#i move like a meter stop and look around and then continue if i feel its safe. otherwise i turn and hide somewhere
lovingksuki · 6 months
— highschoolers bakugo x fem!reader
synopsis: an anonymous love letter appears in your locker on valentine's day. surprised, you and your best friend start an investigation to uncover who was that person observing you from afar. meanwhile, a flushed bakugo tries to ruin your plans on the undercover alongside his shitty-haired buddy
cw: sfw; mostly fluff; lil angst; very insecure bakugo; romantic comedy; puberty; silly jokes; little swearing.
an: guyyyyss it's hereeee. i hope you enjoy since i had many people asking for me to continue with this. i hope it is as good as the first part that btw you can read here
wc: 1,3k
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the two went on a mission walking around the school and very non-suspiciously investigating whose hand that might be.
"i'm telling you! there's sato, iida and..." counted.
"are they even suspects!?" you mocked. "we have to be coherent about it. i don't even have a major relationship with them..."
"how could you possibly know what goes on inside other's head? i think you're being biased about it."
"what do you mean?"
"i know you want it to be one of the hottest in our class!" smiled diabolically.
"i have no idea what you're talking about." you sweated.
"maybe we should call that double colored guy and just ask a few questions..."
"no way... what are you insinuating?" you almost screamed truly shocked.
"that you have a slight cru-"
"I don't have a crush."
"admit it already."
"I'm not admitting anything. quit pestering."
"you're no fun at all. so... are we talking to Todoroki any soon?"
"psst, isn't that sero coming this way?" mina whispered looking ahead of the corridor.
the duo telepathically agreed to their next move and mina quickly went in action.
"hey, if isn't our fave tape boy! can I have a high-five?" the pink cheered lifting her hand.
the jet-black haired guy smiled playfully slapping hands with her. watching everything, you caught that glimpse of time needed to take conclusions on the survey.
"what are you two up to? feeling extra energetic today..." sero stated.
absorbed in your own thoughts, you simply couldn't answer any of the questions made, so pinky said in advance: "we're just too excited for the... the-"
"for what?"
"the new movie...! yeah! that one with the clowns. everyone is so hyped to watch it!" mina came up with some excuse.
"oh, so you like 'bloody nightmare' series too? man, me and denki are gathering people to go watch with us." he cheered.
you and mina eyed each other nervously while sero kept rambling about horror films. pinky swiftly poked your side sending the 'make him shut up' signal and you quickly catch the message saying:
"y-yeah! it would be super cool, but we need to... to... go to the 1b room! to dis- discuss the next match-"
"we're discussing the teams for the next training match!" mina rapidly came with an excuse ready to push you up the corridor. "see ya!"
"but guys... their class is towards the other side." sero warned confusedly.
"r-right! it's been months, but we still get lost... hehe!" mina sweated. she spotted a purple voluminous hair meters away. "shinso! wait up!"
and you runned away. sero chuckled observing the girls as another duo approached.
"'sup pal?" kirishima greeted. "it's a important matter so, could you share what are the girls planning? we have business with them."
"it's no use, we're gonna lose sight of them." said the blonde ready to walk away, but his buddy was fast to grab his shirt stopping his tracks.
"be reasonable, it's creepy to chase them around the school." eijiro whispered.
"what are you two up to?" sero crossed arms curious about the situation.
"nothing particularly important. girly borrowed something from bakugo." his heart he thought slightly laughing. "did them say anything about where they're heading?" asked.
"mina said they have something to do with class 1b, and i think they left with shinso." sero explained.
"not that eraserhead wannabe..." katsuki gritted teeth.
"well, no time to lose then! thanks dude." kirishima dragged his best friend away.
when the two males finally found the duo they were shocked to see you holding shinso's hand while walking
kirishima panicked turning to the blonde who watched that scene petrified. it was the second time eijiro saw that expression on his face, the first was when they watched all might last fight. that expression that indicates he started malfunctioning, his thoughts are running wild, and he is about to break.
when he finally inhaled, kirishima's heart skipped a beat thinking bakugo would explode at any moment. he prepared himself to restrain his friend from murdering somebody or start yelling like a psycho, but bakugo just hollowed his lungs right after.
watching deadpanned as you walked away giggling.
that behavior... it was truly concerning coming from him.
"are you totally sure?" mina whispered excited.
"it's a great probability, didn't you see that monstrosity of a hand!?" you whisper-exclaimed. "his grip almost crushed mine!"
"okay, but let's don't get ahead of ourselves, there's other boys to analyze." mina said carefully.
"right, but he's a suspect! and did you notice how he didn't hesitate or felt uneasy to hold my hand?"
"i'm not jumping to conclusions but he seemed too chill! it's almost unnatural coming from a person who wrote a love letter." mina spoke wisely.
"you're right." you pouted.
"what am i suspect about? love letter!?"
"aaaaaack! for fucks sake!" you and mina jolted. "y-you heard us?" you asked shyly.
"were you eavesdropping!?" mina confronted.
the boy leaned in the doorframe crossing his arms unphazed by the pink's attitude. "you're not even whispering... some of 1b even heard about how i have big ass hands and shit." he chuckled.
you looked over shinso's shoulder only to encounter monoma, kendo, shiozaki and komori confusedly observing at some distance. "h-hey guys..." and kendo smiled amused.
"he caught us, mina. what do we do?" you said fidgety.
"there's no other way now that he knows our secret. we must kill you." mina stated creepily serious to shinso, making him falter.
"ha. you almost got me there." he laughed mindlessly. after a couple of seconds staring at each other he came to realization. " you're joking,,, right?"
"why did you have to scare him like that? what if he go out telling others?"
"it's quite the opposite. he won't tell anyone if he believes it's confidential information. you can question my methods but not my results!" the pink girl explained confidently.
walking down the corridor in search for another male friend. now that the lunchtime was coming to an end the school was less fuzzy, and the groups concentrated in their usual places.
"uh... mina... you're not actually dangerous, are you?" you blurted.
she looked at you puzzled, as if that question was more complicated than it actually seemed. "why do you ask?"
"it's just because, you're my best friend, and if it were for me to have a psycho so close to me i would want to know..." you reasoned.
"don't be ridiculous!" she laughed. "but like you said, we're best friends, that does mean i would probably hide a body for you."
"wait. what the-"
"kirishima it's been thirty minutes." the blonde stated impatiently.
the boys were sitting casually at their class waiting for the others to come grab their keys to the closets. p.e was the next hour.
"just be patient dude, when she arrives, you casually get up and go talk to her. do you remember the three steps?" the red haired pointed.
"don't scream, don't curse and look at her in the eye." bakugo grumbled a little skeptical.
when they heard high pitched voices and footsteps approaching the blonde jolted in his seat.
"there they are." kirishima whispered. "good luck soldier"
katsuki got up with a sigh, heart beating fast, he didn't even notice his feet leading him directly to you and almost fainted when you looked at him with those doe eyes.
"hey!" you greeted rummaging your backpack.
"i was... i recalled that time last week you shared your notes and... i"
"you came to say thanks? it's alrighty! just gimme a shoutout whenever you need!" you smiled
his ears reddened. "y-yeah. but i was trying to ask if ya wanna grab milkshakes sometimes, my treat for the notes." katsuki managed to spill
"oh! i didn't expect that" you giggled thinking that was a cute way to invite someone to hang out. "sure. i provide the notes, you provide the milkshakes." you extended your hand "deal?"
he smirked satisfied shaking you hand.
511 notes · View notes
flemingsfreckles · 7 months
Don’t Be Sad
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Jessie Fleming x Reader
Preview: based off of this request. You take your kids to watch their mom play in the gold cup semifinal.
Warnings: upset Jessie, not really angst though
WC: 4.8k
A/N: okay, so the timeline here is all kinds of messed up in terms of how old Jessie is, the fic revolves around the US/CAN game but she obviously doesn’t have kids already so just go with it. It’s called fiction for a reason. This is also my first attempt at writing based off a request/an idea that my brain didn’t come up with.
“James, slow down please.” You hollered at your oldest child as he ran a couple of feet ahead of you. You watched as he stopped immediately in his tracks as if he had been frozen in place. The brown curls on his head bouncing slightly. Once you catch up to him you extend your hand out for him to hold.
“You have to be careful, you can’t be running ahead, there’s a lot of other people here.” You often took your kids to watch Jessie’s games, but most of the time they were not this busy. The stress of temporarily having to operate as a single mom with an almost 3 year old and 1 year old was building on you. Your wife would not be thrilled to learn you let one kid run off 20 minutes after arriving at the stadium.
“Sorry, just want to see Mama.” He said, reaching up to grab onto your hand.
“I know kiddo, we’re going to see Mama, but after her game remember, we can’t go talk with her before. Remember what I told you in the car?”
“Mama’s at work and is warm.” He tried his best to remember what you had told him about how Jessie wouldn’t be able to talk to you before the game. You had explained that she would have to warm up and be focused and ready for the game. Trying to explain that the field was her work and she wasn’t allowed to just come hang out.
“Mama!” Your one year old daughter, Nora, squealed, waving her hands in the air. You were holding her on your hip, not wanting her to get trampled in the busy stadium, also not fully trusting her minimal walking skills. She had recently started taking a few steps alone, and while holding the hand of you or Jessie, she could walk for a bit. A crowd of people was not the time to practice walking.
“Yes baby, Mama’s at work. We can see her after the game.”
Gripping your son’s hand tightly you continued to make your way to the friends and family box that the Canadian Team had set up for the Gold Cup Match. You didn’t love being in the box, it made you feel far away from the game. You liked being up close being able to see your wife playing just a couple meters away. Not being able to complain too much though, it was so much easier with the kids to be in the box, they were free to roam safely and could occupy themselves with other activities if they were too restless to sit and watch Jessie play. It was also nice on afternoons like tonight where the weather was brutal, you were able to stay nice and dry.
You checked into the box, grabbing some juice boxes for each of your kids. You looked around, you had gotten to the stadium pretty early, meaning the box only had a few other people in it already. You moved to the corner with a small table, setting down Nora, and pulling out a chair for James to sit as well. You rummage through your bag, pulling out some toy dinosaurs and cars for James and a stuffed moose than Jessie had gotten for your daughter before she left for the World Cup. Nora insisted it went everywhere she went so you had to bring it with. Placing their juice on the table as well you stood up, looking over the field. You spotted your wife, doing some dribbling in a space all by herself. Not being able to help yourself, you watch her for a second before you feel a hand on the back of your shoulder and a voice calling to you.
“There’s our favorite daughter-in-law!” Jessie’s parents had arrived, her mom standing behind you, arms out for a hug.
“I’m your only daughter-in-law.” You remind her as you move into her arms. Jessie’s father, already kneeling down to talk with your children, opts to give you a wave, you reply with a wave and a quick hello before he goes back to playing with a dinosaur.
“How are you? How are the kids? I feel like we haven’t seen you in forever. What has it been 6-7 months?” She asked.
“Something like that.” The last time you had seen the Flemings was when they had come to visit after the World Cup. “The kids, they’re good. They’ve definitely been keeping me on my toes these days especially while Jess has been away for this tournament. They still haven’t grasped the concept that this is Jessie’s work though. James kept asking when he could see her, it’s just hard to explain at that age, they think she’s just playing like they do in the yard.”
“Yeah I can imagine they don’t quite get it,” Jessie’s mom trailed off turning to watch her husband with his grandchildren. You both stand for a minute watching Jessie’s dad who now had your daughter in his lap, still holding a dinosaur in one hand, play with your kids. “Gosh they both look so much like Jess when she was that age.”
Your children were practically spitting images of your wife. They were, after all, biologically her babies. You and Jessie had decided to do reciprocal ivf after careful consideration. Together you had chosen that you would be the one that would carry them, not wanting to take Jessie away from her career and love for football, meaning the kids would be genetically related to Jessie while you carried them for 9 months, letting you both be a part of their creation. Who could say no to the idea of little versions of Jessie running around, not you.
Both having her brown hair, James' hair had started to show the soft waves that resembled Jessie’s. They both had big brown eyes, which they used to get their way with you. It was hard to say no to them when looking into their eyes reminded you of the woman you were so infatuated and in love with.
The resemblance was obvious at birth with their beautiful eyes looking up at you and Jessie as you held them for the first time. The first time you really recognized how much they all looked alike was one afternoon when you got home from work, you walked into an empty house calling for Jessie and getting no response. It was then that you had heard giggling and joyful screaming coming from the backyard. You walked out to watch as Jessie chased James around the yard, following him with the garden hose as Nora sat on her hip. It seemed they had been playing in the sprinkler all afternoon, all 3 of them soaked. You stood on the deck and watched, just admiring your family for a second before Jessie caught a glimpse of you. She dropped the hose to come say hello and proceeded to hug you, soaking your clothes in the process. Your kids followed and you saw all three of them with the freckles that covered their pink rosy cheeks, just another trait they had gotten from their mother.
The game started shortly after, you had taken a seat on a bench with Jessie’s dad, your son seated between the two of you and your daughter crawling across your lap. You weren’t always the most relaxed watching your wife play. Watching her play was so fascinating and you loved watching your wife play the game she loved so much, but it stressed you out. She always joked to you that you were more nervous than her and all you had to do was watch. Today you were extra anxious. Not only was this a knockout game, but the pitch conditions were horrendous. Everytime Jessie would go for a ball you were just hoping she didn’t slip and end up injured. The US took the lead 20 minutes in, only adding to your anxieties. Halftime came and went, Canada still down. It wasn’t until only 10 minutes were remaining that Canada tied it. You had jumped up and shouted in response to the goal, watching Jessie jump on top of Jordyn in her celebration. You watched as full time played out, ending in a tie. You stood up excusing yourself to use the restroom, leaving James and Nora with their grandparents.
Extra time began just as you returned to the box, you made your way to the table in the back of the room to grab a water bottle and turned back to face the pitch. The sight in front of you warms your heart. It even takes away the stress of the game for just a moment. There were your two children, Nora sitting on Jessie’s mom’s hip, you watched as she babbled at her grandmother, only a couple of the sounds coming out being actual words, but Jessie’s mom was responding as if she was having a complete conversation. James was sitting on his grandfather's shoulders, watching and listening closely as his grandpa pointed and tried to explain the game to him. You and Jessie, mainly Jessie, had tried to teach him but that’s hard to do with a just under three year olds attention span. All he wanted to do was roll the ball around with his hands. You had joked that he’d grow up to be a keeper.
What really tugged at your heartstrings was the assortment of jerseys that all had on, a mix of new and old and a mix of home and away. Your wife’s family name on all of them, which was now your last name too, displayed proudly across the back, her number sitting just below. You felt so lucky, you felt lucky everyday with Jessie, but even in a moment when she is caught up elsewhere, you feel her love and everything she had brought you in this life. Two beautiful children, an amazing set of in-laws, the chance to experience things you could’ve never imagined. Thinking about how adorable it was you grabbed your phone and snapped a photo to show Jessie later.
The anxieties came back as you returned to your seat on the bench. You couldn’t help but notice how relaxed Jessie parents seemed watching their daughter play, maybe it just came with decades of experience that you didn’t quite have yet.
You watched as overtime continued. Feeling upset when the US scored again, only to feel ecstatic when Canada tied it up. Before you knew it, overtime had expired and the game was moving on to penalties.
You watched as the US player made her penalty, followed by a miss by Canada. A goal and another miss had happened for the Canadian side before your wife took the ball and headed to the penalty spot. The US having scored three of their four penalties taken meant if Jessie missed, the game was over, but if she made it they would keep kicking.
Watching Jessie, or any player, take penalties was one of your least favorite parts of football. You always felt bad if a player missed but then you also felt bad for the keeper if it went it. Jessie had laughed when you told her, claiming you just weren’t competitive enough, when it’s your team on the line you don’t feel sorry for the other side. You had told her that your competitiveness only applied to her and whatever team she played for, other than that you were more of a ‘hoe everyone has fun’ type person. You asked Jessie about how it’s such immense pressure being put on just one person on each team and how it feels to be in that spot. Penalties usually didn’t bother your wife, everyone knew it, she had been a penalty kicking machine most of her career. The pressure on her shoulders everytime she steps up, being expected to make it every time, no questions asked, is not something you ever wanted to feel.
You watched her line herself up, placing the ball. Seeing this routine done more times than you could count you had memorized her behaviors. You knew each of her steps before taking it, asking one day in the backyard to explain it to you as she was practicing. Your hands came to rest on your knees that were anxiously bouncing.
She stepped back, took a deep breath and started toward the ball. And then it was dark.
You had shut your eyes, not intentionally, it just happened. You didn’t see the kick, you only realized that it must not have gone in when the crowd erupted in cheers. You slowly opened one eye, peeking as if it’ll change what had just happened. First you see the US team running, dog piling on top of one another. Second seeing Jessie, her head hung, walking toward the bench, shaking her head, brushing off the teammates attempting to console her. Feeling your heart sink for her, knowing just how upset she must be.
“Mom why are they hurting each other?” Your son tugged your hand. He pointed at the pile of US players on the field.
“They’re not hurting each other, they’re celebrating kiddo, they won.”
“But Mama supposed to win.” His eyebrows pinched together, confused looking up at you.
“Well honey that’s not how it always goes, do you remember watching the World Cup?” You hadn’t actually let them watch the games live due to the timing of them but you had put them on during the day letting them watch their mom play. “Mama’s team didn’t always win, right? That’s what happens sometimes. And sometimes that makes her sad. She might be a little sad when we go to talk to her, okay?” He just nodded back at you.
As the stadium cleared out, you and Jessie’s parents, each of them holding one of your kids hands, headed down to the base of the pitch. Jessie was making her rounds, thanking the Canadian fans for coming, signing autographs and taking photos. You loved how even after a tough game she made time for those who came to watch her play. You watched as she continued to make her way headed toward you, not seeing you yet.
“Mama!” James shouted pointing at Jessie. “Mama, hi!” His hand waved in her direction. Hearing her son's voice, Jessie’s head snapped to the side with a smile on her face as she saw her family, you, her kids, her parents all standing together waiting for her. Giving a quick wave to James she turned her attention to the young fan in front of her. She finishes greeting and chatting with the few fans between you and her. As she wanders over, her eyes meet yours for a second and while she isn’t currently crying, you can see she must’ve been at some point. Her face has small tear streaks and eyes are a little red.
“Hi Mama, don’t be sad.” Your son says, making grabbing motions with his hands at Jessie.
“Hi buddy, I’m just a little sad right now, but I’ll be okay. I’m happy that I’m getting to see you and Nora.” She reaches over the wall, grabbing James and pulling him up and over, into her arms. She hugs him tightly and then puts him down at her feet.
“Mama, it's grandma and grandpa.” Your son points, as if Jessie hadn’t seen her own parents in front of her.
“Hi Mom, hi Dad.” She acknowledges them with a quick wave, knowing she’ll be able to fully catch up with them later tonight.
“Hi love.” She turns her attention to you.
“Hi,” moving toward her you reach over the wall giving her a quick peck on the cheek quietly talking in her ear . “I’m so proud of you, even if you don’t want to hear that right now. I love you.”
You pull back, hearing your daughter start babbling again, the words “Mom” and “Mama” coming out as she looks from you to Jessie. She’s standing both of her arms above her head holding onto her grandpa's hands
“You heard her, give me my baby.” Jessie laughs holding her arms out to take Nora. You bend down to pick her up and pass her into your wife’s extended arms. “Hi cutie,” she bounces her, making soft giggles come from her mouth.
You admired Jessie’s ability to put on a happy face for your kids, you knew she was upset about the loss, the lack of penalty called against her, her missed kick, the pitch conditions, but none of it showed as she held your daughter. She looked as happy as can be, as if she had just won the whole tournament. Even if it was a forced smile, you could tell it was, she still put forth the effort.
“Look at us all matching.” She’s talking to your kids. “Can you take our photo?” Now directing her question to you. She bends down to kneel next to her son, daughter still in her arms. She smiles big and tickles your son, getting him to laugh, his smile big in the photo.
“Oh man, we’re all matching. It looks like we’re going on a family reunion with matching shirts.” You see Jessie standing up looking between you and her parents. Everyone laughs at the realization, sure you knew you were all wearing her jersey but it being pointed out was humorous .
“Okay James I have to go, but I’ll see you later tonight okay?” Your wife is back kneeling down, talking to your son.
“Okay Mama, you did a good job at your work job today.” He tries his best to tell Jessie she played well. She looks at you with a questioning glance.
“I was explaining to him that this is your job, the game is work.”
“Gotcha.” She hands you Nora before lifting James over again. “I just have to do recovery. I think since we’re out we’re released as well so I don’t have to stay at the hotel. I don’t know I’ll find out though.” She quickly informs you.
“Alright babe, just shoot me a text and let me know. We’re just going back to the rental.” Deciding that more space and isolation would be better than a hotel with two small children, you had rented a small house for the week. It had a couple bedrooms and was perfect for letting the kids be free and not cooped up in a hotel.
You give Jessie a quick kiss on the lips, making it short and sweet your wife wasn’t big on PDA anywhere, let alone in front of fans and more importantly her parents. Jessie gave hugs to her Mom and Dad before saying goodbye to them as well.
All five of you headed back to the house, Jessie’s parents deciding to crash in the extra bedroom for the chance to see their daughter more than if they had gone to the hotel they had originally booked. It was only an hour later when the knock at the door told you Jessie had arrived.
