#i need to do the panic attack scene But i'm scared
clanwarrior-tumbly · 7 months
Reverse Puss In Boots panic attack scene with Reader calming Dogday down from a panic attack, 'cause this case it's the dog that needs comforting-
"[Y/n]! Come quickly! Something's wrong with Dogday!"
Pausing in your repairs of Kissy's arm, you made sure to cut the thread before giving her an apologetic look. Fortunately, she seemed to understand that you needed to heed Poppy's call right away, and so you followed the little doll into the next room over.
There, Dogday was resting...although at this moment he was very much doing the opposite.
He was slumped against the wall, out of the makeshift dogbed you and Kissy put together for him, a hand clutching his chest--but it kept heaving, rapidly rising and falling with each labored breath.
His white pupils were completely gone, not a shred of light to be found within his sockets, and that was very alarming.
Did he see something?
Did an intruder try to get in?
While Poppy couldn't guarantee any place in the factory was safe, she did mention this area was a good place to hunker down, rest, and plan your next move against the Prototype.
But if that's the case...then what was going on with him?
You needed to find out fast.
"Dogday...what's wrong..??!"
Even though he could hear you and see you kneeling in front of him, concern written all over your face, he simply couldn't answer. He couldn't even keep his focus on you, as a whirlwind of terror and panic clouded his mind.
The only thing he could do was paw at his chest, unable to make sense of why his heart refused to stop pounding, as though it was trying to break free.
Or maybe..
It was a little Smiling Critter who stowed away inside him, trying to get out....
The more he thought about it, the worse he felt.
"I don't know what happened.." Poppy murmured to you, shaking her head. "I swear he was fine a second ago! Y-You think his organs might be shutting down? Or his hunger is-?"
"No, I know exactly what's wrong." You calmly answered, much to her bewilderment.
But before she could question you further, you moved over to Dogday's side before hugging him around the torso, squishing your cheek against his chest the moment he took his paws off of it.
And you simply waited.
The little doll had no idea how this was helping him, although she soon realized his breaths were finally starting to slow. His white pupils flickered back to life, looking down and seeing you embrace him without any regard to your own safety.
Somehow..you provided him with such a comforting weight that drowned out his panicked thoughts.
One of his trembling paws eventually came to rest atop your head, and he slowly began to pet you much like a human would pet a dog: gentle, ensuring he wasn't too rough.
After a few more moments passed, you felt his breaths even out to the point where his chest wasn't heaving like before, and he placed his paw on your back.
Finally, he spoke.
"A-Angel...thank you..I..don't know what happened.."
"It's okay." You sat up to look at him, seeing the tears threatening to spill from his sockets. "You were just having a panic attack. But it's over..you did great."
"Is..that what it was?" He murmured, confused.
"That's all it was. Do you remember what led to it?"
"...'m not sure. I was..just thinking about Catnap, and the Prototype, and suddenly I felt this strange tightness in my chest. Thought somethin' was wrong with my lungs...a-and then the room just started spinning. Next thing I knew, I...I-I couldn't breathe. I couldn't talk to Poppy or you, angel. Thought one of those wretched things was trying to eat me from the inside out. B-But..that was just all in my head, right? I'm not...nothing was-?"
"I made sure none snuck inside when I was fixing you up. You're safe from them." Taking one of his paws into your hands, you smiled, seeing Kissy walk into the room. "Catnap and the Prototype have been on all of our minds lately, and it's been...a stressful few hours."
"...I didn't mean to scare you all..usually it's me who calms people down, ya know?" He sighed quietly, still feeling guilty. "You sure I'm not going to slow you down? Because if I have another attack...i-it could be at the worst time, and then-"
"Then I'll help you through it. I made a promise to get you all out of here, and I'm sticking by that." You reassured.
Dogday looked surprised, but he relaxed his shoulders in relief, tail wagging along the floor. "Thank you, angel.."
He had his doubts before, about whether saving him from the Playhouse was more trouble than it's worth.
But now he knows you're in this for the long run, ready to help guide him out of the darkness.
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into-the-grey · 14 days
Rehab (18+)
Noah Sebastian x F!Reader
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You've been through some things that no one should ever have to go through. You're determined to reclaim your body and your pleasure, and Noah is more than willing to help...
Warnings: Allusions to SA, Oral (F receiving), fingering, P in V (PLS Wrap it), mentions of assault scars, mild panic attack signs, some dirty talk and praise, possibly more, I'm really bad at warnings
Taglist: @anything-more-than-human @blend-in-with-the-madness @rumoured-whispers @thisbicc
WC: 2.1k
Fic Masterlist
Look I had another story that got a little heavy so I trashed it, but I really liked this scene...
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Noah stood in front of her, his hands behind his back as he looked down to her nervous brown eyes.
'You're in control,' he told her softly. 'Anything you want, it's yours, all you have to do is say it.'
Y/N eyed him warily. 'So if I tell you not to move-?'
'Then I won't move.'
'Okay...' she nodded slowly, 'so don't move, within reason.'
Noah nodded once before freezing in place. Y/N took a tentative step towards him, gingerly placing her hand on his chest.
Beneath his shirt she could feel his heart hammering behind his ribs. She let her hand run across the black fabric, trailing down to the hem. Timidly, she began to lift his shirt, pulling it up and over his head. Noah only moved to help her take it off, immediately returning to his position once he was free of the shirt.
'Close your eyes' she said softly.
Her fingers lightly traced his tattoos, her skin cool against his. Noah closed his eyes, hanging his head and chewing his lip. He desperately wanted to kiss her, but she was in control. She needed to be in control.
Slowly her fingers traced lower. Her shaking fingers curled into his waistband, tugging his sweatpants down. His underwear dropped with them, landing on the carpet quietly. He stepped free of the pile of fabric, kicking it away and returning to his pose.
Noah could hear her stuttered breaths as she looked at him.
'It's okay,' he said gently, 'you have all the power here.'
'I know,' she whispered. She took a deep breath, stepping closer and reaching for his face, her soft hands on his cheeks.
She lifted his head just enough to press her lips to his. Noah could taste the salt on her lips, her tears dribbling down her face.
'We can stop,' he told her, 'you don't need to push yourself.'
'No,' she told him, her body brushing against his. Her skin against his torso caught him off guard. 'I want to keep going. I'm just scared.'
'Okay,' he breathed, letting her pull him into another kiss. Her lips were feather-light against his, his stomach flipping with each taste.
'I want you to undress me...'
With a nod, he slowly shifted in place. His arms moved from behind his back, cautiously resting on her back as she let her lips come back to his. His fingers found the clasp of her bra, unhooking it with ease and guiding it off of her.
Her bare chest pressed against his, her heart pounding heavily in her chest.
'Are you okay?' He asked, his voice low as his hands sank to her pants.
'Mhmm,' she hummed, letting him slip her pants and underwear down. She copied him, stepping out of the fabric and kicking it away. She stepped back from him, taking his hands in hers and breathing deeply. 'Open your eyes,' she told him.
Noah abided, opening his eyes and taking in the sight of her. Her body was marred with eight deep pink scars, mostly concentrated around her legs and belly. One traced around the right side of her ribs, almost tracing one of the bones. Another broke his heart, seeing the old stab wound that marred her chest. The blade must have missed anything major by only millimetres.
A dark gash ran across her lower belly, a sign of the surgery she had needed to remove her ovary.  Seeing the damage for the first time, his heart twisted. How did she survive?
'It's a lot to see,' Y/N said, her eyes low with shame. 'I still can't look at it-'
'Y/N,' Noah cut her off, 'don't. You are still as beautiful as the day I met you. All this is, is proof of how unbelievable you are. I'm not afraid of this, and I still love you, okay?'
She nodded, chewing her lip. 'Okay.' She stepped closer to him, taking his hands and guiding them to her waist. 'I'm still nervous...'
'It's okay,' he assured her, 'take your time.'
'I don't really know what to do from here,' she admitted sheepishly.
Noah smiled, chuckling softly. 'Do you want some help?'
'Please? Just, go slow, no surprises?'
'Of course.'
With a smile, Noah guided her to the bed, sitting her down on the edge and kneeling down in front of her.
'Lean back a little and put your legs on my shoulders,' he instructed. Y/N carefully followed his instructions, her legs hanging over him and his face hovering just in front of her.
'Noah...' she breathed, 'what if I can't do this?'
'All you have to do is tell me to stop, and I'll stop. No questions asked.'
Y/N chewed her lip for a moment before she nodded. 'Okay.'
Gently, Noah dipped down; his tongue slipped through her folds with ease, brushing her clitoris and sending a wave of tingles through her lower body.
She gasped softly, feeling him establish a rhythm with his tongue. Bit by bit, she leaned herself back to rest on her elbows and opened her legs for easier access.
Noah hummed between her thighs, revelling in the sound of her sighs. He held a hand up, raising only his middle and fourth fingers.
'Yeah,' she said, understanding what he was saying.
His tongue paused its languid strokes as those two fingers found her entrance, dipping slowly into her. Her back arched as his fingers slid deep, her pussy enveloping him knuckle by knuckle.
'You're doing so good, baby,' Noah told her, resting his other hand on her thigh. 'Just listen to your body, okay? Stay out of your head. How does it feel?'
'It feels so good,' she sighed, waiting for him to move. Gingerly, Noah began to curl his fingers, his fingertips stroking her plush walls. Her head tipped back, a quiet moan leaving her throat as he touched her, searching for the perfect spot.
'God, you look gorgeous,' he breathed against her, wishing he could sink his teeth into her thighs. Instead, he sank back into her, his tongue resuming its lush patterns.
Y/N shuddered under his touches. Her skin felt electric, and each touch sent shockwaves across her body. Letting her eyes close, she let herself be overcome with the sensations. Each stroke, each circle, each tremble and flex.
Her wetness mixed with Noah's saliva, dribbling down onto the bed. His other hand kept a strong grip on her leg, cautiously stroking her skin.
A tingle began to build in her core, a spark of need. Each time Noah flicked his tongue, the spark grew, stealing her breath away.
'Oh fuck,' she whispered, 'Noah...'
Noah's cock twitched at her voice, jealous of his fingers. But he had her, he wasn't going to stop until she asked. Pushing his fingers deeper, his fingertips grazed across a fleshy spot on her upper wall, and her body trembled at the touch.
The spark ignited, coursing through her veins and lighting her on fire. The edge of an orgasm smouldered in her cunt, her muscles contracting around his fingers and begging for more.
'Noah, I think I'm gonna come...' she moaned.
Noah's tongue left her clit, his thumb taking its place. 'Do you want to come now, or do you want to try and go further?'
She gasped, her walls closing around his fingers as he stroked the bump again. Sweat began to bead on her flushed skin and she chewed her lip as a whine left her throat.
'Oh, shit, both,' she whimpered.
'Greedy,' Noah chuckled, kissing her thigh, 'but I'll allow it.'
He plunged his tongue back into her clit, smirking at the sounds of her pleasure. Her orgasm was building, and he knew what she needed.
The smouldering became a blaze, the warm feeling filling her body as her lower belly grew tight. Her mouth hung open, undignified moans and whines mingling with heaving breaths as Noah found the perfect spot.
'Don't stop,' she begged, 'it's right there, please don't stop.'
Noah wished his mouth was free to say all the things he wanted to say, but he wasn't about to disobey an order. Holding steady, he listened, his cock throbbing in envy as she crested her high.
Her voice tightened, her breaths staggered, and her pussy squeezed his fingers tightly, begging him not to stop.
'Oh shit, Noah, fuck,' she squealed as her climax short circuited her brain. Her fingers tangled into his hair as she searched for anything to hold on to.
Slowly, he withdrew his fingers, kissing her skin before looking her over. She laid panting, her chest heaving as he lowered her legs.
'Are you sure you have another one in you?' He asked with a smile.
'I don't care if I do or don't, please, try,' she said with a breathy laugh.
Noah chuckled, standing up. 'You'll need to move further onto the bed.'
Eager, Y/N shifted, shimmying her way to the middle of the mattress. Noah followed her closely, hovering over her.
'I love you,' he whispered, kissing her sweetly.
'I love you more.'
His wet tip grazed her skin in search of her entrance, teasing her as he positioned himself.
'Ready?' He asked softly. Y/N nodded, kissing him again and breathing sharply as his tip brushed her swollen clit.
Noah reached down, aligning himself, and slowly began to sink into her. Her pussy was swollen and tight, her warmth enveloped him as he inched his way in. Their sighs mingled in the space between them, their eyes closing and revelling in the feeling.
'How do you feel?' He asked softly.
'Good,' she assured him, 'so, so good.'
'Good,' he said with a laugh, 'that's my girl.'
Y/N's muscles clamped on his cock at the phrase, earning a smirk from Noah. 'You like that? When I praise you?'
'Yes,' she nodded.
'My beautiful girl, do you like how it feels when I fill you? Is it better than my fingers?' Noah purred, rolling his hips against her and feeling his length drag across her favourite spot.
'Mhmm,' she moaned, biting down on her lip.
'Oh, baby girl,' he tutted, drawing out of her and easing back in at an agonisingly slow pace. 'Don't try and hide your sounds from me now, I like it when I hear you. I wanna hear how good I make you feel.'
'Noah... oh god,' Y/N whimpered, her eyes rolling back as his hand ran through her hair.
'You're my beautiful girl, aren't you? You look so good when you come... can you show me again?'
Y/N's muscles flexed again, and Noah began to speed up his thrusts, shortening them so the ridge of his tip tormented her g spot. Her mouth fell open as she gasped, her nails sinking into his back.
'Holy fuck, Noah.'
'Are you gonna come for me? Show me how perfect you are, come for me, princess.'
'Noah, please.' Y/N felt the smouldering in her body become a blaze yet again, this time hotter than the last. Her whole body shook with tension, sweat dripping from her brow as Noah's thrusts deepened.
'It's just you and me, baby. Scream for me,' Noah coaxed. 'Scream, I want to feel you fall apart.'
Grabbing at his back, Y/N bit into Noah's shoulder, the blaze turning to fireworks.
'Oh fuck, oh fuck...' she whimpered against him, 'I'm so close, please.'
'Do you want me to come inside you, princess?' Noah purred, nipping at her neck. 'You want my cum dripping from your pretty pussy?'
'Oh god, yes.'
'My beautiful girl, wring it out of me. Come hard for me and squeeze my cock dry, earn it baby girl.'
Diving down to her neck, Noah kissed her flushed skin, forcing her head up so he could suck on her pulse point. Licking her skin, nipping at her, rolling her nipple in his fingers, her pussy flexed and spasmed at the feelings.
Her mouth hung open, her cunt squeezed Noah's length hard as she raced towards another high. Noah's own orgasm chased hers like a fox after a rabbit.
'Good girl, come for me princess,' he groaned, deepening his stroke. 'God, I'm so fucking close. I'm gonna come, baby.'
'Noah, don't stop, I'm coming,' Y/N cried, her arms wrapping around his neck and holding tight as an earth shattering scream of ecstasy left her throat.
'Oh fuck, baby I'm coming, Jesus fuck I'm gonna come.'
Suddenly freezing, Y/N squealed as Noah plunged his cock deep into her throbbing pussy. His cum shot out in thick ropes, filling her with warmth.
'Holy shit,' he panted, collapsing on top of her, 'I love you.'
'I love you, so much.'
'And you're okay? Did it do anything?'
'I'm okay,' she confirmed, nodding weakly. 'No flashbacks, no panic attacks. I'm a little shaky, but I think that's normal,' she said with a flushed smile.
'Definitely normal,' he grinned, kissing her.
Chuckling, she raised a shaky hand and brushed a strand of hair from Noah's eyes. 'I think I like rehab.'
'I think I do too.'
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lexirosewrites · 2 months
popping in for slick sunday thinking more about a fic i have in progress right now (quick cw for threats of violence) :
specifically a scene where omega!steve and alpha!eddie have their daughter (well, steve's daughter, but she might as well be eddie's too at this point) at the park or something. somehow, in the minute or two they looked away for some undetermined reason, their girl disappears. one minute, she was going down the slide, and the next, gone.
it doesn't take long to find her. five minutes, max. she didn't get far. but in those five minutes, steve's entire world is collapsing. he can't live without his daughter. he's on the verge of a panic attack when eddie finally spots her, just off to the side of the playground picking some flowers. steve's panic morphs straight into anger the second he sees the man standing next to her. a man he recognizes.
he storms over, eddie following behind like a lost puppy who has no idea what's going on. eddie had been fortunate enough in his years to never bear witness to true omega rage. until now. he'd heard stories of omegas protecting their pups, doing whatever it takes to keep them safe, but he had never seen it in real time until this moment. he doesn't know who this man is, but it's clear that steve does, and he wants him nowhere near his little girl.
steve calls his daughter's name, visibly trying to keep his cool and not scare her. she looks up, and the brightest smile stretches across her face. "look, daddy!" she calls back, holding up her tiny fist, full of flowers. "i got flowers!"
"i can see that," steve responds with a soft smile, one eddie has only ever seen him give to her. "why don't you and eddie take those very pretty flowers back to the playground, my love? i'm sure he can help you find something to put them in so we can bring them home with us."
eddie wants to protest. he wants to stay, to figure out who this man is and why steve is so hell bent on being alone with him. he distinctly smells alpha on the stranger, which only makes him want to stay more. however, he listens. mostly. he does take her back to the playground. they find a cup to hold the flowers in, in the bag steve packed. then she goes back to the playing, running around with some of the other kids. the whole time, eddie has one eye and one ear on steve and the stranger, who isn't such a stranger.
the conversation starts out hushed. eddie can't hear anything. soon, though, there's shouting. eddie can't help but watch, slowly migrating closer in case he needs to step in. whether that would be to protect steve or the stranger, eddie isn't so sure.
"you're the one that didn't want this, tommy!" steve spits at the stranger, tommy. "you're the one that walked away!"
"you can't keep me from my own kid, steve," tommy spits back. "i have rights."
ah, eddie thinks to himself, this is starting to make a lot more sense.
"you gave up those rights when you walked out and told me to never contact you again, asshole. she is not your kid. she's mine."
"she has my DNA, doesn't she?" tommy crosses his arms. "you'll either let me see her, or i'm taking you to court for full custody. your choice."
"like fucking hell you are. i swear to god, tommy, if you come anywhere near her ever again, i will slit your fucking throat."
that's all i have thought out for this so far, and it'll be much more detailed and planned out if/when it eventually gets put into the fic itself, but i've been thinking about it a lot lately and thought you might enjoy it :)
happy slick sunday, friend :)
protective omega steve is the best!! thank you for sharing and happy slick sunday to you too!!💛
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oweninadaydream · 10 months
𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐠𝐨 𝐩𝐭 𝟐 || 𝐅.𝐎𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫
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𝓼𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂 : Say Don't Go (Taylor's version) (From The Vault) or 4 times you say 'I love you' and Finnick says nothing back.
𝓹𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 : Finnick Odair x reader
𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽 : 2k
𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓼 : angst/fluffy ending i promise, TW: mentions of torture ,anxiety and kidnapping (first story).
𝓪/𝓷 : As promised, here's part 2 of say don't go pt 1 !!! I hope you enjoy the fic!!!
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3. 𝓰𝓱𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾
You woke up in your bed, yet you could not recall how you got there. Your body felt sore and stiff but nothing could top the way your head was pounding. You were seated against the headboard and you noticed that something wasn’t right ; you couldn’t pinpoint what it was, but you knew deep inside that something was different. To help calm your distress, you tried to remember anything about the day before . You realized right and then that your memory was completely blank, leaving you even more worried than you were prior to that failed attempt. 
You had assumed you were all alone, but then you saw Finnick pass through your bedroom door. “Thank God he’s here” you thought, convincing yourself that everything would be alright now that he was there with you (even if you ignored the motivation behind his unexpected visit). He slowly made his way inside and stood in the middle of the room, keeping himself at arm’s length, something extremely unusual that confirmed your gut feeling. Once he had entered your bedroom, you couldn’t help but analyze him and his strange attitude.  His movements were robotic as if someone had a remote control that forced him to act like that. His eyes had never been a mystery to you , you could always tell what was going on inside him with a single stare . But this time it was different; he was staring at you with an impassive look that you couldn't quite read, making your whole body tremble in fear and distrust.
You felt intimidated and tried to figure out what was wrong with him “Finn dear, what’s going on?" you asked with a quivering smile. You tried to lift your hand to reach his but ,for some reason, you couldn't. It felt like you were strapped to the mattress and you started panicking, as you couldn't figure out what was happening. Seeking comfort, you pleaded with him in between sobs "I'm very scared Finnick please tell me something, anything. Or just hold me because this is very confusing. I- I feel like- I can't move out of bed, I- I need you" 
He simply continued to play his stoic role ; he didn't move one inch before your panic attack or your efforts to set free from the invisible restraints holding you down. "Help me" you whispered with an expression of pure pain on your damped face. Your foggy brain couldn't process the scene before your eyes ; the person who represented love, hope and comfort in your miserable life was being a passive witness to your spectacle of fear and it didn’t seem like he was going to jump into action anytime soon. 
You noticed a rapid change in his factions. His eyes burst into flames of hatred and his clenched jaw only accentuated the shift from indifference to hostility. Instead of hurrying to console and aid you like the Finnick you knew would, this empty shell of a man that resembled him broke the distance between you and wrapped his hands around your throat, beginning to strangle you purposefully. 
You had been living in survival mode ever since you were chosen as a tribute for District 4 all those years ago, you were no stranger to fighting or death, but never in a million years would you have imagined that the man who swore to shield you from any danger would be the one stealing your breath with his bare hands in an extremely violent manner . You were desperately gasping for air and coughing while he continued to focus on his mission. 
For a moment, he seemed to let his hold loose a bit and you took the chance to try and talk him into letting go "Finn, it's me. Why are you doing this?Is anyone making you do this? We take care of each other, remember? I love you more than anything." you told him with a soft but raspy voice as a consequence of his assault. You were tired and wanted to give up, but you continued to fight for him, for your Finn to come back. Apparently, hearing your desperate confession only aggravated the situation, because you felt the strength returning to his hands. 
Suddenly, in between your cries and the lack of air , you felt yourself fading away. But before that happened , you heard a very loud scream. In the blink of an eye, you were no longer in your house and Finnick was nowhere to be seen. A white sterile room welcomed you to reality as some doctors accompanied by two peacekeepers entered the room. 
Oh, you remember now. You were kidnapped by the Capitol, who had been subjecting you to all kinds of  twisted experiments and never-ending abuse for who knows how long. The loud cries and several swear words that made you snap out of that nightmare were Johanna's, whose room was at your right. Peeta was your other neighbor, allowing you to hear them both being tortured at any given time. You looked at your arms and legs and saw the ropes tying you down , justifying the oppressing feeling you had while hallucinating. 
The main theme of your punishments for not snitching was him, Finnick Odair. Snow was more than aware of the deep devotion you held for him and how dear you were to him so he figured the perfect torture would be messing with your memories and use several techniques to impose fear and pain in your heart whenever you thought  of him or saw his face. That way, you would finally be all alone in this world ,  scared of the only thing you've ever loved so greatly and he would have to witness you shy away from him in pure terror. To meet his goal, they would drug you and play videos and recordings of him saying the meanest and cruelest words that you knew he would never be able to pronounce, but as the days passed , the truth and the imposed thoughts started to blur in one big and confusing mass. 
You were resisting quite well to President Snow's diabolic plan, but you could only hold onto your actual memories for so long. One of the last things you remembered thinking about  before you let yourself fall into madness were his eyes, and how much you loved them.
If your suffering assured his survival, you'd tell the Capitol to put you through it a thousand more times , and you would gladly do it again. If only you could have held your sweet Finnick for one more minute before letting him go forever…
4. 𝓪𝓷 𝓸𝓭𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓘 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮
The setting sun turned the white-sanded coast of District 4 a soft but enchanting shade of orange. The waves crashing against the rocks accompanied perfectly the idyllic landscape and brought a sense of calmness to the people assembled there. The summer solstice is a day where usually people celebrate the arrival of a new season, but that was not the case this time.
The beach looked magnificent, Effie had been the chief in charge of making everything (and everyone) look ideal for the occasion that brought them all together on that day. The first rows of white chairs were occupied by Haymitch, Effie, Katniss, Peeta, Johanna, Annie and right next to her, there was Mags, the woman who had taken care of you both for so many years and had seen how you two where meant to be from the first time you and your fiancé (soon to be husband) exchanged looks.
Neither you nor Finnick had ever thought about marrying anyone ; under Snow's regime, you were mere pieces of a game with no actual power of decision. But that didn't matter anymore. You were walking towards Finnick, who was nervously fidgeting with the sleeve of his suit , waiting for you at the end of the isle. When you finally arrived at your destination, you couldn't help but to turn around and go back to hug Mags, who received you with open arms and a couple of shed tears over her face. After this emotional moment, you went back to Finnick's side "Hi" you whispered so that the conversation could remain secret from all the guests "You come here often?" he teased with a beaming smile on his face. You let out a breathy laugh to relieve some tension and then you both turned so that the ceremony could start.
"I want to keep this vows short because I would need another lifetime just to expose the million reasons why this is the best day of my life. We're free, my love. It's truly over. This is our reward after a whole life of suffering and holding back. I am so in love with you, it's hard to put it into words. You know? Mags once told me that the thing I needed the most had always been right in front of me and I didn't get what she meant by that in that moment. She just laughed at me and told me that I would understand, one of these days" Mags in the front row was a tearful mess "and now I do. I really do" he stated confidently while holding your hands on his.
"My soul craves intertwining itself with yours until there's no way to separate them. So, with this ring" he then proceeded to grab your left hand so cautiously as if you would break at the minimum touch, and slip the golden ring in your finger "I, Finnick Odair, swear to protect, satisfy and devote myself to you ; my friend, my savior and now my spouse. I can't wait to spend the rest of my days with my forever love, which happens to be you" He had always hated to see you cry, even if they were happy tears, so he had to insert a little joke to see you chuckle and be able to hear the most beautiful sound on Earth ; your laugh.
You could sense that your voice would betray you at the minimum attempt to speak, so you needed to rush through your vows before you would explode into tears "God Finnick, you always know how to leave me speechless." the guests all laughed, moved by the evident complicity between the two of you.
"I always knew you were my soulmate, the person I was meant to find. The love I carry for you in my heart used to feel too heavy, but now that I get to set it free, it's more like energy rushing though my whole body, healing all the broken parts. I have the privilege to experience how it feels being loved by you and I want to try and describe it for all our friends who are here today" you breathed in and out and kept talking "Being loved by you feels like being rocked by the sea, like waking up to the smell of freshly baked goods or like being tucked into a warm bed in wintertime. It's exiting, comforting, amusing and an insane amount of other things that I could say right now" you recited while staring at his piercing green eyes that were completely red and filled with tears . You caressed his cheek and tried to wipe them away. "I will always follow you wherever you go, until the end of time. That's what I've always wanted to do and I couldn't be more exited about spending the rest of my life with such a handsome and amazing man. I love you."
