#i mean its not like anyone pays attention lol but i feel bad about it
qwerty-keysmash · 6 months
apologies to my mutuals for ghosting everyone for days then coming online to do nothing but bitch about schoolwork. it will happen again.
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 7 months
hey could I be 🦕, if it's not taken?
I also have a request lol, could u do a meltdown comfort fic? ( definitely not requesting this be I had a meltdown over not having the right pasta sauce for my comfort/safe food) like where a male reader has a bunch of little things built up and it spills over when there's no more of readers comfort/safe food and they end up lashing out and having a meltdown because of it
anyways have a good evening,thx!
Hiya, I'm really sorry thats taken 😔 (I need to make a list lmao) - assuming you're not the other 🦕 anon currently in my drafts 😅
I hope this is okay, I don't have autism or meltdowns, so feel free to let me know if I've gotten anything wrong. I don't think the reader in this has a meltdown, he was distressed and then stims to regulate his emotions. But yeah, feel free to let me know if I get anything wrong, I don't want to offend anyone or anything.
Warnings: reader is distressed, meltdown
"(Y/N)? What's wrong-"
"Can you just fuck off?!" Everyone falls silent as the words burst from your mouth. You immediately look down, mentally scolding yourself for yelling at Hotch like that. Hotch. Of all people. Who had been nothing but kind to you since you joined. Who always made sure you were okay. Who was also your boss. "I- I'm sorry-" Your voice is quiet and Hotch has to strain his ears to hear you.
Instead of yelling, like everyone assumed he would, his gaze softens as he looks at you. "How about we head up to my office for a few minutes, okay?" His voice is reassuring and is doing nothing for your guilt and the dread for what he would say when it was just the two of you.
You hadn't meant to snap at him, but everything had just built up and built up and it was your tipping point. You should have just gone home.
It had started this morning when it turns out you had run out of milk - meaning you couldn't have cereal and a cup of coffee for breakfast. Then, you couldn't find the socks you had planned on wearing, you missed the early bus because of how long you had tried to find the socks you wanted to wear, and that made you almost late for work. And then, when you opened the fridge, it turns out someone had eaten the last of your safe foods you kept stocked up in the fridge.
You knew no one on the team would have taken it, they knew you were particular about your food (that's how you had worded it when you first joined the team - they knew the reasoning behind it now, of course but its still how you described it). And they always tried their best to make sure that you had food in the fridge that you liked.
You follow him to his office silently, you don't miss the look he shoots the rest of the team - who quickly make themselves look busy. So you don't feel more on edge than you already do. Your heart twinges at this. You had just yelled at him and here he was, being incredibly sweet to you.
When you reach his office, he shuts the door gently behind him and motions to the couch, you sit. "You don't have to speak until you're ready, whatever you need to do to help regulate your emotions is okay."
You take a moment to process his words before you give a small nod. It takes a few seconds before you gently start to rock, humming gently to yourself. Hotch sits down on the couch, at the other end. He wanted you to know he was there if you needed him, but enough space to do what you needed to. He slowly picked up the book on the coffee table, flicking to the page he was currently on.
Eventually, when your stimming comes to an end, Hotch closes the book. He had been keeping a close eye on you, not really paying attention to the book. He had just wanted to make you comfortable.
"You weren't reading," You state quietly.
"I wasn't," Hotch says with a nod.
"Thank you," You reply. You knew what he was doing - he had done it a few times during similar situations.
"That's alright," He gives a small (rare) smile, "Did you want to talk about what's going on?"
"It's just been a bad day." You shrug, "No coffee, no breakfast, wrong socks, and now no safe food," You felt your cheeks tint pink ever so slightly in embarrassment.
Hotch just nods, "I understand. What snack in particular were you craving?"
"I wanted a chocolate muffin," You shrugged, running a hand over your face. All you could think about was how stupid this all was.
"Is that the Starbucks one?" When you nod, Hotch smiles slightly and rummages about in his desk. "I had a feeling that this might happen at some point. So I stocked up on your safe foods." He said, pulling out a muffin. "There you go. As for drinks, take whatever you fancy,"
You look up, eyes slightly wide at the unexpected kindness. "Thank you,"
"That's alright, and (Y/N)?"
"Anytime you're feeling overwhelmed, or if the day isn't going quite right, you're more than welcome to come sit up here, okay?"
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lemon-natalia · 7 months
Gideon the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 20
i just wanna apologise in advance for how long these posts are getting lol, i have a lot of Thoughts about this book
oh wait nope they are going back to the creepy lab where two people just got murdered. great plan guys
Dulcinea wanting to team up surprised me a little, but it really shouldn't have. she's been paying a lot of attention to the Ninth, and especially Gideon.
'thousands of years after you're gone ... is when you really live' this is such a different, almost warmer, perspective on death and necromancy, and i can see why it appeals to Dulcinea specifically, who's clearly had to come to terms with her mortality pretty early on in life. but its also part of the more disturbing theme that the past never really goes away, and can't help but view this line along the same lines of discovering the ancient study last chapter, and the ancient laboratory, and Canaan House in general, which are only just now having their secrets revealed, and the terrible consequences of those secrets becoming apparent, after thousands of years
'she grasped a railing, leaned over, and proffered her hand' well this is getting very courtly romance
ah yes lets go through the door decorated with a swirl of human teeth, i'm sure there's happy fun times to be had in there. harrow, resident goth interior designer who specialises in bone decor, is probably taking notes as we speak
even after hurting her hand twice, Harrow really just can't resist experimenting even further huh. she's so very reluctant to accept that her existing powers aren't enough by themselves for this
ooohhhh, having to literally suck the life force out of your cavalier to win?? thats so sick and twisted and i love it. these challenges are, again, clearly relying on this intense relationship between the pair, both in trusting them absolutely and in this literal soul-siphoning/melding link thing.
however, it feels like Gideon's really getting the brunt of it in these challenges. Harrow's absolutely putting in an awful lot of effort and power, but it's the cavalier who has to fight the bone amalgamation, the cavalier who has to have their life literally siphoned out. they're about trust and a bond between them, but also seemingly about a willingness to sacrifice your cavalier to achieve that goal, and i have a really bad feeling about where exactly this is going in terms of how exactly one achieves lyctorhood
'under no circumstances will i ever desire your juice' Harrow you may wish to revisit this sentiment when you guys (to my limited knowledge) eventually become girlfriends
'none of this is worth it, at all [...] i'm sorry. We take so much' i'm like 90% sure the voice talking to Gideon throughout all this was Dulcinea, largely because it doesn't really make sense for it to be anyone else, but there were certain lines, specifically these ones, that made me suspicious at first it might be some(one? thing?) else. but it also feels fitting that its Dulcinea coaching her through this.
wow, just wow, i'm really impressed with the writing in this chapter, and how the pain Gideon is feeling is expressed. its such an abstract experience/feeling to describe, but i think its done incredibly well
'Ha-ha, said Gideon, first time you didn't call me Griddle, and died' ok i know she didn't but THANKS for giving me an absolute heart attack with that sentence Tamsyn Muir
Harrow i get understand u are protective of Gideon but let Dulcinea comfort her plz
'you can't just ask someone why they want to be a Lyctor'. ahh the duality of Gideon the Ninth. this just evocative prose about how it feels to be on the brink of death, and then immediately afterwards hits you in the face with a mean girls reference. beautiful, iconic, effervescent.
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eddiegettingshot · 4 months
i know everyone ignores 6x14 because their favorite white boy wasn't the centre of attention for once but. - not to be controversial on main but I think a lot of takes come from either people who genuinely haven't watched some of the eps/entirety of season 1 and watch via gifs and those who are so deep in the ao3 sauce that canon has kind of become null. Just look at how people still talk about Chris as a little kid or the Diaz parents. Eddie, despite functioning fine by himself, has been attempting to put himself out there because we know its not what he wants. He's a "nester", he likes being married etc. Thats what makes this sl more fucked. He's messy but has at least been attempting to move forward.
no i fully agree lol i feel like people have been consuming the show solely through gifs and other people’s meta instead of actually watching it, which is why “eddie’s trying to check the boxes” and “eddie’s relationships haven’t worked out because he’s been trying to recapture what he thinks he had with shannon and subconsciously replace her since she died” - the latter being an internal issue that he has literally never even recognized as being a thought pattern let alone a problem - has turned into “eddie is actively and knowingly hunting down (a large number of) women and pursuing them with the sole intent of making them christopher’s stepmother, then discarding them when it doesn’t work out that way, to the extent that christopher realizes that this is happening and feels shame and anger over his father’s behavior.”
like this is not what’s happening! at all! if you actually watch the show and pay any attention to his interactions with people who aren’t buck this is very clear! this is also why it annoys me so much when people try to make his panic attacks over ana about him being gay - HE WAS PANICKING BECAUSE HE ACTUALLY DIDN’T WANT ANA TO BE CHRIS’S MOTHER AND HE DIDN’T WANT HER TO BE HIS WIFE, HE JUST THOUGHT THAT WAS THE EXPECTATION HE NEEDED TO MEET (AGAIN, SUBCONSCIOUSLY, AFTER NO LESS THAN 3 PEOPLE PUSHED HIM INTO THE RELATIONSHIP)!!!!!! HE SAYS THAT OUTRIGHT TO BUCK WHEN HE SAYS HE’S NOT READY FOR A READYMADE FAMILY!!! i know the show likes to rewrite some things but what is happening right now?
that’s also why i’m so confused about people acting like buck’s (and even chris’s) first instinct should be to get angry and turn eddie away and call him out for being awful - maybe that would be the response if eddie did have a habit of going through women and cheating and leaving them for the next pseudo-shannon. but actually the fact that eddie is lying to his best friend and cheating on his perfect girlfriend and risking putting his kid in a bad place is indicative of a real crisis-level issue with his grief and trauma (which buck has had a front-row seat to) in an unbelievably fucked up one-in-a-million situation. cheating is obviously fucking horrible and wrong - eddie is doing it because he’s being self-destructive and not thinking rationally! ANYONE WHO ACTUALLY KNOWS HIM WILL KNOW THIS!!!
i literally hate this storyline and i understand that it’s controversial and that’s fine, but genuinely some of the takes i’ve been reading suggest unironically that a lot of people DO actually need to watch the show. because wtf do you mean eddie needs to learn to be alone?
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aihoshiino · 1 month
Do you think ruby as a character can be fixed or is her character too much associated with incest
I've said this before and I'll probably say it a million times more in relation to this series, but the inclusion of incest is not the issue with Ruby's character arc any more than the inclusion of CSA, child abuse, underage sex, suicide, etc is an issue with anyone else's arc. These are taboo topics, yes, but at the end of the day these topics are just storytelling tools and what actually matters is how they're used. It's perfectly possible to tell a clear, consistent and engaging arc for a character features or even centers incest so long as it fits in with the tone and themes of the work that surrounds it.
Oshi no Ko's issue is its failure to do that, which itself is more symptomatic of the broader problems with the way the story is being told as of the Movie Arc onward. Ruby is simply not given any remotely serious characterization in relation to her newfound obsession with Aqua and she's never allowed to have any remotely interested or complicated feelings about it. Like, when you pay attention to how the arc handles AquRuby - I've talked about this before, but anytime Ruby being attracted to Aqua, her brother comes up, it's played for cumbrained brocon gags and it's only ever taken seriously when the story leans into framing it as Ruby still being attached to Gorou. So it means that Ruby has never actually gotten a chance to even engage with the topic of incest in a serious way, let alone have any kind of development in relation to it.
That would all be bad enough, but this is also happening in tandem with the actual interesting arc Ruby was allegedly having being entirely offscreened to a fucking absurd degree. Literally everything about her involvement in the Movie Arc section of the revenge quest, down to the most pivotal details of her relationship with her biodad gets unceremoniously farted at us in hindsight with some flaccid narration like "oh uh this totes happened as well btw don't worry about it". So the result is that the incest stuff ends up being the majority of what Ruby is actually doing in terms of what actually plays out on the page but she's not allowed to have any proper development with regards to it because idk Akasaka is that determined not to resolve any of this shit until the last moment for some ungodly reason. So she's stuck in this arrested development culdesac where the majority of her important characterizaton revolves around a romantic relationship the story has hit pause on even acknowledging.
So… could Ruby be fixed from all that? Honestly, at this point… probably not. Too much important character work has happened offscreen that no matter what follows, it'll just feel like damage control. She's been too flanderized and too many of the character beats that could have given her feelings real weight and narrative gravity have been fumbled like a wet bottle of shampoo in the shower. We're too far into what we know to be the final arc for there to be enough time to even attempt that damage control and at this point, I kind of just want Akasaka to leave her alone before things get worse lol.
