#i need someone to distract me 24/7
depresseddepot · 1 year
not to be dramatic two nights in a row but where's my love by syml is making me feel quite sad
#like.#''if you bleed I bleed the same'' and ''if you're scared I'm on my way''#god to be cared for with patience and understanding and compassion#and codependency if im real /j (mostly)#also it reveals my inner phobia of men i think#cause the idea of a man being very gentle and kind and wanting to protect me to protect ME and not his machismo is like#revolutionary#like i can barely fathom it#the care...the emotion...the genuine despair...#a man who protects you via distraction and deescalation is SOOOOO superior to aggression and violence#though to be fair a man yelling (regardless of his tone or how much i trust him) puts me in flight mode immediately so#thanks dad ! anyways#i dont think love like that is realistic (at least not for me) bc id probably take them for granted and not do enough in return#yet again daydreaming abt love when i am The Way I Am lmao girl. its not gonna happen. we really gotta move past this alright#i just want to die already lmao#oh also obligatory note. yes i know i don't need to be protected by a man but see also: it makes me feel like i can relax for a fucking sec#if someone else is willing to protect me then i can stop being on my guard literally 24/7#to relax in public...i literally cannot fucking imagine#honestly to relax around another person (a MAN at that) is such a fever dream. like it will never happen to me#and its astonishing that it happens at all#i know men can be gentle and kind just as they can be violent and forceful but like. okay. where are they then#says the ugly fat chick who skitters out of rooms like a bug. what a fucking joke#gn i guess#sorry#vent
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screeching-bunny · 4 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could do the yandre!game show host with a himbo/bimbo reader
Yandere! Game Show Host x Bimbo/Himbo Reader Asks 1
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
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Yandere! Game Show Host would absolutely adore you. He absolutely enjoys how there's absolutely not a single thought behind your eyes. He could literally be nonchalantly pulling up your clothes and you would be too dumb or preoccupied to notice him doing it. Would definitely make you wear provocative clothes all under the pretense of how it would be good for the viewer ratings and that this is just the policy of the company. Now get your ass in those tight little outfits before he explodes due to anticipation.
Yandere! Game Show Host likes how you are basically almost always dolled and glammed up no matter the time of day. He’d definitely feed into your shopaholic habits if you had any and would only allow you to get the skimpiest of clothes. There is probably a one hundred percent chance of you getting every single question wrong on the quizzes so he has to alter your answers for you.
Yandere! Game Show Host: “Okay now sweetie, what does blue and red make?”
You: “Uhhhhhh orange?”
Yandere! Game Show Host: “..... what's that you say? Purple? Why, that’s correct!!!”
You: “No I said–”
Yandere! Game Show Host: “Yep and I heard you say purple!!!!”
Other Contestants: Side-eying him
Viewers: *Too stunned to speak*
Yandere! Game Show Host is shoving his tongue down your throat the fastest chance he gets. Out of all of the yanderes he is definitely the most horniest. If you ever tell him that you want to pay him back for all he’s done for you, he’s immediately whipping his cock out, no questions asked. Just put those glossy lips right on there and all of your debt is immediately forgiven. He definitely makes sure to emphasize how sexually frustrated he is and how he would just loveeee it if someone were to give him the best sloppy toppy ever. Tries to convince you that if you don’t do it he might actually die.
Yandere! Game Show Host enjoys how easily distracted you get and how you have a hard time focusing on multiple things at once. If you ever tried to escape from him all he has to do is talk about how female hyenas have penises and you’d immediately forget what you were about to do. If he ever needed to fall asleep all he'd have to do is talk about the fall of Rome and you’d be out like a light.
Yandere! Game Show Host takes advantage of how you never fully process the dangerous situations you put yourself in. For example when it comes to the sleeping arrangement, contestants are put strictly in one room to be monitored 24/7 but you’d probably complain how you don’t want to sleep in a room with so many people in it. Yandere! Game Show Host would happily decide to offer for you to sleep with him in his bed which you would readily agree to. Next thing you know you’re stuck in bed with a creep who’s busy fondling you to sleep properly. He’d probably try to make this a regular thing and just force you to stay there every night from then on there.
You: “It was so nice of you to let me sleep in your bed that was so nice of you. It’s really weird though, you have such a big house but only one bedroom with one bed. You should probably start decorating your house better.”
Yandere! Game Show Host: “Yeah silly me I should really do better.”
You: “Wait a sec–” Notices how there's a piece of underwear that you lost a week ago peeking out of his drawer. “OH MY GOSH YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE!! YOU NOTICED HOW MY UNDERWEAR HAS GONE MISSING SO YOU GOT ME NEW PAIRS!!! HOW THOUGHTFUL OF YOU!!!”
Yandere! Game Show Host: sweating nervously. “... Yeah I noticed that too. You might not want to touch those though. They’re a little dirty because I haven’t washed them yet and accidentally spilled something on them yesterday–”
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cozage · 9 months
congratulations on reaching 2k 🫶💕
For the event, I was wondering if you could do option one with reader being hit on right in front of them? With shanks, Sanji, zoro and if possible Nami <3
Hehe I love your writing so much!!
Hii thank you! And thank you for the request :)
Characters: gn reader x Shanks, Sanji, Zoro, Nami Cw: creepy bar guys who can't take a hint Total word count: 730
Take a Hint
Shanks’s reaction really depends on the kind of mood he’s in. 
Sometimes, you both go into a bar in a competitive mind, trying to see who can get more free drinks throughout the night. 
He enjoys watching guys trying to flirt with you. Plus, free booze is free booze. It’s funny how they never seem to ask if you’re there with someone before they buy you a round. 
But sometimes it really rubs him the wrong way (especially when he’s in the middle of a conversation with you and someone interrupts him to talk to you). 
He usually says some snarky comment like “If you’re going to buy one for my friend here, you should probably buy one for me, considering we’re together.”
He doesn’t ever start a fight, but he will finish them. And he will always take up for you if someone says something rude to you or tries to put their hands on you. 
People rarely get the chance to try and flirt with you because Sanji is literally all over you 24/7. He wants everyone to know that he belongs to you. 
However, there are some brave (and foolish) souls that sometimes try while he’s got his back turned or he steps away from a moment. 
The moment he is back, he immediately steps between you and the man who’s trying to shoot his shot. “Is this guy bothering you?” he’ll ask.
He’ll turn back to the guy, his curly brows furrowed in anger. “Unless you want to get your ass kicked, buddy, you might want to move along.”
Afterward the flirter leaves, Sanji will fawn over you, asking if the man hurt you or did anything that made you uncomfortable. He won't relax until he knows for sure you’re okay. 
Zoro knows you can handle yourself. And besides, it’s amusing to watch. 
He lets you handle the situation. Most of the guys take rejections pretty well, but there are a few stubborn ones who insist on buying you a drink even after you’ve turned them down. So you accept a drink.
When you accept, Zoro’s focus on you usually sharpens slightly. He watches carefully for any passes this guy might try to make on you. If you show even an ounce of discomfort, Zoro’s hand is resting on his blade, just in case. 
Your eyes meet his, and he’ll mouth “You okay?”. If yes, he’ll leave you be. But if it’s no, he’ll take action. 
He’ll position himself between you and the man, taking a nice long drink of the alcohol the guy bought you. Then he’ll plant a kiss firmly on your lips and smirk at you, ignoring the fussing happening from the other man. 
“Listen man,” he’ll say, resting his hand on his blade as he turns to him. “I think you need to learn what rejection is. So why don’t you just buzz off, and leave us alone to enjoy this fine alcohol?”
If it leads to a fight, that’s fine. Zoro has never minded fighting for your honor before. And he’s never lost a bar fight. 
Listen, Nami is no stranger to people flirting with her. And neither are you. 
Plus, free things are always better. Which is why you two set up a system. 
If a guy starts flirting with you and can’t take a hint, well, he’s basically just inviting in some unfortunate circumstances. 
So you let him buy you a drink. Maybe two, if you’re feeling crazy. You keep him distracted, telling him stories about your life. 
Of course he thinks you need saving by a big strong man or whatever he imagines he is. He has no clue you could knock him out in about 3 seconds flat. But you just smile and listen to his clearly made-up stories. 
Meanwhile, Nami is absolutely robbing him blind. It’s actually hilarious to watch. She starts out with his wallet, but she slowly gets more confident as he gets more drunk. She steals his necklace, watch, even his rings. She’s truly amazing at thievery; you can’t help but be in awe at her skill.
At the end of the night, he goes to pay his tab, and you and Nami quietly slip out together hand-in-hand, serenaded by the screams of panic from that dreadful man.
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punkclowngod · 1 year
I don’t think I’ve talked much about having a service dog on here, but maybe I should
Boom used to be my service dog, I got him the summer before my last year of high school bcuz I needed a nurse 24/7 to ensure I could eat/sleep/stay alive due to a recent very traumatizing event in my life and my mom came up with the service dog idea.
