#i really wish it was easy to summon the courage to be like
downfallofi · 3 months
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Star-crossed lovers (May 9th)
tw mention of abuse
word count: 590
“We can’t, Remus. I’m sorry,” Sirius says and he hates himself. He told himself he wouldn’t cry but he’s crying and he hates himself. 
Remus looks lost, like he really can’t believe or understand what Sirius is saying. “I– Sirius, love, are you okay? Did something happen?” he reaches out to touch Sirius’ face but Sirius steps away and shakes his head. He has to do this. He reminds himself that he has to do this, for Remus. 
Sirius suddenly wishes they were anywhere but here, on top of the Astronomy Tower. This is where Sirius kissed Remus for the first time. Sirius hates himself. “I– we–” Sirius breathes out steadily and tries to summon every last bit of feigned courage and overwhelming love he has for Remus. He says, “This isn’t working out. Between us, I mean. We work better as friends, Remus.” His voice is harsh and he’s no longer crying. Sirius finds pretending to be cruel as easy as breathing. He’s worked so hard for that not to be true but it is. Being cruel is easy for him.
Remus takes a step back. Sirius wishes he’d stop looking at him like that. Remus is looking at him like he’s just put out all the stars in the night sky. 
Remus blinks and a single tear escapes, streaming down his face. Sirius wants to look away but he can’t. Remus is crying because of him. Remus looks completely heartbroken, and Sirius is responsible. Sirius doesn’t deserve to look away.
Remus smiles, and his miserable smile is the last blow that makes Sirius’ heart shatter into a million horrible pieces. “Sirius, that’s– you don’t have to apologize for that. I value–” Remus’ voice breaks. Sirius wants to scream. But he can’t. “You’re my friend before anything else, Sirius. If that’s what you want.”
It isn’t what he wants. It’s the last thing he wants.  “It is. I’m sorry, Remus.”
Remus shakes his head, chuckling humorlessly. “Please, stop apologizing. You have nothing to be sorry for, Sirius. I’m sorry if I ever made you feel–”
“No. No, you did nothing wrong, Remus,” Sirius says because he couldn’t help himself. “Remus, you’re– this is not what–” Sirius tries to breathe but he can’t. He closes his eyes and remembers why he’s doing this in the first place. He remembers Walburga storming into his room on the last day of Christmas break with an open letter in her hand. 
Walburga Black is a lot of things– bigoted, boring, cruel, horrible– the list goes on and on. But more than anything she is honest. She doesn’t bluff. Her warnings are more promises than threats and–
Sirius blinks and really looks at Remus. There is no way Walburga Black is going to hurt anyone Sirius loves. Especially not Remus. Not while Sirius is alive. No way. If only Walburga had taken it out on him. If only she’d done anything else. Anything but hitting Sirius where it hurts, twisting his arm and forcing him to give up the most important thing in his life. Sirius can’t say anything. He’s just staring at Remus. He doesn’t have it in him to continue lying at this point. 
Remus stares back, and his eyes are the most beautiful thing in the universe. He smiles, again. “That’s– it’s okay, Sirius. I’ll see you at dinner, yeah?”
Sirius nods. He can’t speak, he can barely breathe. He nods again. 
Remus leaves, and Sirius is alone. But Remus is safe, and that’s what matters, Sirius’ heart be damned.    
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haydenigmatic · 6 months
Here's an angsty ask! How would the Ros react if they were finally going to confess their feelings to the mc but before they could say anything the mc rushed up to them and said "could you believe it? ( Other Ros name) just asked me out and I said yes!"
That's just plaiiinn evil anon, I mean I can totally see myself writing that because as you should know I love to see my OC's suffering.
Damon: I guess I could picture him trying to play it cool, like everything's fine and maybe unconsciously he would play even harder to conquer MC's heart, not minding at all for the other RO, that Ro is now his rival and Damon is highly competitive, letting his darker side out because of his jealousy and regretting himself for not having moved faster and beat them to win MC's heart.
Hanniel: Ah my sweet boy, If he had finally summoned the courage to confess his feelings to MC, only to be met with the news that another person had just asked them out, his heart would shatter in that moment. Despite the pain, he would force a smile, congratulating MC and expressing happiness for their newfound romance. However, the weight of unspoken emotions would linger, and in an attempt to shield himself from further heartache, Hanniel would withdraw. He'd discreetly avoid encounters with MC, silently nursing his unrequited feelings. Deep down, he'd respect their choice while grappling with the haunting question of what might have been if he had confessed his love sooner.
Nesrin: So to be fair when this happens it would be after their "political relationship" and oh god, she even has a little secret that at first would immediately stop her from acknowledging her feelings if any towards MC. Practically she would suppress her feelings and continue with how they were before any of that. Her plot would only to make MC to be with her and for her and her family there's no need for love in it, they need each other (other thing would be if it were Odette, oh boy).
Jasira: For her it would be something like, "fine, it's a quite clear sign from the gods" that was not meant to be, she has to fulfil her duty and her feelings for MC are only in her way, she might cry it out a little whilst she tries to forget MC. But then she's quite bold and might eventually confess her feelings anyway to MC just to let it out of her chest not hoping for anything just to be truthful and might lead to her and MC making out.
Odette: Aww she would have prepared a song or maybe even a letter where she poured all of her love out for MC only to find out that her one true love has chosen someone else, she might try to fight off the tears that threaten to fall out, wishing all her best to MC and their relationship with the RO, leaving right away after that. She would start singing sad songs, I mean she's quite sentimental but she's very in touch with her emotions and really her singing depends greatly on her mood. (again if the specific RO were Nesrin, let's just say that she would not let go that easy)
Sorin: She would feel played with, why would MC lead her on. MC was just another one in the long list of people who have played or taken advantage of her. So she would most likely treat MC with not affection at all, and interact the least she can with MC.
Doria/n: It would have taken them a while for doing that, I mean after a lot of denial and masking it up as it being pure lust. So if that happens they would feel really jealous and would try to take MC from the RO, in the pretence that it is just because they can and there are no feelings behind it.
Aurelia/n: They would freak out, thinking they misunderstood everything and it was pure friendship, but would eventually tell MC about their feelings and how they wish them good but wants most of it all for MC to be happy.
Verena: For her to realise that it would also require a lot, she could be banging MC and it would be just desire or just the pleasure of getting to bed with one of the top choices for marriage material in this case MC, and maybe after hearing this she would think "It's fine, we'll still continue with what we have" but might find out that she doesn't want to share MC or if MC is serious about it, that's when it will strike her, she loves MC but now she will have to find a way, no matter what she will have to do to get MC for herself.
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~Child Of The Storm~
Nikolai Lantsov x OC
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Image by - @brokendreamtale2
Warnings- none
A/N- Let me know if you'd like to be added or removed from the taglist!
Taglist- @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @sirisuorionblack @nadeleine123n @marauders-wife @evelyndane @el-de-phi
Ch-52 ~What once was~
Anaya sighed before bringing her hand up to knock on the door. This wasn’t going to be easy. She knocked thrice before silently opening the door.
Shut the door girl, you’re letting all the heat out
She hastily closed the door as she entered. A wave of warm air washed over her as soon as she went in. The woman clearly hadn't rid herself of old habits. 
She restrained her steps at the sight of her. Baghra was sitting idle near her bed. She was almost unrecognizable now. 
Before Anaya could say anything, she spoke “Are you here to just stand there and gawk at me or will you speak whatever you're here for, Anaya” she said. 
Anaya glanced at her in utter confusion, “How do you know it's me?” she asked, her tone brimming with astonishment
She turned her head in Anaya's direction. “Your footsteps are far more conspicuous than you think girl” she began. “Back when you were a child, you'd just barge into my hut and strut about as if you owned the damn place. Now, you walk as if you're attempting to keep your presence covert”
Anaya raised her eyebrows. She hadn't anticipated, Baghra, of all people to notice that. 
“Now what is it that you wish to know from me? You wouldn't just come in here to make small talk over tea” she said. 
Anaya pursed her lips, the woman was clearly not wrong. 
She sighed before sitting in front of her. “There's only one thing I still can't make sense of” she spoke. “The Darkling… why did he have my parents search for the Sea Whip so long ago? Back then, there was no Sun Summoner to wield it, no cause to formulate such plans”
Baghra tilted her head to a side, as if she'd been expecting the very question from her. 
“Do you really believe his ambitions only came to be when the Sun Summoner arrived?” she spoke, her voice having a familiar coldness to it. 
“His ambitions have existed long before her. His mission of using the fold as a weapon, overthrowing the monarch, he didn't come up with all of it during dinner on a tuesday evening".
She clearly hasn't lost her charm, Anaya thought.
 "For a while, he even found you suitable to wield the Sea Whip” Baghra said
Anaya blinked at her, the statement was quite intriguing but it wasn't something she hadn't anticipated. It explained all the attention he'd once given her. 
And hadn't she herself had wished for it? To gain his praise. To be worthy of his attention.  Perhaps his praise was all she had as a reminder that she was worth something.
“Days of searching, wandering in the true sea” she said, remembering all the hardships her parents had gone through, all of their struggle, just so they could find the Sea Whip for him. Just so they could attain his praise.
“All of it was... just in vain. None of it mattered to him”. They didn't matter to him.
“He wasn’t always like this” Baghra spoke. “He was once merely a boy who had much too many dreams. Dreams of making the world a better place for the Grisha” she said, reminiscing about a life that was long gone. 
Anaya had known her to be his mother from a long while. In fact, she’d figured it out when she’d merely been a child. But she’d just never had the courage to ask Baghra herself, but perhaps she’d known that Anaya knew it.
