#i think he thinks its a crush thing and Guys I Am So Aro.
wall-e-gorl · 11 months
Hmm. fucked up I think
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bloodheartz · 1 month
gimmw your gfalls hcs NOEWWW
oh god! I have soooo many but i'll put some basic ones down for the pines family rn and probably add on to this later ^_^
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◇ First of all this boy is absolutely autistic. My little autistic ass acted so much like him as a kid, I mean, what autistic 12 year old wouldn't base their entire summer around a weird book full of monsters they found?
◇ I think he's a trans dude and aro/ace, and that his crush on Wendy was more comphet than anything. I'm not really a fan of any ship involving him but I think platonic dipcifica could be cute.
◇ Cryptozoology/The Paranormal is absolutely his main special interest, but he also has an sp/in in computers/comp sci (but he's honestly not great at computer stuff).
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◇ AuDHD Queen! I think her main special interest is absolutely arts / crafts, I mean look at all the silly things she makes throughout the series as well as her dedication to handmaking dozens of puppets/props/etc as well as writing and entire play to impress her crush of the week in Sock Opera. ◇ I think sexuality wise she's not straight but prefers to be unlabelled. I also like to think she's the type to collect xenogenders / neopronouns like pokemon cards. ( she totally uses a bunch of cat-based pronouns) ◇ Shortly after the series I think she'd get a little less Boys-Crazy and focus more exploring who she is as a person / her self expression. Absolutely is gonna have a mall goth/emo/scene phase (she's smushing all three of those together into one thing for herself).
(I also think Mabel and Dipper were born identical twins)
Grunkle Stan
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◇ Also AuDHD, not quite sure what his big main special interest would be but he's absolutely hyperfixated on Ducktective. Also going off the story in Lost Legends I think he'd absolutely be getting into making comics / drawing in general (even if hes not great at it). Post series I think he'd spend a lot of his free time out at sea drawing in the boat's cabin. Mostly making comics of silly re-tellings of he and Ford's adventures out at Sea (he absolutely shows Dipper and Mabel these if he and Ford video calls them when they're on land) ◇ I'm a transfem Stanley truther. He doesn't really realize/come to terms with it until post-series. I think she'd just grow out her hair and throw it in a pony-tail + use she/he pronouns to transition. She'd still use the name Stanley and be fine with both masc/fem terms (ie fine be called a man or a woman). Also he's bisexual (but has known this since he was like a teen, even if he didn't have the words to label it.) ◇ I think his Popsicle addiction from the unaired pilot is real and canon. Old autistic men love popsicles just look at my dad and grandfather.
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◇ oh boy its projection time (i am a stanford pines fictive) 😈😈😈
◇ Transmasc, somewhere under the nonbinary umbrella but very guy adjacent. Mainly uses he/him pronouns but I think he'd use "it" and "they" aswell. Gay and Arospec as well. ◇ Autism + NPD + Schizophrenia wombo combo. He's sooooo NPD coded its INSANE, I am going to write an essay about it in the future. Goes without saying that his special interests are the paranormal and various sciences, but I think he has a hardcore love for the arts as well. ◇ Going off both the autism and arospec HC- I think he's the type to convince himself he has a crush very easily, when in reality he just has a strong admiration / platonic love for those in question, and had strong platonic feelings for McGucket back in college that he confused for romantic ones (projecting 100000000%) (i think the Stan twins were fraternal twins)
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suikatto · 2 years
Question for the ace/aro/aroace/demi communities
(I gonna treat this like reddit because i don't have it)
I (18yF) never had a boyfriend, nor a girlfriend, or any kind of romantic relationship, but i've had crushes, both real life(celebrities and normal people) and fictional, and i label myself as asexual. Last year, i downloaded tinder because i was bored, i matched with some people and end up going on three dates(two with the same guy and one with another). On the first one i had my firt kiss and i didn't like one bit, it was weird, i kinda brushed it off but afterwards, at home, i was thinking back on how strange and uncomfortable it felt, so it didn't happen again on our second date. We went to the movies nothing happened, never talked to him again. The third date i just wasn't feeling it and basically went shopping for art supplies with the guy, he was nice, i liked our chats, but afterwards i didn't text him neither did he text me.
Another thing about me is that i love romance, in books, movies, songs, and i love the idea of falling in love.
All that is to ask, do i love the idea of love only as a concept or do i need to make a connection to someone to really like them or am i too picky with the type of person i want to love?
I don't know if any of this makes sense, and its not really relevant at the moment, since i'm not desperatly looking for a boyfriend, but i want to know because i sometimes imagine myself doing coupley things and i like it
Also, another question, can aromantics fall in love or really like someone? I'm genuinely asking, because i'm not familiar with the subject
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straycalamities · 1 year
ive been thinking a lot about the nitty gritty of my attraction and gender and the only things im sure about are: 1. i'm absolutely graysexual 2. my gender is pretty majority male but not entirely so like...85% male or smth but male enough that i don't want any other descriptors or pronouns outside of strictly masculine ones (i mean if u call me "girl" or whatever jokingly i get it but when ur being serious i mean.) 3. i'm attracted to masculinity but androgyny is also super duper hot.....................that's why its like?? am i gay? or bi?? bc when i say i'm bi i mean like....i'm mainly attracted to men but if someones androgynous or masculine enough, even if theyre not a man, im attracted so??? what the HAYL am i??? bc im not rly...attracted to feminine ppl like ever....
but also is it romantic? or sexual? is it aesthetic? do my romantic and sexual attractions line up? does it matter? @_@ ARGH
my dating history has been 6 dudes and 1 genderfluid person (plus 2 more dudes who were BASICALLY dating me we just didnt call it official) and i feel like thats a pretty good representation for what im attracted to
but ive also had a few crushes on like...okay 4 girls? and then one who when i crushed on him he was fem-presenting but turns out he was a trans guy lmao
but also were those REALLY crushes? because 1. we were close friends (besides 1 and idk if she even counts bc i mighta just been in a desperate period of my life tbqh) and 2. at the same time of thinking about all this madness i'm like...am i on the aro spectrum as well??? do i get platonic/aesthetic feelings confused for romantic? what ARE romantic feelings? what's going on? and how can i even have someone explain it bc romantic feelings for one person might not be romantic feelings to someone else
idk man im just lost
so i sit here in my graysexual trans man comfort blanket and try not to think about anything else i just wave the bi flag bc its the prettiest one but it goes so deep dude...so deep...
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mobblespsycho100 · 1 year
GIVE ME THE ASPEC TWST HCS 🔥🔥🔥🔥 NOWWWWWW!!!!! (if u want to)
✧ first, the ones i feel strongly abt:
-> Aromantic Epel:
reason no 1.) his in game chat where hes like "if you think im a romantic person, dont" . sooo aro tbh
no. 2) he never has any romance related wishes hes too focused on getting those muscles and blastin on that blastcycle
no 3.) tbh i think theres a voiceline in his ghost marriage card abt like his ideals on loved ones and partners and its never explicitly a romantic thing he's just like "i wanna spend time with my loved ones and be strong enough to protect them, bake pie for them" and like yea i think he
no 4.) i think if he went on a date with someone he would just not feel anything romantic about it he's just there like "wow its so fun hangin out :D!!!"