Getting him was hard. And expensive. No trainers were up to my standards. I, who could barely take care of myself, had to train my own dog. The problem is no matter how hard I worked, my own family or other trainers would ruin it all by messing up my commands, by letting my dog do things I had trained him not to do. It wasn’t training anymore, I ended up simply having breakdowns because everyone kept ruining my dog. People close to me thought they could be an exception to the rules I had taught my MEDICAL AID because surely my DOG would learn the difference between them and strangers.
Eventually I brought him to school. Printed papers explaining what a service dog was and how to behave around him and I plastered them all over the place.
People barked at him, petted him, tried to grab his attention.
His harness was hot pink, patches and signs on it that very clearly said “DO NOT TOUCH” and shit like that.
Someone defaced one of the papers.
Going to school was already hard, I could barely leave the house, my mom had to accompany me to the school doors every morning and then a social worker at school would greet me there and take care of me throughout the day.
I had my own locker at a floor mostly unoccupied so I wouldn’t see other people much and my dog wouldn’t be too distracted.
But it was still to much and I ended up dropping out four months before graduation.
I couldn’t leave the house. I had Boom but he wasn’t perfect yet. People kept ruining him.
But eventually I managed to leave the house. Go to a shopping mall from time to time with him to just walk and have fun.
Too many times people came up to me to tell me the gear I used was hurting my dog. Too many times people came up to me to tell me that their own dog died. Too many people came up to him and pet him without even acknowledging my presence. Too many people telling me they wished they could bring their pets anywhere. Too many people disrespecting me and my service dog.
I stopped going out. I stopped being with my dog.
All this stress and trauma drove a wedge between my dog and I. I consider him my mother’s dog now.
I had to learn to handle myself alone when I went out. It took me years to learn to go out by myself. Only last year I started doing that.
My dog doesn’t live in my room with me anymore.
Having a service dog did still save my life. But those around me ruined that. They made it about themselves. They prioritized my dog over me. My dog that LOVES working. If you tell him “do you want to go to work” chances are he’ll get so excited he will attempt to do a backflip.
We used to have a deep bond. That bond is now broken. People took that from us.
So I guess what I’m trying to say is:
Let people and their service dogs alone.
You are not an exception.
You are not special.
You are disrupting the dog’s training and distracting it.
You are endangering a human life because you can’t resist petting the cute dog.
This isn’t about you. This is about a disabled person trying to simply live their lives.
You don’t know what you’re talking about, your advice is unsolicited and lacks understanding of what the life of a working dog is.
Just leave us alone.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
Hi, so I am a lover of angst, hurt/comfort is my favorite. Anyways if it is okay may I please request an injured gn s/o (maybe s/o took a hit meant for them) either Sunday, Dan Heng, Argenti, basically as many or as few of the hsr men as you want. But if you don’t want to do this that’s okay, you are the author after all so yeah. Anyways love ya and have fun darling /lh
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Sunday: he doesn’t take news of your injury lightly. At all.
You getting hurt was unacceptable and Sunday will let that be known as he demands a search party to look for the person(s) responsible for your injury.
He becomes incredibly suffocating during your recovery period. He will want to do everything for you so that you’d never have to raise a hand yourself.
He’s waiting on your hand and foot as he slowly grows more and more infuriated with the lack of progress made with the hunt search for your attacker.
He’s been told not to focus on such trivial matters and pat more attention to matters regarding The Family, but in his heart of hearts Sunday knew he couldn’t fulfil his duties as head, not when you were bed bound by your injuries and rendered helpless.
It’s not the first time he’s been reprimanded for such behaviour and actions before, but at some point Sunday just didn’t care enough to head those warnings as he spent most of his time feeding you, bathing you, clothing you and overall monitoring your health as he didn’t trust anyone outside to do so without the usage of foul play.
He’d might even use this as an opportunity to show you that you were never going to be safe if you stray from his side, for he couldn’t protect you if you were to wander far from his sight.
He wants you by him 24/7 and if you were to go anywhere, it was to be with his approval and administration.
Was this controlling? Yes but he was doing this for you, don’t you see? Nowhere is safe because everyone knows your relationship to him and they’ll use that to their advantage. He can’t keep you safe if he doesn’t know where you are all the time and if he had it his way, you’d never leave the house at all.
Sunday knows best, so you’d be wise to listen to him from here on out.
Argenti: utterly heartbroken and enraged that someone would dare hurt his beautiful flower.
He doesn’t take your safely lightly.
It was his solemn duty to protect and preserve all things beautiful and you were high up on his list of priorities.
He honestly wouldn’t know what he’d do without you, his rose, his most beloved and the most beautiful soul he’s ever gazed his eyes upon.
He makes up for the fact that you were injured by staying by your side, offering reassuring words throughout your healing journey, and always being there to catch you when you fall.
He’d even go as far as forgoing taking care of himself in exchange for making sure that you were bathed, clothed, fed and so on. He looks perpetually tired but yet so beautiful with that soft smile gracing his lips as he gazed at you with all the affection he could muster.
You naturally had to force him to take a break from caring for you and have a power nap with you instead as you couldn’t stand another moment more of Argenti ignoring his own needs for your own.
���I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect you my flower. I’m meant to be your knight, but you became mine instead when I got distracted in battle.’ He says.
‘I’d gladly be your knight all the time in gratitude for everything you’ve ever done for me Argenti.’ You replied softly, holding his hands and watching him melt into your touch, revealing in your warmth. ‘So please don’t take my injury to heart, even though I know you’ve already have. I just don’t want you blaming yourself for something that happened out of our control.’ You finished as you pressed a kiss to his forehead.
‘I can’t promise anything dearest, seeing you hurt wounds me deeply as though I’ve been the one injured instead, but I’m willing to try. For you my heart.’ Argenti said and he truly meant it, but during the heat of battle that’s when he took his position as a knight seriously, as he would guard you with everything he had whsilt also staying true to his chivalrous nature.
Dan Heng: the moment he saw you get hurt, he’s mentally zoned out as his body takes over as he finds himself hovering over your body protectively, weapon in hand.
He refuses anyone to get near you as he’d lash out on instinct to protect you, his beloved.
He hates, no, despises the fact that he couldn’t protect you and will blame himself for it, until Welt has to step in and tell him that this mindset isn’t the mindset he should be having right now, not when you needed him as your pillar during your recovery.
That snaps Dan Heng out of it really quickly as he focuses on helping you recover and he takes that responsibility seriously. Though that never stops the guilt that he felt whenever looking at your healed scar, it served as a reminder of his greatest failure in protecting someone he loved.
It sickened him that after all this time he could still be proven to be weak in moments where he needed to be strong. He feels as though he’s failed you as a partner, but you never hold it again him as you reassure him while softly kissing his face.
‘It’s not your fault Dan Heng.’ You’d tell him frequently.
‘Then why does it feel like it is?’ He asks as his eye linger on your scar with melancholy.
He was so close to loosing you that day that whenever you were to fight, Dan Heng would be close by watching your back and covering your weak spots like he was made to know your fighting style as intimately as he did.
Nowadays he’s over protective and hovering over you 24/7 from the shadows, fae enough to give you space but close enough to protect you should the need arise.
He’s still trying to make up for the fact that he failed but to himself rather then anybody else, for no one held him more accountable for your injury then himself.
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hqbaby · 11 days
seven — i have a secret
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mess it up — gojo x reader & sukuna x reader
⁀➴ when i told you i’m fine, you were lied to. when the love of your life falls for someone else, you decide to move on—by pretending to date your best friend, the campus fuckboy.
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 2k content. profanity, FEELINGS FEELINGS FEELINGS
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You met Satoru by chance. Or at least that was what you thought until he confessed three months into your relationship that he’d devised the whole thing.
“You’re not serious,” you said, gaping at your boyfriend. “You couldn’t have planned that.”
The two of you were sitting in his car, seats reclined backwards as you shared a bag of fries and passed a milkshake between one another. The speakers were blaring a hodgepodge playlist the two of you had made, one you’d both added all your favorite songs to with no rhyme or reason that resulted in an eccentric mix of ‘90s rock, rap, and—courtesy of Satoru—Britney Spears’ entire discography.
Things were so much simpler then. Better.
“I planned it all!” he told you, laughing as you continued to stare at him in bewilderment. “I had a massive crush on you, what else was I supposed to do?”
“I dunno,” you gestured frantically, “maybe talk to me like a normal person?”
He snorted. “Please.”
“Please what?”
“You wouldn’t have given me the time of day!”
You gasped in faux shock. “I totally would’ve!”
He pointed the fry he was holding at you in wild accusation. “You turned down everyone who asked you out,” he said, all matter-of-factly. “Desperate times call for desperate measures, princess.”
You shook your head, grinning now as your boyfriend stuffed a handful of fries in his mouth. He’s such a boy, you thought.
“Let me get this straight,” you said as you sat up, placing your hands on your lap. “You took a class that isn’t even in your curriculum, purposely bumped into me after a game, proceeded to tutor me for a whole month just to ask me out?”
He shrugged, beaming proudly at his apparent job well-done. “What can I say? I’m a mastermind.”
You tossed a fry at him as you laughed. “You’re unbelievable.”
“I believe ‘amazing’ is the right term,” he said, sitting up now too. He leaned in towards you and brushed a strand of hair from your eye. Quietly, he added, “And you were totally worth it.”