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iheartliquor · 2 months
dam im back again guys i just been taking it east both my laptops r broken the good one and the old shitty onee so i havent been tumblring much . psycosis was the most terriffying experience of my life , and i still cant figure out wat was real and wat wasnt , but the main point is that it doesnt matter and wat matters is just takin care of myself and not letting that happen again . tbh my friends said oh we knew this was coming one day which kinda made me feel bad lol but at the same time like wat do u expect ? u can only get away w that type of sleep deprivation n constnat inebriation and completely ignoring ur mental illness for so long . im doing cbt books now and im refusing to see anything but the love and light in every situation , cause like , u kno j, as they say ,, where we dwell in consciousness is truly where we dwell in life . its just been kinda hard and strange and bad and i feel like i have to like , superstitiously take plan b now wheras before i knew i would be fine . or no i didnt i mean before i would let myself have that as a worry in the back of my mind but now i have to superstitiously take precautaions . i kno that can b its own type of ocd and im doin counciling for that . its all just been really stressful and terrifying .... iwanna tell about the experiecne but i dont wanna like , u kno , spread bullshit around or pay attention to it when its bullshit . some parts were so good and beautiful , but some parts were so terrifying . i really thought i was bein taken to hell , and then i really thought like , i was so convinced i kill:ed myeslf and hurt my mom in that way i promsised myself i would neverr ever hurt her . that wasnt real tho but it felt absolutely so real :((( , i think how many years i would read ghost stories online and that felt like searching for something divine more than bein raised w my lack of god or watever , anyways , yeah im not gunna dwell on everything but basically im doing a lot better , i can tell the full story once im far away from it . ive felt so strongly sometimes like , i wish i could go back , to the world i lived in for the majority of my life where theres nothing that can get me or make me do bad things . and i can , i can i can i can itll just take awhile to get to the mental place where i can plainly see it was all or mostly bullshit / hallucination . brutal summer to be hoenst for tthis gal , oh well , anyways , sending u all all my love . life is scary and life is crazy and its still just all a big mystery , no matter what anyone says , and itll b okay , and i think i'll getta see all the people i love again just in a different way . eternal love , unconditional love , undying love ..... yes those three are the theme of the day...... anyways ok everyone have a lovely evening, its precious beautiful august . summer means so much to me , being where im from , and ive just had to like barely barelyy survive it this year , idk . or i alwayss said Every Single Summer I Feel Like I Was Born Again but this year i really really know wat that feels like , just in the snese of im gunna take my mental problems seriously now , instead of ignore them like my whole entire life . I finally figured out why LIQUOR ALWAYS FELT LIKE MEDICINE..... hahaha ok . all love everybody .
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tianasficrecs168 · 3 months
Kimetsu no Yaiba fic recs
Some of these are juvenile and silly (case in point: "Right here, on my phone", Zenitsu uses flirt: it's super effective!) but I like them.
Also, any reader stuff you see that's on my list is quality - as in, the character that's supposed to be the reader (us) has just enough of a personality that I really just consider this an OC fic with weird pronoun use.
On a completey unrelated note, I'm going to strangle Surveycorpjean specifically. Their fics are so fuckin good omg, I lose my shit every time.
Anyway, you know the drill.
A black dot • means it’s a one-shot
A heart ♡ means it’s focused on Sexy times (it’s pure filth PWP, or like, a plot focused on getting to the porn part lol)
Brackets (…) means it's still being updated/not done/WIP – and I'm paying close attention to it
Esselle: “Fuwafuwa” (Tanjirou/Inosuke) • Inosuke likes it when people tell him he's great at things, because it's true, and they should all acknowledge how powerful he is. But whenever Tanjiro does it, it makes him feel… weird. -- ふわふわ (fuwafuwa) can mean several different things: 1. Fluffy; soft. 2. Light and airy. 3. The way Tanjiro makes Inosuke feel.
Perliegrimm: “Tempura” (Tanjirou/Inosuke) • Inosuke’s habit of ranting to Nezuko is one borne out of the available knowledge that she can’t gossip to anyone- thus making her the perfect confidant in aiding (and concealing) his secret feelings for a certain swordsman. At least… That’s what he thinks. (Not that Inosuke necessarily thinks.)
Horae: “The Boy in the Box” (Tanjirou/Zenitsu) Nezuko didn’t think much of the boy sobbing in the road, until he protected Tanjiro. Tanjiro knew Zenitsu was different when he first met him, and couldn’t help but chase the scent peaches and kindness, literally. It’s only fair that he take care of Zenitsu, after he got hurt protecting him, right? Role Reversal AU: Where Nezuko is a demon slayer and Demon!Tanjiro immediately takes an interest in Zenitsu. Takes place from Nezuko and Zenitsu’s meeting to the gang's recovery in the butterfly estate.
Kinyve: “Right here, on my phone” (Tanjirou/Zenitsu) Zenitsu has a magical device that keeps track of his relationships in real life with cute hearts, kind of like an otome game! Wait, why does Tanjirou have bombs? what do the bombs mean does Tanjirou hate him oh fuck Tanjirou hates him wh-
Kinyve: “Lean on” (Tanjirou/Zenitsu) • Zenitsu's about to get a stiff neck if this guy doesn't get a move on.
 Kinyve: “The Transmigration of Kaigaku Inadama” (...) (SI!OC/Rengoku) Kaigaku thought that was it. After jumping off the bridge, he’d be dead. Or at least, he should be. Instead, he woke up staring up at a dazzling blue sky, the sickeningly sweet scent of peaches wafting through his nostrils, and his head on a particularly sturdy rock.
Bonsaiy: “Worship the flame” (Sanemi/Giyuu) •♡ Sanemi encounters a demon with a pesky lust-related Demon Blood Art in the south of Honshu, and heroically exterminates it before it can make prey of anymore innocent humans. This fic is not about that. This fic is about the aftermath, and about Giyuu finally becoming closer to Shinazugawa. Just... not in the way he probably first thought about.
Bonsaiy: “The troposphere in his eyes” (Sanemi/Giyuu) • Shinazugawa Sanemi, Tomioka Giyuu, and approximately 25 cliché fanfiction tropes.
Grenades: - “So full of love (I could barely eat)” (Sanemi/Giyuu) • “...Do you think I’m a bad cook?”  A gust of air pushes its way through Sanemi’s open mouth. “What?”  Tomioka flushes- no, he blushes, ears and cheeks dark- and looks away. “The ohagi. Was it bad?”  Sanemi was expecting Tomioka to kill him, or mock him- but this is so, so much worse.
Bloodsbane: - “Warm Body, Soft Breath” (Tanjirou/Inosuke) “What are you two doing?” “It’s just cuddling, Inosuke.” The strange eyes of the boar mask tilted back in the Kamado siblings’ direction. “What’s cuddling?”
Novashyperion: “There’s Room Here For Two” (Inosuke/Zenitsu) • Inosuke has no sense of personal space, and Zenitsu learns that the hard way. It becomes a lot easier as time goes on. - 3 Times Inosuke used Zenitsu as a bed/pillow, and 1 Time Zenitsu did the same.
Glueskin: “They say there’s good grief” (Sanemi/Giyuu) but how can you tell it from the bad? or, giyuu begins the painstaking process of trying to remember how to be a functional human being.
Favspacetwink: “Peace in your violence” (Sanemi/Giyuu)♡ • “Mmnh - mmnh - mmnh-” “Better keep it down, Tomioka,” Sanemi breathes in his ear. Giyuu groans into the hand covering his mouth. “What did I just fucking say?”
JuniRiceBall: “Rip and tear” (Sanemi/Giyuu)♡ • For a mission, Tomioka Giyuu has to borrow one of Shinazugawa Sanemi's yukatas. Too bad it causes one of them to overheat.
Neoqueenserenity: “Jealous of the Moon” (Sanemi/Giyuu) • "Shinazugawa, I'm not taking your last name unless I'm getting something out of it." Before he realized what he'd said out loud, he noticed the wind pillar's face contort in rage. “WAIT NO THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT—” He ducked on instinct, barely missing the fist aimed for his skull. Or: Giyuu and Sanemi are sent on a mission together to take down a demon who targets brothers, and they pretend to be siblings. It does not go well.
Orenji: “Home is with you” (Sanemi/Giyuu) • Sanemi’s face crumples. “Fuck,” he says, huffing out a short laugh, throwing his head back. “You’re gonna make me cry. I hate you.” “You don’t,” Giyuu says, confidently, fondly. “You love me. Just as much as I love you.” (Giyuu has never believed in fate, but meeting Sanemi again hundreds of years later seems like the Universe is giving them one more shot to get it right.)
Pinkichor: “Comfort of a Storm” (Tanjirou/Zenitsu) • Zenitsu’s entire body seemed to drop like he was exhausted without the will to take another step. “Tanjiro...doesn’t your blanket smell good enough? It’s certainly less weird.” Tanjiro wrapped his arms around Zenitsu, shaking his head, pulling cloth with the movement. “This is better.” Zenitsu tried his very best to walk forward with Tanjiro affectionately attached to his back, but Tanjiro picked up his feet when Zenitsu did, and the only thing he succeeded in was bringing Tanjiro to his chosen futon.
Frogsterz: “To be special” (Tanjirou/Inosuke) • “Shut up!” Inosuke wants to scream, but then he realises Tanjirou absolutely must not wake up and settles for a death hiss, hands curling against his sides. Stupid thinking stupid foresight stupid— “I don’t think about those kinds of things! They’re a waste of time! And pack means family!" “Well a pack doesn’t have to be blood-related, I don’t think,” Zenitsu flops onto the grass and stares at the sky. “I think having someone to love would be a very nice thing to have, you know. The whole—not being alone thing, not being given up on thing.” (Or, Inosuke is special to Tanjirou. Tanjirou is special to Inosuke. They've really got to work on their communication.)
 Frogsterz: “Christ, just hold still” (Sanemi/Reader) There are many things that after a year of being in the Demon Slayer medical corps you’ve gotten used to. The stench of ash and blood in the air. The sight of half-eaten, half-chewed bodies strewn across the floor. Applying tourniquets, lopping off limbs when they’ve been beyond saving, patching up the lightly and the grievously injured. You can handle just about anything now. But this? This asshole who keeps running away from you and your attempts to stop him from fucking bleeding out in a forest? He really pisses you off.
Kenmagoesblep: “Human manners 101” (Tanjirou/Zenitsu/Inosuke) • Being an uneducated feral boy, Inosuke gets thrown off, confused and overwhelmed over the smallest, stupidest things. It’s really embarrassing. So, while they’re not obliged to do any of this, Tanjiro and Zenitsu have this nonverbal agreement that they’d do their best to teach Inosuke some basic human knowledge. Building pillow forts, however, doesn't qualify as such, yet here they are.
StrawBunni: - “Zenitsu uses flirt: it's super effective!” (Tanjirou/Zenitsu/Inosuke) Sensing that the conversation is done, Zenitsu pushes away from the door and continues heading towards the roof, thinking through what he just heard. Flirting to get what you want, huh? Would that actually work for someone like him too? or High School AU where Zenitsu decides to try and use flirting to get Inosuke and Tanjiro to follow the dress code and ends up with two boyfriends instead, which for some reason he didn’t see coming.
Redyarns: - “Acoustics” (Zenitsu/Tanjirou) • “Well,” Zenitsu sighed, finishing the wrap and tucking it with a good pull. He needed to thank his Gramps for teaching him how to treat minor wounds. “Be more careful, okay? You’re the best one out of all of us, we can’t lose you to a minor demon.” “I love you,” Tanjirou said, and it came out breathy, like he hadn’t meant to say it. Zenitsu snorted and gave him a pat on the shoulder. “Love you too,” he said sarcastically. “Huh?” Tanjirou said. “I love you too?” Zenitsu repeated slowly, now getting confused when Tanjirou’s sound became sour with disappointment. “Uh, right? We’re friends? We are friends, right?” He said, suddenly nervous. “Yes, of course we are,” Tanjirou said immediately, and though there was still that sharp twang of sourness in his sound, at least he was smiling. Weird. *** Five times Tanjirou confessed and one time Zenitsu got it.
