#i think he bottled all up because he didn't want his family to have more issues on their plate
Yandere Coworker (part 14)
Thank you @i---believe---in---pink for commissioning this chapter.
(2945 words)
tw: afab reader, infantilization, butchered Spanish,
Masterlists (+commission info), part 1, part 15
You're in Cyprus's car, munching on one of the many treats he bought you from the farmers market. It distracted you from how Cyprus would sensually knead your thigh as he drove.
The car is full of fresh vegetables and fruits that he bought, so he could make tastier meals for you and him. In his styrofoam cooler, rest slabs of butchered meat and numerous ice packs to keep them from spoiling, as the ride home is quite far.
He was talking about an anecdote, in an attempt to prompt you to open up to him. But his tactic has been failing for the past half hour, all you did was nod and eat.
Cyprus pursed his lips as he glanced at you from the corners of his eyes. You have exhausted his conversational topics and he has a whole arsenal of them. You're driving him insane! What does it take for you to talk to him about yourself? He failed to consider that you may not have a lot to say in the first place because he truly believed that you are complex and more than your internet addiction. He wants to know your thoughts, more about your likes and dislikes, your beliefs, family, friends... anything!
Then, he had an idea.
"We're not going home just yet."
You looked at him and asked what he meant by that. He merely smirked and stayed silent.
Cyprus didn't drive back to his apartment or yours like you expected. You knew it was close to his home, since you and he passed by this place to get there.
He pulled up to a dilapidated building, no doubt another apartment complex but older and dingier. The wall paint was chipping off, and windows were shrouded with overgrown trees and moss. Cars were haphazardly parked around the complex without regulation or visible parking lines.
He pulled on his handbrake and switched his engine off. You're still staring out the window, wondering where he took you.
"Baby." You turned around, to have him cup your cheek and gently pull your lower eyelid down with a thumb. You initially struggled against him but relaxed when you realized he meant no harm and wouldn't let go until he got what he wanted. Which was to examine your eyes.
He hummed, staring intensely at you. Making you blush at how attractive he appears to you now, you would be caught dead before admitting that to him. But you didn't have to, he knows what you're thinking and is fully aware of how he presents himself.
Cyprus checked the time on his wristwatch. He finally lets go of you and reaches for his center console, where he has tucked your medicated eyedrops away.
You complained, telling him that you could apply your own antibiotics. He merely clicked his tongue in annoyance and rolled his eyes as he uncapped the bottle. "Look up."
You didn't have to do anything, Cyprus was the one who tilted your head upwards while pulling a lower eyelid down. Sighing, you let him administer the drops in your eyes. It felt humiliating, yet secretly, you felt somewhat comforted to know someone was out there remembering these little details of you. If it wasn't for him, the thought of your medication would have completely slipped your mind.
You blinked hard, letting the liquid sting your eyes momentarily. You could hear the rustling of the pharmacy's paper bag as he kept your medicine away. He had also pulled a sheet out of his tissue box. "Stop that!" Cyprus hissed, pulling your hands away from your face as you instinctually went on to rub your eyes.
You grumbled, letting Cyprus coddle you; gently wiping the excess drops using the tissue and carefully picking the crust out from the corners of your eyes. You remained still for the entirety of this, allowing Cyprus to do whatever he pleases. Luckily, he's acting with the best intentions in mind.
"There, done." He crumpled the sheet of tissue and shoved it into his pocket to dispose of it later. Cyprus then kissed you on the forehead. "Good girl." Whispered praises and chuckling.
You didn't respond, but instead stormed out of his car and slammed the door shut behind you. Cyprus got out shortly after, he took out the styrofoam cooler from his trunk and a couple bags of fresh vegetables before locking his car using his key fob.
"Come on, let's meet tu suegra." He gestured for you to follow him to a dim stairwell, where the only source of lighting was the outdoors. Cyprus started ascending the steps with the bags in hand.
The cogs started turning in your head, you may or may not understand what he just said, but all hints are suggesting that you're now at his mother's place. You also noted how his American accent suddenly changed into a completely different one when saying those two words. However, looking back, he tends to roll his "R"s.
You tailed behind Cyprus, climbing the bare, concrete stairs with suspect hand railings. It's dusty and cobweb-ridden, but at least it's functional.
You and he eventually reached an open-air corridor, grateful for the sunlight shining the path for you.
"Here." He handed you a bag and knocked on the door. It seems like the plaque fell off, you could see the screw holes, but you have no idea what number unit this is. The other doors don't seem kind enough to give you hints either.
You held the bag of vegetables in your arms as you watched Cyprus knock again, trying to get the attention of whoever was residing behind it.
Silence blanketed over him as you were made to wait for any further developments. You opened your mouth to say something, but your ear perked up at the sound of the door unlatching and unlocking. An unpleasant creak of the hinges, and then a surprised gasp reached your ears.
"Mi-" The voice, aged and feminine, stopped midway. You peered over the bag to see a woman in her fifties, her grey roots are showing as it seems she hasn't refreshed her black dye in a while. Like Cyprus, she too, wore glasses and had the same beautiful set of grey eyes. Her eyebrows were thin, charmingly drawn on and her lips were in a deep shade of red, but they were pulled downwards into a frown as she eyed you cautiously. Even taking a few steps back into her room, hiding behind the door.
"Mamá, tranquilo." There was a sense of urgency in his voice as if he was trying to prevent a catastrophe from happening. But immediately after, he purred at you. "Ella es muy dulce." He gave you a sweet peck on the crown of your head. Cyprus rested an arm around your waist and brought you closer to his side.
Upon seeing her son's calmness and hearing his assurance, you saw the tension on her shoulders leave. But she's not convinced enough to fully come out of her hiding place. She stared at you unblinkingly, observing what you might do next. At this point, you felt embarrassed, feeling like a filthy, feral stray under her intense gaze.
You gave her an awkward, crooked smile and wave. Unsure if she could understand you if you spoke English. You also had half a mind to act insane, scaring his mother off so she would disprove your forced relationship with him. You assumed that the bag that Cyprus gave you earlier was meant to be for his mother, so you presented it to her. Which made her look amused with her focus darting between her son and you.
"Say 'Buenos Tardes, señora.'" You felt his breath on your ear as he whispered.
You did just that, butchering the pronunciation a bit but it's not too bad. Just enough for his mother to understand and be impressed by. You wonder if her standards for her son's partners are as low as Cyprus's.
"Buenos Tardes, Buenos Tardes. ¿Es eso para mí?" She gestured towards the bag in your extended arms.
"Sí, mama. Es un regalo por tú, Mi vida quería dar una buena primera impresión." He spoke up for you, affectionately stroking your hair as she took the bag off your hands. "Ella no sabía qué regalarte. Entonces sugerí comprar algunas verduras."
"¿Mi vida?" She appeared astonished at the apparent pet name he used for you. "Eso es nuevo. Ella debe ser muy especial para ti."
He laughed and nodded. "Sí, claro." Cyprus put the cooler down and went on to hug his mother as a delayed greeting. It was brief, they let each other go and brought their attention back to you.
Feeling the peer pressure crushing your bones, you mirrored what they did and hesitantly went in for an awkward hug. But it seems like she has warmed up to the idea of you, her arms wrapped around you comfortably.
"Entre, por favor." She stepped aside and opened her door wider. You assume that she's telling you and Cyprus to come in. You were about to step foot into her residence, but your boyfriend grabbed you by the arm before you could get any further.
"Take your shoes off, baby." He instructed as he took his own shoes off. You look at his mother and see that she's barefoot, there is a shoe rack inside that holds a few pairs of shoes and you assume that is where you're meant to put yours. So, you removed your footwear like how Cyprus told you to and it earned a nod of approval from his mother.
He picked your shoes up for you and coaxed you inside. You were about to whine that you could have done that yourself, but it's probably not worth the trouble. The quicker you finish this, the quicker you can leave.
You took a look around at her humble abode. It's not as bad as the outside, quite homely with the oddly luxurious items making their appearance here and there. But it is to be expected, as you remember how Cyprus described his mother as someone who prioritized looking expensive over her children's welfare. You were eyeing the leather massage chair in front of the flatscreen TV, wishing that you owned one.
"Good girl." He praised, kissing you on the temple. Cyprus then went on to put the two pairs of shoes on the rack. His mother is in the process of unloading the styrofoam cooler, bringing the meats to the kitchenette nearby; putting them away in the fridge.
"¿Quieres algo de tomar? ¿Té? ¿Cafe?" She asked, directing her gaze mainly to you.
"Una taza de té por ella, Mama. Ella no podrá dormir esta noche si toma café ahora." He took off his leather jacket and hung it on a coat stand nearby. The woman cocked her eyebrows at how much her son cared for you, it's something new and refreshing. She nodded and prepared three mugs on the counter.
You wish that you could have a say in your choice of drinks.
"¿Y tú, Mijo?" She filled the electric kettle up with tap water.
"No hay necesidad. Compartiré una taza con ella." He ended the line of conversation and turned towards you, cupping the sides of your face in his large, warm hands.
"You're doing so well." He crooned, gently squeezing your cheeks affectionately. "My mom likes you..." Cyprus nuzzled his nose against yours, feeling the cold frame of his glasses brush against your skin. "You make me so fucking happy, princess."
You tried to push him away, telling him that his mother was right there.
"Okay, and?" Your eyes quickly dart in her direction, seeing that she's still busy preparing two cups of tea.
You said that it's embarrassing and probably disrespectful to his mother. No one wants to see their son getting all sappy with someone else!
"She's fine." He brushed you off and pulled you into a hug, swaying you side to side. You felt judged when his mother glanced at you and a smirk, a damn smirk so reminiscent of her son's, began curling at the corners of her lips. So you firmly pushed him away, that did the trick but it was as if you gave him a soft nudge.
She brought the two mugs to the dining table, Cyprus lead you to the chairs and sat down on one of it. However, before you could park yourself onto a chair, Cyprus pulled you into his lap and kept you imprisoned there. His arms tangling around your form tightly, making it impossible to escape his hold without making a scene. So you let out a resigned sigh and sunk into him.
"Cuidado, hace calor." Said his mother as she picked her own cup up, blew on it, and allowed the steam to waft around her face. She used the metal spoon to mix the milk and sugar in the beverage.
"Lo sé, mamá." He picked the other cup up and blew on it. You were wondering if she had forgotten to make you a cup, or if Cyprus told her not to for some reason. It's such a shame, you were looking forward to it-
"Say aah." You were presented with a spoonful of cooled tea. And immediately, your face turned red as a tomato. Really? This level of humiliation in front of his own mother? You opened your mouth to say something unsavory, but Cyprus took the chance to feed you the drink.
It was delicious, no doubt. Enough to shut you up and seek more, but the cup was occupied by Cyprus; he was taking a sip out of it and probably burning his tongue with how hot the tea was.
This whole performance earned some laughter from his mother. You tried your best to hide your face from her, but in the end, Cyprus handed you the entire cup to drink. It's at an appropriate temperature for you to drink.
"Que niña tan Consentido, ¿Te gusta mimarla, Mijo?" You heard clinks coming from her spoon hitting the ceramic walls of her cup as she stirred.
"Sí. Muchisimo." Cyprus watched you with adoration as you drank sipped on the beverage.
Eventually, the mother-son duo started chatting in Spanish. You don't know if they're talking about you, or just catching up. You think it's most likely the latter because you've been with Cyprus 24/7 for a few months now. He has not visited his mother once, this is the first time in a while, you assume.
You're not stupid, though. There was a good chunk of the conversation where it's just talking about you, based on the glances she would give you and the mention of your name, and what you assume are Spanish pet names.
Either way, you felt ashamed. You felt inferior and belittled. You wish you could just go home and hide under the covers. But your home isn't even your home anymore, it's Cyprus's.
You decided to look around once more and drink in your surroundings, noting the lack of picture frames or any indication that his mother has children or a husband. There is a distinct detergent smell, nothing like you've ever smelt before and it's lovely. Cyprus washes his clothes with something similar, but the aroma isn't identical.
Cyprus picked the cup up and took a sip for himself. His eyes were trained on your bored face.
"Doll." He caught your attention and his mother's. Cyprus brought a thumb to your lower eyelid and tenderly tugged it down to check on your pink eye.
His mother seemingly asked him about what he was doing, to which Cyprus explained to her your situation. He then brought his attention back to you.
"Do you want to head home?" He asked.
You were about to say yes, but his mother's innocently wide eyes stared at you with a tinge of sadness.
"My mom is really enjoying having you here." He explained what that look potentially meant. "But if you're tired, we're going home. We can visit her another time."
She's enjoying you here? She's barely talking to you! And that language barrier is not making it any easier. You think that his mother is sad that her son is leaving so soon.
You told him that you could head back home by yourself, you know the way back and he should spend more time with his mother while he still can. Cyprus narrowed his eyes at you. "No way in hell am I letting you go alone."
You said you're fine. It's just a few blocks away.
"We're leaving." He lifted you off his lap. "Gracias por el té, mamá." Cyprus rose up to his full height, towering over you and his mother.
"I have extra pillows and blankets if you want to take a nap." You whipped your head towards the woman at lightspeeds, she could speak English fluently all this time?!
You looked back at Cyprus, he was crossing his arms over his chest and waiting for your response. He isn't shocked, annoyed, or amazed at this sudden switch, he's simply indifferent.
You turned back to his mother and asked why she didn't speak English from the beginning.
"I'll tell you if you stay for dinner." She smiled, speaking in a moderately heavy accent. Now you know where Cyprus gets his blackmailing traits from.
You looked back at Cyprus. He merely shrugged.
"Your call, Mi cielo." You asked him what that term meant.
"I'll also tell you that if you stay for dinner." Beamed his mother.
Cyprus smirked and chuckled, but didn't say anything else.
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turrondeluxe · 8 months
Angry mikey so underrated tbh
fr. his anger was literally the biggest emotion he had on the trip to mikeys mind episode. and it seemed that it was pent up anger too, meaning he bottles that up probably because he doesn't let himself actually feel that anger.
All that bottled up anger would have definitely exploded sooner or later tho (more later than sooner tbh)
it would have been interesting to see. Maybe it would have shown more after all the shit they went through and when they were having a somewhat of a peaceful life
Mikey and his anger issues is honestly a very underrated fact but one that is very much possible to have escalated as they grew older.
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erwinsvow · 2 months
drunk rafe nd shy!reader talking when he starts telling her all about his dark twisted plans of marrying her and getting her pregnant, that she’s going to be his forever. <3
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"you need to sleep, rafey," you hum, trying to keep your boyfriend upright while you get him inside tannyhill.
topper had been sweet enough to drop the two of you off before heading home, knowing that you would have trouble driving rafe's truck. you had to remember to thank him tomorrow, maybe bake him some brownies, since you remembered those were his favorite last time you made them.
"wha' i need is you-" he slurs back, and you giggle. rafe never gets drunk like this, and he's usually always composed. the extra shots at the end did him in—the boys were celebrating something that didn't make much sense to you.
"what you need is an advil and some water. and greasy food tomorrow morning, don't worry, i'll make some for you."
"i know y'will." you try to sneak in, remaining as quiet as you can while you guide rafe up the stairs. you're sure everyone's asleep and though rafe's family seemed to really like you, you don't want to make a bad impression. rafe's being loud, and you pray no one wakes up while you get him into his bedroom.
finally finishing the journey up the staircase, rafe gets on his bed, struggling to untie his laces. you can't help your smile, the laugh spilling out. you never get to see him like this.
you hurry over, dropping down and taking the laces into your hands, untying them quickly. rafe kicks off his shoes and sits up on the bed, opening his arms to you. you know you should go and find the bottle of advil, but you can't resist, crawling into his lap and steadying yourself by holding onto his arms. he looks right into your eyes, something that always makes your face burn.
"you're a real good girl, y'know that?" rafe says, words a little less slurred. you smile and nod gently, at a loss for words. rafe's hand comes up to touch your jawline, holding you there a little tightly, but not painful at all. "really. mean it. you're so perfect."
"rafe-" you protest quietly, entire body flushing with a wave of heat. you're used to all kinds of praise for him, it's really commonplace for the two of you, but this feels different—feels more intimate, maybe because you know he's in the state of mind that makes you say everything you're thinking.
"no, i mean it. you're perfect for me. you always listen, always do what i say. how'd you get like that, hm?"
"i don't know," you mumble. he's drunk, so you think he won't remember. "you bring it out in me."
"good. you're so good." you smile, resting your head against his shoulder, eyes shutting while you inhale his scent. "m'gonna marry you as soon as i fuckin' can." your eyes shoot open, a laugh bubbling to the surface.
"no, really. maybe i should knock you up now, make sure no one gives us any problems."
you pick your head up, looking back at your boyfriend. he seems to be in his own world, lost in his thoughts.
"that sounds good. knock you up and then marry you, and then it'll jus' be me you and the kids forever. that's right. perfect. gotta get on that." you listen with wide eyes and parted lips. even in his drunken state, he wonders if he scared you this time.
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ikeuverse · 4 months
NEW BEGINNINGS — l.heeseung
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PAIRING: dad!heeseung x fem!reader GENRES: fluff, humor, a pinch of angst WC: 8.7k+
WARNINGS: mention of unwanted pregnancy, turbulent relationship, drinking, some swearing. let me know if i've forgotten anything too.
NOTES: i think this turned out a lot cuter than i intended. initially it was going to be very short, but i wanted to add a bit of plot and maybe add a one chapter or two to it to give more attention to yn with the little one and the development of her relationship with heeseung. i hope you like it!
part 2 | masterlist
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Studying abroad for your university degree was a dream. Spending two years in Barcelona seemed like such a distant dream, but in the blink of an eye, you were already on Spanish soil. And as if that were fast enough, those years passed so quickly that before you knew it, you were back in the apartment you shared with your younger brother.
Sighing, you threw yourself on the sofa and let the tiredness of the trip take over. Smelling the familiar scent of Jay's cologne that hadn't completely disappeared.
Being back was incredible. Now, finally, you could work in your field and be close to your family too. It hadn't been that long, but you still felt sad not just because you missed them, but because you had missed important moments with each of your family members.
Like, for example, when your parents bought their dream house. Lots of rooms to welcome their children and anyone else who wanted to sleep over. A backyard so big that it had room for your father's gardening, a swimming pool, and a small hut where your mother made a studio for whatever artistic thing she was obsessed with at the moment.
You also missed out when Jay started dating her in his final year at university. The girl was simply incredible and you got to know her over a video call, but it still wasn't the same. It was different from his older sister's attitude – even if it was a year apart – where his girlfriend would come over to your parent's house, you'd make a huge fuss and a fake scene of jealousy.
Not that you weren't jealous of Jay, but Heejin was so sweet and loving that all you could do was sigh and smile at her as she introduced herself on her cell phone screen and told you that she was looking forward to meeting you in person.
And Heejin threw such a big party as soon as you arrived. She was in charge of making the snacks and taking them to your mother's house, telling you so much about her that you were dizzy, smiling from ear to ear at the girl's excitement. Jay watched in the background, laughing now and then when you looked at him, silently congratulating you on having found someone as nice as her.
"Do you like chicken? I learned how to make this chicken paste last week and Jay loved it, I think you'll like it too" she said shyly, handing over one of the snacks she'd brought.
And she got it right. You loved it so much that you even asked Heejin to make it the next time you two met. Which never took long because she was always at her apartment with Jay or her parents' house.
It seemed that as well as being a sister-in-law, you had found a very good friend.
"I'm home" Jay announced loudly as soon as he walked through the living room door, making you abandon your thoughts completely as you jumped onto the sofa "Did I scare you?" he laughed as he looked at you, messing up your hair before walking past you and straight into the kitchen.
You stood up, walked over to where he was, and leaned against the doorframe to watch your brother get a bottle of water from the fridge.
"So" Jay turned to you, his breathing a little labored and you noticed that he was completely sweaty "I came running because it's going to rain, don't think nonsense" he warned you, noticing that your expression began to change as soon as you saw his state.
Your laughter filled the kitchen along with Jay's, and he walked over to the worktop and sat down on it.
"I didn't think anything" you held up your hands to defend yourself, biting your lower lip to hold back another laugh "I got home from mom's a while ago, I was lying there thinking about so many things."
"About what, for example?" Jay came around the counter and sat on the stool behind you. This forced you to get down and turn around to face him, watching your brother still enjoying his cold bottle of water.
"About how, even though I love Barcelona, I've missed out on a lot with you all here."
"Come on, y/n. We've already had this conversation" Jay warned.
And it was true. He knew how much you wanted to complete your fashion course abroad, but at the same time, you didn't want to leave your parents. Jay chose to stay, earning well-deserved recognition at the gastronomy school in the city itself while supporting you every second.
"I know, but I can't get this weight off of me" you pursed your lips, forming a pout that he grimaced at.
"How about we go out so you can forget about it?" Jay proposed, seeing you try to hide a smile as he leaned over the counter and took your hand "Come on, I still have some friends you know who are dying to meet you again."
"Who, for example?" you asked.
Jay seemed to think for a moment, remembering all the people from his college that you knew. Even though you only studied with Jay for a short time, it wasn't enough to get to know all his friends or maintain a lasting friendship with them. Since your brother was well known, you were afraid that he would approach you just to get to him.
"Sailor will be there" Jay shrugged, knowing that she was the first girl you'd made friends with on the design course, "and that insufferable Jake."
"Oh, my little brother will be there?" you smiled dreamily, seeing Jay roll his eyes.
