#i need to do a proper research first lol
marchtooctober · 4 months
It's been some time since i posted something 😅
My contribution for prompt "Desperate"
“Your scarf. It's falling off.”
“Oh… Shorry.”
It was one of those dinner nights of Loid and Yor, a regular practice that is part of their cover as Mr. and Mrs. Forger. Loid managed to pull off the date smoothly at the cost of another intoxicated Yor. At this point, he's now surprisingly used to it after so many times.
But maybe, this is the last.
“Thish too hard.” With struggling effort, Yor tried to fix her scarf.
“Let me.”
“N-No it'sh alright…” She mumbled.
Loid grabbed the scarf and wrapped it around Yor. As he adjusted the cloth, he felt Yor's warm breath on his hands. The sensation made Loid feel fuzzy inside, as if the warmth has spread all throughout his body. Then he quickly pulled back his hands, quite abashed.
“Thank you.” Said Yor and turned away.
She walked a few steps ahead while tapping her cheeks.
Loid wondered if he made a mistake. He didn't want Yor to be wary of him. But he couldn't help himself.
“L-Let ush cake some for Franky and Anya.”
Despite the messed up sentence, Loid understood.
“I don't think we can buy cake at this time. It's already late. I'll just bake one tomorrow if that's alright with you.” He replied.
“M'kay.” Said Yor and continued walking.
It's deep in the night and only a few people are still out, just like them.
The cobblestone pavement carpeted with dry foliage, the leafless trees line up the path. Howling of chilly wind signifies the near ending of fall. And it won't be long before winter comes, and a lonely one at that.
No matter how much he yearns for an ordinary life, Loid will never attain it. The so-called “home” where he wants to be, is a place very far from his reach.
“Loi? Where are you? Loi!”
Yor's voice took him out of his grim reverie. He rushed to her.
“I’m here. Hold on to my arm and walk carefully.”
Loid held out his arm but Yor declined.
“I’m fine. I jush thought you gone shomwere.”
Hearing those words, Loid swallowed hard.
“You don’t have to worry. I… I’m here. I’m not going anywhere..” Replied Loid and smiled bitterly.
They continued, Yor still walking ahead. Loid stared at her back and felt the unfamiliar sting of guilt. And where did it come from? Guilt out of saying those words? Handful of words added to the pile of lies. But it was necessary, lying for his mission. Yet, he couldn't shake the heaviness of guilt.
There shouldn't be any emotional hindrance. He knows it well. But for a second, he was possessed with selfishness and tried to reach out his trembling hand. Loid simply wanted to hold Yor’s hand.
Suddenly, he quickly remembered that he had no right to do such a thing.
Who he is right now is nothing but a disposable mask. Loid Forger is just one among the many passing shadows of Twilight.
Pain is welling up in his chest. Twilight realized his fault. The suppression of feelings that he didn't want to face.
Is this love after all?
What he knows about romance is mostly from theory but never experienced the real thing. It’s unfitting to someone like him. Feelings and sentiments were never beneficial to him.
Drawn to the flame he can't touch. As a last resort, he called out to Yor.
“Can we take our time walking?”
“Okay, Loi… If you want sho. Let'sh walk sowlowly.”
Yor beamed a smile and turned away. Loid was thankful that he was walking behind. He didn't want Yor to see the few tears that escaped his eyes.
This little distance between them is the only thing that keeps Loid from losing his sanity. He knows that even this moment will fade as a memory once everything is over. And he will be left with nothing but a blank canvas for him to paint another fakery.
That's all there is to it.
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coffee-and-tea-time · 5 months
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Coffee insanely speaking! Thanks Dear, you gimme the perfect excuse to write a second part just in time although I expected the option of talking to him to come first. Not that I'm complaining lol
➤ first part
➤ here to see the other option
↪︎ ☾ I love to see you ....................................... .......................................☆ I love to hear you↩︎
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TW: yandere behavior, delusions, murder of self-preservation, stalking, obssesion, somewhat willing reader, kinda denying of bad decisions
Of course, the best option is to stay still, not because you are enjoying this no no, of course not...
Despite his soft voice that sounds rather familiar, you can't really recall who or where. So the safest option is just giving in at the moment, you didn't know how he could react so the safer the better, isn't it?
A smile starts creeping on your face against your will, seems like you are a rather bad actor when it's required, huh? 
“Oh, I'm really glad, you seem like you're finally having a good dream… will it be too greedy if I want to be inside that little dream of yours? Well, if you find that greedy, you won't be able to handle me later”
Hearing a close mouthed giggle following the whisper makes your heart flutter softly, like this is some kind of really romantic scene in his mind. You were able to hear the faint sound of footsteps, he seems like he's doing a little room tour, making it a little hard to hear him.
“Oh Dear, you were researching that thing again?”
It seems like he found his way into your phone, what was he referring to?
“Why do you keep reading so much about romance? Are these words good enough to keep your focus?... Maybe I have to start practicing oral expression? It's been a while since I felt like that, last time was when you downloaded that stupid dating sim… This is truly irritating, the names they use, the way they ‘communicate’ to you; do no justice, I can express myself way better, my love, and how my eyes change when I see you walking by… just... please, I need only one chance, and I promise you won't have a room left for doubts”
Even though he made the effort to lower his voice in order to 'not wake you up', it's clear how his tone is changing with every word depending on the topic; First, a low hint of infatuation, then, what sounds closer to a plead and, finally,...was that...hopelessness?
Honestly, in a normal situation, you would be annoyed by someone searching through your phone but only an idiot would think this man would judge you even if you had pictures of dead people there, more like he's genuinely looking for more of you, despite the fact that it's really not the ‘proper’ way, you can't say it didn't work.
“My beloved Cherry, what can i do for you to talk to me? Those characters seem to steal your attention quickly… I would be lying if I sad I'm not a little hopeful because of them though, you seem to have quite the specific taste, Cherry, and I believe I fit perfectly on them... if only I could find the right moment to get into your routine, to be part of your life…”
Weird that he worries about getting to talk to you with an ideal scene but not worrying about stalking you, but maybe it's kind of understable? Since well, everyone likes to check on their crush on social media even if they take a while to actually talk, even if this guy took it a little too far, he sounds... harmless like his wish is just to win your affection…
wait a second…
Are you truly relaxed in this kind of situation? What is going on with you? Why? Why… well, can't say you didn't ask for this, even as a joke, you know this time is different because it's real, but… why does reality feel like a fantasy right now? Is it because of him?
“Huh, I come here as a routine by now, I still get the same queries, I’m dying to find the answers soon..”
Sensing that lightly sweet fragrance once more makes you know he’s approaching your ‘sleeping��� form once again, making it easy to hear him despite his constant whispering.
“Would you let me cuddle you? Would you let me kiss you? Would you mind if I were clingy? Would you mind if I get jealous? Would you mind if it seems like I already know more about you than I should? I want to hold you my dear, I can’t wait for the day I can just snuggle with you every time we want… I really can’t wait anymore, I need to be closer to you… I guess I have no option other than to talk to you out of the blue, I dislike to be so imprudent, but I promise I will make up for it once you accept me in your life, Love”
You feel a gentle hand slightly caress your cheek as a little peck is placed on your forehead, making you almost smile like a fool if it weren’t for the fact that pretending to sleep is your priority in this sweet moment, unexpected but called for moment.
“Sweet dreams Cherry, I have to prepare what I should say tomorrow, I will put all of my efforts to be my best self to make a good first impression, I hope I snatch enough of your interest to be on your mind even for a moment”
Oh, he is definitely gonna be stuck in your mind for a while, as you try your best to focus on the sounds, you catch his steps as he seems to walk away… but you keep up with your act just in case.
So, tomorrow, huh? Seems like once again you have important decisions in your hand, should you indulge in your fantasy and let him get near you? It also sounds fun to go to him first… But, maybe you should try to avoid him? It’s the safer choice, but do you really want that? He seems safe enough not to raise any of your flags, he seemed so caring for you…
sorry for any misspellings or weird sentence structure ❣
images from pinterest
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torchtour · 5 months
can we please be informed of your convoluted hlvrai plot ideas
here's the most basic rundown: benrey is an actual extraterrestrial from the very real alien dimension of xen who was orphaned as a baby and taken in by the black mesa research facility where he was then raised under scientific scrutiny to the best of the researchers’ abilities
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(i dont think he got kidnapped by black mesa per se. it’s more like he got hellboy'd, if you’ve seen that lol. basically adoption out of obligation because they accidentally pulled a baby out of a hell portal).
