#i suck at string crossings rip
airenyah · 2 months
applying rosin to the bow as if that's magically gonna make me better at string crossings
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princessbrunette · 8 months
kinktober : oct 3rd
simon riley x teasing / bratting
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winding simon up was so much fun.
it really gets your heart racing after a slow week, you know? sometimes, you were restless and antsy — and you needed your giant, strong man to threaten you a little to feel something.
so, you’d pretty much been slutting yourself out to him around the base.
it was unlike you, his demure thing that respected privacy and boundaries as much as he did. but, occasionally — you both liked the thrill. which is why you had taken the chance to be extra chatty and sweet with his men, brushing it off as “i’m a nurse, si. you expect me not to speak to people now?” however, it wasn’t just that. it was the tight outfits, the dropping things on the floor just to bend over right in front of him before he goes off on duty — and worst of all, when he’d give you little to no reaction, the touching.
you’d spot him near the dining hall, a quiet night on the base. he was stood, arms crossed after training some newer recruits and he just looked so fucking big. he wore a long sleeve black thermal shirt, stretched across thick muscle, and black cargo pants, the thick belt accentuating his waist. he had his usual black balaclava on, and his boots added an inch or so onto his already imposing height. you felt yourself fucking clench, and for no reason other than he looked good.
you skip over, all bouncy and smiles and he has to fight not to let a smile slip himself — his eyes softening.
“si!” you smile softly, approaching and he turns his body towards you. simon always gave you his full attention.
“you alright, love?” he gruffs in that low voice, and you can barely contain the horny and dumb expression from sliding across your features, blinking up at him with large doe eyes as you suck on your bottom lip. tease, he thinks.
“missed you, been neglecting me.” you groan, and he can tell by your voice that you don’t really feel any kind of way about it. there’s something bigger at play here and he knows it already.
“was trainin’ the rookies.” his eyes don’t leave yours as you step closer, tits brushing against his stomach.
“mhm? how was it?” you converse sweetly, barely glancing around to see if there were any wandering eyes before reaching down to his belt, playfully tugging at it before your hand wanders lower, feeling his heavy shape under your palm. he harshly grabs your wrist, pinning it in the air as he stares you down, voice dropping an octave.
“you think that’s wise, nurse? doin’ that right here?” nurse. he always calls you that when you’d been bad. bingo.
his intimidating glare makes you falter for just a second, ripping your eyes away to recoup but when you do he moves his head to follow your gaze, stepping forward so you’re backed up against the wall.
“don’t know what you’re talking about.” you try, but it doesn’t come out as confident.
“no? reckon you’ve been behaving this week, then?” he pushes, muscles tight with frustration. he’d been waiting for the chance to pounce, and you’d barely even pushed his button. you hold your chin up, putting on the act.
“i have. i’m a good girl.” you tease and he scoffs, eyes darting about the hallway before grabbing you roughly by the waistband and stuffing his thick arm down there, strong hand pushing past your panties. you let out a quiet yelp when he slides his fingers through slick, tutting at you and pulling his hand out.
“as i thought. all wet over nothing.” he berates, opening your jaw with one hand and stuffing his wet fingers into your mouth with the other. your eyes water as they stare up at him mercilessly, threatening to roll back when you choke on them just a little. you’re saved by the sound of footsteps and he pulls back, a string of saliva following his hand when it departs and snapping against your chin, making you splutter a little, wiping it with the back of your hand.
you think he might let you run off, now that there’s people around but he grasps you by the back of the neck when you turn around, practically walking you like a dog in the direction of your dorm. “c’mon, know you’re fuckin’ dyin’ for it. walk that sorry little arse all the way to your room.” his voice is a mere growl now and all you can do is silently nod, cunt clenching around nothing.
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partycatty · 2 months
johnny, kenshi, kung lao, raiden, liu kang > lollipop
thank you for 450 followers! take a chunkier post as my thank you 🫶
suckin on a lollipop n wondering how they'd react >:3
warnings: they all need to be neutered
notes: it's orange flavored btw
[ masterlist ]
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liu kang
• oh he tries, he tries so hard to not let it get to him
• but when your pretty lips part to speak and he catches a glimpse of the color staining your tongue? excuse him while he mad dashes to his quarters to smack one out silly style.
• no, not really. liu kang just avoids eye contact, tries to focus on training. perhaps he'd step away for just a moment to remember how to breathe.
• asks you to not eat during training, as it could be a choking hazard. he really just says that so you'd stop before he gets too hot under the collar.
• makes you hand it to him to discard, but when he sees the string of saliva as you remove it from your mouth you find it hard to miss the twitch in his eye.
• when you notice how much it gets to him, you make an extra effort to look up at him through your lashes when your plush lips pull the lollipop out with a pop. it's almost like a little game, how much you can do it before liu kang snaps.
johnny cage
• johnny couldn't ignore what you were doing, he would probably be under the delusion that you're sucking on it like that on purpose.
• takes several double takes throughout the day, having very little shame in being caught. he'd just grin at you and shrug after a light scolding.
• even when you put your lollipop onto your plate to eat or on the rare occasion you don't have one in, johnny's reeling over the tint to your lips. it looks like a pretty coat of lipstick, and johnny's hand squeezes so tightly on his chopsticks as his mind wanders, the boys wonder if it just might snap in two.
• it takes him some time, he doesn't want to come off as too weird after all, but at some point he draws the line when you flatten your tongue and swipe the lollipop down the entire length. johnny snatches it from your hand and puts it in his own mouth.
• could he recall the flavor, or is he too focused on your spit mixing with his? both! gross.
• winks at you as the stick dangles from his lips, trying not to lose his own mind over the taste.
• "i like this flavor," he cockily observes, pulling it out to inspect it. "tastes like you, sugar."
•...gross. did you even want to share? no. are you complaining? mm, not really.
kenshi takahashi
• kenshi cuts the habit short as soon as he notices. training is his priority. kicks, punches, slashes, the way the lollipop coats with your — NO.
• he coldly hisses orders at you to "spit that thing out." doesn't say why, doesn't say much other than that. what else could he say, "don't do that before i pop a hard-on?" are you crazy?
• speaking of kenshi, he's literally losing his mind over it but puts every ounce of anger he has accumulated since meeting johnny into hiding his expressions.
• "are you always this childish?" crossing his arms and rolling his eyes when you unwrap yet another one from your pocket... how many are in there?
• hell, he might even try to tell on you. might make a stabbing comment every now and then when you're all together to train. choking hazard this, immature that.
• he wants to do what johnny does and just get a taste, but he's not as graceful. yanking it from your lips after catching it on your teeth, kenshi throws it on the ground and stomps on it, shattering the sugary goodness all over the cobblestone floor. sad face :(
• you want to be mad, to rip him a new one for not knowing how to mind his own business, but you A) have more in your room, and B) notice his blatantly obvious red hue to his face, and you know it's not anger.
kung lao
• all the charm, none of the grace. help this man, the image of your mouth haunts him at the unholiest of hours.
• lao would, at times, flick the stick dangling from your lips just to make it crack against your teeth and make you whine in surprise. he'd shrug and walk off, like it was somehow your fault for having a lollipop in the first place.
• he's not oblivious to your subtle advances when your tongue swirls around the flavored orb, and he's no better.
• "you really are shameless, aren't you?" kung lao crosses his arms with a huff, trying to roll his eyes but looking away feels like an incomprehensible task.
• pesters you endlessly, asks about the flavor and brand and if they're just like the ones at home! but he's just doing it so he can admire the glossy tint to your tongue and lips from the artificial dyes.
• stares so hard, raiden has to heel him in the foot so he'd pay attention to liu kang's lectures and announcements. it's like he's the only one that can hear the amplified swirling in your mouth, and he probably is (that is, because he is straining himself to hear).
• lao would ask if you had any extra in your pocket (of course you do!) and pop one into his mouth himself, giving you a taste of what he's been losing his mind over as his pursed lips suck and play with the lollipop. you thought you could get away with toying with him, didn't you? now it's an even playing field!
• come on, champion, keep it together! everyone notices the static raising their hairs when they walk by. that, and he's white-knuckling the fabric of his robes so hard they might just tear. thank god for his hat, as it conceals both the sun and his creeping blush.
• the sassy man apocalypse infects even raiden. sure, he's not a timid guy in the slightest, but something about how you toy with the candy makes him feel weak in the knees.
• "do you really need to have one at all times?" he'd ask rhetorically as he tucks his hands under his armpits. "those are pretty unhealthy for you." you become a victim of his polite scrutinizing, insisting that that much candy is bound to have a negative effect on you. anything to get you to put that thing away so he doesn't shock the next person he touches.
• raiden is trained, he is disciplined, he knows better than to stare. but the moment you're in his peripherals, he's side-eyeing you so hard you wonder if he's trying to send a telepathic message.
• whining his name as you pathetically jump up to reach his extended arm, clawing at the fabric after he tore away your lollipop the moment you pulled it from your lips. your subtle pouting brings a smug smile to his face as he watches you fruitlessly attempt to climb up his body.
• "four before noon is more than enough," he tuts, looking up at the lollipop before getting a downright evil idea. he's well-mannered and well-spoken, but if the opportunity to toy with you arises, of course he's taking it. boldness is one of his wildcard traits!
• he pulls the lollipop down into his mouth, sucking it in before you have a chance to protest. staring in awe as raiden moves the lollipop around in his mouth, an eyebrow quirked as he stares down at you.
• "hm," he hums, grinning down at you with the stick between his teeth. "this is actually quite nice." and of course, you're too flustered to argue further, instead retreating to your room to get a new one - and calm down from that sight.
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m00nchildthings · 1 year
Mating press and breeding kink with alucard 👉👈🥺
Hueuhuheuehu >:3c
(Authors note: it’s been so long since i wrote anything i feel like this sucks im sorry 😭anyway CW: BREEDING KINK, ALUCARD HAS BABY FEVER IN THIS ONE Y’ALL)
he's ruthless the way he folds you in half, alabaster hands cuffed into the back of your knees holding them to your heaving chest. usually alucard likes to hold himself as a much more, elegant lover. likes to take you apart piece by piece till your wailing, press his body to yours till melting into each other. but now how he takes you is hard and rough, burrowing thrusts that steal the breath from your lungs with every roll of his hips. 
he’d be lying if he said he didn’t know what exactly came over him, a visit to trevor and sylpha celebrating the recent birth of their daughter ana. the sight of you holding the quiet babe to your bosom while their older son fredric pulled at your skirts begging to be replace his infant sister had tickled something in him. the thought of his, your, own children replacing the kids holding your attention made his cock twitch in his trousers. it wasn’t long before he was hastening the visit gently reminding you of work that needed to be done at his castle. the two of you had barely made it through the doors of your looming home before he pounced you, dragging you away to one of the many rooms you had. clothes were quickly shredded to scraps, too much eagerness to wait to have them off he needed your body under him now.
 he couldn't help himself, already imagining your belly growing with proof of your child, your breasts swelling with milk the closer you got to your due date. he was ravenous grabbing any part of you he could as he wrangled your body into his desired position. your gleaming cunt winked up at him already glistening in arousal at his ministrations. usually he would feast upon you, drag his tongue through your folds till you cried for mercy before slowly sliding into you. but he couldn’t wait, would make it up to you later, he thought as he tapped the just pink head of his cock to your sopping cunt and pressing in.
“a-alucard,” you moaned his name breathlessly, fingers coming to tangle in his blond tresses as a pair of cold lips pressed to your breasts. you’d never seen him this way, never felt him this way. it was if he sought to make the head of his cock kiss your cervix with every thrust, you swore you could feel him in your stomach, grinding up your guts to make room for him.
“i want one, one of us,” he grunted dragging his tongue to your jugular and suckling at your speeding pulse. fingers came between you to rub circles on your clit and you choked at the tingling pleasure running up your spine.
