#i saw from a blog i used to follow that the story is kinda darker and closer to s1 than s3/s4
xx-justsomeguy-xx · 1 year
Kinda feel like I’m gonna go insane
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
hello Aliyaa! i love all of your OCs, but I wanna know what inspire you to make Selviya? and what her backstory and original One? Just curious though 😗 btw love you and your blog! 💕😍
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Hey Anon! Thank you so much for your sweet words! Much appreciated 💕.
And about Selviya!? Its a long story i will summarised it for you!
Since i was writing my story WARTB, I loved Ice themed characters and such. I wanted a diversity in my Story about a lot of powers like dark, ice and such.
I cannot say specifically who i was inspired by to make Selviya!. There are lot of Amazing ice themed characters and the list is really long!
Selviya is my babygirl and i love her so much, she is very pure and lovely. Selviya story is a bit controversial due to Heavy bullying that befell her. She got revenge after she snapped against them.
Selviya is the only one of her race. Human-celestials . She doesn’t know what her powers are, she doesn’t even know why she is so special. She feels hated because she is different. People make fun of her hair colour. Yet they don’t know why it is like this!
Selviya original backstory is really different. Her original story her being a star. Taking a human form because of a handsome rich guy wish for a beautiful girl to be his wife. (Kinda like a Disney story i know). The most brightest and beautiful star (Sirius B) Took the form of a beautiful teenager girl. The handsome guy calls for his mum (Sylvia) the girl listened to this and thought her name is Selviya. And thus. When the handsome guy saw her. He falls in love with her completely. And he goes to meet her. She loved him back. But she wanders what is the meaning of love? What is the meaning of Existence? All she remembers she was a little star in a darker space. When the rich guy family Heard about this they were completely furious and they didn’t like Selviya. But the guy was madly in love with her, so they came up with a devious plan which is to kill her. By poisoning. The guy knew about this and he willingly drank the poison beverage. He falls unconscious and his parents know what they did and regretted it deeply. But Selviya was completely oblivious. She knows now what the meaning of existence let alone love and sacrifice. So she uses her powers to revives him and took him to space as lovers in space and in their own cosmic palace. Leaving the parents in earth. And they both live happily ever after.
That was her original story, Kinda boring i know. But I scrapped this horrible story and come with a new one!
Selviya new story is, Once upon a time there was a Celestial named Helen. Before she gives birth to her daughter Selviya another celestial comes to tell her something. Aegis is the name of the celestial who came to Helen to warn her about something. Her daughter will be the brightest star yet Endangered. Helen Made a powerful item which will be later called Crystal Silvernium. She gives birth to her daughter Selviya. She loves her daughter deeply and she promised to teach her and raised her better. She did but she unfortunately. She was forced to marry the Most powerful Celestial (King Apollo), unwillingly she did. She got herself into a loveless marriage. She then give birth to two daughters Sparkle and Darcelena . But she yearns for her Selviya. Her beautiful and Lovely daughter. Her (miracle wish). In every night she secretly leaves to see her daughter and talk with her. Selviya is happy to see her mother again. But she doesn’t know what is going on. Helen told Soliel to tell their daughter Selviya that she is busy because she is working. But in Truth. Its not and it’s painful. One of the celestial guards tell King Apollo about Helen leaving in the night. He told them to investigate about it and they obeyed him. One day Helen left again to see her daughter. The guards were secretly following her. They found out she has a daughter from another celestial. They hurried to tell their king and he was furious. So he told his Guards to kill her daughter by throwing into a blackhole.
Upon discovering the King Apollo plans, Helen hurriedly left to rescue her daughter. She saw them preparing to throw her into the blackhole.
“Selviya! Oh no no!” Helen cried painfully
“ I won’t let them take away your future!” Helen Firmly promised, as she prepared to use her Weapon
“Glactical Beam!” She says as she fire the Blast. Her weapon shone brightly as it fires a magnificent powerful beam of light. Killing the guards and Earsing the blackhole easily. But Alas. Everything comes at a price. And the price was her life. She saved her daughter yes but she is dying. She collapsed as she used that crystal gem. But before she dies, Soliel came running to her.
“Helen!!” He says. Crying
“Run and takes Selviya as far as your legs can take you. And give this to Selviya. When the time comes she knows what to do. I have enough power left to immobilised the guards!” She weakly says. Then she closed her eyes forever…
After that, Selviya grow up with her father, she deeply loved him. But she wanders what happend to her mother? Everytime she remembers her mother she cries. Because of an unknown evil threatens the cosmic celestial one of her pieces fell on earth and thats how Human Selviya was born
Her life is really sad. Her real parents died, Because of her ice powers. The kids in the orphanage builled her and make fun of her. A group of 3 little boys and 2 girls once builled her and she killed accidentally with her ice magic. She is oblivious to her powers. A woman took care of her. She raised her. She cooks for her. And she loves her. Until she die. Because she got hit by train. (Hint) someone pushed her.
Selviya didn’t witness the bloody accident. Because the female worker pulled her away. Because its too much for a child to see.
Then a Thai-british couple adopted her Maria and Aran Levsloky. At first they had trouble with her. Because she was quiet and unhappy
Then she opened up to them and loved them. One day she found a mysterious gem into a box. She knows there are criminals humans and such. She made herself a uniform (magical girls one). She called herself Blanche, She fought them and killed them with her ice magic. In one of the times she is fighting with her persona blanche. She met another magical girl, she is a hydromancer and her name is Selena thatcher. Those two becomes friends, like sisters. they fought evil together.Selviya fell in love with a depressed artist called Travis Smith.
She loves him deeply. She learns how to be an artist for him. He loves her but he didn’t tell her. After months of knowing each other he died. Because of an explosion in his art museum. That broke her heart and she just lost interest in everything she loves to do even fighting for good.
upon fighting the strongest Villian Karl Schnfier. Her celestial powers awaken. And transformed into her empress form. With a beautiful Fluffy dress and a long galaxy hair colour. With a powerful wand, she used her ice to make a huge wide iceberg to match Karl height (in his Dark giantic form) and help of her friends spirits along with Selena’s. She begged the Crystal Silvernium to fuels her with their memories and love. Gathering energy from the space and beyond. She fires a great powerful starlight energy blast and cannot be blocked ,
“Crystal Silvernium Incandescent!” She cried, loudly . The attack is too much for the Villian as he got Erased easily.
her Crystal Silvernium Shatters and Selviya dies, Her Soul left earth to go to Space. There she met the Celestial Selviya. Celestial Selviya (the original Selviya) celestial Selviya gathers the pieces of the shattered Crystal Silvernium mend together, The Crystal Silvernium Is at last Reformed and She tolds Selviya that she is her and she loves her and she will always watch her. Selviya smiled to her and thanked her. Then human Selviya returned to Life as awell as Selena thatcher.
Selviya finds that everytime she dies, she just comes back. Death means nothing to her. Due to her being a piece of a powerful celestial!
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freelancearsonist · 4 years
February Fic Recs!
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Hi everyone! I’ve realized that part of the problem with interaction within the fic community is that not as many larger creators are doing their part to reblog and recommend fics like they used to when I first joined Tumblr. And while I wouldn’t really consider myself a “large” blog, I still want to do my part to help boost my fellow creators :) So here’s a list of what I read this month!
02.01 // “a letter addressed to the manager of the letter room” by @propertyofabelmorales (Richard Alsonso-Munoz) // I’ve read this at least three times omg because it’s currently the only Richard content we have and it’s wonderfully written and the letter format is unique but really interesting and so fitting given the character so yeah 10/10 please keep ‘em coming Vic 😂
02.02 // “Walls that Come Down” by @houseofthirst (Nathan Bateman) // this made me horny and made me cry at the same time and I think it’s really unfair that you have the power to do that to me tbh 😂 This is so wonderfully written and such a beautiful take on Nathan’s character and ugh lemme go cry in my corner
02.03 // “Meet Me on Endor” by @autumnleaves1991-blog (Poe Dameron) // “You are so beautiful, all the time” made me tear up a little bit because it’s so distinctly Poe and I also horny cried because god I’d give anything for this man
02.04 // “In the Night” by @jawabear (Santiago “Pope” Garcia) // this was emotional and beautiful and sexy all at once and it made me cry a lil bit in bed at 2am and honestly I thank you for it
02.05 // “Something About You And I” by @sacklerscumrag (Poe Dameron) // This was beautifully written and also so so so sexy and I realized I might have a bit of unresolved bondage kink while reading this so thanks for that 😂
02.06 // “The Night That Follows” by @roanniom (Poe Dameron) // I found this kind of by accident and then it turned out to be one of the most beautiful fics I’ve ever read in my life??? I’m seriously like trembling how can someone pack so much talent into one sexy fic I’m—
02.07 // “The Punishment” by @mandorush (Santiago “Pope” Garcia) // This is so fucking sexy what the fuck and then I found out it’s a whole series??? Yeah so needless to say my 2am binge was entirely worth it omg 🤤
02.08 // “Dessert is on the Counter” by @nathan-bateman (Abel Morales) // I read this before you posted to make the moodboard but I’ve legit reread like seven times since then omg. A quality fic in every way. 10/10
02.09 // “Affection” by @wasicskosgirl (Llewyn Davis) // This is one of my all-time favorite fics for my favorite man 😭 everything about this is so cute and I would literally die to snuggle with this sweet boy 😭
02.10 // “Tell Me” by @rebellou (Poe Dameron) // I don’t even know what to say omfg this is one of the hottest things I’ve ever read in my life and I’d like this fic chiseled onto my gravestone so I have something nice to take with me into the afterlife
02.11 // “Romantic Dreams” by @witchyavenger (Santiago “Pope” Garcia) // Yeah I want this holy hell this was so spectacularly written and so sexy and 😩 god I can’t even have kids but I wish he would breed me omg
02.12 // “Pressing Camera Questions” by @youvebeenlivingfictional (Nathan Bateman) // Omg this is so wonderfully constructed, even as something of an introductory piece to this series. I’m so excited to see what comes!
02.13 // “Free Fall” by @michaelperry (Mikael Boghosian) // There’s so little fic for Mikael on this site and so finding this kinda felt like striking gold 😂 especially because it’s so wonderfully writing and so sexy and 🤤
02.14 // #valentines fic tag by @propertyofabelmorales (Literally every Oscar Isaac character) // I got to read so many amazing fics today because of the Valentine’s fic exchange but shit dude you went above and beyond!! I wanted to only plug each author once on this fic rec calendar but there’s no way I couldn’t give you a shout out for this. Even in addition to your piece for the fic exchange you wrote so much incredible fic for literally every character I can think of (including Marcus!!!!!!!!! As I’m writing this you haven’t even posted his yet but I saw his name on the list and I’ve been having heart palpitations ever since) so yeah explore this tag because there’s fic for literally everyone and it’s all so wonderfully written and *chef’s kiss*
02.15 // “ghosts” by @unstoppableforcce (Javier Peña) // This one gave me CHILLS omfg this is just the first part and I was rolling on the ground. Everything about this is so beautifully constructed and haunting and UGH this is amazing 😭
02.16 // “Pretty” by @waatermelon-sugaar (Blue Jones) // Holy shit this unlocked like seven kinks that I didn’t even know I had 🤤 this was so wonderfully written and so sexy and realistic? Idk if that’s a good descriptor but like I could feel everything you were describing sdkfdkfjdkfj I LOVED THIS
02.17 // “home.” By @pascal-isaac (Llewyn Davis) // Look I wish I was kidding when I say that I’ve read this fic upwards of seven times sdkjskdjskd this is one of my all-time favorite fics and it only gets hotter with age 😩 this fic is like a fine wine and I would like to have it inscribed on my tombstone when I inevitably escape from this plane of existence
02.18 // “Turning to the Dark...” by @mylifeisactuallyamess (First Order!Poe Dameron) // If I’m being honest I’m not usually a fan of darker fics but this one worked for me. It was so sexy and honestly kind of beautiful in the way you describe the interrogation and later Poe’s willful turning. I really enjoyed this and will probably read again 🥺
02.19 // “My Best Decision” by @knivesareout​ (Javier Peña) // Fuck guys I’ve had baby fever like a motherfucker this month and this made it so much worse 😂 Dad!Javi is so fucking cute omg and this fic was SO SEXY and it really hit all of my bases 😩
02.20 // “my sweet baby” by @writingletterstothefire (Santiago “Pope” Garcia) // Look I’ve read this fic 293394 times and it’s good EVERY TIME. Dirty Dancing is the good kush and this fic made my obsession with that movie like 1000 times worse omfg. I read this every time I’m in a bad mood and it just puts a smile on my face so fast omg I would literally beg for a longer version
02.21 // “Sounds of Silence” by @veuliee2 (Orestes) // This fic? This fic right here? Lives rent free in my mind. To the truest capacity of the statement. I wish I was kidding when I say that not a single day goes by where I don’t think about this. I don’t even really know what to call this? Maybe Something along the lines of associates to lovers? Whatever this qualifies as it’s literally one of my absolute favorite fics of all time and I will never forget the way you shattered and mended my heart with one story
02.22 // “Mr. & Mrs. Cooper” by @aellynera (Bud Cooper) // THIS IS BRILLIANT THE ENTIRE WAY THROUGH ok first of all that this is like one of two fics for this character 😂 but also this is the most beautifully, ironically constructed fic ever? Everything about this is entirely grasping and there’s THREE PARTS that are all just as good as the rest and 😩 I literally couldn’t ask for a more perfect fic
02.23 // “Catch” by @ollypopp (Poe Dameron) // This is a short drabble but I had to include it because DAMN this is so sexy and wonderful for such a short piece and I’ll be thinking about this for the next month so thank you 😂
02.24 // “Blooming most recklessly” by @writefightandflightclub (Evgeni Kolpakov) // This is so beautifully written while simultaneously being so sexy???? How do you do it Luna I am forever in awe of your talent 😭 I can just visualize everything he says and does so clearly and I’m so in love with this piece 😭💛
02.25 // “falling for you” by @luminouspoes (Poe Dameron) // This is the cutest thing ever wtf 😭😭 The pining is so strong even though it’s short and it’s just all around so wonderfully written and I must go cry in my corner now
02.26 // “Liability” by @honeymandos (Nathan Bateman) // THIS WAS GORGEOUS WTF I’m crying over some soft Nathan in this house tonight 😭 I was legit so worried for a while that he’d send reader away but then he CAVED and my heart sang hallelujah—
02.27 // “electric spark” by @woakiees (Duke Leto Atreides) // Hi I need everyone to read this please so it can destroy your body and live in your mind and occupy all of your waking thoughts like it does for me k thanks
02.28 // “The Child” by @starryeyedstories (Poe Dameron) // This was the sweetest thing ever what the heck 😭😭😭 I am eternally sobbing over this lil found family-ish vibe and dad!Poe is literally everything I’ve ever wanted and UGH I have to go cry for the next month
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lovee-infected · 4 years
twisted wonderland theories part 3 : Opening explanation and parallels
Well well , hope you guys enjoyed reading the previous two parts of twst theories so far
Anyways , this is the third part . I decided to go through the opening and original disney animations and also black Butler anime references one more time so this is the combination of all I've found this time , together with some stuff you might've missed
Twst's official opening was pretty mysterious and is most likely giving us hints of the upcoming adventures during the storyline . Well here's the link to opening with eng sub and also the summary of the main character references that were given to us:
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1) Ace and Deuce's rivalship : We talked about this one a lot back in (part 2) so let's skip this one
2) Leona's sadness and pain : Leona's tearn falling to the ground and the Ruggie and Jack coming for him ; that's just how he always is : mentally sad and broken with a horribly frustrating past , but will avoid expressing himself and letting anyone see his pain anyway . Not really weird that these two are always around him , Leona does really need to be looked after ...
3) Azul's seek of power : He just looked...mad in this scene . Ursula's shadow on his fave and that creepy smile totally freaks anyone out. It really explains how great his desire of power is . His neglected self in the childhood and pretty poor talent got him to this point...
4) Jamil's cold and kinda confused self : Well this one isn't really clear yet since ch 4 isn't out . But perhaps depression has this guy... spending his whole life serving the the nasty Kalim he might've grown the same characteristics as Jafar , who was so long sick of being the second one in everything . But still his ideal of life is much different from Jafar's . We saw him hypnotizing Kalim in order to make him force students to do better at school . He's trying his best to leave up to his promises as the vice dorm leader but still , having the nasty Kalim as the dorm itself is making it a lot harder for him so he's got no choice but to hypnotize him...
