#i see every other trans person as valid and beautiful
switchytransboy · 2 years
i hate so much how the world and the awful people in this country have been making my internalized transphobia and dysphoria so bad
like its so hard to keep up with loving myself and seeing myself as equal and valid and feeling like people see me for who i am, when i know that most of the population rn wants me dead or to not be who i am which would also kill me
being trans feels so lose lose in todays society and it’s quite literally become the heaviest part of my life in the last year give or take.
this will be my discussion topic in therapy tomorrow 😵‍💫🫠
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
What are some good things you like about transmasculinity?
(Im a few months out from starting T and feeling very non-valid/a failure right now.)
I'd love to hear what you like about it!
Hey, friend, I hope you're alright. Transmasculinity is a beautiful thing, no matter where you are in your jouney
I love...
The unique experiences of every transmasculine person - no matter if those experiences are completely unlike mine
The way people transition, if that means being on testosterone, getting surgery, tattoos, piercings, whatever it is or is not
So much of the community is so adamant about justice. There are so many feminists and people who want to make the world a good place and people making theory about transmasculinity and it's awesome
The history of transmasculinity... I love reading about historical trans men and transmasculine people - Billy Tipton, Harry Allen, Michael Dillon, Dr. Alan L. Hart - the list goes on, truly
I love our interactions with the queer community. I love seeing drag queens who are transmasculine, for instance - Gottmik was the first trans guy I saw doing drag on a large level
How beautiful testosterone is... I love how it has impacted my physical and mental states. I love seeing people expressing their own joys with this hormone, too.
The openness about our experiences. I love how cathartic it can be to talk to others who have had similar experiences, whether that is positive or negative
There is good to be had here, even if it can feel so isolating. There are so many good things about transmasculinity, even in the painful moments. Please, if you remember anything about this post, make it this.
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privatejoker · 1 year
dear androgynous or gender non conforming trans people and actually everyone and also you specifically,
in good faith
if anyone is treating your presentation or desired presentation like it's a personal attack against them they are not to be listened to. if anyone is trying to coerce you into being someone who makes more sense to them they are not to be listened to.
for example (one from experience) the trans men who make fun of you for wanting to be androgynous or feminine, who are telling you that you will regret going on hrt or pursuing other forms of transition, who are telling you that by doing any of those things you will then find yourself ugly and that your wants for yourself are unreasonable and so you should never try are only projecting their own misery onto you, their own precarious sense of masculinity and belief in the validity in their personal gender.
the wonderful thing about being trans is that we find ourselves working within a framework that highlights mutability and choice, that not only accepts but welcomes change, that lets you actively create yourself as feels fulfilling and right to you. this goes for literally anyone ever. everyone has the capacity to live this way. some people will pretend otherwise but they are wrong. trans people prove this by just existing. everyone should have the right to choice and should have access to safety and support along with it.
we are all engendered by our choices. you have options. you can mix and match and wait and see how it feels, how others see you, balance what feels safe with what feels right, consider how different places and different people might affect that balance. you don't have to pass if it just feels conciliatory, like it is a hoop you have to jump through, a means of proving yourself before you can present how you want. i mean it. and i am not saying this out of naivety. it may be safer to pass or be stealth or closeted, and you are entitled to your sense of safety. trust your sense of risk assessment. you know best.
you can be "inconsistent" (or perhaps exploratory, fluid) in your presentation or sense of self, you can go on HRT and stop and this can be a step forward in your transition, not an end or a regression. you can simply change your mind. no explanation needed. you are entitled to your own understanding of yourself. you can stop doing anything that feels wrong or uncomfortable. you do not have to follow a script. you do not have to live with restriction.
let me stress this in particular because it seems to be contentious: if hair is an important aspect of your presentation there is no shame in trying to preserve it. you do not have to resign yourself, weather changes that cause you intense distress because it would be very macho of you to do so, or because you feel unable to reach an ideal in the first place. the ideals are not easily attainable on purpose, they are frequently fraught, often they are simply lies. insecurities can be profitable for certain others. there will be people in your life who love you wholly and unconditionally. yes, you, right now. even if it's never happened before for you.
try finasteride or topical minoxidil if you want to (though minoxidil is toxic to cats!) in any case there are wigs. there is hairline surgery. there are scarves. you can be bald, have a receding hairline, thin hair and be beautiful and worthy of love. you! right now! i really mean it. get a tattoo on your scalp of something that you think is beautiful. notably you may regrow some hair with transition or if you stop testosterone.
you can always try anything even if it doesn't work out in the end. there is always the chance that it might. you can mourn any and every loss. anyone who would belittle you by making your grief seem trivial or wrong is Not To Be Listened To.
you do not have to identify as or be trans to do any of this.
you never know but you can always try.
you never have to externalize, justify, explain your internal self to deserve being respected, accepted and loved.
ok bye
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tavyliasin · 7 months
Fandom Essay - Body Positivity and Validation
Good timezone darlings~ Lia is back at it again with some examination of BG3 Fandom and some more of the wonderful things we can find within it. This time we are talking about representation of different physical features. If you feel this might be a little much for you, either in regards to your relationship to your body or any potential dysphoria, please feel free to skip it. Second disclaimer that I will be mentioning trans and nonbinary people here from the perspective of a Cis person - this is absolutely not my right to speak for or over anyone so I thoroughly welcome the voices of those with lived experiences to join in the comments with their input, but I also did not want to leave the topic out of the discussion and you may just see why as we get into it~ So on with today's long title:
How FanWorks Can Be Important To Self Acceptance And Body Positivity - The Next "Callout Essay" from TavyliaSin (Who is calling herself out with these too) ((there are reasons it feels targeted I know where to aim)) (((but honestly it's fine it's all positive I promise)))
Today we will be discussing: body types, disability representation (only a little though, this one may need a full post of its own), body size, gender (and gender euphoria), scars and "imperfections", visible ageing. This will be through the lens of both the canon inclusion and everything we see in mods, edits, and fan creations of all kinds. As usual I will use sub headers and encourage anyone to skip what makes them uncomfortable, as well as to join the discussion~ so let's begin, shall we?
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What Does Body Positivity Mean?
Let's start off with the simple one. Body positivity doesn't mean promoting any one body type as the ideal or as better than any others, it is about being positive about the mortal flesh vessels we inhabit and all of their features. A lot of people can find this difficult, to love oneself or even just accept oneself, especially in a highly critical society. But that is where representation and even fan creations can step in - by being vocal and loud about appreciating features that people may feel negative about in themselves, we can help build up confidence and self worth, as well as reminding all of us that we do not have to look a certain way to be desirable and desired~
How Does This Relate To Baldur's Gate 3?
On the surface, we do have a lot of characters with more conventionally accepted body types in the main cast and romance characters, though it is worth noting that the base models were updated to be less "Hollywood muscles" on a couple of characters, which made more sense to the character stats and backstories (unless Gale was working out every day in his tower, he's not that much like a bodybuilder physique).
