#i should finish cleaning up the back patio so i can read it in the mornings when i wake up…
fruitydiaz · 4 months
getting my bimonthly urge to reread butch is a noun
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nikoniclove · 12 days
Hi! So i was re-reading first date and i was wondering if you could maybe write that ace, reid magic for magic where it all blows up in her face?? i would love to see how that came to be and what happened between both “magicians” and how jj and emily reacted to seeing that?
Here you go! It’s just a short blurb, so I’ll add it here.
You bond over battling robots first and foremost when one of the first cases you work on takes you to Vegas. You overhear Reid excitedly telling JJ about the Battle Bots, feats of science and engineering in the form of 250 lb robots duking it out in a secure arena. You join in on the conversation, sharing your thoughts on the different types of weapons the bots deploy. JJ chuckles, shaking her head at the shared enthusiasm.
Then it's magic tricks, and while Reid is obviously more adept at sleight of hand, you can hold your own with a deck of cards. Things start to get out of hand when you both foray into one-upping each other with exploding science tricks. It starts because he hits you in the forehead with his film canister trick. It continues because you retaliate by super gluing a Mentos to a piece of dental floss and sticking it in the lid of his Coke bottle. When he opens it, the Mentos falls into the carbonated soda and explodes all over his desk. Emily flat-out laughs with her glee while JJ tries to be stern, insisting that you and Reid are acting like children. "He started it," you retort.
"Maybe so, don't make me finish it," JJ threatens, hiding a smirk.
Reid isn't one to be outdone when it comes to science experiments, so he swaps your lunch for an ivory bar of soap in the bullpen microwave, which explodes into a flakey mess. You grumble the entire time you're cleaning out the piece of equipment.
One evening, Rossi demands attendance for dinner - pasta, wine, cigars, the usual. By this point, you've done the team nights more than a few times. You're more well-integrated into the team than you thought you'd be. To be fair, you're sleeping with two members of said team, so well-integrated is a particularly amusing phrase in that regard. In any sense, a dinner at Rossi's is the perfect time to get Reid back. Emily watches you carefully prepare a small tissue with some baking soda inside of it, folded into a perfect little envelope. "Don't let Jen see you doing that. She'll put you in timeout," Emily teases.
You shrug. "Reid has a lesson to learn."
"I don't doubt that," she laughs. "Try not to blow up Rossi's wine or cigar collection when you strike."
You bide your time and wait until Reid is outside, mostly to heed Emily's warning of not having the bag explode on something Rossi might not appreciate. When it's time, you take your gallon-sized bag with the appropriate ratio of water and vinegar. You drop the tissue of folded baking soda into the baggy, sealing it quickly and giving it a little shake. You drop it just behind Reid and shift to the other side of the patio under the guise of refilling your wine glass. And you wait.
When the bag explodes with a loud pop, Reid shrieks in a high-pitched startled tone. JJ flinches. Morgan and Emily are doubled over laughing. You are very, very pleased with yourself. At least until you see that JJ sloshed red wine all over herself. "Ace," she growls.
"Sorry," you grimace. "I'll go get you a fresh shirt."
"Nope," JJ insists. "You," she points. "And you," she points to Reid. "This is over. It's two for two, and I'm calling it. You hear me? Done. Finito. No more exploding retaliation." When you and Reid look properly scolded, JJ hands you her glass. "I'm going to go change. When I come back, there better be a fresh glass of wine and some tiramisu I know Rossi has somewhere."
Emily squeezes your shoulder, happy tears in her eyes, while Morgan taunts Reid for his dramatic reaction. "I probably should have included a note about JJ and pranks in my earlier warning." Then she whispers in your ear. "The key to getting back on her good side is that thing you do with your tongue."
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echodrops · 9 months
The Promises I’m Making (2024)
Sheesh, this year it was even harder than last year to make promises. In particular, I really wanted to focus on promises that wouldn't cost as much money as in prior years, so I tried to steer clear of too many promises that would cost above the basic spending amounts... But it turns out it is really hard to make resolutions if you're broke. 😂
So here's what I'm going with:
2024 Promises
1) Step down from my administrative position and return to being a full-time faculty member. I literally cannot take the clown show that is admin at my work anymore. It is actually killing me.
2) Related to this, redecorate my new office as soon as they decide where they are going to move me.
3) Apply for new jobs!! APPLY FOR NEW JOBS!!!
4) Train my replacement in the chair position well so they are super prepared to take over in fall.
5) Put a new sink/vanity in the downstairs bathroom of the Utah house.
6) Get both bedroom floors sanded in the Utah house upstairs.
7) Finally get rid of the dirt pile in front of the Utah house.
8) Take down the remains of the wooden fence posts at the Utah house.
9) Fully clean out and prepare the Utah house to be rented out to new renters. Hopefully the next people won’t sneak in a parrot that poops all over the floor… RIP…
10) Clean off my back patio/car port area so I can park my car there again.
11) Call the plumber and replace the faucets. Even if I end up having to do it myself.
12) Get the dead tree removed from the Texas house yard and call the internet company to see about the cable around the tree root.
13) Plant roses where the old ones died in front of the Texas house. 
14) Replace my CPU fan; the bearings are going out and it’s making an annoying noise.
15) Organize my documents (especially student papers)—my desktop and documents folders give me nightmares just looking at them. 
16) Related to that, lose at least 20 pounds. 2020-2023 was not kind to me and the stress eating was real.
17) Do at least one artwork to actually use that paint program I bought. 
18) Pay my credit debt down by at least $2000. I’m still paying off the hell year, but I hope I can make progress on this.
19) Buy all the Noragami volumes I am missing and do a complete re-read of Noragami now that the series is finishing up.
20) This is super nerdy, but my bro got me the FFXIV cookbook and made me promise to actually use it, so I guess I’d better at least try to make something from it.
21) Finish at least five books this year.
22) Update HaaH at least once. Please, Echo???
23) Reach the new level cap with all jobs in FFXIV!
24) Go to the graduation ceremony for my family friend.
25) Catch up with hanging up all the charms/pins I’ve gotten recently on my corkboards; these are just sitting in boxes/bags around the house. D;
26) Fully deep clean and vacuum/detail my own car at home. No more of the “It doesn’t make sense to clean it out now; the dog is just going to go back in it.” The dog is always going to go back in it. Clean it, Echo.
27) Help my parents tear out the carpet in my old childhood bedroom.
28) See at least three new species of birds. Doesn’t matter where, just three new ones!
29) Reach 3500 followers. Can I do it? You should follow me if you’re not already; I’m pretty cool. Just sayin’!
30) Cancel all the subscriptions I don’t need. There’s literally no reason to sit around letting companies passively profit off me when I don’t even really use the services/the services keep getting worse while the costs keep going up.
31) Go out on at least a day trip to take pictures with my friend. We haven’t done this in quite some time. I need to touch grass.
32) Repair the lovely one-of-kind ceramic plate that my dog broke with kintsugi. I want to try it at least once!
33) Really look hard for my passport in my house. It’s been missing for like a year and a half now, and I don’t want to have to pay for a new one.
34) Put all the small prints, postcards, and stickers I have collected in my new mini-print books. I can even use up washi tape to decorate too. (Finally, a purpose for the washi tape…)
35) Shred the million pieces of old mail I have lying around the house. I finally got the shredder so it just makes sense to use it.
36) Have more follow-through with chores. It’s not enough to wash the clothes or do the dishes if I then procrastinate on folding the clean laundry and putting the dried dishes back in the cabinets…
37) Put reminders for birthdays and major events in my phone as well as set a monthly reminder to check these promises. Maybe I’ll be able to keep more promises if I look at the list more often throughout the year!
38) Since I can’t afford to go to the salon, spa, etc. too much this year, I should at least do some self-care days at home. Will this be the year I finally manage to use all the fancy scrubs and face masks and bath salts I keep getting from people?
39) Use up one whole notebook. It doesn’t matter what goes in the notebook, but I gotta use the whole thing from cover to cover. I have so many pretty notebooks that never get used just because they’re pretty.
40) Change the burned-out lightbulbs in the recessed lighting in the Texas house ceiling. It’s like twelve feet high and the lightbulb charger stick I bought didn’t work, so I’m going to have to find someone with a ladder. Save me, handyman. Save me.
41) Build the pretty koi paper lantern my brother got me, or the Korean temple model my coworker gave me after his trip to Korea.
42) Actually use the yoga mat I bought forever ago. At least a few times, please???
43) Finish watching the Fruits Basket remake with Kacchan. I think we stopped in the second season, RIP.
44) Spend more time with coworkers—go out to lunch more often.
45) See about removing the PMI from at least one of my house loans to try to save money. I’ve been paying on these loans long enough I shouldn’t need PMI anymore.
46) Practice my German skills (or I guess other language skills?) by translating something at least once a month.
47) Get a new bookshelf. The current ones in both my office and foyer are already overflowing. @_@
48) Make more time to call people and talk on the phone. Texting is not the same. D;
49) Get the new COVID vaccine to stay healthy.
50) I will keep my promises! 
Good luck, 2024’s me!
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sawyerquinnbrown · 1 year
Poltergeists, Et Cetera: Chapter One
            When Frankie came in with the gremlin, Joey was finishing up re-reading his favorite Company Manual, ‘Magical Denizens of the Midwest.’ Dismayed at the interruption, Joey tucked a hand under the back of his dreadlocks and rubbed at his neck.
            Frankie’s short, black hair was falling out of its tight ponytail and wisps of it lay against the light brown skin of her face and neck. “Brought you a present,” announced Frankie in her New Zealand accent, shoving the protesting, handcuffed gremlin ahead of her into the back room. The little creature was human-shaped but about half-size, and a lurid green.
            “So nice of you,” said Joey quietly, wrinkling his nose. The gremlin brought with it a stench of B.O. mixed with sulfur that immediately spread through the small room. Joey glanced nervously at the many reference books lining the walls, hoping the paper wouldn’t absorb the unpleasant smell. “Why is it here?”
            Frankie admonished, “Speak up, bro. I can never hear you when you talk.”
            “Why is it here?” repeated Joey patiently.
            A heavy Chicago accent came through the open doorway. “We couldn’t categorize it.” Hanging up his bow and quiver on the wall, Mac pushed gray bangs back over his pale forehead and blew out a breath. The grin he flashed at Joey briefly rearranged the wrinkles on his face. “Needed your expertise.”
            The gremlin gave a loud grunt. Green goo sprayed from all the pores left uncovered by its clothing, spattering the run-down furniture and bookshelves with a wet splork.
            “What the hell!” Joey threw himself over the open book on the desk a fraction of a second too late. He sat up again, grimacing, green goo on the front of his shirt.
            “Yeah, it’s been doing that,” said Frankie as if remarking on a mildly concerning sound her car had been making. “So what kind is it?”
            Pulling a handful of tissues from the tissue box in his desk drawer, Joey wiped at the goo, first swiping at his face then dabbing at his clothes. The green yuck almost seemed to glow against his dark skin. It also looked as if it would further stain his already-stained shirt. Joey sighed. “Gremlin type 3,” he finally answered. In the corner Mac was using a pocket handkerchief to mop up his arms and face.
            “Nuh-uh!” protested the gremlin in a nasal voice. “I’m at least a type 2. Probably higher quality. Probably a type 1.”
            Frankie shook the gremlin by its handcuffed wrists. “You’re welcome to shut up any time, buddy.”
            “Found it in this guy’s backyard tearing up his patio set.” Mac crossed the room to the filing cabinet and opened a drawer, thumbing through the papers within. “It killed a dog.”
            “It’s a type 3,” Joey told Mac, who’d pulled out a form and started scribbling on it with a pen from Joey’s desk. “You can tell because of the shorter snout, and types 1 and 2 have exposed teeth. Can you put it in a Box, please?” he complained to Frankie. “Protect my books.”
            “I got it,” said Mac, handing the form to Joey. Grabbing the gremlin’s handcuffs from Frankie, he dragged it into his office to Box it up so they could ship it to Home Office.
            “Yeah, sorry about that,” said Frankie once Mac and the gremlin had gone. She flopped into an ancient armchair and fumbled with the sheathed machete on her belt. “Tissues?”
            Joey offered her the box, and she pulled some out to wipe down the machete’s handle and sheath. Always the machete. Never mind her clothes, which Joey now observed were spattered with several older splotches of slime. “It’s fine,” he mumbled, sitting back down and pulling the partially finished form toward him.
            “Gotta clean the van, too. Reckon we should hire a cleaning service?”
            Joey was focusing on filling out the form with the usual information. Contents of Box: Gremlin Type 3. Captured by:…
            “Was it you or Mac who caught it?”
            “I caught it.”
            “Cool.” Joey bent to write this. On paperwork Frankie was identified by her birth name, ‘Airini’. Seven years prior she’d been introduced to Joey as ‘Frankie’ . He had only found out later that her real name was Māori. He’d always wanted to ask why ‘Frankie’, which seemed to have no relation to her real name, but Frankie was honestly a little scary so Joey kept his questions to himself.
            “Job would’ve been easier if Shay had still been around,” said Frankie, and Joey looked up to see her frowning at her backup knife, also newly cleaned of goo. “We needed a Spy to keep a lookout for the house owner. Dude kept getting in the way when we were trying to take the critter down. Almost got hurt.”
            “Yeah,” he agreed softly. They mostly didn’t talk about what had happened to Shay. It had been a grisly business with a rogue phoenix; a vampire had been keeping the phoenix as a pet, but they really were wild animals, not suited to captivity. Shay had been in the wrong place at the wrong time, the bird had panicked, and when phoenixes panic, fire is generally involved. Before Shay had left the burn unit, he’d handed in his resignation.
            Their jobs were dangerous; they all knew that. Joey was just glad that he was the Researcher—he’d never been in the field, and never wanted to be. Left to his books, he’d be happy, thank you very much.
            Frankie crossed to sit on the desk, facing away from Joey, and Joey grumbled a quiet complaint as she sat on one of his open books. She barely took up any of the desk space. Sometimes he forgot how small Frankie was compared to him. She seemed to dominate every space she inhabited. But then occasionally, like right now, something would make her pull into herself and Joey felt like the giant he really was next to her: his 6’2” bulky frame next to her 5’3” wiry muscled one.
            While Frankie projected an aura of immense size, Joey did everything he could to make himself seem small. He had always been big for his age, mistaken for an adult even as young as 13, and early on developed the habit of slouching to appear shorter, much to his parents’ dismay. It helped that he’d always been bookish and quiet—he tended to fade into the background, hiding in quiet nooks in the back of the library.
            “I miss him,” admitted Joey, referring to Shay, and Frankie nodded, silent for once. “I’ll ask Mac if we’re getting a new Spy.” Frankie nodded again.
            A crash came from the direction of Mac’s office. Joey and Frankie met eyes, and she said, “You go. I’ll start cleanup out here.”
            “No chemicals,” said Joey. “Only water. And only on the outsides of the books. And gently,” he insisted, and Frankie waved a dismissive hand as Joey crossed to Mac’s office door.
            When he peeked around the door frame, he saw Mac still wrangling with the gremlin, which had managed to slip loose from his hold and prop itself up in a corner of the ceiling. There was a fresh spatter of goo on the walls. Mac had a broom in the air and poked at the gremlin with it, trying to dislodge it from the ceiling, to which it was suctioned by the surfaces of its hands and feet.
            “How can I help?” said Joey, trying not to panic, and Mac glanced over at him.
            “Right.” Joey grabbed one of the devices from the top of the shelves against the wall. He’d never used one before but he knew the basic idea. The metal Box was warm in his hand from the magic that powered its insides. It was dwarfed by Joey’s hands, and he fumbled with it for a minute before finding the catch that would open it. A bright light shone out of it where the four triangles that made up the side of the Box had popped open.
            “Boooo,” complained the gremlin. With shaking hands, Joey angled the light toward the gremlin, stepping closer but holding the Box as far away from himself as possible. The Box vibrated against his fingers as it drew the gremlin into it, and though the process itself was silent, Joey imagined he could hear a slurping noise, as though the Box was sipping the gremlin through a straw. The gremlin’s distorted, stretched features quickly disappeared into the Box, which snapped itself shut and grew even warmer in Joey’s hands.
Joey turned the Box this way and that, squinting at it. “Weird.”
            “Give it here,” said Mac, and Joey handed the Box over. Mac tucked it into a regular cardboard box with several Boxes already stacked inside from previous gigs, then settled himself in his desk chair, exhausted. “Thanks, kid. Getting a little long in the tooth for this job.”
            “Frankie wants me to ask if we’re getting a new Spy.”
            “Fax just came through, let me check if it’s that. I sent in a request three weeks ago already.”
            That made sense. “Home Office?” asked Joey.
            Raising his eyebrows, Mac gave him an amused look. “Home Office,” he agreed. Mac made grabby hands at the fax machine in the corner and Joey retrieved the papers for him. Examining them, Mac said, “Yeah, we’re getting a Spy. Coming in Friday.”
            “Who are they?”
            “Just gives a name, ‘Indira Khatun’. Ugh, they always do this. I’ll have to send in a request for her personnel file. Again. Hey, can you do me a favor and send my order in to the deli? My usual.”
            Mac’s ‘usual’ was a bologna sandwich with brown mustard and banana peppers. He usually asked Joey to send in the orders for the deli because Mac himself was uncomfortable with modern technology. The computer in his office hadn’t been replaced since 2004; it was still running Windows Vista, which Mac swore by. Joey had decided not to judge him.
            “Sure, Mac,” said Joey, and turned to go.
            “After that you can take off. Don’t worry about the paperwork for tonight. You can finish it tomorrow.” Back out of Mac’s office into the back room, where Frankie was just finishing a haphazard job of wiping down the spines of the books. Contrary to instructions, she was using all-purpose cleaner. Joey sighed and reached for the paper towels.
This is a chapter from my new web novel, Poltergeists, Et Cetera, which can be found HERE. If you enjoyed, I sure would love it if you would come read subsequent chapters, leave a comment, subscribe, reblog this post, follow this blog, etc.
Joey Wilson is a member of the Chicago chapter of a nationwide organization of ‘fixers’—people who handle supernatural problems for a fee. Joey is quite happy as a Researcher, staying behind in headquarters to classify creatures and do paperwork, but orders come from on high that he’s to step out of his office and into the field. At the same time a new person joins their team: a handsome and mysterious magic-user named Caden. Can Joey find a way past his fears to succeed on missions and impress Caden? And what’s with this rash of disappearing magical artifacts in Chicago?
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eggcompany · 5 months
Jaskier and his Snuggly Wuggly Killing Machines Part 4
Jaskier woke up far too early. He woke up just as the sun started to grace the sky. He yawned and laid awake in his bed thinking about what the day would hold. His babies coming home. Maybe he could whip up something that they could eat right when they got home. Jaskier rolled out of his bed and threw his legs over the edge. He sat and looked down at his bare feet, he was only wearing a pair of old baggy basketball shorts. 
‘Maybe the babes want some too… Maybe they’d like some fruit when they arrive? A good healthy snack…’ Jaskier thought to himself as he made his way downstairs to the kitchen. He quickly ran through his routine, teeth, hair, stretch, coffee. He stood in his kitchen for a moment. The sun’s warm orange rays flowing through the french doors that opened up to the patio. 
After a moment to finish his cup of coffee the star decided that he might as well make a nice big bowl of cut fruit for the babies when they arrive. He was going to cut some up anyway for his oatmeal. He still had… three hours before he should even leave. So he stood and dug through his fridge pulling out this and that until he had a few bowls full of… just about every fruit he had. Cantaloupe, pomegranate, banana, strawberry, blueberries, grapes, blackberries, watermelon, and a few others. He knew he should keep some away from others so he had four bowls. 