5) Idia's severe anxiety and his protectiveness toward Ortho : This one was mentioned in s rather old re blog but here e go again : Well with how the rumors of the "cursed Shroud family" , Idia's anti-society self might be a bit explained . This guy's overblot is surely going to be EPIC ... we just know very few about him and yet that's more than enough for him to overblot at once . Also the mention of the process of bringing Ortho back to life was a bad hit...His family curse might've been the reason of whatever thst has happened to Ortho
6) Vil's anger of not being the fairest and breaking the mirror: This one's been pointed out a lot . His anger being the same as evil queen's and also the fear of him actually poisoning someone to become the fairest one more time....**
7) Malleus' isolated self and his hidden evil aura : This one's being shown too obviously . The lonely dark prince exposing his evil side under the full moonlight . All alone , beyond the forest of thorns (Lol how ironic) while the others are running to save him before it gets too late...***
(note : **,***: Vil and Malleus' description will be continued undercut)
Very well these were the general hints found on the opening , but don't miss the final seconds which included the biggest hidden facts you could've missed
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Firstly , the splitted ink (This one was previously discussed on part 1 but still...) : We talked about how in the "Epic Mickey", Mickey accidentally splits the magic ink over the kingdom and which led to the creation of "shadow blot". This sight seems to be much similar to what we had here in the epic mickey
Well this parallel might be more than just an accidental one and finally and it might actually be that overblot is kinda Crowley's fault , too
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Crowley crosses the mirror , turns into an actual crow and flies away...(DaMn YoU bIrDiE wHERe ArE yOu gOinG I'M noT doNe YeT-)
Well the reason he suddenly runs away isn't clear yet but being a fan of black butler for years , I was suddenly reminded of how Undertaker disappeared all of a sudden at this scene from the movie :" Book of Atlantic "
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pretty similar , aren't they..?
In Book of Atlantic , Undertaker revealed his original identity as a reaper and the mastermind behind the "Bizzare dolls' " project after pretending to be a just a crazy cookie lover for so long . And at once , he comes up with his stunning sudden self-reveal , leaving everyone in the room speechless
Now now , what do we have with Crowley?
A principal who keeps hiding his face (remember that Undertaker hid his eyes , too?) , telling everyone "how kind he is" many times ... also:
1) In the opening , he was standing smiling in the mirror hall while the seven dorms were burning through seven mirrors
2) He didn't ever try to stop anyone from overbloting ; even Riddle whose overblot occurred right in front of him
3) In the beggining of the game, he asked the mirror to choose the right one and then! and MC was chosen ! MC took the hand of the one appearing through the mirror (seemingly Dire Crowley) and came here. With all said , so why did the mirror reject MC afterwards?
Also , how couldn't he help MC return to Their own world and didn't know about it if he himself brought MC here..?(Could it be that...MC doesn't remember how she/he was brought here?)
4) If he literally is THIS useless and can't ever stop or help anything, then why would he be the principal.....?
Sooooo enough with Crowley ; but what's with these two....?
The spindle wheel & the poison apple ; Sleeping beauty and Snow white
Well it seems that Diasomnia and Pomefiore are going to play a greatly important role in the storyline . We were kinda sure of Diasomnia's but Pomefiore's...? What's so special with it?
(A few hours earlier)
(Me : Hmmm ... the black mirror...where have I seen this before..? *googling - searching Snow White- going to the magic mirror scene* Me : Uh...)
Well... here it is : The Crowley's beloved flower of evil , back at his days with evil queen
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feeling old yet ...?
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Btw , just how important is being "the fairest one of all "to him ? How 'far' would he go to be the fairest...? With the bitten apple in the last few seconds of opening , it most likely seems that he IS gonna 'kill' to be the fairest again ...Who would he kill ? We don't know . But how about our pretty small guy Epel? Could it be him ? The stubborn freshman who refuses following Vil around and is usually mistaken with a girl......?
Also , why would the original mirror be so important to Crowley? If Vil's supposed to represent evil queen , why isn't 'he' the one owing the mirror...?
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And now , the spindle wheel .Great maleficent's legacy , in the hands of Crowley...Well well this is 'too' much . Malleus' family treasure being kept hidden in NRC... pathetic
Also , the mirror which Vil broke in the opening . Well well seems like he isn't having the original magic mirror , afterall....
But wait , if there's the spindle wheel , who's gonna be the evil witch to pull the sweet princess to eternal sleep..? Right , there's only one who might be...
Well we talked about all we'd got so far , but what about Grim ? Isn't anyone going to mention his importance or why he was also mentioned in this chaotic final seconds of opening ???
So... this is what we had in the final seconds :
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1)The apple
2) Crowley
3)The black ink
5)The spindle wheel
We talked about all of them except nu 4 . But before that , I've got the same question as before : Why is it "Sleeping beauty" & "Snow white"..?
We discussed the "overblot Grim " hints in (part 2), but here's another thing :
Very well , ever heard of "Grimm brothers"...?
In the case that you don't know who they are , here' the point : They are the authors of 'original' versions of sleeping beauty & snow white; two of the darkest , deepest and possibly creepiest stories of their own throughout the history
I believe that most of you are familiar with the original versions , but you may like to take a look at these two if you haven't yet heard of them check the two of these stories out : (note: I'm aware that there are darker , deeper versions of these too but I'm not gonna mention any of them because : 1)They aren't written by Grimm brothers & 2) They include overly sensual and inappropriate content which has no place in my posts . If you care to know about them , check them at your own risk)
Alright , if you ever wondered who was Grim named after , I guess we've got it now . Mentioning Grim , Snow white and Sleeping beauty together at once is too direct to be a coincidence ...but it's also terrifying ...
Thinking that Disney is actually referring to the original books written by Grimm brothers is a bit too dark... Original stories are really horrible and a great way to ruin one's childhood , but all these hints fit each other way too great and now , they may no longer be just a coincidence...
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what-a-treat-nz · 3 years
World Book Challenge: China
Officially, the People's Republic of China (PRC). It is the world's most populous country, with a population of around 1.4 billion. It covers approximately 9.6 million square kilometers, and is officially divided into 23 provinces, five autonomous regions, four direct-controlled municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing), and the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau.
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The areas in dark green are under direct Chinese control; the areas in light green (Tibet and Taiwan) are contested. For the purposes of this challenge, I’m treating China, Tibet and Taiwan as three separate countries. Because I can.
Number of Chinese people in New Zealand: As of the 2013 Census, there were 163,104 people of “Chinese (not further defined)” ethnicity in New Zealand - 10,008 of those were in Wellington City.
Have I been there? Yes! I visited Shanghai with my Dad in December 2011. I bought a really nice coat, had tea that tasted like warm Fanta (it was oddly addictive), and got hugged by Dave Grohl. So, the usual Chinese experiences, really.
I also had Peking Duck for the first time in my life, and holy hell I didn’t know what I was missing. I’ve tried to make up for it by eating copious amounts of it since.
The books
For “China” on my reading challenge, I read three fantasy novels - Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu, and the final two books of the Poppy War trilogy (The Dragon Republic and The Burning God) by R. F. Kuang, a Chinese-American author.
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (魔道祖师 / Mó Dào Zǔ Shī)
(Book 30 of 2021)
Given the fact that I have an entire subsection of my blog about how much I love the live-action TV show based on this book, it probably shouldn’t be a surprise that I had Mó Dào Zǔ Shī at the top of my list of Chinese books to read.
Mó Dào Zǔ Shī tells the story of Wei Wuxian, a loathed cultivator of dark and demonic arts who resurrects 16 years after his tragic death. His return to the world brings him to reunite with the people in his first life, including his soulmate, the honored Lan Wangji (who mourned him for 16 years, during which he branded himself with the same mark as Wei Wuxian and kept his memory alive and I’m okay, I promise). Wei Wuxian then begins to remember his time before his demise 16 years ago, from his beginnings as a young cultivator to his descent to dark magic. Together, they solve a mystery linked to a dark tragedy from Wei Wuxian’s first life, then live happily ever after.
This novel was originally published on the Chinese web novel site JJWXC from October 31, 2015 - March 1, 2016, with additional side stories that continue to be released sporadically. The revised version of the main story was later published online until September 7, 2016. A paperback version was released on December 12, 2016, with a total of four volumes in traditional Chinese. The first of three planned volumes in simplified Chinese, titled Wuji, was released in 2018, but release of the following installments has stalled after the locking of the novel on JJWXC since January 2019.
Mó Dào Zǔ Shī isn’t officially available in English, and given that it depicts an explicit danmei relationship between Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, I don’t think we’ll ever see an official version. Though there are official translations into Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Russian, Japanese, and Burmese, and the tour for the TV traveled to Toronto, Los Angeles and New York, so maybe one day there will be an official translation.
For now though, you can read the entire novel for free at Exiled Rebels Scanlations, where it has been translated in full by a then-highschooler called “K-san”. It’s hard to actually judge the merits of the writing of the original novel, given I was reading an unofficial translation, but that was actually half of the sweetness of it. It was kinda rough - K-san tweaked the terms they used as they gained more confidence with the translation, and I enjoyed reading the translator and editor notes that accompanied most chapters - especially notes such as “we’re translating as fast as we can, stop asking for faster updates!”. It felt really organic and friendly, and the story is good (though much gorier than the TV show and good god boys, learn what lube is, it’ll make your lives better I promise).
I read the book more as a companion to the TV show though, rather than a novel on it’s own merits, so I’m not sure I can judge it as a novel on it’s own merits. Though the book did teach me one very important piece of information: Lan Wangji canonically smells of sandalwood.
Would I read it again? If an official English translation comes out, I’d probably read that. I’m more likely to watch the TV show again, or dive into one of the sesquillion Untamed fanfics on AO3 ( Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn was the most popular ship on AO3 in 2020, with 12,878 new works about these characters being published that year).
The Dragon Republic and The Burning God
(Books 34 and 35 of 2021)
I read The Poppy War and The Dragon Republic back in September 2019 (when I wasn’t counting how many books I was reading, but I did have a record of them), and I decided to re-read The Dragon Republic because I couldn’t exactly remember where the story was up to.
And it’s a good thing I did, as something I thought happened at the end of The Dragon Republic actually happened at the end of The Poppy War, so oops?
The Poppy War trilogy is a grimdark fantasy novel set in fantasy China, with a Chinese protagonist and written by a Chinese-American author. It’s spectacular. The trilogy draws its plot and politics from mid-20th-century China, though it’s atmosphere is more inspired by the Song dynasty. The conflict in the first book is based on the Second Sino-Japanese War (though this time, it’s the Chinese empire against the Japanese empire), in the second on the start of the Chinese civil war (Chinese empire against nascent Republican movement), and in the third on the end of Chinese civil war (Republicans versus not-Republicans).
It’s a massive trilogy. It’s incredibly complex, with a huge scale and massive numbers of characters, though the fact it’s all seen through Rin’s eyes (with the occasional first and last chapter from the point of view of other characters) helps.
The story follows that of Fang Runin, better known as Rin, a poor war orphan in southern Nikara who trains in secret to test into the elite Sinegard Academy. Throughout the trilogy she deals with racism, sexism, elitism...most of the isms, really. Author R.F. Kuang said that Rin's life is meant to parallel the trajectory of Mao Zedong, and I had fun trying to match events in Chinese history to the events in the book (the easiest ones to spot are the Rape of Nanjing, the nuclear bombing of Japan and the Long March).
I don’t remember Mao Zedong having the power to call on a fire god, however. It’s probably a good thing that’s not something that happened in real life China, as Mao’s policies killed enough people without him literally being able to spit fire.
I described the first book as “If Kvothe from The Name of the Wind was female, Chinese, and allowed to say fuck.” Those two books felt really similar to me - they’re very much your “outsider is accepted to elite academy, winds up pissing off most of their classmates and chooses an obscure major to specialise in before being thrown into a conflict they are key to winning.” But honestly, I preferred the Poppy War trilogy, even if the final book did get super dark.
Rin is a really refreshing character, and the world seen through her eyes is a very different place to one I’m used to reading about. Kuang said that she "chose to write a fantasy reinterpretation of China's twentieth century, because that was the kind of story I wasn't finding on bookshelves", and I’m so glad she did. The world needs more books like this. I’m as pasty and as white as they come, and I loved reading a book where the heroine was authentically Chinese. This isn’t a pakeha author trying to fit themselves into someone else’s shoes - this is someone with a deep understanding of Chinese military history and collective trauma using that understanding and pain to build a new fantasy world.
I loved it, and if you can stomach war scenes, I recommend this trilogy.
Will I read the Poppy War trilogy again? I might do. It’s a bit darker and more desperate than I usually read - particularly The Burning God - but I did enjoy them. So that’s a firm “never say never”.
Bonus book! 
These Violent Delights
I read NZ-Chinese author Chloe Gong’s These Violent Delights earlier this year (book number 20 of 2021), before I set myself this challenge, so it doesn’t technically count as an entry for “China” in my book challenge. But it is amazing, and I love it, so I wanted to give it a quick shout out here (because if we’re talking fantasy reimaginings of Chinese 20th century history by Chinese diaspora authors...).
These Violent Delights relocates the story of Romeo and Juliet to 1920s Shanghai, casting the two leads as the heirs to rival gangs. It’s brilliant, it’s beautiful, there were sentences that made me stop and gasp for the sheer delight of having read them, and there’s a monster made of bugs driving the citizens of Shanghai insane. The way Gong has woven the characters from the play into their 1920s counterparts is delightful (I say this as someone who’s never actually read the play, though I think I saw the Leonardo DiCaprio movie because it was difficult to be a tween in the late 90s and not be exposed to his films).
15/10, would definitely read it again, it’s been on the New York Times bestseller list for weeks for a very, very good reason. Stop reading this blog and go get a copy. Now.
The feast
I admit, using China as my first country may have been a bit of a cop out, given my familiarity with Chinese food - though, living in a Western country, I’ve probably eaten more Westernised Chinese food than authentic Chinese food.
Which is why I was chuffed to learn that spring rolls are, actually, authentic Chinese food. I always thought they were a Westernisation, like sweet and sour pork or fortune cookies.
For my Chinese feast, I turned to The Woks of Life, a delightful Chinese cooking blog that I can’t open without being inspired to cook like 9 million things.
When I started this project, I originally was only going to cook one dish from each country. I figured I’d go easy on myself for China, and make 花生酥 (hua sheng su), a traditional sesame peanut brittle.
It’s something I’ve made before - I make little bags of it for my colleagues each lunar new year.
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I don’t follow the Woks of Life recipe exactly - for example, I’ve never once roasted and shelled my own peanuts. I tend to use a mix of blanched and pre-roasted peanuts in my 花生酥, and I think it comes out okay. Next time I’m going to increase the amount of sugar I use - I find that 270g of rock sugar is not quite enough to cover the peanuts totally. Which is a pain. Next time I think I’ll use 300g, and turn the heating on in my kitchen so it’s warmer, to stop the brittle from hardening before I can properly get it into the tray to cool.
But then I changed my mind, and decided to throw a full on feast.
For the feast I threw, I made two more dishes from the Woks of Life - Easy Peking Duck with Mandarin Pancakes, and 年糕 (nian gao), or stir-fried rice cakes (though I did them with chicken, not pork, as that’s what I had in my freezer). I also cooked up some spring rolls, as I had them leftover in my freezer from my housewarming (for which I over catered, because I cannot do anything but over cater any event I throw). I should have marinated the duck longer. That one was on me.
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I also made some 核桃酥 (he tao su), walnut cookies, which were delicious and I definitely want to make again. I think I’ll add some hazelnuts in as well for additional crunch, and make them slightly smaller - they were 12 very big cookies.
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But delicious cookies.
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Kisu was most distressed that we did not feed her anything from this feast.
The Playlist
I ended up finding this “Chinese Indie & Rock” playlist on Spotify, which I really enjoyed. I could understand none of the songs, but I enjoyed the heck out of a lot of them. I’ll probably keep listening to this playlist - they were definitely my sort of jams.
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dear-yandere · 4 years
May i ask your opinion relating to the tumblr writing community dying? Well you see when you are an anon sending request to a writing blog, what is the area of too detail and too vague and the area between them? This is something that is kinda troubling me. I found out that writer dont like thing that is too vague or too detail. And when they decide to delete it and not write it, it PROBABLY make us think that our req not appropriate, which then discourage us to ask another req and not involve with the blog only reading.
I dont know about vague, but i know my own short-coming as an anon who probably send ask that is too detail (which i why i dont ask or request, just read). I have a particular taste or genre (i divide the nsfw from sfw and know which is appropriate) I send the ask so that the blog have more genre or they can write a fic/hcs/sc that is based on my idea so that other people can enjoy. (I found another anon whose request that they think is too detailed, so they kinda say to write it yourself) If you ask why dont you write it yourself, what if the asker is not good at writing, not good at the characterization, or doesnt know how to have a good writing format. And thinking the writing blog is an outlet to share their idea that they can not write to the fandom .
