#i taught them all the joys of first-time parenthood <3
chrismcshell · 2 years
it's december 22nd!! happy Day That Would Have Been My Birthday If I Had Not Decided To Mess Up My Parents' Plans By Showing Up 5 Weeks Early 🥳
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naffeclipse · 11 months
Apex Polarity Personality Quiz
This is a small little thing for fun I made in order to have an excuse to make more things for Apex Polarity and its wide aurora of AUs and variations on setting and Y/Ns.
1. Claws, teeth, ravenous appetite, equally as devouring gaze.
To you these qualities describe -
A. A dangerous wild animal
B. Potential husband
C. The stalker who keeps leaving dead things at your address
D. All of the above
E. Are you in danger?
F. Circle if you need help
G. Yes
2. What you look for most in a partner
A. Obsessive feral devotion
B. Good with kids
C. Humble
D. Passionate
E. Good hunter
F. Bear trap level cuddler
G. Serial mental note taker on everything you say and do
H. Overprotective to a fault, perhaps very much at a fault.
3. Your favorite pastime.
A. Immersion in nature and being out in the wilderness
B. A cold dip in the sea
C. Basking in the sun
D. Acting like you're a dolphin
E. Curling up in a warm space
F. Spending quality time with your loved ones
G. The joys of parenthood
4. Your preferred superpower (totally not escape methods)
A. Teleportation
B. Super speed
C. Invisibility
D. Shapeshifting
5. Your favorite animal/animal you resonate with the most
A. Arctic fox, phantomlike and swift, hiding behind snowdrifts when danger stirs. Your instinct is to avoid the grip of vices no matter how tempting, except perhaps if your stomach is involved.
B. Penguin, despite the cold weather and unforgiving ice, you are soft at your epicenter, from inside it radiates, and like a mirror you are equally as besotted by that which is as innocent and gentle.
C. Beluga, spun sweet and melodic, on your voice is carried the play of heartstrings like the gentle waver of quivering arctic waters and dancing sunlight. You sing and although it is fearless, the depths do not murmur in vain.
D. Seal, eccentric and woven into everything you do, you tend to stumble over your nerves but when in your element you are freed from all anxieties. The world may have taught you caution but In time you may learn to embody this grace wholly.
E. Narwhal, reclusive but mystical at the same time, perilously shy, and gentle but possessing fierce zeal in dire situations. Unfortunately, your likeness to a unicorn is reflected in others and far from many intentions are pure.
6. What is the most valuable in your eyes
A. Sentimental things even long years after they've run dry of their practical use
B. Shiny objects like rocks and trinkets
C. Natural wonders and displays of the world's phenomena
D. Food and guaranteed survival
E. Companionship
Count how many like numbers you get (aka, all 4s, 2s, etc) and group them to find how many you got each. The highest quantity number is the winner.
(Important!) - Some answers can have multiple numbers assigned to them, in order of most indicative to least. Add these as well, their order has no meaning or weight on the score itself unless a tie occurs.
Further Explanation Guide
- Totaling - Count the amount of each number separately to see which one got the highest amount, if you get 7 4s, 2 3s, 4 1s and 6 2s, 4 is the winning number because there are the most 4s.
Example - Answered D on 1, D has the numbers 1, 4, and 3. Therefore you would add each a 1, 4 and 3 to the pool of numbers for your result.
- Ties - If you get a tie you use the highest favor number of each answer to settle it, or you can enjoy your multiple results. The most favored number is always the first listed.
Answer Guide
- 1. Claws, teeth, ravenous appetite, equally as devouring gaze. To you these qualities describe -
A - 4, 3 | B - 3, 4 | C - 2, 1, 4 | D - 1, 4, 3
E - 4, 1, 2 | F - 1, 2, 4 | G - 4, 3
- 2. What you look for most in a partner
A - 4 | B - 3, 1, 4, 2 | C - 3, 2, 4 | D - 4, 1
E - 3, 1, 2 | F - 3, 2 | G - 4, 1 | H - 2, 1, 3
- 3. Your favorite pastime
A - 4, 3, 1, 2 | B - 3, 2 | C - 2 | D - 3, 1
E - 4, 2, 3 | F - 3 | G - 3
- 4. Your preferred superpower (totally not escape methods)
A - 4 | B - 3 | C - 2 | D - 1
- 5. Your favorite animal/animal you resonate with the most
A - 1 | B - 3 | C - 1, 2| D - 2 | E - 4, 1
- 6. What is the most valuable in your eyes
A - 4, 3 | B - 1, 3 | C - 4 | D - 1, 2, 3 | E - 3, 2, 4
📷 Polar Y/N - Mostly 4s
🐧 Harpy Y/N - Mostly 3s
🦭 Selkie Y/N - Mostly 2s
🧜 Siren Y/N - Mostly 1s
Let me know if anything felt inaccurate or incorrect. I tried my best while still not reading much of AP because of mental health issues making it really too taxing to read a lot like as in books or fanfiction etc. Most of this is based on the various AU posts for Apex Polarity. You can adjust stuff if you feel like it doesn't fit.
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Can you do Parenting Hcs for Candace please? :3
Parenting HCs - Candace
A/N: Well hello there, dear Anon. Here you go. I wanted to include Barbara as well, but I just don't... feel her. I hope it's alright with you, anon-who-requested-her-earlier. Enjoy!
CW: Male!Reader, religious themes.
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Candace is a very religious woman, and so she follows her duties. She desires to fulfill her role, described in the sacred books of Al-Ahmar, as both a wife and a mother. 
But if you ask her personally? You’ll earn a chuckle from her as she wraps her arms around your waist. It’s the most beautiful thing to do in this world, she’ll say. 
Candace is patient, and fully willing to wait until you’re comfortable with having kids with her. 
She’ll slowly discuss the matter with you over a few months, making sure to cover every millimeter of the topic. The last thing she wants to do is half-ass parenthood. 
Candace has read through the holy texts many times, and the image of a perfect family stuck to her. A son for you to take care of, and a daughter for her to teach would be just ideal. Even better if they’re twins. 
After you do the necessary things, Candace is going to pray a lot. She will pray for fertility (yours as well), for the health of both hers and her offspring’s, and for their safety in the future. She served The Mournful King well throughout her entire life so far, and she’s willing to do so for the rest of it. The only thing she wants in return is these three blessings. 
While you pick up her duties of protecting the village by force, Candace is going to be surrounded with only the best of care. Throughout her many years of service to Aaru Village, Candace has helped many female inhabitants with the entire process. They want to repay her in any way they can. 
To make sure the children come into the world safely, Dehya will hire the best obstetricians from Sumeru. It’s the least she can do for her dear friend. 
Speaking of Dehya, the bond between the two women will deepen. Dehya isn’t going to pass up an opportunity to protect Candace for once. There’s no way she’ll dodge the shopping expedition as well. It’s going to turn out to be quite a commercial spree, with them buying everything from jewelry to children’s clothing.
And when it comes to the little ones, Dehya is going to become their third favorite person. She’s going to take them on trips through the desert, just like she does with Dunyarzad. She won’t skip on the chance to teach them how to fight as well, just like her father had taught her before. 
Deshret have mercy on those who happen to raise their hand on Candace, you or the kiddos - because Dehya certainly won’t. They’ll take a trip to the wilderness and never return, or a group of friendly Eremites will visit them one day, offering to go for ‘drinks’. Either way, they won’t get the chance to hurt any of you while Dehya is on guard. 
As said before, Candace follows the family model displayed in her holy scriptures. 
She’s going to pass down every tradition and every bit of culture she remembers onto her children. It’s only natural that she wants to preserve her people’s history. She’s going to encourage the kids to pray with her and attend ceremonies or sacrifices as well. 
She’ll do most of the house work after having children. She knows that you can handle the fighting well enough, and caring for her little ones brings her the utmost of joys. 
Even when she has to wake up in the middle of the night. It’s no problem most of the time, since life in the desert happens after dark. Sure, the little ones can be a handful, but just seeing them grow and develop makes all the trouble worth it. 
While she leaves the son for you to guide and teach, the daughter will be hers. She’s going to teach all the important values she was taught at that age - family first and foremost. She’s going to show her how to do house chores, how to cook, but also how to defend herself. 
Oh, and dancing. The two are going to dance a lot. Obviously, those won’t be the same types of dances Candace shows you behind closed doors. 
When it comes to her male heir, the books suggest he take on the role of a warrior. But, as he got older and started coming back with more and more injuries, Candace started losing her confidence on that. 
It’s just that… seeing her child hurt harmed her as well. Every time they winced while she was putting on dressings, every time they said that the injuries weren't that bad… her heart ached. So she’ll try to steer her son away from getting himself in danger, but ultimately it depends on whether he wants to fight or not.
10/10. Candace is spiritual, but she isn’t unwilling to skip the more… questionable passages and directives. That makes her a great mother, and ensures that her children won’t be immoral or uncultured. Whenever you need her, Dehya will also be backing you two up.
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Thanks for reading!
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godnectar · 1 year
**Title: Gojo and Peter's Crazy Love Story**
Chapter 1: Meeting Each Other
One day, Gojo Satoru, the cool guy with magic powers, found himself in a funny town called Quahog. He met Peter Griffin, a big, jolly guy with a big laugh.
Chapter 2: Lots of Laughing
Peter's laugh was loud and funny, just like Gojo's sense of humor. Even though they were from different worlds, they felt a strange connection.
Chapter 3: Beers and Friends
"Hey, buddy!" Peter said, offering a hand. "Let's grab a beer!"
Gojo thought, why not? They went from one bar to another, sharing all kinds of crazy stories.
Chapter 4: A Night to Remember
They laughed a lot and started to really like each other. Gojo liked how Peter was goofy but really cared about his family. Peter liked how Gojo was confident and fun.
Chapter 5: Crazy Adventures
They did wild things together. They flew on a magic carpet, had a funny fight with a giant chicken, and even danced with some silly demons.
Chapter 6: Love in the Chaos
Even though things didn't make sense, they didn't care. They loved the craziness.
Chapter 7: Happily Ever After
Gojo and Peter, the magic guy and the big jolly guy, fell in love. Their story was wild and unexpected, but it was their own special adventure.
**Title: Gojo and Peter's Crazy Love Story - Part 2: Falling in Love**
Chapter 8: Sweet Moments
As days passed, Gojo and Peter found themselves drawn to each other more and more. They shared sweet moments, like holding hands on walks and laughing together over silly jokes.
Chapter 9: Discovering Similarities
Surprisingly, they discovered they had a lot in common. They both loved spicy food and had a weakness for cheesy action movies. It was like they were two pieces of a goofy puzzle that just fit.
Chapter 10: Crazy Dates
Their dates were never ordinary. They went on wild adventures, like taking a ride on a rollercoaster that made them both scream like kids.
Chapter 11: Facing Challenges Together
Life wasn't always easy, but they faced challenges as a team. Whether it was a misadventure in the grocery store or a surprise visit from an unexpected guest, they handled it all with laughter and love.
Chapter 12: Saying "I Love You"
One day, under a sky full of stars, Gojo looked into Peter's eyes and said those three magic words. "I love you," he said, his heart pounding with happiness.
Chapter 13: Peter's Big Announcement
Excited and nervous, Peter gathered his family and announced his love for Gojo. They were surprised at first, but soon saw the happiness in Peter's eyes and gave their blessing.
Chapter 14: A Crazy, Happy Ending
Their love story was crazy, unexpected
**Title: Gojo and Peter's Crazy Love Story - Part 3: Building a Family**
Chapter 15: A New Chapter Begins
As the years passed, Gojo and Peter's love only grew stronger. They decided it was time to start a new chapter in their crazy love story.
Chapter 16: The Joy of Parenthood
Soon, they welcomed a bundle of joy into their lives. Their little one had Gojo's twinkling eyes and Peter's infectious laugh. They named him Max, a name that felt just right.
Chapter 17: Adventures with Max
Raising Max was an adventure in itself. From teaching him to ride a bike to sharing bedtime stories filled with magic and laughter, every moment was a cherished memory.
Chapter 18: Sibling Shenanigans
Not long after, they welcomed a baby girl named Lily. She had Peter's mischievous grin and Gojo's adventurous spirit. Max and Lily were the best of friends, partners in crime in all their childhood escapades.
Chapter 19: Laughter-Filled Days
Their home echoed with the sound of laughter. Gojo's magic tricks and Peter's goofy dance moves kept their little ones entertained for hours on end.
Chapter 20: Lessons in Love
As parents, Gojo and Peter taught Max and Lily about love, acceptance, and the importance of being true to oneself. They embraced each other's quirks and celebrated their unique strengths.
Chapter 21: Family Adventures
Together, they went on grand family adventures. From magical vacations to theme parks to impromptu dance-offs in the living room, every day was a new opportunity for fun and bonding.
Chapter 22: Growing Together
Through the ups and downs, their love only deepened. They faced challenges as a family, always coming out stronger and more united than before.
Chapter 23: Forever Grateful
As they looked at their beautiful family, Gojo and Peter couldn't help but feel grateful for the crazy, wonderful journey they'd been on. They knew that their love story was something truly special.
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sunflowerdaisybee · 3 years
ayo request for a pt 2 of the pregnant reader x cc!Jack Manifold. maybe of the pregnancy, giving birth, and then the first few months w the baby. Tommy, Tubbo, Gogy, Wilbur and Niki meet the little baby and immediately fall in love, but Jack in particular cannot get his hands off the newborn. Lots and lots of tooth decaying fluff please!! -🧋anon
I almost lost three teeth writing this, as much as I don't want kids, I love writing about them <3
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Summary: The aftermath of your pregnancy
Pairing: Jack X Reader
Pronouns: She/her
[A/n]: Requests are open
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Pregnancy was tough, you were always craving weird and specific foods, you had crazy mood swings, and the two of you were attending Antenatal classes which just taught the two of you things about labor, birth, and early parenthood.
