#i meant to set this up sooner but I have been busy with a lot of stuff other than this Tumblr competition
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Pairing : Hwang Hyunjin x F!Reader & Lee Felix x F!Reader TW : For Hyunjin : reader has a broken leg ; reader gets hit by a passenger van ; mentions of blood ; Hyunjin isn't really an asshole, he's just upset ; it's really fluffy at the end though ; For Felix : reader gets stabbed ; reader is in the hospital ; reader gets stitches ; Word Count : For Hyunjin : 2.9k For Felix : 5.8k (In total 8.7k) Request : @slayhyunjin wants the Hyunlix version of this and that is what they will get!! A/N : I hope you enjoy this and I'm sorry for making you wait so long for it : ' (( WENT ALL IN ON THE FELIX ONE! PLEASE ENJOY!!!
He was on a mini tour, at least, that’s what you called it when he had to perform concerts closer to home. He was still gone, but he was in the country and it meant that he’d be home sooner which was always exciting. It was the one thing, the only thing you loved about when he went away… The moment he’d come back and it was like he had been gone for an eternity instead of just a couple months. 
You loved surprising him when he came home too, saving up all the money you made at your work to buy him little things to add to his art room. New paint sets, a new canvas, new sketch pads and pencils. Anything that would make him happy, and he always got excited over the smallest things, but seeing the way his eyes would sparkle when he saw the new materials on his desk made the wait for him worth it. 
This particular trip you had saved up enough money to buy him a brand new watercolor paint set, something that you knew he had his eyes on for a while. Luckily the art store was only a couple blocks away and you enjoyed the walk from the apartment to the shop, always stopping by the little cafe on your way there to get an iced americano, it made you feel closer to him when drinking his favorite drink and picking up his favorite things. 
Spring time was your favorite time to walk, the scents of fresh flowers blooming and new leaves budding on the trees. It also meant the occasional rain that you were always prepared for, your umbrella hanging from your wrist as you walked along fairly busy sidewalks. 
You had been in the store when it started raining, and you were planning on waiting it out close to the entrance like everyone else was, but this particular storm decided to last much longer than you had planned, so you ventured out. It’s not that the rain bothered you, it was more so that you didn’t want the set that you had bought to be potentially ruined. 
It was crazy how things can go from being so perfect so fucked in a matter of seconds. First you’re walking across the street because the crosswalk light tells you it’s okay, and the next you’re being hit by a passenger van that didn’t even have the common decency to stop and make sure you were okay. At least they didn’t continue straight through and just completely run you over. They had simply gone over your leg which was still excruciatingly painful, but it definitely could have been worse. 
Now, a lot of people might be wondering, why not call Hyunjin and let him know what happened?! And while it’s a very good question, you knew how he was. God, his heart was so big, his love for you was so strong, he’d try to get home to you so fast that he’d probably make the journey on foot if there wasn’t a flight that would get him to the nearest airport available right then and there. Not just that, but he’d stop at nothing to find whoever it was that hurt you, he’d track them down to the ends of the planet just to yell at them for hurting his love. 
He was busy, you didn’t want to bother him with the silly little accident, and what was important was the fact that somehow, by some miracle, the watercolor set had survived. After going to the hospital and getting your leg casted up and making sure that nothing else was broken during the accident, you got to go back home and place the set in the center of his desk with the giant bow on it, anticipating the moment that he finally came home and saw it. 
What you realized while trying to perfectly set up the watercolor set and make it look pretty was that it was a pain in the ass to try to walk on your cast, although the doctor had already strongly advised you not to do that… You thought that it was just a general thing he had to say to everyone. No wonder they were so hell bent on making sure you had someone at home to help you around the house the first couple of days. You couldn’t do shit. 
A surprise visit home, that’s what he was planning. He had been talking to the guys about it for a solid week, and now it was the day. He stood at the front door, taking a deep breath before letting himself in, only to be met with the apartment in such a state of disarray that he had to do a double take to make sure he was heading into the right apartment. 
Following the double take he saw you on the couch, that’s how he was 100% sure he was at the right place, but it didn’t make any sense. There were bowls of food and empty cups and take-out bags everywhere around you, and you were just laying on the couch all cozied up like you didn’t care. When he first met you, you were so organized, so clean, and not to the point of needing everything to be absolutely perfect but you surely weren’t like this. Maybe it was an act, and maybe the house looked like this every time he went on tour. The only reason it looked so clean when he came back all the other times was because he had told you he was coming. 
“It’s… It’s such a mess…” He muttered to himself as he stepped deeper into the apartment, his heart sinking as he thought about how he almost left Kkami in your care. “There’s just… Mess everywhere…” He continued to talk to himself as he continued to look around. It looked like there hadn’t been any sort of cleaning done in weeks. This is the house that he lived in… He just couldn’t believe it. 
You had been sleeping so soundly, but he tripped over one of your crutches, causing it to fall over and hit the floor, the sudden noise causing you to jolt awake. “Hyunjin! You’re home! You wouldn’t believe the week I had.” You said, your smile bright as you looked at him over the back of the couch. How could you still be so cheerful when surrounded by such filth? You must be used to it… But he wasn’t. He couldn’t live like this, and he surely couldn’t be with someone who regularly lived like this, who pretended to be someone they clearly weren’t when around him. 
“I was just leaving.” He rushed the words out as he walked back towards the door. “I can’t be here… It’s just… Disgusting… I have to go.” He excused as he quickly walked out, accidentally slamming the door behind him. That was the irony of it though, the fact that your crutches had been the item that he tripped on, yet his mind had been so fogged by the filth that he didn’t even think to question what they were doing there. He didn’t even second guess their presence considering everything else looked so out of place. 
Truthfully, he wasn’t even mad… He was just upset. The person that he saw today in his apartment was not the person that he had fallen in love with, and surely not the person that he imagined a future with. It’s not that he expected you to be his maid while he was working either, he knew that you worked, you were just as busy a person as he was, but he just thought that maybe you’d want the house to be kept a little clean… That’s the type of person you made it seem like you were… He was upset that he had been wrong. 
Your blanket had somehow managed to get wrapped around you while you were napping on the couch, it made it impossible to kick it off in time for you to get up or for him to even see the cast around your leg. Of course, it would have been nice if he would have just let you explain, but you could understand his irritation. 
As you looked around the house, you finally took in just how unsightly it was. It looked like there had been parties going on since he left and you hadn’t cleaned up after any of them. It was disgusting, you hated it, and you yourself would have been just as upset if you walked into your house and seen it looking like this. 
“Shit…. Shit!” You hissed, unwrapping yourself from the blanket before trying to get up. It hurt, but nothing would hurt worse than Hyunjin leaving you, so you dealt with it, gritting your teeth to muffle your cries of pain as you started to clean up, trying your best to shift the weight off your bad leg, but it was almost impossible considering the mess that you had to avoid to get to the garbage can. 
You weren’t even sure how so much shit had accumulated, but there were pizza boxes stacked up on the coffee table beside the carry–out bags, and there were the discarded plastic bags piling around you from when you’d get out the shower and just rip them off and place them to the side, promising yourself that you’d throw them away later. 
Damp towels laid on the floor beside the dirty clothes hamper, towels from when you’d pull them from off your head, tossing them and hoping they’d make it in only for them to land everywhere but where you wanted. Again, you had promised to get to it, but you never had. It truly was disgusting, and even though your leg felt like it was on the verge of falling off right now just from walking on it, it shouldn’t be an excuse for how disgusting the house had gotten. 
Aside from walking… Everything else was also a pain in the ass. You couldn’t bend over to grab things off the floor, although you were trying your best, but the gravitational pull of the earth had different ideas and you ended up falling face first to the floor, managing to bust your lip and bloody your nose in the process. It wasn’t bad enough that everything was a mess, but now you were just as bad off as the apartment. 
What’s worse is that you couldn’t even get up. There was nothing close enough to give you the leverage that you needed, and your good leg was in just about as much pain as the broken one from you trying to catch your fall and landing right on your knee. Your phone was somewhere amongst the pile of garbage on the coffee table and you couldn’t even crawl over there to get it, you were left on the floor, and you felt that that’s where you belonged, alongside all the garbage that you had created. 
Hyunjin was quick to realize that he had been wrong… Not about you, but about the situation. Not as quick as he wished he had been, but he was back at the dorms and he couldn’t stop beating himself up about the way he had left you. He hadn’t been rude, not exactly, not the way other people would have been… But he wasn’t exactly nice either. 
He had gone back to the dorms, and the rest of the guys were still back at the hotel in the city they had just performed in. He felt more lonely than ever and he knew that he needed to talk to you to apologize for the way he had been acting, so he texted you. He would have gone back to the apartment, but he was so nervous about how you’d react to him suddenly showing back up that he felt it would be better if he just texted you first to ask if he could come back. 
There was no response, and that made sense… Obviously you’d be mad at him for walking out the way he did… And now he was playing back those moments in his head, the moments that led up to him walking out… And he couldn’t stop thinking about the crutches that he had tripped over. Why were they even there? They hadn’t been there when he left… But if something had happened to you that would require you to need them… You would have told him about it… Right? 
But what if you hadn’t told him about it… And something really bad happened… And that’s why you weren’t answering his texts. He hoped that wasn’t what was wrong… For the first time since being with you he was hoping that you were just mad at him and ignoring him. At least in that case you would still be okay. That didn’t stop him from panicking though. He called a cab and waited impatiently outside for them to pull up, not even waiting for the car to come to a complete stop before climbing in the back and giving the driver the address. 
As soon as he got to the building he ran up the stairs, bursting through the front door and it felt like he was about to die, his heart breaking when he saw you laying in the middle of the floor. You looked absolutely lifeless, a puddle of blood on the floor next to your face, and the cast that wrapped from your foot up to your mid thigh explained everything. “Help… Please…” Your voice weakly called from the middle of the floor, and the only reason any sound of relief came from his lips is because you weren’t dead. 
“I’m here…” He whimpered, already crying as he rushed over to you and helped you off the floor, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist to help support you as walked you back over to the couch. “I’m so sorry for leaving you, my love… I didn’t even wait to hear your reason… I just left…” He was full of shame and guilt as he looked at you, the blood that had trickled from your nose now dried on your upper lip and your bottom lip busted open from where it hit the floor. “One second… let me get something…” 
He rushed off the couch and to the kitchen, grabbing a towel and soaking it in cold water before running back and lightly wiping away the blood. “I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have let it get this bad. I would have been the same way… It just hurt so bad to walk and… I hate the crutches, they hurt my arms and… I’m sorry.” You mumbled, and he quickly pulled you into a hug, lightly pushing against the back of your head to muffle your words against his shoulder. 
“I don’t care about the apartment, love… I care about you.” He whispered, repeatedly kissing the top of your head as he said the words. “Now… Tell me what happened… Please.” 
You were right… Hyunjin had gone from crying profusely when he heard about the accident, his head shaking as he apologized over and over for not being there for you, although you repeatedly told him that you were the one that didn’t tell him. As soon as the tears stopped flowing though, he was angry, angry at the driver who so carelessly injured and could have potentially stolen away his love. He was so angry in fact, that he planned on having management go to every store with a security camera and demand the footage from the day that it happened so they could track down the person who did it. 
After he had calmed down as much as he could, he called the guys to let them all know he wouldn’t be able to come back for the rest of the concerts, explaining to them that you needed him more than they did, and no, you couldn’t get him to change his mind, and none of the guys tried to get him to change his mind either. You were now stuck with a slightly overbearing and overly apologetic Hyunjin who didn’t leave your side at all. 
“Why were you walking around down that way though? Your work isn’t down there…” He mused one evening, still unable to get over what had happened and trying his best to piece it all together although you had explained everything to him. You sighed softly, suggesting for him to check the art room, and he gently moved your leg from off his lap as he ran to the room, his squeal of excitement loud enough for not only you, but probably the neighbors on all sides of you to hear as well. “You almost got killed to get me this?!” He called from the room, and you giggled lightly. 
“It’s the one you wanted, right?” You called back, as he came out from around the corner of the door, tears in his eyes as he clutched the box against his chest, his head nodding fast in response to your question. “Then it was worth it… I’m glad you like it, babe.” 
“I don’t deserve your love!” You cried out as he rushed back over to the couch where you were resting, leaning over the back to catch your lips in a deep kiss. “I’m gonna paint your cast and make it look so pretty… You’ll be my canvas until it gets taken off.” 
“You really can’t go with me this time?” Felix asked as he stood just off to the side of the TSA line at the airport. He had been asking the question since he found out he and the guys were going to Australia for a couple tour dates. Sadly your work schedule wouldn’t allow it to be done, and as much as you asked and practically begged for even three days off, they just couldn’t do it. You shook your head before kissing his lips softly, then doing the same to each of his cheeks, a salty taste clinging to your own lips from the tears that he had shed on the way to the airport. “I’m gonna miss you, angel… Be safe, remember to lock the doors, and look both ways before crossing the street… And don’t talk to strangers and don’t walk down alleys at night and-” 
“Lixie…” You whispered, cutting him off for the sole purpose of, you knew he was stalling. He hated leaving you, and you hated when he left, but neither of you really had a choice in the matter. “You’re gonna miss your flight…” You reminded him, and he looked down at his phone that was open to his boarding pass, his bottom lip jutted out. 
“So what if I did? Then I’d get to stay with you… Is that so bad?” He retorted and you truly wished it was that easy, but the both of you knew that it wasn’t, and the way that he said wasn’t the way that it would play out. 
“The company would be pissed at both of us… And they’d just send you out on the next flight…” You explained, although he already knew that that’s what would happen. It didn’t stop him from wishfully thinking though. “Go on… I’ll be right here waiting for you when you get back. I’ll even have a big sign with your name on it… If management lets me.” 
He chuckled, although the sound was more sad than anything else and he pulled you into his arms, squeezing you tightly as he took a deep breath of you, holding it in his lungs as if he was going to carry it with him the whole time. “Always wait for me, okay? I’ll always wait for you… I love you… I already miss you… Fuck… I have to go… I love you so much… So so much…” He continued to profess his love as he walked backwards into the line, his eyes squeezing shut every couple of seconds as tears rolled down his cheeks once more. 
Every night he’d call you before you went to work, the joys of working the evening shift, and most of the call would be him just telling you that he loves you and how much he misses you and how much he wishes you were there with him. You’d tell him that it was going to be okay, that you’d be together soon and that you loved him too. The calls usually left you both crying, and you’d have to tell him that you’d be late for work if the call continued. Then he’d call you every night after work, asking you how your day went and once again telling you that he loved you, how he wanted so badly to be laying next to you in his hotel bed, holding onto you and burying his face in your hair, the smell of your shampoo filling his nose and helping him sleep better. He needed you, and you needed him too, it was only two weeks until he came back… It would be okay. 
“It’s getting dark out, are you sure you don’t want me to drive you home?” Your boss asked as she stood at the door, leaning against it to hold it open for you. “I don’t mind it, I don’t want you walking out here by yourself.” 
You hummed softly, shaking your head as you walked past her, adjusting your purse on your shoulder as you paused just outside the door. “I’ll be okay, I walk home all the time. I’ll see you tomorrow, drive safely.” You said cheerfully, anticipating the call that would come from Felix as soon as you got home. 
The walk was always pleasant, the summer breeze that came with the hidden sun always felt nice when he blew around you, taking a deep breath and letting the fresh air fill your lungs… Until it didn’t. The breath that you tried to take now burned, the pain in your side wasn’t too bad, not until you tried to breath again and you couldn’t, it felt like your lungs were on fire. 
“You need to be more aware of your surroundings, angel. You could get hurt.” You remembered Felixs words from a time not too long ago when you had started to walk across the street before the traffic had even stopped, so happy just being with him that you didn’t even take the time to look around. The words rang true as you finally looked down, noticing the knife that was still plunged into your side. 
It was crazy how it didn’t start really hurting until you looked at it, and then, as if the world had been on mute for a couple minutes, all of the sound came back and you could hear bystanders screaming as they rushed over to you. “It’s okay! We’ve called an ambulance and the police! It’s okay! Just hold on!” You didn’t know who this person was, he simply caught you before you collapsed onto the ground, gently lowering you down, using the sleeve of his shirt to wipe the blood from your mouth every time you opened it. The taste of copper was nauseating and you couldn’t help but retch when it would coat your tongue. “No no… Don’t do that… It’ll make it worse!” 
The knife still hadn’t been pulled out yet, and you remembered reading somewhere that if it had been pulled out immediately that you would have bled to death… But god, the pain was worse than whatever death could possibly feel like. “The ambulance is on its way! Someone caught her! They’re waiting for the police!” You could faintly hear a woman scream, but the sound of your breathing, if you could even call it that, was much louder in your ears. The rattle of your lungs and the heavy wheezing was so annoying, but sadly you couldn’t mute that sound considering it was coming from you. 
There wasn’t much that you could do, there wasn’t anything you could do really… Just laying there, listening to the rattle and the commotion and the distant sirens that you knew were coming for you. All you could do was dive into your own mind, try to think of something, anything to make this moment just a little more bearable. Felix. He was the only thing you could think of. The way his smile brightened even the darkest nights, the way he’d come back home after performing and you’d have the honor of wiping off his makeup, kissing along his cheeks as his perfect freckles reappeared from under the makeup. The way his hair would drip onto your face after a shower when he’d climb on top of you, his fingers tickling your sides as he smothered you with kisses. He was your happy place, he always would be, and even if you died right now, there was no heaven that would ever be better than the one you got to live on earth when you were with him. 