Before you could do or say anything else, Finnick held your face between his hand and kissed you like he had been wanting to do since the ceremony started. You said 'I love you' and he said nothing back, but it wasn't so bad this time.
TAGLIST : @bambikitten , @thefourrealms , @shooting-a-star-at-the-moon , @justtrying2getby .
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dianawinchester03 · 1 month
Season 2, Episode 14 - Born Under a Bad Sign
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Author's Note: Words can't explain how EXCITED I was for this episode AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! It's one of my favs and I've had scenes planned for it since I was writing the first few episodes of season one.
I've been powering through a lot of the heartbreak and shit in this season JUST for this episode lol.
So I hope everyone likes my twist and take on it!🥰
Third Person POV
"Ellen, it's me again. Any chance you've heard from her?" Dean asked hopefully, currently parked under a bridge. Y/N has been missing for a week, no calls, no texts, nothing. Just radio silent. His heart aches painfully, constantly blaming himself for her leaving. Telling himself that if he had push her away, if he hadn't been so cold. She would've never left.
"I swear, it's like looking for dad and f/n all over again. I'm losing my mind here" Dean grumbled, wiping his face, frustration in his tone. "No, I've called her a thousand times, there's nothing but voicemail. I mean, I don't know where she went or why." Dean defended but he was lying, his mind was blaming him over and over.
"I left Sam at Bobby's to go out looking for her. Took a lot to make him stay behind but he did....Y/N's just gone" Dean croaked. "Alright, thanks Ellen.." Dean sighed before hanging up, dialing Sam's number. Sam answered almost immediately. "You heard from her?" He asked softly, his voice filled with concern and hope. "Nothing...not one fucking thing" Dean muttered, his voice rough.
"I've called and called...there's no answer. All her phones just go straight to voicemail" he replied, a deep frown settling on his face as tears welled up in his eyes but he refused to let them fall. "Maybe she just needs some time, Dean" Sam reasoned gently, trying to console his brother. He knew how much Y/N meant to him, how worried he was about her being alone out there somewhere.
Dean let out a bitter scoff. "You think I haven't considered that? But it's not like her to vanish like this, Sam. Something's wrong." He said, his grip tightening on his phone. "I know, you're right" Sam sighed, raking a hand through his hair. "But we'll find her. We just need to keep looking, keep calling" he said, a note of determination in his voice.
Dean went to reply but he felt his phone vibrate, pulling it away from his ear, he saw that it was Y/N's cell calling him. Dean's eyes widened, he nearly dropped his phone. "She's calling," he said urgently, hanging up on Sam. His heart racing as he answered the call. "Y/N/N??" Dean said softly but urgently before he snapped, "Where the hell are you, are you okay?!" He bellowed.
"D-dean?" Her shaky and terrified voice echoed through the phone. At the sound of her voice, all the tension in Dean's body seemed to ease some. He let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding, feeling a wave of relief wash over him. "Princess, thank god... yeah, it's me. Where are you? Are you okay?!" Dean asked, his voice a mix of worry and relief. She immediately started freaking out, sobbing hysterically.
Y/N's sobs echoed through the phone, her panicked voice making Dean's heart ache more with each passing second. "I-I-I'm so scared, D-Dean! I don't know where I a-am" she stuttered, her words broken up by gasps and sobs. It sounded slightly exaggerated and rehearsed but Dean tossed all logic out of his mind upon hearing her like this. His mind swirling with worry and panic.
"Hey, hey, hey..calm down for me okay, sweetheart? We don't want you to have another panic attack, alright?" Dean tried to soothe her, his heart breaking at the sound of her crying. "Do it with me. Deep breaths. In...out..." He guided, trying to get her to calm down. Y/N tried to follow his instructions, her breaths coming out as shaky gasps and sobs. Gradually, her deep breaths turned more rhythmic.
"Dean...I-I-I'm trying to stay calm but I'm so scared. I don't know how I got here" she hiccupped fearfully, her voice hoarse from crying and hyperventilating. "Where are you?" He asked her urgently. She instantly gave him her location, "Alright, don't move. I'm on my way" He said firmly before hanging up and hopping into his car.
As the call ended, Dean practically leapt into the Impala. He started the engine, pulling out from under the bridge and speeding down the road. He drove as quickly as he could, the entire time, his mind racing.
Why didn't she call until now? What the hell happened? Where's she been, who hurt her? Questions swirled in his head like a storm, his heart hammering in his chest.
Meanwhile, Y/N, who was currently being possessed by Meg. Hung up the call, a with a wicked smirk on her face, wiping away a faux-tear from her eye. Staring into the mirror of the motel room as y/n fought for control on her body, looking back at herself. Sobbing on the inside at the shit Meg had made her do, staring down at her bloodied hand.
As Meg's smirk spread across Y/N's face in the mirror, she could feel the girl trying to desperately claw at her mind. Y/N's desperate and terrified pleads echoed in the back of her head, while Meg silently laughed.
"Don't fight it, darling" Meg cooed tauntingly, as she continued to stare at Y/N from the reflection. "Oh, isn't that sweet?" Meg taunted in a mocking tone. She turned from the mirror, pacing around the room as she spoke. "The big, tough hunter is coming to save the poor damsel in distress. How cliché" she chuckled darkly.
Y/N's voice rang within the confines of her mind, screaming her defiance and anger. "Shut up, bitch! Shut up!" she yelled, struggling to have even a semblance of control to speak. But her voice was a mere whisper in the back of her own mind. On the outside, however, no words left her lips. Meg was in control now, and there was no way for Y/N to regain even a tiny bit of that control.
She was currently just a prisoner within her own body horrified Y/N. She could only watch helplessly through her own eyes as Meg did whatever she wished with her. And right now, that was waiting for Dean to arrive, like a trap.
(Quick Author's Note: Sorry for the interruption but I just wanna put it out there that I won't be saying 'Meg' for the rest of the chapter, unless I'm speaking of her internal monologue because it would be confusing to me, honestly. So I'm just going to say y/n to make things easier. But remember, Meg possessing her the entire time and every move she makes isn't hers, it's Meg. Okay, back to the story!)
Twin Lakes Motel
Shortly after, Dean arrived to the motel. Slamming his door shut as he ran towards the motel room y/n gave him. Trudging down the hall and Y/N sat on the bed, stoic, Meg controlled her, aiding to the act as she stared down at her bloody knuckles. A knock at the door echoed, "Y/N, it's me" Dean gruff voice boomed through the door.
Meg's smirk widened, her fingers running over the blood on her knuckles as Dean unlocked the door, slowly walking through it. She kept her gaze trapped on Y/N's knuckles, a feigned air of innocence and fear.
"Hey Dean," she croaked in Y/N's voice as Dean moved closer. Deans eyes glanced down at her bloody knuckles, crouching besides her as he took her fist into his hand. "Are you bleeding?" He asked her softly. "I tried to wash it off...I-" She croaked, as Dean's eyes landed on her blood soaked top. His heart sank, "Oh my God" He gasped, pushing aside her leather jacket to see her cream top, drenched with dried blood.
"I don't think it's my blood" Y/N's voice dropped, "Who's is it?" Dean asked urgently, his eyes wide with panic. "I-I don't know" She shook her head, looking down at the top confused. "Y/N, what the hell happened?" Dean urged as she looked up at him slowly. "Dean....I don't remember anything" Tears welled up in her eyes as she said this, feigning sadness.
Dean's heart practically sank to his stomach as she spoke. Her words, her tone, the look in her eyes it all seemed so... wrong. Something was off about her, he could feel it in his gut. Nonetheless, he gently wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close as she leaned into him.
Y/N, trapped within her own mind, was screaming to be heard. She was pounding on the mental walls, she was kicking, scratching and doing everything she could to have even a semblance of control as she felt herself be pulled into the side of Dean.
It was so wrong, wrong, wrong. It was all so wrong. She was being so close to the man she loved, but it didn't feel right. Not with the smirk on her face on her face that Meg was sporting, not her in control. It didn't feel like the hug she'd wanted so badly. Y/N wanted to scream but could do nothing but watch through her eyes as she buried her face into Dean's chest, her arms wrapping around him.
A little later, Y/N was sat on the bed as Dean entered back the room, having left to find out when y/n checked in and to get food. A paper bag with food in one hand and his phone pressed to his ear with the other, talking to Sam. Informing him that he's with y/n right now.
He closed the door behind him, his eyes glued to her figure on the bed. She was oddly and eerily still and silent, it sent a slight shiver up his spine. Dean continued speaking into the phone to Sam, his grip tightening on the paper bag. "Yeah, she's here. I found her" He said as he walked closer to her.
He reached into the paper bag, pulling a burger and fries out for her. She accepted it graciously, "Let me talk to her" Sam said to Dean through the phone. "Hang on," Dean replied as he handed the burger to Y/N. She took it almost hesitantly, her eyes flicking warily over his face. "Here, eat up," Dean said gently, as he put Sam on speaker phone and put it down on the bed.
Y/N looked down at the phone, before picking at a fry in the burger box reluctantly. "Hey Sammy" She breathed out, "Hey y/n/n" Sam's voice echoed through the phone, relief and worry filling his tone. "You're okay? Thank God, where the hell have you been? We've been calling you nonstop" Y/N bit into the burger before speaking. "That's what we're trying to figure out" She sighed, looking up at Dean expectingly.
Dean met her gaze, his heart sinking. The look in her eyes was so foreign to him. It looked.. empty, like there was no compassion, no comfort, no nothing. Just a blankness in her eyes that felt wrong.
"She doesn't remember what happened" Dean said finally, sitting down next to her. "What'd you find out?" Sam asked, "She checked in two days ago under the name Charlotte Bennington . Of course I think the scariest part about this is that you're still a Linkin' Park" Dean snorted, earning a dry chuckle and a middle finger from Y/N.
"Dean" Sam said seriously over the phone, "Y/N's rooms been quiet. Nobody's noticed anything unusual" Dean sighed, "You mean no one saw me walking around covered in blood" She clenched her jaw, suddenly feeling less hungry as she put the burger said, not that Meg needed it to survive in her body. "Yeah, that's what I mean" Dean frowned, "How did I even get here, fellas? What happened to me?!" Y/N groaned, burying her head in her hands.
"We don't know, but you're okay, that's what matters" Sam's voice pierced through the speaker, "Exactly, everything else we can deal with" Dean added, placing his hand on the small of her back to rub gentle circles. Meg inwardly rolled her eyes at the touch before putting in back the act, "Oh, really? 'Cause what if I hurt someone? Or worse-" Y/N shot up from the bed, beginning to pace the room as Dean's hand dropped to his side.
"Y/N!" Sam and Dean cut her off in unison, making her roll her eyes as she rest her hands on her hips. She took a deep breath before saying, "What if this is what John warned you about?" She stated, "Hey, woah woah. Come on, man. Let's not jump the gun here. We don't know what happened" Dean got defensive. "He's right, y/n/n. If it was....that..." Sam gulped, "It would've happened to me too" He stated firmly as Dean nodded.
"Exactly, most of your weirdo visions and stuff are connected, it would've happened to him to. Now we just gotta treat this like any job" Dean agreed as y/n took a deep breath. "Fuck this, I'm leaving Bobby's. I'll meet up with you guys in Twin Lakes" Sam grunted, adamant to help but Dean was quick to deny the help. "No, no no, Sammy. You stay where you are" Dean said firmly.
"We've got this" Sam rolled his eyes at this, "Dean-" Sam began but Dean was already cutting him off. "I'm serious, Sam. We don't need anything happening to you too" he said firmly. Sam let out a defeated sigh over the phone, "Fine.." he grumbled. "You better keep me updated though" He said firmly, the concern clear in his tone. "Yeah. We'll call you when we find something" Dean replied, reaching over to end the call before Sam could say anything else.
"Alright sweetheart, what's the last thing you remember?" Dean began softly, patting the bed next to him as y/n paced the room. She continued to pace, "It was me, you and Sam. At my safehouse in Fredericksburg, Texas....I went out to get supplies for the house and..." She began, this made Dean's face drop. "Fredericksburg, Texas? That was over a week ago" His tone dropped. Y/N looked over at him, anguish in her eyes. "That's it" She sighed, plopping her hands in defeat.
Dean was deep in thought, "Next thing I knew, I was sitting here....bloody. I felt like I'd been asleep for a month" She feigned a gulp. "Okay. Retrace your steps. The manager said you left yesterday afternoon and they never saw you come back so..." Dean got up and walked over to the window, pulling aside the curtain, his blood went cold when he saw dried blood on the window handle.
"Hey..." He called her over, y/n stepped closer to see the blood. Her breath hitching as they shared a look. "Well check it out, after" He said firmly, "But now" He then pointed to the food on the bed. "Eat" Dean ordered her firmly. Her stomach had no appetite, and the thought of food only made it twist uncomfortably. But she knew she had to keep the act up. So she sat back down on the bed and reached for the burger, forcing herself to take a half-hearted bite.
After she finished her food, Dean fished out a warm chocolate chip cookie from the paper bag. Y/N eyed the cookie, her mouth practically watering at the sight of it. Damn she couldn't deny her love of chocolate chip cookies. Meg hated them but Y/N loved them. So in order to keep up the act, she smiled widely. "You got me a cookie?" Dean smiled, clearly relived to see her smile.
He held the cookie out for her as he chuckled, "Yeah. I know how much you love them" As Dean turned away, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. Meg resisted the urge to chuck the cookie at his head, rolling her eyes as she grimaced but forced it down Y/N's throat.
Meg wanted to gag at the taste of the cookie. While Y/N was happy to get something in her stomach because the bitch wasn't feeling her. Meg hated it, but she couldn't show that. So she forced herself to chew and swallow it with a pained smile. "Thanks Dean" She said faintly, trying to hide her disgust.
The two walked down to the parking lot, y/n was now changed into fresh clothes. Her bloodied ones trashed, currently dressed in a dark brown top with a red flannel, her leather jacket tossed over. "Recognize anything?" Dean asked as her eyes scanned the lot. "Not really" She sighed as they walked a little out. "Wait" She suddenly said, "What?" Dean asked. "I think I was here..." Y/N began, "Do you remember?" Dean asked as Y/N eyed the lot.
"Not really, it just....It feels familiar, you know?" She shrugged, her brows knitted together as Dean moved towards the parking garages across from them. Dean attempted to pick the lock to one but y/n stopped him, "Try that one" She pointed to the second door, "Okay.." Dean said attempting to pick the lock again as she buried her hands into her pickets, feigning a confusing look as she took out a key.
"Wait..." Y/N gulped, before handing Dean the key. He raised his brows at this before accepting it, shoving it into the pad lock. The key did end up opening the garage door, an almost exaggerated gasp escaping y/n throat as he slid the door upwards, revealing a Volkswagen Beetle. "Oh, please tell me you didn't steal this" Dean groaned, looking at y/n with a exasperated expression as she sighed.
The two then made their way over to the car, Dean opening the passenger and y/n opening the drivers side. She pulled down the visor above, her eyes widening as they flickered down to the steering wheel. She ran her fingers over the wheel, showing it to Dean who looked equaled terrified, "More blood" She gulped, "Y/N...backseat" Dean pointed to a knife, drenched with mostly dried blood floorboard.
Y/N shakily picked the knife, examining it with terror on her face as Dean clenched his jaw, imagining the worse. "You think I used this on someone?" Y/N muttered horrified, but Dean shook his head. "I'm not thinking anything" He responded gruffly, but his heart was paining at the possibility. Y/N looked like she was close to tears as she wiped the blood from the knife on her dark flannel.
"Okay, now this is disturbing" Dean muttered, picking up a pack of Maverick cigarettes from the dashboard, y/n's head tilted in confusion at this. "But you know I smoke" She raised her brow, "Yeah, but you don't smoke this shit" Dean waved the pack of cheap cigarettes, "You usually smoke Dunhill, that flavored one" Dean stated the obvious, causing Meg to curse herself mentally at the forgotten fact about y/n. "Right...right" She covered up her mistake with a sigh.
Dean threw her a suspicious glance, his brows furrowed as if something was on his mind. But he didn't say anything, instead, he focused back on the situation at hand, trying to make sense of the pieces as he looked around the car. He brushed it off as her head not being in the right place. "Come on, Princess. This couldn't have been you. It had to have been someone else. Somebody who, uh.." Dean assured her before sniffing the half empty pack, "..has terrible taste" He chuckled amused, tossing the pack on the dashboard
Y/N eyes landed on a receipt that was folded in between the seats. She picked it up, studying it closely for a moment before showing it to Dean. "Hey. A gas receipt, few towns over" She said urgently, her voice low.
Couple hours later, it was now evening time, the pair made it to the gas station in the Impala. Dean parked near the Gas n Sip store, "Alright, the receipt's for 10 gallons at pump number two" Dean said, reading off of the receipt as Y/N was lost in thought. His eyes flickered over to her, concern filling him from the dark look in her eyes. "You, uh, getting any goosebumps yet? 'God this looks familiar', déjà-vu, vibes?" He asked as she shook her head.
"That ESP thing doesn't seem to be working today, huh?" Dean smirked lightly, expecting a glare or a smack from her, as per usual. But instead, she sighed, shaking her head again. "Seems not" She said coldly. Dean's brows furrowed at this, used to her giving him at least an eyeroll whenever he poked her about it, confusing him even more. "Maybe someone inside will remember you" Dean grunted, turning the ignition to Baby off before hopping out.
"Come on" He ushered her out, moving around to her side to open the door for her. The two then walked into the store, the cashier immediately shouted, "You, out of her, now. I'm calling the cops!" Picking up the phone as he shook with fear. Y/N and Dean both gave the cashier a confused look. "You talking to her?" Dean asked, pointing at y/n with his thumb. "Yeah, I'm talking to her" The cashier scoffed.
"Bitch comes in yesterday, stinking drunk. Grabs a 40 from the fridge, starts chugging" The cashier explained with hostility. Y/N's eye's went wide at the story, her body stiffening at his words while Dean's jaw clenched in anger. "First of all, bitch.." Dean air quoted 'bitch', "...not necessary" Dean glared at the cashier, "And this woman? You drinking malt liquor?" He turned to Y/N confused.
"Not after she whipped the bottle at my fucking head" The cashier scoffed angrily, further shocking Dean. He turned to y/n, who wore an equally baffled look. "This woman?" His voice went up an octave at the complete out-of-character description the male cashier was giving him of y/n's supposed actions. "What, am I speaking, Urdu?" The cashier scoffed again, "Look, I'm really sorry if I did anything-" Y/N began apologetically,
"You know what, tell your story walking, sister. Po-po will be here in five" The cashier rolled his eyes, pressing the landline to his ear. "Wait, wait, wait, she's leaving, she's leaving. Put the phone down" Dean attempted to reason with the cashier, "Y/N, go wait in the car" Dean instructed her. "But, Dean-" She protested. "Go wait in the car" He repeated, his voice filled with more authority.
Y/N obeyed Dean reluctantly, walking out of the store and to the Impala, leaning against the car as she waited for him. Meanwhile, Dean turned to the cashier again, now alone with him. Dean wore a faux-smile. "Hey, look, I just wanna talk to you, thanks it, okay?" He tried to reason again, the cashier reluctantly put down the phone. "Now, when she took of yesterday, which way she did go?" Dean asked.
"Why don't you ask her yourself?" The cashier sassed as he leaned against the counter. "Because, I'm asking you" Dean flashed him a tight lipped smile, causing him to roll his eyes. "Now. Please, you'd be doing me a huge favor, okay?" Dean pleaded, "Oh, do you a favor? Well, that is what I live for" The cashier sassed, causing Dean to roll his eyes. "You know, you girlfriend didn't pay for the booze or the smokes, which she also illegally lit up."
Deans eyes widened at this, "You saw her smoking that crap?" He asked shocked, "Yeah. Chick's a chimney" The cashier stated as if it was obvious, Dean's eyes darted outside to y/n, who was leaned up against the Impala, patiently waiting. He then fished his wallet out of his pocket, clearing his throat before finding out a $20 bill. "This, uh, ought to cover it" He smiled, resting the hill on the counter as the cashiers face lit up.
"Mm, It's, uh...It's coming back to me now. She took down packs" Dean gave the cashier an unimpressed look before taking his wallet out again. "Of course she did" Dean muttered, pulling out another $20 bill, slamming it into the counter as he glared at the cashier, who smirked as he pocketed the change. "She went north on Route 71. Straight out of town" He told Dean.
He nodded before taking up a candy bar and another pack of Dunhill cigarettes from the holster above. Waving it at him as he quickly made his way out of the store, not bothering to pay, throwing a glare at the cashier before he left.
It was now nightfall. Dean was driving as Y/N sat in the passenger side, taking a drag from her cigarette. Her elbow braced on the window ledge as Dean eyed her concerned. Dean kept his eyes on the road, glancing over at her every few minutes. The car was filled with a tense silence, only interrupted by the sound of the radio and the occasional drag from y/n's cigarette.
"What's going on with you, y/n? Hmm?" Dean's gruff concerned tone broke the silence. "Because smoking cheap crap, stealing, throwing bottles at people. I mean, that sounds more like me than you" He added. "Does it though?" She snorted, giving him a knowing look.
Dean chuckled lightly in response, shaking his head at her. She had a point, they were very similar but very different in many ways. "Alright, alright" He shook his head, the amused smile on his face dropping as he glanced back at her. "I mean, why did you leave?" His heart was in his throat as he asked. "Is it..it's it because-" Dean's words got caught in his throat as he thought back to a few weeks ago, that night in Milwaukee.
He looked away, hoping his words didn't come out how he had dreaded they would, "Is it because of that night?" Y/N didn't respond for a moment, her expression unreadable as she took a drag from her cigarette. Meg smirked internally as she went back into y/n's memories to see what night he was talking about. While y/n was screaming on the inside, trying to fight her way out of the demon's possession but Meg wouldn't budge.
After a few moments, through her voice again, spoke up, "What night?" She asked him in a monotone voice. "Don't play dum-" He said gruffly, but Y/N interrupted him, pointing to a dirt road. "Dear, wait. Right here. Turn down that road" She said urgently, flicking her burnt out cigarette bud out the window. "What?" Deans brows furrowed in confusion, "I don't know how I know, I just do" She exasperatedly.
Dean obliged, a bit frustrated that she brushed him off but he drove down the dirt road. About a mile in, they come upon a house. Dean parked infront, the two hopping out of Baby as they scanned the surroundings with their eyes. As soon as they stepped infront of the yard, a large automatic bright white light flashed in their faces from a lamppost. "Whoever lives here, I'd say they don't like surprises" Y/N commented. Dean was first to walk up the porch, y/n following behind.
"Should we knock?" Dean said as they approached the door, "Yeah, I guess" Y/N sighed, fishing out her flashlight from her jacket, shining it inside the window to the side as Dean rapped on the door. "Hey charming..." She called out to him, shining the light on the broken glass that scattered on the outside of the window still. "I'm surprised the cops didn't show" Dean muttered.
"Place like this, you'd think they'd have an alarm" He said, shining his own light inside the house, through the window. Y/N walked further up, her eyes flickering to the electrical box to the side of the house, "Yeah, you would" She said, pushing it open. She and Dean shared a look at this.
Now inside the house, it was completely trashed upon entered. Dean closed the door behind him as he and y/n further investigated, their boots crunching on the broken glass that was scattered across the floor. Their lights shone through the dark house as Dean entered a room that seemed like an office, to see a man, laying flat to his side on the floor.
Using his foot, Dean poked at the man. "Hit the lights" He mumbled to y/n, who did just that. They both turned off their flashlight, shoving it into their pockets as Dean crouched besides the man, slowly turning him from his side to reveal the deceased man, a large gash in the side of his throat, the pool pooling on the carpet. Deans stomach churned as he brought his hand over his mouth.
"Oh, Christ," Dean breathed out in a whisper, his hand still plastered over his mouth, hiding the repulsed look on his face. Y/N behind him, "Dean, I did this" She croaked, tears welling up in her eyes. "We don't know that." Dean defended, "What else do you need? I mean how else do you explain the car, the knife, the blood!?" She exclaimed, "I don't know, y/n/n. Why don't you tell me?!" Dean argued back, her mouth snapped shut at this as Dean tried to come up with possible reasons.
"Look, even if you did do this. I'm sure you had a reason. You know? Self defense, uh, he was a bad son of a bitch, something" Dean assured her but Y/N rolled her eyes.
Loverboy is finding every way to defend her, it's sickening. Meg groaned internally.
Dean began to search the man's pockets but came up empty, "He didn't have any ID" Dean muttered, "I need your lock pick" Y/N said suddenly, her eyes flickering to the closet behind Dean. "What? Don't you have yours? Or you hairpin?" Dean asked confused. "No, just give me yours" She grunted, Dean raised his brows at this but obliged. Y/N unlocked the closet, pulling the doors open to reveal an arsenal of guns, grenades, rifles and ammunition.
"Holy fuck..." She muttered in shock as they scanned the closet, it was not only packed with weapons but also papers and journals that seemed to be filled with lore. "Either this guys a unibomber-" Dean began, "-or a Hunter" Y/N finished his thought, "Dean. I think I killed a hunter" She said shakily, her voice cracking with fear. Dean spotted a camera at the corner of the room, on the ceiling, Let's find out" Dean stated, y/n's eyes followed in his direction.
Y/N sat behind the computer that had the footage, after hacking in and retrieving the video. "Here we go" Dean muttered as she rewinded to footage. On the screen show Y/N attacking the man, he attempted to fight her off as she straddled him. Right hooking him square in his jaw before he tossed her off of him. She stumbled back but quickly recovered, kneeing the man in the groin before punching him across his jaw again.
The man doubled over in pain as y/n raised the right foot, swiftly kicking him off of his feet. The man was now off camera but she pulled him back, right in the angle of the camera before off swiping the knife she was wielding across his throat, resulting in a deadly wound before tossing the man aside like trash. She stored the knife in her pocket, wiping her hand on her cream too.
Dean and y/n's eyes widened, a look of terror on her face as Dean paused the video. His heart sank as they watched the video. He couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe what he was watching. Y/N just killed a hunter in cold blood, and it was on video. He refused to believe it was in cold blood. Y/N's face had heartbreak written all over it as Dean tried to recollect his thoughts.
Y/N was still sitting at the desk, reading a letter that the man's daughter wrote for him. "How do you erase this, huh?" Dean asked her urgently, but she refused to answer. "Y/N, come on. I need your help" Dean said harshly as he tapped her shoulder gently as he crouched by the computer's case, "I killed him, charming" She whispered, "I just broke in and killed him" She croaked, tears welling up in her eyes.
Dean's heart broke upon hearing her tone and seeing the tears in her eyes. "Listen to me, princess." he said gently, getting up to lean across from her at the desk. He reached over to tuck a lock of hair away from her face. "Whoever this guys is, he's a hunter. Which means that other are gonna come looking for his killer. Which means we gotta cover our tracks, okay?" Dean said firmly but y/n's expression remained stoic.
