#i see you. i do. everyone is bad. so why are you a pacifist? to sleep. and those who need it. to sleep. i'm living in a horror film.
sunflowermp4 · 2 months
karma's gotta come for all of us
i just hope she comes for you first
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dcxdpdabbles · 6 months
Danny established the status quo and the disappeared for 20-60 years and the is summoned by Ra where he’s like “Dad you could’ve have called my personal phone you know that right?” And Ra’s like “YOU WENT OFF THE GRID FOR YEARS AND NEVER TOOD ME-!!??!? Now do you look different? Are you eating? What’s with comingoutthesummoningcirclefortheghostking? HMMM???”
“Ah- I knew I forgot something! Let me tell you all about it! I see you brought the whole fam and in laws let’s have dinner and discuss it- AWWWW THATS BABIES!!!” *Damian, Jason, Tim, and Dick being referred to as “babies”*
“Excuse me.” Danny then fucking tackles them in hugs and loves while dodging and/or holding their punches and kicks
"My maternal uncle is coming for a visit and likely evaluate my living arrangements.. We must be at our absolute best when he is here. " Damian announces one evening right as the family is finishing preparing for a night of crime fighting.
Everyone freezes from their respective stations, twisting around to stare at the young Robin in confusion. He doesn't notice; he is too busy making sure his katana is sharpened to perfection and balancing it on his fingertips.
"Baby Bat?" Dick calls, "What do you mean by that?"
Damian pauses in his prep work, approaching the eldest with a pretty impressive scowl. " Mother sent a messenger a few days ago about Uncle's plan audit. Should we fail it, I shall be removed into a different household."
"An audit? Removed?" Steph repeats, confused, but Damian has no idea why. He thought it was pretty apparent that Uncle Daniel would be scoring them, which would determine if Damian would be allowed to continue living within them. He has done so to all of Ra Al Ghul's offspring, and nothing his Grandfather has done has been able to stop him.
How could they think they would have more power than his grandfather?
"When shall Dusan be here?" Father asks, quickly switching on the home security. "What kind of attack should we expect?"
Damian scoffs, "Not the White Ghost. Uncle Dusan is on the other side of the world on a mission for Grandfather. No, Uncle Daniel will be the one conducting the suit. He is the eldest, after all."
Father's eyes narrow behind the white lenses of his masks. "I was unaware your mother had more siblings."
Damian considers the words, wondering how he could politely- at least he shames Alfred- remind his father that his grandfather has been around for hundreds of years. Staying at his peak through the usage of the Lazarus Pit, he has never been short of lovers.
And sometimes those lovers have given him children, many who aged and died naturally, as none has deemed worthy of the Lazarus. All except for one, the First Son, who has never needed the Pits but remained youthful and powerful on his own.
The perfect heir.
It's too bad he had abdicated long before Damian was even a thought.
"Grandfather has had many children, but Uncle Daniel is different. Special. He is the First Son."
"Capital letters," Todd cuts in, shaking his head. "It's never good when the League of Assiasans assigns capital letters. How strong is he?"
"He could easily best Grandfather and all under Grandfather's command," Damian replies, watching as the rest of the vigilantes grew uneasy by the information. It's good that they are wear of Uncle Daniel's power but they have nothing to fear of his wrath. "Uncle Daniel is a pacifist. He carries a protective core."
"A Al Ghul that a pacifist? I'll believe it when I see it." Drake droned as he was clipping on his utility belt. At once, Damian felt his body grew hot with rage. No matter what, it seemed Drake would always curse his family.
The way he says the family name drips with disrespect as if the other teen was saying a swear.
"My Uncle Daniel is a great man!" He shouts, gripping his sword so har his knuckles ache. Drake's face twists as if though he smelled something foul and the rage burning in Damian's chest spreads to his whole body.
He is just about to reach for his throwing knives when a familiar cold hand settles into his hair. "Aw thank you Little One. I love you too."
"Uncle Daniel!" Damian shouts excitably, forgetting the fool he was about to run his blades through. His uncle stands before him, the same darl night hair, warm blue eyes, and a crooked smile that had secretly comforted him in his youth.
"Where in the world did he come from!?" Damian hears one of Father's adopted brutes gasp but does not care to see who as his uncle quickly reels him in for a hug.
Hugging Uncle Daniel was like being wrapped in warm blankets in winter. He always ran rather cold, but it was lovely to be wrapped in his arms and surrounded by his protection.
It felt like nothing in the world could harm him from here.
"You seem well, Little One. Are you happy?" His uncle says. The delict of their native tongue is another comfort Damian can sink into.
"I am." He allows, snuggling his face against his stomach, as childish as it is. If only he could grow taller like his father.
"Wonderful. I'm so glad." His uncle then switches to English, ignoring all the weapons drawn and pointing at him from the Bats. Damian steps back to admire the man he wishes to grow into. "I'm terribly sorry for arriving so late, nephew. You must be tired. When is your bed time?"
"I do not have a bedtime." Damian scoffs. Uncle Daniel frowns, reaching into his chest to pull out a clipboard and a pen- he'll never get used to his uncle storing things within himself no matter how often he sees it. Damian is pretty sure he heard someone gag.
A soft click is heard as his uncle opens the pen and quickly scribbles something down. He is not tall enough to see what is written, but he can see clearly as day that his uncle selected the red ink of the muli-color pen he is using.
He only uses red when he is doing bad things. Damian breaks into a sweat. "What was that? Uncle what did you just write?"
"No bedtime. Tsk tsk." Uncle Daniel mutters, looking around the cave with disapproval. "No proper heating living space."
"Oh no! I do not live down here. This is merely the training grounds. We live upstairs" Damian quickly says, waving his hands frantically in the air as his uncle's unimpressed look. Curses, the auduit just began and already he got bad markings.
"Would you care for a tour? I shall not be going on patrol-"
"He forces you to fight crime? At your age?" Uncle barks, throwing a look of utter disgust at Father. It's the same one he gives Grandfather whenever the older man tries to raise child soldiers.
Even Damian had not been sent on any missions. His childhood had been intense training but nothing that was life-threatening.
"I volunteered to go!" He tries to defend Father, but his uncle only clicks his pen and scrambles more red ink on his paper.
Drat and Damian were actually enjoying living at the manor. He will likely have to say goodbye to it all and be moved to some house Uncle deemed more child-friendly.
"What is your diet here? Have you been taken to the doctor? Any form of therapy?" His uncle fires each question quickly, walking through Todd and Cain when they try to apprehend him without a glance.
His uncle is, and not to sound like the fools of his school, so cool.
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thatbookgirl1118 · 1 month
I cannot for the life of me find the original post (tumblr is a hellsite) but this was sent in an atla gc:
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and tbh i always kinda felt like kataang was weird exactly because of that one-sidedness??? like there's one episode of katara maybe sort-of seeing aang as a love interest (when the fortune teller tells her she'll marry a powerful bender), but then the rest of the show is her being passive in the relationship or actively pushing aang away (like their second kiss). and then at the end she just randomly decided "okay i like you i guess."
whereas aang got a bunch of pining moments and you actually believed he was in love with katara.
and most of their relationship was about how she helped aang - he did contribute to her character development over the course of the series especially as a bender of course but it didn't feel as emotionally/spiritually deep as katara's literal one episode sidequest with zuko.
but then someone else wrote "I would argue the opposite? Kataang is where Katara choose the peaceful nomad which subverts the trope presented where zutara is where she chooses the strong protector/combatant. Aang as a character is a subversion of the typical hero while zutara is like,,, coloniser romance idk"
and honestly... i kinda get that. aang was problematic in a lot of ways, but he was definitely a subversive protagonist, and i can see the power of allowing the woman to choose the pacifist vegetarian over the extremely obviously hot jock badboy. this is an incredible oversimplification of their characters of course, but the point stands.
Basically, Kataang is the ship we all logically want - the sweet, friendship-based, seemingly subversive one. But Zutara is the one that actually makes sense in the story, with these characters, not their tropes. Aang is subversive, but he and Katara are also kind of terrible for each other - he isn't mature or selfless enough for Katara, who needs someone to force her to take care of herself because she's always the one taking care of everyone else (wonder what that's like). That's why she and Zuko are so perfect, because he not only takes care of her, he makes HER prioritize herself. Aang... does not. He's pretty selfish, which yes is partially due to his immaturity (I personally don't count Korra as canon because it treated ALL the og characters terribly so I'm speaking purely from his 12 yo self), but it's also just a basic incompatibility thing. And Katara is actually equally bad for Aang - she enables him waaay too much, and he needs someone who doesn't. Who forces him to stand up on his own two feet and take responsibility. She's too much of a mother, and her relationship with Aang is too mother/older sister-ish.
With Zuko, on the other hand? Katara started out HATING him, forcing him to prove himself to her instead of handing him everything she had like she tended to do with Aang and Sokka. He had to earn her care, and as a result he appreciates it way more and demands way less of it. He's a far less selfish character generally for the same reasons, and is much more mature/has a better understanding of life and gray areas. Southern Raiders is a great example of this - he's down for whatever Katara decides because he understands that there's no one right answer, unlike Aang who simply preaches forgiveness. I'm not necessarily attacking Aang about that either - I do believe that grudges eat away at a person, and taking a life does haunt you, so forgiveness isn't necessarily bad advice. But it's not what Katara needed. Aang is great as a friend, but I don't think he's what Katara needs from a romantic partner. Zuko just... is.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 12 days
CHAPTER FOUR WAS SO GOOD UGHH literally the only fanfic I have ever loved so much and wait for updates like this. Am so excited for the next one!!!
On the topic of finally opening requests, I was wondering if I could ask for head-canons of what a relationship with Seishiro and a female reader would be like. If we want to be specific, maybe related to the fanfic? Like, how you would imagine their relationship would have been like back when they were still in high school, young and with Nagi’s past soccer career and all. Don’t feel pressured to write this, and good luck with everything!😽😽
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Synopsis: Headcanons about having Seishiro Nagi as your boyfriend.
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Event Masterlist
Pairing: Nagi x Reader
Word Count: 0.9k
Content Warnings: none really, just generally fluffy and silly
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A/N: AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH ANON i hope you like where i go w the story in the future!! and hehe now that we’re in the past arc of peregrine you will actually get to see all of the nitty gritty details of their relationship in the fic itself so i won’t spoil it 🤫 but i love nagi ofc so i’ve added some general headcanons on what i think he would be like as a bf
Additional: part of my 500 follower event! see the event description and rules to make a request of your own.
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no matter how the two of you get together, reo is somehow involved LMAOAOAO like bro is ALWAYS at the scene of the crime in some way shape or form just because i don’t think nagi would really pick up on the fact that he has a crush on you without outside intervention
it would also definitely be a jump scare when he confesses!! you would have zero idea it’s coming because he literally hasn’t changed how he acts towards you whatsoever
canonically he doesn’t really interact with a lot of people or have a lot of friends and he’s not aggressive with romance so i just don’t think he’d really know what the appropriate method of telling someone you like them is
would probably say some shit like “reo says i have a crush on you” and would be so nonchalant about it meanwhile you’re like “???” because you did not even realize he knew your name and also why is reo being brought up
i honestly think he would not be a bad boyfriend. yes he is lazy and unmotivated but he does what he needs to do and if something is important to him he generally puts in effort for it
that’s another reason why it would take him foreverrr to ask you out — he would have to like you enough that he realizes he does in fact want to have a relationship with you even if it is a hassle
he doesn’t have social media though so don’t expect there to be an official announcement that you guys are together or anything like that HAHA
he would probably forget to tell anyone that the two of you are dating and it’s not because he’s ashamed of you or is trying to hide you or anything he literally just does not care what other people think and would prefer not to talk them if possible so it never comes up
you’ll show up to an event with him and everyone’s like “omg nagi who is this” and he’s like “this is my girlfriend” and someone (probably otoya tbh) is like “since when have you had a girlfriend” and he’s like “it’s been two years 😐”
i think he would be fire at insulting people just because of how many video games he plays…that man has seen some of the worst sides of humanity
the world is lucky he’s a pacifist and avoids conflict because he has some vile stuff stored away (i will never be over him asking barou if he practiced kneeling because he’s about to make him his servant)
this particular quality makes him the BEST person to talk shit with
he’s not a gossipy boyfriend in the sense that he doesn’t have anything juicy of his own to contribute to the conversation but i’m pretty sure he mentioned he watches dramas at one point so you know he’s locked tf in if you need to complain abt someone
he will sit there and be so invested in the tea…def would not give any useful advice but he will make fun of anyone bothering you so you still end up feeling better
i don’t think he would get jealous honestly
the thought of you cheating on him doesn’t cross his mind at all because why would he date someone he didn’t trust fully???
i would say he expects the same from you because he would but at the same time he voluntarily talks to one (1) other person besides you and that’s reo so the opportunity for you to be jealous just wouldn’t even crop up
definitely super clingy and cuddly
loves being babied too
according to epnagi he has this whole automatic system in his apartment to clean and do laundry and i think he’d be fine if you appropriate that so no more cleaning!! but you will have to cook because that man literally only eats fruit jellies
genuinely how is he so built and not dying of malnutrition SKJFDSHKJ
he probably is terrible at coming up with date ideas so it’s up to you to plan things
again it’s not malicious i think for him just spending time with you is his ideal date!! like he doesn’t see the point in getting dressed up and going somewhere fancy when you could just eat at home and be comfortable together
but if it’s an important day or you tell him that you want him to suggest something for once, he WILL go all out (which means calling reo for advice and doing what he tells him to)
overall communication is key with him. he’s not particularly sensitive or in tune with other people’s emotions so being passive aggressive or expecting him to read your mind will honestly just end up making your mood worse because he will not pick up on the fact that something is wrong
but if you tell him what you want him to change he will happily do it!! he just needs to be told very clearly if you’re upset or need him to do something different
honestly it would be very refreshing. there are zero games with nagi and he doesn’t really try to hide anything — what you see is what you get 100% of the time
overall 10/10 would date idc haters dni he’s a sweetheart and he’s doing his best
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carlyraejepsans · 3 months
I don't get people who narrow Chara down to Good OR Bad when its such a shallow reading of the story? They do some objectively bad things (taking their body to bait the humans, taking their own life, destroying the world) but when you zoom out it all stems from a traumatised child with little grasp on consequences until they've already awoke from their own tomb (Flowey matches this pattern aswell yet nobody makes groups calling him Good OR Bad??. A child that was hurt by the world, doubling down on the idea of consequences and becoming more detached via LV until them and You are so linked that they give themself a purpose from your own actions. And even in Pacifist, you could argue that they are showing you their memories of Asriel, providing the needed context to save their brother (and with it, all of monsterkind).
Kind of rambling but I just feel like simplifying a character down to being a Good person or a Bad person with no in-between is both stupid and against the point of the game (see Asgore, Alphys, Flowey, maybe even Toriel or Undyne).
agree with what you said, except people 100% do this same stupid discourse with flowey (as well as most of the female characters, like toriel and alphys). you can say everything, but at least you can't say they're not consistent.
interesting point, seeing them carrying their own body as bait! i hadn't considered that perspective before. i mostly interpreted their death wish as a way to hide the plan from asgore and toriel and give asriel an excuse to cross the barrier without raising suspicion. but it could very well be both.
another reading i like is that they sold the plan to asriel by using the same reasoning toriel uses to call asgore's bullshit in true pacifist, ie "we go out, we get 6 souls peacefully, we become strong and free everyone", because 1) that's yet another similarity they have with toriel, 2) i'm not 100% asriel would've been Down To Murder at that point in his life, as attached to chara as he was. i always assumed that they KNEW the humans would attack in any case, giving them a reason to also react with violence, but i never considered the why. just chalked it up to hate sentiments towards monsters and chara being convinced that humanity was irredeemable. thank you for the new idea!!