But aside from this, when you look closer, there's also an awful lot to appreciate in the standard character designs. A lot of these are things which fans pick up on and adore, despite how they may be features that people are actively bullied for or that are seen as undesirable by beauty standards. Those "beauty standards" can get in the trash too, but I'll use it here to point out the things we are shining a positive light on in the face of those societal values~ Karlach - Our tall queen, strong and muscular and not particularly feminine with her tattoos, piercings, and hairstyle. But she is adored for all of those things, even her broken horn is an important feature, alongside the glowing heart and fire that have some in the game view her as monstrous until they look closer and know her. Astarion - His laugh lines. Gods don't we love those? The wrinkles in his face are experience, and of course he has those signs of exhaustion in his eyes that make him so much more relatable to many of us. Lae'zel - This might feel like cheating as she's not human, and is less human-like than most of the other characters, but in a way that is also an important one. She's still desirable and treated as such in the romances, as well as very much adored by the fans. Gale - The little signs of ageing and stress mark Gale's face, and even the hints of greying in his hair are picked up on and chewed on by those who love him most. Wyll - More on him later but honestly is he not the poster boy for physical acceptance? Not only do we have his initial appearance with the stone eye but with one choice his entire body is completely changed and part of his story is arguably learning to live with this and how his new look is likely going to be seen as everything he ever feared. Halsin - Are we cheating with BIG TALL MUSCLE MOUNTAIN because many people find this attractive to start with? Maybe, but again he has clear signs of ageing, as well as very obvious facial scarring. His look might easily be described as fearsome, and yet his personality couldn't be further from it. Raphael - Hello there lovers of older men, who look at each one of those wrinkles and his brow lines and start sweating a bit more. I'm with you, he's gorgeous because of those signs of aging, not despite them. Abdirak - Our real poster boy for scars and visible wounds. Features which have long been given only to villainous characters in fiction (particularly that aimed at younger audiences) and yes he is one of the most violent characters, but he is also immediately deeply sympathetic to the player. So we are no longer equating scars/visual difference with pure evil. In general we have a lot of features that are not overly smoothed out or homogenised to fit certain standards. We have different nose shapes, visible pores, scars, acne marks, wrinkles, greying hair, moles, freckles, body hair, and a lot of variety across face shapes and features. It makes the characters feel more real, more relatable, and seeing features closer to our own can be comforting and validating in a lot of ways. Of course there are more examples, and far more we could say about each one of these and all the things that make them unique that we love about them, but we would be here all day and there are other topics to cover!
What About The Player Characters?
So we do have a range of fantasy races, many of which arguably don't represent real humans at all, and we do also lack variation in body types in the standard game. But we also have player characters with shorter statures with the dwarves, halflings and gnomes. Beyond just being part of the lore and story, there is some representation here for similar body types in real life. I can't say a lot on this as I neither have personal experience nor do I personally know anyone who could speak on how they feel about these races in comparison to lived experiences, but it would be equally unfair to leave the point out of the conversation - please do add something in the comments if you have the knowledge and emotional bandwidth to spare, I would love to hear about your experiences and opinions! Aside from this we have a wide range of skin tones (though my own is too close to plain paper to be able to tell you if this is anywhere near adequate so please feel free to weigh in with lived experience here) as well as scars and other features in the character creation. There's also vitiligo pigmentation, which is not only representing the condition but also normalising it to those who aren't familiar and making some rather beautiful options for our characters in my opinion. Even in the hair styles there are a couple of options featuring thinner hair or baldness patterns. There are less options for textured hairstyles and the facial features are equally limited, but there are some truly gorgeous mods out there which I'll mention later.
Player Characters And Gender
Another caveat to please weigh in with your lived experiences, but this one is one that I've seen friends enjoy and it was really wonderful to see that delight. Being able to select pronouns, genitals, body type, and voice all independently of each other is something which is so vastly meaningful to a lot of players. To some it might just be "oh cool I get to choose what my character looks like naked", but to a nonbinary friend of mine... Well, they were sending me happy, joyful, and what can only be described as "delightfully shouty" messages when they were in character creation. To paraphrase, and to tone it down just a little, it went something like this:
"Wait you mean I can have a character look and exist the way I want to be? I can actually have myself represented on screen, and nobody will misgender me, and nobody will decline a romance based on any of this?!"
Maybe it seems silly but I got tearful to see them just absolutely losing it over having these options. They've been stuck with binary options in most fantasy RPGs for so long... Of course there's still things that could be improved, there always will be, but that joy? Priceless. It meant something in that moment and I hope it will continue to mean something to a lot more people in many moments to come. Of course there are still flaws - the faces and bodies are still gender matched, and it isn't possible for people to refine the size and shape of player character chests. In some ways really what we have is the bare minimum, a start that needs to go further, but seeing as there have been precious few games in the genre to even reach this low bar it is good to recognise it, to say "this brought people joy and is worth the effort to make it happen", and to say "please go further because there is genuine interest."
What About Mods?
This is where we can see a lot more of that positivity flourishing. There are countless options, from having more hairstyles and hair types, to face shapes and features, all the way to body types and adding in top surgery scars. Giving the game the ability to be modded, and potentially even encouraging and supporting it, means we can see so much more of that body positivity and representation. Having a hero who shares your features, seeing romances play out where the characters are valued in every way just as they are. Being able to mod softer and wider body types to the Origin characters too, taking the form away from the bodybuilder/model physique and far closer to more average - and undeniably still devastatingly attractive - body types. Seeing the trans-Origin character headcanons portrayed too, that's just so utterly divine~ (There is a lot to be said about parallels to LGBTQIA+ experiences in the Origin storylines, too, so feel free to comment on those at the end if you would like to) To all of you out there making mods, and sharing the characters you've created using other peoples' mods - thank you! I adore seeing all of these, as well as people's happiness in sharing and using them too~
I don't even use mods, honestly darlings I'm not the best with tech at times and as I'm spending vastly more hours writing than playing it's likely not as worth it for me - especially when people share the modded content for us all to enjoy in videos and screenshots. But I love how many there are, that they exist, and all the ways they give people joy and euphoria to see their own body types and/or body types they find to be desirable~
But Wasn't This Post About Fandom and Fan Creations?
It was - and is! Because after all of the content you can get in the base game and in the modded version, what comes after is where the fans go with it from there.
That's truly where we get the most body positivity and joy. Headcanons leave the head and pour onto the page. We see characters reimagined a hundred times, each with their own twist, their own enthusiasm both from the creator and from fans just eating up every piece that comes out. There's so much variety there seems to be almost anything you could wish for with almost any character, and I can guarantee you that if there's something you'd like to see and aren't seeing out there, there will be an artist willing to work on the idea (most likely on commission basis, we do prefer to ensure our artists can eat after all, but there may be some willing to just adopt ideas to draw as their own too). This even extends to cosplay, with gender-swapped characters, as well as the one thing I will always be vocal about in cosplay - everyone should be allowed to wear the character costumes they love regardless of body types or how well their body/face matches the original character. Though this does come with the caveat that skin should never be darkened to match a character's look (if that character has a natural type skin tone, obviously green etc is not an issue) - just be your own version of the character if you adore them enough to put the costume together.