Jaskier ate his own breakfast and thought about what the boys will think of the house- their home. Maybe they won’t like it… Maybe they won’t like living with hi- Dumbass they already love you. Fucking idiot.  
Jaskier cut his own anxious thought off. The witchers already liked him. 
Soon enough Jaskier was showered, blow dried, and dressed.  One hour. Jaskier tried to get everything perfect. Each bed had a set of nice clean clothes set on top of the blankets, underwear, pajama pants, shirt, cozy oversized sweater. In the bathroom sat three perfectly coordinated caddy baskets and fluffy clean bath sheets, ready for when the boys come home for their first baths. In the fridge sat four bowls of nice healthy sweet snacks. Jaskier even thought about what movie they could watch. Maybe something classic like Alice in Wonderland or The Little Mermaid or or maybe Mary Poppins! Maybe something newer like Toy Story or Raya and The Last Dragon or (one of Jaskier’s favorites) Frozen. He could ask the boys what kind of movie they would like. 
Finally the time rolled around. Time to go get his babies. Jaskier tried not to run to his soon to be packed Lexus but he really couldn’t help but half skip his way to the garage. He couldn’t wipe the wide grin from his face if he tried. That smiled didn’t falter a single time as he hastily made his way to the center. He skipped through the sliding doors and all the way up to the front desk where an older woman whom he’d never seen before sat. 
“Hello dear! It’s so nice to see someone so young so happy this early in the morning! How can I help you, son?” The elder woman asked as she smiled brightly up at Jaskier. Jaskier popped his elbows up on the counter and rested his head on his fists that were straight up in the air. 
“Oh I’m here to pick up my babies! I’ve never been happier in my life! Three wee witchers should be ready to be picked up by moi, Julian Alfred Pankratz. I have their papers, receipt for the fees, and I should be getting a full medical mock up.” Jaskier said and pulled out the papers. The lady smiled and nodded as she typed on the computer. She read for a moment before giving Jaskier the kindest smile. It was so much more real than the consumer service one she was using before. 
“You’re adopting Lambert and his brothers I see… They’re waiting for you in the back, I’ll have them brought out. It’s nice to finally see someone taking those poor little ones home. They’ve been here for a long time. Getting adopted by someone just to be given back for eating too much or not putting out . Now I don’t know you but just by lookin at cha.... I think you’re a good fit.” The lady said once she pressed a red intercom button at the desk announcing Jaskier’s arrival. Jaskier smiled back at her and nodded. 
“Yeah they’ve mentioned that they’ve been… passed around from pound to rescue to center a few times. I have no plan whatsoever to ever rid myself of them. I actually already got them snacks and a bath prepared back at our home. I’m quite ex-” Jaskier was cut off my three sets of arms wrapping around him and the thundering sound of them running toward him. 
“Oh babies! Come on, come on! Why don’t I hear… oh.” Jaskier was happy as can be but he didn’t hear anything. No happy noises or yips and he felt no kisses or licks. He pulled back and looked at his boys. Muzzles. Hateful leather contraptions that wrap around their heads and under their chins holding a piece of metal covered leather over their mouths. 
Each boy a brief huff of air through their nose. Lambert looked like he’d been crying but happily bumped his head against Jaskier’s shoulders. Jaskier stared at their strapped up faces with sadness and disgust. How could you do something like this to such sweet babes… Geralt also bumped against Jaskier’s chest and then Eskel tried to nuzzle but the metal mouth bit blocked most of it. 
“Come now pets. We’re leaving.” Jaskier said and looked back at the man who had escorted the boys out. He had a KetchAll stick and what looked like football guards on his arms and legs. Ridiculous. He swears if they hurt his babies on their last day there he would-
There was a loud whimpering all around him. He was holding tight on Geralt and Lamberts hands and Eskel was holding onto Geralt’s hand. Jaskier loosened his grip and looked back at the witchers. They all had tears running down their faces and as soon as Jaskier had eyes on him they all started to thrash their heads and claw at the muzzles. 
“Okay, okay. We’re getting them off. Sh, sh, sh. Hold still baby. Hold still.” Jaskier said as he raced to his car and get the babies inside. He opened the back doors for Lambert and Geralt and popped the lock on the front on so Eskel could get in. They were all still whimpering. He had to get behind Geralt and unlock the three point clasp. Once Geralt got it off he threw it away from the car. 
“They put those on us! We didn’t bite! We didn’t bite! They put them on last night! They’re bad, get ‘em off keep ‘em off!” Geralt sobbed and rubbed his face. Jaskier closed that door and hurried to Lambert. 
Jaskier quickly pinched the clasp open and Lambert kicked the covering away and hugged Jaskier’s middle. “Don’t put it back, please.”
“I won’t baby. No more crying. You will never have another one of those horrendous things ever strapped to you ever again. Never ever, my honey sweet witchers. You’re too pretty to cover those lovely faces.” Jaskier told them as he finally got Eskel’s off. The oldest witcher took the straps and pulled on them so hard he looked as if he may pull a muscle before throwing it onto the ground with the others. 
“Thank you! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou” Eskel said and rubbed his face all over Jaskier’s tummy as the singer rubbed his back. 
“Sh, sh, sh, now witchers. Shush and dry your tears. It’s time to go home.” Jaskier said and immediately heard whoops and Geralt’s weird little happy noise. Maybe it was chattering or something like that. Didn’t matter anyway because all it was was Geralt’s happy noise. 
“Going home! Going home! We’re going home Bear! Esk, Esk, Esk, We’re going home!” Lambert said happily and Jaskier could hear him purring. Jaskier started his almost overly full car and pulled away. Geralt’s happy noise, Lambert’s purring, and Eskel’s high whines never ended as they drove. Once they all seemed calmed down and they were only a few minutes from the house Jaskier spoke to them. 
“I didn’t know if you would be hungry or too excited to eat but I went ahead and cut up a bunch of fruit and put a bunch of berries in a few bowls in the fridge so once we get there I’ll show you everything from the garage to the kitchen, you can eat a snack, and then I’ll show you the rest. Alright with that?” Jaskier asked at the smiling faces around him. 
“Yes! I’m so hungry! I like fruit. Fruit is sweet and smells good.” Lambert stated and smiled and looked at Geralt. Eskel growled a bit and then-
“Love fruit! I like anything that’s not nasty baby food or yogurt! Fruit is my favorite!” Eskel said happily and Jaskier could see him wagging his tail even though it was trapped between him and the console. 
“I like sweet stuff like fruit! I like grapes! I like umm jelly made out of the black berries! Yes jelly is my favorite!” Geralt said and the other two agreed. They were only a turn and a little bit from the house. 
“Well I’m sure I have some jelly. Maybe after we get a nice bath and dinner we can have jelly on toast for dessert or a night snack before you brush your teeth. Now let me show you how to open the doors.” Jaskier said as he pulled up into the garage. 
“Can we be on the grass?” Lambert, Geralt, and Eskel say as they pass the nice green grassy yard before pulling into the garage. Jaskier laughed but it’s kinda sad. Those people had them locked away in that concrete and Kevlar padded room for so long without letting them outside…
“Yes darlings. But how about you go roll around some and then come back. You’ll love the backyard more than in front.” Jaskier says and then whistles shortly to get them to pay attention to his how-to on car doors. 
All the boys crowded up to watch Jaskier pull the handle forward and then push open the door. Jaskier made sure to remind them to be gentle. 
Geralt was the first one out and he ran toward the green lovely perfect grass. Next was Eskel and he joined his brother diving into the grass and rolling around, mouths open. 
“Dadd- Jaskier! I can’t get it open… I’m sorry.” Lambert whined. Jaskier gasped a bit. He knew they would decide on a title eventually. He supposed daddy was okay. He did call them his babies. Jaskier popped open his door and opened up Lambert’s. The pet started to run and roll and laugh wonderfully with his brothers. 
The three of them were quite the scene. The three of them, easy six hundred pounds all together, rolling and digging their hands into the earth and laughing boisterously. Their plain white shirts were now slightly green but Jaskier just watched and laughed and laughed. This was perfect. Perfect.  
“Babies! Come back up here, you rascally little things!” Jaskier called which caused all three to run and race to where he stood on the front steps of his home- their home. 
“Our house is big!” Geralt said as he looked up at the second floor windows, little did he know. Those were their windows. Their windows were all road facing. 
“Yes it is! Big enough for me and three big chunky pets. Now I have the three pets, time to add the chunky part.” Jaskier said more to himself than the three as he unlocked the door. He wanted to wait a bit before telling the babes the passcode. Just to be safe. 
The three behind him were wagging and their ears sat high and happy on the tops of their perfect heads. Jaskier opened the door and since the boys didn’t get shoes, he just said “wipe your feet” on the door mat as he slipped his sneakers off. 
The boys all wiped their feet and walked through the small hallway into the main part of the house. They were all mouths open wide in awe. There was a big sparkly chandelier and grey wood floors and then the big staircase and the kitchen was so… full. Jaskier watched them all just kind of stay together and look around. They just looked and were quiet until Lambert spotted the doors that led to the backyard. 
“WOAH!! Lookie! Lookie!” Lambert said as he raced to the doors and looked through the glass at the large backyard, the pool that was covered, and the small flower garden that encircled the porch. 
The other two ran over and ‘ woah’ ed and ‘oh my gods’ ed. Then they all looked back at Jaskier and ran over and yep. Yep that’s not kissing. That is just licking. From Jaskier’s neck up to his forehead, to his hands and hair. They were all making the happiest little noises and their wagging tails were causing a gust of wind around his feet. 
“Oh I love you too, my babies. Oh come on, too much. I might die of love overdose!” Jaskier said and giggled. Soon they calmed a bit and started to kiss and nuzzle. Lambert was the first one to hug him and rub his face in Jaskier’s neck. 
“Iloveyoudaddy.” He said quickly and quietly. Eskel gasped and backed away and Geralt stared like Lambert had just said something terrible. Jaskier petted down his back and cooed lightly. 
“I love you too, my sweet little kitty cat. What a sweet baby.” Jaskier said and kissed Lambert’s head. Geralt krept a bit closer and watched Jaskier be tender to their baby brother. 
“I-I love you too...daddy. If that’s okay?” Geralt said and looked at Jaskier’s pretty eyes. He looked… young. Timid. Like a precious baby. Jaskier reached out one arm and brought Geralt to his side and let him nuzzle his neck. 
“I love you too, my precious white wolf. My little bear.” Jaskier said and watched the stress, anxiety, and tension drop from Geralt’s poor shoulders. Jaskier smiled and rubbed their backs. He then looked over at Eskel who looked scared. He looked like was either going to run away or start cryi- he started crying and ran to Jaskier and wrapped his arms around him and his brothers. 
“I love you too daddy! I love you too!” Eskel said, stuttering and saying through a river of tears and snot. 
“Oh my wolf, my doll, my baby, I love you too. I love you all so much. Now let’s dry up the tears. You don't need to see daddy become a big blubbering mess right now. It’s a happy time! Now let’s get some snacks, hm?” Jaskier said and pulled away and just looked at his babies and took his sleeve and wiped Eskel’s face. They looked new, young, relaxed, like it all melted away. They all nodded and Jaskier made his way to the fridge and pulled it open. When he turned back the babes were all sitting crisscross on the floor. 
“Silly babies come and sit at the counters. Hop up on the stools.” Jaskier said as he placed the four bowls up on the counter and watched the boys’ eyes get big and hungry and they each licked their lips. Jaskier got a few forks and spoons but when he turned around the witchers already had their hands in the bowls shoving the soft and sweet fruit into their mouths. They moaned from how good it was. So much food. So much food just for them. Jaskier giggled a bit as he watched. They were getting juice all over their faces. 
Jaskier reached a fork over to pluck a piece of watermelon from one of the bowls and that caused the three to look up at him and watch him eat. Jaskier stood there and looked them right back in the eyes. 
“What?” Jaskier said and smiled. Lambert and Eskel went back to eating. Who knew a man would share a bowl with… a pet. Nonetheless a witcher.
Geralt kept staring at him with big beautiful yellow eyes. They were like ambers in the sun, twinkling brightly. 
“Daddy, you’re pretty when you eat. You should have more.” Geralt finally said and pushed the bowl he was just scarfing down toward the man. Lambert nodded and pushed the two bowls he had. Eskel shoved his bowl along with Lambert’s. Jaskier held his hand over his heart and opened his mouth in a big “ Aw ”
“Oh sweet babies, you can eat up. This is for you! I’ll have something later. I had a nice breakfast this morning. I just thought that piece looked nice. Eat up now so we can go have a nice bath. I still need to show you around.” Jaskier said and pushed the bowls back. 
Each pup started to eat again and soon enough the bowls were empty. Each babe had a big smile on his face and their tails slowly swayed and their ears were relaxed and droopy. Jaskier tossed the bowls and his fork into the sink. Jaskier thought they were so adorable and came around behind them and hugged them two at a time and kissed their cheeks. 
“You three are going to be so amazing to cuddle.” Jaskier said and the boys giggled and purred. A wonderful low rumble filled the air. 
“Up, up. You gotta get familiar with your house.” Jaskier said and all three stood up. Jaskier told them what each room was. Office, bathrooms (which got used by all three and Jaskier learned that all three had fantastic hygiene. Washing hands and wiping.), recording studio (which you should NOT enter unless you are with daddy), laundry room. 
Then Jaskier brought them up the stairs...
<-Last Chapter Next Chapter->
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Always The Babysitter - Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street ; Teaser
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Steve Harrington x Olivia Henderson(OC) (eventually) Word Count: 623 Warnings: none A/N: Hi, friends! It’s been a while, and I know I’ve left you hanging and I’m incredibly sorry about it. We’ve done a poll on when I should start posting and the majority of y’all said ... STRANGER THINGS DAY! I hope this continues to make y’all excited for this series. If you are, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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“You okay?” Steve asked.
I hummed, and looked up at him. “Yeah. I’m fine.” Looking back at the sliding glass doors, I sighed. “Sister instinct is kicking in. I wanna make sure she’s okay.”
Before he could give his answer, if he even wanted to give me an answer, we both turned at the sound of someone squealing. My question was answered before I could even think of the question; Tommy pushed Carol in the pool, who said, “Oh, my god. What the hell, Tommy?”
He jumped in after her as Steve put his arm around my shoulders, guiding me slowly to the edge of the pool before pushing both Nancy and I in. When I came back up for air, I looked at Steve, and watched as he jumped in.
When he surfaced, I splashed water at him, exclaiming, “I’m gonna kill you!”
He splashed me back, and it felt like old times; us playing in the pool… before he remembered that Nancy was in the pool, too. As they were having their fun, I got out, announcing that I was going to get us all some towels.
After I had gone inside to retrieve the towels, I wrapped up in mine, checking on Barb, who seemed to be doing okay.
“I just… really want to go home,” she said.
“I’ll take you home, don’t worry,” I said, rubbing her arm. “That is after I put on some dry clothes.” I chuckled, but it didn’t seem to reach her ears, so I walked to the back patio, putting the towels on one of the chairs.
When everyone else got out and wrapped up in their towels, we headed back inside, where Carol said that she was freezing, and Tommy mentioned that Steve’s parents had a fireplace in their bedroom.
“You’re cleaning the sheets,” Steve said. Walking to Nancy, he asked, “You alright?”
She answered that she was as he walked over to me.
“I’m sure you can still fit in the clothes you left here,” he said.
“I haven’t really grown since freshman year, so I think I might,” I chuckled.
Steve and I went up to his bedroom when I heard Barb holler for Nancy. I’m not sure what they talked about, and to be honest, I really didn’t care. I just wanted out of these freezing ass clothes.
I looked around Steve’s room as I walked in, smiling a little to myself. “Hasn’t changed a bit.”
Steve shrugged. “Eh. There’s a new poster.”
“Doesn’t count,” I said, moving to the dresser drawer that had my clothes in it. I grabbed a pair of pants, not really feeling the shirts I had in there. I closed that drawer and went to the closet, turning on the light. “I’m borrowing a shirt.”
“You never returned my others,” he said.
I turned my head, seeing him standing at the open closet door. “Give a girl a break. They’re comfortable.” Since my undergarments were soaked as well, I went back to my drawer, grabbing a bra and a pair of panties before moving back to the closet to change.
Once I was finished, I walked out, seeing Nancy looking at Steve with bedroom eyes, taking off her shirt. “Nice,” I whispered, quickly walking out of the bedroom. Going to the kitchen, I was fully intending on making myself a glass of water and a quick sandwich to eat before taking Barb and Nancy back home.
As I was eating my sandwich and sipping on my water, I noticed that the lights flickered on and off. It was more of a blink and you’ll miss it type of flicker. What’s crazy is I thought I heard screaming, but I guessed that was just my imagination.
A/N 2:  hi, friends! i hope y’all liked this, and it got y’all excited for always the babysitter. i’m working as hard as i can on it. again, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox.
Additional Note: stranger things day is going to be lit this year! i’m so freaking excited! gives me a little over three months to get the rest of the series written, proofread while drafting and then posting! i’m so excited!
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​​​ @stixnstripesworld​​​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​​ @quanticobae​​​ @mischiefandi​​​ @kellyashcroft​​​ @lauren-novak​​​​
Always The Babysitter Taglist: none yet!
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski​.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of The Duffer Brothers.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on July 15, 2023
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jandjsalmon · 1 year
2023 FFRC - April 🌷
It's finally hammock weather in Western Canada, folks! And we've been enjoying watching the hockey playoffs from the patio entertainment area we set up once the snow melted - well, I don't know if the word "enjoying" should be used when the team we hate most in the world is moving on to the 2nd round - but it's been exciting anyway.
We've also been sick at our house for most of the month but we're finally starting to come out of it. My Bethy still sounds like Miley Cyrus when she talks - but other than some low-key coughs, she's no longer down with a fever, so we're happy about that.
Continuing along - it's rugby season - so that means a lot of driving to away games to cheer on the Spartans (which means a LOT of reading). I've read more this month than I have ever read. I was also really focused on finishing up the 'extreme' tasks at the @fanfic-reading-challenge - and I finished a few days ago. I'll keep going until I've completed all the tasks in the challenge but I can do that over the course of the rest of the year. 🎉
Below the cut are my stats and some fun fic recs for you. Enjoy!
April 2023
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So as you can see, this month I read 2.3 million words, cracking over 7 mill total - and read 922 chapters (of various lengths), and 107 full (and sometimes long) stories. I was working on some fandom challenges and let me tell you - it was harder than it looked!
As for my recs for you! Try these - you might enjoy them. 🖤🖤
Wonderwall by junkpuppet225 (Carmy/OC - M 11/11)
Summary: Carmy meets Mia at a Al-Anon meeting. She’s going through a similar situation and they become friends. Can he get out of his own head long enough to embrace the feelings he’s starting to have for her or will living in his brothers shadow cause him to miss out on a chance at love? Carmy/OC
Why you should read: THE BEAR FANFICTION! I'm not a Carmy/Sydney fangirl and that is what this fandom is saturated with, so I was HAPPY to find that someone wrote a story where Carmy meets a girl at an meeting and they just GET each other. And neither one is a perfect human - she doesn't SAVE him from himself or anything. They just bear each other's burdens and are THERE for eachother. This is just gorgeous.
Hello, Sunshine by Wonderlandleighleigh (Lenny/Midge - M 20/20)
Summary: It's June of 1962, and to celebrate being a year clean, Lenny rents a little house in Malibu, inviting Midge to join him.