“Woman in custody after random stabbing near Yangjae-daero. Eyewitnesses say that the woman was a crazed fan, screaming that the victim “didn’t deserve to be with him.” Although the “him” in question was never specified. The victim is currently in the hospital with no update on her condition just yet…”
Bangchan shook his head as he read over the report, tossing his phone to the side and running his hands over his face. “I never thought that people would go this far. It’s ridiculous, it’s scary. We need to keep our girls safe.” He said, and Felix nodded his head in agreement, having been the first one to read the news. He hated that it was so close to your place of work, and he tried his best to call you and text you, but he was sure that right now you were being questioned by police about what you saw and heard. 
“She’s probably so scared…” Felix murmured, checking his phone once more, but there were still no texts from you. “I don’t want her walking home by herself anymore… God, what if it had been her?” And while he wasn’t even 100% sure it wasn’t you, he wanted to believe you were okay, so he did. He filled his mind with every single scenario other than the one where you were the victim. 
“Try not to worry too much, we’ll be going home tomorrow morning and you’ll be with her.” Chan said, but Felix felt it was quite hypocritical since his girlfriend had been texting him the entire time while Felix was getting nothing but silence from you. “Just try to get some sleep, okay?” 
And he tried, he tried his best, but he couldn’t get even a wink of sleep without hearing your voice before bed, so many nights spent just laying on the hotel pillow that brought him no comfort since it didn’t smell like you, but he’d hear your voice, his phone on speaker but the volume low so that if he closed his eyes it sounded like you were really right there. He needed that, he needed you to call him, he needed you. 
He wasn’t even close to falling asleep, it had been 4 hours, and the vibration from under his pillow had him rolling over onto his stomach to look at the screen that was so blinding in the darkness. You finally texted him though, he felt like he could finally breathe, at least a little bit. “Sorry for worrying you. Don’t worry, I’m fine. These cops had more questions than I thought they would.” 
“It’s okay, I just needed to be sure you’re okay. Did you get home? Make sure to lock the doors, and if you need to go to work or anywhere, text Chans or Changbins girlfriends, they’d be happy to help you.” He knew you wouldn’t though, even though you’d be much safer if you did, you hated burdening people and putting them out of the way even if it meant you’d be safe. “Try to get some rest, it’s so late. I’ll call you tomorrow. I love you.” He texted and your response came quickly, telling him that you loved him too, that you hoped he slept well and had sweet dreams, and now that he knew you were okay, he knew that he’d be okay. 
It had completely slipped his mind to let you know he was coming home the next day, he had finally gotten to sleep at 4am and he had to wake up at 6am to get to the airport by 7. A 10 hour flight, and he hoped he’d be able to sleep a little bit on the plane before he got to you, he didn’t want to be exhausted when he finally saw you. 
By the time he landed in the afternoon his stomach was full of butterflies, his smile unwavering as he thought about how it would feel to hold you in his arms again. Of course you weren’t going to be at the airport waiting for him, you didn’t know he was coming home early. Nobody knew, but after the report, all of the guys wanted to go home to be with their girlfriends, there had never been such panic felt by Felix as the guys raced through the airport to get to the cars to go to see their girls. Felix felt the same way though, and while he hated comparing his emotions to anyone else's, his panic was far greater considering you had been so close. 
Now, Felix loved a clean house as much as the next person, but he didn’t like it to be so clean that it felt like a sin to even walk across the floors. He liked things clean, but he still wanted the house to feel like it was lived in, he wanted it to feel like a home, which is why when he walked through the front door and saw your hoodie balled up on the bench instead of hung in the closet he felt nothing but warmth in his heart. It was your favorite hoodie, it was his hoodie, and seeing it on the bench meant that he’d be seeing you soon. 
At least, that’s what he thought, but when he walked further into the house he still didn’t find you, but he did find a mess. Dishes still sat in the sink, begging to be washed. Your lounge clothes were discarded carelessly on the floor in the bedroom, not even brought to the dirty clothes hamper beside the washing machine, and speaking of the washer, the clothes that were in there had gone sour from being left to sit dampened in the bin for so long. There was a very big difference between a house being lived in, and a house just being dirty, and right now, the house felt dirty. 
“Look…” He started the text, trying his best to sound as understanding as possible while also getting his point across. “I know you’ve seen some shit, but that doesn’t mean you can just let the house fall apart. I mean… Leaving dirty dishes in the sink? Leaving wet clothes in the washer? That could cause vermin… It could cause mold to build up in the washer and in the clothes. I thought you knew better… I thought you were better than that. I love you, but I’m not gonna pretend I’m not annoyed right now. I’ll stay at the dorms right now… And I’ll come back home tomorrow to help you with some stuff but… I don’t want to come back home and see the house like this. It’s kind of upsetting.”
Why didn’t you tell Felix about being stabbed… He wouldn’t have texted you that if he knew… He would be sitting in the hospital with you right now and comforting you. Well, there were a lot of reasons actually… But the main one was that you knew he’d blame himself for what happened. You thought that you’d be out of the hospital and at least able to do a little bit before he got home, you never thought he’d come back home early, and the most shocking part was the fact that all of the guys did. 
It was a miracle that you were still alive, a little bit higher and the damage would have been way worse… At least that’s what the doctor said. It was also a miracle that you were being let out of the hospital only two days after getting major lung surgery, props to the surgeons and the amazing medical equipment that’s out now. Still, it’s not like you could really do much, there was actually more that you couldn’t do rather than what you could do. You just needed to keep your activity levels at a low and then you’d be totally fine. It’s not like you were running a marathon, you were just gonna go home and clean the house so that Felix wouldn’t be disappointed in you. Perfectly fine. 
You ubered home considering the fact that Felix was annoyed with you and the last thing you needed was an apologetic clingy boyfriend to spend the entire car ride home belittling himself for saying such things to you. It’s not like he knew what happened, and it was his honest reaction, and to be fair, he had a point. Nothing he said in the text was wrong, and it wasn’t like he was vicious, he just didn’t want mice or roaches to take over and he didn’t want to deal with mold. Nobody wanted that, you didn’t want that. His annoyance was valid, and you didn’t want him to feel guilty over something he had no idea about. 
And to be quite honest, the uber driver's face was priceless when he had asked you why you were in the hospital and you nonchalantly told him you got stabbed and had to have lung surgery. If laughing wasn’t on the list of things to do, you would have cracked up, but truthfully, it was painful to laugh. Breathing in itself was still quite painful, and it was crazy how you had to retrain yourself on how to breathe so that you weren’t in as much pain. 
Walking into your home was like a breath of fresh air, except you couldn’t take that deep breath and instead you had to do a little sniff and just walking up the front stairs had you winded and you had to take a five minute breather on the couch before actually starting any chores. Crazy enough, the dishes, although they were your least favorite chore to do, they had been the easiest. There was no heavy lifting involved, there was no bending over… You finally found a reason to love doing the dishes. 
While you were working in the kitchen, you had restarted the load of laundry that had been sitting in the washer, and it was just about done thankfully. All you had to do was switch the clothes into the drier and then you’d be able to take a little break. It was supposed to be quick and easy, and for the most part it was… Until that one last fucking sock at the bottom of the basin caught your eye. Everything, every bone in your body, your mind, your heart, everything was telling you to just leave it… But you couldn’t, and you stretched over the side of the basin, and you felt the tear, but in the moment you didn’t care because you were victorious, you had got that sock and you threw it in the drier and now you could rest. 
Except you… you couldn’t rest… Because the warm trickle that ran down your side finally caught your full attention, and when you looked down at your shirt you could see the dark red stain that completely soaked through the fabric. Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if you didn’t start instantly panicking… But who wouldn’t panic when their stitches from a surgery like yours busted open? And there was so much blood… So much… You started hyperventilating and that hurt even more and you ended up getting light headed and falling to the floor. You truly felt like you were dying, and you knew that you needed to get to the hospital and sure… You could have called an ambulance, you could have called Felix… But he was upset with you and now there was blood all over the floor and for some foolish reason you thought he’d be mad about that, so you called the only other person you could think of. 
Chans girlfriend was like a sister to you, and you quickly called her, and luckily she thought the same way about you and immediately picked up. You could hear the other guys in the background, you could even hear Felix… But you were more focused on the sound of Chans girlfriends voice, finding in it some will to keep from fainting at the sight of all the blood on the floor and the warmth that continued to pour down your side. “Hey, what’s going on? Do you need to be picked up from work?” She sounded so cheerful, her and Chan truly were a perfect match. 
“No… I need… Hospital… Can you take me?” You gasped out, and the silence coming from her end was deafening. If it weren’t for the sound of the other guys goofing off in the background you would have just assumed she had hung up. “Please… Bleeding… I’m bleeding… Really bad…” 
“Y-Yeah… Do you want me to bring him?” You knew exactly who she was talking about, but she was smart, she knew that there was a reason that you hadn’t called him, and whatever that reason was, you most likely didn’t want her to say his name to catch his attention… But she still wanted to be sure. 
“Just you… Please… Hurry…” You mumbled, and it felt like you had used the last bit of energy to say those four words. Your arm fell limp at your side and you didn’t even end the call, it felt like the room was fading in and out and this… this feeling… it was way worse than being stabbed initially. At least then the knife held everything in. Now it seemed like you were bleeding out and you couldn’t even breathe without getting lightheaded. It was the absolute worst. 
Chans girlfriend had rushed out of the dorms so fast, even Chan had no idea what was going on, and he had texted her non stop questioning where she went and what was wrong, but she hadn’t answered. With everything that was going on, it made him uneasy, and now Felix was the one telling him it would be okay, that is, until she walked back into the dorms. She was a completely different person, her eyes almost shell shocked, she looked like she had seen a ghost. 
“What happened?” Chan had immediately rushed over to her, and she only shook her head, and Felix could see the tears in her eyes as she looked at him and then back to Chan, motioning for him to follow her into one of the empty rooms. It’s not that Felix was nosy, but the way she had looked at him had him questioning what the hell she had seen, and why she hadn’t looked at the other guys the same way. “What?!” Everyone froze when they heard Chans scream, and then the rushed out shushes from his girlfriend. “Why didn’t she say anything?! He doesn’t know! Is she okay?! Oh fuck!” There was a panic in his voice, a certain fear that no one had ever heard from their leader before. It was concerning, but everyone was frozen in their seats, stunned into silence as they listened to the conversation, which was more like Chans screaming and his girlfriend's incomprehensible whispers. “Well I can’t just not tell him! You know how he is! For fucks sake, what if she dies?! How do you think he’d feel?! I’m telling him!” 
Everyone else pretended to go back to whatever it was they were doing beforehand once Chan came out from the room, everyone but Felix who had his eyes glued to Chan and his girlfriend who walked out behind him. They were both looking directly at him too, and it only made him more confused when they stopped right in front of him and now he was being motioned to follow them into the empty room. Why was this so secretive? 
“You should sit…” Chan started once he had gotten Felix into his room, and that only confused him more as he slowly lowered down onto Chans bed. “Do you know… Fuck… How am I even supposed to tell him this?!” He looked back to his girlfriend who was leaning against the door, sniffling so quietly that Felix hadn’t even been aware that she was crying until now. 
“Tell me what? Just say it!” Felix demanded, growing impatient with the back and forth of it all, and the urgency in their tones had him on edge and his knee was bouncing so fast that it was shaking the entire frame of the mattress. Clearly it was something important and it was meant for him… “Just spit it out!” 
“Y/N is in the hospital.” Chans girlfriend blurted out and that was the first shot, it was more like a gut punch, it was unexpected, and while it was definitely concerning… It didn’t explain what Chan had said earlier when he thought no one was listening. “She was bleeding a lot and… Her stitches from the lung surgery… They ripped and… She was trying to do the laundry I guess… There was blood everywhere and… She was unconscious when I got to the house and I called an ambulance and followed them there but they wouldn’t let me in…” 
Lung surgery… There was nothing wrong with your lungs, at least there hadn’t been when he had left for Australia. “She… She didn’t say anything… About that…” Felix stammered, his heart going a mile a minute and his mind reeling as he thought about what to do… What he could do. He felt helpless, there truly was nothing he could do right now to help you. “Why…. Why would she need lung surgery…. What happened?” 
Chans girlfriend sighed as her head fell forward, her eyes sticking to the ground now. “She was the one… From the news report…” It took a couple seconds for him to finally get it, but once it clicked, he felt like he couldn’t breathe. “She shouldn’t have been trying to do chores… Why would she do that? She’s crazy… That stuff could have waited until you got home to help her.” 
It was his fault… Everything was his fault. His legs were shaking as he got up off the bed, and he almost fell forward, he would have fallen to the floor if Chan hadn’t been there to catch him. “Hey… Hey look… There’s nothing you can do right now… Just stay here, rest… I’m sure the hospital will call when they fix things… You’re not okay right now… Just lay down.” Chan urged, pushing him back onto the bed, and he couldn’t even get up, it felt like there was a thousand pounds against his chest, holding him against the mattress. 
“It’s my fault… It’s all my fault… Mine…” Felix muttered to himself through tears, rolling over and curling up into a ball on Chans bed, violent sobs shaking his entire body. “I’m gonna lose her… I’m gonna… She’s gonna be gone… I can’t… I can’t live… Not without her… I can’t do anything… I need her, hyung… I really do…” He stammered, and the only thing Chan could do, the only thing anyone could do was try to console him, and they did their best, but he only got quiet when he cried himself to the point of exhaustion, his puffy eyes closing as his sobs turned to hiccups, then to shaky slumbered breaths. 
“Damn… I’m back here again…” You muttered as your eyes opened to the familiar white walls of the hospital room. “Wanna go home… I’m ready to go home…” And you tried to move, but a familiar, yet strangely unfamiliar pain hit your side as you tried to get up, and when you looked down, you saw the long tube protruding from your side in the exact same spot that your stitches once were. “Now what the fuck is this?” 
“Ma’am…” The doctor that had been standing in your room waiting for you to wake up finally walked over and sternly motioned for you to lay down. “Do you remember me?” Of course you did, it was the same doctor that had so happily discharged you before, and you quickly nodded your head before pointing questioningly to the lung that was poking out of your lung. “Well, you went against every single rule that was written for you to follow, and you tore your stitches, every single layer, and then during your panicked hyperventilation episode, you managed to inhale a lot of blood and now it needs to be drained.” 
“I’m sensing sarcasm…” You mumbled, falling back against the bed since you had no other choice but to lay there. “So how long do I have to stay this time?” You asked, and the doctor rolled his eyes at your sassiness, tapping his pen against the clipboard that he was holding. 
“Considering your lack of self regard and the fact that we have to make sure your lungs are properly drained and then we have to stitch you up again… It’ll probably be a good week before you’re out of here. Now… You said that you’d have someone there who knew what was going on when you got home… Why did the person who brought you in seem so confused? Did you lie just to get out of here?” 
You sheepishly scratched the back of your head and then your face crinkled up as you nodded your head. “But, I was gonna tell my boyfriend! He just got home before me and the house was kind of a mess and I completely forgot about the laundry… You know… Getting stabbed kinda makes you forget about daily chores. I tried to do the laundry when I got home and then… Bam… Stitches popped. I blame the sock.” 
“The sock? You blame the sock?” The doctor repeated, completely exasperated by your sense of disconcern for what was going on. “You could have just explained to your boyfriend that… you know… you got stabbed.” He mocked you, placing his clipboard under his arm as he shook his head. “I’m gonna assume your boyfriend is the dark haired freckled boy who has been loyally sitting on the floor by your door and crying his eyes out… Does that sound like him?” You pursed your lips, nodding your head slowly. “I’m gonna let him in now, okay?” 
You barely recognized him when he walked in, his head hung low and his hair curtaining his face, but when the door shut behind him, he looked up at you, his eyes immediately focusing in on the tube in your side and then he was bawling once more. “Yah, why are you crying? I’m still alive and… painfully, still breathing!” You tried to laugh, but ended up hurting yourself in the process, wincing when the vibration of your chest caused the tube to shift. 
“How are you still so happy?” Felix questioned, not even coming close to your hospital bed which was actually really upsetting considering the one thing that would probably heal you better than any surgery was one of his hugs and maybe one of his kisses. “Is it the morphine? Do you not feel anything?” He looked at the IV drip that was connected to your arm and then back at your face that was smiling so brightly, he’d think that you were in any normal bed just waking up from a nap… 
“No, silly… It’s because you’re here.” You simply explained, holding your arms out to him. “Where’s my hug at? I’ve waited so long for one of your hugs, and you’re just gonna stand there and stare at me?” You pouted, looking down at the tube and letting out a quick sigh, it would have been longer and way more sassy if your lungs could have handled it, but they couldn’t, so a short bit of sass was all you could give right now. “I know I look like a lab experiment right now… but… A hug would be really nice.” 
“You’re like this… because of me… And you still want a hug? You still want me close to you?” He quizzed, and your eyebrows lowered as you looked at him with such shock, your eyes looking around the room before landing back on him. 
“Babe, I don’t know what you’re talking about right now, I just want a hug and maybe some kisses if you feel so inclined to give me them.” You motioned your arms out to him once more, a little more forcefully this time. “I’ll let you have a couple bites of my flavorless jello if you give me a hug… Please?” 
He chuckled, although it sounded way more sad than usual as he finally walked over to you, carefully maneuvering his arms around the tube as he rested his forehead against yours. “You didn’t tell me…” He murmured, pressing a kiss to your nose before pulling back. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“Because I knew that you’d blame yourself…” You brushed his hair away from his face before lightly poking his freckles and smiling to yourself. “You’re still doing that right now though… Which is silly. I’m the one that decided to do the laundry even though the doctor told me not to. That’s not your fault.” 
