#i say with no guarantee lmao. :p
hazelplaysgames · 11 months
we're dodging violence against Junpei today.
you know, i think clips are getting to be... about October? i have 600 in queue right now, it should be close. i kinda realized, this entire last year has been games that took place in Japan. Digimon Cyber Sleuth, World's End Club, Persona, i got into AI: The Somnium Files(i hope the next sale is soon!). i should probably also just play The World Ends With You, just to add another to the list, i got that on DS back in the days i was bad at prioritizing what to do in games. i saw the shrine in the background of this one, and it just kinda hit me how many of them were in Japan.
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charrfie · 1 year
TYSM FOR ALL THE AMAZING REBLOG TAGS!! They’re always so sweet and thoughtful I appreciate them a lot 🥺💗 whenever I need a little inspo I go back and I read them 🫶 if you ever wanna art trade lmk!! I’m usually open! 😼😼💗💗💗💗
YOU'RE SO WELCOME!!!! I always love leaving tags on people's work because I know how much it can mean to an artist to have someone gush about something they made in the tags or comments or whatnot.. and also just because I love the art I reblog so much anyways and need to gush about it regardless!!!! So I'm glad to hear it makes an impact!
Your work is sooo lovely and I hope you keep it up bc you do such good work >:^D I'm a little bit (a lot) busy right now with general life stuff but I'd love to do a trade at some point- I'll get back to you when I have a minute!!
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awek-s · 4 months
okay I’m finally ready to accept my status as a failure
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auroracalisto · 2 years
colds in the winter — the reader falls ill in the middle of winter, worrying tommy and their son, charlie. tommy even goes as far as taking a day off to keep an eye on her. word count: 803 words tw: colds, slight!ooc tommy?? i feel like it could be interpreted this way, but i’ll leave that up to you to decide, fem!reader a/n: i’m always sick. you now have this as a result. :P also… ignore the totally lame title. LMAO
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Winter had fallen upon Birmingham once more. Clouds constantly littered the grey skies, and rain fell far more often than you had liked. Snow would soon litter the grounds of your beloved home.  
Your coat was often glued to your shoulders, buttoned up your body for warmth. Without it, the temperatures would have you freezing, guaranteed to make you sick. However, your attempts of staying remotely healthy fell short of successful.
In a matter of days, the cold weather had taken its toll on you, leaving you lying in bed, staring up at the tall ceiling. Your nose stuffed up, your ears feeling as though they needed to pop. A raging headache had made its way to every corner in your head. The sun peaking through your bedroom curtains did little to soothe your aching body.
Thomas was nowhere to be seen. He must have left sometime in between your off-and-on sleeping that morning. You hadn’t even bothered to check the time, knowing it was well into the day. Thomas surely had been gone for hours.
With a groan, you forced yourself to sit up, rubbing your face with the palms of your hands.
The little patter of feet came rushing towards your bedroom door.  Charlie busted through, a smile on his sweet face.  
“Mum!” he quipped, rushing over to your side.  He reached out to you, expectantly waiting for you to pick him up.  
As you moved to do so, a cough emitted from your throat, soon followed by another, and then another.  You quickly covered your mouth with the inside of your elbow, moving away from Charlie.  You couldn’t risk getting your baby sick.  
“Charlie, what did I tell you?” Thomas said as he rounded the corner, coming into your shared bedroom.  “Leave your mother—“ 
Thomas stopped short as he heard your cough.  
“Are you alright?” he asked, coming over to your side.  “Should I call for a doctor?”
You curtly nodded, squeezing your eyes shut.  
“I had figured you were tired.  Tossing and turning all night,” Thomas frowned, leaning forward to pick up Charlie.  He sat him in his lap.  “I tried to keep him from bothering you, but it seems as though my attempts were futile.”
“You didn’t go to work?” you frowned as you looked up at him.
“No,” he shook his head.
“And why is that?” you questioned your husband. He hardly ever missed work. 
He pursed his lips, avoiding your gaze. “I had things I needed to take care of, here.”
“Mrs. Shelby, I did not come here to be interrogated.” he huffed, looking down at Charlie who was just giggling. Charlie looked over at his mother, smiling all the while. 
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, leaning back against the pillows once more. “Well—” Before you could get a word out, you began to cough once more. You coughed into your elbow, but it only seemed to get worse with each one. 
Thomas quickly put Charlie tell, instructing him to tell the maid to call for the doctor. Charlie nodded and ran off to do as he was told, leaving his father with his sick mother. 
“I do believe this is the reason I stayed home,” he said, coming to your side. He gently pressed the back of his hand to your forehead, frowning. “You are warm. I would say you have a fever.”
“Then you most definitely should not be in here with me.”
He gave you a faint smile. “Mrs. Shelby, you are in no position to tell me what to do.”
You rolled your eyes again, huffing once more. 
He leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. “You will be alright.”
“It is merely a cold. No need for the dramatics.”
He grinned, his hand cupping the side of your face. 
“Perhaps,” he said. “I am not leaving your side until the doctor gets here.”
You frowned. “Well that’s preposterous. You should leave. Go to work. You’ve never missed for something so silly before.”
“My wife being sick is silly?” he questioned. 
Perhaps he had a point. He had many loves in the past who left him in a matter of seconds because of things far more drastic than just a cold—but the worry he had was justifiable. 
You sighed softly and closed your eyes. 
“Will you at least lie with me? Instead of hovering over me like that?”
He just smirked, sitting down beside of you. He wrapped an arm around your torso, pulling you close. He knew the maid would warn them before the doctor arrived, so he would have plenty of time to straighten himself up. But for now, he would hold the one woman who made these dastardly winters worth it all, even if he might end up sick as well. 
