#i really wanted to participate but i literally have to take a huge break
fabled-lady-twilla · 5 months
Kinda bummed out I'm not gonna be able to participate in ShigaDeku Week this year. :(
I'm gonna be insanely busy until the 30th of this month with personal stuff, which sucks, but at least I'm still really focused on my fic and will get it out when I can. Sighhhh.
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Being Team Japan’s Manager:
Miss Manager is Great with Kids
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Team Japan x Female Manager (she/her)
Warnings: swearing, obviously kids (sometimes they are scary 🫣)
Request here
AN: I apologize if this isn’t the best 😅
You know what’s really funny YN?
The similarities between being Team Japan’s manager and working in a preschool
Honestly it’s pretty much the same thing
Iwa drops the kids off for their morning practice
Yaku yells at them, scolding them for not playing nicely with the other team members
You have to remind them to eat and take bathroom breaks
Essentially, the same 💅
Which is why your transition from teaching to being team Japan’s manager was so easy
The guys 👉🏻 instantly love you
Was there really any doubt?
Of course, some of them *cough* ATSUMU *cough* HOSHIUMI *cough* make it their life goals to be hard on you
You can’t tell me they aren’t annoying and finicky about literally everything 🙄
But once again, it’s fine because you’ve dealt with snotty, marker covered kids pretty much your entire life
Literally these guys have nothing on a group of 3 year olds
The guys never really asked much about your previous job, not really caring much about where you came from before you started with them
Aran would occasionally bring up the subject but you’d just shrug, answering, “a little of this, a little of that.”
Let’s be honest, there’s no conversation that doesn’t involve volleyball lasting for more than 5 seconds in the Gym
Especially with Atsumu, Kageyama, Hinata and Bokuto
Guys really think that other occupations don’t even compare to Volleyball so why waste the time talking about it
However 👀 the boys would soon find out just how much they should have asked about your prior employment
Because you see, Kuroo had a little something up his sleeve to help promote Team Japan
“Come again?” Asked Gao
“A kids camp! Ages 4 to 9!” Kuroo excitedly explained
“Count me out,” Sakusa groaned
“You really think it’s a good idea for little kids to be running around while we practice?” Kageyama questioned
“Well you would t be practicing, it would strictly be for the kids,” Kuroo responded
“NO PRACTICE!” Screamed Atsumu, Kageyama, Hinata and Bokuto in unison
Iwa narrowed his eyes as you tried to keep a straight face, “listen here, if you don’t participate, I’ll have coach bench you and give your number up!”
The group immediately straightened up as Kuroo smirked
“Maybe it won’t be so bad? I mean it’s only for a couple hours right?” Komori responded
The guys all nodded as you tried your best to keep your composure
A week later, the camp was underway and let’s just say, it was going about as well as Seijoh’s chances of going to nationals 🫠
“Oh my go- gosh!” Atsumu shouted, stopping himself again from nearly letting out a bad word in front of the children
“These kids are actually feral!” Hoshiumi screamed, trying to wrangle two kids who were throwing volleyballs up into the bleachers
“I thought these kids were suppose to like volleyball!?!” Aran asked
“I never said that,” Kuroo chimed in, as he and Akaashi watched form the sidelines
Akaashi was there to do a special report on the teams event as well as take in the free entertainment
Bokuto and Hinata were rolling around on the floor, attempting (huge emphasis on ATTEMPT) to show the kids receiving
Sakusa was sitting with a group of kids who were “too cool” for this
Ushiwaka had already made 3 kids cry just by walking up to them
Iwa had left to cool down because he was at his breaking point
And you, well you had seen enough
Suddenly, Kuroo watched as you grab the microphone and headed to the middle of the gym
“Hey kids, who wants to see a professional athlete serve?” You shouted as all the kids (yes I’m including the athletes) looked over at you
Suddenly, screams and shouts filled the air as all the kids flocked towards you
The guys, Kuroo and Akaashi, included all watched in wonder
“Ok we all need to sit in the chairs because this guys serves can be either really good or really bad. Atsumu, show them!”
Atsumu rn 👉🏻👁️👄👁️ HEY MY SERVES ARENT BAD!
“I’d say it’s 50/50,” Sakusa chimed in as Atsumu growled
“Hey how come I don’t get to show them my serves Yn?” Kageyama grumbles
“Tobio you’ll get a chance just calm down and wait your turn ok?”
After the show of serves, you again grabbed the kids attention
“Ok so who wants to try spiking??” You ask as a million tiny hands shoot up
“Ok everyone get in line, littlest to oldest, and we will all get a chance to practice!”
You made your way to the nets, team and children following you like little ducks as you began to coordinate
Iwa watched in awe as your skills, impressed at your ability to manage such a wide age range
I mean 💅 this is Yn Iwa, what did you expect?
After the event, the kids all came up to you after getting their autographs and gave you a big hug
“Thanks so much Miss Yn!” They all smiled as they ran to their parents
“YN why didn’t you tell us you were good with kids?” Yaku asked
You just shrugged, “it never came up.”
“I mean it makes sense, look how good she is with the other idiots,” Iwa said, nodding over to the feral group
“OMG YN THAT WAS SO FUN! Can we do that again??” Bokuto screamed, jumping up and down
“We deal with enough children daily so no,” Sakusa said, turning to leave going to the locker room
“What kids- HEY WHAT THE HELL OMI??” Atsumu yelled
You just smiled, knowing your boys were the best kids around 😌
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plussizefantasia · 11 months
Flufftober Day 31: Trick or Treat
Bucky Barnes x reader
Word Count: 1.3k
AN: Here it is. The last one shot of October. Thank you to everyone who has left comments and reblogs you guys are awesome. I'll be taking a short break (like two weeks) and will be back soon with some more stories including a multi-chapter Steve Harrington x reader story and plans for the 100-follower celebration that we earned at the beginning of the month. As always, reblogs and feedback are really appreciated.
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divider credit @royallaesthetics
Bucky Barnes didn’t think very much of himself. Which is a real shame, considering he’s one of the most amazing men you’ve ever met. You wouldn’t have moved in together if he was a bad guy like he thought he was. The two of you had moved into a two-story townhouse in Brooklyn three months ago. Bucky really wanted to get close to his roots, especially after everything that happened. Steve had moved into an apartment about a block from you guys but split most of his time between the Avenger’s initiative and being home. 
“Jamie, could you help me move the couch to the stoop please?’
‘Why are we taking our indoor furniture outdoors?” 
“So that we have something comfy to sit on while we hand out candy.” 
“We’re handing out candy? I thought we were just going to put it in a bowl and leave it outside the door.” Bucky was confused, and more than a little apprehensive. 
“Jamie. Love of my life, this is what people who have houses do. They sit out on their porches and hand out candy to children in mediocre costumes for two hours while trying not to freeze. It’s a rite of passage.”
“That is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”
“You’re telling me that you didn’t do trick or treat in the olden days?” 
“First of all, don’t call them the olden days. Second of all, trick or treating wasn’t really a thing until I was too old to participate, and even then, people had more things to worry about than handing out candy.”
“Why don’t you want to hand out candy, Jamie?”
“Because… it will be cold.”
“You’re literally a human furnace try again.” You lifted one eyebrow at him, trying your best to capture the essence of Roger’s ‘eyebrows of disappointment’ that he had practically trademarked.
“Doll, I just don’t think it's a good idea.”
“Why not Jamie? I won’t make you hand out candy if you don’t want to but I have a feeling that whatever reason you have in your silly little noggin for not wanting to isn’t really a good one.”
“What if they hate me?” He mumbled.
“What if who hates you, baby?”
“The kids. What if the kids are scared of me.”
“James Buchanan Barnes. You are a hero, you fought to bring back literally half of the population of the entire universe, anyone who is scared of you is an idiot.”
“That’s sweet doll, but I don’t want to ruin anyone’s night.”
“The only person’s night who is a risk of being ruined is mine. I don’t know how I’ll survive without my human furnace to keep me warm out there.” You batted your eyelashes at him. “Please, Jamie? Just try, if you hate it you can go back inside but I think you’ll have a lot of fun.”
“Yeah?” You didn’t try to fight the smile that spread from ear to ear.
‘Yeah, doll. I’ll hand out candy with you.”
Bucky wasn’t sure about any of this. But you had asked so prettily and his therapist (someone you had found for him, not one of the shitty government-appointed ones) had told him that he needed to start pushing his boundaries. He figured that spending the night next to you and watching you be happy was as good of a way to start pushing boundaries as any. He had pulled the couch out into the space that was right in front of your door. He had helped you climb over the back of it with a huge bowl of candy after you realized that the couch had practically trapped you inside. Now the two of you were waiting. The night didn’t officially start until 8:00 so you had about fifteen minutes to go. 
“I forgot my phone.”
“Could you go get my phone?” He let out a deep sigh and one of those old man grunts as he pushed himself up off the couch and climbed over it. He walked further into the house and you took your chance. “Hey Jamie?”
“Yes, Doll?” 
“Since you’re inside… could you make me some hot chocolate?” 
“Doll, if you wanted hot chocolate you could’ve just asked in the first place you didn’t need to send me on a quest for your phone.”
“I did actually leave my phone on the counter so it’s not like I lied.”
As Bucky was making your hot chocolate, the beginning few kids started emerging from their houses, parents behind them bundled up to counteract the chilly October night.
You saw a few clowns, some kids show characters that you didn’t really know the name of, and some funny pun costumes that you laughed at. But what really caught your eye was the trio of boys four houses down from yours, making their way down the street.
They couldn’t have been older than eight but their costumes were impeccable. They really were mini versions of your three favorite guys. A mini Captain America complete with a homemade cardboard shield, a mini falcon with swim goggles and a plastic redwing, and last but certainly not least a mini winter soldier whose arm was wrapped in tinfoil. 
You had to resist the urge to actually scream, but you did let out a few overjoyed giggles.
“Jamie! James come quick!” You yelled into the house.
“You’re hot chocolate is almost done.” He yelled back.
“Who cares about the hot chocolate this is way more important!”
He started making his way towards the open door, “What is more important than hot choco-” He completely stopped. Frozen in his place looking at the three little boys making their way up your steps. “Holy Shit”
‘Language.” You replied.
Bucky practically launched himself over the back of the couch to meet the boys,
“Mom! Mom look! It’s Sergeant Barnes.” The boy with the tinfoil arm turned with a bright smile on his face. His mom was nearly as frozen as Bucky, most likely not expecting to run into a retired superhero on Halloween night.
With a smack from you, Bucky released himself from his stupor. “Hey little man, what’s your name?”
“George, but everyone calls me Georgie.” He said with the confidence of a kid who had rehearsed. 
“Well Georgie, that’s a very nice costume you’ve got there.”
“Thank you, Mr. Barnes, Sir.”
“Call me Bucky, please.”
“Okay, Mr. Bucky, sir.” Both you and Bucky chuckled at that.
“I think a costume as good as that deserves some candy what do you think?” Bucky looked at you.
“Definitely, I think all three of these young heroes deserve their candy.”
You placed a handful into the Captain’s bucket, and the Falcon’s but let Bucky grab the candy for his mini-me. He grabbed two large handfuls and winked at the kid as he placed them inside his orange pumpkin bucket.
“Would you be okay with taking a picture?” Georgie’s mom asked.
“Absolutely!’ Bucky replied and pulled all three young boys in front of him. Kneeling behind them and giving a genuine smile.
Once pictures were done the parents got the boys to say goodbye and move on. 
“There are more houses to go to Georgie, besides, I’m sure Mr. Barnes would like to be able to give candy to some other kids.”
“Okay Mom,” Georgie turned back to Bucky, “Thank you, Mr. Bucky, sir. You’re my hero.” He turned back away and skipped down your stairs and onto the next one like he hadn’t just broken your boyfriend.
The rest of the night went pretty similarly, with the occasional Avenger costume and star-struck kid. Bucky posing for pictures and actually enjoying it and you handing out way more candy per child than their parents were okay with.
Bucky’s smile never faded and he seemed to get more and more into it as the night went on. 
“Hey Doll?” He asked when the two of you had finally returned your couch back to its rightful place.
“Yeah, Jamie.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” You kissed him on the cheek. “You never did bring me my hot chocolate though.”
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seramilla · 5 months
If / whenever Odette proposes to Verosika— it’s not something big or grand. Instead it’s intimate and quiet when Odette shows the ring to verosika, it’s a beautiful ring— it had probably cost Odette a pretty penny. No one had seen it coming, not even Carmilla—who knows her girls like the palm of her hand.
Odette and Verosika have talked about marriage before. It's to be expected after watching, and participating in, Carmilla and Sera's wedding. Theirs had been an extravagant, social affair, thanks to Zestial and Lucifer, with every blue-blood in Hell who was on good terms with them present. But to the girls, neither really finds those kinds of huge public expressions of love appealing.