And your work?...
Thank you for asking Lia, let me answer that one for you. Of course, take it away, Lia! Ahem silliness aside, there is something you might or might not have noticed in my writing. I don't do a lot of body-type description. You can imagine whatever you like as you read - Gale with a soft tummy to snuggle? Yes please! Or you can imagine him with sculped abs, or a more slender frame - whatever brings you the most joy to read. This is especially true for anything I do with gender neutral character fics (usually "character x Reader"/2nd person pieces) - I try to stay away from any specific gendered features and focus on actions and sensations which can be common to any body.
How Does This All Add Up To Body Positivity?
Simple, love - by sharing and making all of these works we are saying "these features are beautiful, we love them, we want to see more of them as we fall head over heels time and time again". It might not seem like a lot, but the mind is both powerful and very easily open to suggestion. If a person keeps seeing negative things about a feature they have (eg, as a mild example body hair on women/feminine people) they will internalise that and wish to change themselves (eg, waxing/shaving/etc). In the case of a bit of body hair that might not seem drastic, but it still changes how someone feels about themselves. At the end of the day, the more we love ourselves the easier it is to look after ourselves and be happy in the mortal flesh vessels we pilot around this terribly strange universe~ For my part, I have seen my body shape which I had struggled with shown time and time again as "wow look at this character who looks this way, they are amazing! I love this feature, and that feature, and the way the artist made sure to include this particular thing-" Every time I see that, every time I see parts of myself I struggle with being applauded and appreciated, I feel a little brighter. A little more comfortable. A little more like I am allowed to dress it up nicely and spend time and care to feel good about it. I also feel less shame for old scars, for every part of myself that has made me look at the mirror with unkind eyes. Confidence is not a single brick, it's many that need to be built carefully with the right cement. If it is chipped away at too many times, even by little self-deprecating "jokes", it will erode. It will crack. It will wear away piece by piece instead of building up. And before anyone decides to try equating weight and health, darling this is not the place. If you truly care about someone's wellbeing, leave their health to the private discussions they have with their doctors, and remember that looking after oneself is far easier from a place of loving oneself. If you care about a thing, you want to look after it. If you see a thing as already broken, you're less likely to be cautious in how you handle it.
Where does this essay end?
Well, I believe that would be here. With the endless gratitude for every creator out there bringing us mods, images, fiction, art, cosplay, content of all of these wonderful characters in every incredible variation that we can think of. I encourage those of you who are feeling lower in confidence about yourselves to really look at the fan responses to these creations - the excitement and desire for every body type, every feature, everything that we might see of ourselves and dislike there are so many people out there seeing those exact same features we have and feeling nothing but attraction, desire, love, adoration, and praise~ We are often our own worst critics, but not one of those characters would ever reject us, neither are we rejecting any of our favourites when we see them on the screen. I certainly hope to see more games bringing us this variety, and going further too. There is power in fiction and fan-works, and it is helpful to recognise it too.
Apologies if this one felt too long, rambling, or like I lost my point - it was done over 3 days and I'm rather tired~ I have other essays coming in the next few weeks too, and I really would love to hear your opinions on any of them~
As a final note - please do add your own views and experiences on the topic! I can only offer my own as a disabled white cisgender asexual/bisexual/panromantic woman with too much time on her hands~ I neither wish to ignore experiences outside of my own nor speak over them. All I can offer is what I see, what I hear, and of course my endless love to all of you~ That, my very dear darlings, is never in doubt. I love you just the way you are, because of who you are, and will see the beauty in everything that makes up the sum of your wonderful selves~
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mouse-romance · 4 months
Doctor Who helped me a lot understanding what being trans is like
Everytime a cis person asks me "What transitioning is like" i make the quick correlation with this series. It's not a 1:1 analogy, but a very interesting one:
The Doctor has a core, an identity that is inmutable, and doesnt matter which body or feelings has, the core is always the same.
I used to hate myself in every other stage of my life before the current one. Mainly because in the first stages i was forced into being a man, and the more recent ones i was victim of hormonal changes that made me act like a teenager.
When you acquire cispassing is very easy to just scrap what came before and proclaim that you are "a cis woman, everything is fine. My past? I dont have one why you ask?" and thats valid, i've done that for years, but in the end you are not being real with yourself.
Accepting that you were THAT, the cringe "boy" with no friends, or the shameful "crossdresser" at the party that couldnt stop crying is hard, but that person was YOU.
You're now the resourceful, beautiful and succesful woman you always dreamed of, congrats! But you're also all that came before.
In Doctor Who you see how unapologetic the Doctor is towards previous incarnations. They don't feel crippling anxiety remembering how they felt or what they did, because that was how they were wired to feel or do at that time.
You can see sometimes a "oh yea i did that, i wasn't in my best moment", but also a "Yea, i did this when i was a man" or a "Yea i used to be a flirt, regeneration's a lottery". It's an accepting and open way of dealing with who you were before, even if it collides directly with who you are now.
The highest point for me is when Matt Smith is bidding his farewell, accepting that he is going to change again, but accepting that it will still be him even if the feels or the shapes dont match, and he says:
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kannibalkaiii · 3 months
People with all these pride flags and shit in their bio but the moment someone posts man booba it's "hilarious" or "insane". Tell me you're transphobic without telling me lmao
I get that some ppl have chest dysphoria but some don't or at the very least it helps them cope to draw males with non-op bods? You all just want to shove us into a box and only accept us if we follow societal standards...hit that lil "check list" of what you perceive to be "man enough"
So if you saw a nonop guy like me you'd laugh and invalidate me because I'm not trans enough to you?(id love to see you tell me that in person lmao) Annoying seeing other trans ppl and/or lgbt "supporting" ppl only accepting transmen who have top surgery.
I've been through a loooooong-ass journey of self acceptance and let me tell you, it gets exhausting to hate yourself every day. God forbid I've learned to love my body after decades of bs. Im happy with myself, it's not my problem if THAT offends you.
I know some ppl like "it's fetishyyy"
18+ is RIGHT there in the bio as well as "suggestive" tags when it IS a suggestive post
We're not allowed to be in nsft situations now? We're only supposed to feel ashamed? Pfft
It's not a problem, and even "empowering" when women are curvy huh or when transwomen have facial hair/are flat but men with curves is where you draw the line?
All trans ppl are valid and beautiful and if you don't agree block me then 😘
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babydin · 1 year
You're My Person
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Pedro talks you through some relationship anxiety that has triggered from tabloid bullshit.
- Pedro Pascal x trans woman reader - 18+, preferred but no nsfw, all fluff. - Transphobia, body dysmorphia, anxiety . - 851 words - Comments/likes appreciated. Requests are open! - A/N: I ran a poll to see if I should post this and majority voted yes. I also meant to post this yesterday on TDOV but I passed tf out. I realize the subject of this oneshot can be heavy for a lot of people so please read with caution. Please know that you are valid and you are loved and you are safe with me.