-> Aroace Jade:
I'm not actually sure why I feel strongly about aroace Jade but it's definitely not like in a oh hes cold and unfeeling way like not at all... like he cares about his interests, he cares about certain people in his life. but in a way I don't really think he would want to find a partner or settle down because he doesn't really think about that. he's happy living on his own and doing the things he likes and he's happy if Azul and Floyd are happy, hes just vibing and I dont think romance or sex crosses his mind. bro lights up at seeing wild plants n fungi and mountains and also messing with people, thats his true love right there.
(okay but I think he could also be up for finding a partner/some kinda relationship besides platonic, like hes not completely closed off to the idea he just genuinely does not think abt it that much due to lack of experience or . smth)
-> Demiromantic/Demisexual Sebek:
guy who gets no bitches im sorry I think hes just super occupied with his whole Malleus guard business, training, and the thought of dating never crosses his mind and when he does he just listens to Lilia's old man advice and its so hopeless . F in the chat for Sebek
bullying his silly goofyness aside I think the thought of love does cross his mind but in a "am I worthy of this?" way and he doesn't really get crushes or stuff because he probably would feel guilty like "in my mind there should only be room for Malleus!!!" (not even in a crushing on or wanting him way he just feels that he has to protect and adore Malleus at all times and when he doesnt hes letting his guard down or something) thats why he would probably only feel or notice attraction if its someone close with him 👍
✧ the ones that im not super sure about but I like thinking abt it now and again:
-> Arospec/Demisexual Azul: mixed bag tbh i first thought of acespec Azul when I mistook the glove ring thing in his ceremonial robes groovy as an ace ring (which ik it isnt in hindsight but like, its funny to me). i rlly agreed with like your post abt the dating hcs and how Azul probably tried out dating once because he wanted to distance from his old self and then hes like "oh no theres vulnerability that has to be shared in this and its not just buying people things and going on fancy dinner dates with them???" and he reevaluates his entire view on romantic and sexual attraction and by that I mean he tries not to think abt it and just focuses on business
-> Arospec/Lithro Ruggie: I think it would be a silly idea if Ruggie would get crushes easily but never pursue them and they eventually just fade away because the thought of entering a relationship is like "uhhhh why do that when I can work and get that bag 🤙🤙" or smth. admittedly even tho i like him i dont rlly have the biggest grasp on his character. i thought abt kaliruggie sometimes i think its kinda cute and thats abt it LMAOO
-> Aroacespec Idia: is it him being emotionally closed off and not good at social interaction or is he aspec . who knows at least hes winning in his otome VNs go gamer go
-> "doesnt rlly want to think about that" flavor of aspec Jamil: he doesnt really want to think about that. focusing on issues rn
-> Ace Ace: would just be funny innit. i think he may just be gay and oblivious though
-> Demirose Riddle: guy who doesnt think abt it ever until it hits him in the face. also his mom probably like never told him anything abt dating except No Dating until u Graduate or something so hes like . ok. its like with friendship he doesnt know all the rules of it yet. and he studied medical stuff on account of doctor parents so he probably takes such a methodical scientific approach to like romance and sex and that probably puts people off. like he Knows and Understands he says but also he really does not and its making him #(-@&3-_8$;4///0ak#sjdh 💥
-> not actually an aspec headcanon or anything but i think Vil, Leona, and Rook only speaks in the language of marriage and divorce and not dating or breaking up
-> Arospec Diasomnia: well. theyre green arent they (blasted into smithereens)
and yeah thats it I think
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buckle up y’all because i have more to say about how growing up catholic fucked with my experience of sex and sexuality. 
hidden behind a cut because i’ll be talking about sex again. this time with some details, so y’all have been warned.
this summer i found out, after identifying as lesbian for over 2 years, that i am, in fact, bisexual.  (and far more transmasc that i had thought but that is beside the point). i found out i’m bi whilst actively having sex with a guy friend - “red”.
(tl;dr from my last post: i worked at an overnight camp this summer, kissed a few friends on a night off then ended up having sex with “red”.  church-y intrusive thoughts about self-worth ensued.)
i didn’t have a crush on red before we had sex.  at least, i don’t think i did.  admittedly i do struggle with identifying crushes, but i am fairly certain that i didn’t have a crush on him before. 
i hadn’t even thought about having sex with him before we were doing it.  it started just as making out - i had enjoyed kissing red earlier that night and i had some steam to blow off.  i trust red enormously and feel very safe with him so i asked if he wanted to make out again.  “do you mind if i let my hands wander?” led to “how do you feel about taking our shirts off?” and i’m sure y’all understand where it went after that.  (i know its good to talk about having sex with someone before actually fucking them but humans are fallible creatures and that's not always the way it goes).
in the midst of all this i am having *realizations* such as: i find red very attractive.  this is a gender-affirming experience and i quite like being seen as desirable by a man who does not see me as a woman. 
sometime during our hook-up, red said something to me that made my heart skip a beat and i had that oh-shit-i’ve-got-a-crush moment.  immediately following that was the oh-shit-i-like-guys-in-a-gay-way moment. 
*     *     *
in retrospect, now that i’ve had time for reflection, i have realized a few more things, the most glaring of which is this: the church’s anti-sex rhetoric worked so well on me that i thought i was aro-ace.  from there, it was easier to recognize attraction to women as someone who at the time was still identifying as a woman. 
there is a framework for realizing you’re gay.  there are all kinds of resources: the infamous “am i gay” quizzes, the lesbian masterdoc for sapphics, there are probably hundreds of posts here on tumblr dot com that talk about realizing one is gay, and i read far more of them than i should have had the time for.
no such framework exists for realizing one experiences “straight” attraction (in quotes because gender is funky and me liking guys isn’t straight anymore).  all of the “am i gay” quizzes basically say “if you’re asking, you already know”.  the church had me (and still to a degree has me) so repressed that it was easier to acknowledge crushes on girls than guys. 
i like men in a way that is closer to the way men like men than the way women like men.  i applied the “realizing i’m gay” framework to liking guys (which, again, for me is gay).  without realizing this i genuinely think it would have taken me years at least to unwork enough of the church brainrot to acknowledge crushing on guys.  just one more thing to add to the list of ways the church fucked me up and reasons i am glad i left.
i hope this makes sense, it turned far more ramble-y that i intended
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lostconductor · 11 days
happy pride month! - 6/4/24
i've had a lot of thoughts on julian's sexuality. it's insane. it's not that deep but it is because the mechanisms of my mind are an enigma. i originally sent pieces of this over discord at like 4 am but it's the most i've been able to explain it in words lol, i ended up adding more to it and expanding upon it slightly more
basically....he is bi yes but hes also a flavor on the ace / aro spectrum in the sense that yes he can feel sexual / romantic attraction but it isnt Often. like it is totally out of sight out of mind until it isnt and he puts the puzzle pieces together. he never noticed eva starting to like him or ever even considered anything romantic w him. they spent lifetimes together but he was going through time loop torture nexus he didn't exactly have time to think about that. there was a timeline where eva confessed to him, and he had no idea he liked him until he confessed. i think i labelled him demi because he just doesnt feel anything until hes spent a long time with u and has forged a lifeling bond of steel with u, but even then he's mostly just given Awareness by the others saying something first
i tried (kind of cringely) to touch on it in the third evacuation ocfic i wrote where he like. he feels an attachment to eva, considers him the person he's closest to, is comfortable with laying in a bed with him and holding hands but literally doesn't really consider it might be love / a romantic relationship until eva tells him he loves him and his brain is like oh yeah. that makes sense......in this timeline too.....yeah ill hold onto this guy forever maybe i love him
he's also extremely physically affectionate already, and was just kind of brought up in a way where he doesn't see a big deal in homies kissing each other goodnight. he doesn't mean to come onto you. which confuses eva so much
overall i think he just doesn't think of romance that much, just kind of does things out of sheer attachment and connection. he expresses and feels love differently in a way thats really hard to describe but i think an aro person would understand/phrase better (i considered it as a label myself before, but i ultimately ended up just deciding my feelings and energy might fluctuate but in the end i feel romantic attraction and develop crushes lol)
put under a readmore for paragraphs about sex i just love intricate rituals . sorry.