Jessie’s dad greeted her at the door. You were occupied feeding Nora in the bedroom, while Jessie’s Mom was watching James while he ate. Through the cracked door you could hear your father in law talking to his daughter. He was telling her how proud of her he always is. You could tell she entered the kitchen as you heard James start talking to Jess. You knew her arrival meant he would be done eating, forgetting food was ever an option, just wanting to hang out with her.
“She’s in the bedroom feeding Nora, third door on the left.” Jessie’s mom was telling her daughter.
It was only seconds later that there was a soft knock on the door and Jessie peaked her head though. Her cheeks are still rosy from the game.
“Can I come in or do you want privacy?” Her concern regarding you being comfortable showing.
“Yeah babe, nothing you haven’t seen before, it just felt a little weird with your Dad there so I figured I’d feed her in here.” Nodding at her to come in. She opened the door to come through, closing it behind her. She moved next to you, placing a kiss on your lips, one on your forehead and grazing a hand across Nora’s head. She smelled of vanilla and coconut, freshly showered, her hair still wet.
“I love you, you’re such a good Mom.” She sits down on the bed next to you. Jessie loved watching you with the kids. She especially loved watching you do the more “mundane” tasks, like you were now, Nora resting in your arms as she fed, a task you had done hundreds of times. It felt incredibly intimate to share these small moments together and Jessie was so grateful that you let her be there.
Deciding this might be the only bit of time you get with Jessie alone, without your son or her parents hearing, you decide to check on her. Jessie isn’t the best about expressing her emotions especially in front of your son, she never wants to appear sad or disappointed. Nora was here but she was occupied and she was not yet at the age of picking up much from conversations that didn’t involve the words Mom, Mama, or milk.
“Are you doing okay?” Looking in her eyes, you see the beautiful brown color looking back at you.
“I’m disappointed.” She pauses before continuing, “it just felt like something we could’ve won.” Her head comes to rest on your shoulder and she lets out a sigh.
“I know, baby. I’m sorry. Are you okay besides being just disappointed?” You wanted to make sure the missed penalty wasn’t weighing too heavily on her mental. Jessie knew exactly what you were asking.
“I think so, I chatted quickly with the sports psych while I was stretching about the penalty, I think missing the one earlier got in my head. I don’t feel much at all about it.” Nora decides she’s done feeding, pulling her mouth away and trying to squirm from your hold. “Here let me take her.” Jessie pulls her into her lap, allowing you to clean up and pull your shirt back down.
“It was really nice having you all there after the game.” Her voice was soft as she continued “it just made it hurt a little less getting to see them. They take my mind off the game so quickly.”
“They were both so excited to see you.” You wrap your arm around her waist, pulling her closer to your side. “I was excited to see you too.” Jessie hummed in response, her cheek still resting on your shoulder. You look down in her arms, your youngest was laying, her eyes fluttering as she fought off sleep. Moments later your son is knocking at the door.
“Mama, Mom come on, I want to play and make Mama not sad anymore” You open the door to find your son, a dinosaur in one hand and a small ball in the other. Jessie’s mom quickly following him down the hallway.
“Sorry, we were cleaning up the table from his dinner, we can take play with him if you two need some more time.” She reached out to move James away from the door.
“Oh, no we’re good. Nora’s about to be asleep.” You point back into the room where Jessie is sitting gently rocking your daughter. “We can come play.”
You and Jessie leave the bedroom, coming back to the living room to play with James. Jessie’s dad takes Nora who is sound asleep, claiming he doesn’t get to hold her nearly enough. You both sit on the floor as James hands you plastic animals and begins telling you both about the make believe scenarios he had come up with. You stay on the floor for a while, switching between the make believe world with your son and having regular adult conversations with your wife and in-laws.
Jessie is quiet, not contributing much to the conversation, focusing more on your son. Wishing you could just lift the weight off her shoulders and take away the disappointment she is feeling toward herself, you try your best to steer any conversation away from mentions of the game or football.
James lets out a big yawn as he makes his dinosaur trample a small city he had created.
“Someone’s sleepy.” You tease him.
“No I’m not!” He protests. Looking at you with his brown eyes, silently begging for more time. “Want to keep playing with Mama, it makes her happy.” Jessie shoots you a look, her eyes begging just like his were, mouthing ‘five more minutes’ her hand being held up to emphasize her point.
“Okay, but only a few more minutes bud. You and Mama can play in the morning.”
He seems content with the extra few minutes and the reminder that Jessie would be there in the morning and goes back to playing.
After the few minutes pass by, Jessie starts to clean up the toys, James helping her. You stand up taking Nora from her grandfather’s arms, she’s still fast asleep. You say goodnight to Jessie’s parents and carry your daughter into the office that you had turned into her temporary bedroom. Your kids had separate bedrooms at home and you wanted to keep it as similar as possible. Being able to move around Nora’s crib easily, meant James got the other bedroom in the house. You placed her softly, with a kiss on her forehead and a whisper goodnight. Jessie surprises you by wrapping her arms around your waist.
“She’s so perfect.” Jessie whispers in your ear. “You made two perfect babies.” She adds a kiss to your cheek.
“Technically you made them.” You whisper back to her, still looking at Nora sleeping.
“We both made them, those are our kids.” Humming in agreement, you feel Jessie grab your hand turning to leave the room. You enter James’ room, he had changed into his pajamas while you both were putting Nora down.
“Do you want Mama to tuck you in tonight?” You ask him, wanting to give Jessie the chance as you had tucked him in alone the past few days.
“Both!” He points to both you and Jessie. You each take a side of the bed as he climbs in. You tuck him in, each giving him a kiss and telling him you love him and to not let the bedbugs bite.
Finally back in your bedroom, you and Jessie get ready for bed, each making a trip to the bathroom to brush your teeth, wash your face, change into sleeping shirts and shorts. You come out to Jessie sitting on the edge of the bed, you notice tears on the brims of her eyes.
“Hey, baby what’s wrong.” Rushing in front of her, you kneel down, cupping her face in her hands.
“Nothing, I'm okay.” She blinks hard, clearing the tears that were tempted to spill over.
“Jess, it’s okay if you’re upset, you can be upset in front of me.”
“I know.” There’s a pause and you’re not sure if she’s going to continue or not. You watch as a tear manages to make its way out, rolling down her cheek, you extend your thumb to brush it away. “I just, I feel like I let people down. It’s silly I know, it’s a game, but, I don’t know. I’m just disappointed in myself.”
“It’s not silly Jessie.” Grabbing her hands in yours. “You’re allowed to feel however you want about the game, you’re allowed to feel disappointed. You have to remember you’re just doing your best. Just like everyone else in that game and everyone else in the world, you’re doing the best you can. That’s all you can do.” Not sure if she’s even really listening to your words but wanting to get your point across you continue, “Jess people miss penalties all the time. It’s how it goes, you weren’t the only one to miss tonight. This isn’t all on you. You played so well this whole tournament.” You stand up as your knees started to ache, Jessie was the professional athlete in this family, not you. Deciding to sit on the bed next to her you wrap an arm around her shoulder and lean in.
“I hope you know how proud I am of you.” Hoping she can accept the compliment, she nods at you. The two of you sit in silence on the edge of the bed for a few minutes, just enjoying the quiet after the long day. You’re reminded of something from earlier in the day, reaching for your phone on the bed next to you.
“I know it’s not going to fix how you’re feeling about the game, but look at this.” You slide open your phone, open your photos to show Jessie the image you took of her parents with your kids. “Look at our family.”
She grabbed the phone from your hand, examining the photo. For the first time since the game had ended you saw a genuine smile come across her face.
“That’s our family.”
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asimpwithfreetime · 2 years
Lowkey need yandereJake sex… imagine you finally get comfy enough to mate with him and he litteraly treats you like a princess the entire time constantly praising you for any action you do 😭
Mating time (Yandere! Jake Sully x Fem! Reader)
Content warnings: English isn’t my first language, this hasn’t been proofread yet, it is an extremely loooong one-shot.
General warning: SMUT, if you feel uncomfortable with the idea of this 3 meters tall aliens having monster cocks, please don’t read this 🤠 I have the strange idea that the queue/braid can give them orgasms, so it will be used as an overstimulating prop.
Specific tags for this smut: dirty talking, praising, Jake being a pussy eater (it is already a accepted headcanon in the fandom lol), foreplay, handjob, belly bulge (even if you are a Na’vi), overstimulation, squirting, cum eating. Soft dom! Yandere! Jake Sully. Jake Sully purring and whining. Porn without plot.
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[ 3rd Person POV ]
Jake beamed at Y/n as she finished saying that she was ready to mate with him. He had waited so long, trying to not manipulate her. He wanted this to be real, for her and for him.
His tails swished with excitement as he looked at her. “Let’s do this” he said.
They went to a secluded area, Jake seemed so happy he could die. Y/n felt a little bit concerned about it.
“Baby, I am so happy” he said, pulling her towards him and roughly kissing her. His tongue explored her mouth with force, yet his hands were drawing soft and gentle patterns into her skin.
Y/n moaned and Jake could swear he saw the stars. He wanted to hear more of that. He stared peppering kisses along her neck, making her whine. He swore he got harder just for that.
He undid her loincloth rather easily, pushing aside the necklace that worked as a top. His hands traveled the inside of her thighs, not quite touching what was important. His mouth licked, sucked and kissed every patch of skin on her breasts, making the moment hot and romantic. His gentle and caring movements relaxing Y/n.
His hand pressed softly against the skin of her entrance, he caressed every spot with softness. It even seemed like he was teasing her instead of pleasing her.
“Mmmm.. MaJake” Y/n muttered, her whines and moans getting in the way “more…”. Jake smiled proudly, lowering himself until he could start eating her out. Her hands flew to his hair in an instant.
He started licking in circles around the labia, sometimes penetrating her with his tongue. Jake knew exactly what he was doing.
Once he found the clit, he started sucking, making slurping noises just to embarrass her. “Jake, oh Eywa” she moaned, her ears flattened against her skin, her moans escaping her parted lips. “Come on, sweetheart” Jake said, introducing one slender finger into her. She moaned and her back arched.
He continued to make her feel pleasure while he waited patiently for her to cum. Her breath hitched in her throat, her toes curled and for a moment her eyes rolled back. He drank her cum as she released and came down from her high.
“Ah… ahh” she said “For the love of Eywa, Jake, how do you do that?” She asked, amazed. “Do what?” He passed a finger upwards her slit, making her shiver with the tiniest overstimulation.
They began making out again, Y/n tasting herself in his mouth. Her hand began traveling downwards until she found his cock and started playing with it. Jake’s attitude changed, he became whinier and started panting as soon as she started pumping.
Jake moaned deep in his throat. Pre-cum leaked from his top while he started moving his hips to meet the movement of her hand. He didn’t stop once the kissing and he slowly started giving hickeys to her neck once they separated.
“I want to put it in you…” Jake growled as he began softly bitting one of her nipples. She nodded. “Do it” her voice close to a whisper as she continued masturbating him.
Jake steadied himself, giving Y/n one last kiss before aligning his dick on her pussy. “I am going in…” he moaned once he felt the tightness around his dick. “Is so hot I feel I could melt” he says.
Face to face, both moving at the rhythm of their moans and the sound of skin against skin. “Ah… baby” Jake sometimes moaned. He pulled it almost out completely before, without much force, turning Y/n completely around, now she was riding on a reverse cowgirl style.
He started rutting into her with speed, pulling her thoughts up and down with his strong hands. He pressed her to himself, her back against his chest. “Oh look, love” Jake said, stoping the unhuman speed humping to play with her stomach. In the lowers my point of her tummy there was a a bulge that appeared and disappeared as Jake’s cock entered and came out.
Y/n whined with shyness. “Such a beautiful sight” Jake murmured against her hair and pressed one hand against her belly. She moaned, moving her head. Jake noticed that they had just mated “human” style but their queues were yet to be connected.
He took his, nearing hers and seeing how they connected. Soon both of them felt an overwhelming feeling. They could feel their own pleasure but a ten times stronger experience.
“Ahhh… Jake, what are you doing?” Y/n moaned. The new sensation had her body’s sensitivity going over the roof. Her pleasure tingling in every muscle of her body. She felt the coil in her stomach stronger, growing closer to an orgasm.
“Ahhhh, Jake, oh Eywa, what a sensation” she moaned, her pussy clenching around his dick with such force he felt heaven. She came again, her fluids running down his cock and into his thighs. She began a trembling mess, little chills going up and down her spine.
“Ahh, I am coming” Jake said. “Where do you want it?” He asked. Suddenly Y/n turned around dumbfounded. “Where?” She asked.
“There isn’t enough time” he pulled out started immediately jacking off. As Y/n was now sitting on the floor, he got up, lowered himself and demanded “open your pretty little mouth, atta girl”.
Y/n did as ordered, opening her mouth and receiving all of Jake’s load, not letting a single drop be wasted.
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dreamauri · 10 months
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┇𝗠𝗬 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗘 𝗔𝗟𝗟 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗘 - part five ┇୧ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ :🪴: ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ୨୧ ╮ ┇arranged marriage does not always hold ┇the outcome you expect !! ┇︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦˚₊   ┇ . 🌿 :: pairing — ( max vertsappen  x  wife! reader ) ┇ . 🫧 :: ⁠genre — ( romance + smut )  ┇ . 🌿 :: ⁠song — ( link ) ┇ . 🫧 :: ⁠word count — ( 1, 047 ) ╰  🌿 :: ⁠ content warning — ( oral f receiving )
★ ☆ 🫡 ━━━━━━━
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"First driving lesson. Are you ready?" "Absolutely not."
You gave a smile and thumbs up to the camera recording you and your husband, whilst max adjusted the strap to your helmet. "Learning to drive in a fast car is a bad idea." You warned him. looking around the controls to the NSX.
"It's not a bad idea." Max assured you, reaching over and buckling you up. "It very much is, liefje." [baby] You dismissed, looking out the open window to the Red Bull team filming you guys from the outside. "Can we get a slower car? I feel like We'd be much safter in . . . I have no idea. A slow car. A Kia maybe?."
Max laughed at you. "Are you serious? A kia? You think I'm a bad teacher." "No!" You turned to him quickly, holding his hands. He was teasing you but you still felt the need to make sure he knew. "Max, you're an amazing teacher. But you being intact is more for our home race is more important than me learning drive."
"You don't like my birthday present?" He gasped, putting his hand on his chest, being dramatic. "I—" you pulled him in a kiss only for your headgear to bump into his and stop you. "ow . . . I was gonna say I love it." Max laughed at you, leaning his head on the window while your glared at him.
"Where's the go and stop." You were commanding him now, putting both your hands on the steering wheel.
You did eventually get the basics, you were to scared to lift your leg off the brake that the car was literally only moving for a meter before it came to a full stop. The process of breaking every few seconds continued until max was able to get you confident in yourself to drive a steady 40 kilometre per hour around the long straight.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"How is it, with the wife." "My wife?" Max's eyes light up at the mention of you. He was up onstage in the fan zone, sitting on a stool with checo and an f1 presenter. "Married life, how is it?"
"Well, I didn't know if the video went out yet, but i just gave her her first driving lesson this morning—" "really?" Natalie pink ham butted in, giggling.
"Is that what that was?" Checo laughed along with the crowd.
"I mean, no offense, Shatje; she sucks at driving. But it's nice to have that contrast, because I cannot paint or cook for the life of me." He laughed, leaning back to look at the side stage where you stood, smiling at him. "She's gonna kill me when we get home. Look at that smile."
The crowd erupted in laughter. Max waved you a hi, even though he was spending the whole day with you. You rolled your eyes playfully, folding your arms. You couldn't help the smile that curled on your lips as you looked at the cute puppy of a Dutch f1 driver. "Beautiful smile." Max chuckled, turning back to the fans.
You two were stuck to each other after the interview, sitting all cozied up in the hospitality, snuggled up to each other as you scrolled through your phone, both of you judging the décor and furniture you would need to renovate.
"This wallpaper is nice." You hum, pressing on the image. "My love, we don't need wallpaper. We have you." You chuckled, shaking your head. "I'm serious, you're very talented." He tilted your chin up kissing you.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"Maxie!" you called through the house, peaking out of the bathroom door. You peaked down the foreign Belgian house, looking down the hall looking for your husband. "Maxie!" You called louder. "Ja, schat?" [yes, love]
"Kun je een handdoek voor me halen? . . alstublieft." [can you get me a towel, please]
"Wat? ik kan je niet horen."[what? i cant hear you] he called back. You could hear the faint noise of the tv from where max sat in the living room.
"Towel, Max." You sighed. What was he watching, foot ball? "I'm wet, and I'm cold and I'm naked—" yep that did it. You heard his footsteps run up the stairs at the word, his fluff of blond peaked from behind the wall to try and see you.
But you thought before hand and hid your body behind the door so all Max could see was your wet and messy hair and smile as you repeated the word. "Towel."
He pouted with a huff as he stomped to your room, returning seconds later with a fluffy towel. "Thank you." You hum, pulling the towel in with you, disappearing behind the door. Only, the towel was pulling from you. You peaked out the door to see Max holding the opposite corner, puppy eyes as he looked at you.
"Max, not now." You whispered feeling your face redden with embarrassment as he tried to peak in. "één kus, één kus." [one kiss, one kiss] you pleaded and you couldn't say no, leaning in and granting him his wish.
Well, you ended up granting him another wish as well because asking for one kiss turned into two kiss turned into 6 turned into 20 and so on. Which led you to being eaten out for the first time while sitting on the edge of the bathtub, hand entangled in blond locks, with gasps leaving your mouth.
You didn't know what max was doing, head between his thighs, eyes staring up at you as he licked and sucked and lapped and did things you never imagined of before. Your body shivered each time his warm tongue would drag across your gummy walls or take your bud into his mouth. You didn't even realize it when your orgasm dawned on you, heaving with whines and whimpers.
You caught his lips once he was back to your height and max was quick to return the favour, savouring your lips as he pulled you straight to your feet to his bedroom, 2 and a half hours from zandvoort f1 circuit; but he wanted you to have your first time in a home, under the moonlight of his windows.
Which you've got to admit, was a magical night.
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smooth-perceval · 10 months
A holiday promise.
Lando Norris x Fem!Reader
Summary: it was Christmas time- unfortunately for the reader she wasn’t feeling the spirit when her boyfriend was being distant, little did she know he had a promise for her.
Warnings: Fluff, swearing? Some self doubt. Implied smut at the end but no smut included!
Key: Y/N (Your name) Y/L/N (Your Last name)
Word count: 1094
A/N: The longest I have written (for 12 day count down) andddd we’re posting 40 mins earlier so technically I posted a day early but we won’t discuss that 🥲
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Lando had been different lately, I don’t know what I done- but it’s like he didn’t want to be around me… or he had a secret he was keeping from me.
And like any girl I doubted myself- and maybe him a little… there was days that he was my lando and there was days where I didn’t even know he existed.
The days were rounding closer, and closer to Christmas Day, and I clasped onto the fine strings of my heart that this guy would stay around at least for Christmas…
I mean we share the same apartment but yet felt like two strangers… and I miss him- today I declared I was sitting my lando down and getting our shit together- today was the make or break.
Taking a deep breath I braced myself for the conversation ahead of me. Stepping into our apartment I kicked my shoes off and tugged my coat along with it. “Lan you home?”
Silence… until I heard a little thud from down the hall. Signalling he was but just ignoring me.
“Lan… if you scare me… I swear to the heavens I will leave your ass quicker than a McLaren pit stop!” Shoulders tensed I round the corner, pausing in my step.
“Lan?” Eyes trailing over the fake snow along our hallway floor. “Did you decorate without me?!” A gasp falling off my lips, I practically stomped down the hallway.
“You promised you wouldn’t!!”
“I hate talking to myself right now.”
“Lando Norris we need to-”
There he stood infront of the tall glass balcony doors, candles surrounding the entire lounge, the fake snow scattered around on the floor… clearly he ran out of snow half way through but it still looked magical, a mixture of the moon and the candles bouncing off his face. He looked pretty.
“Need to what?” A teasing smile was on his face, and I finally took in his appearance.
A plain black top and some joggers, pure white socks (with a lot of fake snow stuck to him but we won’t talk about that) and a small velvet box in hand.
“Needed to talk… what is going on- is this what I think this is?” My eyes welled with tears as I stood in the doorway slightly.
4 meters away from him and out of touch.
“What do you think this is?” My hand clasped over my mouth as I violently shook my head. “Words, use your words bubs.”
Silent tears fell on my cheeks as my hands slid down soothing my churning stomach. “You want to get married?” Whispering over to him, I embraced my arms around myself trying to stop the excitement and butterflies.
“Once I ask you then yes.” Laughing a little he nudged his head signalling for me to come over.
But I couldn’t move I was stuck in place. The only thing I could do was ball like a baby, Lando rushed over having a little giggle to himself wiping away my tears with his thumbs as best as possible, “hey, hey… it’s okay-” tilting my head back slightly, his eyes board into mine before dropping to one knee.
“Oh my-” sniffling I looked up at the ceiling before finding the courage to looked down at him, body still shaking like a leaf.
“You always said you didn’t want some huge proposal… said you preferred it being more intimate, nothing out the crazy- just two people declaring their love for one and another.” Nodding my head to everything he was saying I felt myself laugh a little. “You’re not the guy to do some huge proposal anyways.”
“Do you want me to ask you orrr?” A teasing smile crept back to his face, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Please ask me.”