"His name was Steve Wandel. This is a letter from his daughter" Her voice cracked as she handed Dean the letter. She took a deep breath, exhaling hard as Dean clenched his jaw before moving back over to the computer case, picking up it up and crashing it into the floor. Y/N flinched at the sudden destruction, watching as Dean took his anger out on the computer. Driving his combat boot covered foot into it over and over.
He turned back to her, his jaw grinding before tossing her a cloth from his jacket. "Wipe your prints. Then we go" He ordered her firmly.
Now back at a motel, y/n practically stumbled in, pure horror on her face as Dean shut the door behind them. He was beyond worried about what the hell was going on, but all he cared about was that she was okay and no one was gonna find that video. "Alright, we get a couple hours sleep and then we put this place in our rearview mirror. We'll meet up with Sam after" Dean said as he tossed his bag on his bed. Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose as she took a deep breath.
"Look, I know this is bad, okay? But you gotta snap out of it" Dean said firmly, but y/n didn't answer, her back turnt to him. "Y/N, say something!" Dean exclaimed, a twinge of desperation in his voice. Y/N faced Dean, "We should get some sleep and leave in the morning? Murder. Dean. That's what I did"She stated in a gruff tone, her hands residing on her hips. "M-maybe, okay? Hey, we don't know- Shapeshifter" Dean suggested, causing y/n to roll her eyes.
"Oh, come on. You know it wasn't. You saw the tape. There was no eye glare, no distortion" She scoffed pacing the room, "Yeah, but it wasn't you! Alright?" Dean argued as she narrowed her eyes at him. "I mean, it might have been you, but it wasn't you" He shook his head, refused to believe it as he stepped closer to her. "Well, I think it was" She said in a low tone before settling on her bed. Deans heart ached for her, sympathy etched on his face.
"I think maybe more than you know" She whispered, burying her head in her hands. "What the hell does that mean?" Dean grunted, his tone pained. "For the last few weeks, I've been having...I've been having these feelings" She began, "Y/N, you always get feelings. It's how we solve half our cases" Dean scoffed, "Not like that Dean!" Her head snapped up as she growled, her tone surprising him.
"What feelings?" He asked shakily, inching towards her before settling in the bed next to her. "Rage. Hate. And I can't stop it" She explained, not daring to look at him. "It just gets worse. Day by day, it gets worse" She whispered shakily, "You never told me this" Dean said softly, "I didn't wanna scare you or Sam" She admitted, taking a deep breath glancing up at Dean, her eyes connecting with his.
His heart sank as y/n spoke, and he shifted slightly closer to her on the bed, their knees barely touching. It was breaking Dean hearing her speak like this. He couldn't believe what she was saying, it felt so far from the y/n that he knew. He wanted to pull her into his arms and hold her, tell her things were going to be alright. "Why...Why would you think I'd be scared?" He asked tentatively as he shifted to sit closer to her.
"Because the Yellow-Eyed Demon, you know he has plans for me and Sam. And we both know he's turned other children into killers before too" She explained but her cut her off. "No one can control you, but you. And that isn't gonna happen to you or Sam" He stated firmly. "It sure doesn't seem like that Dean. Maybe it isn't the same with Sam, but it feels like no matter what I do, slowly but surely...I'm- I'm just becoming-"
"What?!" Dean scoffed, "Who I'm meant to be!" Y/N retorted. Dean chuckled humorlessly at this, shaking his head as he got up from besides her, beginning to unpack his back. "You said it once before, Dean. I gotta face up to who I am!" Y/N shot up from the bed, her tone defensively. "I didn't mean this!" Dean shouted back. "But it's still true, you know that!" Y/N argued, her voice raising as she paced over to him. "John knew that too. That's why he told you, if it ever came to this-"
"Shut up, Y/N!" Dean snapped, causing her to flinch. His face dropped, immediately feeling back for snapping at her, "Dean, you promised him. You promised me and Sam." Her voice dropped, "No. Listen to me" He began in a firm tone, "We're gonna figure this out, okay? I mean, there's gotta be a way, right?" He offered her a soft smile, "Yeah, there is" She responded sadly before reaching to the rear of her jeans to pull out her revolver.
She took his hand into her, shoving her gun in it, "I don't wanna hurt anyone else. I don't wanna hurt you." Dean froze, his heart pounded against his chest as she placed the gun in his hand. His grip tightened around the gun, not wanting to believe she was actually asking him to do this. He swallowed hard, "You won't." He said firmly, "Whatever this is, you can fight it" He assured her as she allowed her tears to fall from her eyes and down her cheek.
Looking at her standing there in front of him, tears streaming down her face and a look of anguish plastered on her face broke his heart. "No, I can't. Not forever." She shook her head with a tight tearful smile. "You gotta do it" She added firmly, her voice breaking her as she held back sobs. But Dean didn't move, she then roughly took Dean's hand that had the gun and pressed it to her chest.
"Please, Dean. I don't wanna be this" She breathed out heavily, a new wave of tears coming up as she begged. Dean stood paralysed, his heart rate quickening as he tried to process what was happening. But he knew this was what she wanted, even if he didn't want her to. "Y/N...I can't" He whispered softly, shaking his head as his own eyes welled up. "You have to!" Y/N pleaded, gripping onto Dean's hand that held the gun, pressing it further into her chest.
"You know, I tried so hard to keep you and Sam safe" Dean croaked, his lip quivering. "I know" Y/N nodded through her tears, offering him a sweet tearful smile as her breathing quickened. Dean's eyes went from the gun place on her chest and back to her eyes. "I can't" he repeated in a choked voice, pulling his hand away roughly from hers before tossing the gun on the bed. "I'd rather die." His voice broke.
Y/N gritted her teeth as Dean walked away from her, his back facing hers. She rolled her eyes frustration at Dean's refusal before, picking up the gun again before turning to Dean. His face hardened, trying to mask his emotion and tears that were ready to burst from his eyes as he turned to her. Y/N took a deep breath before taking her hand into his, closing the gap between them.
Her lips ghosted over his. Dean felt his heart pound against his chest as Y/N's lips hovered over his. Her body was flush against his, and the sensation of her warm breath on his lips made his heart throb in his chest. "W-what are you-?" Dean stuttered. His breath hitched in his throat as she gripped his shirt and pulled his body even closer against hers. Her lips were just barely touching his, the tips of their noses brushing against each other.
He was torn between wanting to pull away and wanting to pull her closer. He could feel her body pressed up against him, stirring up a mix of conflicting emotions. Their faces were so close that he could feel the heat radiating off of her, and her scent was filling his senses. Despite his resolve, he couldn't help but melt into her touch, his arms instinctively wrapping around her waist.
She brought her left hand up to caress his cheek, Dean leaned into her touch like he always would but something didn't feel right about it. "Y-Y/N..." He managed to stutter out, his voice low and gravelly. "Y/N....we talked about this" Dean choked out forcefully but Y/N didn't respond, her lips were parted a slightly as she gazed at his. Dean's heart was pounding against his chest, he wanted desperately to lean in and kiss her.
His mind was racing with emotions, and he tried to pull away but Y/N gripped his shirt tighter. She gently shushed him, her eyes holding a mixture of longing and determination. Her hand moved to the back of his neck, her fingers running through his hair. Her fingers felt like electric shocks against his skin, making his body shiver involuntarily.
"You'll live, baby..." She assured him in a soft tone. Her tender words and the way she called him 'baby' sent a pang through his chest. He didn't want to listen to her, but at the same time, he couldn't bring himself to move away from her. He closed his eyes, trying to focus away from the feel of her body against his, but he couldn't shake off the dread building up in his heart.
Y/N smirked wickedly at him, "Yeah....You'll live to regret this" She said in a dark tone before swiftly pistol whipping Dean across his face. Knocking the elder Winchester out cold, his body fell to the ground with a hard thud to the ground as Y/N stood above him, a dark grin on her face. She then turned to the mirror, her eyes flashing black, "Mirror, mirror on the wall..." Meg mocked her in a jeering tone.
Meg, with y/n's voice, cackled darkly with a smirk on her face as she stepped closer to the mirror. "Who is the baddest of them all?" She finished snidely. Y/N felt the sickening feeling wash over her as she witnessed everything take place through her own eyes, she tried desperately to fight off the possession but nothing worked. Nothing. She was hopeless as Meg exited the motel room in her, leaving an unconscious Dean inside.
The next morning, a loud knocking at the door woke Dean up. Groaning, Dean slowly sat up, rubbing the back of his head where he was hit. "What the fuck?" He muttered groggily before himself pushing up. Keys rattled behind the door, it opened to reveal the motel manager, "It's past your checkout" The manager informed him as he rubbed his head. The throbbing from the pistol whip intensifying.
"What?" Dean groaned, disoriented and confused. "It's past check out and I have a couple here who needs your room" The manager informed him, Dean glanced outside to see an older man and a younger blonde woman who was dressed quite provocatively, "Oh yeah, I bet they do" He commented, "What time is it?" He asked urgently, checking his watch. "Twelve thirty" The manager informed him, losing his patience.
"The woman who was with me, have you seen her?" Dean asked the manager urgently, "Yeah, she left before dawn in your car and you should've gone with her because now I'm gonna have to charge you extra" The manager stated in a gruff tone. "Oh, son of a bitch" Dean muttered in frustration at the fact that he has no transport out of her. "That's just policy, sir" The manager stated, "I need you use your computer" Dean said quickly, rubbing his head. "Why would I let you use my computer?" The manager scoffed.
The manager was now counting the ten $10 bills that Dean gave him in order to use his computer as Dean sat behind the computer, the landline pressed to his ear, calling 'A-Line Mobile Phone Services.' Within a few seconds, someone answered, "Hi, uh, so sorry to bother you, but, uh, my...little sister, snuck out of the house last night to and, uh, went to a Justin Timberlake concert. An- What?" Dean came up with the first lie on his mind but was cut off by the amused response of the responder.
"What?" He muttered, "Yeah, Justin is quite the triple threat.." He furrowed his brows at this. "Uh, anyway, so, she's not back yet, and I'm starting to worry." Dean stated in a worried tone, "Right, teenage girls will be teenage girls" Dean chuckled, "But see, y/n/n, is a, uh, a diabetic and, uh, if she doesn't get her insulin- then I just- I have to find him. My parents left me in charge, man. I'm scared something happened to her"
"Please, I'm begging you" Dean pleaded, "Yeah, no, no, no, I'm on the website right now. I just need to activate the GPS on her cell phone" He said, relief soaring through his chest as he typed in y/n's number on the computer in the website and her location popped up. "Yeah, right there. Duluth, Minnesota...Yeah, that is a long way to go for a concert. I appreciate your help" Dean thanks the responder before handing up.
Duluth, Minnesota
Y/N pulled into a parking spot, outside the bar where Jo worked. She got out of the impala and entered the bar, she quickly spotted her bike outside of the bar. She tilted her head in confusion before shrugging it off and making her way into the bar. The last customer was just leaving, "Goodnight, thank you" Jo's tired voice said.
Y/N cleared her throat behind Jo, who's back was turnt to her, "Sorry, we're closing up" Jo informed her, "How bout just one for the road?" Y/N said offering her a small smile. Jo turned around, her expression softening as she recognised that it was y/n. "Oh my god, y/n!" Jo gasped, quickly walking over to her. "Where the hell you been?" She demanded lightly, pulling her into a tight hug.
Y/N was surprised by this, excepting her to be a bit more hostile. She chuckled as she returned the hug. "How did you know I was gone?" She asked Jo confused as she pulled away, causing the younger hunter to blush a bit lightly. "I- uh...Sam told me, he was just by here" Jo responded with a small shrug and it dawned on her.
So that's why Quinn was outside the bar, Sam took it to come see Jo....huh, and he's always on about how her 'death machine' scares him.
"So that's why you're being nice to me?" Y/N crossed her arms over her chest, a sly grin on her face as Jo moved around the bar to get her a beer. Compared to their last interaction, she was expecting Jo to be a bit more hostile. "Of course not.." Jo muttered in denial as she set the beer down in front of her, avoiding eye contact as she busied herself with cleaning the bar. A light chuckle escaped y/n's lips as she picked up her beer and sat down at the bar.
"You're a shitty liar" Y/N teased with an amused grin as Jo's shoulders drooped lightly in defeat. "So...you and Sam?" Y/N quirked her brows, her tone suggestive. "Oh-I- uh.." Jo's face turned a darker shade of red as she sputtered out, feeling heat pool in her face as a shy smile made its way onto her face. "No....You and Dean?" Jo returned the question with a sly grin.
Y/N raised her eyebrows at the question, feigning shock, "Me and Dean?!" She questioned in mock shock. "No way" She said with a scoff before taking a swig of beer. Jo smirked at this, shaking her head. "So, how'd you find me?" Jo asked. "Sam told me that you were here, don't know if he told Dean" Y/N responded with a shrug.
"Speaking of him, where is Dean?" Jo asked curiously as she leaned against the bar counter. "He couldn't make it." Y/N said quickly, "I'm just glad to see you're okay" Jo offered her a small smile, "And I'm glad to know you're not totally mad at us...since..." Y/N trailed off as Jo's face dropped. She decided to change the subject, "So, where's Sam?" She scanned the bar with her eyes.
Jo's smile returned again at the mention of the younger Winchester. "Oh, he left" She said, trying to keep her tone as casual as possible, "Went to get food about half hour ago" She explained, the shy smile returning to her face. "So, it's just you and me here?" Y/N asked in a low tone, her eyes trailing up Jo's body as she took her jacket off.
Jo's brows furrowed at her tone, her eyes flickered to what looked like a branding on y/n's arm. It was a small circle with a line through its radius, seared into the flesh on her forearm. "That looks like it hurts" Jo commented. Y/N went on edge as soon as she noticed it, covering it up with the sleeve of her flannel and a nervous chuckle. "No. No, just...had a run in with a hot stove" She chuckled, brushing it off.
"Look, Jo..." She began, cleaning her throat, "I actually came here to square things up" Y/N said in a sympathetic tone, leaning forward. "We didn't exactly part on the best terms, and it's nice to see that you and Sam made up...but I still feel bad, you know?" Jo looked surprised at her words, taken a back for a moment. She smiled at y/n in appreciation, "That's really sweet of you" Jo breathed out, a hint of relief washing over her.
"But, you really don't have to do that" Jo started, shaking her head. "I'd be lying if I said I'm not harboring some kind of resentment, but I'm trying...let's just forg-" Y/N cut her off, "No, Jo. Please, listen to me" She pleaded as she reached forward, grabbing Jo by the wrist and pulling her closer, forcing the younger girl to lean over the bar.
Jo immediately felt something off at this, "I know how you feel about John and my dad, and I can't say I blame you...they were obsessed." Y/N shook her head with a scoff, "Consumed with hunting. And they didn't care who got caught in the crossfire..and I guess that included your dad" She said sympathetically.
"But that was my father and John. That's not me" Y/N assured her, "And what about Sam?" Jo asked timidly. Y/N's demeanor changed, a scoff escaping her throat, "Boy, you're really carrying a torch for him, aren't you?" Y/N chuckled bitterly, pulling away as Jo made her way around the bar, leaning against it, across from y/n. Jo was baffled by her change in tone, "Excuse me?" Jo scoffed offended. "I'll take that as a yes" Y/N snorted.
"It's too bad. Because see, Sam, he likes you, sure...but not in the way you'd want" Y/N said in almost a mocking tone. "What are you getting at?" Jo demanded, her eyebrows furrowing as she stared at y/n in confusion. It made her blood boil at her sly smirk and knowing tone, she could practically feel the hostility seeping of her. "Sweetie, I'm sorry to put it like this. But Sam might just see you as a booty call."
Jo's jaw dropped at this, disbelief etched across her features. The comment made her cheeks burn hot with rage, her hands clenching into fists at her sides. "That...we haven't even-" She started, struggling to get her words out through the anger bubbling up inside of her. "You shut your mouth!"
"You think because he came here to see you that you mean something to him?" Y/N shook her head, chuckling, sipping her beer. "I'm just telling you the truth, I'm not trying to hurt you, Jo. I'd- I'm telling you because I care" She added in a faux-sympathetic tone. "You're lying." Jo shot back, her voice trembling with a mixture of anger and hurt. She took a step forward, closing the gap between them.
"Sam cares about me. He's my friend. He would never use me!" She defended. "You've known each other, all of what? Two seconds?" Y/N chuckled darkly, shaking her head in amusement. "I've known him my whole life" Jo's eyes narrowed to slits at Y/N, "You know? You're the last person I expected to be such a bitch" She growled at her. "Just trying to look out for you, that's all" Y/N snickered, the smirk on her face only infuriating to Jo more.
She then grabbed Jo's arm a bit roughly. "I'm just telling you, because I see more to you than just a hot piece of ass, Jo..." She caressed Jo's arm as she spoke, her tone filled with lust. "I could be more to you" Y/N said suggestively, her eyes trailing down Jo's body as she tugged her bottom lip into her mouth. It took a few seconds for Jo to realise exactly what Y/N was implying here, her eyes going wide as she slowly took in her words.
This was not the y/n she knew, "Maybe you should leave" Jo seethed through her teeth. "Okay" Y/N simply said, her eyes darkening as Jo snatched her arm away. Y/N pushed herself off the barstool she was sitting on. Jo turned away from her, exhaling deeply at the sudden change in behavior from her. She was caught off guard when Y/N suddenly grappled her, spinning her around to face her as she held Jo in place.
"Y/N, get off me! Y/N, get off me! Let go!!" Jo tried to fight her off, screaming as y/n held her in place. Tilting her head back in a tight grip, "Jo, Jo, Jo" Y/N mocked her, running her nose along the nose of her neck. Jo attempted to reach for the beer bottle to smash it against Y/N's head but she snatched Jo's arm, rearing her arm back, driving the beer bottle into counter, shattering it. Y/N then spun Jo around, holding her in a headlock as she attempted to fight out of her grip.
Screaming and whimpering, but y/n was by far stronger. "Y/N, no, no, no, please! Please! I'm your friend, please!" Jo pleaded, panting as she gripped her blonde locked between her fingers. Y/N tugged at her hair before driving her head into the counter, knocking her unconscious and limp into her arms before holding up her body. Cradling her weight, then lifting her onto the counter.
"It didn't have to be this way..." Y/N said in a low tone as she brushed Jo's hair away from her face, "..or maybe it did" She chuckled darkly.
Meanwhile, Sam was just leaving the diner he went to get food for him and Jo. His phone then started vibrating in his pocket. Sam balanced the food boxes in one hand as he pulled his phone from his pocket, seeing Dean's name on the screen. He answered the call, "Hey, how is she?" Sam asked immediately, concerned about y/n. "We need to talk" Dean voice immediately caused a chill to run down the back of his neck.
"What's wrong?" Sam asked concerned, "Dude, I think Y/N's possessed. She has to be" Dean rambled, "What? How-what-" Sam sputtered, feeling his heart rate increase, as he stopped in his tracks. Dean gave Sam the full rundown of the events of what happened in their motel room, the younger Winchester's jaw was practically resting on his shoes as Dean explained what she did.
"Where the hell are you!? She's in Duluth, Minnesota at some bar. I'm heading there now." Sam's blood ran cold, the boxes slipped from his grip. Almost dropping his phone in the proceed, his heart pounding out of his chest. He had told y/n where Jo was, of course he told her, he told her almost everything. "Fuck!" Sam exclaimed. "I'm here. I'm on my way." Sam said urgently, hanging up and breaking out into a run.
Back in the bar, Y/N gently placed the record only the player, 'The Doors by The Crystal Ship' now playing on the jukebox as she propped an unconscious Jo up to a pillar, pressing her back against it as she bounded her wrists around it. Jo slowly began to regain consciousness, winced from the throbbing pain in her head. "What the fuck is going on? What are you doing?" Jo grunted, wincing from the pain as y/n tightened her bounds.
"So, what exactly did your mom tell you about how your dad died?" Y/N whispered in a low smug tone. "You're not Y/N" She gritted her teeth. Y/N smirked, "Don't be so sure about that, sweetie. Answer the question" Y/N peered behind her, over her shoulder but Jo refused to answer. Y/N sighed deeply before pulling a stool to sit right infront of Jo. "Come on..." She held up a knife to Jo's face, "..It's me. You can tell me anything, you know that" She whispered.
"Answer.The.Question" Y/N gritted her teeth impatiently. "Fine" Jo huffed, "Fine" Y/N smiled widely, sliding the sharp knife gently over the bump from the head butt she gave Jo, moving some of hair hair away as Jo glared at her. "Our dads were in California. Devils Gate Reservoir. They were setting a trap for some kind of hellspawn. John was hiding, waiting. And my dad was bait" Jo grunted reluctantly as Y/N listened intently before chuckling darkly.
"That's just like John and F/N" She shook her head, propping her hand on her chin as she smiled. "Oh, I bet they dangled Bill like meat on a hook" She laughed as Jo glared at her. "Then what?" She asked curiously, getting up to move around the pillar. "Then the thing showed up. They got too eager, jumped out too soon. Got my dad exposed out in the open...the thing turned around...and killed him" Jo explained tearfully, hating the fact that she had to talk about this again.
"Hmmm, not quite" Y/N mocked, sighing as she leaned against the pillar. "What?" Jo's brows knitted together in confusion. "What? Oh-" Y/N feigned confusion, "You see, it hurt him. It didn't kill him" She giggled sadistically as Jo remained silent, in disbelief. "You really don't know the truth, do you?" Y/N chuckled at Jo's expression. "I bet your mom doesn't either" She added in a malicious tone.
"Know what?" Jo snapped, "You see, Bill....was all clawed up" Y/N began, her voice low as she brushed her lips against Jo's ear, a slither of fear, disgust and fear running down her spine as the hunter spoke of her father. "He was holding his insides in his hands..he was gurgling and...praying to see you and Ellen one more time" Y/N explained as tears spewed from Jo's eyes.
"So John...killed him. Put him out of his misery like a sick dog" Y/N said in a faux-sympathetic tone, a wicked grin on her face as she pulled away from Jo. "You're lying" Jo growled, refusing to believe that it's true. "I'm not. It's true" Y/N pressed, doubling over to lean down infront of Jo, her hands residing on her knees as she taunted the young hunter.
"Sam's daddy shot your daddy in the head" Y/N taunted in a sing-song tone. "How could you know that?" Jo snapped, shaking her head as the malicious smile returned to Y/N's face. "I hear things" Y/N responded simply before stabbing the large knife she was tracing Jo's features with into the pillar, right above Jo's head. "Why are you doing this to me?" Jo grunted, tugging at her bindings.
Y/N chuckled, fishing a long cloth out of her jeans pocket. "Like daddy, like daughter. You're bait. Open up" She wickedly smiled as she gagged Jo with the rag. "That's a good girl" She taunted again, tying the cloth around the back of her head, her chin residing at the top of Jo's head. The sound of the bar door opening made Y/N's ears perk up, she quickly pulled the knife from the pillar.
"Y/N!", Sam and Dean shouted as they barged in, guns pointed towards Y/N, "I begged you to stop me, Dean!" Y/N screamed back at them, pressing the knife to Jo's throat. Sam's heart fell from his chest, "Put the knife down, dammit!" Sam demanded but his words came out more like a plea, gripping his gun. "I can't fight it!" Y/N shouted. "My head feels like it's on fire, alright?! I know you feel it too, Sam!" Their hands shook as they aimed their guns at her.
"Sam, Dean. Kill me or I'm gonna kill here" Y/N warned the boys, pressing the knife harder against Jo's throat, causing her to whimper. "Please, you'll be doing me a favor" She pleaded, tears welling up in her eyes. The Winchesters exchanged a look at her words, "Shoot me, fellas." She sucked in a deep breath as the boys had their own tears welling up in their eyes.
Retracting the knife from Jo's throat, she left out a breath she didn't know she was holding as Y/N opened her arms wide. "Shoot me!" She demanded as she stared into the barrels of their guns, "No, y/n/n. Come on" Dean pleaded as they both shook their heads, lowering their guns. Sam turned away, swiftly taking out a flask of holy water from his jacket. Glaring as y/n as she moved closer to Dean, her back to Sam, unscrewing the cork.
"What the fuck is wrong with you two?!" Y/N bellowed before pushing Dean roughly, "Are you that scared to be alone that you'd rather let Jo die?!" She growled as Dean stumbled, he clenched his jaw as she turned to face his brother, "You'd rather let your little girlfriend die than kill me?!" She shouted at Sam, who tossed the holy water on his face, causing her to hiss in pain, the water sizzling on her skin.
Dean did the same, taking out his own flask, "That's holy water you demonic bitch!" Dean growled, drenched her with the holy water as she wailed from the pain, backing up into the pillar. She sneered at them, smoke pouring from her skin, her eyes flashing black at the Winchester before hauling ass out of the bar. Crashing her body through the glass window. Sam quickly took up the knife that y/n dropped when he and Dean were drenching her with holy water.
Cutting Jo from her binds as Dean ran towards y/n. "She was possessed?!" Jo exclaimed after she took off the rag from her mouth. Sam nodded as he pulled Jo into his arms, a shaky breath leaving his mouth as he held her. "Hey... are you okay?" Sam looked down at Jo, checking for any signs of injury. "I think I'm okay.." Jo replied tiredly, leaning against Sam. "Okay, stay here" Sam instructed her, taking his gun out of his pants.
"I'm coming with you" Jo insisted. "No, you need to stay here." Sam responded sternly. "...Please" He pleaded, flashing her his puppy dog eyes. Jo sighed in defeat, reluctantly nodding. "Fine.. but be careful." "I will, I promise." Sam reassured her before giving her a quick kiss on her forehead, relieved to see she's okay before following behind his brother.
They followed Meg to a warehouse, the shuffling of her footsteps echoing through it as they creeped with their guns. The two saw her bend a corner not to far from them, both aiming their guns in the direction before sharing a look. They saw her head peer out from behind a large stock, but she quickly ducked. "So, who are you?" Dean asked, his voice echoing. "I got lots of names" Meg grunted as they creeped around.
"You been y/n since she disappeared, haven't you?" Sam asked, nudging his head in a direction, indicating to his brother that he heard her voice come from there. Dean nodded, taking the lead, "You should've seen your face when you thought she murdered that guy. Pathetic" Meg mocked him, "Why didn't you kill me?! You had a dozen chances" Dean shouted, both him and Sam ducking behind a large stock as she picked up an old beer bottle, tossing it in the other direction.
Their heads snapped over to the direction of the cluttering in the distance, "Nah, that would've been too easy. Where's the fun in that?" She chuckled as the boys eyes went wide, "See, this was a test. I wanted to see if I could push you far enough to waste Y/N. I should've known you wouldn't have the sack" She taunted Dean.