“You didn’t tell me you got stabbed, angel. I wouldn’t have gotten so worked up about the house if I knew that… And you could have told me to go fuck myself after I sent that text.” He scoffed softly as he finally, carefully, sat down on the edge of the bed. “We’re suing her… The whole company is… And we’re gonna make sure you and the other girls have body guards at all times. Nothing like this will ever happen again…” He took a deep breath, and then pursed his lips apologetically as he let it out slowly through his nose and you snorted softly.
“Don’t feel guilty for being able to breathe better than me, breathe deeply for me since I can’t right now…” You joked and he rolled his eyes, his head falling back as he groaned loudly, but you could hear his laughter although he was trying his best to hide it. 
“God, you really are something else…” He murmured once he had calmed down, looking over at you with the softest eyes that held the whole universe in them, although you could only see your reflection in his pupils, but to him, you were his entire universe. “They tried to send my angel back home… I’ll never let that happen… I won’t let you go. If you go, I go… I love you too much to live without you here beside me.” 
You sniffled softly, biting your bottom lip to try to hide the fact that you were on the verge of tears. “Damn…” You choked out before clearing your throat. “I love you too, Lixie… Don’t make me cry though… Makes it hard to breathe…” His eyes widened, and you knew he was on the brink of beginning to apologize again, and you knew that if he did he wouldn’t stop so you cut him off before he could begin. “You think we got time for like… a quickie before the doctor comes in to check on me?” 
“WHAT?!” He shrieked, his cheeks burning a bright red as he glanced at the door and then back at you. “You’re crazy… God I love you so much…” He chuckled as he shook his head, leaning in to kiss you softly as he pet his hands over your hair. “Maybe at night though… I missed you a lot… You know…” 
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backmuscles21 · 7 months
Let Them Stay
Tonowari x Reader x Ronal
Summary: You would've never thought that you'd see more Omatikaya on the shores of the reef, but before you stood Jake and his family. They sought refuge from your mates, you assured your mates about him. Now, you and Jake talk about how you disappeared and what had been going on before you were taken hostage by the one person you told Jake to protect you from.
Warnings: canon violence, past abuse, past sexual abuse, past violence, past torture, survivor guilt, coercion, hostage situations, panic attacks, abusive relationship, canon death.
You have sought protection from the Metkayina people long before Jake and his family ever did. Truth is you’ve been here for more than 15 years, and you've grown into the culture here. You have a family with people here, you were one of them. You found your mates here; this was where you were always meant to be.
So, on that fateful day, you heard ikrans in the sky, you felt a shiver run down your body.
What were forest Na'vi doing here?
You were out swimming with your kids, of course, they swam faster and got to the shore sooner. When you did get there, you stayed in the back, you wanted to be next to your mates but you’d get there eventually. It wasn’t till you heard the voice and Tonowari spoke his name.
You recognized that voice.
You worked with this person back with the RDA, you and Grace were lead researchers with the Omaticaya people.
What was he doing here? Why would an avatar be here and who was it exactly?
“We seek uturu.”
They were looking for refuge, why would they want that? If you recall, Neytiri would never leave home. He had a beautiful family, but why did they leave the rainforest? Ronal walked around looking at Jake’s kids, critiquing their bodies for being small and thin. Then she got to the older girl, Ronal grabbed her hand and saw the extra finger. Ronal thought of you, she wondered where you were and if you were both okay.
“These kids are not real Na’vi, they have demon blood.”
“Wait,” you said from the back of the crowd.
You pushed your way up front and looked the people in the eyes. Their eyes were wide, another Omaticaya Na’vi was already here.
Jake looked at you, you were heavily pregnant, and he always wondered what had happened to you. It was like you fell off the face of the earth a while ago, he assumed you died during the battle.
“Why are you here?” You knew you were getting stares for speaking in English with Jake.
“People are coming after us.”
“Quaritch and others are back and in Na’vi bodies.”
You went rigid, not him anyone but him. You felt your body go cold and your head felt heavy, you felt exhausted and restless, you were having a panic attack. He can’t find you not again, you’re not going back.
“No,” you felt like you were screaming but it was barely a whisper.
“No?” Jake questioned.
“I won’t let him come back for me. He can’t come here. I won’t allow it.”
“He won’t ever come here. Please we just want to get away, we don’t want a war.”
“I’m not going back to being Quaritch’s bitch. I left for a reason. I have a family I can’t go back. I won’t let him take me back.”
“What are you talking about? What happened?”
“I didn’t know about home tree falling until Tonowari told me when he heard about it. I left before that even happened. Once I knew there was no way out, once I knew that Selfridge and Quaritch didn’t care and never would; I had to leave. I didn’t want to be there for all that death. So, I left. It was perfect timing, Miles was busy with orders and bulldozing the lands and blowing up home tree; I had a clear shot. He forgot to lock his bedroom door, so I forced a pilot to take a link station and my body and set me up. Then I came here and I met my mates and I have a family... No more orders, no more Quaritch.”
“What did Quaritch do to you?”
“A lot of things, rape me, beat me, degrade me. He made me stay, he knew I was in the avatar program and he controlled me that way. I had to leave; I couldn’t be his lap dog anymore. I’m sorry I wasn’t there when everything happened.”
“I don’t blame you for leaving.”
“How’s Grace?”
“She’s dead. Quaritch shot her when we tried to escape. They were going to send us back to earth and we got out.”
Your hand was on your mouth, one of your best friends was dead, you couldn’t believe it.
“We do have her daughter though,” Jake pointed back to Kiri.
Your eyes widened as you saw the striking resemblance, “you look so much like your mother.” You spoke in Na’vi and smiled down at her; her face lit up at that comment.
“Let them stay,” you said as you turned around to look at your mates.
“What were you saying to him?” Ronal asked.
“I know him from the place I was before. He’s a good person, a bit of an idiot, but a good man.”
Ronal smiled as she opened her arms for you, you smiled back and ran into her arms, snuggling under her chin. You loved getting to be with them, especially now when you're so close to having your baby, your body loved to be next to them.
“Then it is settled, Torok Makto and his family will stay with us,” Tonowari shouted.
You tried to help them with their stuff and Ronal wouldn’t let you out of her arms, you shouldn’t be doing that work anyway.
Later on, you went to visit Jake again, you wanted to catch up on what you missed out on. Both him and Neytiri would fill you in on everything that had happened.
“I’m glad to see you made it out safe, how’s Norm?”
“Norm’s good, he still links in most of the time,” Jake said.
“Are you still linking in?”
“No, when we tried to save Grace and put her permanently into her Na’vi body, I learned that it was possible to put my consciousness into my avatar and I did to be with Neytiri all the time.”
“Ronal did that for me, after we mated.”
“About that, are you with both of them?”
“Yeah, I am. Ronal said it wasn’t uncommon to have more than one mate. I quite like it. I also think it helps since they are both busy people and important to the clan, I will always have someone with me if the other is busy.”
Jake looked at Neytiri and she shook her head.
“Neytiri is too good for you to need another, Jake.”
“I wasn’t implying that I wanted another, just like the sound of no one being lonely.”
“What about Tsu’tey? How is he? Upset about not being Olo’eyktan?”
“He’s dead too. It happened during the big fight. He was shot down off his ikran.”
“Man, I really should’ve been there. I’m sorry I left and didn’t say anything.”
“Don’t worry about that, you did what you needed to. Trust me, we were okay without you. You getting out was more important than staying.”
“But I missed so much and so many people died.”
“Neytiri lost her father too.”
You looked at Neytiri, “Neytiri, I’m so sorry. If it’s any consolation I tried to get him to stop. I was closer to him than anyone else and he wasn’t ever going to give that fever dream up. I wanted so badly for him to stop; I never wanted a war. After a trip to the emergency room from how badly he beat me, I gave up and that’s when I knew I had to leave, that there was no point in trying.”
“It’s okay, you did what you had to do, no one blames you for leaving,” Jake said.
“But I do, I shouldn’t have left when you guys needed me. I could’ve helped, people may have lived if I was there instead of cowering off and pretending everything was okay.”
“I don’t think it would’ve changed much. By leaving it might have saved your life. Besides, after we won, we sent them all back to earth. We got rid of them. Not for long though, sky people will always return. The new RDA is worse, they know of me and what I’ve done. They know all the raids I’ve been leading to slow their progress. They know how dangerous Na’vi are, they weren’t taking any chances. They made the Recom soldiers and they beefed up security and the army pretty much run that place.”
“Makes sense, they aren’t taking any chances. I get that you want to keep your family safe I’d do the same. Even though the two kids we already have came from Ronal, Eywa has blessed me to finally have my own. We tried for such a long time; it just wasn’t my time. Now it is. However, those kids are my own and I’d kill to protect them.”
“I know the feeling and I know you are a tough son of a bitch. I’ve seen you take a lot.”
“If Quaritch is to come, promise me, you won’t let him take me back. I can’t go back; I can’t do it again.”
“Promise. Trust me, I want to kill the guy first anyway.”
“Not before I do.”
“Oh, you wish.”
But things never work out the way you want them to, because you were tied up on the railing of the boat. Quaritch knew who you were, he saw your face and knew exactly who you were. You had your baby a few months ago, you should’ve been with him but you left him in the care of your parents while you went out to help the kids. You saw them all chasing after that tulkan, you knew they’d be in danger, you had to help them, you were the only one around. So, you went after them and you knew right away you should’ve stayed with your baby, your mates would be so upset with you for leaving.
You struggled against the ties, you knew even if he let the kids go, he’d never let you out of his sights ever again. You just wanted to be in the arm of your mates, you knew this was going to be a terrible idea. Then over the sea line you saw a pack of skimwings, they were coming to save you and the kids. You could see your mates and Jake at the front leading them in, you wanted to be in their arms again.
Then Quaritch started to talk to Jake through his son’s throat comm, you understood what he was saying. You saw Jake looking through the scope of his rifle, trying to see who was there. You swore you could see your mates�� snarl; they were upset and angry, you shouldn’t have been here. You’d spend forever trying to make it up to them, if you made it out of this. You watched Jake swim closer to the ship, he was accepting Quaritch’s offer, you had a terrible feeling.
All hell broke loose.
The war you anticipated had started.
Bullets were flying all around, you saw the Metkayina warriors swim through the water and skewer people with their spears. You prayed that you’d make it out of here alive and get to your mates and your kids. All the soldiers were busy with the warriors and the tulkun on the ship that Neteyam had a perfect opening. He got onto the ship and cut you all free, you went into the water with Tuk, and you saw the two boys stay. It made you nervous but you had to get Tuk to safety, you had to get a spear and join your lovers.
You got onto a nearby skimwing and took you and Tuk to safety in the village, you went to leave again but at that point, the village elders wouldn’t let you. You fought with them, your mates were out there, your friends were out there, you were able-bodied, you could help. But you couldn’t leave, you would never make it back in time anyway because once you tried to sneak off, the warriors were coming back. You stayed there looking for your mates and when they got to the shore you ran up to them and hugged them. You held them as tightly as possible, you were scared, you didn’t want to go back, you couldn’t.
“What were you thinking? You left to help the kids? You should’ve stayed here where you were safe with our baby,” Tonowari said holding your face.
“I’m sorry. I saw them leave and I was the only one. I was so scared. I knew I shouldn’t have gone. That man that had us, I knew him before I came here. Jake promised I wouldn’t end up in his hands again. He was a bad man, he hurt me. I was scared for myself, you guys, our kids. I’m so sorry.”
“All that matters is everyone is safe. Let’s go see our kids,” Ronal said as she took your hand and kissed your head.
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amaya-writes · 11 months
this is kinda specific but bear with me! for ringtober—what about reader who is like Mori's niece or sm but she helps handle the business-y side of the mafia, then one day Mori is kinda like ykw you're a young girl you should be married at some point and sets up an arranged marriage. With Dazai, Chuuya and Akutagawa.
Ringtober Masterlist
Notes: I didn't add Akutagawa because I really couldn't come up with a reason for why Mori would pick him.
Warnings: regular port mafia esque warnings I mean it's a mafia fic so expect slight mentions of mafia themes, slight angst themes?
Characters involved: Dazai Osamu, Chuuya Nakahara
Fem reader, you/yours
Dazai Osamu
Dazai always knew his relationship with you was merely professional, and he was happy to keep it that way.
Mori had only decided to get the two of you married so that you couldn't come in harm's way. There had been several...complications at work lately, several 'what ifs' that Mori didn't like the sound of.
It was awful to think it, but Dazai knew Mori wouldn't care for you as much as he did if you weren't an asset.
You were valuable, and Dazai was on a job to protect the mafia's assests.
This was just work for Dazai, just another assignment, albeit an extremely long one.
He wasn't emotionally attached to you whatsoever, heck Dazai didn't even know if he could feel such things for someone.
You, however, were.
He could tell that this arranged marriage meant a little more to you.
Mori would have convinced you to agree either way, but you caved at the idea of marrying the suicidal mafia executive a lot faster than anyone expected.
It could have been anyone else. In fact, Dazai was certain it would have been Chuuya. He was the perfect fit—someone with enough power and hear to be able to look out for you and be a good husband.
But Dazai? Dazai was just doing his job.
Marriages held some sentimental value for everyone. And he couldn't lie, seeing you at the mafia headquaters in a white Kimono did slightly intrigue him. But that didn't change anything.
You spent your wedding night in separate beds and Dazai left the house far too early to encounter you.
The same continued for months, until that looming sad aura hanging over you began to disappear.
In its place came something more heartless, but Dazai couldn't find it in himself to care. In fact, he quite liked this side.
If only you had developed this personality sooner maybe he wouldn't have had to marry you.
He knew you liked him, knew that this marriage was more than just work for you. But Dazai Osamu was a suicidal maniac working for the most notorious mafia in Japan.
He lived to die, and a ring on his finger wasn't going to change that.
Chuuya Nakahara
At first, it doesn't mean anything to him.
He knows the only reason Mori picked him is because he can't trust Dazai enough to not manipulate and use you to hurt Mori.
Chuuya was too loyal to the cause, and powerful enough to ensure you would never be in harm's way so long as you had him by your side.
He wasn't the first choice, but the logical option.
The fact alone wounded Chuuya's ego quite a bit, and Dazai was always around to rub some salt into those wounds.
The day the two of you signed your marriage papers Chuuya didn't even bother looking at you properly, and got drunk and passed out on his bed soon after.
By the time he woke up you had already left for work.
Things continued like that for a few days, but they started to change with time.
It started slowly—you buying extra dinner and leaving it out for him, him offering you a glass of wine after a long day.
Casual nods each other's way turned into greetings and then small conversations.
By the time you got around to your one month anniversary, things had progressed to small conversations and occasionally having dinner together at the table.
Chuuya knew neither of you had any romantic inclination to one another, but over time you started to feel comfortable around each other.
You were more like roommates than husband and wife, a fact that Dazai and Kouyou never fail to tease him about.
Needless to say there have been a lot of jokes regarding Chuuya's inability to perform sexually and the impact that has on your relationship. All lies of course but that doesn't stop Dazai (Kouyou laughs with him).
Chuuya doesn't want to pressure you to think you have any obligation towards him as his wife. Aka he won't force you to do anything you don't want.
But with time the two of you become friends and then even more than that.
You start to help each other. Casual things like reminding each other to eat or cleaning each other's wounds. Sometimes Chuuya would find you asleep slumped over a pile of paperwork and would carry you to bed.
Othertimes you would help him get the stains out of his uniform since he was terrible at it, and constantly spilt both blood and wine over himself.
This one time Chuuya was drunk and made you wear his hat and has never stopped thhinking about how you looked. At that moment he felt very grateful to have a woman like you as his wife.
Maybe in a year or two your relationship evolves into a romantic one.
Or maybe not. But either way, Chuuya tries to be the best husnad he can.
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thedeviltohisangel · 6 months
All The Things I Did (4): The Only Thing That I See
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a/n: ok this is the one i warned you guys was horny but i'm sure its actually to our benefit. this is setting up the next couple big plot pieces: harding's arrival and his past with cass, john demoting himself to fly again, cass' next mission and a whole lot more. happy to chat about any of it//we had a great little sleepover in my inbox and i saved a couple to answer over the next few days. more interludes in the chute, submissions still open, and a new masterpost pinned to my blog. happy reading!
When Mary knocked on Cass’ door before the sun was out and warned her it was pancakes for breakfast, it meant the men were flying today. She was looking forward to this raid in particular as the coordinates for the U-boat pens had been passed to her by a new potential source during a previous trip to Belgium. Surveillance planes had confirmed their location but it meant that Colonel Huglin would want her to brief prior to wheels up. John wasn’t flying but he would be watching. She wanted to impress him. Offer him a little bit of insight into the work that she did. Show him the bumps and bruises were worth it if it brought the war to an end even a moment sooner.
He wasn’t outside waiting for her to get breakfast and her heart fell but she knew he was busy. A piece of her was curious what John Egan, Air Exec behaved like. She imagined he was more stoic and held quite the presence. Or maybe he was exactly the same and more of a pain in the Colonel’s side than anything else. Cass smiled to herself as she walked toward the HQ offices. Yeah, that definitely seemed more like her John.
He was rifling through papers when she entered the bullpen, calling out headings to the navigators and dodging orderlies delivering cups of coffee. She dropped her jacket off at her desk without anyone noticing and approached the map with small airplanes meant to simulate the raid. 