Verosika has to put on a show every day, so she'd told Odette, if and when it happens for her, she wants it to be more real. Not during one of her shows, and certainly not on stage; just something small between herself and her beloved. Odette can't say she disagrees. In fact, that's exactly what she'd hoped Verosika would say. Because that's exactly what she'd been planning.
Verosika already has everything a demon could want, and then some. So does Odette, honestly, and while both demons can afford to give each other the world, that's not really what Verosika wants, or what Odette wants, either. She desires to make it special, but also not too over-the-top. She decides to get Ozzie's advice on the right way to approach this. He is, of course, very helpful...but mostly about the honeymoon, and all the fun things that can come after.
He does know the name of a jewelsmith in Greed, though, and after some conversations with them back and forth over the phone, Odette orders a personalized pink diamond in a gold band, fit exactly to Odette's specifications. Not a big one...it's honestly rather small, but still worth a small fortune, she comes to find out. She still thinks it's more than enough to make Verosika happy. Odette hopes so, anyway.
Odette chooses to ask her on a night after Verosika gets back from a tour. They'd already had a date at Ozzie's planned. The king of Lust didn't have any other shows planned, and just reserved a small corner of the showroom for the two of them, allowing the musical stylings of Fizzarolli to complement their dinner of something Odette is too nervous to eat at the moment.
Verosika seems to notice Odette's not eating. Her girlfriend does have a hard time remembering to feed herself sometimes, and she brings it up to Odette, who is quickly shocked out of her state of internalized anxiety.
"Babydoll, you going to eat anything? You look pale."
"Oh! Yes! Sorry! Umm...shit. I was just thinking."
Verosika takes a sip of her wine. They'd only ordered one bottle; Odette wanted to be sober for the events yet to come.
"Thinking about what?"
Verosika reaches across the cozy table to touch Odette's hand. Odette's other hand is fumbling with the small box tucked safely into her pants pocket. Fizz has finished his last musical number, and walks off-stage to take a break. If there's any moment to act, Odette thinks, it's now. Taking a breath, she stands, and moves toward Verosika, before kneeling on one knee at her feet.
"Verosika Mayday...!" Odette starts, pausing more out of anxiety than dramatic effect. She hopes it makes her look cool, and not anxious, at any rate. "Ever since I met you, here, after what seems like a lifetime ago...my world has never been the same. I never imagined a literal pop star would ever look my way, let alone talk to me. You've taught me so much about actually living, and loving...and to never take anything for granted."
Odette pauses again, getting the box ready in her pocket.
"You've also taught me patience, and to love myself, and to never judge a book by its cover. You're my best friend. My confidant. My north star. I want to spend the rest of eternity with you, for however long that lasts. So, um, will you do me the honor of, uh...hold on..."
After a few fumbling attempts and only a little blushing, Odette manages to take the box out of her pocket, and opens in it front of Verosika. The succubus is wide-eyed, the pink of the diamond shining back at Odette through her eyes. Odette finishes her question with only a little bit of a flush on her face. She hopes Verosika will forgive her awkwardness.
"Will you marry me, Verosika?"
Odette doesn't even have to wait for an answer. One minute, she's kneeling at Verosika's feet, and the next, Verosika is lifting her off the ground, and placing her on the table on her back. The rest of their food and drink be damned. It gets everywhere. Odette's glad she's not wearing one of her lab coats, because it's soaking into the black pants suit she wore for the occassion. She puts the ring down on the table, before she drops it.
Verosika kisses her, full and flagrant, forcefully on the lips, and pulls away with a smack! She only lifts from Odette long enough to screech into the room, "Yes! Fuck, Odette, yes! I will!" before she's kissing her again, pushing Odette even more into the table. Odette worries they might be causing a scene. Unfortunately, her fears are confirmed, because Fizzarolli's already making obscene hand gestures behind the stage, grinning with his tongue out the side of his mouth.
So much for being discrete.
Fuck it, Odette thinks. Let him watch. She brings Verosika down further on top of her, and really starts sucking face with her girlfriend -- no, her fiancé -- right there on the table. Ozzie and Fizz give them two pairs of thumbs up, but neither of them notice. They're too busy celebrating, in their own little world, ignoring the captive audience behind them.
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So, I've been debating if I should make this post for a while. And I guess with the uptick in Joker out activity, here I am.
First, I don't feel like I have to but I want to just give a little bit of context to where I'm at. Second, this is probably going to sound like a lot of bullshit "it's not you, it's me" but that's because that's the truth, please 😅
Under a cut because I ramble!
Honestly it's not that deep. I got a little bit fed up with some common fandom takes because I changed. I realised I needed a break so I focused on other things and created some distance. Now I don't really feel a huge need to come back and participate in the public online part of the fandom. All this might change again at any time.
So, I want to clarify; "I got fed up with some fandom takes" does not mean I think whatever they are are wrong or problematic or that I hate people that agree with them. They're just not for me you know? at least not right now so I'll not engage with them. Easy. Y'all do and think whatever makes you happy! I've never seen any takes in this fandom that are actually a problem but I have seen a lot I don't agree with. Those are two very different things and I don't have a problem with anyone just because I don't agree with everything they say.
Anyway, I'm still here. I'm around. I lurk sometimes. I keep updated. I see the photos and the videos and I still die. I heard the Bluza snippet and tbh didn't really feel much but that's ok too, I still can't wait for the full version. I'm VERY excited for tour dates next week.
Speaking of tour, I'll have to see the schedule before I know what my plans are but I'll be at least somewhere, maybe everywhere. I have no clue right now if I'm honest.
I guess that's it. You may not see me right now but I did not leave. I don't know where this goes from here. I may never reblog a Joker out post again or I may be back spamming the tag with the Bluza release on Friday. I honestly don't know, whatever happens happens I guess.
If you wanna chat about this, Joker out, Jan, lace, tour plans, the new album, something else, literally anything, maybe the new band I lost my shit over (???) or whatever you want (I'll let you know if it's something I don't wanna talk about, no hard feelings) my DMs here and other places you may have me are always open!
Much love 🫶
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northwest-cryptid · 2 months
Saying centralist websites "run the internet now" is extremely naive and narrow minded. I understand where you're coming from but that's doomer mentality.
The people behind the major centralized websites do not run the internet, you CAN be an adult on the internet, you CAN in fact do what you want on the internet. The thing is; you think the internet is Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and like Tiktok/Instagram. The centralized websites, and I understand why you do; I was literally talking about this on a forum not too long ago.
Centralized internet is a culture spread by those who wish to monopolize the web. Because you can't really monopolize the web the same way you can monopolize other goods and services. Facebook cannot stop me from making my own website, they can't stop me from participating in web rings, they can't stop me from using underground forums, and by extension they can't actually stop those websites and forums from becoming popular.
What they CAN do is make you believe those things don't exist, or that they run the internet, or that the centralized websites are the only websites that matter.
Not to sound like I'm spewing some high fantasy/anime bullshit about like "The Centralized Internet that is made up of the Big 5 Websites" and shit; but that's literally how the internet works post Y2K. The internet is this huge and interesting and cool thing where you could literally do basically whatever you want with your own space, but the major companies who want to monopolize the web know this. So they created websites that give you just enough ease of use to where you would become basically dependent on them; you'd take what they give you and not want for more, you'd not know you have the option, you'd not think of it and not know how to even begin.
I cannot tell you how many people ask me about stuff like how to make a website, where to find other websites, or how to get started with actually taking back control of the net for themselves. These people are smart, they realize they are being held down by completely fake chains and have decided to just break free from those chains because they understand there's nothing actually holding them back.
That's what I wish people would take away from this, that the idea of these people actually running the internet isn't REAL. It's a conditioned response you have, it's been taught to you; because a lot of you weren't around for the old web or simply tolerate what they give you, or you're not bothered by centralized internet enough to care.
Which like, that's the other big thing; if I'm being honest. If this works for you, and you don't care about the censorship and shit; then genuinely more power to you. There's a difference between using a website like this because you enjoy it (hi that's me) and choosing not to have your own website, and just complaining constantly about the censorship and how everything has to be marketable, and how bad the internet is; but refusing to build your own space; join underground communities, or do anything to fix it.
Tumblr has this horrible culture of just TALKING, a lot.
I need this to be the year when people learn to actually take ACTION on the words they say. Saying things are bad and what not is fine, but if it really bothers you; then do something about it. There are so many people out there who are willing to help, who are willing to get you the resources you need to actually do something about it. Hell I'll help if you don't have anyone else to go to.
But just complaining about it doesn't do you any good. It's remarkably easy to take back control, you just need to actually want to do it.
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diudiudiu · 1 year
do u have any wenclair fic recommendations?
it's times like this when I wish I was more organised with note keeping or have the memory of something better than a hamster
I haven't been reading (for them and just generally) nearly as much as before I started writing for them. Not bcos I think it disrupts any writing process (can't disrupt no process 😌) but just bcos I don't seem to have as much time
But here's my attempt at a varied-ish list in no particular order:
[M] The Sisyphean Nightmare (16ch) by HonestToBlogJuno Adult Wednesday is contractually obligated to participate in the marketing of her book, to her dismay. Luckily she is married to a werewolf with a communications degree and side-hustle in social media.
[Unrated] you could be the one that i keep (1ch) by overnights - Genie AU And Enid, who’s wished on every star and comet and birthday candle she’s ever seen, looks at Wednesday now and comes up impossibly short of an answer. One wish left, anything in the world at her fingertips, and all she really wants is more time to spend with this enchanted, enchanting mystery of a girl.
[Unrated] backseat (3ch) by reputationstation - Celeb AU Wednesday Addams is a failed fencing prodigy with a once promising career and a troubled past (and if everything goes according to plan, a troubled future as well) who has no intentions of becoming friends with the overly excitable, bubbly girl who calls herself a 'social media influencer', whatever that means. However, like most things in her life, her plans are inevitably thrown off the course.
[Unrated] gifts from a cat (1ch) by Rennajade the one where wednesday is basically just a cat in human form
[T] Dia de los Muertos [now with chapter breaks] (11ch) by WishaDream Wednesday invites Enid over to her house for Dia de los Muertos. It promises to be a horribly fantastic day.
[T] Shot Glasses, Tacky Jewelry (i know you mean more to me than that) (8ch) by RainbowJeff - Holiday/Mall AU Wednesday has somehow been dragged into the mall employees' yearly Secret Santa. What's worse, she's pulled Enid Sinclair as her giftee.
[G] a day like a day in summer (4ch) by poetroe Wednesday has strange ways of showing affection; Enid becomes intimately familiar with them.
[G] yours, eurydice (14ch) by hanjisgirlfriend - Celeb AU Best-selling horror author Wednesday Addams hasn't written in years. Everything changes when Enid Sinclair moves in across the hall.
[M] once bitten (try again?) (1ch) by nd_mindoir Enid learns how to touch Wednesday and why Wednesday is so much softer with her in return
There's also Our Lady of Wild Beasts by Pelgraine which is no longer on AO3 because she's publishing it into an original fiction novel. Sad for us, but extremely good for her. Huge congrats!!
Explicit recs
(I guess it warrants its own section? 😇)
[E] Hysteria (1ch) by IndieBones918 Wednesday emotionally dumps on her girlfriend's best friend after her and Enid's first time and Yoko's having the absolute time of her life.
[E] Gift (1ch) by Mikkie_Mouse (Mikbates) - ABO/Omegaverse AU Wednesday's inability to understand the commitments of a relationship leaves Enid frustrated... and taking matters into her own hands.
[E] A raven's dream of wolf (2ch) by tokyocorgi - ABO/Omegaverse AU the one where Wednesday literally had a hot and steamy sex dream with a lot of feelings.
[E] I'm Just Here To Love You (2ch) by SaturnHaze Wednesday never moans during sex so Enid comes up with a plan to finally draw them out of her. Well, she and Yoko.
[E] First Time For Everything (1ch) by geekomancer, Onhirel Wednesday and Enid having been dating for what feels like ages now, but their relationship hasn't taken that final step... until now. A make out session simply doesn't stop, confronting Wednesday of the simple fact that she doesn't actually know what to do. Thankfully, Enid is there to help her figure it all out.
There you go, happy reading (or not, whatever, you do what you want) with whatever floats your boat 🛥️
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drivinmeinsane · 9 months
Don't Go Breaking My Heart
※Chapter One ※ Holland March x Jackson Healy ※
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{ masterlist } ※ { ao3 } ※ { next chapter }
※ Summary: Even during the most wonderful time of the year, Holland March can't help but be clumsy. A stressful hospital trip to set the detective's re-fractured arm leads an unfortunate revelation about his relationship with Jackson Healy.
Part of the Butterfly Effect collection. Can be read as a standalone.
