#i must lay down for a bit or I will explored
i’m a brat so i need to be hypnotized and corrupted into becoming your perfect little slut 🖤
“don’t worry, baby. i know you had a long day. let me take care of you.”
you hug me and carry me over to our room to sit me on the bed.
“here, let me.”
you kneel at the foot of the bed to help me out of my shoes.
“that’s better. now, arms up.”
i oblige and you pull off my shirt, exposing my bare chest, since i chose not to wear a bra today.
“alright, princess, now lay back.”
i do as you say and you pull off my pants. i wore a pair of silky black panties that hardly leave anything up to the imagination. you stop and stare at me in this vulnerable state for a few seconds before continuing.
“do you want to sleep in one of my shirts tonight?”
i shrug. my silence permeates the room.
“do you just want a hug?”
i nod and you pull me into your chest as we lay in silence. my tits press up against you and you can feel my heart pumping. you rub my bare back for a bit.
but it doesn’t take long for your hand to trail over the back of my neck, my jaw, and then start running a soft touch down my chest. you pulled away from me a little by now, and your fingertips lightly grazed my hard nipple.
“you’re the most beautiful woman, you know that?”
“look at me. my hair is a mess, my eyes are still puffy from crying earlier, i bet my mascara’s gotte-“
you pinched my nipple between your index and middle fingers, causing me to stop my rambling.
“god, i feel so perverted for saying this, but even with all that you’re just so… sexy.”
“no i’m not.”
“yes, you are, but i don’t have to say it. here, give me your hand.”
confused, i place my hand in your’s, and with a firm grip, you bring my hand down to feel your bulge through your sweatpants.
“i-i ummm…”
“now do you believe me?”
i blush and pull my hand away, trying to avoid where i see this conversation going.
“but you know, so what if i’m a little perverted? i doubt something so wrong can feel so right…”
you cup one of my breasts in your hand and pull my chin up so i look you in the eye. rubbing my nipple with your thumb, you continue.
“i mean, you’re just so pretty… and young…”
i don’t know if i’m speechless because i’m dumbfounded by your complete disregard for my feelings or enchanted by your words, but it doesn’t seem to matter. i lay still as your hands explore my curves.
“and you must be enjoying this if you haven’t said no, right? what am i saying? of course you’re enjoying it.”
a part of me wanted to cry and beg you to leave me alone so i could recover from the stress of the day, but my mind and body wanted different things. eventually, i had to give in to the allure of your words. and that i did. your hand was now playing with the elastic band of my panties.
“you don’t need words. you don’t need to even move. i can see it in your eyes. you want me to touch you. you want me inside you. come on, you can admit it.”
hypnotized, i follow your instruction.
“i want you to touch me. i want you inside me.”
my mind had turned blank.
“good girl. and you want it so bad that you’re gonna come sit on daddy’s cock, won’t you?”
i accept your suggestion with a mindless nod and you pull off my panties ever so slowly. i crawl over to straddle you and sit on your bulge, your sweatpants still in the way.
“that’s my girl. why don’t you show me how much you love me? maybe with a nice wet spot on my pants.”
something happened to me. i wasn’t myself anymore. i began grinding on your bulge without a second thought, and each moan of yours gave me a rush.
“god, you’re the perfect little whore, aren’t you? i could never get you to listen to me so well until now. i guess all those sessions finally paid off.”
the wet spot grew and i couldn’t stop. not until you gave me further instructions.
“wow, princess. you’re really into this, aren’t you? i think it’s time you lay back and let daddy take care of your hole, don’t you think?”
again, i followed your command. with my back to the mattress, you strip yourself down and line up to my hole.
“but before we start… i want to hear you say it.”
and as though i’ve recited it a thousand times over, though i don’t remember ever practicing, i tell you exactly what you want to hear.
“i need you, daddy. please please pleaseeee fill me up. i’ll be the best little cum slut for you, i promise.”
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ahollowgrave · 29 days
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Mateus | Mists | W24 P29
The house Odette's great-aunt left her. Not in the mists in-character, but still cradled on the coast of Vylbrand on a decent plot of land. Most of the house remains closed off, in various states of abandonment, but the wing Odette does occupy is kept tidy. She has certainly added her own touches and has claimed an attic bedroom for her own. If you swing by for a visit please leave a message! And mind the shadows.
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norrisleclercf1 · 1 year
It’s Too Early
Pairing: Charles x Pregnant!Reader
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Tough pregnancy, premature birth, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), IVF mentioned, angst, fluff at the end
Synopsis: Being pregnant hasn’t been easy, especially when Charles is away for the season and can’t be with you 24/7 like he wants to be. So what happens when he finds out you went into labor from a reporter? Chaos, utter chaos
A/N: Wrote this morning and I picked PCOS because that's something I suffer with all the time, and felt the need to write a fic about now, everyone's experience with PCOS and the topics discussed in this are different, I did research and put my own hardships and feelings in this, I hope everyone reads with an open mind and enjoys this but also Dad!Charles who could give up Dad!Charles
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Charles would kill for you; he really would. And right now, he wanted nothing more than to kill the FIA, who would refuse to let him sit out this season to be with you, his pregnant wife.
Finding out you were pregnant was the happiest day of his life, but soon it turned...not a nightmare, but a living hell. You were classified as a high-risk pregnancy due to polycystic ovarian syndrome, something you let Charles know when you first started dating.
He was there through the painful periods, the cramps that left you defenseless and laying in bed all day, to the doctor visits and the mood swings. Through it all, he was still with you and loved you more and more each day.
When you both married and settled down a bit more, the conversation of becoming pregnant came up. Charles knew the risks and had done research before bringing it up with you; he even explored other ways of having children. But you told him you wanted to try naturally and go from there before discussing different ways and seeing what happens.
After 3 years of trying and doing everything, even trying IVF, that damn stick showed that fucking plus sign. You sat in the bathroom for hours just staring at the positive test, and that's precisely how Charles found you when he came home. On the bathroom floor, staring at the test.
He can still feel the tile on his skin as he hugs and kisses you, calming your fears away from the worst thoughts in your head.
It hasn't been an easy pregnancy, from cramps to horrible morning sickness, to the doctors worried you might give birth way too early, even being put on bedrest for the rest of the pregnancy due to worries of preeclampsia. Charles fought hard with the FIA, saying he needed to be with you, but they refused to listen and told him he needed to race. You talked him off the ledge as he called to quit and stay home.
"Charles stop; this is ridiculous. You love racing; you aren't quitting because of me." You groaned, going in circles with your mess of a husband.
"No! What's ridiculous is that the FIA won't even see why my wife has a high-risk pregnancy and that I'm needed home, not driving in goddamn circles!" He snaps, slamming his phone down and pulling his hair.
"Char, breath." You whisper from the bed, in agony, simply because you can't get up and comfort your husband.
Charles, almost sensing your dilemma moves from the end of the bed to laying down next to you, placing his head on your chest, careful of your swollen breasts, knowing how much they've been hurting lately. No words are said as fingers run through his hair to calm him down and stop him from making a huge mistake.
"Charles, I'll have your mother here with me. Me and the baby are going to be okay. Listen, if anything changes, I will call you immediately. You can't miss this; you have a real chance this year and must show the world that Charles Leclerc will be a World Champion." Your words convince him as he lets off that familiar defeated sigh of his, making your smile grow at this.
"Immediately. Do you understand? I don't care if it's stupid like your back itches you call me." He bargains, making you laugh and nod in agreement.
Pascale has been staying with you for only a month, and you finally reached the safe zone, where if you did go into labor, it wouldn't be so dangerous for you or the baby. It was race day, and Charles was in Silverstone, needing to finish P2 or higher to challenge Max for the title.
It was a typical day as Pascale fixed you a light snack as you weren't feeling well, your lower back was hurting, and it felt like your pelvis had its own heartbeat. You didn't think much of it as it was a hot day in Monte Carlo, and you had read in books that it was customary to feel this, so you didn't say anything to Pascale to not worry her. The race was halfway through when the first real cramp startled you to the point you dropped your cup; thankfully, it was rubber, so it didn't break.
"Y/n? Honey, what's wrong?" Pascale was right there in an instant picking up the cup, looking over you.
"Just...a cramp, it's nothing." You mummer rubbing your stomach but flinch from how much it hurts to touch it.
"Y/n, when did this start?" Pascale asks calmly, knowing it was wise to keep you calm and not start to freak out because you might be in early labor.
"Last night, but it's picked up this morning. It's nothing, Pascale, honestly, just the baby moving." You try to reason, not wanting to jump straight to labor.
"Y/n, I'm calling for an ambulance, okay? I think you might be in early labor, and with you being on bed rest, they need to help me, alright." She mummers pushing your hair back, trying everything to keep you calm.
"Okay, okay." You repeat as the cramp passes, and you hear her on the phone telling them everything as you force yourself to pay attention to the race and not to the growing pit in your stomach that you might be in labor.
They get here fast as you breathe through another cramp. Tears start to flutter down your cheeks, the realization of you possibly in labor while Charles isn't here, but in the UK. They ask you question after question and share a look, a look that sets you off.
"No! No! I'm not in labor, okay? I'm just having some cramps, which is normal; I have PCOS; okay, nope, I'm not." You argue as the medics alert the hospital to your condition.
"Mrs. Leclerc, I understand that you are only 29 weeks and you're scared, but right now, you are in early labor, and we need to get you to the hospital as soon as we can, okay?" The friendly medic tries to reason with you, but you refuse to see reason.
"I'm sorry, but no. Charles isn't here; he should be here; I can't do this alone. I'm sorry, but I'm not going anywhere." You argue as Pascale packs your bags and looks over at you.
"Y/n, I know you are scared, but Charles isn't here right now, but he will be okay. I'll call him when the race is over and let him know immediately what's going on. But, please, if you wait, it'll be worse for you and the baby." She can reason with you, finally getting you to the hospital as you try hard to stay calm and not make things worse.
But of course, Pascale could never make the phone call as everyone was too busy keeping you calm.
Charles was on top of the world. He had won Silverstone and was only 4 points behind Max now. Sticky with champagne, he checks his phone, looking for the standard text from you, but not seeing a text from you, he hits dial, calling you. But, you don't pick up, making him call you again, yet again, you don't pick up.
He reasons you must be asleep, knowing you had been super tired lately, and his mother said everything was fine. You're eating normally and just sleeping or reading. He moves and takes a picture of the trophy, telling you he won it for you and the baby and he couldn't wait to get back home to you both. Sadly, he's pulled away from his phone to go do media even though he wants to head to the airport and go home, but he needs to do this first.
Only 4 more hours before heading to the plane, then another 5 to 6 hours before he's back home to you.
He makes it through all 5 interviews before coming to the last one, Pierre on his right and Carlos on his left as they all give their final interviews.
"Charles, amazing race. I have to say that it was fabulous to see you win this and to have your teammate and your childhood best friend up there. It must've been something." The reporter gushes, making Charles smile at how genuine the reporter is.
"Yes, um, having Carlos and Pierre be there next to me was something. I mean, the Red Bulls put up one hell of a fight, but we know not to get too comfortable and that we really need to start pushing it more and more each day so we can close the gap and pull in front of them." Charles smiles.
"Yes, this must be a wonderful day with you; with what winning Silverstone and your wife going into labor, you must be just on top of the world." Charles freezes, hearing the words come out of the reporter's mouth and let's put a nervous laugh.
"I'm sorry? My wife isn't in labor," he argues, starting to fidget and lick his lips.
''Really? Reports are that she went into labor at the start of lap 23 and has been at the hospital, your mother." Having cut the camera, realizing that Charles honestly had no idea.
"Nope, she's not, okay, she's not in labor. She would've called." he snaps, hands fumbling for his phone, trying to call you again. This time, it goes to voicemail, sending his heart plummeting to his feet.
"Alright, that's enough for today." Pierre voices and grabs Charles leading him away from prying eyes as he keeps calling you repeatedly.
"Charles. Charles, stop!" Pierre yells, snatching the phone away as his friend cries. Fear takes over Charles as he starts to imagine the worst. What if something was seriously wrong, and you went into early labor. You're only 29 weeks. That's 6 months. Yes, the baby would be okay, but would you?
"Come on, let's go to the hotel. Get your stuff, and you and I will fly out and call your mom. Okay, let's go." Pierre reasons, dragging his friend away and to the cars trying to calm down Charles.
'Pierre calls Pascale and puts her on the speaker; thankfully, the woman picks up after 3 rings.
"Why the fuck didn't you call me the moment she went into labor? I wouldn't give a damn if I was still in the car. Why didn't you call!" Charles rips out before Pascale can say anything, and Pierre groans, knowing that if the situation was different, the Ferrari driver's mother would bury his ass in the ground.
"Because Charles, I've been trying to keep her calm. She's freaking out because you're not here, and honestly, honey, I forgot, as I was trying to make sure your wife's blood pressure doesn't get worse; now, get here as fast as you can because she's almost fully dilated and she needs you Charles, and she needs you to be calm and strong for her because right now she's not." Pascale hangs up, leaving the car in a stiff eerie silence.
"Get me to the airport as fast as you can," Charles whispers, making Pierre nod to ensure he'd get there.
"I can't do this, Pascale; nope, I'm sorry, but I can't. It hurts too much, please, make it stop." you cry as your mother-in-law soothes you. She tells you Charles is on the way. But that did nothing to comfort you. It only made you more anxious about the fact that this would happen.
"Y/n, I know you're scared but Charles will be here soon, okay? But you can't stop pushing, okay? All these nurses and doctors are here to help you, ow let them." She urges as you scream out from another contraction.
"I want Charles." You sob, collapsing against the bed from exhaustion. This was too much for you, the pain, Charles, and everyone in the room; you can't do this.
"Baby!" A familiar voice cries out as the door swings open, and Charles runs in. His hair is messy, and he looks so bewildered you could kiss him, but all you can do is scream.
"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Making Pascale and everyone else jump, Charles just smiles and pushes everyone out of the way to get to your side.
"I'm sorry, I was on a plane, and my phone wasn't working." And lies, not wanting to tell the truth of no one telling him but a reporter that you were in labor.
"You're lucky I'm giving birth right now or so; help me go-" Your words get cut off by another contraction, making you grab Charles's hand and squeeze it so hard he'd thought it'd break.
"Okay, Mrs. Leclerc, we need you to push." the doctor instructs while Pascale slips outside, startled to see half the grid in the hallway.
"Come on, let's give them some privacy." Pascale smiles, wrapping an arm around Pierre as she leads the boys down the hallway.