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because he lacked proper socialization with both his own species (no benny’s on earth) and humans (they didnt want him imprinting), the hlvrai simulation was attempting to teach him the merits of teamwork/friendship/being a good guy without putting any real humans in danger (ie. why coomer, bubby, and tommy are ais). the researchers facilitating his “social integration” thought simulations would be a good way to introduce him to earthly affairs and gauge his progress, so he was raised by games instead of people (arguably worse than him imprinting but go off). hlvrai was the first game/simulation with ai + an actual person participating.
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gordon is the long-suffering black mesa employee accessing the simulation through vr and is meant to 1) add to the authenticity of the simulation and 2) be a moral guide for benrey (kinda like how jiminy cricket is pinnochio's conscience. second out of pocket media reference sorry i cant help it). needless to say, benrey does not become a "real boy" like pinocchio does at the end of the hlvrai run we see and will likely be needing many, many more runs before he's allowed to be "released into the wild". it’s hardly unexpected though, since his development was entirely consumed by gaming. he played hlvrai like a true gamer.
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srry i know that was a lot haha i might do something about the bio of benrey's species though
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Hey nerds guess who made another thread about Vash's shooting skills during the finale of Trigun Stampede?
This nerd right here!
(( AGAIN! ))
Because Studio Orange has been driving me insane with how great Vash is as a gunman not just cinematically but realistically! I am NOT getting over this for a while my friends.
Of course, if you hadn't watched the finale yet and want to avoid spoilers, just know this post is gonna be filled with them and if you'd like to see my first analysis on Vash the Pro Gunslinger you can check it out here on tumblr and here on twitter before reading through this one!
Speaking of the bird, this post is also on twitter below:
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Oh but wait, don't have one? No worries! I've retyped everything below so you don't have to look at the bird app if you don't want to!
All posts mention guns and shooting because otherwise this analysis would not work at all.
First off, again, I’m going based on what I remembered from shooting air rifles & other research I’ve gained over the years! Second, I’m not an OG Trigun fan, so do take this thread with a grain of salt!
With that, let’s dive into THEE fight scene:
So right off the bat we’re getting Vash’s “smooth criminal” shot! Notice how he’s lining up his body sideways with his pistol vs forward like in the past. That’s exactly how you’re supposed to shoot one handed: feet shoulder width apart and aligned w/ the gun.
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Normally you’d want both feet planted on the ground when firing but since Vash HAS to stay on the move to avoid getting hit AND is being a cocky little shit to his brother, he lets himself lean forward to fire and use that kick back to gently guide him into his next step.
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Again, you NEVER fight what’s considered natural movement with a gun! You WILL get hurt! If you want to aim properly you NEED to be relaxed and composed. Vash isn’t fighting against the force of his gun, he follows it with the confidence and poise of a dancer on stage.
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And speaking of dancing just look at how Vash makes Knives dance over puddles! Vash has impeccable aim yet he deliberately chooses to shoot in areas that could stun or stumble Knives, knowing he could block the shots, and distract him as he goes behind the corner.
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Remember how I said lining up sideways is how you shoot properly? Here he’s firing straight forward using the corner as his shield. Had he not been holding a ticking bomb in his hand he would probably rest the gun on his other hand like he normally does on the rock jutting out.
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The second he fired his last shot he dips down to reload and LOOK AT THAT!!
He is practicing proper trigger discipline again!!
You do NOT keep your finger on the trigger when loading in order to prevent misfire. That is BASIC SHOOTING SAFETY!!
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And he does this throughout the fight!
When he turns away from Knives to make his way to the corner he lets go of the trigger before he turns back around to fire at him!
He can only hold 8 bullets in that gun and he will make each one count!
He can NOT afford to misfire.
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Because that bullet he loaded was going STRAIGHT FOR KNIVES! Vash is NOT messing around! At this angle it looks like he aimed and could’ve hit Knives' NECK which would be super hard to dodge close range. Knives would have to bend backwards like he did here to dodge.
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Shout out to everyone at Orange for the incredible work put into Vash and his shooting! There’s so much care into this show I can’t wait to see more!
Bonus: while we’re here, let’s get into Vash’s stellar reloads starting with this one (my absolute favorite) :
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Remember how I said Vash was being a cocky little shit to Knives earlier?
Yeah this is it at it’s peak.
Faced forward, standing still til the last second, and very slowly reloading so Knives hears all 8 clicks before flying out the window.
This is just being mean lol XD
It's because we KNOW he can reload fast! The gif below might be faster by half a second but it's still RIDICULOUS compared to the first one:
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Hell, he’s put individual bullets in the chamber midair and slammed a container of them in the SAME FLIGHT! MIDAIR!!!
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He did NOT have to mess with Knives like that! Dude's flexin' hard.
In any case, I can’t recommend this show enough! The amount of work and detail put into not just Vash’s skills as a marksman but the acting and storytelling - everything is superb!! What an amazing experience!
Thanks again Studio Orange and Nightow! See you again, soon!
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mitsybubbles · 7 months
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Age swap Serizawa and Tome edit
Plus some ideas I wrote about it below after talking at lenght about it with @acekindaneat
Tome runs spirits and such but keeping herself at a small distance because she’s terrified of sharing with other people and being dismissed so it’s a way of doing things “herself” but she’s not a psychic even though she wants to be and she needs People. Because of this she’s a little more interested in pursuing urban legends cases, haunting cases, or mysteries and tends to be disappointed if there is a normal explanation for it
Serizawa is a former shut in who was coaxed out by Tome after his mom hired her (since she claimed to be a psychic consultant) and is currently “training” him in his abilities. He just moved to a new middle school and is very anxious about being a member of society and fitting in without losing control again
Reigen is a year below Serizawa at their school and acts like a normal student during class hours and is well liked but not close to anyone but after hours he spends his time trying to “become someone of note” because he feels isolated by the norms of society. He keeps getting obsessed with and switching hobbies every other week. His current one when the story starts is private investigation. His sister is a year above Serizawa and is a top student
Mob is a NEET in who hid himself away after his powers caused several accidents and fractured his relationship with his younger brother. He only leaves to get amenities and he relies on his parents support or on a work at home job for money
Dimple is a new spirit who doesn’t know what his place in the world is yet. He doesn’t have a human form or memories but he still has human desires and impulses so he feels out of place in it.
-Serizawa finds Reigen researching into the LOL cult after he joined it hoping to make some friends and they both get sucked into the supernatural conspiracy behind it. Reigen realizes Seri is a psychic and decides he’s now into the occult and demands his boss hire him and drags him to Tome’s office
- Tome meeting adult Mezato and then coming to blows ala Reigen and Roshuuto because Tome is annoyed that Mezato is seeking out the occult “because she’s bored”
-Serizawa being cajoled by Toichirou to join his little gang and Serizawa actually enjoying it and seeing claw as his friends even tho he felt guilty about hurting other gang members but “it’s okay because Master Kurata says it’s okay to protect yourself from bad people right?” Also he was given the umbrella as a gift and Tome and Reigen notices how much Seri’s been using it and Tone mostly goes “huh you’re skills are coming along ig” because while shes supportive she also isn’t very attentive and Reigen’s more suspicious because seirzawa is spending less time with him. Due to being scared that his first real friend would leave him, Reigen is a little threatened by that so he lashes on seri. They argue and seri stops hanging with reigen. Then reigen feels bad and decides to apologize and gets caught by Toichi + co in a small hazing ritual to get seri to stop comparing himself as the same level as “commoners” by denouncing his friendship with a nonesper. So then they fight when seri refuses to and finally seri insists that he doesn’t have to be stronger or weaker than anyone else to get to have proper connections and he breaks the umbrella saving Reigen from crossfire
And then later Reigen feels bad about everything (and he also realizes Toichirou was right that he was only friends with seri because he was an esper) so he gives seri some pokemon cards playing it off by saying he had those laying around his room and gets thrown off when Seri is openly emotional about it and hugs him. Meanwhile Toichirou is reevaluating everything because everyone sort of ditched him after he wasn’t giving them smth in return (except Hatori sort of lol- Hatori likes his presence Enough and the StuCo leader Joseph who was trying to get him suspended)
Minegeshi is like 20 here and runs a flower shop that the kids hang out in. It’s probably destroyed now. Sorry my dude.