Jack was very great though, always helping you out, getting you and food or drinks you wanted, always insisting on doing things for you. Even with the classes, he helped as it was originally his idea. Without Jack, your pregnancy would’ve been one hundred times harder. Though Jack made sure he was always there and even told his fans he would start streaming less and that for the first few months when the baby was born he would be taking longer breaks between streaming.
Thankfully the fans were all understanding as they were just as excited about the baby as he was.
Labour was the hardest, but just like before, Jack was right there by your side every step of the way. And while family did come to meet the baby on the day of its birth, those who were most excited to see it were Niki and Wilbur. After hearing that you were pregnant they had done their best to help out you and Jack, which is why you gave the two of them the honor of being the godparents.
Once you and the baby were safe to go home you were jumping for joy, not literally, only figuratively. Niki and Wilbur had helped the two of you get home and get settled, saying that they would let you guys rest and come visit a few days later with the others.
The first week was tough. Late nights and dirty diapers were the least of your problems. Jack was a godsend though, he could barely keep his hands off the baby for more than a minute so more often than not, he would be the one getting up in the middle of the night or changing a dirty diaper.
It wasn’t until Niki and Wilbur returned a week later that the two of you got a break. They hadn’t kid around when they said they were bringing everyone with them. Tubbo, Tommy, George, Phil, and Kristin all came piling into your home.
Kristin and Phil were the most excited to see the little baby, even bringing some gifts that you had insisted they didn’t have to. George, Tubbo, and Tommy were also excited to see the baby but had been a bit nervous around the small being.
The group had assured you that they could watch the infant for a few hours while you and Jack rested but your parental instincts had the both of you staying in the living room with the group.
After a few months had passed Jack started to stream a bit more, though his streams were more laid back and oftentimes featured the young child. Some people tried to claim that he was doing it for fame but you quickly assured them that Jack simply loved the baby too much. He would often claim that your kid had to stream with him as he would miss them too much otherwise.
His clinginess often led to cute pictures of him falling asleep with the baby laying on him though, and they always ended up as the background on your phone. And texted to numerous friends.
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interstellarrambles · 4 years
Hey I love your work. I would like to request something with Pete and the reader and they have 3 kids (maybe 2 boys and a girl) and they go visit Pete at SNL and just about their day with him and Pete talking about his family on the weekend update. 🖤
family. pd
a/n im sorry this took so long! I hope this is okay, I know I didn't discuss much of the actual things they did during the day but I can always write more or a second part if you would like!
tressful, terrifying and nerve-wracking yet somehow still lovable, these past few years had taught you and Pete a million things about parenthood that you would've never considered beforehand, though neither of you were complaining. Pete had expressed his desire to be a father many times, even before he started dating you, so it came as little surprise to anyone who knew the two of you when you were pregnant. then again two years later... and again after another year had passed.
having three children under the age of six was never easy to put it simply; there was always a nappy to change, a tantrum to quash or a nativity play to prepare for. however, when those sweet moments hit you like a ten tonne train, you remembered why you had craved a family like yours so badly.
moments like now, with your youngest baby boy swaddled adorably in your arms and your two eldest children swinging off of their father's hands. matching shirts with his little girl and painstakingly handmade bracelets with his boy, Pete had taken to fatherhood like a duck to water.
singularly the hardest part of familial life you had to deal with, past the nappies and crying and mischievous antics, was the media constantly encroaching into your private life. teeth bared into predatorial smiles and unbroken chattering questions: the paparazzi had ruined your first hospital birth by crowding your exit and had ruined plenty of later events with their inconsiderate practices. hence, you had somewhat of a skewed perspective on life in the city with your children and you had avoided bringing them anywhere they could be swarmed.
until today.
starting his umpteenth season on SNL, now as a recurring guest more than a regular, Pete had been asked if he wanted to do a special on family life, being as it was approaching Christmas now. therefore, after bundling up your babies in large winter coats and cosy beanies and hats that matched yours, you had made the journey to SNL's filming location largely unnoticed, only being approached by some young respectful fans eager to greet you happily. throughout the week you had majorly avoided letting Pete know you were planning to visit him with the family, already knowing how excited he'd be if you took the chance and surprised him. instead, you had contacted some of his friends behind the scenes, begging them to keep it a secret and to help you get backstage to see him before and during his weekend update.
all of your children adored seeing their father onstage even if they didn't truly understand any of the words he would be saying, and though you knew when to chastise him for playing them videos with rude words in them, you also knew how much they would love seeing him perform comedy in real life.
arming yourself and your two eldest with hot chocolates to guard against the cold, you had already entered the building and were waiting backstage in one of the office rooms for someone to tell Pete to go check the room you were in. soon enough, you heard the drawl of your husband's voice and his sweet laugh echoing through the adjoining corridor.
noticing the pure joy that lit up his face when the door swung open and you finally saw him, your heart was soaring, tears almost filling your eyes as your children squealed with excitement.
"you did this for me baby," Pete whispered, also close to happy tears as he welcomed you into the family hug, "gonna make me cry sweetheart."
wrapping his arms around you and your baby boy as carefully as possible, he smiled when he felt your face buried in the crook fo his neck, his baby gurgling in contentment. all he had ever wanted was in this backstage room.
he had no need for the money or the clothes or the fame, he just wanted you smiling and his babies by your side.
"I hope those are happy tears Mr Davidson, it was incredibly difficult to surprise you properly," you giggled when you finally pulled away for a second, wiping the corner of his eyes with your spare thumbs, gently cradling his face.
your other two children had begun preoccupied themselves with bothering Mulaney who had made the grave mistake of joining Pete for the surprise, giving you and your lover a quick but wonderfully quiet moment.
"god I fucking love you so much," he smiled, kissing you with such urgency you felt butterflies like it was the first time, his hands helping you cradle your youngest, "so glad I put a ring on it for good."
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ninjakasuga · 3 years
Sonally Celebration Week, Year 3, Day Three!
Day three is here, and as usual, I tend to go for my flair with thematic tones over the literal idea of the prompt. Everyone else enjoying what @gojira007 and their blog @boundforfreedomsonsal brings will find this to their pleasure.
Sonally Celebration Week, Year Three: Day Three
Foreward: This episode takes place mere months after Mystery. I know last year sometimes I hoped about the time-line a bit, while with at least episode one-through-three I’m keeping it rather linear in the story-telling. Last time we saw Sonic and Sally as babysitters to Sonic’s younger siblings; now their own time has parents twas’ nigh.
Day three: Crossroads
“Sonic Maurice Hedgehog, I love you, I love you with all my heart and soul, but-nrghh!” Grimacing, Sally Acorn-Hedgehog panted heavily as another contraction wracked her body. Her grip on the hand of her husband tightened. “But I swear, I SWEAR if you do this to me again, I-will-EAT-YOUR-SHINS!!”
Making a soft, but audible sound of physical distress, Sonic swore he felt the bones in his hand crunch. Yet he did not dare wretch it free, not that he felt he could if he wanted too. Sally’s grip was intense, and furthermore, any attempt to save his own skin would be met with death. As sweat trickled down his brow, making the mask attached to his face, and the scrubs he wore a bit uncomfortable. Yet his own discomfort was his least priority at the moment. “Y-you got it Sal, j-just hang in there a bit more…”
Sally’s eyebrow raised incredulously. “Hang in th-nrgh, t-there?! Oh my dear husband, you just did-urghhh! N-not tell me to hang in there? Just what the f**k do you think I’m doing?! I’ve been ‘hanging in there’ since my water broke and the contractions kicked in, and those two little darlings ‘you’ put in my belly can’t decide if they want to come out now, or kick Mommy’s bladder some more!”
“H-hey I’m just trying to help!’ He pleaded as she clutched his hand tighter than before. “I know this isn’t easy on you Sal, but it’s not like I can whip out a Power Ring or Chaos Emerald and make it better. If I could-ghhh, take your place I would!” Sonic knew this was in no-way easy, but in the span of a few hours he’d seen Sally run the gauntlet of her emotional range. Mostly all centered at being upset with him. Now he understood what his Dad meant by ‘Nothing will prepare either of you for this; but remember, Sally’s going to be put through a wringer, so be patient, and be understanding’. “Sal, please you need to calm down some, it’s not good for you, or the babies right Doc?”
The ‘Doc’ in question lifted her head from her position between the Queen’s legs. After almost twenty-plus years of service, Doctor Quack had retired from medicine but remained a consultant for the Acorn Kingdom Ministry of Medicine. So the new Royal Doctor, one Jolene Fredrick, and one of Quack’s protoge’s was tending to the birth of Sally and Sonic’s children. The spotted-Hyena doctor managed a bemused smile behind her surgical mask. “Your husband is quite right, your majesty, I know it hurts, but the more you let the pain stress you out, the more it will complicate things.” She spoke evenly, softly, and kindly but with a firm authority a doctor should carry. “I know giving birth to twins is not easy, especially for a first-time pregnancy, but despite the pain, it looks like the babies are finally about ready to come out.”
A part of Sally wanted to scream and kindly (or not so kindly) tell Jolene to jump out the window, or anyone else asking her to ‘bear with it more’. After all the hours she already had dealt with the discomfort, and false alarms, up until the pains really started to kick in over the last hour and a half. Yet Sally held back that urge, both from her brain managing to get through the pain and reminding her, Jolene was trying to help. Plus as a Mother herself, she’d had first-hand experience with what she was going through. The other reason she pushed her anger down was the soft touch of Sonic’s hand that wasn’t currently in the vice grip she was placing on the other. A quick glance into those emerald-pools, seeing concern and love, did much to soften her. 
A small whimper left Sally as she eased her grip and held Sonic’s hand to her face. “I’m sorry, it just huuuurts.” She whined softly, feeling utterly pathetic she was reduced to such a state. Her composure was thrown out the window, cursing freely, and just, the sheer roller coaster of hormones and emotions over the last several hours had taken a toll. “I want my babies, but-rugh, I want them out, nooooow!”
“I know Sal, I know.” Sonic murmured, wincing at the defeated, pained sounds coming from the love of his life. Bringing her hand to his face, he did his best to kiss the top of her hand through his surgical mask. “I’m with you, however long this takes you got me at your side.”
A small, strangled laugh left Sally as she managed a warm smile as she gazed at her husband. “How’d I get so lucky? Some people take forever to find their soulmate and I met mine at two years old.” Letting out a dreamy sigh, Sally pulled his hand to her and planted a kiss there, with both her hands (gently) cocooning both of her hands over his. Just as quick as the quiet moment came, it was taken away as Sally let out another sharp gasp. “Oooooooff!! I felt that one!”
Eyeing some equipment next to her, Jolene made a ‘hmm’ and then turned to look over at the couple. “Good news, it looks like the babies are finally making up their minds, one is starting to make way. Take deep breaths, your majesty, just like you practiced, we’re almost at the end goal.” She smiled through her mask, her own mild fatigue visible in her eyes. Yet like her predecessor there was a fire to see things through. “You can do this your Maj-.” “J-just Sally please!” Insisted the mother-to-be as she gripped the edge of her bed rails with one of her hands, as the other still clutched onto Sonic. “T-this is too personal to keep using formal titles. Nrgh, j-just for now, please, no titles.” 
A part of the doctor felt awkward at putting the habit of being so informal, but if it would help. “Alright Sally, we’re in the final stretch, deep breathes. We’ll see the crowning any moment now.”
Nodding, Sally looked to Sonic, wincing and breathing deeply as she was taught. “I love you.” “Back at’cha Sal, you got this.” Sonic fought back a wince from his extremely sore hand. Focusing more on giving Sally his support. “Back at’cha, now let’s welcome our kids and you get some rest.”
Some Time Later:
Exhausted deeply in body and soul, Sally could feel all this in the back of her mind; yet her focus was on anything but the fatigue. A warm, happy, glowing feeling replaced the fatigue as she stared at the two swaddled bundles in her arms. “They’re beautiful…” She cried, happily as she stared at the mewling infants. Who seemed to instinctively lean against her body through their swaddling. It had been worth it, the long labor, the pain, all-worth-it. The girl of the twin-set was a chipmunk-ish hybrid like Sally but clearly sported her Father’s blue hues in her fur. The boy, clearly of the hedgehog variety had the more soft browns of his Mother. Time would tell if Sally’s red hair, or the blonde or brown hair from Sonic’s side of the family would pop up.
As she glanced over at Sonic, she was nearly bowled over by the sheer awe in his eyes and face (his surgical mask was off). His eyes were misty, making her wonder if she was looking at a mirror of her own expression. “You just love in love don’t you?”
“Totally.” Sonic nodded, a strangled laugh leaving him as she leaned in, getting eyefuls of the two joys the two had both patiently and impatiently waited for all this time. It had been a long road to parenthood, both held off having kids right away due to many reasons after the war. The rebuilding efforts, just enjoying themselves free of fighting, and other small, miscellaneous reasons. Last year they finally felt ready and well, started working on getting Sally pregnant, which didn’t take long with how they were.
Sonic wondered if this surge of pride and absolute happiness was something both his parents felt when either his siblings and he had been born? The sheer high of it almost-no, no it absolutely did dwarf the high of running free in the wind. Gently he reached a hand down, running a finger along one child’s cheek, then the other. “Hey you two, glad to finally meet’cha. I’m Daddy, this is Mommy, and we’re going to love and look after you until the end of time.”
Nodding her head eagerly in agreement, Sally sniffed back more tears of joy. “Forever and ever, all ours.” She giggled, kissing the soft, furry cheeks of her newborns. “Welcome to the world Kathleen and Jaleel-Craig.
“I still think Justin-McCooiagel sounded pretty good.” Quipped Sonic with a smug, joking smirk.