"I love you," Charles whispers, kissing your forehead, not caring for a minute you are drenched in sweat.
"I love you too, but we're adopting or surrogacy next time." You cry as you get one more contraction, everyone yelling at you to push, and soon your cries are mixed in with smaller ones.
"He's here. He's here." Charles repeats, kissing you all over and making sure you are okay. He wanted to check on his baby, but first, he needed to ensure you were alright.
"It's a boy? We had a little boy." You whimper, leaning into Charles's chest as you cry in relief that everything went as smoothly as possible.
"He's perfect, Y/n, all ten toes and fingers, and god, I love you so much." Charles mummers finally kissing you while the nurse cleans up your son.
"Here you go." the nurse smiles, handing you your son, who cries his little lungs out but soon stops when he's placed on your chest.
"He'll need to go to NICU for just a night so we can go over everything and make sure there are no complications, but after that, he can come down here and stay with you, Momma." the nurse smiles, going back to help make sure your vitals and everything else was good.
'Charles, and you can't help but stare at your little boy while you start to feel that ache and tiredness settle in, but Charles holds you both, his entire world in his arms.
"We need a name," Charles whispers, making you hum in agreement.
"I've got the perfect one. Also, tell Pierre I say thank you for getting you here."
Charles blinks down at you, confused, but you just giggle.
"I can smell his cologne." Making Charles laugh right along with you.
You fell asleep after picking the name, and the nurses follow Charles to the waiting room where everyone is, Pascale the first to see her son.
"Everyone," Charles starts making the others turn their heads, Isa and Carmen gushing at the tiny little baby in Charles's arms.
"Meet Pierre Hervé Jules Leclerc." Charles announces, making everyone laugh as Pierre stands there stunned, looking at his best friend holding his son.
"Really?" Pierre asks, making Charles nod. "Of course, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have gotten here in one piece. Also, Y/n says thank you." Charles smiles but adds, "she could smell your cologne on my clothes." Making everyone laugh at this.
"Can I hold him?" Pascale asks, but Charles shakes his head no.
"Sorry, but he won't be held by anyone but us and the staff for right now; he's got to go to the NICU overnight, and frankly, I want Y/n to get a say who holds him first after us, Mother." Charles smiles, but Pascale just beams, seeing Charles transform before her.
"Say goodbye to all your uncles and aunts, Pierre," Charles whispers, laying him in the trolly as the nurse reassures him that he'll be fine and he can come up and visit if he'd like.
Everyone watches as the Ferrari driver just smiles at his boy and leans down, whispering something to the baby before pulling away and watching the nurses take him a floor up.
"What did you say?" Pierre asks his friend.
"We'd always love and protect him, and he's only allowed to root for Ferrari." He laughs, making Pascale slap her son on the arm, everyone joining in on the laughter, a memory no one would forget.
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wh1msic4lwasab1 · 3 months
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𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼
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synopsis: you yearn to step onto the sand, relinquish your tail for just a moment and experience the world above. You find a man capable of granting you your wish, but there’s something wrong.
tags: mermaid reader, fingering, penetration, beach sex, vulgar, explicit.
wrd cnt: 1.6k
a/n NOT PROOFREAD: i had to get a little creative bc i was researching mermaid intercourse bruh i was deep in the google trenches…hope this is still good !
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The moon shines down beneath the crystal clear waters, casting a mesmerizing glow on the vibrant coral reefs and schools of colorful fish. You were no stranger to this enchanting underwater world. But today, as you swam through the familiar marine life, your thoughts were consumed with a longing for something more. You had heard stories of a new world above the surface, a world where creatures with two legs roamed and breathed air instead of water. It was a world that both intrigued and terrified you.
As you gazed up at the shimmering surface, you couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have shed your tail and explore this foreign land. But as a mermaid, it was only a dream, a distant desire that seemed impossible to fulfill. But little did you know, fate had other plans in store for you.
As you continued to swim along the coast to catch a glimpse of the stars, you find a man with long silver hair walking above the earths hide.
You try to conceal yourself in the night, but he takes quite a quick notice of you.
You get startled from his gaze, but his eyes shine a shade of blue so vibrant they hold you inbetween currents like a fish on a hook.
“Hello there, do not worry, I won’t hurt you”. The man says to you from above, his hands infront of him to show you his good intentions.
You swim up the sand, letting the water glide you up onto a rock, letting your tail lay on the sand; draped over.
He kneels down, “Are you okay?”. You’re avast ways from your home, but you couldn’t miss a chance to actually talk to a human.
”Yes, yes I’m alright.” You began to study his features like a predator ready to strike; his winged-lashes flickering.
You’ve never met a human before, you’d heard stories of the good and bad nature of them, but he seemed different. “You’re a mermaid.” His question sounding more like an awestruck statement. You nod slowly, unsure of his reaction.
“Amazing, I’ve been told your kind had ceased ever since tales of the property emerged. I never thought I’d get to see one again.” He says with a sense of wonder and disbelief.
You can feel your face conform at his words, “Again? Whats is your name?” you ask, suddenly breaking out of his trance.
“Neuvillette. I may look it, but I am not human. I’ve lived many years, and befriended many of your kind. I am just glad to be given the reassurance of your resilience”. He says with honesty.
“Thank you- I am y/n”. You finally tell him.
“Beautiful. What brings you to the coast?” He wonders out loud.
“I’m- just curious. I wished to take a look upon the world above me.”
“Curiosity can lead us to great adventures,” Neuvillette said, his eyes full of admiration as he gazed at you. “But it can also bring us trouble. You are brave to venture to the surface alone.”
You couldn’t help but smile at his words, feeling a sense of pride swell within you. “I couldn’t resist the urge to explore. And now, I have found something much more intriguing than just the surface world,” you said, your eyes flickering to Neuvillette’s lips.
He seemed to sense your desire and stepped closer to you, his hand reaching out to caress your cheek. “And what might that be?” he whispered, his voice low and sensual.
“I wish for legs…” You confess, teasing the handsome stranger just a bit.
“And you think I can grant them to you?”
“You are the hydro dragon, aren’t you? I couldn’t quite out my finger on it. But we have a many great tales about you…and your abilities.”
“You are correct. But I must warn you, it could be an unpleasant first feeling.”
“But you can do it?!” You flap your tail in excitement a few times, the hair that covers your wet and exposed chest flaling around as you wait for his confirmation.
“I can…but I must be here to supervise you. A lot can go wrong, and the people of this land may not all be so accepting”. He warns.
You take time to consider the need for your yearning, but still you hold onto the dream you desire so deeply.
“I’m sure of this.”
He releases a deep sigh, “Alright, please allow me.”
With his large palms, he picks you up off the rock; his hand under your slippery tail and holding you bridal style to sit you onto his lap.
You apologize about ruining his clothes with the salty sea water, but he pays no mind.
“Don’t look down. Simply look up here.” He commands, holding your gaze with his own as he soothes the length of your tail, speaking whispers you can’t transcribe, slowly feeling your body half lighten exponentially.
You suddenly feel a weight lifted off you, and look down with his permission.
Your face lights up, and you feel as if you’re dreaming. As if any moment now you’ll wake up under the sea foam and find yourself with a tail.
But this was real, and you thanked the man with everything in you.
“You’re welcome, but remember that there are still-“
“Arghh- Something’s wrong…”
His eyebrows furrow, not seeing anything physically wrong with you which only makes him more worried.”
“What’s wrong my dear?” He says, trying to be respectful and looking away from your naked body.
“Something’s feeling- so hot.” You squirm, looking to him for help.
“Guide me to where you need.”
Taking his hand in yours, you trail him over your stomach before placing it on your growing heat, making his hand cup your crotch.
“Right here” you plead.
His face was covered in deep red, unable to speak.
“That- is quite unusual…I’ve never seen that happen. Does it hurt?” He says with true concern, trying to conceal his arousal.
You shake your head, unable to describe what it felt.
“What is this? Have you ever felt this?”
Neuvillettes voice hitches as he’s even more embarrassed and trying to find the right words to explain what you feel.
“Well, not this exactly no. But, I think I understand the issue”.
He casts a shadow over you, his large body coming close to whisper something in your ear.
“You’re feeling arousal, and there’s only one way to get rid of it.”
You feel a lump in your throat, eyes locked into his as you feel even more helpless.
“Please…” You plead, grinding your hips towards his hand, “Help me get rid of it…”
He smiles down at you, spreading your wet lips apart, “It would be my pleasure, sweet mermaid.”
With a gentle tug, he pushes your back onto the rock you were sat on earlier.
He parts your legs and keeps the bottoms of your thighs on top of his, giving him a good view of his fingers delving into your tight hole.
“Mmfph- that feels…so good”. You confess.
His hand moves your hair behind your neck, your chest fully on display as his free hand squeezes your mounds and roll your nipples under his fingertips, giving you two sources of pleasure unknown to you before.
“Neuvillette- I need more.” You beg, putting your hand on top of his, making him squeeze your breast harder.
“Anything for you, y/n.” He flashes a small smile before putting your hand on growing bulge.
“This is what is going to help you find your release, sweetheart.”
He helps you unzip his pants, and out springs his cock; falling right into your grasp.
Your eyes widen, it felt so big in your hands you didn’t possibly know what to do with it.
He helped you pleasure him, making your hand stroke him up and down as he thrusted into your palm.
“You’re so gentle…such a sweet thing.”
You feel your cunt drool even more, something so unknown to you made you feel so feral.
He positions himself at your entrance, kneeling perfectly before you with your legs wrapped around him.
“This…goes right in here.” He grunts out, pushing his thick, veiny cock fully into your perfect cunt and hearing your pleasure heighten quickly in the form of moans and gasps.
He started with slow, deep thrusts; getting you used to his size and the feeling of your own hole stretching.
You felt like you could pass out if he didn’t keep going, the ambiance of waves crashing against the rock behind you and the sounds of your wet skin slapping together drove you wild. The sea water brushed against your ass but his tongue slid against yours in such a manner that made your entire body feel like it was under the sun.
“Do you like how this feels?” He asks, grunting in your ear and whimpering at how your cunt squeezes him.
You nod profusely, thanking him about a million times as he keeps fucking you on the sand, holding your waist and trialing sloppy kisses down your neck and chest.
Your breathing was heavy and your mind was swirling with pleasure as he continued to thrust into you. You were completely lost in the moment, just the two of you on the beach, your bodies entwined in ecstasy.
He picked up the pace, his thrusts becoming faster and more urgent. He could feel himself getting closer and closer to the edge, and he wanted to take you there with him
“Y/n- keep squeezing around me like that, fuck…such a perfect hole.”
Your moans turned into screams as you both reached your climax together, waves of pleasure crashing over you like the ocean behind you.
You collapsed onto the sand, panting and trying to catch your breath. He rolled onto his back next to you, a content smile on his face as he ran his fingers through your hair.

“That was amazing,” you said, pulling him close to him. “I’ve never felt anything like that before”.
“Well you have a few more hours of it if you so please.”
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whimsic4alwasab1 ™ - do not copy, translate, modify, or claim any of my work as your own.
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kaiijo · 1 year
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characters: isagi yoichi, banchira meguru, kunigami rensuke, chigiri hyoma, nagi seishiro content: gn! reader, a little suggestive, obviously mentions/descriptions of kissing notes: these boys fr have my heart <3
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⋆。° isagi yoichi
isagi is a sucker for long, drawn out kissing. really likes spending the time with you on his lap just making out
he’s just so happy to be yours and for you to be his that he hopes to convey that feeling in his affectionate kisses
when you two come up for air, he’s whispering sweet, sincere words to you: “i’m so lucky to have you,” “you’re incredible, you know that?” and, when the time comes for it, “i love you. i love you so much.”
holds you tight against him, like there is NO space between you two at all. his arms are locked around your waist and yours are around his neck and neither of you are letting go any time soon
not overly into pda but does like kissing your cheek and temple out in public.
⋆。° bachira meguru
his kisses are like him — playful, unpredictable, and sweet. there’s a lot of smiles and laughter when you two kiss
he wants to kiss you all the time. waking up in the morning? kiss. leaving for work? kiss. cooking dinner? kiss. going to bed? kiss
he’s a big fan of many quick kisses !! one of his favorite things to do are placing little pecks all over your face and neck and any skin he can reach, really. also a big sneak attack kisser
that said, he also loooooves long, sensual kisses. he really, really just loves kissing you
likes to also bite and nip at you but that’s a story for another day
big fan of pda! nothing excessive but he will give you those cute little kisses out in public. especially likes it when you’re a little flustered but he’s not going to wholly embarrass you bc he loves you too much
⋆。° kunigami rensuke
depending on where you are in your relationship, kisses with kunigami are either kind of shy or really passionate, or both — they’re not mutually exclusive!
early in your relationship, he may be shy about kissing you since he’s very respectful and aware of boundaries and doesn’t want to risk pushing them. will probably ask to kiss you before every one during this stage of your relationship
as you move forward and probably after an talk about boundaries, he’ll be less hesitant about kissing you but will absolutely still respect all boundaries and signals from you
kunigami likes short, sweet kisses. they’re straightforward and convey their feelings for you
however, passionate makeout sessions with him are a must as well for him. he likes to cradle your cheek in one hand and hold your waist with his other
probably not a big pda person — he’s not against it but he’s not comfortable making out with you in public. when out and about, he’s a big fan of kissing the back of your hand while they’re intertwined with his
⋆。° chigiri hyoma
he’s all slow, sensuous kisses — hands traveling over each other steadily, exploring and leaving trails of heat in their wake
tbh he definitely like a bit of a hair tug. like, no yanking but you can pull it a little and listen to him sigh or whine a little
forehead kisses forehead kisses forehead kisses. also a nose kisser, i think
when he’s in the right mood, he’s a bit of a tease. he likes to kiss along and under your jaw in these moments
probably not the biggest fan of pda. his public kiss type is, again, the forehead kiss. also probably kisses your temple
⋆。° nagi seishiro
sleepy and lazy kisses are nagi’s absolute favorites!! the kind where the two of you are laying around on a rare, slow morning and you just kiss each other in long, languid intervals, lulled in by the warmth of one another
also also also if you’re under 190cm (6’2”) then nagi uses his height to his advantage by wrapping you in a back hug and placing little kisses on the top of your head and bring them down to your neck
even if you are over 190cm, he’s giving you back hugs and neck kisses, sorry i don’t make the rules
likes leaning all his weight against you and for you to wrap your arms around him when you kiss, it makes him feel like he’s simultaneously enveloping you and being enveloped by you
gives you kisses after he wins anything, whether it’s a video game or soccer match !! will seek you out for kisses if he’s frustrated after losing too and those kisses are much harsher and more bruising
probably into some form of pda — not a ton but he’s not opposed to kissing your in front of other people
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costelloschoice · 6 months
General Mizu headcanons -Mizu x fem!reader -sfw and nsfw headcanons + my thoughts :], kinda long? but aye, more content -pls, reminder these are my takes, and I would love to hear your in the comments <3
-comments and reblogs are appreciated <3
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took her awhile to open up fully to you. Like about everything- probably hide her fav food from you too
speaking of food, she probably is a terrible cook and would love if you can cook for her
I can imagine Mizu burning a pot of water
I tried to do my research and look into this, but I think Mizu is about 5'4
if you're shorter than her, she'll definitely have a confidence boost and feel she has to protect you always- she already does but...you're short and tiny...so she must
If you're taller, she's putty in your hands when you two are alone but she will still kick someone's ass for you
If you're not trained in the martial arts or any good with swords, she'll teach you
If Mizu is teaching you before you two are official, she'll be rougher and stricter with her teaching. She wants you to be the best and have a good chance to learn to protect yourself
Now if she is teaching you after you two are dating, she'll still be strict but definitely a bit more gentle
"Do it again...You almost had it, try again I know you can do this"
Nicknames for you? I feel she would mostly call you by your name, but she would also call you "my pearl" or "my dove"
Pls play with her hair plsplsplsplsplsplspls
She's a sucker for a massage due to her battles and training but only from you
The first time you saw her without her male persona/ identity sent her in panic mode. You knew her as this strong, tough masculine man...but here you are, happening to stumble upon her wearing nothing and seeing her...lady parts
She already started to develop feelings for you by that time and so have you, but at the knowledge you think she's a boy. Gay stuff is already a 'no-no' to a lot of people, so would it be a 'no-no" for you??
of course not- doesn't matter if they're male or female, it's still Mizu at the end of the day
once you accept her, she truly feels seen for once
This woman will and always lay down her life for you.