The woman seemed to have a habit of knowing people too well.
“What is it that you’re truly so afraid of Nasrazeen?” Baghra’s attention turned to her again.
Anaya glanced at her, she despised Baghra for asking her that very question. And she despised that she was right, she truly was afraid.
“This whole place, the people, all of it” she looked down at her hands, her voice having a slight tremor to it. “It’s merely an illusion. A false glimpse of hope, an illusion of safety, of peace. How long is it before it all falls apart? How long before the light goes out, like it always does”
“That’s just the way life works, Anaya. The peace that you attain, it’s never everlasting. You only gain a brief moment of sunlight before another storm hits” Baghra responded, her voice having an unusual calmness to it. “Why is it that you’re so bothered by that?” she asked
“It’s not myself I’m concerned for” Anaya sighed, “It’s them. These people, that keep striding forward, even at times when they’re merely limping. Who despite how many times life falls apart, still manage to pick up the pieces. They still have a chance to heal, to attain peace. They still have a chance at life”
After all that the incidents that had taken place in her life, after all the storms she'd been through, each time she'd lost pieces of her herself. And it'd happened so many times that she no longer believed herself to be the girl she used to be. 
Perhaps she'd been in the dark for so long that she could no longer see the way forward. 
Baghra looked in her direction for a long while. As if despite losing her vision, she could still see through her. After a long moment, she spoke, “Is that what you truly think of yourself?” she said.
“Do you really believe that you’ve somehow lost your chance to be better? That you no longer have a purpose?” She shook her head. “Have you not realized why you've been managed to pull your head out of the water, even after all that had happened? It’s because you were meant to. Your life isn't some bread gone stale that it's of no use now" she said.
"Just because you could not preserve the lives of others, doesn't mean you stop caring for your own".
Anaya looked at Baghra with a wide-eyed gaze, clearly startled by her words. In all her years of knowing the woman, she’d never truly anticipated, her to be the kind to impart wisdom.
But before she could speak, Baghra seized her wrist and spoke in a low voice, “Listen to me girl, you need to bring yourself back. You need to pull yourself together and you need to face him.” she hissed. "They cannot do this without you".
Perhaps she was right. Through all of it, she'd lost a part of her that she'd attained during the storm, the part that had made her face it. The place where the survivor once was, had now been replaced by a girl who'd been wholly devoid of hope.
Anaya had gone to the corridor where the rest of the girl had been. She was sitting on of the chairs, attempting to to form a dolphin out of water from a glass. Tamar had come to visit and was sharpening her axes by the window. 
Genya sat at the table, sewing gold thread around another eye patch, and Zoya was lounging on one of the beds, keeping a feather aloft with a gust from her fingertips. 
They heard a knock on the door which Nadia went up to answer. Anaya was too concentrated on perfecting the figure to glance up at Alina who’d just entered.
“I need to show you something,” she spoke upon entering.
 “What is it?” Zoya asked
“Just come and see.”. Zoya got up with an exasperated sigh.  Anaya let the water fall back into the glass before she followed.
Alina led them down the hallway to her room, and threw open the door. There were dresses of all kinds laid out on the bed.
 Genya dove into the pile of gowns laid out on the bed. “Silk!” she moaned. “Velvet!” 
Zoya picked up a kefta hanging over the back of a chair. It was gold brocade, the sleeves and hem embroidered lavishly in blue, the cuffs marked with jeweled sunbursts. 
“Sable,” she said to Alina, stroking the lining. “I have never loathed you more.”
“That one’s mine,” Alina said. “But the rest are up for grabs. I can’t wear all of them in West Ravka.” 
“Did Nikolai have these made for you?” Nadia asked. 
“He’s not a big believer in half measures.” 
“Are you sure he wants you giving them away?”
 “Lending, and if he doesn’t like it, he can learn to leave more careful instructions.” Alina said
 “It’s smart,” Tamar said, tossing a teal cape over her shoulders and looking at herself in the mirror. “He needs to look like a King, and you need to look like a Queen.”
 “There’s something else,” Alina spoke.
 She took out a ring that Anaya recognized to be the Lantsov Emerald and set it on the table. 
“Saints, That’s the Lantsov emerald.” Genya said 
It seemed to glow in the lamplight, the tiny diamonds twinkling around it. 
“Did he just give it to you? To keep?” asked Nadia. 
Genya seized Alina’s arm. “Did he propose?” 
“Not exactly.” Alina responded
 “He might as well have,” Genya said. “That ring is an heirloom. The Queen wore it everywhere, even to sleep.”
Anaya glanced at a midnight blue gown. She lifted a side of it to feel the fabric in her hand. “Hmm” She slightly furrowed her brows. “It would go well with this” she reached inside the fabric of her kefta and pulled out her pendant. 
All of their heads turned towards Anaya. “What’s that?” Genya asked
Anaya unclasped the hook and handed it to Genya, “Family heirloom” she said, “More of a birthday present” she shrugged 
Genya lifted it up, allowing the tiny aquamarine stone to gleam in the light. “It’s neatly cut. Fabrikator made” she met Anaya’s gaze
“It is” Anaya raised her eyebrows
Zoya’s head snapped towards Anaya, “Your mother made it?” she asked
Anaya nodded, the barest hint of a smile appearing on her lips
“Your mother was a Grisha?” Alina asked curiously
“Yeah” Anaya responded. “Both my parents were” her tone remained nonchalant
“Oh yeah, that’s why she was so intractable” Zoya rolled her eyes. "She acted as if she owned the palace"
Anaya had a similar expression on her face, “Oh like you were so meek yourself” 
They began hurling meaningless insults towards one another when they heard Alina speak in a low voice, "Is this what you have to deal with?" she said to Nadia
“Oh you’ve no idea” Nadia said, shaking her head
That seemed to make their argument come to a halt. Anaya pursed her lips, face flushed with embarrassment. Zoya seemed to have a similar look on her face. 
Zoya sighed and held the emerald up that it flashed. “I am horrible,” she spoke abruptly. “All these people dead, and I miss pretty things.” 
Genya bit her lip, then blurted, “I miss almond kulich. And butter, and the cherry jam the cooks used to bring back from the market in Balakirev.” 
“I miss the sea,” Tamar spoke “and my hammock aboard the Volkvolny.” 
“I miss sitting by the lake at the Little Palace,” Nadia put in. “Drinking my tea, everything feeling peaceful.”
 Zoya looked at her boots and said, “I miss knowing what happens next.”
 “Me too,” Alina agreed.
“I miss having problems that were in my power to solve” Anaya added quietly. She did. Despite having never expected it, she missed her only problems being her efforts to feel anything but contempt towards herself.
 She missed wondering which path life would have her tread upon. She missed having the feeling that her life would go back to being the way it was, when she returned to the Little Palace. That it would go back to normal. If life could ever be called that.
 Zoya set the ring down. “Will you say yes?” she asked
“He didn’t actually propose.” Alina said
 “But he will.” 
“Maybe. I don’t know.” 
Zoya gave a disgusted snort. “I lied. Now I have never loathed you more.”
 “It would be something special, to have a Grisha on the throne.” Tamar said
“She’s right,” Genya added . "To be the ones to rule, instead of just to serve.” 
Zoya sniffed, settling a seed pearl kokochnik atop her hair. “I say it should be me.” 
Genya tossed a velvet slipper at her. “The day I curtsy to you is the day David performs an opera naked in the middle of the Shadow Fold.” 
“Like I’d have you in my court.” Zoya said
“Don’t be sure of yourself, Nazyalnesky. Perhaps I might end up becoming the ruler of Ravka” A proud look washed over Anaya’s face. “The queen this country needs and would soon want” she added dramatically
Zoya let out a huff, “Like I would ever bow to you” 
“Who knows?” Maybe you’ll end up being the one to declare for me” Anaya said, placing one of the tiaras on her head
“You two, stop fighting over the stupidest thing you can choose to fight over” Genya rolled her eye playfully. “Come her, let me fix that” she took the tiara in her hands and began adjusting it over Anaya’s head
 Nadia bumped Alina’s shoulder with her own. “There are worse things than a prince.”
 “True.” Alina said
 “Better things too,” Tamar said. She shoved a cobalt lace gown at Nadia. “Try this one on.” 
Nadia held it up. “Are you out of your head? The bodice might as well be cut to the navel.” 
Tamar grinned. “Exactly.” 
“Well, Alina can’t wear it,” said Zoya. “Even she’ll fall right out of it onto her dessert plate.”
“Who knows? Maybe that’ll convince them more than words” Anaya grinned
 “Diplomacy!” shouted Tamar. 
Nadia collapsed into giggles. “West Ravka declares for the Sun Summoner’s bosom!”
 “I hope you’re all enjoying yourselves.” Alina laughed
 Tamar hooked a scarf over Nadia’s neck and drew her in for a kiss. 
“Is everyone pairing up these days?” Anaya scoffed
 Genya snickered. “Take heart. I’ve seen Stigg casting mournful glances your way.”
 “He’s Fjerdan, that’s the only kind of glance he’s capable of having” Anaya said. “And besides, no man is capable of loving me as much as I love myself” she boasted
 They spent a good amount of time sorting through the trunks of clothes, choosing the gowns, coats, and jewels best suited to the trip. 
They stayed in Alina’s room until the lamps burned low. And when they’d claimed the dresses they liked, and the rest of the finery had been wrapped and returned to the trunks, they said their goodnights and retired for the day.
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redsamuraiii · 1 month
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Train Man / Densha Otoko (2005) : The Movie
"I am an anime and video game maniac who always wander around Akihabara. I always thought, is it really possible for a guy like me to find love? This is how I met her."
