#i never thought of myself as someone who would watch and enjoy an action movie but when my grandpa sat us down to watch diehard
godfistgonnalive · 4 months
i need to draw john mcclain from diehard as a furry
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iouinotes · 25 days
Heroic love (part 4) | Luke Castellan
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pairing: Luke Castellan x female!reader
show: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
warnings: betrayal, dark romance, no verbal consent, angst, smut MINORS DONT INTERACTE
summary: Luke finds out your plan and you give in. After all, it is better to be with him than with the monsters that suround you.
authors note: The reader joins Luke rather unwillingly, even though she still loves him. I just want to say up front that Luke's threat at the end is not meant serious. He would never do something like that to her. He only does it so that she realizes that there is no other way than to join him. If it's too dark, I'm sorry... @qwertydddddddddd wanted to be tagged, so I hope you enjoy it <33
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Sometimes you think to yourself, this is real love. I'm gonna marry this person. I will spend my life with them, building a home and a family.
Well thats the regular scenario, I mean for the people who are regular. Not demigods.
And you see, even though we dont have an easy life, fighting monsters, losing friends, being scared and anxious all the time, that some bad evil guy suddenly wants to rule the world- we live. Because we have to and because we have each other.
So, for me, I was prepared for it to become harsh. I always knew my life would be like sitting on a rollercoaster, never having the chance to exit.
But I found comfort in this reality. I would imagine being on this attraction, but holding onto something that grounds me. Someone that gives me strengh, so I don't lose myself.
For a long time, I held hands with Luke.
Then of course, something did go terrible wrong, as if they goddess Aphrodite wanted to watch an exciting, action packed romance movie, with the plot twist of I-hate-to-love-you-because-you-left-me trope. Something like this.
Well, I think the movie sucks. In the last months, everything was just not right- Luke leaving camp to join Kronos? Betraying everyone and kidnapping me? Showing up here, messing with me and then holding my own dagger to my throat? (Deja vu)
No, that just isnt what I Imagined to happen in the future. I didnt want my boyfriend to turn into the bad guy, who we swore to fight.
But now I guess, thats up to me. At least some part of it.
"I think Luke ist turning into Darth Vader." Sometimes I'm not sure whats going on in Percys head.
"I never heard of this monster?" Annabeths parents are so wrong for not watching Star Wars with her.
"Guys, after we discussed this, you can have your movie night. But please, let's focus." My voice sounds harsher than I intended, so I immediately feel bad about it.
"Sorry, it's just very complicated. I want to know what our next steps are, what we are planning to do with this- situation." I don't know how else to call it.
"We need information. Who is the spy? What are Kronos plans? Where will he attack? Who joined him? So many unanwered questions." Chirons voice sends a shiver down my neck. He's right, but how do we achieve it?
Percys gaze unnerves me and when I turn my head to meet his eyes, he immediately shakes his head.
"I am not letting you alone with him this time. Nope." I sign, conflicted how I would want to deal with this.
All eyes are on me and when I turn to them, I try to explain my plan. But I cant even finish my second sentence and already everyone seems to be against it.
"We cant let him out!"
"He will kill us!"
"His army is already searching for him, he would escape!"
Annabeth raises her hand and the voices calm down. As she looks at me, I sense her own doubts about the situation.
"They are right. How do you know he would trust you? Could you convince him?"
I nod my head, ignoring my doubts.
"I can."
The moon shines beautifully in the sky, but it helps nothing to calm down my nerves. Im so stupid, why did I thought I could pull this off?
"Youre sure, you want to do this? You dont have to." Percy's standing next me, as always trying to comfort me.
"He will believe me. I always had dreams, where I thought he-" I need a moment to finish my sentence.
"-died. That he got hurt or is in pain. When I had this sort of dream, I would always sneak out of my cabin and came to him. I would walk into his cabin and he somehow always knew what happend. He would tuck me in his bed, letting me cry and cuddling me. Resurring me that everything is going to be okay, that he will live. That was always my biggest fear, that he would die and I would be helpless to do anything against it. He knows that."
We stand in silence for a moment.
"If you need me, I will be there. Just be careful." I smile at him.
I take a deep breath and go trough the doors, seeing that the only light he has, is a small lamp on the ceiling. I quicken my pace so he can hear me coming. When I stand in front of his cell, he is already on his feet. He looks alarmed.
"What-" his t-shirt is wrinkled and his eyes are sleepy. My breath catches and I don't even have to pretend to be confused and afraid, standing in front of him alone in the dark is enough.
The bars are the only thing that separates us.
At first I don't say anything, I just look at him with watery eyes. And just like I said, he knows it. He always knows.
"Another nightmare?" His voice is so gentle, it makes me remember the old days when everything was good. When he took me in his arms and wiped the tears from my cheeks.
I just nod, I don't think my voice is stable enough yet.
I have to play the role, I can do it. He has to believe me.
I slide down the wall and put my head in my hands, all the despair and pain I've been carrying for weeks suddenly coming out of me. I'm crying so hard that I'm almost afraid of waking up the others.
"Shit, princess- what can I do? Let me help, please." He sounds so desperate and it's only now that I realize, that I don't actually have to act. Because my tears are real.
"Y-you ruined everything! And I'm still s-so scared that something h-happens to you" I meet his gaze and see the remorse in his eyes. His heart hurts too.
"I didn't want something like that to happen- please, darling. Come here." Sniffling, I stand up. My knees feeling weak and unsteady. If I go in there now, I won't be able to defend myself properly.
“You hurt me, I shouldn’t even be here. You're an idiot, Luke. I hate-" but I can't bring myself to say it. I cant say that I hate him. Because I don't, at least not yet.
"I know, believe me. I hate myself too. Only your belief in me has always held me together." He grips the bars, I see the inner conflict within him.
"But you won't change. You've never been able to do that well." I know I'm right and he knows it too. Silence surrounds us.
"Let me hold you. Just for- a few minutes. Please. I can't stand seeing you like this. You've always been the sunshine in my life. I don't want my sun to be obscured."
The key jingles in my hand and I look at it uncertainly.
"I won't hurt you, never again, I promise. I also got an anklet. I can't escape." His eyes look so honest. I'm feeling nervous, my heart is beating way too fast.
I put the key in the lock and open the door, freezing in my movements for a moment. What am I doing here? But then I hear his voice and I know why.
“It’s not that comfortable on the floor, but you can sit on my lap." I close the door.
As I move towards him I see how thin he has become and how brown his eyes still are.
Slowly, he raises his hands and when I stand in front of him he puts them around my waist. My knees buckle and I sink carefully onto his lap. My hands rest uncertainly on his shoulders, then moving down to his neck. Playing with the strands of his hair, lost in thoughts.
His face is right in front of mine, both of our breaths are uneven. His hands linger on me, holding me tight to him. Warmth fills my chest as I look into his eyes.
"You're so beautiful. So, so beautiful." A sob tries to escape me, as I do something, I always loved. I put my head in the crook of his neck and wrap my arms around him.
He holds me for a few minutes, stroking my back and whispering soothing, sweet nothings in my ear.
Once I've calmed down, I'm basically lying on top of him and can hear his heartbeat. It's almost soporific.
"Luke?" my voice is calm.
His head turns to me. "Yes?"
"I...I want to be with you. I don't care how or- or where. I just know that I can't live without you." I see his eyebrows furrow.
"You dont mean-" I am silent. Just looking at him, sitting up a little, straddling him.
"I need you. I tried not to need you. But it's out of my control, nothing helps to ease the pain. Only you, only you matter."
Is it the truth if the words escape me so easily?
His hand finds my cheek and I lean into his touch.
"We're the only ones that matter. We will get through this, together and united. You don't have to fight my darling, you just have to be by my side." His hand around my waist pulls me towards him, the other one, he continues to lay on my cheek. Caressing the skin, drawing invisible heart-shapes.
Then his lips meet mine and my eyes flutter shut. The kiss so intoxicating, that I forget for a moment my real intention. Forget why I'm participating in this madness.
As he pulls away from me, I hear his whispering voice.
"You won't betray me, right? You won't do that to me?" He tugs on my hair, ever so slightly, to get my attention.
"No, Luke. I won't." Lie.
The key in my hand is no longer idle as I remove his shackles carefully.
"Then princess, let's get out of here." I slowly get off his lap, but before I stand up, he lifts me up in his arms.
"I promise you that I will never hurt you again. You deserve only the best." As cliche as it is, he carries me out of the cell, which isnt locked anymore.
He lets me down outside and breathes in the fresh air. It's still night, maybe 4 a.m. Everything is quiet.
His hands cup my face and place several kisses on my skin.
"You are incredible, I knew you would join me. For real this time." He takes my hand and intertwines our fingers. I don't see Percy anywhere.
"Let's go. I know where my troops are stationed. Nobody will notice that we're gone until it's too late."
Joining Kronos' army was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life, and that includes keeping the truth from Luke.
That I'm a spy for the camp, better hidden than anyone else ever could. No one would accuse or suspect the leader's girlfriend, because everyone can see how much I love him.
After all, it's the only reason I'm tolerated here. Because Luke would kill anyone who even came near me. He has already done it to a dragon lady who was too pushy and even when I tried to stop him, he showed no mercy.
Because he can't afford to do that, if he shows that he has a heart, it will be taken away from him.
Every day it is torture to witness this evil, to help maintain cover, to save my friends.
And every day I feel worse, because I lie to Luke. But it is the only way. I cannot help in the camp, if my heart is somewhere else. Here, with him, my thoughts are not always here, but my heart is.
At least it's enough for me to function. When Luke isn't distracting me.
When I wake up that morning on the Princess Andromeda, it is still quiet. In the presence of these monsters, I have not been able to sleep well for months. Even the dreams I have, make me wake up in the middle of the night and the only thing that calms me down is Luke's touch.
His fingers gently stroke my exposed skin, and as I turn my head and look at him, I see an emotion in his eyes, I've only recently noticed. There is a desire in his gaze, as if he wanted to consume my entire being, to have me just for himself.
My voice, my body, my thoughts, my feelings. Simply everything. He wants it all to be his.
"I wish I could erase every bad dream you have and send whoever is responsible for it to burn in hell. It should scare me that you make me think like that, but if I'm honest, it doesn't. Are you scared?" His eyes look into mine.
Slowly, my fingers intertwine with his. "Not when you're with me."
The next thing I notice is his lips on mine. The way his hands grip my hips and pull me onto him.
He leans towards me, his lips caress my ears and I hear his whispering voice. "Every day I hear one my followers talking about you. That they want to have you, to decorate your beautiful body with scars, with their initials." I freeze at his words, wanting to pull away and look at him, but he holds me tight. Makes me continue to listen to his voice.
"They want to see you bleed, to alternate between pain and pleasure when they push their cocks into you. Do you like that? That you are so desired? That you turn everyone's heads, when you go by and they start wanting to see my head roll? To get close to you, huh?" I want to shake my own head, but he holds me even tighter.
"Do you know how hard it is not to execute every single one of them? Do you know that? I would, if I could. I would kill every single one of them, in front of you, so that everyone knows that you belong to me. Do you understand? No one will speak to you anymore, because your voice is mine. No one will look at you, because your sight is mine. You keep your hands to yourself, no more help with injuries, I don't care if they die. Your hands only touch me."