She'd probably die then come back to life for you cause she loves you that much
I do feel she would be distant in the beginning. We all know how her last marriage went...She doesn't want to be hurt again
Once you show her you're in for the long run, she'll become lovable and clingy
She barely got to explore her feminine side with Mikio (rat bastard) cause of what happened
Dress her up and make her feel pretty <3
I have a feelign she can be really childish when comfortable with you- play wrestle with her to burn off some energy
She will want to duel with you, but never lets it go too far
If she ever pulls that same shit she did with Mikio, and she has the sword to your throat...I feel she will get flashbacks and get nervous how you'll react
but is soon pulled out of those memories when you laugh and say she wins and you kiss her <3
now the yummy part lol
no one will change my mind, no one could ever think of changing my mind
In the Edo period of Japan, sex toys were there to use and have fun. Now, I actually looked it up and ruined my web history for this because of the shunga I saw
STRAP ON- either Mizu using it on you or you using it on her, either way it's a good time
She definitely can and will be rough and dominate. She's used to be taking control to getting what she wants
Doesn't mean she can't be soft and sensual, you are her love after all, and sex is something for both to enjoy. She would love to just be soft with you
She will spank that ass, idc
Now, like I said, I actually looked a lot of this stuff up...
Double sided dildo for the both of you to use. For her, it's almost embarrassing cause you are seeing her reactions but she also LOVES this since it's so intimate to her, so hold her hand while you two do it
Going off the last one, I feel she would be trying to cover her face or her mouth sometimes...don't let her
With that one episode, we know she's loud and her eyes roll back...it's canon...so hit her with that dumb dick and make her roll her eyes back
Tie her up...that's all
Her fingers are long and slender, good for fingering your cunt and rubbing your clit
Loves having you in her lap and fingering you late at night, especially if there are other people around. Gives her the chance to cover your mouth and whisper in your ear to tease you
"You like that?...You like the fact anyone could catch us right now, and they'd see my fingers fucking this pussy..?”
Dw you'll give her the same treatment
When you finger her, she's whiny, holding onto your other hand tightly
Praise her breast- whether you have bigger breast or not, still show love to her peaches
Kiss them, suck on them, whatever..love on them
I don't think she would ever consider sharing you with another person like ever
I can imagine her talking a big game, but your first time? She’s a wreck, she wants everything to be perfect
Yeah technically she's not a virgin but she doesn't want to mess anything up with you
Favorite position? I think she likes taking you in missionary but likes to be bent over when she subbing
After you give her sum backshots, pls give her the softest aftercare
She will be clingy after, so let her cling to you like a koala
In the end, Mizu is the best girlfriend boyfriend ever <3
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medium-rare-bimbo · 11 months
Perv Eddie munson x innocent pastors daughter reader 👁👁
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contains: darkish characters(??) Innocent! Reader, bashing religion
༺*:゚・✧・:*:゚・♡ readmore ♡・゚:*:・✧・゚:*༻
-him only acknowledging you when you're assigned partners in English, what a surprise when he was met with the pastors innocent little daughter
-spending time at your house with the door open, your father was not please to find "the devil himself" in your room. Eddie made up some bullshit about seeing the light (obviously mocking him but still fuling your fathers ego)
- very shocked to find out you dont share the same beliefs as your father, which he only found out about after he went on a rant about how you must find him so scary
"I- I um dont find you scary because of the way you dress or um the music you listen to you're just very loud and i dont really like loud things"
- what a lovely little friendship that bloomed, aka eddie corrupting you and you liking it.
- did someone say Eddie's hands? 👁👁 they're so soft (one softer that the other if you catch my drift) especially when they creep up your skirt
"EDDIE! What are you doing?! you cant touch there!-"
"Shhh relax I'm just pulling down your skirt for you"
- he definitely steals your panties when you invite him over, always returns them covered in his cum tho <3 what a sweetheart
- invites you over to his trailer (your parents narrowingly let you go after you told a lie about staying at someone else's house), let's you try smoking only for you to choke. Behold shotgunning, it's so cute to see your face get all hot and heated as his lips were so close to yours
- coincidentally hes discovered that you get VERY horny while high, the rutting against him proves it. He doesnt even think you realise it
"That feel good?"
"S'making me giggly"
- he wasnt talking about the weed but hes okay with you using him for pleasure.
- the first time you guys try anything would be when you met him in the woods and sobbed your pretty little heart out over being a virgin and having no experience.
- luckily for you big-dick-sex-master-eddie™️ is here to help
- you had arranged for him to come over while your parents were away (something that happened rarely)
- imagine a nice dinner then watching a movie in your room as you lay on his chest, where his hands would feel you up, grazing your knee and travel further rubbing up your thigh to cupping your mound while he praises you
"Such a good girl f'me, so soft too. My Pretty pretty girl"
- hed make it the best first time in your life
- hed suck your clit through your panties  making sure to smell you as he gets the chance, savouring what hes been imagining when he rubs one out. Make you all wet and sticky until you cry, so sensitive to everything
- he would let you explore his body and cock, so you dont get scared away by the pierced monster in between his legs (hed teach you about blow jobs later) your jerk him off a little bit, with Eddie's guidance
- his necklace would dangle infront of your face as he positions himself against you, hes already prepped you so good, you're all opened up for him but that doesnt mean that theres no pain. You're practically clinging to him as he praises you for taking him so well
- hed start out so slow in the beginning as you mewl and coo under him soon picking up the pace as your hips lift to meet his thrusts.
- he would have to grab the headboard to try to minimize the banging/damage against the wall the last thing you need is your nighbour  checking up on you while you're getting your brains banged out (or your parents to ask why there a holes in you walls)
- running a bath for the both of you and laying there with you as you come down from cloud 9
- all the cuddles and praises from him <3<3<3
- hed definitely teaches you how to touch yourself in later lessons!!!
- who knew you were such a nymphomaniac? Definitely not eddie, now that you knew what an orgasm was and how to get one you were like a bunny on viagra
- fucking in the churches bathroom, confession booth, the alter, on the balcony while your father is giving a speech.
"Y'think your god would like this? Huh? Think hed appreciate the devil fucking his perfect lil angel?"
-Luring you into a graveyard to smoke with him, getting all fuzzy minded and fucking under a tree. You would be drooling all over eachother, lazy humping and grinding
- I want him to force my head into the bed while he fucks me from behind !!!!!!!
- I want him to mock me when I'm crying about the over sensitivity when hes rutting into me!!!!!!!
"S'too much- s'too much- cant take it- it hurts- too sensitive Eddie-"
"I know baby I know, it's okay You can take it ,you're taking it right now. 'Supposed to hurt baby 'cuz you're taking all of me in your greedy lil cunt 'sucking me in baby 'Feels so good for me, making me feel so good right now. You think you can give me another? Huh? Think you can cum around my cock again?-"
"S'too much eddie! Cant cum anymore m'all empty-"
"Yes you can, you can cum for me baby. I can make you cum so good, lemme squeeze that last one out and I'll fill you back up, yeah? Want my cum to fill you? Want me to make you a mommy, hm? Want to explain to your loving father why you're full of the freaks babies? Ye? Y'make such a good mommy to our kids, such a good wife f'me"
- you know those blow jobs we were talking about? Ye? Well here's how they went
- he let you lay on the bed instead of on your knees on the hard floor, let you take your time exploring him (was probs smoking while you did this)
- would never make you take more than you could, would always teach you to take little by little, even if it meant not being able to fuck your mouth. yet.
- youd have your favourite place to suck, it was a long vein that traveled up his cock and ended near the tip, just under the head, and you would suckle on it as if it was nature's greatest creation.
-would let you drink up all the cum he produces. (Gobble that shit up yummy)
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loveshotzz · 1 year
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steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: under the stars, you just want steve to kiss you.
word count: 1.4k
warnings: 18+ even though there’s no smut. sorry kiddos. just some first kiss fluff inspired by season 3 steve who’s kinda lost his confidence.
authors note: another blurb outta the pile! I’m a sucker for late nights at Lovers Lake with Steve 💗. for @superblysubpar cause I know when I came up with this blurb months ago she was so excited. sorry it took me so long!
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The sky was clear above the lake, the stars glimmering extra bright against the water illuminating patches of the trees surrounding you. The reflection hits the green and brown specks that lay nestled inside Steve’s eyes in a battle to steal your attention. You try not to meet his gaze as you search for the constellation he promised to show you when he threw rocks on your bedroom window, careful not to wake your roommate.
He was dressed more casual than your first date a few days ago. A date that didn’t end with the kiss you desperately hoped you’d get at the end of an evening filled with warm palms that covered your lower back whenever he’d get the chance, or stolen glances to the pink gloss that covered your lips just for him. Instead, an awkward hug and red cheeks is what you got as he tripped over his own feet from your doorstep to his car.
The gray shorts he wears stop just above his knees, the hair covering his legs matching the patch that’s always peeking out from the tops of his shirts. His sweater was the same color as the car that took you here, tight around his broad shoulders, and snug in all the spots you wanted to explore with your fingers. His honey colored hair was messier than you’d seen before, like he’d just woken up and had to see you, disguising it as late night stargazing by the lake. The thought of how soft it must feel makes your hands twitch at your sides.
Your shoulders are tucked into his jacket that he always keeps in the back seat of his BMW. It was the end of summer — August bleeding into September. The late nights starting to get that little bit chillier, the days a little bit shorter. The faded spice of his cologne swirls around your senses still embedded deep into the fabric from last year. The blanket he’d laid out on the lush grass that still hadn’t disappeared is soft under your hands that keep you propped up at an angle, your legs extend in front of you, crossed at your ankles and the toes of your sneakers bump into his.
The space he leaves between you is just enough to feel the heat of his body radiate off his bronzed skin, freckled and kissed by the sun, his big hands spread out palm down like a mirror with yours. The tips of his fingers are quiet, ghosting against the side of your hand. Leaning his head back to follow your line of sight, the smell of his shampoo reminds you of the woods around you when the wind catches it. He’s so close, but you want him closer.
It only takes a few minutes before you feel his eyes are on you again and you can’t stop the twist of your lips this time.
“Where are these constellations? Or you just wanna look at me?” Your voice is soft, the faint teasing edge behind it isn’t enough to cover up how he’s making you shy when your eyes finally connect with his.
He clears his throat, cheeks blooming and Adam’s apple bobbing under your grin.
“Shit - yeah, sorry. Just like seeing you in my jacket s’all.” Your stomach flutters at his words, butterflies wreaking havoc when he finally crosses the threshold, a big hand enveloping yours. He brings his attention back to the sky, fingers curling purposefully.
You lean in closer under the guise of getting a better look as he starts to trace along the path of a collection of twinkling stars.
“We’ve got Orion’s Belt right over here.” His shoulder brushes against yours, his thumb rubbing soft circles over your knuckles.
Water laps against the shoreline and the distant coo of an owl drowns out the fading chirp of crickets while he gives you a tour of the night sky. His voice calms your nerves, talking low enough just for you to hear while your bodies inch closer like magnets until there’s no space left, fingers daring to intertwine.
“And this…” he breathes and you know he’s not looking at the stars anymore, spearmint and a little bit of the joint you both shared hitting your nose “Is the big dipper.”
Your eyes dare to leave the wide expanse above you only to confirm your suspicions. The corners of his mouth turn up into a smirk when he gets caught for the second time tonight, but this time he doesn’t move to look away. You can see the stubble lining the sharp line of his jaw from this close, a collection of moles you think you could trace into the same patterns he just showed you coming into view. His tongue pokes out to wet his lips when his eyes shift down to yours and it makes your breath catch in your throat. He’s gonna do it.
“Are you gonna kiss me Steve?” Your impatience comes out in just above a whisper.
There’s a new air of confidence about him now, shifting so he can lean against his elbow, the new position has him looking up at you. The moon shimmers, wrapping around you punching the air out of his lungs. You’re beautiful. He’s gentle when he cups the side of your face, your skin heating up under the softness of his palm. His thumb traces the line of your cheekbone before moving to the silk of your bottom lip, tugging it down gently, watching it pop back into place.
“Is that what you want, baby?” His eyes darken when he sees the pinch of your brows. A pout.
The nickname makes your heart soar and your chest tighten, only letting you offer a nod and the sweetest “please.” It fills the empty spaces in the air around you, an electricity begging to explode around it.