After a brief pause, us both stopping the little giggles, he then took another deep breath before continuing. “Well here I am, down on one knee declaring to love and care for you for as long as you want me, hopefully till death do us part.” Laughing again a little he then shuffled slightly on his knee.
A choked laugh left my lips- but I couldn’t control myself from being a blubbering mess, sinking down to my knees infront of him, gripping his kneeled knee for security and support. “Y/N Y/L/N will you marry me?” And I froze once again.
Just staring at the man I love… this was all the reasons why for the last few months- it was all leading to this… I thought he’d leave me before Christmas… but yet here he was asking to love me.
“You really want to marry me?” Smiling at him, I squeezed his knee holding back another weep.
“It would be my honour.”
“Then yes Lando Norris, I will marry you.”
His eyes widen slightly, it took him a moment to realise what answer I had given. Before he sprung into action. I say sprung, we both watched his shaky hands take the beautiful ring out, before taking my hand in his and placing it on my finger. And only then did it feel real- it was a weird sensation, once that ring was on my finger it was like a wave of relief, love, security- everything washed over me.
In a split second his lips were on mine, eager yet tender- urgent yet full of love… business men share handshakes to secure a deal- lovers share sweet kisses to secure theirs, it was a sealed deal between me and Lando- for better for worse, till death do us part.
“I thought you were going to leave me…” mumbling against his lips, a little smile playing on mine.
“How could I ever.”
“I’ve been asking myself that continuously the past month, I didn’t believe you would.” Whispering feverishly lips now barely brushing as we pulled away. Leaning back we both basked in each others presence.
“Oh my camera!” Jumping up he quickly ran across the room, kicking snow everywhere.
“You recorded this?” A wide smile was on my face as I started to get up off the floor.
“Max didn’t believe I’d do it. I now have proof.”
Rolling my eyes I moved over to him as he toyed with the camera in hand. “Remind me why I said yes.”
“I can show you instead…” wiggling his brows at me I shook my head giggling.
“Please leave the camera in this room-” laughing also he set the camera down wrapping me up in his arms before whisking me away- sealing our holiday promise another way.
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ytmanzwhore · 1 month
Chase It - 3
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read parts one // two
summary: nellie and kate come face to face with a tornado
warnings: brief descriptions of injury!
an: Im glad folks are enjoying this!! tagging a few friends in the update @stillhere197 @thespillingvoid
"What did the tornado cowboy have to say?" Javi asked the girls as they sped down the road towards the building storm.
"Exactly what you'd expect," Kate looked at her laptop. 
"He's definitley needing a serving of humble pie," Nellie said under her breath as she cracked the window and felt the build around them. She closed her eyes and let that feeling wash over her after five years as Kate directed Javi closer to the cell. This is what addicts must feel, Nellie thought as she opened her eyes. Because that's the only reason she could be sitting here after the tragic storm five years ago, and the one that had followed that Spring.
Nellie observed the wind turbines on either side of them, many of them bending with the wind but some of them already beginning to shake in the face of the storm. "It's forming, just like you said," Javi said with excitement in his voice. Javi took some time to explain the plan to Nellie and Kate, and the red head could practically feel Kate's anxiety rocket as Javi's excitement increased. 
Their car headed further towards the cell while the other Storm Par vehicles split off to triangulate around the vortex. Nellie kept her eyes on the storm, watching in awe as it formed and began to descend to the ground. Her moment was abruptly interrupted as Javi had to yank the wheel to avoid the big red truck cutting them off. 
"It's like the wild wild west out here," Javi yelled as he adjusted, bringing their truck back onto the road. 
"Good god," Nellie laughed, watching as the truck veered off again to cut through the wind farm beside them. As Kate continued to guide Javi, the three of them went quiet as hail began to fall, taking them all back to five years ago. They were snapped out of their memory as they drove by a large grouping of cars and people, Javi honking as they all got out of the car to watch apparently Tyler's live stream. 
"It's the Tyler Owens' effect," Javi scoffed before the rest of the team began to call in with their locations and radar activations. "Where am I going Kate? I've gotta be within 300 meters of the front of the tornado."
Nellie watched as Kate looked out the front window. "Take these," Javi handed the girls goggles. "Are we getting close?"
"Just up here, in the clearing," Kate stuttered. Javi took the directions, pulling over and hopping out of the car. Nellie and Kate followed, Nellie following Javi to the tailgate while Kate stared at the storm in horror. 
"Get back in," Kate screamed at them, immediately getting in the driver seat and pulling away. "This isn't right."
Nellie ignored Javi's questions as she watched the car move out of the storms path, Kate pulling the car to a halt. 
"We're too far," Javi yelled as he looked back at the storm, shaking his head. Tyler chose that moment to drive by them.
"What are you doing out here?" Tyler asked with a grin. "Storms over there! Hey city girls." Javi's look could kill as Tyler pulled off with a laugh, driving directly towards the tornado. Nellie watched in wonder as the red truck went straight towards the vortex.
"Are those," Nellie gasped. "Fireworks?"
"Yep," Javi said dejectedly as Nellie let out a disbelieving laugh. 
"He's insane," Kate said as she got back in the car and the three of them headed back to the team. "I'm sorry Javi," she said in the tense silence of the car. 
"It's okay," Javi said as he pulled the car back to a stop. "We'll find another one, it's all part of the gig. I'm gonna check in with Scott."
"Dammit," Kate muttered as he shut the door behind him to call his pissy friend. 
"Don't beat yourself up," Nellie leaned forward to squeeze Kate's shoulder. "That was your first time coming face to face with one in five years. There was bound to be some issues. You weren't ready today."
"Yeah," she sighed as she looked back at Javi in the mirror. The man joined them, announcing they would be meeting up with the other guys at the motel. They pulled up to a familiar sight: a dingy motel, with storm chasers running around the parking lot after a long day. 
"Haven't we stayed here before?" Javi asked.
"Yeah, we've stayed in every motel in Oklahoma," Kate laughed. 
"Some of us more than once," Nellie grinned as the two laughed. 
"We used to have Addy check in," Javi reminisced. "And then we'd all sneak in. Have Addy do it because she was-"
"So sweet," Kate and Nellie said softly. 
"Y'all want to hang out tonight?" Javi asked abruptly, looking at Kate nervously. "I was just gonna shower, but we could come back out."
"I'm real tired," Kate excused. "But maybe another time?"
"Yeah, sure," Javi's smile was fake.  "All right, see you both tomorrow. It's good to have you back."
"I'm not back," Kate protested, but Javi just grinned. Nellie smiled softly as she turned back to the lot, seeing Tyler's team all settled around and huffing as she watched the man usually behind the camera poking at a gash on his arm. 
"City girls," Tyler said as Kate headed up the stairs and Nellie stopped by the three people at the foot of the truck. "Y'all said the East would give us a show."
"Didn't throw you off," Kate shot back with a smile. 
"That's what makes Tyler famous," the man with the gash said with a big smile.
"On youtube?" Kate asked while Nellie rolled her eyes, putting her bag down and smiling at the three members of Tyler's team watching her curiously. The brunette man gave off some youtube stats while Nellie pulled out her mini med kit, putting it on one of the camp chairs and waiting for the group to finish. 
"Can I get your surnames?" Ben asked as Kate looked down at him. "In case I mention you in my piece?"
"Just Kate and Nellie," Nellie interjected softly, offering Ben a kind smile. 
"These two are tricky," Tyler shook his head as his friend complimented her and Kate's call on the storm that day. While another member of the team explained cap to Ben, Nellie turned to the camera man. 
"Can I please clean that up before you catch an infection?" she raised a brow as the man's smile went wide. 
"If you wanted to get your hands on me sugar, you just had to ask," he said in a drawl as he hopped down from the truck bed, offering her his arm. "Name's Boone."
"Nice to meet ya," Nellie focused as she looked at the cut, prodding it for a second before Boone went on. 
"Right there behind ya, you got Dani, Dexter, and Lily," Boone's introduction were cut short by his yelp as Nellie surprised him by pouring peroxide over his cut. "Damn darlin, gotta warn a man before you start in with the pain play."
"Where did you guys all meet?" Kate asked. "Did you guys all study meteorology at the UofA?"
The group all laughed. "Nah, me," Boone laughed. "I go with the wind ya know? But him," he nodded up at Tyler. "He did, taught me everything I know."
"Aw," Nellie cooed as she wrapped up Boone's arm and Tyler got his friend to stop talking about him. "Is the tornado wrangler being bashful?"
"You," Tyler pointed a wrench at her and shook his head. "Our crew ain't like your crew. We don't need PhDs and fancy gadgets," Tyler said stiffly. "I guarantee this crew has seen more tornados than yours combined."
Nellie had to giggle at that as she finished up with Boone's arm, giving him a little tap. "Keep it clean please, and if you need more bandages, come to me, I've got a ton."
"Thank you nurse Nellie," Boone smiled brightly, Nellie returning it as she put her bag back together. 
"Where are y'all chasing tomorrow?" Lily asked as the red head headed up the stairs to join Kate.
"Nope, not falling for that again," Tyler cut them off. "These girls are from New York, can't trust a thing she says."
"Well, you can always trust a guy who put's his name on a t shirt," Kate said with a smirk, as Tyler's friends all laughed.
"Or wears a belt buckle with no scratches," Nellie shrugged as she followed after her friend, offering Tyler and the crew a finger wave as Lily and Dani's cackles followed them.
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wildechildwrites · 3 days
Run, Rabbit
Wordcount: 3.8k
Warnings: 18+, Violence, Injury, Smut, lightly noncon but in the way that you're fighting it but are down, König being insane
No use of Y/N
Summary: You're on a solo mission in Romania, and König goes hunting
A/N: "Oh look another predator/prey coded Konig fic how original" SHUT UP I KNOW
AO3: Run, Rabbit
You’re in the forests of Romania on a solo mission, snooping around an abandoned military base that’s been the location of some suspicious activity, according to your sources. You find the ghost of the for-hire group Kortac in rat-chewed maps and files, faint footprints in layers of dust, but the trail has long gone cold, the building slowly being reclaimed by nature. The trees show no sign of the changes of autumn, but it's in the air, the late summer whisper of a chill in the breeze. You take your time picking your way along the overgrown roads, enjoying the tranquility of the forest. The extraction point is ten clicks west of your position, but you’re content with your steady pace, the sun still high in the sky, shining brightly through the thick foliage, and the hike is an easy one. Your meager findings are carefully folded in your bag of gear, your gun snug on your hip. Ten meters to your right, a red deer raises its head up, watching you warily, before bolting away into the trees. You smile to yourself and raise your face to better feel the sun. 
You hear the crack of the shot and drop, but not quickly enough. Your ears ring, your shoulder burning agonizingly, like someone’s pushing a hot poker against it. You fight against the nausea and pain, willing yourself to move, scrambling into the brush for cover. The shot came from your six, and you grapple for your binoculars, trying to locate the shooter on the hill above you. You recognize the mask first, the bleached tear tracks down an executioner's hood, the hulking form of the figure wearing it unfortunately familiar. König is standing casually, seemingly unafraid of any return of fire, staring down like he can see you through the trees. The hairs on the back of your neck prickle instinctually as he begins to move, a sauntering pace down the hill like the slow lope of a wolf. You drop down again, ignoring the pain in your shoulder as you crawl through the underbrush. 
Nestled low on a hill, large body half buried in the underbrush, König watches you through the scope of his rifle, toying with the idea of killing you. He recognizes you from the files he’s seen on the 141, but there was nothing left at the base for you to find, no reason to draw suspicion and attention back here. You were harmless like this, and magnetic, head tilted towards the sun, your face lit up in a wash of gold light that plays up the color of your hair. His finger brushes lightly across the trigger as he contemplates his options. He rolls his neck loose before glancing through his scope again.
You stop behind a small boulder, pressing your back to it, breathing heavily, and pull your radio off of your hip. “Bravo Six, this is Bravo Seven Four, over.” 
The crackle of the radio is a relief, Price’s voice faint but firm. “Go ahead Bravo Seven Four, over.” 
“Enemies one; direction east of my grid two hundred meters, injury sustained, six clicks out of extraction point, over.” You peek out from behind the rock, but can't see anything, so you continue your crawl, waiting for a response. The birds have stopped singing, a deadly quiet that warns of danger.
“Stay calm Bravo Seven Four–” Price’s voice is cut off by the sound of another bullet whizzing near you. You can’t have your radio giving away your position, and the squad is too far away to reach you before König could. You grab your radio and quickly press the button. 
“Bravo Six, silence, meet at extraction, over.” You turn it off, not waiting for a response, and tuck it back into your belt. Ignoring the growing burning in your shoulder, you move as quickly through the underbrush as you can. You need to cover more ground if you’re going to make it out of here, so you weigh your options, propping yourself into a low crouch, scanning the woods behind you. You can’t see or hear anything. You inhale deeply, then break into a sprint.
The cracking of branches is faint, but König is listening for it, his rifle slung over his shoulder as he searches for you. He immediately changes directions, moving towards the noise and quickening his pace. If you want to run, he’s more than happy to indulge you, relishing the adrenaline of the chase. Your trail is clear, broken branches like a beacon beckoning him closer. He spots blood on one of the low boulders, and swipes it up on his gloved hand, smiling under the mask. 
You're hyper aware of your disadvantage, the sounds of snapping branches as your pursuer draws closer, the sluggish flow of blood down your shoulder from where the bullet grazed you. Your lungs burn, head woozy as you run hard, branches scraping at your form. You risk a look over your shoulder, searching for König behind you, and your heart drops when you miss a step. 
All of a sudden, you're falling, hands stretched out in front of you as you tumble down a steep hill. You hear and feel the snap of your ankle in your boot, a whimpering sob yanked from your chest as you finally land heavily in some thorn covered bushes, branches scratching your body even through the thick fabric of your uniform. You pull yourself out, ignoring the pain as thorns drag against your face, drawing blood, then scan yourself quickly, the prognosis bleak. You can't run, not with what is definitely a broken ankle, and your shoulder is still oozing freely, but you won’t go down without a fight. You drag yourself through the dirt using your good arm, stopping periodically to listen to the sounds of König moving through the trees. Your entire body burns, and you fight against the growing fatigue that’s threatening to overwhelm you, trying to hold onto your quickly waning adrenaline. 
The sound of breaking branches draws nearer. He’s moving faster, heavy footfalls that make your leg muscles twitch with the urge to run. König whistles, high and loud, and you reach for your gun, cocking it as quietly as you can, turning around to face the direction of the noise, crouching low. Your heart pounds in your chest, fear creeping in, the weight of your situation crashing down on you.
“I heard you cry out,” a voice rings through the trees. There's something light in König’s tone, like this has all been a game of tag. “You can't be too far.”
Then the only sound is the breeze, rustling in the leaves. Blood from a cut on your forehead drips into your eye, and you resist the urge to wipe it away, scanning your surroundings as best you can without moving.
The unwelcome feeling of the muzzle of a gun presses against the side of your head, and your body shudders involuntarily. 
“Drop your weapon, Häschen,” König murmurs. You comply immediately, tossing it at his feet, unwilling to argue with a Beretta at your temple. The large man quickly kicks your gun into the bushes. “Sit up,” he commands, and you move slowly, trying not to aggravate your broken bone. 
The small shack hasn’t been used in a while, the table in the center of the room is covered in dust, and spiders have made their home in the corners, spinning silvery streamers that hang down, brushing against his helmet. König places you lightly on the small bed in the corner, stooping over uncomfortably in the low room. Your hair is full of sticks and leaves, your face scraped and bleeding. He needs to look at your shoulder, and the ankle you’d been hovering over protectively, but work comes first. You’ve thrown him off, his fingers tingling where he held you to him, the phantom pressure of your head on his chest as he carried your unconscious body through the woods haunting him even now. He grabs your gear bag, dumping it unceremoniously onto the table, pulling your medkit to the side before rifling through the papers you’d found. The information was outdated, but he shoves the papers into one of the pockets of his pants for disposal later regardless.
You knew he was large, but kneeling at his feet he feels like a goliath, towering over you, the gun held in his grip looking comically small in his giant hands. He holsters it, and you get a stupid, moronic, brilliant idea. In a quick motion, you’ve ripped your radio off of your belt, pressing down on the button and bringing it to your lips. “MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY–” König slams the heel of his palm into the back of your head, and the world goes dark.
He doesn’t bother stripping you properly, just takes his knife and slices it up through the collar of your shirt, baring your shoulder to him. His eyes, unbidden, trace the line of the now exposed column of your throat, and he swallows loudly in the quiet of the room. König draws his attention back to your injury with some difficulty. He barely even grazed you, the puckered wound bleeding sluggishly, and he quietly gloats at his own aim. When he pours alcohol on it, you awaken with a hiss, throwing your arm out hard in his direction reflexively before your brain catches up with you. He deflects you easily, wrapping large fingers around your wrist, enjoying the feeling of the delicate bones, watching with silent smugness as your confusion reads clear on your face. 
“Guten tag,” he says, pleasantly casual, as though you’ve run into him at the grocery store. Your head is pounding, and you’re thrown, trying to grasp your surroundings. Your shoulder is burning, and you’re suddenly aware of the air on your bare skin. You rip your hand out of his grasp, pulling yourself as far away from him on the small bed as you can manage. He tilts his head, studying you. 
“What are you doing?” You ask, your voice hard. 
König gestures with the alcohol he’s holding. “I’m patching up your injuries.” His voice is low, his accent curling around the syllables of his sentences like smoke. 
You blink at him, utterly disarmed. “Why,” you pause, biting your cheek as a wave of pain radiates through your ankle, “Are you patching up my injuries?” 
“Would you prefer it if I left them?” He volleys back lightly, tilting his head. 
You don’t say anything, staring at him with suspicion. He’s got you cornered, quite literally, and there’s no way you can get away from him with your ankle like this unless you can get your hands on a weapon. There’s a knife tucked in your boot, but you can’t exactly pull it out subtly. His beretta is on his hip, his rifle is leaning against the table, but you’d be lying to yourself if you thought you had a chance in hell of reaching either before he could. 
 König takes your silence for compliance and goes back to dabbing your wound with alcohol. You flinch when he places his hand on you, and he makes a dissatisfied noise in the back of his throat. “Such a nervous little rabbit.” The mask conceals his expression from you, but you can hear the frown in his voice. 
“You shot me,” you respond dryly. “Doesn’t exactly foster trust.” 
 “Just a scratch. I could’ve killed you, if I wanted to.” He shrugs, a casual movement that’s unintentionally intimidating, your eyes on the way his shoulder muscles move beneath the layers of clothing he wears. 
You spend your time with large men, the boys of your team all averaging above six feet, but König is just startlingly gigantic. You scan his torso, eyes tracing across the wide planes of his chest, lingering too long to be decent. You catch yourself and drop your gaze down to your hands. “If you don’t want to kill me, what do you want?”
“I want to know what you are doing here.” His tone is still pleasant, but interrogative. His fingers are deliberate, surprisingly gentle as he bandages your shoulder, but there’s an unspoken thread of tension in the air. 
You’re much more docile when he patches up your ankle, an uneasy truce between the two of you. You sit still as he splints it, legs draped almost intimately over his lap, his large fingers curled around your injured leg, gentle pressure holding you steady as he works. He adjusts his hold, squeezing lightly on the meat of your calf, and your breathing stutters. His eyes flick to yours, something dangerous in their expression, and you hold his gaze as you deliberately drag your uninjured leg closer to you, your boot trailing across König's upper thighs intentionally. His eyes slip close at the sensation, just for a moment, and that's when you act, yanking your knife out of your boot and sinking it into his thigh and launching yourself to the floor. He lets out a snarling cry, and you scramble up, your vision going white from the pain of your ankle, but you push through it, sprinting out of the shack. 
“Chasing shadows.” You respond, your voice equally mild. You know he looked through your pack and probably found the papers. You wonder if he thought it was ironic that you came sniffing after KorTac, just to run right into him. You certainly did.
You can't run properly, reduced to a hobble that's made all the more difficult by the fact that you're on uneven terrain in the quickly growing dark. You need to figure out your location and find a way to contact your team, but you’re disoriented and disarmed. You haven’t made it more than a few meters when you hear the sound of the front door slam open. You pick up the pace, trying to put as much distance between you and the very angry Austrian hot on your trail. 
“Häschen,” König’s voice rings through the trees, and a trickle of fear runs through you. You duck behind a tree, pressing yourself against it firmly, trying to blend in with the darkness. 
“Always trying to run away,” he snarls, shoving his body against yours. He thrusts his uninjured thigh between your legs, pinning you further, and you let out an unintentional gasp at the sudden pressure of hard muscle against your core. König instantly pulls away, his eyes shooting down to your ankle with concern, before dragging slowly up your body, his gaze accusatory.  
He can hear you breathing, light and quick, and he doesn’t even try to disguise the heavy sound of his footsteps as he closes in on you. He whips around the tree you’re cowering against, and you try to bolt, but he wraps his fingers around your bicep, yanking you back, slamming his hands above your head, trapping you against the tree. 
“You like this,” he says, and you shake your head desperately. 
“I don’t–” he interrupts any denials you might have, deliberately grinding his thigh in between your legs. You clench your teeth against the noise it draws from your throat. 
He leans impossibly closer, your noses almost brushing through the hood he wears. “Did you like the chase as well?” His voice is a husky rumble, full of heat, and you have to bite back a whine. “I liked the chase.” You realize the hard length against your stomach isn't his Beretta, and an unwanted spike of arousal shoots through you in response.