read more but he like. he doesnt usually feel sexual attraction, more often than not the others initiate it or he offers it to please them or relieve them rather than being Horny For It, and really is just going with the flow and willing to try anything. he doesnt judge or care he just likes making his partners happy. it isnt even in a “ehh i dont rlly want to have sex but whatever he wants ig” way, its consensual and julian is happy doing it, just doesnt rlly feel the sexual drive to initiate it himself *shrugs*. he's more of a giver than a receiver and just likes pleasing his partners.
a lot of him initiating sex otherwise is “hey you look tense/we havent done this in a while, do u want me to help u with that (trying to sound flirty)” or “hey i found out about this thing do u wanna try it it sounds fun”LOL
he is poly and hes also fine w his partners having sex without him or consentually having sex w someone else, and is fine doing it with a friend or something if they want to and not expecting anything more from it because he just sees it as smtng humans Do. yes it can be display of trust and love and sexual desire, but also separated from that its something people do just because it feels good! so if they wanna, and jules is ok w them seeing him nude, why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ he's....very lax about it
idk. its so hard to describe. but he experiences it different than me which is hard to shift my brain into anyways. but he's so special 2 me. my little guy. he KNOWS what sex is he KNOWS what a boyfriend adn girlfriend is he isn't an innocent bean but he just DONT GOT TIME FOR THAT HES GOT A TIME LOOP TO SOLVE /J
(ends up supermarried because he spent acual lifetimes keeping this man alive and attached to him like a little worm. love cares him so much thinks hes handsome and likes driving him up the wall and eva wants him romantically and carnally)
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cimicherrychanga · 3 years
labels are so complicated why do i need a name for my identity
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eye emoji at ur oc tags i am looking so hard what da hell is going on over there
hehehe excuse to infodump abt them hell yeah! okay so i partially answered this here and also before i forget i actually have a sideblog dedicated to the campaign theyre for over at @the-curse-investigation-team ! and for anyone who needs context for this ask i posted this earlier (putting the rest under a read more bc this is gonna be long)
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ANYWAYS so i mostly talked abt the curse earlier, but basically theres a curse on the monsters (they're good!!) of this town that make them get sick and rampage and not have control of their monster forms if theyre shifters. it affects one person every new moon and the person ends up dying from the curse just from how sick they get (or previously they were killed/euthanized but that stopped since there was recently gained hope that the ppl could be cured of the curse. my character, worms, originally got turned into a monster/worm-shifter bc he got attacked by a worm shifter that was effected by the curse and worms bit him in an attempt to get it off of him (he was panicking okay he wasnt exactly in the best position to be making decisions). when he woke up he was in a hospital bed and found out that bc he called for help the worm ended up being killed and now he has ✨survivors guilt✨. so even tho he's told theres nothing he can do to help he keeps researching the curse and trying to save those effected to no end (his working theory is that if the cursed monster stays alive til midnight of the new moon then the curse will stop effecting them but no one will listen). finally things change when two non-monsters (scott, a manager from the local gary gators [think rainforest cafe x chuck-e-cheese and yes this is based on fnaf shhhh] who?? has a phone for a head??, and sonya, a college student who has powers given to her by a something or other but rly doesnt want to) get roped in. they figure out that worms' original theory doesnt work but they figure out sonya can dispell the curse, but at that point its too late. next month rolls around tho and the curse gets dispelled from that person and we now have the first person to live through having the curse!! but its still gonna show up every month so now we gotta figure out its source and keep dispelling it and tracking down who has it each month.
as for the best friend, his name is/was emmett and they met in elementary schooland knew each other up into their early 20s and they bonded over both being trans (with emmett being a trans guy and worms being nonbinary) along with many other things. emmett got bullied a lot in school and worms v much gave him scary dog privilege and got the bullies to back off whenever they were around, or at the very least caused problems for them lol. they were super close, to the point where emmett developed a romantic crush on worms (but didnt ask him out or say anything bc worms is aroace and he assumed they wouldnt want to be in a relationship w him [he didnt know that qpps were a thing]) and worms developed a queerplatonic crush on emmett (but didnt say anything bc emmett isnt aro and "deserves to have a nice romantic relationship with someone who can reciprocate" [emmett would love to be their qpp if he knew it was a thing]". v much and they were both idiots energy. anyways they lived together for a while after worms got kicked out and before emmett left for college in emmetts parents house. right after emmett had moved back to their hometown after college he disappeared; long enough that he was assumed dead. it was insanely hard on worms. it turns out emmett is now scott, the phone head guy i mentioned earlier. freddy fazbears gary gators decided they needed a new manager (all of which are ppl kidnapped and turned into partial animatronics with their memories mostly wiped and v v traumatized. scott doesnt remember worms bc, like i said, memories wiped, plus worms changed his name which doesnt help (he used to change names all the time and then landed on worms after the wormening). worms does seem very familiar to scott though and finds them very comforting to be around and has a crush on him again. worms doesnt know scott is emmett bc different voice (voicebox) and can't see his face (phonehead). scott does remind him a lot of emmett though and finds himself falling into old habits with him and developing queerplatonic feelings for him, both of which he feels a bit guilty about.
also side note but worms's grandpa-figure (pops) turns into a bear and is dating mothman :)
but yeah sorry this is long agshshs lmk if you have any questions!! tho stuff abt emmett/scott i may or may not be able to answer since hes my friends player character not mine (same goes for sonya).