As I start to sqirm, he leans back, keeping his hands on my hips until a finger strokes my cheek.
"No one will ever kiss you except me. And anyone who even thinks about fucking you, I will let die in battle. You may think my loyalty is to Kronos, but it is to you. My beautiful girl. Now think carefully about who you are pledging your loyalty to."
When his eyes look into mine, I fall silent. Then, even though I try not to, my voice trembles.
"What do you mean? I'm loyal to you, Luke."
His hands caress my skin, examining how the sun shines on me. I'm only wearing one of his T-shirts and my panties. His hands, stroke my bare thighs.
His eyebrows rise, slowly his fingers wrap around my panties, pulling them down until I am revealed to him. My heart is pounding so loudly in my chest, that it feels like it's about to give up. I hold my breath as he places the tip of his cock at my entrance.
What am I doing here?
"I think you're not being completely honest with me, princess. Let's try again. Who are you loyal to?" As he slowly enters me and his hands hold my hips, I moan. I lay my head back for a moment and enjoy the stretch, feeling his hands slide under my shirt and stroke over my stomach, to my breasts and to my neck.
"Luke, what's going on? I'm here with you, I'm-" But I can't finish my sentence as he plunges into me with a violent jerk, right up to the edge. My eyes roll back.
"These sweet lies that come from your lips. Of course you are here physically, but with the mind? Oh no, while I fuck you, your thoughts are on Camp Halfblood. On Jackson. Can you believe it?" His hands push my hips down until I am connected directly to him and can feel every inch inside me. I almost melt as one of his hands presses into my lower back and I move even closer to him.
When I try to answer him, my voice is a mixture of horror and pleasure. "Luke, that's not true. I only want you, I'm on your side- ahh-" Faster than I can react, he thrusts into me. Once, twice. So hard and ruthless that he hits the spot inside me, that makes me see stars. I can't concentrate.
"How I wish you would tell the truth. There's nothing to be ashamed of, sweetheart. Admit it, I already know. My girlfriend is the traitor. Behind my back, she talks to the person I hate the most and yet, she sits on my lap and rides my cock. What would Percy say about that?"
His hand wraps around my neck and holds me tight, his hips keep pounding into me and even though my brain tells me to stop, my guard is down. I want this.
"How-" But when I want to ask, he pushes me onto him again. So fast, too hard, it almost hurts, but it also feels so good.
"I have my eyes everywhere. It took me a while to figure out how to deal with it, how to deal with you. But I found a good solution. After all, Percy lets you be here, without cover, without protection. Hoping I wouldn't find out that you were passing on information. That I wouldn't hurt you."
His last sentence makes me tense up, but even though his face twists in amusement for a brief moment, he doesn't stop talking.
"Your pussy won't save you either. And since I have given you my word, I will not harm you. I found a better punishment. A choice."
He suddenly stops moving and I almost cry, wanting to move myself, but he takes my face in his hand, tightly. Focusing all attention on him.
"Either you stop your underhanded loyalty to Jackson immediately and serve me, or I will make the wishes of everyone behind this door come true and you will be used like a beautiful, little doll. From each one of them, I assure you. But after that, you won't be so beautiful anymore."
Tears well up my eyes, whether it's from the tight grip he's holding on me or from his words, I can't tell. And I'm scared, it feels like I'm being buried alive. With no prospect of ever being able to breathe or be free again.
Without me saying anything, he starts moving inside me again, letting my hips sink onto his. I breathe in loudly.
"Come on, move. Your choice. It's either my cock or anyone else's."
When I look at him, the person I once loved has disappeared. It's like looking at a stranger.
My heart feels like it's been stolen and in the back of my mind I realize, that I should have never gone with him.
But then I close my eyes, put my hands on his shoulders for support and sink down onto him. Again and again, even stronger. Until my thighs shake and tears run down my cheeks. Until I hear Luke's quiet voice again.
"If you think you are strong enough to be like me, treacherous, cold-hearted and ruthless, then I have to disappoint you. Your heart will be soft forever unless the world hardens it. I will protect you for that, princess. Forget camp halfblood, you only serve me now."
His lips are hot on my skin, a strong contrast to my heart, which feels like it's made of ice.
And when I receive the next secret sign from Annabeth a few days later, I ignore it.
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plentyoffandoms · 25 days
female reader x nick wayne
being top flight's lil sis and their manager (along with andretti) and having a crush on nick that billie starkz helps her with
Not Just a Crush
Nick Wayne x f/Reader
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Main Masterlist ♡ Miscellaneous Wrestler Masterlist
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Gifs & photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @princedevitt 2nd gif @junglehooks
Requested by @hooks-martin .Hope you like it.
WC: 1163
I first met Nick, though my brother Dante. They instantly became fast friends, and I did something I always said I would never do, have a crush on my brother's friend.
I pushed those feelings aside, knowing I wouldn't see Nick that often, but then he got signed to AEW, and he became even more involved in my life.
I tried to play it off that I didn't have a crush on him and that I only saw him as a friend. Which worked for a while until I joined AEW as Top Flights and Action Andretti's manager.
I have no idea how my brothers were able to convince me to do it, but they always knew I had their back.
So, instead of seeing Nick about once a week, I began to see him every other day or every day, and I thought I was doing a bang-up job, not letting anyone know about my crush on Nick.
That was until Ricky got injured and is now glued to my side when he is bored in the back or when the others are training.
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I was off in the side, minding my own business as the others were training, when Ricky decided to join me, looking smut for some reason.
We acknowledged one another, and I went back to my phone, scrolling through Tik Tok. When Ricky said, "How's Nick doing?" I paused my scrolling and turned my head to look at Ricky.
"Fine, I guess. Why are you asking me?" And Ricky seemed to become even more smug, if possible
"I notice things, even more so now. I mean, I have to keep entertained while everyone is training."
"Just get on with it, Ricky." I placed my phone down, my whole attention now on Ricky.
"Your crush." I know he didn't raise his voice, but at that moment, it felt like he screamed it.
"Will you keep your voice down." I wanted to slap my hands over his mouth, but he was out of reach.
"Have you ever thought about acting upon it?"
"Why? Nick doesn't feel the same way about me. He sees me as a friend, or his friend's sister."
"Let Uncle Ricky help you." I narrowed my eyes at the man.
"Do not call yourself Uncle Ricky, and how could you help me? Or want to help me?"
"Look, I see myself as a bit of a match maker." I laughed in my head, which made me snort out loud. "You sound like a busy body."
"Do you want my help or not?"
Did I really want Ricky's help? I mean, he knows relationships. He has been in plenty, but that isn't such a good thing.
"You won't regret this." He said as he walked away from me.
Why do I feel like I already have?
For the next few days, Ricky was telling what I should wear and how to act, and it all became a bit much.
"I am not changing myself for no man. He will either like me for me or not. Stop watching early 2000s teen romance movies, and actually help me like you said you would."
"But, but." I held up my finger to silence the man.
"This is not some movie Ricky, this is my life, and in the end, I will have to see him every day if he rejects me."
"He won't reject you. Come here, I am sorry. You are right. This isn't a movie, and I will take it more seriously. May I have a hug?" He opened his arms, and I stepped in them, hugging him back.
I didn't notice that he had a smirk on his face and was looking right behind me.
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My eyes narrowed when I saw the two of them hug. I knew they were close, but they seemed to be even closer now.
I have no idea what Ricky is playing at, but she is too damn good for him. She needs to be with someone who will treat her right.
'Like you.' My brain said to me.
I have always pushed my feelings aside for her, not wanting to ruin our friendship, but I knew she deserved to be with someone who wouldn't grow tired of her the moment someone else came along.
But it was like he was always by her side, never once leaving her alone, and I needed to talk to her.
I even brought it up to her brothers.
"We noticed too, but she says that they are just friends." Dante said to me.
"I don't trust him." I said, as I watched her and him walk by.
"Well, you talk to her if you're so worried about her." Darius told me.
It took another two days for me to finally catch her alone. She was sitting outside the arena, enjoying the fresh air on her face.
"Can we talk?" I asked her, and she patted the spot next to her.
"What's wrong?" She turned her body to face me, and I did her.
"Just what is going on with you and Ricky?" She looked taken back.
"We are just friends. He is helping me with something personal."
A personal problem?
"Why didn't you come to me? I could have helped you." She shook her head no.
"Not with this, Nick."
"We are closer friends than you and him." I saw a look come over her face when I mentioned we are friends, but it quickly disappeared.
"You won't let this go, will you?" It was my turn to shake my head no.
"He was giving me advice on how to ask out a guy." My heart seemed to clench in my chest at the thought of her with anyone else.
"You could have come to me still."
"Not when you are that guy, Nick."
It was like my mind faltered, and I could not think no more.
She sighed and stood up, taking my silence as rejection.
"Go out with me." I blurted out.
"Do not pity me, Nick." I grabbed her hand in mine, not wanting her to walk away from me.
"This is not a pity date. Fuck, I like you. Always have but didn't want to ruin our friendship."
"Neither did I."
I ran my thumb over her knuckles, so tomorrow night, you and me. Let me know what you are craving, and I will pick the restaurant."
"Okay, sounds good to me. I can't wait." Her phone was vibrating, and she looked at the message. "Gotta go. Darius needs something." She kissed me on the cheek as she walked by, leaving me standing there watching her walk into the arena.
I heard my phone go off, and it was from Ricky.
"Treat her well." Was all the message said.
'Don't worry, Ricky, I will." I hit send and put my phone back in my pocket, walking into the arena to get ready for tonight's show.
Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla @crowleysqueenofhell
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strawberrybobamilk · 2 months
Cut Here (Part 6)
TWs: Language, drugs, mentions of abuse
Some months have passed ever since Trevor and Michael's first encounter and robbery. From that day on, they have engaged in various other crimes together, that ranged from small pickpocketing to selling weed to junkies that passed by under that bridge the duo first met, to bank robberies.
Michael was a planner, carefully studying his every move before acting. He explained Trevor he has already been in prison twice as a consequence for not thinking his moves through enough, and of course he wasn't gonna make the same mistakes.
Trevor on the other hand was a ticking bomb, just waiting, BEGGING, to go off and blow shit up. Sure he cared about getting money and getting the job done, but not as much as causing mayhem with no restriction whatsoever.
A weird mix, but it strangely worked. Surprisingly good too.
Part of Michael was terrified of Trevor's impulsive and reckless nature, yet another part of him found that man... interesting. "T" (so he called him) was good with weapons and plus had a grand physical strenght, but didn't even need to use those skills: his roars and screaming threats were enough to intimidate anyone. And while "M" was more laid back, T's behaviour encouraged him to let go and unleash his inner wild side. He was pretty sure T would have got them both killed at some point sooner or later... yet the thought was absolutely exhilarating.
As for T... it felt so right, to have finally found someone who didn't utterly hate him or ran away from him screaming in terror as soon as they saw him. Someone who made him feel alive, like "his life was worth living".
"Come on... piece of shit... WORK!" Michael was grumbling to himself while trying to make the TV work.
Trevor was lying down on their cabin's couch, amused by Michael's annoyance "All of this just for a movie?"