“A few degrees to the east, gentleman. Otherwise, you’ll miss the last loading dock.” Her fingers nudged the group of planes in the correct direction then she stepped back and let the stares wash over her. Deep breaths, Cass. You know you’re right.
“Gentlemen, surely you’ve all at least heard of Lieutenant Cooper. She is the one responsible for locating these pens for today’s raid.” Some of them nodded with respect, others rolled their eyes or scoffed. Most of them seemed ambivalent. 
“I’ll be at my desk should any questions arise, Colonel.” Yet all of them could agree on staring at her backside as she walked away. 
“You make a habit out of embarrassing the brass the morning of a raid?” She paused her typing with a smile and walked around her desk to meet him in the doorway. There were wildflowers behind his back and she gripped his chin to pull him down for a kiss. 
“Good morning, Major.” John hummed with pleasure before going back in for one, two, three more kisses. 
“Morning, doll.” His voice was huskier at this hour than she was used to. It sparked right between her legs. “You thought I forgot?” He produced the flowers from behind his back and handed them to her. As she did every morning, she brought them to her nose and blushed like a schoolgirl. 
“First mission as Air Exec. Wouldn’t have blamed you if you did.” John stepped deeper into her office, closing the door behind him, as she tucked the latest bouquet into a vase on her desk that was already filled with his previous gifts. 
“Would feel better if I was going up as a squadron commander.” 
“You would say that.” Cass jumped up onto her desk, welcoming John between her legs with some light scratches on the back of his neck. “I, for one, am happy you’ve got two feet on the ground today.”
“That’s very selfish of you, Lieutenant Cooper.” He stepped closer and kissed her slow. Deliberate. Decisive. Dangerous. He kissed her like he flew. “I’ll stop flying when you stop spooking.”
“But then I wouldn’t get to see you all hot and bothered over my well being again.” John licked his lips as she fiddled with the knot of his tie. Cass wasn’t sure what was coming over her if not, just simply, the allure of John Egan. They had claimed each other publicly. All that was left was privately. 
“Did that turn you on, Cass?” She nodded, pressing her chest against his as her tongue slipped between his lips and stirred an ache within him. “Do you like that they could walk in on us at any time?”
“Fuck, John.” Her lips moved to the column of his throat and he groaned at the nipping of her teeth. She was tempted to have him take her right there on the desk. He was tempted too. Wanted to rip those thin, tantalizing panty hose from her legs and hike her skirt around her waist. Had fantasized how soft the skin of her thighs would be. What she would taste like. How she would sound as he worked her over the edge again and again and again. 
“Cass, baby, I want you so bad.” She was intoxicating. A siren at sea. At this moment, he was powerless to deny her anything. 
“Then take me, sir.” God, he could die a happy man. He was pushing her skirt up her legs, Cass spreading them wider as she leaned back onto the desk and pulled John down with her when there was a knock on the door. 
“Major Egan? Lieutenant Cooper?” Cass collapsed onto her back, panting with pent up tension, John catching himself with his hands on either side of her head. 
“Just a minute,” John called. He dropped his sweaty forehead to her shoulder in defeat before standing to his full height. His mouth ran dry with a tease of lace, Cass tugging her skirt down to hide it from his starving eyes. 
“You like lace. Noted.”
“I think I’d like anything that was on you.” He grabbed her hands and tugged her closer. “Or off you.” No longer able to control herself around John Egan, she stood on his toes and pressed up into his lips once more. 
“Major Egan-”
“Jesus fucking Christ!” John stormed to the door and threw it open. “Private, I said we needed a minute.”
“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.” Cass chuckled as he scurried away, adjusting her jacket and grabbing her briefing materials from the drawer. 
“Don’t go scaring them, John. We need young men to want to stay in.” 
“He’ll be fine. I’ll apologize when your spell has worn off a bit.” 
“Oh? There you go with that witch motif again.” He followed her out of the office, out of the building and into the daylight. 
“Has to be some kind of explanation for the way you’ve got me wrapped your finger like this.” She stopped and turned to face him.
“Maybe it’s love, Major.” His retort went right back down his throat. How the fuck did she know? He had tried to say it the other night but had since thought better of it. He couldn’t risk scaring her off. 
“Maybe.” She read the yes behind his maybe. 
“Maybe,” she repeated, whispering. “We should go inside.” John nodded, stepping closer and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“I just need one more minute.” It was a moment John had never really thought about. The moment you realize the woman you love, loves you right back. He wanted to engrave it in his mind, heart and soul. Never forget this feeling with her. Carry it with him until he didn’t have to be afraid of losing it anymore. “Cass? You mean a lot to me, you know that?” 
“We’ll make it through this, John. Together.” He kissed her one last time before heading, because how could he help himself, the sound of together silencing all the doubt in his mind. If only for a little while.
Cass sat quietly along the side of the room as Colonel Huglin unveiled the target for today’s mission and the unfortunate low-low position that the 100th would take. She looked around and tried to read if any of the men seemed nervous or had any understanding of what was about to happen to them. They were doing a good job of keeping it all at bay. 
Eventually her eyes landed on John as they always did. He had recovered from their earlier tryst remarkably quickly. Cass was nearly positive she would need to replace her undergarments at the first available instance. Looking at him now only added to her need to shift and adjust in her seat. Back home, men were either ruggedly handsome and good with their hands or politely coiffed and intellectually impressive. For John Egan to somehow embody both was a figment of all her desires. 
He caught her staring out of the corner of his eyes. Offered her a smirk and would have blown a kiss if he wasn’t sitting in the front row. As if she could read his mind, she blew a kiss of her own. John pretended to catch it and slip it into his pocket. 
“Our intelligence officer, Lieutenant Cooper, will take it from here before Captain Becker delivers the weather.” Cass stood to the sound of whistles and cheers, a low chant of ‘Spook’ spreading throughout the room. John smiled but kept his decorum. Though that blush on her cheeks was going to make him go mad.
“Thank you for the warm welcome, gentlemen. Lights please.” The room plunged into darkness save for the screen she was using to deliver her brief. “Please note there are both naval and ground based anti-aircraft assets located along the Frisian Islands. Towards the mainland, you can expect concentrated flak from here all the way down to Bremen. Sources tell me they are radar enabled so they will have the capability to track you.” A hand shot up in the crowd.
“Ma’am? What kind of artillery are we looking at?” 
“88 and 105.” She paused to see if there was follow up before continuing. “The most important aspect is your target to the northwest of Bremen if I could have the target map, please.”
There were no further questions, John standing to the side while she presented the bombardiers and navigators with supplemental files for the run. She didn’t offer them luck or tell them to fly safe. Just told them to remember their training and stick to the headings she had given them. Anything else would be empty words.
“I think they were very thoroughly briefed, don’t you?” Cass laughed as she gathered her maps and placed them back in her folder. 
“Surprised I do more than run around Europe and get shot?” John looked at his shoes sheepishly but his jovial tone seemed to have slipped away.
“Shouldn’t joke about getting shot, Cass. Kind of scared me when that happened.” She touched his cheek gently. 
“Once they all take off and you’re done being a leader of men, you can sit and read my report if you like. I’m positive your imagination is worse than the truth.” At least, she hoped it was. “You should go talk to Buck. Give him some parting thoughts.”
“You’re the one who told me there are no words to describe it.”
“Not to warn him or guide him. Just remind him why he’s going up there today and why he will again every time after.” His smile was tight lipped. Her words were very carefully chosen to not reflect the truly dire nature of their circumstances. He appreciated her for it. She held onto that quality as long as she could. Beyond the German surrender and the atomic bomb and the curiosity with what came next. But one day she would have to break. And she knew John would be there. He’d always be there. Had to.
It was a couple hours later when he found her again. She looked like she was fighting sleep from behind her typewriter. John couldn’t help but admire the sight, almost regretting the gentle rap of his knuckles on her door. 
“Leader of men here for Lieutenant Cooper.” She acknowledged his presence with a smile but kept her chin in her hand. “One plane back with mechanical issues. Just a waiting game.” 
“You’re not good at patiently waiting, are you?” 
“I think I’m being pretty patient with you. With us,” he added as he motioned around them. “An impatient man would have taken advantage of your offer this morning.” Cass scoffed and sat up. Good. John liked when she was at her full capacity to spar with him. Sometimes, he said something just to get her to banter. 
“You only didn’t because of that poor man that knocked on the door!”
“Well, he’s not here now.” 
“So, what’s stopping you?” She looked at him expectantly. As if she was actually curious if he would just sweep her desk clean and take her right then and there. She would let him. 
“Time. Need to make sure there’s no limit to how long I can take.” Cass liked the sound of that. John taking his time to work her up and up then over. Not just once. Maybe not even twice. She knew what she would be thinking about all night.
“A consolation prize then?” There was a red folder dangling from her fingertips. “It can’t leave this room.” John took it, taking a seat with enough distance from her to keep his head clear of sinful thoughts. 
She typed away quietly as he read, something domestic about the whole thing that made them both incandescently happy, only the occasional grunt of concern or impressed hum slipping from his mouth. 
“They teach you how to do all this at spook school?” 
“Most of it. Some just has to be instinctual. Kind of like your piloting. There is only so much to learn in a training environment before the real thing has to take place.” He looked down and reread the lines about the information she had received. How she had written the tangible impact these identifiers would have on the war. Wanted to skip over the part where the local police followed her after her meeting. How they turned her in and she took a beating but convinced the interrogators she was just lost. How she made her tourniquet out of ripped cotton and a stick. 
“Cass, you’re fucking incredible, you know that?” 
“It’s always nice to have a handsome man tell me.” Their thoughts matching, she met him on the other side of her desk and accepted his kiss eagerly. 
“We always find ourselves here,” he said with a sigh, her cheek fitting in his palm and his thumb resting on the top of her cheekbone. 
“Are you complaining?” 
“Never.” He leaned back in, ready to seal the world off once more, when the sirens ran off. The planes were back. And with them, the real world.
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void-ink-studios · 10 months
Letters From HR
It literally took one comment on AO3 to get the hamsters in my brain running y'all.
More Scarab backstory, some of the fallout from the Gala, and a bit more worldbuilding for the pantheon! And of course, more couple nonsense from these two dorks.
Word Count: 3,300
Scarab had been expecting the pile of paperwork to suddenly appear in the center of the Time Room. The Organizer had told them to expect it.
Well, maybe he wasn't expecting the stack to nearly reach the ceiling. Prismo didn't look happy to say the least.
"Aw man, really? Homework? Why's the stack so high?"
"Prismo, it wouldn't be much of a punishment if it were easy."
"Scrabby. Dude. Looking at this stack makes me want to throw up."
Scarab sighed, face palming. "Come on, the sooner we start this, the sooner we'll be done with it. I don't particularly want to be back in the Organizer's office."
Prismo groaned dramatically. "What if someone comes in here for a wish?"
"I'll take over the paperwork if a wish maker comes in here. But until then, you're helping. If we both work on it, it'll be done in no time."
"Fiiiiiine" he whined.
Scarab rolled his eyes, amused, as he divided the stack in half. He found with them a list of instructions and things to check.
"Okay, so, the folders are the information we're meant to reference... and the lose papers are what we're checking. We're just filling out any missing information we can find." The beetle could see Prismo's light fading from his eyes the longer he spoke. "Think of it like a game. A scavenger hunt. Whatever you need to get it done."
And so, they set off, pens and stamps being the only noise, sometime joined by Prismo's attempt at improvising a song or occasional comment on the papers.
"Heh, Scarab, did you know the Flame Keepers apparently request brunch every month? Man, didn't think one of the Higher Ups would have to deal with stuff like this."
Scarab gave an amused chirp as he finished another set.
"Well, that is the Organizer's job. She is meant to sort through any and all requests, schedules, gatherings, complaints, and changes that happen around here."
"Woah. Sounds like a lot. Makes me wonder why she bothered to speak with us in person."
"She's always busy. Very busy. But, she's the expert in multitasking. It's equal parts admirable and unsettling to watch."
Prismo hummed as he continued working. "You say that like you've seen it a bunch."
"Well, I kind of did, a long time ago."
Scarab continued on as if he didn't just drop a bomb on Prismo, who nearly dropped his pen.
"You? What were you doing to get in her office so often that you're familiar with her workflow? Some bad-boy backstory I don't know about?"
Scarab sighed, pondering if he'd answer for a moment.
"I was not a "bad-boy" as you suggest. I was an intern, once upon a time, you know. Not all of us can make a statement by accidentally teleporting into the Judgement Hall."
"Woah. And you interned with the Organizer?"
"She was the only one willing to do so. Orbo certainly wasn't going to, after I embarrassed him in front of the Judge. No one knew what to make of me. So, she volunteered to help my transition into godhood."
"Woah" Prismo whispered, and Scarab couldn't help but smile at the incoming onslaught of questions he was sure to get.
"What was... working with her like? I hear she's scary as heck."
"She can be... intense when she needs to be. But it is the nature of her work. She is the administrator of the multiverse, after all. But, if you submit your forms on time and read the directions, she's pretty reasonable."
Scarab thought back to those early days... when he was still just a little beetle, only freshly introduced to the world of gods and their nonsense politics. He felt so tiny then... Like anyone he walked past could and would step on him if doing so carried no consequences.
"U-Uhm... Hello? Is this the Organizer's office..?"
"Who's asking?"
"Scarab, ma'am. I was told to report here... A-Am I in the right room? This whole place is much... larger than the mounds back home."
There was a soft, almost chuckle, echoing through the room.
"Yes, you're in the right room. Come. Sit, Scarab. We have much to discuss."
The tiny beetle did so, tapping his claws together, his wings fluttering nervously.
"You made quite the impression on us, Scarab. It's not everyday a mortal manages to defeat a cosmic threat in single combat."
Scarab caught himself staring dumbly at the entity in front of him. He was unsure what to focus on. There were many eyes focused on him, but countless more floating around the office, and even more arms constantly moving behind her.
"Is something the matter, Scarab?"
He blinked, shaking his head. "N-No ma'am. But... forgive me if this is rude but I would've thought a goddess as important as you would be... bigger?"
The chuckle echoed again, not very soothing, but also not angry.
"I am the size you would find approachable. I look different depending who enters this room. This room does as well. It would do no good if gods of your size are unable to interact with me. But, you are correct, I am much, much larger than this in reality. To large for your mind to reasonable process."
"O-Oh. That's very impressive ma'am... So... what is it I'm meant to do? I am honored that you selected me, but forgive me that I'm not certain how I'm meant to help you..."
"I think you misunderstand, Scarab. You cannot help me, not in the grand sense. It is me meant to help you, little bug. You are going to be transitioning from mortal to godhood. It is not an easy one, and you will need someone to watch over you. While I do that, all I ask you is to listen carefully, and remember to stay aware. And perhaps help me make some corrections of those who do not stay aware."
Scarab bowed in the most respectful way he can, his wings out as far as possible. "I-I am honored, ma'am. I will try my best."
"I know you will."
Scarab shook his head as he was brought back to the present. Prismo was looking at him oddly, and he only then realized he has stopped writing. He tapped on his own head, trying to refocus, and resumed work.
"Did you like working with her?"
"...I did. She made sense to me when nothing else did, back then."
"Isn't she an all powerful, unknowable goddess?"
"Perhaps it's a bit ironic, but that doesn't change the facts. She was reasonable. She had clear expectations. She never tried to talk around what she wanted, or misdirect me, or hide meanings in double talk. She was strict, her expectations were high, but I understood them."
He tutted to himself as he noticed a major mistake in the form he was reviewing. Honestly, can no one read basic directions or labels?
"...I can understand that. I don't like it when people hide what they want either. Why not just say what you need to say? You'll get what you want faster."
The two of them lingered in that shared understanding.
"...It's part of why I didn't trust you for the longest time. You're... not like everyone else here. You're genuine when you say the things you do. For the longest time, I was convinced you were... an act. That you had other intentions, and if I could find the right thread it would all unravel, and I could finally understand you. But... there weren't any threads. You are exactly who you say you are. And I'm thankful every day for that."
Prismo gave him a goofy grin at that, one that deepened the pink in his cheeks.
"She have you doing stuff like this often?"
"Oh, all the time. It's been quite a while since I've last done this, but... what's the mortal saying? 'It's like riding a bike'? Like that. I feel eons younger doing this."
"Scrabby. I love you. But you have weird hobbies."
"I've always like pattern recognition. I will not apologize for it."
"And I've never ask you to. Just, remind me to get you some puzzles or something soon. I think you'd like them."
"I'll make a note of it..."
Scarab still wasn't used to people caring. About him, or his internal life. This thing with Prismo... it was still new. Precious. Alien, almost.
He remembers a time when it wasn't. When being cared about was something he understood as a mutual exchange.
"You seem quiet today, little bug."
Scarab jumped at the Organizer's voice. He turned from his papers to look up at her, clicking his talons nervously. "...I thought you preferred the quiet, ma'am.
"You're correct in that I do. But your quiet is not quiet right now. Your quiet is troubled."
Scarab itched under the mask. He didn't like it much, he couldn't see as well and it was hot, but... it was better than the looks he got otherwise. "...I'm not troubled, ma'am."
"It's foolish to try and lie to me, Scarab. And there is nothing to be ashamed of if you are troubled."
"You're a Higher Up, I should be bothering you with my petty woes."
"That is not for you to decide. I happen to like you. And I would like to know what troubles my intern. Does it perhaps have something to do with the mask you're now wearing?"
He lowered his antenna in defeat.
"...Yes, it does, ma'am. I... I do not understand the behavior of this place..."
"How so?"