Why you should read: I got back on my nonsense with the season premiere of TMMM and since I got 3 minutes of Lenny and now have to wait like 8 episodes to see him again, I thought I'd reread old favourites. This one is set post S4 sometime in the future - when Lenny has been in rehab and wants to make things right with Midge. It's SO good and captures their characters perfectly and makes me want to sit on the beach with good friends (and a handsome Jewish comic).
Love in the Time of Quarantine by @melanoradrood (Neville/Pansy - E 5/5)
Summary: a case study on what happens when a bratty sub spends eighteen months in quarantine and gets so desperate she will have sex with the shy boy from boarding school that promises her orgasms. aka muggle panville tinder au during the great panini
Why you should read: FIRSTLY - Neville is one of my most favourite characters in all of Potterdom and I wanted him to be happy almost from the very first moment we met him. Secondly - it's funny. Hot and funny and sweet. I mean, Neville wants to save her dying(dead) plants that happened to be in the back of her tinder pictures. He's a delight. And this fic is also a delight. You should read it!
The Raven - For the Rare and Radiant Maiden Series by @drollicpixiefanfic (Wenvier - E 3 fics)
Summary: Xavier Thorpe didn’t exactly expect Wednesday to use the cell phone he purchased for her. It was a ridiculous idea, a whim, a fancy. But something had compelled him to try. So, it was with some shock, two weeks into their break from Nevermore, that Xavier’s phone buzzed on his nightstand.
Why you should read: I'm certain I rec'd this before - but now there is a third story that came out this month (and IT IS AMAZING) - so I could just rec that third story, or I could link you to the whole thing and make you reread it (just like I did). Post season 1 - kinky hot but super tender as well. Funny. Just lovely. and I'm never going to complain about a Xavier PoV. He's my fave. Read this one - if you're not into Wenvier yet, make this your first foray. Come ship with me!
ANYWAY - I'm always looking for new fic recommendations, so if you have any stories you think I'll love (whether you wrote them or your friend wrote them or you came upon them accidentally), please drop me a line or send me a dm. I've found SO many awesome fics through recommendations from others. I'll read almost any pairing and any fandom. Shoot me a link!🖤
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(lastly- I'm a little bit in love with this gif of Xavier waving - and I've been purposely flooding my dashboard with Percy for reasons - so the wave might become a theme for my year - have you seen my new tumblr layout? I'm kinda in love with it. SO pretty).
Anyway -👋🏼 Hiya -I'm happy you're here! I hope you have a wonderful May and I'll see you back here in a few weeks! Happy reading! 🖤
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tealeaf89 · 1 year
Flight Chapter 1 Rewrite
I wanted to re-do chapter 1 of Flight because I found some mistakes. 
Life can take unexpected turns when you let your guard down. That's what I'm coming to find out anyways.
How did I end up here? That's what I've been asking myself for the last few months.
I have yet to come up with a good answer to that question. Why is it that no matter what happens in my life, I always end up back here?
Alone Falling Wishing for things to be different
Keelie really should just tell Victor to fuck off. He's a pretty disgusting human...if you can even consider him human.
My stroll to work has my mind wandering to the book I just started reading.  It's been challenging to focus on anything else when I want so desperately to find out what happens to the main character.
Tucking my hair behind my ear as I adjust the shoulder strap to my bag. I run my hand along the tall grass hanging over the edge of the fence leaving early morning dew clinging to my finger tips.  
The walk to work takes about 30 minutes if I hurry. On beautiful days like today, I take closer to 45 to really soak up the vitamin D.
Putting my headphones in to listen to my music while I take my time and admire the scenery.  I don't feel like I've really started my day until I have fresh air in my lungs and sunshine on my face.  
Once I get to work, I put the thoughts of my latest book aside to focus my energy on my tasks for the day.
My little sandwich shop is on the busiest street in the city.  It was love at first sight when I noticed the for sale sign in the window.  Others may have seen a run down and neglected mess.  The only thing I could see, were the possibilities. It took every last penny I had and months of sleepless nights to get it up and running.  But I did it.  With only occasional assistance from my best friend.  He fancies himself an expert electrician.      
After letting myself in, I flip the closed sign to say open. Walking through, turning all the lights on, and get a fresh pot of coffee brewing.
Opening doesn't take long, as I only have to cut up some vegetables.  Twice a week, I come in extra early to bake all the bread for the sandwiches.  There really isn't anything better than the smell of freshly baked bread wafting through my store.  
We have a small seating area for people who want to eat in.  A small nook with book cases and couches lining the wall.   A stack of blankets pilled on a stool nearby.  A set of glass doors leads out to the patio with tables and benches.  Flower buckets line the edge of the patio separating the busy sidewalk from the cozy atmosphere within.  
Customers begin to arrive.  I know my early crowd is looking for quick service.  They hastily grab their coffees and breakfast sandwiches.  Once they've dwindled away I have a short break from the rush to clean up the counters and restock any supplies that need it. The next few hours my indoor and outdoor seating areas are full to the brim of happily chatting people.  My line never ceasing.  Making friendly conversation with everyone as I finish up orders left and right.
After the last customer walks out the door, I release the breath I didn't realize I'd been holding.  Slumping against the counter as I wipe the hair from my face.
Finally, I get a break and decide to drink a cup of coffee. Just as I sit down for the first time in hours loud banging rattles the whole shop.
Seeing as this street is notorious for villain activity, I rush to hide the cash from the register in the safe below some floorboards in the back room.  
Stepping out onto the main street to see what's causing the commotion, people are frantically running down the street away from billowing smoke heading in my direction.  A gust of hot wind blows my hair back as I cover my face to avoid getting the dust into my eyes, to no avail.  I can feel the water prick at the edges of my eyes.  
At that very moment, the fight brings itself to my front door. A huge villain is fighting a couple hero's in the street. Explosions are heard like they are happening right in my face.  I step back against the wall, watching calmly.  
I should probably go grab a broom...they're kicking up a bunch of dirt in front of my shop.
Going back inside I grab some window cleaner and towels as well. Knowing full well that they'll move on shortly and I will have a big mess to clean up.  Sighing in frustration, I stretch out my shoulders preparing to keep moving.
Please don't damage my shop.  
Once I'm back out onto the street I take a seat on an overhang on the wall of my shop. Playing on my phone to kill time while I wait, occasionally peering up to see the damage. I watch as one of the heroes throws the villain violently onto the ground and blasts him with explosions from his hands. People start to emerge from their shops now that it looks like the fight will soon end. Some start to take pictures and jump up and down with excitement at the heroes.
Apparently, they're a big deal.
When they finish taking down the villain I begin sweeping all the debris away from my store front.
Pretty soon the police are on the scene and have arrested the villain and taken the statement of the heroes who took him down.
Finishing up my last window I retreat back inside to continue on with my workday.
0 notes
ozarkthedog · 4 years
Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard D***
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Summary: After a Welcome Home party, you get stuck in a uncompromising position and Chris can’t seem to help himself.
Pairings: Drunk!Chris Evans x Drunk!Female Reader
Warnings: SMUT. Intoxication. Swearing. Slight Degradation. Confined Spaces. Anal Play.
Word Count: 2,236
A/N: This idea popped into my head and it was so silly I just couldn’t help but write it. I tried to have his “Drunk” state come across hence all the slurring words. Hope it’s not that annoying to read! This drunk Boston boy has “mah” heart. 💙 
No Beta
📖 Master list  
Reblogs and Likes are amazing! Feedback and Comments are encouraged!
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Energetic music, copious amounts of liquor and sounds of splashing from the pool filled the dusky sky as the ‘Welcome Home’ party was in full swing on this humid August night.
Chris was finally home after 3 months away and what better than to throw a little bash. Friends and family were sprawled out over the backyard of Chris’ Concord house laughing and carrying on as you sipped on your wine.
You swirled the tart liquid around your tongue and leaned against a patio chair, watching as Dodger ran around with the younger kids. Their screams of enjoyment sounded noisily as they ran from the mutt.
“Get ‘em Bubba!” You heard Chris yell from across the yard.
Beer in hand, cap on backwards and dancing like a fool. Your boy was home.
Warmth filled your belly as you watched him laugh and play a yard game with a few of his friends, all yelling with excitement when someone got the small sack in the hole.
He caught your eyes from across the lush backyard and held it with a sly stare. He licked his lips lewdly knowing what it’d do to you.
You shook your head and drank down the rest of your wine, trying not to get too worked up. There would be plenty of time for that tonight, you smirked to yourself as the pleasant haze of the liquor settled in your belly.
After a while, the party started to dwindle. You and Chris gave hugs and bid goodbyes as the night came to a close.
For a moment, you and Chris just stared at one another on the slate patio. A days’ worth of playful glances coming to a head.
You smoothed down your light summer dress, unsure of what to do now that you were finally alone after so much time apart.
The alcohol made his face flush a few shades lighter than the red t-shirt he wore which made him endearing even though his eyes were darkening by the minute.
The amount of lust that radiated off the two of you was hostile, but you pushed it aside as you peered over the various empty beer bottles and half eaten food platters.
“Ugh, we should clean this up.” You picked up an empty beer can before tossing it back onto the table with a laugh.
“Nah, let’s do it tomorrow.” Chris suggested, stalking over to you.
Your breathing escalated as his face held a serious expression despite the slight slurring, “I wanna fuck mah Girl right now.”
You giggled nervously at his tone. The alcohol made everything seem way too funny, but his intense stare had your core clenching.
You knew what would happen if he got his hands on you and you wanted to draw out the yearning just a little bit longer.
“Only if you can catch me!” You shout, before running away like the drunken idiot you were.
You ran up the steps of the patio as carefully as your inebriated self could and crawled through the small dog door Chris had installed for Dodger a year ago.
Halfway through, you heard Chris’s muffled, hysterical laughter through the door. You knew he was doubling over in a fit, which allowed you to more time to crawl through the narrow opening.
You were in the clear as you pushed on the balls of your toes, shimmying your lower half through when suddenly, “OOF!”
Your hips collided with the casing of the small pet door. You started laughing at what a silly idea this was until you moved to pull back and your upper body catches on the frame.
You try again but the door nudges against your armpits causing your arms to flail out in front of you on the den floor.
“Oh, fuck! Chris! I’m stuck!” You yell frantically, kicking your feet on the slate patio.
You try to push yourself through even though you knew your hips were too wide. The small plastic door thumping against your head with every jostle.
“What!?” Chris shouts, incredulously.
 “I’m stuck!” You scream into the empty room as he kneels down next to your torso less frame. 
“Are yah serious?”
“What do you think?!”
Chris busts out laughing again, falling to his hands on the patio. His abs hurt as he tries to stop laughing when you let out a number of swears.
He coughs away the laughter and lays a hand on your lower back. “Ok. Ok. Ok. Ya’ll will be fine. We’ll get yah loose.” He slurred, calming you down through the door.
His hands cover your hips and pulled only to have your armpits halt his actions. “I already tried that you, Meatball.” The buzz from the wine still flowing through your veins.
“What are we going to do?” You utter, finishing with a hiccup.
“I’ll get my tools. But first…” His deep, quiet voice alerted you.
“What is it?” You asked anxiously, thinking one of your friends was coming up the driveway. You’d be mortified if they found you like this.
But then a warm hand slid down the curve of your ass and settled on the top of your hamstring. 
“I’m gonna have some fun.” Chris declared with a playful tone.
Your eyes go wide when you feel him flip your summer dress over your hips and press his growing hard on against your ass. The dark jeans rubbed against your ass with every languid thrust.
“Chris! You can’t!” You shriek upon realizing his intentions.
“Who says? Look at mah girl on all fours, ripe fa the takin’.” His eyes are glassy and ravenous as he grinds against your heat, the thin panties doing nothing to hide your quickly growing arousal.
Your mouth goes slack and eyes flutter when you feel him straining through his jeans. Heady lust swarms your system, taking control regardless of the uncompromising position.
“Looks like someone is enjoyin’ being stuck.” He rasped, unzipping his jeans and sliding his cock head across the soaked material of your panties.
He pulls the drenched thong to the side, groaning when he sees how ready you are. “What a fuckin’ pretty pussy.” He bends down, swiping his tongue threw your folds eliciting a surprised gasp from your lips.
You slam a hand onto the floor as he prods your core with long licks and lewd slurps. “God, I missed yah taste.” He confessed and nuzzled his face back into your heat. The way his beard scratched over your thighs made your back arch, giving him better access.
Your tight opening clenched when he poked his tongue into your core, thrusting the strong muscle in and out with quick jabs before going lower.
He flicked at your clit with hard swipes causing your belly to somersault. Frantic gasps bounce off the den walls with every stroke forcing your pleasure to mount rapidly.
Just as your bliss was about to peak, Chris pulled back with a slick covered smirk. “Nawt so fast, Sweetheart.”
You whined your frustration and laid your head on the cool flooring. You wiggled your hips in the air desperate for any friction and heard him snicker before he smacked your wandering behind with a heavy thud.
“I ain’t felt this cunt in months.” He stated with a deep growl, rubbing his pulsing crown through your inner lips.
His nails scratch the swell of your naked ass, “And yah only cummin’ when my cock is buried deep inside yah.”
You bit your lip knowing what was coming. The intense energy was palpable all night and it was only a matter of time before you two met in a tangle of limbs.
Chris lines up and ever so slowly pushes into your wanton core.
Your smothering heat enveloped his cock as he split you open with a gravely groan. “Fuck.”
Your head sagged between your arms as you felt your walls stretch around his girth. It’d been too long; you’d forgotten just how big he was. A high pitched mewl slipped from your throat, nails scratching at the floor when he finally bottomed out.
The base of his cock spreading you just a bit more around him. “God, yah cunt is choking the life outta me.”
He pulls back slowly before thrusting all the way in. Your cervix swirls around his bulbous tip making him grunt and grasp your hips with a harsh grip.
The animalistic urge to claim diminished when he felt your walls squeeze around his veiny thickness. His hips bumped against your ass with every stroke lightly knocking your hips against the door. 
You mewled when he parted your cheeks, spreading your pussy even wider for him.
“So many nights I took myself in mah hand picturin’ this sweet, little pussy.” His brows pinch in pleasure hearing your muffled cries of rapture through the door.
“I couldn’t get off hard enough knowin’ I wasn’t balls deep inside yah fillin’ yah with my cum.” His admission made your belly tighten. The knot so close to snapping as his hips shoved into your soaked heat with fervor.
His secure hold on your hips slips from the sweat tainting your skin. He smooths his fallen hand over your ass, spreading it open and exposing your asshole.
Your breath catches when you feel him spit onto your exposed hole, thumbing his saliva around as it clenched under his touch. The groan he let out when he watched your tight ring spasm beneath his thumb was sinful.
You whimpered into the flooring with every thrust of his cock as he teases your puckered rim. “I could finally take this untouched hole and there wouldn’t be anythin’ yah could do to stop me.” Your pussy convulsed around his length at the ominous threat.
“Chris…” Your body arched under his assault when he circled your rim with a meticulous touch.
You lock down with a vice like grip on his length as he drives your orgasm head on. You slap at the flooring and shout out your release all over his meaty cock.
He growls in admiration, “Look at the mess yah made all over me, yah naughty girl.”
He snapped his hips hard causing you to yelp out in painful pleasure, your cervix taking the brunt of each shove. The torturous pain ebbed and flowed with the bliss he was forcing on your worn-out body. Tremors ran up your spine as he pummeled you into another orgasm so close behind the first.
“Wish I could see yah face, bet yah look so wrecked takin’ mah cock.”
He let out a surprised groan as you came around him again, mewling nonsense and shrill yelps from behind the door.
“Fuck! Cumming on mah dick outside where anyone could see.” He smacked your ass eliciting a pained gasp from your lips.
He picked up speed, thrusting into you with a punishing pace intent on driving you to another orgasm with his on the precipice.
Chris gathers some of your cum and drags it around your asshole, making it shine with slick. Your eyes rolled back when he tenderly pushed his thumb into you, feeling his cock pass by through the thin tissue with every shove.
“God, yah so pretty bent over with yah holes filled to the brim.”
He grits, feeling you clench around his girth and frantically calling out for him.
“Come on, cum on mah cock one more time. Give me that sweet cunt.” His thumb pulls on the side your hole, making you feel the stretch and forces your orgasm to explode through your core. Both your holes tighten as you cum, dragging Chris along with you.
His hips slam into yours rapidly, searing pleasure burning through his veins as he cums with a growl. His seed painting your channel, soaking you with him.
He pants heavily as he leans his head on the door, “God damn, I’ve missed this.” 
You whimper from the emptiness when he pulls from your heat.
His cum slipping from your core, staining your inner thighs making you shiver.
“What a sight.”
You hear a shutter click and realize he just snapped a photo. “Chris!”
“Hey, this doesn’t happen all the time. I want somethin’ to remember this.” He slaps your ass making you jolt.
“Believe me, I will never forget this.” You utter with an embarrassed groan and shift uncomfortably on the hard slate. “Chris can you go get your tools, my knees are starting to hurt.”
“Oh fuck. Yeah, here kneel on mah shirt. I’ll be right back.” He rips his shirt off and slides it under your knees before running off to the garage.
You sighed into the floor still dumbfounded that you even though you could fit through the tiny door. The alcohol was slowing wearing off making this predicament even worse just as Chris came back. 
“Chris, are you still really drunk? Should you be working with tools right now?” You asked, leaning your face onto your hands. You really didn’t want him hurting you or himself.
Chris sat back a moment and chewed on his lip. “Yah, know... yah might be right. I only brought a hammer and I don’t think that will work.”
“Don’t worry Sweetheart, Imma call Mom she’ll know what to do.” Chris said with a smile, taking out his cell.
You hid your face in your hands with a pitiful groan knowing his family would never let you live this down.
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iwishtobeastorm · 3 years
Congratulations on your 200 followers! I’m proud to be one of them! Can I request a Frankie Morales with plus size reader? Maybe reader thinks that Frankie likes someone else? 🥺 angst and fluff? Thank you so much in advance, I love your writing.
“I was afraid I’ll lose you.“ “Never.“
A/N: Thank you so so so much babe! I'm so grateful you're following me and that you like my work. 💕 When I saw you requested Frankie I almost fainted because I love the man more than anything and I couldn't wait to finally write something about him. I hope this angsty fluffy thing won't disappoint!
The most dangerous thing - Frankie Morales/Chubby!F!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff
Word count: 2200+
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Celebration | Masterlist
It's as if everything around you stopped, the whole world just froze, the sounds got drowned by silence, the light turning into darkness as a huge wound opens in your chest sucking in all the warmth that you felt after Santi's last joke. You can't look away, your wide opened eyes filling with tears, before Benny nudges your shoulder, taking you back, your gaze snapping to him, the loud roaring of the bar fills your ears as you're met with the baby blue of his irises, watching you with worry. "Y/N, are you okay?" He speaks softly, his hand squeezing on your shoulder. You don't know what to say. You're sure he can tell perfectly you're not okay by the hot tears running down your cheeks. "Uhm, sure. I just need a minute," you murmur, wiping your cheeks with the back of your hands as you rise from the table, rushing to the toilets before any of the boys come back to sit down or before Benny's able to stop you. You close the door behind you, locking in, before you lean your back against it, covering your mouth with your hand to muffle your sobs as you slowly slip to the ground, clutching your knees to your body, your tears now coming in burning streams, blurrying your vision. All of this for one man.