"Hey it's not 'just a movie', it's 'Albert The Gentleman Thief', one of David Richards' most memorable movies!" Michael explained "You might like it, if only I can manage to make... this... work... THERE!"
A peaceful violin music started playing along with the intro credits, as Michael excitedly sat besides Trevor on the couch.
Michael wasn't wrong: Trevor actually ended up somehow enjoying the movie, while Michael commented on how many times he already watched it and how classy and timeless black and white movies were back then.
Trevor fake coughed "NERD"
"Hey I'm just saying the truth" Michael chuckled.
They laughed together.
Trevor kept laughing, as his laughs then faded into a smile. He never felt happier in his life. He took his attention away from the movie, and looked at Michael. How his sky blue eyes were mesmerized at every detail of the movie. How excited he was to see the main character in the action scenes. How... Michael was a bright ray of sun in his deep gray stormy life.
"Everything alright T? Or you're gonna stare at me the whole time?"
Trevor got out of his trance state and looked at his knees, thinking of something to say "Uh, yeah... I was just thinking of..." he suddendly thought of their first encounter under the bridge "Why didn't you shoot me the first time we met? Even though you had the perfect chance?"
Michael's face darkened "Huh..." he then made a forced smile and pointed at the TV "Hey, this a nice scene there..."
"I asked you a goddamn question Townley..." Trevor gritted his teeth with a growl.
Michael was growing exhasperated "Because... just because, okay?!"
"OKAY! I'LL FUCKING TELL YOU OKAY?!" Michael yelled "I fucking spared your life because..." his voice lowered and he looked down "...when I saw you under that bridge, at rock bottom in your life, thinking that your life wasn't worth shit... I saw myself in you..."
Trevor's eyes filled with an emotion he rarely felt, compassion.
Michael breathed in "Yeah... you ready for me to tell ya about the story of my life Trevor?" the hazel eyed man nodded, and Michael began "So... I never knew my mother, my old man was a drunk son of a bitch who'd give me beatings on a daily basis and then abandoned me, and to top it off we lived in a dilapidated shitty house"
Trevor's eyes widened as Michael spoke. His own childhood memories resurfacing.
Michael's face suddendly filled with pride "But... there was something good after all. At school I was the jock. Quarterback for a football team. And at least there, everyone admired me. Hell, I even had a dream job back then: becoming a sports star! But then..." he frowned "...fuck me. It was all my fucking fault. I got expelled. Due to my anger issues" he let out a heavy sigh, as he felt Trevor's unusually empathetic eyes on him "...I felt... useless, you know? Fuck, the reason I started doing all this robbing and criminal shit was because... I wanted to become someone! To make something out of my fucking life! And it does feel good! But then, sometimes I feel even worse, because I start wondering what the fuck am I even doing with my life"
Michael's rant stopped as he focused on the movie for a moment, currently depicting the main character with his wife.
"O Albert, I love you so much, but isn't a life of crime too dangerous for you and our family? O what if I lose you?"
"Madeleine, I love being a gentleman thief, but for you I'd be ready to give up anything"
As he watched the two lovers sharing a romantic kiss on the TV screen, Michael let out a heavy sigh "I mean... I'm sick. I'm a sick and awful human being who does sick and awful stuff just so he doesn't feel like a failure. And who'd ever wanna marry a criminal like me? Guess I'll probably die alone"
Trevor finally spoke "You're not gonna die alone"
As Michael replied with a soft "mhm", Trevor, without even thinking about it, put his hand upon Michael's, much to the blue eyed man's shock.
Trevor took away his hand in embarrassment, opening and closing his mouth, not knowing what to say, and improvised with a "heh, North Yankton's pretty chilly ay? My balls are freezing!"
Michael didn't say anything, just looked at him with an unreadable expression, and got up. Trevor looked down in shame. Just as always, he had to fuck up everything. But suddendly, he felt a warmth enveloping him, and Michael sitting down besides him with a blanket covering them both.
"Better?" Michael asked.
After some seconds, Trevor nodded "Yes, definitely better"
"Agree" Michael smiled "I'm cold too..."
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juniperhillpatient · 4 months
Okay BEARING in mind please that I have a lot of thought out ATLA opinions (most of them can be found in the tag for my first rewatch) & also that i do not analyze smartly on first watches / read throughs of ANYTHING (examples include that on my first watch of Buffy I shipped Buffy/Xander & hated Dawn, on my first watch of ATLA I disliked Azula for a long time & didn’t care about Jet, on my first watch of Scream I wanted Dewey to be the killer because of Scary Movie. I could go on probably)
—- here are my initial reactions to ATLA LA as someone who’s been having fun watching (usually tipsy) & enjoying my faves in live action even if it’s badly written 😃
Jet is hot
Uh… um. Uh… umm. That was my big one okay..
Oh! Oh! Suki is also hot.
I think Katara’s live action actress did a really nice job even if I don’t always love how she was written I could tell this girl put her heart into it
Same with Azula’s actress tbh. And Aang. Zuko & Iroh also. It took me a second to get used to this Iroh but acting wise ignoring the script Zuko & Iroh did good. (Sokka & Yue were only okay but they didn’t do bad by any means once I got used to them.)
Azula’s intro was super fun. I thought for a second they were even gonna do something fun with her & this whole ratting out the rebellion plot. Also the actress did good & there were a few parts that were well written like her early displays of insecurity & her beating the shit out of that trainer & shooting Zuko’s letter. There was promise until there wasn’t.
They didn’t do a bad job of combining some of the plots. “Masks” was the strongest for me. It did a nice job showcasing several plots & I really enjoyed the significance placed on Zuko valuing the lives of inexperienced soldiers. Everything just came together super well in that episode with the Koh plot & everything. Now that certain criticisms of the Omashu episodes (like Jet’s mischaracterization in hurting his own people) have been brought up to me I dislike those episodes more than on my first watch through but I still think the Freedom Fighters were fun to see. And if you don’t analyze it too hard the plot combinations are fun. Anyway why would you analyze this adaptation too hard?
Why isn’t Azula scared of Ozai? I get it he’s forged her into the perfect weapon & she did what he technically wanted but she disrespected him publicly & he was fine? Okay.
Above mentioned explanation of why Jet wasn’t done right ^^ He shouldn’t be willing to hurt Earth Kingdom citizens. Even if it was fun to see his logic & the Jetara moments & I do think the actor did a good job (no I’m not just saying that ‘cause he’s hot. That helps though).
Katara didn’t have to struggle at all she’s just a #girlboss! Isn’t that great? #feminism!
Who’s this super serious kid who always puts the mission first & where’s my silly goofy guy who wants to go on endless side quests? The actor does decent but that’s just not Aang.
Discount Zhao 😭😂
I just -
Discount Zhao lmaoooo 😭
Overall: I had fun. I will repeat myself - this is like the Harry Potter movies or the Series of Unfortunate Events tv show or any other adaptation of something I loved in its original form that’s never going to get it quite right to me. I hated some things. I had fun with other parts. Mostly? It was just fun to see my faves in a new format. It’ll never ever live up to the original but I never in a million years wanted nor expected that. Quite frankly? I didn’t want this to be made at all. But since it is whether I wanted it or not? I’m glad it was at least entertaining & enjoyable to have fun with.
This was ALWAYS going to be an example of what I call the “Marvelification” of television. Nothing is nuanced everything is quippy everyone’s edges are dulled. I never expected anything else so I’m not even listing that as a con it’s just a given to me. Binge culture whole season releases & the endless remakes & reboots of streaming sites are the death of television. This is again just a given to me I don’t have much more to say about it right now (though I’m sure I do just not now).
The original ATLA will always mean everything to me & this was just a fun little adaptation. Like a fanfic. If it gets renewed? Sure I’ll have fun watching more. But if it doesn’t I truly don’t care. Anyway I’m sure I’ll have more thoughts eventually these are INITIAL reactions please don’t treat them like I signed this post in blood I’m just thinking out loud having just finished this show! That’s all for now lol
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cookinguptales · 9 months
OH right, Blue Beetle!
I really enjoyed it! I've been a fan of Jaime Reyes for a long time and I honestly never believed he'd get his own movie. And?? Such a good one???
I worried going into it that he looked too cool in the trailers. Is that weird to say? I loved dorky baby teenager Jaime when I was a kid. He felt like One Of Us, y'know? And then I watched the trailers and I was like "hmmmmmm."
But even though he's a bit older in this movie and has his shit together a little more, he's still very much Jaime Reyes at heart. 💙 Love that weird little dork of a man that always means so well, even if he doesn't always know what to do. And I found myself rooting for him so hard!
The movie was overall just really charming and fun and occasionally emotionally devastating. A good mixture of action, character relationships, humor, and politics, imo. The characters were so endearing, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how things develop going forward.
A few more thoughts (with spoilers) beneath the cut.
I was actually a little surprised by how sad parts of the movie were, but it felt right, too. The heart of the movie really was the simultaneous power of familial love and horror of family separation. Family separation really seemed to affect all the characters in their own ways, whether that was due to corporate greed, politics, war, racism, or just good-old-fashioned horrific US policy.
Like... You come to realize that it really permeated every part of the movie. Alberto's devotion to his family, the years he put into bringing them all to Palmera City. The very real fear that going to the cops would invite an unfair immigration investigation into their household. Jenny losing her parents at such a young age, and the sharp divide between her and her aunt. Jaime's family loss as well. Carapax's truly fucked-up backstory. Hell, even divisions being sown between Victoria Kord and her brother when her father gave the company to Ted instead of the person who'd built it.
(Don't get me wrong, Victoria Kord was truly evil, child soldiers and all. I was not rooting for her. But lbr, that doesn't seem to be why her equally war-mongering father cut her out of the company. You have to wonder if she would have done quite so much damage in the end if she hadn't felt such a virulent need to prove herself and destroy her brother's pacifistic legacy. But! Who knows? She might have been even worse if she'd had all that power from the beginning.)
And, y'know, all of the characters deal with the horror of family separation in different ways. Carapax became weaponized by an imperialistic power that didn't give one shit about him. Victoria became embittered, violent, and downright brutal. And Jaime could have gone the same way, so furious over the loss of his own family that he gave into wanton destruction as well -- but Khaji Da didn't let him. (WAILING.) Instead, he managed to take the same route as Jenny: transmuting his rage into a need for justice, into a passion for making the world better so no one else would lose their loved ones the same way.
Y'all, I was in there crying at a superhero movie!!! IT'S FINE, I'm FINE.
I heard that the creator of the movie hadn't actually initially intended for Alberto to die (which I understand, tbh) but I did think it was really beautiful the way it was incorporated into the movie. Bringing Mexican culture to the foreground yet again in its discussions about and attitudes toward death. God, those candles were beautiful. ;;
I mean -- as someone who literally dropped all of my DC subs the day they "fixed" Oracle and never gave DC another cent until this movie came out, I really am passionate about the need for diverse heroes. Part of the reason I felt like I was getting emotional in that theater was because I remembered how much Oracle meant to me as a young disabled teen who couldn't make sense of her trauma or her disability or her inherent power. I remember how much losing the only positive role model I had devastated me.
