#i mean it's mostly a little bit of trash taking up the space and i could easily remove it
aliaology · 10 months
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summary: jack finds himself really wanting to be a dad when he gets older, mostly because of connor.
pairings: jack hughes x single!mom!fem!reader
warnings: none
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you felt bad, you felt like a burden. you hesitantly accepted the offer to spend the night at jacks house. was it the best idea? not really, no. you barely knew the man. but you also knew how famous he was, how one wrong move would send his career into the trash.
you watched as jack carried your sleeping son up the stairs, making his way to the fourth floor. you felt bad, again. there was an elevator, but god you had a terrible fear of elevators.
jack seemed more than happy to walk up the stairs though, and clearly carrying connor was almost like holding a feather.
jack’s keys jingled as he fumbled them in his free hand. you watched silently as he twisted the key and then the knob, opening the door to a silent apartment.
“ill put him in my bed, you can sleep with him in there, ill take the couch or the guest room.” jack spoke softly, allowing you inside first.
your brows furrowed, not out of frustration but out of concern. “i can’t ask you to do that, jack. this is your apartment. me and connor can both take the guest room. you letting us in here was enough.”
jack sighed, “y/n, its okay. im willingly giving you my bedroom to sleep in. i want you both to sleep there, my beds comfier and i think you guys need it.” jack told.
you bit your lip before sighing, “okay.” jack gave you a smile before grabbing your stuff and bringing it to his room.
you followed behind him, taking in the room as you stepped in. it suited him. the red, black, and white that adorned his room. the tall but old-looking dresser was a stark contrast with its light brown compared to the rest of the room.
you gently lied connor down on jacks bed, the boy immediately cuddled up to the covers as he slept.
you turned to jack, "thank you, again, jack. you don't understand how much this truly means to me." you told.
jack smiled, "its no problem, plus i really like this little guy, not to mention his mom is pretty good looking too" he laughed.
you chuckled slightly. "you wanna go watch a movie?" he asked. you looked to connor before looking back at jack. you nodded. jack headed towards the livingroom, you following behind him.
it didn't take long for you to decide on 'remember the titans' and lie down on the couch together. his arm rested on the couch, just above your shoulders. every now and then his fingers would brush against your skin.
mid way through the movie, you fell asleep, head landing right on jack's shoulder. he smiled down at you before slowly falling asleep himself.
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jack felt himself get shaked. his eyes opened slightly to see connor standing there, a sad frown plastered on his tired little face. jack tiredly looked around, finding himself holding your sleeping body.
he looked back at connor. "whats wrong buddy?" he asked.
connor sniffled. "i had a nightmare, can i sleep with you guys?" he frowned.
jack internally groaned due to the lack of space. "uhm, how about you go lay back down in my room and ill bring your mom in there, okay?" jack spoke softly.
"i want you there too," connor told.
jack stayed silent for a minute. his heart melting at the younger boy's words. "alright, ill be in with your mom in just a moment, okay?" he told connor.
connor nodded, his feet padding along the floor as he ran back to the bedroom. jack slowly removed himself from the couch before gently picking you up. you stirred slightly but didn't wake up. he turned the tv off and walked to his room. he set you down next to connor, the boy instantly going to your arms which subconsciously wrapped around him.
jack smiled and lied down on the other side of connor. the young boy held his hand out. "can you hold my hand?" he asked quietly.
"of course i can, bud" jack smiled softly, grabbing the younger boys hand and holding it. connor's eyes fluttered shut.
jack looked at you and connor, finally understanding what baby fever was, and how much he wanted to be a father later down the road.
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lorimnnn · 2 years
dbd killers with a crybaby!reader
don’t worry, i promise i’m working on pt.3 of Mine for the Michael fic. I’m just supr unmotivated but don’t want you thinking i’m dead or something. anyway:
summary: jiwoon hak and the ghost face with a reader who tears up easily. you’re sensitive and not good with confrontation nor blood, and are super sensitive to the pain around you. sometimes you get overwhelmed and just need to sit down and cry it out...
cw: i mean, it’s dbd? swearing, gore, murders, obsession
also, i’m taking requests!
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finds your tears entertaining, appreciates that you’re such a willing participant in his art
it takes a few trials for him to realise that your reactions aren’t temporary and are a genuine response to your surroundings
starts to find you a bit annoying after that
like, what are you doing here if you can’t handle it? all the survivors need a bit of grit to survive. you’re no fun otherwise. once he realises that, he starts to transfer his anger towards the Entity.
will be in denial that he feels bad for you
the first few trials that he realises if he chases you, you’ll just collapse and cry or sniffle really adorably pathetically. unintentionally makes you his obsession each trial because he saves you for last, mostly because you’re no fun and the easiest to kill
will mori you out of frustration
eventually starts snatching you by the back of your collar and dumping you through the hatch. not because he feels guilty. no, not at all. you’re just really, really annoying...
finds himself thinking about you always 
why are you always crying?
don’t you know you have to adapt?
you have to get over it. 
one day you’re the only one left again and not only that, but that dreaded Trickster is saving you for last again. from your point of view, he’s deliberately tormenting you knowing that mentally, you can’t take it.
he’s secretly going easy on you because he’s wondering whether or not you’ll have it in yourself to finish the generators and stand up for yourself
but you’re so distraught that you mess up one of the generators and it explodes, and you can’t take it, you burst into tears. you feel so bad for the other survivors for being roped in with you, and you can’t even do your part right without crying. 
“Aish!” he swears sharply. A knife slams into the wall next to your head and you jump, lifting your wet face from your arms to stare at The Trickster. Fear quakes through your body and you brace yourself for his assault, whether that be another mori or basically dumping you through the hatch like used trash (it hasn’t occurred to you that he might be being nice when he does it, because logically, he has no reason to be nice)
you start to whimper when the tip of his blade finds your chin, forcing your head back. it thuds against the wall and pain spirals across the back of your skull, a wince lancing across your expression--- a cute little look that earns you a chuckle from the demented idol. 
“You’re really annoying, you know,” he tells you. “You can’t do anything right.”
oh, and he’ll say this like he’s comforting you, his voice soft and sweet and soothing. your muddled little brain can’t begin to understand what he’s trying to say to you, and only clings to his faux kindness.
at this point, he’ll just have to accept it. he has a soft spot for you. you’re just so cute and helpless, and you can’t help it that you care so much for your fellow survivors even though you’re nothing but a waste of space on their team...
is this why you’re always compensating by using yourself as a human shield? honestly, while it’s partly admirable, he finds the more you offer yourself up to him like that, the less he wants to hurt you
With his other hand, he strokes buries it in your hair. The way he strokes it is gentle enough, but you’re well aware he can snap your neck in seconds if he wants to. 
“You’re really lucky you’re cute. I almost feel bad for you.”
he does. he feels extremely bad for you because you’re not designed for this kind of world, and because of that he just can’t bring himself to recognise you as another survivor
“Hah,” he’ll sigh. “I can’t do it.”
“C-can’t do what?”
He’ll roll his eyes. “What else? Kill you.”
pulls you into his arms before you can comment on it. the affection is too much, you cry into him. he’ll make some comments about you ruining his clothes, but he doesn’t really mean it. will pull you closer if you try pull away. 
also keep in mind--- is not sympathising with you at all. he’s a psycho. he just learned to find pleasure in your tears and realised you’re kinda cute and can’t be roped in with the rest of the survivors if you’re never going to play the Entity’s game. (this is when he’ll start thinking something narccistic, like, ‘of course she cries and makes noises. this is the entity’s gift to me.)
the type to lick your face and taste your tears. “no more crying when you’re with me, okay? or I’ll give you something real to cry about.”
he either means he’ll fuck you or kill you again, but could honestly mean both depending on how you take it
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so many pictures
will max out his film on your tears
he knew about you the second the Entity welcomed you into her realm. at first, he just thought you were cute. he blamed it on the fleeting infatuation he felt towards you, knowing that once your fear wore off, you wouldn’t be that cute anymore
it never wore off
he became obsessed
openly obsessed too, will seek you out and ignore all the other survivors despite the Entity’s will, and will track you down outside of trials to stalk you, taunt you, anything to keep you in the constant state of meltdown he finds so endearing
experiments with your tears. doesn’t want you panicked all the time, of course. 
because of how he targets you in trials, the other survivors quickly adapted and learned to abandon you if they wanted to save themselves or win. danny weaponised this fact, of course.
“aw, babe, don’t be sad. or do. you’re all alone!”
will pull your terrified body against his chest and tip your head back with his knife, forcing you to watch your fellow survivors scatter around you. will tour you around the trial to see what makes you tick the most.
“are you proud of me, babe? i hooked all your friends within the first ten minutes of the trial.”
cue a sniffle that excites him even more
and you’ll feel it too. his hardness against your back, solid and probing and thrilled at your sensitivity. he wants to traumatise you as much as possible. he wants you horrified, and he wants to abuse your fear until there’s none left. there’s never been so much of it before.
don’t get the wrong idea, though. no matter how much he likes you, he won’t touch you--- he’s not a rapist, he’s a killer and a perv. will exploit your face with his camera and mori you and hook you as much as he wants. there’s no stopping him.
not for a while
it’s takes a really long time for him to start challenging why you still cry. it won’t occur to him that it’s such an abnormality until he’s stalking you six months in and watching you mourn another failed trial. let’s say it was with the oni. the oni mori-d you on the spot, and here you were, crying over it despite those same events happening every other trial without fail. and it only occurs to him because it’s six months and he was planning on something cheesy like, “happy six-month anniversary!” because he’s never been consistently obsessed for such a long period of time.
this is when the posessiveness starts to hit. The Oni made you cry? That large, angry piece of shit?
don’t worry babe, he’ll take care of it for you
Only he’s allowed to make you cry like that. only him and nobody else. this is when he’ll start laying claim, calling you his.
he flays the Oni and leaves his scraps scattered across his temple. takes a picture and leaves it on your bed so you know what he’s done, and calls it his anniversary gift
he’ll now start putting in the effort for you to trust him. wants you to admit you’re his, too!
who cares if he’s mori’d, hooked, tunnelled, and killed you a billion times over? fresh start, new beginnings!
will nail it through every one else’s heads that you’re his and that you’re tears are his and that blah blah blah is his
honestly, the other killers will only leave you alone so Danny will stop blabbing on and on about you 
he’s really starting to feel like your boyfriend now
that’s what the other survivors are calling him, anyway. y/n’s boyfriend. 
Danny fully embraces it and starts calling himself your boyfriend, much to your displeasure. But you do start to notice that your trials are becoming less and less frustrating to endure, and you know it’s because of him. He’s even saving you for last, now. The chasing isn’t even half-bad anymore. (And especially with Danny, he’s going to make the chasing feel kinky as fuck)
learns he really likes your laugh as much as he likes your tears. finds himself smiling when he grabs you around the waist mid-spring and hoists you off the ground.
shudders with a sick smirk when you hug him back. you’re so cute.
but he is the Ghostface. Wants you to love his alter-ego as much has you love Danny Johnson, your mostly normal, stalkerish boyfriend
forces you to hold his knife and pretend to hurt him, smirking when you cry 
makes you carve your initials into his body as you sniffle here and there, your tears stinging against the open wound 
kisses you and whispers dirty shit into your ear as you do so, because the dumbass thinks it’ll make it all better
“that’s it, baby. God, that feels so good. Push harder. Hurt me. Fuckkkk-”
“I don’t like this, Danny.”
“G-Ghostface.” Your bottom lip wobbles as more tears slip down your face. “I don’t like this, Ghostface.”
“Just a little longer, baby.”
Will be surprisingly gentle with you, once you admit you’re his
but don’t be fooled. you’re his forever. the second he’s jealous, or you consider leaving, remember he’s the same man who gets off on your pain and tormented you the first six months of knowing you...
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f1-stuff · 1 month
Girl dad Carlos please! I miss that fic so much 🥲
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Okay. So.
I mustered up the energy to write a little vignette of this AU bc I also miss it and bc I didn't want to leave you two hanging! This is skipping ahead quite a bit to halfway through the season, but I'm still planning on writing and fleshing out that portion. I've just known for a while that this was gonna be an important part of the story and that I could jump into writing it right away!
It will probably be edited and adjusted for when the actual chapter is posted on ao3, but this is the 'rough draft' I guess! (Disclaimer: I know zero French and I haven’t had someone look over that bit yet!)
Anyway, enjoyyyy...
When there’s a knock on his door about two weeks into the summer break, his brain doesn’t compute for a full minute after he’s opened it.
Because why would Charles, his teammate, be here? In Spain? At his apartment? During their summer holiday, when they’re supposed to be ignoring any and all people and things related to F1, recharging their batteries, and remembering there’s more to life than racing cars? He and Charles have barely ever even texted during the summer break, let alone seen one another. So, again, why would Charles be at his front door.
Also, he’s a bit sleep deprived and delirious, so there’s every chance he’s hallucinating this.
“Uh...” he says, rather eloquently.
“Hey,” Charles says. And there’s a tentative smile on his face that Carlos can’t even begin to parse the meaning of. His brain isn’t just one step behind, it’s five steps. “Can...I come in?”
“Oh.” Again. Eloquent, Sainz. “Eh- yeah. Yes. Come in.”