“I will not let our son be mercilessly teased because his Father wanted to give him a ‘cool nickname like ‘Just Cool’ or whatever string of odd nicknames.” She firmly stated, giving Sonic a dull stare. “Seriously, one of your names was Radical. Just Radical.”
“Hey it’s a good gender-neutral name, and we knew we were having twins.” His wide grin, showcased he enjoyed pulling her chain. He mostly had been joking about the aforementioned names, well mostly. The ones they settled on were perfect. Kathleen Nicole Acorn-Hedgehog was named after Sally’s Grandmother that she sadly never got to know, and her middle name was in honor of a certain BFF of the Queen’s. Jaleel-Craig Acorn-Hedgehog, or J.C. for short, got his name from Sonic learning Jaleel had been one of ‘his’ potential birth names. Seems his Father knew a Jaleel from school who had been his best friend until he died in the war, and had considered giving him his name in remembrance, only to decide Bernie’s idea of Sonic seemed fitting. Both Sonic and Sally thought it would be a nice name, and as for the Craig addition, Sonic just liked the name, and felt a two-word name would be great for one of the kids. His desire won out after he won three out of five rock-paper-scissors matches with Sally for the final say-so.
“Sure it is…” Rolling her eyes Sally reached over and ran her hand, playfully over Sonic’s face. “You’re just lucky you are adorable.”
“Ha! Adorable wished it were me.” Murred Sonic as he nuzzled against her hand. “Although my wife and lovely children are top-tier competition.”
Snorting, Sally then yawned loudly. “Oh my, I-I *yawn*, damn it, I don’t wanna sleep…”
The door to the suite opened and Doctor Jolene stuck her head in. Having overhard the yawn, she gave the couple a knowing smile. “You should get your rest while you can. The kiddos will be tuckered out themselves, and the nurses will watch them overnight. Trust me you will want as much sleep as you can before they want to feed.” Given it was between two and three o’clock, the Royal Family didn’t have any visitors waiting on them until much later in the day to worry about.
As another yawn tore from her throat, Sally nodded in acceptance. She then poked at her own chest, semi-covered by her hospital gown. “Finally these udders will get some use. The swelling of the milk is getting annoying.”
A dirty joke formed in Sonic’s head, but he wisely (this time) fought off voicing it. A low, tired, yawn left him as well. “Snooze n’ Zzz’s sound about right Doc. Plus there’s that saying, we should get as much as we can?”
“As one parent to another, ooooh yes!” Laughed Jolene as she walked over to give the Mother and children a once over as a nurse came over with a rolling cart with two portable baby-carrier cribs for the infants to sleep in. “That should be your priority as much as looking after J.C. and Kathleen now, making sure you’re rested so you can look after them.” She then gives her Queen a playful-if-stern look. “Which means our dear Queen needs to knock off the all-nighter paper-work and project binges.”
Unable to not but wince at the accusation, Sally sighed in defeat. She knew her bad habit was one not to be ignored at this juncture in life. “I’ve already delegated my tasks to Nicole and the Council, and all necessary parties…”
“After taking weeks to painstakingly do so…” Her husband quipped with a mirroring playful-but-stern with a dash of accusatory as Doctor Jolene.
Sally sent Sonic a glare, but fatigue and looking upon the faces of her children made the frown go away. “I know what my priorities are… I know that I'm going to need to get back to running the kingdom but I’m not going to ever put these two what I meant through. I will find the balance.”
Rubbing her shoulder, Sonic leaned in, planting a kiss to her cheek. “N’ you got me to help, we’re doing this as a team forever, and always.”
“Always.” She agreed, craning her head to kiss him back. Another yawn left her as the nurse gently took the snoozing children. Her gaze followed them as they were carefully put in the sleeping cribs. “See you soon my loves’.” She murmured, eyes beginning to feel heavier as she watched them be wheeled out. “Love you Sonic…” She murmured feeling him tuck her in as her eyes closed.
“Love you too Sal, I’ll be right here.” He murmured, waiting until he was sure she was dozed off. Leaning back from her bed, he popped his back and shook his hands. One was extremely sore but thankfully not damaged. “I’m gonna get some water, and then I’m gonna crash myself Doc.”
“I have a rollaway being brought in for you.” She nodded, giving one last check over of Sally’s vitals, and pleased with what she saw, intended to conclude her rounds and get some shuteye herself. “Sleep well Prince-er Sonic.” She corrected as the Prince-Regent gave her a tired but mild glare. “Sorry, force of habit.” “S’okay Doc… Just titles n’ crap ain’t me, but I married a Princess who’s now Queen so… eh if you gotta for decorum n’ crude sure. Like this… Sonic is fine.” He grinned, giving a two finger salute before padding out of the suite. Water was his priority, his throat was dry, and then, bed. Sweet, sweet bedtime. If the way twins seemed to behave in the family held up, Sally and he would need to be on their toes sooner than later.
A new crossroad of life at been reached, and they were committed to what the future may hold for them and their family. 
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soldrawss · 4 years
Alright, so it's pretty clear which Bab is who, But how oh how did he Obtain these four boys in your Human Rottmnt au?
~SO! Bear with me, there’s a LOT of info here and it kinda turned into a fic half way down so yeah~
In my au, Yoshi is still the famous movie and action star, Lou Jitsu! (In his private life, he goes by Yoshi Hamato, but in the public eye he is Lou Jitsu. Sorta like a Hannah Montana situation) Anyway, while he’s a big-time hotshot, he starts dating fellow hotshot movie star Kuroko Gumo (Big Mama)(I gave her a Japanese name basically meaning spider don’t @ me) They date for a long time and for a while are the celebrity couple of the century... that is, until Yoshi asks Big Mama to marry him. She turns him down in a very public and horrible way (Basically saying that what they had was just a fun fling and also for clout) and leaves Yoshi absolutely wrecked. He becomes incredibly depressed and spirals into unhealthy habits and kinda goes off the deep end. (Showing up to interviews and public events wasted. Sleeping around with lots of other famous celebrities and models. Causing a PUBLIC SCENE literally every time he goes out. It wasn’t a good time for Yoshi OR Lou at ALL. This went on for about 4-5 years on and off.)
Until his ‘manager’ finally hired him a PR agent to put him into shape. (Yoshi had PR agents in the past. But all of them quit after a while of not being able to DEAL with Yoshi’s tantrums) And boy, did this PR agent NOT fuck around. Barry Draxum, though he prefers just Draxum, single-handedly saved Yoshi’s carrier and Lou Jitsu’s image practically overnight. And even though his methods for getting Yoshi to shower before a photoshoot or ‘eat a fucking vegetable Hamato or so help me GOD I will shave your head completely bald and then you’ll have to wear a wig for the rest of filming, do not TEMPT me’ are a little unorthodox, he gets the job done. And even though the two butt heads and bicker on the daily, they end up being a pretty good team, and slowly but surely, Yoshi starts to heal and get better and get his life/career back on track.
That is, until the consequences of his actions came a-knocking. 
It was Draxum who found out first, through a late-night phone call in Yoshi’s living room while the two were discussing a film shoot for later on that week. 
Yoshi had really only seen two sides of Draxum’s emotional range up until that point, and Yoshi was pretty sure he didn’t have any other settings besides passively annoyed and downright fed up, but the look on Draxum’s face, going pale with confusion and concern had Yoshi waiting at the edge of the couch in acute apprehension. The blood in his veins turning to ice under his skin.
It was about a woman named Nia Okoro. A vibrant and outgoing woman, with freckles like constellations dusted on her dark skin and dimples so deep that Yoshi loved to make her laugh just so he could see how deep they’d go. He had had previous relations with her, often seeking her out when he was at his loneliest and lowest points only because she had a personality that was loud and warm, and that could win smiles out of him as easy as breathing. 
But he hadn’t seen her in almost a year. Right before Draxum came around and knocked some sense into him, Yoshi even said so when Draxum asked, worry a knotted, tangled mess in his stomach when he asks why. What’s wrong? Did something happen?
A car accident, Draxum explains slowly like he’s approaching a feral animal and he doesn’t know if it will fight or flee if he approaches with any more information. A semi collided with the driver's side of her car. She didn’t make it. Died on route to the hospital.
Yoshi, Draxum says in a low voice, not giving Yoshi a second to wrap his head around the grief pumping back into his system like an all too familiar and painful drug when he adds, she left behind two sons. And apparently, before she died, she claimed they were both yours.
Yoshi was on the next flight out to Chicago that night, Draxum trailing behind after him trying to get Yoshi to see reason, Hamato. We don’t really know if they’re yours, and even if they were, which is highly unlikely, what are you going to do? You can’t raise children right now, your career is still in a fragile state. YOU’RE still in a fragile state.
But Yoshi wasn’t listening as he takes his window seat, Draxum perfectly harrumphing defeatedly in the seat beside him, and Yoshi spends the next two and a half hours looking out into the cloudless night, not listening to anything but the sound of his own racing heart trying to burst out between his ribcage.
When they get to the hospital, it’s 2:30 in the morning and Draxum has to practically pull Yoshi from slamming his fists down on the reception desk. Draxum had told him it was a longshot that the children would even still be here at this hour, if they even existed at all and weren’t just some wild goose chase of a prank someone was pulling on them, but Yoshi still had to know. Had to make sure.
When Draxum finally manages to explain their situation to the woman at the front desk, it's with a sad but knowing smile when she nods, knowing exactly the children they were looking for, and leads them through the hospital for what feels like endless years to Yoshi till they reach a closed examination room.
Yoshi is greeted by two pairs of almond-shaped brown eyes, one pair wide and bright and the other sleepy and heavy-lidded, and it takes all his strength not to crumble to the hospital floor right then and there.
A little boy was sitting on a large hospital bed, covered in scratches and bruises and head half wrapped in colorful red gauze with yellow stars on it, looks up at Yoshi with watery alert eyes. He clutches at the drowsy infant half asleep in the circle of his arms almost protectively, and it takes another bow of strength from Yoshi to remain calm when the boy bites out a quiet, you can’t take him either. 
Take who away, Yoshi asks back in a voice almost as quiet at the boy’s, and the little boy tightens his hold around the baby. Eyes bright like daggers and mouth thin with a determination that could move mountains, like he wasn’t a child and the ugly road rash and bruising skin under her clothes didn’t exist, when he glares at Yoshi.
Mikey! They took mama away, but you can’t take Mikey too! He’s my baby brother. Mama said I have to protect him, so you can’t take him! You can’t! Please!
It took several weeks and an ocean load of paperwork on Yoshi’s and Draxum’s part, but sure enough, Raphael and Michelangelo Okoro were indeed Yoshi’s sons, and having no other relatives they could go to, were finally allowed to be adopted and come home with the movie star.
Yoshi was whole worlds out of depths with parenthood, having absolutely no experience with children in general prior to his son’s moving in with him, and it showed with every backward diaper and screaming tantrum fit and sleepless night. And Yoshi asked himself about a million and a half times a day if he had gotten over his head. Taken on too much, more than he could handle. If he was cut out to be a dad, let alone a dad they needed, at all.
But Mikey had a giggle that filled up every corner of the room with something warm and delighted, and Raph’s tough and hesitant exterior against Yoshi at first melted into something akin to fierce and toothed love for his baby brother. So he was patient with Yoshi, and taught him all the best tricks to get Mikey to hold still long enough to change his clothes or wash behind his ears with a smile and fondness that downright glowed. And when he finally called out a hey pops to Yoshi, wearing a broad and comfortable confidence and joy like a badge on his chest, Yoshi finally gave in to his emotions and sleep deprivation and cried right there with both of his boys in his arms. 
And he really was awful at being a dad, but dangit if he wasn’t going to try his best anyway because it was so worth it just to have those two pairs of smiling eyes turn his way.
But the experience with Raph and Mikey opened up a pandora's box inside Yoshi’s heart.
Because Raph was four years old. That was four years of Yoshi not knowing he had a son, let alone two... Was it possible that there was more he didn’t know about?
And with the, albeit begrudging, help from Draxum, (Draxum, who had collected the embarrassingly long list of lovers and ex’s from Yoshi and began reaching out to them in inquiry about children and possible visitation rights and the such. Because Yoshi was sure that if he had more children, their situations wouldn’t be like Raph’s and Mikey’s where Yoshi could just take full custody of them. Especially when none of the mothers had ever reached out in the first place) he found that answer out.
It was yes, and the exact number was two more.
Two more sons. One in Seattle and one in San Antonio.
Donatello Martelli was relatively easy to find. His mother, Bria, as beautiful as she was vain and obsessed with her image, didn’t hesitate to point Draxum and Yoshi in the direction of the nearest foster home. Because Bria was not the motherly type, and she never had the patience or tolerance or room in her heart to fit parenthood into her world of glamour and glitz the way Yoshi did. So with what little kindness she had to her name, she put up her son for adoption and wiped her hands clean of what was left of Yoshi’s and her’s short-lived romance.
Donatello, as Yoshi had come to discover, was a handful of a child, but in all the ways that made Yoshi’s heart burst with affection and pride.
He was smarter and craftier than anyone would ever give a 3-year-old credit for, and his short temper and passive boredom towards the world around him was only because he lacked the stimulus and opportunity to shine as brightly as he could. He was in his 8th foster home in that year alone when Draxum had located him; being swapped around from home to home because no one knew how to handle the child's sharp wit and even sharper tongue, and the list of appliances and machines he had ‘destroyed’ had labeled him as a trouble maker and problem child.  
It was only until Yoshi had made the journey to Seattle himself and met the keen-eyed and brazen child that Yoshi discovered just how soft-hearted Donatello truly was. 
He was just curious. That’s all he ever was. Curious and hungry for knowledge and wanting to use that knowledge for good and kind and wonderfully brilliant things.
