#i need phallo Now
lysergicunt · 4 months
this vagina is ruining my stupid baka life
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binders-and-beanies · 4 months
Pondering bottom surgery in the tags I mf guess
#I’ve been. thinking abt bottom surgery again after having accepted for a while that I would probably never get it#for context early on in my transition I was dead set on phallo but then T and my other surgeries satisfied me enough to not need it#+ for phallo I would have had to keep an arm or leg free of tattoos and I just did not want to wait on that#not considering it would probably be at least a decade. tattoos were and are more important#+ the more I started to enjoy using what I have I was like. it is simply not medically necessary anymore#like would I like to have a **** yes. do I need one to live a happy life no#being bi complicates things for me too bc it depends a little bit who I marry#don’t want to tailor my body to a specific relationship esp if it doesn’t last forever but it does make a difference#current partner is nonbinary and wants phallo so that does not make things simpler lol#I want a body that allows the most affirming possible relationship w the person I intend to marry#I also don’t want to end up hindering things w future partners should that not happen#anyway I say all this to say. I had never considered meta as an option bc I didn’t think it would do much for me#lot of effort and money and healing for not as drastic a change. wouldn’t solve my biggest bottom dysphoria issues#however. starting to think it could be the middle ground I’m looking for as a gnc/genderfluid person#it would be less surgeries. less complicated n expensive. less changes to my current anatomy#esp if I don’t do everything you Can do w meta. I could do like half of all that or less#I don’t wanna risk giving up the things I can do now without knowing if I’ll enjoy the new possibilities#but this could be a way to just kinda feel more affirmed without it changing my life all that much#I think just the act of undergoing bottom surgery would be affirming. like I’ve done Everything I’m a binary male thru and thru. transexual#and I wouldn’t have to keep wondering if I’ll do it someday or if I should#not that I can any time soon I’m uninsured. insurance prob wouldn’t even cover it#but just. the more I look into it and think abt it + the more serious my relationship gets the more I lean towards it#my partner talking increasingly abt wanting bottom surgery asap is influencing me too ngl not even in a jealousy way#just. I can’t deal w the possibility of a partners phallo fucking up my relationship w my body Again. I would need to know what I want#man. I can’t even go to therapy to talk thru it. on account of being uninsured#mine#txt#personal
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enough about homestuck hrt. when the hell are we getting homestuck bottom surgery
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calronhunt · 1 year
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deciding raphael can just be my little guy actually. He can do whatever the fuck he wants and be whatever the fuck he wants, and if i feel genuinely tackling his story later in my life i will. but for now, he will be in 100 million aus and different concepts. He will be my little guy to put anywhere i please. and I think that will be healthiest for me
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geraskier · 1 year
not to brag [lying] but my dick that i grew with my body, i.e. tdick. she is so big i genuinely have to stand different which actually means i lean to one side MORE. thank you T for making me gay
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dylansbedroom · 6 months
you've always looked up to me. even as kids, you played with my toys, watched the same movies as me, and wore my clothes. when I came out to you and our parents, I recognized the look in your eyes. admiration, love. brotherly or otherwise. so I wasn't surprised that when it was your turn to come out, you came into my bedroom afterward and asked me for advice.
I drove you to your first endo appointment. I sat in the corner when they drew your blood for labs, made conversation with the staff so you could relax. showed you where the needle goes and how deep to push it in. pretended not to notice how shaky your breath got when I rolled the hem your boxer briefs to your upper thigh. that cute little whimper when I lifted your chin to examine the onset of facial hair.
and all this time, I've been going through my own journey. every new patch of hair, every drop in my voice, I've showed it all to you as proof of what you can expect. you don't have to be scared, because your big brother will do it all first.
phallo is tough. time, money, recovery, multiple operations. but you've been there for me through all of it. feeding me and bringing me my meds. I can tell you like taking care of me. it makes you feel like a big boy, doesn't it? it's nice to switch roles sometimes.
