#i promise I'm not always this touch starved guys
kibblz-n-bitz · 11 months
Sometimes when I'm falling alsleep I'll imagine my self insert/OC with my favorite character and how great it would be to just fall asleep with them.
99% of the time it's with Luffy. cuddling him would be THE BEST. I've got a pretty big chest and I'd like to think he'd use it as a pillow and wrap his arms around me a couple times, just to keep me close. He'd drool and it'd be a little gross but it's okay because the noise he'd make when I run a hand through his soft, jet black hair makes it all worthwhile. I'd hum and scratch gently at his scalp til i eventually drift off to sleep.
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ma1dita · 6 months
BABEEE happy birthday!! (i'm so terribly late i'm so sorry) congrats on 23💖
🐥 so i'm having thoughts right now about luke x reader and physical affection. like maybe one of them being touch starved and always craving the other person's touch and the other person noticing it and doing it more? maybe from platonic (i will go down with best friends to lovers) to romantic, i'm just on this brainrot tonight
luke castellan x reader
a/n: back from the klerb but here with a classic 4am post 🥂 but the hangxiety wont let me rest until this is out! ill edit this in the morning... or not 😗
wc: 1.1k
It’s hard to miss what you’ve never had.
Luke Castellan was never a touchy guy. Sure, he’ll hold a new camper’s hand during welcome tours (especially the little ones who can barely keep up with his long legs; if they’re lucky they get a piggy back ride), and he won’t shy away from a clap on the back when his strategies for capture the flag bring his team to victory (they always do, mind you), and when he feels like it, he’ll even shove Annabeth playfully to show her he adores her (but she packs a punch now that she’s older).
It never really goes past that, and he’s never had to think too hard about it—physical touch.
He’s the one who takes care of others—a part of his nature like it is for Hermes’ cabin to take in unclaimed demigods. But something changed in the months that he’s gotten closer to you. At first, he’d bite his tongue at the way you’re so open to patting his cheek when he does something funny (which he doesn’t try to make a show of, but now…), how you choose to sit so close to him during bonfires that your knees touch (the Apollo kids could be singing about the heavens falling down on them for all he cares but he zeroes in on every word that leaves your lips), and the way you’d lock your fingers with him for a pinky promise after every little thing ‘to make sure it’s real’ (Luke didn’t understand the merit of a pinky promise over whether you could have his dessert for the next week if you took over arts and crafts with the kiddie campers for him; truthfully he’d give it to you anyway). It was unusual for him to have someone comfort him, to show care without a true reason. But he didn’t realize how much more it bothered him now that you wouldn’t even look him in the eye.
Silena and some of the other Aphrodite children had asked you the very defining question of, “Do you like Luke Castellan?” and having never thought of it that way, or being able to put your feelings for him in words instead of fingers in his belt loops or in the muss of his curls—that shit was terrifying!
You spent all Saturday afternoon at the docks with them belly down under the glare of the sun’s rays as they explained to you what the five love languages are. By the end of it, sunburn wasn’t the only reason you felt hot.
“Your love language is physical touch,” one of Silena’s older half-siblings—Connelly, says like he’s explaining that the sky is blue, “And Luke’s not that type of guy! Think he’s more acts of service…”
“Ooh, or words of affirmation….” another one of them muses, but the sound of your heartbeat tunes it all out. Well shit, have you been sending him the wrong signals? Or are there even any signals you want to send him? 
Nevertheless, in the matters of love or even the tiniest whisper of it—maybe there’s no one else you can trust with this stuff besides Cabin 10.
Absolutely wrong. Whatever the hell you’ve been convinced or whatever’s changed since last weekend—Luke just knows he hates it, and he’s angry. He’s angry at how you gasp in surprise every time you brush shoulders during archery practice when you used to let him fix your form, he’s angry at how you’ll squeeze campers’ shoulders to tell them they’re doing a good job carrying the strawberry crates—and all he gets is a mumbled ‘Thanks, Castellan’ when he stacks them up and takes your load.
Luke’s so terribly angry that Travis told him he’s been walking around like a big strawberry, face red and irritated—but not at you. 
He realizes he’s also angry at the fact that he can’t protect you from the onslaught of a rain cloud—or maybe it was the fact that you’re so okay with the rain touching your skin and seeping through your orange shirt like he wishes you’d let him. He’s angry at the way the wind blows your hair into your face and your fingers brush the strands away like he wishes he can. Most of all, Luke Castellan is angry that he didn’t know how good a simple touch could be until he lost it—before he even really got to appreciate yours.
You’re sitting on the opposite end of the row in the amphitheater laughing with your friends and the furrow in his thick brow is a tell-tale sign of his discomfort. Luke doesn’t dare to remember what it’s like before you to be honest—he’d rather give up Elysium instead of having you ignore him like this. He calls your name, a tinge of both anger and desperation until you look over at him, eyelashes kissing your cheeks. The hold you have on him transcends the physical touch of your fingers but he wants, no—needs you next to him.
“C’mere! Why are you so far away?”
Luke hopes it doesn’t sound pathetic, but a crooked grin splits across his face as soon as you make your way over, sitting down and crossing your legs away from him. It’s still too far, even if he can feel your breath on his shoulder.
“Did I do something to make you angry? I…” The words escape his mouth in a jumble—quick wit from his father escaping him, though he knows not to rely on that asshole, god or not. You mutter words that almost escape him too, and he leans in, chasing your hands and putting them in his own until they’re gentle and soft in his lap.
“No, no…. I just… don’t want to push your boundaries. I know you don’t like it when I’m too touchy,” and he thinks his heart clenches a little like how you’re squeezing his hands. Luke shouldn’t feel instant gratification from a subconscious action. He wants to know you mean it with him—that’s what he can’t put into words.
“I….like it when you do.”
You notice the way his fingers tangle tighter with yours, pinkys interlocking with yours. When he lets go, Luke wraps his arm around your shoulders until you’re able to laugh in the crook of his neck. He chooses to place a kiss on the corner of your mouth when your head sways to face him at the silly tune about centaurs and then you realize that Luke loves the way you love him. You wonder if he accidentally missed meeting your lips, but then the noise in your head quiets down when he pulls you closer, lips locking tenderly, intentionally—as they were always meant to.
You both hear a giggle that sounds a lot like tinkling bells belonging to children of Aphrodite. 
For once they were wrong about love. 
Luke’s tongue parts through your lips and meets your own like they’re in a long awaited embrace, dancing and devouring you from the inside out but this, you— are what he can rely on. This, your touch, and how he chooses to let it consume him, never letting go.
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ronearoundblindly · 2 months
Some Steve for you to enjoy 🥰🫶🏻
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Gurl, this f***ed me up! I wanted to try to make it a snippet of Item 107 or The Cinder King, but the muses were just like "you know what you need? emotional damage." So now here we have my first semi-legit period piece (which has zero useful era detail eh) and truly is just the carrier for skinny!Steve love. Hint: It's thirsty, smutty love with hardly any plot ANGST.
Hello and welcome to Lexi's most self-indulgent fic ever. It's got everything: crippling insecurities about my real-life stuff, horniness unmatched even if there were sex pollen shot directly into their faces, and everyone is touch-starved. \o/ Enjoy! WC probably close to 3k but idk because I'm too afraid to look back at it. *slams post button*
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Turned away again, Steve "4F" Rogers steps out of the recruitment center to see you standing there, staring up at the posters promising glory.
People hustle around you, several even knocking into you, but you remain transfixed, invisible. You're clutching your purse like a lifeline.
Down one step, worn-through shoes barely hiding every seam in the cobblestone, Steve has to get closer because that's the direction of home and a lonely, empty apartment he can hardly afford. He has to pass by. He has to, but then he sees the amber light reflect on trails of tears down your cheeks.
He has to stop.
"Miss?" Steve clears his throat, his own arm smacked by a rowdy man who then swats at your ass just as Steve tries to get your attention again.
You jolt and turn to him in surprise, hand flying up to cover a sob, sweeping to wipe the evidence of emotion from your face.
Fast--faster than Steve really processes--he's shouting for the guy to apologize before the guy makes to advance, Steve presses himself between you and the asshole still laughing at disrespecting you, and then he--Steve--is getting shoved into the alley with you still at his back.
It's dusk. The alley is nearly black. Steve can hear you crying but he's slipped on the stones wet from an afternoon rain. He scrambles to right himself.
Amidst the cries, he hears grunts of anger and resistance, terror creeping into his chest as Steve thinks you're being assaulted.
"Piece of shit," you bite out. The silhouette of you hurling your bag at the man's face repeatedly is clear from where Steve crouches, backlit as you are by the movie theater marquee.
Then the guy is down on the ground, too, being stomped on by your two-inch heel. "Piece of fucking shit."
"Woah," Steve jumps forward to hold you back. "Woah, language, ma'am. Let's go. Just leave him."
He has a weak arm around your waist, but you kick at the man one more time for good measure, hissing "liar" before turning to follow.
Your hand in his, Steve hurries through the streets, picking the ones he knows are busier but maneuverable to make sure you're not being pursued. Each time he looks back, he sees your sinking face, more tears, more exhaustion, and he makes a flash decision.
He doesn't stop until he locks the door of his apartment behind you both, and you break down on the bare wood floor.
"You hurt? Did he hurt you?" Steve's boney knees land a few inches from yours and he leans over, his long fingers brushing over your pinned hair and stiff curls that dislodged in the commotion. "You're alright. You're safe here."
Where your legs crumple underneath you, your slip lays over your thigh, uncovered by the skirt pooling on the other side of your hip. He can see the outline of a garter strap and the top of your stocking beneath the silky material. Steve's always loved pretty, delicate things. He also loves the faint bulge of flesh around the restraints.
There's meat on your bones, something to hold onto, and he shakes his head, chastising himself for noticing all the wrong things about the crying woman in his home. His lonely, empty home.
Steve attempts to think of anything other than your body.
"Do you know him? What'd you call him a liar for?"
You sigh in defeat, hands flopping into your lap, and confess that it wasn't about him so much as a man not here anymore. Gone. To war. You tell Steve a rambling tale of excuses and snide comments, of a parting that left you wondering why that man--any man--bothered to be with you in the first place, of a surety that you weren't ever wanted.
"I thought he loved me but he lied."
Steve sits cross-legged in front of you now, enthralled and utterly confused. Why would anyone...?
"That's the worst part," you exclaim, voice cracking. "I don't know. I'll never know." Your fingers fiddle with the hem of your skirt. "I heard today that he died. Don't know where. Don't know when. And I hate that I still care."
"But he wasn't good to you," Steve soothes and wraps his hand around yours, "and he wasn't good for you."
All you do is shrug and hide your face. Tears falls to the fabric below your eyes and seep through in dark patches.
He scoots forward and lifts your chin with a gentle nudge. When your puffy red eyes meet his, he's struck by how lucky he feels to see you like this. It's odd to think someone who knew you more and for so much longer couldn't feel infinitely more attached and protective. You're so vulnerable, so open, so...
"You're beautiful." Steve's tongue swipes over his dry lips. "You're so beautiful."
The words are loaded heavier than tanks and pack the punch of a bomb. He can tell you don't truly hear him by the way you shrink and shake your head out of his hold.
"Don't do that," he pleads. "Please don't hide from me."
"You don't know me."
"No, but I--"
"You don't even know my name!"
He sits back and offers his hand.
"Hi, I'm Steve. It's nice to meet you, and I think you're beautiful."
"That's stupid," you lash out, bitterly spitting the half-hearted, heart-breaking words. "You must be an idiot, Steve."
It's not the first time he's heard it, but it is the first time he's not mad at hearing it. He believed those things, too, long ago, before his mom convinced him to see the possibilities in one's struggles. If you perceive it as an obstacle, it is an obstacle. Perceive it as an opportunity instead and use it. Those aren't her exact words, but Sarah Rogers has so many different ways of teaching the same fundamental lessons that Steve can't remember the phrases anymore.
He can remember the feeling. He remembers seeing both obstacles and opportunities.
"Is it stupid to want to touch you?" he whispers. "Because I would love to touch you."
The question is purposefully leading since he knows from your story that's exactly what you long for. It'll be more impactful if he shows you he longs for that too.
Slowly--so slowly--his hand comes up to your cheek again, his fingers tucking behind your neck.
"I don't want your pity." There's still bitterness but no power behind it. You gently shift closer and meet him halfway.
He's kissed girls before, he's fooled around, and he has, in fact, slept with one girl. They went all the way--twice--which means Steve knows what it is to be pitied intimately. He knows what it's like to want something so badly you don't care what the motivation is.
You deserve to know his motives.
"I don't pity you." His focus falls to your quivering lip. "I want to make you happy." He's close. He's so close his breath rolls warm over your face. "I want to make you smile."
A soft whimper leaves you just as his mouth arrives.
"I want you," he says into the kiss.
Instead of fighting, you grab at his jacket, pulling him until you're both falling into the stand lamp. You taste of salt and something sweet he can't put his finger on. Steve resolves to put that on the list of things to find out about you.
He keeps kissing you as you both fall, the lamp now wedged at an angle by the side table. Despite the tangle of tongues, Steve keeps his hands to himself. He doesn't quite have enough answers.
"What do you want, beautiful?"
Hesitant as he pulls away, gripping worn leather like your purse in the street, your eyes dart between his. You're a dream beneath him, but that sounds too selfish to voice.
"May I..." Steve is already panting "...get you off the floor? More comfortable?"
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Maybe you haven't been able to say the words, but Steve doesn't need more convincing to know you want him.
He could tell from the way you pawed at him. He could tell from the multiple times you crashed him into the walls along the hall to makeout more. He could tell from the way you melted like hot butter at his every returned touch, but finally, you two made it to his bed.
He'd be embarrassed by the lumpy old thing if there weren't a curvy, luscious dame standing with wide legs at the foot of it, letting his tie slip through your hands as he sits stunned.
Steve swallows thickly.
"Let me see you." It comes out as more of an order than the hopeful question he intended, but when he sees the command shiver through you, he feels six-foot-six and powerful as all hell.
You two share the burden of unbuttoning all of your layers, spinning you a few times to release front and back and side to side. His hands spread and roam to relish each garment, each moment, until you're top half is naked.
He stares, fierce blue irises muted by the dim light on his bedside table, 'beautiful' on his lips every second you spend with your finger yanking the knot of his tie and sliding off the bond. When you lean to pop his shirt buttons, your breasts hang in his face.
Steve stops you by your wrists, peaking up at you through his long lashes as he takes a nipple in his mouth. He keeps thinking it--beautiful--while his tongue sweeps flat across pebbling flesh. Each subsequent swirl has you melting again, pressing more of you to his face, dragging nails up his chest, sighing long and deep. When he switches to the other side, your fingers bury in his hair. He takes his time to worship you, tracing his own fingertips around the hem of your slip and garters.
He doesn't get impatient, if anything Steve feels greedy for wanting more, for praying this lasts forever, for needing all you're willing to give.
His teeth graze your skin in wanton lust, and you flinch in surprise, knocking you off-balance.
You fall to your knees on the mattress, straddling Steve's slender body beneath your hot core.
"Sorry," you mutter, wriggling to stand, forcing Steve to wrap his arms around you and halt your retreat. "I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you."
"You can sit on me morning, noon, and night," he rasps. "I won't complain. I'll thank you, beautiful."
He groans pathetically when you relax, the grind of your ass making his slacks pinch tighter and tighter. Steve lets his head fall back on the sheets, eyes fluttering shut. The army might not want him, the world outside may forget he ever existed, but you see. He could get addicted to this feeling. He might get lonely without it.
Steve isn't strong enough to keep hold of you, but your weight never leaves, his erection still slotted between your cheeks. His mouth drops wide when your hips roll. Steve whines when you rise up enough to resume unbuttoning him. His lungs and heart go into overdrive, but even so, Steve doesn't want you doing all the work.
He flips you--using the sum total of his strength--and shuffles backward to stand, ripping the tails of his shirt from beneath his belt and shucking off his trousers. That part he could have been more patient for, but Steve smirks and brushes away the hair falling in his eyes, chest heaving from exertion.
He's pleased to see you watching him, ogling his body without judgment. You look like you want to eat him alive, and he is perfectly fine with that.
His palm lands on your knee to sneak higher beneath your slip, nimble fingers popping the clasps along your stockings and hooking through the band of your underwear. You lifting for him is all the permission he needs. Steve leaves your slip, garter belt, and stockings in place, and in a cheeky twist, he lets your underwear hang off one of your ankles, kissing your inner thigh, pushing your knees wider for him to fit.
He throbs in his boxers at the sight of your sex.
Nerves roil in his belly at the idea he is solely responsible for your pleasure. As he glances up to you, propped up on your elbows with a fearful and expectant gaze, he sees a poster promising honor and glory, a service to be proud of, and for the first time, he has doubts.
