#i pancaked so hard my body started dancing
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everyone look, he’s break-dancing
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fic-over-cannon · 2 months
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Part 4: The Plan
part 3 | series masterlist | ao3 link
jason todd x f!reader
summary: one step back, one step forward in this dance with jason’s warring desires for intimacy and distance
tags: swearing, UST, light angst
rated explicit (mdni) | wc: 2.7k
a/n: i’ve never experienced an american thanksgiving so all of my knowledge of it comes from pop culture. this is basically the last of my ‘set up’ chapters, so plot + relationship development is going to really hit their strides starting from here.
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Jason is learning to live with the thousand pangs of guilt that go hand in hand with his determination to be your friend and only your friend. Guilt churns his stomach so often that it fades to just another background distraction. Every time you stiffen up when he pulls back, every time you try to catch your face before the disappointment can shine through, he sees it all. He should keep his distance, stop reeling you in close before drawing back unexpectedly, but he can’t quite manage it.
A more recent encounter is still seared into his brain. It plays behind his eyelids as he swims laps around the pool with Rei.
The two of you had been heading to the dinner two blocks off of campus after Duvall’s class, the fiery light of the sunset colouring the worn paths across the quad. Class had been predictably… painful. Reading it for his own purposes or for a group of students to discuss, Frankenstein has always struck a raw nerve. I am thy creature and I will be even mild and docile to my natural lord and king, if thou wilt also perform thy part, which thou owest me. Seen and made raw by a woman and her monster years in the past, and isn’t that just the rub? The world spins, new generations live and die and live again to be just as disappointing to the men that created them. Jason’s heart had ached behind his sternum and even the usual balm of your chatter had taunted him with everything he denies himself. He’d made all the right noises, kept his head down and hands jammed into his pockets as the two of you had finally made it to the diner.
“God I almost lost it when what’s-his-name in business started talking.” You’d snorted as you’d opened up your menu, plastic pages clinging together. “Like is it really so hard to have an ounce of empathy? We should start a list of worst takes because that had to be a top five. Jay?” Jason must not have been playing his part well enough because now you’re looking at him, too silent, too caught up on the long stale nickname. “What are you thinking Jay, because I’m thinking pancakes for dinner.” All he could think of is the one and only Dick took him out for pancakes. Begrudgingly. And how it had ended with Dick storming out, suddenly excited about hanging out with the Titans, only to come back disappointed when he had realized he was Jason’s only ride.
“Don’t.” It had come out low and mean, lobbed through gritted teeth like something hot and vicious. Jason had watched it hit you, the way you’d leaned back from the table and hunched your shoulders closer. “Just don’t call me that, yeah?” It had taken concentrated effort on his part to breathe, mimic loosening the tension in his body, to look smaller and non-threatening.
“Oh. Okay, Jason.” Silence had stretched out between the two of you, an almost tangible distance. The words to explain, to apologize and smooth things over had stuck in his throat. The fading light had caught your face for a moment, your face crumpling in hurt before shuttering closed. Your blank face was burned into his mind’s eye just as clearly as all the ways he had not repaired things between you.
Jason surfaces, water sluicing off of his shoulders, before going back under for another stroke. His body takes over the pattern of striking and breathing while his mind returns to the diner. There’s a small animal part at the back of his mind that’s wary of the water. Keeps a small part of him on the look out for any tinges of green to the liquid in the irrational fear that he might also come out of this body of water changed. Actually taking Rei up on his offer to go swimming was in some ways a punishment for Jason, adrenaline thrumming through his veins until his muscles flagged from exhaustion.
Rei is waiting for him at the entrance to the gym, water bottle half empty and lid still unscrewed. His glasses keep sliding down his still damp face but he grins at Jason anyway.
“You sure you’re not looking for a spot on the swim team? Because I’m sure the team captain would get the coaches to make an exception for you.”
Re-shouldering his duffel, Jason asks, “Now why would he do that?”
“I’d do it because I want one last trophy for the relay team.” Rei says wryly.
“No shit?”
“Yeah, I don’t really advertise it because I’ve been doing it for so long that I keep forgetting new people don’t already know I swim. But if you want a spot you’re in. You lapped me like what, four times?”
“Five,” Jason says sheepishly. “Not much of a team player, so I’m gonna have to turn you down.”
“Fair enough,” Rei shrugs. “But I don’t think you’re giving yourself enough credit. You probably dodged a bullet though, the coaches are hard asses about not drinking before meets.”
“Yeah, speakin’ of drinkin’, what the hell was in those drinks you made the first night.”
Rei laughs and the conversation takes a more lighthearted turn as they head across campus to the student union. It doesn’t take much to keep the conversation going so Jason has time to turn over Rei’s invitation over in his head. Jason would never have been able to accept — spackling over his extensive scarring for even just today had been a pain — but it had given him hope that maybe even after all his mishaps with you, that he might still be achieving ‘normal’.
Wednesday comes by and Jason makes up his mind to show up the weekly study session. With the Thanksgiving weekend coming up he’s got less work than ever but an even stronger desire not to be alone. Campus has emptied out in anticipation of the long weekend, the student union almost echoingly empty. Lina and Rei are already taking up a bench, sickeningly affectionate and dodging the balled up paper scraps Danika is tossing at them. You sit next to her, rolling your eyes at her antics then egging her on whenever Lina swoops in to leave another lipstick stain on Rei’s cheeks. He hesitates before committing to the seat at the end of the table nearest to you. The fresh loukoumades burning a hole in his bag will have to be shield and apology enough.
He’s nearly there, three feet out from his target, when the sound of a chair getting angrily out of the way diverts his attention. Will is dragging his bike through the field of chairs, cursing up a storm that has even Jason with all of his years in Gotham taken aback. Quite possibly its the most words Jason’s heard Will say out loud in the scarce months he’s known the man. The incongruity of the scene with who Will generally is as a person sends most of table into nervous half laughter.
“Will? Will what’s wrong? The biking parking finally full or something?” You ask, disbelieving.
“What the fuck does it look like?” He snarls, before throwing the bike to the ground in frustration.
“Will, what happened?” Lina cuts Jason off, uncurling herself from around Rei and leaning forward. Her eyes are wide and searching, and in Jason’s opinion, not suspicious enough for the uncharacteristic rage on Will’s face.
“Some motherfucking cock sucking moron nearly ran me off the sidewalk in their piece of shit gas guzzler. That’s what happened.” He goes to throw himself into the seat next to you but Jason beats him to it, larger frame boxing him out. Throwing Jason an annoyed glance, Will slouches into the only seat left. He brandishes his coat clad arm in front of Lina and Rei, still thrumming with pent up energy.
“Look what they did!” He exclaims.
“I don’t think any of the bandaids in my bag are big enough for that scrape.” Rei says regretfully.
“What— never mind the scrape, look what they did to my coat!” He pulls the fabric tight across his wrist, shoving it under their noses. Rei and Lina give each other confused looks over Will’s head.
“There’s a lose thread?” Questions Danika.
“Yes! Thank you, yes! That idiotic jackass made me scrape up my Loro Piana jacket, do you know how much this costs?!”
“So,” Danika interjects, “won’t your family just buy you a new one and write this off for taxes or something?”
“That’s not— okay that piece of shit not only destroyed my jacket and put my life at risk but he’s also polluting with his mid-life crisis pollutant puker. You know there’s a reason Gotham ranks worst in pollution for cities in New Jersey? It’s thanks to people like that who don’t care that their cars are leaking oil and going knocking people — who are just trying to be nice to the environment — off of their bikes when they were just minding their own—“
“Report it to the police or campus security then.” Jason interrupts, before Will can get into the rant he’s building up steam for. “You got close enough to see the oil leaking, you probably saw the license plate too.” Jason pulls the loukoumades out of his bag and slides them over to you, keeping eye contact with Will the whole while. Will breaks eye contact first, pulling his perfectly intact black wool coat tighter around him before shoving his hands deep in the pockets. You’ve cracked open the container and let out a hum of delight. Will’s eyes dart to the table.
“Didn’t get it. How was I supposed to know that one minute I’d be riding along, and then the next I’d be traumatized for life by some inconsiderate brute?” He sulks. And oh, yeah, not everyone had grown up with B and all of his lessons on paying attention to your environment for evidence.
“Yeah, speaking of trauma, who’s got plans for thanksgiving yet?” Danika asks, mirth and humour her weapon against the atmosphere.
A sharp elbow knocks once into Jason’s ribs. He turns to look down at you, hoping your bid for attention won’t turn out to be disappointing. You meet his gaze with cheeks stuffed full of fried dough and honeyed syrup, eyes narrowed and considering.
“They’re not pancakes, but I thought you’d like ‘em anyway.” Jason says.
You swallow, before beginning to speak in a low voice, letting the flow of conversation continue around the two of you undisturbed. “If this is an apology, there better be more from where that came from.” Your small lopsided smile is sincere, but it doesn’t quite erase the image of your blank face from the dinner from his memory. Nodding, he goes to pull out the second Tupperware container that he’d had the foresight to prepare and you begin to lick the leftover syrup from your fingers. Jason’s vision narrows down to your thumb and forefinger, glistening in the fluorescent lights. He could swear his heart skips a beat when your pink tongue flicks out, his breathing certifiably irregular when you start to suck on your fingers. The image of your lips shiny from syrup will probably be engraved on his second headstone as the cause of death.
“—son, Jason.” Danika’s voice, high pitched and insistent, breaks the moment. He’d be embarrassed at tuning out his situational awareness if he wasn’t also scrambling to answer her half-heard question.
“No plans for me. My family and I aren’t really in a ‘gatherings and gratitude’ place right now.”
“Whoops, we’ll add your family to the off-limits list. What do you usually do then?”
Your phone starts buzzing, and you swear under your breath as you navigate sticky fingers and tight jean pockets.
“I just make a fancier meal than normal, watch the parade on the tv. Not much to it.” He replies off-handedly. He doesn’t mention the extra patrols he’ll do, in anticipation of one of the Rogues deciding to make a splash across holiday headlines.
“Sorry, I’ve got to answer this.” And already you’re trying to climb over Jason to get out from the booth and away from the table. It brings your face closer to his than it’s ever been and Jason would be trying to pin a name to the exact shade of your eyes if it wasn’t for the worry on your face. The nearly empty building means that you don’t wander far from the group. You pace as you listen to whoever is on the phone and play with the charm on your necklace. Will catches on to Jason’s line of sight and rolls his eyes, still sulking in his chair.
“So there’s a whole list, yeah? Things you don’t talk about?” Jason asks, trying to distract himself.
“Oh I wouldn’t call it anything so official.” Lina dismisses.
“No but we totally should!” Fires back Danika. “It would make things sooo much less awkward if Jason knew not to bring up just how much money Will’s rolling in, or the fact that Rei hates talking about the team right before a swim meet, or that when she,” and here Danika lowers her voice and nods in your direction, “plays with her necklace on a phone call fifty bucks says it’s someone from her family.”
“Got it, no askin’ her about the secret phone calls.” Jason says with a tight smile.
“Oh it’s nothing super secret.” Danika leans back into the corner and waves a lazy hand. “Just that most of them were dead set against her doing English instead of some ‘useful degree’ like pre-med or engineering. Don’t know why though, I don’t think’ I’ve ever met anyone that hates calculus more.”
But Jason, Jason thinks he does know why. Puts together the little pieces of your past you’d entrusted to his scarred hands and looks to the shared weft of your past. Looks at a girl whose family had scraped and fought to make a life untouched by poverty in a city that doesn’t easily forgive, and knows that it took luck and bone wearying effort to make it out of the Alley’s clutches. He looks at the girl who is used to being told her opinions don’t matter and yet believing in them anyway, who has put together a path leading right to her dreams even if the detours take her back to the place her family was happy to leave behind. Jason looks around the table at these fresh faced kids in their $6000 jackets and knows that none of them understand the constant, cavernous fear that all of the little luxuries they take for granted will suddenly disappear like morning fog. Jason knows the kind of courage it takes to push past that dogged fear and refuse the path your family pushes you down in order to achieve loftier goals.
The conversation has moved past him now, wrapped in his reverie. Rei and Danika have devolved into the kind of hardline negotiation Jason would have expected to see between seasoned lawyers rather than undergrads.
“C’mon Danika, I know you want a Pinterest worthy friends-giving but it’s just not going to work out this year.” Rei chides. “There’s just no time that’s gonna work for all of us.”
“Yes but it’s our last year when we’re all for sure going to be in the same place for the holiday weekend!”
“Look, we should all be free the Friday after the long weekend. We’ll do another night out, me and Lina will host the pre, and it’ll be our version of friends-giving. I’ll even make turkey themed cocktails if you want.”
“Gross! Fine, fine.” Danika most definitely does not whine. “But make them pumpkin pie themed cocktails instead.”
Jason’s got half an ear on the conversation, but continues to study you as long as his input isn’t needed. You sigh and seem to deflate as your call ends.
“So boys, are you ready to see the damage Rei can do when he’s got his full bar cart with him?” Lina asks, coy as anything. “I’m sure he’ll be able to make something that will even get you dancing, Jason.”
You shuffle around Jason, trying to squirm back into your bench seat. For a brief moment, your thighs bracket his.
“If that’s the plan,” Jason breathes out shakily.
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Part 5
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l0vergirlv0mit · 11 months
All of you
Inspired by: All Of You sung by Ella Fitzgeralds
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Pairing: wife!hazel x reader
Summary: after meeting in college and falling in love you both have graduated, found stability in yourselves and each other, and now enjoy the pleasures of being newlyweds. Fluff<3
A/n: more of a blurb. i often fantasize about having a loving wife and a beautiful house. just thinking about scenes of a comfortable loving marriage makes me melt. Hazel is definitely a women in STEM btw. Really enjoyed writing this!
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You quietly make your way downstairs trying to find the beautiful women missing from my your bed when you woke up. A sweet aroma fills your nostrils and you know exactly where you’ll find her.
The cold wooden floor boards creek beneath your feet. The late November weather makes you crave your wife’s warmth more than anything. You come up behind her and and wrap your arms around her waist, placing a kiss where her neck met her shoulder. “Smells great baby.” You spoke softly to her.
Hazles been smiling to her self since she heard you open the door of your bed room. Excited to see her love and share the morning with her. “How did you sleep?” She turns the stove off finished with her scrambled eggs. Moving to face you then pull you into an impossibly close embrace, kissing the top of your head. “Good, but I woke up cold.” You look up at her and pout.
“Aww well I have something that’ll warm you up baby.” She places a kiss on the tip of your nose. “Go sit down I’ll bring you coffee and breakfast yeah?” You smile ear to ear overcome with love. You pull away from her going to the record player in the dinning room and put on a jazz record.
“Cream and sugar babe?” She calls from the kitchen. “Yes please!” Swaying back and forth to the music you make your way to your assigned seat at the table. The soft light of the morning pierces through the sheer curtains. Staring contently at the view outside your semi fogged window.
Hazel goes back and forth between the kitchen placing down a large plate piled with pancakes, another plate with scrambled eggs, and bowl of cantaloupe. Finally setting down your cup of coffee and handing you one of her hoodie’s. “Here.” She kisses your forehead and sits next to you.
You pull her hoodie on and smells like her sandalwood amber perfume. Every nerve in your body is buzzing with gratitude. How could you get so lucky. “Thank you baby, you work so hard for me.” She smiles even wider her chest filling with pride. “Anything for you.” While fixing your plates and eating you talk about the events of your past week. Laughing and holding hands and teasing.