Please think about how an anon or an asker feel if they actually give a critic or an opinion that is not a praise (not a harrasment) to a blog that have a lot of followers and another writer friends. I would not want to be ganged on.
And also sending request to multiple writing blog (which i didn't do since i found that writers dont like that) this is from my pov as a requester or non-writer that run a blog, but what if they send it because they thought that their req is erased so they send another one to another blog to write, but the other blog thought that is a requester who sends to multiple blog because they are friend with the first blog?
I'm sorry this is so long. I just thought giving a comment to that post since i like to read fic in tumblr. Maybe i can give an insight or another side to look at. If there is something that i am wrong at, please be gentle with me and no cussing. I prefer to have a civiled discussion. Sorry if i offend you or something or that i sound annoying. This is just an opinion.
ahhh there’s a lot to address here, so i’ll answer it one by one.
May i ask your opinion relating to the tumblr writing community dying? Well you see when you are an anon sending request to a writing blog, what is the area of too detail and too vague and the area between them? This is something that is kinda troubling me. I found out that writer dont like thing that is too vague or too detail. And when they decide to delete it and not write it, it PROBABLY make us think that our req not appropriate, which then discourage us to ask another req and not involve with the blog only reading.
i’ve heard mixed opinions on this from different writers. some writers prefer detailed requests so they can understand exactly what the anon wants; other writers prefer vague requests so that they have creative freedom to write whatever they want. writers aren’t obligated to fill requests, so they could delete the request for reasons besides it being vague or too detailed; if you’re unsure if your favorite writer prefers vague/detailed requests, don’t hesitate to ask!
I dont know about vague, but i know my own short-coming as an anon who probably send ask that is too detail (which i why i dont ask or request, just read). I have a particular taste or genre (i divide the nsfw from sfw and know which is appropriate) I send the ask so that the blog have more genre or they can write a fic/hcs/sc that is based on my idea so that other people can enjoy. (I found another anon whose request that they think is too detailed, so they kinda say to write it yourself) If you ask why dont you write it yourself, what if the asker is not good at writing, not good at the characterization, or doesnt know how to have a good writing format. And thinking the writing blog is an outlet to share their idea that they can not write to the fandom .
some blogs avoid specific genres, so if you send an ask so that they have more of that genre, your request is probably less likely to be filled. for example, i’m a yandere blog, so i tend to stray away from fluff or comfort ideas; i do sfw, but i tend to prefer more nsfw ideas, whether it’s a lewd idea or otherwise (gore, taboo topic, etc). in other words, i’m less likely to fulfill a non-yandere or overly sfw idea (ex. “character cuddling reader”) than i am to fulfill a darker or more nsfw idea. it’s up to writer preference.
for the writer who told the anon to write it themselves, i kinda get it? most writers prefer to have creative freedom, so if an anon sends the story they want in such detail, it’s basically already written. i totally get why someone might be unable to write it themselves, but if a request is that long and detailed, it’s probably better to ask the writer if they accept detailed requests first. or, check if they accept commissions, especially since writing a specific idea can be really mentally taxing and difficult!
Please think about how an anon or an asker feel if they actually give a critic or an opinion that is not a praise (not a harrasment) to a blog that have a lot of followers and another writer friends. I would not want to be ganged on.
i’m sorry if this has happened to anyone... i personally haven’t seen it, nor do i know anyone who would gang up on someone for offering feedback. however, not every blog wants opinions / critiques on their work. a great deal of blogs do, but that doesn’t mean every writer does. again, always ask first, or check their rules.
And also sending request to multiple writing blog (which i didn't do since i found that writers dont like that) this is from my pov as a requester or non-writer that run a blog, but what if they send it because they thought that their req is erased so they send another one to another blog to write, but the other blog thought that is a requester who sends to multiple blog because they are friend with the first blog?
in general, writers don’t like when anons send the exact same request to multiple writers, especially if the anon didn’t even change the wording. it’s very rude, and it makes writers feel like they’re machines / expendable. my suggestion is to personalize the ask to the blog you’re sending it to, or at least change the wording and mention that you sent the same idea to other blogs and you’re curious what [this writer] thinks too.
i hope this clears some things up. this ask was in response to my interactions post, so i want to reiterate that none of these should deter you from interacting with a writer, even if you only leave a “i like this!” or some emojis! i totally get that interacting with writers, especially bigger writers, can be scary, but the thing is, there won’t be any more writers to interact with if they feel they aren’t being seen.
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anon 2. Hello, saw you post about writing community is dying. It's not, tumblr has the worst ask box and it does show ask box on the app :( Please if you have Twitter, or Istagram or others. Please put a link to them. T.T I beg of you T.T
what does my social media have to do with the writing community dying? also, how is it not dying? i asked around, and the ask box seems to work, so maybe it’s just your app? gosh this ask is so confusing... i still can’t wrap my head around why you’d want my social media. i can’t really upload my fics to them...especially instagram and twitter?? anon i’m so lost...😢
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ellana-ravenwood · 6 years
“Are the Wayne kids single ?” - Batsis x Batfam
So...I am a shameless people watcher (don’t judge haha). I get a lot of inspiration from sitting somewhere for hours and just looking at strangers going on about their lives ^^'. Sometimes catching conversations and such and man, many people are borderline obsessed with knowing who their fav’ celebrity is dating and all that. Which made me think : “Mm, wonder if the members of the Batfam, who are definitely celebrities in their world, ever have problems with people borderline obsessing about their love life ? And how do they handle it ?” so um...I wrote about that. And here it is. Hope you’ll like it :  
PS : Since I don’t appear in the Tumblr searches anymore, reblogging my stories is the only way for other people than you guys who are following me to see them...so if you feel like helping out :D.  My master list blog : @ella-ravenwood-archives
“(Y/N), we don’t have to if you don’t want to, you know.” 
“What ? What are you talking about ? Don’t be stupid, of course I want to. One of them will pick up on it at some point anyway, and then believe me, it’ll be much worse. It’s always better if it comes from us.”  
You wince at the tone of your own voice. 
You didn’t mean to sound so cold and a bit condescending, especially since you understood that he was just trying to help you, understanding that you were under a lot of stress and pressure.
Conner Kent. Your boyfriend. He has been yours for a while now, which was what this all thing was about in the first place. 
Growing up as a “Wayne” brought it’s fair share of advantages, and disadvantages.  
The good points were very obvious. No one needed to think much about the “Why being a Wayne is great ?” thing. Everyone knew the answer to that. Money, fame, doors opening for you easily etc etc.
The bad points though...Many people never realized there even were unpleasant sides of being a Wayne, the good points overshadowing this darker facet of your life. But what most people thought was a blessing, could be a real pain in the ass sometimes ! 
Having money brought its lot of “vulture” that wanted to be friend with you just because of this. Having a good network meant that people always assumed everything you ever earned through hard work was just handed to you. And being famous...
Oh, the fame was probably one of the biggest drawback of being a Wayne. Because being often in the spotlight meant that people could get absolutely obsessed with your every move. 
You were lucky enough to have a father who always managed to shield you (and your siblings) from all this when you were a kid...But now. 
Now you were an adult, and you couldn’t always rely on your dad to save you from paparazzi and such. Plus it came with the territory of being a Wayne. Your father prepared you long enough for that. 
He knew he wouldn’t always be able to protect you from the public eye. He knew that, just because you were his kid, at some point, you’d have to appear at events filled with journalists and photographers. 
And though he was able to bargain when you were a child to only have pictures he previously approved published (plus the law was on his side, as pictures of children appearing in magazines had specific rules to follow, and he had amazing lawyers)...Now that you were an adult, you had to fend for yourself. 
Otherwise, rumors would start. Bad rumors. Hurtful ones. 
Your dad taught you long ago that to keep the little privacy you had while famous, you had to give a little first. Or things could turn sour. He could talk from experience, he had some scandals in his youth (one of them being suddenly becoming a single dad while in his early twenties, while being back in Gotham for less than a year after his mysterious disappearance when he was 16, and always refusing to talk about who was your mother um um.This sprout some pretty terrible rumors in its days...But that’s another story).
The trick was to give away enough so that people would be satisfied, without actually saying much. It was important to give them something to chew on. They’d just write something about you anyway, just because of who your family was so...Hinting on things cheekily and with humor came a long way. 
Like for example, what your dad always did in regards of women and his relationships. He build himself a “womanizer” persona and always played the part perfectly, so questions about a potential “Mrs Wayne” died down a while ago. 
Nowadays, he just  had to smile charmingly, wink and say “A gentleman never tells” to any question about his current supposed “conquest”, and everyone would be satisfied. 
And oh there were so many pictures and videos of you, standing behind him as he uses his charms to swoon everyone, and rolling your eyes at the all thing. 
In fact, Tim pointed out to you a while ago an instagram account someone made called “(Y/N) Wayne’s sassy eye roll”. It was filled with videos of you rolling your eyes in public (mainly at something your brothers or father did). This account had over two millions followers when he showed it to you, and probably gained more since then. Which wasn’t really surprising. 
Actually, this little dynamic you had with your dad, him (faking) being an extroverted flirty man, and you shaking your head whenever he did that...people loved it. And more than once, you got out of a delicate question someone asked because your dad used his charm and you acted embarrassed and “so done with it” that it made people laugh and move on, without even needing an answer ! 
Implying things without ever confirming them was key in a lot of situations. And using humor and quick come backs was too. 
When people were being rudely intrusive, and asked questions about your personal life, it was easy to shut them down. To answer with wit and sarcasm, and make them want to stop asking you this kind of questions. Plus the public LOVED a good little drama and to see rude ones being put back in their place.
Most of your “fans” were rooting for you, and wanted to know things about you because they somehow felt like you were their friends. Many of them saw you grow up by your father’s side. Your family always been a loved one in Gotham. So...If someone was being an ass to you, of course they’d yell “YAAS QUEEN !!” and talk about how well you answered, not caring about the actual question anymore even if they were curious. 
Yes. Dealing with rude scandal journalists was easy. 
But sometimes, oh sometimes...Sometimes you fell on a nice reporter who didn’t think what they did was wrong in any way, and who was just genuinely curious. Who just wanted to give actual infos to their followers. 
After all, you were a “celebrity” just for being born a “Wayne”. And though you never asked for this fame, it came with some sort of contract that you kinda had to talk about your private life from times to times. 
Which was your biggest problem currently. You weren’t really sure how to go about...All this. 
You’ve always been good for getting away from questions about your love life, by feeding journalists little anecdotes about your relationship with your dad, or funny stories involving your siblings. By deflecting their questions to give them some other hindsight about your life. 
Plus your use of social media, especially Instagram and Snapchat, also helped you get away with a lot. You showed enough, so that people wouldn’t be too curious. 
But you knew that a day would arise that you’d need to actually spill the tea...”Were the Wayne kids single, or not ?”
Go figure why, but this question : “Are the Wayne kids single ?”, was always only aimed at you. No one ever asked your brothers. You wondered if it was because you were the only girl, and people just instantly assume you liked talking about “love” and shit ? Damn gender cliches. 
Maybe it was the reason. But clearly, they were wrong. 
“Love and shit”. Just the way you were thinking about it could give every answer needed. For a long time, you didn’t care much about relationships. 
Even more so since, you being a Wayne, it was difficult to meet guys you could trust for being genuinely interested in you, and not just your name. Plus you simply never felt the need to be with someone to be happy. It didn’t came first on your priority list. 
It actually never even was, on your priority list. 
You were busy with so many other things, you never thought you really needed to have someone involved in that way in your life. 
Plus, maybe, just maybe, the fact your father and mother had a complicated on/off relationship kinda made you afraid of any kind of romantic commitment. 
Batman and Catwoman’s mouse and cat chase was infamous. You didn’t want to ever feel the way they did and still do. You saw more than once, how miserable they could get because of all that. Of course, they had just as much happy moments but...Meh. You’d rather just avoid it. 
Which is why you always seemed to know how to avoid questions about your love life ! You decided long ago that you wouldn’t go the “helpless flirt” way your dad took, and rather borrow the “funny self-deprecating jokes” road. 
You’d just brush off any rumors concerning you and a potential love interest with this kind of humor, and then talk about something else involving your family life. 
And that was it. Easy. Plus anyway, there really wasn’t that much to talk about. 
You were single. You were glad to be single. You didn’t want to get involved with anyone. End of story (and you knew this wouldn’t satisfy anyone’s curiosity which is why you often retorted to deflecting things). 
It was all rather simple and straightforward. 
That was your mindset. Until you met Conner. 
Things changed after that. And though you went through quite a lot of misunderstanding (I wrote stories about this, you can check them out on my master list on the DC one under “Conner” @ella-ravenwood-archives​), in the end, things were great between you two ! 
Actually getting rather...Serious. Which is what got you in that particular mood you were today. What made you somewhat snap at your beloved boyfriend. 
You knew. You just knew that the info would come out eventually. And not knowing when or how was getting you on edge. 
It’s not that you didn’t want to present Conner as your “official” boyfriend. Not that you were ashamed of him or unsure about your relationship. It’s just...getting this kind of thing in the open wasn’t easy. 
You were dreading all the questions about how you met (you couldn’t possibly talk about the truth, and the Young Justice, and coming up with a believable story you could both say was weirdly incredibly stressful), how things were going, wether or not you thought about marriage, living together...kids ! 
This was a step in your privacy you weren’t sure you wanted anyone to cross. And yet...Yet it HAD to be made public ! Because god forbid one of those rude scandal journalists find the truth before you talked about it. 
You could be sure it would bring its lot of rumors and unpleasant things like that. You didn’t want anyone to talk ill about you and Conner dating !! You knew it could really have a bad effect on your relationship...
You witnessed your oldest brother, Dick, and his first fall out with his first girlfriend, Barbara, because the public pressure was too much. Now of course they had other issues and after a lot of things happening managed to work things out and were back together for good (they went through too much together not to), but you didn’t want to go through any of that ! You spend enough nights trying to cheer your older brother up after his break-up, and listening to how things got awful once people started to talk about them...
You already went through so much, with Conner. Convincing your families to accept your relationship was tough for many reasons. You definitely didn’t need some noisy people to speculate about why you didn’t go public or anything...
Which is why you needed to do it now. By yourself. But you just didn’t really know how to...go on about all of that ! 
“(Y/N), we don’t have to if you don’t want to, you know.”
“What ? What are you talking about ? Don’t be stupid, of course I want to. One of them will pick up on it at some point anyway, and then believe me, it’ll be much worse. It’s always better if it comes from us.”  
You wince at the tone of your own voice.
You didn’t mean to sound so cold and a bit condescending, especially since you understood that he was just trying to help you, understanding that you were under a lot of stress and pressure.
You turn to him and smile apologetically, before adding :
“Besides, I think it’s finally time I show you off.” 
Oh it was so easy to make Conner blush. Any compliments coming from you and his cheeks would get that cute rosy tint. You were about to reach for his cheek and caress it lovingly, to complete your not-so-subtile “I’m sorry I was just being an ass” excuse when, as often, your fun and enjoyment at witnessing your boyfriend being so sweet was cut short by...one of your sibling, of course (they always seemed to be around when such moments happened...well today you were visiting the family home, so obviously they’d be there, but still). 
“Tt. There’s not much to show off really !” 
Your youngest brother starts, sneering at Conner. 
Your boyfriend got accustomed to this kind of behavior a while ago now, and only answered with a smirk which Damian thought was absolutely infuriating ! But he didn’t dare say or do much more, because you were now glaring at him and he just knew you too well to risk any other words. Before you could scold him however, your other younger brother, Tim, said : 
“Well, technically speaking, there IS a lot to show. Conner is a, and I’m quoting dad talking about him to one of the Justice League about wether or not he should be one of its new member : “big and able strong man”...bit redundant really. Now, if we speak about conversation and brain...”
Tim snickered, aware of what not finishing his sentence implied, and exchanged a knowing look with Damian. The high-five they gave each others a few seconds after almost stopped you from saying anything. After all, it was so rare to see him bond like that...You just wished it wasn’t in this circumstance. Which made you say : 
“First of all, Conner is a very intelligent man, Mister I-thought-fish-fingers-could-be-found-like-that-in-the-sea-and-were-actually-fingers. And second, he’s also a rather attractive one. So there’s a lot to show off, and you’re just being jealous.”
Damian made an exaggerated gagging sound at you calling your boyfriend “attractive”, but didn’t say anything else (your glare always had such an effect on him), but Tim exclaimed, outraged : 
“Hey ! I was kidding ok ? No need to bring out the jealousy card ! And about the fish fingers, I was seven and you and Jason kept telling me that I was right !” 