“Unclench your jaw, tell me that’s wrong.”
“You’ve got a look.”    You look up at Pedro as he joins you on the couch with a bowl of popcorn, the curtains drawn in preparation for a late-night scary movie. Maybe he was right, maybe you did ‘have a look’, you had been sitting cradling your knees while he busied himself in the kitchen making popcorn, picking at your knees and staring into space.
“Unclench your jaw, tell me that’s wrong.”
Pedro had a way of speaking that was so attentive, every word he said, the way his eyes looked at you; a car could’ve driven through the house and he wouldn’t have taken his eyes off you if you were still talking. You weren’t going to say anything to him about your sour mood, but he had a way of noticing the little things. You start to pick at the skin around your thumbs and tell him “Someone saw us today.” He took one of your hands to stop you from picking at yourself and offered his own hand as a fidget which you gladly took, fussing with his fingers, sizing up his palms in comparison to your own. “I’m sure a lot of people saw us today, amorcita. What happened?” “There was a post on Twitter–” The mention of the word made him grunt disapprovingly. “It was a pap’ shot and a link to an article. I’ve never been photographed with you before so I–” He almost wanted to interrupt you and you could see it on his face, but he allowed you to continue despite his personal issues with Twitter.
Your thoughts drifted for a moment and another one came in as you considered the words that were in the article. They focused heavily on your looks, on your body, they’d even gone to so much trouble to find out you were transgender and what your deadname was; it was like reading your own unauthorized autobiography with some unintentionally transphobic click-bait headline along the lines of ‘Who is this on Mando’s arm? Not who you’d expect. Click to find out!’ “Do you ever wish I was someone else?” Pedro’s brow creased, “I don’t follow.” A breath catches in your throat and you hug your knees a little tighter with one arm while the other still holds Pedro’s hand, afraid of his answer to your next question, “Do you ever wish I had a woman’s body? Like do you ever want me to–” He had already started a string of no’s and shushing, his grip tightened on your hand and he leaned forward to set the bowl of popcorn down, because such a conversation needed both his hands free. “Don’t even finish that sentence. I won’t let you. I won’t… let you.” You let out that breath on a sigh. “I love you. And you are so much more than your body. Okay? You are a beautiful mind, and a generous heart, and a soul so big it can barely be contained in a human vessel.” He pulled your hand towards his lips and kissed the tips of your fingers. “If you want to change it should be for yourself… not for me, certainly not for some toxic TMZ horsepiss.” You didn’t know how you were so lucky to land this man, the man with the biggest heart and the kindest words who had so much love and appreciation for everyone he met until they gave him a reason not to. You had had the longest conversation with his little sister Lux when you had first met her, and you had been so enamoured by her and her journey that you felt compelled to come out to her the moment you were alone together. She had talked for hours about how supportive Pedro had been during her transition and now you were seeing it in real time. “If you want to change anything about yourself,” he carried on, “I will stand by you, I’ll love you, I’ll nurse you. If you are happy with yourself now, then I’m happy too. But I don’t ever wish for you to look different or sound different or feel different… The only thing, the only thing, I would change about you is how other people’s perception of you makes you feel. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. I recognize that I cannot relate to the struggles you have being transgender, because I am not, so this probably sounds disingenuous but please don’t feel like you need to change for me. Please. I’d never forgive myself.” If you did have any doubts, they had been melted away by his attentive words and his hands caressing you like you were so precious. “You are so dear to me.” you told him, not wanting to scare him with the L word because you knew if he heard it too many times in such a short space of time he got itchy and started to panic. He smiled a smile that seemed to be just for you and pulled you into his chest to hold you there for the rest of the night.
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6okuto · 1 year
today has been a fucking rough day. If ur comfortable w it, could we get a trans/nonbinary gender affirming scenario w a touchstarved Character (I have a huge preference for Vere, but whichever character u feel like writing ab works too, it’s up to you) please and tysm for ur time
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TW: dysphoria / transphobia
tried to do as many hcs as i could for diff situations but if u wanted specific things let me know and i can do a scenario :] i put notes before bullets so you can skip if they aren't applicable or may trigger you! (if anyone sees smth that i missed or should change pls let me know) i hope the next few days are kinder to u nonnie 🤍 love u and i hope u know ur valid and always welcome here 🫂
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vere's demeanor immediately gets serious when he notices you're upset. he's dropping whatever he was doing and coming closer, pulling you somewhere quiet if you aren't there already
feeling dysphoric | if you were just feeling dysphoric, he jumps straight into comfort, whatever that means for you. do you want a distraction? do you want to talk about it?
he'll double down on any preferred compliments for a while, making sure to casually use them in your conversations. if you start questioning your appearance or get worried about being seen as someone you're not, he shakes his head and tells you to look at him. keeps direct eye contact so you know he's absolutely serious with the compliments he's about to say.
vere would also help you buy clothes that made you feel confident. fully supports dressing up and the importance of clothing. you guys aren't leaving until you agree with him about being the best-looking couple in the city
masc (prince) | gets you to try on something so so fancy so he can tease you, "are you sure you aren't hiding some royal bloodline from me? am i unknowingly dating a prince of some far away land?"
fem (beautiful) | eventually picks that outfit you keep eyeing every time you walk past the mannequin. you come out and he's extremely pleased. "i knew you'd look beautiful in it, what took you so long to try it on?"
gn/androgynous | after time, he gets a good handle on what you lean towards and brings you ? such a good fucking outfit where the fuck did he find this? "i think you have the title of the most stunning person in eridia."
borrowing his clothes | if it meant you wanted something from his closet, of course he'd let you wear it out. he thinks you might look better in that top than him, and he already has the perfect accessories to go with it
dealt with transphobia | if it was because of something someone said, he makes a mental note to look for them. genuinely pissed off but hides it well enough (you know both the fact that he's angry on your behalf but also that you right now are his priority)
so while he makes sure to call them on their shit and call them a stupid pathetic asshole,,, the filth on the bottom of his shoe,,, vere prioritizes getting you somewhere that feels safer so he can take care of you for the rest of the day
tells you your gender isn't up for debate. the only person who gets to question your gender is You in which case he'd still be supporting you as long as you were happy.
he reminds you that it has never been, and never will be hard or a burden to recognize you for who you are and to respect your identity. he's always going to see you as you, and you'll always be able to trust him to love and respect you.
affirming your chosen name | don't know if this is really specific but like,, vere seems like he'd compliment your name? he'd smile as he tells you that it fits you perfectly, and it's maybe his favourite thing to say.