“Sorry to stop by without a warning,” Charles is saying. But Carlos is too busy looking around in barely disguised panic at the absolute trash heap that is his home.
It’s not that he didn’t realize how much of a mess the apartment was before, but he sees it now through Charles’ eyes and feels a little like curling up and dying. There are bowls of half eaten food and dirty dishes piled in and around the sink. Various toys, games, books, and drawings are strewn over almost every surface, along with clothes (mostly socks, so many socks) littering the floor. Boxes and boxes of Lucy’s things that he hasn’t had time to sort through are stacked against the walls and in the corners. One of the only exposed walls by the couch has colorful marker all over it, Ana having done that particular masterpiece when he’d accidentally nodded off during Peppa Pig. (He’d been too tired to even properly get angry about it, which was perhaps a bad precedent to set if he didn’t want a repeat performance.)
It looks like a tornado has swept through his apartment. A tornado named Ana.
Not that Charles is much neater on a good day, and he doesn’t even have a kid as an excuse. But Carlos has a feeling that if this is the current state of his apartment, the state of his own appearance is probably no better. He hasn’t properly showered, shaved, or slept in days, and he doesn’t think he’s looked in the mirror in all that time either. For all he knows, he’s still got remnants of the braids Ana put in his hair yesterday. He certainly can’t remember taking them out...
Charles, on the other hand, looks fresh and groomed and sunkissed - everything Carlos would expect during the summer break.
He smells good, he thinks, unbidden. Then, immediately, Stop it.
Charles takes in the space around them, his eyes eventually settling on Carlos with an amused (and maybe slightly concerned) expression. But just as he’s opening his mouth to speak, there’s the sound of the bathroom door opening down the hall and the smattering of tiny feet running across the floor, before Ana declares in her tiny, yet surprisingly bold voice, “I didn’t have a diarrhea!”
Carlos doesn’t even have enough shame left to be embarrassed by his kid. His first instinct is just relief.
“Stomach virus,” he mumbles to Charles, by way of explanation. Then, to Ana, in Spanish, “That’s great, mi niña! Did you wash your hands?”
“Are you sure?”
“Good, because we, eh- we have a guest!”
It’s quiet for a moment, before Ana’s head pokes around the corner slowly. But her face lights up as soon as she sees who it is.
“Cha!” she shouts, but then immediately looks embarrassed by her own show of excitement.
“Coucou, Ana,” Charles says, amused. He kneels down and encourages Ana closer, accepting the tentative hug she gives him.
No matter how much they had bonded last time, it’s still been a while since they’ve seen one another, and some of Ana’s shyness has clearly returned. Still, it’s huge that she’s even initiated a hug, and Carlos feels a telltale twinge in his sternum at the image they both make.
“As-tu été bon pour papa?” Charles asks, cuffing her gently on the chin. Ana grins and nods. “J'ai un cadeau pour toi.”
Charles reaches into a bag that Carlos hadn’t even noticed he’d been carrying until he’d set it down to hug Ana, and he pulls out a pink rectangular thing, that Carlos squints in confusion at for a beat. He realizes what it is simultaneously with Charles’ next words.
“C'est une caméra. Pour que tu prennes des photos de ton papa.”
It’s a pink camera for kids, a unicorn adorning the front where the lens peeks out. Carlos almost rolls his eyes - of course Charles, with his recent photography kick, gifts his kid a camera. But the way Ana’s expression transforms with wonder as Charles demonstrates to her how it works is pretty precious.
Charles hands it over to her and she immediately points it at him. He pulls a silly expression, making her giggle. They both examine the photo, heads bowed close. Ana points it up at Carlos next.
“¡Sonríe, papá!”
He sticks out his tongue and her little finger presses the capture button. The joy on her face as the photo pops up on the screen, tilting it to show them even though it’s upside down, fills Carlos with so much warmth and love that he legitimately almost tears up.
God, he’s so freaking tired.
Ana bounds off to her room to gather her stuffed toys to take a ‘family picture,’ and Charles straightens back up, smile lingering on his cheeks even after Ana has disappeared down the hall.
Carlos wants to kiss him so bad. Becoming a father has turned him into such a sap.
“Ehm,” he clears his throat. “Thank you. That was- a nice gift.”
“No problems.”
“You know, you don’t have to buy her something every time you see her,” he says, humor lacing his words.
“I want to,” Charles insists, simply. They smile awkwardly for an extended beat, listening to the sounds of Ana down the hall in her room, talking to her animals. Charles’ eyes stray to his hair. “You have...something in your hair. Is that a braid-?”
“What are you doing here, Charles?” he asks, choosing to ignore the comment. “I thought you would be in Corsica, or somewhere.”
“I was. But I heard you and Ana had to cancel on the trip to Mallorca and-”
“Heard, how?” Charles looks sheepish, triggering his suspicion. So he repeats it. “Heard, how, Charles?”
“Your mum texted me-” 
He sighs, eyes shutting briefly in frustration. He wishes his mom would just stay out of this whole- thing with Charles. But, clearly, she knew he wouldn’t accept help from anyone else. And that he wouldn’t be able to turn Charles away…
“She didn’t tell me to come,” Charles rushes to say. “She was just worried because you refused to let her stay and help, and that you hadn’t found a sitter, or someone, yet. So I just offered-”
“Charles, please...” He breaks off with another sigh, rubbing his temples to stave off the oncoming headache. But it’s already too late, if the subtle pulsating pain, slowly increasing in intensity, is anything to go by. “You should not have come.”
“Carlos, don’t be stupid,” he scoffs. “Anyway, I am here.” And he supposes that’s true. Nothing can be done about it now. “You look tired.”
He huffs a small laugh, dropping his hands from his temples to meet Charles’ gaze.
“This is what someone looks like when their kid catches a stomach virus and then they catch that same virus from their kid, just when their kid is starting to feel better-”
“Why didn’t you let your mum help-?”
“I’m her dad,” he interrupts, breathing hard. But he softens his voice with his next words. “I can do this on my own. I just wanted to...”
He doesn’t really know how to finish that sentence, though. It sounds stubborn and stupid when he starts to say it out loud. None of this should be about him. It’s about Ana. And if he’d really needed help, he should’ve asked for it. For her.
Charles seems to know that he doesn’t have to say it - that Carlos is already thinking it. So, instead, he just claps a hand to his shoulder and squeezes.
“I think,” he says, “-you should get some rest.”
“No, I’m serious. Go to your room, Mister Sainz.” A slow grin pulls over his features. And along with the genuine concern in his eyes, it’s almost enough to break through Carlos’ resolve. “You are exhausted. Ana will be fine - I will watch her. Just...rest for a minute. Okay? You don’t look like yourself.”
And he knows that must be true. He knows that he needs a lot more than just a few hours of sleep to feel somewhere close to normal again (a shower would be a good start). But it’s hard to even think of himself when he’s been so worried about Ana for days - researching how to get her fever to die down, trying to get her to drink fluids, watching her fitful face in sleep, his heart in his throat despite how the pediatrician had assured him she’d be fine.
But, then, he’d gotten sick, too. And instead of focusing on his own recovery, he’d had to fit in sessions of retching over the toilet in between caring for his kid and making sure she was properly fed. And the two of them had managed, even if it wasn’t ideal. They’d grown closer, he thought, by virtue of her needing him so much.
He couldn’t keep it together forever, though. Eventually, if he didn’t take a break, he’d fall apart completely.
It takes him a stubborn moment, the urge to argue bubbling up inside despite how glorious resting his head on a pillow sounds. But eventually he nods, releasing a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“Thank you.”
Charles just looks at him with a mixture of fondness and exasperation. “You are welcome, Carlos. Now, go. You look like you are going to fall over at any moment.”
“I feel like I’m going to fall over at any moment.”
Charles laughs under his breath, pushing Carlos’ shoulder gently to aim him toward the hallway. “Well, fall over into bed, then.”
“I’m going,” he insists, letting his tired limbs and the heavy touch of Charles at his shoulder guide him toward his room.
He can deal with how insane this situation is - Charles showing up here, and what the hell it means that he’d come at all - once he’s had some sleep. For now, he’ll happily take it for granted.
He doesn’t even really remember climbing into bed before the exhaustion takes over, his body surrendering to fatigue now that he knows his kid’s in good hands. Trustworthy hands. Charles’ hands.
He thinks he can hear the faint sounds of their French floating down the hallway. It makes him smile with the last vestiges of energy he has left.
God, he is in so over his head.
WIP ask game
Link to fic on ao3 -> (x)
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cer-rata · 1 month
Excerpt from "Heart of Gotham"
Damian rarely ate during his designated lunch period, partially because his eating schedule was warped by the fact that dinner was usually served at midnight, but mostly because it gave him some time to himself to read and people-watch. This time he was guts deep in “Kaguya-sama: Love Is War” and so was pretty annoyed when he felt his phone buzzing to let him know he’d received a text. He’d get to whoever that was later. Then it buzzed again. And again, and again and…He angrily yanked it out of his pocket and scowled at the screen. For some reason Maya desperately wanted his attention.
Somebody: dude
Somebody: dude
Somebody: dude
Somebody: dude
Somebody: dude
Somebody: dude
Somebody: dude
Somebody: i know ur at lunch answer me
Somebody: dude
DemonBird: What do you want, she-demon?!
Somebody: did u talk to him yet?
DemonBird: I don’t see how that’s any of your concern.
Somebody: so that sounds like a no lmao
ColinW6969: Yeah no he chickened out lol
DemonBird: Wait
Somebody: bro everyone figured it out at the hang, i’m tired of people asking me what’s going on
Suren: There is nothing to be embarrassed about, Damian. I think.
Bacon: I disagree, this all sounds very embarrassing. 
JK: Kathy! -_-
ColinW6969: Jokes aside, this is a safe space to be a lil bit fruity man. Kathy is the only one here who would hatecrime you.
Bacon: So true. I have a list.
ColinW6969: You’re like a lil fruitbat lmao
ColinW6969: Wait, do robins eat fruit? I thought it was bugs and trash.
DemonBird: Have a care, Wilkes, I can kill you and be back in school before anyone would notice.
ColinW6969: Con likes me though, he’d be maaaad at you.
DemonBird: You’re actually going to make me break my oath.
WillyBillyBat: All I know man is that If you take any longer I might have to pick up the slack myself
JK: :O
Bacon: lol
Somebody: oop…
Suren: What?
ColinW6969: Damnnn
WillyBillyBat: What can I say, people love a CHAMPION who can reach a high shelf
Bacon: Wait Billy I didn’t realize you belonged on my list. Since when?
WillyBillyBat: I dunno, I think Achilles is rubbing off on me or something lately
DemonBird: I’m doing it today okay!?
DemonBird: I’m going to ask him to the gala we’re hosting on Friday!
DemonBird: Happy!?
JK: I mean, if that’s actually what YOU want because YOU want it, and not a scenario where someone is controlling your free will and forcing you to make a horrible mistake, then yeah, I’m a little happy :3
Somebody: …
JK: What 
DemonBird: I am muting this chat. I will see you all in hell.
Damian quietly growled and shoved his phone back into his pocket like he was punishing it. Of the many dangers present in allowing himself to have a social circle, he always managed to underestimate just how annoying other people could be. But…he was at a point where he could admit to himself that he preferred it to being alone.
Eugh. Enough of that, he had manga to enjoy.
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I actually have discovered I lack the motivation for a new fic so here's various blurbs for Punk Remus corrupting Christian Virgil that I like. Insert Blasphemy and Sacrilegious Activities tags here. And there are a few suggestive ones because it's Remus I don't know how else to form it. Basically I'm sorry in advance :3
- Virgil got that purity culture BS from his parents about like being a virgin before marriage. So like. Extra virgin. Remus changes these things. No details because I want to still be welcomed on this blog 🙏
- They actually meet in a church bathroom (it's really awkward Virgil walks out of a stall to wash his hands and Remus is just sitting in the window smoking) (he doesn't want to be there) (went with his parents and then ditched) (this is only like 50% of the time of me thinking about it tho) (didn't go outside bc they thought it was funny to smoke in church) (made a holy shit joke to Virgil. That was his first sentence. If you shit in a church is it holy shit) (somehow it fucking works) (romance is not dead, fellas, its hidden in the shit jokes)
- the first not Christian song Virgil years is Welcome To The Black Parade by MCR. That's why it's really special to him. Inspired the emo.
- I feel like no matter what Remus' bedroom is covered wall to wall in just. Whatever he wants. Pride flags, tapestries, posters, signs he's stolen, random shit he's thumb-tacked onto the wall, LEDs and fairy lights and lamps. There is no open wall space. This is all a bit overwhelming for Virgil at first (remember: sad beige baby) but he comes to love it and all the things he can look at
- every hickey Virgil gets pre-moving in with Remus is hidden underneath a shirt. Remus leaves ONE above his collarbones and Virgil literally has to tell his parents it was a bruise from how he slept. Remus gets HELLA scolded for that
- Virgil does smoke a cigarette with Remus. He does not like it. They also shotgun a cigarette. He has mixed feelings on that. Virgil does the devil's lettuce with Remus. He enjoys this. A lot.