You smiled smugly at him, happy you managed to turn the tables on him, and...wow it feels nice. To joke around with your brothers, even if you’re not so sure they’re really joking when talking about your Conner. It was just nice to forget your stress a bit. Nice to think about something else. 
 You came to the realization you HAD to talk about your relationship publicly today, as you were coming home from the Kent farm with Conner and almost got caught by paparazzi. Thanks Gods for Wayne Manor’s high hedges and the fact that from behind and far away, your boyfriend could very well be one of your brother, what with his large frame and dark hair...
But this little event of you two almost getting caught made you realize that you had to go public. You had to introduce Conner to everyone. Because if you didn’t, the truth would eventually come out and it’d just be bad overall. A source of unwanted and easily avoidable troubles. 
You were talking about this all morning with your family, and they were definitely very supportive and agreed with you. You had to talk about it...
Which is why you spend most of your day stressing about it and trying to think about a strategy to bring the subject as smoothly as possible. And so, this little joking distraction was very welcome. 
Your dad’s chuckle finished to make you feel more at ease. It was very rare, to hear him laugh, and when he did, it always had a big soothing effect on you. Even if there was a possibility he was currently mocking you, you couldn’t care less. 
He laughed, and you liked when he was happy and carefree enough to do so. 
You turn to him and he smiles fondly at you. Raising you hadn’t really been the easiest thing for many reasons (none related to your personality or way of being, on the contrary...but that’s another story), and seeing you all grown up brought a special emotion to his heart. 
Seeing you stressed about introducing your relationship to the public made him feel so many different things. 
Nostalgia that you weren’t his little girl anymore. Pride that you grew up so well despite all the hardship you went through, and was such an amazing young woman. Sadness and guilt that it’s only because he was your dad that you had to go through all those troubles (and many more). Happiness because you seemed happy, albeit a bit stressed. Resentment, mainly towards Conner, because he was taking you away... 
His chuckle came from you shutting up Tim with that “fish fingers” comment (and because he was reminded of how cute it was, that arguably his smartest kid was also the most gullible one as a child...oh how you and Jason took advantage of that fact. You also managed to make him believe that the hay wrapped in white plastic in fields were actually giant marshmallows, and that those candy Tim particularly liked were plants), but also because seeing you so worked up over something he never thought you’d even think about much was entertaining. 
You often knew exactly what you wanted and how to achieve it. So the fact you were so unsure right now, about such a trivial thing as to introduce your boyfriend to the “World”...it was oddly funny to him. 
Hence the chuckle. And his next words : 
“I remember being nervous too, when I was about to announce that I was seriously dating your mother.” 
You smile at him and...Oh no. Of course. Of course you were going to turn the tables on him too and try to divert this whole issue : 
“Which time ?” 
Constantly joking about your parents on and off relationship (currently off) was your way to cope with the fact you’d never have quite conventional parents (well, as they said themselves : “they dress as animals at night”, obviously they couldn’t be “normal”). To compensate your fear of having their kind of painful yet exciting relationship (even if clearly, between you and Conner it was completely different  than between them). 
Your dad knew you weren’t quite mocking him, but just teasing. Which is what he wanted to achieve. If you teased him, it meant you were a bit less stressed. 
“When we got engaged. -short pause - The first time.” 
He answers your question, his face stoic even if you know he’s not taking all this too seriously (the fact he added “the first time” proof enough). You smirk and...it always impressed you very much, how your dad always seemed to know what to say to calm you down. 
After all, he was known to be a bit “challenged” when it came to express himself, or his feelings. But for some reasons, he just always know what to say to make his kids feel better. His magic didn’t work only on you, you knew for a fact that in moments of doubts, he always managed to cheer your brothers up to. To bring them back from dark thoughts. 
He knew what it felt like to be miserable, sad, lost and any negative feeling you could think of...And the mere thoughts of his children feeling any of that pained him so much that he always ended up letting his guard down, and letting his heart speak. 
It was always very effective. Like now. 
Even if very simple. Just a few words. You already felt better, more cool headed. Less nervous. More encline to think properly and not panic.
In fact, the way your dad just joked about his own nervousness (and knowing that he had to then announce that his engagements were off which was even worst...) made you see the entire situation in another light. 
You smiled widely at your dad, then at Conner. Ignored your two pouty little brothers who were still vexed about how you easily turned tables on them, and suddenly stood up to go get your phone. 
Conner looked at you, curious, as you came trotting back to him. Your dad, however, knew what this meant. He recognized the little spark in your eyes. He saw it enough to know instantly what it meant. 
You just had an amazing idea to solve your problem. 
Thanks to your dad joking around and therefor helping your mind be more at ease, you were able to foment a little plan as to how would be the best way to bring the news about you having a serious boyfriend. 
You didn’t want to directly come forward with him and say you guys were steady already. You knew that if you did, many people would wonder how long you got together. And the answer to that question would bring too much annoyances. 
If you said the truth, that you’ve been together for almost a year, then people would get vexed that you only just introduced him, even if technically, it was none of their business. They would wonder why they never saw him on any of your social media pages. 
They would talk about why you waited so long before introducing him, and even if your reason was to “make sure things were serious” which was valid, they’d find a way to twist your words, and you didn’t want Conner to think anything of it. You knew he wasn’t one to be easily manipulated, but if problems could be avoided...Then you should avoid them, right ? 
On the other hand, if you said “oh we just got together”, then people would annoyingly give your relationship an “end date” and talk about how you introduced him officially way too fast ! Again, he never even appeared on your instagram !
No. No. Rule number 1 of being famous : give a little info, just enough to satisfy people’s curiosity. Don’t give away too much at the same time, or things will go haywire. 
The biggest problem right now, was that people never even heard of Conner. How would they ? You met while at the Young Justice headquarters. You rarely had the time to go on “conventional” date and even so, you’d then go in places you were sure no one would recognize you (like in Smallville and such). 
You had to first ease him in. Talk about him a bit. Introduce him as a “friend”, before talking about “boyfriend”. So that people wouldn’t be shock. So that they’d slowly get accustomed to him. 
And how to do that ? Well, social media came in handy for sure. 
First, Conner started to appear in your “group pictures”. The one you would take with your brothers, to satisfy the “Wayne fix” people seemed to need. The caption on that first picture of you, Conner and your brothers was : “Hanging with those guys <3 #bestbrothersever #lookatthoseidiots #Waynefam″, as simple as that. 
You replied to a few comments of people wondering who “That dude on the left of Jason” was by replying a simple : “He’s a friend of my brother !” 
It was quite clever really. Bam. Conner was in as “your brother’s friend” (never mentioning which brother was smart, people just assumed it was Dick or Jason and that was it, even if technically, he was Tim’s bestie). And the fact you personally replied to some comments made you closer from the people who wanted to know all about you ! It was a win-win situation. 
Then slowly, he started to appear in your snapchat stories and such. Like “My brother’s friend is a dork”, filming him doing something silly with one of your sibling. 
And bit by bit, he took more space on your social medias. He went from an “unnamed man in your picture”, to “your brother’s friend”, to simply “Conner”. 
The first picture you posted of just you and him had so many comments from people saying things like : “I don’t know for y’all, but I ship them !” or “Oh they’d be a cute couple !” even before you’d hint at anything. 
Literally, this said first picture was of you and him in Metropolis’ streets, picture taken a little blurry on purpose, as if you’d just met by accident. 
The caption read : “Look who I ran into into in Metro-city ! #ConnerK #Thatdork #Mybrosfriend #coincidence”. It was simple, and enough for people to start kinda liking the idea of the two of you together. 
Of course by then, you’d really been together for literal months, but eh, no one but your families and close friends knew. The fact was, you guys dating was part of your “unknown world”. Part of your “superhero World”. You hung out together at the Young Justice headquarters at first. But now it was time for Conner to come and be part of your “Alter Ego” world. 
You posted another picture of you and Conner the same day you “accidentally” ran into each others in Metropolis, of him sitting next to you in a park, an ice cream in his hand, smiling charmingly at the camera. With a caption saying : “Thanks for showing me around dude ! Glad our path crossed #coincidence #Iwaslost #GladIranintohim #mybrothersfriendsarealsomyfriends #suchlonghashtags #ConnerK #icecreamtime #MetropolisSucks”. 
From that point on, it was easy to slowly ease into people’s mind that actually, they kinda like you two together. 
You denying any romantic relationship with him was another smart move. You’d sometimes say : “no he’s just a friend !” and such things whenever people shipped the hell out of you, which made people like and like even more the idea of you two dating. 
You got the inspiration from watching too many TV shows. You know, those incredible slow burn love stories ? Where the lead character has that perfect chemistry with another recurring character, and since their first scene together you’ve been wanting them to date ? But things drag and drag and problem keeps getting in their way and suddenly you would DIE for them ! You are rooting for them to get together soooo bad ! That once they finally do...You’re just incredibly happy, and since you feel like you just witnessed their relationship blossomed for the past three seasons, you don’t mind not having all the answers to your questions about them together, ya know ? 
On the contrary, you want things to keep unfold in front of you. 
Well, you basically applied that TV show trope you love so much to your own fake un-relationship. Posting more and more things with Conner. Cute “friendly” videos, and awesome pictures. 
Conner even started to use his own instagram page, that he never really used before. The message he wrote for you for your birthday, accompanied by a cute picture of you smiling at the camera made so many people write in caps lock “JUST GET TOGETHER ALREADY !”. 
Your plan was going perfectly well. Your father was actually very impressed and proud about how you decided to handle everything. From extremely nervous, to a neatly and skilled little plan coming perfectly together. 
In that way, you were a lot like him. Always had a plan. And multiple back up plans. Only most of the time, your initial plans would almost always work. 
Like father like daughter, right ? 
You were so damn proud of yourself. And so happy Conner understood. 
You were perfectly aware that your “plan” could be misinterpreted by him. After all, he could’ve been weirded out by all the “faking” you asked of him. But nope. He really wasn’t. 
You explained to him that you thought that easing things down would be the best and more problem free way to go. That acting as if you weren’t already together since a long time was a good idea. 
You explained all the rumors that could ensue if you just came out together now without saying anything (you could see such rumors every day in scandal magazines, as soon as a celebrity was hanging out with someone else !). 
And he understood. He agreed. Plus, he didn’t mind acting like your friend in public. So far, you both always kinda hid yourself wherever you went together.
So for Conner it was a great change of pace. Even if he definitely understood too why until now you wanted to keep your relationship hidden. You just wanted to be with him without any other worries, to be with him as if you were just a random person, not someone famous ! Plus he knew you were afraid to impose your fame on him, but now, you’ve been together long enough for him to accept that fact, for him to know he’ll eventually have to roll with it if he wanted to be with you...Oh and he wanted to.
He never thought you were ashamed of him, or not serious or anything. No. He understood why you wanted to hide things. He was totally on board. He was actually pretty sure he would have waited centuries for you to be ready ! And now that you were, that he was too, and moving forward with things...Well then he’d do whatever you want him to do. 
He was never into PDA anyway, and it was nice to be able to hang out with you in public without caring much if people took pictures or not. Because it was known that he was “just one of your brother’s friend” at first, so there was no mystery there ! People knew him now. And even started to point out how he appeared before in your brothers’ pictures anyway !
And then once you started to hang out more as friends yourselves, and all that...as your PUBLIC relationship started to bud...Well who cared if paparazzi took picture and titled their articles : “Are (Y/N) Wayne and Conner Kent dating ?!”
To be honest, it was quite a big help that Conner was “Clark Kent and Lois Lane’s kid”. It eased even more your fake backstory of how you met. It was notoriously known that Bruce Wayne was good friend with famed reporters Kent and Lane. So the fact their children knew each others...wasn’t really surprising ! 
It played perfectly in your little “he was just one of my brother’s friend. I never saw him as more than a play buddy for a long time...until that fateful Metropolis encounter !”. Oh Alfred’s acting class he used to give you as a child definitely came in handy ! 
“So, serious question...Are the Wayne kids single, or not ? There has been rumors lately !” 
You managed to pull a bashful smile that was completely fabricated but that everyone would think was genuine. You became quite good, at faking facial expression in public. “Thanks dad”. 
You knew exactly why, this time, they asked you this question. A few days earlier, you gave an anonymous tips to some paparazzi that “the famed (Y/N) Wayne and her rumored boyfriend Conner Kent had been spotted on Gotham’s docks, having a romantic promenade”. 
You let them take pictures of you quickly kissing Conner, as if you were actually afraid someone would catch you. You and Conner played the part perfectly, acting as if this was your first date or something. All shy and small touches. 
You planned for this event for months. It was the culminating point of everything. The time when finally, things would change. And you were so glad that the journalist to ask you this tonight, was one of the few you actually liked. With a charming smile you say : 
“Oh well you know I rarely talk about that, Miss Torres.” 
Gabriela Torres, a famous EW journalist smiles knowingly but insist. She would usually never do that, but there is some pretty incriminating pictures of you and a certain Metropolis boy... 
“A Metropolis boy you say ? No idea who you are mentioning.” 
You say coyly, and you know they’re falling right in your trap. For this little stunt of admitting you’re in a relationship, your brothers gave you permission to talk about their love life. Briefly. 
“I can tell you however that my brother Dick’s wedding to Barbara Gordon is starting to coming up nicely. That Jason is most definitely following in my dad’s footstep. That Tim is still with his high school sweetheart, Steph’ and um...Well, Damian is only fourteen ! I think he’s barely interested in any kind of romance right now. I’m sure he has crushes but...uh, you know.” 
They didn’t really know, but acted as if they did. Because you had a way with words, that just made people satisfied enough. Just like your dad. Plus, they weren’t really interested in your brothers right now, they knew you were just deflecting. 
Gabriela Torres asks once more about that “Metropolis boy”, but this time, she names him. 
“Isn’t there something going on between you and Conner Kent ?” 
You manage to fake being bashful once again. You turn away from the camera. Laugh a little bit nervously, and then turn back to the journalist and say : 
“Well, a proper lady never tells.” 
You then proceed to smile and wink in a very Bruce Wayne-way (again, like father, like daughter) and walk away. 
And you’ve done it. Gave them just enough so they’ll be satisfied, but not enough to truly invade your personal life. 
Conner’s officially in. 
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t feeling nervous at all when you brought your boyfriend to an official and formal event for the first time. 
And oh man Conner ? Conner was almost throwing up because of how nervous he was. But here you were, walking the red carpet under a hundred of camera flashes. And it was time. 
“(Y/N) Wayne isn’t single anymore, it’s official”. 
“Wow, well. This went better than expected ! They really like you Kon !” 
“Yeah ? I was afraid I messed things up a bit by being so nervous...” 
“Oh no, I think they loved that. It brings a certain quirk to you. And it shows you care about making a good impression...You can bet that tomorrow, people will be all over the papers about me being hitched ! And the next day, they’ll forget all about it because then they’ll focus on the fact that there’s, potentially, three Wayne kids that are still single...So all in all, very successful evening !” 
This was such a relief. Finally. Finally he was “officially” your boyfriend, and you’d never have to hide anymore. Awesome. Things really went smoothly ! People truly LOVED Conner. 
And you were all pretty sure it was thanks to your plan of easing things down. When you finally presented Conner as your boyfriend, people felt like they knew him too, after all those videos and pictures and such you posted. 
They had been shipping you two since “way before you guys started dating” (something people often said, and that amused you often, given the fact you celebrated your first year anniversary while you were still not “officially” together), and were glad to see you two making things official. The “I ship them so hard” comment were now replaced by “#relationshipgoals” and other “THE SHIP HAS SAILED !!” and such. 
Wow. Well. Why were you nervous in the first place ? 
And here you were again, nervous beyond all measure, unable to stop playing with the new piece of jewelry on your ring finger...
Conner asked you to marry him months ago, but it was only now that you had time to truly announce it to the World. Your family and friends already knew of course, but your “public alter ego” had to still come out clean about that. 
The day before the gala you were going to, Conner posted on HIS social medias (sounded more logical) a simple picture of the ring on your finger, your hand holding his, and a caption saying : “She said yes <3″. 
The post broke the internet. 
It became one of instagram’s most liked pictures. And people couldn’t wait for your official statement the next day at the gala...And here you were, nervous again even if you knew most people knew already and you just had to confirm things, to “give them the little infos so they could be satisfied”. 
“Wow, well. This went better than expected ! They really really like you Kon !” 
“Yeah well, I think I figured that out by now. I do receive the occasional hate online about “not being good enough for you” but I’m pretty sure all those accounts are Damian’s...” 
You snort, but start to genuinely laugh when your little brother gives a half-joking “Tt, not ALL of them”. 
You’re on your way home to your apartment, and as often during official galas like so, you’re in the family car as you all went to the event together. Of course. 