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[don't worry, the mile long description is staying, that's my only accomplishment on this site aside from april 13, 2007, brobecks bmonday, and ferb time]
[i'm also liveblogging homestuck intermittently, go here [browser only] for a nice little organized archive. unlike everything else on tumblr it works better on mobile browser, my desktop theme doesn't like long posts]
hi, welcome to salemruinseverything dot tumble, your source for quality reblogs, horrible [affectionate] original posts, and frequent tøp-posting of varying quality [read: reblogging half of what's in the tag every time lore happens]. my name's salem. [mainly.] i use they/them, xe/xem, joy/joyr, ae/aer, it/its, and 🍭/🍭s pronouns [also mainly, you can check my pronouny for more of both of those.] [also, i do sometimes use he/him or she/her for myself, but id prefer if other people didn't.] this is mostly a bandom/shitposting blog, but i have been known to post about politics, animatronics, minecraft youtubers, the nintendo 3ds, and doll collecting very frequently. i once got someone to ask dallon weekes if he knew what furries were, and that is both my biggest accomplishment and the worst thing i've ever done. my only personality traits are being personally victimized by pete wentz, having a crush on gerard way, surviving solely on monster energy and spite, and being a kinnie which i refuse to be ashamed about anymore. i have a lot of ocs. feel free to read on if you want to know anything else but that's really all the info you need.
dni if: you're a queerphobe, an ace/aro exclusionist, anti-xenogenders/neopronouns, a terf/swerf, a pedo/map/nomap/anti-anti/whatever you guys are calling yourselves now, people who genuinely give any shred of a fuck about proship/antiship discourse, anti-kin of any sort, you actively support brendon urie or ronnie radke, preps/posers /mj [this list will also get amended at some point it's like 2 am as i write this] [also fair warning that this isn't an exhaustive list and i hardblock without hesitation if your vibes are off. no hard feelings unless you're a bigot]
hey if we're mutuals/i follow you please tag these w/ "salem dont look" [you absolutely don't have to but id appreciate it]: any photos of actual needles [talk of needles/cartoon needles are fine], minimalist aesthetics [especially in black and white], death from overdoses [other varieties of death are fine im emo & desensitized [mostly]], the names morgan & chey, any photos of posessed ybc!patrick, & agere stuff [i have nothing against y'all and you're very welcome here, but it's a big squick for me lmao]
a short list of things i post about [formerly a list of things i actively post about, but half of these fandoms are dead now and i'm too lazy to take them out]
my chemical romance
various decaydance bands
hating brendon urie
twenty øne piløts[? in my 2024? it's more likely than you think.]
the aforementioned bamd secretly being catboys
waterparks [the band]
sanders sides
various mcyts/associated streamers
homestuck[? in my 2024? it's m-]
tally hall. how did i forget tally hall.
brian david gilbert [& associated acts]
particularly polygon but i can no longer count that as an associated act
the heart rate of a mouse [i apologize in advance]
will wood, with or without the tapeworms
lalaloopsy [where is lalaloopsy tumblr. please]
american girl
some other general doll collecting stuff as well, but i do mainly collect the two mentioned above [mostly lalaloopsies. lalaloopsy fans please interact]
showbiz pizza/the rockafire explosion[/chuck e cheese occasionally]
disney parks [i hate the corporation but i am a sucker for a good dark ride]
scott pilgrim vs. the world [ramona flowers is my precious little meow meow. she's me fr. if she gets hurt i am killing everyone in this room and then myself]
i haven't seen a single episode of supernatural since i was 9 and have never played tf2 but castiel and scout are my special little guys so i post about them sometimes
this list will probably be changed at some point by the way this is just off the top of my head
tags i use:
#salem's random thoughts: any original textposts i make
#salem's shitposting at midnight again: my old textpost tag, is now mainly used for memes if at all
#top 10 gerard way gf moments: you know how i said one of my only personality traits was having a crush on gerard way? yeah
#salem please stop talking about your kandi: a catchall tag for any posts i make talking about/with pictures of my kandi
#awsten knight troll propaganda: hey did you know that awsten knight is a valid troll name? and that him typing in all caps all the time could technically be counted as a typing quirk? yeah [the tag that inevitably led to parxstuck]
#tally hall out boy cinematic universe: a mostly abandoned project wherein i tried to connect everything possible to tally hall and/or fall out boy
#salems selfies: this is just pictures of my face
#you're a hot mess and i'm falling for queue: uh. queue tag. yeah. mostly used when i hit post limit but sometimes i schedule things
#salems im okay liveblog: on the rare occasions my favorite webcomic, i'm okay (trust me), updates i am bound to liveblog the new episode so if you dont care about it then block that cause I Have Emotions About These Dumb Emo Teens
#salem answers a question: tag for asks
#my friends!!: things my friends post!
#seven of spiders: tag for my band!! it's mostly an actual band now!! we still don't have a drummer though
#salem's discography liveblogs: there were a lot of bands i was avoiding getting into just because i didn't know when or how to start with their music, so i now have a list of said bands and i've been going down the list, picking a band and listening to one of their albums until i finish their whole discography. used to be on sundays but i kind of just do them whenever i feel like it now. i also have individual tags for each band but you can find those by going through the tag. current tags to block if you don't wanna see this: #salems gorillaz liveblog, #paramore discography liveblog [my blacklist tags for this are inconsistent im sorry]
#vampireposting & #idogposting: i like vampires & idogs. self explanatory.
#salems ocs, #the murder crew, #dsmpjoys au, #parxstuck, #my chemical l'manberg au, & #the reprisians: stuff abt my ocs/aus! [please send me asks about them pls pls p] [note because i don't know where else to put it; dsmpjoys & mcl are on indefinite hiatus o7]
#every day i have strange sentences (?) put into my ask box by tumblr user full of teeth: dumb shit [affectionate] that everest sends me. still using his url from two urls ago because i'm lazy.
#liveblogging my breakdown: the posts that get a little too venty lmao, feel free to block if you don't wanna see that shit
#ftwwwposting: mcr play ftwww live challenge
this will also be updated cause i Know this isnt all the tags i use on a regular basis
other things i think are important to note:
all my posts are ok to rb unless they're specifically tagged w don't rb [although i guess this isn't much of an issue now that i can turn off reblogs but. still]
i don't actually ship any real people [at least not anymore- i sincerely apologise if you scroll down far enough to find unironic rpf-posting], but i do make a concerning amount of rpf jokes and am a throamie, and i try to tag any rpf-related content accordingly [i swear i'm posting about peterick in a platonic way i swear it on my life it's not my fault bandom has not caught onto the concept of duo names]
ask me to tag things if you need me to! it doesn't matter how "dumb" you think it is, i will try my hardest to tag it
the only thing i won't tag is blood, because i'm an mcr fan and that shit's so prevalent in this fandom that i don't even wanna try- however, i do tag gore, & i only rb cartoony/artistic gore, no realistic stuff :p
on that note let me know if i miss any tags so i can add them! [i do forget to tag things excruciatingly often, i'm sorry for that]
also on that note since people keep asking: i put tws on fall out boy/panic! at the disco because people asked me to [i don't anymore because i'm like 80% sure they both unfollowed me but. if you see older posts with those tws that's why]
ALSO on that note. i reblog so much mcyt stuff that it's basically impossible to tag it all at this point so like genuinely no offense but if you need that blacklisted please just unfollow stop harassing me to tag it
all the tw/cw tags i use are formatted "tw/cw [thing]", & mentions of that thing are tagged "tw/cw [thing] mention". i often forget which things i use cw tags for and which i use tw tags for so id recommend blocking both to protect yourself from my stupidity
please send me asks. i crave human interaction
i block people a lot, don't @ me- this is my space and i'm curating it how i want. literally, if you give me weird [in a bad way] enough vibes from a quick scroll through your blog after you follow me, i'm blocking you.