just because I'm sedated doesn't mean I don't notice you. I see those little gym shorts you wear around the house. how they hug your ass and get caught in the cleft of your cunt, showing off your tdick. we've always just looked, never touched. even though you make it difficult. we've always left things unspoken. and for a while, I thought I could be happy with that. maybe I convinced myself the fantasy would be better than the real thing.
but I'm so frustrated. I've been in bed for a while. lots of check-ups, nerves reconnecting. my body has changed so much. it's hard to ignore the need now that I'm bigger. what used to be butterflies in my stomach has become a hot ache in my pelvis.
so don't be surprised when I tell you to sit beside me on the bed. don't be shocked when I pull down the blankets and tell you I'm just going to show you, since you've asked so many questions.
and don't look away. I'm going to wrap my hand around it so you can really see the size. put your hand on your own cock. over your little shorts, feel how much smaller it is compared to my new one.
cute, you let your mouth hang open a little because you were staring so intently. you ought to close it unless you plan on using it. to compliment the results, I mean.
of course it gets hard. let me show you how. watch how it changes. pretty cool, yeah? it's impressive. maybe someday you can have this. right now, you're stuck with that cunt, though, aren't you? oh, you're embarrassed about it, I can tell. you want a dick like your big brother's. hey, maybe you can get one that matches mine. same dimensions.
you tired of looking? want to feel it? in your hand? inside? deep? it's nothing weird. just want to show you what you can expect. just trying to help you decide what kind of man you want to be. hnng fuck. god, finally. finally, you've touched it. and now there's no going back. you want it. you want everything, don't you? me too.
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wiltkingart · 7 months
i'm so happy people like taelle'teth. my art of him isn't that different from what i've already been drawing these past few years / building up towards, so i didn't think it would be an issue, i know the crowd here is very enthusiastic about trans bodies in any and all shape and stage and form. that being said i still had a little nervousness mixed into my feverish need when i made and posted the phallo piece. especially since i've intentionally given him the shape of a body that was once on T, but no longer, which is closer to my own situation than a lot of the trans guys i typically draw. so the fact that not a single person has misgendered him (not a single one!) or said anything bad, has had me feeling ecstatic. i hope i'm not inviting the opposite by pointing it out, but for now i want to bask in it and acknowledge how wonderful that is. we are so here.
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genderqueerdykes · 10 days
I (21 AFAB) honestly feel like my femininity is more like transfemininity than cisfemininity. I'm autistic and intersex(ish? I've got hypoestrogenism) and spent a lot of my life (10 to 20) identifying as transmasculine. I've had top surgery and I was on testosterone around 3 years. I was cis male passing at 14 and 15, and again at 19 through...uhh... now sorta. I still pass as a young man (although people might think I'm a trans boymoder) if I speak in "guy" voice. I'm seen as female enough to not have any issues in women's restrooms since I started using them, but I stay quiet and use the men's room if I look too masc. I identify I guess as a girl, but not as a cisgender one, and not in the way that a binary woman would call herself one. I also identify as androgynous (or an androgyne). I'm submitting this ask sort of hoping that it makes sense how I feel connected to transfemininity and not cisfemininity. I'm also wondering if anyone else feels the same?
heya! that's actually almost exactly my experience, and many other peoples'. i've been wanting to explain this for a really long time so i hope this will make sense
often times when someone afab or transmasculine transitions and either pauses or stays on a lowish dose of T, our genders get garbled in the eyes of strangers. i don't know how to say it any other way than: often times when trans people who have taken testosterone for long enough have gotten deep voices, 'masc' faces, facial hair, etc. are dressed in a feminine way they will get read as a transfeminine person. like this is an extremely common phenomenon
we instantly become fags and "those type of girls". like it really doesn't take much for queerphobes to perk up. a little 'gay/tranny voice'. a little too limp wristed. when they see strong jaws, Adam's apples, strong cheekbones, and long hair they assume MtF. if the trans person is packing or had phallo things can escalate further, especially if they have breasts.