※ Rating: T for mature topics. Concluding chapter will be rated 18+ for mature content.
※ Content/Tags: Fluff and Angst, Established Relationship, Period-Typical Homophobia, Internalized Homophobia, Injury, Canon-Typical Alcohol Consumption, Reference to Religion, Typical Idiot Holland March, Insecure Jackson Healy, Holly just wants her dads to get their shit together, Mention of Christmas, Collaboration
※ Word count: 3,673
※ Status: Complete/Multichapter, Chapter 1 of 2.
※ Author's Notes: I'm back with another Healland collab with @danime25. She was a huge contributor to the outline and to the proofreading of this fic! This was originally going to be a bonus fic for our separate 12 Days of Goosemas projects but we (mostly I) needed a break from the seasonality of it all for a couple of days.
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Holland had never been particularly fond of Christmas, even before the house fire that had taken his wife. He never would have expected to find himself being a participant in any festivities, and yet here he was, seated on the couch with the trappings of the holiday scattered around him. His daughter is laying on the floor in front of the television set flipping through the latest Nancy Drew book. His partner is tucked under his arm. They are all wearing appallingly merry sweaters. Holly had insisted, and neither he or Jack could deny her something so simple.
The appearance of Jackson Healy had really turned the March household on its head. Holland had been quite content to drink himself into an early grave, but then the other man had, quite literally, knocked some sense into him. Now, he is finding himself doing things like “paying the bills”, “being a better parent”, “celebrating holidays”, and “cutting back on his drinking habits”. He takes a long pull of his spiked eggnog. It’s Christmas, he could be allowed the indulgence, besides, he’s not the only one drinking tonight. Healy has his own glass of the stuff.
“This ain’t very festive,” his partner says suddenly as the men on the screen harpoon the shark’s fin.
Holland supposes that Jackson is right. Jaws isn’t the typical Christmas movie. He still decides to push just for the sake of it. “You don’t like seeing some idiots getting eaten by a shark?”
“I’m not sayin’ I don’t like it, March,” Healy argues back, clearly a little drunk. “I’m just sayin’ that it ain’t very festive.”
“So what?” The private investigator asks, rising from the couch, glass empty.
Intent on a refill, he crosses the room to the kitchen. Behind him, Healy drains the rest of his glass before following suit. Holland can hear the other man’s back pop in protest from across the room. Life hasn’t been kind to the bruiser. They meet at the counter. Both men’s glasses are placed side by side on the polished surface.
He takes a swallow of rum directly from the bottle before pouring a healthy measure of it into his cup. He sets it aside to fetch the eggnog from the refrigerator. Holland returns to his drink to find Healy adding a splash of alcohol to his own glass. The nog swirls into the rum easily, he doesn’t bother with stirring. He pours for his partner when the other man tilts his cup at him in a silent request for eggnog.
Feeling the weight of the rum bottle, the PI decides there isn’t enough left for another serving. He is poised to throw the remainder of it back when Healy’s hand on his arm stops him. The other man’s grip is strong.
“Careful,” he grouses.
“I was just going to get us another bottle,” Holland protests. He flashes a winning smile and a wink at the shorter man. Charm was unlikely to work here, but it couldn’t hurt to try.
Uncoordinated, his partner puts his glass back on the counter and puts his now free hand on the collar of his sweater, holds onto it.. “You,” he clears his throat, “you’ve gotta try staying a little sober for tonight. We got, y’know, plans.”
“Relax, I’ll be fine,” Holland says with a half-smile.
Briefly checking over his shoulder to make sure his daughter is still enthralled in her book, he bends down and meets Jack in a brief kiss. The other man tastes good, like spiced rum and eggnog. He pulls back only for his partner to tighten his grip on his sweater and draw him back in for a second kiss. It’s a little messy when the bruiser brushes his tongue over the seam of Holland’s lips, but he lets out a moan that he wishes was quieter at the sensation. The older man is having a hard time keeping it together. His partner has a way of making him feel at least twenty years younger.
In the other room, Holly turns up the volume on the television. The sound of yelling and the clanging of metal in water gets louder. It provides the cover Holland needs to drag a hand from Healy’s chest to his stomach, right above the waistband. He’s drunk enough to slide his hand right under the other man’s Christmas sweater and swirl his fingers through that rich forest of hair that adorns his soft stomach. The bruiser has just the barest trace of sensibility left and redirects Holland’s wandering hand out from under the fabric and to his waist instead. He is not deterred in his capture of his partner’s mouth. 
Somebody is moaning. It might be him. It might be Jack. He’s too out of his mind to tell, drunk on spiked eggnog and arousal.
“I love… your sweater,” Holland says in between kisses. It’s not exactly what he meant to say and Healy looks at him like he’s lost his head entirely. It’s a sobering moment, enough of one that he decides he’s going to need a second bottle of rum. The first is nearly empty and the PI is going to need a couple more drinks for courage. “I’ll be right back, let me grab another bottle.”
His partner tenses up initially at his words, but sags back. Jackson lets go of him and gives him a little shove towards the liquor cabinet. “Fine, knock yourself out.”
Briskly, he sets off. He’s so consumed with thoughts of how he’s going to finally tell the other man that he loves him that he doesn’t notice the wrapping paper strewn out on the floor. He goes down hard, slamming his previously broken arm into the wall on the way down. The detective makes a wounded, little noise when he makes contact with the carpet. The air is knocked out of him and his arm is throbbing with such pain that he feels like a strand of blinking lights.
“Jesus, March. I didn’t mean it literally,” comes Jack’s voice from somewhere above him. All he can do is let out a wheezed utterance of the man’s name. There is a rapid discussion between his partner and his daughter. His head is swimming and he suddenly feels sympathy for the men on the boat in the movie still playing in the other room. He was really too harsh in calling them idiots, just look at him.
“I’ll be fine,” he mumbles before trying to sit up only to let out a piercing yelp and fall back to the floor. He can’t string the words together to ask for a trip to the hospital so he settles on making a siren noise with his mouth. It gets the point across.
“Shit,” Healy groans. “March, we’re going to have to get you up. We need to take a trip to the uh… to the hospital. Holly, can you get the keys? I can’t drive like this.”
Holland feels him wedge an arm under his back and wrap the other around his chest. He is bodily hauled to his feet in a smoothly effortless motion. He often forgets just how strong Jack is. The other man murmurs apologies and soothing words when he wails in pain at his arm being jostled.
Stars erupt across his vision as he’s escorted out the front door and into the back of his Benz. He falls flat on his back across the leather seats, dazed from alcohol and pain. It’s a comfort to him when Healy wedges himself into the vehicle after him and carefully guides his head to rest on a broad thigh before combing calloused fingers through his hair. The PI distracts himself while Holly drives on backroads and sidestreets to the hospital. In the part of his brain that’s not consumed by his current predicament, Holland’s glad she’s taking the extra time to avoid traffic. It wouldn’t look remotely good for an unlicensed thirteen year old with two drunk, old men in the back to be pulled over.
To help pass the time and to distract from his throbbing arm, Holland mindlessly sings. It’s a mixture of half-remembered songs he had heard on the radio and some improvised verses when he forgets the actual lyrics. He doesn’t have to see the other man’s face to know that Healy has to be gritting his teeth at the warbling voice filling the vehicle, even still the bruiser's hand doesn’t falter as he strokes Holland.
Upon arriving at the hospital, the detective gratefully allows his partner to help him out of the vehicle. He ends up clutching onto the shorter man as though his life depends on it. Through the haze of pain, he can make out the shapes of a couple of the nuns serving as nurses at this facility. They’re lingering in front of the building. He can feel their disapproval from here.
Holland remains cradled against Jackson’s chest as the other man soothes him with a tenderly calm “Easy, March, I got you.” before directing his next words to the girl waiting behind the wheel. “Park the car and meet us inside.”
The injured man can hardly walk under his own volition, head swimming, completely relying on Healy to support him into the waiting room and up to the check-in desk. His arm is dangling at an awkward angle with each dragging step. The appearance of it does not improve when the other man props him against the counter. The receptionist has a politely horrified expression on her face as she unceremoniously shoves a clipboard at the both of them. He can’t help but notice his partner is sporting a similarly nauseated face. A functioning human arm would not be moving around the way his is.
“So uh, pretty sure my partner has a broken arm.” He hears Jack tell the woman. Holland helpfully waves the limb in question to demonstrate the point just in time for his daughter arrive to reprimand him.
“Stop doing that, that’s gross and stuff,” Holly snaps.
March pushes down the pain and drunkenness for just long enough to scold his daughter, “Don’t say, ‘and stuff’, sweetheart.”
“What was that, March?” Healy asks, clearly not paying attention. Holly and the receptionist share a look.
“Don’t say, ‘and stuff’,” he replies, mostly ignoring the other man, “Just say ‘stop doing that, Dad, that’s gross’. Isn’t that easier?”
Immediately, he hears the bruiser start to speak before he cuts himself off. After a pause, he sheepishly speaks. “Oh, uh.. Your dad’s right, Holly,” he says, sounding choked.
With a long suffering look, the receptionist tells them that a nurse will come collect them shortly and to have a seat. His partner gamely drags him to a chair in the waiting area. Holland groans at the thought of having to wait while his arm continues to plague him. He’s barely seated before Holly shoves the intake paperwork into his good hand. The words on the paper are nothing but smears of black against white. He lets out a helpless whine and offers the clipboard back to his daughter for her to fill it out. God knows that she’s done this for him enough times to do it in her sleep. She takes it back with a frustrated sigh.
After Holly takes a seat in the chair beside him, Jack leans into his space, way too close to be appropriate. “Hey, you doin’ okay? I know your arm hurts, but you alright?” He takes hold of his hand and gives it a strangely, business-like squeeze. He doesn’t let go and instead just… clings to it.
Holland tries to give his partner a reassuring smile, but he’s sure it comes across as a grimace. Spots are floating across his vision in bright, sizzling flashes. The PI is feeling simultaneously more sober and faint as the minutes pass. His arm had just barely been freed from the cast before tonight’s re-fracture of it.
“Mister… March?” A nun approaches the group.
Holland stands up and winces in pain as the movement jostles his arm. “That’s me.”
The nun makes a gesture to follow her down the hallway and he does. He doesn’t even look back, knowing that his partner will be right on his heals. They’ve become damn near inseparable since they had finally danced around some of their mutual feelings. He makes it past the doorway, but Healy does not. The nun stops the other man at the door with a curt “Family only.”
Holland whirls around to see the woman physically blocking Jack. His temper flares, but before he can come up with a protest, the bruiser is already speaking.
“He’s my partner…. My business partner. We do business. Wherever he goes, I go.”
The nun scoffs and suddenly Healy looks cowed, all of ten years old again in front of his teacher, being lectured for holding another boy’s hand. He’s looking down at his battered shoes in a show of submission that makes Holland feel sick.
“I’m sure you do. But as I said. Family only,” she says, booking no room for argument. She silences Holland with just a look. His mouth audibly shuts as she glowers at the two of them in turns, tapping her foot impatiently.
“I’ll go.” Holly says, coming up to the small group. “C’mon dad.” She trails them down the hallway, leaving Healy to slink back to his chair in the waiting room.
Setting the fracture goes as smoothly as it can be with Holland as a patient. Despite his best efforts, he fails at keeping still and quiet. There’s screaming and flailing on his end of things and barely bitten off curses from the doctor’s. Eventually, sweating and hopped up on pain meds, the arm is secured once more in a cast and he’s turned over to the supervision of his exasperated daughter.
Holly promptly takes him by his good arm and drags him down the hallway into the waiting room where chain of custody continues and he becomes Healy’s responsibility. He can’t help the slightly drugged smile that spreads across his face at the sight of the gruff man.
“Doc said it’s not nearly as bad as what you did the first time you met, but he needs bed rest, and to stay away from the bottle for a while.” Holly rolls her eyes, knowing that her dad has at least been putting in a good effort in reducing the amount of alcohol that he’s been pouring down his throat.
Relived to nearly be done with tonight’s ordeal, Holland shuffles close to his partner and leans against him. He’s desperately craving some reassurance and comfort. He can’t bring himself to care about the heavy presence of eyes on the two of them. Two grown men should be able to have friendly contact without everyone getting upset.
“Let’s get him in the car,” Jack says to Holly, ignoring Holland further by shrugging away from him to walk out the door.
Stung, Holland follows after him. Surely the events of tonight wouldn’t have been enough to keep rattling the other man. Jackson Healy doesn’t get bothered, not like this. He’s always surefooted and reliable. Perhaps he himself had done something to personally upset him. Yeah, he had gotten a little drunk and hurt himself in a typical March fashion, but usually they would just laugh it off together.
The trio gets to the parked vehicle, and Holland shunts himself into the back again. He doesn’t bother to listen to the conversation between his daughter and his partner over who will be driving. His mind is too focused on pinpointing exactly where the night really went wrong.