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I feel bad for Starlo. (pt. 9)
Star's the Papyrus (both are idealistic & seen as naive) of this game (Martlet is another possible parallel), even though he's got similarities with Undyne too. No matter how broken Ceroba seemed he asked himself WHY she did what she did and I think that's SUPER important.
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Ceroba didn't do this. Her first instinct was to be harsh (after being harsh with him even BEFORE he attacked Clover):
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called his personality "damaged" before this scene
... you never asked yourself WHY he did the whole sheriff act.
.... you never asked WHY he didn't want to grow up. If it was a coping mechanism, if he wanted to help his community in a way he couldn't as a farmer? It was never on her mind.
Yes he has baggage but he's dealing with it all while uplifting others, Ceroba has baggage but is well taken care of by Star and at least has him, he has no one but himself and his optimism to pull him out of negative feelings, and still gets insulted.
Yeah Ceroba's been through stuff but apparently it's been some time since Chujin passed and Kanako fell down, she should have at least started to support Star emotionally like he's been supporting her (sure, he did so with distractions, but as he said "aren't distractions what's best for all of that?" He did his best). Problem is she DIDN'T realise he was ever struggling with self worth and only assumed he was goofing off. Either that or she did nothing about it aka was too occupied with her own problems (which are valid but still... she should have tried at least a little) Cer's character flaw is being too stubborn and devoted to Chujin. She trusted him blindly and wholeheartedly. Everything else came in 2nd place. This is clear as day.
It hurts knowing Ceroba could never respect Starlo the way she still does her husband. Not saying she shouldn't admire Chujin, but the way she sees Star as a goofy manchild whose lifelong passion can go "too far," the way she sees all this Wild East stuff as him "just having fun," the way she thinks that only someone whose brain isn't developed would ever consider dating him just... ticks me off, tbh. That's why I think the guy needs someone who will be gentle and patient with him, even if that other person is going through tough times.
She DID call Starlo the best sheriff she's ever known (honestly the only sweet moment between them in pacifist, but it is very brief, especially in neutral where he just gets cut off; also I hope she was being genuine here) and said how everyone adored him (but hated his persona, which I've already covered: basically they either hated 'North Star' as a whole, which I hope isn't true, or just how excited he was to meet Clover, which makes no sense to me; already covered it as well)
Bonus: Dina didn't know who Star really was or what he looked like, not before the end credits rolled (when he shows up as himself & she's also seen there; makes sense that he finally came clean to her):
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So he's literally been playing this role 24/7, ever since she became the bartender; ever since this town started to exist. It's impressive how he could keep up an act AND use this fake accent for so long
Bonus #2: Star was SUPER worried about Clover's safety; that's what REALLY upset him (he cares about that child sm). THAT's what drove him off the edge (unless he naturally has a temper, i don't think this is it tho). Either way, he was way more patient w Ceroba than I think most would have been in that situation. Sure he snapped a few times, but there was a good reason to. He still TRIED to reason with her. Why did he attack? Worried for Martlet & Clover. I honestly think Star's the type to only get super angry if someone he loves is in danger (minus the stuff that happened which led him to cracking)
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wickjump · 2 months
Wick, i wanna hear your thoughts on horror x cross..I’m desperate to hear someone talk about them. Idc how crazy or how ooc it is. trust that I will eat it up like it’s a million dollar steak
OH MY GOD THNAK YOU SO MUCH VIBINGTOPAZ IVE BEEN WAITING FOR SO LONG FOR SOMEONE TO ASK ME ABOUT THEM WORDS CANT EXPLAIN HOW HAPPY OKAY HERE YOU TO HERES A BIG FAT HEADCANON DUMP. i never see them outside of bsp and don’t get me wrong i love the bsp but sometimes i just want these two on their own yk? this is a bit more fanon than my normal stuff btw but i try my best ok
okok here:
when cross first joined nm and his group he was terrified of horror. he was intimidated by everyone, but horror was the most visibly scary. like there was just no ignoring the fact that this guy killed people before like he ignored it with everyone else. so for a good long while he kept his distance, and it was horror who tried to reach out first after months of never talking despite living in the same building, eating at the same table, and working under the same guy.
it was very clear that talking to cross just at all scared the shit out of him, and since horror is in charge of the cooking, he decided hey why not, and started making foods that appealed to cross as a sort of peace offering. after a while, cross realized what horror’s intent was, and slowly started to come around. he even attempted to give horror food in return (a few of the chocolate bars he had squirreled away) which solidified them as allies and set the foundation for them to develop a further friendship and relationship.
food is their initial and primary love language because it was a medium they could both work with when they first started becoming friends—horror enjoyed being given and giving food purely because he HAS it, and he’s able to make sure he and those he loves are fed, and cross had cooked with undyne alongside his brother and knows the basics of it and enjoys it. cross is literally the only one allowed in the kitchen outside of horror and nightmare, partially bc horror loooovesss him and partially because he’s actually responsible. horror makes him brownies sometimes just because he can btw. or like those chocolate taco desserts? cross loves those so horror makes them. all the time. cross does not mind he likes it a lot actually it’s very sweet
horror and cross are the epitome of i would kill for you (horror) x i would die for you (cross). they’re both very very intense but in different ways and i love that for them. cross takes blows on the battlefield meanwhile horror attacks those on behalf of cross when the other hesitates or refuses to kill (which is all the time cross at heart is a pacifist).
i also feel like they’d be big on physical touch but maybe i’m just super lonely. they’re devoted in different ways and i like that for them. they seem like big ‘kiss on the hand’ people yk what i’m talking about. like the back of your hand kiss. that. i also think they’re one of those cringe ass couples who like. do the waist grabby from behind when they’re cooking or generally working. ew cringe romance (i would die for them). neck kisses too. and biting but that tips into suggestive territory. they’d be big on that though
oh hey angst time. horror feels guilty and somewhat disturbed whenever cross mentions alphys, because of his au’s alphys incident, and it’s the same with undyne. cross was very close with both of them, more so than horror ever was despite having been alphys’ coworker at one point (after all, alphys was cross’ sister), and he feels bad because like. cross speaks so highly of alphys and undyne, but horror tore apart alphys’ mind and undyne is literally the cause of his most visible scar. he feels guilt for what he did, and refuses to elaborate on his au’s alphys and undyne for the most part because he doesn’t want to fuck cross up with the knowledge of the things horror did, the things alphys did, the things undyne did. thankfully after getting the hint that horror did not like mentions of undyne, cross stopped mentioning his undyne pretty much entirely and speaks of alphys a little bit less, and they never really elaborated on that fully outside of choppy confessions during panic attacks.
meanwhile, cross doesn’t understand why horror never visits his au, or at least his brother. because horror is ABLE to, he has his au right there, but he just… never visits? none of his family, his friends? cross would kill and die for the chance to get his au back, but horror doesn’t care for his? horror feeds them and that’s it, he doesn’t remember the last time horror just took a break to visit his family. cross would sacrifice his own life for even a sliver of a chance of getting his family back. it’s not until he fully understands how horrifying horror’s au is that he doesn’t resent him as much for it.
their clashing views and experience are hard to look past, but in the end they love each other enough to empathize with each other and the situations they’d come from. horror has issues with remembering and articulating things from time to time combined with severe migraines, so cross helps him with those. horror meanwhile gets cross to sit the fuck down and take care of himself jesus christ man because what do you mean this asshole is INTENTIONALLY starving himself. fym “i feel like i haven’t earned it lol” sit the fuck down and eat this food i LOVINGLY PREPARED. GOD. they help each other w their issues and bad habits. cross works himself to near death? okay shut up i’m going to forcibly lift you up and carry you to your room and lock you inside until you go to sleep. horror throws up after eating because he can’t handle that much food? cross is there to help him through it. i like them a lot. they r there for each other through their highs and lows.
since i hate xchara exclusion i think xchara like absolutely fucking despises horror. not because he’s evil and mean and grrr to cross, but he just genuinely does not trust horror and cannot believe that he has any sort of good intentions. xchara sort of fueled cross’ doubt about him for a while, though as time moved on and horror didn’t seem to have any harmful ulterior motives, xchara toned down on the whole ‘he is going to kill you don’t blink around him or you will die’ talk. not entirely but you know. he’s always got the ‘i’ve got my eye on you’ look whenever horror is anywhere near them but horror doesn’t know that unfortunately. he doesn’t get the pseudo brother stamp of approval. horror’s brother likes cross a lot though, especially because cross is literally the exact opposite of lazy and unhealthy and encourages self care of others (not himself, the absolute loser). like out of anyone he could’ve ended up with, horror’s brother (creeps? crooks? sugar??) likes cross the best i think.
ok speed round: cross is the type to not notice when anyone is interested in him, just at all. most frustrating months of horror’s life really. horror packs little trail mix baggies for cross when he goes out on missions or patrol. this is just cause i think it’s cute. purring skeletons, i like purring skeletons it’s my favorite thing ever and i think they should get to purr together and lay down in bed for hours on end half asleep half awake just existing together. when cross saw his very first colored sunset horror was there and that definitely furthered the at the time small spark of romance. cross, bc he’s a swap, is much more of a superhero nerd than a science nerd like horror, and they bicker over whether or not they watch a documentary or action movie. i think they don’t bicker like killer and dust do, they bicker in like. the very clearly lighthearted and cutesy way that doesn’t last long. it’s more like banter actually. gags
ok that’s it (for now…..) because i don’t want this to be too-too long. i love them and i was so so so so SO excited when you asked me this omg. i love asks like these i cannot stress this enough. ask me whatever you want whenever you want and i will answer. if it doesn’t seem like i have, that’s because it’s in my drafts and being worked on because sometimes i’m unsure or have half finished thoughts i want to put the effort in fleshing out later bc y’all deserve headcanons that aren’t half baked. anyway i will literally never get tired of this it’s so fun
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I'm so eager to see more from your amazing Otome AU. How about Riddle, Azul and Vil with a player that chooses to ignore the plot and choose them instead?
Otome au
I do not take any responsebility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, obsession, kidnapping, possessiveness, murder
Riddle Rosehearts/Azul Ashengrotto/Vil Schoenheit-Player ignores the plot and chooses them instead
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With how excited he is he might as well just say that you two are egaged (we al know how much he values a married life)
Riddle’s thought process behind all of this is that he was born for loving you so… mhm you are not going to leave his side ever
But hey, maybe you can bring his tyranny to an end?
One day you were just playing the game, being dissatisfied with how cliche the thypical “good” and “bad” was being portrayed
And then you started a new chapter but… it looked different…
“Hidden route, chapter 1-Welcome to the villains world”
And suddenly you are thrown into a world full of betrayal, murder and obsessive villains that are all after your hand
Congrats! Now try to survive
But once you have reached the end of the now unlocked route of Riddle, the red “Queen”, the tyrant, you have experienced a long journey far more interesting than the normal route which is filled with the typical magical girl saviour complex
But damn was there a lot to unpack
But now everything is fine! The ending CG was so beautifull and… and… godness is it just me or are you getting sleepy?
If you thought that Riddles reign of terror would be ended just with that then I’m sorry but nope
He is determined to get you into his world, to play crocket with flamings and behead soliders who planted the wrong roses
Riddle won’t just turn into a good “Queen” who is a pacifist, no
He just wants you beside him now, and who is there to stop him? Defenitely not the Fairy of thorns
Say goodbye to everyone that matters because soon he will be the only one you will have real human contact with, believe me, silent servants aren’t a good thing for loneliness
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I mean, it is already hard enough to even unloc the normal underwater routes but now you even want the hidden one?
Well congrats because you just did! Please enjoy “The merchant from the depths”
And look at that! It’s the two eels you shish kebabed in the normal route… thank goodness they can’t remember that… haha… ha… O_O
And that cave is also a lot more friendlier than shown before! Maybe you always just had a wrong image of the mersorcerer…
Azul is very kind as well. Before you know it you are one fourth done with his route because it is just so much fun
What you don’t know though is that behind the screen Azul is more than just happy that you finally found your way here
Finally he was able to break through the fate that was bestowed upon this world!
It is also such a sad and also beautifull route as well! Who would have thought he had such a connection to a certain ruler that was never mentioned before in the normal routes?
When you finally were able to bring to light that the supposedly royal family had in truth stolen their seat from Azuls family everything finally became better
The octopus was no longer shunned and hey, he looked geniunely happy! What else do you want?
Now back to that chapter with the hidden missions with which you could unlock the other hidden routes… why are you automatically back to his?
You really shouldn’t be that surprised. He finally got a taste of how true affection really tastes and you think he would just let go? Let you continue to the others?
I would recommend forgetting those cute CG in which he hugged you shyly. They are of the past
Now that you think about it… that trident would probably not something good in his hands…
But no need to worry! He will take good care of it. There is just one thing he will do with it for himself
I don’t know why you are suddenly getting sleepy. But maybe you should be more concerned about the… arms (?) closing around you…
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Will say that he expected this to happen sooner or later (he didn’t)
Imagine, one day he was asking his most trusted reflecting surface what you were doing and the thing says you are right now nlocking his route
The poor thing expected for his king to do something damaging to it out of shock
And then suddenly Vil was thanking it with a singsong voice, dusting it’s frame free of nonexistent dust
Finally he finally had you! Almost… But still!
Whilst Vil is celebrating you are more in a “What the heck!!!” mood
Who would have thought that the man ruling this place had been an outcast shunned by the other Nobles who only looked at his brother, only his father looking after him
And what happened in the normal route made so much more sense now! Neige had always been pampered, skill and talent coming to him wiithout any effort
No wonder Vil had such a vandetta against him
It was also such a relief for Vil when he didn’t end like he was supposed to in the normal route, remembering how he felt the burn and how the world slowly turned black
Not only that, it was also nice for him to know that he wasn’t seen by you as some powerfull person but rather the ordinary person that he was deep down
And his after story was also one that was so heartwarming! Him talking to his raven about you, saying that he was happier than ever…
This is where I end the fluff and start to recommend tossing the game out of the window
You see, him talking to his raven was one of the red flags that wouldn’t be red flags in a normal relationship but are in the one you have
Did he just look at you instead at your avatar in the game??! Why was he so pricky? He was softer in his route…
Just at least try to stay away from the Shaftlands. There has been talk about their king looking into arts that are able to influence other worlds…
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Sometimes I wonder if Toby is introducing the Dreemurrs in Deltarune ‘opposite’ to how he introduced them in Undertale. 
In Undertale, it’s only at the very end of Pacifist or No Mercy that we realize we, Frisk, and Chara are all three very different people. But we know Kris’ name at the very beginning of Deltarune, and by the end of Chapter 1 we know they have their own will and goals. 
In Undertale, ‘Asriel’ is the very first monster we meet. He acts friendly before betraying us, and proceeds to act cruel in all meetings until we finally catch a glimpse of the child he used to be. Very few people mention the young dead prince until that point. In Deltarune, though, he’s likely going to be one of the last characters we meet, and everyone won’t stop talking about him, and what a great person he is, and how missed he is. We also see his softer side much earlier, between Alvin’s recollections and the picture of Asriel using the knockoff controller. 