-Reigen wanting to search for the dragger after his sister tells him he can’t keep “goofing around” otherwise his parents will force him to settle on an proper interest
-Some kids hiring Tome to find a “ghost” that lives on their street and it ended up being Mob who refuses to interact with them in a meaningful way. Seri makes it his mission to help him. Serizawa wants to ‘prove’ hes better now by helping someone like him but then he and Mob make a connection and Serizawa understands that he has to let Mob accept himself and make that step himself.
Also Tome shows Mob the benefits of releasing one’s emotions in a safe space.
-Reigen and Mob meet at the office and really hit it off
-Teru hiring the gang to come exercise a spirit in his TV studio and he and Mob end up fighting because he thought he was the best esper ever, you know the deal. And meanwhile Tome and the kids deal with the spirit of Mogami who was a psychic child star that haunted Teru and possessed Minori because he’s jaded by people who lie and use others to get notoriety
-Roshuuto is like a wannabe popular kid that annoys the hell out of Reigen because he pretends to be people’s friends and dumps them for someone better and now he’s trying to do occult stuff for clout
-Hoshida is an exorcist without any powers that we know of but he’s really nice and genuinely cares about helping others. He’s one of Tome’s informants
-Separation arc where Tome closed spirits and such briefly after Serizawa leaves to “be a normal kid” for a while because she thinks she won’t find anything meaningful about the paranormal she was searching for because she’s only humoring people- it ends up with her meeting people from middle and highschool she fell out of touch with because of simmilar things and her realizing she should continue to do whatever she loves and she should also pay more attention to the kid who she genuinely cares for and vice versa even if he isn’t going along with her whims 24/7
-Mob trying to reconnect with Ritsu
-Confession arc where Serizawa injures his mother in an incident after he thought he was doing “better” so he runs away and has to confront his own powers- and Tome having to come to an understanding with him too
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DIABOLIK LOVERS ZERO Animate Tokuten Drama CD “A Vampire’s Late Night Snack Terror” [Reiji ver.]
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Original title: 夜更かしヴァンパイアの食テロ飯 [レイジ編]
Source: Diabolik Lovers ZERO Vol. 8 Animate Tokuten CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Katsuyuki Konishi
Translator’s note: Honestly, Reiji deserves so much more respect than what he gets. Not only does this man get up early to get chores done because his other five brothers won’t do jack-shit, he even goes out of his way to do extra groceries and make a first-class breakfast for his girl. I feel like most of the other Diaboys could barely even toast a piece of bread without burning it lol. 
*Cling cling*
You enter the kitchen.
“...Hm? What is the matter? It is still too early to be getting up.” 
You ask him why he is up already.
“Unlike the other people at this home, I happen to have an extensive to-do list, so I must get started with all of my chores early, or else I will regret it afterwards. ーー More importantly, you mentioned something about not being able to sleep? If you are feeling unwell, I can get you some medicine.”
You explain.
“Do not tell me...You cannot sleep because of the hunger? How unfortunate...I cannot believe your stomach is growling despite getting three proper meals a day. You should know better.”
You apologize. 
“Well, I shall forgive you this once. I suppose it is partially my responsibility as well for not looking after you better. ーー I suppose it cannot be helped. We still have time before we have to leave to school, so I shall make you an early breakfast.”
You seem excited. 
“Yes. If you have any requests, go ahead. As you should be aware, I am quite confident in my own cooking abilities. No matter how complex or luxurious of a dish, I will prepare it to perfection. Well then, what is your order?”
You make your request.
“What did you...say just now?”
You repeat it.
“You are asking me to make...tamagogake-gohan, out of all things? You crack a raw egg (1) over the rice, add some soy sauce and you’re done. You want me to go out of my way to make something so simple?”
You ask him if he won’t make it. 
“No, I never said that I will not make it. ...Very well! I shall show you what a real plate of eggs over rice looks like!”
“In which case, we must first gathered the necessary ingredients. There is no time to lose! I shall call the limousine at once. Off we go!”
You seem surprised.
“What are you doing!? Come on, make haste!”
*Clatter clatter*
“It is truly a blessing that there are stores which are still open in the middle of the night.”
You offer to pay for the parking fee since he has his hands full with the groceries.
“That would be a big help. This is the money. Here you go.”
 You ask Reiji what is inside the bags in his arms. 
“Excuse me? Can you not tell? They’re bags of rice. There’s high-quality rice inside.”
You seem surprised.
“You came along not even realizing why we took the car? Haah...You truly need to do something about how slow-witted you are. One cannot cook without the right ingredients, so we shall we going around to gather all of the necessary things. ーー The very best ones available!
Tamagogake-gohan consists of a perfectly balanced combination of eggs, soy sauce and rice with each ingredient being brought to its full potential. We cannot afford skimping on any of them. ...I happen to be a regular at this store, you see. The rice sold at this store has been selected by a rice connoisseur of which only a few exist in this country, so it is of the highest quality!”
You tilt your head to the side.
“You do not even know what a ‘rice connoisseur’ is...? Take should be common knowledge. Make sure to do your research afterwards, understood? Anyway, we are headed for the chicken farm next. I know it is quite late, but I am sure I can arrange something by using my connections.”
You frown.
“Why the hesitation? We are talking about the eggs which are the main star of the dish! I will not make any compromises!”
“No more dawdling! Let’s go!”
The two of you return home.
“...Haah. That ended up taking more time than I anticipated.”
You admit being glad that you’re finally done. 
“What nonsense are you spouting? We finally gathered all necessary ingredients! If we’re ‘done’, why did we get these fresh ingredients in the first place? But we must make haste, or else the others will wake up.”
“To the kitchen at once! We shall start cooking!”
The two of you go to the kitchen.
“We shall start by cooking the rice. I believe that I can skip over the instructions for this one.”
Reiji gets the rice cooker started. 
“Next we must choose which bowl to serve it in.”
You ask if that is important.
“Why of course. A high class meal is not only defined by the food itself. One must choose a plate which will truly bring the dish to life.” 
*Cling cling*
“Let me think...Usually I would go for something a little more ‘art nouveau’, but how about we use this bowl today? I am glad I decided to purchase this one for moments like this.”
You note that it is quite plain.
“What are you saying? A plain bowl is a fine piece of silverware as well! Just look at the gloss and pattern, simply marvelous!”
You raise one brow.
“Why are you giving me that look? I do understand that I might sound rather out-of-character right now, but look at it like this. I even went out of my way to buy a home-style takoyaki grill to hold a takoyaki party at home, so I must keep the name of the Sakamaki household high. ...More importantly, we should finish setting the table before the rice is done cooking. Well then, please lend me a hand.”
Reiji opens the rice cooker.
“It turned out rather nicely. The rice looks shiny and has the right amount of fluffiness to it. As to be expected of a dish made with a product from a true rice connoisseur!”
You point out that his glasses have fogged up. 
“Do not worry about my glasses being fogged up. It is only natural for this to happen when exposed to hot steam.”
*Cling cling*
“More importantly...Let us get started! ...Allow me to show you my skills! ーー I shall start by scooping the fluffy rice into the bowl. Rather than filling it to the brim, I will serve a moderate portion. This is the most elegant way to serve it. Then on top I will sprinkle some cod roe, dried seaweed and yuzu salt. ...It would be rather boring to stick to the basic recipe, no? This is my personal interpretation of the dish, do not worry. I can assure that it will taste sublime.”
He cracks an egg.
“Well then, last but not least we crack in a fresh, raw egg and pour some of this special soy sauce on top. ーー It is done. This is the Sakamaki household’s version of tamagogake-gohan!”
“Well then, here you go. Please dig in while it is hot.”
 You take a bite.
“How is it?”
You tell him that it’s delicious. 
“Why of course. It is a dish which was carefully crafted to bring out all of the aromas, flavors and textures to their fullest after all. The rich eggs and the deep flavor of the soy sauce go perfectly with the fluffy rice. However, right when you think that it might be a little blend and one-toned, the cod roe, seaweed and yuzu salt kick to add a new flavor profile so you never get tired of eating it. 