His lips met yours and you swore that if you died right then and there, you’d have died happy.
What a shame it all had to end.
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Your neighborhood is safe. Well, that’s what you tell yourself when you go rogue—against all of Maki and Nobara’s insistence and all your empty promises—and decide to go on a run in the dead of night.
You don’t usually take this kind of risk, resorting to early morning jogs before class or training, but you couldn’t sleep anyway and the tournament is coming up soon. You’ve never been one to half-ass anything, so you have no intentions of half-assing this. Safety be damned. You’ll run if you want to run.
The streets are still as you make your way around the block. You circle the park, the cluster of houses, the apartment buildings. There’s a convenience store that’s still open—you wonder what it’s like to work there, to tend to an empty shop. Maybe it isn’t so bad a life. Maybe you wouldn’t mind winding down in your old age and owning a 24/7 convenience store. Maybe you’ll have grandchildren by then, but that would require children and you don’t necessarily want to think about that just yet.
You distract yourself with the different sights, the mindless thoughts, the grocery list of things you need to buy the next day—anything to not think about the fact that you’re absolutely exhausted and could pass out at any point in your run.
You haven’t slept much since that brief reprieve afforded by Sukuna’s company a few days ago. You’ve gone to classes, dutifully attended meetings for your organizations, religiously beat your body into perfection in training. At this point, you’re just running on auto-pilot.
You wonder when this will ever end.
You circle back to the convenience store and your foot—so tired, so susceptible to minor inconveniences now—catches on a stone on the ground. At least you have enough foresight to land your ass.
It’s then that everything crashes down on you. You can do nothing now but sit on the ground and wearily massage your legs as you wait for the last bit of strength to return to you, just enough to make you get up and walk home. You just sit there, on the pavement of a dark street, fully aware that it’s probably not a good idea but also fully aware that you don’t have it in yourself to care.
You pull your phone out of your pocket. There’s a text from Maki asking if you placed the orders for the shirts you’re selling at the children’s rights fundraiser. Right. You forgot to do that. There’s a text from Kento asking if you have notes from that one class the two of you share. An email from Yuki with the details of the tournament. A meme from Sukuna, an image of a clown with the accompanying message “u.”
Then there’s the text you’ve been avoiding.
satoru <3 : can we talk sometime?
You should really change his contact name.
And it’s like the universe hears you. You don’t know if you’ve ever fully bought into the whole “the universe is listening” thing, but you might just become a full-fledged believer, because as soon as you look up from your phone, you find a figure walking through the shadows towards you.
A random straggler maybe? A murder with an axe? One of those zombies that keep chasing you in your dreams?
You know who it is as soon as the first bit of light from the dying street lamp hits his hair.
He’s walking with his hands in his pockets, head hung low like he’s tired or thinking or both. It takes him a while to even register your presence. It’s only after you put your phone away that he looks up, alerted by the slight movement.
His eyes meet yours. Blue piercing straight into you, like he can see your thoughts. Like he can read your mind. You always suspected he could.
“Hi,” he says.
He’s standing a few feet away from you, close enough to take in your weakened form but far enough to run away if you decide to lunge forward and strangle him for whatever reason.
You lift your hand, a tiny wave. “Hey.”
His eyes scan your body, already checking to see what’s happened. He notices your legs spread out on the pavement, the bags under your eyes. You look okay, though, he thinks. Not in any immediate distress.
“What are you doing here?” he asks. His voice is unsure, afraid of entering the realm of familiarity, uncertain if you want him there.
You shrug, “Oh, you know. Just seeing the sights.”
He nods. “Right.”
“You wanna sit with me?”
The question isn’t so much said as it just flies out of you. A natural thing, to pose this question. Akin to asking about the weather, akin to how you used to tell him you loved him. Exactly what was expected, exactly what it should have been.
His answer is just as expected too. “Sure.”
Satoru steps closer and crouches down to sit in front of you. He sits cross-legged, placing his hands on his knees as he looks around hesitantly.
“It’s really late,” he says.
“I know.”
“It gets dodgy here at night.”
“I know.”
“You shouldn’t be out by yourself.”
You crack a smile at that. “I’m not alone now, am I?”
Satoru looks at you incredulously before smiling too. “Maki is so gonna kill you if she hears about this.”
“Then don’t fucking snitch,” you warn him. Your words are harsh, but your tone is light. Easy. “I’m already in hot water with her.”
“What did you do?” he asks. He relaxes a little, placing his hands behind him and leaning back. “Did you lose her sweater again?”
You roll your eyes. “That was one time.”
“Nuh-uh.” He shakes his head. “I remember at least four times you came to me all panicked because you didn’t know where it was.”
“To be fair, half of those times I was just looking for an excuse to talk to you.”
He raises a brow. “You’re kidding.”
“Not,” you tell him. “You’re not the only one who made shit up to talk to their crush.”
The two of you laugh, remembering that horrifying period of time before you got together and routinely embarrassed yourselves for one another. 
You know this whole thing, laughing on the street with the boy you broke up with less than a month ago, should feel wrong, at the very least awkward. But it doesn’t. When you look at Satoru, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiles, you can’t help but remember just how much he meant to you. Maybe just how much he’ll always mean to you.
Satoru shuffles closer and says in a low conspiratorial tone, “I have a secret.”
You pretend to look around, check to see if anyone is listening. Then, you ask him, “What?”
He moves closer until his face is just inches away from yours. And he says the words you already knew he was going to say.
“I miss you.”
You let out a breath.
“I miss you too.”
You both lean forward, close enough to feel his breath on your lips, but not enough to touch his. His hand reaches for yours and squeezes it, holds it to his chest. There’s comfort to his touch, a familiar warmth. One that you’ve loved for a while now.
“‘Toru,” you say quietly.
You wonder if he can hear your heart pounding through your chest. You suspect that you can hear his.
“We can’t do this.”
His eyes flicker to your lips. You can almost read his mind. Why can’t we?
But he pulls back and so do you. He lets go of your hand, nodding as he takes his warmth away with him. There’s disappointment in his expression, but also a deep understanding. A deep knowledge that this isn’t right. You can’t do this.
You wring your hands and turn your gaze to a receipt on the ground. It lists a very specific assortment of things: a pack of cigarettes, a bottle of water, some lube, and a teddy bear. It must be Valentine’s Day somewhere.
“You’re good, right?” you find yourself asking. “With… Kimi.”
Satoru hums. He’s avoiding your eyes too, lost his footing in this whole interaction just like you. “Yeah, we’re good,” he says, words leaving a pit in your stomach that you try to ignore. “And you’re good with him?”
There’s a venom in the way he says the last word. As if he means to say, you’re good with him—him of all people. The scourge of the earth, that’s probably all Satoru can think about when he even considers the idea of Sukuna.
You nod. “We’re good too.”
Satoru’s eyes search yours and you do your best to hide the fact that you’re lying. You already know what he wants to see. He wants to see that you’re miserable without him.
That you made a mistake.
He doesn’t find what he’s looking for, so he just clears his throat, looks away, and says, “Good.”
You pull your legs up to your chest and wrap your arms around them. Suddenly, this whole thing feels like the kind of wrong it always was.
“You should go,” you say.
Satoru shakes his head, standing up and dragging you up with him. “I’m taking you home.”
“Satoru, it’s fine—”
But he won’t hear it. He’s already holding your hand and pulling you in the direction of your apartment building. As much as you want to, you don’t necessarily have the strength to argue with him, so you let him lead the way, one painful step after another.
When you get to the front of the building, Satoru drops your hand and motions for you to head inside. “Get some sleep.”
You turn to the door, then you hesitate, looking back at him. “Satoru.”
“Yeah?” His voice is soft, like he’s worried it might scare you away.
“I’m sorry,” you say.
His eyes widen just a bit as he tilts his head. “For what?”
You swallow. “For everything.”
You don’t expect him to smile, but he does. It’s all gentle and sweet. It’s exactly the way he’s always looked at you. The way he probably always will.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, princess,” he says. “It’s just the way things are.”
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notes. if there’s one thing i know about me when i’m writing my love triangle fics, it’s that i refuse to let either side go down without a fight 😌
ALSO FINAL REMINDER THAT THIS SERIES HAS SMUT, so minors sincerely fuck off please, i'm not responsible for what you consume online.
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miikapie · 4 months
Your boyfriend Choso gives you scary dog privileges!!
cw:.. Choso x fem!reader, reader gets harassed by a creep at the bar:(, bad grammar as always. this is literally just me barfing up an idea because i love the idea of choso protecting reader from weirdos!!
Along with his resting bitch face, his tall stature makes strangers shiver. Whether that be in a bar, out on a nighttime walk, or in the city. Aslong as Choso is not even two paces away from you you're practically untouchable!
Its amazing, ofcourse, he keeps away weirdos with just a glare, sending them running in the opposite direction. You think that's fantastic obviously!! You'll have no need to invest in self defense classes when Choso is around you 24/7! Well, he can't be around you all the time...
You were sat on the high stool of the bar, waiting for your boyfriend to come back from the bathroom. Specifically he placed his black bomber jacket on the seat beside you to silently let it be known to anyone who even thought of approaching you that there was already someone sitting there.