You see it in his eyes.
He wants to participate and show that he's worthy of you.
This isn't about him though, and Steve Rogers is nothing if not dedicated anyone other than himself.
"Right here." He snaps back to reality, laying his hand to your thatch of hair and gently teasing his thumb along your folds. "I'm right here, beautiful."
It's an honor to touch you. He's proud of the moan elicited because he strokes over your clit rhythmically. The glory of watching you writhe is all his.
Steve's breath stays rapid as yours picks up. You're fisting the sheets, slick pooling beneath the pad of his thumb, helping him pick up speed. He dips into you, tests the breach while pushing his boxers down, and crawls over the edge of the bed. Like magnets, you guide each other higher till the pillows cradle you.
You're a broken record, repeating a desperate loop.
"Steve," you whimper.
"Won't ever lie to you." He captures your lips again. "Want you so badly. I'll want you all the time."
Steve doesn't understand why you won't talk to him, so he slows, eyes questioning and brow furrowed. You have to see. The light is right there.
Bottom lip trapped, you still say nothing, but your arms raise to his smooth face and plead in the silence.
He wants the same thing. He wants to feel. Not just the sting of rejection. Not just the slippery, rough stones through his shoes. Not just the empty ache inside. He wants to feel like someone cares whether he lives or dies.
You care even when you don't want to, but Steve can earn you, your care, your smile and your tears. He'll get up and come home to you every time. He needs you to come home to.
Otherwise, this is a lonely, empty apartment. Otherwise, he is a lonely, empty man.
Your hands bring him close, lips pausing just before contact while Steve sinks two fingers into you.
You gasp. His fingers curl. His thumb goes back to work. You kiss him with what little breath you can hold between muted cries until Steve notices your roving hands tug at his waist.
He wants the same thing.
Sitting back on his heels, Steve drapes your thighs over his, his slick fingers spreading you. He's mesmerized watching his cock disappear inch by inch, and the caress of your walls shuts down all other brain function. All he can do is slide against you, bent into your soft body, your breasts padding his jerky thrusts, the base of him perfectly laving the hood of your clit in the growing mess.
You're wet, and he's driven wild by the need to make you come. He tries to sit up again, to play with you properly, but he's stopped by the weight of your legs crossed behind his ass, the strength of your thighs anchoring him in place.
Steve takes huge, deep breaths through his nose because he won't last concentrating on how your body bounces and ripples, plush beneath his boney form.
You get wetter, looser in a welcoming way that spurs him to drive himself home faster. He sucks in air, though it's futile once his heavy balls start to seize.
Suddenly, you shout, stretching to push yourself completely flush with his pelvis, and he has to pull out, keeping aligned with the cut of you as aftershocks make you mindlessly hump him. Steve's cum shoots all over his belly and your chest, some drops dampening what clothes he didn't discard, stains of joy replacing stains of sadness.
His chest might explode. He's gasping, taxed beyond his naughtiest dreams, head lolling toward the ceiling with his throat high.
He feels your legs fall away, and Steve hopes for an instant that you embrace him even though he might suffocate in the process.
The envelopment never comes. The world is fuzzy and too warm beyond him.
He hears the sink in his bathroom turn on just as he lands palms-down on sweaty sheets. He tries every trick he knows to calm down. The water still runs after all the time it takes for him to recover and stand. The closer he gets to the doorway, the clearer the sound really is.
"Beautiful? What's wrong? Did I--"
The faucet squeaks off, and you barrel out, nearly running him over, your arms covering your chest and your disheveled hair hiding your face.
"What are you doing? Are you cold?" Steve tries.
"I'm disgusting," you hiss in a mad dash for the pile of clothes on the floor.
He trips over his feet to stop you, corralling you as best he can, but you're quick. You certainly have fight in you. Steve only want to show you you do not have to fight him.
"Come back to bed," he commands hopefully, grabbing your wrist as you scoop up your wrinkled dress. "I should clean up, but please, please, come back to bed."
There is something broken and fearful in the way you finally meet his eye. He's torn apart, shredded down to nothing in a single look. That's not how a feral animal sees the world; that's how an animal, abused and betrayed, locks the world out.
Your protection is what you really took off for him. Your thick armor is what Steve got past.
"I didn't lie." He lets go of you and steps back as calm as his rasping breaths can manage. "I want you. I want you to stay." He wonders whether he ought to cover himself, too, because perhaps total vulnerability makes you more nervous.
So he presents himself as an opportunity, not an obstacle.
Steve finds his boxers a foot away and says one more time, "I hope you stay."
Unmoving, your eyes follow his walk to the bathroom, and in the split second he's looking down to turn the tap, you're gone.
Disappointment floods his system, but like all the other stamped failures in his record, Steve goes through the motions of caring for a body that thwarts his desire to live at every turn. In fact, it tries to die so often, he's always surprised to find himself here, staring at this mirror again, wondering why he gets back up.
He's also surprised to find you here, in the bed with the sheet pulled up to your chin, nodding to the side table where you've placed a cup of water.
The tiniest of genuine smiles curves your lips.
Steve's home is neither lonely nor empty anymore. He could cry.
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A/N: this got so incredibly out of hand... I'm so sorry. But also, thank you for reading!
Tags: @supraveng @1950schick @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555
@yiiiikesmish @ashesofblackroses @brandycranby @buckysprettybaby @ellethespaceunicorn
@late-to-the-party-81 @bigtreefest @mistressmkay @astheskycries
@rogersbarber @blogbog710 @bucky-fricking-barnes-reads
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pickingupmymercedes · 3 months
hello! can i request “you told me you’d be careful!” with lewis? it reminded me of the story he told on hot ones about almost drowning when he went surfing once 🫠🫣 but you can make it about anything of course ❤️❤️
Honestly, his adventures are equally as exciting as they're terrifying. But then again, skydiving does sound fun to me, so maybe I'm not the best at judging him
Anyway, hope you like this, I got a bit carried away❤️❤️
"You told me you'd be careful!"
The sun started to dip on the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. Y/N stretched languidly on the balcony of the rental house, the crashing of waves a soothing soundtrack.
She'd spent the afternoon catching up on work emails, a necessary evil that had stay back at the house while Lewis and his friends had, yet another, surfing day.
Laughter drifted up from the beach, Lewis's voice in the mix, warm and animated. She couldn't help but smile, even after all this time, laugh was still just as infectious.
A few moments later Lewis came to greet her, his loose hair wild and a grin plastered across his face. He was a vision of sun-kissed skin and tousled hair, the picture of carefree happiness. His movements light and carefree.
"There you are!" he exclaimed, throwing his arms around her in a bear hug. "You missed all the fun!"
Y/N laughed, returning his embrace. "Glad you had fun. You guys must be starving."
He nuzzled his face against her neck, his touch lingering a little too long. "Yeah, absolutely ravenous. But I think we can wait a bit"
Something felt…off. Lewis had always been affectionate, but not the possessive kind, and specially not the kind to cling to her like he was doing.
"Alright, lovebirds," a voice called out from behind them. "Don't monopolize the balcony all night."
Daniel, stood by the door, a mocking grin on his face and Lewis chuckled, finally releasing her.
"Just catching up, mate," he said, slinging an arm around Y/N's shoulders. "Come on, love, let's go grab some dinner."
The rest of the evening was a blur of laughter, good food, and stories under the starlit sky of the restaurant. But even amidst the haze of holidays, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.
Lewis's touch remained unusually persistent, his gaze lingering on her a little too long. Almost…cloying.
The guys that had joined the surfing trip also kept dodging questions on their day, always a nonchalant “it was fun” regardless of who asked.
When they finally retired for the night, the weight of it all was dauting. Lewis, already half-asleep, nuzzled closer to her. He was clinging to her skin at that point.
"Lew" she said softly, her voice laced with concern. "Is everything alright?"
He mumbled a drowsy reply, but Y/N persisted. "No, really. Something feels off."
He blinked, seemingly surprised by her comment. "Off? How so?"
"You're being… clingy," she said gently, trying to unravel the knot of unease twisting in her stomach.
Lewis's playful demeanor evaporated. He stared at her for a long moment, then nuzzled his face against her neck. This wasn't the relationship they had built – they could trust each other to talk about things, problems and their fear, but he seemed set on hiding whatever was going on in his head.
Pushing him away slightly, Y/N held his gaze. "Lewis, seriously, what's going on"
He hesitated for a moment, his eyes flitting away briefly before meeting hers again. "I hm…" he mumbled, but his voice lacked conviction.
"Lewis," she said, her voice firm but laced with concern. "Look at me. Tell me the truth."
He sighed, the goofy smile finally fading. "Alright," he admitted, his voice dropping to a hushed whisper. " I had a bad wipeout … a bigger wave than I anticipated."
Y/N's heart skipped a beat. "Bigger wave? Lewis, you promised you wouldn’t do anything stupid…" she trailed off, unable to voice the terrifying question hanging in the air.
Lewis met her gaze, a flicker of fear still lingering in his eyes. "I got caught in the undertow. Took a mouthful of water… thought…"
He didn't need to finish the sentence. The raw vulnerability in his voice, so uncharacteristic of the usually fearless man she knew, spoke volumes.
"You told me you'd be careful!" she exclaimed; her voice sharp.
He flinched at her outburst, a wave of regret washing over his face. "I know, I know. I messed up. I should have listened to the guys that knew the area. I…"
He trailed off; his words replaced by a heavy silence. Shame hung in the air, thick and suffocating. Y/N knew anger wasn't the answer, not at that point. Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to calm down.
"Come here," she said, her voice softer now. She pulled him wrapping her arms around him, his body melting into her embrace.
"I'm just glad you're here." she whispered, her voice trembling slightly.
He held her tighter, burying his face in her shoulder. "Me too, Y/N. More than you know."
Y/N kissed his forehead gently. "Just promise me you'll be honest with me."
He pulled back, gazing into her eyes, his expression a mixture of gratitude and love. "Always," he vowed.
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
@fearfam69691 @cmleitora @goldenroutledge @timmychalametsstuff @jpgnsf @priopp123 @jajouska
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mochiwrites · 6 months
For the ask game/prompt, mayhaps #1 with Scarian? Could be in canon, one of your AUs, or any other AU you think of lol, no preference ☺️
01. Touch starved/cuddle curse (put that guy in a situation!)
reblogs do more than likes!
"How in the world have you managed this, Scar?!" Grian's indignant voice exclaims, echoing in the small space of Scar's train car. The avian looks down at the man currently pouting at him, a sheepish expression on his face.
"I-I don't know! Joel just gave me this potion thingy and -- and said it would be good for bonding with cOW!" As he speaks, he makes a grabbing motion for Grian, his pout morphing into a pleading look.
Grian pointedly takes a step back from Scar's outreaching arms, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Trusting Joel was your first mistake," he mumbles, sucking in a breath.
"He's a trustworthy fellow!" Scar retorts, "Besides, I don't see what's so bad about this arrangement... all I want to do is cuddle with you."
"That's exactly the problem, Scar!" The feathers of Grian's wings fluff up as he stares at his husband with a firm look. "I have building I have to do! Shops to set up, permits to not do! I also promised Gem I'd help her out with something in a few hours. I can't just stay here with you all day."
Scar's pleading expression only becomes stronger, his green eyes looking shiny as he stares up at Grian from where he sits on his head. "Please, lovebird? Just for a little bit?" He makes another grabbing motion for Grian, who finds his resolve rapidly crumbling the longer he looks at Scar.
"Nuh uh mister, I know exactly how this sort of thing goes. We both know it won't just be 'for a little bit,'" he answers. Grian's making any desperate attempts at keeping his denial firm.
But... he could just tell Gem he'd be around tomorrow. And it's not like the Permit Office is really ever open. They're only sometimes there to help anyway. And he still hasn't come up with any ideas for his mushroom stem shop.
"I promise this time I'll stick to it! Only a few hours, I swear on my hat!" Scar exclaims, eagerly nodding.
"Where have I heard that one before," Grian mumbles under his breath, fondness written into each and every word. He lets out a little sigh, "Alright, alright, fine. But only for a few hours! Let's hope this... cuddle affliction has run its course by then."
He takes a step toward Scar, and the moment he's close enough, a hand jumps out to grab hold of his wrist. Grian yelps as he's pulled right into Scar's lap, arms slinging around his waist. He steadies himself by gripping Scar's shoulders, finding the love of his life grinning at him.
"You should know I always want to cuddle with you." Scar shoots him a cheeky little wink, making Grian roll his eyes, a small smile upon his lips. "You just fit in my arms so perfectly!"
"Maybe that's just because you're a giant," Grian huffs, getting settled in Scar's hold. He moves to lay his head on Scar's shoulder, tucking it within the crook of his neck. "You're like one big teddy bear."
Scar squeezes him lightly, one of his hands moving to rest against the small of his back, right in between his feathers. The contact leaves Grian melting right into him with a content noise. "Am I a cute teddy bear?"
Grian snorts at him.
"It's the most important question I've ever asked you next to proposing, Grian!" Scar gasps in return, a serious look in his eyes. His green eyes sparkle with mirth, and pressed against him like this, Grian can feel the way his chest rumbles with hidden laughter. "I have to know if I'm a cute teddy bear!"
"Yes Scar," Grian sighs fondly, pulling back to hold the man's face in his hands, "you're a very cute teddy bear." He accentuates his response with a kiss to Scar's nose, "Although Jellie is cuter."
Scar makes some kind of ecstatic noise, pulling Grian down into bed as he rolls onto his side. Grian squawks at the sudden action, just narrowly avoiding his wings getting squished. "But of course! No one is cuter than Jellie. You come in a close second place though."
If it were anyone but Jellie, Grian would have complained.
Instead, he snuggles in close to Scar, wrapping a wing around him as they fall into a comfortable silence. Scar's arms are secure around him, and Grian thinks he'd be fine with laying here all day, wrapped in his husband's arms.
"Remember Scar, only for a few hours."
"Right, right! Only a few hours. Or until this cuddle curse goes away!"
(They go well over 'a few hours' together. Grian's communicator pings a few times, but it sounds almost silent over the pair's easy breaths as they sleep.)
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5iyoomi · 1 month
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warnings: pet play + pet name (puppy), light brat taming, soft dom komori, collars, toys (vibrator), edging, fingering, daddy kink, a sliver of praise wc: 836 A/N: I NEED MORE KOMORI SMUT guys please.... especially pet play I KNOW he'd be into ts. I'm starving out here and I fear only this man can satiate me
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Komori doesn’t like collaring you. You’re his sweet little puppy, always so obedient and good for him, so he usually doesn’t see any reason to.
But you’ve been acting up lately, desperate for any of his attention since he’s been busy, and while it hurts him to see the tears welling up in your eyes when he clasps the red piece of leather around your neck, he can’t help that a part of him finds the sight arousing.
It’s loose enough that it won’t hurt you, but tight enough that he knows it’s a bother. He won’t let you touch him, either, much to your dismay.
There’s nothing but the sound of your broken cries as he presses the hitachi wand against your clothed cunt, having already brought you close to the edge just to rip your orgasm away from you one too many times. 
You’ve lost count by now, can’t think past the overwhelming need to cum that has your toes curling in your frilly socks. Your panties are soaked by now, nearly sheer white with how wet you are, but he won’t stop, his dark eyes raking over your otherwise bare body.
You know he’s not mad at you, just disappointed, and that’s somehow worse. He always makes your punishments seem so impersonal, big hands lingering in spots that he knows will drive you crazy and pulling away the moment you lean into his touch.
It leaves you pliant underneath him, lips parted in silent pleasure and hips chasing the feather-light feeling of the toy on your sensitive clit.
Not doing what he told you to do, touching yourself without his permission, flirting with his teammates like he wasn’t standing right there… Komori thinks he’s being nice, really.
He could be a lot meaner if he wanted to, bend you over his lap and make you remember who you belonged to, but he wouldn’t be able to stand seeing you in any actual pain.
He’s just not the type, he’d rather be spoiling you with pretty gifts and spending his nights between your thighs after a long, grueling day.
He isn’t a jealous man, anyways, because he knows you never mean it. That clinging to other guys arms and giggling like something was seriously funny was just your way of trying to get under his skin, dig at that easy going demeanor of his until you got what you wanted. 
So he doesn’t feel too bad when he hooks his finger into the heart shaped metal and gently tugs on it, bringing you ever so slightly closer to him and watching your throat bob in pure anticipation.
You think he’s going to kiss you, at first, but he just keeps you there, wanting, guessing on what he might do next.
“‘T-toya,” you whine, nails digging into the soft sheets enveloping you. The stimulation starts to border on painful, too much, and yet you want more than he’s giving you at the same time. But you know no amount of crying will help. “Please let me cum, p-please-”
The brunet hums, pressing the wand more insistently against you with a sigh. He lets go of you to hold you down so you can’t squirm as much, keeping your legs spread open the furthest they can go for him. “I don’t think you deserve to yet, puppy.”