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starsofang · 5 months
cod characters as detroit become human characters
soap as connor
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- extremely skilled at what he does
- makes sarcastic/snarky comments towards people he doesn’t particularly like/trust, but can be very serious and sharp when doing a job/interrogation
- dedicated to his work, hence why he’s so good at it
- gets along with essentially everybody, but people end up letting him down/turning on him ): graves
- soap was the youngest to pass the sas selection, and connor was the first android to be created for police work :p
- very smart and knowledgeable, literally know SO much about everything, especially their jobs
- both rays of sunshines
ghost as luther
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- it was hard picking who ghost would be, and at first i said hank. they’re both lieutenants, have lots of trauma ): and liked working alone until their partners came along
- but i also think he’s a lot like luther
- first off, big boys
- reserved personalities that make them appear off putting and cold at first, but once you realize that’s not all they are, they’re very kind people who just happen to be intimidating
- luther is very protective of his ‘family’, ghost is protective of 141, he’d very much die for them and kill for them
- history of abuse and mistreatment, they come from bad backgrounds that created who they are today
- gentle giants. i don’t like the trope that ghost is scary and mean, because he’s not outside of missions. in dbh, luther was made out to be the same way when all he wanted to do was protect kara and do his duty of being a guardian, and i feel ghost is very similar
gaz as markus
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- natural born leader
- gaz is very selfless and wants better for the world, the same as markus
- well spoken and executes their voices very well
- extremely strong willed while also knowing how to keep their temper in check, they know how to do their job and do it well
- does what they have to do in order to guarantee the best outcome, even if it’s not always what they want to do
- they’re also very pretty to look at lmao
price as hank
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- at first this didn’t really fit in my mind, but after some thinking, i think they’re pretty similar!
- both of ranking in their respective jobs
- experts at what they do, have been doing it for a long time and know how to lead their men in the ways they know best
- hank is a bit more of a grump than price is, but when they’re both angry (ex. price literally any time shepherd is around), they bring hell to whoever they’re angry at and don’t have the nicest things to say
- the world on their shoulders, they just need a nap man
- hank doesn’t show it as much, but they both have a lot of care in their hearts, especially for the people they work with and they’d do anything for them
- love their liquor after a job lmao
farah as kara
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- selfless women who have been through so much
- both deserve better
- but because they’ve been through a lot, they’ve become strong both physically and mentally and use that trauma to their advantage
- will do anything to protect the ones they love, even if it means hurting themselves in the process
- farah is such a soft spoken person with high maturity and intelligence in the way she conveys her words, just like kara
- i literally love them to death, best characters in their respective games ):
graves as elijah
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- can be manipulative as fuck lmao
- when they have an end goal for themselves, they do anything to achieve it, even if it means taking others down with them
- both can be perceived as complex characters that have good intentions and good moments, but also know that the reality is they’re rather selfish people who make decisions for themselves
- even the way they talk is similar at times !!
- many people who don’t truly know elijah trust him, just like graves, but only the people who they’ve hurt know the real side of them
- many people like them, while many people don’t, that’s how conflicting their characters are and it’s hard to pick a side
shepherd as amanda
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- literally hate them both
- but really, they’re great characters that bring so much to the story and the way it progresses
- has lots of impact on the way the characters navigate themselves. amanda controls connor, while shepherd controls graves. it’s a very similar concept imo
- lots of knowledge and wisdom but uses it to manipulate things the way they want
- betray the very people they’re working with and supposed to guide, for their own selfish reasons
- both dead, technically lmao
replaying dbh for the sixth time and i was like !!! this might be a fun concept. to some it may not be entirely accurate, but i thought it was fun to dissect all the characters and see who fits who the most, and this is the way i see everybody 🙏🏻
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fritoley · 19 days
The Dragon Prince Thoughts 6x08 - We All Fall Down
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Omgg i’m so scared—
And it starts
Omg sol regem banging into the towers and stuff too this is wild
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Omg babeee ur bleeding—
Now he’s really gonna have a scar like corvus
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“Get everyone out”
See he learned from the pyrrah incident in s2 he’s prioritizing the people now that he’s not in the whole “xadia is evil” mindset
Hey wait where’s he going—
“Take good care of Hat.”
SOREN—honey—wHaT aRe YoU dOiNg—
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Is this cuz the dark magic infection thingy
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Omg viren’s been in there for a long time lmao—
“You have your other way! Dark magic!”
Notice how soren said “your other way” as if he still doesn’t condone it, but he knows it’s the only way to save everyone
Dark magic is so nuanced in situations like these like yeah it’s last resort but if you’re someone who hates it with a passion and then you end up needing it what are you supposed to do
Do you give up your ideals for the greater good or stand your ground and risk disaster
That’s why i love this show so much there’s no clear bad guy
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“Take my heart.”
I mean what else is he supposed to do yeah but STILL—
N O O O O O O o o O omg pls—
No not soren
Omg i’m so scared not soren PLEASE—
I’m actually gonna cry if he dies please no—
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Just as i forgave him too—
GAHH NO it’s the way he’s ACTIVELY DYING while doing the spell to the point he can barely say the incantation 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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“I am a… servant.”
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This scene pretty much speaks for itself idrk what to say
This shit is sad like fuck—
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“My dad! I need to find my dad!”
Oooomg she’s gonna lose it if she finds him
Full azula mode
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“What happened to your beloved mate who disappeared?”
Is he says he ate her imma pop off—
Who even is aithne solaire? Was she mentionedin something?
“In your fury, you buried her.. Alive.”
Like actually???
Not the way aaravos just dies laughing after dropping the darkest most depressing truth bomb ever—
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“Choke on your own pride.”
Oh my gosh—
This is just brutal
i'm terrified of choking too so it's that much worse
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“I don’t think you should see him like this.”
Ugh i love terry for being so considerate after everything she’s done
Like yes save the last of her sanity while she still has it
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This episode is hard to watch—
The voice acting is impeccable tho like give claudia’s va a raise
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Lujanne giving no fucks about the crown is the funniest thing
But wtf is she talking about the diamond don’t tell me it’s fake—
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“Her dad just died. Can’t she just take a moment to grieve?”
FINALLY Terry’s talking sense like shit aaravos at least give her a minute—
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I literally said it like 2-3 episodes ago too
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“I can only save two of them.”