Inspired by a true story of an Otaku that found love on a train in the 90s, during the aftermath of Japan's Lost Decade or economic bubble crisis which leave many graduates unemployed.
A time when hikikomori (social recluse of graduates due to social pressure and broken dreams), and karoshi (death from overwork in order to retain their highly competitive jobs) became prominent.
Before the arrival of social media, there were chatrooms where singles talk about their woes, including the man whose username is "Train Man" as he commutes to work and home daily by trains.
A post went "viral" attracting many online users who find the story fascinating. "Train Man" told the story of how he accidentally save a young woman from being harassed by a drunkard salaryman.
He has been pestering the passengers who are mostly women but none dare to stop him. It wasn't until he harass a woman sitting across the "Train Man" that he summoned to courage to stop him.
Despite being terrified as he never confronted anyone before and do not know whether he is armed, he asked the drunkard to stop which caused them to struggle for a short time before others start to help.
They end up at the police station to clarify what happened as the women stepped forward as witness to save "Train Man". The young woman thanked him and asked for his address to send gifts.
Shocked by the incident, "Train Man" rushed home to share his story with online users of gamer addict, social recluse, neglected housewife, burnout salaryman and divorced nurse.
"Train Man" later received said gift from her: an expensive set of cups made by Hermès. Flabbergasted, that the tea set was too expensive to be a mere thank-you gift, he asked online users for advice.
They began giving grooming and dating tips, like getting a clean haircut (no more long hair), nice clothing (no more jeans and anime t-shirts), scouting for dining places (no more cheap ramen shops).
Feeling encouraged and thankful, "Train Man" consistently post updates on his daily situation asking for advice from the enthusiastic and chaotic users who find his new life development interesting.
They push him out of his comfort zone and wish for him to succeed as they hope he will be their inspiration to change their respective lives to find their own happiness too. If he can make it, so can they.
The story starts to get funny, wholesome and heartbreaking, as "Train Man" discovers the joys and hardships of relationships and his first taste of love as he learns that it's not as easy as he thought.
It's a good movie worth watching, about how hard it is for someone with social anxieties struggles to be "normal" like everyone else to find love and happiness, while overcoming his fears and insecurities.
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kaitlyn-pink · 1 month
What's your Summoner ambitious? Like what's their dream?
It’s pretty easy to answer since every game she’s in has one purpose, but there’s a couple dreams or end goals for her so I’ll rank them most important to least.
1. Protecting everyone.
-This always has included friends, children, women, sometimes men but mainly innocents and those who don’t have the strength or courage to defend themselves. It’s what she’s always stood for and by.
-She has strong morals and her duty mainly consists of saving the world, yeah, but also protecting innocent people who have been suffering or injured.
-This also is a dream of hers because when she was a child and in the beginning of her adventures she failed to save people. Multiple times. She doesn’t want that repeating and she’s willing to sacrifice herself, body mind and soul, (quite literally on all 3,) to do so.
-This does however tend to end up with her accidentally overworking herself until she’s about to drop and past that point, but it’s all she’s really ever known and it’s to the point she craves violence and the urge to kill. But just enemies and threats, don’t worry.
2. She won’t say it, but to be the strongest.
-She’s plenty strong now; an insanely powerful sorceress, a dark knight, a multi-class wielder, an omnicrafter, a knight, she saved a world from an apocalypse, she’s a highly respected person who can fight and kill anything and anyone, someone who can kill you in an instant despite your size strength or power without you even seeing it, a one woman army and much more that leads people to either admire or fear her.
-She wants to be strong and overpowered enough to kill and defeat anything or anyone threatening her people. She’s willing to achieve it through any means; dark magic, learning forbidden knowledge, extensive training and battling, pushing herself past her limit, traveling everywhere to find new threats and defeat them,
-I won’t say from which game or lore-dump on it but defeat to a foe that was unreasonably strong and killed hundreds maaaaybe had a lil effect on her. Her only fear is losing what remains of her humanity by becoming so detached and powerful. 2 other reasons are comments from others.
-She’s compared to others sometimes because of her duty and quests, if not called weaker than them and lumped together. She wants to be strong enough and well-known enough to be seen as her own person instead of a successor or replacement of someone. It doesn’t bother her that much but at times it gets under her skin when someone makes an off handed comment saying she’s just like someone. As if they’re equals.
-She maybe kinda got called weak even after she saved a different world and was saving a new one flawlessly because someone was stronger than her (Ahem cough whitehairguy1.) To be fair they didn’t know about a different world or what she’s been through, but she’s made it her goal to be stronger than him. (I’m pretty sure she is.) She got a bad taste in her mouth and a bit hurt after a few of the comments, and despite looking up to him (she won’t admit it because she’s shy about it) and respecting him, she wants to be the strongest. Just in case.
-The other one is the influence her mother had on her as a child as she got raised and taught a bunch of poor information and things that were just.. wrong.
But regardless of all that, she stays strong, quiet, calm, and kind to everyone. When people worry she reassures them because she sees nothing wrong with the way she’s living. All she wishes, out of pure innocence and good intentions, is to be the strongest and protect everyone. Out of any human, demon, or unearthly being, she must always come out on top as the victor. After all, how will she save everyone if she’s not?
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daiseukiis · 1 year
╰ ⋆ ❝ 𝐒𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐌𝐘 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 ! ❞ ଓ.° ╮
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─꒱ being classmates with okumura koushuu is easy, but having to deliver papers to his dorm while having a crush on him and meeting his captain is another.
─꒱ FEAT. ⠀⠀⠀⠀okumura koushuu
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⠀⠀⠀⠀“h-hi, is okumura there?” you regret accidentally stammering your words, eyes meeting amber hues ( which clearly wasn't the owner of the one you were looking for ). it took you lots of courage to even get here, especially since the dorms were reserved for the baseball players. the person that opened the door wore a surprised look, though only in a few seconds he gives you a reassuring smile.
“he went to grab water, should be back soon.” opening the door more widely, miyuki urges you, “come wait in here though. he’ll be back.” though hesitant at the offer, you nod your head and make your way into the dorm room. you clutch tightly onto the folder that you were there to deliver, in which miyuki deducted that you came to deliver for the younger catcher. "you're a classmate of okumura's?"
“y-yes!” you barely got the words out of your lips- you knew who was. you've heard from seto that okumura was roommates with the captain of the baseball team and you couldn't help but be intimidated by miyuki's status and seniority. your stiffness doesn't get pass the boy who stands by the entrance with the door wide open, he found it cute actually. he lets out an light chuckle, "relax, i'm not gonna bite."
you're not really sure if he means it or not, and miyuki can clearly see through you, which made it a bit awkward in the air. the grip on the folder you held to your chest got a little tighter, a move that barely helped to ease how tense you were. the sannen lets out a sigh, eyes looking out through the dorms to see his roommate walking back to the room and perks up at his appearance.
“oh, there you are.” miyuki calls the boy over, catching his attention whilst using his hand to direct him his way. okumura instantly takes an interest as to the sudden summons, picking up his pace over to the sannen to see what he wanted and leaving his two teammates behind. the older catcher gives him a signature smirk, moving side so okumura could see you inside. “your girlfriend’s here.”
“she’s not my girlfriend!” the boy instantly barks back at his captain, the pink dancing across his cheeks as the red at the tip of his ears were slightly visible under his blonde here. miyuki lets out a very satisfied laugh, getting the reaction wanted as he saw his aura emit from his body, the boy glaring daggers at him. “haha, how’d you even know who i was talking about you?”
“o-okumura! here’s t-the notes you missed the other day!” quickly you muster up the confidence to make your way to the door, quickly going outside and handing the folder to the catcher. you look down in a bow almost, hiding how red your face is when you were mistaken for his girlfriend- oh you'd wish it were true. okumura looks at you with wide eyes, taking the folder from your hands. "t-thanks, y/n..."
“sorry, i came earlier than e-expected." standing up properly your eyes scrambled to look anywhere but okumura's sterling hues due to embarrassment. the boy only shook his head at yours, taking note of the blush on you face. the crew that was behind the boy all had their mouths agape, clearly feeling the attraction the two of you had for each other.
"i-i made these for you," hands reach to your bag in a shaky movement, taking out the small bag of cookies you had made at home earlier. you bring it out for everyone to see, and clearly it shocks okumura even more as he takes your gift. smiling nervously at your own accomplishment you nod your head, "i h-hope you like them!"
you take small steps back, but your back bumps into the brunette third year, flinching when his hands go on your shoulders when you glance behind him, "careful there." your face turns a deeper red, your stomach drops due embarrassment. quickly nodding your head you spin on your heels and flee the scene. "see you in c-class!"
okumura watches your fleeting figure, ignoring the encouraging words he got from his fellow teammates; hell, he didn't even notice that seto had slumped his arm around his shoulders. the boy can't help but think about your flushed face and smile when he looks at the small bag of cookies you gifted him. his thoughts are only popped when he hears miyuki snicker.
"you sure y/n isn't your girlfriend?"
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© MGUQIIS 、 2023
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belit0 · 10 months
The real reason for Madara’s madness. Also, he's not the only crazy one.
Characters: Uchiha Madara - Uchiha Izuna - Senju Tobirama - Senju Hashirama
We love some good Uchiha bros bonding don't we
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Tobirama focuses on Sasuke's speech while inwardly feeling completely repulsed by the young man's impudence. It seems like over the years, the Uchihas just got worse.
How can it be that the Senjus are no more, but these idiots, according to what the teenager relates to his older brother, are?