vere gets softer with you in general behind closed doors, i think. he lets you get away with things that others wouldn't, but that lenience/softness somehow multiplies when you're having a bad day
you want to cuddle in bed all day and play with his tail or ears? that's fine with him. you want to take a bath or shower together because having him there to help wash you gets your mind off of everything? sounds lovely! do you want a scented soap? you want to go to the wet wick for drinks or to meet up with the others? Maybe questions your taste but gets up and ready with you of course. do you want to stay in with him and just spend some time together? let him get some tea going and go get a blanket, neither of you are leaving for as long as you need him
omg. vere drawing you with like,, whatever style or haircut or look makes you happiest just so you can have it. let him remind you that that's You in his mind, and he'll do whatever's needed to get you there
the urge to use inanimate objects and abstract concepts to explain your gender. while not all of them would initially, or maybe ever fully understand, i really think they'd try so so hard. they'd agree with you and say yes you Do have the energy of that little cat with rain boots standing in a puddle. yes you ARE a mystical fantasy forest. that depiction of an otherworldly creature has your vibes. to be so honest i Am curious about what mhin would describe their gender as if asked
ment. of misgendering | not a single person is getting away with misgendering you (with malintent) in front of any of them, much less all of them together. daggers are getting shot into their soul from every angle until somebody corrects them
ment of transphobia | sometimes just,, seeing it on the news or wherever else is overwhelming enough. it's hard and frustrating and heartbreaking and emotionally ? just not a good time. let any of them know that you'd like some comfort or a distraction and they'll be there, whatever you need.
mhin will take you to sit and talk on the roof, hand you some treats to feed the strays on your way there. thinking about a scenario where you and mhin are with the cats and the both of you talk about how cats are just,, so much better than people sometimes. cats can't be verbal assholes they just meow. this also works with ais and his pets of course
you could literally ask kuras to help with a haircut and he would maybe First of all suggest going to a professional, but ultimately stand in the washroom with scissors ready if you don't want to. LOL
wearing makeup | ais and his red eyeliner will help you try a new make-up look if you ask. vere and his what I think is eyeliner/eye shadow would also help. either of them would do their best to follow your inspiration, and also teach you how to do it if you don't know how !
masc presenting | not just vere but like,, any of the guys will let you try on their clothes. if you don't like it or they don't fit (considering kuras is fucking 6 foot 6.) they'll take you shopping ! suggest their favourite brands and places and do their best to get you a closet you're happy with.
mhin lets you check their closet too and i'm so sure they know some kind of like,, lesser known store that has the most Gender Fucking Clothes. THEIR TOP? THE CLOAK? be serious where did you get this tell me your secrets
and i think it's a given but just a reminder that if you use multiple names they're all going to switch between them regularly,, the same with pronouns.
the next points just give you (cute) little moments where terms would be used for you to think about! :) the entire cast would use the terms that make you happiest, when they make you happiest. just let them know if you'd prefer one type over the other today, and of course they'll happily oblige :]
masc | (boyfriend) leander grins happily while he introduces you to people as his boyfriend. (handsome) and calling you handsome has become one of his favourite things to do. would go "hey handsome, you come around often?" when he catches you sitting at the bar of the wet wick
(he/him pronouns) | ais. help me. get the "i'm he's" joke AWAY FROM HIM! he won't let it go like he'll get drunk and order matching shirts that say I'm He's on it if you don't stop him i'm so serious. said it out loud to the others once and they "?" but went with it anyways. someone asks you "are you sure you want to be he's?" but don't laugh (do laugh.)
gn | (partner) i don't know kuras's sleeping schedule but i feel like either way if he catches you up late he tells you you should sleep. you say You're up right now and he shakes his head. "i'm finishing something up, and you're my partner who i want to be well-rested. i'll be up in a few minutes, i promise."
while i don't really see mhin as someone who really uses…words of affirmation…whenever they do compliment you they Mean it. at first they just say "you look nice," but then you catch them flustered and unable to look at you and ??? they say they're fine. the outfit you've chosen for tonight is just...really you. it's one of their favourite looks on you and it's the best one you could have chosen and they're really trying not to stare please look away they're dying
fem | (pretty) leander conjuring up a flower and tucking it behind your ear and saying it looks pretty, but you look prettier. to be honest he gives me casual compliment vibes either way, you could probably walk down the stairs and he'd say "well doesn't someone look pretty today?" bro you said that yesterday and the day before
(gorgeous) i totally see kuras as someone who while going on a stroll with you through the market will immediately notice if something catches your eye. whatever gorgeous piece of jewelry you thought you'd be stuck thinking of for the next 3 months? he buys it for you right there. "though i think you're still more gorgeous than it, it looks perfect on you," he says with a smile.
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broomsticks · 2 years
HP fic rec list: underrated gems of 2022
AO3 collection here. mostly ultra rare pairs, gen fic, character studies, and G/T rated fic. all are short <10k-ish reads (plenty of <1k ficlets) - do give them a read if any look interesting!
transports of delight by @swoontodeath (1.7k, G). The Knight Bus meets the Catbus. Sometimes destiny looks a lot like driving in the same direction.
pairing: Knight Bus (Harry Potter)/Catbus (My Neighbor Totoro). come for the crack ship, stay for the autistic stan shunpike. i’m a sucker for outsider POV and this is why — such great opportunity for some unique characterization, which this author took full advantage of here!
Life of Pye by @houseofhebrideanblacks (9k, E). Augustus Pye sees patients at St. Mungo's.
SUCH a creative unique fic - love it when authors take their deep IRL expertise and weave it into the canon HP verse. as the author put it, for anyone curious about what a nonmagical doctor sounds like writing about what they imagine magical medicine is like, day in and day out.
“It’s Puddlemere versus the Cannons tonight. The cup final.” Pye stopped mid-stride and mid-thought, shoulders seeming to weep under the weight of realisation. “Oh no,” he almost whispered. “Oh yes,” Marge glowered, “and you’re alone tonight, Rupert is off sick.” “Good heavens,” Pye whimpered, his coffee seeming to shrink in his hand, both in potency and relevance. In the waiting room behind him, three blokes hurricaned in chanting “CANNONS, CANNONS, CANNONS,” their unconscious friend slumped and dragged between them. “You know how it is, Pye,” Marge turned and shuffled back to validate the young witch’s national insurance card. Speaking over her shoulder, she finished, “never a dull moment at Mungo’s.”
Strangers In A Strange Land by @sleepstxtic (7.5k words, T). Helga, Salazar, and Godric dock in a strange land looking for the elusive fourth member of their team.
helga/rowena, founders friendship with POC Rowena Ravenclaw and Viking Helga Hufflepuff. CANON NODS and POC REP and FEMSLASH and a wonderful fascinating setting — ticks every single one of my AU boxes. another incredibly inventive and criminally underrated story.
A Different Truth by @paulamcg (2.8k, G). A week before Halloween 1993, when a colleague appreciates his company, Cuthbert may feel alive, even though he's dead and it's Saturday.
ok this is the last time i will say criminally underrated. canon-compliant POA first person cuthbert binns & remus lupin. this could’ve been slash and i would’ve been sold on it. i love their friendship, bonding over literature (of course) and a walk in the woods (so unexpected, but works so well.)
Meagre Pieces by @vdoshu (1k words, T). The Muggle-born Registration Commission is announced, and Andromeda feels sick.
The fact that the first Muggle-born Minister for Magic was a great victory for equality . . . one which was never again repeated.