Oh you’ve gotta be kidding me—
Alright y’all it’s a wrap. Katolis is gone, viren is dead, aaravos is getting out, it’s a whole ass shit show. Ooooooomg i’m scaredddddd. Especially when callum finds out the real pearl was in katolis all along, i guarantee you he’s gonna spiral like he did in kosmo’s vision. This episode was really hard to watch, I was surprised, but in a good way. One more episode to go, then season sevennnnnnnnn whoooo
Time to cry :D
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fungirl-apk · 8 months
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(a series dedicated to Jujutsu kaisen characters and what type of scammers they would be. (Keep in mind this is just a joke - slander if you will. Lmao. )
-> PART 2(toji)
TW// dusty!satoru, scammer!satoru, dustmite!gojo, mentions of scammer!geto, crackfic
1K+ words
(if you have eczema , asthma, or a cold, reading this fic featuring dusty gojo and (a very little, but still dusty) geto will make you cough, wheeze, hack, and sneeze. read at your own risk.)
-SATORU is definitely the "over-the-phone" foreign country emperor-type scammer. The kind of scammer who chooses gullible females (such as elderly women,) or vulnerable women (such as lonely widows,) on purpose - he's no misogynist, but he finds women easier to manipulate cash out of (partially due to his good looks and silver-tongue). Besides, what woman can resist a handsome ""emperor"" from a foreign country? with a foreign accent?
-SATORU would definitely be the type to carefully plan out his responses/behaviors before manipulating his victims for cash - he'd purposefully distance himself away from his victim for days, but not before saying things like: "I'm broke", "I have no job", then arrive with a half-assed apology 3 days later, "oh- sorry! was busy working, lol :p"
-SATORU would obviously not be stupid enough to contradict himself, By accident that is. He knows what he's doing, he's just making it seem like he's hiding something... Hiding the fact he's the quote "emperor from some rich foreign country".
He realizes he could never just say that though, so instead, he'd leave little traps for his victim to pick up on, hints, and clues, that'll eventually all add up and corroborate his story. 
-SATORU's entire goal from start to finish would be to push the theory without explicitly saying it. The more distance between you two, the more suspicious you will get.
the more desperate for an answer you feel as he pushes you away? This is how he lures you in, although you'll never realize it until the end. 
-SATORU would only strike when he knows he's destroyed your morale. When you inevitably lower your standards for an explanation as to why he's been "traveling in and out of Japan", desperate for anything, you'll accept his outlandish confession of being a
"foreign imperial monarch, emperor of the south who has 8 Bugatti's and 5 exotic albino peacock-tigers and an 89 figure bank account".
And regardless of whether you truly believe it or not, you accept it. Because you're just desperate for his company and tired of feeling neglected.
-SATORU would use his previous absence to further push the theory if you still weren't convinced enough. "Yeah, the reason I missed your birthday was because I was helping the local Duke of the North. I got injured, so I was in the hospital". he wasn't.
"remember when I said I couldn't be there for your promotion party? The guards of the south needed my assistance on the day of the party, so I traveled to Japan to help them.". He didn't. 
"That picture of me on the airplane was me traveling to my kingdom". He literally snuck onto that plane without a ticket...
-SATORU is smart, smart enough to know you probably would begin to doubt his fictitious empire and his tenuous adventures about "large boats made out of porcelain with golden jewels, exotic albino caviar, and white pearls" in Bali, Indonesia.
So, to further sell the dream - he sends in cash or expensive gifts now and then as the final nail in the coffin. To some inexperienced scammers, it just looks stupid, considering he's supposed to be the one receiving money, "counterproductive" they say.
 But Satoru just scoffs and writes them off as "amateurs". He doesn't see it as ""CoUnTeRpROduCtive"" He sees it as an investment, a down payment, or to put it more accurately, a security deposit for the future.
"It isn't guaranteed you will get back the same treatment in dividends from the person you choose to pour all this unnecessary money into..."
Nanamin often remarks. But again, Satoru just scoffs. Nanamin just doesn't understand the psychological genius behind a true mastermind such as THE gojo Satoru, king of the con artists. Some say he's arrogant, but he'd just say he's confident in his abilities as a scam artist. 
what comes around goes around, and he's gonna get his money back one way or another. it's just his good karma.
-SATORU's best friend, confidant, and partner in crime, geto, comments that if any regular person were to describe Gojo, they would say he's an absolute despicable excuse of a human being.
If any of his victims were to describe him, they'd say he was a learning experience and their first real heartbreak.
If an advanced scammer were to describe Satoru, they would say he is a genius but arrogant hustler in a world full of flim-flam cowards,
a true fraudster in the flesh. Most scammers who've heard the tales of Satoru Gojo assume he's worked his way up to the top all by his lonesome, brewing his own methods of mind games and manipulation processes resulting in successful licks among women internationally.
But, geto would just chalk it all up to him being born into a very corporate family. 
One that happens to scam their customers out of new and expensive phones every 6 months for minimal features but 6000x times the price. it's worth it though, because you get 50kb more space. :>
-SATORU would never let another man in your life. not in jealousy - but in greed. He's had men in the past attempt to distance his victims away from him in either pursuit of a romantic relationship, or because they're trying to play fraudster as well, While he's still trying to play HIS tricks.
you can guarantee no matter who it is - Satoru takes it as a sign of blatant disrespect if another scammer attempts to try and get in the way of his bag 
So, he makes an example out of them, which is the number 1 reason why Satoru Gojo became the most notorious figure in the Con-artistry community.
 IF a man somehow reaches the god-like proportions Satoru Gojo has achieved in the world of the jujutsu scammer-verse, he'd just have to knock him down to size.
He can't have another shyster challenging his authority. If the JJK scammer verse is the Wild Wild West, there isn't enough room in this town for both of them.
-SATORU in the world of scammers would be the kingpin, the best, the inspiration, the moment, and the blueprint for other scammers in the jujutsu scammer verse.
and he's a dust storm heading toward all the women. ladies, pack your bags, skip town, and lock your doors, it's sneezin' season - and beware of the Toji dust blizzard following right behind
-> PART 2(toji)
(also, here's a quick yuji fanart I created LOL)
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noddytheornithopod · 11 months
PnF Season 5 Title Speculation
Okay first thing's first, found out through this (click on "relationships"), which I found out through the PnF Wiki twitter.
As for the episode titles themselves, I will list what's been confirmed here.
501: Summer Block Buster/Cloudy with a Chance of Mom
502: Appetite for Adventure/License to Bust
503: Dry Another Day/Deconstructing Doof
504: Tropey McTropeface/Biblio-Blast!