Asgore is built up in Undertale initially as the merciless final boss who wants your soul by Toriel, but his subjects present other perspectives (a pushover, a wannabe GOD, a savior), until you finally meet him and encounter a grieving father. In Deltarune, we see him first as a goofy but well-meaning Dad who accidentally crosses some boundaries but it’s mostly played for laughs, hugging Kris before he remembers they may not like that, and sending Toriel flowers she doesn’t want. It’s very easy to feel bad for him and his situation, because he’s a good guy who doesn’t seem to deserve what’s happening to him now.  Later on we get more concerning glimpses. The bouquet that echoes the six souls which he compares to Beauty and the Beast, how he clings to the past asking Sans how to make Toriel feel the way she did again... whatever incident got him removed from the police... 
And then there’s Toriel. She presents herself as Frisk’s caretaker and guardian, but is a hermit who needs their encouragement to make an attempt to right her wrongs. Her depression and flaws require some digging to get into, and only really come to light when you learn her full backstory.  In Undertale, Toriel is not a hermit, she’s in a small town where she can Asgore can bump into her at the grocery store, and we don’t know the full story of why she’s so uncomfortable around Asgore. This brings some of her faults more into the light. But, rather than intimidating the monsters around her, she does seem generally well-liked in the community, and she seems to care for Kris’ emotional well-being. Upon hearing Kris is hanging out with a friend, she gleefully allows Kris to do so, and allows Susie to stay over and pun with her. Her flaws are more obvious, but she also seems to be in a healthier, less lonely place? 
I feel like the Dreemurrs are not the only ones with an ‘opposite’ impression. The bombastic, flashy, and glamorous Mettaton is a nobody who won’t even show his face or give his name. But it is interesting, certainly. 
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starrgaziinggg · 1 year
chapter seven -> when has a frat party ever not ended badly? (written 6k words)
directory | next chapter ->
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You thought you were a non violent person. You really did. Pacifist and all that. But after seeing the text Yuna had sent to Hyunjin when you'd asked her to send a reply whilst you were busy, you swore you could throttle the girl.
"Why would you send that?" You practically scream, chasing after your bold blonde headed friend as she scrambled around your dorm in attempt to flee your grasp.
"Because it's funny!" She cackles back, jumping over the sofa to put some distance in between you both. You stop at the other side of the sofa, grabbing the back of it with both hands and attempting to get your breath back.
"It's not funny! We literally just stopped arguing and now you've sent him the flirtiest message," you say with a snarl, giving Yuna the daggers.
"If you think that's flirty," she starts, giggling as she goes to type another message. Luckily for you, Ryujin walks out her bedroom and plucks your phone out of Yuna's hands, passing it to you lazily. "Hey! You're no fun."
"Do you want her to kill you before we even get to the frat?" Ryujin responds, taking her leather jacket off of the coat rack and pointing a thumb at you.
"You're a dead woman," you say, focusing your attention back to Yuna and trying to see if by any miracle Apple had updated their messaging app to allow you to delete a message. Unfortunately, they had not.
"No killing on Jesus day," Chaeryoung says, coming out of her own room with Lia in tow.
"It's Saturday," Lia points out with a confused look on her face, but Chae waves her off.
"Everyday is Jesus day. Anyway, are we going to get a move on? Felix is already asking where we are," Chaeryoung responds, pulling on a pair of trainers.
"Felix is impatient," you reply, huffily shoving your phone in your jacket pocket. "And we're leaving now, if everyone's ready?"
"Yup," Yuna responds, sticking her tongue out at you in another act of defiance. "I'm ready to see my favourite frat guys."
"Down, girl," Ryujin says with a laugh, opening the door of your dorm and letting everyone walk into the hallway before locking it shut.
"What did Yuna even say to Hyunjin?" Chae asks you as you all walk out the dorm building and head in the direction of the guys dorm.
"She sent a stupid kissy face and called Hyunjin 'Hyune'," you groan, trying not to get too annoyed. Realistically, it wasn't that bad, but considering you'd just patched things up with him, you didn't want to cause any upset.
"He won't even care," Ryujin says, trying to ease you. "He probably gets a billion messages like that a day."
"I'd love to be sending him messages like that," Lia says, wiggling her eyebrows cheekily. "That man is so fine."
"Whatever," you say, pretending to gag but laughing afterwards. "I just hope he doesn't get the wrong idea."
You cross the courtyard, passing by a couple groups of people outside of your student Union building. That's when you start to feel the light droplets of rain on your face, groaning again in annoyance.
"Of course it starts raining properly as soon as we step outside," Chae shivers, attempting to pull her jacket over her head to hide from the droplets pouring down on her.
Ryujin walks up beside you, giving you some of her hoodie to cover you both. "If you ask me, you seem to care a lot about what Hyunjin thinks of you."
You roll your eyes at her redirection of the conversation back to Hyunjin. "It's not even that, I just want to stay on good terms with him. It's been a nice week not having to constantly argue with him."
"It's been nice for me to not have to listen to you both constantly argue," Chae grins at you, turning to face you. "I'm finally at peace."
You laugh at her, speeding up your walk to get to the boys dorm as fast as possible. You're all but soaked when you arrive, and just to your luck Hyunjin is the one who answers the door.
"I told you I could pick you up," he says with a smirk, moving out of the way to let you all in. His dark hair hangs loosely in front of his face, and he pushes it away as he moves aside to let you all in. Jisung's clearly already connected to the speaker, blasting tunes so loudly you could barely hear Hyunjin talk.
It had been a pretty intense first week back, and at your weekly student body meeting yesterday Chan had already started delegating tasks relating to your semesterly Charity Week, which wasn't for another three weeks. You were more than thankful to hear the sounds of your friends laughing and letting loose as you walked in the door.
"Don't say I told you so," you reply with a glare, and he puts his hands up in defeat. You watch the girls kick off their shoes and start mingling with the guys, Yuna heading straight for the kitchen as usual.
Hyunjin seems to stick by your side, so you decide it's the perfect opportunity to clear up what Yuna had texted him earlier.
"I didn't send that last text to you, by the way," you say kind of awkwardly, not knowing how to make the conversation seem less weird. "I asked Yuna to reply to you whilst I was doing Chaeryoung's hair and she thought it would be really funny to send something flirty."
Hyunjin waves a hand, giving you a half smile as the two of you walk towards the kitchen. "Don't worry about it. I knew it wasn't you."
"You did?" You ask, taking a shot from Felix after saying a quick hello and downing it.
"Yeah, you'd never send a double smile like that. Plus, you've never called me 'Hyune' a day in your life," he points out, and you wonder when he became so perceptive. He leads you to the back wall, pulling out some things from his fridge.
"What you making?" You ask inquisitively, perching yourself up on the counter top. Hyunjin glances at you quickly, going back to raiding his fridge and quickly switching to the cupboards afterwards.
"Thought I'd make you a mojito," he answers plainly, shrugging. "I know you like them, and we have all the stuff for it."
You can't help but give him a deadpan expression. "You have fresh mint?"
"Minho bought a plant when we did a food shop the other day," he explains, which actually makes a lot of sense. For a college student, your best friend was an excellent cook. "Plus, and this is a trade secret so don't run your mouth, mojitos are my favourite too."
You raise an eyebrow, resting the palms of your hands on the countertop behind you and leaning against them. "Wow, wouldn't peg you for a cocktail guy."
He rolls his eyes, grabbing some ice from the freezer below him to fill up your glasses. "This is why we need to spend more time together. It's scary how little you know about me."
"Yo, can you stop raw dogging the ice?" Seungmin frowns, scoffing at hyunjin. "Minho's told you a million times there's an ice scoop for a reason."
Hyunjin mimics his words, sticking his tongue out at him before handing you your drink for good measure. You thank him after he places in a straw, nodding his head as if to get you to try it. Contrary to how you expected it to taste, you hate to admit it's probably one of the nicest mojito's you'd ever tried.
"Hey, Sueng," you greet Seugmin, who smiles at you. "You coming to the frat tonight?"
Seungmin nods. "Yeah, at least for a bit. Dunno if Jeongin's already mentioned, but we've already got an assignment due for next week."
"Yikes," Hyunjin comments, grimacing as he takes another sip of his drink, looking quite pleased that you seem to like yours.
"Yeah, Jeongin was complaining about it at the meeting yesterday," you add, lighting tapping your feet against the kitchen cabinets.
"Of course he was," Seungmin shakes his head, though the rest of his sentence is cut off by a yell from the hallway.
"Seungmin! Can I use your key card?" Felix all but screams, causing Seungmin to divert his attention from you and Hyunjin and towards the hallway. He tilts his head at you with an exasperated look before turning on his heel.
You focus your attention back to the tall, dark haired guy to your left. "What do you mean, I know nothing about you?" you can't help but ask, pressing the topic. You'd like to think you knew all of your university friends pretty well at this point, bar Lia who you had just met.
"Well, you don't really know much about me at all, do you?" he says, smiling slightly.
"I know you've got rich parents," you say matter-of-factly, which he scoffs at.
"Almost everyone who attends this uni is well off," he points out, and you don't even register the fact that you're in a room full of your friends and you're more than contempt from just having a regular conversation with Hyunjin. It's refreshing, actually, just talking about mundane things.
"I know..." you start, though you begin to fall short when you genuinely try to think of facts you know about Hyunjin and can't seem to.
"This is exactly what I mean!" he laughs, not seeming to mind the fact you know next to nothing about him. Had you really spent so much of your time arguing with him that in all the conversations you'd had, you couldn't pick up on single piece of information?
"Alright, Mr Big Shot, what do you know about me?" you say, an attempt to flip the tables. Hyunjin raises his eyebrows, turning his stance so that he's directly in front of you.
"I know that it took you three whole years to figure out that the expression was 'play it by ear', and not 'play it by year'," he starts, which makes you laugh instantly.
"Hey! A year is a time frame, in the context of the saying, I think it's an easy mistake to make," you defend yourself, throwing your hands up. He nods his head, chuckling.
"Fair enough. Okay, I know that your favourite colour is yellow because, in quotation marks, "It's the colour of all things happy."
You nod slowly, remembering when you said that once over a study session in which everyone had grown bored of studying and you'd all opted to ask each other random questions instead.
"Okay, you're two for two - anything else?" you ask, solely to try and prove he doesn't know all that much about you.
He looks straight into your eyes for a good while, as if analysing you. "I know that you feel this need to make sure everyone's happy, all the time. Like it's your duty to hold our friend group together, even if it drains you," he says, surprising you.
So maybe Hyunjin was a lot more perceptive than you initially thought.
"I'm not that bad," you counter, though it's a weak attempt. It's obvious he can read you much better than you can read him. You finish your drink before he speaks up again, placing the empty glass on the counter beside you.
"I beg to differ," Hyunjin says, though your conversation is cut off as Ryujin saunters up towards you both.
"Do my eyes deceive me?" She says dramatically, leaning against the countertop beside you. "Or are you two actually having a nice conversation?”
You mimic her silently, pushing her away gently with your knee. She laughs at you, shaking her head.
"Alright, alright - I just came over to say that Chan wants to get going soon. Apparently the frats already gone through two of the four kegs," Ryujin rolls her eyes.
"Already?" You mutter in disbelief. To your knowledge, the party had only started not even an hour ago, but they were frat boys after all. You hop off of the countertop, noticing your friends were starting to get their shit together and make their way to the door.
"What kind of frat only has four kegs on a Saturday night party?" Hyunjin comments, following behind you and Ryujin as you walk out the kitchen.
"That's what I'm saying," Changbin adds, walking towards the three of you and handing Ryujin her coat. Cute, you think. He grabs her attention as he does so, leading them to peel off ahead. For whatever reason, Hyunjin sticks to you, waiting with you as you get ready to go to the frat.
Yuna, Lia and Chaeryoung lead your group as you all herd outside, trying to keep to the sides of the road as you walk in the direction of the frat. Thankfully the rain has seemed to clear off, which you think is typical. The three girls ahead are all giggles, clearly excited at a change of scenery from your usual crowd.
"This is a rare scene," Minho comments, coming towards you and Hyunjin as you doddle at the back of the pack, slinging an arm round your shoulders and leaning his body weight on you. "The two of you being civil."
"Yeah, well," you say lazily, leaning into your friend. "Maybe the world's ending."
Minho chuckles at this, which makes Hyunjin roll his eyes. "We're best friends now," Hyunjin mocks, making a face at the man hanging off your shoulder. "You're out, I'm in."
"Is that so?" Minho counters with a smirk, directing his attention towards you. "Come on, who's your favourite, tell us."
Hyunjin steps ahead of you to walk backwards, watching for your reaction. Minho does the same, letting go of your shoulder. You shake your head, pushing them out of your way. You miss the way Minho winces, clinging to your shoulder again.
"Neither of you," you answer them, giving Minho a weird look for returning to your side as you continue walking through the street. "You're both as annoying as each other, really."
"Low blow," Hyunjin points out with a tilted head. "At least I give you company in class."
"At least I didn't spend the last year arguing with her," Minho counters snidely, making you chuckle.
"God, me and Hyun have finally stopped our row and now you two are at it?" You say, shaking your head without realising what you've said. Minho raises an eyebrow, removing himself from clinging to your arm as you all stop walking and group together outside of the frat house.
"He's even got a nickname? This friendship is taking new levels," Minho whines, pouting at you fakely. When you turn to get Hyunjin's reaction he's not looking at you, just smiling inwardly at himself.
"Chan! Bro, how are you?" Some guy shouts, opening the main door to the frat house and giving Chan one of those side bro hug handshakes. Chan gives him an equally frat-bro response, making way so that you can all enter the frat house.
The music is blaring, so much so that you feel the ground physically shake every time the base booms. People are already passed out, bodies sprawled over the sofas who peaked too early. The life of the party seems to be towards the kitchen and outdoor area, so your group starts mingling in that direction. Chan's already been bombarded by his many frat friends, and Yuna's found one of her old flings to reignite.
You're about to find Felix for a drink, as it's become routine for you two to start a night off with shots, when you feel someone grab your arm lightly.
"I've just seen some of my friends," Hyunjin shouts in your ear, trying to let you hear him over the music. "I'll be back in a bit, you okay?"
You almost feel like raising an eyebrow at him, confused as to why he's explaining his whereabouts to you. You don't mind it, though - it kind of reassures you knowing he's looking out for you, especially at a party like this. You'd been to frat parties before and they'd always ended messily.
Smiling, you nod your head at him. "Sure, I'm gonna go find Lix."
Hyunjin gives you a grin before turning his heel, going towards a group of people that had just walked through the door. They welcome him happily as you turn on your heel to go find wherever Felix has wandered off too. It was always like this with your group, unable to locate someone not a second after you'd last seen them.
You spot Jeongin outside, pulling a beer out of the ice bucket. The frat was way bigger than you'd initially thought, the outdoor area stretching out with a whole pool. He spots you instantly as you walk towards him.
"Beer?" He asks you, picking up a second one. You nod, reaching your hand out to take it from him.
"Cheers," you say, thanking him as you pull the cap of the bottle off with your teeth. Jeongin grimaces.
"You know I hate it when you do that," he says, using a nearby bottle opener to open his own. Felix wanders over to you then, passing you and Jeongin a shot glass full of a bright green substance.
“Down the hatch,” he says, making Jeongin cringe as you laugh and down the shot, watching Felix as he downs his and turns his attention back to you. “Got your eye on anyone tonight?”
You scoff, rolling your eyes with a smile. “Frat boys aren’t really my type.”