@thistlecatfics’s trans teddy tonks x andromeda is taking over the world and i’m here for it. the political commentary in this. doshu you absolute wizard — you’ve got such range and you nail it every. single. time.
O let the world come at you, love (currently anonymous) (5k, T). Twelve-year-old Harry tries to figure out his parents' polyamorous relationship with Peter Pettigrew.
the first fic for the peter/lily/james tag on AO3, gifted to me for this year’s rare pairs exchange, and it’s all the wholesome fluff i i could’ve wanted from this ship and more!!! so much poly rep!! background wolfstar+tonks (ish), dorlene+implied others, and just the perfect epilogue 🥰
"Does it bother you that your parents are with Pete?" Sirius asked. "No! I know they're polymers."
Nirmal by @crazybutgood (2.8k, G).
postwar cho/padma. i ADORE this fic. there are literally LINKS to all the places and foods and songs mentioned, it’s an ENTIRE immersive multimedia experience in 3k words - a beautiful and horrendously underappreciated fic, imo.
hawa paani ka badlaav hona chahiye—A change in atmosphere is often needed to improve one's health or state of mind. Literally, a change in the winds, and the water. Parvati quoted that saying to us one evening last month, suggesting that it would be good for Cho and me. My parents knew that I had been with Cho for just over a year then, and welcomed her to stay with us after the Battle … Cho actually looked interested at the idea and suggested our home countries for a month each. And so, we’re currently visiting Mumbai first, staying in a Muggle area at my Muggle maushi’s place, in July—during the monsoon season.
a heart the size of jupiter (a smile like the sun) by gghostish (300 words, G, no archive warnings).
linny, epileptic luna lovegood. such a lovely achy hurty little thing ❤️
métamorphoses by @venom0usbarbie (5k, M). The blood curse took her grandmother. And now, she has to pay the piper if she doesn't want it to take her too.
astoria greengrass-centric, astoria & hermione (gen/possible pre-relationship). this fic wow. where do i begin!! the descriptive writing. the angsty family feels. the way barbie writes the blurring of thoughts and feelings and emotions into physical sensations is harrowingly good. check out everything else by her if you liked this, her style is inimitable.
wood-rush and wildflowers by @nanneramma (500 words, G). Lily has a secret, and it's time to tell Petunia.
wonderful little canon compliant alternate character POV vignette, gorgeous writing. also reccing this horrorific pansy/tom (ad te omnis caro veniet, 1.3k, M), this gorgeously sad canon-compliant alice & neville (gaps, 300, G), and every single one of nan’s summer femslash double drabbles!
covered in your ivy by @girl-with-goats (1.5k, M).
smutty BDSM remus/lily with planty metaphors that just work so well for this pairing!
I Always Underestimate You by @patriceavril (10k, M).
sirius & lily friendship! multi-era, canon compliant, sirius/mary and jily. i love the way patrice characterizes this friendship -- it’s not always easy, and that’s why it feels so earned!
Madam Smith by @lumosatnight (200 words, G). HOKEY/WINKY! SO charming and sweet and lovely and fluffy.
A Bleak Midwinter by @bluesundaycake (500, T). A Fenrir Greyback character study. feel sorry for baby fenrir thank you bye <3
Pray by @krethes (300, T). A Hope Lupin character study. yes hello hi read and CRY WITH ME
The Prince's Poems by @inmyownlittlecorner5. seven poems, misc formats. this author writes the most enthralling snape, and making it poetry is just !!! unfair. such powerful writing in so few words.
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caroliimeh · 1 year
[Long post]
Being trans is so cool and fun and rewarding and I wouldn’t live my life any other way. There’s something inherently beautiful about crafting your own identity; about rejecting societal norms and prejudices and blazing your own path forward through this fucked up world we live in. I was raised religious; my dad is a pastor. I was always told that God makes no mistakes and that I should be content with the way I was created. But if there is a God, I like to think that they gave us free will for a reason - so that we as humans can share in the act of creation.
I’ve known I was a girl as long as I can remember. Up until a few years ago, I was too terrified to tell anyone. I’m so glad that I did. It was never a decision about whether or not I was a girl. It was a decision I made to accept what I knew about myself and begin to participate in the divine act of creation.
I’m happier now than I have ever been in my life. It’s not easy being trans, especially in the current social and political climate. Trans people are constantly being demonized, stigmatized, and bullied by so many in positions of authority. Every day the news shows a new story about how trans women are either biologically advantaged or confused men; or how the worst thing an AFAB person can do is cut off their boobs and “pretend “ to be a man. Not a day goes by where I don’t feel targeted or threatened; either by awful people on the internet, by people’s nasty looks at me just for existing around them, or from the government trying to make me illegal. That being said, it’s still infinitely better to endure all of that than to try and live as a man.
Being trans is awesome. Every morning I wake up and I feel lucky that I get to live this life. If I could go back and tell five-year-old me anything, I’d tell that frightened little girl that life does get better. That it’s okay to be scared, but it’s better to speak out and make her voice heard. That trying on Mom’s high heels and makeup in the bathroom with the door locked wasn’t a thing that most boys did. That, yes, being a girl is actually an option. It would have saved me so much trouble later on.
Being trans saved my life. It has saved many other lives throughout the span of history and it will continue to do so for as long as we as humans exist. To any trans people reading this: You are beautiful. You are validated. Your existence is not a burden on anyone who truly matters. Your story is not over. It is of the utmost importance that we do not lose hope in the face of prejudice and malice; instead, we must all support each other through times like these.
The poet Andrea Gibson once said, “I suppose I love this life, in spite of my clenched fist.” My hope for anyone who sees this post is that you will love your own life; and that you also will not be afraid, like I once was, to clench your fist in spite of the world. Exist unapologetically. Spread love. Everything will get better, I promise you. You are not alone in this.
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ollie-supports · 5 months
If I could get some trans-pyromania tips that would be super appreciated, thanks. I hope every being who reads this has a good day/ night!
- did i accidentally say something triggering/disrespectful? please tell me so i can fix it! i am not perfect so i will make mistakes, but i am trying my best!