You've met the boys while working at the bar as a part-time job to have more money to cover your university life. You immediately grew to the whole group, spending maybe too much time joking around with them for your boss's liking. They've always flirted with you, or most of them did. Most of them, but never Frankie. And you being the little fool you're, of course you fell in love with him. He was always quiet and shy, never holding an eyecontact for too long, never teasing you. He rarely spoke to you at first, which made him even more attractive in your eyes, more mysterious. But when he started talking to you? Oh boy. You learned how smart he is and so perceptive, while he told you about a new book or an article he read or that caught his eyes, while he waited for the rest of the group and you hanged on his every word, watching him with unhidden fascination. You know he's older than you, but that doesn't mean the two of you couldn't work together. Actually you think you two would make an amazing couple. You can imagine falling asleep in his arms while he reads to you or spending the weekends with the boys, playing pool or cards like they sometimes do, as Benny told you once. You could get used to the life with him more than easily, but those are all daydreams. The longer time you've known them, the more you found out about Frankie and his past. You got to know he's divorced and has a little daughter and that all of the boys served in special forces, that's where their nicknames come from. The more you've heard about Frankie the more you grew to him. A few months ago you were invited to Benny's b-day party and ever since that, you hang out with them from time to time. You know you technically don't belong there, but they never made you feel like the third wheel, more like the little princess they all have to protect as your knights in shining armor. That's when you got significantly closer to Frankie. You two found yourself caught up in your own conversation more and more often, sometimes leaving the noisy company of the rest of the boys, just sitting on Millers' patio in the rocking chairs and talking about everything and nothing, laughing together until your ribs got tough sometimes. Frankie brought out a part of you you didn't know you had. All of those little things made you believe it was going the right way. You go along well, right? What else should matter? Until today Frankie was late. You were late yourself bacuse you had an important assignment to finish, but Frankie was never late. He was always the first one there, always. It made you worried, because apparently none of the boys knew what was actually going on, until Frankie showed up with a lady by his sight. Pretty one, a bit older than you and much much thinner, making your insecurity thrive. That's why you ran away like a coward, hiding in the bathroom, curled up into a ball on the ground to cry your eyes out. This is not how you imagined this night. You thought it will be the usual. A bit of friendly flirting with Pope, life-check up with Will, a lot of laughing with Benny and nice conversation with Frankie, before you retire to your stinky dorms. Not this. Maybe you could climb out of the window and run away. No, no, you can't because you left your purse at the table. Or maybe you could pretend you were sick and sneak out? That could work, but you're not really prepared to face Frankie and whoever that lady is. You're screwed. "Y/N! Are you in there?" There's a banging on the door, making your form shake with it and you slowly raise your head, wiping away the tears that got stuck on your cheeks and taking a deep breath before responding to Benny's question. "Yeah, I- I just don't feel really well," you say, trying to keep your voice from shaking. Well, technically this isn't a lie. "Would you open the door for me?" He asks, hint of plea in his voice. "Uhm- just wait a second," you say softly, raising from the ground. You know that if you said no, Benny is able to kick the door open without hesitation. You check yourself in the mirror, getting rid of
any signs you've ever cried, before opening the door, just to find the younger Miller brother leaning against the doorframe, face curved in worry. "What's going on? Are you alright?" He asks, stepping in, letting you close the door behind him. "These are restrooms for women, Benny. You probably shouldn't be here," you murmur, trying to sound like you're teasing him to lighten up the mood and also mainly to avoid answering his questions, but there's no way Benny would let it slip. Not after the anguish he saw in your eyes and the tears that rolled down your cheeks. "Spill it, Y/N. I know something's up," he states, folding his hands on his chest like Frankie does sometimes, the mental mention of him reminding you of the lady by his side and your eyes start stinging again. "I just- didn't feel good," you say softly, trying to sound persuasive. But Benny's way past buying that. "Because of Sylvie?" He asks and you frown softly. "Sylvie?" You raise an eyebrow at him, making him chuckle softly. "Yeah, the lady that Frankie brought with him," he states, making your heart sink. "No," you murmur to respond to his initial question. "Are you sure?" Benny raises an eyebrow at you, leaning his body against the wall, eyes never leaving you, so you have to watch your expression carefully. "Yes. Can I leave now? I really don't feel good, Benny," you say, not really waiting for his approval, reaching for the door to open them, but Benny pushes his arm against it, holding it closed. Your strenght is nothing compared to his, so you know you're trapped. "Let me leave, please," you look up at him. "I saw the way you look at him, Y/N," he states, his gaze softening. Your eyes fill with tears but you refuse to let them fall. Always so stubborn, as Will says. You look down, trying to hide all the emotions your eyes could give away easily. "Why don't you tell him?" Benny asks, leaning against the door. "Because it would be useless. I- I thought he feels the same but apparently he doesn't. I don't need more damage. Would you now let me leave, please?" you say softly, tugging on the door. "It's not like that. Pope set them up. Frankie didn't want it," Benny states. "Does it matter now? He's out there with her on our night, isn't he? And- and he looked happy so-," you clench your jaw, trying to open the damned door but it's useless when Benny's leaned on it. "Get away from the fucking door, Ben. I- I'm not playing," you grumble, the tears slipping over your eyelids and rolling down your cheeks at your struggle. Benny steps away from the door and tries to reach for you to continue with his attempt to comfort you, or whatever that was supposed to be, but you dodge his hand and storm out of the restrooms. You head straight to the table, not looking at anyone, just grasping your purse and murmuring quick I gotta go, before you're out of the door, their shouting of your name rings in your ears even as you walk down the street to your dorms. It's over. It's all over. He left you. He never felt the same. And now you have nothing.
You've spent the rest of the weekend in bed, eating ice cream and watching Bridget Jones, hoping that will heal the aching wound in your chest, but by now you doubt anything ever can. You turned off your notifications on the phone, not letting a single one of the guys know what is actually going on, so Benny remained the only one cursed with knowledge. On Sunday evening you finally get out of the bed and clean up a bit, since your roommate will return tomorrow morning from their visit of their family or whatever and if they saw this mess, they'd probably beat you up, so you play some lazy songs and get into it. Just as you're cleaning up the small bathroom you have, there's a knock on the door. You at first think it wasn't your door, since there's literally no one who could've been knocking at your door at this time, but then it's there again, louder this time, forcing you to turn off the water, wipe your hands and head out to find out who it is. When you open the door, you hesitate the urge to shut them again, your heart squeezing in your chest, making it feel too tight for your liking. "Uhm, hey," you murmur, your eyes meeting the dark brown irises you sometimes dream of. "Hey. I just- can I come in?" He tilts his head towards the inside of your room, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "Y-yeah, sure," you murmur, stepping away from the door and letting Frankie in. You close it behind you, biting on your lower lip. There's not much space in your dorm room, so you gesture to your bed so Frankie has somewhere to sit down, while you pour him a glass of water. "So- what is that you need?" You ask softly when you return from the bathroom, handing him his glass of water and biting on your lower lip. "I- I'm here because of Friday," he states and you wish you could jump out of the window and run. "Okay," you murmur, not really sure where this whole thing is going. Did boys send him here because they are worried and they know you two are close? Or did Benny tell them what he found out? Either way you seem to be fucked. "What happened, Y/N? You left in such hurry and- I saw you were crying," he swallows nervously, his grasp on the glass tightening. Benny told them, eventually. It took a long time, lots of beers and lots of pressure from all of the guys but he told them. And Frankie's here to make it all good. "It's nothing," you murmur, adverting your gaze, your cheeks burning. "I know it's not nothing, Y/N. Please, you have to tell me," he reaches for your hand, squeezing a bit on it until your eyes meet his, welling up in tears. "I just- I- I like you Frankie. Like a lot. And- and I just- when you brought Sylvie I-," you take a shaky breath, your throat getting too tight with the sobs you hold back, making you unable to speak. "Shh, come here," he murmurs, grabbing your other hand too and leading you to sit on his lap. You're so surprised you forget how to breathe for a moment as your hands rest on his shoulders, while he cups your both cheeks with his calloused hands, wiping away your tears. "I like you too, darling. Sylvia is Pope's fault. I- I insisted there's nothing I feel to you and he then dared me to take some girl out to persuade him about it. I didn't want to. All I wanted was you. And I realized it fully when I saw you leaving the bar. I just- I'm sorry," he mumbles, sighing through his prominent nose, that you adore dearly. His words make you smile, warming up the empty cold darkness in your chest, finally bringing you back to your usual self. "I was just afraid I'll lose you," you admit, playing with the little curls on the back of his neck. "Never," he says, raising your chin so your eyes meet his and before you're able to do anything, Frankie's soft lips are on yours. He pulls you closer, hands squeezing on your hips, making your cheeks flush red as you run your fingers into his hair. You fight the grin on your face as you realize what this means. You have Frankie now. And Frankie has you.
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@pintsizemama @rosi3ba3z @lovelylostminds @lokigirlszendaya
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nationalharryleague · 4 years
The Best Things Happen While You’re Dancing
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Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
Word count: 2.5K
A/N: Hi everyone! This is 2.5k of absolute tooth rotting fluff that was inspired by the Golden music video and the ultra talented @theharriediaries​!! Thank you to Soph and Lu (@meetmymouth​) for beta reading and giving me some direction when I needed it!! You can find more of my writing in my masterlist and I would LOVE if you could give me some feedback!! My requests are also open in my ask!! 
“The Italians drink a lot over dinner,” Harry told you in an informative tone, an attempt to order yet another very expensive bottle of red. “Wine is very important in Italian culture,” he tipsily explained across the table, dimples prominent from his cheeky smile. “I learned that in my Italian classes.”
“Oh, did you?” you teased back at him, feeling a bit floaty as you finished your third glass, only for Harry to fill it right back up, emptying the bottle on the table. You laughed and shook your head as you watched him make eye contact with the waiter, motioning for him to bring another bottle over.
“Vino, vino, vino,” he hummed under his breath, playing with the empty glass in front of him that was soon filled up again with the deep red liquid that had stained his pouty lips a deep red and his tongue purple. The two of you sat in the front patio of a small restaurant down the block from your hotel, under a giant and bright moon that made his eyes sparkle even more than usual.
He had a boyish flush to his cheeks, which could have been from the wine or the remnants of a scaldingly hot day in Italy; maybe both. You could still feel the summer heat radiating back up from the pavement below you after it had baked in the sun all day. The oppressive heat still hung in the air, just enough for a light sheen of sweat to be covering you both that seemed to make Harry glow on the dimly lit patio.
You two had found yourself in Italy while Harry had some time off because he insisted he needed to go and practice his Italian. “Devo andare per la mia istruzione,” he told you one day after he got home from his class. “I have to go for my education,” he translated a moment later after being met with a blank look from you. He practiced all day every day.  He struck up conversations with locals, spoke with every fan who came to say hi, and attempted to translate menus and order every meal. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t, but he was trying nonetheless.
Harry in Italy was a special version of himself. He was smiley and carefree and always trying to fatten you up or get you drunk. When he was here, he seemed to wholeheartedly become the H you always knew, abandoning the rockstar and becoming the mushy and emotional man that told you he loved you in every sentence and needed to be touching you at all times. His hair had lightened a tiny bit from your days outdoors,  his skin had grown tan and taken on a golden tone, a side effect of him constantly ignoring when you told him to put on sunscreen.
You drank and ate and talked until the restaurant was closing down around you, a common occurrence when you two had the opportunity to slow down and just be together for a while, trying to forget that there was anything else going on in the world outside this tiny town. If he hadn’t captivated the wait staff with his broken Italian and charming smile earlier in the night, you were sure you would have been met with eyerolls from those cleaning up around you. Eventually, you two walked hand in hand out of the restaurant and onto the sidewalk along the windy road, both of you full and drunk, and beginning the short walk back to your hotel.
He was smiling so wide his dimpled cheeks must have been hurting, a bright smile encouraged by the alcohol running through his system. His hair flopped over his forehead, curlier than usual because of the sea air and his lips were an even deeper purple than before. His beautiful mouth babbled, every thought in his head flowing past his lips in a slightly slurred mix of italian and english; a verbal expression of excitement and clumsiness.
You couldn’t help but giggle at the sight beside you, your fingers lazily interlocked with his, tugging him back when he moved too close to the street, hoping his wobbly legs wouldn’t trip on the uneven cobblestone sidewalk. You primarily didn’t want him to tear or stain his favorite light blue blazer if he took a tumble. He once told you it was his favorite because he thought the color looked like the sky on the day you had met. You remember blushing and pushing him away from you, telling him he was cheesy with a playful eye roll. “It’s my job to be cheesy!” he had defended himself. “Also, I’m not being cheesy, I’m a man in love.”
You were brought back into reality when he stopped in his tracks and pulled you into his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around your torso. “We should dance,” he beamed, eyes wide like it was the greatest idea he had ever thought of.
“There’s no music, H,” you regrettably informed him while pushing his curls away from his forehead. You couldn’t help but lean in and press a light kiss to his cheek. His skin was warm and slightly sweaty on your lips, a salty taste invading your mouth.
“We don’t need music. All the music is up here,” he winked while tapping his temple. “We're listening to classical.”
“Oh I see, music man,” you joked, unable to contain your giggles.
“Shh,” he attempted to quell your laughter, bringing his pointer finger to your lips. “Can’t hear the music.” A sarcastic seriousness played across his face, prompting another grin to sneak onto your lips. You pressed a kiss to his finger, before giving into his demand and falling quiet.
You could never fight the spell he put you under. You lived in a cloud of Harry, an intoxicating daze that made you unable to focus on the bad of the world when he was around. He had seemed to melt down the walls you had built before you had met, a fact that made him endearingly call you his ‘Ice Queen’ every once in a while. The charm and wit he carried with him wiped away your practicality, always knowing how to convince you to play along with his antics and throw your precious caution to the wind. He was your rose colored glasses. He made your heart jump all day long and unexpected bursts of joy were felt in your chest whenever he smiled, laughed, or said your name. You were enamored by him, an all consuming love you couldn’t escape from.
“What are you thinking about, pet?” he asked softly, breaking through your loving haze. “You have your thinking face on.” A light smile continued to play on his lips but it was softer now, taking on a gentle questioning quality.
“Just thinking about how much I love you,” you confessed.
His eyebrows perked up and so did the corners of his mouth into a delightful smirk. “I mean, who doesn’t?” His smart ass comment earned himself a playful slap to his chest, but your attempt to wiggle out of his arms was thwarted when he pulled you even tighter to him. “That’s no way to treat your dance partner, my love.”
“I want a different dance partner,” you taunted, sticking the tip of your tongue out at him.
One of his hands fell from your shoulders to the small of your waist, the other found one of yours and he began to sway with care side to side. “Too bad, we’re already dancing,” he spoke softly into your ear. You two moved in an easy rhythm to a song only Harry could hear, a more caring and tender tone taking over for your previously playful one.
His cheek pressed to your temple and your bodies pressed loosely to each other. If you tried hard enough, you could hear the man’s soft hum of a melody you couldn’t quite put your finger on. Your feet fell carefully, wary of the uneven pavement in your heels, but you reminded yourself even if you were to fall, the arm looped around your waist would be sure to catch you. Small kisses peppered your forehead and you were released from his grasp for only a second for him to twirl you around, the skirt of your dress splaying out around you before being enveloped in him once again.
“I love you, angel,” he murmured softly when you found yourself resting back against his chest. He had abandoned his joking tone, shifting to a gentler and more serious cadence, pouring his soul into every word that left his lips as they brushed against your forehead. “I am so happy that I get to spend my life with you.”
“I love you so much. This is a happier life than I could have ever imagined for myself,” you spoke after a thoughtful pause. You were still swaying calmly, seeming to move in time with the cool breeze settling over the two of you, but Harry’s humming had been abandoned for a reflective silence.
“What kind of house do you want us to live in one day?” he asked abruptly, choosing to move in a seemingly unrelated direction.
“It has to be big; with enough rooms to fill with lots of cats and dogs, and when the time comes, maybe a baby. And I want a big porch to sit on together and watch the world go by on.” You felt him nod thoughtfully and with a hum of agreement.
“Do you want it to be the only house we ever live in? Or do you want to try out different places to find your favorite?”
“I think I want it to be our one house. I want us to be the crazy old people who have lived in the old rickety house at the end of the block forever; the ones who always have stories to tell and grandchildren constantly coming and going.”
“Can we be the ones who brag about never having a fight?”
“Do you mean the ones who lie?” you asked with a chuckle, looking up to face him. He broke out into a high pitched giggle, your favorite laugh of his. It warmed you to your core knowing that you were the only one who could make him laugh like that.
“Exactly,” he nodded in confirmation, still chuckling to himself.
“We can lie and say we’ve never had a fight as long as we never stop getting wine drunk and slow dancing to no music on random streets while on vacation,” you quipped.
“Sounds like a plan, my love.”
“I know we’ve talked about doing it, but when do you want to get married? I don’t want to inconvenience either of our careers with wedding planning or anything like that. I don’t really care as long as we get to spend our lives together.” The words fell freely from your mouth, the wine still running through your veins blocking the inhibition that probably should have kept the words inside your head.
“Getting married to you wouldn’t be an inconvenience, darling.”
“I know. Wrong words,” you chuckled. “Well, I guess I should have asked when you want to get engaged,” you corrected yourself. “I suppose we have to do that first.”
“Why not now?” he asked, with a mischievous twang in his voice. You felt one of his arms slip from around you and start rummaging in his jacket pocket.
“I said,” he began again, “why not now?” His hand emerged from his pocket, presenting you with a tiny red velvet ring box.  
Your mind went blank. Your usually rapid and incessant thoughts seemed to stop altogether in a mix of shock and awe. You knew this day, or night, would come eventually. You two had discussed a future together extensively and had agreed you didn’t want to spend your lives with anyone else, but you had never imagined the moment he asked you to be his forever. You had never imagined this moment.
His eyebrows slicked up, lips curled in a devilish smile, and he sank down onto one knee before you. Your hands flew up to your face and the wetness on your fingertips alerted you to the tears that had begun to fall down your cheeks, your heartbeat pounding loud in your ears.
“My dear,” Harry began as he settled onto the sidewalk, balancing carefully on the cobblestone ground. “I have been in love with you since the very first day I met you and that adorable little snort slipped out when you laughed at one of my bad jokes. You have been the first thought I have in the morning and the last thought I have before I fall asleep for longer than you know. You are kind and smart and funny and you light up every room you walk into. I do not want to spend another second of my life without knowing you’ll be by my side for the rest of it. Will you marry me?”
He looked up at you with hopeful eyes and you looked down at him through tearful ones. You began a furious nod, before choking out the only word he wanted to hear. “Yes,” you sobbed, holding out a shaky hand for him to slide the ring onto.
The ring was beautiful; dazzling under the light of the full moon and the dim street lights above you. It slid onto your ring finger with ease, sitting snugly like the ring was made just  for you. It was simple, which Harry knew was your style and it held one (large) diamond in a simple silver setting, no bells or whistles needed.
Harry grabbed you by the waist as soon as the ring was secure and picked you up in his arms and spun, twirling you around like the two of you had just slipped out of a rom-com. Delighted giggles fell from both of your lips before he finally stopped, your laughter pausing when your lips found his.
It was a salty kiss, due to the sheen of sweat still sitting on Harry’s skin and the tears that were still streaming down your own, but it just felt so right. He was warm and smiling, lips still tasting of the pinot noir you had shared. Your lips moved together in a perfect harmony like they were meant for each other.
“Thank god you said yes,” Harry breathed when you finally separated. “I’ve been carrying that ring with me everywhere we go for two months now.”
With a playful eye roll, you pulled the curly man to you and connected your lips once again, unable to get enough of him. His intoxicating cologne filled your nostrils and you had never felt more safe or happy. The love you shared felt like when the sun warms your skin under a golden hour sunset; bright yet soft, spectacular yet easy. And you were ready for it to never end.