"I was gonna hop into you Sammy boy...I've always wanted to get up in that body of yours" She added with a sinister giggle. This made Sam groan in disgust as Dean's face contort to horror at the sound of the demon saying that in y/n's voice, "God, kill me now" Sam muttered, bracing his back against the stock, earning a glare from his brother as his choice in words. "Anyway, funs over now boys"
"Yeah, well I hope you got your kicks. Because you're gonna pay hell for this. I'm gonna make sure of that" Dean retorted. "How? You can't hurt me, not without hurting your little girlfriend" She mocked him. "See, I think you're gonna die, Dean. You and every other hunter I can find." She threatened, Dean put away his gun as Sam kept his, aiming it around the room as Dean reached into his jacket, taking the flask of holy water out again.
Quietly unscrewing the cork as she continued, "One look into Y/N's dewey sensitive eyes. And you, and they'll let me right in their door." With that, she made her way out the back door of the warehouse. Sam and Dean saw her shadow exit, both sharing a look before quickly following behind her. Dean pushed the door open, Sam aiming his gun outwards.
The two pressed their bodies to the wall leading out to the pier. Their eyes scanning the surroundings for Y/N. "I don't see her" Dean muttered lowly. "Neither do I" Sam whispered back, "Fuck!" Dean hissed. The brothers began walking down the pier, carefully maneuvering themselves from being seen. They kept looking around, searching every nook and cranny. Both now standing at the edge of the pier, looking down towards the water.
A shot rang out behind them, the bullet from her y/n's gun hitting Sam directly in the back of his right shoulder blade. "SAMMY!" Dean instantly turned towards his brother, his eyes widened in shock as Sam fell into the water at the edge of the pier. Y/N stood a few yards away from them, revolver in her grasp, grinning madly. Without hesitation, y/n raised her gun again, aiming at an unarmed Dean. But the bullet only grazed his shoulder.
So to aid to the act, Dean threw himself into the water. The brothers hid just below the surface of the rippling water. Their muscles ached from being tense and their bones shivered from the bitter cold. They stayed submerged under the water, holding their breaths as best they could.
She slowly began walking over to the spot where they went in. She looked down at the water, searching for any sign of them. But it was a black abyss in the night, the moon only gave so much light in the dark. She smirked to herself, believing the both brothers to be gone.
Staying underwater, Dean slowly looked over at his brother who was floating just beside him. Their eyes met under the water, Sam giving a nod as if he was reassuring his brother. Dean returned a nod, hearing her footsteps descend on the wooden pier.
After Sam didn't return, Jo went looking for him. Her light shining through the dark warehouse as she pressed her phone to her ear. "This is Sam, leave a message" Sam's voicemail said before beeping. "Damn it Sam!" Jo huffed at hearing the tone. She hung up before stuffing her phone away. Pushing the back door open, the night air instantly hit her skin. She went to take a step forward before stopping, hearing grunting from the end of the pier.
She quickly began to jog down the pier, her boots clinking against the wooden surface. Sam laid flat on his back, gripping his shoulder as Dean pressed a wet cloth to his bullet wound. "What the-!" Hearing her, Dean looked up, eyes widened in shock, seeing Jo approach them, her face full of distress and concern.
"What the hell happened?!" she exclaimed crouching down besides Sam. Quickly taking off her dry jacket, replacing the wet cloth on Sam's shoulder with her jacket to add pressure to the wound. Sam whimpered quietly as Jo applied pressure to his shoulder; the pressure made his body cringe, the stinging of the wound still fresh, feeling as if it was throbbing with each heartbeat.
"Where's y/n?" Dean asked urgently, wrapping Sam's unwounded arm around his shoulder, helping him to his feet. "I don't know, I've been looking for you guys" She responded, trying to help Dean steady Sam's weight. The three of them began to make their way back up the pier, the water dripping from the boys' clothes as they went. Sam's teeth were practically chattering together.
Now back at the bar, Sam grunted continuously as Jo dug around in his shoulder for the bullet. "Alright! Got it, got it" Jo cheered as she held a small silver bullet in her hand with a pair of tweezers, dropping it into the shot glass with rubbing alcohol as Sam chugged from the bottle of whiskey. Standing off to the side, leaning against the bar, Dean grumbled under his breath as he watched his injured little brother writhing in pain.
His mind was swarming, worried about Y/N. "There" Jo spoke up. "God, you're a butcher" He groaned, resting the bottle down on the table. "You're welcome" Jo retorted with equal sass. "Fuck this" Dean growled, moving to leave the bar, clutching his grazed arm that was still dripping with blood. "Whoa whoa whoa!" Sam called out, grabbing his brother's undamaged arm stopping him in his tracks.
"Just give Jo two minutes to patch you up, we can't help y/n if we're bleeding to death" Sam snapped. "Like I give a damn!" Dean roared, turning around. His eyes were bloodshot from his rage and worry. His breathing coming in short bursts as he fought to keep down his emotions of anger and worry. But Sam being Sam wasn't going to back down just because his brother was angry. Instead, he pushed through the pain, keeping ahold of Dean's arm.
"I know, alright! I want to find her just as much as you do, but we need to be smart about this" Dean scowled, he knew his younger brother was right. He always was, which seemed to piss him off even more. He clenched his jaw, taking a deep breath. After a moment, he finally relented, grumbling under his breath as he sat down next to Sam, "Be quick" The elder Winchester snapped.
"I'm trying" Jo snapped back, already grabbing a damp cloth, rubbing it across the grazed wound on Dean's arm. Dean gritted his teeth, holding back the groan of pain from the stinging of the wound as Jo continued to patch him up. "So, how did you guys know that she was possessed?" Jo asked as she dabbed Deans wound with rubbing alcohol, causing him to groan. "Ah! Uh, I didn't. I just knew that it couldn't have been her" Dean muttered, his eyes trained on his glass of whiskey as Jo gauzed his arm.
Jo nodded at this before turning to Sam, taking the gauze he had pressed to his shoulder off for him. "Hey, Sam?" Her voice was a bit shaky. "Yeah?" Sam responded, still wreathing in pain. "I know demons lie, but, do they ever tell the truth too?" She asked, going back to wrapping gauze around his wound. Sam winced, taking another swig from the bottle of whiskey he held. Sam thought for a second.
"Um...yeah, sometimes. I guess. Especially if they know it'll mess with your head" He took another sip of the whiskey as Jo's face dropped, her heart plummeting. "Why do you ask?" He asked softly, noticing the look of despair on his face. "Nothing. It doesn't matter" She shook her head. Sam watched her for a moment, the look on her face made him even more worried, but when she didn't say anything for a moment.
He decided against asking and went back to nursing his wound with the bottle of whiskey. "So, do you guys have any idea where she's headed to next?" Jo asked, changing the subject. "Well, so far, she's been going after the nearest hunter, so, the closest one we know is in South Dakota" Dean explained, watching as Jo nursed Sam's wound. Jo nodded again, finishing up on Sam's wrappings.
"Okay, I'm done. Let's go" She said getting up along with Sam. Sam's brows shot up as Dean chuckled at this, "You're not coming" Dean grunted, "The hell I'm not, I'm a part of this now" Jo insisted, Dean rolled his eyes, looking over at his little brother for help. Sam sighed, he didn't want to argue, especially since his shoulder was pulsing in pain. "Jo, listen. It's not a good idea," Jo looked almost hurt by that, but she had some fire in her as she clenched her jaw together.
"I'm going. You guys can't stop me" She replied firmly as the brothers looked at each other before rolling their eyes. "Oh yeah?" Dean countered, rising to his feet. "That demon bitch inside your girlfriend told me that John killed my father that hunt. And I quote, put him out of his misery. So you're not stopping me, pal!" Jo argued with Dean, standing her ground.
Both the brothers' eyes widened in shock and disbelief at her words. This was the first time they had heard this, and it took them a moment for them to regain their composure. Sam, being the calmer of the two, spoke up first, "Wait, what?" Sam gasped, "What do you mean by 'put him out of his misery'?" Dean asked, his voice shaking slightly as he clenched his jaw, he was trying to hold back the anger that was building up.
Jo swallowed, tears welling up in her eyes as her hands resided on her hips. "Okay, come on. You can come" Sam said calmly, handing Jo the keys to Quinn.
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Y/N knocked against Bobby's front door, the veteran hunter opening after a few seconds to reveal the young woman, greeting him with a sweet smile. "Y/N" Bobby chuckled surprised, pulling her into a hug. "Hey, Bobby" Y/N smiled into the hug, "It's been a while" He stated with a chuckle, "Yeah, we've been busy" She snorted. "Well, come on in" Bobby moved aside, allowing her in. Y/N nodded graciously as Bobby closed the door behind her.
"So, what brings you?" Bobby asked curiously as they walked into his study. "Working a job nearby and I thought I'd stop in to say hey" She responded casually, "Where's Sam and Dean?" Bobby asked, "Sam's probably holed up at a library and Dean is definitely holed up somewhere with a girl and a 12 pack" She snorted in amusement. "Oh yeah?" Bobby chuckled, moving over to the kitchen to get two beers.
"I'm sure she isn't as pretty as you, kiddo" Bobby commented sincerely, from the kitchen, rummaging through the fridge as her eyes flashed black. "Well, if you ask me, he's in way over his head" Y/N chuckled as Bobby re-emerged through the doorway, "Well, it's good to see you" He smiled at her, handing her a beer, holding up his beer. "To F/N and John" Bobby toasted. Y/N smiled sweetly as this, forcing tears to her eyes.
"To Daddy and John" She nodded, toasting with Bobby before bringing the mouth of the bottle to her lips. Bobby watched with narrowed eyes as y/n took a swig of the beer, immediately hissing and coughing when she did. Falling to the ground, the beer bottle slipping from her grasp. "What'd your do?!" Y/N grunted, gasping for breath. "A little holy water in your beer. Y/N never would've noticed"
"But then, you're not y/n, are you?" Bobby smiled smugly, watching the demon on the floor as she growled in anger, her body trying to fight off the holy water. "You bastard" She snapped, her eyes glowing black as she attempted to get to her feet but she was coughing harshly from the pain sizzling in her throat. "Don't try to con a con man" With that, Bobby reared his fist back.
Right hooking her across her face, knocking her unconscious with a heavy grunt. Y/N's body crashed down onto the floor, passed out. Bobby grunted, leaning down to examine her, feeling her pulse with two fingers. Satisfied that she wasn't going to stir anytime soon, Bobby stood up straight, looking down at her unconscious body. A sad look appearing on his face.
The next morning, Y/N was now tied to a chair in the middle of Bobby's study. In the center of a devils trap, she was awoken with a harsh slap by Jo. "Hey!" She snapped. "Uh!!" Y/N grunted, her eyes opened quickly, glaring up at Jo. "Go easy on her, will ya?!" Dean growled at Jo. She rolled her eyes in return, Sam and Dean standing besides her as they stared down at y/n, who was glaring up at them with a nasty look on her face.
Her head tilted towards the ceiling, her eyes trained on the devils trap before looking back down at them in-front of her. "Sam, Dean...back from the dead?" Y/N panted. "I supposed I have you to thank for that?" Her eyes flickered to Jo. "That's right." Jo retorted with equal snark. Y/N gave her a fake smile. "Well...thanks" She responded with a sharp tone.
"It's getting to be a regular thing for you boys, isn't it? Like cockroaches, especially you, charming" She smirked at Dean. "You don't call me that" Dean snapped. She chuckled darkly, "Oh, charming, charming, charming" She taunted in a sing song tone. Dean's eye twitched at this, gritting his teeth as he clenched his jaw.
Sam shifted his weight, leaning against the table, folding his arms across his chest. Y/N's eyes moved to him then, a smirk appearing on her face as she raised an eyebrow, "Well, you look better, handsome" She commented. "I'm healing, thanks for noticing" He responded with slight sarcasm.
"How bout I smack that smartass right out of your mouth?" Dean growled. "Oh, careful now" She smirked, "You wouldn't wanna bruise this fine body...or maybe you would?" Sam and Jo shared a glance, hiding their growing smirks as Dean's face twisted with anger. "Shut up" Dean sneered, clenching his fist. She chuckled, "Hit a nerve?" She teased, cocking her head at him, "Aw, did I say something you didn't like?" She pouted, mocking him.
Dean's breathing was ragged, the veins in his head were popping out and Meg was loving every second of it. "Poor Dean and Y/N" She continued to taunt. "You two are like a bad romance novel" She snorted, throwing her head back with a laugh. "I'm going to rip that smart mouth right off your goddamn face" Dean snapped, his breathing was now coming in short bursts.
Y/N smiled sweetly, her head tilted to the side as she looked at him through her eyelashes, batting them at him. "Promises, promises" She crooned, her voice sickly sweet. "You wouldn't dare lay a finger on her, you're full of shit, baby" She called out his bluff, Dean smirked at her. "Don't worry. This isn't gonna hurt, Y/N" Sam chimed in, picking up a gallon of holy water, handing it to Jo.
"You on the other hand-" Jo started, before drenching her with some of holy water. Y/N screamed, thrashing against her restraints as she writhed in pain, grunting and gasping. "AHHHHH!" The holy water stung her skin as it hissed, sizzling against her body. Dean's instinct was immediate as he reached out, but then he stopped himself. "You feel like talking now?!" Dean growled.
"Your little bitch is still my meat puppet, I'll make her bite off her own tongue" She threatened as she thrashed her body in the bindings, her body trying to regurgitate the holy water she ingested. Coughing erratically. "No, you won't be in her long enough" Sam snapped at her. "Bobby" Jo turned to Bobby, her arms crossed over her chest. Bobby nodded opening his book with the exorcism incantation.
Sam and Jo stood over the demon, her breathing was labored from the pain, her eyes darting around the room, watching their every move as Bobby began chanting the incantation. "See, whatever bitch masterplan you demons are cooking up-" Dean began in a gruff angry tone as y/n tussled in the chair, wreathing in pain. "Ahh!!" She screamed.
"-you're not getting Y/N or Sam. You understand me?!" Dean got to her eye level, pressing his hands to his knees. "Fuck you, Dean!" Y/N retorted through gritted teeth, her breath coming in short gasps as she struggled against the pain. "I'm gonna kill everyone of you first!" Dean shouted in her face as she thrashed in pain before a maniacal laugh erupted from her throat. Bobby stopped his incantation abruptly.
Everyone watched y/n as she threw her head back, letting out another high pitched laugh, her eyes were filled with tears but not from pain, but from...amusement? Confusion rippled through the room as they all watched her laugh. "You really think that's what this is about? The master plan?" She scoffed, her breathing heavy. "I don't give a rats ass about the master plan" She grunted before the three looked at Bobby again desperately.
He started reciting the incantation again, but y/n tilted her head, a mad grin in her face. "Oops. Doesn't seem to be working" She giggled. Everyone's eyes widened as she said this, "W-What do you mean?" Sam asked in disbelief, Bobby stopped the incantation again, confusion written all over his face, as the room watched y/n intently. "See, I learned a few new tricks. I've learned how to control your girl's powers" Her eyes darkened before lowering her head.
She raised her head, "Taught myself a neat little spell" A slow, sinister smile appeared on her face, lowering her head again as she began to chant in Latin. Everyone exchanged nervous glances with each other, listening intently to the words y/n was speaking. The fireplace suddenly erupted as she said the spell, almost blasting Bobby. The house then started shaking as though an earthquake hit, papers from Bobby's desk flying around the room as the wind suddenly increased.
Sam quickly pulled Jo away from her, as she was standing the closest to her. "What's happening?!" Jo shouted over the noise, as papers fluttered around them, Dean looked towards Sam, "I-I don't know!" Sam responded equally panicked as the noise became louder and the wind stronger. "This isn't going like I pictured. What's going on Bobby?!" Dean shouted over the increasing noise as Sam gripped onto Jo.
Bobby quickly moved over to y/n, who's head was still down chanting the spell. His eyes flickered to her forearm, pulling down the sleeve to see the familiar symbol seared into her skin. Bobby's eyes widened immediately at the symbol, he looked at her face as the room began to shake violently. "Its a binding link! It's like a lock!" He warned, warned them. "It's locked itself inside of y/n's body!"
"What the hell do we do?!" Jo shouted. "I don't know!" Bobby screamed as Y/N tilted her head towards the ceiling, shouting, causing the ceiling to cave inwards, breaking the devils trap, rendering it useless. She grinned madly as Sam, Dean and Jo stare at her with wide eyes and fearful expressions. “There. That’s better” She flashes her eyes black before whipping her head in Bobby’s direction, sending him flying into the wall.
His back his a glass painting, everyone’s eyes widen in shock as Bobby crash landed against the wall, hitting it with a sickening thud, now knocked unconscious. Sam and Dean whipped their heads in her direction, their eyes hard and their jaws clenched together. “You son of a…” Dean mumbled under his breath as Sam and Jo rushed over to help up Bobby but, “Ah…Ah…ah…” She wagged her finger at them, stopping them from getting to their feet.
Dean watched in a mixture of horror as she stared down the two young hunters. She chuckled darkly, before she flicked her fingers, throwing Sam and Jo across the room, sending them crashing into the study desk.
She then flicked her fingers in Deans direction, sending him flying back against the wall, hitting it with a loud thump. Sam and Jo watched with horror as Dean grunted in pain while y/n ripped her arms out of the restraints. She stood up from her chair, cracking her neck and flexing her fingers as she padded over to Dean, standing over him as he groaned in pain, clutching onto his shoulder.
She flashed a sickeningly sweet smile down at him, “Deano” Her voice was sickly sweet as she watched him struggle against the wall. Dean looked up at her, his teeth gritted together. Dean grimaced in pain as he looked up at her, his eyes wide. He watched crouched infront of him, reaching out, brushing the back of her fingers against his cheek. He tried to move his head away but she firmly placed her hand on his jaw, keeping his head in place.
“You know when people wanna describe the worst thing possible? They say it’s ‘like hell’” She drew her fist back and punched Dean across his face. Dean’s head snapped hard to the side as her fist came into contact with his cheek, letting out a pained gasp, his skin immediately stung. Blood began to trickle down his cheek, down his jaw. He struggled to regain his breath as he winced, looking back up at her.
“Well hell is like uh…” She glared at him before drawing her fist back again, “UGH!” Dean grunted as she continued her attack on him. “Well, it’s like hell. Even for demons” She gritted her teeth at him before punching him again. Letting go of his jacket with a hard push against the wall, she paced over to Sam.
Sam and Jo looked up as she approached them, She leaned over Sam and Jo, her face contorted into a malicious smile. “Jo, Jo, Jo.” She said in a sweet voice as she looked down at Jo. “Why am I not surprised to see you? You’re just as stupid as your daddy was. So trusting of Winchesters and L/Ns” She cackled, kicking her across her face.
Sam’s heart raced as he felt the anger bubble up in the pit of his stomach. He clenched his jaw, “You shut your mouth” He grunted angrily, his hands clenching into tight fists at his side. “You’re lying!” Jo screamed. At the sound of Jo’s raised voice, y/n’s eyes flickered over to her, a snarl on her lips “Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. You’ll never know” said snarled before turning back to Sam.
“I gotta say Sammy, I was a bit jealous to hear about you and Jojo here” She bit her lip, crouching besides Sam. He narrowed his eyes up at her, the anger bubbling more in his stomach, along with his stomach churning from disgust. “Jealous? Why would you be jealous?” He asked her through clenched teeth as he continued to glare at her.
“You had quite a thing for me when I was in that perky little blonde, before you and your brother sent me back to hell” She growled before right hooking Sam. Sam felt the impact as she punched him hard across the face, his head snapping to the side. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth, his eyes widened in shock. “Meg” Dean groaned in realization from across the room.
“No, baby. Not anymore. Now I’m y/n” She winked as she reared her fist back again, right hooking the younger Winchester. A slow, evil smile spread across her face looked over at Jo. Snatching the young girl by her collar. Using her other hand, she pressed Sam to the ground with a force as she gripped Jo by her throat, her eyes shining black. Sam gasped as he was slammed down against the floor, his arms flailing as he tried to reach for something, anything to help him.
Bobby began to come to, watching from across the room, eyes widened, as he tried to think of a plan since Meg had seemingly forgotten about him. Dean was still stuck against the wall, his body rigid and tense with anger. “I-if you’re gonna kill m-me, at least tell me the truth” Jo gasped as she struggled in her grips. Y/N smirked at this, her grip on Jo’s throat tightened as she leaned down to her, “You really wanna know the truth?” She asked, her voice mockingly sweet.
Jo nodded quickly, desperation filling her voice as she stared back at her with fear in her eyes. “Johnny enjoyed killing your sack of a father” She grinned widely. A tear fell down Jo’s cheek as she began to cry, her mouth hanging open slightly in horror. “You’re lying” she managed to say in a whisper, tears streamed down her face.
“And your little boyfriend here knew” Her eyes flickered back down to Sam, slamming Jo’s back into the wall, knocking the wind out of her, before she snatched Sam by his collar. “By the way…” She smirked, digging her thumb into the bullet wound on his shoulder as Jo slid down besides them. Sam gasped in pain, gritting his teeth together as he shut his eyes. He struggled in her grip, groaning.
“..I saw your dad and f/n there. They say ‘howdy’” She taunted as she continued to press her thumb mercilessly into his injury, digging deeper. He let out another grunt in pain, unable to get out of her impossibly strong grip. “All that I had to hold onto was that I would climb out one day. And that I was gonna torture you and your brother” She growled at Sam. Punching him across his face again.
She let him go, slamming him into Jo’s frail body. He slumped against the wall, gasping in pain, he felt Jo’s arms wrap around his shoulders as he opened his eyes to look up at her. Tears streamed down her face as she pulled him close, his head resting against her chest. “Shh, it’s okay” She comforted softly, running her fingers through his messy hair as Y/N before padded over to Dean.
Dean watched her approach him, panting from the excruciating pain from the recent blows he received. He gritted his teeth as she knelt in front of him, studying his face. “I’m gonna hurt your pretty face nice and slow, like pulling off wings of an insect” She growled, a nasty smile on her face as she right hook Dean again. “But whatever I do to you, it’s nothing compared to what you do to yourself, is it?” She chuckled, “I can see it in your eyes, Dean. You’re worthless” She taunted as Dean panted for air.
“You couldn’t save your dads, and deep down…you know that you can’t save your brother or your bitch” She mocked him as Dean shook with anger and rage. “They’d have been better off without you. His heart shattered into a million pieces as she said these words. He knew it himself, he always had. But to hear it from her lips stung more than the physical pain he was feeling.
He felt the familiar burn of welling tears in the back of his throat, he gritted his teeth as he tried to stop them from falling. Dean’a eyes flickered behind y/n to see Bobby slowly approaching her, wielding a hot poker, he kept his mouth shut as she drew his fist back again but Bobby caught her arm.
Pressing the searing end of the hot poker to the binding link on her arm. Y/N screamed out in pain as her eyes widened, “N-NO!!” She yelled out, trying to jerk her arm away as Bobby kept a firm grip on her arm. She left hooked Bobby, struggling to her feet as her head tilting towards the ceiling as the black smoke from the demon protruded from her mouth.
Bobby was sent flying once again, his back hitting the wall with a loud thump. He groaned in pain, trying to straighten up as he watched her. Just as quickly as she was possessed, the demon flickered out, black smoke leaving her body, disappearing into a small cloud before vanishing up the fireplace as Y/N fell to the floor. “Ah” She groaned, frantically looking around as she gripped her burnt arm.
“Hey, Y/N?” Jo grunted, putting Sam’s weakened body aside, wiping the blood from her mouth as she crawled over to a disoriented Y/N. She looked besides her Jo as she made her way over to her, her vision hazy and unfocused, her head was spinning. “Jo?” She mumbled, her words slurred. Jo gritted her teeth before balling up her right fist, punching the now unpossessed Y/N square in her jaw.
Her head snapped to the side from the unexpected blow as she let out a loud yelp, her eyes widened in shock and pain as she gripped her cheek, bewildered. “What the fuck, dude?!” Dean shouted but y/n waved him off. “It’s alright, I deserved that” She groaned. Jo pulled y/n into a tight embrace. Y/N wrapped her arms around her, burying her face in the crook of her neck as her body shook. A small tear slipped out of the corner of her eye as the two girls held each other.
“I’m so s-sorry” Y/N croaked. “S-she was lying, Jo. Meg was lying” She whispered to Jo. Jo pulled back, placing a firm hand on y/n’s shoulder, “I know. I know” She consoled her, giving her shoulder a squeeze. Y/N nodded, a shaky gasp escaped her lips as she tried to contain the emotions that were threatening to overwhelm her. The guilt from everything was too much for her, she fought desperately to win her body back but it was a losing battle.
She trembled with the weight of the guilt, her body shook with it. She felt so many emotions simultaneously; guilt, shame, disbelief, anger, fear. But above all she felt defeated.
Later, Sam and Dean were holding ice packs to their faces, sitting in Bobby’s study as Dean and Y/N sat across from Sam and Jo. “By the way, you really look like crap, Dean” Y/N muttered. Dean smirked at she hid the little smile on her face. “Yeah, well, right back at ya, princess” He retorted, wincing in pain as he talked. They were all tired, beaten and bruised, they looked like they’d been through hell. They sat in silence for a few moments before Bobby spoke up.
“You kids ever heard of a hunter named Steve Wandel?” Bobby asked, y/n’s heart dropped. “Why do you ask?” Dean grunted. “Just heard from a friend, Wandel’s dead. Murdered in his own house” Bobby informed them, his eyes flickering over to y/n as she looked down at her hands, glaring at them. Attempting to stop herself from tearing up.
Dean, Sam and Jo kept a stoic expression as Bobby noticed how her shoulders hunched forward and her body seemed to shrink into the chair. He could practically see the walls rebuilding themselves around her. “You wouldn’t know anything about that?” He raised a brow at them. “No, sir. Never heard of that guy” Dean lied firmly, shaking his head along with Sam and Jo. “Dean” Y/N piped up, her tone low, filled with guilt.
“Good. Keep it that way” Bobby said firmly to them, “Wandel’s buddies are looking for someone or something to string up. And they’re not gonna slow down to listen to reason. You understand what I’m saying, kids?” The veteran hunter said in a firm knowing tone to the four younger hunters. The three nodded quickly in response, “We hear ya, Bobby” Dean agreed on behalf of them all.
His eyes flickering to Y/N, who remained silent, her eyes still fixed on her hands in her lap. “Here’s, take this” Bobby handed Y/N a picture. “What is this?” Y/N asked confused. “It’s an anti possession sigil. Get it tattooed on you, it’ll fend off possession. You guys could use charms like I do, but I figured you’d want something more permanent” Bobby explained. Y/N studied the sigil, tracing her fingers over it.
“That demon’s still out there. That’ll stop it from getting back up in you” He added. “That sounds vaguely dirty, but thanks” Dean muttered, earning chuckles from Sam, Jo and Y/N. “You’re welcome” Bobby replied genuinely.