You, Jason and Dick didn’t live in the Manor anymore, but Alfred and your dad always made a point to pick you up so you’d all go as a family. It was important for them, but also for that public image you kept up all those years, of you guys being a very close family (which was true anyway). 
People LOVED when the entire Wayne family went somewhere. They always went completely crazy for pictures of all of you together, which unfortunately were rarer nowadays than they used to. Which made said picture all the more appreciated. 
You finish laughing at your brother’s (half) joke and Conner smiles as you lay your head on his chest, closing your eyes, exhausted after tonight’s emotions and commotion. 
There’s a small silence as Alfred drives the family limousine back to your apartment to drop you and Conner off first, as your home is closer to the city center than Dick’s and Jason’s. And definitely closer than Wayne Manor, where your dad, Tim and Damian will go back after dropping all of you off. 
It’s a comfortable silence. Everyone is very please about how the entire evening went. Your dad would never admit it, but he was really happy and proud that you were going to marry a man such as Conner Kent. 
The silence is broken by said man :
“I wonder what people’s reaction will be when we’ll tell them you’re pregnant...” 
Conner says, before he freezes and a horrified expression slowly creeps on his face. Did he just...Drop that bomb ? While you and him only discovered that fact the day before ? And didn’t say anything to your family yet ? Oh my god, you were going to be so mad at him ! 
But you were already asleep, comfortably nestled on his chest, and your boyfriend, future father of your child...Had to bear the glares your brothers laid on him, the furious shock in your father’s eyes. 
He had to ignore the gasp they all made, the way they refrained themselves from yelling because you were asleep and it was rare for you to get any of that, especially so peacefully. The way they “yelled” silent “WHAT ?!” and threw their hand in the air, the scene being utterly comic, as they tried to make as little noise as possible. 
The way your brothers weren’t sure wether they were happy or mad. The way your dad’s glass of water he had in his hand shattered as he gripped it. The way his expression went from “angry” to “wait, what, I’m going to be a grandfather ?” to finally land on “I’m happy ! But also, how dare you touch my daughter that way ?”. 
And all the while, you slept peacefully, not knowing that this novel piece of news that stressed you out was now out in the open to your family. You had just barely started to foment a plan about how to tell them ! 
For Conner, the ride back to your apartment was a very awkward one. And he blessed the fact that you didn’t wake up as you arrived home, meaning he didn’t have to witness your grumpy self awaking to your family asking you a thousand questions about your pregnancy ! 
He exited the car slowly, making sure to not wake you up, and mouthed a “I guess we’ll talk tomorrow...” to your brothers and father, smiling awkwardly at them, closing the car’s door. Worst timing EVER. And it was a bit surreal, to see their frustrated face realizing they’d really have to wait for tomorrow to ask for an explanation, as the door slowly closed on them. 
At least the good thing about all that, was the fact that you were deeply asleep and unaware of his mistake. That way, he had time to think of something to tell you, of a plan to break the news to you that he accidentally might have slip the fact that you were bearing his child to your family...
Sorry it took me a while to get that story out. I just got extremely busy with life lately...So. Yeah. I had ZERO time to write. Anyway, glad I could finally post this :). As usual, the initial idea I had changed quite a bit along the way, and I ended up focusing on Batsis/Conner more than on the Batsibling as a whole (don’t worry, there’ll be more bat siblings story related, and only them :)), but eh, that happens. I always end up getting carried away by the story.
Hope you liked it (???), don’t hesitate to leave a feedback and reblog, it’s always BEYOND appreciated (motivates to write more and all). Hope you weren’t disappointed or something and...yeah. That’s pretty much it *proud for once I didn’t comment on how insecure I am posting a story*.
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uncookspaget · 4 years
I know I’m not a big blog and have like any followers, infact I love that. This is my space away from reality, friends, family and I love it, there’s no stress just stories and art and I get to come and go as I please. And I don’t have friends I need to check up on here, which sounds kinda rude but I like this space as my “me time”. So to say. This is my no responsibilities space. My silent appreciation and support of things that help me escape.
But the last month has been so fucking wild, so I’m going to vent rant here for a bit, first let me say this, I am trying get disability, because I have health issues and learning disabilities, so I had to sit and do an assessment for like 6 hours or something, back in November. But anyway it was to figure out what I might have come to find out I have a severe disability with numbers, anything to do with numbers, and then I found out I have autism, which not really a surprise I did my research before, like I have with other stuff. I know myself so well that I can go online research stuff and already know what I have before a professional tells me.(always get professional advice!!!!) So when I found out my mom laughed cause she knew that I already I knew that before being told. But anyway I have autism, severe disability with numbers, (I’m going to brag about myself a little cause I have something to be proud of) my reading and writing are that of a college level, and I have a extremely fast processing speed. So this was all very validating for me.
Then I guess like a week later? I’m sitting in my apartment with my mom, dad, and younger sister, we hear the fire alarm go, and well we’ve lived here for like 5.5 years and in those years we’ve had three fires, and multiple false alarms to the point we thought oh it’s nothing someone burned lunch, right? So my dad goes knocking on doors and I go with him, a lot of old people live in the building and might not hear it, so as we go to the fire doors he opens it and black smoke poured out of the one door and I screamed not go in there so now we know it’s bad, like really bad, like I’ve seen movies and shows and those cant express the very real fear I’ve felt then. So I run back to my mom in the apartment and she said grab the papers and some clothes, my sister shows up again (turns out she went out and then ran BACK INTO THE BUILDING TO GET US!!) and she’s grabbing we’re rushing by the time we open the door, not even 3 minutes have past, it looks like night, darker than night, I can’t see our emergency exit sign. So when I saw that all I could think is we might die, like this could be it. Me and my sister wanted to go off the balcony but my mom is 61 and we’re on the second floor, so she gets me a wet hand towel and tells me to crawl so went through all that smoke to the side stairwell that isn’t in the direction of the fire. We get out but I can’t breathe I’m coughing so hard I’m gonna puke in front of all these people so I’m spitting and I can’t breathe and I’m crying. And my sister is crying, and I can see the fire and I can’t look away. Like this is real, like more real than I can ever imagine. They had two ambulances there and my dad took me to one, and eventually I went to the hospital by myself, finally my mom and sister could come see me I spent three hours there, and went through three oxygen tanks I honestly should’ve done a fourth one but I wanted to leave and the doctor was no where to be seen and the nurse I had was kinda an idiot, like that sounds rude but my mask fell on the floor then he was going to give me the same one then he dropped my new mask on the floor and almost gave it to me but sister wouldn’t let him, so I can say he was an idiot. I still haven’t processed anything from that day. I can’t follow along with time. It passes but I’m not here and I’m not there at the fire, it’s kinda like floating. I’m conscious but don’t know how many days have past and I don’t know what day or time it is, I’m so confused I couldn’t remember when we had the fire, my mom had to tell me it was a week before then when I thought it was. We stayed in a hotel from the Friday it happened and then the Sunday after 6 o’clock ish they said it was okay to come back in, but when I went there to see it I couldn’t even be in there the smoke and chemicals were everywhere in everything, they said that it was cleaned it wasn’t there was soot on our furniture and appliances, I went there a few time the first week, my mom needed to call the insurance company, (she doesn’t own a cell phone, she’s 61 and will never own one) and I couldn’t even be inside I would sit on our balcony. Now I’m at another hotel with my mom while my sister and dad stay at our apartment, they have ocd and don’t want to be anywhere else.
It’s now been two weeks and next Friday will be three, I can’t stay at our apartment cause I’ve been getting nose bleed, headaches, I can’t breathe. I can’t even walk around like normal anywhere without wheezing. Now we’re gonna have to move, but the prices are insane, and it would have to be a three bedroom not two like we have, I’m almost 20 and I share with my 18 year old sister we’ve never had our own room. And I’ve packed away almost all my stuff away in storage so cleaners can come, and I don’t have my paints, so I can’t even de-stress that way. Not to mention I’ve been having problems with my oldest friend, and I don’t really know how deal with this situation on top of it all, and yes it’s all the small and big things adding up, and I know it’ll mean nothing one day, but for now I’m allowed to feel these things and I’m allowed to be upset. I know people won’t read this in fact I don’t even know if I’ll post it, but I just need to release a little bit.
Also with Covid-19 being so much worse then it was 2 weeks ago I can’t do much except go from my hotel to the apartment, which isn’t good for me. Did I mention I have compromised health? Lol yeah I think I forgot to mention I have asthma, so when I got to the stores or go out to get food I’m risking a lot, especially with old parents like my dad is almost 69 and my mom also 61 and has compromised health, and no body is taking this shit seriously. I’m scared for me and my family and others. But when I go out nobody respects my space or any other persons space, like do you not get it? Life is real dangerous right now and you don’t care? Maybe it’s cause I’m angry and have been through trauma and stress, and I am young and look healthy but IM NOT! I’m young but I’m not healthy! I have asthma! Which yeah other people have it worse but I have no where to go I can’t stay and isolate in my apartment and I can’t really stay in my hotel if that happens. Not to mention if the hotel shuts down. I’m scared like really when I think about it I feel kinda sick from stress. Why can’t people try to understand the situation? It’s scary and dangerous and you don’t know peoples situation. I’m so done and tired, please everybody be respectful and keep you’re distance. Stay safe and stay home people. Don’t risk it, it’s not worth yours or anybody else’s life. Be strong we got this. Peace and love to you all ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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hyethla · 5 years
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Under the cut follows a long rant about some stuff regarding SHB, and some major changes I will make regarding my muse’s characterization and my portrayal of her.
To anyone interested in continuing / starting interactions with me, I recommend reading at least the part marked “ABOUT MINFILIA” at the end ( though beware of spoilers if you have yet to finish the story. ) I will also update my rules regarding this. 
HW Minfilia was my jam, despite her having like 5 mins of screentime. I loved the corruption by Hydaelyn ( as I kept mentioning over and over again while first creating this blog, my apologies to anyone enduring that ) I LOVED the shadiness regarding the Word of the Mother, and the whole duality aspect of her. It’s what made me want to write Minfilia in the first place. 
Then came SHB with Mini-filia. Which I also loved. Her blue eyes? HELL YES! The generations of her? SIGN ME UP. There was so much internal struggle, so much to explore and develop, so much potential. Then after a while, certain aspects started to develop which I simply cannot overlook. Not only in regards to Minfilia, but I felt like some character’s were disregarded for the sake of the story. 
Of course there are more aspects which are kinda hmmm regarding the SBH story ( multiple points have already been covered by my amazing gf @catleha​ ), but I will mostly focus on Minfilia since she is my muse. But in a nutshell, I can say I have a strong dislike towards the lack of struggle, and the lack of consequences. And the issue I have with Minfilia was when “Ryne” came into the picture.
Because gaining a certain power does not mean that you automatically understand it. 
Without training, without knowing what the heck she’s doing, without anything basically, this “Ryne” can all of a sudden do so much ( basically Y’shtola 2.0 ). What also disappointed me was that every problem that beforehand was a thing had all of a sudden been solved, because apparently, every issue gets resolved when an older version of you kisses your forehead. And why? Because the plot demanded it. Similar to the way Urianger’s lie was basically looked over, because everyone “just accepted it :).”
Thancred is all of a sudden A-OK with “Ryne”, and the fact that the old Minfilia is now basically gone too. Yes, there are hints suggesting that old Minfilia is guiding “Ryne”, but it’s hardly a striking feature. Everyone likes “Ryne,” everyone is okay with “Ryne”, even “Ryne”; who previously struggled so much with her identity and finding her place is all of a sudden ok with being “Ryne.” And that is what I have an issue with. 
I loved the old Hydaelyn corrupted Minfilia. I loved Mini-filia. I loved the direction this story started to take. And that is why I’m sad. Because the reason why I wanted to write this muse is basically gone. Kind of the same feeling I had back in the FFXV fandom; I started writing Lunafreya based on the Kingsglaive Lunafreya. Then we got the in game Lunafreya which made me go ???? because she was so different, albeit being the same woman. And I feel like a similar thing is happening here. 
To anyone still reading... 
On this blog, I write Minfilia. And Ryne is not Minfilia. I write ARR Minfilia ( on demand ), I would be more than happy to develop a Word of the Mother based on the HW Minfilia and reach out to people, plot out AU’s e.t.c. I happily write SHB Minfilia / Mini-filia. 
BUT after Mini-filia meets her old self, I will go canon divergent. 
Instead of “Ryne’s” personality winning over the old one, this body becomes corrupted by the old Hydaelyn infused Minfilia. SHE DOES THUS NOT GET THE NAME RYNE, instead she keeps the name Minfilia. She still gets powerful, but she struggles to understand this power and does not immediately know how to wield it. She gets overwhelmed by the light, and struggles with how much she sees now. 
Storywise, I won’t change much. Post her meeting with the old Minfilia, her inner workings just go a bit “darker” than what we saw in the original story. So if you want to write with me post her “transformation,” what to keep in mind is to keep calling her Minfilia, and that she struggles a lot with understanding her power. She does not push Y’shtola out of the picture, but rather gets help from her to understand the aether and how to understand / use her new powers. I’m not trying to bend the lore or change the story; It was mentioned that another version could win, and I simply embrace that possibility. 
I also want to point out that I am not forcing anyone to agree with me on what I’ve written; If anyone does not approve of my ideas, I know that there are Ryne blogs on tumblr and more canon driven Minfilias, I do not by any means force anyone to interact with me. If anyone wants more information other than what I’ve written out, feel free to send me asks / approach me in my IM’s for that or plotting ( it would take some burden of my gf for having to sustain all my rantings too. ) 
I also welcome Ryne muses or versions of Minfilia to come interact with me ( e.g. my Word of the Mother or Oracle of Light ), because I honestly LOVE stuff like that. 
SO yeah... That’s pretty much it. 
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Hey, could you give me a match up or life generator for IkeSen? Anything is fine. I'm like 156cms (I know ;_;) I'm introverted but curious by nature. I'm also much of a talker when I become friends with someone. Kinda sassy, likes cats,dogs, raccoons (you get it) and philosophy. I get frightened easily, a box falling from my shelf suddenly can get me screaming 😂 I am a dork. Just found your blog btw and I love it 😭💖
Thanks for sending in the request and I’m sorry about the wait! Also, can I say thank you because your request saved my writer’s block because I got carried away?
Thank you for your interest in the world of Ikemen Sengoku. You will shortly be reborn in your new life. The simulation will begin in 3..... 2..... 1.......
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Your story began right before your first job interview in Japan. You had graduated from college a few months ago with an economics major and a philosophy minor. Many considered it a peculiar blend of studies, but the contrasting subjects allowed you to enjoy your time at college while maintaining the image of a unique candidate. All throughout school, your academics were fairly strong. It wasn’t the golden 4.0, but high enough to land you your first job. The only issue was that your Japanese wasn’t the strongest, so you were worried about not being able to convey your thoughts properly. To deal with this, you practiced in advance. 
On the way to your interview, you noticed that the clouds had become larger and darker. You didn’t want to be reckless, but there was lots of traffic on the road and your interview was in fifteen minutes. If it started raining, then traffic would probably stop moving and you would be late, so you looked for an alternative route on your GPS. Luckily enough, there was a route that would get you to your destination in time. So you took the closest exit and left that mess.
The streets of the detour were small and narrow. The clouds had become so dark that it looked more like midnight than an afternoon. A shiver ran down your spine. The faster you got out of there, the better. It was not long before the rain started, thunder echoing in the background.  You slowed down the speed of your car and proceeded with caution. 
Your car broke down halfway through the detour. After jamming your keys to start the car (with no results), you got out of your car to search for help. You saw a man in a white lab coat with glasses on the porch of a quaint cottage and rushed to him.
“Can you help me? My car broke down in the middle of the road. ” Your voice was filled with desperation.
He was startled by your sudden appearance. “Ma’am, you need to leave. There is a wormhole that is going to open in a few minutes.”
“I can’t leave if my car doesn’t start.” A clash of thunder echoed in the background. You jumped from the loud noise and looked back at the man.
“Alright, I’ll look for some numbers that you can call to help you. However, I think that this area is extremely unsafe for you,” He said, pulling out his phone.
You nodded. As you waited for the young man in the lab coat, the storm intensified. Hints of blue and green sprouted from the clouds. Was this from the wormhole thing that the man was talking about? You wanted to ask but you didn’t want to burden him more than you already had. But the colors were rapidly spreading across the sky, forming a circle. 
“Sir? It that the wormhole you were talking about?” You pointed to the colors.
He pushed up his glasses with his fingers. His eyes widened. “You need to leave now. Just run away from here.”
Although you had no idea where the wormhole would take you, you knew it was nothing good. So you ran as fast as you could, but the wind ran with you. It grew stronger until it lifted you from your feet and threw you into the glowing wormhole. 