it's poetic and a bit silly but sometimes people's experiences are so deviated from the standard definition of "man" "male" "female" "woman" that they have to, in a way, transition into that identity for the first time. a lot of intersex people, poc, gender non conforming, people, gay folks, non binary people, lesbians and butches have gotten heavily misgendered as children. sometimes you just were not allowed to be that gender you were assigned at first and it's okay if you feel you're transitioning into that, especially given where you're coming from and where you're headed
i identify as transfemme for many reasons, but this is one of them. i was NOT allowed to be a girl as a child. i was deemed too masc. my nose was too big. my hooded eyes were too masc. i didn't wear flowery or feminine clothing. i acted like a boy. i had a very shitty haircut because my hair was causing me dysphoria. my mom kept calling me butch and a bulldyke. nobody saw me as a girl. i never was one until i transitioned into womanhood as an adult. there i found out i love being a butch woman- but i've had to fight for it.
i also use androgynous and androgyne :)
it's okay if you feel like youre headed on that path. i have met so many people who fall under this umbrella of experiences. many people use transfemasc or transmascfem, some people just call themselves whatever. folks who feel the same feel free to share input. thanks for stopping by, let us know if you need anything else
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unspuncreature · 9 months
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choices we all made when we were fine
i don’t think lighters like this actually exist in the gffa uhh. they do now ✌🏻
also we need more transmasc characters with visible phallo graft site scars. being the change i want to see in the world. thank you @theseptemberist for the idea
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reorientation · 9 months
I need to confess. I'm ftm, and I first started looking at detrans/misgendering kink content because I wanted to be the one doing the detransing/misgendering to another ftm/nb. But I think consuming all this content has irreversibly fucked my brain. I used to be 100% confident in my desire to present masculine, I was completely sure I wanted top+phallo. I didn't even want to have sex until post-phallo, or at least I didn't want anyone touching my pussy and tits. Pregnancy disgusted me. But now I'm not so confident. Currently debting whether I really actually want phallo, especially since all I can think about now is how much I want my pussy fucked by a real man's cock, over and over again, breeding me, making sure I'm pregnant. Do I really want top surgery if I keeping thinking about wanting to shake and bounce my tits for men to jerk off to? God, I need a man to grope and play with my tits. My pussy gets soooooo wet thinking of real men treating me like a woman during sex, I can't stop jerking off to these thoughts.
To all the ftms reading this right now, stop interacting with detrans/misgendering kink material unless you want your male brain fucked into a female one. I never thought this content would affect me like this, but I guess my female biology was stronger than my male brain in the end
Oh, this is so cute, Anon! You thought you could use it, that you could handle it at a distance like a dangerous chemical, but you didn't know what you were dealing with until it had already seeped under your skin.
I love hearing about the total reversals - the girls who fervently rejected their bodies' essential femininity, until they started to get helplessly wet from it. I love knowing that your dreams of having a cock have been replaced by dreams of taking one, that your dedication to getting rid of your curves has been confounded by the urge to see your belly grow. That the pussy you always wanted to erase has been slowly rewriting your brain instead.
And what a beautiful warning you are to all the girls reading this: that it's not just their bodies that are fundamentally vulnerable. You went in without a shred of interest in being on the receiving end, and you still slowly exchanged your most fundamental convictions for an all-consuming need to be a good girl.
I'm sure that will scare them off. Who would want to play with fire like that?
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defilerwyrm · 1 month
May i ask how's the recovery process after gender affirming surgeries?
If you mean how's it going now: my last surgery was in 2022 so at this point I'm 100% healed up. I was SUPPOSED to get my implants in December 2023 but my insurance company has been fucking me over at every turn so that's still on hold.
If you mean how was it at the time:
Top surgery (2018) was pretty easy for me since I have a desk job. I stayed with family in town for the first 2 weeks, during which time I basically did nothing but sleep, wake up long enough to use the toilet, take a dry shower, eat something, take more pain meds, then go back to sleep. I had 4 weeks off work, so after that I was a little sore and still confined to button-down shirts because I couldn't raise my arms above shoulder level; then I went back to work and all was normal for the next month. But...