I wanted to know how the toaster works, Donatello’s admits quietly, more to himself than to Yoshi but Yoshi listens anyway. Mrs. Brown’s burns the toast and Mr. Brown doesn’t like it. I just wanted to see if I could make it better.
Donnie’s adoption was almost too easy, no one willing to put up any fight against Yoshi steadfast resolution, and the bespectacled brown-eyed child thrived in Yoshi’s endless supply of toasters he could take apart and reassemble too his heart's content, and Raph’s and Mikey’s constant adoration and fondness for their newest brother.
It took almost 2 months after Donnie’s adoption for Draxum to even learn about a fourth child, let alone find him.
Maria Guerrero was the only woman they couldn’t reach out to, seemingly dropping off the face of the earth like she had never existed in it to begin with and was just a well-spun fever dream of Yoshi’s past. Draxum had almost exhausted every string he had left to even prove the woman existed, let alone where she was, and it was only because of Yoshi’s begging and pleading and she’s out there somewhere, Barry. Please. I don’t want to give up without knowing for sure, that Draxum kept up the search longer than the 2-month mark. 
And then he had found something. A tiny, sliver of a half baked chance at something and Yoshi clung to it like a lifeline.
I don’t know if it’s anything at all. Maria isn’t even mentioned by name it’s just... with the description you gave and the time frame set... a couple of years ago, there was this child with the last name Guerrero in San Antonio who was left at the hospital just a few hours after he was born. The mother disappeared without a trace and with no explanation, but she matches the description of Maria-
What’s the child’s name, Yoshi finds himself interrupting, a tugging feeling at the bottom of his stomach making him feel equal parts sick and hungry with hope and morbid curiosity.
Leonardo. Leonardo Guerrero. He’d be about 3 now.
Yoshi knew. He just knew. As soon as he stepped out of his car and onto the dusty laneway of the shabby and overpacked halfway home in Texas and walked up to the metal chain-linked fence separating himself from the front yard of children of varying ages and races, he knew. He didn’t even need the owner and self-designated father of the home to point the child out to Yoshi.
Leonardo was a scrawny and scrappy child. The patched-up sweater 3 times his size dropping over limbs covered in bandaids and vitiligo patches alike. His hair was a curly mess, long and tangled and held out of his face by different types of hair clips and scrunchies. He was playing by himself off in the farthest corner of the yard, head down and tracing the ground with a stick, and it wasn’t until the other man called out a thickly accented, GUERRERO, that the boy looked up.
Brown eyes. Brown eyes like Raph’s and Donnie’s and Mikey’s. Brown eyes like Yoshi’s. Round and rich and shining like a spotlight and something clicked inside of Yoshi’s chest. Like the final piece of a long-overdue jigsaw puzzle was finally where it belonged, fitting into the empty spot in Yoshi’s heart like it had always owned a place there, right alongside all the other pieces that had claimed their space within the past few months. 
Yoshi didn’t think his heart could get any fuller. 
But then Leo smiled at him, and Yoshi couldn’t have been more happy to be proven wrong. 
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okayoonoh · 5 years
here’s the guide to ten’s rambunctious family! i have so many ideas for ten’s family it’s hard to settle for just one main one lol
here’s the masterlist to all things nct dad related! a johnny family scenario is coming out soon ;)
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he has three kids, 2 boys and 1 girl. kasem leechaiyapornkul (kaleb) is the oldest, 3 years later, somchai leechaiyapornkul (shawn) was born, and 5 years after that, amarin leechaiyapornkul (aria) was born.
(when aria was born, kaleb was 8 and shawn was 5)
ooh boy
he was a trouble maker from the start
you guys thought you were ready for parenthood
which you were
but you weren’t ready for kaleb
he was a handful
he broke everything he touched
like he was gifted with a mountain of toys
broke every single on of them
the world may never know.
he was a handful that never gave you guys a break 
but those few moments when he’ll flash you a smile that looks just like his dad’s?
everything was worth it
he honestly just was a lot tho
like if you know return of the superman
he’s a lot like ko seungjae with how crazy he can be
like he was really advanced as a baby too
like the second he learned how to crawl
he was already trying to stand up by himself
he was really good with rhythms at a young age
like most babies just bang on stuff
but if you played music
he would genuinely try to keep in time with everything
and he lowkey does
a musical prodigy tbh
he wasn’t that sensitive
like he wouldn’t cry at the smallest things
he just was full of energy 24/7
like if you didn’t swaddle him while he was sleeping
he would mess up the whole entire bassinet
he also loved to grab your hair like all the time
it was really annoying
it got to the point where either you tied your hair up constantly or you cut it
but he didn’t grab your hair just for the fun of it
he grabbed it because he wanted to bring your face down closer to his so you can give him a big ‘ole kiss
he was full of boundless energy but it’s with good reasons
>> as a child <<
still a trouble maker
he’s the main source of your’s and ten’s headaches
you know how like ten can be annoyingly cute?
that’s kaleb 24/7
loves to boss around his younger siblings
you’ve had to have many conversations with him about that
ten: kaleb, your siblings are not your servants.
kaleb: but i’m the oldest!
ten: that’s true. we take it back
ten is so happy that his first child was a son
all of the things he mentioned in that one live about his son
he’s gonna do it
from a young age, kaleb already knew how to speak thai, english, and a little bit of mandarin
he taught him how to dance
he taught him how to play piano
honestly just like
baby ten?
that’s kaleb
ten is really good at handling him
but like if it’s logic that ten can’t argue with
then you’re screwed
for example
kaleb: dad, let’s cover the house with bubbles so it cleans everything and we can play in them
ten: that is a compelling argument son, but i like the way you think. so efficient
thank god you were out of soap that day
the two of them feed off of each other’s energies tbh
like, again, return of the superman
ten and kaleb would be running up and down the streets
like you’ll send them on a task to just get some eggs or something
and they’ll return with the eggs!
but also like 500 different kinds of candy
and a cat
he loves animals
he’s really empathetic
he doesn’t deal with any bs tho
like if someone is complaining about something that isn’t a problem
he doesn’t deal with it
he’ll straight up tell them to stop
he’s best friends with johnny’s oldest, noah seo.
they’re honestly just like their dads when they hang out
genetics is weIRD
they relate with each other a lot because they both are the oldest and they both have a little brother and a baby sister
noah calms kaleb down
kaleb brings up noah’s energy
a dynamic duo if i do say so myself
>> as a teen/adult <<
a little better
he’s still pretty bubbly and playful
but when it gets serious
he can be serious
he became a dancer alongside lee youngchul
they work together in their studio
they learned baby don’t stop for their dads and their dads were sO HECKIN PROUD LIKE THEY CRIED
he loves to choreograph stuff for groups
he’s usually the one who choreographs the dance of the year like every year
he has tens nose and lips, but your eyes
he loves to tease people
not so much a prankster
he loves to tease people like vocally
he can sing, but he prefers dancing
everyone wants him to debut lol
he doesn’t really want to
he already kinda does
he’s so wholesome and goofy
but when it gets to dancing
he can be bad cop
youngchul doesn’t have it in him to be bad cop
but kaleb?
it’s all about the dance
he’ll apologize before every practice
like “i’m sorry if i say something that offends you, but you don’t get to your goals by slacking.”
he makes his dancers work HARD
youngchul usually deals with the rookies and the newbies and the younger ones
but kaleb deals with the advanced groups and stuff
and ooh boy
he tells it as it is
like if he can tell that no one practiced
he’ll just end rehearsal right then and there
people still want to learn from him tho
and they know that he’s not doing this with any evil intent
he just respects dance and visual arts so much that he needs to know that people will be as dedicated as him
he’s a genuinely cool person tho
like when it’s not about dancing, he’s one of those guys who you can do anything with
if he sees one of his dancers genuinely struggling, he’ll stay with them after practice as late as they want to work
he’ll order them food too while they work hard
he admires hard work more than talent
honestly, a really good person/teacher who gives off the best results because of it.
an actual sweetheart
it’s like the universe gave you grace bc kaleb was such a meanie
he didn’t really cry that much
he was pretty calm
even when he cried, it wasn’t super loud
like he made the face of a crying baby
but his volume was somewhat quiet
his brother would make him cry a lot (on accident tho)
like kaleb would just want to go and play with him
but then he forgets that babies can’t catch
and the ball hits shawn in the face
and shawn will start crying
but kaleb would go and hug him, just repeating
“don’t tell mom, don’t tell mom, don’t tell mom.”
shawn wouldn’t
shawn can’t even talk yet lmao
he was just a sweetheart and people pleaser
like his older brother, he started learning languages asap
he was pretty smart too
but he was way more empathetic than anything
like he knew when ten would be gone for tour
and he’d cry if he saw a video or picture of him
same for you too
like if you were gone, he’d cry too
he loves his family so much
he was pretty curious as a little baby tho
like he would always follow kaleb
he would even copy everything kaleb did
like from a young age he looked up to kaleb and wanted to be like him
he wasn’t too much of a hassle
he would play by himself well
he was a little bit of a picky eater
he had a weak stomach :(
if you gave him something that was a little too strong in a certain flavor, he would throw up
but he wouldn’t want you to worry and most times he’d try to hold it in
but his stomach is just too weak :(
it’s okay tho, he’s still a pretty happy baby regardless
>> as a child <<
still calm
adores his older brother
does whatever his older brother says
he thinks kaleb is the coolest person in the world
he looks just like you tbh
he’s really good at taking care of his little sister
he doesn’t boss her around
shawn tries to keep the peace
he doesn’t have the most overwhelming personality like kaleb and aria
he’s just chill
he’s best friends with mark’s oldest, ethan lee, and jaehyun’s oldest, jung lani
they’re honestly the dream team
like their all so smart
they just make such woke decisions
like for example
if you sent the three of them to go get snacks
they would combine their money and get one of those gigantic value bags
seeing the three of them together is so endearing
like the three of them listen so well
if you’re out with them and they walk together, they’ll all hold hands so they don’t lose each other
no one knows where this adorable bond comes from
but it’s just so nice
they’re all supportive of each other too
ug h
just the sweetest
i’ll stop now bc this is about shawn lol
he loves his friends and family
he’s not super sensitive
but if kaleb is mad at him, he’ll cry
he still likes to follow kaleb and do what he does
kaleb tries to mess with him, but shawn just replies with so much love
like kaleb would pull a prank
or say something like “why did you do something like that?”
“because i love you, phi*!”
*the thai version of hyung
kaleb can’t stay mad at him for too long lol
shawn likes to follow you around with whatever you do lol
like if you’re cooking, he wants to watch
if you’re cleaning, he’ll help you
he loves his family so much
he enjoys the sun and outdoors
he also enjoys taking care of the younger ones
he’s such a good older brother to aria
like he can prepare her formula, grab her diapers, etc. 
he’s so helpful and just a joy to have in the house
you’ve only had to scold him once or twice in his entire life lol
kaleb has to be scolded like once or twice a day lololol
honestly, he’s just so wholesome and made your’s and ten’s life easier
>> as a teen/adult <<
became a kindergarten teacher
he loves the simple life
doesn’t really want to be a full time idol, but he loves that his friends and family are
he is SO attractive tho
literally everyone is attracted to him
he does a little modeling on the side
after ethan and lani tricked him into going to an audition
but he prefers his job as a kindergarten teacher
he teaches at like an international school
he’s really good at it too
he teaches in english, but he can also teach in thai, mandarin, korean, japanese, etc.
moms put their kids in his class just so they can see him lol
he loves teaching kids
he loves seeing them get so excited over tiny accomplishments
he also loves being that positive role models in their lives
when it comes to girls tho?
he’s REALLY REALLY REALLY bad with girls
really bad
he cannot pick up hints for the life of him
like lani, ethan, and shawn would be out eating lunch
and the waitress would CLEARLY be flirting with hiim
like she even gave him his number on the receipt
and lani would be like “so... the cute waitress seems interested in you, shawn! go add her number!”
and he would turn beat red and be like
and lani and ethan both facepalm
and ethan would say something like “dude, she literally said that she’s never had a customer as cute as you.”
and shawn would be like “i thOUGHT SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT LANI!!!! :(((”
and lani would be like, “shawn... she was looking at YOU when she said that.”
poor baby is denser than a brick wall
he gets flustered and freaks out in a relationship
he’s just trying is best!
when he finally gets into a relationship
he’s so flustered like 24/7
ethan and lani would attempt to help him become more smooth and spontaneous
but anytime he does anything spontaneous it goes wrong lol
he’s not a super loud dude either
he’s the loudest in the room
he supports the HECK out of his siblings
he’ll go to all of kaleb’s shows/competitions
and he’ll go to all of aria’s concerts
he is decked out, head to tow, with their merch
it’s like he throws all of his pride out of the window when it comes to family
he’s honestly really good with fashion too
like he does enjoy shopping and keeping up with the trends
he like looks good 24/7
he’s just a wholesome brick wall living his best life
basically kaleb
but a girl
she was a little less troublesome
and more needy
kaleb would honestly be like straight up mean at times
but aria was more needy 
she always needed to be with someone
like if she was alone by herself 
she would cry
thank goodness your family was full so someone can always be with her
she loves her older brothers
to be 100% honest, she hated ten at first lol
i think some babies go through a phase where they hate their dads
i for sure did lol
like aria would just not vibe with him at all
anything bad that happened, she would blame ten
ten started getting super sad about it
kaleb and shawn would help their dad tho
and aria started warming up to him
she eventually became clingiest to him
it was just a phase i promise
ten would dress her up in the prettiest things
like there’s a whole closet in your house dedicated to aria’s pretty dresses
ten is a really good girl dad
like he’ll throw away his pride for her
if she wanted to leave the house in her sleeping beauty dress
ten would leave dressed up as the prince
(he would even dress up kaleb and shawn in animal outfits or something lol)
she has been a big eater since the beginning
like the second she could eat solid foods, it was over
she was eating everything that she could eat
her favorite foods were fruits tho rip ten
she was happiest when she was surrounded by her family with food
>> as a child <<
she became the sweetest little princes in the whole world
ten spoiled the HECK out of her 
like he bought her a whole section of toys once bc she couldn’t decide on just one
she fights with kaleb a lot
they don’t physically fight
they argue tho
kaleb tries to tell her to do something
she does it reluctantly
shawn does his best to be an amazing older brother
she listens to shawn more than she listens to kaleb just to spite him lol
she’s best friends with johnny’s youngest, luna seo, and taeyong’s youngest, lee youngmi
the three of them are like the powerpuff girls
aria is like bubbles
she is so sweet and kind and rainbows and butterflies
but the second something goes kinda wrong
she’ll freak out, cry, and/or get super duper ultra mad
no one wants to let anything hurt her bc she’s so cute and sweet
everyone is drawn by her energy lol
she’s always been tiny from the start
and she remains to be tiny
but this girl can EAT
like she can easily eat her entire body weight and then some
she loves to dress up her brothers
shawn will do it, no question
kaleb will do it too, but reluctantly
honestly, everyone in the family is so whipped for aria lol
she’s usually not super shy
but the second she meets a handsome older boy?