This is how tamagogake-gohan should be. Do you comprehend?”
You nod.
“Pleasing your palate is child’s play. ...Well then, usually I would go wake up the others around this hour, but I suppose we can postpone it a little for today.”
You ask Reiji if he will have breakfast as well.
“Yes, I figured this was a fine opportunity for me to enjoy a meal alongside you. You could say this is my award for all the hard work I put in. You do not mind, do you?”
He joins you at the table.
“Usually there is always someone making a fuss. I rarely ever get the chance to enjoy a meal in peace. In that regard, perhaps I should be grateful to you. However, make sure to warn me before you get peckish, okay?”
You nod.
“Very well. Let us dig in then.”
“...Mm. I suppose having a meal together with just the two of us like this is quite enjoyable every now and then.”
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) Raw eggs are commonly consumed in Japan since the country has no history of salmonella being found in eggs. By cracking the egg on top of steaming-hot rice and instantly mixing it together, the heat from the rice will also slightly cook the egg, so it’s not 100% raw when you eat it. Still, the consistency of the dish is quite ‘goopy’ - for lack of a better word - so I understand why a lot of people (myself included) would not find it very appetizing. :p
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riddle-me-ri · 7 months
Idk why but I LOVE the idea of the riddlers Having a dog that is there best friend and major weakness (I imagine most of there dynamics would be similar to Holt and cheddar from Brooklyn 99) but what do you think? How would the riddlers be with a pet dog?
a/n: ohh a few of them would be so happy…some…not so much lmao, you’ll see
Content Warning: none really, I don't think lol
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The Riddlers with a Pet Dog Headcanons
Arkhamverse Riddler: 
- No, nope, absolutely not!
- He hasn't the time or a means for a…filthy reckless dog!
- Edward can't waste time to train it or feed it or play with it (he barely feeds himself)
- He also doesn't want some mangy mutt messing with his tools or making a mess in his shop.
- That isn't to say he's never wanted to have one, ever…every little boy dreams of owning a pet, or especially a dog.
- But like many other things…Edward has just grown to be too good for certain things.
Reevesverse/Dano Riddler:
- I can see Edward easily getting overwhelmed…
- Even if the dog has a calming demeanor…just to have another living breathing thing in his vicinity (other than his rats, of course)
- Edward knows the bare minimum of taking care of a dog…but he's just unsure of the dog's personality at first. 
- If Ed isn't all in on his plan yet, with time and patience, he does become very grateful to have a loving and loyal companion. 
- The dog often protects Ed when they go out on walks and scares muggers away. 
- He doubted he would ever come to own a dog like most proper children do…but better late than never it seems. 
Gotham Riddler: 
- Most likely to adopt/gain his pet dog from picking him up off the street. 
- Not without some arguments from his inner self about how the last thing they need to worry about is a dog. 
- Ed does all the research. What type of breed it could be, mannerisms, how to care, what to feed them, etc. 
- Of course, he also teaches the dog all sorts of tricks--he's gotta be the smartest dog in Gotham. 
- (Definitely wants his dog to be smarter than Oswald's)
- (Also tries to refrain from naming the dog Oz)
- (If he does, he'll insist its for the the Wizard from the Wizard of Oz)
BTAS Riddler: 
- Much like Gotham Riddler, he'll definitely have fun training the dog and teaching it various tricks. 
- Also most likely to build obstacle courses for the pupper as well!
- Has debated entering his dog into dog shows (likely will if he wasn't…a wanted criminal)
- Ed loves his doggo and has always wondered what it would be like to have one. 
- He's probably one of the better dog dads out of all the Riddlers
- Definitely one of those people that dogs just love automatically (and no it's not just me showing favoritism shhh)
Zero Year/Capullo Riddler: 
- At first, he is likely against owning one..
- Eddie can't be bothered to take care of something that doesn't revolve around him or benefit him. 
- Plus, like Arkham Riddler, he just doesn't want to waste his time tending to a dog. 
- If he did have any, he would likely only train them as a means of protection or to use as a distraction. 
- Ed will do the most bare minimum of care for the dogs, again likely to just use them for some overall plan. 
Gotham City Sirens Riddler:
- He's the dad that says he doesn’t want a dog, but becomes best friends with the dog. 
- Eddie will definitely train the dog to search and hunt for clues like a loyal basset hound. 
- He treats his dog much, much better than he does most people (which may not say a whole lot but…you know what I mean)
- One of those dog owners were the owner, and the dog started looking like each other and mimicking each other.
- He likely takes his dog with him everywhere, not just for the sake of clues but because he trusts no one else with them. 
Telltale Riddler: 
- Edward feels he's much too old to take care of a dog.
- However, I imagine he does have fond memories of owning dogs in his youth. 
- I can see him appreciating a dog's intelligence and loyalty to their owners. 
- His dogs were always the most well-behaved but also curious like their owner. 
- Every now and again, he does miss a couple of his dogs, especially in the rare moments he feels really lonely. 
- Edward is glad he was able to give them a decent life before he became…what he is now.
Young Justice Riddler: 
- Somewhat like Dano Riddler, he's a little overwhelmed. 
- But Eddie is also super ecstatic.
- Assuming this, Ed also had an abusive dad (or parents), he's living out a childhood dream finally having a dog. 
- Eddie doesn't let them out of his sight and definitely takes a ton of pictures. 
- He enjoys training and teaching the dog tricks like other Riddlers. Of course, his dog has to be brilliant! 
- Lives up to being a proud Dog Dad
Hush (DCAU) Riddler: 
- Didn't want a dog but became the dog's favorite 2.0
- Like Gotham, his dog is likely a stray that followed him home after walking back to his lair after a run-in with Batman. 
- Ed does take care of the stray, and a bond does surely develop. 
- The dog even sometimes comes up and tries to protect him from Batman, much to Batman and Edward's surprise. 
- When this happens, Eddie gives the doggo a big reward. 
- It just feels nice to have someone he can depend on and not judge him.
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zzcrypticcoyotezz · 2 months
random jp headcanons lets gooo
gonna have lots of alan stuff because i have like. a whole backstory for him lol. he just like me fr so i get to make him trans and autistic.
this is mostly for before the events of JP1 and right after. ian doesn't know he's nonbinary yet. doesn't know until probably... after jp2 i think, when his books become more popular. so i'm gonna be referring to him as a man in this post. (see my post about my nonbinary/genderfluid ian headcanon if ur confused)
- ian makes jewelery as a hobby in his spare time. made his turquoise necklace himself. LOVES turquoise.
- ellie has a houseplant addiction. don't ever send her to home depot, she WILL rescue all of the succulents. and once they're healthy, she gifts them to her friends. alan complains and insists he can't take care of a plant, that he doesn't have a green thumb, that he would somehow kill it accidentally within a month. but every time ellie stops by his trailer to come and visit, she notices that little plant thriving, for years.
- alan hyperfocuses so much on his work that he often forgets about everything around him. he could sit in the dirt for hours without end picking at fossilized bones, scrutinizing every tiny detail. at least he remembers to stay hydrated, though, always has his water bottle with him. dehydration is no joke, kids! especially out in the desert!
- alan was raised in a rural christian family. they never understood him or any of his interests. in high school, he had a very kind geology teacher who happened to be gay. he helped alan figure out his identity and get into college to become a paleontologist. alan's parents ended up kicking him out on the morning of his 18th birthday, since he just couldn't be the perfect christian daughter they wanted. without the support of his teacher, alan would've never won a college grant, and he would've been homeless. alan truly put everything into his career. every single time alan tried to write a letter home to his parents, it would be returned unopened, so he had to give up. alan started testosterone at 20 years old, it took him two years to find a doctor willing to help.
- alan and ellie met in college. alan was already a few years into his studies by the time ellie got in. alan had never had very many friends in his life, he tended to keep to himself and work alone. ellie's persistence eventually paid off, and after an expedition to the hell creek formation with the rest of their class, he was impressed with her knowledge of mesozoic plant life, and they became good friends.
- a couple years into their friendship, they realized they both have feelings for each other. alan comes out to ellie, terrified she'll leave him, but she doesn't. she doesn't understand at first, but she tries to, and she does her research (she LOVES researching things). she ends up helping alan a lot, making him a couple of proper binders (no more bandages or tape!) and helps him do his testosterone shots.