- Virgil's first time drunk on something other than communion wine (half joking) is with Remus. They skip town thrice over in order to go to a bar where Virgil won't be known and tattled on. Remus is surprisingly very protective and good to him. Takes him home, takes off his shoes and coat, tucks him in, puts a trash can next to him for tomorrow.
- A lot of late night drives through the parks. I mean, it's late, Virgil doesn't have a curfew. They drive through the parks and find a cozy corner to talk where nobody will see or hear them. Maybe they smooch a little. A lot.
- SO many religious conversations. So many. Just. So many. Remus wants the communion wine and the little crackers. Virgil has to explain he cannot have the wine and crackers. Remus calls him wine and a cracker. Then asks if eating the wine and cracker is cannibalism. Then talks about cannibalism.
- my favorite one: Virgil asks Remus to come with him to church one time. Just once. Maybe Virgil is having a hard time (not religiously like externally) and wants to go for comfort but can't stand the thought of leaving Remus. So this like total punk walks into a church and sits with Virgil and... knows all of it? The prayers, the statements, the right times for everything. Virgils shocked. They leave the church later and he's like ???. Remus answers "what? Didn't think I was a church kid? Don't I look like a pastor's kid?" Haha yeah plot twist I love this.
- virgils parents want to meet his "new little friend." Remus can't hide all of the punkness but it tries. Virgil is surprised when he shows up with a clean mouth (swearing + brushed his teeth), long sleeves to hide the tattoos, plastic (mostly invisible) piercings to try and hide the ones he can, hair tied back in a respectable position (is a mullet ever respectable? /j /lh) It doesn't make them 100% like him but he tries and he may succeed a little.
There are definitely more but I also have a habit of sending in asks at 1am and it is 12:52 am and I need eep. I looooooove corruption fics where it's totally cool. Like yeah there's some concern but still that's the good shit. Also hi 🐸 anon (or anyone else) if you read this and any of these inspire you, take em :3
— 👑
V A L I D but I fucking L O V E A L L of this!!! Ree W O U L D make a holy shit joke in a church and of course it works on Vee manz is dorksexual XD /light hearted Poor Ree has to get scolded by his boyf for the hickey wear turtlenecks then Emo XD I seriously L O V E their bond and how carefree they are with each other and the fact that the chaotic Punk at least tries to put an effort to look presentable around Vee's parents to make a good impression is really sweet <3 (Also I'm O B S E S S E D with that plot twist of course Ree would know the church like the back of his hand but Vee's confusion makes it more hilarious XD)
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nahoney22 · 1 year
congratulations on hitting 4000 followers! Thats huge! Honestly, no one deserves it more than you. Thank you for all the wonderful things you have requested throughout the years💕
I would like to request a Jesse x Fem!Reader, where reader gets discharged from a lengthy hospital stay and gets to go home, where her partner Jesse picks her up and takes her home and cares for her. Its a very self indulgent request i must admit. It can be sfw/suggestive or nsfw if you like, but mostly i‘d love some caregiver!jesse 🥺
ilysm 💕🌸🪷
Jesse X F!Reader
word count: 781
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After being discharged from hospital, Jesse shows you just how much he missed, cares and loves you.
warnings: 16+ as there is implied sexual content but nothing explicit. female reader, mentions of hospital visits and reader having a bad autoimmune system, slight angst but fixed with lots of fluff and comfort. Established relationship.
Authors note: thank you for the support always bestie. Enjoy, sorry it’s a little on the shorter side. ily 💜
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After what felt like an endless cycle of blurred days and nights, the comfort of home beckoned. Your autoimmune condition had warranted an extended stay at the hospital, and although the memories of long hours and less-than-stellar meals lingered, there was a beacon of hope waiting for you on the other side.
You had been with Jesse for just over a year now and never had you been so lucky. He was the perfect blend of kindness, humor, and of course - undeniable good looks. So, it wasn't surprising to find him eagerly waiting for you in the lobby, his foot rhythmically tapping the floor. But when his eyes met yours, any signs of impatience melted away, replaced with a beaming smile.
"There’s my girl," he greeted with a joyous grin, leaning in to plant a tender kiss on your cheek.
Mustering a weary yet content smile, you replied, "Here I am." Your smile widened in delight as he gracefully unveiled a bouquet of your favourite flowers from behind his back. "Oh, Jesse," you murmured, "you really didn't have to."
"No," he smirked, arm confidently linking with yours, guiding you as he flagged down a cab, "but it made me happy to."
With a content sigh, you both settled into the taxi, heading towards the sanctuary of your home. The mere idea of being enveloped in the soft embrace of your own bed was enough to make you feel more relaxed. Jesse's eyes were fixed on you, tenderly observing the visible signs of your exhaustion. But, he was smart enough not to voice his observations. Instead, he pulled you closer, letting you nestle into his side for the duration of the ride.
A short while later, the familiar setting of your home welcomed you. Stepping inside, you inhaled deeply, reacquainting yourself with its comforting aroma. Overwhelmed by the warmth and familiarity, you sank into your couch, releasing a sigh that echoed your longing. "I've missed this so much," you murmured, gazing up at the ceiling. As your gaze wandered, a realisation dawned. The place was spotless. Not a single trace of dust to be seen anywhere.
Catching your surprised expression, Jesse chuckled, "Thought I'd do a bit of tidying up."
Your laughter joined his as relief washed over you. The realisation that he'd taken it upon himself to do every little chore that was pending made your heart flourish.
From the laundry to the dishes, from taking out the trash to scrubbing that stubborn grout in the kitchen sink you'd been meaning to tackle – everything was done.
"Jesse," you whispered, admiration and affection swelling within you. Although you two didn’t share a home, mostly due to Jesse's commitments with the GAR, seeing the lengths he'd gone to care for your space during your hospital stay only deepened the bond between you.
Jesse's face lit up with a touch of pride as he then pointed towards the fridge. "I also prepped some meals for you." He admitted with a sheepish grin, "Though, I won't guarantee they're gourmet quality – cooking isn't exactly my specialty." His hand instinctively went to the back of his head, a gesture he often made when slightly embarrassed.
“Anything would be better than the dirt they serve in there.” You shudder at the cold gruel you were offered.
Overwhelmed by his thoughtfulness, you responded, "I can't begin to express my gratitude." He settled down beside you on the couch, wrapping an arm around you protectively.
"You could start by resting and taking it easy," he said with a playful smirk, his lips gently brushing your temple. His fingers began to work magic as he moved them into your hair, massaging your scalp and making you sink further into his embrace.
"That sounds perfect right now," you admitted, stifling a yawn as relief washes over you. Curling even closer to him, you whispered, "I love you."
"And I love you," he replied, ensuring both of you were covered with a throw blanket before starting a holomovie, the volume just low enough to be comforting. Cherishing moments like these was essential because they were so rare.
That evening, Jesse managed to whip up a surprisingly delicious meal. The two of you shared stories and laughter, catching up on all the happenings you missed while you were away. And as the night grew deeper, he effortlessly lifted you, a hint of mischief in his eyes, and carried you off to bed. Even as passion ignited between the two of you, kisses turning into heated dances and breathing turning into soft moans, Jesse's touch remained gentle. And his whispers held promises and love that saw you through the night.
Oh, how you missed him.
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Requests open until the 15th of October 2023 ☀️
Kofi 🧋
Tags: @andyoufollowyourheart @whore4rex @imperialclaw801 @temple-elder @mysticalgalaxysalad @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @theroguesully @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @rain-on-kamino @either-madness-or-brilliance @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @kixs-husband @pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter @erellenora @zippingstars87 @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @seriowan @by-the-primes @the-bad-batch-baroness @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @ladyzirkonia @raevulsix
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noblebs · 1 month
oc profile tag
tagged by the talented @tragedycoded wow <3 I was like "maybe I shouldn't just do Orion by default" so I used an RNG and it landed on Orion anyway lol--NO WAIT FUCK THAT. DEV TIME
Name: Devilant
Nickname: in-universe, Orion's the first one to call him Dev
Kind of Being: demonic
Age: ???? was summoned 50 years ago, he considers that his age
Gender: masculine, sort of ambivalent about it tbh
Appearance: 8' tall from the top of his head, horns coming out of his temples (shaped kinda like upside down ?) make it closer to like 9.5' or so. he's fat, his skin is made of obsidian, and he has burning eyes. clothes are very basic and old/ratty, nothing fits unless he stretches it out beforehand. I think wifebeaters and sweatpants are his go-tos, and if that doesn't scream "long-term undiagnosed depression" then damn idk what does
Occupation: retired Annex agent/monster hunter
Family members: the person who summoned him and sort-of-maternal figure, Aisha
Pets: none. I bet he'd enjoy keeping goats or cows though
Best friend: oh don't even bother asking, she's long gone
Describe their room: cramped, bed takes up most of the space. a few bits of trash (mostly beer cans) lying around and a little dusty, but he doesn't own enough stuff for it to be disorganized
Way of speaking: usually has a very even and measured tone, doesn't inflect a whole lot
Physical characteristics (posture, gestures, attitude): tends to slouch and try to make himself look smaller (doesn't really work), doesn't gesticulate much and has a hard time emoting with facial expressions (skin too thick/stiff) so he can be very hard to read
Items in their pocket/purse: one key and some cash. talk about traveling light
Hobbies: woodworking
Favorite sports: not really a big sports fan, but I guess if you made him choose he'd say baseball maybe?
Abilities/Talents/Powers: I mean just...very very strong/durable. wounds close fairly quickly, but he can't, like, regenerate (but surely that's irrelevant). decent aim with a handgun
Relationships (how they are with other people): very quiet and stoic around people he doesn't know well. relaxes a lot more once he feels like he's not going to scare someone away, and then he can be more jovial and earnest
Fears: he thinks he's not afraid of anything. but really: the past catching up with him. in the deepest recesses of his mind he feels like he has terrible things to answer for.
Faults: withdraws/self-isolates the minute he's uncomfortable; gets complacent and stuck in a rut when he doesn't have some external force to drive him forward; can be very stubborn
Good points: compassionate and conscientious; very easygoing and emotionally mature, it's truly very difficult to upset him most of the time
What they want more than anything else: a purpose
ALL RIGHT going to test out my snazzy new tag list (no pressure, ask to be added/removed): @saturnine-saturneight @tragedycoded @sodaliteskull @autism-purgatory @leahnardo-da-veggie
@rhikasa @varsbaby @badscientist @ashfordlabs @sender-paulson
@captain-kraken @aalinaaaaaa @author-a-holmes @cowboybrunch @wyked-ao3
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simiansmoke · 1 year
Bees and Birds - 🐝🦜 [DK x Mario]
followed up from the fic Slow Burn, and the following 'follow up post' that bridges Slow Burn and Bees and Birds together.
There was some hesitance in their meeting. It's more than likely because of how awkward things became after DK basically trashed a bar mid drunken-make out. The bartender was a friend of a cousin of his, so he'd committed to helping them recover anything lost from his and Mario's rampage inside their establishment.
If it was up to DK, he would have opted out of ever seeing the plumber again inside the Jungle Kingdom, but Cranky needed some assistance with a pest problem. And for some reason, his Dad didn't want him going alone to eradicate it this time. Something about killer hornet stings being extra lethal to Kongs or whatever. He didn't get that part.
As he padded alongside Mario through the jungle, the silence between them stung worse than any hornet. Awkwardness at its finest.
"So..." Mario began, rubbing the back of his neck as if to mop up a line of sweat brought on by the humidity.
"...so." His voice was blunt, matter of fact, and not amused by the opening line that he refused to entertain himself.
It was a few extra miles down the trail of agonizing silence, shifting eyes and tight throats that DK almost welcomed the buzz from the hornet nest halfway up the banana tree.
"Dunno why Dad asked you to come along. A little old bee's nest is nothing for me." He grinned, happy to leave the stagnant conversation in favor of clambering up the side of the banana palm.
"DK - wait! Cranky said that..." But whatever Cranky had said to Mario, apparently he didn't get a chance to tell DK because the adamant Kong was set on knocking that nest into space with the speed he was at while racing up the trunk.
Once near the top of the fronds, DK paused to glance down at the plumber who'd set a helpless glance upon him. Yeah, stay that way - he thought, reaching up to give the nest a punch. It sailed away, sentenced to break into a few thousand honey-soaked pieces when the largest hornet he'd seen hovered up to his nose with an angry buzz.
"DK!" Mario had started his climb now, closing the distance between them quickly as the hornet buzzed around the Kong's head, readying its stinger.
"Bring it, Dagger-Butt!" DK growled, fully prepared to swat the bug away when Mario grabbed his foot and slammed him to the ground. A few dizzying moments later, he looked up to see the plumber sliding own the palm's trunk like a firefighter down a pole, sans the bee.
Once at the bottom with sand under his feet, Mario shot the prince a vicious gaze. "I dunno if your dad failed to mention this but ... you and practically every Kong on the island are allergic to those bees."
If he believed him, DK didn't show it. "Sure, and Koopas can fly-"
"...DK, plenty of them can."
"Shut up! I didn't mean THEM." His breathing rate had surged with the rage in his reply, but it was mostly for show...for who, he wasn't sure yet. It was important enough to him to keep his chest high. "Anyway, why not just tell me that to start with?" Well, what Dad should have told him, anyway.
"Would you have believed me?"