505: A Chip to the Vet/More Than an Intern
506: The Aurora Perry-Alis/Lord of the Firesides
507: Agent T (for Teen)/The Haberdasher
508: [Title TBD]/Out of Character
Alright, now that's out of the way, time to get crazy and speculate nonsense based on titles alone
Summer Block Buster: I don't really have much to say besides the fact the title is very fitting. Yeah Summer Block Busters are a thing, but I won't be surprised if this episode is just one big grand re-entrance for everyone. I expect it to be very meta about it too, some of the dialogue Dan recorded for Doof even suggests this.
License to Bust: IDK what to say here but the whole pun on "licence to kill" (which is also the title of a Bond movie). I don't think puns are emblematic of much, but it's most explicit confirmation Candace is still trying to bust her brothers, which people understandable debated after Candace Against the Universe. Wonder if the licence thing is going to be relevant.
Dry Another Day: Second Bond title pun, lol.
Deconstructing Doof: Not sure what's being gotten at here, but it's an intriguing title to say the least. Very uh interesting. I could make a joke about how it's about how they don't know what to do with him post Summer but I'm not here for snarky commentary.
Tropey McTropeface: Uh... very interesting. Named after Boaty McBoatface, apparently. IDK what tropey nonsense they're getting up to though.
Biblio-Blast: I feel like SOMETHING is being said here but I don't know what. Was pointed out to me it could be something about weaponised books but IDK what that even looks like.
A Chip to the Vet: Okay this is very interesting. Firstly, it's probably Perry going to the vet. Secondly... one thing done for pets at vets is to get chipped. Whether it's just something the vet does or it's a deliberate request so they can get an idea of where Perry wanders off to... it's gonna be a big problem for Perry. Hopefully OWCA has a way to get around that lol.
More than an Intern: Carl episode. Nuff said. More trying to prove himself to Monogram probably even as Monogram treats him like shit, lmao.
The Aurora Perry-Alis: Aurora Borealis? At this time of year, at this time of- yeah we all know Steamed Hams probably. No idea what this will add up to honestly, maybe some kind of astronomical phenomenon that looks like a platypus, or the gang make one? If there's anything I have to say though, there's a chance it might run parallel to the next episode in a Bubble Boys or Bee Day type fashion, because...
Lord of the Firesides: Yeah you know I'm gonna be talking about what is obviously a Fireside Girls episode as that guy with the Isabella brainrot. So if it works like Temple of Sap or Bee Story, it COULD run parallel to the last episode, but that's not guaranteed. Either way... some friction between the Fireside Girls is going to come up. The title obviously references Lord of the Flies, aka the story where kids turn brutal and try to dominate each other or whatever. Maybe there's a split Isabella is caught in the middle of. Or perhaps... Isabella is removed as troop leader. She could make some serious blunder (could even be unrelated to Phineas even if that bias does affect her activities a lot), but maybe the other girls just end up being sick of Isabella's Phineas nonsense after something went too far. :P If Isabella is kicked out, I feel like she'd really struggle with that, because being a Fireside Girl is really important to her. Also, IDK who would replace Isabella as leader (honestly this ep would be good to just flesh out the other girls more in general), but I did see a hilarious suggestion that maybe it could be Candace. Would be similar to We Call it Maize (a very underrated episode IMO) but with more serious consequences. Not something I'm riding on, but it's a fun idea, especially if she proves she's more egotistical or just outright doesn't know what she's doing. Also saw a hilarious yet touching idea that somehow PHINEAS helps Isabella regain her leadership, he'd reassure her of why she's a good Fireside Girl and all that (cuz he believes in her to the ends of the Universe guys, shit my Phinabella is showing), or just somehow help her prove herself again. Also, the solution coming from what the girls thought was the problem would just be ironic and funny in a very PnF way. Either way... amazing at what a mere title can make me wonder.
Agent T (for Teen): Perry the teenage girl??? Okay so I've already seen this catch on from many people, but if there's one thing everyone in the Phineas and Ferb fandom wants, it's more Stacy and Perry interaction. Sure, maybe it could be someone else (Monty's a teenager, where's he been? maybe something leading to or following up Vanessa's internship based on when the revival takes place, or even some weird Candace shenanigans)... but come on. Even if it isn't, we all are gonna see this and hope it's Stacy related as she gets roped back into Perry's world again.
The Haberdasher: So something to do with selling men's clothing? Definitely a scheme PnF could enact. Also there's the meaning of stuff for things like sewing but that's supposedly British and the men's clothing thing is American soooo we know what's more likely. I wonder who's gonna get the glow up though? Baljeet? Jeremy? Maybe the guys just wanna slay? Shit, Phinabella brainrot is back, what happens when she sees whatever Phineas puts on? :v Of course, this could somehow tie to the B-plot too, maybe Doof needs to dress nicely for something.
TBD: Truly a profound title. So much is said with mere letters... okay yeah I can't do this lol
Out of Character: So much is said with so little. The first thing that came to mind was once someone asked Dan and Swampy at I believe SDCC if they'd ever do a personality swap episode, and their response was to look at each other and be like "maybe we will now" (it was likely too late before the show ended then but yeah). Point is... maybe we're finally seeing this idea. It can be very easy to have characters act out of character through whatever means ie an inator or invention, but if you're going to name an episode that, I think you're going to have something that really commits to that premise. There is ENDLESS potential of weird dynamic shifts you could do with this, it could be truly hilarious. Maybe it's also body swap shenanigans, but well I think I made my case for personality swap. Just imagine Perry trying to take over the Tri-State Area, or Baljeet bullying Buford, or Ferb talking while Phineas is silent, or *could go on for hours*.