Because I am an unlucky son of a bitch, I had a rare complication: I developed a seroma that dehysced (i.e. a hole opened up along my suture line that leaked large amounts of greasy, bright orange fluid made up of lymph and blood), which was not painful at all but was absolutely disgusting and very alarming to experience—but not a medical emergency or anything, and was easily fixed with a revision surgery. I took another 2 (I think?) weeks off work and it's been fine ever since. The left side of my chest is a little funny but I don't really care, it was fully worth it. Please note that I did not have drains. If you have drains, you're even LESS likely to have this problem.
Hysterectomy (2019) was much the same: I slept through the first two weeks and spent the next 2 in a recliner with an ice pack on my lower belly, playing a lot of Stardew Valley and getting into Critical Role. I was lucky enough to live with a friend who loves cooking. I ate a lot of soup. The soreness wasn't that bad, but I have a policy of staying ahead of the pain by using timers for how often I should be taking them. The worst part of it was the pain meds, tbh, because I really don't like the way oxycodone makes me feel; at the same time, I'm grateful for that fact because it keeps me from forming a habit.
Phalloplasty etc (2021) was kinda rough to start. I had 3 months off work that time. Slept through the first 2 weeks as usual. But for the first 3 weeks total I had a suprapubic catheter in and man I fuckin' hate being cathed. I felt like I needed to pee at all times, even immediately after draining the cath bag. Awful. Learning to pee standing up was...let's just say I did a lot of laundry and cleaning, lol. This was made worse by the fact that I had two fistulae (holes that go through the urethra all the way to the outside)—like I said, I've got bad luck. One of them healed up all on its own, like most of them do. The other one required a revision 8 months later, which meant being cathed again for a while, SIGH. But back to post-op for phallo: I had physical therapy for my left arm to make sure I kept a good range of motion; I kept the graft bandaged with daily gentle cleanup, application of ointments, and rebandaging; and had to take dry showers for the first uhhhhh. 2 weeks at least, maybe 3 or 4? After I got the cath out, things were MUCH easier. I was just kinda vaguely tired and sore and spent most of my time lying down. My libido came back at the start of the 2nd month, which was frustrating af because it wasn't till the start of the 3rd month that I was healed up enough to do anything about it (but once I could, holy FUCK it was incredible).
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answersfromzestual · 1 year
***Educational Purposes Only***
Normal questions for phallo (my personal experience, and facts)
"Do you feel anything?" - yes, I feel everything from touch, stroking, temperature, pain, pressure, pleasure, gusts of cold air. They do disconnect and reconnect nerves, so it does take time (years) depending on how you heal to have complete sensation. But you always have sensation there even beforr you are fully healed. I found the Urethral Lengthening Procedure and the Implants (erectile device and prothetic testicle). It took probably 3 years after all of the procedures for me to have what is called "complete tactile function".
"How do you get erect?" - it's a pump, after they create the scrotum (they use the labia for this), you get your pump installed into your main hand side (ex. My pump is on the right testie), and the other testie is just an implant. I squeeze my pump (or my partner), and then saline water is pumped from the testicle into two tubes (one on each side on my penis). Creating a natural looking erection besides having to pump. It only takes about six pumps for me. Doesn't take much effort. I have a three part inflatable device.
"How do you "deflate"/ go down after an erection" -on the testie that is the pump, there is a small button above it, it is actually kind of a small box with a button on it. I hold the button for about 15 seconds and just let my erection naturally go down.
"How many surgeries does it take?" - well, I guess four in total. You have your hysterectomy (which included for me a complete oophorectomy as well, recent advancements in this procedure have made it so an oophorectomy is now optional), then your phalloplasty the building and attaching of the phallis and vaginectomy only at this part. The next surgery was to connect my urethral, called urethra lengthening. The last surgery was to install the penile pump and testicular implant.
"What are the chances it will fall off?" - less than 1% in the hands of a skilled surgeon. (My surgeon told me this information as the source) - note post operative care is the most important part of healing properly.
"Where did they take the skin?" - they took the skin for my phallis from my forearm and used a thin layer of the skin on my upper thigh to cover the tissue left exposed on my arm.
