#i spent a lot of time laying on the floor with him today since he didn't want to be in his dog bed
myanmy · 6 months
Unrequired feelings
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Summary: You fell for Jack and you thought he liked you too, only to be proven the contary.
Word count: 1720
Warnings: cheating? But not cheating because they weren't together. (as you can see I'm very good with warnings)
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Your relationship with Jack had always been weird. In the beginning it was because you were a woman and he wasn’t used to having that just yet on his ship, but he felt obligated to help you, since he was partially the reason the house you worked so hard on building burned to the ground. You were rightfully mad and against all your survival instincts, went to have a talk with the famous Captain Jack Sparrow himself and let him hear a piece of your mind. When you somehow manage to find his ship the men on his crew refused to tell you where the goddamned pirate was, but you had previously heard a lot of stories about him and the most famous one was that he was a drunk who spent the majority of his money and time on rum and women. Luckily the rumors had been right and you found him in the second pub you search, mentally you ask yourself how the hell the hundreds of people searching for him didn’t already have him locked up, the man was as obvious as a rock. You ordered him to repay the damages for your house and he obviously didn’t have that amount of money on him, so instead he offered you a deal and now you are sure you weren’t in your right state of mind, because you had accepted. 
Eventually your relationship had gotten better, the nasty looks you gave him stopped and you had even grown to like the dumb and yet so lucky bastard. Your relationship with the crew had also grown immensely, at first they seemed skeptical and even disappointed in their captain for bringing a woman on deck, but with time some just learned to accept you while the majority had become your friends and at some point you had began to see them as a family, a family that supported each other, saved each other asses while also annoying the shit out of you.
Your interactions with Jack had become strange to say the least, you would spend the whole night on the deck while drinking rum, him managing to drown a whole lot more than you, but still. You would talk for hours and hours and when there was nothing else to talk about, you would stare at the sky, laying on the wood floor of the ship while lost in your own separate thoughts, the silence always comforting and never awkward. That was until the next morning, where Jack would avoid you at all costs, when you asked a question he would answer with short answers and didn’t even bother looking at you, when he felt hungry and was planning to get something to eat, he wouldn't call you to eat with him as usual. The urge to punch his beautiful face was always huge, but you also wanted to understand what was going on with him. How can someone be talking all night about their life stories and the next day just act like you are a complete burden? 
Then Elizabeth Swann came, you didn’t hate the girl, god knows she’s in a worst situation that you are, however you didn’t like the fact that now Jack had all the time in the world for this girl he just met. It was one of those nights, where the sea was quiet and for some reason sleep just didn’t seem to be your friend today, so you grab a robe beside the bed and wrap it around yourself. Jack had stolen the robe from a rich old woman’s house and gifted it to you, saying he thought of you as soon as he saw it. The rich fabric felt like clouds in your skin, making you warmer against the cold that was surely out on the deck. You make your steps as light as possible, aware that the wood creaked with the smallest of movements. You open the door to the main deck, only to hear voices on the quarter deck above you, two voices to be precise. One you had learned to like quite a lot, the other you were just growing accustomed to. You hear Jack telling Elizabeth one of his unbelievable stories he had told you, followed by her laughing and adding a few questions, only for him to answer them quite excitedly, just like he had done with you.
You feel a weird thing in your heart, the feeling traveling up to your throat and you felt like you were back to when you were a little child, holding the tears in while telling yourself how stupid you are and how you’re over exaggerating it. You stay there for a few more minutes, your body and mind telling you to stop and listen, maybe he would leave some details out while telling that story to her, maybe he wouldn't tell her the most sensitive topics he had told you, because he had said that he hadn’t told that story to anyone else and had only told you because he trusted you, right? Right?
You stayed long enough to figure he wasn’t leaving any part out and slowly closed the door, hoping they wouldn’t notice the sound of it closing. Luckily because you were a girl, the crew had agreed that it was better if you had a little place for yourself and didn’t sleep in the hammocks between the men, you thought they were being mean and just didn’t want to be close to you, however now you were totally glad they did it. You weren’t sure if they had done it because they just didn’t like you back then or simply wanted you to be comfortable and in the process make themselves comfortable, that didn’t matter now, but you sure were glad and thankful that you had your own small tiny room for yourself. You laid on the bed and let the tears fall slowly, telling yourself that it was okay to over exaggerate while you were alone. In the morning when you wake up you can go back to the non feeling and definitely not a sad person that had lost one of the most precious friends they had.
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The next weeks kept going on like this, some nights you would awake late at night and open the door to the main deck slightly, hoping there would be no voices and while sometimes there weren’t, most did and you would go back to your room, each night crying a little less.
“What’s goin’ on lass?” Gibbs asks while you try to tie some knots to keep everything in place.
“Nothing.” You answer, swiping the sleeve of your shirt on your forehead.
“There’s definitely somethin’. You aren’t even looking at him with the angry stare.” He adds.
You sigh, talking about your feelings were not something you were good at, especially when you yourself wasn’t sure what exactly you were feeling. “It’s nothing Gibbs.” You feel his eyes on you for a few more seconds, making it obvious he didn’t believe you, but eventually gave up and walked away.
That night you couldn’t even close your eyes properly and decide to try the deck, praying to whatever god was listening that they weren’t there. When you open the door the slightest bit and don’t listen to their voices, you almost let out a long breath, only when you open the door a bit more and look up, you see them…kissing. One of his hands is around her waist while the other is on the back of her head and her arms are around his neck, their lips meeting in a hungry kiss. You normally would manage the tears until you were back in your room, this time however they flowed as you watched, watched as she had everything you wanted. When you come back to your senses, you simply turn around, not caring about the open door, a clear sign that someone had been there, though you were sure they wouldn’t figure it was you.
You always knew Jack had his affairs, I mean, he was Jack Sparrow. His life involved around rum, the sea and women, but for some reason this one felt different and it hurt, it hurt so much. You didn’t want to admit it, but you had fallen for the pirate, even with you knowing it wasn't a good idea falling for a pirate, especially one with so much of a reputation. 
That night you spend crying and writing letters to your closest friends, Gibbs and some men in the crew you had befriended. You tried writing a letter for Jack, only to write his name and not a word surging in your mind after, so after hundreds of tries you give up and throw all the wasted paper on the trash. Tomorrow the ship would stop in Tortuga and you would wait until everyone got off before you put all the letters in the specific hammocks and then…you would leave. Leave this life behind, leave all the running and stealing, but mainly, you would leave him.
A short time after the sun had risen, the ship stopped in the port. Your hands were sweaty, your breath was short, and your pulse was pounding in your ears. You were nervous, and there was no way around it. This was a big moment, something you had been dreading for hours and now that it was here, all you could do was try to keep your head on straight. Your nerves were frayed, but you were going to do this, one way or another. 
After all you could hear were voices from outside the ship, the soft wind and the calm waves is when you start doing everything you had planned. You place the letters, each one gaining a tear dropping from your eyes, then you grab the essential things you had already placed in a bag. You take one last look around, flashes of good memories appearing everywhere you look, but unfortunately memories aren't enough to keep you here. You step out of the ship, knowing this was the last time you would ever be seeing it and as childish as it sounds, you mentally say goodbye, goodbye to everyone and to everything involving pirates, but more specifically Captain Jack Sparrow.
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I'm writting new characters yay. Don't worry, I'll still write for Rick, trust me when I say that my crushes always stay the same, so at some point I'll write for him again. I've noticed that there isn't a lot of Jack Sparrow fanfics out here and it's so sad, I mean, it's Johnny Depp, have writers really not seen him as Jack? Anyways, so I thought I'd give it a try. Hope you guys enjoy it. 💟
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your-local-hoemie · 1 year
What if we spend the entire day with him and then when we come home, we give him another surprise *wink wink* (pls tell me yk what i mean 😭😭 i dont know how to say these things withoit feeling awkward)
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My fingers went nYoooooom! Also don’t feel awkward! I hear you and I shall feed you the crumbs of my brain basement
At least I hope this is what you mean otherwise I’m so sorry for your eyeballs-
warnings: ns!fw, Oral spice, lots of spicy words (I went all in for this one aaAAA), swearing, gn!reader, not proof-read.
Characters: Tartaglia (Childe is the worst name for spice istfggggg)
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It had been a busy week preparing for the big day.
You could of been doing commissions, relaxing with friends, enjoying the beach and the warm summer sea, but no-
You had been practically ripping your hair out planning for you boyfriends birthday.
Tartaglia was a very… interesting character-
You knew he’d love whatever you got him but the thing is, nothing felt special.
He had the ability to buy anything he wanted, whenever he wanted. So trying to find something that would impress the ginger was becoming more challenging than his impromptu sparring “dates”.
That was until you caught sight of a small, very discreet looking stall hidden behind some crates near Liyue’s harbour that sold silk clothing that definitely wasn’t intended to stay on for long.
And so began your special birthday surprise~
“There’s my birthday boy!”
Running over to Tartaglia, you flung your arms tight around his waist.
The day In question had finally arrived and so had your mildly insane but lovable boyfriend.
“And there’s my favourite comrade! Didn’t miss me too much now did you?”
Smiling wildly, you rolled your eyes at him before the two of you started catching up on what he had been doing the past few days that he was away.
As a few minutes turned into hours, you both talked and walked around Liyue, visiting your favourite spots and giving him a giant whale plushie that you had spent the last few days seeing together, along with a extremely romantic dinner at the Liuli Pavilion.
When I say romantic I mean romantic-
The table was set with candles and silk flower petals, and not a chopstick to be seen, much to the gingers relief.
“You know, you’ve really impressed me this time. I don’t think I could of asked for a better birthday even if I tried”
“Good thing it’s not over then~”
“Not over? Have my irresistible charms finally decided to accept that sparring challenge you’ve been avoiding~”
Rolling your eyes, you promptly paid the bill before you decide to change your mind about the entire plan.
“No, you know I wouldn’t walk out of that alive. Now just shush and follow me”
Taking his hand, you eagerly pull him along in the direction to your home, not paying attention to the endless pestering of your boyfriend who’s curiosity was doing more than struggling to stay contained.
“Is it a surprise party?? Oh wait, did you kidnap someone for me!? Babe you’re so swe-”
“SHH! No I didn’t kidnap anyone and you should know not to say stuff like that while outside!”
Shaking your head in frustration, you finally reached your door.
Quickly unlocking it, you pulled Tartaglia in with a small grunt before closing it behind you.
“Alright, stay right there. I’ll be back now- and don’t get into trouble!”
“Huh? Wait- where are you going?”
With a giggle, you gave him a kiss on his cheek before running to your bedroom and closing the door.
Laying out on your bed was the outfit you got earlier that week.
Without hesitation, you pulled your clothes off and threw them to the floor, quickly putting on the outfit, albeit with some mild confusion to how it went on.
It was made from a delicate silk, framed with lace and ribbons that hung down your body, perfectly framing your figure.
Giving yourself a quick look over in the mirror, you took a deep breath and opened the door, peeking outside just incase your boyfriend was waiting outside.
Once you found the coast clear, you took a step out as started walking to the living room where you could hear him humming while obviously nosing around your belongings.
“Finally. you were taking foreve…r-”
Dropping a book he had been flipping through while waiting for you, Tartaglia’s expression shifted from shocked to embarrassed, then to a dangerously sly grin as the ginger took in your appearance.
“We’ll, well, well~ is it just the weather or did the room suddenly get extremely hotter”
Instinctively shrugging off his attempts at flirting, you took a step closer; placing your hand on his chest you pushed him down to the couch with a smug grin before sliding down between his legs.
“W-wow, really… really not wasting any time today, are we comrade~”
“I don’t want to keep the birthday boy waiting now, do I~”
With a purr in your voice, you began rubbing against his crotch that was already straining from his… impatience~
Working your hands against the growing tent in his pants, your fingers found their way the button before releasing his erection causing a quiet groan from the ginger who was now watching your every move like it was the most important thing he’d ever seen.
“So hard already? Just for me~?”
Grinning even more as you can’t help a sense of pride rush through your body, you placed soft kisses along his tip, moving down his shaft all the way to his balls before repeating the process, refusing to break eye contact with him.
Spending a few more minutes enjoying watching your boyfriend start to squirm and get impatient under your touch as your hand slowly pumped up and down his shaft, pulling out soft grunts of pleasure from him as you do.
Finally deciding that you’ve teased him enough you start to let your mouth do the work for you.
Still locking eyes with him, you rub his tip against your lips, savouring the taste of his pre already forming a pearl.
With one swift motion you slide his length inside your mouth, making Tartaglia let out a sharp moan as he threw his head back in pleasure.
“O-oh fuck… babe that’s… Ngh~”
You be lying if you did admit that it even shocked you a little, how well you took him all in first try.
Hearing him whimper and moan every time you bob your head up and down his length, enjoying his slightly salty taste.
“Archons, babe… keep going just like that~”
Feeling his hips start to buck into your mouth, pushing his length even further down, making you gag a little bit still not discouraging you from reaching your goal.
“Oh fUuck- babe I’m going to cum…~”
Without any time to brace yourself, you felt his fingers grip tightly onto your hair as he thrust his hips harder, causing you to gag even more and grip onto his thighs for support before he finally releasing his load.
“Holy fuck yes~!”
Pulling back to admire his breathless, shaking state, a trail of white dripping down your chin-
You can’t help but feel a little more excitement for the rest of the night as you pull out a pair of handcuffs from the draw next to the couch.
“I hope you’re not too tired just yet, I’ve got a lot more in store for you yet~”
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This was so bad, I’m so sorry hdicufif.
I’m back into doing requests as normal now that’s I’m pretty much completely recovered eeeeee I’ve missed it so much T-T
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moiravim · 1 year
Are you gonna make a part 2 for Moon Dad meets y/n? I would like to see Marc's first meet up.
Moon dad's part 2.
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Summary: what it's like living with Steven and Marc as your father figure<3
It has been a month since you moved in with Steven. By now you had been introduced to Marc and had gotten an explanation on who Khonshu is. Marc had immediately grown a soft spot for you.
It was nice being around someone who accepted you and could relate to you.