if you're not around my age [i am very young! mid teens! im not comfortable sharing specifics but if you're like. under legal tumblr age/above 18 this applies to u], please don't message me if we haven't talked before, it makes me uncomfortable [you're welcome to follow/send asks/reblog with commentary and stuff, just don't dm me please] [this also doesn't apply if we've already talked a few times outside of dms]
i threaten to kill other people and myself a lot. please know that i'm joking. murder is bad. suicide is also bad
my sideblogs: [ironically only three of these aren't related to my ocs]
@mediocreincorrectquotes: incorrect quotes of various fandoms
@sevenofspiders: blog for my band :p
@salems-edits: feel like the url sums that one up
@terribleocincorrectquotes: incorrect quotes of my ocs, horribly organized
@ooc-tiktok-comments: the uh. the url sums that one up too
@cottoncandy-system: system blog (hi we have osdd. apparently)
@bimbemo: aesthetic sideblog (HUGE flashing lights & eyestrain cw)
@its-just-ray-toro: its just ray toro. follow for ray toro on your dash
@bunnyboylyricbot: lyrics i like posted twice daily [when i remember to queue things]
@starstruck-n-m3tal: i am the #1 scholar on all things party poison
all of the sideblogs below are semi-rp, semi-aesthetic blogs for my ocs all of which are very inactive
@alluwantizbadboys - gabe kennedy
@sharpeasaknife - helena sharpe
@christmasknight - noelle knight
@thearistocrat - cain harmony
@mxs1n1st3r - celine sinister
@frmthrzr2thrzry - aaron knight
@b3aut1ful--quarant1n3 - razz roscoe
@voluntaryv1ct1m - jaxxie boyd
@began-and-ended-in-ellipses - cas roscoe
i also have a few secret sideblogs. you'll have to find them yourself
also i am now forcing you to look at these pictures of ryan ross.
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[Image ID: several assorted photos of Ryan Ross. /end ID]
that's it thank you have a good day
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Could I ask what your sexuality headcanons are? I love comparing mine with other peoples’!
Ok second half of this; this is just like. non-students who i Actually have thought about HJBAFV not at all a comprehensive list. Again disclaimer i write all these chars as bi in my fics, also i am bi myself so the vast majority are also bi, and also leaving a lot of these vague so u can imagine ur favorite ship or urself or w/ever
ok lets start this off with Aizawa. I think....... hes another one who's rlly unlabelled, doesnt super care to think it through and define it, but calls himself gay bc his interest in women is very, very rare and it's just way easier to say than explain all that. Definitely do buy into the idea that he had a crush on Oboro in hs but i do NOT buy into the easermic agenda sorry. Definitely not someone who goes looking for dates, but doesn't say no if someone asks him and hes interested (also im not gonna give her a whole section but i saw a hc a while back that the Ms. Joke stuff is literally that shes a lesbian and hes gay and shes fucking with him and i love that so much i just wanted to put it out there)
on the topic of the erasermic agenda: Hizashi's pan and knew it before HS, had a sudden & intense crush on Aizawa for the first month they knew each other and then immediately got over it in favor of a similar sudden, intense, and then immediately fading crush on Midnight. Hizashi and Aizawa r just rlly good friends imo; maybe they messed around for a bit in their twenties but it never went anywhere serious. He dates around a lot, not even necessarily to settle down just to have some fun
Midnight is aro/ace but does get in qprs & gravitates towards women wrt that. Most people dont read vigilantes but theres a woman in that, Kazuho, who i imagine she's been in a long-term qpr with; her relationship with aizawa and hizashi leans a little more towards a qpr than a normal friendship, too, but it's not rlly defined that way
All Might is married to justice queer but v much not interested in relationships. He and that one guy from the first movie are ABSOLUTELY exes and i won't hear otherwise; it's the only relationship he's ever had, and they broke up bc he had to go back to japan. He was heartbroken but did eventually get over him; his lack of romance afterwards is from genuine disinterest and not being hung up on his past. I can see him finding someone else in his later years, after he's retired. Definitely feels like he's not worthy of it tho
Hawks is bi but unfortunately didn't get to figure that out until like Now in the timeline...... if youll let my dabihawks history shine through i think dabi was the reason JHBASFGJHB he was basically brainwashed by the commission to become a hero so he didnt have time to Figure That Shit Out; he knew he was into women bc that was easy & what the commission expected from him but then he started this undercover assignment and met dabi and realized Oh...... Fuck. Hawks is hard tbh, bc i think between the control that the commission has over him and his own convictions as a hero he doesn't pursue any romance (tho he does get crushes or find people attractive) and most of his flings are done to keep up his prettyboy act, not out of genuine interest in being a fuckboy. Can't imagine him having a relationship until well after canon but I do see him being interested eventually
Onto the villains, Shigaraki is unlabelled but probably would call himself queer if asked. Definitely admires women more but isn't very interested in romance; AFO actively encourages him to pursue the things interested in so imo if he were he'd talk abt it more lmfao. I kinda see him as demi as well, not the type to fall immediately but requiring a friendship beforehand; tho unlike Bakugo as i said in my last post I dont think it happens suddenly but rather slowly. Y'all know im a big fan of shigaraki being absolutely whipped for his s/o so i do thing hes a big piner, tho he's also pretty bold and unashamed of his affections. I'm a big fan of him falling for a member of the league or a civilian; definitely can't see him falling for a hero unless the hero was already halfway to turning sides already. I think he's also attracted to intelligence and someone who pushes him to think more abt his ideology...... maybe im just projecting at this point JSHDFBVAJKSHD but my point is that the gender of his partner is definitely the least of what he considers/notices
Dabi is bi and, here's my bold take, demisexual; not interested in sex unless its with someone he loves. Absolutely doesn't even think abt romance for most of the years where he's on his own. He's got revenge to plan. By the time he joins the league that hasn't changed much, and he's demi so he's not interested in sleeping around, plus he rlly denies any attachment to people at all. As I said in that other ask tho I do rlly like the idea of him with Magne, so I think they have a fling for a bit before her death :( it's one of the things that leads him to isolate himself further, unfortunately, even from Jin and the other League members with whom his relationships aren't romantic. I can see him dating someone post-canon bc i think hes gonna be redeemed lol. It could be someone he knew before but they probably didnt date again bc he was v guarded; i think magne was rlly the only person he dated
Magne is pan and heres the kicker: I think shes t4t, which led to a little moment just before she and dabi got together where he was like "she wouldnt be into me :/" but she was into him anyway so all was good. She got around in her circles, mostly casual stuff tho she yearned for something more serious.