"Little brother? That son of a bitch is just my childhood best friend, not your little brother, y/n."
You laughed so loudly that you saw Jay shrug his shoulders as he did so. Going around the counter, you hugged your brother and laid your head on his shoulder, sighing a little lighter after talking to Jay. It always calmed you down.
"I'm going to love hanging out with them, and especially with you."
Jay kissed the top of your head and you could feel him smile with his lips up there after he returned your embrace. His fingers were cold from the bottle he was holding, now gripping your body as he got up from the bench to stand next to you.
"So get ready, because we have this program every Friday. And you're part of it from now on" he said, pulling away from you and telling you that he was going to take a shower because it was too sticky.
You just agreed, thinking of preparing something to eat with your brother after he got out of the shower. And you started to get a little more excited until Friday arrived to meet up with some friends again, and finally go out with your brother after so long.
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"Why do you spray so much perfume?" you almost shouted from your room as Jay passed you in the hallway of the apartment, stopping walking and heading straight for your door.
"I sprayed it a couple of times" he said "Okay, four" he corrected after noticing your serious countenance looking at him "I get nervous every time I go to meet Heejin, so…"
"That's cute" your lip formed into a pout, beckoning him into your room while you finished getting ready "But I don't think she'll care how smelly you are or not. Considering we're going to a nightclub."
"You're right" Jay tried to relax, throwing himself onto your bed in a lazy way. "It's just that I never stop thinking about how much I can impress her since we started dating, you know? It's so different."
"How different?"
Having these conversations with Jay was something you loved, mainly because it felt like he was older and not you. So listening to him ramble on about something or even vent about anything made the two of you feel even closer to each other.
Hearing how in love your brother was made you so happy and smiley, even more so because every time he mentioned Heejin, or even you said her name or said you were talking to her, Jay sighed. A complete fool in love, you joked.
He never denied it because he really was. And it was clear every time you saw the two of them together since you arrived. Holding hands, caresses and hugs, declarations and compliments. Something so loving that there wasn't even room to tease your brother about how sweet he was being.
"We can go now" you said after a while when Jay again told you how he felt about Heejin. And how he was afraid of losing her.
Your role as older sister was to make sure that your younger brother was doing a great job and that he was an amazing guy. Not to mention that the two of them got along very well and had your approval, so that was enough.
Jay left that apartment so happy that he was smiling to the parking lot, then with you to the club to meet the rest of his friends. He didn't even notice the smile, only when he arrived and felt his jaw aching after talking to you so much.
"Hold my hand so you don't get lost until we find the guys, okay?" you just agreed as you headed for the entrance to the club and Jay gave you the names for access.
Entering the venue, you and your brother had to dodge a few – a lot – of people dancing back and forth, others trying to make conversation with both you and him, but backing away when they saw you holding hands. You caught a scream in your throat and then laughed along with him, people probably thought you and Jay were a couple because you were holding hands. Ew.
"Finally!" the voice shouted from ahead and you looked over Jay's shoulder.
With his free hand, your brother nodded and then continued to approach until you were close enough to let go of your hand.
"I thought you weren't coming" Jake ruffled Jay's hair as he approached the group, hearing the boy's curses before turning his eyes to you "Little sister!"
"Little brother!" you replied with the same excitement, only for both of you to tease Jay, who was cursing at both of you. Jake was quick to run towards you and hug you.
"Don't ever travel that long again, I've missed you so much" he whispered while still hugging you.
"I promise I'll take you with me next time" his smile widened so much that you swore his cheeks were sore from smiling so much.
Saying hello to Sailor, your only friend from university, was something you were looking forward to. She had been one of the only people at the beginning of your school year before you moved to another country, who came to talk to you without any interest in your brother. Sailor was so nice, communicative, and giggly. The two of you got on so well that even when you moved to Barcelona, contact wasn't lost. Your happiness was undeniable when Jay told you that she was still in the group of friends, now as Jake's girlfriend.
Sunghoon was another friend of the boys that you got to know as well, arriving close to high school where he was drafted onto the soccer team that Jay and Jake played on. Of course, the three of them would become friends. He introduced you to his girlfriend. Joan, it wasn't someone you knew, but she seemed nice because she complimented you a lot and even asked how you were able to put up with a bunch of boys without slapping any of them.
Maybe I slapped you here or there, but I swear I could have done more. Joan's laugh was cute, and Sunghoon's small eyes when he smiled as he listened indicated that this man had been completely snared.
"Hi, y/n. I'm so glad you came" Heejin, your sister-in-law. So beautiful, with a comforting hug and very caring. You remember that, ever since you arrived, she asked Jay if you were all right every day.
"I guess you'll all have to get used to someone else in the group" you told her as you hugged her, tightening your arms around Heejin. She kissed your cheek and then pulled away from your face a little.
"Oh, this is going to be amazing. This way my brother won't feel so lonely" she whispered because she was too close to your face, so her voice wouldn't be hard to hear. You frowned at that, what do you mean her brother?
You hadn't paid attention to the people around you unless they came to greet you. Or you hadn't taken the time to notice who was with your group until your eyes shifted from Heejin's face to focus on the male figure next to the three boys.
Of course, you'd heard about Heejin's brother and even seen some pictures of him with Jay on social media. But you were so focused on your studies or even on finding out how your brother was doing that you didn't even have the luxury – or the time – to go and find out who Jay's new friends were, apart from the ones you already knew.
Heejin gradually moved away from you and, at the same moment, the only boy who hadn't said hello was waving to the boys and heading towards you and your sister-in-law. He couldn't take his eyes off you and you couldn't take your eyes off him, it was as if neither of you wanted to miss each other's next move.
"Hi" what a voice that is, my God. You wanted to shout to yourself "I'm Heeseung."
Heeseung, of course. The name wasn't strange. Considering how many stories Jay posted with Heeseung, who was always at parties with your brother.
"Hi, I'm y/n" even if he knew her name, it wouldn't hurt to introduce yourself, right?
By now Heejin had already stepped aside and let you talk to Heeseung, but you hadn't even bothered.
"Now I have someone to keep me company," Heeseung smiled and you swore you let out a loud sigh, but because of the volume of the music he hadn't heard. Good!
"Why? Are they that bad?" you asked Heeseung.
He leaned a little towards you, his hands in the front pockets of his jeans as he shrugged in the process. Heeseung's breath smelled of strawberries, so maybe he'd had a drink before you arrived.
"Wait until everyone's drunk" he whispered, "You can bet on which couple gets the hottest out of all of them."
"Can we bet money? Me and you?" your eyes lit up at the word bet, looking like a child who had just heard the most magnificent thing in the world.
Heeseung wanted to ignore the way he was smiling so much, feeling his heart skip a beat with your smile and your gaze so close to him. Even though he had leaned towards you just to talk. He wanted to think so, after all, you were all out clubbing, and if he wanted to have a conversation with you, he'd have to get closer.
And because you were so beautiful and smelled so good, he was simply attracted.
"I didn't bring that much money today" Heeseung pursed his lips "But we can bet drinks at the bar, what do you say?"
"Will you buy me one?"
"Now? Of course" of course, he had to stop this "I need to show you the best drink in this place before you get hooked."
"Do the honors, then" you smiled back at him, almost shouting when Heeseung's hand gently touched your back. Even though no skin was exposed because your shirt covered most of it, his fingers seemed to have shocked the spot.
Heeseung felt a warmth emanating from his fingertips and wondered if he had overstepped any boundaries since he had touched – even on your back – without your permission. But as soon as you started walking, being guided by him, the boy saw no problem in following you with his hand still touching you.
"Hey, Mingi" Heeseung waved to the bartender as soon as you and he arrived at the bar. From the intimacy, the place seemed to be frequented quite often by him and your brother's friends. The man behind the bar waved cheerfully.
"The usual?"
"Actually, I'll have a Rum Punch" Heeseung's slurred accent almost made you sigh again, but you held back only because he held your gaze even though he was talking to the bartender in front of you "For this young lady here."
"Oh, new here?" Mingi began to prepare the drink, showing off his skills with the utensils and how to stir that metal glass that you didn't even know didn't spill a drop.
"I've been away for two years" your voice came out a little louder than you would have liked, but Mingi smiled and shook his head "I'm Jay's sister."
"No kidding!" he seemed shocked by the information and you almost asked if it was bad to be Jay's sister or something "Jongseong, that ugly guy, has such a beautiful sister?"
Shit, your cheeks started to heat up. But you couldn't tell if it was because of Mingi's compliment or because Heeseung's hand slid from your back to your waist. He was still touching you, and it didn't seem to bother him or you.
"Here, Miss Park" he smiled after placing the glass on the counter, "enjoy the best of our bar."
You thanked him and took the glass, turning to face Heeseung.
"I hope you like it because, honestly, it would suck to say this is the best drink and have you hate it" he pressed his lips together, looking a little apprehensive about your reaction. You laughed at how cute he looked, agreeing with a little nod.
Touching your lips to the glass, you took a small sip just to test it out. As Heeseung said, it would be a shame for you to hate something that he advertised so much. But no, you loved it! And your murmur of approval only made his smile grow even wider, so you took another long sip before offering it to him.
"Come on, have some since you introduced me to it" you smiled at him as you tilted the glass for Heeseung to take. But he seemed too busy still holding your waist, with both hands this time. One on either side of you, making you want to scream and at the same time take a step forward and stand so close to him.
That drink wasn't taking effect that quickly, but it was Heeseung's fingers on your body that were making you like this.
So you held your breath a little when he leaned over, touching his lips to the glass and looking at you. A silent request for you to turn the contents just right because he wanted to drink from your hand. Heeseung wanted you to give him the drink.
And you did.
You carefully turned that glass until he had a good sip and then turned away to wipe his lips with the tip of his tongue and moan in satisfaction at the liquid going down his throat.
"Like I said, y/n" he said, his eyes wandering around the club and then finding you again. Heeseung leaned close enough so that his face was close to yours – for the second time that night – and his gaze quickly fell to your mouth "This is the best drink in the bar, and the night is going to be so long that we can try as many as you want" why had he whispered that part? Why was Heeseung whispering while staring at your lips?
You just nodded, sipping some more of that good, newfound liquid, as you felt him pull you into the middle of the dance floor.
The boy was right, it was going to be a long night.
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You didn't know that your sister-in-law was a graduate in the same field as you at university in Barcelona. You also didn't know that you would receive an offer from the studio where she worked and, a few days later, be hired.
You also didn't know that your relationship with Heeseung had become pure flirtation, smiles in each other's direction and gentle touches on the hands, waist, and even long hugs when he went to pick up Heejin and ended up giving you a lift too. Or when he went to visit Jay to play video games in his living room. You also didn't know that you would let Heeseung lean his head on your shoulder and fall asleep so deeply on the first night of movies in your shared apartment with your brother after Sunghoon said he didn't want to go clubbing that day.
Everything was going so differently from what you had envisioned for your return to the city, but no way could describe the way you felt with Heeseung. Because it was different, wasn't it? You felt that way.
Because you didn't feel a chill in your stomach when Jake laid his head on your lap after coming home from work, or you didn't feel your face heat up after Sunghoon kissed the top of your head when you all decided to meet up for dinner. So why did you feel those things with Heeseung? He also lay on your lap, he also kissed the top of your head. But only he was able to take away your sleep some nights, resulting in you being almost late for work and hearing Heejin ask if everything was okay.
"Jongseong was playing late again?" she asked angrily, making you laugh.
Thinking about your brother, you wanted to answer but settled for pressing your lips together to avoid smiling.
"I've just had a bad night" your lips quickly curled into a pout and she imitated you.
"I know someone who can help you with that" Heejin hummed, picking up her cell phone and typing a few things as she watched you go to your desk.
Trying to stop her from talking to Heeseung was practically impossible, as she and Jay did a great job of making you feel awkward in front of him. But not in a bad way, not at all. The two of them only managed to make you shyer and shyer every time something happened.
Do you need help with the popcorn in the kitchen? Heeseung, help y/n. I'm watching the movie with your sister.
Are you going out for dinner? Heeseung and y/n sit next to each other, their seats already assigned.
When you all decided to go to the amusement park together and he wasn't too keen on entering the castle of horrors? My sister will hold your hand and, if the fear goes away, you can kiss her as a reward. Jay's sentence could have been a whisper only to him and Heeseung, but because you were so close, it was sure to have been heard.
"Y/n, I… I'm sorry—" you took his hand, entwining your fingers in Heeseung's as you smiled at the boy.
"You heard my brother, right?" now Heeseung felt even more courageous with your words. So he could kiss you after everyone had passed through that castle of horrors? Surely he wouldn't miss it.
But he did.
As soon as you all left, Heeseung received a call that he urgently needed to go home. You didn't object and the others seemed to understand perfectly when the boy said goodbye, you being the only one who received a quick kiss on the cheek before he ran out of the park.
"I wonder what happened?" Sailor asked as you all started walking to the park's next attraction.
"Maybe it's because of Aimi, he said he'd be alert in case he needed to go home" Jake intertwined his fingers with Sailor's and walked beside her.
Just then, you stopped. Wait, Aimi? Heeseung had someone else? No, it couldn't be.
All that time you two were exchanging, you were being part of a betrayal? Holy shit. It couldn't be possible.
The whole situation put a lump in your throat and your stomach began to churn. You walked with your friends out of sheer habit, seeing that they were all in the queue for the rollercoaster. By instinct, Jay looked in your direction and saw how scattered you were, walking over to stand next to you.
"It's just a rollercoaster, you know? You don't have to be scared" he joked, laughing a little as he put his arm around your shoulders.
Trying to be gentle, you pushed his arm away, starting to feel a weight on your chest that you didn't even know existed.
"I… I'm going home" your voice came out shaky. Shit, don't do that, y/n!
"What? Y/n, is everything all right?" Jay looked at you now rather worriedly, holding you by the shoulders and, once again, feeling your hands drop as you walked away.
Your brain didn't process the fact that your legs were quickly pulling you out of there, walking away from the roller coaster queue while you listened to the boys calling you. You ignored it completely and walked to the parking lot where you tried to look for your brother's car since Heeseung had left and you had gone with him to the park.
"Shit. Shit, shit, shit" the curses were starting to flood out of you as your eyes stung, but you weren't going to cry. Not because of that.
For God's sake, the two of you hadn't even kissed, why feel so stupid?
"Y/n, I found you!" Jay was panting behind you, having stopped running and feeling his heartbeat speed up even more from the little exercise he'd done to find you.
He then walked towards you very slowly, trying to catch his breath and testing whether he could do it since you had pushed him away twice in less than a minute.
"Hey, are you all right?" he asked "It was the rollercoaster game—"
"Why didn't anyone tell me?" you interrupted him.
Jay frowned in response, glancing at you as soon as you stopped right in front of him and caught a glimpse of your face in the dim light of the amusement park parking lot. He saw your watery eyes and knew you could cry at any moment.
"What about?" he asked you again, and you realized that it couldn't be that he knew either since, in your brother's mind, you were like that for the roller coaster. But wasn't it obvious that it was for Heeseung? It didn't make sense.
Your chest ached a little more when you remembered his static face when you left quickly and how your friends commented on the girl so naturally that it was as if you weren't there.
You opened and closed your mouth, tried to say something and nothing came out the way you wanted it to. It sucked that everything was like that. When you finally plucked up the courage to talk to your brother, your phone rang, startling you both.
The handset came out of your back pocket and Heeseung's name flashed up on the screen. You didn't realize the grimace you were making until you looked at Jay and saw that he was waiting for you to pick up, but you didn't. You simply hung up. You simply hung up.
"What's going on?" he kept looking at you.
"Nothing" another ring from Heeseung and you would have hung up if Jay hadn't been quicker and answered on the second ring.
"Hey dude, it's Jay" you could hear Heeseung's voice in the background, but you couldn't understand much of what he was saying. Something seemed to touch the back of your brother's mind because he laughed deeply as he looked at you.
What's funny, asshole? You hissed while he still had your phone to his ear and was talking to Heeseung.
"Maybe that's why, but I'm not the one who's going to explain it to her" your brother's gaze was mixed as Heeseung said a few more words and the two finally hung up.
"What the fuck was that, Jay?"
"Heeseung called me… I mean, he called you to explain why he'd left so quickly" he told you.
"I think Jake already did that" you shrugged, showing how encouraging the conversation was because your sarcastic smile said it all.
"Listen, sis. It's not that—"
"Jay, please don't" you whimpered "I'm feeling terrible because all this time no one told me that Heeseung had someone else and we were acting like…"
"A couple, I know" you really hated it when Jay was able to complete his sentences more directly because maybe you would only respond like two people with more touches "That's exactly why he needs to explain it to you, not me."
"I don't want to listen, thank you."
"But you kind of will" he pursed his lips and put his hands in his trouser pockets, running his tongue over lower lip to suppress a smile "Because every two weeks Heejin and I go to Mom's for lunch, and this time since you're here, I'm going to make a point of calling Heeseung too."
"You wouldn't do that…"
"Oh, I would" Jay smiled this time.
And you knew for sure that your dear brother would be able to do it.
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You felt like jumping over the kitchen counter and lunging at Jay, but you were left to stir the chocolate in the pan to make a ganache for dessert. Your brother, smiling even too much, put the tomato slices in the glass dish while looking at you now and then and holding back a laugh.
"Cancel it with him, please" you almost cried, almost got down on your knees to Jay begging him not to come.
"Nope" he hummed, excitedly, "I like having my brother-in-law here. Besides, Mom loves it when he brings Aimi along."
"You're a motherfucker—"
"Hey, why am I being cursed at?" your mother chimed in. Jay burst into laughter and you just rolled your eyes, choosing to forget the conversation.
But your brother seemed to have plans to annoy you all weekend, and it was only Saturday. You wouldn't be able to stand it without hitting him once.
"I was telling y/n about Aimi" Jay said.
"Oh, I miss her so much" your mother said with such love that you rolled your eyes at the melted chocolate just so you wouldn't have to face the two of them who were heaping praise on Aimi.
For God's sake, did they have to do that in front of you? Maybe your mother didn't know what had happened between you and Heeseung, so the poor thing wouldn't be punished by your eyes almost shooting her. But your brother would. That asshole was going to pay dearly for every mention of Aimi's name and the way he openly smiled at you after saying it.
It didn't make sense for Jay to tease you about it, it didn't make sense for any of your friends to be into that sort of thing. Everyone there was dating, so why did things have to go that way with Heeseung?
Had Jay already cheated on Heejin, so he was an accomplice? Or had Jake and Sunghoon also been unfaithful, hence the partnership?
It wasn't easy to get into your head and you spent almost the whole week mulling it over, as well as running away from all Heejin's questions and why you were ignoring her brother.
"I just… I don't know, Heejin" you replied.
But she knew, of course, she knew. The only way to understand what was going on was to ask Jay, and like a good gossip, he would tell his girlfriend. Heejin even thought about clearing up the misunderstanding, but as her boyfriend had said, Heeseung was the one to do it.
So it was easy to convince him to go to lunch at your mother's house. You wanted to think it was because of the pool out back or her food, not because he had to explain something to you because you didn't want to hear it.
You refused to fall for his charms while he explained why he had cheated on you for a long time – totaling a month and a half, unfortunately, you counted – only for you to discover that there was another woman. And it wasn't even Heeseung who told you, it came out of Jake's mouth.
If your friend hadn't said anything at the amusement park, would you have known about her? Or would you continue to be fooled until you kissed Heeseung, fell even more in love and then he left you?
"Shit" you cursed quietly when the doorbell snapped you out of your thoughts.
All the food had been ready for a long time and you and your brother had decided to wait, sipping a glass of wine that your mother always left out for you to enjoy while they cooked.
It had to be the Lee siblings, so you decided to fill your glass and lean on the kitchen counter, not having the courage to move your feet as your brother walked past you and smiled with his mouth against the glass he was drinking.
"My love" Jay called out, and you knew it was Heejin he was greeting.
"Heeseung, Aimi!" that was your mother, and your stomach immediately churned at the mention of her name "Y/n, come over here."
I don't want to.
You should answer, that's what you had to do.
But contrary to your thoughts, your feet betrayed you and made you walk to the kitchen door so slowly that you were almost dragging yourself. Perhaps the glass of wine could have helped and stopped you from hugging them both, it would have been a perfect excuse while you just greeted everyone and went back to the kitchen.
As soon as you arrived, your eyes went straight to Heeseung and… A child? Heeseung was holding a little girl in his arms and she was the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen.
Dark hair, curious eyes, and flushed cheeks. She closed her little eyes as she smiled when Jay approached to take her in his arms, hearing the most delightful giggle you could ever remember a child having.
"Hey" Heejin greeted you before anyone could say anything. The two boys were very entertained by the little girl, who was mumbling a few things and talking to them, while your mother was already looking for a cartoon channel for her to watch "Are you okay?" your sister-in-law toasted with her full glass, and it was then that you noticed that she was holding Jay's glass.
Your head just nodded, saying nothing until Heeseung's eyes landed on you. He frowned when he saw how much wine was in your glass and you couldn't hide it since, as it was full, any sudden movement to place it behind your body could cause it to tip over.
Jay still had the little one on his lap and held her hand as he turned to you. She smiled in your direction and you tried to smile back, begging the heavens you hadn't made a face to scare the poor thing.
"Hi, y/n" Heeseung said directly to you as soon as you arrived at your mother's house. You shook your head at him, a silent way of saying hello. Your voice would waver if you said anything since it was the first time you'd seen him since the day at the amusement park, so you couldn't risk having a shaky, slurred, or harsh voice. So just a nod would be fine.