"...Back at the mounds... everyone helped each other. We shared, we touched, we spoke plainly... but... here, everything's different... No one seems to have an honest word to say. It's all... confusing. I'm left to guess what people mean when they ask something of me and... I feel I get it wrong most of the time."
"Ah. I can see how that might be confusing and upsetting for someone who's known communal life until now. But the gods play petty politics. It is a game to them, a game of faces and half-truths and artfully decorated intentions."
"But... why? Would it not be easier to say what it is you mean? Why should I learn a separate language of half-truths when we could all just say what we intend? And then they treat me like I'm the strange one for meaning what I say."
"That, little bug, I do not know. But I choose not to engage in it. And you shouldn't either, if it troubles you this way."
"You don't have to. No one can give you strange looks for getting it wrong."
"You can."
"Only because I file my paperwork correctly."
"And that is more than can be said than most."
There was a silence between them.
"...They don't like my face."
"Really now?"
"They say I'm... creepy. That I'm not something anyone wants to see. And, because of that, I should drop my bid for Wishmaster. What do... you think, ma'am?"
"In regards to your first concern, I am not the best judge in aesthetic beauty. I don't have a face. Several gods lack one as well. Some are just floating numbers, or a tangle of tendrils. But I do not personally find you creepy. I have seen everything there is to see, and I have seen far worse than you, back in the Time Before Nothing."
She paused her writing for a moment. She opened a palm above Scarab.
"Come here, little bug."
Scarab gulped, putting his pen down and fluttering into her open palm.
"As for your concern of Wishmaster... I think you would make an excellent one. I think you have worked hard, and you don't play politics. A Wishmaster is a neutral party in the cosmos. You must be willing to grant the wish, either from the bravest hero, or the darkest of spirits. You must grant the same wish the same way, whether it be from your best friend or worst enemy. I think you have the temperament to make that distinction. If it were up to me, I would put your name at the top. And, even if you're not chosen, you will always have a place in my employ. You would make an incredible Auditor."
Scarab felt his eyes water and his smile grow wide.
"You do not have to mask here, little bug. I judge nothing but your penmanship."
Scarab's face plates shifted to tuck behind his head. He antenna shivered and his wings rubbed against each other into an eager song.
"Thank you, ma'am. I... needed to hear that."
Scarab sighed at the memory. He looked at Prismo, turning over what the Organizer had said about what it took to be a Wishmaster. Impartiality. No special favors.
While, to this day, he would question if that really described Prismo, he couldn't help but feel like Prismo was the best pick for Wishmaster. Scarab had watched him. Watched him give warnings for poorly thought out wishes. Watched him give chances to rude and vulgar before sending them on their way. Watched him bond and be friendly with those who would seek him.
Prismo was a good Wishmaster. Because he didn't play politics. He was everybody's pal, until you crossed his boundaries. And his boundaries are clear and simple.
Scarab had nearly reached the bottom of his stack, his talons going numb from the amount of writing, when Prismo spoke up again.
"It... sounded like you were close. How come you haven't talked to her until now? Just busy?"
"Hmm... Partially... It's true, when I become Auditor, I became very busy. As was she. But... no, that was not the only reason why... We... had a bit of a falling out. After you were chosen as Wishmaster."
"Woah, what? Was it something I did?"
"It wasn't really your fault. I admit that now, it wasn't your fault you were chosen. But... I don't know. It's... hard to explain. When someone that important likes you... you... you start to think anything can happen if you ask nicely. It was not her decision on who should be Wishmaster. But... I think something felt betrayed. It's complicated and messy."
Prismo hummed, moving over to wrap around Scarab a bit.
"...Do you miss her?"
"...I have you, now."
"That's not what I asked. Do you miss talking to her?"
Scarab struggled for an answer before letting out a defeated, tired chirp.
"...It doesn't matter. I doubt she'd want to speak with me after everything."
"Have you tried?"
"Oh, Scarab... maybe you should reach out. Say you're sorry, ask her something. Worst she could do is ignore you, Glob knows she has the shredder for a reason."
Scarab thought about it while Prismo rubbed gentle circles into his back.
He thought about their last conversation. Or, at least, the last one before the disaster at the Gala.
"Little bug?"
"...I don't want to talk, ma'am."
"I think do."
Scarab hissed. "What do you want me to say? That was my one shot! I did everything right! I was meant to be Wishmaster! And some... Some random mortal just pops into the Hall, and snatches it away!?"
"The Boss must have seen something in him. Something that got him Noticed."
"But I was Noticed! I beat a monster not even the gods could! That should've counted for something! But it hasn't! I'm still just a groveling insect to them! To all of them! To you!"
"You do not know what I think of you."
"I'm a toy to you! I'm a toy to all of you! I'm something to laugh at! You filled my head with dreams! You made me think I could ever be something... Something like you! Something respected!"
"I am many things Scarab, but you know better than anyone. I don't play politics. As I said, you would be the top of my list if it was my decision. But it wasn't my decision, it wasn't any of our decision."
"...Then... then why did you... why did you build my hopes up? Why did you insist on building me up?"
"Because I believe in you, Scarab. I still do. I regret none of what I said. And I'm keeping to my promises. You will begin training as an Auditor in 20 Time Waves."
Scarab felt the need to scream. She didn't get it. Why did he expect anything else? Why would a Higher Up see him as anything other than... than a cockroach, skittering across the floor.
"Orbo will be your handler. You will begin reporting to his office in 20 Time Waves."
With one swing of a stamp on a piece of paper, Scarab's fate was sealed.
"...I know this is not what you wanted, Scarab. But I do think this is the right course of action. And my office will always be open to you. I hope you know that."
"...Am I dismissed, ma'am?"
There was a heavy silence between the two of them.
"...You are dismissed, Scarab."
That was the last time Scarab had spoken to his mentor. His... one friend...
"Hey, Scrabs, there's something here for you!"
Scarab signed off the last of his papers, the stack poofing away as he put it down, before crawling over to sit next to Prismo.
"What is it?"
"It's a letter. To you. From the Organizer."
Scarab stared at the piece of paper. It was her handwriting, that was certain. A... hand written note? He opened it.
"To my little bug.
"It's regrettable that the Gala was the first time we spoke in all these eons. You have changed. I am saddened that I have missed much of your time as Auditor. I only have reports, but it seems you did a remarkable job. I'm not surprised that you thrived.
"However, I am more saddened by what my negligence has allowed to take place. Should you ever return to your Auditor position, you will not be under Orbo's management again. You will be under my direct management, should your stay in the Time Room not be made permanent.
"While I cannot discuss details at this time, Orbo is being handled. The Judge will be hearing about it soon.
"I hope you know I was being truthful to you, Scarab. My office was always open to you. It still is. At least now you have a place to send mail. Do not misinterpret this as an order. But I do hope to hear from you soon. I'm most interested in what's transpired between you and the Almight Prismo.
"-The Organizer"
Scarab clutched the piece of paper. He held it like it was precious.
"Woah dude..." Prismo curled around the beetle again, petting his shoulders. "...I think you should write back. Tell her what you told me."
"...You think so...?"
"I mean, she wouldn't write if she didn't wanna talk, right? You should go for it."
Scarab didn't want to hope. But... well, he'd been feeling that a lot more recently. Hope felt dangerous, with no one in your corner. But he had Prismo. He had Cos and Death and Life. He had... a safety net.
Probably wouldn't hurt to have a Higher Up in that corner too.
"...Maybe I will... Can I have a pen and some paper? She always did like handwritten responses."
Prismo gave him a gentle smile.
"Of course, Lovebug."
Prismo held onto the final piece of paperwork, so they could send Scarab's response with it.
Scarab hadn't dared to hope things could get better in thousands of years. He'd accepted long ago that he'd be the pantheon's scapegoat. That no one would be on his side. That he'd forever be the skittering little insect at everyone's feet.
But that wasn't his life anymore.
He was loved. Things were improving.
And maybe... maybe he could make it even better.
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kitty-kei · 2 years
Fiery Familiarity - Part 3
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hey guys!! sorry it took longer than i expected to get this part out, i’ve been busy at work lol. also i realized i forgot literally like 3 paragraphs at the end of part 2 ;; they’re there now and they’re not crazy important but it’s something lol. enjoy part 3!!
words: ~1.9k
prologue | part 1 | part 2 | part 4
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You resorted to carrying Toph, having her bend through the ground to tunnel closer to the camp. You stumbled out and fell to the ground, holding her defensively to shield her from more harm. “Katara, we need some help over here!”
“Toph, Y/n! What happened?” Katara cried, crouching at Toph’s side.
“My feet got burned!”
“Oh no, what happened?”
Toph’s sass started to come back, “I just told you, my feet got burned.”
Katara glared, “I meant how.”
Toph hesitated, “Well… We kind of went to see Zuko last night.”
“You WHAT?!” Aang yelled.
“Zuko?!” Katara cried incredulously.
Sokka let out a noise before Toph continued, “I thought he could be helpful to us.” Katara began to heal her feet. “And if I talked to him, maybe we could work something out.”
“So he attacked you?” Sokka asked.
“Well, he did, and he didn’t. It was sort of an accident.”
Aang had to ask, “But he did firebend at you?”
Toph sighed, reluctantly responding, “yes.”
Sokka started again, “See? You trusted Zuko, and you got burned. Literally!”
You needed to say something. “It wasn’t all his fault, Sokka! He was asleep and thought we were someone coming to ambush him. He tried to apologize, but she’d already been hurt.”
“It’s gonna take a while for your feet to get better,” she paused her healing, putting her water away. “I wish I could have worked on them sooner.”
“Yeah, me too,” Toph grumbled.
“Zuko’s clearly too dangerous to be left alone. We’re gonna have to go after him.”
You stopped listening as Aang and Sokka spoke, choosing to help support Toph and carry her to the fountain for some rest. But of course, you couldn’t get a moment's rest, as an explosion sounded moments later.
You all panicked, grabbing Toph protectively.
“Stop!” You all turned as you heard Zuko’s voice. “I don't want you hunting the Avatar anymore! The mission is off. I'm ordering you to stop.” Zuko tried to block Combustion Man, only to get shoved aside as he let off another explosion even closer to you.
You watched in vain as Zuko tried to stop him. When Combustion Man turned, you felt like everything went in slow motion. Your heart stopped as the explosion pushed Zuko off the ledge, you couldn’t help the scream you let out.
Sokka forced you down behind the fountain, only letting you back up once the explosion passed. You almost cried in relief when you saw Zuko had managed to catch himself on the roots hanging between the rocks.
As Aang and Katara used their bending to shield the group, you helped Sokka carry Toph behind the pillars as fast as possible.
“He's going to blast this whole place right off the cliff side!”
Katara tries to peek out, only for another explosion to set off, “I can't step out to waterbend at him without being blown up and I can't get a good enough angle on him from down here.”
You see Sokka’s eyes light up, “I know how to get an angle on him!” He grabs his boomerang, watching before aiming and winding up. “Alright buddy, don't fail me now!”
The boomerang whips into the distance and you hear Sokka cheer as it hits Combustion Man in the forehead. He tries to set off an explosion, but it backfires, and he only succeeds in blowing himself up along with a whole pillar of the air temple. You watch with bated breath, only releasing it when you see Zuko climbing up the root and onto stable ground.
You wait with the others as Zuko makes his way to you.
Aang looks up, “I can’t believe I’m saying this but… Thanks, Zuko.”
Sokka poses as he speaks up, “hey, what about me? I did the boomerang thing.”
“Listen, I know I didn't explain myself very well yesterday, I've been through a lot in the last few years, and it's been hard. But I'm realizing that I had to go through all those things to learn the truth. I thought I had lost my honor, and that somehow my father could return it to me.” He paused, looking down before continuing. “But I know now that no one can give you your honor. It's something you earn for yourself, by choosing to do what's right. All I want to do now is play my part in ending this war, and I know my destiny is to help you restore balance to the world.”
Aang’s face softened with those words, and you could feel hope rising in your chest at the sight.
Zuko turns to Toph, “I'm sorry for what I did to you.” He gave her a bow, “It was an accident. Fire can be dangerous and wild, so as a firebender, I need to be more careful and control my bending, so I don't hurt people unintentionally.”
You could tell that hit Aang in the heart, the memories of his first attempt rushing to the surface as his eyes widened and he looked down in quiet contemplation. He looked up, “I think you are supposed to be my firebending teacher. When I first tried to learn firebending, I burned Katara, and after that, I never wanted to firebend again. But now I know you understand how easy it is to hurt the people you love.” Aang bows to Zuko, “I'd like you to teach me.”
Zuko smiles, bowing back. “Thank you. I'm so happy you've accepted me into your group.”
“Not so fast. I still have to ask my friends if it's okay with them.” Aang turns to Toph, “Toph, you're the one that Zuko burned. What do you think?”
She grins, pounding her fist to get palm jokingly, “Go ahead and let him join. It'll give me plenty of time to get back at him for burning my feet.”
Aang smiles and looks at you, “Y/n?”
You hesitate, looking into Zuko’s eyes as you speak. “I know that there is good in his heart. He deserves a chance to show it. He’s the best shot you have at learning firebending.”
Aang nods, looking to the left, “Sokka?”
Sokka shrugs, “Hey, all I want is to defeat the Fire Lord. If you think this is the way to do it, then, I'm all for it.”
Aang nods once more, looking at the final person. “Katara?”
You watch sweat roll down Zuko’s face, a look of pure hope and fear in his eyes. She glares as she speaks, “I'll go along with whatever you think is right.”
Tension bleeds from Zuko’s shoulders as he steps forward. “I won't let you down! I promise!”
You carry Toph as the group bleeds out of the area, watching as Sokka tells Zuko to grab his things.
You hear Sokka calling to Zuko, something about lunch, after he shows him to his new room. As he slips out of the room, you watch Sokka turn to Aang and say, “Okay, this is really, really weird.”
You slot yourself behind a pillar, watching silently as Zuko pulls a photo out of his bag. You stay quiet for a moment as you watch his thumb rub against it. You see Katara lean against the doorway, his head whipping up as he feels her eyes on him. He stands as she begins to speak.
“You might have everyone else here buying your... transformation, but you and I both know you've struggled with doing the right thing in the past.” You watch as she walks toward him, standing inches from his face as she sneers, “So let me tell you something, right now. You make one step backward, one slip-up, give me one reason to think you might hurt Aang, and you won't have to worry about your destiny anymore. Because I'll make sure your destiny ends... right then and there. Permanently.”
You watch as hurt blooms on his face, his eyes wide and sad as he watches her leave. You hide behind the pillar as she slams the door. You wait until her footsteps and mumbled curses subside before you approach the door.
You knock on the door softly, “...Zuko?”
You hear shuffling before the door opens, a disheartened look on his face.
“Have you come to give me a piece of your mind, too?”
Your eyes softened before you shook your head. “Can I come in?”
He watched you with an indiscernible look before he stepped to the side and opened the door, giving you more than enough room to step inside. You slid in, taking a deep breath before you spoke up, “I’m sorry for Katara’s… outburst. I’m sure you can understand it comes from a place of love for her friends, but her protective nature comes out more threatening than it needs to.”
He looks down, “No, she has every right to be angry. After the things I’ve done, what my nation put them through… I don’t blame her for being mad at me.”
You nodded sadly, trying to find something else to take his attention off of the past. Your eyes lit up as you looked down at the bed, “Is that your uncle Iroh?”
His eyes snapped to meet yours, “I… Yes, it is.”
You picked it up gently, studying the painting. “Tell me about him.”
You could feel Zuko’s eyes studying you, but when you turned to meet his eyes, they were focused on the photo. “He is… the closest thing to a real father that I’ve ever known. He stood by me, no matter how childish, stubborn, or foolish I was. He cared for me in a way that my father never could. He is crazy and wise and tea obsessed, but I wouldn’t have made it this far without him. He loved and supported me, and I still couldn’t see it. I just wish I could go back and make things right.”
You studied his face as he spoke, awed at how beautifully he’d grown into himself. The sharp cut of his jaw, the gentle slope of his nose, the way his hair fell perfectly, long enough but somehow not in his eyes. And his eyes, Spirits, his eyes shined like gold, even in the muted sun. He looked ethereal. You could still see the youth in his face, just the slightest bit of softness left in his cheeks even with how active he was. You could see how the years had worn him down, his face full of worry lines even at 16. Even his scar, the skin now healed and rough, his left eye permanently squinted just so. He was perfect.
You realized he stopped speaking, looking at you with a sadness in his eyes you couldn’t bare. You traced the edge of Iroh’s portrait softly as you whispered, “You really love him, don’t you?”
Zuko inhaled sharply, his eyes widening as he searched your face. He smiled almost imperceptibly, “I guess I do.”
You held your breath, wanting so badly to hug him, reassure him that Iroh would forgive him, that everything would be okay… but you didn’t know him that well, not anymore. So you settled for a reassuring hand on his shoulder as you handed the portrait back. “The next time you see him, tell him. I’m sure he feels the same.”
You paused for a moment before slipping your hand away, beginning to trail towards the door. His raspy voice made you pause.
“What was your name again?”
You stopped in your tracks, inhaling sharply before casting a glance over your shoulder. “Y/n.”
You walked out before you could see his reaction.
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yosajaeofficial · 2 months
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Hey hey hey! Welcome back to the show, “The Monthly Jayce Myles Comics Updates!” Where I give obvious monthly updates to my followers about the progress for the hit series that hasn’t debuted yet, “ROTTMNT: The Jayce Myles Comics”! Sorry I haven’t posted this month, I was hella busy with college applications and other projects, but I’m delighted to get back into these updates.
Without further ado, let’s get the show running! I have some fun things to show ya!!!