His hold finds its way to the back of your neck, long fingers curving just below your hairline before pulling you down without a fight to meet him. Nudging his nose against yours, you can feel the brush of his lips from this close.
“I should’ve done this the other night.” His breath mingles with yours, teasing you in a way that you like. “You forgive me?”
You match his smile despite trying to fight it and he takes that as his answer, finally putting you out of your misery with the kiss you’ve been waiting for.
He takes it slow at first, his eyes fluttering shut while his hand finds your jaw. He asks you to open up for him gripping your chin while his tongue licks at your top lip. Granting him the kind of access you’d never deny him, a groan vibrates deep from his chest when you meet him in the middle to deepen it.
Your fingers find their way into his hair when he lays back on the blanket taking you with him, and it’s even softer than you imagined. Of course it is. You grab at roots on the nape of his neck when he nips at your bottom lip already addicted to the sound he gets from it.
The kisses get sloppy, all the tension coming to a head when he tugs at your hips. Your leg slots between his so the muscle of his thigh presses to the most sensitive part of you, and it takes everything not to rock against him. His hand moves to squeeze at the curve of your waist, teeth scraping together when you both start to get needy. More, more, more.
A high pitch whistle from the other side of the lake breaks you two apart with a jump, the culprits hidden by distance and darkness. A loud splash of water tells you they are none the wiser to the company they keep. A late night rendezvous like you and Steve.
He huffs out a low chuckle beneath you, with that signature hand running through his hair when his head hits the ground with a low thump. Keeping a hold on your hip to make sure you don’t go anywhere, his eyes are brighter than before when he looks at you with flushed cheeks and that smile that started your crush all those years ago.
“Took you long enough.”
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cobaltperun · 29 days
Tara x Fem!Reader,
They have been together for over a month now, laying in Tara's bed, watching a movie then Tara starts teasing R with cheesy pick up lines.
• Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile!
• That shirt looks great on you… as a matter of fact, so would I.
• There must be a light switch on my forehead because every time I see you, you turn me on!
• There must be a light switch on my forehead because every time I see you, you turn me on!
• If your upper lip is Christmas and your lower lip is Thanksgiving, can I come visit any time in between?
Then R teases back
• I’m an adventurer and I want to explore you.
And.... don't know about the ending! I just thought this would be a fluffy/funny one shot!
Thank you so much for taking requests, it's totally okay if you don't want to do this!
Pick up
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Tara Carpenter x female Reader
Summary: You and Tara can't help but be silly.
Word count: 0.8k
It was official, you should never pick a random movie to watch. It was cheesy, over the top acting, so bad it was actually kinda funny, oh, well, at least you were having fun laughing at how ridiculous everything was. And then it happened. The main character, whose name you'd very quickly forget went and said it. The cheesiest pick up line of them all. "I swear someone stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes."
The poor girl he was trying to seduce was wearing sunglasses...
Tara leaned on your shoulder, shaking with laughter as she slapped your knee. "On no! Why would he say something like that?!" she laughed so loud you were afraid Sam would barge in, and let's just say Sam wasn't all that ready to accept you and Tara were together, even though it's already been a month since you and Tara confessed your feelings for one another and started dating.
Well, considering what the two sisters went through you couldn't say you blamed Sam, if you were in her place you'd be suspicious of anyone new as well.
"That was awful," you laughed with Tara and hugged her, pulling her down on the bed, the awful movie forgotten. It peaked, that was it, nothing could top the ridiculousness of that line.
"Y/N," Tara began once she caught her breath.
"Yeah?" you turned to look at her and saw the mischievous grin on her face.
"Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile!" she said it all proud and eager to see your reaction and you just lost it.
"Damn it, Tara!" you snickered, burying your face in the pillow to muffle the sounds.
"I have more," she leaned in while you were still snickering. "Are you an inhaler? Because I need you to breathe," she whispered, making sure she whispered it right in your ear.
Your breath hitched for a moment as she lightly bit your earlobe. "Yeah? Are you an alarm clock? 'Cause I want you to wake me up every morning," you replied, causing her to giggle in your ear, and though you loved hearing her giggles you turned around and brushed her lips. "Your lips look a bit dry, let me be your lip balm."
Tara grinned but leaned down to kiss you gently, she kissed you a few times, going from soft, innocent pecks, to a slow, sensual kiss.
"Mhm, if your upper lip is Christmas and your lower lip is Thanksgiving, can I come visit any time in between?" she tugged at your lower lip gently with her teeth and then kissed you again, this time slipping her tongue inside your mouth.
"No wonder the sky looks so dark, all the stars are right here," you said when you separated and moved to kiss her freckles. When you pulled away you saw her blushing, her eyes wide and lips parted slightly.
"That shirt looks great on you… as a matter of fact, so would I." she said, her hand sliding up your stomach underneath your shirt.
"Well, that escalated quickly," you grinned and pulled her so she was on top of you. "I must be ticklish, 'cause you tickled my fancy."
She snorted at that. "Got any more?" she poked your chest and smiled when you nodded.
"Apologize to polar bears. You're so hot their ice is melting," you said with a grin so cheesy you should put it on a pizza.
Tara covered her eyes but you could see the wide smile on her face. "There must be a light switch on my forehead because every time I see you, you turn me on!"
And you decided to match her. "I’m an adventurer and I want to explore you," you whispered softly in her ear and grinned as she blushed once more.
"Your battery is running low," she started laughing before she even finished saying whatever came to her mind. And with how infectious her laugh was to you you couldn't help but laugh with her. "I think you should plug it in me," she exclaimed through laughter.
You choked, eyes wide and blood rushing to your face as she said that. "That was awful!" you laughed, flipping the two of you around and burying your face in her neck as you tried to stop your laughter only to fail miserably and laugh even harder.
And Tara wasn't doing any better as she gasped for air from how hard she was laughing. "Okay, yeah, I think I can't top that," she confessed as her laughter subsided.
"I can top you though," you said without missing a beat, sending both of you into another fit of laughter.
Neither of you knew that maybe, just maybe, Sam did wake up, and she was annoyed at first, but hearing Tara laughing the way she was right now... well, it made her accept you a bit more. You were making Tara much happier than she was in a long time.
A/N: Damn, this was fun to write, hope you enjoyed this half as much as I enjoyed writing this 😁😁
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fishsticksloser · 7 months
Can I request a Future Rise Donnie x Fem Reader where reader will just be chilling with him but then randomly decide to CRONCH
Like they could just be sitting in the same place then reader just randomly chooses Violence™
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F!Donnie x fem!reader
Warnings: biting so much..., fluff, Donnie is a menace, smut, p in v, marking?, dom!f!Donnie, small oral segment (fem receiving), tiny bit of fingering, praise, swearing, creampie x2
A/N: Yes... Yes... Violence. :) I... Got carried away I think... There was supposed to be a tiny plot, but... Obviously that didn't happen. Let me know if I missed anything From now on! Please send any nsfw/smut/suggestive requests to @fishstixloser!
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You lay against Donnie, between his legs with your back against his plastron. Donnie was reading while you played with his fingers, he never minded, actually he liked that you touched him so much. You pull his hand up to your lips, gently kissing his palm. Donnie felt his heart swell, smiling softly at the feeling of your lips on his skin. You kissed all three of his fingers which only made his heart leap into his throat. You bite the heel of his hand gently, pressing a small kiss to the bitten area. Donnie sets his book aside and pins you to the bed, you squeal slightly in surprise, he moves really quick.
"I must admit... I do enjoy giving you the occasional nibble. It's become our special little quirk, hasn't it?" He leans down closer, his voice dropping to a low, husky tone. "But I must warn you, my love, biting can be quite addictive, and I can never resist the temptation to reciprocate. So, are you prepared to face the consequences of your actions?"
You smile up at him, enjoying the playful yet hungry atmosphere you both created. "Oh yeah? What're you gonna do to me?" You taunt. Donnie's eyes gleam with mischief as he leans in closer, his lips inches from yours. He hovers over you, his hands gently holding your wrists above your head.
"Oh, my dear, you have no idea what you've just unleashed. Since you enjoy provoking me, I think it's only fair to give you a taste of your own medicine." Donnie whispers, his voice low and seductive. "I'm going to show you just how much I enjoy sinking my teeth into you, leaving marks of my desire all over your body." With a surge of passion, Donnie captures your lips in a fierce, hungry kiss. His teeth nipping at your lower lip before he soothes it with a gentle lick. He lets go of your wrists, his hands starting to roam your body as he explores your mouth.
You can't help but moan into his mouth, your eyes closing as you give in completely to both of your desires. You kiss him with equal fervor, equal hunger. You hands slide down his plastron, tugging his shirt up a little, his own hands slip under yours, gently trailing his fingers over your skin. He pulls away, his lips kiss swollen and pupils blown. Donnie leans down again to set out to do just as he said, grabbing your chin and tilting your head back. His lips attack your neck, trailing bites and open-mouthed kisses down your neck. He grazes his teeth against your skin in a teasing matter, relishing in the sound of your moans, his own desire growing with each pleasurable sound that escapes your lips. His hands roam over your body, exploring every curve and dip, his touch both gentle and possessive.
"You feel so good, my love. Your moans, your taste... They drive me wild." His voice is husky with desire, he continues his assault on your neck. His teeth graze over your collarbone before his lips trail lower, leaving a trail of wet kisses. With a swift motion, Donnie removes your shirt, his gaze fixed on your exposed skin. His hands caress your breasts, his thumbs brushing over your hardened nipples. "I want to taste every inch of you, to mark you as mine..." He leans down to claim one with his mouth, sucking and nipping at the sensitive flesh. His other hand trails down your body, slipping beneath the waistband of your pants, his fingers teasingly tracing small circles against your heat.
"Yes, please. Let everyone know who I belong to..." You gasp, bucking your hips against his hand, you can feel him smile against your skin. You look down at him, seeing the trail of hickeys and bites down your chest and decorating your breasts. Donnie was only leaving more as he continued down your body.
Donnie's eyes darken with a possessive hunger as he hears your gasps, his fingers increasing their ministrations on your clit, applying just the right amount of pressure and speed to send waves of pleasure coursing through your body. "Oh, my love, you have no idea how much I want to make you, to show the world that you belong to me." He continues to suck and nip at your skin, leaving purple marks in his wake, his actions fueled by a mixture of desire and possessiveness. As his fingers continue to tease your clit, he leans up to capture your lips in a passionate kiss, his tongue dancing with yours in a frenzy of desire. He breaks the kiss only to speak, his voice filled with need. "You're mine, and I'm going to make sure that everyone knows it. I'll mark you in every way possible, leaving no doubt in anyone's mind." His words are punctuated by his actions, his fingers delving deeper into your wetness, his touch becoming more demanding and fervent.
You moan, bucking you hips more. You hold onto his shoulders, gasping into him mouth. He pushes his finger deeper, your hands trailing down his body. "Oh fuck..." You whimper, feeling him remove his fingers from your pants and tugs your pants off. Donnie's eyes are filled with primal hunger as he gazes down at you, slowly laying himself between your legs. You look at him, his eyes hazy, his breath hot against your thigh. He starts to nip and kiss your thighs, slowly getting closer to where you want him most. Donnie revels in the sight of your flushed, needy body, his desire growing with each passing moment.
"You are absolutely breathtaking." His voice is low and raspy, laced with desire. "I'm going to taste every inch of you, leave my mark on your skin, and make you mine in every way possible." With that declaration, he dips his head down between your legs, his tongue flicking out to tease your swollen folds. He starts with slow languid licks, savoring the taste of your arousal. His hands grip your thighs, holding you in place as he explores, his tongue tracing patterns, alternating between gentle flicks and deep motions. As he continues to pleasure you with his mouth, his hands trail up your body to caress and knead your breasts, his touch gentle and firm. He revels in the sounds of your moans and gasps, his own arousal growing with each pleasurable response he elicits from you. "You're mine, my love. And I'll make sure you never forget it."
"Always yours." You moan and whine, your hands on his head. Donnie's eyes darken as he hears your words, his own need reaching its peak. Donnie pulls away, removing his head from between your legs, kissing and biting his way back up your body. He leaves new hickeys and marks, your heart racing as he presses his hips to yours.
"Always mine..." His voice is filled with possessiveness as he grinds his hips against yours. He swiftly removes his pants, positioning himself at your entrance. The tip teasing your slick folds before slowly pushing into you, inch by glorious inch. He groans at the tightness and warmth that envelops him, his movements slow and deliberate. "You feel so good, my love. So tight... So perfect." His voice is a low, breathless growl. He starts to move, his thrusts becoming faster and more urgent, his hips meeting your in a rhythm of passion and desire.
You grasp onto his softshell, trying to be careful and not hurt him. Your body arching to meet his as he hooks one of your legs over his waist. "Please, Donnie..."
"I'll give you everything you desire." His voice a mix of passion and possessiveness. Donnie's movements become more intense, his thrusts growing faster and harder, fueled by a mix of desire and the need to please you. His hands grip your hips tightly, guiding you to meet his thrusts, their force driving you both closer to the edge. Donnie leans down, capturing your lips in a searing kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth with a fervent hunger. His movements become more erratic, his control slipping as he chases his own release. "Hold on, my love... I'm almost here..." With one final, powerful thrust, he finds his release with you, his body shuddering with pleasure as he spills himself inside you. He partially collapses on top of you, his breath heavy as he nuzzles into your neck, his heart still racing with the remnants for your shared passion. "You're mind, forever and always."
You pant heavily as you both come down from your highs. Donnie leans down, covering your neck in more marks, still buried deep inside you. "I did marry you." You tease quietly, gently rubbing his softshell.
Donnie lifts his head from your neck, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he looks at you. "Ah, my love, you certainly did. And I must say, I am quite please with that decision." He smirks, slowly withdrawing from you. Donnie rolls to the side, cuddling against you, his fingers gently tracing patterns on your skin. He captures your lips in a gently kiss, his voice filled with affection. "You are mine, my beautiful wife, and I am yours. We are bound together, body and soul." He nuzzles his face against your his eyes briming with adoration. "I love you, my dear. And I promise to continue finding new and exciting ways to show you just how much."
"I love you too." You hum, kissing him again, just as softly. You pull away and look down at your body, seeing on the bites and marks he left on your skin. You chuckle and turn back to him. "And earlier you said you like to occasionally nibble on me." You murmur playfully, gesturing to all the marks. Donnie chuckles lightly, his eyes sparkling as he gazes at the marks decorating your body.