"You can choose any cartoon that uncle Jay will watch with you before lunch" Jay raised his hand and the little girl clapped it, making an animated hi-five as you watched your brother walk over to the sofa with her.
Your eyes lingered too long on the two of them animatedly chatting about the colorful cartoon characters that you didn't notice that Heejin had gone to talk to his mother and Heeseung was standing in front of you.
Hands in his pants pockets, hair slightly mussed, and biting his lower lip. He looked a little apprehensive for his taste.
"Bathroom" the little girl announced before Heeseung could even finish his sentence. He quickly looked over to where she was sitting and excused himself as he picked her up.
"Ready to use the bathroom?" he had such a beautiful smile when he talked to her that it seemed too encouraging, you almost forgot that you were angry with him "I'll be right back" Heeseung said before disappearing down the corridor in search of the downstairs bathroom.
That's how long it took you to stare at Jay and take a long sip of your wine before you saw him return with the little girl still on his lap.
"I did it, uncle Jay" she celebrated and Jay got up from the sofa, picking her up again.
"You were amazing, you know that? Your dad and I are so proud of you," he said.
You bit your tongue to keep from screaming at that moment. The only thought running through your mind when Heeseung was still in the middle of the room but with his gaze fully on you.
"Y/n, that's Aimi" he pointed to the little girl who, as soon as she heard her name called, turned towards him "My daughter. And sweetie, this is y/n, uncle Jay's sister."
"Fuck" you whispered so quietly, not out of indignation, but because there was a child and you couldn't swear at her.
So your only reaction – apart from widening your eyes – was to gulp down all the wine and feel it burn your throat as you ran to the kitchen.
Your luck was that Aimi only nodded for a few seconds before turning her attention back to the drawing she was watching with Jay, so your state of panic hadn't had much effect on her. Unlike Heeseung, who walked in quick, hurried steps to the kitchen to chase after you.
The search for the wine was tireless. That bottle had run out a while ago and all you had to do was find another that your mother kept right there, but no. Those hands stopped you from opening it. Those hands stopped you from opening the mini cellar under the counter and made you turn to him.
"Wine won't help you much" Heeseung whispered to you.
"I just need to… I…"
"You need to sober up because I think we need to talk, don't you?"
Why did he have to whisper everything? And why did Heeseung have a relentless habit of leaning towards you every time he stood in front of you to say something?
"It's okay" was the only thing you managed to say because the next second his lips were on yours. Briefly, a kiss so quick that you couldn't even process the softness of Heeseung's mouth against yours.
"Great choice of wine, by the way" he licked his lips before leaving the kitchen, just as quickly as he came in after you.
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Heeseung was right, you two needed to talk. You were just putting it off all day because you felt like a complete idiot, thinking all sorts of bad things about him and your friends when, in fact, Aimi was just a child. And Heeseung's daughter.
All right, he also felt stupid for never mentioning it since the first time you and he started to get even closer, but the real thing was that he was afraid. He didn't want it to always be the same.
You swore that every moment at your parents' house would lead to a conversation with Heeseung because he never took his eyes off you, only to look in on Aimi or help her with something when no adult was doing so. He was such a helpful father and that only made your heart swell even more for that man.
Your mind just didn't process the fact that little Aimi would be clinging to you the moment everyone sat down to lunch.
"Sweetie, let y/n eat…"
"Dad" she pouted as she sat on your lap, smoothing her long hair so that it didn't fall on the plate in front of her.
"It's okay, I think I can help you, can't I, Aimi?"
"Yes" she turned her head to look at you, and that smile like her father's made you smile too.
Aimi was polite, only asked for your help to cut things she had difficulty with, and ate her vegetables without complaining while Heeseung just watched until she finished eating so she could get off your lap. So you could eat right then.
You noticed that Aimi sulked throughout lunch while the others ate until they finished their meal and she held out her arms to you.
"I thought we were going to watch a cartoon" Jay pouted when he saw that Aimi hadn't gone to sit on his lap.
"Actually, uncle Jay thought he'd get away with doing the dishes" you pretended to whisper to Aimi, hearing her giggle immediately afterward "But I think she'd rather stay with auntie y/n now, wouldn't you?"
When she nodded, it was enough for Jay to make a scene in which Aimi laughed even more.
Spending the afternoon with that child was the most incredible thing that could have happened to you over the last few days.
Watching cartoons with Aimi, hearing about colors and how she could count to forty. Or how she knew about animals because uncle Jay had given her a book that made sounds with a magic pen. And he bragged about the compliments in the present.
You felt your heart warm even more when everyone decided to spend time in the back garden, your lap serving as comfort for Aimi who played with the end of your hair until Heeseung signaled that she had fallen asleep on your lap. You didn't mind. She didn't weigh anything, she was cuddling you so comfortably and her little body was sleeping so nonchalantly that you just held her there and paid attention to Heejin's words, who was telling you about something at work.
Your eyes caught Heeseung's from time to time, and he couldn't help smiling as he looked at you and then at Aimi. Your daughter had liked you and that made Heeseung feel better, maybe the fear had passed and he could talk to you.
"Hey, y/n" Heeseung whispered close to your ear. You did everything you could not to move abruptly and not wake Aimi on your lap, so you just looked at him, noticing that his attention was everywhere but on what was happening in front of him.
Now it was your father who was talking about something you and your brother had done during a family vacation. Heejin laughed, asking something and you simply decided to pay attention to the man next to you.
"I can take her inside, I think I'll put her on the sofa because it's getting cold and your arms will go numb afterward" he kept whispering, making you laugh.
"I'll help you" you also whispered, settling Aimi in your arms and getting up with her still on your lap.
This was quite common, considering that Jay was always the one to take Aimi when Heeseung went to family lunches. But now you were there, placing Aimi on the three-seater sofa, wrapping her in cushions, and taking the blanket from Heeseung's hands to cover her carefully.
"She's beautiful" your voice came out so low, the compliment was so natural that you only noticed when Heeseung leaned his shoulder against yours and let out a low laugh.
"I think I did a good job" you laughed along with him, looking away from the little girl to the boy next to you "Do you have some time for me now?"
"Of course."
It couldn't be put off any longer, you knew he wanted to talk too so maybe it was time since everyone was talking outside and Aimi had gone to sleep. It was just you and Heeseung on the other side of the room so as not to wake the little one.
Being on the smaller sofa had never been a problem, but the proximity to him was what was making you apprehensive. Their legs touching each other, Heeseung's hands searching for something to hold, opting to leave it on his knees as he looked across the room. He looked at his daughter.
"It happened in the famous cliché of the first one-night stand in university" he moistened his lips and laughed humorlessly, then looked at you and bit his lower lip "Aimi's mother didn't want to keep her."
"What?" your eyes widened at that. You noticed that he sighed, perhaps he was about to tell you something difficult, so your instinct was to take one of his hands in yours, intertwining your fingers and showing that you were right there. Next to him, listening very carefully.
He sighed, taking a little more courage.
Heeseung and Jay had met and it wasn't by chance, they had been assigned roommates in university as soon as Heeseung had been admitted to his course. He and the boys have been inseparable ever since.
Like any university party, which you knew your brother was part of, Heeseung also liked to have fun like any other adult who had just been admitted and wanted to enjoy his youth. But irresponsibility got to him.
Unprotected and fruitless sex only happened in the movies his sister watched, because it wasn't like that with him. Months later, the news that the girl was pregnant devastated him and he wasn't sure what to do, but he thought that they could take care of the baby and that he would be there to help her.
That's not what happened. Heeseung lived on threats all that time.
I don't want to keep this baby unless you stay with me.
It was cruel, she was cruel to Heeseung. But what could he do? That woman was carrying his baby and he could only try to do everything to please her until the child was born. Aimi was beautiful from the first minutes of her life and was the joy of the Lee family.
"I think we should break up" that sentence made Heeseung sigh with relief, he knew it wouldn't last in a relationship that he had sustained only for the sake of the child.
Agreeing was the only right thing to do. But he also didn't know that she would give up any contact with the little girl, literally taking away any responsibility, walking out and never getting involved in the little girl's life since birth.
"The guardianship is completely yours, and she will never go near my niece again" Heejin had done everything since the second she found out she was going to be an aunt, and she had done everything could to make sure that woman would never go near Aimi.
Almost three years passed and he thought it would be difficult, but no. Heeseung was a father – solo – but he had such an immense support network, like his friends, his family, and Jay's family. Aimi didn't miss a mother figure in the slightest because she was surrounded by the love he always knew she never lacked.
Heeseung's fear revolved around any relationship that wouldn't accept his daughter, or that the child's mother would somehow resurface trying to give up something she never had a right to just because he was moving on with his life.
"I don't think you need to worry about that" you said in a low tone, letting him breathe a little after telling most – or almost all – of the story, "Heejin made it very clear and you know how much weight her words carry."
Heeseung laughed.
He clasped his hands even tighter in yours, tilting his head to rest his forehead against yours too.
"Believe me, over the years I've tried to get into relationships and one of them said that I spent more time with Aimi than with her."
"What—" you moved away for a few seconds, just long enough to face Heeseung, and then returned to your starting position, leaning your forehead against his "I think the danger now is that I'll be spending more time with her than with you."
"Will I be double-changed?" false indignation in his voice and Heeseung's hands loosened from his for a brief moment. You would have protested at the loss of contact if it hadn't been for his fingers slowly trailing up your cheek "If that's the case, I'll take it just fine."
"Then start thinking about it, Lee Heeseung."
"I'm thinking, Park Y/n" and then his lips met yours halfway.
A slow kiss and the perfect movement of each other's lips in such calm synchronicity. It was as if they both needed it as their tongues moved slowly, tasting the drink from hours ago and how Heeseung's warm muscle curled into yours. Your hands met his on his face, deepening the kiss even more and letting out a sigh when he slid down the sofa to be even closer to you.
That kiss was on another level, you felt like you were in paradise while Heeseung's lips were still on yours.
He slid his mouth along your jaw and down to your neck, small kisses left on your skin making you shiver completely until they were interrupted by a whimper.
You and Heeseung separated very slowly, both of you looking at the other sofa and noticing that Aimi was starting to cry quietly as she stood up, scratching at her eyes and with her hair completely messed up.
Heeseung got up from the sofa where the two of you were, walked over to his daughter, and bent down in front of her.
"Hi my love, did you have a bad dream?" he asked her, the little girl's eyes going to her father and they were completely watery. She held out her arms for him to take her, and so Heeseung did. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked back, with no reply. Aimi still had a pout on her lips and her eyes were almost streaming with the tears she was holding back.
That was enough for you to pout at the scene in front of you, holding back a scream as Aimi looked at you and her eyes lit up.
Her little arms went out towards you so excitedly that she almost threw herself off Heeseung's lap. You quickly got up from the sofa and picked her up, kissing her on the top of the head before making her lie on your shoulder.
"Sweetie?" Heeseung called out after she had snuggled into your lap.
"I want y/n" she said sleepily, yawning as she lay on your shoulder and practically falling back asleep within seconds.
You and Heeseung looked at each other, holding back a laugh as the little one went back to dreamland after being snuggled in your arms. He approached the two of you, kissing Aimi's cheek and then kissing your forehead before placing his own against it. Faces close together.
"I think I'm getting your daughter for myself" you hummed, kissing his lips in the process.
Heeseung laughed, nodding in denial as you moved away to go to the larger sofa in the living room.
He wanted to deny it and play with you, but seeing Aimi on your lap and that scene in front of him, all the fear Heeseung had was gone for sure.
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© ikeuverse, 2024. do not copy, translate or steal my stories.
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 4 months
Baby fever Scenarios and Headcanons with Husband!Simon "Ghost" Riley (Ghostie)
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Thank my baby godson for this one, if it hadn't been for him having me take care of him for the whole day then I wouldn't have anything to write because as of now I have no motivation or ideas to continue my past wips. Render credits are all to the lovely @ave661 who keeps feeding us. My little godson still sleeping on my chest, drool, snore and all as I'm writing this. I can't move, please send help. This is so short too, sorry to disappoint you guys 😭
Y'all CANNOT tell me I'm the only one who thinks of Simon "Ghost" Riley having baby fever from his own children (I would give him more, all he needs to do is ask 😭). Also these are basically moments of Simon with Ghostie, just a bit more general in terms of the baby's gender since some of y'all want boy!dad Simon but originally Ghostie is a girl.
My CoD Masterlist
Taglist: @wishesforyou @puff0o0 @simping4konig @blingblong55 @azereus @rustic-guitar-notes @shadofireshinobi @thesnowurzikdjinn @09maruchan @anonymuslydumb @skeletalgoats @icarustypicalfall @ghosts-cyphera @cutenote @connorsui @capuccino192 @miss-gms-and-the-rotten-womb @celestialhole @trepaika @starryylies @everlastingmoonlightsworld
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❥ Babyfever!Dad!Simon who loves to toss the baby up in the air, simply just for amusement and both of them needed entertainment. Safe to say Soap never did that until the little one was a lot older because when he did it, he ended up with a glob of drool on his face.
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❥ Babyfever!Dad!Simon who is always so vocal with his baby, you could just tell the influence of him talking to the baby. Just the rumble of his voice sends the tiny one into a fit of giggles while they're on his chest.
❥ Babyfever!Dad!Simon who was influenced by you to do that viral thing on the internet, people throwing a slice of cheese on their crying baby to make them stop. It worked and they ate it.. now he keeps the fridge stocked with sliced cheese for that reason.
❥ Babyfever!Husband!Simon who was determined to assemble everything, baby's crib, the car seat.. though the bottle sterilizer was something he needed your help with. Both of you trying to figure where the missing piece went only to find your little one chewing on it.
❥ Babyfever!Dad!Simon who comes home late at night yet his little one follows him like a mother duck, as much as he wants to, Simon refused to have contact until he's out and squeaky clean from a shower. Always worrying about how they might catch something from outside while the little one is directly outside the bathroom door waiting for their dad and peeking from the little space underneath the door, knocking every 3 minutes for dada to come out.
❥ Babyfever!Dad!Simon who has the time of his life teaching the baby CPR, it started as a joke between the 141 and now your baby knows the word and knows what to do in response to it, the bunny stuffie is the one receiving the medical attention with the little crisp giggle after Simon praises them.
❥ Babyfever!Dad!Simon who you find laughing his ass off at Soap who was forced by the puppy eyes of your little one to wear a pink tutu that was on the verge of breaking from his size, glittered fairy wings that were made of wire and horrid quality of pink mesh fabric, a plastic tiara and a light up fairy wand. They forced him to do ballet. (Gaz definitely had that as his phone's wallpaper for a month)
❥ Babyfever!Dad!Simon who love cherishing little moments of how the world reminds him of how naive, dumb and gullible his little one could be. Having a leash kid yet for a completely different reason from misbehaving and being too hyperactive. Walking on a bridge with him over a river as a little family outing at the park when your little one pointed at the aggressive stream of water underneath, Simon jokingly asking them if they want to be tossed in and without a word they turn to you with their arms up and wiggling for uppies. When that didn't work they turned to their dad doing the same thing, making Simon chuckle so much that he almost coughed as they slowly let their arms drape back down to their sides, little pout in disappointment. You playfully glared at your husband, having to explain to a toddler why they can't swim in a strong stream of dirty water.
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❥ Babyfever!Dad!Simon who is very much amused about how the baby likes his stuble, hoping he won't cause a rash to them because of how much they press their face into his. He makes sure it's extremely well kept after the very first time it happened 😭.
❥ Babyfever!Dad!Simon who loves seeing his toddler in their sleep shirt which is basically just his shirt drooping on the floor because it's too big for them but the they're chunky enough to keep it on themselves. Just thinking of Simon hearing the loud stomps of footsteps approving their bedroom, the short pause of silence before the frantic sound of the door knob jingling, he always knew who was about to enter the room. Holding their bunny stuffie while pulling on the blanket of their dad's side of the bed to ask him for help to climb up.
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mrsparrasblog · 12 days
Randome TF141 headcanons
Some of them are weird. But I just know.
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Never go to the toilet after him
has a hut in the forest for fishing but mostly ends up fucking a local in there
because this man is a whore
he is still the most loyal when he is in a relationship
his favorite food is Shepard's pie or red jelly but not the green one and no one understands why
has so hard Daddy issues that he fathers everyone
uses AXE dark temptation to get rid of the cigar smell in his house
smells like Tom Ford tobacco vanilla
his love language is gift - giving and acts of service
he is a munch everyone knows it but still he is the biggest munch
Breeding kink
He is a whore but just because he thinks he doesn't deserve more than a one nighstands , please give this man a soft wife to dot on - preferably me
he hates Anal sex but riming is okay in his cards
says he is straight but bottomed Simon and Johnny on many occasions and likes to get blowies from or favorite pretty boy :)
prefers hair down there
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He only Shops at Lidl you will never see him at Tesco or Sainsbury, even with all the coupons and tricks Lidl is cheaper. You will never see him somewhere else.
He hates London with all his heart, if there were a hate page for London he would be the admin. Dirty tube, bad football, and too many tourists.
He has a deep hate against a parrot, if parrots have zero haters he is dead.
Read Jane Austin and enjoyed it.
Has a book of stupid jokes in his apartment and laughs about them
When he is in love he is the cutest man alive, but somehow still creepy, he knows your favorite things in everything even your favorite underwear company even tho you never told anyone.
uses 5 - 1 shampoo .... from Lidl (still very keen on hygiene) 
He watches stepsiblings' porn unapologetically 
Has a mommy kink. I could go into heavy detail about it
He isn't a rough lover more of a service Dom 
Doesn't care about hair down there
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He sometimes feels left out in his family, his siblings have children and "normal" jobs. His family doesn't see his lifestyle as something to be proud of
Except for his mom, he is such a momma boy but in a good way.
Was a sperm doner once (more than once) but only because he is a good guy with fertile genes 
His mohawk was an accident, he decided it looked "fresh" so it stayed.
Watches DC instead of Marvel...... why?
Uses Hugo Boss, bottled Night, got it from his grandma, and never used anything else
Gaz was his BI awakening: after las Almas and the broken shoulder he couldn't wank himself properly, and he got so frustrated because he couldn't even sleep properly with a woman because of it, and he didn't just want to go to the Pub and say "Hey my shoulder is broken can you wank me". So in his half-drunk state, he asked Gaz. And after promising each other they would never talk about it, Kyle did help him. Johnny never cummed that fast. He isn't sure if it was because of Kyle's skilled hands, Kyle's fucking hot body, or that he didn't have a wank in two weeks. And when Kyle licked his cum that was his awakening that he likes men and Women. Of course, he returned the favor after he was healed:)
His favorite porn category is Woman Masturbating or Male Masturbating, everything that is solo is 100000 times better than "real porn".
He lost his Virginity very Young to an older Woman. Johnny always flexed about this, but this isn't a reason to flex.
When you sleep with him - you need to be on the pill because he is mister fucks so hard that every condom breaks.
He wears lingerie sometimes - he pulls it better off than some of us :(
cums way too fast but can last like 4-6 rounds 
loves tit fucking
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smells like Bleu de Chanel 
had a more expensive skincare routine than you 
he loves skincare 
He grew up with two moms.
He loves listening to Taylor Swift. No one can convince me otherwise.
Is deeply in love with me
He played Rugby in school. If he hadn't joined the Military, he would be a professional Rugby player.
Kyle was still somehow that awkward kid in class. Even needed to change the school because he got bullied.
He was disappointed in Johnny's cock sucking skills, but Price is a different breed.
can pull anyone and is mister give everyone an orgasm, not once in his life did he let his lover unsatisfied
had a foursome once when he was like 23, with three girls who were obsessed with him, and who can judge them
he is a guy who doesn't kiss and tell
his fav porn category is Anal Sex
has a CNC kink but is afraid to ask
is shaven down there but doesn't care if you are or not.
I have so much more ahhhh
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daxerian · 10 months
Mama y Papa
Carlos Sainz x Reader x Lando Norris
Warnings: my grammar😻, sickness and fluff
Words: around 4k I think
A/n: I am so sorry I was gone for a month but girlie was sick and wanted to spend time with her friends and family🤞🏼
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Y/N was talking to Carmen about life you know? Work, their relationships, family, etc.
It was a pretty deep conversation until they heard "Y/nnnnn?"
Of course, it was Lando asking his 'grid mum' for something to help him with, which was no problem from her side but when she saw Lando holding a bottle of water and looking a bit annoyed, she couldn't help but chuckle.
"Oh, Lando what's wrong?" Carmen asked smiling knowing that the 2 had a mother/son bond that will never be broken.
"I can't open the bottle and I couldn't find Carlos" Lando answered Carmen. "Hand me the bottle darling" Y/N said while waiting for Lando to give her the bottle. She opened it like nothing and handed it back to him, "There you go" Lando just looked at the bottle for a few seconds and then took it, "Thank you Y/N" "No problem Lando"
It was around 1 am when Y/N found herself looking at the wall cursing herself out for drinking coffee at 7 pm. At least Carlos is having the time of his life sleeping and clinging to her body.
She was snapped out of her thoughts when somebody decided to call her. She only wondered, who the hell would want to call at this hour? Surprisingly it was Lando, she went into an instant worry in seconds and picked up almost immediately.
"Lando, are you okay?" The worry in her voice was incredible because people wouldn't worry like that when their friends called at night, well that was not the case for Y/N and Carlos Sainz.