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matryosika · 3 years
shoot me, chapter III
pairing — changbin x reader
rating — 18+
genre of the overall series — smut, angst, fluff if you squint
prologue chapter I chapter II chapter III
word count for this chapter — 3.7 k
warnings — suggestive, slight jisung x reader, mentions of alcohol, possessive and jealous changbin, choking and sexual tension.
note — i have been pretty ia lately because i'm full of school work to do. my semester is coming to an end, so i must turn in final projects and take my final tests too. i'm normally much active than i have been on this account, i promise to get back to you as soon as school ends for me. this chapter has just sexual tension but not smut smut and it's shorter than the rest but i needed to divide the chapter because it became way too long. smut promised for next one that i will be uploading this weekend (hopefully!)
taglist: @cozyblues @ahgasearmyfan @binnie-m00n
[12:17 a.m. Changbin]
i don't think we should to that again
it was a mistake
you looked at your phone at a extreme state of confusion. he had left your place minutes ago and, after an amazing session of oral sex, a lovely dinner and a extremely bearable (maybe even good) late-night talk, the walk to his car was all it took for him to develop a guilt complex?
[12:17 a.m. Changbin]
i just needed to vent but honestly, getting with you can really damage my future and that's not something i'm willing to jeopardize for sex.
you read his messages over and over again. it was the "i just needed to vent" that got backlash from you... did he really just came to your place only to ease his sexual frustrations?
you were still siting in the living room, hugging your knees to your chest. you hadn't lose self control once but twice, and not to mention it was with a man whose only purpose all along was to use you to feel better about himself.
"you really touched bottom this time" you whispered to yourself, feeling the need to take a second shower in order to rinse away all the traces from his touches and kisses on your skin.
maybe it wasn't really the guilt that bothered you. maybe it was the fact that, tonight, was probably the best night you've ever had for a while. he took well care of you, after finishing he cleaned you up and carried you to your room so you could take a shower and change your clothes.
he patiently waited for you while sitting at the edge of your bed and, when you were done showering, some delicious food he ordered was already expecting both of you at the dinning room of the house. during dinner, you told him a little bit about your life in japan and shared some childhood memories with him.
things were good, maybe too good for your own liking, but it only took a couple of minutes for changbin to remind you who he truly was.
not only that, but you also wouldn't admit the fact that you had a great time with him.
you spent the rest of the week calmly, having to hang out with changbin more times than you actually wanted to. he would often act like a gentleman in front of his parents and arthur, trying to engage in coversations with you often, asking you about your major and your adolescence in japan. you thought that he was just doing that in an attempt to hide the awkwardness of the air every time you had to spend time with him at arthur's company, but that didn't completely eased the fact that you felt your blood boil every time you had to be near him.
"you are coming, right?" ryujin cried from the other side of the phone "you told me you wanted to come!"
fuck, chan's party was this weekend.
"uhhhh" you mumbled "ryujin i don't feel good"
"y/n!" she screamed "is it because of changbin? baby? i have known you since pre-school, are you really feeling bad over a man you met barely 2 weeks ago?"
ryujin was right. you hated men, you truly did. and you were too proud about the fact that you had never cried over one, let alone have your heart broken by any of them. and it wasn't changbin you were sad about but the fact that he used you, you let him and then tried to act like nothing ever happened between both of you, which was even more humilliating. it always seemed like you had everything controlled but this time he was the one who got the last word and that was something you just couldn't accept.
"besides" ryujin added without leaving time for you to talk "i don't even think he is coming, chan said that he invited more people outside his friend group because some of them were not going to make it tonight, maybe he is one of them"
"maybe" you said "but i'm not willing to take a risk on that, ryujin"
you couldn't see her, but you could clearly picture how she was pouting at that exact moment. "y/n, you will eventually go back to japan and we will not be able to hang out anymore. is that what you want? do you want to reject your best friend on a saturday night? plus! the last time i took you to itaewon you had a great time!"
"speak for yourself ryujin" you mutered
"PLEASE" she screamed, making you squirm in your place "i promise that i will be by your side the whole time, i won't get distracted by the gorgeous, precious, well-built, amazing...."
"alright" you interrupted her "i know you are lying but i want to believe you for once"
she did a little scream of victory on the other side of the line and proceeded to set an hour to pick you up, almost against your will.
"what's the special occasion?" you asked ryujin as she went through all your clothes that were now laying around your bedroom floor, trying to find the perfect outfit for chan's party because you were dressed too casual, apparently.
"today it's the birthday of one of his closest friends" she said, almost in a hurry "and we are now running late because of your choice of clothes"
"i didn't knew there was a dresscode" you said, sitting at the edge of your bed.
"oh no, there isn't" she responded, now lurking around your suitcase and bags "but you need to let know changbin what he is missing out"
you rolled your eyes and grunted, of course. ryujin was that type of friend who would hype you up while you wear a killer outfit just to piss off a man.
"FINALLY" she screamed, finding the black dress that you stole from changbin at coex "i knew you had something around"
with hesitant eyes you looked at her handing you the dress, not sure if this easy outfit, like changbin said, would fit the occasion. "go on, it's almost 9 p.m."
by the bar incident you learned that chan, changbin and the whole friend group were a bunch of privileged men, but you didn't quite understand how privileged they were until you found yourself outside chan's house. the architecture looked excentric but expensive, at the same time. it was located in a pretty nice neighbourhood and was specially afar from the rest of the houses as if the most important value around was privacy.
you looked at ryujin and she seemed nervous. understandable. she came from a decent household but this right here just looked like the mansion of a western celebrity.
"are you alright?" you asked her, closing the door of her car before walking towards the stairs that lead you to the front door.
"this is the first time i'll get to meet chan's friends" she responded, making a grimace as she retracted "well, the second time, but i can barely remember the night at the bar"
right before she could continue talking, the front door opened and chan greeted you both. "ladies"
you bowed down to chan and ryujin immediately jumped into his arms, receiving a kiss in her cheek by the man himself "could you not?" you joked, watching chan's face turning bright red by the unexpected and euphoric physical contact.
"i missed him!" ryujin defended herself, locking her arms behind his neck.
"come in, y/n" he said, opening the door wider so you and ryujin could come in.
"who's the birthday boy?" you asked, your eyes scanning the insides of the house looking for any sign of changbin.
"it's jeongin's birthday" he said, proudly smiling like the father of an 8-year-old son "he's right there, at the couch. maybe you recall him from the bar"
you saw his face and immediatly remembered him. "yeah, the guy who just couldn't stop laughing"
"that's the one" chan said, standing right besides ryujin "let's go, let me introduce you to them"
the next hour was spent peacefully and you were almost thankful that ryujin begged you to come. jeongin, the birthday boy, was already drunk by 10:00 p.m. and kept making bad jokes that cracked everyone up. ryujin left with chan to god-knows-where and you were stucked with jisung and hyunjin at the living room, drinking ocasionally and having a good time.
"i remember you from the bar" jisung mumbled, getting closer to your ear as the music was already too loud. "i wanted to chat with you, but you disappeared quickly"
his breath smelled like cherries and alcohol as he was too close to you, but you couldn't complain. it was almost intoxicating in the best way possible.
"yeah i was not having a good time"
he smiled proudly "i'm sure i could have made it better"
a sarcastic chuckled escaped your lips as he placed a hand on his chest "you don't believe me?"
"i don't believe any man for that matter" you replied almost in a flirty way, not that you wanted to tho but the alcohol was already making you feel a tad extroverted.
"but i'm not any man" jisung whispered on your ear, making you feel goosebumps over the entirety of your body. before you could even say something back, he grabbed you by the hand and took you outside of the living room and into the patio, where a lot of people were gathered drinking and dancing.
"oh, i'm not good at dancing" you tried to escape, jisung holding you by one of your hands.
"you don't have to be good at dancing to enjoy it" he pouted, still convincing you to join him at the improvised dance floor that people made right at the center of the courtyard "c'mon y/n"
you were not too fond of dancing, but the music that was playing and jisung's insistence made you accept the offer. with small jumps of excitement he drove you to the crowd of people and started to move around you like a fool, inspiring you confidence to losen up a bit.
"i'm not used to this" you admit, moving your body to the sound of "criminal" by taemin, one of your favorite songs ever.
"there's always a first time for everything" he mumbled, his face dangerously close to yours "here"
his hands traveled to your waist and he held you closer to his body, feeling his soft and warm sking against the naked parts of your. "just let your body move with the music, it's not hard"
jisung's presence was extremely intoxicated and captivating, but not enough to keep you from notice changbin entering to courtyard.
and he wasn't alone.
your whole body tensed and you could feel how jisung stepped back a little bit. "did i do something wrong?"
you parted your gaze from changbin as soon as he saw your body pressed against him, and you gave a faint smile to jisung.
"no, i just felt shy for a moment"
he gave you a wide smile and continue to hold you even closer, your hips moving involuntary against his pelvic area and his eyes firmly fixed into you. "god, you are so precious"
"am i?" you asked, tilting your head to the side while dancing.
you could feel changbin's gazed nailed into your body and that was making you do stupid things. you wanted to make him feel jealous, for some reason, but using a man you just met wasn't something that would fit in your principles.
"mhm" he hummed, the movements of both of you getting slower as the song progressed. jisung's lips brushed softly against yours pratically begging for a kiss, but you knew that it was way too early for that.
you turned around on your place, your back now pressed to his chest, as you continued to dance against his body. his hands were glued to your waist and ocasionally would visit your hips, moving at the same rythm as you did. a different song was playing right now, but you didn't even noticed as your mind was flooded with thoughts. who was changbin with? was she his girlfriend? was he still there watching you? were you dancing with jisung just to piss him off? and most importantly, why did you feel the need to make him jealous in the first place?
before the trail of thoughts continued on your head, jisung's hand traveled from the tip of your fingers to your left shoulder, his fine digits dancing around your naked clavicles. "did i tell you that this dress looks amazing on you?"
his voice, the trace of his fingers and his scent made you act completely dumb around him, it was almost painful to watch. with a swift movement, you were now facing him again and kept on moving slowly. "i don't think so"
"well" he said, leaning one more time to leave a faint kiss on your lips "you look amazing on that dress"
and without expecting an answer from you, he kissed you.
his lips tasted exactly the same as his scent. the mixture of cherries, strawberries and alcohol intoxicated your five senses, making you unable to think about what you were doing. the kiss was everything except rushed, as if he was taking his time to taste every single inch of your lips and tongue. his hands were resting on your waist and lower back and the song that was now playing just fit the whole mood the both of you created, right until...
"do you mind?" a man's voice asked while you felt a grip on your forearm.
"give me a break man" jisung said, interrupting the kiss. it was no other than changbin, standing right in the middle of you and jisung.
"she is drunk" changbin said, almost in a threatening tone.
"i am not" you responded, trying to get out of changbin's grip.
"we are in the middle of something here" jisung insisted, trying to get between you and the grip changbin had on your arm.
"i'm not in the mood for a chat, han" his voice turned ten times deeper and his body language reminded you of that night at itaewon "i'm taking her home because he drank too much"
"let go off of me"
but he did not let go of you and continued dragging you across the whole courtyard and into the living room. "aren't you supposed to be with your girlfriend?"
you started to curse him openly, but he wouldn't slow down his pace. he took you out of the house and into his car without even saying a word.
"you are acting as if you were my owner" you grunted, looking for your phone inside of your purse "you just love to order me around, don't you?"
"that didn't seem to upset you at the bar and your house" he scoffed, his voice going completely cold as ice.
"you bringing that topic now is just miserable" you laughed as he started the car "i was about to enjoy a good night of fucking, something i never got to do with you because you are a coward"
changbin's jaw tensed up and you could feel how the car started to go faster.
the adrenaline of changbin's jealousy, the alcohol, jisung's taste and the speed of the car were making you feel particularly bold tonight, something you knew you would regret the morning after.
"why do you tense up?" you asked, teasing him "i know you wanted to fuck me so bad but still decided to not jeopardize your future for a night of sex"
you were not completely sure, but it was kind of obvious that changbin wasn't driving to your house. you tried to catch a glimpse of the street names as if that was going to be helpful to a foreigner, but it was too dark outside.
"you are not going to talk now?" you asked him, taking off your high-heels as your whole body rested on the car seat. "you were so bold a few minutes ago, trying to act like a fucking man intimidating jisung at chan's house. two nights of oral sex and i have that much of a grip on you, changbin?"
he wouldn't respond, and that only made your blood boil even more.
"you are so fucking pathetic" you muttered, looking directly at him as his gaze was completely fixed on the road.
the car took a sudden turn and parked right in front of a complex of apartments. without hesitation, he got out and opened the door for you, carrying you into his shoulder inside the elevator of the lobby.
the scene was pretty much awkward as you faced yourself into the elevator mirror. your hair was completely messed up and your lipstick was a bit smudged but other than that, you looked completely sober. not only that, but he knew that you weren't drunk. he just made that excuse.
the doors of the elevators opened on the 12th floor and you were glad that no one was waiting for it outside, otherwise they would've seen your ass on changbin's shoulder.
"you know i'm not drunk, right?" you said, still resting on his shoulders while he took his keys from the pocket of his black pants
"just shut the fuck up for a moment" he said, carrying you and leaving you standing inside of his apartment as he turned all the lights inside on.
"i knew your behavior as a gentleman was a fucking act and you only did that in front of your parents and arthur"
"you are so annoying" changbin whispered as he walked towards the black leather couch in the middle of the living room of his apartment. you followed him and walked right behind him.
"i don't have anything to do here, changbin" you mumbled, his back turned against you. you wanted to tease him, you needed to. for an unknown reason, you felt the sudden urge to make him mad, to make him explode. you needed things to escalate quickly so he would give you another reason for you to hate him even more "i can't believe i should be fucking with jisung right now but instead i'm-"
before you could finish that sentence, you felt changbin's grip on both sides of your neck "go on, keep on talking"
the lack of oxygen, the sudden movement of changbin against your body and his gaze flooded with anger made your legs tremeble "keep on fucking talking"
you could barely swallow by how hard his right hand was grasping onto your neck "look at you" you whispered with broken words, smirking as your eyes unconciously closed because of the pleasure "are you jealous, changbin?"
"why don't you answer the question, y/n?" he asked, his hold on your neck becoming softer as his lips approached your right ear "how did you felt when you saw me with that girl earlier today?"
an ironic laugh left your lips, trying to shield yourself from the obvious thing. "i don't know what game you are playing, changbin, but i didn't felt shit"
"really?" he hummed, his raspy voice near your ear made you squeeze your thighs together unconciously, and even though his hand was merely just resting on your neck, the arousal you felt from his grip was still there. "i know you saw me with her, and i could tell how that made you dance for jisung more... enthusiastically"
"you are wrong" you replied, pushing him slightly away "and pathetic, getting jealous when you were the one who cutted things off since the beginning"
"he is an asshole" changbin said with a mocking and sarcastic tone, his fingers tracing the naked skin of your arms as he licked his lips "and i must protect you, like arthur said. isn't that right?"
"he is a good kisser" you answered "i bet he fucks better than you too, not that i would know though because i never got to fuck with you"
changbin's eyes drifted from your skin to your eyes in a matter of miliseconds and for the first time in the evening you regretted saying something. "you are just begging for me to fuck you, aren't you?"
"don't get confused" you spitted "i don't want to have anything to do with you"
his hand traveled slowly to the end of your dress, lifting it up and reaching for your, now soaking, panties. his digits traced your slit and you swallowed hard in anticipation for whatever humiliating thing he was about to say. "are you sure?"
he removed his fingers from your core and were now glistening thanks to the light coming from the window of his apartment. "look at me and tell me that you don't want me to fuck you"
"look at me and tell me that you didn't felt jealous when you saw me with jisung" yo fired back, a faint smirk appearing on his face.
"i did" he admitted "i can't even begin to explain how mad i felt at the sight of your precious body pressing against his. all i wanted to do at that exact moment was to fuck you right in front of everybody, including him"
his hands toured to your back, unzipping the dress you were wearing as he looked directly into your eyes trying to decode if you actually wanted this or not.
"i know what i said last week" changbin mumbled, his fingers helping you to drag the straps on your dress all the way to your wrists "but your existence is fucking me up"
your heart started to beat even faster, your breath accelerated "and it wasn't until i saw you with someone else where i realized that i needed to make you completely mine, even just once"
you soon found yourself in your underwear right in front of him, his eyes looking at you up and down several times making you feel intimidated. you had two options: loose your self-control for the third time and do something that you truly wanted to, or leave his apartment feeling proud.
but you already made that choice when you didn't fought back enough to stop him from driving you to his place.
"please ruin me" you whispered, your soul immersed in arousal, guilt and regret.
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pregnant-piggy · 3 years
Summer Games - four
Blaise Zabini x reader
warnings: no pronouns used for the reader, mentions of food
A/N: the final part! I had a lot of fun writing something so light and without much drama and I hope you all liked it too! One more thanks to @omgrachwrites​ for the writing challenge and congrats on your milestone again -xxx-
written for @omgrachwrites​​ writing challenge with the prompts: ‘I can’t have this argument with you again.’ ‘But—’ ‘No, I’m done.’ and ‘Sorry… your hair was in your face… thought  I should move it so I could see you better.’
word count: 4.0k
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Small rays of sunshine were peeking through the cracks in the curtains, lighting up the room Blaise was lying in. He rubbed his hands over his face and let out a sigh.
He was excited for today, to finally hear what team had won the Summer Games, but he was also disappointed that this was the last day and he had gotten nowhere with you. It was just like it had been at Hogwarts—there was flirting and joking and catching the other staring, but neither of you had ever done something beyond that and Blaise was afraid there was nothing more to it.
Groaning he got up from his bed and with little eyes he searched for his clothes. Draco was still asleep in the bed next to Blaise’s and Blaise figured that he wouldn’t wake any time soon. Last night you had told your friends that they didn’t have to get up early and Blaise knew that Draco would take full advantage of that by not coming out of bed until absolutely necessary.
Blaise sneaked downstairs silently, trying not to wake anyone. He was sure that you were awake already, but he didn’t know if your grandparents were still sleeping and he didn’t want to wake them. However, when he stepped into the kitchen he found your grandfather sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in his hand, reading the papers.
‘Morning,’ he greeted Blaise and this one nodded back. ‘Sleep well?’
‘After Draco shut up, yeah,’ Blaise said.
‘He talks a lot?’
‘He whines a lot,’ Blaise huffed and then he shrugged. ‘You learn to tune it out after a few years.’
Your grandfather chuckled and looked up from his newspaper. He nodded to the backdoor with somewhat of a grin on his face. ‘y/n’s outside.’
‘Thanks.’ Blaise shot the man a smile and left through the door, stepping into the backyard of the house.
The garden was your grandfather’s terrain. It was full of flowers and plants everywhere, making it feel like you stepped into paradise when entering the place. Bees were circling above the brightest flowers, creating a little symphony with their buzzing. There was a small path through the plants that led to a little patio in the back of the garden, where you were sitting on a bench with a book in your hand.
You belonged in that paradise, Blaise realised. The green and flowers around you complemented you, making you even more beautiful than Blaise thought you could get. You looked so soft and delicate it made his heart sore and all he wanted was to look at you.
That, however, seemed a tad creepy to him, so instead he walked the little path and sat down next to you. You looked up from your book and smiled at him.
‘Look at you, awake so early in the morning,’ you laughed and closed your book.
‘What can I say? You’ve infected me,’ Blaise shrugged. ‘It’s your fault, really.’