- do you have other tips you think could help? a reply with them would be appreciated! if you would rather your tips stay anonymous, you can message me with them and i'll reply with it myself!
hello all! thank you for the ask, im happy to help!
first of all, id kind of study fire, yknow? find what fascinates you in it, maybe the way it moves, the way it sounds, its glow, its heat, whatever makes you entranced while watching a fire. videos of fires help!
second of all, start lighting fires so you can be entranced better! (I AM NOT SUGGESTING ARSON OR ANY ILLEGAL ACTS, I AM SUGGESTING CANDLES, CAMPFIRES, ETC.) you get to feel its warmth, hear its crackles, see its glow. find the urge to make it larger to intensify its beauty. i end up watching videos of wildfires occasionally since they fascinate me so much!
buy resources such as lighters and matches, learn how to create campfires and slowly make larger and larger ones. burn sheets of paper, burn plates, burn leaves!
basically find what is most hypnotic about fire, and then find the urge to strengthen that attribute (usually by making larger fires!)
you are not a bad person for your pyromania, you are not automatically a criminal for being a pyromaniac, you are valid. much love! 🌸
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chaos-in-one · 2 years
How to be a "real system" according to fakeclaimers
(mainly taken from subreddits like r/fakedisordercringe but I have seen it other places too)
- Don't be open about it on social media, ever
- In fact you must be 100% ashamed of it and never share it with Anyone Ever
- You have to be miserable, if you're happy then obviously you can't actually have a serious trauma disorder because it definitely isn't a covert disorder where the entire point is that there's parts that appear untraumatized for safety and to help keep the person in denial
- You can never call yourself or any other part a person, a REAL system would never see alters as people
- You have to be able to tell anyone at any given time exactly what you went through to cause your disorder and it has to be The Right Kind Of Trauma, otherwise you're obviously just making it up
- Oh but also if you know your trauma you're faking, a real system wouldn't remember that
- You can't be trans. Especially not nonbinary, and Especially not with any sort of "weird" gender, everyone knows trans people who claim to be systems are just attention seeking fakers
- You can't have any other disorder. Especially not the popular ones (the 'popular ones' vary based on what disorder fakeclaiming spaces are focusing on the most at any given time), there's no way you could have more than one disability, obviously
- You have to be over 25 at least, preferably in your 30s. Because obviously diagnosises being less common in teen years and early adulthood means it actually never happens and anyone claiming to be a system that's younger must be faking
- No introjects. Doesn't matter what kind. Introjects obviously don't exist. Especially not ones of popular media that a ton of people know about and enjoy, no that doesn't make sense at all.
- You can't find anything happy or positive related to being a system ever
- Actually you can't call yourself a system either! Because obviously the real ones would only ever use strictly medically used terms, it's not like people with disorders are capable of being their own individuals and having ideas of how to describe their own experiences in a way that makes sense and feels comfortable to them
- If you have any child alters they have to act EXACTLY how a child actually that age would be, doesn't matter that child alters are built off the brains perception and the brain structure is different from that of an actual child that age
- You have to always recognize and make it clear you see your system as parts of you. Doesn't matter that one of the main symptoms of OSDD and DID are being unable to recognize other parts as yourself, if you can't do that you're a faker!
- you have to share all the same opinions as me on discourse. It's not like you are an actual person capable of forming unique opinions and having your own view on things or anything, or that your opinions don't indicate the validity of your symptoms.
- You can't like anything cutesy or soft or childish, obviously if you do you just see being a system at an aesthetic
- No self expression!!! Especially not in an alt way like heavy makeup or piercings or dyed hair!!!!
- You also can't like the same media as me because if you do you're ruining the media for me which makes you a faker
- Alters can't be mostly or all conventionally attractive because that's not realistic (it's not like heavily imposed beauty standards can heavily influence a young traumatized child or anything)
- Don't complain about ableism, only the fakers do that
- Actually you can't call yourself a system either. Only fakers use anything but strictly medical terms well known and used by professionals, because obviously a real person with these conditions couldn't possibly come up with their own terms for their experiences on their own
- Don't talk about your disorder too much, that's attention seeking. But if you don't talk about it enough then obviously you're just faking to use the disorder as a prop for your own gain.
Basically just don't exist publicly as a system every otherwise you're one of the fake ones! I promise this isn't just another way of trying to other this minority and push them into hiding so I don't have to deal with their existence! We're just trying to protect the real ones!!!
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🦇 Perfect on Paper Book Review 🦇
❓ #QOTD What's the best advice you've ever received or given? ❓ 🦇 High school junior Darcy Phillips has a secret identity as the relationship advice expert behind Locker 89. Leave a letter along with $10 and she'll provide the perfect solution to your relationship woes. So far, she hasn't been caught...that is, until Alexander Brougham catches her collecting letters. He'll keep her secret...if she can fix his relationship post-break-up, that is. Can Darcy help Brougham win his girlfriend back (without strangling the entitled, rich, yummy-Australian-accent-slinging swimmer) in the process?
💜 Perfect on Paper was nominated for a Goodreads Choice Award (Best Young Adult Fiction - 2021) and it's no wonder. This was the exact book bisexual baby me needed a decade ago. Though I've read a multitude of books featuring bisexual FMCs, Sophie Gonzales is the first to capture the authenticity of internalized biphobia. I'll admit I was sheltered enough that it took me a while to realize bi was even an option for me. Bisexual erasure didn't help; once I self-identified, I was given the oh-so-cliche, "that's not real," and "it's just a phase." Bitch, I'm a moon goddess; I'm in a new phase every day of my life. ANYWAY. Darcy is authentic in her concern that a crush over a guy invalidates her bi-ness. The Queer & Questioning Club scene where Darcy's community validates her was everything (and truly got me misty-eyed).
💜 The advice column aspect of the story was brilliant. Darcy's letters are written in a tone that's patient and empathetic yet informative and encouraging. She'd obviously done her research and it shows, but you see her mentally unravel the moment there's personal bias and it's BEAUTIFUL. Darcy isn't perfect. She's a high schooler, still figuring herself out. Yes, she's flawed, but she's also self-aware, willing to grow and change and take her own advice (or the advice she gets from her AMAZING trans big sister, who I adored).
💜 While this is a queer YA romance, there are so many layers beyond that. There's a mixed bag of diversity and personal trauma (and with that, potential for growth) to explore.
💙 The story DID take a minute to pick up speed, so the beginning left me waiting for a catalyst for momentum. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm no a fan of the miscommunication trope. HOWEVER, it does fit here, and proves how easily a tiny moment of misunderstanding can completely alter the course of a friendship. I did have to put the book down at one point, when Darcy's best friend outs her (I was super frustrated on Darcy's behalf because that betrayal was intense). I was disappointed that no one stepped forward and THANKED Darcy for her advice when she was getting attacked as the person behind Locker 89. People were upset BEFORE their letters were taken, but no one thanked Darcy until LONG after the situation cooled. Given Darcy's self-proclaimed success rate (was there a mention of HOW she knew she was successful, beyond the lack of refunds?), I expected a lot more praise for her abilities beyond one person.
🦇 Recommended to fans of Leah on the Offbeat and Imogen, Obviously, with a hint of To All the Boys I've Loved Before and Netflix's Sex Education.