- they've dated on and off for a long time before the events of JP1. however, the traumatic events of isla nublar were just too much and put a significant strain on their relationship. their feelings for each other never went away, but ellie just couldn't do dinosaurs anymore, after all she went through. she felt she needed normalcy, but alan is alan and he wouldn't be himself without dinosaurs. so they mutually called it off. and she also always wanted to be a mom. and alan insisted he couldn't, he could never provide her what she wanted. yes, there's other ways to conceive, but it's deeper than that. deep down, he was afraid of turning out like his own father. heartbroken, he had to tell ellie to move on and find someone better for herself. after she began dating mark, alan became distant and isolated himself.
- before ian came into the picture, the only person alan had ever dated was ellie. alan's old fashioned, he never thought that someone like him could also like men too. he'd always distanced himself from anything 'queer', more for his own safety than anything else. but he also struggled a lot with internalized homophobia and transphobia. he thought it was a sign of femininity and pushed aside his attraction to ian for a very long time.
- alan is definitely an unsafe binder. he would often just forget he's wearing it while he's out on a digsite. when ellie's around, she would often have to remind him to take breaks. but when it's just himself, he's stubborn (and extremely dysphoric) so he usually forces himself to power through the whole day, ignoring the discomfort. it's easy to ignore when you're uncovering the remains of long extinct animals.
- thanks to his digsite getting enough funding from hammond, alan finally manages to save enough money to get top surgery about a year after the events of jurassic park. ellie takes time off to help him through recovery, but after that, they unfortunately become distant again. he tells ian he's recovering from carpal tunnel surgery. ian knows he's not telling the full truth, alan is very easy to read, but he doesn't press for more, respecting the man's privacy.
- and yes, this means he was binding almost the entire time while on isla nublar. he was in survival mode, only focused on his own safety and lex and tims', and absolutely nobody could know he's trans, so his stubborn ass powered through it, adrenaline blurring any pain. by the time everyone was rescued and off the island, it turned out that alan had bruised and cracked his ribs.
- for a month after the isla nublar incident, alan and ellie stayed with ian, helping him through the worst of the healing process. there was no way they would leave him alone after such a horrific, life-changing leg injury. it was difficult for alan, juggling a sexuality crisis and having to hide his, well, transness, in another man's household, the same man who caused this sexuality crisis, but he made it work. the memory of that time is a huge blur to ian anyways thanks to the pain meds. during this time, the three began to feel something more for each other, but it remained unspoken. alan doesn't even know that there's anything other than monogamy. unfortunately in my headcanon dinot3 doesn't become real until dominion 💔 i'm a slut for slowburns lmfao
okay, this is all i'm gonna write for now! i'd love to hear anybody's thoughts on these. i love these bitches sm they live in my head rent free. honestly i've been tempted to like... make a fanfic rewriting jp1 but with my headcanons, but that's too much work and i have a very bad habit of starting projects and never finishing them 💀 so probably not gonna happen. it's also very difficult trying to find any resources about how life was like for trans men back in the 80s/90s.
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thebindingofpillo · 16 days
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It’s been a while since I did a proper character introduction so this will be a little all over the place but MAGGY queen of my heart, best girl 2kforever is here!!!! Read all about her under the cut.
As with everyone else in the cast, Magdalene is a Normal Person trying to move through life the best way she can. While she’s aware or the existence of the supernatural, her strategy is to chug along and having a normal life in spite of all this. So who cares if the Angel of Destruction is chilling in her living room? That’s her boyfriend and he’s gonna help her with dinner, don’t be rude.
Her and Isaac are adopted siblings - you can find out about Isaac here - and they both have an artistic drive BUT while Isaac’s passion lies in figurative arts, Maggy is more of a writing type. Personality wise, I envisioned her as a really sweet, passionate girl, but also with an extremely short fuse. Quick to anger! But also very quick to calm down if people don’t respond to her anger - Judas is a master of this trick, while Isaac can get as emotional as her and their fight usually devolve into screaming matches.
This doesn’t mean she’s constantly looking for a fight, in fact she knows how to keep her cool if the situation calls for it. Her emotions only get the best of her if she’s with people she trusts and if the situation is dire enough (like discovering your beloved boyfriend killed the son of God…). She’s also a huge nerd! And a bit feral. Could either ramble for hours about her interests or eat a bell pepper like it's an apple. That's why her boys love her so much. Her and Judas met when they were in middle school and have been inseparable ever since. They bonded over their mutual interest in history and literature, so much so that they ended up pursuing a higher education in their respective fields. But while Judas had no problems getting a masters, Maggy spent years struggling to complete a base three-year degree* and ended up dropping out entirely. In the years she wasn’t studying, she focused on writing and publishing her first book, but that didn’t go so well either. She eventually ended up applying for a job at a kindergarten not too far from her home - where she met Lilith - all the while still trying her hand at writing. She’s currently working on a second book, with the help of Isaac (illustrations) and Judas (research).
*I am using my own experience with Italian university, I don’t know how American colleges work lol sorry. Anyway in Italy university is divided as such
Laurea triennale (three-year degree) - 3 years. This is the basic degree.
Laurea magistrale (masters degree) - 2 years. You can only access this after completing the three-year basic degree.
Dottorato (doctorate) - 3 years. Can only be accessed after completing the 2 year masters degree.
If you wanted to get a doctorate you’d need to go through 8 years of school. Judas has completed 5 years of studying (therefore has a masters degree) and is now taking a sabbatical before working on his doctorate. Magdalene dropped out after a couple of years and never completed the basic three-year degree. Hope this is clear enough!
Anyway, dropping out of school didn’t make Magdalene any less educated. She loves learning! And both her and Judas have amassed a huge library filled with every single book that captured their attention. She’s also very curious and has a knack for teaching herself new things, like calligraphy, cooking, and even lerning new languages. Everything that catches her attention - from mushroom growing, to crystals, to ancient religions - is free game!
Despite all this, dropping out of school and seeing her first book flop did put a damper on her overall mood. While her loved ones reassure her that her worth isn’t defined by her successes or lack of thereof, deep down she feels like a failure. Sure, she has a job, but idling away the rest of her life at a 9 to 5 isn’t really a thing she sees herself doing. At the same time, she’s afraid of putting too much hope into this new book, because another failure might push her to give up writing altogether and make her truly miserable.
As for her religious belief, she’s a born again Christian. She had a slight crisis of faith after highschool - nothing too serious, she just didn’t see the point in going to mass every week and was frustrated that this thing that was supposed to bring her joy felt more like a chore than anything. With her being a rebellious teenager at the time, she did a complete 180 and converted to satanism for a while. Her parents didn’t really support her decision, but they didn’t stop her either, as teenagers are teenagers and they just wanted their girl to be happy (and not hurt anyone or herself in the process).
During this phase of her life she dabbled a little in witchcraft, and her knowledge of tarots and crystals comes from here. She didn’t do much more than that though, as she was still a bit skeptical of the whole magic ordeal.
Eventually she met Azazel, who was nothing short of horrified to see her proudly announcing she was a satanist, since he had direct experience with the guy and could attest he was an asshole. Seeing a real demon from hell scared her half to death but since he was very sweet and knowledgeable, he managed to help her find her faith again and answer all the questions she might have had in the meantime. This does not mean that Magdalene is now the stereotypical Good Christian Girl Trademark. While her faith in God is stronger than ever, she still takes all the rules imposed by the human Church with a grain of salt. She’s not a zealot, but still goes to mass and tries to love her neighbour the best way she can (even when it’s difficult!).
More stuff (rapid fire)
She likes to joke she’s the world’s worst Catholic as she still reads tarots from time to time and stili has her pendulum and crystal collection
While she still has an interest in divination and magic, it’s from a purely cultural perspective now.
Her new book is about… the adventures of Perseus. I am getting meta with my story lol
I had the idea she was able to mend clothes and sew, but I don’t think it fits her too much anymore, so now whenever she needs something done she gives it to Isaac.
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
could you write something for eddievr?? If not it’s totally ok, have a good day!!!
yeah sure! I went with this prompt I found from someone I follow so hopefully this is good lol ; thanks for requesting! hope you enjoy 🫶 ; I'm ab to be so honest I have no idea what this is.... don't expect anything good cause I wrote it at peak sleep deprived mess I'm so sorry (I literallt dk what to do w this i???)