"Do you have any issues today?" - No issues, I've been finished for quite a bit now. I enjoy sex, it feels good. It looks good. I've never been clocked even naked in a locker room. I do dribble sometimes if I hurry while urinating, and I have to use a special technique to ensure 100% emptiness, but I can pee just fine. I found the installation of the pump helps me urinate easier than without.
"Can you ejaculate?" - Yup! I can, at least. I also have pre-ejaculate. I ejaculate almost everytime I orgasm. (With this said, the ability to ejaculate, amount of, and frequency of are all variable factors that can depend on person to person)
"Is the orgasm different?" -yes! It feels better to me. It could be comfort, but ejaculating does feel good when you orgasm. Ejaculating can vary from person to person. This ejacuate is not like cis men's, it is a clear fluid from the Skenes Glands.
"Did you have any major issues?" - not really, I did have to see a wound clinic for my implant surgery. I had wounds that needed care. I got a bladder infection with the catheter during the healing stage of urethral lengthening and had it removed after just over two weeks (it was supposed to be in for six weeks), as a reference though one of my urine bags broke and I had a plastic baggie to try to repair it until I could get a replacement (i had to wait hours), I also have a compromised immune system. For my arm, I wore my compression sleeve 100% of the time, and my arm healed extremely well and flat. You just need to listen to the rules and be sure not to break them.
"Do you have to do anything (e.g weekly)?" - sorta, I have to make sure I pump fully once a week.
"Any issues urinating?" - nope, takes some getting used to, though (standing). I find that I dribble, but it's only when I'm rushing when I shake. I still sit most of the time, it's even very common in cis men as an FYI. (I asked a large group of cismen)
"Does it look real?" -Yes, my wife said she never would have known I was trans until I told her. All penises look different. Even getting an erection looks natural.
"Did you have any corrective surgeries?" -No, I got pretty great results the first time. I do plan on going to closer, regular plastic surgeon to put in a larger implant as my left testicle (non-pumping side).
Have any of your own questions? Send me an ask, I'll be happy to answer!
Stay Golden Everyone ✌️💙💜
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dinosaursock · 5 months
You know what? Fuck it. I’m a transgender man, I had abdominal phalloplasty with Dr Curtis Cetrulo in Boston. He sold dozens of trans people on a new method of abdominal with all these promises of good sensation, good aesthetics, minimal scarring, and urethral lengthening without an arm graft (which is typically needed in abdo phallo for people who want urethral lengthening). I started having surgery with him in 2021 and had my SIXTH surgery with him early last year. For reference, phallo is often done in 3-4 surgeries, give or take with repairs/revisions and different surgical plans. When I consulted, he told me four surgeries, which then turned to five. And somehow turned to six and I still wasn’t done! I had thick knots of scar tissue and no sensation at all, not to mention I never even had a neourethra constructed. The plan was constantly changing and I made the mistake of trusting him and trusting the process.
In August last year he left Boston and moved to California to continue operating. It doesn’t seem he works on trans people anymore and is no longer offering phalloplasty, and I desperately hope he’s not. It was clear he didn’t know what the fuck he was doing, and the urologist was complacent and didn’t have proper training either. Cetrulo was allowed to experiment on us, under the guise that it was a successful and fully developed method of phalloplasty. He was not honest about its completion. And when it started to catch up with him, he abandoned his remaining patients and moved across the country. With NO repercussions for the way he treated us.
Now I’m waiting for a complete redo using a different graft site with a new doctor, who has taken on many of Cetrulo’s former patients.
See this article? It talks about all accomplishments and his innovations for people with skin burns and other injuries requiring microsurgical work. No mention of the transgender people he treated. The dozens of people he lied to and disfigured. What about us? Why does he get to pretended he didn’t ruin the lives of so many people. I am permanently disfigured because of the work he did on me. I have to live with that medical trauma from a man who didn’t really care about me, who dodged questions, and was inconsistent and unreliable.