They had treated you like you were their own child and you were forever thankful. Even Khonshu had a soft spot towards you. Although he often gave you bad and dangerous advice so Marc told you to ignore him.
They knew he wouldn't let anything happen to you, so they didn't mind if you spent time with Khonshu as long as you weren't doing anything dangerous.
You finish the chapter of the book Steven had given you before placing in the bookmark and standing up.
You walked into the kitchen where Steven was preparing breakfast and asked; "do you need any help?". He smiled at you before shaking his head no and responding; "I'm almost done, love. How about you go sit at the table?"
You nod and he smiles lovingly at you. You go to the table and sit down in your favorite spot. It was facing the window so you could look out as you eat.
Khonshu appears and you casually look up at him. The first few times it was scary, but by now you enjoyed his presence.
"What are you doing?" He questions you as you stare out the window. You roll your eyes at his nosiness and respond; "I'm just watching people. Dad's almost done making breakfast..."
"Dad?" He asks. You cringe at the realization and try to play it off. "Dad? I said Steven..." Khonshu lets out a sound that almost sounds like a laugh before disappearing again.
Steven walks up with a plate of breakfast prepared for you. You smile as you grab your fork and taste the food.
He laughs as he looks at your exited face. You loved when Steven and Marc spent time with you and it made them feel bad for you.
It broke Marc's heart to see how happy little things meant to you. It made him overthink a lot about your childhood and made him hate your parents even more.
Steven sat in the seat across from you and started eating his own food. When you finished eating Steven said you could go to your room or watch TV but you responded that you'd rather stay there.
When he finished eating he told you that; "I have something planned. I was hoping that the we could go to the book store today. I just finished my book and it looks like your almost done with yours".
Your face becomes happier and you nod. He leaves the table to go get everything he needs and then goes to put his shoes on.
You quickly tie your shoes before standing up and walking to the door. "Hurry up!" You complain as Steven lets out a small laugh. He finishes putting on his shoes and opens the front door.
He holds your hand as the two of you walk around the large town. When you arrive at the library, Steven lets you look around while he picks out a book for himself.
By the end of the day you and Steven are both satisfied and spend the afternoon reading together. Marc fronts and the two of you lay down on the couch and watch television together until you fell asleep.
Marc carries you back to your bed and tucks you in before leaving a kiss on your forehead. He grabs your favorite stuffed animal which had fallen onto the floor and lays it down next to you.
He leaves the room and quietly closes the door before going to help Khonshu as moon knight.
A/N: should I do a part 3 where YN meets Jake? And maybe YN gets adopted? If you all have any other ideas, lmk 🥰🥰🫶
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jiminrings · 2 years
Okay, but if you're taking request, I would love to read 478 Jk arguing with the cat now TT
478: drabble
alternatively, jungkook will not be the bigger person :|
[ 478 masterlist ]
You’re spending a lot more time at home.
With Jimin literally pushing you to go into maternity leave much, much earlier than you’d like because your bump’s already starting to show (the stylists can’t work their way around and CG makes the whole thing tedious), you’re given a hefty insight to what unfolds in your home when you aren’t there.
It turns out that Jungkook vacuums everywhere every single day and he even turns the lights off just to maximize the outrageously expensive vacuum’s laser technology. He also tends to your garden that you didn’t even know existed until an hour ago, making you realize that your husband owns more aprons than neckties.
Really, Jungkook’s more than ecstatic to have you with him because this way, he can take good care of you. He’s done his research (he has about thirteen accounts across different parent forums), he spent a good hour asking your doctor what he could cook you for your meals alone, and he even has a dedicated binder just to make notes about everything.
Without a doubt, he’s completely dedicated and serious about your whole pregnancy — but so is your cat, apparently.
“Let me get this straight,” you clear your throat, trying to keep your face straight because the moment you let it show that you’re even the least bit amused, you know that Jungkook would already whine about you not taking him seriously. “Miso, our cat, tries to suffocate you in your sleep?”
“Yes,” he nods, lips set in a straight line. “I’m telling you, she’s doing it on purpose! She didn’t do it to me today because you’re here but I promise! She puts all her weight on my face whenever I’m napping. Or every time you get home and you’re in the shower, she tries to lunge at me whenever I hand you your towel,” Jungkook adds, a frustrated sigh leaving him when your face still doesn’t budge. You’re too calm, the distress for his very real (!!) situation being non-existent. “Baby, I swear. Miso’s been trying to kill me since we came back from your ultrasound!”
There’s a laugh that keeps building in your throat and you have to keep covering your face discreetly with your hand just to keep your amusement at bay, the way your body slightly trembles in silent laughter keeping Miso entertained while she lays on your tummy.
“What should we do, Kook?” you sigh, avoiding eye contact because you know you’d lose it when you look to your husband’s blown-out ones. “Do we file a restraining order? Get a warrant? What do you want to do?”
“Scold her! Tell her to stop hating me,” he whines like it’s the most obvious answer everyone should think of, his eyebrows furrowed when you remain still.
“Jungkook,” you try, the sly snort that slips past you bordering into a laugh that you can’t contain. You throw your head back in laughter but it never touches the armrest of the sofa because Miso moved at the speed of light just to put herself there, the back of your head only going against her chunky body and fur.
“I’m not trying to make you laugh!”
“Because you’re a natural.”
“I did my research, okay? It’s-…” Jungkook’s just about ready to throw himself to the floor and roll around in frustration when you interrupt him, your cheery laughs highlighted by the way Miso keeps rubbing her forehead against your cheek.
“You’re carrying Reddit on your shoulders at this point.”
“I didn’t only search on Reddit,” he scoffs, crossing his arms. “They say cats get protective of their pregnant owners and that’s sweet, I get it. But what did I do?”
Before you can even rack your head for an answer to both indulge and poke fun at your husband, Miso meows loudly with her eyes turning into slits at Jungkook, her tail still caressing your hair.
“Aw, she’s answering you,” you coo, the mere scratch of your hand on her head making her succumb and sprawl out on your chest.
“You’re a bitch,” Jungkook spits, narrowing his eyes at the cat who growls the moment he opened his mouth. You’re unsure of how many times this (read: Jungkook not being the bigger person when it comes to his so-called fighting with your cat) happened but you don’t even want to know, gasping at the suddenness.
“Jungkook!” you hiss, covering Miso’s ears as if she was a child. Your husband makes a way to surprise you everyday but not like this, you’ve figured early-on.
“What?! She probably just cussed me out too!” 
He tries to pry Miso off from your chest but she hisses, putting out a paw to try and swipe at him. Jungkook recoils like he’s been shot and he’s already halfway across the living room when he puts his head on his hands, scoffing loudly.
“You see that? She just tried to kill me, again!”
You do see it in a way. You see how Miso’s grown even more protective of you and how she’s practically gotten bitchy at Jungkook overnight, but you don’t see how she’s specifically set out to get him. It’s an amusing display of domesticity, one you didn’t know you’ve been missing out on all along.
“Shhh. Don’t take Miso away,” you swat at his hands when he hovers about you. “My boobs are sore. She’s helping me.”
Sure enough, Miso’s kneading on your chest, even laying her body on your bump with her warmth that keeps you content. She won’t stop purring either, her headbutts against your stomach making you more attached with her.
“I can help you with that too! In fact, I’d be better,” Jungkook argues, mouth agape when you roll your eyes at him. You do it so visibly and loudly, he’s stood frozen until you call out to him.
“You have beef with a cat, Jungkook. Let it rest,” you hum. “Go get her food. Now, please.”
Your husband huffs yet he obliges, going into the kitchen with a stomp on his step and his not-so-quiet mutters of how Miso’s a little gremlin who he shouldn’t have picked up on the street all those years ago.
Jungkook sets down the food bowl with one (1) singular pellet of catfood in the middle, the glare in his face dead-set until a smug smirk settles on it when Miso takes notice.
You’re just about to groan until you hear Miso’s high-pitched yowl and Jungkook’s equally as annoyed mocking, flinching momentarily when she stands up but only to stretch and not attack him like he thought he would —
Miso’s gonna do it later, of course, only when you’re not looking.
thee original ask
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yiiyiiwrites · 7 months
JJ Maybank x Older Maybank sister
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Gif by @forbescaroline
Summary: After a run in with Rafe, JJ's older sister is on the warpath and looking for her brother who has been dodging her since she got home a few days ago. Rafe x Older Maybank sister, JJ x older Maybank sister. Angst. 1166words
Three weeks stuck on a boat and she’d still felt like the ground was swaying beneath her. There was a smell she couldn’t quite expel, no matter how hard she scrubbed. She’d spent the last two days trying to find her brother after her first run in with Rafe. 
She’d been everywhere in search for JJ, winding up at the hotel hoping he’d be working a shift. 
The universe, however did not seem to be working in her favour though. Rafe Cameron stood between her and the exit. His nostrils flared and fists clenched at his side. He marched towards her and in one fine swoop grabbed her elbow. She tried to tug out of his hold, but yelped as he dragged her further down the corridor.
“Don’t make a scene.” 
She scoffed, the only one making a scene was him. The maze of corridors unfamiliar to her. She gulped as he lead her into the sports centre. Lockers lined the tiled floor, he shouldered the door open and shoved her into the supplies cupboard. 
Rafe’s hand twisted in her hair and yanked her head back to meet her gaze. “Just a precaution.” He said kicking the door shut behind him. 
“Get off me.” She spat, cheek pressing into the wall. The lock clicked shut, her body tensing as he pushed his knee between her legs.
“Maybe if you hadn’t attacked me last time, I would have been a lot nicer today.” 
She smiled at the thought, Rafe cradling his groin as she stepped over him. The last meeting between them had gone her way and she was now paying for it tenfold today. She didn’t regret it though. 
“This is nothing compared to what happens at home though.” Rafe leant forward, breath fanning against the shell of her ear. 
“What do you want?” She squeezed her eyes shut, tears threatening to escape but she inhaled a deep breath and exhaled to stare back him. 
“I thought I made myself very clear last time. If JJ gets in my way, then I get in yours.” 
She tried pushing back, but her cheek bounced against the wall. Rafe’s weight pinning her in place. “I don’t even know what’s going on between you guys.” She winced at another pull on her hair. 
“where’s the fun in that. Besides you’re the eldest, I understand that. You need to make sure they know their place.” 
Rafe released her and stepped back. She turned to face him and massaged her throbbing cheek. “Look I’ll talk to him, but I can’t control him.” 
He took her face in his hand and tilted her chin up. “Then I guess I’ll be seeing you again soon.” His fingers dug into her face before he let go and unlocked the door. 
She watched him walk away, her chest shuddering. Tears pricked her eyes, the pain reminding her that she needed to get out of there and find JJ. She dialled her brothers number, cursing at nothing as the line cut. 
In his head, the notion of laying low and dodging his older sister seemed simple. But in the wake of the fight at the beach and the gun stashed in the bottom of his bag, it was getting increasingly hard to come up with anymore excuses. She must have heard about it the moment she stepped off the boat. 
"Hey, JJ. Is that your sister?" 
"Don't look man." JJ whispered to Pope. He grabbed Pope's hat and spun him back to face the dock. He tapped his foot, teeth gnawing his bottom lip as they waited for Kie and John B to pick them up in the boat. 
He peered over his shoulder, his sister storming over the parking lot. The scowl on her face making him look away. He could lie to his dad, but not her. So he made sure not to cross her. 
The sight of the HMS pogue had his heart leaping, he didn't waste anytime jumping on the boat. "We gotta go, Maybank on a rampage." He said dragging John be by the collar and pointing to his sister running down the dock. 
“Do I wanna know?” John B rushed to the start the engine again, his gaze sweeping to JJ's sister. Her long legs making easy work of the long distance to them. 
"You're gonna have to face her at some point JJ." Kie slapped his back, "Please tell me you don't have it on you." She snatched his backpack and threw it to the side, towel hiding it. 
"Well I'm not going to leave it at home." 
A mixture of mumbles were interrupted by the jolt of the boat. Her figure jumping the dock to land a few steps away from JJ. She lost her balance and fell to her knees, hands reaching out to stop her from wiping out. 
JJ stumbled back as his sister rose to her feet. A smile stretched Kie's lips, her arms folded over her chest at the rare silence of her friend. John B and Pope found themselves drawn back to Kie giving the Maybank siblings some privacy. 
“Nothing to say?” His sister followed his steps back. “I’ve been gone three weeks JJ and come back to your shit.” 
JJ’s gaze scanned her face, brows furrowing at the red mark staining her skin. “What happened to your face.” He reached forward, but she slapped his hand away. 
She dropped down to sit and brought her knees up to her chest. “Look, all I ask is for you to be careful JJ. I’m not asking you to be good but dammit be smart. I know you can.” 
JJ knelt down in front of her and nudged her leg. “Did something happen? Was it dad?” He ducked his head to catch her fleeting gaze. 
“Rafe.” She whispered, hoping he wouldn’t hear it. JJ shot up and removed his hat, fingers clutching the ends of his knotted hair. She felt small in that moment, the roles between them reversing and her brother taking on the urge to protect. It didn’t happen often, she rarely got him involved if she was faced with any problems, but this couldn’t be brushed away. 
John B and Pope were beside JJ, huddled together hushed voices going back and forth. 
She tugged the back of his shirt and his face softened. “Be smart, okay. I can look after myself. I’m only telling you this because I’m looking out for you.” 
He scoffed. “Yeah looks like it.” She knew he didn’t mean to direct his anger on her, he always seemed to care more about the ones closest to him than himself. She didn’t want him to do anything in the heat of the moment and get hurt in the process. 
“JJ, just lay low for now and do what you have to. Please don’t make this worse.” She pleaded. 
“What I’m just supposed to take this?” He shook his head and swore. “He don’t get to treat you like that.” 
✨ another small fic for JJ's older sister.... :) - Yiiyii
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charlieslowartsies · 2 months
the reason why my August vacation is so important...
This is a long, kinda emotional for me journal <3
As I mentioned a while ago, I was splitting my usual two weeks in June of debauchery (sleeping & laying in the sun & hiking in the woods outback lol) into one week last month and then saved the last week for the end of August.