Tobi sighs wearily. Brought was him to the world of the living only months ago, and now he's being dragged back here, interrupting his eternal rest to fight the world's worst pain in the ass.
The cursed Uchiha Madara is alive and kicking, threatening the entire planet in his wake.
But as his older brother recounts his childhood and the times the old Uchiha leader was a considerably decent person, Tobirama knows what he must do.
It's not about fighting and fighting foolishly on a brutish base like in the old days. It is not about Hashirama tirelessly facing off against that beastly power until one of the two falls down in defeat again, as in the past. It is not about uniting everyone to overcome him.
It is a matter of correcting the one mistake Tobirama dares to admit he made in his life.
"While you continue to debate the concept of village and shinobi, I would rather amend the world I do not belong to and prevent more innocent lives from continuing to join us in the afterlife. Anija, take your time if you wish."
Before he could hear a reaction from the other Hokages or the Uchiha boy, he disappears with his Hiraishin and moves to a safe distance from where he spotted Madara's chakra signature.
It is easy to identify him, considering that his power glows monstrously reddish amidst a sea of weak and some stubborn marks.
Taking refuge behind a rock, he watches in the distance as the resurrected Uchiha faces off against the current Kages. With pride, he sees Tsnuade's golden hair flying furiously from one side of the battlefield to the other.
A shinobi corpse lies at his feet, and swiftly, the Nidaime picks it up and claims it, determined to use it as a vessel for his technique.
Tobirama forces himself to concentrate and performs the hand seals that will bring the only workable solution to this war. A strange nostalgia appears in his chest when the image of his former rival, the one he mercilessly eliminated, appears before his eyes.
Often, after Izuna's death, he thought about him without noticing it. It only aggravated his guilt as he became Kagami's Sensei. Although it was their destiny to destroy each other, Tobirama never believed it would happen.
He foolishly hoped their eternal battle would end when their older brothers' dream came true, for he trusted in Hashirama's persistence and his influence over Madara, and perhaps then, he could even tolerate Izuna.
But when his Katana pierced him that day, the Senju's mixed feelings only mutated. What at first felt like a sense of victory eventually turned into disappointment at himself.
And when Madara left the village to-then explode against everyone to destroy everything they had built, he knew it was because of his little brother's death.
He himself had changed since he killed his rival. He couldn't even imagine how that event must have affected his older brother's best friend. Could he blame him for starting another war? Not really.
Maybe he would have done the same.
So Tobirama set out to repay Izuna for everything he stole from him. But even though his experiments were successful and several of his test subjects came back to life in front of him, he could not find the courage to summon the younger Uchiha.
Madara had fallen at the hands of Hashirama after going insane. What would be Tobi's excuse to revive Izuna?
However now, in front of the maniacal former Uchiha leader trying to destroy everything again because of his ancient and legendary pain, it was the perfect time to do it.
The voice comes out as a choked whisper, even as the rumble of war and death cries ring out all around them.
Before he can explain anything, severed from his neck is Tobirama's head, causing thousands of papers to fly into the air and his eyes black with red go out for a moment.
The newly revived one attacked as if both of them continued to be in the same place where he lost his life. It is understandable, given the context that surrounds them is similar but even worse. In the past, Madara was not a lunatic.
After a few seconds, the Senju's head grows back from his neck, on the body that fell motionless on the ground. Izuna watches in horror, without understanding what is wrong, without stopping to-seriously analyze what is occurring.
"I'd appreciate it if you'd stay still and quiet before I have to send you to death again, Uchiha." Tobirama's irritation is real and tinges his voice as he rejoins, but he doesn't really speak his words with intent. He is secretly happy to see his old rival again after so many years.
"There's no time, Izuna. You must stop your brother."
"Don't talk about my brother and fight!"
The Uchiha rushes at him again, but this turn it is not the white-haired man who loses his head. With an accurate blow, Tobi lets the papers fly in the air and waits for his rival to get up from the ground exactly as he did seconds ago.
How ridiculous must that scene look from afar? He can't help but ask himself.
While the red eyes of the Uchiha widen again, he shifts them in terror to all sides, looking around in shock for the first time.
"We're dead, Izuna. There's no point in fighting me anymore."
"You must stop him. Unfortunately, you're the only one who can after all. Otherwise, I wouldn't have brought you here."
"Here...? Where is this... here? Exactly?"
"A thousand years after your death. Future."
"Good... good, it's time to wake up Izuna... come on you useless little wimp wake up wake up!"
"What are you doing?"
Tobirama asks as he witnesses the Uchiha hit his head and pinch his arms.
"This is a nightmare that I'm unintentionally controlling again! Madara said no more sweets before bed and I should have listened but-"
Silence falls over them both as he points to that spot on the battlefield where the five Kages fight against the older brother.
"But... my eyes... I have my eyes... I gave them to him before I..."
"I assumed I had them back after Madara's presumed death in the past... I wanted to apologize to you when seeing you again, to both of you, I mean. But now you must go over there and stop that lunatic, Izuna."
Without taking his gaze from where Madara mercilessly beats the presumed most powerful of the current world, the Uchiha stands up on shaky legs and walks over there, ignoring the people fighting around him and death painting the place. Splashes of blood reach his blue robe and he swears he can almost feel at home, having in front of him the huge, imposing back of his older brother who still does not notice his presence.
"Would you like these clones to use Susanoo? Or not?"
Izuna hears that sentence and can't help but smile with mouth hidden in the high collar of his shirt. His brother hasn't changed a bit.
And as he gets closer and closer, Madara speaks again, making him stop almost just as he is about to join him.
"Using my younger brother's chakra signature is both a poor and filthy move as an attempt of distraction, Shinobi alliance."
But just as the blue arm of Madara's Susanoo blindly reaches out to strike him, Izuna speaks up, finding his voice devoid of courage. He has seen so many enemies get killed by said technique flying mercilessly at him, yet his older brother never used it against him.
When he should have flown away and turned into papers in the air, nothing affected him. His eyes reflexively closed, but his feet refused to move from the place, showing determination.
Peering around again, Madara's back is still there, showing that he didn't budge either, but his arm is outstretched to the side of his body. In front of him, the five Kages lie clenched by the clones he summoned previously, forcing them to remain paralyzed while he processes that voice, that sensation.
In the blink of an eye, the battlefield disappears, the screaming stops, and gone are all the surrounding people. His Aniki must have become much faster and skillful thanks to his eyes because Izuna did not even notice when being lifted into the air and transported away from the war by the Susanoo.
In his face, for the first time, Madara's features glow. Lines and cracks adorn his factions, while a violet eye makes a presence where his characteristic Sharingan should shine.
"Izuna... Izuna..."
Repeated are the words as two gloved hands caress his cheeks, brush his bangs and touch his eyelashes.
"This is real..."
"So it is, Aniki. I'm here."
"They... they killed you Otouto... they took you from my arms... your eyes... oh your beautiful eyes..."
"Aniki, no more. My eyes are back, I am back. Aniki... we must finish this..."
"We must end this Otouto..."
"We must kill them all..."
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“Do you want to get dinner sometime“ Expanded - a Chenford Fanfic
Because I loved that scene in 5x08 but it was a little jarring and confusing to go from Tim saying it wasn’t about him to it being 100% about him 1 second later. Plus I just wanted to make it a little more Chenford centric and sappy. (No lines were removed but many were added).
“Hey we need to talk,” Lucy says, joining Tim by the flower beds outside of the station.
“Let me guess, Chris wants to buy a house in Chatsworth.”
“No,” Lucy counters but before she can correct him, he pushes on.
“This clearly isn’t working out. I don’t know why you won’t just admit it. Is it guilt? Is it because of what Rosalind did to him?”
“Oh, like I’m the only one that stayed too long when things aren’t working. You dated a lifeguard. You don’t even like going to the beach.”
“This isn’t about me,” Tim interrupts, fueled by the frustration that comes from unrequited feelings. Lucy tries to cut him off but he persists, “It’s not.”
“If it’s not about you then why do you care so much?” She spits back. He’s temporarily stunned into silence as he pulls back a bit and blinks to clear his head.
“You know why,” he finally offers and his tone has softened.
“I don’t actually,” Lucy rebuts “You continue to chastise me about staying in a dead-end relationship when you would still be in one too, if Ashley hadn’t pulled the plug for you.”
“You’re right,” Tim admits and Lucy’s fire starts to dissipate, “I stayed with Ashley far past when I knew it wasn’t going to work out, because it was easy and safe. But I wasn’t happy and when she ended it, instead of sadness I felt relief. I don’t want you to make my same mistakes. You can be braver than I was.” He pauses, waiting for Lucy to jump in but when she just continues to stare at him with big open eyes he continues.
“You asked me why I care. I care because I care about you. I want you to be happy. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. I thought you were happy with him, but it’s obvious now you’re not and you deserve to be happy, Lucy.” He knows he should stop before he says too much but every emotion he’s grappled with since that undercover kiss is now coursing through his veins, pushing him forward.
“You deserve the world and the opportunity to find someone who will give it to you. I just don’t want to see you throw that away by staying in a safe relationship because you’re scared.”
“Of course I’m scared,” Lucy counters, “Because as long as I’m in a relationship I have an excuse not to consider other options but as soon as that’s over I’m free to make that decision, and it’s terrifying because if we do this and it doesn’t work I’ll have ruined the most important relationship in my life.”
Tim freezes then, completely caught off guard. Although he had been heavily implying that he could be the one to make her happy, only in his wildest dreams had he thought she could feel the same way. Yet, here she was not only confirming that he is the most important person in her life but also that them being together was a real option. They could choose that. Choose each other. Choose happiness.