she becomes hella shy
she loves to color and draw
she’s also super optimistic
when she’s with luna and youngmi
she becomes so chaotic
she will YELL about how happy she is
aria is honestly a delight to have around :)
>> as a teen/adult <<
the most happy and bubbly personality
she’s so sweet and giggly like all the time
she’s tiny too
she joins a girl group with luna and youngmi
and she��s the littlest in the group
she’s their main dancer and main vocalist
this girl can BELT out notes
like she’s so little
but her voice is so strong
like her range is amazing
she has perfect pitch
and she can do runs like no tomorrow
she loves her brothers
kaleb and her still fight a little bit
but their fights aren’t serious at all
she loves animals
but she especially loves cats
she also does art as a hobby and she’s honestly really good at it
as an idol, she’s pretty wholesome
she’s really goofy
aria is the groups translator
she’s just as good as her brothers at the different languages
she has a little bit of a british accent 
she the maknae of the group
the most humble person tho
she has a hard time learning dances lol
she just takes a little bit longer than everyone else
kaleb helps her out tho
he doesn’t treat her like he treats his dancers
like he’ll tease her a bit more, but he’ll slow the moves down for her and stuff
when she does learn the moves tho ooh boy
she can be so creative with her freestyles and stuff
she loves all things cute
like her room is full of plushies
she barely throws away the plushies her fans get her because she loves all of them
she’s the type of person to find the beauty and love in everything
she loves to visit shawn’s classes and help him out with the little ones
she’s so thankful for her brothers and her dad and you!
aria makes sure that she visits home as much as possible
she’s really empathetic and will cry if things get too much :,)
honestly, everyone is thankful she became such a positive and nice person
you and ten raised her and your boys well, despite all of the headaches!
shawn is honestly a mood lmao
the johnny scenario is done now and will be posted soon :)
i hoped you guys liked it! i’m definitely excited to write my ult’s babies haha
also! requests are open! go ahead and drop by some suggestions about the families or even just a fluff scenario for anyone! i love writing, but sometimes, i just need some prompts to help me out lol. go ahead and drop by and let me know what y’all want!
- amy <3
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Hello everyone! Let's talk about something that doesn't really get talked about, not that I can tell at least. So just a few short months ago I have birth to a very handsome 7 lbs. 10 oz, 20 1/2 inch long boy. Yay! Congratulations to me, I am super in love with my boy! He is my first born. So some people think,"Awwww being a fort time mom is the best!". If you are one of those people I am going to stop you there, not in a mean way of course, how would you know ,that before I gave birth to my handsome boy, I became a mom 4 years ago to my FIRST baby! I did not give birth to her, but I did accept her into my heart and life like she was my own. The love I have for her is just as strong as the love I have for my son! Let me tell you a little about how this happened (short version):
Back in 2016 I was just a normal 20 year old still living with her mom and twin sister and younger brother. In the apartment above her grandfather and older sister. I worked at McDonald's, making minimum wage, still figuring out what I wanted in life, like what I wanted to be, what I wanted in a man, figuring out who I was and praying I wasn't going to stay at McDonald's forever. Also hoping I wasn't going to be like my mom l and be alone at 45 years old!
So it was the year of 2016 like alot of young adults around my age, I may or may not have had a dating app called POF, and for you dating app virgins out there, Plenty Of Fish was the full name of the app. Just like many other apps, POF had a swipe left for no, swipe right for yes.(If my memory serves me right) I swiped many rights and even more lefts, because just like other women I have a type lol. I came across a picture, of a handsome man, holding what I assumed was his infant child. He had a smile that would knock any person off their feet, beautiful eyes, muscular, nice hair, etc. So me being the daring person I am, took a chance and swiped right, thinking to myself that someone who looked like me(5'4'' and on the chunky side). Just a few short days later I get a message from this daring swipe to the right, and we hit it off. He was a single man, who was having a tough time in the world as an adult, and because I'm a sorry for them type, we talked for awhile and decided to meet up, in the presence of a close friend of mine, because you never know now a days. We hung out, watched TV, he was very gentleman like. He didn't know his boundaries, so I had to make the first move, and it's not what you think, it was just holding hands lol. The time came for our meet up to end, so he hugged me goodbye, and said he would talk to me later. The best part about that night I remember, was his first compliment towards me was my eyes, then get this my hands lol. Never have I been complimented on my hands before. But anyways we hung out every day after that. I do have to admit I felt bad for him, he was homeless, and unfortunately he had a drug addiction that was getting the best of him. So my soft heart took him in, I was nervous at first because I didn't want to be used for just a place to live and food to eat. When it came to his daughter, that I assumed was in the picture with him, she lived an hour away with a family friend of the birth mom. The birth mom refused to let him see her for the longest time, despite many attempts. When he found out she was not in her care, he started taking her on the weekends only while he got his addiction under control. After seeing her on the weekends, every weekend for a couple months, the birth mom, also a drug addict, threatened to take the baby away to live near the border of Canada. After that something clicked in this new found boyfriend of mine saying enough is enough, he got clean and when he felt confident enough, he picked her up on a weekend and never brought her back. Now let me say, they were married at the time and there was no custody settled in court so he legally could do this. He was living with me and my family, and I felt something about this man where I felt nothing but pure joy to help this man realize his full potential as a father, a CLEAN father. From that moment on, he was the best boyfriend and dad I have ever seen. He stayed clean, worked, and provided for his child.
I never started introducing myself as mom to this infant, I was always known as my first name. I didn't want to label myself as mom to this innocent soul, because we both didn't know if our relationship would last, because it was still new. I watched her while he worked, and every day I watched her grow, and learn, I was falling in love with this child, just like I was with her father. I knew I couldn't have one without the other. From that moment on my life changed. Our relationship became more serious, we fell in love, I met his family, he met mine. We knew there was something between us. After a year of fighting his ex for custody, he got full custody, with him being the sole legal guardian. It took so long because she never showed up, she was in a downward spiral, and showed no interest in getting better for herself. We tried to work with her, get her help, make her apart of her child's life safely, but she wasn't working with us, so it got to a point where we decided that there was nothing we could do to help her if she wasn't willing to help herself.
Within that year, we got our own apartment,full time jobs, the baby was turning into a toddler and was in day care the days we were working. She was thriving, happy, healthy, and a beautiful little girl. At this point I was being referred to as mom, because hers was not there, not for a new court date, not for one visit to spend time with her child. I was the only one she knew. I taught her how to walk, talk, I fed her, bathed her, put clothes on her back. I am, for all intents and purposes, her mom.
No back to current times lol. After almost 3 years of having full custody, the birth mom has only seen her a handful of times. Our now 4 year old only knows her by her first name. Her father and I are now engaged, we still fully support ourselves, he works full time at a better paying job, and I work part time as a teacher's aide, and we are both killing it as full time parents to now 2 beautiful children.
Sorry I went off a little off topic here lol, it's my first time blogging and I'm working on it. My beautiful 4 year old, has taught me everything I have ever dreamed about being a mom. Not only have I taught her how to be the kind, caring, smart little girl she is, she has taught me how to be the best mom I can be. Honestly I am still learning every day and so is she. She is the best big sister to her new little brother, and I can't be so proud. To this day her birth mom, still tells my fiance, that I will never be her mom because I didn't give birth to her. Which is true, I did not give birth to her, but I am more of a mom to her then she has ever experienced from her birth mom. My point is I became mom a long time ago, and my circumstances may not be like everyone else's, but it doesn't take blood to be a parent, it takes how you take care of a child. Nurture a child, show them the meaning of life, help them grow, learn, and take care of them. That's what it takes to be a parent! My journey to parenthood, is far from over, but with both of our children it feels like I have a new journey waiting for me every day.
I know I said short but believe me this is just the tip of the iceberg, and I know no one has all the time in the world to read the whole story. So here is the short version. I hope you enjoy the read and let me know your opinions!
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kshitij1997 · 4 years
Hello again!
I hope you're all doing well! I have to say, I'm enjoying writing this far more than I thought I would.
For those who were confused as to who the giants of Europe were in the previous chapter, they were namely Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, the Russian Empire, and the Ottomans, to an extent. I forgot to add that detail in the previous chapter, sorry 😉.
All frozen characters belong to Disney, all I own is this head-cannon and the original characters.
Let's continue :D
Chapter 3: A Collapse, some friendships, a wedding, and possible parenthood
Agnarr sometimes had a habit of zoning out and biting his lower lip while listening to Iduna sing, a quirky quality Iduna found adorable, and always ribbed Agnarr about it in good humour. Agnarr on his part, always found it fascinating and endearing how Iduna was always drawn to nature, and how a nice cup of brewed hot chocolate always lifted her spirits. He also felt a sense of pride when he saw how quickly she learnt the ways of the European royalty despite being a mere commoner. Sure, the beginning was a little rocky with Iduna making small mistakes in conducting herself, but what she may have slightly lacked in conduct and tradition, she made up for it in emotional intelligence and choosing her words carefully, and most importantly her good humour and candour. Ah, the things lovebirds discover and like about each other when they court. While the people were wary of her northern ancestry at first, they soon warmed up to her due to her kindness and sincerity of her desires to want the best for them.
But, while these two were building their own corner of paradise, big changes were happening in Europe. The Emperor of France was finally cornered in a defeat two years after that damned invasion of the Russian Empire. Napoleon was finally ousted from power and exiled to the island of Elba. Fair enough, Europe agreed, for the troublemaker to be kept away from the mainland, like the naughty kid punished to stand outside and think about what they have done. France came to Arendelle for help again, however by now Arendelle was done with them, having reached an understanding with the Russians and the crown of Corona, and the Southern Isles and Weselton only too happy to fill up the vacuum left by the French.
Still, the king was wary of the Southern Isles and Weselton, what with the Southern Isles royal family being notorious for their bonds of blood thinner than air, their tendency to breed like rabbits, and their famed history of going at each other's throats. As long as Arendelle didn't get injured in the crossfire, the King didn't really care, but he could have done without the acrimony, as the present king of The Southern Isles was a little eccentric, but he was fun to hang around with. As far as Weselton was concerned, it was a royalty of crooks and gangsters to king Agnarr. They had little class, lesser respect, and both the duke and his successor never found an opportunity to turn any event into a money-making machine, as they worshipped their riches, and no people, land or race was sacred enough to not sacrifice for them to achieve their ends. The Russians Tsars on their part were never very popular among their own people, and they were regular subject to assassination attempts and revolts, so the Russian empire too couldn't be the definitive reliable ally. Moreover, Alexander was closer in age to his father, so while their interaction was always warm and cordial, king Agnarr always felt distant from the Tsar. The one true ally and possible friend to Agnarr was King Reginald of Corona and his queen to be, lady Sophia of Southern Austria, who bonded with Iduna over their mutual good fortunes and friendship. When the friendship between the kings was on rocky terrain back in 1812, it was the two ladies who made the peace;
"I have all the respect in the world for Agnarr, and the way he has tried to manoeuvre his kingdom through this crisis, but I can't see my husband to be turning the other on this one, Iduna. Reginald feels betrayed, and he's not too keen on being forgiving yet."
"I understand and that position Sophia, but Agnarr didn't have the luxury of making a good decision from that mess. He tried to please everyone, as was expected of him, and everyone has taken advantage of it. He has bent over backwards trying to make amends for his father's harsh stance and the former French emperor's megalomania, for which he was gotten nothing but ridicule and contempt. He and I are desperately trying to find someone in this moment of chaos and trying to escape the witch hunt."
"It's not just a witch hunt, it's also restitution. The European monarchy has had an axe to grind with king Runeard, now they feel cheated and angered by how he's ignoring them to fight his own countrymen. I can't say I blame them, what with how the 18th century ended and the 19th began." Said Sophia, with the horrors of the Napoleonic wars fresh in her mind.
"They may have their reasons, that doesn't mean we don't have our own. Agnarr also has his own father to contend with. Do you really believe he wanted all this to happen? His father was backed into a corner by his French friend, he couldn't refuse him after what happened in Spain. Agnarr tried to minimize the ensuing forest fire, but his efforts were not appreciated." Iduna defended her beau.
"Don't get me wrong, we fully appreciate his endeavour in that direction, however it was an admission of weakness on his part, and as we have both come to know, weakness is not received well in our circles." Sophia said empathetically.
"This is all moot, as Agnarr is not being given a chance to correct his father's errors, and he wants what's best not only for Arendelle, but also for the stability of Europe. He is making sincere attempts at reconciling with his friends, spending far more effort at retaining those who are close to him than acquainting and dealing with strangers." Iduna put her foot down.