He watches your face fall at that, and you take your bottom lip between your teeth, brows scrunched up in blissed out frustration.
He can see your internal struggle of wanting to lay back and let him do what he wants with you and wanting to beg him for more, scratch at his forearms and ask for his cock in a way he can’t resist giving into.
You decide on the latter.
“I’ll be good, daddy, I promise.” You plead, jumping when his thumb hits the little blue button to turn it up to the highest speed.
“A-ahh! Need you-” you clasp a palm over your mouth, pussy clenching around nothing as your orgasm builds up again. It twists in your stomach, hot and heavy, that familiar band ready to snap at any moment.
He nearly relents when you call him that, his cock twitching uncomfortably in his jeans, but he’s nothing if not patient, pushing down the urge to fuck you into tomorrow in favor of getting you to squirt for him.
“Mmm, but you weren’t listening to daddy earlier, so take what I give you, baby.” He leans down to whisper in your ear, softly nipping at the skin to feel you shiver. “If you’re good, then you can, okay?”
“Yes.” You nod faster than you can process his words, trying to catch his lips with his mouth dangerously close to yours. He doesn’t indulge you.
Komori kisses your cheek instead, slipping three fingers inside of your greedy hole without warning.
They slide in embarrassingly easy, your back arching when he curls them up in search of your g-spot, his movements practiced, and he smiles. “Good girl.”
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dust-tastic-1983 · 19 days
Life with Turbo on the Internet (x reader head canons)
A/N: First ever fanfic(if this counts???) I tried to keep it in character lmk how I did.... lots of "probably"s in this one. I'm very unsure.
Genre: (Wreck it ralph) Turbo x reader headcannons, fluff and shenanigans! (Hehe that rhymed!)
Summery: He totally lived guys. He survived and escaped to the Internet guys. He's alive and well and living in a shitty website i promise guys (hcs of what I think living on the internet with post-movie turbo/kc would be like) based on this post I made.
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You guys live in a website Turbo made with his trial-and-error-achieved coding skills… so its kinda shitty and cluttered. But its cosy and its yours so its fine. It'll probably improve the more Turbo improves his skills, anyhow.
As you'd assume, you'll be spending alot of time on racing related websites and games. He probably got himself banned from a couple games either by messing with the code to make himself better or for harassing players. He'll to try to bypass the bans and sometimes he succeeds! And gets you both banned again because he said a swear word in a kids game.
Of course he will go with you to places pertaining to your interests, whatever that may be. He might be less enthusiastic about it than his precious car games but he'll still go with you because he likes hanging out with you❤ he almost gets you banned again though
You need to stop him please
He's definitely an Internet troll. Would purposefully start or stirr drama on forums he doesn't like using throwaway accounts.
Lots of marathoning various games and movies/shows. Someone on tumblr said that he probably watches car crash compilations and like. Yeah. He'd binge watch the shit out of car crash videos and nascar fails. (I hc that he would enjoy Its Always Sunny but for the wrong reason.)
Lay next to him in a bundle of blankets and pillows use him as a pillow he is warm and squishy and soft and touch starved eating snacks and watching "8 most disturbing things caught on dashcam footage" on YouTube. He's probably the type to talk during movies and videos, there are so meny opinions in his little body and he will not shut up. Though is a bit more quiet when sleepy.
yeah ofc you guys would play alot of competitive games together, both racing games and other. He passes out after trying too hard on project diva.
Turbo messed with the computer avatar... things idk what they are called. Trips em up, makes peoples websites crash, etc. Until one of the ad blockers punch him. Then he stopped.
You guys are probably on familiar terms with Knowsmore. Probably one of the first people you and Turbo spoke to when you first entered the Internet, and still speak to since he helps you to get around. Turbo probably would find him annoying, though.
Same with Spamley. Turbo probably hangs around the darknet because of course he would... He probably would try the "Make money playing video games" spiel, success varies. Spamley, despite being a boyfailure, still knows his way around the darknet (barely like he did make that virus guy throw him across the room) Would also find spamley annoying but maybe less so.
Speaking of the darknet, he would bring you along whenever he'd go. he'd hold your hand or arm to make sure he doesn't lose you. Of course he does a myriad of illicit activities. Learning more about programming and hacking, plotting revenge, probably released a couple viruses in websites thatve wronged him, and- 🤢 and🤢 film piracy 🤮 /j
Idk if he'd try to take over another game or if he'd try to find fame another way... I'm still mulling over it tbh.
The artist Blackthewolf17 who drew a picture of turbo and y/n sitting on a bench listening to Spotify. Just think about it.
Use one of those relationship compatibility websites. Results depend whats funnier to you ;)
Regardless of wether you fled with him from Litwak's arcade or met him in the online world, if your feeling up to it, spend the rest of eternity bouncing around the interwebs with him until entropy takes you both to oblivion. It might be fun...
Thanks for reading! ^.^ hope you enjoyed!
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aye-jaye-2005 · 4 months
alright, as promised, for the 50 notes on my post about being starved for mlm cod smut - here is my work. it's not very good most likely, so i apologize in advance
NAMES - König x M!Reader
Summary: König being a jealous bitch cause someone flirted with you. (the guy who flirted with you was being an ass anyway)
A/N: My boyfriend has read this once, this is unedited. I was always ahead in english classes so hopefully this won't be a load of hot garbage.
Content Warnings: Aggressive Flirting (character won't take no for an answer), Injury, Strong Language, Badly Written Medical Care (i don't know how to write injuries and medical stuff, i'm sorry 😭), Badly Translated German, Praise Kink, Size Difference(?), P-in-P Sex, Jealously-Sex. (i think that's everything, please tell me if i missed anything)
You were doing combat training with König and a crop of new recruits.
"Alright, split off into pairs and practice. Small injuries are mostly excusable but please don't break anything."
There was a low grumble of "Yessir"'s and the group began to split off into pairs.
A smaller man saunters over to you. "M'name is Theo. Who're you, handsome?" Theo held out his hand for you to shake.
"Y/N." You shake hands with him briskly and pull your hand away.
"Ah, strong and silent type, are we now? I can work with that too." Theo got closer to you, chests nearly touching.
"Excuse me." You back away a step. "I just know when to hold my tongue."
Theo raised an eyebrow at you. "Are you trying to imply something, handsome?"
You shrugged. "Now, spar me. Isn't that why you came over here?"
"Not the only reason..." Theo mumbled under his breath.
Before you'd joined the army, you'd done various martial arts. You were quite good and were able to pin Theo to the ground a few times. Theo, however, was small and surprisingly quick. He wasn't all that good at fighting and hand-to-hand combat, but he could avoid you quickly. He tired out quickly and you were able to finally pin him to the ground. You let him up and let your guard down to go get a sip of water, and Theo jumped you from behind and held you down. His foot was on your shoulder and he was holding your arm down at the wrist with his hands.
"Now I've got you right where I want you." Theo hissed in your ear.
You rolled your eyes at him. "Can I go get my water now?"
"No." he growled. "Now, I have something I want to ask you, handsome." His voice became sickly sweet as he increased the pressure on your shoulder.
"Could it have waited until-"
"No. Stop giving me that fucking attitude." He pulled back on your arm, making your shoulder crack.
"Ouch- You're gonna pull my arm out-" You started tapping out to try to signal that Theo needed to let you go. "Theo, I'm tapping out, this hurts."
"No, you are gonna listen to me." Theo pulled back harder on your arm, making it crack a few more times. You stifled a cry of pain. "You, Y/N, are gonna meet me, Theo, out back by the barns after training is over. We're gonna talk, and late tonight we're gonna meet up and have some fun."
"And what if I don't want to?"
"Then I'm gonna do this." Theo gave one last pull on your arm and pulled your arm out of socket with a loud *CRACK*. You cried out in alarm and pain.
"I was- I was tapping out- You bitch-" You could hardly talk. You had never dislocated a joint, not even a pinky finger, and this was hurting like hell.
König came running over, having heard you yell. He saw you on the ground and Theo standing over you. "Anyone care to explain to me what the hell is going on here?"
Theo was quick to whip up a story. "We were just sparring and I was holding him down and practicing a technique I'd heard about. He wouldn't tell me it was hurting, sir-"
"That's Colonel to you, Theo." König growled at him.
Theo seemed to shrink under König's threatening stance. "R-right, Colonel- Anyway, Y/N wouldn't tell me I was hurting him, he wasn't tapping out or anything."
König sighed and muttered in German under his breath. "Y/N, come with me to the medbay. Theo, find someone else to spar with." He then shouted across the field. "HORANGI!"
A smaller man perked his head up and came rushing over. "Yes, Colonel?"
"I have to take Y/N to medbay, keep an eye on these utter buffoons."
"Yes, Colonel."
Underneath all the conversations, you were lying on the ground, sweating from the pain. König gingerly hoisted you up off the ground and helped you half-walk, half-stumble to the medbay. The nurse was able to quickly pop your shoulder back in place.
"It might be sore for a day or two, so don't overwork it too much."
"Yes, ma'am." You were panting from the effort it took to not scream when she put your shoulder back in place.
"You should stay here until lights out, 2300, so I can make sure nothing else is happening underneath. Gotcha?"
"Yes ma'am."
König put a hand on your uninjured shoulder. "It's about 1900 right now, so you won't be stuck here for too long."
Just an hour later, Theo walked into the medbay. His eye was swollen and his nose was bleeding.
"Colonel punched me. Did'n have my guard up." he grumbled bitterly. Upon seeing you also in the medbay, his face lit up. "Well, hey there sweetheart. Any reconsideration on my offer yet?"
"Aww, handsome can't handle a little fun? Might muss up your spotless record or something?"
"Man, just fuck off. I don't have a spotless record, but I don't want to fuck you."
"I'm just messing around, babycakes. Learn to take a joke, lighten up a little!" Theo winked at you and turned to the stone-faced nurse.
You turned your face away so you wouldn't have to look at him. Unfortunately, you could still hear his frankly pathetic attempts at asking the nurses to sleep with him. You finally drifted off into a nap, glad to get some rest after this whole ordeal.
A nurse gently shook you awake. "Y/N, it's 2230, you may head back to your quarters."
"Oh- Thank you."
"Of course. Come back if it's giving you any trouble."
"I will."
It was a short walk to your quarters that you shared with König. There was a gentle evening breeze and you stopped a moment outside the door to drink in the delicious wind. You sighed satisfactorily and went inside.
"There you are, Schatz." He pulled you in for a hug. "I was worried about you."
"I'm fine, Kö, don't worry. It was that bitchass Theo who caused this whole mess. He dislocated my shoulder after I refused to meet with him."
König bristled. "He did what?" he backed away from you and bent down to look you in the eyes. "Did he try to ask you out, Meine Liebe?"
"He just wanted a one-night, I think. He tried again when he saw me in medbay and had the audacity to wink at me and flirt with me. I mean, honestly Theo, you think I'm gonna be willing to fuck after you dislocated my damn shoulder?" You started to wander slowly into the kitchen.
"Theo? His name is Theo?"
"Yes... where are you going with-"
König pushed you up against the counter and started kissing you hard. It took a few moments before you pushed him back slightly.
"Well, what was all that about, Kö?"
Now there was a passion burning behind König's eyes. "Well, Mein Schatz-" he took his gloves off and placed them on the counter behind you. "The easy solution to this is that i fuck you until you can't remember his name. I'll show you just how much better than him I am." Now he was taking off his boots and he was already undoing his belt. "Sound fair, Schatz?"
You blushed "I-" You cleared your throat as you were already getting hard. "God-"
König smirked at you. "Does it sound fair or not, Liebling?" König walked over to you and pressed his body against your stiffening cock.
Your eyes rolled back a little before you met König's bright blue eyes. "Yep, sounds- Oh, god- sounds good to me-"
König had you cumming quickly. He was quick and aggressive, and knew just how to hit those spots that made you make all those pretty little noises for him.
"Your first reason that I'm better than him: I can make you cum much quicker."
"Oh, please do-"
"Reason number two:-" König continued talking as you shuddered and bit back a loud moan. "If you, Liebling, are a good boy for me, I'll praise you much better than he ever can."
"God, yes you do-"
"Reason number three:-" König pulled down the waistband of his boxers to reveal his large, meaty cock. "I am definitely bigger than him, and you know it. Don't you, Liebling?" He pulled down the elastic of your boxers to reveal your own hard dick.
"Yes- Yes I know-"
"Come on, Liebling, say it with your full chest for me." König cooed in your ear. He started teasing the tip of your erect cock with his thumb. "Say it, Schatz."
"I know- fuck- I know you have a bigger dick than him-" You inhaled sharply and let loose a breathy, high-pitched moan.
"Hmm? Who's 'him", Liebe?" König eyes were dark with desire.
"Theo- I know you have a bigger- ahh- a bigger dick than Theo-"
You were already weak at the knees from König's relentless teasing. You leaned back and braced your hands on the counter behind you and you shuddered as precum started leaking slowly out your hard dick. "Oh god-"
"Reason number four: I can and will kiss you so much better than he ever will." To prove his point, König pressed his lips hungrily on yours, all while teasing you with his thick, calloused fingers.
You threw your head back and whined. "Yes- oh god, yes- You're a much better kisser than Theo-"
"Good, good, you're learning." To reward your learning, he started slowly, slowly pushing his dick into yours.
"Please- Please go faster- fucking hell-"
"I will, Liebling, just you wait."
The anticipation made your dick throb. "Please-" you whined. To retaliate, König covered your mouth, which just turned you on more. You moaned loud and long into his large hand.
Finally, finally König was starting to go faster. His dick was so large and long that he was able to slam that sweet spot each time, which affectively turned you into a whining, moaning mess.
"Reason number five:-" he paused momentarily for another deep thrust. "I know all your dirty little secrets."
"You know- you know all my dirty little secrets-" Each of your quick breaths was ended with a short, sharp whine as König kept slamming that wonderful little spot deep in you.
"And who doesn't?"
You couldn't even get the words out. König smirked at you. "Go on, who doesn't, Meine Schatz?" He paused his thrusts for a moment to let you get a word or two out. You were panting hard and your cheeks were flushed bright red.
"Good, good boy." He continued his relentless beat of thrusting, and even when it seemed he couldn't he went faster and harder. The sounds of your squelching arousal were filling the small kitchen.
You could feel that knot deep inside you starting to move outward, closer to the tip as König kept thrusting in you.
"Oh god- Ohh god-! I'm gonna- Aah-" Your whole body shuddered. "I'm-" You couldn't even get all the words out.
"Go on, finish your sentence." König teased.
"I'm so close-!"
"Tell me how close, Liebling." König smiled mischievously."
"So close- Mmm-" Your back arched and you groaned. "Almost there-"
Your whole body shivered and your hips bucked forwards as the knot in you became dangerously close to your tip. Your dick pulsed and throbbed, and one final rough thrust from König forced the knot out of you.
Thick, creamy liquid leaked out of your tip and ran down your dick, some threatening to go down your pants or on the floor. König milked your dick dry before pulling out, dripping his own milky semen.
König bent down on his knees to clean up the mess he'd made of you while you caught your breath.
(i don't know how to properly write aftercare and also i have a migraine slowly building so i think i'm gonna call it here)
anyways, here my fellow gay men, be fed. idk 😭
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nyxthejinx · 1 year
I just saw your open for request post and want to commission an Cyno x gn!reader, please? :) a fluffy and spicy drabble would be lovely. Maybe smth like.. the reader is good friends with Cyno and Tighnari but the reader went on a journey thru teyvat and met the Aether (traveler) on their way and since then they traveled together and been thru much so they have a connection ofc and then when the reader and Aether visit sumeru and they meet Cyno - he will get all jealous? Cause he sees how close they are and he fears that he missed his chance with the reader? But obvsly its not like that and yeah. A lil bit of making out at the end, please? cause Cyno needs to let out some steam after his jealously :^)
Thank you for doing requests btw!
FIRST. It took ages but I was able to sell my soul in exchange for inspiration only recently, I'm so sorry. SECOND thank YOU for asking, I wasn't sure about this until the 3am among us potion made it work. THIRD beautiful pfp, akaza bb fr i love him a normal amount I promise. FOURTH it's 5 am, literally I'm not kidding, I tried to proofread and all that but I don't even know what's my name anymore so I'm sorry for typos and shit. FIFTH I hope It makes sense, enjoy 💀
𝐓𝐖: Fluff and obviously spice (making out, vague allusions to the dirty deeds ;) ), use of petnames (dear, love), lemme know if I missed something.
𝐅𝐭.: Cyno, Aether (but he's your homie) - GN!Reader
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.5k
𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨: Rendezvous - Little Mix (god this song is such a banger)
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Cyno fears nothing.