He startles out of his thinking when Healy settles himself into the front passenger seat. It looks like Holly will be the one to drive them back to the house. Holland can’t help but feel as though he got slapped in the face by the other man’s decision to sit in the front rather than join him in the back again.
Leaning forward, he presses the side of his face into the headrest. The leather is cool under his cheek. “Jack, what-”
“Just sit back, March,” the other man responds before he can get all of his sentence out. It seems like everyone is determined to cut him off tonight.
Merry Christmas, Holland thinks bitterly, letting himself flop back against the seat. The ride back to the house is silent aside from Holly’s occasional sighs. Jackson keeps his eyes focused straight ahead through the windshield. He doesn’t speak a single word after shutting him down, doesn’t even make a noise until Holly hits the curb in the driveway by accident and forces an involuntary grunt out of the man.
“Christ,” Holland grumbles, getting out of the car as soon as it’s put into park.
He tries to initiate contact with his partner once they’re all on the porch waiting for Holly to unlock the front door, The PI is desperately hoping that the other man won’t slide away from him again. Slowly, carefully, he leans on him. Relief floods him when Jack doesn’t move. The porch is bathed in darkness, making it difficult to make out anything distinctive, and besides, it’s not like the neighbors haven’t seen already seen the two of them be affectionate with one another anyway.
A glance over at the man he’s leaning on reveals nothing blatantly transparent. Healy’s face is carefully blank. Even still, Holland can make out the tense set of his jaw. It’s enough to worry him further.
Holly gets the door open and immediately darts off to her room after dropping the keys in the bowl in the entryway. Holland is carefully escorted over the threshold by his partner who calmly closes and locks the door behind them. They’re left standing uncomfortably on the tile while Healy seems to be looking at everything else but him.
Fed up, the PI reaches out and takes the other man by the collar of his Christmas sweater and hauls him in for a kiss. He normally doesn’t have to fight for affection like this. Healy is still against him. He doesn’t resist the kiss but he doesn’t exactly return it either. The bruiser pulls away after a moment.
“You should go to bed, March, it’s late.”
“Come with me,” he instantly responds. He needs his partner with him. He hates nothing more than sleeping alone. It always makes him think of those sleepless nights right after Holly’s mom had died. He takes an unsteady breath and wraps his arms around the other man. “I love…”
Healy’s fists clench at his side for a moment before he hooks a broad hand over Holland’s shoulder. He holds it there while he’s hugged. Holland all but burrows against him. He feels the exact moment when the other man relaxes just a little and gives in. “Alright, I’ll stay with you for a while.”
“A while? What do you mean a while? I thought we had plans for tonight.”
“I’ll stay with you until you fall asleep,” Jack supplies, nudging at him to walk to the bedroom.
“What about after?” He questions, his worry surging back up into his throat. Jesus, what he would give for a drink right now.
Unsurprisingly, his partner doesn’t respond right away, lost in his own troubled thoughts. He pulls back the covers on the bed for Holland, correctly assuming that he would struggle to get under them on his own. The other man doesn’t so much as look at him while he works his own holiday themed sweater off over his cast. Maybe he did something so heinous in the past few hours while inebriated and injured that Healy doesn’t find him attractive anymore? Could that be a possibility?
The younger man finally answers Holland’s question, abit unwillingly and still not looking at him. “Probably gonna clean up the living room.”
“Hey. Don’t be like this… Please.” He stops himself from reaching out, realizing that it likely wouldn’t do any good right now. He awkwardly drags himself into bed, motioning for Jackson to join him.
With clear reluctance, Healy sits stiffly on the bed with his back against the headboard. He looks down at his clasped hands. “I’m not your wife, March. I’m just your business partner,” he says suddenly without any preamble.
Holland is left reeling. “I... do you think I don’t care about you? About us? Is that what this is? Because I do. I care about you. I lo-,” he bites the confession off before it can fully escape.
“Care all you want. That nun was right, we’re not family. We can’t be real family.” The other man seems taken aback by his own outburst. He clears his throat unsuccessfully, poised to get off the bed, to flee from the conversation.
“Healy…” The detective’s heart breaks. This feeling is devastating. He’s not sure what to say. He can’t just tell a joke or make an asinine quip to smooth this over. He can’t argue that his partner is wrong. Even in his current, foggy state he knows that people won’t accept their relationship as being a legitimate one. It’s not going to be like it was with his wife. The silence hangs in the air.
Finally, the other man reaches over and gives him a pat on the shoulder. It's similar to one that another man would give a friend, nothing more. Reassuring but detached. “Look, March. We’ll deal with this in the morning.”
“Fine,” he agrees hollowly. He rolls over, putting his back to the man sitting beside him. He doesn’t want him to see the tears that have decided to start streaming from his eyes. Despite his best efforts, he can’t fully contain his sobs.
Healy doesn’t leave his side while he cries. Through his tears, he keeps looking at the analog clock on the bedside table. Every minute that passes feels like an hour. His crying slowly abates and he’s left to slip into an exhausted slumber.
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{ next chapter }
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thedawningofthehour · 3 months
Ok, I just swallowed like, 5 hours of video explaining the whole fallout story and now that I know more or less what's going on, I can say that I really want a Fallout Rottmnt.
The Idea of Donnie creating his own brotherhood of steel is so cool, he would probably name it something like, the order of atomic lass or something, and all the armors would have phosphorescent lights and speakers included,
I just pictured Donnie downloading Shelldom into the enclave computer and pretending to be the president.
If Leo joins a cult it will only be to get high on dangerous substances and participate in orgies, if he realizes that the children of the atom don't do that he will skidaddle.
Mikey is dedicated to domesticate wild mutant beasts in order to create delicious dishes.
And Raph, he's just chilling out helping local farmers, occasionally wrestling supermutants.
While Draxum is out there in his mutant faction negotiating a truce with the NCR that he will definitely break later until one day he just:
Draxum: I haven't seen the guys in a while, where are they?
Splinter: oh, they left to explore the wasteland about... Three months ago?
Draxum: THEY WHAT!!!
Geeze, you have a better attention span than me. I'm guessing a lot of that was a rundown on the events leading up to the Great War, and then obviously the events of each game and the different factions at play. That's a lot of summarizing you sat through.
A quick note for other people on the Brotherhood of Steel: their entire thing is preserving and controlling advanced technology, with some factions evolving to start developing it on their own. Their core dogma is that humanity can't be trusted with the means to destroy itself. Which...considering this is a universe where humanity literally did nuke itself to the brink of extinction, you can't really say they're wrong. They are also very cultish. Which Donnie would probably consider more of a bonus, honestly. Donnie can't join them unfortunately because they are racists. Their relationship with mutants and ghouls differ based on the chapter-the Mojave chapter is neutral towards the mostly peaceful Black Mountain super mutants until Tabitha takes over, and the East Coast chapters recruit from 'impure' wastelanders who all have minor mutations-but overall, they are very fucking racist and blood purity is a huge tenet of their beliefs. (I know there are mutant and ghoul members in Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, but that's...we don't talk about that game. It's not canon and we generally pretend it didn't happen) The East Coast chapters probably wouldn't shoot Donnie on sight, but they would never accept his help nor acknowledge his brilliance, no matter how hard it smacks them in the face.
But oh my god, Donnie would pimp out power armor like a crazy man. He'd have such a fucking blast too, like it stops being about armor at some point and just starts being Pimp My Ride: Tin Can Edition. I could see him joining up with the Atom Cats to bitch about what pricks the Brotherhood are and doing the funkiest paint jobs.
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They'd 100% accept Donnie immediately and invite him to their poetry night.
Also, lol Donnie getting access to the ZAX computer at Raven Rock and only using it to insert Shelldon into the mainframe.
I imagine he doesn't even delete Eden, he just lets him go on as normal and just occasionally interspersing his radio broadcasts with twenty-second clips of Shelldon doing a really derogatory impersonation. And occasionally subbing in heavy metal music.
I mean, maybe the Children of Atom do that? Not the original sect, they're pretty benign, but the guys running around shooting gamma guns at people and praying over nuclear dumping grounds? They imprisoned a Glowing One in a lighthouse and started worshipping it, those guys must be on some stuff. Or the guys living in the Crater, they could totally be having orgies where you don't see them. Then again, they do all have radiation poisoning. I feel like your skin sloughing off kills the mood.
I could see Leo joining to cross 'join a cult' off his bucket list, thinking it's just some kooky outfits and maybe he'll get to speak in tongues or whatever and it'll be a fun story to lord over Donnie later. The Children would probably think he's divine or something since he's immune to radiation and has such a powerful mutation. Which would stroke his ego so much.
But then people are drinking ghoul piss and irradiating themselves to the point of shitting out their bowels and he decides to nope out. Shit's too weird even for him. The question is whether the Children would let him leave.
Mikey is doing the same thing he is in Todd's mutant town, just playing Fallout 4 Settlement Builder and making the cutest little homesteads.
Raph would be mistaken for a super mutant a lot. And it would drive him crazy because under normal circumstances he would really like to be friends with some super mutants, but they're all so mean! Why are they all cannibals?! Yes, he likes to smash, but not so lethally!!
They do like dogs though, which Raph appreciates. He would absolutely adopt a mutant hound. (not a centaur though; those freak him out) And they're communists, though I feel like Raph is more of a capitalist-apologist. He's got the spirit, he's just ill-informed.
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Justice for Joost
usually I don't like to be political but this is fucking stupid. I did block the person who wrote this post but I need to break down this stupid ass argument
"So I think Joost's actions were either xenophobia, antisemitism or a mix of both though leaning to a mix of both.
For those who are not aware, Eden Golan was being interviewed in the big second semi final panel and a report asked her if her participation was putting other contestants at risk. The question was gross as it is not her fault people would want to risk harming other contestants to harm her and people wanting to harm her is also not her fault as she is literally just an israeli women who exists and went to eurovision. Eden's manager said "you don't have to answer that" in response to the question and Joost (who had been covering himself with his flag during her turn being interviewed) uncovered himself and said "why not?". Eden did answer the question elloquently.
The issue I have with Joost's actions is that they were not about whether or not Israel should participate as that decision had already been made and Eden was already at Eurovision, but instead they were just him being xenophobic and/or antisemitic.
Eden Golan, just like every other contestant, is not her government.
If we were to act like every contestant was their government, then why did Bambi Thug not recieve backlash for Ireland's treatment of refugees? Why did the Azerbaijan contest not recieve the same level of backlash for their government trying to ethnically cleanse Armenians? Why did Slimane not recieve any talk about the Mali Wedding Airstrike (which killed children) that France did back in 2021?"
No, he was just against a fucking genocide. The contest this year is funded by morroco oil (https://eurovision.moroccanoil.com/) which is not from morroco, but from (you guessed it) the genociders !(https://en.hespress.com/84896-how-moroccos-argan-fueled-a-62-million-israeli-business-and-became-a-scientific-experiment.html#google_vignette) standing against genocide is not xenophobia. Its the right fucking thing to do.
Yeah israiel is not gonna be banned but taking is stand against their participation because of their FUCKING GENOCIDE is not unhelpful. Showing support is good. She is not just a person from Isreal competeing in Eurovision. She is actively and willingly representing a genocidal and colonial government, and willingly doing that on a huge stage is more than endorsing that. if she is so fucking innocent and not complicit, she would not be on that stage. People refuse to join the IDF and suffer the extreme consequences, she could've just not joined. That question was so fucking relevant. Why are we coddling the feelings of an adult woman represneting a colonial power that is currently commiting warcrimes. She is a terrible fucking person.
The other issues this post brought up are terrible. we should call these out. But also, You can't just bring up other genocides or bad things and be like "hm if you don't care about every other bad thing in the world then you don't really care about this one" A fucking mass genocide with war crimes is a seperate issue than Ireland's treatment of refugees. Ireland should be better, mistreating refugees is bad. Armenians should also get support,(https://www.armeniafund.org/) but you can't just change the subject to a different genocide in order to defend someone WHO IS ACTIVELY REPRESENTING A COUNTRY COMMITING GENOCIDE. The Palestinian Genocide is so bad right now and they need all the help they can get, but someone being kinda mean to someone complicit in a genocide is this issue here? we should hold every government accountable, but the fact that we started with the one that is actively commiting genocide is a good thing. The energy should be "its good to support palestine and lets keep holding governmetns accountable" and not "why are you getting mad at isreal if everyone else is just as bad? seems like you're playing least favorites"
(disclaimer: I do not condone any of the bad things that happened. They are bad. I don't agree with them being used to defend someone who is complicit in a genocide)
"Why is it okay for Joost and other contestants to treat Eden Golan like she is the Israeli Government whilst not holding other contestants to the same standard?