“what-what are you-one want,” you said struggling to string together a coherent sentence as the tightness in your gut pulled close, eyes beginning to cross at the impending orgasm.
“a- baby!” he moaned out the last word, drooling as your climaxing cunt spasmed around him, milking his cock. his hands left the back of knees letting them fall onto his shoulders, his pale claws  ripped into the bedding by your head as he managed to press himself deeper still, ignoring your babbling of feeling to full.
“want a baby with you love,” he grunted golden eyes wild with want “ want a tiny wailing little thing to raise, gonna give you one, as many as you want!”
“a-a baby?,” you warbled only able to repeat from him as he fucked you back into that state of pre-orgasm nearly seconds after the last one. 
“yess, gonna fill you up with me, fill this pretty pussy up till your fat with my kids, till your tits leak milk for them my little incubusss,” his mouth wrapped around your bouncing tit sucking harshly on the pebbled nipple and you screamed, dull nails digging wherever you could reach, deep into the ivory skin pulled taught over the muscles rolling in his back. he pulled away gasping nearly as hard as you were before switching to your other breast and lavishing it with the same treatment.
it didn’t take long for you to cum, not with the way he was thrusting into the gummy catch of your cervix, pale happy trail tickling your clit as he kept you trapped in his mating press. you wailed cunt spasming around his cock once more, crying as you came again far too soon for the pleasure to be anything less than overwhelming. the feel of you clenching pussy was enough to drag him to orgasm as well, thrusting once, twice, before he spilled inside you the warm sensation running up you. 
for a moment you laid there breathless, a tangle of sweaty limbs, with your legs dangling uselessly over his now sticky back. alucard heaved himself off of you, using his dhampir strength to hold you down when you weakly tried to sit up, simply rolling the two of you onto your sides staying inside of you. he kissed the damp skin of your forehead before giving a slow roll of his hips chuckling at your weak mumbles of objection.
“sorry, sorry love,” he sighed massaging tender circles into your waist “just need to make sure it sticks,”
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aphrodisiaxcunt · 7 hours
Silent, huh?
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Cheater Gojo angst
Cont: Cheating, angst, heavy on angst, f!reader, sad ending, mentions of cheating, death, fuck you I'm sorry :(
Word count: 1.3k
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You couldn't believe your eyes. Eyes that were wide staring at your phone, a photo your friend sent you plastered on the screen. What. The. Fuck.
It wasn't just any photo. God, you wished it would be any other photo right now.. but, alas, you couldn't have even that peace.
The photo your eyes were glued onto was that of your boyfriend kissing another woman. Outside of his car. In the driveway of her house.
What. The. Fuck.
You could feel the anger seeping to your fingertips, urging you to smash your phone or..or throw it or anything! Just a small release to your overflowing pot of hate you feel towards your boyfriend right now.
The anger gets redirected back to your head as you hear the keys of your soon to be ex-boyfriend jingling against the lock of your shared house, followed by the sound of the door opening and closing.
"Hey, sweetcheeks, I'm home!"
Fuck. His voice made you want to rip your ears off, the disgust fills your gut as your body starts feeling too heavy to stand. You sit down on the bed, gripping your phone in your hands right as Satoru walks into the room, looking for you.
"Heyy, silent, huh?~" Satorus voice drips with honey as he walks from the bedroom door to press a kiss against your forehead.
Finally, it's just too much, your eyes sting and dwell with heavy tears that are threatening to fall. The sickeningly sour feeling of betrayal pulls your lip back in a snarl, and you suck in a shaky breath of air from between your teeth.
"Don't touch me, Satoru..."
Satoru steps back, shock written on his face, and he tilts his head down to look at you.
"Woah, where'd that come from..?"
"Cut the crap... Who is she?" You snap, standing up from the bed and shoving your phone into his face.
Satoru feels the blood drain from his face, appearing somehow even paler than usual as his eyes land on the picture on your screen. His throat drying up as he gulps and his lips twist into a nervous smile.
"I can explain—"
"Yeah? You can explain? What good fucking explanation can you have for this?!" Your interruption smacks that stupid smile off of Satorus face as you point at the screen of your phone.
"Listen‐ Listen baby it wasn't anything serious I promise-" Satoru could feel tears forming in his eyes as he looked at yours falling down your cheeks, fuuuck..He really fucked up.
The guilt building up in his eyes in the forms of tears just makes you pull out a choked laugh from your throat.
"You're crying? Seriously, out of the two of us, you have no right to cry about this!" Your voice is shaky when you yell at him. Your lungs feel like collapsing in on themselves, and every single blink forces more salty tears to coat your cheeks.
Satoru couldn't do anything but press his lips together. The fear that if he tried to talk his own tears would finally break out, and he'd suffocate on his words, overwhelming every sense in his body.
"I want you out of this house, I never want to see you again.." The lump in your throat would feel like it's growing at every word, your voice trailing off to silence as you speak.
Satoru couldn't even answer you. The only thing he could do was just stand there and do nothing, only being snapped back once his phone started to buzz in his pocket with incoming calls and messages. The silence being broken down by his phone felt like how nails on a chalkboard sounds like, just growing worse and worse on every buzz. It's not quite bad enough to actually break the moment just there to worsen it, little by little, second by second until—
"Fuck, baby I- I gotta check it out.." Satorus voice is the first to actually snap the moment in half, like scissors cutting a string being stretched to its limits.
You turn your head away, crossing your arms over your chest as he takes his phone out to read the numerous messages that had been ruining your dramatic moment.
"It's Nanami, they need me in Shibuya for something..I'm sorry, can we please talk about this when I come home..?" His voice was pleading, nearly breaking into a whine as he put his phone back into his pocket.
You sigh.
"Yeah..Fine, let's talk when you come back. But this doesn't mean I hate you any less." Your words sunk into his guts like a punch. You hated him.. Maybe, no, definitely, it was deserved, but hearing his loved one, his girlfriend, the love of his life, say it so coldly to his face was agonising.
Satoru wanted to reach out to you, grab your hands, and pull you in, but both the urging of his peers and the hatred in your eyes just pushed him out. He would just deal with this shit going on in Shibuya and come back to you.. You'd be there waiting for him, definitely, you promised to talk to him once he came back so of course you'd be there!...Right?
It had been a while since you could gather up your own ego to see Satoru, around a month and a half, you'd guess.. You had picked up sunflowers on your way to see him. They're his favourite flowers, after all. You didn't exactly know why you even wanted to please him so bad by bringing flowers, come on, he was the one who cheated on you. But you had decided to at least try and be nice and push through this.
You hadn't really had any contact with him after he left you standing in your room alone. You had broken down very quickly after he had teleported away, gathering yourself for what felt like and probably was hours before falling asleep. Only to wake up alone at around midnight and continue crying into the mattress. Sometime in the morning, a sweet lady from your neighbourhood had come to the door to ask if you were okay. The wailing of your broken heart leaking from your throat probably kept the poor woman awake, and she didn't want to be mean..
Fuck, you felt so overwhelmed. The beating of your heart against the inside of your chest ringing all the way up in your ears as you clutch the flowers in your tight grip. You force yourself to suck in a deep breath before walking up to Satoru. Finding courage took you forever before you could even think to spit out something, anything just say anything. God, you must look awkward just standing there, SAY SOMETHING!
"Hey. Sorry I haven't.. Come see you.." You could barely even hear yourself talk over the loud thumping of your pulse in your ears. Your eyes felt so heavy from crying and the lack of sleep and seeing Satoru wasn't doing any good.
"Soo, how have you been?..Sorry, stupid question..Uhm...Fuck, I don't know what to say.." Your heart shattered at the silence that was meeting your minoscule efforts to a conversation. Gripping the flowers tighter and turning your gaze down, trying to hide your forming tears before chuckling to yourself.
"Silent, huh? Satoru?..." You whispered, pulling your sleeve over the palm of your hand to wipe away the tears before they had a chance to fall.
You couldn't say anything else, so you decide to just sit down by him and place the flowers over the dirt covering him, or whatever remained of him under there. Leaning your head against the cold marble headstone and pulling your legs against your own chest.
"You know Satoru, I don't actually hate you.." Was all you could muster from your lips before having to bury your face into your knees, biting into your lower lip in a silent cry. A cry that would slowly chip the silence away and break out in whines and sobs.
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plzravagemethxxx · 2 years
How They Eat You Out
fandom: haikyuu!!
warnings: cunnilingus, overstimulation, mean(ish) dom, soft dom, sub! reader
a/n: don't come @ me, this is just headcannon
[ALSO POINTING OUT: this is AFTER the timeskip, when they are all ADULTS]
his hands caress your hips, fingertips dancing against your skin, as you tremble with pleasure beneath him. slow, agonizingly slowly, his tongue pushes into your folds and out. he hums in tandem with your moans.
a string of curses escapes your lips when he gently sucks on your clit, and his hands move from holding you in place to your hands. he holds you with such care, such love, such affection that the next wave of pleasure that washes over you sends you over the edge.
as you cry out, your orgasms ripping out of you, his ministrations become even more gentle. he kitten-licks your clit, holding your hands tight as you tremble. his tongue moves back down to your folds and continues to fuck you slowly, carefully, as you come down from your high.
with a soft pop, he sits up and looks deep into your eyes, a pleading smile on his wet lips.
"was that good, baby?" he asks. "can i have another? please, you taste divine, just one more?"
then he sinks his face back into your pussy, and you feel like you're on cloud 9.
asahi, daichi, yamaguchi, hinata, lev, yaku, kenma, ushijima, bokuto, kita, osamu, aran
he chuckles darkly, lips still flush against your pussy as you cry out from yet another orgasm, the rumbling vibrations of his voice making you see white.
your hands push against his head, trying to move his face away from your overstimulated cunt, but he simply grabs you by the wrists and pins you down. his tongue flicks against your throbbing clit once, twice, three times before he sucks on it.
you're cross-eyed from unbearable pleasure at this point. your voice comes out in broken whimpers and gasps. and he loves hearing every bit of it.
"what's wrong, baby?" he taunts. "too much? aw, is this too much for your pretty pussy?" he sucks on your clit even harder, and you let out a scream. "too. fucking. bad."
tsukishima, sugawara, iwaizumi, oikawa, kyoutani, kuroo, tendou, shirabu, akaashi, suna, atsumu
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theemissuniverse · 7 months
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SUMMARY : Cassie painfully has a crush on you and it’s obvious to everyone except you. But when your friends tell you, you tease the hell out of her. (Your ability is heightened senses)
WARNINGS : mentions of sh and sh scars
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In the original timeline, you died. Plain and simple. You died by the hands of Sindel when you preformed your greatest move. She died along with you.
Now the time rip had brought you three: you, Kung Lao, and Liu Kang into the present despite circumstances. You two spontaneously were alive now.
It took some getting used to. Being in a timeline completely different from your own but you had managed to find comfort in it.
Currently, you and your best friends were at the base as you were instructed by Raiden to help out the special forces as needed. You and Kung Lao were play fighting, messing around and Liu Kang shook his head as the two of you played.
Further from you three, Cassie was watching you in awe as you fought Kung Lao. You were easily winning too. Jacqui saw her best friend staring and shook her head. “You’ve been obsessed with her since she got here.”
Cassie scoffed at the claim. “I have not. It’s just…she’s literally the best female fighter. Hell, thee best fighter. I’m just amazed is all.”
“Amazed? That’s an odd replacement for love-struck.”
Cassie quickly shushed her friend. “Not love-struck! Just impressed.”
“Really? Okay.”
You and Kung Lao had stopped fighting at that point and were just laughing. Jacqui took that as her chance to push Cassie over to you.
Cassie lost her balance and almost fell when you quickly saw this with your fast reflexes. You immediately caught her, sort of bridal style.