And like... I want kids with the same background as Jaime to see themselves in him. I want them to be able to feel the way I felt back then. Honestly, that was a lot of why I finally broke my boycott. I think characters like Jaime, while brilliant in their own right, are also important, and I want to support them.
So when I realized how raucously, joyously, passionately this movie was gonna depict Latino culture and its own diversity within the US, I was thrilled! And I cried lmao.
(What can I say, I've been kind of weepy lately lmao.)
But yeah, honestly I cheered in the theater when Khaji Da switched to Spanish. I was like YEAH GIRL.
Other times I was actively fangirling in the theater:
Nana Reyes gunning down imperialists
Ted Kord reveal(s)!!!
"Batman's a fascist. Blue Beetle knew how to have fun." :')
Khaji Da stopping Jaime from killing that man
Milagro and Rudy having no such compunctions
Dr. "Sanchez" standing up for himself and his name reveal (which is a very fun easter egg for WWDITS fans, lmao. I wasn't expecting it and I had to stifle a little shout of laughter.)
Honestly, as a former DC fan I really loved how much thought and care was put into incorporating the really messy canonical history of the Scarab. Obviously they deviated from existing canon, but in ways that I thought were really fun and interesting. I'm excited to see what happens with the Kords going forward, y'know? I hope that Jenny, too, isn't cut out of her own family legacy. I'd never want to separate Khaji Da and Jaime, obviously, but there has to be something for that woman to do to follow in her father's (secret) footsteps.
I realize that this review is kind of all over the place (like my mind the past few days), but I really, really enjoyed it. I was feeling pretty out of sorts the day I saw it and it really raised my spirits a lot. It turns out that after all these years, I still really love Jaime Reyes! And I love his family! And I love Jenny, too!
even dr. de la cruz a little bit, even if he sure did take his sweet time to find a backbone
The movie was just super fun (as well as unexpectedly thought-provoking) and I really enjoyed it!
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devil-on-acid · 1 year
The Heart of Eywa Chapter 1: First Connection
Genre: Thriller/Isekai/Fantasy/Sci-fi
No Pairings yet
Word count: 3396
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Sypnosis: a Regular teenager get transported to the world of her obsession in her dreams, but upon arriving there she never could have thought the possibility of it being real and not just in her head. She could never have anticipated what she would feel and discover. why was she here ?
A/n: here i am finally with the official chapter 1. Sorry that it took so long since i posted the pilot. I need to mention i am a fulltime art student so i’m usually busy or too exhausted. When i write i try to make each chapter as vivid as possible so i really have to take my time to use the right words and to decide the pace of the chapter. I really wanna post a high quality story. Once again English is not my first language so my vocabulary is still improving. Let me know you thoughts and any ideas in the comments. I would love to hear them (same goes for feedback) for now i hope you enjoy this first chapter. 😊
ps. if you wanna be tagged for upcoming chapters let me know in the comments ^^
(y/n) Pov
Meanwhile the girl was still drifting, unaware that she was being watched. Shock settling into her body as she was still accepting and processing what happend to her. All that matters now is staying alive long enough to find the only people she might know, the Omaticaya.
It took me only 10 min before i could hear the sounds better, the river water drifting down stone. I sped up my pace now. And soon i reached the river. The water was so clean i could see right through it to the bioluminescent water plants at the bottom. I hastly scooped up water to drink from, the thirst coming back to me now. putting some water on my face i feel a lot less faint but i was still getting tired. Shutting my eyes for a second to blink properly i look at my surroundings again. The small river has a stone wall where the water came from like a small waterfall. Insects are even louder in this area. Always hearing a nice buzzing of some sort of cricked, and occasionally birds. All around me the bioluminescence was bright. Lighting up the entire river area. I started to wonder towards everything. I mostly have questions that i don’t know who to ask. ‘’why am i here ?’’  
‘’how am i here ?’’
I didn’t know what to do or if i even have to do anything. The only chance of survival i have is finding a clan, but Omaticaya is the only clan where i know i might talk my way out of getting killed. Watching so many fantasy and action movies can teach you some skills in speaking differently then you do. I can only speak a few words na’vi and that wasn’t enough. Speaking English is the only option. Na’vi are extremely bright, they learn English faster then someone can teach them.  
It might be my only option to avoid getting killed by them. They are fiercely protective and loyal to eachother, they don’t trust easily. Especially after what the Sky People did to them and their world. Whether that is still in motion or already passed is another thing i wondered and remember it for the next time i might figure it out.
I decided i am too tired to move right now. But i can’t stay here for too long. ‘’i guess i can just take a little nap right ?’’ i thought to myself. A little away from the water in the shadow of some plants i lay down on the soft moss and close my eyes. Focusing on the sounds around me. I was laying comfortably on the ground on my back. Like the feeling of coming home and dropping into your bed after a long day of work. The backache from stress lessening and disappearing every minute. My thoughts are blank, which surprised me. Most people would be having racing thoughts. Especially about home, in my situation in particular. Do my parents know i’m gone ? or has nothing changed while i’m here ? is there still a possibility this is all a deep comatose sleep ?. I do have these thoughts, but they don’t bother me. It feels like time has stopped moving both here and back home.
After what felt like an hour or longer of laying there, unable to fully fall asleep i decide to move forward. Looking around me to make sure i’m in the clear i slowly let myself sit upright. I feel dizzy. In a way it feels like i’m under the influence of something. Standing up i almost have to sit back down but keep myself grounded looking for anything to hold onto. Getting lightheaded while standing up is not going to help me right now. Walking along following the river i the area cleared a bit with less plants to avoid. The soft moss underground all i felt that ripples with light every step i made. The noises in my ears started to become stronger. it felt like i could hear the noises like ripples in my body, as if music was in the back of my head. I can hear people talking in an undetectable language, children laughing, people singing. it was keeping me on edge. But also grounded to the earth.  
After only minutes of walking i felt hopeless already. I was so dizzy my head started to spin, looking at my feet and the ground and taking a deep breath i hope for the spinning to fade away. after looking at the ground for a minute i looked back up and almost stepped back. Right in front of my face was an atokirina. It’s light movements like a small jellyfish or a dandelion seed in the wind. A faint light comes from it as it moves over my shoulder and gets close to my hair. Mesmerished i keep my eyes on it. it didn’t move from my shoulder. Looking up into the sky i was hyptonized by what i saw. Hundreds of atokirina are floating down from the top of the forest . atokirina are signs for the na’vi. A pure spirit to give them a message or quide their path.
I was paralyzed in my movement, i didn’t dare take another step. Reaching out the atokirina softly floated down to cover my hands and arms. More of them placing themselves on my chest and my head, softly tickling my skin. I look behind me to the other sprites floating behind me. They connected to my shoulder and my back mimicking a cape in the motion of a wave. The sounds i hear become stronger and stronger. the voices overwhelm my senses. The sounds of nature mixing and harmonizing with them. My sight was starting to become blurry. I try to blink to focus but it didn’t help, it only made it worse. My mind keeps spinning and spinning. I can’t stand without having to balance my weight. i feel so tired i stopped fighting and let it overwhelm me. In less then a second i can feel my eyes roll back into my head and falling back to the ground. But before i feel the impact everything goes black.
Third POV
This could mean only one thing, a sky demon invading into their land. No matter how outnumbered the demon was it was still a cause of concern in the mind of the na’vi hunter. As quiet as he could go he ran to his ikran in a hurry, making Tsaheylu and flying back to the village. He knew where the sky demon was headed and he wasn’t far from the village, if he was fast enough he could warn the other warriors and the Olo'eyktan about this and they would be back before she drifted to far from this part of the forest.
The Hunter was able to reach the village in a mere 10 minutes of flying. Landing his Ikran upon the branches of a tree, many more trees around it connected by long green vines serving as a pathway between the tents and little homes build around him. As he got off his ikran he could hear the gentle singing of people and drums playing music a little down below, where many of the omaticaya where eating communally around a big bonfire. Climbing down from the tree to one of the lower and larger tents he looks for his fellow hunters and the Olo'eyktan. People greet him and he greets them back without betraying the the urge and panic he feels. As he approached the leader he crouches down next to him greeting him formally.
“oel ngati kameie Jake Sully. I need a word with the Olo'eyktan, it’s urgent.’’
Jakes eyes widened in alarm for a split second before composing his face. It wasn’t often one of the hunters or clan people had an emergency or something urgent to tell him. After spending years with his people as their clan leader he learned about their behaviour and was better able to read their emotions and was able to make opinions about the situations going on around them. The look on the hunters face gives jake a sense of worry. Which didn’t happen often.
the na’vi was feeling a mixture of shock, fear and anger under the surface of a calm face. But Jake could see right through him, he knew better. His body language was stiff and panicked. Jake conteplated what had the hunter in such a state and he needed to know more immidiatly. Jake stood up passing one look to his mate who sat a little further away with the tsahik.
‘’come with me’’  he said as he walked a little further tot he side of the large tent so they could speak in whispers.
‘’speak calmly, what is wrong ? the look on your face troubles me’’
‘’while out hunting i saw something that shouldn’t be possible. I saw a dreamwalker, a sky demon’’
Jake was immidiatly alarmed. the skypeople are back ? since when. How can this have happend without his knowledge.
‘’a dreamwalker ?, are you sure about this. Did you recognise the avatar ? are you sure it wasn’t one of the scientists ?’’
‘’she’s not familair to us, we don’t have any children avatars from the humans.’’
‘’She ?, it was a girl ?’’
‘’yes Olo'eyktan, a young girl, a mere child.’’
Jake was confused by all means the scientists have no one except for Spider when it came to children, and no other than Norm and a few others had their own avatar. But they are all adults. Unless the RDA succeeded in making a young/child avatar.
A different scenario : this is a young girl from another tribe who is completely lost. But that would be an unlikely thing. He also trusted in the hunters and the other Na’vi. They can immidiatly tell who is and who is and who isn’t a sky person, even if you took the physical aspect of the avatar away. The 5 winger and eyebrows, they can always tell. It was something Jake as a former avatar wasn’t able to sense.
Then  there was the worts scenario : The skypeople have returned to Pandora, How is the question. If any spaceship comes in Pandora’s orbit they would’ve seen it sooner, they would’ve seen a new star in the night.
‘’Have you told this to anyone else ?’’ Jake asked.
‘’No, Sir’’
Gather a group of hunters, bring them together at the totem. Do so quickly and calmly. I don’t anyone question what is happening.
With that he sent the hunter on his way to gather the others. Meanwhile he walked back to his mate who was currently giving out food to their children and feeding their 2 year old baby. As he came closer his children as wel as his mate looked at him expectantly, turning towards him or looking up at him. As Jake stood before them he crouched down to properly speak to her and silently observe then infant she cradles in her arms.
‘’Ma Jake ?’’ is all Neytiri needed to ask. She knew the look on her mates/husbands face, she could tell he was holding back from telling her something. The worry and confusion starting to become visible on her face.
‘’Ma Jake, what is happening ?’’
‘’Me and a group of hunters are gonna gather at the Totem, i need you there.’’
‘’is there something wrong dad ?’’ his 13 year old Daughter asks. Kiri was looking at her father with wide curious looking eyes. Usually he would expect this question from Lo’ak, but this time it came from Kiri.