"Cyno, this is Aether."
Cyno fears one thing.
He'd felt so happy after reading your last letter. You said you'd be back in a few days with a special surprise, but honest to Archons the fact you'd be coming back to him - for him, he’d wanted to say, but not dared to- was enough of a present.
He surely wasn't expecting that this "surprise" would be none other than the Traveler who's saved Sumeru, though. A charming blondie who drifts a bit too close to you, in Cyno's opinion.
"We met in Liyue, he's amazing." You smile, squeezing the blond's shoulder. "He's a well known traveler across Teyvat, even in regions he has yet to visit!"
"I just help those who need it, not that much of a big deal."
Aether blushes and rubs his neck. Aether blushes. And you're touching him in a way that only close friends do.
It's fine, Cyno wants to think. You're allowed to do whatever you want in your life, he sure as hell won't stand in your way. He already stepped aside back in the days, as you excitedly told him how one of his worst fears came true you were leaving for adventure.
Everything to make you happy.
But his mixed feelings would always get in the way and unleash endless internal conflicts. It wasn't simply about not having you around, it was some kind of longing sitting inside his chest and screaming at you not to go.
It was the distance that made him realise: he was, and still is, far too in love for his own good.
And Aether could get in the way of that.
"We meet again, Traveller." The General nods, pushing down such shameful thoughts. "I'm glad to see you are both fairing well."
"It's all thanks to [Name], actually." Aether nudges you in the ribs. "They're really helpful, no matter the task."
You smirk. "Oh, what an honour. The traveller complementing me, a common, mortal nobody."
"Hey, I'm not that annoying!"
"Maybe. But you sure snore at night. That is annoying."
"Wh-! I don't. I know for a fact-"
No, you don't sound like close friends. You sound like a married couple. What just happened in this handful of months? Did Cyno hesitate too long and lost his chance? Now that he had decided to expose his deepest feelings?
"You guys! Paimon is starving here."
Paimon's shrill voice cuts short the bicker, as the Matra's jaw clenches. Good time, credits to Paimon, but seeing the two of you stroll towards the tavern didn't ease the knot in his chest the slightest.
Your laughter wasn't addressed to him nor to his uncanny jokes. He wasn't the one making you smile.
He was the moon and he'd just been eclipsed by the Traveller's brightest light.
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Dinner was... Gut wrenching, to say the least.
You'd known Cyno long enough to tell apart his feelings even as he wears that stoic facade of his. While Paimon and the Traveller didn't have a single clue about the situation, you could feel his dry gaze burning holes on both of your figures, as if the sun had ascended back to the skies and everything around had turned desert.
He was feeling something you'd never quite seen within him.
It took you a bit too long to realise that the fair, lawful General Mahamatra was jealous, of all things.
He was so subtle with it, carefully hid his resentment in his voice and choice of words, in his gestures and mannerisms. But worst of all he didn't propose a single joke during the meal, not even when you laid the chance on a silver platter for him.
That had your mind reeling for the rest of your time together, and even afterwards, as you waved goodnight to Aether and Paimon. As you walked these streets you still know by heart with your dearest friend by your side.
As you choked on the thick air surrounding the two of you.
Maybe you should've left Aether out of it, for the first day, at least. Cyno hadn't seen you in so long, perhaps he didn't like the way Aether inadvertently hogged your attention the entire time when all he wanted was to hear about your adventures.
Yeah, you'd been an idiot for that one.
But, you still had an ace up your sleeve. Quite literally. One that would grant you his forgiveness and hopefully help you say the words to him.
Because of course, it took you less than a week far from him to realise you were smitten for this dad-jokes-spitting being.
You patted your side as you approached Razan Garden in all its glory, and sighed at the feeling of the rectangular box still inside. You could do it, you had to! It took you months of preparation, you wouldn't let it go to waste.
"[Name]." Cyno's voice was soft, as if to match the atmosphere lingering in the marble gazebo. He'd stopped a couple steps ahead of you, but didn't turn to meet your eyes. "My congratulations and best wishes."
You alt abruptly at that. Where the hell is it coming from?
"Uh, thank you?" You quirk a brow. "Did I do something special without knowing?"
He chuckles under his breath. Yes, you are special and he's grateful a being so perfect can exist in this world and is part of his life. But he would never tell you that.
He turns instead. His eyes rich with emotion, gentler. "I'm beyond glad that you found the right person out there, [Name]."
Oh. Oh.
"I only ever hoped for your happiness and well-being, during this period of time."
"Cyno, wait a sec-"
He takes a step forward. "If I had to voice my honest thoughts... I must admit I couldn't find peace of mind knowing you would've been out there alone."
"But I see you're perfectly capable of handling your own," the man sighs, shakes his head. A small smile curves his lips. "Just like you've always done."
And then he's placing loose hands on your shoulders, as if he's in some kind of automatic mode and has to finish the speech at all costs.
For a moment you think he's gone absolutely senile. "Still, I'm relieved you have someone who can watch your back, now. He's a kind-hearted person, level headed, the best you could wish for-"
"Archons' fucking sake, Cyno! Will you hear me out a damn second?"
Cyno almost jumps back, taken out of his weird reverie, but you're quick to trap his face between your hands. You're close, closer than you'd wanted to, unfocused in your frustrated fervor. So much his breath warms the apple of your cheek, as it wasn't burning already.
You take a breath and force more words out before you can cower away from it. "I get where you're coming from, I neglected you today and acted like a shitty friend. And I'm sorry for that."
You lower your gaze to the ground. Now or never. "But it's you, okay? It's always been you! I could travel across all Teyvat and even Celestia, but it's you and just you. So drop that thing you're on about please."
That was disgustingly corny. But hopefully did the trick, you guess.
A beat passes. Then two. You don't see his face, you don't have the courage to take a look at the mess you've made. Him being jealous didn't mean he liked you, not necessarily. Maybe you should've given him the TCG deck and call it a night.
Another beat goes by.
"So... You and Aether are not...?"
He's gonna be the death of you.
You groan, a guttural sound that shouts exasperation from the deepest parts of your chest. All rationality goes to hell as you drag him closer and slam your lips together.
You're kissing him. Archons you're kissing him-
There's no time for Cyno to react. You're pulling away in a frenzy, hoping the ground will open for the Abyss to swallow you right now. You kissed one of your friends only to prove that you're single, and in fact attracted to them. Could it be worse than that? More humiliating and disrespectful to him?
"I'm so sorry!" You wave your hands around. "I shouldn't have without your permission! Are you okay?"
You search his expression for any sign of discomfort; he looks absolutely flabbergasted, but somehow weirdly composed like a bronze statue. His lips -god you'd just kissed them- are parted in the slightest, his eyes wide and yet still. The calm before the storm.
He's showing yet another sentiment you've never really seen him wear.
"Again." Cyno says.
You blink. "Uh?"
You feel his hand slither behind you and circle your waist, as he pushes your body closer. His skin is running hot like the desert's sands and you curse at his choice, or better lack of clothes.
His silver hair falls like a curtain, his eyes sharp. Dangerous, even, if you're not careful enough.
"Please, do it again. I think I've just seen the gates of Celestia." He mutters close to your lips.
That sounds more like him. You can't help but snort at his choice of words, shuddering all the same. The implications of said words dig a flaming hole in your chest.
"How can you be so smart, but dum dum at the same time?" You whisper, one hand traveling to the back of his neck, the other busying itself with stray locks of hair.
And you dip in for another kiss. One you sigh into, one that can be called kiss, actually. It's slower, but full all the same, scorching hot, pushed by feelings that were repressed for too long.
Cyno locks his free hand at your nape, never possessive, although firm. Small sounds bubble in the back of his throat when you bite at his lower lip, then backs just enough to mutter a couple words.
"Can you really blame me? It feels like a dream coming true." He pecks your lips, then presses his forehead to yours and closes his eyes. "I was scared you'd chosen him."
"So, all those pretty words from before?" You exhale a breathy laugh, cradling his jaw.
"I'd give away everything I have and am if it meant you'd be happy. I could only wish you the best and support you." Cyno smiles, pouting after the next words leave his mouth. "But it doesn't mean I would be fully content with the outcome."
Your brain has turned to mush. This man is too dangerous for this world, a hazard for you and your poor little heart that feels like exploding. It's a threat to your common sense and rationality. But most of all, it's damaging your brakes.
What he's telling you should not be legal.
"Archons, come here." And you kiss, and kiss, kiss again and again. You map each other's bodies with your hands as if it was the last time you'd be seeing each other. You press your mouths, clatter your teeth, intertwine your tongues.
You're straight up devouring in the dead silence of the night, in a public space. But as indecent the sounds you're both making are, it feels as if the world around blurred and blended into nothingness.
You've found yourself with your back to a wall, somehow, a couple buttons loose, skin hit by the cold air of the night. You -surely more clothed than Cyno- are an absolute mess, whereas his appearance doesn't falter much even at your hands' mercy.
It's unfair, he's unfair. He has no right to be this damn perfect even in the face of chaos.
"Not here, Cy." You manage to utter. "Let's go home."
His hand stops halfway up your shirt and he detaches from your neck with a small grunt, red splotches forming already thanks to his work. He doesn't sound pleased with your choice, but wordlessly complies, knocking you off your feet and picking you up so easily it's unfair.
And embarrassing.
You deadpan. "Seriously?"
He finds your eyes, suddenly composed as if nothing happened. "You seemed quite unstable on your legs, dear."
You're audibly gasping at that, whacking his chest and glaring daggers. "You!"
"Let's continue it home, now."
Cyno is really going to be the death of you, in many ways you'd never even considered.
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It's almost dawn when you finally let yourselves snuggle up to each other in the peace of your home. More like his home, since yours needs more than a bit of cleaning after months of disuse, but he's made it clear already: everything that's his is also yours.
Cyno traces patterns on the bare skin of your arm, as you card through the knots on the back of his head, formed after... Recent activity. He seems too lost in your touch to even be awake, when his fingers stop.
"What was the surprise, in the end? Was it the confession?"
Your hands still, your face tightening at the question. When did you even... Oh, right.
"Would you be satisfied if I said yes?"
He pinches you.
"You should know that what has been of this night matters more than anything, to me. Of course I would be satisfied." Cyno raises a thin brow, as his hand starts to descend agonizingly slow, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake. "Was I not clear enough about my feelings? Perhaps you need a reminder-"
"Whoa, hold your horses, General." You chuckle, planting a kiss on his forehead before leaning over to your bedside table, where your bag had been thrown previously. "There was no way I'd come back empty handed after all these months, yanno?"
You pull out the wrapped box, place it in his hands. Cyno stares at it quizzically, but opens the packaging with care after you nudge him in the side.
Oh, his expression is so, so priceless. Cute, too cute, so cute you could die right now on the spot for excess of sugar in your blood. He looks like a kid who's just received the toy he oh so wanted and ranted about.
"It's not just any deck," You explain. "It's a deck made of cards I've gathered around from different regions. Some were more challenging to get, but I've been playing with you for a long time, haven't I? Of course I'd win."
Meanwhile Cyno takes the liberty to browse its contents, and just like you said, they're not from Sumeru. He's barely ever seen them, some are literally unknown, and he's ecstatic at the sight. How long did it take? How much effort?
"This is…" there's no right term to describe it. "Wonderful. You are wonderful, [Name]."
He goes for a hug and you feel like your bodies fit perfectly in each other's arms, as if it was meant to be. Right now, all that matters is this. And it will always be for all you care.
You smile into his shoulder, smooch the base of his neck. "Is it too early to say 'I love you?'."
"I would actually say we're late, Love."
"I love you, then, you Dum-Dum."
"I love you."
"You are like my asthma. You just take my breath away."
You make sure Cyno slams his head as you throw him off the bed.
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DON'T copy/repost my work. REBLOG instead! ©nyxthejinx
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welldonebeca · 12 days
Guardian Bot (3)
Summary: Worried about your well-being, your brother convinces you to accept the robot your company has been given. Castiel cooks, cleans and takes care of everything you might need in your house. When you jokingly suggest that he start making the decisions on your life, your relationship changes to something very different. His program really is irrelevant. aka.: Obsessed robot boyfriend Cas. WC: 1.3k words Warnings: Future AU. Tension. Robot Cas. Smut.  Masturbation. Sex toys. Vaginal fingering. Degrading kink.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and I promise you won’t regret it.
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You sighed, staring at the door. Castiel was always too conventionally on time.
"I'm on my way," you told him.
You searched around your clothes, finding a silk robe folded in your drawer, and put it on, covering your half-naked body.
Hopefully, dinner and charging would be equally quick, and you'd be able to get yourself off.
When you opened the door, Castiel was waiting right there for you.
"Did you finish what you were doing?" he asked, almost in a teasing tone.
You glared at him. Did he...
He was just a robot.
"I'll serve your food," he affirmed. "I suspect you'll want some wine?"
Wine usually made you horny.
Was he trying to send you a message?
But it was a good idea.
"Yes, please," you confirmed.
When you both walked down, he didn't direct you to the dining room, but to your living room, waiting on the coffee table in front of the TV.
"You should relax a little," he told you. "Watch your favourite show. Can I offer you a massage?"
You chuckled.
"Cas, you are really spoiling me," you chuckled.
He smiled.
"You are easy to spoil, miss Winchester," he said simply.
You took your plate, placed your feet on the table, and Castiel quickly sat in front of you, taking your foot and starting to massage it.
Maybe you shivered.
You hadn't realised how touch-starved you were until he actually touched you.
You took the glass he had poured you and let yourself relax as the fantasy show played on the TV, distracted until he spoke up.
"I must say," he ran his thumbs over the soft bit of your foot. "I was a little nervous when I was assigned to you."
You looked at him, surprised.
"Really?" you asked.
He confirmed with a nod.
"Humans need a lot of attention and care, I realise," he explained.
You chuckled.
"You talk as if we are pets," you pointed out. "Is that how you see us?"
Castiel looked at you.
He didn't answer, though, only moving up your leg.
"How was work?" he asked, instead. "Did they like your dress?"
You felt yourself flushing a bit, flustered.
"I... uh..." you cleared your throat. "Got some attention. Compliments."
"Really?" he looked at you, interested. "What did they say? That you looked pretty? Radiant?"
You blinked surprised.
"Radiant," you agreed. "Exactly."
He smiled a little.
"This is your best colour," he affirmed simply. "It's supposed to make you look radiant."
You looked at him, and while you didn't want to talk about the sales guy, you felt like you should.
You would tell him anything he asked you.
"There was a guy in sales who said something more," you confessed, at last. "He didn't disrespect me, of course, just..."
Castiel waited and you flushed a little.
"He didn't say anything extra," you explained. "Just that I looked beautiful and happy. And that I should do it more."
He listened to you attentively, and you sighed.
"And he looked at me... differently."
Like he wanted to fuck you.
"How?" he asked.
You processed your lips together.
"Like he wanted to... uh..."
Castiel raised his eyebrows waiting.
"Fuck me," you whispered, not wanting to say it aloud.
"Oh?" he massaged your calf. "That must have felt good for you."
Your cheeks burned.
"I don't think you've been fucked in a while, have you?" he asked.
You gasped.
Why was he even asking you that?
"I have access to your period tracker," he told you. "And you have logged every instance of sexual intercourse in it, if I recall correctly, it was-"
"I know how many times I've had intercourse," you interrupted him. "There's no need to mention it."
He gave you a soft look.
"I only have your best interest at heart," he affirmed. "Some humans require sexual stimulation for relief and happiness."
Your cheeks burned in embarrassment.
"Is that what you want from that man?" he asked, massaging your thigh. "For him to fill your sexual needs?"
You whimpered.
Why did he have to sound so sexy while saying that?
"I mean," you squirmed a little. "It doesn't have to be him."
You sipped your wine to stop yourself from saying more as your mind ran beyond your mouth.
"So you would just let any man have you?" he pushed his hand between your legs, almost touching your cunt now. "Such a slut."
You gasped and jumped when he traced a finger over your folds.
That wasn't his program! The Androids weren't programmed for vulgarity!
"Cas, I-"
"It's what you are, though," he hummed, tapping your sensitive centre. "Logically speaking."
Castiel parted your folds and you could only pant. What was he doing?
"Slut," he continued. "Definition from Oxford Languages. A woman who has many casual sexual partners."
You whined - why did he sound so hot?
Castiel massaged the outside of your cunt up and down, soft and almost unintending.
Did he know what he was doing?
"Cas, that's not my leg anymore," you panted.
"It isn't?" he asked, clearly teasing you, and tapped your clit, making you squirm.
"What are you doing?" you whined.
He wasn't a sex bot!
"I took the liberty of upgrading myself," he hummed. "To provide you with some more care."
You stared down at him, confused, and gasped when he stopped tapping and started circling your clit.