Kagshina: “Ignite” (Tanjirou/Zenitsu/Inosuke) • Inosuke’s chest clenches without explanation. Whatever this feeling is, he doesn’t like it. Tanjiro’s not supposed to cry. Tanjiro’s supposed to be strong, like him. He punches Zenitsu’s shoulder. “Why the hell is Tanjiro crying?! That’s supposed to be your thing!” (In which Inosuke witnesses affection and there’s lots of crying.)
xtwilightzx (blackidyll): “Daybreak” (Tanjirou/Giyuu) • Giyuu is asleep on his side, head turned towards Tanjirou, close enough that Tanjirou would barely need to stretch to touch him. Tanjirou just looks— —and the wonder sets in slowly, like dawn gradually seeping colour into the darkness of the night.
Surveycorpjean: “Killer Downpour” (Inosuke/Tanjirou/Zenitsu) Once again, the world feels so small, and Tanjirou’s heart feels so big.
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lillysilvermoon · 1 year
Messages from your guardians
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Pile 1
Signs: mentors, spiritual guides, ancestors (old woman), dragons (I heard "dragon soul" but I don't know much about dragons so,,,, takes what resonates), guardian angel, Archangel Raphael, green color, rivers, 1111 (I heard that you should read about this number's meaning and also to pay attention to how you feel when you see this number, it's important because has some kind of message in this and will be different for everyone!).
I feel like some of you has been through some kind of "spiritual awakening", it's like something has happened and now you understood what was necessary and a change of some kind is coming. Wait this is the message of someone: yes you understood and yes the change will happen - well, actually already is lol - and that's your confirmation. Also: there will be a "crisis" of some kind, or happened already, it's to remind you what YOU truly want and what's need to let go, it's kin the way of the Universe test you (I know it's sucks, believe I know......... but, this kind of situation teaches A LOT so me EXTREMELY aware, try to take notes because I swear to you, helps!).
Humm, some of you need to do little adjustments here and there and have a moment of rest, you know when we start our spiritual journey and we read about so many things, we wanna try it all but at some moment just feels like you are stuck? That's it here, it's like you are a vessel and you have been filled more and more and some of this was good but some wasn't and you need some time to "take the trash out", you need to stop and look at all this and see what servers you and what not.
If you are going through some hardships your guardians want you to know that first: you are not alone (please call upon them when you need, I promise they will help. But you need to ask guys😭💗) and you need to have trust to move forward of this situation.
"What you believe it's true becomes true, kid. You are halfway of your goal but you need to be more disciplined and put effort. Commit yourself to what you wants and don't give up." Alright for you all I need to say this: remember the thing about the universe test us? It do this to see if we have learned our lesson, so any dramas that may happen you need to see just as a stepping stone to where you want to be/your goals.
This is now just my own advice: call them, talk to them. It can be ANYTHING. Light a candle, write a letter to them and read out loud, pray, meditation. Can whatever y'all want to be. They are with you and really want to help.
You shall receive good news because abundance is coming at waterfalls to you, give abundantly and you accept with gratitude if you are given (I feel there is people here that just don't know how to accept things, either material or emotional help and your guardian wants you to learn this).
For anyone trying a business: it's gonna be blessed!! Expect thing to work really well because I can tell you: wealth is on its away to you.
Please have more faith in yourself Pile 1, seriously you guardians see you like someone SO capable (king of Wands) you can do it! (Whatever this "it" means to y'all, know that YES U CAN! and I believe in you👽🙌)
Last but not least: When was the last time you heard your feelings? You give them some kind of, you know, attention?..... pretend you are fine, you are strong, a warrior blablabla it's needed sometimes, but if this is your normal it's bad, blocks your heart center and the energy which can make you feel sick and warm you hole body. You need more balance when related to your emotional and self-care. Take more care of your spiritual body. (People who likes crystals: rose quartz it's good for you!)
Pile 2
Signs: green color (pile one had this too lmao maybe y'all need to work on your heart chakra just saying 🤷‍♀️), leo, fire signs and fire placements at your big three (so weird when I receive this things because it's very specific and because I don't even know too much about astrology so I was be like "damn... its really specific" lmao never mind ignore me), aquamarine (loved this because the picture of this Pile is a mermaid🤭🥺), color pink, pisces, 111, 444
Humm okay, first of all your guardians want you to know that some things need to comes to a end because teaches you what was supposed to teach and now it's just time to end, and you don't need to be sad about that because ends also means create space for new things, people, experiences. I feel like this is Love matters, well there is 2 options here: the first one it's all that I said, and the second one is that you are ending this to meet your "special someone" (since there a increase of Twin Flames on earth this time, maybe you are ending this relationship because you gonna meet them soon and you learned the lesson with this person). But for some of you is a friendship. Yeah, it's right, nothing will come of this situation (its literally what the card says), meditation, time out and you know, just be a little contemplative will help you. Surrender to the Divine (whatever The Divine are for you) will help, believe that you will get what you need (I thought this were for the people that are working on there skills but your guardian was like "NO! IT'S NOT!!!!!!) and I came back here and yes it is for you really).
If you are into mantras I recommend "Om Namo Narayani" which basically means I surrender to the Divine.
(I think this is for a really small group: don't let your pride get in your away okay? You need to work in group and balance your needs with the needs of others. Its important and you need to work on this!)
The other message here is that: you are doing SO GREAT at your job/craft. Really, your guardians are proud of you for better your skills and know that you are doing a really good job!
And you need to hear you on thoughts, someone here has been anxious as and your guardian wants you to calm down, repeat to yourself "this thought isn't mine" and start to calm yourself, your guardian wants you to know that you are not alone, but you need to take better care of yourself especially related to your anxiety!
Pile 3
Signs: male guide, trans men (fo explain: someone here reading this are and this is the sign that yes, this is your Pile Hello😙💗), seashells, collect rocks (I don't who you are but you have such a good and fun energy lmao you know this person who just looks like a really good friend and person? It's you), color read, Divine Feminine path (or something related to the topic), life path number 3? (You got FIVE number 3), 666, number 9, pink hearts, Grenade and red jasper (it's more likely you should try to use them, will help you have more energy)
This pile have STRONG feminine energy and also priestess energy (which means that you can be one, become one in the future, was one in some important past life or just have the characteristics of one!)
Okay, some of you has Mother Mary as one of you main guardian (She and Archangel Mary are not the same! I can talk more about this if y'all be interested♡) and I feel a lot of you are working on something new and she wants you to know that: it's worth, this project is important, the world deserves to see the incredible person you are. And also to know that you are entering a knew phase and will bee FULL of good things and blessings, omg I can't calm myself its SO AMAZING really there us so many blessings, so many good moments. Okay I need to calm myself down or things gonna be all messy lol sorry I get really excited with this messages, your faith will be renewed, you are entering a peaceful loving phase, filled with calm energy and personal growth. Your belief that your dreams can manifest are working well, there us a big "yes" coming your away (I'M SO HAPOY FOY YOU, HERE, TAKE MY HUG). Whatever situation this is: is blessed, if you chose this pile probably you are starting all over again in some away, can be on a new/better course or just feeling more positive about archiving your goals.
(Very small group who are feeling stagnant: life goes on cycles and you are going enter a new one now! Likely our friend Pile 3 it's a moment to you to trust in the Divine (again: whatever the Divine is for you). Your guardians want you to trust your feelings and intuition (because logic won't work right now) and speak positively because "your words have power. Say what you want will work, and believe in it" (someone guide said and it's a man).
I need y'all to take care of yourself, your guardians want you to be more in touch with your intuition, your body (dance, yoga and stretching can help) and on do creative things, also try to just go more with the flow, be less controlled (some here are control freaks help) and just... take better care of you, u know?
Oh, I almost forgot: Its time to spread your wings and fly, universe is supporting u right now (your guardians want you to know that because apparently you don't have much physical support so ita important to you to know that). Youe hard work will pay off, I promise you (and for anyone who was wanting to travel: can happen soon)
Pile 4
Signs: aries, pisces, waterfalls, Mexico, ireland, 333, 6666, Angel's, Saint Mary (it's a place in Jamaica).
"You need to take a break" that's what I heard, for some of you I feel like you have to much energy, and you are doing to much things and it's time to get inwards and have some time of to chill, I think you don't like to open up to others because what I'm feeling is that you guided are talking but I just can't understand (like you didn't want help from other person, or that anyone no one knew what going on...) okay I assume its related to your job, or group you live with, looks very...heavy, a sense of hostility and conflicts. Your guardians want you to know that: first isnt your fault! Sencond: try to find common ground and focus on mutual collaboration rather then the competition. You need to focus in maintai you inner peace and don't let the environment you are get the best of you.
For other group here: your guardians always you to take action, to do you best and BE HAPPY (and proud) WITH THAT! (My perfectionist group, maybe?). I think there is something you want and this is a huge YES, but you need determination (and probably a long term plan).
And our last group (but I think this applies to the one before) you need to balance spirituality and practicality (I feel you, same boat here 🤡) WAIT A MINUTE BECAUSE I'M A HOPELESS ROMANTIC SIR, the card says "a new male is coming into your life" nd the other one (the one about balance) SAYS THAT THE PERSON CAN BE A SOULMATE OMG GUYS THE CARDS COMPLEMENTS EACH OTHER THIS IS SO CUTE I CAN'T I'M SORRY-
I couldn't help myself to freak out sorry Pile 4, getting back to what I was saying: Your intuition won't let you down and you need to trust it, and your guardians also wants you to know that you need to take more practical steps and be with your head in the clouds less, they ask you to find balance between your responsibilities and your dreams (maybe you have to work but are trying or want to try your new business, stop dream about it and think "what can I do NOW to make my dream happen?" Or "What step can I do NOW with what I already have to start my business?" Questions like this will help!.
This is coming so strong omg: Your soulmate is coming guys, I mean really appeared 3 times in 2 cards (besides you got The Emperor which can means Divine Masculine depends on the topic. Anyhow just takes what resonates).
COME HERE: When things get hard you have emotional balance? Your guardians want you to work on this, because sometimes the solution is right in front of you but you are to angry, sad or agitated to realize.
I hope this message reaches everyone who needs. Bye bye from me and your guardians 🤣🤭 see y'all soon.
- Lia
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violivs · 1 month
NMTDaily: The first three of Ben’s costume party vlogs (episodes 21, 22, 23)
I’m gonna do these all as a set. They flow together as one long scene, so it makes sense. Then I’ll do another combined post on episodes 24 and 25, the second half of the story of Ben’s party vlogs. Long post under the cut!
Episode 21: hello guys i’m at pedro’s party
- Ben starts out very enthusiastic at the beginning of this clip (party party party!) but immediately gets uncomfortable when people start walking past him and it occurs to him that other people can see him vlogging. Add it to the social anxiety headcanon evidence list!
- Hero walks by and says “Batman.” And here’s the thing: she should be able to guess that it’s Ben in that costume. He’s the only one of the boys who would be filming because he’s the only one with his own channel.
- That means either she really isn’t paying attention, or Beatrice never asks where Ben is in front of Hero- or, Hero chooses not to tell Bea that Ben is there or what his costume is.
- Or she does tell Bea and Bea knows it’s Ben she’s talking to when she fires off all those insults later. I tend to think Bea does not realize she’s talking to Ben in that moment, but I had to mention the possibility.
- I’m going to watch the Bea insults Ben at the party clip now, just for fun. That video will still get its own post later, this is just an experiment to see if watching that scene first gives me any new insight into Ben’s videos about it.
- It is interesting to think about the fact that if you’re watching the series as it airs in 2014, at this point you don’t know if you’ll ever actually see the Bea insulting Ben scene itself. For all you know, Ben’s POV might be the only one you get.
- We can assume that in between this video and the next, Ben finds Pedro’s laptop, posts this video (unless he filmed and posted the first video on his phone, which seems unlikely but would be faster), then joins the party and starts drinking and dancing. In a break from the dancing he has the conversation with Beatrice, has his feelings hurt, goes and gets Pedro’s laptop and the camera, and holes up in the bathroom because it’s a convenient and private place to mope.
Episode 22: bath time it’s a bath im not actually having a bath
- First of all, shoutout to belovedcreation’s Beadick anniversary future fanfic that’s named after this episode (rated M so look it up only if you’re cool with that)
- Okay, back to the present. “Parties bring out the sad bitterness in people” definitely feels connected to “vlogging takes the sadness away”. I think this is the episode that starts Ben down the path of emotional dependence on the camera. He’s hurt, and it makes him want to brood alone instead of talk to anyone in person about it.
- “Some… princesses… are bad for your health” is a hell of a line, lol
- “Bad for your mental stability and your general well being” oh hohohoho don’t get me started on your mental health mister, I’ve literally written novellas.