Once you finished Hazel starts to get up and reaches for your plate. You place your hand softly on her wrist. “Let me clean up honey you’ve worked hard enough it’s not even 10 yet.” She agreed but still insisted on caring the plates to the sink for you. She leans against the counter watching you clean. Keeping you occupied by telling you details about the event your both attending later tonight.
You were going to a formal party for Hazles bosses birthday. And you couldn’t wait to help Hazel into her suit later tonight. You were nodding and humming to the things Hazel was saying until one of your favorite songs came on.
You gasp stopping what you were doing. Wiping your hands on the clean towel next to you and pull Hazel by the hands to dance with you. Quickly she places her hands on your hips and smiles brightly. Your playful excitement amuses her.
Giggling at your enthusiasm when singing to her her starts singing with you. She spins you around and dips you. Pulling you back close to her. Dizzy as you rest your hand on her chest and your head on her shoulder. “I love you, so much.” She whispered into your ear. Raising your head you whispered back to her “I love you more.” Eyes looking back into each other completely entranced.
She raised her eyebrows, one hand moves to your lower back and the other to the side of your face. “Doubt it.” She pulls you into a passionate kiss. Your hands find her waist thumbs rubbing the soft skin. Both of you pull away and Hazel grinned at you again continuing to sing. Taking your hands again to dance with you until you’ve moved to the living room.
Where she pulls you down with her to the couch. Laying on top of you with her head on your chest. Dishes forgotten and record played through. Hazel reaches for the remote and turned on the show you’d both been watching together for the past month. Your fingers run though her hair. “Dont let me fall asleep ok.” You hum in response and eventually heard her breathing slow as she rest. And you laid there drawing circles into her back completely and utterly content.
The rest of the day was spent being lazy around the house enjoying each other’s company<3
(This made me want to punch dry wall I need this so bad😊)
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rookthorne · 5 months
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬, 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬
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To find one to dance to the Devil’s call was a rare thing, but you found your match in the least expected place.
The only problem? A small, little girl that was determined to never let her new friend forget that she was home, too.
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 ୨୧ DILF!Bucky Barnes x Babysitter!F!Reader
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 ୨୧ 2.9k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ୨୧ Fluff, domesticity, pancakes are a love language, heated kissing, implied adult discussion (doesn't actually happen in the fic), very light angst (anxiety)
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 ୨୧ The awaited sequel is here! ୨୧ I think it's a very possible eventuation that I am addicted to writing this smug, arrogant, son of a— ୨୧ A very big thank you to @smutconnoisseur for being my soundboard for this fic, and for helping me make the ending the best it could be — I am so damned grateful.
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒔 ୨୧ older by Isabel LaRosa ୨୧ Lose Control by Teddy Swims
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 ୨୧ @buckybarnesevents Build a Bucky Bingo ჻჻჻ Mutual Pining (March), Domestic (April) — Masterlist
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𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐀𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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You were slow to wake the next day. The sun had not yet started to bleed through the curtains on the opposite side of the room — it couldn’t have been any later than sunrise, you hoped. 
The night before had been one hell of a shock to your system, and you could still feel Bucky’s lips ghost over yours if you just thought hard enough; or how his voice lowered to a tenor that shook you to your core. All night you dreamed of more, chasing that forbidden high he supplied wholly and fully — a willing and far more enthusiastic half to your own. 
Naturally, there were going to be obstacles and challenges to navigate to the possibility of a relationship — one of which you could hear parading up and down the hallway with fast, little footsteps. 
After Starlet’s pressing interrogation while you readied her for sleep — a surprise that she (impressively) cornered you with — that it may be more of a smooth reveal than you could hope for, but still, nerves boiled and bubbled in your stomach, clinging to your insides like glue.
No point delaying it any longer, you thought, and you threw the mountain of covers off of your body. Though the indiscernible noise of the plush mattress moving underneath your sleep-stiff body was a siren call for small ears, fortunately, or unfortunately. 
The door creaked open just as you lifted your head off of the pillow, and a figure, their head no taller from the floor to the handle, peered inside. “Hello?”
You blinked and sat up further. “He– Oof!”
In a blur of stripes and polka dots and a tangle of hair, you were knocked back onto the mattress with two thin arms around your neck. “Fawn! You’re here! Did you st– Why are you here? Did daddy let you sleep–?”
“Let her wake up, baby,” a deep voice said from the doorway. It neared as they said, “And I told you, no playing upstairs.” The weight moved from your front to your side, and you saw a toothy, bright grin that could belong to no other than Starlet. “There she is.���
You looked to the side and saw Bucky standing at the end of the bed, arms crossed over his chest. He wore a dark cotton shirt and grey sweatpants while his hair lay loose and mussed. Every last comprehensible, coherent thought fled your mind and pooled in your stomach, and Bucky knew as such — the blue of his eyes darkened with a knowing glint, turning them stormy grey. 
Get it together, you intoned — outwardly, you said with a rasp, “Well, good morning to you two.”
“Good mornin’, Fawn,” Bucky said, beaming down at you. “Did you get some sleep, love?” The weight on your side pressed harder while Bucky spoke. 
“Good, good, good morning,” Starlet sang, her smile as wide as her father’s. 
A light laugh flowed with your words, “Yeah, I slept well, really well, thank you. Wait– Do I smell–”
“Breakfast! Daddy started it already because he is the best.” Bucky put a hand over his heart and inclined his head, before dramatically wiping a non-existent tear. Starlet shook your shoulder to get your attention and said, “Do you like coffee? I can press the big button on daddy’s machine for you!”
“Sure, honey,” you said, and before you could offer to help her down from the bed, she took off like a shot towards the door and down the hall. “Well, that went better than I could have hoped…”
Bucky laughed and shook his head, then he looked at you; a piercing stare that rooted you to the spot. “You feelin’ okay, baby?”
You gulped. “Y– Yeah, I am, are you?”
There was a beat of silence, the tension mounting by the second, when Bucky rounded the end of the bed to stand right next to you. His hand brushed the side of your neck, then his thumb lifted your chin. 
“Never been better, Doe,” he murmured, and he leaned close to kiss you softly. It was a fleeting, chaste brush of lips, but it didn’t fail to stir up the heat that had been left simmering from the night before. “We’ll talk later, but come down and get some breakfast, okay?”
“Okay,” you managed, though it sounded more like a wheezed gasp than a reply. “I– uh–” You cleared your throat and sat up more. “I’ll see you in the kitchen.”
A soft smile pulled at the corner of Bucky’s lips, and he nodded when a yell from downstairs echoed up the well, “Daddy!”
Bucky sighed and turned towards the door. “What?” he called back. 
“I wanna give Fawn one of my cups for her big girl drink!” You snorted a laugh while Bucky walked towards the door. 
“Starlet Barnes, I swear to Gramma Winnie that if you’re up on that damned stool–” His voice trailed away while he made his way down to stop his daughter from injuring herself. 
The covers came away with a rustle, and you moved to stand up and stretch. 
The adjoining bathroom to the guest bedroom was just as opulent as you could have expected — marble tiles lined the floor, and some type of gleaming tile decorated each wall. It was coloured with deep, moody tones, and as you fiddled with the shower, steam billowed through the room. 
You took a deep breath, letting the steam fill your lungs. The racing thoughts slowed as soon as the water pelted against your skin, a soothing pattern that allowed you to distance yourself from the worries of what was to come. “It’ll be okay,” you murmured to yourself, cupping your face in your hands. “It will be okay.”
After some time passed, you stepped out from the guest room, dressed in a set of clothes Bucky left for you. It was a shirt, and a pair of soft, worn slacks — they were beyond comfortable, and you yawned as you began to make your way to the stairs. 
But you froze as you reached the top of the stairs. Bucky was talking quietly, his voice soft. “Don’t bombard the poor girl, baby.” The scrape of utensils on a plate echoed, and then the drag of porcelain over tile. “She’s stressed—can’t have any more on her shoulders, can we?”
You leaned forward over the balustrade to look down into the kitchen. From your vantage point, Starlet was sitting on a tall stool and Bucky was next to her, cutting up her pancakes with care. 
The distance made it hard to discern the quiet words that Starlet uttered, but you caught them, nonetheless. “Can I make her a picture, daddy?”
Bucky beamed at his daughter. “‘Course you can, honey. I think Fawn would love it; she might even stick it on her fridge at home–”
“But home is here; she’s staying here isn’t she–?”
“Uh–” Bucky’s voice was strained, dumbstruck with the implicit question not unlike the interrogation you survived through by the skin of your teeth the night before. “Honey… I, uh– Fawn–”
“But you smile a lot when she’s around,” Starlet insisted. 
There was no air, you couldn’t pull any into your lungs; it was sapped from the atmosphere, vanished without a trace to leave you reeling at the top of the stairs. “Shit,” you muttered. 
After a long moment of silence, where you could physically watch the gears turn in Bucky’s head on how best to assuage and sate his daughter’s curiosity and downright accurate observations, he spoke. “I know, baby. Fawn is very special to me; she’s kind, she’s funny, and she’s very pretty. But you’re my priority, Starlet—always will be. 
His thumb brushed her small chin, and he leaned down to kiss her forehead. “She takes good care a’you and that’s what’s most important.”
You could almost hear the unspoken undercurrent of meaning in his words, and it made your stomach flip. 
However, nothing could have prepared you for what Starlet said next. 
“She makes you happy, daddy,” she said, almost a whisper. “I like seeing you smile—uncle Steeb said it’s important to be happy.”
“Oh,” you gasped, and your hand flew to cover your mouth. Tears from overwhelming tides of emotion flocked your lash line, blurring your vision. 
“I guess it is, honey,” Bucky said softly. 
It took a long while to gather your senses while you stood on the balustrade, hand still clutching the stair rail for support. The powerful waves of emotion battered against the walls you had so weakly placed around your heart, and in your own disbelief, you wondered how this could have happened so fast — not long ago you were holed up in your apartment looking for work when you stumbled upon that advertisement. You jumped at the chance, and it landed you here, in a position where you were stuck between a rock in a hard place. 
To confess and ruin your prospects for your job but possibly gain something so much more or keep your thoughts to yourself and pray that it fizzled on its own. 
And even then, you knew you were asking for a miracle; that kiss still lingered in your mind, overshadowing your waking thoughts with more than inappropriate fantasies of just how experienced he was. 
You shook your head, willing the thoughts to quieten down, at least until after breakfast — Bucky said the two of you could talk about that kiss. That would be the time to find answers, you reasoned. 
Slowly, you took the stairs one by one, sure to make yourself heard and known. The living room and kitchen was flooded with natural sunlight that streamed through the trees that lined the edge of the property, and on the edge of the counter closest to you was a bouquet of white roses, wrapped in white cellophane. 
Bucky looked up from his daughter’s plate and smiled widely as he took you in. The softness of his eyes made your heart ache; a yearning to stride forwards and embrace him. “They’re for you, Fawn,” he said, nodding to the roses. “Little miss Starlet helped me pick ‘em out for you—as a thank you,” he added as you tilted your head in confusion. “Had ‘em delivered this mornin’.”
“You didn’t have–” You started, but Starlet began to fuss. 
“And I did a little picture,” she gushed, pointing at a small piece of paper placed carefully between the numerous bulbs. 
“She did,” Bucky agreed. 
You smiled, just a twitch of your lips, and you walked towards the arrangement. The roses were in full bloom, their beauty bewitching and soft, tender — just like the love you held for the pair in front of you. “They’re beautiful,” you whispered, touching the outer ring of petals with the pad of your index finger. 
The crayon drawing depicted a princess between a knight and a queen, their gowns flowing in a rainbow of colours, and the knight’s armour gleamed white from the imaginary sun in the top corner of the paper. You looked towards Starlet and smirked. “And now I have a perfect addition for my fridge.”
Starlet positively beamed with pride. 
A plate loaded with an assortment of breakfast foods replaced the bouquet, and you glanced down — Bucky cooked each morsel to perfection, and you couldn’t help but feel your mouth water from the aromas that spliced the air. Complex notes of browned butter and sugar mixed with the heady, salted scents that could rival a five-star restaurant. 
You furrowed your brows in confusion. “Buck–? Were you a chef?”
Bucky laughed and hung his head, and to your surprise, a blush started to bloom over his cheekbones. A few strands of loose hair fell from behind his ears, and you felt faint with the need to tuck them back, while also conflicted with the lust to run your fingers through it from root to tip and pull.
“I’ve been around for a while, honey,” he chuckled, throwing a hand towel over his shoulders. His hands held the edge of the counter, and he leaned forward, pushing his weight onto his wrists to make his biceps bulge — it was an effort to focus only on his face. “Learned a lot, all that sh–” His gaze snapped to a preoccupied Starlet who happily ate her pancakes while swinging her feet. “Sugar.”
You snorted a laugh and shook your head. “I can imagine.” 
The three of you tucked in and finished breakfast with little incident — Starlet determinedly rambled on about how many new drawings she was going to complete that afternoon, all while Bucky encouraged her and poked into her ideas with a cheeky, mischievous nature. It was no wonder that Starlet caught on and stared at her father with narrowed eyes. 
“I’ll show you,” she huffed, and she pushed the empty plate away towards him. “May I be excused?”
“Yeah, baby, you go get what you wanna show me,” Bucky said smoothly, picking up the plate. “Fawn and I will be here waitin’.”
Starlet dashed off with her unparalleled enthusiasm, and you looked back towards Bucky to start a pleasant conversation, when the words died on your tongue. The blazing want in his once cerulean eyes had vanished behind the inky black of his pupils, and his eyes were darting back and forth from your eyes to your lips, where they lingered. 
You watched, enraptured, while his tongue ran over his bottom lip. “I– Hmph!”
His lips collided with yours while his left hand cupped your jaw, his right pawing at your waist. Your feet stumbled clumsily backwards, only able to go where he put you, and your back hit the fridge door. The force of it made the appliance rattle. 
It didn’t deter you from giving him your all — the raw passion behind the kiss fueled the simmering fire into an inferno, the heat of it lapped up your spine and wrapped around every last nerve. 
“Shit,” Bucky hissed against your lips, pulling back to gasp for air. “I couldn’t resist any more, baby—can’t fuckin’ get enough a’you.”
Desperation clawed at your insides when you realised you were in the damned kitchen of all places, and Starlet would be back at any second. “Shut up and kiss me,” you demanded.
Bucky growled low in his throat and surged forwards, claiming your lips again only to nip at your bottom lip with his teeth, soothing it over with his tongue. Your fingers wound through his loose hair that fell to his neck, the softness a luxury you couldn’t help but need more of — you pulled and revelled in the hitch of breath against your lips, the way his hips bucked forward. 
A small moan vibrated your throat, and he grew more insistent, demanding in his fervour. It was only when he pulled back to mouth open kisses down your neck did you hear him groan with need. “Fuckin’ need you now, Doe.” 
“Yes, yes,” you panted. “Fuck, please–” 
Small, fast footsteps came from the loft above the kitchen and Bucky hung his head, his forehead landing on your collarbone with a heavy sigh. “Fuck, I need you.”
You blinked and shook yourself inwardly. “I– Fuck, yeah, me too.”
Bucky pulled away from your body with a thoughtful frown. “I want you.”
The way your heart lurched into your throat from your chest was almost painful, and you gulped around it. “I– Oh, god.”
“I jus’ wanna get a feel of where your head’s at, yeah?” he said softly. “I need to make sure that you want this as much as I do.” 
“That– Yeah, I do, I really, really do–” You tried, furiously working your throat to swallow, though your mouth was dry.