Spinner's bi & trends towards women but does occasionally get things for men and they're almost always intense. He thought he was straight for a while even once he joined the league and then suddenly got a crush on Shigaraki (around the time of MVA) and realized otherwise LMFAO he's definitely a hopeless romantic type, the whole mutant prejudice thing makes it rlly hard for him and i can see him being rlly happy with another mutant-type; i feel like as he matures he starts to gravitate towards them
Toga is canonically pan to my understanding, iirc her interest in Uraraka and Deku is the same (and romantic) in canon tho i might be wrong. Poor girl just needs therapy. I like the idea of the two of them becoming her friends over her being involved with them but i totally can get behind her having a thing with Uraraka (and maybe Tsu) at some point post-canon (presuming she gets redeemed), tho I think a qpr between the two/three of them would be longer lasting. And again presuming she gets therapy i can see her settling down with someone, gender irrelevant
Jin is unlabelled bc he hasn't much thought abt it, definitely had a thing for dabi and for hawks which does make me sad on both counts. I think he likes women slightly more abstractly/aesthetically and gets crushes more on men,. The dabi thing fades as they get closer and start to view each other as brothers. In his later years he doesn't rlly care about romance, I think he enjoys the experience of crushing but doesnt like dating people; his found family in the League is far more important to him. But i can see him falling head-over-heels for someone quite suddenly and having a bit of a whirlwind romance. Also someone for whom gender isn't much of a factor
Mr Compress is also queer and also hasn't rlly thought abt it. Definitely leans more towards women; he's like 30 but i like to think he also goes for older partners, 10 or 15 years his senior KJBADSJFHB idk he just has that Vibe with the way he calls himself an old man etc. A lot of the league i cant see sleeping or dating around much, i feel like they prioritize each other, but I do think mr compress gets around more than the others. i can see him having a bit of a fuckbuddy who he catches feelings for
Kurogiri is fun; as Oboro I do think Aizawa's crush was reciprocated, tho he wasn't around long enough for them to act on it :( he's bi, tho kurogiri isn't supposed to have personal interests. I like to imagine the brainwashing isnt as good as AFO wants it to be tho so I like the idea of him falling for someone anyway. I also like the idea of the heroes managing to undo the nomufication and I 100% can see him, aizawa, and someone else (someone he was involved with as Kurogiri) ending up in a triad as a result of aizawa and the third partner helping him through the aftermath of all that shit
Lady Nagant is a manga-only minor character but im in love with her so imma talk abt it. Shes bi and leans VERY heavily towards women, probably spent years questioning whether she was rlly bi or a lesbian before finally having a fling with a guy that she genuinely enjoyed. Has only ever been in long-term relationships with women and I v much think she has a gf at home who stayed even when she was arrested 🥺
Finally imma talk abt Natsuo bc i love that boy. He's one of the few unmarried chars with a love interest and he canonically has a gf. I do see him as IDing straight in canon ngl, but the kind of straight where he might actually be bi but his preference leans so heavily towards women and he grew up in a bad home so he just doesnt rlly think abt it bc hes v happy with women anyway. In shiganatsu thoughts shigaraki is the first man he has a thing for; i rlly can see the two of them in a triad with a woman specifically, who helps the two of them find each other and is the one who initiates bc its definitely a weird situation for natsuo
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alesreadings · 3 years
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Loveless by Alice Oseman.
4.5 stars.
“Give your friendships the magic you would give a romance. Because they're just as important. Actually, for us, they're way more important.”
This is my first ace/aro book, so, it feels refreshing have a little bit of representation, even if it's not entirely like that (I felt it that way, tho, this is my case) for me. The review is from my POV on this, my feelings and reactions, ok? ok, thanks. Btw, if there's something that can be misunderstood, let me know and I'll change it. Georgia Warr has never been in love or kissed, and she's just 18. But she thinks she'll find a person some day. This is fine, actually, many people haven't had their first kiss in their teen years, and that's totally ok! Look at me, the next month I'll turn 23 and I've never kissed anyone. I used to think that THAT fact it was going to be the end of the world, since my friends were having romances at 15/16 y/o, having their first romantic relationship and their first kisses, and even sex. I had a lot of crushes at that age with many people, but I never thought it was important to have a relationship with someone. And that little fact was something to my ex classmates joke about like for 3/4 years. So, you can imagine how bad I felt for it. That bullying from my ex classmates generated on me a lot of insecurities, because they made me feel like I was a weirdo or a loser for not having kissed anyone by that time. I really believed that there was something wrong with me. At that age, we believe a lot of things that others tell us, so, I was naive and stupid for think that all of those things were true. In high school, had crushes too, but I never had a relationship because people only think in one thing (in my country, sadly is like that): sex. Back in my old school, I had a traumatic event that made me make sure about my sexuality, even if by that age I didn't know anything about it. So, in high school, I just had crushes, but didn't know what was that lack of sex desire toward the others. I never told this to anyone, because my ex "friends" really let me down making me believe that, indeed, I was a weirdo for not having pair or my first kiss yet. In the university, things changed. I made one year in History and I met the most beautiful and amazing girl on my French class. She's bi and her mind is so open and she's smart. I fell for her, we talked but I never confessed to her my feelings (yes, I'm a coward and I hate me for this). When I changed to my actual career, literature, I met one of my best friends. She's pan and once, while we talked with my other friends, she asked us who we fancied, I said: "no one", with fear believing that I was gonna be rejected or they were gonna laugh of me. My friend smiled at me and said "oh, you're asexual". I've heard that term before, but I didn't know what it meant, so I asked her if she could please explain me. She explained me a lot about the ace spectrums and I cried in front of my friends for two reasons: 1) they weren't judging me for haven't had a pair or my first kiss yet, and 2) because I finally had a name for my sexuality and I didn't feel entirely alone. My friends were and are very supportive with me and they mean the world to me. So, yes, I agree with that: friends mean a lot, even more when they're the correct ones. I've had a hard time accepting myself, I've struggled for years with myself, who I am and it's been a long process. I haven't come out to my family for many reasons, but mainly because they're very mind-closed and that scares me. I told my bestfriend (ex bestfriend by now) that I'm ace. And he laughed at me, when I explained him what it was asexuality, he said that it's an excuse for not having sex or pair before (he was in love with me and I rejected him like 6 years ago, lmao). That of course that made me feel like shit. But I realized that there's NOTHING wrong with me, that people will not always understand and that's ok, but I'm getting away from them. For years, I struggled so bad trying to accept me, to love me, because I had dark years when I hated me so much. I was in a dark place for so long, but when I finally accepted me for who I am, I naturally cried like a baby, but I felt proud of myself. It's a
big fucking step, but I'm no longer afraid of me. Yes, I'm still afraid of some people the whole time, but this is me trying. (please, get the taylor reference) This book having one of its main plots in friends touched me so bad. I wish I had those friends when I was 15 to 19 years, to encourage me, to support me and tell me that things were gonna be ok. I had found those friends now, and I look back to my old me and I don't feel pity or sadness anymore. Of course, I keep crying because I feel like I've waisted my life, or like future is uncertain and it scares me as fuck. But I'm proud of me, and no one can make me feel like I'm not worth it or like I'm weird. "My future still terrified me. But everything seemed a little brighter when my best friends were around." I still wanna fall in love, have a romantic relationship and feel those things, u know? Even if I feel like I won't gonna find someone who accepts me for who I am, and that shit is scaring. So, yes, I enjoyed this book, even if I wanted to kick Georgia so bad for many things and cry for others. Maybe nobody has told you this today, or you needed to read it/hear it, but: You are loved, you are valid, you are so fucking perfect the way you are. Never doubt about it. If you are struggling with so many things, take a break and breathe, take a deep breathe, cry, jump, laugh, do whatever you want, but you know what? You are gonna be ok. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but you will, and when you look back, you will feel proud of yourself and you'll smile so bright like the sun. It's a bad moment, not a bad life. And yes, please, never forget this. And just like Bruno Mars said: 'cause, hey, you're amazing, just the way you are. :) Also, Pip's mom is my heroine. She lived in Colombia and Manuel in London, and when Manuel went to visit his grandma, they met and fell in love. And they moved to LonDON. OH MY FUCKING GOD, I NEED THAT, PLEASE, TAKE ME OUT OF THIS COUNTRY, I'M SOBBING. "The I am loveless mood has just gone." "Neither of us were alone in this." There was something that it seemed a little bit out of line there. Not all aces are sex-repulsed. Idk if I'm the only one who understood that. But there are other aces who are not sex-repulsed. It's not wrong tho, it just gave me that impression. Also, a mention for tmm gang, they're the best people i've ever met, i love them with my life and i'm very thankful for calling them my friends. :') guys, if you see this, you know who are you, demons and angels <3
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ltleflrt · 4 years
Okay there’s something about Castiel’s love confession I gotta talk about that excites me.  Aside from the whole Destiel thing I mean.  It’s the fact that he doesn’t need his love to be reciprocated for it to make him happy.