Cassie’s hand was on your chest and you held her tightly. “Whoa. You know for a Commander you’re pretty clumsy.”
She couldn’t even say a word to you. She was just hopelessly lost in your eyes. You were the embodiment of beauty to her. She felt her heart skip beats. You didn’t catch on though and raised a brow at her. You heard her heart beating fast with your heightened hearing. “You okay, Commander?”
She hated the fact you didn’t call her by her name. Cassie snapped out of it and nodded. “Oh yeah. Cool. Cool as ice.”
You carefully picked her up and held her until she was at her feet. You let go of her. “Hey, you got anything to drink? I’m thirsty.”
Cassie took her soda off the table and waved it around in her hand. “I have this. But I drank out of it-“
You didn’t care and took the soda from her anyway. You quickly drunk it in front of her. Every drop until it was all gone. You then simply threw the can somewhere.
“You have to excuse (Y/N) as she has no home training.” Liu Kang said.
“Blah blah blah. My name is Liu Kang. Look at me with my fire balls and self righteousness. Blah blah blah.” You mocked his voice as you made a hand motion like it was your puppet for him.
Kung Lao snickered some while Cassie almost busted out in full laughter. Liu Kang crossed his arms almost offended. “I do not sound like that.”
“You kinda do…” Kung Lao trailed off.
Liu Kang huffed at the two of you and you smirked at him, sticking your tongue out which made him playfully roll his eyes at you.
Cassie was never this nervous about anything. Ever. She was always sure of herself so the feeling she had at the pit of her stomach made her uncomfortable.
She felt like you were out of her league. You were a powerful warrior and you were the best female fighter of Earthrealm. Even though she did defeat Shinnok, you probably would���ve done it with ease.
“So, Cassie. You defeated Shinnok? That’s a way better status than what Liu Kang did. He just beat up a sorcerer. Boo-Hoo.” You said while leaning on the desk.
Liu Kang gave you a look. “Apparently in the original timeline I would’ve killed Shao Kahn.”
“Yeah and after he killed me!” Kung Lao said. “Which by the way, you sucked at because according to everyone else - he came back after that.”
“Boys, boys, this isn’t a pissing contest.” Cassie told him but with a smug look. “But yeah. It’s true. I beat him. I’m a badass.”
“So I became a revenant?” You questioned. “Was I a hot one?”
“(Y/N).” Liu Kang scolded at you.
“What? I’m asking the real questions.”
Cassie was so caught up in all of your beauty that what she said didn’t mean to come out her mouth. “You’re always hot.”
The monks turned to her curiously, as they knew of her overwhelming crush on you. (Even though you didn’t know.) You watched as Cassie covered her mouth when she said that.
You didn’t take it as much. You just thought she was being a girls girl and complimenting you. “Sweet.” You saw Jax, the Jax from your timeline walking with a bag of chips. “Dibs.” You snatched the bag out of his hands. He gave you an irritated look and you flipped him off. He rolled his eyes at you before walking away.
“I’m just going to go over there.” Cassie pointed back to Jacqui and walked over to her.
You ate your chips like nothing was happening. Kung Lao gave Liu Kang a look. “Now can I tell her?”
Liu Kang shook his head. “No, Kung Lao.”
“I can’t keep doing this. I’m about to have a stroke.”
You looked at your friend weirdly as you ate your chips. “What are you about to have a stroke about?”
Kung Lao snatched the chips away from you. “You.”
Kung Lao placed them on the table behind the three of you before looking back at you. “I refuse to believe you’re that naive (Y/N).”
“I love her Lao but…she is.” Liu Kang stated simply.
You stopped leaning on the table and turned to face them. “What are you dorks going on about?”
Kung Lao gave Liu Kang a final look and he finally nodded, motioning for him to say it. Kung Lao faces you again. “The Cage likes you.”
You scoffed as if it was obvious. “Of course she does. Where’s the surprise in that?” It was at that point Kung Lao flicked your head. You held your head in pain. “Ow!”
“I mean she has a crush on you, you airhead.”
“She does not…” You were about to say but then you started thinking. And then you put the puzzle pieces together. It made sense why you could hear her heart beating fast when she was around you. Why she would stutter and sometimes say things that came off as flirtatious but would immediately get embarrassed by.
You felt like an idiot for not seeing it sooner.
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You didn’t really know how to go about confronting Cassie about her crush on you. You didn’t really have a problem with her. You thought she was pretty, fun loving and adventurous. Honestly, Cassie was your type.
It didn’t really cross your mind to think of her romantically as you never really saw someone in a romantic light unless you knew they really liked you.
You were currently at the temple, meditating. You used to argue about doing such a thing but Liu Kang showed you the pros of meditating. When you tried it, it eased your stress away.
With your heightened senses, you smelled a familiar perfume. It smelled of cherries and delight. You didn’t need to open your eyes. You already knew who it was. “What brings you here, Commander?”
Cassie stopped in her tracks. She didn’t expect for you to guess who she was. “Wow. Those heightened senses really are a blessing huh?”
“And a curse. I smell Kung Lao all the time.”
Cassie placed her hands on her hips as she examined you. “I just came to check on you.”
“Oh you wanted to check on me?”
Cassie felt a familiar heat come to her face and changed the subject. “I didn’t take it you were the type to meditate.”
“It helps with the pain.” You opened your eyes and motioned to her to sit with you. “Join me.” You patted your hand on the other mat.
Cassie looked at you curiously. She didn’t understand how it actually worked but she would indulge with you.
She sat on the mat across from you. “So do I just close my eyes or-“
“Close your eyes and take a deep breath in and then take one out.”
Cassie looked unsure but did what you said. She closed her eyes and took one deep breath in and out. “Okay. Now what?”
“Think about what brings you peace.”
Cassie did what you said. She was trying to think. Actually, really hard but nothing was coming to her head. “What exactly is the purpose of this?”
“It enhances your emotional awareness, compassion and mental calmness.” You peeked your eyes open to look at her. “It is the reason why Mr. Chosen One is a very calm monk.” You said, referring to Liu Kang.
Cassie had peeked her eyes to look at you and snickered at what you said before both of you closed your eyes.
There was silence for a moment. Then Cassie had thought about what you had said earlier. “What pain do you have?”
“You said that meditating helps with the pain. Like physical? Mental?”
You sighed a little, regretting that you had said that. But you did trust Cassie and you didn’t really make it a plan to hide your scars. A lot of people just didn’t notice.
“Look at my arms.”
Cassie followed your direction. She opened her eyes and looked at your arms and when she did, she saw them. It clicked in her head.
She carefully took your arm and rubbed on your scars lovingly. “How did I not notice?”
“I distract people by telling a lot of jokes. If you tell a lot of jokes then people won’t care enough to actually hear you. They just…they just think that’s what you are. A joke.”
Cassie peered up at what you said. She tilted her head at you even though you couldn’t see her do it. “Is that what you think people see you as? A joke?”
You bit your lip a little. You didn’t really want to reveal the most important part of history to Cassie but she made it so comfortable for you that you felt like you had to. “Liu Kang was not suppose to win the tournament the first time around. I was. Raiden did not believe in me that I could defeat Shang Tsung and Goro so he made me lose the challenge to Scorpion so I would be forced to be out of the tournament.”
Cassie was actually shocked. Then she wondered how the roles would be different if you were the chosen one and not Liu Kang. Would everything in her timeline be erased? “Wow. Do you hate Liu Kang for it?”
“Nah. He’s my best friend. I know it’s not his fault that he’s good.” You took in another deep breath before letting it out. “Everybody hears the jokes and after that they stop listening. But I guess that’s a good thing because when nobody expects you to be the best, when they go up against you then it’s an easy challenge.”
Cassie was similar to you. A fun loving free spirit but she definitely wasn’t exactly like you. She knew how tone it down and when to be serious. You didn’t.
You seemed to do it as a defense mechanism and Cassie couldn’t blame you there. I mean, she almost did the same thing.
“Sometimes I just want to disappear.” You said.
Cassie turned her attention back on your scars and rubbed all over them. You didn’t open your eyes still. You placed your hand over her hand that was on top of your scars. “Relax, cupcake. I’m disappearing yet.”
Yet. Cassie didn’t like those words. You could feel her having a frown on her face. You finally opened your eyes. It was only then you took in Cassie’s beauty.
She was absolutely gorgeous to you and you didn’t understand how you didn’t see it sooner. From her hair, to her cute cheekbones, to those pretty eyes.
You placed your right hand on her cheek and gently caressed her face. “You’re so pretty.”
Cassie wasn’t expecting you to say that. She didn’t even know what to say. Her heart started to beat faster and her forehead started to sweat.
You heard her heart beating faster and you chuckled a little. You leaned in close, your lips gently grazing Cassie’s. “You know I can hear your heart beating fast right?”
‘Ah shit.’ “Really?” Cassie let out a nervous laugh.
Instead of leaning in more to close the distance, you pulled away. You then stood up from the ground and held a hand out for Cassie to take. “Spar with me.”
Cassie felt her heart rate calm down a little. She took your hand and you helped her up. “Spar with you? I don’t know (Y/N). I don’t want to hurt you.” She joked at you.
You looked at her a little amused. “You? Hurt me?”
“Um, do I have to remind you that I’m the badass that defeated Shinnok? This is going to be easy.”
“Oh is it? Let’s make this interesting.” You grabbed your hand wraps out of your pocket and started to place them around the palm of your hands. “If I win, I want something from you.”
Cassie looked at you a little worried. “What would that something be?”
“That’s the surprise, sweetheart. What do you want if you win?”
Cassie was thinking a little. She didn’t exactly know what she wanted from you. (Well she did she just didn’t want to say it out loud.) Then she thought about it. “I want you to teach me See No Evil.”
See No Evil was a powerful move that you had come up with in kombat. Only very skilled fighters could mimic your fighting move. You raised a brow when she had said that. “I didn’t even know you knew about it.” You said as in the original timeline, you did not get the chance to preform the move as you were taken from it and placed in this one.
Though in Cassie’s timeline, you preformed it when you were battling Sindel. “You forgot about the crazy time jump. Remember?”
“Right. That.” You finished wrapping your hands. “Alright. Fine. Let’s do this.”
You watched as Cassie got into her fighting stance and you chuckled to yourself a little as it reminded you of Johnny and Sonya combined to be honest. You got in your fighting stance as well.
Cassie wasted no time. She immediately tried to kick you in the stomach but you block it. She then tried to hit you in the chest and you blocked it again. Cassie then tried to do a spin kick on you but you dodged it.
She huffed. This was going to be tougher than she thought. (She should’ve expected that from her idol.) She tried to charge at you and kick you again but you grabbed her leg.
Instead of throwing her off of you, you pulled Cassie closer to you. Real close so her leg was actually wrapped around your waist. You looked down at her, your right hand on her chin. “Is this the sum of the great Shinnok’s defeater might? I thought you’d be more of a challenge.”
That infuriated Cassie and you knew it would. Cassie kicked at your legs and then kicked you in the stomach.
You almost lost your balance but you stood on the ground. “Not gonna lie - the way you just did that was kinda hot.”
Cassie got a little flustered. Were you doing this on purpose? Flirting with her so you could throw her off?
She went to kick at you but you dodged it. She tried to punch you in the chest but you grabbed her hand. You made Cassie punch herself in her face.
Cassie fell to the ground and hissed a little at the pain. “Ugh. What the fuck.” You laughed slightly. Cassie stood up from the ground. “How are you so good at this? You’ve blocked every hit.”
You snickered. You were gonna win the match. You knew that but you’d help her out so she could get some confidence. “Remember, I have fast reflexes.” You walked over to her and got behind her. “You’re a special one. You use your legs more in kombat than your hands so I learn to typically block you there. Also, you’re just like your father. You get frustrated really easily.”