Bucky smiled and squeezed your waist with his hand, and he pecked you on the lips before he pulled away. “Don’t you worry, baby. I want you here with me, and with her.” He nodded towards his approaching daughter, who was occupied with carrying rolls and rolls of paper. “I know she does too.”
The words, while they were whispered against your lips, they came with a promise, one that entailed your whole future.
Starlet’s excited tone pulled you from staring into Bucky’s eyes, and you smiled as she held up some of the rolls of paper for you to take. “Come on, Fawn,” she rushed, giggling. Her small hand grasped yours, and then pulled you along. 
Deep, rasped laughter came from behind you, and you looked over your shoulder to see her father watching the two of you with bright eyes; a glint of adoration in them that made the blue of his irises so much deeper. 
“I want you,” he mouthed, and he inclined his head to look at you, then he turned into the kitchen to supposedly grab his cup of coffee. 
“What’s taking you so long?” Starlet asked, indignant. She stood to your side with her nose scrunched in annoyance — an expression you knew she inherited from her father. “I have these to show you and daddy.”
“I’m coming, I’m coming, sweetheart,” you soothed, squeezing her hand. 
She took the assurance and dashed away. You watched her as she guided you towards the couch in the living room, and you heard heavy footsteps behind you — Bucky was following slowly. 
“Honey, please don’t pull her arm off,” he teased, and Starlet only huffed. “We need her, remember? Who’s goin’ to let you stay up past your bedtime then, huh?”
You blinked. “That was not my fault–”
Bucky took a sip from his mug, smirking behind the rim. “I know all, I see all—can’t hide shit from me, baby,” he whispered, and he winked.
The narrow-eyed stare you sent him only made him laugh, and somehow, the sound soothed your worries, and you knew it was going to be alright.
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⠈⠂⠄ 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑  ⠄⠂⠁
⠈⠂⠄𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⠄⠂⠁
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angelbaby-fics · 1 year
Don't Bite
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Word Count: 850
Warnings: Slight injury to the reader! Lots of comfort and fluff though of course!!
A/N: Aww this one's kinda similar to one I did for the tea party event but I've actually had this concept in my notes app for like 6 months! Hopefully posting this finally works & I hope you guys enjoy!! ❤️
It started off as a peaceful morning. Steve was in the kitchen, his turn to clean up after breakfast, and Bucky was starting up a load of laundry down the hall. You were splayed across the couch, watching cartoons and digesting your pancakes when Alpine sauntered over to the sofa and leapt up next to you. The cat took a big yawn before curling up halfway on your chest, purring and nuzzling you as you pet her silky white fur. Lost in the dancing colors on the tv screen, you aimlessly scratched behind her ears, down her back, across the length of her tail.
Too far!
In a flash of white, Alpine whipped her body around to face your offending hand and let off a warning hiss! Your precious pet suddenly transformed into a vicious predator, baring her fangs at you with fire in her eyes. Out of shock, you pulled your hand away, some of the fur still entwined within your fingers, and when you yanked back, Alpine sunk her teeth into your arm out of self defense. It wasn't too hard, just meant to admonish you like she would her own kitten, but her teeth were sharp enough to break your skin, and the sight of blood was enough to make you start screaming. 
Naturally, Steve and Bucky were abandoning their respective chores rushing to your side to comfort you in no time. Alpine had fled the scene at the sound of your screams, so it wasn't immediately apparent to them what was wrong; all they saw was their baby, distressed and injured. Hearts racing, they each tried in their own way to figure out what the problem was and solve it. Steve dried your tears, carefully petting your head and whispering words of comfort to you while Bucky protectively wrapped an arm around you, jaw clenched with stress as he scanned the room for what hurt you. 
When they were both certain the coast was clear, they moved you to the bathroom, Bucky holding you firmly against his chest. He kept you in his arms as he sat down on the closed lid of the toilet, pulling your legs up onto his lap as Steve rummaged through the cupboard for the family's first aid kit. He emerged with a clear tub, which he set on the bathroom counter and opened and began unpacking. Your arms were wrapped around Bucky's neck, and he felt you grip onto his t-shirt once you saw Steve pull out the bottle of antiseptic. 
"Nonononono," you mumbled into Bucky's shoulder, "no more ouchies please!"
He tightened his arms around you, soothingly rubbing your back. Both your daddies' hearts broke at your pleas. 
"I know, babydoll. It's just gonna last a second, okay?" Steve tried to reassure you, but your tears were starting up again.
"Shhh.... You're safe baby, it's okay," Bucky whispered into your ear. 
He reached up to untangle your injured hand from his shirt. Holding it softly in his right hand, he slowly brought your arm down from his neck and held it out towards Steve, who was looking at you with eyes like warm oceans. You met his gaze and nodded slightly before turning your face back into Bucky's chest, bracing yourself for the sting of the antiseptic. Maybe it was the gentleness that Steve applied the cotton on your skin, or maybe it was the hold Bucky had around you keeping you safe, but it didn't hurt nearly as badly as you thought it would. Next thing you knew, you were emerging from you Bucky cocoon to see Steve presenting you with multiple boxes of bandaids. 
"Alright, angel, you get to pick whichever kind you want!"
You looked between the boxes, some with cartoon characters, some with animals or flowers or rainbows or stars. You pointed towards your favorite, and Steve got to unwrapping it, kneeling down to your level to softly and sweetly stick the bandaid to your skin. Then he started clapping. 
"All done, baby! You did such a good job!" Steve cheered for you, smile beaming, but your eyes were drawn to something else.
Curious about her family all gathering in one room, Alpine was peering around the doorway of the bathroom. Usually she would bound right in, weaving herself between Bucky's legs or trying to get another treat out of Steve, but now she was unusually reserved. It was as if she knew that all this commotion, all this distress was because of her. Bucky leaned over to see where you were looking, Steve turned around, and instantly they solved the puzzle of what had happened to you. 
"Oh baby, did Alpine get you?"
You nodded, and whispered "Piney bite."
With a steely look, Steve walked over to the cat, bending down to look her in the eyes, and he shook a stern finger at her.
"Alpine, we don't bite our friends, do you understand?" He asked her, which made you start giggling; music to your daddies' ears.
"Its okay, Piney, I forgive you!"
And once again, it seemed like she understood, because with a little trill, she was trotting over to you, pressing her face up against you and starting to purr.
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thetriplets3 · 10 months
maybe for the alphabet/head cannon thingy u could do like how they would help you celebrate your birthday :’) sincerely, a matt girl who’s bday is tomorrow 🫶🏻
❝𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥❞
i started doing the alphabet before realizing i’m not creative and was struggling to write it so i wrote you a fic instead i hope it’s okay. happy belated birthday to you anon i hope you had a wonderful day <3
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i could feel the warmth of the morning sun that peaked through the curtains dancing their way onto my skin. slowly waking up i roll over with my eyes closed, not wanting to get up quite yet and subconsciously reach my hand towards matt’s side of the bed only to find it empty. pulling his pillow to my body i drift back into sleep.
that didn’t last long until i was abruptly awoken by the sound of a balloon popping. letting out a gasp looking around for the sudden unknown noise only to be met with an apologetic chris sputtering out sorry’s left right and center. “i’m sorry y/n i was trying so hard to not make any noise i’m sorry go back to sleep pretend you didn’t hear me i don’t want matt to know i ruined his surprise he’s so proud of himself” “it’s okay chris don’t worry you’re good i’ll ‘go back to sleep’”. after a while of pretending to sleep i actually drifted into nap.
the calming sensation of a hand being ran from my hair to my back brings me back to reality. “good morning happy birthday sweet girl” matt whispers placing gentle kisses to my cheek, shoulder, forehead, any bare skin showing. smiling up at him i take a look around the room plastering a look of shock on my face at the decorations that covered his room. looking back to him with a big smile and eyes full of adoration and love, i reach my arms out pulling him onto the bed to cuddle. “thank you baby this is so sweet of you. i love you so much” “i love you pretty girl, i’d do anything to make you happy and i love having an excuse to spoil you”. “i hate to ruin this sweet moment but is something burning?” i whispered after a few moments of comfortable silence. “shit” he exclaims as he pushes himself off me and bolts to the kitchen. “fuck! not the pancakes!” i hear him scream as he runs. i can’t help but laugh and just shake my head i expected nothing less to come of him trying to cook something, he gets too distracted. i listen to the muttered swears coming from the kitchen and lay onto my back, opting to not go down and get in his way.
eventually he peeks his head into his room with a mischievous smile. he walks into the room backwards slowly making his way to my side of the bed before turning around to face me. the plate in his hands holds a stack of funfetti pancakes with a layer of whip cream between each. atop laid 2 candles with my age on it places in the middle of a dollop of whip cream and heart shaped sprinkles surrounding it. he notices my little smirk as i glanced at the stack. he quickly turns his back to me before facing me again. this time with the numbers in the right order. “tada!! birthday pancakes for my birthday girl” he says with a playful smile, sitting next to me. “blow them out, make a wish love” he whispers. i blew the candles out before closing my eyes and scrunching my nose in concentration as i think of a wish.
he climbs into bed next to me placing the plate on my lap for me to eat as he rests his head against my shoulder. cutting a piece off and taking a bite i hum at how good they are. “thank you for the best homemade pancakes, my favorite kind too. the sprinkles were a cute touch” i say sharing a smirk with him knowing that they clearly were not homemade and that he ordered them from my favorite place. “i can’t believe you did this all for me this is so sweet of you”. “of course sweetheart i had to make sure your day was special to wake up to. it’s not everyday i get to wake you up to a room full of pink balloons and pink decorations and give you fresh homemade pancakes. plus i love doting on you, you deserve it, i love you baby” he says as he places a kiss to my lips.
as i go to take another bite of my pancakes i hear chris huff from the kitchen “oh come on” making me let out a soft giggle knowing he did all this and matt took credit for it.
taglist: @antisocialties @iluvmatt @dwntwn-strnlo @fake-coolbeans @opheliaofficial07 @angelcake-222 @oneirophobic @strniolo @lollibumblebee @ssturniolo @20nugs @strniolo @luvsturniolo
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bronx-bomber87 · 8 months
Happy Thur lovely fandom :) So sorry for being a day late. Kinda a miracle took this long for life to knock me off course tbh. Entering our final 3 eps of this rewatch. It’s the final Countdown ha This is a glorious episode top to bottom. This season really finishes out very strong. Let us begin.
5x20 S.T.R
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We start off in the most domestic fluffy way. I was giddy af when this premiered. Took me awhile to get through this ep cause I rewound this part so much. They have this flirty dance as they prep for breakfast together. Tim checking her out as he places the pancake down. Not subtle in the least looking down at her chest. I love that he can shamelessly check her out now and does so. Lucy is soaking it in. I mean if Tim Bradford was openly checking me out I’d feel empowered too.
The confident way Lucy leans extra hard into Tim as her response. *fans self* Needing zero space between them if she can help it. She is eyeing those gorgeous lips of his as well. Doesn’t take much to ignite Tim around her. Moth to flame this man. Lucy pressing into him like she didn’t just have him this morning in the shower. Gah I love it so very much. Our horny little ship never getting enough of each other. I’m a puddle. Look at her seducing him with just her body language and gaze my goodness.
Tim’s soft reply of 'Hey.’ Smitten Kitten Tim reporting for duty. Getting what she is throwing down for him. *sigh* These idiots in love. I love them so much. Happiness once again looking so damn good on them. They’re both beaming in this scene. Look at the smiles on these two. Said it a few times. Forever love how one kiss is never enough. Doesn’t take much to get them going and wanting extra kisses. Tim pulling on her for more as he goes in for that second kiss.
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Also Tim cooking breakfast for Lucy is so adorable I cannot. This is canon now and I love it. So nice she has someone to cook for her now unlike when she was with the clown. And for Tim to have someone who enjoys breakfast. Which he didn't have with Ashley. Tamara breaks up their love fest. Parting the Red Sea that is Chenford on her way to the fridge. Tim's reaction is so funny. Just throwing his hands up in the air all defeated.
At first he’s annoyed then Tamara says her line. Then he’s like she’s not wrong... LOL Oh Eric you’re the king of expressions sir. Let’s just take a second to to soak this moment in. They’re making breakfast together, can’t keep their hands off one another, his hands on her waist pulling her close, they can’t even keep it to one kiss. It’s glorious on so many levels. Not squeeing to death at all.
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Lucy and Tim still gravitate toward each other despite Tamara's interruption. Lucy noting she thought she was sleeping in today? Ha Thought she had the morning to herself with Tim. Tamara explaining she was but the smell of pancakes woke her up. We see Tim perk up so excited to make her pancakes. He truly does love having her around it's adorable. Happy it was his cooking that awoke her. Such a dad excited she wants his cooking. I cannot.
He is so happy to make her some pancakes. What a man. I LOVE the way Lucy is looking at him when Tamara says she wants 3. He looks back at her and she cutely raises her eye brows. Just as smitten with this man as he is with her. They’re so adorable. They hear the doorbell ring and Tim freezes and says ‘shoot.’ all adorable like. Telling Lucy Isabel texted him. Her name getting stuck in his throat a little. That he totally forgot to tell her he invited her over here. Lucy stumbles and is in shock but recovers pretty nicely if you ask me.
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Tim being adorable saying he is sorry. That he was gonna tell her when she got out of the shower. But then he got in the shower…oh my lord. Legit announcing they had shower sex this morning. Am I dreaming? Tim Bradford saying out loud they had little morning delight in the shower. I can't believe my ears and I'm ship drunk. S5 continues to feel like a fever dream.
Not only that but talking about their sex like in front of their pseudo daughter LOL Lucy playfully hits Tim but is still beaming at him. The shower sex was so good and distracting he forgot his ex-wife was coming over. I'm reeling. God I love this season so very much. It’s insane the glorious goodies that we got. Also must point out the necklace anytime I see it. I spy with my little eye Lucy’s Valentine’s Day gift that never leaves her neck. *internal screaming*
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Lucy is so uncomfortable once Isabel is inside poor thing. Trying to be a good last second hostess. Asking if she’d like something? Isabel says coffee. Tim guides Isabel to the living room. Tamara speed walks to Lucy asking if this is the ex-wife? Lucy scolding her for being so loud I'm dying. This is hysterical.
This is such a mother/daughter moment I love it. Lucy agreeing it is odd he invited her over. Tamara's protective instinct kicking in saying she’s gonna do some research. Lucy doesn’t want this whatsoever. Scolding her once again but the train has left the station haha I love Tamara so much. I hope we get lots of her in S6.
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Lucy joins Tim and Isabel in the living room. I have to say before I start. I’m so distracted by Tim’s hands in this scene. Mmm doing things to me. I know I have a one track mind when it comes to him. But look at the man... Anyways she brings up 8 years ago she was UC in the Teska family. Became a mentor to the boss’s daughter Dara. Love the little check in's they do with each other BTW as she speaks.
It's subtle their eye contact but that's their specialty. Silent communication at it's finest. Isabel tells them she got close to Dara. In that weird way you do when you’re pretending to be someone else. They have no idea what that’s like…*cough double down cough* I do love the way Lucy’s eyes dart between Tim and Isabel.
So after Frank her dad was arrested she scattered and left that identity behind. Hadn’t heard from Dara in 8 years. Until now. She had answering service for her old covers. That she left a message for her. It was a distress call and sounds like people are chasing her. She came to them because she’s out of cover. Can’t seem to find her through other channels. Tim says they can go to station get warrant for her phone. See if they can't find her that way.