"Can you pick me up? I'm near the coffee shop you like and it's freezing and I don't have a jacket or a sweatshirt" Lando answered her, "I'll be there" She hung up the phone a started to wake Carlos up. "Carlos, wake up! Carlos!" once he did wake up he asked his wife "What's wrong mi amor?"
"It's Lando" and that sentence was all it took for Carlos to fully wake up. "Well, why are you still laying in bed? Let's go" Carlos hurried his wife out of bed because if something would happen to Lando he wouldn't survive it. He promised himself that he would take care of him the second he met him.
It was the day after the British GP and Lando wasn’t feeling well, was it because he went out clubbing to celebrate? Probably yes.
He tried calling Carlos and Y/N but they weren't picking up, that was the moment Lando accepted his fate. He had to go through the pain alone. Until a miracle happened. Carlos called back.
"Lando, are you okay?" Carlos asked curious, "No, I feel horrible and I've been throwing up" Lando admitted, "You've been what?" it was Y/N's time to ask Lando questions, "Have you taken any sort of medication? You know what, we'll go to the pharmacy and grocery shop so I can make you soup okay?"
Y/N told Lando the plan she created in seconds because there was no way she would let Lando deal with it by himself. Carlos hung up the phone and followed his wife asking her more questions like 'What do we need?' type of questions.
20 minutes later the couple was in Lando's apartment. Y/N made some soup while Carlos had Lando laying in his lap talking to him on the couch. "Lando you will take this after you eat okay?" Y/N showed him the medicine, "Mhm" he answered with this tired tone to his voice which Carlos or Y/N didn't like.
Lando fell asleep on Carlos' lap, and the couple was now having this genuine conversation. "He's like a few years younger than us but acts like a teenager" Y/N couldn't help but chuckle at the last part, "Oy mi amor, he's our son at this point no?" and Carlos was right "Our firstborn!" Y/N added.
Carlos, Y/N decided to take Lando with them for their vacation. They decided to visit New Zealand first, and after that, Carlos and Y/N will be going on a big family vacation to Ibiza.
They went to a restaurant because they got hungry and when they arrived Y/N was ready for this;
"Y/N can you please order for me?" Lando asked politely, "Tell me what you want to eat then". "This pasta and this mixed drink please" Lando pointed at the menu while telling Y/N his order, Carlos just sat back and quietly enjoyed the moment because even though Lando is old enough to be enjoying life on his own, he would rather spend it with the people he idolizes. Carlos and Y/N Sainz.
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sv5hive · 3 months
too little, too late. | lh44
pairing: lewis hamilton x fem!reader
content warning(s): angst, swearing, lewis is a bit of a dick in this sorry, unhappy ending because i love being miserable 🫶🏻
word count: 1,763
note: thank you so much for all the likes and reblogs on my first work a few days ago!! i didn't expect all the love so it is very, very appreciated :) this is a bit long so get comfy! and i also listened to you're losing me by taylor swift while writing so... yeah.
(psst! part 2 is here!)
memories from the night you two met flashed through your mind as you stood alone in the dim kitchen. the hangover from the next morning meant most of the night was a blur of shots, flashing lights and sweaty bodies but those deep brown eyes and endearing smile remained sharply in focus.
you stared at the two cold plates of dinner abandoned on the table and a bottle of wine nearing the end.
where had it all gone wrong?
six years.
six years of supporting him through everything.
and you loved being with lewis no matter what. seeing him in his element while racing was just as exciting for you as it was for him. but when would it end? you couldn't keep your life on pause forever.
back in 2017 when you first started dating you discussed a life of peace. a life with a big family and a nice house in england where your children could grow up normally like the both of you did. and you weren't foolish. you would never truly have peace when you were in a relationship with lewis hamilton, the face of formula 1. but you were willing to give up any sense of normality if it meant you could be with the love of your life.
or so you thought.
years passed as you watched all your friends get engaged and married, settle down and start their own families. at every bachelorette party, wedding reception, baby shower, family event you would be asked the same questions.
"when is he going to pop the question? you two have to get married! i bet he's planning to do it soon."
and every time you would have the same response.
"oh we're just taking it slow. he's pretty busy with racing and we both agreed that it wouldn't be fair for him to be away so much."
and you really did believe that at first.
either you didn't notice the stares of pity or you ignored them to convince yourself that everything was ok. it was only when you brought up the idea of finally having kids that you started doubting yourself.
"hey, lew. i've been thinking."
"hmm, yeah? what about." he replied absentmindedly, still searching netflix for a good movie to watch.
you passed him the bowl of popcorn to hold while you got under the blanket.
"i was thinking that we're finally ready to start a family."
he stilled. that was the last thing he thought you would bring up.
"i want a family too, you know that. but i can't retire without getting that eighth championship. we're almost there. besides, i don't wanna leave you at home with a kid and not be there for every step of the way."
both of you knew at the rate mercedes was going, lewis would need a miracle and a half to win another title against red bull and their rocket ship.
he avoided your eyes and clearly thought that was the end of the matter so you accepted that when he was ready he would tell you. right?
you tossed and turned that night, unable to get the way he brushed off the topic so coldly out of your head. did you imagine it? that flicker of hesitance on his face? a pit of uneasiness settled at the bottom of your stomach as you desperately tried to reason with yourself. no. everything is fine. you had already waited a few years. what was a couple more?
so you tucked away your dreams of a family into the back of your mind for the time being and just enjoyed your relationship with lewis. every date felt like the first and you never wanted your love to end.
"lewis...this is too much!" as you stared in awe at the lone table in the middle of a completely empty restaurant.
rose petals led you two all the way from the entrance to a table with a single rose stood in a vase in the centre as candles flickered softly.
"for you? never."
staring at him in the golden light, you couldn't help but blush at his romantic gesture. he was making up for being away during a triple header and you hated to admit it but you could get used to this.
racing. you smiled at the thought of seeing lewis race. it was like seeing an artist produce a masterpiece every time pencil hit paper. he truly was an incredible sight to see.
you were there for each of his championships since 2017. you witnessed the joy of 2020 and the heartbreak of 2021. you were there, celebrating each win with him and consoling him after each loss, every time. you had fallen in love with the sport you once had no knowledge of just as hard as you had fallen for lewis. you knew how much of a toll each season took on him and you were always going to be there to pick him back up. his world became yours as you met his team and soon enough you were a familiar sight in the mercedes garage.
wasn't seven world championships enough for him?
you would never ask him to give up his career for you. and he would never ask that of you. but after years of waiting for the next step you couldn't help but wonder whether he still wanted that with you.
he was more than an hour late now. both of your schedules had been almost completely full for the past few months and you thought it would be nice to catch up over homemade dinner.
apparently he didn't think the same.
you hadn't bothered calling or texting. he always turned his phone off while at work anyways. as you finished off the last mouthful of wine the jingle of keys and the door unlocking brought you back out of your thoughts.
heavy footsteps trudged through the hallway.
"hey baby, i didn't think you would be up- what's all this?"
"dinner. i've been waiting for two hours now." you turned away from the counter to face him.
"shit. i am so sorry. i just got so caught up at work. we've been trying to improve the car to-"
"-to beat red bull. i know. i know."
"i promise i'll make it up to you. what about dinner next week? at that chinese restaurant you really like?" he walked towards you and went to wrap his arms around you before you pushed him away.
"stop, lewis. just stop. i can't keep doing this." you couldn't look him in the eyes.
a pin drop could be heard as lewis' blood ran cold.
the change in atmosphere almost made you wish you had never said anything. almost.
"i can't keep waiting on you, lewis. i'm sorry."
"i said i would make it up to you." the look of pure confusion on his face would be amusing if it weren't for the fact that you were on the verge of tears.
"it's not just about dinner, lewis."
"then what is it about?"
"everything. god, we've been together for eight years and we're not even engaged and nowhere near starting a family. we have nothing to show for it. i knew i would have to wait and i was fine with that but i just can't anymore. this isn't what i imagined for us."
"so what? you're just going to leave? you know how i feel about having kids."
"and i get that, i do. but are you even planning on retiring in the near future? we're not getting any younger and i've been ready for a while now. i just don't think our ideas of our future are the same anymore."
"am i just meant to drop everything for you then? give it all up?"
"fuck, of course not, lewis. i would never ask you to do that. never. but sometimes it feels like you choose your career over me. and i know what it takes to be in formula 1 to win, i know you need to give it your full focus. i just, i need you to choose me for once. choose us."
"no, you don't know what it takes because if you did, you wouldn't be doing this to me right now. in the middle of the season."
you blinked. once. twice. you couldn't believe what you were hearing.
"are you fucking kidding me, lewis? i'm ending our six year relationship and you're thinking of how it's going to effect your season?"
"yes! fuck, this is my whole life. it always has been and it always will be."
there it is. confirmation from the man himself. you stumbled on your words trying to convey your anger as your blood continuously boiled at his miserable attempt to fix his mess.
"have you ever even thought about how i've felt all these years? giving every excuse in the book to our families and friends about why we haven't taken the next step in our relationship and defending you when they said i was too good for you? you may get to avoid them by going to the races but i don't have that privilege."
your throat was dry at this point as you gasped for air and still, he was stood almost unbothered at the fact you were hopelessly clinging onto the last remaining threads of your relationship, willing him to fight back.
"so that's it? you're not going to stop me?"
tears pooled at your eyes as you realised this was really happening.
"well clearly you've thought this out pretty well."
you didn't know whether to laugh, cry or throw the empty bottle of wine at his head.
"you are fucking unbelievable, lewis. i thought this meant something to you but clearly not."
you stormed towards the door and opened it. you paused while silently hoping he would beg you to stay. hoping he would risk everything for you.
but it never came.
you wiped away your tears and tried to at least sound somewhat assertive despite your voice wavering.
"let me know when you're not at home and i'll come get my things."
you slammed the door shut with a resounding bang and walked away from the place and person you had called home for so long.
he sighed and rubbed his face with his hand. as he moved to get a beer out of the fridge his gaze fell on the calendar stuck to the front. there was a red heart around today's date with "anniversary!" written in your handwriting.
note: yikes. i hope you aren't too sad because of me. any feedback is appreciated!! let me know what else you wanna see :)
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muwapsturniolo · 1 month
✯𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝✯
chris x black earthy/boho!reader
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IN WHICH…Y/n finds a peace of mind with her lover, and his two brothers.
WARNINGS: nothing besides smoking.
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5 a.m.
It was 5 a.m on a Sunday and Y/n couldn't sleep, her mind racing intangible thoughts. With a sigh she carefully sits up, attempting to not wake up her sleeping boyfriend. She successfully does so and begins moving around the room, gathering the items she would need.
She exits the room once she gathers everything, and walks down the hallway, peaking into the guest room to check on Nick and Matt. They decided to come over with Chris and ended up spending the night. She didn't have a problem with it, always hating being alone.
She found their company relieving.
Seeing that the two are still sound asleep, she continues her trek through the big house. She arrives in the kitchen where she grabs a bottle of kombucha out of the fridge, making her way outside barefoot.
She shudders as the crisp california air nips at her skin, not use to the cold that comes in the early morning, and leaves before it even hits 12 p.m. She takes a seat on her poolside couch and sets up her camera, pressing record before rolling up.
"It's currently 5 a.m. and I couldn't sleep, so I decided to come outside and journal while the sun rises." She speaks to the camera softly, her eyes trained on the grinded-up plant in front of her. "The boys spent the night and are currently still sleeping. It was nice having them over, not having to be alone." She lights the joint and inhales the smoke, holding it in for a few seconds before exhaling.
"I'm not sure why I hate being alone so much, I think it's because I came from a big family and I'm not used to quiet...Granted it's never quiet considering my thoughts are always loud but I digress." She stops talking and flips open to an empty page, starting to write all of her thoughts and feelings down. She leaves the camera rolling, figuring she would just make it a time-lapse with some copyright-free neo-soul music playing over it.
She wasn't a typical YouTuber, never doing big fancy things and showing off. She was a more peaceful and serene one, her videos consisting of her lifestyle and talking about her feelings.
Her videos that have done well so far are her lifestyle vlogs, the main points being her smoking, painting, cooking, and shopping for crystals. It seems as if the viewers also love her monthly vinyl reviews, finding the way she expressed her love for music interesting.
That's how Chris found her.
He was looking for a YouTube video to watch before bed and he saw a thumbnail of hers. She was smoking in the thumbnail, a wall of vinyl's behind her as the title read, "fav vinyls this month".
He won't lie, he clicked on it because she was pretty, but he stayed for her personality and the raw emotions she expressed as she talked about the Fugees.
To say the least he went down a rabbit hole and watched all her videos that night, adding some of her favorite songs to a playlist.
Speaking of the boy...
She turned around hearing the patio door open, a soft smile gracing her face seeing her half-asleep boyfriend making his way towards her. "Why the hell are you up so early? And why did you leave me?" He questions plopping down next to her. "Couldn't sleep and I didn't want to bother you with my tossing and turning...Why are you up so early?"
"You know I can't sleep without you." He fixes her legs so he can lay in between them, sighing out as his head meets her soft and plush thighs. She smiles softly and runs her nails along his scalp, caressing his face at the same time. "What were you thinking about?" He mumbles when he notices the journal and pen.
She shrugs, "I'm not sure... My mind was just loud." He opens his eyes and looks up at her in worry. She notices and shakes her head, "Nothing bad, don't worry baby." He nods and relaxes back against her body.
The two lay on the couch in comfortable silence as they experience the twilight, listening to the birds chirp as they awaken from their peaceful slumber. The pool rumbles softly as it begins to clean itself, the water rippling due to the vibrations.
"This is nice," she looks down hearing Chris's groggy voice. "Hm?''
"I said this is nice... Laying here and watching the sunrise with you, not having to worry about what the day brings." She hums in agreement and watches as the skies turn from dark blue to hues of pink, purple, and orange.
The sunrise reflects off of the rippling water of the pool, casting a warm glow on the two bodies. Y/n tilts her head back as she basks in the warm rays. It seems as if her thoughts finally quieted down, giving her a chance to be calm.
Chris stares at his girlfriend, his heart swelling in admiration seeing her in her natural habitat. He truly believed she wasn't meant to be in LA. She was meant to be somewhere that had a bunch of greenery, somewhere that had a waterfall right under the sun so she could bask in it like a cat. Somewhere where she could be free and at peace.
"I can feel you staring at me," she looks down at Chris whose face has a hue of red. "Just admiring you. I can't admire my girlfriend now?" She giggles and motions for him to sit up. She pulls him into a soft kiss, enjoying the warmth of his lips.
"It's six thirty and you two are already being gross." The couple pulls away and looks at a half-awake Nick, and a sluggish Matt. The two make their way over and sit on the ground in front of the couch. "Shut up, I was enjoying time alone with my girlfriend since you two decided to crash last night." Y/n watches as Chris and Nick go back and forth, their banter not making sense since they are both still tired.
"Can both of you shut the hell up? It's early and you two are bitching for no reason." Matt grunts. Chris huffs before settling back down against Y/n, burying his face in her stomach. He kisses the brown skin before fiddling with her waist beads.
The quad dives into a conversation, not talking about anything important per say but just talking. They soon fall into silence, enjoying the peace before they have to go back to their busy lives. Not long after, Y/n's brown cat Janelle, joins them causing Matt to gasp in excitement.
As he plays with her, Y/n rolls another blunt. "I wish I could do this every day. Your house just makes me feel at home." Nick breathes out.
"That's funny considering I only find it to be homey when you guys are here." She grabs her lighter and sparks the pink wrap, inhaling it before handing it to Chris. She watches as the smoke cascades in the sun, creating shapes of different sizes.
"Wouldn't it be crazy if we all just lived with each other?" Matt voices, his tone light as he plays with the cat.
"I wouldn't be opposed to it...We are always with each other anyway." Nick adds.
"I would like that honestly," Chris eyes Y/n as she speaks, his heart racing at her words. He knows it's too soon, the two of them have only been with each other for 7 months. However he knows she's the one, his family loves her, his friends love her, he loves her. She came into his life and watered him like a plant, helping him bloom into something more.
"Fuck it, let's do it!" Everyone turns to Chris in surprise.
Chris sits up and turns his body towards Y/n, "Let's move in with each other...I mean you hate living alone and we are always over anyway. Let's move in with each other."
"Are you sure Chris?" Y/n wants to scream and dance in excitement at the thought of her best friends and boyfriend living with her, but the sensible part of her isn't sure. Granted they have been friends for a year but she and Chris have only been dating for 7 months. "Yeah, I don't have a problem living with you, I think it would be great... I want this relationship to go somewhere...I think you're the one for me."
Y/n feels her eyes burning as the salty tears form, slowly descending down her face. Chris chuckles and pulls the girl into him, holding her tightly.
They all sit in silence, letting Y/n get her emotions out.
After a few minutes, Y/n sniffles and pulls away from Chris.
"I'm in... I want you guys to move in with m-" Before she can finish her last word, she's dogpiled by the three boys, all of them laughing and shouting in excitment.
"Yes! This is so exciting! I'm going to love having a fully decorated house!"
"I get to see Janelle every day!"
"And I get to love on you every day!" Chris pulls her into a deep kiss, ignoring the groans of Nick and Matt.
The two brothers stand up and walk back into the house, leaving the couple alone once again.
They pull away from the kiss, their foreheads touching as they look each other in the eyes, both of their bodies full of love and tranquility.
"I love you," Chris whispers, his voice holding nothing but affection.
"I love you too"
The two lean in once again, their lips touching softly and tenderly.
The sun shines directly in front of them, the camera only able to see the silhouettes of the lovers.
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i was in a fluffly mood so i hope yall like it💕
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clownhousemargarita · 2 months
Can you do a Angel dust x shy (Charlie’s younger brother) male reader, he’s really shy and introverted but likes to sing and perform just like his big sister.
"Kissed?" -- Angel Dust.
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------- Summary: Despite being the Prince of Hell along side your sister, the Princess of Hell -- you find yourself closed off, just like a certain spider you knew. Pairing: Angel Dust x MALE! Reader Warnings: Sexual implications, Objectification, Suggestive. Enjoy. (I kind of left out the singing part, sorry about that. I sometimes just write and let my hands take me wherever.) --------
You loved your sister, you truly did. But good lord was she emotional. Nothing wrong with that, of course. You found yourself holding complicated emotions -- she had her girlfriend to express her feelings and distress to. You always wondered how Charlie could find trust in someone so easily, especially someone in Vaggie's situation. You envied your sister in a way, that she always saw the good in people. You experienced your family break up all in front of you, so you never had a good example of love and trust in your life. Once your mother and father paid enough attention to how you turned out, they did their best to hide it from your sister. The oldest was always the guinea pig child, as they say. This eventually brought out your introverted self, being a polar opposite to your sister and a great point to compare the two of you. When you arrived at the Hotel project your sister had been working on (because your shit ass father apparently had better things to do) , you felt proud of her. She brought in shitty people, attempted to help them, without working on her own problems. So proud.
You immediately found no connection with anyone there, especially Alastor. He gave you a stomach ache, a stomach ache full of daddy issues. You decided to keep away from him. You saw that Charlie already latched on to him. Another example of her trusting people TOO quickly, especially for your liking. You did find one connection though, someone you enjoyed to listen to. Angel Dust. Yes, they fucking porn star. You enjoyed listening to the porn star talking about whatever the fuck he wanted to talk about. You enjoyed hearing him, knowing there was another layer of him to unwrap. You knew he was much more than what was portrayed on television. He was a pretty spider, you understood why so many people found him so attractive. He was charming, cute, his voice was beautiful. That's honestly all you really thought of him, you never wanted to watch his films. Although he claims he gives consent, you felt as though it was disrespectful. It just didn't feel right to watch a man who you talk to get absolutely railed by some OTHER guy, mind you. It upset you, it shouldn't but it did. Which was a feeling you were going to bottle until it erupts on some inconvenient day. While you sat with Angel Dust as the bar, he rambled about how he thinks pigs are better than any animal to have as a pet. Which you entirely disagreed and continued to fight with him about. "You're biased, you have a fucking pig." You roll your eyes, giving him your hand to talk to. "Exactly! Thas how I know ther the best!" He shoots his hands in the air to emphasize his point. You make a talking motion with your hand as a way to mock what he was whining about. "Fuck you, 'm right. Right fat nuggets? Yes I am! Yes I am, daddy will always defend you, baby." His voice broke out into baby talk as his little piglet began wadding towards him. "Literally hate that you just called yourself daddy right now." Angel grins and shrugs. "I don't do it often, it's the other way around." "Oh, hell no." "What! That's my job!" "Shouldn't be." "Why're you hating on me today? You hate my guts!" "Yeah I do." "You should just rearrange them instead." "That's FUCKING insane, Angel." "Tellin' me you don't wanna?" You groan and slap the back of his head. Angel laughed, letting out a little moan before bringing his arms together to push his chest fluff out. "C'mon." He purrs, leaning closer to you. "I don't wanna fuck you." You flick his forehead, backing him bounce back a bit. He whines again, "Why not! I'd fuck you!" You roll your eyes, though you won't deny your flushed face. "You'd fuck everyone." "Not ya sistah." "That's really comforting actually." "I play for one team." "I'm on the bench." Angel laughed, you loved when you made him laugh. The best word to describe him was always just, 'pretty.' His laugh was pretty, his eyes, his makeup, his voice, everything. You clear your throat a bit before attempting something. "Ever actually kissed someone during a scene?" You ask, not looking him in the eyes. "Are ya dumb? Course I have." He tilted his head, raising a brow. "Nah, like an actual nice kiss. Not something aggressive or whatever." He sits there to think a bit, you knew what the answer was but you still wanted to make sure. He then shook his head.