‘’No there is nothing wrong babygirl, can you and Neteyam take care of your siblings and go to Grandmother. Me and your mother have something to discuss.
Rectuantly the children all gathered and stood up, taking their food with them to finish with the tsahik. Lo’ak turned before walking with them conteplating to ask his father questions, but the look Jake gave him told him no in an instant. This was absolutely no good time. So he stays quiet and goes with his siblings, Neytiri still holding small Tuk stands straight and determinded, Like a proud mother ready to protect as she looks back at him.
‘’twawne, what is happening ?’’
Jake looks back to her trying to calm his expression for what he was about to tell her.
‘’they, the hunters, saw a dreamwalker, not one of our own.’’
Neytiri looks at Jake with shock written on her face. From all the things she was expecting him to tell this was not one of them. But her shock from this knowledgequickly turned into frustration and anger.
‘’what are they ? is it the skypeople ? are they back ?’’   ‘’they never should have dared to return’’
Before she could say more Jake cuts her of without angering her more.
‘’We don’t know who they are or how they came here. Appareantly they are alone, but we don’t know if more are out there. A hunting party and me will go out to track her, they we’re spotted not far from here’’
Neytiri looks Jake in thee yes with determination, her voice not wavering or stuttering for even a second.
‘’I am coming with, i need to see this demon for myself’’
‘’Neytiri, this could be a trap, we don’t kniow how many there are or what they have, we need to be carefull about this’’
Neytiri didn’t back down ‘’i am coming, you can’t convince me otherwise. We’ll track the demonand stop them from coming here. Especially this close tot he village.’’
Jake recuantly agrees, Neytiri is a fierce warrior. Nothing will stand in her way or hold her back. She can handle herself.
‘’okay, but i have to tell the people over at the lab and warn them, or at least Norm and Max.’’
‘’you want to involve the humans again ? they’ll only be in our way.’’
‘’no they won’t, i make sure of that. They can help us. We just need to warn them for any possible outcome. I’m gonna as kif they might have a theory or have picked something up at the lab. See if they may have a clue on how they’ve gotten here.’’
With that Jake hoped Neytiri would agree with his choices, her and Jake never always saw eye to eye with some things involving leading the tribe. But whatever happens they still trusted eachother. Mo’at still being the Tsahik often agreed with Jake.
‘’i’ll inform the Tsahik, Go and prepare. I want this over with quickly’’
with that she walked away towards the Tsahiks tent to drop of Tuktirey for bed and inform het mother of the situation. Hoping everone who will come with the hunters remains uninjured.’’
Jake went tot he Totem to inform the warriors/hunters of the planand prepare. This needed to be done carefully and silently. They’ll track down and observe the dreamwalkerand see if she has any contact with anyone outside the forest. Adrenaline shot trough his body prepared for anything that could happen.
‘’Norm, Norm do you read me ?’’
The radio comes to life with it’s spheric static noises. A few seconds went by before the radio picked up a reply.
‘’Jake, i’m here i read you. Is everything alright ? you hardly ever use the radio, what’s going on?’’
Norm, i need you and maybe max or someone else to check anything you can off the satelites still working. See if something came into Pandora’s orbit. Or try to see if you pick up any signals unfamilair to us. Anything like a habsite or a ship.’’
‘’Whoah, whoah, slow down. You want us to look for any unusual activity ? what for. Did you find something?’’
‘’Or someone’’ Said Jake. The radio went silent for a second, the words he said came out quick and without thinking.
On the other end of the radio Norm sat in the lab at the remains of Hells gate. He was still awake in his human form to look at samples he picked up earlier in the day. Now listening to what Jake called him for. It wasn’t unusual to hear the radio every once in a while come to life. Wheter it be random static noises or Jake calling in to check up on everyone if he was too busy to stop by. And he usually was. What was unusual is for hi mto call upon them this late at night.
‘’wait Jake i couldn’t hear you, can you repeat that.”
‘’i said…..i said we didn’t find something we found someone. we found a dreamwalker, potentionally.’’
‘’wait, there is a avatar out there, are you sure?’’
‘’well i wasn’t the one that found it, or sa wit. One of the hunters did.’’
Jake had to start thinking of a plan, what if there really was an avatar walking in the forest right now. What do they do ? kill them on site?. There should be another way, he still needed answers. And now whether he had to or not the scientists would be involved.
Norm was silently having a whirlwind of thoughts running trough his brain.
‘’Norm you still with me’’ Jake asked
‘’sorry, yes i hear you, i was…thinking for a second’’
‘’Norm. Can you only inform max and whoever needs to know about this. I don’t wanna cause unnecessary panic if it is a false alarm. A hunting part is going to follow this ‘someone’ they found, i’m going with them. But i need a favor’’
‘’thats the first time you ever asked for a favor, but yeah how can i help?’’ Norm questioned, he had a theary what Jake was up to but he would let him do the talking for now. Still too preocupied with his thoughts to start arguing with someone’’
‘’if there is an dreamwalker alone, i need to get them to Hells gate. We can keep them there, we can’t let them know where the village is’’
‘’then why do you want them here ? they’ll know where we are, what the thinking ?’’ Norm said as he contignues
‘’I don’t think the’ll be much better of here’’
‘’no they are. We need to keep them isolated to confuse them, not knowing where they are is the best option to pin them down.’’ Jake trows back
‘’Well, you’ll need to get them to a holding cell further inside the buildings we don’t use. But how do you even wanna get them here.’’
‘’the hard way i figured’’
‘’Jake, don’t do something unnecessarily stupid’’
‘’Can’t promise anything at this point’’
‘’Okay i’ll inform Max and the others’’
‘’Thank you Norm’’
Jake then ended the radio call. He needed to get the other hunters ready to depart. They couldn’t wait another second.
i can’t see, i can’t hear. All i see is blackness. No colors or images and no dreams. The lack of sound was giving a tingling sensation in my head. Occasionally i could hear a peep on one side of my head and it fades few seconds after. I don’t know where i am, or what is going on.
I turn and turn in the hopes of seeing anythng in the distance but the blackness was messing with my sense of direction. A cold wind comes from behind me and my first instinct is to wrap my arms around me and sit down, curling myself up shielding my body from the cold. turning to look where the wind came from it starts to get warmer. when i face behind me a bright light blinds me from under me. glowing gold and orange like the sun and warming my body. As i try to open my eyes my sight is still completely blinded. It felt like i couldn’t choose between waking up or staying asleep.
I can faintly start to feel the sensations of my body again. A pressure or support under my knees and spine, my head falls back too tired to support my neck. As i faintly hear some voices around me all the sounds completely stop again giving back the tingling sensation in my head. And the loop starts all over again. Trying to see, hear and feel.
Tag list: @cleverzonkwombatsludge  @lovelyygirl8  @ambria  @lainekyuu  @meobvii
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touchoflaughter · 4 months
do you have any more stories with your tough mma cousin? i loved reading those
After being absent for an awful amount of time, I wish all of you lovely people a wonderful 2024 and I hope January had a lot of 🪶- situations in store for you!
Since I received lot’s of requests like this one I’m happy to oblige. I indeed got tons of stories with this jerk! Glad you enjoyed reading them 🤭
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(btw this 👆🏽 is actual footage of us)
Since I can`t decide on one, Imma tell you about the most recent one, alright?
„Just swallow it!“
So my cousin and I were having a movie night last weekend. Before we started watching the film, we were chatting about how life’s going rn and right when I took a big sip of water he made a pretty good joke.
I almost spew out the water, trying my hardest to hold the laughter in. He immediately noticed how much I was fighting myself: „What’s wrong? Just swallow it.“
He was grinning from ear to ear when he realized his actions were making it harder for me to calm down. All of a sudden he moved towards me and I immediately tried to get away, knowing what he will be doing next. I wasn’t quick enough and felt his index finger poking into my side.
I somehow screamed without opening my mouth, trying to dodge his attack. Unfortunately we were sharing a blanket and I was pretty much tucked in.
While I was trying my best to free myself, he continued tickling me by scribbling his fingers all over my ribs and side. He was laughing gleefully while making fun of me: „Just swallow! It’s not that hard, come on!“ He put his cup aside to tickle me with both hands. That‘s when I knew I‘d spill everything any moment and desperately tried to get off the sofa. Well I kinda did:
Right when I thought I‘d break I managed to get out of that goddamn blanket and fell on the floor. I didn’t care, I was just relieved I escaped these hands before it got completely out of control. But just when I tried to swallow that damn water, I realized he was getting off of the sofas as well.
When I tell you I panicked. I don‘t know how but I managed to swallow the water and held my hands up high in a defensive manner. Now I was able to talk again and immediately tried to change his mind: „Wait, wait, wait! I swallowed it! I swallowed it!“
„Man if you weren‘t my cousin that would be music to my ears!“, (yea he really said that 😵‍💫) he grinned in a lascivious way and I couldn’t help but make a noise as if I‘m throwing up.
„You‘re disgusting!“, I laughed it off, knowing it was just one of his typical jokes, when he suddenly pounced on me.
Since I have been sitting on the ground, I fell flat on my back. He had an easy time overpowering me (not that I‘m any competition for him yikes 🥴 ).
And yeah, what can I say? No screaming, crying for help or begging could soften him up. Quite the contrary! I got a feeling my desperate pleading even lighted up his sadistic tendencies. He just sat there on top of me and tickled my ribs with horrible precision and skill! When I tell you this douches fingers are weapons! I never met someone who made me loose my mind like that. He only stopped because the pizza deliveryman was ringing.
Gosh I was deeply embarrassed when I opened the door. He must‘ve heard what was going on inside. Also my face was bright red and I couldn‘t form one straight sentence. 🫥
Yea I was pretty fed up after that but when he threatened to tickle me again if don‘t stop ‘being such a bitch’ I had no choice but forgive him.
But hear me out: I would give my left leg only to get revenge on him for ONCE!
K that‘s it for today! Hope Y‘all are doing well! See ya soon! 🌞
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meme-queen-pumpkin · 3 months
Starters/prompts from movies: Scrooge (2022)
These starters are all quotes taken from the 2022 Animated version of a Christmas Carol
Buckle in, this is a loooong one because I found so many good quotes to use! This movie just has some amazing dialogue, songs, etc. So I will put it under a read more so as it doesn't clutter up blogs and such! Let's just say I got to 74 before reaching the movie's half way point
Senders, feel free to send in a starter from the rather long list, and maybe add context or ideas for a plot too if you want!
"Oi, watch where you're walking, you great clumsy lump!"
"Didn't realise it was you."
""It is you! I knew it!"
"Where is she? Where's the finest lady in all of London?"
"They say a man makes his own luck...so I suppose I have only myself to blame for this encounter."
"How rude!"
"He's rubbish!"
"An artist would get more than a penny for every thousand posters he sticks up..."
"Quick! Leg it!"
"You! Who are you?!"
"I've more than my fill of people for one...day..."
"She knows a shortcut!"
"The answer is no"
"I despise it and all it stands for."
"The same answer to the same question you ask me every year"
"Life is full of disappointments"
"Please leave, before I say something you will regret."
"You do nothing but trouble me..."