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Once they’re at the station Tim and Isabel are en route to Grey. Smitty welcomes him back and is awkward af with Isabel. Because well Smitty. She asks if he's back from vacation? He says no a shooting. That he just got cleared from it. Says he’s getting there but Lucy keeps trying to get him to meditate. This would be adorable to see btw. I love all of Melissa’s tea ceremony’s and meditation videos. Tim is more the kinda to take a deep breathe and go for a walk and chill like he did in 3x11 with Barnes. Their versions of meditation are vastly different LOL
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I love the way Harper walks over to check in on Lucy. Forever be in awe of how they started to where they are now. Nyla being apart of Lucy’s BAMF journey still makes me so happy. Harper asking her if she’s ok with Tim working this case? Lucy letting her know it’s not a big deal…that he’s over her. Nyla shooting back she knows that. She’s making sure Lucy does. Love her looking out for Lucy. Doesn't want her to get riled up over nothing.
Clearly Harper has seen the way Tim beams around her. Knows that man is gone for her. Lucy couldn’t be cuter telling her to stop it with a playful hit. Tamara comes up ruining her 'ok vibe' with her deep dive news. Harper’s face is hilarious. She like Eric has fantastic expressions. They make me laugh so much during this scene. Tamara divulging everything she’s found. Lucy trying to spin it into something positive. That it sounds like she’s got her life together.
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Tamara is instigating saying 'Or she wants Tim to see she’s doing well.' Why are you doing this to your mother? Lmao. She loves you and houses you little lady haha I do love Lucy calling herself his new girlfriend in her explanation. Yeah you are. Tamara continuing her instigating mentioning how Tim said she looked good. Also tacking on 'Keep your enemies closer...'Lucy is so exasperated with her I’m dying. Pulling that look from her husbands book.
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Isabel asks how long Tim and Lucy have been dating? He says a few months. Can tell he doesn’t want to delve too much into this. Diverts it back to her. Asking if she’s seeing someone? Letting him know yes and no. That he set the bar really high. He sure did and you threw it away madam. Didn't know what she had till it was gone. I know some saw this as her trying to get him back. I didn't see it that way at all. This SL wasn't built on that. This ep had her show back up for a couple reasons. One we will see later on with Lucy but this one here was more about closure IMO. The last time they spoke or the last time we saw them really speak was back in 1x12.
A conversation where she basically blamed him partly for their marriage falling apart and her addiction. That he would be a constant reminder of it. Tim didn't walk away from that convo feeling great about himself. It inflicted some deep wounds for him actually. Those wounds showed themselves in his relationship with Ashley. By not rocking the boat and being less rigid. Him smile is a little uncomfortable and strained. I I think because one it's opening up wounds he's worked really hard to close. Two he's not totally sure he believes her words but he will take them anyways. Some closure is better than none at all.
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Tim and Isabel are waiting outside a motel. They tracked Dara down here. Isabel stayed here once in hiding with her. They talk about her UC life a bit. Tim telling her how he held his breath every time she went on a long term assignment. Isabel noting even when she came back she wasn’t fully there. Even though she wanted to be.
Tim pulls his gaze from her. It’s like re-opening a wound for him once again. One that’s been healed over for while. He doesn’t want to pick at it any further. Tim tells her since she’s not a cop anymore she needs backup. Lucy is on her way to them now. Isabel can’t help but note he's dating another UC.
The sweet smile when he thinks about her has me squeeing. Nothing makes him melt faster than talking about her. Telling Isabel ‘But Lucy is different.’ Yeah she is. I love him being able to see that. He looks so damn in love as he speaks. Just giddy and gushing. Also him once again being protective over his relationship with Lucy. It makes me so happy. He couldn’t be more in love with her if tried.
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The scene in the truck is fantastic. First off Lucy looks amazing. Second I adore her absolute confidence about Tim. Isabel thinking it’s about Tim she wants to pick her brain. I love her saying 'No she has Tim all figured out.' I mean she does. Has owned the book of Tim for years now. No one knows that man better than she does.
Isabel may have years on her. Knowing him longer but Lucy has her beat in knowing him better. She don’t need no cheat codes for this man haha This scene is really cute. They’re both laughing and having a good time. Tim is confused as hell trying to hear their convo LOL So annoyed and frustrated he can’t hear what they’re talking about.
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Lucy gets serious and asks her about UC. If it was worth it for her? Despite all the bad things that happened? I love how honest Isabel is. I also love how this wasn’t a oooh his ex-wife comes back and causes havoc thing. So grateful they went the mature healthy route with this. Was so very lovely to see her back and healthy. Isabel coming back added to the elephant in the room. Lucy being a UC while being with Tim. Like I mentioned earlier she came back for a couple reasons. This is the other one.
Lucy getting an honest opinion about this career she's considering. Isabel is completely honest with her. Saying it took a lot from her. Her husband, her job and her self respect. But she can’t blame all that on being a UC. That she had stuff in her past that added to it. Adding in sounds like Lucy has much healthier coping mechanisms than she did. Lucy is seeking out some answers because she’s having doubts. No doubts that she can do this. Lucy is very aware she is good at it.
What she’s weighing is the cost now. Here’s my take on a Lucy with UC. Take it or leave it and I'll delve into this more at the end as well. Pre-Tim UC made ton of sense for her. Hell even Pre-Tamara as well. Now she has this little patch work family she loves. That’s what she’s leaving behind now with these OP’s. Leaving Tim behind. I think she struggling with the idea of doing so in the future. Isabel’s answer was open and honest. IF she’s prepared to make those sacrifices. IF. I don't know that she is. Not anymore. Falling in love with Tim has changed everything.
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Speaking of our boy. Tim ends up calling Lucy asking if the wire is fixed? Poor love is feeling so anxious right now. He needs to know it’s working. Lucy laughs with Isabel and says a wire must’ve disconnected. Mmhmm… Does a sound check for him so he can see it’s ok. They see Dara coming back and Lucy calls him ‘Babe.’ again and I’m floating. It’s such a simple word and makes me all giddy. I need more of this in S6. I really do.
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We rejoin them post-op coming home. Love her asking if he wants a beer? Such a domestic moment. We got to start with one and end with one. Fantastic. Lucy mentions 'She seems good. Happy.' Tim asking Isabel? Lucy just replies ‘Hmm.’ Tim saying yeah she deserves it. Seems like he's talking about more than just Isabel. I do love the look in his face when she says this. That empathy of hers shining through.
One of reasons he loves this woman. Genuinely being happy Isabel is ok. There is also a lot behind the second look he gives her before he sits down. How he’s staring at Lucy before he lands on the couch seems loaded. Isabel coming back has stirred up a lot for him. That lingering look he gives her. It's almost got a sad haunted look to it.
Tim has been through so much all he wants is to be happy with Lucy. Saw a sad tag about his expression. Saying how he looks like he doesn’t deserve to be happy. This broke my damn heart. Falls in love again for the first time since Isabel and she’s on the same path she was. He looks so tired and defeated by the time he sits on the couch. I wanna hug him.
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We get a cute little moment before this scene turns serious. Lucy mentioning it was nice to get to know the person behind all his stories. Tim asking if that’s why they muted themselves? Ha A little serious but mostly joking. Lucy saying it was just to talk trash about him of course hehe Tim couldn’t be cuter with his smile and saying sarcastically ‘Funny.’ That Lucy smile we all know and love.
The way this man looks at her my goodness. Also let’s not skate passed the sexy stubble adorning his beautiful jawline. Or the fact that they’re drinking and chatting at the end of their day. So married. Making my heart swell. The sassing and teasing never gets old. It’s the best between them. Just hits differently now they’re together too.
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Lucy looks at him and takes the plunge into what she wants to talk about. Asking if she can share something vulnerable with him? Gah I love her sharing in the first place. Tim puts down his beer and gives her his full attention. Saying of course she can. I love this first shot of them. Her beautiful view as the backdrop to start this conversation.
Lucy starting off with telling him she loves working undercover. Tim doing his Lucy smile for her. Knowing how much she truly does. Even though it kills him. Lucy goes on to say she’s never gone as deep as Isabel. Doing a 6 month run or a year long. Tim thinking he has this pegged. Voicing she's worried she won't be able to handle it?
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This next line kills me. Makes me a little emotional. Because Lucy is so emotional bringing this up. Her worry for him so very evident and deep. Tears brimming in her eyes. The way she touches his shoulder gently. Voicing her vulnerability and fear about him. It’s the way she rubs her hand up and down his shoulder not making eye contact till she speaks her worry.
Ripping my heart right out. Tim putting on a brave face for her and reaches out for her hand. Embracing her warm touch. Covering her hand with his. Telling her he’ll be fine. Ugh but you won’t my love. You really won’t. Even though he knows it is different this time. Because it is. Logically he knows this. Doesn’t mean he’s going to worry any less.
Hell it might even be more worry this go around because of the PTSD. Next ep is proof of that. Lucy not fully believing him says ‘Yeah.’ Tim is refusing to be in the way of her UC aspirations. Reassuring her he will be fine. I love the way he pulls her into his arms for a snuggle. Telling her to 'Come here.'
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Her leg over his thigh. *squee* I’m dying. Getting real close to snuggle in for this moment. Tim looks like he goes for her hand but lands on her knee. Lucy looks damn near ready to cry. Tim rubbing her knee/thigh soothingly. My heart. Trying to find some solace in holding her in his arms. Look at his face. This man is anything but fine. He’s so very worried.
Holding her tight to him. Taking comfort in the fact she’s with him now. Savoring they're together right now. They really need to have more conversations about this. Honest ones. Lucy doesn’t want to leave him but he also isn’t telling her to stay. Just lying liars who lie right now. We all know she would have just as much trouble if it was Tim.
This sweet cuddling is beautiful and heartbreaking all at the same time. I am excited we finally got some good couch snuggling. Tim looks absolutely terrified he’s going to lose her though. Not only lose her but to same thing he lost Isabel too. Ugh it hurts so good everyone.
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The way Tim slightly shakes his head trying to kick loose his tormented thoughts. *heart clutch* His little smile though is everything. Knowing she so worth going through this again even if scares him to death. Lucy looking gutted about the thought of leaving him behind UC. Knowing he is anything but ok with this scenario. I believe she is having some doubts about being a long term UC now. I think she was hoping Tim would’ve had a different answer. Maybe given her an out about it. I think she’s being torn between what she thinks she should be and what she now wants.
She's been on on the UC path so long it scares her to get off it. I totally get it I wanted to be a dog trainer forever. When first moved to CO it didn’t happen. It was my goal moving there but it didn't happen. So I got a different job settled into that for awhile. Then when things came up for dog trainer while at this other job. I felt the need to still do it even though I was fine at my current job. Why? Because I had been on that path forever thought I had to because of that. But I wanted someone to tell me it was ok not to if I didn't want to anymore.
I think Lucy wants Tim to tell her not to so she has an out and can pursue something else. You can be amazing at something and not have it be your career path. Also her sticking with it might be little bit of that old self doubt creeping back in. Lucy thinking I’m good at UC can I be this good at anything else? Doubting she will be good at anything other than UC. I mean she doubted herself in 5x19 with the test. She has grown but those doubts can still creep back in. *sigh* These two. Both still holding back. Needing to have more convos about this for sure in s6. But what a damn good ep.
Side notes-non Chenford
Aaron being Angela’s aide is hilarious. Also her getting the guy to confess cause she’s so pregnant and uncomfortable is hilarious.
Isabel and Lucy being bad asses on their OP was fun to watch.
Thank you to all you amazing readers who like, comment and reblog these reviews. Give me life hehe Shall see you all in 5x21 :)
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stilljuststardust · 8 months
Shifting routines: more than a schedule, but still simple.
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I will also be making a post about shifting rituals the main difference being that rituals are more spiritual, religious, or witchy.
While it may be helpful to schedule which days you attempt to shift having a routine before your method can help you enter the mindset of shifting. The main goal is to relax you, connect you to your DR, ground you, and motivate you to shift.
Your personal routine could just be one thing that helps you, it doesn't have to be long or complicated!
How this will look is unique to every person but if you're not sure how to start here's a basic outline of a routine/things you might want to try:
1. Self regulate
This is first because you're calming down from the thoughts and feelings of your CR. Regulating your nervous system can also be majorly helpful for entering a mediative state.
This is a link to a post I have about simple ways to self regulate:
2. Ground yourself (in CR)
Place both feet on the ground and take deep breaths. Allow yourself to be fully aware of your body and souroundings.
Why? If you are too in your head it can be hard to fully conceptualize shifting. You may consciously know you're trying to shift but you'll it's not going to feel real to you if you are not grounded. It's also easier to feel your emotions and connect to your DR.
3. Shift your perspective
Continue to ground yourself in your current body but from the perspective of your DR self. How would your DR self feel about this environment? How do you feel about going home? This serves to affirm that your DR is where you belong.
4. DR grounding
close your eyes take deep breaths and think about your DR. Things that make you emotional, things you miss, things you're excited for. Take a little time to emotionally connect to it.
5. Identify goals and expectations
A major part of many shifting methods is expecting to wake up there. Put yourself in the mindset of your DR, like planning your day the night before.
What do you want to do tomorrow? Are there anythings you're hoping for? What expectations do you have for the day ahead?
"I have to get up early so I can make it to breakfast, they're serving pancakes" (goal)
"My package is supposed to arrive tomorrow, I can't wait" (expectation)
"I have to remember to feed my cat" (goal)
6. Misc ideas
Listen to DR playlists, dance, scroll through your Pinterest boards/mood boards, wear clothes jewelry perfume hairstyles specific to your DR, copy your DR bedtime routine, watch clips of your comfort character, use character AI (I see you), draw something in relation to your DR.
Literally do whatever you want. The important thing is enjoying it! Literally anything you want!!!
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mysticmellowlove · 9 months
Ayo shawty~
Can we get a Fem x Sub yandere fic where she just feels really insecure? Like usually she is just her normal amazing self- she’s confident and funny, authentic all that amazing jazz.
But today she just… doesn’t feel good… She feels ugly and annoying and doesn’t understand why yan is dating her….personally I have stretch marks like everyWHERE and I’ve had them since I was like eight because I’ve always grown really fast and my ass is too fat so I have hella stretch marks.
And usually that is a slay but like…. Ew stretch marks so her just lowkey distancing herself and being more quiet so she isn’t annoying him that day along with baggy clothes and being kinda moody…
What does he do?
note; hell yeah stretch marks
warnings; lil angsty, body hate, sub yan, fem reader, cunnilingus, dom reader, sub male, fem genitalia,
He noticed that you were down as soon as he managed to leave the warmth of his bed. He always timed you when you were in the shower, it was the easiest way to base his energy for the day. When you took more than an hour in the bathroom he knew that today was going to be one of those days. A day where you thought you were less than perfect.
He understood, some days he thought that he was just too annoying, that little bit too ugly, and the whispers of worthlessness seemed to get that little bit louder. It was only normal to have a down day once in a while. That was why he decided to show you throughout the day that he loved you no matter what you looked like or how you felt.
It all started with breakfast, a nice and warm stack of pancakes and your favourite drink sat on the dining room table as he donned his favourite apron. He made sure to give you a kiss on the forehead as he went about telling you about his latest venture and when the words ran out he switched on the radio and danced around the room as he cleaned up. Soon enough you joined in as well, getting hot to the point where you had to take off your jumper.
Step one was done.
Next, he dragged you out of the house and to the nearby park for some time in the sun. He made sure to pack some homemade lemonade so you would have something to drink while he set up the picnic blanket. Getting out and about was annoying sure but it really was good for the soul.