At this point you were directly behind her. You breath was directly on her neck which gave her goosebumps. Your hands wrapped around her waist. “You get a little nervous when you get close to me. Your heart starts beating faster. That’s how I know I have all the control in the fight.”
The way your hands were pressed on Cassie’s body made her go crazy. She just wanted to keep your hands on her forever.
But she couldn’t. She wanted to win to prove to you that she was ‘badass.’
Cassie elbowed you in the gut and then flipped you over on your back. She then got on top of you with her arm on your neck. “How’s that for control?”
You coughed a little at her arm being on your neck. Your hands went to her hips. “I didn’t know you were a top, Cassie.”
Cassie tried to push away the feeling she had at the pit of her stomach knowing you were only saying this to throw her off. “I’m not surprised that you’re a bottom.”
You laughed slightly. You switched the positions so you were on top of Cassie. “I kinda like this. Maybe we should stop fighting.”
Cassie wanted to so bad to give in but she knew (or more so thought) you didn’t mean any of what you said and were just saying that to throw her off her game.
She kicked you in the stomach, making you fall on your back. Cassie quickly stood up from the ground and you followed.
Instead of kicking so much, Cassie made it a point to change it up. She tried to punch you three times. The forth one she had landed a hit on you.
You felt your chest a little. You were a little impressed. It was very hard for an opponent to land a hit on you because of your fast reflexes. You got back in your fighting stance.
Cassie tried to kick you but you blocked it. She punched you in the gut and then kicked you at your feet.
Cassie tried to stomp on you but you moved quickly and swept her own feet, making Cassie fall.
You got up from the ground. Cassie groaned in pain before getting back up. “Did I tell you how hot you look in that uniform? Cause you do.”
Cassie now could ignore your remarks and went to hit you. You blocked the hit. She kicked you at your leg and you almost fell down.
She tried to punch you in the face but you grabbed her fist. Then you pressed her against the wall.
Your arm went on her neck and you started to lightly press down. “I would give up if I were you. The last time I did this to someone they didn’t enjoy it. You probably would though.”
Cassie felt the air get knocked out of her lungs as you sort of choked her. She tried to figure out a way to escape but she couldn’t. Cassie tapped on your arm as her way of tapping out.
You release your grip on her neck but you didn’t back away from her. You still had her pressed to the wall. “Who’s the greatest of all time?”
Cassie let out a laugh before slapping your shoulder. “I am not telling you that you’re the greatest of all time.”
“Don’t be a poor sport about it.” You looked at Cassie and noticed that she had a disappointed look on her face. “Hey, don’t beat yourself up about it. You’re still good. Liu Kang and Kung Lao can’t even land a hit on me when we train together.”
Cassie felt a little better that you thought she was good despite her losing. She noticed how close you two were and also noticed that you didn’t back away. “So…what did you want? You know your prize if you won.”
You brought Cassie’s chin up so she was looking directly in your eyes. “I want a lot but I won’t be greedy.” You did something that Cassie wasn’t expecting.
You kissed her.
Cassie had to snap herself out of shock and kiss you back. Her hands wrapped around your neck and she pulled you in closer to kiss you.
Your hands went on Cassie’s hips. For her being a Commander you were a bit surprised at how soft her lips were. They felt like Heaven to you.
The two of you continued to kiss each other but it soon turned sloppy. You took your chance to stick your tongue in her mouth and Cassie moaned.
“Oh my gods. My eyes. They’re burning! They’re burning!”
You heard a familiar voice. The two of you pulled away and you looked to see Kung Lao covering his eyes as Liu Kang shook his head at his dramatics.
You rolled your eyes some and backed away from Cassie a little while Cassie looked beyond embarrassed. “You’re so over dramatic.”
“It’s like I just watched my sister kiss her girlfriend.” Kung Lao said still with his hands over his eyes.
You prevented yourself from rolling your eyes again and sighed. “What do you want Dumb and Dumber?”
“Raiden would like to speak to all three of us.” Liu Kang said before removing Kung Lao’s hands from his eyes.
“Of course the prehistoric bird wants to.” You looked over to Cassie. “I’ll see you later, Cassie. Maybe we can spar again later.” You said before kissing her cheek and beginning to walk over to your two friends.
Kung Lao groaned in pain. “Ugh. Don’t flirt with her in front of me. It’s bad enough I see Liu Kang and Kitana.”
You wrapped both your arms around their shoulders and began to walk with them. “What is that suppose to mean?” Liu Kang questioned him.
“It means he wants to claw his eyes out when he sees you two painfully flirt with each other.” You said.
“We do not painfully flirt with each other.”
“Tell that to my eyes.” Kung Lao said.
“I cannot stand the two of you.” Liu Kang commented.
Cassie watched as you walked away from her. She smiled and felt the cheek that you kissed. “She called me Cassie.”
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rosyjn · 9 months
Bro listen
Jake and Reader are hunting
They been mate for a year or two by now, anyway
At some point the discussion of sex enters,and reader explains to Jake that although she love the way they do it, she would like it more rough.
Jake never gone rough on her for some fear he might hurted her.
As soon as he hears her say it, he grabs her and pin her to a tree.
"You like rough? I so you rough"
And he fucks her dumb right there on the tree.
sorry this took so long!!! MDNI
not proofread btw
“Shh,” you coo, watching an unaware animal drink from a distant watering hole. Jake nods, quietly and stealthily placing an arrow in his bow. You slowly duck your head down, letting Jake pull back his arrow and point it. He looks back at you before releasing it, waiting for your nod of approval. You tilt your head down and your eyes flutter, telling him to shoot. He looks back up, pausing before suddenly releasing the arrow. The string of the bow snaps back, and the sharp arrow quickly whooshes away. It flies through the air, hitting the animal directly in its chest.
“Alright,” he mutters under his breath, quickly treading through the forest to retrieve his kill. You follow, standing back and watching the way he kneels beside the struggling creature. “Mawey,” he croons, whispering prayers as he slits the throat, effectively putting the animal out of its misery. It stops struggling and breathing, and its body goes limp. You lower your head, in respect for your next meal.
“Clean kill,” you marvel, slowly creeping next to Jake, kneeling beside him. You look at the dead beast, scanning its body up and down until you notice a bump in its abdomen. “Oh,” your brows furrow, and you immediately place two concerned hands along the bump. Feeling the stomach, you quickly realize. “She must have been pregnant..” you whisper, softly rubbing the poor creature. Jake immediately tries to lighten the mood.
“Mating season, am I right?” he awkwardly jokes.
“Yes, it is mating season,” you nod, agreeing with him. “Everyone’s been mating nowadays. Can I ask you something?” you chime, starting to slowly rub his leg.
“Go ahead,” he nods.
“About mating.. I love the way we do it. But, I just- I was wondering if we could… maybe do it rougher..” you look away, averting his intense gaze. He pauses for a second, full of thought.
“Ya want it rougher?” he smacks your hand off of his thigh, provoking you to look over at him.
“Yes,” your voice grows soft, cheeks changing color from timidness.
“We can do that,” he looks away, clicking his tongue.
“Really?” your eyes grow wider. A smirk crosses onto Jake’s face, before he grabs you, pulling you up off the ground. “Ow!” you yelp. He pulls you so hard, you almost think your shoulder is going to get dislocated. He shoves you roughly into the nearby tree, and the bark scratches your back suddenly. His hands press against your chest, pushing you harder into the tree.
“You like rough? I’ll show you rough,” he growls, ripping your top off of you, exposing your breasts. The beads of the thin accessory fly everywhere, all over the forest floor. The skimpy stringing falls to the ground. He slams his lips against yours, his tongue invading your mouth. You melt in his embrace, letting him violate you. His hands tease your boobs, then brush down your body to untie your loincloth, which is getting wetter by the second.
His big fingers fiddle with the knot, before he quickly throws the skimpy garment onto the forest floor with the rest of your clothes. His hands grab your waist and lift you up against the tree, provoking a yelp when the rough bark scrapes you. You wrap your legs around him, in an attempt to keep yourself steady. He bites your neck, sucking and kissing it harshly. You hold onto his shoulders, whimpering at the feeling.
“Jake..” you murmur, eyes fluttering shut as he rejiggers his position.
“Said ya wanted it rough?” he hisses, before suddenly shoving himself into you.
“Fuck!” you dip your head down, biting the ball of his shoulder to suppress the mixture of pain and pleasure. He groans at this, slapping your ass quickly to tell you to knock it off. His cock forces you open, and your poor walls squeeze him tightly. He doesn’t give you any time to adjust to his girth, and just starts pounding your poor pussy over and over again. Deep and hard- without any mercy for you. You bounce against the tree, trying your best to take his throbbing dick. You whine at every thrust, getting stretched out and used.
“What? Can’t take it?” he teases. You bite your lip, trying to suppress your noises. You don’t want Jake to see how overwhelmed you are, or how big his cock feels inside of you. He chuckles, noticing how you try to hide your pleasure.
“I can take it, swear,” you mutter in between ruts. He has you desperately clinging onto him, your body shaking. Your tongue lolls out of your mouth lazily and your eyes roll back into your skull. Your soaked, tight cunt squelches as he thrusts harder and harder. You swear you can see Eywa.
“Still with me?” he chuckles, watching the way you melt and squeak.
“Please, please, please-“ you desperately moan, blabbering and trembling with pleasure. Jake suddenly pulls out of you. Your pussy desperately squelching as your slick forms a thin string that connects your folds and his cock, but the string breaks and drips to the forest floor quickly. You slouch, letting him shove you harder against the tree.
“What do ya want now?” he smacks your clit with his mushroom tip, making you flinch. You pant, trying to catch your breath. “Tell me,” he demands, beginning to rhythmically slap your clit over and over again, his hard dick getting coated even more in all your arousal.
“I- I-“ you weakly buck your hips frantically all over the place, trying to escape the overstimulation.
“You what?” he continues to abuse your poor heat. Your pussy now clenches around nothing, it’s all sore and wet. Just begging for release.
“Wanna cum!” you finally muster up the strength to say it. “Want to- want to have your cum in me,” you desperately whine. “Just want to finish, please” your voice is now weak, and your tired head droops to the side.
“Want it? Beg for it,” he hisses.
“Huh?” your eyes dilate.
“Beg.” his voice is stern.
“Please, please. Jake, I’m begging you. Finish in me. Let me- let me cum on your cock..” you shyly whisper.
“Louder,” he strokes his length, getting off to the sound of your desperation. This gesture stresses you out.
“No, please don’t finish yet! Please keep fucking me! Jake, fuck me please!” you grip into his shoulders, spreading your legs wider and begging for more.
“Good girl, a little more,” he croons.
“Please, please..” you spread your legs out as wide as you can, exposing your needy cunt to him. He smiles, shoving himself into you. You immediately take him in, your pussy clamping onto his girth. He keeps you like that, watching your body writhe as he fucks you into oblivion. And when your orgasm arrives, it fucking arrives.
“I’m gonna finish, gonna fill you up with my kids, ready?” he says.
“Yes!” you confirm, already feeling the ever-growing knot in your abdomen begin to snap. His thrusts grow erratic and harsh as he chases his orgasm desperately. When you reach cloud nine, the way your cunt pulsates sends him over the edge. As you both cum, his warm seed squirts at your needy pussy. You take every drop, throbbing as he empties his load into you. You wrap your legs around him, letting him growl into your neck as you yelp out to the forest. Every animal in a mile’s radius could probably hear you.
“Feel so good..” he mutters, slowly lowering you down to the ground. He collapses beside you, letting you cuddle into his chest. “Was I rough, the way you wanted it?” he asks.
“Of course,” you plant a small kiss on his neck.
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ghouljams · 9 months
Hide being iconic and having their fave food be pussy...