"Hell n-"
It's the sideways lean of the plumber forcing his shoulder into the trunk, arms crossed and brow raised in his direction that causes DK to relent with a huff. "OK, I see your point." And thanks to Mario, he didn't get the bee's...point that is.
Mario's eyes drifted around the canopy for a moment as if taking in the density of the patch of jungle they'd ended up in. It's the sort of seclusion he didn't see much of in a busy city. "So, you ready to talk about..." He paused, gaze shifting to assess his company's energy - which was nothing short of its usual chaos, maybe with a bit more stiffness mixed in. "...the other night-"
It takes DK a solid second or two to deeply inhale the honey-laced air to silence the instinct in him to insult Mario and run off as a long time solution to this sticky situation he'd caused. Instead, he turns around to face Mario-well...look down at him anyway. To steady himself he placed a giant palm against the tree trunk, directing it directly above Mario's hat. "What about it?" Try as he might, he couldn't completely chase the challenge out of his tone; it was his only defense.
In the shadow of DK's arm, Mario peeked around the fur up at the Kong. "Well, you left in sucha hurry, I was just wondering if everything was...all right with you?"
Leave it to Mario to tip toe around the elephant in the room. No, not even a room...a whole jar, and the plumber would still ignore it crammed in there like it was an ant in a whole ass jungle.
"Oh, is that all? For a second there, I thought you were gonna tell me what a freak you feel like for enjoying all of that." Yeah, that sounded about right...to him anyway. Wondering how far he'd missed the mark, DK leaned over to get a glimpse of Mario's expression hidden under his forearm's shade. Apparently not shady enough since the plumber's face looked like it had caught a case of instantaneous sunburn.
When he noticed DK peeking in at him curiously, then having the nerve to smirk at his predicament, Mario attempted to cover a portion of his face with a gloved hand. Just cooling it down with his palm...which may have worked if his hands weren't hot and sweaty inside their prison too. "Mio dio! You don't have to put it like that."
Feeling like he now had the upper-hand in the shame train, DK kept the smirk on his face as he played a little game of leaning to either side of his arm that Mario tried to shift towards and hide. "Then I guess you wouldn't mind telling me..." Scooting his palm down to beside Mario's ear when he grew bored of the chase, DK leaned in enough to disturb the other's hair with his great breaths surging out. "...where should I put it?"
There was hardly a solution or quip Mario could give him, and the proximity of that stupid, smug, sore winner's face that DK was giving him drilled the fact in even more. He could punch him, but that seemed to him to be giving DK what he wanted...which was also a loss in the grand scheme of gaining the high ground. Besides, the urge to clock him in the jaw was accompanied with something else - little sparks that had caused that massive explosion back at the bar. They're tickling his stomach and maybe it's the humidity, but the combination makes his bones feel like lukewarm butter.
"Where should I put it~?" DK asked again, a little more smug with every moment of silence that stretched between them.
Closing the distance with a glove once he'd moved it off his face, the plumber placed the palm of his hand flat against the confused Kong's cheek. "Ok, ok..." His hand slid down to grasp DK's jaw and guide the infuriating idiot's face to the heat in his while his free hand grasped the end of a red tie for an idle play thing. Hovering close to the other's lips, Mario adds "-put it here, pal."
There was little time for him to sputter as the heat in Mario's face infected his at such a close proximity. Well...if that's where he was supposed to 'put it', then he would put it there. Bracing his enormous weight against his palm beside Mario's head, he crashed the molten surfaces of their faces together and rocked their lips into a rough battle.
The jungle was quiet with an occasional murmur of wind through the canopy fronds, so the heartbeat in their ears set the pace to where neither knew if the sound they heard was of their body, or the other's.
DK was definitely the lead though - the player 1 that decided when little breaks of shaky air inhalation were necessary, and even then they were accompanied with teeth clacking in an attempt to keep some sort of connection until they'd refilled their lungs.
Mario had almost wrapped the whole tie around his fist by the time DK reached around with his free hand to scoop up under the seat of Mario's pants and lift him up closer so neither had to strain so much and so Mario had room to grab fur, dig a knee into DK's chest, and shudder once separated from the furious throes of their lips' battle.
Both stared at one another, sharing only pants and desperate bids for air. Both with faces stained with the same crimson contagion. From somewhere off in the trees, the call of a bird brought the world back into focus.
"...you good?" Mario inquired finally, a hint of a smile worming its way between them.
"I'm-...whatever you are right now." DK answered, a low laugh escaping him. "But better."
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Band au ot4 where they make out back stage (ur tags from the last post somehow made me think of this)
HELP is this abt my tags where I said adriel is a washed up boybander to me. That man looks like he flopped out of NSYNC
But also,, god ot4 band au. under the cut because it is basically smut I think whoops
this is a terrible idea. they shouldn't be dating. they shouldn't even be doing this, whatever this is. but ava's so pliant under your hands and camila is whispering dirty things in your ear while beatrice is doing actually important things like sound check out on the stage and it's hard to see why they shouldn't be doing this.
beatrice is covering for you. she's always covering for you.
"please" ava whimpers, pathetic as she tries to get closer, to grind herself more against your firm thigh.
"oh have mercy on her lily, look at her." camila coos. "it's just a little pre show pick-me-up."
your hands slip into ava's cutoff shorts, met with wet heat. "it won't be the first time I've gone on stage with ava's mess on my hands."
"funny that you think I'm gonna let you use your hands for this." camila whispers, teeth ghosting along your neck. her hands slide down your body, making quick work of your belt buckle.
"fuck, please please!"
"look at her," camila straightens your head so you're staring down at ava, "give her what she needs, baby."
and you do, flipping ava over and kicking her legs just a little bit wider. she falls forward a little, catching herself on a gear case. she turns her head just slightly, letting you lunge forward to capture her lips so that you don't get caught, again, and banned from performing at this venue, again, or slapped with a public indecency charge, again.
it only takes a little time to push ava over the edge, and an embarrassingly short time after that to come yourself, but you mostly blame that on camila's firm hand on your throat, hovering possessively over the collar and tugging at the o ring.
"that's my good girl." she whispers as you ease out of ava, tossing the condom into a backstage trash can. ava pants and you run a comforting hand along the pane of her back. she arches up into it like a needy cat.
"down, girl, we've still got a show to do."
her, probably bratty, reply is cut short by a quick knock at the door. you're both still half undressed, but camila is put together as always she answers the door.
"oh hey bea! are they ready for us?"
beatrice glances above camila's head, sees you and ava still trying to resume presentability, and rolls her eyes affectionately. "really you two? the opener goes on in," she checks her watch, "10 minutes."
you tuck your shirt back in, shrug unrepentantly as you brush past her in the doorway. "ava started it."
beatrice opts to follow you instead of pestering the others. "just because ava starts it, doesn't mean you have to finish it!" she's stressed, setup obviously didn't go well.
you catch her elbow, put on your most dashing smile, the one you know she hates that she loves. "if you want a little piece of the preshow ritual, you only need to ask."
beatrice flushes, pointedly looking away from the wet spot ava made on your jeans. "it's not just that." so it's at least partially that.
"okay so what is it?"
she glances back to where ava and camila are throwing m&ms into each other's mouth. "I heard the crew saying that adriel was going to be at the show."
you freeze, just momentarily but it's enough.
she shifts so she's closer to you, in your space but not hugging, not touching you, just hovering. her arms are still crossed. "I asked around, security knows and they said they'll keep him away but,"
you bring up your hands to grab her, pulling her into you fully. you'd say it's solely for her but you don't like to lie. "but nothing, I'm a big scary dyke with drumsticks, you know seven different kinds of martial arts, he won't even try anything."
"but last time—"
"last time was last time." you say, rubbing her back in big circles that you know calm her down. "I didn't have you last time."
you can feel a ghost of a smile against your sternum. "you didn't have us last time," she corrects you softly.
"semantics," you mutter as the opening act starts playing on stage. beatrice breathes out, calmer but still antsy. "plus if he tries anything I think camila would step up first."
"she did threaten to wack him with her keytar last time."
"oh I'd pay to see that."
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luna-the-bard · 5 months
Skeemus Main Storyline - Act II (Part 1)
The self-indulgent fan oc lore continues! Woo!
Act I <- x -> Te'rra Intermission
Samus’s ship, and, by extension, her living space, is very neat. Being a bit messy isn’t unfamiliar to her, but at large her ship is very tidy & organized. Everything has a place, or at least an “everything bin”; it’s functional. Having someone sick to care for brought a reasonable amount of chaos into this tidiness. Samus found herself cleaning at least twice as often as usual - mostly throwing out used tissues and changing sheets, but also disposing of empty IV bags and syringes and all else that is medical in nature. She had to dig up some old T-shirts and cut them in the back to make them fit around the alien’s wings, because her old clothes had to be discarded both due to wear and tear and for the purpose of decontamination.
A couple days later, after the little alien’s fever goes down, Samus notices her watching, intently, as she goes around her day. The next morning she notices all the used tissues stacked up neatly in little squares at the edge of the bed. Samus appreciates the effort. She makes a mental note to buy a small bin for paper trash to put by the bed once they get to the nearest port - she didn’t really need one before, but it would make cleaning a bit easier now. Since that moment she regularly took notice of the little ways in which her guest tried to be as low-maintenance as possible.
It comes as a shock when one night, about a week in or so, the avian makes a nest out of pillows and blankets and refuses to let Samus leave for the cockpit where she’s been sleeping. Samus has to bust out the drawing pad, because she can’t understand what the little alien is trying to say, yet, and her just aggressively patting the bed could mean pretty much anything. Samus has to make sure everything is okay.
The situation turns out to be a lot more awkward than initially assessed. Turns out her guest noticed not only the fact that Samus has been sleeping in her pilot’s chair, but also the way it had been leaving her neck and shoulders more sore with every passing day. The alien made space for her to sleep besides her - she stopped being contagious as soon as the fever went down, and Samus had just changed the sheets this morning, but she hasn’t had to share a sleeping space since her days in the Federation Police - and even there, she still had an individual bunk. On the other hand, waking up sore every morning was a real pain in the neck… Literally. 
Samus makes perhaps the most uncharacteristic decision of this month - it’s only until Skeets fully recovers and she can drop her off back on Te’rra, what could go wrong?
Besides cleaning, Samus spends her time in passionate research. It takes her a week to even identify the girl’s species - the last publicly available entry on them is dating over two centuries old. Samus feels as if she uncovered an ancient relic. 
She soon learns the reason behind such lack of up-to-date information: Te’rra has left the big political scene almost exactly a millenia ago, cutting all communications and public relations with the rest of the world. It takes Samus another two days to find a textbook on their language - it’s in a private library of some old philanthropist, but to Samus’s luck there's a scanned version of it uploaded online; it even has an audiobook with pronunciation guides and exercises to go along with it. She meticulously follows them all, making good progress - at least good enough to learn some basic phrases and the word “hospital”, since that’s where she was about to take Skeets (they finally got to a planet with a big enough interspecies infrastructure). Although, she also had to learn the words “new” and “clothes'', as she realized that maybe going out in public in just an oversized t-shirt (which was only held together by makeshift ties at the back, at that) might be a bad idea, and the alien’s condition was stabilized enough by now to not need an ambulance ride. As much as Samus hates the idea of leaving someone unattended inside her ship, she has to do a quick shopping run, leaving A.D.A.M. in charge until she could return with some adjustable pants and shirts that would hopefully fit the little bird. (She guesstimates a little on the bigger side, so the alien looks especially tiny in comparison to her oversized apparel. It would almost be funny if only she didn’t look so.. sad and disoriented in an unfamiliar place).
Samus spends another hour or so filling out all the paperwork for Skeets before they go out - names were one of the first things Samus established once she found that textbook, so now she knew at least who she took in, and if Skeets needed something, she could call Samus over. She arranges a taxi from the port to the hospital, so they wouldn’t have to go through the overwhelming ordeal of navigating foreign public transit. 
They come back from the hospital with a portable oxygen machine and a new set of antibiotics. Samus spends the following month feeding Skeets syringes full of medication (she will never admit it, but she almost laughed at the way the little alien’s face scrunched up at the taste), studying terranian, and keeping contact with the Federation officials responsible for rehabilitation of the rescued group. Skeets asks for some textbooks to learn Common and Chozo too, catching up pretty fast with nothing else for her to do on the ship but study. She makes quicker progress with Chozo, finding unexpected similarities to her native language (they’re nothing more than a coincidence, but an advantage nonetheless). By the end of the month they can communicate somewhat well; nothing fancy or too complex, but it makes a huge difference. Skeets helps Samus with pronunciation and vice versa, so learning is going quite well. 
After a follow-up at the hospital, Samus is left with a long list of physical therapy exercises for avian species and a detailed recovery plan. It’s not really a surprise that a full month of inactivity and illness would have consequences, but what it hurt the most was Skeets’s wings - she hadn’t used them since the Space Pirates’s ambush.
They spend evenings looking through various parks and recreational resorts (some of them take up entire planets!), picking and choosing what seemed best for flying. Samus suggests a couple planets with reduced gravity to start them off.
