#i miss Kanej
llittleredbird · 1 year
kanej breakdown time
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evermore-crow · 9 months
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“Now I know she'll never leave me
Even as she runs away
She will still torment me, calm me, hurt me
Move me, come what may”
“Evermore”, Beauty and the Beast (2017)
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evellynssocbrainrot · 7 months
Things we could have seen in the spin-off
Wylan's backstory
Inej's backstory
Matthias freed from Hellgate
Matthias joining the Crows
Colm Fahey
Van Eck (To insult him)
Kaz and Inej reunited
More Helnik
More Wesper (Probably some Wesper drama!)
The "What is the best way to steal a man's wallet?" quote
The "My ghost won't associate with your ghost" quote
Inej touching Kaz's cheek
Inej wearing Kaz's gloves (Just imagine his oversized gloves on her little hands) and climbing the incinerator
Kaz smiling genuinely near the end of the Ice Court heist like in the books
Shirtless Kaz
Kaz soaking wet with the front of his shirt ripped open like in the books
The scene where Inej is sitting on his windowsill with her face turned to the sun and he looks at her and feels like a boy again
Inej and Kaz first meeting at the Menagerie
Helnik drama and kiss
Nina and Inej's scene on the boat where they bitch-talk about the boys
The "I would have come for you" quote
Kaz carrying an injured Inej to the boat and ripping out Oomen's eyeball
Kanej hand-holding at the end
ainadelothwen mentioned Kaz and Jesper's fight scene, that too!
Perhaps a redo of the bathroom scene, but this time he takes his gloves off and kisses her neck
Oh, wait! Another one! "Scheming face? "Definitely" (It's a crime we don't have this one yet)
celeste-star mentioned Kaz and Wylan falling through the ceiling in the Van Eck mansion
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jazzkrebber · 7 months
Joost had three problems, actually. the moon, his mustache, and the fact that his girl was literally about to murder him
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tough-n-dumb · 6 months
i genuinely cannot get over kaz’s face and the barely concealed panic on it when sturmhond/nikolai holds up the garnets of ivets necklace and kaz realizes that without it he can’t keep his promise to inej and pay off her indenture. and we know that he takes the necklace from alina in the first place exactly for that reason
and so even though inej would probably be so angry at him for it, he immediately sells alina out to get the necklace/equivalent money back
this man is willing to damn a saint with absolutely zero hesitation for the woman he loves
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washmchineheart · 3 months
thinking of kanej and how they had the most delicious tension and how “I would have come for you. And if I couldn't walk, I'd crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were, we'd fight our way out together-knives drawn, pistols blazing.” it’s just so iconic and full of feeling. and six of crows is not even a romance book.
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bytaylorswift · 1 year
i don’t want s&b to get cancelled, but if it did, i find it kinda hilarious that canonically the only happy couple is a gay couple. malina just broke up, kanej are separated, matthias is still in hellgate. wesper just moved in together. s&b really said forget bury the gays, let’s celebrate the gays! let the straights suffer!!
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alyoshka-karamazov · 1 year
I’m literally always thinking about Kaz and Inej stealing Van Eck’s DeKappel together, and Kaz and Inej theorizing about the Zemeni ambassador’s murder together, and Kaz and Inej running together even though Inej could easily outpace him, and Kaz and Inej standing on the docks together and Kaz asking Inej if his tie is straight, and Kaz and Inej just BEING BEST FRIENDS.
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sparrowmoth · 4 months
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➳ It's never too early to say happy pride month and never too late to say save #sixofcrowsspinoff and #saveshadowandbone. ♥️🌈✨
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vamp1r3gf · 4 months
Just finished Crooked Kingdom…
I am unwell
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kazscrows · 1 year
Wylan: Is Kaz… singing..?
Jesper: He mumbles Taylor Swift lyrics when he thinks no one is listening.
Nina: It’s been Come Back Be Here ever since the Wraith left the harbor.
Wylan: …but that was five months ago..
Jesper and Nina sighing: Yep.
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the-glacian · 1 year
A girl doesn't need therapy. She needs exactly two (2) things to happen, Six of Crows spin-off and Good Omens 3, that's it. Crops watered, skin cleared, resources replenished, full health restored.
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dirtyhcnds · 3 months
I would have come for you. And if I couldn't walk, I'd crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were, we'd fight our way out together-knives drawn, pistols blazing. Because that's what we do. We never stop fighting.
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dasiesanddarkness · 4 months
The Crows as Things that have been said in my Algebra class (part two)
Jesper: I am the Walmart of Indiana Jones.
(do not ask me what this one means. i have no idea i just heard it and had to include it)
Inej, pointing at Jesper: this man abused me.
Jesper: my mother dropped me as a child, that's the reason for my mental problems.
Nina: kill him, kill him, kill him!
Jesper: now, let's not kill me.
Kaz: I can help hide the body.
Jesper: *humming out of tune and TikTok dancing slowly*
Wylan: everyone finds me annoying. Even you.
Jesper: I don't find you annoying.
Wylan: really??
Wylan, now faced with letters in math and word problems: Don't do math, do meth.
Wylan: Meth is better than math.
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jazzkrebber · 8 months
i'll be chilling and then I'll remember that wesper and tamadia are the only ships that got a happy ending and then i'm sad again
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lilisouless · 1 year
You know, I like how the ships had “their thing”
Kanej got the hands shots
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Malina got the tender nose rubs
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Wesper got the best stares
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Genya and David got the prettiest words
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And Zoyalai got a fandom patient as fuck
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I wanted to end this up with the joke but i’d be just like netflix if i ignore how the girls got…well, sidelined, that’s what they got
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