I also wanted to explain the significance of this trip! Less about having to justify my time off and more about 'eeee excite omg!' and wanted to share with y'all!
SO a long time ago when I was a wee Charlie, from age 0 up to 21, I was incredibly close to my grandparents on my mom's side. My nana died when I was 15, and while that took a huge toll on me, I was fortunate enough to have my grandpa till 21. These two people were absolutely second parents. My parents did a good enough job raising me, but they had huge fights and my father had anger issues and it caused a lot of wounds. These were the people I could always rely on, when I couldn't rely on my folks.
They lived 2 hours away on a wonderful lake in a lil tiny trailer over looking it. I spent weeks at a time there, even the occasional month. I learned to swim in that lake, which in hindsight prolly wasn't the safest idea due to its depth, and grew up to be obsessed with swimming. Learned how to sail, ski, fish. Learned how to bake, tend a garden, how a fresh bowl of fruit in the morning should be before breakfast.
We'd swim 3x a day, sometimes just to float and cool down before bed, since there was no a/c and the summer nights were hot. Laid on our backs and counted stars like the Lion King. Fried trout on the grill after we'd caught them, had watermelon seed spittin' contests. My grandpa grew pumpkins and carved my name into one, so that the writing grew bigger and bigger over the months. I had one pumpkin live from September to April.
My handprint is on the last cement step leading down to the beach. It was eroded when we scattered my grandpa's ashes in 2014, but I remember where it was, how to place my palm to compare.
I guess I'd say I had a mixed childhood of various great, good, bad, and horrible things. Like most people, yanno? But those golden summer days on the lake were 100% a part of who I am today, and where my many of my happiest memories come from.
Due to me being in college, cost to heat the place in winter when they had no intention of living there, my family sold the property on the lake to an investor who planned to rent it out.
This was 2014. The same year he died, the same year my horse died (within 2 months of each other) and one of my father's many health issues landed him in the hospital from Oct to Dec, so that he spent xmas on an iv stand. With everything going on, we had no time or money for a big dinner, or presents that year.
I guess that was the first year I realized childhood was truly and officially over, and it was time to grow up. Many of us have that marked moment on our life.
Time passed. I finished college, went back home after turning down a few out of state jobs to spend time with my dad, who I had a feeling didn't have much time left. Turned out I was right, as I came home in 2015 and he died in 2022. There was an accident in '16 where he almost bled to death on our kitchen floor, but I was able to provide pressure/medical care and give him some more years.
Shortly after we moved in 17, I was notified that the house on the lake had been rented to someone who unfortunately had a lot of issues mental health wise, and they had eventually abandoned the property. It sat, rotting, and got so covered on the inside in black mold the county leveled the place and destroyed it.
We had left it fully furnished due to the buyer's urging. Ancient, stunning mid century and older furniture from my great-great grandparents time. My nana's organ player. The rocker my mom and I sat in. And, frankly, to quote one of those popular songs, the house that built me was just gone.
I figured that was the end of it, and cried and got angry/sad and then moved on and just tried surviving as covid hit later on in the years.
Turns out, the man who rented it decided that wasn't going to happen again. He put a new trailer on the property, and rented it out for vacationing due to it's location. We didn't know this until I stumbled across it while daydreaming about a vacation on the lake that I missed it was a relative, one I could at least go back to for a few days. My heart skipped so many beats when I saw the address and paused, thinking there had to be come mistake. It wasn't.
Not only can I spend time on that property again (in a new house which honestly might be for the best) But turns out, for whatever reason, they kept the furniture separate and placed a few pieces into the new house. There's a photo of the rocker in the layout photos. The two level lamp they had is still intact and functioning. I booked the place for a week immediately.
It's expensive for me, but my girlfriend and I will make it work. (Certainly not like we have far to travel.) We're going to be there smack dab in the middle of my Grandfather's birthday. I haven't had a true, just-for-me vacation since 2015 when we went to a camping ground. The excitement I have for this is immeasurable.
The dock my Dad and Grandpa put in themselves is fixed up. The crumbled little cement step is still there with a tiny indent, where my 4 yr old hand was pressed. I am going back to this place, and going back in time for just a short while, to heal and have fun and be a whole mess of emotions. I never got to say good bye to my Nana or Grandpa.
But I can say goodbye to them now, and say 'hello again, old friend' to the lake, and the new little house that sits before it.
That is why i am so excited about august. I know I don't share personal things on here a ton, but I wanted to share this. Thank you for reading this far if you have, I appreciate it.
I hope you have a wonderful day and remember how important you are <3 And as always stay hydrated! -Charlie
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im-a-marion3tt3 · 1 year
I Am Cruel Only To Be Kind
Big tw for attempted Suicide and self harm. Please don't read if this will trigger you. Remember, you're not alone ❤ reach out and seek help if you need it, that's nothing to be ashamed of
An all time low. That's what Dewdrop had heard people call it before. It never made any sense to him either, until now.
His room was a mess, clothing blankets and toys were strewn all about his room, shoes as well. It looked as if a tornado had circled through his room and no one had even tried to clean up after it. At the heart of the storm layed Dewdrop, curled up underneath his blanket. He had done his hair, dressed nicely and even tried to do his make up but nothing made him feel better. Not even when Rain joined him in the bathroom with a new case of razors. The two of them had spent over an hour carefully placing the blade against their skin, sometimes dragging it, other times pressing down harshly. Dewdrop had gotten caught up in the feeling and went to cut his radial artery, something so alluring about how this one action could end it all for him. Rain hadn't allowed for that though, pulling the blade out of his hand and looking at him with fear. Whatever the water ghoul had said didn't stick with him, nor the clean up. Dew doubted he had cleaned himself up though, a sick part of him praying that he would bleed out.
That had been hours ago, however. The bandages that had been taped to his skin were long gone, having joined the floor with everything else. Dew had tried to scratch open the scabs but they didn't bleed nearly fast enough before they clotted up once more. It made him sob silently as he scrolled aimlessly through his phone. It was the only thing he had energy for; especially when it came to reading comments full of hatred directed at him. Really, it just fueled his desire to die.
A text came across his screen. It was from Mountain, asking about dinner and what people wanted. It made Dewdrop's stomach hurt with hunger but truthfully, he didn't care. The next time he got up would be his last time, or so he told himself. Another text came through, this time from Rain asking about how he was holding up since he seemed way too into cutting himself today. If only he knew, he unfortunately would know soon enough.
The nail in the coffin finally came, though not in the form of a comment, rather, a picture. It showed the world on fire next to a polluted ocean and melting ice caps. That was his last straw, his will to keep fighting had completely dissipated as he realized just how horrible the creatures they performed for were. It was ironic considering he as a ghoul was deemed a monster.
Dewdrop sent his phone flying across his room, hitting the wall with a sick crack. A note had already been written, it rested on his bed side table everything else had been shoved to the floor to make it clear. He then headed to his closet, pulling out a belt. It was unfortunately time.
Rain shared a wall to Dewdrop's room, meaning, he heard a lot of what happened on the inside. When the text he sent went unanswered, he just assumed that the other was asleep. Self harm was emotionally and physically draining after all. However the sound of something crashing against a wall put him on edge. He knew Dew's anger sometimes got the best of him but there was no yelling or sobbing to accompany.
Rain needed answers at this point and even if Dew couldn't convey his feelings, then he should at least be there for the other ghoul. Slowly, he slipped out of his room and softly knocked on the door. No answer. So he knocked again after a minute or so. Still no answer. Rain just sighed and opened the door anyway, expecting to find a very upset ghoul throwing a tantrum.
Once he made out what he truly was seeing, Rain dropped to his knees, feeling so dizzy. "Dewdrop?" He whispered looking up at the body that hung from a shelf that was mounted to the walk. Rain couldn't see straight, his body felt heavy and his mind was dizzy. All he could do was crawl towards his best friend. Once he was touching the wall, he used it to hold himself up, quickly ripping the belt apart. It sent Dew falling to the floor only to be caught by one of Rain's arms.
"Dewdrop? Dewy? Come on, you're okay... Come on, come on!" Rain cried, shaking Dewdrop and getting louder the more he panicked. It drew the attention of Phantom and Mountain who had been outside enjoying the pouring rain. Mountain poker his head in first and gasped softly before dragging Phantom into the room. The quintessence ghoul was still struggling with his abilities, yes, but he was there best shot.
Words were exchanged between the three, Phantom taking a spot next to Dewdrop's unmoving head as he did his best to work his magic. Mountain's large hand rested on the young ghoul's knee, trying to comfort him the best he could without being a distraction.
Through many tears, a passed out quintessence ghoul and a trip to the infirmary, Dewdrop made it though he wasn't the same little flirtatious spitfire they all loved. No, he was a shell of himself, seemingly stuck in some dissociative episode. That didn't stop Rain though he spent all his free time sitting next to Dew, telling him about his day, what he did and what he wished to do once Dew was back to normal. His favorite thing to do though, was read. As of lately, he had started enjoying reading to the other, that way he didn't have to have his heart get crushed waiting for a reply.
"Where were we Dew?.... Ah, here, okay 'He went and stood at Polonius’ body. ‘As for this lord, yes, I’m sorry, but heaven has chosen to punish me with this and this with me, that I have to be heaven’s agent for its retribution. I’ll take him away and pray for him. So, again, good night. I have to be cruel only to be kind... "
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ququb444hm · 1 year
𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭, 𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝
part 11 / moral support ☆
warning(s): profanity, definitely typos (i rushed 😍)
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It was friday afternoon and yn had just woken up to the constant ringing of her phone. grumbling at the noise, she slowly rolled to the side of her bed where her bedside stood and answered the call– 
“yn, where are you?
“home. I just woke up, why are you calling me?”
It was her brother, tetsurou, and by the sound of his tone, he was not happy. after mori informed him of his sister's absences from school yesterday, he began to realize just how much he saw yn around campus by her not being on campus.
normally, before their first class, tetsu would walk pass yn buying an energy drink at the vending machine near his biomedical research class (in which he would push yn out of the way, grab the drink from the opening, and make a run for it) or how after chemistry, yn would be the last one to walk out of class because she rambled to her teacher about god knows what, but tetsurou would also be the last to exit due to falling asleep to mrs. liam's monotone voice and repetitive lessons, allowing him to see yn from across the building he was in.
“did you skip all of your morning classes? what’s going on with you? are you actually missing class because of what happened on friday?”
“tetsu, i’m not failing anything. all my teachers are fine with it as long as I still turn in my assignments. everything is fine, don’t worry about it.”
“but I can’t just not worry about it, yn,” a lot of rustling was heard on the other side of the phone. assumingly, tetsurou was making his way to the gym for volleyball practice since this time, mori made sure to schedule the volleyball team for its usage. “look, I love you, and I don’t want to push you, but as your older brother, I will push you off a cliff if I know you won’t die from it–”
“In other words, you need to talk to kozume. like now, or today, or just not wait until I graduate to clear things up–”
“I know, I know…I will…”
“because know it or not, he’s literally miserable from not seeing you. I walk into volleyball practice and his mind is elsewhere. he literally missed the ball three times yesterday! three! I’m about to bench him if you don’t fix this. his career is on you, kuroo!”
yn let out a laugh from her brother’s exaggeration, “alright, alright! I get it. I’ll…stop by his dorm after my art block tonight.”
“yes, captain. I promise.”
“good, good. thank you. now if you will excuse me,” tetsurou opened the doors of the gymnasium, preparing himself for another three hours of secondhand embarrassment from the team’s designated setter, kozume. “I have to deal with the consequences of your actions.”
yn spent the rest of the day until her usual art blocks at 7 thinking of what to say to kozume to try and mend the awkward tension she felt whenever his name was even mentioned in any conversation— that and crying to cheese about how much she hated being an adult.
"cheese, you are such a good listener," yn mumbled. she lay on the floor of her bedroom, watching as the rodent sniffed the sliced pieces of cherry tomatoes that had been cut into small pieces beforehand. "I'm gonna bring you with me to talk to kozu for moral support, okay?" a moment of silence where cheese walked over to the girl and booped his nose to the side of her cheek was taken as a yes and yn grinned in contentment. "okay it's decided then. I feel much better about this already."
hours passed and soon it was time for class. and then a few more hours made their way out the door, signaling the end of painting.
mori, who had sculpting in the neighboring room, peeked his head into the class, spotting his friend. "yn! I'm really craving steamed salmon, we should go to that one restaurant on the main road!"
"aw what, I would love to," yn chimed, packing up her things in such a slow manner that even the professor noticed. "but I have something I have to do."
"ms. kuroo, I also have something to do so could you stop stalling and clean up. I know it doesn't take long to gather all your brushes." mr. alec peered through his glasses, his hip leaning on his desk as he watched his oh-so-ambiguous student.
yn awkwardly laughed his warning off with a wave of his hand, "ahaha so silly, mr. alec. what's a busybody like you doing on this very fine friday evening? a date perhaps?"
"more like a friendly hangout with an old friend from grade school,"
"doesn't seem like that to me," mori giggled, eyeing the attire of the art teacher. "you seem pretty dressed up. are those new glasses?"
before mr. alec could form a remark, rin strode into the room, carrying a small camera which he used to zoom into the faces of the three other individuals present. "woah, looking clean mr."
"alright, alright. no paparazzi," mr. alec groaned, ushering the kids out once he noticed yn slinging her bag over her shoulder. "have a safe night you rowby bunch, make good choices!"
"we'll try!" the tree unanimously sang.
"so whats so important that you have to turn down steamed salmon?" mori questioned.
the three walked through the halls, making their way to their bikes which were chained up in front of the building. "you're not coming to eat dinner with us?" rin pushed further.
yn shook her head, eyes glued to her shoes. "nah, I'm gonna talk to kozu. tetsu called and told me he would push me off a cliff if I didn't or something."
the two choked up a laugh at the statement, muttering how much they loved the siblings' interactions. "hey, I'm proud of you though. I know it's like weird and all but at least kozume would be better prepared next time we decide to go out as a big group again."