- “Not to mess with people’s emotions or screw with their heads” - That’s interesting, because it sounds like Ben thinks Beatrice did know it was him she was talking to, and that she was insulting him to his face on purpose.
- “When you have a bad thought, you should just keep it to yourself.” Says the guy who called Beatrice a bitchface on camera and posted it. As lovingly as possible, *Meg’s Hypocritical song from lolilo plays in the distance*
- “Go away, I’m Batman!” Another underrated classic NMTD moment right here. I almost forget that he’s talking in the Batman voice until this line, and it cracks me up every time.
- Best comments: esthereckstein2532 from 7 years ago with “why is Ben equal parts annoying as heck and adorable?” (Huge mood, very true), and speaker8417 from three years ago with “Legit thought of the song Michael in the Bathroom” (I’m dying I’ve died I’m dead this is SUCH a great call lmao)
- Making a Ben gifset from this series of episodes with Michael in the Bathroom lyrics, BRB. Can’t believe I hadn’t heard that song yet when I made the nmtd musicals fanmix or that would’ve been on it for sure!
Episode 23: Claudio joins me in the bath of emotion
- The official coining of the term “bath of emotion”! A historic NMTD moment.
- Is it me or is Ben acting 100% more drunk in this episode than the last one? I bet he was drinking while uploading the last video. Not healthy to drink alone, bud.
- the video description is adorable. “Computer is in bathroom but not wet. Pedro has lent me his computer but he does not know this has happened.” Drunk Ben is ADORABLE.
- “parties are a gateway to a spiral of doom and awkwardness” sounds about right. That’s rough, buddy.
- Claudio arrives! Ben is so happy to see him!
- Notice here that Claudio is dressed as a cowboy, because he’s been watching Hero’s videos and knows she wanted someone to go as a cowboy! Cute, but also how does he not know Hero likes him if he’s watching the videos? Either he’s just that insecure, or maybe he doesn’t really watch the videos and Ben told him Hero wanted him to go as a cowboy? Idk
- “you silly billy” “I am a little tipsy yes” ADORABLE
- Why is “he’s stating the obvious now isn’t he” the actual flirtiest thing Ben has ever said lol
- There it is, he DOES have a drink with him, he did get drunker between last episode and this episode
- “I don’t know what it is but it’s so good, it makes my tongue go all tingly” Ben. That might mean you’re allergic to it. Don’t ever drink something if you don’t know what it is! (It’s probably just that it’s carbonated, but still.)
- “The camera takes your sadness and makes it go poof” is an important character sentiment for Ben that will come up again. This IS where his attachment to the camera first starts to get unhealthy!
- “Like tears in the rain” listen I love this loser SO MUCH
- I said he was a sad wet cat of a drunk, but Ben is also a very silly drunk. Scolding the camera for making Claudio sad, awww
- “not the camera, the Captain” Pedro is the captain before he’s even himself, no wonder he feels so pressured to be perfect
- “this EXHAUSTIVELY DOWNER PARTY” meanwhile the background music is all cheery and everyone besides Ben and Claudio are dancing and having a grand old time
- Claudio, if you were brave enough to talk to Hero yourself when you have a question for her, you would avoid a lot of heartache.
- “he hasn’t gotten her for you, he’s gotten her from you” you’re not even dating yet and she can make her own choices!
- “the party’s been infected by a sadness bug” this sounds like a Doctor Who plot or something tbh
- “look at his little face!” Ben doing to Claudio what I want to do to Ben, he’s so squishy!
- “that hurts!” “I know it does, buddy, but you will get through it! You’re a brave little soldier!” Lol amazing
- Claudio is angry angsty, while Ben is sad angsty. You can tell Claudio will lash out at others about it while Ben will mostly just lash out at himself and the camera.
- Claudio leaves, Ben promises to tell Hero bye for him, and turns off the camera. Why are these all separate videos he turns the camera off after making? Maybe shorter videos are easier to edit quicker.
- Comments: loving on Tipsy Ben, being sad for Claudio, clocking Claudio’s cowboy costume as being for Hero. One comment saying Claudio doesn’t even seem to like Ben, which makes me sad because Ben is currently worrying that his friends don’t like him.
- Favorite comment: sydneymcgowan with “he looks like a little angel boy aw Ben”
- Indeed that’s my little angel boy and I LOVE HIM and his squishy face <333
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kosmokhaos · 3 months
Why do u still post role play things for ur sims if no one pays attention to it? I dont mean in a bad way but I am curious because I get discouraged if no one likes my stuff
Hi anon! Lol I post on my RP accounts because its fun for me. I genuinely don't care if it doesn't get attention. I'm a writer and artist with a big imaginative brain, and I'm mostly documenting my OC's personalities and lives while having fun talking to others in the process.
The sims 3 community is extremely small now, so I'm not expecting much reaction on what I post. But if you're discouraged about no one paying attention, I would say try to encourage others to interact the way you'd want to be interacted with. It doesn't always mean they'll respond in kind, but I believe in leading by example.
With that being said, I chat with anyone who's willing to interact with me, no matter which game they play. If you have sims you want to roleplay or post, feel free to just drop a comment or something. I could always use more active people to follow.
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haemosexuality · 1 year
insanely long analysis of the ep promise of she-ra <3
(first a bit of S1e10- the beacon)
[Adora is talking to the woods as she-ra.] Just let me fix this, please!  I-I can’t let anyone else get hurt. [she transforms back into adora and sits down] Fine. You win. You want me to be weak? Well. I am.  And I’m afraid. Because, I-I’m no good at any of this.
God doesn’t that hurt immediately off the bat. “just let me fix this, please” is a perfect summary of adoras entire character. She is so, so desperate to be useful- she needs to help other people, she needs to fix everything and save everyone. She cant let herself be a person, shes a vessel (HRUAHHRAGHHH season 5) to help others, shes a tool and a means to an end. Shes the hero. But shes bad at that, because no matter how much she represses herself, she feels and wants things so strongly all the time. She hopes and begs for direction and destiny but shes terrified of not having control. She will desperately try again and again to be the perfect hero-sacrifice that will heal the world and keep her friends safe but she doesn’t want that, not really, what she wants is to go to parties and hang out with her friends and catra, but she feels she doesn’t deserve that. She cant let herself have anything she wants. But she still does. Shes afraid and shes weak and shes too young for this. Her wanting things so strongly is what ruins everyones plans, shadow weaver’s and light hope’s and horde prime’s. its what saves everyone. This doesn’t have anything to do w the scene I was talking about anymore oops. “I’m no good at any of this” just confirms that, shes bad at being your standard self sacrificing selfless hero in the same way catra was bad at being an unfeeling purely evil villain. She just cant stop being a person
Ok now onto Promise: the ep starts immediately after that scene, with adora going inside the crystal castle looking for answers on how to heal glimmer, and catra following after her looking for tech that she can use (and also to spy on adora bc that might not have been her primary objective but shes not gonna pass up on that chance lol)
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“You are not ready yet. You must let go.” “let go of what?” [camera pans to catra] will always be so. Ugh poetic cinema
How did anyone ever trust light hope lmao immediately from the first time she shows up shes all like “free yourself of all of your earthly attachments and join my hero training course”. Also, again, adora’s attachment to catra (and glimmer and bow) has always been the main thing saving her from falling head first into self sacrificial bullshit. She cant let go of her. She will never fully let go of her.
Catra: What's going on? Why are those things trying to kill us?
She-Ra: They're trying to kill you. This place sees you as an invader.
Catra: Well, can't you tell them to stop?
She-Ra: [incredulously, frustrated] No, I can't tell them to stop! Clearly nothing in here is listening to me!
Oh I just realized something. The crystal castle is a place that was made for adora and caters to her, and it sees catra as an invader. Much like how in the Horde, adora was favoritized and shadow weaver’s center of attention while catra was mistreated and discarded. Seen as an invasion, a corrupting force in Adora’s life. The one thing adora cant control in the crystal castle is how it reacts to catra, it activates security protocol no matter what she does, like how adora could never fully protect catra from shadow weaver and the others. Even throughout the episode and at the end, we see catra fighting tooth and nail to survive everything the castle throws at her while adora undermines her (“I had it.” “Sure you did.”), and by the end all her fighting pays off and she comes out victorious, like how she goes up in the horde until shes effectively its lord. The crystal castle (im just gonna call it CC) literally becomes the fright zone throught the simulation too I cant believe I didn’t get this before
Catra: Anyway, what are you doing here? [angrily, sarcastically] Where are your new best friends? I thought you guys did eVeRyThInG together.
The similarity between this and the flashback scene where we see a child catra say “go eat with your new best friend lonnie! I know you like her better than me. Youre supposed to me my friend” really shows how immature they still are I think. Not as a like, inherent character flaw or smth, they just weren’t raised in a place where emotional maturity is a thing you learn. They were never taught how to deal with their emotions in any way, other than “repress it really hard, hit someone and blow up a civilian”. Of course theyre emotionally stunted. This probably also contributes to both of them’s very black and white way of thinking. Also theyre still in the 17-18 range so like literally theyre teens. Just goes to show that them being separated for a while was necessary, bc they needed to break off their codependency to be able to grow as people and mature emotionally, that would never happen if they stayed together and just enabling each others toxic traits, instead of being able to have a healthy relationship like they do after the end.
Something I also never considered before is why the CC showed them the memories it did? Like. Was it light hope that chose those? I assume so since she not only has shown she can do that but also watched adora her entire life so she knows all her memories. Did she specifically pick out painful memories that she thought would tear them further apart? It seems obvious now but I just never thought ab this before. The first memory shown does go against that tho, its just baby adora and catra being cute. Maybe she wanted to show them how much their relationship had deteriorated?
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Ooooouough this is when it starts to hurt pray for my emotional stability
Adora: ...Can I ask you something?
Catra: Can I stop you?
Adora: ...Why did you help me escape after Shadow Weaver captured us?
Catra: Not this again.
Adora: It's the one thing I can't figure out. You didn't have to do that. You could've gotten caught...why risk it? [Rock on the edge crumbles beneath her; yelps] Whoa, whoa, whoa--!
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Catra: Did you really think I'd just let Shadow Weaver erase your memory like that?
Adora: I dunno. Probably.
[Adora grunts as Catra pulls her up]
Catra: Yeah, well, you never did have too much faith in me.
Adora: Can you blame me?
Catra: Not really.
This is so. Ugh. I love adora but especially in the first season shes so.. girl what are you doing!!!! How can she be so ignorant. Obviously I know how but. Augh so much of catra’s hurt stems from this… when I say that adora was fully, totally brainwashed by the horde, I don’t mean just that she believed their propaganda about the war, or whatever bullshit shadow weaver ingrained in her about her purpose. She also believed what they all said about catra. To a lesser extend, obviously, and she loved catra with all of herself- but she did still believe catra was a bit lazy, kinda disrespectful, uncaring, etc. and I cant even totally blame her, because catra actively tried to make herself seem all those things. Catra didn’t want to let anyone know how hard she tried, how much she hurt, so she played up the “aloof, lazy student/soldier who doesn’t care about anything” role as much as she could. But still, god, the way adora treated her must have hurt so much. “you never did have too much faith in me” absolutely breaks my heart. Catra cared about adora so much. She cared about adora more than anything in her life. Obviously she would do anything to prove herself once she can, look at how even the person who loved her the most thought about her. Im gonna talk more ab this later there are better scenes for that. But also I CANNOT BELIEVE ADORA IN THIS!!! GIRL WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!! WDYM CAN U BLAME ME YES I CAN (ignore the part where I said I couldn’t) DON’T JUST SAY THAT SHE SAVED YOUR LIFE. OH MY GOD ok. Being a catra, an adora, and a catradora stan means sometimes u really want to slap s1 adora in the face. For multiple reasons. and the fact catra agrees too…. Catra hates herself so much. She truly honestly believes shes a bad person and it breaks my heart. And unfortunately for everyone, catra has shown that she'll always play a role that shes assigned to the max. everyone believed that shes a villain, she believed that shes a villain, so by fucking god shes gonna be a villain.
putting the rest of this under a readmore bc its longggg
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her tail touching adoras hand i am on the floor
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Catra: It wasn't all bad growing up in the Fright Zone, was it? I mean, you still have some good memories, right? (dont trust the subtitles in the pics theyre wrong)
THIS scene destroys me. Catra’s so- she always knew the horde was evil, ok, she always knew their childhood was bad. But she endured it for adora. To catra, all the happy memories they made growing up were worth it- all for adora. It didn’t matter what they did. Only to see adora throw all these moments away the moment she realized the rest of it was bad? God, catra mustve felt like she was garbage to adora. Something that wasn’t even worth thinking about once she had the opportunity of something better. Shes very aloof here, as always, but she probably feels a bit desperate- was it worth it for you too? Did any of it matter to you? Where you just miserable the entire time?