"Do you not watch my films?" He asks before you speak. You shake your head. Angel looks taken aback. "Rude!" You chuckle and shrug. "Doesn't feel right, you're my friend." Angel felt his face flush up as well. Man, you know your fucked up when basic human decency gets you REALLY going. He only hummed. "Anyway, wanna know what an actual kiss feels like?" Angel's head perked up, his eyes were wide. "You wanna kiss me? Then what?" He grinned at the end of his sentence. "Just kiss, fuck. Relax -- tryna take it to base 34 already." You groan, swatting him. "..okay." He mumbled, his face red. "Never seen you red before." You tease, a smile wide on your face. "Fuck you man! Nobody says shit like how you do." You raise your brow this time. "Whaddya mean?" A smile still visible on your lips as you lean in. Angel feels himself start to sweat. "I dunno." He says, a little to quiet. You think he didn't meant to be so quiet, it just came out that way. Your eyes were lidded, "If you kiss me with tongue I'll bite your tongue, cook it, then feed it to Alastor." You threaten. Angel smiles wide, showing his bright gold tooth. "Thanks for the save." You roll your eyes before finally leaning in and pecking him on the lips. Angel opens his eyes, pauses for a second, before leaning back in for a more passionate kiss. His other arms that were above his waist pull you in, making you sit on his lap as you wrapped your arms around his neck, stuffing your hands into his silky hair. It wasn't sexual, it was loving. And it was a bit too much for Angel. He pulled away, his face felt like it was burning. You looked back at him, waiting for a response. "Are you okay?" You ask. He only whimpered in response, leaning in and setting his head on your shoulder. His grip on your waist was tight, he wasn't crying, just processing. You hear him inhale, before finally saying something. "Thank you." It was mumbled, but enough. You smile softly and pet the back of his head. "Of course, stupid."
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lazycats-stuff · 5 months
Jeason todd x Wednesday Addams male reader please
Sure thing anon. Any sort of inaccuracies are on me, it's been a while since I watched any movie or anything related to the Addams family. The gif is also just (Y/N) and Jason. Who is who, it's up to you to decide.
Summary: Jason is dating an Addams.
Warnings: Addams family stuff and everything else.
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Jason is happy. Very happy too, he couldn't say he wasn't. He has met (Y/N) Addams and the two have been dating for about 6 months and have been happy. In their own ways of course.
They met randomly in a coffee shop and exchanged numbers. Jason thought that (Y/N) was cute and adorable, but had something else underneath that exterior. The first time they met, they have talked about murder.
Jason thought that (Y/N) was just a true crime enthusiast. Oh he had no idea how wrong he was, but that would come later. Jason's family didn't know just yet and (Y/N) gave his family some vague answers. The two met at a dark park, per (Y/N)'s request.
Jason was slightly scared, but (Y/N) simply said that he loves the dark. Jason also noted that (Y/N) loved wearing all black clothes. (Y/N) has made a comment during the date that he was allergic to color, expect for black and white.
Jason was fine with it, but found it weird. But has never said anything about it out loud. Maybe he just doesn't like color. That is okay. Damian similar like that so that doesn't strike him as odd. But saying that he is allergic? That was a little bit odd.
Either way, the date very well. Extremely well. Jason was happy that he is going to see (Y/N) again. (Y/N) also felt like the date went well and told his family about Jason. Everyone was excited to meet him and Jason was thinking about telling his family.
On one hand, they would be happy for him, however, they would probably scare him off... Jason was stuck in between a rock and a hard place. He will figure it out soon too. He doesn't worry about it. At all. For now at least.
The Addams family wanted to meet him as soon as possible, but didn't want to push it. Wednesday and Pugsley wanted to meet Jason. I mean, any siblings want to make sure that their sibling dating a good person. Not to mention, they have to look for red flags that the sibling couldn't see due to being in love.
After 3 months of dating, Jason told his family. Everyone was happy for him, each of them in their own way. Bruce wanted to meet (Y/N), but Jason said to give him some time to explore this a little bit more. Okay, fair enough.
Bruce warned other to not even think about looking for (Y/N). Or even investigate. They were all disappointed they couldn't, but they didn't dare to go against Bruce and Alfred. It wouldn't end well for the trio of brothers. But they had to meet (Y/N) soon.
Jason met (Y/N)'s family about six months later. He was invited to dinner. He bought roses for Morticia and a bottle of wine for Gomez. He knew that (Y/N) has a brother name Pugsley and a sister named Wednesday. They also had a butler names Lurch and a grandmother. (Y/N) also mentioned something about uncle Fester, but Jason got lost.
The first thing that made him see that (Y/N)'s family is not normal was the fact that Wednesday threw an axe in his general direction. He caught, courtesy of Bruce and his training and threw it right back at Wednesday, without even thinking.
Jason was horrified when he saw where he threw it, but Wednesday was rather impressed. His reflexes are quick and sharp, clearly looking out for danger when with his brother. Jason had no right to complain or even say anything because Damian would do this.
100%. Jason had no doubt about it.
He handed his flowers to Morticia who was happy to get the flowers and hugged Jason extremely tightly, happy to see her son dating. Jason just stood there, allowing Morticia to hug the living daylights out of him.
After she let him go with a smile and a look to (Y/N) that Jason couldn't even try to decipher, Gomez decided to challenge him to a fencing match. Jason couldn't say no, but he had a wine bottle in his hands.
Lurch took it and Jason was ready, but Morticia said that could happen later. Jason said hello to Pugsley and Wednesday and uncle Fester also came, saying that he couldn't miss meeting his nephew's boyfriend. First one too.
Jason wasn't sure what the hell was going on anymore, but wasn't complaining by any means. The house looked hunted, but the manor would look the same without Alfred. The thing that made Jason question everything was the Thing. A hand that seemingly walked on it's own.
Jason nearly passed out before composing himself. He asked everyone and (Y/N) was now worried about Jason. Oddly enough to the family, he says it's fine and just seemingly moves on. (Y/N) didn't want to question it, but has decided to ask Jason about this later.
The dinner was nice and the Addams' family tree and discussed how their family members went out. Jason was slightly concerned with the ways how they went out, but by God were they interesting ways to go.
Holy shit.
Jason enjoyed his evening there and he was sure that (Y/N)'s parents adopted him. He was 100% sure. Nobody can tell him otherwise. And he found Morticia's and Gomez's relationship completely adorable and cute. He hoped to have such relationship with (Y/N).
Now, the time came for (Y/N) to meet his family. Jason was slightly nervous and asked Alfred to keep everyone in line. Alfred did just that and Jason just loved that man.
(Y/N) made friends with Damian in first 5 minutes. Tim was interested in the stories of the way his family members went out. Damian was going to fence with Gomez and have a knife throwing match with Wednesday.
Tim wanted to hear more stories about the family members and the way they all went out, curious beyond belief. Dick was confused, but didn't say anything. Bruce listened intently and watched the way that the two interacted. Jason was making sure that he was okay and not overwhelmed, holding his hand.
(Y/N) didn't seem to mind and would even lay his head on Jason's shoulder as he talked. Bruce that they cared about one another and that's all that matters, no?
Of course, (Y/N) has brought a gift for Alfred and Bruce. A bottle of wine that has been aged for a long time and Alfred said that he is adopted as of now. (Y/N) smiled at that and Bruce could think about it.
Alfred gave (Y/N) a hug, saying that if anybody touches this wine, there will be hell to pay. Everyone swore to never touch and Alfred will store it later. When (Y/N) and Jason get married somewhere down the line, Alfred will open it then.
It will be in his toast to them.
Jason dropped (Y/N) home and gave him their first kiss in their relationship. (Y/N) and Jason were happy that night and their relationship will grow. And who knows, maybe one day the two will tie the knot and live their life together.
The two families had hoped that the two tie the knot. They looked like soulmates and had hoped that they don't break up.
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wholoveseggs · 3 months
Hey :) How about an idea like this: Elijah and Reader have been close friends. Almost like a couple minus the sex. Elijah opens up about his fear of being physically intimate with anyone because of his past history with women and his fear of falling in love and losing control. Reader shows him that there's nothing to be afraid of. Sweet, smutty, potentially biting ;)
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
After a dinner party with the Mikaelson family, you try to get Elijah to open up his heart to you.
♡♡ Thanks for the request darling @originals23, I love soft and sweet Elijah ♡♡
5.8k words - Warnings: angst, smut, oral sex, blowjob, biting, romantic as fuck, Elijah being so self-loathing...
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Your friend Elijah was the whole package. Smart, witty, handsome, well-read, well-educated, and he dressed in clothes that could pay your rent. He was always so composed and dignified. You had no trouble understanding why a woman would fall for him; he was the quintessential tall, dark, and handsome.
But there was a deep sadness to him lurking underneath, accompanied by guilt and shame. You suspected that Elijah had been through something traumatic in his past, something that he couldn't bring himself to discuss. The most you ever got from him was that he had betrayed someone he had loved.
The two of you spent a lot of time together, taking walks through the city or going to plays. You loved hearing him talk about art, literature, philosophy. His deep, soothing voice made even the dullest subject come alive. You could spend hours with him, listening to him speak.
You wanted to be more than friends and you were putting out very clear signals for a while. He certainly wasn't a stupid man, so you didn't know what was holding him back. You figured he was either not interested in sex or he was scared to take things further.
He was always the perfect gentleman, even though you were pretty sure he was attracted to you. You had caught him glancing at you a few times, particularly when you were wearing something a bit revealing, and you saw his pupils dilate when he looked at your lips. There was always a tension between the two of you, which he was always careful to maintain at a friendly level.
It was getting a bit frustrating. He clearly liked you, so why didn't he just act on it? 
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Elijah couldn't stop thinking about you. He had completely fallen for you, it was a rare and overwhelming feeling for him, and he was terrified of screwing things up. He had spent most of his life avoiding emotional attachment. He had his family, but no one outside of them. Until you came along.
You had managed to penetrate the cold walls that he had built around himself, and now he was in too deep. He couldn't stand the thought of losing you, so he tried to keep things at a platonic level. He was always careful not to let his hands linger on you, or his eyes stray. But sometimes it was so difficult to keep his desire in check.
But there you were, at a quiet dinner party with his family, wearing a red silk dress that clung to every curve of your body, looking like an angel, or a seductress, depending on your perspective. The neckline was low, showing off the top of your cleavage, and the hem was short, revealing the length of your legs. And it was tied in the back by these little strings, making it tight across your breasts. He couldn't stop thinking about undoing the strings and letting your breasts fall free.
The whole night he struggled to keep his eyes from wandering to you, his imagination from running wild. He couldn't stop thinking about how the silk would feel beneath his fingertips, the way your skin would feel, warm and soft against his hands, the sounds you would make as he took you apart, bit by bit.
But he had to ignore it all, you were a beautiful butterfly, and he didn't want to pluck your wings. He was determined to remain your friend and nothing more.
"Elijah darling, will you hand me that bottle of margaux?" Rebekah asked, nodding towards the wine rack.
Her words snapped him out of his daydream, and he reached for the bottle in question. He was pouring the wine into a glass for his sister when you spoke up.
"Can I have a glass too?" You asked, smiling at him.
He had been avoiding even looking at you all night and it hurt your feelings. You dressed up just for him, hoping that he would finally take the hint and realize that you were interested in him. He was always so composed, so restrained, but you had caught him looking at you several times and his gaze had been so intense, so heated, that it left you breathless. You were determined to take any opportunity to interact with him.
"Of course." He murmured, pouring the wine into a glass and handing it to you.
His fingers brushed against yours as he handed you the glass, sending a spark through your body. Your eyes locked for a moment and the air between you was charged with tension. His lips parted slightly and his eyes darted to your mouth, a flash of heat passing over his face. You felt your pulse quicken and your breathing become shallow. It all happened so fast, but it made you hopeful that he might actually reciprocate your feelings.
"Thank you," you whispered, bringing the glass to your lips and taking a sip.
The wine was rich and sweet, and the liquid slipped down your throat easily. You closed your eyes, savoring the taste, before opening them again and meeting Elijah's gaze.
"How have you been? We haven't talked in a while." You asked, trying to break the awkward silence.
"I've been fine, just busy with work," he replied, his eyes drifting over to where his brother Klaus was seated next to Rebekah.
You felt a little bold from the wine and you placed your hand on his knee. "You seem a little tense. Are you sure everything is okay?"
He froze, his eyes darting down to your hand and back up to your face. You smiled reassuringly and squeezed his knee. Elijah hated when you did this, he didn't like to feel afraid, and the sensation of fear, of his body tensing up and his heart racing, it all brought back memories that he had spent years burying.
He cleared his throat, "Yes, I'm fine, I just have a lot on my mind."
You nodded, sensing his discomfort. You were used to his aloofness, but it had never bothered you before. You knew he was a reserved man and that he had a lot going on in his head. But now, with you, it felt different. Like he was pushing you away, keeping you at a distance.
You turned to talk to Freya, trying not to let your disappointment show. You knew it was ridiculous to think that he would want you like you wanted him. He was your best friend and he probably didn't even think of you like that.
You looked around the table at everyone, you were the only one there that wasn't a Mikaelson or their partner. You were always welcomed like you were a part of the family, but tonight, it felt different. Everyone else was so happy, so in love, and you were alone.
After dinner, everyone gathered in the living room, the lights were dim and there was a roaring fire going in the fireplace, casting a warm glow over the room.
You sat on the sofa, next to Klaus, who was engrossed in a conversation with his brother Kol. You took another sip of wine and glanced around the room, watching as couples cuddled and kissed, enjoying the atmosphere.
Elijah walked in with some wood to add to the fire, he took off his suit jacket and rolled up his sleeves, showing off his strong, muscular arms. You could see the outline of his biceps through his shirt and you bit your lip, trying not to imagine how they would feel wrapped around you.
He leaned down to place a log on the fire, there was something so primally attractive about watching a man build a fire, and you found yourself imagining Elijah naked, his body covered in sweat, his muscles rippling as he worked.
Your heart began to race and your breathing quickened. You shifted on the couch, pressing your thighs together, trying to ease the ache that was building there.
Klaus got up and put a record on, the soft sultry tones of Nina Simone filed the room. You watched Klaus take Cami's hand and lead her to the middle of the room. He placed his hand on her hip, pulling her close to him, and they began to sway together, their bodies moving in perfect harmony.
The other couples followed suit, and soon the room was filled with music and laughter and the soft murmur of whispered words.
Your eyes wandered to Elijah, the only other one not dancing, and he was looking back at you. The firelight reflected in his eyes, making them look like pools of molten chocolate. You stood and crossed the room, offering your hand to him.
He hesitated, glancing at his siblings, all so lost in their own lovers, then back at you. "Will you dance with me, Elijah?"
He looked nervous and uncomfortable, but he nodded and took your hand. You led him to the middle of the room and placed your hand on his shoulder, interlacing the fingers of your other hand with his.
Elijah's heart was in his throat, the feeling of your body so close to his was overwhelming, and his mind was racing, trying to figure out what he should do next. You started swaying slowly, following the rhythm of the music. He felt stiff and awkward, not sure where to put his hands.
"You can touch me 'lijah," you whispered, placing his hand on the small of your back.
Your words sent a jolt of desire through him, his skin tingling where it made contact with yours. He swallowed hard, his mind a jumble of thoughts and emotions. You were looking at him with your beautiful eyes, filled with trust and affection.
The air between you was heavy with tension, and he knew if he didn't put some distance between the two of you, he would do something he would regret. But he couldn't tear himself away from you, the magnetic pull between you was too strong.
You placed your hand on his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart, and you leaned in closer, your lips almost touching his. You could feel his warm breath on your skin, his body firm and warm beneath your touch.
"Tell me what's wrong," you asked softly, looking into his eyes.
He shook his head, his voice barely a whisper, "I can't."
"Yes, you can," you reassured him, stroking his cheek, "Just tell me, I won't judge."
He let out a long sigh and looked around at the others, each lost in their own little world. He couldn't do it, not here, not now.
Your heart broke at his unwillingness to open up to you and you could no longer stand to have him so close. You pulled away from him, and a flash of pain and confusion crossed his face.
"I need some air," you said, turning and walking out of the room.
Elijah watched you go, his mind a whirlwind of emotions. He was frustrated and confused and he didn't know what to do. He knew he should follow you, talk to you, try to explain himself. But he was frozen in place, paralyzed by his own fear and indecision. In that moment he realized he had no choice, he could either wallow in his own misery and lose you or he could face his fears and hope you still wanted him.
He went outside, finding you standing under the stars, your arms wrapped around yourself, staring out into the night.
"I'm sorry," he said, his voice thick with emotion, "I didn't mean to upset you."
You turned to him, your eyes shining with tears, "I just want you to be honest with me, Elijah."
He stepped closer to you, reaching out and gently brushing a tear from your cheek. "I am afraid, Y/N."
"Of what?"
"I'm afraid that if we take our relationship further, I'll lose control. That I'll hurt you," he admitted.
You chuckled softly and shook your head, "You could never hurt me, Elijah."
He gave you a sad smile, his voice barely above a whisper, "I wish that were true."
You could tell there was more he wanted to say, but he was struggling to find the words. You took his hand and looked up into his dark brown eyes.
"Talk to me," you said softly.
He let out a long breath, steeling himself for what he was about to say.
"Before I was turned, I met this woman, he name was Tatia," he began, his voice shaky, "she was my first love, and I would have made her my wife,"
"But you were turned vampire," you said softly, touching his arm.
"Yes," he sighed, his expression pained, "only a few days after I was reborn did I take her life,"
"Oh my god," you breathed, not able to imagine such a tragedy, "it wasn't your fault, Elijah, you had no control,"
"It is not so simple," he replied, looking away from you, "I..."
"It is that simple, I know your heart Elijah, and I know you would never intentionally hurt anyone you love," You interjected, placing your hand over his heart, feeling it beat steadily, and he covered your hand with his.
"I'm not a good man," he whispered, "I've done horrible things, hurt people, killed people."
You placed your other hand on his cheek, looking into his eyes. You could see the pain, the shame, the guilt, the weight of his sins drowning him.
"If you weren't a good man you wouldn't feel any shame," you said, your voice barely above a whisper, "You're not a monster."
"I am," he insisted, his eyes welling up with tears, "I have snuffed out precious life, I've picked the wings off every beautiful butterfly that has landed on my hand," his voice cracked, and he turned his face away, unable to look at you.
You took his chin in your hand, turning his head back to face you. You could see the anguish in his eyes, the pain that he had carried with him for so long. He let you pull him close, his face buried in the crook of your neck.
"There is light in you, Elijah," you said softly, "I can see it."
He pulled back and looked at you, his eyes searching yours.
"I'm a monster," he repeated, shaking his head, "I'm not worthy of your friendship, much less your love."
"That's not your choice to make," you said firmly, "only I get to decide who's worthy of my heart," you leaned in and pressed a kiss to his cheek, his stubble tickling your lips, "and I choose you."
He turned his head slightly, his lips grazing yours, and your breath caught in your throat. Your heart was racing, and your body was humming with anticipation.
He cupped your cheek, his thumb tracing the line of your jaw, and he leaned in, closing the gap between you. His lips were soft and warm, and you could feel the electricity flowing between you. You melted into his touch, his kiss igniting a fire within you.
Your hands traveled up his chest and around his neck, pulling him closer, and he groaned against your mouth.
"My sweet Elijah," you murmured, tangling your fingers in his hair, "I've got you."
You felt his arms wrap around you, his fingers digging into your hips, and a thrill ran through you.
Elijah couldn't believe how good it felt to hold you like this, his body pressed against yours, your scent surrounding him, your lips against his. He was lost in the sensation, the pleasure of being so close to you, the way you made him feel, he had to have all of you.
"Come," he said softly, taking your hand and guiding you inside.
You followed him, your heart racing, the heat from his hand searing your skin. You didn't know what was going to happen, but you knew it was something special.
You climbed the stairs, your breathing ragged, anticipation coursing through your veins. He led you down the hallway and into his room.
The air was thick with tension, the energy between you palpable. You could see his shoulders were tense, his muscles coiled.
You could tell he was still conflicted, the war raging inside him. You wanted him to know that he was safe with you, that you could give him the love and affection he needed.
You undid the strings on your dress, letting the silk slip from your body, pooling at your feet. All you were left in was your panties, your breasts exposed to him.
He stared at you, his gaze roaming over your body, drinking in the sight of you. You reached out a hand to him, inviting him to touch you.
He slowly crossed the room, his eyes never leaving yours. He was drawn to you like a magnet, unable to resist the pull.
You placed your hands on his chest and slowly began to unbutton his shirt, revealing the smooth expanse of his chest. Your fingers traced his skin, reveling in the feeling of him. You tugged his shirt from his shoulders, tossing it to the floor, your fingers exploring the planes of his stomach and chest.
"You are so handsome," you murmured, looking into his eyes.
He kissed you again, his lips parting as your tongue met his, and the passion between you ignited. Your hands went to his belt buckle, and you undid his trousers, sliding them down his hips and letting them fall to the floor.
He smiled softly, his hands going to the small of your back and pulling you in closer. You moaned at the feeling of his hardness pressed against you, and you rubbed your body against his, reveling in the sensation.
Elijah broke the kiss, backing you up towards the bed. Your legs hit the mattress, and you fell onto it, your hair spilling out around you. He looked down at you, his eyes dark with lust. You bit your lip, the heat between your legs growing as you saw how much he wanted you.