"rin shut up." yn playfully rolled her eyes, pushing the boy's shoulder.
finally standing in front of their bikes, the three said their goodbyes before separating.
peddling back to the flower shop, yn quickly freshened up and grabbed cheese before making her way back onto her bike and finally building up the courage to face the oblivious blonde.
kozume on the other hand was in the middle of making dinner when he heard the familiar ping that signaled someone outside his dorm room. putting the kitchen knife down, he, along with ginger who trudged beside him, made their way to the door. upon looking through the peephole, the recognizable doe eyes also looking through the hole made him let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
quietly opening the door, he was met with yn who awkwardly stood with cheese on her shoulder. "hey kozu."
"hi yn."
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part 10 hi cheese <- | masterlist | -> part 12 how cute
note(s): sorry tis bit late o.o none of the pictures used are mine!!
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ya-bug-boy · 2 years
Warden Ingo with a s/o who straight up tells him what he has forgotten and missed while he was in Hisui and it's not sad or anything like that. It's played out as a casual conversation with the reader.
'speaking of time and portal stuff, there was a rumor going around Paldea and Alola-"
'I guess we won't need that memorial in the subway. whos memorial? yours of course!"
'How am I supposed to explain to our children!- I'm kidding, we don't have children haha'
Ingo's reaction would be processing to huh??? to wtf????
Post- Hisui Warden Ingo x Male Reader
Okay Ingo had been missing for about three months but to him he spent roughly three years in Hisui. You were on the brink of mental collapse before he came back; having spent a lot of time with Emmet and their friends in a combined effort to try and find him.
But the day he actually comes home was shocking, all things considering. He woke up in his bed, realized this wasn't Hisui and went to investigate only to be woken up by your screams since you were laying besides him, mistaking him for an intruder.
What quickly became a frightful experience became sudden cathartic relief as you hugged Ingo tightly, not wanting to ever let go
Time has since passed but Ingo can't help but to note you've been acting a bit...off.
You were helping him catch up with what he's missed but you try do it playfully. Oh his funeral? Guess we can cancel that and instead send everyone a new notice that you're alive!
His job at the Subway Station? It's not his anymore, it's yours!
The children, think of the children, except you don't have any.
Ingo thinks you're at first messing with him, trying to make light of the situation, not fully understanding it.
He wishes he knew why you acted like this but there's little he can do when he's not allowed to leave the hospital, he suffered another injury when he came back and required a minor surgery. You've visited as often as you could.
one day you came back for a quick cup of coffee, a photo album, and his morning breakfast that you made yourself, before leaving to go to work. The photo album has many photos of you and Ingo since the two of you began your relationship and he can't help but to notice a stark difference in your complexion.
The first photos began to tell a tale of your romantic stories with Ingo, you and your bright and sunny smile, both of you with a younger complexion, but now?
He's taken note of your tired eyes, your strands of gray hair, how you act in the morning, you've grown some facial hair. You're unable to cope without caffeine in the morning and come home crashing into the bed at night. You functioned at a higher than average standard and would come back home late to try and investigate his disappearance. Now that he came back, you were most likely getting up earlier to make him his breakfast as well...
He realizes you're trying to make light of the situation so that he wouldn't see how difficult things had been for you the past three months. You've cared for the apartment, Emmet, Elesa, Skyla, his pokemon, and the subway while he's been gone. You did all of that not just for him, but for Emmet's sake too. Had you not been there, what would have happened to him? What would have become of Emmet?
The next morning you see him, it's the weekend. You have your day off work and Ingo is allowed to be released. He waits for you in the lobby and when he sees you, you give him a smile, the sound of your boots clacking against the clean tiled floors.
You weren't expecting your boyfriend to come running at you, with a fierce expression on his face. At first you thought you did something wrong, but Ingo quickly wraps his arms around you and gives you a tight hug that eases into a tender embrace.
"i'm truly sorry dear, for everything you've gone through. Please allow me to ease your burdens for today. Now is there anything you'd like to do?"
"Give me a kiss and I'll think of the rest," you say smiling, with your index finger and thumb holding his chin.
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lbyys · 1 year
" Meant To Be "
- Chapter Three -
"You had better be fucking joking." Karai said after answering a phone call, walking a few steps away from the turtle she had been talking to before being interrupted. "No, no I'll be there." she said before quickly hanging up and groaning, she turned back to the blue clad turtle. "Need any help?" he offered. "Last time I said yes, it didn't turn out very well now did it?" Karai replied, resting a hand on her hip, a small grin tugging at her lips. She did enjoy the time they spent together when he "joined" the Foot Clan for a short time. It was nice to see him relax and not focus on all the weight laid on his shoulders for once. But this was a risk she would not share with him. "I can handle it." Leo rolled his eyes. "That cockiness is what put you in the hospital Karai." he said crossing his arms. She scared him like nothing else. Karai rolled her eyes dramatically, mocking him with a smirk. "A minor setback." she said. He huffed and shook his head. "You almost died!" he yelled in a whisper, trying not to draw the attention of his brothers. The memory of her close call haunted him, it was too close, too real. If it had ended differently... "But I didn't." Karai retorted, her smirk growing as she leaned closer to him. He stared at her, a stern look in his eyes. Karai stared right back, her golden eyes piercing his stormy blue. A sharp scream drew his attention away for a brief moment, whipping his head around to look at his brothers, Mikey now running for his life with Raphael hot on his trail. Leo sighed as he turned back, preparing to speak only to find her already gone without a trace. 
A couple of weeks went by. Boring weeks according to Mikey, a sudden cold front and stormy weather had led to the turtles being cooped up in the lair more than normal. 
"Can we be done now?" Mikey groaned as he laid on the dojo floor, Donnie standing above him, bostaff in hand. Leo shook his head with a grin, waving him off. "Go ahead. Enough training for today." He spoke. Donnie reached down and offered his hand to his brother, pulling him up. The two bowed to their brother. Their sensei. It had taken a lot of getting used to, but Leo did a good job in Splinter's absence. Leo smiled and bowed in return before Mikey ran off, suddenly filled with energy again. Donnie walked over to Leo, a thoughtful look on his face. "Leo. I'm concerned about Raph." he said looking towards the doors. "He usually never wants to miss sparring practice. And he hasn't been eating much lately. He's always locked up in his room... But he won't talk to me." he added, worry in his voice. Leo nodded and sighed. "I know. He won't talk to me either." he replied. Leo was deeply worried about his brother, but when trying to talk to him only ended in an argument, he was lost at what to do. Ring ring. Donnie quickly answered his phone. He had been waiting. "Hey April." he said, instantly smiling from "ear to ear". Leo smiled as he walked out of the dojo, he paused and looked around the lair before walking over to Mikey who was laying on the couch watching TV. "Hey, I'm going for a walk. I'll be back soon." he said as he walked past him. Mikey mumbled a response as he shoved his mouth full of popcorn. Leo rolled his eyes as he took off out of the lair.
The wind was cold against his pebbled skin. But it was refreshing. As he wandered the roof tops, his mind wandered. He pulled his phone out and scrolled through it, a small frown formed on his lips. It had been a few weeks since he'd seen her. Since she'd disappeared on him again. He had gone to her place a few days after she'd left. He wanted to check on her, make sure she was okay. He'd talked to Shini, and she said that Karai was dealing with a few things but that she was fine. He wanted to text her but didn't want to bother her, he knew she was busy. She would reach out when she had time. He missed her, her laugh, that troublemaking smirk, her eyes. Oh, her eyes... golden like honey, warm, inviting. Many times, he has found himself getting lost deep in those damn eyes. He sighed and shoved his phone back into its holder. "Get ahold of yourself Leo." he told himself as he rubbed his forehead.
You can't be doing this. It's wrong. It's stupid. Ridiculous. Pathetic...
She would never... Leo sighed as he leaned back against the leg of the billboard he was standing under. Why do you continue to do this to yourself Leonardo? What would Splinter say if he ever found out how you felt towards his daughter? More importantly, what would she say... The thought of that scared him. Hurt him. He wanted so badly to express his feelings to her openly, but he did not want to face the inevitable pain of her denial. He signed, his heart stung, and it was tired of fighting. No matter how many times he lied to his brothers and himself, he loved her. 
 His soul loved her. 
And that was something he couldn't change no matter how hard he tried.
Later that evening, Leo returned to the lair. Mikey was still sitting by the TV, and by the looks of it, a Harry Potter marathon was going to keep him there for a long time. Making his way to the kitchen, the sweat smell of freshly brewed tea filled the air. It was a very welcome scent, but also one that brought confusion. Donnie drank coffee, and Mikey isn't a big fan of tea either. It was at that moment that he also noticed the blue mug sitting beside the tea pot. The mug with an "L" on the front. His mug. "What the?" he whispered to himself as he picked it up and examined it, a red smudge on the rim. 
"That would be mine." a feminine voice said from behind him as the mug was slipped up out his hand. Jumping up to sit on the counter, Karai smirked before taking a sip. Leo stared at her, processing what had just happened. "Well, hello to you too." he said,"Care to take anything else of mine?" he asked, motioning to the mug in her hand. Karai leaned back a bit, resting a hand on the counter behind her. She laughed, a playful grin on her lips. "Oh, like you really care." 
 He didn't. After all, she already had something much more valuable of his.
He cracked a smile and shook his head as he opened the cabinet and grabbed a spare mug to use. He couldn't help but glance over to take in her outfit. Her usual uniform had been replaced by black ripped jeans and a slightly oversized Kiss sweatshirt. Oh, he'd like to. Heat crept onto his cheeks as he brought himself out of those thoughts and focused back on pouring a cup of tea for himself. "So, what brings you here?" he asked, breaking the silence before taking a sip of his tea. Karai sighed and leaned her head back, closing her eyes. "I needed to get out of that place." she answered. Leo had to admit, he wasn't expecting such an honest answer. "Bad day?" he asked gently. Karai let out another sigh, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "It was." Leo smiled as he looked down at his tea. "Same here." he said quietly, hesitantly reaching over to set his hand beside hers, brushing a large finger against her hand. Karai took a deep breath, laying her hand on top of his.
  This was going to hurt.
Leo's smile widened as he blushed. It was moments like this that made him think that maybe he did have a chance. But that was crazy, right? He looked up from his tea to gaze at her. She was so beautiful... Feeling his eyes on her, Karai turned her head to look at him. And shockingly, he didn't look away. Karai's eyes met his for a moment before they briefly wandered down to his lips, quickly glancing back up to meet his gaze again. For a moment, she honestly thought about it. It was insanely tempting. He was tempting. Karai broke the eye contact, for once she was trying to restrain herself. She looked down at her tea, secretly wishing it was something stronger. Just then, Mikey walked into the kitchen, Leo quickly pulling his hand away from Karai's as his cheeks turned a deeper shade of red. "Oh hey Leo. I didn't know you got back." he said, digging through the cabinet in search of a snack. "I just got back." Leo said, seeing Karai grin out of the corner of his eye as he drank some of his tea. "I was thinking, everything seemed to be normal up there. Let's just skill patrol tonight." he said with a shrug. Mikey nodded. "Sounds good to me. Do you want any popcorn?" he asked as he grabbed the box. Karai looked down as her phone buzzed. She sighed and slid off the counter. "You gotta go?" Leo asked, hoping she'd say no. She smiled. "Don't worry, I'll be back." she said as she walked past him, "accidentally" brushing shoulders with him. Leo watched as she walked away. He sighed. He was in deep trouble...
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rainbows-fanfics · 10 months
All'inzio (Chapter 19)
Summary: A  soldier-in-training, Valerie hopes to join the Valencian Army to avenge  her father’s death under the wing of General Rooke. But when she happens  to catch the attention of Commander Kane, her plans take a different  turn.
Human AU of the Armada from Pirate101, where Kane meets his Queen.
Pairing: Kane/Queen
Note: The title translates to “at the beginning”.
The elaborate ceiling staring down at her was the first sight ‘Queen’ woke up to in the morning. The curtains were drawn from the window, allowing the sun to completely fill the room as the birds chirped melodically outside. It was difficult to move from the comfortable pillow, but she eventually peered around the room. When she looked to her left, she noticed an empty space on the mattress again.
‘He must already be awake…’
After having dinner, she and Kane retired to his bedroom last night. But there were more on their minds rather than sleeping. Some considerable time passed since the they shared a similar space, and they celebrated with a small ‘reunion’ of their own. She’d been craving him, and to receive him in the walls of his own home was a privilege she was honored to have. 
It was strange sleeping in such a comfortable bed. The sheets were soft and her pillow was exactly to her liking. It was hard to believe Kane rarely slept in here - she didn't want to leave the blankets as it is! ‘Queen’ noticed her nudity and put on some clothes. She spent this time properly unpacking her things, starting with the dresses, shoes, and jewelry she brought.
After all was said and done, a knock sounded from the door. The taps were so quiet that she almost didn’t hear them. 
“Come in.” She called, holding her mask over her face. 
The doorknob twisted and slowly opened, revealing a tall figure from the other side. She jumped when a plague doctor mask tilted curiously at her. The figure did not step inside the room, though it wasn’t necessary. She recognized him as one of Kane’s sons - a member of the Elite she met yesterday. 
“Kane wants you to join us in the workshop.” Bishop informed her. 
“Workshop?” She repeated, meeting with him at the doorway. “May I ask what for?”
“He will inform you once we are there.” 
She preferred freshening up first, but she didn't want to keep him waiting. She followed Bishop down the hallways. He led her without uttering a word. She exchanged some questions with him during dinner last night. She learned that Bishop worked with Kane and contributed to many of his projects. Judging by the way they spoke passionately to one another over the table that night, they seemed to collaborate a lot on these sorts of things. 
As they carried on, she found it strange that Kane’s home - or rather, mansion - was so quiet. It made little sense, after learning how many people lived here. She didn’t get a chance to question this, as they arrived at a door. She was promptly led inside and the sight took her aback. 
The workshop was a large room in every sense. While the floor they walked on was clean, there wasn't a space empty in here. The countertops and closets were littered with tools and structures. One part of the room appeared to be a small laboratory, as she spotted beakers and equipment laying about. The rest had large machines she did not recognize. ‘Queen’ noticed a chalkboard that sat uncovered in the back - but she couldn’t understand a single thing written on it. 