“Yeah,” Jeongin interrupts, leading the three of you over to an empty seating area. You flop down, making yourself comfortable. “Her types more artistic than frat boys.”
You raise an eyebrow at him from beside you on the outdoor sofa, Felix taking the single chair to your left. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing, other than that you’ve definitely got your eye on someone here,” he replies ambiguously. You turn to your left to raise an eyebrow at Jeongin, spying Chaeryoung coming outside and catching your eye.
“Am I missing something?” You ask Felix, you just shrugs lazily with a smile. Chaeryoung takes a bottle from the ice bucket, handing it to you to open as she sits on your lap. Jeongin winces as you pull the cap off.
“Missing what?” Chaeryoung asks, kissing your cheek as a thank you for opening her bottle.
“Just that she’s in love with Hyunjin,” Jeongin says proudly, grinning from ear to ear. You almost spit your drink out, groaning when Chaeryoung laughs manically.
“Ryujin and I have been saying that for months!” She cackles, which you pinch her for. “Hey!”
“No way,” Felix says in disbelief, shaking his head so hard it causes his blonde hair to fly out around him. “You can’t argue with someone as much as those two have for the past year and then magically be in love.”
“Enemies to lovers,” Jeongin replies wisely, giving his friend a wink. “I saw it coming a mile off.”
“Can we maybe circle back to the fact I’m literally not in love with Hyunjin?” You say, huffing exasperatingly. Chan and some of his friends from the frat make their way outside then, cutting your conversation short as they fill up the empty seats around you.
It’s obvious Jeongin’s just doing his upmost to tease you, his usual way of acting towards you, but the way Chaeryoung was so quick to agree sits differently with you. Especially considering the way Hyunjin had been acting toward you recently, tonight in particular. You couldn’t help but wonder if they were seeing something you couldn’t.
You didn’t think much more on the topic, though. Chan and one of his frat friends started putting logs on the outdoor fire pit, which was desperately needed since the September temperature was dropping ridiculously quickly. The fire made for a cosy atmosphere outdoors, seemingly a complete contrast from what was going on indoors. The music could be heard crystal clearly from outside, and you assumed everyone indoors was starting to go deaf.
Despite the rowdiness that could be observed from inside, you spent a good couple of hours enjoying yourself outdoors, cracking open a few more bottles which caused yourself to become pleasantly tipsy. Minho had come out to join you, taking Chaeryoung’s space on the couch beside you as Chaeryoung had wandered off to look for the other girls a few times. She liked to make sure they were all okay (because she is perhaps the kindest person on the planet), and every time came back to report the same thing.
Ryujin was in the kitchen with Changbin, playing beer pong with Yuna, Seungmin, Jisung, and a good few frat boys. Yuna was drunk, but not too drunk, which you were very proud of her for. Chaeryoung had said she was clinging to the arm of a good looking guy, though - which was to be expected. She said she’d found Lia with Hyunjin and his friends, who had taken refuge in the living area and looked high, which was also to be expected from Hyunjin’s arty friends.
Everything seemed to be rather calm and in order for a frat party, which you could attribute to the fact that a lot of the people outwith your group had peaked so early they’d ended up either falling asleep or going home. As you were sitting lazily against Minho’s side, listening to Chan tell you stories about him and his frat friends from high school, you were surprised to think that perhaps you’d all go home tonight in a pretty respectable manner, contrary to every other time you’d left after a night out.
That fantasy slips away pretty quickly, though, when you hear a horrifying crash come from inside. You jump from Minho’s side as Yuna rushes outdoors, grabbing your attention and shouting something about Ryujin and Changbin. Chan’s story was quickly halted as everyone you were sitting with bolts upright and makes their way inside, hanging around the outskirts of the scene unfolding in front of them.
Changbin has some guy in a headlock on the ground and is all but beating the shit out of him, the guy putting up a pretty good defence and getting some punches in himself. Glass was smashed everywhere, the island in the middle of the kitchen wrecked.
“Don’t you ever fucking touch her again!” You hear Changbin shout throughout the chaos, Chan jumping straight to his aid and pulling him off of the guy forcefully. You look towards Minho, your eyes wide as he gives you a look back, a hand on your shoulder.
“What the fuck happened?” Jeongin asks Seungmin, who’s watching the chaos with Jisung after having witnessed it’s outbreak.
“God knows,” Seungmin responds, shaking his head. “One minute we were playing beer pong and the next Changbin decked that guy.”
“It was insane,” Jisung adds, unable to take his eyes off of the disaster in front of him. “I tried to step in but Changbin pushed me away.”
It’s then that you notice Ryujin behind them, looking nothing short of petrified. Despite Minho telling you not to, you move past Chan and the frat guys that have stepped in to de-escalate the situation to comfort your friend.
“Are you okay?” Is the first thing you say to her, holding her against you. She nods, staring at Changbin who’s still trying to lash out. The guy he was fighting stands up with the aid of what you assume to be his friends, stumbling towards Changbin and shouting at him, though you can’t really make out what they’re saying. You spot Hyunjin and Lia with a group of people then, clearly having just come from the living room from the noise of the action.
You think the situation is handled when you go to move around the two psychotic boys, until Changbin lunges for the guy again after he mumbles something and you end up getting caught in the crossfire. All you feel is a shooting pain towards your eye and you’re seeing stars, your vision blurring to black momentarily. Ryujin screams from beside you, and temporarily the shouting subsides. When you come to again, your vision clearing slowly, Changbin’s staring at you solemnly.
“Fucking hell,” you hear Minho say, rushing up towards you. You blink a couple times to try and see properly, but everything’s still very blurry.
“Take Ryujin and make sure she’s alright, I’ll get her,” you hear Hyunjin say to Minho, attempting to get a grasp on the situation as he nods towards you. “She might need to go to the hospital.”
The seriousness of the situation dawns on you when Changbin starts profusely apologising to you, practically in tears. There’s always a sense of adrenaline that stops you from feeling the brevity of an injury after it happens, especially when your drunk, but as the adrenaline starts to subside you can feel the searing pain under your eye.
“What’s happened?” You say, unable to hide how scared you are in your tone of voice. Your vision is still awfully unclear, but you can make out the shapes of people moving around you as Hyunjin guides you outside.
“Is she okay?” A voice asks before Hyunjin can respond to you, and you make it out as Seungmin’s.
“She’ll be fine,” is all he says, before turning to talk quickly with someone. The air is freezing cold at this point, and you shiver against the wind. Hyunjin turns back to you, taking your hand in his and leading you to the roadside.
“My friends gonna drive us to the hospital - don’t worry, he hasn’t been drinking,” he says as he guides you into the backseat of a car. You enter it cautiously, still unaware of how badly you’d been injured in your collision with Changbin.
“What actually happened?” You ask again, clinging to Hyunjin’s hand for dear life as your only sense of comfort. The car starts, and thankfully every minute that passes by your vision becomes clearer. You can see Hyunjin distinctly at this point, but your head is throbbing.
“Here,” Hyunjin says, passing you a tissue. “Hold this against your cheek.”
You do as asked, and you shiver when you pull it away to find blood soaking the tissue. You look at Hyunjin expectantly.
“So, when you moved past Changbin with Ryujin, he went to go hit that guy with a broken bottle,” Hyunjin explains, and you grimace. You know Changbin had a bad streak of getting himself into trouble, but he hadn’t fought someone this brutally for years, you’d been told. “And when you went to get past him, you got in the way of his action and -”
“He hit me with a broken bottle?” You finish, your eyes wide. “Is it really bad?”
You pull the tissue away and watch as Hyunjin physically shivers, using his free hand to place the tissue back on your cheek.
“It’s not phenomenal,” he says with his head tilted, which actually makes you chuckle slightly. The pain in your cheek was sore, but it wasn’t horrific now, especially since you could see properly again. “I reckon you’ll need stitches.”
“They might just glue it,” Hyunjin’s friend says from the front seat, a tall guy with shaggy brown hair.
“Thanks for driving me,” you say to him, and he just nods casually. You turn back to Hyunjin. “Thank you for helping me.”
He squeezes your hand, which casually reminds you that you’re currently holding hands with him. If your previous self could see you now, she’d laugh hysterically.
“It’s no trouble. I stopped drinking ages ago so I thought I’d probably be in the best condition to make sure you were okay,” he explains, and you give him a look.
“You stopped drinking to smoke,” you point out, which makes him laugh.
“Same difference. I hope Ryujin’s okay after that, though. Changbin is such an idiot sometimes,” Hyunjin says with a sigh. You nod in response.
“This is why I feel the need to get involved - I just, after what happened last year, I don’t want to see her get hurt again,” you explain, thinking about what Hyunjin had said to you a while back.
“Hey, don’t think twice about what I said about you getting involved in their relationship,” he says seriously, turning to look at you properly. “I was just being snarky for the sake of it, I didn’t mean it. I know you just want to be a good friend.”
You shrug, kind of thankful that he was willing to admit there wasn’t any truth behind his statement. “Maybe I shouldn’t get too involved, though, when this is the outcome,” you say with a smile, pointing to your bloody cheek. Hyunjin chuckles, shaking his head.
“That’s us here,” his friend says, pulling up outside the nearest hospital in your area. You get out of the car, letting Hyunjin’s hand go and watching as he thanks his friend and says something about getting an Uber home. His friend gives you a wave before driving off, and Hyunjin walks up to your side.
The two of you go into the accident and emergency section, which is suprisingly quiet for a Saturday night. Usually it’s heaving with drunk people getting themselves into mischief. It only takes you ten minutes of waiting until your seen to, and Hyunjin gives you a half smile and tells you he will wait for you in the waiting room.
After a gruelling physical inspection, your doctor tells you that the laceration needs disinfected and glued together, since the cut isn’t that deep. She also explains the reason your vision was lost momentarily was due to shock and the fact you’d been drinking, and wasn’t anything to be ridiculously worried about. All in all, it’s not long until your joining Hyunjin and arranging an Uber.
“I did not expect this to be the outcome of my night,” Hyunjin laughs, gently tapping your feet with his as the two of you stand and wait for the Uber he’d just arranged.
“Thought you’d be in bed with some sorority chick by now?” You say, taunting him. He scoffs, shaking his head of dark hair.
“I thought I’d be in bed with some leftover beef wellington from Minho and asleep by 2am,” he says, making you chuckle. You pull your phone out of your back pocket to a swarm of texts, your group chat with the girls blowing up and your individual messages with the guys having messages constantly pinging through. A huge chunk of them are from Changbin, a spam from Felix asking if you were okay, a couple from Jeongin, Jisung and Minho and a good bunch from Seungmin as well. Chan has phoned you a few times, like the dutiful father figure he is, and Ryujin had individually texted you to.
Instead of replying, you switch your phone off fully, placing it back into your pocket. You could deal with the swarms of messages tomorrow, you decide, since your friends are probably already at home asleep by now. Hyunjin confirms this after picking up an incoming call from Felix.
“Hey,” he starts, putting the call on speaker.
“Are you guys okay? How is she? Are you at the hospital?” Felix whisper shouts, which makes you think the other guys in his dorm are asleep.
“Calm down, Sherlock,” Hyunjin rolls his eyes at his doting friend. “We’re fine, I took her to the hospital and she got the cut glued. Doc says she’s alright, but told me to look out for signs of a concussion.”
“She did?” You say quietly, and Hyunjin nods. You feel like you must have zoned out when she was droning on and on about symptoms and jargon and whatever else.
“Oh thank god, we were all so scared when Changbin hit her. I called Chan earlier and he says Changbin’s freaking out, says Ryujin won’t speak to him. And then Chaeryoung was texting me saying their dorm is a disaster too, and Ryujin is going nuts,” Felix explains, relaying all his forms of communication to you and Hyunjin. The two of you share a look.
“So our dorm is the only quiet one right now?” He asks.
“Yeah, everyone’s asleep but me, and I’m shattered, so I won’t be long either. Minho’s still at the girls dorm after taking Ryujin home,” Felix clarifies. “Honestly, if I were you guys I’d just come straight here. Ryujin going ballistic won’t do anything to help, especially if you might have a concussion.”
Hyunjin looks towards you expectantly and you shrug, thinking it might not actually be the worst idea.
“I can sleep on the couch?” You offer, which Hyunjin shakes his head profusely at.
“No fucking way,” he says, as if it’s the worst thing you’ve ever said. “You can take my bed and I’ll share with Felix.”
“Fine by me,” Felix says, yawning. A car pulls in then, and Hyunjin recognises the number plate as the Uber you were waiting for.
“That’s our Uber, we’ll be back in, like, fifteen minutes maybe?” Hyunjin says to Felix over the phone. He says his goodbyes and Hyunjin hangs up, opening the door for you as you climb into the back seat. He gets into the other side, and thankfully your Uber doesn’t say anything other than confirm your destination, giving you the peace you need.
When your almost back at the dorm, Hyunjin breaks the peaceful silence. “Don’t worry about messaging the girls, I’ve already sent Chaeryoung a text to let her know your staying with me.”
You can’t help but roll your eyes as the Uber pulls up outside Hyunjin’s dorm. “Great, now I’m never gonna hear the end of it.”
He eyes you with a strange look, thanking the Uber and getting out. “What do you mean?”
You chuckle as you shake your head, following him inside his dorm building after he presses his key card against the reader. “Nothing, don’t worry.”
You attempt to be as quiet as possible when you get inside his dorm, knowing that you’re not the only one who’s had a stressful night. Hyunjin gives you some of his clothes to sleep in which you thank him for, changing into his shorts and tshirt in his bedroom whilst he’s in the kitchen. He returns after knocking with a glass of water and a packet of pain relief tablets.
“Here,” he says, placing the items on his bedside table for you as you get comfortable in his bed. “I’ll just be next door, so if anything starts hurting or whatever, just call or text me, or even come through if I don’t respond.”
You smile, thanking him with a laugh. “Thanks, Hyunjin. You don’t need to worry so much about me. I feel bad enough stealing your bed as it is.”
“You’re not stealing it, I’m giving it to you,” he points on, taking a seat at the edge of his bed to talk to you. You can’t help but think about how kind he’s been to you tonight, and wonder if you’d been looking past his good traits all this time just to align with your theory that he was the devil in disguise. “I’m worried about leaving you alone all night.”
“I’ll be fine,” you reassure him, giving him a smile for good measure. “When did you become so protective over me?”
You watch him roll his eyes with a smile at your teasing, shaking his head. “Who knows. Maybe it was after you stopped being evil to me.”
“And we’re back,” you say quietly, laughing with him. “Go get some sleep.”
“Okay, okay,” he says, standing up off the bed. “Remember to call me if you need me.”
You salute at him as he walks towards his door, stopping at it when you call out his name.
“Thanks for everything tonight,” you say sincerely, which he smiles at.
“No problem,” he responds, lingering a bit longer, until he shakes his phone at you, as if to remind you to talk to him if you start feeling worse. He turns on his heel then, closing the door behind himself, and you kind of hate the fact that you wished you could have asked him to stay with you.
tag list
@cursed-mars-bars @hanjistarss @imasimplol @hyunverse @aestaeticous @dorisnumber1fan @tasteskz-sword @amnmich
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cherry-pop-elf · 2 months
Weasley Siblings As Firebender Types
In honor of returning to a convention again, after so many health issues stopped me, let's get self-indulgent!