Step two was done.
Step three was his favourite.
At the end of the day when you two were going to bed, he peeled back the covers and sat himself on your legs. His cheeks warmed up as he looked down at you, he almost felt offended that you thought you were anything less than perfect. If you were able to see yourself how he saw you... well, there wouldn't be any doubt in your mind.
"It's okay, I understand that you may feel a little down but baby, you are the most loveable and beautiful person I've ever met." He whispered, his words dripping with affection as he slowly went to take your sweats off.
"These thighs, they're one of my favourite parts of you. So plush and cuddly, I could rest my head there forever. These lines, your stretch marks are shining silver." He leaned down and kissed the stretched skin, his mouth hot as he dragged his tongue down the varying patterns as if it was a line leading right to your pussy.
"Not only are they soft they can also be hard, rutting my cock against your muscles... biting into the skin while I leave my mark on you." He whispered as he nipped at the skin there, revelling in the small jolts and whispy breaths that left you.
Finally, he made his way to your heat and looked at his ultimate prize with shining eyes. A shudder left him as he used the fingers of one of his hands to part your dripping folds. Your clit was already red and sensitive just from his attention to the parts that you hated the most.
Dipping his head he used his tongue to drag a languid strip up your folds, sucking your arousal into his mouth as if it was ambrosia. His free hand went up to massage your stomach, not only to ease your worries but to also further stimulate you.
Wanton moans left your mouth as he suckled at your clit, his tongue rolling over the sensitive part as he let his fingers sink into you. It was as if your pussy was waiting for him. His fingers sank into you, wetness surrounding him and sucking him impossibly deeper. He felt his cock jerk at the feeling but this wasn't about him. No matter how much he wanted to fuck himself into you this was about you. It's not like he minded, it had only been three days since he had worshipped you like this and he was itching to get his fix.
He smiled into your cunt as he continued to lick and prod at the entrance, his fingers drawing more of your delicious juices out.
"You don't see just how wonderful you are. Such a pretty body, so comfy and perfect. Your pussy... it's like it was made just for me." He reverently looked up at you as he quickened his pace, watching your mouth drop open and your eyes flutter. The squelch of his fingers inside you made his cock leak as your moans eventually drowned out the sound of sex.
His mouth latched onto you again as he felt your body tense, knowing you were about to come. With a loud squeal, he made sure to drink up as much of your cum as he could, letting the taste seep into his tongue before he swallowed greedily.
"See my love, so perfect. You're perfect for me." He leaned up and grabbed your hand, pressing a chaste kiss to it as if he hadn't just eaten you out. You looked down at him, your head in the skies as he got off you and went to gather a washcloth to clean up his mess.
No matter how many times you felt bad about yourself he would always be there to pick you up. Even if he had to fuck the truth out of you to realise it.
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propertyofyoutube · 5 months
For those who haven’t read Our Time Is Now yet…. Here is a little sneak peak of one of my favourite parts of the book👀
CONTEXT: Kacey and Colby have very recently got back together and have booked an RV trip for all their friends. It was the morning they were headed on their holiday and whilst Kacey was making pancakes for the house, Colby had other ideas… 😉
WARNINGS: SMUT 18+, mostly foreplay hand stuff, but getting caught in act! Super cute!
Kacey stood in the kitchen, making a cup of coffee. She thought for a moment before speaking out loud, "Ok Google, play Beast of Burden!" The music began to play, as she began to move her hips to the music. She reached into the cupboard and took out the ingredients to make some pancakes. She began to pour the flour and eggs into the bowl as she danced and she sang to the music. She was whisking the batter together, shaking her bum as she happily danced to her favourite song, when suddenly she heard a chuckle come from behind her. She turned to see Colby, stood there, shirtless, in a pair of shorts, his eyes covering her entire body. She stood in her panties and Colby's black silk shirt, just barely covering her breasts. He watched as she smirked at him, continuing to dance and whisk. "Take a picture, it will last longer." Kacey spoke sarcastically.
"Oh I think I'll do just that." Colby took out his phone and started snapping photos of his girl. Kacey danced around posing and then became extremely embarrassed, so quickly covered up her face as it turned red and an uncontrollable smile spread across it. "Baby! Don't hide your face, you're beautiful!" Colby shouted as he walked closer to her, still snapping away. As he became closer to her and took one last photo of her face extremely close up, he moved his phone quickly pulling her tight to him and kissing her deeply.
"You gonna put them in your spank bank?" She smirked as she bit her lip at him.
"Oh absolutely," he nodded before kissing her once more. Colby looked at the bowl of batter that Kacey placed on the island. "Ooo, what are you making?"
"Pancakes!" Kacey laughed, "we're going on holiday today! So I thought I'd make some nice breakfast for us all."
Colby smiled at her, "you're so sweet baby." Kacey looked away embarrassed and headed for the fridge. As she opened it up Colby appeared on the other side of the door.
"What shall we put on them?" She looked in and saw syrup, chocolate, freshly whipped cream in a bowl and some strawberries. She quickly scooped some cream out of the bowl with her finger, before she sucked it clean. Colby watched her every move, how she placed the cream covered finger into her mouth and her lips pursed completely surrounding it, before pulling it out clean and wet. He swallowed hard, as he felt his dick begin to harden in his shorts. "You want cream and strawberries?" She looked at him and noticed the seduction in his eyes as he ran them all over her face and then to her body. He bit his lip.
"I may have to try some of that cream first." He spoke. His voice low, sending trembles throughout Kacey's entire body. She put her finger back in the bowl before scooping some cream up. She turned to him, as he leaned on the door and pointed her finger in his direction. Colby smirked before taking Kacey's hand and placing her finger in his mouth, sucking it clean once more. Kacey let out a deep breath as she watched him intently, his eyes never leaving hers. She licked her lips and then bit her bottom one. The sight left Colby gagging for her. Suddenly he pushed his lips onto Kacey's hard as the kiss was heated and passionate immediately. Kacey wrapped her arms around his neck as his hands found her waist, pulling tight on his shirt that she wore. Colby then reached down slightly, "jump" he mumbled in her mouth, now out of breath. Kacey did as he said and he caught her instantly, her legs now wrapped around his waist as his hands gripped hard onto her ass. He walked them over to the island and placed Kacey down. The kiss was inseparable, the need for them to have each other now was indescribable. Colby found Kacey's neck and began to suck and bite as she let out moans trying to be quiet not to wake Sam and Charlie. Colby's hand gripped hard on her breasts as he moaned into her neck. Suddenly, Kacey reached down and slipped her hand into Colby shorts as she gripped his hard cock and began stroking it. Colby moaned deep as his lips made their way back to Kacey's. His hand then moved from her breast and reached under her shirt and into her panties as he found her clit immediately. He began to rub in fast circles as she moaned into his mouth, causing his body to vibrate. He quickly grabbed her hips and moved her towards the edge of the counter. She gasped at the sudden movement. She continued to stroke his dick at a fast pace as he suddenly entered her with 2 fingers.
"Fuck baby!" She moaned out.
"Oh shit." He moaned loudly.
Their movements quickened as they kissed deeply. Both of them breathing heavily and moaning into each others mouths.
"Fuck Colby, I'm close-" she choked out. Colby quickened his speed, both of them completely engrossed in each others love and passion.
Suddenly there was a cough in the doorway of the kitchen. Kacey and Colby both froze still out of breath, still touching each other. They both turned their head in the direction it came from, still not letting go. Sam and Charlie stood in the doorway, Charlie wide eyed trying not to laugh as Sam shook his head smirking. "Seriously guys!" He spoke, as Colby and Kacey began chuckling. They both slowly let go of each other, pulling their hands out of each others pants. "This is a communal area!" Sam shouted, laughing.
"Take this upstairs!" Charlie said, as she began to break down in laughter.
Colby and Kacey looked to each other, still desperate for one another's touch. She looked at him, her eyes begging for him as she bit her lip. "I think we'll do just that." Colby said as he picked up Kacey and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He headed for the doorway as they both laughed.
Sam and Charlie quickly moved out of the couples way. "Oh god!" Sam shouted.
"You might wanna turn that music up bro," Colby chuckled as Sam looked back at him, "this one's gonna be loud." Colby hurried up the stairs still holding Kacey as Sam turned to Charlie. Sam's mouth dropped wide open as Charlie covered hers with a hand. They both laughed and shrugged before heading into the kitchen.
"Ooo pancakes," Charlie laughed as she picked up Kacey's bowl and began to whisk.
"I am hungry, I think we should finish what they started." Sam smiled as he kissed Charlie on the cheek. Sam turned up the music up higher to muffle out the sounds of Kacey getting pounded by Colby as they danced around the kitchen, so much happiness and love. Making pancakes ready for their trip.
AUTHORS NOTE: when reading the book, I highly recommend you read it chapter by chapter, as every part of the story holds information about each character to help with story arcs! AND play the songs along with reading, it truly makes the experience so much better!! We all have an Our Time Is Now playlist, so make sure to send me a picture of yours 😏🖤 thank you for all the support, and I hope you love it just as much as we do!!
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marksbear · 2 years
Oh really hope it's not a big deal because I have a lot of ideas. But also how I remember is that all your work is burned in my brain. I know for sure that is what I remember. But I have another one for sub Steven. So how about Steven is living a cushy life with Dom male reader and has been eating a lot becausereader cooks for him. But then notices that he is starting to get a little chubby and doesn't want to have sex with reader thinking he won't like it. But then they talk and reader says he will always love him even if he thinks he is getting chubby which leads to soft sex and reader praising Steven body but mostly focusing on his tummy.( I feel like I've requested this before and if I did then am sorry.)-🐻‍❄️
Trust me my 50%! It's not a big deal at all I love every single idea you have for me 🐻‍❄!
Warnings! Smut, dry humping, grinding, insecurities, small chubby Steven, soft dom reader, tiny tiny argument but made up, service top reader.
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Y/n was in the kitchen singing the lyrics to the music from the small speaker he recently bought as he cooks. Steven watches hopelessly in love watching Y/n dance to the music.
Steven wore a baggy shirt with sweats trying to cover up his figure the best he can. He knew deep inside Y/n would most likely still love him, but he didn't want to ruin what he had.
Steven didn't know how he managed to be in a relationship like this. Only a few months ago Steven lived in an empty apartment, woke up feeling like he got hit by a bus and was so lonely.
But ever since the company dinner he attended his life changed.
They were at a restaurant where you could see the chefs cook in front of you. The company's station was big and fancy and their chef was the most handsomest man they ever met.
Tiny little memory
Everybody made comments about his looks to his face causing him to either smile respectfully and a polite thank you or flirt back with them. Donna was the one to ask for his name. "Y/n L/n. Or chef L/n." Y/n says with a smile before going back to cooking the dish.
Steven thought he was handsome as well. But unlike his co-workers he didn't have the courage to act on his thoughts. But luckily the chef had his own thoughts he was about to work on.
"The chef made this specifically for you. And added his signature alongside the dish." A waiter says trying to bite back a smile and a giggle placing the cake in front of Steven alongside a small paper with a phone number. Steven stares at the cake on the icing and reads "I think you're cute and i'll love to ask you out on a date one day." Steven blushes madly as the waiter giggles at his cuteness.
Few hours past and after the dinner Steven goes into an different part of town leading into a couple apartments as rain pours down hard trying to go through short cuts to home, but he didn't expect the same chef from dinner smoking shirtless with only boxers covering him on the balcony.
Steven stares up at him in a trance.
"Hey you're that cute guy from earlier right!?" Y/n shouts looking down at Steven not even caring about the cold rain that hit his half naked body. "Y-yes!" Steven shouts back watching a smile crawl on Y/n's lips.
"Room number is 532 on floor seven! Come up alright! it's dark and raining something bad will be bound to happen." Y/n says taking one more hit of the cigarette before taking it out walking back inside his room. Steven quickly rushes inside and speed walks to the elevator going up to floor seven. Once Steven arrives at the floor and goes to the said room number he goes to knock, but is cut off by the door swinging open.
"Hey cutie~ Cmon lets get you warm and dry."
End of memory.
"Steven~ I present to you the lovely worldwide famous blueberry pancakes!" Y/n says laying the plate on the table in front of Steven. Y/n puts down his own food before getting something to drink for the both of them.
Y/n pours the drinks and places them down at the table before finally sitting down at the table across Steven. The two are silent Y/n only eating his food while Steven staring down at his food thinking with a sad face.
"What's the matter Steven?" Y/n finally points out and putting down his forks looking at Steven. "It's nothing love." Steven shoots down trying to keep Y/n from worrying. "Cmon Stevey you can tell me." Y/n says giving Steven all his attention. "I said it's nothing you don't have to worry--"
"Then why aren't you eating?" Y/n cuts him off. "Why are you trying to argue about nothing?" Steven bites back raising his voice a little. "I'm not trying to argue- i'm just worrying about you like a normal boyfriend would." Y/n answers before opening his mouth about to add on but Steven just stands up from his seat walking to the bathroom.
"S-Steven!" Y/n shouts but Steven just ignores him going inside the bathroom shutting and locking the door.
Y/n quickly stands up from his seat rushing to the door trying to open it.
Steven softly cries to himself staring at the mirror noticing his stomach and thighs through the clothes. 'h-he won't like it. He doesn't want to see me like this.' Steven thinks to himself even though he was only getting a little bit chubby he couldn't stand to think and look at himself anymore.
Y/n presses his cheek to the door trying to hear anything. Y/n could hear Steven slump down back pressed up the door sitting on the floor. He could hear soft crying and sniffling. Y/n instinctively sits on the floor copying Steven slightly hoping that he feels his presence. "Steven...please talk to me. Please just say something." Y/n speaks laying his head against the door with a sigh once he's met with silence again.
After sitting there in silence for a while Y/n stands up from the ground. "I'll be in our room alright. Please come out and talk to me once you're ready." Y/n says before giving the door one last knock before going into his room.
Only a little while later Y/n is on the bed stressing about all the things he has done lately. "Y-y/n." Steven voice rings out barley above a whisper. Y/n's head pops up looking at Steven. Y/n pats an empty spot on the bed beside him.
Steven goes over to the spot and sits quietly fidgeting with his hands as he does it. "I don't think you'll like my body now. I-I gained some weight and I-I don't think you'll like my body as much as you used to." Steven finally confesses looking at Y/n teary eyed.
"Thats why we haven't been having sex in like almost a month isn't? Because you think I won't like your body?" Y/n says earning a nod yes from Steven.
"It's embarrassing and I know you won't feel the same way as you used to-" Steven gets cut off by Y/n's pair of lips kissing him shutting him up. Y/n pulls away and smiles.
"Shut up. I will always love you even if you think you're getting chubby. You'll always be perfect to me no matter what. I'll love you through any change you have. Now please let me show how much I love you!" Y/n says trying to reassure him before wrapping his arms around Steven laying him down on the bed. Y/n begins to take off the baggy shirt off of Steven trying to be as gentle as he can. Once the shirt is off Y/n moves his hands to the waistband of the sweats pulling them off slowly.
With only boxers covering Steven Y/n begins to strip out of his clothes. Tossing his shirt and pants aside. Y/n also stayed in his underwear before spreading Steven's legs open crawling in between them.
Slowly Y/n begins to rock his hips back and forth grinding and humping on Steven as he begins to kiss Steven's shoulders and chest. Y/n's hard cock pressed up against Steven as he humps him slowly.