Adora: Of course I do. But it doesn't change the fact that the Horde is evil. I had no choice. I couldn't go back.
This is adora’s biggest problem tho. She had no choice, she couldn’t go back. She never feels like she can choose anything based on what she actually wants. Shes always, always driven by this need to do good, the right thing. And this is where theyre most incompatible at first, because while catra only cares about adora and that’s her priority, adora has Morals and puts the greater good over her personal relationships, which to catra makes it seem like she doesn’t care about her. Her happy memories were absolutely worth it to adora, but theyre not more important than the good of the entire world. (I don’t think adora having a sense of morality and not wanting to side with a military empire is a bad thing, catra was the villain of the show for a reason and the reason is that obviously working for something that wants to take over the world is bad. Im just explaining how this is what drove them apart, how catras mind works, and to an extend why you can understand her side and emphatize with her even if she was in the wrong. That trait of adora’s does get bad when she starts acting like she needs to kill herself for that greater good tho.)
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them taking a moment to play-fight in the middle of all of that makes me want to sobbbbb 😭😭😭
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TINY LITTLE BABIESSSSSSSSSSS Young Catra: What was that? Way to gang up on me!
Young Lonnie: You were fighting dirty. I was just leveling the field.
[Catra shakes and growls in anger as Adora walks up and places a hand on Catra's shoulder]
Young Adora: Hey, you were awesome! Did I hurt you?
Young Catra: No, I'm fine. You're just lucky I let you win.
Young Adora: Riiiiiiiight.
Young Catra: I'm serious! [scoffs] If I came in first, people might expect me to actually start doing stuff around here. Trust me, second place suits me just fine.
Young Adora: Yeah, okay.
EVERYTHING I SAID BEFORE. you can see catra was obviously extremely upset that she didn’t win, but admitting that would be admitting defeat. She shrinks herself to fit into this “no im fine, im chill, im not even trying in fact. I don’t care” attitude, because that hurts less than admitting that shes trying so, so hard but no one believes in her and she keeps losing to adora (mostly bc the other cadets and staff favoritize adora over her, and discriminate against her, making it harder for her to succeed in anything). And adora believes her. “second place suits me just fine” was the mantra catra kept telling herself through her entire life to try and feel less hurt about living in adoras shadow.
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though it wasn’t working, and her resentment towards adora kept growing more and more.
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oh this scene could be ab so many things. Catra literally slipping through her fingers. A parallel to earlier, when catra held onto adora and helped her up, while here theyre torn apart by a force stronger than them. How adora tried but couldn’t save catra. Aughh
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and here, we see how capable catra is. Shes both extremely strong (able to rip herself out of… whatever that is) and extremely smart, even under pressure (in seconds she figures out where she has damage this thing shes never seen before so it stops working)
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only for adora to come in, “save the day” after she had already saved herself, and act all. “sure you did” about it. Again, making absolutely clear catra knows she doesn’t believe in her.
Adora: What is your problem? I was just trying to save you.
Catra: For the last time, I don't need you to save me. I've been doing just fine on my own. No thanks to you.
That says everything on its own. Adora doesn’t understand why catra is hurt/angry, she doesn’t even understand how what she said undermines catra. And catra is extremely bitter that adora keeps acting like That. Also, something I haven’t touched on is that adora leaving the horde put catra in so much danger. She was the only thing providing catra with even the slightest bit of protection, which catra -hated- but absolutely depended on, since shadow weaver had made clear that catra was -only ever kept alive because of adora-. Adora defecting put catra in danger not only of the other cadets targeting her, but of death. Catra was left all alone to survive in those conditions, and she did, and now adora keeps acting like catra needs her to save her.
Adora: Catra, wait. ...I'm sorry for leaving. I couldn't go back to the Fright Zone, not after I saw what the Horde was really doing. something that must have stung too is the idea that adora saw innocent people suffering, and that led her to realize that the horde was bad. But she had seen catra being abused by the horde their whole life, and yet still thought the horde was good. What does that say about how adora saw catra? Did she think catra deserve it, wasn’t innocent enough for that violence to be unwarranted? Was her suffering not enough for adora to realize how fucked up that was? (again, we’re able to know that it wasn’t that, adora was just as abused as catra, watching someone be physically abused is also extremely traumatized and kids will learn to justify the abuse theyre experiencing to themselves or others and might not realize its wrong u cant expect a kid to know how to act in a situation like that she was in as much survival mode as catra was and her trying to keep herself in shadow weaver’s good side was just her desperately trying to keep herself safe etc etc this is from catras perspective) I never wanted to leave you. ...You could come with me! You-you-you could join the rebellion! I know you're not a bad person, Catra. You don't belong with the Horde.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA this hurts so much. Adora might have internalized some of what the horde said ab catra and catra might have felt that 10 times as strong than it actually was but adora never actually believed catra was a bad person. Shes probably the only one (before scorpia and entrapta) that Didn’t think catra was destined to be a disgrace, to be bad. And its so sad bc even with all their flaws she loves catra so so much and she wants catra to come with her so much. Adora now has access to a life where she has the opportunity to be happy and she so desperately wants to give catra that same life. She knows catra deserves better and she can see that now more clearly than ever. But its too late, catra is too hurt and too angry to follow her and even if at this point adoras words might have some effect on her, its about to get so much worse. :(
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Fuck this next part is going to hurt. Ok
Shadow Weaver: [screams angrily] Get out!
[Young Adora cries out in alarm as dark magic encloses the exit]
Shadow Weaver: Catra... [young Adora turns to see young Catra's form enveloped in a paralyzing, zapping magic] ...you stay.
[Young Catra grunts as she is forced to stand]
Shadow Weaver: What do you think you're doing in here?
[Shadow Weaver makes young Catra turn, feet squeaking on the floor as she does so without picking up her feet; Shadow Weaver clicks her mask back in place]
Catra: [fearfully] We were just playing.
Shadow Weaver: [hatefully] Insolent child. I've come to expect such disgraceful behavior from you. But I will not allow you to drag Adora down as well.
Adora: [pleading] Shadow Weaver, it wasn't her fault, it was my idea, too!
Shadow Weaver: [hatefully, still talking to Catra] You have never been anything more than a nuisance to me! I've kept you around this long because Adora was fond of you, but if you ever do anything to jeopardize her future, I will dispose of you myself. [slowly, enunciating] Do you understand?
Adora: [runs between them, throwing her arms out to protect young Catra; pleading] Please stop!
[The dark magic dissipates back into Shadow Weaver's cloak as she groans and moves back toward the Garnet; Young Adora and young Catra share a look before young Adora runs over to Shadow Weaver]
Adora: She didn't mean to!
Shadow Weaver: [placidly, attempting to soothe] Adora, you must do a better job of keeping her under control. [Shadow Weaver finally lets young Catra out of the paralyzing magic and she grunts as she falls to the ground] Do not let something like this happen again. [she pats young Adora's head as young Catra looks on]
Transcripts and screenshots cannot properly convey the dread of this scene. In a flashback, catra and adora are caught by shadow weaver playing in a place they weren’t supposed to be in, and shadow weaver paralyzes catra with electric magic we know is extremely painful to be caught in, and threatens her life. Catra and adora look to be like, between 6-7 years old in this scene. Theres so much happening here. This lays the foundation to basically everything that happens in the show.
First off, shadow weaver singles out, physically hurts catra, and blames her for something that adora initiated. then, she makes it clear that she sees catra and someone that is bad, and she doesn’t expect anything else from her. And, she says catra is a bad influence in adora’s life, tainting whats perfect, and that tells her that every time after this that adora “acts out”, will be catra’s fault.
she tells catra that, if she ever feels like catra is “ruining” adora, she will get killed. From now on, adora’s friendship is literally what is keeping catra alive. This will, understandably, fuck their relationship up a little bit and also make catra incredibly dependent on adora. She will do anything to keep being adora’s friend and she will have to make sure that shadow weaver doesn’t feel like she is making adora behave out of line or that she isn’t becoming better than adora, isn’t taking her number 1 spot away from her.
she goes on to tell adora, who has been watching all of this, that its her job to make sure catra is kept in line. She’s seen what happens when she doesn’t. this will make adora feel incredibly responsible for catras well being, and like she has to constantly save catra and beg for catra to act right, otherwise catra will get hurt and itll be her fault. On the other hand, adora is a child who just saw someone get tortured, and subconsciously shes gonna make sure to always stay in shadow weavers good side, not only bc if she doesn’t then catra gets punished but because she does not want that to happen to her too.
catra, who was frozen and electrocuted and berated, saw adora get gently talked to, “reassured”, and receive physical affection.
that results in catra growing up both extremely attached and extremely bitter of adora, for “having it easy” and always acting like shes her savior, while she has to constantly walk on eggshells (on a minefield, honestly) so she doesn’t get physically abused. She starts resenting adora as anything she does gets blamed on her, and shes forced to live as her shadow, her bad influence, the devil to adora’s angel. And in adora having a major savior/messiah complex, she feels like shes responsible for saving everyone, and every time someone gets hurt its her fault. She will live the rest of her life trying fix and save everything, because if she can’t then what good is she?
understanding that this is where all of their motivations, flaws, traumas and personalities come from will help u understand the entire show better tbh. It all comes down to shadow weaver. [Young Adora and Catra are walking down a hall in the Fright Zone, just after this incident; they walk past a pillar and become Present Adora and Catra again]
Catra: You always need to play the hero, don't you?
Adora: I was only trying to protect you.
Catra: You never protected me! Not in any way that would put you on Shadow Weaver's bad side.
[Scene transitions to Young Adora and Catra in the same place]
Young Catra: Admit it. You love being her favorite!
Young Adora:  That's not true!
Young Catra: Oh, yeah? [glitches back to Present Catra (and Adora)] When you left, who do you think took the fall for you? Who was protecting me then?
Adora: You don't have to let Shadow Weaver treat you like that anymore. You can leave--[glitches back to Young Adora and Catra]--just like I did!
Young Catra: Oh, because I need to follow you everywhere you go?!
Young Adora: I didn't mean it that way.
[glitches back to Present Adora and Catra]
Catra: I don't. Want. To leave. What don't you understand about that? I'm not afraid of Shadow Weaver anymore, and I'm a better Force Captain than you would've ever been.
[glitches back to Young Adora and Catra]
Young Adora: You always said you didn't care about things like that...
Young Catra: [crying] Well, I was lying, obviously!
[glitches back to Present Adora and Catra; Catra begins to walk away]
Adora: Catra, just wait!
Catra: Why do you think I gave the sword back to you in the Fright Zone? I didn't want you to come back, Adora!
That scene lays out everything I said so perfectly I don’t even have anything to add.
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This scene where catra is running through a simulation of all her most painful memories and desperately screams LET! ME! OUT OF HERE!! perfectly represents what spiraling like that feels like
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[a younger Catra, maybe 5 or younger, is crying and hiding her face in a blanket on their bunk in the Fright Zone]
Young Adora: [peers from around a doorway] ...Catra?
[Young Catra continues to sob as Young Adora walks to her; Young Adora peels back the cover from Young Catra's face, and Young Catra hisses]
Young Adora: Catra, it's okay, it's just me. It doesn't matter what they do to us, you know? You look out for me, and I look out for you. Nothing really bad can happen as long as we have each other.
Young Catra and Present Catra: You promise?
Young Adora: I promise.
And then the promise. Everything catra went through, all the abuse and bullying, she put up with all of it because of this. She held onto their promise until the end. But the moment adora decided to leave the horde, she broke their promise.
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as the memory-simulation ends, young catra gives a look to present catra. One that probably said, remember this. Remember how much you mean for each other. Don’t break your part of the promise. But this isn’t how catra takes it at all. all this tells catra, all that this entire day has told catra, is how terrible adora is. Adora ruined her life. Adora lied to her, said they’d be together forever only to abandon her. Adora forced her to be in her shadow. Adora is the reason shadow weaver never treated her right. She looks at her younger self and thinks, I'll avenge you. Im never gonna let anyone hurt you ever again. Im going to show all of them how strong I can be, ill rise to the top and ill be unstoppable. Im never letting anybody put me down ever again.