They found Kane standing in front of a large desk. There were piles of papers and objects strewn about. He was observing one of them until they stepped in his line of sight. His girlfriend was the first one to approach him, a smile lighting up her face.
“I see you’re awake.” He commented. She pulled her mask away to leave a kiss on his lips. “Did you sleep well?” 
“Of course. It was most comfortable.” She looked around. “Bishop said you wanted me here?”
“Indeed. Today will be the start of what I - and the rest of my family - can teach you.” He led her to the middle of the room, where he gestured to their surroundings. “--This is where I primarily work. Bishop shares the space with me, and we conduct most of our research here.” 
“-Do not touch anything.” The tall plague doctor warned her from behind. He retreated to the part of the room that she believed to be a small lab, searching through some cabinets without another word. Kane waved him off in his absence.
“He’s only protective of his work. I doubt you’ll break anything in here.” 
She was looking around with amazement in her eyes. The sight was something she would’ve seen in a movie - filled with so many books, and complex machinery everywhere she looked…She approached one of the structures and looked at it curiously. Kane followed closely. After a moment, she turned to him and pointed at what she was staring at. 
“What is this?”
“A prototype of a weapon Bishop is designing.” The other man looked up from across the room. “-You must be careful.” 
She gave him an odd look before turning around again. There was so much to see. She was nowhere near understanding exactly what Kane does . He explained he was a sort of inventor - but seeing such work in front of her was another experience. With so many prototypes laying about, sketches of designs and notes in different languages scattered on the tables…’Queen’ was absolutely fascinated. 
“So this is where you do everything? Where you invent, design, and build?” He nodded along to her words. “I did not think it was this…. big …” 
“I work for the King. Not only do I design for my army, but for various improvements to Valencia as well. That is not something I can do without all the resources available.” 
She hesitated. “May I look around?”
“Be my guest.” 
She gazed around the room with curious eyes. She went to the tables and inspected the work laying on them, reading everything she could. She kept a respectable amount of space - not laying a hand on anything she saw. Kane watched her intently as she went around the workshop, a gloved finger tapping his chin in interest. Bishop joined his side and eyed the woman with more indifference. 
“I do not like this.” He stated bluntly. “You are exposing her to our plans. Do you have any idea how dangerous this is? Some of this information is highly confidential, and she may stumble right upon it.” 
“I’m aware.” At Bishop’s insulted look, he elaborated. “-She is not just anyone to me. I will ask you to remember that.” The plague doctor went quiet. “If she is going to help us, then she will need to see this. We need her assistance.” 
“Do we, really ? You and I work perfectly together. I do not see why we need someone else in the picture.” 
“Believe me.” His blue eyes went over to ‘Queen’. She was attempting to decipher some mathematical equations on the chalkboard in the room. “--I know what I am doing.” 
The rest of the week was spent in Kane and Bishop’s workshop. ‘Queen’ was sent there every day. In that time, she observed them working and listened to the lessons they gave her. They worked out the structure of the Valencian army to her, and elaborated on some things that were not known to the public. Even though she’d been a soldier herself, she received information that even she didn't know - which obliged her to listen carefully. They explained loopholes and unspoken rules within the system. How could she not be interested? 
In this time, Kane was open and answered any of her questions. He was honest, albeit blunt, but she appreciated his truthfulness, nonetheless. Bishop appeared to be another matter - as he avoided talking to her beyond their lessons and would repeatedly remind her not to touch anything in the room. He was defensive and snappy when she was around, so she seldom talked to him. She would offer help if she found him struggling, to which he’d insist he was fine, and that would be it between them. 
She asked Kane why he was like this. He told her he was stubborn and a perfectionist like him. He assured her that his defensiveness was not personal. 
. . .
A few days passed before she was summoned again. This time, it was Deacon on the other end of the door. She’d just gotten out of the shower when he knocked. She didn't want to keep whoever it was waiting, so she hastily opened the door. Although her frame was completely covered by a towel, he averted his eyes the entire time they spoke. She found his respect rather charming. 
“Your training starts today, so please, get ready.” He told her.
She realized she had business with the entire Elite, and not just Kane and Bishop. Rooke and Deacon were going to train her in combat. She prepared as promised. She was led to a small training ground - with targets and weapons prepared beforehand. Rooke was already there, sitting on a crate and polishing the guns innately. When Deacon and ‘Queen’ arrived, he stopped what he was doing and began preparing their setup. 
“We’re going to start out with seeing your progress so far.” Deacon explained as the larger man moved along in the background. “Rooke informed me of your performances in training. I’d like to see that today.” 
“Yes, sir.” She responded confidently.
 As strange as it was, she sort of... missed this process. Of being a ‘promising soldier. It felt so long since she fired a gun or performed on the battlefield. She almost craved it. Rooke equipped her with a vest and a gun, informing her what type it was and how to properly handle it. She was surprised when Deacon offered some earplugs, which she gratefully accepted. All she was instructed to do was hit a target. She took her time aiming and executing her shots, all of which were notably accurate and hit the targets. 
Deacon was impressed. He offered his criticisms on her performance. After following his advice, she was more accurate and thanked him. After he was done teaching her, Rooke took over. She was excited to be taken under his wing once more, as he proved to be an excellent instructor before. He asked to show her performance with physical combat - which was executed with training dummies and mats. 
‘This feels familiar…’ ‘Queen’ thought as she hit these dummies, with full force and focus. 
Rooke was similarly impressed. He had little to mention on improvement, but gave her advice as well. His input was as great as Deacon’s, and with his help, she was able to hit harder and quicker. He informed her he was planning on teaching her various fighting techniques throughout their time together. This was exciting - as she longed for the days of showing what she was capable of, and to be recognized by high figures such as Kane’s Elite was an honor. 
. . . 
The process kept up for the next few days. Deacon would retrieve her in the morning and bring her to the training grounds for her lessons. Rooke met them there and taught her what he could. The two worked so well together. Rarely did she find them butt heads on anything . Rooke moved targets around while she practiced with Deacon, and in return, the spymaster was used as an example when she was being shown fighting moves and strategies. 
She couldn’t help make a remark during their time together. 
“You get along well.” She commented. “I've never seen brothers as close as you two.” 
Deacon and Rooke exchanged glances before returning their eyes on her. It was difficult to say how they reacted - but they seemed intrigued. The taller one looked down at his twin, his tone a mixture of delight and wonder. 
“-That's the first time anyone ever said that. Do you think we work well together, Deacon?” 
His response came quick. “Of course.” 
The General’s spirits were lifted, judging by the way he resumed their lesson with new vigor. ‘Queen’ noticed an appreciative look showing her way from Deacon and smiled at him in return.
A few weeks passed while she spent time with Kane and his Elite. She was learning plenty from Bishop and Kane - who showed her their notes and told her secrets of the army. She was also grateful that her sessions with Deacon and Rooke were getting her back into a normal routine of training. She noticed her muscles were toning again and was finally getting back into the spirit of a soldier - all while understanding the mechanics of it. 
She was learning more than she ever would’ve if she had started her AITs. 
She was so invested in what she learned from this new family, that she forgot about the lessons from someone else. When a knock sounded on her door that morning, she expected either Bishop or Deacon. She was surprised to find a jester on the other side. The bells on his cap jingled as he moved his head, giving her an impatient look from the unmasked part of his face. 
“Well? Are you ready, or not?” Phule asked at her silence. 
She blinked as she held onto the door frame, trying to understand what he was exactly talking about.
“Oh, ah - yes. I’m supposed to learn…. something from you, aren’t I?” She flashed a smile nervously. She felt terrible for not exactly knowing what . 
“Kane told me what you have to learn. So, you're going to join me while I work.” He explained bluntly. 
“And what exactly is that?”
He only laughed in response.
She realized he wasn’t going to answer any of her questions, so she wasted no time following him out. Kane’s eldest son was the one she’s barely spent time with over these weeks. While he was around for dinner and came into the house often, catching sight of him was rare. At least, when he’d be willing to stick around. She can’t recall exchanging any conversations with him before. He kept to himself and would not pass a second glance if he’d caught sight of her. 
If he means ‘work’ , her best assumption would be his jester act. What did she have to learn from that, exactly? Her time will be wasted watching this man pretend to be silly. It was more productive to learn about the army or how to fight. Why would Kane send her out with Phule like this? Questions gathered in her mind by the second as he led her into the heart of Cadiz. 
The higher classes leisurely walked around as few children played in the streets. While Phule strolled around with ease, she carried a slower pace from behind, looking around in uncertainty. She had to admit one thing - he carried a lot of confidence with himself, even though plenty of noblewomen and gentlemen chuckled at his appearance as they passed by. 
“What am I supposed to do?” She asked. 
“Watch, observe. That's what he wants you to do.” 
‘He wants me to watch him perform?’  
She was still confused by the request, but complied anyway. Phule motioned when they approached a small group of women, sitting and talking on a bench. She got the message and allowed him to do his thing. The way his voice changed was natural, and his movements became theatrical in an instant. He jested about their clothes and the way the girls were sitting - which resulted in titters and giggles their way. He told them a few jokes, only which ‘Queen’ found a couple amusing enough to laugh at. 
When he was done, he returned to her side. She couldn’t understand it. He made fun of those women, told a few jokes, and they laughed. At her lost look, he rolled his eyes and continued his way - grabbing some plastic balls from his pocket and juggled as they walked along. She admired how he did this while moving. 
“You're a good jester,” She complimented. She did not get a response. 
A few children laughed and surrounded them while Phule performed. This was when he added more to what he juggled, impressing the little eyes that absorbed him intently. Eventually, a circle was surrounding him, filled with various nobles looking amused and expecting more. ‘Queen’ stepped aside to blend in with the crowd. He took on a showman’s role as he called out to them. He made snarky comments towards their clothes and wealth, done in such poor taste that ‘Queen’ was surprised to hear them laugh. He performed a few card tricks while he was at it. The crowd ate him up in a contagious way. 
He eventually removed himself from the scene and ‘Queen’ followed intently. He stopped to look at her - waiting for a response of some sorts. She still didn't know what to give him. 
“You're talented. But I don't know what it is I should say.” She thought for a moment. “--You’re funny.”
“Of course I am.” He crossed his arms. “But what exactly did I do ?” 
“You performed tricks and acts, then joked with them. It was fun to watch.” 
He sighed. This confused her more. She grew aggravated with his guessing games. “Well, what do you want me to say?” 
“You don’t understand what I do. But...not many people do.” 
As she opened her mouth to inquire, he walked away without a word. He led them to a bench so they could talk properly. As he took a seat, she joined his side, holding her mask in one hand while resting the other in her lap. He had poor posture as he sat there, crossing one leg over the other and humming thoughtfully. 
“You might know my job is to make others laugh and pretend to be silly, isn’t it?” She agreed. “-You’re not entirely wrong. But there's a lot more to it than that. I have what's called 'jester's privilege'. You heard me pointing out those noble’s clothes and riches - and they didn’t bat an eye. If I were a commoner, they would most certainly have been punished for such words.” 
She blinked, listening carefully. 
“--However, we jesters are not expected to be taken seriously. I can tell the King he’s ignorant and he would laugh in my face. We keep everyone honest this way, to point out their selfishness and conceited ways. I’m allowed to manipulate them - and that’s what Kane would like you to do as well.”
Her lips parted in surprise. Now the dots were starting to connect. 
“I don’t know why, but I'm going to be your teacher for this sort of thing.” He tilted his head to the side. “Father is too busy to teach you himself. And my job is the perfect example of manipulation. Those are his words, anyway.” 
“That's a good point, isn’t it?” She agreed. “You tell them their flaws to their own faces, but they don't take you seriously. How do you manage that?” 
“I assume he's taught you a little bit of this already, hasn’t he?” She recalled her time in Florenza, when he told her how to blend in with the nobles. She nodded right away. 
She did not expect to have this type of insightful conversation with a jester. Now it made sense - she learned how to copy others during her time in Florenza. She’ll have to do the same here, but in a more difficult way. These people are of the highest class, and even the royals themselves are here. Learning this will be a useful trick while she's out, if she is to establish her presence as Kane’s girlfriend....
She turned to Phule and smiled. “I have to say that I... admire what you do.” 
He sounded sarcastic. “Really?”
“You know how to do this so well. Lying to them, keeping them honest while also being funny and talented... I've never understood what a jester does until now. Thank you, for teaching me this.” 
He looked surprised at her words. Being this close made her notice that he had two different colored eyes - his right a similar blue to Kane’s, but the left a brown like hers. It was mesmerizing to look at, but then he turned away. He returned to the scornful tone he had earlier. 
“I’m sure this won’t be the last time he asks me to do this with you. So expect this to happen again.” 
She grinned. “I’m sure I will.” 
She retired to the bedroom that evening. Deacon and Rooke attended tonight’s dinner while Bishop and Phule were nowhere to be found. She was getting used to such a thing, so she didn’t find it out of the ordinary. She had a nice time talking with the two about their lessons, informing Kane on how they went. They’ve been giving positive reports about her, and it felt like she was a soldier all over again, wanting to impress her Supreme Commander. 
She was relieved to speak more with his sons, considering their difficult first meeting. Their company was delightful in different ways. She wanted to spend time with them, not only to further learn in their eyes, but to get to know Kane’s family. It meant a lot to her in that aspect, although she was uncertain if Phule or Bishop liked her yet. She'd have to try harder with them as time went on.
She changed into her nightgown and approached the bed, where her boyfriend waited for her. She hopped at his side. He laid a hand on her back as she rested her head on his chest. He hadn’t changed from his clothes yet, but it was still early in the night. He noticed her good mood and quirked an eyebrow when she started humming under her breath. 
“How did it go today with Phule?” He asked.
She never informed him on how it went. She had been busy talking with Deacon and Rooke at the time. “I was confused with what you wanted me to learn from him. I guess he got impatient when I didn’t catch on.”
“It was interesting learning how his job worked. And that it's something similar to what I was already learning.” Her eyes traveled downwards. “I never thought I would learn from a jester. It sounded ridiculous when you first told me, but now I want to know more .” 