"Such a beautiful boy you are." Y/n breathes out pulling Steven's underwear down letting his hard cock fly free. Y/n tosses the underwear where he threw the other clothes and continues to grind on him.
Steven softly moans as he grinds his ass down on Y/n's hard clothed cock already feeling precum-leaked from his tip. Y/n moves away slightly grabbing lube from the dresser and opens it.
He pulls down his own underwear before applying the lube onto it lubing up his cock. Giving his cock a few strokes making sure every spot is covered in lube. Y/n grabs onto Steven's hips softly pulling him down onto the tip of his cock. Y/n rubs his cock head against Steven's hole before entering him. Steven breathes heavy not being used to Y/n's cock inside him again feeling his cock split him in half. ''s-so big!~" Steven moans out moving his own hips down moving deeper inside Y/n's cock.
Y/n begins to move thrusting slowly inside Steven rocking his hips back and forth while massaging and holding every curve on Steven's body. "I love you so much... And especially your tummy." Y/n says before running his hands across Steven's stomach. "You feel so good inside me baby." Y/n whispers thrusting his full cock inside Steven and holding that position for a while before going back to his original pace.
Steven didn't understand why he was about to cum so early. Usually he'll try to last longer but he couldn't hold it this time.
"Y/N!I bout to cum~ I'm gonna cum!" Steven moans out throwing his head back as Y/n's cock hits his prostate over and over again.
"Cum for me. Cum all over that beautiful tummy of yours baby." Y/n orders. Without second thought Steven cums hard white streaks shooting out his tip all over himself.
Most of his load landed on his stomach and some else where. Steven's vision was fuzzy and his body felt warm throughout.
"Good job baby~ Still so beautiful even more beautiful than before." Y/n says before pulling out. "B-but you didn't get to cum yet!?!" Steven says before getting brushed off by Y/n.
"This was and for you Steven not for me. I wanted to show how much I love you no matter what."
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downtoncoquetteroach · 9 months
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Notes: Damn I wasn't expecting this to be that long, I'm really sorry for taking all this time to update, this chapter took a lot of me, I was planning something lighter and smutier for it but man, these days have a heavy load of darkness, fortunately the sun rebirth is already upon us so, I hope this words bring some sort of cozy feeling, I wrote it with all my heart as a way to embrace all of the beautiful souls that read this words, you mean the world to me. I hope you have a lovely holiday and merry Christmas to you all 🎄❣️.
TW: swearing, angst, drugs consumption.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 🎀 dancing at our own pace 🎄
Y/n was reading out loud her notes from potions so Neville could see how messy and intelligible they were. They were alone in the common room laughing and it was really late. There was a beautiful song playing but y/n couldn't figure out who it was. She was sitting with her legs spread over Neville's, about to ask him who was the singer but she realized that Neville's fingers started distractingly caressing her left knee, she went stiff and felt her flesh trembling below his tender and warm touch, goosebumps raising all over her skin, a warm feeling coming over her chest, the simple sight of his hand touching her was providing such pleasure... He suddenly realized what he was doing and stopped apologizing nervously. She slowly incorporated into the couch oddly sure of herself while he was compulsively telling her how sorry he was, she sat on his legs facing him, arms around his neck, legs clutching his. He went silent. She slowly touched his lower lip mildly open while he went stiff. "Neville I don't want you to stop touching me". He was speechless but y/n felt his hardness right below her ass. It was really warm and hard, the pleasure was increasing while she rubbed her ass again and again as he started to moan in her ear, his hot breathing causing goosebumps on her neck, she needed more pressure, some how it wasn't enough, somehow Snape was reading her notes making fun of her while the singer was making pancakes that filled the common room with a delicious smell.
Oh fuck...
Y/n was now fully awake, her eyes facing the sun coming through the window. She was being embraced tightly by Neville's arm around her waist. His body fully pressed to her, she was actually feeling his boner on her ass and she was fully wet as a result. They must have fallen asleep while talking about the party and how her muggle friends were like.
Was she actually rubbing against him before? Or was it just in the dream? She felt so embarrassed she couldn't move. Was he awake? By his deep slow breaths she dared to guess he wasn't, otherwise he would definitely not be pressing his hard member against her bum. She didn't knew what to do, if she moved she was risking to wake him up and face the humiliation of what was happening but if she stayed... The thought of staying and seeing how it could go increased the humidity on her panties. She decided to be quick and stepped out of the bed pushing Neville's arm, almost running to the bathroom and took care of her troubled feelings taking a shower. Her grandma was still humming when she went downstairs for breakfast. Neville was already there, helping. They didn't stared at each other too much that afternoon, y/n couldn't quite figure if it was the morning accident or the prospect of the party but Neville was nervous as fuck, clumsy and stuttering. When it was time to go she approached him
Nev if you don't want to go its ok, we can stay here and watch a movie or something, I'm sorry for putting so much pressure on you with this and not telling you before, I didn't even ask if you wanted to go... I was stupid, I'm sorry.
The first thing Neville saw that morning were y/n's legs despairing behind the door. He realized that the wonderful dream he was having made an effect on his body in the real world. He had an immediate urge to disappear from the face of earth, Y/n must have felt it and she was so disgusted with it that she felt the need to cleaning herself as soon as possible. He felt so guilty and ashamed he couldn't bare to look at her in the eye's. He spent the hole day struggling with the urge to leave, but he was a coward and he actually didn't wanted to go, but he just couldn't found the words to apologize. He was a horrible friend already, having a secret crush with her and now this?, what a fucked up retard he was, always spoiling everything... Ginny had told him to be careful with his feelings, but he was familiar with rejection, he had already lost, as always, since the beginning so...what worried him the most was preserving their friendship, but after the way he was acting he wasn't sure he could remain beside her, he didn't deserve her, not as friend, much less as a lover.
But he looked her in the eyes for the first time that day, she was gorgeous ...and worried about him, she wasn't even saying a thing about "the incident". He felt a weight in his stomach. He had to man up and sucked up all of his self pity thoughts, he couldn't stand to be the motive of her concern. It was in his hands to make her happy, so he changed his attitude and cheerfully exclaimed
Nonsense y/n. Let's go.
Angie was y/n's childhood friend. They grew apart after y/n got her Hogwarts letter but they still cared for each other a lot and spent a considered amount of time walking and biking around the neighborhood when y/n was home for vacations. Angie was under the impression that y/n attended to a Catholic private school far away as a consequence of y/n's parents divorce.
Angie was tall, bony and very attractive, her attitude and mindset were a little bit too mature for her age, sometimes it was hard to believe that her and y/n were at the same grade at some point, but that day was her birthday and she was excited like a little girl, jumping around and talking so fast and so loud it was highly contagious. When Neville and y/n showed up at her door she started jumping like a bunny, hugging y/n so tight Neville was concerned she might suffocate her.
The decorations in the living room were a combination of birthday balloons and Christmas lights, there were several amounts of teenagers talking in different groups, most of them seemed posh but a few of them looked like regular town kids, it was also very curious to Neville the lack of girls, being so used to be surrounded by them he was a little nervous when the male energy was higher. He tried very hard not to look uncomfortable and wave but there was no time for the crowd to respond because as soon as y/n showed up behind him everyone was really excited and cheerfully greeted her friend. She introduced him to everyone, they were totally curious about him and the school they went together, Neville tried as hard as he could to keep the details of Hogwarts and magic out of his mind and really soon he discovered that it was really easy because most muggles hated school as much as him and unfortunately, everyone had some really nasty stories about abusive teachers just like him and they had parents with great expectations that made them feel overwhelmed, so, for the first time in like forever, he actually felt understood, like he belonged. Everyone was drinking and after a while, Neville offered to bring some refreshments to give y/n and Angie time to talk in private.
So, did he dye his hair or that's not Fred... -Angie went straight to the point, y/n was dreading Angie interrogation but her friend deserved some explaining, after all those years hearing all about her pinning over Fred, she had gained the right to know the details, specially now that she finally had something more juicy to tell than the eternal description of how Fred's hair could shine in the morning. She told her everything that happened between them but she did an special remark on how she started to be friends with Neville, she told her how amazing that Sunday on the greenhouse had been, and described the music, the feelings, the light, the plants, how good was Neville rolling a joint and how he saved her from the awkwardness of encountering with Fred.
Angie was curiously listening to her, clearly having her own thoughts on the matter, she suddenly stopped y/n's discourse on Neville's incredibile music taste.
-Wait, So do you like this guy now?
-No, he's my friend
-Are you really playing out that card then?
-If you don't mind I'll love for you to be clear darling.
-Do I really need to tell you?
-What?! - y/n was laughing but starting to lose her patience, sometimes Angie made her feel so dumb and clueless. Y/n didn't had older sisters but she was positive this was the dynamic between them.
-It's better if I show you. -Angie gave her one of her sassy signature looks while chewing her plastic cup and walked away. Y/n was confused but instead of following her she went to the kitchen to find Neville, he was gone for quite awhile and she was worried of leaving him alone for too long around strangers specially when he didn't know that much about muggles although, she was really impressed with how he had handled everyone's interrogation earlier. The party was crowded and the lights were dime, she greeted some friends she hadn't seen and after a little while, she found Neville surrounded by local stoners, smoking and congratulating him on the good stash. He was laughing, blushing and mingling, so comfortable and confident it was hard to believe it was the same boy who suffered so much bullying on school. He was wearing a black shirt, black coat, black trousers and stripped socks on Gryffindor colours, legs and arms crossed, not out of discomfort, but as a power move, for the first time, the boys around him were seeking his approval and not otherwise. Y/n haven't noticed how handsome he looked when they leave the house, must have been the awkward day they had... She remembered the dream, a guilty but delicious sensation invaded her... Fuck, she needed a drink.
In that moment Neville saw her, he already had a beer, he was sensible to alcohol so he wasn't planning on drinking too much, specially because he felt responsible for y/n's safety, but he needed a few drinks to relax and be able to talk to her about that morning... She was lovely on that little black skirt and those elegant black stockings, her black t-shirt was a bit transparent and he was able to see the strap on her bra...he definitely needed to stop looking at her in that way. He approached her, leaving his public behind.
-Excuse me little girl, I can't help but wonder, are you old enough to drink?
Y/n laughed, continued pouring herself a drink.
-Oh I see, you are breaking the law young lady, I have to scort you out of these hole full of decadence and lust - hi's joke was lame but it was working, she was laughing and as a response she drank up the whole cup and started to pour another one, eyes fixed on him, a mischievous smirk on her wet lips.
He gasped dramatically and then went serious
-Are you defying me? - he came closer, towering her in such a way she ended up against the kitchen bar, her eyes lifting up to meet hi's, she was nervous, y/n stoped hearing anything except her heart racing, her hands sweaty and everything she could percibe was just Neville's sent, she could have never imagined Neville acting like that, but it was so thrilling, everyone else in the room disappeared, it was just the two of them, his body so close to hers, his hands on each side of the wall behind her, cornering her, looking at her deeply, getting really close...
But they weren't alone.
-My guest told me about that amazing stash of yours, handsome - Angie was right behind Neville whispering in his ear, leaned on his shoulder, y/n's gutts twisted. The moment was gone. Neville turned, smiling shyly, his whole body language shifting.
-Oh, it's an exaggeration, don't trust them, they are high you know!- Neville was tapping his feet nervously, y/n couldn't stop her eyebrows from furrowing
-Oh, come on, birthday spliff? - Angie was pouting, she was actually pouting! trying to look as cute as she could. That was not new for y/n to witness, she had long experience watching boys fall out for that old cheap trick, but Neville was resisting. He wasn't even look at her, his eyes were glued to the floor.
-You can have this if you want it that much - he handed her a small bag of weed and took y/n by the hand - we were on our way to dance, happy birthday! - he pulled y/n out of the kitchen through the sea of drunk teenagers and into the hall, where a lot of drunk boys have just arrive, screaming and laughing and bumping into things. The party was about to become a mess.
-Nev, I think it's better if-
-Yeah, let's go
They walked back home commenting on the party, Neville was very critical about the music
-Oasis? Can you believe it? Ugh, I'm insulted - y/n couldn't stop laughing, she was a bit tipsy but the thing that got her high was the fact that the boy who was walking with her in the cold darkness had rejected Angie. She couldn't helped, she was mesmerized. But she was also a bit hurt, why would her friend do such thing to her, she must have known she... oh
-What? Did you forgot something? Are you hurt? What's wrong?
She remained silent, looking at him, he was so stunningly handsome. Her heart twisted again, she couldn't believe it, this was what her friend had tried to show her, that thing she was trying to hide so desperately, the fact that she was actually falling for Neville.
-Nothing, don't worry, Im fine! Really! Damn it's cold isn't it?...uhh let's keep going! Almost there! Are you freezing? Coz I am.
-You sure you are alright?
-Yeah yeah, don't mind me, it's just past bed time.
Neville took and extra glance of her and kept going. Y/n went silent the rest of the walk, lost in her own self conscious thoughts. If she was falling for Neville, what about Fred? How could this possibly be? After all those years pinning for him, when she finally got her must deeply desire in her hands, would she just walk away from him? He was a tosser sometimes, but very good at pleasing her, incredibly talented actually but he was also excellent by getting under her skin. From the moment they got "intimate" they started arguing like never before. It was nonsense and besides, he had been so rude to Neville... Neville? Did she really like him? She turned to look at him, he was walking bedside her, softly humming a tune looking at the trees on the way home, his long nose, his black hair falling on his forehead, the dreamy eyes, the red lips, bunny teeth's slightly showing up and his amazing hands playing with each other as they usually did...she sighed deeply.
It was Christmas Eve, Neville was very close to the tree, it was full of multicolor lights and shiny mismatched ornaments and random wrapping paper, handmade small trees, little deer's with red noses, some grandpa's in red velvet pijamas as well as some cute house elf's wearing green hats. None of them moved or dance but they had catchy tunes coming from their plastic belly's. There was definitely a melancholy sort of magic in all of that, it made Neville wonder for the first time in his life how everything could have turn if he wasn't a wizard. If his mom and dad had been muggles and lived as common people in that town, the song coming through the plastic lights in the tree had started to make him weep. Maybe it was because the next day would be the first Christmas away from his mom and dad in the hospital. Y/n approached him.
-Do you wanna lay down?
She was wearing a Beatles t shirt and a black skirt, he spent the whole dinner trying to hide how pleased he was knowing she liked the Beatles.
-What do you mean?
-Come, I'll show you how
She sat beside him and he did the same, then, she pushed herself to be closer to the tree until her head was right below it. He did the same.
They were admiring the little universe inside the decorated branches, looking as high as they could, an immersive exercise that caught their imagination for some time in silence. After a moment, she said
-When I was a kid I cried so much because it was Christmas, I hated it. My parents used to discuss all the time, yelling and cursing, making me choose between them... I never believed in this holiday spirit everyone's talk so much about, for me it was hell. But my grandpa, he, well, one year there was a horrible dinner, mom and dad were screaming so much he went home and rescued me just because I called him. I was crying all the way here and I was ashamed of being such a cry baby, I was nine and I had this specially tragic sensation that my childhood was ending and everything was horrible and hopeless -y/n made a pause, she recovered her breath and laughed a little - my grandpa wasn't an affectionate man, he showed love in that way very few times but that night he did, he holded me and brought me to the tree and taught me this. He said "there is more ways to look at things, even when you think you know all about something, if you change your perspective, you'll find out a new world". I stood in silence down here the rest of the night, imagining that I was 2cm long and this was an extremely tall magic tree I had to climb and all the adventures I'll had, it was so comforting I kept doing it every year.