He hummed in approval and bent over you, his lips traveling over the column of your throat. Your breath was coming in shallow pants as he nibbled and licked his way down your chest. He paused at your breasts, taking a nipple into his mouth, and you gasped, arching your back.
You threaded your fingers through his hair as he worshiped your body with his mouth and hands. He worked his way lower, leaving a trail of kisses and nibbles across your stomach. He hooked his fingers in the waistband of your panties, slowly peeling them down your legs and discarding them on the floor.
You spread your legs for him, your pussy on display, he kissed his way up your thigh, nibbling and licking the skin. His lips found your clit, and sucked on it gently, drawing small circles with the tip of his tongue.
Elijah had dreamed of being with you like this, of being the one to bring you pleasure. He was lost in the taste and feel of you, the tiny moans you were making spurring him on.
He eased two fingers inside of you, and you let out a gasp of pleasure. He slowly moved his fingers in and out, the pleasure building inside of you, the sensation making your toes curl.
You had assumed he would be good in bed, but this was a whole other level. He was clearly an expert with his hands and mouth, and he was intent on making you come undone.
You could feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, your body humming with pleasure, your heart pounding in your chest. When he let out a groan of pleasure you came apart, your pussy clenching around his fingers, a wave of pleasure washing over you.
You fell back onto the bed, panting, your body limp and boneless. Elijah sat back, watching you as you recovered from your orgasm, a self-satisfied smirk on his face.
You grinned at him, "You've been holding out on me."
"I'm glad I didn't disappoint," he said with a chuckle.
He lay down on the bed next to you and you got on your knees. He was looking up at you like he'd just won the lottery. You bent over him and began to trail kisses across his chest, your tongue tracing the lines of his muscles.
You took his cock in your hand, stroking his hard length slowly, and you looked up at him. He looked so beautiful and vulnerable like this, his face relaxed, his lips parted, his eyes full of trust and affection.
You slowly slid your lips around his head and began to gently suck and lick, you saw his hips jerk, a moan escaping his lips. His fingers found their way into your hair, lightly caressing you as you took him further into your mouth.
You let your saliva gather, coating your mouth, the sweet tang of precum coating your tongue as you lapped at his slit. You slid your tongue down the underside of his shaft, your tongue fluttering against the soft, sensitive skin there.
He felt so good, the weight and warmth of him in your mouth, his hands in your hair. You could tell he was getting close, his breathing heavy, his muscles tight. You could taste the salty pre cum spilling out of him, his hips starting to rock. Always so sweet and restrained, always so careful with you.
You moaned around him, the vibrations sending him over the edge. He let out a low groan of pleasure as he came in your mouth, his body tense as his release took him.
You gave little swallows, pulling all you could from him as he softened in your mouth. You looked up at him, your lips still toying with the head of his cock and he smiled softly, his hand coming up and wiping away a dribble of his cum.
Elijah could hardly believe you were in his bed, that he was with you like this, your mouth on his cock. You made him feel things he had never felt before, made him want to lose himself in you.
You placed a kiss on his lower abdomen and slowly moved up, straddling his hips. He sat up and kissed you, his tongue parting your lips as he explored your mouth. His hand trailed up your thigh to the curve of your ass and you pressed closer to him, your body flush against his.
Elijah was overjoyed that he was about to make love to you, his friend, the person he loved and trusted the most. You had been the only person he had ever opened up to about his past. The only one who had ever seen him so vulnerable. He never expected it would lead to this but he was glad it had.
You nuzzled into the crook of his neck, your nose brushing his skin. His hands explored the smooth curves of your body, his fingers digging into the supple flesh of your hips. You kissed along the curve of his jaw, his stubble tickling your lips.
"This feels nice, I like touching you," you murmured, smiling up at him, your heart full of affection for him.
"It do too," he replied, his eyes never leaving yours.
His hand moved down the outside of your thigh to your knee, drawing circles on the soft skin there. He moved your legs slightly, letting him take control, your heart raced with anticipation. He spread your legs a little more, his fingers trailing up the inside of your thigh, teasing you, leaving you wanting.
You bit your lip as you watched his hand move further up your thigh. You could feel the heat of him as his hand got closer to where you wanted him the most. He kissed you as his fingers gently grazed over your clit, and you moaned softly.
Your fingers trailed over his chest, teasing him in turn, as he continued to stroke you. The softness of his touch combined with his strength was a heady combination. 
"Elijah," you gasped, his fingers slipping into you.
He hummed in response, a deep, pleased rumble as he moved his fingers in and out of you slowly. His cock was hard, throbbing as he pleasured you. The air around you was thick with desire as the two of you gave in to your desire.
"Please," you breathed, looking up at him with half-lidded eyes.
He smiled and removed his fingers from your dripping cunt, wrapping your legs around him, pulling you in closer. You took his cock in your hand and guided him into you, his length filling you slowly.
Your eyes met as he sank into you, his eyes full of adoration, the intimacy between you intense. His hands went to your hips and he slowly rocked you against him, your breasts pressing into his chest.
Soft, wet sounds filled the air as you began to move together, his hips pressing up into yours as you rolled your hips against him. You kissed his chest, licking and nibbling, making your way up to his throat, his stubble tickling your cheek as you left small love bites.
Your clit was rubbing against the base of his cock and you were starting to feel that sweet ache deep inside you as your pleasure started to build. He felt so good, his hands gripping you tightly, pulling you close as you both rocked and grinded together.
His eyes were turning black, veins snaking under his skin and his fangs descended. Your blood was pounding through your veins and you were both breathing heavy. He was trying to fight it, not wanting you to see that side of him, he wanted to be gentle with you. He'd never let his guard down with anyone.
You were fascinated by it, the way he was starting to let go. The way you were getting to see him like this, so raw and vulnerable. You felt closer to him than you'd ever felt to anyone and it filled your heart with so much joy. You brought a hand up to trace the moving veins, feeling them throb under your fingers, the way the skin tightened around his eyes.
"It's okay, you don't have to hide," you said softly, cupping his face.
He leaned into your touch, his eyes closing. You felt his muscles relax and you felt a thrill go through you knowing that he was letting you in. You began to bounce slightly on his lap, taking his cock deep inside you.
He groaned as you tightened around him, the heat inside you growing. He held you close, his breathing ragged, your skin hot and slick as your bodies moved together. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent as he kissed and licked your throat.
Your head lolled back, baring your neck to him, the trust you felt for him made him feel a wave of affection for you. You could feel his fangs grazing your skin and you knew what he needed. You could feel the hunger coming from him.
You brought a hand to his head, holding him close, and you tilted your head further. You were offering yourself to him, offering to share in your most intimate moment with him, to feed him.
"It's okay baby, you can taste me," you murmured, stroking his hair.
He let out a growl as he sank his fangs into you, your sweet, coppery blood flooding his mouth. His grip on your hips tightened as he held you against him, your bodies flush against one another, as he drank.
He felt a rush go through him, your blood invigorating him like a drug, filling his body with warmth and pleasure. The sweetness of you, the softness of your skin, the scent of your arousal filling his nose was making him lose all control.
In one swift movement he flipped you over, his weight on top of you, his hips never leaving yours as he pinned you beneath him. He was taking control, taking what he wanted, the look of pure bliss on your face making him fall further.
You spread your legs wider, your hands digging into the muscles of his back, and you ground yourself against him, the new position letting you take him in deeper. You felt his tongue trace the wound in your neck, the pleasure of him drinking from you making you moan.
Elijah pulled away, looking down at you. Your skin was flushed, your hair fanning out around your head, your chest heaving as you caught your breath. He'd never seen anything more beautiful in his long, long life. He wanted to share everything with you, the dark and light, the pleasure and the pain. You were the person he loved the most and he wanted you to feel just how much he adored you, needed you.
He kissed you with an intense passion, pouring all of his love into you. He was done holding back, done denying himself of you. He'd loved you from afar, his desire for you growing. You had shown him a new kind of affection, a different way to see the world.
He gently bit down on his lip, sharing his blood with you. You were eager as you licked it away, savoring his taste. You felt him deep in your soul, your blood singing with pleasure. The intimacy of it, of sharing something so deeply personal, had your heart full to bursting.
The room was filled with the sound of your panting and moans, the wet sounds of your bodies coming together, and your hearts were beating in sync. He moved in a deep, steady rhythm, his eyes never leaving yours, his gaze full of tenderness.
His hands traced up the sides of your body, leaving a trail of goosebumps, before finding your wrists, he pinned them to the bed above your head, his weight pressing you into the mattress. You could feel how close he was, the muscles of his arms tight, his back tense as he tried to hold back his release.
He could feel it, the warmth deep in his core, the need to release building. He wanted you to come with him, to share in the pleasure with him. You wrapped your legs around him, drawing him in closer, your hands gripping his as he pinned you to the bed.
"Let go baby," you gasped, the words falling from your lips, the heat between your legs building to a peak.
His pace quickened and you were right there with him, the pressure inside you building to a peak as you teetered on the edge, and you let out a low moan as your pleasure crested and crashed through you, the orgasm rolling over you like a wave. You were both coming together, the sensation of being inside you as you clenched and trembled around his cock pushing him over the edge.
You rode it out, clinging to one another, lost in the sensation as the wave of pleasure ebbed and flowed through your bodies, his warmth spreading deep inside you, your blood pounding in your ears.
He buried his face in the crook of your neck and he bit down again, sharing in your ecstasy, the sweetness of you flowing over his tongue, the way your body felt clenching and fluttering around his cock as he emptied himself inside of you, it was bliss.
He drank slowly, your hands tangled in his hair, your body pressed close to his, the warmth of your release coating his cock. You were limp, exhausted in the most satisfying way, his cock softening inside of you, his breathing coming in shallow pants.
He pulled away and kissed the wound tenderly, sealing it up with the warmth of his tongue as he slowly lapped away the blood. He nuzzled into the crook of your neck, the feel of his skin on yours so intimate and right.
"You okay?" He asked, his voice soft.
You turned his face to yours and you smiled. You leaned in and kissed him, softly at first, but you found yourself deepening the kiss. Your body responded to him immediately, desire beginning to simmer once more.
"I love you," you said softly against his lips, your eyes searching his.
You had always been afraid to tell him how you felt. You knew it might ruin what you had but you couldn't hold back. Not after this. Not after what had just happened. You knew the feeling was mutual, he loved you, he always had, and it made you so happy you could cry.
"I love you," he breathed, his eyes full of affection, and it made you melt.
"Can we stay just like this?" You asked, feeling a blush creep up your face, and he smiled and nodded.
He gathered you into his arms and laid back on the bed, pulling the comforter over you as you curled up against him, your head on his chest, his arms holding you tight. You were content to lay there, the slow rise and fall of his chest beneath your head as you lay wrapped in one another's arms.
Elijah could feel you dozing off as the night grew later. You were exhausted but content, and you wanted to stay with him, just like this, for as long as you could.
He had made many mistakes in his long life, he had hurt people, he had done terrible things. He never thought he would be able to have anything good like this in his life, he didn't feel like he deserved it. 
But as you slept peacefully in his arms, he couldn't help but think that he must be doing something right.
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theemporium · 3 months
this is a repost of an old blurb, hence why some of you may recognise it. however, i didn't feel comfortable keeping the original up. this has been rewritten to explore trouble and gp's relationship and i think it's much cuter🫶🏽
series masterlist
You knew Silverstone was going to be different.
With an audience and fanbase as passionate as the kind you’ll find in Silverstone, Max had already warned you that it would be intense. They didn’t like him. No matter how many years passed, no matter what he did, no matter what anybody said—they did not like Max Verstappen and he didn’t lose any sleep over it. 
But he knew that because of their hatred for him, the people close to him were affected as a result. He hated that he couldn’t change that. He hated that his family and his team and his friends felt the repercussions of it. He hated that there was nothing any of them could do about it. 
And despite his warnings, you didn’t think it would be this bad.
With no reason to wake up as early as he did to meet with his trainer and team before the race, it meant you headed over to the paddock a few hours later. You had your phone in one hand to message Max you were just making your way to the entrance and your paddock pass in the other when everything happened so fast. 
There was yelling and shoving and words thrown at you that cut a little harder than they should have. There was security pushing the crowds away and a guiding hand on your back pulling you into the safety of the paddock, but you were jerking away from the unfamiliar touch. 
Your chest felt funny and your eyes couldn’t focus on anything in front of you, and every cell in your body wanted to scream out for Max, but the thundering heart that felt like it was in your throat prevented you from even letting out a peep. 
Every sound was too loud and the sun was too bright and the clothes on your body were too itchy. Everything was too much. Far too fucking much and yet—
“Breathe with me. C’mon. Just like that.”
You blinked. And then you blinked a few more times before your vision cleared and the image of Max’s race engineer standing before you was clear. 
His hands were on your shoulders, his brows were furrowed in concern and he looked at you as though you were his number one priority. Not the team he was leading at the pitwall or Max on the other side of the radio, but helping you through your shaky breathing and blurry vision. 
“GP?” You whispered out, watching as he smiled at your recognition. 
“C’mon, let’s get you away from all this mess, okay?” He murmured, waiting to see if you wanted to pull away from his hold or not. However, when you leaned further into his embrace, he tucked you protectively into his side before he began guiding you towards the Red Bull motorhome. 
You reached Max’s driver room as GP opened the door, letting you get settled onto the couch as he reached over for one the water bottles lying on the table to hand to you. You took it with a small but grateful smile, your shaky hands screwing the lid off before you took a sip.
“Max is just in a meeting with the media team, he should be out soon,” the older man reassured you, his eyes still holding his concern even if you seemed better now. “He shouldn’t be long.”
You nodded, giving him a smile. “Thank you, GP.”
“Always. You’re a part of the family,” he said, and maybe he knew how deeply his words meant to you or maybe he didn’t. But they warmed your heart nonetheless.
“Can you stay until Max gets here?” You asked, your voice so soft and hesitant, but your nerves washed away when he grinned back at you.
“Of course,” he said as he settled into the couch next to you, one arm thrown over your shoulder and tugging you back into his side in a protective embrace.
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junnieverse · 9 months
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➙ drunk boyfriend enhypen thoughts
pairing: enhypen x gn!reader
genre: crack, fluff
request: " i just want to say that the enhypen drunk series (?) is so cute. can i request that you do one of where the members don’t recognize their partner bc they’re drunk and tells them to back off LAMSOSKD i’ve seem sm tiktoks on this "
warnings: for obvious reasons ni-ki was not included, mentions of alcohol/drinking, lowercase intended, not proofread
a/n: had a brainrot moment so I hope nothing sounds too repetitive or 'boring' but I also hope it makes you all laugh, thanks anon!
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🖇️ — 양정원 ; JUNGWON !
"Jungwon calm down baby, it's just me!" you try to reason with him as he hid behind jay
"Stop saying we're dating! I don't know who you are, Jay tell them to get away!" he defends himself as jay awkwardly laughs being trapped in the middle
what was once a night out with the guys soon turned into jungwon trying to kick you out of your own house because he claimed you were a crazy fan that broke in claiming to be his partner
your boyfriend didn't enjoy drinking to begin with but his members convinced him to have a few celebratory drinks and he had one too many he could handle
"I know taekwondo! I-I won't fight you but I will if necessary. What did you do to my partner?" he said glaring at you lifting up his tiny fists as his cheeks and ears became more rosy tinted
jungwon was usually pretty calm, but seeing as he could barely recognise you and he thought you were kidnapped or hurt he got quite riled up and defensive
looking over to jay you shake your head in disappointment knowing you would have to deal with your boyfriend who didn't even want to be near you
"Look what you guys did, you broke him."
🖇️ — 이희승 ; HEESEUNG !
"This is insane... I didn't know (y/n) had an identical twin, the resemblance is uncanny." heeseung says poking your cheek
asian flushed and completely wasted, dealing with a dazed heeseung who didn't recognise you was not part of your plans at 2 am on a sunday
"That's because I am (y/n), I don't have a twin baby." you correct him swatting his hand away from your face
suddenly becomes more giggly and nothing he says makes sense anymore
"I have the best partner actually. I haven't seen them today though, but it was great meeting you, the family genes must be super strong. Woah, you even have the same mole on your nose like they do, that's crazy!" your boyfriend says clapping as he covered his mouth in shock
"Lee Heeseung, we've been together for 3 years and you know I only have an older brother. I don't have a twin." you remark once again trying not to shake him so he gets back to his senses
no matter how many times you try to tell him you're dating him, he still believes you're just his partner's identical twin
wakes up the next morning asking where you were the entire night and how he met your 'twin' he hadn't known about
🖇️ — 박종성 ; JAY !
jay knew how to handle his liquor quite well but it seemed he had something stronger he couldn't handle
when he was drunk he was either extremely loud or just quiet and stoic, no in between
unfortunately tonight he was on the more reserved and quiet side of his drunkenness
what you weren't expecting was for your boyfriend to be drunk to the extent of not recognising you
"Here's some water to help you sober up honey." you say giving him a bottle of water to which he shook his head pushing it away
"If this is your way of flirting, I'm not interested. You can leave." he says coldly not even glancing at you
to say you were shocked was a complete understatement, you were flabbergasted, appalled
"Jay what, you're literally dating me." you say not believing how incredibly drunk he was
"I think I know what my partner looks like thank you very much, and how do you even know my name-" he asks glaring at you as a small hiccup escapes from his lips
at some point, you couldn't even get through to your stubborn boyfriend and his friends had to help him sober up before he finally started to recognise who you were
🖇️ — 심재윤 ; JAKE !
jake drinking was one thing, he could handle himself
jake drinking with friends and really letting loose was another thing
everything would be going well up until the blackout stage
finding your boyfriend passed out at the table you had reserved you shake him awake and he looks at you confused
"Let's go home baby, you're extremely drunk now." you tell him running a hand gently through his hair
"I'm sorry but who are you?" jake asks trying to keep his eyes open as his speech came out slurred and soft
"I'm your partner Jake." you laugh at the confusion
his eyes suddenly widen as he steps away from you seemingly to have his sleep kicked out of his body
"No way! I have a girlfriend already, her name is Layla!" he says with a slight stutter which usually happened when he blatantly lied
"Jake, sweetie... Layla is your dog."
🖇️ — 박성훈 ; SUNGHOON !
this was your first time witnessing sunghoon being this drunk
I'm taking wasted to the point that your own boyfriend couldn't even recognise you and it was breaking your heart
"Sunghoon, it's me love, stop trying to run away." you say chasing after him across the playground as he hid in one of the tubes
"Leave me alone! I don't know you! My mom said not to talk to strangers." he said glaring at you as you laughed softly at his childish manners
heeseung mentioned he was drunk but never did you expect him to have been on this level
"I'm your partner Hoonie, did you really forget me." you pout trying to crawl over to him in the tube
"Well whoever you are, you're nice and all but my partner probably thinks I'm missing so I need to go find them." he pats your head leaving through the slide as you sigh to go after him once again
he did eventually come back to his senses but he didn't remember half of what happened
"Where have you been?? This one weirdo kept following me around claiming it was you." he whispers the last part looking around afraid he was still being followed by the 'stranger'
how this tall man managed to squeeze into those tiny play area tubes remains a mystery
🖇️ — 김선우 ; SUNOO !
"You remind me alot of my partner. Not only do you look alot like them but you're sweet and funny too." sunoo tells you as he hiccuped
"That's because I am your partner angel." you say to him with a soft smile
here you were with an arm around a drunk sunoo taking him home after a night out with friends at a bar
although it seemed your boyfriend had a little too much because he couldn't recognise you
he simply thought you were a kind stranger who was helping him that oddly knew his name, knew where he lived and looked extremely alike to his lover
nothing out if the ordinary, plus he was too drunk to analyse and question how weird everything seemed
"No you aren't, my partner always has our matching ring on." he says with a pout showing you the ring on his pinky finger
lifting your hand you show him the ring and his eyes immediately widen
"You stole it from them!" he accuses you as he gasped in shock
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peachypinkygloss · 1 year
hii hope you're doing fine! sooo i would like to request a stepbros!rapline x big boobs fem!reader where they have a cnc or noncon free use(including somno) relationship with her and then one of them had the brilliant idea of inviting some of their friends(it can or cannot be the rest of the tannies, up to u) to their house and fuck her in from of them, doing a whole show
all of this with lots of dirty talk, a bit of spit kink, degradation, daddy/sir kink, one of them being monster cock, and u can add more if u want!
if u don't feel comfortable just ignore the request!
lots of love! ^^
Love, don't worry, I got you 🫶🏻 I couldn't be happier to write this beautiful request... Thank you and I hope you like it 💜 ! Mwah 💋 xox
This is a gift for you and me, anon...
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Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
Your parents are gone on a trip for a week, leaving you and your stepbrother Namjoon alone in the house. Since you don't see your other brothers Hoseok and Yoongi as often anymore, they plan on spending quality family time together with you.
✰ pairing: stepbrothers!rapline x fem!reader
✰ genre: step siblings au, smut
✰ word count: 8.4k
✰ warnings: pseudo incest, dub-con, non-con to a certain extent, infantilism, exhibitionism, voyeurism, somnophilia, dacryphilia, humiliation, degradation, praising, slapping, unprotected sex, daddy kink (only said two times somehow (the only thing I'm sorry for)), brief spit kink, clit stimulation, breasts play, oral (m), cum eating.
a.n.: oof, i have goosebumps just thinking about the smut in this. 😮‍💨 6.2k of pure smut... should we be concerned? 🤔 i know dark themes are not usual on my blog, but guess what, your girl has a dark side, too. 👻 anyway, scroll if you don't like this, you're all enough mature to know your limits. 🥰
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"Namjoon, treat your sister with kindness." The boy rolls his eyes while he takes a sip out of the orange juice box, his Adam's apple bobbing up as he swallows the liquid down his throat.