EDDIEVR ; why are you here?
summary ; Eddie drops by to try and back your mind out of leaving for work, you leave anyways, and have to go running back to him
warnings ; language, platonic
word count ; 869
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"Why are you here?" You ask bluntly, arms crossed as you stand in your doorway.
Eddie stands in front of you, a desperate look in his eyes, "To save you from a mistake, Y/n!"
You roll your eyes with a light sigh. "Eddie, I'm moving, and you can't change that! I don't know why you're so obsessed with trying to hold me down here. I'm going places with my life. You need to move on!"
He opens his mouth to speak, but you cut him off.
"For Christ's sake, you're married! Go home to Gabby, please. I'm leaving tomorrow." You step out of his way to showcase the bins and boxes lining your walls.
"It's not about that!" He exclaims. "You're making a mistake, it's gonna be good for a while, but it's gonna come crashing down"
"And you know this how?" You squint, raising an eyebrow. "What, are you a psychic or something?"
He sighs, "I just don't wanna lose you, okay?"
"Holy shit. You came all the way here for that?"
He's silent.
"Y/n, please. I have a bad feeling-"
"Nope, goodbye" You move out of the way to slam the door closed, not wanting to hear another word.
Truth is, you'd gotten in a fight, a random one at that, when you told him you were moving. He was lying about his fear to lose you or whatever he meant by that, you talked online with him and his friends 24/7, it wouldn't be any different if you were a few hundred miles away. You talked more online than in person already. Nothing would've really changed.
But, apparently to him, it would've meant the end of the world.
He was hiding something, you didn't know what. He didn't want you to leave, you didn't know whether to find it sweet or creepy at first.
You decide to call Gabby, considering that's his wife, and you didn't want him around your home anymore. Plus, you had to question her about this.
The first time you dial her number, you're sent to voicemail. Out of your persistence, you call again, to actually be met by her voice.
"Oh my God, hi Y/n! Sorry, I've been baking, had to wash my hands and I couldn't get to the phone" She awkwardly chuckles, "What's up? You alright?"
"Uh, yeah..." You shrug, "Uhm, what's up with Eddie. He's so persistent about trying to get me to not move, but he won't tell me why"
You hear her sigh on the other end of the phone.
"He's worried about the company you work for, they're known for shady things, he's worried that after you make this move, that they're gonna start the shady shit now that you're closer to home base" She explains, "He's embarrassed that he did research on it, I guess. He's been looking for any and every reason for you to stay"
You sigh and nod, remembering she can't see you as you look back down at your phone. "Thanks, Gabby"
"Yeah. Let me know if you need anything, okay?"
You hang up after giving her a proper goodbye and then flop down on your couch. You look around at all the boxes stacked along your walls, looking like a maze around the place.
You still didn't understand why he was acting this way, as it was just... childish? Maybe it was his way of showing concern for a friend, but it just felt weird.
"Eddie, you're a confusing man"
You sigh as you reach for your TV remote, turning the television on to watch more of a show you've been hooked on.
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Surprisingly, Gabby wasn't lying about the shady shit your company was up to. They left you without a job in the middle of a big city and rent due in a few days. Awesome.
You were already on the verge of being evicted because you missed rent last month. The only friends you had anywhere close were Eddie and Gabby.
You decide to give Gabby a ring, hoping to ask if you could crash with them for a while. The stress was eating you inside out and you couldn't handle it, why not flee while you could?
"Hey Gabby!-"
"Y/n?" Eddie asks through the other side of the line, having picked up the phone for his wife, "What's up?"
"I'm getting evicted and I don't know what to do"
"Hm... I think I told you about that, pal"
"Actually, you didn't! Because you made a million excuses not to tell me for some reason"
"Yeah, true. Sorry"
"Anyways, do you at least have room for my cat? I'm not giving them up, they're my cat. I just need somewhere safe for them to be right now"
"Yknow you can stay with us too, right? We have a spare bedroom"
"I don't have money to pay you rent-"
Gabby quickly grabs the phone from Eddie, "You're welcome to stay with us anytime, Y/n. Please, come. I'm bored here without you"
"Hey!" Eddie exclaims jokingly.
"Alright, I'll be there in... five minutes!" You joke, "Okay, bye, thank you, love you, need to go, bye!"
"What the fuck is happening right now"
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noemilivv · 8 months
WHATS GOOD MIO!!! I am now here with my request 😎 if you need more information about this request feel free to DM me! anyways….
Now, May I request Lucifer Morningstar with a GN!Reader whos a Gyaru(O)? Just to explain the lore of Gyaru, If you know, Gyaru originated in Japan in the 90’s as a rebellion against the stereotypical beauty standard of having pale skin and dark hair, these gyarus — Gals or perhaps, Guys — were very flashy and outgoing, now other people except Japanese people wear Gyaru(o) and they are usually called “Gaijin Gyaru(O)” and it means a gyaru who doesn’t reside in Japan, Gyaru(O) has many sub-styles such as Hime, Agejo, Rokku, Manba/Banba, and much more from this wikipedia.
Thank you so much! I hope this isn’t too much and have fun! =)
this concept is crazy cool haha!! i really tried to do my proper research but if this is considered offensive in anyway shape or form, please tell me and i will either rewrite it or take it down!!
also i’m so sorry this took so long jax haha, i was bit nervous going into this because this is something i’m not that educated about, and i have definitely been procrastinating requests lately lol, so my deepest apologies!!
from what i gathered, gyaru seems to be a japanese clothing/makeup style with a bunch of variety and levels, but if i’m wrong please correct me haha
also the gif is from one of my moots so, little shoutout to her !! haha
Warrnings: Possibily inaccurate representation of Gyaru
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Lucifer Morningstar x GN!Gyaru!Reader
Lucifer didn’t really know what ‘Gyaru’ was until he met, or started dating, you!
“Oh, yeah, I’m really into Gyaru.” You said to the blonde at the other side of the table whilst on your first date, you were trying to ask questions to get to know eachother, and you asked what he was interested in, and he said rubber ducks, which hey, everyone’s got a weird thing their into, so you don’t judge.
“Oh my golly, I love that band, we have so much in common, we really need to go see them!! With that one Gearoo guy on the drums who just ba-da-duh-bey!—” Lucifer rambled, even though he was very far off, he was just trying to have common interests, and on that note; he pronounced ‘Gyaru’ so wrong…
“Oh, their not a ba—” You began, before Lucifer let out a ‘Ohh’ before beginning again.
“Gee, that’s my bad, I have a bit of an old man brain, with a daughter at home and all, her and her little friends! Heheh! Sometimes I just go coo-coo-coo! Sorry, wow, I’m just crazy..” Lucifer rambled once more, his voice trailing off at the end, as if he had an epiphany, giving an awkward, and slightly cheery chuckle, slapping his knee softly, before making awkward eye contact with you with a nervous but toothy grin. Yep, you loved him already. He has zero idea how you still gave him a chance after that.
Once Luci actually learns what Gyaru is, he genuinely does find it quite interesting.
He would be tempted to try it out, maybe a makeup look or a fit, but nothing too extreme, he’s still dipping his toes in haha
Also, he’s incredibly supportive, he loves admiring you as you get ready and pick out something to wear or do your makeup or whatever and however you get ready!!
If he has a meeting, he will definitely have you style him a sick looking outfit!!
Overall, he’s very supportive, the fact that your supportive of his odd duck obsession, he loves, so he owes it to ya :)
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suratan-zir · 2 months
WHOOPS, I didn't see that thanks for the link! Where did your fascination witjbrats come from?
It's hard to answer this question because there is no interesting story or specific reason. I've had pet rats almost my whole life, so for a while, getting new ones was like a habit to me. I grew up surrounded by animals. My first rodent was a hamster that bit my finger the first time I tried to touch him. He bit right through it. I must've been about 5 years old at the time. So, my parents gave it back and got me a rat instead. I don't remember that first rat because I was so young, but it's for the best, honestly. I later learned from my mother that the first rat died a horrible death because of my parents' stupidity (they thought that rats do not need water??? Two grown-ups in their twenties. wtf).