This goes even further once you bring in how after Russia invaded Ukraine, Joost collaborated with a Russian Artist CMH. Now, either CMH also represents the Russian government entirely and Joost supports Russia's invasion of Ukraine or, CMH does not represent the Russian government which makes his treatment towards Eden Golan even worse and reaffirms its antisemitic roots."
Little miss genocide is not the one being harrassed. The isreali officals are going around harrassing people and being dicks. She is in no way the vicitm here. (Allegedly) The isreali officals mocked Joost's DEAD PARENTS. As far as we know, Golan saw what her sad excuse for a country did and actively and willingly chose to represent that. Even if she was being harrassed, it would be because of her actions. But she really fucking isn't. she is not the one being kicked out of the contest. she can get the actual fuck over it. You cannot just ask "well what about the other contestents? their governments are also bad" Everyone is bad. No government has their hands clean. Bambi Thung representing Ireland (which needs to stop mistreating refugees) is not the same as someone representing Isreal (which is commiting genocide). Ireland is a country with a complex history and Bambi thug is not representing every single one of the many political opinions by representing her country. I think we can assume she would be against mistreating refugees. Isreal is a made up, totalitarian state in which every part of it's government is complicit in genocide. No one can seriously believe that little miss genocide supporter is not endorsing or ok with her country's actions. There is a huge difference if you actually think about it.
I looked up CMH. He doesn't seem to have ties to the russian government. CMH did not compete to represent his government. He makes music and is from russia. It is so different. the comparison doesn't even work. Maybe that supporting a Russian musican during the Ukraine thing was not like. a very good thing to do (sorry idk how to phrase it) but while it isn't great, it doesn't have the same effect as EUROVISION. Eurovision is international. I could barely find information on CMH. Yeah the morality of that collab is debateable, but why are you using it to defend the person representing a genocide??? CMH did not choose to go into a international competition to represent his country. He didn't go through mulitple competitions to represent russia. He is literally just russian. The collab was bad, fine, but representing GENOCIDE WILLINGLY is WORSE.
"Lastly, someone sent me an image of a Joost song (which is what I think spurred this current ask) where Joost has a hitler mustache. You can find that post and image here.
So lets put the evidence together, Joost treats Eden Golan as being the Israeli Government but doesn't hold anyone else to that standard,including a Russian artist right after Russia's invasion + he willingly took and the uploaded publically online, a picture of him with a Hitler mustache.
At the very best, he is just xenophobic, at worst he is antisemitic or a mix of both.
Am i sad that Joost is antisemitic? yes very. I really liked his song europapa and a few other songs of his. It always hits a bit harder when an artist you like turns out to be an antisemite. I was ready to get super into his music and then bam, i find out he is an antisemite."
I am gonna be honest, I am not really excited to address this. I'm not Jewish. I don't get to say what is offensive or not. I have seen the photo. It does look like hitler. It is antisemtic and yeah. I honestly even kinda took offense to it. But as the post below says, he took it down. It isn't playable. It's bad, and ignorant but it is also possibly just in poor taste. It could have been an attempt at a parody or just trying to get a rise out of people WHICH ARE BOTH BAD. He took it down. I can't find that image on any of his youtube. He doesn't have any other instances of something like this. He probably should apologise for it, but it seems like he grew. I THINK THAT IT WAS A BAD THING TO DO AND I DO NOT ENDORSE IT AT ALL. I THINK IT DESERVES AN APOLOGY.I AGREE IT IS ANTISEMTIC. It was taken down, and he hasn't done anything like it since. I think it is safe to saw that he grew (he should still like. apologize and address it though) I find it really weird that you're pulling out this isolated incident from what seems to be six years ago in order to defend someone representing an actual genocide. It's really weird. It is so dumb to imply Joost is speaking out against genocide only because he hates jewish people. I do not think that something from six years ago that he took down is indictive of his current views or his motivations for not supporting genocide.
"Yeah Joost fans is this your man?
Do you think his actions towards Eden Golan were purely anti israel still? Or are you finally willing to admit that he is not the innocent man yall think he is?
(btw i checked via reverse image search and the song which the picture is the album art for, feminist on da block, is taken down, but you can find the proof of it on spotify here, its just not playable)"
Yes he is still my man. His actions were probably purely anti Israel. He has not done anything wrong in his protest of a genocide. He was kicked out of a contest because of it. This weird "gotcha" thing where you point out all the problematic things he did pales in comparison to the people who were killed by isral. He has done bad things and he needs to address/apologize for them, but now he is trying to support those in need. People are facing genocide and because someone is being loudly against that, you want to point out all the reasons why he is bad? be so fucking for real right now. Children are dying. Babies are dying. Why the hell are you defending anyone that stands by that?
yeah Joost is not an angel. He has done a couple problematic things in the past I DO NOT ENDORSE THEM, but Isreal is commiting genocide and the person representing that is far worse. We have more pressing issues
I support jewish people. I do not condone any antisemitism at all. People should not start attack jewish people for the actions of israle. The points I am attempting to make are (a) not everyone that supports palestine is anti semetic and (b) while antisemitism is bad, you cannot use that as an excuse for supporting a fucking genocide.
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melliejellybellybean · 10 months
Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice
Word Count: 5.3k, this was not supposed to happen
Warnings: none that I can think of?
When Echo is invited to your Life Day celebration, he's elated. That is, until he learns about gift-giving aspect of Life Day. But it's okay, he's a trained soldier with six men who will always have his back. Together, surely they can figure out the perfect gift to give you. Right?
So, I decided to participate in another @cloneficgiftexchange, Life Day edition, and this time, I was lucky enough to be able to write a fic for @ghostofskywalker herself. I was very excited to write this one, and the prompt "tell me I'm crazy" - "you're crazy" coupled with "agonizing over whether or not the gift character a got character b was something they'd like" seemed like they'd be so much fun to write.
ghostofskywalker, I love your fics literally so much, so I'm very excited and nervous to give this one to you! I hope you love it, happy holidays!!!
Echo liked his routine. He liked knowing exactly what he was going to do, when he was going to do it, and in what order it was going to be done. For example, once the transport touches down on Coruscant, Fives is going to throw his arm around Echo and shout something about “hitting every single club on Coruscant,” which really only meant 79s. Echo will laugh, shove his brother’s arm off his shoulder, and tell him that it didn’t matter how many clubs he went to, no one would want to dance with any one with a face as ugly as Fives’. They’ll go back and forth, with a few more brothers piping in every here and there, but once those doors open, Echo’s gone. His legs take him, almost as if they have a mind of their own, straight to a little shop on a level slightly lower than planetside. Without even really thinking about it, his legs take him straight to you. 
Echo will walk into the shop, a little bell announcing his presence from above the door, and be hit with the smell of freshly baked pastries, cakes, and cookies. Although glass display cases attempt to draw his attention with colorful examples of the sugar-filled desserts the shop offers, Echo will glue his eyes to the person behind the counter. When you look up, your lips will break out into a blinding grin and his will have no choice but to follow. And for the first time since being shipped off the battlefield, Echo will feel peace. 
Which is why it was twice as jarring for Echo when not only were you not at your post by the register, but there were green plants, candles, streamers, and hanging lights covering almost every surface with a cinnamon spice scent dancing in the air. 
“Echo!” A voice to his right called, and as he turned, he finally saw you. On a ladder. Hanging another one of those circular lights. You quickly finished mounting the decoration and then scrambled off the ladder, faster than Echo thought safe, before throwing yourself at him in an embrace. 
That was new. 
Echo felt his face heat up as he lightly returned the hug, but he wasn’t able to fully pull his thoughts away from the drastic change in interior decor. “What happened in here?” 
You stepped back and smirked, “Well, it’s great to see you too, Echo.” 
“It’s everywhere.” He murmured. “Did you get pranked?”
“No!” You laughed. “It’s Life Day!” 
Your voice held a lightness that made Echo’s gaze snap back to you, like a magnet. He noticed the joy that shone in your eyes and almost radiated from you. Stars, you were beautiful.
“Life Day?” Echo questioned, “Does Coruscant have an extra day in its standard week?” 
Your eyes widened, “You don’t know what Life Day is? It’s my favorite holiday!” 
Echo shook his head, “We don’t exactly celebrate a lot of holidays on Kamino. I think any sense of joy would make the long necks roll over and die.” 
“Life Day is a Wookie tradition, although by now most of the galaxy has adopted it, it’s a huge celebration of family, joy, and harmony.” Echo listened to your explanation and heard the compassion in your voice. Compassion, not pity. Never pity. You never pitied his loss of childhood and normal life experience. It was one of the things on the, admittedly very long, list of things he loved about you. “Most people spend it with the people they love. They’ll make food, spend time together, give gifts, and some cultures even have little mythological figures to go along with it. There’s this one planet who believes that a fat man breaks into their house every Life Day to–” 
“There you are, vod!” The little bell on the door rang out followed very closely by Fives’ irritating, grating voice, “I was starting to think you deserted, almost called the General to get a manhunt going.” 
Echo turned, opening his mouth to respond, but Fives caught sight of you and his face lit up. His eyes bounced back and forth mischievously between you and Echo, “Oh… so this is where you disappear to whenever we’re on Coruscant.”
“Fives…” Echo warned, but it was useless. 
“I never thought I’d see the day when a woman tolerated my brother’s company.” Fives pushed Echo aside, smoothly catching your hand and placing a kiss on it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, miss, the name’s Fives. I’m sure you’ve heard all about me.”
Echo knocked Fives’ hand out of yours and glared at him. Fives just raised his arms in surrender. “What? I’m the light of your life, what else would you have to talk about?” 
Before Echo could hit him, you laughed, “Oh, I have heard about you, Fives. It’s nice to meet the man who loves my snickerdoodles so much. That actually reminds me.” 
You ran into the back of the bakery, returning with a paper bag that seemed stuffed to the brim. “I added some extra pastries that I think you’d enjoy, Echo. And tell Hardcase that I ran out of poppy seeds, so he’ll just have to settle for lemon muffins.” 
Fives’ jaw dropped. “This is where you get these from? Vod, you’d better keep her!” 
“She’s not a massiff, stop talking about her like she is!” Echo snapped, but Fives turned to you and started gushing. 
“Never in my life have I eaten anything as good as the things you make. Your hands must be blessed by whatever it is that’s out there in the galaxy. If this one ever gives you any trouble, you let me know, or any of our brothers in the 501st, and we’ll knock some sense into him.” 
“Time to go!” Echo interjected, grabbing Fives’ by the shoulder and shoving him towards the door. “So many baked goods to hand out, so many clubs for you to hit, remember Fives?” Fives continued blabbering and Echo continued talking over him, but you were laughing too hard to understand anything either of them were saying anymore. 
“Echo,” you called out, right before he was about to step out of the door, “you can totally say no, if you want, but would you want to spend Life Day with me?” 
Echo wasn’t sure if the sudden silence that fell was real or just his imagination, but it felt as if time had stopped. He glanced back at you, and seeing you standing there, surrounded by your silly and over-the-top decorations, he knew there was no place he’d rather be. “I’d really like that.” He nodded. 
Then he stepped away from the door and let it close. He sighed, disappointed that his time with you had been cut so short, then turned and came face to face with his brother, who was wiggling his eyebrows at him. 
This time Echo really did hit him. 
“So…” Fives spoke around his mouthful of snickerdoodle, breaking the collective silence in the 501st barracks as everyone ate their pastries, “the baker?”
Echo sighed. It was his fault really for assuming that Fives could mind his business and drop it. “What about her?” 
“She’s cute.” Fives shrugged. 
“You met her?” Jesse blurted from his bunk across the room. If everyone wasn’t listening then, they sure were now. 
“Yeah, I followed Echo after we landed and caught him with her. Someone’s,” Fives gave Echo a pointed look, “been hiding her from us. Can’t imagine why.” 
“Maybe it’s because I value her sanity.” Echo mumbled into his fudge. 
“What was that?” 
Fives nudged his brother. “Look, if you want alone time with your girlfriend, just say that.” 
“Girlfriend?!” Hardcase yelled, accusingly looking at Echo. 
“She’s not my girlfriend.” Echo defended, before any more of his brothers got any ideas. 
“But you want her to be.” Fives countered. 
“Well, ye–no!” The truth had slipped out of his mouth before he could stop, and now that it was out, there was no turning back. Gasps erupted throughout the room. Jesse had to sit down, Tup dropped his piece of pie, even Dogma looked over with interest. 
Fives cheered triumphantly. “What’s stopping you then? Go get her!” 
“She’s not into me.” Echo slumped in defeat. “She’s brilliant and talented and beautiful. And she deserves so much more than a guy who’s not sure if he’ll make it back every day.” 