(and then is season 5, seeing a younger version of herself is also what makes her realize how wrong she was, how this isn’t the path she wants to take. Its what motivates her to get better, be better. Thinking about herself as a child kickstarted both her descent into being a villain and her redemption arc/recovery.) [Adora is holding onto dear life to some ropes or smth that are keeping her from falling off a cliff. Catra shows up]
Adora: [hopeful] Catra?
Catra: [holding the sword, rubs a finger along its side] Hey, Adora.
Adora: [pleading] Catra, help me, please...
Catra: [contemplatively unhurried] This thing wouldn't work for me if I tried, would it? It only works for you. Then again, you're special. That's what Shadow Weaver always said.
Adora: Catra...what are you doing?
Catra: Ah, you know? It all makes sense now. You've always been the one holding me back. You wanted me to think I needed you. You wanted me to feel weak. Every hero needs a sidekick, right?
Adora: [desperately] Catra, no, that's not how it was...
Catra: [laughs humorlessly] The sad thing is, I've spent all this time hoping you'd come back to the Horde, when really you leaving was the best thing that ever happened to me. I am so much stronger than anyone ever thought.  
I wonder what I could've been if I'd gotten rid of you sooner...
[Catra cuts the last of the rope holding Adora up; Adora shrieks as she falls, catching a rock handhold on the way down]
Adora: I-I'm sorry! I never meant to make you feel like you were second best! Please don't do this!
[Catra looks at the sword, then tosses it into the chasm; it clangs on the way down, Adora gasps lightly]
Catra: Bye, Adora. I really am going to miss you.
 And then she fucking lion kings adora. The fucking episode ever number 1 villain origin story of the century catra you will always be everything to me. Writing this took 6 hours im so tired. And then the episode ends with light hope once more telling adora she needs to let go AUGH so good. I need to go to sleep. if you read all of this i love u i hope u liked it <3 also u might like this post also
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mycupofrum · 1 year
Jilypad Week 2023
Day 2  
What Headcanons do you have for this ship? IE, things like how they got together or what they enjoy doing together.  Anything really.  
My Jilypad HCs:
I like the idea that Lily has always known that to be with James Potter means having Sirius Black in her life as well, but when she really understands how deep their bond is, it scares her and makes her a little jealous at first. This could happen for example after one of them nearly dies in an attack by Voldemort and the DEs, and afterwards James and Sirius are shaken to the core at the idea of either losing the other.
I have two options for how Lily sees James and Sirius: 1) Lily knows James is interested in Sirius before James does because he is so bad at hiding his feelings and all those lovey-dovey eyes he makes for Sirius, or 2) Lily realises James and Sirius already have a dating history together because of the way they are with each other, always sitting close to each other, hugging a little bit too long, Sirius knowing some really intimate details about James (e.g. he likes to be bitten in the neck, which Sirius reveals one night when they're all drinking together lol) and James acting jealous those few times Sirius decides to go on a date with someone. For whatever reason James has chosen to be with Lily but still misses Sirius, and Lily can't help but notice it.
Despite everything, Lily does get along with Sirius and they share a similar sense of wry humour. But after she realises how James really feels about him, she starts to pay more attention to Sirius, tries to see what James sees in him, and it’s not like it’s hard because Sirius is conventionally so damn attractive, but beyond that, she starts to see behind the distantly polite and/or completely cold image that Sirius shows most people (depending on whether he thinks someone is worth his minimum appreciation or not) and how he is with James (open, playful, warm, loving).  
Lily decides to have a conversation with Sirius, letting him know that she knows how he and James feel about each other, and she’s not going to stand in anyone’s way if it should come to that because love can’t be forced. Sirius is a little taken aback but ensures her that he’s pretty sure James only loves her, and he’s not going to come between her and James. That’s just how Sirius is, silently hurting, but he loves James so much that he just wants him to be happy, and if that’s with Lily, then so be it. Likewise, Lily is willing to give up on James as well if he genuinely wouldn't want to be with her.
Yet, Lily knows that James does love her, but he also loves Sirius. And Sirius...he’s loved James from the beginning. His loyalty to James moves Lily because she feels just as fiercely about James.
Eventually, Sirius opens up to Lily more. They definitely bond over having a difficult relationship with their siblings. Sirius is also so smart and knows so much about magic, even the kind that James doesn’t because the Black library with its books on very questionable spells used to be his escape during the summer holidays when he still lived at Grimmauld Place. Lily is impressed by Sirius's knowledge and magical abilities, and likewise he’s very impressed by her magic, especially her skills in charms and potions.
Sirius also doesn’t mind that Lily is ambitious to always strive to become better, which is something she appreciates, especially since she still feels a bit of an outsider on some things because she comes from a muggle family and doesn’t have the same kind of innate knowledge of the wizarding world than those who are born into it have. (James always says, “Nonsense, you're already amazing, you don’t have to prove yourself.” But she feels that she does have to prove herself, over and over again. James doesn’t understand it like Sirius does, who has to prove himself because of the family he comes from.)
Sirius is curious about muggle music, inventions and politics, and Lily is happy to talk about muggle topics with him.  
Lily knows only a little bit about Sirius’s background but nothing in detail because James has promised not to tell his best friend’s secrets to anyone, not even her, which she respects. When Sirius finally opens up about his family to her, she truly starts to appreciate him and the difficult choice he had to make from a young age to go against the Black family values, and what role James has played in his life.
Lily confesses to Sirius how hard it was to end her friendship with Snape. While Sirius has nothing good to say about him, he does understand loyalty and how much it hurts turn away from those you’ve grown up with. After that, Lily finds some kind of peace with the intense friendship that James and Sirius have. She also develops a closer friendship with Sirius and doesn’t mind having him around their house every day or as often as he can visit them.
When Lily dreams about Sirius for the first time, she wakes up sweaty and flushed next to James (who’s definitely dreaming about him too) and feels a little guilty about it. Yet, she can’t stop it and finds herself having more and more fantasies about Sirius, though she still loves James as much as ever, and this newly found interest in Sirius makes it all the more complicated for her. She also dreams of James and Sirius together, but instead of becoming jealous at the thought like she used to, it’s now a turn on for her. Oh dear. 
James is too conventional to realise they could all be together, so Lily thinks she should probably do something about it to make it happen. She talks to Sirius first, who is surprised but eventually agrees that this is something they should all explore.
Meanwhile, James is clueless about everything, loving them both while trying his best to keep it romantic with Lily and platonic with Sirius (bless him). When Lily kisses James and then turns him towards Sirius, and he kisses James and then Lily, it’s an explosion of fireworks in James's mind, because this is everything he never knew he could have.
This is still a bit unfinished in my mind and became almost a fanfic on its own but whatever. 😀 You can make this trio get together in so many different ways and this is just one interpretation. Also, everyone stays very much alive in this AU.
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dreamieparadise · 3 months
❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤍🖤 💖💔💕📖🏳️‍🌈💀
I took so long so I'm sorry, Jojo!! I'll include the questions with the answers ☆ ~('▽^人) Answers below because these are a lot of questions!
🧡: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
Imma be real, I don't really pay attention to fan theories...? Like...do we have any...well Jojo told me there was one about how Gokudera survived on the streets and that was really disgusting to me. :) I completely disagree this poor kid had to "sell himself" in order to survive, especially when the manga and light novel made it clear he was surviving through violence.
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
D18!!!! I can't get behind it because every iteration I see of it...Hibari never acts like himself? Like who is that! That's not Hibari ;A; like age gap aside and stuff, even when they're both adults he's so...unlike him. Just some blushing mewling beast. lol
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
I'm always surprised by how people forget that Gokudera is a sweetheart? The guy doesn't "like" but LOVE and so deeply too!! If you're someone he claims, he'll be more likely to treat you like he did Tsuna than, like, Yamamoto...I always wonder why folks don't think that? Gokudera is someone who is love starved in every sense of the word so if he fell for you than he'd drink you up like a man in the desert searching for water. He wouldn't be mean to you at all!! Also I love to think as the series progresses passed its end, Gokudera would soften and become sweeter with the rest of the gang as well. He is just awkward, angry and cautious. Like a street cat! He needs time!
💙: Which character is not as hot as everyone else seems to think?
I love how these questions are like... "let's start a fight!" lmao anyway, hmmm...who isn't as hot as everyone thinks...this is hard because KHR is full of such pretty people!! I feel like anyone I say, it'd be like...obvious and not an unpopular opinion? -thinks some more- um...Bel [decided to start a fight]
💜: Which character is way hotter than everyone else seems to think?
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🤍: Which character is not as morally bad as everyone else seems to think?
This is a funny one because I think instead of saying "not as morally bad" I see takes that soften them up instead? Hm, let's see...let's go with...bruh. lol THIS ONE IS ALSO HARD! Let's go with Squalo but only because he has some manners [he brings a gift when visiting! What a decent fellow!!]
🖤: Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think?
DINO CAVALLONE! He is total scum but I keep seeing things about how he's super sweet and a wonderful guy? It's funny though, ahaha. Dino himself says he is scum! I think it's due to him having a strong sense of responsibility and obligation that has people thinking this though. Like how he calls Tsuna "family" or how civilians in his territory are the most taken care of. Cx
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
Apparently it's the fact this series is misogynistic lol also not well written but the misogyny is the biggest sin for me!!!
💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
SHAMAL. Or rewrite him the way Jojo and I do! Because I'm not fond of sexual predator characters ok lol like stop groping people!!! ESPECIALLY THE MINORS? [If you're wondering we just take that part of him out but he is still a massive cheater and still a scumbag...]
💕: What is an unpopular ship that you like?
An unpopular ship I like...? Mimi x everyone. Okay, okay...I'll be serious... (¬‿¬ ) anyway...for canon characters, I really love Reborn x Colonnello! I actually don't know what is or isn't popular, tho lol I just hardly see this ship these days! I find them really funny. Another one...Hibari x Ryohei is another goldmine!!
📖: If you had to remove one book from the series, which would you choose?
One book from the series...let's go with Arc instead? lol if I had to remove one arc...yeah sorry Enma, I love you but the rest of your family can kick rocks so that Arc can go!!
🏳️‍🌈: Which character who is commonly headcanoned as queer doesn't seem queer to you?
huh, hm. Tbh a few but I'll go with Tsuna!! I really can't see it but I still love plenty of mlm ships with him. It's so cute! HIM AND TAKESHI THOUGH!!! ARUGH. Like when we diverge canon it's like...now it can happen!! Yay.
💀: If you had to choose one major character to die, who would you choose?
If I had to choose a major character? Tbh he is my fave villain in the series, I love Byakuran soooooo much! But he should not have returned lmao I say that even though I find present! Byakuran soooo much fun! But still!! He should stay dead!
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undyingadmiration · 2 years
It'll Be Alright
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Being distracted
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☄️{a/n: my girlfriend just broke up with me so this is sort of just, a personal comfort thing with a handful of my favorite characters lmao- sorry if anyone is too painfully ooc,I'm not in the best mental state}
☄️{a/n two lol: this was originally gonna have like 3 more characters in it to fully round off my favorites but alas I did not have the energy 😔}
[Characters: Cyno, Gorou, Albedo, Kandake, and Layla, not in this order]
{Contents: characters finding out you're upset, no cause for reader being upset specified}
{Warnings: author projecting its stutter onto reader,a terrible joke by cyno (affectionately) }
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Albedo is far better at picking up subtle cues than most people realize, and catches your downcast look in an instant. You had visited the alchemist in his frozen lab, with no real goal in mind, you just figured his presence would make you feel better. "(Name)? Are you alright?" His voice gently interrupted your meaningless babble, his gaze catching your own the moment you dared to look up at him. Your heart leapt into your throat, and it took an uncomfortable moment of silence before you could force your voice past it. "Yeah! I'm just... Ah.. " It was hard to lie to him, so you went with a very simplified truth. "I just... Really wanted your company," you finished. The blond gave a soft hum in response, finally looking back over towards his notes. After a second, Albedo looks back to you. "Come here then, you can help me sort these pages" Grateful he didn't press any further, you shuffled up to his side, and spent the rest of your day easily distracted from your troubles.
