep locked up.” Though he says it with a smirk, tapping one black-painted fingernail against his temple, it comes out only as sounding rather sad.
I open my mouth to reply, but am interrupted by a sharp-
“Master Felix! Enough with your foolish hiding!”
Felix’s eyes widen as he visibly flinches. “Great goddess, have mercy.”
The voice of Madam Usoro, an angry, mean, lump of a woman, sounds like it is coming from just down the long hall. I cringe inwardly, and probably outwardly, at the thought of meeting her again. According to Felix, she was one of his many childhood nannies (the only one that actually managed to survive his torments), and judging by her scowl, she hasn’t had a “me day” since then.
Unfortunately, Escell also assigned her the task of watching over Felix.
“Ridiculous,” he huffs, “it is as if I am nine years old again!”
My gaze darts frantically between the doors lining the walls, not sure where any of them lead.
I grab Felix’s sleeve and tug, though his eyes stay trained on the end of the hallway, his expression resigned.
“Felix!” I hiss, “which of these goddamn doors will get us out of here?”
He merely sighs. “Why bother? My inevitable capture fast approaches, thus I have decided to be accepting of my fate. I will remain here as a prisoner for the rest of my days while Escell continues to treat me like a babbling infant.”
Great. Now really isn’t the time for his dramatics. I lunge forward and lock my hand around his wrist, tugging him once more down the endless corridor of doors. I feel Felix stiffen as I go to open the first door that catches my eye, but I yank it open and pull him inside before he can protest. The door shuts with a satisfying click and we are alone in a strange, dark room.
“Felix?” I cannot see a thing.
A flash of light, and then Felix appears, a green
orb of light glowing in his palm. I suck in a breath as I take in the captivating way the light hits his features, highlighting his long eyelashes and silvery eyes.
“Apologies! I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
I shake my head, unable to divulge to him the truth. I can’t have him knowing about my strange infatuation. Though I often indulge in what I consider to be harmless flirtation, I know Felix obviously isn’t interested in me. Just days ago he was crying over me, thinking I was someone else! The thought is sobering, and I shake my head.
“What is this room?”
“Ah,” he appears uncharacteristically lost for words. “This is... nothing. We can wait here, I’m certain she’ll cease her endless badgering soon enough.”
I send him a thumbs up before I turn to examine the room. I might as well look around, if there’s nothing else to do but sit around.
“Wait!” Felix’s sharp cry is especially harsh in the quiet of the strange room.
My head jerks up. “What is it?”
“I simply think it best not to carelessly voyage through the uncertainties of the dark. You haven’t a clue what you could stumble upon.”
Something about his tone sounds off, but I sigh and move back towards the door anyway. I have learned that there is no use arguing with him.
I’m almost near the safe haven of Felix’s orb of light when my foot slips on something. I manage to catch myself, but lean down and pick up the offensive item out of curiosity.
It’s a bound, leather notebook. It looks worn, from what I can tell in the faint light, and I flip it open to the inside cover, ignoring Felix’s faint protests in the back of my mind. On the right page are lines of scrawling, messy and unintelligible handwriting. But that’s not what catches my eye. On the left, the page reads:
Property of Felix Iskandar Escellun
I lift my gaze to meet Felix’s guilty visage.
“This is yours?”
He cringes but attempts to hide it with a shrug. The movement does not at all look natural on him.
“You are aware I was raised here?” He snatches the journal out of my grasp with his free hand, then quirks a brow. “Why are you surprised to find an object previously in my possession?”
Felix is an atrocious liar. I glance around the room and suddenly it hits me where we are.
“This was your bedroom, wasn’t it?”
Although Felix is, I assume, currently staying somewhere else, his reaction leaves me with no doubt in my mind that this used to be his room.
Felix bites his lip (he really needs to stop doing that lest I get distracted) then slowly nods. With another sigh, he presses his palms together, then spreads them apart until green light flows throughout the room, the night vision goggle-like effect making it look like we’re on an episode of ghost hunters.
“I would rather not spend time sifting through old memories,” Felix says quietly from beside me as I observe my surroundings.
The room is relatively sparsely decorated. In the centre of the opposite wall is a large, canopy bed, the sheets tossed to the side and the curtains haphazardly thrown about. A large desk is pressed up against one wall, overflowing with notebooks and stacks of parchment, and a bookcase on the opposite wall is spilling over with messily arranged books. A large, elegant armchair is piled high with odd boxes near the middle of the room, and an open armoire is empty save for a pile of clothing laying at the bottom. The whole place is a mess, and though the furniture is very fine, Felix’s attempts to hide that fact are quite obvious. The few windows are boarded up, the curtains surrounding them singed. In fact, there are several odd burn marks on the floor, and I don’t think they’re due to the large stone fireplace.
“Wow.” Very eloquent of me to say.
“Ugh. I despise this room.”
I drift curiously about making note of the objects in the room. Aside from the pieces of writing, there is very little here to signify that the room was Felix’s.
I walk over to the window and am pleased to find the the large wooden board covering it is relatively easy to dislodge. Behind it, there is a window seat, and I glance out the window to see a view of the rolling hills that stretch far and beyond, illuminated by the moonlight.
Felix flops onto the window seat with a sigh. I sit beside him and try to ignore the fact that our knees touch.
Felix squeezes his eyes shut. “I apologize for my theatrics, dear barista, but I would truly rather leap off the highest tower of the castle of Porrima than suffer through living in this room again.”
I refrain from telling him that I did, in fact, almost leap off the castle’s highest tower, and it is not as fun as he makes it out to be.
He hardly ever speaks of his past without flippant disregard for true emotion. “Will you tell me why it was so bad, Felix?”
His eyes shoot open and he scoffs, though his eyes glisten in the moonlight which shines through the window.
His voice is small as he replies. “I was forced every day to live a life I hated in hopes of pleasing a father whose love I already knew I would never earn. I have never felt so useless, so pathetically desperate, as I felt here. And here I am, back again. All my work to escape this place has been for naught.”
My heart aches for him, the expression on his face causing a physical pain in my chest.