Got me thinking of Hide's reward being getting to eat out Valeria until they've both had their fill
Hide is proper into it, messy and sloppy, holding Valeria by her thighs and ass, eyes closed and eyebrows scrunched up in concentration. Since demons don't need to breathe, Hide can go on for hours and not need to come back up, just get outrageously pussydrunk
At that point Valeria herself will need to GRAB Hide by the horns and tell them to stop because she has shit to do... a crime organisation doesn't run itself
But if they have a successful day, Hide may get a reward again
OOOH Hide is so fuckin' messy with it, just drunk on pussy and absolutely has never had to breathe less in their unnatural life. I don't think Valeria has quite broken them in yet, so Hide is still very... bratty about it. (then again what's a dom if not a brat that gets what they want)
You were fed hours ago, now you're just gorging yourself. Drunk on your favorite meal.
Valeria drips down your chin, your tongue wet with her slick, leaving you intoxicated with her taste. Your hands tighten their hold on her thighs, as she shakes and shivers over you. You groan and suck at her folds, shift your grip to encourage her to rub against your lips, to ride your tongue. Her breathing is uneven, and she's long since given up on trying to string a sentence together, all stuttered swears and breathy moans. Quiet, oh you love her quiet.
You don't really know or care how many orgasms you've ripped from her. All you care about is drinking them down, indulging in your favorite activity with your favorite handler. Valeria's hands grip your horns, her weight held up against them to keep herself from falling forward after hours of meticulous torture. It has the lovely added effect of tipping your head to press your mouth harder against her cunt. You nip her clit meanly, feel her buck against your teasing.
You lick your tongue through folds, rolling it over her clit. The taste of her, the smell of her, every soft slick inch of skin adds to your enjoyment. You wiggle your tongue into her hole, stroke it against her gummy walls and hope she doesn't ask for more. Your hands are occupied making sure she doesn't try to get up again. Valeria said you could eat until you were satisfied, and you may be full but you are anything but satisfied. Gluttony at its finest.
"Fuck," Valeria groans, grinding against your lips with growing urgency. Making her cum stopped being your goal about an hour ago, it's a lovely surprise though. "Puta madre, this is what you're good for isn't it," She growls. You don't need to nod, tongue working over her as her legs shake on either side of your head. Her breath heaves above you before she yanks on your horns. You open your eyes finally, to meet her glare.
"That's the last one," She commands. You growl, tighten your grip on her, unwilling to give up your favorite treat. She pulls your horn again, hard enough to hurt. "When I give you an order, you listen to it. I have no problem trading you out for a different whore." You glare up at her, but you don't think she's bluffing.
When Valeria is finally up and dressed you're cuffed and gagged on a short leash. You do your best to give the impression of crossing your arms and pouting. Valeria gives you an amused raise of the brow. "If you can't control yourself, I'll do it for you," She tells you a second time, "otherwise I have no use for dogs that don't do as they're told."
You grumble against your gag and try to slink into the shadows to mope. She drags you right back into the light. "Ah, ah, out here where everyone can see what a dog you are," She wraps the chain leash around her hand, shorter and tighter to keep you at her side. You have a dangerous feeling she knows how much that threat makes you squirm. On display for the rest of her cartel to see, nowhere to hide.
You could break her weak little bonds, but why would you want to? You're made to be used. Made to be a tool for her. You can be good, if it means you get a good meal after.
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blue-slxt · 11 months
First Time
*Request:Hey! I seen you wanted requests! What if you write about virgin lo'ak getting head for the first time, how'd he'd react, what he'd sound like. I bet dude cries🥴*
I think I have a soft spot for virgin characters. I hope you like how this came out! 🤗 All characters are aged up.
🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
Smut under the cut.
“I’m sorry, you want me to do what?” you couldn’t believe what your ears had just heard. There was no way. You had to have misheard him.
“Please. Just this one time. You don’t know how embarrassing it is to be the only guy that doesn’t know what it’s like!” your best friend pleads with you.
“Lo’ak, you cannot be seriously asking me to suck your dick right now.” You crossed your arms over your chest looking at him.
Lo’ak gets down on his knees, “Come on, just this once and I will be indebted to you for the rest of my life!”
You couldn’t deny that seeing him down on his knees begging was doing something to you, but this was Lo’ak you were talking about. You guys have been friends for forever. And you knew he was embarrassed about still being a virgin, but you never thought it bothered him this bad.
“Can’t you ask literally any other girl in the clan? I’m sure they’d be more than happy to help you.” Your resolve is cracking.
“You know I can’t do that. I don’t want anyone else to know. You’re the only one I can trust.” His shoulders slump and you can’t help but to take pity on him.
“Alright. But you owe me BIG after this. And you’re never allowed to tell anyone that it was me. Got it?”
His tail swishes happily behind him while he nods. Lucky for you, the two of you were already in a secluded area and it was nearing eclipse so there was almost no chance that anyone would stumble across you.
“Sit back.” He complies with your orders and watches your every move. You settle yourself between his thighs and caress his bulge over his loincloth. Your ears stand up feeling just how big he actually is. You quietly breathe out, “wow” and look back at his face. His face is so close to yours, you’re basically breathing in the air he exhales.
You smirk at him, “relax skxawng”. You reach behind him and expertly undo the tie on his loincloth in one swift motion. You maneuver the fabric to expose his cock and oh, Eywa he was impressive. Precum already gathering and spilling over the tip and down his shaft. Your eyes follow the thick vein that ran along the underside of his cock and heat starts to build in your core. You experimentally kiss and lick all around just to test the waters and ease him into the feeling. His breathing is heavy as he watches you explore him.
You watch his face when you wrap your lips around the very tip and drag your tongue over the slit. His breath hitches and he shudders under your touch. You take a few deep breaths through your nose before you slowly slide him all the way into your mouth.
“Oh, Great Mother” his head falls back savoring the new feeling. Your head bobs up and down slowly while you work on him. It’s all too much for him. He can’t bear to look at you swallowing his cock like your favorite meal and the sounds you’re making? Fuck if they weren’t just the sexiest thing he’s ever heard. Slurping and gagging noises erupt from your mouth and it makes his toes curl. “Hng…shit…” you look up at him while he chews on his bottom lip trying to contain himself.
You sink him all the way into the back on your throat until your nose is flush against his pelvis. It makes you gag and you can’t breathe but it’s worth it to hear the way it makes Lo’ak whimper.
“Shit shit shit” curses string together through his heavy breaths and you can tell from how he twitches in your mouth that he’s close.
You wait until the very last second to pull off him and stroke him with your hand. “It’s okay, Lo’ak, just give it to me.”
His body obeys your command and his cum shoots onto your face in thick, hot spurts. “Haah….fuck!” his eyebrows knit together while his orgasm rips through his body. His cum is hot on your cheek and his hips stutter in your grip. You release him and his body falls limp.
He looks at your face and you notice how he almost immediately starts to get hard again. You raise an eyebrow at him and he rolls his eyes, “Don’t look at me like that. That would happen to any man looking at you right now.”
“Sure, Lo’ak.”  
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weluvsosa · 2 years
𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 ’𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐲 ~ 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐮
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# black coded reader (anyone can read). food play. oral (m receiving)
# wc: 0.7k
benimaru laid against the your shared headboard as he waited patiently for you to come back upstairs. you had told him to sit down and don't move until you came back because you wanted to try out something new on him that you'd seen online. no matter how many times he asked or tried to pry it out of you, you refused to tell him what it was.
all he could do is wait and cross his fingers, hoping you didn't come back with a cucumber or eggplant. he heard your footsteps running back upstairs as you ran into the room, excitement written all over your face as you plopped down on the bed near his feet.
"whatcha got there?" he asked, noticing that you were hiding something behind your back.
you bit down on the bottom of your lip before pulling the fruit roll up from behind your back, earning a weird look from him. "the hell you gonna do with that?" you didn't answer him, leaning over and spreading his legs as you undid his belt. benimaru raised his eyebrows, he was a bit shocked from your straightforwardness but he damn sure wasn't complaining.
you could feel his dick getting hard under your hands as you pulled his zipper down, looking up at him through your eyelashes to see he wore a smirk on his face. you quickly pulled his pants and underwear down, watching as his dick bounced and slapped against the bottom of his stomach.
you took the fruit roll up and ripped open the wrapper with your teeth, pulling the candy out and unraveling it. "this is gonna get a lil messy 'ight?" you tried to warn him but he just shrugged, not giving a care in the world.
you gently grabbed his dick, laying your tongue flat against his big tip as you gave small kitten licks, earning a grunt from him. you then started to wrap the sticky treat around his dick, the fruit roll up barely wrapped all the way around due to his thickness. you could see the multiple veins he had protruding through the candy, nearly making you drool.
"so? you just gonna stare or put it in your mouth?" his dick twitched from the lack of friction, beads of pre-cum rolling down from his slit onto the candy. you brought your tongue back to his dick and swirled your tongue around his entire time before bringing it into your mouth and sucking harshly.
you heard beni grunt loudly and his hips bucked up into your mouth as his big hands fisted the sheets, screwing his eyes shut. you started to swallow more of his dick into your mouth, pre-cum and the candy being mixed together in your mouth while you started to get a little more messy: coming up for a minute before puckering your lips and spitting out a glob of saliva on his dick before using your hand and stroking it up and down rapidly, putting his dick back into your mouth.
you watched as benimaru's started to clench and unclench his stomach, draping his arm over his face to hide the blush that was creeping up onto his skin. the fruit roll up was more like a colorful syrup that was sticking to his dick and thighs, you it slurped up happily as you hollowed out your cheeks and moaned loudly, sending vibrations through his dick and making him let outa string of curses under his breath.
you knew he was on the verge of cumming from how his dick kept twitching inside of your mouth, you decided to pick up the pace, bringing both of your hands around his dick as you stroked his fast while bobbing your head up and down, squeezing it a bit every now and then. beni bit down harshly on his bottom lip, enough to shed blood as his eyebrows furrowed together and he came inside your mouth, sucking his teeth from feeling your plump lips sucking all of the cum out of him.
you swallowed of the salty liquid as you popped his dick out of your mouth, smiling up at his out of breath figure while you licked some of the sweetness off of your lips. "i knew you would like it" benimaru didn't even give you a proper response, simply nodding his head as he came down from his high.
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dddomenstarstwst1 · 2 years
Private Show (ft.demon bros)
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Synopsis: He decided to arrange a little private show just for you, and who are you to deny?
Genre: Smut
Warnings: sub!demon bros, dom!gn!reader, dildos, riding, handjobs, begging, cross-dressing, levi has two dicks, overstimulation, butt plugs, pet play, lingerie, food play, fingering, finger sucking, orgasm denial, bratty!belphie (maybe more that i forgot, lmk if i missed something)
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"This is so embarrassing." Lucifer says, but doesn't stop jumping on the silicone toy. His eyes are half-lidded and staring at your figure, mouth forming a perfect "o" whenever the tip of the dildo brushes against his prostate. Whatever coherent thoughts he had have vanished the moment you wrap your hand around his sensitive cock.
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You can't help but stare at his disheveled hair, white locks scattered across his flushed face. His blue angelic eyes are rolled to the back of his skull as he thrusts vibrating dildo into himself. You can see his dick jump every now and then, stripes of cum spluttering on his stomach. He can only beg for more, the only thing that leaves his mouth is "please."
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"I-I'm su– Ah! Such a good boy! Mm, so good for you!" Levi cries out, his hands are tied behind his back, while a dragon dildo is stuffed inside his hole. His plush thighs are adored by striped stockings, frilly skirt hiding his leaking cocks from your piercing gaze. Overwhelmed by your presence and his praises, Levi can't stop shaking, putting on the best ahegao face he can manage. Just for you.