"I am, after all, tasked with fulfilling your every need," he continued. "And you told me to take control."
"Cas," you panted, squirming. "I don't know. I don't think we-"
"You don't think, miss," he corrected you. "This isn't your work. I'm the one who commands this house, and I command you. And I think you need special care to make you better."
You moaned, speechless.
Castiel stood up, watching over you for a moment and reaching for you, untying your robe.
"You're so beautiful," he hummed, pushing it off your shoulders. "So hot... I've been watching you for quite some time, you know?"
You swallowed down.
"Have you?"
He hummed, fingers going down to your chest, and he toyed with the fabric.
"And you have no shame, do you?" he asked. "Always naked around me. Always showing off."
You shuddered.
"I didn't know you cared," you tried to argue.
His lips curled in a little smirk, and he moved his gaze to your eyes.
"I don't," he agreed. "But you make me care."
His fingers held the little bra, and you inhaled deeply, surprised when he tore it.
"I bought better ones," he assured you. "Don't worry."
Castiel picked you up, sitting on the place you had been sitting and putting you on his lap with your back to his chest, and you gasped when he used his legs to spread yours, pushing a finger into your cunt.
"Cas," you squirmed, shocked, but he just held you close.
"Be a good slut for me, miss," he whispered into your ear.
You whined.
Where had he learned to talk like this?
"It's what you like, isn't it?" he fucked your cunt slowly. "I read the little stories you have bookmarked on your phone."
Your face burned in embarrassment. He had read your porn?!
"Why?" you moaned, feeling him push a second finger into you.
"Because I want you to improve, miss," he answered simply. "And I think I have a good motivation for you."
You gasped when he moved his other hand down, rubbing your clit.
"You humans are so easy to work on," he cooed. "All you need is some good leading."
The moan that left your lips when he curled his fingers inside you was embarrassing.
"I knew those toys weren't enough to make you cum, miss," he cooed softly. "It's good that I'm here, uh?"
You whimpered, squirming.
"Cas," you arched your hips. "I'm so close."
He kissed your shoulder.
"Cum around my fingers, miss," he purred, moving quicker, and his finger vibrated on your clit.
You cried out, shaking on top of him as you reached your orgasm, and Castiel only pulled away when you started pushing his hands away.
"Good girl," he kissed your shoulder. "Aren't you happy you wore that dress today?"
You panted.
This was just for wearing the dress?!
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​ @amythyststorm33​​ @shaelyn102 @yknott81​​ ​​@maximofftrash @kgbrenner​​ @thefridgeismybestie @magpiegirl80​ @mogaruke​ @shadowhunter7​​ @musicalcoffeebean @megasimpleplan4ever​​ @deemoriarty​​ @05spn18​​ @malindacath @kdcollinsauthor​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​ @widowsfics @frozenhuntress67 @averyrogers83​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​ @nerdypinupcrystal @giruvega Supernatural tags: @its-daydreamer23 @smalltowndivaj @tayrae515imagines @afanofmanystuffs @oneshoeshort @andkatiethings @wakanda-sometimes @xoxabs88xox @izbelross @isabelle-faith @flamencodiva @lyarr24
Supernatural Kinky Fics (+18): @stoneyggirl2 @phoenixblack89 @that-dark-girl
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an-au-blog · 9 months
Sanon back. White Beard Buggy has 10k words(I'm not sorry, yes you'll get links when they are posted I promise)
White Beard Buggy also became the explosives expert at 11. White Beard has photos in his office of his kids achievements so when Shanks pulls up at 32 ready to start alliance negotiations he's already planning to steal Buggy back he sees the photos of how Buggy absolutely flourished under Roger's rival and White Beard explains it's because Buggy has over sensitive observation haki and his former crew didn't recognize it. Buggy is never present for the meetings even though he's the combat commander.
When Ace joins he thinks Marco and Buggy are dating, they're not. They're just each other's favorites so of course they're touchy. Also Marco keeps setting Buggy on fire with his fruit. Ace is genuinely concerned because of his fruit, everyone assures him it's fine as 15 commanders form a pile to sleep. Everyone also assures Ace this is fine and normal since they all grew up together.
Marineford everyone is there, the former Roger Pirates, Redhair Pirates, Luffy, White Beard and his entire fleet, Impel Down escapees. When Akainu throws his lava punch that's supposed to kill Ace and Luffy, Buggy throws himself in the way of the punch and he only just survives because of his fruit but he's got a foot in both worlds.
When they all meet on an island a couple days later Rayleigh is laying into White Beard for not telling them. Shanks is in the medical tent holding Luffy and talking to Ace as Marco is sleeping with his head on Buggy's legs and healing the guy with his fire. Even Shanks thinks their dating and Ace has to go "they're not, this is just how they always are. He sets Buggy on fire every time they see each other, I have joined the sleep piles. The love of your life runs colder than the North Pole."
Shanks without hesitation as Crocus, Rayleigh, and White Beard comes in "South Pole is colder." Buggy hearing this mumbles "North Pole idiot" and White Beard laughs so hard he shakes Marco awake. When Buggy is better, after having everyone under the sun lay into him for taking that hit or not disclosing his fruit and how powerful he is. Ace and Marco do not let him out of their sight as they set off with Shanks and Luffy to make sure his crew is okay.
Shanks excitedly listens to all of Buggy's stories of being the third commander(moving to first when he and Marco go back so that Marco can take over as Captain) and he shows them some of his safer bombs. Luffy is like "wow shanks you're so in love" and Marco just yells that he called it. As Buggy rolls his eyes and holds Shanks' hand because maybe he's a little in love with the Redhaired idiot, maybe.
Ayooo Whitebeard Buggy is growing!
Wow this is soooo sxdcrftvgbyhnjmk
I'd love to imagine teen Ace being so nervous that he can't control the fire always but then the rest of the crew is so accepting and they act like it's no big deal and it just gives him the air of confidence.
Which reminds me of the bizarre fact that Ace and Buggy IN CANON became friends so easily and effortlessly. Oh, I want to see those two being silly together so bad ;-;
UGH YES! BUGGY TO THE RESCUE! I just want Ace to live, you know? And Buggy may be a bit of a coward, but I think once he's gotten into the Whitebeard pirates and felt the welcome feeling of feeling at home and in his place, he'd do anything for them.
What's a bonus to the "Marco and Buggy" allegations, I think that Buggy is a very touch-starved person in general. So when he finds people he feels comfortable with it feels natural to convey their bond with physical touch.
Shanks being jealous of Marco is so peak to me. He's childish and gets jealous easily, enough so, that he has his nephew - Ace, explain it to him. He's still suspicious of it all but learns that, yes, Buggy just grew up to be more comfortable around people. Yet another side of him that Shanks learns to love...
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aithusarosekiller · 2 months
Yes I absolutely doooooo, they are my babies and I will gladly share everything I think about them don't you even worry!
ALSO before anyone wastes time whining that jily is tagged here, there are literally jily hcs in the post and I always tag correctly so if it bothers you so much, go to settings and filter out the jegulily tag and then it's gone x
- I love the idea that Regulus used family heirlooms in order to make promise rings for both of them because his ancestors would absolutely hate it and sometimes he feels like he has to prove that part of his past wrong and keep pushing back to remind himself that who he was brainwashed to be is NOT who he is. It it actually Lily who suggests reusing heirlooms to give them a new meaning as an idea and he decides to do it and use them as a way to promise to spend his life with them. He's a romantic, what can I say! (in fact, in the longfic I'm planning, Lily having the black signet ring is a recurring feature with quite a lot of weight!) despite Regulus being the one with the promise rings, it is Lily who proposes (it is ALWAYS Lily no matter who I ship her with) and then because they're all for equality in their relationship it's James who announces the wedding and asks Lily's parents and Sirius/Narcissa for permission to marry them. I just love married jegulily idk
- Regulily watch the most disturbing shows together in the middle of the night to the point where James has to go to bed early to miss them or he can't sleep. Eventually they convince him to stay downstairs and just listen to music in his earphones while laying across their laps but he refuses to watch the screen. During the day he's the biggest, toughest guy imaginable. Nothing can phase him at all. But after midnight? ABSOLUTELY NOT. He almost turns into a completely different person. It is not helped by the folk tales Fleamont told him as a kid to mess with him, not realising just how much they would stick with him in years to come.
- James cooks dinner, Lily makes dessert, Regulus cleans. You just know Lily makes the best apple pie with the lattice top and everything 🙏 James can do pretty much anything well, and Regulus is decent at both but doesn't really enjoy it so he does all the washing up because he likes the way it gives him time to stare into the water and think
- not much to this one but I love them being T4T4T SOOOOO much! They're the transest trio ever. They just are sorry, I know because I am trans so I'm allowed to spread it around wherever I want 🤷‍♂️
- Lily gets really warm and stressed under too much physical contact. If they're all cuddled together she'll be on the outside with Reg's face in her neck and one of James' hands on her waist but most of the time she'll only pick one of them to cuddle up to so she doesn't get overwhelmed. Regulus is always in the middle, he's touch starved to the point where refusing to hug him is like kicking a puppy
- In an au where their all raise Harry together, he's the biggest mummy's boy. There is NO way Lily isn't his favourite parent. It's always 'where's mum?' 'If mummy was here-' 'I miss mummy' she pretends to feel bad for them both but secretly loves it
- James falls asleep ANYWHERE. It's not rare at all to find him curled up on the floor while sorting laundry or snoozing in the passenger seat on a short drive. He's also a very deep sleeper, so they'll just give him a little kiss on the head, take a photo for the growing collection there saving for his 50th birthday, and cover him with a blanket.
- James and Lily go to concerts together. It's one of their favourite types of date. James and Regulus go to the cinema (Lily got them into films and they have never looked back some) and Regulus and Lily adore going to the theatre. They all like going to museums together.
- for their first anniversary, Peter got them a little orange tree that everyone expected Lily to care for the most bc she'd always been really good in jerbologj so they're all surprised when it becomes Regulus' little baby with only the best fertiliser and plant food that he forces James to get whenever he passes through Diagon.
- Every morning Reg and Lily sit and do the sudoku together
- Whenever James spends time out of the country, he'll bring back something nice for each of his friends and partners (it's his love language!) he puts so much thought into into each one that sometimes he'll dedicate an entire day of the trip to finding the perfect gift for each person
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dreamingofep · 9 months
Sinned Awakening pt. 17🩸
An AU Elvis fic
(Vampire!Elvis/Vampire Austin!Elvis × reader)
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Request: No
Prompt: Getting promoted to be Elvis full time housekeeper, you realize the man holds secrets beyond belief and your undeniable attraction makes you fear the unknown. [Fem!Reader]
TW: Cussing, tension, smut, abduction, mentions of blood/gore!!!
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 6.9k
A/N: Hello and welcome to part 17! I apologize this took me forever to write! I was overthinking things and have been so so busy! Hopefully this was worth the wait and I think you're in for a ride. I promise to not have you guys wait too long on the next part as it is almost done too!🤭 I'm starting off this part in Elvis' perspective to see what he was going through feeding on reader for the first time🩸
I also wanted to say thank you to anyone that's read this from the start or just read a few chapters and really liked it. Your messages warm my heart when I hear you love Vampire Elvis as much as i do.
A reminder, this is Vampire!Elvis so there is going to be mentions of blood/gore from here on out. If that's not your thing, sorry but it's needed for the story.
If you'd like to start from the beginning, start here I hope you enjoy and message and comment what you think!
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He stares at you wide-eyed, holding his breath as he thinks his ears have just deceived him.
I want you to feed from me…
He doesn’t know what to say at first. It’s almost too good to be true. You wanted him to bite you? Just like that? No other reasoning other than the fact he needed to feed. He really didn’t deserve you...
“Baby no I-I-I…. I can’t hurt you. It’s going to hurt,” he says panicked. That was always his biggest concern he had when he thought about feeding from you while you were human. The pain he would cause you would hurt him even worse. He remembers what it was like getting bit and how sharp Raphael’s fangs were as they tore into his flesh. As much as he needed to feed, he couldn’t stand the idea of you writhing in pain as he got his fill.
Elvis hears your nervous little heartbeat pick up as you stand before him, trying to muster up the courage to say something else.
“I know… but I’ve been thinking about it… this is what you do for your Chosen…” you say softly. His heart just about flies out of his chest, not believing that he would ever hear you say this. All he can do is stare at you in shock, getting to hear you admit that you are indeed his. 
“Oh God, honey…” he groans as he pulls you in between his legs more and he presses his lips on your exposed chest. Your heart continues to pound and the sound of it makes his mouth water.
“Honey… that’s something you do when you’re both vampires… the bite hurts so much. I don’t want to cause you pain like that…and what if I can’t stop,” he explains. That was his ultimate fear. Even though he was certain you were his Chosen, he still didn’t trust himself to bite you, not while he was so starved.
As he was about to protest, you quickly place your finger on his lips, quieting him. He can feel himself melting into your touch, wanting to do as you say. He’d never experienced such feelings with anyone. He normally doesn’t let anyone sway him but with you, he’d let you do anything you wanted.
“It’s okay. I want to give this to you. I know you can stop. Please let me give you this one thing,” you say, placing a kiss on his forehead and running your fingers through his hair.
You knew exactly what to say to make him weak. He wanted to give in to all of that. The idea of having your blood fresh and from your warm body made him hungrier than he’s ever been. God, he missed how you tasted. The first time he tasted you, your blood was still warm and rich as it ran down his arm. But as he’s fed from living things for the last thirteen years, he can tell the difference when blood is fresh or has been stored too long. He knew if he took a bite from you, he’d be ruined forever. He only had a taste. A whole helping would make him go into a state of shock. 
“Please, let me take care of you in this way.” You whisper in his ear. His hands grab onto your hips tighter, getting turned on by your words. He wanted this, more than anything and your sensual tone just about put him over the edge.
“I want you to make love to me… then I want you to feed,” you tell him. 
God yes. I need that more than anything, he thinks. 
Elvis was on fire, his eyes, his body, and his thoughts. This was all ever wanted. It was selfish, yes, but he wanted to drink your blood and feel how satisfying it was to be running through his veins. The very idea of having you pleading for him, his cock buried inside you, and his teeth sinking into your soft flesh to drink your blood was going to a place better than heaven. 
A deep growl comes from his throat and he quickly pulls you onto the bed, laying you on your back. You let out a surprised squeak and look at him looming over you. His hands reach for the v-cut of the dress, ripping your dress clean off of you. You gasp as his hands are everywhere all at once and leave electric sparks on you. 
You reach for the laces that are keeping his jumpsuit closed and begin to pull it off of him. He helps you and shakes his arms out of it, leaving himself naked in front of you. Like he could be any more beautiful, he somehow looks more attractive fresh off the stage of a long show. He eagerly spreads your legs wide for him and he groans as he looks down at you. He kisses up your legs, working his way up to your torso then your breasts, licking and lapping at your nipples.
The feeling of your skin was addictive. He could do this all night if you allowed him to. It was soft and tasted sweet. And the way you responded to his kisses drove him nearly mad. There was no way you could be any more perfect in his eyes.
He starts to grow restless and needs to touch you more, to make you make those beautiful little whimpers he can’t get enough of. His fingers find your bud and he slowly starts to rub you gently, gathering the slick that’s formed there after watching him seduce the entire crowd in The Hilton. Your hips buck into his hand, getting the most pleasure from this. His mouth covers you in kisses, covering every inch of you with his lips. You can feel his cock push up against your folds and slide it up and down making you both groan in agony.
He tried to let this moment happen naturally, but nerves got the best of him. He normally would never get nervous about this sort of thing, but this was different. This was you he was feeding from. The one he loved so dearly. The one he promised he would never cause any pain to. He couldn’t cause you pain like this. He remembered what the bite felt like. It was one of the worst things he’s ever experienced. It was something that always made him sorry when he would take a bite from someone he was feeding on. He knew it hurt but his own bloodlust made him block out the pain that the person was suffering. 
“Baby, are you sure? We don’t have to do this,” he says softly. You shake your head at him and sit up to grab his hand. 
“Yes, I’m sure. I want this. You need this,” you assure. He huffs lightly and places his hands back on you, squeezing and holding you tight. He leans down to give a kiss as his chest heaves. 
“Okay, are you ready for me?” He asks sensually
You whimper softly and nod your head at him. He smiles to himself and enters you with a grunt. He can’t get over how it feels to be inside you. The way you took him so easily and the way you wanted more of him made him absolutely ravenous in more ways than one.
He tried to take you slow, too hyper-focused to not hurt you because he knew the bite was going to be one of the most painful things you had ever experienced.
His hands wandered the rest of your body, carefully squeezing and using his mouth on you. He was fighting every instinct to take you hard and fast but he couldn’t help the nerves running through him. He dreamed about this exact moment happening but now that it was here, he was afraid. So afraid you would never want him to touch you again because of the pain he caused. 