"Ah, my love, I must admit that I do have a certain... Penchant for nibbling." He smirks, his fingers tracing a particularly vivid hickey on your neck. He leans in, his lips brushing against the marks he left, his voice filled with playful affection. "Each mark tells a story, my love. A story of our passion, our connection. And it's a story I love to tell over and over again." He nuzzles against you, his arms wrapping around your body, pulling you closer. "You are truly a canvas and I am an artist. I can't help but want to leave my mark on you, to show the world that you are mine."
"Don't think anyone can doubt it now." You whisper playfully, Donnie pulls you to lay on your side, facing him. Your fingers gently trail down his arm. You smile, feeling his lips and teeth on some of the marks he left, feeling him smile against your skin.
"No, I don't think anyone could doubt our connection now." He chuckles, his fingers lightly tracing patterns on your back. "These marks serve as a reminder, not just to others, but to ourselves, of the passion and intensity we share." He leans in again, his lips gently brushing against the marks, his voice filled with gentle affection. He continues to pepper kisses and nibbles along the marks, his touch gentle and loving.
"Can't say I hate it. I quite enjoy you marking me." You murmur as he moves down your body more, only for him to find all the spots he missed. You close your eyes, enjoying his touch and kisses, unaware of his findings. Donnie's lips pause in their gentle exploration, his brow furrowing slightly as he hasn't fully marked you.
"My love, I apologize for neglecting these parts of your body. I assure you it was not intentional. I simply got caught up in the moment." He looks at you with a mix of concern and determination. Donnie rolls you onto your stomach, pressing a soft kiss to your shoulder blade, his fingers tracing delicate patterns. "I will make it up to you, my dear. Consider it a challenge, a mission to leave no part of your body unmarked." He continues his exploration, his lips and teeth leaving a trail of gently bites and kisses along your sides and back, his touch careful and attentive. "You deserve to be marked completely, my love. Every inch of you is worthy of my attention and affection."
Donnie's hands glide over your back, his touch gentle yet firm as he explores the contours of your body. His lips and teeth leave a trail of gentle nips and passionate kisses as he moves down your back. He reaches your ass and thighs, his movements becoming slower and more deliberate. His hands knead the flesh, his fingers tracing shapes along your skin. His lips press against your sensitive areas, leaving a combination of bites and soothing kisses.
He revels in the taste and feel of you, his desire intensifying with each moment. His hands grip your hips, his fingers digging into your flesh as he explores every inch of your backside. With each touch, each bite, each nibble, he leaves his mark on you. The sound of your pleasure, the scent of your arousal, fuel his own desire, urging him to continue his exploration. His movements become more urgent, he knows you enjoy his marking, and he's more than willing to oblige, leaving a trail of evidence that you belong to him.
Donnie's eyes darken as he hears your pleas, feeling your hips lift to align with his intentions. He continues his ministrations with extra care, his touch becoming more focused and intense. HIs hands grip your hips firmly, guiding you to push your ass higher into the air, granting him better access to mark and claim you. His teeth graze across the soft flesh of your ass, leaving lingering bites, each one a testament to his desire for you.
He lavishes attention on your thighs, his lips and tongue tracing patterns along the sensitive skin. His touch is both possessive and adoring as he marks you, he cherishes the beauty of your body.
The sound of your moans and the sensation of your body responding to his touch only heightens his own pleasure. He revels in the power he has over you, the way you surrender to his desires. His own arousal grows, his need to claim you driving him to continue his passionate assault on your ass and thighs. He leaves a trail of marks, each one a symbol of his love as he takes you deeper into the depths of pleasure.
You whine as he pulls away, surveying the marks and bites he's left on your skin. You arch your back a bit more, Donnie's eyes widen slightly, his breath catching as he takes in the sight before him. He can see the anticipation and need in your body, mirrored by his own.
Unable to resist the allure, he moves closer, his hands gently caressing your marked skin, tracing the contours of your ass and thighs. His touch tender and possessive, as he savors the evidence of his desire on your body.
He leans in, is lips brushing against your ear as he speaks, his voice husky with desire. "My love, you are a vision of pure temptation. Your willingness to offer yourself to me, do display your desire so openly... It drives me wild." With a low growl of hunger, he moves closer to you, his hands gripping your hips firmly as he positions himself behind you. His breath is hot against your skin as he leans in. "My love, you are absolutely irresistible. Your desire fuels my own."
With that, he guides himself into you, his hips meeting your ass in a passionate rhythm. He fills you completely, his movements strong and purposeful. Each thrust is a symphony of desire, a testament to the intensity of your connection. As he moves within you, he can't help but admire the marks and bites he left on your body. They serve as a visual of the pleasure and passion you've shared, a testament to the depth of your connection.
His hands roam over your marked flesh, his touch possessive and adoring. He savors the way your body responds to his every movement, the way you moan and whimper under his touch.
Together, you find release, your bodies moving in synchrony as you both reach the peak of pleasure. And in that moment you are reminded once again of the strength of your bond, the depth of your love for one another.
Your body relaxes, slowly collapsing back onto the bed as he pulls out. Both of you covered in a thin layer of sweat. "Penchant... Yeah right." You mumble breathlessly, teasing him for his earlier words. Donnie lays next to you, his fingers trailing down your spine.
"Ah, my love, you caught me." Donnie chuckles softly, his chest rising and falling with each breath as he gazes at you with a playful glint in his eyes. "Perhaps 'penchant' is too mild a word to describe my insatiable desire to mark and claim you. It's more like an obsession, a burning need that consumes me whenever I'm with you." He continues to trace delicate patterns along your spine, his touch gentle and soothing. "You bring out the wild and passionate side of me, my dear. I can't help but indulge in my desires when I'm with you."
He leans in, pressing a tender kiss to your shoulder, his voice filled with affection. "But I hope you know that it's not just about marking you physically, my love. It's about leaving an imprint on your heart and soul. It's about showing you how deeply I love and cherish you." Donnie pulls you closer, his arms wrapping around you in a warm embrace. "You are my everything, my dear. And I will continue to shower you with love, in whatever form it may take."
You snuggle closer to him, burying your face in his neck and taking a deep, content breath. "Thank you... For being mine and choosing me to be yours." You whisper, pulling away just enough to cup his jaw and kiss him slowly. Donnie's eyes soften as he feels your warmth against him, your words filling his heart with a sense of gratitude and love. He returns your kiss, his lips moving against yours with tenderness and affection.
"My love, it is I who should thank you. You bring me so much joy, so much purpose into my life. You accepted me for who I am, mutant and all, and you love me unconditionally." Donnie cups your face in his hands, his thumbs gently caressing your cheeks. "You are my soulmate. Together we are stronger..." He presses his forehead against yours, his voice filled with sincerity. "I choose you every day, my love. You are the one who completes me. I will always be yours now and forever. Thank you for reminding me to take a step back and remember the beauty that beyond the lab." He whispers softly, sealing his words with another tender kiss. His heart overflowing with love and gratitude for the incredible person you are.
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vessel-token · 1 month
—give me all that you can give.
Sleep Token Vessel x F!Reader.
Tags ; Explicit Sexual Content. Body Worship. Dom/Sub Undertones. Implied Body Insecurity (Reader). Mention of Religious Imagery. Cunnilingus. Nipple Play.
AN ; okay god this took me WAY too long to actually write… forgive me, truly. this was based on a post i made a little while ago, and i just finally got off my ass to write it! also holy shit, this is only the second x reader i’ve written in years, so i apologize if it’s a little shitty… it’s also awkward writing dialogue for a guy who doesn’t exactly speak. this isn’t overly graphic since i wanted to shoot for a bit more poetic vibe, but it is smut, so MDNI and read at your own risk! ⚠️
Divider ; @benkeibear
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It’s a pair of calloused hands walking down your naked sides, each taking their separate turns to wander from the destined path that is your hips. It’s the way that Vessel has seen every inch of you more times than he can count and yet, his attention will always be snagged by something as simple as a mole or freckle or scar. He’s plenty aware of the existence of any mark on you of course, but they give him an excuse to detour from his inevitable goal in order to brush his thumb over them. You personally don’t understand his fascination, nor do you get why he feels he needs a reason to explore your body, but you certainly aren’t complaining.
Currently, he finds his place against your chest, his lips pressing featherlight kisses to the valley between your breasts.
“Gorgeous,” Vessel whispers, entirely sincere. “Breathtaking.”
In the back of your mind, a voice speaks out in protest of his brief praise. It gives arguments for a matter that Vessel will no longer allow you to debate. Your appearance is that of a god in his eyes, like something carved from the finest marble; intimidatingly beautiful. Your creator must have taken a little more time on you, he’s sure. It kills him a bit inside to know that you don’t always feel the same, but he understands. It isn’t something he can fight you on, he cannot change your mind by brute force alone, but he can do this.
He can prove it to you in his own way.
“Lay back for me,” Vessel tells you. It’s not quite a demand but he isn’t asking, either.
You listen, if only because you know this isn’t meant to be a time for arguing, and move from your original place on his lap in favor of sprawling over your shared bed. It feels like a dissatisfying trade off at first, but Vessel is quick to make up for it.
He situates himself between your thighs, running his hands over them before giving an appreciative squeeze. He leans down and braces himself with one hand beside your head, kissing his way down your neck as he descends upon you. Each time, without fail, you’re stuck by just how reverent Vessel is. He handles you like an object of worship, firm enough to ensure your presence, but not rough enough to mar your precious surface. Admiring and mindful, but never shy.
Of course, that isn’t always the case. Sometimes, lets his inhibitions go. On those nights, neither of you are separate entities. You’re both one thing, not exactly mortal and not exactly god, just two beings desperate to be tangled together in spite of whatever tore them apart initially. On those nights, Vessel’s back becomes decorated with the angry red lines of your clawing, while your hips and neck bear bruises in the shapes of his hands and teeth. He’ll keep going for hours until you’re both well and truly sated, grinding into you when his own stamina begins to deplete.
A warm mouth closing over your nipple startles you back into the present, your body responding before your mind as you arch your back to try and press your chest into the sensation. You can feel Vessel humming against you and you belatedly realize he must’ve done it to get your attention, which you’re all too happy to reward him with as you card your fingers through his hair.
“You’ve got me, love,” you assure him.
In response, he gropes at your other breast, pinching and rolling the hardened bud between his fingers until you whine. He sucks at the one currently in his mouth, teasing you with his teeth and tongue before ultimately pulling back.
“Where did you go?” Vessel asks, referring to your earlier daydreaming.
“To you,” you answer, smiling free and unrestrained as you gaze up at him.
You see his lips twitch up into a self-satisfied grin, clearly pleased to know he has your focus whether it’s in person or in your mind. He bends down to kiss you and his sweetness proves to be deceiving the second he slips his tongue into your mouth, seeking out your own to play with until your lungs are aching with the need for oxygen. When he pulls away, you can’t help but chase after him before you catch yourself. Unfortunately, Vessel notices before you can stop and his smugness immediately becomes evident in the way that he chuckles.
“Be patient,” he chides lightly. He places his hand over your throat in a manner entirely unnecessary but wholly intentionally, and uses it to gently press you back down into the mattress.
You bite your tongue to keep from giving him attitude, resisting the urge to point out that you’ve been patient all day and you need him now. Usually you wouldn’t even bother feigning self-control, but you’re in the mood to be spoiled and Vessel’s idea of spoiling just so happens to be persuasive enough to make you behave. Just for tonight.
Your eyes never leave Vessel’s form as he begins to kiss his way down your stomach, continuing his journey until he’s returned to his favorite spot between your legs. You feel yourself tense in anticipation, but it does little to prepare you for the spark that shoots down your spine when you feel his breath ghost over your cunt. You must’ve done this hundreds of times by now, yet something about the way Vessel does it somehow never fails to make it feel like the first.
He flattens his tongue as he drags it over your slit, pausing to pay special attention to your clit and continuing to do so until your hips are shaking with the effort not to rut against his face. He introduces his fingers to the mix, easing one into you while he continues to suck and lick. You can feel your walls twitching around the welcome intrusion, plenty slick from how long you’ve been waiting for this, and that petty side of you hopes that it gets across just how patient you’ve truly been.
“You taste divine,” Vessel groans, his voice coming out muffled because he refuses to pull away from you for longer than a second.
The compliment is sweet, but you’re more focused on trying to ride his tongue, only his hand on your thigh prevents them both from squeezing shut around his head. You’re sure he wouldn’t mind regardless, he seems to love it when you get as lost in the moment as him, but you’re trying to be good. Why, exactly? You’re starting to forget. Maybe it was to get eaten out by a man disguised as a walking sex god, or maybe it was because you needed the reassurance that you could be good. You could deserve this and Vessel.
Before your mind can spiral down that rabbit hole any further, another finger pushes into your tight heat alongside the first, crooking and scissoring them. You cry out and your hips buck on their own accord, clutching at the sheets beneath you if only so that you don’t disrupt Vessel. He licks a long stripe up your cunt again, reveling in your wetness before returning to your now-swollen clit. The constant pressure from his tongue is nearly too much, pulling all sorts of downright pornographic sounds from your throat as you writhe underneath him.
“Ves, fuck,” you hiss, daring a glance down at him. It’s a poor choice because the sight of him practically feasting on you like a man starved is almost enough to undo you. “I’m gonna cum, love, I’m—”
Vessel mumbles something that sounds a lot like permission to your wishful ears, and then he seals his lips around your clit and sucks at the same time that he buries both fingers up to the knuckle inside you. Just like that, he unravels you, your cunt clenching around his digits and your back arching off the mattress. You cum with his name on your breath, chanting it like a litany; a prayer to the man that granted you divine intervention with each touch. You weren’t sure if you’d ever make it to Heaven but here, beneath Vessel, you did not need to. You already glimpsed it every time he kissed you and told you he loved you.
He continues to lap at you until your thighs begin to tremble with the overstimulation, and you reach a hand down to gently push his head away. Vessel flashes you a toothy grin, crawling back over you and letting you get an unobstructed view of the mess you’d left on his face. That sinful tongue of his darts out to clean what he can reach, and you wipe away what he can’t with a tissue you’d plucked from the nightstand. When he leans in to kiss you, you can still taste yourself on his lips, but you consider it a worthy sacrifice as you loop your arms around his neck.
“How do you feel?” Vessel asks, bumping his nose against yours in a sickeningly sweet gesture. You never fail to notice how he always checks in on you after you have sex. Regardless of if it’s slow and sweet or rough and quick, he always ensures you’re alright.
“Like I just died and came back to life,” you snort, still a bit breathless.