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The bells on his cat ears jingle, creating a sound that resonates across his room. Satan shakes his ass, almost inviting you to finally join him and fuck his brains out. You can see his hole squeeze around a butt plug, fake tail attached to it swings to sides. He pulls the toy out so only the tip is in, and thrusts it roughly inside, a string of mewls leaves his mouth. Just like a kitten, you think.
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Cute and sexy, Asmo runs his hands up and down his body, lacy material feels good under his fingertips. He lifts his weight off the twelve inch pink dildo, then just as slowly takes the whole length in. Tears run down his cheeks, smearing expensive mascara, he looks like a cheap whore, but feels like the most adored person in the entire Devildom. All because of how you look at him with love in your eyes.
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You can't rip your eyes away from his bulky body covered in cream, as Beel has one hand wrapped around his sensitive dick, thick fingers of the other hand shoved in his mouth. He wants to taste you, not his fingers or the cream, they never taste as good as you do. The fantasies are enough to bring him over the edge, semen mixing with the sticky topping.
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Despite his snarky remarks and irritated looks he gives you, Belphie holds his legs up as ordered, while a vibrator buzzes in his ass. You can see all his muscles tense up, a sign he's close to cumming, but a simple "Belphegor, don't cum!" and he convulses, dry orgasm following shortly after. What a brat, always breaking rules, looks like your naughty demon deserves a severe punishment.
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sionisjaune · 10 months
A short Nico/Jenson ficlet for @penaltyboxboxbox's girlcedes ballet AU... the last image made me insane...
Afterwards, he always asks about Lewis. The sweat on Nico’s back hasn’t even begun to dry, and her knees ache from riding his cock, and her back aches from practice, and he flops on his back, slides one of his disgusting cigs from the crumpled pack on his dresser and asks about her, absently scratching the scruffy hair on his chest. 
“She’s fine,” says Nico. Today, Toto announced that Lewis had made prima after stringing them both along for weeks. Everyone knew he would pick Lewis in the end, just like everyone knew that Lewis really was prima material, even with her tattoos and her piercings and her muscled quads and thick torso. 
Jenson sucks on his cigarette for a moment and then turns his head to the side to exhale in the direction of the window. Nico wishes he would blow smoke in her face, if only so that she could have something to yell at him for. 
“She still remember me?” says Jenson, wrapping his lips around the cigarette for another drag. “Wouldn’t kill her to come around…” 
Nico rolls her eyes and climbs off of Jenson’s lap to hunt around for her panties. Jenson must have tossed them somewhere in his pigsty of a room sometime after he stuck his hand down her jeans. Eventually, she finds them dangling from the bedpost, beside Jenson’s foot. She tugs them on only to discover that they’ve ripped along the seam where elastic meets delicate lace. Monstrous, soul-sucking rage swells in her chest and bursts like a party balloon before it can become anything real. Instead of ripping her own hair out of her head, she locates Jenson’s boxers and lobs them at his face.
“What would you even do?” Nico says. 
“Huh?” says Jenson, lighting another cigarette. He cups his hand around the end to shield the flame from the draught gusting in through the window. 
“If she came around. What would you do?” Nico crosses her arms, but it only serves to draw Jenson’s attention to her tits. When his eyes widen, she swallows and purses her lips to keep the bile down. 
“Dunno,” says Jenson, folding one wiry arm behind his head. “There used to be a band. We were Mick Laren. You, know like the—” 
“I know,” says Nico.
“Then we were Downforce. And then Lewis and the Mechanics.” Jenson chortles. Nico is going to be sick. She scoops one of Jenson’s dirty shirts off the floor—an embarrassing band tee going threadbare at the collar—and pulls it on over her head. She tiptoes back to Jenson’s bed and slides back in beside him because she has nowhere else to go, really. Jenson folds his arm around her and pulls her into his chest. At least he’s good for keeping her warm. Nico slides her leg over his while he puffs on his cigarette.
“Give me that,” Nico snaps. Jenson hands her the cigarette obligingly, and Nico plucks it from his hand with two fingers. It’s too short to hold onto properly, but it feels good on the way down, stinging her throat and curling poisonously inside her lungs. Toto would fucking kill her if he saw. She hands the butt back to Jenson, and he squishes it out on the nightstand.
“You can’t even fucking sing,” Nico sighs. 
“Sure I can,” says Jenson, pinching her in the side. “You wanna hear what I’m working on?”
“No,” says Nico, into his chest. 
“Some girlfriend you are,” says Jenson.
“Not your girlfriend,” says Nico. 
Jenson snorts. “Tell that to the panty collection in my underwear drawer.” 
“They’re probably not even mine,” says Nico. “Slag.” 
Jenson kisses the top of her head and tosses the sheet over her body. She might as well stay the night, now. The alarm clock on the nightstand reads 2 AM in forbidding analog digits. Waking up to whatever shit breakfast Jenson cooks up is marginally better than waiting pantless on the street corner for a cab. God only knows where her jeans ended up.
“Sweet dreams, princess,” says Jenson. Nico squeezes her eyes shut tight.
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cloudseeker14 · 1 year
Frantic Desire (Childe x Fem!Reader)
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This art isn't mine, it belongs to mamepokokun who's extremely talented. Please check them out and support them.
Summary : After a one night stand with the woman he can barely tolerate that seems to linger in Childe's memory, what will he do when he sees her again at an official party?
Warning : Making out, some sexual themes, slight swearing
Pairing : Childe x Fem!Reader
Genre : Romance (a bit spicy thought), Enemies to Lovers
a/n : Hello! I've never left notes like this before, but I just wanted to thank you all for the support you've shown for my previous works. Reading some of your comments have truly made my day and I hope this post is able to make yours too.
Childe had never hated anyone as much as the woman he’d caught at corner of his eye.
He’d spotted her across the ballroom, a sickeningly sweet smile plastered across her face. As a harbinger, she seemed to fit perfectly in the background of the ball in the Tsaritsa’s honour.
The party had been a bore, filled with mundane remarks and courtesies. But his eyes hadn’t left her for an instant and he certainly hadn’t failed to see the how she’d spared him a few subtle glances.
The damned woman had been tormenting his mind for countless nights, caressing him softly with phantom touches.
Touches that left him panting for more as he clutched his bed with the moon as his sole witness.
Y/N could feel the eleventh harbinger’s eyes piercing into her back. She almost scoffed at the ludicrous display of hatred, how could a single man be so obvious?
The musicians burst forth with violins and the music began to pick up pace as it blasted through the ballroom. In a sudden spark of courage, Childe began to walk towards her, insults ready at the tip of his tongue.
“Leave me alone, some of us actually are busy and have matters to attend.”
Of course, Y/N, the Tsaritsa’s personal favourite would respond with such coldness. Childe tilted his head, trying to restrain the thoughts that were threatening to spew from his lips.
He wanted to taint her, ruin her and see that facade of indifference burn to ashes.
“Is that so, comrade? I couldn’t help but notice you sulking in the corner for the past while. Perhaps that’s why you seem even more sour than usual, can’t handle not being the Tsaritsa’s lapdog for a single night?”
“Of course not, unlike you, I don’t have to prance around like a jester to retain my position, considering that I have the needed prowess for a harbinger.”
Childe’s jaw clenched and he sucked in a harsh breathe.
“What are you even here for? Came to beg for a dance, have you?”
Childe didn’t know what spurred him, but he couldn’t stop the words that tumbled out of his mouth.
“Would you like it if that was the case?”
He relished the shock that swept through her face.
“Bold of you to assume that I’d accept.” She replied, regaining her wits.
Childe closed the gap between them, shielding the galling Y/N from prying eyes. “Sure weren’t this cocky a few nights ago, were you?”
It was a tangled mess of limbs as Childe felt his shirt being ripped off.
“As eager as always, hm?” Childe said, hissing as Y/N dug her nails into his back.
“Be a darling and shut your mouth for once.”
Childe pushed her off, crossing his arms over his bare chest; a playful glint in his eyes. “One more vile remark and you’re getting nothing.”
She leaned in close, bringing herself close to his ear. “We both know you want this as much as or even more than me.” She whispered, leaving a sultry kiss on his neck, smearing her red lipstick on his skin.
“Then say it.”
“God, do you ever know when to be quiet.”
“Say the truth.”
“And pray tell, what is this truth?” Y/N raised her eyebrows, growing more impatient by the minute.
“That you know tonight is more than some spontaneous decision with no strings attached.”
Y/N grabbed his face and for a fleeting second, she could tell that if she asked him to, he might do anything she’d ask.
“Then beg for it.”
“Last time I checked, I wasn’t the one pleading to be touched.” Y/N chortled.
Childe flushed, embarrassment rising within him. “Why you-''
Before he could complete his words, she grabbed him by his black tie, tugging him closer to her. Childe stared at the emerald necklace that adorned her neck, light reflecting of it in a plethora of colours. He couldn’t help but wonder how his hands would look in its place instead.
“That night was nothing else other than carnal entertainment .” Y/N muttered, glancing around the vicinity. “Though I’m not sure if you’re as confident about that as I am.” “Keep up with haughty attitude and one day, I might just end up putting you in your place.”
“You chose to come up to me right now.” The corners of her lip pulled into a grin. "Seems to me as if you're desperate for my undivided attention."
Childe clenched his teeth in frustration. "I'm a harbinger like you, show me some respect."
"Make me."
Red seared Childe's vision as his breaths came out shallow. His fists shook and his head throbbed with rage.
"Aw, are you getting all angry?" Y/N cooed, placing her hand atop his chest. "Oh my, you seem to be getting all worked up over a few words."
She paused, pushing him aside. "You've grown weak, Childe. How pathetic."
A huge thud echoed through the ballroom as Childe slammed her against the wall, trapping her in between his arms. Whispers ran through the horde of guests as an awed silence fell upon the crowd.
She dug her nails into her palms, embarrassment clouding her head.
Y/N swung his arm away. "I have to apologize for my friend, I think the drinks really got to his head. Please, don't bother yourselves with us and enjoy the night." She chuckled nonchalantly
Childe remained silent as the guests broke out into giggles, the thought of a drunken acquaintance bringing forth a bout of humor.
The party began to pick up its momentum and the people returned back to the food, drinks and entertainment. Y/N whirled around before dragging Childe out of the ballroom, her silk dress trailing behind her.
"What the fuck were you thinking?" She hissed, running her fingers through her hair.
The cold wind whipped against their faces and Y/N involuntarily shuddered. As though it was second nature to him, Childe removed his coat and gently placed it atop her shoulders. The woman's eyes widened and she let out a huff. Nevertheless, she clutched his coat and wrapped it around herself.
Childe didn't know what was wrong with him. Every single rational thought within him was screaming at him to get away, that no good would come from this.
Yet a small part of him wanted to know what it felt like. To know how it would feel to take her right there, clasp her hand in his as he ravaged her. Maybe even adore and cherish her.
"Stop looking at me like that." She mumbled
"Like what?"
"Like you love me."
She was of noble blood, the Tsaritsa's right hand and lowering herself to a man of a lineage as inconsequential as the dust beneath the soles of her shoes would be a disgrace to everything she stood for.
But she couldn't control the way all the values that had been ingrained in her came crashing down or how her self restraint hung from a thread every time she looked into those sky blue eyes.
Childe guffawed and grabbed her hand, bringing it to his lips. "Why would I? After all, it's just 'carnal entertainment', is it not?"
"Then why don't you engage me with it? It's not like the party is very amusing, is it?"
Childe grabbed her by the hips, leaning closer. ""Look who's begging now."
They were in too deep now, lost within the mess they'd made. Regardless of how far they ran, how much they tried to avoid it, some invisible string; perhaps of fanatical lust, fate or even inexplicable love kept tugging them back in.
His lips collided with hers, body relaxing at the familiarity of it all. Her hands clung to his shirt as if reaching out for something to tether herself.