“Felix...” I say softly, and before I even register what I’m doing, my hand is grabbing his.
Felix meets my gaze, eyes wide. Every time I touch him he gets so surprised, and I wonder how often he has been touched lovingly in his life.
“I would never think you useless, Felix, never. You are so extraordinary, so brilliant, and it’s a shame that you can’t see it. You have done so much for me and... I need you. Not just to get home, I don’t even know if I care about that anymore, but because you’ve make me so happy, Felix. Being with you feels like being able to breathe. I know that everyone else has left you, but I promise you, I never will. Never.”
His lips part in shock at my words and this time I can’t stop my eyes from flickering down to his mouth. He is so beautiful. I would do anything to kiss him, even just once.
Felix raises his hand and his fingers draw lines down my cheek, making me shiver. Then he leans forward and presses his forehead against mine, closing his eyes.
“Thank you.”
The words are said so quietly that I barely hear them, but I don’t need to with the gratitude that seems to roll off of him in waves.
A pause.
“Do you ever think about me?”
“I... I- of course I do. You have consumed every aspect of my waking life.” I can hear a slight teasing in his voice.
I lick my lips. “Do you ever think of me like you think of Rime?”
I can feel him flinch at the name and am about to apologize before he speaks.
“Rime is gone. A necromancer knows better than to waste energy attempting to recall what has been truly lost.”
“Oh... I-“
He sounds so incredibly sad. Whoever Rime is, I’ve no doubt that Felix loved this person. Though I know I shouldn’t feel jealous of a dead person, envy ripples through my stomach all the same.
“I... do. Think about you.”
And the meaning has changed. He pulls back with a shaky breath, cheeks bright red. “I know I am not the most naturally affectionate person, but I-“
He thinks about me. My heart does a fluttering little happy dance at the thought.
Screw it. If I leave this world, I don’t want to have any regrets.
And that’s the thought that propels me forward as I crash my lips into his with a longing I have never before felt. Felix gasps against my mouth and stiffens, and I panic. What the hell am I doing? But no sooner has the thought left my mind then he relaxes and kisses me back. He kisses me back! And I’ve never felt anything more wonderful.
His hands come to set at my waist as mine cup his face, feeling his jaw work as he kisses me and that makes it all the more real that he is kissing me and this isn’t some sort of fervour dream. I pull his hair free from its tie and tangle my fingers in the silken locks of his hair, and god, it’s just as soft as I thought I would be.
Felix kisses like he talks- a little hestitant, full of passion, and enough to make your head spin. It feels like I’m falling, I don’t know which way it’s up and which is down, just like when he rambles on about spells I could never hope to comprehend, but the drop is thrilling because I’ve wanted it so badly and for so long. At first it’s slow, soft, but I want, so I press myself harder against him in effort to let him know that’s it’s okay for him to let himself take from me what he needs.
HIs hands tighten around my waist as he pulls me closer to him, hands drifting over my sides, and I smile against his lips at his momentary display of forwardness. I retaliate by tugging on his hair that flows between my fingers like water, causing his lips to part against mine as he gasps, the perfect opportunity to slip my tongue into his mouth and I’m worried that I’m moving too fast but he moans. I sling a leg over his thigh and we’re grabbing at each other like horny teenagers now-
Felix pulls away with a gasp (I knew we had to work on his stamina). We’re both breathing hard, echoing in the quiet of the large room, and he blinks rapidly; he looks rather like someone hit him over the head with a brick.
I smile at him, running a thumb over his lower lip, and he lets out a pained noise somewhere between a whimper and a squeak.
“I liked that,” I whisper.
“You- you did?”
I nod. “Of course, Felix. I’ve been wanting to kiss you for so long.”
I roll my eyes, responding by leaning forward and pressing another chaste kiss to his lips.
“Me too.” He whispers it like a secret, one that I’ll gladly hold forever in my heart.
Felix tentatively reaches and takes my hand in his, flipping it over and drawing little patterns into my palm as he turns to stare out the window again. It’s soothing, and I don’t really pay attention to the patterns. But after a while I think he starts inadvertently drawing hearts into my skin. It’s rather cute; I didn’t take him for a romantic.
“Master Felix!” The voice sounds from not too far outside Felix’s bedroom door.
I’m afraid I don’t possess his way with words.
Our eyes meet and we both burst into a fit of giggles as the sounds of Madam Usoro’s footsteps gets louder. Trapped as we are, she’s bound to find us soon. Somehow, I’m not worrried. Nothing could ever take Felix from me.
And he knows that I will never leave him.
171 notes · View notes
darthkruge · 4 years
Hello! I'm kinda new to the whole tumblr thing so sorry if this request is bad but I was wondering if maybe you could do an imagine for spencer reid where the reader is Garcia's younger sister and Garcia brings her in to meet the team because it's her first day there. Maybe Reid recognizes her from somewhere and he will not leet it go until he finds out how he knows her? Btw it's totally fine if you don't get to this! :)
Spencer Reid x Reader ~ Piano
Summary: When a new agent joins the BAU, Spencer knows he’s seen them before but literally cannot figure out where. His memory having never failed him before, he doesn’t rest until he figures it out.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral! Reader; Penelope Garcia x Sibling! Reader
Words: 1973
Warnings: A little bit of language, I think that’s all?
A/N: Hey anon!! First off, don’t worry, love! I’m honestly new to this whole tumblr thing too, but I loved this request! I’m sorry I didn’t get to it sooner, life’s been a bit hectic. I made it so the reader is Garcia’s younger sibling instead of sister, I hope you don’t mind. I’m going to try to make writing as gender neutral as possible moving forward. Nothing against you, of course, I know I haven’t specified in past requests and I couldn’t have expected you to know, so don’t worry! That being said, sorry for rambling and I hope you like it :)
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(gif isn’t mine)
“Hello, everyone! I want you to meet the youngest of the wonderful Garcia children!” Penelope led you into the BAU where you waved a bit stiffly. You weren’t a huge fan of being the center of attention, but you knew your sister loved these introductions.