For the sake lore wise, lets say this is in a modern setting
William 'Bill'
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Obviously, mans will have that burned up face situation. Given, but in a setting wise he would be up the ladder and given the designated duty to study the history of the past. One of the few people who are trying to recover the airbending culture, and in charge of helping with items tampered with by bad karama/spirites. Meaning he is very close to the spiritual side, and more than likely using his bending as a means to mend things. Such as heating broken metal. An almost pacifist life style, which could have been influnced by how much hes learned through trying to help recover ancient history. Almost, A Pacifistic lifestyle. Recover what was lost. It would even be seen in his bending style, as he would be more intuned with air and water. Connected to the spirits, and it’ll show. You mess with him, well. Be careful next full moon buddy. Wouldn’t be a surprise if he pulled a Blue Spirit to steal back stolen artifacts
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He is the reason why the dragons have not gone extinct . He was specially chosen by the very dragons to help protect them. Running a special santuary on a island to keep them away, as to repair their nature. By this manner, he would have rainbow sparks in his flames. A sign that he is intuned with the dragons. Rasied by them, eats with them, he is much dragon as he is a bender. Having any visitors is esentially impossible, unless absolutly needed. Well, the weasley family would be allowed. Kin to their kin after all. He also would be extremely warm to the touch. Like I mean you throw a snow ball at him, it’s gonna start steaming. Mans a dragon. That would also mean he’s connected rather close to the spirit world. Not like Bill, but to say they haven’t been able to communicate through such a way is a lie. Just because he’s built like a jock doesn’t mean he’s dumber than a brick. Boy will he use that underestimation to his advantage in battle
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Sorry guys, we know its true. He would climb the ranks, and get a bit intense. He will take pride in his nation, and need to have his family bring him back to earth alot. He would even be able to learn how to produce blue flames, in order to show his strength and determination to show the pride of his nation. Keep a close eye on him. He may be soon joining the Ozai Cult! A high ranking man he would be. Not in the military setting, but certainly working close to whatever lord is at attention at the time. Perhaps in charge of strategies for war, or works as a royal advisor. He’s important, but his own ego will cause some rifts. His connection to the spirit world is very weak, and that will be his down fall
Fred and George
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They would have mastered combustion, and lighting bending. What do they do with such extreme skills? Cause mischief. They would more so run a fire work shop, and show you the beauty that fire can offer. Obviously they gotta be a dynamic of red and blue as well. Duh. They are always inventing, and would certainly be friends with everyone they can. Probs have Ty Lee genes in there somewhere even, and that’s how they are so charismatic. They can literally see your vibe, and know how to match it. As stereotypical as it is, they would have an extremely strong connection to the spirit world. As being identical twins. Which was perhaps how they were able to tap into such deep potential so young. They certainly are people you go to for advice. Be lucky they have that Ty Lee energy and are vibing. instead of being the next Azula
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100% knows how to Lava bend. ((And of course the cliché that he would be teaching the next Avatar Fire bending/Helping master the element because duh)) But genuinely, he has a very earth bender personality. It would translate in his bending style, and a beautiful way to show he’s not like his siblings. He is just as much special, and different. He can handle his own, and out right manipulate a middle ground element. Earth benders better look out, he’s going to show you why you don’t mess with Weasleys. As for his spiritual connection, it’s faulty. Until he bonds with Hermione, and gets grounded again. He’s no where close like his older siblings, but his will to learn is what gives the realm a special place in their hearts for him. He’s trying, and that’s all that matters. In the end
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10000% Takes it to the levels of sportsmanship. Along with Jet Projection, and can manipulate her fire to help her fly. That sure startles her opponents. Though, but proxy it means she isn’t as spiritually connected as she should be. Hey, that’s what Luna is for anyway. She knows how to kick ass, even with out her fire bending. She wanted to know how to defend herself after all. Wouldn’t be a surprise if she had a Kyoshi Fan in her back pocket. She loves to learn any way to fight, and certainly learned different elements fighting styles. Able to keep her opponents on their toes, and understand how they move and work. She is proud of her power, but her connection to the spirits needs work. But, that’s where family comes in. Luna, and her brothers, will always have her back. And she will have theirs. You can count on it, that’s for sure
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hurgablurg · 6 months
So, Undertale.
The funny thing to me about Undertale is that anything the game, and it's fangames, try to tell the player about peace and choosing non-violence falls completely and pathetically flat for at least one big reason: no one who isn't a main character takes that lesson for themselves.
Sure, Undyne chills out, you can guilt Toriel down, you can therapize the Amalgamates, you can even redeem Asriel, but what about the random encounters and side bosses...?
When does Washua stop trying to drown a child? When does Froggit stop pouncing? Why does Snowdrake, a literal child, think it's a cool idea to murder someone in the woods? When does Tsundereplane finally figure out that killing her senpai doesn't work? When exactly is Muffet supposed to learn that killing and eating people for not giving her money is bad? Are any of them even meant to go through the same improvement others do?
Are they after human souls? In most cases, apparently not, because much of the Underground doesn't even recognize Frisk as human in the first place. Even Undyne apparently needs to be told what the human is wearing to find them, as if she wouldn't be able to recognize a human right away.
Are they trying to "communicate through magic" but are inadvertently doing harm because magic is like that? No, that was a fan theory people came up with to explain why they attacked first. If monster magic really did work like that, then Frisk would have to avoid projectiles in every. Single. Conversation. You can buy items without dodging the SOUL around heaps of merchandise. You can talk to the Snowdin bear without having to duck around the presents he's setting under the tree. You can hang out with Papyrus without having to dodge his bones during the entire date.
The only explanation we are left with is that some people in the Underground just really love murder, and will happily attack anything that crosses their line of sight.
Hell, even the cripplingly depressed Shyren will STILL make a token effort to kill Frisk. Like, whats her deal?
Why do we want to befriend people like that? Especially if they keep trying it after being spared? It'd be understandable if each encounter only showed up ONCE and then was befriended from then on, but no, every time until post-game True Pacifist they will keep coming back to try to kill Frisk.
Where are all the moralizing friendship speeches about their actions?
Random civilians are free to attack children with impunity, but those same children acting in self-defence or fighting back is abominable, enough to make humanity in it's entirety worthy of genocide.
And genocide is the Underground's goal, in case everyone forgot. The whole purpose of Asgore absorbing the human souls and "becoming god" (that's literally how it's described in the game) is to take revenge on humanity. Asgore may not be willing to go through with it because he's a depressed weeny, but everyone else is pretty hyped for the destruction of humanity once the doors are open.
And for what, exactly? The Underground is perfectly livable. All that's missing is the sun, but unless a lack of vitamin D is what's turning everyone into slavering psychopaths, I don't see the problem. They can probably even just make their own artificial sun with the technology they have. Everyone's just hyped up on propaganda about how cool the surface is.
Is their bereavement worth the explicit extinction of the human race? Is it worth the inevitable monster casualties that will come from humans fighting back? I don't think so, to be quite honest.
I think the hypocrisy of this running thread is best displayed in the Yellow fangame, by Martlet during the game's Genocide route:
"We only took five, but you've taken dozens".
Sure, that's factually true, but it's also a fact that you intend to take the rest of humanity whether they fight back or not. It's not equivalent if the plan was always to do worse damage. It's hypocrisy.
The player (and by extension Frisk) has to put in extreme amounts of work into building relationships with people who will gladly turn physically violent at the drop of a hat, who are literally planning a genocide, constantly defying logic and self-preservation just to get a couple shots in on Some Guy.
Hell, I don't think Frisk as a person even comes into it in the first place. They are just a shell for us, the players, to experience the story.
And why? Because we saw a let's play of it? Because game reviewers said it was game of the decade? Because we want to see what it's like to play? To "befriend" these oh-so-whacky, predictable characters again and again a decade after the game's heyday?
The story, in the end, is all to fulfill a narrative who's foundation is a shaky legend about humans being mean to monsters millenia ago, some immortal, royal brats having bruised egos, and a mutated goat prince scaring a bunch of peasants into violence, told from the perspective of the Underground, with little inference as to what the surface is actually like.
For all we know, Asgore and Toriel are lying and were the conquering tyrants of a human-monster empire who were sealed underground by opposing kingdoms of the surface in the days of yore, causing them to rewrite history (and "rewrite" population demographics) to make themselves look like the victims to their entirely-captive audience. If the barrier was a cooperative measure, it would go a long way to explain why human and monster souls are both needed to break it. if the humans really DID want to kill all monsters to prevent their souls being stolen, why were the monsters allegedly allowed to surrender? The royals even have an equally-immortal "war hero" at their beck and call with a cross-game skill for writing Tolkien-esque fantasy literature, settled down "doing archaeology work" in the region where the Underground's supposed history is written. That's a coincidence, I'm sure.
All that said, and mostly by the by, I say Deltarune is the better game.
The previous, pitiless freaks are friendly neighbours. The foes in the Dark World are overlords, mercenaries, guards, animals, and madmen - people with purpose to capture or kill the Lightners, rather than random civilians who see fit to attack anything that crosses their path. It makes sense. Plus, the story is actually engaging, the mystery is more intriguing, the characters are more entertaining, Kris is an actual character with a will of their own that we are explicitly subverting, and the "evil route" is actually, undeniably evil.
Deltarune came first conceptually, if you will all remember. Undertale is the weird off-kilter AU Toby made for practice. Not the other way around. And it definitely shows.
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beevean · 4 months
You know, it's really funny how execution can make or break a concept.
In the Francis Ford Coppola film Bram Stoker's Dracula and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Dracula had a wife before he became a vampire, and said wife's death drives him to villainy. Centuries later, he meets the reincarnation of his dead wife, who he has a doomed romance with.
Yet because Bram Stoker's Dracula derailed a lot of characters not named Dracula and tried to make him out to be a tragic hero while he was still doing terrible things, I disliked the film, while the Castlevania games never pulled such a thing. It used his tragic backstory as a reason why he is the way he is, without excusing his behavior. As a result, it adds dimension to Dracula's character without feeling out-of-character.
Oh yeah, IGA clearly liked the movie and introduced elements of it with his own spin, such as Dracula descending into villainy because he returned home after an expedition only to find his wife Elisabetha dead, or him having the chance to live again with a girl named Mina (although Dracula needs to be reincarnated into a good person first lol)
Something I like about CV is that it has tragic villains, but it has a good balance between showing them in a sympathetic light and still reminding you that they're bastards. Dracula is a grieving man stuck in a cycle of rebirth, but he's also a petty monster who wants to make everyone pay for the sins of a few. Isaac lost everything he held dear through no fault of his own and fell prey to his own master's curse which lead him to a pointless death, but he's also a cruel, bitter man who unfairly caused the death of an innocent woman out of jealousy spite. Brauner lost his dear daughters in the war, but he also took two daughters from another man to turn them into vampires, and he gets called on his delusion by Jonathan. The story never tells you "look at these sad meows meows 🥺 they're not so bad after all 🥺", but they're not generic baddies either, and you come to see at least where they're coming from.
The show takes the "sad meow meow" approach when it comes to Dracula, Isaac and Lenore, and that's why I'm less than impressed. Dracula is a poor man too bereft with grief to think logically and who deserves to live again with his wife. Isaac is actually a gentle man who deserves peace after killing innocents to grow an army because he wanted to continue Dracula's slaughter. Lenore is actually a good, pacifist vampire who only wanted to protect Hector after resorting to deceit, manipulation, gaslighting and rape. You can feel the narrative holding your hand to push you to think a certain way.
Carmilla is a weird case because you'd expect her to be meowified, but she's just a generic badass #girlboss who gets no sympathy for her offscreen trauma. Still, not an elegant approach.
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fandom-go-round · 6 months
Hello. Can I request Scattershot (G1), Hammerstrike (Robots in Disguise), Hot Rod and Dead End (both from Cyberverse) with kind-hearted and open-minded human S/O?
Scattershot knows that he’s a hot head and a force to reconned with, others know it too. That’s why most people are surprised the two of you are together. You’re polar opposites; you’re always very polite to everyone and go out of your way to help. Scattershot isn’t unhelpful but it defiantly isn’t his first thought going into a situation. He does admire you for it and it’s one of the reasons he started to fall for you in the first place.
You have a habit of humming while you do things and Scattshot loves it. Folding laundry, gardening; whatever it is Scattershot does his best to be there and listen. It’s nice to have something in his life that isn’t fighting and shooting, even if he loves those things too. You’re a breath of fresh air and the thought of you makes him fight twice as hard.
For the rare moments he does want to talk about something serious, you’re there to listen. Scattershot never feels stupid when he talks to you (of course he’s not) but it also helps you’re so willing to learn about other positions. In general, you’re a pacifist and Scattershot likes to smash heads but there’s common ground to be had. He likes talking with you about anything and everything.
Hammerstrike doesn’t like anything on land. Point blank period. At least that’s how he feels about 99% of Earth. You’re the one exception. You’re the prize gem in his collection and he’ll do anything to make you happy. No ask is too large or strange. You would never ask for anything too extravagant but that just makes you more loveable in his eyes. Please ask him to kill for you. Please?
He loves to swim with you, even if you’re not designed for the water. If you don’t know how he’ll hold you close, enjoying the way you cling to him. If you enjoy swimming he’ll ‘race’ you around, laughing and showing off with flips. The best thing to do is just float together, letting the water carry you.
As kind as you are, sometimes he wishes that you’d be firmer. Hammerstrike doesn’t want you taken advantage of and he knows humans and mechs alike can be deceiving. You’ve told him time and time again that people are good but Hammerstrike is too jaded. That doesn’t mean he wants you to stop, oh of course not. But it does mean he watches extra close when you talk to someone new for the first time. No one is going to hurt his little starfish.
Hot Rod:
Hot Rod loves to show off for you. He doesn’t really need an excuse but he feels even better if you’re watching and cheer him on. Other bots will scold him about putting you in danger but he would never do that. Stunts are only for when you’re outside and a safe distance away. If you want to ride with him he’ll speed but not much more than that unless there’s danger. He wants you safe and sound more than anything.
He can get a little jealous of how kind you are to other people, even if he knows that you don’t mean anything by it. He just likes having all of your attention all of the time; like a spoiled cat. Reassure him that he’s your favorite and he’ll calm down. He knows that you love him and it’s easy to see by the way you smile at him.
Hot Rod is a mech who has bad days and most people don’t notice. He’s full of hot air and brushes off attempts of others to ask him what’s wrong. He always caves to you though; get him alone in his hub suite and he’ll tell you everything. Let him curl up in your lap (as much as he can) and pet his helm. You always take such good care of him; he only hopes that he helps you as much as you help him.
Dead End:
He feels really lucky that you’re his significant other, even if he doesn’t think it’s going to last. You’re so sweet and kind and cute, he’s afraid one of the other Decepticons will snatch you right up. He loves to hear that he’s your favorite but please, only in your hub suite. He’d die is you said it in front of Astrotrain. You also give him a talk about not mentioning someone stealing you, it might give them ideas. Dead End agrees and only says those things inside his head now.
Dead End actually really loves planning dates, even if they stress him out. He’s never going to think they’re good enough but he likes putting effort in for you. You always love going on dates and snuggling close to him, he can’t resist making those moments happen. It can be distracting from his duties so they might be secret dates but it shows how much he really cares about you.
The only time he doesn’t automatically run from a fight is if you’re in danger. Normally he would do his best to leave but he would never abandon you. It’s led to a couple of times where he dives into the fray and actually kicks some serious butt. If you gush about how cool he was, he’ll scoff and try to minimize his actions. Dead End secretly loves it if you call him your hero but please only tell him, he does have an image to maintain after all.