"The strangers being Corona's immediate northern and western neighbours, correct?" Sophia inquired with a faint smile on her lips.
"Yes, and he would appreciate and hold the true friendship strong through thick and thin." Iduna replied, making her point here.
"I have a couple of observations to make." Sophia started after a few minutes of ruminating on the subject. "Go ahead Sophia" Iduna pressed on.
"Agnarr is lucky to have you, and you have learnt well a trade completely alien to you." Sophia grinned. Iduna blushed despite getting used to the praise and replied with a smile, "Thank you, Sophia. I have a very good and supporting companion whom I'm fortunate to have in return. I also have come a long way from tripping over the coattails of the king of Bavaria, and almost setting him on fire. I have on good authority that he still doesn't like me." Iduna added with a smirk. Sophia laughed heartily at that for some time, remembering the pandemonium that had happened at the Bavarian king's wedding anniversary four months ago; in the May of 1812.
She calmed down at length, and assured her, "Alright, you've made your point Iduna, leave Reginald to me. I'll convince him. Soon, this problem wouldn't be a problem anymore." Iduna beamed at that "Thank you so much, Sophia. You don't know how much this means to both Agnarr and me." Iduna said with genuine gratitude and relief in her voice.
"You are most welcome, Iduna." Sophia beamed with satisfaction. "So, when are we all getting the much-awaited wedding invitations for the romantic, noble and adroit couple?" Sophia teased.
"Well, we are romantic, arguably noble and rumoured to be adroit, but we are still fourteen or fifteen at best. You tell me Sophia, when shall Europe see Corona and Austria-Hungary join hands in matrimony?" Iduna asked cheekily in return.
"Ah well, I'm ready now, but we both know there are other things at hand first." Sophia sighed.
"True, but at least we can put this particular business behind us" Iduna assured.
"Yes, and just in time for both of us to leave" Noted Sophia.
The two friends embraced and wished each other safe travels.
Iduna remembered the conversation that had brought the two nations together two years ago, quite fondly, and had grown very close to Sophia in the meantime. As King Agnarr and King Reginald forged the new order of Europe post Napoleon, European society keenly baptized them as ' The northern brothers '. As for the queens-in waiting, they maintained a healthy correspondence, discussing all joys and tensions, and forged a nigh sisterly bond. It wasn't surprising to for Iduna to be the first person to know about the wedding date and being Sophia's maid of honour, and it was inevitable for king Agnarr to be king Reginald's best man.
It was a happy and lavish affair in October 1814, with royalty coming from as far as the Ottoman Empire, Macedonia and Egypt. Sure, now Corona had ideological differences with the Ottomans, but that didn't stop the Sultan from helping himself to the finest offerings of king Reginald's palace kitchens. The then-king of Great Britain sent his regrets, but that could be forgiven as the poor monarch was already half-mad and blind with age. As for the ever-dignified Tsar, he blessed the union with prosperity and a long lineage. He may have been a party mad youth in his time, as were all the Romanovs, but his Tsarina had tethered him to a dignity that he quietly enjoyed. The king of The Southern Isles was particularly interested in the lineage and advised king Reginald to secure the succession as soon as possible.
"The Tsar's blessing is good and all, but I'd wish king Christian the eighth of The Southern Isles had more time to educate me on the subject." Reginald said glibly to Agnarr after making sure the father of nine children was out of earshot.
"I don't know about the king, but Sophia would definitely fucking kill you when she hears that." Laughed Agnarr.
"Hey, Iduna taught you to have a brutal sense of humour! That lady is magnificent" ribbed the king of Corona.
"I agree wholeheartedly. Do you think king Christian will reach double-digits with his kids?"
"He's definitely getting close, even if he's up there in age. I'll wager at least eleven before he's done." teased Reginald, before his queen quietly twisted his ears.
"You two clearly have way too much fucking time on your hands" scolded the inebriated queen; well, it was her night too. "I'm sorry, dear. It slipped out; I didn't mean anything by it." wailed the king. "Yeah, we'll see about that." challenged his Austria-Hungarian better half.
This silly exchange lightened up the ballroom, with The Southern Isles King and the Duke of Weselton cackling in the distance and even the stoic Tsar grinning good-naturedly.
"Hear hear, the true power of Corona!" Proclaimed Iduna, appearing as if out of nowhere with her signature mug of hot chocolate.
"Hey darling, you got your way after all" said Agnarr, graciously admitting defeat to an earlier bet he made with his belle.
"Damn right." Iduna replied, holding her hot chocolate mug high up. Then she spoke "I'm so happy for them, the whole thing was textbook." "Yeah me too, they are a fine couple, we are good at this, we should do this more often." Agnarr said.
Then Agnarr turned wistful and grim and said, "I wish the French leader came, they have been our longest supporting allies, even if our relations have soured in the last few years."
"The surviving bourbon king is old and obese; we can't expect him to travel such a distance without incident." Mused Iduna.
"Still, he could have sent a representative, would have meant everything. I know from experience that this can't end well." Agnarr said quietly "Now why didn't he send any message?"
As if to answer his question, a messenger entered the ball room and made a beeline for the centre "Pardon me for this ugly interruption but listen all. Napoleon Bonaparte has escaped the island of Elba, has garnered support back in France and has usurped the bourbon monarchy again. King Louis the eighteenth is on the run, requesting asylum in Corona."
The European royalty may have had various grim reactions to this worrying news, but the Tsar summed it up best "That fucking devil."
It was a tough few months for the northern brothers ahead, along with the rest of Europe. Napoleon, the crazy genius that he was, had managed to find the backing of the crown of Spain, the Italian peninsula whom he had promised freedom from Austria-Hungary upon his conquest, and some nominal support from the Ottomans, who were only too happy to stick it to their problem neighbour up north.
But Napoleon's star was on the fall, suffering terrible losses despite some early victories. Despite that, it took the combined forces of the Russians, the British, Corona, Austria-Hungary, The Southern Isles and Weselton to destroy his presence forever in the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. The kingdom of Arendelle chose to maintain the supply lines for its allies instead of sending actual soldiers. Upon Napoleon's defeat and escape from the battle, the Tsar called for his head once and for all, but the duke of Wellington and Iduna intervened to exile him to St Helena's instead. They reasoned to avoid making that statement by rationalizing that France would be better left intact than scrambled by Napoleon's Execution.
Three weeks after the European powers decided Napoleon's fate, king Agnarr married now queen Iduna in a simple private ceremony, worlds apart from the celebration at Corona months ago. Of course, the close friends and allies were invited, and even though they had the odd Duke of Weselton grumbling about the lack of pretence and grandeur, king Reginald and queen Sophia lifted all spirits by announcing that they were with child.
"You magnificent bastard, you did it!" shouted the king of Arendelle as he gave the king of Corona a bear hug. "Right back at you, you scoundrel." bellowed Reginald.
"Well done both of you, but remember, this is but a beginning." The Tsar grinned.
"Oh your majesty, you're making us nervous" King Reginald replied in good humour.
"Thank you for taking my advice to heart, king Reginald" said king Christian, clearly pleased with himself.
"I suppose it makes the paltry Arendelle wedding ceremony worth it" grumbled the duke of Weselton.
"You make me sad, duke. I think you might either be clinically insane, or drunk on an empty stomach. Seeing the empty glass in your hand, I guess the latter." teased Christian, to which the duke merely grunted.
"Come with me, I'll introduce you to a poison far better than money" winked the king of The Southern Isles.
Agnarr merely laughed as Reginald relaxed his fisted hands after the duke left with the king, and within the span of a few minutes, was dancing his best impression of a chicken.
"He's clearly forgotten all his troubles"
"Good for him."
"Ah lighten up Reggie, I doubt you'll remember in the morning either."
"Hmm, I guess."
Agnarr grew serious and put his left arm over Reginald's shoulder, who returned the gesture.
"All the best for your parenthood."
"All good fortune for your married life as well, brother."
Agnarr gave a big smile before calling out: "Iduna, sweetheart, come here and bring Sophia with you as well."
"Here I am" Iduna warbled, clearly enjoying the first time she had ever been drunk, hanging onto Sophia's shoulder, who merely found it adorable. By this time, king Christian had also managed to calm the duke down after thoroughly enjoying the duke's dancing and 'mating calls' himself.
"Let's make a toast" Agnarr raised his glass as he collected Iduna in his right arm.
"To the lost" Agnarr said at length.
"To the lost" echoed the queen and everyone else.
"Skall to that" king Christian being himself, followed the duke shrieking "Caw Caw!"
Overcome with emotion and love, king Agnarr kissed his bride Iduna, who was so emotional at that point that she let out a long kulning for the occasion and buried her face into Agnarr's chest. She said with her voice cracking from tears, "If only my family could see me like this." King Agnarr whispered back kindly, "I know, I miss my parents too." The king held his bride close till she was well again, her eyes shinning with tears of joy. Reginald and Sophia watched the pair fondly coming closer themselves.
"I love you, Agnarr." "I love you too, Iduna"
"Not fair" Sophia remarked, trying to lighten up the mood, "she gets drunk then sings like an angel and tells people that she loves them, I get drunk and get into a quarrel with Reggie."
"We all have our charms, love." grinned Reginald.
Hmmm, this is getting somewhere, well thank you for sticking with this story!
Next time, we will see the sisters we have been waiting for :D
As always, constructive feedback is always welcome.
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Hello dear Sheep! Since you want it so bad, here's your BATIM ask: Norman, Shawn and Susie and Reader taking care of a bunch of orphan puppies and/or kittens. This is super cute, you can't deny!
(Pls someone do the same, I need more BATIM asksthank you :’) )
Shawn Flynn: 
Shawn is a very nice man, he gets excited with little kids and animals of all kind, there is no kid that he can’t befriend. He can even befriend little demons, so 2 to 5-year-old kids are no problem to him. ;)
And count the fact he’s a toymaker, little kids and animals love some good old plushie! Boris can say it himself. Everyone can be old in age but be a child in heart! So, it’s very normal that he loves baby animals.
When you said to him that you didn’t want kids he was…kinda devastated. We wanted kids since he has known himself. He would have been an excellent father and he’s pretty sure you have been an excellent parent as well! But hey, he just has to wait right? Everyone wants kids someday. 
It’s the 20′s, give him a break.
When you saw him down for a whole week, (even if he said various times that he was okay) you decided to make his parenthood dream reality. But not kinda exactly the way he was thinking about…
When he came home one day and saw a kitten and a puppy on your lap sleeping…his hearted stopped from the happiness. 
If he was a cartoon, his eyes would have stars on them.
You had never seen him so happy before, he was like a little kid with a new Christmas gift right in front of him, the one they have been talking about since July when people don’t even think about Christmas. 
He’s not a dad of a little human, but of two beautiful little animals. He’s so happy that he has you as his lover. Just you to have that kind of idea when everything around you seems hopeless. 
You swear with all your heart, he would have been the perfect father. He takes them for walks, he builds them toys to play with, he pets and plays with them for hours when he can. Heck, you even think that he cares more about the babies being near him sleeping than you being near him sleeping. He spoils them more than he spoils you!
Alright, that is a lie, sometimes the truth, but he can’t help it! They are like little balls of fur.
The only thing he really lacks is punishments. They are so cute that he evens forgets that they can be really naughty sometimes. You lost count of how many times your pets had nibbled the furniture and he said absolute nothing instead of scolding them. You’ll have to talk to him about that and scold him yourself. 
He’s very happy about this new life. You had, maybe, sacrificed your own peace to make him happy and he doesn’t believe that anyone besides you would have ever done the same thing. He’s very glad about having you in his life.
Norman Polk:
Alright, I’m pretty sure some of you have those relatives or parents in your life that “hated” animals and “I swear to God that if you bring any disgusting creature to our home, you and it will have to find a new place to live!” but then when you brought a pet, after 2 months or less they treated it better than they treat you.
So, that’s Norman.
He already has lots of work, you know! It’s not just Mister out-of-his-mind Drew that makes him want to pull out his own hair out of his head. Mister Sammy Lawrence is super annoying as well and the projectionist’s life would be way easier if everyone started to use their own common sense and worked together as a family instead of talking about each other behind closed doors (and even you cause him some headaches sometimes). 
One day, while he was drinking his tea at home, you got inside with a little black puppy in your arms. You claimed that you found him in a box outside the supermarket and decided to adopt him to bring a little more of joy into your household! Your love seems always so tired, maybe you and your new little son can help!
…Oh man, why.
It’s not that Norman doesn’t like animals, it’s just that he’s not the young guy he was 20 years ago and his patience is below hell now that Joey decided that would be a good idea to have an angel diva living in the studio. Besides, pets are just another annoyance in everyone’s life. They make messes everywhere, they poop on the floor, they fight with other pets, they destroy your furniture, they need too much attention and time and the list goes on for our Mr.Polk. But it seems that he will have to accept his fate, is not like he can kick you out because of the dog. 
(Because he even tried to convince you to not adopt the puppy but you threaten to leave as well if the dog left and he doesn’t want to lose his precious yet stubborn light of his life. Sooo here we go Norman, you can’t run from this one.)
At least you could have chosen other color. Black remembers him of that stinky ink, ugh.
At first, Norman didn’t really care about the new being living in your house. He didn’t pay attention to them and rarely petted or played with them. The newspaper seemed more interesting anyway. The only thing that he didn’t miss was his food. He can not like the pet at all but he’s not letting anyone starve under his own roof. About the walks he just gave the excuse of his legs being tired from work but that’s bullshit.
After a while, things got better. He started to play more with him, take him for walks, even taught him some cool tricks! He even asks you every day if your pet needs something so he can go to the supermarket and take care of it. Seems that your grumpy boy has now changed his view about animals and sees life with more happy colors instead of black and white. 