But since then, I had rats pretty much always. They lived in horrible conditions and alone, but no one knew any better at the time. I loved them, though. I remember especially fondly two of them. One was a black boy whose name I shall not tell because it was so stupid, the first letters were Ts. He basically grew up with one of our cats (which is horrible and you should never let your rats and cats interact in any way!). I was about ten. I still have this artifact, the whole three pixels of it, recorded on my Motorola phone, lol. Nevermind, tumblr won't let me attach the video. Ts. lived for three years and was almost always with me.
Before Ts., there was Buffy, a blue girl. Sadly, I have only memories of her. I didn't have a phone or camera at the time. She had a lot of adventures in her life. I made her a DIY harness and let her roam outside (which you also shouldn't do). She loved to dig trenches in the sand and climb trees. Somehow, she didn't get eaten by birds of prey or simply get lost, I guess I was lucky.
Even when I left my hometown after graduating high school, I took my rat with me. Clementine, a black-hooded girl, also lived a very long life.
Then I finally started researching proper pet care in general and rat care in particular. I should've done it earlier, I know, but I grew up in a family where it wasn't really a thing, like it didn't even occur to me. It breaks my heart to think about all the rats that lived their miserable lives with us when I was little.
Anyway, I got a bigger cage (still very small!) and two girls. But with university and many changes in my personal life, I didn't spend any time with them at all. They fought with each other all the time. When one of them died, I got another one, and they fought again. I was 17-18 at the time but still dumb af. I tried to quit getting new rats after the oldest girl died. I thought I didn't want them anymore. But then the old habit kicked in, and I got Fiona.
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Fiona was the one. The rat that changed my perception of rats in general. The rat who turned me into a crazy rat lady. But it wasn't because she was so special. It was just because the year was 2014, I was in Donetsk, the world was seemingly falling apart (if you know, you know). And there was Fiona, way too young to be weaned and sold, tiny and depending on me. I was in love. She gave me comfort and helped me get through the worst (or so I thought) times. I didn't want to have another rat who would bully Fiona, but eventually, I decided to do the right thing and get Fiona a friend. Tori was rehomed from horrible conditions.
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She was covered in wounds from mites, not used to handling, and walked weirdly because they never let her out. She made a swift and full recovery, though. And they got along with Fiona instantly and were inseparable till the end.
I let them free roam the room because in that apartment there was nothing worth of saving. And they wrecked havoc, they got rid of all the ugly wallpaper and made a nest behind the couch. Sometimes I would have to move the couch to get them back into their cage.
I really want to have a "rat room" again, but in this flat it's not possible, they would chew their way to the downstairs neighbor.
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Then I got the third rat, Shlyopa, she cost me exactly one "kinder surprise" chocolate egg in exchange.
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We later made a large DIY cage because we were too poor to afford a pre-manufactured one. Shlyopa was the best rat I ever had, hands down. She was something else. So obsessed with me that it was almost annoying at times. If I was in the room, she would not calm down until I let her out to be with me. I miss her to this day.
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She had to sleep hugging my hand, so I couldn't move it until her sleep was deep enough.
I'm getting carried away, I know. Rats are just my spirit animals. I understand them, their thought process, and I relate to them (I'm also afraid of everything, lol). I feel grateful for the love they show me, I find comfort in them. And I hope I find strength to not get any new rats after the three I have now. It hurts too much.
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gwyns · 3 months
“Gwynriel’s know Gwyn cannot carry a book on her own. She needs to piggyback on Nesta’s relevance to even have half a decent storyline and the overarching plot.”
I don’t think any Gwynriel has ever said that Gwyn will be getting her own book. I think most of us have said that Gwyn will have the other pov in Azriel’s book, similar to Cassian in Nesta’s book. Gwyn does have a decent enough storyline and potential plot if you would actually read the scenes that she is in (I’ve actually seen some e/riel’s say that when Gwyn appears they skip the page). Gwyn became the first one to cut the ribbon and become a Valkyrie; she won the Blood Rite and became the first non-Illyrian to do so; there have been many theories on her possibly being connected to Gwydion or possibly finding Narben since acosf came out; she hasn’t left the library but we know that she wants to; she feels unworthy of using her invoking stone; accepting that her sisters death wasn’t her fault; overcoming her trauma and healing; Autumn Court heritage (possibly a Vanserra); whatever is going on with Merrill and the research to other worlds; things we found out from hofas, like the Prison being connected to Nesta, and Gwyn (Emerie also) are her friends and Pegasus used to roam there and we know the Pegasi loved Gwyn the most; Ramiel with the Asteri/daglan, the black monolith at the top, Enalius.
Gwyn definitely has main character energy, it’s just some people don’t want to see the potential. And after hofas, I do believe that it’s Azriel’s that is next (of course it could end up being Elain’s or the novella). Say the next book is Azriel’s and obviously he is the main character with the first pov; Nesta played a big role in hofas, but I don’t think Sarah will give her another book or let her have the other pov, I think it will go to Gwyn since she’s a Valkyrie and connected to Nesta, so this way we can get more information. I really don’t think that the Valkyrie plot line is over.
And wasn’t Sarah originally going to have Nessian’s book be about an Illyrian rebellion or disarray happening in Illyria but scrapped it? Perhaps she’s saving it for Azriel since we know how he feels about that place/his people (similar to how Bryce feels about the fae) and given what we got from hofas (truth teller/Ramiel/Enalius), and it will also tie in the Valkyries, because honestly, I don’t think the males in Illyria are too happy with three women, two of which aren’t Illyrian, participating in the Blood Rite and winning.
and nesta had to "piggyback" off of feyre's relevance, what's their point? that's how spinoffs work
gwyn has heaps of potential as a main character, they're just SO insecure about it, it's plain as day in every word they write. that's why they have to get online to write think pieces about their hatred and downplay gwyn's significance since no one ever taught them how to properly deal with their emotions. basically, they're making it everyone else's problem
i've been here since the dawn of time and have never once seen a gwynriel say gwyn would be the actual mc of a book, we've always theorized about how she, her storyline and her abilities could compliment an az centric story. e/riels know this but they don't have anything proper to cry over so they ignore it and lie, much like they do with the actual books lol
agreed. i feel like hofas only reinforced that the valkyrie plot is far from over, all the connections nesta had with bryce and the dusk court. i definitely think that'll be the valkyries base or something. as much as i love nesta, i feel the same. i don't think she'll get another book or have a centric pov again (obviously this can change), so who is the next character most connected to the valkyries? who helped reform them? who did research on them and was the first to cut the ribbon? who, alongside emerie ANOTHER founding valkyrie, was one of the first females to win the blood rite? the same blood rite that's a sacred illyrian tradition that is connected to azriel, the other acotar character that took center stage in hofas, personally? hmmm... seems like miss janet has quite the coincidence on her hands here!
yup! sjm set up an illyrian rebellion in acofas, showed us that acosf snippet where nessian were going to the illyrian mountains and everyone (rightfully) assumed they were going to deal with that. but years passed and acosf finally came out and the rebellion is just... on the back burner for now? the leader of it was killed quietly off page and now the story centers on the dread trove and valkyrie training but we are still told that another rebellion is brewing. it's clear to me, and many others, that sjm changed her plans a tiiiiny bit and decided to have azriel deal with this plotline. i, for one, am excited to see how sjm handles it!
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theladyregret · 2 years
Wow, I...vastly underestimated how much you guys would vibe with the whole The Walking Dead in Space thing lol ok well...now that I have a day off from work here's some of the ideas I've been thinking about while bored this week.
Human Diplomat: Hey, is there a reason all the water access areas don't allow humans anymore? Don't you guys know we have high water requirements?
Alien Space Station technician: Oh! No one told you?
Human: Told us what?
Alien: Sorry, they were supposed to tell you. Our apologizes, this must look terrible.
Human: Tell. Us. What?
Alien: Our bio filters detected the disease you all carry in the stations water supply after you visited last. Our scientists ran some tests and found that it can survive almost indefinitely in water and is highly resistant to our water treatments. We had to purge and decontaminate the entire system. We created a separate system for your use that is more isolated. You can use those....I....uh...are you ok? Is this sufficient?
Human, frantically writing in a log book: Oh? Yes, fine...that's fine!
Second human: I think you guys just solved a centuries old mystery for us.
Alien, looking confused: What mystery?
Second human: How our species all became infected so quickly.