Soooo yeah that's way more speculation than I expected, let's see if any of this leads to anything lol
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lambilegs · 17 days
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hi, everyone!! so really just made this blog as a place to have write about lee harker and have brainrot with other people 🤪👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 love my little autistic lesbian agent and there is a DROUGHT for content about her 🌟
reqs: open!!
info about me: 22, a student 🤓, queer, she/her, infp (also yes if you're south asian the username is meant to be hindi so hi bestie)
blog rules: no cishet men plsss this space is strictly for the gays. also minors please don't follow!! I will block liberally and that includes ageless blogs, blank blogs, and anyone else I find sus or off-putting.
what you can send in: literally anything -- headcanons, random thoughts, rambles, etc., anything about miss lee harker. you can request for me to write certain headcanons about her (angst, smut, fluff, idc), though again, please don't take it personally if it takes me a while to get to them or if for whatever reason, I don't get to them at all!! whether or not I'll write longer fics about her is still smth I'm on the fence about since I don't trust my commitment to longer works LMAO but we'll see (also good with writing about strap or g!p)
req rules: I will not write sexual stuff for things like ageplay, extreme violence + aggression, raceplay, and anything else I say no to. also please I know I said I want angst but I don't want any reqs having to do with lee or reader passing away 😭
regarding reqs + asks: I can't guarantee I'll always respond to asks in a fast or timely matter, since I have things apart from this blog to account for and focus on. on top of that, I sometimes just might not respond to an ask at all if I'm overwhelmed and have too many, or if it just rubs me the wrong way. please respect this <3
masterlists: lee harker
taken anon emojis: 🩸, 🌺
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 3 months
How fast would you say are you with writing chapters? Do you always plan ahead or know what's going to happen in that chapter or just improvise? Do you take breaks between writing a chapter? How would you prefer youre timing with updates?
How fast would you say are you with writing chapters?— Depends on my current energy/motivation/time trifecta, but at my fastest (which I have not achieved in a long time lmao) I can write a legacy!chapter in a week. However with Book 3 in particular I have to be really careful and particular with making sure certain details pop up when I need them to, so no rushing allowed!!!
Do you always plan ahead or know what's going to happen in that chapter or just improvise? - I have every "major" event and important character beat locked-in, even if I do have to shuffle around the order sometimes, but the ways in which I execute those events are almost always improvised. For example, Chapter 23 of Book 2 wasn't even supposed to be in Jesse's perspective (it started at Lloyd's, then Kai's), but doing it through Jesse's eyes allowed me to hit all the beats I needed to, and to keep it cohesive with the chapter before (the lesson with learning how powerful lies/rumors can be—relevant even in Book 3, heyo) and the chapter after (Jesse starting to join in on the ninja shenanigans).
For me, it works to have the broad sense of the direction I want to take to get me started and know where I need to go, but not down to the nitty gritty details where I then can't be flexible when need be (and with this story I have to be veeeery flexible, otherwise that's how writing youreslf into walls can happen). And in the spaces between the events/beats is when some of the funniest and/or wholesome moments happen :3
Do you take breaks between writing a chapter? - Technically yes, buuuut as soon as I post one chapter my brain is BUZZING with the adrenaline and eagerness for the next part so I instantly get to work blocking out the scenes/important dialogue for the next one. And then when the high dies I take my break XD
How would you prefer youre timing with updates? - Well back in the days before this sideblog existed, I had all the chapters pre-written and would update weekly (for B1) or bi-weekly (for the first half of B2). I do miss that, because I like giving the guarantee of an update and a little wiggle room for if I need to tweak something later (such as B2Ch21's ending), but nowadays there's no way I could get enough chapters queued up to do that, haha. So now I do try to aim for at least once a month. And if not, I don't sweat it—if it needs a little more time, so be it. And I'm not one to give up on a project easily, either ;P
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mediumtires · 1 year
It's two days into the summer break and I'm already going through vroom vroom withdrawals, so I re-read Seven Years then decided to nitpick season 5 of DTS. Seven Years is so stuck in my head (especially with last weekend's ass grab) that I started to wonder how Christian and Toto's relationship would affect DTS. Would there be a full episode about their relationship? Would they be more included in each other's episodes? Would Netflix try to get footage of the two acting like a couple? The only guarantee is that Tumblr would be analysis every interaction between the two because we already do that.
Also, I use Microsoft Edge over google so I thought you might find this funny.
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The first thing they list is that he is a racing driver, not a successful team principal, a racing driver. :p
ohhh this is such an interesting take!
personally i didn’t make dts a thing in seven years because i just didn’t want to deal with the mess of it. it adds a whole other layer of emotional clusterfucks of being exposed to the wider public (outside of the f1 bubble even), even more cameras following them around the paddock, mic-ed up 24/7. there is a snippet i started writing after the whole “change your fucking car” business that i couldn’t even finish because the whole thing was so messy and i could not come up with a proper way to solve this because i was so embarrassed for them lmao.
but let’s walk for a second. let’s say their involuntary outing happens and dts are around for it all, i do think netflix would be a perfect vessel to promote lgbtq+ visibility and rights in motorsports and both pr teams would jump at the chance. obviously an outing like this is a huge fuck up marketing wise, nothing was planned, no one was prepared for it so they’d need to act quick and with netflix around, they’d have the perfect opportunity to angle the narrative any way they want. plus for netflix it would obviously mean Millions. everyone and their mother would watch the new season.
not sure they’d have a full episode. don’t think christian or toto would agree to this during some of the worst moments of their lives lol and in seven years i tried my best to not glorify or romanticise a shitty situation like being outed by someone else against your will. but i do think they’d both still want to be on dts, they enjoy the spotlight and the attention too much. in my mind they’d both show up to their netflix interviews smirking, a little ala “look at you and your lil cameras, i had a secret you couldn’t even imagine being true, you only know the things i choose to tell you, i’m in charge here”. to me that’s kind of a power move. i also think certain questions would simply be blacklisted so all we’d get would be ambiguous layered eye-twinkling comments about the rival team principal while touching their wedding rings. “oh toto slammed that desk *eye roll* yeah he’s so emotional *smirk*” or “christian has a big mouth, don’t believe everything he says, i don’t” or “singapore last year? yeah i think…. i think we won. did we? can’t remember, i was a little busy” but they don’t ever talk about singapore directly.
post outing i don’t think we’d get much husband material on dts. i tried very hard to write them as being private about their relationship and i still think that rings true, even post outing. there were instances where i thought it’d be significant and meaningful to them as a couple to show their support for each other a little more publicly (or maybe just a little less secretively) but those moments were about them more so than an act for the public or the cameras. in my mind they wouldn’t walk hand in hand through the paddock just because they can, not mid season on a thursday morning anyway. they’re professionals and they’re at work. but it’s a different thing when a netflix camera zooms in on them through a window and they’re having a quiet lunch tucked away in some corner of rb hospitality, or a brush of hands or a discreet smile when they pass each other somewhere and a camera is around to pick up on it.
so that’s my take! the most interesting angle to me though is how the public perception suddenly changes from seeing them as individuals to seeing them as a unit. it rewires your brain from “oh these two are fun, they hate each other” to “oh these two….. don’t hate each other. in actuality they…. they seem to love each other enough to be…. husbands. huh”
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crusherthedoctor · 6 months
📞 a character others dislike but you don’t?