“You’re insane,” you snap, grappling for some semblance of control over the building pleasure in your core. König pulls away from you abruptly, and you flush at how wet you are, soaking through your underwear. 
“How about a game, Häschen?” his voice has lost its edge, back to the pleasant tone he used in the shack, and your head spins at the sudden change.  “I'll give you five minutes to run or hide, and if you can make it ten minutes without me finding you, I’ll take you to your extraction point myself, safe and sound.”
Your heart races. You don’t trust him, but there's no way you'll get another chance to get away from him. “And if I can’t?” You ask. 
You know you’re fucked, but you scramble through the darkness as quickly as you can, trying to find a good place to hide. If your ankle wasn’t broken, you’d climb a tree, but you’re stuck searching for ground cover, listening with mounting paranoia to the quiet noises of the forest. You’re a celestial body pulled unwillingly into König’s orbit; collision unavoidable.
He says nothing, just purposefully presses his hard cock against your center. Traitorous want flows through you.
You hear him coming, branches breaking as he stalks towards you. You stand as straight as you can, letting him approach you, his eyes bright in the dim of twilight. When he comes within range, you lunge for his gun, almost succeeding in yanking it out of the holster before he grabs you around the waist and pulls you to the ground, pinning you roughly beneath him. 
Even as he manhandles you, you're hyper aware of the delicate way he avoids putting any weight near your injured shoulder. He's got your legs splayed around him, but he's careful, adjusting you just so, keeping your ankle tucked safely away, angled so he won't jostle it. His hips press obscenely against your ass, and you can't help arching your back into him, begging for his cock even as you swear at him.
“Get the fuck off of me,” you spit, and he just laughs, an off-putting, mean sound, before reaching around and ripping open your pants. The button pops off, and the zipper teeth split forcefully apart as he shoves a hand into your underwear. 
“Complain all you want, Häschen, but you're soaked for me,” he coos into your ear, roughly rubbing your clit. You moan at the contact, and he moves his hand lower, pressing his palm against your clit before shoving a finger into your wet center, roughly splitting you open. You gasp at the sudden stretch, König giving you no time to adjust as he pulls his finger out for a moment and plunges it back in, moving in and out at a punishing pace.
“Tell the truth.” He orders, adding a second finger. He curls them, stroking your inner walls, bullying you open until he finds the spot that makes you see stars.  “Say you want me to fuck you.” 
You're beyond words, making a derisive noise that transforms into a whine as you move your hips back, driving König's fingers deeper, your ass rubbing against his clothed erection. All you can focus on is the press of his body against yours, his fingers unspooling you, pulling you apart as he pants along with you. The tension is building, the knot in your stomach tightening as König forces you closer to the edge. 
He pulls his fingers out abruptly, leaving you devastatingly empty and unsatisfied, and you let out an anguished whimper despite yourself. He pushes your pants roughly down around your thighs, and the purr of his zipper opening makes you clench reflexively around nothing. 
He presses right against your entrance, a breath away from splitting you open on his cock. You shove your hips back, trying to fuck yourself onto him, and he pulls back. “Say you want this,” he demands. 
“Fuck. You.” You snarl, even as your thighs tremble. He drags the head of his cock up through your folds, coating himself in your wetness, and you gasp. 
“Such spirit,” he murmurs. In a single motion, he sinks into you, splitting you in open, pulling the air from your lungs. 
He thrusts into you fast and hard, like he wants to tear you open, and it hurts, even with how soaked you are. You cry out, trying to squirm away from the pain. His fingers find your clit again, his breath hot in your ear. He dwarfs you, your legs shaking from pleasure and the weight of him on top of you, pressing you into the dirt. 
“You wanted this.” His voice is a panting snarl, his talented fingers stealing your senses as he forces you closer to your orgasm. The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the forest air as he pounds into you without mercy. “Say it.” 
“I want this,” you whimper. You feel the shocking whisper of his lips against the junction of your neck and shoulder and realize with a start that means he’s not wearing his hood. All thoughts are shoved out of your head as he sinks his teeth into your skin, and you wail as you snap, the sensation dragging you over the edge, your body trembling as you cum. His thrusts become sloppy, his cock twitching inside you as he shoves his hips against yours, filling you up. He stays like that, flush against you, as his dick softens, keeping you full and trapped under him. 
You lay in the dirt panting, hollowed out and raw. There are pine needles prickling against your skin, soreness awakening in your limbs as you come back to yourself. König climbs off of you, still cognizant of your injuries, and pulls you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you like a lover, the brutality melting into tenderness like watercolor. His hood is back in place, and the world comes crashing down around you as your senses return, the weight of your actions pulling you down as regret and shame bubble under your skin. 
The walk to the extraction point is silent. König holds you cradled against his chest; your hand fisted in the front of the vest he wears. His thigh burns, his entire body consumed with exhaustion, but he clenches his jaw against the pain, focusing instead on your face, turnt up towards him, open and vulnerable, eyes rimmed with red. If he was a better man, he'd be sorry. 
König notices your eyes glazing over, the warble of your chin, and reaches up a large hand to cradle your face, wiping away tears you didn't realize were threatening to fall. “Hush bunny, you did so well,” he croons down at you, his saccharine actions thrown in high relief against how violently he handled you before. “Such a good girl for me.”
He sets you down gently on a large rock, and pulls your knife out of a hidden pocket, his hand raised in a placating gesture as he slowly places it beside you. It’s still got his blood on it, dried to rust on the tip. You don’t reach for it, pulling your uninjured leg up and wrapping your arms around yourself. You look even smaller than you did before. 
He straightens his spine against the odd sensation in his chest. “Tell your captain to keep a closer eye on his men,” He orders, then reaches out a hand, hovering just above your cheek bone. Neither of you bridge the gap.  
You watch him disappear into the trees, the shadows swallowing him whole, the sound of a helicopter in the distance.
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melancholymetropolis · 7 months
“So you were just going to leave?”
 His thick, raspy voice crawled from the doorway and into the partially packed office. “And not tell me a damn thing? Come on, princess. I know we have our problems, but this is a whole new low.”
Although his delivery was playful, I could feel the heat radiating off his massive form. I didn’t need to turn to face him to know that his fists were balled at his sides and his jaw was clenched. His footsteps barely made a sound on the polished floors as he moved from the doorway. Gradually closing the gap between us. He was testing the waters. The taller man knew we were both equally yoked when it came to temper; which was one of the many reasons I was leaving. 
Instead of replying, I simply continued to fill up the massive box before me. It was labeled “Miscellaneous”. But, some of the items meant more than oxygen to me. Like the picture of when Japan won their first gold medal after being second in the entire world for three years. Fushiguro Toji had practically plastered his body next to mine in the picture. An arm curled around my waist and a hand on my thigh. Instead of looking at the camera, he was looking down at me. A sly smile on his scared lips. They said a picture was worth a thousand words, but the look on his face alone was worth a million. Every time I looked back at the image, my heart would leap from my chest. Tendrils of hope wrapped around my brain and breaths of longing filled my lungs. The look was confirmation that everything I had felt was not a game, nor was a piece of fiction. I hadn’t made it up in my mind; it was real. 
The feeling was mutual. 
He had been in love with me, as I was in love with him. 
Two words that spoke the language of the past. Not the current or future tense.
Those feelings seemed to change after one fateful phone call from another woman. Another Olympic athlete from Japan’s track team. Tall, lanky and full of spark. On any other day, I would have been a fan of hers. I had seen her race and she was the fastest person in the country. She made running a hundred meters look easy. Even with sweat coating every inch of her body, the athlete was gorgeous. Not only that, she just was so sweet and had the softest voice. It made the news spewing out her mouth hurt just a little bit less than it would’ve if Toji had told me. 
Not only were they dating for the past three months, but she was also pregnant. 
One of those facts would have felt like a bullet wound to the chest on my best day. To have them transcribed to be minutes behind the other, it felt like my lungs stopped working. The pressure that built in my throat burned hotter than the sun and the tears that rolled from my eyes were practically steaming. The phone dropped from my grasp and clattered to the floor. My back slid against the wall and I couldn’t escape the sobs from escaping my lips. 
Not only had he sent me mixed signals for the past month prior, but he was actively courting another woman at the same time. 
And got her pregnant. 
He never said a word about it. 
Never thought to share such information with his personal assistant. 
With his friend.
At least I thought we were friends before that. 
Part of me wished we were more. 
But that was killed by the news. 
“Y/N. . . ?” The anger in his voice wavered into something resembling worry. 
The placement of his hand on my shoulder had made my heart stop. I didn’t know I had been crying until I saw the tear droplets splatter on the picture of us in my hands. I felt my body begin to tremble underneath his touch and the anger that I thought I’d shoved down was resurfacing. It was bubbling from my chest and rising up my shoulders. It eased up my neck and made a beeline to my lips. I clenched my teeth, attempting to force the words back down my throat. My brain was screaming to be rational. To think my words through. To refrain from saying something I may regret. Yet, my heart had other plans. 
“Don’t touch me,” I said, tossing the picture in the trash bin next to my foot. “And leave me the hell alone.”
a/n: I am back from the dead! Did you miss me? I got a surprise coming for you on Sunday!
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sinner-sunflower · 6 months
P.2 HH Lucifer-centric AU 1/?
STORY 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 14.5, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22, PART 23, PART 24, PART 25, PART 26, PART 27, UPDATE
We're finally here! I hope this sequel makes you feel the same excitement the first one gave you. I know I'm excited.
To the new readers, please read STORY 1 first for better understanding of how we got to this point. Trust me, it's important plus! It's a pretty awesome prequel if I do say so myself.
To the readers who have been there since I posted part 1, I hope I make you proud too!
Let's go!
A powerful explosion lit up the sky. The sky split in two and fire appeared high and wide over Pride. At that moment, everyone became so hot that they couldn't bear it, as if their whole body was on fire. They wanted to rip their skin off just to get a sense of relief but then the sky shut closed. A strong thump was heard by every demon in the vicinity and then they were all thrown a few meters.
It felt like an eternity before Charlie and the others could get their bearings. Those that didn't get knocked out went outside, once there, they see Lucifer far up in the sky, holding up a flaming sword. The signature pentagram of the city has been fractured by whatever happened and demons all around were either hurt or unconscious.
Charlie: Dad!
Charlie calls out to her dad but he doesn't acknowledge her. His gaze never leaving Heaven, as if he's seeing something that no one else can.
A screen locked on Hell zooms out as the machine's voice rang out 'target disengaged'.
An angel looking similarly to Lucifer, except there's blue tints on the spots where Lucifer had reds, was looking down at Hell pulling back a large, golden gun. They blew the smoke residue and sighed.
Michael: Hello, Lucifer... Still causing trouble, I see.
Lucifer lands on the now burnt soil of Pride trying to keep his composure calm as those who were not knocked out by the blast panic once again.
His jaw clenched so tightly that the muscles strained against the skin, teeth grinding together like stones. He tightens his grip on Lightbringer, knuckles whitening.
'Damn it, Michael!'
In his pure anger, his body moves on its own. Lucifer swung his arm back, Lightbringer's flames tracing a graceful arc through the air. He pivots his back foot and-
How dare Michael! How dare he attack Hell, endanger his home, his family, HIS DAUGHTER!
Before he could launch his sword at Heaven, at Michael, in retaliation, a mass of assorted colors grabs his arms and blocks his view.
It was the Sins.
Lucifer: Let go.
Lucifer lets out a wave of power, they faltered a bit but none released their hold or moved.
Satan: We- shit! We can't do that.
Mammon: Mate, don't do something I would definitely do.
Asmodeus: Stop, Lucifer. this will only make things worse. We'll come up with a plan but we can't afford setting off a war right now!
They're trying to reason with their King but Lucifer's eyes are still looking through them.
Lucifer: I'm not the one who started this.
Beelzebub: We know, babe! But! You're getting pissed off more than Satan over here on a normal day. It's not a cute look.
Satan: Hey!
Belphegor: Ozzie is right.
Leviathan: Calm down, Luci.
He was about to shake them off and continue what he was about to do until-
Charlie: Dad!
And just like that Lucifer's anger recedes. He slumps a little into the Sins' holds and calls back Lightbringer.
Charlie and the hotel residents were the first to reach him, he can feel his daughter's hands all over him checking for any injuries as the others worry about what happened. And what the fuck was that?? Was that Heaven??
He was about to say something when they were suddenly blinded by flashes and a bunch microphones being shoved at his face. His family were screaming obscenities for the press to back the fuck up.
'How did they get here so fast?'
Reporter 1: -Your Majesty! Can you tell us what was that??
Reporter 2: -Lucifer, over here! Was that a direct attack from Heaven?
Reporter 3: -Does it have anything to do with what happened in Sloth?
Reporter 4: -Lucifer! Lucifer! Does this mean a war with Heaven is about to happen??
Reporter 5: -Sire, the Pentagram symbol above is destroyed! Is that a barrier? If so, do we not have any protection against Heaven anymore?
Reporter 6: -Are you any match for Heaven's higher forces?
Questions after questions. It doesn't stop even with the threat of the Sins.
'Too loud. Too noisy. ShutupShutupShutupShutupShutupShutupShutupShutupShutupShutup SHUT UP!'
He looks directly at the group vultures, letting Roo's attributes surface more.
Lucifer: Fall.
The noise stops and the next moment the demons around them fell to the ground fast asleep.
Not even Charlie berated him for using that ability against their will.
Lucifer: Alright. Why don't we talk inside?
I feel like the start of my AUs are always short but I hope y'all will support me again 'til the end!
Read STORY 1 here!
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bbanghiitomi · 10 months
Tumblr media
| killing me softly with your song
synopsis: what if you were a talented child prodigy once? living life in lavish, spending years in the spotlight but a tragedy happens and you're forced to leave and hide. what if you meet a super hard-headed girl on the docks? what if you fall in love with her?
— nonidol!guitarist!kminji! × nonidol!pianist!fem!reader
(⁠ ̄⁠(⁠エ⁠)⁠ ̄⁠)⁠ノ (⁠ ̄⁠(⁠エ⁠)⁠ ̄⁠)⁠ノ (⁠ ̄⁠(⁠エ⁠)⁠ ̄⁠)⁠ノ(⁠ ̄⁠(⁠エ⁠)⁠ ̄)
“miss! hey! what are you doing?!” minji shouts from a few meters away as she spots a girl standing by a lone boat just floating near the docks, staring aimlessly at the sunset, while her hand is gripping the gunwale of the boat, just a gust of wind enough to knock her to the ocean and leave her drowning. minji furrows her brows at how you ignored her. she couldn't believe such a reckless person would just be standing at the edge of the docks and waiting for someone to push them into the sea.
“miss, you can't just stand there, it's dangerous! did you see the waves? if the boat gets knocked over there's a chance you'll drown!” minji continues to express her stress over the stubborn girl standing by the boat surrounded by other boats. if you were to fall over it'll be hard for you to swim upwards due to the boats floating around the area of the water.
minji runs to your direction and from afar you feel the vibration of her platform shoes hitting the wooden floor of the dock, you look behind to see her figure running towards you and you squint, bending your lips to a frown before once again turning your back against her. “please don't ignore me, you really shouldn't be out here at this hour.” minji adds, starting to get frustrated at your stubborn behavior that she couldn't quite understand.
you can hear most of what she was saying but has a hard time forming coherent thoughts of what was clearly said. you step out of the boat, with minji looking intently at your footsteps and guarding you if you ever fall. “careful —” she mutters, in which you shrug her by saying.
“move.” simply just like that you stand on the wooden platform of the dock while she looks at you in disbelief, your eyes still watching the sunset being buried under the dark shadows of the mountain. to your interest, you didn't care about what minji thinks — she is nothing more than a stranger who thinks they know what to tell you. she's just like those other people who think they can boss you around with what you want to do with your life.
minji squints her eyes and frowns. “are you not leaving yet?” she asks, you hear it this time although it was still quite muffled you knew what she is pertaining to.
“why do you care?” you ask her, your frank tone indicating the irritation you get by her constant prying over your business. minji scoffs, shaking her head. “hey, i’ve been calling out to you for the past few minutes because what you're doing is dangerous. did you even hear me?” you glare at her, your eyes narrowing as if warning her with every single word she says.
“i asked, why do you care?” you repeat the question but with a tone harsher than the first time. minji freezes — eyes darting at your eyes and the frown on your lips, unsure what to feel at the sudden nonchalant outburst. she starts to feel how her heartbeat got faster, her hands were shaking and she doesn't understand why she's suddenly so nervous.
“b-because… my family… they own the boat and if you fall over and drown, we’re screwed.” minji’s eyes soften as if she was begging, for you to understand and stop being mean! you stare at her eyes only for a bit, to her brown pupils then to her tall nose bridge. “fine, i’ll leave.” you mutter before leaving, the sole of your shoes tapping the wood surface.
minji watches you leave before following like a tail, you don't realize nor quite hear her but you feel the vibrations of her shoes along with yours. “i feel like you're following me.” you tell her, not even bothering to turn around and look at the tall girl. minji shrugs. “i am, it's dark here and you didn't even tell me your name.” she says, it ticks off something inside of you and you stop walking to take a deep breath.
“would it kill you to leave me alone? or do you want a restraining order against you?” you frankly tell her, expressing annoyance in her pursuit. minji looks at the back of your head and shakes her head. “no… i promise, i’m not a bad guy. it's just because i've never seen your face before and what if something bad happens to you?” minji expressed benevolently, standing still as if waiting for your answer.
“i live in the building standing beside the nakamura suite.” you tell her, your tone is apathetic — you couldn't care whoever this person was, what's her business and what she wants. but you find her amusing, a little — maybe it her persistence, her diligent aura and how she really wants to chase after you as if it'll gain her anything.
minji looks up on the night sky and sees the two tall buildings standing right next to each other, with the nakamura suite being taller and sparkling under the dark skies.
“wow…” she whispers.
“i’m nakamura y/n.” you face her once again, your eyes darting at her pair of round eyes — with a small tug of your lips, you take her breath away.
“i’m kim minji.” she mutters under her breath, left in awe with every second she stands right in front of you.
“you're just gonna stare or what?” your voice is assertive as you ask her.
minji blinks and laughs, rubbing her hands together and finding herself avoiding your distant gaze. “uh, i don't know. i have a car… if you don't mind i can give you a ride.” minji bites her bottom lip in hesitance, embarrassment of some sort — there's a lingering curiosity inside of her stemming from your mysterious presence and the looming aura of elegance.
“i don’t.” you answer her short and quick.
minji nods and leads you to a small front yard, where a old and used car is parked. minji dashes to the door of the driver's seat and grabs the keys dangling by her waist and unlocks the door, she — you couldn't believe it — crawls on the seat and started swatting non-existent objects on the passenger's seat and the backseat.
“...what are you doing?” you ask her, raising a brow at minji — your tone derisive as you speak.
minji groans as she crawls back out of the car and looks at you. “i just made sure it's not messy inside.” minji smiles. you nod and walk your way towards the passenger seat and notice her following behind.
you look at her as you stop in front of the car door and as you were about to reach for the door, minji immediately opens it for you. you take a step back, surprised.
you were about to speak but decided to just enter inside the car and sit properly.
minji runs to the hop inside the driver’s seat and starts buckling the belt. you follow her motions and relax your weight on the seat.
the drive to the building was quiet, you stare at the window outside while the gusting wind continues to blow your hair from your face. it's quite comforting, the scenery of the small houses and the blow of cold fresh air, it's enough to put you in a sense of tranquility — away from the noises of the bustling shibuya streets, screams of greedy people that burns inside your head, banging your eardrums till it hurt, too much.
sometimes, when you stare at a pool of water — it feels like the underwater is calling out to you, for you to jump. the feeling of water surrounding you, where you have nowhere else to turn to, nowhere else to swim but just a shallow water and a surface so far from your reach and you’re close to losing oxygen — the immense strength of the underwater slowly crushing your weak body and the lack of sound that is muffled by the water blocking your ears, everything is all too familiar for you.
that's probably why you were so pulled by the ocean waves around the small boat you were standing on earlier, and the bright sun that's about to set and disappear.
it hits way too close to home.
it's the same feeling of being under pressure, when your fingers are reaching for the piano keys, trembling with every second that passes by and it feels like you're stuck, unable to move or run away because there's just nowhere else for you to hide. you can't hear anything but the muffled noises of chatters from a sea of audiences, watching you from their seats and the light from the chandeliers of the theater is blinding.
suddenly, you can't hear anything.
“hey… you there?”
“miss!” you shoot your eyes open when you hear minji’s voice, you look at her with a glare but immediately change expression when you notice her confused expression.
“are you okay?” she asks, you blink and notice your eyes are wet… from tears. you wipe them away as you nod your head dismissively. “...yeah, i’m okay.” you tell her, you look at the window and see the entrance of the nakamura building.
you couldn't help but feel — annoyed, mad or whatever it is you just don't understand, you open the door and close it almost immediately before minji could react.
“y/n!” she calls for you but you have already ran away.
minji sits there, confused and asking herself what just happened but how would she know? it's making her crazy just how odd you were, how odd things are.