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ixloom819 · 1 year
My Undertale AU: Yantale
I have a pretty good guess of what you’re thinking based on the title: “Oh boy, it’s going to be one of those AUs where Sans is a yandere for Y/N or an OC”. And honestly, no hate on those AUs. But this AU is a bit different.
Basically, it’s the same as Undertale, but there are certain choices/routes you can do to make different characters platonic yanderes for Frisk.
Interest begins when he tries to SAVE/LOAD/RESET and can’t. If you do 5 Neutral routes in a row with very different actions/results, Flowey will wrap himself around you and merge his DETERMINATION with yours, staying with you through RESETS and killing anyone you try to befriend. Pacifist Routes cannot happen. The only way to get out of this route is to do a Genocide, use your LV to disconnect and kill Flowey, and destroy the timeline. You’re the most interesting thing to happen here in a long time; how could anyone pass up this opportunity?
Interest begins when you come to his house. If you are nice to him through the Ruins and Waterfall and win the Thundersnail race, he will stop you from leaving his house. During this route, he will try to guilt-trip you into staying willingly by emphasizing his loneliness. You’re the nicest person he’s met in a while, why can’t you just stay with him?
Interest begins when you call her Mom. If you are nice to Toriel, call her Mom, wear the Faded Ribbon and Toy Knife, and run away from her during the fight, she will destroy the exit of the Ruins and successfully keep you there. She will see you as another child she needs to protect (and she is also projecting you as her kids).
Interest begins when you ask him for help on a puzzle. If you are nice to him, ask him for help on the head puzzle, and are defeated by him three times, he will make the cage inescapable. He will tell Undyne that the human got past him and go on a date/hangout with you. You are his first and only friend, and you need his help; you can’t leave!
Interest begins when you help Monster Kid. If you are nice to everyone, help Monster Kid, give her water, and help her get home (Yantale exclusive option), then she will force you to stay at her house and train you to become a part of the Royal Guard. You proved to her that not all humans are bad and you have the guts and kindness to help the monsters and be a great guard!
Interest begins when you exit the Ruins. If you are nice to Alphys and follow her back after she tells you the truth, she will thank you for being with her even though she lied. She’ll show you the True Lab and tell you everything she did. If you are still nice to her, she will lock you up in her lab to keep her secret safe. If you are mean to her, she will threaten to off herself if you don’t stay and keep her secret. You’re just so cool and accept her even when she’s lied to you; maybe you’re the answer to her problems.
Interest starts when you pay for a pastry. If you buy one of her items, spend all your money while fighting her, and bought something from the Spiders in the Ruins, she will keep you trapped in her cave and help her cook. There aren’t many people in the Underground as generous as you; can’t have you wasting that on anyone else.
Interest starts when the player finishes the quiz. If you pick the most dramatic results and play up the audience during the Mettaton EX fight, he will stop the fight and forcefully make you his costar. You have a knack at the spotlight, it would be a shame to waste such talent.
Interest starts when you wear the Heart Locket and Worn Dagger. If you wear Chara’s items, refuse to fight, and die 10 times, Asgore will stop fighting and forcefully adopt you (he sees his children in you). It’s clear you mean no harm, so it’s fine to keep you here.
Interest starts when you wear the Heart Locket and Worn Dagger. If you wear these items, forgive and hug him, Asriel will become too attached to let you go and keep you trapped and use the SOULs to maintain his form. The only way to get out of this is to kill Asriel (releasing the souls), RESET, and do a Genocide route (another Pacifist will make him trap you quicker and takes longer to gain his trust and kill him).
Interest starts when you take his side instead of Papyrus’. If you accept his invitations, buy all his stuff, and go back to Snowdin after the Judgement Hall, he’ll be convinced that you decided to stay in the Underground because of him and be a bodyguard, not letting anyone but Papyrus hang out with you. If you RESET or continue, he’ll trap you in his workshop. If you do a Genocide route directly afterwards, Sans will believe it was to get rid of everyone else and be sad, happy, and guilty about being happy, and he won’t fight you (he’ll just keep you there). The only way to get out of this route is to complete a Genocide and destroy the timeline.
As usual, I don’t mind if you use my AU, just please credit me. Also, send me what you make! I’d love to see it.
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bluedino15 · 6 months
Undertale Yellow AU/UT and DR based-Ideas Ramble Post
You know, I haven't posted on this account for anything in YEARS besides reblogs and one Paper Mario: Origami King rant...
Anyway, had random assorted Undertale yellow AU and post pacifist/wider Undertale/deltarune world--related ideas I felt like spouting for fun because I'm back into Undertale brainworms and Twitter would suck for this, especially since I keep updating this. Feel free to use these ideas if you somehow see this and get inspired. Credit would be nice (at least cause I would like to see anyone turning these rambles into ideas) but really isn't necessary. These can easily veer off from the canon/creators of yellow and various AUs referenced (I've been really bad at keeping up with generally accepted versions of aus and the story for official ones), and I do not in ANY way want to imply my ideas are good or "proper" add-ons, just fun what-ifs that might break the rules. Also, I'm bad at coming up with good endings or full casts descriptions for a lot of these concepts (sorry Dalv) so feel free to do them yourself
*Undertale background (and yellow lore ideas):
-Clover is the first human to fall after Flowey's "birth"
-if Berdly has an unseen Undertale counterpart (he's the only one who never has a reference or family member referenced unless you think the drunk bird in grillby's is related), martlet is like his way older cousin.
-martlet stole the serum from true lab while everyone was still fallen down, soon after alphys made the first injections, hence why alphys is willing enough to chance leaving the lab open and why martlet isn't as shocked/traumatized as she might have been if she saw amalgamates. She wasn't familiar enough to recognize kanako/a child resembling chujin (how she might have expected them), but she was also focused on sneaking in and out so she wouldn't have paid much attention until reflecting during pacifist.
-Kanako is part of the amalgam that tucks in frisk, since she remembers it being comforting when she was a kid. Also, this is just a story idea but I can imagine her being a bit special/unique when everyone started melting, perhaps the first to get up and last to melt or vice versa (I think the former cause her soul was probably holding on a bit longer since because of the boss monster and existing determination injection sustaining her longer)
-undertale yellow takes place just before the monsters who became amalgamates woke up (since alphys said she called everyone and probably wouldn't have been so chipper in the journal if one monster wasn't still getting up, and Ceroba says she hadn't heard anything and there's no mention of other monsters getting news of their relatives) and subsequently melted. In other words, amalgam kanako doesn't happen until after the events of pacifist (that said, I wrote some au ideas on the idea of her amalgamating before anyway)
-the snowdin attack took place in upper snowdin, which is why there's way more guards stationed there. Additionally, that was one of the last events of Undertale counterpart rudy's life, and he helped asgore restore trust and calmness in the days after the event. His girls were too young to remember. Lastly, sans and papyrus briefly drew suspicion for their human frames, but both pretty quickly disarmed residents of suspicion.
-The reason that Clover was the only one to ever travel through yellow locations (the other humans may have at least explored other parts of the underground and just died in Frisk-explored locations) is because they're some of the farthest possible places from the Castle. Even slightly more direct routes would have gotten them killed, hence Flowey pushing them on a roundabout path
-Undertale's Gaster (I have a seperate pet theory about how there's one from Undertale who fell into Deltarune, and another who originates there) made the core but fell into Deltarune before clover arrived, and there he has some major interaction with sans and papyrus that follows them back in Undertale where they get here after Clover
-The boss monster gene is normally inherent only in goat-esque monsters, so by default they're the only boss monsters, but it can be transferred from goat monsters to non-goat monster children (normally undetected), and it was in Chujin's family for years (this is mostly just me coping on my different definition of boss monster)
-Ceroba's family were naturally gifted towards magic and one of the more important families on the surface, to the point that a few remnants of their tradition remained aboveground where they eventually become (one of many) inspirations for Mew Mew Kissy Cutie (without the humans knowing the monster background), hence the bell motifs both share. Underground life has kind of quashed most boundaries that aren't "the royal family," but Chujin was marrying above his paygrade (both had a strong mutual love)
--As a combination of the above, Kanako would probably have been one of the most Naturally gifted/powerful monsters short of the Dreemurrs thanks to both her mother's magic and father's boss monster DNA. However, she probably wouldn't have had a need to significantly develop those powers (kind of like how Toriel is naturally powerful but not really a warrior).
-Ceroba has a slight Japanese accent (like someone who has both mastered English and speaks it commonly enough) that's usually burried underneath the underground's default (like every species had some dialect and accent pre-Ebott that's faded over time), but if she gets angry it FLARES up
-Likewise, Starlo has an exaggerated cowboy accent (I personally think of Mad Dog in the Live a Live dub with the southeastern-slant given his showmanship), but when the mask (and hat) drops, it turns into softspoken midwestern farmboy.
-Chara only bonds to Frisk because they share an affinity for determination and Frisk landing on their grave was close enough to hit something. Clover isn't attuned enough for that to happen.
-sans, alphys, and Asgore know about all the Yellow locations (though Alphys is too shut in to ever visit anywhere besides the mew mew arcade machine), Undyne has been to the dunes and mine and is old enough to know of the steamworks but never visit, while she respects the Wild East just enough to avoid visiting herself and causing trouble (personally, she probably thinks they're just a bunch of slackers who aren't helping out monsterkind given her views of mettaton, but she can at least respect their passion ). Papyrus doesn't know about the steamworks but has been out to the dunes once or twice. Toriel has been shut in and away too long to know of the steamworks and doesn't know the dunes dried out.
*Undertale yellow post-pacifist (and just Undertale post-pacifist):
-Flowey left his main save after Clover's death, after realizing both neutral and any pacifist didn't get anywhere, and due to a mix of pity/respect (though he wouldn't admit it, clover sacrificing their soul for monsterkind reminds him of Chara) and pragmatism, he keeps his ("main" if reular flowey has multiple) save file permanently after their death even if he CAN reset to his creation. (Of course, he's still toyed with the timline THOUSANDS of times before Clover fell--since they only fell after he already tried everything and just waited, he's not too torn up about never going back while he plays around with his new circumstances for a while)
-The only ones who know most of what happened to Clover are Martlet, Starlo, and Ceroba. They told Asgore that Clover was a good kid, but nothing about how they steered Ceroba off her path
--likewise, no one but Clover and Ceroba (and Flowey) knew that Ceroba is responsible for Kanako falling down. Starlo (and some of the rest of the Feisty Five) has suspicions Ceroba hid SOMETHING about the nature of Kanako falling down beyond what she reveals out loud in pacifist, but would never suspect what happened, and both he and Martlet were knocked out for the fight (plus, Clover was seeing a memory) so neither caught what happened. There is absolutely some angst potential of Ceroba admitting what happened and it temporarily straining her friendship with Starlo.
-Undertale is about 2 years after (I normally headcanon that it's decades apart for humans but for this game I'd let it slide). There's not much obvious aging or change outside whats apparent in the credits from character development (dalv is a little more outgoing, Ceroba starts to live a little, starlo goes back to the farm more often) but Martlet is probably marginally more organized and a tad more matured in terms of appearance.
- The cast is mostly uninvolved with UT, but at least one of them (probably martlet or Dalv--ceroba is still a little bitter about mettaton costing Chujin his job and Starlo might avoid the show out of respect to her) catch Frisk on Mettaton's show with clover's gun and hat. Your call whether they respect that Clover's tools protect another kid beyond the grave or see that moment as disrespecting their memory (Martlet is probably the most understanding, Starlo the least), but after the barrier is broken they at least appreciate that Frisk used Clover's belongings to achieve justice for monsterkind
-During the photoshop flowey fight, clover was kept on lock the longest since he knew more of what their soul was capable of.
-The Wild East/Dunes and steamworks aren't used as hiding spaces in genocide because even if clover was pacifist, monsters know humans have gotten there before, and Alphys isn't taking chances compared to how true lab can be locked down.
-the souls can briefly "sense" clover while everyone is absorbed by Asriel, and toward the end of the fight as monsters inside gain their memories back, they don't exactly "talk" again but at least gain a sense of closure and fulfillment from Clover. No one quite knows what happened after the fight, but the gang feels a little better about Clover for some reason.
-Ceroba meets amalgam Kanako in both the evacuation and post-pacifist. At first, she'd hold it against Alphys (after the initial despair at seeing her daughter transformed), enough to even attack alphys, but she comes to admit what happened is just as much her responsibility. On post-pacifist, Kanako is calm enough (thanks to Frisk) and sentient enough for it to be a real reunion, and like most amalgams doesn't hold it against alphys enough to lash out, which at least eases Ceroba.
-toriel gets some closure on what happened to clover when she wants to honor the fallen humans and asgore directs her to ceroba. She doesn't get the full story but enough to know they gave their soul up willingly. Even though the two in the past probably would have disliked each other (Ceroba disliking Toriel for giving up on her husband, and Toriel for what Ceroba did to both kanako and Clover), Ceroba would have mellowed out enough to respect toriel's decision. Toriel would be more standoffish but at least sees Ceroba as less of a coward than asgore who was motivated by love of her family.
-any monsters who befriended previous humans plus yellow's main cast and toriel hold a funeral for the humans who died (Asgore may attend out of penance, and other monsters out of guilt but not as the primary attendees), Toriel is probably the only one (besides family if any are left) that cares for integrity sadly...
-On the surface, Starlo becomes involved in those western town recreations, and Martlet still doesn't quite have a direction to take her life in and winds up in various odd-jobs for a while, but she appreciates the newfound freedom. Dalv isn't quite a pro yet, but his organ playing nets him the occasional music festival appearance, and in-between he works on his kid's books. Ceroba would mainly be occupied just trying to keep amalgam kanako happy (though if there's a connection between her background and Japan, she at least visits a few shrines together) and when she doesn't visit her friends, she's working together with other amalgam families on treatment.
-Honeydew inn becomes the main nature resort of the underground for surface visitors (comparatively snowed Inn is more of a rest stop for tourists travelling and not so much staying)
-The connection to the surface eventually results in the resources for reflowering portions of the dunes, and the mines remain a source of mineral wealth for monsterkind.
-The steamworks gets "restored" (cleaned out of important tools and research properly, and physically repaired but out of practical operation outside as a museum) post-pacifist. Most robots choose to stay in the only home they know (and could operate in) but any capable of moving at least have the freedom to leave, and it's now run as a historical location with Axis occasionally involved in tours (when he's not exploring the concept of freedom himself). Alphys contributes to the restoration work due to a combination of guilt for "faking" mettaton's nature and putting a lot of scientists out of a job, and Ceroba realizing she's still one of the best tech specialists left in the underground and asking for her help (and alphys naturally feels she owes it to her as a family member of an amalgamate).
*General AU Idea I had regarding Kanako as Flowey/an Equivalent
-Kanako takes on a similar role to Flowey after a combination of Ceroba's soul essence injection and alphys' determination injections (Ceroba never told Alphys that there's already some injected in her) overload her past the amalgam point and her body melts too much to even hold together, eventually dusting and settling into a white flower from the steamworks that Alphys had been loaned for an experiment. She grows the same lack of empathy and desire for thrill/power that drives flowey as lack of emotions and the ability to reset erodes her unwillingness to kill (as usually develops as a result of gaining reset power: see meta narrative on Frisk/Chara/the player). Eventually, this drives her to seek the souls and see what she could do with more power. her philosophy outside of those goals is that people only ever use each other as a means to an end, and trust or faith in others is a painful dead end (Chujin's plan and Ceroba's work hurt Kanako and she cynically sees it as an attempt at creating/clinging to legacy, she realized Alphys faked her credentials and was using the DT injections just for reputation, and she eventually realizes Asgore doesn't reaaaaally want to free his citizens the way he promised them but is too afraid to be honest and destroy their trust). There's an element of "kill or be killed" but based more in the belief that inherent selfishness means those who don't use others will be used. The integrity soul human themself isn't really present, but their LV, though filtered, made it easier for Kanako to start hurting others.