The Comic
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The month was way too quick for my own good, the comic’s slow. Again, I was busy applying to college and doing other side projects I’m working on. I’m gonna be attending college next month so the comic will have its hardships but I really wanna pursue my education as well, but the updates shall continue like always with all of its fun content! Anyways, the comic: the debut has 20+ pages and my god it’s just insane on how many there are when I’m not even halfway there. I’m impressed with how many pages go by just to tell the story, older pages will be fixed up so it either might be reduced or even more but that’s for future Jae to decide; I’m learning as I go! It’s also better that I show instead of say that I’m just “working on it” since it’s easy to lie to be honest.
The turtles haven’t been seen since I haven’t got to drawing their introductions yet, I’m gonna shart in my pants because I’m scared but I’m literally an artist doing a comic so I gotta do them sooner than later. Maybe the next update you’ll see them? Don’t hold me too much onto that but it might be a cute goal to set, let me know what happened when the August update comes!
Jayce is so silly with her coat huh? She’s just a girl giving it her best, even if they thrift at the worst shop known to man (they’re gonna learn someday…) We also got Rogelio and Jayce being all cool together, I was proud of that page when first sketching it out. They both are so sweet to draw out, hope to see their finalized pages to see their true potential!
Bonus Content: Hidden City Mystical Crystals
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Silly reader, you’re scratching your nose and thinking, “what am I looking at?” You’re in luck! Cuz these babies are actually additional parts about the Hidden City’s lore/magic system. Magic system? Yes, a magic system. The Jayce Myles Comics is going beyond the original canon of Rise and creating many more original concepts and combining it with what was given by the canon. I wanted to show off more of the mystics from yokai because their potential was so much cooler to finally explore when drafting the ideas.
The Hidden City’s magic system is based off of the elements, not too complicated, but has some different rules when compared to other executions of the elemental magic system. That’s for another day, I’m only gonna talk about the crystals and show what they can do. You can reference this update and look into the JMC with this cool bit of knowledge! Let’s get started >:3
Origins of the Mystical Crystals
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These crystals were created based off of industrial flaws people have faced. Basically, I learned about the 1920s construction workers and their working conditions where it made me think “what would the have wished for when they worked?” I referenced from real people, history books, and my own personal experiences to create functions, and help base the crystals off of what I came up with.
The Netflix show, “Arcane” was a great inspiration to combine mystics with technology, the brand was called “Hextech” and it’s system was hella cool to me and it helped a lot when I was working on the crystal’s concepts. The mystical crystals are meant to be used as “tools to help the magic user”, where they can enhance their power, gain a temporary ability, create spells, or use in technology.
The names of them are based off of the Latin languages like, English, Italian, Spanish, and a hint of both Chinese and Korean if you squint really hard. I will go through each of the crystals in a vague manner for ya’ll to see what they can do!
Fire Magic
Fire magic is actually defined as: “The manipulation/manifestation of temperature” instead of just heat, it can be fire or ice.
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LA HEILMAQ: The crystal is based off of quartz in visuals and has the glow like a moonstone! La Heilmaq is the crystal that’s used to help air conditioning in modern homes and create weapons. They’re the most natural crystal to use to create weapons since it’s form holds up so well, it’s as common as bronze in real life! They’re pretty cold to the touch, so be careful and don’t hold them for too long if you’re 1. not a fire magic user, or 2. not wearing gloves. These babies are used for more attacks than defense since they’re pretty deadly if you’ve been penetrated by the crystal itself.
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EL HEILMAQ: This crystal is based off of colored glass from old alcohol bottles, tainted windows, and the power of friendship because this is the one that isn’t the most realistic looking since I made the shape up. It looks like the “BOOM!” shape for a reason~ El Heilmaq is the crystal which contains heat, it’s sealed by the actual gemstone itself so you’re able to touch with your bare hands without getting burned. The crystal can be used for restoring heat in homes, making artillery, and/or throwing them on the ground to create natural firecrackers. Most yokai use smaller bits of the crystal as distractions and the bigger pieces to help the industry by keeping their homes warm, they don’t need boiler rooms or to grab coal because El Heilmaq crystals can already do that for them without causing damage to nature.
The word Heilmaq was based off the English word “Hail” which is Ice, which is to hammer the idea that this isn’t just heat based. The word Maq is gibberish that's made to be another word for "kaboom", which brings more of the fire elements to the word itself.
Air Magic
Air magic is defined as, “The manipulation/manifestation of oxygen”!
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LA SENYÁR: The crystal is based off of diamonds and emeralds! La Senyár is a crystal that helps give the air magic user more of a boost, they can crash the crystal and it gives them a boost of air so they can jump higher, dodge quicker, or just blow a gust of wind at the enemy. The crystal itself is used by technology to give it more flight, used in planes, cars, and even shoes! Yes, shoes can also have the crystal, it helps the bird yokai give them a boost to use their wings to fly. The word Senyár is a word based off of the Spanish word, “Soñar” that translates to “To Dream”; it was named this way because the way how the pressure of the air isn’t as powerful or dense, it’s like if you’re walking on clouds, it feels like a dream.
Water Magic
Water magic is defined as, “The manipulation/manifestation of water and health”
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LA CANTÉM: The crystal is based off of pebbles found in rivers, ponds, and on rock beaches; there’s also influence by the topaz gemstone with it’s beautiful orange color. La Cantém is a healing crystal, where you’re able to use it on yourself to cool down injuries where it helps heal the wounds. It works both as a numbing solution and healing solution based on the water magic user. With these crystals, you always have to hydrate them in fresh water so the water can absorb into the crystal and used as energy; if it’s dehydrated, then the crystal’s will be weaker. The word Cantém is based off of the Spanish word, “Cantar” where it translates to, “To Sing”. It’s because singing can calm people down, and the crystal helps calm down the injured and lets the healing process go smoothly, it’s based off of my bestie where their singing really was like fresh water to my ears, a great inspiration for this crystal.
Earth Magic
Earth magic is defined as, “The manipulation/manifestation of nature”
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EL TERÉM: The crystal is based off of an amethyst visually, and yes, inside there’s a different color! El Terém is the crystal that most fighters use in order to manipulate rocks/boulders, build stronger architecture, or create rock shields when you throw them on the floor. It’s mostly rock based but still hella good to use in battle as a defense mechanism, the rock that’s formed is sturdy too, not weak for it to break easily. Shredder would have no problems breaking it but that guy’s insane. The word Terém is inspired by the word "tear" or "contain", any interpretation rocks! (no pun intended)
Yin Magic
Yin magic is defined as, “The manipulation/manifestation of darkness”
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MIE SIÑE: The crystal is based off of titanium black tourmaline and onyx. Mie Siñe is the crystal that contains shadows inside, depending on what the spell is, it either can produce shadows or fog. The usage for the crystal is much more unknown since Yin magic is banned from being used in Witchtown, but the crystal itself has been documented to be used to isolate the enemy when being used. It's also been used to cover the enemies eyes with darkness in order to distract them/become vulnerable sight wise. The word Siñe is a word based on the actual word "Sign" and "Sin", which holds a lot of significance into the story so I won't spoil.
Yang Magic
Yang magic is defined as, “The manipulation/manifestation of light”
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MIE PIRE: This dear crystal is based off of the Italian onyx, magnesite, and calcite. Mie Pire is the crystal that contains light inside, any kind of light, it's not just sunlight. It's a bit more tricky and dangerous to use since you can blind yourself with it more easily, so it's also not as used. However, Yang magic is also banned like Yin, but there has still been technological uses for Mie Pire like using it as an alternative for electricity (which saves the bills!) and also used as lamps for more conservative places like Witchtown. The crystal has proved itself useful as a light source, but it can still be used as a defense mechanism by blinding the enemies eyes for a good second of even minute. The word Pire is based off of the word "Pure" which means that this crystal is very raw hence why it's dangerous. Another word it's inspired by is the Latin word "Pyra" which means "Bonfire". Both interpretations are used for this one!
The word Mie is based off of the actual Italian word "Mie" which means "My". It doesn't truly mean mine, because it's also inspired by the Spanish "Mira" that translates to "Look". It can be interpreted any way you want!
Thank you for coming to this lovely update! I've been working really hard to get the comic rolling and to also balance out my personal life with it, but I'm proud of how far I've come in the span of a year! Lots of progress has been made and it's getting much more exciting to create for the JMC. Have a wonderful day/night and see ya'll soon.
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Hello, Oldie Chinese Diaspora Anon™️ here. Where is the “loudest anti-recast voice” from? This confession reminded me of something interesting (and makes me feel very old at the same time). There are a lot of aspects to the recast market (and yes, Econ Anon, I hear you! It’s a market thing! 👍 ) and part of it is geopolitical. I guess that’s where I come in.
Let me walk you back to the late 80’s when China first opened its doors to the world. At that time, because of Chairman Deng’s policy of “letting a small group of people get rich sooner”, the Eastern seaboard opened itself up to foreign investment. However, one should never forget that China is a totalitarian, Communist state. It meant that “the law” is prone to changing, the government owns most large industries and through the ways of loans, the government also has a backdoor to most businesses. I still remember the blatant accusations of what we used to call the “Chinese honeypot” scheme. The government (or some government-funded businesses) entice foreign investors to set up factories along the Eastern seaboard.
Part of the agreement to receive government subsidized benefits was to hire more than 50% local labour, and this included the managerial staff as well. In the beginning, a lot of the early investors reported that they were earning hand over fist because of the cheap labour. But after the first wave, investors were being expelled out of the country one way or another, after being stripped of their assets and their trade secrets. I still remember multiple family members (and business friends of these said family members) recounting stories of foreign bosses catching their Chinese managers stealing trade secrets and deliberately sabotaging equipment when their aims have been fulfilled. In some cases, actual honeypot traps were set up so the bosses would be set up with adultery (which was a severely punishable crime at the time) or saddled up with a Chinese wife. To cut the horror story down, China found itself where it is today through alleged systematic and government-sanctioned intellectual theft. It is no wonder that the Chinese boomers are not known as big sticklers to copyright law. In many ways, they are still the ones in charge. Folks like Luo, for example.
However, just as a coin has two sides, the closed-in totalitarian state also fostered an “ever-inward” culture. Children born to these boomers were taught on a steady diet of nationalism and extreme self-centredness. These are considered to be virtues. Their children, the Gen Z, have even more of the same cultural upbringing, bolstered by being the “only child” of “only child” parents. As a consequence, there is a lot of internal cohesion based off of nationalism, which translated into a specific type of cronyism that is hard to fathom. Most of us have heard of the term “rabid fans” – for an old fogey like me, I think of Deadheads caravanning across the country to catch the next concert. Folks these days are probably more familiar with the fans of famous singers such as BTS and BlackPink and the hijinks they were up to from time to time. In today’s China, on the other hand, pretty much every fandom can boast their own “rabid fans” – from Apple Fanatics to a self-professed fan groups for an actor/singer/artist to… well, BJDs. When I say “rabid fans”, it’s because I cannot come up with any other word for this behaviour. If you can think of a better descriptor, please let me know.
I lurk in Chinese “BJD Circle.” And this fanaticism has its highs and lows. The lows are plenty and serious – people will refuse to sell second-hand dolls to newbies because “they don’t speak the lingo”, for example. The faceup artists are known to smash heads if they are found to be recasts. Scammers and questionable behaviours are “hung” out in the Tucao bar for a public lynching - and because most people in the circle frequent this Tieba, it’s basically a court of public opinion. Thanks to the social credit system, if you are lynched through a virtual struggle session, your ability to be a part of this circle becomes so diminished that you are shunned. And due to the fact that you need your real name and information to set up an account for all transactional platforms, it’s easy to get doxed and cyberbullied. This self-righteous fervor expanded outside of China and was brought under the spotlight for the first time in 2020, during the “Milk Tea Alliance” incident (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milk_Tea_Alliance Note: in the spirit of full disclosure, I came from one of the Milk Tea Alliance countries. )
What about the highs? The “high” point in this self-contained lynching culture is internal self-policing. The Circle acknowledges that people who are just entering the hobby may accidentally buy a recast. But in order to be accepted into the circle, you have to prove that you have completely given up your recast dolls by “whitewashing” yourself here: http://c.tieba.baidu.com/p/6882408381 (Content Warning: very broken dolls, hammer, fire) If you get caught having a recast doll, you will be shunned. Your businesses (as a faceup artist, seamstress, wig maker, etc) will also be boycotted. In short, the self-policing is slowly squeezing Luo’s business out of China, for better or worse.
Which is why on Luo’s business website (https://chinabjd.en.alibaba.com/company_profile.html) China is no longer its biggest market, which we alluded to here: It took me a long time to try to hunt down why would North America be the second largest market while China itself makes up a small portion. It wasn’t until I came across this post http://c.tieba.baidu.com/p/7792470874?pn=1 that it made sense. It was first posted in the April of 2022, from a Chinese national studying abroad in Japan. This person was surprised that the international market was flooded with Shuga Fairy dolls while another person chimed in stating that a lot of “Westerners” asked if Shuga Fairy dolls were any good. Other folks chimed in that Shuga Fairy dolls were found in a lot of international platforms while another one mentioned that the same doll sold for a higher price overseas.
Then it made sense. For what it’s worth, the Chinese’s closed, cronyism “Circles” have managed to keep most of the recasts out of the hobby. Sure, recast-friendly/neutral circles still exist, but they are in the fringes and having some difficulty interacting with the rest of the hobby as a whole (to the point having difficulty buying doll items from Xianyu stores. Store owners will refuse to sell their wares to recast owners). But that’s not the same with North America. It’s a land where information is scarce(r ), the market is not nearly as saturated and there are a lot more folks who have simply never heard of a BJD before. It’s much easier to con a largely unsuspecting crowd (which explains why recast dealers really work hard on that SEO) into buying something that they thought was “just an expensive toy”.
So, for the folks who think “the US has the loudest anti-recast voice”… I am really, really sorry. You can’t argue with the numbers (or Econ Anon, for that matter). The US is the second largest mark for the recast market. And there are some really compelling reasons why this is so.
P.S. I am not familiar with the Russian market at all. So please, don’t ask me why Russia is the largest market for Luo and his company. Thanks in advance.
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I Saw You Once In a Dream, Maybe|| Pt. 7
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“We head to my place, make you dinner and watch something there. Sorry I couldn't think of anything better on the spot.”
“Nah it's fine, we can always go on exciting dates later. First, we need to talk about what happened there. You still haven't answered my question.”
“Ah right, well I have been having dreams, what I assumed to be a future event, maybe? I kind of thought it was some weird dream until you showed up out of nowhere.”
“What exactly happened in your dreams?”
“W-well, it was about,” You were hesitant, feeling embarrassed about this whole situation. “Does it really matter? You kind of ratted yourself out.”
“Not telling huh? I can see your face turning red too, don't tell me it was something dirty~”
“Absolutely not!” You punch his shoulder.
“Then why are you so embarrassed about it?”
“Cause it was in a…wedding setting.”
There was a pause between the two. Too busy staring at each other with wide eyes. Monkey King's tail soon started to swing as a wide smug smirk appeared on his face.
“Are you saying that we? No way! Now I'm never leaving your side, you're stuck with me for good.”
“You don't seem to be weirded out by this.”
“I meant what I said earlier, I like you and want to get to know you better. Even if I need to do a few… tricks.” He clears his throat.
“Oh I know, it seems to have worked since we got married. Actually, I'm curious, what were your genius plans?”
You and Monkey King continue on the walk. He was obviously nervous but tried to play it off.
“Oh the usual, nothing too important or unique.”
“Come on, I won't be too mad.”
“A few were just making a reason to chat with you. Create a few false scenarios like earlier. Then take you out and buy you stuff.”
“The classic, buying my love.”
“It's a little more than that, but in a way yeah. Then I would pressure you to give me a chance.”
“Whoa, red flag buddy. What else did you have planned, you got me hooked.”
“Now that I'm saying it out loud, it doesn't like a good idea.”
“Come on too late to back out.”
“Okay just don't freak out too much.”
“As long as you don't do it, I promise.”
“I won't since I realize I may have gone over the line. If all things failed, a love potion. Even if it doesn't exist, I would have found a way.”
“You're not mad right?”
“What the actual fuck-”
“You said, you wouldn't be mad!”
“I'm not, but did you just hear what you said!”
“It didn't sound like a bad plan when I thought about it!”
“How did you even get feelings for me to begin with?”
“Oh, that old story… Best if I don't say anything about it.”
“What dirty secret are you hiding?”
“A lot actually.”
“I can see why you felt like you had tricked me into marrying you.”
“It's not that bad-”
“Shut up it is.”
Monkey King let out a whine, before hanging his head down in shame. You continue walking, reaching the familiar house.
“Stay here, I'll be quick.”
“But I want to come too! I need to meet my in-laws.”
“Nope, we are not married yet.”
“You know what, fine.”
Turning around, you grabbed the collar of his jacket. The kiss was quick and light.
“If you listen, and stay out here, I'll give you a longer kiss.”
He smirks, cupping your cheek. His thumb rubs your skin, it was oddly relaxing. In all your years, no one has ever made you feel this way.
“You always surprise me in the best way. Go, I'll stay out here but pretty sure your mother saw us.”
On cue, your mom called out for you.
“Of course, she did.”
You both enter the house, your giddy mom was thrilled to meet the demon next to you.
“I didn't know you were bringing someone special. You should have told me sooner, I would have made dinner and picked up around the house.”
“Mom please, it’s not what you think,” Monkey King steps forward, cutting you off.