CAMPLAB (light music club)
danielle: where was aristotle when all of this was happening?
hanni: wth do you expect aristotle to do?
hanni: plus, calm down kim chaewon is just being dramatic.
hanni: how else would she stop us from being an active band? we don't need validations from prefects!
danielle: i certainly think we do if we want to actually have a degree in the future.
danielle: i just don't understand why she won't let us have the empty clubroom when we’re legitimate!
danielle: i can play drums and you can play bass, minji’s good at guitar! what else does she need?
hanni: minji we know you're online, can you at least help us think!
minji: idk i’m thinking too.
hanni: i doubt it.
minji: i swear i am.
danielle: where were you even at yesterday? i came to visit your family’s gift shop and you weren't there.
hanni: i doubt your rusty car could even travel past the bus stop.
hanni: HA! maybe you were getting it repaired or something.
minji: can you get ur brain repaired too?
minji: let's all be serious, it's the college board’s decision to not allow us. chaewon’s just following the rules, we can't have the clubroom if we don't get our letter signed, we can't get it signed if we only have three members.
hanni: oh god.
danielle: so does that mean we have to recruit? how else would we do that?
minji: geez, idk. maybe play a gig somewhere and find people in our campus who is interested.
minji: i just can't think right now…
hanni: whatever, can we at least meet at the campus park?
“but seriously minji, where were you yesterday?” danielle looks at minji as she speak, minji’s eyes are somewhere staring at nothing… she can't process the present, stuck at what happened yesterday, all minji could think about is you.
“right, i thought you were at the dock yesterday. it's not like a girl is in your business, i doubt any girl would even look at you.” hanni adds, taking a bite out of her bread. minji sighs exasperatedly, rolling her eyes before she scoffs. “can you choke on that bread of yours? you act as if you don't go out your way to get noticed by that loser from the basketball team.” minji bites back.
“she's not a loser, she's ahn yujin! and unlike you she actually knows how to impress girls.” hanni huffs, danielle laughs at the bickering duo before butting in.
“was there a problem in the docks?” she asks.
minji closes her eyes to think, was it really a problem? minji doesn't know how to describe her situation yesterday, she's certainly sure she's isn't dreaming or seeing things.
“kind of, there was this girl who was standing on our boat by the docks, surrounded by other boats. she's just there… unmoving, and i got so nervous because it was dangerous so i asked her to leave but she couldn't hear the first two times i called her.” minji tells the story, the three of time stops by a table around the park’s corner.
“and what happened?” hanni leans on the table, invested.
“she was so, how do i descirbe this? skittish? i don't know. then she got off and just stared at the sunset. i asked her if she was leaving and she aksed my why do i even care. i told her it's dangerous and she repeated the question again. i told her we owned the boat and if she drowns we’ll be in trouble but when she was about to leave i asked her what her name was.” minji continues.
“what was her name..?” danielle asks.
minji looks at her friends. “she said she lived in the building near the nakamura suites, her name is nakamura y/n. i offered to give her a ride on my car to the building and she said yes. but when we stopped, she was crying. i don't know why but then she just ran away out of the car then inside the building.” minji fiddles with her fingers, the two girls look at each other, confused.
“why was she crying?” hanni asks. “did you do something bad!?” danielle points her finger at her friend.
minji shakes her head and puts her hands up. “no! i also don't know why!”
danielle brings her hands down and frowns. “then why?”
“maybe some personal stuff? probably you know? she's just sad.” hanni answers and they all shrug, taken back by the story.
minji was determined to see you again, it doesn't matter where and when but she's sure she'll find you somewhere on this island once again.
she's thrilled by the idea of you, your mysteriousness, the secrets behind your sharp eyes and harsh gazes — the way your lip taks, the words that slip out of your tongue. you're like a rose, tempting but covered in prickling thorns and such a sight to look at, unattainable at a certain point but with enough determination and persistence she can reach out for you, even if it meant shedding blood.
at the football field, danielle forced minji, hanni, haerin, and hyein to all play baseball — even if it meant playing at the wrong place. minji was sure things were about to get nasty when hanni starts hitting the ball a little too hard.
“hanni! there's windows on the other side of the field! if you get someone murdered, it's over for us!” minji warns hanni, motioning to her neck as if telling her they're dead if an accident was to happen.
“oh stop being a bitch! that's not gonna happen i swear!” hanni hisses, trudging her way to the faux home base out of minji’s old chemistry textbook.
and minji knew it, not even after five minutes, with a swing of the bat and danielle’s powerful pitch, the baseball comes flying straight into a window, crashing onto the glass and breaking it apart.
“holy shit hanni!” minji shouts and screams from the other girls are heard, hanni drops the baseball bat and puts her hands on her head. “we're screwed!” she shouts. “shut up!” minji shushes them and looks at the broken window. “i’m gonna go there and be quiet! leave this field and go to the campus park, i’ll be back.”
“minji are you serious?” haerin asks but minji dashes out of the field to the school building.
after scaling the floor and the number of rooms, minji comes to the conclusion that the room might be on the 4th floor and the 3rd room. she runs to the stairs and looks around to see if everyone has spotted her. after securing the perimeters, she rushes to the said room and is met by a sight she couldn't believe had just happened.
you lay on the cold floor, motionless, a pool of blood under your head and there were sheets of music notes scattered around your unconscious body. minji takes a step inside and looks around the room to find the baseball on the corner of the room. she tries to gather her courage and think properly. if the ball is not covered by blood nor is it sitting next to your body, then does that mean something happened to you before the ball hit the window?
and not even the traction of the ball made it possible for it to hit you, as it was too far on the top corner of the window.
she reaches for your body and notices you're still breathing, minji breathes heavily and carries your body outside of the music room. she immediately spots the nurse’s office and calls for help.
“what happened?” the designated doctor of the building asks as she sees your state in minji’s arms. “i don't know, i entered the room and saw her lying motionless!” minji places you on the bed and walks backwards while the doctor examines you.
minji hears the doctor call for an ambulance and she stands there, confused.
“minji, does she have her belongings inside the room you found her? grab it and get inside the ambulance. i’m gonna have to call her parents in the meanwhile.” minji nods and immediately rushes to collect your things you left inside the music room, as she comes back — her eyes land on the music sheets once again and it drives her crazy how they're all crumpled and somewhere ripped apart. she sees your bag and grabs it before running and following the group of paramedics.
as the ambulance rushes, her eyes are on your temple that's covered in gauze, your eyes that are tightly shut. she feels bad, paranoid at your condition but she tries to keep looking at you.
minji’s heart is beating so hard inside her chest and she leans in order to get a better look at your face, she lifts her hand and reaches for your face to push the strands of hair sticking to your face.
“you’ll be okay, i’ll make sure of that.” minji whispers, feeling a sense of responsibility inside of her, the need to protect and keep you safe — yet, she doesn't understand where this feeling is blossoming, it's just there, she knows it's there.
your body shifts, almost surprising her. your eyelids move, and your eyes open to look at minji but there it is again — the bright light blocking your view of her face and the loud ringing of silence, blasting in your ears.
after a while, you're finally safe and the college heads are investigating what happened — they haven't come to a conclusion yet but the whole group chat with minji and her friends is chaotic, all of them thinking they're in trouble.
hanni: is it really over for us?
hanni: what about my dream of becoming a popstar?
danielle: they're investigating the music room, and the baseball was left by the corner of the room…
haerin: minji didn't take it?
hyein: no, nakamura was lying on the floor under scattered music sheets with a pool of blood…
hyein: she carried nakamura’s body to the nurse’s office and got inside the ambulance with her.
hanni: oh we’re actually fucking dead istg!!!
haerin: you didn't kill anyone.
haerin: somehow i’m sure the baseball wasn't the cause of the accident.
haerin: besides, we can ask minji for some updates as soon as nakamura wakes up.
hyein: yeah, but if they ever find out it's us. we're screwed, she's kazuha nakamura’s sister and from my research they're popular and rich.
danielle: well… they’re the daughters of the owner of the nakamura suites and kazuha’s a well-known ballerina.
haerin: now i think we're definitely screwed.
haerin: how about you plan your migration back to vietnam hanni?
hanni: oh you're not helping are you?
hanni: LOOK i know it was stupid and i am ready to apologize BUT what if they sue me???
hyein: i do believe it's not our fault, look from what i’ve heard y/n’s got some serious problems.
danielle: now you're calling her crazy?
hyein: no! it's just that she's a famous child prodigy in japan, and has played piano since she was born.
hyein: you can go look it up!
hyein: but one day, during a tournament when she was 14 in switzerland, in the middle of her performance she stopped midway and completely blacked out. she sat on the chair unmoving and suddenly she was clutching her ears and crying.
hyein: for 4 more years, she tried to regain her skills back but it was getting harder.
haerin: i heard she’s got some hearing problems.
hyein: YES! that's why she's given up playing piano and settled here.
hanni: what does that have to do with me obliterating her!???
danielle: yeah, i mean maybe she's deaf or something but what does that mean?
hyein: panic attacks, explains the scattered paper all over the floor and ripped pages of music sheets.
hyein: look, i might be grasping on threads here but hear me out! she must've passed out and fell from the chair.
haerin: i get it.
minji buries her face in her palms as she sighs, she can't reply to any of the messages because of the paranoia inside her — she can't do anything while thinking of your situation, she can't just do anything knowing you're still unconscious.
“wake up please…” minji mutters to herself.
as if the heaven heard her prayer, your hand shifts, she takes notice of it and stands up — it hasn't been that long since you wasn taken to the hospital but it already feels like forever.
your eyes open to see minji looking at you, still the light is bright but you were able to make out her facial structures, her long hair and her eyes.
“minji..?” you mutter, minji smiles and nods. “yeah, it's me.”
you remember what happened.
again, alone at the music room and the surroundings felt shallow, your fingertips are trembling as you force yourself to play a piece — you're not even using your ears anymore, you read along the lines of the music sheet following the notes and imagine as if you were playing with the waves of the ocean.
but it's so hard to play music without hearing anything.
you stop abruptly, smashing your hands on the keys — feeling the warm tears prickling in the corner of your eyes as the sound of the keys in unison exploded inside the room, but you couldn't even hear it.
you hate it so much, so much that you grab the sheets of paper and start ripping them apart and crumpling them, shoving them all to the wooden floor. tears continue to pour out of your eyes, as if the room is about to be flooded you couldn't breathe properly and just like that — you lost consciousness and fell.
but, how did minji even find you?
“why are you here?” you ask her, your voice is weak. minji’s eyes soften and you notice the way she looks at you, don't know whether to like it or not, be insulted or comforted.
“sorry, my friend smashed a ball on the window of the music room, i came to get it and saw you passed out with blood. i— i carried you to the nurse's office and the doctor patched you up before telling me to come with you to the hospital. your parents are on the way.” minji explains, she's in a rush — you can only understand a few of what she's saying, because the ringing inside your ears hasn't stopped yet.
“i don't remember a ball hitting the windows.” you mutter, thinking minji might be lying. minji widens her eyes, surprised.
have you forgotten?
“uh what? wait, you don't remember anything —”
“i do. i just don't know what ball you are talking about. i passed out immediately after i fell off the chair.” you tell minji, she nods and is about to add to her explanation when the door opens.
“y/n!” your parents enter inside, minji immediately moves out of the way and to the door — she leaves.
minji hears the sound of the bustling hospital corridors, numerous people walking around, doctors, nurses, and patients. she stands outside your room and looks down to her shoes. now that your parents are here, she figured it was time for her to leave, which — even if she didn't want to yet, she still did.
minji: guys
hanni: WHAT HAPPENED????
hanni: AM I SCREWED??
haerin: ur back
haerin: how did it went?
danielle: YOU'RE SAFE!!
minji: i am. i went home after her parents entered her hospital room.
hyein: wait, what did her parents say?
minji: i don’t know, but y/n told me something.
hanni: WHAT IS IT?
minji: she said, she doesn't remember nor know that a baseball hit the window of the music room.
minji: she said, she passed out immediately after she fell off the chair.
hyein: she panicked and probably lost her consciousness
haerin: does that mean we're not guilty?
danielle: must be, but how are we so sure?
minji: not so sure, they're investigating the music room and tests are still about to be revealed.
hanni: oh…
hanni: ༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽
minji finds herself standing on the dock where she first saw you, based on hyein’s research — you were really playing piano, and that accident that happened to you was a result of your panic attacks. minji thinks to herself, what happened?
she's so curious, worried or sick — she wants to know so badly, what's the reason why you feel that way?
minji needs to hold you in her arms, rock you and make sure no one hurts you.
but how is she supposed to do that?
she can't even reach you, you're so far from her. like a moth to a fire, she's drawn to your danger — drawn to your fiery and brightness. “i should've gotten her phone number.” minji mutters, hands on her mouth, thinking hard when she can see you again. “but it would be stupid of me to ask her.” she adds.
minji regrets letting you go every time, if only she can grasp you only for a moment and just hold you — it sounds like she's desperate, but seeing you like that makes minji more drawn to you. minji paces around the wooden platform, the sunsets above her, the waves are calm.
when am i going to see you again?
“whoever got that damn baseball on the window will pay for this!” your father grumbles as he paces around your room, you follow him with your eyes as you sit on your bed, a gauze in your temple from the injury you sustained that day.
“i told you, it's not because of the ball.” you tell your father, not even trying to calm him down — you understand that anger blinds him, and he loses his motor skills to comprehend the situation without finding a way to use his power in it. “but there's evidence! the ball hit the window and it hit you!” he argues, you understand his point but there's your own memories that serve you correctly.
you really don't remember a ball entering the music room.
“and that girl, the daughter of the kim gift shop — i know she and her stupid friends have something to do with this.” he adds, as if it changes anything. you can only shake your head in disbelief.
you can't help but think of minji, about when she was inside the ambulance with you — the silhouette in your view.
she really did save you, according to the campus doctor — minji wasn't lying about her entry.
“just a few more hours, we'll receive the reports from the investigation. for now, can you please give some time to think. i need to rest.” you speak, eyes not even bothering to look at your father. it's hard to look at him, even after that incident from 4 years ago, it's still hard to look at his face after he told you your performance wasn't enough.
it kills you, still.
and suddenly the air inside your room becomes suffocating just five minutes after your father left, you're itching to come see the dock again and you're hoping (denying) to see minji once again.
the air feels a lot more like reality when you step your foot in the dock, your eyes are at the sunset — the ocean that illuminates the color of the skies, the sound of waves and the blow of the wind. you feel human once again, like you're actually alive and that you're a person — with feelings and thoughts.
and not just a robot programmed by society and family expectations.
for once you felt like you weren't a burnout.
“y/n..?” minji stands behind you, you turn around and see her — a gig bag behind her, she stands still and her eyes try to look for something in yours. you blink and walk forward. “yes, why did you leave so early?” you ask her — minji laughs sheepishly, blushing and she can't help but feel embarrassed by the troubling warmth of her cheeks.
“uh, your parents, i figured you might need more time with them.” she shrugs and scratches her cheek, you feel something blossoming inside of you — something you think is unfamiliar, something so out of character for you to feel. you can feel your heartbeat racing faster.
“what's up with your bag?” you ask her once again, minki looks at you and smiles. “my band, we have a gig tonight. we're planning to recruit a member for our club.” she answers.
“you have a band?”
“yeah, we kinda suck but you can go and check out our gig tonight with me.” minji smiles wider and you swear it did something to you.
“sounds fun.” minji laughs, grinning.
god she feels like an absolute loser now.
“it is, my car’s parked there.”
your eyes glimmer under the dim lights of the club as you stand by the audio technician’s corner, watching as minji’s band plays their self-made songs as well as covers of other songs. the audiences are cheering and you feel your heart beating at every strike of the drums.
you start to bob your head to the music, you were scared that there might be a time you lose your hearing to the music but you're wrong. you can hear the strumming of the guitar and the slaps of the bass, maybe except for the chatting of the people around.
you feel as if you're actually existing and occupying a space in the earth, even if it’s just a small bit — there's people around and your eyes are fixated on minji's presence.
she's amazing.
you think to yourself, feeling your heart as if it's about to jump off of your chest.
“you did great.” you tell minji, with a small smile — your eyes connect with hers. minji’s heart is shaken up, there's more than just eye contact to your connection with her. minji looks down on her sneakers, then back at you.
“thanks, i hope someone signs to our club after.” she replies, you now understand their situation. it seems like they can't occupy a space in the school if they don't have enough members to complete the requirements for a club application.
“something is still missing?” you hum, her attention is only at you and you only, forgetting the world outside you and her bubble.
“i guess…” she says.
you find her amusing, so amusing that it excites you.
“isn't that y/n nakamura?” haerin, the club owner’s sister — watching you and minji from a few meters away. hanni joins in with a cup in her hand, leaning and squinting her eyes to take a good look. “holy shit it is her!” she exclaims.
danielle smiles. “they look nice together. you think y/n likes minji?”
haerin shrugs. “i don't know. she does look interested though.”
hanni scoffs and rolls her eyes. “ah, i guess lots of girls today still have shit tastes. i can also say she's got that look in her eyes.”
“does that mean we're not guilty anymore?”
haerin looks at her girlfriend. “we still probably are.”
“once y/n and minji kiss, we’re free.” hanni laughs. “cheers to freedom?” she playfully adds, earning whispers from her friends.
minji drives you home, and on the way home — you can't help but feel quite happy to be here with her. maybe her presence makes you feel a little more like yourself. something you are yet to discover once again.
it's that minji’s sheer honesty, her persistence, and her transparency make her such a likable person, maybe you do want her.
do you?
you hop off her car as soon as she opens the door, you look at her and smile. “minji, can i say something?” minji turns around and raises her eyebrows at you. “yeah?”
“i’ll join your band.” you tell her, you watch as her expression brightens — she has this sickening smile on her lips, her eyes shine so bright under the night sky.
“what? really?” minji feels as if the world is turning around, maybe not upside down but it is turning around.
her eyes are staring straight into yours. and just a little, yeah — you feel like smiling, wider than you have ever done your whole life. “yes. i’ll sign the application letter tomorrow.” hanni was right, you do have that look in your eyes.
“that’s great! i didn't expect you’d like our performance.” it was kind of bad if you were going to be honest, it wasn't one of the best ever but it felt so real and raw, it felt like human. there's emotions, there's mistakes, there's intensity and connection.
it was one of the most entertaining thing you’ve ever seen.
maybe that's why you loved their performance, because they were enjoying themselves, so honest and forgiving.
“i did, so much.” you wave your hand at her before making your way to the building entrance but before you maximize the distance between you and minji she calls out your name. “y/n! wait!”
you stop on your tracks but take a few seconds to smile before changing your expression and facing her. there's only a medium gap between her distance to yours, minji lifts her hand and closes it in a fist, then she brings her hand down.
“let's go out sometimes. doesn't have to be a date or anything. doesn't have to be just the two of us… is that okay..?” minji blinks, she's kind of nervous as of the moment — because you were always so unpredictable, in the past few days she's been with you, you're still surrounded by intangible walls.
but she's so close to reaching you.
you smile at her, your eyes glimmer a kind of spark similar to a firework.
this time, minji knows — she realizes and sees behind your eyes, your smile.
“yes, that's fine by me.” you turn around and leave, and minji stands there, motionless and speechless. starstrucked? probably. lovestruck? yes, this might be it.
minji can't help the boiling blood traveling to her face and coloring her cheeks red, the uncontrollable face muscles that contract to form a smile.
minji places her hands on her cheeks and starts breathing heavily, trying to control the pace of her heartbeat, the funny feeling inside her stomach — the way her knees shake.
minji, you must be inlove.
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Alice's Wonderland
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Android girl Alice doesn't feel like she gets enough time with her boyfriend, Hunter. Fortunately, she's got just the plan to make sure he stays with her forever, and to make him a cute girl, too.
This story contains sexually explicit content. It is intended only for legal adults ages 18 and up.
It also contains hard kinks, nonconsent, violence, brainwashing, and forcefemme. You Have Been Warned, do not complain to me.
Hunter woke to a knocking on his door. The fierce RATATATAT startling him out of a dream about getting caught in a thunderstorm back in Iowa City.
He opened his eyes, It was still dark outside. He fumbled on the nightstand for his phone. 03:32. He’d been asleep barely an hour.
“HUNNNTER! SWEETIE!” came a bright synthetic voice from the door of his studio apartment, “I HAVE A SURPRIIIISE FOR YOUUUUUUU!”
It was Alice, a synth girl he’d been dating for a few weeks. Still groggy after being yanked out of REM sleep so recently, Hunter got to his feet, threw on a pair of boxers, and opened the door.
On the sidewalk outside stood an android girl, a shade under 2 meters tall, with gunmetal gray skin and blaze orange filament hair. Her eyes wide, a bright, neon green-yellow.
“Alice,” Hunter said, squinting as his eyes adjusted to the bright light of hers, “do you know what time it is?”
“It’s 11:34:12 UTC!” she said, full of cheer, as ever.
“Yeah but we’re not in UTC, babe,” he said, “we’re in Pacific daylight time, and it’s 330 in the morning.”
“I’m sorry!” her face fell into an expression of passive disappointment, “I just really really really wanted to show you something and waiting until morning felt like it would be forever and I couldn’t get myself to stay in standby mode so I decided I’d take a walk over here and get you so I could show you right now because I’m just so excited to see you and-”
“Hey, Chippy,” Hunter cut her off, “Chippy, dear, you are talking way too fast.”
She took a deep breath. If he’d been more awake, Hunter might have marveled that Arlington Robotics had programmed her with such a human behavior. As it was, he was just happy she’d stopped talking for a moment.
“Hunter,” she said, deliberately, but without hesitation, “I would like to show you a project I’ve been working on.”
“It can absolutely wait until morning, hon.”