She can’t get the feeling of Skeets’s dry, warm hands in her own out of her head for the weeks to come. They go flying almost every other day - and every time, Samus makes sure to hold Skeets steady at least for the first few minutes, lest a sudden gasp of wind catch her by surprise and lead to injury. She lets go only when she’s confident that the avian is safe. (Skeets is fully capable of flying in harsher conditions, even after two months of forced inactivity. She accepts the help regardless, out of gratitude if nothing else - she doesn’t mind soothing Samus’s worries.)
As they share the bed, the awkward space gap between them grows smaller and smaller; until one night, about half a month later, Samus realizes that whenever she gets cold at night and tries to cocoon herself into the blankets, Skeets drapes one of her feathery wings over her.
Act I <- Act II p.1 -> Te'rra Intermission
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mara-tevith-solo · 2 years
Sing a Little Song For Me
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Part 13 of the drabble set already! sheesh!
Warnings: Mentions of past violence, mentions of past war and death, mentions of human Quaritch being a complete ass, doubt
Pairing: Eventual Colonel Miles Quaritch x Na’vi/Avatar f!reader/oc still not described
Words: 865
Rated 18+
Taglist:  @seashelldom @perseny @tinyfairies​ @kimqueenofhell​ @blueberry-thrawn​  @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed​
"Why do you stare at an arrow as though it offended you?" Mo'at asked as she settled next to me, groaning with her old bones.
"It did offend me." I sniffed, holding it up so that I could study the shaft for the eighteenth time that hour.
"How did it do this?" She asked, trying to contain a chuckle.
I frowned as I held it upright, showing it off like it was trash "It should have sank into the enemy, right between his eyes." I tapped the spot I had aimed at with my finger maybe a little harder than I meant to, but at least it was on myself "It flew true until the last second, where it veered enough to hit the log behind him, just off his ear." I mimed how close it had gotten before glaring at it some more.
She sighed in understanding, taking the arrow from me gently "We trust Eywa to guide our arrows, yes?" I nodded, mutely watching and listening, curious as to where she was going with the lesson "The Great Mother did not want you to kill that man. Does he still live?" I nodded again, trying not to be disrespectful with my scowling. "Eywa has a purpose for him. His fate is not for you to decide."
"It was him, Mo'at. The man that destroyed Hometree, the man that tried to destroy the Tree of Souls. Back from the dead like a demon. Why would Mother want to save him?" I was trying so hard to not be disrespectful, but I couldn't wrap my head around why Eywa would want the bastard to live.
She sighed again, sounding bone tired "I do not know the Will of Eywa, I can only guess. Whatever her reasons, they are hers. She saved both you and Jake once. Was she wrong to?" I tucked my head at her words, knowing that she had a point and hating it. She hummed softly at my non-answer, chuckling softly to herself "Trust in Eywa in all things, Ani. She will make herself known when she means to."
It was my turn to sigh as I nodded, hanging my head a bit in submission to her wisdom. "I can't pretend to understand it, or even agree with it, but if Eywa wills it, than I suppose I just have to live with it." I frowned, spinning the arrow in my palm by the nock.
"A wise decision." She hummed with a knowing smile before standing from her seat "I imagine, we will all be very surprised when Her motives are clear."
"I already am."
"Have a blessed night, Ahni Rillee. Tomorrow will be long." She chortled as she left me sitting there, still twirling the arrow, feeling conflicted and a little bit frustrated. The frustration grew moment by moment, until even my clothing felt stifling against my skin. In the heat of the moment I sprung to my feet and made my way across camp to Thor, needing to be mostly alone, needing space to breath, needing guidance. He understood immediately, diving off the ledge with gusto as we plummeted towards the forest below for an eternity of seconds before he snapped his wings open and leveled us out. He didn't ask or comment on my upheaval, only enjoyed the open air with me as the Tree of Souls came closer and closer. He only rumbled as he set down, looking around to make sure it was safe before letting me off.
I wasted little more time making tsaheylu with the vines, letting the songs of those past settle the turmoil in my mind "Great Mother, I pray for guidance, I pray for peace, I pray for clarity on the path before me. You saved an evil man from my arrow, and I know enough to not question you, but I cannot help the concern and fear it has created in my heart." I spoke quickly as I closed my eyes, afraid that my words would choke me before they all tasted the open air, before life was breathed into them. I licked my lips before trying to steady my beating heart, trying to let the songs sooth the uncertainty. My vision from all those years ago faded into my sight, the soft rolling waves on the beach meeting my ears, the salt of the sea soothing my nose. Those unspoken words like a promise to my soul 'I'm so thankful that we all survived.'.
A presence settled over me like my Mother's hugs, warm and comforting and safe no matter what. I could feel myself relax as I sighed in comfort "Do not despair my child, and trust. All will be well before the end." Mo'at's voice echoed through my skull, or at least it sounded like Mo'at, there was a sort of double tone to it, and the accent was much thicker, but it was no less comforting. Thor only wondered if I was soothed as we made the return trip, rumbling happily when I answered in the affirmative. Sleep still didn't come that night, but at least my soul was more at ease with what was to come.  
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masked-and-doomed · 2 months
NO! No, lambs. You are not going to make me feel like I've never known you. That would be very mean of you guys. They simply have a different interpretation, that is bound to happen, considering how little information we have on you as characters. I simply have my own views on them, they simply have theirs. We are not going to have a crisis over this. Clear?
Baldias I don't know when I'll finish writing your chapter. I think the progress I've made in the past week needs to be dumped in the rubbish bin. Yes I was gonna say trash but opted for the British option. Rubbish just sound funnier.
I think I'm losing it in this void, lambs. Darlings? Yes, you are darlings, as you are part of my family, but I suppose it just doesn't feel as nice on the tongue when it's in regards to you lambs.
I don't know when I'll finish killing you Baldias, I think this might take a whole year. Do I have a whole year? Fuck, I probably don't. Shit.
Well, at least you guys are important and whatever. You're at the tippy top, your guys' opinions matter most, and you don't have anyone above you to worry about disappointing. A whole load of responsibility but at least you don't have to worry about muddy feelings regarding that your downfall is a mix of your own inadequacies and stuff out of your control, rather than being strictly one or the other.
Oh right. I forgot. You're still just people. Haha. Yeah 2187 suckkedd. 3 of you died there. And you, leader, became a lost little lamb. You didn't. You don't? know what to do with your life. Present tense feels weird here. Time and space and all, fucky wucky in the void, it is. Hah.
Hm. Is there any truly saving me?
I know I know, I saved like, most of you guys. And you guys were war criminals. And I helped you become better. Or at least, will. She. I? She. Let's go with She. She hasn't wrote that part yet, but it's the intended future.
Ahah. What a big dreamer She was, and She'll have a bit to show for it. Not as much as She'd like, but enough to give an idea what was the dream She had, huh?
Why have you guys let me talk this long?
“I'm sure you're quite aware with that answer yourself.”
True. Fuckk. This sucks. Do you think sleeping will do anything? I did have more important stuff to do that I wasted time all on. Looking at your alternate selves. Ahah.
“I'd reccomend you'd do at least some of it. You remember all that you've taught us, haven't you? Better half-ass it than nothing.”
God, but I hate doing it. How did you fuckers get through all of that fuckin' paperwork.
“You just have to get it done. Useless whining about it.”
“Damn hated it. And I was the one who had mostly practical shit! I was this close to burning it all.”
“It's a necessary evil to go through. It's mostly tedious rather than difficult. Your situation is quite different.”
I fucking hate thinking. This is why I should've just been made a living weapon for you guys.
“You are, aren't you! I'd much rather have one that's less bitchy. Testament would've been more tolerable.”
Well, if you got Testament, none of you guys would learn to properly love eachother. You require my stupid ass and whimsy.
“...You should kill yourself soon.”
“It's not as if you're in a favourable situation. I must admit I can't exactly advise you much here. I can only hope that your fate isn't as grim as ours.”
I need to die, Chronus. I dunno what else there is for me. Nagito would hate me rn. I am sooo faltering at the sight of my future sucking ass. I can't even follow your guys' example!
“We had the whole world at stake. Powerful motivator.”
“I just hope you can keep your chin up as long as you can, dear.”
You're unreasonably nice, Libraria. For what I am.
When is this ending?
“You're the one that's God here, dumbass.”
“And? She literally fucking asked for it!”
“I second Baldias. She wants to hurt. Hurt, Baldias and I have given her in our years.”
“It doesn't mean it's ethical. Nor legal. One can't sign a contract agreeing to be harmed.”
You're pulling law into this? Don't you have better arguments? You're like. Literally controlling the UN.
“Firefly... You're the one writing us."
Right. Sorry you don't have a better argument.
“It's fine. You're letting this all out for some sense of relief right? Is this helping?”
Partially. It still feels like I'm grasping at a puddle that's reflecting you guys, being fooled by the illusion of reflective light. And I don't have the object in my hands.
Hrm. I'd say more here, but I'm worried there will be someone to watch this. Us.
“To have so many of your layers peeled for everyone to see, yet to still keep such a mask. You are quite the esoteric person.”
Compliment.. nice..
“I'm tired of this. Can you shut it, now?”
Ermmm you know what they say. Majority vote.
“Yeah, shut up already! I didn't want to be in your void at all today.”
So two in favour. Chronus, Libraria?
“With all your masks, I am quite curious on what more you could reveal.”
“I like hearing you talk. You're lovely to listen to, dear.”
Fucking tie. Fuck, man.
Should I bring in-?
Wow. Not even darling doctor?
“You do remember him taking the news poorly, don't you? You're not losing memory this young, right?”
Shut upp. I just don't think good. Head so empty. Yet so full. Dammit.
Heh. Just like-
“Don't you fucking say his name.”
“Doll, do not speak of him.”
“I'm going to actually strangle you if you finish that sentence.”
“Dear. Do not complete that thought.”
I thought you guys were chill now,,
“Well, She hasn't written out what happens post White H-”
“Damn it.”
“Hrm. It was called Strive, was it not? The game that that incident was held in.”
Post strive?
“Hrmph. Fine enough. Back to my point, She hasn't written that yet.”
Right. Sorry about that. She'll get to it soon, I promise.
“And what's with all those Google Docs I see behind your back, vermin?”
Ermmm. Faut..... To help me cope...
“A chink in your plan, those past few hours were, right? It seems every fortunate thing comes with it's own misfortune for you. Poetic, I suppose.”
“And you wanted poetry, that's what all this has been about!”
I think Monika pities me and my poem skills.
“We keep getting off topic.”
“Can't do much. Since she's doing it all.”
Sorry. Sorry.
“How many times will you say it? When will you forgive yourself for once?”
You fucking know I'm not Faut, Chronus. I'm not you guys either. I'm not. I hate effort.
“What about your art, your writing?”
They're things I like doing. But I damn hate putting effort in things I don't like. I mean! You've seen what happened a week or two ago!
Ah... I'm tired..
“You're lazy. We know.”
“Perhaps it's time for your rest. After dinner, of course.”
“Heheh, rest. Yeah right. She doesn't feel any rest, does she?”
“Please take care of yourself, firefly.”
I love you.
“Hey! We're meant to say it first! Way to ruin things like you always do, cunt!”
Ahah. Thank you.
“Sentimental. Never thought I'd be here. But you keep doing your fuckery, and I'm pulled along for the ride.”
I'll make sure others love you guys.
“You should focus on loving yourself, dear.”
I don't have much.
“Still, try to push on, won't you?”
Maybe I'll have a last laugh.
Maybe I'll just be forgotten.
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yandere-mha-blog · 1 year
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Part 6
word count:2352
Keigo enters the scene yay!
You and your mom made plans to go out shopping for some school supplies
“Mom, aren't I a little old for this?” you asked “ I mean high school was one thing, but i'm going to college.”
“Nonsense, this brings me back.’ she said holding up to stationary sets “now Hello Kitty or My Melody?”
“I like the Cinnamoroll one behind you.” you pointed
“Perfect, let's get you this one.” she said and put it in the cart “Now your dad has already found a nice dorm for you, so we should go get some moving boxes soon.”
“I'm moving out already.” you said
“(name), me and your father will be thirty minutes away from you.” She explained “Do you want to stay home for college?”
“No..it's just I spent a while away from you guys, don't you want me at home for a bit.” you said, she smiled
“Of course we do, but I think having your own space, with no boyfriends, will do you some good.” She said, patting your shoulder “Unless you want to stay home.”
“Hmm…” you pondered “I think having my own palace would be nice, but are you sure you and dad are okay with it…after what happened.”
“Of course, I do want what's best for you, but I guess in the past I thought I knew what was best for you and did not consider what you wanted.” She said with a small smile “No matter how far away from home you are, you will always be my child , okay.”
You gave a small nod
“Great, now you will need some new clothes, I'm guessing your old clothes are still at his place.” He grimaced 
“Unfortunately, i didn't even really choose them he just kind of bought them for me.” you said, and you heard your moms hand crack from clenching it in a fist
“Is that so, well let's go to somewhere you want and we can get you some clothes, i mean you mostly wore your school uniform, and the rest were pajamas.”
“Thanks for reminding me.” you said, as she checked, and the two of you headed toward one of the clothing store, you grabbed a couple pair of pants, a couple shirt and a few skirts, and a hat that looked pretty cute
“Oh I didn't know this was your style.” Your mom said “you look so cute!”