‘No, I think that subconsciously you just wanted to spend time with me,’ you said, pricking Blaise in his chest with your finger.
‘Of course, and it has nothing to do with Draco’s weird snoring at all,’ Blaise said sarcastically and you rolled your eyes, giving him a little shove. ‘Don’t roll your eyes at me!’ he cried. ‘It’s really annoying!’
Blaise brought his mouth to your ear and started to make snoring noises. You shivered at the weird feeling and tried to get away but Blaise wrapped his arms around you and held you close. Goose bumps formed on your arms and the more you tried to get free the more Blaise pulled you closer.
‘Blaise, please, stop!’ you screeched and placed both your hands on his chest to push him away.
Finally he pulled back and looked at your flushed face. You were staring back at him with a laugh on your face and your hands still on his chest. Suddenly Blaise became aware of how much he wanted to kiss you now you were so close. He could see sun reflecting in your eyes and the shine on your eyelashes. You were so close and it would be so easy to lean into you.
It costed Blaise all his strength to let go of you and avert his eyes.
You let a sigh fall from your lips when you pulled your hands away. Blaise’s body ached to get close to you, but he knew he wouldn’t until it was clear where exactly you were standing. He didn’t want to cross any lines if it meant ruining your friendship.
You got up from the bench and extended your hand to Blaise.
‘Come on,’ you said with a smile. ‘The others won’t be up soon, let’s do something fun.’
An hour later you were walking with Blaise through the village as it was waking up. You had gone to Hank’s and now you were walking with his delicious cherry pastries in your hand. Though you loved the pastry, unfortunately it also meant that you couldn’t hold Blaise’s hand.
Having fun with Blaise was easy. You always had something to talk about, jokes came naturally and he understood you even when you couldn’t articulate your thoughts. When you were with Blaise time always passed too quickly and more than often you wished you had just a little longer with him.
You and Blaise sat down on a bench opposite of the library you were at yesterday and watched the people walk by in silence while you ate the cherry pastries.
‘Do your grandparents know we’re wizards?’ Blaise eventually broke the silence after he finished his pastry.
You nodded. ‘Yeah, they do. It’s kind of hard to hide something like that from them,’ you said, licking your fingers. ‘But we don’t really talk about it. They know about Hogwarts a bit, but not much more.’
Blaise looked at you and raised his eyebrow. ‘So if they know about magic, why’d we spent the entire week like muggles?’
You burst out in giggles and shook your head. ‘I thought it’d be fun,’ you shrugged. ‘We’ve just had seven years of Hogwarts, why not be a muggle for a week?’
You turned to Blaise and he chuckled softly.
‘What?’ you asked suspiciously.
‘There’s jam on your face,’ he smiled.
‘What? Where?’
You brought your hand to your cheek and tried to feel for the jam, but Blaise pushed your hand away. With big eyes you stared at him as he rested the palm of his hand on your jaw and wiped the cherry jam away with his thumb. It was as if your heart was beating out of your chest as he held his hand on your face a little longer, the heat radiating from his fingers.
Blaise cleared his throat and he quickly looked away, cleaning his finger with a napkin. You snapped out of your stare and looked at the side of Blaise’s face. He had been so close and your heart still hadn’t calmed down.
Pansy had told you time after time that Blaise liked you and a big part of you wanted to believe her, but it was at moments like these when he pulled away that you started to doubt.  And now you were done with the doubts.
Carefully you placed your hand on Blaise’s hand. ‘Blaise—’
However, before you could continue, Blaise took both your hands in his and he looked at you.
‘Tell me to stop and I will stop,’ he said and waited for a moment. When you said nothing he continued. ‘I need to tell you something. Something that’s been on my mind for years, but I’ve never had the guts for to tell. I’ve played this scenario over and over in my head, and sometimes it was good and sometimes it was bad—really bad.’
You stared at Blaise, waiting in anxiety. One part of you knew, suspected, what he was going to tell you, but you refused to get your hopes up. No matter what happened, you wouldn’t walk out one friend less; you would never let heartbreak get in the way of your friendship with Blaise.
‘I like you. Like a lot. And I’ve always been too much of a wuss to admit it, but this last week I’ve… I’ve started to think maybe you’re feeling the same way,’ Blaise confessed and pointed his hopeful eyes at you. ‘Which is why I’d really appreciate it if you said something right now…’
Before you could help it, a big smile spread on your face. A warm fire kindled inside of you, spreading the heat through your entire body. You took a deep breath and shifted a little closer to Blaise.
‘I like you too, Blaise,’ you admitted and relief fell from Blaise like a breath he was holding. ‘And I too, have been a wimp, too scared to confess.’
Blaise brought his face closer to yours and let out a nervous laugh. ‘Guess we’re both cowards like that.’
You were so close now that your noses were almost touching. His breath was hot on your lips, inviting you to come closer. There was a sheepishly happy grin on your face, and you feared it would never leave your mouth again.
‘Can I kiss you?’ you breathlessly asked, looking into Blaise’s dark eyes.
Then his lips were on yours. Soft, sweet, pouring with feelings that had been bottled up for so long. His hands were somewhere in your waist or on your back—you didn’t know. All you could feel were his lips and the euphoria in your body, exploding with sparkles.
You did not ever want to let him go, but eventually you reached the end of your breath and had to catch some air. There was a stupid smile on your lips and Blaise was wearing the same grin. Slowly you kissed him again, and again and again, until your lips were bruised.
The feeling you had, was growing inside you with every minute you spent in Blaise’s arms. It made you warm and giddy, but you wouldn’t want it any other way. It was addicting, perhaps even dangerous, but it felt so right. Every moment now was a moment you wanted to saviour.
You rested your head on Blaise’s shoulder and he pressed a kiss on top of your head, lightly squeezing you into his side. ‘You know Draco and Pansy are gonna be awake soon?’ he asked. ‘And they’ll be looking for us?’
‘I don’t care,’ you mumbled and moved your head to look up at Blaise. ‘I way rather be here with you than deal with a grumpy Malfoy.’
‘Well, to be fair, anyone would,’ Blaise chuckled and he earned an elbow in his side.
‘You know what I mean,’ you said.
‘Of course, darling,’ Blaise smiled and he kissed your forehead. ‘I love being here with you too.’
The field had been built the same as the first day of the festival, with little booths on the side and a stage in the back. Next to the stage stood a large wooden board, empty of any text other than ‘leader board’. On the stage stood a band, admired by the few people who were standing near.
The festival-site was already full of people waiting for the results. Blaise recognised some other Foxes, including Mica and Ivanna, two of the people who had been in his and Draco’s team for the scavenger hunt. Mica was standing with their friends close to the stage, shouting something to the lead singer, and Ivanna was sitting at the picnic tables in the middle of the field, with her baby and partner.
The sun was starting to its way down in the sky, as it was approaching late afternoon already. An immense surge of happiness hit Blaise as he walked onto the festival field with your hand in his and his two best friends trailing next to him. He looked to his side and a big smile spread on his face unconsciously when he saw your beautiful face was complimented by the golden streaks of the sun. It made you look like the angel he believed you were. He knew you were too humble to ever take that compliment, but Blaise would take all the time he had with you to convince you.
‘What are you looking at?’ you asked once you’d caught Blaise’s stare.
‘You,’ he simply said.
You huffed lightly and hid your face on Blaise’s shoulder. He chuckled and pressed his lips to the top of your head, earning a scoff from Pansy.
‘You’re all cute and stuff,’ she said, gesturing to your and Blaise’s hands. ‘But if you’re gonna be like this the entire time, I might puke. So keep the cheesy stuff to yourself, okay?’
You laughed and pushed Pansy’s shoulder. ‘Fine,’ you sighed. ‘But for the record, you’re the one who wanted us to be together.’
Pansy rolled her eyes and said nothing, but her smile gave her happiness away. She really was happy that Blaise and you were together, and just her reaction to the news this morning was enough proof—she had leaped from her chair and thrown herself at you when Blaise and you had walked hand-in-hand into the kitchen. So no matter how much she said she hated to see the two of you together, Blaise knew that his friend was only happy for him.
As was the same for Draco. He was never really one to openly show his real feelings, but even he had formed a joyful, and one might even say proud, grin on his face when he had seen you and Blaise. Of course, he would never admit it, but that smile was enough for Blaise.
‘So what do we do now?’ Blaise asked you, once your group had made in in the field.
‘The scores won’t be revealed till later this evening,’ you answered. ‘So we have some time to do fun things!’
‘Like what?’ Draco scowled, looking around the field, his eyes sticking to the people in front of the stage. ‘I’m not gonna dance, if that’s your plan.’
You laughed and shook your head. ‘I promise I won’t make you dance, but there are plenty of other things to do! Come on!’
You led your friends past all the booths, introducing them to some of the villagers they hadn’t met yet or having them try some local food.
The afternoon was spent by playing games—such as tossing bean bags, popping balloons and Pansy and Blaise even took a shot at apple-bobbing—and eating all the delicious treats the people of the village had made for the festival. Hank was back with his cherry pastries, ‘the last ones of the season’ he had said, the baker had made big sausage rolls that Draco refused to try, and Francis, owner of the greengrocery, sold large, juicy apples. Most time, however, was spent at the candy-booth. Aroon, the person behind the stall, sold many different kinds of sweets, from soft caramel toffee and butterscotch to colourful lollies and jelly beans in so many flavours it could compete with Bertie Botts every flavour beans. You bought a little bag of fudge, Pansy had a go at exciting looking round, chewy candies, Draco went for the peppermint-chocolates and Blaise bought hard candy in a nicely decorated glass jar.
All content with the purchases, you sat down at the picnic tables in the middle of the field and rested your feet for a while. While the sun was lowering on the horizon and you were all eating the sweets you had bought, you filled your friends in on the people around you.
‘That’s Mr. Kendall; he’s come to live here a few years ago but he’s never really mingled with his neighbours. It surprises me he even is here. Oh, that’s Kailey. I met her two years ago on a trip to London in a pub with my parents. We got to talking and found out we both have family living here—hey! Kailey, hi!’ You waved enthusiastically at Kailey and she smiled back, with her arm around another girl. ‘That must be her girlfriend, Irene. And, see that old woman over there? That’s Mrs. Mavis. My grandfather had a huge fight with her last year that lasted from the summer to Christmas. I don’t even know what they were fighting about, but I do know that she refused to give in even when the whole village stood on my grandfather’s side.’
Blaise, who was sitting opposite of you, rested his chin on his palm and watched you as you continued to ramble about everyone around. While you started a story about Miss Withinger and her naked cat, Blaise smiled as he watched how you fervently moved your hands and pulled faces along with your words. He could just watch you for hours and he wouldn’t be bored. You had something so lively and comforting inside of you and at moments like this, it shone through, like the sun breaking from the clouds.
You caught Blaise staring and shot him an easy smile. He opened his mouth to say something, but he was interrupted by the music stopping. Turning around, he saw a tall, dark woman that he recognised as the head of organisation step onto the stage. She cleared her throat and the field with people fell silent.
‘Good evening, everyone!’ she said and flashed her white teeth as she smiled. ‘It is my pleasure to share with you the results of the fifty-sixth Summer Games!’
The woman started telling how the results would be revealed and Blaise scanned around the field. Between him and the stage was the homemade dancefloor and it was filled with participants of the Games. Many of them Blaise didn’t know, for he hadn’t met everyone during the games, but he did see a few familiar faces. Halfway between the stage and the picnic tables stood the Sly Foxes’ team captain, Alysia Gemeti. Blaise had only spoken briefly with her after their spat at the soccer games the first day and he had avoided her mostly. Although he wanted his team to win, of course, he felt that, with how Alysia had treated you, she didn’t really deserve the victory.
On Blaise’s right, at one of the other tables, sat Raoul with both his dads. The boy wasn’t really listening to the woman and was, just as Blaise, looking around the field. When he saw Blaise a big smile broke on his face and he waved at him. Blaise waved back and laughed when Raoul made a face like he’d fall asleep.
A big man close to the stage was roaring with laughter and Blaise felt a pang of anger in his stomach when he realised who it was. It was the man who had pushed you over in the soccer game. Blaise hadn’t seen him the rest of the festival and the man hadn’t apologised to you at all.
Before Blaise could anger himself more, however, the woman on the stage caught his attention as she was walking towards the board, where two men had gathered below.
‘And now the moment we have all been waiting for so long!’ the head of organising announced. ‘Starting with the last place! Drumroll, please,’ she said to the drummer on stage. ‘Fourth place goes to… the Raging Angels!’
There was a collective groan from the Angels and a modest applause from the other teams.
‘Well done, Angels! With forty-two points you were so close to being in third place,’ the woman on stage continued. ‘However, that place is taken, with forty-five points, by… the Oiled Machines!’
Blaise watched the man who’d tipped you over slam his fist on the table and curse to whoever was listening around him.
‘They don’t deserve that,’ Blaise whispered as he turned around to his friends. ‘They were awful players!’
You took Blaise’s hand over the table and gave it a soft squeeze. ‘I know, but I’m long glad they didn’t win,’ you whispered back. ‘They did three years back and they were insufferable the next festival.’
The applause for the Machines was a lot softer than for the Angels, but Blaise didn’t know if it was because the people didn’t want to applause for them or because they were too anxious for the next results.
‘Two teams left!’ the woman on stage said and her eyes cast over the crowd on the ground. ‘The Sly Foxes—’ a loud cheer erupted from the Foxes on the dancefloor ‘—and the Red Titans—’ all the Titans, including you and Pansy, shouted at the mention ‘—are battling for the victory. It was a tight race, with both teams neck-and-neck throughout all the games, but eventually the scavenger hunt set the difference.’
The woman gestured at the board, where the Angels and Machines’ scores had been placed at the bottom. One of the men hung two little boards with ‘53’ and ‘57’ on the bigger board.
You were still holding Blaise’s hand over the table and he tightened his grip. ‘Good luck,’ he muttered to you and you smiled back.
‘With four points difference, the winners of this year’s Summer Games are… the Red Titans!’
The loud cheering that erupted from every Titan around was almost as loud as the cheering of the entire Hogwarts student-body at a quidditch match. You and Pansy jumped up from your seats and shouted and embraced each other. You joined the rest of the Titans, screaming and laughing in euphoria.
‘Well, they did it,’ Blaise laughed and he patted Draco on his back. ‘Just like they said.’
‘Just like they said,’ Draco nodded and although he had lost there was a smile on his face.
All of the Titans went to the stage where you all received a plastic medal. The team captain, Wyatt Holm, got a big trophy and he victoriously held it above his head, roaring like a madman.
Music started to play again and Draco and Blaise watched as you and Pansy celebrated your win with the team. People came up to congratulate you and when finally the crowd became a little less busy, the sky was already turning dark. The band played a slower song and as couples started to dance on the dancefloor, Blaise walked up to you and put out his hand.
‘May I have this dance?’
You threw your arms around Blaise’s neck and laughed. ‘Of course.’
For a while you swayed in silence. You were resting your head on Blaise’s shoulder and he had his cheek on top of your head. Your hand fit perfectly in his and as you twirled slowly around, Blaise could only think that this was what he wanted forever.
You hummed softly along to the music and Blaise felt the vibrations in his chest. He looked down at you and the smile made its way to his mouth without him trying.
After a while you looked up and tilted your head to Blaise. ‘I like this,’ you said softly, like loud words would ruin the moment.
‘I like you,’ Blaise said back and you smiled.
‘I like you, too,’ you whispered and bumped your nose with Blaise’s.
You giggled and that was enough for Blaise to give into the moment and forget everyone around him. He captured your lips in a kiss that was sweeter than all the candy at the booth combined. His heart fluttered and he could have stayed in the moment forever, if it wasn’t for the music to change.
Laughing and with hot cheeks he pulled back from you. You started to dance to the new music and quickly you were joined by Pansy, who brought Draco along. He said he refused to dance, but you took his hands and swung him around on the dancefloor. Pansy took Blaise’s arms and danced around next to you and Draco, who couldn’t help the big smile on his face.
‘I told you the Summer Games would be fun!’ you yelled as you threw your head back.
Blaise looked at you and Pansy and Draco, and he had to admit you were right; the Summer Games were fun.
- - - - - - -
general HP: @harry-pottery-barn​​ @potters-heart​​ @kingalrdy​​ @missswriter​​ @figlia–della–luna​​@sexysirius​​ @awritingtree​​ @bi-andready-tocry​​ @lilulo-12fanfiction​​ @ananad1​​ @treestarrrrrrrr​​ @your-hispanichufflepuff​​ @thefandomplace​​ @theeicedamericano​​ @girllety​​ @moonstarrnghtsky @swearingsolemnly​​ @weasleydream​​ @secretsthathauntus​​ @amixedwitch​​ @izzyyy-1​​ @gryffindorgirl​​ @kitkatkl​​ @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts​​ @nyotamalfoy​​​
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thran-duils · 4 years
Use All of Me (P.8)
Title: Use All Of Me (Part Eight) Summary: Fem!Reader x Dark Mob!Steve Rogers. The Avengers are heroes saving the world but in this AU, they are also permitted by the powers in charge to have less than favorable business underneath their guise of mere superheroes. Steve and Tony are at the helm, keeping their empire’s wealth in check, both devious and perilous if crossed. Steve takes a liking to the reader at a party and it may be her undoing to her autonomy choosing to go home with him. Words: 3,716 Warnings: Dark AF, angst, emotional/mental abuse, smut, breeding, death
Part Seven || Part Nine || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
Steve had not come to bed. Your shower was slow, knowing there was nothing to rush for. You stayed in longer than necessary, basking in the warmth and taking time to lather your skin up with the soothing shower gel. More than once, your fingers fluttered over your nipples, eliciting soft sighs. You were restless and hoping the warm water would calm you down.
After getting out, you dried off, throwing on a light-yellow summer dress before using the blow dryer after.
On your way down, you checked at Steve’s study. The door was open and the room was empty. Maybe he was eating breakfast. When you walked into the kitchen, it was past 8:00am. Patricia was finishing putting away a plate of breakfast food and you apologized her. She waved you off, taking it back out of the fridge and placing it in the microwave.
“Have you seen Steve?” you asked, sitting at the island.
“He was gone when I got here, ma’am,” Patricia told you.
So, he had left before 7:00am.
When she placed the food in front of you, you smiled at her. “You used the mashed potatoes.”
“Was I not supposed to?” she asked worriedly.
You gave a quick laugh, “Yes, that was what I was hoping. I had thought I would be up earlier so I could let you know I made them last night for potato cakes in the morning. It’s like you read my mind.”
She looked pleased with this comment and nodded. “Do you want fruit?”
“Yes, please. Strawberries.”
The rest of the day was slow, you trying to focus on reading your book but your mind kept drifting back to the disappointed look on Steve’s face whenever you had made eye contact with him last night during dinner. He kept up appearances for everyone else, joining in the overzealous toast from Thor, blessing your soon to be ‘babes’ and accepting congratulations from everyone. But he had been upset with you and it had unexpectedly made you feel ashamed. You missed his touch last night.
His touch.
You imagined his hands slipping up your thighs, gently pushing your legs apart. His fingers creeping underneath your underwear, delving in—
You shook the thought from your head, trying to focus harder on the words on the page.
His nose nuzzling along your abdomen, laying soft kisses as he worked—
You slammed your book close. There was no way you were going to be able to focus on this when you were getting this riled up. You were horny. That was the bottom line. You had felt it in the shower earlier and you should have given in and done it in there where it was private, and you could easily clean up.
When would Steve be home?