♠️ favorite protagonist?
🕷️a character you feel is underrated?
📞 - a character others dislike but you don't?
Elise has gained more appreciation over time, but you still get people who think she's to blame for everything wrong with '06. She was a decent if underdeveloped character who simply wasn't used in the story that well, and anyone who thinks turning her into a Not-Sally is the only way to fix her isn't trying.
There's also Zor and Marine, both of whom I will always defend. Isn't it wild how I can barely remember anything from The End's three minute tough guy Reddit copypasta, yet everything Zor says is solid gold... shout out to IDW for missing the point and making him an unironic tryhard like every other villain in the comic. As for Marine, people act as though her character development never happened, which isn't helped by Flynn being one of those very people, and I don't understand why they give her flak for her stereotypical accent, yet make no such complaints about Bunnie.
For a couple of non-Sonic examples: King Sombra kind of went through the same arc as Elise in retrospect. As in, nowadays he has more open fans, but back when he made his debut, he received a disproportionate amount of flak for being a mostly silent villain, and the way he was used. I personally appreciated what they were going for with him, mainly cause of how they conveyed his Crazy Prepared defenses and the like, and honestly, by the time FiM concluded, I think he ended up better off than certain other villains lmao.
And of course, Moneybags. Not counting the first game (cause he didn't exist yet), I don't consider it a true Spyro experience if Winnie the Shit doesn't pop up in increasingly improbable locations to make deals in exchange for, *ahem*, a small fee. He also has some of the best lines. ("What are you going to do, sue me?")
♠️ - favourite protagonist?
Gex is unironically a better written character than everyone in Frontiers and IDW put together. This realisation makes me want to drink tap water at Jerry Garcia's.
Tails has always been my main bro out of the Sonic good guys, cause of how smart he is and how much he wants to help. :D It's also why I'm vocal about how much I despise it when fans double down on reducing the franchise to Just Furry DBZ due to super forms and whatnot, since it means Tails and other characters not named Sonic/Shadow/Silver are guaranteed to be treated even more like they're not good for anything meaningful. >:|
Then there's Spyro of course, which I know will be considered ironic to some given my complex feelings on Sonic, but truth be told, Spyro isn't really that similar to Sonic beyond some snark. He does admittedly act like a dude with tude in the first game, but it's clear that he's younger in that one. From the second game onward, where he's slightly older, he's considerably more chill... at least compared to Bubsy and many others from the 90's. And speaking of, despite his dialogue consisting entirely of WOAH, I respect Crash as well, since it was the bandicoot that got little me into the world of video games.
And many things change, but my fondness for Fluttershy will never die. Just as I have a preference for funny robot-loving villains who nonetheless remain a legit serious threat instead of being a joke, I have another preference for kindhearted quiet characters... which is why I also enjoy Trip... and Tikal... look, we all have our types, I'm sure you can sympathise. ;P
🕷️ - a character you feel is underrated?
The Hard-Boiled Heavies have mostly been pushed aside since Mania came out (aside from that one IDW story, but that's not a blessing), and it makes me madder than YouTubers who pretend they're mad because there are villains with dialogue who have less personality than these guys. They're so much fun, and despite all of them having the same Egg Robo template, their designs remain distinct from each other, even in silhouette form.
I also took to Ariem early on. Like the Heavies, "underrated" refers to general lack of fandom buzz compared to other characters, since although she appears to be quite liked, the acknowledgement given to her is somewhat limited due to her being stuck in an Android-only game for the time being. Some people also have an obsession with comparing her unfavourably to either Sage or Lanolin, for reasons I can probably guess in both cases. Me? I love her design, and her interactions with Cream and Knuckles are cute. :> I know it's not likely, but I hope she appears elsewhere so that she can be brought to more fans' attention... provided she doesn't get IDW'd.
Finally, a more complicated example: Metal Sonic. Now yes, he's very popular and beloved, and remains so to this day, but during the last couple of years, I feel I've been seeing two growing sides in the community when it pertains to him: the side who loves Neo Metal Sonic, and believe he's only a threat in that form like Flynn apparently believes (given how he often turns regular Metal into a jobber), and the side who consider him lame or essentially worthless because of his minimal characterization compared to others. He might not say much, and he might be a hedgehog-shaped tool of Eggman's ambition rather than a complete person of his own, but I believe there's a lot you can do with Metal that wouldn't require turning him into Usurper the Elf Shoes. OVA Metal ain't S-tier for nothing.
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aggressivedaikons · 6 months
@themostsanebug here lmao
Supplies I used: - A spare sports bra (one that covers as much of your chest as possible is very reccomended) - BREATHABLE stiff fabric (I used a thin bandana. If you can wrap it around your face (double layers) and still breathe easily enough for over 3 minutes I say it’s breathable enough idk air can pass through.) - Thread - Scissors - Quick dry glue (OPTIONAL and like it may be bad idk the can said it was non-toxic but it also was from 2008 so who knows. This just helps a lot if you have it but it may be bad on skin who knows)
Step one: Cut out a piece of paper that fits inside the sports bra. The top should be one inch away from the neck and arm holes of the sports bra. The bottom should be flush with the band. It should be wide enough to end in the middle of your ribcage. This will be your pattern.
Step two: cut two pieces of fabric from your pattern. I used spray glue to stick them together and reinforce it, this is optional but helps. If you don’t have that, use pins or sew a running stitch a cm from the edge around the two pieces, lined up.
Step three: glue or pin your now double-layered stiff fabric in place. Use very small, close together whipstitches around and sew it to the fabric on all sides.
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and like your done than ig??? Yeah it’s not perfect but is pretty subtle from the outside
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I used yellow thread since it was as close to the color of the bra. That’s reccomended.
IRL trizzy jumpscare 😨 feat Kirby shirt
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it’s not perfect, but it really does make an impact ESPECIALLY in looser clothing.