It's eight in the morning, his dad and your mom should've already been gone on their trip, but his father stresses way too much about the situation. Namjoon is going to be twenty-three in a couple of months now and you just turned twenty, so there's nothing to be worrying about when leaving them alone in the house.
But this man must be the most anxious person he has ever known in his life. It's a little bit annoying when he freaks out this way because his son is an adult and he should trust him. It's even more annoying when Namjoon has to convince his dad to finally go to the airport and take his flight.
"As always." He answers distractedly as he closes the bottle cap of the box of juice. He shuts the fridge's door after he puts the beverage back on its shelf.
"And don't forget-" His father shouts at him, but Namjoon cuts him off, knowing what he'll say.
"To water the plants, I know, dad." He shouts back at him, leaning against the kitchen counter and passing his hand through his messy hair.
"No, I was about to say-" He can hear the confusion in his voice as he tries to correct him, but his son interrupts him again.
"Call grandma for her birthday, yes, noted."
"What!? Her birthday's this week? Oh my-!"
He sees the man coming back into the kitchen, rushing over to the fridge where the calendar is hung on. He follows the days of the week with his finger, his eyes popping out of their sockets when he reads 'bday of grandma - do not forget!' on Wednesday.
Namjoon sports an amused smile on his lips, enjoying the way his father looks absolutely afraid. He's impatient to see him gone, but he can't deny that the situation is funny.
"You forgot?" He asks him, crossing his arms over his naked chest. He didn't bother to put a shirt on this morning, only dressed in his pyjamas pants.
"N-No! I mean, maybe. Don't tell your grandma!" He scowls Namjoon. "But yes, call her... Tell her we wish her a happy birthday." The boy chuckles, taking his father by the shoulder and guiding him to the entry door.
"I will. Now, go! You'll miss the flight."
His father and your mother leave the house after what felt like hours of watching them filling the car trunk with their luggages. One week without them is perfect, exactly what he needs. He is going to spend every day alone with you where no one could stop him from what he's planning to do with his brothers.
He goes back upstairs, passing by your closed door. You're still sleeping, no sound is coming from your bedroom. It's Saturday so you can stay in bed until noon without worrying about your mother barging in and asking you to do chores around the house. You're enjoying this week off, too.
Namjoon takes his phone out of his pocket, unlocking it to go to the messaging app. Still in front of your closed door, he clicks on the group he has with Hoseok and Yoongi. They wanted to know when your parents will be gone, so now is the time to tell them.
[8:17] Joon 💪🏼: The old man and his bitch are gone [8:17] Joon 💪🏼: Thought they’d never leave
He closes the screen of his phone, shoving it back into his pocket. He eyes your door, wondering in which position you're in, if you're sleeping peacefully, if you're dreaming.
He grips the handle and turns it slowly, not wanting to wake you up. He opens the door slightly enough for him to enter in, his eyes immediately finding your unconscious body on your bed. You're laying down on your belly, your cheek squished against the soft material of your pillow case. Your hair is spread all over you, some in your face and some on your shoulders.
You're so beautiful asleep. Nothing seems to disturb you, nothing at all. But it might be your most vulnerable state because you don't know about the big monster hiding under your bed, ready to eat you whole.
There's no monster under your bed, so you probably think that you're fine, safe from any danger. What you don't understand, though, is that the monster is not hiding, no, he's out for you to see. Mommy told you to not trust the wolves, but what she forgot to say was that the wolves might be in sheep's clothing.
Namjoon feels the buzzing of his phone against his thigh, indicating to him that he just received a text. He takes that as the sign to leave your room and he closes the door behind him carefully.
He returns to his bedroom, sitting on his mattress, his back against the headboard. He takes his phone back into his hand, checking what his brothers responded to him.
[8:22] Hobi 👼: i swear he thinks u're still 16
[8:24] Yoongi 🐱: tell me why you're still living with them again?
[8:25] Joon 💪🏼: I didn't drop out of school like you, you fool [8:25] Joon 💪🏼: Uni is fucking expensive I'll tell you that
[8:26] Yoongi 🐱: shut up nerd
[8:26] Hobi 👼: is she home?
[8:26] Joon 💪🏼: Yeah. Come by tonight [8:27] Joon 💪🏼: I'll make sure she doesn't leave the house
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"Where do you think you are going?" Namjoon's deep voice pierces through the kitchen, making you jump out of surprise. He might be tall and muscly, he still manages to get behind you without you hearing anything. Skill that a predator has to excel.
You turn around toward him, showing the skimpy black dress that hugs your body and accentuates your large breasts. Is this an appropriate outfit to go out in? Namjoon wonders, but all he can think of is a negative answer to his question.
You plan on going to a shitty frat party, filled with intoxicated jocks and douchebags. The last place you would want to go at an hour like this. Namjoon knows how these parties take place and it never ends well, surely not for a defenceless and vulnerable girl like you.
"Um, just out... with a... with a friend." You stutter out, anxious about Namjoon's presence. You nervously tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and he closely follows your movement with his eyes.
Yes, you're an adult, but you were a teen barely months ago. You still don't know what kind of monsters are outside, waiting patiently for you to be alone in the dark. Your mom wouldn't like her daughter to be away from the house instead of being safe inside with her brothers.
Namjoon knows you just want to have fun and live your young life to the fullest, but you can also enjoy your time with your step-family. After all, you don't see Hoseok and Yoongi as often anymore. This is more memorable than drinking and smoking with strangers as loud music is playing in the background.
"You're not going out." His stern voice startles you. You feel small, so inferior compared to him.
He approaches you, closing the gap separating your two bodies in no more than two steps. Should you be scared? Scared of your step-brother? The way he's looking down at you, eyeing your figure barely covered by your dress, makes you feel like a prey.
"Hobi and Yoongi are coming." He informs you of their visit, acting like their presence is worth every second of your time.
And they are worth it, in fact. You just don't realize it because you prefer to be a brat, but Namjoon won't let that happen. No, if he has to he'll lock you inside, chain you to your bed, whatever it takes for you to be a good girl.
"I already have plans, Namjoon." You respond with confidence, your tone of voice surprisingly higher than his. Though, your fake confidence is quick to disappear when his dragon eyes penetrate your soul. "I didn't know they were coming..." You cower, backing away from him until your lower back hits the kitchen counter.
It isn't the first time Namjoon acts this way with you, they all do. Since you moved in with your mom, it has always been like this. Do what I tell you to, listen to me, don't disobey me...
You didn't really know what a sibling's relationship should look like, so you did what they wanted, but a baby bird wants to fly out of the nest eventually.
Is it ethical to not want the baby bird to leave? Is it wrong to keep it even though it'll never learn how to fly? But what does Namjoon know about morals anyway when every thought he has about you is ruthless. Nothing, he knows nothing because he has no morals.
"Now you know." He says lowly, his gaze lingering down on you, seeing how this dress makes you look like a pitiful whore. His stomach clenches just at the thought of you going out like that, letting foreign eyes undress you without any remorse.
The world is a cruel place, so cruel to women like you who just want to live peacefully, who just want to give and receive without ulterior motives. But, princess, how can you still see the world as a fairy tale when big, bad wolves are living in the same house as yours? Such a pure heart that doesn't deserve to be broken by meaningless college boys.
In the end, the mean wolves care more about you than the so-called Prince Charming. Only them will ever save you and keep you safe.
His large palm grips the flimsy material of your cheap dress, pulling slightly on it before letting it go. You flinch, your wide eyes glued on him, watching him lift his gaze up to yours. "Go change into something presentable." He steps aside and you rapidly walk away, running up the stairs to your room.
He hears your door closing in a thud, the ambiance in the house now tense and heavy. But Namjoon doesn't care, it's just a matter of time until his brothers arrive and you will learn to appreciate the little things.
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You are sleeping now, after this long night you spent with your brothers. Yoongi ordered you to go to bed, saying it was already late for you to stay awake. Again, you are twenty and at this age you clearly do not need a bed time, but as his younger sister, you have to follow his rules.
Truthfully, you had a good time with them. Maybe they are right; family is better than friends. A part of you still wishes you had gone to the party, drank and smoked, made out with a cute guy. You know, all the stupid stuff people your age do every time they possibly can.
It's not like you never went to a party, but still. Your friends were so excited to go and so were you. Guess you should have thought better.
The night ended by watching a horror movie, and this one really scared you. You and them used to watch horror movies pretty often when they all lived here, but you were always scared after. You couldn't help it, what if the things in the movies really happened in real life?
So you went to bed with Hoseok. You didn't really want to, it felt weird to do that with him, even though it was not rare for you to sneak in his own bed when the monster in your closet seemed too real. You were younger at that time, so it felt normal, really comforting. The heath of his body always made you sleep easily and tonight his skin was particularly warm, like the old times.
Yoongi and Namjoon aren't far away, they know their brother won't resist. He doesn't push his feelings aside anymore, he couldn't even if he wanted to anyway.
They are just at the entry of your room, looking at the beautiful scene before them taking place. Watching isn't always wrong, it can be really pleasant if everyone does their parts correctly. Performers like to be watched and the public cheer for them, what would this be any different from a show? In fact, this is a show specially prepared for them.
Hoseok gently palms your ass, the meaty flesh bouncing as his big hands explores your body so intimately for the first time. Oh, he did touch it before, of course he did. In the shower, in his bed, in the car. He just didn't pursue anything, he didn't want to scare you. You accepted his touch so gratefully, how could he not lay his hands on you?
His rough digits find their way over your hip, dipping down between your plush thighs. His mouth can't stay away from your delicate neck, shivers running all over your skin when he gives you sloppy kisses. Your dream is surely too entertaining for you to realize that the hands on you are real and not just fragments of your mind.
Hoseok's fingers tickle the bump of your pussy over your night shorts, so thin he can feel the texture of your pubic hair. He wants to cup your cunt, harshly play with your dirty pussy, see how much juices would splash everywhere from spanking it. Would you cry? Would you scream? Would you moan?
It's unfair how everyone thinks something like this shouldn't happen, that they should bury their love for it to never resurface the Earth again. Is love really immoral if it comes from the wrong person? But who these people are to tell them what is right or wrong when in reality, everyone's a selfish sinner.
His large hand slips carefully inside your shorts and the pads of his fingers grace your soft bud of nerves. Hoseok can't help but trace the opening of your slick, pulling your pussy lips apart. Everything is done with so much care and attention, it only means that your brother truly loves you. His long finger settles down on your clit, circling it slowly while adding enough pressure on it to make you shudder.
His free hand sneaks under you and then over your chest to grip your throat that was previously being cherished by Hoseok's heart-shaped lips. You seem agitated in your sleep, his ministrations overtaking your little brain without even realizing that all of this is not just an innocent dream.
"I was thinking..." Namjoon whispers, getting Yoongi's attention. "We could invite some of the boys. I know she had a crush on Jin." He tells his brother, the information making his eyebrows lift up.
Seokjin used to come often to play video games in Namjoon's room or to play hockey in the street with the whole group. You were always curious about their friends, spying on them from the window of your bedroom. You weren't so subtle about it, especially not with the way Seokjin made you flustered.
"Really? I didn't know." Yoongi mutters, keeping his eyes distractedly on you. "We can call him and Jungkook, too. I'm sure the kid will be happy to see her."
Leaving you and Hoseok alone, they both go downstairs to call their friends. They kinda wish they could stay there and watch their brother play with you, but it might wake you up. And nobody wants that to happen.
"My sweet, sweet baby." Hoseok sings into your ear, bringing your body closer to his, pressing your ass against his crotch. His grip tightens around your neck and he massages your bud harder, which makes you clench your thighs around his manly hand.
The tingles in your body become more intense and your brain finally signals to you that this isn't a dream. He groans against your ear, his bulge brushing so perfectly against your butt. Your perfume invades his nostrils and he could get going just by your smell. It reminds him of the time you two were showering together, applying soap on each other's body.
Your shampoo is still the same; lavender, your favourite. It's sweet, feminine and gentle. A smell not too strong, just enough for whoever nuzzles your hair. It's his favourite, too.
Your voice makes him halt his movements, his hand staying still inside your cotton panties. He bucks his hips and you whine, feeling your throat vibrate under his palm. But he's not finished, oh no; it would take him a lot more to even consider removing his hands from your body.
"Hobi, what are you-" You begin, but never say the end of your question as his fingers regain their speed, doing circle motions on your poor little clit.
"Let Hobi do what he has to do, hmm? Will you, sweetie?" His hot breath tickles your face, making you shiver and the hair on your arms stand up.
The faster he goes, the more the knot in your stomach tightens. Your body reacts to the touch it's given despite your will not to. You clench your thighs nonetheless, the delicious tingle coming back, making your cheeks heath up and your heartbeat quicken. Why is it so good, yet so wrong?
"Stop, you shouldn't..." His hand on your neck shifts to your mouth, muffling down your voice. He's caging you between his strong arms, there's no way to escape. Even if you would try, you would miserably fail because no matter how far you push the bad thoughts away, they always come back.
Hoseok's grip changes, becoming frustrated instead of affectionate. "Shut your little mouth or I will stuff it full of my cock, sweetie." He whispers into your ear, never stopping his ministrations on your pussy. "Understood?" A cry comes out of your throat, the only sound you can produce with his palm over your mouth. You nod, submitting to his every wish so his threat doesn't become real.
Then, Hoseok pulls you over, his chest leaving your back. He comes between your legs, hovering over you. You finally see him in all his glory, his tanned skin illuminated by the moonlight and his fluffy brown hair in a mess. He looks like your brother, always has he, but his eyes are different. Devoid of any emotion or maybe they've always been like this.
His eyes trail down your face, going to your boobs and lower to your crotch. He tugs on your shorts, his fingers hooked under your panties as well. You squirm, desperate to keep the pieces of clothing that hide your femininity from his insatiable gaze.
Though, it wasn't a good idea because Hoseok gets angry easily. He slaps your cheek, making your face move to the side. You don't know why they didn't come before, but tears fall down from the corners of your eyes, wetting the bed sheets under you. Your face burns, both from the harsh smack and the humiliation.
You want to apologize so badly because upsetting your brother might be the worst thing ever. He looks disappointed in you when you glance back at him, his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth sealed shut.
"Behave. This is your last warning." His eyes bore into yours and for some reason, you see love through them. Very briefly before they shift down to your night shorts again. He finally pulls on them, removing both your underwear and pyjama bottoms.
You're vulgarly exposed to him and you close your legs, feeling embarrassed in front of him. It's not the first time he sees you like that, but now it feels more meaningful, more intimate, worse.
"I'm not sure if it's right, Hobi, please..." Your glossy eyes find his again, asking, begging for some empathy.
He opens your legs violently, pushing them on each side of you. Your hole clenches, your pussy glistening from your wetness. The bulge deforming his pants is huge, and you're surprised to find yourself anticipating his next move, but he doesn't reach for his fly.
"And what am I not doing right, sweetie? Tell me what's so wrong about me..." He leans over you, his lips beside your ear. You swallow, your heart beating so fast you think it's going to explode. "Tell me how insane I am because guess what, it'll only encourage me to go further."
You don't have time to react that he's already backing away, adjusting himself between your legs. Your words are stuck in your throat, not daring to come out in case it spurs more Hoseok on. At this point, your words won't change anything. Maybe you want this as bad as him, maybe that's why you don't fight back, that you completely give up.
Your brothers have always been stronger than you, anyway. It's a losing battle. But, in reality, is there any fight going on? Even if there was one, it wouldn't be you against them.
It would be them against the world, against anyone who dares to hurt you, against every monster that patiently waits for you to step outside.
"You have such a pretty pussy, my sweet baby." He coos, looking down at your crotch covered in your shame that is your own lust. "Pretty, but so, so dirty." He tilts his head down, hovering just over your cunt. He collects saliva in his mouth and spits on you, watching it drip down your quivering pussy. "Clenching so hard like a slut begging me to fuck her..."
He tsks and his palm lands violently on your thigh, a smacking sound resonating in your bedroom. You flinch from the hit, squeaking as Hoseok brings his long fingers adorned in chunky rings to your dripping cunt. He flattens his hand on you and moves it rapidly from side to side, making a huge mess on your bed. Your juices spill everywhere and he doesn't seem to mind at all, looking at your pussy intensively.
The friction on your clit makes you squirm again, holding the bed sheets tightly between your fists. More tears wet your cheeks and you cry under Hoseok, pulling your legs further apart, your body asking for more. Demanding for a release.
You jut your hips forward and he takes a hold of your right thigh with his free hand, sinking his nails into your skin. Your clit is so sensitive and you feel the fire in your belly growing, whining desperately for your orgasm. Never has it been so intense.
"I knew you were dirty... So fucking dirty." He smiles deviously, the first real emotion you see emanating from him, but it's not happiness or love unlike usual.
He continues to play roughly with your pussy as if you're nothing but an object, barely something he would sympathize with. You wonder what makes you appear so dirty to him. After all, he's the reason why you're in this position, dripping wet in the same bed as your brother.
"Please!" You beg, but for what, you don't really know. For him to stop or to continue? Does it even matter when you're not the one in charge?
Exactly when you're about to cum, you hear people going upstairs. For a moment, you fear it's your parents, ready to discover their daughter and son doing the unforgivable. But it's not them, of course it's not. Your brothers would never risk getting caught.
You turn your head to the side and notice Seokjin at the door frame, someone you would have never expected to see during a moment like this. Yoongi is behind him and you can't focus on them anymore as your orgasm passes through you.
"Hoseok-!" You call his name in complete distress, bucking your hips against his hand as he continues to masturbate you to drive you off your high.
You close your thighs around his hand and he doesn't pull them apart instantly, understanding that the stimulation becomes too much.
"I thought we wouldn't go hard on her too soon." Yoongi's voice reaches both of you, making Hoseok turn his head toward his older brother. You simply blink in his direction, looking totally messed up and brainless from his point of view.
Seokjin is standing away from the bed as Yoongi comes beside it. The first man seems to make himself comfortable, shoving his hands in his pockets as if he's the spectator of a show.
"I didn't go that hard... You know how stubborn and talkative she is." Hoseok shrugs, putting the blame on you.
Yoongi only hums, not really listening since all of his attention is on your crotch. He grips one of your knees, pulling your legs apart and revealing to everyone the cum dripping out of your hole. Hoseok moves aside to give his friend a good view of you and you scrunch your eyes shut, unable to endure the humiliation you feel at this moment.
"Where are the others?" Hoseok asks, drifting his gaze away from you. His brother keeps looking at your pussy, though, collecting the creamy substance on his fingers. You contract your walls around nothing, desperately begging to be fucked without realizing it.
Seokjin is the one to answer, pulling your desk chair in front of your bed and sitting down on it. "They are talking downstairs. Jungkook's a little bit too excited right now, so Namjoon's trying to calm him down."
Hoseok chuckles at that, but still acknowledges that it's safer to keep him away from now. Maybe Jimin would have been a better guest, he can control himself easily compared to Jungkook, but the youngest has liked you for so long, it was only fair to invite him.
"Yoongi..." You whine his name, hoping it'll do something, anything, and he raises his gaze up to your face, unfazed by your pathetic little cries.
"What?" He asks, but you know he's not really waiting for an answer. You keep your mouth shut, looking at him with puppy eyes. "You're a fucking crybaby. You think I don't see how much you leak just by having Jin looking at you? Stupid slut." He smacks your pussy, your wetness combined with your cum splatter everywhere, the hit making your skin burn.
And there they are again, your tears rolling down your face. Yoongi doesn't believe in your acting, knowing pertinently that those are crocodile tears. Little do you know that they make him rock hard.
"I'm sorry!" You cry out, your vision fuzzy from your tears. You glance in Seokjin's direction and his presence makes you so flustered, like when you were younger.
Hoseok licks his lips, almost refraining himself from pulling his cock out and fucking you dumb. The night hasn't fully started yet, he needs to wait.
"No, you're not." His severe tone shuts you up, biting down on your lip to not let any sounds out of your mouth. He then unbuckles his belt, removing it from his waist to tie your wrists with it. "Hoseok, go sit over there." He points the headboard to his brother and he follows his instruction, sitting behind you.
Hoseok brings you up by your armpits between his legs, laying your head against his lower stomach. It's now Yoongi's turn to position himself between your legs.
Your relief from earlier to see that Hoseok didn't decide to fuck you is cut short when Yoongi is about to do it. He tucks his zipper down and the noise makes you shiver, your eyes flickering anxiously between his piercing gaze and the bulge in his pants. As big as Hoseok or maybe even bigger.
Your heart is thundering in your rib cage and you can hear it beating fast in your head. You watch him lowering his boxers down, freeing his fat cock out. Hoseok's stroking your hair, but the act doesn't succeed in soothing you.
"No! Please, it won't- it won't fit!" You bring your thighs to your chest to avoid Yoongi, attempting to crawl away but Hoseok's hold doesn't allow you to. "Daddy, please..." You whine out, the name coming out of your mouth is completely unexpected from the boys.
Yoongi's eyes snap up to you, frowning as he looks at you, concerned. Was it intentional? Seokjin laughs, the sound making Yoongi's head turn around to stare at him. He finds the way you called Yoongi kinda amusing. Out of all of the names, that's what his friend likes to be referred as.