<> <> <>
His footsteps echoed through the entrance hall after the front door closed and you practically hopped off the couch to go intercept him before he could disappear into his study again. You skidded into the entrance hall, only stumbling slightly as your socks hit the marble.
Steve was already halfway up one of the staircases when he stopped and made to come back down, worry on his face seeing you stumble. He stilled when you balanced yourself.
“Be careful, Y/N,” he told you sternly. He turned to continue up the stairs.
“Wait,” you blurted, and he stopped again to look at you. “Are… are you going to talk to me?”
Steve said nothing and you were having trouble deciphering what he was feeling or thinking.
“At all?” you added quietly.
He licked his bottom lip, looking thoughtful. “Come upstairs.”
You followed him up, trying to keep a normal pace, and not see so eager. He led you to his study, closing the door behind you. You had only been in here a couple of times, avoiding it out of his request to not mess around in here. It was tidy but you knew there were things hidden; weapons and such that he did not want you to find.
Steve came to your side, peering down his nose at you. He was waiting for you to say something.
“You’re mad at me,” you finally said lamely.
“I’m disappointed,” Steve corrected. Disappointed always felt worse than angry, and you fought to keep eye contact. “I asked you specifically to be ready.”
“I was ready. I may not have done my makeup—”
“I’m not talking about that, Y/N. I meant to be with everyone. You were slaving away in the kitchen instead of spending time with everyone.”
“I’m sorry,” you said thickly.
“You made your choice.”
“I… I just wanted to cook.”
“Then cook for me. That’s completely fine. But when we are having people over, I want you to be with me. I want you to be with them. It feels like you were trying to hide yourself away.”
“I wasn’t.”
“I’m having a hard time believing you.”
You had prepared this excuse and executed the delivery perfect, “I was taught when people come to your house, you’re supposed to be a hostess. And that’s what I did.” Steve was quiet, taking that in. You shrugged, adding, “So, I’m sorry. Really.” Another pause, gauging his reaction. He was not budging, still silent. Giving a defeated sigh, you said, “I don’t want you to keep shutting me out because of it. But if you still need time, I guess I’ll just deal then.”
You took a step towards the door and Steve stopped you, pulling you back in front of him. His eyes raked over you, trying to see how genuine you were. He must have been satisfied with your answer because he said sincerely, “Thank you for explaining yourself. It gives me a better perspective.”
“Well, I would’ve last night but you left me by myself,” you muttered, eyes downcast.
“I was upset.”
“I know.”
“In the future, please, leave it to Patricia. You don’t have to wait on people hand and feet, especially pregnant. We have her for a reason. Understand?”
“Good,” he said, nodding in approval. You leaned into his touch when he placed his hand on the side of your face. The corners of his lips upturned into a soft smile. “You are darling, you know that?” His eyes trailed down, eyeing the low collar of your dress, and one of his hands followed his gaze, coming to rest at your hips, the other at your cheek. You ever so slightly rolled your hips towards him at the firm grip and he murmured, “I heard your sex drive can really amp up in the second trimester.” You blushed, and he smirked, feeling the warmth he brought there. “I am sure being alone really did leave you wanting.”
He was reading you like a book.
“Would you like me to do something about it?” he asked quietly.
Your hands rested on his chest and you nodded, much to his approval. Turning, he led you a bookcase along the wall and touched a book on it and you stared in awe as it popped open; it was a hidden door. He led you through it, and it led into his walk in closet. His lips found yours again and he pressed you further into the closet, closer to the bedroom. Your foot hit the plush chaise and he noticed.
“Lay back,” he ordered, his eyes blown wide with lust.
You rested against the back and arm, settled in the pillows as he pushed your dress up. His fingers hooked underneath the band of your underwear, tearing them down your legs. He laid sloppy kisses up the inside of your thigh. Tongue flat and wide, he licked up your pussy, making you shiver. He hummed in approval the reverberations adding to the sensation. His lips trailed up onto your stomach, peppering kisses around your middle.
Sitting up quickly – causing Steve to pause, looking at you with challenge, as if he thought you were trying to stop – you tore the dress over your head, undoing your bra and tossing it aside. Steve grinned when he realized what you wanted, and he obliged. His mouth was hot and wet on your quickly hardening nipples. You were so sensitive, even more so than normal. He bit down ever so slightly, and you keened, your hands groping at his shoulders.
“My gorgeous little doll,” he growled, moving to shove his jeans down. Your hands went up his sweater and he tore that off as well.
One leg hanging off, Steve plummeted in between your legs. You moaned, your fingernails digging into his forearms planted on either side of you.
“You’ll listen when I tell you to do something?” he husked, nipping at your ear. You nodded and he nipped harder. “Say it, Y/N!”
“Yes, I’ll listen,” you gasped in response to his fingers pinching at your erect nipple. “I promise!”
Your declaration was enough to get his hips snapping, your orgasm quickly following, and him subsequently. Steve’s kisses were bruising along your jawline, savoring the taste of you as he rode out his high. Your legs still trembled as you held him close, inhaling his scent deeply.
In the moments following passion, it was easy to forget the cage he kept you in.
<> <> <>
A few days later, you were unable to find him inside. He had not left the house; it was the weekend. He was staying home, he had told you so. You searched the rooms for him and then spotted him out on the patio, seated at the table beneath the large cover, bent over papers. Bryce was seated a few seats away, scouring over documents as well. You thought to grab a pitcher of water and a couple glasses. You grabbed a Sprite, slipping it into the pocket of your dress before gathering everything else.
Walking out the door, the wind swept through gently, tugging at the hem of your dress.
He heard you approaching and looked over his shoulder. You held up the pitcher, cradling the glasses. “Water?” you asked him.
Steve nodded, “Yeah, that’d be perfect. You should have some too.”
“Oh, this glass is for Bryce…” you said trailing off, waiting to see his reaction.
“Well, have some when you go inside then,” Steve replied and you nodded, pouring them both a glass. Bryce thanked you when you handed it to him.
He was examining a multi-page document with upmost attention. One hand was resting on his thigh, leaning forward as he peered over the document.
Pulling the Sprite from your pocket, you asked, “What’s that?”
Steve reacted to hearing you open the pop and eyed the can in your hand. “You’re gonna need to stop drinking those. Dr. Kamal said caffeine can affect your blood pressure and that’s important to regulate during pregnancy. Plus, it might affect the babies.”
“…There’s no caffeine in Sprite, Steve,” you told him slowly.
He obviously did not know that and you informing him of that did not seem to go over well based off the way he looked at you unamused. He pressed, “Regardless, you are going to change your diet, which includes anything that has caffeine in it. And Sprite does have a lot of sugar and that can lead to more weight gain. She says here,” he gestured at the document. “You could gain up to 50 pounds. That’s a lot of stress on your body. You don’t want to be adding any more if you can help it. I’d prefer if you didn’t gain that much. It would be hard to lose it and then just gain it again for the next one.”
Next one?
“We haven’t even had the first two,” you laughed nervously.
He sat up straight, his hand leaving the paperwork. “We’ll have five or six. Like I said, it’s going to be a toll on your body.”
“No shit,” you blurted without thinking and he cocked his head, looking at you in irritation now. You cleared your throat. “Trust me, I don’t want to be gaining 50 pounds,” you told him, holding your can of Sprite a little tighter. His gaze flicked to it and you said quickly, “Can I just finish this one? Please?”
“You’re already drinking it,” Steve sighed, looking back down and turning the page. “I’ll take the rest of the case to the compound and put it in the fridge there.” Your mouth set into a thin line which went unnoticed by him. “I’m gonna have a nutritionist set up a meal plan for you and give it to Patricia.”
“Where did you get this information? Is Bryce looking at it too?”
“No, I’m looking at—” Bryce started to say but Steve cut him off, without looking up, “No, he’s not. He’s looking at a file for work.”
Continuing, Steve said, “She said to contact her if we had any follow up questions after the appointment. I didn’t think to ask because… well, you know,” he said, his eyebrows raising. Right. How you had reacted to the news. “She sent me over information about your health during pregnancy.” He met your eyes now, “And I want you to do as it says.”
“What if I get a craving? Some women start craving the hell out of pickles. Or ice cream.”
“I think you’re craving lemons.” Your brow furrowed and he asked, “Would you disagree?”
“I…” you said trailing off, thinking about it.
“Do you usually drink as much lemon water as you are? You always request them when Patricia goes for the weekly groceries and I have yet to see that citrus juicer leave the counter because you are constantly refilling your water and putting lemon in it.”
How had you not recognized that yourself? You had drunk lemon water before – but mostly at restaurants. It calmed you down when you had it.
“Apparently you didn’t notice,” Steve said, seeing the realization on your face. “Just keep using that straw so you avoid really hurting your teeth with the acid.”
He was looking down again and you scowled at him, knowing he would not see. But then you saw Bryce looking at you, his expression unreadable. You quickly dropped the attitude and took another drink of your Sprite, savoring the taste since it seemed to be your last for quite some time. Especially if Steve was expecting to have you pregnant for the next decade it sounded like.
Something tugged at you and you followed the feeling, looking back up at Bryce. He was still studying you. He gave you the smallest of smiles, looking sad… no… like he was pitying you.
You filed that away for later.
<> <> <>
You sat on that interaction for days, wondering if you should take the leap. He had heard the whole conversation between you and Steve regarding how he was going to start controlling your diet completely and he essentially was going to breed you. Even knowing that though, you still found yourself searching out his attention. You hated how much you craved his touch too – it was a relief every time he got you to come. Your hormones were flying and having him get you off seemed to be the key to quelling all the anxiety.
It was too much. You were taking that leap. Steve was out of the house.
Walking barefoot out in the grass, you crossed your arms over your ever growing stomach. It was true, at four months you were starting to show and it was going to only get bigger – and quickly with twins –, rendering you more dependent on others for some daily tasks. It was already becoming more difficult to bend over, you trembled thinking about yourself at six or nine months along.
Bryce was walking across the lawn from the shop and you moved quickly to go over to where he was.
“Can I talk to you?” you called out. He stopped, facing you. You gestured, “Not right here.” His gaze was skeptical, but he followed you all the same. You moved to stand at the corner of the house, hopefully mostly out of the way of the outdoor cameras, but you doubted there was anywhere on the property without at least some line of sight.
“Is something wrong?” Bryce asked.
You studied him, gauging how to start. You were basing a lot of assumption about his viewpoint off of one look. But you had little else to go on. You swallowed sharply before saying in a fairly low volume, “I am going out on a limb here… but I need your help.”
“With what?”
“I need to leave.”
Bryce’s lips parted in surprise at your bluntness. He recovered quickly, countering, “How do you mean?”
“You know what I mean.”
He shook his head, “You cannot ask me to help you with that. You’re lucky I don’t tell Mr. Rogers you even brought it up.”
He began to walk away. You reached out to grasp his arm. “Please!” you pleaded. “I don’t want to be here anymore. Steve… he’s changed.”
Bryce was at least staying to hear you out. Your hand fell from his arm as he told you sternly, “He’s always been like this. Nothing has changed.”
“Well, he was dishonest with me then. He acted… sweet.”
“Has he not been sweet to you? Just yesterday afternoon he seemed very sweet, if you don’t mind me saying. He seems to be quite smitten, ma’am.”
“I don’t doubt his affection,” you said. “But c-can’t you see he’s keeping me locked away?”
Bryce was quiet, his gaze turned away from you, his eyes somewhere else along the greenery of the lawn’s edge. You stayed quiet, letting him gather his thoughts. When he finally spoke, he said quietly, “Do you understand what he could do to you?”
“What? Kill me? Perfect,” you said sarcastically.
“I don’t think he would kill you, miss,” Bryce said solemnly, locking eyes with you.
You stiffened at that.
The longer the two of you spoke the more chance Steve would be looking in the cameras for the pair of you. And if he located you, who knew how much he could pick up if he had mics? It was illegal for security cameras to have audio recording, but this was his personal house, not some store.
Bryce stepped closer, “Even if I could help you, I wouldn’t.” Your face fell and he shook his head. “It would be very short lived, this grand escape you think you can pull off. You know how expansive Mr. Stark’s technology can reach. You would have the whole Avenger team looking for you. Where in the world do you think you could possibly hide? It would be a suicide mission to help you escape.”
He was not helping because of his loyalty. He was not helping because he believed it to be wasted effort and would have a terrible ending. How could you argue with that?
“You… he will take care of you. He cherishes you. Coddles you even.”
“Exactly!” you exclaimed upset. “I don’t need to be coddled. I... If you won’t help me, then I’ll just do it myself.”
It was Bryce’s turn to grasp your arm and plead, “Don’t do that. Please!” You said nothing, your face stony. He cursed under his breath and hissed, “If you are serious about it, then I’ll tell him. You can see it as a betrayal of trust, but I am trying to protect you. Staying here and finding comfort in what you have pales in comparison to when – not if, WHEN – you’re brought back, and you try to build trust again. It won’t happen. Mr. Rogers won’t allow you to do anything. You think you feel trapped now? Please. I implore you to be objective about this. Be smart.”
Wind was leaving your sails and you let it show. If he was true about telling Steve about the conversation, you needed him to think you had been discouraged from it. That would keep it secret and allow you to find – hopefully – another avenue to escape through.
“Fine,” you said stiffly, tears pricking your eyes. “At least I can still see my friends here.”
Tearing your arm from his grasp, you walked away from him, holding yourself.
Apparently, you were on your own. You could not in good faith put your friends in danger by involving them. Steve would go to them anyway, but they would not know a thing and he would have no proof they knew anything because it would not exist.
You could not fly. That would be one of the first and obvious places for them to check. You could not drive, at least not far. Steve had his phones hooked up to both of his cars and the blue tooth would be able to track the car’s location wherever you went. Which also meant you could not take your phone, putting you at more risk to be able to call for help if something happened.
Something came to mind. A train. You could not google anything on your phone or any of the laptops though. You would be going in blind to the station. But you would be on camera there too at the ticket booth. It would be easy for Steve to get a ticket booth worker to talk and tell him which route you had taken.
You could steal someone’s ticket; it didn’t matter where. And in return, leave them an envelope with cash in its place as an apology. You would need a light coat with a hood. It was almost September, the weather still way too hot for anything heavy. The light coat might even be too much, but what was a little sweat? Plus, it would help to cover your bump. You could leave Steve’s car at Grand Central – dispose of the key somewhere nearby. It would be a little bit of a walk, but you could walk to Penn Station. The Amtrak was there to get you out of the city. There was also shopping inside where you could buy said coat – you did not want to risk taking anything from here, it would be too easily recognizable.
A train. You felt hope bubbling inside at the prospect.
Tags: @imsonick , @alexakeyloveloki, @kvzctam, @ironlady1993, @taintedgenre, @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters
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pascalscenarios · 4 years
THE ONE (Frankie Morales x Reader)
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THE ONE Frankie Morales x Reader   Summary: You make your decision about what you want. Warning: mild swearing / alcohol consumption Words: 1297 Authors Note: Hello! Sorry this ones kinda short! But The One is coming to an end! There is only 3 more chapters left! Again, thank you so much for reading! Seeing your guys like, follow, repost, commenting and asking to be on the taglist makes me so happy. Thank you for giving this fic so much love! I’m going to make more Frankie Fics in the future, but the next Pedro character I’m writing a fic for is Marcus Pike from The Mentalist! The fic is called How To Love, so keep a eye out for that. It will be coming out after The One is finished. 
Also if you would to be on my main tag list for any future fics or just only for a specific I write let me know in the comments or feel free to message me. 
Those of you who are already on the tag list let me know if you wanna be put on the main list. Thank you, I hope you all have a great day or night depending on where you are!
- K ❤️
CH 1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4 | CH 5 | CH 5.5 | CH 6 | CH 7
Chapter 7
You stood there frozen, watching him walk away. Your eyes widen at what just happened. He kissed you...and you kissed him back. Was it just the heat of the moment or was it because you truly loved him?
You wanted to yell and run after him, but you could from the words or even move from the stop you were standing.
Were you willing to destroy and throw away your whole relationship/engagement to Alex to be with Frankie? Were you willing to risk it all to be with him again? What if you did end up with him, but things didn’t work out? It would all be for nothing. Then you’d be left with no one. You’d be alone.
You couldn’t bear going through that pain again. With Alex, it was safe. You were secure. You couldn’t do this to him. You couldn’t leave them several days before your wedding. You had to marry him, you were going to marry him.
Frankie got back to the truck, opening the door and sitting inside. He was a mess, eyes red from crying. He didn’t bother wiping his tears or pulling himself together for the sake of his kid. He needed to cry. He needed to let all this pain and regret wash clean from him.
You were getting married. It was too late for him to do anything other than being honest about how he felt. The rest was up to you. He knows you love him, but he had a feeling you weren’t going to choose him. He had to let you go.
Lilah sat there in silence, staring at her dad as he leaned back against the truck bench. He rested his arm up against the rolled window, as he stared at the window.
He deeply sighs, turning to face her. The look on his face pained her Lilah.
“I-I’m so sorry...for everything. I didn’t mean-...I just want you to be happy. You were so happy with Smiles. I just wanted you to go after someone that meant so much to you as you did me. If you didn’t go after me-” Lilah started to cry, feeling guilty making more of a mess of his and your situation.
“Woah, sweetheart, no” he slides over, grabbing hold of Lilah as she sobs in his chest.
“I’m really sorry dad-I'm-”
“Shhhhh,” He says rubbing her back. “I know you are, baby. I know your intention was good. It’s not your fault, none of this is your fault. This is my own doing. I should have told Smiles about you, but I was scared they were going to turn us away. I couldn’t stand the idea of them wanting anything to do with you, their feelings, and how they see me change. So I did that to them before they could do it to us. I can’t go back and change things. Life happens, kid, and things happen for a reason. The best thing in my life is being your Dad. Being your Dad has taught me so much and has changed me for the better. Don’t you ever think for a second I regret going after you. I love you so much, Moon.”
Frankie pulls away, holding Lilah's head in his hand, his thumbs whipping her tears away.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you like that out there...”
“I love you too. I’m sorry for going behind your back and lying…” Lilah embraces him again.
Frankie strokes his daughter's hair, planting a kiss on her head. “You should have told me…”
“I know...I’m sorry” She pulls away. “Are we okay?”
“Yes, but I’m going to have to ground you for lying to me about where you were going. Please next time, just be honest with me, Moon. I’ve lied and kept things as you know, and it doesn’t get you anywhere. It just complicates things more…”
“I understand...So I guess the conversation with Smiles didn’t go well…”
“Well, I was honest with them, told them how I felt. I said I loved them...That’s all I really can do…”
“I’m sorry Dad, truly…”
“It was time for me to let them go, Moon. I’ve been holding on for too long, and It’s selfish for me to keep holding tight when they’re going to get married. Like they say, If you love something, set it free…”
“If it comes back it's yours.. ” she says grabbing hold of his hand.
He gives her a frown “If it doesn't, it wasn’t meant to be… I don’t think they’re coming back though...I don’t blame them”
“It’s us. I choose us.” You tell Alex as you both sit on the couch. You had called him up after going to the park.
“Are you sure? This is what you want? Because I want this. I want to be with you, but if this isn’t what you want-” Alex asked to make sure.
“Yes. I love you. I want this…” you ignoring your thoughts about Frankie that was slowly coming to your mind.
Alex smiles, smothering you with kisses all over your face. “I love you… I love you...I love you!”
You giggle, pulling him in for a hug.
“We’re getting married! God, we have so much to do in the next few days! But just before you know it, we’re going to be The Wentz's! We’ll spend the rest of our lives together '' Alex, states.