You sat twirling the cocktail drink with the little paper umbrella your bartender had given to you in the meantime while you wait for your lovely boyfriend to return.
It was a rare night for you both. Usually, nights like this were spent on the couch together, while you scratched his scalp softly like a (not so) little puppy. Well, he was your puppy afterall!!
As you sat daydreaming innocently about your sweet boyfriend to distract yourself from the bustling atmosphere of the bar, a particularly tragic attempt at a suave voice made itself known beside you.
"Hello, cutie~" A waft of alcohol hit your face like a brick, originating where the voice came from.
It was a drunk guy, leaning on the table beside you. His eyes hung low, shamelessly checking you out, and his hair was a greasy bird's-nest. You almost gagged at how fucking badly he smelled.
"What're you doin' here all by yourself?" He slurred, a burp following suit as he moved closer to you. "Shouldn't a woman like you be in my bed? hmmmm?" And jesus fucking christ, you wished your boyfriend would hurry up in that damn washroom.
"I uh.. im here with my boyfriend." You reply with a deadpan, slightly leaning away from the man who was inches away from your face.
"What boyfriend, baby?" He cackled "I don't see no man with you..hmmmm?" And you swear you could puke just from how putrid his breath was.
His filthy hands come in contact with a lock of your hair, and he inched impossibly closer to you, whispering. "Me, you, my bed, tonight. How does that sound?"
"No. I- Choso, there you are!" You smiled, catching eyes of your boyfriend making his way through the crowds that separated like the red sea infront of him- some people marvelling at how intimidating he was, and some cowering.
A small smile resonated on his features before he caught eyes of the creep right beside you. He saw the nervousness in your eyes and knew immediately that you did not know this guy.
The smile dropped immediately, as he locked eyes with the creep beside you.
He stood just a foot away from the stranger, as he let go of your hair and stared up at your-quite frankly-terrifying boyfriend, gulping audibly. You saw a drop of sweat fall down his forehead.
"Thats my seat." His voice, usually softer in tone, dropped an octave as he subconsciously grit his teeth infront of the man. You watched along like a giddy child on christmas day opening their gifts.
"Beside my girlfriend." He stated plainly, venom laced through his words. Now you could see why strangers cowered under the gaze of your other half.
The creep could quite obviously be seen scrambling around his empty head for an explanation to your boyfriend. You held back a snicker and took a gulp of your drink.
"Get out of here. Never approach her again." Shaking his head, your boyfriends eyebrows furrowed.
The man nodded haphazardly and scuffled swiftly away into the dense crowd to get far, far away from Choso. After his sharp eyes followed the man making his way out of the bar, he finally sat beside you awkwardly. You couldn't stifle the giggle in your throat any longer and you leaned your head on his shoulder.
He looked down to you, a small sigh leaves his lips.
"Im s-"
"Choso, dont apologize" Predicting exactly what he was gonna say. choso was a softie at heart, and knowing him, you knew he was gonna blame it on himself- even though he wasn't there.
"But I wasn't there, so its my fault." aaand there he goes! You roll your eyes in response with a smile, classic Choso.
"Its not your fault, Cho. I promise you. I could feel someone was eyeing me up for a while, I guess he was just waiting for you to leave."
Your eyes met his, and he looked a little bashful. he always looked bashful when your eyes met.
"Hes a scumbag." He spat quietly, looking away from you. A laugh erupted from your chest, making him smile. You always made him smile. Your manicured hand rested beside his on the wooden table.
His shoulders slumped a little and he nodded. It seems you guys wont be going to the bar anytime soon, instead opting to spend now 100% of your nights curled up on the couch together, where no creeps could harass you!
"Al..alright then, i believe you." Were the words that leaves his lips, his larger pinky finger wrapping around yours for mutual comfort.
Fascinating, really, how your boyfriend barely has to say a couple of words and hes sent a creep running out of the door. If only everyone knew him like you did- for what he really was.
It doesnt bother him at all, actually. he likes it. He finds a sense of pride in it, being able to protect you from any unwanted attention without having to lift a finger. He feels content devoting himself to loving and protecting you.
And if he had a say in it, he'd continue doing both for forever, for you.♡
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wonder2realities · 2 months
cici's meditation guide 4 beginnerz <3
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whether it's the void state or just guided meditations ; it seems like meditating is a pretty helpful thing to learn when wanting to shift/meditate. for some, they shift instantly and for others it helps them sleep better but noone ever really explains how to meditate so here's my attempt at a beginner's guide as someone who uses meditation 24/7 !
in my eyes, meditation is not only helpful for manifestation or shifting but is also just a good way to unwind after a really long day - it can be a bit scary if you aren't used to it so don't worry if you're a bit intimidated ~
as a disclaimer, i will say that meditation is all based on what works for you and what you can personally handle ! for some, they meditate for hours and for others they do 5 minute sessions - figure out what works for you and stick with it !
1. clearing your mind
this isn't a needed step but it's something that helped me a lot when i was first starting meditating and that's clearing your mind a bit before you start. you can listen to music or even watch a show, just relax a bit beforehand and don't think about anything that would cause you stress. my way of doing this is i usually write down what i want to achieve during the meditation first (am i shifting? am i just meditating to relax? am i planning on meditating and then sleeping afterwards?) and then listen to music to relax and address any thoughts or things that i feel like would distract me whilst meditating (ie : overdue assignments).
11. choosing ur method
do you like listening to music peacefully, can you focus well with it? — make a playlist of songs that you can meditate to. are you better at following instructions and can focus better on that? — find a guided meditation (personal tip ; go with a shorter one first that is just for the sake of meditation so you can get used to it). you can choose ambience, white noise or even just listen to nothing ! it's all based on what works for you ; if you don't know what works for you, test out different methods.
111. focus !!!
something that seems to be the hardest for most people is focusing, having to sit down or lay down in a position and focus can be a bit hard BUT one way of making it easier is some basic breathing exercises & i'm not talking about the ones where you hold your breathe for 20 seconds - i'm talking about the ones where you simply take deep breaths. spend as long as you wish, allowing yourself to relax until you feel like you're calm enough and then jump into what you're meditating for. for example , lets say you're meditating to manifest a day off school :
if you dont feel calm, take a few deep breaths until you feel a bit emptyheaded & allow yourself to get comfortable in that space (comfort is key !!!)
focus on wanting your day off & live in the end in whatever way you prefer (visualisation, affirmations etc) for as long as you wish !
you can drift away from your thoughts here and there and that's okay ! just don't panic and go back to focusing as you wish
remember that there's not one way of focusing , go with what vibes with you !
1111. don't think of time
now that you're focusing on what you're manifesting for, you may be thinking "how long has it been? am i on track?" — rather than worrying about the time, don't even think that time exists. allow yourself to live in a timeless space, it doesn't matter if it's been 5 minutes or 5 hours — time doesn't exist.
v. enjoy it
for whatever reason you're manifesting for, enjoy it. don't turn it into a stressful task, don't worry if you're doing it the "wrong" way — enjoy yourself & allow yourself to meditate. you cannot meditate wrong, so don't worry about that possibility and unwind.
♡ if you're worrying about being disrupted during the meditation, meditate early in the morning/late at night
☆ scared of getting muscle cramps from lying down a certain way? do some stretches beforehand !
♡ struggle to be still for a set amount of time ? choose a repetitive motion and use that to replace being still (i personally rock side to side a lot, it won't make it harder for you to meditate)
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thats all ~ if u have any questions feel free 2 inbox me <333
rmbr that you're forever limitless & changing ★
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h8ani · 8 months
Tokyo Revengers Headcanons
Crack Edition: Moody GF On Her Period
A/N - I hope 4 headcanons was enough! Feel free to request again! PSA this is my first headcanon so bare with me
Credits! The dividers were made by @benkeibear if you’re ever in need of any borders or dividers :)
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𝙈𝙞𝙠𝙚𝙮 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙤
This man will do everything in his power to NOT piss you off
For someone as dangerous and terrifying as he is
Hearing the slam of the front door has his knees buckling
The house being a mess was a constant argument with you two and the last thing he needs is the demon coming out of you
The house is spotless
Laundry folded and put away
Breakfast, lunch & dinner made to perfection just for you
You have this man feeling pressure from the moment he wakes up when he hears you groan in pain from your cramps
He’s scrubbing the counter tops one morning focused on cleaning when he turns around and flinches so hard he slips once he sees you
“Why’d you fall?”