-outside her general philosophy being a bit different and putting down her parents and their friends a bit more (similar to Flowey holding more cynical views of his parents) her actions are like flowey for most of the game (so she largely masks her philosophy and her personal belief that she and Clover are trying to use each other). the only noticeable difference is that she's less reliant on pellets and more on energy infused attacks given the nature of the flower she's attached to. Part of her snapping in neutral in addition to just generally being angry clover won't open the way to killing asgore after years of trying to get them there is that she's PISSED clover would be so "stupid" as to throw their safety away by trusting Martlet. The inside of her head would have less of Flowey's self-harm elements and be marginally less twisted (it "helps" she isn't dealing with lingering remnants of Chara's mentality or death from humans like Asriel did) but instead there'd be a sense of loss of self from the amalgam experience she briefly felt manifesting as melty, goopy horror, and the fear she felt both then, and as a child when integrity attacked (and subconsciously, the fear Integrity held as Axis blew their head off).
-despite the Asriel comparisons I also really wanna try not making her mostly just "Asriel but UT yellow character." (which is also why I can't come up with an ending scenario since I feel it could rip off Asriel too much). I do think flowey's role in UTY works really work because it IS flowey and not someone like him (whether like his UT or UTY selves), I just also had the idea kanako might be flowey during my playthrough and I REALLY wanna explore that .
**variation of the above but placing the timeline further back.
-I have a less developed idea that sees this as part of a larger AU where yellow takes places before flowey or alphys. Chujin loses his job due to the core shutting down steamworks labs and the axis prototype incident ensuring he doesn't get to work as an individual researcher. The Integrity attack happens when kanako was just a baby, then a decade later is when chujin dies and Ceroba starts the serum plan. After kanako becomes fallen down, Ceroba does another injection since she's desperately clinging to the belief that chujin's idea HAS to work.
-That much human soul essence contains enough DT for it to partially melt Kanako and seemingly destroy her sentience, but her boss monster DNA (and the fact that it's not pure DT but filtered through human essence like its supposed to) keeps her soul and form resilient enough to survive as solo amalgamate. Ceroba keeps her locked in the Ketsukane house out of a mix of shame, fear of losing all her friends, and fear that Asgore would ask other scientist to poke at Kanako's soul (Ceroba herself would admit that she really isn't sure herself which one dominates her thinking, but it's probably more selfish than she would like). She tries her best to at least talk to her, feed her and comfort her while maintaining the facade of a normal life (she tells everyone Kanako got sick and passed away, and it was too much to bear to bring anyone to her funeral) Kanako slowly becomes less and less responsive. Months before Clover falls, Kanako's body comes into contact with a white flower from the steamworks, and the remnants of her soul jump into on after sensing a stable, "living" body, awakening as her time's version of flowey.
-I don't have too much of an idea for the ending of Clover's journey, but in this version Ceroba has at least given up on using Kanako for a monster soul and instead is aiming for Asgore's. Part of the shock of the Ketsukane household portion would not just be the tapes, but the fact that Kanako's now motionless, amalgamated body can be found right after. It's initially assumed to be from Chujin's research before the truth comes out.
-this probably breaks a TON of rules of both undertale and Yellow, so if anyone has a less stupid sounding version of this, it would be neat (and also how it would somehow end in such a way as to not interfere with Undertale)
*species swap/overtale yellow/monster clover:
- clover is a fox monster for a kanako parralel just as how Frisk and Chara are commonly goat monsters. Their aesthetic still leans on western cultural ideas about foxes as opposed to kitsune elements, with the hat over their ears plus scarf over their nose in populated areas hiding enough facial features to pass as human.
-martlet's wings are a carpentry invention she made to make her job easier. They aren't exactly the most reliable equipment...
-All the robots are largely the same (since they aren't monsters), though there's an implication that integrity's monster counterpart's dust has had some unnatural effect on Axis' personality (nowhere near asriel's rebirth). Chujin had BADDLY underestimated how fragile monsters can be.
-one of the uncomfortable facts that clover is confronted with towards the end of each route is that if the monsters who fell (or however your take goes) died, there would be no real way to know what dust is theirs or where they are.
-part of the reason clover stands a chance is because their gun, unlike the rest of clover, is not magic but instead physical with a bit of extra kick from magic infusion. And a murder-high/genocide route naturally gets a little bloody... (though most would at least be "clean" enough shots through the chest)
-in each route, clover undergoes their own "undying"-esque transformation based on overwhelming justice that feeds into determination, resulting in the equivalent of their big shot mode. In neutral, flowey reducing them to their soul in his mind means their magic is no longer tied to a body or the danger of the real world and can desperately concentrate on self defense, in pacifist, Ceroba lands a clean hit and clover's sense of betrayal and desire for a just end pushes them to take one last stand (regardless of pacifist outcome, they don't have a strong enough soul for it to last forever). In Geno, axis manages to land the same killing blow he did on integrity, and clover is strong enough to spend the remainder in their undying mode. Asgore manages to actually land his own fatal blow, but clover survived long enough to kill him and take his soul, leaving it ambiguous if it saves them.
*what-if: Ceroba succeeds in capturing Clover's soul
-basically what it says. Ceroba manages to get clover all the way to true lab (including pushing past alphys and mettaton) before Starlo warns them (or alternatively, if for some reason Flowey didn't reset the timeline when she takes Clover's soul in the pacifist fight). After the initial shock in true lab, Ceroba realizes one of the amalgams is Kanako. Even though part of her admits her plan won't work with the state her daughter's soul is in, she's too desperate to reverse her daughter's condition and after coming across Alphys' entry 17 (unused in-game, but her speech on how monsters can't handle DT), backstabs Clover in the hopes that their soul can act as a weight on the determination that overloaded the amalgam's body. Flowey's aversion to true lab plus the speed and chaos of events happening make him too slow to control the timeline since the amalgamate has enough determination to go beyond his file (a full human soul plus a DT injection plus a human essence injection plus boss monster DNA plus other monsters). The body stabilizes into a chimera, and all the monsters in the amalgam plus clover have their own sense of self and degree of control over their body (picture Asriel + Chara but way more chaotic, with kanako and clover as the ones most commonly in control). Everybody is confused and terrified, and Angst and tragedy ensue. Kanako isn't really happy that an innocent human had to die for her sake, and Clover is caught between anger at being betrayed, and their own recognition of the injustice Kanako and all the amalgamated monsters have endured.
*"Ketsukane Reborn"/Clover shares a soul with Kanako
-not my idea at all (there are quite a few cool takes on this), but yeah, clover shares their soul with Kanako similar to Dreemurr Reborn. Kanako has less angst about Clover giving up their soul (they're still sorry of course, but they didn't ever try to hurt Clover, and clover gave their soul up since it wouldn't be just to let them suffer so they're okay enough with what happened) and the two can be surprisingly in-sync with a mix of Kanako's enthusiasm (Kid was hopeful enough that her parent's serum would work) and Clover's desire for justice, compared to Asriel/Frisk being a bit more solemn and differing
-Since both of them keep their eyes open, the main way to tell who's more in control is the eye hue: Brown for Kanako, and Yellow for Clover.
-The monster side of the soul offers support in shooting sections with the same additions that ralsei and susie provide during spamton Neo (with the protection closer to Ceroba's diamond shields).
-Ceroba absolutely broke down SOBBING in a mix of joy and sadness to have her daughter back and for how much Clover gave. Clover assuring her it was okay was one of the first times they manifested.
-If they ever actually meet Dreemurr Reborn Asriel/Frisk, Asriel talks with Clover a lot apologizing for all he put them through, and Kanako talks with Frisk thanking them for not fearing her in True Lab.
-the human essence in kanako was the only reason why her body was even stable enough to absorb Clover's soul (clover confirmed this themselves before they gave it up), but even still, she does feel that it's unfair she got a second chance that no other amalgamates did. As they get older, the two search the world for the history of monster souls to see if there's any cure.
*Underswap yellow:
-I don't have ideas for most swaps since the cast mostly don't come in pairs, but in a role but not personality swap AU, Ceroba would swap with starlo and goes full weeaboo running the Far West. She's not anime weeb (though that's her equivalent to western movies as research material) but more like, glorious Nippon, edo-era, ken-sama shit. Starlo is a peaceful enough farmer who packs a gun after seeing its power in his interactions with human culture (if clover swaps, he got the gun they left behind). Ceroba is moreso putting on act of overblowing what is "tradition" while making it more "trendy" based on human trash in waterfall in order to appeal to other monsters even though she wants to honor her family's legacy (not just her immediate family but ancestors), and Starlo leans into it more than Ceroba does for him. The culmination of the arc would more be her frustration with a self-imposed obligation to put up an act that celebrates the human alterations and ignores how her family really was, compared to Starlo getting too caught up in the act
-If clover does swap with another human, it's either patience (a la their items appearing in the ruins in ts!underswap) or integrity (as the major human of yellow's backstory). Whoever swapped with clover is the one going through the journey with yellow's cast and theming is closer to their soul, while clover went through the events the original human they swapped with did.
-Asgore, Toriel, undyne, napstablook, and Temmie are mostly the same as however you view/prefer their underswap selves. Running with the doll idea, neutral ending Temmie's memories feature a lot of ripped apart and mutilated dolls and stuffing, and an "odd" focus on a lack of arms... On Geno route they get absolutely ripped to shreds as their plush's body parts come off.
--Alternatively, going with the Asriel and Chara swap (the other one I usually see), then Chara-as-Flowey would DETEST Clover the instant their mask slips in neutral/genocide. They still wouldn't reveal their backstory, but there would be hints at the fact that they're pretty familiar with humans and have a VERY low impression of humanity (Clover's counterpart not excluded), even if circumstances have lowered their empathy for monsters as well. During true pacifist, Clover's counterpart's act of selflessness for the sake of monsterkind earns their begrudging respect, while during Geno, Chara-flowey promises them that they aren't all powerful and will have consequences some day like all humans (I've never really seen a consistent elaborated form of this swap so I kind of just ran with my own ideas of it, without too much personality swapping)
*Underfell Yellow
-I forget the general plot/backstory people go with and I haven't seen the original version in YEARS so I don't have much for Undertale/fell cast members who appear, aside that flowey was genuinely siding with Clover most of the journey and sends them away from toriel for their safety (from Toriel or the rest of the underfell underground is your call). Clover gives him the okay to move on without them once they realize there's no route in which Clover escapes without massive amounts of dustshed, but he's still shaken by losing them and it affects his relationship with Frisk on top of Frisk's connection to Chara.
-Martlet is motivated by a desire to climb the royal guard's (or their underfell equivalent) promotion ladder by ANY means for the power and prestige it brings. she tries to fake being clover's ally but is really, really bad at hiding her intentions so they usually avoid any backstab easily enough. She really shouldn't be qualified for the job, but she managed to cheat the initial results and competition for a position.
-starlo I already saw a cool bandit concept for and there is no improving on that
-ceroba's life went on a downward spiral ever since she married chujin only for him to become a disgraced, laughingstock of a scientist and leave the family broke, and then went on to focus all his efforts on soul and robotics projects with no care for the family before he had the "decency" to pass away. Ceroba is baddly shaken, and without realizing it, starts emotionally manipulating Kanako with the idea that her mother works very hard, is very tired, and needs more help to care for her child (not untrue, but Kanako thinks it's her fault). After discovering Chujin's serum idea, Ceroba becomes borderline negligent trying to create the injection, with Kanako finding out and putting herself forward as a test subject in the belief that anything to help her mom is good. Ceroba at this point is too desperate to even question if she shouldn't do this, and we all know what happens next (though Kanako coming under the care of Underfell alphys is pretty bad...). All she has left is a degrading existence as a paid assistant to starlo's gang, having given up on her husband's plan or that Kanako might recover, but Clover's pure soul has given her a new plan that might salvage her family's dignity
-chujin has actively tuned up axis to be as much of a human murder machine as he can be after the first murder, partly to spite asgore and the royal guard by showing his creation is superior to anything they could ever hope to do, and partly out of a burning hatred of humanity. Axis has a sympathetic personality from his initial creation when chujin was less bitter and exploring the potential of artificial intelligence for good, but it's buried amongst data screaming at him to kill humans, and little is left for monsters or robots besides indifference (in a bit of blatant symbolism, his heart never lights up or flashes), In his more comical moments, think of abridged android 16 if he didn't have a bird interest.
*Outertale Yellow:
-Okay I really have nothing for this except the fact that at least one "star fox" joke with the Ketsukanes (and also Martlet, froggits, and any rabbit NPC) would be very funny to me.
*Storyshift Yellow:
-This one I don't have real ideas for at all (especially because I'm embarrassingly behind on the reboot and I don't wanna put lazy headcanons on it), but if Clover somehow fell before Chara (considering how neither of the skeletons are referenced in UTY), their fate would influence how the Dreemurrs attempt to keep Chara alive.
-Sans immediately pulls out his instant kill cage on clover in flawed pacifist unlike asgore having dodgeable attacks, and admits how blatantly unfair it is. On Geno, he would normally try to put up a fight during genocide even if recognized he would eventually lose, but he sees Clover's fight with Martlet's equivalent and admits he can't even hope to delay clover or make them reset enough as soon as he realizes they have counters for his tricks (laser during his turn which makes it much harder to dodge, attacking outside of battle, the natural advantages of resetting) after one or two reloads. He does manage to leave them with a comment asking whether the slaughter and chaos and hatred that will follow was worth it or just.
*Inverted Fate:
-I don't really have anything concrete for this either since I admittedly missed a lot of backstory, plus the creator already said Clover's journey would be incompatible with the the AU (and I'm not creative enough to imagine where/"when" most of the yellow cast would be in IF's world). That said, as a what-if, I do think It'd be neat if Flowey went through Yellow before the timeline reset and that a part of Asriel was still affected by that time with Clover (if only for how they weren't Chara, just as how he's dismissive of Frisk, as further evidence to himself of Chara's importance and specialness).
-I do think Martlet could also be interesting to examine due to anti-human sentiment becoming much more normalized thanks to both the backstory and Undyne's actions. Martlet would be a more dedicated member of the Royal Guard (and a little older than she is in UTY) who wouldn't be as friendly to frisk, but she can't help but have doubts.
*Poketale Yellow/pokemon themed AU where everyone is a Pokemon/Mystery Dungeon choices:
-Clover is a Jolteon
-flowey is a sunflora
-decibat is noibat,
-Dalv is crobat (I could find surprisingly few vampire-esque pokemon)
-martlet is quaxwell (she evolves in Geno route. and I know she's not a duck but I found surprsingly few good blue bird pokemon besides ducklett)
-bailador is Hawlucha,
-starlo is like a junior Solgaleo (mainly on account of his parents, and I just can't see cosmoem or staryu working well. Feel free to make them work or come up with a better fit like a special solrock or minior)
-Ceroba is Ninetales (she usually hides her tails outside of battle, and they only show in full for the pacifist final)
-chujin is thievul
-Kanako is a vulpix, but she has a few traits of a thievul
-axis is golett.