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Date Masamune
After saving Nobunaga’s life at Honno-ji, you tried your best to adjust to the Sengoku Era. However, the different expectations, mentalities, and social concepts made it almost impossible. Your introverted nature made it harder to talk to the other warlords and your fear only added to the distance. There was Ieyasu (who felt that Nobunaga made a mistake in keeping you around), Hideyoshi (who was still suspicious about your affiliations), and Mitsuhide (he’s the one who caused the fire at Honno-ji in our timeline, so you’re suspicious of him).
Your relationship with Masamune was interesting, to say the least. He nearly chopped off your head when confirming that you were from the future, smashed your arm because you had gotten to close to him during his training, and served you the spiciest dish that was reserved for Ieyasu. Yet he still dared to flirt with you, as if he hadn’t nearly killed you three times.
However, he was the friendliest out of everyone else. He would offer to take you around the town and helped you get settled in your new life. For that, you were extremely grateful. Sometimes the two of you would be out all day, as Masamune would bring Shogestu in the forests. You would point out the different animals around the area. Although he knew the forests very well, your observations made him feel that he was the foreigner. 
“Did you see that deer?” You said.
He spun his head around. Then he looks back at you. “Yes, I do. There’s a beautiful doe sitting right in front of me.”
You give him a playful shove. “That’s not what I’m talking about, you idiot.”
“Oh ho, our little lassie is getting feisty!” He laughs.
“I am not little!” You try to shove him, but he doesn’t budge against the weight of your arms. Instead, he howls with laughter.
You stand up straight and clear your throat. “The only thing that’s little is your manhood!”
He freezes in the middle of his laugh. His face momentarily warps with awe and you feel good about sassing him for once. But his face turns into a smirk. 
“Is that so? I don’t recall ever showing you anything.” He moves closer towards you. “Unless we had an encounter that I don’t remember.”
Your face turns red as you push him away. “I think I’m done here.”
He turns away with laughter, calling for his tiger cup. You dust off your kimono and look one last time into the woods, searching for any other animals. There aren’t any.
Except for the one-eyed beast who disguised his feelings of love in the form of friendship. A friendship he could never escape.
Other friends: Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Sanada Yukimura, Oda Nobunaga
**Quick Note: Basically he’s the other suitor in love with you during your time there, but he’s also your closest friend.
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Akechi Mitsuhide
Although you spent lots of time with Masamune, your sights were set elsewhere. At first, you weren’t interested in this silver-tongued snake for romantic purposes. You assumed he was the one who tried to kill Nobunaga due to the events in our timeline, so you wanted to learn more about his schemes. At first, you kept your distance-- there was no need to interact with a shady traitor. Instead, you got your information about Mitsuhide from other people. The best source of information was the maids, but they had too much information (which were nothing but rumors). When you asked the warlords, they couldn’t tell you much either. He was a mystery waiting to be caught.
At one point, you decided to tell Nobunaga about the future and how it was Mitsuhide that set the fire at Honno-ji. However, you had no proof to back your claims. So against your better nature, you went and tailed Mitsuhide. This was the worst mistake possible because he figured you out within seconds of your investigation. When he asked you questions about your investigations, you didn’t give him any answers. However, that wasn’t necessary because he had you all figured out. 
Soon, the tables turn on you. Mitsuhide investigated you because you had investigated him. While you cluelessly walked around the palace, he followed you to ensure you weren’t a threat. Once he assessed that you weren’t an assassin, Mitsuhide began to talk to you in public. At first, his conversations caught you off-guard. But you grew more comfortable around him, despite the warnings from everyone else. Mitsuhide himself warned about his other side, but you were giving him the benefit of the doubt. After all, your curiosity had shown you that he was much more than his reputation.
You spent your time trying to sass him, causing him to outwit you almost every time. Some times he’d let you have the last word, but you knew when he let you win. Instead, he was drawn to your dorkiness. It was a rare sight in the Azuchi Palace for someone to be so dorky. However, he realized that there was a more mature side to you when serious conversations arose. The mix of purity and realism surprised him; you were less naive than he expected.
However, the worst part of your relationship was when he tried to scare you. Once he figured out that you were easily startled, Mitsuhide used against you with no limits. One day, you were delivering a message from Masamune to Hideyoshi when you felt a cool breeze rush by. 
You spun around. “Whose there?” 
There was no answer. You shivered but continued on your journey to Hideyoshi’s room. Then, you heard soft footsteps behind you.
You jumped. “I know you’re following me! Show yourself!” You voice waivers.
Nothing. You let out a sigh, telling yourself that you were overreacting. A few steps later, you felt a tap on your shoulder. A scream escaped your lips and your feet tripped over each other. You closed your eyes, preparing yourself for the collision between your nose and the floor.
Instead, a pair of light arms grabbed your waist and draws you upwards. You open your eyes to find yourself face-to-face to Mitsuhide. Blood rushes to your cheeks as you are at a loss of words
“Careful, princess. Is that how you want to fall for me?”
F I N A L   F A T E
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As you spent more time with the warlords, you felt more at home. The world you once knew had become a distant memory; one that you weren’t sure that you wanted to return to. Time passed as you and Mitsuhide officialized your relationship, you and Masamune bid farewell as he returned to Oshu to take care of some business, and you became acquainted with the Uesugi-Takeda forces. Throughout all these changes, your love for your lover never waivered.
However, when Sauskue informed you that the wormhole to the present would appear in the next month, your whole life fell apart. While you wanted to stay at Azuchi with Mitsuhide, Nobunaga, and everyone else, you had left another set of relationships behind, Your friends, family, and that new job you wanted. Although you had found everything that you wanted in the Sengoku Era, you still wanted to accomplish your 21st-century dreams. So you packed your bags and prepared for the journey. Although Mitsuhide was devastated with your choice, he chose to accompany you until you stepped through the wormhole.
Once you arrived at your destination, you began having second thoughts. Your life was perfect in this era, you had everything. Why should you leave now? As Sasuke entered the portal, he held his hand out to help into the portal. You looked from his hand to your lover.  Your mind was set.
“I’m sorry Sasuke, but I’ve changed my mind. I think I’ll stay.” You run to Mitsuhide and embrace him in a tight hug. 
Sasuke nods with a soft smile. “You do what’s best for you.”
With that, he disappears along with your old life. And you couldn’t be any happier.
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theselfhelphipster · 5 years
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I still read every night before bed and when I love a story, I burn my way through it in a matter of days. Hours if I really put my mind to it.
It is scientifically proven that reading is one of the most relaxing things you can do (more than other things even) - it slows down your breathing and your heart rate, which is why it's perfect to incorporate in a bedtime ritual.
Here's the list of my favourite books of the past year or so.
*Affiliate links below!
Throne of Glass Series - Sarah J Maas
This series is not as steamy as the Court-series I wrote about in the previous blog post. However, technically speaking this is definitely a better saga, if you will.
Sarah J Maas has created this epic tale around Selena Galynthius in an epic world full of old-time fantasy characters like elves and fae and witches and wyverns. It's very cool.
The series wrapped up with a stunner of a finale last fall and it was some of the best fantasy I've read in a while. Book 1 is kind of weirdly written if you compare it to the rest, but in book two she really gets the show on the road.
If you like epic fantasy? This is IT.
I'm thinking about buying this box myself (I've read them on Kindle but these are so epic I want them on print) but if you want to start, start with Throne of Glass AND Crown of Midnight.
The Meredith Gentry Series - Laurel K Hamilton
I'm including this one more for lolz than for anything else.
I LOVED these when I was a teen, such smutty books in a fantasy world. Turns out it was either hormones kicking in or I just had terrible taste back then. (Probably both.)
These are TERRIBLE!
They make zero sense, the story is incredibly convoluted and I don't even think the sex scenes are that well-written or hot anymore. They're no Court of Mist and Fury, if ya know what I mean.
I reread them for old time sake, and if you're into Harlequin-esque elf books with a lot of descriptives and dialogues, in a story that only BARELY goes somewhere, go off I guess. If not, steer clear.
Bol.com is like 'fuck you we're not selling this drivel' but Amazon Kindle always comes through for us perverts.
Good Omens - Thierry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
When I saw that wickedly cool trailer for Good OmensI immediately started reading Good Omens. I had had it on my Kindle forever, and it really is a classic.
It's fun, funny, great story and great writing. I'm going to do that online storytelling class by Neil Gaiman and read a lot more by them both the upcoming year.
I've read Neil Gaiman's American Gods, The Ocean By The End of the Lake and Graveyard Boy, but nothing by Thierry Pratchett yet.
I'm excited.
Where to buy? A paperback at Bol.com is just 8,99 right now.
Caraval & Legendary - Stephanie Gaber
A magical story about two sisters (there's quite a few books I read the past year with sisters) get invited to a once-a-year, exclusive magical live performance where the audience participates. The protagonist has been obsessed with this Caraval as long as she lives. To escape a betrothal of her sister, they go and during the Caraval a lot happens that changes everything.
Apparently there is a third book called Finale, which makes me think I maybe haven't finished Legendary and I need to, because I thought there would just be two.
You can buy the paperback here, and if you want to read it in Dutch you can too: My favorite online writer to follow on Instagram, Chinouk Thijssen translated the book!
Circe - Madeline miller
I've read both this one, Song of Achilles and Galatea. The only one I wouldn't really recommend was Galatea, I just didn't really think that one is interesting. The other two are, though.
I love Greek mythology and when people retell a classic in an interesting new way, and Madeline Miller has done so with this book. I really liked Circe.
The paperback is only 9,70!
Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller
One f the most beautiful and tragic lovestories I've ever read. I recommend it to everyone, especially anyone who likes Greek mythology. It's about Patrocles and Achilles, and their lovestory.
I cried like a baby during the last bit.
If you want to purchase this stunning story in paperback, click here.
A Little Life - Hanya Yanagihara
If you'd like to be emotionally destroyed and sob incontrollably through the entire last half of this book, go read 'A Little Life'
At first I resisted, and during the first chapters of this book I was mostly confused about who was who, but once you've got it, it is one of those stories that touches you, breaks you and then changes you.
English paperback here, Dutch paperback here.
Fireblood Trilogy - Elly Blake
I read this only a few weeks ago and I burned through these books, if you will. Finished all three in less than a week.
These are SO GOOD. The world is divided into three types of people: Regular, Firebloods and Frostbloods, the last two types having magic abilities that they train and can use, and with the Firebloods and Frostbloods being enemies of sorts.
A Fireblood girl is taken by Frostbloods to help them take down their evil king, but it turns out everything is a lot more complicated than it seems.
Lots of plot twists you can't easily see coming, a lot of friendships, a little romance, and a really good story. It's absolutely lovely.
Paperback here, Amazon Kindle below.
The Bear and the Nightingale Series - Katherine Arden
The prettiest trilogy I've read all year.
Set in Russia, a fairytale of sorts, and the protagonist is a strong girl who believes in freedom, her own decisions and heart, and who falls in love.
Three books to enjoy and swoon over. Try the first one hereor get the ebook below.
Small Spaces - Katherine Arden
By the same author as the previous trilogy, perhaps a children's book, but a good scary story that is easy to read.
A girl who has lost her mom goes on a field trip and turns out, farms and scarecrows are still as scary as they were during Children of the Corn.
I highly recommend; easy and fun scary story, fun to read with a child I think.
You can get it here, or here:
The Mermaid's Sister - Carrie Anne Noble
This is such a beautiful story.
You meet Clara, Maren and O'Neill. Claire was brought to her aunt by a stork, Maren came out of a shell, and O'Neill was found by the woman's husband under an apple tree. As Maren slowly turns into a mermaid, Clara and O'Neill try desperately to save Maren and return her to the ocean.
It's kinda like Frozen with the sisterly love, but has more to it.
Easy to read, with lovely and beautiful sentences, and I cried at the end.
Where to buy? For 12 euros you can buy the paperback here, or the Kindle version for 3.99$ below!
Numina Series - Charlie N Holmberg
This is such a good series, I can't wait for the third book - it's coming out in September.
In this world, magic is a scary underground thing where you need slaves to get possessed by numen, fiery beings from a different plane of existence.
A girl escapes her master who as it turns out, wants to bring the worst numen from that plane to destroy the world. With the help from a charming thief, she tries to save the fellow slaves and prevent world destruction.
Get the first one hereor below:
Magi Bitter, Magic Sweet - Charlie N Holmberg
By the same author, really interesting and pretty fairytale, kind of.
It's about a magical baker, and you should just read it. Buy it here, or below. It's cheaper on Kindle and it's such a breezy book, it's fine as an ebook.
My Absolute Darling - Gabriel Tallent
Horrible but gripping story about a girl called Turtle who grows up with her survivalist nut job of a dad in the woods, and then meets a few boys and a little girl that change the course of her life.
It's hard to read sometimes because the writer has made Turtle into what into my eyes is an eerily accurate portrait of the abused and traumatised. You're rooting for her but you don't always understand her, and you don't always understand her but you're always rooting for her, you know?
You can buy the paperback here for 12 euros or do as I do and buy the Kindle version via the link below!
The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein - Kiersten White
I'm a sucker for reinventions of the classics, especially if suddenly we see everything from a woman's perspective. This story is about Elizabeth Frankenstein, the girl who grew up with the boy who will become Doctor Frankenstein and who loves him, and goes looking for him when he disappears from the place he was studying.
It's a very interesting and scary story, and it shows exactly how sometimes the things we do for love, are the very things that make the person we love into a monster.
I'm going to read a lot more by Kiersten White upcoming year, that's for sure.
You can buy the paperback herefor 12 euros, or click below for the Kindle version, for only 8.32$. Fun fact: The copy of the actual story about Frankenstein's monster by Mary Shelby is the second half of the book!
Strange the Dreamer & Muse of Nightmares - Laini Taylor
By the author of some of my favorite books EVER (Daughter of Smoke and Bone series), such a well-written and ethereal story. Full of legends, poetry and love.
It is well-written, heartbreaking and especially during Muse of Nightmares it is so great to see how everything pans out.
Buy the paperback herefor 12 euros , or below:
Grim Lovelies - Meghan Shepherd
I literally finished these last weekend, and really fun! Good story, set in France, in which 'Beasties' are animals turned people and used to help magical people like witches.
Can't wait for the sequel that is coming out in a couple of days!
Get the paperback here, or below.
A Blade So Black - L. L. Mckinny
This is such an interesting take on Alice in Wonderland, scarier and darker, but also more fun. The series is called the Nightmare Verse, I haven't gotten around to reading the second instalment: A Dream So Dark.
Incredible about this book is that the protagonist is a black girl and the book also touches upon the horrible terror that you can get attacked or killed just because of the color of your skin.
You can buy the paperback for 11,99, or on Kindle below.
The Luminous Dead - Caitlin Starling
This might be one of the most terrifying books I have ever read. It combines a few of my greatest fears (caving, being underground and diving) into a goosebump-filled adventure as you follow Gyre, an inexperienced caver who lied on her resume in order to get this job, go deeper and deeper into the cave -- as well as into the complicated backstory of her handler, Em.
Guys. It is so scary. And so good. Go read it. It's 14 euros here, or available on Amazon.
The Girl From Everwhere - Heidi Heilig
Timetravel always gives me a headache, but this piratey-spin on int is really fun.
You can buy the paperback for 9,99 on Bol.com and I was pleased to find out there is a second book now: The Ship Beyond Time. Definitely reading this as soon as I finish Frost!
Phew, a whale of a post
As always, I'd love it if you reciprocate with your own (non)-fiction recommendations: Let me know in the comments below what books you loved the past year.
Have a lovely Sunday!
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snarky-sims-witch · 5 years
Ask Pileup
It’s finally here! The asks that have been collecting dust in my inbox! Doing them in one post just because it would be hella spammy if I did them all individually.
Don’t see your question here? It’s probably because it’s a 100BC ask that I’ve either answered before or is already clarified in the rules.
@simvanglade:  I love your sims medieval posts! I've never put that much effort into it before but you make me want to!
Aw thank you! I assume you mean the ones I was posting in the Sims Community Facebook group? I don’t think I’ve posted a lot of Sims Medieval to my tumblr, but I’m super happy you love them so much! I’ve wanted to do a Sims Medieval story for a long time on this simblr. Remind me when I finish one of my current stories. ;)
@consultingpolymath:  I have a question about the 100 baby challenge!! When my matriarch is an elder and ready to move out, is it ok at that point to make her immortal, or is it still against the rules? Even if she's not in the house anymore, I wish she could live to see some of her grandchildren, instead of just dying of old age after a week.
So I don’t typically answer a lot of 100BC questions anymore but this is kind of an interesting question that I don’t actually think I ever thought to address??? Yeah, it’s fine. You can basically do whatever you want with moved out kids and elderly matriarchs as long as it doesn’t break any rules that would in any way affect your active household. Moved out kids and matriarchs aren’t technically part of the challenge anymore.