The laugh he releases reverberates through his chest, a soft and steady vibration against your own as he buries his face in your neck. You can tell without even seeing him that he still has more in store for you, can feel the smirk that he presses against your skin when he kisses it. Even when he wears his mask, Vessel never seems to be able to be as discreet as he wants to be. He’s expressive and transparent for the most part, and you love that about him. Whether he’s out on stage or in private, he remains genuine.
“Then I hope you don’t mind another resurrection or two,” he whispers, his teeth brushing your throat as he speaks. “Because I’m not done with you.”
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Taglist ; @lee-by-thy-side @delacroix471 @cesthoney
(let me know if you’d like to be added!)
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pinkiemachine · 20 days
How would you do Batman, I'm just wondering because Batman's my favorite character
His show is called BATMAN: GOTHAM FILES, and I have the basic outline for each and every one of the seasons! There’s 9 total, plus a movie finale. Here we go!
Most of us should know basically what Bruce’s backstory is, so I’ll keep this part brief. Bruce Wayne was eight years old when his millionaire mother and father were gunned down in front of him in an alleyway in Gotham City. They never found the killer. The family’s loyal butler, Alfred Pennyworth, took care of Bruce from that point onward. Bruce started taking self-defence classes in-between going to the schwanky Gotham Academy and learning how to run his father’s business, Wayne Enterprises (a massive conglomerate that was famous throughout all of America, but especially the East Coast.) The young man had hardly healed from his traumatic experience, though, and after graduating college (something he was practically forced to do by Alfred), he decided not to stay in Gotham. He hated the city. Instead, he took off in a plane… and secretly never intended to come back…
It was a welcome surprise when Bruce Wayne turned up in Gotham, seemingly in a much happier headspace and eager to finally, finally take his father’s business seriously. The Prince of Gotham had returned. Months after that, there was a new legend lurking in the streets of the city. Something called “the batman” or “the bat.” Criminals were getting caught and arrested left and right, and half of them were scared out of their minds about this spectre. The police force didn’t know what to make of it… except for one Captain Jim Gordon. He knew that the legend was true… and occasionally, he would sneak into his office and scare the living daylights out of him. He and Batman had been working together for a little while now, (we get an episode later that explores how they first met), but Gordon doesn’t know who he really is under the mask, and no one else in the force thinks that Batman is even real. But Gordon is eager to help him because the police force is falling apart. They’re completely unable to do their job and keep the streets safe, so Gordon agrees to help Batman stop crime in its tracks. He wants to make Gotham safer for his wife and daughter.
Shocking literally no one, the audience discovers that Bruce Wayne is Batman, working out of a massive secret base underneath Wayne Manor—his ancestral home. But, he must balance the life of a vigilante with the life of billionaire Bruce Wayne, which can be difficult at times. We get several episodes just laying the ground work. Who runs the company when Bruce isn’t around? Lucious Fox. Who manages Bruce’s affairs and schedule? Alfred. Who makes all the gadgets and gear that Batman uses? He does. Using plenty of materials and goods he can buy since he’s a billionaire. When did he learn how to make all this stuff? Hmmmmmm….
We meet our first few villains—Penguin, Two-Face, Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, Riddler, etc—Batman is still trying to track down who murdered his parents, and we’re having a generally good time until THE MID SEASON FINALE. You see, there’s a circus coming to town.
Haley’s Traveling Circus was famous on the East Coast, being one of the oldest circuses in the country, as well as boasting the Fabulous Flying Graysons! A family trapeze act! However, this smiling troop of clowns was actually hiding some pretty dark secrets. When they arrived in Gotham City, they were asked to help out known mob-boss Tony Zucco with some… not-so-nice things. John Grayson, head of the Flying Graysons, had been feeling conflicted about how much behind-the-scenes shady dealings the circus had been involved with over the years. So, he thought that maybe if he just let the tiniest bit of evidence leak to the police, maybe they could handle everything and the Graysons wouldn’t be caught in the cross fire. This is what brings Batman to the scene. He investigates the circus, meets the Graysons, including their son, Richard, aka Dick, and eventually goes on to solve the mysterious crime, pinning it on Tony Zucco and getting certain members of Haley’s Circus arrested. (The ones actually involved in the crime.) However, Zucco manages to avoid jail time. Not only that, but he discovers who snitched on him. That night, after the case has been solved and Bruce shows up to catch the Flying Graysons perform, everything is going great until the unthinkable happens: the lines on the trapeze snap and Mr. and Mrs. Grayson go falling to their deaths.
Dick Grayson is an orphan… and he’s angry. He’s about 11 years old, but he’s smart enough to know what’s going on. He knows why Batman was coming around asking questions, he knows who Tony Zucco is, and he knows that his father made him very unhappy. After the police have arrived, but before social services do, Dick sneaks out and climbs to the top of the building with the Bat-Signal on it (yes, by this point in the story, that’s a thing). He flashes it on and off, rain pelting down, until the caped crusader arrives. He demands to know if this was Zucco’s fault. Batman refuses to say anything, but Dick doesn’t care. He says he’s going to make Zucco pay, whether Batman helps or not, and he tries his hardest to remain true to his word. After that night, Dick runs off through Gotham several times, trying to get in touch with Zucco and attempting to enact revenge, meanwhile Batman has to keep swooping in to keep the kid from getting himself killed. He recognises the pain he’s in—he completely understands his anger—and realises that he needs a teacher—a mentor—a father figure who can lead him through all of this and keep him out of trouble. So, as Bruce Wayne, he decides to adopt Dick. At first, Dick doesn’t want anything to do with this stranger—he’d rather stay with his circus family if he’s going to stay with anyone—but then, in court one day, Bruce says something—something only Batman said to him once—and all of a sudden, it clicks in Dick’s mind. He instantly asks to be placed in Bruce’s care and not a few hours after arriving at Wayne Manor, Dick manages to discover where the Batcave entrance is. Sneaking down there, he plans to become his own kind of vigilante, just like Batman, and get revenge… until Bruce catches him and tries to knock some sense into him.
It’s here that Bruce has to confront his own past. His sense and reason are saying, “Don’t let the kid try to enact revenge!” But then, he has to ask himself, “why am I still hunting down the man who killed my parents?” He has to tell himself, “it can’t be about revenge. Only what is just and fair.” When/if he finds the killer, he will turn him over to the authorities and let him face proper punishment. Zucco… he’s too powerful. There needs to be a lot of incriminating evidence against him before the police can take action, and even then, that’s not what Dick wants. Dick wants Zucco gone. Permanently. THAT is what needs to be dealt with inside of Dick. Bruce refuses to let this boy make himself a killer. Instead, he decides to channel that anger and drive into training him. You see, when Bruce vanished for eight years, it was during that time that he met many teachers and learned many new skills. Through bettering himself and learning these skills, he felt he had grown as a person and had worked through some of his emotions. It was therapeutic. He hopes it will be the same for Dick. He also teaches him about the justice system and detective work so that they can bring down Tony Zucco WITHOUT killing him. Little by little, over the course of the next year, Dick starts to turn into the infamous side-kick Robin, following Batman on small cases and learning about fighting crime… from a distance. (Mostly.) Dick does have a knack for getting into trouble.
On the personal side of things, Dick still needs to adjust to living in Wayne Manor, going to a new school (Gotham Academy) navigating being a wealthy, famous person’s adopted son, etc etc. And then… Ra’s Al Ghul shows up. Now it’s time for Bruce’s past to be revealed. He had traveled the world, and he did have many teachers, but none quite as legendary as the Demon’s Head, leader of the League of Shadows. A secret organisation (cult, really, Bruce later realised) that had mastered the art of martial arts, ninjutsu, and so much more. Each member was a peak specimen of the human race, with no genetic weaknesses or flaws, especially their leader, Ra’s. Bruce had been one of his top students, but then he had revealed his grande scheme for the world. Ra’s wanted to wipe out the rest of humanity (which he deemed as impure and flawed) and then the only people who would be left to inherit the Earth would be his perfect family and his perfect followers! All he was missing was a male heir to his throne. His daughter, Talia, most perfect of his children, had fallen in love with Bruce during his time in the Shadows, but before anything could come of it, Bruce had snuck out and left the League as fast as he could, meaning never to come back. Now, though, Ra’s had found him and wanted him to marry his daughter. Bruce refuses. Ra’s tries to take him by force, Robin helps save the day, it’s a big exciting grand finale to the season, and it ends with Ra’s and Talia retreating… because while Bruce was captured, they managed to steal some… “DNA”… and test tube baby Damian would be thus conceived, unbeknownst to Batman and Robin.
Anyway, things are looking up for our main characters. They saved the city, they saved each other, they’re working on their personal growth, and everyone is excited to see Season 2 because—
I’mma make more posts, this is a long one, strap in…
I also have a sketch of Talia…
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Part 2 👇
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foxy-eva · 1 year
Adore You
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Summary: Spencer makes sure you know how much he loves your body
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Category: Smut
Content Warning: (18+, minors DNI) body worshipping, oral (fem receiving), coming untouched (Spencer)
Word Count: 1k
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Spencer had always been someone who appreciated art in any form. That was why he couldn’t take his eyes off you when you stepped out of the bathroom with only a towel covering your figure. 
“You look gorgeous,” he mumbled as you approached the bed. “It’s almost unreal.” 
You smirked at him when you suddenly let the towel drop to the floor, revealing yourself to him. 
“How about now?” You snickered. 
“Even better.” 
The truth was that anytime he laid eyes on your bare form, he couldn’t help but think of artists carving statues into marble in an attempt to do a goddess justice. Someone like you must have inspired them. When you crawled into his lap to straddle his hips, he was quick to drop the book from his hands. 
Spencer couldn’t quite grasp the fact that the greatest masterpiece on earth was there with him, waiting to be admired fully. There was nothing that could ever distract him from his mission to adore you. 
“You look like a goddess,” he cooed while placing his hands on your waist. “Please let me worship you.” 
Leaning down to kiss him, you mumbled against his lips, “I’m all yours, Spencer.” 
With one swift motion he turned you around so you were laying on your back with him hovering over you. He seemed almost greedy when he kissed you then, slipping his tongue into your mouth after just a few moments. You welcomed his enthusiasm, even more so when he left your lips to kiss down your neck instead, leaving goosebumps everywhere his hot breath tickled your skin. 
When he got to the curves of your chest you felt him smiling against your body. He kissed and nipped your sensitive skin, content when you began to sing him his praise in the forms of sighs and moans falling from your lips. His hand was caressing one of your breasts while he licked over the hardened peak of the other one. 
He took his sweet time with your breasts, alternating between the two of them until he was sure that he gave each of them enough attention. He started kissing down your stomach when he decided that it hadn’t been enough yet, pawing at your breasts once more before kissing each nipple several times. 
“You’re absolutely perfect,” he breathed as he nestled his face against your chest. 
His adorable display of affection made you giggle, “I know you love them.” 
“I love all of you,” he corrected you. 
“Show me.” 
He didn’t hesitate any longer to kiss further down your body, exploring every inch of you with his hands and lips. When he got to your hips, he gently bit into the supple flesh, making you squirm underneath him. One of his hands reached around you to grab a handful of the curve of your backside, burying his fingernails into your skin until you were sure he’d leave marks. 
The thought of finding the evidence of his worship painted all over your body in the morning let your heart skip a beat. You loved being reminded of his desire for everything you had to offer. When he kissed the soft patch of skin just below your belly, your legs spread open for him to lie down between them. 
He took a moment to take in the sight of your exposed core, purring, “Marvelous.” 
Instead of kissing you where you were already aching for his touch, he began nipping on the insides of your ample thighs instead. He took his time kissing and licking along them until he reached your knee, only to repeat the same thing on the other leg. When he was done with that, he sat up between your thighs to find your eyes. 
Your cheeks were glowing and your eyes half-lidded when he looked at you. The way he showed you his adoration for you aroused you more than you could put into words. It was obvious how excited he was by the large bulge in his pajama pants. You would have been happy to help him get some relief but you knew that bringing you pleasure was everything he needed right then. 
He let his sight roam over your body, his eyes filled with wonder when they lingered on your center. Gentle fingertips made contact with your silken folds, spreading your sweet essence from your entrance along your crevice. However, his touch was too light to grant you some much needed friction. 
“Don’t tease me, Spencer,” You whined. 
As if he was snapping out from a trance, he quickly apologized before laying down between your legs, “Sorry, you’re just so beautiful.” 
Your whole body began trembling when he began collecting your honeyed wetness on his tongue. He was mesmerized by your heady scent and couldn’t help but begin to rock his hips against the mattress while bringing you pleasure with his mouth. With your hands in his hair you brought him even closer to you. 
After exploring your core with his tongue as if to imprint your uniqueness into his brain forever, he focussed on the small bundle of nerves. By the sounds of your whimpers and moans he knew that you were about to enter a state of pure bliss. He was eager to worship you the way you deserved, relentlessly moving his tongue and lips over you to let you fall over the edge. 
Both of you felt light-headed but Spencer got completely lost in the pleasure. All the tension suddenly left his body when he found release in his pants without ever being touched. Only moments later did you find your high as well, tremors wrecking through your body as you savored the euphoria. 
You practically had to push Spencer’s face away from your core as he was still buried between your legs, a whine escaping his lips when you denied him access to your ambrosial taste. Your open arms offered consolation and he was happy to take it. 
As your hand snuck down his body to make him feel good too, you found him already soft and his pants stained. 
“Naughty boy,” you teased him and he buried his face into the crook of your neck. 
“I can’t help it when you taste so divine,” he whispered. 
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If you enjoyed reading this story you should check out the other fics in my NSFW Masterlist!
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writingoddess1125 · 9 months
N$FW Alphabet:
Mihawk Edition!
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A= Aftercare (what they’re like after the act)
Mihawk is gentle, he will get a warm rag and help clean you up before getting him and you a cup of wine.
Will lay down and let you cuddle and relax until you either fall asleep or make a request.
B= Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers)
For himself he likes his chest, he believes it shows off his hard work in his training as well as his dedication to his craft. Doesn't hurt he looks good-
For you it's your hands, He thinks they are cute. No idea why but he loves to feel your hands running over his body and will constantly kiss your hands.
C= Cum (anything that has to do with it)
He likes to cum inside you, He doesn't care were exactly but if it's inside it's the best. For him it's cleaner and he likes to have some level of claim-
D= Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory)
He has stolen a pair of underwear from you before he went on a mission. He will use it when he misses you too much and needs a moment to jack off.