A thicker silence fell over the room. Every man in it knew about their reality. They were bred, born, and raised to fight in a war that was not theirs, for a galaxy that was not theirs, for people who were not theirs. Many clones turned to sunny, loud personalities to hide the pain and loss they felt after every battle. There was this unspoken rule that each clone had to live out his life to the absolute fullest while he could, because he didn’t know when it might end. Now that Echo had verbalized it, the entire barracks was reminded of the injustice of their own existence. 
“Vod,” Fives broke the silence again, this time with a seriousness in his eyes that looked foreign on his face, “we don’t get many chances to connect with someone like you have. Most guys would desert if it meant getting your opportunity. You can’t let her get away. At least let us know if any of us have a chance with her, if you don’t want it.” 
His joke released the tension in the room, each brother chimed in with their own eagerness to date Echo’s baker. 
“Even if I wanted to, she’s not into me.” Echo repeated. Groans erupted from all over the room, Jesse even threw a pillow at his brother. “What? I’m telling the truth!” 
Fives’ voice rose above the noise, “Echo, di’kut, that is the stupidest thing you’ve ever said. She’s so into you, it kind of hurt to be in the same room as you both.” 
Echo rolled his eyes, but Fives kept going. “Look, tell me I’m crazy, but–”
“You’re crazy.” 
“She gives you free food, every time you go to meet her–”
“She’s a generous person.” 
“She had her eyes glued on you the whole time–” 
“Well, maybe you were scaring her. 
“She invited you to spend Life Day with her–”
“She what?!” Kix was the one who interrupted this time. “You’re going right?” 
“Well, of course, I told her I would. Why would I accept if I wasn’t going to go?” Echo sputtered. “Should I not have? Is that a bad idea? Should I tell her I’m not coming?” 
“No!” The entire room shouted. 
“You have to.” Kix got up and started pacing. “This is perfect, confessing on holidays is so much more romantic than confessing on your random Zhellday. Just give her something for Life Day, declare your love, and bam! Mission accomplished!” 
“That’s ridiculous.” Echo groaned, “Even if I wanted to, I don’t know the first thing about telling a girl you’re in love with her.” 
“Well, you’re lucky that you have six brothers right here that will do all the work for you!” Jesse gestured to the occupants of the room, all of whom had their own versions of their scheming faces on. 
Echo glanced at Fives, hoping that he would say something to put an end to this madness for once, but when Fives looked back at him, Echo could see the mischievous glimmer in his eyes. 
“Vod, we’re going to get you your cyare.” 
It was Echo’s own fault. He really should’ve done something, anything this morning instead of blindly following his brothers across the Coruscant shopping district. Anything would be better than standing, in front of this very judgemental old man, in a jewelry shop meant for anyone but him. 
“I’m sure this piece is out of your budget, young man.” The shopkeeper barely glanced at the necklace Echo was asking about. “Perhaps you’d be better looking elsewhere?” 
“Aw, come on, how much is it?” Fives argued, “It can’t be that bad.” 
Echo had not been aware that jewelry was even sold at a price as high as the one that came out of the old man’s mouth, much less jewelry that was sold at a shop on one of the lower, dingier levels of Coruscant. 
“That place is a scam.” Fives quipped, the moment the old man had shut the door in their faces. “Let’s try somewhere else.” 
Echo glanced around. “I get the feeling that we’ll run into similar problems everywhere. The GAR doesn’t exactly pay well, where would we even find jewelry that any of us could afford?” 
“Nonsense. The way to a woman’s heart is through expensive things.” Fives was already looking for a new place to try. “Especially shiny, expensive things. Necklaces, rings, bracelets, girls go crazy for that stuff.” 
“I don’t know…” Echo trailed off as he thought about you. You were kind, funny, loving, and selfless. He didn’t take you as the type to get carried away with shine and credits. 
“Echo might be right.” Jesse piped in, “There’s only so much we can do in the expensive-jewelry department. But that doesn’t mean we’re completely down for the count. We’ll think of something else.” 
Fives slumped his shoulders, but didn’t say anything in his defense. All six of the men began looking around, wondering which one would give the next idea. 
“What about…” Tup shyly started, “flowers? Girls like flowers, right?” 
“Yeah!” Hardcase nodded, “That way Echo can still buy something for his baker and not have to spend too much money.” 
“What’s her favorite flower?” Kix asked, pulling the attention in the conversation back to Echo. 
Echo felt his face warm. How was it that in all the hours he spent in your company, all the attention he gave to every detail about you, he didn’t know what your favorite flower was? His brothers looked at him with expectant faces. Would they make fun of him if he told them that he didn’t know? Fives would have asked a girl immediately what her favorite flower was. 
“I’ll know it when I see it.” Maybe Echo didn’t lie. Maybe you had a vase that held a certain type of flower all the time in your shop and Echo had never fully noticed it. Maybe you mentioned it in passing a few times. Maybe Echo would see a flower that he would be dying to put behind your ear. 
As it turned out, Echo underestimated how many flowers there were in the world. And some of them looked so similar, he couldn’t even begin to guess which one you’d be partial to. This whole gift-giving thing was a lot harder than he thought. 
“What about this one?” Jesse emerged from behind a wall of flora, holding a giant, yellow flower. 
Echo winced. “I think that one’s too obnoxious.” 
“I found one!” Kix shouted from across the flower shop. Looking up, Echo could just see a black-gloved hand holding a dainty, purple flower above the shelves. 
That one was better, but it still didn’t speak to Echo in any way that reminded him of you. “I’m not so sure.” 
Fives groaned and tossed the bouquet he was about to offer Echo over his shoulder. “You’re impossible. She’s got to like something from here. Where’s Tup? This was all his idea.” 
“He’s flirting with the cashier.” Dogma pointed towards the entrance. To his credit, Tup didn’t burst into a noticeable blush, but his shoulders tightened in a subtle motion that told his brothers that Tup heard them call him out. Nonetheless, the flower shop cashier was giggling at whatever he had said. 
“At least someone here is striking gold.” Hardcase grumbled. “Now if only Echo could take a page out of Tup’s book. Tup’s book of all people!” 
Echo knew his brother’s frustration wasn’t entirely on him. They would die before they admitted it, but none of them really knew anything about women, and this experience was showcasing that for all of them. His brothers huddled together, brainstorming the next plan while Echo ran his eyes over the shelves once again. 
It felt like the millionth time he looked at this wall of flowers, but this time, one flower stuck out to him. It was elegant, but simple. Echo knew the petals would bring out your eyes in the best way. 
“That one.” Echo pointed to it. His brothers stopped bickering almost immediately. 
Fives hopped into motion first, “Perfect! Let’s go.” He marched Echo, who now held the bouquet in his hands, straight to the cashier. “Move over, Tup, you can flirt later.” 
This time a blush did erupt on Tup’s face. He turned away to hide it, but the cashier just laughed lightly before turning to Echo and Fives, a more professional mask slipping over her features. “I take it you’re Echo?” 
“Yes, ma’am.” Echo nodded, “Just this one please.” 
The cashier nodded and began to ring up the bouquet. “I couldn’t help but overhear some of your situation, and Tup filled in a little bit. I just wanted to let you know that these flowers are commonly allergenic. Most people are pretty mildly allergic, but it’s not uncommon for a person to have a pretty severe allergy to them.” 
Echo froze. “I can’t give that to her then! What if I put her in the hospital?!” 
“Hospitals are not romantic.” Hardcase agreed, wisely. 
“I’ll try something else.” Echo sighed, “Thank you for all your help.” 
The cashier sympathetically nodded at him, and began to open her mouth to offer more help, but Echo was already being ushered out the doors of the shop by his brothers. 
“It’s alright. Shake it off.” Fives assured, “The guys and I have already talked, and we’ve got a plan that’s a sure winner this time.” 
“I can’t do this.” Echo threw up his hands. 
Dogma glanced up from his own project. “Sure you can. There’s nothing that screams ‘Life Day’ more than a pair of mittens, and nothing says ‘I’ll be here to protect and provide for you’ more than the honorable discipline of knitting. Ow-” 
Throwing the ball of yarn at Dogma probably wouldn’t help him learn to knit, but it did make Echo feel sort of better. 
The plan that his brothers cooked up after the flower shop had not worked. And neither had the next. Or this one, apparently. 
In Hardcase’s defense, Echo hadn’t even attempted to put together a 60-piece marching band to parade down the bakery’s street for Life Day. But he had attempted to learn to play the guitar because, according to Jesse, every woman dreams of the day a man plays a guitar and sings for them as they awkwardly avoid eye contact and shuffle in their seats for lack of better things to do. While he was sure the love songs he had tried to learn were beautiful, Echo found out that he didn’t have the musical ability to portray them in any flattering manner. 
He was getting so desperate for a good plan, he’d even asked Rex one day, “Captain, if you were a beautiful baker, who was completely out of my league, what would you want for Life Day?” 
“For you to leave me alone, probably.” Was the only response he got. 
It had been weeks since he last met with her, weeks since she invited him to spend Life Day with her and started this whole mess. He knew that he couldn’t look her in the eyes until he had the perfect Life Day gift for her, but now that was Life Day Eve, Echo was getting hopeless.
Dogma glared at his brother. “You’re going to make me roll that ball back up, aren’t you?.” 
“Yup.” Echo met his glare. 
“Okay! New plan!” Kix jumped in. The entire room groaned in protest. “Shut it, all of you. I’ve listened to all of your awful ideas, I apologize to the woman you fool with them by the way, but I’ve got something you all don’t: a working brain.” More yarn balls got tossed in Kix’s direction along with insults that drowned out Dogma’s protests. 
“Echo,” Kix ignored them, “this girl seems like she’s really special. And really special girls aren’t going to be swayed by things. She’s probably already into you and just needs to know that you’re in love with her. All you need to do is tell her, and the best way to do that is with love letters. They’re simple, heartfelt, and genuine. Three things that women love.” The men in the room had quieted over Kix’s speech, and all seemed to be absentmindedly nodding as they thought this new plan over. 
“You’re right.” Echo stood up. “This is ridiculous. I just need to get it off my chest and tell her how I feel. A love letter is the perfect way to gift that.” Cheers erupted from the room this time. 
I’m proud of him. Fives thought as Echo sat down and began writing. This was really important to him, but he could probably give her a rock off the ground and she’d kiss him.
Good for him. Jesse thought as Echo threw away his first draft of his love letter. He’s really thinking about what he’s going to say. He’s making sure it comes out just right.
He’s dedicated, I’ll give him that. Dogma thought as he laid down to go to sleep, Echo still writing. It’s not his fault that he can’t understand the value of knitting, but I guess this is the next best thing.
That must be some letter. Tup thought when he rolled over a few hours later, Echo’s pile of discarded letters getting taller and taller. I hope she likes it.
What time even is it? Hardcase thought when he woke up in the very early hours of the morning, Has he been writing this whole time?
I’ve created a monster. Kix realized when he got up the next morning, seeing no trace of Echo, but a huge pile of crumpled up pieces of flimsi next to the desk that he had sat at all night long. Maker help that Baker. 
“Happy Life Day, Echo!” You greeted the clone standing outside your door. He returned your grin with a smaller one. You noticed that he looked slightly disheveled and he seemed to be breathing a bit heavier than normal. Instead of pointing it out, you decided to politely ask, “How has your morning been?” 
“Awful.” Echo blurted before hastily correcting himself, “-ly great. I’ve had an awfully great morning. How about you?” 
“I guess my morning has been awfully great too.” You awkwardly shuffled aside, “Would you like to come in or…?” 
“Oh!” Echo quickly walked past you, and you noticed as he did so that he was carrying a large sack with him. It was made of dark green cloth and looked suspiciously like something you had seen other clones use to carry their gear. You found it odd, but decided not to mention it. Maybe clones had a regulation that stated they couldn’t go anywhere without their gear, and if him being able to wear the very flattering civilian clothes that he currently had on meant he had to carry around a giant sack everywhere, who were you to complain about it? 
“Thank you so much for coming. I know I kind of sprung the invitation on you.” You gestured to your table, which you had set for two people with a candle in the middle. You blushed as you realized that you just presented him with a candle light breakfast, but continued on. “I made a sort of late breakfast for us, and then I have a full day of Life Day activities planned for us. I really wanted to make sure you have the full experience for your first Life Day.” 
Echo prided himself in being a very observant and aware man, but he had not heard a word you had said after looking at the table. “It’s only us today?” 
Your smile faltered, “Yeah, I had planned the day for just the two of us, is that okay?”
“Yes!” Echo coughed to clear the eagerness out of his tone. “Yeah, that’s fine.” 
Echo had never been to your apartment, and so when he first got the comm asking him to meet you there, he got even more nervous than he already was. But his nerves were calmed as he looked around the room during breakfast. Your unique fingerprints were everywhere. Just like the bakery, every inch of this house was decked out in Life Day decorations. Little replicas of a decorated Tree of Life were scattered over various shelves and counters, garlands were hung with Life Day orbs, candles and other decorations covering everything. You even had a larger Tree of Life replica set up in your living room, also decorated to the nines. The entire house screamed the passion and love that you put into all things you care about, and the knot in Echo’s stomach loosened more and more with every minute he spent with you. 