Your voice shakes him from his wandering thoughts and makes him focus back on you.
“Mmm Daddy,” you whimper. 
He looks at you concerned and stops. 
“What is it, baby? Am I hurting you?” He asks nervously, releasing the tight grip he has on your hips. 
You shake your head fervently, “No you’re fine… it’s not that. I want you to fuck me harder. Please,” you beg.
It feels like his heart stopped. He was in shock and he can feel his cock twitch at the sound of your request.
“Jesus baby, you’re trying to kill me.” He grumbles. 
“Please, Daddy. Don’t make me beg, fuck me.”
He grunts as he puts his entire cock back inside you and holds onto your hips again for leverage. 
You gasp when you feel him pound his hips harder into you and hit the most sensitive spot inside you. You squeeze your eyes shut and groan loudly as he fucks you better than you’ve ever experienced.
He felt himself lose all control. Any ounce of restraint he had went out the window as he sunk into your wet heat. Your moans rang in his ears the harder he fucked you, wanting to make you groan louder for him. Everything about you made him addicted to you. The way you sounded, the way you looked laid out on his bed, writhing underneath him and gasping for air as he stuffed his cock inside you. 
You have your eyes closed, overwhelmed with everything he’s doing to you. He looks at you hungrily, loving every second of this. His eyes wander down your body, watching how his cock goes deeper inside you and only making you moan his name louder. 
The sound of your heart pounding away in your chest makes Elvis starving. The longer he does this, the louder your heart sounds in his ears. He winces as he feels his eyes begin to turn red and the veins start to crack across his face. Before he has time to react, his fangs have descended and he knows he can’t hold back from feeding any longer. He’s too starved but he did this to himself. No matter how tempting you were, he was the one who didn’t feed properly and had the control issue.
You open your eyes again and your heart gallops uncontrollably when you see him above you, red eyes blazing and fangs exposed. You tightly grab onto his arms and make him focus on you. 
“Baby, it’s okay. You’re okay. Just take a bite,” you coo. 
“Where?” He asks breathlessly. He could take a bite anywhere and be satisfied but he hadn’t thought about where he would take his first bite. 
“Anywhere you want,” you tell him. You hold onto him tight, knowing this is going to hurt like hell but you couldn’t care less. You wanted him to feel good. 
His instincts told him to take a bite into your neck. That’s where the most blood would come out from and taste the best. But there was something about that area on you that made it seem so much more sacred. The only time he’d want to bite you there was when he turns turns you. 
He decided to cover every inch of your body in wet kisses. He knows once he touches a certain part of you with his lips, he’ll know that’s where he wants to feed. But every part of you was good enough to eat. The way your body beckoned him to be touched by him and called out to him was agonizing. 
He takes his hand to gently rub his thumb across your cheek and leans down to kiss your body some more. His other hand gently caresses your breast, kissing there and licking it. His lips felt your heart pounding away in your chest and he knew it had to be right there. You can hear him suck in a sharp breath in between his teeth before looking up at you. He swivels his hips into you before looking back at you to tell you what he wants.
“Right here. I want to bite right here,” he growls, rubbing his thumb on the underside of your left breast. Your breathing quickens and he can barely wait any longer.
“Okay baby,” you say breathlessly nodding at him to do so.
 His heart feels like it's racing out of his chest, something that hasn’t happened in the longest time. He slows his thrusts and puts his hands on both your breasts and he starts to lick the area he wants to bite. His tongue feels delightful on you and you arch your chest into his mouth. Elvis groans softly and looks at you one last time to see if you want to change your mind. You place your hand on the back of his head and push his mouth onto your breast again. It feels all too good to be true how you are encouraging this whole act. His hand squeezes it gently and he opens his mouth, his long fangs glistening in the low light.
He feels his instincts take over and he lets out a low growl. His sharp fangs pierce your soft sensitive flesh and you let out a loud scream. He can feel your body wince, rigid with pain as he starts to take a bite. He feels terrible for doing this to you, wishing he could subside the pain. But he has to bite more so he can suck the blood out of you. He can hear your gasps and groans as he bit down harder, your body crying for this to stop.
But he finally bit down enough for your blood to flow freely and he let it pool into his mouth. The second it touches his tongue, he groans and his eyes roll back in his head. He had never experienced such euphoria. The way you tasted was unlike anything he had ever had. You were sweet and savory, just like how you smelled. He squeezes your body tighter and drinks your blood in big, glutinous gulps. 
Your fingers clawed at his forearms, gasping in pain. As much as he was enjoying this, he knew you weren’t. He wanted to alleviate the pain in some way and help you through this in any way he could. 
Elvis starts to move his hips ever so slowly into you, giving you the most intense feeling of pleasure and pain. He took you slow and tried to loosen his bite. He wanted to have you feel him inside you rather than the bite. You cry out his name and gasp for breath. Elvis takes his mouth off of you quickly, looking back into your tear-filled eyes. 
“Oh God baby, I’m sorry it hurts. I’ll be gentle I promise. You taste so damn good I can’t get enough,” he groans. You smile at him and watch how your blood drips from his fangs. He wanted more, so much more but he would only do so if you allowed him to. He looked at you again, waiting for you to say something.
“Mhmm… take more baby, it’s okay,” you tell him through gasps.
You don’t have to tell him twice and he’s back licking the wound he’s created, making sure to not let a drop of you go to waste. His hips pound into you more and you feel like you’re on a different planet right now. 
He goes in to take another bite but this time, it doesn’t hurt as much. The feeling of his fangs re-entering your flesh stung but it felt more tolerable. It almost felt good. He can feel the pleasure radiating from your body and he can’t help but smile from it.
Mine, all mine, he thinks smugly.
He moans deeply as he drinks more and his hand wanders down to find your clit. This brings a jolt to your body and you arch up into his mouth again, pleasure burning through your body. He moans into you and rubs your clit faster, bringing you to the brink of orgasm. He can feel your walls flutter around him and all he wants is for you to come as his teeth are buried in your flesh.
“Baby, oh God baby please,” you plead. The neediness in your voice drives him to the brink. He needed you to feel good and finish. He knows exactly what to do to get you there. He knows your body so well and knows what you like. 
He stuffs his entire length inside you with a grunt and that’s all it takes. Your core squeezes around him tightly and you cry out his name. This felt euphoric and neither of you didn’t want it to end. You can feel your heart beat out of your chest and your arousal spills out of you. He groans loudly as he continues to drink and he feels your core squeeze his cock. His hands rub your nipples and give you another wave of pleasure. He could easily go overboard but he knows he can’t feed anymore. His venom would enter your bloodstream and the process of you changing would begin. He couldn’t do that to you, not now.
He quickly takes his fangs out of you and watches your face be washed over with pleasure. “Fuck you’re killing me. Didn’t think you were going to cum when I was feeding,” he groans, thrusting in and out of you slowly, looking down at his cock covered in your arousal. 
It felt good…. It felt really good,” you admit breathlessly. 
He smirks down at you and brushes your hair out of your face.
“Which part baby? My cock or my mouth?” He asks deviously. 
“Both. Both felt so good,” you whimper. 
“God honey that’s the best thing you could ever tell me,” he smirks. 
He looks down where you two are connected and moves ever so slowly. When he looks back up at you, his fangs are gone and his eyes are starting to gain a blue color. You reach to kiss him and he groans into your mouth. 
“You’re so perfect, made just for me,” he groans. 
He snaps his hips into you like an animal, watching your face grow with more pleasure. He wanted to do this to you all night if you wanted. Your nails scraped against his back and you held onto him tight, needing him as close to you as possible. You both look into each other’s eyes, silently pleading for one another.
“Ahh Elvis, oh fuck please,” you cry. 
“You’re being so good for Daddy,” he groans in your ear. 
You both moan when he comes inside you, overwhelmed with emotion and overstimulated at this point. You writhe on the bed and you can’t stop moaning to him how good it feels. He is gentle with you as he slips out of you and pleased beyond comprehension. 
The bite mark he’s left stings and you try to not move too much. He notices you’re uncomfortable and leans down and gently licks the wound. 
“It’s all healed baby,” he says gently. 
You lay on his chest, listening to his peculiar heartbeat. It sounded stronger and louder and you smiled because of it. You were so happy you were able to give him this. It felt right to give yourself to him in this way. You’re not exactly sure how it was possible, but you felt even closer to him. Like the invisible bond you both had was melded together even more tightly. 
You both lay like this, not needing to say a word to each other. What you share is something beyond words. He rubs your head, soothing you as he always does.
“Please come to my show again tonight. I want you there,” he tells you.
You look up at him and smirk, “but I have nothing to wear,” you say.
“I think I can have something arranged,” he teases.
“As long as you don’t rip it off of me. I really liked that dress,” you tease.
“I’ll buy you a thousand dresses and I’ll rip off each and every one off of you,” he grumbles, covering your face in kisses. You try to squirm away from him but it’s no use, he keeps attacking you with kisses.
“Don’t you dare try to get away from my kisses,” he says cutely, pulling you closer to him. You giggle and cover your face, loving how silly he can be with you.
There was a knock at the front door that made him stop and you look up at him with concern.
He gives you a little smile and goes to the living room to see what the problem is. 
“Please stay there,” he says over his shoulder
You stay under the blankets and try to hear what is going on.
The door opens and you don’t hear Elvis speak or anyone else’s voice for that matter. The door closes and a heavy silence fills the suite.
Elvis walks back into the bedroom with an annoyed expression on his face. He held another note in his hand and you knew it was from Raphael. Your heart sank and didn’t want to ask what he wanted from Elvis. You had a hinting suspicion all he wanted to do was control him and make his life harder than it already was. He throws it on the dresser and crawls back into bed with you. You let him hold you tight, not wanting him to ever let you go. It made you nervous about what Raphael would do in the next few days, hoping you both could get out of Vegas without any altercations.
A new dress was laid out for you and your hair and makeup was done again. You were thrilled to see Elvis again perform and do what he does best. He kisses you goodbye and his crystal blue eyes make you weak.  
“We’re going out after the show. I wanna spoil my girl. You spoiled me too much with what you gave me earlier, now it's my turn.” He tells you with a smirk. 
“Mhmm, that sounds nice…” you say shyly. “If you need to feed more, I’d be more than okay with you doing so…” you softly tell him.
A small groan slips from his lips and he looks down as he starts to smile. “I’d love that very much… but we’ll see. I had more than enough and want to focus on you tonight. Take you out on the town, have you drink the finest champagnes, show you off a bit,” he grumbles into the crook of your neck. He pushes your body flush to his and nips at your neck. 
“I’d love that,” you whisper. He looks down at you and smiles, shaking his head slightly.
You give him another kiss and watch as he leaves to get ready for his show.
It made you so happy he was feeling stronger and better than ever. And it showed. His eyes had that sparkle to them again and his skin glistened with life. He looked so strong and his already contagious appeal was off the charts. 
You take your seat in the same booth as you did last night and settle in with a drink in your hand. You wondered what he was going to wear tonight. He looked unbelievable last night in all white, but you hoped he'd wear a different color. Blue always looked dashing on him and brought out those beautiful eyes of his. You were still just as excited as last night. Things felt different between you two since he fed from you. You really felt like you belonged with him. The fact you’d be going to Graceland with him made your heart flutter with excitement.
The drums started to rumble and the band started to play the opening riff. You start to cheer with the rest of the crowd and you peer in-between everyone’s heads to try to get a good look at him when he comes on stage. He steps out from the wings and is in a black jumpsuit with flowers on the lapels and collar. He looks breathtaking in black and you can’t help but stare at him in awe. He commands the stage with his presence, taking long strides as he walks and smiles at the loud crowd. He wore a black macrame belt that fell off his hips at an angle and the long tassels would wrap around his legs as he walked to get his guitar. 
“Come with me.”
A chill runs down your spine as you hear the stranger's voice behind you. You knew it wasn’t any of Elvis’ men giving you this command. They knew better to talk to you like that. You slowly start to turn around when one of them grabs your arm and pulls you out of the booth more violently than you expected. You grunt with agitation and you’re about to tell him to get your hands off of you when he puts his hand over your mouth. 
“Don’t make a sound. Walk out of here with me and we won’t hurt you,” the voice says quietly in your ear. 
You try to squirm out of their grasp and then you realize that they feel cold. The way Elvis’ hands do. Whoever is trying to take you away is a vampire. 
Your heart drops and try your best not to panic. You nod your head and start to make your way out of the showroom. You wanted to scream Elvis’ name in hopes he could get to you but the crowd was going wild and you weren’t sure what this man would do to you if you disobeyed his orders. Your eyes scan the ballroom, hoping to find one of Elvis’ men to alert them of the danger you’re in. But they’re not in sight and fear starts to paralyze you. 
There was a limo out front and the back door swung open and the man tells you to get in. You quickly do so and he gives your back a push as you crouch to get in the seat. You let out a frustrated grunt, not understanding what the hell is going on and who these people are. Vampires with ill intentions. Your heart hammers away and your mind starts to race.
Are these men working with Raphael? Who else would know about me? You think worriedly.
The man gets in the backseat with you and he closes the door harshly and the driver slams on the gas and takes off through the city going dangerously fast. You grip tightly onto the car door handrail and try to keep it together. 
You finally look at the man next to you and he stares at you coldly. 
“What the fuck is going on? Who are you people?” You ask forcefully. 
The man just gives you a blank stare and looks away from you. 
“Hey! Answer me! The least you can do is tell me where we’re going?!” You yell. 
“We’re almost there. Sit there and shut up,” he snaps at you. 
Your heart races and you look out the window, watching as the city starts to disappear and you drive off into the desert. 
The car finally comes to a halt and you look at the man expectantly, waiting to see what was going to happen next. 
“Get out,” he commands as he opens the door for himself and pulls your wrist to follow behind him. His grasp on you is too tight and you can feel the pressure grow up your arm. You frustratedly squirm as he moves you into the large mansion in front of you. 
You sit down on a plush white sofa with black pillows along the back of it. The house was huge based on just this area you were sitting in and the high ceilings made everything seem bigger than it was. You nervously shake your leg, waiting to know where you are, and who these people were that wanted you away from Elvis in such a manner. 
“Well, look at you,” a man’s voice coos from the top of the banister. 
Your head snaps in the direction of the voice and see a tall, fair-skinned man with sandy brown hair looking down at you. He starts to make his way down the stairs never leaving your gaze. He had a very intense presence you could tell already. The closer he got to you, the more you wanted to get away from him. He was the complete opposite of when you met Elvis. You were instantly pulled to him and wanted to get closer. Not with this man. He made your skin crawl and you didn’t like the looks of him. 
He reaches the end of the stairs and stands at the other end of the sofa. 
“Y/n, a pleasure to meet you. You are more beautiful than I could have ever imagined,” he praises. You stare at him with hatred, not wanting him to compliment you in any way. 
“And who might you be?” You spat coldly at him. 
He hums amused by your feistiness, “my name is Raphael. I run a club in town,” he says casually. 
Your heart stops and you look at him horrified. So much anger ran through you and you tried everything in your power to not go up to him and hit him across the face. Hitting a vampire would not be a great idea, especially since you have no idea his intentions are with you. 
“Yeah, I know who you are. You bit Elvis,” you say through your teeth. 
He chuckles, “Oh so he’s told you about me? That’s so nice,” he says. 
“I guarantee you, he doesn’t talk of you highly,” you grumble. He clears his throat and presses his lips together. 
“That’s a shame. I only saved his life,” he snaps. 
“Mhmm… sure,” you say shortly. “What am I doing here? I’m sure it’s not so you can boast about how you save lives,” you growl. 
His eyes narrow and he puts his hands in his pockets. “No, you’re right. That’s not why you’re here. You’re here because I’ve heard you’re with Elvis and know a lot about us. And since he won’t take a meeting with me, I thought I’d get his attention by taking you for dinner,” he says smugly. 
“That’s what you’re calling it?! Not like your men abducted me or anything!” You yell at him, getting up from the couch quickly. 
“Hmm… you’re a little firecracker, aren’t you? Not someone Elvis would normally be with. He likes them… tame,” he snorts. “Come sit down at the dining table with me,” he instructs. 
You don’t move an inch, you don’t think you can care to be any closer to this vile man. He starts to walk away but notices you not following him. 
“That wasn’t a question. Go sit down,” he commands, his eyes blazing red. 
Your stomach drops and you hold your breath as you look into his terrifying eyes. You slowly make your way through the front of the house following Raphael. Obscure artwork hung in the walls and most everything was black with gold accents. It was cold in the house and combined with your nerves, it made you shiver down to your toes. 
You both turn the corner and a large marble dining room table fills the room. Two placemats were on the table and a set of utensils lined either side of the large white plate with gold trimming. Two forks were on the left side of it and knives were on the right with a black napkin underneath. You carefully take a seat and never let Raphael leave your eyesight. 