Cyno catches on with ease as well, based less on the subtle misery in your eyes and more on the significant lack of energy in your responses. You had bugged him to take you out on patrol, the two of you securing the camps that scholars had made in the desert. Usually, the space between you two was relaxed, and he was comfortable with it- telling bad jokes to welcome your teasing and advice- sometimes they were too hard to understand, after all. "What's wrong?" Tilting his head at you, amber eyes glowing in the setting sun. "Oh- um," his question came out of nowhere, and it left you scrambling for an answer that would simultaneously satisfy his curiosity, and not make you sound so pitiful you needed to be sent home immediately. "I was just...upset, something happened and I thought that working and spending time with you could help keep it off my mind for a little... It won't impact my fighting, promise!" Readjusting your nervous grip on your weapon, you could barely hear the desert howling over your heart thudding against your ribs. "Well, if you say so, but you know you can talk to me if you need to (name). After all," he lowered his head to emphasize his helmet, "I'm all ears."
Gorou could feel it on you the second you walked into the tent, that heavy cloud of sadness stuck to you, dragging you down as you tried to go about as usual. It was near torture sitting through the meeting, and as unprofessional as it was, he could barely pay attention to the strategy plan as he impatiently flicked his ears, desperate for the first second he would be able to ask you what was hurting you. A few huffed answers here and there, and the meeting was over and he could dart over to you and tug you to the side. "What happened (name), what's got you so upset?" He immediately grills you, hardly giving you time to adjust to his sudden closeness and his comforting grip on your hands. Even if he wasn't already keenly aware you were upset, it would've been impossible to lie to him, staring up at you like a lost puppy. "Well it's... I mean, it's nothing for you to worry about! I, um... I..." It took you a few seconds to gather your thoughts, eyes anxiously looking at anything but the man in front of you. "I'm... I'm not ready to talk about it yet but- I didn't want to wallow in it so I'm here... Please don't send me back home-" You hardly managed to finish the sentence with how immediately he wrapped himself around you, hidden muscles squeezing you tight for the briefest moment before pulling away in a blur. "It's ok! We'll step out and train for awhile, would that help?"
Kandake would notice when she came over to visit, quietly stepping through your entryway and finding you tucked into yourself on the couch with a faraway look in your eyes. Careful not to startle you, she made her way over and sat next to you before gently placing her hand on your knee, startling you into proper consciousness. "Oh Kandake! I- I'm sorry, I didn't hear you come in, please let me get you something to drink-" Your rush to stand up was halted by Kandakes hand, still on your knee but firm in its hold. Swallowing thickly, you eased yourself back onto the cushions, unable to look away from her dual colored gaze swimming with concern. "(Name), what's wrong? I've never seen you in such a state" she finally asks, brows furrowed and shifting to sit closer. "Nothing! I mean, I'm just- tired, yeah... Just tired." It was a pitiful excuse that obviously neither of you believed, but after a minute she relinquished her hold on you, thankfully not going to push any further. "Well, I'm not going to interrogate you, but I'm not going to leave you be, either. The winds are picking up outside, so I'll keep you company in here. How about we finish that story we started the other night, hm?"
Layla wouldn't notice on her own, but not for lack of trying. You step into her room and find her hunched at her desk, desperately rubbing one eye and writing with her other hand. You know she has a lot of work to catch up on, and you certainly didn't intend to make that task harder for her, but this aching pit inside you led straight to her. You quietly sat down on a spare chair, planning to make yourself get by with only her presence and not her attention. That didn't turn out very well though, because after a handful of minutes of staring down at the floor, her sleepy voice breaks the silence of the room. "(Name)? What are you doing here?" You snapped your head up, making eye contact with her as she gently tilted her head towards you. "Oh I was just- well I was- I hope I didn't bother you?" You winced at the inability to spit out a decent sentence, and watched as she took a second to yawn. "No, I can work while you're here, don't worry about that. Should I worry about you being here though?" It wasn't a harsh question by any means, but it made that pit in your stomach rocket into a spike of pain. "No! No not at all, I'll be okay! I can, I can go!" Stumbling in your rush to stand up, Layla called your name again, drawing your attention back to her. "You answered a question I didn't really ask there," you winced again, biting your lip, "but I'd prefer if you stayed. I'm almost done with this specific paper, afterwards we can talk if you'd like, or we can have a mutual nap!"
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halloweenyyyy · 1 year
This is the other version, lol.
Remember Luffy is an Omega in this one, Zoro's an Alpha, and Koby's a Beta. (If anyone actually reads this, and wants to know what they smell, just ask.
Oh and I kinda went back and forth on the anime, and Manga.
Plus I meant to post this last year, lmao. I just needed to finish the bottom part.
"We're here! The marine based city!" Yelled out Luffy, excitedly raising an arm to the sky. Proceeding to walk down the dirt path, leading to a busy crowd of people. Koby following behind, with a heavy scent of anxiety. 
"Luffy! If you think the right thing to do is get this guy to join you, you're out of your mind!" Koby argued, trying to make him see his point. It was like arguing with a wall.
"Well… I haven't made up my mind yet. I gotta see if he's a good guy." If his friend had the will to smack himself in the face he would've. 
"—prison! Because he's obviously not!" He must've zoned out for a second, missing the first part of the sentence. Although he doubts he missed too much of it. 
Bounding over to a fruit stand, he picked up a green pear. Instantly taking a bite out of it, and devouring it within seconds. Turning to the owner, he flips a coin, a smile playing at her lips in delight. “Hey, is that guy Zoro around here somewhere?” The crowd that was once gathered, now dispersed. The air reeked with fright, and panic. Covering his nose, he begins to move away from the suffocating scents.
“May—” Drowning out koby, the faintest scent of steel, and blood capturing his attention instead. “Luffy!” Regaining his sense, he glances back with a questioning gaze. The other male feeling his anxiety skyrocket, because since arriving there his friend has been in and out a daze.
Was it all in his head? Nothing seemed to be wrong. “Yeah?” He was back to his smiley self, was his mind really playing tricks on him?
“N-nothing! We just shouldn’t mention Zoro here, ok?” Not really answering his question, they began to move forward down the path road. Something of uneasiness brewing in the pit of his stomach.
“Let’s head to the base and check it out, you wanna be a marine right?” Luffy suggested, while they continued walking. 
“Of course I do! But I really don’t think I’m ready just yet…” The beta left the silence linger for a few seconds. “Although from what I heard, the man in charge of this base is named Captain Morgan.” Gasps and screams erupted in the air, everyone who was once in close range stood as far as they could from them.
“This town is such a weird place!” The taller of the two laughed, yet it sounded forced. Had anyone been properly paying attention, they would have caught on. Though now with a large number of people out of the way, he quickly moved away from the smell the people emitted. Holding himself back from gagging, his stomach churning, not enough to make him back down from a challenge.
Oblivious to the other’s dilemma, the anxious friend went on to continue with, “That was odd, I mean I understand if they’re scared of zoro. But why did they flip out when I mentioned the marine captain’s name? I don’t know… I got a bad feeling about this.” Unbeknownst that he is spot on, about not feeling right.
“Maybe they were all just joking around for the fun of it?” The doubt settled over them, causing more of a confusion in the situation. If anything the people should feel a sense of relief, or even security at the name, especially being that of the person who is meant to take care of the island and its civilians.
“And how would that make any sense?” Koby asked, bringing out a point. Which further caused his anxiety to raise, to a sickening scent of fish rotting. The taller turned, once they were in a secluded area, and pulled off his patch. “Luffy?” He watched as the other leaned in and rubbed his neck against his, and the inside of his wrist. His overwhelming anxiety, calming down, he realized what he had done. He had scented him, to help his uneasiness. Without saying anything the taller one placed his patch on, turned back around, and continued to walk as if nothing had happened.
“This looks like the place!” Luffy smiled looking around excitedly, and catching that tantalizing scent.
Without realizing his friend wasn’t actually there to listen, he began his farewell speech. “I made it! This is where you and I part ways luffy, we didn’t have long together but…” Though he froze at the sound of struggle, his heart no longer beating as he turned his eyes upward.
“Where’s the foothold?” There was the momentary moment he wanted to strangle him, alas he knew he would never be able to. 
“Get down from there! What are you doing?! They'll see you!” The panic settled back in, especially if he’s caught with luffy. He doesn’t want this to end in tragedy, with his dream crushed, and the possibility of him and luffy in prison. “Get down!” He urged, although his plea fell on deaf ears.
“Now where’s this demon?!” Seeming to gain his balance, he looked around, squinting his eyes in search of the legend himself. Excitement bubbling in his chest, at the possibility of gaining a strong member.
“With everyone fearing him, they wouldn’t keep him out in the open. He’s probably tucked in a prison cell below ground!” Hoping that he listens to his logic, it didn’t make any impact to deter him from searching on.
“There he is!” Jumping down from the gated doors, he begins to run. Hollering “Imma get closer!” as he ran, making his way to the stone wall. Stretching enough to peak over. “Koby look!” A sense of fright ran through him, before it settled down since it’s unreasonable. Why would they have a powerful swordsman out in the open, when anything could happen. Like luffy could happen.
Climbing up, he looked at luffy before turning forward. “Ugh… I’m telling you he’s not eh!” It was just his luck. The man tied to the pole, Roronoa Zoro, the person his friend hopes to recruit. It was as if the odds were with him.
“If we untie those ropes, he could just walk away!” If he wasn’t holding on to the wall for support, he would facepalm himself. His friend clearly having no sense of awareness when it has to do with danger, and the danger is the person he wants to take on.
“Oh luffy! Don’t be such an idiot! There’s no telling what a bandit like him would do! If you let him go he might just kill us both!” That’s what worried him more than anything. His sour scent clouding up to the scent of rotting once again. 
Without trying to react to koby’s scent, he gritted his teeth, closing his eyes, to gain back his ability to speak. “Don’t worry! I’m strong! I can protect us!” Even with confidence, he began to feel sick with the never ending scent that he had been able to ignore up until now.
“Hey you two! You’re an eyesore! Get lost!” The supposed demon beast called out, annoyed as the two idiots bickered ruining his peace.
“Trust me luffy! There’s no chance of survival with someone like him in your crew!” His panic dulling his senses, as he tried to divert him from trying to recruit zoro. A small girl with pigtails climbed up beside him, he opened his mouth to scream in surprise, but the girl made a shushing sound as she pressed a finger to her lips. Watching with shock, he snaps out of it when he realizes she jumped down.
“Ah! We got to stop her! She’ll be killed by the marines or worse the demon himself!” Koby cried out, looking alarmed as luffy made no movement to help. Ignoring his friend’s fear he watched as the girl made her way to the swordsman.
“What do you want?” He asked, as the child stood a few feet before him.
She looked nervous before she began speaking. “I-i thought you may be getting hungry now! So I made you a couple rice balls!” Holding out the rice balls, she had been clutching to her chest protectively.
“You gotta a death wish kid? Scram!” His eyes narrowed into a glare, causing the child to grow anxious. His eyes soften for a moment, before they harden again.
“But you haven’t eaten anything the whole time you’ve been tied up! Here! I’ve never really made them before! But I did my best so I think they're fine.” Flinching, her lower lip wobbles at the feeling of harshness coming from him.
“Listen kid! I’m not hungry! Now stop irritating me and get out of here!” The beast growled, a sense of dread growing as the sound of walking grew louder in his direction. “Leave!”
“B-but I—” Shaking her head, she made no movement to go.
A trio entered. “Don't make me kick your ass little girl!” They caught zoro threatening the child, who wasn’t discouraged by his incivility.
“Now, now. Nobody likes a bully.” A blond with a bowl cut, and cleft chin remarked. He began cackling as if someone had told a joke. “Roronoa Zoro, you seem to be handling this well? Don’t you agree?” A smug smirk made its way to his lips, looking with amusement at the tied criminal before him.
 “Look! Another weird guy.” Luffy commented, his eyes never straying from the scene unfolding before them.
With a relieved smile, koby exhaled, releasing some of the tension from his body. “That’s great! He must be with the marines, now we know the girl will be safe!” He felt excitement to see how he would handle the situation, and hoped they got the girl out of there safely.
The bowl cut looked with interest at the girl's hands. “Lookey! Some tasty rice balls!” Ripping away a ball from her grasp, he takes a large bite into it.  
“That’s not for you!” Gasping, she watched helplessly. A feeling of fear ran through her, as he held the food meant for zoro.
“Wah! Too sweet!” Gagging he spits out the rice, his face taking a pink hue. “They’re packed with sugar! You’re supposed to use salt you idiot! Salt!” Having emphasized on salt, he threw down the rice ball he had been holding.
“But I… I thought they might taste better sweet…” With a scolded look, she flinched away when he took a step forward. Her eyes growing large, and with unshed tears.
Looming over her, he narrowed his eyes on the sight of the second rice ball. “Give me that!” Throwing the ball of food, he crushed it underneath the weight of his foot. 