“Floors looked dirty, needed to clean ‘em…”
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𝙈𝙞𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙮𝙖 𝙏𝙖𝙠𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞
Mans has your period symptoms and remedies down to a T
Your cravings are no joke
Hangry AF
No breaks in between at all
All of Toman fears your time of the month and they only know it’s time when they see Mitsuya carrying a bag of snacks with him
While he’s in his meetings you have the bag to yourself
But when everyone is conversing and you catch Smiley joking around with you and you don’t find it funny at all
That boy swore he saw his last day
That is until Mitsuya comes by and hands you a bag of your favorite chips
Anger diminished
Crisis averted
Smiley can live to see another day
You turn to look for another snack when you see a pack of cookies waiting for you on the steps of the shrine
Then a few more steps and you see a drink
And then more snacks
And more
What you’ll think of as a treasure hunt to find all of your snacks is actually Mitsuya leaving a bunch of snacks for you to distract you
All of Toman is in his debt for this
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𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙢𝙖 𝙎𝙝𝙪𝙟𝙞
He actually likes your cranky side
Mainly because he actually doesn’t bother you and it’s everyone else that has to watch out for you
You’re fairly okay when it comes to your period
You can do things and move around, so that didn’t stop you from asking Hanma to go to the farmers market with you
You make it through the entire trip without flipping out on anyone
That is until Hanma is paying for the groceries and items you two found when he hears a loud thump and a groan come from behind him
He turns to see you beating a grown man with a single pineapple
Where you found another he doesn’t know because the one you picked out was in his bag
He just watches you destroy the pineapple against the defenseless man because man, it was a sight to see
He only picks you up once he hears the man make a sexist comment
Hanma saw your eyes dart to the broom display a few feet away and he could only imagine what you were planning to do with those
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𝙍𝙖𝙣 𝙃𝙖𝙞𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙞
Ran is probably the worst one to be around on your period
He thinks everything is just so funny
You’re overly emotional? He laughs
Because “Why are you crying at the chef boyardee commercial?”
“He found his way back home! He was left behind!”
He finds you most amusing when your anger spikes
Because why is his sweet little girlfriend turning into a demon of the night
You were snapping at him, snapping at his brother, you even snapped at the poor couch pillows going as far as chucking it across the room causing a glass to break
After that Ran’s eyes locked on his brother who was behind you with a cross necklace hanging from his hand and a squirt bottle
Rindou began chanting “Begone Satan!” while spritzing you with the squirt bottle
Let’s just say the necklace was now broken and Rindou was soaked, bottle now empty
Ran just sat back and watched while his brother now believed that the devil was in fact inside of you
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shanastoryteller · 10 months
Happy Pride! Could you do more of the fem mxy!wwx identity porn? I hope you have a great day 🌻
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
Jiang Yanli sees the Lan party approaching and cant help the spike of anxiety that shoots through her.
First is Lan Xichen and A-Yao, who greet Madame Jin and Jin Guangshan formally and respectfully, without a hint of resentment for what they've put them through, for allowing them to arrange this alliance only to yank the promised marriage out from under them.
She knows better than to think there isn't any, but their serene expressions give nothing away. Lan Xichen's amiable mask hides a warm, peaceable center. A-Yao's hides a bitterness and cleverness so great that to this day she thinks it a tragedy that A-Yao hadn't grown up among the Yu.
They make look similar on the surface, but Lan Xichen and A-Yao’s relationship is proof that opposites really do attract.
A-Yao says something that causes Madame Jin’s face to tighten. Then they’re stepping back and Lan Wangji is stepping forward, but he’s not the one she cares about.
Xuanyu stands by his side, back straight and eyes forward, seemingly comfortable and at ease with Lan Wangji in a way that few people manage. Her expression when she faces her father is strained, but she stands close enough to Lan Wangji that their sleeves threaten to tangle together, so she assumes that strain is all that to Jin Guangshan and not Xuanyu’s husband.
“I told you she’s be fine,” Zixuan murmurs.
She wishes they were somewhere less public where she could get away with elbowing him in the ribs or at least stepping on his foot.
“Yanli-jie!” Xuanyu is waving at her, bounding forward without a thought to propriety. Both Lan Wangji and A-Yao are exasperated while Lan Xichen just seems outright fond, which is even more a balm to her worry than Xuanyu’s hopefully good relationship with her husband. A sect leader’s affection is nothing to sniff at, and even if Lan Wangji has little use for his bride, he would not upset his brother by treating someone he’s fond of callously.
“Meimei,” she returns and watches Xuanyu’s grins stretch to almost painful levels as the young woman reaches out to grab her hands. Xuanyu had felt so cold to the touch before, but now her hands are warm, and with several new callouses. She looks stronger too, thicker around the waist and the flesh of her cheeks, and it’s a relief to see her strengthened in both body and spirit.
Her grin eases and she becomes subdued as she inclines her head to Zixuan. “Jin Zixuan.”
He returns it, eyeing her speculatively, but it’s not a surprise. Jiang Yanli’s not sure if the two of them have ever had a real conversation.
“I brought some extra guests,” Xuanyu says. “Sorry.”
She gestures behind her and Jiang Yanli follows her hand and then blinks rabidly, but the vision in front of her doesn’t change. Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen stand there, along with a blind girl that she doesn’t remember seeing before. “It’s not a problem, Meimei. You’ll have to tell me that story of how they came to join you.”
Lan Wangji raises an eyebrow, looking down at Xuanyu who pointedly ignores his gaze. That makes Jiang Yanli nervous, but it doesn’t seem to be tinged with any true animosity. She’s more than familiar what that looks like on Lan Wangji.
“It was uh – recent. So recent that I’m in need of a proper bath and a new set of robes, actually.” She leans in to whisper, loudly enough that they can all hear her just fine, “I switched out my over robe for something less damaged and bloodstained.”
Lan Wangji sighs deeply. Xuanyu rolls her eyes, which seems like a good sign.
“Oh dear,” Jiang Yanli says, affecting wide eyes and a gentle concern that’s only a little fake. For a moment, a smirk steals across Xuanyu’s face before she smooths it out again, which nearly distracts Jiang Yanli from her play here. Not even A-Yao had picked up on her act the first time she used to it. “That sounds so harrowing and awful. Please, let me escort you to my rooms – you can use my bath and I can help you with your hair. We are sisters, after all.”
“Of course, Yanli-jie,” she says, eyes bright with humor. It’s refreshing to do this with someone who’s in on the joke from the beginning and isn’t A-Cheng. “That’s so kind of you, how can I possibly refuse?”
Both of their husbands look put out as they walk away together, arm in arm. Maybe this will finally give Zixuan and Lan Wangji something to talk about.
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thelonelyempath · 1 year
Smut Prompts V (NSFW)
1. "You know no one else can make your pussy/cock feel this good."
2. "I'm bored and horny. Let's do something about it."
3. "That's some sexy underwear, babe. It would look even sexier in a pile on the floor."
4. "Show me how you pleasure yourself."
5. "If you don't turn off that stupid video game and have sex with me, I'm gonna masturbate right here."
6. "It's...really distracting when you do that."
7. "Keep the noise down, baby. Someone's gonna walk in while I have my dick in you/you have your dick in me."
8. "I wanna see how wet/hard I can make you before I fuck you."
9. "God you feel good!"
10. "Damn, you look good on your knees."
11. "Would you rather we do this with our without a condom?"
12. "Just let me know if it hurts."
13. "I'm feeling kinda lazy. How about you top and I bottom?"
14. "Ooh, you know I like a challenge."
15. "Your clothes look uncomfortable. Perhaps you should take them off.
16. "Leave the lights on. I like seeing you."
17. "You make me so fucking hard/wet, baby."
18. "Oh, what's this? Couldn't wait for me to get back so you started touching yourself, huh?"
19. "Is there anything you can't do with that tongue of yours?"
20. "I'm not gonna let you cum no matter how much you want it."
21. "You look good with my cum all over your face."
22. "When we get home, I'm gonna tear your clothes off and pound your pussy/ass so hard you can't see straight."
23. "You should see the throbbing boner I have right now."
24. "I wanna fuck you in front of a mirror so you can see how good you take it."
25. "I've imagined what you look like naked several times. I wasn't expecting you to be this hot."
26. "I know you like this, baby. I know this will make you cum."
27. "Does it feel good when I touch you like this?"
28. "You talk too much. Maybe I should put my dick in your mouth so you'll shut up."
29. "The face you make when you cum is hot."
30. "I hope you don't have anything important going on tomorrow because you won't be able to walk."
31. "I'm not done with you. Get back here."
32. "You want to cum? Have you earned it?"
33. "Aw, you're out of breath. Was that too fast, baby?"
34. "Feel free to tell me to stop if it's too much."
35. "Our sex is getting kinda boring. We need to change things up."
36. "I can make your legs shake by just looking at you."
37. "It's so big. How the hell are we gonna make that thing fit?"
38. "Was your first time worth it?"
39. "Keep doing that. It feels good."
40. "Cum for me, baby."
41. "I'm gonna cum!"
42. "You always go cross-eyed when you're about to cum."
43. "I can't tell if you're trying to turn me on right now, but whatever you're doing is working."
44. "I just want to know who gave you the right to be this fucking sexy."
45. "Hold onto something, babe. It's gonna be a bumpy ride."