Lucy must have read his silence as hesitation because she starts to backtrack.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have,”
“You’re right,” he quickly interrupts.
“So let’s just get this over with now so I can break up with Chris without being scared of what comes next,” Lucy proposes, “we should just keep going the way we have been, right? It’s not worth the risk.”
“Unless it is?” He offers, fuelled by new hope. 
Lucy looks back at him questioning. He hesitates before clarifying. He takes a couple deep breaths and allows himself to really take her in, summoning all the courage he wished he had had earlier and that he had been asking her to have not a minute ago.
“Do you want to get dinner sometime,” he finally asks.
“Yes” she replies immediately and he can’t help but beam.
“Yeah?” He confirms. It stills seems too good to be true.
“Yeah,” she confirms then quickly hesitates, “no, um.”
“Okay,” he falters.
“No, no, it’s just, um, not yet,” Lucy clarifies, “ I owe it to Chris to end things the right way with him.”
Tim just nods unable to hide his disappointment, despite knowing she’s right.
“Ask me again, later. After,” she quickly adds.
Tim smiles, “Deal.”
And it’s by far the best deal he’s ever made. He can’t wait to fulfill it
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eelifnazfirat · 1 year
Wylan van Eck is a fictional character from the best-selling fantasy duology Six of Crows and he is my favorite book character of all time. Wylan and I have a lot in common.
Starting with similarities, we have similar personalities. Firstly, we both have Ravenclaw as our Hogwarts house and in my opinion, we show the traits of a Ravenclaw. Wylan is smart, hardworking, considerate, nice, caring, curious, insecure, and reasonably shy although he is willing to fight anyone that hurts his loved ones. He only speaks when he is asked to but throughout the series, he becomes more confident and talkative as his teammates reassure him that he is wanted and loved. Before this year, I was also like that. When I settled in and found the right friends for me, I started to be more talkative and confident next to them as they made me feel like my opinions mattered and that they liked me. Me and Wylan also have a hard time believing that people love and need us so it meant a lot. Even as kids we tried to be easy as possible and not to cause any problems. We were scared and shy and these are traits we also projected to our teenager selves. We want everyone to aprove of us so over time we learned how to avoid negative judgement, beeing invisible and unnoticed. As a kid, we mastered how not to exist. Trying to not take attention as much as we can, hiding in corners hoping no one would come and talk to us. Over the time this caused people to see us as unimportant. That was what we wished for but that certainly did not feel good, trying to get validation from every single person while also not putting in the effort to commmunicate with them really turns you into a people pleaser. In the end when you try to start expressing how you feel and want to start existing you just don’t want to burden anyone. As stated in the books whith a quote; “Wylan summoned every bit of bravado he’d learned from Nina, the will he’d learned from Matthias, the focus he’d studied in Kaz, the courage he’d learned from Inej, and the wild, reckless hope he’d learned from Jesper, the belief that no matter the odds, somehow they would win. (...) In the end, he was not Nina or Matthias or Kaz or Inej or Jesper. He was just Wylan Van Eck. He told them everything.” (Leigh Bardugo, Crooked Kingdom page 501) These experiences caused self-esteem issues and anxiety in both of us and it will take a long time to fix. Secondly, we have the same interests. We are both "gifted" at art, interested in chemistry, and we both play the piano. Then, we have the same perspective towards life. We are both curious about the future and fascinated by simple experiences in life like going out alone and just inhaling the fresh air.. When we look at a structure It's complete form isn't what we see, we see its sketch and how it was constructed. We want to tear things apart and rebuild them to see how they work. And lastly, we both have a Kaz Brekker in our lives, the only difference is that my Kaz is @reyyanfromartemisia . :D
Continuing with differences, We have different appearances. Wylan has ginger curly hair with blue eyes and freckles while I have brown hair and brown eyes. Then, there is the fact that Wylan is dyslexic. That is an experience that I could never relate to or, describe what it feels like as most of his self-esteem issues are rooted from here and as reading and writing are a part of my favorite things to do. And lastly, obviously, I am not a chemist who makes bombs and other dangerous mixtures planning a dangerous heist to kidnap a world-famous scientist (not yet).
In conclusion, Wylan and I have a lot of similarities and differences We have similar personalities, interests, perspectives, and friends but we also have differences like appearance, some life experiences, and occupation. I really wish I could be him in another lifetime.
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purenguyening · 9 months
N A O L I C E + Q T
This one will definitely be long, eheh..
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
Bellow mostly applies to Touhou Project:
More character analysis based on how they appear in the games. It doesn't happen often but I think talk centered round how Touhou characters express themselves through spell cards can add a lot of depth that doesn't come through in fanworks.
More fanworks that draw from their historical inspiration (this limits to a small cast of characters but I feel like Historical Touhou is very rare...I also understand why this doesn't happen much mostly due to high barrier of entry and in general requiring more work.)
Also a huge fan and will always welcome Touhou designs that pull from the artist's nationality. It's a fun twist and I'm always impressed when they incorporate design elements from the original outfit into the clothes.
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Sakuro and Cleru during my Summon Knight: Swordcraft Story playthrough made me laugh a lot. Sakuro is a very, very silly Craftlord. They have a very similar dynamic to Steven and Brendan's relationship from Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald (though I feel like Emerlad is probably the better fit to their dynamic).
There's a few others but Giyuu/Tanjirou and Sabito/Tanjirou are on my mind because of [this fanart]
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
Alright, I had to have Youtube randomly shuffle my Summer Recap but it pulled up Fifty Fifty's Cupid and it just reminds me of Devil Survivor as a whole for the sole reason I read all eight volumes while listening to this song on loop at 1.25x speed. It's really funny of all the songs I put on loop throughout the summer, it happened to pick one I actually have some association with a fandom....
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
Major spoilers for Swordcraft Story: I really like Ureksa a lot as a character, he's portrayed in a pretty sympathetic manner and I think how he patches things up with Cleru/Pratty is really refreshing. While I don't love the suicide bait and switch, it really does feel clear to me even if he made some pretty bad decisions, I do think he's a kind person at heart. He's a very prickly person, but I think it makes sense from his design (a lot of spear specialists tend to not be very direct, which makes sense for their fighting style, the game specifically sets up spear users to fight at a range).
Now that I think about it, Matsuoka Rin (Free!), is also someone I warmed to eventually because I liked seeing him be a mentor to Aiichirou and Momotaro. I think that's part of his character design though...
As an aside, it is possible to send me this prompt multiple times since there's very few characters I actively hate and I always have something tucked away in the back of my mind. Most of the time is me wanting to comment their role in the story, but I think that can be read as me recognizing their purpose....
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Not tumblr, but on Twitter, I do think it's really easy to lose interest in fandom because it's very easy to fall into negative spirals. There is a general shift in fandom overall that made me feel the need to keep my interests separate with side blogs and I tend to be more active through a very closed off account on Twitter.
Maybe one day I'll be courageous and blog about my interests from my one main blog, but that's still an option off the table for now.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Toyosatomimi no Miko/Soga no Tojiko the popular fandom portrayal just gets on my nerves and I find it really annoying when sometimes posts still appear because the ship name is not mentioned anywhere in the tweet. I do have a specific portrayal but I'm hesitant to say if's romantic, but i do think their dynamic is interesting, I just can't bring myself to think of it as romantic.
This might be more closer to me complaining I wish I had post block on Twitter/Tumblr Mobile.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
I think a long time ago I made a joke about how the fanon portrayal of Shinichi drinking coffee is a subtle way for him to drive away people bugging him. (Caffiene is a natural insecticide, hence the word play). Truth be told I'm not 100% sure now if that was the inspiration for this post I made...
I think maybe you can still find it in the KaiShin discord, but I felt like there's a lot of innuendo to be had knowing Toichi and Yuusaku having a back and forth with just a question mark and exclamation point. (The symbol that combines both the question mark and exclamation point is called an interrobang and it looks like this: ‽)
I don't think either of them spawned too much in the fandom, but I realize my sort of humor needs like a short essay just to explain the context and this is probably why I don't really share my more cracky/insane interpretations....
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
I think the only true fandom I've completely abandoned is Harry Potter? Aside from the obvious reasons, I've learned I still do really love the concept of magic, but I would rather have it manifest itself in different ways. I love fantasy and magic, but I think I end up preferring it to be a back drop or the setting rather than the primary focus. I guess it's more closer to, I like it more as an aesthetic, but dislike it when it becomes the center focus.
Even more controversial fandoms I never can quite fully bring myself to fully abandon (the one that mainly comes to mind is Hetalia). A lot of other fandoms that are less contentious I tend to just cast aside for a while but after a few years I end up picking it back up again for one reason or another.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
Listen, I know it's basically confirmed now that Futo killed Tojiko as of Strange Creators of Outer World, I still refuse to believe Futo actually did it. The closest thing I'll compromise on is Futo's definition of killing Tojiko is "she was not present to stop the murder." That's about it.
I'm basically a Futo apologist and I'm sorry you had to find out this way.
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viijaya · 2 years
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@nulltune​​ said ;  ✿ 😳 HI AS WELLL  /  from :  𝐏𝐑𝐄-𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄 𝟎.𝟐  -  send me a  ✿  and i’ll fill out the template below. bold for things i could definitely see or want, italics for things i could see or am unsure of and striked out for things i don’t want or cannot see.
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FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ kuno ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ arju ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other .
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other .
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other .
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other .