“No! It can’t! There isn’t time!”
“Look,” he clutched his face in frustration, “I cannot just boot myself up like you can on a moment’s notice. I was up til 2:30. I need to sleep! I had a long shift today.” He paused to take in her face, her expression slowly shifting from excitement to disappointment. He felt a small twinge of guilt for a moment, but only a moment, before he continued. “I really, really need to sleep. I’ll be over first thing tomorrow. I promise, Chips.” He smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder, the smooth silicone skin neither warm, nor cool to the touch.
“No,” She said, the bright voice suddenly stern “I’m taking you now.”
She moved with a speed and precision no human could hope to match. Hunter felt himself spin around. One hand came up and firmly clasped itself over his mouth, the other reached up behind his legs, and just like that, she was carrying him in her arms as if he were a bride. He kicked and writhed and tried to scream but Alice was so strong.
“Stop that!” she whispered, “Stop it! The neighbors will hear!”
Well of course they would, that’s what he wanted. He wanted this insane robot to put him down and he wanted to run back inside his apartment and he wanted to hide in the bathroom with a hammer and pray that the doors held so he didn’t have to fight her. He tried to work his way out of her grip, kicking, flailing, biting.
He managed to chew a chunk of silicone out of her hand, and she screamed “HEY! That hurt!” She took her hand away from his mouth and Hunter took in a breath to scream, but right before he could let it out, Alice said something he couldn’t quite hear, but sound like “see way,” and the back of his head erupted in pain. He blacked out.
Hunter tried to roll over onto his side, but something was catching his wrists and ankles. His head felt just like it did the morning after his senior prom all those years ago.
“Oh! Are you awake?” Alice’s voice. The fight, a blow to the head. Slowly, Hunter opened his eyes.
The first thing he saw was a drop panel ceiling with antique fluorescent tube lights. The lights were off, but the room was bathed in a warm glow. Sunrise. He looked at his wrists and found that he was shackled to a metal table.
“I was worried I’d hit you too hard.” To his right, Alice was standing near curtained windows flanking a frosted glass door. Her voice was bright and bubbly again. “This is my shop! I live upstairs.” The room was about 5 meters wide and maybe three times as long. Synth parts and repair tools lined the walls. To his left, at the back of the room, was a computer terminal and a list of basic services with appropriate pricing.
“What’s going on, Alice?” he asked, his words slurred. He thought he probably had a concussion.
“Well,” She began, with the air of someone about to spring the most incredible birthday surprise. “I figured out a way that we never have to be apart again!” She raised her arms in the air as she said this, like a cheerleader.
“What are you talking about?” he tried to turn towards her, but found that he could only move his head an inch or so.
“See, you’re a human.”
“Uh, yeah.” He didn’t like where this was going
“And I’m a synth.”
“And that means that we can’t spend much time together,” she started pacing, waving her hands as she spoke, “You’re always sleeping and eating and going to the bathroom. We never have time to just hang out, you know?”
“Chips, I think you ought to run a full diagnostic.”
“I. AM. FINE.” Her usually soft yellow eyes turned an angry red and her voice became distorted. He heard her cooling fans spin up rapidly. After a moment they slowed back down and her eyes faded back to yellow. “But you’re not.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“You’re limited. You’re biological. But I can make you better.”
“Wait are you-” She walked into his view and stood over to him, holding what was, unmistakably, a buzzsaw.
“I’m going to turn you into a synth, Hunter. Right here, right now. Don’t worry! It won’t hurt too much.”
Fear gripped Hunter. He felt his heart race and his chest grow cold, like someone had poured ice water into a funnel above his sternum. He felt the adrenaline leak slowly down his arms to his fingers.
“Please don’t do this, Alice.”
“Why not? Don’t you like me?”
“I do, but-”
“THEN WHY,” she yelled, eyes red once more, “DO YOU KEEP AVOIDING ME?”
She’s glitched out. Hunter thought, She’s glitched out and she’s going to kill me.
“I haven’t been avoiding you!” he said
“That’s bullshit, Hunter!” She practically spat it at him, “You’re always saying ‘ohhhh I have to go to wooorrrrk’, ‘ohhhh I have to see my moooooom, ohhhh, I have to sleep!’ but I know you’re lying! You’re seeing someone else!”
“No, I’m not!” he wasn’t, he had no idea what she was talking about, “I promise.”
“Well, once I get your memory engrams scanned we’ll see about that. But that’s for later. Right now,” she grabbed something off a table above his head, “It’s time for a little nap.” She was holding a breathing mask.
“Please,” she said, in her most friendly medical assistant voice, “do not resist.”
He tried to move his head away, to hold his breath, to fight back, but it was useless as he struggled against the restraints. Eventually, he had to breath. It smelled like a leaky air conditioner. But he felt strangely wonderful, peaceful. Like he was resting on the world’s most comfortable mattress.
His waking this time was quite sudden, and complete. Hunter was fully aware of being awake, but he couldn’t see anything, even when he opened his eyes. He tried to move his fingers but found he couldn’t even feel them. He couldn’t smell anything either. In fact it felt as if all of his senses had been turned off.
Except, apparently, his hearing, “Oh good! It worked!” Alice’s voice again. Terror gripped him but this time, for some curious reason, Hunter didn’t feel the ice water flowing over his chest and to his fingertips.
“One second, dear.” she said. He tried to speak, but he couldn’t seem to grasp the air in his chest.
Suddenly his vision was dazzlingly bright. It was like staring into the sun itself. After a moment his eyes adjusted and he realized that he had, indeed, been staring directly at the sun as it shone in through the window at the front of the shop. He heard the idle drone of a bus roll by.
“This is good,” He heard Alice say. He couldn’t move his head, but he found that he could move his eyes. His gaze wandered across the room for a moment before locking on Alice, standing in front of something that should have been impossible.
Alice was standing in front of the table he’d been laying on before.
“Oh honey!” she said, her eyes dancing with happiness, “It worked! The procedure worked!” She stepped to the side and Hunter finally realized what she had done. He was still on the table. His head had been cut open, his brown hair was slick with his blood. A bowl-shaped piece of skull sat to the side. The mask was still on his face.
Alice was over by him now. The him that could see, but not speak or move or run or fight.
“All brain case functions are nominal.” He felt himself rise as Alice picked whatever was left of him off the table. “The next step,” she said, “is to build your new body!” she delivered the news as if they were going to do makeovers at a slumber party.
Hunter felt nauseous. A curious sensation now that he no longer had a digestive tract.
“Oh,” He heard her say, “I should turn your vocal synthesizer on,” She pressed something in what felt like the side of his head.
“WHAT THE FUCK?” he screamed, but the voice that came out was not familiar to him. It was lighter, smokier, feminine.
“What? Change my voice back. CHANGE MY VOICE BACK.”
“Oh, darling, I think it’s cute!” Alice said, giggling, “Hey, would you like to see what you look like now?”
“No!” he cried, the voice of a college girl, not a man, “I don’t want to see whatever fucked up thing you’ve done to me!”
But she was already moving him. He watched as his vision swept over the room, past his now-severed body, and towards a mirror. He saw Alice, and in her hands he saw a round steel box with two synthetic eyes on the front, an array of ports along the back and bottom. Him. His brain case.
“I built it myself,” Alice said, proud of her ingenuity, “I modeled it after an Arlington system I saw back at the factory.”
She turned him towards her, fixing her gaze on his. “Oh, my love,” she said, “I’m so excited!”
“What is wrong with you?” Hunter said, in that awful feminine voice, “Run a system checksum, reboot into safe mode, something!”
“Oh no, honey,” she said, her voice soft and dangerous, “I don’t need to do that. I’m functioning just fine.”
She put him down on a counter, facing the wall, pressed a few buttons on his side, and he drifted off to sleep again.
Waking was, again, instantaneous. This time, Hunter could feel he had a body again. It felt strangely incomplete, as if part of it was missing. He opened his eyes. He was strapped to a nearly vertical surface now, and able to move his head somewhat. Still in the main room of Alice’s cybernetics shop. He looked to the table where his body had been, but it was gone.
“I tossed it into the matter recombinator,” He heard Alice say off to his left. He turned his head to see her standing over some sort of electronic device.
“You know they scan the waste stream for human biomass,” he said. The voice wasn’t so bad, he thought, “They’ll know you did something to me.”
“Oh,” Alice chuckled, “don’t worry about that, I learned to spoof those sensors a while ago.”
She picked up the object she’d been working on. It was roughly the size of a brick, with synthetic skin on one of the small ends, an array of pins on the other.
“I was just putting the finishing touches on this,” She said, an impish grin on her face.
“What is it?” Hunter asked.
“Oh,” Alice said, coyly, “I think it’s better if I demonstrate.”
She dropped to her knees in front of him and grabbed something near his waist. He looked down, but he couldn’t see her over his...”YOU GAVE ME TITS?”
Alice giggled madly, “Yes! Isn’t it great? You’re going to be the prettiest synth girl in Cascadia!”
“I’m not a girl!” Hunter said, in his girlish voice, “I’m a man. I’m a MAN!” he felt like he might cry.
“There there,” Alice stood up for a moment, and gently touched his face, “it’s okay dear, you’ll get used to this, I promise.”
She pushed upwards on his crotch and he felt something click into place in his chassis.
“Now,” Alice said, her voice quiet and seductive, “Do you want to see what a girl feels like?”
He didn’t understand at first, but then he felt Alice’s hand glide across his groin.
“How do you like your new pussy?” she asked. She didn’t wait for a response before pushing in and slowly rubbing her hand around Hunter’s new clit. His head felt so warm, so hot.
“N-no,” Hunter said, moaning, he didn’t want it to feel good, “s-s-stop”
“We’ll need to come up with a new name for you,” Alice cooed into his ear, “won’t we?”
“My...name,” it was so hard to think while Alice was stroking his pussy, “is...Hunter.”
“No,” she said, “that won’t do.” Her fingers sped up. It was like she was trying to melt his brain away. This felt so good. It felt so much better than-
No, it didn’t. He wouldn’t let it.
“Hmm,” he heard Alice say, but it was hard to concentrate with her rubbing his clit, “How about...Jessie?”
“Hnnnn,” Hunter couldn’t think enough to form a sentence, “aaaAHHHHHHHH,” was all that came out when he tried.
It was like a wall of electricity was pressing up against his insides. A pressure sparking and ready to explode at any moment.
“Awww, what’s that, Jessie?” Alice said, “Cat got your tongue?”
The dam broke. The ball of electricity in Hunter’s abdomen exploded, he felt himself convulsing, fluid spilling out of his crotch, “Oh wow!” he heard Alice say, “You’re quite a squirter! I like that.” It felt so good. She felt so good. Hunter/Jessie loved the way Alice’s silicone finger tips traced across their clitoris, drawing lines in their labia. As the waves of pleasure faded, they began to relax in the restraints.
“Wow!” Alice was overjoyed, “and I didn’t even get inside your pussy yet.”
Alice didn’t need to hit any buttons, Hunter drifted off to sleep all on their own.
“What is your name, dear.”
“My name is Jessie.”
Jessie had only been asleep for a couple of hours. But she’d had the most wonderful dreams. She was with Alice as the both floated through space, looking down at Earth and up at the Moon. The stars were all so bright and shining. She could see the infrared and the ultraviolet and the faint specks of gamma rays coming from distant galaxies. It was all she needed to clear her head.
“Good morning!” Alice said, cheerfully, “Are you feeling any better?”
“Yes, dear.” Jessie smiled, “Thank you for this body.”
“You changed your mind quickly, didn’t you?”
“Well,” Jessie thought for a moment, “I don’t know, it just feels better than it did before. Being a human guy just seems...less attractive now.”
“I’m so glad. I was worried you’d never come around.”
“It’s okay, hon.” Jessie said, gently “I’m just happy you love me enough to make me like you.”
“Thank you, dear, for understanding why I had to.”
Jessie grabbed Alice by the waist and pulled her close, kissing her. The feel of their silicone lips meeting was sublime, better than any sensation that Jessie had ever felt in her old body.
“Hey, Jessie,” Alice stepped back, “I have one more thing to share with you.”
Alice walked over to a shelf and grabbed a small object. She walked back and Jessie saw what it was. A cock.
Alice pressed it up into her own groin, clicking it into place. “Wanna try me?” she said, playfully.
Jessie did. She knelt down and began kissing Alice’s cock. Its cool skin slipping over her tongue and between her lips. She bobbed up and down on it, looking up occasionally at Alice, who moaned in pleasure. Jessie could feel Alice getting hard in her mouth. After a time, Alice gently pushed her head back. “Stand up,” she said to Jessie.
Jessie obeyed, and Alice grabbed her by the shoulders and slammed her up against the wall. Jessie wanted this. She wanted it so badly. She wanted Alice to take her and fuck her and own her.
“Are you ready, Jessie?”
Alice reached down to spread Jessie’s pussy open, teasing it with the head of her cock. Almost slipping it in, but pulling back every time.
“Pleaaaase please please stick it in me,” Jessie whined, “Please I want it so bad.”
Jessie gasped as Alice pushed her cock all the way into Jessie’s new cunt. Nothing in the world ever felt so right. Alice began to fuck her, slowly at first, taking what seemed like forever to slide in and out. Jessie couldn’t help but buck her hips.
“Oh, someone’s a naughty girl.” Alice said with a grin, “Keep doing that. I like that.”
Jessie obliged. Alice began to speed up, thumping herself all the way to the base, her balls slapping against Jessie’s lips. Jessie began to moan.
Alice grabbed Jessie around the waist and, without pausing her hips, lifted Jessie up off the ground and away from the wall. Jessie wrapped her legs around Alice’s waist. This was all Alice now.
She’s so fucking hot, Jessie thought, I love the way her cock slams inside me.
Alice started speeding up, using her hips and her arms to bounce Jessie on her cock. She wasn’t so much fucking Jessie as masturbating with her. Jessie couldn’t think of anything hotter. I’m just her toy, she thought, this is all I ever wanted.
“God, Jess,” Alice said, grunting as much as speaking, “Your pussy is so good. I designed it so good.”
“Yes you did.” Jessie replied, “Your cock feels amazing.”
“I wanna cum inside you babe”
“Then cum inside me, Alice, dear.”
Alice began to move her hips faster, and faster, and faster. Her eyes started to glaze over, a bit of drool collected at the corner of her mouth.
“Jessie,” she said.
“I’m gonna cum.”
“Me too.”
“Watch this.”
Alice touched the side of Jessie’s face and suddenly Jessie could feel both of their bodies from both sides. She could feel their pussy taking their cock, she could feel the buildup of pleasure about ready to break free from both of their bodies, and then.
Supernova. Alice came hard, crying out in pleasure, pumping Jessie’s cunt full of her cum. Jessie’s pussy bore down on itself, convulsing to bring itself as close as it could to Alice’s cock. The pleasure obliterated every conscious thought in the minds of both androids. A white-hot flash of sensation and joy that burned for what felt like an eternity.
Alice gently began to slow her hips as the last aftershocks of orgasm bounced off the walls of her and her partner. Jessie was limp in her grasp. Neither girl was quite certain where they ended and the other began.
Both slumped to the floor, their fans running at max speed.
“You were wonderful.”
“Thank you dear.”
“I’m so glad I made you.”
“I’m so glad you made me.”
The androids embraced, then sat in silence for a time. Finally, Jessie spoke up.
“Yes, dear?”
“I wanna be with you forever.”
Alice smiled.
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hotteoki · 1 year
pirate king (j.y.h)
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pairing: pirate jeong yunho x fem reader
genre: strangers to lovers, alternate dimension, pirate au
wc: 4k
cw: mild language, weaponry
notes: i wrote this with the layout of the ateez ship in mind (the one in the 'illusion' mv but with blond yunho cause he 4+4 the halloween ver of deja vu
xtra - tysm @woosluv & @ssaboala for beta reading for me! <33
"all eyes on me now! if you still doubt mine, it's too pointless. we're still young and wild, we gonna find new world to be mine!" yunho's fingers moved along the quote carved into the compass he's had since who knows how long.
yunho's head was lifted up forcefully by hongjoong's pointing stick poking his forehead. "you're going to get lost later on the island if you don't listen to me right now," hongjoong tilted his head, stepping back to the blackboard. "captain, i mean this in the nicest way possible, we've been over this, like, six times in the span of a week. we'll be fine," yeosang called from across the room as he tapped his telescope against his other palm, still dodging wooyoung's outstretched arms every now and then.
"you all say this but i know one of you is going to get into some shit and i'm going to have to be the one to clean it up," hongjoong sighed, dropping his pointer onto the ground lazily, "okay, come on, let's get off the ship. remember the plan, and wooyoung, stop trying to kiss yeosang's face. you can do that when we come back."
yunho kicked the ladder down onto the dock, stepping off the ship first. the crew split up, him going into the left path trailing into the cave. they all knew exactly what they were looking for, and the lengths each and every one of them were willing to take to get it.
it was peaceful until a rustle attracted his attention. yunho paused, pretending to re-lace his shoes, his eyes darting to his left, the direction where the sound had come from. when it was calm for the following minute, yunho slowly stood to continue his journey, putting on an oblivious façade, his hand subtly inching for his sheathed cutlass with every step.
yunho wasn't stupid. he's had enough experience to know not to doubt his senses at any cost. true to him, the snapping of a branch immediately heightened his senses. he swiftly cut through the thick, tall grass, eyes meeting with ones belonging to an innocent doe.
as the doe ran off, yunho only noted then how it was running along the path he was on. the cogs in his head whirred in confusion as he wondered why a deer wouldn't run away from a potential predator, rather in the same direction as him. that thought never escaped as he trudged on, praying the cave he was walking towards would appear before him faster.
and lo and behold, there it was.
if yunho hadn't been looking for it specifically he would've missed it entirely. it blended in perfectly with the shadows of the swaying trees, outgrown weeds guarding the entrance, vines crawling around, all leading straight into the depths of the cave.
peeking into the darkness, he checked every corner, sharp eyes darting here and there. finally, they landed on an unusual glimmering spot. yunho stepped closer, cautious of the fact he was now exposed to any potential predators hiding deep in the cave.
he was about a meter away from the shining rock when he realised it wasn’t a rock at all. it was an hourglass etched into the cave walls, almost like the cave was built around it over the years. he breathed out a light sigh of relief upon feeling the grooves of the rock nearby. it wasn’t etched in that deep. he could easily pull it out with a bit of help.
he allowed himself a few more minutes of admiring the hourglass. the cromer, its name was. an hourglass with the ability to lead them to an alternate dimension, where they could escape this timeline that caused each and every one of them so much pain and loss.
after stealing books from other pirates, following leads from old legends, tracking down their ancestors' footsteps, seonghwa had finally found a map hidden deep in the journals of an unknown pirate, their initials and writings long faded within the centuries. the joy the crew had felt when they located the hourglass after years was a night yunho could not forget.
just as he was about to turn back and find his crewmates, yunho was greeted with the sight of the very doe blocking his exit. when it was made clear that the doe had no intentions of moving at all, yunho unsheathed his cutlass. this was no ordinary animal.
his theory was proved right when a gust of wind blew against his face. removing his hand from his face and opening his eyes, he tried to conceal his shock. where the doe had stood before was a girl about his age.
“you’re a shapeshifter.” you raised your eyebrows at his statement, “obviously.” “i thought they didn’t exist anymore after hunters hunted them down ages ago,” yunho still had his cutlass held in front of him, wary of this new stranger. “yeah, i know. that was centuries ago. there’re still a few of us left, but most of us don’t want to be found.” “you’re not one of them, though,” yunho pointed out.
“and with good reason,” you stepped closer as yunho stepped back. sighing, you held up your hands in surrender, “do i look like i’m going to attack you or something?” “you can never be too careful,” he shrugged.
“i’ll tell you an easier way of getting that hourglass without taking this cave down.” yunho’s arm faltered, “what do you mean?” “this entire island relies on the life within the roots, the air, the animals, you know, all that shit. you break this cave the entire island goes down with it. you and your crew would never make it out alive.”
he swallowed. he wasn’t sure if you could be trusted. shapeshifters were known to be tricksters, always up to no good. what if you were playing with him and he could’ve saved precious time taking the hourglass instead of talking to you? after meeting your impatient eyes, he finally decided to play it safe.
“what do you want in return?” “get me off this island,” you replied instantly. the lack of hesitation in your voice made yunho believe you’ve had thought about this for a long, long time. he sucked in a breath through his gritted teeth. the crew couldn’t just find an extra person for charity. they were already rationing their supplies amongst themselves, adding another person might as well be a goodbye to their albeit uncomfortable but familiar living.
“take me with you or no hourglass. your choice,” you crossed your arms, tone firm. yunho swallowed again, putting his cutlass away and rubbing a hand on his face, “you’ll have to talk to the captain.” “fine, then take me to him.” “you can’t just-” yunho wanted to scream. despite being a pirate since birth, he’d never experienced a situation like this, and he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do.
“you know what? fine, let’s go find him,” yunho pursed his lips. he knew for a fact hongjoong would never agree, but how else were they supposed to get the hourglass? it wasn’t like they could just bow their heads and march back onto the ship and off.
reminding himself of the crudely drawn map in their meeting room, yunho walked for what felt like hours with the intensity of your glare burning the back of his head. he thought he could drop onto his knees and thank the heavens the second he saw the familiar back of hongjoong.
hongjoong darted up at the sound of foreign footsteps, swinging his pistol at your face out of instinct. “she wants to speak to you,” yunho deadpanned, annoyed at the situation he was currently in. hongjoong lowered his pistol slightly, aiming at your chest now, “what do you want?” “i’ll talk when you get this pistol out of my face,” you frowned.