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star-girl69 · 4 months
YASSSS she would be such a bully but flirt with y/n at the same time OMGGGG im a sucker for high school au, thats probably because I'm still in high school
There's so many tropes we can come up with!! Like you said; y/n tutoring clarrise and clarisse being distracted and flirting with us, rivals to lovers??? Perhaps y/n plays badminton and clarisse plays football (that's my thought hehe) or maybe like nerd/goth x jock trope?? I'm exploding 💥💥
i hate everyone but you trope save me…
football!clarisse but hear me out wrestling!clarisse….
she is just SO STRONG and constantly lifting weights and dragging you to the gym with her and getting annoyed when you just wanna walk on the treadmill and do something “light” compared to her insane routine
ALSO no matter how much you weigh she will be DETERMINED to bench press it or wtv i don’t know anything about working out lift it idk
whatever sport she plays you have to come to EVERY SINGLE DAMN GAME MATCH WHATEVER or else she will LOSE
“i’m not like superstitious or anything idk what you mean”
…? she will literally skip a game if you’re sick and can’t come she’s that convinced.
nerd x jock would actually be so special bc clarisse would BRAGGGG 24/7
“my gf did this my gf does that you could NEVER you LOSER”
as if she’s not failing almost everything….
and if anyone tries to give you shit you could literally just text her and then she would come running.
someone else wants to borrow a book from the library that you REALLY need for your research project? one text trust she’s there. she is GETTING that book don’t stress…..
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agustdakasuga · 11 months
The Way Of A Criminal: Chapter 6
Genre: Mafia!AU, Criminal!AU, Angst, Romance
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Normal!Reader, Gangster!Namjoon, Gangster!Seokjin, Gangster!Yoongi, Gangster!Hoseok, Gangster!Jimin, Gangster!Taehyung, Gangster!Jungkook
Summary: Your father was a stranger, you never knew who he was and what he did. But one day, someone knocks on your door, informing you of his passing. Now, you learn more about him, his life and the legacy you are expected to continue with the help of his 7 executives.
Story warning(s): This story will contain depictions of violence, blood shed/gore, death, mentions of abuse, smoking, alcohol drinking and gambling. This story is fictional and has nothing to do with real life events or the actual members of BTS. Please read at your own discretion.
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Jimin’s words stayed in your mind. You were being selfish. Your feelings aside, you knew the boys were trying their best to honour your father’s words and wishes. All the while you’ve only been protesting but now, they’ve helped you when you needed help.
“I need to return the favour, don’t I?” You sighed, asking yourself. You shook your head and turned back to your assignment in front of you. This was what you needed to focus on now.
“Hey.” Wonwoo whispered, two coffees in his hands. He placed his bag down and took the seat next to you.
“How was class? And thank you.” You received the coffee.
“Boring. How’s your essay coming along?” He asked. You shrugged, not really having paid any attention to the assignment. You knew you wouldn’t be able to do any work at home so that’s why you’re at the library.
Wonwoo decided to accompany you to study, which may be a good thing. He’ll keep you in check and ensure you get work done.
“You don’t have to stay with me. You can go home, I’m sure you have better things to do.” You said, facing the screen as you typed your essay based off your notes.
“You’re not getting rid of me so easily. Besides, whatever assignment you’re working on, I probably have to do it too. We are in the same classes.” Wonwoo stated, taking his laptop and notebook out. You hummed, nodding in agreement. To help you pick a major, you’ve been taking extra classes in various subjects.
“Are your extra classes going well?” Wonwoo asked.
“I would like to think so. I’m taking the basic classes in the choices I have narrowed down... It’s between the life sciences field and the linguistic arts realm at the moment.” You informed.
“That’s something?” Wonwoo said, trying to sound positive. You raised an eyebrow, letting out a scoff before continuing your essay.
You and Wonwoo continued to do your work with the occasional chatter until he decided to call it a day at 11pm. The study area of the library was open 24/7 so it wasn’t surprising to see students study until the sun rose.
“Do you want to get supper before heading back?” Wonwoo asked.
“Sorry, I’m feeling a little drained so I think its best I head back. We’ll go another day, I promise!” You rubbed the back of your neck.
“It’s okay. I can drop you-”
“(y/n).” You both turned to see a Bentley there. The back seat window rolled down and you saw Yoongi there. He leaned down enough for you to see him but his face was a void of emotion.
“You free?” He asked. The driver came out and opened the door for you despite not having made the decision. You chewed on your bottom lip before letting out a sigh. You gave Wonwoo a small wave before sliding into the back seat. The driver closed the door behind you.
“Are you always leaving the campus at midnight?” Yoongi asked. Half his arm is rest on the open window sill, burning cigarette between his fingers.
“Just trying to find a place with no distractions to get work done.” You shrugged. You drummed your fingers against your thighs as you waited for him to speak.
“Speak your mind. Say whatever you want.” He spoke.
“I don’t... really know what to say.” You confessed. You thought you would have time to plan what to say to them when the universe cursed you to cross paths with them again. This spontaneity was difficult for you.
“You don’t have to say anything then. We’re here.” Yoongi said. You looked up, not having realised you were home.
“It’s late but... D-Do you... want to c-come in?” You gulped as you offered. You really hoped you wouldn’t come to regret your words. Yoongi nodded and snapped his fingers. The driver opened the door for you then Yoongi. Yoongi trailed behind you, hands in his pockets as you fished your keys out and unlocked the door.
“Please, make yourself comfortable.” You gestured to the small seating area. He sat down on the couch while you went to get him a glass of water. You didn’t know what other drink to offer him.
“I owe all of you an apology. I’ve been selfish and-”
“I hope you understand, I didn’t come here for you to apologise to me.” Yoongi cut you off, placing the glass on the coffee table.
“I just... want you to know I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting.” You replied, sitting down opposite him. He nodded his head to let you know he at least acknowledged your words.
“Jimin’s an idiot. He speaks before he thinks.” Yoongi said.
“No... He’s right. Whatever he said that day.”
“Tch, stop being a pushover. I came here to tell you that you shouldn’t let his words affect you but I see I’m too late. Clearly.” He clicked his tongue, reaching over to drink more water. You sighed, head hanging down.
“So you’ve lived with your mother here your whole life?” Yoongi asked, changing the subject. He wasn’t good at comforting people, not that he ever cared, but it wasn’t his intention to make you feel worse either. The best thing to do is to change the subject.
“Yeah. It’s the only home I’ve ever known. Small but just right for us to be comfortable, I guess.” You shrugged, looking around.
“Must be nice to have a relationship with a parent.” Yoongi said.
If an ordinary person said the same words as him, it would usually be filled with bitterness and hold resentful connotations. But when Yoongi said that to you, there was nothing. He didn’t sound jealous, hurt, nothing.
“Would you like something to eat? For supper.” You offered. Now it was your turn to change the subject.
“I’ll order.” He took his phone out but you stopped him.
“No. You’re a guest in my house now.” You insisted. Yoongi paused but nodded, putting his phone back into his pocket. The both of you decided to get a box of rose tteokbokki and a mixed fried food platter to share. After you placed the order online, all that was left was the wait. You excused yourself to use the bathroom since you were still dressed in university clothes.
“Sorry about that.” You came back down after changing your clothes. There was no time to shower but at least you were now in some fresh smelling clothes and not the ones you were wearing the whole day.
“No worries. The food just came.” He said, taking the food out of the bags. You noticed that he had gotten more comfortable, putting his suit jacket aside.
“Here.” You went to get him a small plate.
It would usually feel weird that you’re sharing food, especially from a communal bowl, with someone you treated as a stranger. But it strangely felt okay, almost comfortable. Yoongi and you dug into the food.
“Actually, I have beers, which would go along with this. Want one?” You asked after you swallowed your food.
“That would be nice.” Yoongi said. You sotod up and went to the kitchen.
“Woah~!” You were suddenly on your tiptoes, not having noticed that Yoongi was behind you when you turned around. He caught you to prevent you from falling backwards. He let go of you, taking the beer can out of your hand with a small, grateful smile.
“Didn’t think you’d be someone to have readily available beer in your fridge.” Yoongi noted as he sat back down with you to eat. You cracked open your beer and took a sip.
“I’m still human. I also need to destress sometimes.” You looked away in embarrassment. The man just chuckled at your reaction.
“Is university tough?”
“Not... really?” You blinked, surprised by the sudden conversation.
“Come on. You can be honest. If you hate it, say you hate it.” Yoongi leaned back as he chewed on a piece of kimchi.
“Well, I’m just not sure if I am wasting my time. It’s not that I don’t like it or am necessarily struggling. I can’t even decide on a major, I don’t know what I want to do in life. If I don’t even know, why am I there?”
“You don’t HAVE to have your life planned out, you know? Just... do what you want, when you want. Let life sort itself out, some things are not within our control. Who knows, you might find something along the way.” Yoongi advised.
“Never thought about it that way...” You hummed.
“I hate to sound cliche but when doors close, more will open. You discover you hate something, you move closer to know what you want.” He said.
“What about you? You all seem to already be working, whatever you guys do or did for my father. How did you know that this was what you wanted to do?” You asked back.
“My brothers and I have been doing this for a long time. We never had proper childhoods or upbringings. Everything that we know, we taught to us by your father or learnt on our own accord, it was what we did to survive in the world. For me, school didn’t equip me with the actual knowledge I needed so I never wanted to go.” He explained.
“Are you tempted to drop out now?” Yoongi smirked.
“No... My mother sacrificed a lot for me to go to university. The least I can do is get a degree. She never pushed me to pick a specific major so that’s still up to me.” You said.
“You’re very filial.” Yoongi noted.