And why is he getting away with it? This Harvard grad with a superiority complex. Because 1, we’re transgender, and the medical system has a history of failing us. Cetrulo is comparable to Kathy Rumer and Butcher Brown. Bailey Sarian has a video on Dr Butcher Brown, I recommend giving it a watch if you have an interest in true crime. And number 2, the medical boards and medical systems are fucked up.
I want my trans and nonbinary (etc) friends to know what he did to our community. The damage he’s done. And the lack of consequences for his actions. Word of mouth is so so important in LGBT spaces when it comes to medical care, ESPECIALLY in bottom surgery spaces.
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spitblaze · 5 months
how delicate are phallo implants? I'm picturing the "to shreds you say" conversation. I'd love to get it one day when they get better
Honestly @draayder is the expert(?) here but I know that most phalloplasty technology was originally devised as reconstructive surgery for (usually older) cis men with less of a libido, and with more transmascs opting for bottom the tech is only getting better. Afaik some of the most common pump types need to be replaced every 3-5 years, which sucks ass, but apparently they're getting good enough that it could be more like 10-15 years, which sucks less, but I'd still like an erectile device that doesn't require getting my dick opened up every so often to replace the part that gives me a boner. They'll probably get there sooner rather than later and most of my other wants are probably gonna be fantasies unless we suddenly get REALLY good at growing new organs in petri dishes in the next decade or so but until then I will keep abreast of the developments in phallo technology by way of my partner who is actually the one keeping abreast of the technology
As for the delicacy of them...eh?? I'm not finding much in the way of like...numbers? I remember seeing a very funny out of context image of a diagram of a phallo dick balancing a 5 kilo weight on the glans to show off the erectile strength but otherwise here's an excerpt from a paper specifically about phalloplasty last year (2023).
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Like I said, the tech gets better as more people who aren't amabs looking for reconstructive surgery or ED treatment go for it, but for now it's both Expensive and not quite as reliable as I'd like yet lol
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concretepuppy · 7 months
hope does the erectile implant work? i always thought of like... a button or smth lol.
there are three types. i have the AMS Ambicor two-piece hybrid system (the newest of three. AMS is the brand, Ambicor is the model). all options will need to be replaced eventually. *theoretically* they could last forever, but because theyre mechanical devices that are getting a lot of friction, and in the case of phallo penises supporting something relatively heavy (phallo penises are significantly heavier than natal penises bc natal penises are mostly erectile tissue, which is spongy and light, but phallo penises are mostly subcutaneous fat or muscle, which is denser) so eventually they wear out or break. luckily unless the break is the result of trauma and caused any of the stuff inside the silicone to break the silicone or the device somehow breaks through your skin, it’s not dangerous to have a non-functioning device in your body. all three options are attached to your pelvic bone using titanium sutures. the small amount of metal will not set off body scanners/meta detectors and are all safe for MRI machines, and you’re given a patient info card to show when it’s relevant.
the types are:
1. Semi-rigid rod. exactly what it says on the tin. it’s a rod of ball-and-socket joints covered in silicone. the rod is always semi-rigid and does not get more or less hard. you bend it up (at a 90° angle to your body) for sex, and bend it back down for daily use. this option lasts the longest bc there’s less mechanical parts. i know two people who have had it, and both are satisfied, though one says he sometimes has difficulty topping anally if the bottom is a virgin or rarely bottoms anally. in cis men (who are the only population who have any studies wrt erectile implants, so they’ll be the comparison i use) this typically needs replaced every 5-10 years. there are many different brand options
2. Inflatable. A hydraulic system where a “reservoir” of fluid in a bulb that is ovular like a testicle is connected to the cylinders implanted in your penis. there is a button on the reservoir you push multiple times to fill the cylinders with fluid to become erect, then press and hold the button to become flaccid. For phallo patients, the reservoir is typically placed on one side of the scrotum and the other side has a testicular implant, but the reservoir can be placed anywhere in the pelvic region, it’s just easiest to access in the scrotum. This needs replaced more often than the semi-rigid rod bc it has more moving parts, in cis men it generally needs to be replaced every 5-7 years. i’m not sure about brand options bc i never considered this option.