Looking around, you pieced together the people you knew from Penelope’s stories. You recognized Derek immediately. You assumed from his professional stance that the taller and older dark haired man was Hotch. Logically, that meant Rossi was next to him. And Emily and JJ were the two women, smiling and waving at you encouragingly. You smiled a bit broader, immediately sensing you would be fast friends with them. Finally, your eyes landed on what had to be Spencer. You thought he was quite attractive and, from Penelope’s descriptions, he was also amazing, talented, kind, smart, basically everything you liked. You waved at him but noticed he was almost studying you? You weren’t sure, but felt a bit awkward, confused as to why he seemed friendly to everyone else but wouldn’t even smile at you.
“Umm, hi!” You said, laughing nervously and kind of hoping to disappear. Hotch sensed your discomfort and offered you a kind smile before putting you out of your misery.
“Welcome to the team, L/N. Garcia’s told us wonderful things about you. That being said, we’re just closing up tonight, so you could finish up your paperwork finalizing your transfer into the BAU if you haven’t already and then come in for your first day tomorrow?”
“Okay, thank you, Sir.”
“Goodnight, team”
Everyone echoed the “Goodnight” before filing out of the room. You got into the car with your sister and pulled out of the BAU, reflecting on your past and thinking about the next chapter of your life.
After almost everyone else had left, Spencer was still at his desk, thinking. The certified genius, was, for once, completely at a loss. He couldn’t figure it out. Where had he seen you before? He was currently in the process of mapping out every place he’d gone to over the last few months. Every restaurant, every film festival, every face he saw in passing at crosswalks, through car windows, at coffee stands, and, still, nothing.
“Woah, Pretty Boy, slow down! What’s got you so riled up?” Derek says, walking over to where Spencer was hunched over his notebook, furiously writing.
“I can’t figure it out, I know we’ve met before or I’ve seen them before or something. I just,” Spencer put his head in his hands, eyes starting to burn a bit from the strain of writing and concentrating for so long, “I just know it”
“Seen who before?”
“Y/N, the new agent. They’re so familiar, but for some reason I just can’t figure it out”
“Ohh! Garcia’s their sister, right?”
Spencer nodded and Derek came behind him, seeing the messy timeline and pages of notes scattered around the agent.
“Are you sure you’ve seen them? I mean, we see lots of people on the job. You could have just seen someone who looked like them, you know? And come on, Reid, your memory is, like, insane . If you’d met, you’d have remembered”
“I know, that’s what’s got me so messed up.” Spencer sighed.
“Take a rest, kid. It’s late, get back to it tomorrow. Maybe they’ll visit you in your dreams…” Derek said, wiggling his eyebrows and laughing as he walked away.
Spencer laughed, hoping Derek was right. He’d do anything to get more time with you, even if it was in his subconscious. Honestly, he felt a bit bad. He’d been so caught up in figuring how he knew you that he’d kind of forgotten to actually talk to you. Normally, he’d have caught a new recruit before they left, but he didn’t get the chance with you. After packing up, Spencer went home and continued his search with you on the forefront of his mind.
Meanwhile, you had just gotten back to your sister’s apartment. You had your own place but you were new to the team and felt a bit lonely. Mentally, you didn’t want to be alone at home, too.
“Hey, Pen, what’s up with Reid?” You asked. You were confused, you knew he was quiet but he seemed to be actively ignoring you. Even stranger, you caught him intensely staring at you, as if he was trying to figure something out.
“He’s just shy, Y/N. But he’ll warm up to you, don’t worry! Honestly, I think the both of you would be a pretty good match. If you want, I can do some of my famous matchmaking!”
“Please, noooooo,” You groaned, dragging out the word.
“Come on! I’m great at it!”
“No! Remember last time? I ended up on a blind date with a guy who, within the first three minutes, told me he liked me because he saw similarities between me and his parents!! Then, he proceeded to detail their divorce for the next 45 minutes!”
Penelope was laughing hysterically, “I mean, you did say you liked emotionally available people!”
You grabbed a pillow and threw it at her head, dying in your own fit of laughter.
“Alright, that’s it, I’m going to bed. I can’t be conscious in the same house as you anymore” You say, smiling and jokingly flipping your sister off as you walk away and into the guest room.
Naturally, she returned the gesture.
When Spencer arrived at work the next morning, his eyes were bloodshot, hair was sticking up in a million different directions, and clothes were exceptionally disheveled. Anyone else and you would have thought they had a really bad (or great) one-night stand. Although you weren’t close with him, you just didn’t see him being that type of guy. You laughed a bit as he grimaced, taking a sip of what looked like extremely bitter coffee.
Deciding to try and break the ice, you went over to him. “Long night?”
Spencer’s head shot up. “Uh, yeah, I guess you could say that” He said, laughing a bit.
You smiled. Even though he was awkward, you felt at ease in his company. “I get that, I’ve had a few long nights myself. I love the job, don’t get me wrong, but the way the BAU runs is different from anything else I’ve ever dealt with.”
“Yeah. It can be a bit of an adjustment, but you’ll be fine. You’re doing great. I mean, you arrived early, so I can already assume you’re organized. And your desk is a little messy, leading me to believe you’re a creative person. Your handwriting is quite slanted, too. I recognized it from your entry forms. Did you know that’s a sign of high intelligence? Because your thoughts are moving so quickly, your hand can’t keep up in the “perfect” way, so the letters normally slant and become more sloppy.”
You were mesmerized by him. You could watch him talk for hours, truly. Sure, he wasn’t always graceful, but he was so passionate about everything he talked about. You loved listening to people talk about what they love. The way their eyes light up, it makes the energy surrounding them contagious.
Realizing he had just psychoanalyzed you without permission, Spencer looked at your sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to profile you. It’s sometimes hard to shut off, especially around new people.”
“I get that. It’s okay, I don’t mind.” You said, nodding knowingly.