Alien: You never found out?
Human: It wiped out 99% of our population during the initial outbreak...the how and why of it kind of stopped mattering after a bit, you know?
Galactic News Reporter: Tragedy today after the recent excavation of the lost human mining crew in sector 92. Against human recommendations, rescuers continued their efforts throughout the week. The human deceased, commonly referred to as Walkers, attacked and killed several rescue parties before the site had to be bombed by air support military. Diplomats from several species met once again today to discuss the risks of open contact with the Humans and whether stricter protocols need to be put in place.
Video feed cuts to a human diplomat standing in a room full of multiple different aliens: We told you what to do! You didn't listen! You never listen to us! If you had, none of this would have happened!
Alien Politician: You recommended that the tunnels be collapsed before any excavation be conducted prior to the time frame denoted by safety regulations which would have condemned any potential survivors-
Human, hitting the table in front of him with his fists: YOU'RE STILL NOT LISTENING!
Transport ship pilot over PA system: Our ship is currently on approach to the Human home planet of Terra. Be aware that we will be passing through the debris field left over from the Human Colony Wars which will require us to drop out of FTL. Our ship is specially equipped for this journey so rest assured we are in no danger from the debris. It is recommended that any windows be shielded for the duration of this time, thank you.
Human passenger pulls the shade down for their window with a sigh.
The alien next to them looks curious: Why do the windows need to be covered?
Human: Some people find the...debris...disturbing. *the way they said debris sounded sarcastic*
Alien: ...humans find broken ships disturbing?
Human: You didn't do very much research before coming here did you?
Alien just looks confused.
Human reaches over and opens the window cover. They pass close by one of the wrecked ships and at first it looks like any other debris field...then something moves and they realize it's a body. A human body floating in space. It jerks and twists as they pass by. Mouth opening and closing. The alien jerks back in surprise.
Human: The vacuum of space means they don't decompose so...all those people who didn't die properly...they're just out there...like that. Thousands of soldiers. Ships just full of Walkers.
They pass by another ship. This one looks intact and newer.
Alien: That's not human...
Human: Pirates...scavengers. Sometimes they try to come in and take metal from the ships...but...without the proper shielding.
They pass to the other side and there's a hole torn into the side of the ship.
Human: Just another corpse in a field of corpses. Food for the dead.
Alien looking horrified: Why not clean it out?
Human: Why take the risk? Besides...it keeps out the unwanted.
They pass by the corpse of an alien floating in space that still has a walker clinging to it, idly chewing on what still has flesh attached to it. This walker looks more decayed then the other one had. The alien looks like they might be sick so the human shuts the shade again. They don't talk the rest of the way.
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sanddusted-wisteria · 4 months
Doodle Dump, 1/2024 - 4/2024 (part 1)
So uh...I haven't posted as much on here ever since like, the beginning of this year. Instead, I've been doodling like mad over on the OTAS server and have completely neglected to post any of that over here alsdkjalk. So here's most of the doodles I've done, oldest to newest :> (with wild variations in quality,.,,, a lot's changed in my art skillz in 6 months)
[VERY long post below]
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A staring contest, ft. @florisam 's Onyx and @illusidy 's Aerie...queens of the death stare.
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Thank @/florisam for this one lol
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After a body swap AU where Wis swaps with Qi...Wis has to do manual labor with Qi's wimpy wet noodle caffeine dependent body and Qi's def not taking proper care of Wis's body either... probably doesn't put her hair up if he works with a burner or corrosive chemicals aldkfjl
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from a superhero/villain AU, wis is neither hero nor villain...she's the civilian that somehow ends up at the epicenter of every super battle and takes advantage of that by becoming a hero/villain accountant 😂
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started drawing some more outfits for Wis, but I never finished them. Will probably get back to these a bit later.
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and ofc she's gotta try on Qi's disaster outfit asd;lfkdjlrk
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I made Wis a logo! Combined a sprig of wisteria with a pine cone, for her workshop, Fresh Pines. Also made a possible combo logo for her and Qi. Y'know, in case they ever make that multistage rocket + launchpad they've been dreaming about...
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Wis would be stoked to get her new stamps :>
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Wis as a butler in a maid cafe AU...that I do not have the space or time to fully outline the extent of the chaos within... (inquire in the OTAS server for more info asdlkjlrkadf) Also the first time I drew Wis's clone sisters (which I am aware that I haven't introduced at all on tumblr...I wouldn't blame you if you forgot that Wis is a clone 😂 but SOON I promise)
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Ft. @spookemsdukems 's "Builder", it's the mystery gorls! No one really knows where they came from. Well, they know. But they're sure as hell not gonna tell you... (ehhh well wis might tell you about herself if you're friends lol)
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asdlfklj based on a quote from an incorrect quotes generator
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Initial concepts for one of Wis's clone sisters, the one that ended up in Duvos! Eugh the attempt at a waist up in the bottom right corner still haunts me asdlkfjlkjd Also note that that's not what a real prosthetic AK peg leg would look like, I did these without any real research 💀
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Ft. @sunstream7 's Val...no explanation needed i think alsdkfja;sdlkrj
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An idea I had about a romance/post-marriage gift that Qi could give you: a necklace with dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin that he managed to synthesize...the neurotransmitters of love <3
Love is the Solution: A special necklace given to you by Qi. The little vial contains a mix of neurotransmitters--the mixture of love. Even though they're trapped inside the vial, when you put it on, you swear you can feel them surging through your nerves all the same. Stamina +15
And I've hit the image limit so this is the end of part 1 a;sldkrjlkjlakfj
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revasserium · 10 days
Do you ever feel like writing Fandom content is a waste? 😭 I started with writing original content but I fell into writing Fandom and fic works years ago. At first I was like cool with it because I saw it as practice but I made ocs for the fandoms and I'm invested lol now I've been feeling like I should be putting this time and energy into original things. I know I won't ever get published but like still 🤣
hmmm i think to a certain extent, it depends on what your "end goal" is -- but even then, i don't think it's a "waste". writing is one of those things that you have to practice to be "good" at (like most things), but it also requires a degree of life experience. and not to say that you can't produce good writing when you're younger (there are lots of super talented young authors out there!) but for the most part, it's always more "true to form" if you write based on things you've experienced. and those experiences tend to only come with time.
i think the cool thing about producing for fandom is that it does several things at once: it hopefully gives you joy (if writing is a hobby of yours and the fandom is one that you like), it allows you to try your hand a bunch of different writing styles without any kind of "personal commitment" to a style, and it gives you super valuable practice.
if you enjoy writing for fandoms and ocs, then i don't think it's a waste of time at all. any time spent being happy or joyous in this life is time well spent. and there's many many proper scientific research papers out that there prove your brain and body need this kind of "down time" to indulge in the things you love, that have no sort of monetary-tie.
even IF your end goal is to be published someday, there's nothing to say that one of the oc's you've created now can't make it into original work later. or that a storyline you've been thinking through and building out can't become the plotline to your debut novel. i think the super cool thing about "the arts" as a genre is that aging is actually seen as a great benefactor. because the older you are, the more you do it, the ultimately better you'll get. because unlike sports where you're trying to do the thing before your body can't anymore, your mind continues to grow and get better as you age. and so does your writing.
as someone who writes for pleasure, and at one point in time was a paid writer (that was my full time job), i can tell you that it definitely changes things when you start to get paid for it. it takes some of that enjoyment out of it. and it felt so nice to write for myself and for fandom again after leaving writing as a temporary career.
and you shouldn't be so sure you'll never get published! look at all those wattpad fanfics that get turned into movie-deals!!! do i think they have the best writing ever? no! but does it prove that regardless of what kind of writing you do, if you're able to harness an audience, people are bound to take note? yes! and even if, again, you aren't able to get yourself a netflix movie deal with the fanfic you write, the community you build and the happiness it gives you is i think more important! it'll make whatever your actual money-job is more bearable :) it def does that for me!
tl;dr -- just bc it's not making you money, doesn't mean it's not important! in fact, most of the time, the stuff that you do for yourself and your friends, for your fandom, for the things that you love are the things that make life worth living! the things that make you you. so keep at it!!!! <3 and if you DO want to publish a novel someday, it's never ever too late to start. you'll have just as much of a leg up on the writing part, because you've been practicing while writing for fandom too! :)
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