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narwhalandchill · 3 months
(natlan character lineup leaks/claims of dubious reliability as for now)
well huh. if u ask me the one thing i rly wasnt expecting to hear abt the alleged upcoming characters its this whole "5* geo tall lady in 5.1 will be big meta support" like. how come Now they remember geo as an element exists again more often than once in more than a year 💀 but ig interesting if true???
tho massive grain of salt w leaker "theorycrafting" as usual - even if the core claims themselves on her kit outline end up being somewhat true (a supportive 5* geo), when leakers say Anything about "team synergies" or "x will be meta" its uhhhhhhh. dubious at best. remember when clorinde and arlecchino were going to be good together in a team? yae the electro dps ceiling? lmao
(guess they did get the chiori albedo powercreep right tho but that ones. easy)
still tho if she actually ends up being a thing and a cool design i could actually see myself going for her??? i dislike mono geo yes and never had any interest in it but navia n chiori r obviously favorites and if shes more of a flexible unit than tied to geo completely (buffer support with an unkillable construct so it becomes the new zhongli/chiori flex core mby??????) then very cool and might well be a pull id go for
...... is what id like to say. BUT. the actual real important content this leak is giving me is. if 5* geo in 5.1. then chioris probably rerunning in the same patch???? so thats locked in actually and the priority lmao
anyway im p sure that starting the way i am aka. 0 pity p much and no guarantee but with the remainder of 4.7 left, 4.8, 5.0 and then depending on 1st or 2nd half of 5.1 or then the entire patch to save im fairly confident c4 will be guaranteed even in the worst case scenario? i have a bit under 50 pulls currently. so thats neat but getting lucky w even just a 50-50 win or two would b ideal . We will see .
also man im actually SO happy i just got uraku misugiri on release easy n comfy so i dont need to fear wasting my chiori constellation pulls on any weapon banner bs lmao. but like cheeky c6 with some sigma luck on first rerun pls.... just 4 copies hoyo 🙏
(also IF i luck out on chiori c6 and she runs w the new alleged geo 5* lady and IF she synergizes w carry chiori. then obviously we try pulling 😤)
no thoughts for now on the other alleged kits tho other than hydro 5* catalyst is so. Why another one. also i love the iansan element discourse of is she the claimed 4* geo of 5.0 or a later pyro unit bc she makes fire in her fists in travail and all. boothill explosions in splash art but still physical moment
(still wanna see the actual character designs so bad. leaks have dried up like hell recently bc hoyos tightened up security 💀💀)
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beltransadie · 5 months
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Finally woke up and decided to work on animatic. Obligatory announcement post + essay commentary of this one below. Major book spoilers are abound.
Watch it here
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Proceed with your own discretion. But don't blame me if your reading experience is ruined because you decided oh this sounds interesting I'm going to read it even though you haven't finished the book.
Watching the video won't spoil you. No worries ^^ No guarantees either :P
Don't worry about it. Don't think about things too deeply.
Some things about Hate Me
Okay, I've really really wanted to talk about this even when I was in the middle of working on it because hoooo. Not only is this (I think) one of the more densely packed animatics that came out of my mind lately, it's also one that has a really good chunk of WIP lore in it because this is a year old.
And it's not even the whole thing :3
Anyways why this song? What is "Hate Me" anyways?
First listen, thinking about the lyrics, it's a song about liberation. Basically liberating yourself from a toxic relationship, finally saying good riddance to the one that basically ruined your life. It's also kind of why the song sounds so peppy.
Like the best animatics I've had, I got this idea while stuck in one of my long hour commutes. And basically it stems off of this one youtube short about the song's creation and it's a vid of someone getting their tattoo removed.
But my idea at the time was oh this would make a really fun animatic of MR turning evil under the influence of the Long Hatred Flower. And I think the flower's name and effect also has a hand in the creation of the idea.
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And initially, I just went off of vibes and just made concept gifs on CSP because that's the only thing I can do at the moment.
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Most of which got in, but some didn't. And at the time I was just fresh off of being mentally rewired after seeing Lonely Man's Lazarus' The Mind Electric animation so my mind then was like oh transitions which is suuuuper evident in the final product.
Pretty rich coming from someone who rarely even makes animations but yeah.
Like how the flower distorts MR's perspective. The song's message also becomes distorted. Instead of liberation, MR slowly becomes trapped deeper and deeper into the headspace that the flower cultivates. And my intention was to convey that as a good thing and something to be hyped about.
TXJ's rise to power is supposed to be rejoiced about here. Honestly don't know why people are crying in the comments section lmao.
People in the know would be hit hard. People not in the know are supposed to just go "oh cool symbolism". And speaking of...
Let's talk about the symbolism!
The flower
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It's one of the mainstay and most obvious symbols littered up to the 2nd chorus. In hindsight maybe the animatic itself does have explicit major spoilers at the start ;P considering this is the first thing we see until it fades into MR's chest. It's also one of the things I heavily emphasized...
...anyways I'm just gonna pray people would be confused at most. 😄👍
We follow it from being a bud, to slowly and literally swallowing MR whole as a progress of MR's descent into evil and it literally culminates to MR burning Rufeng sect and CWN facing him off.
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The flower itself is modeled after a lotus flower. Quite obvious as the name is a direct reference to the eight sufferings in Buddhism. (2ha actually has major Buddhism inspiration but that's for some out of pocket essay I made for my friends).
Narratively, it's described to be "那花朵含苞待放,还未打开,黑色的瓣叶,边沿闪动银光。" (A flower bud, still yet to bloom, its black petals and leaves fringed with a flickering silver light.) which isn't a lot, but other things also add to my headcanon that it's a black lotus, one of which is simply the term itself.
The first time I've encountered the term was in Scum Villain's Self-Saving, wherein it's used to describe Luo Binghe after the timeskip where Shen Yuan perceived him to have turned evil. While there's only a few discussions about what the term itself means, personally I agree with the interpretation of the white lotus being corrupted thus making it black.
Which is really really apt for MR's story. For 15 years of his life, he's stuck to the values of being kind and forgiving others, but it's only when he succumbs to the flower that he lets the intrusive thoughts win.
It also serves as a counterpart to CWN's association with the red lotus.