Yoongi decides to ignore him, telling himself it's not the time to confront him. His attention is back on you.
"You're making this really hard for me, kitten." He grips the back of your thighs, his big hands handling them open. "Keep her still, Hoseok, because I won't be fucking gentle."
The boy behind you passes an arm around your chest, securing you in place. His other hand makes its way toward your mouth, forcing it open by pressing his fingers on each side of your jaw. Then, he enters two digits in your mouth and pushes down your tongue, drool dripping down on your chin. You whimper, goosebumps traveling down your body, and your eyes widen when Yoongi's cock is just above your pussy.
Yoongi flicks his tip through your wet folds, holding one of your thighs up to have better access to your cunt. How could it not hurt? It's long and thick, nothing you've ever seen before.
"Hoseok prepped you enough, stop worrying, okay?" Somehow, his words seem genuine. He cares about you, he would never purposefully harm you. He just doesn't like to hear you cry, especially when you have no reason to.
You sniff and nod, even though you're still not sure if it's really going to fit without forcing the way in, but you trust Yoongi. You need to because how else will this night end if you don't believe in your brother?
"Good girl. Now focus on me, kitten." Your gaze diverts up to him, holding eye contact as Hoseok's fingers remain in your mouth, all coated in your spit.
You cry around your brother's digits when you feel Yoongi's cock head pushing in, your walls trying effortlessly to adjust to the size of his girth. He sucks air through his teeth, his eyebrows pinch together as he looks into your eyes, watching you crumble under him.
"Shit." He curses under his breath, gripping your other thigh when his length is pushed in enough for him to freely penetrate you without holding his base. "This pussy's so fucking tight."
He snaps his hips against yours when he bottoms out, but the angle isn't good enough, so Yoongi places his hands on your hips to pull you up. Only then he is balls deep into your dripping wet cunt and you gasp, feeling lightheaded. Your eyelids flutter as your eyes roll back into your skull, the feeling of being stretched out by a dick as huge as Yoongi's making you dizzy.
Hoseok snickers, looking down at your fucked up face. "Such a dumb girl." He slips his fingers out of your mouth and he cups your face roughly, shaking your head from side to side to emphasize the brainless state that you are in. "I knew you would like this..." He murmurs in your ear, which makes you clench your walls around your brother.
Yoongi slides up after staying inside of you for a couple of seconds and he slides down, doing the same movements back and forth. He thrusts into you, your pussy gushing around his thick cock, covering it in your cream.
Your insides are pushing in and out as he's pounding into you, making room for his dick. Wet sounds come out of your cunt each time he pushes in forcefully, leaving no time for you to adjust to the pace of his hips. You feel full like you never did before and you doubt you will ever be able to recover from that.
Hoseok's palms slip under your pyjama top, kneading your breasts between them, your flesh spilling out due to their large size. He plays with your nipples, pinching them between his thumb and index finger. They harden quickly, becoming two perky buds under his warm and big hands. Your stomach clenches as he messes with your boobs, sending millions of tingles through your body.
Your legs tremble as keeping them up makes them sore, your blood not circulating to the extremity of your feet. You whine again, being handled in such a rough way is not doing you any favours. "Daddy, plea-please... It hurts." You complain to the man pumping in and out of you relentlessly, as if he'll never be tired of it.
"Where...?" He asks between two pants, holding tightly your hips to hit deep into you, brushing perfectly your sweet spot.
"Everywhere! It hurts- It... Stop..." Pearls run down your cheeks, wetting your eyelashes, making them stick together. Your eyes are red by the dint of crying fat tears, making you look so pretty and even more fuckable to Yoongi.
Pain isn't pleasurable to you, but it is for your brothers and Seokjin. Especially when you suffer under Yoongi's larger body and are trapped between the legs of Hoseok.
"Don't lie to me, kitten." Yoongi scolds you, your ass jiggling from his harsh and deep thrusts. "You're soaking wet... Nothing's holding me back from ruining your little pussy." His cock is entering your hole so smoothly since your wetness lubricates his length completely and it's now totally easy to penetrate you.
But even if you weren't wet enough, there would be truly nothing holding him back.
"Just lay your legs down on the bed, sweetheart. Relax your body." Seokjin's voice gets through your ears and you glimpse in his direction, seeing him manspreading on your desk chair, comfortably watching the show playing before him.
You do as he told you, tensing down your legs and arms. Your tears have stopped, the knot at the pit of your stomach tightening. Pleasure slowly but surely takes the pain over. Your legs hang loosely over Yoongi's thighs and Hoseok's expert fingers circling your nipples make you mewl.
Just as the situation becomes more bearable, Jungkook stumbles in your bedroom and you tense up again despite Seokjin's advice. The youngest is followed by Namjoon, a face that makes you shudder with all your being. His eyes find yours instantly and you feel butterflies in your belly, flapping their wings happily.
Normally, you would have hugged him. That's always what you do when you're feeling overwhelmed or just in need of affection. Even though Hoseok's touch is soft and gentle, Yoongi pounding into you is the opposite.
"Namjoonie..." You call his name directly when he enters the room, Jungkook trying to overstep him, but he keeps the boy behind him to not startle you. "Please, make it stop..."
Namjoon smiles, showing his adorable dimples that usually makes you smile, too. "Princess, don't you understand?" He coos at you, walking toward you with his hands in his pockets. "The more you cry, the more it's difficult for us to stop..." You're cute when you're afraid, Namjoon thinks. The little pout on your face and your furrowed eyebrows, so pretty.
Jungkook steps beside Namjoon and observes the scene in front of him in awe, watching how Yoongi's dick slips in and out of you and how Hoseok's hands fumble your tits.
Namjoon doesn't let him get closer, though. "Kook, you're here to watch." The boy pouts, looking at you with a saddened expression. He would like to touch you, but he can't. He backs away, walking to the pouf placed in the corner of your room. He sits down on the furniture, leaning his elbows against his knees.
Yoongi fastens the cadence of his hips, gripping your hips tighter, shoving you against his dick so you don't slip away. His orgasm is close, he can feel his cock twitching in the warmth of your pussy. His tip leaks lots of pre-cum, his own fluid mixing with your arousal and cum.
"Fucking fuck." He grits his teeth and he snaps his hips hard against yours, sounds of skin slapping echoing in the small enclosure that is your bedroom. You cry and whimper, looking like an absolute mess. You're being fucked mercilessly for the only purpose of satisfying the sexual needs of your brothers.
Yoongi throws his head back and Hoseok has to stop playing with your boobs to hold you higher against him. Both of his arms go under yours, locking them over your chest. Namjoon watches quietly, his cock hardening in his briefs.
On the other hand, Jungkook is already sporting a boner, his dick hard since he got here. He palms himself over his jeans, salivating at the pornographic scene taking place in front of his eyes. Seokjin is rather more reserved than the youngest, watching like it's only a movie. He doesn't miss any one of your expressions, catching all of your moans, memorizing them in his mind to jerk himself off to the image of you after this.
"Shit, I'm gonna stuff you full of my cum, kitten." He grunts, his bangs dangling in front of his eyes, wet from his sweat. The room is filled in testosterones, the smell of sex strong, erasing all the thoughts in your head.
Even though everything around you is fuzzy, your brain processes Yoongi's words. When you realize the implication of them, you hasten to tell your brother that he can't release himself in you. "No, no-!" You manage to raise your voice enough for them to hear you. "I'm- I'm not on any contraceptive."
Yoongi halts in you, looking particularly pissed, but you have a good reason for him to not cum in you. He won't lie, the risk of you getting pregnant turns him on. The thought of you carrying his babies while everyone knows your step-brother fucked them into you drives him crazy, possessiveness creeping into him.
"I thought you took the pill." Namjoon says and it's not a question, you know it just by the tone of his voice. It's more of an accusation, and if it turns out to be true, meaning that you lied, you're getting in trouble.
But you're not lying. You don't even think you're in the capacity of it right now.
"I did... I did, but I stopped." You breathe out, feeling the skin of your cheeks pulling because of the dried tears on them. Your eyes flutter shut, tiredness taking over you, but Hoseok caressing your belly gives you the energy to speak again. "The side effects were too harsh on me. Please, don't..." You beg Yoongi and you feel relieved when you recognize compassion passing through his eyes.
"Get on all fours, then." He pulls out of you, his fat cock bouncing up and hitting his stomach, staining his t-shirt in your juices. He doesn't care, impatiently looking at you rolling over on your stomach, elevating yourself on your knees and tied hands.
Your ass presented to him, Yoongi can't help but spank it harshly, making your flesh jiggle. You whine in pain at the hit, every part of your body aching, feeling sore.
You turn around, finally facing your brother who's still on his knees, his cock in his right hand. You sense Hoseok moving behind you as the mattress dips from the weight of his body. You get a glimpse of Jungkook and you're not surprised to see him stroking himself, his mushroom head glistening in his pre-cum. His bottom lip is stuck between his teeth, eyebrows furrowed as he literally fucks you with his eyes.
Yoongi takes a handful of your hair, collecting it in a ponytail to pull on it. He levels your face with his crotch, his pulsating erection standing tall before your eyes. You're not specifically sure if it's going to fit in, considering the fact that it pained you a lot to take him in your pussy at the beginning. Either way, you don't have a choice, so you obediently open your mouth, your swollen lips parting to welcome Yoongi's fat cock.
"Good girl." He groans, directing his erect penis into your mouth. His heavy length weighs on your tongue and you inevitably choke around it, which pleases everyone around you.
A large palm lands on one of your ass cheeks, cool metal stinging your already bruised skin. You flinch from the smack, scrunching your eyes shut and involuntarily taking more of your brother's shaft in your mouth. You assume it's Hoseok who just slapped you, feeling the chunks of his rings brushing against your ass, soothing the aching area after.
"Suck my cock like the slut you are... yeah, like that." Yoongi controls the movements by pulling on your hair, bouncing your head up and down on his dick. "There we go..." He praises, but also calls you dirty names, which makes your poor little brain confused. Nonetheless, you let yourself be manhandled by him.
Meanwhile, Hoseok settles down behind you on his knees, placing his hands on your hips to direct them against his bulge. It's very painful by now, his cock having been constricted in its confines for endless minutes. You try as best as you can to steady yourself on your hands that are still tied together by Yoongi's belt.
Your messy cunt soaks the material of his trousers, drawing a beautiful wet patch over his hard-on. He pinches his zipper between his thumb and index finger, pulling his fly down and then unbuttoning his pants. You shiver at the sound, anticipating Hoseok's next move.
Then, his head presses against your entrance, making you moan around Yoongi. Drool is dripping down your chin, exactly like when Hoseok had your mouth stuffed full of his fingers. Yoongi uses you as he pleases, grunting and hissing as he feels his high approaching. He flexes his abs, looking down at his dick disappearing between your lips and reappearing as he guides you over his thick erection.
He hits the back of your throat and stays still, making you gag grotesquely. Tears are prickling at the corners of your eyes, feeling them burning from the lack of air entering your lungs. "Ah, shit, I'm cumming." He announces and his cock twitches several times against your tongue, releasing himself inside your throat.
It's when Yoongi shoots his hot cum in your mouth that you feel Hoseok's dick pushing in your insides, your pussy quivering from the sudden intrusion.
You swallow Yoongi's cum a little by instinct because you know that's what he expected from you. He pats your cheek, letting you know he enjoyed himself. You want to smile, but refrain yourself as you think it would be weird to. After all, they're forcing themselves on you, aren't they?
He withdraws his softening cock out of your mouth, letting it fall down with a strand of your saliva sticking to it. You clear your throat, eagerly breathing through your nose. He leans down to give you a chaste kiss on the lips, zipping his pants back up. He rapidly unties your wrists, taking his belt back around his waist. That's how he leaves you there, getting fucked from behind by Hoseok.
His place is rapidly taken by Namjoon and you look up at the man in awe, understanding that he's not there to give you the hug you wanted earlier.
Hoseok's lazily thrusting up in you, as if to enjoy every second of it, to savour the tightness that your pussy offers him. Your velvety walls keep sucking him in, contracting around his cock repeatedly. He can't help but moan at that, the pleasure being so delicious he wonders if he will be able to detach himself from you eventually.
You whine as he snaps his hips against your ass, going as deep as possible inside of you. He wants you to enjoy it as well, sliding up ever so slowly and kneading your butt between his big palms. It makes you think that your stepbrother has been waiting for this moment for a very long time. It takes everything in him to not shove your face against the mattress and plunge his dick so brutally in you you won't be able to walk for a week.
But Hoseok knows better than to act like an animal...
"Let me see those beautiful tits, princess." Namjoon whispers to you, reaching the end of your flimsy tank-top and pulling on it.
You attempt to keep it on by straightening your arm to the side, but Namjoon pushes it away, not caring a second about your reluctance. Maybe if you kept it on a part of you would still have its dignity, a little bit of pureness, but nothing can be saved at this point.
Namjoon discards your top on your bedroom's floor, joining your panties and shorts. Your boobs out, at the mercy of everyone's eyes, you shiver as your brother puts his index finger under your chin, raising your head up so you can look at him in the eyes.
"Are we not taking good care of you, sweetheart?" When his father told him to be kind, he was surely not thinking about that, but every brother has his own definition of kindness. He pulls on your bottom lip with his thumb, smiling when you nod, completely wrecked by your stepbrothers' ruthless cocks. "Yeah, of course we are..." He passes his fingers gently through your hair and you would have pureed if you were a cat.
He pulls out his cock without any further word, proudly revealing to you his imposing length. Not as big as Yoongi, but still enough to potentially make your jaw ache.
"Say 'ah'." He flashes you a smile, one that makes you uncomfortably shudder. He grips the back of your head with his fist, tightly holding your hair in an improvised ponytail.
You execute yourself, opening your mouth to the maximum. "Aaah." You hear him chuckle as you say the onomatopoeia in addition to doing what he told you to.
He pushes your head toward his crotch, guiding your wide open mouth over his leaking tip. You're forced to swallow his entire cock at once, which makes you gag and drool all over yourself. Namjoon sounds very pleased as he moans and grunts, his hooded eyes focused on your beautiful lips wrapped around his pulsating cock.
You're being used until both of your holes are sore, feeling the pain through your guts. Namjoon fucks your face like you're nothing but a flesh light, a little toy that he can play with whenever he feels like it. Hoseok's going quicker, dropping the idea of elongating the pleasure.
Jungkook fucks his fists harshly, jerking off and edging himself until his tip is all red. He doesn't want to cum too soon, he wants to engrave this moment in his mind forever, but his cock is so painful, he has to touch to release the pain a little bit.
"Shit!" Namjoon grunts, keeping your head still over his erection, your nose pressed up against his pelvis. "You're a fucking whore, I can't believe you're letting us do that to you..." He pulls himself out of your mouth, making you gasp for air, your chin and boobs all covered in your spit.
Namjoon hurriedly strokes his cock over your face, his hand smoothly running up and down his length as his dick is entirely lubed in your saliva. Your eyelids flutter by reflex as he shoots his white cum on your face, strands of his seeds landing on your cheeks and lips. He hums appreciatively, watching his cum slowly rolling down your skin. You feel extremely dirty, but you're also gladly letting yourself be marked by them.
At the same moment, Hoseok slips out of you and you fall over, your pussy clenching desperately from the emptiness he left you in. You hear him releasing himself on your cunt, covering it in his cum as well. You feel the hotness of his seeds on your femininity, dripping down your inner thighs.
"Oh, fuck!" Jungkook suddenly exclaims, standing up rapidly with his cock in his hand. "Please, I have to!" As Namjoon is getting out of the bed, stuffing himself back in his pants, the youngest arrives just in front of you.
You whimper as he takes a handful of your hair, lifting your head up from the mattress. You tiredly watch him jerk himself off with his tattooed hand and he's next to leave his mark on you, covering your skin in another coat of cum. He sweetly whines when his release lands on you, something he's been dreaming of since the day he met you.
When you're of no use anymore, Jungkook lets go of your hair, making you fall down on your bed. Your body is aching everywhere and you don't try to move, knowing that you won't be able to even get up on your feet.
But then a gentle hand caresses your head and you notice Seokjin, smiling gratefully. He says nothing, but you understand he's thanking you or praises you, whatever fits your mind at the moment.
You fall asleep soon enough after all of this, barely sensing Namjoon picking you up and taking you to the bathroom. You remember him running a bath, carefully putting you in, undressing himself and joining you after. He cleaned you, softly rubbed the lofa on your sweaty skin.
You also remember saying goodbye to Yoongi and Hoseok, kissing their cheeks and giving them a hug. They went back home after spending time with their bratty but adorable sister. Namjoon slept with you in his bed because your bed sheets are currently soiled, but he said he would put them in the washing machine tomorrow.
Tonight, you created an unforgettable memory with your stepbrothers.
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a-b-riddle · 2 months
A Simple (Mis) Understanding Chapter One: Location, Location, Location
"MacTavish," It had been about three months since the 141 had returned from our last OP. It had been a rough one and, although, we had all come back alive, we didn't come back unscathed. And we all had to thank a pretty little IT 'expert' to thank for that. Stupid fucking Omega...
"Usually I'm the one calling you. To what do I owe the pleasure?" I threw back the amber colored liquor, finishing the last of my latest bottle. It seemed all I had in my free time was drinking myself into an early grave.
"Care for a hunting trip, Cap'n?" Johnny's tone was playful, which was almost always never a good sign. MacTavish could seek out trouble like a bloody bloodhound. 
"What d'ya have in mind?" I humored. I had come home to a sedentary life style. Any ideals I had about settling down, extinguished. I wasn't as young as I used to be, but I'm still too into the fight to retire now. So whatever Johnny had in mind, surely must be something worth at least entertaining.
"A pretty little flower." He says and I swear I can almost hear the see the smirk on his face. "Stands at about five foot three. Has a knack for stabbing a man in the back right after suckin' 'im dry."
"You got a lead then I take it?" I try to stifle the anger as I feel it beginning to bubble. Every Alpha instinct is telling me to track, hunt, kill. Before, every biological urge I had toward our flower was to protect, keep, and fuck until she forgot her own bloody name. Now, I wasn't so sure I could stand the sight of her long enough to get the answers I wanted-- needed-- before absolutely tearing her to fucking shreds. 
"Aye." He confirmed. "Wanted to see if you were up for it before I called the lads."
"How polite."
"You're still, Cap'n."   "And I know you had more..." There was a shift in his tone. Unease as he tried to find the words, but couldn't. He couldn't. None of us could. Because none of us could describe what had happened with Daisy. Betrayal is too gentle of a word, too short and modest of a word to describe what she had done to us; hell, me. Johnny cleared his throat. Clearly uncomfortable and wanting to retract the beginning of whatever statement he had intended on making.  "Join me to settle an old debt, ye?" 
I didn't need to think twice about Johnny's officer. An opportunity to finish what we started back in Austria. I didn't regret stopping Johnny as much as I did not getting the answers I needed before the little bitch disappeared like a damn thief in the night. Now was the chance. Not only revenge for what we had been through, but the betrayal she had put us through. Jeopardizing not only the 141, but the few loved ones we had. My mum, MacTavish's sisters, Garrick's entire fucking family and the little solace that Simon had. A peace of mind knowing if he wanted to start living again, he could. All of it was almost lost. 
"You got eyes on our-" No. She wasn't ours anymore. Not our girl. Not our flower. Sure as fuck never our Omega. "On her."
"I got an address." If he noticed my pause, he didn't say anything. For that I'm grateful. I can't be weak again because some of doe-eyed little Omega. One who whispered sweet lies about how good my knot felt and all the things she wanted in life. Things we-I- wanted.  "Had an old contact have her name pop up. Hen is too fucking dense to make sure to use an alias especially considering she stayed on our side of the pond."
Don't really plan on going home after this. Not really anything waiting for me back there except some student debt. She had hid the pain of having no family well, but, now after everything, nothing seemed genuine. Every kiss, every touch, every smile and laugh she had thrown my way was now tainted.
Now it was time to bury it all.
"I'll call Garrick." That was all the confirmation Johnny would get out of me. I didn't want to seem too eager to finally get my hands on her. I needed to be collected. Level headed. I was the Alpha. I was the one my team looked to for guidance. I had already failed them once. I damn sure wouldn't be doing it again. "I'll let you convince Riley to come along."
"Lettin' me call in the boogeyman?" Johnny was smiling again. Could fucking hear it in his voice. He was the one who had probably fallen the hardest for the little bitch. Indulging him in soft touches and soothing his temper. Probably the same reason he had put a barrel to her forehead the moment she had admitted to it.
I was going to tell you. She had tried to excuse her delay as if that were the issue. I just didn't know how to tell you. But can you blame me? Yes. We could. And we did. For the shitty last seven months. For the constant worry all of us had for having to pull our mind out of the mission to worry about what was going on back home.
Her tears didn't save her. Only until Laswell came in raising an absolute bloody stink. Claims of how the very audacity to potentially injure an Omega on her team could cost her career. Fuck her career.
"Send me the details." I pulled another bottle off the shelf. Promising myself it would be the last one I had until I finally pulled that weed of a woman out of existence. Killing her meant I could finally move on. Find someone, certainly not a fucking Omega, to settle down with. I could heal from the heartbreak I would never admit to. It would be the ending that we all needed.
"Will do Cap'n." Johnny didn't wait for my dismissal before he hung up. He was just as ready for a hunt as I was.
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