“Yeah…I can't wait...” You smile. Alex kept talking, but your thoughts about Frankie invaded your mind, drowning out Alex.
“Look I’m sorry, Frank, If I knew Lilah was planning to go full parent trap on you, I wouldn’t have told her anything, but what was I supposed to say, man? She’s not a little girl, and she isn’t stupid. She can put two and together.'' Santiago says holding a bottle of beer in his hand. They were sitting outside on Santi’s back patio. Frankie took a swing at his. “I know..I just wish she would have just asked me.”
“Let’s be real here, you and I both know if she asked you, you would have blown it off saying it was nothing.”
Santiago was right. Frankie would have done that. “I guess you’re right,” he mumbles, taking another sip of the beer.
“I’m surprised Smiles is still with Alex, to be honest…Smiles loves you, man. They really do. When you were gone, Smiles was such a fucking wreak. It took them a long time to get over you, but they never truly did. Smiles used to ask me all the time about you, how you were doing. I knew it was their way of making sure you were okay and loving you from a distance.”
“I should have gone after Smiles...and I know you told me a million times, but I just couldn’t face them...I’m such a fucking idiot…”
Santiago chuckles “That is exactly what your daughter said…” Frankie laughs, shaking his head and rolling his eyes.
“Are you still going to the wedding?”
“Rain or shine… I’m just going to put my feelings aside...I’m not going to do anything. I can’t ruin this for them. I put Smiles through enough.”
“Are you going to be okay to sit through the ceremony?”
“I don’t know...probably not, but I’ll put on a brave face for the sake of everyone”
“Well don’t worry, I’ll be there.” Santiago pats Frankie on the back.
You lay in bed beside Alex. It was late at night. You couldn’t sleep. Frankie’s words circle in your head and that kiss. Thinking about that kiss gave you butterflies as they used to when you were younger.
You couldn’t stop thinking about him. You had to let him go, you’d always love him, but you needed Alex. Alex was the one… right?
tags // @icanbeyourjedi​  @im-an-adult-ish​  @sara-alonso​ @lydiascottage​ @eternalkara​ 
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stillchaoticlogic · 5 years
Applin Pie
: Things are hard when you start your own bakery in the heart of Hammerlocke. Good thing your knight in shining armor is none other than Raihan the Gym Leader. You are smitten... Too bad you don't really think you're his type, especially when you see the beautiful and powerful women that surround him.
Good thing he likes you just the way you are.
Pairing: Raihan x Reader
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Chapter: 1
Gazing out the window at the fading light you heave a sigh as you glance over at the mostly full case of sweet treats. Looking around at the cozy bakery you take in the overstuffed chairs and the mismatched teacups and plates. The corner houses a fire that is just barely flickering while lanterns hang from the ceiling giving a warm glow to the atmosphere. 
You knew opening a new bakery would be difficult, however, you were expecting that being in a prime area, that cost way too much to rent, would bring business. With only three customers all day even as you tried to hand out samples to the streets of Hammerlocke, to say the least, you are disheartened. You decide to close up for the day and lock the door before you begin to wipe down the tables. Your Indeedee, Bella, is cleaning the dishes and helping you to stack the chairs. Spook, your Pumpkaboo, is floating around putting out the candles and pouting about the lack of visitors. 
You are startled by a sudden knock on the door, you to look up and you see a man standing there. Surprised you hesitate before you walk over to the door to unlock it. 
“Hey! You aren’t closing up, are you? I saw your shop on my way into work today and I’ve been thinking about cake all day because of it,” he says with a friendly grin.
You blink in surprise at the man, “Oh? Well come on in, there is plenty left.”
He smiles as he walks into the shop with an ease you can only dream of and only then do you realize how tall he is. He’s wearing some kind of Pokemon league uniform, but you don’t really pay attention to the league, so you don’t know what he does or who he is. 
“What would you like?” you ask as you go behind the counter as Bella begins to clear the chairs from the tables once again. Spook is relighting the candles and thrills as he floats about, happy for the customer. 
The man studies the cakes and various other treats in the case before he glances up at you with a heart-stopping smile. 
“Sorry, I don’t really know what to get… Any recommendations?” He winks subtly and you fight to keep the blush at bay.
Before you can even open your mouth Strudel, your Appletun, lifts his little head up from where he had been dosing on top of the case before he points to an apple turnover called a Flapple Turnover. 
The male blinks at the tiny dragon for a moment before he chuckles at him, “Good choice buddy! I’ll take a Flapple Turnover!”
“Strudel likes to help customers by recommending his favorites,” you say with a laugh. 
“He’s a good helper then! It’s pretty cool you have an Appletun, how did you get one? Did your boyfriend give you an Applin?” he asks innocently. 
“Oh… I don’t have a boyfriend. When I was younger my family and I went apple picking at an orchard and we accidentally brought home a couple of Applin.”
“A couple?” he asks as he takes a bite of the turnover you hand him before a happy groan leaves his mouth.
At his question Tart, your Flapple, drops from the plant he’s been snoozing in. The stranger blinks at the newcomer before he chuckles at seeing the Flapple hovering before his face waving happily at him. 
“So you have one of each!” he says enthusiastically. 
“Yeah, Tart likes to sleep in the potted plants that hang from the ceiling, which is fine because he helps to take care of them,” you giggle, “And Strudel likes how warm the case is and helping undecided customers.”
“You’ve got some cool partners! So how long have you been open?”
“About a week, we don’t really have much business yet… That’s why I was closing up early…”
“Hey, don’t worry about it, it’ll get better. In fact, these are great and I’ll take a variety of pastries for the gym tomorrow.”
“Oh! So you work at the gym?” you ask as you grab a box and begin to load him up.
“You mean…” he trails off in surprise.
“Hmmm?” you hum as you glance up at him.
“You don’t know who I am?”
“Should I?” you ask with a furrowed brow. 
“Uhh… No! Forget I said anything! This is great, I’m sure everyone at the gym will love these! How much?”
“On the house, you coming in has brightened my day, which is payment enough,” you say waving away his money.
“No way! You’re brand new and I want to support you! How much?” he says pulling out his wallet.
You argue back and forth with the man for a few minutes before he finally relents and takes the pastries from your hands. 
“Fine… but you have to let me take a picture with these guys for my Pokegram and let me recommend this place!”
“Deal!” you giggle. 
He carefully picks up Strudel and Tart lands on his head as his Rotom Phone flies out and snaps a picture of the three together. He’s so handsome he probably has a lot of followers, you think to yourself as he sets Strudel down gently and Tart flies over and lands on your head. 
“Perfect,” he says regarding the photo, “Hey, thanks for the pastries! I’ll be back soon okay? And watch for my post, what is your username?”
He chuckles, “Got it! See ya soon!”
You wave as he walks out of the door and you feel for the first time all week that just maybe this isn’t hopeless after all. 
You quickly lock up and finish cleaning up the place before you head back into the kitchen. Eclair your Milcery is sitting on the counter near your baking supplies. Heading over to her you chuckle as she chirps up at you. 
“Come on everyone, time for bed!” you say as you set the alarm and head towards the door that leads up to your apartment. 
It’s a cozy and quaint little place with a nook for reading and a balcony with several vines trailing down. Cherry, your Cherubi, is outside tending to the plants as everyone makes their way to their respective places in the apartment. Syrup, your Slurpuff, is lounging in her bed, exhausted from helping with the baking that day. 
The kitchen is off white with plants and vines that hang everywhere and has an airy feeling to it. It looks out into your living room which has a couch and a few chairs surrounding a coffee table. A small kitchen table is off to the side and painted a soft aqua blue. Down the hallway are your bathroom and bedroom. It’s not much, but it is everything you could want. 
You get started on dinner for everyone and giggle as Spook floats about the kitchen handing you the ingredients you ask for. After everyone is fed and tucked in you go to bed unsuspecting of the next day’s events. 
The next morning you wake up, get ready for your day and head downstairs to your kitchen as if it is any other day. You get to work on making the pastries, pies, and cakes for today. Each one is pokemon-themed and carefully crafted to be extra cute. The attractive customer last night has given you a burst of energy and even if you don’t sell anything today, you think you will still be okay for at least one more day. 
With a tray full of a batch of mini cakes you make your way through the swinging door and into the front where you almost drop the tray of desserts. There is a line outside of the door twisting around the corner. Upon seeing you several of them smile and wave happily and you smile back pure elation taking over your body. You set the tray down and motion one minute to the customers milling about outside. You technically have about ten minutes until you open which should give you enough time to set up the case. You get to work yelling at Bella to grab the trays and bring them out. She hops to it as Spook floats about lighting the lanterns and candles that hang from the ceiling and along the wall giving it a whimsical ambiance. 
You notice gasps from the crowd as Tart and Strudel make their way out of the back with Syrup right behind them. You chuckle as Tart flaps over to the window and waves happily back at the group. You hear squeals from several of the girls about how cute your tiny dragon is. You chuckle as he continues to dart from one person to another entertaining the crowd as you finish up. 
“Strudel? Syrup? Spook? Are we ready? Bella? Good to go?” With a chorus from your team, you head over to the door to unlock it. 
“Hey! Welcome!” you greet when you open the door for them. 
“Hi! We’re so excited to try your cakes!”
“Raihan said they were the best!”
“The picture of your Flapple and Appletun is the cutest! You must have been so excited when Raihan wanted to take a picture with them!”
“Uhh… yeah, he’s super nice…” you say while you rub your neck. 
“What was it like meeting him? Is he as cool in person as he seems?” asks another girl as she shoves the other out of the way. 
“Hey, guys you know his favorite was the turnover right? Do you want to try one?”
A chorus of ‘yes!’ goes up from the crowd of girls surrounding you giving you the chance to refocus them. After you have gotten them their pastries they all take pictures for their stories before biting into them. 
“These are to DIE for!” 
“So good!”
“Raihan has the BEST TASTE!”
“We’ll be back soon!!” They wave as they leave the shop only for more to come in right behind them. 
Your morning is filled with young women and trainers buying up cakes, cookies and pastries. Several businessmen and women come in and buy dozens for the office along with coffee. Friends and lovers sit idly in the candlelight sipping tea and eating cakes. Your patio is full to the brim with customers enjoying their treats with their tea or coffee. You’re amused when you notice Cherry hopping about offering mint and lavender to the patrons. They happily accept the fresh herbs before she bounces away. 
The stars of the show are definitely Tart and Strudel and everyone always mentions Raihan in passing. You’re pleased when your other pokemon garner affection from your guests too as they squeal about Spook or giggle when Bella or Syrup would bring them their treats. You’re pretty sure your pokemon are now famous. 
It’s late afternoon before you get a chance to take a breather. Grabbing your phone for the first time all day you see a plethora of notifications from new followers. You go to the very first notification and see the post the mysterious Raihan posted. You click on his profile and feel yourself become embarrassed. 
“Of course he’s a gym leader… Of course, he’s The Gym Leader…” you grumble to yourself as you scroll through his profile. You see another picture of him taking a bit out a cheese danish that must have made the girls go wild. “No wonder I was so busy today… he’s got millions of followers… And he recommended me…” you murmur as you pause on a photo of him licking the icing from one of your treats with a sultry look in his eyes. 
You settle on the photo he took last night of your two dragons after a moment of scrolling his Pokegram. 
“Got to hang with these cool dudes tonight! They help run a bakery called @SweetandSourApplin you should totally check out! When you do tell Tart and Strudel hi for me. And don’t worry if you don’t know what to get, Strudel loves recommending his favorite pastry to you.”
You giggle at the caption and feel gratitude flood your body. You glance over at the pie you made especially with him in mind and smile. You were glad that you left in the back today, just in case he came by. You know it’s silly, but he really did make your day. 
As the afternoon drifts into the evening you regard your mostly empty case and smile as you begin to clean up. You’re hoping you’ll see Raihan, but you know better than to hope that he would come by two nights in a row. As the evening wears on you lose hope and lock up for the night. 
You end up on your balcony with a cup of chamomile tea as you gaze up at the stars. Spook is munching on some poke puffs you made as he keeps you company outside. A Flygon suddenly lands gracefully on your balcony its eyes blinking at you. You blink back before your arms flail in surprise as you jerk back in your chair, a yelp escaping as you do so. 
“Don’t be scared of him! He’s a total softie. He just wanted to say hi!”
“Huh??” you look around your balcony for the oddly familiar disembodied voice before you look at the balcony one house over. Waving at you casually is your apparent next-door neighbor the Gym Leader Raihan. He’s leaning against the railing with a lazy grin as he regards you and his Flygon with interest. 
“You… live… there?” you ask in shock as you point in his direction. 
“Sure do!”
The stone house next to your house and bakery is bigger than your own house with vines growing up the side. Perhaps you should have been paying attention the past few months while you’ve been getting things ready. Then again you have been rather busy so it’s really not a wonder that you missed your handsome and famous neighbor. 
“Oh…” You blink back at him while your exhausted brain attempts to catch up. 
Raihan laughs as his Flygon leans forward and sniffs you before chirping at you happily. 
“Hello,” you murmur as you gently lift your hand and run it along his neck, “Perhaps you would like a poke puff too?”
The pokemon chirps at you as you get up and head into your house before you emerge a moment later with a bag in your hand. Tart yawns as he follows you back outside and lands on your shoulder as he sniffs at the much larger dragon. You reach into the bag and pull out a puff that you hand to the dragon in front of you before you grab another one for the one on your shoulder. 
“He likes you!” laughs Raihan before he calls his partner back over to him. You chuckle as you watch Flygon show Raihan his treat before he eats it. 
“Thank you!” you blurt out suddenly.
“Huh? For what?” he asks as he pauses petting his companion. 
“For the recommendation… I sold almost everything today thanks to you!”
“Naw I just let them know you were there, you did everything else.”
“Still… thank you…”
“Anytime, Princess.”
You chuckle at the nickname, “I bet you call all the girls princess… Gym Leader Raihan.”
He winces when you say his title, “So you found me out, huh?”
“You made it kinda easy…”
He sighs as he puts his hands on his hips and looks up at the night sky, “Could you just… pretend you don’t know?”
“Huh? Why?” you tilt your head at his request.
“It was nice talking to you without having to be… Dragon Tamer Raihan… It was cool being just Raihan.”
“Well, you are just Raihan… I mean it’s cool that you’re a gym leader and you get to do what you love, but that doesn’t change who you are as a person. Plus… no offense… I don’t really pay attention to league stuff...”
“No offense taken princess,” he says with a chuckle.
“So...I uh… made an apple pie last night to try out a new design and recipe for the store… do you want to come over and test it out with me?” You’re glad the darkness hides your blush, and although you already know that this recipe is delicious your little white lie seems much less creepy than you just making him a pie.
“Princess I will never say ‘no’ to anything that you make. I’ll be right there!”
He runs into his house and disappears before you hear his front door open. 
“Come to the back!” you yell down at him as you lean over the railing. 
He sends you a thumbs up before you turn around and head to your back door. A moment later you hear footsteps coming up your back stairs and you let him in. 
“Cute place,” he says as he ducks his head to enter your home. 
“Oh… thanks!” you smile as you turn around to grab the pie that looks almost exactly like Strudel.
“That’s not actually your Appletun, right? It looks exactly like him!” he says in awe. 
You giggle, “Nope! It took me a long time to get this right! Here!” you say as you hand him a slice. 
He takes a bite and his eye widen in amazement, “This is amazing…” he says before he takes another mouth full. 
“I’m glad you like it! Here, try this as well! It’s a spiced tea, I think the spices complement one another quite well, don’t you?”
He quickly takes a sip before he devours another bite of his pie, “That’s it, you’re staying in business and right next door to me if I have anything to say about it! I’m not giving up my new job as an official taste tester.”
“Well if business continues like it did today you won’t have anything to worry about,” you say as you clap your hands together in excitement. 
“I’m glad you were busy today! I couldn’t stand seeing that look of disappointment on your face.”
“When did you see that?” you ask looking away from him. 
“When I knocked yesterday you looked so disappointed, I had to figure out a way to see that beautiful smile of yours.”
“Hush Raihan…” you say with a blush.
“It’s true! I saw you getting everything ready for your bakery to open and you were so excited! I loved seeing your smile, it always made my day brighter.”
You look away from him and blush, “I bet you say that to all the girls,” you say with a giggle as you playfully hit his arm. 
“Just the pretty ones who know how to bake,” he says with a wink.
You roll your eyes, “So cheesy…”
“You love cheese! I know you do!”
You cut yourself a slice of the pie as a means of distracting yourself just as Strudel comes striding towards the two of you. 
“Hey buddy,” Raihan says as he bends down to greet the tiny dragon, “Did you recommend all kinds of treats today?”
Strudel chirps up at Raihan, clearly happy to see him again as Raihan rubs the Appletun under his chin. 
“You train dragons right?”
“That’s right!”
“I bet you have a lot of cool pokemon…”
“I do have a really cool team. They are the best a guy could ask for. Do you battle?” he glances over his shoulder at you. 
“Not really…Sometimes I will, but I don’t have much of a reason to.”
“So you aren’t interested in battling at all?”
“Ahh well, I wouldn’t say that…” you hesitate as you find the right words, “I’m just out of practice. I battled when I was younger a bit, but I haven’t had much of a reason to lately.”
You shrug your shoulders as you regard Raihan. 
“If you like battles, I would love it if you would come to my match on Saturday. It’s an exhibition match with Allister.” 
“Who’s Allister? Another gym leader?”
Raihan laughs, not in a cruel way, perhaps more at himself before he answers you, “Yeah, he’s the Ghost-type leader of Stow-on-Side gym.”
“I love ghost types! I think they’re fun!”
“They are pretty fun! Do you have any others besides your Pumpkaboo?”
“No…” you say looking down slightly disappointed, “I’ve always wanted a Litwick or a Dreepy! Maybe even a Mimikyu!” Your eyes light up in excitement thinking about the cute ghosts you’ve always wanted. 
“Why don’t you catch one then?”
“I don’t know… I’ve been really focused on the bakery you know? It’s a lot of work and my friends are very helpful, I doubt I would have time for another Pokemon right now…”
“I get it… Too bad though… you would look cute with a Dreepy riding on your shoulder or a Mimikyu following along behind you… I bet your Pumpkaboo could show a Litwick the ropes…” he says looking at you as if he was imagining the pokemon keeping you company, his head resting on his hand and that lazy smile on his handsome face. 
You cock your head to the side, “What? You don’t think I’m cute now?” you tease.
“Ahh… So we’re going to play that game huh? You know you’re adorable, Princess.”
You laugh as you regard the dragon tamer before you murmur, “Alright I believe you…”
“I’m hurt, princess! Do you think I would lie to you?”
“Of course not, Raihan,” you chuckle as you grab his dirty plate from him. 
“Why do I have a feeling you’re going to spoil me?” Raihan asks as he regards you over the tea in his hands. 
“What do you mean?”
“Nothing, Princess… So are you coming to my battle on Saturday?”
“I’ll be there!”
“Excellent! I’m going to head home so you can get some rest, I’m sure you’re tired after your busy day.”
“Ok … Thanks for being my taste tester and for supporting me today.”
“Anytime princess… Anytime…”
“Good night!”
“Hey! Don’t forget your promise okay? I’m getting your ticket tomorrow!”
“I won’t forget!”
“Okay, I’m holding you to that! Good night.”
You smile as you watch him turn the corner before you close the door and giggle. You notice the look that Strudel is giving you and you frown at the little dragon. 
“Oh hush…”
He chirps up at you knowingly before you both head to bed to start another day.
Notes: Hey guys just something cute I’ve been working on! I hope you enjoy it! Leave a comment and some love and reblog to show support! 
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