Chinese Chess Pieces
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Zhenlong is one of the main ways that MR used in his rise to power. So naturally it would make sense to include it.
Contrary to what Westerners would think, the pieces themselves are Chinese chess pieces which are round pebbles that are colored black and white. It's main goal is capturing territory, and there can be a lot of board combinations which makes it a complex game to play.
In a way, MR slowly deciphering the technique is a sort of balancing mind game he and CWN played. (Although CWN has no idea about it). MR acknowledges that CWN is powerful enough to stop him in his journey to grow stronger, thus he has to make sure to go around CWN in order to win, slowly turning the tides to his favor.
It's kind of being pieced together as I typed this, but in a way the scene I attached above shows the start of the game. With MR has set the stage and is starting to gather his territories. It's not necessarily wrong for a scene, because black typically goes first in this game.
Puppet Mo Ran
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It's such a small thing, but it's an intentional inclusion. For those who are up to date with my animatics, Puppet!MR is a direct reference to Please Don't Leave Me! Something I'm very happy to include because this means I'm so far into the 2ha animatic brainrot that I can start making references to my own work.
Specifically for the sequence before Puppet!MR appears, it's a reference to chapter 140. Where a flashback from CWN's previous life is introduced. Without going into details, it's one of the scenes wherein MR who's already deep into learning Zhenlong and into the clutches of the flowers temporarily gets out of the curse just because CWN got injured.
Something that shouldn't be shown for someone deep into the curse.
MR turning into a puppet, is partially me headcanoning that he might get an inclination that something's off with how he's acting towards CWN, and so tries to break away. What follows is his descent deeper into the flowers.
Burning Memories
Another sequence (not really a symbolism, but more of a reference) that I want to call to attention is the sequence before the first chorus which basically shows the flower's bloom and MR's good memories fading away.
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Yes. It's Duanxun.
IT'S NOT COZ I'M BIASED TO THEM THOUGH!!! It's literally because of this small passage in chapter 278 and it's basically the moment before MR falls unconscious after taking the flower.
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One of the flower's effects is the loss of good memories. And to a 15 year old MR, the people closely attached to the memories he holds dear are Duan Yihan, Xun Fengruo, and Chu Wanning.
While they don't appear in the same order, I specifically chose to use a burning paper effect to show memories fading away. Partially because MR is closely attached to fire. Not only will he burn Rufeng sect to the ground, but it's also because he burned down Xiangtan manor—a place that's closely related to the two people he could call family.
The scenes I referenced in the burning clips are also in the book, namely near the end of chapter 258 and somewhere in the middle of chapter 259.
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The only scene that doesn't burn away is CWN's. Partially because there's not enough space in the song, and mainly because I wanted to transition to the triggering event for MR which is Shi Mei's death.
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About the Work Process
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I did mention it was a year old before. But it was mostly because I was going off on vibes when I started. Aside from what I've done with the concept animations (which isn't a lot), what I managed to create at the very beginning when I decided to finally sit down and work on this, is a prologue that finally sets the scene as well as the first verse.
(hint hint, check the last 2 seconds of the youtube video)
For a reason that can be summed up as "I don't want to spoil people too hard", I've decided to split it into two animatics. The second of which I'll post at a later date. Only you, dear reader, and my close fandom friends get to know this knowledge and this preview.
As for the rest of the animatic, I was stumped. I knew I had to include some scenes from the concept animations, and also some scenes, but to connect them...? I was lost.
Some parts solidified as time passed namely the memories burning away sequence and the last chorus. But how to execute the 1st chorus and the 2nd chorus? It took me a year to finally come around to forming it.
Mostly because of an 11 hour bus ride I took for vacation. (Man I really do take long commutes).
After that it was smooth sailing. I prioritized getting a rough draft down before cleaning it up and piecing things together and it went well.
It's really just getting over perfectionism and just getting things done. I'll prolly edit this when the prologue is out.
I think that's most of what I wanted to say. Thanks for getting this far and checking out my stuff, as well as the constant support!
See ya :3
Ok last: Bonus unintentional easter eggs
Because I draw too much 2ha, it's inevitable for some frames to be similar.
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(Counting this one because of this unfinished frame i didn't commit to)
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I draw too many CWN sideviews, but I distinctly remember referencing this while drawing the one on the left.
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Overall, Hate Me is a very insightful animatic to work with. I ended up making frequent observations and ponderings while working on this too. A good example would be the Long Hatred Flower is a black lotus, and (the most out of pocket 2ha analysis) CWN and Buddha parallelism to name a few.
It could be better of course. Especially the razing of Rufeng sect sequence could've been executed better if I did it with after effects. And I've grown pretty particular with how I rewatch this.
Would this be the last? No, of course not.
It's an animatic that's part of my exploration into Mo Ran's character. Which is, in turn, part of an informal series diving into the theme. Heirloom is part of the series, there's another one that might be too 🗿 for yt and I've never bothered expanding on too.
I might end up posting some Duanxun animatics though (part of the Duanxun agenda more people need to acknowledge Xun Fengruo), or some non 2ha WIPs if I bother finishing them. Imagine 2ha AU animatic 😔 but that's for the very vague future.
Stay tuned for part 2 😘
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abihastastybeans · 5 months
Hi!! Hope everything is okay at the hospital!! For the ask game!!
26. does your nationality get portrayed in Hollywood/American media? what do you think about the portrayal?
Hello friend!! Yup, all okay at the hospital, thanks❤️ - I found a new thing in my teeth and had to go get it checked. I have a filling procedure scheduled for Tuesday tho😬😅
26. Does your nationality get portrayed in Hollywood/American media? What do you think about the portrayal?
Yup yup there are a number of Indian characters in Hollywood media - Mind, I'm not familiar with most of them :p but yeah.
As for what I think about the portrayal... I mean, it can be better😂 But I don't blame them (unless it is intentionally raciststereotypical) because India is huge bruh and not to mention the degree of overlapping between the cultures and stuff. It would be very difficult to represent something in a way that is - what can I say - perfect? So yeah. It can be better but atleast it's better now than what we had in idk the 2000s lmao
People have told me that that series Never have i ever - I should try watching it but ehhhh I might. No guarantee tho 😂😅
Ask game here!
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