"Yes. As everyone is so fond of..telling me..."
"You have children? Of course you do...."
"Does that sound fair to you?"
"What? What have I done now?"
"10 pence ha'penny! Add that to the ten shillings I have, and add a bit of (name) magic and we can have as fine a dinner as the lord mayor himself!"
"Oh don't be so dramatic.."
"No? No pleasing some people..."
"Every year...the same reminders of the things I've lost..."
"Why should I be bright and merry?"
"Won't someone tell me? Tell me!"
"Seasons greetings? You can keep them."
"Don't they know I have my reasons?"
"I'm not happy so why should they be?"
"Bring them down to size!"
"Treat them tougher!"
"I thought you were dead" "Dead? Dead tired!"
"Sorry for the dramatic entrance, those in charge insist on a touch of pageantry, you see?"
"We were all like you. Trapped in our own selfish worlds!"
"Heed my warning. Before it's too late."
"It's that (name)..interfering. Bringing my blood to the boil. Has me jumping at shadows..."
"It's (Name), Isn't it? Yes, that's the one! (Name)! What a funny name!"
"Who...or err...what are you?"
"Who am I? Why! I can be anyone you've ever known! I can even be you!"
"I was getting to that. You are an impatient one, aren't you? Now shhh!"
"I've gone mad..."
"Mad you say?"
"My dreams are never this exciting...but none of this can be real. So yes, I must be awake....and quite insane."
"Oh hush now."
"There. Did that feel real?"
"It does take it's toll, (action or whatever), Did I not warn you?"
"(Blank). A terrible, terrible thing, a (blank). Uh...What is a (blank) again?"
"You can't escape your past, mate"
"May all your (blank) wishes come true."
"I wanted to give you this. I made it all by myself!"
"A sorry transaction in any currency..."
"You were handsome/pretty. What went wrong?"
"Who's her/him?! Where's her/him?!"
"My! You look splendid!"
"Oh! Look away!"
"But you didn't/don't enjoy it?" "Not one bit" "*sarcastic*Oh yes, you look like you're having an awful time!"
"They say happiness is a thing see, a thing you can't touch. I disagree"
"Happiness is the folly of fools, pity poor me. One of those fools."
"Happiness is standing beside me, I can see him/her. He/She can see me."
"Happiness is a bright star. Are we happy? Yes we are!"
"No? Well I would very much like to see why not!"
"I do wish you'd stop doing that.."
"I would say it's been a pleasure. But it has not."
"I thought....I don't know what I thought..."
"You do so dwell on the bad things in life and then learn nothing from them."
"Not now (name), I have far too much work...later. Later."
"You keep on telling me later...but later never comes around.."
"Please stop telling me later..."
"When we first met...your heart was free..."
"Now you're looking for something...something I could never be.."
"You are really all I need..."
"Take my hand, come with me now and we'll fly free!"
"No more later, we both know that's a lie."
"Don't let this be the day I say goodbye."
"There is no later!"
"Goodbye, (name)..."
"That could have been you..I suppose. Oh too bad."
"There is no going back, nor changing what has been."
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It was (name), she/he/they dared me. Oh we do have fun here."
"Where am I? When am I?"
"You are in the here and now! Isn't it fabulous?!"
"I make life a perpetual spree."
"Life has it's brighter side too!"
"Who'd like the privelage to dine me?"
"Life is short, make it count!"
"Life is a wonderful thing for living!"
"Are you ready?!" "Oh I'm ready. Ready to go home!"
"Hit the town? I'll hit something else in a minute!"
"No? Well did you ever ask him/her/them?"
"He/she/they assured me that times are hard." "Times are hard For us. Not him/her/them."
"This beautiful day that I dream about, there's a world I would love to see. It's a beautiful place where the sun comes out and shines in the sky for me."
"There's no place I would rather be."
"The future is as much a mystery to me as it is to you."
"There is no great secret to any of this. You just have to do the best you can with the time you have."
"Would ya look at that?"
"Your colleagues were really rather fond of speaking...more than I would have liked."
"I live my life as well as I can. I have my faults but who doesn't?"
"Very well, lead on..."
"On behalf of all the people who have gathered here, I would merely like to mention if I may (Insert speech or dialogue)"
"Our unanimous attitude is one of lasting gratitude for what our friend has done for us today."
"Thank you very much. That's the nicest thing that anyone's ever done for me!"
"It isn't everyday good fortune comes your way!"
"I could've done more...I could've done something..." (Angsty potential. Major angst)
"I wouldn't hang around for any mourners mate, nobody's sorry to see this one go."
"I will not become this man whose death is the cause of so much celebration."
"Why show me this if I am past all hope?"
"I'm glad (name) found the happiness she/he/they deserved. Perhaps it's not too late for me to find my own."
"I'll begin again, I'll rebuild my life."
"I'll live to know I've fulfilled my life."
"The future I make will be one that will last."
"I'll make quite certain that the story ends on a note of hope."
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deathsmallcaps · 7 months
I saw Wish! It was cute, and overall I think it was okay. It had some lovely callbacks, and was entirely original in its main plot, which is nice.
A lot of the issues people theorized it would have (pop-y songs, overdose on adorkability*, generic culture for the characters and outfits, imperfect casting in relation to character’s ethnicities, commercialization upon modern social justice interests such as reformation, and inability to commit to darkness) were there.
*man I usually love talking animals but like. Sidekicks are supposed to be comic relief and support, not distractions. Valentino wasn’t that bad, but still. Then again, I’m not the target audience. I do love that he was a baby goat. (As someone who has helped baby goats, unless they’re cold, they HATE clothes. When they’re cold, then they can just fall asleep in them, it’s very cute.)
But there were good points too (nods to Disney history without distracting the narrative, no romantic storyline* a genuine villain with a in-story further descent, desperate **betrayal spurred on by the societal structure the villain/government sought to preserve, themes of a right to self-determination and liberty vs. ‘protection’, how privilege warps you and makes you defensive, different body types and abilities, lovely animation, and so on).
*for the record, I love romance, and I know the last couple DP movies had no romances either. But idk how you could watch Raya and the Last Dragon and not even THINK about Rayaari lol.
*as soon as I saw the character, I thought ‘Oh he looks like Hans’ and I knew lmao
To comment specifically on Asha: her character creation definitely fell into the adorkability trap. But she’s very sweet, loving and capable, and I really enjoyed her relationship with her family. Making her a fairy (?) godmother at the end totally fit with her story. And her actress, Ariana DeBose, has a fantastic voice, and I can tell she totally gave it her all.
I’m glad her Mom isn’t dead (classic female protagonist issue) but I do have reservations that both Black princesses have dead Dads. I’m by no means the most qualified to speak on that, but I do know that it’s an issue often raised by Black fans on Black character’s backstories.
I do really, really love that Asha is mixed though. I know there’s a lot of issues of colorism* in Hollywood, both in live action and animated productions, but as a sister to a mixed Black boy, I know how much characters like Asha would have meant to my brother as a kid.
*interestingly enough, the movie didn’t fall into the trap of the lady half of the pairing being light than her male partner. Asha’s paternal family is white, and her Mom is Black.
My brother was never into Disney Princesses, but when Miles Morales (from Spider-verse) came out in 2018, right before my brother turned 13, and I think that was the first time he really connected to another kid character on screen. Miles is arguably mixed, often feels like a fish out of water, and grew up too damn fast, both physically* and emotionally. And I know that there has to be a bunch of little kids (and adults too!) who see Asha and feel seen. And I’m so glad for them.
*my brother was always tall, but he hit 6 feet by age 14, is 6’6 (183cm) now, and may still be growing, much to his chagrin.
Wish is not the magnum opus of Disney. Out of the two animated theatrical films Disney put out this year, I think Elemental is the better of the two*. But by no means do I think it’s terrible. It was genuinely fine.
Interestingly enough though, I do believe it to be an incredibly accurate representation of Disney’s modern output and behavior. Perhaps in that sense, it is a triumph.
*though I’m severely biased. I saw that movie 6 times in theatres and coincidentally rewatched it today. I cried each time.
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Also for the record, I nearly finished* painting an Asha doll before I saw the movie today. I felt very pleased with myself. Here she is next to a Kida doll that I finished today.**
*I forgot her necklace and got her shoe color wrong, ugh. And I think I’ll try to make her side-braid’s more apparent. I will keep the flower though, just as a nod to both of her sidekicks and because I think it’s pretty lol
** Disney put out a line of mini Disney princess dolls that I … kind of became obsessed with. And have been painting to look like other Disney female Protagonists lol. Kida has an Aurora head (hence the unfortunately small nose) and a Moana body, while Asha has a Moana head (hair texture roughly matched) and a Elsa body (white and purple outfit from the sequel). If you’d like to see more, I have a post from a couple weeks ago about my work so far.
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minimareanie · 8 months
Just watched the last episode of Ahsoka, and I have some thoughts. Some of them are good, some of them are bad. Here goes.
Ahsoka, as a character, has been very devisive since she was first introduced in the Clone Wars movie all the back in 2008 (ugh), and has remained devisive all the way to her portrayal in live action. I myself fully admit to being biased towards liking her, having grown up with TCW. However, I also admit that there are some notable flaws that have found their way into Ahsoka (the live action series) and now will attempt to frame my thoughts.
Things I liked
1: The choreography for one is leagues better than anything we have gotten in the ST, and I find myself quite pleased with the fight scenes.
2: The soundtrack is stellar, especially the end credits.
3: The special effects/costume is pretty good, though I make the slight nitpick of wishing Ahsoka's montrals/lekku looked more they did in animation.
4: Episode 5. This episode alone is enough to bump the overall score up.
Now, you've probably noticed I have been praising the shows superficial aspects more than anything else. Which leads me to what I either did not like or otherwise found to not gel with water I was hoping for.
Things I did not like
1: The pacing. Especially in the last three episodes, it feels as though the series slows to a crawl with the main cast barely getting anything done. A few conversations take place, we get to watch some funky Nightsister shenanigans take place, and we finally get to see Sabine and Ezra reuinite, but other than that it feels like there is little to no sense of urgency.reunite, Ahsoka does not suffer from this issue as much as the other SW live action lineup, but it is still noticeable.
2: The characterization, or rather the lack of it. So.e of the arguments I've heard regarding this point tend to rely on the fact that this series is set years after the last time we saw these characters, and so would mellow out and mature as a result. I get the logic, but at the same time, it would be appreciated to see these characters be a little more lively as opposed to standing around looking at each other.
3: The overrealiance on the audience to know what is going on. Now, I am an avid SW fan; I've watched all of TCW, so I at least do not feel lost when I saw the Mortis God's or Morai or when the main cast expressed how important it was to find Ezra and stop Thrawn. But from the perspective of someone who has never seen either TCW or Rebels, the show does almost nothing to inform the audience of who these people are and why they are so important.
At the end of the day, I still enjoyed the show. I went into it with not very high expectations, and I think it was good of me to do so. The show has issues that stem from several sources, and while I do wish it was better, I'm still pleased.
If I were to give a number rating. . . Probably 7.5 out of 10 is what I would be most comfortable leaving it at.