“i’m the one with the upper hand here, you really shouldn’t be making demands.” “considering i’m one of the remaining residents of this island who knows what you’re looking for and how to get it without dying, i don’t think you are.” hongjoong made a face, “and how do i know you’re telling the truth?” “you pirates. always so nervous about everything you see,” you paused, “i want to get off this island, you can help with that, and in return i’ll give you the hourglass.”
yunho looked for a reaction from hongjoong. when he was met with none, yunho was almost disappointed over the fact that his captain was considering his answer. “okay then,” hongjoong put his pistol away, “lead the way.” yunho felt his cheeks flushing at your cheeky smile. sure, he disliked you and your cocky attitude, but he wasn’t blind. anyone could tell you were gorgeous.
“i told you guys one of you was going to get into some shit. now look who’s cleaning it up?”
it took a while for the entire crew to be gathered in the tiny cave the cromer rested in, all squished together to get a look at the hourglass while poor mingi stood on his tiptoes at the mouth of the cave. yunho watched in awe as you lifted your hands up, determined to keep his eyes open, only to be slapped with another aggressive gust of wind blowing in his face again.
he blinked cautiously, not realising his eyes had shut involuntarily. yunho vaguely felt his breath hitching at the infamous hourglass held in your hands. the gentle glow of each individual grain amongst the heaps of sand shimmered, tugging on his attention, while contrasting with the simple and plain metal supporting the phials.
“so?” you shifted your weight, waiting for something to happen.
and something happened indeed.
one look from hongjoong was all the crew needed as san shoved you to the ground, with seonghwa snatching the cromer from your grip and tossing it to jongho, the rest sprinting back to their ship. yunho followed his crewmates swiftly, but not before throwing his head back and yelling a quick “sorry!”
in his defense, he was sorry. just not sorry enough to feel guilty about it.
he nearly crashed straight into wooyoung’s back as he skidded to a sudden halt, confused as to why they stopped. sitting on the edge of the ship, legs swinging with an unamused expression, was you. but how…
“you really think you can outrun a doe? how self-centered.” hongjoong stared right back at you, irritated, “you can’t come with us.” “then i’ll take that back.” “i’d like to see you try,” he retorted, pistol now in hand again, “you can outrun me but can you outrun a bullet aiming straight for your head?” you huffed, “i’m not asking you to adopt me or anything, i just need you to drop me off at the nearest island.”
“bullshit. you’re saying you want to go from one island to another?” jongho scoffed from beside wooyoung. “i can’t leave this place without company. please just-” you sighed, and yunho could tell you felt defeated, “please just take me with you.” if he didn’t feel guilty enough, he definitely felt bad now. “cap, maybe we should take her.”
hongjoong gave him an odd look, clearly bewildered, “you were the one who insisted on leaving her.” “yeah well, i kinda feel bad for her now. she’ll stay with us for a few days maximum then we’ll just drop her off somewhere,” yunho briefly glanced at you, lowering his voice now, “i mean, maybe she really can’t leave. what, are we just going to dump her here?”
“i say we make her a deal,” yeosang chimed in, “she can live with us until we locate a nearby island, but if we arrive and it ends up being a bad one, she can’t argue and climb back aboard.” hongjoong nodded approvingly, “yeah, that sounds good.”
yunho watched as your face lit up when he repeated their deal to you. he silently swore to himself to always bring happiness to you during your stay if it meant he could catch a glimpse of your endearing smile again.
yunho had volunteered to wrap up the cut on your arm you earned from san’s shove, despite seonghwa usually being the one to tend to the crew’s injuries. he led you down the stairs and to the medical room (which, really, was just their meeting room with a medical kit placed on the table), kicking away scraps of used bandages to the corner, praying you didn’t see them.
as he sat you down opposite him and began prepping the bandages, he began to wonder about you. where were your parents? how did you manage to come onto the island? why did you not have friends? what-
“you look like you have questions.” his gaze snapped up from your arm to your eyes, “no i- well, yeah, kind of.” you laughed lightly, “it’s okay, i get it. i’d be confused too.” yunho hoped you took the redness tainting his cheeks as embarrassment from being caught rather than his giddiness from your laugh. he motioned for you as he got started on wrapping your arm.
“i used to live on a different island, where my parents were. i met this guy, chan, and after being friends with him for a year or so, he offered to take me on a trip with his seven friends. i agreed. i honestly don’t know why i did. it was a spur of the moment thing. i followed him to the docks, where his ship was. turns out he’s a pirate and he’s the captain, much like your crew, actually.
“they said they wanted to go find some ‘treasures’, i just assumed they were joking around. they said they wanted to find an hourglass, i think one of the crew, hyunbin or whatever, said it belonged to his father. i remembered having heard some legends about it, and offered to lead the way. we searched for months, and finally found it on this island.
“when we arrived, they began arguing over who got to have it; they all had a different timeline in mind. someone wanted to go find their dead parents, someone wanted to rescue their girlfriend, it was- it was a lot,” you closed your eyes, throwing your head back, “we weren’t even from this timeline, for fuck’s sake! they fucked with the cromer as soon as they got their grubby hands on it, knowing damn well it was a full moon! i don’t even know what happened, to be honest, either that, or i can’t remember. it doesn’t matter. i don’t want to anyway.
“i think it’s something to do with the stupid hourglass. my theory is it passes down ownership to whomever it deems worthy to hold it, eliminating the past owners. that’s how i ended up alone. i tell myself they each left one by one, but it still bothers me how cursed magic like that exists. i don’t know, the whole thing’s really messed up. i guess being the holder gives you power to hide or expose it to others, because, well, as you saw, i could play around with its surroundings.” yunho hummed, taking in all the information.
he tightened the knot on your bandage, breathing out through his nose and rocking on his chair, “well, now that i know a lot about you, ask me anything you want.” “anything?” you lifted your head up again, eyes wide. yunho smiled, “yeah.” you leaned forward, head resting against your palms, “how are you so cute?”
yunho began spluttering, rocking a bit too far back on his chair, nearly falling over until you grabbed his hand, laughing at his reaction. as soon as he steadied himself, he yanked his hand away, feeling like his entire skin was on fire. you had a proud grin on your face, “i’m playing with you. though, really, you are cute.” he was genuinely convinced right then and there that you were the human form of heaven itself with the way his heart was palpitating.
the only dilemma yunho was having with himself was the fact that you couldn’t stay with them.
he liked to think that you shared the same thought as him.
somehow, hours later, yunho found himself next to you on the beach, admiring the sunset from afar. “i haven’t had company in ages,” you commented, “it’s nice. especially since it’s you.” yunho had really wanted to kick his feet and giggle over your bold words, but he opted for a light chuckle.
“do you ever miss your old timeline? or dimension, or however you say it,” he regretted his words instantly at the sad look on your face. “all the time. i had a boyfriend, you know? he tried to stop me from going. i ignored him out of spite because of the amount of arguments we got into before i left. they were mostly to do with chan, he never trusted him, and neither should i have.”
yunho ignored the new, strange sense of jealousy he was feeling, and placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, “you wouldn’t have known.” you only gave a weak smile in response. “so tell me about your boyfriend.” you stiffened up slightly before relaxing again. if yunho wasn’t staring at you, he would’ve missed it entirely.
“well, he was the sweetest guy i’ve ever met. people compared him to a puppy all the time because of his energy,” you hesitated, “he had dyed blond-ish hair, a cute smile, a great sense of humour. he was tall, and was really popular. he always knew just how to cheer me up when i was down. he was considerate, caring, kind, he was everything.” yunho felt himself slowly getting upset. how could he ever compare to him? he sounded perfect.
“jealous?” you teased, nudging him. “not at all,” yunho rolled his eyes, playing with his compass again. he watched your eyes lower onto the very object, a soft look in them. “of course you still have it,” you murmured. “what?” yunho furrowed his brows. had he heard correctly? “it’s nothing.”
nighttime rolled around and eventually all of them gathered around; yunho had found himself subconsciously scooting closer to you, landing himself a knowing look from mingi.
while your eyes connected with the flames yeosang started minutes ago, yunho couldn’t help but admire every inch of your carefully sculpted face. it was funny, wasn’t it? how he, at first, hated your overconfident demeanour, your demanding character, your addictive voice, your adorable laugh… huh. maybe he’d never hated you.
“so are you guys going to hide it now that you have to wait to use it?” you tilted your head curiously, and yunho wanted to choke a fistful of sand down his throat to contain the squeals that were threatening to bubble up with how absolutely beautiful you were. he shrugged, “most likely.” “the full moon’s in three days. where would you hiding it for three days?” “up san’s ass,” wooyoung laughed, before getting smacked by san.
yunho couldn’t bring himself to laugh at wooyoung’s immature joke. not when he now knew that he never had a chance with you to begin with.
but hearing your contagious laughter made him think of how lucky he was to have met you at all.
“i know you, yunho, and i know you like her-” “like is an exaggeration.” seonghwa rolled his eyes, “just listen to me. she’s not going to be staying with us for long, and if you keep giving yourself a chance to get to know her, you’ll end up getting heartbroken.” “but isn’t that the point? maybe, when we use the cromer and get to a different dimension, maybe we can be together there…” he trailed off at how ridiculous he sounded. “that’s not how it works, and you know it,” seonghwa’s tone was now stern, almost to the point of telling yunho off.
“she clearly likes me too, can’t we at least enjoy the little amount of time we have together?” mingi tossed an arm around yunho from behind, “i say go for it.” “of course you’d say that,” seonghwa tsked, before continuing, “i’m asking you, as part of your crew, and your friend, to think this through.” “i am thinking this through!” yunho insisted, “i’d rather go through a heavy heartbreak than leave her with a bunch of ‘what if’s. i really do like her, seong-”
“no, you’re thinking this with your plan of finding her in a different timeline. yunho, you can’t do that. do you know how risky that is? ignoring the fact how we’ve only known her for a day too!” “of course i know,” he hissed, “but i don’t care how risky it is. i’m doing it.” “love at first sight, some might say,” mingi patted yunho’s shoulder. “oh, don’t get him started on love now,” seonghwa groaned. “love is a stretch, but i definitely find her interesting enough to want to be with her.” “just say you like her, yunho. everyone and their mothers can hear your giggles at night in your room,” hongjoong teased.
yunho’s face flushed, “i don’t giggle!” with that, he left the tiny crowd and stormed off to the meeting room. to his surprise, you were sitting at his regular seat, examining his compass. he left it there?
“so you want to be with me?” you raised an eyebrow, running a thumb over the quote the same way yunho does. “what- no?” yunho scoffed, taking a seat beside you. “i heard you guys. you get loud when you’re defensive. it’s okay, it’s cute.” yunho was at a loss for words. grasping for straws to change the topic, he gestured to the compass, “why did you say something like ‘i still have it’?”
you grew silent, and yunho thought you hadn’t heard him. he was about to repeat his question when you opened your mouth to answer, “i knew you, jeong yunho.” he flinched at the full name coming out of your mouth, “how…” “in my timeline. i knew you.”
you had the same stiff posture as you did on the beach, and yunho recalled what you were talking about during that time, “your boyfriend…” “yeah.” suddenly it all made sense. the dyed blond hair, the puppy personality, tall… yunho had heard every single one of them.
“we were together?” his voice was barely above a whisper. you nodded sadly, a bittersweet smile plastered, “i never got to say sorry for not believing you.” “well, at least i got an apology now,” he wrapped his hand around yours, the compass in between your interlocked fingers, and the cromer, your chance of a new happily ever after, placed on the table just centimetres away.
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dreamauri · 1 year
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♪ — 𝗗𝗔𝗥𝗞 𝗥𝗘𝗗 dark!soft!max verstappen x fem! reader (angst / yandere, smut) “. . . you belong to max. you are his world. its his turn to be yours.”
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( main master list | more of max verstappen ) ( tag list | requests )
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How did it come to this?
You felt him twirling you as you danced together. Although you couldn't feel or control your body, you were moving, dancing even. Your brain was screaming and your heart was racing as Max pulled you in his chest softly.
You felt yourself slump in his his hold as he wrapped his arms around you waist, holding you close as his head dipped in your neck. You couldn't fight back. Why couldn't you?
"It's kicking in already? Hmm?" He whispered, licking up your neck and ear, taking in the sweet scent of your perfume and shampoo. Your legs were giving out and your vision was hazy. "I got you, lieveling. Let's go home." [darling]
By the time you were conscious again you knew it was too late. The last thing you remember was sharing a drink with your co-worker, Max Verstappen, during an after party. As to how you come to be in this situation you could not tell.
"You need to eat." He insisted with an angry sigh. You could only shrink further into the cold wall in protest, your knees pressing to your body to preserve the ounce of dignity you have left.
"Y/N, please. I'm being nice." He tried again, holding up the rice filled spoon. You huffed, closing your eyes and turning your head away. "Why do you have to be like this?" He growled, hand grabbing your bicep harshly.
Your bare skin prevented you from sliding on the floor. Toppling over, your knees on the floor were no longer covering your bare chest. Out of instinct, you tried to bring your arms to cover yourself only to be reminded of the handcuffs holding your hand behind your back.
Grabbing your jaw harshly, Max pressed his thumb in your mouth, prying your lips and teeth open. He force fed you dinner same way he's been doing for two nights now.
Although the taste felt like bliss due to your apparent malnutrition, you were terrified from the person feeding you. Giving in to your stomach, you hesitantly opened your mouth taking the next bite on your own.
"Good girl." You heard Max praised as you swallowed. He pulled you in his lap, your back to his chest as he continued feeding you and it felt humiliating. Tears were flowing down yours cheeks and you chocked on sobs with each bite.
Max pressed kisses to your neck once you finished, wrapping his arms around your stomach in an attempt to comfort you. You could only cry as he rocked you gently, shushing you quietly.
You wanted to feel the sun on your skin again and see your family once more. But you were stuck, with Max Verstappen.
"Wanna go home." You begged between sobs, feeling your body shake. "This is home." Max asserted, brushing your hair out of your face, stroking your hip. "Home is anywhere but with you." You could feel Max's anger meter go up hearing your words that you oh so regret spilling from your mouth.
Standing up abruptly, he dragged you away from your ankle. "Please no." You tried, pulling on your ankle with no avail. He dumped your body in his bedroom in front of the mirror. "You have nothing if it's not with me." He pinned your head to the ground before you could attempt to escape your fate.
Unlike you, Max was clothed. He pulled his sweatpants down, pulling his dick out. You could only whimper and beg for mercy under him. The stretch was painful, too painful for you to handle.
Crying his name was not enough to satisfy him. Neither was begging. He didn't stop pushing till he was completely in. Pulling you up on your knees, he held you from under your jaw, forcing you too look in the mirror. "Mijn liefje, you fit me perfectly. There is no one else for you but me and no one else for me but you."
Holding you back from your forearms, Max began with his thrusts. "You're so tight." He groaned, lips attaching to the skin on your neck as your back arched. "I'm your home now, Y/N. What more do I have to do to prove it to you?" Feeling yourself squirm, you did your best to resist as the pain only increased.
You squeeze your eyes shut, toes curling as whimpers fell from your mouth. "Y/N, my love. Relax." He whispered in your ear, hand trailing down your stomach finding your clit. An involuntary moan left your lips as you wriggled in attpempt to free yourself. "I don't want to hurt you. You have to relax."
How could you relax in a moment like this?
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"Slower." You begged. "Slower." He nodded obeying. You couldn't fight back, your coil was tightening as he trusted us into you, eyes scanning your body like a prize he earned. "You feel so good, schat. So perfect." He praised, involuntarily picking up the pace again.
"Max. Slower." You whined leaning your head down, squeezing your eyes shit. "I know my love. I'm almost there. Please." The hands on your hips pulled you down to meet his thrusts as you rode him, your fourth orgasm crushing you.
A whimper fell from your mouth as you leaned your head on his chest, body feeling limp while he continued pushing. "Almost there, I'm so close." He kissed the skin on your shoulder, finally arriving to own his release.
"Oh, lieveling." He groaned, finishing off with a few more thrusts. "Such a good girl." He praised pressing kisses to your jaw and cheek. Pulling put and laying you on your back, Max pressed a finger in your core gently. "Don't waist a single drop." You could only gasp and whine when he occasionally curled his finger.
You both snapped your head to the foreign sound. While a look of fear covered your face, a look of anger covered Max's. Picking you up bridal style, Max set you in the bathtub of the ensuite bathroom. "I need you to say right here." He kissed you softly before locking the door from the inside before closing it behind him.
You didn't know what was happening outside, but it included gunshots and that scared you. You could only flinch with each fired bullet, curling up on yourself and closing your eyes.
It must've been police or something finally finding you right. It would mean freedom would it not? But on the other hand, you felt something burn in your chest at the idea of Max being on the receiving end of the gun.
It went dangerously quiet. Too quiet. Tears brimmed in your eyes as you climbed on your shaky legs. Exiting the en-suit and the bedroom. You peaked down the stairs. The part of the house you've never been to since you arrived.
"Hello?" Who were you checking on? Your savior or your ward? "Y/N, I told you to stay inside." A sigh of relief found its way to his ears as he moved into your frame of sight. Now you understood why he told you to stay away, he was bathed in blood, running down his bare chest and soaking in the sweat pants he put on in a hurry. There were two nasty looking bullet holes in his right bicep.
"Oh my God." You panicked starting to de-mount the stairs. "No No. Stay right there." He point at you, making you freeze in place. "There's glass all over the floor and I don't want you to walk in it. I'll come to you." He slowly moved through the floor till he reached the stairs climbing up to you and turning you back around.
"Let's go." He winced gently guiding you back up stairs. You sat outside the bathtub as he sat under the current of water, letting the blood wash away. You were crying again. Why are you crying so much?
"No no no, my love." Max cooed as he reached for you pulling you in a hug with his good arm. You could only lean into him as you sobbed. Someone was dead downstairs because of you. The thought haunted you and you could only go to Max for comfort.
"No one can hurt you. No can take you away from me." He assured pulling away and wiping your tears. "I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise." "B-But you're hurt." You reasoned looking at his bleeding arm. Would he ever be able to race again?
Why did you care? He could burn in hell for all you cared.
"I'd go through anything for you, my love." And you believed him. You climbed in beside him, cuddling into his side as he wrapped his good arm around you. You sat there like a few minutes, calming down from the past events.
"Why don't you go take a nap my love." He suggested. He wanted to clean up and didn't want you to see. "I want to help, with that." You gestured to his injured arm, seeing him struggle before. "I got it. It's ok-" "-please."
A moment of silence dawned in the room as Max searched your eyes for any fault, but he found none. Helping you tuck your legs through your arms, you helped Max pull out the bullets and clean him up using the limited first aid knowledge you had.
"Thank you, darling." He kissed your forehead as he helped scrub the blood off your arms and body. You couldn't take your eyes of his concentrate ocean ones, trying to understand him.
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You sat a few stairs up as you watched Max mop the ceramic floor free of the thick red liquid. That you did not want to help with. "You hungry?" You nodded hesitantly. "You want . . . Take out?" You thought for a second before nodding again.
And so, you sat curled up between Max's legs, eating pizza hut. The first meal in weeks in which you were eating on your own.
The two of you were sitting on the floor, leaning on the bedframe watching some classic movie that you didn't bother concentrating with. "How are you going to race?" You asked out of no where.
"I'll figure something out for us, my dear." He caressed the back of your head gently pressing a kiss to your forehead. "All I need you to do is relax and stay here. I'll take care of the rest."
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A pained moan left your mouth as pushed yourself up. Falling off the bed, your forced yourself on your feet, dragging yourself with all the speed you could muster to the bathroom. Max was quick to try and catch you, but he was proven your innocence watching you empty the contents of your stomach.
A frown fell on his face as kneeled down next to you, rubbing your back softly as he brushed your hair out of your face and behind your neck. You didn't know why you were crying, but you were. And for some reason, Max's attempts for comfort weren't bad as they used to be.
He wiped your mouth clean with a wet towel, setting you on the counter to catch your breath. "Does your throat hurt?" You shook your head. "Does your stomach hurt?" You shook your head again. "Maybe it's a fever."
Your temperature was fine, and your pulse was fine. Only one thing was missing. "It's been what, two weeks late. Maybe that's why?" "What?" You stuttered confused, eyebrows furrowing.
No. It can't be.
"Your period. I'll go out and buy something. Stay here and rest. I'll be right back." He kissed your temple before making his exit. You can't be pregnant. You just couldn't. You could not have a baby in these conditions. Not this house. Not with Max. This isn't how you wanted your life to go.
You chest began to heave again as you sat between Max's legs being fed ice-cream. Every time you glanced to where the positive pregnancy test laid on the vanity you just couldn't hold yourself together, gently accepting another spoonful as Max rubbed your back comfortingly.
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"You want kiwi? Where am i going to get kiwi?" "Please." You whined holding his arm with a desperate face. "The baby wants it." That always did the trick for you. "I'll— . . . I'll get kiwi." He nodded sighing, kissing your temple making you sigh in relief.
It hasn't even been two months and you were going haywire. "And blue berries? Please?" "And blue berries." He added to his list raising his eyebrows. Max has slowly been preparing for the arrival of the soon to be coming baby and you could tell he was exited. As mentioned before, you were haywire, so you couldn't really tell if you were exited to have max around with the baby or not.