Author’s Note: I’d suggest listening to Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood while reading this part hehe <3
Y/N was outside of the salvage yard, leaning against the Impala, smoking a cigarette. She was waiting for Sam to finish up his shower so they could all go get their anti possession tattoos while Jo helped Bobby clean up, Y/N insisted on helping but Bobby told her to get some rest.
Dean stepped from the front door and leaned against the railing, his arms now crossed over his chest, he looked out at Y/N, a small frown formed on his face. The worry and concern coursing through him as his eyes focused on the stoic expression on y/n’s face, slowly bringing the cigarette to her mouth again.
Dean approached her quietly, a look of concern etched on his features as he leaned against the rail, mirroring her position against the Impala. He glanced at her, his gaze studying the stoicism that held her face captive, like a mask of indifference.
"You're quiet," he finally spoke, breaking the silence that had settled between them. There was a hint of both worry and curiosity in his voice, his eyes never leaving her. She took another drag of her cigarette, her stare fixated on the distance as if lost in thought. She let the smoke slowly escape her lips before replying, her voice cool and collected.
"Just thinking," she said, her fingers toying idly with the filter of the cigarette. His gaze remained on her, his eyes searching hers for some sign of what was going through her mind. He could usually read her like a book, but the silence and her detached demeanor were throwing him off.
"About what?" he asked, his tone gentle but laced with concern. “Everything” She sighed, her gaze flickering back down to her cigarette with guilt. “I was awake for some of it, Dean and I-….” Tears pricked at her eyes as she swallowed the lump in her throat harshly. “I watched myself kill Wandel with my own two hands. I saw the light go out in his eyes” She shook her head, bringing the cigarette to her lips again.
She took another long drag, her hands trembling slightly as the weight of her memories pressed down on her shoulders. “I remember what happened with Jo, everything I did to you and Sam…I remember knocking you out in that motel room” Her shoulders slumped as Dean's eyes softened, stepping closer, the distance between them slowly closing. "Sweetheart…it wasn't you. None of it was." he said firmly, his voice almost pleading with her to understand. "It was Meg, not you."
She averted her gaze again, a mix of shame and anger etched on her face as she flicked away her burnt out cigarette. "I know," she said, her voice betraying the vulnerability she was trying to conceal. "But that doesn't change the fact that it was my body, my voice, my hands that did those things."
His body betrayed him and he reached out, gently grasping her chin and turning her face towards him. His touch was soft yet firm, forcing her to meet his gaze. "You're not to blame for what you did while you were possessed. If Jo can see that after you told her the truth about Meg lying, so can you..” he insisted, his tone leaving no room for argument. "It's not your fault. You were a victim, not a monster."
The tears she had held back finally broke free, streaming down her face as she looked at him, her eyes filled with a mix of despair and hope. "But I hurt people, Dean. I hurt Jo. I shot Sam…I hurt you." Her voice trembled, the guilt and regret she felt nearly suffocating her.
His heart clenched at her words, at the pain woven into every syllable. Without thinking, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a tight embrace. He tucked her head beneath his chin, holding her as if he could shield her from her own demons. "I know," he whispered, his voice full of understanding.
"But you gotta remember, it was the demon. You had no control over your actions," he repeated, his voice firm but gentle. "We all know that, and we don't blame you. You're not a monster. You're Y/N. You’re a sarcastic ray of sunshine. You're a good person who was taken advantage of by a damn demon."
She clutched onto him, her body trembling with the force of her tears. Her arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders, her fingers digging into the fabric of his shirt as if she was afraid he might disappear. Dean’s hand gently caressed her hair as she let herself fully go. She buried her face against his chest, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she fought to control her sobs.
He held her firmly against his chest, his arms like a protective shield around her. He could feel the tremors running through her body, and it pained him to see her like this, drowning in guilt and self-blame. But he knew he had to be the voice of reason, to make her understand that she wasn't to blame.
His hand moved to rub soothing circles on her back, trying to give her the same comfort she had given him countless times. He pressed his lips to the top of her head, his voice a low, soothing murmur against her hair.
As she cried into his chest, the weight of her guilt and shame slowly melted away from the kiss he laid at the top of her head. The rhythmic caress of his hand against her hair and the strong beat of his heart beneath her ear acted like a soothing balm, calming her troubled mind. She let herself sink into his protective embrace, the steady rise and fall of his chest grounding her. Slowly, her sobs quieted to soft, shaky breaths, her body growing still as she found solace in his arms.
As she pulled away slightly, her tear-streaked face met with the steady gaze of his eyes. There was no judgment, no anger, only a deep well of sympathy and understanding. The lines around his eyes softened as he looked at her, his hand gently cupping her cheek, his thumb brushing away the remaining traces of her tears.Her breath hitched slightly in her throat at this.
‘And if I may just take your breath away’
‘I don't mind if there's not much to say’
‘Sometimes the silence guides a mind’
‘To move to a place so far away’
Y/N slowly pulled away, wiping her tear stained cheeks. “Thank you” She croaked, sniffing as she patted her nose dry with the sleeve of her shirt. Dean kept a hand on her arm, a gesture of comfort and support. He brushed away a stray tear with his thumb, his eyes never leaving her face. "You don't have to thank me," he said softly. "I'm here for you, always."
‘The goosebumps start to raise’
‘The minute that my left hand meets your waist’
Y/N noticed a look of anguish in Dean’s eyes, her brows furrowing a bit. “What’s wrong?” She asked, concerned. “Nothing…I just um…I’m happy you’re okay” He said softly, leaning back against the Impala.
He was happy to know that their little…whatever that was…wasn’t the reason she disappeared and it was in-fact because a demon was holding her body hostage in possession. He couldn’t imagine what she had gone through.
Her eyes narrowed slightly, picking up on the turmoil beneath Dean's words. She knew him too well, and she could tell something was bothering him. "Don't give me that 'nothing' crap," she replied bluntly, her voice holding a mixture of annoyance and concern. "You're a terrible liar, Dean Winchester. Spill it."
Dean sighed heavily, burying his hands in his pockets. “I just…I thought you wouldn’t have wanted to see me since. Well…you know” Dean mumbled, biting his lip. After their altercation, they had been a little cold to each other. Y/N's expression softened as the memories of what Meg said and did to Dean was still fresh in her mind so she stepped closer to him, her hand coming up to gently touch his arm.
"You can’t honestly think that, charming" she said, her voice gentle yet firm. "Dean, you’re one of my best friends,” she insisted, taking her hand off of his arm. "Just because I was hurt and angry doesn't mean I'd suddenly stop wanting to see you, you moron" she shot back, though there was no heat behind her words.
She let out a soft sigh and shook her head. "If you think I'm just gonna ditch you because of one fight, you have no idea how much I actually care about you…fellas” She quickly recuperated at the end, her tone firm yet sincere.
Dean glanced up at her, a flicker of surprise passing through his eyes before he smiled softly. The corner of his mouth curving into a half-smile. He shook his head, his gaze never leaving hers. "I know…it’s just…I thought you’d want some space, and I didn’t want to push you.”
The corner of her lip pulled up to form a lopsided smile which made his heart beat a little harder against his chest. He wasn’t sure if she was aware but her smiles and laughter were like honey to his ears. She had a way of making him feel like nothing was wrong in the world and it was only them.
As Y/N shook her head laughing. "Space? From you? Pfft, as if I could stay away from your annoying ass for too long. We're not gettin' out of this friendship that easily, buddy." She joked, nudging her shoulder with his.
Her laughter and the light-hearted tone of the conversation made him relax somewhat. But her mention of their friendship sent a small pang through his chest. Instead, he chuckled and rolled his eyes. “Oh, please. You’d miss me too much" he retorted, grinning. “Don’t get cocky now, Winchester” She warned, narrowing her eyes at him.
He feigned a look of outrage, placing his hand over his heart as if she'd wounded him. "Cocky? Me? Never” he replied, his tone oozing with sarcasm.
Y/N rolled her eyes, shaking her head. “Seriously, Dean. I wouldn’t just pack my bags and disappear on you” She assured with a small smile. Dean’s eyes slowly met Y/N’s, a wave of relief washed over him. “Glad to know I’m stuck with you, princess” He joked, his heart still hammering against his chest, his mouth going dry from the intense eye contact they were maintaining.
Y/N gulped, her own heart threatening to leave her chest. “Like you wouldn’t know what to do without me” She retorted, flipping her hair over her shoulders, giving him a teasing smirk. “Oh, I’ll be just fine” He retorted back, jokingly. Knowing damn well in reality, that week she wasn’t around. He didn’t know his head from his ass.
He nudged his leg with hers playfully as she scoffed at his arrogance. A playful gasp leaving her lips as Dean raised an eyebrow mockingly with a lopsided smirk on his lips. Her heart warmed at the fact that they bounced back to being buds, as much as it fucking hurt her inside out, she wouldn’t know what to do without him or Sam in her life either. But was she gonna admit that? Hell no.
“Another thing. No matter what I did. You wouldn’t shoot me.” Y/N piped up, her tone a bit angry. Dean seemed surprised by the sudden change of mood, but quickly recovered, “It was the right move, y/n. It wasn’t you” Dean defended. “Yeah, this time. What about next time?” She scoffed. Dean’s heart dropped, frozen from her statement.
“Y/N, when Dad told me that I might have to kill you and Sam…it was only if I couldn’t save you two” Dean began. “Now if it’s the last thing I do, I’m gonna save you guys.” Dean said firmly, y/n didn’t answer. She just sighed, a twinge of admiration for Dean’s loyalty but she was worried he wouldn’t keep his promise.
Not wanting to go back to arguing, she just dropped the topic. He then began chuckling, earning a confused look from her. “What?” She asked confused, raising a brow at him, “Nothing,” Dean snorted, shaking his head. “Dean, what?” Y/N rolled her eyes, “Dude, you, like, full on had a girl inside you for, like, a whole week” Dean cackled, throwing his head back laughing.
Y/N was caught off guard by this, before a snort left her mouth, laughing along with Dean. “That’s pretty naughty, and kinda hot” Dean nudged her jokingly with his elbow, wiggling his eyebrows at her. Y/N scoffed, laughing even louder, smacking Dean in his arm.
Meanwhile all this is going on, the sound of rushing water echoed through the small bathroom, the steam from the hot shower slowly filling the room. Sam Winchester stood under the spray, his head bent forward as the water cascaded down his back, washing away the dirt and grime, his fingers slightly grazing the bullet wound in his shoulder, causing him to wince.
Suddenly, a loud knock on the bathroom door disrupted the tranquility. "Yo Winchester! You better hurry your ass up, ‘cause I've got to piss!” came Jo’s annoyed voice from the other side of the door.
Sam huffed in annoyance, rolling his eyes as he continued to shower. "Hold on, I'll be out in a minute!" he called back, his voice raised to be heard over the spray of water.
"You better be!" Jo retorted. "I'm doing the pee pee dance out here!" Sam chuckled to himself, imagining her actually doing the pee pee dance. He shook his head before stepping out of the shower, quickly unlocking the door and running back in, pulling the curtain.
Jo immediately burst into the bathroom, a look of urgency on her face. "Oh thank god, I was about to-" She stopped short as she saw the shower curtain still closed, and Sam nowhere to be seen. Her expression quickly shifted from relief to confusion.
“Just go ahead and pee, the curtains closed” Sam told her casually upon hearing her pause as he soaped his body. Jo blinked in surprise, her annoyance quickly replaced by amusement before reluctantly unzipping her pants
"You've gotta be kidding me" She muttered under her breath, shaking her head. As she started to relieve herself, she couldn’t help but feel a little weird talking to Sam while she was doing it.
"So, er...how's the water?" She asked awkwardly, trying to make conversation to fill the silence. Sam chuckled from behind the curtain, shaking his head in amusement. "It's warm, good pressure. Why, do you want to join me?" he teased, a sly grin making its way onto his face before he cringed at his own words.
Really Sam, really? You should really start taking y/n’s advice on flirting with girls.
Jo sputtered, almost losing her control on the flow. "I swear to God, Winchester, I’m gonna punch you through this curtain!" she threatened, aiming a glare in his general direction. Despite her annoyance, there was a hint of laughter in her voice.
Sam chuckled again, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright, I’m sorry. No more flirting while you’re on the toilet, Scout’s honor" he promised, unable to keep the amused smile off his face.
Jo rolled her eyes as she tried to stop her face from flushing a crimson red. Wiping and then zipping up her pants before making her way to the sink. She started washing her hands and tried to ignore the fact that behind the shower curtain, Sam was still butt naked. The thought made her stomach flutter with an unfamiliar feeling.
Sam, standing in the shower under the warm spray of water, suddenly realized that he had forgotten to bring a towel into the bathroom. Muttering a curse under his breath, he turned off the shower and poked his head out of the curtain. "Hey, Jo! Can I bother you for a favor?"
Jo stop midway washing her hands. She turned to see him poking his dripping head from the curtain, her eyes widening a bit at the sight of him, hair sticking to his forehead and water running down his bare chest. But she quickly regained her composure. "Sure, what do you need?" she asked, trying to keep her tone casual, despite the slight flutter in her chest.
He cringed, looking a bit embarrassed as he glanced at the floor. "Er, I forgot to bring a towel, would you mind grabbing one for me, please? You can just leave it by the bathroom door” he replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. Jo had to fight the urge to roll her eyes and tried to suppress a smirk to cover up the fact that she was flustered.
"Yeah, yeah, hold on" she told him, trying to force her tone to sound casual but it came out more flustered than anything. She quickly rinsed the soap off her hands and dried them on her jeans before leaving to find a towel for him.
As she rummaged around in the linen closet, her mind kept involuntarily drifting to the image of Sam behind the shower curtain, all bare... and wet. She quickly shook her head, trying to clear those thoughts from her mind.
She grabbed a large towel and carried it to the bathroom door, trying to keep cool as she held it out for him to grab. "Here, you go" she said, trying to sound natural. Sam reached out and took the towel, their fingers brushing for a brief moment as he did. A subtle hint of a shiver ran through Jo's body, but she ignored it, quickly taking a step back.
"Thanks…" Sam said, still feeling a bit embarrassed as he wrapped the towel around his waist. He took a step out of the bathroom, the water dripping off his body making the towel cling to his hips. “You're a lifesaver” He added sheepishly before turning to make his way to the room to get changed.
Jo's eyes involuntarily traced over his bare back, her gaze lingering on the defined muscles and the trail of water droplets running over his skin and down the crevice of his spine. She quickly looked away, trying to hide the redness creeping up her neck. "Yeah, no problem" she managed to reply, hoping her voice didn’t give away her inner turmoil.
The sight of his half-naked body and the way the towel clung to his hips… it was a sight she couldn’t deny was... appealing. She quickly shook her head again, trying to push the thoughts away with a sigh. “Get a grip, Joanna Beth” she muttered to herself.
Sam was sitting on the chair, the tattoo artist’s needle pricking into his chest repeatedly. Dean decided to get it in the same place but Y/N was still skeptical of her placement. Debating whether to get it on her left shoulder blade or somewhere else…
Dean had already got his tattoo and was leaning against the wall, sipping his beer and watching Sam get his while Jo held onto Sam’s hand, clutching onto hers while the needle pricked at his skin. Jo had settled on getting hers on her right forearm. “You alright, there, Sammy?” Dean asked the younger Winchester with an amused smile.
Y/N cracked a smile, one leg crossed over the other, amused by the pained look on Sam’s face. “Yeah, I’m great.” Sam muttered sarcastically through clenched teeth, grimacing in pain causing Jo to snicker. Sam shot her a quick glare. “You look like you’re gonna pass out, Winchester” Jo teased, patting his hand which she held. Sam just let out a huff in response, looking away in embarrassment.
Dean and Y/N snorted, sharing an amused look as she looked through the pamphlet the tattoo artist gave her, still deciding where to place hers. “Don’t be such a little baby.” Dean smirked, rolling his eyes. “It’s just a little needle, that’s all. Even Barbie hunter took it better than you” Dean quipped, pointing to Jo.
It was now Sam and Jo’s turn to scowl at Dean simultaneously. “Says the guy who screamed like a girl when he got his.” Jo retorted, raised an eyebrow. Y/N bursted out laughing at this, earning a side eye from Dean. “Sorry man, she got you there” She shrugged.
Dean shot her a glare before scowling at Sam and Jo, crossing his arms over his chest. “I didn’t scream, sister, thank you very much.” He protested, the tips of his ears reddening. “It was a manly shout. A battle cry, okay?” Sam raised an eyebrow, looking at his older brother, amused by his obvious embarrassment.
“A ‘manly shout’?” He asked. Dean’s face reddened even more as he cleared his throat, avoiding eye contact.
“Bitch” Dean scowled and pointed at Sam.
“Jerk” Sam sneered and retorted, both brothers giving each other death glares.
Dean flipped Sam the bird, making his mouth fall agape, gasping theatrically, “Y/N, Dean just showed me middle finger” Sam chided like a 5 year old, pointing an accusing finger at his older brother, his grip slightly tightening on Jo’s hand, but not due to the needle this time.
Y/N rolled her eyes, still flipping through the booklet. “You boys behave, or I will ground you both” She deadpanned in a monotone voice. Sam smirked and shook his head, wincing in pain when the needle once again pricked his skin.
“Yes, ma’am” The boys responded in unison, with mock seriousness. Sam gave a mock salute as Dean did the same, except with his middle finger. “Don’t make me tell you where to put that, Winchester” Y/N snapped, giving him a playful look.
He smirked, mouth half open to give her a cheeky innuendo but knowing him, she already had a mind he was gonna say something crude, “I will smack you” She pointed a finger at him firmly, biting back a grin.
“Kinky” He quipped instantly, grinning at his own witty remark. “Dean” Y/N groaned exasperatedly, giving him a warning look, her eyebrows slightly raised.
Jo rolled her eyes and chuckled, shaking her head at the both of them. “Jesus, how do you live with these two? I feel bad for you, Y/N”. Y/N felt a twinge of guilt in her heart again, she was happy to know that Jo didn’t hold too much of a grudge against her for the lies Meg spewed when she was in her body. Granted, Jo landed that sweet punch across her face so that was a bit of payback that was needed.
She smiled before responding.“Eh, you get used to it. Especially if you’re with them 24/7” She shrugged, smiling, before flipping through the booklet once again, trying to hide the look of guilt that washed over her features.
Dean let out a scoff from behind her, leaning up against the wall again. “You’re just as bad as us. Worse, actually.” He commented, sipping his beer. Y/N flipped him the bird before mindlessly going back to looking through placements on the pamphlet. Sam snorted, holding back a laugh as he watched them bicker back and forth, enjoying the spectacle.
Sam was happy to see them a little more relaxed compared to how they’ve been the past few weeks. He couldn’t help but wonder why they’ve been so snippy at each other but that was a bag of snakes he was not gonna open. Since they sorted it out, he let his curiosity die.
Dean peered over her shoulder and looked at the images of different places where she could get her tattoo. “So, you’ve narrowed it down, Y/N?” He asked, taking a seat next to her, leaning in ever so slightly, his breath hot against her ear, making her skin prick.
She tried to keep her composure and nodded, clearing the tight feeling in her throat. “Yeah, just a few places…” She answered breathlessly, flipping through the pages to keep herself occupied and away from thinking how close he was standing next to her.
“Alright, all done” The tattoo artist informed them after wiping off the last remnants of ink on Sam’s chest. “Thank you” Sam said, sounding a little relieved to be finally done. He stood up from the chair and stretched his limbs, giving the tattoo artist a small grateful smile before grabbing his shirt from the table next to him and pulling it back on.
“Come on, let’s get you a lollipop” Jo teased Sam, handing him his jacket. “Hey, I deserve a lollipop too, y’know?” Sam quipped back in mock offense. He let out a small hiss as he pulled the shirt over his chest, it felt like the most sensitive area he ever had before carefully putting his jacket on, apart from his bullet wound.
He still felt the needle pricking at his skin, it was a strange but not entirely unpleasant feeling. “Oh, shut up and stop being such a baby” Jo retorted, rolling her eyes.
Dean and Y/N shared a tried look before turning back to the pair. The look on their faces practically said, ‘Shut up and kiss already’
“You ready for your turn, Y/N?” Dean asked, looking at her expectedly. “Yep” She smiled, standing up. “Now get out. Both of you. Go wait in the waiting room. Only Jo can stay.” She pointed to the door. “Because if either of you make fun of me. I’ll shave your heads in your sleep. And yes, that means you too Sammy. Now get!” Y/N shooed them out of the room.
Sam’s brows shot up in fear at the fact that she would threaten his gorgeous mane as held his hands up as Dean grumbled. “Alright, alright- we’re going.” He said, raising his hands up in defense before giving her a farewell goodbye.
Dean pouted, “Why does Barbie get to stay! But I wanna see where you’ll get inked.” He protested like a child. “I don’t know about you, Dean. But I’d like to keep my hair” Sam chimed it, pushing his idiot brother by his broad shoulders out the door. Dean mouthed something to her as he walked to the door and she stuck her tongue at him as she smirked before turning to the tattoo artist.
Reluctantly, they both went and sat down in the waiting room, grumbling to themselves.
“Damn, she's bossy” Dean huffed, rolling his eyes and crossed his arms.Sam chuckled in agreement, “Yeah, but you like that” He shot a sly smirk at his brother, wiggling his eyebrows up and down. Dean clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes at his brother, giving him a warning look.
“Shut up” He growled under his breath, “I do not like her being all bossy.” He said firmly as Sam picked up a magazine next to him. “Riiight,” Sam drawled sarcastically, not believing a single word he said, opening the magazine “Sure you don’t.”
Jo looked at Y/N in amusement, watching her carefully contemplate on the placement. “So, have you decided where you want it?” She asked, watching the other woman flip through the book, looking through the different tattoos.
“Yep, here” She smirked, showing it to Jo and then the tattoo artist. Jo’s eyes widened as a smirk took her face over. “You’re getting it there?” She asked, raising an eyebrow with a small smirk on her face. “Yep” Y/N replied firmly, not even an ounce of doubt behind her voice.
“You skank. I like it” Jo teased, Y/N knew she wasn’t being hateful and rather jokingly with her, throwing her head back laughing at the comment. “Why thank you” Y/N winked back before settling in the chair.
Once done getting her new ink, Y/N strolled out of the room with Jo besides her, giving the boys a smug smile. Especially Dean.
Dean shot up from the chair he was seated on, an impatient look on his face. “So? Where’d you get it?” He asked, walking up to her. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” She smirked, placing a hand on her hip while Jo snickered, covering her mouth with her hand.
“Oh come ON” He whined and crossed his arms, pouting again. Sam was just amused by their interaction, knowing what she was doing. “Alright, alright Cranky Pants” Y/N snorted, putting her hands up in surrender. She shot Sam a look, “Sammy, close your eyes” she said quickly.
Sam raised an eyebrow, “What? Why do I have t-” He attempted to protest but Jo cut him off, “Close.It.Winchester” She narrowed her eyes at Sam, pointing a firm finger at the younger Winchester.
Sam shut his mouth immediately, groaning mockingly before complying without a fuss, and shut his eyes, covering it with his hands for good measure as he huffed in defeat.
Dean was beyond curious and slightly impatient. “Why do his eyes need to be clos-??” His mouth fell agape as Y/N turned around and lifted up the back her shirt, the anti possession tattoo was inked into the middle of her lower back with some designs to the side.
It was the typical anti possession symbol, The tattoo was small but intricately designed and detailed, the sigil itself was made surrounded with swirls and some (your favorite flower) and vines to the sides. It hugged the bottom of her spine, curving around it and making her (your skin colour) skin stand out.
Deans boxers were practically on the floor at the sight, figuratively speaking. “Christ on a cross…” He breathed out, staring intently at her bare skin, his mouth dry.
Jo took one good look at Dean before bursting out in laughter, slapping a hand against his shoulder. “Dude, you alright there?” She snickered. Dean’s eyes were practically the size of saucers. He still hadn’t said anything. He was just looking at her bare back with his mouth open.
Dean couldn’t help but stare at the fresh tattoo, his mind going blank as his eyes fixated on the way the ink sat on her skin, how it curved around her skin so perfectly, making her skin look more appealing. He swallowed hard, running his tongue over his lower lip as his mind began to think up unholy things. Mentally cursing at himself.
Sam was now curious, and started to open one eyelid. “Is it done? Can I look now?”
“Nope, keep your eyes closed” Dean commanded, quickly placing his hand over his brother's eyes, his eyes never leaving her back and swallowing, he felt his mouth start to salivate at the sight of her half naked. Quickly picking up his jaw…and boxers from the ground.
“You like it?” She asked, glancing at him from over her shoulder, a smug little grin on her lips as she slowly pulled her shirt back down, covering herself back up. “Is the sky blue?” He responded, sounding like he’d ran a marathon and still staring at her, his cheeks flushed, “Hell yeah, I do… “ He finally spoke after a few seconds, giving her an appreciative look, his eyes roaming over her from head to toe.
Sam groaned, getting tired of waiting and was more than a little suspicious of how silent they were both being, it was unnatural. “Can I open my eyes now?”, only for Dean to slide his hand from his brothers eyes to his mouth.
Sam sat there with Dean’s large hand over his face, completely confused and slightly uncomfortable, getting tired of waiting and was more than a little suspicious of how silent they were both being, it was unnatural. “Jesus Christ, how long do I have to keep my eyes closed?” He grumbled from behind his brothers palm.
Dean finally took his eyes off of her, looking over at his brother and rolled his eyes, “Oh suck it up.” He snorted, finally removing his palm from his face. Jo chuckled, “Yeah, yeah. Open up” She told him. Sam opened his eyes, looking at his brother, Y/N and Jo who looked like they were both seconds from bursting out laughing. He looked at them all quizzically, “What?”
“I got it as a tramp stamp. Still wanna see?” She snorted, covering her mouth with her hand to stop herself from laughing. Sam’s expression went from confusion to disgust within seconds, “No! Ew! Gah!!?” He looked completely repulsed by what she had said, face scrunched up in pure disgust.
The look on Sam's face was priceless, eyes wide and mouth agape, while Y/N was trying not to bust a gut laughing, her shoulders shaking as she bit her lip to stop herself.
The three of them couldn’t hold it in anymore and began laughing, Jo’s sides started hurting and Y/N had her hands on her stomach, laughing uncontrollably, tears streamed down her face. “Oh my God, your face… You should’ve seen your face, oh my god, you looked so stupid” Jo tried to talk through laughs, struggling to breathe.
“That was priceless, oh my god. I wish I took a picture” Y/N wheezed, holding her stomach, her sides were hurting from laughing.bDean on the other hand was wheezing and howling and slapped his knee, not able to hold it in any longer.
Sam groaned, “Ugh, I can’t believe you put that image in my head” He grimaced, still having the horrified look on his face. Y/N was still trying to hold back her laughter, tears of joy in her eyes as she covered her mouth with her hand.