You hadn’t realised that you and Yoongi spoke and ate until 3am. He helped you gather the trash and you tied up the bags, momentarily excusing yourself to go bring the trash out to the curb while he wiped the table.
“Just let me do the dishes real quick.” You washed the small plates and beer glasses that you both used.
“Yoongi sshi-” You were wiping your hands as you came from the kitchen. Looking up, you saw that Yoongi had fallen asleep.
“Hmm...” Looking at the sleeping male, you were unsure of what to do. You didn’t want to wake him up even if sitting up and sleeping was gonna hurt his back in the morning. Going upstairs, you went to retrieve a blanket for him and carefully draped it over his body.
“Goodnight, Yoongi sshi.” You whispered before going upstairs.
“Finally, I can have a shower.” You sighed happily, taking a much needed shower. When you came out, you went downstairs to check on Yoongi before going back to your room.
Despite it being so late and feeling the exhaustion, you couldn’t sleep. You thought about Yoongi downstairs and what you talked about. You didn’t think that you would have an almost personal conversation with him.
But you were grateful that he didn’t mention anything regarding your father, the business, or what you planned to do next.
And for the first time in a long time, you were not alone in the house.
“Let life sort itself out.”
At about 7am, you yawned and rubbed your eyes. You had tried to do work to make yourself tired enough to sleep but it didn’t work. You put your laptop aside and went downstairs. But the couch was empty. The blanket folded neatly and placed aside.
“Yoongi sshi?” You called out. With no reply, you assumed that he left, until you saw a trail of smoke from the window by the front door.
“You’re up early.” Yoongi said as you stood behind him. He just sat on your front door step, smoking his cigarette. But when you came, he dropped it and crushed it beneath your foot.
“It would be rude of me to leave without a goodbye. After your hospitality.” Yoongi stood up, dusting his pants.
“I’m sorry, my couch probably wasn’t very comfortable to sit on.” You rubbed the back of your neck in embarrassment. Yoongi chuckled, shaking his head.
“Thank you, (y/n). I’ll see you soon.” Yoongi gave you a nod before walking away. His driver arrived, opening the door for Yoongi to enter. He rolled down the window and shot you a wave. You awkwardly waved back.
“Guess I’m not going to university today.” You yawned again before shuffling back into the house.
“Wow, Yoongi ah. You were out the whole night... Welcome home.” Jin stopped as he crossed paths with Yoongi while he was heading to the dining room, taking the time to tease the shorter male. Yoongi rolled his eyes, ignoring the eldest. He didn’t want to have breakfast, still feeling full from the supper, but he did want a coffee.
“Send it to my room. I’m going to shower.” Yoongi ordered. The butler bowed and went to the kitchen to get Yoongi’s order, assigning the maid to get Jin’s breakfast ready.
“What...?” Taehyung groaned, rolling around in his blanket. Yoongi strolled in, fresh out of the shower. He threw something at Taehyung.
“Wait, wait, wait. Hyung, you went to see (y/n)?” Now Taehyung was awake as he recognised the jacket that he had lent you a while back when he sent you back from the club. If Yoongi had it, meant that he met you.
“Hyung! Don’t ignore me~ The only way you would have this jacket is if (y/n) gave it to you.” Taehyung chased after him.
“You were with her the whole night? What did she say?”
“I don’t have to tell you anything.” Yoongi scoffed, taking a sip of his iced coffee from his table. Taehyung jumped onto Yoongi’s bed, getting comfortable in the other male’s sheets.
“Get out.” Yoongi glared. Taehyung ignored him, snuggling deeper into the black satin sheets, messing everything up.
“Fine. I just went to make sure that Jimin didn’t get to her. As much as Jimin’s words were right, I know Namjoon is stressed about making things work out between her and us. And we can’t expect him to do everything while we just kick back.” Yoongi crossed his arms.
“And what? Of course she feels bad after what Jimin said. She’s a regular human being, she’s not us. But that doesn’t mean she’s just going to drop everything and resume the title of the head.” He said.
“I see. Jimin’s been keeping everything in for a while now, especially after boss’ death. He can’t help that it all exploded.” Taehyung shrugged.
“It’s not just him. We all didn’t mourn.”
“But sometimes, it’s not about us and what we feel.” Yoongi sighed. Taehyung didn’t reply. Instead, he got up and left Yoongi’s room to let the older take a rest. Finishing his coffee, Yoongi laid in his bed and finally went to sleep.
Jimin leaned against the wall, having overheard the conversation between Taehyung and Yoongi. When his 95′ brother came out from Yoongi’s room, he hadn’t even noticed Jimin just standing there against the wall, probably just half asleep. He let out a long sigh.
“Chim.” Namjoon called out. Jimin looked up at the leader.
“Go sleep. You haven’t slept in 3 days. We’ll talk when you wake up.” Namjoon ordered. Jimin just looked away.
“Here. Now, go.” Namjoon handed him something and patted his shoulder. The younger nodded glumly and went back to his room. He looked at the sleeping pills that were placed in his hands.
Ever since he snapped at you, he was benched from work by the others. He thought he could finally mourn, with his frustration off his chest, but that didn’t happen. He was barely even sleeping, moving around like a zombie.
“You finally caved.” Jin said as Namjoon walked into the dining room.
“He needs to sleep. Plus, what I gave him was very mild.” Namjoon replied, sitting down in his seat.
“Don’t shoulder it all on your own, Namjoon ah. Things will work out, don’t worry. We should all be focusing on our work to continue holding up the fort.” Jin said. Namjoon nodded in agreement.
“Morning. Just coffee. I’ve got to go.” Hoseok walked in, all dressed up. While waiting for the butler, he sat down with his two brothers.
“I’ve got a meeting with all our shipment partners today. My boys will be patrolling the docks and moving in the new shipments. Also, Namjoon, I’ll be doing inventory for the warehouse so tell your boys to not retrieve anything today.” Hoseok informed. Namjoon nodded his head and took his phone out to send the message to his lab team.
Their work and experiments needed a constant supply of chemicals, which were brought in and stored at some of Hoseok’s warehouses. Maybe Namjoon could give his team the day off.
“Taehyung said the governor wants to see me. So let’s keep things to a minimum for now, it’ll be annoying to have to handle any attempt at blackmail from him. I’ll let the rest know later.” Namjoon said.
“Yeah. I’ll let my boys know.” Hoseok bid the two goodbye and left.
“Well, I’m going back to work. I should be done with your files by noon.” Jin stood up and stretched his arms. He retreated out of the room.
“Good morning, Jungkookie.” Jin greeted as he passed the youngest on the way to his room. The boy yawned, giving a sleepy wave before going down to the dining room, in search of food.
“Namjoon hyung, I finished Jimin hyung’s list last night.” Jungkook said, yawning midway.
“Thanks for taking over, Kook. Take a break for the next few days. I was telling Hoseok to keep things to a minimum too. The governor wants to meet and I don’t need him having anything on us.” Namjoon informed.
“Yes, hyung. I’ll just work the shop.” Jungkook nodded. He had no issue taking over Jimin’s hit list, the extra work wasn’t that taxing on him. But now that Namjoon needed them to laylow, he could use the time to catch up on working on his cars and bikes.
When Namjoon finished his breakfast, he went up to his office. He knew that Yoongi went to see you last night and judging by how he stayed out the whole night, Namjoon guessed he was able to talk to you.
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I feel bad for Starlo. (pt. 9)
Star's the Papyrus (both are idealistic & seen as naive) of this game (Martlet is another possible parallel), even though he's got similarities with Undyne too. No matter how broken Ceroba seemed he asked himself WHY she did what she did and I think that's SUPER important.
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Ceroba didn't do this. Her first instinct was to be harsh (after being harsh with him even BEFORE he attacked Clover):
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called his personality "damaged" before this scene
... you never asked yourself WHY he did the whole sheriff act.
.... you never asked WHY he didn't want to grow up. If it was a coping mechanism, if he wanted to help his community in a way he couldn't as a farmer? It was never on her mind.
Yes he has baggage but he's dealing with it all while uplifting others, Ceroba has baggage but is well taken care of by Star and at least has him, he has no one but himself and his optimism to pull him out of negative feelings, and still gets insulted.
Yeah Ceroba's been through stuff but apparently it's been some time since Chujin passed and Kanako fell down, she should have at least started to support Star emotionally like he's been supporting her (sure, he did so with distractions, but as he said "aren't distractions what's best for all of that?" He did his best). Problem is she DIDN'T realise he was ever struggling with self worth and only assumed he was goofing off. Either that or she did nothing about it aka was too occupied with her own problems (which are valid but still... she should have tried at least a little) Cer's character flaw is being too stubborn and devoted to Chujin. She trusted him blindly and wholeheartedly. Everything else came in 2nd place. This is clear as day.
It hurts knowing Ceroba could never respect Starlo the way she still does her husband. Not saying she shouldn't admire Chujin, but the way she sees Star as a goofy manchild whose lifelong passion can go "too far," the way she sees all this Wild East stuff as him "just having fun," the way she thinks that only someone whose brain isn't developed would ever consider dating him just... ticks me off, tbh. That's why I think the guy needs someone who will be gentle and patient with him, even if that other person is going through tough times.