Strap in, we’re about to get personal!  
I am on the aro spectrum.  I’m somewhere on the border of Lithromantic, and Autochorisromantic.  I feel romantic attraction, crushes, and I’ve even experienced falling in love, but I have no burning urge to act on those feelings.  I love to experience romance through stories and fantasies, but feel uncomfortable being involved in actual romantic relationships. 
I didn’t want to get married when I was younger.  I liked dating lots of people, who I cared about deeply, but never allowed myself to be tied down.  I always made it clear up front that no matter how much I adored the person, they shouldn’t expect more from me than a friends with benefits deal.  
I hesitated for a loooong time about flirting with the guy I eventually did get married to, cuz he was a sweet innocent romantic and I knew he was the kind of guy I could only go on dates with with the intention of eventually marrying.  And now that we are married I have to make a conscious effort to show him romantic affection.  (Side note: of course I love him, it’s just… complicated and queer lol)(Second Side Note: The nice thing about being married?  I don’t have to worry about navigating the romance issue with fuckbuddies anymore lol)
I’ve always loved reading romance novels.  I was 9 the first time I read one, and I ate them up like candy for the rest of my life.  But when I was 13, I was working for a neighbor who was going through a divorce with her husband, and I didn’t understand how she could give up on him when she always talked about how much she loved him.  (Answer: he was an alcoholic, and she was a smart cookie, but there’s more to this story lol).  I thought love was forever, ya know?  A lifetime commitment!  She looked at me and said “Carebear, just because you love someone, doesn’t mean you have to be with them”.  
Mind. Fucking. Blown.  The earth tilted the other way on its axis.  The universe split open for a brief second and whispered her secrets in my ear.  Y’all, this was fucking game changing for 13 year old me.  (Also, it’s made it easy for me to walk away from bad relationships, so like, extra cool!)
Now I know there are words for this, but before I found the queer lexicon on the internet, I only knew that I was comfortable and happy loving someone from afar.  I can have a crush on someone, and just be happy to know them or be friends with them.  I can be in love with someone, and be happy seeing them in a romantic relationship with another person.  Because loving them, by itself, is a wondrous experience.  
It’s THE wondrous experience.  
So when Castiel came to the realization that just feeling it and saying it was all he needed to be truly happy?  My little lith-aro heart launched itself into orbit.  I was already ugly crying, but that got an extra sob out of me.  Hubby was quite concerned, and came over to pet me, bless him lol
I’m not saying I think Castiel is on the aro spectrum, although I do love it as a headcanon (as I do for Dean).  But I am saying that I felt like my itty bitty corner of the queer community got some representation. 
Thanks SPN writers :)
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lilietsblog · 4 years
so anyway im just going to scream about pgte queer representation again
cause guys we’ve got
- a bisexual most-definitely-aromantic-i-have-a-flipbook-of-evidence main character who’s the cutest blushing romantic to ever have eyes for approximately anything that moves
- her aroace-dont-@-me-i-also-have-a-flipbook-of-evidence-and-all-of-yall-saying-she-just-likes-flying-fotresses-better-than-sex-are-actively-proving-my-point enemies to vaguely-love-interests-maybe-i-mean-the-mc-literally-said-she-should-know-better-than-to-think-she-doesnt-love-her foil who uses flashing skin as a method of passive aggressiveness
- a cute as heck aroace autistic boi who’s in a romantic relationship
- with a heart-full-of-love very pan girl who respects his boundaries (once she gets to know him anyway. indrani pls dont pinch random ppls butts when you first meet them you’re awful)
- I am not talking about poly right now because it’s technically a separate thing from queer but the protagonist is also in a relationship (that is friends with benefits, where benefits include being disgustingly and adorably domestic) w/ said girl and stans her boyfriend and their relationship intensely, while the girl won’t stop shipping her / meddling in her Other Love Life because she wants her to be happy and is also terrible askdjfhaksjdh themmmmm
- a demiromantic demisexual disaster of an older man who’s a dad to one of the above, an uncle to another and technically if you squint a stepdad to the third, and killed the dad of the last one (not listed in order) (none of these people are related genetically to be clear, except for the dead one), and mentored his nephew about what being on the aro/ace spectrum is like bc having one (1) love interest does not make you not on the spectrum actually
While Papa had not been able to understand, not truly, for it was against the nature of an incubus to be as he was, his other father had seen in [him] similarities to what he’d once seen in his uncle. Enough to suggest a conversation. Not every kind of love involves bedplay or poetry, Uncle [that guyyyy] had told him. You can crave closeness with someone without craving them in other ways. Sometimes it just… fits. The intensity of it can be misleading, but you will learn.
- yeah so the autistic boi is also the adopted son of a warlock and an incubus. they are married. its controversial. incubi are not normally SENTIENT
- (this one is and they were the cutest couple as long as their son was single. now him & his gal take the cake)
- so. many. gay background and side characters
- unfortunately enbies and trans peeps are side character only but there is this vibe that like 3/4 of the side characters could be trans and we would never know bc guess whose business this is none of? anyone’s. maybe the big bad is trans. no-one in the setting has any reason to care
- also the one trans woman definitely mentioned to be such is currently off conquering her homeland. we stan a future empress. i mean imperialism is bad but so is obstructing a war effort to save the world so we stan anyway tbh
- using facepaint to indicate what gender you currently are in accordance with your homeland’s tradition? people who can read the facepaint use the right pronouns when you’re right there and everyone else / when you’re not there goes with “they”? that is happening
- “ma’am... please start a dynasty... get married... have kids... if u like girls better that’s fine we have the (miracle) technology just please... change your surname to something respectable and do a dynasty” “no”
- this is not even remotely close to everything that is happening
- i swear straight characters exist. i mean i mentioned one already (EDIT: turns out i didnt mention her. i removed that bullet point for some reason. tl;dr the protag had a ?crush? on her for a while) and there are no less than *counts on fingers* three others that statistically are shown to have interest in only girls/guys respectively
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 4 years
“#*looks at my 18k word homestuck arospec slowburn karkat fic*” :O?? Is this?? Published anywhere???
oh its not published anywhere im writing it on gooble docs but hoo boy now youve gone and done it. lemme introduce yall to the idea that is “dont look down”
-mod dave
so its a full-human collegestuck, and karkat is a grey(pan)romantic ace kid whos still trying to figure himself out. hes got some lingering self esteem issues because hes never felt love before Save One Fucking Time In Middle School For A Month, and now this asshole bane strider (i am definitely putting my partners ocs all over this bitch) is in love with him and asking him on a coffee date ?? what the fuck ?? 