OK SO TO START OFF!! I want to politely present to u the idea of an universe where in CCC, hakuno summons Arjuna instead of Gil- (or out of any of the other servants u can pick from) and this is the reason why I bolded friendship of need;; bc there is something about CCC and about the fact that, u kind of need to summon a servant if you want to survive bc otherwise, ur pretty much fated to die right there without a chance to even fight back. The servant and the master need each other regardless of their bond, and It’s about how this contract starts mostly as a two way benefit for the master and the servant and nothing else, and how from such a cold starting point, you get to slowly bond with the servant in question which I think could be such a pog thing bc Arjuna is def not an easy to crack egg and he’s the kind of person that requires for a strong bond in order to open up, as well as the fact that he truly needs that little external push to be able to grab the courage to confront his issues and past, and i feel like Hakuno is such a good character that could help him come to peace with it, not by telling him what to do, but by accompanying him, which is truly what Arjuna needs despite his claims of wishing to remain in solitude;; AND THIS BRINGS ANOTHER THING!!,,, Hakuno is incredibly stubborn, and by your portrayal you always emphasize on how she refuses to give up on people and how genuinely empathetic she is despite her own issues;; so this really leads me to think that her genuine sense of hope could truly feel like a little ray of sun and in his life,, that even despite everything, that even despite his true nature, someone out there still believes in him and believes in the fact that he can grow and heal, something Arjuna’s spirit is against to out of guilt, pride, and fear; and its something he simply can’t perceive because in a way, he’s sort of stuck in the past as well, so all these issues just keep stacking on him (not to mention that he stubbornly refuses to look inside himself)
SO IN CONCLUSION FOR THE PREVIOUS LONG ASS POINT,,, I feel like they could really grow side by side, in the sense of,,, Hakuno perhaps helping him come to terms with his nature and past, and on Arju’s side, him helping Hakuno come to terms with her own nature (it sounds quite hypocrite from his way since he can’t accept himself, but this is precisely why i feel they could grow side by side and little by little;; to learn to accept themselves and learn what being human is like). AND ALSOBEFORE I FORGET,, This whole thing could also apply to a fgo setting too tbh
AS FOR ANTAGONISTIC- I bolded some in the case that they were enemies;; just like how in the game you go up against other masters with their respective servants,, im thinking of an au where maybe they are on opposing ends? if this was the case, on his end he would merely feel it as something based on circumstance; as ‘it is what it is’ but we all know how kuno’s speeches feel like a canonball down ur throat OIAJIDOUOTHRIGDKG,, That aside;, there’s also this hero-villain dynamic rumbling at the back of my head,,,the kind that isn’t as black and white as it paints itself to be but leads to much more hidden depth to it-
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batfam-slash · 2 years
Jason has to steel himself before he goes down to the Batcave.
“It won’t be that bad,” Dick reassures him softly. “You’ve done far worse and he hasn’t punished you for it.”
Jason snorts. “Easy for you to say. You’re his favorite sub. When was the last time you got punished?”
Dick looks a little hurt at that, and Jason feels a pang of guilt. Dick’s done nothing wrong.
“Look,” Tim says, “just apologise, let him say his piece, then be as subby as you possibly can. You know it makes him all soft.”
Jason wishes he could embrace his natural submissiveness in the way that Dick and Tim can. They really are the perfect subs; classically beautiful and obedient while still maintaining their autonomy. Not for the first time Jason wishes he fit the submissive stereotype a bit more, or maybe that he’d been born a Dominant.
Damian has been watching the three of them quietly, and just before Jason leaves, the boy pulls him aside.
“Not that it makes much difference, Todd,” Damian says quietly, barely making eye contact. “But while Grayson is father’s favorite submissive, you’d be mine.”
Jason doesn’t think he’s ever heard Damian say anything remotely sentimental to him before.
Damian is a Dominant like his father, but too young still to really act on those urges. He treats submissives like his equals though, which is unusual for Dom teenagers his age.
“That’s sweet, kid,” Jason says with a genuine smile. “I don’t think I’d be many people’s favorite sub.”
Damian’s green eyes shine as he finally looks at Jason. “I like that you’re different though. I like that you’re strong and determined and challenging. Probably a little too mouthy, but that’s not a bad thing. You have confidence in yourself in so many other ways; you need to have a little more confidence with this.”
Jason can’t help but think about Damian’s oddly wise words as he treks down to the Batcave. Maybe he does need to believe in himself a little more.
Bruce is waiting for him at the computer, working away on a case that Jason is not familiar with, and Jason takes a deep breath and tries to focus on his submissive urges.
He kneels on the floor beside Bruce’s chair, waiting for the older man to acknowledge him.
“Jason.” The Dominant reaches down to stroke Jason’s hair. “Do you know why you are here?”
Jason swallows. He lowers his gaze respectfully. “Uh, yes, sir. I’m here because I misbehaved in the field. I disobeyed your orders. I potentially put the team in danger.” He pauses, trying to remember the speech he’d rehearsed. “And, er, I should be punished for disobeying you.”
Bruce’s eyes soften. “You thought I summoned you here to be punished?”
Jason blinks. “Yeah. You didn’t?”
“No,” Bruce chuckles. “I asked you to come here so we could talk about how proud I am of you.”
Jason blinks again. What the fuck? He was expecting to be bent over Bruce’s desk with his pants round his ankles and receiving a spanking right about now.
“Sir?” Jason asks hesitantly.
“Jason. It was your quick thinking and your willingness to disobey my orders that saved us all. If you hadn’t, we probably be dead. I know I scold you all the time about your disobedience, but sometimes you see things in a way that Dick and Tim don’t. I’m very proud of you tonight. I know how hard it is for a sub to do something that they know might get them punished, so it took real courage for you to act the way you did.”
Jason soaks in the praise like a sponge. It’s not often Bruce speaks to him like this.
“Thank you, sir,” Jason says numbly.
Bruce cups Jason’s face with one large hand, stroking his cheek. “You most definitely deserve a reward. I was thinking perhaps some alone time for the two of us? Just you and me in bed tonight. No Tim, no Dick. We can do whatever you want.”
Jason doesn’t even want to admit how much he wants that.
“That’s sounds nice,” Jason says casually while his heart does somersaults. “Thank you, sir.”
“Good boy. You go and get yourself cleaned up and report to the master bedroom in an hour. Try not to boast too much to the others.”
“Of course not, sir.” Jason bats his eyes in an exaggerated manner.
Once he’s dismissed though, the first thing he does is run back upstairs to tell Dick and Tim.
Because some rewards just need to be enjoyed.
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lemonlurkrr · 3 years
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@aureateart​ ok. My favourite parts of twilight princess  (and some other random thoughts about TP sprinkled in there) taken from my monster TP word vomit google doc :
Link lmao
Ok but for real, I like this incarnation of Link :)
I love Ordon (it just seems like such a chill and cozy village)
ALSO love how easy it is to interpret Link as being a sort of older brother figure to the Ordon kiddos. It’s just,, super cute? AND GHHH nice nice good thanks nintendo for giving me characters to care about/characters that I can imagine Link caring about
He didn’t sign up for any of this (tbh, none of the Links really signed up for this jshdjsd). But I mean like, dude was just going to take a trip to castle town, drop a gift off for the royal family, and come back. But haHA oopsies he did get to castle town eventually but definitely not the way he expected hsjdhsd
He’s just a little dude?
everything is new for the player AND Link
She’s cool :)
she really just
*teleports into your jail cell* hello whore.
I am no master at writing but AYYYY she do got a character arc!!!
She was actually pretty helpful sometimes, I ALWAYS checked in with her before turning to a game guide
Other NPCs
Love all of the TP character designs (ASHEI’S ARMOUR??? AOWOAOAOOAO)
Saving Zelda and all of Hyrule was important yea but thinking back maybe it was more like, the Ordonians and the kids were what was pushing Link to keep on going
I like the Resistance members :) Very video gamey of them to have one NPC assigned to each dungeon but hey!!! Kinda cool getting to see a little glimpse of each of em
Idk, it’s just fun to imagine Link popping into Telma’s bar after each dungeon and taking a little rest :) (or to celebrate? maybe just chat, idk, give this man some downtime!!)
Honestly it was just kind of nice that Link wasn’t entirely alone. I mean, I know Midna was there the whole time, but I am always for giving Link a big group of friends (see my love for hyrule warriors, age of calamity, and LU LMAO)
Hero’s shade, very very cool, kinda sad he died with regrets but HEY. He got to pass on his knowledge eventually
AND the connection to OoT?? AND assumed to be related by blood too????? GOOD SHIT
Ilia, I REALLY really wanted to like her (er, it’s not like I dislike her, she’s just,,, kinda there for me).
It definitely seems like Nintendo was pushing to make her the romantic interest, but GHHHHH they really threw that out of the window for me by having her lose her memories
I saw a text post a while ago that said it would have been interesting if Ilia was Link’s sister instead and YES!! That would have been cool too :0
Wish we got to know Zelda a little more
I feel like we barely know anything about her
Idk man, like I said earlier, I never really had any sort of drive to save Zelda during my playthroughs
She obviously knows Midna, so maybe if they gave us just a little bit more of that relationship I’d be more interested in her?