Breakfast was amazing. You were a great baker, Echo already knew that, but you were excited to show him that you were an almost better cook. While the day had started off on a bit of a stumbling foot, conversation began to flow easily between the two of you as more time passed. It was nice to see Echo relaxed and smiling. You don’t really know when it started, but these days, your life seemed to revolve around the little moments you were able to spend with Echo. He was sweet and gentle with you, but you knew that he was also brave and courageous. You adored every aspect of him. You hoped that one day, you’d be able to openly show the depths of that adoration. The rest of the day seemed to fly by. The two of you decorated cookies, built orgabread houses, played games, and before you know it, you were snuggled up on the couch, large mugs of wroshyr louse syrup cocoa in hand, watching the third Life Day holofilm of the night. At some point between the start of the second holofilm and now, Echo had managed to sneak his arm across your shoulders, allowing you to bury yourself into his side. His warmth seeped to you, and you were well on your way to falling asleep when he mumbled, “Cyar’ika?”  
“Hm?” You didn’t know what the word meant, but you somehow knew he was referring to you. Lifting your head up, you met his gaze. How long had he been staring?
“When you first invited me over, I had no idea what Life Day was, but I did some research, and my brothers yelled at me, and now I think I have a pretty good idea of what it means. You’re really special to me, and my brothers told me that you give special people gifts on Life Day. So I spent the past few weeks, losing my mind, trying to find the perfect gift to give you.” A blush started to creep up his face, but he didn’t let that deter him, “I tried many things, and each one didn’t work, so I tried something else.” He carefully untangled himself from you and left the room. Before you were able to fully wonder where he went, he returned with the sack. “I couldn’t decide on one thing to get you. Each place I went to had something that reminded me of something that I like about you, but I like so much more than one thing about you and choosing which one to show you was impossible.”
He opened the sack and pulled out a necklace. It wasn’t anything big or flashy, but the chain was decorated with little pearls, “This isn’t the original necklace I looked at, the GAR doesn’t pay enough for that one,” Echo joked, “but it represents my point a little better, I think. When I looked at this, I saw all the little kindnesses that you do. Not just for me, but my brothers, other customers at your bakery, sometimes even just strangers off the street. I see a world that is mean and cruel everyday, but when I’m with you, I’m reminded of all the beauty and good that’s in it too.” A lump had formed in your throat, so the only thing that you could do was reach out and take the necklace. 
When you looked back up at him, he was holding out a single, purple flower, slightly crumpled from being held in a sack all day long. “I searched a flower shop for hours to find this. I don’t know what it’s called or where it’s from, but when I saw it, I knew exactly where it belonged.” He reached out and gently brushed your cheek as he settled the flower behind your ear. “Right there.” 
“Echo,” You smiled, starting to see where this was going, “thank you, I–” 
“I’m not finished.” Echo reached into the sack and started pulling out item after item. “I bought you mittens, sorry they’re not homemade, a music box, I didn’t have time to put together a 60 piece band, I even brought Jesse’s guitar!” Your eyes widened as he pulled the instrument out of the sack, along with pages and pages of flimsi with music written on it. “I wanted to find the perfect way to tell you how much you meant to me, but all I did was drive myself crazy and waste so much time. Because none of these things can possibly show how much I look forward to every moment that I spend with you, and every smile of yours that I get to see, and how much I love everything about you. I love you.”
A beat of silence fell over the both of you as you both processed the weight of Echo’s words. “I have a Life Day gift for you too. But you have to close your eyes before I give it to you.” Echo’s shock displayed on his face for a moment, but he nodded and dutifully closed his eyes. 
You took a deep breath. Echo’s leap of courage inspired you to take your own. You slowly leaned closer and closer into Echo, allowing yourself all the time you wanted to observe his features. His strong brow, sharp jawline, and full lips. You were most focused on those lips right now. Echo stiffened when you placed a hand on his shoulder for balance and when he began to feel your breath ghost over his lips. “I love you too.” You whispered, and then closed the gap.
Echo still had one gift that he hadn’t given you, but something told him he wouldn’t need that letter anymore. 
Echo loved his routine. He knew exactly what he was going to do, when he was going to do it, and what order it was going to be done. Once this transport touches down on Coruscant, Fives is going to throw his arm around Echo and shout something about “making sure that the pretty baker sets aside the good stuff for me.” Echo is going to laugh, shove his brother’s arm off his shoulder, and tell him that it didn’t matter what he brought back with him, anything from that bakery is “the good stuff.” They’ll go back and forth, with a few more brothers piping in here and there, but once those doors open, Echo’s gone. His legs take him straight to a little shop on a level slightly lower than planetside, straight to you, but now, he’s thinking about it a whole lot. 
Echo will walk into the shop, a little bell announcing his presence from above the door, and be hit with his favorite smell in the world, but now, a pair of eyes is already looking back at him. The baker will leave her post behind the counter, as fast as she can, and throw herself into his arms. And for the first time since he left you, Echo will feel like he’s home. 
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sanderstime · 1 year
My Favorite Headcanons
This is mostly for AU's that don't take place where they are all In the mind of the same person. A lot of them are appearance-based. This might be a ramble but yeah here. Logan: -He's the tallest of the sides. This guy in my head would be one lanky intimidating-looking mf then you turn around and find him geeking out over a jelly brand. -He likes to slick back his hair, not like completely but with a few strands left in the front... and he only doesn't style it like that when by himself or with people he trusts.
-He wears rectangular-shaped glasses.
-He's neurodiverse, I think he is very autism-coded and that's cool so why not make it fanon y'know?
-He learns how to help people through panic/anxiety attacks specifically because of meeting Virgil.
-He takes time to learn about other people's interests, or at least the basic rundown about it so he can understand and not be confused when they talk about them (Even when he refuses to participate in those interests or doesn't like them.)
-He memorized the entire history of Crofters, it's one of his special interests somehow.
-He doesn't like weddings, but he somehow ends up being the one keeping the whole event together.
-At parties, he's basically the guy who looks after everyone. Making sure everyone whose passed out didn't hit their heads, putting spare blankets over them, and driving his friends home all while mumbling what idiots they are, but endearingly.
-he likes small get-togethers with friends but not so much big parties.
-He's the kind of guy you need to warm up too, he seems standoffish at first but he truly cares and is very kind underneath the surface,
-He's *awful* at video games that aren't tetris or puzzle games, he will always lose at Mortal Kombat/Smash Bros/Ect but despite that he gets competitive. So he tries to avoid them.
-Likes to debunk cryptid/
-He's very average height. He's not really tall but he isn't tiny either.
-He has dark circles normally but he puts dark eyeshadow on top of them to hide them and because he likes how it looks.
-He has his hair dyed purple, yeah no surprise but in an AU where they don't all have the same hair... I think his should be a pretty purple color.
-Definitely utilizes his piercings. He wears black studs, and really depends but I like the idea of him having snakebites. Go full emo.
-He has freckles when he's out in the sun enough to have them.
-He's gotten each of the other sides to help him touch up his hair before. Except Remus, he knows Remus would try to dye it green.
-He has a special set of noise-cancelling headphones when he wants to be left alone and another set because he's worried he won't hear his phone going off or someone break in.
-He can't cook for shit, like he burns macaroni. He tried to put a plastic plate on an oven and he can barely make ramen. -He has a ton of blankets, one for each surface he would sit on in his home. -He owns a LOT of posters, most are of punk bands and nightmare before Christmas.
-Absolutely loves Spiders and Bats, has a pet spider duh.
-Despite talking a big game, and being into spooky things, he is a huge scaredy cat. He hides behind his hands or into the body of whoever is sitting closest to him(if he trusts them)
-Round glasses. Everyone does this already buy I love him having wire-framed glasses.
-Light brown hair. Like super light brown hair where it might as well be dirty blonde.
-Has all the freckles, the most freckles. Just give them all to him.
-He is really hard *not* to get along with, he tries to speak to everyone with kindness and treat them kindly- even if they do upset him.
-He is an excellent cook and baker, literally he makes goodies all the time and will give them away to his friends to eat.
-very supportive of his friends interests, he will be so confused but he will nod and smile and ask questions.
-He cries very easily, he'll cry at commercials, movies, shows, music videos, books, while everyone else is fine. They all support him though.
-He likes sprite. Idk he seems like a sprite guy.
-I don't have many headcanons for him
-has the most collectables or collections of any of the others.
-I imagine him being more on the shorter side but... he's pretty damn fit. Dude does morning runs while listening to Disney songs.
-Has the best voice of all the sides.
-He has a whole ass morning routine, like a special one with detailed skincare.
-Has the curliest hair of the sides
-This dude loves singing, he sings super loud while in the shower and constantly imagines himself singing in a concert. He sings any chance he can get, in the car, suggesting karaoke nights at any opportunity.
-The type of guy to sing you happy birthday everyday the week of your birthday to make you feel special.
-When he first meets people, he will often act charming and try to befriend them. Mostly just new neighbors, coworkers, ect ect. Just is a huge gentlemen.
-really only lets loose his more chaotic side when he gets to know others.
(I'll make another post with the dark sides later, but this is my thoughts here on the main four. :) )
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otakusheep15 · 1 month
Hello! May I request a match up for Obey Me please?
She/her pronouns
Bisexual leaning towards male
Positive traits: quiet sometimes, obedient, patient, helpful, kind-hearted, sweet, affectionate, reliable, loyal, understanding, empathetic and (apparently) smart
Negative traits: self-deprecating, almost 0 ego & self-confidence, self-doubting, anxious, worry & stress easily, bottling up emotions, slow thinker, gullible, naïve at times
Hobbies: reading, playing badminton, crafting from time to time, manga & anime
Characters I specifically do NOT want to be matched with: Mammon, Beel, Belphegor, Diavolo, Simeon, and Luke
Extra things to my traits: I probably overthink under pressure. I cry easily out of frustration, so I don’t really express my anger because I hate yelling and I would rather stay silent than hurt someone with words. I am sensitive which means I’ll also easily cry if someone I respect or admire starts yelling at me. I bottle up my emotions because I don’t want to be a burden on anyone (like my friend cried when I told her a few things… I refuse to share more with anyone else close to me T^T) It’s hard for me to believe when my friends say I’m smart because it doesn’t reflect academically (although it could be because most of them lean towards arts and humanities while I lean towards sciences). I enjoy studying chemistry! I prefer to follow rather than lead because I associate it with taking risks which I absolutely avoid at all costs if I can. Also because I’d rather follow rules and not get into trouble. I tend to be ‘invisible’ to attract the least amount of attention, because I despise being in the spotlight. I apologise too much even if something might not be my mistake, because I want to avoid conflict at all costs. When it comes to love, I tend to give my whole heart into the relationship, which would explain my loyalty. I have been feeling this laziness for a few years, but my friends believe it might be depression according to my situation.
Thank you so much, have a lovely day/night and please take care!
Hi, we are literally the same person. I relate to most of this on a personal level lol.
Anyways, I would match you with Leviathan!
I think the two of you would get along really well, as you have quite a bit in common. You're both pretty quiet, so you could just relax and enjoy each other's company without the need for conversation. Your patience and kindness would be a huge plus in the beginnings of your relationship, as Levi would be quite slow to open up. It would take him some time, but with your help, he'd get there eventually. Once he does, he's very affectionate and loving, if a bit nervous. The both of you are also very loyal to each other which is something he values a lot.
Both you and Levi also have a lot of negative traits in common. You're both very self-deprecating and anxious, but I actually think this would work out quite well. For as self-deprecating as Levi is towards himself, he would do anything within his power to hype you up. He is your biggest fan and number one support system. In the same way, I can see him starting to treat himself better, especially if he has you helping him. If you're ever stressed out, his room is a sensory safe haven. The cool lighting helps relax you immediately, and he has so many pillows and blankets to get comfy in. His room also has a lot of distractions if you need a brain break, and he's more than happy to share them with you.
Badminton is definitely not a hobby Leviathan enjoys participating in, but you better believe he is, once again, your biggest hype man. Whether you just play for fun or you're seriously competing, Levi is right there to cheer you on from the stands. If he wasn't so anxious about drawing attention, he'd probably make a sign and everything. Other than that, you both have pretty similar hobbies. Levi only really reads manga and light novels, but he's not opposed to regular books if you have any recommendations for him. He'll read anything you recommend, trust me. He also loves art, especially drawing. Craft dates would be very fun for the two of you, especially if you happen to enjoy the same mediums. Obviously, he also loves anime and manga. A lot of your time spent together is in his room watching anime. he also lends you his manga collection since he trusts you to take care of it.