“I'm not sure if it is my style, but I like it.” you said
“Great you can wear the outfit out then.” she said
And after a long day of shopping you two returned home, to see you dad springs  bunch of boxes
“Honey,what are you doing? Where did you get those?” your mom asked as you set the bags on the table
“What do you mean?” He asked, “we've had them in storage forever.”
“You mean to tell me, you kept the boxes from our move that was 16 years ago?” she said “Gross they are probably filled with mold!”
“They are not, i check them myself.” he said
“You expect our daughter to put her stuff in 16 year old moldy boxes!”
“They aren't moldy and even if they are old they still work!”
You pulled a bread bun from the cabinet and took a bite, glad to know your parents were the same as usual, eventually their yelling turned into laughter, whenever they argued it was not really anything serious.
“Mom, dad, can we have fried chicken tonight.” you asked
“Sure sure.” your mom replied, as you took a box up to your room 
“I'll start packing.” you said and went to your room, you didn't really have all that much, the only thing that would be a pain to take with you would be your furniture.
You reached into your bag and pulled out the necklace Dabi had gotten you, before throwing it in the trash
“Jerk.” you mumbled and confined to pack up, your mom knocked on the door a while later saying the food was here.
Had to be some of the best fried chicken you had in a while, it was nice to have some sense of normalcy, still there was  nagging voice in the back of your head that made you feel like you didn't deserve their kindness, after what you said to them that night you left, and that they just wanted you out of the house as past as possible, so they wouldn't have to deal with you.
“Earth to (name).”your dad said “You okay?”
“Something is bothering me.” You said “I don't know if I can be independent.”
“Oh I see, moving out jitters.” Your dad said “well let me tell you something, when i first moved out, the toilet flooded the first week i was there and i didnt have a toilet plunger, so i ran over to my next door neighbor to see if they had one, and lo and behold…they didn't have one either.”
“Dad, I really didn't need a story about how you clog toilets.” you said
“Hey that's not the point of the story, my point is that no one is ever really ready to be independent or move out, but if you have any questions, you can always give us a call.” He explained
“So I should get a plunger before I move out?” you asked
“Yes..but that's not the point.” he exasperated
Finally the last box was in your dorm room, you let out a long sigh  as your dad cracked his back
“Okay next time we are hiring the movers.” He said
“I tried to tell you.” Your mom said as she looked around  “Wel this palace sure is nice, and look you have such a nice view of the fountain.”
“Oh I do.” you said as you looked out your bedroom window, it beat looking at a brick wall
“Whelp.” your dad said and slapped his knees “this is the part where we let you go.”
“Don't frame it like that.” your mom said “But we should get going, you have a lot of unpacking to do.”
You three came together for a group hug
“You are going to do great.” your dad said 
“And if you have any trouble, we are only a phone call away.” your mother added, you three let go and they went on their way, you closed the door and looked at the boxes that scattered the area.
It felt weird to have a space all to yourself.
Putting everything together was straight forward, but now you were really hungry, you were sure you could get something delivered to your place, you placed the order and went back to unpacking stuff for your bathroom.
You sat on the floor eating from the to go box and looked out the window, the sun was going down, you looked over and made sure your door was locked. It was going to be weird sleeping in a new place all alone.
You spent the rest of the week putting stuff away, making sure it all had a new space, and cleaning lots of cleaning.
You tried the tub out and glad the water came out hot, eventually you got used to the space and could sleep with no problem. 
Overall your tiny space was nice and friendly, but you knew classes were the next day and even if you did grow comfortable here, the thought of going back to class made your skin crawl.
What if it's just a  repeat of what happened in highschool, what if all your classmates hated you, maybe dabi was right, maybe it would be the same thing over again.
No, that guy was full of shit, you would be fine.
But what if you weren't
It's going to be fine
Sure keep telling yourself that, you always find a way to mess up when it comes to relationships.
Needless to say, you were dead tired in the morning, you took a sip of your iced coffee as you headed into your classroom, a couple of people were they and chatting among themselves looking at the paper, should you go up and say hi, introduce yourself, your throat felt dry and you approached them, and eventually made way to the stairs and sat in the very back.
You took out the syllabus and read over it, your eyes pecked over the sea of people, you were thankful you didn't recognize anyone from your old school.
The teacher made his way in
“Hello everyone, i am glad to see you printed the syllabus out, now we will be starting this class going over the semester.” He said, you were about ten minutes into the boring lecture when the door opened, a man with blond hair that looked a it like a birds nest came through
“Hey teach, sorry i am late, what did I miss.” he said as she slung his bag over his shoulder bag that kept
“It's the first day so you get a warning.” The teacher explained as he looked as his papr “you better not make this a habit of yours mister-”
“Mister, please, i just go by Keigo.” He said waving him off “now where do i sit?”
“Have a seat anywhere.” the teacher explained
“Anywhere?” Keigo said
“Just take a seat.” The teacher quipped, Keigo looked around the classroom and his eyes fell to the back row, where only you sat, you prayed that the loud mouth wouldn't sit next to you.
God must of had his headphone in because he plopped down right next to you, you kept a straight face and looked at the papers, he leaned over and whispered
“Hey…what did I miss, I got a little lost.” He said, you looked at him, and wow those had to be the most golden yellow eyes you had ever seen, they almost reminded you of a bird you saw when you went to the zoo.
“Oh just a couple of dates when the tests are going to be held, there are 6 very important ones that are worth 10 of our grades each.” You examined as you pointed at the dates “the other 40 percent are going to be out homework and assignments.”
“Oh cool.” He said “thanks.”
He searched through his bag and pulled out a red pen and started circling the dates. You went back to listening to the teacher, a part of you wondered why you showed up, since you already read all of this.
“Hey.” he whispered again “I can't help but wonder, why are you the only one sitting in the back?”
You had to think of a dumb response quick, last thing you wanted to do was trauma dump that being around to many people makes you sick 
“The ac is better back here.” you responded and give yourself a mental facepalm, great now you are the weirdo
“Oh so that's why I feel a draft.” He said 
“Hey you two in the back.” The teacher said, and the class looked at you two “Stop talking and pay attention.”
“Yes sir.” Keigo said and gave him a salute, yup you wanted to crawl into a hole and die, now the teacher was going to hate you just like your last one, and the eyes of your classmates you could feel them.
Everyone went back to looking at the teacher and you really wanted to run to the bathroom, but if you did that what would the teacher think, that you were sassing him.
You are so thankful the class was done, you went out the door, before anyone could use a word to you, you felt like you wanted to throw up.
“Hey wait up!” you heard the loud blond guy say, you kept walking “hey girl was I was sitting next to!”
“Yup thats me…” your thoughts trailed on as you looked back and how the hell did he get next to you so fast.
“Oh good I found you, you dropped your bunny pen.” He said, holding out the blue pen.
“Oh, thank you.” You said “it's a dog though.”
Oh my god shut up, he is going to think you are annoying!
“A dog really?’ He said and gave a closer look. “I mean…maybe I could, actually I can't see it, designers did it intentionally to trick people huh.”
“Uhh…maybe?’ you said
“Haha rhetorical question.”  He said “Still you really saved my ass back there, why is the teacher so serious, I mean it's the first day you know.”
“I want to make an impression.” you said as you put the pen back in your bag.
“That's gotta be it.” Keigo said “also I never got your name.”
“...it's (name).” you said as you went to look for your next class when a guy on a skateboard road by almost hitting you, Keigo pulled you back
“Hey! Kaito watch it!” Keigo yelled
“Sorry hawks.” The guy said
“Don't apologize to me, apologize to the girl you almost ran over-and he is gone.” Keigo said
“Hawks?” you said out loud by accident
“Oh that's just a nickname.” Keigo said “a few people called me.”
“Why do they call you hawks?” You asked, wishing you didn't, you really shouldn't be getting involved with people, you knew what happened last time you did.
“Oh I'm sure a smart girl like you will be able to figure it our.” He said “but just call me Keigo, kay?”
“Alright.” you said as you adjusted your bag “i have to get to my next class now.”
“Oh right we have a second class to get to.” Keigo said ”well see you tomorrow (name).
He raised his hand for a high five and you flinched
“Sorry I have to go.” you said and rushed off, you felt like slapping yourself, seriously how awkward could you be.
Keigo stood there for a second, he pieced the puzzle together of why you flinched when he raised his hand, and why you seemed to jumpy at things, he sighed maybe he came on a bit too strong.
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the iconic trio but if they were normal kids with normal lives, normal parents and in a normal town
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this is a little peak of my modern/slice of life au that I love, it's literally one of the first things me and my bestie did when getting into mgs. it's very wholesome and cutesy, the exact opposite of its source material. I will talk about it fully later though, as I have other things planned for this month. This au is completely safe for other people to insert their OCs in. It is also set in Alaska, and most birthdates remain unchanged. But I'll give you some fun facts about this three little fucks and their normal lives as kids in my au.
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Eli Sears (12 y/o)
Son of John and Eva Sears
half white American half Italian (in my head Eva is Italian stfu)
is the middle child (for a few seconds) and gets treated like it
lives in a very fucked up family (fucked up in the Family guy way)
vapes (thinking it's cool)
the vapes are stolen from uncle Venom
he despised his brother since the day they came out of their mother
acts all mean and angsty but still cries to his mama when he can't do his math homework
thinks he is the leader of the trio
cant tie his shoes
has braces
is a bit of a bully, or at least tries
is in their chuch's choir (in this AU the Sears are Catholics)
has a skateboard
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Azedi Miller (14 y/o)
Adoptive daughter of Kaz Miller, that single-fathered her for most of her life
has a very deep and healthy bond with her dad, even if he is very overprotective
her race and ethnicity are the same, and she is still in touch of her culture even if she has been raised by an American man. But now she has a more southern accent, coping her dad.
at 14 she became a loving older sister of Catherine Miller was born
tomboy, and is a soccer champion
is the bodyguard of the trio (the one who protects and takes all the countabilty of their actions because she is the oldest)
tries to hold Eli from doing dumbshit most of the time, but at the end joins him
is a scout girl
has lived in the countryside in her first years.
gets herself into dangerous shit because her little ADHD brain tells her to do them
Azedi is neighboors with Quiet, that is Eli's cousin bcs in this AU she was adopted by Venom (don't ask why), and they are besties even if Az is 14 years younger than Quiet.
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Tretij Rebenok (12 y/o)
lives in a foster-care home
autistic and has been nonverbal since 7th grade
knows that he is slavic, doesn't know much else of his past
trans boy, but only his friends know about it (even though, since he didn't talk, they only ever adressed him with "It")
he is the racoon of the trio (lives in a trash can and bites)
scares a lot of people just by the way he looks and is banned from most public spaces
instigates Eli into doing dumb shit
deadname is unknown. Before he asked them to call him Tretij they just called him "the other one" or "third friend"
literally eats bugs
in his foster home he is a neglected a bit, so he may often look messy and he may stink
he has a burnt scar on half of his face (I had to make up for the canon scars)
evilest fucking kid ever
just hangs in the background most of the time thankfully though
Some other fun facts about the trio in the au
Azedi and Eli have known each other since they were born, since their dads are buddies. they met Tretij when they entered primary school and became the neighborhood's terrors ever since
they raid Ocelot's house every once in a while
Eli and Azedi used to communicate with Tretij with mostly sign leanguege, that they learned with Quiet (since she is also autistic and nonverbal in this AU), when he was nonverbal, even though they also didn't really need to sign anything with Tretij bcs he understood them even without gestures (since they are that close with each other :3)
Eli and Azedi had started dating at the end of Eli's 7th grade, but the only thing that they do different from what they do with Tretij is giving each other little kisses and calling each other petnames
also Miller despises Eli, but this is in all universes
they all have matching bracelets made by Az
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thefloatingpickle · 2 years
All Shook Up Part 3
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A bored, lonely librarian gets a break from the mundane when a night out leads to a meeting with Tom Bennett. Tom!FemOC Older woman (not by much)
Warnings : Smut, NSFW, Drinking 
Got pretty Ill, then had a mental health lag so this took longer to get out than planned. Honestly have rewritten a couple of times. No one checked for any errors so sorry once again about that. 
@greenowlfactif wouldn’t let me tag you @laureneedstochill same thing sorry
  It shocked her how much Tom meant it when he said he wanted to leave the apartment clean. He’d started by scraping off the dishes into the already mostly filled trash bag, then tied it, declaring that he would take it out with him when he left. After he picked up the cans of food, ignoring Adaline’s protest as he went, and put them in the new bag before getting it set in her small tin can. Not sure what to do with herself, Adaline had started washing the dishes in the sink. Tom soon joined her after finding a dry rag in a drawer and began drying and putting the dishes away as he went. Enjoying the further exploration of her small flat as he did so. When the last of the dishes had been washed and dried in silence, only passing with a few glances at each other, each of them bringing a blush to Addie’s face and a grin to Tom’s, he turned to her and smiled making direct eye contact in a way that caused her stomach to turn flips. 
 “So, where to now then?” He rested his hip against the counter as her face burned red, “What do you mean?” His joy at her nervousness was palpable as he bent down and brought his mouth just inches from hers. “Well, there’s plenty of space on the table, or the couch, but I thought you may be more comfortable in the boudoir.” Her words caught in her throat and she had to swallow to fight out her response, “Yes, the bedroom is probably better.” He kissed her nose, with a soft sweet smile on his face then turned her to face the bedroom door. “Then lead the way lovely.” 