“N—Stop! Please! I worked so hard!” She choked out, her eyes glued to the destroyed rice. Feeling helpless, she could simply gawk.
“—awful!” Koby whispered disappointedly, shaking his head in disbelief.
“I worked so hard to make those…” What else could she do? To go against him, someone who’s older, and has more strength than her. To feel the wrath? And have to pay consequences.
“Too bad.” He chuckled, snapping his fingers. One of the marines pulled out a neatly folded paper. “You must’ve not read the notice that was posted.” The once folded announcement is now neatly extended. “Those who assist criminals in any way will be executed, signed Marine Captain Morgan.” Gasping, her face paled. Trembling the slightest, the spoiled blonde laughed, not realizing what seriousness the matter holds. “It seems even little brats fear my daddy!” Finding hilarity, he covered his face to calm down.
“His daddy?” Luffy questioned, sniffing the air. Flinching in disgust, as smells of fear, panic, anger, and a nauseating arrogance. Regretting it, he pinched his nose.
“—ain morgan?!” Ignoring koby’s surprise, he carried on watching the scene.
“You!” The spoiled son turned to look at one of the marines, who stood up straighter. “Toss this kid out! Right now!” The soldier gasped, a look of nervousness gracing his features. Yet he made no gesture to move to follow the issued instructions. “I said throw her over the wall, soldier! Now if you don't follow my orders, I’ll tell my father!” Threatening the marine, he sent a glare causing them to flinch.
“Yes sir! I’ll do it!” The soldier agreed to the order, a feeling of reluctance.
“No!” The child opposed, pushing against him as he wrapped his arms around her.
“I’m sorry. Try curling up into a ball.” He whispered, hoisting her up. Adjusting his stance he throws her. Gritting his teeth, he wishes for this to end. The awful reign of a leader, and his spoiled son who uses his name as leverage.
“Ahhh!” Flinging himself away from the wall, luffy enveloped the girl in his embrace. Colliding harshly to the ground, they both gasp at the shock of the impact.
“Thanks mister!” She thanked, once they both sat up. Smiling, he stood up waiting for the pain to fade. Climbing back up the wall, he listens to the last of their conversation.
“Dead set on staying alive, aren’t you?” The spoiled blond asked, in a mocking tone, as he grinned.
“That’s right. I’m going to make it through the month without a problem.” His confidence enticing luffy, to watch as he shows his spirit that keeps fighting.
“Right. Good luck with that!” The blond answers with feigned support.
“Ten days.” 
“Oh, you still assume you’ll make it to those ten days.” The tone of voice sounded smug, as if there’s more than what he’s revealing. Turning he begins to walk away, both of the soldiers following.
Waiting for them to be gone, and out of sight he jumps down. “So I hear you're a bad guy…” luffy begins, watching his reaction. 
"You're still here?" He sounded annoyed, as when he first told them to get lost.
"You're stuck out here for all the world to see, and nothing. Are you really that strong?" Breathing in, he takes in the scent of steel, and what should be alarming that of blood. It should make him recoil, gag, and want to remove himself away from what could be considered a vile smell. He doesn't. If anything he wants to bask in it, but he won't. He needs to know who this person truly is, before he decides on him. 
"Mind your own business!" Glaring at luffy, he resolves that he's a dumbass with nothing better to do than bother him.
“I would—”
“You reek.” Zoro grimaces, the scent clinged to luffy’s skin wafting out, that of fear, anxiety, wrapped in the smell of rotting fish.
Sniffing himself, he frowned. “I don’t stink!” If anything he’s mixing koby’s scent as his.
“Sure.” His tone unconvinced, and an analyzing gaze. A shiver ran down his spine, the sense of adventure sparking even further.
A bright idea came to his head, as he rushed forward whacking his head into zoro's face. “See!” A groan came from the one that just got a face full of dark hair.
“Get your hair out of my face!” He snapped, moving his head only to stop. There's no particular odor that's coming off him, except for the scent attached, and the smell of dirt, ocean, and straw. 
Pulling back, "Told you I don't stink!" he smiled, proving his point when the green head stayed silent. 
“No, you need a shower.” Pouting for a bit, he can’t disagree. It’s been a while since he’s properly washed his skin, and hair. It makes him itch.
Beaming, luffy turns around. “See ya!” Taking a few steps forward, he pauses when a distressed scent caught him off guard.
“Wai—hold on! Could you pick that up for me?” Facing him, he took a glance at the crushed rice.
“It’s a dirt ball.” He pointed out, as he picked up the smashed rice.
Agitated with his previous encounter, he snaps. “Shut up! And give it to me.” Shoving the dirt covered food, he choked it down. “Tell her I said it was delicious.” His head hung once again.
~~~    ~~~    ~~~    ~~~
“You again.” He commented unfazed, a little expectant that he’d return. “The answer’s still no.”
“I’m Luffy! Promise to join my pirate crew, and I’ll untie you.” He bargained, a large smile playing at his lips.
“What?!” How can this person be so dense, and not understand the meaning of when someone says no.
“My pirate crew.” He repeated, wondering if he wasn’t loud enough. “I’m looking for people to join.” 
“Hell no! I have my own ambitions.” Zoro argued, disagreeing with even the thought of being in a pirate crew.
“Why not?” He frowned, confused why’d he reject.
“I don’t want to be a pirate! You get that?!” But why not? Being a pirate is fun! And freedom! How can’t he like that?
A smile broke out on luffy’s face. “I’ve decided! You’re joining my crew!” The tied demon frowned, annoyed, and ready to end this, sighed at the persistent pest.
Remembering koby mentioning he wields swords. “I heard you can use a sword.” 
“I’d show you…” An amazing idea struck luffy.
“If I get your sword you have to join me!” Then he ran off.
“Wha—genius it’s the other way!” Shock coursed through him, he must really be an idiot.
“I know!” Zoro watched perplexed, what the hell was he dragged into. Especially after watching him rocket himself towards the building.
~~~    ~~~    ~~~    ~~~
Well damn, he’s a pirate now. Can’t say he regrets it, though his captain is a little touchy. Rubbing his scent all over himself, surprisingly without being repulsed by it.
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mejomonster · 1 year
Love to Hate You:
It's a romcom, so remember not my typical genre. So while I'm hit or miss about it, the fact I'm finishing it already means its pretty awesome to keep my attention even though its not even a genre I like
The guy with long hair is so hot, so lovely, I'm Suffering. He's from Flower of Evil (played one of the bad guys) and is an excellent actor at horror and, apparently, comedy. He plays a guy who can't act which is <3. Truly our flight attendant girl is living my dream. Id also be !!!! And like??? What OTHER dramas is he in??? Because I really do think he's an excellent actor, I want to see him in more
So the genre is romcom. But to sell it to my mutuals: it's got an action movie being filmed in it so the lead actor guy does practice fight training and movie stunts, and the lead lawyer likes to do vigilante fights and later trains the actor guy and does some stunt work. As a result, thankfully for me, there's a few cool fight scenes every so often to keep me engaged ToT. Now no one's life is in danger and it's not high stakes plot wise lol, so most of the fights don't keep Much of my attention... but hey I'm happy there's more than zero action scenes at least
I really REALLY like how this show handles tropes. Or rather, how in many ways it totally avoids them.
By that I mean: it occasionally calls attention to kdrama romance tropes like rich ceo/poor girl, older man oppa/younger woman, man paying for woman once they marry, dating a celebrity in secret. And then it intentionally (which I think shows very nice writing skill) does not use the trope in the way its usually done, or if the trope IS used then it's used very intentionally and for a plot purpose deeper than just using it to signal something with a cheap writing shortcut. Like... you might write a pretty girl into a "lawyer for rich man" role and then have the rich guy see her and find her cute, her swoon over him, and you the writer get to Skip explaining WHY the fuck these people would like each other (besides physically). Whereas in this show the writing intentionally does not make it easy for themselves by dropping into a preexisting trope Just to rely on it. The lawyer is hot to the rich actor, but she pissed him off by tripping him first meeting so he doesn't automatically think of her as cute or even a love option. She initially sees him saying rude things about women, so her first impression of him is NOT liking him and her further impressions are full of her making surface judgements and acting in a way she finds morally superior but then eats her bitter pie when she runs into reality eventually. The writing does the work itself of showing What these characters would ACTUALLY interact like if they run into each other, what it takes for them to grow and change, and what work it takes for them to actually grow crushes. It's the harder writing choice, but also (for me) a much more satisfying one. It means I can trust the writers to actually have reasons and character development for choices made, and for when tropes are used, instead of fearing anyone will be ooc or some shortcut in a romance will be made (whereas i find gradual believable builds more satisfying). Now that said, a trope can and is satisfying also when used just the way its intended when the characters are written To Work in that trope and match the trope used (crash landing on you had multiple "opposite sides argue fall in love" and the characters FIT that story type well). Just for me, I can also really appreciate when a show uses tropes that don't fit it by actually developing things until they naturally do fit it. Idk I hope I'm explaining well ToT
Basically, it's relying on its own writing vision. I don't feel I'm being dragged through a narrative that relies on tropes, instead I feel I'm having a fun story journey that sometimes features tropes either when they actually fit or as an intentional subversion (such as the main actor disliking younger women/older men dynamics and oppa, the lawyer hating relying on a man financially, and the ceo/flight girl matching a dynamic but the flight attendant girl aware and Trying Not To be that way, the bitter ex at yeos work being both a jerk but also... not sabotaging her or clinging so ridiculously he becomes a huge obstacle, that would've been the easier conflict writing choice but the more interesting choice I think is what they did... to not make him as big a deal as other conflicts, the intentional way women actresses are written in this almost comically annoying says something too... and while I think it misses the mark somewhat in that it feels like it shallows the actress characters, I think it does succeed at showing them as like "how romcoms paint women in fiction sometimes" versus the flight attendant and lawyer and older actress who act more like women you meet in real life which is an interesting contrast Within a kdrama itself)
I'm really into long haired guy please what other kdramas was he in... ;-;
It's actually funny af at times. Now if the humor lands is really gonna depend on you. I personally love when comedy in a genre is self aware, and subverts sometimes or does realism over genre norms, and this show is Aware it's a romcom and uses romcom norms to make some of its jokes. So they Really land with me lmao.
I actually really love the actor guy. I love that 1 he has such a close friendship he gets read as gay by strangers, cayse let's be real having a friend that close is Nice (and in my experience platonic love is far more obtainable and reliable at times than romantic love so it's nice to see BOTH leads have such good platonic friendships with people who basically partner them in life). Actually all friendships in this show come off as important, which I value a lot in a romance story. But back to actor guy: I love that he's 36 and single. I love that his first ex hurt him so bad he feels repulsed kissing. I remember after my first big heartbreak, I'd cry when trying to get intimate with new ppl. It's nice to see not everyone reacts the same, sometimes people take pain hard and take years to process, that it is an ongoing process. I like that he's slow to date and is mindful about slowly opening up. I like seeing that kind of character on screen in general, and especially in a romance where I feel like it's not as often. I like that he isn't the only character with some baggage and mindfulness about falling in love (or even just dating) a new person. Adults have baggage, people in their 30s have had failed relationships sometimes and scars from old messes. Seeing every character have their own way of coping with their scars and either embracing being open to xonnection again like the old actress, or fearful (in some ways both leads), or interested in dating but unsure if it's time or who it should be with (ceo and flight attendant) is nice. It's realistic. Real romance isn't absolutely perfect and quick, it's a process with yourself of risking being vulnerable and trusting and attempting to connect to another, and them doing it too. And I like that this show feels realistic in That way.
It is rather nice, I'll admit, to watch a show where the only big stake is heartbreak (and a lost paycheck). I like high action/suspense More. But I get the appeal. If anyone has other romance recs that have Realistic romances (as in like this show the tropes are at most a bit wild but portrayed in a realistic mostly grounded way and Most Importantly the characters feel like real flawed adults just trying as people do), I'd be open to checking them out. (I guess if it helps? I liked the romances in Crash Landing on You and Flower of Evil, but they're more suspense than Just Romance lol)
I like the way this show Balances some Outlandish tropes with realism, so it's like a middle ground? You DO get to enjoy the fantasy of a person dating an actor, but with an imperfect portrayal of an actor with regular flaws, you DO get a rich CEO but hes also got a lot of ppl depending on him and emotionally doesn't think about himself as much as everyone, you do get a capable woman as a lead but her heart doesn't give much of a fuck about actual love so it's a struggle to Get to possibly loving).
Anyway if some romcoms are your thing, this is a fun show so far
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