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fitzpirations · 11 months
Some thoughts on me seeing Days of Wine and Roses like,, almost a month ago now but I don't feel like editing it other than to add a few extra bits in bold & at the end. Overall, I really enjoyed it! Intrigued at what's next for the cast & crew, and if I could see it again/replicate my first viewing I probably would.
My thoughts, like film have developed and I am mostly out of a terribly weird headspace that I was unfortunately stricken w/ this weekend and I gotta say I loved Days of Wine and Roses.
I do think it’s perfect in the theatre it is right now & while I would LOVE for it’s actors to win very big awards for it and do believe they are due… for me a transfer is not the right move. Willing to debate on it! I think the story is important and unique and beautifully told but,, I also think the set/sound/lighting design @ Atlantic is special and can’t imagine it staged differently. It perfectly fits that space and needs that intimate of an audience, in my opinion.
anyway, this isn’t a full review & no one cares, but I’m so stoked with how things turned out & with my friend and I scoring great cancellation ticket seats & seat upgrades for a very cheap price and the fact that REDACTED who I adore was also there. my friend spoke to them while I blacked out- it was very neat. So embarrassed of myself for our post-show interactions that I’ve physically cringed and tensed up every time I think about it but! The show keeps replaying in my head and I’ve been thinking more and more about how it was told and listening to the demos and I just think how great is it to see a new piece of live theatre! I went in knowing a barebones plot (and purposely avoided real reviews, the demos, and the original movie) and was so happy to go on that ride. I do so so wish my mental health wasn’t being all finicky because I think I would’ve been all the more immersed in it but- nothing I can do about that. Luckily I didn’t say much of anything to the redacted actors in question, but my lack of interaction with one while my friend spoke to them and kept nudging me & my theatre equivalent of “good game” to the other will haunt me forever ❤️ my only consolation is I believe I wasn’t memorable in my presence & that maybe 1 day I’ll properly meet these people who I literally adore as a fellow creative. Wouldn’t that be nice. Until then, I will continue to beat myself up about it LOL. It’s so,,, I hasten to actually explain it more, but I feel about 3 feet tall thinking about it.
And did they drink ANY wine the whole time??? I’m very Kirsten in the first few scenes-coded in that I don’t drink and really never should be convinced to, haha. So I’m not super knowledgeable on names of booze- but I think I would have noticed them drinking wine, red wine at least. And no roses, just sad tulips. Oh! I could go on about the 2 little transition scenes they do with ok, both the “wine” (the bag from the liquor store that they have you you to believe is only holding one bottle) and the “roses” (the soon-to-die Tulips). Like it’s set up as a bit of like? Something to watch while they’re moving things around but actually? It reappears in the actual plot in a large way. And so many moments echo and mirror each other in words, actions, and song between Joe and Kirsten, but the reprises (so to speak) are new and fresh. Just so so neat. What a fun & exciting new piece of theatre. And why is the rolling out of the bed all the way to the front of the stage so funny? maybe it just was to me.
anyway anyway I have a lot of thoughts/they keep coming in and like loading which is wild. Like I’m joking but it’s as if I blacked out?? Perhaps someone on here will appreciate the image of me debating just buying closing night tickets even though I was too cheap to spend full price on any other performance// but a newer friend of mine posted a story of like, the New York Times review on opening night and I responded to it like “I’ve been dying to see this show!” and he was like “yeah haha it’s really good I’m working press on it lol isn’t that funny and I had to take a group pic with Kelli and was emailing her to arrange something and she saw me and called me over by name and gave me a hug- I didn’t know she knew my name!” I worked with this guy on the show I stage-managed recently and he’s in the process of quitting his sweet sweet press agent job and I’m not a close enough friend to acquire tickets from him and let me tell you,,, I was absolutely losing my mind reading this .
cut to my (other, closer) friend and I rolling up to the show without tickets the other night, with just hope & a dream and we were like 'wouldn’t it be funny if we saw like ~celebs/Broadway people because a lot of them are off tonight?' and we were chatting about watching the Tony's and stage-dooring and other unrelated stuff & we get tickets after 20 minutes and go to dinner and when we come back she’s like look it’s REDACTED TONY WINNER and I’m like omg. We go to step into the building proper and who do I see but my literal favorite actor at the moment other than REDACTED who is in the show and I was like friend it’s REDACTED! and she’s like go say hi and I’m like??? No I will not be doing that. And she’s like but he’s your favorite! And hey, we’re here to see REDACTED, who’s your other favorite! It’s a big night for you! But she was so loud that I was like looking straight ahead embarrassed that the random people in line would hear us. Literally what a time though, we had standing room tickets and then we got moved up like twice to center row, perfect view seats. Literally like a day later I was finally like O MY GOSH about it all,,, the desire to not be crazy about any of it and keep cool made me robotic in the moment and I’m very pro leaving-people-who-don’t-know-me-alone, so the circumstances were odd.
Anyway I literally have a notes app I keep throwing thoughts at about the most random moments from the show or the staging and it’s v good theatre. Like I enjoyed it, but wasn’t in love or anything but the more I stew on it, it’s a random choice of adaptation, a weird little show, its stars (including the actress playing their kid) are arguably all too old for their roles, there’s a song in Norwegian?? the opening number didn’t give me the ick but I was scared for my life that Brian was singing all of his lines// like I knew it was going to be a “two-hander” and read that the others other than the kid don’t really sing but that opener,,, I was like o no do I hate this? But also the set was so cool and as a recent big fan of Brian is was v cool to literally see him irl (lame I know) but why does the cast just pose in the beginning and slay for like 30 seconds? Idk but it was v 1950s chic of them idk idk we literally were clapping like,,, YEAH 👏👏👏 yeah! 👏👏 . And the scatting/jazziness of it all, I literally was shook but so pleasantly surprised by it all. What a treat! New musicals!!!
ok i literally never resolved the point I was making that the opening scene was not my thing and I was a bit scared I was going to hate it, but really enjoyed like the following 90%! Something about the first song is that it shouldn't be a song, in my opinion. I get why people are tempted to call it a play with songs, but I do think it's a real musical. Just was a bit cursed watching Joe singing right off the bat when no one else did, imo! If I were to see it/hear it again I may come around to it, but something about the way he was like half-singing was weird to me lol
but also randomly saw something from a video (that I haven’t watched as of yet) of Kelli saying they were supposed to open on BROADWAY February 2021 I think?? (tell me they wouldn't have closed immediately w/ omicron? or am i mistaken, I watched like 3 shows I was rooting for that season close early, and there were a TON) Literally the more I think about the show I’m like,, respectfully don’t transfer to Broadway,, it’s so special where it’s at, like I know Atlantic announced its next season I feel? But I don’t know what theatre it would fit in correctly, they’re all too big and the opposite of the intimate experience it is rn. In a perfect world I literally want them to film this version (which I know is the epitome of highly unlikely) but also, I think realistically other than the star power of the cast and creative team it’s such a hard sell for your typical theater-goer or tourist and I would hate for its history to be one of a flop like,, what have we learned from The Sweet Smell of Success :((( I also learned via Kelli ‘s own post and someone’s reference on here that there’s a full boot of that…someone please me up with a link!
So what have we learned. A lot of takes I have not shared,,, it turns out I can get starstruck and it’s so embarrassing it makes me want to scream. Show is good! I’d love a cast recording and for it to not just die but,,, I’m fearful of the idea of a transfer- it seems like it’s likely happening anyway, someone on the team commented on Kelli’s ig about the Tony's all like “excited for next year!” And my press agent friend is all “they’re eying a transfer!” And it’s not that they don’t deserve it but… idk I will remain skeptical of that. I truly believe it can be a success where it is now, and that just because it isn’t a Broadway show doesn’t mean it isn’t impactful and rewarding creatively and etc etc there is the part in my brain like this is Brian’s Tony tho, no?
I firmly believe had everything w/ Next to Normal gone down differently he would have beat those little Billy Elliots’s in a heartbeat, but I digress. Like other than SSOS which I only have a idea of (and no clue about that year’s competition from the top of my head) he’s been up for 2 comedic roles which are hard sells in a category with “proper,” dramatic roles nominated -as in, actors who appeared in a leading role in a drama- and then ITW-which I have thoughts on separate from who his competitors were- which tows that line and sadly like,, it wasn’t even close for him. I feel like every nom he’s had doesn’t even quite show off how talented he is as an actor like idk how to describe it, but idk. I want a Chip Zien nom & win for Harmony, which my brain tells me may be a featured role but if it’s lead… all hypothetical but I’m not rooting on the show’s downfall… I just think it’s perfect where it is.
Anyway... chaotic highly informal thoughts but I also have a few screengrabs from my notes app note I am going to paste below. Would love to hear someone else's thoughts, and am willing to say, obviously, one of the REDACTED's in question is BdJ.
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Hi there! Could I get a matchup for Bungo Stray Dogs and My Hero Academia, please? My partners have been primarily male but any gender is fine. Thank you for running this blog! Reading over the matchups so far has been really interesting.
Pronouns: They/Them
Sexuality: Aromantic/Asexual
Zodiac/MBTI: Sagittarius, ISFJ-A
Appearance: 5'3 but often mistaken for taller due to how I carry myself. I have long brown hair, which I typically keep tied back. I have an Ouji/Dandy aesthetic and prefer reds and purples to go with my blacks. Preference for gold accessories. Often seen with a walking stick due to health issues.
Personality: I’m introverted and prefer to keep to my close circle of friends. I am the parent friend that reminds the others to get enough sleep, eat, etc. and arranges social events. I'm extremely critical of myself, and I have some trust issues due to betrayals in my past. My love languages are giving gifts and quality time. I look for close companionship and someone I can feel safe and respected with in a relationship.
Likes and Dislikes: I like dining out with friends, enjoying the fine arts at museums and theaters, listening to music, playing chess, reading, tabletop gaming, travel, video games, and writing. I dislike a lack of structure/routine, actions based solely on assumptions, being the center of attention, disrepect, loud areas, and unsolicited advice.
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchups!
In Bungo Stray Dogs, I match you with...
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Atsushi is a good balance of introvert and extrovert. He's extroverted enough to be able to socialize easily but introverted enough that he enjoys his own space.
So I think he would bring out your best qualities. He can appreciate your quietness but he's also able to bring you out of your shell.
Thinks your aesthetic is very cool. He'd love to try on some of your accessories but he's just a bit too embarrassed to ask.
I feel like Atsushi would like playing chess with you. He's not a chess master but he's still good enough to have a good game with you.
He would also enjoy going to museums and art galleries with you. He never really got the chance as a kid so he's trying to make up for lost time.
If you're in a particularly crowded area and Atsushi can see it's starting to get to you, he'll find somewhere away from the noise where you can have a break.
Will do his very best to make sure you always feel safe with him. He feels safe around you and he wants to make sure you share than feeling.
Atsushi love spending quality time with you! It's his love language as well so it's a win-win for both of you!
In My Hero Academia, I match you with...
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Tamaki's your introverted buddy! He's more of an introvert than you are but he feels comfortable around you so he'll come out of shell a bit more.
Another one who thinks your aesthetic is really cool. He wishes he had the confidence to wear that sort of thing in public.