Neville's throat was a rock, but he managed to say
-You know? There's a forest in California that has the tallest trees in the world, most of them are over 100mts, if we go there you could feel as if you were 2cms tall.
-You can also cast a shrinking spell on me right here and now you know
Neville laughed
-Merlin's cracking knees, I'm such a horrible wizard I didn't even think about it.
-You are not! It's just too much time in the muggle world
-Yes I am, and you know? I wouldn't mind being a muggle, being here, with you, all of this, I never thought it could be this easy not living stressed about every single spell, pronunciation, wand work, keeping my bloody wand safe, my own life safe, all of the trouble wizards go through can be avoided perfectly, I wish I could just relax and press a button to had my light on instead of using a stick that might end setting the room on fire.
-You are definitely not that bad Nev
-I was, and I kept being the worst even when I got better and I wish my grandma and McGonagall and everyone could just give up on me and let me be the hopeless toad I am, they should just turn me into one and throw me in the lake so the giant squid could have me for dessert, it would be a perfectly believed accident and no one would miss me, I bet it would take weeks for someone to notice that I'm gone. My only concern is Trevor but I bet I can convince him to suicide with me, he doesn't look that happy being my pet or a toad anyway.
Y/n was rolling in the carpet, laughing so much her stomach hurts.
-Oh Neville! You have thought about this so much oh my god.
Neville was laughing too, y/n laughter was one of his favorite sounds now, he was really proud of himself for being capable of making her laugh that hard, suddenly he realized he wasn't sad anymore, he was actually quite happy and content, laying down with his best friend, just talking, admiring her features illuminated by the tree lights. She was coming down from her laughter outburst, looking him with shinny dream eyes, a strange tension started building inside Neville's chest. He swallowed hard without breaking eye contact, finally she asked
-So, what do you think about your first muggle party?
-Oh it was cool, I had fun, I like muggles, did you had fun?
-Yeah, yeah, I mean, it's weird
-Well, I don't know, I never really see them anymore, not like I used to, I don't even hang out with Angie as much as before and every time I see them is to catch up... and that's weird
-Catching up is weird?
-Yes, I feel like I already lost them. Like, everytime I see them I got a glimpse of the life I lost. The person I could have been, the friends or relationship I could have had, careers I can't pursue, experiences I'll never know... And I don't really feel entitled to feel bad about it because IM A BLODDY WITCH I mean I do magic! And I've got the chance to be at a magical school in a bloody castle with other witches and wizards and I can do a lot of wicked stuff, so, I know I'm privileged, but deep down I feel like I don't know, like I'm losing something, a part of me I'll never know, a life I'll never had and it's a little disturbing to find out that in this magical world is normal to just forget about all of that and be happy with my second class citizen status and be quiet about this grief I feel for my friends, my family even and my old self.
Neville was bewildered. He had never thought about the wizarding world in that way, he felt like such an idiot.
-We should run away then, I mean, I hate being a wizard, you hate living your life broken in two, so, fuck it.
Y/n grinned at the thought.
-Can you imagine? What would you like to do?
-Well I don't know that much about muggles...OH! I want to go to the record store! Andromeda says that's where she gets the vinyl's she sent me, I don't know where the record store Is tho
-There's plenty of them! We could go to everyone! We could own one! It could be a cafe too, when I was growing up my dream was to own a cafeteria.
-What's that?
-A place where you drink caffeine
-You can only get that sort of thing there? Like an opium bar?
-How do you know about opium bars and not cafeteria's?
-One of the guys at the party was obsessed with going to Berlin to find one and he was on and on about it.
-Yeah... He was about to tell me about something called LSD but then - Neville's voice went low - I saw you
-Oh, sorry for interrupting - she was speaking softly too, the memory of THAT moment in the kitchen with him was hitting hard, nervousness crawling over her skin, he was looking at her, lost in his thoughts - I'm glad you had fun.
-I did, well I just, I have one complain
-The oasis thing again?
-Nooo, I mean, yes of course but, no it's just that, ugh I expected it to be more dancing - he covered his face with his hands full of embarrassing
-Yeah, you must be the only man I know that likes dancing so much, boys are not really into it.
-I thought It was a wizards thing, I'm really disappointed
-No, unfortunately it's a men thing, sorry.
-Guess I'll have to wait for your granny to wake up so I can have a partner.
-I'm not good enough for you? - y/n was raising an eye brow, she didn't even knew she was capable of that. Was she flirting? Neville's red cheeks were a confirmation, she was actually flirting, damn.
-Would you dance with me? - his throat was dry, he wasn't expecting this conversation ending up that way.
-Of course - how could she dance if her knees were trembling?
-Neville stood up and offered his hand to help her, she noticed his sweaty palms, or were her's? He went to the record collection and choose a record he couldn't stop thinking at dinner. After a moment With the Beatles started playing.
-Oh...- she blushed- you got me.
-I mean it was quite in the nose actually - he pointed at her t-shirt, she laughed while started nerviosly moving - oh common, you can do better than that, I ve seen your moves girl.
-What? When? Where?
-Uhm - he could have slapped himself, why was he bringing that up right now? He didn't wanted to screw up the moment but he carried on carefully - well, that night at the party, you were dancing by yourself to Cocteau twins, I was looking at you, you seemed so carefree and happy, I wanted to dance with you but
-He got you first.
-They went still, an awkward silence filling the air for what seemed an eternity, she was actually really confused about Neville's declaration, the fact that he witnessed everything and the thing that happened after that made her feel so vulnerable...
And then All I've got to do started playing.
-Common, it's a slow one.
Neville took her hand and brought her closer in one single elegant movement and suddenly her arms were around his neck and his on her waist, slowly guiding her to the beat of the song. Looking down at her he softly said
-Sorry for what I said, I didn't mean to hurt you, I know you don't like to think about that night.
-No, don't be, I, well I don't know how to feel about that night but, I just, I guess I was surprised, I didn't knew someone was paying attention.
-I know. Sorry. I feel guilty about it.
-Well I wanted to run after you but he beat me to it, maybe if I just had run faster I...
-He didn't forced me you know? I wanted to.
-Yeah, of course - of course she wanted to, of course that wouldn't change anything, Neville was feeling stupid for thinking that any of his actions could have changed the outcome, she liked Fred, not him, that was a fact.
Y/n felt a stone in her stomach, was Neville implying what she thought he was implying? There was a shadow covering his eyes, some sort of sadness she haven't noticed before. She felt the need to hold him tight so she did.
She was up in her tiptoes, even with high boots she barely got to his neck so she rested her head against his collar bones, he held her tightly, his scent filling her every sense, the soft but strong grip he had on her body provoked an involuntary throat sound produced electrical shivers on his collar.
All my loving was coming through in the record player but despite the change of rhythm they didn't pull away. He held her while they played the whole record, dancing at their own pace, singing along until she felt asleep in his arms.
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shieldofiron · 2 years
I’ve got a soft one this time ❤️‍🔥
Billy that survived, and doesn’t have full mobility anymore (I personally have burn scars and they tend to limit my arms mobility) so he just stays inside, doesn’t go out
Billy is living with Hop, and he tries his best to get billy to use his cane, but self hatred and all- Billy refuses
One night, Steve comes over with a shit ton of stickers. While Billy is sleeping, he decorates his cane with stickers from all his favorite bands and puts a sweet skull on the handle
A perfect surprise to wake up to ❤️‍🩹
"If I order blueberry and you order chocolate chip we can split them and create the perfect pancake experience," Dustin whispers.
"What if I want more than half the chocolate chip?" Will whispers back, his hands digging into the window frame. He's nearly as big as Steve now, which meant their landing had been a little less graceful last night when Will had climbed into Billy's window and thumped to the ground.
"I will get you both blueberry and chocolate chip," Steve frowns, "Zip it. He's waking up."
Billy gets up with military precision. He explained it the first night he had stayed over with Steve, and Steve had woken late in the morning to Billy nervously perched, fully dressed, on the edge of his bed.
The alarm goes off and Billy rises slowly to sitting, his head hung low. He stretches his shoulders with a little wince and reaches for the cane. Hopper had told them Billy used it mostly in the morning, when Hopper and El weren't up and about but it would disappear until night time.
It takes a moment for Billy to notice something's different. He yawns, and then blinks at it for a moment, reaching out slowly and resting a single, scarred finger on the little skull Will had sculpted out of white clay.
Billy picks the cane off the ground, and while he does Steve can admire all the work they had put in. Anthrax's logo is centered perfectly above the drawing Will had made from the photo, Max, El and Billy all grinning like goofs. Skeletons dance in the bare spaces between the biggest logos, and the boring black cane is is now multicolored, wild and brash. Like Billy.
Steve reaches up slowly and knocks on the glass, and they all wave when Billy turns his head.
You never know what reaction you might have with Billy. He's emotional, a storm stuffed into the body of a person. Steve and Will keep waving, while Dustin just grins.
Billy sets the cane down and presses hard on it to stand. He's faster with it, Steve registers with a smile.
Billy comes over to the window, leaning down, "You gonna pretend you don't know how to open this?"
The words are harder to hear since Steve started losing a little of his hearing in his left ear, but he catches them anyway. Dustin slips a little metal shim under the window to loosen the latch, and Steve and Will push it open for the second time.
"You like it?" Will asks, "I had to make the Metallica one myself. And Steve ordered the sticker paper special from Chicago, but if it starts to fade you let me know. And... uh..."
Steve leans on the window, "How's it look?"
Billy smiles, a little wicked, and taps a finger on the skull, "Pretty fucking badass."
"So you like it? You'll use it?" Steve props himself up on his tiptoes, trying to get a little closer."
"Yeah," Billy's eyes glisten a little, but he just smiles wider, "I'll use it."
"Great!" Dustin smacks the window frame twice, "Come on, Steve is buying us all double pancakes at the diner."
Billy's face freezes for a moment, and then he taps the skull again, "Double pancakes sound great."
Fluffy like pancakes lol.
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eevylynn · 2 months
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September First
Sterek || T|| Hogwarts AU || 2789 wc
Derek Hale is a seventh year werewolf on the Ravenclaw quidditch team and is now Headboy. Stiles Stilinski is the son of a witch mom and squib dad and is now a fifth year Slytherin prefect. Read to see which houses the others are in. No HP characters included in this. Teen Wolf ones only.
Made using the prompt "Harry Potter AU" for @sterekbingo
I seem to imagine every fandom I'm in as characters in Hogwarts at some point or another, lol! I started this even before I got my bingo card, but I got distracted.
Noah Stilinski popped his head into his son’s room, knocking softly on the door as he went to wake his son up to get him ready to catch the train.
The fifteen year old wizard was sprawled across the thin bed, legs tangled in the duvet, head and one arm slightly hanging off the side next to his pillow. The boy’s mouth was hanging wide open with a small line of drool coming down one corner. Noah shook his head, laughing softly. Having grown over half a foot in the last year alone, it was hard to think of Stiles as a boy anymore now that his son was almost eye level with him. Heck, Noah will probably have to surprise the kid with a bigger bed come winter break because he’s just about outgrown his narrow childhood one.
Shaking the morose thoughts out of his head before he started dwelling on how Claudia would have reacted to their son being taller than her, Noah cleared his throat before gruffly calling out, “Stiles!”
No reaction.
Noah blinked, took a breath, and called out louder, “Stiles!”
Stiles groaned and smacked his lips before rolling over to hug his pillow.
Shooting out of bed like a bludger, the young wizard blinked a couple of times, willing his brain to wake up alongside his body.
His father smiled at how much Stiles reminded him of Claudia sometimes. She, too, was much more of a night owl than a morning person. “Come on, son,” Noah said. “It’s 8. We need to get ready, so we can leave and make it to the station on time.”
Stiles nodded and moved to get out of bed. Unfortunately, his legs were so tangled up in the sheets that he immediately fell over and face planted with a loud THUD.
Derek laid in his plush four poster bed, blinking at the light dancing across the dark ceiling above him as he listened to the early morning commotion in the house that was everyone else in the house getting ready for the day. Maybe if he just stayed here, no one would hear him in return.
Laura and Cora were fighting over who could have their shared bathroom first. Their dad, Elijah, was cooking breakfast in their large kitchen. Probably bacon, eggs, and either pancakes or waffles if Derek was smelling it right. Their mother was trying to make sure the terror twins, Benjamin and Ava, had packed everything for their first year of school with Peter making not so helpful comments that did nothing but stress out all three of them before Talia inevitably snapped at him to “Either be useful or get out of the room”. His cousin, Malia, sounded like she, too, was still in bed. Unlike him, however, she was still sleeping peacefully. Derek’s brother Patrick on the other hand–
“I know you’re awake in there,” Patrick’s deep voice grumbled from right outside Derek’s door.
Derek groaned as he climbed out of the warm embrace of his bed. Throwing on the outfit he had set out the night before, Derek walked over to open the door.
Patrick was two years older than Derek and Laura, and was, in Derek’s opinion, the perfect older brother.
Everyone loved Patrick. Not only did he have the Hale looks and a wonderfully deep gravelly voice that caused all the witches, and a fair number of wizards, to sigh, he was amazingly funny without being hurtful. Patrick could get along with absolutely everyone. He was both the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain as well as Headboy during his seventh year and seemed to handle that load flawlessly, earning all of his NEWTs in the process. He was even recruited to one of the top Quidditch teams in the league right out of Hogwarts and was actually awarded the Witch Weekly’s Most Charming Smile Award this past summer!
[continue reading on ao3]
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hardstraykidshours · 2 years
stray kids fic-mas: day 8
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pairing: minho x afab!reader
genre: smut, fluff, 18+ (minors dni)
summary: you have a cozy christmas morning with minho.
length: 1.1k
warnings: food mention, christmas mention, profanity, suggestive/sexual content, no sub/dom dynamic, grinding, unprotected sex (please wrap before you tap), cream pie, praise, pet names, afab reader, nsfw 18+ (minors dni)
ficmas 2022 masterlist
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you stir awake when you feel a soft a kiss on your temple. your eyes slowly blink open and get adjusted to the dim morning light coming in through the window. breathing in, you take in the smell of a candle that smells like pine trees. but there's something else. maple? vanilla? coffee?
once your eyes are fully acclimated, you see minho sitting on the edge of the bed next to you, hands slowly running through your hair.
“merry christmas,” he says before placing a soft kiss on your lips.
“mmmm…merry christmas,” you say with a stretch and smile, voice still grumbly from sleep.
“i made us some breakfast. wanna have breakfast in bed? then we can open our presents for each other a little later?” he asks as he glances at the nightstand.
you follow his eyes, and you realize that’s where that wonderful smell is coming from. sitting next to you are two plates with snowflake shaped pancakes and two mugs of coffee.
you sit up excitedly with a grin as you pat the bed next to you. this is all the answer minho needs to grab the tray with the plates and mugs and carefully make his way into bed next to you.
you finish up eating and decide you're not quite ready to get out of the comfort of the bed just yet, so you both decide to snuggle up under the covers to cuddle for a little while. you're laying with your head on his chest as he traces small designs along your back, and you just chitchat.
when there's a break in conversation you shimmy yourself up a little bit so you’re eye level with him. you place a soft kiss on his cheek.
“thank you,” you say sweetly.
“i’ll always make breakfast for you, baby,” he replies with a little laugh.
“i don't mean breakfast,” you nudge him playfully. “well, yes, thank you for breakfast, but thank you for everything you do for me. you make everyday feel like christmas. but especially christmas day."