3. Hybrid. what I have. the only existing option afaik is the AMS Ambicor. it’s a hybrid of the other two. it is a semi-rigid device, though less rigid than the rod, so it still has a truly flaccid state. the reservoir is again typically placed in the scrotum. unlike the inflatable, there is no button on the reservoir. you squeeze the reservoir itself to fill the cylinders with fluid & become erect, then you bend your erect penis at a ~60° angle in the middle (it looks very painful but it’s not at all, it’s not even uncomfortable) to deflate it.
i had some issues with inflation/deflation when i first started cycling the device. my balls were still sore so squeezing the reservoir kind of hurt, so i wasnt inflating the device all the way, which made deflation difficult. but now that i dont have any post-op pain, the process is easy and painless and cycling the device (inflating and then deflating it right after. you have to inflate the device once a day to “keep the fluid moving” according to my surgeon, so if youre not having sex or jerking off you just do a quick cycle) takes like two minutes, if that. it typically needs replaced in cis men everg 5-7 years.
my surgeon, Dr. Geolani Dy, prefers the hybrid for phallo patients. it has less risk of erosion (the tip of the device coming out of your skin bc the skin gas eroded due to pressure/friction) than the rod bc it has a flaccid state, but it can handle more weight than the full inflatable and thus is better suited for phallo penises. with the inflatable option OHSU offers, the tip of that device is a bit more pointy than the hybrid, so it also has a higher erosion risk. not sure abt any other inflatable options. but all three options have their pros and cons! there are also external erectile devices. some DIY using two coban/vet wrap and two condoms to create rigidity (note: this is not “safe” as in “safe sex” bc the friction of two condoms means theyre likely to break, so should only be done with partners youre fluid-bonded with), but this really only works for PIV sex and personally i could never get it to work for me. there are companies that make external erectile devices, like the Elator or the Stays Hard. both were designed for natal penises so both companies recommend phallo patients email them and work with them on sizing to ensure a good fit. i never tried these options so i cant speak to how well they work.
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fishklok · 8 months
whatever i'm drunk, so here's my mtl gender hcs:
nathan: cis guy, but hasn't thought about it that much tbf. mostly he/him, but okay with they/them or it/is in some contexts, especially when it makes him sound cooler
pickles: trans guy (it's a very important hc to me -- first popular transmasc hc in any fandom that didn't make me uncomfortable with the portrayals lol). he/him
skwisgaar: doesn't fuck with labels that much. people could say "so you're nonbinary?" or "so you're a gnc man?" or "so you're agender?" etc and he'll just be like "ja" to all of them. regardless of label, he's still gonna bone your mom. he/they mostly.
murderface: cis guy, but has thought about it a lot more than he's comfortable disclosing. maybe there's something about his need to protect his masculinity. maybe his need to draw attention to his own genitalia is his way of protecting himself from any doubts lingering in his mind. but that would mean he's thinking about it too much and he can't have that. lots of overlap with his sexuality issues as well. he/him.
toki: cis guy who has thought a lot about it, but came back to the conclusion that he's cis. however, this only made him more comfortable being gnc. i mostly like this because he's like the opposite of murderface in that regard and i imagine that would piss him off lol. i like them being gender foils. toki has what murderface wants, but can never let himself have out of fear of what it may unlock within him instead. no pronoun preference.
charles: cis guy. i have nothing else. navigating his sexuality is all the gender-related turmoil he can handle at the moment. he/him
magnus: cis guy, but on the topic of gender his reaction would probably be something like "yeah i would have fucked with he/they if i knew about that in my 20s, but i'm an old man now" and then he sighs sadly. he/him
melmord: i don't even know if i should put "cis" before guy. who even knows anymore. i don't even know if he uses labels. his gender is whatever gender it takes to close this deal. i did draw him post-phallo tho, but idk what his exact identity would be. he/him or they/them.
blues devil: agender (if you have to apply a label). i already wrote a lot about how their gender works since they're basically a manifestation of a piece of musical folklore. they/he
salacia: similar situation to the blues devil, but cool ranch flavor instead of nacho cheese
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