Will definitely never EVER tell you and he'd kill anyone who finds out.
E= Experience (do they know what they’re doing)
Mihawk back in the day was a manwhore- He has been around.. So his experience is quite vast and he is willing to do almost anything cause he has done almost everything.
F= Favorite position
He likes any position were he can see your face, his favorite however is watching you ride him. Aka Cowgirl. He finds it really hot
G= Goofy (how serious are they)
Mihawk is as serious as it comes, he finds sex important to him so while he enjoys it. It's a connection for him- He isn't young anymore sleeping with whatever caught his eye. He chose you, wanted only you till the end.
So your body and sex with you is sacred.
H= Hair (grooming habits)
Migawk hair is incredibly thick so he makes sure to groom himself almost weekly. Keeping them as neatly trimmed as possible.
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)
Mihawk can go either way depending on how you feel- He can be a hard-core romantic, soft motions and whispering sweet things.
He can quite literally fuck your brains out. You may need a helmet for this one since he won't hold back and can the roughest must fullfikling sex you've ever had.
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often)
Yes he does but not very often, If he does it's because he was thinking of you and it's even a while since the two of you have seen each other. Otherwise he will wait for the real deal
K= Kink (kinks what they like possibly unusual)
Soft BDSM. He likes the idea of using things like Shibari against you, having you dress cute and then paddling you. Also enjoys a Dom/Sub relationship quite a bit.
L= Location (where they like to get it on)
He prefers a bed or someone a bit softer. However anywere will do when it comes to you, Found the hottest place in his mind was in a alley by a bar where he fucked you against the wall.
M= Motivation (things that makes them tick/turn ons)
Lace is a big one for him. He will buy you the most expensive lace peices to watch you wear around the bedroom, most liking ripping it when he fucks you
N= No (turnoffs or absolutely won’t do)
Any 'Messy' Kinks. He's not a fan of extra bodily fluids in the bedroom.
Also crude behavior from his partner. Far too classy.
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
Mihawk likes either one- But is very skilled at giving oral and enjoys it quite a bit.
He also loves to receive but can get worked up too soon for his liking and will need to pull you off and fuck you.
P= Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed)
Once again it depends. He tends to like to match whomever he is with in terms of what they are comforble with.
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
Mihawk isn't the hugest fan of them, seeing as he loves to explore his partners body; however in a pinch if the two of you want to have one he will never turn it down.
R= Risk (do they like to try new things)
Mihawk had a adventurous past so he has tried quite a lot of things in his time. Will have no issue revisiting some tricks to try with you.
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
Mihawk is a stamina King! This motherfucker can last last hours- and with multiple rounds. His stamina training with swordfighting very much translates to the bedroom.
T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers)
He likes toys, but to use against his partner. Once again using them as torturous device of edging his partners to a finish or having them ride a toy while he drinks wine and watch.
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
Oh Mihawk loves to edge his partners, a slow roll of the hips or a nibble on the neck. He is going to have you coming undone in record time, enjoying watching you desperate for release.
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk)
He's quiet as hell- Grunting sometimes or hissing out a moan. He's not vocal in the slightest and holds back on making noises- ots rare but a soft moan can escape those lips.
W= Wild card (random sincannon of any sort)
He has a secret breeding kink- Interested in getting a partner filled with cum or if possible pregnant.
X= X-ray (what’s down below in dem pants)
Mihawk is fairly well endowed, around 9in when hard a good 8 when soft. He is more on the thinner side in terms of girth. It's fairly pale however, creamy white with accents of pink.
Y= Yearning (sexdrive level)
His sexdrive has gone down as he's gotten older but true is- its still too damn high. He is always open to get down and dirty especially if his S/O has a sighed sex drive.
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after)
Mihawk actually does not fall asleep quickly. Instead he will lay there and watch over you, make sure you feel okay and start drifting off to sleep before he tries to rest himself.
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theregencywriter · 4 months
Omg omg omg wait wait wait idk if anyone ever done this before but imagine meeting Colin on his travels and he thinks he'll never see you again so like yall might have shared a kiss 🤭 and then when Colin goes back him for the season and sees you his brain just short circuits and he's just shocked and his family have no idea why lol
Idk I would just love to see that lmao I love seeing Colin in distress when it comes to the women he loves
Over the sandy dunes - Colin Bridgerton X Reader
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A/n : I love this request!!!! I saw it pop up in my inbox and I just HAD to write it ASAP, thank you so much for the request <3
When Colin Bridgerton left London to escape all of the recent turbulent events, he felt he could breathe again. With no Lady Whistledown looking over his shoulder or a hundred debutantes wishing for a dance, he could simply relax. It was in his sixth week abroad when he took rest along the shores of a beach in Greece. He had woken up early to catch the morning sun rise and be alone with his thoughts. He liked the guides he had, but to find true solitude with no one around was a rarity even in the smallest of towns. Laying on his back he stared up at the sky as the stars retreated upwards into the deep blue, and as the first rays of light pricked his noses and ran into his eyes he sat up to gaze upon the marvel.
His view, however, was obstructed. Up ahead was a woman on the beach, standing close to the thrashing sea and wearing a light dress with a lilac shawl that was tussling with the burgeoning winds. Normally he would have hated this interruption as he had woken up early specifically to be alone, but when looking at her form and how she seemed to sway ever so delicately he couldn't help but advance.
“Lovely day, isnt it?” As he uttered these words she quickly spun around in shock, making him realise he was probably far too close for comfort ad taking a step back. As she assessed the moment and relaxed  she spoke. “Yes, it is beautiful. I’m sorry, I thought I was alone here.” Colin chuckled. “Did you not see me laying down mere metres behind you?” She joined him in a laugh. “I have been walking along the shore for quite a while now. I fear my gaze was fixed on the horizon, nothing could break me from it.” 
A moment of silence fell between them. “Colin Bridgerton” he reached out his hand. “I am unsure if I can give you my familial name, but please, call me Y/n.” She gave him her hand and he planted a soft kiss onto it. “You speak with a similar accent, are you from London?” He enquired. “Not quite. I do have relatives in the city, but I live further North, close to Lincoln.”
Colin broke a smile. “Ah, well then, that explains it.” She looked at him, puzzled yet entertained. “Explains what?”
“Well I was unsure of how I could have never seen a face as beautiful as yours during a ball.” She looked down, and bit her lips. “If I may be honest, I was meant to debut this year, but I find the whole event to be pure drabble.” They shared a laugh. “In truth, I much prefer this to a ball. Endless exploration available at my very fingertips. It’s a wonder, is it not?” She looked at him, then towards the sunset, and she was returning his gaze once more he took her in, kissing her as she cupped his face.
This lasted for only a second before he pulled away. “I apologise, that was improper.” “Mr Bridgerton it was-” Another voice called down towards them from Colins residence. “Mr Bridgerton, there is a matter you must attend to!” Despite looking at his forlorn beau, he ran up the sandy dunes and over the hill, leaving Y/n alone.
Hours later, after sitting with the incident and realising he hadn’t allowed her to speak he ordered a carriage. According to his guided there was only one possible place anyone of her status could stay close by, but when he arrived he was informed that the family had left earlier on in the day, whilst refusing to give them their whereabouts. Upon his return to England he attempted to find her. Asking around if her name was known but without her last name, his efforts turned up nothing.
Colin fidgeted with his cuff, it had been slightly wrinkled earlier on yet he had no time to change it. He was never really a fan of these events, but knowing that Y/n detested them as well made it worse. The one event they conversed about, yet the subject was how she did not intend to be in attendance. His stomach churned thinking about it. How could he have left? No no, not just left, run up the dunes to get away from her. He had to take a breath and stop himself. It had been a year, he thought, he must move on. As he calmed and took a moment the doors swung open to announce another guest.
“Lady L/n and her daughter, Miss Y/n L/n”
His gaze was transfixed on her. As she came down the stairs her hand grasped by Colin, already a couple of steps up from his eagerness. “Miss Y/n, I believe I owe you a dance” He proclaimed, stroking her finger as he did and wondering about her ring size.
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slf-nights · 1 year
Angel Voices - Vash x Reader
4.1k words / minors DNI / takes place in trigun '98 canon
CW: reader has breasts, wears a bra, and has a vagina/vulva/clit, but no specific use of pronouns in fic (though one mention of "goddess"), no mention of skin color, hair color or texture. Both reader and Vash are written with the mindset of bisexual switches.
Use of nicknames like baby and good boy, mentions and descriptions of Vash's scars, oral (m on f + f on m), 69, f squirting on m's face, discussion of contraceptive method, piv sex (sitting with f on top, cowgirl, and missionary), monsterfucking (since Vash is a sentient plant; discussion of plant sex differences and weird plant cum), overstimulation, cum eating (only a little), brief aftercare (as there might be a fic part 2)
AN: Thank you to everyone for waiting on this! I wrote this with so much love for the original source material and I hope it captures the slightly goofy spirit of the Trigun 98 dub, both for Vash and reader 💖
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Morning again…
Slowly waking, you scrunch up your face, taking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly. From behind, you can hear soft, even breaths and feel a warm hand around your waist.
We must have fallen asleep after the mission…
Closing your eyes, you take in the sensation of Vash’s body around you: his left arm slung around your waist, fingers tucked slightly under your shirt and legs tangled between yours.
You had only meant to talk for bit and process the day’s adventure, but even one beer and leftover donuts from the morning was enough to relax Vash and make him realize just how much energy he had used up.
He was staying at a hotel down the road, so you offered to let him rest a minute before heading back. He had obliged, slipping his jacket off and removing his metal prosthesis, showing you just how much he trusted you.
When you had sat down next to him, petting his hair as he relaxed, you must have fallen asleep too, lulled by the repetitive motion and gentle hums from Vash. You were supposed to wake him up, but instead you were laying next to him, the closest you’d ever been to the man you had a huge crush on.
He really should have been able to figure it by now…
For all his “reputation” as a womanizer, besides some harmless flirting, you had never witnessed Vash make a move on anyone. He seemed to prefer the company of drinking buddies or a bag of fresh donuts more than a night with a woman.
You knew why, though.
Beneath the handsome and charming outer surface, Vash the Stampede kept a secret perfectly contained. You’d never guess it by a glance, but he was pushing 150 years old, and hidden under layers of crimson leather and cloth were relics of his past—scars, surgeries, repairs, and metal prosthetics.
With a flashy enough jacket, no one usually asked questions about what was underneath.
You hadn’t seen them for yourself more than a quick glance when Vash stretched and his shirt rode up, but you had heard about the extent of his injuries from Meryl and Milly.
The insurance girls had become your friends quickly, often hanging out together and commiserating over how much trouble you all got into around Vash and Wolfwood.
You didn’t mind the adventures. Sure, danger followed you at every step, but you always seemed to come out alright—Vash and Nick always found a way to turn things around.
Which is how you ended up here, snuggled in the arms of the infamous gunslinger, the humanoid typhoon, and the man currently pressed up against your back, half-hard and sleepy, holding onto you like a touch-starved lover.
You knew if Vash woke up right now he would apologize furiously and move away from you instantly, but you didn’t want him to leave.
You wanted to go further—spend the morning in bed and explore…
You don't know how to cross that emotional barrier yet, but have time to think, cheeks burning as Vash’s fingers ghost over your stomach, almost dipping below your underwear waistband. Sucking in a breath, sensitive, you move your hips slowly, closing your eyes and waiting for Vash to wake up.
Only he doesn't.
He lets out a few breathy moans in his sleep, holding onto you tighter and nuzzling into your shoulder. You lay there, blushing, feeling Vash’s cock swelling into your back and starting to pant softly. You're already so wet without being touched, but don't feel comfortable going any further without consent.
Fuck, this was going to be awkward.
He only stirs slightly, still lost in his sleepy haze.
“Vash, wake up.”
You needed only wait a moment before Vash’s hand promptly flies away with an embarrassed “WHAAAAYAGHHHH!!!” and the string of apologies comes as expected.
Instead of accepting them, however, you shove Vash back down onto the pillows and climb onto his hips, raising a finger to talk to him.
“Stop that!!!”
He immediately shuts up, cheeks still flushed, and stares up at you, dumbfounded.
“I like you, Vash.” You go right to the point, bluntly, so he has no excuses. “I like you romantically… sexually… and I don’t want your apologies!!!! I want you to stay.”
Vash’s mouth pops open, looking you over to see if you're really telling the truth, then asks sheepishly, “Why didn’t you say anything before???”
Frowning, you remain in your position, looking down at the gunman. “Do you know how hard it is to get a moment with you alone??? I appreciate the gentleman act and all, but it makes it hard to get to know each other.”
Turning his gaze away, Vash mumbles out, “Maybe you don’t want to know the real me.”
Reaching down to take his face in your hands, you gently turn his head back toward you. “Look, this doesn’t have to be anything permanent. But I don’t want to waste the time I have with you. You’re constantly getting into trouble and I never know if I’m even going to see you tomorrow.”
His brows furrow, but gaze softens towards you. “The life of an outlaw isn’t a safe one. Danger and destruction follows me everywhere I go. And I don’t want you to be collateral.”
Reaching for his hand, you lace your fingers between his, squeezing tight. “I don’t know what today holds, but you’re here with me now.”
Vash looks like he’s tearing up, having resigned himself to a life of loneliness long ago. “Do you really want me?”
You break into a grin, all the anxiety you had felt lifting away. “I do. All of you.”
“I…” He starts, then hesitates, swallowing nervously. “I’m not all that pretty. My face maybe, but. I’ve been around a long time, you understand? And fought so many battles…”
You nod, dragging your hand out of his grip and settling both of palms on his stomach. “I understand. Meryl and Milly told me a little about your past… But I don’t care about that. I care about you. However you are.”
“Ah, shucks.” He laughs, carefully putting his hand on your waist. “You’re gonna make me blush~”
“I believe I’ve already done that this morning, Mr. Stampede~”
He grins, his playfulness finally returning. “Please, not my full name!! It’s just Vash to you.”
“Vash.” You say his name out loud once more, uttering it with reverence and adoration.
“My Vash.”
His gaze meets yours, tracking down to your lips, then back up. “Can I kiss you?”
You nod, licking your lips unconsciously, then lean forward, setting your fingertips under Vash’s jaw and tilting your head. He meets your lips with his own, gripping your hip tightly as he whimpers into your mouth.
It had been far too long since he had been this close with anyone and your touch was electrifying.