The lines between right and wrong, morality and sin seemed to blur. Anyone could be watching them, feasting their eyes upon such a scandalous sight.
Yet, they didn't care, too far gone in their fervorous longing.
The eleventh harbinger pulled away and his teeth grazed Y/N's neck as the wind ruffled his hair. To her horror, Y/N couldn't stop the whimper that escaped her lips.
"Accept it." Childe groaned, inhaling her perfume, intoxicating his senses.
"Accept what?"
"That you want me."
It didn't matter what she'd been taught. The irrevocable feeling in her heart had grown far too big to be contained.
"You're the only one I could ever want."
Childe smiled, not snarkily like when they fought, but of genuine joy and Y/N could have sworn the stars seemed to dim in comparison to it.
One more night couldn't hurt anyone, right?
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boygiwrites · 9 months
Harley D. Dixon 1
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• Gen Tags. Found family, Daddy issues, Hurt and comfort, Gore.
• Summary. Harley D. Dixon is a tough yet sweet little girl who until the dead started eating the living, thought she had seen it all. Alongside a mismatched group of survivors in rural Georgia, Harley and her Dad are forced to leave their small life behind and learn how to survive all over again through the horrors of the apocalypse.
An amazing edit inspired by this story! (Cred to Cora_Line99) Harley D. Dixon's Pinterest Board! Harley D. Dixon's Playlist!
📖Chapter List.
❤️Cross-Posted from Ao3.
Author's Note. Here we gooo! Argh, I'm so excited.
I've been wanting to write something like this for a long, long time. I've read just about every 'Daryl has a daughter' story out there, and now I've finally got my own to share. I just love Daryl, and Daryl with a kid is a whole other thing. We all know he wouldn't be the perfect parent, so you bet I'm gonna play right into that. He's gonna swear, he's gonna be strict, and he's gonna mess up. As for Harley (Yes, as in the motorcycle brand), I love her too. So ready to write her.
This story will cover the general plot of the show. To keep things fresh, I've made sure that almost every canon scene has undergone at least one small change. Plus, of course, many new scenes. Occasionally, I'll make bigger changes just to keep you on your feet! Nobody's safe! I'm also gonna be expanding on all the characters. And lastly — FOUND FAMILY! Piles and piles and piles of found family, eventually. I live for found family.
Please enjoy reading! :)
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My Uncle Merle died today.
I'm sitting in a crinkly green camping chair, watching embers die.
I don't wanna think about my Uncle right now, so I think about something else.
The fire was built last night by Glenn and Morales. Then Lori came along this morning very quietly and made it alive again with logs and wads of notebook paper. Thinking about facts is easy. It's like sucking on a plain candy that tastes like nothing. There's a navy-blue blanket across my lap with three holes in it, perfect for nibbling, poking, and ripping. Dale gave it to me when the cold settled in this afternoon. He told me he reckons it's around June, as he covered my shoulders, which used to be his niece's birthday.
He says she looked a little like me. That means she's dead. So many people are dead, now.
A thin log in the campfire cracks and tumbles over after trying to stay upright all morning. I hope I don't look like that log.
I can hear Officer Rick approaching. My stomach becomes a stone.
I can tell it's Rick because he's got one of them power walks that you can hear coming from a mile away, which I think makes him pretty stupid. He's loud, and loud is dangerous, and dangerous is stupid. My Dad's not like that. Unless he's angry or running, ain't nobody hearing my Dad coming; especially not no squirrels.
He's almost as big as my Grandpappy Dixon, who people used to say was as big as a house, and he wears super heavy boots from a hunting store near our house — but he's still not loud, or dangerous, or stupid. Not like Officer Rick.
"Hey, Harley."
I think I hate Officer Rick. I think I hate everyone.
And I think I might be crying now, too. I focus on twirling the blanket strings around my finger so I have something very simple to think about, which is that it hurts real bad when I twist it tight. I see Rick crouch down in front of me. He takes a while to say anything else, and it's prolly 'cause he's tryna be real careful, so he don't make me cry even more.
If my Dad weren't out hunting, he'd prolly slap Rick and everybody else that's tried badgering me today dead for tryna do his job for him. I feel like, just by sitting here, I'm disobeying him. Rick ain't my Daddy.
"We, uh..." He clears his throat. "Me and Lori, and some other folks are uh... Well, we're all a little worried about you, honey, okay?"
I imagine a small group of folks gathered by the RV right now, watching me and Rick; wondering if he's gonna be the one to get through to me.
I'm worried for when my Daddy comes back. When he finds out about Uncle Merle, he's gonna be fuming. He's gonna be like one of them cartoon characters with the bright red faces and the smoke comin' outta their ears, stomping all around, and he's prolly gonna kill somebody. It's prolly gonna be Rick. He always told me cops are bastard liars, and that they can't help us.
I look up at Rick. Yep, I've been crying.
Rick's all blurry, but I can still make out his ugly Sheriff's badge and his scary blue eyes and his frowning eyebrows that look like clenched fists, and I can tell he's been waiting to be the one to talk to me. I bet he thinks it makes him better than everyone else; better than my Uncle Merle, who he left to die just 'cause he ain't like him. I wanna kick Rick right in the face. I think he knows this, but he doesn't move.
"First off, I wanna say that I'm sorry about what happened to your Uncle Merle." Rick says all nice and gentle.
Nothin' happened to him.
It weren't no freak accident, which is what Uncle Merle used to say happened to my Momma.
Rick killed him.
"I know he meant a lot to you. And I'm sorry. If I had'a known he had a niece to come back to, maybe I woulda been a little wiser with my decision makin'. But Harley," He tilts his head and puts a hand on my knee for this part. "You gotta know, like I know, that your Uncle was a danger to us all."
There's a little angry parasite inside of me. It's been growing and growing ever since the group came back from Atlanta, and I couldn't find my Uncle Merle in the crowd. I've never noticed my Uncle Merle so much than when I realised he wasn't there. It was like there was the wrong amount of space left in the air and Rick was taking up the too much of it. Ever since the cars showed up, everything has been wrong, wrong, wrong.
Ever since Rick showed up.
"If I hadn't stepped in when and how I did," Rick says, "Your Uncle wouldda gotten us all in a lotta trouble."
Another log crumbles in the campfire. My finger aches and pulses around the string.
That hungry little parasite — hungry for Rick to hurt like I'm hurting, needing it more than anything — makes me tell him, "I wish he did." And again, because it feels good. Rick becomes even more blurry, as my voice makes an embarrassing hicking noise. "I wish you died."
I expect to be hit. That's what happens sometimes, when little girls don't know their place.
Tellin' adults I want them dead — That ain't my place. And I know it. I just don't care.
My Uncle Merle wasn't a danger, he was just Uncle Merle; Has been since I could talk. He used to feed me bits of his sandwich out on the deck back at home, like the tomato, 'cause he ain't like the taste. He used to fix my bike when it was broken. He used to make sure I was the first one to open presents at Christmas, and help me wrestle the wrapping when there was too much tape. He used to pull my wobbly baby teeth out for me and let me outside without shoes. He wasn't mean, or bad, or loud, or dangerous, or stupid; at least not always. He wasn't the one that got my Momma killed. He was good. And now he'd dead.
If someone had to die, I wish it had'a been Rick — Stupid, noisy, idiot Rick who ain't shed one single tear after what he done to my Uncle Merle.
I wanna get hit. I want him to hit me so bad that I'm allowed to hit him back.
"Okay." Rick says, and I can't breathe.
I feel like everything goes silent throughout camp, like the chairs and the cars and the people are all holding their breaths like I am. He actually looks a little sad, which feels really, really bad, because I wanna be angry.
"Okay. That's okay."
But as I think about my Uncle Merle, and the tomatoes, and my old bike, and what Christmas used to feel like, and my Daddy, and how he ain't even know about Merle yet, I realise I'm just really, really sad.
I can't even see Rick anymore, my eyes are so watery. My whole body hurts from being sad. I feel like I'm sick and I need to go to the doctor, but I don't even know what for. There aren't even any doctors here. Just two bastard liar cops, some campers, and a space where my Uncle Merle should be.
I think, after a while, Rick leaves.
My Dad still keeps his wallet.
It's in a backpack under his sleeping cot. He says that everything inside that bag will keep us alive some day, if we ever need to leave the quarry camp. He said I need to know exactly where it is so that I can grab it if he can't. He showed me everything the night we got here, because he forced me to, because it's important. The other kids don't learn stuff like this from their parents. It makes me feel smart. I'm in on a secret. He showed me the bug spray, which keeps our skin healthy from bug diseases, and he showed me the flashlight, which has two batteries and a big black button. He showed me the compass, the box of matches, the big knife, the little knife, the rope, and the map. It's like a Jenga tower. If we lose even one thing from the backpack; everything topples, and we die — I die. You gotta listen t'me, chicken. My Daddy's always been like this.
But the wallet made no sense.
We don't gotta pay taxes no more, like Merle said. I don't know what taxes are, except they're bad, and gone, and nobody liked them anyway. And I saw my Dad burn all his money in a campfire one night, so it can't be that.
It's the pictures, Dad told me. He flipped it open like a book, and we looked at 'em together on top of his sleeping bag. I felt like crying for a second because we forgot all my storybooks when we left our house, but Daddy hates it when I cry, so I dried up. Crying is for babies, and I'm a big girl. He showed me a photo of an actual baby, and after he touched the baby's face with his fingertip, he said the baby was me. I didn't think I could look like that. He stopped talking for a while. I listened to the cicadas in the trees to pass the time while he touched the photo. Then it was bedtime.
I'm looking at the photo now, waiting for him to get back.
I was a very pink baby. I was only the size of his forearm, which in the photo, hasn't been tattooed yet. The tattoo of my name is missing, which goes up his wrist in curly letters. Harley Davidson Dixon. It's the name of a motorcycle. The tattoo of the skull and the bleeding angel are missing, too. He's fixing my baby blanket around my chin. I guess he's been doing that since the day I was born. Every night, at least up until last week, my Dad tucks me into bed and sings me the same song. Hush little baby, don't say a word. Daddy's gonna buy you a mockingbird. I like his voice when he sings to me. Usually, he's yelling, or grumblin', but in those twenty seconds before I have to go to sleep, and nobody else is listening, he's softly whispering the lyrics to me, and touching on my ears and my cheeks. In the photo, he's crying down into his smiling mouth. That's something he doesn't do anymore.
The next photo is of us at the zoo. I know it was taken on one of the weekends I was at my Dad's house, because my Momma's not in this one. Just my Dad and two of his friends, I think, who are throwing rock star hands in the air. I'm wearing a black shirt with a videogame character on it that my Dad likes, and brown pants. I'm sitting on my Dad's hip as we pose in front of three giant elephants. My Dad's got a tiny purple backpack over his shoulder that makes him look sorta funny. It used to be mine. I'm looking at the elephant's long, silly-straw trunk as it tries to sniff us, but my Daddy's lookin' at me. I wish I remembered this day.
The third photo is a school photo with a swirly blue background. I remember this one. My Momma did my hair that day.
I know why he keeps his wallet, now. Just like how we need the bug spray, and the matches, and the rope, and the knives, and the map, and the flashlight to stay alive — I think my Dad needs these photos. They won't keep him warm or stop bugs from chewing on him, but he needs them.
I shove the wallet back where I found it, 'cause I'm not meant to be goin' through my Dad's things.
My Dad comes back while I'm vomiting under a tree.
At first, he doesn't see me. He calls for me to come get my little butt over there, so I can help him and Uncle Merle stew up some rabbits for dinner but when he hears me retch, he comes running over. I hear his crossbow drop and some more people call after him.