Dean was still laughing uncontrollably, his sides starting to ache, leaning forward and holding onto his stomach. “Man you were eager to see too” Dean cackled. “Shut up, Dean!” Sam protested, his cheeks reddening in embarrassment and slight anger as he pointed an accusing finger at his brother.
Y/N couldn’t hold it in anymore and started to laugh uncontrollably as well, tears streaming down her cheeks. Dean was just wheezing at this point, no longer making coherent words, clutching his sides and holding his stomach as he fell back into the chair, laughing like a madman.
“Alright alright, why don’t we go get something to eat. I’m starving” Y/N dismissed, wiping the tears of laughter from the corner of her eyes after the three sobered up their laughing. She nudged Jo slightly in hopes she’s agree with getting something to eat.
"Oh god, yeah. I'm starving" Jo agreed, patting her stomach before glancing at the boys. Dean tried to recompose himself, "Food sounds good right now" he mumbled, still trying to catch his breathe.
Wiping the tears away from his eyes as well, “I don’t know about you guys… but a beer and a bacon cheeseburger sounds good right about now.” He smirked and looked at Jo and Y/N, who both nodded in agreement with his choice.
Sam was still giving Y/N a look of absolute horror, the image of her with a 'tramp stamp' still ingrained in his brain. “God yes, and some fries” Y/N groaned at the thought of food as they walked to the door, Dean held the door open for her, gesturing for her to walk out first.
As Y/N walked out of the door, Dean’s eyes instantly zoned in on her ass, watching how her hips moved with each step, hoping to get a peak of her tramp stamp again. He closed the door and followed behind, whistling lowly under his breath and licking his lips.
Sam still had the look of pure disgust on his face as they walked to the Impala, still trying to forget the mental image Y/N gave him. Jo linked her arm into his, offering him a sweet smile. “Maybe I should’ve gotten mine there” Jo whispered to him, a coy smile playing on her lips.
Sam found himself intrigued by the idea, a flush of pink playing on his cheeks. "Yeah, then I can admire it better" he mumbled bashfully, looking away from her, cheeks still red.
"What was that?" She teased, raising an eyebrow and smirked. “Nothing.” He quickly said, pushing her away gently, his ears turning red out of embarrassment, but he didn’t really mind the idea, especially considering it’s Jo, he wouldn’t be complaining.
Jo bursted out laughing again as Y/N climbed into the backseat along with Jo. Dean’s eyes didn’t leave Y/N yet and Sam rolled his own eyes, already knowing his brother was perving on her from behind.
“Jesus, Dean. Stop ogling her” Sam grumbled in disgust from over the car at the passenger side to where Dean stood at the drivers side, when the girls were inside the Impala and out of earshot, seeing the way his eyes were glued onto her body.
“What?” Dean snapped out of his daze, feigning innocence. He cleared his throat awkwardly. “I’m not doing anything” while opening his door with a roll of his eyes. “Yeah, right. And I’m a pink unicorn” Sam shot back sarcastically, hopping in shotgun.
"Shut up" he huffed, getting in the driver's seat. He glanced briefly in the rear-view mirror, noticing how Y/N and Jo were joking and talking with each other from in the back before putting the Impala in drive.
Author’s Note: Hi again! I just wanna clear up some things, I know in the show it’s canon that John killed Bill but I never liked that reveal, if I’m being very honest. So it’s not canon in my book.
I hope everyone liked! Because once again I’ve outdone myself and this is now my longest chapter lol. Standing tall at 23.2k words.
Thank you again for reading and don’t feel shy to tell me what you loved and what you hated about this episode.
Also, I made a meme, lol
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fiapartridge · 7 months
💌can I suggest this with Jack Hughes? (Could really use maybe a comfort as reader has a panic attack?)
jack hughes x fem!reader
warning(s): panic attack, feeling suffocated
summary: waiting for jack after electric games had never been this hard before...
fia's notes 💌: hii! i've never written about panic attacks so i hope i wrote it as accurately as i could've. these things are different for everyone, so i just tried to write from my own experiences with them. if you get triggered by these things, maybe skip out on this one <3
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The Prudential Center was alive with the echoes of the final horn, the crowd erupting into a thunderous roar as the game reached its end. Amidst the jubilation, you stood in the lobby, your heart racing with a different kind of intensity. You scanned the crowd anxiously, searching for a familiar face amidst the sea of fans.
You had always met Jack near the locker room after games, but this time, it felt packed and crowded. You felt suffocated and tossed around like a meaningless entity. 
As the noise engulfed you, panic tightened its grip around your heart. Your breath came in short, shallow gasps, your chest constricting with each passing moment. You stumbled, your legs threatening to give out as the world spun around you. Pushing through heavy bodies and shouting fans, you held your shaking hands against a cool wall, turning around and sliding your back against it and down to the ground.
You couldn’t see straight, your eyes were clouded with tears, and your chest couldn’t stop heaving. It felt like a nightmare that you couldn’t wake up from. Without looking up, you heard a worried voice from above. “Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Nico’s voice ripped through the chaos. He bent down a little ways away from you, too scared to touch you in fear of making things worse. “Hey!” he yelled at someone you couldn’t make out. “Go get Jack right now!”
You pulled your knees tight to your chest, your forehead resting against them as you shook uncontrollably, your sobs growing more intensely. You gasped for breath, reaching for air like it was some sort of reward that you had to compete for. Still shaking and trying to calm down your body, not wanting to make a bigger scene than you already were, you didn’t notice the large hand gently placed on your knee. He sat close but not too close that you would be overwhelmed.
"It's okay, you’re okay, Y/N,” he spoke softly. "You're safe. You’re with me—Jack," he whispered, his voice a beacon of calm in the chaos of the lobby. "I'm here with you. Just focus on my voice, okay? You're okay."
Hearing his name was like seeing a small island in a raging storm. It was there, and you felt a moment of peace, but the storm was still pelting down on you as you clung to him desperately, your fingers grasping at the fabric of his hoodie as tears pricked at the corners of your eyes. "I-I can't... I can't breathe," you panicked.
Jack held you gently, murmuring words of reassurance as he stroked your hair in soothing circles. He pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, his lips warm against your skin. “Can you breathe with me?” he asked, not getting a response back. These moments always scared Jack, and you were always scared that these episodes would be too much for him; that he would leave you because of it, but that’s not why he was scared. He was scared that he couldn’t get you out of it; that he wasn’t what you needed. Boyfriends were meant to be protectors, they were meant to keep you safe, but if he couldn’t do that, then what good was he? Despite these fears, he was always the only one that could bring you back to shore. “Come on, baby. Can you breathe with me?”
You nodded weakly, trying to focus on Jack's voice. The lobby was almost cleared out by now, just a couple stragglers left, watching the scene from a distance. The moment was sure to be blasted on the internet later, but that was the least of your problems right now. Right now, you just had to get through this, one step at a time. 
With each shaky inhale, you attempted to match the rhythm of his breathing, drawing in air in sync with him. "That's it," Jack encouraged. "Just focus on your breath. In... and out...You're safe," he whispered again. “You’re with me. You always have me.”
Slowly, gradually, the frantic pace of your breathing began to ease, the tightness in your chest loosening as you followed Jack's lead. His presence beside you was a comfort, grounding you in reality amidst the whirlwind of panic threatening to consume you.
As you continued to breathe together, the panic began to subside, replaced by a sense of calm born from the safety of Jack's embrace. You clung to him like a lifeline, your fingers curling into the fabric of his hoodie as you sought refuge from the storm raging within your mind.
"Better?" Jack asked softly, his voice filled with concern as he gently brushed a stray tear from your cheek.
You nodded, your breathing steadier now, though your heart still raced with the lingering effects of the panic attack. "Thank you," you whispered, your voice barely above a hoarse whisper.
Jack leaned in closer, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "Don’t thank me. I'm always here for you," he murmured.
Your lips curled up softly, your head resting against his chest as he pulled you in closer. Despite it all; despite the fears and the panic and the intensity, you were never alone. You always had Jack.
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lover-of-mine · 1 year
Okay, this is a very random framing meta that started as an "it's interesting that even though Oliver is a pretty big guy they pretty much never use Buck's size for intimidation" and it evolved to something buddie from there. It actually started because the one instance I could think of where they highlight Buck's size, that being the "what's your problem, man" conversation.
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Because here's the thing, Ryan is what? 2 inches shorter than Oliver? But they really made a point of making Buck look bigger in this scene because Buck is mad and he's trying to be intimidating, and it makes Eddie looks smaller even if he's not small by any definition. So I went to the other fight they had, the grocery store scene, they actually frame it so Eddie looks bigger even though he's not because Eddie is the one whos mad. And even though we can see Eddie when the focus is on Buck, we can't see Buck when the focus is on Eddie. It's all very Buck is seeing Eddie, Eddie is not seeing Buck.
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So I went looking for all the Big Conversations to look at the framing choices and I'm gonna type out thoughts I guess.
I separated this into categories, the first one being Conversations About Christopher. The thing with the talks about Chris is that they are always sitting down for them. They're on the same level.
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When Shannon comes back and Eddie is confused about what to do about it, the close-ups actually don't try to make it seem like either of them is bigger, but the wider angle puts Eddie in the center and Buck angled in a way where Buck looks smaller, obviously because even though Buck has a place on Eddie's life, his space on Christopher's isn't that established.
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Then we have the skateboard discussion. At this point, we know that Buck loves Christopher and that he is a established as part of Chris' life. And it's interesting that they are talking here where none of them is highlighted and Buck actually comes up with a solution for a parenting problem while Eddie is spiraling.
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Then we have everyone's favorite conversation about Christopher. Yes the discussion of the will is very layered but it is about Chris, and again, they are on the same level, none of them is highlighted and even the close-ups leave them about the same size and showing roughly the same amount of the other at all times. This is Eddie making it clear that he also understands Buck's space on Christopher's life.
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There's also when Eddie is struggling with the fact that Chris is scared and missing Shannon, again, they are always shown at the same level while Buck tries to help Eddie and we are always seeing both of them while working the problem.
Then we have the Buck Needs Reassurance talks. During this type of conversation, Eddie is always standing up and Buck is sitting down, making a point of having Buck look up at Eddie. Those scenes being when Maddie leaves and Chim punches Buck and the conversation after Buck's death.
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I think it's interesting here too that they made a point of having Buck in comfortable clothes because he's in a vulnerable place and but he is comfortable enough in looking up at Eddie (literally and figuratively).
Then we have the Eddie Needs Reassurance talks. Those are very interesting because they usually start with them being at different levels, but equalizing once they start talking.
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The most intense example of this is the talk about the panic attacks, Buck approaches Eddie when he's laying down and Buck's standing up, but once the conversation actually becomes a conversation not just Eddie avoiding the topic, they are both sitting down and being shown as the same size as they work it out.
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Same with the aftermath of Eddie's breakdown, they start with Buck standing up but once they start talking, they are both sitting down and on the same level.
Then there are the Intense Conversations That Feel Somewhat Unresolved. (I'm not sure how to categorize this one, coincidentally they are talking about Buck almost dying in both)
It starts with Eddie dropping Christopher off at the loft before the tsunami.
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They're on the same level but they are not seeing eye to eye, Eddie is trying but Buck refuses to look at him. Something that's interesting about this one is that Buck is usually in very tight shirts and Eddie's are usually looser, but since we are supposed to think that Buck is wasting away, Eddie's shirt is very well fitted, even the seam on the shoulders are in the exact right spot but Buck's is on the looser side (seriously, most of Buck's shirt look like they will rip off his arm if he flexes a little, the fact that there's space in that sleeve is crazy lol). Something important here I think is the way they are on the same side of the screen during close-ups, so they never try to make it seem like they are looking at each other and the other one is not shown, and the wider angle they are facing different directions, so they really aren't on the same page here.
I think the grocery store scene kinda fits into this category, but it's a bigger blowout and there's more at stake since it's in a very public setting with an audience. But they are facing each other, they are just not on the same side of the conflict.
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And there's the cemetery scene, where even though they are talking and on the same level, they are NOT seeing eye to eye, and it's interesting because they pretty much never look at each other at the same time in this scene. They are having an important conversation, but there's tension and they are not agreeing on what's going on here. Even the close-ups make a point of cutting the other one from the frame.
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Something else I think it's interesting about this particular scene is that when they do show us them looking at each other when the focus is supposed to be on Eddie, they show us Buck's face, but when the focus is supposed to be on Buck, we don't see Eddie's.
Then we have Conflict Resolution Talks.
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In contrast with the talk they have before the tsunami, the talk they have after, they are finally looking at each other. And even though both of them are centered on both scenes, they are finally facing each other, so, they are finally getting on the same page.
Then we have them making up after the lawsuit.
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The framing of this scene fascinates me. There's a literal obstacle between them. They put something physical between them to show how much this conflict was in their way and they put them both on the edges of the frame. But the way the scene progresses is also interesting because we see a lot more of Buck when the focus is on Eddie than we see of Eddie when the focus is on Buck.
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They go as far as to make Eddie look smaller, making more of a show of the distance between them when the focus is on Eddie and it shows that Eddie sees Buck's side but Buck is not really seeing his. But that equalizes as they talk, Buck being the one that starts closing the distance between them, coming to be resolved when they both meet in the middle. In a quite literal representation of the way this gets resolved (It started because Buck didn't reach out leaving Eddie unsure of his space, Buck reaches out to close the gap, they meet in the middle because they're a team <3)
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And there's our favorite kitchen scene.
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Something interesting here is that we see Eddie when the focus is on Buck but we don't see Buck when the focus is on Eddie. Even in the wider angle, Eddie is closer to the edge of the frame and Buck is pretty centered. Buck is doing all the moving in this scene, Eddie leans into the sink when he starts drinking and Buck is the one closing the space between considering Eddie is still in the same spot he started when the scene ends. It kinda shows that while Eddie is willing to talk, Buck is gonna have to put in some work. Eddie is also in a headspace that might need some more reaching out and it shows.
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I don't really have a category for this scene, the point here is Buck giving Eddie hope. What I think it's interesting here is that even though they are facing different directions, they are always on the same side of the screen in the close-ups. Buck's in Eddie's space and Eddie is letting him and in the context of this scene is the first time in a while. Even the wider angle has them to the side. Buck is trying to step into the mess with Eddie, and Eddie is finally letting him. (Hoping we get a mirror of this scene in the future tbh)
This is all for now.
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poppadom0912 · 6 months
Her father's daughter
Warnings: Kidnapping, crying, canon-typical injuries, blood
Summary: When all is well, someone just has to barge in and ruin Will and Faith's lives.
A/N: Soo, I am back more than a month later. I didn't mean to disappear for so long... It will happen again i am sorry. This Ramadan has come with more work and I have exams in two weeks that i refuse to fail. I will most likely return at the end of april/beginning of May.
i've been thinking about writing this for a while because of how much I love Faith but I didn't want to hurt her but then I thought, no one can turn down some good old angst. Sorry again for being mia for nearly another month but randomly wrote this all in one sitting after doing some psychology and having an existential crisis soooo. This is going to be a little longer than usual, happy reading!!
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Will was at work when it happened.
He was getting ready to assist Connor in a surgery when he got a call as they were scrubbing in.
The part-time nanny he hired was now basically considered family over the two years she'd been looking after Faith whenever she wasn't in school and Will was at work. So to have her calling him at work was odd but when he answered her call and was immediately met with tears and gasping and hyperventilating, Will felt his heart stop.
Will wasted no time. simply telling her he was on his way before hanging up.
Connor, without hesitation, encouraged Will to leave, saying he'd find Goodwin and tell her himself.
As soon as Will was in his car, the first person he called was a no brainer.
Whenever Will called, Jay would always come running, day or night for his older brother and niece, consequences be damned.
Will found himself struggling when Jay answered, grappling for words he couldn't muster.
"What's wrong Will?"
"Faith's gone Jay... Someone's taken her."
The brothers met up at Faith's school, Will arriving before Jay.
The second Will got there, Allison, the nanny, found him instantly. She ran up to him in tears, hysterically crying as if it was her own child that was taken.
"Will I'm so sorry." She gasped, on the edge of a panic attack, eyes impossibly red as she hyperventilated, tears showing no sign of stopping any time soon.
"They- Reception said a woman picked her up in Maggie's name three hours ago-" She cut herself off with a sob. Poor women was a mess, seeing her so distraught made Will want to cry along with her.
"Allison, please listen." Will said sternly, holding her shoulder so she would pay attention to him. "None of this is your fault, okay? If it wasn't for you, it would've been another two hours before someone found out."
She exhaled shakily, nodding fervently when Will pressed her to stop apologising and accept she was at no fault, there was no reason for her to take any blame.
Before either could say anything more, the sound of sirens scared them, making both of them jump at the sudden loud sound.
At the sight of familiar cars, Will wasn't too sure if he felt relief or impending doom.
"Intelligence Will need to take a statement but after that you can go home." Will told Allison, squeezing her bicep with a timid smile for reassurance.
"As soon as they find Faith, you'll be the first to know, I promise."
Jay was struggling to concentrate on the CCTV footage him and Adam were meant to be watching.
He could say with 100 percent confidence the he never thought he'd find himself in such a situation.
intelligence have been involved with numerous kidnappings. So many in fact that it was usually what they would be expecting to be called in for every day.
But, this was his niece's kidnapping. This wasn't the norm for him let alone the rest of them. A five year olds kidnapping was something they'd never want to deal with, especially someone who was family.
"Here it is." Adam said, clicking the mouse a few more times before settling on a frame, the scene being the reception of Faith's school.
Shaking any deprecating thoughts away, Jay pushed his chair forward, looking closely and minimising his blinks as to not miss a single second of valuable footage. Footage that would show the final moments of Faith being alive and safe.
The halls were empty for the most of it, bar the occasional janitor or teacher walking by. Two minutes passed when a woman in a black trench coat walked up to the desk. Her brown hair obscuring her face from the camera's view along with the thick scarf wrapped around her neck.
She spoke to the receptionist, signing a sheet of paper before a lady walked away, soon returning with a small familiar bundle.
Faith was in her little purple puffer jacket, bobble hat covering her ears and mitten on her little hands. She wore little winter boots, her my little pony backpack sat nicely on her shoulders and Will's old scarf held in her hands. Unconsciously, Jay thought about how she always complained about the itchiness of the scarf that Will would always wrap around her masterfully, his method luring out the most wonderful sound to mankind; Faith's laughter.
Faith looked perfect, just like her fathers carbon copy and even from the shitty camera footage, Jay could see the pep in her step and the twinkle that never extinguished from her eyes.
Jay's thoughts trailed back to earlier this morning when he was still fast asleep in bed but his brother had messaged him, sending him a picture of Faith in all her adorableness. Nothing had changed from that picture and it warmed his heart slightly.
Usually, whoever picked her up was met with the biggest hello, the widest smile and incessant talking and she retold the adventures of her day but this time, Faith's steps faltered at the sight of the stranger.
Jay struggled to watch the rest.
All Will could hear was his baby girls cries echoing in his ears.
He'd heard her cry plentiful, he raised her since birth for goodness sakes but this cry was different. It was like he could hear just how scared she was and it felt like a literal stab in the heart.
Will forced Allison home twenty minutes ago after Hailey took her statement and was told everything. She was still very torn and upset, she refused to leave Will for several reasons but before she started blaming herself again, Will forced her to leave, promising once again to call her later.
Jay had shown Will the footage of the woman who never showed her face, maybe there was some chance Will could recognise the back of her. Somehow, she knew the exact school Faith went to as well as knowing the list of very few people that were allowed to pick her up. The list consisted of Will obviously, Jay, Allison and Maggie.
Somehow, whoever this person was, they knew who was on the emergency contact list, information that only the school and said people were privy to.
That small bit of information made Will want to be sick.
They had tried other means to try identify the woman but they were coming up with nothing. Another hour had passed, now being give hours since Faith had been taken and Will was slowly losing the plot.
"I've contacted a bunch on my CI's." Jay said, face set in stone as he finished presenting. "Still waiting to hear back."
"I have several CI's in that area." Antonio added, Kevin nodding to also confirm. "Waiting for a call any time now."
Voight hummed, giving no indication of what he was thinking or feeling. But not too long ago, he had taken Will aside and promised they would bring Faith back to him, no matter the cost.
No matter the cost. Ethically, Will wasn't too sure what to feel but emotionally, he felt relieved.
Will must've zoned out for a bit because the next thing he knew, only him, Jay and Antonio remained in the bullpen. Everyone else seemingly disappeared.
Wow, he really needed to fix up.
"Hey, how are you-"
Just as Jay opened his mouth, he was cut off by a phone ringing.
Jay wasn't allowed to accompany Antonio to his CI, instead taking Kevin with him. The Latino was never once persuaded by Jay, even when he promised to stay in the car.
The sun was now starting to set and there was a clear shift in the atmosphere as the sky grew darker. To ease broth his own and his brothers fears, Jay sat with Will, sitting together in a silence neither could stand.
This was an uncommon occurrence since Will had returned from New York, the two brothers being alone together. Since coming back, it had always been the three of them. So to be in this moment, both Halstead's would rather die than to have to repeat this again.
"You want a coffee?" Jay asked, eyeing up the half empty coffee pot. At the rate this investigation was going, they'd be needing more than just coffee to help them stay up.
"Sure." Will hadn't meant for his answers to be monosyllabic, Jay had done nothing but right now, he had not much left in him to continue being so forth coming.
The silence enveloping their space, Will usually relished in any moments of silence he could get but this was just uncomfortable. Never did he ever want his little girl to be causing such a ruckus.
"Maggie called me back." Will said, watching Jays' back, following his actions as he made both their coffee's. "She doesn't recognise the woman nor has she told anyone outside the ED's staff about Faith - that's all people I know and none of them know that woman."
Jay hummed as he stirred the tiniest bit of sugar when his tasted a little too bitter for his liking. "That's good but it does mean we have even less of an idea as to who this is."
Will didn't reply, only mumbling a small thanks as he took the mug from Jay's outstretched hand and sipping the lukewarm drink.
"Have you butted heads with anyone at work recently?" Jay asked, knowing his brothers stubbornness very well.
"No." Will rolled his eyes. "I've been under Goodwin's strong scrutiny after the last stunt. Go ask anyone, I've been good."
And for a second, nothing felt as heavy but such a feeling didn't last.
"Antonio and Kevin are back." Trudy suddenly appeared in the doorway of the breakroom causing both of them to flinch. "Go see them downstairs."
"My CI works in a restaurant. When I reached out, his story matched up with ours." Antonio started, standing tall besides the computer screen where Kevin was trying to connect it to the USB they were given.
"At the same time Will called us, a different woman came and ordered a takeaway with a kid he said looks a lot like Faith."
Will felt his heart rate picking up the more Antonio spoke. Hearing all of this felt like a fever dream, he didn't want to get his hopes up just in case they reached another dead end.
The camera footage started to play, Kevin skipping it when nothing was happening, only to abruptly replay it when someone walked in.
All they could see was the back of the woman, her black hair in a braid, scarf wrapped around her neck with a long jacket on. As Will's eyes studied the stranger, he followed her outstretched arm to-
Will's breath hitched at the sight of his little girl who hadn't seen since the early hours of the morning when he dropped her off to school. He held his breath, watching closely to see if a single hair was misplaced on her body or to try and see what she was feeling from either her scrunched up eyebrows or her quivering lips.
But he couldn't see anything.
The woman went to the counter, ordered her food and stood there for however long it took for the food to be made. Only when she was handed a carrier bag with several containers did she finally turn around and show her face.
Will's face paled in recognition instantly.
"What's wrong Will?" Jay noticed his change immediately, his question causing everyone in the room to turn and look at him. "Do you recognise her?"
Will swallowed harshly, blinking repeatedly to bring himself out of shock.
"Yeah, it's Faith's mum."
With this newfound information, it didn't take Intelligence long to track her down.
Stephanie Brooks, 'Steph' was what she insisted everyone call her. For just over a year, she was Will's girlfriend and as of five years ago, she was Faiths absent mother.
Ever since that night five years ago, Will never thought he'd see his ex again but here he was, sitting in the back of his brothers truck as he waited for Intelligence to get his daughter back.
Once they had her name, they found the car she had under her name in Chicago and the place she was renting out as of three months ago. Three months of which she had been watching them under a microscope.
Will actually had to go be sick in the toilet when Kim turned around with all of Stephanie's activities since she arrived in Chicago, all of which suspiciously looked very familiar and aligned with everything he and Faith did recently.
That aside, all Will had to do now was wait.
Jay and Kevin stood in front, Kevin ready to kick the door down before Jay could go in first. All they were waiting for was for Voight's signal.
Within seconds, they were all entering the bungalow, guns out and pointed in any direction, covering all corners as they searched for Stephanie.
They all went separate directions, covering every room in search of any life and soon enough, they found their culprit.
She screamed.
"Stephanie Brooks, your under arrest..." Adam went on, reciting the words they all had memorised for years now, his gun lowered slightly as Antonio went forward to handcuff her.
"What, no! You're crazy!" She shouted, struggling against Antonio's grip. Despite the cheap bungalow she rented, she was dressed as if ready for a night out. Her hair was curled, makeup perfect, heels and a tight fitted dress on.
"Kidnapping?" She scoffed, continuing to struggle as she was forced onto her feet. "She's my child, my daughter!"
"You can't take her from me." She told them, getting more riled up when she saw Adam rolling his eyes at her. "I want my lawyer, you have no right to take my daughter from me."
On the other side of the bungalow, Jay heard nothing but thundering in his ears as he frantically looked up and down for his niece. Nearly every room had been covered and they hadn't found her yet-
Jay felt his heart break the second Faith was in his sight.
He found her stuffed in the bathtub shivering. He had to kick down the door, finding her with zip ties around her wrists and ankles, sat in the bathtub with on her knickers and vest on.
Faith started crying.
Without another thought, Jay dropped his gun and rushed forward, kneeling at the edge of the bathtub before picking her up and dropping her into his lap.
"Oh Faith." Jay sighed, wrapping his arms around her as she curled into him. "It's okay, your safe, Jay Jay's got you now."
As sobs racked her little body, Jay took out his knife and carefully cut the zip ties off. As soon as the were chucked to the side, she wrapped her arms as far as they could around his torso.
Standing up, Jay took strides out the bathroom and made his way outside. Hailey found him on the way, taking her scarf off with Kim not too far behind taking her jacket off.
Both garments swaddled Faith, protecting her bare limbs from the torturous snow but she continued to shiver.
Jay felt himself breathing easier with her in his arms but Will was firmly on his mind.
Only a metre away from the premises did Jay find Will who was already bounding towards them.
"Faith, look." Jay gently poked her, watching her carefully pick her head up and turn in the direction Jay was pointing.
The cry she let out, it would forever haunt him.
Jay handed her over to his older brother who's arms encased her small body. Will dipped his face in her hair, inhaling the comforting smell that he never wanted to forget.
"Oh baby. It's okay, it's okay." Will repeated as she sobbed, showing no signs of stopping any time soon. "Daddy's got you."