@darkgrungemusic:  Hiya I just saw your answer to the ask of your text color on your blog and I wanted to let you know on Mod the Sims there's a mod to change the load screen and the main menu so its like normal, and there's one that lets you pick the colors instead. Just letting you know in case you didn't. Love you and your blog! Have an amazing day!
Thank you so much! I’m so happy you love my blog! I knew about the mod but since I knew a darker load screen was coming soon, anyway, I didn’t really want to bother with another mod that I’d just end up uninstalling again in a couple weeks, anyway. I appreciate the help, though!
@hotcocomash:  [i swear this isnt a 100baby ask] I found you from the buzzfeed 100 baby videos and got hooked on your not so berry story! ive kinda been reading it backwards cause of how mobile works but im still loving it. when i have time im gonna sit down and read everything chronologically. thank you for making so much interesting and fun content!
Lol I don’t actually mind answering 100BC asks. I just don’t like repeating myself. I’m so happy you found me through Buzzfeed (which is kind of surreal, wow) and I’m even happier you like my Not So Berry Challenge so much! I hope to get back to the Sweet family soon! They’re lots of fun.
@tekimimotaku: So I've only just found you. By looking up the only challenge I knew: the 100 Baby Challenge. But I'm looking through your blog and I'm captivated by the other challenges so far. Some aren't to my taste, but I can still appreciate the thought put into them and that others will enjoy them. Had I not already made my matriarch, I'd say F it and do a different challenge of yours. I can't wait til I'm done with this one so that I can start on the others! I wish I could think things through like that!
Aw thanks so much! I hope you’re having fun with the 100BC and it’s totally fine that not all my challenges appeal to you. :) I try to create different challenges that appeal to a wide variety of players so for most people, some of my challenges won’t be all that fun for them, but there could be others that they love so much, they just want to play over and over. That’s always sort of my intention when making a new challenge; trying to engage a different group of Simmers.
@mmfinch: I know that you're completely tired of the 100 baby challenge questions. I went back and read your Midford series as an apology of sorts and thoroughly enjoyed it. Your creativity in storytelling is amazing. I read through all the Q&A but this hasn't been asked. Is show hidden objects allowed to get a birth certificate for non hospital births? The have baby option was clicked by accident and couldn't be cancelled. Show hidden objects is a cheat, but the object is decoration only.
I’m so happy you love The Midford Legacy! As for your 100BC question, there are definitely a LOT of objects in the debug menu that I would consider cheating and not allowed, but the decorative birth certificate isn’t one of those things. Go ahead and buy it if you like. :)
@bipolarrrbearrr: Hey! I know you’re not super into this page right now, but I’ve been keeping up with your not so berry story and I love it. I haven’t been able to go past peppermint because I’m on safari and can’t get the app right now. I wish you could have streamed or recorded it because that would have made the story so much better! You’re awesome 😎
I have kind of a personal loathing for the YouTube/Twitch scene for... many, many reasons, some of them valid and some of them petty, lol, so I don’t think I’ll ever take up YouTubing again. I like the written word too much and the freedom of being able to stage my shots, but I appreciate the sentiment! I hope you get to read the rest of the challenge soon!
@sim-sizzlin: I did originally follow you cause you are the 100 baby (and many other cool challenges) OP writer, but it's really cool to see an active simblr making sims medieval posts it makes me want to reinstall my old copy it was YEARS AND YEARS ago ty
Aw, thank you! Yeah my Sims Medieval content is surprisingly popular. I think I need to make one of my next storytelling projects a Sims Medieval one. Thanks so much for the feedback!
@yennibelle: Hello there, I have an inquire about your unnatural genetics for children and toddlers in the sims 4. I just re-downloaded it, due to this months patch and was wondering if you have added Island Living hairs? Or did I miss them? And if you have not, will you? Either way, I appreciate your mod/CC :)
Hi there! I’m so sorry, but I haven’t updated the hair for Island Living, yet! All my files and palettes I used for those hairs is on my old laptop and I haven’t gotten around to transferring everything I need onto my new one, yet, but thank you for reminding me that’s something I need to do. :) In the meantime, all the hair should still work fine in your game. You just won’t have funky varieties of the IL hair (yet). I’ll be sure to post when I take this on but it may not be for a while, yet.
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Hey hey hey!! Glad to hear your blog is doing well! And when I heard your inbox is open for some spoopky requests I was so excited! Could I request: reader decided to go ghost hunting with Bokuto at an infamous abandoned building but it's actually just Kuroo and his gang creating jump scares? Kuroo gets some awesome shots of Bokuto jumping in the air and never lets the picture of Bokuto and the reader hugging for dear life down. Thanks!!!
honestly, thank you so much for requesting this!! i easily get stuck writing the same 3 characters so - enjoy!! 💖💖J
also p.s. you are the best, first shout out and request, what’s next for us lol
“Akaaaaashi,” Bokuto complained during their break atpractice. “I don’t know what to do with (Y/N) for Halloween!”
You two had already partaken in the usual fall activities; aday at the apple orchard ending in a hay ride, going to the pumpkin patch andgetting lost in a corn maize—all memories he treasured. Bokuto often foundhimself smiling as he’d go through the pictures on his phone from those days,especially the one of you beaming holding up the biggest pumpkin you couldfind. But now, it was nearing the end of October, and Halloween was fastapproaching.
“You’re going to the party together,” Akaashi repliedbluntly, wiping off sweat from his neck with a towel.
Bokuto covered his face with his own towel in exasperation.“It’s not enough!” Although you were attending the Fukurodani Halloween partytogether, he was blank on ideas to do alone. You had come up with the appleorchard and pumpkin patch and he wanted to take you somewhere this time.
Akaashi justshrugged. “Ask Kuroo, he might have an idea.”
Excited by this new prospect, immediately after practice hetexted his friend.
To: Kuroo Tetsurou
What should I do with(Y/N) for Halloween!!
He didn’t get a response until later that night.
From: Kuroo Tetsurou
What about going tothat abandoned school everyone talks about? Prime situation to get her to clingto you 😉
That seemed like to perfect idea to Bokuto; he’d never giveup the opportunity for you to hold onto him. Whenever you did it, he felt likehe could tackle anything the world threw at him!
When he suggested it to you at school the next day, you werehonestly surprised. Touched that he wanted to contribute to activity planningbut also apprehensive about the activity he chose. Upon seeing your confusedlook, he quickly countered, “We don’t have to if you have something else inmind!!” His own expression turning to panic.
“Seems…kinda scary,” you said.
He puffed out his chest, fists resting on his hips. “I’ll bethere the whole time to protect you!”
You giggled, getting an inkling as to why he suggested theabandoned building in the first place. Nodding your head, you agreed to go withhim. You hadn’t heard that scary ofthings about the place—as long as Bokuto was with you, how bad could it be?
Nope. You were wrong. This place was terrifying. You stoodon the dirt path leading up to the ominous, dark building up the hill; a chillcreeping along your spine that wasn’t from the cold wind rustling the leaves ofthe trees. It seemed even darker thanks to there being practically no moontonight, so you gratefully accepted the flashlight Bokuto handed you.
Pulling your coat closer around you and burying in your facein your scarf, you said warily, “Bo…”
He glanced worriedly at you—he hoped this wasn’t too muchfor you. And secretly, for his own sake he hoped it wasn’t scary either. “Wedon’t have to,” he offered sincerely.
You closed your eyes shut tight to steel your resolve andshoved a hand out towards him. “Just don’t let go of it, okay?”
His golden eyes gleamed at the request. Beaming, he tookyour gloved hand in his own, promising, “Never!” You headed up the pathtogether, your heart thudding faster with each step. Subconsciously you drewcloser to him as you crossed the threshold into the building.
He had to admit. This place was eerie. Just seeing acompletely empty school with desks and chairs strewn about, old paperslittering the floor; as if the students had just up and left one day made himfeel creeped out. It didn’t help that after telling Kuroo you had been up forthe idea he decided to share the ghost stories about this place.
Peering into one of the classrooms, he whispered, “You knowwhy this place was rumored to close?”
“It’s something scary, isn’t it?”
He smiled sheepishly, but you motioned for him to continue.You were already here; might as well get the full experience. “Some teacherwent crazy and killed some students; apparently their spirits still haunt thesehalls.”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh, c’mon there’s no way—” Your voicedying in your throat at the distant sound of something crashing in thebuilding. You froze, your hand gripping his way harder than he expected youpossibly could. “Did you hear that?”
He nodded, feeling a little spooked himself. “Probably justthe wind. There are a lot of broken windows in this place,” he reassured,mostly for you but also a little bit for him. You kept closer to him as youmoved deeper through the hallways. After a few minutes of silence, you wereable to relax and start checking out new parts of the school. You let yourselfdrift a bit from Bokuto; though your hand still firmly held in his.
A yelp escaped you when a chair down the hallway tippedover, followed by 2 more in succession. You stared at him wide-eyed in fear,but he just pulled you closer to him and kept creeping down the hallway. He wason high alert—those chairs couldn’t have fallen over on their own like that.Both of you practically jumped out of your skin as you passed a classroom andthe loudest crash he’d ever heard filled the dead silence.
You tugged on his arm away from the room as he turned toinvestigate. “Have you ever seen a horror movie?!” You pleaded to no avail. Hestuck his head into the empty room and you felt him stiffen almost immediately.“What?” You squeaked, your voice barely audible. He didn’t respond.
Mustering the courage to look yourself, you joined him. Uponseeing the smashed mirror on the other side of the classroom, your mouth wentdry.  “We should go,” he said quietly.
“Hot chocolate on the way home?” You saw his lips curve intoa slight smile at that suggestion, nodding in agreement.
Turning to go, neither of you in the slightest were expected a dark figure to be standing behind youonly a few feet away. A scream ripped from your throat; Bokuto’s mixing with itas well. You felt his strong hands wrap around your upper arms, gripping themwith such a strength that made your hands tingle from circulation loss. Behindyour closed eyelids, a bright flash appeared, and your immediate irrationalthought was that not only were you about to be murdered by an unknown intruder,but you were now also being abducted.
Laughter erupted in the silence. Crazy but familiar laughter. Your eyes flew opento find Kuroo and other members of the Nekoma Volleyball Club standing beforeyou with flashlights. Kuroo was hunched over, his arms wrapped around hischest, laughing like a maniac.
“Kuroo!” You yelled.
Through his fits of laughter, he teased, “You should haveseen your faces! Oh wait,” he pulls out his phone showing a picture of the twoof you just seconds ago; Bokuto hanging on to you for dear life, “you can!”
As your heart rate slows down, you demand, “How did you evenknow we were here?”
“I was the one to suggest it!”
Of course. Bokuto went to him for advice and Kuroo took theopportunity to prank him. In all honesty, you were glad it was just Kuroo; youwere getting pretty freaked out. One glance at Bokuto though, and you knew youwere going to have to do some damage control. You held his hand all the wayhome, but he didn’t say much—his gloomy expression only getting worse. Thewhole point of the excursion was for youto cling to him, not the other wayaround!
It seemed Kuroo was determined to dig Bokuto’s grave,however, as later that night after you had successfully lifted his spirits alittle; Kuroo posted the picture on his Instagram with the caption:
The fearless ace of Fukurodani everyone!! 😂😂
Although you knew it was meant to be a joke, you couldn’timagine the state you were going to find Bokuto in when you entered hisbedroom. He was just lying on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. He feltsilly he had cowered beside you when he said he would protect you. Now what didyou think of him? He felt the bed dip as you laid down next to him and hewondered if you’d seen Kuroo’s post—maybe that’s why you were here.
You took a breath. “I had a really good time, Bo. Not goingto lie, I was pretty scared but,” he turned his head to find you twiddling withyour thumbs, “you were there so I felt safe the whole time.” His heart soared at those words. He reached his arms out to you and gathered you into his arms,squeezing you in a hug. You blushed pecking him on the nose. “You’re my fearless ace.”
His face lit up. “Hey hey hey! That’s me!”
“Yes it is,” you said lovingly, glad to havepulled him out of his slump.
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cremdotexe · 6 years
Rise of the TMNT review
Alright, So since I’ve heard that it’ll be a while before the next episode of comes out, I think this is the time to properly write my honest thoughts on Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles aka. TMNT 2018. Keep in mind that even though I will try to be as honest and clear cut as possible, these are still my thoughts and I meant no harm by it. Please respect that and read with a grain of salt. Thank you! The blog will go as follow
- Animation & Art style
- Storyline & Humor
- Character & Relationships
- Conclusions
The review will be under the cut
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Animation & Art style
This. THIS. I personally think is one of the best thing about this new show, the animation is absolutely beautiful and fun.  With the use of bright colors and solid black shading, this art style have a comic kind of vibe to it. (Which is very appropriate, considering the show’s origin.) And while the character design did not sit right with me at first, It actually looks pretty great in motion.
What I like about the character design in particular is how different they are. You can tell right away who’s who right from the silhouettes, and that is absolutely key when it comes to character design because it sets the sense of individuality. Even though you might argue “Same silhouettes gives them the sense that the are a team.” and while I do agree to some level, I also think that this is not a bad thing either.
The best part though, is the animations. Specifically, the action sequences. I honestly didn’t expect this show to be that good but my jaw DROPPED when I saw the first action sequences. It’s so smooth and energetic just like how you expect an action cartoon to be. (Pause, yes I do realized that this is a comedy show, but it’s TMNT. obviously there will be fighting involved.) I mean, just look at the intro for example.  You can’t tell me that isn’t good quality animation, because it IS good and that is one thing I think most of us can agree on.
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Storyline & Humor
The story is definitely on a weaker side when comparing this to the previous shows, The one shot story can be a hit or miss to some (For example, For me personally the hit was Down with the sickness and the miss was Repo Mantis.) There isn’t much going on for plot as of now. BUT the show have already shown itself to have continuity, although not big. Plus, This is only the first few episodes of the first season. There are many other shows that starts to pick up on plot later in the season or after the first season.
The humor though, is a different story. I like the humor of this show, I find it entertaining without feeling like it was forced. I find the dialogues and timing to be one of the best when it comes to this topic and probably why Leo and Donnie are my favorite characters out of the cast, Leo’s one-liners never really felt out of place, It’s light-hearted the the humor comes from the aftermath such as the reaction he gets. Donnie’s on the other hand is some what darker and cruder, flat humor if you will. His ‘jokes’ are never really jokes but his dialogue are naturally funny without anyone really reacting to it. Sadly, While Raph and Mikey had some moments to shine, I didn’t find them as ‘funny’ per se.
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Characters & Relationships
For this section, I’ll talk about the main characters individually and how I feel about them THEN a summary of their relationships, Here we go.
Raph: The Leader of this new show, Or more so the automatic leader due to him being the eldest of the 4. Raph in this version doesn’t seem to have any anger issues and instead act like the strong leader figure for the rest of the team, He’s shown to be very kind and supportive. (And he loves small animals like c’mon.) All I could really say is I like this version of Raph as of now, I think he’s an overall good character.
Donnie: This is the character that I would go up and ask “What happened to you.” Because he isn’t the gentle being that deserved better like in the 2003 or 2012 version and instead, he’s basically insane and I mean that in the best way possible. His dialogues is one of the best in the cartoons that I’ve watch and his over the top vibe of “I will kill you with zero hesitation” is very entertaining and the timing is almost always perfect. He is the funniest (for me) for sure.
Leo: I will say it now, Leo is my favorite of out the whole cast. Not for the humor, but rather how complex his character actually is when you look into it. He isn’t just a comic relief, Leo had proved himself to be more intelligent than he had let on. He had shown multiple qualities of a natural leader AND a good ninja such as quick-thinking skills, motivational and fast reflexes, and he said that he doesn’t even train. He can be the leader, but he doesn’t want to as of now and I think that aspect of his character is very interesting.
Mikey: How I will describe Mikey is that he is like an innocent child with good heart, He’s the heart of the team for sure. While I do really love Mikey, I don’t have much to say about him because sadly, he didn’t stand out as much as say Donnie or Leo did. He seems to be more of a follow the crowd kinda guy and that’s hard for me to analyze.
April: I like this April, I like her head-strong personality and her pure energy almost shot through the screen. April can pull her own weight while still knowing how to work as a team, She isn’t too over baring but not too bland. I find her relationship with the turtles to be natural and I like that she doesn’t feel like she’s just there for the sake of existing. She’s definitely one of the best April out there, for me.
Splinter: Lets be honest here, does anyone expect this to be all positive? I’m sorry but he’s my least favorite out of the main cast. I simply don’t like how he is portrayed: child-like. I think he should atleast be more mature, HOWEVER, I will give it to him that he clearly have a close relationship with his son. You can say he’s a bad teacher, but he certainly isn’t a bad father.