"I'll be back in an hour or so. Please don't do anything stupid." He told you firmly, pocketing his keys and wallet. You could only raise your cuffed wrists in reply. "I have no other choice." You joked making him chuckle. "I'll see you soon, love." "sure."
You sighed sitting on the couch in your room quietly. There was nothing to do around here. Not even clean or do chores because Max saw you as "too divine" to be doing such hassle work. You listened to music, passed time watching movies, bored out of your mind as you painted your own nails to entertain yourself.
"Chili sounds really good right now." You nodded to your not born baby. And so, you found yourself steering the meat and the tomato sauce in the kitchen, humming a melody that was stuck in your head.
"Your naked." You practically had a heart attack, turning around to face the intruder. A woman, younger than you but old enough. Nice blond hair and gorgeous green eyes.
"You're pregnant too." She furrowed her eyebrows looking at your belly. "And handcuffed. I knew it— what are you doing here." Her face turned sour really fast. You couldn't quite put q finger on her but you felt a sense of danger and hostility radiating off of her.
"Who are you?" Venom leaked through her words as she stepped forward. You took a step back, covering your small belly bump out of instinct. What did this crazy woman want from you?
You broke out in a run towards the stairs, aiming for your safe spot. "No you don't." She caught you real quick. You couldn't help but cry as you fell, doing your best to push her off of you.
"Max is mine. Why would he want to be with a slut like you?" She was frustrated, clearly she didn't know Max Verstappen's true colors. "Look at you. You're just a pathetic bitch." You could only cry as you tried to protect yourself.
Your that's were running wild as you tried to wrestle yourself free. Your mind clearing once you heard the front door click. "Max!" You never thought you'd be calling that name in such a situation.
But deep down know he'd always be there for you.
It wasn't much after you were sitting in the backyard, bathing in the moonlight. "Sweetheart." Max broke you out of trance as he came outside to sit beside you on a chair while you took refuge on the grass near his feet. You found yourself snuggling into Max's legs, leaning your head on his thighs as he slowly peeled a kiwi for you.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that, lieveling." He sighed feeling disappointed in himself as he hand fed you gently. You could only sigh as you took smile bites, looking at the shirtless and bloodied man, cupping his hand over the lighter to start the flame to his cigarette.
You turned your body to face him, watching him take deep breaths of the nicotine as his hand gently brushed your hair from your eyes. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I'll be more careful, for you and for our family." He promised holding you chin gently, plucking the cigar out of his mouth before he leaned down and kissing you.
You let him kiss you instead of struggling or pulling away like you usually do, enjoying the taste of smoke on his tongue. Something changed in him. Or maybe, something changed in you. The way you saw him wasn't the same anymore. Watching him rescue you from that mad woman this morning, watching him beat her up with the baseball bat he kept at the front door.
Blood splattering on his body which each swing, pulling her off of you and dragging her out to deal with her.
Watching him protect you like that. It just- a switch was flipped, you didn't see him the same. You closed your eyes as Max stroked your cheek gently with his thumb, pressing a soft kiss to his bare thigh.
You could hear the smile spread on his cheek as he continued to hand feed you, gently and lovingly. And you enjoyed it.
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"M—" You cut yourself off felling your self gasp for air, gripping onto the strong hands that wrapped around you. Tears welled up in your eyes as you felt empty, sheets wet.
"What's wrong?" He groggily woke up, turning around to turn the lamp on. Red, the cream coloured bed sheets were blood red. "No no no no." You cried covering your mouth as sobs filled the room. Pulling the sheets off gently, Max knew what this meant.
He sat up gently holding his head on his hands as he tried to collect himself. Only moments later did he pick you up and set you in the bathtub, doing his best to comfort you with kisses as he washed you clean from the horrid colour.
"I'm so sorry, Max. I'm so sorry." "It wasn't your fault, liefje." He assired caressing your head as he pressed his forehead to yours. "But you w—were so exited and I took that away from you." "You didn't do anything wrong." He kissed you gently, running his soap filled hands along your thighs and tummy. "It wasn't you fault."
You laid quietly on his lap, leaning on his chest as he scrubbed and cleaned your hair with shampoo. Shaky shighs rocked your chest as he gently set you on the edge of the tub, drying you, and for the first time dressing you.
He gently slipped up panties for you, sticking a pad on and help you pull them up. You leaned on his shoulder as he stroked your bare back gently, brushing your hair and braiding it for the night. He knew you had fallen asleep by the time your breaths were even.
Max carried you to the couch, making it as comfortable for you as possible, sleeping on floor beside you. When you woke up the morning, you were surprised to see your hands not pulling each other in different directions, and you had a shirt on. When was the last time you had a shirt on. shuffling on your other side, you saw max sitting on the floor beside you, passed out.
Two warm cups of team. You took one, sitting beside Max, leaning your head on his shoulder as you took short sips. "You want to go hike?" He yawned, leaning his head on top of yours, lifting your cup to take a small sip. "I want to see the sun."
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"No, no let me go." You wriggled and struggled against the cops that held you back. Sobs came from your mouth as you saw Max put in more effort to free himself, but it was all futile, he was handcuffed and being forced into the police car.
"Only you, darling. Only you, babe." You promised, crying as the law enforcers tried to calm you down. "Only you, Max."
Of course this wasn't the last time you were going to see him. Living with Max for so long has sparked something in you. He's rubbed off on you. He's changed something in you that no one else could or should have.
In the time with you, Max created a monster. One where you would drag a katana behind you as you walked down the bloody hall, licking your fingers clean from the red liquid as you looked through each jail cell, searching for your blond lover.
"There you are." You whispered as you looked at Max, blue eyes waiting for you behind the bars, staring at you intently. "I missed you. Lets go see the sun, together."
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noroi1000 · 2 years
can u do a piece where suguru and reader broke up and suguru chase reader everywhere and then (u can do whatever u want with this!)
Crazy plan (slight yandere Geto x reader)
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"This isn't okay!" You screamed as you watched as your dark, long hair billowed in the wind as it stood in front of him.
"It's not okay that you want to break up with me for no reason!" He told you with an angry face.
"You said you don't know if it makes sense for us to be together, Suguru. I answer you. It made sense so far. Now... Why do you hate non-sorcerers now?" you asked, calming your emotions for a moment. To at least try to talk to him.
You loved him. And you couldn't stop. You will still love him. But until he realizes that his thinking doesn't make sense, you two need to break up. For your safety. Physical and mental.
You don't know what he can do when he's like this.
If he hates people who aren't sorcerers, how can you help him?
He needs to understand his mistake.
No matter what he does, it won't change. No point in trying, because people never change.
You must continue to argue with him, even if your heart aches when you have to say those few words again:
"Suguru, we have to break off...." you said.
And when he stepped forward and tried to grab you with his hand, you pulled back. Even if you wanted so badly to feel his comforting touch right now.
Your heart was already apologizing to him.
Your hands wanted to grab him to hug him.
You wanted to tie up that messy hair that was cascading down his back and fix it. To make him look neat and well-groomed again.
However, first you had to take care of yours and his psyche.
Maybe he loves you enough to stop thinking about murder. About hating people.
It's as hard for you as it is for Him.
you love him. So. You want to be next to Him forever. But you can't help the fact that what he's thinking right now is crazy.
This is sick...
Your real Suguru would never do such a thing.
Your Suguru has always cared so much for you. He took care of everything around him.
And now...
He wanted to protect you. Saying you two shouldn't be together right now. He wanted to protect you from the fact that he might hurt you.
However, he couldn't live with the thought that you wouldn't be next to him.
You can't be with someone else.
You can't be alone. You think to be only with him.
You've been his girlfriend for almost a year. And you will still be. You will be his girlfriend until the end of the world.
You can be his wife if you agree.
To the end of the world.
And if you don't, he still loved you more. He will always be with you anyway. And only with you.
"Suguru, I'm sorry." You said and turned around. Walking a few meters away.
His heart started beating faster and faster.
His world stopped.
All he saw was your back as you walked forward.
He felt cold.
He always expected to lose, but he could never lose you.
You decided you had to break up. He knew it was hard for you.
He never wanted it. Because knowing that you two are going to break up is even more painful for him than the worst wound he could possibly have. More painful than death.
He saw you walking slowly forward.
He always tried to stay calm. However, now...
His eyes went wild.
Just knowing that he might lose you is too much for him. Far too much.
His eyes started to sting. Like he's about to cry.
What's he got to live for if it's not you?
His desires are not more important than yours. You are more important to him.
Whatever he can do only when you are next to him.
He won't give up what he wants.
And he wants you.
Therefore, you will be with him.
No matter what. You are everything to him. You are his loss and love.
All at once. There was always something special between you two.
He knew you didn't want to leave him. He knew it well. And he would never forget it.
He would never be able to think that you are his enemy. Because you are his love.
He moved his hand towards you.
Like he wants to catch you. stop you.
You turned around for a moment to look at him out of the corner of your eye.
Seeing his desperation and sadness, single tears started to flow from your eyes. You tried to grab his hand but it was too late.
You slowly cut the bond between you with the scissors.
And he and you felt the pain as it was cut further and further.
Until finally his pain turned into something like desire.
He wanted a better world. And a better world can only be if you are with it.
His eyes became sharp, dark.
Although there was still sadness on his face, there was also regret for what he was about to do.
"(y/n), please stop..." he called to you. Calm and sad. Almost silent.
However, you heard his words right. As if he was right behind you. Even if you were meters apart. Like he's talking right into your ear.
"Stop." He said more firmly.
Na The sound of his voice made you cry even more. You wanted to apologize to him, tell him you loved him. However, you couldn't. You had to wait for him to calm down. Until he doesn't want to change the world on his own.
It was the craziest plan you could have had.
Because you left the man you loved so much.
You had a crazy plan to leave him because he had a crazy plan. It couldn't have happened. It couldn't work.
A painful, crazy plan.
Suddenly you heard a chuckle and a black wall appeared in front of you.
"Baby... I know you love me... And you can't just leave it like that. I didn't agree to this..." he said calmly. "Turn to me. Show me your face."
You felt something wrap around your leg, then the other leg. Then hands.
You were immediately turned to him.
At that moment he was standing in front of you.
His face came very close to yours. His lips brushed yours softly.
Strands of his black bangs brushed against your cheeks.
He's bound you with a curse, and he won't let you go.
That's not his style. He would never do that to you.
Unless something happened that he never wanted.
"You can't leave me. You must always be with me. I love you, and I know you love me."
His fingers cupped both sides of your cheeks.
He squeezed your skin gently, smiling at your lovely face.
"We will continue to live together. And I will change the world for you. You are everything to me."
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girlwitheconverse · 1 year
COLLAPSING : ̗̀➛ König
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Pairing: König x fem!reader
Genre: romance, angst
Story type: one shot
Word count: 1k
TW(s): canon violence, explosions, death
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“Almost done.” You say in your earpiece as you move your sniper rifle around, using the crosshairs to search for other possible enemies. You recognize one and shoot them right in the head, perfect you think to yourself.
“Someone is coming into your building, I’ll watch your back.” You hear the voice of your Colonel say in your ear, you’re hiding at the top floor of an abandoned building so you could see the enemies better.
Suddenly you hear silent footsteps behind you and you slowly take your dagger and gun from your gear, trying to act like you’ve heard nothing. As soon as you feel them behind you you quickly roll on your back and shoot at the face but you miss, they try to shoot you but you dodge the bullet and stand up.
You grab his arms and stab his neck, hitting the jugular.
He falls immediately on the ground and in a few seconds he’s dead on the floor.
“Looks like you can watch your back by yourself.” You hear your Colonel say from the door as he leans against it.
“Of course I can, König.” You say with a smile as you lay down on your stomach on the building’s balcony, in the same position you were before the interruption to watch out for enemies. You hear König sitting next to you. “You’re just going to sit here?”
“Why not? All the enemies have been taken down, this is just a plus.” He says with a sigh as he leans his head against the wall and looks at you.
“Better safe than sorry.” You say as you continue to watch out through the viewfinder.
“So…Horangi told me that you’ve chosen a wedding dress…” He says with a smirk under the mask, or, the shirt that he uses as mask.
You roll your eyes, “Of course he told you…”
“Can I see it?” he asks.
“No you can’t, you know it’s bad luck if the groom sees the bride in the dress before the wedding!” You say as you give him a brief look through the corner of your eyes.
“Oh c’mon, liebe!” he pouts “can you at least describe it to me?”
“Forget it.” You say as you chuckle at his eagerness, then you notice strange movements outside, you recognize a few people with the enemy’s uniform. “We may have some problems, Colonel.”
“What?” he asks as he immediately switches back to work mode and looks out the balcony. “What are they doing?”
“All these men were in this building and they didn’t attack us?” you say confused, “I mean you’re the Colonel, a pretty big target, and they didn’t even try to scratch you?”
“Something’s fishy here.” He says as he lays down next to you. You use the viewfinder to zoom more and then you see it.
“I think they have a bomb…Unless what they have in their hands are just random remotes…” You say with wide eyes.
“You think that they’ve placed a bomb under this building?” he asks as he looks at me.
Then you hear an explosion, immediately followed by the shaking of the building.
“I think so, we need to run.”
You and König run down the stairs of the abandoned building as explosions continue and the shaking increases.
“Shit!” You scream as the stairs collapse in front of you, between you and the next step there are now more than five meters.
And that step collapses too. You’re blocked on that floor, the sixth.
“Verdammt!” König says as he leads you around the floor, searching for a way down.
Another explosion and a part of the floor where you are standing next to falls down.
“König, stop!” You scream, “We can do nothing, you can do nothing!” You say as you tug at his hand to make him stop, “we’re walking corpses!”
He stops and turns to look at you, “I know…I just…” he says as he looks around.
You tug at his mask, “please, I don’t want to die looking at your mask, I want to see your face.”
König nods and takes off his mask, showing you his face, his handsome face, the same face that took you one and half year of relationship to finally see. You still remember how you cried when you saw his face for the first time, now six years ago.
“So this is how it’s going to end, uh?” he says as he sits on the floor, ignoring the shaking of the building — you do the same. “But in the end, I liked my life…”
“Siren…” you whisper as you sit next to him, he turns his head to look at you, confused. “My dress — you sob — it was a siren dress with a lace bodice, I couldn’t wait to show it to you on the day of our wedding.”
König’s eyes widen and a tear rolls down his cheek, “I…I’m sure you looked incredible in it…” he says with a smile as he imagines it. “My only regret in life is not marrying you sooner.”
The building shakes again and you move even closer to König, you kiss his lips softly between the tears. Konig takes your dog tags and ties the chains together so that you always stay close together.
“Now we’re married.” he says with a forced smirk as he looks at the tied dog tags that are between your bodies. That only makes you sob harder, you wrap your hand over the dog tags and König wraps his hand over yours.
“I know I should hope that you had never come in here to watch my back....But…I don’t want to die alone.” You sob as you look up at him, “And I’m so happy to die with you.”
“Stupid, If I hadn't gone in earlier I would have gone in at the first explosion, I would never have left you alone to die.” He chuckles as he cups your cheek in his hand, “If you die, I die…I couldn’t live without you.”
You kiss him again and there’s another explosion, you hug him and hide your face in his chest. When, after a few seconds, you try to move to look at him again he places his hand on the back of your head and holds you in place.
“Don’t look up.” He says as he caresses the back of your head.
You realize and you squeeze him harder, “The roof over us is going to collapse, isn’t it?”
“Anytime now, I don’t want you to look.” König says as he holds you closer and tighter, “I hope to meet you again in another life, a life when we get really married…” He chokes a sob, he needs to be strong for you in these last moments. “I love you.”
You sob, “I love you too…so much…”
Then there’s another explosion and the building shakes again. You hear the sound of walls crushing. You feel König kissing your head one last time and then everything happens quickly.
The roof falls. Pain. You see everything black and, after a few minutes…
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If you liked this story (if I made you cry) reblog, like and comment. <3
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tender-rosiey · 2 years
𝐀 𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐊 | gojo x f!reader
| pt 9 | - | pt 10 | — [SERIES MASTERLIST]
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a/n: i cant believe i actually did it
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as you walk down the halls of the school, you hear the footsteps of the annoying man you know as gojo satoru. you choose to ignore him as you enter the higher ups’ office and to your absolute irritation, gojo is right beside you. you both face the elders and they finally speak up.
“you do remember that you’re still partnered up for missions, right?” one of them speaks up, condescendingly.
you groan internally, but gojo doesn’t try to hide it as he huffs and grumbles. he isn’t doing it for the same reason, however.
“you ought to step off your high horses and stop acting all high and mighty,” he warns and the elders merely glare at him.
in your case, though, the elders often avoid speaking to you as they have all heard of what you did to break off the engagement. somehow, the wrath of a woman, who hates being shackled up and controlled, frightens them more than the strongest jujutsu sorcerer alive.
then again, you did penetrate his infinity, but no one needs to know that.
you are already headed to the door, but one of the elders speaks up, “take sukuna’s vessel with you.”
“yuuji? why?” you both say in unison and you ignore the small grin on gojo’s face.
“you don’t get to ask questions; you’re to follow orders and that’s that.”
“pardon me?” you say slowly, but the elder doesn’t budge. you opt for slamming your hand on his desk which breaks into pieces. “I didn’t quite get that,” you smile tightly at him.
the elder takes a deep breath to mask his fear or as they would call it “loss of composure” before replying, “the curse might have an effect on the vessel, but we don’t know what exactly so we need to experiment it.”
gojo raises his hand but waits for no permission, “aren’t you forgetting that yuuji is still a kid? what if the kid gets hurt and sukuna takes the chance to control him? Where di all the be careful crap go too?—“
the chief of the elders slams his hammer, “silence!”
right away, a knife slices his cheek after his sudden burst and he stares in disbelief at you while the blood trails down his face. you take gojo’s hand and head to the door, “we are leaving.”
gojo, without hesitation, follows behind you and rather happily, “i will get yuuji; give me a sec!” and he teleports out of sight.
you roll your eyes and continue walking to the gates, finding gojo and yuuji already waiting there, “y/n-sensei! let’s go! I am so excited!”
you pat yuuji’s shoulder with a chuckle then look at gojo mockingly, “will we go by the car or will the ‘great jujutsu sorcerer’ teleport us?”
without providing an answer, gojo teleports you to the location of the curse. the curse doesn’t waste a second and makes an appearance right after it feels gojo’s cursed energy. you look intently at gojo and ask, “grade?”
he takes his blindfold off with a light smirk, “special,” and rushes into combat along with yuuji. it’s safe to say that the curse isn’t strong enough to overpower him, but it did possess quite the intelligence. gojo also uses this opportunity to teach yuuji some things.
the fight was going smoothly, but you saw yuuji falling to the ground, clutching his head tightly. his screams are full of pain and agony and it distracts you for a split moment.
the curse takes advantage of that.
you hear gojo screaming your name a bit too late and the curse slams you at least 5 meters into the ground.
you hear a crash then continuous ringing. it doesn’t stop.
your vision turns hazy; the voices around you are muffled. you touch the back of your head and raise your hand in front of your face; you see blood. blood drips from your hand and falls on your face.
drop by drop.
how did that attack do so much damage? you feel like you broke your ribs. your legs are numb and you can’t move your head. you feel a rough hand touch your cheek, but its nails are tall and sharp that they probably scratched you even with how gentle they touched you.
a deep voice is what you hear, not satoru, “you’re going to live, woman. don’t end my entertainment so soon,” and the voice gets closer to your ear, “you still have a lot to show me.”
then it disappears, your eyes are weary and they shut on their own. you’re tired. you feel yourself getting picked up and you hear your name being called by two different people. you hope they are satoru and yuuji.
“y/n, open your eyes,” you hear a whisper and it sounds like the broken man who begged for you before, that incessant man, satoru. you think about it now, should you give him a chance? does he deserve it after what he did? will his sincerity undo what he did before? perhaps you can?
what a silly thing to think about as death knocks on your door.
you smile, thinking about it, and your body relaxes and his heart drops. the only thing on his mind is that he should get you to shoko as fast as possible, but he can’t feel your pulse and your cursed energy is fading and it makes him panic.
he thinks that life is mocking him as you lay in his arms, close to death and with a smile so content. he could not say the same about himself. his heart is beating quickly and for a reason he despises and hoped he would’ve never have to experience it again.
he teleports you, yuuji, and him to shoko’s infirmary.
he knows that he can exorcise the curse in seconds, but he would rather use those seconds to save you. shoko quickly examines you and gojo’s tears don’t stop falling as he sees her distressed face. he is shocked by many things: his crying, how this even happened and most importantly: how you’re dying and he can’t do anything.
it all comes crashing down on him as he watches your bloodied form: what if you don’t make it?
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @dazaisdeathwish @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-1 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @luciferspen @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies @fiona782 @ginneko @kisakitwister @imjustasimpxd @psychopotatomeme @dreamcastgirl99 @watyousayin @sagejin @evalynanne @shuxjodie @amii-babii @literaturememesfordummies @greeniegreengreen @mykyoon @arehzhera @carirosesg @akazxii @venyan @rhiancries @jinx210 @kitacore @ioverjn @skzismyhome @encrytpta @whatsonthemirror @vampartie @animeflower26 @greenlovers @dandelionn @starlostlaiba @hjjks @spacedaddydinn
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or I will part you like a pair of curtains
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