As you said that, Spencer figured it out. He remembered one time visiting his mother in Vegas and hearing you say those exact words. You were playing the piano, talking to a patient who had just accidentally spilled some water on your sheet music as they took their medicine. “It’s okay, I don’t mind. I was in need of new music, anyway” You had responded, laughing. He was surprised he didn’t immediately recognize you, the beautiful and talented person he’d seen that day. But, it did make sense, in a way. Spencer’s memory is always at its highest and weakest when he’s with his mother. He can remember each of their conversations, verbatim, but everything else fades.
“Spencer? You alright?” He had been kind of spacing out for a few moments and you were afraid you did something wrong.
His attention came back to you and he smiled again, brighter this time. “You play piano.” He stated.
Your breath caught and you let out a small laugh, extremely confused. “Uhh, yeah, I do. I’m sure you’re great, but that seems extreme even for you, Mr. Profiler”
Spencer laughed. “No! I didn’t profile you, I just, I remember you. Las Vegas, March 12th, Psychiatric Hospital, you were playing piano. A patient spilled water on you. I remember you.”
“Oh, right! Ms. Owens! She’s lovely. You were there that day? Well, either that or you just gave yourself up as a damn good stalker”
“No, no, not that,” He said, a shy smile playing on his lips, “My mother’s a patient there, Diana Reid? I’m not sure if you know her.”
“Yeah! She’s quite a character. I always enjoyed playing on days Diana was there.” You reminisced for a second, lost in the memory.
“Were you visiting someone there, too?” He said, pulling you from your thoughts.
“Not exactly. My grandfather was a patient before he passed. He taught me how to play and I kind of just asked the staff if I could volunteer and continue to after he left. They were kind enough to let me. I mean, he always encouraged me to perform and I thought it was a nice way to honor his memory. A few months later I heard from Penelope that there was an opening at the BAU. I moved out, and, well, here I am.” You gestured to yourself, slightly embarrassed after you realized you might have overshared.
Spencer caught onto this, however, and quickly reassured you. “That’s amazing, Y/N. You were amazing when I heard you. I wish I could have heard you play again.”
“Thank you, that’s really sweet, Spencer.” You said, resting your hand atop his, a blush forming in his cheeks at the touch.
“Um, if you don’t have plans. I mean, not to assume you don’t have plans, just if you, you know, happen to not be busy, would you want to maybe get dinner sometime? You don’t have to, of course! I wouldn’t be offended! I just kind of want to get to know you more. If that’s alright with you.” He trailed off, not making eye contact and playing with the buttons on his shirt a bit as he awaited your answer.
Deciding to be bold, you gently turned his face to meet yours and smiled. “I would love to. Tomorrow, pick me up at 8:00?”
“Yeah! Here’s my number, text me your address?”
You smiled and nodded, taking his phone. He took the moment to just look at you. You were truly one of the most breathtaking people he’d ever met. He couldn’t believe he’d just gotten you to agree to go out with him. Even so, he wouldn’t question it. If something in the universe gave this to him, he wouldn’t risk it for a second.
You placed a gentle kiss on his cheek as you slipped the phone back into his hand. As you pulled away, Spencer cupped your cheek and pulled you back in for a kiss. His lips tasted sweet and soft and a sense of serenity washed over you as you stood in the middle of the BAU, kissing him. Everything faded away and quickly came into focus again as he pulled away, far too soon for your liking.
“More of that tomorrow” He whispered, his forehead resting against yours.
You smiled, “That’s fine by me.”
~requests are open~
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prompt request: Sophie is jealous
There is a knock on the door to Mary and Ryan’s place. 
Mary goes to open the door and Sophie is standing on the other side looking amazing in a red blouse and black jeans. She also looks kind of sad but not in an unhappy way, more somber if anything with a lot going on in her eyes and an expression that Mary can’t quite read. Sometimes she wishes she had Alice’s skill of deciphering people. 
“Hey, Sophie. I thought you’d be with Kate. Did you go and see her?” Mary opened the door wider and allowed Sophie to walk in. The two women made their way to the couch. 
Sophie sighed as she slipped her shoes off and sat down. “Kate’s gone.” Mary made a face because she knew Kate was leaving again, off to the next great adventure. She had made peace with it. She was just happy that she got Kate back - the real Kate, and that she wasn’t dead. Mary still wakes up crying and drenched in sweat when she has dreams of Kate and her funeral. She would love for Kate to stay and for them to catch up, but it’s enough right now knowing that she’s alive and safe. And that she remembers who Mary is again. 
“Kate came and met me at The Hold Up. She had her stupid motorcycle helmet in her hands and said she was leaving. Going to go find Bruce and your dad.” Sophie rolls her eyes and her voice sounds even more raspy than usual. 
“Yeah, Kate told us she was going.” Mary thought Kate would at least stick around a bit longer for Sophie. “I’m sorry Soph. I know she loved you so much. She’s been through a lot and, I know the feeling. She needs time to figure things out. She’ll be back.” Mary tried to be comforting and give Sophie what she needed in this moment, even though she wasn’t too sure exactly what it was Sophie needed. But she rubbed her back anyway and went to put on some water for tea. She felt like this was more of a tea moment than a let’s get hammered and solve clues under the direction of a mad man moment. 
Mary came back a few moments later with tea in hand. 
“You know, you should really start leaving some clothes over here to hang out in. If you weren’t so tall I’d say you could borrow something of mine. I feel a girls night coming on.” Mary said and laughed softly. Sophie brought her tea to her lips, blew on it, and then set it back down. “I might have shorts that would fit you, and Ryan has some oversized sleep shirts. You could borrow something.” Mary thought out loud.
“I don’t know if Ryan would want me over here getting that comfortable.” Sophie didn’t actually mean this, she knew her and Ryan were in a much better place. Sophie offered Ryan her couch to crash on. They were no longer Crowie and the Ex-Con with no future. They were really starting to just become Sophie and Ryan. Wildmoore. 
“Oh come on, you and Ryan are tight now. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you two being a lot nicer to each other.” Mary lightly bumped her shoulder into Sophie’s. 
“Where is Ryan anyway?” Sophie asked attempting to be nonchalant. She picked up her tea and blew on it some more as a distraction and to help with her façade of appearing uninterested. 