 Walking into the room the air was heavy before she heard the rustling of his sweater coming over his head. She turned to him, finding him in a simple white tank, bending down to pull off his shoes. Unsure of herself she started to undo her blouse, already having pulled off her mary janes the moment they entered the small flat. Immediately she felt his hand cover hers. “No, no now. That’s my job.”  He had a devilish look in his eye as he backed her to her small bed. “You’re sure about this Addie, you’ve thought it through.” He seemed like a man starved as she looked up at him from the edge of the bed. “Yes, I’m sure.” She’d hardly gotten the words out as he crashed down on top of her, his lips finding hers in a rush. The kiss was deep like the first, no waiting, no slow seduction, but she liked it that way. His finger found the buttons on her top as his lips trailed down her jaw to her neck. Licking along the edge of her collar as he exposed it. She sat up when he gave her room, then he had her top off  looking at her bra, it was simple white silk, but she’d always found it comfortable. Now it felt a bit embarrassing that the thin fabric did little to hide how hard her nipples had grown. “Fucking hell Addie.” He groaned as he leaned forward, keeping a hand behind her back so she couldn’t go flat under him again. He made quick work of removing the silk material, kissing the same trail down her jaw to her neck, this time not stopping until he had taken one of her pink peaks between his lips. She gasped as he bit down softly, earning a small hum of approval from him. She could feel the heat pooling between her legs as he kissed down again, between her breasts, slowly to her navel, stopping when he hit the top of her skirt. 
  He looked up at her then, eyes heavy with lust as he moved his hand down her back to find the top of her zipper. She felt like she could shake from the anticipation as he pulled her pencil skirt over her thighs, setting his eyes on her gartered tights, “We’ll leave those I think.” He said, seemingly to himself as he reached the side of the bed and stood to remove her skirt the rest of the way. He moved to the end of the bed and reached for her ankles, turning her body to face him. “I’m going to make you feel so good Adaline.” He purred, bending over as he spread her legs to get between them. He kissed her knee, causing her to shutter at the sensation, then gave her another devilish grin as he kissed a path down her thigh to her satin underthings. It was clear to the eye once he got there that she was already excited for him and he let out another low noise as he pulled them down and off. Coming again less slowly to rest with his head near her center. 
 “Is this what you want Addie girl, for me to taste you?” His voice was nearly a whisper as she opened her eyes and looked down at him. She couldn’t speak, no one had ever expected her to use her voice when they were laying with her, no one had asked what she wanted. “It’s all up to you love, that’s the rules. You say, I do.” She was panting through her need as she tried to get the words out. “Just say it, and you’ll have what you want.” He started placing small kisses on the inside of her thigh, licking ever so lightly down toward where she wanted him. “Yes” She gasped out, as her head fell back on to the pillow, “Yes what beautiful.” “I want it, I want you to…” That was all he required before he gave in. Licking into her lips until he found her core then devouring her. She felt her hands go to his hair out of instinct, holding him there while he ravished her center. Licking and suckling everywhere she wanted, finally coming to halt at her bud where he suckled softly. She had never had a man so dedicated to her pleasure, she felt it rolling over her like the waves in a thunderstorm. She moaned so loud she surprised herself, feeling her body reaching new heights of ecstasy. He purred into her as a response to her cries and then she lost herself in a burst of sensation. As her body shook beneath him he kissed her thighs and mound. “You’re so good for me Addie girl.” He cooed at her, then went back to his work.
  But Addie suddenly felt uneasy in the situation. “Tom,” “MMmmm.” He sounded out, mouth busy at work. “Tom, stop.” He looked up at her, face mask of confusion. “What’s wrong?” He was genuinely baffled and she knew it. “I just, you’re so confident.” “And that’s bad?” She sat up more then, feeling embarrassed by her nakedness. “No it’s not bad, I just don’t understand how you’re so good.” His eyes narrowed at her as he crawled up the bed to be closer. “I don’t understand, you’re upset because you were enjoying yourself.” She tried to get the words right, still fogged from her bliss. “It’s just Tom, you’re twenty.” “Oh fuck me not this again. Now?!” She grabbed her shirt moving it to cover her breasts. “In my experience, twenty year old men tend to be more… bubbling. More inexperienced.” “So you’re upset because I know my way around a woman?” He was clearly growing agitated with her. “I’m not upset. I’m just…” She knew it was a mistake before it came out but she couldn’t stop herself. “I’m just wondering if you’re so good because you make a habit out of sleeping with older women. Wondering if I’m just another accomplishment.” “For fucks sake Adaline,” He was near shouting now. “Why does it matter if I've  been with other older women, why does it matter if I’ve been with with a hundred. I’m not in any of their bedrooms now am I?” 
 He was standing from the bed, collecting his shirt. “Tom please don’t leave… I just” “You had to find any reason. Didn’t you?” She shrunk into herself as he headed for the door. “I’m sorry Tom please.” But her pleading fell on deaf ears, she followed him out of the room, grabbing a sheet from the bed to cover herself as she went, but she was too slow. She walked out to catch his back as he closed the door behind him. Garbage bag draped over one shoulder. 
Wednesday and Thursday passed as a blur, she hardly spoke to the girls as they went about their business tidying the stacks and sorting books to shelves. She smiled and chatted as they gossiped but her head was spinning with thoughts of Tuesday night. She had messed up with Tom. She’d let her inexperience take her mind to a place she should have avoided. He was right after all, what did it matter if his preference for older women had led to the pleasure she’d found that night. Hadn’t it all been in her benefit in the long run, hadn’t it given her the best moments she’d ever felt with a man. But still, she could help but feel the worry that he had seen her as just another notch on his stick. A more challenging older woman, one who was for a change less versed in sexual interaction. What had he thought of her as she’d blushed from his heavy words, and looked away when he met her glances with heavy lidded ecstasy. The idea of it was driving her mad. 
 The sound of the door to the nonfiction area shutting pulled her from her mind as she looked up surprised to see Becky walking towards her, a small brown bag in hand. “You’re not meant to be in today.” Addie said with a smile. “No, but you seemed off yesterday, real off to be honest. And so I thought I’d bring some lunch and maybe we could talk.” The younger of two library aids had always been sweet, but this gesture truly touched Adaline. “I’ll head up to punch out for work, and meet you in the courtyard in a moment.” Becky nodded and headed back out the door, a pleased look on her face.
 “So, what's going on Addie?” Her voice sounded serious in a way that caught the auburn haired woman off guard. “Well, if you want me to be honest, it’s guy troubles.” Becky gave her a sullen nod as she pulled sandwiches and two glass bottles of juice from the bag, handing one of each to Adaline. “Tom troubles you mean?” Addie was shocked. “Why would you think it was Tom.” She nervously fought open the lid to her juice. “Well, me and Luke were coming out of the woods at the park, and we saw you and Tom walking away, saw him take your hand.” “Ahhh.” Addie's brows rose in realization. “Well, in that case yes. It’s Tom troubles.” “What did he do?” Becky took small bites from her sandwich, “ Nothing really, or everything. I don’t know. Can you keep a secret?” “I already haven’t told anyone I saw you two leaving together. So I suppose the answer is yes.” Adaline took a deep breath and prepared to spill it all. “Well, Tom he’s just. He’s so young. And I know it shouldn’t matter, I really do. But I can’t help that it does.” There was no judgment on the brunette's face as Addie continued. “He came back to my place Tuesday and things got, well I guess you could say a bit hot and heavy. And I was having a great time, I really was. That is until I got in my head about Tom’s level of skill in the bedroom. Then I said a lot of things, probably stupid things. Asked about him being with other women around my age, and Tom well, he got so upset he left. Just stormed out.” “Becly laughed softly at that. “That sounds like our Tom alright.” “What do you mean?” Addie questioned, finally taking her first bite of her sandwich. “If I’m being honest, Tom hasn’t always been with older women. In fact after the issues he had with that married broad, Tom and I went steady for a little while.” Addie shifted uncomfortably next to the girl. “He’s only two years older you see, and I think he thought it was the right move at the time. But it was clear he was never very into it, so instead of ending it he just stopped showing up to things for a while.” Addie gave her a sad smile. “It was alright, I wasn’t in love with him or anything. But Tom’s never been good with feelings, big or little. He’s a bit of a runner, some of us girls call him cross country as a joke. He’ll run away from a situation long before he meets it head on.” Addie frowned now, thinking how she had probably ruined things for good.
  “He likes you though, I can tell. He’s pretty private, so asking Tilly about you after her party, and the show he put on with you and Buck, that's pretty public for him.” Addie drank some more juice and tried to smile at Becky. “So what do I do then?” “Well the first thing you do is decide if you can get over it. I know it’s weird, being less experienced than the guy your with, I’m sure it feels even more awkward when you think you’re the one who should be walking in with experience, but if you’re going to fix it then the first thing you have to be sure of is that you can get over it. Besides none of that would mean anything to Tom anyway. ” Addie starred across the street at two kids playing jump rope. “The next thing is, you’ll have to find him for sure. If Tom’s done a runner, then he's not going to come crawling back any time soon.” Addie nodded, “Okay then, if I can get past it, where would I find him.” “Well…” Becky paused for a moment, seemingly deciding whether or not she wanted to divulge further. “It is Friday. That means the lads will all be at the Saffire Eye. It’s a pub not far from the park where the arm wrestling tournament was held. It’s a bit of a boys’ club though, so I’m not sure how you’ll get in without it making a scene.” Addie took the girl's hand in hers. “I’m sure I can figure something out, thank you Becky really. You’re really wise for eighteen you know?” Becky smiled, “When life hands you lemons, you get smart or you get sour.” She stood and collected the trash from off the bench. “I told Luke I’d meet him at his place after he got off work, so I have to head out. But I really hope you figure out what you want Addie.” She thanked the teen again and watched her cross the street before heading back in and deciding what to do. 
She nearly turned around half a dozen times on the way to the pub, she had no real plan, and wasn’t even sure what she’d say. But she was sure that Becky was right, if it didn’t matter to Tom it shouldn't matter to her either. It’s not like he’d said or done anything to make fun of her inexperience. And her assumption that he wanted her for her age made so sense considering he’d started flirting with her before he knew she was older. It was just a fact that the difference didn’t matter to him the way it did her, and she’d have to get over herself. So she stood for the better part of an hour looking at the door of the pub. She'd seen him once, through the glass of the large front windows ordering a drink at the bar, but she’d been too nervous to rush over and catch him before he returned to his game. Now she was sure she’d missed her chance, but just as she was heading across the road to get home she heard a voice yell from in front of the place, “Addie, hey Addie, over here!” She’d turned to see Nate, standing outside the Saffire smoking a cigarette. She waved from across the way. “Hello Nate.” “What are you doing around this side of town?” She didn’t have a good excuse. “I was looking for a tailor’s shop, but got a bit lost I guess.” “That stinks. Well hey come have a smoke with me.” Nate was pleasant, and Adaline enjoyed the lads company so she crossed the street, thinking at least her time waiting wasn’t totally wasted if she spent some time chatting. 
 “How have you been Nate?” She asked politely as he handed her a smoke, holding out his lighter for her. “Good, though not winning many hands?” “Hands?” She pretended confusion. “Oh yea it’s poker night for the lads. Everyone’s getting a bit extra pissed tonight, with Tom being arrested and all.”  “Tom was arrested?” She asked surprised. “Yea, and what’s it to you?” Tom said with a punch to his voice as he sauntered out of the front of the pub. “I was just curious I guess.” “Got into a tussle Tuesday night, well I guess Wednesday morning. The police came and found me at home yesterday, broken parole and all that.” Addie was baffled, Tuesday night he’d been with her. “Tuesday?” “Yea or Wednesday like I said. Had a shit night,” He looked at her then with anger in his eyes, “made it home just for my sister to say my dad ‘ad been lookin for me. So I hopped out the window and down to a party. Only thing was everyone else was already pissed, so I got in a scrape with an idiot who thought I was flirting with his girl.” He shrugged and took a long drag from his smoke. “Oh,” She felt awful knowing his night had gone from rough to worse. “I’m sorry to hear it.” “Yea, well don't make any change to your world now does it.” His eyes were cold as they met hers. “Fucked up part is now they got him signed up to join the war don’t they?” Addie felt shocked hearing Nate's words. “The war?” “Yea well I wasn’t gonna fight, planned on signing up as a pacifist but some blokes were getting big in their head at the registry lines, so I signed up. I’m not a coward.” She wasn’t sure what to say, much less what to do. He clearly didn’t want her there. “Well, I’m sorry to hear it’s happened to you Tom. I hope you make it back safely.” She tossed her butt in the street and turned to nod at Nate. He gave her a small smile and she walked back across the street and headed home. 