“It’s not a humiliating job, you know. Court jesters are looked highly upon, especially ones that work for royalty like he does.” 
“It’s funny - I never met one until you introduced me to Phule.” 
He stared at her for a moment. In a serious tone, he asked, “He did not act out today, did he?” 
“What? No. He was in a bad mood when he got me, but he wasn’t unkind. I found it charming how the children loved watching him juggle.” 
“Good, good....it is normal for him to seem upset, at times. Take no offense when that happens.” He sat up, moving her off in a smooth movement. “-I take it you are learning plenty from my children?”
“Oh, yes...Bishop is as smart as you, and Deacon and Rooke have taught me well with how to fight. I know Phule will help me understand how to act around here - they are all so talented…I’m honored to work with them.”
Kane stood from the bed to start changing into his nightwear. She watched him move around with hungry eyes, eagerly waiting on the blankets. He took off his shirt in an almost teasing pace, pulling it from his shoulders slowly. His words snapped her out of her trance. “-When I have the time, I plan on teaching you how to fence.” 
She couldn’t hide the excitement in her voice. “You’re going to give me fencing lessons?” 
“Of course. As soon as I am caught up with my work, I will begin teaching you the sport of swords.”
She took on a flirtatious tone, sliding her finger on her bottom lip as she eyed him hungrily. “You know, back when I was in those barracks...there were a lot of rumors that you had quite a long sword…”
“My rapier? Yes, I was taught by the finest instructor in Valencia. He crafted me--” Kane’s words stopped when he turned around and found the inviting smile on ‘Queen’s face. When she licked her lips, he realized he misunderstood. “-I see.” 
He gave her an excited smile of his own, pulling off his gloves and meeting with her in the covers of his bed. In their embrace, he thought of how well she was getting along with his family. Rooke and Deacon told him she was a worthy student, but they admired her kindness as well. Even Bishop appreciated her help at times, despite presenting it otherwise. He was sure Phule would learn to come around, as there was no other option. He understood his children - and they liked her.
This will make things more convenient.
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The Morning After
OR, an outtake from the courtesan au for Magnus’s birthday. Cause why not.
Magnus woke to late afternoon sunlight streaming in from between heavyset velvet curtains, and quiet mumbling of petal-like lips against his skin.
He stretched languidly, careful not to stir the body that lay half over him, and stared up at the ceiling.
It was Magnus’s birthday today.
Following tradition, his father had thrown a night-long ball to welcome the sunset that began the crown-Prince's birthday. But for the first time since he was old enough to stay up long enough to watch the sunrise, Magnus hadn't stayed at the party. He'd snuck away, his beloved companion on his arm, and they'd welcomed the sunrise in his royal chambers, in each other's arms.
He'd never have dreamed of leaving on his own. But there'd been an incident last night, and everyone's eyes were on Magnus, and a strange sort of uneasiness and fear had crept into his heart the way they all looked to him instead of the boy with the emptied glass of wine in his hand.
So, later, when everyone was getting restless, Alexander snuck his lips next to his ear and whispered, "Might we take our leave, My Lord?"
And Magnus could never say no to him.
Besides, being tangled up with Alexander was far more pleasant and gratifying way to celebrate his first day of being thirty-two than watching the sunset.
He was considering celebrating his birthday this same way every year from now. The past two years, Alec had hung on to his arm all night as he waded through group after group in the ballroom making social calls. And the year before that, Alec was at the House of Angels.
He still remembered the sparkle in Alec’s eyes when Magnus visited and told him he wanted to spend the day with his favourite courtesan.
The first time Magnus ever saw Alec, it was in that very house. He'd walked into the foyer, looking for a little excitement, and there he was, stood bathed in moonlight and candlefire on a balcony high above. Alexander had been swathed in white silk below the waist, a considerable gap in the fabric that exposed one long, lean leg, and chains of pearl looped around his shoulders and cascaded down his chest. He held a lace fan in front of his face, only his sharp blue eyes visible as they surveyed the scene below.
Magnus still remembered the shudder that ran through his whole body when those eyes met his for the first time. Alexander had looked at him like he was a rare, precious gem and lowered his fan. His own radiant beauty, shining like an angelic pearl, had nearly knocked Magnus down to his knees.
He'd left the House the next morning a thousand gold coins poorer, but all the more richer for having spent the night with his body pressed against Alec’s, the pearls discarded on the floor and silk bunched up above his hips, the taste of Alec on his tongue and his gasps and moans echoing like music in his ears.
Magnus had returned, several times, and now…
A low heat coiled in his stomach as he raised his hand, tracing with a lazy finger the mark on Alec’s bare shoulder - the outline of the sun, all in black, encircling within it the letters M.B entwined together.
Magnus’s own insignia. The mark that told everyone who looked at it that Alec belonged to Magnus, and only Magnus. His to look at, his to touch, only his.
Alec’s lips ceased muttering, and he stirred as his eyes slowly fluttered open. Magnus smiled at him, fingers still lingering on the mark on his shoulder.
“How long before we have to leave and face the music?” Alec asked, his voice still a little raspy from sleep.
“They won’t disturb us for a while,” Magnus murmured. “Not if I have anything to do about it. And I have a lot I can do, darling.”
A tiny huff of laughter escaped Alec’s lips. “Your father-“
“My father knows I do what I want,” Magnus said dismissively.
“Yet,” Alec said, body shifting under the velvet blanket as he stretched. “I don’t think he is very happy about me throwing wine in that man’s face.”
Alec did not use a mark to show the world his claim on Magnus.
Instead, he glared at you over Magnus’s shoulder if you leaned in a little too close.
If you dared to toe the line a little more, he pressed his side against Magnus’s and threw a claiming arm around him.
And if dared even further - though only a fool would do so - and Magnus tried to walk away and you grabbed his hand, Alexander would pick up the nearest thing and hurl it at you.
Last night, it was a goblet of red wine. Fortunately for that man, the goblet wasn’t hurled. Only the wine.
Alec had done worse to others. Magnus knew that. He’d heard rumors - clients whom Alec had scorned, courtesans with whom Magnus had briefly dallied. People talked.
He couldn’t bring himself to care. More than the angel he’d seen that very first day, more than the devil that people gossiped about, he cared about the boy who lay in his arms in this very moment.
“He’ll simply have to deal with it,” Magnus said. “I think we have better things to do than talk of wine, hmm?”
He curled his hand around the back of Alec’s neck, pulling him in for a kiss. The heat in his stomach had gone up to his head, making him almost dizzy, making it hard to think. He felt Alec smile against his lips, and then all breath was knocked out of him as Alec pushed him into the mattress, straddling him in one swift move.
“I think we definitely do,” Alec said, his pupils blown wide and dark. His fingers curled under Magnus’s chin, thumb brushing along his lower lip, and Magnus sucked in a breath.
He knew, just as he always did, that he would do anything for this man.
“Lie back, Your Majesty,” Alec purred, his free hand closing around the violet silk ribbon they’d discarded at the head of the bed last night. “Let me take care of you.”
Everyone thought Magnus owned Alec, but it was far from the truth - that Alexander owned every fiber of Magnus’s being, and always would.
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
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"You can play it sensible... a king of conventional..."
New Origin of the Pixies chapter today!
Chapter 41 - “King Unconventional”
Read on FFN || Read on AO3
The Head Pixie doesn't like reviewing certain moments of his past. This special chapter is told in Sanderson POV! It recounts his experiences growing up in Pixie Village, learning to preen, and going to school with Idona. Enjoy!
On FFN, this chapter puts the story over 600,000 words! Wowza!
(First 1,000 words of this chapter under the cut)
King Unconventional
It's Sanderson
Yo, it's your Sand Man. H.P. asked me to write a chapter for his book today. I'm not 100 up on what was drafted so far, but I get that the gist of it has been Pixie history up until my first break-up with Idona. H.P. said he'll pick up the story with stuff that came after I got my adult wings. That leaves this mega gap of 130k years for me to cover in brief. I've been asked to describe what growing up in Pixie Village was like during this period, sort of glance at the nests and the honeycombs, and give my perspective on the experience of developing into an adult pixie body (since I took more specific notes on that than H.P. did when he was my age). So, strap down and let's work with this, boys.
Back in my early 30,000s, Pixie World was not what it is today. We called it Pixie Village (Sprigganhame on paper) and it was a full-on hive estate. H.P.'s caisleán stood in the center almost exactly where Inkblot City's square and Pixies Incorporated stand today. His office had a glass door to the outside so we could go and look at him if we wanted, and sometimes Rice (who usually lay on the cushion by his desk) would come out to romp around. He spent a lot of time watching Keefe. Emery had her own room too in the early years, until her courtship with Ranen turned serious and she took a new place in Faeheim not far from ASPRA headquarters. If I remember right, she ran the Boudacian godparenting branch until after the war, when Needlebark stepped down from supervising the angels.
Being the young pixies we were, the caisleán was the sun of our solar system. It was there we could visit H.P. and show him our accomplishments of the day, or sometimes wiggle a story out of Emery. We could feed and pet Rice, who was always very patient and let us dress him up in suits if we wanted to. He had nice things to say about all of us, even though looking back on it I'm not sure why he bothered. I guess he said them because they were true. In the caisleán we could take baths instead of showers in our tháir, and we could all gather on the couch for presents and fat meals every Season Turn. Everything was bigger in the caisleán, and it smelled more strongly of H.P. than it did anywhere else. That's where we felt at home.
Circling the caisleán were the tháircha, or drone cabins. In a traditional hive estate design, there only would've been one such cabin and three or four drones would have resided there, each with a bedroom and personal office space to call his own. However, it became necessary for Pixies to organize differently. During the early years we had eight tháircha in the village, each with a single kitchen, living area, and washing room on the lower floor that housemates shared. Up the stairs was the loft where we kept our beds. There were twelve of us to a tháir because H.P. said a dozen was a perfect number, and we didn't question it because our social instincts agreed.
My bed was in the best corner, next to Hawkins who had the window spot. I liked my place because it was near the grayfish tank and bookshelf, and I was closer to Wilcox than to Caudwell who always stayed up late and Bayard who used his wand as a nightlight. As we grew and there started to be more of us, we drones made it tradition to wrestle every Naming Day. The winner got to pick the bed they wanted that year. Hawkins and I always won, but I always beat Hawkins. I was the biggest and the strongest back then. Pixie drones still wrestle at the start of every new year to this day, though we don't trade bedspaces anymore. Switching delivery addresses would be additional paperwork we wouldn't get paid for. Instead, we use it to decide who has to be designated pinger at parties, or at least pay for the cost of going out. If you rank high enough and stay consistent, you'll never have to be the sober loser at all.
We do a lot of wrestling. We're a lekking species, so when we hit the sugar bars in groups, we play for damsels' entertainment. Now that we're adults and my position as chéad grá - alpha drone - is undeniable, the others mostly let me win. I don't see the appeal of flirting, but I like that I always get first dibs. There's something powerful about crouching over one of your co-workers at a party, all the while checking over your shoulder at the damsel who's had our mutual attention all night, straining to see if she was watching our match. They usually watch. I've never actually kissed anyone except Idona, but I like the conversations. I try not to talk too much when I'm out on the job with H.P., so times he isn't around work best for meeting my social needs.
Though, H.P. at a party is unique, to say the least. It doesn't impress anyone if he beats one of us in a fight, and most Fairies back away from his pheromones, so he heads out in disguise when he's in a particularly itchy mood. With sticky-lenses instead of glasses and a scarf around his neck, he's not so easily recognizable. Some of my coworkers don't even know he's circling a party unless they happen to recognize the limp in my leg as I follow incognito from a respectful distance.
H.P. firmly believes mates are unnecessary and swore off physical pairing after Iris, but every few Fairy Reunions when he finds someone his age he recognizes, sometimes he wants to steal a kiss. It used to embarrass him to have me around those nights, but I think he's realized now he's too advanced in age to flip his brain in the sharing magic mood without someone to compete against. It gets you on, you know? Makes you put in the blood and sweat. He challenges me to drinking contests most nights like that, swearing he'll up my next bonus with every glass I down after six. And he buys the drinks, so it's always a win-win for me. Like I said, entertaining.
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Fever {6}
Series Masterlist
A/N: Hello! I’m back! I’ve been struggling with piecing this story together and I just finished my Masters which took a lot of my time, but now I’ve got time to spend writing for fun again! Abandoned stories I’m coming back for you! Also after writing this I’m realizing how much A/B/O I have been reading and yup, that’s apparently become an influence. 
Tags: @plainjaniedee
Warnings:  PANIC ATTACK MENTIONED IN THIS CHAPTER, Depression, Anxiety, Abandonment, Therapy Sessions, Language
Summary: Mike’s bug makes its way through the friend group, because, you know sharing is caring. 
Rating: M
Word Count: 4,656
On Monday, Ben was sick, Tuesday, Jess. There was no doubt that whatever Mike had was making its way through the entire friend group. There was something daunting about each of your friends leaving you behind and you waiting for the inevitable moment when you lose your breakfast.Wednesday, I got sick, I woke up and ran to the bathroom, emptying the contents of my stomach. 
Dad cautiously entered, keeping his distance. “I think it’s best you stay home today.” 
I nodded, groaning as my stomach continued to do flips. “Jake’s supposed to come today.” 
Dad chuckled, “I don’t think you need him seeing you like this.” 
“Definitely not.” I snarked back, getting off the floor of the bathroom. 
“I’ll let Billy know that you’ve caught the bug, Jake’s probably not too far behind you. This things going through you guys like a wildfire.” Dad backed away from the door. “Do you need anything before I head for work?” 
“I’m good, just going to go back to bed.” I murmured, pulling the covers up to my chin as I crawled into bed. I woke up to the sound of the phone ringing and plodded downstairs to answer it. “Hello?” 
“Oh, you do sound awful.” Jake’s voice stated, a hint of worry in it. 
“You sure know how to make a girl feel special, Jake.” I teased weakly. 
“Do you need anything?” He asked.
“I think so, I’m sorry we can’t hang out today.” I murmured, leaning against the wall. 
“Who said we can’t hang out?” Jake asked. 
“My date with the bathroom floor.” I answered. 