Pulling back for a moment, though still desperate, Vash gets out between soft pecks, “Wait, wait. Lemme get my arm. Go to the bathroom. Wanna do this right.”
You sigh, sitting up. “Alright, hang on.”
Climbing off of him, you stand up and ask him to wait, then go to pick up his arm, making a little “oof!” sound as you return, struggling slightly with the metal’s weight.
Presenting the device to him, you watch as he aligns the locking mechanism, wrinkling up his nose as his arm reattaches, and letting out a sigh of relief out when he can finally move his arm again.
“I don’t usually take it off since it hurts to reattach, but my shoulder was aching so bad last night, I needed a break.”
You tilt your head, eyes traveling to his shoulders. “Do you need me to look at your shoulder? Did you get hurt?”
He shakes his head. “I’ll check it in the bathroom. Be right back.”
As soon as the door closes, you run to your drawers to look for lingerie, digging until you find a red bra, the same shade as his jacket, and a clean pair of bottoms. Shoving them into a cloth bag, you wait impatiently to swap places so you can surprise him.
Soon, Vash peeks out, hiding slightly with his clothes slung over his arm. He’s shirtless now with just boxers on, his scars fully on display. You walk over to him, kissing his upper arm and glancing up. “I’ll be right back. There’s water and snacks if you’re hungry.”
“Mhm.” Vash smiles, ruffling your hair affectionately. “I’m not going anywhere.”
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Vash has half a pudding eaten when you finally return, dropping his spoon and his jaw when he sees you step out of the bathroom.
“You all good?” Clasping your hands in front of your stomach, you sway slightly, watching as Vash sets the pudding aside and rushes toward you, getting on his knees.
“You're the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in the whole galaxy…”
“That’s not possible, there are objectively prettier things than me. Like… the Horsehead Nebula.”
Vash laughs, still on the ground. “Nerd.”
Reaching out a hand to pat his hair, you drag your fingertips over his scalp, grinning down at him. “Dweeb.”
Grabbing the backs of both your thighs, Vash pulls closer as you shiver at the cold metal on your skin, a slight damp patch already forming on your panties. Mouthing over the cotton fabric, Vash inhales deeply, drunk on the smell of you. You look down, embarrassed, pushing his head away. “Vash…”
“Sorry, was that too much?”
“You don’t waste any time, huh? Is it possible you’re really a ‘ladykiller’ like the legends say?~”
“Mmmh.” Vash raises his eyebrows, squeezing your thighs and making you squirm. “No more talking.”
Tucking his fingers into your waistband, he yanks the material down and lets you step out, tossing the garment to an unknown corner of the room. The air in the room is sticky with the desert heat, but Vash’s hands on you are making you sweat even more, starting to pant hard as he ghosts his breath over your now-bare pussy.
He’s maddening, teasing you without giving you what you want, making you only imagine what his tongue feels like.
Instead of kissing your clit, he moves to your thighs, kissing and sucking faint hickeys into your skin. He can’t contain his own pleasure, moaning softly as he leaves gentle bites, making you jump and suck in a sharp breath as he moves closer and closer to your dripping cunt.
Grabbing his hair, you desperately pull him up onto you and he makes a surprised “mmpf!” as his nose bumps your clit. Your cheeks flush even deeper, finally feeling Vash’s tongue dart out and collect your slick, sucking messily as he traces his tongue over your folds.
When he’s teased you enough, he pauses a moment, looking up at you with sparkling eyes, pussy-drunk, then dives back down, finally wrapping his soft lips around your clit.
Bracing yourself against the hotel wall, you bring a hand to your mouth to stifle your moans, remembering there are other guests just across the wall. Hissing out a, “Vash!” you point to the bed, knees buckling slightly as he rubs his thumb over your clit and gives you a false-innocent questioning look.
“Need something?~”
“Can we—“ Interrupting yourself with another high-pitched moan, you try again, voice wavering. “Bed. Please?”
“Well since you said please and all~”
Wiping off his mouth and grinning, Vash stands, sauntering over to the bed and pulling back the covers, waiting for you to lay down first.
When you finally do, he stares down at you quietly, watching as you cross your legs, pull your arms over your chest, and look away, suddenly shy at the intensity of his gaze roaming over you.
“No, please, don’t hide.” Vash sits down on the edge of the bed next to you, tracing his fingers over the bottom edge of your bra. “You look so beautiful right now…”
Finally meeting his eyes again, your heart leaps, seeing his softer side come out—his smile is warm and sincere, making you smile in return, sharing his happiness.
As you study Vash a moment longer, you notice little details: his eyes are wide and full of desire, hair disheveled from your touch, and lips still puffy from eating you out. You can feel warmth blossoming in your chest and cheeks, silently drawing your heart closer to him.
Leaning up quickly, you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him down into a kiss, tasting yourself on his tongue. He moans when your tongue finds his, exploring your mouth softly as he climbs onto the bed. One leg settles between both of yours and his hands reach for your face, neck, breasts—anything he can hold onto and get closer to you.
When you finally break for air, Vash is giggling with the biggest, goofiest grin on his face. “Why didn’t we do this sooner?? This is great!!”
Laughing too, you pull the back of your hand over your eyes and grin, cheeks flushed and breath coming out in soft pants.
You had noticed lately that Vash had two aspects to his personality: the hardened, tough, expert outlaw gunslinger side, and the very playful, hopeful, trusting and almost child-like side. In this moment, you loved being on the receiving end of the latter.
Moving your hand enough to peek an eye open, you see Vash grinning down at you again, tilting his head curiously and waiting for you to catch your breath. “You all good??”
You nod and sit up, pulling him into a hug. “Just happy you’re here with me is all.”
Feeling the warmth of his skin against yours and his hands resting gently on your back, you calm down instantly, taking a moment to rest. This was the first time you had been close to his scars and you reach out, gently tracing over some of them, watching for a response in case you were overstepping boundaries.
He lets you keep going, however, watching carefully as your fingers trace his skin’s memories of the past—the metal grating, the permanent clamps, the burned patches, old bullet wounds, and healed-over gashes.
Pressing your lips to the biggest scar on his chest, you slowly kiss your way up to his neck while your left hand slips down his stomach to his cock, rubbing through his underwear as you continue your gentle barrage of kisses and nips.
Whimpering, Vash tosses his head back, arching into your touch. “Feels… so good!” He whines, tilting his neck so you have better access. With a grin, you lick a stripe up his pulse point, making him shiver and sending even more blood rushing to his cock.
“Don’t stop. Pleeeease.” Vash grinds against your hand, desperation bleeding into his voice. You squeeze his cock gently, making him let out a strangled “aaaah!” and lean his forehead onto your shoulder. “Baby, please… You’re killin’ me.”
Laughing softly, you free him from his boxers, tapping your fingers on the precum leaking from the tip and stringing it out, then slicking your palm over the head. His reaction is instant—whole body shaking and cheeks flushing hot as he unsuccessfully tries to keep his composure, letting out a loud “fuck!”
Using the collected slick as lube, you grip tightly around his cock, jerking the shaft slowly and avoiding grazing the head until he calms down.
“Good boyyyyy. Look at you being so good for me, Vash~”
He whines again, thrusting up into your hand and biting his lip, completely at your mercy. The greatest outlaw in history and he was absolute putty in your hands.
“W-what—” Vash chokes out while you continue stroking. “What about you??” Gripping the sheets, Vash closes his eyes and moans loudly when you lean down to flick over the head with your tongue.
“What about me?~” You look up at him, still holding onto his cock with your mouth open, drops of pearly pre on your tongue.
He huffs out a sigh, trying to compose himself. “You make it really hard to think, you know that?”
Nodding, you close your mouth and swallow, noting a slightly different flavor—more earthy, green notes than any you’d tasted before. Weird?
“I mean…” Vash reaches out and pulls you up into a kiss, then holds onto your shoulder. “What if we worked at the same time??”
“Are you sure?”
He grins again, nodding fast. Crawling up to the pillows, Vash holds out his hands and motions for you to scoot back towards him. You oblige, glad your face is hidden as he grabs your hips and pulls you to his mouth, immediately licking around the edges of your still-wet folds.
Letting out a pitiful whine, your focus falters momentarily, lost in the haze of pleasure Vash’s tongue is bringing you. You reach out to find his cock, having to stretch a bit to reach (since he’s so tall), but returning quickly to your pattern of stroking the shaft and teasing the head.
All you can do is focus on your rhythm as Vash continues to distract you with his flicks and sucks as he moans into your pussy. You can feel yourself getting wetter as both of you work, slick beginning to drip down your thighs (and you imagine, Vash’s face).
Crying out in pleasure, you pull away from Vash’s cock, clenching your legs as you feel yourself come close. “No, Vash’s it’s—!!”
You didn’t want to come so fast, but your body had other ideas, letting out a small gush of fluid as Vash teases your slit and rubs your clit, making you spill over the edge. You squeeze your eyes shut in embarrassment, feeling Vash sit up and lower your hips to his waist.
“Are you ready now??~”
You expect him to be upset or shy, but when you look back, he has another stupid grin on and looks happier than ever.
The humanoid typhoon sure was something.
“Ye-yeah, if you are…”
Vash finds a washcloth on the nightstand and dries his face while he watches you take off your bra, asking, “I don’t think we have any protection right now… Do you want me to pull out, or…??”
“I think that’s the only thing we can do? Unless you want to pause and go find some~”
He laughs, shaking his head. “I know I’m clean, I got a big checkup from the guy who made my arm just a week or two ago. Plus, we don’t really know if Plant DNA is compatible with human…”
“Hm?” He had said it so nonchalantly that you almost didn’t notice. “Plant? Like, the energy sources?”
Putting a hand to his chest, he nods. “I’m a plant. Not exactly the same variety as the ones in the power cells, but the same genetics. My caretaker Rem always said me and my brother were a ‘miracle’.”
“Can we talk about it more later?” You prompt gently, glancing down at his cock. “I’m glad I unlocked some Vash the Stampede lore, but I think we were in the middle of something??~~”
He laughs, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, of course.”
There’s a twinge of sadness in his gaze now and you move forward, taking his face in your hands again. “I can’t wait for you to be inside me, Vash. Please. Fuck me.”
Smiling softly, Vash eases you onto his lap and holds securely around your waist with his metal arm. With his other hand, he guides his cock to your entrance, going slow and giving you time to adjust to his size as he eases inside you. When he hits the base, he leans into your shoulder, cockwarming himself a few moments as you acclimate.
“Jeez, you feel so good…” Vash murmurs into your hair, sighing happily. You wrap your legs around his waist tighter, trusting him to keep you upright. He fills you snugly, but not so much it hurts, and you clench around him once, letting out a whimper as he still refuses to move.
Pressing your hips down, you grind onto his pelvis, rocking yourself slowly as you hide into Vash’s neck and moan softly. He keeps the moment slow and intimate, rocking his hips up into you, matching your pace and energy until you’re ready for more.
It’s all so intimate—the sweat-drenched skin, panting breaths, hands grabbing into hair, feverish kisses, and complete trust. You’re intoxicated with the way Vash treats you like a goddess; a being worthy of worship and devotion. The way he kisses your breasts, grabs at your hips and waist, the way he times and angles his thrusts—his every thought is of pleasing you.
Laying back, Vash lets you stay on top, moving his hands to your hips to help you ride him. Bucking up with increasingly desperate thrusts, he lets out strings of “ah!!!” and “nnh!” with every motion, matching your chorus of whimpering cries. As you ride him, you reach down to your clit, rubbing slow circles as Vash pounds your sensitive pussy from below.
You can feel your second orgasm of the morning build quickly as your legs shake, your endurance starting to wane even as Vash continues unhindered. Holding still, you quietly scream out Vash’s name when your peak finally hits hard, squeezing your breasts through the shockwaves to heighten your sensations.
He watches you, lost in bliss, and memorizes every moment for later. He’s never seen anyone look as beautiful as you do in this moment: face contorted in pleasure and every part of you caught alight in bliss because of him.
Vash is feeling overwhelmed in the moment too; it can take time for a plant to come, even though they’re highly sensitive, as their complex sensory and nervous system has to partially restructure to prepare for genetic transfer. Vash can feel his non-metal arm go slightly numb as he gets even harder, noting that he’ll need to drink more water and be out in the sun again to regenerate later.
“Hey…” Vash smiles at you, watching as you slump onto his stomach. “I’m still not quite ready yet. Can you take more??”
Raising your head up from his stomach, you give him a weak but happy thumbs up.
He coos softly, pulling you up to lay on the pillows, “Don’t worry. I’ll do all the work. Just rest.”
Laying back, warmth still flowing out to your hands and feet from your high, you close your eyes as Vash lifts your hips to rest against his thighs. You soon feel his slick tip meet your slit and push forward, settling himself inside again. This time, however, the slow pace from the start is all but forgotten, Vash chasing his relief as he slams himself flush against you.
You can only focus on the sensory aspect of it all: the sound of his skin slapping against yours, the way neither of you can catch your breath, and how his grunts and moans get louder the faster he pounds.
Pushing toward your next orgasm, your clit is getting overstimulated by the metal of Vash’s thumb, mimicking your own motions from earlier and bringing tears to your eyes. You almost tell him to stop, but hold out, knowing he has to be close as he slows down, spluttering out, “I’m!!! I’m— nnh!!”
Sitting up onto your elbows, you watch as Vash pulls out of you, his tip bright red and swollen. He’s whimpering, almost crying, as he reaches down to swipe your slick onto his fingers and palm, making a fist and punching his cock through at a relentless pace.
“I’m so close!!! Gah!!! I’m! I’m coming—!!!” Vash is panting desperately, moaning out your name as he finally releases, splashing warm cum onto your stomach and thighs.
Completely drained, Vash shuffles on his knees to you and flops down, hiding his face into the pillows.
Sitting all the way up, you glance down at Vash’s cum on you and pick up a strand, analyzing it quietly: it’s slightly greenish in tint, a bit shimmery, and has a consistency more akin to translucent aloe vera than human cum. Popping your finger into your mouth, the same strange taste is still there—like lemongrass or cucumber mixed with a warm buttery taste.
Vash was full of surprises…
Looking over at your bed companion, you smile, seeing him already half asleep.
“Heyyyy, you did so good, baby. Rest, I’ll be right back…”
Petting his hair, just like the night before, you press a kiss to his forehead and go to clean up, leaving a sleepy Stampede to recharge until your return.
Do not repost or recc this work on tiktok / ao3 / wattpad, etc. It is meant for a tumblr-exclusive audience only 😚❤️‍🩹
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