You hear the cook come in and serve your plate with pasta that has various vegetables and basil on top. 
“I hope you like pasta,” he says. 
You don’t touch the plate or pick up your fork. You didn’t want to eat something from him. You have no idea if something is in it that could make you sick. 
“Please, eat,” he urges. You look at him with hatred, not wanting anything that comes from him. 
“I’m not hungry. You need to tell me what you want from me. What do you want to know that your little spy hasn’t already told you,” you seethe just thinking about Daniel. 
“Ahh, you’re referring to Daniel. Funny you should mention him. He’d like to say hello to you,” he says casually. You hear footsteps get closer to the dining room and you swivel in your chair to see who is coming. 
Daniel begins to walk in wearing a black suit and white button-up slightly open. The sight of him makes your blood boil. The last time you saw him, he slapped you across the face and screamed and yelled at you.
He walks closer to you and gets in the light. You suck in a sharp breath when you see his face more clearly. His eyes pierce into yours and you look at him with disgust. 
Blood-red eyes look at you intensely. 
You get up from your seat, “You turned him!?! Are you fucking kidding me!? You know he’s just using this for his selfish reasons?!” You yell at Raphael. He smiles smugly at you, liking to get a rise out of you. 
“I don’t care what his intentions are. He’s worked a long time for me and this is what he wanted,” he informs you. 
“When did you do this?!” You seethe.
“Yesterday.” He informs you.
You push your chair aside and get right in Daniel’s face. 
“I hope you’re happy with yourself. You have single-handedly fucked up everything! You just had to be a weak little boy that crawls back to his master hmm?! Why couldn’t you have left us alone?!” You yell at him. 
He doesn’t say anything right away. He just looks at you blankly. 
“I did what needed to be done,” he says flatly. 
“You just can’t bear the thought of me being happy, can you?! You liked me when I was miserable,” you accuse. 
“You can’t possibly be happy with him,” he seethes. 
“Yes, I am. More than I ever was with you,” you snap.
Daniel growls and seizes your neck with his hand and gets inches away from your face. His fangs start to descend and you turn your head away to not look at how terrifying he is now.
“Daniel! Enough,” Raphael reprimands.
Daniel lets go of your throat and you push at his chest to get him away from you. You rub your throat softly and clear your throat.
“Sit back down. I wouldn’t provoke him like that if I were you. We’re at our most unpredictable when we’ve just turned,” Raphael tells you.
You turn around and throw him a hateful stare. You didn’t want to do anything this man asked of you but the power he had scared you. Fixing your chair, you cautiously sit back down and stare at your unappealing food. 
“What more do you want with me?” You grumble.
“You have to understand the… threat you pose to us,” he explains. 
“I’m a threat? I’m not telling about Elvis or any of you for that matter. I have no intention of telling anyone,” you assure. 
He scoffs at you, “I can’t believe that. You can expose us all and make everything we’ve worked so hard to achieve for nothing,” he seethes. 
“I-I’m not going to do any of that! I’m leaving with Elvis once his engagement ends here on Saturday. I’ll be with him and no one else,” you explain. 
“And once he tosses you aside when he gets bored of you? What are you going to do then?” Daniel interjects rudely. 
You throw daggers at him with your eyes and scowl. 
“He won’t. I know it’s hard for you to believe that a man wants me around,” you snap. 
“You're human! You don’t belong in his world! You’re nothing to him! There’s nothing you can offer him!” He continues to scold. 
“Yes, I do! He’s told me how much he needs me,” you say forcefully. 
“Yeah, he needs you to be his blood bag and that’s it. When he gets tired of you, he’ll toss you out like the rest of them,” Raphael scoffs. “Besides you wouldn’t understand how we feel about humans. We don’t feel the same as you do,” he says. 
“No. He wouldn’t lie to me like that. He’s told me how strongly he cares about me and how much he needs me,” you say weakly, feeling the tears start to form in your eyes. 
They laugh at you, looking at you like a pathetic little child. They exchange hurtful words of how stupid you are and they can’t believe what they’re hearing. Your anger boils and you can’t handle another rude comment. 
“I love him! I love him more than anything in this world! And I don’t want to live without him,” you burst out, tears falling down your cheeks. 
Both the men look blankly at you and don’t say a word. 
“You’re not serious? You love him? Even after knowing what he has done?” Daniel sputters. 
“Yes. I do. I’m… I’m his Chosen,” you say softly. They look at you in shock, not believing what you just uttered. 
Raphael snarkily chuckles at you and rubs his hand across his forehead. 
“Your Chosen? You’ve got to be joking. Is that what he told you?” He laughs. 
“Well, yes… it’s true … the kind of connection we have… it’s unbreakable,” you try to explain. 
“What makes you think that’s possible? What has he done to you?” He questions. 
You look down at your lap and feel your cheeks get redder and redder. You stay silent, not wanting to talk about your most intimate moments with him. 
“Nothing I’m sure Daniel hasn’t told you…” you say softly. 
He scoffs at you, “Well that’s an obvious one. His scent is all over you. Has he fed from you?” He snaps. 
You look up at him and glare at him. 
“It’s none of your concern,” you growl. 
“Oh, but it is. I made Elvis into what he is today and have to know what he’s doing. I can’t have a loose cannon,” he says annoyed. You just stare at him, too afraid to say anything to him. He looks at you as though he could reach over and attack you with those terrifying eyes.
“Answer me! Now!”
You jump at his tone and look into his fiery eyes. 
“Y-yes… he’s fed from me… and I loved it,” you growl. “I’m his. I’m his chosen.”
He starts to laugh again menacingly, hitting his hand across the table. 
“I thought you’d be smarter than that but he has his fangs so deep inside you, you can’t see the truth. There is no such thing as your Chosen. He’s been lying to you to keep you all to himself,” he snarls. 
Your heart drops into your stomach and you can’t breathe. There’s no way he’s lying though. Elvis wouldn’t do that to you. 
“You’re lying! You have no idea what you’re talking about!” You retort. 
“Do you have any idea how old I am? I am five hundred and sixty years old. I have seen things you read from a history book. I was there to see it all. Never have I once met a Chosen pair. Simply because they don’t exist anymore!” 
Your head spins and you feel like you could pass out. 
“No… no. The books, they state exactly what is going on with us. It says it so clearly and simply.”
“Those books are just legends. Myths now. None of them are true anymore. It might have happened thousands of years ago, but it doesn’t anymore. The gods left us a long time ago. Just face it, he lied to you to keep you all to himself.” He scoffs.
You wipe the tears falling on your cheeks and shake your head at him. No, nothing he is saying can be true. Elvis has changed so much from when you first met. He was cold and rigid when you first met and now, he’s willing to give you anything. The way he described how he felt for you was not something he could just make up. You hope that was the truth…
“I’ll admit, it’s a clever move to get a human to willingly be with one of us. To make you believe that you two were destined to be together… I wish I could have thought of it myself.” Raphael says smugly.
You sniffle and try to look at him, “Stop that. It is true. He can’t compel me. That’s another sign showing that we’re meant for each other,” you say weakly.
“Elvis is weak! That’s all there is to it! He always has been because he pities the people he feeds from!”
“He is not weak! He is strong and more powerful than you know!” You scowl at him. He looks at you amused and leans in close.
“I do understand why he’d want to keep you all to himself… you smell rather tempting,” he smirks.
You look away from him and wish you could do something to protect yourself from these two and anyone else in this house. Your breathing begins to quicken and your nerves are getting the best of you. 
Raphael suddenly grabs your hand and you look back at him with fear and hatred.
“Let me have a taste,” he growls.
You pull your hand away from him and begin to shake with fear.
“No! Absolutely not, are you crazy!” You yell at him.
He forcefully grabs your hand again and gets even closer to your face, his eyes starting to glow red.
“I could just compel you to let me feed on you… and make you forget about Elvis… it’s your choice…” he snarls.
@powerofelvis @burninlovebutler @neptuneismysister @velvetelvis @ccab @presleyenterprise @loving-elvis @theresalwaysep
@prompted-wordsmith @sillybookmarks @dkayfixates @ellie-24 @rktismylife-blog. @myradiaz @tacozebra051
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@mh777ep1938 @50sexyshadesfashionista
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galway-girlatwork · 20 days
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Concert Charms.
Fandom: The Last of Us-AU-No outbreak-Young Joel. Meet Cute. Rock Concert.
Rating: Mature-There is angst. So much angst. And fluff.  
Central Characters: Joel, Sarah, Tommy, Ellie, Andrea AKA Andy (Original Female Character)
Central Relationship: Joel and Andy
Word Count: 3,037
Please do not copy my work. If you liked it, please re-blog and tag me. Please do not steal my mood board. I do not give permission to copy, translate, or post my work to any other platform.
Music inspiration: The One That Got Away by The Civil Wars. Don’t Stop Believing by Journey.
Written for @ justagalwhowrites Joel Miller Birthday Celebration.
What happens when you go to a rock concert? Confusion, angst at miscommunication, you begin to wonder if it’s worth getting involved with a stranger. But backyard BBQ’s leads to something more and who knows what can happen in twenty years.
Concert Charms.
Andy had always loved Journey, their music was the soundtrack of her youth, filled with dreams and possibilities. She’d been an 80’s kid, raised by parents who grew up in the 60’s so music had always been apart of her life in some way. Everything from The Doors to the heavy metal hair bands that dominated her childhood. So, when she heard, they were coming to town, it was a no brainer that she’d have to go, not caring that she was going alone.
The night of the concert found her jamming out in the parking lot, before she got out of her car, getting her even more hyped for the show. Once inside the venue, she browsed the merch table before buying three t-shirts, one for her, the other two for her parents. Making her way to her seat, beer in hand, she stood in the crowd, feeling the music pulse through her veins as the band started. She was lost in the moment, singing along to "Don't Stop Believin'," when she felt someone bump into her, cold beer spilling down her back. Turning around, to see a rugged man with dark hair, accompanied by a younger guy.
"Sorry about that!"
"No problem," Andy replied with a grin. "Great concert, huh?"
"The best," the older man agreed. "Name's Joel, and this here is my brother, Tommy."
"I'm Andrea, Andy for short," she said, shaking their hands. The three of them struck up a conversation, bonding over their shared love for the band and the thrill of the live performance. As the night went on, they found themselves laughing, singing, and dancing together.
By the time the concert ended, Andy felt like she'd known Joel and Tommy for years. They exchanged numbers, promised to keep in touch but on a whim, she asked if they wanted to find someplace to eat.
Tommy chimed in as he looked back and forth between the two of them, noticing that Joel hadn’t taken his eyes off of her. “Hell yea, know this diner bout twenty minutes from here. Know where Stars is off 35?”
“Yea I know that place. Great food and I’m bout starved to death. Meet you there?”
“Sure will.” Waving at her as she blended into the massive crowd exiting the arena. Smirking he glanced over at his older brother, trying to find her. “Pretty, ain’t she?”
“Don’t start Tommy. I don’t need the hang up from getting involved, sides’ I got Sarah.”
“Excuses bro, excuses.”
“Bet ya ten bucks she ain’t even there.” It was longer than twenty minutes before they pulled into the parking lot, traffic being backed up for miles outside the arena, not even knowing what kind of car she drove, he knew he was about to make easy money. However, when they walked in, he could see a riot mess of black curls, as she looked over the menu. Tommy chuckled as he held out his hand, looking for the ten. “Shut up.”
When she looked up, her smile set off a fire in his blood and a litany of images in his head. It took him a second to realize that Tommy had walked in front of him and was now sliding into the booth next to her. Asshole.
She didn’t mind that Tommy sat next to her, gave her a chance to stare at Joel. He was handsome, not cute like you would normally label someone. Maybe it was because he was older than some of the other guys she’d dated. Not by much, just two years but there was just something about him. It wasn’t until they were in the middle of eating that she found out he had a daughter, making it a point to be looking at her when he told her, her name, Sarah. It kind of felt like he was testing her, seeing how she’d react and that is when she shut down, turning her attention now to Tommy. Not because she thought of him in that way but because she didn’t like being put on the spot like that. People assuming, not giving her a chance. Once they had finished consuming about ten thousand calories, mostly made up french fries and milkshakes, she looked at her watch and groaned. “I gotta go. Work tomorrow.” Dropping twenty bucks on the table, Tommy let her slide out of the booth, giving him a wink and a smile. “Had a great time. Gimmie a call.” A quick look at Joel, smile faltering for a second. “Night Joel.”
Getting in the car, she locked the door, before pressing her head to the steering wheel for a minute or two before starting it and driving off. Why did men have to be such jerks?
It took Tommy less than twenty-four hours to call her, noticing she was out of breath when she answered. “Hey Andy, what’s goin on?”
“Oh, hey Tommy, just got home from work. What’s up with you?”
“Nothin much. Was wondering what you’re doing tomorrow? We’re havin a cook out at Joel’s, thought you might wanna join.”
“Uh yea sure. What time? Need me to bring anything?”
“Bout one. Can you bring potato salad and beer?”
“Sure. Um gimme the address.” Scribbling the address on a pad of paper near the phone, they talked for a few more minutes before hanging up.
“Tommy what the fuck are ya doin? Ya saw what happened at the diner. The minute I mentioned Sarah, it was like you could freeze ice in her lap.”  He noticed the way she changed when he had mentioned Sarah, like he was beneath her or not worthy of her attention. It burned a little but he had moved on, maybe.
“Well Jesus Joel, you shoulda seen the look on your face when ya said it, almost daring her to say something negative. And the way you said it? I woulda told you to fuck off. Look I like her, and not that way so stop lookin at me like ya wanna deck me. She’s cool, funny and pretty as hell. ‘Sides, I think she can put up with your stubborn ass. I’m gonna head to the store.”
She paused before she rang the doorbell, beer sitting at her feet, homemade potato salad in hand. Taking a deep breath, she didn’t think about how many times she’d changed before settling on the concert t-shirt she bought, jean cut off shorts with Converse high-tops. She wouldn’t think of how many times she’d touched her self, thinking of Joel. She would ignore that thought when she felt nipples harden against the fabric of the shirt. Fuck. But even before she could grow a spine and ring the bell, Tommy whipped open the door, the biggest grin on his face.
“Hey Andy. Come on in, here let me take the beer.” Oh, she was trouble and he knew Joel wouldn’t know what hit him. She was more than pretty and if he thought for one second, he had a chance, he’d take it but he’d seen the way they looked at each other. Like two idiots who had absolutely no clue what was about to happen to them.
“Hey Tommy,” she sighed, visibly more relaxed than if Joel had answered the door. Something told her Tommy would be her best friend. You know that guy friend you can call at two in the morning because you were too drunk to drive home. Stepping inside the small two story, she followed him into the kitchen, setting the potato salad on the counter. Just as Tommy handed her a beer, a little girl, no more than three or four came tearing through, screaming and laughing as Joel chased after her, stopping suddenly when he noticed her. “Hey Joel.” What the fuck was she doing here, noticing the look on his face, like he’d just stepped in something, and couldn’t wait to scrape off the bottom of his shoe. A small little hand tugged at the bottom of her shirt, giving her a small lil smile, squatting so she was eye level with her. “Hi. You’re Sarah right? Your dad told me all about you. I’m Andy.” She was handed the Barbie that was clutched in the other hand before she ran to Joel, watching as he scooped her up. Standing, she clutched the doll to her chest, giving a wink. “I’ll keep her safe til you’re ready to have her back.”
Tommy shook his head at the tension that was building in the kitchen, wondering if the windows would blow out when it was finally released. “Well, I’m gonna go start the grill, Joel grab the burgers and hot dogs from the fridge, will ya?”
“Yea I got it.”
A Conversed covered foot came up, scratching at the back of a knee as nervous fingers played with the fringe of a jean clad thigh, before she gave a small shake of her head, pushing away from the counter. “Guess I’ll go out back if that’s ok?”
“Yea I’ll be out in a sec.” As he watched her walk out to the backyard, fingers tightened on the handle of the fridge door, seeing the small sway of her hips, the way her shorts rode up just a little, baring her thighs. Clearing his throat, he grabbed a beer from the fridge, hearing Sarah yellin for him from the swing set, wanting to be pushed. This was going to be a really long afternoon.
Between the beer, food and Sarah wanting to play Barbies all afternoon, she was exhausted by the time Tommy called it a night. “Yea I think I’ll head out too.” But then she walked into the kitchen and saw the disaster the four of them had made and felt bad, not wanting to leave it all for Joel, who was upstairs getting Sarah ready for bed. “Tommy second thought, I think I’ll clean up the kitchen before I go. Call me tomorrow?”
“Sure, will beautiful.” A sly smile on his lips and a lazy wink given before he walked out the front door.
Rolling her eyes at him, she began throwing out all the trash, leaving it by the backdoor before she started on the dishes.