“it’s my pleasure,” he responds with a kiss to your cheek. “you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
your lips gently crash onto his. they move together slowly and sensually. he teases the seam of your lips with his tongue before you grant him access, allowing your tongues to move together in perfect harmony. without ever breaking contact, you roll around so you're underneath him on your back while he rests his body between your legs, warm blankets still draped over both of you.
you continue making out for what feels like an eternity while his hands softly run along every part of your body, feeling every part of you. your fingers tangle in his dark hair. though you want to stay like this forever, you feel yourself growing wetter and more needy by the second. you rub your hips up into him, and the obvious bulge in his pants tells you he wants you just as bad. you both continue in the same motions that you have been for a while, but you each begin to slowly grind against each other, breathy moans escaping each of you during the brief moments that your lips separate.
“min,” you plead softly, craving more.
he lifts his face away from yours for a brief moment to look into your eyes, silently ask permission.
you nod to him reassuringly. “please.”
with that he carefully rids you of your clothes before following suit with his. he settles back down between your legs after he drapes the blankets back over the top of the two of you.
he peppers soft kisses all along your jawline and neck while you both start to grind into each other again, your hands softly dancing across his back. you mewl as his hard cock rubs up and down between your dripping wet folds, reveling in the way it feels as it gently rubs your clit. you feel yourself clench around nothing as he lets out a low groan against your skin when he feels out wet you are, how you're coating him in your juices. he keeps a steady rhythm for a while, gradually building both of you closer to your climax.
“min,” you interject softly, almost a whisper.
he kisses the sensitive skin just below your ear. “yes, baby?”
“feels so good…but i want you inside,” you moan quietly.
“you're ready?” he double checks, looking at your face to make sure.
“i'm ready,” you nod.
he carefully lines his cock up with your pussy before pushing into you slowly. you both moan when he bottoms out.
“fuck, you feel amazing,” he coos, barely above a whisper.
you each take a second to get adjusted before he starts his movements again, thrusting in and out of you at a slow and steady pace. his lips find their way back to yours, and your mouths move together rhythmically while he pumps into you. moans and whimpers threaten to escape from both of you if it weren't for your lips glued together. everything is slow and lazy but still so comfortable and full of passion. when minho feels you clench around him, he doesn't do anything to change his pace. instead he snakes a hand in between your bodies to rub methodical circles on your clit. with this new addition, not even a minute later, your orgasm comes washing over. your legs shake as your pussy flutters around him, fingers scraping lightly down his back. you moan against his mouth. he follows suit not long after, hips stuttering against you as he spills himself against your walls, a groan resonating from his throat. he grinds in and out of a few more times to milk your bodies of every last ounce of pleasure they have left before he pulls himself out, plopping down onto the bed next to you. he takes you in his arms and pulls you close to him, placing a kiss on the top of your head.
“i love you so much,” he states.
“i love you more,” you say with a soft smile before kissing his jaw.
you lay in his arms for a while, relishing in how warm and safe it feels to be with him.
after a little time has passed, you break the silence with a grin. “so…what do you say we get cleaned up and open presents?”
he scoffs jokingly. “was all of this that just happened not enough of a gift?”
you both laugh.
“while i will admit that was a lovely gift,” you begin. “i do believe there are some more presents underneath the tree that are calling our names.”
“will those ones be naked too?” he jokes, eyebrow raised. you roll your eyes and shove him playfully.
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drvirgus · 10 months
Commitment & Responsibility
Yeji X Fem! Reader
Description: The life of Yeji and her Girlfriend Yn
Warnings: G!P Yeji, Smut, Angst
Chapter 2:
sighing, I furrowed my forehead. I rolled my eyes and decided to go with it. My AirPods were in my ears, blasting "Dalla Dalla" by Itzy.
I was wearing Yeji's shirt, although it was a bit tight around the chest, and the sleeves were much longer. I chuckled as I started making pancake batter.
I danced along to the beat, since I used to be Itzy's manager and had seen the dance routine many times, I knew it by heart. However, my execution was completely different.
I paused when I felt arms around my waist. My eyes widened, and I immediately removed one of my AirPods. The music stopped as well. "Good morning," Yeji mumbled sleepily, resting her forehead on my shoulder.
I smiled, placing my hand on top of hers as I leaned against her. "Good morning," I whispered softly. My whole body relaxed as I felt her warmth.
After a short while, I turned around in her arms, a smile on my lips. Almost instantly, I connected our lips in a brief but loving kiss. I pulled away from the kiss.
Yeji smiled, her eyes still closed. I chuckled softly, but stopped when I looked at her. She was wearing shorts and her bra. But nothing more.
My mouth dropped open, and my hand instinctively landed on her stomach. I could feel her abs under my fingers as I took a sharp breath through my nose.
"Jagiya... you know it's a mistake when you walk around like this," I said. Her eyes opened, meeting mine directly. She grinned slightly, raising her eyebrows.
"Oh, and you're allowed to?" she asked, gesturing to my outfit. I was just wearing my underwear and her shirt. Nothing more. I blushed a bit as I laughed. Yeji smirked as she looked at me.
Her eyes narrowed slightly, and with her finger, she motioned for me to turn around. My eyes widened a bit because I knew exactly what was about to happen.
Without hesitation, I turned around. I bit my lip as I swallowed. My heartbeat quickened. I heard fabric being removed behind me. My hands were on the kitchen counter. I could feel Yeji slowly and torturously pulling down my underwear.
Well, I was actually planning to bring her breakfast in bed... But this is a pleasant surprise.
Smut begin
Without any warning, she entered me. My breath caught in my throat. Her hands on my hips as she moved her hips. Knowing her, she probably hadn't even brushed her teeth, but taking me so early in the morning was no problem.
I laughed at this thought. "What's so funny?" she asked, her voice sounding slightly amused. She moved her hips faster. One of her hands wandered to my shoulder and held me there. Her hips now moved with much more force.
I moaned as I held onto the edge of the kitchen counter tighter. Accidentally, my free hand nudged the flour package, causing some flour to spill onto the floor. But neither of us stopped.
"You're... very eager when it comes to fucking me," I gasped. A moan escaped me, interrupting my sentence. I heard her chuckle softly. "But you probably didn't even brush your teeth," I finally finished my sentence.
Her lips on my neck as she gently bit down. "I have my priorities, y/n," she said, amused, as she exhaled against my neck. Her hand now wandered under my shirt.
Her hand now on my chest. She moaned as she held my breast in her hand. My hard nipple against her palm. "Fuck, baby," Yeji exclaimed. She pushed me harder against the kitchen counter as she moved her hips relentlessly.
I loved it when she was rough with me. Her lips on my shoulder as my shirt slid down, exposing more of my shoulder. She bit into my shoulder.
My moans grew louder as my eyes rolled back. I felt her other hand pleasuring my clit. My mouth opened, "Yeji!" I moaned out, my forehead landing on the kitchen counter as my eyes closed.
Yeji grinned and purred, "Come."
She continued to move roughly. Her fingers and hands driving me crazy as her hips slapped against my backside. My eyes widened as she removed her hand from my clit.
Shortly after, I felt her thumb at the entrance of my rear. I turned my head to look at her. Her eyes focused solely on my ass as she bit her lip.
I moaned as I felt her finger penetrate me. My breath caught in my throat. "Y/n," Yeji moaned as she moved her hips even more forcefully, her eyes still fixed on my ass.
I rocked my hips against her. The sound filled the entire kitchen. My moans grew louder and louder. "Fuck, I'm coming," I uttered as I felt my legs start to tremble. Yeji was right there, holding my hips firmly.
She didn't stop moving her own hips as I reached the peak of my orgasm. Tears filled my eyes as she overstimulated me, but we both loved it.
Only after a while, I heard her growl and gasp for breath. With slow but deliberate movements, she released all of her cum inside me. Her lips on my neck.
She twitched and continued to move her hips, wanting to leave everything inside me. Every single drop had to stay inside. If any were to spill, her mood would be ruined for the entire day. Until finally, she released another load inside me.
Breathless she pulled out of me. Putting on her clothes again. And pulling up my underwear. I felt the white load she released inside me, slowly dropping down. But I couldn't tell her that. She would only get angry and do it again.
Smut finished
"You're incredible," I exclaimed breathlessly. Yeji burst into laughter as she turned me around. She grinned as she lifted me onto the kitchen counter. My eyes widened as she positioned herself between my legs. Did she want to go again?
She pressed her lips against mine once more. "No, you're incredible," Yeji said, smiling. Her hands on my thighs as she looked at me. Once again, I was taller than her. My arms wrapped around her neck.
"You clean the floor," I said, smiling. Yeji sighed and rolled her eyes, but then she laughed when I started laughing. She gave me another kiss but pulled away when the doorbell rang.
We looked at each other, and a shrug of my shoulder was enough for Yeji to understand that I wasn't expecting anyone. She immediately wanted to go to the door, but I stopped her. She understood why.
"Wait a moment," I said loudly and went into the room. I quickly put on a pair of jogging pants and went to the door. Yeji went to the living room and sat down on the couch.
I opened the door, and my eyes widened in surprise. I looked at the older woman standing at my door, her face red, with a sports bag. Almost immediately, I laughed. "Again?" I asked and opened the door wider so the older woman could come in.
"Oh, um... I have company," I nervously explained. I stopped the older woman from going any further as I remembered that Yeji was only wearing a bra. I smiled slightly nervously and asked the older woman to wait for a moment.
I went into the living room and said, "Get dressed, Yeji." My girlfriend looked at me, her forehead slightly furrowed as I called her by name. She nodded and went into my room for a moment.
I returned to Moonbyul, and as usual, she automatically made her way to the couch. Her sports bag was placed on the armchair, and she let out a sigh as she sank onto the couch.
I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and three glasses. I placed them on the coffee table and poured a drink for each of us. Yeji left my room, and her eyes immediately fell on Moonbyul.
I smiled and introduced, "This is Byul-yi Unnie," referring to the blonde woman on my couch. Moonbyul stood up and shook hands with Yeji. Yeji smiled kindly but then noticed the sports bag. Her forehead furrowed with a questioning look as she glanced at me.
"But thank you, Y/n... I really wouldn't know where to go if it weren't for you. But I guess Yong-sun will calm down by tomorrow," Moonbyul said, taking a sip from her glass.
Yeji sat right beside me. Her eyes narrowed as she asked, "She's staying here?" She looked at me incredulously, blinking several times. Her jaw tensed slightly.
I swallowed nervously as I noticed her gaze. Oh God... she was angry...
"Unnie, may I introduce Yeji, my girlfriend," I said visibly nervous. Moonbyul's mouth dropped open. She looked at Yeji, then back at me.
"Oh God. You're Y/n's girlfriend? I've heard so much about you," Moonbyul said with a smile. Yeji looked at Moonbyul, her jaw still tense, and Moonbyul noticed it.
Moonbyul laughed when she noticed Yeji's reaction. "No worries. I also have a girlfriend whom I love dearly. I only sleep here when she's mad at me," Moonbyul said, raising her hands in a defensive gesture. Yeji's eyes narrowed even more.
"So, you're into women too?" she asked. Her hand landed on my thigh, pulling me closer to her. In response, I scooted closer to her, and Yeji relaxed slightly due to my reaction.
"Yes, but I sleep on the couch here. I've never entered Y/n's room. Really, don't worry. Your girlfriend is faithful, and I'm faithful to mine... Y/n is just kind to me," Moonbyul said. Yeji took a deep breath as she rubbed her nose bridge. She then looked at me.
I looked at her with puppy eyes. "I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you... it hasn't happened often, and... I didn't think it was significant enough to mention," I said, but my eyes widened at my choice of words.
"N-No, that's not what I meant. I meant I didn't want to worry you because I know how... um... how you would have reacted. I'm sorry," I immediately clarified. Her hand on my thigh squeezed my skin. She looked at me.
"We'll talk about this later," she replied and then glanced at Moonbyul.
Moonbyul nodded. "So basically, you live with your girlfriend, and every time you fight, you run away and sleep at Y/n's place?" she asked, and Moonbyul's eyes widened. She shook her head. "No, Yong-sun kicks me out," she answered, and Yeji raised an eyebrow.
"Do you really think she wants you to sleep elsewhere? Sleep on your couch at home. Even if she's mad at you, all of this will only make it worse. Or does she know where you are?" Yeji asked, and I looked at her surprised. She was more mature than expected... Those were really good points...
Moonbyul's mouth opened, and her face blushed with embarrassment. She looked at me and then at Yeji. "I think you're right... I should go home," Moonbyul said. Her face turned serious as she picked up her bag again.
Her eyes on Yeji, she said, "Thank you," and her eyes briefly glanced at me. Empathetic and apologetic, she looked at me, knowing exactly what was coming when she left. "You've got a really good catch, Y/n. Don't lose her," Moonbyul said, a small smile on her face.
"No way, Never," I replied without hesitation. Moonbyul smiled and bid farewell. The door closed, and almost immediately, my body tensed up.
Yeji looked at me. Her hand moved away from my thigh. She didn't say a word. She simply turned her body away from me. Nervously, I bit my lip.
Yeji was angry... Whenever she got angry, she remained silent. She didn't utter a single word. She just gave me the cold shoulder.
"Baby... I'm really sorry... I know my words were poorly chosen... I should have said it differently... but I meant it seriously... I didn't really think about telling you because I considered it my duty as a manager," I said, touching Yeji's arm.
Her forehead furrowed in anger as she turned her body toward me. "A duty?" she scoffed. Her jaw clenched. "Do you still remember what you considered a duty when you were my manager?" she asked angrily.
My eyes widened. I swallowed. My head lowered slightly. "Y-yes... but this is different. Really! She only slept here," I replied, and Yeji sighed. She stood up from the couch and started pacing back and forth. Her hand ran through her hair several times.
"I believe you, Y/n. I'm not worried about that because I trust you! But... but you could have let me know that another lesbian, whom I don't even know, was staying over at your place!" she said, looking at me. Her face filled with disappointment.
I swallowed. She was right. It was all my fault... I nodded my head. "You're right. I'm sorry," I said, looking at her. My face contorted with sadness. "I'm sorry," I said again.
Yeji stopped in her tracks. She took a deep breath, and then sighed. "Nothing... really happened, right?" she asked, and almost immediately, my eyes widened. I stood up and approached her. My hands clasped hers.
"No! Never. I love you!" I said seriously, my jaw tense. So, it bothered her after all. "I mean... She's not ugly, and she did sleep here..." Yeji said, her eyes avoiding mine.
My hands cupped her face. I looked straight into her eyes. My breath caught as I saw tears in her eyes. Almost automatically, tears formed in mine too. Yeji froze. She had never seen this before... She had never seen tears in my eyes that weren't a result of sex. Let alone seen me cry.
"I love you, Yeji! Only you. Only you can touch me and look at me. I only see you too!" I replied, completely serious. There wasn't a single hint of hesitation in my voice. I meant it completely sincerely and seriously.
Yeji looked at me. She sighed in relief as her arms wrapped around my waist. Her forehead rested on mine. "I'm sorry... I briefly doubted you," she said sincerely. I smiled faintly.
In a soothing tone, I replied, "I understand, Jagiya... but I'm here to remind you over and over again that I love only you. Even if you should doubt me and not believe me. I love you," I said, and I heard Yeji let out a soft sigh.
She nodded her head. "I love you," she said as she held me tightly in her arms. Relieved that Yeji wasn't angry anymore, I let out a sigh. My face buried in the nape of her neck as I hugged her affectionately.
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