Will pressed several kisses wherever he could: in her hair, her forehead, her ear poking out from her curls, her cheek anywhere. His arms tightened in their embrace and if it wasn't for Jay who was supporting him, he would fallen into the snow as soon as he lost all feeling in his legs.
Will could barely hear his own thoughts over Faith's gut wrenching cries. Somehow, her tears weren't running dry. To see her in such a state but to have her back and safe with him, Will finally let his emotions get the better of him.
He sniffled, hiding his face in her wild curls he always struggled to tame, his tears dropping like rain but his cries were muffled. Screwing his eyes shut, he tried to even out his breathing, Jay's hand on his back comfortingly rubbing circles kept him somewhat sane.
"We're driving to Med." Jay told him, directing the father-daughter duo towards his truck.
Sitting in the back, the outside world no longer existed, his entire universe was sat in his lap. Will had lost track of time, she had been continuously crying but Faith was silent now as she was knocked out, crying herself to sleep, that's how tired she was. All he could hear was the occasional soft snore, but he could feel everything from her rising chest against his own, her curls that needed to be brushed, her skin that was slowly warming up from both his own body heat and the garments wrapped around her and the tears that were drying on his shirt.
Will felt like he could finally start to relax.
Faith remained in Will's arms at Med, even when he woke her up, neither of them made any move of letting go.
As soon as they got to the hospital, Will was surrounded by all his colleagues, all riddled with stress that was slowly disappearing when they saw Faith.
Currently, Natalie was doing the standard tests, letting Will do all the convincing which wasn't a lot. As soon as he asked, Faith complied.
"I'll go grab some heating blankets." Natalie said, stepping back as she finished off. "I'll make sure to put a rush on these."
"Thanks Nat." Will said, letting Faith curl back into his embrace.
"It's no problem." She smiled, her eyes looking down at the little girl, the sight of father and daughter making her think of Owen. "We're all just glad she's safe and mostly unharmed."
Will tried not to think of the scrapes and clotting up scabs that littered her body. He hadn't seen any of them till they got to Med, his chest restricting to know she had been hurt and he wasn't there to relieve her of the pain.
"Thank Ethan for me." Will added when Natalie was about to leave. "Faith loves the my little pony band aids."
And with that, they were left alone for the first time surrounded by the muffled sounds of the bustling department and the occasional beeps of machinery and the faint drips of the iv.
Despite being a doctor for years, Will found it difficult to see the iv needle in Faith. To have two worlds collide, Will would never wish this upon any parent.
Small pokes to his collarbone caught his attention, Faith poking it ever so gently as she stared up at him imploringly with the widest eyes that still glistened, their colour identical to the woman who was going behind bars.
"Missed you." She whispered, voice breaking towards the end. It was the first time she had spoken since she found her and the two words made his eyes water.
"I missed you too. Missed you so much baby." Will replied, tucking her hair behind her ears so he could see her whole face. "I'm so sorry baby. Daddy loves you so much."
A smile appeared on her cherry lips, her dimples not too far behind. Seeing them made it feel like nothing was wrong with the world and only the two of them mattered.
"Home?" She asked, her voice filled with so much innocence and hope that Will has to give himself some time before replying.
"Not yet, I'm sorry bubbles." He apologised, rubbing circles into her back. "Jay Jay still needs to come back and Maggie needs to bring you some medicine. She might even ask you to sleepover."
For once, Will was glad she was so eager to stay at his workplace. She had such wonderment surrounding his job, the thought of sleeping over at his work was almost a dream come true.
To finally see her mood pick up, her eyes glistening now with newfound happiness at the prospect of a sleepover, unaware of the connotations it had, Will allowed himself to feel good.
For now, all that mattered was that his daughter was rightfully back with her father and surrounded by family that would do anything for her.
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wyked-ao3 · 2 months
WIP Introduction
Y'all voted so here it is I decided to do both since they were close in the results plus sketching takes forever when I can not decide.
The pirate king of deaths redemption
(book one of the pirate's cursed god series)
Where to find it? Once it's finished I'll post it on ao3
Genre: dark fantasy, kinda enemy/rivals to lovers, queer, drama, secrets, (might have what some would consider horror elements not sure if there will be enough to add the genre)
Tag to find it by: TPKODR or TPCG usually I will also add the longer name to the tags but not always
Status: wip editing.
Triggers: Torture,Violence, Death, past sexual assault, trauma, PTSD, phycological horror, flash backs, nightmares and panic attacks, implied past suicide (not main pairing) , major character deaths (not main pairing), one kinda wacky suicidal character in later chapters, human sacrifice, lore
Tags so far: Tags:pirates, fae, found family, violence, betrayal, secrets, gore, dark fantasy, LGBTQ themes, slavery, mentioned human sacrifice,Psychological horror,bl,corrupt royals, drama, gods, smut,lore, Death/murder. Kinda enemies to lover
warning:There will be increasing darkness levels as the series goes on.
The next book gets into the political aspects of the kingdoms and pirate culture and the third gets into the assassins and religious aspects of the world
Current summary: needs work because the romance is a subplot and the rest the stuff going on is the main plot but I really suck at summary's lol (perhaps it will come to me when the story is done)
pirate king Daimhín Heorot: antagonizes the Royal's of Tarak by going after their vessel's. Usually leaving the cargo vessels alone as they had minimum defense and usually didn't have the good cargo. Until he crossed paths with Oisìn Mallory then things slowly change.
Tarak fleet captain Oisìn Mallory: has a past he is haunted by and a distrust for royalty. Has to accept aid from a pirate and to make it worse it's not any pirate but the pirate king of the bioluminescence sea.
secrets revealed, royals exposed and something dark stirring in the shadows. Will they survive the manipulations of a seer with good intentions or will their enemies get them first?
series summary: (at the moment It needs some work) the gods of old are still interfering in the world. One is trapped within the shadow realms will he be set free or will he die? The fae royalty are not quite what they seem. Will the pirates find out about their cursed god and change the world or will it burn to ashes?
Other Charaters with a intro: prince jade, Morana, Braith, Amon, Galen
World tour tag game.
Snippet I'm just going with the opening scene below the cut
Pirate king and captain of the ship Death's Redemption, Daimhín Heorot was looking out across the dark reddish wood that made his ships deck, at the small fleet they were approaching. The Jolly Rogers flag with crimson blood stained on it from the last fight they had been in a few days prior, flying high in the sky warning of their imminent arrival.  Eric hadn't gotten to cleaning the flags yet as he had other repairs to get to first. 
Daimhín said to Galen, his second in command and quartermaster of the ship, “They are skittish.” Watching as the crew of officers aboard the other ships started to panic. They were running around the decks gesturing at them. It was rather amusing to watch. They were still a little ways out but the larger Tarak Fleet ships had little chance of escaping them. 
Turning to face his second in command, he saw that Galen had forgotten his hat again so his brown hair was flying around in the wind crazily.
 Shaking his head he held out a leather band to pull it back. 
“Ay, they be scared, it not be everyday that ye see a king ship.” Galen reminded him with an amused look in his brown eyes as he pulled his hair back into a ponytail. 
He asked, “Is it that noticeable?” He didn't think that they stood out all that much from the other pirate vessels. Perhaps he was wrong. Assumptions were a pirate's enemy after all, Daimhín mused. 
 “Nay, their captain be the one who noticed us.” Galen answered as he moved to grab a spyglass from the helm.
He raised an eyebrow. It had been a while since  anyone had realized that this was the king ship, most people kept their mouth shut after a run in with them. Wondering what exactly gave it away to the other Captain or rather how he had known, perhaps they had been aboard the ship before. 
He gave an order to the crew, “All hands to battle stations. Recon team help the crew down below until the signal is given.”
@the-letterbox-archives here's the intro post
Updated TAG list + @bookwormclover let me know if you want removed
@thatuselesshuman @gioiaalbanoart @lychhiker
@thecomfywriter @evilwriter37 @saebasanart @the-golden-comet
@mauannacreates @kind-lion @alinacapellabooks @kuebiko-writing
@kaeru483 @differentnighttale @theink-stainedfolk @unstableunicornsofasgard
@mysticstarlightduck @demon-sneeze @dnd-and-insanity @smellyrottentrees
@honeybewrites @pheonix358
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supercriminalbean · 2 years
Jets of panic.
Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader. 
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Summary: After a bad case Reader has a bad panic attack on the Jet and Spencer helps calm them down. 
Warning: Panic attacks, anxiety, mental health, bombings, death, blood, school bombings, slapping, crying, angst, fluff. (If I have forgotten anything let me know)
Words: 1.8k
A/N: I rewrote this/ edited this in 10 minutes and then got bored near the end so I'm sorry for the rough ending but I tried its been a long day. I wrote this last year before I knew how to write (spoiler I still can’t write) so yeah I would love some feedback, thank you enjoy.
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As you sit there on the jet couch, staring off into space. Beginning to daydream as the team starts their debriefing of the last case. Your head is buzzing, with the events of the last few days, still trying to process everything you have been through. This case wasn't the worst that you have had, but that doesn’t mean it was easy. It's never easy when you watch someone you were meant to save die right in front of your eyes, and manage to get out of the situation, with only a concussion and small scratches.
You can’t help but let the bombing replay over and over again in your mind. The way you fell to the ground, unable to move for a good minute. Only able to open your eyes and watch as the student you were escorting out of the building lay lifeless in front of you, her eyes staring straight into your soul. Everytime you try to close your eyes, you just see her face staring back at you, a feeling of helplessness and guilt filling you up, knowing it should be you instead. The room is a blaze, you can feel the room starting to heat up, but still your body refuses to move. Your ears are ringing from the loud blast, your mind unable to process what is happening in the moment, until you feel a pair of hands on your body pulling you up. Your eyes shoot over landing on a pair of scared eyes belonging to Morgan. Who you know must have run inside the building, after the explosion. 
“Save her, we need to help her” Your words are a mess, as you try pulling away from him, your strength suddenly returning to your body.
“We need to go, there’s no time,” Morgan says firmly. Wrapping his arm around your waist pulling you along with him. Ignoring your pleas to go back and help the girl, his mind is more focused on the second bombing in the building. 
Your mind stays centred on replaying the scene over and over again, focusing on the girl's face. Never hearing Hotch call out to you repeatedly, the whole team now watching you worried. They all know you’re taking this case hard, going internal rather than speaking about your worries. Morgan, who's sitting beside you, places a hand lightly on your shoulder to get your attention. You jump quickly, so far away in your own mind, you didn’t even notice that your hand had gone up as you turned round to face him. Only realising when the smack echoes around the jet, a gasp leaves your lips as your eyes widens. Fear and panic spreading throughout your body.
“I'm so sorry” You squeak out, As you spirit off to the bathroom, before anyone could stop you. Locking the door as you fall to your knees.
Tears are flowing down your face, as you lean against the door. Heart racing away in your chest, as you struggle to breathe. You're fully aware that you're having a panic attack, but your team is right outside the door, so you know you have to do your best at staying quiet. Pulling your knees up to your chest, hiding your head between your knees, allowing the tears to roll down, as your mind continues to race. You didn't mean to hit Derek, you just got startled. One of your reactions is to spin around, but your hand was already up and apparently had different plans. Morgan must hate you now, why wouldn't he? You slapped him for no reason. You never wanted your team to see you like this. 
There's a gentle knock on the door, making you jump slightly, you don't respond. 
“Hey (Y/n) can you open the door please, we just want to make sure you're okay” JJ's soft voice comes through. Shaking your head as a response, deciding to stay verbally quiet. You weren't ready for everyone to see you like this.
“Come on (Y/n) please, just let us check on you okay?” JJ sighs softly, knocking again. The whole team became filled with worry, when they saw you run off to the bathroom, after slapping Morgan. Morgan was shocked when he realised you had slapped him, more concerned than anything else. He got up straight away, wanting to go after you. But Hotch stopped him, wanting to give you some space to calm down first.
You wipe the tears off your face, but somehow they seem to keep flowing. You hear more footsteps approaching as a harsher knock comes against the door.
“(Y/n) open the door now, I don't want to have to kick it down but I will” Morgan sighs, looking at JJ with concern. “Come on kid, you're worrying us” Morgan's voice calls out, gentle but harsher than JJ. You close your eyes tired, pulling at your hair feeling stressed out. You don't want people to see how broke you are. You get that they are worried about you, but you just can't deal with it, not right now. Hearing more rushes footsteps quickly approche, the talking outside, sounding like an argument beginning to break out. It soon goes quiet as you hear the footsteps walking away.
It stays quiet for a minute, before you hear a soft knock on the door.
“Hey (Y/n/n) its Spence, I've sent the others away, can you just unlock the door for me?” Spencer speaks softly, his voice calming you. Slowly you reach up unlocking the door, moving out of the way so he can open it. The door opens quietly, he slips inside before closing it behind him. He looks down, spotting you leaning against the wall. Staying silent, he joins you on the floor, breaking his heart as he sees you like this. Your face stained with tears, your hair a mess where you were yanking at it. 
“Are you alright?” He asks after a bit of silence, turning to watch you. Shaking your head faintly, your tears having finally stopped. Spencer places his hand carefully on your knee, rubbing a circular pattern. Gradually you lean your head on his shoulder, your heart still pounding away. While your mind now just feel empty and froggy. Feeling like you can’t even think straight even if your mind has just fallen quiet all of a sudden.
“Morgan okay?” You finally speak, your voice is rough due to the crying.
“He's fine, he's worried about you, everyone is” Reid speaks gently. His hand is still drawing patterns on your knees, the sensation helping calm you. 
“I didn't mean to slap him” You let out a heavy breath, closing your eyes. 
“We know, It was a good hit though” Spencer smiles at you gently, earning a small laugh.
“I don't want to go out there, not yet” 
“We don't have to, we can stay in here as long as you need” Smiling weakly as you listen to Reids breathing, matching his. Helping slow your racing heartbeat down to a normal pace. 
“Spence, can you tell me something, just anything please?” You ask faintly. Feeling tired and weak, keeping your eyes closed. Reid stays quiet for a bit, thinking.
“I was thinking about entering a chess tournament this weekend, but I think that would be a bit unfair seeing as I would easily beat everyone,” Reid laughs lightly, earning a small chuckle from you.
“You really think you can beat everyone, don't ya Dr Reid” Smirking slightly, opening your eyes. 
“Well I mean, I can easily calculate what moves they will make and be able to beat them in less than 5”
“That is why I don't like playing games with you” You laugh slightly, teasing him.
“It's not my fault you're easy to read (Y/n/n)” Reid teases you back smiling. Happy to see the colour returning back to your cheeks.
“Are you ready to go back out?” Reid asks, removing his hand on your knee, you nod. Ready to stand up, as your heart starts beating faster and your mind decides to start spinning once more. They are all going to ask you questions, staring at you. What if they are already talking about you, who knows what they could be saying. What if Hotch doesnt think you're fit for the job anymore, and fires you. You can’t lose this job, you don't want to lose your team, your family. Your breathing picks up speeds, finding it hard to breathe once more.
“Hey hey, (Y/N) look at me, look at me” Reid speaks gently, placing his hand on your knee again. You shake your head refusing to look at him, while your mind starts to spin. Spencer places his hand on your cheek softly, turning you to look at him. Tears slide down your face again.
“I'm sorry , I'm so sorry” Crying out, your head dropping, trying to get away from him. Reid doesn't let you, wrapping his arms around and pulling you into his body. Your face hides away in his chest, snuggling into his touch.
“Don't be sorry, it's alright, just listen to my breathing okay” His voice is calm but firm. He starts taking deeper, calming breaths. You start doing the same, keeping in time with him. Listening to his heart beat, closing your eyes, finding peace in his heartbeat. You stay there for a while in silence. Soon he starts humming your favourite song, earning a faint smile from you. Slowly moving your head out of his chest, resting against his shoulder. 
You two sit in the bathroom, for close to an hour. Once you are fully calm down, thanks to the help of listening to Spencer , talk about random facts. Earning smiles and small comments from you.
“Okay Spencer, I'm ready” Smiling weakly, he smiles back, getting up. He holds a hand out for you, taking it, pulling yourself up. You fix your hair before walking out.
It's been over an hour since you locked yourself in the bathroom. The team has been extremely concerned about you, but decided to give Reid and you some space. Rossi and JJ are still sitting in the same place talking and laughing, while Morgan and Emily have moved to sit at the back. Emily is reading her books and Morgan has his headphones on staring out the window. Hotch is doing his usual round of after case paperwork, on the table opposite them. Morgan looks up as you walk past, giving you a small smile. Reid takes your hand in his, leading you towards the couch. Taking a seat on the couch, resting your head on his shoulder. Positioning yourself, so that you're half laying down, with your leg out on the couch. Spencer wraps his arm around you, holding you close, as your body begins to relax, feeling at home in his arms. Closing your eyes, knowing you need to deal with everything that has happened. But, you can do that when you land, as you let yourself drift off to sleep in Spencer's arms.
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justabigassnerd · 1 year
Night Scare
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Pairing - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x daughter!reader
Word count - 1,275
Warnings - inaccurate medical scenes (I tried), worried Jake, fluff
Summary - a night time asthma attack turns a normal evening into a worry fest for Jake
A/N - wow... about two weeks later I'm finally posting a fic. I am so sorry for delays I've been struggling with writers block, it's still not fully gone but my guilt is catching up to me so I'm literally forcing myself to write. this was an anon request and I hope I did it justice. as per y'all please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!!!
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Living with asthma is something you had just learned to deal with growing up. Always had to make sure your inhaler was on hand and learned to know when you could be on the verge of an asthma attack.
One evening, while your dad and Bradley were downstairs watching a sports match, you remained in your room, relaxing and scrolling through your phone. As you sit on your bed, scrolling through your phone, you began to cough occasionally but you shook it off, assuming it was just the ending of the cold you had just recovered from. Then your chest began to feel tight, like it was slowly being squeezed. You instinctively grabbed the inhaler that sat on your bedside table and took a puff of the medicine, settling back against the pillows and waiting for the medicine to do its job. After half an hour, you realise the inhaler isn’t working so you take another puff of the medicine and fight back a coughing fit that suddenly attacks you, taking your breath away from you as you struggle to recover it. Not wanting to risk losing your footing in your panic to get downstairs and risk hurting yourself, you open your phone and find your dad’s number, opening your messages and typing out a text.
Jake raised an eyebrow when he felt his phone buzz and saw your name above the text. He debated calling up to you but something in his gut was screaming at him to open the text, so he did.
‘I think I’m having an asthma attack’
“Call 9-1-1.” Jake says, leaping to his feet and heading for the stairs, leaving Bradley confused in the living room.
“What?!” Bradley calls up to Jake just as he disappears up the stairs.
“Call 9-1-1, y/n is having an asthma attack and I’m not taking any risks.” Jake calls down to Bradley who immediately pulls his phone out of his pocket and dials 9-1-1 while Jake bursts into your room to find you sat bolt upright and struggling to breathe. He could tell you were trying to keep calm so you could control your breaths a little better, but he could see the panic in your eyes.
“I’m here, sweetheart. Take another puff of your inhaler for me, okay? Rooster’s calling the ambulance now they’ll get here as quick as they can.” Jake says, sitting next to you on the bed and taking the small inhaler from your hands and holding it to your mouth so you could take a puff, he kept a close eye on you, seeing how you were doing.
Before too long, you heard the front door opening and Bradley talking downstairs before you heard footsteps heading up the stairs and you see two paramedics enter the room, equipment in hand as they approached.
“We’re going to need you to step back, sir.” One of the paramedics says, making Jake press a kiss to the top of your head and whisper reassuringly before he gets up from the bed, allowing the paramedics to assess you. The paramedics ask Jake for your name and what medication you are on which he gives, grabbing the medical information card he had and handing it to the paramedic, so they knew everything they needed to in order to help you. The paramedics help you downstairs to where a stretcher was waiting after assessing and concluding that you need to go to the ER for some medicine and observation. Jake is given permission to ride in the ambulance with you and just as he goes to follow you, Bradley stops him.
“I’m going to head home and get out of your hair. Keep me updated and I’ll come by when I can.” Bradley says and Jake nods, clapping Bradley on the shoulder.
“Thanks for calling the ambulance. I’ll see you around.” Jake says as the two walk out of the house, closing the door behind them. Bradley nods in acknowledgement before crossing to his Bronco while Jake gets in the back of the ambulance with you as the paramedic did what he needed to do. You were given an oxygen tube and some medicine, and your attack was seeming to wane thanks to it.
When the ambulance pulled up outside the hospital, the paramedics eased the stretcher out and wheeled you into the ER and one of the paramedics and Jake eased you onto a bed while the other paramedic filled in the nurse on what had happened. When you’re settled on the bed, the paramedics head back out to their ambulance while the nurse comes to your bedside.
“Hi, y/n. I’ve been informed that you’ve received some treatment and oxygen on the way over here and you seem to be doing better but we just want to keep you in for a few hours just in case you have another attack, okay?” The nurse says cheerfully as she inputs some final things on the tablet in her hand. You nod at her words as does your dad and the nurse then excuses herself to continue her rounds.
“You feeling okay?” Jake asks softly as he watches you.
“Feeling a lot better than I was earlier.” You say with a smile, making Jake smile gently and finally let himself relax.
“It was a little scary though.” You admit, looking away from your dad who softens at your words, reaching out and taking your hand gently in his own.
“I bet it was sweetheart. I thought it was scary just from my perspective I can’t imagine what it was like for you.” Jake says, watching you carefully as you shift your gaze to look back at him briefly.
“The important thing is you’re okay now. We’ll stay here for as long as the nurses want us to and then we’ll head home, and you can get some sleep and you can rest as much as you want tomorrow as well. We’ll take it easy.” Jake says reassuringly, giving your hand a small squeeze as well.
After almost three hours of lying on the hospital bed with constant check-ups, the nurses allow you to go home for the rest of the night, confident that you won’t have any more attacks for the night. They urge Jake to book you a doctor’s appointment as soon as possible to check how everything is going with your lungs and then you are cleared to go. As you exit the hospital, Jake is checking on the status of the Uber he booked and before too long it pulls up and the two of you get in the back seats and begin the journey home. By the time you get home, you’re just about ready to collapse into your bed. You immediately head up to your room and get into your pyjamas, quickly burying yourself under your duvet and curling up. It didn’t take your dad long to knock on the door and enter with your permission. He crossed to your bed and bent over to kiss the top of your head.
“Sleep well, sweetheart. If you need me, I’m just next door.” He whispers as you nod, eyes slipping shut instantly and Jake lets out a soft chuckle, pulling the duvet over you a bit more and leaving the room, turning the light off as he goes.
Jake returns to his own room, getting in his bed and lying on his back, staring up at the ceiling. He had just been through a scare that may taunt him for a while, but he knew you were just next door sleeping peacefully and he’d look after you as best he can.
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 5 months
Reasons why I keep rambling about Bi!Eddie...
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Why? Why would Eddie hide his sexual identity, bisexuality? Because... why not, he thinks.
Dating only women would mean less conflict with his family. His family is religious and Eddie loves them, is scared to lose them.
Eddie also fears triggering more conflict, maybe even fears his family might not consider him a good dad anymore if he came out.
He already almost had to fight for his son's custody with them. What if he comes out and they lash out? He has a dangerous job, works ridiculous hours, is a single parent. A queer man is not every courtroom's favorite person.
So women... That's where Eddie hides, it's what he knows. It's "a safe place to hide"... because in theory, it's fine, it's comfortable. Eddie is attracted to women. So he isn't really sacrificing anything, or at least much, he thinks... Just marry a woman you love, and it's all good. No need to come out and clash with your family, or make Christopher's childhood even more of a challenge. After all, the world is still prejudiced and not all children of queer parents have it easy.
But the truth is... Closeted life isn't a cake-walk even if you avoid detection, and are sort of adjusting. You are still hiding a part of yourself. Acting. Feeling like you need to pretend. Scared and unable to be fully yourself.
I've noticed that Buddie fans keep pointing to Eddie's panic attacks as this "haha gotcha, you're GAY!"-confirmation. It's ignorant.
Did you know that panic attacks are actually not at all unusual among closeted bisexuals, either?
Masks are always suffocating, no matter what you're hiding.
Not to mention, when Eddie starts having those panic attacks, he's under a world of pressure. Trying to recover and get back to dating... Quite soon really, after losing his wife.
He's also got a mountain of trauma and PTSD after surviving several near-death- experiences. To add to the trauma, the way he experienced the shooting? He thought Buck was wounded.
And then he is pressured into asking Ana out even though it hasn't been that long since he lost his wife.
Also I'm quite sure... His heart just isn't in it, dating. I think he has actually by that point fallen for Buck. And ignores it, tries to move on, forces himself to date someone else.
Get back on a horse, even if you don't really want to, feel the need to. Doesn't matter what you like, just do it anyway! "Horses" it is. Dating it is.
So Ana and Eddie? It's a tale of unrequited love, for Eddie, and for Ana. Falling for a concept because the person you truly want is simply not invested like you are, is emotionally unavailable to you.
The anxiety builds when people keep assuming Ana is Eddie's wife or Christopher's mom. It's too soon, it feels wrong. The relationship is just a mask because Eddie hasn't actually moved on. From Shannon, or from Buck. He panics when Ana says. "I'm not his mother... I'm... just a friend."
It's a reminder that she isn't Shannon - not Christopher's mom.
And she isn't Buck either. Buck who isn't really Christopher's father, who is... just a friend.
And like Buck... Ana is becoming Eddie's ready-made family anyway. Actually the third ready-made family, really. Shannon, Buck, Ana... All happened without much room to stop and re-consider.
Shannon... A rushed shotgun marriage triggered by an unplanned pregnancy and catholic guilt.
Buck, (a seemingly) straight friend quickly becoming family - clearly a dead end romance-wise.
Ana... A rushed, pressured romance built out of need to forcibly move on, and find a step-mom for Chris. Three ready-made families, all destroying Eddie in different ways. Anxiety, inner turmoil, panic.
So. Eddie's bisexuality!!!
That ice skating scene in "Malfunction"? The episode is very Eddie-centric, and the theme is "Me a tough macho man, me trust nobody, ugh!"
There's Eddie's fight club clusterfuck, his argument with Lena about Eddie being emotionally distant. Eddie, crying in front of Bobby about his grief, about Shannon leaving because Eddie "broke" her, because he wasn't enough...
Eddie = Trust issues galore, abandoment issues galore. Persistent shame and guilt making him unable to go for anything he really wants. Avoidance. Hidden pain. Constant urge to be in control, and never slip.
So let's look at that ice skating scene in "Malfunction"...
It's a blood bath on ice. Figure skaters toe-picking and getting injured, all because of one fallen sequin on ice triggering a domino effect. Bobby knows to look for a sequin because he's got some experience with this stuff.
Chimney: So how come you know so much about figure skating?
Eddie: Always thought you were a hockey player, cap.
Bobby: Who says you can't do both?!