“That’s right, luckily I’m not their lover,” He pulls out two strands of hair.
“Wait luckily?!”
“I’m their fiancé!”
The two hair strands became rings. One on your finger. Your mom squealed in delight on the news. While you stood there in shock.
You should have left him back at Pigsy’s.
“Honey, you never told me! I thought you said you weren’t dating anyone.”
“Oh, you know how they are. They wanted it to be a secret but then I proposed.”
Your mom guides him to the living room. Chatting away about the wedding and him wanting to get her and my father's blessings. You stayed glued to your spot.
Only one thought entered your head.
You're going to find a way to kill him.
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ashbye · 2 years
🌈Hello everyone! I know its been a while but I have finally decided to start writing this! I've been pretty busy so I apologise for not getting this out sooner. I've also just not had a lot of motivation to write things at the moment. Either way I hope you enjoy the story. I just finished watching The Witcher season 2 so I will hopefully be as accurate as I can. This is a part 2 request from @chocotacobread by the way! So thank you to them for it! By the way I just watched Avatar: The Way of Water and my Avatar phase has been rekindled so I might write about that. I literally watched the first Avatar when the movie came out in theaters. Anywho here we go!
Warnings: swears, implied smut, make out
This is the link for part one: part one
Reunited at last Pt.2 - Geralt x f!reader
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It had been a long journey so far for the three of you. After learning of Yennefer's death Geralt wasn't sure how to feel, she was a good friend of his. Along with killing monsters and protecting Ciri some new found feelings were starting to surface. You had never told anyone of course, especially not Geralt. The fear of losing what was just rekindled was too overpowering.
Ciri had started to become suspicious of Geralt and you. She had grown tired of watching you two dance around each other. So, she did what she thought was best, and took it into her own hands.
The plan was to simply stir up some realizations in the both of you. She decides that opportune moment for her plan to come into action is now. You were currently collecting wood for a fire while Geralt and Ciri were setting up camp for the night.
Ciri couldn't wait any longer. "You seem quite close to Y/n, don't you think Geralt?" Ciri asks him and after a moment silence he looks to her with a questioning eyes. "I suppose. Why?" She looked away from him towards the blanket she was laying out. "I don't know it's just that you seem fond of her and if I've seen correctly she is quite fond of you to." Geralt stopped what he was doing and quickly turned his head to her.
"What do you mean by that?" Ciri was struggling to hide her smirk as she responded "Oh just you know." Geralt's eyes narrowed and his brows furrowed. "Ciri.." he said in a low tone. Deciding to leave it at that, Ciri got up and started walking off. "I'm gonna go check and see if there are any bags left on roach."
Geralt stared at her back as she walked away. What she said circled his mind and he tried to figure out what ever that cryptic sentence meant. Coming up with nothing, he sighed and set back to work.
It was this moment when you came back with stacks of wood under your arms. You set them down and looked at the two of them. "What's got you two so quiet?" Ciri shrugged and Geralt only responded with his signature hum and continued with his work.
The next day you and Ciri were packing up your things onto Roach with some small talk. Ciri decides that now was the time to subtly drop her observations into the conversation. "So, you and Geralt huh?" You looked to her in slight bewilderment. "What about me and Geralt?"
"You two just seem very near and dear to each other. What's that all about." You looked back to Roach for a moment before returning your eyes to Ciri. "I suppose we are but I don't understand what you mean by that." Seeing your confusion Ciri was going leave it and you figure it out for herself. She laughed off the question, "I think you know what I mean." You scoffed and looked away. "If you mean to say that I love Geralt than you are far off. He's merely a good friend of mine.-" As you continued to ramble off about how the two of you were just friends Ciri nodded her head and walked off.
You sighed as Geralt came over to you. "What are you rambling about?" You jumped slightly and held a hand to your heart "Shit! We have got to put a bell on you! No matter how large and muscular you are does not mean I can you hear you walking up to me!" Geralt smirked at you and apologized before asking his question again. "Oh nothing, it was just something Ciri said. You know how she is."
"Everyone seems to think I know everything these days it seems." You chuckled at his words and nodded. "Yes well you are the intelligent white wolf, are you not?" He narrowed his eyes and responded "Don't patronize me." You gasped in fake offense as he did his hum of a chuckle. "Me? Why I would never!" You smiled at him as you felt a warmth bubble in your stomach.
You hid your face away in hopes he wouldn't notice you're racing heartbeat. But being a witcher Geralt noticed it right away. He felt a sense of pride overcome him from the realization that he did that to you. Neither of you could tell exactly why you were having these feelings but you could conjure up a guess.
You cleared your throat as started to step back. "We should head out, I'll grab Ciri." Geralt nodded and watched as you walked away your cape flowing behind you.
It was night when you finally stopped at an inn. Geralt wanted to camp in the forest nearby but Ciri begged him to stay in the inn. You were the voice of reason in this situation saying it might be a good idea to have at least one night in an actual bed. Plus you had just enough coin in you pocket for rooms, meals, and housing for Roach.
So here you were at the counter paying for a stable for Roach and two rooms. One for Ciri and one for you and Geralt. As the two of you walked in your shoulders slouched. Geralt looked inside and let out a mumbled "Fuck." You specifically asked for your room to have two beds but there was a mix up and ended up only having one.
"Well there's nothing we can do about it now." You sighed and set down you bag on the small table inside. Geralt walked behind you and set his things down as well. There was a thick tension in the room. It felt as if Geralt's sword wouldn't be sharp enough to cut through it.
You decided to bring up what Ciri said to you earlier that day. "So, Ciri was asking me something this morning." Geralt hummed in response to show he was listening as he was taking off his armour. "She was asking me about how we're so 'near and dear to each other'." Geralt looked to you with furrowed brows.
"And what do you think she means by that?" You glanced at him and sighed while picking at your knife holster. You weren't sure how to respond at this point. Maybe being blunt was the best option in this case. "She's probably talking tension or something like that."
If he was being on honest, Geralt was surprised she even wanted to talk about this at all. Considering how long they've held it off for. His jaw clenched in response as he searched for the correct path to take in this situation. Just as Y/n had thought, maybe being blunt was best.
"I think she might be right." You looked to him with a slight smirk and said "Oh do you?" He gave a light hum as he stared at you, as if that one hum would answer all your questions. You decided to tease a bit to see how far he could go before snapping.
"If you think Ciri is so right, then why don't you prove it to me?" Surprise was evident in his eyes while his face conveyed nothing. No emotion at all. "And how would I do that?" He asked you after a beat of silence. You took a step closer to him. So close you chests were mere centimeters apart. His warm breath ghosted across your cheeks as you gazed into his eyes.
"I think you know exactly how to prove it to me." It only took a second before he lurched forward and placed his lips onto yours. You couldn't describe how it felt in simple words. The kiss felt like pure poetry. It felt like breathing in fresh, forest air. It felt like sitting by the fire with a drink warming the depths of your soul. It was an experience entirely new yet familiar.
You never wanted it to end but the need for oxygen became too overpowering. Your lips pulled away and took in as much air as possible before going right back in. The first kiss was soft and sweet but now, it felt firm and passionate. His tongue lightly grazed your bottom lip asking for entrance. You willingly gave it to him.
Your mouths were partaking in a fiery dance of yearning. Hands gripped at clothes and exposed skin. It didn't even register in your mind that you were being lifted up until your legs rested around his waist. Geralt slowly walked to the bed, laying you down on your back and towering over you.
Before it could go any further though you pushed him away, wanting to make one thing clear. "Geralt, I love you." You panted out with what little air you had. He rested his forehead on yours taking a moment to bask in your words. "I love you too." He grumbled out before slowly taking you lips again.
All throughout the night you and Geralt proved to each other just how much you loved the other. Passion fell through the air until the sun peeked over the horizon. As the light fell into the room, you and Geralt lay in bed with your head on his chest and his arm around you resting on your hip. Your hand drew circles into his skin as you both basked in the afterglow.
You sat up on your elbow with your arm still on his chest. He looked into your eyes as a smile spread across you face. You hand reached up and lightly grabbed his jaw to connect his lips to yours. It was a light kiss that said all that needed to be said in that moment.
From then on the both of you had only grown closer and you promised to stick by each other's side no matter what. That night changed your lives for the better and you're so glad that Ciri had finally grown impatient enough to push you two together. After all it was about time you and Geralt had a proper reunion.
🌈There you go! I hope you enjoyed sorry it took so long!
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cloudsandcrescents · 9 months
What’s your publishing schedule looking like?
That’s a great question. I have no clue (kidding but also not?)
Kidding…not kidding lol…send help pls. But seriously.
Rough Schedule (As it Stands)
I’m currently working on a follow up to Relinquish that sort of fell by the wayside. That is nearly done (75-80%) and it will be up before the end of week (ideally today or tomorrow). This will just be added as a second chapter to the original.
Leather Black I’m actually planning to post more frequently on because that’s meant to be a short series similar to how I did Empty Rooms. I’m planning to resume updates for that this week/weekend with weekly updates but will ideally be more like every 2-3 days depending on my schedule. I really like this one so I’m eager to update for it but I think I just started tackling it at a time where there was a lot going on in my personal life that messed up my schedule quite a bit.
After Hours is reaching its end with maybe another 2-3 chapters (the last likely being an epilogue) so I’m trying to wrap it up by getting back to (at minimum) a biweekly update schedule. Max I’m giving myself to finish is through end of January since that’s around when I first started it. Should have an update to this by the end of next week.
Similar to After Hours, I intend to wrap up Promise Me very soon as well with, likely, another 2-3 chapters. The alternating updates really worked well for me as I would just toggle between which one was the previously updated fic. (Unrelated) Promise Me I’ve actually been debating on because I already set the layout for a sequel in my head. I was thinking about whether I wanted to just keep it going or create a separate fic for it and right now I feel like the latter so we’re surprisingly wrapping that up soon. Should have an update on this in about two weeks if not sooner.
I want to lighten the load before I tackle anything further so I think this is the point where I kind of stop the addition of any new fics until I get a better handle on my current WIP. That said, I most likely won’t be updating Hour of Need or When We Serve until I finish After Hours and Promise Me. Encore is there as well though I’m feeling a little iffy on whether or not I want to come back to that but we’ll see. HoN and WWS will likely follow the pattern of alternating biweekly or even weekly updates between the two once After Hours and Promise Me are done. We’re going to give these a hopeful return in early February but may come sooner.
I’ve gotten several Tumblr requests in my asks that I do see and will definitely get too. I have a tendency to overload myself and I’m very susceptible to burnout so those are just a little behind but I’m hoping to add a few into my update schedule resuming in Mid-Jan/Early-Feb if not sooner once I wrap up Leather Black and my other two bigger fics.
As always, thank you everyone for being so patient with me. I hope that I’m fortunate enough where I can eventually just write for a living and just play with words all day. Until then, I most resume my normal day to day life which isn’t nearly as exciting but keeps me equally busy. I write most of my fics on my phone but also try to sit at my computer to write which tends to motivate me more. Unfortunately, my computer has been inoperable for a few months now as I’ll likely need to replace the CPU I’m pretty sure I broke lol. It’s had to take a backseat to a few other things but I’m planning to get a replacement in mid January and hopefully that’ll help with a lot with my productivity.
I hope this provides anyone looking for their particular favorite of my works, a bit of relief knowing that updates are coming soon. Thank you all for being the best part of getting to do this, truly. 🩵
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mfmilligan · 1 year
In the Midst #3
I’m currently at the Outskirts Gas Station. Yes, it’s a bit wimpy of me to choose the place farthest away from town to explore. But after the weird stuff back at the Pink Mall, I’ll go easy on myself today.
     It’s pretty out here…although it’s still a bit uncanny to me. The grass on these rolling hills is too perfect and the bright blue sky seems artificial. It looks like a computer background with the brightness and the saturation cranked all the way up. It’s also extremely quiet out here. No underlying hiss like in town, but also no birdsong or anything. Makes me really glad I have music now, even if it is Weather Channel jazz.
     As refreshing as it is, this gas station also makes me a little sad. Probably because it reminds me of all the road trips I used to go on as a kid. Mom, my siblings, and I (Dad was always too busy) would go visit cousins every summer when I was younger. With a few states between us, it meant many hours on the road. I have lots of memories of staring out the window, wondering why the land zoomed by but the sky stood still. Certain songs come to mind, knowing how many CDs we ate through. And, of course, there were all the various rest stops and gas stations along the way.
     Strange…when I was younger, those kinds of places didn’t seem like they were part of the rest of the world. As if everything close to the road was a reality separate from the one where the usual patterns of life took place. You could visit and you could leave, and nothing would change once you were gone. No matter who left or what happened, those stops and stations would keep looking the same, being the same. The world could race ahead or fall apart, but these isolated places would survive in their own timeless dimension.
     It certainly seems true for this gas station in this abandoned world.
     Something weird, though. When I went inside to see if there were snacks, the logos on everything were – well, they were the same as the brand label on my Walkman. Letters mushed together, impossible to read. There’s enough in the colors and design to show that maybe this is Snickers and maybe this is M&Ms. But otherwise, you don’t know what you’re picking up.
     Makes me wonder if it’s the same on the groceries I get at the Sweet Tomato. You’d think I’d catch onto something weird like that sooner. Then again, I was too focused on trying to escape and finding anyone else to pick up on minor details. I wonder what else I might not be noticing…
     The sun will be setting soon – I should head back.
     Still in shock. Holy shit.
     I went back to the mall, thinking of nothing except eating and sleeping. From the outside, everything looked fine. Then I got closer to the entrance.
     A foot-high wave of water poured out when I opened the doors.
     I shouldn’t have gone in, but I did because I wanted to know what was causing this. Water was everywhere, at least on the ground level of the mall. Clothes, toys, and all other junk from the stores swirled past me. I could hear a loud roar coming from the area where I normally slept. Sloshing through as quickly as I could, my jaw dropped when I arrived.
     That store? The one with the tipped-over mannequin and the crack in the wall? That’s where the water was coming from. It was shooting out from the crack and showed no signs of stopping.
     I stared. Was there something I could do? Some way I could stop this? It’s only now I realize how absurd my thoughts were. But the mall had been my home for this long – irrationally, I was thinking only that my home was breaking and I needed to stop that.
     Thinking I should examine the crack, I stepped forward. At that moment, a surge of water shot out, hitting me square in the chest. Stars filled my eyes when my spine collided with a white-tiled wall.
     That was all it took to snap me back to my senses.
     Panicking and losing all sense of direction, I ran. At least, as well as I could in two feet of water. I couldn’t remember which hallway I was in and products from the stores matted together, getting in the way of escape. In five minutes, the water was almost as high as my waist and only getting higher.
     Is this how I die? I wondered. I make a dumb decision in a world where there’s no one to find my body?
     Suddenly an exit sign appeared at the end of the hallway. I assumed it meant exit by the red light and the number of letters (illegible as they were). The water slowed me down, but I had motivation and that was all I needed. I got to the door and, using all my strength, forced it open.
     Water pooled out into the parking lot, almost knocking me off balance. As soon as I was out, I ran. I ran and ran, not caring where I went. Just glad to be alive.
     When I stopped and looked around, I quickly realized where I was. White Collar Avenue.
     Daisy Hill is still my most-feared part of this place. But now that I’m actually in one of the buildings on the Avenue, I really hate this area, too. Where I am right now is nothing but empty cubicles in big gray or beige rooms. The air reeks of stale elevator. Computer models I haven’t seen since I was a toddler sit lifeless on desks. And the fluorescent lights sizzle in the quiet.
     If I didn’t have my music, this place would drive me nuts. Even so, I don’t know how I’ll sleep here. I’d find somewhere else, but it’s dark out and my eyes keep playing tricks on me. The last thing I want to do is go outside. Or see something I’d be better off not seeing.
     One of the corner lights just fizzled out. There’s a huge patch of shadows over there.
     I’m getting out as soon as morning comes.
     Either I’m losing my mind, or this world is showing its fangs.
     When I woke up, the shadows in the corner had grown bigger. And darker. And there were – no, I can’t have been seeing things right. Shadows don't work like that.
     Anyway, I got out of there immediately. I’m in Blue Jay Park and right now, nowhere feels safe.
     No more dumb decisions. I’m not dying in this world. If a building feels threatening or is flooded out of the blue, I stay out. I need to find somewhere with lots of lights to stay in. I just don’t trust darkness anymore.
      If what I saw in the shadows is real…could that have been lurking in the shadows of the mall? Watching me sleep night after night, month after month? What the hell is that!?
     I need to calm down. I don’t know what I saw and for all I know, it could have been just a trick of my waking mind. But until I know whether or not the whole thing is real, I’m going to be careful. If nothing else, this is just evidence that I need to do a lot more exploring. I need to in order to survive.
     And if there’s any chance – any whatsoever – of escaping this place, then I must do everything I can to find it. Because I'll be damned if I accept this world any longer than I already have.
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rosietrace · 2 years
so the Valentine’s day event..😳😳😳
I’m sorry to pile up more work for u but I would like to see a one shot of Juvia x Nyx! Platonic or Romantic is fine! I just wanna see them 😈
Ily Rosie take ur time pookie don’t stress urself out🫶🏻 💞💞
I love this ship so much 😈 Mitch and Deuce better watch out also jokes on you Jas, I ALWAYS stress myself out /j
Lovely siren
Event: Rosie's 2023 valentine's special 💌❣️
Ocs featured: Nyx Leech, Juvia Yuyi Espejo
Characters featured: Azul Ashengrotto(mentioned), Jade Leech, Floyd Leech
Ship: Nyx x Juvia
Summary: After finding time in her typically busy schedule, Juvia took it upon herself to visit her crush during one of her performances at the monstro lounge.