“Um, I think she went to go meet with Imani.” Sophie sputtered and almost spilled her tea. 
“Woah girl, you alright?” 
“Yeah, just, this was way hotter than I was expecting.” Sophie laughed awkwardly and tried to recover. “She’s with Imani?” Sophie pressed out her bottom lip in consideration before her next comment. “I thought they were over?” Sophie didn’t know for sure if Ryan and Imani were over but ever since Luke got shot, she and Ryan were spending a lot more time together and Imani was nowhere to be found. Ryan hadn’t even mentioned her. Unless Ryan and Imani just sexted and spent late nights together. Sophie found herself annoyed with the thought of Ryan and Imani spending late nights together and sexting.
“Um I don’t know actually now that you mention it. I mean you were there when I told Ryan I don’t want to be included in her little sexcapades so maybe that’s why we haven’t heard from the two of them as of late.” Mary offered. Sophie was quiet. So Mary kept talking to fill the silence. “But Imani is cool, you’d like her.” 
“I know Imani is cool Mary, she saved us from jail with her fancy lawyer knowledge. Besides, Ryan wouldn’t date somebody uncool. I mean except for Angelique.” Sophie said as an after thought.
“Ohhh you didn’t like her either!?” Mary exclaimed and put her hand on Sophie’s shoulder.” Mary laughed joyously. “Whew I thought I was the only one! Girl maybe we do need to get out the hard stuff from the cupboard!” She gave Sophie a look letting her know that she was down to turn up whenever she said the word.
“It’s not that I didn’t like her. She just wasn’t good enough for Ryan.” Sophie said matter-of-factly. Mary sat there in stunned silence at Sophie’s admission. But before she could say anything, Sophie tried to clarify. 
“I-I just meant like she’s Ryan Wilder, bad ass extraordinaire, Batwoman by night and day, bartending babe on the side. Angelique was just bringing Ryan down. I never saw it until I got to know Ryan and realized she was always covering for Angelique, and Angelique was taking advantage of Ryan’s kindness and the emotional attachment that was there from when they were kids. Ryan felt like she owed Angelique, when really it was the other way around. Ryan’s a good person. She deserves someone who knows that but doesn’t use it against her, someone like-”
“Someone like you?” Mary offered up slowly, testing the waters. 
“Are we singing Adele now?” Sophie went for a joke hoping that she was coming off as aloof. Mary just kept staring back at Sophie with a grin on her face. 
“Stop smiling Mary. Ok what? If you’re thinking I want to date Ryan, I don’t.” Sophie inwardly cringed as this sounded like such a lie even to her own ears. 
“Well it doesn’t sound like you want anyone else to have her.” Mary was feeling emboldened. Sophie didn’t seem mad, she just seemed either unaware or in denial. Mary continued, “you didn’t like Angelique, which I am with you on that one. And you sound jealous of Ryan spending time with Imani. So if all these girls that Ryan gets with upset you, then why don’t you just ask Ryan out? You just said she deserves better. You could be better.” 
Sophie took a long pause and stirred her tea. Seemingly gathering up courage to say what she was going to say. “Ryan and I are finally friends. It took so long for us to get to this place of genuine understanding and respect. I don’t want to throw dating her into the mix. And yes, ok, she’s gorgeous, like drop dead gorgeous- she is. But what if things go horribly wrong and then we’re back to square one. Or even worse, we don’t even talk anymore because we hate each other so much. I don’t want to take that risk. I care about her too much.” Mary sat there with her eyes wide and a shit eating grin on her face. She had no idea Sophie had all these feelings. She thought at the very most Sophie was just crushing. 
“Oh my gosh, you totally love her!” Mary squealed.  
“Shut up Mary. I don’t.” Sophie got up to bring their empty tea cups to the kitchen and to try and calm her nerves and distance herself for a second from Mary’s prying and absurd accusations. 
“You love her! You love her! You love her!” Mary repeated trying to get Sophie to admit it.
 At that moment the door suddenly opened and in walked Ryan. 
Mary froze and Sophie came out of the kitchen to see who it was. She had a fleeting thought that it would be Kate and that maybe she had changed her mind and decided to stick around. Sophie then had another fleeting thought that Ryan and Mary should possibly change the locks. Just incase Kate isn’t Kate again or something.  
“Um who loves who?” Ryan grinned as she came inside and closed the door. She kicked off her shoes and ran a hand through her loose curls. Sophie came back and sat on the couch. Her and Ryan gave each other quick smiles. The energy between them was so different than it had been only a few short months ago. Before, Ryan would have been demanding to know why there was a crow in her loft. 
“Kate loves Sophie.” Mary quickly covered. 
“Oh.” Ryan simply said and walked off to her room. Mary and Sophie looked at each other with nervous expressions. Not soon after Ryan left she was back in an oversized shirt and some sleep shorts. Sophie had to try hard not to slowly run her eyes up and down Ryan’s entire body. That girl was banging. 
“So how is Imani?” Sophie awkwardly and quickly tried to take the attention off of herself and change the subject. She was still curious where Imani came from and how long she was going to be staying. Ryan shot Mary a look, and Mary put her hands up in mock surrender. “Hey, I barely said anything. Sophie asked where you were and I said you were with Imani.” Now it was Sophie’s turn to shoot Mary another glare. Ryan was smiling wildly and looking between the two. She hadn’t realized that she was the topic of conversation while she was gone.
“So, you been asking about me huh Soph?” Ryan teased. 
“Girl please. It was just so peaceful and quiet over here so I was just making sure you weren’t getting yourself into trouble somewhere.” Sophie quipped. 
“Oh I was definitely getting into trouble.” Ryan shot back with a smug look on her face. “I was getting into a very sexy kind of trouble, I got into trouble maybe 3 of 4 times actuall-”
“Ok we get it Ryan.” Sophie snapped. “I mean, we get it.” Sophie said a little softer this time. Then without warning Sophie got up, hurriedly walked to the door, opened it, and rushed out, slamming it shut as she left. 