One minute, Lori and Amy are holding back my hair and patting my shoulders the best they can, and the next, my Daddy's forcing his way in. I'm rocking and I'm swaying like I'm on a life raft in the ocean, and I can hear Rick's voice and then Shane's and then Dale's. My Dad grabs the back of my neck and squeezes it, the way Lori and Amy would never know how to do, and tells me to lean forward some more. It works. I vomit up a chunky puddle of peaches and jerky into the dirt.
Then, I'm empty, and I'm crying — crying hard — into my Dad's lap.
"Someone wanna tell me what the Hell's goin' on here?" He snarls at whoever's around.
Feels like half the camp is here.
"How 'bout we all just try—" Shane's suggesting, but my Dad cuts him off.
"How 'bout ya'll just spit it out? And where the Hell's my brother?"
That makes me bury deeper into my Dad's legs, moaning and hiccupping. He puts a hand over my head. He's clocked the problem.
"Where the Hell's my damn brother?"
"Look, Daryl," Shane levels, "I'm just gonna come out and say it, alright? There was a problem in Atlanta."
My Dad's panting, now. "What fuckin' 'problem'?"
"He dead?" Underneath me, my Dad's muscles are lurching and stopping, lurching and stopping, like he wants so much to just jump up and knock Shane to the ground, but he won't bring himself to leave me. The camp has gone completely silent.
Shane stammers. I've never heard Shane stammer. "We're— We're not sure."
The silence just keeps on goin' and goin' and goin', and somehow, it's even scarier than the yelling.
"There's no easy way to say this," Rick says, voice lowered. I wonder what my Dad looks like; if I was right about the cartoon thing.
Dad presses my head further into his stomach. "Who're you?"
"Rick Grimes."
"'Rick Grimes'." He spits, like it's an insult. It is. Bastard cop liar. "You got sum' you wanna tell me?"
"Your brother was a danger to us all." Lies Rick. "So I handcuffed him on a roof; Hooked him to a piece of metal. He's still there."
After he says this, something in the air must have changed; something must have snapped without even makin' a sound, because Lori's whispering to me that I should follow her back to camp, like we're running out of time. She tries to pull me away, but I kick her; kick her hard, in the shin. She tries again. I realise she's trying to separate me from my Dad. Then, I realise he's sorta shaking. Lurching, stopping, lurching stopping. Silence, silence.
"Lemme get this straight." Dad whispers, and it's not the nice kind, like when he sings. "You're tellin' me that you handcuffed my brother to a roof."
Glenn's pulling at me now, too. Nobody else moves a muscle.
"And you left him there?!"
This time, he lurches and he doesn't stop. Glenn catches me as I'm flung from my Daddy's hip, and he passes me off to Lori as Dad goes lunging at Rick. The brown pebbles go flying up into the air. My Dad tackles Rick at the waist, and they crash into the leaves and the twigs, and his fist — The one with my birth date tattooed on each knuckle — goes smack, smack, smack, into Rick's cheek. There's yelling; scrambling. Glenn and Shane pull my Dad off of Rick, and that smacking sound stops. Dad beats Shane offa him and then, — 
"Watch the knife!" T-Dog yells. Now there's a swishing sound, and grunting sounds, and I was right — My Daddy's gonna kill Rick.
My Daddy's killed someone before. He did it on accident, 'cause he got so angry that he didn't stop until the guy was dead and gone, which means that it was aggravated manslaughter. It was in the afternoon, just like it is right now, and I was playin' in the front yard in the sprinklers. My Dad and Uncle Merle were in the open garage, smoking and poking at their bikes with tools. Ronnie lived two trailers down. I was small, and easy to pick up, so I don't remember much, but Ronnie snatched me up right there in the yard. My Daddy says he was gon' take me. But he didn't let him. Ronnie got chased into the woods, and for two days, my Daddy and Uncle Merle searched for him. Then they beat him so bad his Momma ain't recognise him when the ambulance people dragged him out in a big black bag, and the cops took my Daddy away while the sun rose. I wasn't allowed to see him for four and a half years.
I need my Dad. Suddenly, I'm shrieking at him to stop, even though I want Rick dead so bad. By now, Shane's got my Dad in a chokehold up against a tree. Are he and Rick allowed to take my Daddy away? Lori and — I think that's Amy — are shushin' me, but I just keep hittin' on them and shouting.
I writhe in the dirt. "Stop! Daddy!"
"Damn pigs!" Dad growls. "You're stressin' out my kid, now! Lemme the Hell go!"
Shane laughs. "Nah, I think it's better if I don't." Then he turns to Lori, because what my Dad said is true. "Get Harley out of here."
I don't let her move me when she tries.
Dad struggles. "Chokehold's illegal, bastard!"
"You can file a complaint later." Shane scoffs. "We got all day here."
Rick steals my Dad's knife off the ground and gets in his face. His cheek is all red and purple. The fight's over. "What I did was not on a whim," He tells my Dad straight. "Your brother does not work and play well with others. I did what had to be done in the moment, to keep us all alive."
He's lyin'. He's lyin' again. My Uncle Merle chopped these people's firewood and brought them meat. He worked well.
My Dad shoots out a foot to try hit Rick in the crotch. He misses. Shane pushes his face harder into the tree.
"It's not Rick's fault." T-Dog holds up his hands, coming close. "It's mine. I had the key. I dropped it."
"You couldn't pick it up?" Dad sasses.
"It fell in a drain." T-Dog serves up this answer like it means anything at all. I hate him.
"If that's 'posed to make me feel better, it don't." 
"Well, maybe this will." T-Dog's lookin' at me, now, too. "The door to the roof — I locked it with a padlock so the geeks couldn't get to him. There's a good chance he's still alive."
I heard this all before, when all them people kept coming up to me at the campfire. Lori told me to get some food in my stomach; the peaches and jerky. Shane tried to make me go play with Carl. T-Dog said sorry over and over again. Dale gave me the blanket. Rick made me cry. I know how this goes, though. Gettin' someone killed and killin' them with your actual hands are the same thing. I know that.
"To Hell with all'a ya'll!"
He shakes Shane off and beelines for me. He takes me from Lori with bloodied hands — Rick's blood — and I let him yank me by the back of my shirt to my feet, and I fall into his chest when he crouches. His breath is heavy on my neck. Even his skin is hot.
Lori's pale as an egg. I think she's scared of my Dad.
He takes a big breath, stands up, and drags me by the hand back to our tent without sayin' another word.
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letterstotheflre · 2 years
cw: mean!reader (not towards eddie tho), succubus!reader. smut || 18+ only [ft. oral (f receiver)]
a/n: don’t know what this is lol but me loves eddie x mean!reader so enjoy <3
eddie who can read succubus!reader like a book. who can tell the difference between her normal snarky attitude and her mean comments when she hasn't fed in a long time.
he sees you near his locker, eyes slanted and shimmery lips spread in a mean smirk. there's another girl in front of you scowling furiously even though there's a couple of tears in the corners of her eyes. eddie mumbles a string of curses and quickens his steps when he sees your mouth open. grimaces a little when he hears your voice.
"you really think a silly little note will make him look at you?" you pout in mock pity, "you're not even his type, sweetie."
eddie will give it to her, she certainly is braver than most. her back straightens and her arms cross. "and you are? you think someone like him would like someone as mean as you?"
your face drops immediately.
"shit, shit, shit," eddie whispers. he fights the sea of people walking along the hallway, hauls his backpack over his shoulder when it threatens to fall off.
you rip the note in half and then rip it again until the paper is reduced to nothing by miniature pieces that could never be pieced together again. the girl watches them fall to the floor, her heart ripped just like that note. and to add more insult to injury, you step over them with your heels, making sure to rub them against the dirty school floor.
eddie thinks the girl whimpers as you step closer to her, the spontaneous bravery she felt gone as quickly as it came.
"you little—" he manages to wrap his fingers around your wrist and drag you into the closest bathroom before you cause irreparable damage to that poor girl's self esteem.
you're fuming and spewing insults his way for ruining your fun as he pushes you against the sink and helps you sit on the edge. he falls to his knees, ignoring your words, and spreads your legs.
you fight against it pettily, pressing your blocky heel against his shoulder to push him off balance. but eddie just grabs your ankle and forces your leg up.
"you're such an— oh." the second his lips wrap around your clit, your body goes lax, back melting into the cold mirror.
his tongue delves between your folds and your eyes flutter shut, body warming up as shocks of electricity run down your spine. you slide your foot over his shoulder and use it as a hook to pull him closer to you, moaning when he groans against you and you feel the vibrations.
it doesn't take you long to cum, too worked up from the lack of nutrients. and eddie knows exactly how to make you unravel, knows when to suck on your clit and when to push his tongue into your weeping hole. knows when to go slow and gentle and when to go feral, head shaking between your quivering thighs as he slurps and slurps and slurps.
when he gets up, he stands between your legs and cradles one of your cheeks so you can look up at him. you lean into his touch like a kitten, rubbing your face against his palm and smearing a tender kiss there.
"feeling better?" he asks. his thumb strokes your cheekbone.
you blink tiredly at him. "mhm," you hum. you take his other hand and play around with his ring, twisting the metal skull around his ring finger. "i'm sorry," you say quietly. you know he doesn't like it much when you make fun of people, especially in front of others.
"i know." he presses a kiss to your forehead. hovers his lips for a couple of seconds. "but i'm not the one you have to say sorry to."
you pout. "she wanted to slip you a note. to ask you on a date."
he struggles to keep his amusement at bay. thinks he's lucky that you care so much even though it's clear he's as obsessed with you as you are with him. that he would never in a million years even think of looking at another girl when he has you.
especially not mindy from history who didn't want to share her textbook with him when he forgot his copy a year ago.
"i don't give a shit about anyone else, you know that." he rubs the dip between your eyebrows gently. your face relaxes.
"no 'but's, sweetheart. you're the only i want." he helps you down and holds you up steady, legs still a bit wobbly. "so how about you say sorry to mindy for breaking her note? if you do it before lunch we can skip our last period and go back to the trailer."
you ignore his attempt at bribery and cross your arms over your chest. "you know her name?"
eddie laughs, the sound echoing in the otherwise empty bathroom. he untangles your arms and places them over your shoulders, hands stroking your arms on his way to intertwine your fingers together behind his neck. "hard to forget the girl who ratted me out to the teacher for cheating on a test. pretty sure that's why i failed history that year— teach held a grudge."
"and you still want me to apologise to that snitch?"
his eyes twinkle like he knows you actually meant to say "bitch". he's happy with your attempt at niceties. "mhm. 'cause we're nice people."
"i'm not nice," you scowl.
"yeah, you are."
"no. i'm not."
eddie's hands slide down your arms and to your waist, squeezing it. his head tilts to the side as he takes you in; silly, lovesick smile showing.
by any standards, you are probably not very nice. you laugh at people with your cheer friends and more often than not spread rumours around. you can't keep a secret and you gossip too much. you hold grudges and you mock people for saying stupid things.
but you're also nice to him and his friends and his uncle. you've gotten jason to stop picking on him. you've brought him trays of cookies and cupcakes and tupperwares of warm food you claimed were leftovers but he knew you baked from scratch for him and his uncle to have around the trailer. you've gone to hellfire meetings and listened to his favourite bands and wore one of their shirts when you went to one of his gigs at the hideout.
so, in eddie's book, you are pretty nice.
"yes. you. are." each word is punctuated by a kiss on your lips. "when you want to be. so d'you want to be nice today?"
you look at him. at his puppy eyes filled with so much love and adoration and hope. you know he won't resent you if you don't apologise, but you know he'll be even prouder if you do. know he'll smile until his dimple shows and he'll squeeze you against his side and kiss your head. he'll call you metal.
your insides feel like goo just from thinking about it.
"fine," you huff. pretend to be annoyed by him and not completely enamoured. you roll your eyes when he hoorays and lifts you up a couple of inches in excitement. "i'll apologise to stupid mindy."
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