Another one who loves spending quality time with you. Tamaki doesn't really mind where that quality time is spent, as long as you're together.
That being said, he loves stay at home dates where you just cuddle on the lounge and watch a movie or listen to music. He finds it relaxing and far less taxing than going out.
Will avoid crowded places like the plague. You won't have to worry about going to loud places if Tamaki has any say in it!
I see Tamaki as someone who would like museums and art galleries. Even though there are people there, it's always really quiet and peaceful.
There was one instance where there just so happened to be a school group visiting the same art gallery. Tamaki ended up standing in the corner. People thought he was part of the exhibit...
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evco-productions · 1 year
“The Lone Ranger” (2013) and the Origins of This Blog
It was July, 2013. I was about to go into the eighth grade. Let’s take a moment and let the ‘Nam flashbacks pass.
Now that we’ve done that, at this particular point in time, I was slowly but surely starting to cultivate my interest in movies. I was going to the theater more frequently with friends and family; even though it was only to see mainstream stuff like the next Mission: Impossible or Despicable Me or Marvel chapter, I was still going.
One movie I was particularly excited for that summer was the remake of The Lone Ranger. Yes, that remake. The one starring Johnny Depp and Armie Hammer (this movie was doomed to fail from the fucking start, wasn’t it?) that you forgot even happened.
I was excited for this movie because I liked Westerns. I’ve always had a special place in my heart for Westerns. In fact, if you track back to my early childhood, that was probably where my love for cinema actually started. Every time I went over to my grandparents’ house, my granddad would have a John Wayne or a Clint Eastwood movie on and he would watch them with such interest that I couldn’t help but do the same. To this day, whenever I find a good Western, I experience such strong feelings of delight and excitement. If you ask me, there’s still no more thrilling a trope for an action movie to do than a quickdraw shootout. That long moment of intense silence where both you and the characters know someone is going to die, and then finally the lightning-fast movements of both characters followed by gunfire…it captures my full attention every time.
We also had the first season of the old 1950s Lone Ranger show on DVD, so unlike a lot of people whom Disney no doubt wished would have seen this movie, I actually knew a little about who the Lone Ranger was as a character.
So, I went to the theater and I saw this movie. And then I saw it a second time. And then a third time. Three times in all. I think that was the first time I’d ever seen a single movie in the theater that many times.
I kid you not: when the credits rolled, there was a standing ovation every. Single. Time. That is completely true. There’s pretty much no way for me to prove it…but it’s true.
And I think that was it: I think that was the moment the seed for this blog was planted. Because I looked up at the screen and behold, I saw a movie reviled by critics both professional and not-professional. But those critics were faceless. Not to say they aren’t people existing in the same dimension as you and me, but nevertheless they weren’t there. But I was there in a theater full of people who enjoyed themselves so much they had to clap to let it all out even though no one who had anything to do with the making of the movie was in the room to hear it. And I didn’t have the words as a thirteen-year-old kid, but if I had, I would have asked myself, “How is this not valid?”
Obviously, this doesn’t just apply to The Lone Ranger. I won’t die on that hill. You don’t have to like that movie. But how many dozens of other movies are out there whose tale of woe is exactly the same? And the chances that you would agree with the critics out there and despise all of them? Pretty much nonexistent. Everyone has missed out on a good movie at some point in their life because they took someone else’s review for granted. Why do we do that? Why do we let other people tell us what to like? Even worse…what to try to like? There’s nothing wrong with sharing and comparing opinions. If I thought there was, I wouldn’t be writing this. But to take those opinions at their word just…because? That doesn’t sit right with me. Maybe because if we’re willing to take total strangers at their word when it comes to our entertainment…what else might we be willing to take their word on?
You can’t ever put knowledge in a bottle and twist the cap closed. Knowledge is infinite. You’ll never know everything there is to know. I’ll never see every movie there is to see. That’s why it doesn’t matter how little or greatly you choose to diversify your watchlist. Whether you only watch American-made movies or you throw a little French new wave in there doesn’t make a difference. You’ll never be an expert, it’s not about that. It’s about why you’re watching what you’ve chosen to watch.
Are you watching it because you’re interested in it or because someone told you that you should be? Are you not watching it because you’re disinterested in it, or because someone told you that you shouldn’t be?
If you’ve never asked yourself those questions, I encourage you to begin now. Don’t miss out on good movies just because someone else doesn’t think they’re good.
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make-me-imagine · 1 year
Fandom 1: Star Trek Voyager (I'm watching the show for the first time and curious what vibe I put off haha)
Gender: I'm female. I am open to ship with any gender.
Me: I'm autistic/ADHD and a very big fan of to do lists and scheduling my day (which I sometimes need to do or I forget what I have to do). I've been told I am very generous, sweet and good-hearted. I tend to put everyone before myself, which means sometimes I forget to eat, don't sleep, or skip things I like to do in order to do what others prefer. I'm terrible with talking about emotions so my love language tends to be gifts and acts of service but I often need people to tell me I'm important to them. Unfortunately, I will let people take advantage of me if it keeps the peace.
I'm not assertive, I feel things extremely deeply, (also you can read my emotions on my face...I can't hide them for anything!), and I have a deep-seated fear of never being good enough for anyone.
I love playing World of Warcraft, watching TV and movies (several genres...crime, action, sci-fi, adventure, fantasy), and writing stories. I love to read, sunrises and sunsets, the ocean, weather, volcanoes, the Navy (I have a thing for ships), and history. (If I was on a holodeck I would be all over history...the 20s, the 80s, the 40s, the moon landing...)
My partner has to be patient and have a sense of humor. They have to understand that some days I can't take direct talk, and some days that's all I can do. They have to be willing to give me my space but at least check in with me to make sure I'm taking care of myself. A little tough love now and then is good. Finally, they have to be understanding about my hyperfixations. I am going to get crazy about things and they are going to affect me emotionally. I have no control over this.
Thanks. ❤️
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I'm gonna go ahead and answer both ships in one ask! I hope you don't mind :)
I hope you are enjoying Voyager it's a great show!
Fandom: Voyager
I ship you with Chakotay
Chakotay is very caring and genuine and would be able to see you for who you really are a lot easier and faster than some. He is not judgmental or harsh in any way, and he is very patient.
Chakotay never shy's away from telling you how he feels about you, and he will definitely come with the tough love if needed. He knows your love languages well, so he can easily tell just ho much you love him. He will watch out for you and make sure you are eating properly, and drinking water. He will chastise you (lovingly) when he finds out you forgot to eat.
He is also protective and if he ever finds out someone is using you, he will protect you.
He's into history as well, so he would be down for going on history related holo-dates.
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Runner Up Ship: Harry Kim
Fandom: Enterprise
I ship you with Malcolm!
At first my immediate thought was to ship you with Trip. Bu then I realized, that you and Malcolm would probably have a great relationship. BUT it would start out as a sort of love/hate, enemies to frenemies to lovers thing.
You two would misunderstand each other at first. He thought you were an over achiever and were trying to get to something selfishly (but in reality you just worked really hard). You thought he was rude, and didn't get why he seemed to dislike you for no reason.
You would avoid each other as much as you could. But things happen and you get forced together, and Malcolm starts to realize he misunderstood you, and that you were a lot more like him than he had realized.
After that he started to actually pay attention to you, and found himself falling for you. He started to be nicer, and seemed to seek you out. Eventually he apologized and told you that he had misunderstood you. You forgave him and then you two became good friends, which eventually turned into a very loving relationship.
He is not the best with his words either, but you two grew to understand each other so well, that you knew in your actions how much you loved each other.
Malcolm might make fun of you for your hyper-fixations (always in a loving, teasing way), but he supports them, and will discuss the with you as well. He loved listening to you talk about things you enjoy, even if he might not understand them himself.
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Runner Up Ship: Trip
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inspired by a post i saw by @mh-midnight-wanderer
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🌹🦇Things I Liked About The Movie🦇🌹
Frankie…thats it thats the post - Ceci played the HELL out of them I loved the casual representation like the thing I hate about most shows that add representation is thats all there is to the character and here it isn’t the case Frankie is my favorite character of the movie not just because of them being nonbinary. between the Info-dumping and how relatable their struggle with socializing was and how consistent they were with their movement and the first day they were 15 days old and the next they were 16 days old I really enjoyed that. They in my opinion had the best outfits in the movie like I did not hate them as someone where my clothing and makeup expression is very important to my gender presentation. Overall they held up the movie definitely.
The music was fucking great there was not a bad song all of them bops going onto my musical playlist hell my main playlist even cuz the hyperfixation is real
The visuals and like background music was so on brand in my opinion like I don’t know how they could have been done better with the budget they had I really did feel immersed in the universe
The humor was also so on brand the football scene and the main 3 disturbing ghoulias rest in the graveyard were some highlights for me
Eventhough I am Jacksons biggest simp the teacher I did like I know alot of people were saying it was predictable but their motives and everything and how they didn’t want Clawdeen to get involved and thought their way was the best way for her I enjoyed. and hell from what i recall they never said his first name that could be Jackson.
I enjoyed headmistress and Dracula’s characters they are just as I would have imagined them and how Draculaura has conflict with her dad due to their family’s legacy I related to alot as a kid who feels like they haven’t done enough as an 18 year old because my siblings already had cars and high gpas and stable jobs by then
🌹🦇Things I Disliked About The Movie🦇🌹
Cleo - fucking white woman jumpscare everytime she came on screen I omfg
The casting in general when it came to the poc in the movie yall know damn well Cleo and Clawdeen could and should have been casted by darker actresses and the argument of talent can not be made because there are plenty of darker skinned poc actresses who can act and sing yall could have found
i wish they kepted ghoulia nonverbal/speaks zombie i made a post touching on this lightly ill link it here
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🍒🧟Things I Liked About The Cartoon🧟🍒
Draculaura, Cleo, and Lagoonas cartoon characters looked very cute
Im trying to be positive here okay
🍒🧟Things I Didn’t Like About The Cartoon🧟🍒
TORALEI!! im not even not even upset about the fact that she’s fucking british okay its the fact they scrapped her origin of being an orphan that had a rough upbringing and how they brought nuance to her character instead to make her some bigoted chav she was one of my favorite characters and yall shat on her
i didnt like the story felt rushed and cheap but that was only one episode I watched so
felt like a baby show and not a good one like miraculous ladybug or sophia the first like just bright colors make them shut up for 10 minutes baby show i was hoping for something fun to watch at any age like the og Bratz show
the styles of the character are hard to look the only ones that I like are draculaura and cleo and maybe lagoona really the rest of them I don’t see myself getting dolls of which makes me upset cuz as someone who really liked live action Frankie if their doll looked like that I would have bought it
why did they make clawdeen biracial? i dont know if this is for the show and the movie im assuming both because of how the character looks. like did the idea of having a fully black main character not vibe with y’all what is the reason if yall wanted to have a biracial character then create a new character making a character who was fully black now biracial is crumby as hell making it seem as if having a dark skinned femme lead isn’t appealing
this can apply to both the movie and the show really where are clawdeens siblings??? howleen my girl where are you!! clawd my himbo!? i loved how the wolf siblings showed the variety of shades black teens came in and their characters in general and thats just gone now
ill add more as i go!!🖤
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