Inside the loft, Ryan and Mary gave each other puzzled looks and Ryan pointed to the door as if to say, what was all that about. “You should go after her.” Mary said simply and then retreated to her room. Ryan shook her head in confusion and then went to find Sophie.
Ryan didn’t have to go far as Sophie was sitting just outside the door against the wall. Ryan stood in front of her. Sophie didn’t look up so Ryan slid down next to Sophie against the wall. Ryan put her hand on Sophie’s knee and now the ball was in Sophie’s court. Ryan patiently waited and hoped that Sophie would share what was bothering her. Sophie had been there for Ryan this whole year, and Ryan wanted to return the favor. Sophie looked up with pools of water in her autumn colored eyes threatening to spill and Ryan’s heart broke just a bit. Sophie was always so strong but Ryan didn’t want or need her to be. Sophie was allowed to break and fall apart, and in that moment, Ryan vowed to always be there to catch her and help pick up the pieces when she did. 
“I’m sorry for running out like that.” Sophie said quietly and sniffled. 
“Soph, you do not need to apologize.” Ryan reassured her. They were quiet again for a few beats. 
“So, you really like Imani.” It wasn’t a question, more like an observation. 
Is that what this is about, Ryan thought. Is Sophie- is she jealous? That can’t be right. If she was jealous that would mean... Ryan looked over again slowly at Sophie. 
“Imani is great.” Ryan started. She watched as Sophie sunk into herself more at that statement. Ryan continued, “but it’s not serious. It’s just sex and comfort and the closeness of somebody. I know I talk a big game and don’t get me wrong, being Batwoman is amazing, it’s everything I’ve ever dreamed, but it’s lonely. And whoever I’m with I can’t even share myself fully with them. I think I’m going to break it off with her anyway.” Ryan was thinking out loud at this point. Up until now she didn’t mind having a fling with Imani, it kept her company. But like her and Luke had discussed, it was hard dating and being a Superhero. And if Sophie was into her...
“Kate left.” Sophie said suddenly. Ryan sighed. She looked at Sophie, put a finger up to her cheek and caught a stray tear that was sliding down the side of her face. “I know.” Ryan said. She wiped her damp finger on her sleep shirt. 
“I think I’m... relieved.” Sophie finally said. This surprised Ryan. She thought Kate was the love of Sophie’s life. 
"She was the love of my life, but I think the key word is, was.” Sophie said as if reading Ryan’s mind. “I think I loved who she used to be. When she came back I was different and so was she. And when she took off again, I realized I wasn’t all that upset or hurt. It took losing her to realize that while I loved and cared deeply for her, she’s not my soul mate. She represents a time in my life that is special but it’s not where I am anymore. And then I met someone named Ryan Wilder.” Sophie smirked and looked into Ryan’s wide shocked eyes.
“Me?” Ryan said with the cutest look on her face that Sophie had ever witnessed. 
“Yes you. Ryan, you annoyed the hell out of me, you pissed me off, you irritated and enraged me-” 
“Ok girl, damn. We get it.” Ryan rolled her eyes. Sophie let out a raspy chuckle and continued. 
“You challenged me, you made me see things that I didn’t want to see within myself and within the Crows. You inspired me, you amazed me, and you thrilled me. I wanted to be a better me because of you Ryan. And then when I found out that you were Batwoman...I  knew I had it in me to fight the system in the way that you do. And I could no longer keep working with the same people who you were trying to take down. I had to pick a side. And I’m team Ryan.” Sophie smiled. 
Ryan laughed and lightly shoved her. “You’re team corny. But thank you. Thank you for choosing me.” Ryan said turning serious for a moment, but she couldn’t stop another grin from overtaking her features. 
“I’ll always choose you, Ryan.” 
Ryan visibly swallowed and then she looked at Sophie. “So, you really do have a thing for women in suits, huh.” Ryan teased. 
“I have a thing for you.” Sophie retorted. 
“Wow, just getting right to it huh?” Ryan flirted back. Sophie shrugged, “I want you Ryan. And I don’t want to step on Imani’s toes or anything but-”
Sophie felt warm, soft, wet lips press against her own. She instinctively flinched and then closed her eyes and sunk into the feeling of Ryan’s lips pressed against her own. Sophie immediately sucked and pecked at Ryan’s bottom lip and then she dipped her tongue into Ryan’s mouth, she let Ryan dip her own tongue out and she lightly sucked on it while Ryan sucked and kissed Sophie’s top lip. She felt Ryan’s hands in her hair and so she moved her hands to Ryan’s waist, and slipped them slightly under the oversized shirt Ryan was wearing. She had wanted to feel Ryan’s abs for quite some time now. Ryan smelled like shea butter, lavender, and eucalyptus. Sophie’s senses were shooting into overdrive. A cough interrupted them as someone walked by. They both realized they were still sitting out in the hall. 
“We should go inside.” Sophie said and then laughed. Her face was flushed and her blouse that was tucked into her jeans was now hanging loosely untucked. They got up and opened the loft door and saw Mary race to the couch. 
“Um hey guys.” Mary tried sounding as casual as possible. “You guys wanna stay up and chat?” Mary offered. She wanted all the tea and it was worth a shot. Ryan and Sophie knew they had been caught. 
“Goodnight Mary. Oh, and Sophie’s staying over.” Ryan said as she walked Sophie to her room. Mary noticed Ryan held Sophie’s fingers gently in her hand. Mary squealed. 
“Details! I want details in the morning! And pancakes.” Mary shouted as an after thought. 
“Deal.” Ryan said as her and Sophie giggled and Ryan closed her bedroom door behind them. 
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slygirl666 · 4 years
Fred x American reader
summery: while taking some time in New York Fred meets reader. but she is convinced he's a No-Maj. 
warnings: maybe language, not edited and probably won't ever be.
words: 2,7020
You sighed, you were on your last hour of a double shift at a twenty four hour dinner. You couldn’t wait to Apparate home and sleep. Getting a plate of hashbrowns and eggs you walked tiredly to your section.