Jake chuckled, “I’m probably going to get this since I was close to Mike when he was spewing his guts out, besides, we need to get your college applications rolling, they wait for no illness.” 
“Jake, you really don't want this.” I stated. 
“I’ll be over in an hour, Charlie’s going to be late tonight, he called dad, and I’m not going to chicken out just because you’re sick. So, what color gatorade do you want?” 
“Blue?” I murmured, glancing around the house, it wasn’t as much of a disaster as it had been in a while and honestly I don’t know that I have the strength to clean it. 
“Bells, it’s gonna be fine, don’t stress. You need to lay back down, go to bed, I’ll be over, I don’t need special treatment.”
“What, are you some kind of mind reader?” I asked before thinking and felt my chest contract. Fuck. 
“Just for you.” He answered. “Now go back to bed. I’ll be there soon.” 
“Bye.” I whispered, hanging up the phone and sliding down the wall. My heartbeat thrumming in my ears as it became hard to breathe. I knew it was a panic attack, Dr. Gilbert had spent a lot of time this week helping with identifying triggers and what to do if I was triggered. I just hadn’t expected to need to use her methods just yet. I started breathing slowly and deeply, wiling the shaking to go away as I pulled my legs up to my chest. I wrapped my arms around my knees, I had to hold myself together, just had to. Mind reader, my own voice was taunting me. Golden eyes flashed in my mind, no concern, just indifference. Then the tears started, could you drown from your own tears? That was my final coherent thought before I faded from reality and was pitched into darkness. 
“Bells?” Jake’s voice called from the door, and I opened my eyes, he rounded the corner and the bags in his arms fell to the ground and he closed the distance between us. Stopping mere inches from me before he was on his knees. “Bells, Bella…Can I touch you?” He murmured gently. 
I nodded and he took up the space next to me and pulled me into his chest. His arms wrapped around me as he pulled me close. “Breathe with me, match my breathing, c’mon baby.” He murmured in my ear. I realized the wheezing sound was coming from me. I started to match the rise and fall of his chest. “That’s it, that’s so good.” 
I looked up at him and met his dark eyes. “Jake, I’m sorry.” 
“Nothing to be sorry about.” He murmured.
“It’s….I just….I…” I kept trying to start a sentence but he shook his head. 
“I don’t need to know until you’re ready. And you don’t have to be ready today.” He started drawing slow circles on my back. “We can stay here as long as you need.” 
I pulled myself up and he loosened his hold around me. “I’m still sorry.” I whispered.
He shook his head, but considered me for a moment. “So, I’m thinking maybe college applications aren’t the best plan for tonight, but I do have gatorade, some chicken noodle soup, and no where to be for the rest of the night.” 
“I’m already really behind though.” I murmured. 
“Well, let’s do gatorade, I’ll get the soup going, then we’ll see how you’re doing and evaluate what’s next after that.” He answered. “Think you can sit in the kitchen, keep me company?” 
I nodded and he gave me the gentlest smile before pulling away and standing up. He offered me a hand and pulled me from the ground and made sure I was settled into a chair at the kitchen table before he retrieved the hallway. He set them down and opened one of the gatorades and set it in front of me. I stared at it for a moment, wondering if the color blue that it was could actually be healthy for human consumption. But with the look that he was giving me, I knew I needed to start drinking it. 
He turned and started to cook after I took the first sip. It was odd, watching how comfortable he was in my kitchen. 
“Dad and Charlie have a lot of game nights and there’s only so much eating chips and dip a kid can take.” Jake joked, making me realize that I had said that aloud. 
“And here I thought that they were only capable of ordering shitty pizza.” I joked. 
“Pizza is a rare occurrence, only reserved for times when they lose a bet with each other.” Jake responded, giving a small smile to me as he turned away from the pot and let it begin to heat up. “So…do you want to talk about it? It’s cool if you don’t, I just…I can’t help but feel a little guilty.” 
I raised my eyebrow, “What do you have to be guilty about?” 
He chuckled, “I feel like I inadvertently caused your panic attack, and I want….I want to make sure I don’t do it again.” 
“You didn’t, trigger it, I did. It’s not a big deal.” I answered. 
“Bella, you were on the floor for an hour.” He chided.
“I was on the floor all morning with my toilet.” I answered. 
“Not the same.” He urged then sighed. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.” 
I chewed on my bottom lip for a moment. “It was the joke, I made. About mind readers, it was a running joke with him, and I didn’t realize that it would affect me.” I should be worried about how easy that lie was. 
Jake’s eyes softened and he nodded. “Thank you for telling me.” He turned back to the stove and glanced at the pot before turning back to me. “Is there anything I should avoid saying, or doing?” 
Leaving. My mind supplied, but I pushed that down, remembering how Dr. Gilbert had said that it was important for you to share triggers with people you were around, but that one didn’t feel like it needed to be shared right now, but you should also be open. “I’m still working on knowing them, but blood, um, I don’t know. We talked about potential ones this week.” I started tapping my fingers on my leg. “Dr. Gilbert thinks that after everything, abandonment, someone leaving without any contact, that might be a trigger.” 
The full force of Jake’s gaze was locked on me now, for a moment I willed the stove to start boiling over, no luck, now that would be a power. “I’m not planning on going anywhere, Bells.” He murmured. “Not for a long time.” 
A warm feeling blossomed in my chest at that, at the sincerity in his tone. I just nodded and he turned back to the stove. It felt odd, that warm feeling in my chest, I wasn’t sure that I would ever be able to feel it again. Was it too soon for that feeling to be there? I was pulled from my thoughts by Jake setting a bowl of steaming soup in front of my face. 
“Dinner’s served.” He stated, a grin on his face as he pulled up a chair across from me with his own bowl.
I took a tentative sip from my spoon, my stomach remained settled so I tried a bit more. “It’s good.” I murmured. 
“I’ll be sure to pass the review onto Lipton.” Jake replied, smile still in his eyes. 
We ate the rest in silence, Jake checking to see if I needed anything else, checking to make sure that I was still feeling alright. “You know, you’re probably going to be in my seat soon enough, maybe you should be worried about yourself.” 
“I guess you’ll just have to return the favor.” Jake said with a wink as he cleaned up the table, putting the remaining soup in the fridge. “Maybe Charlie will need something. Alright, lets start on your application.”
We settled on the couch, Jake took my laptop from my hands and settled in, opening Peninsula’s website. “So, you’re thinking education, right? Or do we want to go with undecided?” 
I paused for a moment, mulling over the daunting fact that the choice of my future was going to be left up to the little blank boxes on the application. “Education, undecided feels too open for me.” 
Jake nodded and continued typing away. “So there’s some questions, I can hand you the laptop, or you can dictate to me, whichever works for you.” 
“You can type, that way I can ensure that it’s made into something intelligent.” I answered. 
“Are you calling me smart, Bella Swan?” Jake teased. 
“I’d definitely call you a smart ass.” I answered, without missing a beat, laughing at Jake’s mock hurt face. 
“Alright, tell me about an influential person in your life.” 
I started to ramble about Dad, about how much he meant to me, how much it meant that he wanted to help people. The questions continued in the same manner, me rambling an answer, Jake editing it down and giving it more of an academic feel. I hadn’t noticed how much time had passed until I heard the door open. 
“Bella?” Dad’s voice called from the doorway. 
“In the living room!” I called back, hearing his footsteps shuffle into the house. 
“Ah, Jake, how are you?” 
“I’m good, Charlie. There’s extra soup in the fridge, we’re working on Bella’s application to Peninsula.” 
“Peninsula’s a good school. Are you feeling better?” Dad’s focus was turned back to me. 
“I kept down a bowl of soup and some Gatorade.” I answered. “Seems like it’s calming down.” 
“Good to know.” Dad responded. “I’m going to eat then head up to bed, Jake, make sure that you let Billy know if you’re running late. If you need, just sleep on the couch.” He shuffled into the kitchen, but his eyes were tired, his walk unsteady. 
“They’re really trying to figure out what’s going on in the forest aren’t they?” Jake asked once he was out of earshot. 
“Yeah, it’s been a rough week.” 
“We’re almost done, just need you to fill out all your information, social security number and all that.” Jake said, passing the laptop to me. His eyes wandered to the kitchen as Dad wandered upstairs with a small wave. 
I typed in the final blank spaces, glancing over the application, then the cursor hovered over the submit button. It seemed so real, and somehow, not quite real. Jake’s hand bumped mine. “C’mon, it’s not so scary once you send it away.” 
I nodded and clicked the button, the screen turned to a spinning wheel before a large congratulations filled the screen. “All done.” I murmured. 
“Not so bad, was it?” Jake gave me a small bump with his shoulder. 
“Definitely had worse.” I responded, closing the laptop and setting it aside. “Thank you, for everything.” 
“Anytime, like I said, I’m not going anywhere.” Jake murmured, his hand reaching out for mine, linking our fingers together. 
There was something easy about physical contact with Jake, there was a weight to it, but it didn’t have to carry that weight, it was easy. It was just Jake, it was an anchor in a storm. Regardless how heavy the winds blew, I knew that I wasn’t going to go anywhere, and I wasn’t going to lose him. 
“I should head home, let Billy know that you’ve got at least one application out there, and that you’re feeling better.” 
I gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “I really do appreciate it, not sure how to repay it, aside from having chicken soup and gatorade ready when you get this.” 
“You don’t need to worry about paying me back, Bells.” Jake replied giving my hand a squeeze before he stood up. “I’ll see you soon. Good night.” 
“Night, Jake.” I murmured, getting up to walk him out the door. I stood at the door while I watched his tail lights fade in the distance. As I settled into bed, I gave a silent prayer that the butterflies in my stomach were exactly that, butterflies. 
A few days passed and the phone started ringing, Dad sighed and answered it before handing it to me over the kitchen table. “For you.” There was a glint in his eye that I was starting to associate with Jake. 
“Hey, Jake.” I quipped as I took the phone from him. 
“Hey, Bells.” Jake’s voice came through the line, gravely and distorted. 
“You’re not sounding so good, I warned you that you were going to get this. What time do you want the soup and gatorade?” I asked. 
“As much as I would appreciate it, I don’t think this is the stomach bug you had.” His voice sounded so weak. “I don’t want to get you sick, you just got better. I’m going to need to take a raincheck on that soup and gatorade for now.” 
“Are you sure, I’m not afraid of a cold.” 
“Bells, please, don’t come. I’ll call you when I’m feeling better, promise.” 
“Okay, I hope you feel better.” I murmured. 
“Thanks Bells, I’ll talk to you soon.” He replied, then the line went dead. 
“You going to play nurse to Jake?” Dad asked, a smirk under his mustache. 
“He said that he didn’t want me around, thinks it’s something different from what I had.” I answered. 
Dad raised an eyebrow. “Sure.” 
I tilted my head at him, a small smile on my lips. “You sound like you disagree.” 
“I know that if I had a pretty girl willing to play nurse to me, I’d want her there, but I also might not want her to see me as less than macho.” He answered, raising his eyebrows as he took a sip of coffee. “Probably just wants to be a tough guy to you.” 
I rolled my eyes, “Whatever you say, Dad.” I grabbed my truck keys. “I’ll see you after school?” 
“Barring anymore attacks, you’ll see me.” 
School was relatively normal, Jess and Ben commiserated with me over the stomach bug, somehow Ange had managed to make it out unscathed. Jess immediately tuned into the knowledge that Jake had taken care of me. Then she tried to make a plan for me to play nurse that I knew Dad and Billy would not approve of, although, given how hard the two of them seemed to be trying to push Jake and I together, I’m not too sure of how opposed to it they would be….
I settled in at home with some homework, Dad had thrown together a meal and tossed it in the oven. He was watching it as it cooked. “A watched pot may never boil, but a watched meal won’t burn.” He muttered as his eyes remained locked on the oven. 
Once I was done with my homework I grabbed the phone and called Jake. The phone line was busy. I sighed, but put it back on the hook. I called after dinner, same busy signal. I tried to hide my disappointment from Dad, but he caught it as he watched me climb up the stairs.
“Billy’s probably got the lines all tied up.” He murmured reassuringly. 
“Yeah, probably.” I murmured. 
I hunkered down in my bed that night, with an uneasy feeling as I tried to find sleep. The days continued, calling Jake, either getting a busy signal, or Billy. Billy’s comments were always the same. “Sorry, Bella, Jake’s asleep. He’s currently in the bathroom and I think he would kill me if you heard him vomiting. Hell of a bug you guys are passing around.” 
“Just give him some time, Bella.” Dad responded. “Talked to Harry today, says he thinks he’s got mono. You definitely don’t need to be wrapped up in that.” 
“Don’t you get mono through kissing?” I asked. 
“Exactly why you’re not going down there.” Dad answered. 
“Dad!” I yelped. 
“Just calling it as I see it. You don’t take care of someone who’s sick if you don’t care about them.” Dad said with finality. “Give him a week, see if he calls you back. If not, then you can call him non-stop, hell, knock down Billy’s door for all I care.” 
One week, I can do that. I thought to myself. What I didn’t tell myself was, a week can seem really long. Everyone warns you that healing is not a linear process, there isn’t a delusion that you will suddenly become perfect. But, the thing they don’t always tell you about spiraling is that you never know when it will hit you. They tell you to be mindful of triggers, things that might send you over the edge. But what are you supposed to do when they hit you out of nowhere? And how are you supposed to know all of them when you haven’t experienced them? So I called, maybe a day short of a week, but it was close enough. 
“He’s feeling better Bella, but he’s not around, he’s out with the boys.” Billy answered. 
“Thanks for letting me know, Billy.” I murmured, hanging up the phone. He was out with the boys and didn’t have the decency to let me know he was okay, after everything. You’re not worth caring about. My mind supplied and I shook my head. I matter to the people who I care about, who care about me. I argued. 
You’re not worth it. Echoed in my mind. I stormed out of the house and into the forest. The image of the meadow flooded my mind. I tried to shake it, but I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Today, I would find it. On my own. Hiking entailed a level of grace and coordination, that by this point, I should have known I didn’t have, but I was determined. I was going to find that damn meadow. What I was going to do when I found it, maybe I would finally be happy to know that it was real. Maybe I would just set it on fire. Who knew? After a few hours I finally found it. The blue flowers still dotting the grass. 