(Feel free to put any of your own ideas for them, i'm sure i missed some new pokemon that are better fits. I just like Jolteon clover to go with Eevee frisk)
*Dreemurr/Ketsukane Swap (including Chara with the Dreemurrs).
-The dreemurrs aren't royalty, but rather "just" the monster equivalent of nobility, while the ketsukanes sit on the throne. King Chujin has a much less trusting view of humanity, but the Dreemurrs pleaded to him that an exception be made so long they ensured Chara never hurt anyone. As there was less pressure to be the "future" of monsters, Chara never developed the same sense of responsibility or duty to destroy the barrier for monsterkind. Their hatred of humanity remained though, and combined with their exposure to more average monsters and the sense that they were a burden on monsterkind, they wanted to be part of a "weapon" for all of their family's fellow monsters. They convinced Asriel to go ahead with their plan hoping that their fused soul might contain the essence necessary to empower all monsters to take revenge with a source of near infinite determination. Asriel/Chara stayed hidden from society after convincing asgore and Toriel that Chara died of a natural illness and the fusion was an accident, and begging that no one find out what happened lest they become saddled as monsterkind's saviors (really because chara wants all monsterkind to be powerful enough for war first and doesn't want them to have false hope until the power is in their hands). They secretly worked together with Chujin to extract the essence of their soul after convincing him of the potential and banking on his general distrust of humanity and faith in science to free monsterkind. Chujin realizes it's risky but after Chara already sacrificed themselves for this plan, he can't refuse.
- As kids who didn't fully think things through and a king working in secret without other scientists, the plan did not work at all. The Raw energy of Chara and Asriel's determination basically went berserk in response to an extraction attempt, leaving the fusion as an amalgamate constantly melting and reforming from attempts to save and load. Chujin was too guilt-ridden to tell the truth of what happened to Asgore and Toriel, so he lied to them that Asriel/Chara broke into his personal lab and tried the experiment on themselves and died, begging the Dreemurrs to tell everyone else it was a disease so that no one questions the sudden disappearance of a human. The body is too well hidden for the Dreemurrs to question anything at first, and they leave to grieve.
-Asgore is the first to realize something is off and eventually finds the amalgamate. He comes close to killing Chujin in rage for hiding his children's survival and mutation, but is stopped at the last second by Asriel (just sentient enough to protect Chujin since it was partly his and Chara's fault, but unable to communicate that to Asgore) Chujin swears that he thought finding them like this would be worse than thinking they died, then promises that if Asgore keeps this a secret to everyone, then the two can work towards a cure. Asgore hates that he was lied to, but still believes that Chara and Asriel tried to extract the essence on their own, so he accepts the proposal as Chujin's form of apology. Asgore works himself ragged through tests on his soul seeing if the growth between boss monster parents and children or a stable boss monster soul might reform the children, far past the safety point that Chujin recommends, but nothing works. As his condition pushes past the point of no return, Chujin finally realizes that another human soul would be the only thing powerful enough to restore the children, and bitterly passes the information on to Asgore, believing it's hopeless one would appear like Chara.
-This whole time, Asgore kept everything a secret from Toriel even as she became worried about his health. On his deathbed, he admits the truth (as he knows it) to her and apologizes for lying about their children since he didn't want her to see them so disfigured, but with no hope for recovery they have been secretly transported home without chujin's knowledge (leaving him constantly afraid they may one day reappear). Asgore begs Toriel to keep the same promise of secrecy and tells her that a human soul is Asriel and Chara's only hope. Toriel is infuriated with Chujin but out of Asgore's wishes, she never tells anyone and keeps them hidden, while planning to take a human soul should the chance ever arise
-Toriel DESPISES herself for the killing she's planning to do even if it's for saving her kids (that it's for them is the only reason she even takes this path), and though she believes that Asgore and Chujin both lied to her (the later not receiving any sympathy), she still blames herself for everything that led to the transformation even though she really is innocent ("if only I paid more attention") and is caught between her protective urges and her mission. She fights with a cult-like animal mask based on a goat (like a stereotypical image of Pagan, fertility European religions), giving her longer horns and a generally demonic appearance.
*Deltarune / Deltarune Yellow (whether it's the Yellow Cast in regular Deltarune or in Hometown's past is your call, but most of these apply to the former):
-Martlet is stuck doing a bunch of odd jobs around hometown since she hasn't really decided on a careeer or college. She's related to Berdly as a way older cousin, and the age gap that puts her in higher end of asriel's age group means they don't really hang out much.
-Dalv is another shut-in, though he occasionally submits anonymous organ recordings and children's books to the library.
-Decibat is one of the workers at the library and can be most counted on to shush anyone, even anyone else trying to shush someone.
-Starlo runs a movie watching club focused on westerns. The rest of the feisty five put up with it but each has their own genres they prefer
-Bailador runs a really weird dance aerobics program at a local gym.
-the Ketsukanes would be one of the more notable families in town like the Dreemurrs and Holidays (like how Toriel runs the school, asgore ran the police, and Noelle's mom is the mayor) due to chujin being a capable inventor (in his case, less authority in town and more out of town fame that trickles back home) and his and ceroba's families both having lived there for decades, but he had a pretty big falling out incident with Dreemurrs regarding their choice to adopt Kris (he didn't trust having a human in the community, let alone the chief of police having one). After that public blowup with Asgore, Kris was mysteriously attacked in the woods while alone, and while there was no official evidence of who did it (Kris was too young and too hurt to remember) and no one was charged, rumors quickly singled out chujin and his reputation was destroyed, since no one wanted to be friendly to someone who hurt a Dreemurr (though most townsfolks are more worried about Toriel, asgore, and Asriel's feelings than kris'). The family moved away to a city where he works with the tech and robotics companies he already designed for. They generally dress more like a "modern" Japanese family (e.g. Kanako wears a school uniform), though chujin isn't quite a salaryman.
-Ceroba occasionally visits to talk with her old friend Starlo and pay respects to family buried in the town cemetery, but otherwise she's grown distant from most of the people living there and has awkward talks about her family's new life which are mostly done out of politeness obligations. She isn't distrusting of Kris like Chujin is, but given the nature of Chujin leaving, they're naturally not comfortable around each other (she wishes Kris could remember what happened that day and exonerate her husband, while Kris knows it wasn't chujin and feels guilty for being unable to absolve him, but they still dread thinking about that attack and being reminded of those who refuse to accept them as part of other monsters), and Toriel is very cold toward Ceroba since that's the closest person to chujin she can take out her anger on.
-Kanako was pretty young at the time (she's currently Asriel's age, and left when she was just 7 or 8 when Kris was a newly adopted younger sibling), so she's not too close to Asriel and Dess' school group and she never really knew Kris' school group (she's never met Susie before the events of Deltarune, and she only saw Kris once or twice due to her father's hostility--she mostly knows Noelle and catti thanks to her time with their older sisters). The rare times she visits with her mom during summer is her mostly just her seeing what's changed, telling her old class what city life is like and awkwardly trying to get to know the town's teens as an older teen/young adult (most of them are weirded out since they don't really know her except from their parents talking about chujin unfavorably, Kris is too quiet and too uncomfortable about what happened to get close, and Noelle's own problems with Dess make it hard to talk since the original in-between point for them is now gone). She might have ended up as Asriel and Dess' friend or at least someone they occasionally talk to online since they were too young to fully get what happened or blame her, but Dess' disappearance left just Asriel and kanako, and the ketsukane-dreemurr family history made it too awkward to talk as just the two of them, so they stopped keeping up around high school.
- Some of Chujin's old concept sketches on an automated police robot that can still be found in the station's files are basically axis without the steampunk pipes or heart design. If one file was part of the dark world it would resemble a sleeker axis insecure about being incomplete, with the spare requirement being to "finish" him (if you do so, he ends up falling in love with the machine to thrash your ass). Noelle's cool robot face is needed to briefly placate him since his facial recognition concept was never exactly well developed (blame chujin's biases for making him associate human faces with criminals, and not really working out a monster face)
-clover is a kid in asriel's age group who happens to both go to the same college as him, and was friends with kanako in high school (ironically, as much as chujin didn't want a human in hometown, he accepted that in a city would realistically be impossible to keep kanako away from any. Most what keeps him away from hometown is his pride + sunk cost fallacy at this point). However, clover doesn't realize Asriel and kanako knew each other for a while since they (clover) never saw a need to bring up one to the other, and the two of them didn't ever mention the past (and kanako herself goes to a different college). That connection would only come up as part of any storyline you do
*Deltatraveler yellow:
-note: I know that deltatraveler has a set plan of chapters, and I doubt this could freely drop in-between any of them with no trouble--this is just a what-if I can see happening towards the end of the journey, but at least before toontown. Also, I would not assume by default that Kris Susie or Noelle know any of the Deltarune counterparts I imagined above, since they're coming from a universe closer to the Deltarune we know.
-Neutral: Kris, susie, and Noelle all get dropped into the steamworks (at a point between its shutdown and Clover entering) and accidentally turn on Axis. Shenanigans ensue, including Noelle pulling out a cool robot face that manages to placate Axis multiple times as Kris sneaks away and Susie getting pissed off at the lab puzzles. She and Noelle get stuck in the factory and they come out with the guide robot screen stuck on susie's weapon. Kris gets stuck in the lab and deals with both Axis and Yellow's Flowey who's confused about how his Determination is being overridden and tries to kill Kris, though before a fight can happen Axis interferes. The rest of the gang doesn't entirely realize they're in a version of the underground (no monsters besides sans, and they aren't familiar enough with the references to other people/places) until Kris tells Susie they ran into Flowey again, and on cue he appears. Since he's a different flowey who doesn't know the rest of them vs the main one tailing them, Susie can instantly cut the bullshit with him and tries to take him out, but once again Axis interferes, and UTY flowey leaves. After the encounter, the main chapter 1 Flowey appears unbeknownst to anyone and plans to use the experience with his counterpart to get a better read on how to deal with Kris, Susie, and Noelle.
-sans takes the place of Mo and mentions he hasn't ever been here even though it feels familiar to him for some reason but also...not. (he's alluding to the underground as a whole, and that he's not from Yellow's universe/timeline).
-pacifist: Ceroba appears early on after noticing one of Chujin's objects in her home went off (it was linked to Axis activity) on upon realizing there's a pure human soul (she really sensed it before the gang sees her, and it's implied she avoids them on neutral as a result to leave the job of killing Kris to Asgore and the Guard since she doesn't need the soul or care much for the plan if it's 5 souls so far) and very cautiously approaches as an ally to get the gang to Hotland and the royal scientist (Susie is annoyed that she won't fight unlike the rest of them). She recognizes Kris' soul is odd, but she's confident enough in it being "pure" and keeps trying to pull them to the side to earn sympathy points while seperating them from Susie and Noelle and just generally being a bit of a control freak which puts Kris, Susie, and Noelle on edge. She accompanies Kris through the factory and "accidentally" gets cut off from Susie and Noelle, during which time she really tries to butter up Kris as an ally. Susie and Noelle catch up soon after the lab and accidentally trip an alarm that alerts the underground to the group's presence, causing Ceroba to panic, grab Kris, and run for it before getting separated from Susie and Noelle in Axis' arena. After repelling Axis, Ceroba tries to make a play for kris' soul, but they make it clear to her their soul cannot be trusted or controlled even if they were comfortable letting her use it. The gang is angry that she lied to them and tried to kill one of them, though at least Noelle can't help but feel sorry (without agreeing) after she admits her desire to uphold her family's legacy. In turn, once she hears the trio has their own family to get back to, she promises to grab the royal guard's attention and hold them off, stating the royal scientist might recognize kris' soul wouldn't work for the kingdom's needs.
-obliteration: Because the soul forces the group's way into the steamworks without turning it on, Ceroba isn't alerted at first and Axis is force booted in safe mode. The soul destruction scene includes Mo making a brief appearance (sans ain't gonna help you outside of key locations, so mo ends up running into the group none the wiser while attempting to scrounge around for stuff to sell), and for trying to kill someone that doesn't even pick a fight and still tries to help after the first threat, Kris slam dunks the soul into the pink goop. (Alternatively: during the lab portion Kris pours the acid on the soul if you attempt to make them drink it). The rest of the gang is a mix of desensitized and tired enough to let the Soul destroy Axis ("helps" he's just a robot to them) in the second encounter if Kris is forced to catch him in time--failing to do so drops obliteration. The final fight is with Ceroba after Axis' danger signal manages to trigger one of Chujin's devices, and she realizes you're not only destroying Chujin's work, but a threat to the whole underground (and kanako in particular since you're going in the same direction where Kanako currently is) while bitterly noting that of course the next human would be impure. She uses shields, red attacks, the steamworks itself, and a partner to put up a hard fight against kris, susie, and noelle given how powerful they are at this point. From there I can see two different partners
--If it's still pre-clover, Ceroba is accompanied by Starlo since he refused to let her explore alone and together they can put up a hell of a fight in sync (especially with starlo getting more serious, and providing more unpredictable attacks to counterbalance Ceroba's). If Ceroba dies first, the full weight of the situation hits him and he starts bringing out some magic based on both his farm background and his astral nature. If Starlo dies first, Ceroba curses that she sees yet another person close to her die and pulls out her mask, going into a lighter version of her pacifist phases (she's more righteously angry, but can't hold onto the same hope for chujin's legacy that pushed her in pacifist). I feel like Ceroba would go down first since she could shield any attacks plus starlo never gets a "hard" fight, but I could also see him trying to jump in front of a heavy attack meant for Ceroba that she wouldn't have time to shield up for.
--If it's closer to Yellow (perhaps because the grind takes so long that the events in steamworks go from corresponding with right before Clover to the Dunes and Wild East?), Ceroba is accompanied by a pacifist clover who tagged along despite her insistence not to (If they either die or somehow win, her plan is impossible to fulfill, plus she has enough basic decency to be uncomfortable putting a child up against killers). If clover goes down first, she naturally goes rage mode at losing both an innocent child and her plan (and the soul/Kris sense that "someone"/Flowey tried to reset but couldn't), and she goes diet pacifist like before. If Ceroba goes down first, clover's LV jumps to 8 in rage and they pull out big shots and dodges (they aren't high enough LV for the laser, but will spam big shots late in the fight) alongside attacks based on Undertale Yellow's attack system and the yellow soul portion of photoshop Flowey. Susie and Noelle flat out refuse any participation the second Clover gets involved, and when it falls to just clover they outright assist them against the soul (Susie and Noelle will force spare themselves but they can't spare clover since Clover is too enraged to back down from the fight). After landing the killing blow, clover's soul slowly starts charging the laser in a last ditch attack, but it shatters before it can fire, and they collapse. In this case, I think Ceroba would always die first thanks to protecting Clover, but I want to consider the possibility of her surviving as a what-if. The gang can't exactly fall much further than killing Ness and Paula (plus whatever happens in Ts!underswap with Chara), but being unable to stop the soul from forcing a kill on clover even with their assistance would be one of the second-to-last straws.
-the elevator to Hotland proper is a grey door. The gang is...a tad exasperated by this (Susie: "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?") but accept that they have no real choice since the way before the arena is blocked and either the commotion from axis or the obliteration route has notified the guard to their presence.
Doubt anyone will read my ramblings or be seriously inspired, but I just love this game, and I love to imagine it together with all the other cool stuff in Undertale and fandom
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