What you didn't see was the giant of a man walking towards you. The eggs and hashbrowns did end up on him.
“Shi- i mean sorry, sir,” you bent down to get the now broken plate. To be fair this was only your second week on the job and you were still getting used to the fact magic wasn’t used to keep things afloat.
“No harm, love.” he gave you a smile that made your cheeks heat up. Maybe it was just the nickname, that's what it was. A tourist most likely
“Sit down, i’ll get you a milkshake on me.” he started to shake his head. “Please something I don't want to let you go knowing I made a mess of you.”
“I’ll settle for a coffee, if that's alright?” you nodded as you went back to replace the order and get his coffee. You smiled at him dropping the coffee before taking the order to another customer.
When you got off of work you noticed the same man sitting only a block away on a public bench, he was awfully cute and the city lights bounced nicly off of flaming red hair.
No, the last thing you needed was to get attached to another no-maj, let alone one from another country.
That's the way you ended up in New york alone, you followed a boy. A no-maj you were ready to turn in your wand for. But he left you with a girl who came sobbing at your door about being pregnant. You're glad that he had the decency to see this through with her but not the decency to not cheat on you.
Against your better judgement you walked up to the man. “Hi, I believe I spilled a whole meal on you a while ago.”
He turned to look at you, a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes flashed. You bit your lip just knowing that smile will get you in loads of trouble.
“You did, do you always end up following people out?” He gave you a smirk. You felt yourself heat up embarrassed, but he couldn’t know that.
“Only the cute ones.”  you shrugged, mentally hitting yourself for saying it.
His smirk turned into a boyish grin, “awfully bold of you to say. I’m Fred.”
“Y/N” you offered him a hand. He shook it. “What are you doing all the way out here in New York?”
His face darkened, his eyes went haunted. “I needed a change from home. How long have you lived here?”
“A year,” Merlin, you should walk away, Apparate home. “I should get to the subway before it’s too late, have a good night.”
He waved to you as you walked off.
Two days after your talk with the Red Headed man you walked into work, a co worker took your hand.
“Y/N a cute guy came in yesterday asking about you,” she gave you an excited smile. “I told him you were working tonight and he said he’s stopping by.”
Shit, who would ask for you did kade find you. No his kid would be a here by now. “What did he look like?”
“Very tall, red hair, freckles..” you let out a breath  as she listed them. It was that guy...Fred.
“Thanks Heather, I should get on my shift now,” you tied the apron around your waist and walked off to your section.
You anticipated Fred coming to see you, three hours passed and he didn’t. He wasn’t obligated to come see you, but why would he ask your coworker if he wasn’t going to come. Two more hours and you were putting your apron back in your locker.
You walked out through the front, only to see Fred leaned against the wall running his hands through his hair, muttering to himself to ‘just do it.’
“Do what?” You laughed, he jumped and turned to you.
“ask the pretty waitress, who happened to spill food on me if she wants to get a drink with me.” He smiled hopefully at you.
“I can’t get into a bar,” you shuffled your feet. He was older than you then. “I’m only nineteen.”
You could always use a glamour in your ID but you didn’t want to lie about your age to him.
“Oh,” He looked at a loss for words.
“I do know a killer pizza place just around the corner, so how about dinner?” You bit your lip half expecting him to say you were too young for him.
“Sounds lovely,” he smiled,gesturing for you to lead the way.
You walked ahead of him, before stopping at your favorite place for a late night slice. Leading him inside.
“Y/N your back,” Johnny, the owner smiled at you. After Kade broke your heart you spent a lot of time crying over a slice of Pizza here.
“Brought a friend too,” you smiled at him waving in the direction of Fred.
“Out to break my heart Y/N” he dramatically grabbed his chest.
“It’s okay Johnny I only loved you for your pizza skills anyway.” He laughed as you took a seat at a table, Fred sat across from you amused.
“You get on with everyone you meet?” He breathed out a laugh.
“Not always, but moving somewhere alone you learn where you feel safe and who you should talk to to secure that.”
He looked at you a little worried. When Johnny sat a cheese Pizza in front of the two of you with two bottles of beer Fred looked at you.
“They’ve never carded me here,” you shrugged, opening it up. That was a lie you spent two months charming your I.D till they stopped carding you. “So tell me about yourself.”
You learned a lot like he was the fourth child out of seven, he was twenty two, he only had one sister. He dropped out of school his last year and he owned a small joke shop with his twin brother in London.
“What about you, love?”
“Uh, I don’t have a family…” you refused to meet his eyes. “I went to a boarding school, and stayed with a foster family over the summers.”
You knew he would pity you, everyone seemed to. “You seem to have no trouble making your own family then.” He smiled at you nodding towards Johnny.
“Don’t always make the right choice though, that’s how I ended up on the other side of the country on my own,” you laughed telling him about how you ended up alone after only two months of living with someone.
“Stupid wanker if you ask me,” he smiled. You couldn’t agree more. The pizza and drinks were finished before you knew it. You felt so comfortable with this man. He got up and insisted on paying for the food and drinks. You agreed only if the next time you could pay, though you had a feeling he wouldn’t allow that.
And he didn’t, random nights turned to days, you gave him your phone number, he’d call from the landline he had. You even took him sightseeing, though he said he already had you insisted it was better with a partner.
It was a dream your friends had warned you, even saying that you get attached to men too easily. That was true but with Fred it just felt right. Even though you always felt like he told half truths maybe it's because you were keeping secrets. You eyed your wand, you should tell him maybe not now but soon. You were sitting in a cafe in the magic district.”
“No way Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N” she recognized the voice of Naveah Klower, a girl in her year at Illivamory. “I thought you lived in california, what the hell are you doing in New York?”
She smiled you two were never close but you did study together occasionally. “I live here now.”
“No way,” she sat herself across from you, last you heard she was working her way up as a top journalist for the daily. “Tell me everything.”
It was nice to talk to someone about the frustration of falling for a No-maj and not sure what to say.