And, look, you and Levi have a lot in common. I usually match him with people I think have a similar vibe. I also think he would be surprisingly good at helping you overcome a lot of your more "negative" traits. As much as Leviathan looks down on himself, he would not feel the same way about you, regardless of how similar y'all may be. If you're feeling insecure, Levi is right there to hype you up. If you need to vent or talk about something, he will listen to you without any judgement. He'll also give you honest advice if you ask for it. He would encourage you to open up to him because you make him want to open up as well. You make him better whether you realize it or not, and he wants to return the favor. Of course, he would never force you out of your comfort zone, as he knows how horrible that can feel if you aren't ready, but he wants to help you like you help him. Your relationship would be all about mutual growth and assurance, and not a day goes by where he doesn't encourage you to be your best self.
Rules for matchups
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lordfreg · 2 years
Helloooo :>
I saw your B&B dating headcanons and I was wondering if you could do hc’s for B&B Donnie? You totally don’t have to if you don’t want to though ❤️
Thank youuu!
Omgggg yesss sorry I have been meaning to post a lot of hcs but I am too eepy
taging some people who might want to see this: @hypocriticaltypwriter @sweaterrat @doodle88
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
The Good
-Don would literally do ANYTHING for you
-New tire? Don't worry about it. Something fixed? Already on top of it. Need emergency cuddles? On his way.
-He's also exactly 6" 1' so that has some ups and downs. If you're taller, he'd still INSIST on big big spoon.
-Once you break his icy exterior, he will 100% committed to you!
-He'll give you lots of gifts and things; mostly adhering to your needs, but the thought is still there
-He'll even cook for you! He may not be very good at it, but he'll try. Just for you.
-He'll try and participate in any and all sports you seemed intrested in. He'll take time to learn and game would want to play
-If you have something you want to learn, he'll find out EVERYTHING about it and explain it to you in a way that you can understand
-This dude is SUPER trustworthy; he values nothing higher then his family, and you're apart of that. He'll protect you at any cost, including his own life
-Although he's not one for a lot of physical attention, he'll definitely ignore his own needs for yours. If you need hugs and kisses he'll be right there!
-He'll do a lot of stuff for you too! Like, take you out on dates under the cover of darkness, he'll take you out to nice, romantic places and constantly flood you with praise and appreciation! Because, in all honesty, you deserve it💖
The Bad
-Donnie is a really busy dude, so he might not have a lot of time for you :(
-He's really blunt and might not phrase things so well. (He sucks at English too-)
-Between being the group's ONLY tech support, he's also stuck being a babysitter to Raph and Mikey. So there's a lot of stress.
-More prone to act out or yell at you. He'll apologize and say he was wrong but he still yelled and it still kinda hurt.
-Bro blames himself for everything (he gets it from leo istg) and is always emotionally a mess.
-He also really isn't the empathetic type, who when it comes down to a moral or emotional problem; he'll choose the most logical option
-Donnie doesn't get out much (i don't know why he would ever need too) so he's somewhat for a hermit. So if you like taking long walks and stuff like that, he's gonna ask "Can we do that virtually?"
-also, HE CANNOT SOCIALIZE. Like, he just can't. He doesn't know to to speak, and just talking to people has him as a nervous wreck. That's also why he doesn't have a lot of friends
-He'll definitely try and talk to you ONLY online, he hates how he looks and would actually die if you asked to video call or look at a picture of him
-Again, not a lot of time, so he'll try and make it up to you with some "appreciation time."
The Ugly
-Donnie will, unfortunately, cyberstalk you. You're his new hyperfixation! He needs to find everything out about you! (Note; he doesn't entirely realize how creepy that actually is-)
-He'll track your IP address if you ask/post something anonymously
-He'll always try and watch you somehow, either via your internet browser or your camera, he'll always be watching (it's out of love tho!!)
-He'll also ask to get a lot of pictures of you, even if you don't want too. He'll make a huge collage of just pictures of you and have it hanging in his lab.
-Don will gaslight and manipulate you, but he doesn't realize he's doing it until someone points it out. He'll say things like "If you love me, you'll do this." and "You wouldn't do that to me, that'll break my heart!"
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borderline-gays-club · 5 months
4/24/24. 11:38am
Some recent thoughts that have been stewing in my head for a few weeks:
I’m slowly feeling my BPD symptoms shedding and dissipating from my body and soul. And this current shedding does not feel temporary but rather a beginning to a new growth.
I’ve finally delved into the roots of my shame and am really going head first into it. Already this initial step has relieved such a huge weight off of myself. I feel lighter everyday , I feel more purposeful, and closer to healing this relationship with myself. It actually feels possible to enter remission before I’m 35. Honestly I might be able to by the time I’m 30 but I’m not gonna focus too much on the age, and will continue to take the time I need.
A few things that have really been working for me:
-moving very slow: I’ve had a really bad habit for basically my whole life of moving way too fast. I have to do 10 things in a day to feel accomplished. I have to finish this difficult thing by a very short period of time etc etc. I didn’t give myself time to just exist, and my whole existence was dedicated to production and proving my worth through that. And I lost myself completely in that. I didn’t give myself time to literally smell the flowers. I would feel guilty if I leisurely went about my day without doing a productive thing. But now I’m actually understanding productivity in a different way. This production mode I was in was really fuckin killing me. Both my body and soul. My identity became even more obscure and distant to me. And now I can sit and just talk to myself for hours without feeling like I have to rush through the day. I really am more intentional about rushing as little as possible. Ofc capitalism forces us all to move too fast, but I do my absolute best to fight that speed and to always prioritize slowness and gentleness.
-actually talking about my shame and trying really hard to understand it: this one is the most recent thing I’ve finally had the ability to pursue. It’s taken so long to actually enter this phase of my understanding of myself, and I’ve known how crucial it is but I was just too scared. This one has been really fucking hard to break through and I’m just starting so I don’t have much to say yet. But I’m moving through the process: no matter how painful the truth is more important than hiding in myself and being secretive. That has been the reason for this rot I’ve felt in my body for so long.
-doing things that are purely pleasurable and that are fully self ignited: when I say fully self ignited I mean something that doesn’t rely on outside things. And I guess I’m still trying to find a better way to say it, but I’m thinking of pleasure that doesn’t rely on things like substances or addictivite people or etc. basically pleasure outside of addictive highs whatever the source of that is. Cus even video games or food can be addictive which I’ve talked abt before. For example things I’ve found the most pleasurable have been things I make or actively participate in. Like writing stories, or singing, or boxing etc. I’ll find a better way to describe this one but hopefully I’m getting the idea across.
-revisiting and participating in childhood interests and joys: this one has been so healing for me in terms of understanding identity. I feel like the moment I started to lose a sense of self was when I started to try really hard to be liked and accepted instead of doing what I do and finding like minded ppl. So revisiting childhood interests has been reminding myself of what was important to me before I started to absorb others. It’s a good starting point to build upon and to shed all the ppl I’ve absorbed throughout most of my life.
-treating myself like I’m in a full time dedicated relationship with myself: I take myself out on dates. I have a dedicated day every week that is just for me, my solo day. I do whatever I want when I want. I eat what I want, I play my games that I want, I watch what I want, etc. and even throughout the week I’ll have moments where I get a nice coffee for myself or do something I’ve wanted to do for a long time but haven’t been able to. This isn’t like necessary lol but I do kinda treat myself like 2 ppl and will have full convos with myself. It helps to think of myself as 2 bc then I can feel like I’m caring for another while also caring for myself.
-reading/listening/learning abt vast range of topics that eventually overlap with BPD related things. Basically diversifying my sources of knowledge instead of boxing myself in just psychiatry/therapy worlds: this one took a long time bc the immediate resources you find when you just Google BPD fuckin suck. And everything that is easy to find is stuck in DBT and western thought. With that said, DBT has definitely helped me a lot, but I think it was best as an introduction rather than the full solution. I mean I remember being like huh?? When I found out that DBT was treated like a bible within BPD treatment. I knew deep down that relying on one method to treat such a vast range of experiences is not realistic. There’s no such thing as one size fits all. Every individual is too complex and layered even with the same diagnoses. But I will say it’s very tricky to navigate finding other ways of treatment/understand self bc it can be easy to fall into traps of cultish ideologies or “self help” things that are really actually fucked up and make you regress. Outside of DBT stuff though a lot of things that have helped me better understand myself has been general emotion science, anything that really analyzes shame, reading books abt my own specific sources of shame, disability justice, and idk a lot of other stuff! I still haven’t allowed myself to get into reading abt spirituality stuff cus I’m just not ready yet. But slowly I’ll get there to better understand where I come from and where my lineage lies.
-finding and maintaining community: this one is also hard in the beginning and tbh is not always possible. But the more I grow, the easier it becomes to maintain relationships that eventually lead to a community. Like my immediate community is only 3 ppl including myself but even just that has been so amazing. We all have slowly learned how to support each other esp as we are all neurodivergent and disabled and it’s been genuinely beautiful. I’m lucky to find the friends that I have, and I’m also so happy to be in a place where I can healthily support my friends too. And now I’m able to look for community in different ways. And I’m also at a place where I can set boundaries with others and a lot more quickly sniff out red flags and keep distance when it’s needed.
Anyway I’m really proud of myself to be in the place I am. I really could not see a future for myself until Mayb like 2 yrs ago and now I’m more hopeful than ever. It’s been so fucking hard but I’m so grateful that I have been dedicated to change. And!! Not to mention I haven’t been able to go o therapy as much as I wud like bc im broke as shit, but I’m still able to grow on my own in a steady pace. And now I’m really seeing it in myself as I continue to work through all of it. I can genuinely say I love myself and wow I haven’t felt that way since I was a kid probably (excluding euphoria and manic episodes lol). Thank u to anyone who’s read this far and I wish you the absolute best in your own healing journey.
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destinyc1020 · 5 months
About Paul Mescal: I personally didn’t like how and when exactly he spoke about such a problem as increasing fame. He himself is not so well known now, only those who follow cinema and actors know him, and just his next project - Gladiator 2 can make him known to the general public. But this film has not yet been released, there is always a possibility that the project may fail, there is already information that the film’s budget has been exceeded, so I am not sure that it will be able to collect normal box office receipts. Such statements about the influence of fame always cause people to have a strange attitude towards it; as an actor, you may be perceived as ungrateful and arrogant. Even when Tom spoke about this, many people also treated it strangely, although it is a fact that Tom is very popular. After his words about the influence of fame, how he doesn’t want it, some wrote - why did he agree to the role of Spider-Man, forgetting that it was literally the role of his dreams and he was 18-19 years old at the time of casting. Moreover, Tom confirms his words with his actions - he really almost never attends award ceremonies, left social networks, took a break, he doesn’t attend events like the Met Gala (and it’s unlikely that he ever will), and now he’s going to take part in a play . I think choosing the theater was a definite step as a challenge to myself, a new experience and again choosing a project that will attract a strong influence (how ironic that this play attracted too much attention - first with sales, and then with the casting of actors). Honestly, at some point, because of these words about fame, I thought that Tom would really move away from acting, but I think that in the coming years he will definitely not participate in a new project like remakes or like Unchanged.
Paul needed to wait a little, see how Gladiator 2 would affect his career and level of fame, and express his feelings about this in a different way - and so he wants to show himself as an actor who wants to act, and not be famous, but for such statements you need specific time and actions
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Wait.... I'm trying to figure out your logic Anon, because I'm not understanding.... And then one minute you're talking about Paul, and then, the next minute, you're talking about Tom... 🤔
Paul was speaking in the context of what might happen once his Gladiator 2 film comes out.
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It's no secret that "Gladiator 2" will be the biggest film in his career (thus far), and will more than likely catapult him into a different fame level bracket, whether his film does huge box office numbers or NOT. (I predict that it will)
This was literally all that Paul said:
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I don't see the big deal?? 🤷🏾‍♀️ I think ANY actor would be feeling the pressure when it's their first lead role in a large film such as this.
It sounds like he's trying to prepare himself for what's to come once the film starts getting promo, a press tour, various premieres, and finally comes out to theaters.
I don't think it's so farfetched to think that his life MIGHT change fairly significantly (like most actor's do) when he's in a lead role for a pretty HUGE film, with actors such as Denzel Washington and Pedro Pascal also on the roster. 🤔
He was being honest about how he feels about that possibility. He reiterates also in the interview that he is still very much an indie film type of guy. But this was a great opportunity for him, so I'm glad that he took it on, but having your life be more scrutinized with higher fame isn't smthg that most actors enjoy.😕
Even Tom has talked about this downside himself as well.
No doubt, Paul has either seen for himself, or ppl have told him how an increase in fame can affect your private life. So I think he's just bracing for that. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I didn't view it as arrogance?
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