Adaline had done her best to keep her mind busy when she’d gotten home. Opening up her forgotten romance novel only to find the love interest's face replaced with Tom’s in every scene, playing solitaire till her eyes cross. Even cooking Simon his own chicken breast along with hers just to take more time at the stove. But halfway through eating she couldn’t help it and the tears poured down her face. Now she sat, holding a slightly perturbed Simon as she felt the now slow streams of hot water drip down her chin and on to her cotton top. He was going to war. Tom was going to cross the ocean before she could do anything to make amends and she may never see him again. As she sat in her self pity, loathing every stupid word she’d utter the last time they’d been alone there was a loud pounding on her door. She looked at the clock, half past ten, and she knew who it had to be. 
  Opening the door she found Tom rate as he strode past her into the main space of the small flat. “Why do you care?” “What?” She hadn’t expected to see him there, and was caught off guard by the bite still lingering in his words. “That I’m shipping off, what does it matter to you.” He looked at her directly then, eyes softening when he saw the clear marks of tear stains down her face. “I do care Tom. Of course I do. Just because I got upset the other night doesn’t mean I want you going off to fight in a war.” He stumbled back a bit, eyes going wide, then adjusting to blank slits. “You think I’m a slag.” “No.” “Yes!” She moved forward, trying softly to shush him so as not to disrupt her neighbors. “No, you do, you said as much, that I was too experienced for my age.” He sat heavy on the couch, looking up at her eyes still full of anger. “Maybe, I just slept with a couple older women who didn’t feel embarrassed by my age, huh? Maybe they explained to me what women like so they didn’t have to deal with a… what did you say, BUBBLING,” She motioned for him to quiet down again, getting worried someone would phone the police. “Yes that’s right,” He was whispering, dramatically gesturing as if to see if she was happy now, “they didn’t want to deal with a bumbling nineteen year old, so they told me what they liked.” He crossed his arms over his chest now and sat back, seemingly satisfied to have said his piece. “You’re right Tom.” He looked surprised. “What I said was wrong. I concentrated on the wrong things because I was nervous about how you made me feel.” He nodded slowly as if in agreement. “If you were twenty-five and more experienced I wouldn’t have reacted that way, and it wasn’t right. I shouldn’t have been so hung up on your age.” “Damn right.” He seemed less upset then. Leaning forward to wipe the last bit of tears off the bottom of her chin. “Why are you cryin.” His voice was soft, all the drunken rage seemingly forgotten in his concern. “Because I’m worried about you, about what will happen to you. I was afraid you wouldn’t come home, and that I would never get to say I was sorry.” She sat next to him on the couch and he took one of her hands in his distractedly. “I’m not worth cryin over Addie. Ain’t worth none of your tears.” She felt sad for him then, seeing fully how low he thought of himself. She brushed his hair off his forehead, leaning forward to kiss it softly. “You are Tom. Of course you are.” He looked at her then for a long while, thoughts flowing across his face before he said, “I shouldn’t have left like I did. I should have let you explain better. We could have talked it through. I could have said all this then. I was just so flustered when you stopped me. You seemed like you were really having a good time, then I thought you’d been upset the whole time…” “I was having a good time Tom. The best time, I just got in my head. That’s all. I get like that sometimes, anxious about silly things. And always, always at the wrong time.” He leaned forward then, placing his head on her shoulder. 
 “We make a pair don’t we. The fuck up and the basket case.” She chose to ignore his wording since he was clearly in his head. “Yeah, I guess we do.” She was stroking her fingers down the back of his head as he sat up. “Could I kiss you Addie?” “Tom, you're drunk.” She felt a bit uneasy. “Oh it’s alright, I’ve been much worse off before, not out of sorts or anything.” He smiled at her now, the devious eyes she had grown accustomed to returning. “Don’t have to worry about taking advantage of me Addie girl.” He assured her as he leaned in toward her lips. She didn’t stop him, and the kiss was softer than she expected. He hardly grazed his mouth over hers at first, testing the waters a couple of times before going in for the fully. He wrapped himself around her, arms pulling her close. “You taste sweet.” He murmured against her lips before diving in for more. She opened up to him, letting his tongue dance over hers until he felt his hand going up her thigh. She pulled back and looked at him, looking for glassy eyes, any sign he may regret it in the morning. But all she found was intense wanting looking back at her, as if he’d sobered in the moment. She leaned in and kissed him again, tasting whiskey and something slightly bitter. 
 His hand worked its way up her skirts again, the dress she wore shifting aside as he grabbed at her backside and squeezed, groaning into her mouth. He shifted them, leaving her legs opened around his waist and put a hand behind her head to hold her in place as he kissed the center of her neck, then the exposed part of her chest that her dress didn’t cover. She inhaled sharply as she felt his fingers graze over her middle over the fabric of her panties, stroking up and down slowly until she felt wetness pool. “I wanna touch you.” He whispered against her collarbone, pausing until she nodded her go ahead. He pushed the fabric aside then and slid his fingers up and down her folds, covering them in her juices as he caressed her lower lips. She moaned into his ear and felt him quiver beneath her. “My Addie girl.” He hummed as he slid a finger inside her. She gasped, feeling herself grind against his hand as he worked his digit in and out, slowly at first then with more intention. He brought his mouth up to find hers, desperately plunging his tongue in, his fingers lacing in her hair tight enough to pull just a bit. She moaned for him, feeling the pleasure fill her to her core once again, growing louder when he added a second probe. “Tom” She exclaimed as he pumped his extremities inside her. “That’s it lovely.” He whispered, burying his head in her neck, “let go for me.” His other hand had come down and was holding her back, steadying her as she pressed herself against him to find release. She was shaking before she knew it, falling apart on top of him in a cloud of glorious release. A deep sound of approval vibrated out of his chest as he pulled his fingers free, bringing his hand up to join the other behind her back. Eyes looking up to find hers, “You’re so beautiful when you’re like that.” He said grinning ear to ear. She smiled back at him, feeling the flush slowly leave her cheeks. She kissed his head again and then said with a soft tone. “I should probably be getting to bed, it’s been a pretty long day.” He rubbed the tip of his nose along her jawline. “Yeah, I ought to be getting home anyway.” Climbing off his lap and straightening herself out she held out her hand to walk him to the door. “I’ll try to come see you again before I ship off.” He leaned in and gave her a small kiss. “I hope you can. I’m really glad you came over tonight Tom.” He gave her a last confident grin. “Went a lot better than I had in my head on the way over if I’m being honest. Sleep tight, pretty girl.” He kissed her between her brows before leaving her to tuck herself in for a dreamless sleep.
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mymelodyisme · 2 years
If I understood it right you have sdv oc's? I'd love to know a few fun facts abt them🤗
Hiiiiii :) I apologize now for the length this post will take upon your screen.
I really only have Mys and the few people in her backstory 😭 (I can come up with some fun stuff for them now though :D)
Mys is mostly a self insert because I’ve gotten really into making her one but here’s a few fun facts about her!!
1. Before she moved into the valley she was actually way less colorful and looked a bit more classy and put together. Her boyfriend was a bit of a minimalist and snob and wasn’t a huge fan of bright colors. So she wore pale clothes, lots of skirts and dresses, her hair was usually long and tied up neatly, etc. I’d argue she also dyed her hair a few times to make it look more like a natural color (it’s naturally that pink/red shade). Three days before moving she bought a pair of overalls and had a wild time just adding a bunch of details to them, even if it wasn’t super well put together ☺️ (the space halo heart is my own logo btw lol)
2. Mys came into the farm life clueless, friendless, and lonely 100%. It’s why she’s so eager to befriend the townies and comes off a little strong. It’s also why she can’t say no and so quick to overexert herself if someone asks her for help 😭 if she knew that most people in town had no faith in her based off the way she looked and acted when she first arrived, she would likely cry. She’s probably a little too nice sometimes too 🥺 if you’re mean to her she’ll take it and cry alone later on.
3. She talks A LOT. When she gets to know you well enough she’ll just start talking about something she’s really into and go on for hours always finding something new to point out (poor Shane lol). I once said if she was a real character in the game one of her heart events would be her holding the farmer hostage as she explained the entire lore of her show after she invited them in to watch it with her. (I have done this myself so many times.) 😭 She’s also a bit of thoughtless speaker sometimes. Saying things a little too quickly before her brain processes it.
4. On her slow farm days she’ll stay inside and catch up on tv. She really likes trash tv drama and novellas. Adding to that, she’s a huge romantic. She swoons and sighs and hopes that someone would love her so strongly. Especially after what she went though with her ex 🥹 Other hobbies include: gaming, journaling (she picked this one up after she moved), taking as many photos as possible of everything, reading (comics, romance novels, and mysteries) daydreaming, and collecting things (stuffed animals mostly)
5. She loves a good lemonade and pizza! She doesn’t really drink (at least not until she met Shane 😭) and will go into the saloon to chat with Emily over lemonade. To win Shane’s friendship she started buying a pizza to share with him, and she’d sit patiently at a booth until he came in (on easy days.) she also goes around and says hi to everyone at least once. If she’s just having me-time, you can find her in a booth writing + doodling in her journal with a bunch of candy around her.
6. I just think this little fun fact is really cute but when she found out Shane loved peppers she planted some in her greenhouse so she’ll always have some to give or use for food. 🥺 (I have that in game 🤭 and she only gives him high quality ones)
7. She’s magic babey! ✨ the day before she moved her mom gave her a red brooch. After her grandpa passed away, he sent it to her mom with instructions to only give it to Mys when she decided to move to the valley. She only found out about it when the wizard pulled it towards him and suggested that someone in her family must have arcane experience.
😭😭 sorry that was so long. I’ll write like two facts about the others
The ex: dark brown hair, brown eyes, suits (lol idk)
1. Has no name yet 😩 Can he even count as a character?? Literally the worst boyfriend ever. He and Mys dated in high school up until he ghosted her a month before she moved. He been sleeping with her best friend, Celia, and then proceeded to elope with her. This man kept Mys around with jewelry, promises, and guilt.
2. He was an executive for Joja. Mys worked for the company because of him, and ultimately had to leave for that same reason. She found out about the elopement at the office, and had a long cry in the bathroom stalls. (Btw he totally gets his butt kicked by Shane at some point)
Celia: Blonde, thin, very pretty and model-like, wears a lot of tight clothes and has that one fake best friend voice
1. The “best friend,” the betrayer. She clung onto Mys because Mys was really easy to manipulate. 🥺 Wasn’t very nice to her at all but made her believe she loved her like a sister. When Mys met Haley it was like meeting a younger Celia. 🥹 I guess mys still missed her because she tried to be Haley’s friend despite how mean she was. Luckily, Haley actually becomes pretty nice and apologizes for her rude behavior.
2. She would absolutely be a modern day influencer. Perhaps she is (if phones exist in this interpretation 🤔 I like to think they do but pelican town can’t host then or something 😭)
Todd: 7ft tall, thin but definitely works out, looks like he has money and works with money, very serious and classy 😭
1. Mys’s Boyfriend year 3? She and Shane are already pretty established as smitten by the town but they’re both stuck at the fork in the road of to be or not to be. (At some point Mys finally makes her move only for him to reject her out of fear 😭). Anyways!! She was asked by mayor Lewis to take an important business trip into the city to meet with an investor who wanted to open the land for expansion and more agricultural work. He figured Mys, as the local farmer, would have better input. Shane was supposed to accompany her into the city but they got into a bit so she left alone (Shane realized he was being stupid and ran to catch the bus but jsut barely missed it, his missed opportunity at love 😭). The investor turned out to be a guy named Toddrick Theodore Tapps. He was quickly taken with her because she was just so lively of a person. He could not believe she was the local farmer. He decided to head back into the valley with her to visit the land and ended up staying in one of Mys’s spare rooms at the farmhouse. He didn’t help her on the farm at all, mostly just walked around took notes, and inspected the quality of everything.
2. He’s very jealous. He and Shane are constantly at each other’s throats. Mys told him all about her best friend Shane :) and he knew immediately that Mys was in love with him. 😭 he did NOT expect Shane to be so dingy tho which is funny. He mentioned that to his face too. (It doesn’t help that Todd TOWERS over the both of them and looks like he comes from old money.) He polices mys’s friendships a bit commenting how some of the townies are rather immature, some seem like terrible people, and in particular, that Shane is a bad influence on those around him. When she gets upset at his obvious disrespect he apologizes for saying things that hurt her feelings 😭 the man literally only puts up with Shane for her. I do think he is romantic though, and definitely what Mys imagined being romanced would be like. He’s pretty rich so he spoils her, and buys the town’s approval with generous donations.
3. He’s a bit of himself. He’s not a bad guy, but he does think he’s a quality man and he loves what he does. So when he asks Mys to move to the city with him where he’ll spoil her for the rest of her life he’s surprised that she actually wants to be a farmer dealing with dirt, grime, monsters, and all the things in between. This man genuinely tries to convince her to give up the farm, and even tries to make a compromise that the farm will still be up and running but they’ll hire people to tend to it. (He probably also suggested changing the name to something more serious). He and Mys get into a fight over it, and he tells her what time his bus to the city will be leaving. She wishes him well, and a happy life with a wife who shares his values, and doesn’t show up that day.
4. I like to imagine years down the line Mys and Shane are in the city doing some work and play when they run into him. Both parties find out that the other is engaged/married. And they make up. He still can’t believe Mys chose Shane tho 😭 “I thought you would choose him, but I’m still surprised. You seemed so smitten with him, but he didn’t look like he was ever going to make anything of that.”
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