turns out hes aro. well not aro. he cant be aro because a little later on he realizes that after he puts his stubbornness aside Holy Shit I Think I Actually Feel Something but he gets scared of it because he doesnt wanna seem like a freak. also he has vitiligo and theres also some lingering issues there cause he was bullied for it in middle / high school and is just now realizing that in college nobody fucking cares. but like He Still Cares and hes like absolutely amazed as to how the fuck someone has a physical crush on him
but like the gist of it is hes gonna realize he likes him but hes gonna push it down cause hes scared but hes also a little bitch so hes gonna say yes to dating him anyway and a month in hes gonna be like “oh god this was a mistake im not ready to do this yet” and then hes gonna distance himself but theres still gonna be buildup !! and banes gonna get upset and go “why the fuck are you avoiding me” and theyre gonna break up for a bit and karkats gonna go “guys i literally dont know what to do i thought i was aro but then i had a thing for him and then it went away and then i built it up again and now he broke up with me what the fuck.” 
and he makes up his mind that Yes he likes the guy and hell try again and he goes and confronts him and he sits him down and he finally fucking comes out to him that “hey im ace and im. like. i. i think aro but like not entirely i dont know why i like you but like this has never happened before and it came absolutely out of the blue and i dont know whats happening” and banes gonna be like Oh Shit Okay Bet and hes gonna go “yknow. my twin fucking brother is aroace do you want to talk to him”
ENTER DAVE (well not enter cause he got introduced in the beginning but.)
they bond (also theres a subplot where daves a visual arts major and hes piecing together his first sbahj film and karkat and john both decided to volunteer to help) and dave helps him figure everything out and hes like “so you like. rarely feel it” and karkats like “yeah i feel like im fake aro i dont know what to do” and dave goes “dude theres a whole spectrum. youre probably grey or demi” and karkat goes WHAT and daves like “yeah look it up check it out”
and karkat latches onto the greyro label like an absolute motherfucker and goes back to bane and hes like “i figured it the fuck out . i think. fingers crossed. fuck” and banes like “so i guess where we go is up to you” and karkats like “i wanna stay with you but. yknow. gently” and bane goes :D “BET” and they probably kiss and karkats like !! and kisses him back and then the rest of the year goes pretty well and karkat has a lot more green in his closet. 
i am gonna reach novel length. "dont look down” will be a fucking novel so help me god. yall are gonna underline that bitch
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I’m so scared that I’m gonna lose the people in my life if I come out as aro. And I also feel like I’m being some silly tumblr person by using aro terms and stuff, if that makes sense. Like, a lot of my aro journey was on tumblr, and I got a lot of other resources from aro/ace tumblr blogs too while I was questioning. Like. Most people irl won’t know half these words, won’t know what a qpr is, won’t understand or take it seriously. I feel like my whole family will be judging and mocking me if I come out and ever get in a qpr or talk about things like amatonormativity. Idk how my friends will react either. A lot of them are queer themselves, and I’m out to one of my best friends, who accepts me whole heartedly, so I’ve got that. And some other friends who I trust with my life and know would be okay with it all. By some I mean two or three. The rest I’m genuinely not sure will understand or take me seriously. What if I really am just silly and being over dramatic and over label-y and all? No one in my life knows what this is, I have no guarantee they’ll respect it, let alone understand it. My sister is ace, so she knows it, and she’s one of the people in my family I think would stick by me. But everyone else I don’t think so. And ik it’s gonna sound stupid, but everyone else I meet, they just. Won’t even know or understand or take me seriously. Bosses and strangers and potential friends and peers and all. Ik you’re not supposed to let other people drag you down and be scared of being judged or whatever, but that’s so much easier said then done, especially when it hinges on almost everyone you’ve known your whole life. And it doesn’t help that I know their doubt will only enforce my own. I struggle with believing that different attractions exist, that qprs are valid, that IM valid. Sometimes I feel like I’m making it all up, like I’m just engaging in some conspiracy theory. And another little fun point is that I often really like and get queerplatonic crushes (I forgot the term ajdbdksbdj) on people who are allo. So there’s a high chance they wouldn’t ever get in a qpr with me, even if they knew and understood what it was. I have a rlly big qp crush on this one guy rn who I just have the sneaking suspicion would most likely never be in a qpr. And even if he were, then that leaves me with the fear of him leaving me behind for a romantic partner. Ik this ask sounds really insecure and all, but I just. Can’t get over it. Like none of its real, or it’s so, so small, that I’ll lose half of my family and friends.
Honestly coming out is hard, and it’s especially hard when you don’t know how people are going to react, or you’re afraid you’ll lose their support or damage the relationship if you do come out. And it’s very normal and reasonable to be nervous about it, or have fears over it. 
I do think it’s great though you’ve already come out to a couple of people and have their support. Definitely don’t be afraid to lean on them a bit, especially as you tell other people, or make plans on how you’re going to come out to others.
Remember you don’t have to be out to everyone, or you can kind of pick and choose how you want to come out or how you want to be out. So like if there’s people you’re not that close to, and it’s not important to you that they know, you can just not bother coming out to them at all. 
You also don’t have to do the big coming out conversation where you explain exactly what aroace means to everyone too. There are other ways to be out, like wearing pride stuff/having pride stickers on your bag, having a post on your social media or putting it in your profile, etc. And then if people don’t get it or care, they can look it up or ask you themselves. 
There is a good chance your queer friends will know what aroace means too, or at the very least they’ll know what asexual means, and likely know what aromantic means too. So how accepting they’ll be may still be a question mark, but it will likely be less explaining than the straight people in your life. 
For the coming out/explaining, sometimes people have an easier time getting their heads around things if you start with an explanation rather than the terminology. So saying ‘I’m not romantically/sexually attracted to people’ may be a better starting point for some people than ‘I’m aroace’. Or even ‘I’ve just never been interested in dating/sex at all’ and you can throw in ‘I still want a life partner of some kind, but not in a romantic sense’. And then once they kind of get their head around that you can start explaining terms. Definitely for people you don’t think will know anything about the aroace community/identities, start as simple as you can. And you can elaborate more down the line.
People’s reactions can vary a lot, personally I’ve never gotten the ‘that’s a tumblr fad’ reaction, but I have had people who just went ‘that doesn’t compute’ and completely ignored the information. Some came around eventually and some didn’t. Some people do get weirdly angry, but a lot of people also surprised me with how quick they were to just accept it and be supportive. I do think it can help a lot too when you’re worried about being accepted to make it a 1 on 1 conversation where they’re invited to ask questions and give feedback and then it’s more of a conversation that they’re involved in. And slowly do that with everyone you’re close to or care about knowing.
I find sometime too when people are doubting it’s a real thing having strong sources to back you up can help too. This can be a Wikipedia article, it can be a Guardian or Huffington Post article, there are scholarly sources too though they’re less accessible to mot people. But it can help you a lot too with the ‘this is a real thing and not something made up on tumblr.’
I’d also say remember the big rules when it comes to coming out. Do it on your terms, do it how you’re most comfortable with, and how it works for you. You only have to come out to people you want to be out to. 
All the best, and good luck!
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