You are relieved that you change your man at least a bit. Your relationship/life has never been so good and you both love that dog like he is your own children! The only thing that would improve this whole new fantasy is Norman getting a job on a better studio. Things are starting to get suspicious there…
Susie Campbell:
Oh Susie, Susie…Susie. This dreaming big diva is very possessive of you, completely unintentionally! It’s not like she wants to be jealous of everything! It’s just…gosh, if you had her life, you would understand her side. 
So, as she knows she’s wrong in that matter, (even if she hates to admit when she’s wrong) she decided to change this way of being and decided to adopt a kitten! Y’know, you both live together and that kitty will always be with you two no matter what! It’s not like she can be jealous of a kitten for being with you! It’s a kitten! A pet! It’s impossible that she gets jealous of such cute thing!
Oh man, how wrong she was. 
It all started well. She bought the things behind your back so it would be a surprise and you never knew something was going on until the day you saw a tiny white ball sleeping in your couch. 
Heh, at least the money Susie was gaining from her job in that “cursed studio” like you called it has proven to be useful. After all, that smile in your lips and your shining eyes seemed to support her decision.~
You didn’t even think Susie was being serious when she asked you your opinion of having a little pet! You thought that it was to, like, know you even better or something! You were not suspecting at all two big eyes looking at you with curiosity! 
Yes! You were happy, Susie was happy, she hoped your new little girl was happy and everything just had to be the way Susie wanted so soon enough she could prove to herself that she can be a better person!
But not everything in life is perfect and, soon enough, Susie got caught in her own web.
You tried to do your best to give equal affection to both of them and you kind did well your job. But Susie is your girlfriend, so she should be getting all the attention! SHE’S THE LITTLE AND ADORABLE ANGEL HERE GODAMMIT!
Susie knows she’s wrong, it’s a kitten. Kittens and animals, in general, need attention like anyone of us. And she’s adorable! Who wouldn’t be in love with those little paws? But it feels like you love more that ball of fur than her! She knows that is not true, even if it feels like it for our angel. Why is she getting jealous of a pet????
You notice that Susie is quite down and thinking all the time when you are around her with your little daughter. It confuses you, Susie normally isn’t like that. Is something wrong? And if it is, why hasn’t she told you? You are there for her and she knows, at least you mentioned it to her. 
One day, you kinda “trapped” her in your bed, you on one side and the white kitty on the other, and order her to tell you what’s going on. Not completely at ease about the matter, she ended up telling you everything, very nervous and afraid of what you might think of her after this. Gosh, only a psycho would be jealous of a fluffy little creature. You hate her now, don’t you?
No, you don’t. You are used with Campbell’s possessiveness so it doesn’t surprise you at all that she’s jealous of your kitten. With your help, she will overcome this negative feeling and you will be the perfect family that anyone could ask for to your little kitty cat.
One of your favorite activities is too lay down together while cuddling and playing with your daughter on top of your bed. Lazy afternoons with cats are the best!
- mod sheep
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jvncys · 6 years
Joy to the World
my secret santa gift to @fallingstar95 who love jancy plus a kid, merry christmas, hope you like it @jancysecretsanta2018
(ao3 link)
December 20th, 1994.
So much has changed in Jonathan and Nancy’s lives, being married was one thing but parenthood was something completely different. Their daughter Olivia Joy Byers (Olly for short) arrived into their lives on February of that same year and they seemed to take it off pretty easily, of course, the first few months were – described by themselves as- “a beautiful chaos” but now that she’s 10 months old and learning and growing every day, they loved every single bit of this crazy experience.
Despite only being 10 months old, she was super smart and super curious. She inherited Nancy’s big blue eyes and her curly hair, while her face was shaped like Jonathan’s and her hair was the same color as him. She loved playing with every toy she could possibly find and she also was a huge fan of animals, every time a dog or a cat came near her, she’d start giggling. She was also a huge fan of music, Billy Joel and David Bowie being her favorites. She also started saying a few words a couple of weeks ago, she was able to say “mama” and “dada” and they taught her to refer to Joyce and Karen as “nana”. It’s safe to say that their daughter is a pretty special baby.
The little family is on its way to Hawkins to spend the holidays with their relatives, with Jonathan behind the wheel, Nancy by his side and their little baby daughter in her seat, happily giggling and trying to clap to the rhythm of “Uptown Girl”. He has been working like crazy these past few days that he feels like he missed these moments when it’s only the 3 of them being careless and genuinely happy.
 December 24th, 1994
These past few days have been wild, between going back and forth to Nancy’s house and Olly’s surprising and big urge to start walking everywhere she went, it was safe to say they were tired.
Right now they’re on the Hopper-Byers household, chatting with Will and Jane, talking about their year at NYU and receiving some advices from Jonathan. Nancy goes to check on Olly’s nap and to her surprise, their daughter was wide awake and playing with Poppy, Joyce and Hopper’s new kitten.
-         Mama! – Olly says enthusiastically
-         Hello you, looks like you’ve been with pretty good company, let’s go see dada and nana, shall we?-
-         Nana, Nana! – her daughter repeats
When they come back to the living room, all eyes are on Olly and the smile on her face, she’s been calling for Joyce since she got out of the room.
-         How’s my favorite granddaughter doing? Did you enjoy your nap sweetie? –
-         She was playing with Poppy when I went to check on her  , I’m pretty sure she was taking care of her while she was napping –
-         Yeah, Poppy does the same thing when this old man takes a nap, she likes to sleep in our feet- Joyce explains
-         Hey! – Hopper protests – I’m not that old! –
-         Whatever you say old man – Jane adds
-         I still can’t believe that out of all animals, you decided to adopt a cat- Jonathan says
-         Well, we had to fill in the void of not having kids in the house for almost 5 years -
-         That’s true – Will agrees
-         At least she’s good with Olly… but I still can’t believe that you decided to adopt a cat when I already moved out of the house –
-         We can still adopt a cat – Nancy says
-         Yeah, when we have a bigger apartment and Olly’s at least 2 years old –
-         You’re so overprotective – Joyce says
-         It’s not easy trusting cats after they attack you for no reason –
-         Jonathan you were 3 years old at that time and you were grabbing that poor cat’s tail! –
-         Ugh moooom! – Jonathan groans and everyone, including Olly start laughing.
The rest of the evening goes smoothly as it was planned, Joyce and Hopper were making dinner, Will and Jane were listening to Nirvana and Nancy and Jonathan were helping Olly to walk by herself.
-         Hey, do you guys think that Olly is ready to walk without any help? – Jane asked
-         I think so, I mean, she has been standing up on her own with the help of a chair since last month and only walks if someone is holding her hands – Nancy answers
-         Want to try it out? –
-         Sure! –
-         Will, can you go get the video camera? It’s in our room- Jonathan asked
While Will went to get the camera, Nancy held Olly in her arms while Jonathan and Jane moved on autopilot to get the center table out of the living room, making sure that the baby didn’t have any obstacles on her path. When Will came back, he started filming.
-         It’s December 24th, 1994 in Hawkins, Indiana, what we’re about to witness is a one of a kind experience, and now… without further ado, we present Olivia Joy Byers and her first unassisted footsteps- Jane said in a presenter’s voice
-         C’mon Olly! – Joyce said
-         You can do it kiddo! – Hopper added
-         You guys ready? – Jane asked
-         Yup! – Jonathan and Nancy said in unison
-         On the count of three… 1… 2…3… GO! –
It was a little bit hard for Olly to let go of Nancy’s hand at first, but she eventually did it and so, she did it, she gave her first footsteps on Christmas Eve. Once she got to Jonathan’s at the other side, he hugged his daughter, congratulating her on this major milestone on her life. He turned his daughter around so that she could walk back to Nancy and she did it again, she walked back to her mother’s arms and everyone cheered her.
At the end of the day, they go back to his old room where they had a little crib at the end of the bed, Olly was exhausted so putting her to sleep was an easy task.
-         You know? Out of all the Christmas Eves we had spent together, this is hands down my favorite – Nancy says
-         I agree… Remember last year when you were pregnant? –
-         And I was already exhausted by this point of the night –
-         Or our first Christmas as a couple… 10 years ago actually!-
-         Wow that was 10 years ago? Feels like yesterday!-
-         Yeah… look at us now…-
-         Happily married, with a beautiful daughter that grows at speed light-
-         There’s no place I’d rather be right now-
-         Same –
-         I love you Jonathan –
-         I love you too Nancy, you and Olivia are the best thing that has ever happened to me. –
They kiss slowly and passionate and they cuddle up together in bed. Outside, the snow is falling slowly but they’re warm and they have each other, they will always have each other.
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theunrealinsomniac · 6 years
From the 'General' section: 3, 9, and 12 please :D
Ooo,keeping it clean for this time round. Okay, I get that. I did basically paradetheir sex life in front of you first time round lol. Besides, these ones arefun lol.
General– 3 – Do Naruto andSakura have their own Genins? If so, who are they?
They did! But itquickly became apparent that their focuses needed to be elsewhere. It is very difficultto juggle being Hokage/Chief of Medicine and practicing doctor, parenthood,time for each other, time with friends andbeing good Jounin-sensei.
Though in truthSakura does still help teach the new doctors and medic-nins and once or twice,when asked by kids she’s had her eyes on, she’s been known to help with Chuuninexams training. She’s even been a proctor a couple times.
Sachi had theadvantage of her father not being Hokage when she was going for her Chuuninexam but Naruto was only really able to help two teams of Genin become Chuuninas he insisted they were too young.
The fact thatNaruto’s second, and last, team was made up of Kakashi and Anko’s daughter,Iruka and Ayame’s son and Neji’s sonwith Tenten … well let’s just say Naruto was protective. (PS, in my world Neji did not die in that bullshit way,but he was almost fatally wounded and retired from ninja life because of it.Kind of like Gai. They had their first son through the ‘thank god you’re alive’sex trope. If you’re good I’ll talk more about other ships kids later.)
It also led to himimplementing laws that will, he hopes, lead to there being no child soldiers inthe ninja villages. He managed to get it to the point where you have to be atleast fifteen to do C class missions but he wasn’t able to get that law intoplace until Akihiko’s time.
D ranks are afterall, basically helping out around the village and Naruto thinks that’s a goodenough start to build on the communal goodwill element ninja missions have beenmissing out on.
Naruto doesn’treally have a favourite though, he’s very much the kind of Hokage that Hiruzenin regards to the children of the village. He loves and supports them all. Evenwhen he’s a crusty old man. But he does have soft spots for his friends’ kidsand the six Genin he trained.
Sakura is much thesame. With one glaring exception.
Sakura’s favouritestudent, of all time and without any excuse or explanation given when asked is:Mirai Sarutobi.
Now, I know we havesome info about her in canon, but I’m gonna let you all know, I don’t know whatthe fuck happened after chapter 700 beyond the briefest outlines of Boruto atcertain points and a basic premise and plot of The Last.
I don’t know, I don’tcare to know, and I will ignore you if you try to tell me.
So yes, Sakura’sfavourite student is Mirai Sarutobi. Now she’s not her mentor, or even the mostinfluential teacher, that is obviously Shikamaru and I would never call thatinto question. I cried my eyes out over Shikamaru’s grief over losing Asumatoo. I’m not a monster.
But Mirai came toSakura for some advice on close combat fighting on Shikamaru’s recommendation andthe two bonded deeply. She only taught Mirai officially for a year or two butthe girl was a joy to teach. Sakura would often find herself walking past thetraining grounds she knew Mirai and her team would be training to check in.
She may also havehad a regular coffee date with Shikamaru to keep up to date on Mirai’sprogress. Which they still do now. They play Shogi and chuckle about theirboisterous blond spouses. It’s quite sweet really.
Plus, Sachi adores Mirai. She did a lot of her Drank missions as Sachi’s babysitter and if Mirai had only been a little olderwhen Sachi graduated the Academy … the eldest Uzumaki child would have killedfor her Jounin-sensei to be Mirai Sarutobi. She’s basically an honorary memberof the Uzumaki family.
General– 9 – What is Naruto’srelationship with his in-laws like?
It’s good! Like really good.
Especially with Sakura’s father, Kizashi. They have a similar sense ofhumour you see, and while he is not as close to Sakura’s mother, Mebuki, theyget along well and they’re very proud of both Naruto and Sakura. And are theproudest of grandparents.
They’re always there to lend a helping hand for Sakura and theirson-in-law. Mebuki tends to move in to help with the kids when Sakura ispregnant.
The only real hiccup they’ve had are when Kizashi and Mebuki found outSakura was pregnant. Mebuki was more comfortable with the idea as she was ableto step back and think about it. But Kizashi was less impressed.
Daddies and their daughters guys. What else were you expecting? It waskind of embarrassing to witness though, Kizashi was quite loud and vocal abouthis angry expectations of Naruto to stand by Sakura through her pregnancy, they’dtold her parents she was keeping Sachi at this point, despite the fact thatKizashi knew full well Naruto wasn’t the kind of man to ditch out.
Naruto was so stunned by the aggressive nature of the man, he actuallygot a little intimidated.
But from the moment Naruto promised both Sakura and her parents that hewasn’t going anywhere … things have mostly been aces. Kizashi and Naruto makedad jokes to their childrens’ mortified horror.
It’s a very happy family gathering when Mr and Mrs Haruno are with theUzumaki family.
General – 12 – Do either of them have tricks to makethe other stop being mad at them?
Heh. Yes they do lol.
I’ll break them down into what each does at differentstages of anger lol.
WhenSakura’s mad:
Naruto does the puppy eyes, he’ll be super sweet,flattery and apologies and basically anything he can think of to get Sakura toforgive him. It sometimes works.
Except for when he’s been a real moron. Though he hasnever had to sleep on the sofa (yes I’m taking a shot at canon, it won’t be thelast time).