She DID call Starlo the best sheriff she's ever known (honestly the only sweet moment between them in pacifist, but it is very brief, especially in neutral where he just gets cut off; also I hope she was being genuine here) and said how everyone adored him (but hated his persona, which I've already covered: basically they either hated 'North Star' as a whole, which I hope isn't true, or just how excited he was to meet Clover, which makes no sense to me; already covered it as well)
Bonus: Dina didn't know who Star really was or what he looked like, not before the end credits rolled (when he shows up as himself & she's also seen there; makes sense that he finally came clean to her):
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So he's literally been playing this role 24/7, ever since she became the bartender; ever since this town started to exist. It's impressive how he could keep up an act AND use this fake accent for so long
Bonus #2: Star was SUPER worried about Clover's safety; that's what REALLY upset him (he cares about that child sm). THAT's what drove him off the edge (unless he naturally has a temper, i don't think this is it tho). Either way, he was way more patient w Ceroba than I think most would have been in that situation. Sure he snapped a few times, but there was a good reason to. He still TRIED to reason with her. Why did he attack? Worried for Martlet & Clover. I honestly think Star's the type to only get super angry if someone he loves is in danger (minus the stuff that happened which led him to cracking)
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when-november-ends · 1 year
witchcraft things
that didn't work for me
and why
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- kitchen witchcraft
i love cooking and i love working with plants, however incorporating spells into my food didn't work for me. i got way too distracted by the spell part, that i completely forgot to make the food taste good. and as much as i love magic, it took the fun out of cooking for me. because now, cooking wasn't something fun where i could experiment with flavors and textures, it was something i had to put thought into beforehand. and i like to be spontaneous with my cooking.
- protection spells
protection spells seem to be the most important part of the witchcraft community. and i do think it's important to know how protection magic works, but it's also very unnecessary to have protections up 24/7 if you're not famous or have many enemies. i tend to forget about my protection spells, so they just sit on my altar, untouched for months and i forget to make new ones. hasn't hurt me so far tho, so i'll be saving those up for when and if i actually need them.
- casting a circle
not gonna lie, i tried that once and never again. it felt so pretentious to me.. like i was in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. and not in a good way. i stumbled across that practice on witchtok first, that was when i thought i was wrong for practicing my way and not how other people said i should. i don't think casting a circle is a bad thing to do, but it absolutely is a bad thing to do for me.
- bowl spells
bowl spells are one of my favorite kinds of spells because they're interactive. you put things in, you take things out. the energy doesn't feel stagnant and the spell is always working it's magic as long as you interact with it. ....but unfortunately my adhd made it very clear to me that those kinds of spells aren't something that works for me. i forget about them 5 minutes after i made them and they never get interacted with, so they don't do much of what they're supposed to. i would definitely recommend them to people who remember to take out and put in stuff tho, because the concept is great.
- scrying
gods, did i want that to work. divination is my favorite kind of witchcraft and i'm great at it! so when i learned about scrying, it was something i immediately got interested in and tried. i tried fire and water. fire worked a bit better, because the flames are dancing and water is reflective. that meant for me, i was always seeing things in it that were physically there, and couldn't concentrate on the scrying part. honestly i don't really remember why the fire method didn't work out, but i assume i got distracted really fast or lost in my thoughts.
- veiling
veiling can be done for many reasons. mine was, that i wanted to use it as a way to protect myself from all the different types of energy in public places. every person has their own life, with their own problems and their own current state of being. and since i have social anxiety, i thought veiling would be worth a try so that public places perhaps wouldn't get overwhelming as fast. well, that backfired because before i could try it, i realized i was trans and the head covering made me feel very dysphoric when i put it on at home. i never attempted anything similar again after that.
- ancestor work
i lost someone really close to me in early 2020. she wasn't a blood relative, but she was my dad's best friend, our landlord (who lived in the same house as we did by the way) and she saw me grow up since i was a baby. i was so desperate to try and talk to her. i tried to reach her myself, i asked other witches for help, but it never worked. after a while i decided to let her be, because the constant getting my hopes up and then being disappointed didn't help my mental health. i just wanted to know if she was okay now, but i think i just have to trust that she is. as for my other ancestors, i don't know anything about them and i am not really interested in finding out. i wasn't close with any of my great grandparents because we saw each other about once a year until they died. they didn't do anything wrong, but i don't want to force a connection.
- dragon work
damn. i really love dragons. all my life and with all my heart. and i truly believe that they are out there (not physically, like dinosaurs were, but in a similar way the gods are out there). i've done a lot of research on the topic, but my mental health got in the way. i don't have the concentration to reach out to them, nor will i be able to dedicate a specific amount of time to them regularly, which i feel like they won't like. i will try again when and if i get better, but until then it goes on this list of witchcraft things that didn't work for me and why.
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luffyvace · 4 months
〜☆〜Shigaraki and Touya (separate) x Scholarly reader with glasses 〜☆〜
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precisely what the title says~
Might post a lot lately because I’m trying to clear drafts :P
shigaraki with a intelligent reader is wonderful!
you can help him with his plans! 😋
your input is really valuable and whether the lov knows it or not you definitely play a big role in missions
your a mastermind who is very good at outsmarting the heroes
He feels like as long as he has you, no matter what you’ll always be one step ahead
your his Queen/King chess piece
together you’ll watch it all crumble
honestly I’m just assuming your in the lov because even if your not a official member you’ve certainly contributed a lot
to which he very much appreciates
He values your priorities and requests
as he said he always has room for his comrades wishes
you love him for that
never once has one of your plans completely failed
for example if all might destroys a bunch of your nomus even though they were supposed to terrorize the city
You don’t panic at all because it was all apart of your plan >:)
*rubs hands together like evil fly*
it was all a distraction so you could infiltration a hero base and steal some info and such….🥱
ez dub the heroes are walking L’s with skill issues 😂
it’d be even better if your a tech savvy too
you can break into hero facilities better
plus screw with them if you want n all 💃
you and that emo long bob dude be competing (tomoyasu chikazoku)
you can first fr
anyway shigaraki thinks reader with glasses is fiiiine 😍
fr like you look good!
he’ll probably ask questions like “did you make your own?”
“Where you born with bad vision or is it stigmatized?”
”when did you get glasses?”
”have your eyes gotten stronger or weaker?”
”do you keep them on 24/7 or do you take them off and take breaks?”
”do you get headaches from them?”
”is it annoying having to push them back up all the time?”
”are you farsighted? Nearsighted? Is it just for reading?”
now he’s not asking to annoy you, and these questions come with time he doesn’t trample you with them
he’s genuinely curious and is a pretty good listener
he’s not just asking just to ask it or anything
if you ever need a new pair he’ll find a way to pull through for you
he’s not always as resourceful as you but he does have some connections!
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Uhh with touya? Intelligence won’t matter as much
Not to say he’s not impress though!
he likes to hear all the random facts of knowledge you tell him and he does listen
it’s intriguing, especially when he’s bored
he’d love to learn about astronomy if you know anything about it
he never took the time to learn himself but if you were to mention it he’d recognize some stars because he watches them so often
which makes for good dates!
you go to all types of different angles to look at them together
another thing is Touya never really went to school if so not for long
so you probably end up teaching him and filling him in on a lot of what he doesn’t know
not stuff he doesn’t care about tho
only the important stuff
which I mean it’s probably not essential anymore the way you two are living outside of society but hey it might come in handy
if someone were to ask touya a question but they’re trying to trick him by using a complex word, If you taught him he won’t fall for it! :)
I mean don’t get me wrong he’s not stupid
but you certainly are a lot smarter 😁
If you brag about it he gets kinda annoyed LOL
like if you beat him in video/board games a lot
which you do, you win like 98% of the time
the 2% he wins is from all luck games
and even so if you learn how those games work it’s over for him 😂😂
Touya doesn’t mind that you wear glasses at all
he does see a difference when you occasionally take them off but he doesn’t think you look wonky so don’t worry
he might be a little curious tho
like he’ll ask how glasses work (especially since your so intelligent)
which might lead into a conversation about why not everyone has 20/20 vision
yeah your conversations never stay on track because all the follow up questions
although you don’t mind because at least you know he’s listening
you end up explaining to him how glasses are made and he asks if you could make your own since you know
which honestly isn’t a bad idea since you could customize it and add whatever you want to it
you definitely thank him for the idea
he feels so accomplished—like he gets to be the smart one for once 😅🤷‍♀️
a sweet thing he does for you if you get eye strains/headaches is like rub your temples/run you a hot bath 💝
it surprises you how caring he can be but of course he’s not completely heartless
another cute thing Touya does is coming to you randomly with questions
”what’s this??”
”what in the world does ___ do?!”
”why does ___ happen?”
”is this normal?”
”what do you do if ____ happens”
”what’s __ x __ again”
”what’s ______ + ______ (big number + big number)?”
oh and you probably have better memory than him so
“Do your remember my past code?”
is common too 😂💗
I started this a while ago but never finished it so I’m glad to finally get this off my chest.
enjoy! Let’s see if the shigaraki and Touya stans will show up🕺
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