How I would describe the relationship between the brothers is: 2012 TMNT is the sibling relationship you have and the 2018 TMNT is the sibling relationship you WANT to have. The brothers clearly care deeply about eachother in both version, sure. But the 2018 cast actually express it and I find that very admirable, You can clearly tell that while they’re different they really do love each other like a family.
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In conclusion
While I don’t enjoy this show as a drama/action show like I did with the 2012, I absolutely enjoy it as the comedy/action this show is clearly aiming for. There are some things that still bothers me like the current absence of deep plot, I genuinely liked the change and I admire the fact that the writers had the balls to write something different for us to enjoy instead of going the safe route. I think if anything we should support that, I really do. I love this show so far and if you don’t, That’s fine too! because all of us will enjoy different things but that doesn’t mean that we have to go hate on the creators because we don’t like it or say disrespectful things to people who doesn’t enjoy it because we liked it. So please, respect each other. That concludes my rise of the tmnt review, thanks for reading and peace out.
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Chapter Reviews: June 18-22, 2019 + Plan for TRH
Wishful thinking Chapter 11:
Dang, things have gotten more tense because of Charlie forcing the MC to accept a bribe to pay for her dad's medical bills in order to silence her. What's really crazy is that Anna coincidentally arrived at the hospital after Charlie left.
Ouch at the MC losing her telepathy. And even more so when Aubrey said he wished she would say something to make him feel better. Honestly, what is wrong with this selfish moron? The MC's dad just got hospitalized, which is causing her stress, and that is what he said? If he wants to feel better, then he sould've just go back to reading his explicit books for all I care. At least Jaime and Anna are more supportive.
Well, hello there, Ellen. I know we'll have to work with you to take Charlie down. Sure she's no saint, but there's no denying that she's up to something, and she has made valid points. Not to mention that she mentioned working on an environmental piece, which foreshadows this whole shebang. Considering it a situation where the enemy of my enemy is my friend, though the MC and Ellen are still far from friendly to each other.
Nightbound Chapter 10:
The fight against zombies was pretty intense as far as I'm concerned. I'm glad everyone, MC included, put up a good fight. Even better was when I picked the premium option to sound the horn and summon a giant alligator to fight the zombies. The real and pleasant surprise is that the alligator AKA Chompers is surprisingly friendly towards the MC. I hope to see it again.
I kinda didn't expect the bloodwraith summoner to be revealed in the middle, mainly because I thought it would be revealed near the end. Anyway, I find Cassiopeia and Thomas intriguing characters. Cass was undoubtedly used by Thomas, who exploited her desperation for companionship stemming from childhood. That didn't excuse her actions, but it ensures that her actions and motivations make sense. Likewise, Thomas's hatred of the supernatural coming from their perceived abuse of power shows how one can go great lengths in response to perceived injustices. Definitely captured my whole interest.
I'm looking forward to see how the meeting with Lord Elric goes as well as his monster tear. What if he has secrets to share for the MC?
Passport to Romance Chapter 15:
I feel like I'm not shown much of London aside from the Tower Bridge and a few food the main cast at, but I never saw any pictures of. Just shows how this book fails to immerse me in terms of both plot and decisions. I don't even pick the option to help Marisa call Tristao out, for instance.
Honestly, what is up with William suddenly promoting Elliot to a top spot in the family company? At least there's a board member who objected to it because she knows Elliot is unqualified for the job. I mean, all he does is mooch off of the family money as he travels around the world.
At first, it seems like the main cast finally gets a taste of what it feels like to not having enough money to keep up with their blog, but because of this story, they finally find a way to do it *cough*Elliot*cough*. And not to mention Yvette's right to be angry at the MC's ungrateful behavior for their unprofessional behavior.
Honestly, it's good riddance that this story's a standalone. I was okay with it for the first few chapters, but nothing really interesting happened, and my interest gradually decreased. There really should've been conflict in this story aside from the MC's struggle with maintaining their blog's integrity amidst Yvette's demands, but even then it has little effect on the story. Not to mention that the main cast isn't that great except Sumire, who's ultimately wasted potential because she doesn't even have a subplot nor any conflict with anyone.
Platinum Chapter 5:
When Ellis Knight said he's providing the MC the best apartment for her, I was expecting a recycled background art of Adrian Raines's luxurious suite, not Nadia Park's apartment. Oh well. At least Platinum MC's rise to fame is less easier than I thought. Yet at the same time, I need to keep an eye on Ellis because he might pose a threat in the next book if this story turns out to be a success.
Anyway, I like Zadie, Ozone, Luna, and Wade already. The clothes Zadie provides to the MC are beautiful, and I look forward to work with the other three.
I'm still uninterested in the romance aspect. Sure it's nice to have friends among famous singers like Avery and Raleigh, but as I've said earlier, I'm burnt out on the romance aspect that I just need to shift my focus away from it. That hasn't stopped me from feeling cautious on the potential scandal my MC just got herself into with Raleigh, however.
Red Carpet Diaries Chapter 3:
Why are we using Chazz's vision instead of coming up with my own? And why does he suggest cutting out an important female lead? As a player, I barely know about this Secret of Ninradell crap, yet the narrative doesn't allow me to know what it's all about. At least he's right about not every movie having to be romance. This should apply to most, if not all, Choices stories, even if getting rid of Byrony would ruin the movie.
Meeting with Marianne was okay, though it was also weird that she also suggested getting rid of Byrony. I seriously think she shoehorned the romance aspect of her book. At least the MC has the rights to the movie.
Premium scenes with Hunt and Matt? No thanks. I'm interested in neither, not to mention that I've chosen to be exclusive with Victoria.
The Elementalists Chapter 11:
It was nice and relaxing to spend time with Shreya and learn more about her family. I admire her and Nehal's ambition, and I wish her luck in her achevements.
I picked the premium outfit but not the hair because I love the former and feel eh about the latter. It doesn't do much aside from compliments, but I still love the outfit. Anyway, it was fairly easy to get Kavya's support despite the chaos that was about to follow. And I finally get answers from Greygarden Waithe. Man, I can't wait to see how this mystery unravels.
Bloodbound Chapter 6:
Dang, that was a mind-blowing chapter! Seeing Gaius fight against the council member easily grabbed my full attention. Every time Adrian and Kamilah seemed to have an upper hand, he easily showed them he isn't to be trifled with. Thank goodness they, along with the MC and Jax made it out safely.
Oh, of course Priya is in cahoots with Gaius. I never liked her since I first played Bloodbound, and. Sure she's a cunning villain, but she's also really psychopathic, selfish, and egotistical. Can't wait to bring her down to a peg like I did with Nicole.
Pity I couldn't afford to go after Jameson and determine his fate. This premium option is definitely on my to-pick list.
Man, Lester's death recorded live and used to persuade vampires to join his cause or die sets the tone for darker things to come. My guess is that Clans Raines, Sayeed, and Matsuo will oppose him while the other three will join him. Regarding Lester, he's starting to remind me of Jocelyn Wu in some ways. Sure they're unsavory people, but they set their priorities straight. In Jocelyn's case, she may be a bully, but she knows the moss creatures Redfield unleashed are a true threat compared to her targets. In Lester's case, he knows the feral problem and Gaius are bigger threats to his power than some clanless upstart like Jax. He's someone I have a begrudging respect for.
Anyone upset that Kamilah and Lily are sidelined for now in favor of Adrian and Jax? A part of me thinks Lily should've gone instead of Jax because of her technological expertise that might come in handy. As for this Seraphine lady, I'll see whether she's friend or foe.
On The Royal Heir:
For The Royal Heir, I've decided not to write reviews on this. Instead, I'm writing something like annals that embellish the MC's journey. Stay tuned for them.
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spntvdhunger · 6 years
Lost Souls 2: Dean Winchester
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Summary: Dean Winchester had been in Y/N for as long as she can remember, her dad and John were friends and frequent hunter buddies and she got used to hang out with the Winchester boys. While they grew up, Y/N slowly developed a crush for the older brother… But Dean Winchester broke her heart, not only once, but three times; the first time when she was fifteen, then when she turned twenty-one and later when she was twenty-three. That night she promised herself that not only she will keep Dean away from her heart, but she will make him feel the same pain she felt. That was the plan, but will Y/N be capable of keeping her promise or she will fall in love again?
Warnings: Implied smut, cursing… Lots of angst GIF NOT MINE CREDIT TO OWNER/CREATOR
Characters: Dean Winchester, Young!Dean, SoulessSam Winchester, Young! Sam, John Winchester, Castiel, Bobby Singer, OC! Rixon Carter, Female! Reader.
Chapters: 8-10 chapters. Chapter one
A/N:  All  mistakes are mine, feedback is appreciated. Please let me now if you want to be tagged! Italics are flashbacks.
Tags: @shut-ur-face-and-get-in-the-car​ @theashofwkm​  @strawberryjuiceboxxx DEAN’S TAGS: @belparons @hufflepuff4everandeverandev-blog​ @justalwaystired​ @sisterwinchesterwriter​ Lost Souls tags: @choosemyname​ @bobasheebabyficlibrary​  @missnvncy @smalltowndivaj​ @tatertot1097​
Y/N had to take a few minutes to let all that information sink in… She knew something happened the last year, she saw the craziness with her own eyes, but she never thought it was because of the apocalypse. She somehow felt hurt again, that they didn’t call her for help back then… “We didn’t want to drag you into a fight that wasn’t yours.” Dean explained to her. Of course, the fucking world was ending, and it was only Winchester’s business.
“So… Sam held Lucifer and then went to hell.” She resumed, Dean swallowed. “Then…Somehow, he is back, but without his soul.” She knew weird, hell she was weird but that… That was something that her mind couldn’t imagine. “And he’s been like that for a year now?” Both men nodded. “And what the hell you were doing that you didn’t know your brother was back?” She spat. She cared of Sam Winchester, and she was surprised, to say the least, that his own brother was doing something until now. Dean’s mouth opened, pain reflected in his eyes.
“I… I got out.” He admitted. “I was with somebody.” She hated herself for feeling something in her guts when his words filled her ears. Dean Winchester didn’t care of her, one more time life was showing her that and yet, she managed to feel something for him.
Suddenly a sound interrupted them, someone knocking at the door. The three hunters exchanged weirded looks. “You were waiting for somebody?” Dean asked Bobby and he shook his head. There was the knock again and Y/N was the first to stood up, taking her gun out. Another knock. She opened the door and…
“Sam…” She gasped. It was like looking him through a mirror, a reflection of the boy she once knew. The last time she saw him, he was twenty-one, a very thin and tall guy but now his shoulders were bigger, his hair was longer, and his eyes were darker. “Y/N?”  She wanted to hug him so bad, even though it wasn’t the Sam she missed. “Well… If you are here it means my brother told you, didn’t he?” Sam looked away and entered the house, giving a look to his brother and his adoptive father.
“What are you doing here?” Dean growled. “Relax, I just need something… Bobby, I’m hunting a banshee, I believe you have something I can use to kill her.” The man nodded. “Perfect, I’m gonna need it.” Bobby rolled his eyes and left the room followed by Sam.
“We definitely need to get his soul back… That guy is creepy.” She said to Dean, taking a sip of her liquor.  “Why don’t you call your angel friend?” Dean looked at her and felt a little relieved, now he wasn’t the target of her rage. “Castiel? Nah… He is not answering. You see why I had to call you.”
“Yeah… But I don’t even know where to… Wait a minute, I think I have an idea.” She stopped her words as Sam and Bobby appeared back. “Y/N don’t listen to my brother, I’m hunting better than ever. I think you could go back hating him now.” Sam said, with a creepy ass smile in his face. “Or do whatever you want, I don’t really care… And thanks for the knife, Bobby.” He waved him. “Whatever.” And as fast as he came, he left.
“You were saying?” The older Winchester said, Y/N eyes going back at him. “Ugh… Well, it’s kinda stupid but it may work.”
Two hours later Y/N was in Baby’s seat again. Her plan was running, no time to waste. It was weird, being in the same space as Dean Winchester again, even if Bobby Singer was with them at the back seat. “Y/N…” Dean started, lowering his voice. “Look… I know you hate me and I know that I deserve It but…”
“Don’t” She interrupted him. “I’m doing this for Sam. Whatever happened between us don’t matter know.” He agreed, his green eyes going back at the road while a little smirk made it way to his face. Why he was smiling? He asked himself when he felt his heart filling, he only felt that when Y/N was around, not even Lisa had that effect on him and now he realized that.
Meanwhile Y/N tried to think in anything but Dean, but just by seeing his smile she remembered old feelings. Like when she was fifteen and she saw Dean with other eyes… That mysterious vibe around him, and how he changed when she was around. She knew he was attractive, but she didn’t know how much until that night.
That seventeen-year-old Dean Winchester, mocking around with his brother, while Y/N was staring at him. The three of them were left alone by John and Rixon. “A very dangerous hunt.” They said, and decided it was a good idea to leave two and a half teenagers in Y/N’s small house.
“Hey Y/N, coming or what? Or are you afraid your boyfriend will come and see us?” Dean yelled. Y/N frowned, that didn’t make sense at all. She shook her head and walked down the porch to get closer to the boys. “You are incredibly dumb, you know?” He smiled, his perfect white teeth showing up. “And I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“Why not? You are not a popular girl in that little high school of yours?” She rolled her eyes, she was anything but the popular girl. Even though she and her father had a house they were barely there, always living on the road, jumping from school to school. “Oh, and you for sure are popular with girls.” She said back. But well, it was friggin Dean Winchester, he was extremely hot, and she was sure that if she could see that, others could see it too. Slim but fit, a smile that would light an entire room, two pair of green eyes brighter than emeralds.
“Yeah, where? In bars? Dad don’t let him go…” Little Sam step closer, making fun of his brother. “Girls think he’s a creep.” The older brother looked down at Sam, piercing through his soul, making Y/N laugh. “Yeah, thanks, Sammy.”
It was almost midnight, Y/N with a bottle of beer on her hand, sitting at the porch simply watching the stars when Dean found her. “What are you doing?” He asked, pointing the bottle. “You are not supposed to drink that you know?” She looked at him and smiled. “Dean c’mon my father is not here.” He got closer and took the beer off her hand, but he took a sip too. For a single second Y/N fantasized about his lips being in the same place hers touched. “How is that you don’t have any boyfriend?”
“What?” She let out a nervous laugh. What she didn’t know and probably never did was that something happened to Dean, the same way it happened to her. The way Dean looked at her changed, she was no longer that little awkward girl that could kill a vampire by her own. Her body was changing, the same way his did and she moved as a woman, making his eyes roam all over her body. “You have pretty eyes, you know?” He said, softly, giving her back the beer.
“Dean, I think you are drunk…” He could be seventeen, but he could drink the same as a grown man. “Well, at least tell me you’ve been kissed.” She frowned and laughed again. “Yeah, why? You haven’t?” She didn’t notice, but Dean was so close he could smell the beer in her breath. “Nothing worth remembering…” He purred. And before any of them could know what has happening, their lips found each other, needy hands touching each other.
“Dean…” She sighed. “Have you done before?” His lips left her neck and kissed hers once more. “No… But I want to do it with you.” She took his face in her hands while she smiled. “Me too.”
That night they lose their virginity to each other, even though it was his first time, it made her feel loved, in a way that no one else had ever done before and a way no one else would. She asked herself multiple times how somebody as Dean was virgin, and why he decided to lose his virginity with her… A question that will hunt her for years.
In her still innocent mind, she thought that something changed between Dean and her, that was the beginning of a cheesy love story. But the very next day he made it clear. While they were in an arcade with Sammy, Dean suddenly disappeared, and Y/N left Sam playing a videogame to look for him.
She ended up in the restrooms, the door slightly open. She peered inside and what she saw broke her heart for the first time. A redhaired girl sitting on the sink, her skirt pulled up, her mouth opened, and her eyes closed while Dean’s lips kissed her neck the same way he did to Y/N the night before. Y/N heard his belt flying opened and she ran away, tears falling down her face.
Of course, Dean Winchester only used her just to have sex, so he could do it whenever he wanted. He used her, he didn’t care about her.
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Y/N looked her reflection in the window. Yeah, being around of Dean Winchester wasn’t being easy, already making her remember of everything he did to her. She looked at him once more. He was a man and he was, undeniably handsome. And something came to her mind, something mean… Maybe.
If Dean used her before, she could use him too. Yeah, saving Sam Winchester was her priority but if she could break Dean’s heart in the process she will do it. She wasn’t the same fifteen-year-old that believed his lies, she was different, and she would make him feel the same she felt.
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