It was real, a giggle escaped my lips. I had found it. I pushed away the memories of what had happened the last time I was here and just breathed in the scent of the flowers as the wind blew through, causing them to bend and sway. It wasn’t a dream, it wasn’t me imagining a better place. It was real. 
“Hello, Bella.” I heard a familiar voice behind me. 
I turned quickly, losing my footing and falling as my eyes settled on Laurent. His eyes were a bright red, from what I could remember he was supposed to be with vegetarians, that seemed unlikely now. “Laurent, what a surprise.” I said as he offered a hand to me and pulled me up. 
“Yes, well, I was in the area. I stopped by the Cullen’s, but they weren’t in.” 
I let out a chuckle. “Well, you know how it goes. They like to travel.” I tried to keep myself calm, he would sense any shift in my heartbeat, hopefully he took the pace for startling me. 
“It almost seemed like they had moved on.” 
“They did, they visit from time to time, though.” 
He studied me for a moment. “I am surprised that Edward would go anywhere without you.” 
I shrugged, “It is harder when you’re just a human. I’ll have to let them know that you were around though, they’ll be sad to have missed you.” 
Laurent gazed around the meadow, inhaling deeply. “I am sure. It has been…enjoyable spending time with their cousins.” Something flashed in his eyes before he let out a wry chuckle. “But the diet is hell on someone who is not used to it. I have to admit, sometimes, I cheat.” His gaze turned directly to me. 
“Jasper struggles too. He has to be so careful at home.” I wrapped my arm around my middle.
Laurent smiled. “As do I.” He took a step closer to me. 
“Did Victoria find you?” I asked, realizing it sounded more desperate than I had intended. 
He faltered, “Yes, she did. I actually came here for her.”
“Oh, is she around?” I asked. 
“She’s… around.” He murmured. “She is going to be put out I fear.”
“Because she missed you?” 
Laurent rolled his eyes, like one does with a child who has asked one too many questions. “Because, dear Bella, I’m going to kill you.” 
My heart beat thrummed in my ears. 
“She wanted the honor.” Laurent stated, taking another step towards me. “Edward killed her mate, it’s only fair that she kills his. A mate for a mate.” 
I was going to die, in this meadow. This fucking meadow that I had to find, fuck this place for being real. “It’s such a shame, to find you, while I’m hunting. I imagine she will be angry, but she’ll be angry for a millennia over James.” Laurent shrugged, taking a deep inhale through his nose.  “And you, are so…mouthwatering. It’s amazing that Edward never took a taste.” He stepped closer, reaching out for a strand of my hair, but froze. “It can’t be.” His eyes were staring behind me. 
I turned my neck to see hulking figures emerge from the tree line. Bears? He was afraid of bears? I turned further and saw them, wolves. But they weren’t normal wolves, they were giant, what was in the water around here? A snarl ripped from the black wolf’s maw as he walked towards Laurent, ignoring me. I froze as more followed behind it. Laurent was backing away, eyes wide. A growl sounded from my right, I glanced over to see a russet colored wolf stop ten feet from me. I made eye contact with the wolf, and it froze, a huff of air burst from its mouth. I felt warmth in my chest as it stared at me for a beat longer before turning towards Laurent, lip raising to show its impressive teeth. The black wolf let out a bark and Laurent ran, closely followed by the wolves. The one that had met my eyes glanced back for a second before racing after the others. One final howl and the forest fell silent. 
“What the hell are you doing, Bella?” I asked myself, looking around the meadow. I could have died here, was that what I wanted? No, it’s not. I turned trying to remember what direction I came from, and the direction the wolves and Laurent went. It must have been a few hours before I finally found my way out of the forest. There were no signs of the wolves or Laurent, I raced into my truck and felt the tears begin to flow. Sobs fell from my lips. I calmed myself and let the growl of the engine soothe me. 
I finally reached the house, the sun was starting to fade behind the treetops. “Bella?” I heard Dad’s voice call the second I entered the door. 
I tried to make my voice even. “Yeah, it’s me.” 
“Where were you? I was worried sick…” His tirade was cut short when he saw me. “What happened?” 
“I went hiking and I… I saw the wolves, it’s not bears dad.” 
Dad’s eyes went wide as he started looking over me. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, a few scratches, I fell.” 
“What were you doing in the forest, we’ve talked about this. And now that I know there are wolves and it’s not bears…” 
“I just, needed to do something, and I didn’t realize I was so deep into the woods and then…” I trailed off as the tears started again. 
“Bells.” Dad murmured, pulling me into his chest. “No more hiking, not until we get this wolf situation figured out.” 
“I promise. I’m sorry, Dad.” His arms tightened around me. 
“You hungry?” 
I shook my head, “I just want to head up to bed.” 
“Okay, kiddo.” He murmured, I could feel his eyes on my back as I walked up the stairs. I got into my room and heard a rapping on my window. I felt the panic rise in my chest, she was here. I looked and saw Jake, hanging onto the tree and gesturing at the window. I sighed and pulled it open. “What do you want?” 
He raised a hand at me. “I just want to talk.” 
“You want to talk, now?” I asked, gesturing at the sky. 
He sighed, “Please, Bells.” His eyes met mine. 
“Fine.” I stepped aside and he launched himself through the window, landing on light feet. 
His gaze moved back to mine. “I’m sorry.” 
“About what? Ditching me for Sam’s gang?” I started in on him. 
“I didn’t…” He started. 
“You did.” I snapped. “You left me, just like he did.”
Jake winced visibly at that statement. “Bella, I didn’t have a choice. I couldn’t….”
“Save it, Jake.” I glared up at him. “I’m glad you have new friends. I hope they are better company that I was. And you can fuck off.” 
He stared at me, shock evident in his face. “Bella, please, give me a chance to explain. I didn’t…” 
I cut him off, “There is always a choice and you made yours.” 
He glanced back at me, his eyes looked like they were filling with tears. “Alright, do you want me to leave?” 
“I think that would be best.” I answered, trying to ignore the pain I saw in his face. 
“Okay. I’ll go.” He murmured, giving me one final glance before jumping out the window. I saw him run off and glance back one more time before he disappeared into the tree line. In the distance I heard a single wolf’s howl. 
The anger that had come to the surface died down and I felt tears start in my eyes. I threw myself onto my bed and sobbed into my pillow. I was alone again and it felt like someone was clawing at my chest. When sleep finally overtook me, I dreamed of the wolf, and his eyes. Those eyes, they were so familiar…
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imnotsiho · 1 year
i will probably die a poetic death.
edit: my bad! tw: violence, mentions of death, killing.
i will probably die a poetic death. this is what i keep telling myself, whenever i'm walking back home to my apartment and the skies have grayed enough for me to feel depressed. actually, this is what i tell myself even when the sun is shining bright to welcome the new day, when there's flowers falling swiftly from the trees down to the road, when it's drizzling, when it's snowing... there is always this thought that i will probably die a poetic death. as if it's a life mission? as if it was inevitable.
and today, it's happening. it actually really is. it really, finally is. how beautiful.
it wasn't easy to describe how siho was feeling at this moment. ha siho, always operating from a distance, following orders, now about to execute her target that happens to be just a meter away from her, who also happens to be the constant root of her commissions. ha juho.
the man that continued the ever few generations of their organization. the man that made sure every agent who falls into the hands of greed would face consequences regardless of reason. the man who made sure every person involved in the assassination of sol sihwan, his beloved wife, was executed in the most excruciating way possible. ha juho, who made sure to protect siho from all things evil.
siho straightened her posture once more, the suppressor on her pistol directly positioned on her father's forehead, who, before siho, was on his knees with his hands raised as surrender. just like siho, his face was stoic as ever. lips in a straight line, cheeks swollen from the years he's served, eyes refusing to share a little story.
"why.. why did you have to do this?" siho finally choked out, a tear falling down her cheek as she stared at her father's face, as if staring at him enough would dig the answers to her questions. the most blank stare. it was taking a lot of energy to keep her hands from trembling, wanting to treat this as any regular commission, not to be swayed by her emotions. yet, she is losing to her own self. "this- you could have just-" as she struggled on her words like a child, the man adjusted the gun she was holding on his forehead, closing his eyes afterwards. this time, her tears started streaming. she couldn't help but sob, finding the need to hold onto the gun with both hands. quietly, he told her, "it's time, child." she couldn't believe it. she didn't want to.
it hasn't even been a long time ever since he made sure she had bodyguards stalking her a few meters away from school, the same men wasting their time running after her as she tried to escape their sight, despite knowing it would forever be impossible. her head started to hurt, it felt as if all the memories they've spent together on earth had compiled into a 5 second flashback, siho's brows knitting themselves in frustration as she suffered to be in the position she was in; yet he remained stoic, kneeling down on the floor, with closed eyes, breathing steady. he looked peaceful. she wished, after this, he would feel angry at her, so he would visit her dreams often.
within seconds, ha juho was laying on his back on the ground, hole in the face, a faint smile seen on his lips. he was gone. her father was really gone. she took him out. on the other end, siho's arms limply dropped the gun. it was as if she was seeing a dead person for the first time. few splashes of his blood splat all over her face and arms, while her own skin tone flushed pale, as if the light from her own body was about to be taken away. slowly, she took a step back, not taking her eyes away from him. she felt as if her whole body was on fire, and there was nothing she could do about it. she was being burned alive, and even if there happened to be help available, she wouldn't take it. at this moment, she wanted to die.
"...father?" she knew she wouldn't answer. she was feeling ridiculous. she dropped to the ground and had her hand on his stomach, like she used to do whenever he found him drunk and she needed to get an insane amount of money for spending with her friends. she chuckled, knowing her father would never say no to her anymore. he wouldn't answer to her anymore. he wouldn't be meddling with her business anymore. he wouldn't be trying to control every aspect of her life anymore, and yet she will miss him. she already does, and it takes a lot of strength to pull herself up, away from him. she remembers what he told her a few hours ago, "they're watching, closely."
"the next few months, they really better be." she mutters. she was laughing to herself now. "i hope you keep watching. i really, really hope you fucking do." the rage she had expressed not enough to give an insight on how much it truly weighed.
she crouched down to take off the silver scorpion pendant necklace from her now deceased father, clutching it closely with her right fist before giving him one last stare down, the tears never stopping, her face now a mixture of blood and tears, the constant patting of the back of her hand against her cheeks not doing much difference. after a while, she gives the back of his hand a kiss, before walking away along with her pistol, shoving it down her blazer's jacket along with her father's necklace.
she doesn't know how long she would last living after this, all she knows is that nothing would help lift the pain from her heart. hopefully, the world burns as soon as possible.
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so2uv · 9 months
The house was empty when he came home today, to his strange observation.
Xander spent the past few weeks in a club for a sport he had participated in, but the season ended recently and he booked the quickest flight home. She found her heart rate growing with each hour she gets closer. It’s been a while since she had gotten the time to even call you because the team was always asking for her to come to practice day and night (it was rough to say the least)
“I miss you, sunshine.”
“I miss you too.” The timezones were far apart, setting you two to call at horrendous times, but he loved your voice at each and every hour; from the energetic tone of the noon, to the distressed and exhausted rasp of the night. His poor angel, always working so hard and doing so well.
However, his excitement was quick to turn into stitched brows and echoes of a higher voice. “Sunshine?” He called out, setting down the bags. Usually, you were at the door or on the couch waiting for him, but he found no one.
Maybe you were just tired. Surely that’s all.
Xander looked in the kitchen where she remembered the warm mornings of kissing your neck while you made breakfast, hands on your hips and pulling you close, and the warm breath asking you of the night’s quality; but all he found was an eerie, silent kitchen with a cold stove.
She moved to the living room where you would always lay on top of him and binge another show or movie, but you would fall asleep most of the time (she didint mind. She loved it actually) The couch was where he would pull you into his arms after a long day at school, holding you tight and hearing you complain. He knew it was a lot, so he often offered to cook dinner and give you a massage to relieve all that stress (even if it was just a little) But the fabric was cold, and your presence was lacking.
He started getting worried. Nicknames turning into standard ones. “Sol?” He knocked the bedroom door that was closed, “I’m home.” Xander swallowed the croak in his throat. It must've been a big joke, right? The stress was building up, but he couldn't quit here. You were just messing around with him, playing a prank for him being away.
“I’m coming in.” Their voice was soft as the knob twisted, but only cold air greeted them. He noticed certain things, horrible things to be specific; your charger was gone, the textbooks piling on the floor disappeared, and the closest. He shoved it open. Gone. Majority of the clothes at least.
“Sol,” he called out, “this isnt funny, sunshine, please.”
His heart remained high, but it was too high. Xander continued to search around, murmuring reassurement to himself. Running a hand through her hair, she huffed and went back out to the door. Even your shoes were gone.
Did something happen?
Xander took his phone and started to ring you, but after one, two, three….seven times, you never answered. She sent too many messages already.
“My plane landed!” “I’m home!!” “Sunshine? Where you are you?” “Are you busy with school? Let me know when you get home. I can cook for you :)” “Sol?” “Where are you? It’s been a while?” “Sol please I just want to know” “Is everything okay? I don’t need details, angel, just a word.” “You’re worrying me.” “Did I do something?” “Sunshine?” “Where did you go?” “Please?”
His fingers trembled at the last text of the singular word, too tired to write more. His heart was bubbling in his throat. Something went wrong.
Did we go wrong? Did I do something?
Xander ran a hand down his face, dragging the tears with his hand. They laughed to themself, an empty and breathless one. How long have you been gone? He sat down on the couch and stared out at the end, fingers playing with each other, and he waited. And waited. And waited.
His stomach was angry. It growled and rumbled as thunder does in the sky, but he stayed in the same spot. Waiting, like a dog at the door.
You’ll come back.
Xander knows his sunshine is busy.
They know you're hardworking.
He’ll take his time and come back, just as she does with her seasons.
. . . You’ll come back, right?
damn i feel bad for bro. idk who that is but i hope they find their bitch soon 😔😔
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