But if it’s something he can charm his way out of …Naruto flirts with Sakura, in the only way he is actually capable of. Kissingher neck in just the right place, rubbing her back in just the right place,giving her a slow squeeze on the arse.
He flat out tries to seduce her lol. That one …actually works a lot better than you’d think. But it only really works in twocircumstances.
When Sakura is immensely horny or she’s not actuallythat mad. Any other time, Naruto gets told to knock it off and is given thecold shoulder for … I don’t know, a day tops.
Because Sakura has matured too as she’s gotten olderand part of a healthy relationship is talkingabout your problems and not expecting the other person to just know. Naruto’snot the emotionally smartest man and Sakura knows that.
Plus Naruto is always the sweetest of men when he’smaking up for being an arse. Make-up sex was a regular thing when they firstmoved in together as learning to live together was one of their biggestchallenges.
Though one time Naruto knew he’d be in trouble when hegot home, he had lost track of time and Sakura had been expecting him. She wasovulating and they were trying for baby number four.
So Naruto walked into their house, stood in front ofthe angry Sakura, foot tapping on the floor and arms crossed over her chest and… he whipped his shirt off.
Sakura looked at his bare chest, grumbled and draggedhim into the bedroom by his hand.
WhenNaruto’s mad:
Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Naruto is almost NEVER madat Sakura.
The only time he has been mad enough at Sakura for herto need use techniques to cheer him up is when she’s being a bit insensitiveabout something that matters to him and he gets huffy.
And to be clear this is the kind of huffy where he’s agrown man looking like a child. And it is adorableto Sakura.
He pouts and Sakura can’t help but aww at him. Whichpisses him off more.
And I suspect you’re gonna know how Sakura gets himout of this funk.
Yes, she gets naked. Sometimes she honest to goodnessflashes him.
And it works.
Every. Single. Time.
It actually got to the point where eventually Narutowould see her hands going to the buttons of her shirt, or to take off someother piece of clothing, and he’d cover his eyes and shout at her to ‘stopcheating!’
Sakura would just take advantage of his blocked visionand occupied hands to take off his clothes and start kissing his chest andrubbing … parts of him. Say naughty things, because she’s much better at dirty talk than Naruto lol, or puts his hands on her.He normally gets over his annoyance pretty quickly.
To be clear, they have fallen out and Sakura’s been inthe wrong. And not in a little ‘Naruto’s taking something too seriously’ way.But that’s not what this headcanon is about, I just don’t want you guysthinking I headcanon Sakura never being wrong.
Cus she is. She really is.
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theawkwardterrier · 7 years
In the Little Glimmers
Steggy Positivity Week, day 3 Prompt: Firsts
Summary: Parenthood is exhausting.
AO3 link here.
“Remind me again why we decided to do this?”
Weeks together in European trenches and days strategizing in underground bunkers, and Steve’s never seen Peggy look so drained. She’s still beautiful, but lipstick and curled hair are a distant memory. He knows he won’t exactly be winning any beauty contests though; he thinks he took a shower recently, but wouldn’t swear that it was actually within the last forty-eight hours.
“Expanding our family,” Steve manages around a yawn. “Every child deserves a home.” Even serum enhanced, he’s so tired that his head decides to fall back against the headboard without his permission. He doesn’t know how Peggy’s still sitting upright. He tries to force himself to stay in the same position. Hana doesn’t like to be moved while she’s eating.
“So I suppose a well-meant donation won’t suffice?” she asks idly, shifting Tomi. He doesn’t mind the movement, but he’s heavier. They trade off holding each twin, Peggy deciding whether she’d prefer her arms stiff from sitting frozen, or from holding a sweet but substantial weight.
“I think it’s a little late for that,” Steve agrees. Hana whines a little, trying to find the nipple that’s fallen out of her mouth, and he focuses on her for a moment. He really has no idea how they dealt with these two, plus more, at that place.
They’d been married five years before they’d even started talking about children. Steve’s aware that it’s not the normal way of things, but he’d loved those years of learning how to be married, finding how to balance work and their time together, figuring out how to fight without anyone getting a gun aimed at them, and how to forgive without grave danger involved. He’d loved getting to spend time just the two of them. Peggy had gotten her promotions, finally gotten at least some of the respect she was owed. And eventually, just around the time Steve had started looking at the kids in the art classes he taught and thinking about raising one of his own, she had brought it up.
By then, the rumors about her had moved away from her refusing to give up her career for the sake of a family, to the idea that perhaps she couldn’t have children. As far as they know, neither of them has any issues in that area, but while Peggy had been opening herself easily to the idea of a family greater than two, the idea of pregnancy totally lacked appeal.
He can no longer remember which of them had suggested adoption, but it seemed to fit them right away. There are men, men Steve knows, who think of adoption as a last resort or even an unthinkable decision. But in Steve’s experience, parents died or left to find work or lost their houses; children found new homes all the time. Maybe it wasn’t an adoption with courts or records or shared last names, but people built families and took care of children however they could, and Steve and Peggy could better than many.
The process had been months-long, and awful. They’d gone to agencies that had frowned on the idea that Peggy would be working and Steve planned to be the one at home. They’d been to places that refused to bring any but the plumpest little cherubs for Captain and Mrs. America, until Steve had politely excused them because those babies would be scooped up regardless. They’d been to an agency that Peggy’d had to bust for the worrisome ways they found their babies, and one orphanage they’d called the board of health on because a plant shouldn’t have been allowed there, much less a child.
And then one day they’d gotten a call from a Mrs. Jenkins. They’d met her weeks before at the Catholic children’s home she ran, but she hadn’t seemed particularly enthused about the two of them.
“Thank you for coming,” she said as they once again sat down in her office. “I had thought to call you because you had mentioned that you might be open to some rather...unconventional children. We recently started looking to place a pair of twins, born several weeks ago. Their mother survived the birth, but later developed an infection. Neighbors say that her husband had been killed in an accident during the pregnancy. No one has been able to find any family, and there’s been some trouble finding the appropriate home for the two of them.”
“Why?” Peggy asked. “Is it that difficult to find people willing to take in twins together?” She traded a very brief glance with Steve; they hadn’t really discussed more than one child at first.
“No, it’s not that.” Mrs. Jenkins stood evasively and walked to the door, indicating to someone outside. Another, younger woman in a crisp uniform came in pushing a wide baby carriage, and, without even asking, took two babies from inside, placing one in Steve’s arms and one in Peggy’s.
“You might know that the general policy is to place children with families of the same race,” said Mrs. Jenkins, wringing her hands. “But as you can see, we’re having a bit of trouble figuring out what these children are…”
“What the hell does that mean?” Steve asked immediately, looking up from the baby in his arms. He thought she was a girl, but knew he might be fooled by the minute delicacy of infant features. “They’re kids.”
Mrs. Jenkins cleared her throat. “Yes, well, it’s been difficult to tell their precise–” She cleared her throat again. “Their origins, if you understand my meaning.”
Steve did know what she meant, but he didn’t care. The baby looked up at him, and he felt nearly nauseated by the thought of her growing up refused a family because no one could tuck her into a category. Her fist closed sleepily around his finger and he found himself mesmerized by the contrast in their skin tones.
“Well, I know exactly who they are,” said Peggy. She looked away from the twin in her arms, and asked Mrs. Jenkins coolly, “I assume there is paperwork for us to complete?”
They’d been sent home together a few days later, along with all the personal effects delivered from the apartment and several pamphlets of advice.
Peggy had not planned to take time off, but it quickly became apparent that it would be more difficult than she’d anticipated. The babies might sleep a considerable amount of time, but they didn’t do it sequentially, refused the schedules the doctor kept mentioning, and generally seemed to be plotting to be as disruptive as possible. Mari was actually a decent sleeper on her own, but woke up as soon as Tomi opened his mouth to cry. Tomi would fall asleep halfway through a bottle, leaving Mari to take forever to find her way back. The whole thing was exhausting.
Steve honestly didn’t know how Peggy did it, sitting up for midnight feedings with him and then waking up for work in the morning, but she’d never seemed to regret their choice. They’d gotten the chance to look through the things that had belonged to their children’s birth parents, finding birth certificates with enough information to track down who those parents had been.
Aaron Brownley was a New York boy who had served with distinction in the 92nd infantry during the war and then found a job at a magazine. Aimi Ide had grown up in Seattle, been forced into Minidoka for several years, eventually come to Philadelphia for school, and then moved to New York to work as a food scientist. They’d been married two years and she was six months pregnant when he had been killed in an auto accident.
“Look,” Peggy had said, holding up a notebook with a list of baby names in two different sets of handwriting. “They were trying to come up with names that would have their children feeling comfortable no matter where they were.”
They’d already gotten looks in the street for having what some people perceived as the ideal nuclear family gone awry. And though Steve’s instinct was to swear to sock anyone who thought the wrong thing about his kids, he had wrapped an arm around her and just said, “We’ll do the best we can. We always do.”
“Seems like our best is being...tested,” Peggy murmurs, leaning herself carefully against Steve. She has work in five hours.
“I know.” He speaks carefully, glancing down at Hana, who’s lost her suction again. “But there are good things too. See?” He tilts his eyes down so she’ll follow his gaze.
She looks to Hana first, her wide, bright eyes and sweet way she’s looking up at them in the dim light. Then Tomi, sleepier and quietly snuffling, but just as lovely, looking right at her.
Babies, she’s found, give vague, vacant muscle movements that look like smiles during a range of activities: drooling, filling a diaper, finally dropping off the sleep. But this is the first time they’ve smiled precisely like this: purposefully, because they know her, they know them, because Steve and Peggy are their parents and they’ve made them happy.
Oh, she thinks. Oh, my darlings. She looks again at the twin smiles, each it’s own tiny, beautiful thing, a taste of years of future joy. She buries her own smile in Steve’s shoulder.
She gets a total of four hours sleep that night, and everyone goes after her the next day for smiling so much, but she can’t find it in herself to care.
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20qs20somethings · 7 years
Tumblr media
Alejandro, 24
1. Can you use three to five words to describe our generation?
Resilient, Hardworking, Happy, Adventurous 
2. Talk about a person or an experience that has helped shape you into the person you are today?
My brother had a few trips to the hospital because his appendix ruptured but the hospital kept sending him back so he went untreated for several weeks and almost died in the ambulance. Which then led him to having Crohn’s disease, being in the hospital for a really long time and my parents were helping treating him. I was 13 at the time, which is a kind of defining age for any teenager so not having my family around me for a really long time or having to stay at other people’s houses, that key event made me more mature and realistic. I used to be terrified of death, but now it’s something that we should be aware and prepared for. So let’s live, let’s be happy with each other, let’s be nice to each other, let’s take advantage and live. So now I’m more present and I have less fears. 
3. Selfies: Thoughts? I like selfies. There are people who go overboard with them, but everything in moderation. The way I see a selfie is, you think you’re cute, you’re validating yourself, and you should post that and share it with the world.
4. Who or What is your biggest motivator in life? My parents, no matter what, they always motivate me to do better.
5. Do you believe in love? Yeah I do. I believe in a very strong connection and bond between two people. You’ll do crazy things for people, I’ve done crazy things for people and I’m like, “why did I do that?” You become selfless all of a sudden. Romantic wise, it’s something that I haven’t found, but I would love to find that deep bond with that one specific person. 
6. Do you volunteer? Why? I try to. Actually this year, I’ve wanted to do more of it. I used to do a lot in high school and college and I haven’t since. I’ve gone to events where proceeds go to Planned Parenthood or the ACLU. Right now, it’s very important to volunteer more. I know I've been very vocal about these things so now I need my words to match my actions. If you have the resources and the time, why are you being selfish about it? It’s nice to help people, and seeing that a collective effort is making an impact in a community or a person and seeing that turnaround is impressive. 
7. Fill in the blank: “Happiness is _______”
Knowing who you are, being happy with who you are and being okay with it.
8. Who or what brings you the greatest joy in your life? My family. I’m a very family oriented person so whenever i need to escape the city, that’s the first thing I think of. 
9. How did you feel after November 8th? More awake and aware. I feel more passionate. I remember prior to this election, I followed along politics but at an arm's length because I had to. I cover tech but there’s an overlap every now and then but I still want to pay attention, but I didn’t consume myself in it. So the election happened and I became more vocal about supporting nonprofits, calling your representatives. It made me do research, pay more attention and made people that didn’t care, pay attention.
10. Does religion play a role in your life? Yes. I was brought up catholic and though now I don’t really practice or go to church, I still think it was important for me to be taught something because it’s a belief system to help keep you moving. I think every human should have some sort of belief system whether it's God, the universe, something to keep you moving.
11. What do you hope will change in your lifetime? I would really like colorism to die down. I want minorities, people who are discriminated against to live as equals like everyone else.
12. What do you want out of this life? To be always happy and content.
13. What are qualities that you value? Honesty, Loyalty, Confidence, and Independence 
14. What do you hope 30 will look like? I want to be doing something awesome with my career, I want to be fulfilled and maybe en route to having a family with a dog.
15. What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned so far?
Be okay with making mistakes. 
16. What’s the hardest lesson you’ve had to learn?
Learn how to say no. 
17. Do you have faith in people to do the right thing? I do, which sometimes I’m proved wrong, but I’m not jaded. 
18. How would you describe what it’s like to navigate your 20s? A mixture of expectations and paving your own way. I feel like there are a lot of benchmarks that are set for us by older generations and it’s about choosing which you want to take while at the same time, making your own path and creating your own timeline and creating your own timeline. 
19. What’s advice you want to give to your younger self? Stop caring about what people think about you stop giving people a persona they want. You don’t have to be the golden child. 
20. What is the best piece of advice you want to leave the world with? Be happy, go for happiness.
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