✨ The Vibes ✨ 💌 Bisexual FMC (w/ Internalized Biphobia) 💌 Queer Young Adult Rom-Com 💌 Lots of Rep 💌 Hate-to-Love 💌 Friends to Lovers 💌 POC Sapphic Side Ship
💬 Quotes ❝ "Do you think there’s a chance that [...] you’re intellectualizing things so you don’t have to, you know, feel them?" ❞ ❝ I was sitting in the space between a sound and its echo. Brougham had asked a question, and I had to answer it. It was that, or keep dreaming about love, and working toward helping others find it, while never letting myself risk it. ❞ ❝ In some ways, we mirrored each other. We shared cracks in complementary places. ❞ ❝ Bi people are part of the queer community, and their identity does not change depending on who, if anyone, they happen to have feelings for or date at any given moment. ❞
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webanglikethat · 4 months
for those who are out and living their truth openly, keep shining bright: your courage and self-love inspire others. for those who aren't out yet or are still exploring their identity: that's okay - take your time. there is no rush to figure everything out. the most important thing is being true to yourself.
to those who don't use labels or feel their identity isn't represented: you are valid too. there is no one "right" way to be queer. your identity is yours alone to define as you see fit.
to all the trans and non-binary people who have chosen not to medically transition or take hormones: you are seen, valued, and embraced exactly as you are. your journey is yours alone, and there is no one right way to express your authentic self. transitioning through medical means is a personal choice, not a requirement. gender identity goes far beyond physical changes. whether you transition or not, your identity as trans or non-binary is sacred and true. your gender belongs to you and you alone. don’t let anyone dictate how you should identify or express yourself. only you can define what it means to be your authentic self. for those who can't be out due to safety or other reasons: please know you are seen, you are loved, and you deserve to exist as your authentic self.
to LGBTQ+ people of faith: you are beautifully made in the image of the Divine. your spiritual identity is valid and sacred. though some religious institutions have rejected you, there are affirming communities that celebrate you fully. you belong here, you always do.
if this is your first Pride, welcome! don't be afraid to ask questions, lean on others, and soak in all the love and celebration. you are home. 🫶🏽
to the elders who fought for the rights we have today: thank you. your resilience and pioneering spirit inspire us all. you showed us how to be visible and proud when it was most dangerous. we honor you.
for all the LGBTQ+ parents and families out there: you are creating ripples of love and acceptance that will impact generations to come. you are bravely showing the world that our community can thrive through the power of chosen family and unconditional love. your families are valid and beautiful.
to those who are incarcerated: I know you face immense challenges but please remember that your identities should never be policed or punished. you deserve dignity, safety and access to affirming resources behind bars. please know there is a community out here that sees you, that recognizes your struggles, and that is fighting for you. your identities make our world more vibrant, and you deserve spaces where you can explore and express them freely. though the system has failed you, we will not forget you. you are not alone in this fight.
to those existing at the intersections of LGBTQ+ and other identities like race, ethnicity, disability, age, religion and more: we see all the interlocking ways you show up fully as yourself. you belong here and your experiences matter. this Pride celebration is for you too.
The LGBTQ+ community is beautifully multifaceted. no matter where you fall in this radiant spectrum of identities and experiences, you are welcomed, loved and celebrated!
so no matter where you are on your journey, remember - you are perfect just as you are. don’t let anyone shame you for being yourself. embrace every facet of your identity with pride.
so to all my LGBTQ+ fam out there, I'm sending you all the love, pride and support in the world. stay true to yourselves, live boldly and proudly, and keep spreading more love. the world needs your light!
Happy Pride, always and forever!
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pinkpinkmermayyy · 9 months
Ok ftm!Miguel time
V. is bi btw. Ik I've never said this before, but V. is bisexual no matter what universe or version. It's one of the few constants of her character. Part of what makes her her. (just like it does me)
Imagine if V. were there for the transition. The way she'd look at him like he's art because of how wonderfully confident he's getting. The dysphoria is getting less and less for him, even if it never truly goes away. That makes her cry a little, seeing him truly comfortable in his own skin.
She'd be there at every appointment (unless asked otherwise). Every surgery, every step. She was there when he was toying with various hairstyles, playing with it no matter what. Buzzcut? Playing with it. Short curls? Playing with it. Mullet? Playing with it. Eventually we got to the one he has now, which is what he's most comfortable with. I think that if Miguel ever got bottom surgery, she'd come prepared with PLENTY of dick jokes while also helping with recovery.
I feel like half of his fashion taste would come from her finding him things and being like "I think he'd look delicious in this," and then being correct. The other half is literally just how soft it is. Miguel loves soft things, and men's clothes are always soft for some stupid reason.
I think she'd subconsciously whisper a "You're so handsome..." that has his heart doing gymnastics and shit. Ever since he started transitioning, the way she looks at him has gotten more intense. Somehow even more admiring and loving. His security in his own skin has lead her to losing her mind for him somehow even more than before. Keep in mind she was always stupidly in love. She ALWAYS thought he was beautiful and the most attractive person on the planet. And then he began transitioning and became more confident??? Oh it was so over for her.
He loves it. The loving attention and admiration. The support and validation. Her telling him "hey it's a girl's night, piss off" with a grin became a CORE memory for him. Being introduced to her mom as her boyfriend also became a core memory. Her burying her face in his neck to smell his cologne is something he thinks about often. She was there for literally all of it, even when he didn't know what he wanted to call himself yet. When he was still his deadname. When he didn't even know what he was, just knowing he wasn't a girl. Their lives are so intertwined, to tell the story of only one without the other is to be blatantly wrong.
I love it when trans people slowly become more confident in themselves as they transition, like they become more willing to explore and try new things on life and become comfortable in their identity because they truly are themselves. They’re finally not hiding under a cracking shell of themselves that could break at any moment. V. also finding that attractive of Miguel and reaffirming to him that he is indeed a man is just so amazing THEY ARE LITERALLY SO CUTE I LOVE THEM <33333
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ftmlily · 2 months
Ever since I've found your blog, I've lowkey wished I could be in a poly relationship with you, my girlfriend, and her new fwb. You're honestly so cute and beautiful from what I've seen of you, and your identity and struggles are so valid and I wanna take every opportunity I can to affirm how valid you are for engaging in this kink, especially if it's helped you rethink where you fit in gender-wise. Like, I just wanna be your detrans boyfriend simp whose sole purpose is finding you and my girlfriend hot new dates, hooking you up with each other so you can have all the hot lesbian sex you could dream of. And when you're in need of some harder kink that has to do more with your trauma, I can always indulge you in all the r@pe, cnc, somno kink related play you could dream of, after all you'd need some handsome male energy every once in a while to remind you who owns your body.
Outside of kink i think you're a really cool person who's very cute and has lots of friendly, kind vibes that I'd wanna be trans/detrans friends with irl 🩷🩷🩷 you're def one of my fav mutuals on here if not my actual fav at the moment. Also TBH in some of your pics you look like the manic pixie dream girl vibe that I always wished I looked like when I presented more as a trans woman HEHE
wow that’s absolutely adorable! I’m so flattered wow! and all of that sounds soooooo hot 🥵 It would be an absolute dream to have a man take care of me and remind me of my place and my femininity and what it should be used for. Especially if I was one of his two gfs who he would make have lots of hot lesbian girly sex for him 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
and oh my god I’m so honoured :’) thank you so so much!! I’m glad I have friendly vibes and thank u for saying I’m cool and cute! I’d love to be trans/detrans friends for sure! and thank u for saying that about my vibe I can lie part of me is hoping for that kinda vibe so I’m glad it comes off in my photos hehe!! 💞💞💞
also thank u so much for talking about the validation in me using this kink to express myself and find myself it means a lot to see people understand that!! you’re so sweet thank u for this ask omg
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