Warning(s): Juvia being a bi disaster /j, Jade and Floyd /j, potential ooc moments
{ Apologies for any out of character moments }
[ Reblogs are recommended/encouraged ]
Song to listen to: Why don't you do right? (Annapantsu cover)
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Juvia had a busy schedule for most of January and the first couple of days of February.
And unfortunately, that meant she didn't have enough time to give her crush the new set of punk lolita boots she wanted.
Now, who is Juvia's crush? One would assume it would be Deuce Spade, Artemis from Savanaclaw, or Mitch from RSA.
But it was actually Nyx Leech, an Octavinelle second-year, and the younger sister of Jade and Floyd Leech.
Juvia's heard a lot of things about Nyx. Some good, some bad. Mostly bad but Juvia also happened to see the good behind Nyx's bitchy attitude toward others.
Speaking of Nyx, Juvia sighed with relief."Finally…" she groaned before quickly changing her clothes into something similar to the Octavinelle dorm uniform.
Minus the hat and scarf, Juvia could've been mistaken for another Octavinelle student. Which were thanks to Nyx, since she gave the outfit to Juvia on her birthday last year.
Looking into the mirror, Juvia grinned."I can't wait to see her!" She exclaimed, a quiet squeal leaving her mouth right after.
After some time, Juvia left Ramshackle under the supervision of Grim and the ghosts that resided inside.
She was super excited, more excited than the word itself.
Until she reached the lounge.
Juvia's smile faltered when she saw that the place was packed. Customers covered the lounge and many of the Octavinelle students were too busy tending to those customers that they didn't even notice Juvia was there.
She felt small, shrunken down to a mere piece of dust that'll be thrown away sooner or later. It didn't help that Nyx was seemingly nowhere to be seen.
That is until Jade walked up to Juvia. With that devious smile that was identical to Nyx's. Or rather Nyx's smile was identical to Jade's.
"A pleasure to see you, Juvia." Jade greeted, placing two trays of food on a table before walking up to her."To what do we owe the honor?"
Realizing that Jade - her crush's older brother - was speaking to her, Juvia cleared her throat and prepared a couple of words.
"Well, I came to see one of your sister's performances. I heard that she performs in the lounge a lot so…" an awkward smile spread across her face, "Curiosity got the best of me."
Jade chuckled."Curiosity killed the cat." He said, "But at least the satisfaction will bring it back."
With how he worded the well-known saying, Juvia's curiosity was partially piqued. Was Nyx better than she initially thought?
Soon, Jade guided Juvia to a table near the stage. And lo and behold, it's the infamous table anyone wants to be in whenever Nyx performs.
After taking a seat, Juvia looked at Jade, causing a chuckle to leave his lips.
"I can assure you that my little sister is quite the performer."
That was all he said before walking off to assist Floyd and the other employees in the lounge.
Once he left, Juvia basically deflated herself into a nervous wreck. She was absolutely terrified.
Not because of Nyx, of course not, but because of two specific things that freaked the fuck out of her.
One, the fact that Jade likely set her down on the table on purpose.
Two, the fact that half of the lounge was glaring daggers that pierced her soul. She could practically hear the gates of heaven open up for her.
But then Floyd enthusiastically announced Nyx's entrance onto the stage. And saying Juvia's jaw dropped was an understatement.
Not only was her crush about to perform. But she looked fucking breathtaking.
She wore a black miniskirt with the Octavinelle insignia on her belt, alongside a shoulderless halter top with separate semi-transparent bishop sleeves.
The elegance paired with the punk-ish vibe of her knee-length boots blew Juvia away. And she couldn't help but believe that only Nyx was able to pull off something so elegant with boots that were the complete opposite of elegant.
Oh, but that was just the beginning.
Which was probably what Azul thought when Nyx took the microphone and began serenading the audience. Like a siren singing to nearby sailors and persuading them to drown in the oceanic depths.
Juvia almost choked when she sang the first verse."I-I knew she was good, but…" she cut herself off, feeling her face go warm as she continued to stare into Nyx's eyes.
The classiness of the music paired with an unnaturally relaxing voice? Juvia was sure that Nyx was more hypnotic than any siren.
When Nyx was nearing the final verse, she noticed Juvia sitting on the table across from her. And she kept eye contact with her.
A smirk now dawned on Nyx's face. One that matched Floyd's more than Jade's.
Juvia was having the equivalent of a seizure, but internally. Too many butterflies were in her stomach and her face was a bit too red for its own good.
Nyx giggled for a moment, spinning around the microphone stand, posing for only a moment with a mischievous grin.
And she hit that high note.
Juvia might as well have been a ghost at that point. Nyx's voice was enough for her to feel her soul leave her body and ascend to the gates of heaven.
But even then, she didn't fight back the smile she had when Nyx's performance ended.
And she couldn't wait to give her the boots.
"By the great seven, I love that bitch…"
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Taglist: [ I would like to hear your thoughts if possible! ]
@starry-night-rose @authoruio @fumikomiyasaki @sakuramidnight15 @nem0-nee @oseathepebble @geminiiviolets @twsted-princess
Request by: @windbornearchon
I hope you like this oneshot, Jas! Sorry if this doesn't have as much dialogue as you'd like :') I hope Nyx singing like Annapantsu can compensate for that. Either way, I just- Absolutely fucking love this ship TvT ❤️ hope you enjoy
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apricuscity · 1 year
Catching You Up!
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“Hey everybody! It’s your old pal Morely here. I’d like to take a few moments to address YOU. Yes you, the mun behind the muses. See I’m going to break the fourth wall just this once.”
“I know many of you have been real busy and as such may not fully understand everything currently going on in the world of Apricus. So that’s where I step in. I’m here to catch everyone up a best I can so you all have a good idea where everything stands when you decide to return. So sit back, grab some tacos, relax, and enjoy.”
“So ya’ll remember that nasty bit of busy with the Checkmate group right? Then we had ourselves a Tacorific time skip, one year passed by and I can’t tell you how many new menu items Tacos ‘N More came up with!”
“As we entered into the new “season” things weren’t exactly what they seemed. See the notorious Mr. R from Paradise Entertainment started making more appearances than that fella ever did before. He even tried to get himself on the council! Offerin to help the city with it’s lingering repairs.”
“He’s got himself somethin cookin but nobody really knows what his game is yet. Speakin of problems, the Church sure does have it’s fair share! See Sister May activated the Ascension Protocol which let the Templars elect a temporary First Templar. Considerin the old one up and vanished. Some folks don’t believe they were ever even real.”
“Brother Julius got elected and some church folks were none too happy. The High Priestess however didn’t seem to mind one bit. Julius is still the acting First Templar as no one has had enough votes to replace him yet.”
“Brother Julius is still searchin for that secret underground cathedral and thinks he has a few leads so more and more expeditions have been taking place. I imagine they are gonna find somethin sooner than later. But there’s still a lot of internal conflict goin on!”
“Now for the first time in a long time the secretive nation of Crepusculum agreed to trade relations with Apricus, and some other nations out there! They were even allowed to set up some shops right here in Apricus! Some people are real excited over that but others still don’t trust em. Doctor Xanthos, Lord Merek, and High Priestess Lucianna were the “no” votes on the council when lettin Crepusculum in was put to a vote.”
“Mr. Eckerman announced the Hecaball World Cup which kicked off, attracting teams from all over the world. It’s about to wrap with only the semi-finals and the finals left to go. Needless to say this has meant Apricus has gotten A LOT of tourists.”
“We’ve also got ourselves a race to the hidden sea goin on! Some of the pirate lords have claimed they found the entrance and now it’s everyone for themselves. We got the pirate lords, the navy, and every amateur treasure hunter you can shake a stick at all headin out to sea lookin to find some hidden booty!”
“We’ve also learned a lot about what once was in the hidden sea. A super cool civilization ahead of it’s time, a bunch of pirate vaults, a rock made of special metal that fell from the sky, and some creepy intelligent bug monsters.”
“Ya know yours truly has a movie coming out soon! Morely & Friends: Enter The Tacoverse is hittin theaters end of August! Don’t miss it!”
“Finally some more fun facts and history was recently revealed! Including a talk about the Emperors, the most powerful people said to exist! What kind of menu items do you think they’d like? We learned about some incredible troops the empire made near the end of the war, we finally heard some details about the nation of Völsung, and it seems that that evil mastermind Janus Windsor is up to somethin!”
“I think that about catches you up to where we are right now! Plenty of folks are currently visiting Apricus including some world leaders here for the Hecaball games! There’s never been a better time to jump in and get in on the action!”
“That’ll do it for me! Have a Tacorific Night!”
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crazy56u · 1 year
I had to force myself to wake up half an hour ago in order to catch the premiere; it's gonna be a challenge to do this for as long as they have the show scheduled at 8PM, but I'm ride or die, let's go.
Previously on Quantum Leap: The timeline almost got broke in half, and the main characters were unaware that they had gotten renewed (hence why Ben is still leaping).
I love how they included the fight in the Accelerator.
And Ben is in a broom closet. "This can't be happening." Welcome to Season 2, buddy.
"Maybe if I say all the names, I'll be allowed to leave."
"Somewhere over Russia. Fuck you if you want specifics. You're not even getting the full date, that carried over from Season 1."
I love how they are blatantly foreshadowing the Roswell episode that the season trailer teased.
I am half expecting this to turn into that one bit from Uncharted. Do they have the money to have the plane open mid-flight?
"It's a SAM!" Hey, Sam finally shows up in this, nice. (ba-dum-tish)
"I can save the plane!" Ben, that is what we in the business call "Tempting Fate".
Cut to Ben unconscious on the ground, looks like he saved the plane!
I love how this is blatantly the Arizona desert.
"Hey, help me move these giant wheels!" "Maybe physics will save the day."
Okay, he looks less like he's in pain, and more like he's trying to not laugh.
"Addison, this leap fucking sucks, I hope you can hear me say that."
Lady, choose your priorities, that crate is gonna get you killed.
The CGI explosion powerful enough to slow down time. Truly this is 1978.
Maybe kick the radio, that should fix it.
What kind of name is "Grier"?
"Should we say something about the captain?" "...well, uh... up until the plane crashed, he did good..."
Look, Iowa and Idaho are basically the same state, he gets points for trying.
Ah, yes, rob the corpse, that's classy- "His wife should have this." And I feel like a dick.
Meanwhile, in Timeline B.
Let me guess, Addison B is the person who showed up in the Accelerator at the end of last season.
"Look, Ben, trust me, it's for the best that Addison is leaping instead of you, you don't want to be in 1978, pretending Arizona is Russia."
[I only just now realized these are meant to be flashbacks.]
"How are you saying this is a metaphor?" "Well, fuck off, how about that, buddy?"
I will laugh if it turns out that crate secretly contains the Ark of the Covenant, or some shit like that.
"So, we're gonna die 'cause of feminism?" Can he die next, show?
What if it turns out Ben invents MacGuyver?
And this is the third time Ben is openly talking to himself out of stress, he is the most relatable character in the episode.
Plot twist: Ben has to save the crate, everyone else is expendable.
"I thought you were an atheist?" "Honestly, at this point, I might still be, today's still young."
Talking about the importance of memories to a swiss-cheesed man is the most unintentionally rude thing you could do.
"Buddy, did you secretly become a different person in the middle of the plane crash?"
The Russian Pickup Truck of Evil
Luckily, no one looks up, so Ben and friend are hidden.
[Can you tell that, outside of Grier, I don't know anyone else's name?]
And now they have hostages. Ben and friends are winning Russia.
Yep, just casually speak Russian, it's bad enough you forgot you were supposed to be a single-guy atheist, Ben...
At this point, Ben is just agreeing to whatever he wants in order to made the leap end sooner.
[Even if these are flashbacks, you can just tell that a certain person online is fuming over the Project subplots still being in Season 2.]
Hi, Ian, I'm from the future, fuck your math.
Maybe if they spent less time using Ziggy as a dating app and more time trying to fix the thing preventing her from talking out loud, a lot of the problems they had last season could've been avoided.
And the loot crate is bricks. They were set up for fucking failure with this flight, hot fucking damn.
I think they should each take one brick for themselves, as a treat.
I still say Puffy Jacket should die.
"I'm mad at myself for believing. ... ... ...like, in general."
"Put one foot in front of the other." Luckily, Santa Claus is Comin' to Town already came out by 1978, so everyone got that reference.
"You can do a lot in an hour!" You can also do a lot in five seconds. For example: Shoving you out the back of the truck.
"I believe in our country." In a post-Watergate world? Lady, even in 1978, that's bold.
Maybe Ben should start saying he has a concussion from the plane crash, that will excuse all the character inconsistencies he's creating.
At what point does Ben start to suspect he accidentally erased the Project from the timeline? After all of this talking to himself, you'd think he'd jump to that by now.
Guy accidentally walked onto a landmine? I too saw that episode of MASH / Legends of Tomorrow.
["The Exorcist Believer" is a shitty name for an Exorcist movie, hot damn.]
[What if 2022 Quantum Leap has the stones the original never had, and does a Magnum PI crossover?]
And Ben is now trying to Raiders of the Lost Ark this shit, I technically called this.
...is 2022 Quantum Leap about to blow up a gay man? ...survey says "Fuck that shit," good.
I love that Ben's new plan is "What if sandbags, but more?"
"Do you have a better plan?" "No!" I admire the honesty.
Okay, honestly, I didn't think that was gonna work.
[Firefox is starting to lag again, that's how you know we're back.]
"Something doesn't feel right." That's just the blue filter.
"Look, just let me get onto the roof, nothing bad will happen."
"Wait, did they hear you?" "That would've been the ideal outcome; they noticed we left shit behind, we're walking ducks."
"We gotta blow up the base." "Well, not all of it."
Ben got his action skills from fucking GTA Online.
"Hey, Ben, why are you having another flashback?"
"Look, Ben, calm down, I'm gonna be the leaper, not you, okay? This is totally not tempting fate."
"Guys, I remembered Chinese food exists, we can totally blow up that panel."
I love how they are showing how easily replicable this is.
Ben, if you don't floor it, the Russians will win.
I hope to God that wasn't CGI, that was metal as shit.
"Hey, Ben, we were trying to reach you all day, why did you blow up a base?"
...okay, sure, drop that random plot twist. "Hey, the reason you didn't see Addison all episode? It's actually 2026; the Project got shut down. Guess forgetting about that one senator bit us in the ass. Okay, bye, Ben!"
["There are no limits. We randomly included a three-year time skip, and Ben apparently leaps into an Alien. Welcome to fucking Season 2."]
["Oh, also, Addison married some random fuck instead of Ben, hopefully no one tells him, bye!"]
...okay, not gonna lie, now it makes sense that they announced they were adding two new regulars to the show...
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aeniqmata · 1 year
∗ 27﹕ sender  is  caught  wearing  receiver's  clothes . // ;D || non-verbal prompts || @carrotsaversion
Baths were a luxury in the Hideaway. Often times they were something done in the order of least hard to hardest workers. If water was sufficiently clean after one bather, the next person didn't have to use a whole new draw of water. Not what they would all prefer, but the fact of the matter was that Mid's filters were valuable, and the longer they could make them last, the better.
Often times this meant that Clive was one of the last people to bathe, though he ended up with a full tub of clean water for his patience. Rarely was it argued that the anyone worked harder than the leader of their small city, though Clive himself would often deny it outright. The hero worship bothered him, and he just always claimed he was busy with something when someone offered to let him go before them.
This was not the case this time. Freshly back from a battle when the Cursebreakers and carpenters were pulling their lots, he opted to have his at the very end as usual. It meant that his bath was frigid as Shiva's Tits, but worth it so the rest of their group was happy.
Tarja used this as a chance to corner him in the infirmary ( with his brother no less ) and go over the whole of their leader's new injury list until it was his turn. And given how close he was to the baths, a towel was more than sufficient for him to wander there and back.
Or so he thought.
His combat gear had since been taken, cleaned, and returned to the infirmary for him to don once he was clean and bandaged, and there was little he enjoyed more after bathing than fresh clothes ( a hold over from his noble life ). The last thing he'd expected was to find Tarja giggling with his brother as they attempted to lace the thinner of the brothers into Clive's gear.
And what a sight it was. Trousers were too long, sleeves were rolled up. The fabric that barely held together well enough to keep him from causing no small number of women from passing out at the sight of him ( thank the founder for whatever cords Hanna had swapped in after the first set snapped ) was badly overlapped and showed just how different their lives had been, and how well Clive had filled out his father's given physique in the 18 years since Phoenix Gate.
About the only thing that fit well were the boots, because of course they would have the same size feet. The rest of it however...
Clive couldn't keep himself from choking on a laugh, clutching the towel around his waist and staring at his brother with no small amount of amusement on his face. It wasn't like he could have put it on immediately anyways, Tarja would sooner sedate him than let him walk out of her infirmary without properly dressing his wounds.
It was with a wide smile that he sat on the nearest bed behind the divider, regarding his brother with no small amount of amusement as Tarja blushed and ran off to get her threads, poultices, and bandages to sew, slather and bind his wounds before he was allowed to redress.
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" Full glad am I to see that you enjoy the clothes father left for me. However... if you wish to take my place you may need to train for several years. I do not think those fit you all that well, dear brother. " Clive ignored the painful bite of a needle being pressed through skin to stitch closed the worst of his wounds, far too happy to tease his sibling over something so small. " Though, I suppose you could join us in training if you wished to bulk up quickly. "
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