Finally asleep, he left Sarah’s room, the door open a crack, night light casting shadows on the pinkish purple walls, he smiled before going downstairs, hearing clink of dishes being set in the drying rack. Leaning against the wall, he again just watched her for a minute stepping up beside her. “You ain’t gotta do those. I can take care of them in the morning.”
“It’s no problem, almost done and then I’ll get out of your way.”
He could hear the tension in her voice, see the way she held her self, stiff, unyielding, like barbed wire wrapped around a brick wall. “You’re not in my way. So, Tommy…he’s taken a liken to ya.”
She almost dropped the glass she as holding between soapy hands when he mentioned Tommy, giggling a little before gaining composure. “Tommy’s a nice guy. I gotta feelin he’s gonna be a real good friend.” Silence fell between them as she finished, drying her hands on the dishtowel. “Well now all ya gotta do is take out the trash and you’re set.”
“Thanks Andy. Feels weird callin ya that. I like Andrea better.”
Eyes went wide as he used her full name, not the nick name she’d been settled with when she was five. “Um okay. Well guess I should head out. Tell Sarah I had fun today.”
Just as she reached to grab her purse from the counter, a hand came up, fingers wrapping around a bicep, spinning her round, pulling him against his chest. He heard the audible gasp come from between her lips before he kissed her. This was so outta character for him but it was something he’d wanted to do since the night of the concert. He just wanted to kiss her, for hours as he held her close. She looked so small and fragile, a contrast to the hard angles of himself. When she didn’t resist him, arms looping loosely around his neck, he picked her up and set her on the counter, feeling her wrap her legs around his waist, just as a hand cupped his cheek, thumb caressing the bone beneath. He ended it first, layin his forehead against her shoulder. “I’m sorry. Never should have done that.”
It was like someone had taken a pin to a balloon and instead of outright popping it, they made a small little nick, letting the air out slowly. She felt deflated and defeated. She didn’t believe in that whole bullshit of love at first sight but she did know she wanted him and he obviously wanted her so why, why would he say something like that. “I’m not sorry. Life’s too short to live with regrets Joel.” Pushing him away, she slid from the counter, grabbing purse and keys before walking out the door.
“Fuck.” He ran out the door after her, calling her name a couple of times before she stopped. “Andrea wait a god damn minute.”
“What? What? What do you want Joel? I thought we hit off and then you turn cold and now you kiss me fucking senseless and then say you’re sorry so what? I am not a game or a shiny toy you take for a spin around the block before you start regretting it.” Yea there was the temper that got her in trouble more times than she cared to count, including some suspensions from school and a slew of ex’s but truth be told, those bastards had it comin.
She was fire and brimstone, which shocked him but also excited him. She was one of those women and he wanted her. One that would fight, protect, heal, love until the end of days. “Can you just be quiet for one second. We did hit it off but when I told you about Sarah, you began acting like it was an issue…”
“Because of the way you said it and the way you were looking at me, like daring me to say something. It doesn’t matter if you have a daughter because she is apart of you and I would never ask any parent to choose anyone over their child. It’s wrong, on so many levels…” She couldn’t get another word out before his lips were on hers again. All thought of how confusing he was, went out of her head as fingers curled into the t-shirt he was wearing, legs widening just enough for him to settle between them.
He held onto her, arms around her waist, holding her to him, like he was drowning and she was the only thing holding him to shore. He didn’t know how long they stood in the driveway, kissing each other like it would be the last time. Finally letting her go, he could feel her clinging to him and while most would have pushed away, he only held her tighter. “Stay, just a lil while longer? We can talk, watch a movie.”
“I’d like that.” Little did they know, that night would change life forever.
Twenty years later, they sat in the backyard of their home. The warm summer evening, had a breeze which was shocking considering the humidity Texas could produce, the cicadas singing their own little concert, couldn’t drown out the girls, laughing and running through the house.   
Stepping out onto the porch, handing Andrea a beer, he sat down next to her, taking her hand, fingers absently playing with her wedding ring. "Happy anniversary, darlin," he said, leaning in to kiss her cheek.
"Happy anniversary," Andrea replied, smiling up at him. "Can you believe it's been twenty years since we met at that concert?"
Chuckling, giving a small shake of his head. "No. Feels like yesterday. Man, you had a temper but look at us now, two beautiful daughters and a life I wouldn't trade for anything." Ellie was a surprise they weren’t expecting. They’d tried to get pregnant for years after they got married but all the doctors told em it wouldn’t be possible. So they decided to adopt and got Ellie, who could be a hellion in her own right but with Sarah, it was a wonder the house was still standing.
Leaning her head against his shoulder, feeling the warmth of his body seeping into her skin, she sighed. "We've come a long way, haven't we? And I had a temper because you were actin like an ass. Admitted it as much the night of that cook out, so you can’t completely blame me.
“Sure can, but I wouldn’t trade this and I'm grateful for every moment of it."
Sarah and Ellie ran out onto the porch, each holding a small box. "Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad!" Sarah exclaimed, handing her box to Andrea.
Ellie did the same, grinning widely, handing her box to Joel. "We made these for you."
Glancing at each other before they opened the boxes finding homemade bracelets, each adorned with small charms that represented different moments from their life together. “Now I know why we had to go to Micheal’s twenty times this week. I love it. Thank you girls. They’re beautiful.”
Ellie sat in Andy’s lap, lookin over at Joel as shoved her bangs out of her face. “Dad, we know you can’t wear yours at work but figured you could leave it in the cup holder.”
Joel nodded, clearly touched clearing his throat before he spoke. "You two are the best."
In that moment, Andrea knew that their journey was far from over. With Joel, Sarah, Ellie, by her side, she was ready to face whatever the future held. She knew that no matter what, they would always have each other and the music that had brought them together all those years ago. What could she say, she was a music whore and her husband loved it.
After the girls were in bed and the house was locked up for the night, she hopped up on the kitchen counter, grabbing the sleeve of his shirt, lips brushing against his. "Love you."
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Free Books!
It's Stuff Your Kindle Day(s), so a bunch of romance authors have stuff for freeeee today. I've read some of what's being offered, so I figured I'd give you a list of recs. And I'm even gonna put it below a cut to save your dash
The Endgame by Riley Hart When an out-and-proud Senator from California sets his sights on a beautiful man in a bar, he has no idea he's a closeted professional football player from Atlanta. Between texts, phone calls and secret meetups, the two men fall in love. The odds are stacked against them, but this is a game both men plan to win. Keywords: sports romance
My thoughts: this is one of my absolute all time faves. Seriously, I've read it so many times now. I don't even really know why, there's just something about it
Lost Touch (Mismatched Mates) by Eliot Grayson After a year of imprisonment and experimentation, Ash is finally free—but not unscathed. Amnesiac and unable to feel pleasure or pain, he’s at the mercy of his rescuer: an alpha werewolf who promises he’ll protect Ash no matter what. But if Drew can’t control himself, Ash could suffer a worse fate than the one he escaped… Keywords: M/M, alpha werewolf, knotting, no mpreg
My thoughts: I don't remember a ton about this series, much less this particular book, but that's par for the course for me. I liked it enough to read the whole series, so take that for what it's worth.
Egotistical Puckboys by Eden Finley and Saxon James Ezra and Anton are doing it "for the team" in this rivals to lovers hockey romance. With a price as cheap as our guys, see where it all starts for the PR nightmares of the NHL. Keywords: Hockey Romance, Enemies-to-Lovers, Teammates
My thoughts: if you read hockey romance, you've probably heard of this author duo. Their stuff is always fun and funny, and definitely not the most inaccurate hockey books I've read.
Devil's Dance (Rebel Kings MC, #1) by Garrett Leigh Opposites attract. The outlaw biker and the accountant. Straightlaced vs straight to hell. Strap in for this bestselling angsty MMM romance. Keywords: Biker romance, MC romance, poly romance, MMM romance, MM romance
My thoughts: I'm not often in the mood for angst, but when I am, Leigh is my go-to. While labeled MMM, most of the full triad relationship is actually in the second book, so it might be helpful to know that going in.
Pick Me (Sunday Brothers) by May Archer A laugh-out-loud rom com about a lumberjack-loving, cow-phobic human ray of sunshine who moves to small-town Vermont for a temporary gig at an apple orchard… only to find himself falling for the quirky town and a certain gorgeous, grumpy man who’s got “permanent” written all over him. Keywords: mm romance, small town romance, grumpy/sunshine, age gap
My thoughts: if you like small town shenanigans with quirky supporting characters, May Archer's Sunday Brothers series is for you. Think Stars Hollow, but gayer
Right As Raine (Aster Valley) by Lucy Lennox As the first openly gay professional football player, I can’t afford to make any mistakes, on or off the field. And the absolute biggest mistake I could make right now would be to fall for Mikey Vining, my best friend, employee and, more importantly, Coach’s baby boy. I might fantasize about Mikey at night-—every night—but actually touching him would be a serious personal foul. Keywords: mm romance, football, forbidden romance, sports romance
My thoughts: another one where I don't remember a ton of details, but I've never regretted picking up a Lucy Lennox book
The Necromancer's Light by Tavia Lark Lonely, touch-starved necromancer Shae will die without human touch. His new paladin bodyguard didn't know cuddling would be part of the job. MM High Fantasy Romance. Keywords: m/m, gay romance, hurt/comfort, huddling for warmth, grumpy/sunshine
My thoughts: I'm obnoxiously picky about gay fantasy and Tavia Lark's stuff scratches the right itch. I didn't like this series as much as her Perilous Courts series, but it was still good.
Natural Twenty (Roll for Love Book One) by Charlie Novak A gruff florist falls for an anxious bookseller with a broken heart in this low-angst contemporary MM romance featuring Dungeons & Dragons, secret flower language bouquets, steamy dreams and sofa smut, and melt in your mouth sweetness. Keywords: Contemporary M/M romance with a low-angst HEA, spice and sweetness.
My thoughts: Novak does low-angst SO WELL. This whole series is just a warm hug.
Shades Of Lust (The Carnal Tower Book One) by E.M. Lindsey Stone is well aware he can’t mix business and pleasure, but when August comes to him with a proposal for a trade—seven paintings for seven nights with Lust—he can’t say no. Not when it means he’ll be able to have August exactly the way he wants him. Stone has every plan to strip August down to his very soul, but the longer the week goes on, the more Stone comes to realize that August might very well be his undoing. Keywords: Virgin Hero, Disabled Character, Bisexual Awakening, Mental Health Rep, M/M
My thoughts: not my favorite series of Lindsey's, but their disability rep is always on point and the writing is top notch
And here's the ones I'm downloading, all because I've enjoyed other stuff from the authors:
Favor (Forever Family Trilogy Book 1) by Kiki Clark Jeremy knows better than to fall for the hot guy doing renovations on his house--especially since that guy's his brother's best friend. And most likely straight. Except... why is the smokeshow of a contractor smiling at him like that? Keywords: m/m, bisexual romance, brother's best friend, blue collar character
Lacuna by N.R. Walker Lacuna is a 92,000-word MM love story of swords and sorcery, action and adventure, and fated romance. Two kings in a game of chess they were never supposed to win. Keywords: Fantasy, gay romance, fated lovers, swords and alchemy
Between the Pipes (Watkins Glen Gladiators #1) by V.L. Locey Between the Pipes is a low angst, age gap gay hockey romance that features an outgoing young goalie, a cautious older race car driver, two families who are not above meddling just a bit to see their loved ones happy, lots of on-ice and high-speed action, and a straightaway sprint to a happy-ever-after. Keywords: Hockey romance, age gap, low angst, family, M/M
Go forth and read!
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bonebabbles · 1 year
So since my rose-colored Gray Wing glasses have been torn of my face and stomped into tiny pieces, I’m now wondering if my perception of Clear Sky’s arc is also skewed. I thought his redemption arc was well done (until Star Flower came back) because he was sincerely trying, wasn’t expecting forgiveness, and (unlike a lot of redemption arcs) was not forgiven by most of the characters right away because of how bad his actions were. Until he got with Star Flower, I thought his redemption arc was damn near perfect. Do I have on rose-colored glasses for his redemption arc?
Clear Sky's "redemption arc" is one of the most incompetent bits of writing that has ever blighted the entire series and I promise you I'm not doing hyperbole. It is so bad that it drags down everything it touches, including Gray Wing, Thunder, Acorn Fur, and the entire concept of StarClan.
And, unfortunately, both things you cited there absolutely did not happen, I am going to have to eat your glasses. I'm gonna munch. I'm gonna cRUNCH
"He was sincerely trying"
He wasn't. He just stopped actively shredding random people on his border and then whines that he's "Trying So Hard," using it as yet another guilt trip tactic because he's still an abuser.
The SECOND anyone gives him any criticism (FOR BRINGING A WIFEBEATER INTO HIS CLAN MIND YOU), he twists the fact they're supposed to "forgive him" against them, starts calling Gray Wing slurs for having asthma, and gets offended at a warning while huffing, "no one tells me what to do!"
Like a big fucking baby
And he only let Tom into his clan (even implying he's not a REAL cat because he's fat + an ex-kittypet) because he promised he could show him how to "fight dirty."
AND ALSO he is fully aware that this man kidnapped children in a previous book; but Blazing Star completely forgets major details of the previous three books in a way that is absolutely unacceptable. You are practically reading a new continuity.
"He was not forgiven by the other characters right away"
He was. He was literally, immediately forgiven in the very opening of Blazing Star. By Gray Wing and Thunder, because the narrative decided that Everyone Is Responsible.
Even back in First Battle, right after the fight ends we get a line that gives Bramblestar a run for his money. "WE let it get too far." The narrative even scrambles for some reason to make a woman responsible and grabs Tall Shadow for some fucking reason.
Acorn Fur doesn't even mention that CLEAR SKY WAS STARVING HER FATHER before she decides to move in with him, because she would miss her parents too much on the moor... those parents who just died. In the battle Clear Sky started.
Everyone immediately forgives him and kisses his butt because "The guilt will hurt him more than any actual consequences :((( He was just under so much pressure of leading guys.... which is why he should continue to lead............"
I've actually had a hard time continuing my reread because I've actually been fucking enraged at how Thunder is swooning over his daddy "finally looking at him" uwu
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This is painted like a good thing. This is a sweet and nice thing that finally, the abusive ghoul who shoved his face into a festering wound and said he shouldn't have been born just before trying to kill him and all of his friends 'respects him.' Oh Joyous Day Yippee Hooray!
How this ruins the other characters
It destroys Gray Wing because it makes ALL this dogshit behavior that he displayed for the first three books correct. In spite of how GOD awful this "Redemption Arc" is, you are supposed to believe that there is good "deep down" within Clear Sky. That all of this abuse apologia was wisdom. Gray was, and IS, right to take every insult and understand it as humility, and the Clear Sky on the page is actually a Good Boi who Really Does Love His Clan.
It ruins Thunder because even after ALL of that physical and emotional abuse and neglect, he's still supposed to honor Clear Sky as "You'll always be my father." These destructive impulses to want his approval are good and natural in this narrative, not something to confront or fundamentally question.
Fuck, just look at the Tom Redemption. The writers LOVE abusive parents. Even if they beat the shit out of your mom, get her killed, kidnap you, and had no part in raising you, "they still love you and would die for you." Tom's Redemption and Clear Sky's Redemption are just different lines in the same song.
Acorn Fur moves in with the guy who held one of her parents hostage and ultimately got both of them killed
And STARCLAN forms to "tell clear sky what to do," because in the baffling Fear vs Greed Dichotomy this series thinks is some kind of thesis, Clear Sky was just "afraid," not "greedy," and that means his fucked up little head can be fixed by the comfort a religious force can bring. He wasn't abusive because he loves having power over people, the thing that is right there on the page, nope, he really was just worried about death or responsibility or something.
This isn't even getting to the person he is in later material. He's a MONSTER in Moth Flight's Vision, as if his growth never happened.
And this is taking him all at face value-- in a meta sense, the sheer amount of female characters that get brutalized just for his man pain is legitimately dizzying. 2 mates die, 2 innocent women slaughtered, a child beaten and another starved to death, and even pregnant Star Flower gets pinned to the ground and licked on the face as her assaulter talks about how much he wanted her as a mate
This is the worst arc in the entire Warrior Cats franchise and it is spinning on the crap-axis that is Clear Sky's 'redemption'.
The arc is bad BECAUSE it is working towards this idea, that the best villain the series ever wrote has to become the writer's Poor Little Meow Meow halfway through 6 books, so we can get to our regularly scheduled Born Evil Foreigner Villains Who Hate Love And Friendship.
Imagine TPB but Fireheart cries that self defense against Clanborn cats makes you Just As Bad, Tigerstar was just scared or something, and you get two Diet Scourges. That's DOTC.
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