(They team is shocked. Buck says "We'll google for photos later"
Chimney waves his hand around like he agrees... But in a way that ends up looking like he's pointing at Buck AND Eddie. And Hen then throws this shocked lingering stare at Buck and Eddie, like she just realised something!)
...Who says you can't do both? Indeed... Is there some secret quota, unknown to me, that dictates how many bi characters a tv show can have?
Is there a law that a queer male ship must always be the sum of one bi male, one male gay character? Why do we expect that? Because it would be more diverse, more varied representation?
Correct me if I've got this wrong... But writing Eddie as gay would in fact not score the show more diversity points, not in the realm of 9-1-1.
The show STARTS OFF with a storyline about a closeted, married gay man! If Eddie was gay... It would be the show's second storyline about a closeted, married gay man. That's not diverse representation. That would be in fact... quite repetitive, unimaginative queer representation!
Also, let's keep in mind that the show already has several gay male characters by the time Eddie joins the team.
Michael! David! Josh! That's already three gay men. If Eddie was gay, Eddie would be the fourth gay male character.
Oh wait. Tommy. So... FIFTH one! Also there are even more strictly gay monosexuals: Two lesbians. Hen and Karen.
However, there are just two confirmed bi character so far. Buck and Eva.
So really, Who says you can't "do both"?
Who says both of these characters can't be interested in women and men, into more genders than one? Who says both Buck and Eddie can't be bi?
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"We're everywhere, man." That's Eddie's line in that scene, gif below. (And pink+yellow balloons, blue gloves? Pansexual-coded colors. Multisexuality!)
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Eddie, subtly illuminated in bi-coded colors. Blue, purple, pink... On a date with a woman.
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Talking with Buck. Bi-coded lighting.
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Oh look, what's behind Eddie? The famous bi-cycle. While he talks about "the menu" not being the issue...
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"The sex was never the issue", with Shannon. Canonically they actually went at it like bunnies, even to the detriment of their relationship because they failed to talk due to being too distracted by each other's bodies.
"The "menu" is not the issue." And it's not with Marisol, either. Not until Eddie learns of her hyper religious past.
Confronting Marisol, a former nun-student? That's the issue here, that's what Eddie's trying to avoid. Confronting his obviously at least at one point very religious, quite possibly bigoted girlfriend...?? Would certainly be an issue, if you're bi!!! Who wants to date a bigot?! Your very own domestic hate crime.
So... Eddie talks about the upcoming alone time with Marisol (when Chris was away) feeling exciting, naughty... Until he learns she was almost a NUN!
He talks about "eyes on the ground". And that's what dating a fundamentalist would be, if you're bi and closeted. Eyes on the ground, close to you.
Suddenly being judged for same-sex attraction is no longer just a distant fear, a vague idea to Eddie, it's a living, breathing person in his home, in his bed.
Really, imagine dating a bigot. Imagine your partner being disgusted, disturbed, judgemental... by your sexuality, your identity, your desires, dreams. Imagine them being repulsed by such an fundamental, persistent part of what makes you... you. Something you cannot change.
Imagine sometimes fantasizing about men as well as women, and then... trying to have sex with someone... who you suspect might consider your secret fantasy life disgusting, wrong. Imagine that negative reaction if they knew the whole truth, who you really are?!
An efficient boner killer, for sure!! No wonder Eddie is suddenly avoiding her company, anxious by the idea of sex with her. He doesn't trust Marisol anymore.
Also, let's talk about Eddie and moving on.
Why going home is an issue. Leaving Buck's place is an issue. Because trying to move on? Those words just need a melody, and ta-dah it's the Eddie Diaz theme song. The story of his life. The concept just keeps coming up.
Moving on. Being unable to move on.
Quite frankly, I think this is the main reason why Eddie cannot date without freaking out.
When Eddie joins the team he's still stuck on Shannon. "They weren't my type." Less awkward than to say "Sure they were hot, but I do have an estranged wife."
Shannon was his first crush, love, his first everything. The mother of his child. His friend. But they were young, not ready to get married and have a child, especially one with special needs. They were pushed to do that anyway when Shannon suddenly got pregnant, unplanned.
Btw, may I just point out that they're already under a lot of pressure and struggling when we first see them together on the show?
What we miss out on seeing... are the times when things were still great! That creates a limited, tinted view of their romance, and warps our entire view of their relationship. When we first see Eddie and Shannon, their relationship is already quite fractured, and falling apart.
Doesn't mean it always was bad.
Inability to work together. That eventually destroyed their relationship. Both failed to listen to each other, to be a team. Their love died because their mutual trust and respect died.
Eddie couldn't handle sudden parenthood, sudden marriage (and catholics truly expect forever), Christopher's cp diagnosis. He enlisted, escaped to the army. Shannon couldn't handle the guilt, thinking the cp was her fault. They fought all the time. Eddie let his parents meddle with Christopher's upbringing, walk over Shannon. He refused to listen to her when she wanted to move to another city. Eddie avoided bonding with Chris.
So when Eddie got home from the war-zone, she left. Eddie was suddenly alone with Chris. And Shannon was gone for a long time. Her leaving, it was a shock to the system. Eddie no longer trusted her, she'd abandoned him, and more importantly, abandoned Chris.
So Eddie is struggling. Alone. Hurt.
And then... Eddie meets Buck, who is ridiculously helpful. Buck is someone Eddie can count on. They're almost instantly a team.
So Eddie moves on from Shannon, and falls for Buck. From that point on? There is no real room for others. From then on it's just barely discreet heart-eyes at Buck, and Eddie not truly wanting to date anyone (else).
Eddie doesn't really want to get back together with Shannon when she returns. The sex is still great, that was never the issue, they both agree on that one thing...
But she was simply gone for too long, she even says this. It's obvious. Eddie has adjusted to life without her, found a new focus, moved on from her.
For example when we see Eddie, Buck and Chris visit Santa? Eddie talks about Shannon to Buck in this almost anxious way, like he feels the need to explain himself to Buck, like he's been cheating on Buck. Buck then calls Eddie "brother", and Eddie's face, just for a moment... Falls. He looks disturbed, disappointed, to be called "brother".
Eddie tries to mend the relationship with Shannon. It's obviously out of a sense of duty (catholic guilt, marriage should last, divorce is wrong), he keeps waiting for a "sign", keeps ducking her questions, pushing her away, keeps dragging his feet. His heart is no longer in it. Shannon realises this, wants to break up.
And then she dies. Eddie grieves. Feels guilt for failing to salvage the marriage. And then Eddie is just... stuck. Unable to move on, from grieving Shannon, from the guilt caused by their failed marriage, from Buck. Tries to force himself to move on. Fails. Keeps dying inside.
Heart's already taken.
There are so many talks about moving on after that. Seemingly they are all about Shannon, and I do think they are about Shannon...
Just not... entirely. After all, Eddie didn't really want to get back together with her, did he now. We see them fighting, a lot. Their relationship wasn't dancing on roses, there were serious problems.
So the talks about moving on are also about Buck. Buck, who Eddie thinks is straight, yet parenting Chris with him. They become close, are seen doing all sorts of domestic family stuff.
What a painful existence would that be, to raise your child with someone whom you love and desire, but who you think cannot ever return your feelings? Who wants that? Of course Eddie would want to move on!!
Then shit happens... And Eddie clearly just... spirals without Buck. Partakes in illegal fights to let off steam. Yells at Buck at a grocery store about "not being around, Christopher missing him..". They end up looking like a couple in the middle of a messy divorce.
People, including Buck, pressure Eddie into dating. Buck keeps dating women. Eddie... keeps having talks about moving on.
Looks totally dead as he tells Buck that he needs to move on, Eddie has. It's an obvious lie, and it's such a bizarre thing to say to a friend, no matter the circumstances - very relationship-coded.
Almost like Eddie was just desperate to voice those words out loud, wishing that saying them would turn them into reality. Move on, I have!! (Move on, stop approaching me, stop tormenting me like this.)
So move on, Eddie...
There's Buck, urging Eddie to ask Ana out.
Bobby, telling Eddie that he will always miss the family he once had, but he loves the new one he now has. So you should try moving on, Eddie!
Eddie's doctor... suggesting he could be repressing things.
The talk with the doctor;
They're talking about the shooting... Until it sounds like Eddie isn't.
Eddie: I don't even think about him anymore.
Doc: That could be called repression.
Eddie: Or just... moving forward.
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Then some more subtext about pining. Remember Buck... being compared to a golden retriever?
Remember the man who cornered himself on a roof? Whining that he always wanted a dog but mom wouldn't let him because "Barry was allergic!"... (Or maybe, queerphobic?)
Ana: There's a lot to be said for getting back on the horse. But there's also value in learning that you don't like "horses".
Eddie: I'm sorry?
Carla, telling Eddie to follow his heart, not Christopher's.... (Edit. Btw, look up the pictures of those hearts, I can't add more pictures to this post.There's Buck's silly, happy "misunderstood the assignment" love-type heart symbol... The one Chris drew, the one Carla warns against following?
Dead-looking, clinical, anatomical. And it's drawn with bisexual-flag colors!!!!
Love can't be about logic and rationality, reasoning with yourself and finding a good enough match. Even if on paper it makes sense. Love needs to be an emotion. It needs to make you happy.)
The first day Buck and Eddie meet:
Buck is taking selfies.
Eddie: You're in the wrong lighting, man.
Buck: Some of us don't need lighting to look good!
Years later... At the dark firestation, Eddie looking at Buck, getting lost on his memory lane, forgetting to introduce Ana.
Ana: Even in the dark this place is amazing! (The parallel to "Some of us don't need lighting to look good.")
And Eddie panics.
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(*panicking, looking between Ana and Buck*)
Eddie: I don't want these things to wilt!
After that... Eddie, looking at Buck:
Somehow we became a ready-made family, and I... I don't know if I'm ready for that.
(and how could he be ready for that, he thought Buck was straight.)
Eddie talking with his tía, learning that she's been married twice, not just once, like Eddie always thought.
Eddie, learning that she had been unable to move on from the first husband, and didn't feel ready to date... But her friends had dragged out anyway, and that's when she had met her second husband-to-be.
And it was this, meeting someone else, that made her move on. So Eddie forces himself to date, thinking that all he needs to do is meet the right person, and he'll finally move on.
The scene with Marisol, setting her bag on Eddie's hallway table.
Checking that it's not falling off... because there is barely enough space for Marisol to set down her belongings.
The table is already full. There's a toy truck on it, which BUCK gave Chris, years ago,
and it takes so much room.
It's lit, under a lamp, in the center of a table, the first thing you see when you enter Eddie's home. A prized little thing, a treasure. It's clearly valued, spotlighted like art... Even though a toy like that? Would not be very expensive.
Still, it's clearly something Eddie cherishes. Chris is no longer a little kid, he doesn't play with toys like that. But the truck stays, it's something Eddie wants to keep looking at. And it's huge, centered, leaves little room for something else.
Eddie is pining!!!!
Whether he realises it or not... This man is in love, that's why his relationships feel so suffocating, why they keep failing. His heart is already taken. His romantic relationships are just glued on, they're pretense, acting, a desperate attempt to move on, from Buck.
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lookingfts · 2 months
Thanks for playing the prompt game!
You guys literally sent 50+ prompts - absolutely wild! I could only get to a fraction of them last night and this morning, but I'm keeping the rest to work through whenever I'm in the mood to write a drabble, so there's a good chance yours will still be written! I hope you liked the ones I was able to fill.
Here are some prompts that I thought were great, but I just probably won’t have ideas for/I don’t have the knowledge to do them justice. So anyone who likes them is free to take them! Just lmk and I’ll remove that one from the list. (Alternately, if you know of an existing fic that fits the prompt well, please shout it out in the comments!)
Kate & Anthony are together but are both lawyers and opposing counsel in an acrimonious court case - either DA vs criminal lawyer or family law or pick your favorite court trope. (Fic rec - he looked up grinning like the devil)
The first time Kate brings down a 14 pt stag while on a hunt with ABC and Simon (they are scared, respectfully)
Kate is a professional Game Master Sophie hired to host a tabletop role playing game Benedict's been wanting to play. Anthony begrudgingly participates since it's Ben's birthday.
I also love a protective Kate, esp. against the Bridgerton family and their tendency to push their luck with Anthony
Your Kanthony interpretation of TSwift The Story of Us (TV) (Now, I'm standin' alone in a crowded room/And we're not speakin'/And I'm dyin' to know/Is it killin' you like it's killin' me? Yeah/And I don't know what to say since the twist of fate/When it all broke down/And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now)
Kate is an independent documentary filmmaker traveling with her small crew, which includes her sound guy, Anthony Bridgerton.
Established relationship between Kanthony. Anthony is a wolf (animal) and Kate knows. She either met him in wolf form (he humped her leg) or he told her what he was. She was surprisingly chill about it. Their relationship is unconventional but very satisfying.
Anthony and newton switch bodies. It takes Kate a bit to figure out what happened as they are both usually all over her. (Now turned into this fic!)
Words of the day = strip pall mall. Better yet drunk strip pall mall
Kate as a singer since Simone Ashley is opera-trained in real life (Anthony and Kate meeting during a Broadway production??)
Modern day extremely chaotic breakfast at the Sharma-Bridgerton house. Bonus: add Baby Mary
Helping each other pack knives and guns as they prep for a last standoff and give each other tips on their shooting/skills (like Mr. and Mrs. Smith ending scene)
Their first formal dinner party, at which they have to sit at opposite ends of the table
In a role reversal, Kate is the one who needs calming down when her temper flares at an idiotic comment by Fife or Cho or someone (maybe about Anthony?)
Kate and Anthony are married intimacy coordinators.
Kate almost about to pass out due to a panic attack and Anthony comforting her and encouraging her to breathe
Regency Anthony meeting one of Kate past lovers before they say ILY. I want jealous Anthony on steroids
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diabolikpersonals · 2 months
I would like to hear your thoughts on the DF diaboys routes you have played at this point.
yessir!! under the cut:
Shu: Shu's DF route is an exercise in meeting him where he is. We know Shu loves his family, but we have to understand it isn't easy for him to show it. We're right at the precipice of a big change in Shu and Reiji's relationship, but we have to accept that acting the way Reiji wants him to just isn't what's best for Shu. Yui wants confirmation of Shu's affection for her, but she has to learn that he shows his affection in other ways. It's kind of like this route is showcasing Shu's flaws and you're going, "That's okay! I like Shu because he's Shu!" so I think it's sweet. Take your time, Shu! ...If I had to complain about this route, I'd say that we spend so long away from the other characters that it gets lonely. I guess that's the point, though...I just don't really find all the "hiding from everyone else" scenes very exciting after a while. We could've spoken to Reiji more, and I honestly feel like Shu and Reiji have bigger breakthroughs in other routes, so this one feels like it's missing a big scene with the Beatrix bros.
Ayato: If you had asked me when I had just played HDB and MB, I would have told you, "Never in a MILLION YEARS will I feel anything other than hatred for Cordelia," but well!!! Surprise!!! This one will make you feel things other than hatred for Cordelia, whether you like it or not. I truly understand how the triplets felt when they said they loved and hated her. The situation is too complicated for me to get into it very much here, but in short I'll say that I really liked the direction they took with the plot of this route, and I came out of it feeling like Ayato and Yui took a well-earned step forward. Absolutely loved this one. So proud of both of them. Whenever I play through the DF Sakamaki prologue, it makes me feel cruel if I don't pick Ayato's route lmao
Laito: If you are an angst lover like me then you will eat this shit up. It's an extremely bad time for every character involved. It hurt so good. I had to spend 70% of this route convincing Laito not to kill himself. In this route, Laito discovers a fact about his father that changes his outlook on his entire life, like every single thing about his life, and the performance that Daisuke Hirakawa gives is like.. It's pure art idk what to tell you. Reading this route is not good enough, you need the audio. I was scared, I wanted to cry, and as a triplet lover there were high points too, but my heart ached for the entire route, even through the good ending! I like that even the obligatory fanservice scenes don't let you forget how terrible the situation is! Strongly strongly strongly recommend
Yuma: Alas, I can only give you a super biased review of this one. It's my favorite route because it has so many good Shu/Yuma scenes. This route is our last bit of "Shu avoids Yuma and keeps secrets from him for his own good!" drama before Yuma finally gets the whole truth about his childhood. We get the cute flashback scenes, Yuma gets some awful nightmares and has some panic attacks, there's a little of everything! :D Even Zweig is there and he and Yuma are super cool, and if you know anything about Lost Eden then you know how hilarious that is. Anyway, this all culminates in THE YUMA BEST FRIEND MONOLOGUE which is one of my favorite dialovers scenes, period, because it makes me so happy. It feels soooo good to watch the arson recovery trio...recover from the arson. 10/10. Shuuma shippers, this one is required reading.
Carla: I'm definitely not shaming you if this route is to your taste, but it certainly wasn't to mine :') Most diaboys talk down to you, but Carla talks down to you to such a degree that I started getting offended over stuff I've never been offended about before. Like, "What do you mean you don't like the taste of my blood?! My blood is fucking delicious!" lol. I am not into all the forced pregnancy stuff, I am not into the demon racism stuff, I am not into how often Yui is reminded that she has no family and no one will come save her. I personally found Carla to be unbearable until he collapsed and started the process of dying. Then he got all sensitive and lonely and I was like "ok I can deal with him now." The ending isn't very satisfying either (What do you mean sucking Yui's blood will stop him from dying for now? He's been sucking her blood this whole time and his symptoms got way worse.) and Carla's blood sucking noises made me want to take my headphones off and throw them away (sorry toshiyuki morikawa I respect you so much toshiyuki morikawa) soooooooooo.........I didn't like it. I grew to like Carla around CL so don't be sad if you like him, ok? He's my friend now, but this route is still just unpleasant to me hgfghsdf
Shin: I know I said I hated the forced pregnancy talk and the demon racism plans and I did hate them, believe me, but Shin's route was successful in getting me to like him. I love that they put him in jail and beat the shit out of him, that was such a good scene and I really feel like my tastes are finally being represented lmao. Because it's his introductory route, he's pretty rough around the edges (true for every diaboy—everyone is a huge jerk in their introductory route) but there was still a lot to enjoy! The flashback scenes were fun (dare I say...he was...cute?!) and when put together with Carla's, the Tsukinamis have a super interesting story & dynamic together, and it fits the themes of dialovers really well. The differences with Carla's route, to me at least, are that Shin's scenes feel more like "playing with a diaboy" even when he gets mean, Shin has the added appeal of being teasable and of being a BIG FLUFFY DOG, and of course, Shin's blood sucking scenes didn't make me want to die. I'm clearly in the minority here, though, because Shin is at the bottom of every popularity poll I see lol...Anyway, it didn't make me LOSE MY SHIT like some other routes did, but I had fun playing this one!!
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nephilimcursed · 1 month
Bella & The Boys Headcannons~ Laito Edition
TW: This has some triggering content.
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"You've been locked in here forever and you just can't say goodbye~ Your lips, my lips, Apocalypse"
OKAY, Y'all know I love Kanato the best- BUT BELLA/LAITO IS JUST WOW-
They're so cute, I swear.
Bella wasn't clueless to all of his remarks, contrary to what y'all might think. She actually gets annoyed though.
She was hit on a lot during Shadowhunter training, by her own instructors. So being around Laito at first makes her cringe bad.
Yeah, she lowkey is done with him at first. Still drawn to him due to having a personality that was intended for him, but hella fed up.
But when she starts to fall- holy fucking shit.
When I write Bella/Laito scenes they don't feel like a stereotypical romance, like Bella/Kanato.
We all know the diaboys never really will change- so Bella was crafted as a mirror, to fit their interest.
So she starts falling for him and tries to get him to engage in deeper talks with her, like about all kinds of things, his interests and stuff.
He taught her piano and they play together.
Laito starts falling for Bella and he's wondering 'Um, what the actual fuck is this??'
He tries to kill her, because he's so scared of what's happening, but he can't bring himself to put the knife deeper in her chest. So she's just wounded.
And by this time, she has a stele again so she can just draw a rune on herself to heal.
So once she does draw that rune on, she's kinda pissed but at the same time quickly gets how scary this must be for him.
Then he tries to kill himself.
To which Bella has to try to calm him down and get him out of his panic attack, so we get a cute cuddle session.
I think seeing Laito in a more sweet tone is just, chef's kiss.
So once she tries to explain to him, he's also kinda '??????'
Doesn't accept it right away.
But then she asks if she has a different effect on him than most other girls.
You can see where I'm going with this.
They're always touching each other in some way- I swear-
The other boys sometimes get jealous.
Laito will randomly sneak into her bed alot, like Ayato did in the anime with Yui.
This one is also super sweet. In Shadowhunter training, they only really teach you stuff to survive and stuff to fit in with higher class society if needed to blend in.
So Bella is clueless about her own body-
Her anatomy, I mean.
Laito is the one to teach her, because he got to talk with her before Reiji did.
He kinda did a good job explaining it?? He tried to do it in a more scientific manner but failed at times and made some jokes.
He also explained male anatomy. Was also a little bad at that-
She ended up getting the gist of it though.
Fucking god- this man is actually so sweet when he wants to be.
Okay, so as y'all know, Bella has an eating disorder because of what The Clave always forces her to do: Work without eating.
So she will go days without food.
Once Reiji and the others all get her to eat at least three meals a day, she starts getting to a healthy weight for her body type (curvy).
But she gets so insecure then.
She was so used to being stick thin, so she never thought her body would change in a way that made her thicker.
It gets to the point where she even tries to starve herself yet again.
Cue Laito to the rescue.
He would basically rave about her every attribute until her ears were sore. Touching, caring, just showing her why she shouldn't be insecure.
Feeds her personally, and expects to be fed back.
He definitely makes her feel pretty again.
Bella isn't vain, but she's just not used to such a thing changing.
Takes her out to candlelit dinners a lot.
Bella doesn't like his fedora by the way, she takes it off all the time.
Laito always laughs though and puts it on her head instead-
"Lai, stop trying to put it on me! I'm not a fucking idiot like you-"
"You love it~"
"Ew, gross-"
They're so silly like that whole exchange would have been teasing on both sides.
Their dates are all in intimate places, not a big crowd. Laito uses his dad's credit card to pay-
He spoilssssss her too. Expensive gifts like designer clothes and lingerie. (EVEN THOUGH SHE CRINGED AT THE LINGERIE-)
In return, she's always trying to do anything for him. In an SFW manner of course.
She slept with him first the day before her birthday, [Not going into detail, don't worry]
Bella was avoiding it though, because she didn't want Laito (or any of the triplets) to start thinking she was just like their mother.
But she gave up and into her craving for him when he convinced her, she still prays he won't see her as another version of that woman because she cares way too much to fuck him over in any way.
She dies the very next day, due to Karlheinz poisoning her tea.
Laito is fucking sobbing as hard as Kanato is and panicking as much as Reiji is when she's foaming at the mouth.
When she dies, he goes ballistic.
Once they kill Karlheinz he's even more upset somehow. Because the pain she felt from the poison was nothing like how they killed Karl.
Visits her grave a lot. A lot, lot.
He keeps what he bought for her as memories.
Laito was devastated.
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seashelldom · 2 years
— TARDY ☆゚.*・。゚
Volume One !
pairing: ao'nung x na'vi omaticaya fem!reader
genre: mentions of death, blood, guns, etc. (not as extreme as sounds.) minor spoilers.
synopsis: Y/N, you are the firstborn of the Sully family a mere one year older than Neteyam. After the fiasco with the sky people, the decision was made. You and your family were set to reach the Metkayina clan in hopes of saving your people. But, in a twist of events, your own arrival was affected by an attack. Sky people. What happens to you? Or your family?
wc: 818
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a/n: first fic ! hope i do it right 😭 ao'nung isn't introduced in part 1 but he will be later on!! nevertheless, enjoy!
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Crouched down I was listening to my parents quarrel in their non-stop argument and a serious one at that. Whether or not we had left our home would determine the safety of the people. Our people. ("No! This is our home!", yelled Neytiri.) I got taken aback by my mother and father arguing so I stepped back into the hands of Neteyam. His eyes were hopeful with desperation.
"When will they stop?", muttered Tuk in a drained voice. Her eyelids felt like the weight of the world was on them. ("This will protect the people! ...... Quaritch has Spi.... that kid knows everything!") Tired yourself, you picked up your little sister and entered the tent.
Both your mother and father glared at you with rage. Not for you but for each other. "Tuktirey is tired. I am tired. Everyone is tired. Save this for another night." Neytiri looked at Tuk feeling a strong wave of motherhood over her. With her instincts, she paced to you and lifted her youngest and watched shortly as she snoozed in her arms.
"There's no need to continue this another night. We're leaving for the Metkayina clan islands first thing next week.", said your Father with his roaring voice. Looking over, Neteyam, Lo'ak, and Kiri fixated on their own opinions but it all came down to it. We were headed to the islands next week.
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Kiri was sitting next to me, packing all her trinkets and whatnot for the journey ahead of us. "We don't need those things if we're on banshees for days.", you said in a playfully smug tone. "We need food." Kiri just rolled her eyes to not contribute to my attempt at amusement.
Brushing off my own remark I reminded myself I was supposed to go hunt. "... That reminds me, I'm off to the forest for some meat.", you swiftly spoke before Kiri reminded you that your father said to return before eclipse.
I nodded in understanding, grabbed my bow, and walked out of the tent.
While hunting I took in the beauty of Eywa the trees and roots, some flowers blooming and some not. Breathing the fresh air of the forest before having to breathe a salty one. I just couldn't keep my mind off having to leave the forests, our home. A swift motion snapped me out of my constant sadistic thoughts. I quickly leaped on the branches of the trees surrounding me to get a better aim at the hexapod I had seen. This beast was a good catch, if I hit it, it would suffice the entire family for a good 3 days. Just when I was about to shoot it with my bow I heard something and the creature dashed away. Gun. Bullet. Shot. Blood. Dead. Loud. These thoughts were racing through my head until my moment of realization. Sky people. I sprinted with urgent panic thinking about my family. Were they still alive even? I heard many crashes and screaming. I heard my mother. Oh my god. Was she scared? Or looking for me? How is Tuk? And my siblings? When I got to the scene I was quiet and alert because I was so frightened. "They're gone, rode off on their dinosaur pets.", said one voice. I glanced for a second and saw soldier sky people, the ones my father had fought with. The ones that killed many of my people and the Hometree. Before I knew it they had left in their massive metal creature. When I ran to the tents there was no one. At least no one was alive to tell me was had happened. I dashed as fast as I could to my family's tent and there was no one in sight. Tears left my eyes as I dropped to the floor at the sight of so many of my people dead. I remembered what the sky people had said earlier. "They're gone, rode off.." My family might've been alive and well. They must've rode off at the sight of the sky people. If they weren't in the tent or forest then there was one location they would be at. The Metkayina.
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© seashelldom 2023 ; all rights reserved ; do not translate, copy, claim my work as your own, or repost on another site.
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