“Oh, sweetheart.” she looked ready to cry for you. “You’ve always been a lover haven’t you? Tell you what, let's get together. I have to go to this event, it's formal, come with me as my date.”
“Uh, is that really what you get ou-”
“Common say yes, it's a free trip to london. Austin bailed on me and it's this weekend.” she pulled out a silver invitation.
Remembrance Ball
Witches and wizards all over the world are the reason were here today
“It’s cheesy I know, but I have a port key and you’ll get to meet all the people who fought for everyone, they usually only invite people higher in the business but my boss has a soft spot for me.”
She gave you lage pleading brown puppy eyes. “Fine, I’ll go.”
“Great, we can go to the ball and then maybe we’ll go bar hopping. It's only a weekend but-”
You were lost in thought as you thought maybe this would be an opportunity to see everything clearly. Spend the weekend away from Fred out of your apartment.
He was already busy this weekend, something about his apartment needing to be cleaned. You wouldn’t just mope around your place.
“You can borrow a dress of mine, oh give me your address.” she pulled out a quill and paper. “I’ll be by tomorrow night.”
she smiled at you walking off.
You spent the next day packing a bag and pacing your apartment. When Naveah knocked and excitedly waited. “So we need to apparate to the ministry and they have my portkey.”
She took your hand so you went with her. The portkey itself was a dusty record player that had a sister key set in your hotel room.
“Okay so, we have a hair and nail appointment in London and I’ll do make up,” she pushed you out the door grabbing both your purses.
You were never friends because she was so high energy and you weren’t. You checked your phone in hopes for a voice mail or call from Fred, but he said he couldn’t this weekend.
“Y/N don't worry about the no-maj man,” she took your phone. “We’re going to get you looking perfect for tonight you can't stress over a boy.”
The day felt long getting through the appointments, and having Naveah pull and tug at you as she chose your dress and makeup.
You did look good, hair in large soft curls, grey and silver eye makeup with dark red lips. She handed you a silky charcoal colored gown.
“Me best work yet i have to say, “ she zipped you up she looked amazing, in neutral makeup and a pink dress.
They looked walked out to the hall to the elevator, the man inside nodded, “looking lovely ladies, where too?”
“Top floor please,” Naveah flashed her invite, he nodded, waving a hand over the elevator buttons to make a new one appear. He pressed the button, elevator going up at lightning speed. “Enjoy.”
They walked into the room, the ceiling magically showing the perfect night sky. People were already mingling and discussing the war. Naveah pulled a pad and quill to start writing. “You go talk to people, I have to report and stuff.”
You smiled going to find the table, feeling awkward alone in a place you knew nobody. It reminded you of when you moved, you saw a flash of red hair. Turning you saw it belonged to a lanky man shoving bread in his mouth, not your Fred.
The woman the man was with guided him to the front, she was beautiful with her large hair in natural curls and a light blue gown. “Ronald! we have to go meet Harry up front, swallow that or spit it out.”
You giggled, they looked like a cute couple. The two walked to the front where a shorter man with jet black hair tapped a knife against a champagne glass. From photos you knew that was Harry Potter. He began thanking everyone before awkwardly going on to talk about the war and the people who stood with him. When he mentioned the last name Weasley you perked up.
It's a common last name right? Especially here, the name isn’t unheard of. You think at least.
When Harry finished his speech he motioned for the staff to bring out the food.
You sat and chatted with Neveah and the others at your table, you met Rita Skeeter and her partner. After food everyone was invited to dance and mingle.
“Y/N would you mind helping, just jot down notes, please?” Neveah gave you pleading eyes. You smiled taking the two items sitting next to you.
“I want to focus on everyone around the war, not just those three,” she moved on asking people who they were and how they were involved.
You stopped at Ginny Weasley who insisted you should talk to her older brothers. “Georgie, Freddie! Come here, they came here from America.”
You froze the second she said Freddie. And a familiar voice called out to Ginny.
“Y/N what's wrong with you?” Naveah gently shoved your shoulder.
It was too late the men already came to stand with their sister.
“Y/N?” Fred eyed you. “What are you doing here aren't you- Merlin I’m an idiot. You never told me anything about before your days in new york and you always cut yourself off.”
“I take it this is the girl you were writing about,” the identical man laughed.
“I think we have a lot to talk about,” you handed the paper and quill to Naveah.
Fred led you to a bar, he ordered a whiskey and wine handing you the glass.
“Mione, made sure there was an open bar,” he didn’t look at you.
“Oh thats-”
“Did you plan on telling me? At all?” he turned to you with a short glare.
“You can't be mad Freddie, I was going to decide this weekend,” you returned his glare.
“Were you going to tell me?”
“Yes, I was going to tell you on monday after I picked you up for work.” he cracked a smile, “we’re right idiots aren’t we?”
You laughed, placing your glass down, he led you to the floor where people were dancing. You wrapped your arms around his neck, “we really are, maybe it’s a good thing.”
“You know I know, I was so scared. You were a bit too young for me,” he pulled you closer by the waist. “Obviously reckless, somehow can drink underadge you spilt food on me multiple times-”
“Those were an accident,” you defended.  he laughed, bringing up a hand to caress your cheek.
“But charming and absolutely gorgeous. I was amazed you agreed to go on a date with me after one conversation.”
“I tend to do things most people see as a read flag,” you smiled up at him.
“I will forever be grateful for that.” he leaned his head down to kiss you sweetly.
The two of you had kissed many times, this was different, you felt lighter no longer holding anything back.
“Ahem, Fred.” the two of you turned to see George and a whole family of redheads standing by you two. looking ready to laugh. “Don’t you want to introduce us to your lady friend?”
He looked embarrassed before you introduced yourself, Molly Weasley hugged you. “I thought you were a muggle.”
“I thought he was a no-maj. We just misunderstood each other ma’am.”
“Oh, dear call me Molly, Fred hasn’t shut up about you.”
“That's enough you lot!” Fred pulled you under his arm guiding you to a balcony. You looked out amazed by the view of London under you. “Y/N I think I love you.”
“I know I love you already.” you got his collar to pull him down for a heated kiss.
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