Botw has good world building too, but each race felt kinda,,, isolated? I absolutely love the different architecture and vibe each town has (and all the the weapons too) but ghhh yea everyone felt so separated. As far as I can remember, we don’t see tooo much of the races interacting with each other? Now that I’m typing that out maybe that’s to be expected because of the calamity but KLSJDKJFD ANYWAYS THIS IS ABOUT TP
The world feels nice and alive, love how populated everything is
Castle town I like castle town a lot, it feels dense and busy and I really like how you can’t talk to every NPC you see
Very cool very fun that we got to see the Gorons hanging out in multiple spots
kinda wish we got to see the Zoras a little more (I guess they are a bit limited since they need water but GHHHH the tp zoras are so prebby,,)
BUT HEY, I do remember seeing a zora or two hanging out in the hot springs around death mountain after beating the lakebed temple (I think, might have been a different dungeon) 
but aaaa would have been nice to see them in at least a couple of other places. I think it would have really added to the “congrats Link!! You’re restoring peace to Hyrule” feeling you get from seeing the Gorons hanging out in Kakariko and Castle Town
Love how chill it is and how it’s kind of separate from Hyrule proper
They really do seem to be doing their own thing apart from the rest of Hyrule
Just kinda adds onto the “he’s just a regular dude minding his own business” kind of vibes I get from TP Link
Also I like Ordona :)
Love their design
And love how they’re not exactly like a pure white?
Different spirit representing each aspect of the triforce my beloved
But yes hi I think Ordona is very cool
Who are you, how did you get here, which goddess do you represent? Do you even represent one of the three golden goddesses? Do the Ordonians know about you? Have any of them ever SEEN you??? Do they worship you? Does anybody even know about the existence of the light spirits?? FUCK so many questions but ghhh I like how they broke the status quo a bit by throwing in a fourth spirit :)
I feel like this one is kinda weird but I like that voice sample they used in the light spirit music. It’s spooky and pretty at the same time :)  
cutscenes mmmmm
Ok ok, the spooky lanayru cutscene is very good
IT just
Idk man
It just hit different
I like the music
And seeing the light spirits swimming around in the light juice water whatever it is
Summoning the light arrows?
AND HHHHH “Lend us the last of your power!” THIS IS IT. This is the final battle.
Seeing Zelda bow down, and then Link putting his hand out 👌👌👌
Link: ok bud, let’s do this together :)
Connection to OoT (did I already mention this? Maybe., Whatever)
Very cool nintendo :)
I love seeing connections between all the diff zelda games.
Because like, on one hand, they’re all separate from each other because of yknow, individual hero stuff. BUT ALSO, they’re all connected because of the reincarnation stuff
Grrrr walking through the sacred grove and going “The Hero of Time walked around here a long time ago” FUCK THATS SO COOL
Is the Hero’s Shade watching me? What does he think of me? DIsappointed? Proud? The Hero of Time went through HELL so this timeline didn’t have to deal with any of the shit Ganon was gonna pull with the triforce, better not fuck this UP Link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Midlink is cute
Kinda hurts that she smashed the mirror but that was probably so Nintendo didn’t have to worry about people going “but what about the twili??????” for any of the other games LMAO
BUT ALSO LIKE SKJDKLJFJ There are some pretty massive plot holes in TP anyway so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whatever it’s fine we’ll just use this for angst because GOD do y’all like angst
So is Shadlink
Honestly don’t know where this ship came from but it’s cute so whatever
Love Midna’s theme and how they referenced the dark world theme from ALttP (I remember trying to learn the dark world theme on the piano and doing the Leonardo DiCaprio point meme at the little jingle I recognized from Midna’s theme)
Hyrule field theme SLAPS.
Apparently references a couple of the other over-world themes from the previous zelda games (I got this from 8-bit Music theory’s video on the over-world zelda themes, he talks about TP at around 11:40 but def recommend watching the whole video if you’re into music analysis stuff)
So there’s this bit of the Hyrule Field theme, I don’t know the official name for it but I remember seeing somewhere it being called the “at an advantage theme” since yeah, you hear it during the boss music whenever you expose their weak points. FUCKINGGG LOVE THAT. Didn’t notice it during my first playthrough, but hearing it during my second was like a little easter egg for my ears every time :)
Midna’s lament is very pretty (and fun to play on the piano)
I didn’t care for it too much when I started playing the game but hearing it in ZREO’s arrangement of the Hyrule Field theme literally makes me turn into a puddle of emotions. Also hearing it around and of the Ordon kids (I think it plays after Link saves Colin) AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Orchestra piece #1 and #2 HOLY SHIT???????????????? 
Literally, the first time I listened to those I just,,,, plugged in my headphones, volume 100, layed on the floor/against my desk and silently vibed. I don’t know what the hell it is, but those two just fit so well with TP?? I still avoid listening to them nowadays cause if I DO I definitely will get overwhelmed with the “god I love this game so FUCKING MUCH” kind of feels.
Wolf link sucks at singing
the first time I heard him howling Zelda’s Lullaby I lost my shit because LKSJLDKSGLKJFSKG god that was.,, Bad. Anyways, hearing him howl some of the songs from OoT was cute :)
VERY GOOD. IT’s like 10 minutes long and GOD do I love every single second of it. It doesn’t have the same energy as the skyward sword staff roll or the orchestra pieces but GOD does it hit good??
Nice and calm after that big exciting adventure. Maybe it would have been more fun or emotional to have a higher energy piece but it was really nice getting to sit back and watch the camera fly around Hyrule. Seeing like, the Gorons and the Zoras having a good time, the kids returning to Ordon? GOOD SHIT.
and AAAAA that end, when you hear the main Zelda theme and see Link riding off out of Faron woods on Epona… good shit. It gets you thinking, where the hell is he going? What is he doing? Off ot do more adventuring? Going to help out the resistance or something? Going to help Zelda? Or maybe he’s trying to figure out a way to restore the mirror of twilight? Whoooo knows.
I also want to acknowledge the instrument/samples they used for all the twili stuff.
They��re all just so unique and contrast SO well with the rest of the TP OST. LIKE FUCK!! Anytime I hear the screech from the Twilit Kargarok? Sends a shiver down my spine. I associate those sounds SO strongly with the twili realm. (Like, the same way you associate the BSHEWW VVWWMMM sounds with light sabers)
I love it so god damn much
literally any time there’s a certain sound or motif associated with something I lose my shit
Sacred grove sacred grove sacred gro-
lovely lovely lovely so much fun playing that on the piano. AND again, I did the Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme when I heard the theme from the lost woods come in GHHHHHHHH
shoutout to TP Faron Woods for helping me study and get through all of my schoolwork
BLEGUUHHH can you tell that I really love music?
and also yea I guess TP is kinda cool too :\
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missallsundaes · 3 years
May I have a notsafeforwork Buggy x nb reader where he's in a FOUL mood and everyone's like pssst take one for the team and cheer the bastard up since its obvious to everyone but Buggy and reader their into one another anyway. Thanks x
oooh fun fun prompt.. I love Buggy… probably too much. BUT that means that yeah you can absolutely have nsfw Buggy.
CW: face fucking, devil fruit nonsense, doggy style.
The clown had definitely been taking his anger out on the Big Top, you could nearly retrace his steps through the destruction in the hallways. You definitely wished that today wasn’t the day you were looking for him, especially to deliver some bad news delivered via DenDen Moshi. You found Cabaji and Alvida before you found the Captain. They were deep in talk on the deck of the ship, and as soon as they say you, Alvida’s eyes lit up, plan already hatched in her mind.
“Just the errand keeper I needed,” She said, waving you over. “Buggy is in just a terrible mood today isn’t he, Cabaji?”
He nodded, “I don’t know what’s wrong with the Captain but he’s mad at just about everything.”
“So I was thinking,” Alvida continued, barely giving Cabaji time to finish confirming her previous sentence, “You know how the Captain has a shine for you?”
You scrunched your eyebrows in confusion, “Does he?” You weren’t quite playing dumb, you just really hadn’t noticed any favourable conditions he had given you, though you admitted you had seen him more than once in different states of undress that made your mind wander.
Cabaji nodded as Alvida continued, “Yeah, definitely, have you never noticed the way he watches you?” She laughed. “Anyway so we were thinking, what’s the best stress relief? Sex. Right. Sex. So what you’re gonna—“
Your face flushed red, “You want me to fuck the Captain?”
“Well there’s not.. anyone better suited for it,” Alvida said, and Cabaji nodded again. She opened the door near where you were standing. “He’s in the Captain’s Office, I believe” The shouting and smashing from down the hallway would make you believe that was definitely the case. She gave you a little push down the hallway, giving you a smile and a thumbs up before shutting the door behind you.
You were suddenly much more nervous to find your captain than you were a minute ago, especially because you weren’t sure if he had talked to Alvida before you had. You knocked on the door to his office, and the door swung open almost immediately.
The clown’s face was in yours as the door swung open, “WHAT?” He shouted, his eyebrows knit together over the crossbones drawn on his face.
“Uh, Alvida sent me?” You tried, maybe going with the subtle, if he hadn’t talked to her yet.
“For fucks sake, why? Do I not have enough to deal with today?” He turned around, stomping back to his desk and flipping over paperwork. “This goddamn Warlord paperwork is more than I want to do, I’m a pirate I’m not meant to do paperwork, I’m meant to pillage and loot!” He said, gesturing wildly at the room, as if talking to a crowd and not just you behind him.
You slid into the room, shutting the door behind you.
“If It would help relieve some stress,” You said, summoning the courage from deep inside your belly, “You could.. pillage me?”
His head whipped around, disconnecting from his neck in an absolutely terrifying sight, “Are you suggesting what I think?”
“I mean, if it would help.” You nodded, “It’s not like I haven’t had fantasies about you Captain..” Oh gods, that was more than you meant to admit but now it was out there and you were just gonna deal with those consequences.
His hands were on your hips in seconds, lifting you up and pulling you towards him, he had turned his body to face you now as well, a crooked dirty smile on his lips, and hungry look in his eyes.
“You know your Captain doesn’t share, right?” He said once you were positioned in front of him, his voice husky and deep on your ear, breath sending shivers down your spine.
“I’m just yours Captain.” You managed to croak out, his hands now exploring your body, his gloved fingers exploring your bare skin, one tracing down your spine and the other down into the front of your trousers to feel your arousal.
His body pressed into you, he nibbled on your neck, leaving marks behind as he tracked his way to your chin. You could feel his erection against your thigh, pressing desperately, impatiently into your soft skin.
His left hand reattached to his wrist, the other pawing at your sex, making you writhe and mewl for more of his ministrations.
His arm moved around you and he scooped you up into his arms and set you on the desk, scattering the paperwork across the floor, he ripped open your top, buttons flying across the room from his violent action, his teeth finding your bare skin to bite and suckle on, making you moan for him more. He pulled his hand from your body, causing you to whine at the missing sensation, and you felt him smirk against your body.
“Like it that much, did’ya?” He crooned, you looked down at him, nodding weakly, seeing the red of his lipstick smeared on his face and across your chest, sending new fire to your loins.
“Yes Captain, please more,” You mumbled, reaching your hands up to find his hair spilling from the corners of his hat, but he moved quicker, taking the hat off completely and letting his hair fall down around your face.
“What was that, Couldn’t hear you?” He said, pulling down your trousers and underwear from your hips, letting gloved hands tease down your thighs.
“Please Captain Buggy, more,” You said, feeling him tugging down his trousers, “Please Captain, let me suck your dick” You moaned as he bit your nipple, leaving a ring of his lipstick around your areola. “I want to suck your dick.”
He backed up from you, sitting in his chair behind the desk, “Come on then, suck my cock.” He said, gesturing to his hard member standing at attention between his legs. You let yourself slide off the desk and between his legs, wrapping a hand around the base of his cock and your lips around his swollen glands. He moaned above you, his hands finding their way into your hair and pressing you to swallow more of his cock. You flattened your tongue, sucking down more of his dick and rotating your hand to stimulate him at the same time. Flicking your tongue against the prominent vein on the underside of his shaft as you hollowed your cheeks on his member, devouring him like he was your last meal.
The hand on your head pulled you back, freeing your mouth and letting your spit dribble from the corners of your lips. You breathed deeply, catching your breath and trying to get back to his cock, tongue lolling out of your mouth in a greedy slutty show for him, but he was holding you just out of range, sadistic smile on his face above you.
“Are you that hungry for me, you little tramp,” He said, letting you pull your own hair as you tried to reach his member with your lips again. “Ask again for what you want,”
“I want your cock, Captain,” You said without hesitation, licking your lips as you looked up at him in his chair, “Please Captain let me have it.”
He brought you down swiftly, your mouth opening on instinct to take him to the hilt, he held you in place before using your hair as a handle to fuck your face. His hips eagerly thrusting with the same rhythm as his hand as he used you like a personal toy.
You could feel his posture tighten under you, and he held you still, trying to not let himself come yet, his dick down your throat and twitching, eager to let loose the pent up seed. He let himself calm down before pulling you off of him and letting go of your hair.
“I need to fuck you, I need to be inside you.” He said, voice deep and commanding. You eagerly stood up, laying yourself across his desk, knee up on the firm oak of the desk so he had easy access to your awaiting hole.
“Mmm, good, well trained already,” He hummed behind you, standing behind you to position himself, but wasting no time in slipping himself in. He barely gave you time to adjust to his dick inside you before his hands were gripped on your hips, thrusting deeply into you, making you gasp and moan for him with each pump of his hips.
You weren’t going to last long, even with so little foreplay on yourself, the rough treatment and being treated like his personal fucktoy had gotten you going something fierce, added to the loyalty, love, and devotion you already had for your captain and you could feel the tight coil inside you pressing and straining.
“Captain, let me cum for you,” You moaned, not knowing what you would do if he said no, you were desperate for it, desperate to cum and feel him cum inside you. Without answering you, his hands found your sex, teasing you along to the same rhythm that he fucked you with.
“Come for me,” He moaned, voice sounding desperate himself, his hands making sloppy movements on you as he felt himself beginning to come, but his first spasm inside you was the last straw you needed to feel the spring within you release, and you came messily together, as he pulled out to cum across your back, stroking himself and you in turn with both of his hands until your orgasms had both subsided.
“Fuck I needed that,” He said, slumping back into his chair, pulling you by the waist to sit down on his lap. He nuzzled his face into your neck, leaving kisses on the skin he could touch.
“oh Captain,” You moaned, settling down into his arms, “In all my fantasies its never been that good.”
He laughed into your shoulder, “Just wait until next time, I can always top my best.”
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moririki · 3 years
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AGATSUMA ZENITSU X READER -> 0.9K the boy best known for being a coward finally summons the courage to do what he's wanted to do for a while now
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REQUEST -> ✰ CONTAINS -> suggestive (?) content, fluff????, gn reader, reader is a tsuguko to the water hashira, i used the word among, anime personality of zenitsu a little sorry :(, man fuckit just ooc zenitsu i think cos i wrote him as a fucking FUCKBOY pfjdjdjxjjsk, not my best work here i am sorry MORI'S THOUGHTS -> ngl i just did one of those wheel spins to choose the hashira lmao so idk if i accidentally clash with what goes down in the manga 😀🧍🏻‍♀️also @saintreneschapel (idk why it won't let me tag you) thank you so much for being so patient forgive me for how long this took shawty🙏
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-> ok so the randomly assigned hashira that you are a tsuguko for is none other that mr giyuu!!
-> he's,,,, strict? he pushes you hard, but that is how you improve after all
-> and hell, you're grateful
-> under his teaching, you've gained skills and knowledge beyond your years, and you wield them with confidence every time you grip your sword
-> finally, it's time to gain some experience as well
-> giyuu and you had been called forth alongside shinobu to act as backup for a troup of demon slayers who had been sent to hunt down a demon family
-> with the presence of a lower six demon among them, it was the most sensible choice to bring in backup
-> you knew that your role was predominantly that of rescuing any survivors, and to avoid combat as much as possible
-> and you did exactly that, covering as much ground of the thick forest as you could
-> you came across a clearing, finding the unconscious body of a boy clad in brightly coloured uniform
-> his pulse was weak, and you were quick to call over some medics to put him on a stretcher and get him to safety
-> and yeah
-> you were a little disappointed that your first real mission had little to do with fighting, but that's life
-> so, like the rest of the new demon slayer corps recruits, you ended up at the butterfly mansion
-> you were far from injured, though
-> in fact, you were here with the strict instructions of assisting in nursing the three recruits back to health
-> method of choice: helping them regain their sense of combat through sparring
-> while the boy known as tanjiro was quick to return to training, the other two took some further convincing
-> you weren't sure what to think of them
-> you had only met one of them previously when selecting the ore for your sword, and he went by the name of zenitsu
-> your first impression of him was not particularly positive, since he was on the verge of tears and wishing to go home the entire time
-> his feelings were understandable, considering that he didn't even want to be a demon slayer in the first place
-> however, you discovered another aspect of his personality when partnered with him for sparring that had you wrinkling your brow in disgust
-> you see, zenitsu had this slight tendency to break the ice with any person he meets by asking them to marry him
-> ask would be too kind of a word, not when the boy all but dropped to his feet and begged you
-> no matter your urgent shushes, he would only plead harder
-> it ended up with you delivering a swift kick to his chest, sending him flying back a metre or so
-> "why don't you defeat me first, then we'll talk?"
-> and would you look at that, you've got a sparring partner for life
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-> as far as recovery went, zenitsu was doing well
-> you were a bit ashamed to only see him as a wimp and a crybaby at the beginning, because once he really settled into fighting, he was good
-> more often than not, you’d struggle to fend off his attacks
-> but that just meant he was healing, right?
-> maybe it was the raw determination on his face to sweep your legs out from under you that had you feeling flustered at times
-> or the way that he was actually respectful once he had calmed down
-> either way, you had far from forgotten what just seemed like throwaway words that day
-> and honestly? going a little easy on zenitsu was looking more and more appealing
-> though you doubted that you would need to to do that with the speed that zenitsu was regaining his skills
-> and so comes the fated day
-> maybe he woke up feeling extra powerful, because zenitsu was not letting up any time soon
-> your swords were practically locked together the entire time
-> you were quickly realising that your back was about to hit the wall, and zenitsu's attacks were still relentless
-> in fact, it was when you found your sword being ripped from your grasp by a clever disarm that you realised just how much zenitsu had recovered
-> and now you really were cornered
-> even though it was just blunt wood, the sword pressed to your chest was a clear indication of who had the upper hand right now
-> "so how about it, y/n?"
-> zenitsu had a small smile on his face, a blush adorning his cheeks as he recalled what you had said so many days ago
-> you flushed too, your head turning to the side
-> "baby steps, zen"
-> the boy perked up at that, a smile spreading across his face as he processed your words
-> his sword returned to its sheath, and he took a step forward to really cage you against the wall and his arms
-> "then how's this for a first step?"
-> his hand was resting against your face, and he tilted your chin to capture your lips in a kiss
-> he must have woken up on the right side of the bed today, and you weren't complaining
-> his lips were soft, much softer than you expected, and you felt your eyes slide shut as you returned the kiss
-> your fingers wrapped around his wrist, keeping him close to you as he deepened the kiss
-> when the two of you finally broke apart, slightly out of breath, you watched zenitsu smile all over again as he took in your awestruck expression
-> "i'd say that's a good way to begin"
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